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India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 01


02 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 01

Sponsor Cover Story

Heranba: Whole Industry Chain to Guarantee High-
quality Pyrethroids Products

AgroLife Science Corporation(ALSC) P23
Agrow Allied Ventures Pvt. Ltd P15-17

Top 20 Indian Agrochemical Companies in FY 2018-
Aimco Pesticides Limited P26-28
19: Backwards Integration, Forwards “OpenAg”
Auxilife Scientific Services Pvt. Ltd. P29

Bharat Group P18-19

Curechem Group P43


Dogal Kimyevi Maddeler ve Zira P7 Sulphur Mills Ltd Unveils Patented Product ‘Techno Z’
in Market
Gharda Chemicals Limited Back Cover

GSP Crop Science Private Ltd. Inside Back Cover AAVPL: “STAR EXPORT HOUSE” of 2,4-D series
Hemani Industries Limited P2 P2 and new molecules

Heranba Industries Ltd. Cover, Inside Front Cover, P4-6

Indofil Industries Limited P1 18 Bharat Group – Way Forward By Pushing Backward

Indogulf CropSciences Ltd P44

Krishi Rasayan Group: “Farmer’s Prosperity is our
Jiangsu Changlong Agrochemical Co.,Ltd. P36
Krishi Rasayan Group of Companies P21-22

Meghmani Organics Limited P35

Shanghai Livkem Industry Co., Ltd. P20 Regulation

Sulphur mills limited P12-14

Pesticide Registration in India – An Overview &
Tephra Bioscience LLP P24-25 Opportunities


Development of “Indian Agriculture” and “Indian
Agrochemical Industry”

New Patterns of Global Agrochemical Supply: A
Study of the Agrochemical Industry Cooperation
between China and India

Suppliers Guide
Scan to Download It

AGROPAGES 37 Product Index

EMAIL:agropages@vip.163.com Company Directory

Disclaimer: If some advertisements and product profiles in this issue contain references to active ingredients still under patent protection in certain
countries, such content are deemed inapplicable to those countries.
02 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019

Heranba: Whole Industry Chain to Guarantee High-quality Indian manufacturers to expand their product range and
capacity resulting good growth in business, in terms of
world, imports a lot from China, Heranba has achieved
substantial exports to China. It shows our strong foothold
Pyrethroids Products volume and value. in China market as well. Heranba has more than 250
registrations worldwide and are in the process to avail
Heranba has been working on further enhancing the more registrations to explore more untapped markets.
production capacity. How many production plants
does your company have for generic products? With regards to the future growth of our company's
Please briefly introduce the capacity. business in Export market we intend to explore many
more countries and customers, our strategy will be
We are currently operating with 4 production units to explore new markets and customers by frequent
A: located at Vapi, Gujrat and offering Intermediates, visits, making customers aware of our deliverables, by
Technicals and formulation products from this units. participation in the exhibitions in untapped markets,
Mr. S K Shetty Mr. R K Shetty
adding more & more products in our basket to offer and
Chairman, Heranba Managing Director, Heranba
To further increase our capacity, looking at the increasing our registrations in those markets and most
increasing demand for our products, we had purchased importantly timely service with quality products.
land at Sarigam, Gujrat which is spread over 55000
Sq. Mt., where we intend to increase production of our According to the news released, we found you
existing products as well as add few more technical
Q: added some new products in 2017, such as MPBD
Could you please briefly share Heranba’s history of From the financial results of FY2018-9, this is the first
Q: Q: products which are in the stage of R&D. Currently on this and MPBAL, how are these two products doing
development? What is the main business section of year that your agrochemical department has reached throughout the year within India and for exports this
land, we are ready with an Ultra-Modern formulation unit,
Heranba? What products and services do you offer a turnover of over Rs. 1000 Cr, 35.14% growth, so year?
which will multi-fold the production of our formulation
to the market? What regions does your company congratulations!
products like EC, SC, ULV, CS, FS, WP, WDG etc.
serve? Could you please analyze what has brought this With addition of products like MPBD and MPBAL, we
growth? What is your vision for the growth of
Could you share with us the future development A: have done extremely well. We have been able to offer
Heranba Industries Limited, established in the year Heranba over the next three fiscal years? Q:
A: plans of your company in the field of the export this product to our customer adding to our top line as
1996 with a mission to improve crop productivity and to market of your interest and expansion into existing well as this product being an intermediate to our existing
provide products to farmers that enhance farm efficiency Yes we have shown good growth in our business
A: in past few years and we understand growth is directly
markets? products have enabled us to control our raw material cost
and on the other hand made us self-sufficient for our own
related to the basket of products we offer to our captive requirements. We feel our decision to introduce
Today, Heranba has global presence and is a well-
Heranba started its manufacturing activities at GIDC, customers, in the past few years we have added many A: known for its quality products over the world. Company these products have fetched good results and expect it to
Vapi an industrial belt in Gujrat with manufacturing of products in our product portfolio like MPBD, MPBAL, contribute more in the growth of the company.
achieves more than 40% of its turnover from Export
Cypermethric Acid Chloride (CMAC) and then many more which we have been able to market individually as a
business. We export our products in around 64 countries
Intermediates, Technicals and Formulated products were product as well as this product is a key intermediate in Heranba also ventured into the formulation segment
as accounted in the last financial year.
added in the product portfolio of the company. most of our products hence enabling us to increase the Q: with a wide range of insecticides and pesticides,
production capacity of our existing products. Moreover we could you please tell us about your R&D facility and
The company was recognised for “Best performance
Intermediates : MPBD, MPBA, MPBAL, have increased our customer base in the export market, also your future projects in the pipeline?
in exports from Government of India, CHEMEXCIL” for
Bromobenzene. hence has enabled us to showcase such a good growth.
2 successive years (2016-17 & 2017-18). We have also
received “Overseas market expansion award” from CAC Heranba Ventured in Formulation segment years ago,
Technicals : Cypermetherin, Deltamethrin, Alpha In the same lines in the last year we have purchased
committee, China for 2 successive years (2018 & 2019). A: catering to our Domestic market through our channel
Cypermetherin, Permetherin, Lambda Cyhalothrin, land at Sarigam which is spread over 55000 Sq. Mt. and partners. Today the company is catering to more than
Heranba has achieved almost 35% growth in exports
Bifentherin, Thiamethoxam, Tricyclazole, Imidacloprid, which will add to the production capacity of our existing 5000 Dealer / Distributors across the country with an
from 2017-18 to 2018-19, which indicates that we are
Clodinofop, Transfluthrin, Metribuzin etc. products and enable us to come up with new products to office spread across the country. Recently, we have also
more focussed to increase our exposure in the exports
offer, whereby we expect a growth rate of 10-15% YOY in started formulating ZC, WDG, FS, CS, formulations in-
All Formulations like EC, SC, ULV, CS, FS, WP, WDG coming years. house. We are working on few more combination of
etc. We understand the need to be in contact with our molecules which are already developed and are under
Heranba Industries has 4 manufacturing units in India The top 20 Indian agrochemical companies all
Q: customers every time; hence frequently our marketing the trial and recommendation stage. Our formulations
and is one of the leading names in manufacturing of crop performed well last year, what do you think about the are also exported in good volumes and have increased
team is on overseas market visits. Our International
protection chemicals. prosperous and high consolidation India market? considerably in past 2 to 3 years.
marketing team is continuously on tour throughout the
year, across the globe ensuring our global presence is
Heranba has its business spread all across the We feel manufacturers in India were able to capitalise Do you have any specific plan to introduce new
A: strengthened.
globe with exports to more than 64 countries and with a on the problems faced by the manufacturers in China, Q:
products in the future? If so, what kind of products
pan India presence to serve its customers in the Indian due to various reasons. Global demand was shifted to would that be?
We take participation in all the International exhibitions
market. India, as India is looked upon as an alternate source
& conferences related to Agrochemical industry. In
for supply of products. That has given an opportunity to
a time, when most of the companies throughout the A: Yes, we are working on few products which are under

04 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 05

development stage. Currently looking at our product countries to bridge the gap in demand and supply. India got
portfolio we have a wide range of insecticides to offer, but the best of the opportunity due to this constraint in supplies
we foresee a lot of demand for products in the Fungicides from China as India is considered to be 2nd largest supplier
segment and are working on the same with utmost to this industry worldwide, after China. With India’s favourable
priority. A balanced mix of insecticide, herbicides and government policies, diversified geographical condition and
fungicides we have planned to offer by 2021. available resources, India could easily manage to fill in the
demand and supply gap created due to China supply crisis.
With dynamic changes in the Chinese agrochemical
industry in recent years, how do you see the Heranba Industries Limited also sensed and grabbed the
situation? From a long-term perspective, what opportunities to the maximum. Since we have 4 ultramodern
benefits will Heranba obtain from India-China and multi-utility factories, we have diversified our products
cooperation? range. We introduced new Technicals & Formulated products
in our basket, which earlier, was pre-dominantly being supplied
We all know that China’s contribution stands highest by China over the world. In last couple of years, we have
for supply of agrochemical products in the world. But, introduced more than 10 technical and many-formulated
in last couple of years, China’s chemical industry products, in our product portfolio and with our wide global
emphasised on safety and environmental protection presence, customer base and quality, we have been able to
resulting an impact on the supplies from China to rest of market these products, quite effectively and as a result, we
world. have been able to achieve close to 80% cumulative growth in
last 2 years in our sales turnover.
Eventually it opened the doors of opportunity to other

06 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 07

are still half of the companies obtained double-digit growth in 2018-19, while
Top 20 Indian Agrochemical Companies in FY 2018-19:
Asia Pacific
the growth of some enterprises was a little frustrated. Latin America

Backwards Integration, Forwards “OpenAg” Following the acquisition of Arysta LifeScience, UPL is now one of
2,110 2,150
NAFTA 10,761 11,105
the top 5 agricultural solutions companies worldwide. With approximately Middle East/
US$5 billion in combined sales and EBITDA of around US$1 billion, UPL Africa 12,374 12,770

has a commercial presence in over 130 countries. The company offers an 12,665 13,425
(US$ in million)
integrated portfolio of both patented and post-patent agricultural solutions for
various row and specialty crops, including crop protection, biological, seed 16,300 17,050
treatment and post-harvest solutions covering the entire crop value chain.
2017 2018
This new UPL aims to be “among the three largest companies in the agro
market in the next three years”. GLOBAL CROP PROTECTION SALES
Manager of AgroPages Heranba reported the fastest growth, having reached a 35.14% growth
zorro@agropages.com 4%
rate. The company’s export business, which grew by almost 80% last year by
enhancing its production capacity, as well its customer base within India and
20% 30%
through exports. Its top 3 technical products (Deltamethrin, Cypermethrin
Highlights of the list in FY 2018-19 and Alphacypermethrin) and other TC, formulation and intermediates Asia Pacific
Sales of top 20 Indian agrochemical companies products are exported to more than 60 countries. Latin America
FY 2018-19 was a challenging year to Indian
2018-19 2018-19 sales2 2017-18 sales3 Europe 22%
agrochemical enterprises. Though the Indian economy Company1 Growth% The agrochemicals division of Sharda grew by 13.42% from INR 14,861
Ranking (mn INR) (mn INR)
continues to be one of the world’s fastest growing million in FY17-18 to INR 16,855.6 million in FY18-19. Sharda has followed NAFTA 24%
1 UPL Limited 187770 150060 25.13%
economies, the domestic routine activities in the a unique asset light business model whereby it keeps its competitiveness MEA
2 Gharda Group 30100 23363 28.84%
country remained sluggish during the second half of in identifying generic molecules, preparing dossiers, seeking registrations,
3 Indofil Industries 18644.2 17490 6.6%
the fiscal year. The economy was still recovering from marketing and distributing formulations through third party distributors or REGION WISE GLOBAL CROP PROTECTION
4 Bharat Group 18318.5 15678 16.84%
the impact of demonetization and the implementation using its own sales force. The total number of registrations increased by MARKET MIX
of the Goods and Service Tax (GST). In addition, 5 Coromandel International 18020 15060 19.65%
140 from 2,157 as of March 31, 2018 to 2,297 as of March 31, 2019. The
liquidity crisis negatively impacted the consumption 6 Sharda Cropchem Limited 16855.6 14861 13.42% company has another 1,028 registrations in pipeline across geographies. Huge opportunity for Generic
demand and market sentiments. As a result, the 7 PI Industries 15038.4 12050 24.8%
Pesticides players
economic growth rate took a hit. 8 Crystal Crop Protection 14800 13649 8.43% The total sales of the top 20 companies reveals an overall increase of
9 Rallis India 14374.9 12117 18.63% Rupee 70 billion (a 18.2% Y-o-Y growth) over the previous year, approximate Agrochemical worth $6.3 billion are going off
Externally, the major raw material prices firmed 10 SML Group 14000 12000 16.67% equal to the total of the last seven enterprises on the top 20 list. patent between 2014-2020 and more agrochemical
up during the year due to demand-supply situation 11 Excel Crop Care 13136.6 11880 10.58% active ingredients (AIs) will lose patent protection
and global supply-side constraints. Environmental Krishi Rasayan Group 13121 12780 2.67% Overview of Global Agro Chemical Market between 2019- 2026. With so many products coming
crackdowns in China continued and disrupted off patent, industry players have the opportunity
13 Insecticides India 11919 11064 7.73%
operations of several upstream suppliers, some of Global chemical-based crop protection sales increased by 4.2%, from to choose the right off-patent/generic AIs for their
14 Willowood Chemicals 11705.6 11241 4.13%
whom even shut down. This triggered a raw material $54.2 billion in 2017 to $56.5 billion 2018. Rising demand for pesticides and product development strategies.
15 Meghmani Organics 11297.05 9689 16.60%
scarcity and led to price hikes. Besides, the rupee was increasing consumption of agrochemicals in liquid form are some of the
16 Dhanuka Agritech 10005 9626 3.94%
volatile, mainly impacted by uncertainties around US- key factors expected to boost the demand for agrochemicals in the global 1.6
17 Heranba Industries Ltd 10000 7400 35.14%
China trade negotiations and surge in oil prices. market. 1.3 1.2
18 NACL Industries Limited 8912 8842 0.79%
Closer home, erratic monsoon, uneven rainfall 19 Best Agrochem 8280 7460 10.99% 0.7
Recovery in the Brazilian market (one of the largest agrochemical
distribution and its prolonged withdrawal in certain 20 GSP 8200 8200 0 consumers in the world), is the major driver of growth in 2018. The excessive 0.2
locations led to a drastic shifting in crop and pest Note: crop protection inventories, which resulted in the 2017 decline have been
load, along with rural distress. As per the India 1. The list of rankings focuses only on the sales of pesticide products of Indian native addressed and are no longer such an issue.
Meteorological Department (IMD), 2018 was the sixth enterprises, excluding the branches of multinational companies in India. 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

warmest year on record in India with patchy monsoon 2. Fiscal 2018-19: from April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019. High crop protection prices are mainly on the account of supply Product of Patent($ billion)
and average temperature being significantly above 3. Fiscal 2017-18: from April 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018. shortages, particularly higher prices of products originating from China as a
normal. The rainfall during the annual monsoon Data are from the enterprises and/or their financial reports. The data and the rankings result of the environmental pressures from government, consolidation in the Over last 20 years, there has been a decline in
season was less than the original forecast at 91% of in the list are for reference only.
national industry and shifting of all chemical production in chemical zone/ the discovery of new active ingredients. At the same
the long-term average. India received below normal parks. Higher prices have also driven higher tariffs imposed by the US on time, there has been a substantial increase in the
and erratic South West monsoon (-9%) and deficit some Chinese chemical products. As a result, industry has passed on the number of mixture products entering the market. It is
North East monsoon (-44%), which resulted in lower In FY 2018-19, the list of top 20 Indian agrochemical enterprises almost higher price to consumers. projected that, from 2019 to 2026, approximately 70
crop sowings. remains the same with the previous year. Compared to FY 2017-18, there mixture products will lose the patent protection.

08 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 09

Forwards “OpenAg” business which is very close to its INR Syngenta’s seeds business, cooperation insecticides and animal nutrition sectors, by the end of December, 2019, subject market. Maybe it’s about learning from
9,815.8 million in domestic. with KeyGene, acquiring some key announced the completion of the merger to closing formalities and regulatory the turmoil of the last 18 months and
Being one of the world's five largest brands of FMC India, three insecticide & of Sumitomo Chemical India Ltd., a approvals. This acquisition will help evolving as an industry into one that can
in the industry, UPL now works with Coromandel’s crop protection fungicide brands from the Indian unit of subsidiary of one of the leading global meet growing demand from international truly work together.
more than 13,000 products registered business had a resilient performance Syngenta AG. chemical companies Sumitomo Chemical customers by getting access to additional
worldwide (the portfolio of Arysta, which during the year, growing in domestic Co., Ltd., Japan. manufacturing capacities of Isagro Asia. Maybe the goal should be, if it isn’t
has 6,850 products, will be unified with formulations and international markets Meghmani increased by 16.6% already, for the entire Indian agro-
that UPL, which has 6,150 records). and achieved its highest ever turnover YoY to INR 11,297 million in FY 2018- Indogulf recently established a Prospect industry to strengthen itself by building
With market access to 90 percent of (INR 18,020 million, a 19.65% Y-o-Y 19 on the back of strong growth in subsidiary in Australia for agrochemical trust, communicating better from top to
world's food basket and a focus on high- growth) and EBITDA (a 11% Y-o-Y agrochemicals segment. This was driven business and launched 5 new India is a large exporter of pesticides, bottom, and becoming more collaborative
growth regions, new UPL represents a growth). Coromandel has taken by robust growth of 36% in exports, agrochemicals in Ethiopia in 2019. The mostly manufacturing generic products. and less transactional oriented. Indian
compelling value proposition for growers, progressive steps towards upgrading its favorable market conditions and better company has a global footprint in over 17 The most upcoming dependable face agrochemical companies are having a
distributors, suppliers and innovation portfolio from old generics to patented price realization. Volumes for the year countries. Indogulf also has a registered as Global Crop Protection Chemical great time in the last three years because
partners in a consolidating market. combinations or recently off patented stood at 16,430 MT. On the back of the office in the USA, and is in the process sourcing centre is of course India. Since of the China factor. And the time has
molecules. The business is actively vertically integrated business model, of establishing three JVs in Africa and many years, India is supplying very good come for India to think beyond.
To achieve its goal of ranking pursuing new product development Meghmani is expecting more share in the Middle East with local partners. quality formulations of generic pesticides
among the top 3 agricultural solutions and has successfully launched five the domestic market in FY2020 as its to different markets, but now time has
companies worldwide, UPL announced products during the year, including two backward integration can prove to be a PI Industries is going to acquire Asia come to become strong in backward
a new purpose: "OpenAg" - that of an in-house patented combinations which major competitive edge for pricing and biz of Italian agrochemical firm Isagro. integration and forward OpenAg to
open agriculture, of sustainable growth have received encouraging response margins. This will help in avoiding the The acquisition is likely to be completed participate more significantly in global
for all, based on a systemic program from the market. Besides, the bio drastic price increments of raw materials
of plant protection. This is the new pesticide business, acquired from E.I.D coming from China. Going forward, the
objective of the company, which will Parry (India) Limited, was successfully company plans to double the capacity of
work for a more modern, collaborative integrated with Coromandel’s Crop 2, 4D by adding 10,800 MTPA with capex
and open innovation. In 2019, the new Protection, which has enabled business’s of ~ INR 1.27 billion and it is expected to
UPL brought very important news to access in developed markets and be operational by Q1 FY 2021.
its biggest market-Brazil. In the next provided a presence in complementary
five years, UPL will invest US$ 200 product segments. Meanwhile, other Indian
million in Brazil’s agriculture, initially agrochemical companies conducted
directed to research. All registration Rallis increased by 18.63% from OpenAg strategy via direct / indirect
processes already initiated in Brazil will INR 12,117 million recorded in FY 2017- cooperation, expansion, merger and
be continued, and priority will be given to 18 owing to the strong performance of acquisition thus being less dependent on
sustainable products. the international business and increase outsourced supplies.
in product realization. At Rallis India,
During the year, Indofil commenced international business shot up more than AgroLife Sciences Corporation(Krishi
the commercial production of the first 34% last year. It is investing heavily in Rasayan Export Pvt Ltd’s sister concern)
ever in-house manufacturing facility for new facilities over the next three years and AlgaEnergy(a Spanish biotechnology
production of 35,000 MT of emulsions and will address its growth through company)’s wholly-owned subsidiary in
and powder and operations of the reverse engineering. This will be done India, MicroAlgae Solutions India Pvt Ltd
GIDC plant for producing Mancozeb in two phases, with some supported have formed a 50-50 joint venture ‘AgMA
with an annual capacity of 35,000 MT by backward integration and OpenAg Energy Pvt Ltd’.
in October 2018. Indofil also launched strategies.
eight new products in the agrochemicals SML, the world’s largest water
domestic market and applied for about Crystal has produced about 41 dispersible granule manufacturer, has
100 registrations overseas and got technical grade pesticides that will now recently partnered with the world’s
approvals for 84 registrations of those be made indigenously for the Indian largest sulphur bentonite manufacturer,
applied in earlier years. Forwarding to formulators & farmers rather than Tiger-Sul Products LLC(USA), to
the open-agro market, Indofil completed importing. This will enable farmers in become U.S. and Canada’s exclusive
the acquisition of 80% stake in an Italian the country to get the same at low cost sales agent of the global company’s
distribution company, namely Agrowin while saving the foreign exchange & patented sulphur- and zinc-based water
Biosciences S.R.C. and entered into support Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s dispersible granular nutrition products.
a joint venture with Reagens, Italy – ‘Make in India’ initiative. Crystal has
IndoReagens. Indofil received INR already finished several acquirements in Excel Crop Care, a leading player
8,828.4 million in the international agro- 2018, including: Solvay's Cytec, some in Indian agrochemical, household

10 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 11

Sulphur Mills Ltd Unveils Patented Product other sources of Zinc fertilizers. ‘Techno Z’is enabled with three key features viz: ORT technology, Micro

‘Techno Z’ in Market granule formulation and Multi-nutrient fertilizer. The first feature, ORT technology, ensures prolonged
zinc availability to crop plant to meet zinc requirement for longer time. The second feature, micro-granule
formulation, ensures maximum interception with feeder roots of the crop plant which increases more zinc
Sulphur Mills Ltd (SML) has been known Its multi-location plants within the country and uptake by roots of crop plant hence very less dose of Techno Z required. The third feature, multi-nutrient
to pioneer in formulation R & D and one of the foreign subsidiaries are focused on best-in-class fertilizer, as it has sulphur contents too, which support in maintaining the soil PH and balance nutrition
leading agrochemical companies offering range crop protection solutions as well as customized programme of the crops. Over and above, Techno Z is very much compatible with other granular fertilizer
of crop nutrition and protection products under sulphur-based fertilizers catering to a wide range while blended or mixed at farm level.
‘Reap’ umbrella brand. SML has a turnover of of clients in India and abroad. The company CMD,
Rs.1400 crore in the last financial year. Last year, Mr.Deepak Shah, is confident that the company's Looking to multiple features and benefits of Techno Z, it gives greater return of the investment to growers
the acquisition of M/s R3 Crop Care coupled emphasis on R&D and innovation will continue to hence value for money to farmers.
with launching of new patented product ‘Techno keep Sulphur Mills well ahead of the competition.
Z’ , a Zinc based micro granule fertilizer in crop Under the series of customised sulphur
nutrition segment, will further strengthen the based products, ‘Techno Z’ and ‘Tussle’ are
product portfolio and would support in sustainable new additions in product range in nutrition and Q. How will SML protect ‘Techno Z’ from market competition?
business growth of the organisation by offering fungicide segment respectively, empowered with
value added solutions to growers in domestic multiple features and benefits. Since, development of any new product requires lot of investment in R & D and registration therefore
market as well as in export business. protection of the technology is very important to keep away me-too’s. In case of the Techno Z, this is a
patented product in India and waiting for patent granting in overseas countries too. Therefore this will keep
away the competition.

Q: What is ‘Techno Z’ and how it is going to help the growers? 

‘Techno Z’ is a novel Zinc based micro granule fertilizer enabled with patented ‘ORT’ technology (Optimum
Q: What is Tussle/Unicorn and how it is going to help to
Release Technology) that requires comparatively very low dose to meet the Zinc requirement of the crop
plant in balance nutrition programme. As we all know that Zinc deficiency in arable soil is widespread not
only in India but also worldwidely, which is one of the limiting factors for crop productivity and quality.
Tussle and Unicorn are different brand names of the same product. Tussle is
for domestic market and Unicorn is for export markets. This is another addition of
The Zinc deficiency in arable soil affects not only the crop productivity and quality but also the human
customised sulphur based fungicide solution in series of product portfolio expansion
health. As per IZA’s (International Zinc Association) estimation, 1/3 of the world’s population is deficient
which is a combination of Sulphur 65% + Tebuconazole 10% WG formulation.
in Zinc and World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 800,000 people die annually due to zinc
Tussle/Unicorn is a contact and systemic fungicide having broad spectrum activity
deficiency, with 450,000 of these being children under the age of five. Therefore Zinc plays vital role in plant
against many diseases. It also prevents mites attacks on crops and Sulphur
as well as human beings and the best way to overcome Zinc deficiency in both the crop plant and human
component works as supplement to sulphur nutrition to the crops and therefore it
beings is Zinc fertilization to crop, which will not only increase the yield but also fortify grain/fruit with zinc
helps growers in multiple ways in terms of protection and nutrition of crops.
and ultimately meet the zinc requirement of the human beings. Therefore, we believe that ‘Techno Z’ is
the need of the time to meet zinc requirement for crop plants in an efficient manner to increase the crop
productivity and quality of harvest.
Q: How Tussle/Unicorn is going to place in fungicide segment? 

Sulphur Mills Ltd. has developed this product long back and introduced it in global market 9 years
Q: How ‘Techno Z’ is different from other sources ago and has been selling it in a large quantity by the brand name of ‘Unicorn’ particularly, in Europe, US
of Zinc fertilizer? and Brazil market through MNC partners and registration are under process in other various countries
  too. Unicorn is perceived well as protective and curative fungicide for various crop segments like cereal,
For soil application, basically Zinc Sulphate (ZnSO4) is available
soybean, cotton, vegetable and fruit crops for broad spectrum disease control and more particularly for
in market which is in water soluble form and stay very short time
powdery mildew and rust disease controls. In domestic market, this product was launched by the name of
in soil due to leaching/running off losses and hence has very low
‘Tussle’ just three years ago and perceived well by growers looking to its multiple advantage and features.
nutrient use efficiency (2-5% only) and therefore requires higher
amount of Zinc to meet the requirement of the crop plant. Rest
products like Chelated Zinc and Zinc oxide SC forms are suitable for
foliar application only.

Techno Z, in term of benefit, is different in many ways from

12 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 13

AAVPL: “STAR EXPORT HOUSE” of 2,4-D series

and new molecules
Mr. Rakshit Sehgal(Managing Director,AAVPL)

Q: Could you please give us a short introduction to the Q: As one of the fastest-growing agrochemical companies
Agrow Allied Ventures Pvt. Ltd. (AAVPL)? Also please in India, with an average annual growth rate of 35% in recent
share the history of development, main business, years, how have you been able to maintain such healthy growth
business model, main products and the major business rate since last few years?
AAVPL has been able to maintain a healthy growth rate since last
Agrow Allied Ventures Pvt. Ltd. (AAVPL), as the names few years mainly because of following reasons:
determines (AGROW) the company has been established 1. Capacity Increase of our existing Technical manufactured
to contribute growth in the field of agriculture. Agriculture Products.
sector which is the basic need and income contributor to all 2. Addition of New technical products in last few years.
global economies hold utmost value. 3. Global registration received which has given entry in many
new markets.
Under the leadership of its Chairman Mr. Kewal Sehgal 4. Manufacturing of competitive technical for Indian markets in
and Managing Director Mr. Rakshit Sehgal, AAVPL today comparison to Tech imports from China.
is a leading technical manufacturing company in India with 5. Contract Manufacturing for multinationals.
a diversified product portfolio for Indian and global market.
AAVPL has a state of art technical plant with a wide product AAVPL is an export-oriented company today exporting to nearly
portfolio in herbicide, insecticide and fungicide. 60 countries worldwide. We have strong presence in Central and
South American / African / Middle East and Asian countries. (Revenue
The foundation of AAVPL is inspired with a vision to wise contribution shown in table). Exports contributed nearly 30% of
contribute to this sector in best possible way. Since its total revenue in last financial year which is expected to grow to 50%
inception, company has supported its customers with high in current financial year.
quality products at the most competitive prices possible.
Our company has also been recognized as a “STAR EXPORT
HOUSE” by government of India. With growing cost advantage and
Exports Market Area-Wise Revenue production issues faced by China economy, our company is very
optimistic for growth in coming years.
Q: What is your company’s core competitiveness in your
20% 30% Asia
Middle East
15% South America Our company’s core competitiveness lies mainly in two areas:
North America
Firstly, its strongest product 2,4-D series and thiamethoxam
for which we have been recognised as a global player exporting to

14 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 15

more than 40 countries today. Our company is focusing on producing best quality Q: We’ve noticed AAVPL has been Indian Technical manufacturer should focus on investing in R 20,000 tons by 2021. With growing capacities, our company
products with least impurity profile in our state of art technical plant. With growing focused on investing heavily on R&D, data & D to develop products from basic route rather than depending is achieving economies of scale to help and provide the least
capacities, our company is achieving economies of scale to help and provide generation on generic and new de-patent on intermediates from China. expensive and best quality products to our customers.
cheapest and best quality products to our customers. products from recognized GLP labs. Tell
us about these strategic initiatives. The environmental issue in China has provided a huge In Indian market we also observed continuous growth. As
Secondly the company expertise in registration of technical and formulated opportunity for India to stand in global markets. We see many there are only handful of technical manufacturing companies in
products in regulated markets. As registration requires huge investment, our Company has continuously invested in North and South American, and Europeans and African India in comparison to more than 2500 formulation companies,
company is focused on investing heavily on data generation on generic and new de- technical plant and R&D facility located in companies, approaching us to become a second source of we are well placed to meet growing demand of technical in
patent products from recognized GLP labs. As India is coming up as a strong global Rajasthan and also installed a state of art pilot supply for them, after China. Indian companies should be India. As pesticide consumption per hectare is far less in India
supplier of agrochemicals, we foresee a huge potential in many markets by securing plant to ensure process improvements and focused on investing heavily on data generation on generic and in comparison to other developed countries, the change of this
our presence through registration. new product development. new de-patent products, and this will ensure the development in consumption trend and continuous increase in population and
the global market. food requirement, the growth in India is eminent.
Q: According to the news released, AAVPL is one of the strongest AAVPL is in the process of developing
manufacturer of 2,4-D Series (with complete range of Acid / Salts / Amines new de-patented molecules and start their Q: Indian agrochemical industry is likely to progress to In last few years many technical products being manufactured
and Esters), what’s the current capacity of 2,4-D Series and total technicals commercial production in near future. Some the Indian Agrochemical 2.0 in ten years, as backed up in India have become more competitive than direct technical
annually? of the products in pipeline are Dinotefuron, by growing consumption in India, stronger pricing power, imports from China. As China is struggling with many internal
Clethodim, Penoxsulam, Quizalafop Ethyl and ever-increasing capacities, production in compliance and issues and support of MAKE IN INDIA vision by our honorable
Our flagship product is 2,4-D series which was the foundation to enter Pyraclostrobin. buyers’ trust, as well as the “Make in India” initiative of the prime minister, we look forward for continuously expanding our
agrochemical business in 2005. Today AAVPL is the leading manufacturer of 2,4-D Indian government. What is your vision for the growth of the technical capacity for our existing and new products.
series with a current capacity of 10000 mts which include Acid Technical / Amines / To support further, AAVPL has AAVPL over the next two or three fiscal years?
Salts / Esters and many combination products with 2,4-D. continuously invested in GLP data generation In next 2-3 years we will also observe addition of substantial
to register products in highly regulated As for the development strategy in the future, the company technical manufacturing capacity in India to serve domestic and
AAVPL is further planning to expand its capacity of 2,4-D to 14,000 tons by markets. The company hold more than 12 plans to expand the capacity of 2,4-D to 14,000 tons by 2020. It International markets.
2020, and to 18000 tons by 2021. We are strongly backward integrated and most tech products complete GLP data including 5 is estimated that its total capacity of technical will reach almost
efficient and cost-effective manufacturer of this molecule globally. batch / Phychem / 6 pack Acute and SubAcute
/ Ecotox data and 50 formulation products
Q: And what future plans have you set for yourself in terms of other strong data.
technical products (including Herbicides, Insecticides and Fungicides),
specialised formulations and combination products? With the expertise in manufacturing and
data support, today company hold more than
With our expertise in 2,4-D, AAVPL further expanded its product portfolio by 150 global registration of various technical
manufacturing other strong technicals as well. Today the technical portfolio consists and formulation products and have more than
of following products: 400 registrations in pipeline.

HERBICIDES INSECTICIDES FUNGICIDES With a wide range of technical /

formulation products and data support
Metribuzin 97% TC Thiamethoxam 97%TC Tricyclazole 97% TC package available, AAVPL has become
a preferred supplier to many renowned
Lambda Cyhalothrin 97% TC Sulphur 80% WDG
Chloride 97% TC companies globally. Company is also actively
participating in many exhibitions in India and
Cloquintocet-Mexyl 97% TC Diafenthuron 97% TC Metalaxyl 98% TC international markets to reach its customers in
Pretilachlor 95% TC Bifenthrin 97% TC Thiophenate Methyl 97% TC best possible manner.

Q: At present, the fluctuations in the

AAVPL is strongly competing China in most of the technical manufactured Chinese agrochemical industry provides
products. Apart from technical manufacturing, AAVPL also formulates more than Indian agrochemical manufacturers
150 products for domestic and international markets. chances for revitalization. Existing buyers
have to turn to India, where the surge in
Today we are competent to manufacture any kind of formulation including demand has stimulated rises in prices.
combination products required by our customers which includes liquids (EC, SC, SL, What do you think Indian enterprises need
ZC, ULV, FS), powders (WP, WS, SP, EW) and granuels (WDG, WG). Our company to do to seize the opportunity and move
holds capacity to formulate 50 KLD liquid and 25 TPD powder and 10 TPD granules forward to return to their leading roles in
per day. AAVPL expertise in manufacturing combination products and meeting the supply chains?
specific needs of customers in various global markets.

16 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 17

Bharat Group – Way Forward By Pushing Backward

Mr. S.N.Gupta
Chief Managing Director, Bharat Group

Please give us a short introduction to the Bharat Group has ranked 4th among AgroPages' Top 20
Q: Q:
Bharat Group. Indian Agrochemical Companies List for several years in a
row. How could Bharat Group achieve such an eye-catching
Bharat Group is one of the largest performance in the consecutive weak global agrochemical
manufacturers of Technical grade pesticides, market?
Intermediates and Formulations with annual
turnover exceeding USD 250 million. Under Due to factors like US – China tariff issue, internal China
flagship company, Bharat Rasayan Limited, we
A: situation etc. all major MNC’s in agrochemical sector are looking
have two state-of-art manufacturing facilities at to de-risk their procurement dependence on China to certain
Dahej, Gujarat and Mokhra, Haryana, vertically level. In this regard, India has emerged as a major alternative.
integrated and research oriented to provide Stringent compliance of EHS norms, quality processes, consistent
products conforming to international standards production, focus of backward integration and robust product
at the most competitive prices. Banking on portfolio makes Bharat Rasayan Limited an inherent choice for
backward integration company is coming overseas partners.
up with new green field project at Sayakha,
Gujarat by mid of 2021 to cater to it’s increasing Bharat is aggressively working on overseas registration
demand from various MNC’s. including various restricted markets and future pipeline of new off-
patent molecules is very strong. Apart from existing portfolio of
Could you please briefly introduce the main 21 active ingredients, company has plan to start manufacturing of
Q: business model and the major business Pyrazosulfuron, Azoxystrobin, Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl and one novel
regions of Bharat Rasayan and its Group herbicide by early next year.
Could you tell us about your company’s product line of
We have been supplying our products from active ingredients & special strengths?
A: past 4 decades and have exports to almost 65
countries around the world. All of our Group For certain products like Fenvalerate, Phenthoate, Ethion,
companies are ISO 9001:2008, 14001:2004
A: Cypermethrin, Permethrin, Alpha-Cypermethrin etc. Bharat
and OHSAS 18001:2007 Certified. We strive to is fully backward integrated and self-reliant for indigenous
deliver high-quality products to our customers manufacturing. Today Bharat Rasayan Limited has one of the
that meet standards set by our esteemed biggest manufacturing facility for MPBD in India and new CMAC
clients. Our Group supplies its products to all facility will add to it’s strength of supplying quality product at
major leading MNC’s which itself speaks of our competitive price.
product quality and commitment.
Company is actively working on indigenous manufacturing of
“Way forward by pushing backward” is Lambda Cyhalothric Acid by coming year. Also company has time
the key in current scenario for agrochemical bound plans to go for backward integration for one Herbicide and
industry and we are poised to proceed in the one Fungicide due to their increasing global demand.
same direction.

18 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019


Krishi Rasayan Group:

“Farmer’s Prosperity is our priority”

Mr. Atul Churiwal

Managing Director, Krishi Rasayan Group

Please give a brief introduction of Krishi Rasayan Currently we have agents in Australia, Bangladesh,
Q: Group. Columbia, Cyprus, Ecuador, Egypt, Greece, Jordan,
Malaysia, Mexico, Oman, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, South
Krishi Rasayan Group was established in the year Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, UAE, Ukraine & Vietnam.
A: 1966. Now it has 8 manufacturing plants located in
different parts of the country. It is a 53 years old group Please introduce the current development situation
which strives continuously for the prosperity of mankind
Q: of Krishi Rasayan Group in domestic and overseas
and fulfilling farmer needs. With vast experience, we markets. Could you please share what has made your
have products geared up not only for the country’s needs company one of the leading Indian agrochemical
but also to meet the global challenges. The motto of the company?
group is “Farmer’s Prosperity is our priority”. India is an
agricultural based country with 70% population relying Currently 90% of our revenue comes from the
on agriculture so we always make an effort to stand firm A: domestic market. Our strength has been to offer best
behind the farmers. quality material at reasonable prices in the market.
We have also been focusing on introducing off-patent
What is the main business section? What main molecules and new combination products. With a national
products and services do you offer to the market? wide network covering all the parts of the country, we
What regions does your company serve? have been able to service the farmers offering them
the full bouquet of the products, thus meeting all their
Krishi Rasayan Group has become a major requirements.
A: agrochemical company, having separate dedicated
manufacturing units for technical and formulated Our strength has always been the brand marketing
insecticides, herbicides, fungicides and plant growth in India, where we have more than 4000 dealers all over
regulators for agricultural use. the country. Increasingly we are now focusing in the
international market to have global footprints.
It is involved in agrochemicals, biotechnology, IT
infrastructure, solid waste management, inland transport, Our belief in tradition, innovation and trusteeship
poultry feed, pest control & real estate, R&D, contract has made us one of the leading Indian agrochemical
research and data generation. It has 22 marketing companies.
offices in the country and 5 international offices in
Hongkong, Shanghai, Bangladesh, Dubai and Australia
for international trading.

20 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 21

We have noticed that Krishi Rasayan Group has been India, MicroAlgae Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. (MASI).
in Top 20 Indian agrochemical companies for so What do you think about the synergies with this
many years in a row. What challenges have you met? famous Spanish biotechnology company? What's
What’s your target in the next fiscal year? your plan for taking this step?

The Indian agrochemical industry has been passing The global trend is towards increasing use of bio-
A: A:
through a very challenging phase mainly because of the stimulants and we feel the biggest growth will come from
deficit in rainfall. We have however been able to maintain this segment. Thus to strengthen our portfolio, we have
a steady growth due to our strong product presence. tied up with a leading Spanish company Alga Energy,
Our growth has been slow as the Indian market has wherein we will set up a joint venture facility in India not
stagnated. We are however still seeing great opportunities only to serve the domestic markets but also it will be the
in the Indian domestic market. base for export to whole of Asia and other Latin American
With the 8 formulation plants in 5 states in India, the
group is confident that it can cater to the demand of the Could you please help us briefly analyze the
Indian market. And we are working actively to acquire
Q: agricultural market scenario in India?
some existing plants for technical production in both India
and China. The target of the group by 2020 is to reach a The Indian agrochemical market is passing through
turnover value of Rs. 2500 Cr (USD 400 million).
A: a very turbulent time. For the past two years, the rains
have been very sparse. Hence there has been hardly
Increasingly, it seems that Krishi Rasayan Group any growth in the market. Even his year till July we were
Q: has been more focused on in-house R&D initiatives. having a great deficit, although a lot has been made up
Could you please tell us about your R&D facility in in August. We are very bullish about the future of the
the pipeline? agrochemical industry in the market and feel that the
market will grow by 15% – 20% every year as still there
As a group we feel proud to have our GLP laboratory is a lot of scope as the farmers in India use much less
A: which is approved by OECD for all main tests in the agrochemicals compared to other countries like US,
field of chemistry, toxicology, ecotoxicology and geno Brazil and Japan etc.
toxicology etc. It is one of the leading R&D centre in
the country catering not only to in-house but to various What do you think of Chinese pesticide companies’
companies in Brazil, USA, Europe, China and even
Q: entrances in overseas market? What are the
multinationals in India. advantages of Krishi Rasayan Group comparing with
them? How does Krishi Rasayan Group compete with
The laboratory is situated in a 9,000-square meter Chinese companies in this market? What growth
area and is equipped with latest technology, backed plans have you made for the coming future?
by a dedicated team of scientists. The company aims
to become one of the leading international contract We are planning to set up our own technical plants
research organizations. The state of the art facility and
A: which will come into production in the middle of 2020.
sophisticated equipments make our laboratory unique in With the increasing problem of pollution and labour in
its class. China, we believe that India can be a major technical
manufacturing hub competing with prices in China. With
As a group we are focusing a lot on introducing new our backward integration in technical, we believe we
combination products. Our success in the international can take advantage as we can provide total solution to
market is due to the data generation we have been our overseas customers both for technical and packed
able to do in our GLP approved laboratory. The biggest products. We are therefore aggressively opening
challenge in the developed market is the data generation offices in various countries like Latin America, Europe
which we have been able to fulfil as we have our own in- as companies in all these countries are looking for
house R&D center. Apart from this, we are working on alternatives for suppliers other than China and we are
many combination products developed in our R&D centre. confident that we can take advantage of this scenario.

As reported in March, 2019, Krishi Rasayan Group

Q: has formed 50-50 joint venture “AgMA Energy Pvt.
Ltd” with AlgaEnergy’s wholly-owned subsidiary in

22 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 23

all deficiencies have been complete, the TI is

Pesticide Registration in India approved in the registration committee meeting.

– An Overview & Opportunities The new guidelines are not much different from
the old ones; except for more data is now required
for registration. Moreover both Indian importer and
overseas exporter need to keep in mind certain
important points, before finalizing any contract
for registration and making the application.
● Indian company can’t have both TIM and
TI registration for the same molecule. If the
company already has both, then TI registration
Mr. Vaibhav Aggarwal stands cancelled. If the company gets a TIM after
One of the founder partners of Tephra Bioscience LLP, a New Delhi based Consultancy Company getting TI, then also TI will be cancelled.
India Inport registration at a Glance ● Source should have valid registration in
specializing in CIB regulatory & GLP data related matters.
the source country (eg. ICAMA in China) and
Registration Process 9(3) – TI New Source manufacturing license.
● Earlier there was no validity of TI registration
For any technical already registered in India, TI New Source 9(3) is the once issued. But now the validity of TI registration
best way for entering in the Indian market for any manufacturer willing to get is similar to validity of ICAMA. Once the ICAMA is
India ranks number 1 in the world, with highest cultivated Overview of the Registration Process
registered as alternative source and directly export the molecule to India. The renewed, new ICAMA is to be submitted with CIB
land of around 1,891,761 square kilometers. But in terms of
registration process will need minimum of two companies. An Indian company, in order to renew the validity of TI registration.
total value of food produced, India is at the fourth spot. One of With new registration guidelines coming into effect, import
principle applicant for import registration & second will be source, who is the ● Any data generated in India, by Indian
the major reasons behind this disparity is the low agrochemical registrations have become more difficult. But it’s an opportunity
manufacturer and will be registered as a source in the registration, and will be importer or Chinese source, before obtaining RTT
consumption. In terms of total agrochemical consumption, India for genuine suppliers, as the entry of spurious manufacturers
the future supplier of product to the Indian company. Under the new guidelines and proper import of samples there after, will not
is at 10th place, with annual consumption of around 40 million gets more difficult. Under the new guidelines, following
manufacturer/source, should have a valid registration in the source country be acceptable by CIB in registration process.
Kgs, which compared to China’s 1,806 million Kgs, is minimal. registrations certificates (RCs) are valid for sale of agrochemicals
(e.g. ICAMA in China) and manufacturing license, without which CIB will not However, GLP data generated outside India will be
in India;
process the registration application. acceptable in the registration dossier.
To increase the farm production Indian government is ● TIM – Technical Indigenous Manufacturing
trying to increase farmer’s awareness about proper usage ● TI – Technical Import
Total time taken to complete TI New Source is around 45 – 54 months. No doubt, new registration guidelines make
of agrochemicals. Indian government is also trying to root ● FIM – Formulation Indigenous Manufacturing
The complete registration process can be distributed in following stages, with TI registration process more expensive and
out unregulated and spurious pesticides in market, to ensure ● FI – Formulation Import
tentative timelines for the same. lengthy. But the new guidelines are well defined
availability of good quality products at right price. Keeping
and reduce confusion about Indian registration
this in mind, government through its regulatory body Central Above-mentioned registrations can be taken under two
1.Application of Sample Import Permit (RTT): The first step will be to process. However, there are still areas of
Insecticides board & Registration Committee, introduced new broad categories of registration viz.
get Sample Import Permit (RTT) to import sample quantities of technical in improvement and CIB is already working in making
registration guidelines in 2017. The guidelines are to ensure ● 9(4) Me-too Registration: This is for product and source,
order to start data generation in India. Letter of authorization and ICAMA, registration process more transparent and smooth.
proper registration of agrochemicals from genuine source; in which are already registered in India. 9(4) is the easiest method
both legalized from Indian embassy in China will be required for making the For companies, planning to enter India and invest
order to encourage big companies with quality products to enter of registration and if all the documents submitted with CIB are
application. It will take around 2 – 4 months to get the RTT. money in registrations, this is the right time to do
the market and to have better regulation on imported AI and in proper order, then registration is issued within 6 months of
so. With transparency and clear requirements, it
prevent illegal import of agrochemicals in the market. making the application.
2.Data generation: After getting RTT and importing the samples field trials has become easier for genuine sources to get TI
● 9(3) New Registration: This registration is for products
on all registered crops will begin for 2 season. It will take around 24-30 months registration, and with stringent guidelines it has
or sources, which are not registered in India yet. Any first time
to get all the bio-efficacy reports after the start of trials. Also the shelf life become more difficult for illegitimate sources to
registration of a molecule or of a source will be under this
data will need 32 months to complete, so the total time taken for generation register new products or renew old registrations.
category. New registrations can be of:
· 9(3) – TI New Molecule: Technical import registration for a of all data and completion of studies will take 32 months approximate. In the
meantime other chemistry and tox studies will be completed. GLP data from P.S. The draft registration guidelines, earlier
new Molecule, which is never registered in India for Import.
any lab across the world is acceptable for TI registration. However field trial, suggested to stop the import of products in
· 9(3) – TI New Source: Technical import registration for
efficacy and chemistry data has to be generated in India, after getting the RTT. India, which are registered under TIM. But that
technical already registered in India for Import, but a new
proposal was dropped from the final policy. Any
overseas manufacturer also wants to register itself as an
3.Evaluation of application and submission of deficiencies (if any): After product whether or not available under TIM in
authorized source for exporting the molecule to India.
the application for TI has been made with all the required data, CIB will India, can be applied for TI registration and be
· 9(3) – FI New molecule: Formulations, which are to be
assess it and check the registration dossier. In case some deficiencies are imported for sale in India.
directly imported to India, in finished form.
there in the data, they will need to be completed. Normally this whole process
takes around 12-18 months (depending upon data deficiency, if any). Once

24 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 25

productivity, is also focusing on Doubling Farmers Income, which Though the concept called as Zero Budget Farming, in reality
Development of “Indian Agriculture” and “Indian demands affordable pricing of agri inputs. While large-scale ZBNF is not at all Zero Budget Farming as major expenses are

Agrochemical Industry” progressive farmers can afford prices, majority of Indian Farmers
being small land holding Farmers with around 1-2 acres of land
incurred on Water, Electricity, Pumps, Seeds, Manpower etc.
Even organic inputs like Cow dung, cow urine, plant extracts and
who are economically not very sound, making available crop Composts etc. comes at a cost, as majority of the farmers do not
protection products at most economic price will also be key to have their own cows, particularly the marginal farmers with small
increase demand. land holding. Vermicompost which is used in organic farming is
very expensive input. Organic farming is always labour intensive
Opportunity for Indian Agrochemical Industry in which pushes the production cost further. Whether the method
Export front to establish itself as global sourcing of ZBNF can counter major incidence of pest attacks is another
point serious question.

With China Agrochemical Industry undergoing environmental ZBNF is promoted under false assumption that all natural
Mr. Shail Dave
protection rectification added with prevailing US-China trade plant extracts are harmless because they are natural. This
Executive, Aimco Pesticides Ltd.
war, it provides opportunity for Indian agrochemical industry ignores the fact that some of the plant extracts are highly toxic
as alternate global source point for agrochemicals. India has and risk associated by using them for Insect control is entirely
relatively advanced pesticide technical and formulation research un-assessed, without any scientific studies of their effects on
capabilities. Currently Indian manufacturing capacities are under- birds, fishes and beneficial insects. Though there are high
Agriculture holds prime importance and others 4%. Major applications amounts to 15 - 25% of the total output utilized. With more investment, it will be great opportunity to claims concerning ZBNF, Government Research institutions
in the socio-economic fabric of India of pesticides in India is on rice and in the country. It necessitates emphasis increase its export business opportunities. The current US-China and Agricultural Universities are still studying ZBNF and also
and is backbone of Indian economy, cotton. Herbicides are emerging as on crop protection chemicals particularly trade war also provides an opportunity to Chinese companies experimenting the method on various crops and have not
as it employs half of India’s work force the fastest growing segment amongst insecticides, fungicides, herbicides and to establish manufacturing base in India and de-risk their future endorsed its huge claims.
and contributes 17% to the nation’s agrochemicals. others like fumigants and rodenticides business growth strategies and vision plans, use advantages
GDP. The Green Revolution towards to protect the crop and after harvest offered by the Indian Government’s Make in India initiatives. Agrochemical Industry has important role to play to
the beginning of 1970s had major India with cultivated land area of produce in storage and transport. ensure sustainable growth of Indian Agriculture by offering
economic effects in terms of production about 150 million hectares, currently “Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF)” – Whether environmentally safe crop protection solutions to Farmers at most
and productivity. The Green Revolution ranks 2nd in world in agricultural With focus on adopting to newer, the concept can support Indian Agricultural Growth competent price. With no increase is likely in agricultural land
lead India from a food deficit country to production with a value of $ 367 billion safer and low-dose molecules with and the objective of Doubling Farmers Income? due to urbanization and increasing housing needs, the technology
food surplus economy. It has not only and 8th largest in agricultural produce minimal or no adverse impacts on soil & has greater role to play.
helped to increase exports of agricultural exports with a value of $ 35 billion. plants, human health and non-targeted Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF) being encouraged
products but has also helped satisfy the species, sustainable modern crop by the Government of India with an expectation that this can Availability of smart mobile phones in rural India at a very
demands of India’s huge population. As far as Indian Pesticide Industry’s protection technologies are encouraged help in improving farmers’ income. It is too early to predict any cheap price, Use of Modern satellite mapping technologies, dawn
concerned, India currently is 4th largest in India. In India with only 25% to 30% positive impact of ZBNF as, the idea to promote this approach in of the new Agri focused start-up firms, Use of Drones in mapping
Between 1975 to 2014, India’s global producer of Pesticides after of cultivated area coming under crop large-scale has contemplated by the Government very recently and spraying fields with perfect dose of Pesticides and Nutrients
population has increased more than USA, Japan and China. Domestic protection umbrella, advanced crop without sharing beneficial data supporting the tall claims. Zero offers very promising and exciting future.
100% from 0.62 billion to 1.3 billion, consumption of pesticides in India is protection technologies will have greater Budget Natural Farming is a method which intends chemical-free
but Agricultural Production in India has worth US$ 2.77 billion while Exports market scope. agricultural activity, viz. farming without using of Fertilizers and
increased 1400%, means multiplied 14 worth US$ 2.31 billion, total market size Agrochemicals.
times, from value of US$ 25 billion to 367 worth US$ 5.08 billion. The exports by Biopesticides and Bio-
billion. India’s agricultural production Indian companies’ Generic segment stimulants – the growing
has increased in variety and in volume, producing wide range of world class segment
not only to ensure food security of the formulations, significantly contributed to
nation but also for good exports. the growth. There has been significant increase
in number of biological control agents
Crop Protection Chemicals played However, with average consumption registered for use in India. Government
vital role in increasing Agricultural of pesticides in India with 0.65 gm/ha is also promoting increased usage of
Production in India in two ways; against the global average of 3 kg/ha, biological products for plant protection.
protecting the crops and produce the Agrochemicals sector in India has Bio category with 3% of crop protection
from pests and increasing the Farm huge unrealized potential for growth, market in India currently is small
productivity. Insecticides dominates given the presently very low level of proportion, but is steadily growing
Indian Crop Protection market and application as compared to global norms. segment.
form almost 53% of the domestic crop
protection chemicals market, followed As per industry estimates, yearly crop Government of India, while taking
by Herbicides 24%, Fungicides 19% losses in India due to pests and diseases steps on increasing agricultural

26 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 27

28 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 29

Russia, Ukraine, China, Thailand and Indonesia. Even China is a major import source of pesticides for India. In fiscal year
during a global agricultural recession, India’s growth 2017/2018, 55% of India's pesticide imports came from China. India’s
New Patterns of Global Agrochemical Supply: A Study of the rate is expected to maintain a value of 6.5% from import and export of pesticides have clear characteristics, its imports are

Agrochemical Industry Cooperation between China and India fiscal years 2015 to 2020, while the compound annual
growth rate of the value of its pesticide exports is
mainly new generation compound molecules that are patented with high
added value, while its exports are mainly generic old generation products,
expected to reach 9% during the same period. which are relatively low in value but are exported in high quantities.

India relied heavily on China for pesticide supplies. The table below (see Table 3) highlights India’s import and export of
In recent years, China, the largest pesticide producer Chart 1: Indian Chemical Market Value During the last six years, India’s manufacturing pesticides from fiscal years 2012/13 to 2016/2017. In terms of quantity,
in the world, is witnessing considerable changes. Internal capacity has been under-utilized and little investment India recorded a compound export growth rate of 17.5% over five years,
(US$ bn)
policies and a complex international trade environment was made, due to imports from China, which provided which is considerably higher than the 9.3% import growth rate. However,
have caused many uncertainties to the future of the opportunities for Chinese companies to utilize in terms of value, the five-year compound import growth rate is 16.79%,
Chinese pesticide industry, which has had a significant 300 available pollution compliant capacities and make new which is higher than the 13.42% export growth rate. Therefore, the major
impact on global pesticide supply and demand. By contrast, investments. challenge faced by India's pesticide export market is how to upgrade the
India, the second-largest pesticide producer in Asia after value structure of its exported products.
China, has gained the attention of the industry, due to the 200 The tables below (see Tables 1 and 2) highlight
rapid development of its local agricultural market and the the growth of India’s installed and actual pesticide Table 3. Volume and Value of Indian Pesticide Imports & Exports
accelerated expansion of its agrochemical industry, becoming 107 production capacity between fiscal years 2011/2012
a source of some international purchases. 100 and 2016/2017. During this period, the installed IMPORT Annual Growth EXPORT Annual Growth
(in thousands rate over previous (in thousands rate over previous
pesticide capacity remained stable, with a compound Year
50 MT) year in % MT) year in %
The positive transformation of China's agrochemical annual growth rate of 1.24%. Although actual
industry is the outcome of many significant efforts. On the 0 2012-13 30 - 180 -
FY11 FY18 FY25 production grew rapidly, reaching 6.73%, there was still
other hand, while India offers many policy advantages, it a big gap between actual and theoretical capacities. 2013-14 37 23.33 207 15.00
still has many disadvantages, such as raw materials and As one of the categories of the wider chemical industry, 2014-15 41 10.81 230 11.11
other issues. Considering the globalization of resources, commodity chemicals account for 25% of total output value (see
2015-16 34 -17.07 267 16.09
can agrochemical companies in China and India identify Chart 2), followed by special chemicals, accounting for 22%, while Table 1. Growth of installed pesticide production
opportunities for cooperation, overcome obstacles in terms agrochemicals related to special chemicals account for 3%. From 2016-17 43 26.47 342 28.09
capacity from 2011/2012FY to 2016/2017FY
of industrial chain, technology and management, and jointly fiscal years 2018 to 2023, the global average growth rate of special CAGR (%) 9.3 - 17.5 -
create a new era of global pesticide supply? chemicals is expected to be between 4% and 6%, with China Annual Growth
Fiscal Year Installed Capacity rate over Fiscal IMPORT
Annual Growth
Annual Growth
expecting a growth rate of between 6% and 7%, while India will (in thousands MT) previous year in % rate over previous rate over previous
Year (INR in Crore) (INR in Crore)
year in % year in %
During the 2019 China Pesticide Exporting Workshop exceed these two indicators, reaching between 12% and 13%. 2011/12 301 -
held in Hangzhou on 4th and 5th July, 2019, the organizer, 2012-13 2636 - 7946 -
2012/13 283 -5.98
AgroPages, invited experts from the Pesticides Manufacturers Chart 2: Proportion of Indian Chemical Output Value 2013-14 3360 27.47 9852 23.99
& Formulators Association of India (PMFAI), Sunidhi 2013/14 297 4.95
Agrochemical... 2014-15 3741 11.34 9747 -1.07
Securities & Finance Ltd., Heranba Industries Ltd., Nongbo 2014/15 302 1.68
Bio-Technology and Rotam to jointly discuss these topics. 2015-16 3907 4.44 11269 15.62
8 2015/16 306 1.32
In this article, we will highlight data and opinions from the Bulk 2016-17 4906 25.57 13150 16.69
Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals,25 2016/17 319 4.25
experts’ speeches at the workshop, to provide information for CAGR (%) 16.79 - 13.42 -
9 CAGR (%) 1.24 -
Indian chemical industry needs to be upgraded to create
Indian agrochemical industry: Installed capacity Table 2. Growth of actual pesticide production capacity opportunities for cooperation between China and India
needs to be further utilized, in the context of from 2011/2012FY to 2016/2017FY
surging domestic demand Chemicals,22 India has the largest arable land area in the world of over 150 million
Annual Growth hectares. However, the use of pesticides in India is far lower than the global
Fiscal Year Installed Capacity rate over
Over the past 10 to 20 years, due to the rapid growth Petrochemicals, (in thousands MT) previous year in % average (see Chart 3). In China, the amount of pesticide used per hectare
of the economy, India’s chemical industry has achieved 18 on cultivated land is 13 kilograms, while in India, the figure is only 0.6
2011/12 156 -
considerable development, becoming one of the fastest kilogram. Every year, the value of economic loss caused by pests is as high
growing industries in the country. From fiscal years 2011 to India is a major agricultural country, and the rapid development 2012/13 155 -0.64
as $1.7 billion. Therefore, there is growth potential for domestic demand in
2018, the value of the Indian chemical market witnessed an of its agricultural economy and technology sectors has driven the 2013/14 179 15.48 India.
average growth rate of 6.2% (see Chart1). Between fiscal growth of its agrochemical industry. The Indian agrochemical market 2014/15 186 3.91
years 2018 to 2025, the market value is expected to increase is currently the fourth largest in the world, behind only the United In the context of rapid development, the Indian chemical industry has
2015/16 188 1.08
from the current US$163 billion to $304 billion, at a compound States, Japan and China, with a market value of $4.5 billion and a improved considerably in terms of environmental protection, safety and
2016/17 214 13.83
annual growth rate of 9.3%, exceeding the growth of the rapid growth rate. From fiscal years 2012 to 2017, India ranked sixth automation. Through continuous industrial transformation, the country’s
global chemical industry. in the list of top 20 fastest-growing markets in the world, behind CAGR (%) 6.73 - underutilized manufacturing capacity has advanced with regards to

30 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 31

Chart 3. Consumption Level of Agrochemicals environmental compliance in recent years, with India’s total production output is 165,000 in Western India, because 85% of India's chemical industry is located in this
(Per Kg/Hectare) pollutant emission levels gradually complying with tons, while China’s output is 8.3 billion tons, region. The park has the highest level of foreign investment in the country and is
required standards, providing a foundation for with the smallest acetic acid factory in China developing rapidly.
18 17
cooperation between China and India. producing 250,000 tons per year. Therefore,
the two countries have many opportunities
14 13 There are currently over 40 manufacturers for cooperation in the area of raw chemical
12 of pesticide technicals and more than 900 materials and can work together for a win-win
manufacturers of formulations in India, of which result.
over 125 companies are above the designated size.
8 77 Among around 60 technicals and 350 formulations, China’s chemical industry has a relatively
6 55 insecticides make up the largest proportion, large overall manufacturing capacity, a robust
4 accounting for 53% of all products, followed industrial chain and the ability to constantly
by herbicides at 20% and fungicides at 25%. update products. According to incomplete
0.6 Major varieties include pyrethroid, chlorpyrifos, statistics for 2018 (see Chart 4), China produced
Taiwan China Japan USAK orea France UK India mancozeb, pendimethalin, 2,4-D, dicamba and over 800 varieties of intermediates, with a total
acephate. annual yield of around 4.9 to 5.0 million tons. Dahej, Gujarat Paradeep, Odisha
(453sq.km) (284sq.km)
At the start of 2019, stock levels remained
As of June 2019, only 21 pesticides are high. However, after the Xiangshui chemical
Table 4. Capacity and Demand for Major Raw Chemical Materials in India plant explosion in March 2019, supplies of Vishakhapatnam,
registered in India, which is much lower than
Andhra Pradesh
in other countries. India has an efficient patent intermediates became low, but the price of most (640 sq.km)
Product (KTA) Dom. capacity Demand 2017 Net imp. 2017 protection system, enabling the same pesticide intermediate products eventually stabilized and
to be produced under a shorter cycle and at a rebounded.
Methanol 276 2,019 1,767 Cuddalore & Nagapattinam,
lower price. India also has a strong research Tamil Nadu (257 sq.km)
Acetic acid 165 992 844
and development capacity related to pesticide Due to environmental protection and
Styrene 0 703 714 technical materials and formulations. Currently, industrial policy restrictions, major chemicals
Toluene ( incl. Benzene) 2,251 1,540 409 the Modi administration is promoting the “Make in manufacturing provinces, such as Jiangsu and Suitable partners are vital for investment markets. At present, Indian
Phenol 57 305 267 India Initiative” and has made agriculture one of its Shandong, have imposed strict restrictions on agricultural companies can be roughly divided into four groups, based on their
priorities, while promising to double the income of chemical industrial parks. Many companies that characteristics. The first group includes multinational companies, such as Bayer,
EVA 0 169 171
farmers by 2022 and provide various agricultural produce intermediates have moved to Western Syngenta, Corteva, Adama, BASF and FMC, which play a key role in the analysis
VAM 0 162 166 subsidies. The government will also introduce China, India, Vietnam and Cambodia. The and research of new compounds and have first-class market development
MDI 0 118 120 more policies to support agricultural development. availability of production areas and chemical capabilities. The second group includes UPL, Rallis, Gharda and Heranba, which
TDI 61 65 44 Chinese companies can take advantage of parks with good development prospects, as gained market access during the early stages of the development cycle of generic
these benefits when investing in India. Japanese well as reliable partners, are vital to the ongoing compound molecules. The third group of companies, such as PI Industry, Dhanuka
PO 36 67 34
agrochemical companies always had a good development of many Chinese chemical and Indofil, are adept at utilizing authorization, cooperation and other methods to
EO ( Incl. MEG) 1,250 1,152 0
strategic vision and are actively cooperating in companies. gain ownership of many authorized compounds, especially patented compounds
Cumene 76 57 0 transferring technologies with India, attaining good from Japanese companies and other multinational companies. The fourth group
returns on their investments. Compared to China’s 600 or more chemical is mainly engaged in import trade, represented by Crystal Parijat, Krishi Rasayan
industrial parks, India currently has only four and Willowood.
From the perspective of the industrial chain, major PCPIR chemical industrial parks, less
Chart 4. Production and Demand of China’s Pesticide Intermediates although the Indian chemical industry has bright than 1% of the number in China. However, unlike Indian agrochemical companies generally have a more forward-looking
prospects for growth, it relies heavily on imports of China's restrictive development, the Indian vision of global expansion than their Chinese peers, especially UPL, which has
600 key technical materials and intermediate products government is improving infrastructure and developed rapidly in recent years. Through mergers and acquisitions, UPL has
and has low levels of production, creating many actively attracting foreign investment. Among the quickly penetrated markets in Europe, South America and other regions, and its
cooperation opportunities for Chinese companies. country’s four chemical parks, one is in Western overseas business has grown rapidly. As a result, UPL is now ranked seventh in
India and the rest in Eastern India. the list of top 10 global agrochemical companies.
300 Table 4 below highlights India’s domestic
200 production, imports and yearly demand for major From fiscal year 2009/2010, the Indian Despite some difficulties, the Indian market can be considered a
100 raw chemical materials. In 2017, the domestic government began to prioritize and promote the strategic alternative in the near future, rather than a cornerstone.
0 production of EVA/VAM/MDI/Styrene was non- development of chemical industrial parks that
existent, so the country relied completely on achieved their objective to attract investments, India is an emerging pesticide production base, along with Vietnam, Indonesia
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 imports. In 2018, India produced small amounts except the Tamil Nadu Industrial park, which and China’s Taiwan, which have gradually joined the global production community,
of EVA and phenolic products, reducing its is still inviting investors, due to the lack of raw supplementing the supply chain. However, the Indian market also has some
Production Capaclty Demand
dependence on imports, but this was still a drop materials. Meanwhile, the much larger Gujarat inherent deficiencies, which need to be carefully measured for investment and
in the bucket. Using the example of acetic acid, Industrial Park made a much larger impact cooperation.

32 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 33

India's overall chemical infrastructure is still relatively underdeveloped, and its access Chart 6. Electricity Prices in June 2018 and intermediate support. In the short and medium terms, end Speaker: Rohit Nagraj, Analyst/ Consultant, Sunidhi
to key intermediates and raw materials is limited. Indian chemical companies are generally products exported by India will remain strategic alternatives Securities & Finance Ltd.
Electricity prices, June 2018 to China’s global supply for some time to come. A Chinese
small and lack independent research and development capacities, as well as forward and
(kwh, U.S. Dollar)
backward integration capabilities and scale effect. company wishing to use India as its production base must rely 3.India's pesticide production pattern and Indian companies’
Burma 0.02
on the support of India's domestic market. It is impossible to strategic planning
In India, there are large differences in energy and financial costs between various Egypt fundamentally change the global export environment in a short Speaker: Prakash Kumar, International Business Manager,
states, resulting in uneven regional development. The government is currently prioritizing Iraq period of time. Heranba Industries Ltd.
the environment, leading to longer waiting periods for environmental compliance for Uzbekistan 0.03
projects and higher construction costs for chemical plants. With the advancement of India's Kuwait The data and opinions in this article were taken from the 4.China's pesticide intermediate supply pattern and its impact
national economy, the same culture of environmental protection in existence in China could Iran following several keynote speeches delivered at the 2019 China on downstream industries
happen in India. Qatar
Pesticide Exporting Workshop: Speaker: Xiao Guoxiang, General Manager, Jiangsu Nongbo
Bio-Technology Co., Ltd.
Regarding specific investment cooperation, it is also necessary to measure and 1.The development status of Indian pesticide industry and a
Bahrain 0.04
consider overall investment costs. Although labor costs in India are relatively low, the rising discussion on Sino-Indian cooperation opportunities 5.Understanding and countermeasures to the changes in the
Azerbaijan 0.04
trend from 2005 to 2015 is obvious, as shown in Chart 5 below. Although India still has a Speaker: Dr. Samir Dave, Secretary, Pesticides Manufacturers China-India supply pattern from the perspective of buyers
DR Congo 0.04
current advantage over China, it is only relevant to frontline low-skilled workers. This gap & Formulators Association of India (PMFAI) & Director, Aimco Speaker: Lu Jian, Senior Manager of Procurement and
Algeria 0.04
narrows when the level of employees rises. Agrochemical plants are not labor-intensive, Pesticides Ltd. Strategic Supply Department, Rotam CropSciences Ltd.
Ukraine 0.05
and agrochemical companies hire more middle and high-level R&D and management
Kazakhstan 0.05
personnel, to produce safer products and ensure stable processes. Therefore, the hidden 2.Analysis of India's chemical industry and its investment
Saudi Arabia 0.05
management cost of investing in chemical plants in India is increasing. environment
Ghana 0.06
Malaysia 0.06
Chart 5. Labor Cost in India
Bangladesh 0.06
(Rs) Russia 0.06
300 Pakistan 0.06
250 Tunisia 0.07

200 Vietnam 0.07

UA Emirates 0.08
Turkey 0.08
Mexico 0.08
50 China 0.08
0 India 0.08



















Serbia 0.08
Nigeria 0.08
Belarus 0.08

In terms of operating costs, the current land price, rent, water and electricity costs in Argentina 0.09

India’s chemical industrial parks are not significantly lower than those in China. Chart 6 Cameroon 0.09

shows the power supply prices in several countries in June 2018. Both China and India Taiwan 0.09

registered 0.08 USD/KWH. It is also necessary to consider the availability of products that Sri Lanka 0.09

support production, such as packaging materials, logistics cost and the additional cost of Jordan 0.09

registration transfers.

The total consumption of agricultural products in India is still currently low, and the gap Multinational companies have
is huge compared to China. The Indian domestic market has considerable development their own global operations and
potential and will become a strategic partner for many multinational companies. The manufacturing capacities, so this
relatively high manufacturing cost of intermediates and other raw materials in China has issue is more relevant to a company's
given India sufficient space for profits and will stimulate more Indian domestic capital own industrial structure. For Chinese
to enter the agrochemical product manufacturing sector. This will not only meet India's companies, India is mainly a good
domestic demand, but it will also create additional options for Chinese companies and alternative.
other multinationals.
If India wants to become a
In terms of global supply, India already plays a major role in the entire supply chain, cornerstone of China's supply chain,
even leading the world in supplying some compounds. However, multinational companies there are still many issues to solve,
and Chinese companies have completely different opinions on India’s supply status. such as cost, supply chain support

34 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 35


I ndi a P esti c ide Su p pli e r s G u i d e 2 0 1 9

P38-43 Product Index



Fine Chemicals






Plant Growth Regulators


P46-52 Company Directory

36 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019


Acaricides/Miticides Manganese Acetate  Cymoxanil Indofil Industries Limited

AVA Chemicals Private Limited Indofil Industries Limited Insecticides (India) Limited (95% TC, 10% WP, 24% EC)

H Hexythiazox 
D Difenoconazole 
Biostadt India Ltd. (5.45 % EC)
NTA Trisodium 
AVA Chemicals Private Limited Agrocos Cropscience LLP P Propiconazole
Agrocos Cropscience LLP
AgroLife Science Corporation (ALSC) Indofil Industries Limited
P Propargite
Potassium Acetate 
Indofil Industries Limited

Indofil Industries Limited
Krishi Rasayan Group of Companies Propineb
Willowood Chemicals Pvt Ltd(57%EC) AVA Chemicals Private Limited
Coromandel International Limited
Sodium Acetate 

Adjuvants S AVA Chemicals Private Limited

Cropnosys India (Private) Limited Prothioconazole
Agrocos Cropscience LLP
Dodine Cropnosys India (Private) Limited

S Surfactant  Indofil Industries Limited

Dhanuka Agritech Limited (Wetcit)
Fumigants S Sulphur

Aluminium Phosphide F Fluazinam Asim Products (80% WDG, 55.16% SC)

Cropnosys India (Private) Limited Biostadt India Ltd. (80% WDG)
Excel Crop Care Limited (57%)
Biologicals Flusilazole
Excel Crop Care Limited (80% WG)
Mahamaya Lifesciences Pvt. Ltd.
Dhanuka Agritech Limited (40% EC) Meghmani Organics Limited (80% WP, 80% WDG)
A Azadirachtin 
Classic Chemicals (1500 ppm & 10000 ppm) Fungicides Sulphur mills limited (WG, SC)

H Hexaconazole 
Classic Chemicals (TC & 5% SC) Sulphur + Tebuconazole

W Wokozim™ Drip 
Biostadt India Ltd.
A Azoxystrobin
AgroLife Science Corporation (ALSC) Crystal Crop Protection Limited Asim Products (10% + 65% WG)
Best Agro Group GSP Crop Science Private Ltd. Excel Crop Care Limited (10% + 65% WG)
Coromandel International Limited Indofil Industries Limited GSP Crop Science Private Ltd. (WG)
Wokozim™ Granule 
Dhanuka Agritech Limited (TC) Mahamaya Lifesciences Pvt. Ltd. Indofil Industries Limited (WG)
Biostadt India Ltd.
Indofil Industries Limited Meghmani Organics Limited (TC) Sulphur mills limited (WG)
Krishi Rasayan Group of Companies Rallis India Limited
Wokozim™ Home & Garden 
Biostadt India Ltd.
Mahamaya Lifesciences Pvt. Ltd.
Hexaconazole + Validamycin T Tebuconazole
Asim Products (25% WG)
Azoxystrobin + Difenconazole Willowood Chemicals Pvt Ltd. (5% + 2.5% SC) Excel Crop Care Limited (98% TC)
Wokozim™ Liquid 
Dhanuka Agritech Limited (18.2%+ 11.4% SC) Mahamaya Lifesciences Pvt. Ltd.
Biostadt India Ltd.
K Kresoxim-methyl Sulphur mills limited (WG)
Azoxystrobin + Tebuconazole Rallis India Limited
Wokozim™ Seed Plus 
Dhanuka Agritech Limited (11.0%+ 18.3% SC) Thifluzamide 
Biostadt India Ltd.
Willowood Chemicals Pvt Ltd(11%+18.3%) AgroLife Science Corporation (ALSC)
M Maneb
Coromandel International Limited
Cropnosys India (Private) Limited
Krishi Rasayan Group of Companies
Fine Chemicals C Carbendazim
Agrocos Cropscience LLP Mancozeb
Indofil Industries Limited

Crop Chemicals India Ltd. (CCIL) (50% WP) Classic Chemicals (75%, 80% TC)
A Ammonium Acetate 
AVA Chemicals Private Limited
Coromandel International Limited
Insecticides (India) Limited (97% TC, 70% WP, 40% SC, 50%
Carbendazim + Mancozeb  Crystal Crop Protection Limited
Biostadt India Ltd. (12% + 63% WP) Indofil Industries Limited
Meghmani Organics Limited
D DTPA Acid 
AVA Chemicals Private Limited Copper Hydroxide Metalaxyl
Vimal Crop Care Pvt. Ltd.(88%TC,77%WP) Indofil Industries Limited
Indofil Industries Limited
E EDTA Manganese 
AVA Chemicals Private Limited Copper Oxychloride
Insecticides (India) Limited (95% TC, 25% WP, 35%
SC, 35% WS)
Insecticides (India) Limited (98% TC, 75% WP)

Asim Products (50% WG) Rallis India Limited

EDTA Zinc  Vimal Crop Care Pvt. Ltd.(TC,35%,50%,58.5%,85%WP,85%WG)
AVA Chemicals Private Limited
Metalaxyl + Mancozeb
Rallis India Limited
H HEDP 60% 
AVA Chemicals Private Limited
Cropnosys India (Private) Limited
Agrow Allied Ventures Pvt. Ltd (TC, Acid, Amine and other
Cyproconazole Agrocos Cropscience LLP salts)

M Magnesium Acetate 
AVA Chemicals Private Limited
Coromandel International Limited
Hemani Industries Limited (TC and Formulations)
Indogulf CropSciences Ltd (TC)

38 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 39

Meghmani Organics Limited(TC,Amine,Salt) GSP Crop Science Private Ltd. Chlorpyriphos + Cypermethrin
P Pendimethalin 
Classic Chemicals (TC & 30% EC, CS) Krishi Rasayan Group of Companies Excel Crop Care Limited (50% + 5%)
Rallis India Limited
A Atrazine
Rallis India Limited
Crystal Crop Protection Limited
GSP Crop Science Private Ltd. Chlorpyrifos Methyl
Mahamaya Lifesciences Pvt. Ltd. Acetamiprid  Bharat Group (TC and Formulations)
Rallis India Limited AgroLife Science Corporation (ALSC)
B Bispyribac-sodium
Best Agro Group
Biostadt India Ltd. (20% SP)
Crop Chemicals India Ltd. (CCIL) (20% SP)
Agrow Allied Ventures Pvt. Ltd (94% TC)
Cropnosys India (Private) Limited Penoxsulam
AgroLife Science Corporation (ALSC) Dhanuka Agritech Limited (TC) Aimco Pesticides Limited (92% TC, 10 EC, 25 EC)
Insecticides (India) Limited (98% TC, 10%, 40% SC)
Krishi Rasayan Group of Companies Indogulf CropSciences Ltd. (TC) Bharat Group (TC and Formulations)
Insecticides (India) Limited (99% TC, 20% SP) Crop Chemicals India Ltd. (CCIL)

C Clodinafop-propargyl 
Agrow Allied Ventures Pvt. Ltd (97% TC)
Indogulf CropSciences Ltd. (TC)
Krishi Rasayan Group of Companies
Mahamaya Lifesciences Pvt. Ltd.
Crystal Crop Protection Limited
Gharda Chemicals Limited (94% TC)
Indogulf CropSciences Ltd. (TC) Rallis India Limited Hemani Industries Limited (92% TC, 5%, 10%, 20%, 25 %
Propanil EC)
Clomazone Alpha-cypermethrin  Heranba Industries Ltd. (93% TC)
GSP Crop Science Private Ltd.
Sulphur mills limited (CS) Aimco Pesticides Limited (97% TC, 10% EC) Indogulf CropSciences Ltd. (TC)
Meghmani Organics Limited (TC)
Bharat Group (TC and Formulations) Meghmani Organics Limited (TC)
Gharda Chemicals Limited (97% TC) Tagros Chemicals India Pvt Ltd. (94% TC and Formulations)
D Dicamba
Cropnosys India (Private) Limited
AgroLife Science Corporation (ALSC) Hemani Industries Limited (97% TC, 10% EC, 10% SC)
Heranba Industries Ltd. (97% TC)
Gharda Chemicals Limited (97% TC) Krishi Rasayan Group of Companies Deltamethrin 
Hemani Industries Limited (TC and Formulations) Mahamaya Lifesciences Pvt. Ltd.
Agrow Allied Ventures Pvt. Ltd (98 % TC)
Tagros Chemicals India Pvt Ltd. (98% TC and Formulations) Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl Tagros Chemicals India Pvt Ltd. (97% TC and Formulations)
Aimco Pesticides Limited (TC, 2.5 EC, 2.8 EC)
Coromandel International Limited Classic Chemicals (TC, 11% EC)
Diuron Indogulf CropSciences Ltd. (TC) Aluminium Phosphide
Crop Chemicals India Ltd. (CCIL)
Gharda Chemicals Limited (98% TC) Excel Crop Care Limited (57%)
Crystal Crop Protection Limited
Insecticides (India) Limited (98% TC, 40%, 80% SC, 80% Gharda Chemicals Limited (98% TC)
WG, 80% WP)
Q Quinclorac
Agrocos Cropscience LLP B Bifenthrin
Agrow Allied Ventures Pvt. Ltd (97% TC)
Hemani Industries Limited (98% TC, 2.5%, 2.8%, 5%, 11%
EC, 2.5% SC, 2.5% WP)
Best Agro Group (TC)
F Flufenacet Heranba Industries Ltd. (98.5% TC)
Quinmerac Bharat Group (TC and Formulations) Tagros Chemicals India Pvt Ltd. (98.5% TC and
Agrocos Cropscience LLP
Agrocos Cropscience LLP Hemani Industries Limited (TC, 10% EC, 10% WP) Formulations)
Cropnosys India (Private) Limited
Indogulf CropSciences Ltd. (TC)
Quizalofop Ethyl Insecticides (India) Limited (96% TC, 10%, 2.5% EC, Diafenthiuron 
Dhanuka Agritech Limited (5%, 10% EC) 2.5% SC, 10% WP, 20% SP) Agrow Allied Ventures Pvt. Ltd (97% TC)
Aimco Pesticides Limited (TC, 26.2% EC) 
Meghmani Organics Limited (TC) Bharat Group (TC and Formulations)
Excel Crop Care Limited (98% TC)
GSP Crop Science Private Ltd.
S Sulfentrazone Buprofezin Insecticides (India) Limited (98% TC, 50% WP, 50% SC)
G Glyphosate 
Agrow Allied Ventures Pvt. Ltd (95% TC)
Tagros Chemicals India Pvt Ltd. (96% TC and Formulations) Mahamaya Lifesciences Pvt. Ltd.
Coromandel International Limited Sulfosulfuron
Excel Crop Care Limited (95% TC, 71% SG, non Tallow Indogulf CropSciences Ltd. (TC) C Cartap 
Best Agro Group (TC)
Gharda Chemicals Limited (95% TC)

Amine, 62% IPA)


I Imazethapyr T Triclopyr 
Aimco Pesticides Limited (94% TC, 97% TC, 32.1 EC, 66.5
Cartap Hydrochloride
Dhanuka Agritech Limited (TC, 75% SC)
Crop Chemicals India Ltd. (CCIL)
Crystal Crop Protection Limited
Willowood Chemicals Pvt Ltd (70% WG, 10% SL) EC) 
Gharda Chemicals Limited (97% TC) Chlorpyrifos  Dinotefuran 

M Metamitron
Cropnosys India (Private) Limited Triclopyr BEE Acid
Agrow Allied Ventures Pvt. Ltd (98.5% TC)
Aimco Pesticides Limited (97% TC, 48% EC, 20 EC,
AgroLife Science Corporation (ALSC)
Krishi Rasayan Group of Companies
Hemani Industries Limited (95% TC and Formulations) Meghmani Organics Limited 10 G) Insecticides (India) Limited (98% TC, 20% SG)
Tagros Chemicals India Pvt Ltd. (98% TC and Formulations) Coromandel International Limited
Crop Chemicals India Ltd. (CCIL)
Metribuzin Excel Crop Care Limited (97% TC, 48% EC) E Emamectin benzoate 

Bharat Group (TC and Formulations) Insecticides Gharda Chemicals Limited (98% TC)
Classic Chemicals (TC, 1.9% EC, 5% SG)
Crystal Crop Protection Limited
GSP Crop Science Private Ltd. GSP Crop Science Private Ltd. Mahamaya Lifesciences Pvt. Ltd.
Mahamaya Lifesciences Pvt. Ltd.
Rallis India Limited
A Acephate 
AgroLife Science Corporation (ALSC)
Heranba Industries Ltd. (98% TC)
Sulphur mills limited (WG)
Willowood Chemicals Pvt Ltd (5% SG)

Sulphur mills limited (WG) Coromandel International Limited

40 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 41

Ethion Lime Sulfur Solution/Calcium Polysulfide Solution  Heranba Industries Ltd. (95% TC) 4-Cyano-2-nitrobenzoic acid methyl ester (CAS no 52449-
Bharat Group (TC and Formulations) Classic Chemicals Indogulf CropSciences Ltd. (TC) 76-0, Aztec Biotech)
Insecticides (India) Limited (97% TC, 25% WG, 25% SG) 4-Fluoro-N-isopropyl aniline (CAS No 70441-63-3, Aztec
Sulphur mills limited (WG) Biotech)
F Fenvalerate
Bharat Group (TC and Formulations) M Malathion
Coromandel International Limited
Willowood Chemicals Pvt Ltd (75% SG, 30% WS) 4(Hydroxy-2-methyl)-1-phenoxy-ethoxybenzene (CAS No
Crop Chemicals India Ltd. (CCIL) 57650-78-9, Aztec Biotech)
Crystal Crop Protection Limited Thiophanate-methyl  MPBD/ MPBAL (Bharat Group)

P Permethrin 
Aimco Pesticides Limited (93% TC, 2 EC, 10 EC, 20 EC)
Biostadt India Ltd. (70% WP) N-(4-fluorophenyl)-2-hydroxy-N-(1-methyl ethyl)
Acetamide (CAS No 54041-17-7, Aztec Biotech)
Gharda Chemicals Limited (97% TC) Gharda Chemicals Limited (92%, 94%, 95% TC) Transfluthrin Ortho phenylene diamine [OPDA] (CAS no 95-54-5, Aztec
Sulphur mills limited (WG) Hemani Industries Limited (93% TC, 10%, 25% EC, 0.25 DP, Hemani Industries Limited (TC) Biotech)
Tagros Chemicals India Pvt Ltd. (98% TC and Formulations) 25% WP) Tagros Chemicals India Pvt Ltd. (98% TC and Formulations)
Heranba Industries Ltd. (94% TC)
Meghmani Organics Limited (TC) Triazophos
Cropnosys India (Private) Limited Tagros Chemicals India Pvt Ltd. (95% TC and Formulations) Willowood Chemicals Pvt Ltd (20% WG) Plant Growth Regulators
Fluridone Phenthoate
Bharat Group (TC and Formulations) Z Zeta-cypermethrin G Gibberellic acid
Classic Chemicals (TC, 0.001% SL)
Cropnosys India (Private) Limited Hemani Industries Limited (TC and Formulations)
Coromandel International Limited

I Imidacloprid 
Aimco Pesticides Limited (TC, 17.8, 20 EC)
Asim Products (70% WG)
Classic Chemicals (TC, 50% EC)
Coromandel International Limited
Best Agro Group (TC)
Crop Chemicals India Ltd. (CCIL) 1-Amino-2,4,6-Trichlorobenzene (CAS No 634-93-5, Aztec Zinc Phosphide
Heranba Industries Ltd. (95% TC)
Excel Crop Care Limited (95% TC, 50% EC) Biotech) Excel Crop Care Limited (80%)
Indogulf CropSciences Ltd. (TC)
GSP Crop Science Private Ltd. 2, 4, 6-Trimethyl aniline [Mesidine] (CAS No 88-05-1,
Mahamaya Lifesciences Pvt. Ltd.
Indogulf CropSciences Ltd Aztec Biotech)
Sulphur mills limited (WG)
Meghmani Organics Limited (TC)

Imidacloprid + Fipronil
Profenophos + Cypermethrin
Asim Products (40% + 40% WG)
Excel Crop Care Limited (40% + 4%)

Imidacloprid + Lambda Cyhalothrin

Willowood Chemicals Pvt Ltd (6% + 4% SL)
AgroLife Science Corporation (ALSC)
Krishi Rasayan Group of Companies
Gharda Chemicals Limited (67%, 95% TC)
Q Quinalphos 
Aimco Pesticides Limited (TC, 25 EC)

L Lambda-Cyhalothrin 
AgroLife Science Corporation (ALSC)
Agrow Allied Ventures Pvt. Ltd (97% TC) S Spiromesifen
Indogulf CropSciences Ltd (TC)
Asim Products (4.9% CS)
Best Agro Group (TC)
Bharat Group (TC and Formulations) T Tefluthrin
Tagros Chemicals India Pvt Ltd. (95% TC and Formulations)
Crop Chemicals India Ltd. (CCIL)
Crystal Crop Protection Limited
Heranba Industries Ltd. (97% TC)
Aimco Pesticides Limited (TC, 25 EC)
Indogulf CropSciences Ltd. (TC)
Crop Chemicals India Ltd. (CCIL)
Insecticides (India) Limited (97.5% TC, 2.5%, 5% EC, 10%
Heranba Industries Ltd. (94% TC)
WP, 4.9%, 2.46% CS)
Krishi Rasayan Group of Companies
Mahamaya Lifesciences Pvt. Ltd.
Agrow Allied Ventures Pvt. Ltd (98% TC)
Rallis India Limited
Asim Products (25% WG, 75% SG)
Sulphur mills limited (CS)
Best Agro Group (TC)
Bharat Group (TC and Formulations)
Lambda-Cyhalothrin + Thiamethoxam
Classic Chemicals (TC, 25% WG)
Sulphur mills limited (ZC)
Crystal Crop Protection Limited
GSP Crop Science Private Ltd.

42 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 43


Agrocos Cropscience LLP 46 Hemani Industries Limited 50
AgroLife Science Corporation(ALSC) 46 Heranba Industries Ltd. 50
Agrow Allied Ventures Pvt. Ltd 46
Aimco Pesticides Limited 46 I
Asim products 46 International Institute of Biotechnology and 50
Toxicology (IIBAT)
AVA Chemicals Private Limited 46
Indofil Industries Limited 50
Auxilife Scientific Services Pvt. Ltd. 47
Indogulf CropSciences Ltd 50
Aztec Biotech 47
Insecticides (India) Limited 50

Best Agrochem 47
Krishi Rasayan Group of Companies 51
Bharat Group 47
Biostadt India Ltd. 47
C Mahamaya Lifesciences 51
Meghmani Organics Limited 51
Classic Chemicals 48
Coromandel International Limited 48
Crop Chemicals India Ltd.(CCIL) 48
Rallis India Limited 51
Cropnosys India 48
Crystal Crop Protection Limited
Curechem Group
Sulphur mills limited 52

Dhanuka Agritech Ltd. 49
Tagros Chemicals India Pvt Ltd 52

E Tephra Bioscience LLP 52

Excel Crop Care Limited 49

G Vimal Crop Care Pvt. Ltd. 52

Gharda Chemicals Limited 49

GSP Crop Science Private Ltd. 49
Willowood Chemicals Pvt Ltd 52

44 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 45

A Aztec Biotech
Permethrin 93% TC, 2 EC, 10 EC,20 EC  Email: relations@avachemicals.com
Pursuing paradigm shift in molecular
Deltamethrin TC, 2.5 EC, 2.8 EC Tel: 8879390046
research process to reach out farmers across
Main Products: Address: A-602, Solitaire Corporate Park,
geographies. Imidacloprid TC, 17.8, 20 EC
EDTA Zinc Near Divya Bhaskar Press, SG Highway,
Triclopyr 94% TC, 97% TC, 32.1 EC, 66.5
Ahmedabad 380051, Gujarat, India
EC Ammonium Acetate Bharat Group
EDTA Manganese Web: www.aztecbiotech.com
Fluroxypyr TC, 26.2 EC
Contact: Mr. Yatin Shah Address:1501, Vikram Tower, Rajendra
Quinalphos TC, 25 EC Manganese Acetate
Agrocos Cropscience LLP Email: info@aztecbiotech.com, support@ Place, New Delhi-110008, India
Temephos TC, 25 EC DTPA Acid
Address: 408, 4th Floor, the Bombay aztecbiotech.com Web: www.bharatgroup.co.in
Magnesium Acetate
Commodity Exchange Building, Plot Nos 2, Agrochemical Manufacturing, Formulation & Tel: +91-79-66174401/02/04 Contact: Mr. S.N. Gupta
Potassium Acetate
3 & 4, Sector-19, Vashi, Navi Mumbai – 400 Marketing player in Insecticides, Fungicides & Main Products: Mr. R.P.Gupta
Sodium Acetate
705. Dist: Thane, Maharashtra. India. Agrow Allied Ventures Pvt. Herbicides in India and across the Globe.
NTA Trisodium 4(Hydroxy-2-methyl)-1-phenoxy- Mr. Sanjay Gupta
Web: www.agrocos.com Ltd HEDP 60% ethoxybenzene (CAS No 57650-78-9) Email: sng@bharatgroup.co.in
Contact: Mr. Kevin Shah 4-Fluoro-N-isopropyl aniline (CAS No rpg@bharatgroup.co.in
Address:7th Floor, Enkay Tower,Udyog
Email: sales@agrocos.com Leading manufacturers of chelating agents 70441-63-3) sanjaygupta@bharatgroup.co.in
Vihar-V, Gurugram -122016, Haryana
Tel: +91 99676 57365 and specialty fine chemicals N-(4-fluorophenyl)-2-hydroxy-N-(1-methyl Tel:+91-11-43661111 / +91-9810322105
Web: www.agrowallied.in
Main Products: ethyl) Acetamide (CAS No 54041-17-7) Main Products:
Contact: Mr. Rakshit Sehgal (Managing
Difenoconazole 4-Cyano-2-nitrobenzoic acid methyl ester Cypermethrin TC and formulation
Propiconazole (CAS no 52449-76-0) Alphacypermethrin TC and formulation
Email: info@agrowallied.in
Prothioconazole Ortho phenylene diamine [OPDA] (CAS no Fenvalerate TC and formulation
Carbendazim 95-54-5) Lambda Cyhalothrin TC and formulation
Tel: +91-9810825871
1-Amino-2,4,6-Trichlorobenzene (CAS No Bifenthrin TC and formulation
Metconazole Main Products: ASIM PRODUCTS
Flufenacet 634-93-5) Thiamethoxam TC and formulation
2,4-D Technical series (Acid, Amine and Address: 8, Karmanya Apartment, Opp.
Quinclorac 2,4,6-Trimethyl aniline [Mesidine] (CAS No Metribuzin TC and formulation
other salts) Polytechnic, Ahmedabad-380015. India
Quinmerac 88-05-1) Ethion TC and formulation
Thiamethoxam 98% Technical Web: www.asimproducts.com Phenthoate TC and formulation
At Agrocos, we believe in consistent and
Diafenthiuron 97% Technical Contact: Mr. Pankaj Mashruwala Auxilife Scientific Services Diafenthiuron TC and formulation
sustainable growth based on broad tool box
Glyphosate 95% Technical Email: pmashruwala@hotmail.com, Pvt Ltd Chlorpyrifos Methyl TC and formulation
Lambdacyhlothrin 97 % Technical asimagro1903@gmail.com
of competencies and technologies! Address: A-503, Speciality Business MPBD/ MPBAL TC and formulation
Chloropyriphos 98.5% Technical Tel: +91-9374962811, +917359039555
Centre, Balewadi road Balewadi. Pune-
Cypermethrin 94% Technical Main Products: GOING BACKWARD FOR LEAP FORWARD
411045. Maharashtra, India
Bifenthrin 97% Technical Sulphur 80% WDG (GLP Data Available)
Web: www.auxilife.com
Deltamethrin 98 % Technical Sulphur 65%+Tebuconazole 10%WG

Contact: Dr. Thomas Mueller
Clodinafop Propargyl 97% Technical Sulphur 55.16% SC
Email: info@auxilife.com
Imidacloprid 70% WG
Applying thoughts for sustainability Tel: +917757014864
Imidacloprid 40%+ Fipronil 40% WG
Company Profile:
Tebuconazole 25% WG
AgroLife Science Corporation Auxilife Scientific Services Private Limited
Copper Oxychloride 50 % WG
was started with the vision of establishing
(ALSC) Thiamethoxam 25% WG Biostadt India Ltd.
an innovative regulatory consultancy
Address: 11th Floor. Modi Tower. Nehru Thiamethoxam 75% SG Address:602, A wing, Poonam Chmabers,
for the chemical industry. Knowledge of
Place. New Delhi 110019 Lambda Cyhalothrin 4.9% CS
regulations in India, Europe and other Best Agro Group Dr. A.B.Road, Worli, Mumbai – 400018,
Web: www.krepl.in India
countries attracted many companies with Address: S-1A, Bhagwan Dass Nagar,
Contact: Rajesh Agarwal/ Amol Ray We produce all types of CS/DP/EC/EW/FS/
aspirations to grab market opportunities in East Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi-110026, Web: www.biostadt.com
Email: rajesh.agarwal@krepl.in GR/SC/SP/WG/WP/WS formulations as per
India and other attractive markets. Contact: Mr. Suresh Nair
rayak@krepl.in Aimco Pesticides Limited customer requirements. India
Main Services: Web: www.bestagrochem.in Mr. Nikhil Gawade
Tel: +91 11 40885555 Address: “Aimco House” Akhand Jyoti, 8th Email:suresh.nair@biostadt.com
Auxilife provides support to all kind of Contact: Mr. Vimal Alawadhi
ALSC is a member company of Krishi Road, Santacruz East, Mumbai-400055, nikhil.gawade@ingeneorganics.com
chemical industries in extending effective Email: info@bestagrochem.in
Rasayan Exports Pvt Ltd Maharashtra-India Tel:+ 91 – 22 – 66 520 520
strategies for registering products and Tel: +91-11-45803300
Main Products: Web: www.aimcopesticides.com Main Products:
delivering market authorizations in full Main Products:
Dinotefuran Contact: Mrs. Elizabeth Wokozim™ Granule
compliance with respective regulations. Imidacloprid TC
Pymetrozine Shrivastava(Managing Director) Sulphur 80% WDG
Main Markets: Cartap TC
Acephate Mr. Ashit Dave(Director)
AVA Chemicals Private Asia, Europe and USA Lambda Cyhalothrin TC Wokozim™ Liquid
Email:eps@aimcopesticides.com Thiophanate Methyl 70% WP
Azoxystrobin apd@aimcopesticides.com
Limited Providing global strategic regulatory insights
Thiamethoxam TC
Bifenthrin TC Wokozim™ Drip
Difenoconazole Tel: + 91 22 67604000 Address:1/20B, Narayan Plaza, 26-A, for business decisions and optimized
Azoxystrobin Acetamiprid 20% SP
Penoxsulam Main Products: Chandivali Road, Andheri East Mumbai - solutions tailored to the customers need.
Bispyribac Sodium Wokozim™ Seed Plus
Prosulfocarb Chlorpyrifos 97% TC, 48% EC, 20 EC, 10G 400072, Maharashtra, India
Hexythiazox 5.45 % EC
Lambda Cyhalothrin Cypermethrin 92% TC, 10 EC, 25 EC Web: www.avachemicals.net
FARMER'S GREEN SHIELD Wokozim™ Home & Garden
Acetamiprid Alphacypermethrin 97% TC, 10% EC Contact: Ms. Sapna Seava
Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP

46 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 47

Malathion Metamitron Managing Director), Quizalofop Ethyl 5% EC.
Chlorpyrifos Fluazinam (Core Product) Mr. P N Kutty(Group General Manager – Quizalofop Ethyl 10% EC.
Pyrazosulfuron ethyl Cyazofamid Procurement) Flusilazole 40% EC
Glyphosate Dithianon Email: yevai@curechem.com, kutty@ Cartap Hydrochloride 75% SG
Prothioconazole curechem.com Wetcit(surfactant) CHEMICALS LIMITED
Commitment to the environment and society
Thifluzamide Tel: +263-77 2322973, +255-78 2796126, Azoxystrobin 18.2% + Difenconazole 11.4%
Flonicamid +258-84 7198329, +91-9811213932 SC Gharda Chemicals Limited
Company Profile: Azoxystrobin 11.0% + Tebuconazole 18.3%
Classic Chemicals Address: Gharda House, 48 Hill Road,
We are one of the major Trading SC Bandra West, Mumbai 400 050, India
Address: Survey No 281, Plot No 1, 2 & 3, companies in Africa with our Head Office
Innovative products and assurance of best Web: www.gharda.com
Shapar Village Road, At: Shapar, District: in South Africa, branches in Zimbabwe,
quality, to add value to your business. Contact: Mr. N P Nair(VP International
Rajkot, Gujarat – 360026, India. Zambia, Mozambique, Tanzania and Marketing & Sales)
Web:www.classicchem.com India. We can also easily reach markets Email:npnair@gharda.com
Contact: Mr. Prakash Tilara Crop Chemicals India Ltd. in Malawi, DRC, Botswana, Namibia Tel:+91 22 6626 5600
Email:prakash.tilara@classicchem.com (CCIL) and Eswatini. We have more than 70 Main Products:
Tel: +91 98794 93637 Address:Unit-1 & Regd Office - C-63-
Crystal Crop Protection own branded product registrations in Alpha Cypermethrin Tech 97%
Main Products: 64-65, Focal Point, Industrial Area, Kot
Limited Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique and Cypermethrin Technical 94%
Lime Sulfur Solution or Calcium Polysulfide Kapura. Distt. Faridkot, Punjab- INDIA Pin Address:B-95, Wazirpur Industrial Area, Tanzania. These cover the major crops Deltamethrin Technical 98%
Solution New Delhi 110052

Code-151204. grown in the region including Cotton, Permethrin Technical92%, 94% & 95%
Emamectin Benzoate 1.9% EC, 5% SG & Web:www.cropchemicals.co.in Web:http://www.crystalcropprotection.com/ Coffee, Maize, Sugarcane, Soyabeans, Chlorpyriphos Technical 98%
TC Contact:Yatin Goyal Contact:Abhishek Khandelwal(South Tobacco, Potatoes and horticulture. We Indoxacarb Technical 67% & 95%
Azadirachtin 1500 ppm & 10000 ppm Email:yatin@cropchemicals.co.in America)Tarun Lamba(Asia, Middle East & have been in the agrochemicals business Fipronil Technical 97%
Hexaconazole 5% SC & TC Tel:+91 98729 69696 Australia) for the last 20 years and our agrochemicals Diflubenzuron Technical 95%
Mancozeb 75%, 80% Main Products: Abhishek Gupta(Africa) plant strategically located along the Beira Diuron Technical 98%
Pendimethelin 30% EC, CS & TC Acetamiprid 20% SP Email: abhishek.khandelwal@crystalcrop. corridor in Mozambique puts us in a unique Triclopyr BEE 97%
Profenophos 50% EC & TC Carbendazim 50% WP com position and helps us deliver superior Dicamba Technical 97%
Thiamethoxam 25% WG & TC Chlorpyriphos tarun.lamba@crystalcrop.com service to our customers. Excel Crop Care Limited
Deltamethrin 11% EC & TC Cypermethrin abhishek.gupta@crystalcrop.com Address: 13/14, Aradhana Ind. Knowledge converted to products to wealth
Tel:+91-8130377622/+91- YOUR VALUABLE AND RELIABLE
Gibberellic Acid 0.001% SL & TC Deltamethrin Dev. Corporation Virwani Ind. State, for the welfare of society
9911229500/+91-9643144734 PARTNER IN EXPANDING YOUR
Dimethoate Goregaon(east), Mumbai-400063
Redefining Agriculture Biotechnology Main Products: BUSINESS IN AFRICA.
Fenvalerate Web: www.excelcropcare.com
Lambda Cyhalothrin Lambda Cyhalothrin Contact: Ravi Bhatia (Vice President –
Profenofos Pendimethalin International Business)
Temephos Mancozeb Email: ravi.bhatia@excelcropcare.com
Emamectin Benzoate Tel: +919987058848
INDIA’S Leading Brand in Agro-Chemicals. Thiamethoxam Main Products:
Fenvalerate GSP Crop Science Private Ltd.
Hexaconazole CHLORPYRIFOS TECH 97% MIN, 48% Address: 404 Lalita Complex, Opp.

Coromandel International
Cypermethrin D EC
Hdfc Bank, Near Mithakhali Six Road,
Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 380009, Gujarat
Deltamethrin EC – India.
Address: Coromandel House, 1-2-10,
GLYPHOSATE GRANULE 71% SG (NON Web: www.gspcrop.in
Sardar Patel Road, Secunderabad – 500 To be amongst the most admired crop
TALLOW AMINE) Contact: Alkesh Patel
003, Telangana solution companies by providing innovative,
GLYPHOSATE TECH 95% & 62% IPA Email: alkesh@gspcrop.in
Web:http://coromandel.biz/ cost-effective products & services.
Tel: +91-79-26466580 / 61915111 /
Contact:Dr. A. Kuppusamy(Sr. GM & Cropnosys India (Private) FLUROXYPYR TECH 98%
Head, Regulatory Affairs) Limited
Dhanuka Agritech Limited ZINC PHOSPHIDE 80% Main Products:
Email:KuppusamyA@coromandel. Address: Head Office 6th Floor, No. 1 RMZ
SULPHUR 80% WG Acephate
murugappa.com Galleria Offices, Yelahanka, Bengaluru – Address:14th Floor. Building 5. Tower A.
TEBUCONAZOLE 10% + SULPHUR 65% Chlorpyriphos
Tel: +91 40 66997452, +91 9959022157 560064, Karnataka, INDIA Cybercity. DLF Phase III. Gurgaon 122002.
WG Profenofos
Main Products: Web: www.cropnosysindia.com Haryana. India
Mancozeb Contact: Mr. Jaitej Walia Web:www.dhanuka.com
4% Thiamethoxam,
Propineb Email: info@cropnosysindia.com Contact: Mr. Harsh Dhanuka
CHLORPYRIPHOS 50% + Hexaconazole
Azoxystrobin Tel: +91 080 29727145 / +91 22 67251870 Email:harshdhanuka@dhanuka.com
Curechem CYPERMETHRIN 5% Tebuconazole,
Maneb Main Products: Tel:+ 91 124 3838 500
Cyproconazole Flufenacet (Core Product) Address: 67 Webb Road, Jetpark, Main Products: WE CARE FOR OUR PARTNERS Propanil
Acephate Dicamba Gauteng, BoksburgSouth Africa Azoxystrobin Tech
Profenofos Bispyribac Sodium Web: www.curechem.com Acetamiprid Tech
Phenthoate Fluridone Contact: Ms. Yevai Goto(Dy. Group Cartap Hydrochloride Tech Nurtures Better Agriculture for a Greener Tomorrow

48 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 49

Tel: +91226663 7373 Contact: Mr. Shrikant Satwe Prosulfocarb Tel: +91 9712977095
Main Products: Email:shrikant@insecticidesindia.com Lambda Cyhalothrin Main Products:
Mancozeb Tel: +9122 26840601/26841061 Acetamiprid Cypermethrin tech.
Cymoxanil Main Products: Permethrin tech.
Pursuing paradigm shift in molecular
Metalaxyl Thiamethoxam- TC 97% min. & 25% WG, Profenofos tech.
research process to reach out farmers across
Myclobutanil 25% SG Bifenthrin tech.
Tricyclazole Lambda Cyhalothrin- TC 97.5% min. & 2.5% 2,4-D Acid Tech. /Amine/Salt
Hexaconazole EC, 5% EC, 10% WP, 4.9% CS, 2.46% CS Triclopyr BEE Acid
Hemani Industries Limited International Institute
Propiconazole Acetamiprid- TC 99% min. & 20% SP Propanil tech.
Address:C-301, 3rd Floor, Neelkanth of Biotechnology and
Difenoconazole Bifenthrin- TC 96% min & 10% EC, 2.5% Hexaconazole tech.
Bussiness Park, Ramdev Mandir Road, Toxicology (IIBAT) Tebuconazole EC, 2.5% SC, 10% WP Sulphur 80WP/WDG
Vidyavihar (West), Mumbai 400086
Address: Padappai, Kancheepuram - Dodine Diafenthiuron- TC 98% min & 50% WP, Thiophanate-methyl
Web: www.hemanigroup.com
District, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India Thifluzamide 50% SC
Contact: Jayesh Dama

Chemistry of success at work….
Web: www.iibat.com Dinotefuran- TC 98% min. & 20% SG 
Email: jayesh@hemanigroup.com
Contact: Dr. A. Ramesh,Dr. G. Thiophanate Methyl- TC 97% min. & 70%
Tel: +912261407600
Chandrasehar,Dr. P.K.Sarangi WP, 40% SC, 50% SC
Main Products:
Email: director@iibat.com Myclobutanil- TC 95% min & 10% WP, 24%
Cypermethrin tech 92 % Min, 5 % ,10%
Tel: +91-44-27174246 / 27174266 EC
20% 25 %, EC
Company Profile: Tricyclazole- TC 98% min. & 75% WP
Alphacypermethrin tech 97 % min , 10 %
EC, 10 % SC
International Institute of Biotechnology
and Toxicology (IIBAT) is a GLP certified
Metalaxyl- TC 95% min. & 25% WP, 35%
SC, 35% WS
Mahamaya Lifesciences Pvt. R
Permethrin tech 93% min,10 % EC, 25 % Indogulf CropSciences Ltd Ltd.
Contract Research Organization (CRO) Bispyribac Sodium- TC 98% min. & 10%
EC, 0.25 DP. 25 % WP Address: 337-338, 3rd Floor, Tower-B3,
serves as a link between Industry and Address: 501- Gopal Heights, Netaji SC, 40% SC
Deltamethin tech 98% min, 2.5 %, 2.8 % Spaze I Tech Park, Sector-49, Gurugram,
Regulatory System in providing non-clinical Subhash Place, Delhi- 110034(India) Diuron- 98% min. & 40% SC, 80% SC, 80%
5%, 11 % EC, 2.5% SC. 2.5%WP India 
health and environmental safety data on Web: www.groupindogulf.com  WG, 80% WP
Zetacypermethrin tech and formulations Web: www.mahamayalifesciences.com
crop care/protection actives/formulations, Contact: Mr. Saurabh Abhiranjan (Chief
Transfluthrin tech “In Pursuit more Smiles, Globally” Contact: Mr. Prashant Krishnamurthy Rallis India Limited
biocides, chemicals for control of Executive Officer)
Bifenthrin tech 10 % EC, 10 % WP, (Executive Director) Address: 2nd Floor, Sharda Terraces,
household nuisance pests and for control Email: ceo@groupindogulf.com,
Metamitron 95 % tech and formulations Email: prashant@mahamayalifesciences. Plot No. 65, Sector -11, CBD Belapur, Navi
of pests of public health importance, info@groupindogulf.com,
Dicamba tech and formulations com Mumbai – 400614, India
industrial chemicals, herbal/phyto exim@groupindogulf.com
2-4 D tech and formulations Tel: +91 124 4301988/ 4101430 Web: www.rallis.co.in
molecules, plant growth regulators, drugs Tel: +91-7838355089
Main Products: Contact: Mr. Subhra Jyoti Roy (Vice
and pharmaceuticals meant for use in Main Products:
ACETAMIPRID president – International Business)
clinical and veterinary medicine, transgenic Spiromesifen TC
ALPHA-CYPERMETHRIN Email: roy@rallis.co.in
crop/food, r-DNA, biopharmaceuticals Bifenthrin TC
BUPROFEZIN Tel: 022 67761700

and biotech based products, to facilitate Lambdacyhalothrin TC
risk assessment. At IIBAT, studies are Thiamethoxam TC
conducted adhering to the principles and Cypermethrin TC
guidelines of OECD, KCR, ICH, OPPTS, Profenophos TC
Heranba Industries Ltd. Schedule Y and others as applicable. With Clodinafop Propargyl TC
PENDIMETHALIN Lambda Cyhalothrin
Address: 101/102; Kanchanganga; Factory a state-of-the-art facility coupled with the Sulfosulfuron TC
Lane; Borivali (W); Mumbai - 400092 highly experienced scientific team, we Pyrazosulfuron Ethyl TC
Web:www.heranba.com deliver quality reports worldwide. 2-4 D TC Krishi Rasayan Group of Metalaxyl + Mancozeb
Contact: Mr. R.K. Shetty
26 years of excellence in Agrochemicals
Companies Kresoxim Methyl
Email: sales@heranba.com TEBUCONAZOLE
Address: 11th Floor. Modi Tower. Nehru Metribuzin
Tel: +91-22-28982133
Place. New Delhi 110019(India) Pendimethalin
Main Products:
Web: www.krepl.in
Alphacypermethrin Technical 97% min Rallis India Limited, a part TATA
Contact: Rajesh Agarwal/ Amol Ray
Cypermethrin Technical 93% min conglomerate, is one of India's leading
Email: rajesh.agarwal@krepl.in, rayak@
Deltamethrin Technical 98.5% min agrochemical companies, with a strong
Chlorpyriphos Technical 98% min foothold in Domestic and International
Indofil Industries Limited Tel: +91 11 40885555 
Permethrin technical 94%
Address: Kalpataru Square,4th Floor Main Products: Meghmani Organics Limited
Lambdacyhalothrin Technical 97% min
Kondivita Road, Off Andheri Kurla Dinotefuran Address: Meghmani House, Near Safal
Thiamethoxam Technical 95% min
Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai-400 059, Pymetrozine Profitiare, Corporate road, Prahladnager,
Imidacloprid Technical 95% min
Maharashtra, India. Nirlon House Dr. Annie
Insecticides (India) Limited Acephate Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat, India
Temephos Technical 94% min
Besant Road Bombay 400 025, India Address: Head Office: 401-402, Lusa Thifluzamide Web: www.meghmani.com
Leading Agrochemical Company from India Web: www.indofil.com Tower, Commercial complex, Azadpur, Azoxystrobin Contact: Mr. Amit Talesra (General
Contact: Pankaj Yadav Delhi-110033. Difenoconaole Manager)
Email: pyadav-icc@modi.com Web: www.insecticidesindia.com Penoxsulam Email: amit.talesra@meghmani.com

50 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 51

Sulfentrazone 96% and formulations Mr. Manish Rami (Director)
Dicamba 98% and formulations Email:prkrami@vimint.com
Metamitron 98% and formulations mmrrami@vimint.com,
Transfluthrin 98% and formulations Tel:+91 93773 32303/+91 93773 32304
Fipronil 98% and formulations Main Products:
Tefluthrin 95% and formulations Copper Oxychloride
Copper Oxychloride Technical
Sulphur mills limited In Quest of a Better Tomorrow
Copper Oxychloride 85% W.P.
Address: 604/605, 349-Business Point,
Copper Oxychloride 58.8% W.P.
Western Express Highway, Andheri (E),
Copper Oxychloride 50% W.P.
Mumbai 400069. India.
Copper Oxychloride 35% W.P.
Web: www.sulphurmills.com
Copper Oxychloride 85% W.G.
Contact: Mr. Bimal Shah
Copper Hydroxide
Email: bd.shah@sulphurmills.com 
Copper Hydroxide Technical 88% Min.
Tel: +91-22-43452222
Copper Hydroxide 77% W.P.
Main Products:
SULPHUR WG & SC  Tephra Bioscience LLP No compromise with quality
IMIDACLOPRID WG Address: Building No. 9, Pragati
LAMBDACYHALOTHRIN CS Market, Ashok Vihar Phase – 2, Delhi –
THIAMETHOXAM ZC Web: www.tephra.in
THIAMETHOXAM WG Contact: Mr. Vaibhav Aggarwal
FIPRONIL WG Email: info@tephra.in
TEBUCONAZOLE WG Tel: +91 11 43095611

CLOMAZONE CS Tephra Bioscience is a New Delhi based
CHLORPYRIPHOS WG consultancy company specializing for
METRIBUZIN WG Agrochemical Industry. The company
provides business consultancy and market
Technology Leader In Advance Formulations
research on crops & agrochemicals usage
in India. They also consult in regulatory
affairs and registration guidelines in Willowood Chemicals Pvt
CIB, specializing in import registrations. Ltd.
Agrochemicals Patent related matters are
Address:503, 5th Floor, Salcon Aurum,
also an area of expertise of the company.
District Centre, Jasola, New Delhi – 110025
Tephra is assisting foreign clients, in GLP
T data generation in India. Company also
has an upcoming GLP lab for Physical
Web: https://willowood.com/
Contact: Mr. Hitesh Bagri (Director)
Chemical Properties and 5-Batch Analysis.
Email: care@willowood.com
Tel: +91-11-45686868
Main Products:
Teknox (Triazophos 20% WG)
Tagros Chemicals India Pvt Indica (Imazethapyr 70% WG)
Ltd. Patriot (Imazethapyr 10% SL)
Address: 72 Marshals Road, Jhaver Taurate (Thiamethoxam 75% SG)
Emacto (Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG)
Centre, 4th Floor Rajah Annamalai
Building, Egmore, Chennai 600008, Willoxam FS (Thiamethoxam 30% WS)
Tamilnadu, India Willomite (Propargite 57% EC)
Web:www.tagros.com Wiltez (Azoxystrobin 11% + Tebuconazole
Contact:Mr Jobi Eapen(General Manager 18.3%)
Sales) Valxtra (Hexaconazole 5% + Validamycin
Email:j.eapen@tagros.com 2.5% SC)
Vimal Crop Care Pvt. Ltd. Inovexia (Imidacloprid 6% + Lambda
Main Products: Address: Plot No. 175/5 & 175/6, Phase Cyhalothrin 4% SL)
Cypermethrin 94% and formulations 1, Opp. Ingersoll Rand, Naroda GIDC,
Products you need, from the people you trust.
Alphacypermethrin 97% and formulations Ahmedabad – 382330, Gujarat, India
Permethrin 95% and formulations Web: www.vimint.com
Deltamethrin 98.5% and formulations Contact: Mr. Prakash Rami (Director)

52 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019 53

54 India Pesticide Suppliers Guide 2019

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