INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF Globalization is usually a byproduct of d) No claims about the future of
GLOBALIZATION technological changes globalization
Zeitgeist of the 21st century e) Social division of world economy
What Is Globalization For? f) A three-tier global social structure
Mutual or Conflict? Answer: Both 3 SCHOOLS OF THOUGHT g) Re-engineering of sovereignty
Mutual Understanding – e.g Jollibee 1. HYPERGLOBALISTS h) Transforming state power and world
Conflict – e.g. Onion Farmers a) Nation-states have become politics
(Competing products around the world – unnatural
Imports) b) Denationalization of economies APPROACHES ACCORDING TO DISCIPLINE
c) New forms of social organization a. Area studies – specific contextualized
CENTRAL QUESTIONS supplanting the state analysis to put globalization into proper
1. What happens to state power? – giving d) Globalization as primarily economic context.
recognition to main state. (E.g. Taiwan e) Polarization of winners and losers - General experience of a
international recognized as a state; China f) Traditional welfare options are country show contextual basis
has one China policy) threadbare upon situation. (e.g. different
Sovereignty – freedom of a country to g) Consumerist ideology characteristics, national
have its own state and culture. h) Demise of the nation-state power, resources, democratic,
demise population)
resurgence 2. SKEPTICS b. Political science – state and government
transformation a) Not historically unprecedented - Challenges to the nation state
2. Does it have limits to politics? b) Hyperglobalist theory as - Strength of regional blocks
3. How to “civilize” and “democratize”? fundamentally flawed and politically - Emergence of global political
naïve norms (unwritten laws)
WHAT IS GLOBALIZATION? c) Economic regionalization - Emergence of corporations
Trend d) Governments – regulation and c. Economics – Greek word “Oikonomia”
Increasing interaction between promotion means “Household Management”
people/groups of people e) Growing marginalization of the Third - Increase in Free trade
On a worldwide scale World - Free Trade (removes all
Due to advances in transportation and f) Global corporation is a myth boundaries for all parties. It
communications technology – g) International order and solidarity are affords unfettered international
(Philippine Offshore Gaming Operator Western projects export and import, free from
or POGO) h) State as primary actor in taxes, tariffs, worker protections
internationalization or pesky minimum wages) Vs. Fair
“THE WORLD IS GETTING SMALLER EVERYDAY” Trade (places restrictions on
Increasing integration of economies, 3. TRANSFORMATIONALISTS farmers and producers. It forces
cultures, nation-states, and a) Globalization as the driving force them to pay minimum wages,
communications across national b) Historically unprecedented adopt safe working conditions and
boundaries c) ‘Massive shake-out’ of societies pay lip service to planetary
- Law of Supply and Demand, Work b) Friendships/relations d) Democracy
and Salary, Speed of Trade c) MNC e) Social Justice for all
d. Sociology – study of society d) Government associations Indonesian
- Global village due to technological 3. Intensification and acceleration of social ii. Philippine Pillars: Panatang
revolutions. exchanges and activities Makabayan
- Communications technology is a) From snail mail to FB a) Makatao
shrinking our world. b) Live TV b) Maka-Diyos
- Cultural Imperialism or cultural c) Increased travel c) Makabayan
colonialism comprises the cultural 4. Occurs subjectively d) Makakalikasan
aspects of imperialism. a) We think about the world (ex. e) Pamilya – braddle
“Imperialism” here refers to the #prayforParis) 7. Protection of Sovereignty
creation and maintenance of b) We associate ourselves with global 8. Foreign Relations (Regionalism) –
unequal relationships between Alliance (eg. United Nations)
trends (ex. K-pop)
civilizations, favoring a more 9. International Prestige
powerful civilization c) We feel some sense of
e. Cultural studies – e.g. religion responsibility (ex. Climate change)
GLOBAL CONSUMERISM – patronizing and
f. Development studies – change and usage of goods and services that are products of
progress (e.g. infrastructure, WITH GLOBALIZATION… Globalization.
development projects) × The process is uneven Technology
- Development according to West × There are winners, losers, and the in- Migration
- $2 a day as non-poor between Media
g. Communication Studies Art
SPATIO-TEMPORAL APPROACH 1. Territorial Integration (eg. West Food
a) Extensity Philippine Sea) Travel
b) Intensity 2. Economic Progress And Stability (eg.
c) Velocity Military Equipment) COLONIAL MENTALITY – thinking of imported
d) Impact 3. Human Security (eg. OFWs) products and foreign countries as superior than
4. Socio-cultural Cohesion (eg. Culture of the local country.
1. Various forms of connectivity 5. Natural Resources (eg. Sea-creatures, 5 ATTRIBUTES OF WORLD POLITICS
a) Enabled by various factors, pressures, animals, trees) 1. International Organization (both Global
media, etc. 6. National Ideology / National Identity (eg. and Regional)
b) Diverse Freedom) 2. Sovereignty of the States – states are
c) Uneven (different degrees of i. India (Pancasila) – Basic 5 tenets independent and are governing
interconnection) ideologies/Pillars: themselves.
2. Expansion and stretching of social a) One God 3. Diplomacy and Interdependence –
relations b) Just and Civilized Humanity states interact with each other through
a) NGO c) Unified Indonesia foreign relations.
4. Intergovernmentalism and UNITED NATIONS
Exceptionalism Modus Operandi: Intergovernmentalism
Intergovernmentalism – between and among government states –
privileges the role of interdependence (National Interest)
(national) states within the
European Integration. NATIONAL POWER – total asset/resources that a
It treats states, and national country has to address the national goals and
governments in particular, aspirations.
as the primary actors in the - Sum of all resources
integration process. available to a state in
Exceptionalism – security
the pursuit of its
council members think that
they are exceptional to the national
rules and regulations of the objectives/aspirations.
5. International Norms – guiding principle 1. Military / Armed Forces
of conduct and state relations 2. Extent of Economic Progress
- General accepted a. Industrial Capacity
principle b. Agricultural Capacity
c. Technological Capacity
3. Geography and Natural Resources
4. National Character/ Morale – National
COMMON LAWS a. Hard Power – physical e.g. Military
(fundamental law of Forces
the land) – b. Soft Power – intangible e.g.
compilations of laws Education, Culture
5. Alliances / Foreign Relations
6. Leadership and Quality of Government
INTERNATIONAL 7. Population – Quantity and Quality
LAW - arguments
DOMESTIC LAW 8. Culture, Heritage, and Arts – prestige
with other