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Writing a survey report/

Field report laboratory/

Scientific technical report

Writing a survey report

Surveys are used to collect information that will answer scientific questions. The first
consideration in designing a survey is to define the objectives of the survey in the context of
these questions.
The objectives should reflect the intent of the scientific questions from the perspective of the
survey methodology to be used to collect data for addressing these questions.

Survey objectives should specify:

The study population (also called a target population) and any subgroups (also called domains)
that are of special interest in addressing the scientific questions
The organization of the population (e.g., housing units are associated with a group of people,
students are nested in schools), which often has implications for gathering information on units
in the population
Likely methods for contacting members of the population or gathering data on selected units
The main variables that will be recorded on the units of the population to address the scientific
Available resources such as limitations on staff funding and time for conducting the survey

Using this information, a design is developed to meet the scientific objectives of the survey,
often via an iterative process that leads to modifications of the design and possibly the
objectives. Think about a population you would like to study and describe a variable you would
like to measure. What are the units of measurements? What would be a high value? What
would be a low value? What would be a typical value? What kind question(s) would you ask to
obtain data for this variable? Make a note of these, to consider later in this chapter.

How to Write a Survey Report

Writing the Summary and Background Info
1. Break the report up into separate sections with headings. Survey reports usually use
headings for each section. While there may be slight differences between reports, the headings
are typically the same. The standard headings for a report are:
 Title Page
 Table of Contents
 Executive Summary
 Background and Objectives
 Methodology
 Results
 Conclusion and Recommendations
 Appendices
2. Write a 1-2 page executive summary paraphrasing the report. This comes at the very
beginning of the report, after the table of contents. An executive summary condenses the main
points of the report into a few pages. It should include:
 Methodology of the survey.
 Key results of the survey.
 Conclusions drawn from the results of the survey.
 Recommendations based on the results of the survey.

3. State the objectives of the survey in the background section. Start the section by saying
why the survey was conducted. Explain the hypothesis and goals of the survey. You usually
don't need to write more than a page. Make sure to identify the:
 Study or target population: Who is being studied? Do they belong to a certain age group,
cultural group, religion, political belief, or other common practice?
 Variables of the study: What is the survey trying to study? Is the study looking for the
association or relationship between two things?
 Purpose of the study: How will this information be used? What new information can this survey
help us realize?

4. Provide background information by explaining similar research and studies. This

research can help you determine if your survey results support current beliefs on the topic or
disagree with them. Write 2 or more pages explaining the issue and how other researchers have
approached it.[4]
 Look for surveys done by researchers in peer-viewed academic journals. In addition to these,
consult reports produced by similar companies, organizations, newspapers, or think tanks.
 Compare their results to yours. Do your results support or conflict with their claims? What new
information does your report provide on the matter?
 Provide a description of the issue backed with peer-reviewed evidence. Define what it is you're
trying to learn and explain why other studies haven't found this information.
Explaining the Method and Results
1. Explain how the study was conducted in the methodology section. This section helps
readers understand how the survey was conducted. It comes after the background and
objectives section. Depending on the complexity of your study, this section may be several
pages long. Some things you should cover in this section include:
 Who did you ask? How can you define the gender, age, and other characteristics of these
 Did you do the survey over email, telephone, website, or 1-on-1 interviews?
 Were participants randomly chosen or selected for a certain reason?
 How large was the sample size? In other words, how many people answered the results of the
 Were participants offered anything in exchange for filling out the survey?

2. Describe what type of questions were asked in the methodology section. Some
common types of questions include multiple choice, interviews, and rating scales (called Likert
scales). Describe the general theme of the questions here, providing a few examples of
 For example, you might sum up the general theme of your questions by saying, "Participants
were asked to answer questions about their daily routine and dietary practices."
 Don't put all of the questions in this section. Instead, include your questionnaire in the first
appendix (Appendix A).

3. Report the results of the survey in a separate section. Once you have detailed the
methodology of the survey in full, start a new section that shows the results of the survey. This
section is usually several pages long. If needed, break up some of your results into bullets to
make them easier to read.[7]
 If your survey interviewed people, choose a few relevant responses and type them up in this
section. Refer the reader to the full questionnaire, which will be in the appendix.
 If your survey was broken up into multiple sections, report the results of each section
separately, with a subheading for each section.
 Avoid making any claims about the results in this section. Just report the data, using statistics,
sample answers, and quantitative data.
 Include graphs, charts, and other visual representations of your data in this section.
4. Point out any interesting trends in the results section. You probably have a large amount
of data. To help your readers understand the significance of your survey, highlight the
interesting patterns, trends, or observations.[8]
 For example, do people from a similar age group response to a certain question in a similar
 Look at questions that received the highest number of similar responses. This means that most
people answer the question in similar ways. What do you think that means?

Analyzing Your Results

1. State the implications of your survey at the beginning of the conclusion. At the
beginning of this section, write a paragraph that summarizes the key takeaway points of your
survey. Ask yourself what should readers learn from this survey?
 Here you may break away from the objective tone of the rest of the paper. You might state if
readers should be alarmed, concerned, or intrigued by something.
 For example, you might highlight how current policy is failing or state how the survey
demonstrates that current practices are succeeding.

2. Make recommendations about what needs to be done about this issue. Once you have
reported the results of the survey, state what the reader should take away from the survey.
What does the data imply? What action should people take based on the results? This part
might be anywhere from a few paragraphs to a few pages long. Some common
recommendations include:
 More research needs to be done on this topic.
 Current guidelines or policy need to be changed.
 The company or institution needs to take action.

3. Include graphs, charts, surveys, and testimonies in the appendices. The first appendix
(Appendix A) should always be the survey questionnaire itself. Copy and paste the entire survey
into this section. If you want, add appendices showing your statistical data, interview results,
graphs of the data, and a glossary of technical terms.[11]
 Appendices are typically labeled with letters, such as Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C, and
so on.
 You may refer to appendices throughout your paper. For example, you can say, “Refer to
Appendix A for the questionnaire” or “Participants were asked 20 questions (Appendix A)”.


Polishing Your Report

1. Add a title page and table of contents to the first 2 pages. These should come at the front
of the report. The first page should state the title of the report, your name, and your institution.
The second page should be a table of contents.[12]
 The table of contents should list the page numbers for each section (or heading) of the report.

2. Cite your research according to the style required for the survey report. In some
classes and professional fields, you may be asked to format the report according to a specific
style guideline. Common ones used for survey reports include American Psychological
Association (APA) and Chicago styles.
 Typically, you will cite information using in-text parenthetical citations. Put the name of the
author and other information, such as the page number or year of publication, in parentheses at
the end of a sentence.
 Some professional organizations may have their own separate guidelines. Consult these for
more information.
 If you don’t need a specific style, make sure that the formatting for the paper is consistent
throughout. Use the same spacing, font, font size, and citations throughout the paper.

3. Adopt a clear, objective voice throughout the paper. Remember that your job is to report
the results of the survey. Try not to cast judgment on the participants or the survey results. If
you would like to make recommendations, only do so in the last section of the paper.[14]

 Try not to editorialize the results as you report them. For example, don’t say, “The study shows
an alarming trend of increasing drug use that must be stopped.” Instead, just say, “The results
show an increase in drug use.

4. Write in concise, simple sentences. State the information in the simplest way possible.
Avoid flowery or complicated language. Since some surveys can be very complex, a simple
writing style will help your readers understand your results.[15]
 If you have a choice between a simple word and a complex word, choose the simpler term. For
example, instead of “1 out of 10 civilians testify to imbibing alcoholic drinks thrice daily,” just say
“1 out of 10 people report drinking alcohol 3 times a day.”
 Remove any unnecessary phrases or words. For example, instead of “In order to determine the
frequency of the adoption of dogs,” just say “To determine the frequency of dog adoption.”

5. Revise your paper thoroughly before submitting. Make sure that there are no
grammatical errors, misspellings, or other typos in the paper. Before submitting the report to
your boss or professor, check that the formatting is correct.[16]
 Make sure you have page numbers on the bottom of the page. Check that the table of contents
contains the right page numbers.
 Remember, spell check on word processors doesn’t always catch every mistake. Ask someone
else to proofread for you to help you catch errors.
Field report laboratory
The purpose of a field report in the social sciences is to describe the observation of people, places,
and/or events and to analyze that observation data in order to identify and categorize common
themes in relation to the research problem underpinning the study. The content represents the
researcher's interpretation of meaning found in data that has been gathered during one or more
observational events.

How to Begin
Field reports are most often assigned in disciplines of the applied social sciences [e.g., social work,
anthropology, gerontology, criminal justice, education, law, the health care professions] where it is
important to build a bridge of relevancy between the theoretical concepts learned in the classroom and
the practice of actually doing the work you are being taught to do. Field reports are also common in
certain science disciplines [e.g., geology] but these reports are organized differently and serve a
different purpose than what is described below.

Professors will assign a field report with the intention of improving your understanding of key
theoretical concepts through a method of careful and structured observation of, and reflection about,
people, places, or phenomena existing in their natural settings. Field reports facilitate the
development of data collection techniques and observation skills and they help you to understand how
theory applies to real world situations. Field reports are also an opportunity to obtain evidence
through methods of observing professional practice that contribute to or challenge existing theories.

We are all observers of people, their interactions, places, and events; however, your responsibility
when writing a field report is to create a research study based on data generated by the act of
designing a specific study, deliberate observation, a synthesis of key findings, and an interpretation of
their meaning. When writing a field report you need to:

 Systematically observe and accurately record the varying aspects of a situation.

Always approach your field study with a detailed protocol about what you will observe, where
you should conduct your observations, and the method by which you will collect and record
your data.
 Continuously analyze your observations. Always look for the meaning underlying the
actions you observe. Ask yourself: What's going on here? What does this observed activity
mean? What else does this relate to? Note that this is an on-going process of reflection and
analysis taking place for the duration of your field research.
 Keep the report’s aims in mind while you are observing. Recording what you observe
should not be done randomly or haphazardly; you must be focused and pay attention to
details. Enter the observation site [i.e., "field"] with a clear plan about what you are intending
to observe and record while, at the same time, being prepared to adapt to changing
circumstances as they may arise.
 Consciously observe, record, and analyze what you hear and see in the context of
a theoretical framework. This is what separates data gatherings from simple reporting. The
theoretical framework guiding your field research should determine what, when, and how you
observe and act as the foundation from which you interpret your findings.

Structure and style of field report

How you choose to format your field report is determined by the research problem, the theoretical
perspective that is driving your analysis, the observations that you make, and/or specific guidelines
established by your professor. Since field reports do not have a standard format, it is worthwhile to
determine from your professor what the preferred organization should be before you begin to write.
Note that field reports should be written in the past tense. With this in mind, most field reports in the
social sciences include the following elements:
I. Introduction

The introduction should describe the research problem, the specific objectives of your research, and
the important theories or concepts underpinning your field study. The introduction should describe the
nature of the organization or setting where you are conducting the observation, what type of
observations you have conducted, what your focus was, when you observed, and the methods you
used for collecting the data. You should also include a review of pertinent literature related to the
research problem, particularly if similar methods were used in prior studies. Conclude your
introduction with a statement about how the rest of the paper is organized.

II. Description of Activities

Your readers only knowledge and understanding of what happened will come from the description
section of your report because they have not been witness to the situation, people, or events that you
are writing about. Given this, it is crucial that you provide sufficient details to place the analysis that
will follow into proper context; don't make the mistake of providing a description without context. The
description section of a field report is similar to a well written piece of journalism. Therefore, a helpful
approach to systematically describing the varying aspects of an observed situation is to answer the
"Five W’s of Investigative Reporting." These are:

 What -- describe what you observed. Note the temporal, physical, and social boundaries you
imposed to limit the observations you made. What were your general impressions of the
situation you were observing. For example, as a student teacher, what is your impression of
the application of iPads as a learning device in a history class; as a cultural anthropologist,
what is your impression of women's participation in a Native American religious ritual?
 Where -- provide background information about the setting of your observation and, if
necessary, note important material objects that are present that help contextualize the
observation [e.g., arrangement of computers in relation to student engagement with the
 When -- record factual data about the day and the beginning and ending time of each
observation. Note that it may also be necessary to include background information or key
events which impact upon the situation you were observing [e.g., observing the ability of
teachers to re-engage students after coming back from an unannounced fire drill].
 Who -- note background and demographic information about the individuals being observed
e.g., age, gender, ethnicity, and/or any other variables relevant to your study]. Record who is
doing what and saying what, as well as, who is not doing or saying what. If relevant, be sure
to record who was missing from the observation.
 Why -- why were you doing this? Describe the reasons for selecting particular situations to
observe. Note why something happened. Also note why you may have included or excluded
certain information.

III. Interpretation and Analysis

Always place the analysis and interpretations of your field observations within the larger context of the
theories and issues you described in the introduction. Part of your responsibility in analyzing the data
is to determine which observations are worthy of comment and interpretation, and which observations
are more general in nature. It is your theoretical framework that allows you to make these decisions.
You need to demonstrate to the reader that you are looking at the situation through the eyes of an
informed viewer, not as a lay person.

Here are some questions to ask yourself when analyzing your observations:

 What is the meaning of what you have observed?

 Why do you think what you observed happened? What evidence do you have for your
 What events or behaviors were typical or widespread? If appropriate, what was unusual or out
of ordinary? How were they distributed among categories of people?
 Do you see any connections or patterns in what you observed?
 Why did the people you observed proceed with an action in the way that they did? What are
the implications of this?
 Did the stated or implicit objectives of what you were observing match what was achieved?
 What were the relative merits of the behaviors you observed?
 What were the strengths and weaknesses of the observations you recorded?
 Do you see connections between what you observed and the findings of similar studies
identified from your review of the literature?
 How do your observations fit into the larger context of professional practice? In what ways
have your observations possibly changed or affirmed your perceptions of professional
 Have you learned anything from what you observed?

NOTE: Only base your interpretations on what you have actually observed. Do not speculate or
manipulate your observational data to fit into your study's theoretical framework.

IV. Conclusion and Recommendations

The conclusion should briefly recap of the entire study, reiterating the importance or significance of
your observations. Avoid including any new information. You should also state any recommendations
you may have. Be sure to describe any unanticipated problems you encountered and note the
limitations of your study. The conclusion should not be more than two or three paragraphs.

V. Appendix
This is where you would place information that is not essential to explaining your findings, but that
supports your analysis [especially repetitive or lengthy information], that validates your conclusions,
or that contextualizes a related point that helps the reader understand the overall report. Examples of
information that could be included in an appendix are figures/tables/charts/graphs of results,
statistics, pictures, maps, drawings, or, if applicable, transcripts of interviews. There is no limit to
what can be included in the appendix or its format [e.g., a DVD recording of the observation site],
provided that it is relevant to the study's purpose and reference is made to it in the report. If
information is placed in more than one appendix ["appendices"], the order in which they are organized
is dictated by the order they were first mentioned in the text of the report.

VI. References
List all sources that you consulted and obtained information from while writing your field report. Note
that field reports generally do not include further readings or an extended bibliography. However,
consult with your professor concerning what your list of sources should be included. Be sure to write
them in the preferred citation style of your discipline [i.e., APA, Chicago, MLA, etc.].
Technical report
A technical report (also scientific report) is a document that describes the process, progress, or
results of technical or scientific research or the state of a technical or scientific research problem. It
might also include recommendations and conclusions of the research. Unlike other scientific
literature, such as scientific journals and the proceedings of some academic conferences, technical
reports rarely undergo comprehensive independent peer review before publication. They may be
considered as grey literature. Where there is a review process, it is often limited to within the
originating organization. Similarly, there are no formal publishing procedures for such reports, except
where established locally.

Steps in writing a technical report

I. Knowing your audience is critical to writing a good technical document – or any written
material, for that matter. If people think you do not understand who they are and what
they are interested in, then:

They simply won’t read your work.

This is not a good thing.

II. Organization of a technical report

List of Figures / List of Tables
Main Report
• Introduction

• Background or Literature Review

• Project Description Work on these sections

• Data and Discussion of Data

• Conclusion

Work on these
Appendix A. Acronym List sections as you develop
the main report
Other Appendices
• A technical report involves an enormous amount of detail in:

₋ The data (text, tables, and figures)

₋ The discussion

₋ The formatting of the material

The most important thing is that the report can be easily read, understood, and used by your

 Pay special attention to figures and tables – and to the List of Figures and List of Tables.

• After writing the main report:

 If you have an Executive Summary and an Abstract, then keep the Conclusion brief.
 Highlight the key points of the report
 Make key recommendations
 State limitations of your study
 Suggest future work or study
 ₋ Similar in style as for a paper
 ₋ Key issues / scope of project / experiment / new methodology
 ₋ Two or three key findings
 ₋ Must be brief

Executive Summary
 This is for the top executive who does not have time to read the entire report
 It is a condensed version of the report, about 10% of the total page count, and
hits all the important points and results of the report
 This is where you make your major recommendations; the report will back up
these recommendations with details and data.

III. Style formatting

Create your own ‘style sheet’

 As you begin to write, keep track of terms you use so that you are consistent.
 Note when you first use an acronym.
 If the journal or proceedings does not have instructions for headers, captions, or tables, create
in your style sheet the format you plan to use.
 A customized style sheet is especially valuable for creating reports to agencies – you can create
a consistent and professional look to the documents you submit.

Once you make the rules, stick with them for the sake of consistency.

IV. Proper citations and references

Why is proper citation and referencing important?

Ethics in publishing is just as important when submitting a technical report to a government

funding agency as when submitting a paper for publication. The difference is in the consequences

 Poor research
 Faulty data
 Plagiarism
 Authorship (publications or code)

V. Proper use of tables and figures

 How do you know when to use

This That And the Other
Data example
• How do you know when to use



Wheel 1

VI. Appendices
• Appendices can contain:
• Acronym list
• Raw data upon which the report is based
• Consultant reports that feed into your report
• Resumes
• Vendor quotes

VII. Table of Contents, etc.

• Do not forget to update your

• Table of Contents

• List of Figures

• List of Tables

• Check that the right information is there

• Check that all figures and tables are listed

• Your readers use these to find information throughout your report!

VIII. Refining Your Work
• After writing, put the document away for a couple of days.

• Print it out, and use a pen to mark your work up.

• Make a checklist and go through the report several times for:

• Flow of thought√

• In-text citations and references

• Grammar and punctuation

• Equations, figures, and tables

• Conformance to the style guide

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