PI Tool SPT StuckExercise 0
PI Tool SPT StuckExercise 0
PI Tool SPT StuckExercise 0
• Let the body be the guide. Do not plan, act,
mime, pretend, manipulate or represent. Simply
BE and DO.
• Lean into the “stuck” situation. The wisdom is
there already. Notice what is emerging – what
in Theory U language is sometimes called the
• Trust the moment-to-moment experience.
This is the main technique of Social Presencing • Become more sensitive to and honest about the
Theater. The other forms (such as 4D Mapping) are feeling-quality of their current situation
variations on this practice. It is a process by which • Suspend concepts;; build trust in body knowing.
one experiences going through the whole U journey
• Feel ourselves as part of a co-creative system.
by moving from Sculpture 1 (current reality) to
• Feel what is emerging, a future that we want to
Sculpture 2 (emerging future). We do not know what
the movements will be or where they will stop, but
we can follow the movement and then reflect on our
experience. Surprising insights can arise. AN EXAMPLE
Show Sculpture 1 Group Stuck
(Corresponds to the U.Lab video, “Stuck Part 2”: (Corresponds to the U.Lab video, “Stuck Part 6”:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVeU1fTuSZ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvgVt-JBpO8)
c) 1. Take 2 minutes to sit with the group in silence
1. Sit together in groups of five. and feel the social body of the group.
2. Reflect on a place where you feel stuck, 2. One person places the others in their stuck
where there is a breakdown or an area of life sculpture to emphasize, augment, or clarify
or work that feels stuck. their feeling of stuck.
3. Let that feeling of being stuck in this particular 3. As a collective, stay with the feeling of stuck,
situation come into your body as a shape or a deepening into it.
gesture. 4. Pay close attention to the collective or social
4. Embody your feeling of stuck. Make it body as it begins to move, shift, or change.
concrete and visible in the space. Don’t talk during this phase.
5. One by one share this with the others in your 5. When the movement stops, rest in this
group. Allow space between each person. Sculpture 2.
6. Brief reflection on what you saw or felt as a 6. Remaining in the Sculpture 2, each person
witness. says one sentence from the “I voice”
7. Reflect as a group on what you noticed, saw,
and felt.
Show movement from Sculpture 1 to Sculpture 2 8. Gap of silence
9. Next person does their Stuck Exercise, same
(Corresponds to the U.Lab video, “Stuck Part 4”: as above.
1. In parallel each person embodies their stuck
shape (sculpture 1) and then allows that Reflection
shape to move. When the movement comes • The reflection is built into each part of the
to an end, stop (sculpture 2). exercise. Participants can reflect through
2. After all have shared their movement, briefly several lenses.
reflect together on what each person
• What is the difference between the stuck shape
experienced doing the exercise and
and sculpture 2? How are they different? What
witnessing the others.
was the movement from sculpture 1 to
sculpture 2?
• Where did the movement begin in the body?
Where in the social body?
• In the group stuck, each person holds or
expresses a different aspect of the system, but
also embodies the whole system. Reflect on
what literally happened, on the quality of
experience and on the feeling.
• What insights or questions arose?