1. General Introduction :
Complete development of the number system can be summarised as
Every complex number z can be written as
z = x + i y where x , y R and i = 1 . x is called the real part of z and y is
the imaginary part of complex.
Note that the sign + does not indicate addition as normally understood, nor does
the symbol i denote a number. These things are parts of the scheme used to express
numbers of a new class and they signify the pair of real numbers (x, y) to form a
single complex number.
Master Argand had done a systematic studies on complex numbers and represented
every complex number as a set of ordered pair (x, y) on a plane called complex
All complex numbers lying on the real axis were called as
purely real and those lying on imaginary axis as purely imaginary.
In fact ever complex can be classified as
Hence 0 + 0i is both a purely real as well as purely imaginary but not imaginary.
Note that :
(i) The symbol i combines itself and with real number as per the rule of algebra together
with i2 = – 1 ; i3 = – i ; i4 = 1, i2005 = i ; i2006 = – 1. Infact i4n = 1 , n I
note that (1 + i + i2 + ....... + i2006 = i) ]
(ii) Every real number can also be treated as complex with its imaginary part zero.
Hence there is one-one imapping between the set of complex numbers and the set
of points are the complex plane.
2. Algebra of complex :
Addition, substraction and multiplication of complex numbers are carried out like in
ordinary algebra using i2 = – 1 , i3 = – i etc. treating i as a polynomial. However
some differences between algebra of complex and algebra of real number are,
(i) Inequality in complex numbers are never talked. If a + i b > c + id has to be
meaningful b = d = 0. Equalities however in complex numbers are meaningful.
Two complex numbers z1 and z2 are said to be equal if
Re z1 = Re z2 and Im (z1) = Im (z2)
(i.e. they occupy the same position on complex plane)
(ii) In real number system if
a2 + b2 = 0 a = 0 = b but if z1 and z2 are complex numbers then
z12 z 22 0 does not imply z1 = z2 = 0 e.g. z1 = 1 + i and z2 = 1 – i.
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However if the product of two complex numbers is zero then at least one of them
must be zero, same as in case of real numbers.
(iii) In case x is real then
x if x 0
| x | = but in case of complex, | z | altogether has a different
x if x 0
3. Three Important terms : Conjugate / Modulus / Argument
Conjugate : If z = a + ib then its conjugate complex is obtained by changing the sign of
its imaginary part and denoted by z i.e. z a ib .
Note that : (a) z z = 2Re z (b) z z = 2i Im z (c) z z = a2 + b2
(d) If z lies in 1st quadrant then z lies in 4th quadrant and – z in the 2nd Quad.
(e) If x + iy = f (a + ib) then x – iy = f (a – ib)
e.g. (i) (2 + 3i)3 = x + iy then (2 – 3i)3 = x – iy
E.g. (ii) sin ( + i) = x + iy sin ( – i) = x – iy
Also z z = 0 z is purely imaginary..
If z z = 0 z is purely real.
Modulus : If P denotes a complex number z = x + iy
then OP = | z | = x 2 y2
note that | z | > 0. ; | i | = 1 ; i.e. | 1 |
All complex number having the same modulus lie on a circle with centre as origin and r = |
z |.
Argument: If OP makes an angle with real axis then is called one of the argument of
General values of argument of z are given by
2n + , n N . Note that any two argument differ by 2.
Note that by specifying the modulus and argument, a complex number is completely
defined. However for the complex number 0 + 0i the argument is not defined and this
is the only complex number which is completely defined by talking in terms of its
(a) Amplitude (Principal value of argument) :
The unique value of such that – < < is called principal value of argument.
Unless otherwise stated, amp z refers to the principal value of argument.
E.g. If Zr = + (1 + i 3 ) , r = 1, 2, 3, 4 find 1 , 2 , 3 and 4
(b) Least positive argument :
The value of such that 0 < < 2 is called the least positive argument.
E.g. Among the complex number z which satisfy | z – 25i | 15, find the one having the
least + ve argument. [Ans: 12 + 16i ]
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Examples : Evaluate
(1) in + in + 1 + in + 2 + in + 3, n R. [Ans. in [1 + i + i2 + i3 = 0] ]
( x 2) ( y 3)i
(2)(a) If 1 3i , Find (x, y). [Ans : x = 6 ; y = 1]
1 i
(b) If z = (x, y) C then find z, satisfying z2 (1, 1) = (–1, 7).
[Ans. z1 = (2, 1), z2 = (–2, – 8)]
(3) (a) If z + 2(1 + 2i) z – (11 + 2i) = 0 , find z in the form of a + ib.
[Ans : z = 2 – i or z = – (4 +
(b) If f (x) = x4 – 4x3 + 4x2 + 8x + 44, find f (3 + 2i). [ Ans: 5]
(4) If Arg z = and | z + 3 – i | = 4, find z. [Hint: Let z = (1 + i) , > 0]
[Ans. if Arg z = 5/4 then ans is z = – 3(1 + i)]
(5) If | z – i | = 1 and Arg z = , find the number of complex number..
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(c) Show that the locus of the point P() denoting the complex number z + on the
complex plane is a standard ellipse where | z | = a , where a 0 , 1
[Sol. Let w=z+ where z = + i , 2 + 2 = a2 (as | z | = a )
1 i
x + iy = + i + i + i + 2 2 = 2 + i 2
a a
1 1
x = 1 ; y = 1
a2 a2
x2 y2 y2 y2
2 + 2 = 2 + 2 = a2; 1
2 ]
1 1
1 2 1 2 a a
a a a a