1.5 Significance
This research will be very helpful for the marketing students as well as for marketers. It
hopefully will give a long lasting insight into whether branding affect the consumers decisions
while making a purchase. After gathering data through questionnaire and after analyzing it by
using statistical tools I would be able to conclude the market behavior of consumers based on
purchasing of products from different brands. It is very obvious that at this very time mostly
people buy products according to their social status and they are brand conscious.
1.6 Scope
This research will provide deep understanding to many organizations in understanding the
purchasing behavior of consumers, and will help them to show that how they will properly
advertise their products in order to gain more market share and capture more consumers. With
the help of this study many marketers will attain advantage of gaining knowledge that with the
enhancing modernization more people are moving towards branded and quality products.
1.7 Hypothesis
The hypothesis which is going to be tested are as follows;
H1: There is a positive relation between branding and consumer purchase decision.
H2: Positive effects towards branding will lead to a purchase decision.
1.8 Limitations
As this is an academic research it has many limitations, firstly, due to limited budget this
research is conducted in a university and not in the vast area. Second limitation is the online
surveys, while conducting online survey researcher is not able to observe the attitude of
respondents while filling the questionnaire and is unable to interpret which questionnaire is valid
and which is not. Another limitation is that this research is only using quantitative method, a
better model can be made by using both quantitative and qualitative methods for the study.
Another limitation is the sample size use in this research is very small as this research is
conducted in only one university (a specific area), by increasing sample size this research can
also take place in a vast area.
1.8 Ethical Consideration
Ethical guidelines will be followed in an appropriate manner. Respondents will be given full information
about the questionnaire, they will be informed that it is an academic research and is being conducted as
a part of a University course. They will be given approximate time to fill the questionnaire. They will be
given surety that data will not be used for any other purpose and it will remain confidential.
Respondents will be requested to fill the questionnaire, no one is forced to fill questionnaire. If anyone
requests for the anonymity, his/her request will be honored. After the study is approved o be conducted
important measure will be taken to make sure that no harm was done to any respondent.
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