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Annals of Pure and Applied Mathematics Annals of

Vol. 10, No.1, 2015, 75-87

ISSN: 2279-087X (P), 2279-0888(online)
Published on 28 May 2015

Lebesgue Measure of Generalized Cantor Set

Md. Jahurul Islam1 and Md. Shahidul Islam2
Department of Mathematics, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh
1E-mail: jahurul93@gmail.com, 2E-mail: mshahidul11@yahoo.com

Received 30 April 2015; accepted 12 May 2015

Abstract. In this paper, we discuss the construction and properties of generalized Cantor
set. We show that this special type of set is measurable set, Borel set as well as Borel
measurable whose Lebesgue measure is zero. We also prove several interesting lemma,
theorems, and propositions relating to generalized Cantor set.
Keywords: Cantor set, Measurable set, Borel set, Borel measure and Lebesgue measure
AMS Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): 28A20, 28A80
1. Introduction
A Fractal, is defined by Mandelbrot as “is a shape made of parts similar to the whole in
some way” [1]. Fractal is a geometric object that possesses the two properties: self-
similar and non-integer dimensions. So a fractal is an object or quantity which displays
self-similarity. The Cantor set is the prototypical fractal [2]. The Cantor sets were
discovered by the German Mathematician George Cantor in the late 19th to early 20th
centuries (1845-1918) [3]. He introduced fractal which has come to be known as the
Cantor set, or Cantor dust.
We studied Cantor set and found generalized Cantor set and proved its dynamical
1 1 1 1 1
behaviors and fractal dimensions [4]. The Cantor middle , , , , ,  sets, in
3 5 7 9 11
general, Cantor middle { : 2  m  } is called generalized Cantor set and it is
2m  1
denoted by C1 /( 2 m1) . Since the Cantor set is the prototypical fractal, we would like to
study the generalized Cantor set in measure space, which is defined by an algorithm and
also defined by the shrinking process [9].
A measure is a countably additive, non-negative, extended real-valued function
defined on a  -algebra. There are different types of measure such as Borel measure,
Lebesgue measure, Probability measure, Counting measure and Random measure. Let X
be a locally compact Hausdorff space, let  be the smallest  -algebra that contains the
open sets (or, equivalently, the closed sets) of X ; this is known as the  -algebra of
Borel sets. Any measure  defined on the  -algebra of Borel sets is called a Borel
measure. Every Borel measure on [0, 1] (R or R n etc.) possesses a unique completion
which is a Lebesgue measure. If  is both inner regular and locally finite, it is called a

Md. Jahurul Islam and Md. Shahidul Islam
Random measure [12]. In this paper, we discuss the construction and some properties of
generalized Cantor set. We show that this special type of set is measurable set, Borel set
as well as Borel measurable whose Lebesgue measure is zero. We also prove several
interesting lemma, theorems, and propositions relating to generalized Cantor set.

2. Preliminaries
Definition 2.1. A non empty set   R is called a Cantor set if
(a)  is closed and bounded. (b)  contains no intervals.
(c) Every point in  is an accumulation point of .
Definition 2.2. The outer measure of any interval I on R with endpoints a  b is
b  a and is denoted as  ( I )  b  a. A set E  R is said to be outer measure (or
measurable) if, for all A  R one has  ( A)   ( A  E )   ( A  E ).

Definition 2.3. The inner measure of any set A  E , denoted  ( A), is defined as
 ( A)   ( E )   ( E \ A), where E \ A is the complement of A with respect to E.
Definition 2.4. [7] If E is a measurable set, we define the Lebesgue measure  (E ) to
be the outer measure of E. That is,  ( E )   ( E ).

Definition 2.5. [8] A set A  E is Lebesgue measurable or measurable if

 ( A)   ( A), in which case the measure of A is denoted simply by  (A) and is
given by  ( A)   ( A)   ( A).
Definition 2.6. A Borel set is any set in topological space that can be formed from open
sets (or, equivalently, from closed sets) through the operations of countable union,
countable intersection and relative complement. Borel sets are named after Emile Borel.
Definition 2.7. A collection  of subsets of a set X is called a  -algebra if  satisfies
the following axioms:
A1: X  , A2: A    X \ A  ,
A3: If ( An ) nN is sequence in  then  n An  .

Definition 2.8. The Borel  -algebra of a set X is the smallest  -algebra of X that
contains all of the open balls in X . Any element of a Borel  -algebra is a Borel set.
Definition 2.9. Let X be a set and  be a collection of subsets of X . Then ( X ,  ) be a
topological space [10]. The Borel or topological  -algebra B ( ) of a topological space
( X ,  ) is the  -algebra generated by  .
Theorem 2.10. Every Borel set is measurable. In particular each open set and each closed
set is measurable.
Proof: The proof can be found in Real Analysis [5].

Lebesgue Measure of Generalized Cantor Set
Definition 2.11. Let X  [a, b] be a closed set and let  be a collection of subsets of X . A set
function  on  (i.e.  :   [0, ] is called a measure if the following properties hold:
1. 0   ( A)  b  a for all A   2.  ( )  0
3.  ( A)   ( B ) for all A, B  , A  B
4. If A1 , A2 , A3 , are in , with Ai  A j   for i  j ,
 
 
 i     ( Ai ). The pair (X , ) is called a measurable space and the
then  ( A)    A
 i 1  i 1
triple (X , ,  ) is a measure space.

 
3. Generalized Cantor set (Cantor middle , ( 2  m  ) set)
2m  1
3.1.1. Construction of the Cantor middle set
We start with the closed interval 0  [0, 1].
0 1
1 2
Remove the middle open third. This leaves a new set 1  [0, ]  [ ,1].
3 3
0 1 3 2 3 1
Each iteration through the algorithm removes the open middle third from each segment of
the previous iteration. Thus the next set would be
1 2 1 2 7 8
2  [0, ]  [ , ]  [ , ]  [ , 1].
9 9 3 3 9 9
0 1
0 1
 1
3 3
0 1
 1
9 9 3 3 9 9
0 1
 1
9 9 3 3 9 9

Figure 3.1. Construction of the Cantor middle set
In general, after n times iterations, we obtain n which as follows
1 2 3 3n  3 3n  2 3n  1
n  [0, n ]  [ n , n ]    [ n , n ]  [ n , 1], where n  1.
3 3 3 3 3 3
Therefore we construct a decreasing sequence (n ) of closed sets, that is n1  n for
all n  N, so that every n consists of 2 n closed intervals all of which the same leng

Md. Jahurul Islam and Md. Shahidul Islam
. The Cantor ternary set, which we denote C1 / 3 , is the “limiting set” of this process,

that is, C1 / 3   n [7] and call it the Cantor middle set.
n 1 3
Alternative process of constructing C1 / 3 is in physical terms as taking a length of
string and repeatedly cutting it into shorter pieces. If we think first piece as the interval
[0,1] and cut it at the points 1/2, then it becomes two pieces of string each with two
endpoints such as the intervals [0,1 / 2], and [1 / 2,1]. In order to make all these pieces
disjoint subsets of R one can image the string as being stretched so tightly that each time
it is cut, it pulls apart at the cut and shrinks to 2 / 3 of its length, so after the first cut,
[0,1 / 2] shrinks to [0,1 / 3], [1 / 2, 1] shrinks to [2 / 3, 1]. Then at the next stage we cut
[0,1 / 3] at the point 1/6, and then two pieces are [0,1 / 6], [1 / 6,1 / 3], shrink to [0,1 / 9]
and [2 / 9,1 / 3]. similarly for the piece [2 / 3, 1], and so on.
3.1.2. Properties of the Cantor middle set
3 The set C1 / 3 is disconnected
The set C1 / 3 is totally disconnected since it was constructed so as to contain no intervals
other than points. Namely, if C1 / 3 contained an interval of positive length  then this
interval would be contained in each n , but n contains no interval of length greater
1 1
than n
so if n is chosen to be large enough so that n is less than  , then there is no
3 3
interval of length  in n . [11] The set C1 / 3 contains no intervals

We will show that the length of the complement of the set C1/ 3 is equal to 1, hence C1/ 3
stage, we are removing 2 n1 intervals from the previous
contains no intervals. At the n
set of intervals, and each one has length of . The length of the removing intervals
within [0,1] after an infinite number of removals is

1 1  2 n1 1  2 n 1/ 3
 2 n1 (
n 1 3 n
)   ( )  ( ) 
3 n1 3 3 n 0 3 1 2 / 3

Thus, we are removing a length of 1 from the unit interval [0,1] which has a length of 1.

Alternative method:
Note that in the first iteration we removed 1/3, in the second iteration we removed 2/9, in
the third iteration we removed 4/27, and in the fourth iteration we removed 8/81, and so

Lebesgue Measure of Generalized Cantor Set
1 2
forth. This is a geometric series with first term a  and common ratio r  . This
3 3
1/ 3
converges, and the sum is S    1.
1 2 / 3
Thus the length of the complement of the set C1 / 3 is equal to 1.
Therefore, the total length of C1/ 3 is 0, which means it has no intervals.

3.2.1. Construction of the Cantor middle set
We start with the closed interval 0  [0, 1].
0 1
Remove the middle open interval (1 / 5, 2 / 5) and (3 / 5, 4 / 5) . This leaves a new set
1 2 3 4
1  [0, ]  [ , ]  [ , 1].
5 5 5 5
0 1 5 2 5 3 5 4 5 1
Each iteration through the algorithm removes the open 2nd and 4th interval from each
segment of the previous iteration. Thus the next set would be
1 2 3 4 1 2 11 12 13
2  [0, ] [ , ] [ , ] [ , ] [ , ] 
25 25 25 25 5 5 25 25 25
14 3 4 21 22 23 24
[ , ]  [ , ]  [ , ]  [ ,1].
25 5 5 25 25 25 27
0 1
0 1 2 3 4 1
   
5 5 5 5
1 2 3 4
0 
5 
5 
5 
5 1
0 1
 1
5 5 5 5

Figure 3.2: Construction of the Cantor middle set
In general, after n times iterations, we obtain n which as follows
1 2 3 5n  3 5n  2 5n  1
n  [0, ]  [ , ]    [ , ]  [ , 1], where n  1.
5n 5n 5n 5n 5n 5n
Therefore, we construct a decreasing sequence (n ) of closed sets, that is, n1  n for
all n  N, so that every n consists of 3 closed intervals all of which the same length

1 1
. We define C1 / 5   n and call it the Cantor middle set.
5 n 1 5

Md. Jahurul Islam and Md. Shahidul Islam
Alternative process of constructing C1/ 5 is in physical terms as taking a length of
string and repeatedly cutting it into shorter pieces. If we think first piece as the interval
[0,1] and cut it at the points 1/3 and 2/3, then it becomes three pieces of string each with
two endpoints such as the intervals [0, 1 / 3], [1 / 3, 2 / 3], and [2 / 3, 1]. In order to make
all these pieces disjoint subsets of R one can image the string as being stretched so
tightly that each time it is cut, it pulls apart at the cut and shrinks to 3 / 5 of its length, so
after the first cut, [0, 1 / 3] shrinks to [0, 1 / 5], [1 / 3, 2 / 3] shrinks to [2 / 5, 3 / 5], and
[2 / 3, 1] shrinks to [4 / 5, 1]. Then at the next stage we cut [0,1 / 5] at the points 1/15 and
2/15 and the three pieces [0, 1 / 15], [1 / 15, 2 / 15], and [2 / 15, 1 / 5] shrink to
[0, 1 / 25], [2 / 25, 3 / 25], and [4 / 25, 1 / 5], similarly for the pieces [2 / 5, 3 / 5], and
[4 / 5,1], and so on.
3.2.2. Properties of the Cantor middle set
5 The set C1/ 5 is disconnected
The set C1/ 5 is totally disconnected since it was constructed so as to contain no intervals
other than points. Namely, if C1/ 5 contained an interval of positive length  then this
interval would be contained in each n , but n contains no interval of length greater
1 1
than n
so if n is chosen to be large enough so that n is less than  , then there is no
5 5
interval of length  in n . The set C1/ 5 contains no intervals
We will show that the length of the complement of the set C1/ 5 is equal to 1, hence C1/ 5
th n 1
contains no intervals. At the n stage, we are removing 2.3 intervals from the
previous set of intervals, and each one has length of . The length of the removing
intervals within [0,1] after an infinite number of removals is

1 2  3 n1 2  3 n 2/5
 2.3n1 (
n 1 5 n
)   ( )  ( ) 
5 n1 5 5 n 0 5 1 3/ 5

Thus, we are removing a length of 1 from the unit interval [0,1] which has a length of 1.

Alternative method:
Note that in the first iteration we removed 2/5, in the second iteration we removed 6/25,
in the third iteration we removed 18/125, and so forth. This is a geometric series with first
2 3 2/5
term a  and common ratio r  . This converges, and the sum is S    1.
5 5 1 3/ 5
Thus the length of the complement of the set C1/ 5 is equal to 1.
Therefore, the total length of C1/ 5 is 0, which means it has no intervals.

Lebesgue Measure of Generalized Cantor Set

3.3.1. Construction of the Cantor middle set
We start with the closed interval 0  [0, 1].
0 1
Remove the middle open interval (1 / 7, 2 / 7), (3 / 7, 4 / 7), and (5 / 7, 6 / 7).
1 2 3 4 5 6
This leaves a new set 1  [0, ]  [ , ]  [ , ]  [ , 1].
7 7 7 7 7 7
0 1 7 2 7 3 7 4 7 5 7 6 7 1
Each iteration through the algorithm removes the open 2nd, 4th, and 6th interval from each
segment of the previous iteration. Thus the next set would be
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 46 47 48
2  [0, ]  [ , ]  [ , ]  [ , ]    [ , ]  [ ,1].
49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49
0 1
1 2 3 4 5 6
0 
7 
7 
7 
7 
7 
7 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1
     
7 7 7 7 7 7

Figure 3.3: Construction of the Cantor middle set
In general, after n times iterations, we obtain n which as follows
1 2 3 7n  3 7n  2 7n  1
n  [0, n ]  [ n , n ]    [ n , ]  [ n , 1], where n  1.
7 7 7 7 7n 7
Therefore we construct a decreasing sequence (n ) of closed sets, that is, n1  n for all
n  N, so that every n consists of 4 n closed intervals all of which the same length

1 1
. We define C1/ 7   n and call it the Cantor middle set.
7 n 1 7
3.3.2. Properties of the Cantor middle set
7 The set C1 / 7 is disconnected
The set C1 / 7 is totally disconnected since it was constructed so as to contain no intervals
other than points. Namely, if C1 / 7 contained an interval of positive length  then this
interval would be contained in each n , but n contains no interval of length greater
1 1
than n so if n is chosen to be large enough so that n is less than  , then there is no
7 7
interval of length  in n .

Md. Jahurul Islam and Md. Shahidul Islam The set C1 / 7 contains no intervals
We will show that the length of the complement of the set C1 / 7 is equal to 1, hence C1 / 7
th n 1
contains no intervals. At the n stage, we are removing 3.4 intervals from the
previous set of intervals, and each one has length of n .
The length of the removing intervals within [0,1] after an infinite number of removals is

n 1 1 3  4 n1 3  4 n 3/ 7

n 1
3 .4 (
7 n
)   ( )  ( ) 
7 n1 7 7 n 0 7 1 4 / 7

Thus, we are removing a length of 1 from the unit interval [0,1] which has a length of 1.
Alternative method:
Note that in the first iteration we removed 3/7, in the second iteration we removed 12/49,
in the third iteration we removed 48/343 and so forth. This is a geometric series with first
3 4 3/ 7
term a  and common ratio r  . This converges, and the sum is S    1.
7 7 1 4 / 7
Thus the length of the complement of the set C1 / 7 is equal to 1.
Therefore, the total length of C1 / 7 is 0, which means it has no intervals.

Similarly, we can construct and show the properties of the Cantor middle
, (2  m  ) set which is denoted by C1 /( 2 m1) and is called generalized Cantor set.
2m  1
3.4.1. Construction of the Cantor middle , (2  m  ) set
2m  1
We start with the closed interval 0  [0, 1].
0 1
Remove the middle open interval
 1 2   3 4   2m  3 2m  2 
 , ,  , ,  ,  , ,
 2m  1 2m  1   2m  1 2m  1   2m  1 2m  1 
where 2  m  . This leaves a new set 1 which will depend on the value of m.
In general, after n times iterations, we obtain n which as follows:
1 2 3
n  [0, ][ , ] 
(2m  1) n
(2m  1) (2m  1) n

(2m  1) n  3 (2m  1) n  2 (2m  1) n  1

[ , ][ , 1],
(2m  1) n (2m  1) n (2m  1) n
Therefore, we construct a decreasing sequence (n ) of closed sets, that is n1  n for
all n  N, so that every n consists of m closed intervals all of which the same length

Lebesgue Measure of Generalized Cantor Set

1 1
. We define C 1 /( 2 m 1)   n and call it the Cantor middle set, where
(2m  1) n
n 1 2m  1
2  m   or generalized Cantor set.
3.4.2. Properties of the Cantor middle set
2m  1 The set C1 /( 2 m1) is disconnected
The set C1 /( 2 m1) is totally disconnected since it was constructed so as to contain no
intervals other than points. Namely, if C1 /( 2 m1) contained an interval of positive length 
then this interval would be contained in each n , but n contains no interval of length
1 1
greater than so if n is chosen to be large enough so that is less than
(2m  1) n
(2m  1) n
 , then there is no interval of length  in n . The set C1 /( 2 m1) contains no intervals
We will show that the length of the complement of the set C1 /( 2 m1) is equal to 1, hence
C1 /( 2 m1) contains no intervals. At the n th stage, we are removing (m  1).m n1 intervals
from the previous set of intervals, and each one has length of . The length of
(2m  1) n
the removing intervals within [0,1] after an infinite number of removals is

1 m 1  m n1 m 1  m n
 (m  1).m
n 1
n 1
(2m  1) n
)   (
(2m  1) n1 2m  1
)   (
(2m  1) n0 2m  1
) 1

Thus, we are removing a length of 1 from the unit interval [0,1] which has a length of 1.

Alternative method:
Note that in the first iteration we removed (m  1) /( 2m  1) , in the second iteration we
removed m(m  1) /(2m  1) 2 , in the third iteration we removed
m 1
m 2 (m  1) /(2m  1) 3 , and so on. This is a geometric series with first term a 
2m  1
and common ratio r . This converges, and the sum is
2m  1
(m  1) /(2m  1)
S   1. Therefore, the total length of C1 /( 2 m1) is 0, which means it
1  m /(2m  1)
has no intervals. The set C1 /( 2 m1) is nowhere dense
A set S is said to be nowhere dense if the interior of the closure of S is empty. The
closure of the set is the union of the set with the set of limit points. Since every point in
the set C1 /( 2 m1) is a limit point of the set, the closure of the set is simply the set itself.

Md. Jahurul Islam and Md. Shahidul Islam
The interior of the set C1 /( 2 m1) must be empty, since no two points in the set are adjacent
to each other. Thus the set C1 /( 2 m1) is nowhere dense.

4. Lebesgue measure of generalized Cantor set

Lemma 4.1. Let X  [0, 1] be a closed set and  be a collection of subsets of X . Then
( X ,  ) be a topological space. Let C1 /( 2 m1)   n be closed subsets in X . Then
C1 /( 2 m1) , (2  m  ) is a Borel set as well as measurable set.
Proof: Since every intersection of closed sets is again closed set, 
n is closed set.

By the definition of Borel set, 

n is a Borel set. Thus C1 /( 2 m1) , (2  m  ) is a
Borel set. Since every Borel set is measurable, then C1 /( 2 m1) , (2  m  ) is measurable
set. Thus C1 /( 2 m1) , (2  m  ) is a Borel set as well as measurable set.

Theorem 4.2. Let X  [0, 1] be a closed set and  be a  -algebra on X . Then ( X , )

is a measurable space. Let n nN   be a collection of measurable sets. Then show
that C1/( 2 m1)  , where 2  m  .
Proof: We know C1 /( 2 m1)    , (2  m  ). For each n  N,
n n  .

This implies that X \ n  , by Axiom (A2) for  -algebra.

Then  ( X \  )  , by Axiom (A3) for  -algebra.

 
This implies that X \   ( X \  )   , by Axiom (A2) for  -algebra.
 nN 
Now using De Morgan’s laws, we have (X \  )  X \ 
n 

   
and X \   ( X \  )   X \  X \      
n n n  .
 nN   nN  nN

Thus C1 /( 2 m1)  , where 2  m  .

Theorem 4.3. Let X  [0, 1] be a closed set and ( X ,  ) be a topological space. Let
B( ) be the associated Borel  -algebra. Let n nN be closed subset in X . Then show
that C1 /( 2 m1) , (2  m  ) is B ( ) -measurable.
Proof: We know C1 /( 2 m1)    , (2  m  ).
n Since n nN is closed set in X ,

C1 /( 2 m1) is closed set in X . Then X \ C1 /( 2 m1) is open set.

By the definition of Borel  -algebra, X \ C1 /( 2 m1)  B ( ).
This implies that X \ ( X \ C1 /( 2 m1) )  C1 /( 2 m1)  B ( ), by Axioms (A2) for  -algebra.

Lebesgue Measure of Generalized Cantor Set
Thus C1 /( 2 m1) , (2  m  ) is B ( ) -measurable.

Theorem 4.4. If  (C1/( 2 m1) )  lim  (n )  0, then C1/( 2 m1) , (2  m  ) has
n 
Lebesgue measure zero.
Proof: We know C1 /( 2 m1)    , (2  m  ), where

1 2 3 (2m  1) n  1
n  [0, ]  [ , ]    [ , 1], (n  1).
(2m  1) n (2m  1) n (2m  1) n (2m  1) n
Now  (C1 /( 2 m1) )  lim  (n )
n 

1 2 3
 lim  ([0, ][ , ] 
n  (2m  1) n
(2m  1) (2m  1) n

(2m  1) n  3 (2m  1) n  2 (2m  1) n  1

[ , ]  [ , 1])
(2m  1) n (2m  1) n (2m  1) n
1 2 3
 lim[([0, ])   ([ , ])  
n  (2m  1) n
(2m  1) (2m  1) n

(2m  1) n  3 (2m  1) n  2 (2m  1) n  1

  ([ , ])   ([ , 1])]
(2m  1) n (2m  1) n (2m  1) n
1 3 2
 lim[   
n  ( 2m  1) n
(2m  1) n
(2m  1) n
(2m  1) n  2 (2m  1) n  3 (2m  1) n  1
   1  ]0
(2m  1) n (2m  1) n (2m  1) n
Therefore,  (c1 / 2 m1 )  0. Hence C1 / 2 m1 , (2  m  ) has Lebesgue measure zero.

Alternative method:
Theorem 4.5. The generalized Cantor set C1 /( 2 m1) , (2  m  ) is measurable and has
Lebesgue measure zero.
Proof: We know C1 /( 2 m1)    , (2  m  ), where

1 2 3 (2m  1) n  1
n  [0, ]  [ , ]    [ , 1], (n  1).
(2m  1) n (2m  1) n (2m  1) n (2m  1) n
By Lemma 4.1, C1 /( 2 m1) is a Borel set as well as measurable set. From the construction
of C1 /( 2 m1) , (2  m  ), we remove (m  1).m n1 disjoint intervals from each previous
segments and each having length 1 /(2m  1) n , where n  1.
Thus we will remove a total length

Md. Jahurul Islam and Md. Shahidul Islam

1 m 1 
 (m  1).m n1.
n 1 ( 2 m  1) n

2 m  1

n 1
(m /( 2m  1)) n1

m 1 
m 1  1 
 
2m  1 n  0
(m /(2m  1)) n  
2m  1  1  m /(2m  1) 
  1.

Therefore, C1 /( 2 m1) is obtained by removing a total length 1 from the unit interval [0, 1].
Thus  ( I \ C1 /( 2 m1) )  1. Since  ( I )   (C1 /( 2 m1) )   ( I \ C1 /( 2 m1) ), then  (C1 /( 2 m1) )  0.
Thus C1 /( 2 m1) , (2  m  ) has Lebesgue measure zero.
Hence C1 /( 2 m1) , (2  m  ) is measurable and has Lebesgue measure zero.

Proposition 4.6. Let (n ) be an infinite decreasing sequence of each measurable sets
C1 /( 2 m1) , that is, a sequence with n1  n for each n, and  (1 ) be finite. Then
 

   i   lim  (n ) for C1/( 2 m1) , where 2  m  .
 i 1  n 

Proof: Since (n ) nN is an infinite decreasing sequence of each measurable set C1 /( 2 m1) ,

C1 /( 2 m1)   i , where 2  m  . Let  i  i ~ i 1 .
i 1

Then 1 ~ C1 /( 2 m1)   i and the sets  i are pair wise disjoint.
i 1

   
  (1 ~ C1 /( 2 m1) )      i     ( i )    (i ~ i 1 ) (1)
 i 1  i 1 i 1

But we know  (1 )   (C1 /( 2 m1) )   (1 ~ C1 /( 2 m1) ), since C1 /( 2 m1)  1

and  (i )   (i 1 )   (i ~ i 1 ), since i 1  i . Since  (i )   (1 )  ,
we have  (1 ~ C1 /( 2 m1) )   (1 )   (C1 /( 2 m1) ),  (i ~ i 1 )   (i )   (i 1 )

From (1), we have  (1 )   (C1 /( 2 m1) )   ( ( )   (
i 1
i i 1 ))
n 1
 (1 )   (C1 /( 2 m1) )  lim  ( (i )   (i 1 ))   (1 )  lim  (n )
n  n 
i 1

Since  (1 )  , we have  (C1 /( 2 m1) )  lim  (n ).

n 

Hence  (C1 /( 2 m1) )  lim  (n ) for C1 /( 2 m1) , where 2  m  .

n 

Alternative method:
Proposition 4.7. If X  [0, 1] is a closed and  is a collection of subsets of X , then
( X , ) is a measurable space. If i  ,  (1 )   and i 1  i , then

Lebesgue Measure of Generalized Cantor Set
 

   i   lim  (n ) for C1/( 2 m1) , where 2  m  .
 i 1  n 

 
Proof: Since C1 /( 2 m1)   i , then 1  C1/( 2m1)   (i ~ i1 ), and this is a disjoint
i 1 i 1

union. Hence  (1 )   (C1 /( 2 m1) )    (
i 1
i ~ i 1 ) (2)

Since i  i 1  (i ~ i 1 ) is a disjoint union,

we have  (i ~ i 1 )   (i )   (i 1 ).
Now from (2) we have
 n 1
 (1 )   (C1 /( 2 m1) )   (  (i )   (i 1 ))   (C1 /( 2 m1) )  lim  (  (i )   (i 1 ))
n 
i 1 i 1 He
  (C1 /( 2 m1) )   (1 )  lim  (n )
n 

nce  (C1 /( 2 m1) )  lim  (n ) for C1 /( 2 m1) , where 2  m  .

n 

5. Concluding remarks
We have shown that generalized Cantor set is measurable set, Borel set as well as Borel
measurable whose Lebesgue measure is zero. Also we have proved several interesting
lemma, theorems and propositions relating to generalized Cantor set. These results may
be extended to Metric space, Banach space and Hilbert space.
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