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ICO Residency-Curriculum PDF

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ICO Residency Curriculum

2nd Edition and

Updated Community Eye Health Section

The International Council of Ophthalmology (ICO) Residency Curriculum offers an international

consensus on what residents in ophthalmology should be taught. While the ICO curriculum
provides a standardized content outline for ophthalmic training, it has been designed to be
revised and modified, with the precise local detail for implementation left to the region’s

Download the Curriculum from the ICO website: icoph.org/curricula.html.

Copyright © International Council of Ophthalmology 2016. Adapt and translate
this document for your noncommercial needs, but please include ICO credit. All
rights reserved. First edition 201​6​.

First edition 2006, second edition 2012, Community Eye Health Section
updated 2016.
International Council of Ophthalmology
Residency Curriculum
“Teaching  the  Teachers”
The International Council of Ophthalmology (ICO) is committed to leading efforts to improve
ophthalmic education to meet the growing need for eye care worldwide.

To enhance educational programs and ensure best practices are available, the ICO focuses on
"Teaching the Teachers," and offers curricula, conferences, courses, and resources to those
involved in ophthalmic education. By providing ophthalmic educators with the tools to become
better teachers, we will have better-trained ophthalmologists and professionals throughout the
world, with the ultimate result being better patient care.

Launched  in  2012,  the  ICO’s  Center  for  Ophthalmic  Educators,  educators.icoph.org, offers a
broad array of educational tools, resources, and guidelines for teachers of residents, medical
students, subspecialty fellows, practicing ophthalmologists, and allied eye care personnel.

The Center enables resources to be sorted by intended audience and guides ophthalmology
teachers in the construction of web-based courses, development and use of assessment tools, and
applying evidence-based strategies for enhancing adult learning. The interactive feature,
“Connections,”  is  the  Center’s  dynamic  focal  point,  where  ophthalmic  educators  can  share  ideas  
and collaborate with peers.

The  Center  builds  on  the  ICO’s  original  interactive  online  educational  presence:  World  
Ophthalmology Residency Development (WORD), which was developed in 2008 by Eduardo
Mayorga, MD, ICO Director for E-Learning, and Gabriela Palis, MD, Editor-in-Chief, Center for
Ophthalmic Educators.

ICO Residency Curriculum

The ICO Residency Curriculum is one of the many vital online resources available at the Center
for Ophthalmic Educators. Originally published in the journal Klinische Monätsblatter für
Augenheilkunde in 2006, the ICO Residency Curriculum recently underwent a thorough revision
under the leadership of Andrew G. Lee, MD, Chair. The updated Residency Curriculum offers an
international consensus on what residents in ophthalmology should be taught. Sixteen global
committees, divided by subspecialty and guided by individual subspecialty chairs, updated the
existing guidelines and references, reinforcing essential cognitive and technical ophthalmic

Changes include the addition of a new section, Community Eye Health. Refractive Surgery,
previously a subset of Cornea, External Diseases, and Refractive Surgery, is now a stand-alone
section. Like the 2006 curriculum, which outlined a broad-based  curriculum,  the  learners’  
experience and expertise is stratified at Basic, Standard, and Advanced levels of ophthalmic
training;;  but  a  new  fourth  level,  “Very  Advanced,”  corresponding  to  a  “subspecialist”  or  
“fellow”  level  of  training,  has  been  added.  Within  each  training  level  “Must  Know”  items  are  
identified by two asterisks (**). These levels of standardization act as a foundation for
developing clear and defined milestones and provide benchmarks to gauge progress and
performance. (For a more detailed description of ICO Residency Curriculum revisions, please
see the Information for Educators.)

The 2006 curriculum was developed following thorough collection and analysis of
ophthalmology residency and training programs worldwide. At that time, the ICO deliberately
shifted from  an  “Apprenticeship  System”  format,  where  content  might  be  contingent  on  the  bias  
of trainers, to a curriculum-based system, providing an educational framework where goals,
expectations, knowledge base, competencies, and technical training are carefully defined to
initiate the training process.

Customizable Curriculum
By  being  delivered  online,  the  ICO  Residency  Curriculum  is  a  “living  document,”  which  allows  
for adaptation and translatability. While the ICO curriculum provides a standardized content
outline for ophthalmic training, it has been designed to be revised and modified, with the precise
local  detail  for  implementation  left  to  the  region’s  educators.  

Adaptability is important because causes of blindness and reduced vision differ widely, and
curricular components essential in one geographical locale may be less important in other
regions. Similarly, economic and social developments vary globally, and treatments and
techniques considered indispensable for one region might be unattainable or unimportant for
others. Standards may need to be modified according to local priorities, goals, needs, culture,
governmental policies, social systems, financial constraints, varying use of allied care personnel,
and differing tangible resources.

The  ICO’s  goal is to create a curriculum of enduring value for widely different regions
regardless of nationality, culture, medical market maturity or socioeconomic status.

Future Curricula Plans

The  ICO  plans  to  use  the  addition  of  the  “Very  Advanced”  level  of  training as a basis to next
define curricula for the ophthalmologic subspecialties.

Other ICO Educational Programs

The ICO acts to support ophthalmic education, advocate quality eye care, and advance scientific
ophthalmology through support of ICO programs, which include:

 World Ophthalmology Congress (WOC). First held in Brussels in 1857, the WOC is
the longest continuing international meeting in all of medicine
 World Ophthalmology Education Colloquium. Started in 2008, this series of six
symposia and keynote talks held during the WOC engages educators in redefining the
most effective ways to teach.
 ICO International Examinations for Ophthalmologists. The ICO Examinations
promote the excellence of eye care worldwide by encouraging individuals to acquire and
maintain the highest standard of practice of ophthalmology and are the only worldwide
medical specialty examinations
 ICO International Fellowships and Helmerich Fellowships. The ICO offers
International Fellowships in duration of three months and one year. The International
Fellowships were established to help young ophthalmologists from developing nations
improve their practical skills and broaden their perspectives of ophthalmology. The
Helmerich one-year fellowships offer advanced subspecialty training to ophthalmologists
to help transmit new knowledge to the home country.
 Education Committees and Task Forces. The ICO has multinational committees and
task forces focused on defining, disseminating and implementing curricula and guidelines
involving educational programs for medical student education, residency training,
directors of residency education, allied health personnel education, continuing medical
education, subspecialty education, and emerging technologies for innovative ophthalmic
 Program Directors and Trainers Courses. The ICO sponsors courses on a local level
that provide trainers with good practices from existing teaching models by sharing and
modifying existing teaching tools and curricula materials.
 Regional Conferences for Ophthalmic Educators. The ICO organizes conferences for
ophthalmic educators in collaboration with supranational and national societies. The
Conferences cover modern educational theory, methods, and tools with interactive
workshops and discussion groups.

Detailed  information  about  these  and  other  ICO  educational  programs  are  available  on  the  ICO’s  
website: www.icoph.or or at: http://icoph.org/refocusing_education.html.

In Appreciation
The ICO gratefully acknowledges the efforts of the many individuals who contributed to the
development of the ICO Residency Curriculum. We thank Andrew G. Lee, MD, for chairing this
undertaking; the chairs and members of the sixteen international committees for their vital
contributions to this work; and the reviewers of the curriculum for their welcome expertise. (To
see a complete list of committee chairs, members, and reviewers, please refer to the Appendix.)

We also recognize and are indebted to the original 2006 International Task Force on Resident
and Specialist Education in Ophthalmology. To see a complete list of 2006 task force members,
please go to: http://icocurriculum.blogspot.com/2011/09/acknowledgement-of-contributions-

Finally, we would like to acknowledge the editorial efforts of the following individuals in
making this work possible:

 Kathleen Miller, ICO Executive Director

 Christine Graham, ICO Education Coordinator
 Tina-Marie Gauthier, Medical Editor

Bruce Spivey, ICO President
Mark O.M. Tso, MD, DSc, ICO Director for Education, 2000-2012
Information for Educators
A. Purpose
B. Update of ICO Residency Curriculum
C. Subspecialty Sections
D. Definition of an Ophthalmologist
E. Stratification of Levels
F. Prioritization of Content:  “Must  Know”
G. Drafting of Sections and Review Process
H. Customizable Curriculum
I. Future Updates
J. Core Competencies
A. Purpose
The International Council of Ophthalmology (ICO) Residency Curriculum provides essential
intellectual and clinical information (ie, cognitive and technical/surgical skills) that are necessary
for an ophthalmologist. The curriculum is a content outline for a fund of knowledge. It is not
designed to be all-inclusive but rather a guideline for the training of ophthalmic specialists.

The ICO recognizes that not all techniques of diagnosis and therapy presented in the curriculum
are universally available, but they should serve as aspirational guidelines towards achieving
modern methods of diagnosis and care of common eye problems.

As  an  international  body,  the  ICO’s  intent  is  to  provide  content  useful  for  ophthalmology  
residents, fellows, and subspecialty experts working anywhere in the world. While the Residency
Curriculum provides a standardized content outline for ophthalmic training, by being delivered
online,  it  becomes  a  “living  document,”  a  customizable  curriculum  allowing  for  adaptation  and  
translatability  with  the  precise  local  detail  for  implementation  left  to  each  region’s  educators.  
Educators are encouraged to modify and apply the content as deemed appropriate to meet local,
regional, and national priorities.

The Residency Curriculum is available for download from the ICO at:
http://icoph.org/refocusing_education/curricula.html. We hope you will enjoy reading, and more
importantly, using, the curriculum in your teaching and assessing of ophthalmic knowledge and
skills. Online comments and recommendations for future updates are actively encouraged and
solicited through: http://icocurriculum.blogspot.com.

We thank the subspecialty committee chairs and members for their focused effort, and we also
thank ophthalmic educators and leaders for their prior and anticipated contributions to the ICO
Residency Curriculum, which ideally will serve to improve ophthalmic education worldwide.

Andrew G. Lee, MD
Chair, Residency Curriculum
Email: aglee@tmhs.org
B. Update of ICO Residency Curriculum
The  Residency  Curriculum  was  initially  published  in  2006,  under  the  title  “Principles  and  
Guidelines  of  a  Curriculum  for  Education  of  the  Ophthalmic  Specialist.”  The  updated  Residency  
Curriculum includes the modifications:

 All sections and references from the 2006 curriculum have been updated.
 Community Eye Health has been added as a new section.
 Optics and Refraction, previously listed as two separate sections, have been combined
into one section.
 Refractive Surgery, previously a subset of Cornea, External Diseases, and Refractive
Surgery, is now a stand-alone section.
 Uveitis is now called Uveitis and Ocular Inflammation.
 Ophthalmic Practice and Ethics is now called Ethics and Professionalism in
 The  term  “Task  Force”  has  been  replaced  with  the  term  “Committee.”
 The Preface is now called Introduction.
 The Preamble is now called Information for Educators.

 The updated Residency Curriculum builds upon the Basic, Standard, and Advanced
levels  of  training  by  incorporating  a  new  fourth  level,  “Very  Advanced,”  which  
corresponds  to  a  “subspecialist”  or  “fellowship”  level  of  training.
 The terms post-graduate year (PGY) 2, 3, and 4 have been replaced with Year 1, Year
2, and Year 3 respectively.

Must Know
 The updated Residency Curriculum prioritizes and identifies cognitive and technical
skills  the  learner  “Must  Know”  at  each  level.  Within  each  section  “Must  Know”  
content is identified by two asterisks (**).

C. Subspecialty Sections
The Residency Curriculum consists of the following subspecialty sections:

I. Optics and Refraction

II. Cataract and Lens
III. Contact Lenses
IV. Cornea and External Diseases
V. Refractive Surgery
VI. Glaucoma
VII. Neuro-Ophthalmology
VIII. Ophthalmic Pathology
IX. Oculoplastic Surgery and Orbit
X. Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus
XI. Vitreoretinal Diseases
XII. Uveitis and Ocular Inflammation
XIII. Ocular Oncology
IV. Low Vision Rehabilitation
XV. Ethics and Professionalism in Ophthalmology
XVI. Community Eye Health
XVII. Appendix
 Chair, Section Chairs, and Committee Members
 Section Reviewers
 References

D. Definition of an Ophthalmologist
An ophthalmologist is a doctor of medicine or doctor of osteopathy (DO, MD, or equivalent
degree) who specializes in the eye and visual system. As a licensed medical doctor, the
ophthalmologist's ethical and legal responsibilities include the care of individuals and
populations suffering from diseases of the eye and visual system.

Specialist training is designed to provide a structured learning program facilitating the

acquisition of core competencies as well as specialized cognitive and technical skills at a level
appropriate for an ophthalmic specialist who has been fully prepared to begin their career as an
independent consultant in ophthalmology.

E. Stratification of Levels
 Basic Level Goals = Year 1
 Standard Level Goals = Year 2
 Advanced Level Goals = Year 3
 Very Advanced Level Goals = Subspecialist

The curriculum is intended to be adaptable and flexible, depending upon the needs of the region.
While stratifying the curricula by level (ie, Basic, Standard, Advanced, and Very Advanced) is
somewhat artificial, it defines clear milestones for learners to progress up the ladder of expertise

Differentiating various proficiency levels allows local customization of expectation based upon
local resources, ability, and geography. For example, in some locations clinical needs are urgent,
and marked abbreviations of the training program will be necessary to provide the region with
sufficient numbers of practitioners.

Years 1, 2, 3, and Subspecialist

 Though Years 1, 2, 3, and Subspecialist correspond with Basic, Standard, Advanced,
and Very Advanced Level Goals respectively, the listing of years are for clarification
purposes only and not as a recommendation for duration of training, which is subject
to local requirements and regulations.

Very Advanced: Subspecialist Level of Training

 The Very Advanced level has been included to provide a comparison to the three
other levels of training (ie, Basic, Standard, Advanced).
 The Very Advanced level represents postresidency acquisition of additional skills and
knowledge (eg, fellowship training).
 Individuals who reach the Very Advanced: Subspecialist level of training are
expected to have accomplished the goals of the Basic, Standard, and Advanced levels
of the curriculum.
 The Very Advanced level is NOT meant to be considered part of the residency-
training program but certainly is an aspirational target.

F. Prioritization  of  Content:  “Must  Know”

 The updated Residency Curriculum prioritizes and identifies cognitive and technical
skills  the  learner  “Must  Know”  at  each  level.  “Must  Know”  content  is  identified  by  
two asterisks (**).
 “Must  Know”  is  the  minimum  baseline–the lowest expectation–for all levels and all
guidelines regardless of regional resources; it is not an ideal or aspirational target.
 “Must  Know”  content  is  recommended  by  the  ICO  and  is  defined  as  the  minimum  
competency for a resident at that level.
 This  curriculum  does  not  use  aspirational  targets  such  as  “should  know”  or  “nice  to  
know,”  as  they  are variable based on region and become especially challenging to
define.  While  “should  know”  is  relevant  and  important,  content  defined  as  “should  
know”  might  be  resource  dependent  or  otherwise  have  some  reason  for  not  being  
learned or taught (eg, we do not see that disease in our particular country).

G. Drafting of Sections and Review Process

Drafting of Sections
 Each  committee  (referred  to  by  the  term  “Task  Force”  in  the  2006  curricula)  was  
responsible for updating their section of the curriculum.
 Each committee was asked to identify the cognitive and technical skills in their
subspecialty  section  deemed  “Must  Know,”  which  is  identified  by  two  asterisks  (**)  
within each section.
 Each committee was responsible for developing a fourth level of the curriculum,
“Very  Advanced,”  outlining  specific  cognitive  and  technical  skills  for  the  
“subspecialist.”  The  Very  Advanced  level  allows  direct  comparison  of  residency  (ie,  
Basic, Standard, and Advanced) guidelines and postresidency (ie, Very Advanced)
 Committee members were asked to review relevant content in other curriculum
sections to ensure consistency. If inconsistencies were found, that committee was
asked to communicate with the chair or chairs of the relevant sections in order to
resolve any discrepancies.

Review Process
 Committee members were asked to identify at least five external colleagues to review
their completed draft section.
 Reviewers were selected who were thought to be responsive, proficient in the English
language, and most importantly, representative of the geographic and global coverage
intended for the curriculum development process.
 Reviewers were asked to review the draft sections for accuracy, adaptability, and
regional relevance.
 The document was presented in draft format for comment online January-April 2012
for public comment from ophthalmic educators worldwide.
 After all relevant changes were incorporated, sections were then edited for
consistency and clarity by a medical editor.

Committee Chairs, Members, and Section Reviewers

 For a complete list of committee chairs and members, please see the Appendix.
 For a complete list of reviewers, please see the Appendix.

H. Customizable Curriculum
 The Residency Curriculum is downloadable as a PDF and Word document, as well as
a Google Doc for online access.
 The ICO Residency Curriculum provides a standardized content outline for
ophthalmic  training,  but  by  being  delivered  online,  it  becomes  a  “living  document,”  a  
customizable curriculum allowing for adaptation and translatability with the precise
local  detail  for  implementation  left  to  each  region’s  educators.  
 Educators are encouraged to modify and apply the content as deemed appropriate to
meet local, regional, and national priorities.
 Inclusion of therapies and investigations in the ICO Residency Curriculum does not
imply that listings are all inclusive or that methods are endorsed by the ICO.
Appropriate levels of expertise and knowledge should be achieved based on the care
provided. Practitioners should know of therapies and investigations not available at
their hospital or clinic, so that they can advise patients who may be able to seek care

I. Future Updates
 Ophthalmic curricula worldwide will be improved through the valuable contributions
and involvement of global leaders and educators.
 For consideration towards future updates of the Residency Curriculum, ophthalmic
leaders and educators are invited to provide online comments and recommendations
at icocurriculum.blogspot.com.

J. Core Competencies
Generic core "competencies" are expected of ophthalmic specialists, as promulgated by the
United States Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). There are
worldwide differences in nomenclature for the general competencies, and the United States
version is presented for clarification purposes only. Local customs, practices, resources, and
regulatory environments will dictate the application of these competencies for individual
programs. The ACGME website is www.acgme.org.
Core competencies include:

 Patient Care
 Medical Knowledge
 Practice-based Learning and Improvement
 Communication Skills
 Professionalism
 Systems-based Practice

Ophthalmic specialists are expected to:

Patient Care
 Provide patient care that is compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treatment
of health problems and the promotion of health;
 Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring and respectful behaviors when
interacting with patients and their families, taking into consideration patient age,
gender identification, impairments, ethnic group, and faith community;
 Gather essential and accurate information about patients;
 Make informed decisions about diagnostic and therapeutic interventions, based on
patient information and preferences, up-to-date scientific evidence, and clinical
 Develop and carry out patient management plans;
 Counsel and educate patients and their families;
 Use information technology to support patient-care decisions and patient education;
 Competently perform the medical and invasive procedures considered essential for
the area of practice;
 Provide health care services aimed at preventing health problems or maintaining
health; and
 Work with healthcare professionals, including those from other disciplines, to provide
patient-focused care.

Medical Knowledge
 Demonstrate knowledge about established and evolving biomedical, clinical, and
cognate (eg, epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences and apply this
knowledge to patient care;
 Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic thinking approach to clinical situations;
 Know and apply the basic and clinically supportive sciences, which are appropriate to

Practice-based Learning and Improvement

 Investigate and evaluate patient care practices; appraise and assimilate scientific
evidence; and improve patient care practices;
 Analyze practice experience and perform practice-based improvement activities using
a systematic methodology;
 Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from scientific studies related to patient
health problems;
 Obtain and use information about regional patient population and the larger
population from which patients are drawn;
 Apply knowledge of study designs and statistical methods to the appraisal of clinical
studies and other information on diagnostic and therapeutic effectiveness; and
 Use information technology to manage information, access online medical
information, support ongoing personal professional development; and facilitate the
learning of students and other healthcare professionals.

Communications Skills
 Demonstrate communication skills that result in effective information exchange and
teaming with patients, patient families, and professional associates;
 Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically sound relationship with patients;
 Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide information using effective
nonverbal, explanatory, questioning, and writing skills; and
 Work effectively with others as a member or a leader of a health care team or other
professional group.

 Demonstrate a commitment to carrying out professional responsibilities, adherence to
ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient population;
 Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity;
 Demonstrate a responsiveness to the needs of patients and society that supersedes
self-interest; accountability to patients, society, and the profession; and a commitment
to excellence and on-going professional development;
 Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles pertaining to provision or
withholding of clinical care, confidentiality of patient information, informed consent,
and business practices; and
 Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to patient culture, age, gender
identification, and disabilities.

Systems-based Practice
 Demonstrate an awareness of and responsiveness to the larger context and system of
health care and effectively call on system resources to provide care that is of optimal
 Understand how patient care and other professional practices affect other health care
professionals, the health care organization, and the larger society, and how these
system elements affect their personal ophthalmic practice;
 Know how types of medical practice and delivery systems differ from one another,
including methods of controlling health care costs and allocating resources; and
practice cost-effective health care and resource allocation that do not compromise
quality of care;
 Advocate for high quality patient care and assist patients in dealing with system
complexities; and
 Know how to partner with health care managers and health care providers to assess,
coordinate, and improve health care, and know how these activities can affect system
 Know how to partner with services that can improve quality of life (eg, health,
education, livelihoods, social inclusion) of people with long term visual impairment.

Professional attitudes and conduct require that ophthalmic specialists must also have developed a
style of care that is:

 Humane (eg, compassion in providing bad news, management of the visually

impaired, and recognition of the impact of visual impairment on the patient and
 Reflective (eg, recognition of the limits of knowledge, skills, and understanding);
 Ethical;
Integrative (eg, involvement in an interdisciplinary team for the eye care of children,
patients with long term visual impairment or other disabilities, the systemically ill, the
elderly, and with consideration of gender dimensions); and
 Scientific (eg, critical appraisal of the scientific literature, evidence-based practice,
and use of information technology and statistics).
I. Optics and Refraction
The general educational objectives are to understand the principles, concepts, instruments, and
methods of ophthalmology-related optics and refraction; and to apply these to clinical practice.

Basic Level Goals: Year 1

A. Cognitive Skills
Physical Optics
1. Describe the wave and particle nature of light.
2. Explain the phenomenon of diffraction.
3. Explain the concepts of interference and coherence.
4. Define optical resolution.
5. Explain polarization.
6. Explain light scattering.
7. Define and compare transmission and absorption.
8. Explain photometry.
9. Define illumination.
10. Describe image quality.
11. Differentiate brightness and radiance.
12. Define refractive index.

Geometric Optics
Reflection (Mirrors)
1. List the laws of reflection.
2. Explain images and objects as light sources.
3. Define refractive index.
1. Explain the law of refraction (Snell law), including:
a. Passage of light from one medium to another
b. Absolute index of refraction
c. Total internal reflection
2. Explain critical angle and total internal reflection.
1. Define a prism.**
2. Explain the notation of prisms (eg, prism diopters).**
3. Describe the use of prisms in ophthalmology (ie, diagnostic and therapeutic).**
4. Explain Prentice rule.
5. Describe Fresnel and similar prisms.
6. Explain the concept of thin prisms.
7. Explain the prismatic effect of lenses.**
8. Define spherical decentration and prism power.
Spherical Lenses
1. Define a spherical lens.**
2. Describe the cardinal points.
3. Recite the thin lens and thick lens formulas.
4. Define vergence of light, including diopter, convergence, divergence, and vergence
5. Define the terms concave and convex.**
6. Define the term magnification, including linear, angular, relative size, and electronic.
Astigmatic Lenses
1. Describe cylindrical lenses, including:**
a. Spherocylinder lenses and surfaces**
b. Cross cylinders (eg, Jackson cross cylinder)**
2. Describe toric lenses.

Clinical Optics
1. Define emmetropia.**
2. Define ametropia.**
3. Define myopia.**
4. Define hypermetropia (hyperopia).**
5. Define astigmatism.**
6. Define anisometropia.**
7. Define aniseikonia (including Knapp rule).**
8. Define aphakia. **
9. Explain optical parameters affecting retinal image size.
10. Describe the pupillary response and its effect on the resolution of the optical system
(Stiles-Crawford effect).
11. Define visual acuity, including:**
a. Distance and near acuity measurement
b. Minimal acuity (ie, visible, perceptible, separable, legible)
c. Visual acuity charts
12. Describe higher-order aberrations of the eye.
13. Explain how accommodation is affected by age.**
14. Explain how the pinhole effect impacts visual acuity.**
15. Explain accommodative problems.**
16. Describe convergence or accommodative insufficiency or excess.
17. Define accommodative-convergence over accommodation (AC/A) ratio.
18. Describe the epidemiology of refractive errors, including:**
a. Prevalence
b. Inheritance
c. Changes with age
d. Surgical considerations
19. Describe the potential problems with aphakic spectacles.**
20. Describe the effect of spectacles and contact lens correction on accommodation and
convergence (ie, amplitude, near point, far point).**
21. Explain the principles of contrast sensitivity measurements.
22. Describe the correction of ametropia, including:**
a. General principles**
b. Spectacle lenses**
c. Contact lenses**
d. Intraocular lenses
e. Principles of refractive surgery**

Clinical Refraction
Objective Refraction: Retinoscopy
1. List the principles and indications for retinoscopy.**
Subjective Refraction Techniques**
1. Describe the major types of refractive errors.
2. Describe the indications for and use of trial lenses for simple refractive error.
Cycloplegic Refraction**
1. Describe medication concentrations according to age (eg, cyclopentolate, atropine).

B. Technical/Surgical Skills
Geometric Optics
Reflection (Mirrors)
1. Illustrate reflection at a plane surface (ie, image and field of a plane mirror).**
2. Illustrate reflection at curved surfaces (ie, focal point and focal length of a spherical
3. Demonstrate a multiple lens system.
1. Illustrate refraction at a plane surface.**
2. Illustrate refraction at curved surfaces.**
3. Demonstrate image jump and displacement.
1. Demonstrate the types of prisms (eg, plane, parallel, plate).
2. Illustrate refraction of light through a prism.
Spherical Lenses
1. Draw out the formation of the image.**
2. Demonstrate binocular balancing.
Astigmatic Lenses
1. Demonstrate how the Maddox rod works.**
2. Locate the conoid of Sturm.
Notation of Lenses
1. Design myopic, hyperopic, and astigmatic lenses.**
2. Perform simple transposition.**
3. Perform toric transposition.
4. Calculate a lens prescription.**
Aberration of Lenses
1. Correct aberrations relevant to the eye, including spherical, coma, astigmatism, and
2. Describe color aberrations and perform the duochrome test.

Clinical Optics
1. Illustrate optics of the eye, including the dioptric power of different structures.
2. Draw a schematic eye and reduced eye.
3. Demonstrate contrast sensitivity measurements.
4. Demonstrate the calculation of intraocular lens power.
Clinical Refraction
Objective Refraction: Retinoscopy
1. Perform the technique of retinoscopy.**
2. Perform an integrated refraction based upon retinoscopic results.**
3. Identify media opacities with retinoscopy.
4. Perform cycloplegia.**
5. Prescribe refractive correction based on the obtained objective and subjective
Subjective Refraction Techniques**
1. Perform elementary refraction techniques for myopia, hyperopia, and near-vision add.
2. Perform techniques for the correction for presbyopia (ie, measuring for near adds).

Instruments and Tests

1. Demonstrate the use of the direct ophthalmoscope.**
2. Demonstrate the use of the indirect ophthalmoscope.**
3. Demonstrate the use of the retinoscope.**
4. Demonstrate glare and contrast sensitivity testing.**
5. Demonstrate the use of the automated refractor.
6. Demonstrate measurement of higher-order aberrations.
7. Demonstrate the use of stereoacuity testing.
8. Demonstrate the use of corneal topography (eg, placido disc, keratometer, automated
corneal topography).**
9. Demonstrate the use of the Hess screen or describe its use if not available.
10. Demonstrate the use of the synoptophore.
11. Demonstrate the use of color vision tests (eg, Ishihara color plates; Hardy-Rand-Rittler
test, Farnsworth-Munsell test).

Standard Level Goals: Year 2

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Describe materials index.
2. Describe the principles underlying progressive spectacle lens design.
3. Describe progressive lenses measurements.**
4. Describe spectacles specificities in children.**
1. Describe the technology behind the excimer laser and the femtosecond laser.
2. List different wavelengths used in ophthalmic lasers.
3. Describe indications for refractive surgery.**
Aberrometry Technology
1. Explain the principles underlying Hartmann-Shack aberrometers.
2. Describe the concept of Zernicke polynomials.
Diagnostic Equipment
1. List indications for and the use of intraocular lens (IOL) calculation algorithms.**
2. List indications for the use of corneal pachymetry.**
3. List indications for the use of specular microscopy.**
4. List indications for the use of corneal tomography with anterior segment optical
coherence tomography (OCT).**
5. List indications for the use of topographic/elevation corneal evaluation (ie, Pentacam,
Orbscan II, Galilei).**
6. List indications for the use of accommodometer.
7. List indications for the use of laser interferometry for macular testing.**

1. Describe and prescribe more complex types of refractive errors, including postoperative
refractive errors.
2. Describe the more advanced ophthalmic optics and optical principles of refraction and
retinoscopy (eg, postkeratoplasty, post-cataract extraction).
3. Describe how to test muscle balance.
B. Technical Skills
Aberrometry Technology
1. Estimate the clinical incidence of higher-order aberrations.
Diagnostic Equipment
1. Demonstrate the use of IOL calculation algorithms.
2. Demonstrate the use of corneal pachymetry.
3. Demonstrate the use of specular microscopy.
4. Demonstrate the use of corneal tomography with anterior segment optical coherence
tomography (OCT).
5. Demonstrate the use of topographic/elevation corneal evaluation (ie, Pentacam, Orbscan
II, Galilei).
6. Demonstrate the use of accommodometer.
7. Demonstrate the use of laser interferometry for macular testing.

1. Perform more advanced refraction techniques (eg, astigmatism, complex refractions,
asymmetric accommodative add).
2. Perform objective and subjective refraction techniques for more complex refractive
errors, including astigmatism, irregular astigmatism (eg, keratoconus, keratectasia, post-
corneal graft), and postoperative refractive error.
3. Measure the accommodative power.
4. Demonstrate the measurement of interpupillary distance (IPD).
5. Demonstrate the prescribing of multifocal lenses.
6. Demonstrate the prescribing of lenses for children.

Advanced Level Goals: Year 3

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Describe binocular balance.
2. Describe how to use more advanced techniques using trial lenses or the phoropter for
more complex refractive errors, including modification and refinement of subjective
manifest refractive error and more complex refractive errors (eg, advanced and irregular
astigmatism, vertex distance).
B. Technical Skills
1. Evaluate binocular balance.
2. Demonstrate more advanced techniques using trial lenses or the phoropter for more
complex refractive errors, including modification and refinement of subjective manifest
refractive error and more complex refractive errors (eg, advanced and irregular
astigmatism, vertex distance).

Very Advanced Level Goals: Subspecialist

A. Cognitive Skills
Low Vision Aid Prescribing
1. Describe the principles of low vision aids (eg, magnification, increasing contrast, learning
to use functioning areas of the eye).
2. Describe cases where telescopic aids (eg, Galilean telescope, Keplerian telescop) can be
of use.
B. Technical Skills
Low Vision Aid Prescribing
1. Grade high reading addition.
2. Calculate and prescribe magnifying lenses.
1. Perform objective and subjective refraction techniques in the most complex refractive
error, including astigmatism and postoperative refractive error.
2. Perform the most advanced techniques using trial lenses or the phoropter for more
complex refractive errors, including modification and refinement of subjective manifest
refractive error, cycloplegic retinoscopy and refraction, and post-cycloplegic refraction,
irregular astigmatism, postkeratoplasty, and refractive surgery cases.
3. Use the keratometer for detection of subtle or complex advanced refractive error.
4. Use more advanced refraction instruments and techniques (eg, distometer, automated
refractor, automated corneal topography).
5. Measure and evaluate peripheral refraction and accommodative lag.
6. Calculate and prescribe prisms for diplopia.
7. Demonstrate calculation of IOLs within the normal range of ametropias.
8. Demonstrate calculation of IOLs in children.
9. Demonstrate calculation of IOLs in highly myopic patients.
10. Demonstrate calculation of IOLs for irregular corneas (ie, keratoconus).
11. Demonstrate calculation of IOLs after corneal refractive surgery.
Note: Inclusion of therapies and investigations in the ICO Residency Curriculum does not imply
that listings are all inclusive or that methods are endorsed by the ICO. Appropriate levels of
expertise and knowledge should be achieved based on the care provided. Practitioners should
know of therapies and investigations not available at their hospital or clinic, so that they can
advise patients who may be able to seek care elsewhere.
II. Cataract and Lens

General Educational Objectives

1. Describe the diagnosis, evaluation, and management of intraoperative and postoperative
complications of cataract and intraocular lens (IOL) surgery, including planned
extracapsular extraction (ECCE) and phacoemulsification.**
2. Perform the complete preoperative ophthalmologic examination of cataract patients,
including the consent for the procedure.**
3. Formulate the differential diagnoses for cataract and related lens conditions.**
4. Perform routine and advanced cataract surgery with IOL placement.**
5. Perform the complete postoperative examinations following cataract surgery, including
6. Manage intraoperative and postoperative complications of cataract surgery.**
7. Develop and exercise clinical and ethical decision making in cataract patients.**
8. Develop good patient communication techniques regarding cataract surgery.**
9. Work effectively as a member of the medical care team.**
10. Develop teaching skills about cataract for instructing junior trainees and students.**

Basic Level Goals: Year 1

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Describe the lens anatomy, physiology, and accommodation.**
2. Identify the most common causes and types of cataract (eg, anterior polar, cortical,
nuclear sclerotic, posterior subcapsular, posterior polar, mature lenses such as the
Morgagnian cataract).**
3. Describe the relationship between the lens and systemic disease (eg, diabetes, myotonic
4. List ocular conditions that are associated with cataract (eg, uveitis, Wilson disease, ocular
ischemia, ocular tumors, including treatment for tumors such as radiotherapy).**
5. List systemic and topical medicine that can cause pathologic changes in the lens (eg, oral
and topical corticosteroid use).**
6. List the basic history and examination steps for preoperative cataract and posterior
capsular opacification evaluation.**
7. Identify and describe the principles and mechanisms of the following instruments in the
evaluation of cataract:
a. Lensometer**
b. Autorefractor**
c. Retinoscope**
d. Phoropter or loose lenses**    
e. Keratometer**
f. Slit-lamp biomicroscope**
g. Glare and contrast testing devices**
h. Potential acuity meter **
8. Describe the basics of IOL power estimation, including:
a. Linear regression formulas (eg, Sanders-Retzlaff-Kraff [SRK] and SRKII)**
b. Theoretical eye model prediction formulas (eg, SRKT, Holladay, and Haigis)**
9. Describe the methods to estimate axial eye length, including:
a. Contact ultrasound**
b. Immersion ultrasound**
c. IOLMaster, LENSTAR, or equivalent, even if equipment is unavailable**
10. List the steps of routine intracapsular cataract extraction (ICCE), ECCE, and
11. Define the elementary refraction techniques to obtain best-corrected vision prior to
considering cataract extraction.**
12. Describe the major etiologies of dislocated or subluxated lens (eg, pseudoexfoliation
syndrome, trauma, Marfan syndrome, homocystinuria, Weill-Marchesani syndrome,
13. Describe the following:
a. Basic ophthalmic optics as related to cataract**
b. Types of refractive error in cataract**
c. Retinoscopy techniques for cataract**
d. Subjective refraction techniques for cataract patients**
14. Describe methods to decrease postoperative infection, including presurgical preparation,
intraoperative antibiotics, and postoperative antibiotic techniques.
15. Describe postoperative medications used for cataract surgery, including antibiotics,
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and corticosteroid therapy.
16. Describe the risk factors for intraoperative floppy iris syndrome (IFIS) and intraoperative
techniques to limit the risk of this syndrome (eg, alpha blockers, use of rings, hooks)
17. Describe the special considerations when dealing with a unilateral cataract (trauma,
history of uveitis, history of topical steroid use, past surgeries)
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Perform basic slit-lamp biomicroscopy, retinoscopy, and ophthalmoscopy.**
2. Evaluate and classify common types of lens opacities.**
3. Perform subjective refraction techniques and retinoscopy in patients with cataract.**
4. Perform and document laser capsulotomy on routine cases of posterior capsule
5. Perform direct and indirect ophthalmoscopy prior to and following cataract surgery.**
6. Perform the basic steps of cataract surgery (eg, incision, wound closure) in the practice
lab, if available.**
7. Assist with cataract surgery and perform patient preparation, sterile draping, and
8. Implement the basic preparatory procedures for cataract surgery (eg, obtaining informed
consent, identification of instruments, sterile technique, gloving and gowning, prep and
drape, and other preoperative preparation).**
9. Use the operating microscope for basic cataract surgery.**
10. Perform some of the steps of cataract surgery under direct supervision, including any or
all of the following:
a. Wound construction**
b. Anterior capsulotomy/capsulorhexis**
c. Instillation and removal of viscoelastics**
d. Hydrodissection and hydrodelineation**
e. Extracapsular and phacoemulsification techniques**
f. Irrigation and aspiration**
g. Cortical cleanup**
h. IOL implantation (eg, anterior and posterior) **
i. Removal of viscoelastic**
j. Suturing of the wound**
k. Wound hydration**

Standard Level Goals: Year 2

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Describe the less common causes of lens abnormalities (eg, spherophakia, lenticonus,
ectopia lentis, coloboma).**
2. Describe the preoperative evaluation of the cataract patient, including:
a. Systemic diseases of interest or relevance to cataract surgery**
b. Systemic medication of relevance to cataract surgery (eg, alpha 1 adrenergic blocking
agent, blood thinning agents, corticosteroids)**
c. Relationship of external and corneal diseases of relevance to cataract and cataract
surgery (eg, lid abnormalities, dry eye)**
d. Management of uveitis prior to and following cataract surgery**
e. Management of glaucoma prior to and following cataract surgery, including options
for postoperative intraocular pressure (IOP) control**
3. Describe glare analysis testing for cataract surgery.**
4. Describe the use of A-scan and B-scan contact and immersion ultrasonography and
optical coherence techniques in cataract surgery to measure axial eye length.**
5. Describe the instruments and techniques of cataract extraction, including extracapsular
surgery and phacoemulsification.**
6. Describe the important parameters of the phacoemulsification machine and how to alter
them for particular conditions of surgery.**
7. Describe the types, indications, and techniques of anesthesia for cataract surgery (eg,
topical,** local,** general).
8. Describe indications, techniques, and complications of surgical procedures, including:
ECCE, ICCE, phacoemulsification, paracentesis, and IOL placement.**
9. Describe the pathogenesis and strategies for prevention of posterior capsular
10. Describe history and techniques of basic IOL implantation.
11. Correlate the level of visual acuity with the lens or capsular opacities.**
12. Describe the pathogenesis, clinical presentation, differential diagnosis, evaluation,
clinical course, treatment, and outcome of the common complications of cataract and
anterior segment surgery (eg, intraoperative floppy iris syndrome, corneal edema, IOP
elevation, hyphema, endophthalmitis, toxic anterior segment syndrome (TASS), cystoid
macular edema (CME), retinal detachment, IOL dislocation, lens-induced glaucoma,
13. Describe the indications for, principles of, and techniques of yttrium aluminium garnet
(YAG) laser capsulotomy, and understand the proper timing of YAG laser
14. Describe advanced IOL power calculation (eg, after radial keratotomy [RK], myopic
laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis [LASIK]/photorefractive keratectomy [PRK],
hyperopic LASIK/PRK).**
15. Describe the properties of different ophthalmic viscoelastic devices (OVDs) (eg,
dispersive, cohesive, adaptive) and the advantages and disadvantages for certain phases
of surgery.**
16. Describe the fluid dynamics in phacoemulsification, including the difference between
peristaltic and venture pump types.**
17. Recognize and treat common postoperative complications of cataract surgery (eg,
endophthalmitis, toxic anterior segment syndrome, elevated IOP, CME, wound leak,
uveitis, capsular block syndrome).**
18. Define the more complex indications for cataract surgery (eg, better view of posterior
segment, lens-induced glaucoma).**
19. Describe the techniques to manage a small pupil, including mechanical manipulation,
management of iris membrane, iris hooks, viscoelastic, and phaco techniques.
20. Describe techniques to diagnose and operate on patients with posterior polar cataract.
21 Describe the preoperative preparations for surgery and special intraoperative
considerations for patients with uveitis.
22. Describe techniques for prevention of capsular opacification and phimosis (before,
during, after surgery), including the use of capsular tension rings and IOL factors.
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Perform local injections of corticosteroids, antibiotics, and anesthetics, including
retrobulbar and subtenons.**
2. Perform extracapsular surgery in a practice setting (eg, animal or practice lab).**
3. Practice surgery in the operating room under supervision, including mastery of the
following skills:
a. Wound construction**
b. Anterior capsulotomy/capsulorhexis**
c. Instillation and removal of viscoelastics**
d. Hydrodissection and hydrodelineation**
e. Extracapsular technique**
f. Beginning phacoemulsification techniques (eg, sculpting, divide and conquer, phaco
g. Irrigation and aspiration**
h. Cortical cleanup**
i. IOL implantation (eg, anterior and posterior, special IOLs)**
j. Wound suturing**
k. Wound hydration**
4. Perform paracentesis of the anterior chamber.**
5. Implement advanced applications of viscoelastics in surgery (eg, control of iris prolapse,
elevation of dropped nucleus, viscodissection, aspiration of residual/retained viscoelastic,
soft shell technique).**

Advanced Level Goals: Year 3

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Describe the principles, indications for, mechanics of, and performance of contact and
immersion A-scan ultrasonography and calculation of IOL power.**
2. Describe the performance of and describe the complications of more advanced anterior
segment surgery (eg, pseudoexfoliation, small pupils, intraoperative floppy iris
syndrome, mature cataract, hard nucleus, posttraumatic, zonular dehiscence, cataract
surgery after pars plana vitrectomy, short eye, corneal endothelial diseases).
3. Describe the use of special devices for cataract surgery in complex situations such as
specialized IOLs, capsular tension rings and segments, iris hooks, Malyugin ring, use of
indocyanine green/trypan blue staining of the anterior capsule.
4. Describe IOL fixation options in the lack of capsular support for in the bag fixation
(anterior chamber [AC] IOL, sulcus fixation +/- optic capture, iris fixation, scleral
5. Describe the indications for, techniques of, and complications of cataract extraction in the
context of the subspecialty disciplines of the following:
a. Glaucoma (eg, combined cataract and glaucoma procedures, glaucoma in cataractous
eyes, cataract surgery in patients with prior glaucoma surgery)**
b. Retina (eg, cataract surgery in patients with scleral buckles or prior vitrectomy)**
c. Cornea (eg, cataract extraction in patients with corneal opacities)** and the use of
fiber optic for better visualization
d. Ophthalmic plastic surgery (eg, ptosis following cataract surgery)**
e. Refractive surgery (eg, cataract surgery in eyes that have undergone refractive
6. Independently evaluate and establish a management plan for complications of cataract
and IOL implant surgery (eg, posterior capsular tears, vitreous prolapse, intravitreal
dislocation of cataractous fragments, corneal wound burn, expulsive hemorrhage,
choroidal effusions, damage to the iris tissue).**
7. List indications for and techniques of intracapsular surgery (eg, rare cases may require
this procedure, or patients may have had the procedure performed previously).**
8. Describe instrumentation and techniques used to implant foldable and nonfoldable
9. Describe the evaluation and management of common and uncommon causes of
postoperative endophthalmitis and TASS.**
10. Describe the causes and indication for performing, repositioning, removal, or exchange of
12. Describe the government and hospital regulations that apply to cataract surgery.
13. Describe the indication and option for astigmatism management during cataract surgery
(eg, on axis incision, limbal relaxing incisions [LRI], opposite clear corneal incision
[OCCI], toric IOL).
14. Describe the use of corneal topography and wavefront analysis to help select the best type
of IOL for a patient especially following keratorefractive surgery.
15. Describe the option for presbyopic correction solutions during cataract surgery (eg,
monovision. multifocal IOLs, accommodative IOLs, dual optic IOLs).
16. Describe the mechanisms of actions, indications, contraindications, advantages, and
disadvantages of premium IOLs (eg, multifocal, accommodative, toric, aspheric, blue
blocker, intraocular miniature telescope).
17. Describe evaluation and management of IOL complications (eg, intraoperative damage to
IOL, postoperative IOL opacification, dislocation, sublocation).**
18. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the materials used for IOL fabrication (eg,
poly-methylmethacrylate [PMMA], silicone, hydrophobic acrylic, hydrophilic acrylic).
19. Describe lens/IOL surgery solutions for myopia and hyperopia (eg, refractive lens
exchange, phakic IOLs).
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Assist in the teaching and supervision of basic and standard level learners.
2. Perform phacoemulsification in a practice setting (eg, animal or practice lab) and then in
the operating room, ideally 50-100 cases of a combination of phacoemulsification and
ECCE, including mastery of the following skills:
a. Wound construction
b. Anterior capsulotomy/capsulorhexis
c. Viscoelastics
d. Intracapsular, extracapsular, and phacoemulsification techniques (eg, sculpting,
divide and conquer, stop and chop, phaco chop)
e. Instrumentation and techniques of irrigation and aspiration
f. IOL implantation (eg, anterior and posterior, foldable and nonfoldable)
g. IOL repositioning, removal, or exchange
3. Perform intraoperative and postoperative management of any event that may occur
during or as a result of cataract surgery, including:
a. Vitreous loss
b. Capsular rupture
c. Anterior or posterior segment bleeding
d. Positive posterior pressure
e. Choroidal detachments
f. Expulsive hemorrhage
g. Loss of anesthesia
h. Elevated intraocular pressure
i. Use of topical and systemic medications
j. Astigmatism
k. Postoperative refraction (simple and complex)
l. Corneal edema
m. Wound dehiscence
n. Hyphema
o. Residual cortex
p. Dropped nucleus
q. Uveitis
r. CME
s. Elevated intraocular pressure and glaucoma
t. Postoperative early and late intraocular infection
u. Corneal burn
v. Intraoperative floppy iris syndrome

Very Advanced Level: Subspecialist

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Describe the issues of pediatric cataract surgery. including the indications for surgery
(posterior capsulotomy +/- anterior vitrectomy), IOL implantation, unilateral and bilateral
congenital cataract, and IOL calculation in young children.
2. Describe the management of cataract associated with aniridia.
3. Describe the treatment options for "dropped IOL" and indications for referral to a
vitreoretinal surgeon.
4. Describe the advantages and strategies for advanced phacoemulsification techniques such
as torsional or transversal ultrasound, small incision and microincision cataract surgery
(MICS), biaxial MICS cataract surgery.
5. Describe the parameters, power, and fluidics in MICS.
6. List the indications for triple procedures or combined surgeries (eg, phaco plus
trabeculectomy, keratoplasty, silicone-oil removal).
7. List the Indications for "premium" IOLs (eg, multifocal, accommodating, toric).
8. Describe the surgical difficulties of hypermature (Morgagnian) cataract.
9. Describe the treatment options for eyes with shallow anterior chamber and cataract
including high-degree hyperopic eyes and piggyback IOL implantation.
10. Describe the treatment of cataract in patients with an intraocular tumor (eg, melanoma,
11. Describe the methods to determine typical surgically induced astigmatism and surgeon
specific A-constant.
12. Describe the etiology and management of unexpected postoperative refractive errors,
including hyperopic and myopic shifts (eg, capsular phimosis, capsular block, upside
down IOL).
13. Describe the management strategies to reposition of decentered, tilted, subluxated, and
dislocated IOLs.
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Perform surgery on congenital cataract, including IOL power calculation.
2. Perform and teach small incision and MICS, torsional, or transversal ultrasound.
3. Perform and teach triple procedures or combined surgeries (eg, phaco and
trabeculectomy, keratoplasty, silicone-oil removal).
4. Implant "premium" IOLs (eg, multifocal, accommodating, toric) and counsel patients
preoperatively and postoperatively.
5. Perform surgery on patients with complex lens issues, including:
a. Aniridia, iris coloboma, iris dialysis
b. Hypermature (Morgagnian) cataract
c. Eyes with shallow anterior chamber
d. High-degree myopic eyes
6. Perform reposition of malpositioned IOLs and late subluxation of IOL/capsule.

Note: Inclusion of therapies and investigations in the ICO Residency Curriculum does not imply
that listings are all inclusive or that methods are endorsed by the ICO. Appropriate levels of
expertise and knowledge should be achieved based on the care provided. Practitioners should
know of therapies and investigations not available at their hospital or clinic, so that they can
advise patients who may be able to seek care elsewhere.
III. Contact Lenses

Basic Level Goals: Year 1

A. Cognitive Skills
1. List advantages and disadvantages of contact lens (CL) wear.**
2. List indications and contraindications for CL wear.**
3. List medical indications for CL wear.**
4. Describe a systematic and comprehensive ophthalmic examination oriented for CL
fitting, including complex and challenging cases.**
5. Describe the various CL indications and options for each contact lens type (eg, soft CL
[SCL], rigid gas permeable [RGP] CL, toric CL, multifocal CL, scleral CL).**
6. Describe how to decide which CL categories (eg, SCL, RGP CL, hybrid CL, and
subgroups within each category (eg, sphere, toric, bifocal, frequent planned replacement)
are best suited for a particular patient.**
7. Describe how to convey the basic CL parameters for SCL and RGP CL:**
a. Base curve**
b. Diameter refractive power**
c. Lens materials**
i. Center thickness**
ii. Peripheral curvature**
8. Explain the concept and clinical relevance of oxygen permeability (Dk) and oxygen
transmissibility (Dk/center thickness).**
9. Describe various materials used in the manufacture of CL.
10. Explain the optics of SCL and RGP CL:**
a. Base curve changes**
b. Lacrimal lens**
c. Vertex distance**
d. Optic zone.**
11. Recognize the importance of obtaining central keratometry in CL fitting of patients
without complex needs, and explain the conversion between radians and diopters.**
12. Identify different methods of obtaining central keratometry readings (eg, manual
keratometry, computerized corneal topography).
13. Explain the importance of using diagnostic staining agents (eg, fluorescein, lissamine
green, rose bengal) to assess corneal and conjunctival staining patterns.**
14. Describe basic tests to assess the tear film properties (eg, Schirmer test, tear break-up
time, phenol red thread tear test, meibomian gland assessment).**
15. Describe conversion of a spectacle prescription (Rx) to a CL Rx, including method of
converting from plus to minus cylinder and vertex distance calculations.**
16. Describe basic steps for SCL fitting.**
17. Identify the main characteristics to be present in a CL prescription (eye designation,
brand identification, base curve, diameter, and refractive power).**
18. Describe CL care guidelines to be given to the patient related to insertion, removal, and
disinfection of CL.**
19. Describe risk factors for CL-related complications (eg, overnight wear, nonpreserved
saline solution usage).**
20. Describe treatment of CL-related complications (eg, tight lens syndrome, overwear
syndrome, giant papillary conjunctivitis, infectious keratitis).**
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Perform a basic CL history.**
2. Perform all the steps of a basic clinical examination oriented for CL fitting (ie, refraction,
keratometry, visual acuity assessment).**
3. Perform a routine comprehensive slit-lamp examination of the anterior segment as
applied to CL fitting.**
4. Perform tear film assessment required for CL patients.**
5. Perform the techniques of retinoscopy, refraction, and over-refraction in the routine CL
6. Perform central keratometry.**
7. Discuss with the patient the most appropriate choice for their particular clinical case.**
8. Perform initial SCL fitting, evaluation of fit (loose CL versus tight CL), and over-
9. Insert and remove a trial SCL.**
10. Instruct patients regarding safe CL insertion and removal, CL wearing schedule, lens care
regimens, CL disinfection care, indications, contraindications, and possible
11. Work effectively within a medical care team.**

Standard Level Goals: Year 2

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Explain applied anatomy and physiology (eg, corneal metabolism and temperature,
oxygen consumption, stromal acidosis, tear osmolarity, tissue fragility, cell apoptosis,
corneal sensitivity, closed eyelid-related ocular surface repercussions).**
2. Recognize signs and symptoms of CL intolerance and overwear.**
3. Explain the importance of assessing tear film and ocular surface condition with more
complex auxiliary tests in certain CL fitting situations (eg, tear film osmolarity and
biochemical composition, impression cytology).
4. Identify CL fitting situations requiring corneal topography (eg, computerized/Placido
5. Explain the rationale underlying different topography profiles and how these relate to the
manifest refraction.**
6. Summarize and analyze topography maps.
7. Explain physical properties of CL materials:
a. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) classification
8. Explain advantages and disadvantages of SCL materials.**
9. Explain advantages and disadvantages of RGP CL materials.**
10. Explain RGP/SCL geometry relation with corneal geometry (ie, lacrimal meniscus,
refraction, and ocular surface implications).**
11. Explain main principles to fit RGP CL (eg, first trial CL choice, fluorescein patterns,
alignment, movement, wearing and replacement schedule, fitting motivation, and follow
12. Explain main principles to fit toric SCL:**
a. Stabilization**
i. LARS rule (ie, Left Add, Right Subtract)
ii. Movement
iii. Rotation
iv. Possible refitting needs
13. Appraise clinical situations best suited for RGP CL fitting versus toric SCL fitting.**
14. Explain when CL refitting is indicated and perform refitting when needed.**
15. Recognize signs and symptoms of a tight, optimal, and loose CL fitting.**
16. Explain advantages and disadvantages of different wearing schedules (eg, conventional,
frequent planned replacement, flexible, daily).**
17. Describe ocular impact and physiological needs regarding different CL wearing
18. Identify and describe CL requirements for materials needed for extended/flexible CL
19. Explain patient and CL selection and fitting techniques as applied to fit presbyopia.**
20. Explain how to keep a CL fitting trial set (ie, CL, equipment, and disinfection care).**
21. Describe and evaluate different CL care systems.
22. Explain the clinical importance of CL environment (ie, CL patient surrounding, ocular
surface, and storage case).**
B. Technical Skills
1. Perform a CL history in patients requiring more complex CL fitting (eg, subclinical
ectatic corneal disorders such as keratoconus and pellucid marginal degeneration, regular
moderate astigmatism, presbyopia, ocular surface disease, and post-refractive surgery).**
2. Perform a clinical examination, including retinoscopy and refraction techniques to verify
and inspect CL in patients requiring more complex CL fitting (eg, subclinical ectatic
corneal disorders such as keratoconus and pellucid marginal degeneration, regular
moderate astigmatism, presbyopia, ocular surface disease, and post-refractive surgery).**
3. Indicate more complex additional auxiliary tests (eg, computer-based corneal topography,
tear film osmolarity, impression cytology) in patients requiring more complex CL fitting
(eg, subclinical ectatic corneal disorders such as keratoconus, pellucid marginal
degeneration, regular moderate astigmatism, presbyopia, ocular surface disease, and post-
refractive surgery).
4. Perform RGP CL fitting (spherical).**
5. Perform SCL toric fitting.**
6. Perform presbyopia CL fitting.**
7. Perform appropriate CL selection and material or parameters modification in CL refit.**
8. Perform CL verification for visual acuity, fitting, and comfort in patients requiring more
complex CL fitting.**
9. Educate patients regarding CL-related complications.**
10. Diagnose, manage, and treat CL-related complications.**
11. Perform the skills needed for long-term management and follow up of CL patients.**

Advanced Level Goals: Year 3

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Describe the various options for SCL, RPG CL, and hybrid CL fitting in advanced ectatic
corneal disorders such as keratoconus and pellucid marginal degeneration, including
post-intracorneal ring segment implantation cases.**
2. Describe the various options for SCL and RPG CL fitting in postkeratoplasty cases.**
3. Describe the various options for SCL and RPG CL fitting in complex post-refractive
surgery, including corneal ectasia.**
4. Describe CL fitting in special clinical situations such as severe dry eye, glaucoma,
diabetes, allergy, pregnancy, strabismus, sports practice, adverse environmental and
occupational conditions.**
5. Describe indications, fitting techniques, and long-term management of CL wear for
children and adolescents.**
6. Describe CL options and most complex fitting techniques for medical CL indications
such as aphakia, albinism, recurrent corneal erosions, neurotrophic keratitis, corneal
scarring, aniridia, and prosthetic cosmesis.**
7. Identify indications for scleral CL fitting.**
8. Explain reverse geometry RGP CL for post-graft or post-refractive surgery cases.**
9. Synthesize the concept underlying orthokeratology.
10. List the indications for therapeutic CL.**
11. Describe material selection, physiological implications, mechanisms of action, and
adjuvant topical treatment associated with therapeutic CL.**
12. Describe the various possibilities of fitting with soft and hard therapeutic CL.
13. Explain the importance of appreciating visual acuity, fit, and comfort in therapeutic
14 Describe the differences among CL material choices especially suited for more complex
cases and its clinical correlation.**
15. Explain the influence of both systemic and topical medication on CL fitting and
16. Describe the methods of modifying a CL to improve comfort, vision, or physiological
17. Evaluate CL-induced complications, and describe treatment strategies for their
management, in particular acanthamoeba and fungi infections.**
18. Appraise clinical situations requiring additional complementary examinations in CL
fitting and follow up (eg, endothelial, confocal biomicroscopy, aberrometry).
19. Describe indications and methods for fitting front surface toric, back surface toric, and
bitoric RGP CL.
B. Technical Skills
1. Perform an advanced CL history and examination.**
2. Obtain a full ocular history and conduct necessary tests to perform a complex CL fitting
examination (eg, postkeratoplasty, multiple surgeries, post-refractive surgery, corneal
ectasia, advanced corneal ectatic disorders such as keratoconus and pellucid marginal
degeneration, and active corneal and ocular surface disease).**
3. Perform CL fitting and management in babies, children, and adolescents.**
4. Perform scleral CL fitting.
5. Perform refraction, retinoscopy, and over-refraction in complex cases.**
6. Use advanced CL designs including reverse geometry.**
7. Indicate the auxiliary CL instruments in patients with complex needs (eg, computerized
topography, fluorescein patterns, diagnostic lenses).**
8. Interpret and interpret topography in complex CL fittings.**
9. Perform and analyze aberrometry and endothelial/confocal biomicroscopy.
10. Indicate CL modification and refitting in complex cases, when needed.**
11. Select the appropriate CL in complex clinical cases (eg, postkeratoplasty, multiple
surgeries, post-refractive surgery, corneal ectasia, advanced ectatic corneal disorders such
as keratoconus, pellucid marginal degeneration, and active corneal and ocular surface
12. Perform therapeutic CL fitting and follow up.**
13. Diagnose and treat CL-induced complications, both infectious and noninfectious
(eg, sterile infiltrates, corneal neovascularization, corneal permanent staining, giant
papillary conjunctivitis).**
14. Develop an educational skill set to effectively educate rotating students and residents
about CL topics.**

Note: Inclusion of therapies and investigations in the ICO Residency Curriculum does not imply
that listings are all inclusive or that methods are endorsed by the ICO. Appropriate levels of
expertise and knowledge should be achieved based on the care provided. Practitioners should
know of therapies and investigations not available at their hospital or clinic, so that they can
advise patients who may be able to seek care elsewhere.
IV. Cornea and External Diseases
Basic Level Goals: Year 1
A. Cognitive Skills
1. Describe the basic anatomy, embryology, physiology, pathology, microbiology,
immunology, genetics, epidemiology, and pharmacology of the cornea, conjunctiva,
sclera, eyelids, lacrimal apparatus, and ocular adnexa.**
2. Understand the fundamentals of corneal optics and refraction (eg, astigmatism,
3. Describe congenital abnormalities of the cornea, sclera, and globe (eg, Peter anomaly,
microphthalmos, birth trauma, buphthalmos).**
4. Describe characteristic corneal and conjunctival degenerations (eg, pterygium,
pinguecula, Salzmann nodular degeneration, senile plaques of the sclera).**
5. Recognize the classic corneal dystrophies (eg, map-dot-fingerprint dystrophy, lattice
dystrophy, granular dystrophy, macular dystrophy, Fuchs dystrophy).**
6. Describe the fundamentals of ocular microbiology and recognize corneal and
conjunctival inflammations and infections (eg, staphylococcal hypersensitivity, simple
microbial keratitis, fungal corneal ulcers, trachoma, ophthalmia neonatorum, herpes
zoster ophthalmicus, herpes simplex keratitis, adenovirus keratoconjunctivitis and
7. Describe the basic principles of ocular pharmacology of anti-infective, anti-
inflammatory, and immune modulating agents (eg, indications and contraindications for
topical corticosteroids, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, and antibiotics).**
8. Recognize and treat lid margin disease (eg, staphylococcal blepharitis, meibomian gland
9. Describe the basic differential diagnosis of acute and chronic conjunctivitis or red eye
(eg, scleritis, episcleritis, conjunctivitis, orbital cellulitis, gonococcal and chlamydial
10. Recognize and treat pyogenic granuloma.**
11. Recognize the basic presentations of ocular allergy (eg, phlyctenules, seasonal hay fever,
vernal conjunctivitis, allergic and atopic conjunctivitis, giant papillary conjunctivitis).**
12. Understand the mechanisms of ocular immunology and recognize the external
manifestations of anterior segment inflammation (eg, red eye associated with acute and
chronic iritis).**
13. Describe the symptoms, signs, testing, and evaluation for dry eye (eg, Schirmer test,
tarsorrhaphy); and treatment for dry eye.**
14. Describe the etiologies and treatment of superficial punctate keratopathy (eg, dry eye,
Thygeson superficial punctate keratopathy, neurotrophic keratitis, blepharitis, toxicity,
ultraviolet photo keratopathy, contact lens-related keratitis).**
15. Recognize and describe the etiologies of hyphema and microhyphema.**
16. Describe the basic mechanisms of traumatic and toxic injury to the anterior segment and
treatment (eg, chemical and thermal burns, lid laceration, orbital fracture).**
17. Recognize corneal lacerations (perforating and nonperforating), anterior segment trauma,
corneal and conjunctival foreign bodies.**
18. Describe the epidemiology, differential diagnosis, evaluation, and management of
common benign and malignant lid lesions, including pigmented lesions of the conjunctiva
and lid (eg, nevi, melanoma, primary acquired melanosis, ocular surface squamous
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Perform external examination (illuminated and magnified) and slit-lamp biomicroscopy,
including drawing of anterior segment findings.**
2. Administer topical anesthesia, as well as special topical stains of the cornea (eg,
fluorescein dye and rose bengal).**
3. Perform tests for dry eye (eg, Schirmer test, tear film breakup, and dye disappearance).**
4. Perform punctal occlusion (temporary or permanent) or insert plugs.**
5. Perform simple corneal sensation testing (eg, cotton-tipped swab).**
6. Perform tonometry (eg, applanation, Tono-Pen, Schiøtz, pneumotonometry).**
7. Perform techniques of sampling for viral, bacterial, fungal, and protozoal ocular
infections (eg, corneal scraping and appropriate culture techniques).**
8. Interpret simple stains of the cornea and conjunctiva (eg, Gram stain, Giemsa stain).**
9. Manage corneal epithelial defects (eg, pressure patching and bandage contact lenses).**
10. Perform removal of a conjunctival or corneal foreign body (eg, rust ring).**
11. Perform simple (nonrecurrent) pterygium excision (eg, with autologous conjunctival
12. Perform an isolated lid laceration repair.**
13. Perform an isolated corneal laceration repair (eg, linear laceration not extending to
limbus, not involving uveal or intraocular structures).**
14. Perform epilation.**
15. Perform a lateral tarsorrhaphy.**
16. Perform incision, drainage, and/or remove a primary chalazion/stye.**
17. Perform a simple incisional or excisional biopsy of a lid lesion.**
18. Perform irrigation of chemical burn to the eye.**
19. Perform Seidel test.**

Standard Level Goals: Year 2

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Describe the more complex anatomy, embryology, physiology, pathology, microbiology,
immunology, genetics, epidemiology, and pharmacology of the cornea, conjunctiva,
sclera, eyelids, lacrimal apparatus, and ocular adnexa.
2. Describe the more complex congenital abnormalities of the cornea, sclera, anterior
segment and globe and their associated systemic manifestations (eg, Axenfeld, Rieger,
and Peter anomalies, aniridia, hamartomas and choristomas).
3. Understand more complex corneal optics and refraction (eg, irregular astigmatism,
keratoconus, anisometropia).
4. Correlate the concordance of the visual acuity with the density of media opacity (eg,
cataract, corneal scars, edema), and evaluate the etiology of discordance between acuity
and findings from examination of the media.
5. Recognize and treat less common corneal or conjunctival presentations of degenerations
and common conjunctival neoplasms (eg, inflamed, atypical, or recurrent pterygium,
band keratopathy, benign and malignant tumors).
6. Describe the epidemiology, clinical features, pathology, evaluation, and treatment of
peripheral corneal thinning disorders or ulceration (eg, Terrien marginal degeneration,
Mooren ulcer, rheumatoid arthritis-related corneal melt, dellen).
7. Describe the epidemiology, differential diagnosis, evaluation, and management of
vitamin A deficiency (eg, Bitot spot, dry eye, slowed dark adaptation) and neurotrophic
corneal diseases.
8. Recognize and treat recurrent corneal erosions.
9. Recognize, evaluate, and treat chronic conjunctivitis (eg, chlamydia, trachoma,
molluscum contagiosum, Parinaud oculoglandular syndrome, ocular rosacea).
10. Describe more complex ocular microbiology and describe the differential diagnosis of
more complicated corneal and conjunctival infections (eg, complex, mixed, or atypical
bacterial, fungal, Acanthamoeba, viral, or parasitic keratitis).
11. Describe the more complex principles of ocular pharmacology of anti-infective, anti-
inflammatory, and immune modulating agents (eg, use of topical nonsteroidal and
steroidal agents, cyclosporine, and anti-tumor necrosis factor agents).
12. Describe the differential diagnosis, evaluation, and management of Thygeson superficial
punctate keratopathy.
13. Describe more complex differential diagnosis of red eye (eg, autoimmune and
inflammatory disorders causing scleritis, episcleritis, conjunctivitis, orbital cellulitis).
14. Describe key features of trachoma, including epidemiology, clinical features, staging, and
its complications (eg, cicatrization), prevention (eg, facial hygiene), and topical and
systemic antibiotic treatment (especially in hyperendemic regions), and surgery (eg, tarsal
15. Describe differential diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of interstitial keratitis (eg,
syphilis, viral diseases, noninfectious, immunologic, inflammation).
16. Describe the differential diagnosis and the external manifestations of more complex
anterior segment inflammation (eg, acute and chronic iritis with and without systemic
17. Recognize, evaluate, and treat the ocular complications of severe diseases, such as
chronic exposure keratopathy, contact dermatitis, and rosacea.
18. Describe the clinical features, pathology, evaluation, and treatment of ocular cicatricial
pemphigoid and Stevens-Johnson syndrome.
19. Describe the classification, pathology, indications for surgery, and prognosis of common
eyelid abnormalities (eg, blepharoptosis, trichiasis, distichiasis, essential blepharospasm,
entropion, ectropion) and understand their relationship to secondary diseases of the
cornea and conjunctiva (eg, exposure keratopathy).
20. Recognize and treat foreign body, animal, and plant substance injuries and understand the
risk of injury with organic material.
21. Describe more complex mechanisms of traumatic and toxic injury to the anterior segment
(eg, long-term sequelae of acid and alkali burn, complex lid laceration involving the
lacrimal system, full-thickness laceration).
22. Recognize and treat corneal lacerations (perforating and nonperforating).
23. Recognize and treat more complex hyphemas (eg, surgical indications, evacuation).
24. Recognize the anterior segment manifestations of systemic diseases (eg, Wilson disease)
and pharmacologic side effects (eg, amiodarone vortex keratopathy).
25. Recognize and treat common and uncommon benign and malignant lid lesions.
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Perform more advanced techniques, including keratometry, keratoscopy, endothelial cell
count and/or evaluation, specular microscopy, and pachymetry.**
2. Perform stromal micropuncture.**
3. Perform application of corneal glue.**
4. Perform simple keratectomy and lamellar keratectomy.**
5. Assist in more complex corneal surgery (eg, penetrating keratoplasty and lamellar
6. Perform more complex and recurrent pterygium excision, including conjunctival
7. Perform more complex lid laceration repair.**
8. Perform more complex corneal laceration repair (eg, stellate perforating laceration).**
9. Perform and interpret more complex stains of the cornea and conjunctiva (eg, calcofluor
white, acid fast).
10. Repair simple lacerations of the lacrimal drainage apparatus (eg, perform intubations and
primary closure).
11. Treat hyphema and microhyphema with associated increased intraocular pressure and/or
blood staining (eg, surgical evacuation).

Advanced Level Goals: Year 3

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Describe the most complex anatomy, embryology, physiology, histopathology,
microbiology, immunology, genetics, epidemiology, and pharmacology of the cornea,
conjunctiva, sclera, eyelids, lacrimal apparatus, and ocular adnexa.
2. Understand the most complex corneal optics and refraction (eg, postkeratoplasty) and
their methods of treatment (eg, contact lenses, refractive surgery).
3. Describe the most complex and less common congenital abnormalities of the cornea,
sclera, and globe (eg, cornea plana, keratoglobus).
4. Recognize the less common corneal dystrophies and degenerations (eg, Meesman
dystrophy, Reis-Buckler dystrophy, François syndrome, Schnyder crystalline dystrophy,
congenital hereditary stromal dystrophy, congenital hereditary endothelial dystrophy,
posterior polymorphous dystrophy) in addition to the more common dystrophies (eg,
anterior membrane dystrophy, granular, lattice, and macular).
5. Recognize common and uncommon corneal and conjunctival neoplasms and
degenerations (eg, spheroidal degeneration, carcinoma in situ).
6. Describe less common and rare ocular infections, and describe the differential diagnosis
of the most complicated corneal and conjunctival infections (eg, amoebas, leishmaniasis,
7. In nonendemic areas, describe the basic features of onchocerciasis.
8. In endemic areas, define the etiology, vector (eg, black fly), and incidence, diagnostic
features (eg, microfilariae, keratitis, iritis), diagnosis (eg, skin snip test), course and
prognosis, treatment (eg, ivermectin, nodulectomy), and prevention (eg, vector control,
environmental and behavioral changes) of onchocerciasis.
9. Describe the most complex principles of ocular pharmacology of anti-infective, anti-
inflammatory, and immune modulating agents (eg, combination therapies of antiviral and
anti-inflammatory agents).
10. Describe the most complex differential diagnosis of red eye (eg, pemphigoid, pemphigus,
Stevens-Johnson syndrome).
11. Describe the differential diagnosis and the external manifestations of the most complex or
uncommon anterior segment inflammations (eg, syphilitic keratouveitis).
12. Diagnose and treat the most complex traumatic and toxic injuries to the anterior segment
(eg, total lid avulsion, severe alkali burn).
13. Recognize and treat complex corneal lacerations (eg, lacerations extending beyond the
limbus, uveal involvement).
14. Diagnose and treat the most severe corneal exposure cases (eg, conjunctival flap).
15. Describe the indications for ocular surface transplantation, including conjunctival
autograft/flap, amniotic membrane transplantation, and limbal stem cell transplantation.
16. Describe the surgical indications (eg, Fuchs dystrophy, aphakic/pseudophakic bullous
keratopathy, keratoconus), surgical techniques, and recognition and management of
postoperative complications (especially immunologically-mediated rejection) of corneal
transplantation (eg, penetrating, lamellar).
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Perform and interpret the most advanced corneal techniques (eg, endothelial microscopy,
computerized corneal topography and tomography, anterior segment ocular coherence
2. Perform a thin conjunctival flap (eg, Gunderson flap).
3. Perform specialized and complicated fitting of contact lenses (eg, postkeratoplasty,
advanced keratoconus).
4. Perform more complex corneal surgery (eg, penetrating or lamellar keratoplasty,
keratorefractive procedures, and phototherapeutic keratectomy), and understand the
postoperative management including postkeratoplasty astigmatism management and graft
5. Perform other complex conjunctival surgery (eg, autograft, stem cell transplant).
6. Manage and treat more complex neoplasms of the conjunctiva (eg, carcinoma,

Very Advanced Level Goals: Subspecialist

Fellowship training requires more in­‐depth education about the pathophysiology and
management than can usually be obtained in residency training in ophthalmology. Fellowships
include a continuous period of intense and focused training in developing and maintaining
knowledge, skills, scholarship, and professionalism. A fellow should be knowledgeable and
proficient in all the activities listed for residency training. Subspecialty fellowship training
should include a more in-depth exposure and understanding of the diagnosis and medical
management of diseases of the eyelids, conjunctiva, cornea/sclera, and anterior ocular segment,
as well as recognition and treatment of posterior segment disease that may affect the anterior
segment. Subspecialty fellowship training should include hands-on training covering surgery of
the conjunctiva, cornea/sclera, anterior segment, lens, and anterior vitreous, with special
emphasis on corneal transplantation and related procedures. The fellow should be exposed to
opportunities to develop research skills. A specific block of time may be set aside for clinical or
laboratory research.

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Recognize acute and chronic blepharitis, including both infectious and noninfectious
etiologies, with emphasis on microbial blepharitis, meibomian gland dysfunction, and
2. Recognize acute and chronic conjunctivitis, neonatal conjunctivitis, chlamydial disease,
adenoviral conjunctivitis, allergic conjunctivitis, and bacterial conjunctivitis.**
3. Recognize acute and chronic infectious keratitis including bacterial, viral, fungal, and
parasitic, with emphasis on herpes simplex, herpes zoster, adenovirus, acanthamoeba, and
contact lens­‐associated problems.**
4. Recognize noninfectious keratitis including marginal keratitis, central ulcerative keratitis,
epitheliopathy, endothelialitis, and interstitial keratitis.**
5. Recognize anterior segment anomalies, including various anomalies associated with
specific genetic abnormalities, corneal dystrophies, and corneal degenerations.**
6. Recognize autoimmune and immunologic diseases of the anterior segment including
allergy, corneal graft rejection, and cicatrizing conjunctivitis.**
7. Recognize and be familiar with oral and topical immunosuppression and anti­‐allergy
8. Describe fundamentals of anterior segment anatomy, chemistry, physiology, and wound
healing including tear formation and function, corneal topography/tomography,
endothelial cell function, and maintenance of corneal clarity.**
9. Understand principles of anterior segment pharmacology including antimicrobial, anti­‐
inflammatory, ocular hypotensive and immunosuppressive agents, with emphasis on
bioavailability, mechanism of actions, relative efficacy, safety, and potential
10. Demonstrate fundamental knowledge of contact lens physiology, design and materials,
and complications for both cosmetic and therapeutic use.**
11. Develop proficiency in performing diagnostic techniques including biomicroscopy,
specular microscopy, corneal topography/tomography, vital stains of the ocular surface,
corneal biopsy techniques and interpretation, and corneal pachymetry.**
12. Develop proficiency in medical and surgical management of corneal thinning and
perforation, including techniques of pharmacological manipulation; and office
procedures, such as application of tissue glue and therapeutic contact lenses.**
13. Demonstrate a detailed understanding of cornea and conjunctival pathology results and
interpretation of ocular cultures.**
14. Complete an eye-banking curriculum, including a review of specific eye banking
functions (recovery, processing, storage, evaluation, and distribution of tissue), donor
eligibility, and donor selection.**
15. Demonstrate skill in use of reference material, including electronic searching and
retrieval of relevant articles, monographs, and abstracts.**
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Demonstrate skill in anterior segment surgery including eyelid, conjunctival, scleral, and
corneal procedures, with emphasis on corneal protective procedures (eg, tarsorrhaphy),
reconstruction of the ocular surface, surgical management of corneal erosions, and
phototherapeutic keratectomy.**
2. Demonstrate skill in penetrating and lamellar keratoplasty, with emphasis on patient
selection, surgical technique, and postoperative care including recognition and
management of graft rejection and endophthalmitis and advanced techniques for lamellar
and penetrating keratoplasty, including full thickness and lamellar transplants and
endothelial keratoplasty.**
3. The fellow should receive instruction and develop surgical proficiency in both full-
thickness penetrating keratoplasty and selective endothelial keratoplasty and lamellar
keratoplasty. The faculty must participate as primary surgeon or assistant surgeon to the
fellow  in  a  sufficient  number  of  surgical  procedures  to  confirm  the  fellow’s  surgical  
judgment and skill.
4. The fellow should actively participate in the postoperative management in the majority of
grafts where they are part of the surgical team.**
5. The fellow should have sufficient experience and demonstrate proficiency with other
surgeries, including pterygium excision with graft, corneal and conjunctival biopsies,
astigmatic keratotomies, and phototherapeutic keratectomy.**
6. The fellow should participate in the surgery of more complex conditions, including
extensive conjunctival reconstruction, amniotic membrane transplantation, ocular surface
neoplasia, and limbal stem cell transplantation.**
7. The fellow should have knowledge of different techniques of keratoprosthesis surgery.**
8. The fellow should be familiar with the use of mitomycin (and/or other chemotherapeutic
agents) in corneal and conjunctival surgeries and recognize the appropriate application
and potential side effects.**

Note: Inclusion of therapies and investigations in the ICO Residency Curriculum does not imply
that listings are all inclusive or that methods are endorsed by the ICO. Appropriate levels of
expertise and knowledge should be achieved based on the care provided. Practitioners should
know of therapies and investigations not available at their hospital or clinic, so that they can
advise patients who may be able to seek care elsewhere.
V. Refractive Surgery

Basic Level Goals: Year 1

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Describe simple types of refractive errors: **
a. Myopia
b. Hyperopia
c. Astigmatism
d. Presbyopia
2. Describe basic optic principles, such as line of sight and Purkinje image.**
3. Explain theories of accommodation.
4. Describe the basics of ophthalmic optics, including how the following affect the optics of
the eye: **
a. Low and high order aberrations
b. Corneal layers
c. Shape of cornea
d. Shape of lens
5. Describe basic refraction techniques using trial lenses or phoropter for basic refractive
errors, including:
a. Retinoscopy
b. Modification and refinement of subjective refraction
c. Cycloplegic retinoscopy and refraction
d. Postcycloplegic refraction
6. Describe the optical principles of common refractive surgery diagnostic tools, including:
a. Ultrasonic pachymetry
b. Keratometer
c. Lensometer
d. Pupillometry
e. Corneal topography
f. Scheimpflug imaging and elevation maps
g. Optical coherence tomography (OCT)
7. Describe the following topographic maps using different scales (ie, absolute, normalized,
a. Axial
b. Instantaneous
c. Refractive
8. Describe normal corneal topographic patterns, as well as topographic signs of
keratoconus and ectasia.
9. Describe elevation topography maps and their importance in screening refractive surgery
10. Describe indications and limitations of corneal topography in refractive surgery.
11. List the mandatory diagnostic tests necessary for refractive surgery.
12. Describe the basics of laser biophysics and laser tissue interaction.
13. Describe the complications of high myopia, high hyperopia, and pathologies related to
high astigmatism.**
14. Define the clinical stages of keratoconus and forme fruste keratoconus using clinical and
topographic tests.**
15. Describe the milestones in refractive surgery development, including radial keratotomy,
keratomileusis, and phakic intraocular lenses (IOLs).
16. List current refractive procedures, their mechanisms of action, indications, and
limitations, including:
a. Types of excimer laser procedures
b. Phakic IOLs
d. Implantation of intracorneal ring segments
e. Corneal inlays
f. Accommodative lenses
17. Describe the main IOL calculation formulas.
18. Describe the principles and different types (ie, linear, rotational, pendular) of mechanical
microkeratomes, including their characteristics, indications, risks, and possible
19. Describe the role of femtosecond technology in refractive surgery, including advantages
and limitations of flap creation with a femtosecond laser.
20. Describe different techniques of keratoplasty and their relation with refractive surgery.
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Perform objective and subjective refraction, including cross cylinder and Worth 4-dot
test. **
2. Diagnose refractive defects.**
3. Use different prescription formulas.**
4. Prescribe spectacles for at least 20 patients with simple refractive errors (eg, myopia,
hyperopia, regular astigmatism).**
5. Perform refraction on patients with extreme errors of refraction (eg, 5 patients with
hyperopia over 8.0 D, and 5 patients with myopia above 20.0 D).**
6. Use the lensometer to measure spectacle power.**
7. Use the keratometer to make corneal measurements.**
8. Use the ultrasonic pachymeter to measure corneal thickness.
9. Validate corneal topography maps, including elevation topography. Recognize signs of
ectatic disorders and/or candidates at risk for an unsatisfactory refractive surgery
outcome, and rule out poor-quality tests (eg, artifacts, alignment, and corneal exposure
10. Interpret an aberration map and evaluate its significance in the refractive defect of a
patient, as well as the need to treat or not.
11. Validate a manual refraction as a real refractive defect of a patient, comparing results
with keratometers, aberrometers, and topography.
12. Analyze tear film and tear deficiency.
13. Recognize and unmask astigmatism from higher order aberrations, such as coma.
14. Demonstrate how informed consent should be explained.

Standard Level Goals: Year 2

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Describe various types of refractive defects, and define the possible corrective solutions
for each one.**
2. Describe basic diagnostic tools used in refractive surgery, including topography,
pachymetry, and biometry; and interpret results.**
3. Describe more complex types of refractive errors, including postoperative refractive
errors following cataract surgery, keratoplasty, refractive surgeries, ectatic conditions,
and irregular astigmatism.**
4. Explain basics of wavefront analysis, including ray tracing and dynamic skiascopy, and
graphical representation of wavefront errors, including corneal and entire eye high-order
aberration maps, point-spread function, and modulation-transfer function.
5. Describe the basics of Zernike polynomials and Fourier analysis.
6. Use different topographic maps and scales for different purposes (eg, screening,
postoperative evaluation, detection of complications).
7. Describe the basics of measuring contrast sensitivity.
8. Describe laser-tissue interaction and explain Munnerlyn formula.
9. Describe corneal biomechanics, including biomechanical responses to keratorefractive
surgery, corneal healing after excimer laser procedures, corneal hysteresis, and corneal
resistance factor.
10. Define and diagnose post laser in-situ keratomileusis (LASIK) ectasia, and differentiate it
from other conditions.
11. Describe the mechanism of action, indications, advantages, and potential complications
of mitomycin C application in surface ablation.
12. Describe the affect of corneal crosslinking on the biomechanical properties of the cornea,
including its indications and how it can be combined with other refractive surgery
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Perform refraction techniques using trial lenses or phoropter for basic and more complex
cases, including:
a. Modification and refinement of subjective manifest refractive error
b. Cycloplegic retinoscopy and refraction
c. Postcycloplegic refraction
d. Contact lens use
e. Irregular astigmatism
f. Postkeratoplasty
g. Refractive surgery cases
2. Apply the basics of optics and optical principles of refraction and retinoscopy in the
clinical setting, including higher order aberrations.
3. Gather accurate information essential for preoperative evaluation of patients seeking
refractive surgery, including:
a. Medical interview
i. Patient expectation
ii. Social history
iii. Medical history
iv. Pertinent ocular history
b. Physical examination
i. Uncorrected visual acuity
ii. manifest and cycloplegic visual acuity
iii. Intraocular pressure
iv. Slit-lamp examination
v. Fundus examination
4. Diagnose and manage dry eye prior to surgery.
5. Use the keratometer to make corneal measurements in more complex patients (eg, prior
corneal surgery or corneal disease), and correlate results with corneal topography maps,
visual acuity, and quality of vision.
6. Use basic refractive instruments and techniques (eg, auto refractor, pachymetry,
automated corneal topography, aberrometer, pupillometry, contact lens refraction, OCT,
corneal hysteresis, and corneal resistance factor) in the clinical setting for refractive
surgery patients.
7. Assist in developing patient care management plans for simple refractive errors (eg,
myopia, hyperopia, regular astigmatism), and define the risks and benefits for each
8. Assist in various types of refractive surgery, including:
a. Twenty surface ablation procedures
b. Twenty LASIK procedures
c. Ten intracorneal ring segment implantation procedures
d. Ten phakic IOL surgeries

Advanced Level Goals: Year 3

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Describe and diagnose various types of refractive problems, including irregular
astigmatism, and identify the best solution for each.**
2. Describe the most complex types of refractive errors, including postoperative refractive
errors, postkeratoplasty, and refractive surgery.**
3. Describe the most advanced optics and optical principles of refraction and retinoscopy,
including higher-order aberrations.
4. List the indications for and interpret preoperative and postoperative diagnostic testing,
a. Corneal topography
b. Wavefront analysis
c. Pachymetry
d. Calculation of stromal-bed thickness before and after LASIK
e. Aspheric profile of ablation
5. Formulate informed diagnostic and therapeutic decisions based on patient information,
current scientific evidence, clinical judgment, and patient expectations.
6. Describe accommodative and nonaccommodative treatments of presbyopia, including:
a. Monovision
b. Excimer laser correction
c. Conductive keratoplasty
d. Corneal inlays
e. Accommodating IOLs
f. Multifocal IOLs
7. Describe the advanced formulas for IOL calculation in extreme myopia, hyperopia, and
after corneal refractive surgery.
8. Develop patient care management plans for more complex cases (eg, mixed and irregular
astigmatism, irregular corneas, combined refractive surgery procedures).
9. Describe the basics of modulation transfer function (MTF), point speed function (PSF),
and Strehl ratio as objective ways to measure quality of vision.
10. Describe the basics of topography-guided, wavefront-guided, and optimized ablations as
compared to standard ablations.
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Perform basic refractive surgery procedures, such as low myopia or low hyperopia with
LASIK (microkeratome) and surface ablation (LASIK or photorefractive keratectomy
2. Perform the most advanced objective and subjective refraction techniques using trial
lenses or the phoropter, including:
a. Contact lens refraction for more complex refractive errors, including modification
and refinement of subjective manifest refractive error
b. Cycloplegic retinoscopy and refraction
c. Postcycloplegic refraction
d. Irregular astigmatism
e. Postkeratoplasty
f. Refractive surgery cases
3. Utilize the most advanced optics and optical principles for refraction and retinoscopy,
including higher order aberrations.
4. Utilize the keratometer for detection of subtle or complex advanced corneal refractive
5. Use and interpret results from more advanced refraction instruments and techniques (eg,
corneal topography, pupillometry, aberrometry, Scheimpflug imaging, OCT).
6. Fit contact lenses in patients with irregular corneas, irregular astigmatism, and following
refractive surgery.
7. Assist in advanced refractive surgeries, including topography-guided ablation, wavefront-
guided ablation, and combined refractive surgeries.
8. Encourage patients to actively participate in their own care by providing disease and
treatment information, and counsel patients on how to prevent postoperative injury.**
9. Correct refractive error after surgeries, such as penetrating keratoplasty, deep anterior
lamellar keratoplasty, and radial keratotomy.

Very Advanced Level Goals: Subspecialist

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Diagnose and treat difficult cases such as irregular astigmatism.**
2. Identify and utilize the new technological advances in refractive surgery.**
3. Formulate informed diagnostic and therapeutic decisions based on patient information,
current scientific evidence, and clinical judgment:
a. Use effective and appropriate clinical problem-solving skills
b. Understand  the  limits  of  one’s  knowledge  and  expertise
c. Use consultants and referrals appropriately
4. Collect data, analyze refractive outcomes, and develop personal nomograms based on
5. Plan for retreatment of patients who had refractive surgery.
6. Develop refractive surgery management plans in the context of other conditions (eg, dry
eyes, herpes, keratoconus, postkeratoplasty, glaucoma, retinal disease, amblyopia).
7. Describing methods of IOL calculation after refractive surgery.
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Prescribe and perform procedures essential for the scope of practice.
2. Screen patients for refractive surgery.
3. Develop and carry out patient care management plans.
4. Perform the following, if feasible:
a. Twenty surface ablation procedures
b. Twenty LASIK procedures
c. Ten intracorneal ring segment implantation procedures
d. Ten phakic IOL surgeries
5. Perform under supervision 10 advanced refractive surgeries for complicated cases,
including excimer laser enhancement procedures and topography-guided ablations for
highly irregular corneas.
6. Perform–if feasible–supervised femtosecond refractive surgical procedures, specifically
three femto-Lasik procedures and three intracorneal ring segment implantation
procedures using a femtosecond laser.
7. Perform–if feasible–supervised corneal crosslinking on five eyes.

Note: Inclusion of therapies and investigations in the ICO Residency Curriculum does not
imply that listings are all inclusive or that methods are endorsed by the ICO. Appropriate
levels of expertise and knowledge should be achieved based on the care provided.
Practitioners should know of therapies and investigations not available at their hospital or
clinic, so that they can advise patients who may be able to seek care elsewhere.
VI. Glaucoma
Basic Level Goals: Year 1
A. Cognitive Skills
Basic Science
1. Describe the anatomy of the anterior chamber, angle, and ciliary body.**
2. Describe the anatomy of the retinal nerve fiber layer, optic nerve head, and visual
pathway from the retina to the visual cortex.**
3. Describe the mechanisms and dynamics of aqueous humor inflow and outflow.**
4. Describe the microscopic anatomy of the retina from inner to outer portions, with
attention to the retinal ganglion cell layer and nerve fiber layer.**
5. Describe the blood supply of the optic nerve and ciliary body.**
6. Describe the apoptotic mechanism of retinal ganglion cell death.**
7. Know the physiology underlying visual-field examination and its interpretation.**
8. Describe the fundamentals of Goldmann static, kinetic perimetry, and standard automated
9. Know basic principles of tonometry and aqueous outflow, and applications of tonometric
data (eg, diurnal curve, peak and trough values).**
Clinical Science
1. Describe the major features of primary open-angle glaucoma (high and low tension),
angle-closure glaucoma, glaucoma suspects, and ocular hypertension.**
2. Describe the major risk factors for primary open-angle glaucoma and angle-closure
3. Describe the steps in evaluating primary open-angle glaucoma and angle-closure
4. Define glaucoma as a progressive neural degeneration of retinal ganglion cells, their
axons and their connections to central visual centers.**
5. Describe the features of glaucomatous optic neuropathy.**
6. Describe the basic features of the major glaucomas: primary open-angle glaucoma, angle-
closure glaucoma, exfoliative glaucoma, and pigmentary glaucoma.**
7. Know the role of intraocular pressure (IOP) in the development and progression of
8. Understand the factors that influence IOP.**
9. Describe and understand basic principles of Goldmann applanation tonometry.**
10. Describe tonometers (eg, Schiøtz, Tono-Pen) and recognize artifacts of testing.**
11. Describe principles and basic techniques of gonioscopy (3 or 4 mirror lenses) to evaluate
angle structures.**
12. Describe normal and abnormal angle findings.**
13. Know risk factors other than IOP for primary open-angle glaucoma.**
14. Know subtypes of angle-closure glaucoma (eg, pupillary block, plateau iris, lens-related
angle-closure, and malignant glaucoma).**
15. Describe corneal pachymetry and how biomechanics and measurements of corneal
thickness affect IOP interpretations.**
16. Understand the principles of indirect ophthalmoscopy to evaluate the optic nerve and
retinal nerve fiber layer.**
17. Describe the most common types of visual field defects in glaucoma.**
18. Describe principles and mechanisms of medical management of glaucoma.**
19. Describe major classes of glaucoma medications, their mechanisms of action, indications,
contraindications, and side effects (topical and systemic).**
20. Know drug interactions between systemic drugs and glaucoma drugs.
21. Know basic medical statistics to interpret major glaucoma studies.
22. Describe the major results of large prospective clinical trials in addition to those
appropriate to the practice region.
a. The Glaucoma Laser Trial (GLT)
b. The Ocular Hypertension Treatment Study (OHTS)
c. The Collaborative Initial Glaucoma Treatment Study (CIGTS)
d. The Fluorouracil Filtering Surgery Study (FFSS)
e. The Normal Tension Glaucoma Study (NTGS)
f. The Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study (AGIS)
g. The European Glaucoma Prevention Study (EGPS)
h. The Early Manifest Glaucoma Trial (EMGT)
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Take a relevant patient history and recognize the signs and symptoms of glaucoma.**
2. Perform basic slit-lamp biomicroscopy (including peripheral anterior chamber depth
evaluation, Van Herick test).**
3. Perform basic tonometry (eg, applanation, Schiøtz, Tono-Pen, airpuff).**
4. When performing basic tonometry, recognize and correct artifacts, and know how to
disinfect tonometer and check calibration.
5. Perform basic gonioscopy with Goldmann-type and indentation lenses.**
6. Recognize and evaluate angle structures, abnormalities, and appositional and synechial
angle closure.**
7. Perform central corneal pachymetry and relate to IOP findings.
8. Recognize the common features of the glaucomatous optic nerve including the
significance of optic nerve head size, and perform stereo examination, using direct
ophthalmoscope, fundus lens, and indirect lenses (ie, 60, 66, 78, or 90 diopter lens).**
9. Recognize typical features of glaucomatous optic neuropathy (eg, neuroretinal rim
changes, disc hemorrhage, peripapillary atrophy).**
10. Recognize optic nerve features of disorders that cause visual field loss (eg, optic nerve
head drusen, optic neuritis).**
11. Describe slit-lamp findings of secondary glaucomas (eg, iridocorneal endothelial
syndrome, pigment dispersion syndrome, exfoliation syndrome, angle recession).**
12. Interpret visual field results for Goldmann kinetic perimetry and Humphrey or Octopus
standard automated perimetry.**
13. Test for leaking filtering bleb using the Seidel method.**
14. Be able to test for relative afferent pupillary defect.**
15. Recognize ocular emergencies of acute angle closure, and blebitis/endophthalmitis.**
16. Perform paracentesis to lower acute IOP.**

Standard Level Goals: Year 2

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Know epidemiology of congenital glaucoma, primary open-angle glaucoma, exfoliation
syndrome and exfoliative glaucoma, and angle-closure glaucoma.
2. Know the genetics of:
a. Primary congenital glaucoma (CYP1B1)
b. Syndromes associated with congenital/developmental
i. Lowe syndrome
ii. Nail-patella syndrome
iii. Aniridia (PAX 6)
iv. Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome (PITX2, FOXC1, FKHL7)
c. Primary open-angle glaucoma
i. GLC1A and the molecular biology of myocilin
ii. Optineurin
iii. Other genes as they become identified
3. Describe the features of primary infantile and juvenile glaucomas.**
4. Describe etiologies and major risk factors for secondary open-angle glaucomas.**
5. Recognize secondary glaucomas (eg, angle recession, inflammatory, steroid induced,
pigmentary, exfoliative, phacolytic, neovascular, postoperative, malignant, lens-particle
glaucomas, plateau iris, glaucomatocyclitic crisis, iridocorneal endothelial syndrome)
with attention to appropriate pathophysiology.**
6. Describe the evaluation and treatment of complex secondary glaucomas (eg, exfoliation,
angle recession, inflammatory, steroid induced, pigmentary, phacolytic, neovascular,
postoperative, malignant, lens-particle glaucomas; plateau iris; glaucomatocyclitic crisis;
iridocorneal endothelial syndromes; aqueous misdirection/ciliary block).**
7. Describe diurnal fluctuations in IOP and ocular perfusion pressure and their application
in the approach to therapy.**
8. Recognize and describe more advanced optic nerve and nerve fiber layer anatomy in
glaucoma and typical and atypical features associated with glaucomatous cupping (eg,
rim pallor, disc hemorrhage, parapapillary atrophy, rim thinning, notching, circumlinear
vessels, central acuity loss, hemianopic or other nonglaucomatous types of visual field
9. Describe tools and techniques for quantitative anterior segment imaging such as
ultrasound biomicroscopy and anterior segment optical coherence tomography (OCT).**
10. Describe basic principles of tools to analyze optic nerve and retinal nerve fiber layer such
as OCT, Heidelberg Retina Tomograph (HRT), and GDx.**
11. Interpret HRT, OCT, and GDx scans.**
12. Describe and interpret more advanced forms of perimetry (kinetic and automated static),
including various perimetry strategies such as threshold testing, suprathreshold testing,
and special algorithms.**
13. Describe the principles involved in determining glaucomatous progression both clinically
and perimetrically.**
14. Describe the principles, and more advanced anatomic gonioscopic features of primary
and secondary glaucomas (eg, plateau iris, appositional closure).**
15. Describe target IOP and its use in glaucoma management.**
16. Describe the principles of medical management of more advanced glaucomas (eg,
advanced primary open-angle glaucoma, secondary open and closed angle glaucomas,
normal tension glaucoma).**
17. Describe pitfalls of medical treatment, in particular poor compliance and adherence.**
18. Describe and recognize the features of angle-closure glaucomas and aqueous
19. Describe the most common clinical features and etiologies of ocular hypotony.**
20. Describe differential diagnosis and management of hypotony.**
21. Describe and know how to apply the results of major clinical trials in glaucoma to
clinical practice (eg, GLT, OHTS, CIGTS, FFSS, NTGS, AGIS, EGPS, EMGT).
22. Describe and apply specific medical treatments in more advanced glaucoma.**
23. Describe the principles, indications, and techniques of various types of laser energy, spot
size, and laser wavelengths.
24. Describe the principles, indications, and techniques of trabeculectomy (with or without
cataract surgery, with or without antimetabolites), glaucoma drainage devices, and
cyclodestructive procedures.**
25. Describe the major etiologies of dislocated or subluxated lens associated with glaucoma
(eg, trauma, Marfan syndrome, homocystinuria, Weill-Marchesani syndrome, syphilis).
26. Describe the less common causes of lens abnormalities associated with glaucoma (eg,
spherophakia, lenticonus, ectopia lentis).
27. Define the relationships of glaucoma and uveitis.**
28. Describe diagnostic accuracy, false positive and false negative diagnoses and their
significance at individual and societal levels, differences between case-based and
community-based screening, including an understanding of sensitivity and specificity,
number needed to treat, t tests, life-table analysis, prospective versus retrospective
studies, case control and cohort studies.
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Select appropriate drugs and be able to customize or modify medical treatment for open-
angle, secondary, and angle-closure glaucomas.**
2. Perform argon and selective laser trabeculoplasty for open-angle glaucoma.**
3. Perform argon or YAG laser for angle-closure glaucoma.**
4. Perform surgical peripheral irido(ec)tomy for angle-closure glaucoma.
5. Perform peripheral iridoplasty for nonpupillary block angle-closure glaucoma.**
6. Perform laser suture lysis.**
7. Perform cyclodestructive surgery (photocoagulation or cryotherapy).**
8. Assist with trabeculectomy and glaucoma drainage device surgery in the operating
9. Describe and manage a flat anterior chamber.**
10. Perform routine trabeculectomy.**

Advanced Level Goals: Year 3

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Describe the etiology, pathophysiology, and clinical characteristics of the most complex
glaucomas (eg, angle recession, multimechanism glaucoma, traumatic glaucoma,
neovascular, uveitic glaucoma, iridocorneal endothelial syndrome).**
2. Identify the key examination techniques and management of complex medical and
surgical problems in glaucoma (eg, complicated or postoperative primary and secondary
open-angle and closed-angle glaucoma, uncommon visual field defects).**
3. Apply in clinical practice tonometric methods (eg, diurnal curve) in complicated or
atypical cases of glaucoma, advanced tonometric methods, and the effect of central
corneal thickness (pachymetry) on IOP readings.**
4. Apply in clinical practice tonometric methods, such as PASCAL tonometer,
pneumotonometry, and rebound tonometry (ICare).
5. Apply the most advanced knowledge of optic nerve and nerve fiber layer anatomy and
describe and interpret techniques, methods, and tools for analyzing the nerve fiber
6. Recognize and evaluate atypical or multifactorial glaucomatous cupping (eg, rim pallor)
and when to order additional tests to rule out other pathologies (eg, magnetic resonance
imaging, computerized tomography scan, carotid Doppler).**
7. Know how to diagnose progression using special software available with optic nerve and
retinal measurement technologies and know the errors and limitations of the
8. Describe, interpret, and apply the results of the most complex and advanced forms of
perimetry, including special kinetic and automated static perimetry strategies (eg, special
algorithms) in atypical or multifactorial glaucoma.
9. Describe visual field damage, progression, rate of progression, caveats, and their use in
glaucoma management.**
10. Describe medical management of the most advanced and complex glaucoma (eg,
advanced primary open-angle glaucoma previously treated with medicine, laser, or
surgery; secondary glaucomas).**
11. Describe, recognize, and know how to treat the most advanced cases of primary open-
angle glaucoma (eg, monocular patients, repeat surgical cases), normal tension glaucoma,
and secondary glaucomas (eg, inflammatory glaucoma, angle recession).**
12. Describe, recognize, and know how to treat primary angle-closure glaucoma and complex
glaucomas (eg, postoperative cases, secondary angle closure, aqueous misdirection).**
13. Describe the clinical features of ocular hypotony, recognize and know how to treat
common and uncommon etiologies (eg, choroidal detachment, leaking trabeculectomy
14. Describe the results, apply the conclusions, and critically analyze the major clinical trials
in glaucoma (eg, GLT, OHTS, CIGTS, FFSS, NTGS, AGIS, EGPS, EMGT), as well as
describe and use other publications in the management of glaucoma patients.**
15. Describe the features of and know how to evaluate and treat or when to refer the primary
infantile, developmental (eg, aniridia, Axenfeld-Rieger), and juvenile glaucomas.**
16. Describe and know how to apply specific medical treatments in advanced glaucoma
17. Describe the principles, indications, and complications of laser treatment of more
advanced or complex glaucoma (eg, repeat procedures).**
18. Describe the more advanced surgical treatment of glaucoma: (eg, trabeculectomy,
combined cataract and trabeculectomy, glaucoma drainage devices, and cyclodestructive
procedures), including indications, techniques, and complications.**
19. Describe use of antimetabolites and antiangiogenic agents and potential complications
from their use.**
20. Recognize glaucoma surgical complications, their etiologies, and options for treatment.**
21. Describe and treat intraocular infections resulting from filtering blebs or other glaucoma
22. Describe new nonpenetrating glaucoma surgery techniques: principles, techniques,
advantages, limitations, and complications.**
23. Describe new microsurgical devices (eg, EX-PRESS, iStent, gold shunt, Trabectome)
used in glaucoma surgery.
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Perform YAG or argon laser procedures in glaucoma patients (eg, monocular patient,
repeat laser, vitreolysis, suture lysis).
2. Perform laser peripheral iridotomy for more advanced glaucoma (eg, monocular patient,
acute angle closure, hazy cornea).
3. Perform laser treatments (eg, argon laser trabeculoplasty, iridoplasty) for more advanced
glaucoma cases (eg, repeat treatments, monocular patient).
4. Perform cyclophotocoagulation for more advanced cases (eg, prior surgery, monocular
5. Perform routine and repeat trabeculectomy with or without antimetabolites.
6. Manage and treat an anterior chamber as appropriate.
7. Manage and treat medically and/or surgically a flat anterior chamber as appropriate.
8. Perform small incision phaco/intraocular lens surgery combined with trabeculectomy, at
the same or different sites.

Very Advanced Level Goals: Subspecialist

Subspecialist equivalent: a glaucoma subspecialist must be able to perform flawless gonioscopy;
interpret the most difficult discs; diagnose and treat unusual and rare glaucomas; devise
management algorithms throughout care, foreseeing alternatives and potential complications;
perform surgery and manage complications of surgery in high-risk glaucoma cases; prepare a
thorough consultation letter with instructions for management and future potential difficulties;
and teach these skills to residents and general ophthalmologists.**

A. Cognitive Skills
1. List the main population-based studies in glaucoma prevalence, incidence, and risk
factors (eg, Baltimore Eye Survey, Blue Mountains Eye Study, Barbados Eye Study,
Rotterdam Eye Study, Thessaloniki Eye Study, Latinos Eye Study, Singapore Malay Eye
2. Describe and critically discuss results of the above-mentioned studies on glaucoma
prevalence, incidence, and risk factors.
3. Describe rate of progression and use of special algorithms (eg, value function iteration,
PROGRESSOR, Garway-Heath map).**
4. Describe and critically discuss literature on structure-function correlation.**
6. Describe use of other tonometers (eg, ocular response analyzer, dynamic contour
tonometry, pneumotonometer).**
7. Describe mechanisms of ganglion cell damage and potential pathways for
8. Describe and know specific medical and surgical treatments in the most complex and
most advanced glaucoma cases (eg, refractory glaucoma, monocular patients,
noncompliant patients).**
9. Describe and know the specific management of complications related to the surgical
intervention of the most complex and most advanced glaucomas.**
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Perform goniotomy, trabeculotomy, and manage complications.**
2. Medical and surgical management of hypotony from overfiltration, bleb leak, choroidals,
and other causes.**
3. Treat malignant glaucoma and manage complications.**
4. Treat failing or leaking blebs at slit lamp and manage complications.**
5. Perform advanced techniques for revisions of glaucoma surgery blebs (eg, sliding flap,
free graft, amniotic membrane) and manage complications.**
6. Perform cyclodestructive procedures and manage complications.**
7. Perform trabeculectomy revisions, glaucoma drainage device surgery, and manage
8. Describe and manage cyclodialysis cleft.
9. Perform releasable suture techniques.**
10. Perform choroidal drainage.**
11. Perform phacotrabeculectomy/combined surgery and manage surgical complications.**
12. Perform laser trabeculoplasty and manage surgical complications.**
13. Manage end stage and high risk glaucomas.**
14. Perform combined implant/phaco/penetrating keratoplasty/vitrectomy.**

Note: Inclusion of therapies and investigations in the ICO Residency Curriculum does not
imply that listings are all inclusive or that methods are endorsed by the ICO. Appropriate
levels of expertise and knowledge should be achieved based on the care provided.
Practitioners should know of therapies and investigations not available at their hospital or
clinic, so that they can advise patients who may be able to seek care elsewhere.
VII. Neuro-Ophthalmology

Basic Level Goals: Year 1

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Describe the neuroanatomy of the visual pathways.**
2. Describe the anatomy and functions of cranial nerves 2-8.**
3. Describe the anatomy of the bony orbit.
4. Describe the pupillary and accommodative neuroanatomy.**
5. Describe ocular motility and related neuronal pathways.**
6. Describe the typical features, evaluation, and management of the most common optic
neuropathies (eg, infectious, demyelinating, ischemic, inflammatory, hereditary, toxic,
nutritional, compressive, infiltrative).**
7. Describe the typical features, evaluation, and management of the most common ocular
motor neuropathies (eg, third, fourth, sixth nerve palsy).**
8. Describe the typical features of cavernous sinus syndrome and superior orbital fissure
9. Describe and distinguish congenital nystagmus versus acquired nystagmus.
10. Describe the typical features, evaluation, and management of the most common efferent
pupillary abnormalities (eg, Horner syndrome, third nerve palsy, tonic pupil, light-near
11. Describe the typical features and evaluation of the most common visual field defects (eg,
optic nerve, optic chiasm, optic radiation, occipital cortex).**
12. Describe the clinical features and evaluation of ocular myasthenia gravis.
13. Describe the clinical features and evaluation of carotid-cavernous fistula.
14. Describe the differential diagnosis, evaluation, and management of congenital optic nerve
abnormalities (eg, optic pit, disc coloboma, papillorenal syndrome, morning glory
syndrome, tilted disc, optic nerve hypoplasia, myelinated nerve fiber layer,
melanocytoma, disc drusen, Bergmeister papilla).
15. Describe the features of simple supranuclear and internuclear palsies (eg, internuclear
ophthalmoplegia, vertical gaze palsy).
16. Describe the signs of nonorganic visual loss.
17. Describe the indications for obtaining neuroimaging studies, including computerized
tomography (CT) scanning, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), orbital ultrasonography,
and catheter angiography.
18. Describe the signs and symptoms of giant cell arteritis and the indications for performing
a temporal artery biopsy.**
19. Describe the clinical features, evaluation and neuro-ophthalmic aspects of thyroid
20. Describe a systematic, sign-and-symptom-oriented neuro-ophthalmic patient
interrogation (ie, history taking) and recording techniques.**
21. Describe features of common headache and facial pain syndromes (eg, migraine,
trigeminal neuralgia).
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Perform basic visual function tests (eg, color vision testing, Amsler grid, photostress test,
contrast sensitivity testing).**
2. Perform tests of binocularity and fusion (eg, polarized Titmus stereo test, Worth 4-dot
3. Perform a basic pupillary examination.**
4. Describe indications for and perform basic pharmacologic pupillary testing for Horner
syndrome, pharmacologic dilation, and tonic pupil.**
5. Describe and detect a relative afferent pupillary defect.**
6. Detect light-near dissociation
7. Perform a basic assessment of ocular alignment.**
8. Use simple observational techniques (eg, Hirschberg test, Krimsky method).**
9. Describe and perform basic cover/uncover testing for tropia.**
10. Describe and perform alternate cover testing for phoria.**
11. Perform simultaneous prism and cover testing.**
12. Perform measurement of deviations with prisms.**
13. Describe the indications for and apply Fresnel and grind-in prisms.
14. Describe the indications for and in a clinical setting perform forced duction and forced
generation testing.
15. Perform a complete evaluation of the major ocular motor systems (eg, fixation, pursuit,
saccades, convergence, vestibuloocular reflex).
16. Perform an evaluation of eyelids (eg, assess lid position, measure palpebral fissure,
quantify levator function).**
17. List the indications for visual field testing and interpret standard clinical perimetry
18. Perform confrontational field testing (eg, static and kinetic, central and peripheral, red
and white targets).**
19. Describe the indications for and perform basic kinetic perimetry and interpret results.**
20. Describe the indications for and perform basic automated perimetry and interpret results.
21. Describe the format of standard clinical tests (eg, light stimulus, background illumination,
test points).**
22. Perform basic direct, indirect, and magnified ophthalmoscopy examination of the optic
disc, macula, vessels, and periphery of the retina (eg, recognize optic disc swelling, optic
atrophy, neuroretinitis, nerve head vascular abnormalities, and macular abnormalities,
such as edema, pigmentary changes, subretinal fluid, vessel abnormalities, pigmentary
changes) and use the findings to generate a differential diagnosis.**
23. Describe the anatomy and indications for CT, MRI, and angiography.**
24. Describe the indications for and interpret basic echography (ultrasound) of the orbits.
25. Perform exophthalmometery.
26. Check pulse, blood pressure in both arms, carotid bruit, and heart sounds.

Standard Level Goals: Year 2

Describe the neuro-ophthalmic anatomy and physiology (ie, the orbit and adnexal structures, the
afferent and efferent visual pathways with their intracranial projections, the sensory and motor
anatomy of the face, and the autonomic nervous system, including their blood supplies) as it
applies to the eye and visual system.
A. Cognitive Skills
1. Describe typical and atypical features, evaluation, and management of the most common
optic neuropathies (eg, papilledema, optic neuritis, ischemic, inflammatory, infectious,
infiltrative, compressive, hereditary optic neuropathies).**
2. Describe features, evaluation, and management of the more complex supranuclear and
internuclear palsies (eg, progressive supranuclear palsy and subtle internuclear
ophthalmoplegia, one-and-half syndrome).
3. List the common causes of an acute versus chronic isolated ocular motor neuropathy and
define general management of each.**
4. List the common causes of cavernous sinus syndrome and superior orbital fissure
5. Describe and differentiate among different forms of acquired nystagmus (eg, downbeat,
upbeat, pendular, gaze evoked, rebound, convergence, retraction).**
6. List the different mechanism causing nonphysiologic anisocoria and describe
characteristics features and evaluation of the less common disorders (eg, mixed
sympathetic and parasympathetic denervation of iris, aberrant regeneration in third nerve
palsy, pharmacologic miosis).
7. List mechanism and causes of central versus peripheral light near dissociation (eg,
Argyll-Robertson pupil, diabetic neuropathy, tonic pupil, Parinaud syndrome).
8. Describe features and evaluation of the less commonly encountered visual field defects
(eg, sectoranopia, checkerboard, monocular temporal crescent).
9. Describe more advanced aspects of visual field testing indications, selection, and
interpretation (eg, artifacts of automated perimetry, testing, and thresholding strategies).
10. Describe neuro-ophthalmic aspects of common systemic diseases (eg, hypertension,
diabetes, thyroid disease, myasthenia gravis, temporal arteritis, sarcoidosis, systemic
infections, inflammation).**
11. Describe neuro-ophthalmic findings that are common following head trauma (eg,
traumatic optic neuropathy, bilateral fourth nerve palsy, traumatic brain injury).**
12. Describe evaluation and management of inherited neuro-ophthalmic diseases (eg, Leber
hereditary optic neuropathy, autosomal dominant optic atrophy, spinocerebellar
13. Describe evaluation and management of ocular myasthenia gravis.**
14. Recognize common pathologic findings of brain and orbits on CT and MRI related to
15. Describe the typical features, evaluation, and management of urgent neuro-ophthalmic
pathologies (eg, giant cell arteritis, cavernous sinus thrombosis, orbital apex syndrome,
pituitary apoplexy).**
B. Technical Skills
1. Describe the indications for intravenous edrophonium (ie, Tensilon) and prostigmin tests
for myasthenia gravis.**
2. Perform a detailed cranial nerve evaluation other than the oculomotor nerve evaluation
(eg, trigeminal, and facial and acoustic nerve function).
3. Describe the interpretation of neuro-radiologic images (eg, indications and interpretation
of orbital tumors, thyroid eye disease, pituitary adenoma, optic nerve glioma, optic nerve
sheath meningioma).
4. Describe the evaluation, management, and specific testing (eg, stereopsis, mirror test,
red-green testing, monocular prism test) of patients  with  “functional”  (ie,  nonorganic)  
visual loss (eg, recognize nonorganic spiral or tunnel visual fields).**
5. Describe the indications for, perform, and list the complications of temporal artery
6. Perform and interpret basic ocular coherence tomography (OCT) imaging of the eye (eg,
optic disc, retinal nerve fiber layer, macula).**
7. Describe the indications and interpret basic ocular electrophysiology (eg, visually-evoked
potential [VEP], electroretinogram [ERG], electrooculogram [EOG]).
8. Perform basic neurologic screening examination (eg, tandem walk, sensory examination,
cerebellar function testing, basic cognitive evaluation).
9. Identify  patients  with  “functional”  visual  loss  (ie,  nonorganic  visual  loss)  and  provide  
appropriate approach and follow up.**
10. Quantify relative afferent pupillary defect (RAPD) with neutral density filter and be able
to detect RAPD in patients with only one working pupil.**
11. Interpret fluorescein angiography images.

Advanced Level Goals: Year 3

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Describe the typical and atypical features, evaluation, and management of papilledema
and raised intracranial pressure due to a variety of causes (eg, sinus thrombosis,
idiopathic, meningitis).**
2. Describe the typical features, evaluation, and management of urgent neuro-ophthalmic
pathologies (eg, giant cell arteritis, cavernous sinus thrombosis, orbital apex syndrome,
pituitary apoplexy).**
3. Describe typical features of the most advanced and least common optic neuropathies (eg,
chronic recurrent inflammatory optic neuritis, posterior ischemic optic neuropathy,
neuromyelitis optica, autoimmune optic neuropathy, toxic/nutritional).**
4. Describe typical and atypical features, evaluation, and management of the most complex
and least common ocular motor neuropathies and their mimics (eg, patterns of aberrant
5. Describe typical and atypical features, evaluation, and management of the most complex
and least common forms of nystagmus (eg, spasmus nutans, see-saw nystagmus, periodic
alternating nystagmus).
6. Describe typical and atypical features, evaluation, and management of the most advanced
and least common pupillary abnormalities (eg, pupil findings in coma, transient pupillary
7. Describe features, evaluation, and management of the most complex and least common
visual field defects and recognize pattern mimics (eg, combination of disc-related
scotoma plus hemianopia, binasal hemianopia, sectoranopia, bilateral inferior altitudinal
loss due to superior occipital lobe lesions and not bilateral anterior ischemic optic
8. Describe, evaluate, and treat the neuro-ophthalmic aspects of systemic diseases (eg,
malignant hypertension, diabetic papillopathy, toxicity of systemic medications,
paraneoplastic syndromes, HIV/AIDS).**
9. Describe, evaluate, and treat the neuro-ophthalmic manifestations of trauma (eg,
corticosteroid or surgical therapy in traumatic optic neuropathy).
10. Describe, evaluate, and provide appropriate genetic counseling for inherited neuro-
ophthalmic diseases (eg, hereditary optic neuropathies, chronic progressive external
ophthalmoplegia, neurofibromatosis, ataxia syndromes).
11. Recognize, evaluate, and treat transient monocular visual loss.**
12. Describe indications and interpret blood test results for various systemic disorders with
neuro-ophthalmic manifestations (eg, thyroid disorders, pituitary disorders, myasthenia
13. Describe syndromes of cortical visual dysfunction.
14. Detect early neuro-ophthalmic signs and symptoms of drug toxicity for commonly used
15. Describe the neuro-ophthalmic complications related to pregnancy.
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Perform and interpret the results of the intravenous edrophonium (ie, Tensilon) and
prostigmin tests for myasthenia gravis; recognize and treat the complications of the
2. Perform and interpret the complete cranial nerve evaluation in the context of neuro-
ophthalmic localization and diseases.**
3. Interpret neuro-radiologic images in neuro-ophthalmology (eg, interpretation of orbital
imaging for orbital pseudotumor and tumors, thyroid eye disease, intracranial imaging
modalities and strategies for tumors, aneurysms, infection, inflammation, ischemia), and
appropriately discuss, in advance of testing, the localizing clinicoradiological features
with the neuroradiologist in order to obtain the best study and interpretation of the
4. Identify  patients  with  “functional”  visual  loss  (ie,  nonorganic  visual loss) and provide
appropriate counseling and follow-up.**
5. Quantify RAPD with neutral density filter and detect small RAPD in patients with only
one working pupil.**
6. Perform optic nerve sheath decompression, if trained, for papilledema.**
7. Perform neuro-ophthalmic evaluations for people with special needs (eg, comatose
patients, children, children with developmental and visual maturation evaluations).
8. Describe indications, dose, and administration of Botox for neuro-ophthalmic disorders
(eg, hemifacial spasm, blepharospasm, paralytic strabismus).

Very Advanced Level Goals: Subspecialist

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Describe the arterial circulation in detail and know the general venous drainage along the
entire anterior visual pathway (eg, optic disc, retrobulbar optic nerve, intracranial
segment of optic nerve, chiasm, lateral geniculate body).
2. Describe evaluation, give differential diagnosis, and outline a management plan of the
most advanced and least common optic neuropathies (eg, chronic recurrent inflammatory
optic neuritis, posterior ischemic optic neuropathy, neuromyelitis optica, autoimmune
optic neuropathy, rare toxic optic neuropathies).**
3. Describe the cortical visual syndromes and know the localization of the causative lesion
(eg, akinetopsia, prosopagnosia, simultagnosia).
4. Be able to discuss strengths and weaknesses of current treatment options (eg, steroids for
acute nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy, hyperbaric oxygen treatment,
neuromyelitis optica antibodies in optic neuritis).**
5. Describe typical and atypical features, evaluation, and management of rare eye
movement disorders (eg, differential diagnosis of monocular oscillations, localization of
lesion and purported mechanism of oculopalatal myoclonus).
6. Describe typical features, pathophysiology, evaluation, and management of rare pupillary
syndromes (eg, tadpole pupil, paradoxical pupillary constriction).
7. Describe the advantages, disadvantages, indications, and pitfalls in special perimetric
methods (eg, blue-yellow perimetry, automated kinetic perimetry, motion perimetry,
8. Describe and differentiate among various kinds of unusual positive visual phenomena
and know their possible causes (eg, palinopsia, persistent photopsia).**
9. Know the differential diagnosis and evaluation for acute or progressive homonymous
hemianopsia in a patient with a normal MRI.**
10. Describe the various prion diseases and their management.
11. Describe the various mitochondrial syndromes that have neuro-ophthalmic
manifestations, and provide appropriate genetic counseling for inherited neuro-
ophthalmic diseases (eg, Kearns-Sayre and related syndromes, mitochondrial
encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis, stroke-like episodes [MELAS], neuropathy, ataxia,
and retinitis pigmentosa [NARP]).**
12. Describe evaluation, give differential diagnosis, and outline a management plan for
patients with headache and facial pain presenting as neuro-ophthalmic manifestations.**
13. Describe the features, evaluation, and differential diagnosis of dizziness and vertigo from
neuro-ophthalmic problems.**
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Recognize pitfalls in interpretations of unusual results of pharmacologic tests used for
diagnosis of pupillary disorders.**
2. Know techniques that reveal the most subtle manifestations of eye movement disorder
(eg, slow medial rectus saccade as the only sign of internuclear ophthalmoplegia, fundus
photos for excyclotorsion, head shaking test).**
3. Perform and interpret the complete neurologic examination.
4. Be able to detect symptomatic lesions overlooked by the neuroradiologist (eg, small
lesion in optic canal, carotid dissection).**
5. Be able to perform specific maneuvers that definitively reveal nonorganic visual loss or
overlay (eg, 4-diopter prism test, rocking mirror).**
6. Perform and interpret spectral-domain OCT (eg, outer retinal disorders, detection of
7. Describe the indications and interpret laboratory results for seromarkers, antibodies, and
antigen levels for various systemic diseases with neuro-ophthalmic manifestations (eg,
paraneoplastics syndromes, autoimmune disease, inflammatory disorders).**
8. Interpret indocyanine green angiography and autofluorescence imaging.

Note: Inclusion of therapies and investigations in the ICO Residency Curriculum does not
imply that listings are all inclusive or that methods are endorsed by the ICO. Appropriate
levels of expertise and knowledge should be achieved based on the care provided.
Practitioners should know of therapies and investigations not available at their hospital or
clinic, so that they can advise patients who may be able to seek care elsewhere.
VIII. Ophthalmic Pathology
Ophthalmic  pathology  has  greatly  advanced  the  ophthalmologist’s  understanding  of  the  origin,  
diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of diseases of the eye and its adnexa, since the integration of
this discipline into residency training approximately a century ago. The International Council of
Ophthalmology emphasizes the continued importance of ophthalmic pathology to training of
ophthalmologists. It distinguishes ophthalmology as a medical specialty, which is based on the
understanding of the pathological basis of eye diseases. Ophthalmic surgery can be regarded as
applied ophthalmic pathology. The major contributions of ophthalmic pathology are of particular
interest to ophthalmology.

All residents should be engaged with an ophthalmic pathologist who ideally practices within or
with appointment to the ophthalmology department and who can practice either ophthalmology
or pathology in addition to providing the ophthalmic pathology service.

At least one residency program in each country should aim to maintain an ophthalmic pathology
laboratory or be affiliated with an ophthalmic pathology laboratory, which permits
ophthalmology residents with a special interest in ophthalmic pathology opportunity to
participate in grossing, sectioning, and processing of specimens, as well as related research.
Other programs should aim to collaborate with the national or regional ophthalmic pathology
laboratory, or with an extramural pathologist who works with the faculty and staff in the
ophthalmology department, to develop expertise in ophthalmic pathology. Residents should have
access to ophthalmic pathology workshops or teleconferences to complete the curriculum

Standard Level Goals

The principal aim is to link ophthalmic pathology with specific patient-based areas of residency
training (eg, oculoplastics, cornea, glaucoma, retina, ophthalmic oncology). The subspecialties
emphasized should vary according to the prevalence of ophthalmic disease and the particular
expertise of the ophthalmology department and associated ophthalmic pathology laboratory.

Teaching can be conducted through regular face-to-face consultation sessions or

clinicopathologic conferences. During their training, residents should get a minimum of 36 hours
(ie, 1 hour per month) of experience in evaluating pathological specimens with a specialist who
has expertise in ophthalmic pathology.

Teaching clinicopathologic correlations can be supplemented with demonstrations through

advanced imaging techniques (eg, ultrasonography, optical coherence tomography, magnetic
resonance imaging), which produce images that are similar to gross pathologic specimens and
histopathologic sections and have the ability to differentiate pathologic processes.

Advanced Level Goals

Chairs in ophthalmology should provide residents with a special interest in ophthalmic pathology
the opportunity to participate in grossing, sectioning, processing, and examination of specimens.

Very Advanced Level Goals

Chairs in both ophthalmology and pathology need to identify promising residents to receive
special training and to work with the clinical faculty and laboratory staff to develop subspecialty
expertise in ophthalmic pathology.

* * *

Basic Level Goals: Year 1

These goals are pertinent from the beginning of ophthalmology residency and should typically be
acquired during the first year of ophthalmic residency training.

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Describe the professional duties and specific and unique aspects of professionalism of
ophthalmic pathology, and the significance of ophthalmic pathology to the practice of
2. Describe basic ocular anatomy and histology of the major structures of the eye and its
a. Conjunctiva**
b. Cornea**
c. Sclera**
d. Anterior chamber**
e. Posterior chamber**
f. Iris**
g. Ciliary body**
h. Lens**
i. Vitreous**
j. Retina and retinal pigment epithelium**
k. Choroid**
l. Optic nerve**
m. Visual pathway**
n. Eyelids**
o. Extraocular muscles**
p. Lacrimal system**
q. Orbit**
3. Describe basic pathophysiology of the common disease processes of the eye and its
adnexa, and identify the major histologic findings:
a. Degeneration (eg, pterygium, keratoconus)**
b. Dystrophy (eg, Fuchs dystrophy, TGFBI-associated dystrophies)**
c. Infection (eg, fungal keratitis, bacterial endophthalmitis)**
d. Inflammation (eg, chalazion, idiopathic orbital inflammation)**
e. Neoplasm and proliferation (eg, basal and squamous cell carcinoma, uveal melanoma,
4. Describe common methods of specimen acquisition and handling for ophthalmic
pathology, especially handling methods that avoid artifacts and ensure representative
a. Surgical biopsy, with special emphasis on the eyelids and conjunctiva, cornea, and
b. Resection margin marking**
c. Enucleation**
d. Exenteration**
e. Impression cytology
f. Fine needle aspiration biopsy
5. Describe basic information necessary to communicate to the ophthalmic pathologist
regarding study of these specimens.**
6. Describe common indications for frozen sections in ophthalmic pathology (eg, complete
resection margins in basal and squamous cell carcinoma, demonstration of lipid in
sebaceous gland carcinoma).**
7. Describe basic steps in handling and processing of gross specimens in the ophthalmic
pathology laboratory through a site visit, with relevance to ophthalmic surgery.
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Process specimens for submitting to an ophthalmic pathology laboratory, and write the
accompanying letter to the ophthalmic pathologist (eg, surgical biopsy, corneal button,
enucleated eye, exenteration specimen).**
2. Read and interpret reports from these specimens written by the ophthalmic pathologist.**
3. Participate as an observer through a site visit in the macroscopic and microscopic
examination of ophthalmic pathology specimens from active cases.

Standard Level Goals: Year 2 and Year 3

These goals relate to the second and third years of ophthalmic residency training.

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Describe more advanced ocular anatomy (eg, common variants), and identify the
histology of the major structures of the eye and its adnexa relevant to specific clinical
rotation(s) (eg, oculoplastics, cornea, glaucoma, retina, ophthalmic oncology).**
2. Describe the pathophysiology and identify the major histologic findings of common
diseases of the eye (eg, keratitis, exfoliation syndrome, corneal and retinal dystrophies
and degenerations, frequent neoplasms) relevant to specific clinical rotation(s) (eg,
oculoplastics, cornea, glaucoma, retina, ophthalmic oncology).**
3. Describe the pathophysiology and histology of potentially vision or life-threatening
diseases (eg, temporal arteritis, endophthalmitis, retinoblastoma, ocular melanoma,
extraocular or orbital spread of an intraocular or periorbital tumor, metastasis to the eye
and orbit) relevant to specific clinical rotation(s) (eg, oculoplastics, cornea, glaucoma,
retina, ophthalmic oncology).**
4. Describe and interpret reports of more advanced techniques in ophthalmic histopathology
(eg, cytology, special stains, transmission electron microscopy, immunohistochemistry,
tumor free margins) relevant to specific clinical rotation(s) (eg, oculoplastics, cornea,
glaucoma, retina, ophthalmic oncology), including how the clinician communicates the
need for these studies.**
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Process appropriately more advanced specimens for submitting to an ophthalmic
pathology laboratory, including writing of the accompanying letter to the ophthalmic
pathologist (eg, impression cytology, fine needle aspiration biopsy, vitreous biopsy,
evisceration, exenteration specimen).**
2. Perform and submit a biopsy for frozen section study in ocular pathology.**
3. Participate under supervision through a site visit in a macroscopic and microscopic
examination of ophthalmic specimens from active cases, working from low to high

Advanced Level Goals: Year 2 and Year 3

These goals relate to the second and third years of ophthalmic residency training, for residents
with a special interest in ophthalmic pathology.

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Describe less common ocular anatomy (eg, pars plana cysts), and identify the histology
of the minor structures (eg, ciliary sulcus) of the eye and its adnexa relevant to specific
clinical rotation(s) (eg, oculoplastics, cornea, glaucoma, retina, ophthalmic oncology).**
2. Describe the pathophysiology of less common disease processes of the eye (eg, most
common syndromes, less common corneal and retinal dystrophies and degenerations and
ocular neoplasms, ocular lesions in acquired immune deficiency syndrome) relevant to
specific clinical rotation(s) (eg, oculoplastics, cornea, glaucoma, retina, ophthalmic
oncology), and identify their major histologic findings.**
3. Describe and interpret reports of advanced techniques in ophthalmic pathology (eg, flow
cytometry, molecular genetics) relevant to specific clinical rotation(s) (eg, oculoplastics,
cornea, glaucoma, retina, ophthalmic oncology).**
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Participate  as  an  “at-the-elbow”  observer  during  microscopic  examination  of  active  
ophthalmology cases, including special stains.**
2. Participate in gross examination and cutting of common ophthalmic pathology specimens
(eg, eyelid biopsies, corneas, whole globes), and take macroscopic and microscopic
photographs to document pathologies.**
3. Prepare a basic histologic specimen (eg, hematoxylin-eosin stain) for review by the
ophthalmic pathologist.
4. Perform microscopic examination of a specimen under supervision, and participate in
writing the report, preferably previewing slides in advance of the pathologist to come up
with a diagnosis and to suggest special stains and immunohistochemistry without the
influence of the ophthalmic pathologist, followed by reviewing the report and special
stain orders with the latter.

Very Advanced Level Goals: Subspecialist

These goals relate to, but build upon and are more advanced and distinct from, the second and
third years of ophthalmic residency training.

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Describe advanced ocular anatomy, and identify histology of the minor structures of the
eye and their uncommon variants (eg congenital grouped pigmentation).**
2 Describe the more complex pathophysiology of the disease processes of the eye, and
identify major histologic findings of each (eg, inflammatory pseudotumor, lymphoma,
artifacts of tissue processing, virus particles).**
3. Describe the histology of the less common but potentially vision or life-threatening
ocular and adnexal diseases (eg, healed giant cell arteritis, mimics and masqueraders of
inflammation and neoplasm, less common benign and malignant neoplasms).**
4. Describe ancillary procedures for oncology (eg, bone marrow aspiration, cerebrospinal
fluid cytology).
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Manage consultation between the clinician and ophthalmic pathologist regarding
indications for special stains (eg, Gram stain for bacteria, Congo red for amyloid; Gomori
methenamine silver staining for fungi; Prussian blue for hemosiderosis; von Kossa for
calcium; Oil Red O or Sudan Black for sebaceous carcinoma) or processing (eg,
orientation of specimen, special handling).**
2. Participate as an observer during the microscopic examination of active ophthalmology
cases, including more advanced stains and techniques.**
3. Participate in subspecialty clinical pathological meetings (eg, with corneal surgeons,
infection specialists, tumor board).**
4. Handle appropriately gross or cytologic specimens in the ophthalmic pathology
laboratory (eg, vitreous biopsy, exenteration specimen).
5. Prepare more advanced histologic specimens for review by the ophthalmic pathologist
(eg, special stains or fixation methods such as glutaraldehyde fixation for electron
6. Perform microscopic examination of a paraffin-embedded specimen and a frozen-section
specimen without direct supervision; provide a relevant differential diagnosis; draft a
report–preferably previewing slides in advance of the pathologist–to come up with a
diagnosis and to suggest special stains and immunohistochemistry, without the influence
of the ophthalmic pathologist; review the report and special stain orders with the
ophthalmic pathologist.
7. Participate with the ophthalmic pathologist in tumor board and similar multidisciplinary
meetings, presentations on recent advances, and journal clubs involving pathology.
8. Research requirement: Publish at least one paper based on basic, translational, or clinical
research involving ophthalmic pathology. The purpose of the requirement is to further the
trainee’s  in-depth knowledge of pathophysiology and laboratory techniques relating to
ophthalmic pathology.

Note: Inclusion of therapies and investigations in the ICO Residency Curriculum does not imply
that listings are all inclusive or that methods are endorsed by the ICO. Appropriate levels of
expertise and knowledge should be achieved based on the care provided. Practitioners should
know of therapies and investigations not available at their hospital or clinic, so that they can
advise patients who may be able to seek care elsewhere.
IX. Oculoplastic Surgery and Orbit

Basic Level Goals: Year 1

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Perform preoperative and postoperative assessment of patients with common oculoplastic
1. Describe basic anatomy and physiology (eg, orbicularis, meibomian glands, Zeis glands,
orbital septum, levator muscle, Müller muscle, Whitnall ligament, Lockwood ligament,
preaponeurotic fat, scalp, face).**
2. Describe basic mechanisms and indications for treatment of eyelid trauma (lid margin
sparing, lid margin involving, canaliculus involving).**
3. Describe mechanisms and indications for treatment of ptosis.**
4. Describe mechanisms and indications for treatment of upper and lower eyelid
5. Describe mechanisms and indications for treatment of entropion.**
6. Describe mechanisms and indications for treatment of ectropion.**
7. Identify floppy eyelid syndrome and its systemic associations.**
8. Identify blepharospasm and hemifacial spasm.**
9. Describe history and examination findings for benign and malignant lid lesions.**
1. Describe basic anatomy and physiology (eg, puncta, canaliculi, lacrimal sac, nasolacrimal
duct, endonasal anatomy, lacrimal glands).**
2. Identify dacryocystitis.**
3. Describe mechanisms of tearing.**
4. Describe mechanisms and indications for treatment of congenital and acquired
nasolacrimal duct obstruction.**
5. Recite the differential diagnosis of lacrimal gland mass (eg, inflammatory, neoplastic,
congenital, infectious).**
1. Describe basic anatomy (eg, orbital bones, orbital foramina, paranasal sinuses, annulus of
Zinn, arterial and venous vascular supply, nerves, extraocular muscles).**
2. Identify normal orbital and relevant nasal and paranasal sinus anatomy on imaging
studies (eg, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging).**
3. Describe basic mechanisms and indications for treatment of orbital trauma (eg, medial
wall and floor fractures, retrobulbar hemorrhage).**
4. Describe the pathophysiology of thyroid eye disease.**
5. Recite the differential diagnosis of common orbital tumors in children and adults.**
6. Recite the differential diagnosis of proptosis in children and adults.**
7. Describe typical features of orbital cellulitis.**
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Describe indications for and perform the basic office examination techniques for the most
common eyelid abnormalities (eg, margin reflex distance, palpebral fissure height,
levator function, lagophthalmos, lid crease, lid laxity assessment, brow height,
dermatochalasis, eversion, double eversion).**
2. Perform minor lid and conjunctival procedures (eg, repair of small eyelid laceration
including marginal, removal of benign eyelid lesions, chalazion curettage or excision,
conjunctival biopsy).**
3. Treat complications of minor operating room procedures (eg, incision and drainage of
chalazia, excision of small eyelid lesions).
4. Identify and treat trichiasis (eg, epilation, cryotherapy, surgical therapy).
5. Describe indications for and perform a temporary tarsorrhaphy.**
6. Describe indications for and perform everting sutures (Quickert sutures).**
7. Describe indications for and perform a lateral canthotomy/cantholysis.**
1. Describe indications for and perform the basic office examination techniques for the most
common lacrimal abnormalities (eg, Schirmer test, dye disappearance test, punctal
position, punctal dilation, canalicular probing, lacrimal probing and irrigation).**
2. Describe indications for and perform an incision and drainage of the lacrimal sac.**
3. Perform punctal plug insertion or removal.
1. Describe indications for and perform the basic office examination techniques for the most
common orbital abnormalities (eg, Hertel measurement, inspection, palpation,
2. Identify indications for and perform the basic anophthalmic socket assessment (eg, types
of implants, implant movement, socket health, socket surface, socket volume, fornices,
prosthesis type and fit).

Standard Level Goals: Year 2

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Perform preoperative and postoperative assessment of patients with simple and more
serious oculoplastic disorders (eg, multidisciplinary procedures).
1. Describe more advanced eyelid anatomy and physiology (eg, lymphatics).
2. Describe the mechanisms of and indications for eyelid reconstruction.**
3. Described the genetics (where known), clinical features, evaluation, and treatment of
congenital eyelid deformities (eg, coloboma, distichiasis, epicanthus, telecanthus,
blepharophimosis, ankyloblepharon, epiblepharon, euryblepharon, cryptophthalmia,
Goldenhar syndrome, Treacher-Collins syndrome, Waardenburg syndrome).
4. Describe clinical features, evaluation, syndromic association and management of
congenital ptosis (eg, simple, blepharophimosis-ptosis-epicanthus inversus syndrome
[BPES], jaw wink, congenital fibrosis).**
5. Describe the genetics (when applicable), clinical features, evaluation, and treatment of
acquired myogenic ptosis (eg, oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy, mitochondrial
myopathies, myotonic dystrophy, myasthenia gravis).
6. Describe the clinical features, evaluation, and treatment of acquired neurogenic ptosis
(eg, third nerve palsy, Horner syndrome).**
7. Describe the mechanisms and indications for treatment of more advanced eyelid trauma
(eg, chemical burns, thermal burns, canthal avulsions, eyelid avulsions).
8. Describe features, evaluation, and treatment of preseptal cellulitis versus orbital
1. Describe more advanced lacrimal anatomy and physiology (eg, lacrimal pump theories).
2. Describe the mechanisms and indications for treatment of more advanced lacrimal trauma
(eg, nasolacrimal duct obstructions resulting from facial fractures).
3. Describe features, evaluation, and treatment of more complicated cases of nasolacrimal
duct obstruction, canaliculitis, dacryocystitis, and acute and chronic dacryoadenitis.
4. Describe the genetics, clinical features, evaluation, and management of lacrimal
1. Describe more advanced orbital anatomy and physiology (eg, vascular anatomy, neural
anatomy, orbital septa).
2. Describe the clinical features, evaluation, and management of congenital orbital
deformities (eg, anophthalmia, microphthalmia, hypotelorism, hypertelorism versus
3. Describe the genetics, clinical features, evaluation, and management of common
craniosynostoses and other congenital malformations (eg, Crouzon syndrome, Apert
4. Describe the mechanisms and indications for treatment of more advanced orbital trauma
(eg, zygomaticomaxillary complex fractures, naso-orbital ethmoid fractures, Le Fort
5. Identify, evaluate, and treat thyroid ophthalmopathy (eg, epidemiology, symptoms and
signs, associated systemic diseases, orbital imaging, differential diagnosis, surgical,
medical, and radiation indications, side effects of treatment).**
6. Identify, evaluate, and treat nonspecific orbital inflammation (eg, symptoms and signs,
orbital imaging, differential diagnosis, biopsy indications, choice of treatments).**
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Describe indications for and perform more advanced examination techniques for less
common eyelid abnormalities (eg, decreased blink, orbicularis weakness, contour
abnormalities, marginal entropion).
2. Describe indications for and complications of, and perform more complicated minor lid
procedures (eg, larger benign skin lesions, recurrent chalazia).
3. Describe indications for and complications of, and perform more complicated eyelid
surgery (eg, upper blepharoplasty, lower lid tightening).
4. Describe indications for and complications of, and perform more advanced eyelid
reconstruction (eg, wedge/pentagonal block resection).
5. Identify indications for and complications of, and treat blepharospasm and hemifacial
6. Identify histopathological features of common eyelid conditions.
1. Identify indications for and perform more advanced lacrimal assessment (eg,
interpretation of dye testing, canalicular probing in trauma).
2. Describe indications for and complications of, and perform basic lacrimal procedures (eg,
lacrimal drainage testing [irrigation, Jones Dye Tests 1 and 2], lacrimal probing, lacrimal
intubation, incision and drainage of lacrimal sac abscess).
3. Identify indications for and interpret lacrimal imaging (eg, scintigraphy, cystography).
4. Identify histopathological features of common lacrimal conditions.
1. Describe indications for and perform more advanced assessment of the orbit (eg,
hypoglobus, facial asymmetry, enophthalmos, proptosis).**
2. Describe indications for and complications of, and perform enucleation and
3. Identify indications for and perform more advanced socket assessment (eg, extrusion of
implants, anophthalmic socket complications).
4. Identify common orbital pathology (eg, orbital fractures, orbital tumors) on imaging
studies (eg, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, ultrasound).**
5. Treat common presentations of orbital cellulitis.**
6. Identify histopathological features of common orbital conditions.

Advanced Level Goals: Year 3

A. Cognitive skills
1. Perform preoperative and postoperative assessment and coordination of care of patients
with more advanced or complex oculoplastic-related disorders (eg, systemically ill
patients, multidisciplinary procedures).
1. Describe the most advanced eyelid anatomy and physiology.
2. Describe the etiology, evaluation, and medical and surgical treatment of the following
eyelid diseases:
a. Complex ectropion (eg, congenital, paralytic, involutional, cicatricial, mechanical,
b. Complex entropion (eg, involutional, spastic, cicatricial, congenital)
c. Complex myogenic ptosis (eg, myasthenia gravis, chronic progressive external
ophthalmoplegia [CPEO], oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy [OPMD], myotonic
d. Upper eyelid retraction
e. Lower eyelid retraction
f. Benign, pre-malignant, or malignant eyelid tumors (eg, papilloma, seborrheic
keratosis, epidermal inclusion cyst, molluscum contagiosum, verruca vulgaris,
keratoacanthoma, actinic keratosis, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma,
sebaceous cell carcinoma, melanoma)
g. Single or recurrent inflammatory lesions (eg, recurrent chalazion or its mimics)
h. Facial nerve palsy with exposure keratopathy (eg, tarsorrhaphy, gold weight, lower
lid tightening/elevation)
1. Describe the most advanced lacrimal anatomy and physiology.
2. Describe the etiology, evaluation, and medical and surgical treatment of the following
lacrimal diseases:**
a. Punctal stenosis**
b. Canalicular stenosis**
c. Common canalicular stenosis**
1. Describe the most advanced orbital anatomy and physiology.
2. Describe the etiology, evaluation, and medical and surgical treatment of the following
orbital diseases: **
a. Orbital trauma
i. All orbital fractures
ii. Retrobulbar hemorrhage**
iii. Orbital foreign bodies
b. Orbital neoplasms
i. All benign
ii. All malignant
c. Orbital inflammation
i. Infectious
1. Bacterial
2. Fungal
3. Mycoplasma
ii. Noninfectious
1. Thyroid eye disease
2. Sarcoidosis
3. Wegener granulomatosis
4. Nonspecific orbital inflammation
3. Describe epidemiology, clinical features, evaluation, and management of fetal alcohol
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Describe  indications  for  and  perform  more  complicated  and  advanced  “in  office”  
examination techniques for less common but important eyelid abnormalities.
2. Perform more complicated lid procedures, including:
a. Frontalis sling
b. Lateral tarsal strip
c. Eyelid reconstruction
1. Describe  indications  for  and  perform  more  complicated  and  advanced  “in  office”  
examination techniques for less common but important lacrimal abnormalities.
2. Perform more advanced lacrimal assessment (eg, intraoperative and postoperative testing,
more complex trauma to lacrimal system).
3. Describe management of and treat lacrimal system abnormalities, including surgeries (eg,
lacrimal probing, dacryocystectomy, dacryocystorhinostomy).
1. Describe  indications  for  and  perform  more  complicated  and  advanced  “in  office”  
examination techniques for less common but important orbital abnormalities (eg, forced
duction testing).
2. Describe typical and atypical features and describe the differential diagnosis, clinical
features, and treatment of more complicated orbital diseases, including:
a. Complex orbital infections (eg, orbital cellulitis, mucormycosis, aspergillosis**
b. Congenital tumors (eg, dermoid)
c. Fibro-osseous disorders and tumors (eg, fibrous dysplasia, osteoma, chondrosarcoma,
osteosarcoma, Paget disease)
d. Vascular tumors (eg, capillary hemangioma, cavernous hemangioma,
hemangiopericytoma, lymphangioma, Kaposi sarcoma)
e. Xanthomatous tumors (eg, xanthelasma, juvenile xanthogranuloma)
f. Lacrimal gland tumors (eg, benign mixed tumor, adenoid cystic carcinoma, malignant
mixed tumor, lymphoma)
g. Neural tumors (eg, optic nerve glioma/meningioma, neurofibromatosis,
neuroblastoma, schwannoma)
h. Sarcomas (eg, rhabdomyosarcoma, leiomyosarcoma, liposarcoma, osteosarcoma)
i. Lymphoid lesions (eg, lymphoid hyperplasia, lymphoma, leukemia)
j. Metastatic lesions (eg, from breast, prostate, lung, colon)
k. Thyroid eye disease
l. Nonspecific orbital inflammation
m. Trauma (eg, fractures, foreign body, retrobulbar hemorrhage, traumatic optic
3. Describe indications for and complications of basic orbital skills and procedures,
a. Anterior orbitotomy for tumor biopsy/excision
b. Orbital floor fracture repair
4. Describe indications for and complications of different orbital approaches and incisions
(eg, Kronlein, Caldwell-Luc, transconjunctival, transnasal).**
5. Describe indications for and interpret orbital ultrasound, computerized axial tomography
(CT or CAT) scan, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan (eg, orbital trauma,
orbital lesions, tumors). **

Very Advanced Level Goals: Subspecialist

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Perform preoperative and postoperative assessment and counseling of patients with
cosmetic oculoplastic concerns.
2. Describe regional anatomy including graft donor sites frequently used (eg, cranial bone,
ear, nose, temporal area, mouth and neck, abdomen, buttocks, legs, supraclavicular area,
3. Describe the fundamentals of ocular and orbital anatomy, chemistry, physiology,
microbiology, immunology, and wound healing.
4. Order and interpret imaging techniques.
5. Describe indications for more advanced imaging studies (eg, CT, MRI, magnetic
resonance angiogram [MRA], positron emission tomography [PET]-CT, bone scan,
arteriography, ultrasound).
6. Explain the principles of plain films, CT, MRI, and ultrasound imaging relating to the
head and neck with particular emphasis on the orbit.
7. Describe indications for the type of scan/imaging to order given the clinical setting, and
be able to read the film or scan.
8. Interpret ocular and periocular pathology and dermatopathology.
1. Describe the clinical features, evaluation, and management of congenital syndromes,
inflammation, trauma, ectropion, entropion, trichiasis, blepharoptosis, eyelid retraction,
epiblepharon, dermatochalasis, blepharochalasis, eyelid tumors, blepharospasm, facial
nerve palsy, eyebrow, midface and lower face function; and aesthetics, histology, and
pathology of the facial skin.
2. Describe ocular surface pathology, including cicatricial processes affecting the bulbar
and palpebral conjunctiva, management of corneal and conjunctival exposure, and
relationship of the lids, midface, and brow to ocular exposure.
3. Describe the assessment of eyebrow position for brow ptosis and paralysis, and determine
its relation to upper eyelid dermatochalasis.
4. Assess facial paralysis and evaluate the effects of upper eyelid lag and midface
cicatricial, paralytic, and involutional changes on lower eyelid position.
5. Describe complex eyelid trauma.
6. Describe complex eyelid reconstruction (eg, Hughes flap, free tarsal grafts, local flaps,
skin grafts, Cutler-Beard procedure).
1. Describe the etiology, evaluation, and medical and surgical treatment of congenital
tearing, acquired tearing, and trauma.
1. Describe the etiology, evaluation, and medical and surgical treatment of orbital problems
of children (eg, congenital anomalies, cellulitis, benign and malignant tumors, orbital
2. Describe the etiology, evaluation, and medical and surgical treatment of orbital disorders
of adults, including orbital cellulitis, thyroid orbitopathy, idiopathic orbital inflammation,
vasculitis, congenital tumors, vascular tumors, neural tumors, lacrimal gland tumors,
fibro-osseous tumors, histiocytic diseases, lymphoid tumors, metastatic tumors, blunt and
penetrating trauma, orbital and facial fractures, anophthalmic socket problems, and skull
base disease.
3. Describe the types of and indications for various biomaterials and orbital implants.
1. Describe basic anatomy and physiology.
1. Describe basic anatomy and physiology.
Head and Neck as it Relates to the Orbit and Adnexa
1. Describe basic anatomy and physiology.
2. Assess the face in terms of harmonious aesthetic units and evaluate the interrelationships
of each.
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Describe indications for and perform medical and surgical treatment of floppy eyelid
2. Perform more complicated eyelid procedures, including:
a. Levator advancement
b. Retractor reinsertion
c. Lower eyelid elevation
d. Upper eyelid recession
e. Eyebrow elevation
3. Perform complex ptosis repairs (eg, reoperations for height or contour abnormalities).
4. Perform complex lower eyelid procedures (eg, retraction using a spacer, cicatricial
entropion using a mucous membrane graft).
5. Perform midface surgery (eg, midface lift for cicatricial and paralytic ectropion).
6. Perform advanced brow elevation techniques (eg, endoscopic, pretrichial, coronal).
7. Perform advanced eyelid reconstruction (eg, Hughes flap, Cutler-Beard procedure, tissue
transfer, flaps, grafts).
8. Perform cosmetic upper blepharoplasty.
9. Perform cosmetic lower blepharoplasty.
10. Excise benign and malignant tumors involving the periorbital and adjacent regions.
1. Describe management of and treat lacrimal system abnormalities, including:
a. Complex congenital disorders (eg, canalicular stenosis)
b. Complex trauma (ie, requiring lacrimal intubation)
2. Describe indications for and complications of, and perform intranasal endoscopic
3. Describe management of complex acquired disorders and their treatment (eg, external
and endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy, conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy with Jones
1. Describe indications for and complications of, and perform basic orbital skills and
procedures, including:
a. Socket reconstructions (eg, tissue transfers, grafts, flaps, synthetic implants)
b. Fracture repair of bones involving the periorbital region and orbit (eg, orbital floor,
medial orbital wall, Le Fort, zygomaticomaxillary complex [ZMC], naso-orbito-
ethmoid [NOE])
c. Orbitotomy for exploration, biopsy, and tumor removal using anterior, lateral, medial,
and superior approaches; and orbital reconstruction
d. Enucleation, evisceration, exenteration, and secondary implants of the orbit
e. Complex or difficult socket-related problems and complications (eg, extrusion of
implants, contracted socket, anophthalmic enophthalmos)
f. Optic nerve sheath fenestration
g. Orbital decompression for thyroid eye disease
1. Describe nasal endoscopy as related to the management of lacrimal and periorbital
2. Describe turbinectomy and nasal surgery as related to the management of lacrimal and
periorbital processes.
1. Describe sinus surgery and endoscopy as related to periorbital and lacrimal processes.
Head and Neck
1. Describe facial flaps, including temporal, midface, lower face/neck for functional and
aesthetic conditions related to the management of periorbital processes.
2. Describe rhytidectomy, including the periorbital and adjacent areas.
3. Repair upper face and brow conditions, including brow ptosis repair.
4. Use neuromodulators (eg, botulinum toxin), dermal fillers, other technologies (eg, laser)
and chemical/pharmaceutical agents for the management of contour and skin quality
abnormalities (ie, functional and aesthetic).

Note: Inclusion of therapies and investigations in the ICO Residency Curriculum does not imply
that listings are all inclusive or that methods are endorsed by the ICO. Appropriate levels of
expertise and knowledge should be achieved based on the care provided. Practitioners should
know of therapies and investigations not available at their hospital or clinic, so that they can
advise patients who may be able to seek care elsewhere.
X. Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus

Basic Level Goals: Year 1

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Describe basic examination techniques for strabismus (eg, ductions and versions, cover
and uncover testing, alternate cover testing, prism cover testing).**
2. Describe basic visual development and visual assessment of the pediatric ophthalmology
patient (eg, central, steady, maintained fixation), including any one matching card,
resolution and recognition acuity, and crowding using standard vision testing (eg,
tumbling  E  eye  chart,  Allen  cards,  Landolt  “C”  Broken  Ring  vision  chart).**
3. Describe the basic anatomy and physiology of strabismus:
a. Innervation of extraocular muscles**
b. Primary, secondary, and tertiary actions**
c. Laws governing the muscle actions**
d. Comitant and incomitant deviations**
e. Overaction and underaction**
f. Restrictive and paretic saccades**
g. Vergence**
h. Pursuit movements**
4. Describe basic sensory adaptations for binocular vision, including:
a. Normal and anomalous retinal correspondence**
b. Suppression**
c. Horopter**
d. Panum area**
e. Fusion**
f. Stereopsis**
5. Describe and recognize pseudostrabismus.**
6. Describe the different etiologies of amblyopia, including:
a. Deprivation**
b. Ametropic**
c. Strabismic**
d. Anisometropic**
e. Organic**
7. Describe various forms of esotropia, such as:
a. Congenital**
b. Comitant and incomitant**
c. Accommodative and nonaccommodative**
d. Decompensated**
e. Sensory**
f. Neurogenic**
g. Myogenic**
h. Neuromuscular junction**
i. Restrictive**
j. Nystagmus and esotropia**
k. Spasm of the near**
l. Monofixation syndrome**
m. Consecutive**
8. Describe various forms of exotropia, such as:
a. Congenital**
b. Comitant and incomitant**
c. Decompensated**
d. Sensory**
e. Neurogenic**
f. Myogenic**
g. Neuromuscular junction**
h. Restrictive**
i. Basic divergence excess**
j. Exophoria**
k. Convergence insufficiency**
9. Describe the nonsurgical treatment of strabismus and amblyopia, such as:
a. Patching**
b. Atropine penalization**
c. Fresnel and grind-in prism therapy**
d. Convergence exercises**
10. Describe different forms of childhood nystagmus.**
11. Describe features, classification, and treatment indications for retinopathy of
12. Describe etiologies and types of pediatric cataract with consideration of:
a. Age of onset
b. When do you treat and types of treatment
c. Postoperative rehabilitation
13. Describe and recognize ocular findings in child abuse (eg, retinal hemorrhages) and
appropriately refer to Child Protective Services or other authorities.**
14. Describe basic evaluation of decreased vision in infants and children, such as:
a. Delayed maturation of vision**
b. Leber congenital amaurosis**
c. Other hereditary retinal disorders**
d. Congenital glaucoma**
e. Congenital rubella syndrome**
f. Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)**
g. Various globe anomalies**
15. Describe the symptoms, associations, findings, and treatment of childhood glaucoma.**
16. Summarize ocular embryology development (ie, lens development, fetal vasculature,
anterior segment development, closure of embryonic fissure).**
17. Describe common causes of conjunctivitis in infants and children in terms of symptoms,
diagnosis, and treatment.**
18. Assess subluxated and dislocated lenses and know the systemic associations (eg, Marfan
syndrome, homocystinuria, Weill-Marchesani syndrome).**
19. Describe management of epiphora in children, including congenital nasolacrimal duct
20. Describe refractive errors and spectacle correction in childhood (recognizing that it is
arguably the most common cause of preventable visual impairment in children
21. Describe accommodation and drugs used for cycloplegia.
22. Describe indications and uses of contact lenses in childhood.
23. Describe normal visual development milestones.
24. Describe the basic principles of genetics.
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Perform an extraocular muscle examination based on knowledge of the anatomy and
physiology of ocular motility.**
2. Assess ocular motility using duction and version testing.**
3. Apply Hering law and Sherrington law, and apply the most advanced knowledge of
strabismus anatomy and physiology (eg, spiral of Tillaux, secondary and tertiary actions,
spread of comitance) in evaluation of patients.**
4. Perform basic measurement of strabismus (eg, Hirschberg test, Krimsky method, cover testing, prism cover
testing, simultaneous prism cover testing, alternate cover testing).
5. Perform assessment of vision in the neonate, infant, and child, including:
a. Fixation preference test**
b. Standard subjective visual acuity tests**
c. Induced tropia test**
6. Perform cycloplegic retinoscopy in children using loose lenses, lens stick, or phoropter,
depending on the age of the child and availability of the devices in the clinic.**
7. Measure  the  refractive  condition  of  a  patient’s  eyes  using  a  retinoscope.**
8. Recognize and apply in a clinical setting the following skills in the ocular motility
a. Stereoacuity testing**
b. Accommodative convergence/accommodation ratio (eg, heterophoria method,
gradient method)**
c. Tests of binocularity and retinal correspondence**
d. Cycloplegic refraction (ie, retinoscopy)**
e. Anterior and posterior segment examination**
f. Basic and advanced measurement of strabismus**
g. Teller acuity cards**
9. Assist a primary surgeon in performing extraocular muscle surgery, including:
a. Recession**
b. Resection**
c. Muscle weakening (eg, tenotomy) and strengthening (eg, tuck) procedures**
d. Transposition
e. Use of adjustable sutures
f. Intraoperative forced duction test (FDT)**
10. Probe tear ducts to diagnose and treat an obstruction.
11. Medically and, if indicated, surgically manage chalazions.
12. Treat molluscum contagiosum with curettage, if indicated.

Standard Level Goals: Year 2

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Describe basic and more advanced strabismus examination techniques (eg, combined
vertical and horizontal prism cover testing, double Maddox rod testing).**
2. Describe basic and more advanced visual development and visual assessment of the
pediatric ophthalmology patient (eg, blink to light or threat, measures of fixation and
following behavior, objective measures of visual acuity) using the optokinetic nystagmus
(OKN) drum to assess fixation and electrophysiological techniques such as sweep visual
evoked potential (VEP) evaluation.**
3. Describe basics of binocular sensory testing (eg, Titmus stereo testing, Randot stereo
testing, Worth 4-dot test, Bagolini lenses).**
4. Describe etiologies, evaluation, and management of vertical strabismus, including:
a. Neurogenic**
b. Myogenic**
c. Neuromuscular junction**
d. Oblique overaction or underaction**
e. Dissociated vertical deviation**
f. Restrictive**
5. Describe various strabismus patterns (eg, A or V pattern) and associations with various
types of comitant strabismus; the anatomic role of muscle pulleys; and the potential role
of radiology in assessing complex strabismus.**
6. Describe common hereditary or congenital ocular motility or lid syndromes (eg, Duane
syndrome, Marcus Gunn jaw-winking syndrome, Brown syndrome).
7. Describe and recognize typical features of retinoblastoma (eg, differential diagnosis,
evaluation, treatment indications, and types).**
8. Describe basic evaluation and differential diagnosis of decreased vision in infants and
children (eg, retinal and optic nerve etiologies, amblyopia).
9. Describe recognizable causes of blindness in infants (eg, albinism, optic nerve
hypoplasia, achromatopsia, Leber congenital amaurosis, retinal dystrophy, congenital
optic atrophy) and appropriate work up and associated diseases.**
10. Describe cortical visual impairment and periventricular leukomalacia.**
11. Interpret diplopia charts (eg, Hess charts, Lees chart, Harms screen).
12. Evaluate a child with congenital blindness, including VEP and interpretation of an
electroretinogram (ERG).**
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Perform more advanced strabismus testing, such as Parks-Bielschowsky 3-step test,
Lancaster red-green test, Maddox rod testing, double Maddox rod testing, and
measurement of dissociated vertical deviation (DVD).**
2. Perform forced duction test (FDT) and force generation test (FGT) in the clinic.
3. Perform basic extraocular muscle surgery, and exercise surgical judgment for the
indications and contraindications for strabismus surgery.**
4. Perform preoperative extraocular muscle surgery assessment, intraoperative techniques,
and describe intraoperative and postoperative complications of strabismus surgery.**
5. Perform the following strabismus surgeries:
a. Recession**
b. Resection**
Advanced Level Goals: Year 3
A. Cognitive Skills
1. Describe more advanced anatomy (including pulleys) and physiology of strabismus (eg,
torsion, tertiary actions, consecutive deviations).**
2. Describe more advanced sensory adaptations (eg, anomalous head position).**
3. Describe and recognize the different forms of childhood nystagmus (eg, infantile
nystagmus syndrome [INS], fixation maldevelopment nystagmus syndrome [FMNS],
spasmus nutans syndrome [SNS]), and appropriate work up for different time of onset
and age groups.**
4. Describe and recognize ROP (eg, stages, treatment indications).**
5. List treatment options and indications of low birth weight children, and describe long-
term ocular and systemic problems.**
6. Describe and recognize less common hereditary or malformative ocular anomalies and
syndromes (eg, Mobius syndrome, Goldenhar syndrome, Peter anomaly, including
pedigree chart analysis).**
7. Describe etiology, evaluation, and management of congenital infections (eg, TORCHES
sequence: TOxoplasmosis, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus, HErpes simplex, Syphilis).**
8. Describe and recognize the common causes of pediatric uveitis with natural history,
indicated work up, and treatment.**
9. Describe congenital optic nerve anomalies in children (eg, optic nerve coloboma,
morning glory syndrome, optic nerve hypoplasia), and indicate necessary work up and
associated diseases.**
10. Describe American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (AAPOS)
etiology position statements on learning difficulties and dyslexia, and know how to locate
educational support resources for parents.
11. Identify referral centers for children with retinoblastoma, the work up for leukocoria, the
evaluation of family members, and the principals of genetic counseling.
12. Describe typical features of childhood tumors (eg, hemangiomas, rhabdomyosarcoma)
and their management.**
13. Describe identifiable congenital ocular anomalies (eg, microphthalmia, persistent fetal
vasculature), and describe appropriate work up for etiology, criteria for intervention, and
genetic counseling for parents.
14. Describe indications for botulinum toxin use in strabismus.
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Perform a more advanced extraocular muscle examination based on knowledge of the
anatomy and physiology of ocular motility.**
2. Assess more advanced ocular motility problems (eg, bilateral or multiple cranial
neuropathy, myasthenia gravis, thyroid eye disease).**
3. Apply Hering law and Sherrington law in more advanced cases (eg, pseudoparesis of the
contralateral antagonist, enhancement of ptosis in myasthenia gravis).**
4. Perform more advanced measurements of strabismus (eg, use of synoptophore or
amblyoscope, when available).**
5. Perform assessment of vision in more difficult strabismus patients (eg, uncooperative
child, mentally impaired, nonverbal, or preverbal).**
6. Perform the following surgical techniques:
a. Muscle weakening (eg, tenotomy) and strengthening (eg, tuck) procedures of rectus
b. Inferior oblique weakening procedures
c. Use of adjustable sutures
7. Manage the complications of strabismus surgery (eg, slipped muscle, anterior segment
ischemia, overcorrection, undercorrection).

Very Advanced Level Goals: Subspecialist

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Describe and perform the most advanced strabismus examination techniques (eg,
complicated prism cover testing in multiple cranial neuropathies, patients with
nystagmus, dissociated vertical deviation, double Maddox rod testing).**
2. Perform and interpret the most advanced techniques for assessment of visual
development in complicated or noncooperative pediatric ophthalmology patients (eg, less
common objective measures of visual acuity, electrophysiologic testing).**
3. Apply the most advanced knowledge of strabismus anatomy and physiology (eg, spiral of
Tillaux, secondary and tertiary actions, spread of comitance) in evaluation of patients.**
4. Describe clinical application of the most advanced sensory adaptations (eg, anomalous
head position, anomalous retinal correspondence, methods of distance stereopsis).**
5. Recognize and treat the most complicated etiologies of amblyopia (eg, refraction
noncompliance, patching failures, pharmacologic penalization).**
6. Recognize and treat the most complex etiologies of esotropia (eg, optical; postrefractive
surgical esotrophia [ET]; prism-induced ET decompensated esophoria; postsurgical amd
consecutive ET; sixth nerve palsy and paresis; thyroid eye disease, following closed head
injury; Chiari malformation).**
7. Recognize and treat the most complex etiologies of exotropia (eg, supranuclear, paralytic
pontine exotropia, consecutive).**
8. Recognize and treat the most complex strabismus patterns (eg, aberrant regeneration,
postsurgical, thyroid ophthalmopathy, myasthenia gravis).**
9. Recognize and treat the most complex etiologies of vertical strabismus (eg, skew
deviation, postsurgical, restrictive).**
10. Apply nonsurgical treatment (eg, patching, atropine penalization) of more complicated
forms of amblyopia (eg, noncompliant, patching failures).**
11. Recognize, evaluate, and treat the most complex forms of childhood nystagmus (eg,
sensory, spasmus nutans, associated with neurologic or systemic diseases).**
12. Recognize and treat (or refer for treatment) complex ROP (eg, stages, treatment
indications, retinal detachment).**
13. Recognize and treat (or refer for treatment) uncommon etiologies and types of pediatric
cataract (eg, congenital, traumatic, metabolic, inherited).**
14. Recognize and appropriately evaluate the more complex hereditary ocular syndromes (eg,
bilateral Duane syndrome, Möbius syndrome).**
15. Recognize and treat (or refer for treatment) patients with complicated retinoblastoma (eg,
bilateral cases, monocular patient, treatment failure, pineal involvement).**
16. Recognize and evaluate the less common congenital ocular anomalies (eg, unusual
genetic syndromes).
17. Apply the most advanced principles of binocular vision and amblyopia (eg, physiology of
binocular vision, diplopia, confusion and suppression, normal and abnormal retinal
correspondence, classification and characteristics of amblyopia).**
18. Recognize and treat complex pediatric retinal diseases (eg, inherited retinopathies).**
19. Recognize and treat complex pediatric glaucoma.
20. Recognize and treat complex pediatric cataract and anterior segment abnormalities
(including surgical implications, techniques, and complications).**
21. Recognize and treat complex pediatric eyelid disorders (eg, congenital deformities, lid
lacerations, lid tumors).
22. Recognize and treat (or refer for treatment) pediatric orbital diseases (eg, orbital tumors,
orbital fractures, rhabdomyosarcoma, severe congenital orbital malformations).
23. Describe causes and testing of optic atrophy in children.**
24. Describe methods of ocular assessment of children with other disabilities.**
25. Describe ocular cysticercosis.**
26. Describe screening strategies for childhood blindness at the community level and
27. Describe how to guide/refer parents of children with severe vision impairment.**
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Perform more complex extraocular muscle surgery (eg, vertical and horizontal muscle
surgery, including superior oblique procedures, transpositions, reoperations).**
2. Describe indications and contraindications for more complex strabismus surgery (eg, post
scleral buckle and post cataract, thyroid related strabismus).**
3. Describe and perform preoperative assessment, intraoperative techniques, and describe
postoperative complications for more complicated strabismus surgery (eg, reoperations,
stretched scar, slipped muscle, lost muscle).**
4. Describe indications for and perform adjustable sutures in more complicated cases (eg,
thyroid ophthalmopathy).**
5. Describe and manage more complex complications of strabismus surgery (eg, globe
perforation, corneal dellen, inclusion cysts, endophthalmitis, overcorrection,
6. Perform surgery of congenital cataract including posterior polar cataract (PPC),
vitrectomy with/without intraocular lens implantation, persistent hyperplasia of the
primary vitreous (PHPV)/persistent fetal vasculature (PFV), including biometric
measurements to determine aphakia contact lens or intraocular lens.**
7. Perform glaucoma surgery in pediatric and congenital glaucoma.
8. Perform corrective surgery in congenital eyelid anomalies like ptosis.
9. Perform nasolacrimal surgery in children.**
10. Perform electromyography (EMG) guided or intraoperative injection of botulinum toxin
for strabismus.
11. Diagnose ROP and refer for treatment.
12. Perform more complex strabismus procedures (eg, Faden sutures, posterior myopexy,
Yokoyama  muscle  union,  “Y”  splitting).

Note: Inclusion of therapies and investigations in the ICO Residency Curriculum does not imply
that listings are all inclusive or that methods are endorsed by the ICO. Appropriate levels of
expertise and knowledge should be achieved based on the care provided. Practitioners should
know of therapies and investigations not available at their hospital or clinic, so that they can
advise patients who may be able to seek care elsewhere.
XI. Vitreoretinal Diseases
Basic Level Goals: Year 1
A. Cognitive Skills
1. Describe basic principles of retinal anatomy and physiology (ie, basic retinal and
choroidal anatomy, retinal and choroidal physiology), with emphasis on macular anatomy
and physiology.**
2. Describe fundamentals of ancillary testing and demonstrate basic understanding of
fluorescein angiography (angiographic phases), optical coherence tomography (OCT)
(eg, macular anatomy, determine pathophysiology behind structural alterations).
3. Describe pathological anatomy, physiopathology, and clinical pictures of the most
common vascular diseases:**
a. Diabetic retinopathy**
b. Central vein occlusion**
c. Branch vein occlusion**
d. Arterial occlusion**
e. Hypertensive retinopathy**
4. Describe features of different types of retinal detachment (ie, rhegmatogenous, tractional,
5. Describe typical features of common macular diseases (eg, age-related macular
degeneration [AMD], macular hole, macular pucker, central serous chorioretinopathy,
chloroquine maculopathy, pseudophakic cystoid macular edema).**
6. Describe and recognize features of traumatic pathologies, including:
a. Commotio retinae
b. Traumatic choroidal rupture
c: Purtscher retinopathy
7. Describe typical features of retinitis pigmentosa, main macular dystrophies (eg, Stargardt,
Best, cone dystrophy), and other hereditary pathologies.
8. Describe basic principles of laser photocoagulation (eg, laser response to change in
power, duration, and spot size) and photodynamic therapy for retinal treatment.
9. Describe basic principles, techniques, and safety of intravitreal injections.
10. Diagnose, evaluate, and treat (or refer) postoperative/posttraumatic endophthalmitis.
 B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Perform direct ophthalmoscopy.**
2. Perform indirect ophthalmoscopy.**
3. Perform slit-lamp biomicroscopy with precorneal lenses, 3-mirror contact lenses, or other
wide-field contact lenses.**
4. Diagnose the presence of common retinal disorders such as exudative AMD, diabetic
retinopathy, cystoid macular edema, central serous retinopathy, based on results of
fundus examination, fundus photographs, OCT, and fluorescein angiography.

Standard Level Goals: Year 2

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Describe more advanced retinal anatomy and physiology.**
2. Describe more advanced ancillary testing concepts of fluorescein and indocyanine green
(ICG) angiography as applied to retinal vascular and other diseases (eg, indications, basic
differential diagnosis based on angiographic patterns).**
3. Describe the fundamentals of retinal electrophysiology and basic ophthalmic echography.
4. Diagnose, evaluate, treat (or refer) the following retinal vascular diseases:**
a. Macular telangiectasia**
b. Coats disease**
c. Acquired retinal macroaneurysms**
d. Ocular ischemic syndrome**
e. Sickle cell retinopathy**
f. Eales Disease**
5. Describe the findings of major studies in vascular retinal diseases, including the
a. Diabetic retinopathy**
i. Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS)
ii. Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT)
iii. United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS)
iv. Diabetic Retinopathy Clinical Research Network (DRCRnet) Trials
b. Central vein occlusion**
i. Central Vein Occlusion Study (CVOS)
ii. Standard Care vs. Corticosteroid for Retinal Vein Occlusion (SCORE)
iii. Global Evaluation of implaNtable dExamethasone in retinal
Vein occlusion with macular edemA (GENEVA) Study Group
iv. Central Retinal Vein Occlusion (CRUISE) Study
c. Branch vein occlusion**
i. Branch Vein Occlusion Study (BVOS)
ii. Standard Care vs. Corticosteroid for Retinal Vein Occlusion (SCORE)
iii. GENEVA Study Group
iv. BRAnch Retinal Vein Occlusion (BRAVO) Trial
d. Retinopathy of prematurity**
i. Cryotherapy for Retinopathy of Prematurity (CRYO-ROP)
ii. Early Treatment for Retinopathy of Prematurity (ETROP)
6. Describe the fundamentals of, evaluate, and treat (or refer) peripheral retinal diseases and
vitreous pathologies (eg, vitreous hemorrhage, posterior vitreous detachment, retinal
tears, giant retinal tears, lattice degeneration with atrophic holes).**
7. Describe the techniques for retinal detachment repair, including indications, mechanics,
instruments, basic techniques, and surgical adjuvants, including heavy liquids,
expandable gases, and silicone oil for the following:
a. Pneumatic retinopexy**
b. Scleral buckling**
c. Vitrectomy**
8. Describe and recognize typical features of less common macular diseases:
a. Myopic maculopathy**
b. Serous retinal detachment secondary to optic disc pit**
c. Ocular histoplasmosis syndrome**
d. Phenothiazine/tamoxifen toxicity**
9. Diagnose, evaluate, treat, and classify open and closed globe trauma (eg, Birmingham
Eye Trauma Terminology System).**
10. Describe, evaluate, and treat (or refer) postoperative/posttraumatic choroidal detachments
and sympathetic ophthalmia.**
11. Describe, recognize, and evaluate hereditary pathologies, such as juvenile retinoschisis
and choroidal dystrophies (eg, choroideremia, gyrate atrophy).**
12. Describe the indications/complications for and perform basic laser treatment for diabetic
retinopathy (eg, panretinal photocoagulation, macular grid).
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Perform indirect ophthalmoscopy with scleral indentation.
2. Perform ophthalmoscopic examination with contact lenses, including panfunduscopic
3. Interpret fluorescein and indocyanine green (ICG) angiography and correlate findings
with differential diagnosis.**
4. Diagnose the presence of pigment granules in the anterior vitreous (ie, Shafer sign)
during a retinal detachment or retinal break.
5. Describe the indications for and interpret retinal imaging technology (eg, OCT, retinal
thickness analysis).**
6. Perform posterior segment photocoagulation.**
7. Perform diabetic focal/grid macular laser treatment.
8. Perform peripheral scatter photocoagulation (panretinal).
9. Perform laser retinopexy (demarcation) for isolated retinal breaks.
10. Describe the indications for and interpret basic electrophysiological tests (eg,
electroretinogram [ERG], electrooculogram [EOG], visual evoked potential [VEP], dark
11. Interpret basic echographic patterns (eg, rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, tractional
retinal detachment, posterior vitreous detachment, choroidal detachment, intraocular
foreign body).**
12. Perform fundus drawings of the retina, showing vitreoretinal relationships and findings.
13. Perform (or assist during) cryotherapy of retinal holes and other pathology.
14. Describe indications, techniques, and complications of pars plana vitrectomy and scleral
15. Perform (or assist during) vitreous tap and intravitreal antibiotic injections for the
treatment of endophthalmitis.
16. Perform subtenon injections of triamcinolone acetonide for the treatment of macular
17. Perform intravitreal injection of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) drugs for
the treatment of AMD.

Advanced Level Goals: Year 3

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Apply into clinical practice the most advanced knowledge of retinal anatomy and
physiology (eg, surgical anatomy).**
2. Apply into clinical practice the most advanced ancillary testing concepts of
fluorescein/ICG angiography in complex retinal vascular disease and other vascular
3. Describe and apply retinal electrophysiology.
4. Evaluate, treat, or refer the most complex forms of retinal vascular diseases:
a. Combined arterial and venous obstructions
b. Advanced diabetic retinopathy
c. Advanced hypertensive retinopathy
d. Peripheral retinal vascular occlusive disease
5. Describe the findings of major studies in age-related macular degeneration:**
a. Treatment of Age-Related Macular Degeneration with Photodynamic Therapy Study
b. Verteporfin in Photodynamic Therapy Study (VIP)**
c. Minimally Classic/Occult Trial of the Anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor
(VEGF) Antibody Ranibizumab in the Treatment of Neovascular AMD
d. Anti-VEGF Antibody for the Treatment of Predominantly Classic Choroidal
Neovascularisation in AMD (ANCHOR)**
e. The Comparisons of Age-Related Macular Degeneration Treatments Trials
6. Evaluate and diagnose complex cases of retinal detachment (eg, acute retinal necrosis,
proliferative vitreoretinopathy).
7. Diagnose and classify retinopathy of prematurity.
8. Diagnose and manage (or refer) complex trauma cases (eg, chorioretinitis sclopetaria,
intraocular foreign body, shaken baby syndrome).
9. Diagnose hereditary vitreoretinal degenerations (eg, Stickler syndrome, Wagner
syndrome, Goldmann-Favre degeneration).
10. Describe the treatment algorithm for each specific retinal condition, with special
emphasis on pros and cons.**
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Perform indirect ophthalmoscopy with scleral indentation in complex retinal cases (eg,
multiple holes, documented with detailed retinal drawing).
2. Perform ophthalmoscopic examination with panfunduscopic or other lenses in complex
retinal conditions (eg, giant retinal tears, proliferative vitreoretinopathy).
3. Interpret and apply in clinical practice the results of fluorescein and ICG angiography and
OCT in complex retinal or choroidal pathology.
4. Perform posterior segment photocoagulation in more complicated retinal cases:**
a. Diabetic focal/grid macular treatment (eg, monocular patient, repeat treatment)**
b. Repeat peripheral scatter photocoagulation (panretinal)**
c. Laser retinopexy (demarcation) of large or multiple breaks; cryotherapy**
5. Interpret and apply in clinical practice electrophysiology (eg, ERG, EOG, VEP, dark
adaptation) in more complicated retinal pathology.
6. Interpret and apply in clinical practice ocular imaging techniques (eg, B-scan
echography) in more complex cases (eg, choroidal osteoma).
7. Perform detailed fundus drawings of the retina with vitreoretinal relationships in the most
complex retinal cases (eg, recurrent retinal detachment, retinoschisis with and without
retinal detachment).
8. Perform laser therapy or cryotherapy of retinal holes and other more complex retinal
9. Participate during scleral buckling and pars plana vitrectomy surgeries.**

Very Advanced Level Goals: Subspecialist

Subspecialty training level should require a greater understanding of the cognitive skills outlined
in the previous levels. It should include an intensive hands-on training covering both laser and
surgical treatment of the retina.

The trainee should be able to independently manage current medical treatment for vitreoretinal
diseases and to discuss recent discoveries and possible future treatments for these disorders.**

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Diagnose, evaluate, treat (or refer) the most complex forms of retinal vascular diseases
and diagnose/manage risk factors (eg, blood dyscrasia) and systemic complications.
2. Diagnose, evaluate, and treat inherited, congenital, and acquired macular diseases.
3. Compare the current therapeutic retinal treatment strategies and be able to discuss the
future improvements of the therapeutic armamentarium.
4. Evaluate and treat traumatic injuries to the retina, including complex cases such as
intraocular foreign body with rhegmatogenous retinal detachment and traumatic macular
holes, and be able to manage complications to the other ocular structures.
5. Diagnose, evaluate, and understand the genetic alterations and the possible applications
of gene therapy for hereditary diseases.
6. Develop surgical proficiency in different surgical techniques for management of retinal
detachment, including complex cases (eg, combined rhegmatogenous/tractional retinal
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Perform posterior photocoagulation in complicated retinal cases:
a. Retinal breaks with vitreous hemorrhage
b. Cases with intraocular tamponade (ie, gas, silicone oil)
2. Interpret and apply electrophysiology in clinical practice.
3. Interpret and apply ocular imaging techniques in clinical practice (eg, B-scan
echography) and in more complex cases (eg, choroidal osteoma).
4. Perform detailed fundus drawings of the retina with vitreoretinal relationships in the most
complex retinal cases (eg, recurrent retinal detachment, retinoschisis with and without
retinal detachment).
5. Perform laser therapy or cryotherapy of retinal holes and other more complex retinal
6. Perform scleral buckling in complex retinal detachment.
7. Perform advanced pars plana vitrectomy.

Note: Inclusion of therapies and investigations in the ICO Residency Curriculum does not imply
that listings are all inclusive or that methods are endorsed by the ICO. Appropriate levels of
expertise and knowledge should be achieved based on the care provided. Practitioners should
know of therapies and investigations not available at their hospital or clinic, so that they can
advise patients who may be able to seek care elsewhere.
XII. Uveitis and Ocular Inflammation

Basic Level Goals: Year 1

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Describe the definition and classification of intraocular inflammation.**
2. Describe the basic principles of history taking:
a. Ocular history**
i. Correlate with possible anatomical diagnosis (eg, photophobia and anterior
uveitis; floaters and posterior uveitis)**
ii. Describe the onset (sudden or insidious)**
iii. Describe the duration (limited or persistent)**
iv. Describe the course (acute, recurrent, chronic)**
v. Investigation and treatment history**
b. Systemic history**
i. Known diseases, including immunosuppressed states, such as HIV, malignancy,
diabetes mellitus**
ii. Symptoms of recent onset for (eg, fever, chills, and rigors may suggest sepsis)**
iii. Systems review, including all medications, past and current**
3. List the clinical features of:
a. Anterior uveitis**
b. Intermediate uveitis**
c. Posterior or panuveitis**
d. Episcleritis and scleritis (eg, red eye, blurred vision)**
e. Anterior segment cell and flare**
f. Keratic precipitates (nongranulomatous or granulomatous)**
g. Posterior synechiae**
h. Vitreous cell and flare**
i. Vitreous opacities**
j. Snowbank**
k Retinal and/or choroidal lesions**
l. Retinal vasculitic**
m. Retinal detachment (exudative, tractional, and rhegmatogenous)**
n. Optic disc changes (eg, optic disc edema, optic neuritis).**
4. Describe the typical demographic features, clinical features, and differential diagnosis of
common, rapidly blinding causes for items 3a–3n above (based on local epidemiological
data). For example:
a. Anterior uveitis
i. Infectious (eg, bacterial, viral, protozoal, parasitic)
ii. Inflammatory (eg, sarcoidosis, HLA B27-associated, juvenile idiopathic
arthritis, Behçet disease, collagen vascular disease)
iii. Postsurgical uveitis
iv. Posttraumatic
v. Fuchs uveitis syndrome
vi. Posner-Schlossman syndrome
b. Intermediate uveitis
i. Pars planitis
ii. Toxocariasis
iii. Sarcoidosis
iv. Multiple sclerosis
c. Posterior or panuveitis
i. Infectious (eg, toxoplasmosis, toxocariasis, tuberculosis, acquired and congenital
ocular syphilis, acute retinal necrosis)
ii. Inflammatory (eg, sarcoidosis, Behçet disease, Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease,
sympathetic ophthalmia)
iii. Postoperative uveitis
iv. Endophthalmitis (eg, postoperative, traumatic, endogenous, fungal,
d. Episcleritis and scleritis
i. Collagen vascular diseases (eg, rheumatoid arthritis, Wegener granulomatosis)
ii. Infection (eg, syphilis, tuberculosis, fungal, parasitic, bacterial)
5. Describe indications for ancillary testing in the evaluation of uveitis (eg, fluorescein
angiography [FA], indocyanine green [ICG] angiography, optical coherence tomography
[OCT], B-scan ultrasonography).
6. Describe indications for a tailored approach (based on clinical features) to laboratory
investigations, including obtaining tissue and fluid samples for examination and systemic
imaging studies (eg, x-ray of chest, sacroiliac joint, chest computerized axial tomography
[CT or CAT] scan).
7. Describe the indications and contraindications of topical steroids, nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and cycloplegics.
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Perform slit-lamp examination of the anterior segment to detect and evaluate clinical
features of anterior uveitis, including:**
a. Corneal pathology (active keratitis or scars, endotheliitis, band keratopathy)**
b. Pattern of keratic precipitates (nongranulomatous, granulomatous)**
c. Iris changes (rubeosis iridis, gross iris atrophy)**
d. Anterior chamber evaluation of cells and flare, including grading according to
standardization of uveitis nomenclature (SUN) working group grading system**
e. Differentiate episcleritis from scleritis**
f. Describe the activity (active or quiescent)**
2. Perform dilated examination of the posterior segment with slit-lamp biomicroscopy using
noncontact and contact lenses, indirect ophthalmoscopy.**
a. Vitreous evaluation for cells and flare, including grading of vitreous haze according
to SUN working group grading system**
b. Retina/choroid (retinal detachment, choroidal or retinal inflammation)**
c. Retinal vasculature (vascular inflammation)**
d. Optic disc (swelling, pallor)**
3. Describe the regional epidemiology of uveitis and relate this information to the diagnosis.
4. List the following:
a. Uveitis in immunosuppressed individuals with active and recovered acquired immune
deficiency syndrome or pharmacologic immunosuppression (eg, cytomegalovirus
retinitis, pneumocystis (carinii) jiroveci)
b. Unusual infectious etiologies for uveitis (eg, Lyme disease, West-Nile fever)
c. Masquerade syndromes such as vitreoretinal lymphoma
5. Differentiate infective from noninfective causes of uveitis.
6. Perform pars plana evaluation and sclera depression.
7. Interpret fluorescein angiography, B-scan ultrasonography, and correlate clinically.
8. Provide patient with all relevant information about proposed ancillary testing procedures
for uveitis, including risks and complications.

Standard Level Goals: Year 2

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Describe the pathophysiology of intraocular inflammation.**
2. Describe the principles of history taking of patients with uveitis according to SUN.
3. Describe the importance of being guided by clinical findings from the ocular examination
and taking a more specific history in order to generate a list of differential diagnoses.**
4. Describe more advanced principles of examination of patients with uveitis and
differential diagnoses of the clinical signs:**
a. Anterior segment (eg, iris nodules, pupillary membrane, peripheral anterior
synechiae, iris bombe)**
b. Posterior segment (eg, pars plana signs of inflammation [snowballs], retinal
detachment, retinal vasculitis, optic swelling [differentiate optic neuritis from
hyperemia], macula [macular edema])**
5. Describe the regional epidemiology of uveitis and relate this information to the diagnosis.
6. Describe the typical demographic feature, clinical features, and differential diagnosis of:
a. Common uveitis in immunosuppressed individuals (eg, cytomegalovirus retinitis,
endogenous endophthalmitis)
b. Masquerade syndromes such as vitreoretinal lymphoma
7. Differentiate serious infective from noninfective causes of uveitis. (eg, recognize an
endogenous endophthalmitis and differentiate this from an immune-mediated uveitis,
such as Behçet disease).
8. Describe angiographic features of retinitis, choroiditis, and vasculitis.
9. Describe the B-scan features of certain retinal, choroidal, and scleral diseases.
10. Describe the OCT features of macular edema.
11. Describe the common complications of common uveitis syndromes (eg, intraocular
pressure elevation, cataract, band keratopathy, macular edema).
12. Describe indications and contraindications for corticosteroid treatment of uveitis (eg,
topical, local, systemic), including risks and benefits of therapy.
13. Describe the management of common uveitic syndromes.
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Perform a more advanced examination of the anterior and posterior segment in addition
to that described for Year 1.**
a. Anterior segment (eg, iris nodules, pupillary membrane, peripheral anterior
synechiae, iris bombe)**
b. Posterior segment (eg, pars plana signs of inflammation [snowballs], retinal
detachment, retinal vasculitis, optic swelling [differentiate optic neuritis from
hyperemia], macula [macular edema])**
2. Recognize and evaluate the typical demographic features, clinical features, and
differential diagnosis of common, rapidly blinding causes of uveitis (based on local
epidemiological data), as described in the curriculum of Year 1.**
3. Administer topical steroids, NSAIDs, and cycloplegics in the treatment of uveitis.**
4. Interpret the results of ancillary tests (eg, fluorescein angiography, OCT, B-scan
ultrasonography) for diagnosis.
5. Perform a major investigational work up (eg, laboratory testing, radiologic testing)
according to epidemiologic data, history, and clinical examination.
6. Evaluate uveitis associated with immunosuppressed individuals (eg, active and recovered
acquired immune deficiency syndrome, pharmacologic immunosuppression).
7. Interpret indocyanine green angiography findings and correlate clinically.
8. Perform posterior subtenon or transseptal injection of corticosteroids.
9. Administer oral corticosteroids in the treatment of uveitis.
10. Manage side effects of immunosuppressive therapy.
11. Perform an anterior chamber and vitreous tap for diagnostic purposes and administer
intravitreal injection antibiotics in cases of bacterial endophthalmitis.

Advanced Level Goals: Year 3

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Describe the more complex complications of common uveitis syndromes in addition to
that mentioned in Year 2 (eg, retinal vascular occlusion, retinal neovascularization and
vitreous hemorrhage, inflammatory choroidal neovascularization, hypotony).**
2. Describe indications and contraindications for corticosteroid treatment of uveitis (eg,
topical, local, systemic), including risks and benefits of therapy.**
3. Describe the management of common uveitic syndromes.**
4. Describe the techniques of anterior chamber and vitreous tap and of intravitreal injection
of antibiotics in cases of bacterial endophthalmitis.**
5. Describe more advanced examination principles for patients with more subtle signs of
uveitis, such as:
a. Anterior segment (eg, conjunctival ulcer, iris transillumination defects, granuloma)
b. Posterior segment (eg, pars plana signs of inflammation [snowbanks and snowballs],
retinal detachment [exudative, tractional, rhegmatogenous], retinal vasculitis
[periphlebitis or arteritis, occlusive or nonocclusive], optic nerve [optic disc
granuloma, optic neuritis, disc neovascularization], macula [macular edema,
choroidal neovascularization])
6. Describe in greater detail the angiographic features of retinitis, choroiditis, and vasculitis.
7. Describe indications and contraindications for commonly used immunotherapy for uveitis
in addition to corticosteroid therapy (eg, azathioprine, cyclosporine A), including risks
and benefits of therapy.
8. Describe the clinical features and differential diagnoses for less common forms of uveitis
(eg, Whipple disease, Crohn disease).
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Perform a more advanced examination of the anterior and posterior segment, for
a. Anterior segment (eg, conjunctival ulcer, iris transillumination defects, granuloma)**
b. Posterior segment (eg, pars plana signs of inflammation [snowbanks and snowballs],
retinal detachment [exudative, tractional, rhegmatogenous], retinal vasculitis
[periphlebitis or arteritis, occlusive or nonocclusive], optic nerve [optic disc
granuloma, optic neuritis, disc neovascularization], macula [macular edema,
choroidal neovascularization])**
2. Differentiate active from inactive disease and arterial from venous side disease.**
3. Recognize serious infective causes from noninfective causes of uveitis.**
4. Recognize and evaluate the typical demographic features, clinical features, and
differential diagnosis of uveitis common in the region via the process of history taking,
clinical examination, and the use of investigative tools (such as FA, ICG, B-scan,
5. Recognize and evaluate the typical demographic features, clinical features, and
differential diagnosis of uveitis in:**
a. Immunosuppressed individuals (eg, cytomegalovirus retinitis, endogenous
b. Masquerade syndromes, such as vitreoretinal lymphoma**
6. Evaluate the common complications of common uveitic syndromes (eg, glaucoma,
cataract, band keratopathy, macular edema).**
7. Administer periocular corticosteroid injections in addition to topical corticosteroids in the
treatment of uveitis.**
8. Perform an anterior chamber and vitreous tap for diagnostic purposes and to give
intravitreal injection of antibiotics in cases of bacterial endophthalmitis.**
9. Administer biologics.
10. Perform cataract removal.
11. Perform filtration surgery with antimetabolites.
12. Provide patient with relevant information about possible side effects of medications and
proper monitoring of medications.

Very Advanced Level Goals: Subspecialist

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Describe the clinical features and differential diagnoses for less common forms of uveitis
(eg, Whipple disease, Crohn disease, bilateral acute depigmentation of the iris [BADI],
diffuse unilateral subacute neuroretinitis [DUSN], onchocerciasis).**
2. Describe the global epidemiology of uveitis and relate this information to the
3. Describe the management of the more complex complications of uveitis.**
4. Describe indications for ultrasound biomicroscopy (eg, assess state of ciliary body in
hypotony), laser flare photometry and electrophysiology in the evaluation of uveitis.**
5. Describe indications, contraindications, and complications for immunosuppressive
therapy in uveitis (eg, use of antimetabolites, cyclosporine, alkylating agents, biologic
6. Describe indications, contraindications, and complications of retinal laser
photocoagulation in uveitis.**
7. Describe indications, contraindications, and complications of intravitreal injection of
medications (eg, corticosteroids, antiviral therapy, antibiotics, anti-VEGF, anti-mitotic
agents) and drug delivery systems (eg, for corticosteroid, ganciclovir).**
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Integrate history, clinical examination, and investigations in order to recognize and
evaluate the less common uveitis entities.
2. Administer corticosteroids in the treatment of uveitis by various routes (eg, topical,
periocular, systemic, and intravitreal injection).
3. Perform retinal laser photocoagulation for retinal vasculitis complicated by retinal
capillary nonperfusion and associated retinal or optic disc neovascularization.
4. Regulate perioperative management of the uveitic eye for cataract removal.
5. Perform intravitreal injection of medications (eg, corticosteroids, antiviral therapy,
antibiotics, anti-VEGF, antimitotic agents) and drug delivery systems (eg, for
corticosteroid, ganciclovir).
6. Co-manage with other subspecialist as appropriate:
a. Biopsy of the vitreous, retina, or choroid to confirm/exclude vitreoretinal lymphoma
or other tumors/infectious causes
b. Immunosuppressive therapy in uveitis including biologics (with or without the aid of
an immunologist) and monitor for side effects
c. Intravitreal implants containing antiviral or corticosteroid medications
d. Ocular complications of uveitis (eg, macular edema, cataract, glaucoma, retinal
detachment, band keratopathy, choroidal neovascularization, hypotony)

Note: Inclusion of therapies and investigations in the ICO Residency Curriculum does not imply
that listings are all inclusive or that methods are endorsed by the ICO. Appropriate levels of
expertise and knowledge should be achieved based on the care provided. Practitioners should
know of therapies and investigations not available at their hospital or clinic, so that they can
advise patients who may be able to seek care elsewhere.
XIII. Ocular Oncology

Basic Level Goals: Year 1

Year 1 equivalent: trainee ophthalmologist, any grade, not expecting to specialize in ocular

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Describe the basic categorization of common conjunctival and intraocular tumors.**
2. Describe the clinical features of the major types of ocular tumor.**
3. Describe the symptoms and clinical manifestations indicating the presence of an ocular
tumor (eg, leukocoria, sentinel vessels).**
4. Describe the differential diagnosis of the major tumors.**
5. Describe the examinations and tests by which ocular tumors are diagnosed.**
6. Describe the systemic features of ocular tumors and how these features are detected.**
7. Describe the basic management principles of ocular tumors.**
8. Describe the epidemiology of the more common tumors (eg, melanoma).**
9. Describe the methods, risks, and benefits of tumor biopsy.**
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Perform slit-lamp and ophthalmoscopic examination of patients with an ocular tumor.**
2. Recognize an ocular tumor and refer to an ocular oncology subspecialist.**
3. Contribute to the care of patients after treatment.**

Standard Level Goals: Year 2

Year 2 equivalent: senior general ophthalmologist who may need to diagnose and refer patients
with an ocular tumor and collaborate with an ocular oncologist in long-term aftercare.

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Describe the classification of ocular tumors (ie, conjunctival and intraocular).**
2. Describe the clinical features of ocular tumors and their secondary effects.**
3. List the differential diagnosis for each of the ocular tumors.**
4. Describe diagnostic techniques for ocular tumors (eg, examination under anesthesia for
pediatric tumors, imaging, biopsy, laboratory tests, oncology referral).**
5. Describe indications (eg, biopsy for lymphoma) and contraindications (eg, biopsy for
retinoblastoma) for the various diagnostic techniques.**
6. Describe the management options for ocular tumors with indications and
contraindications for each form of management.**
7. Describe the complications of ocular therapy and their management.**
8. Describe basic histopathology of tumors, including immunohistochemistry.**
9. Describe the prognosis of the different types of ocular tumor.**
10. Describe the epidemiology of the more common tumors (eg, melanoma).**
11. Describe the methods, risks, and benefits of tumor biopsy.**
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Perform naked-eye examination (eg, to recognize oculodermal melanosis).**
2. Perform palpation of cervical lymph nodes.**
3. Perform slit-lamp examination, gonioscopy, and indirect ophthalmoscopy to diagnose
and localize ocular tumors.**
4. Perform transillumination for intraocular tumors.**
5. Perform B-scan ultrasonography to detect and measure intraocular tumors.**
6. Perform sequential examination to assess the tumor over time (eg, atypical nevus).**
7. Guide evaluation for systemic disease (eg, metastases, primary tumor, syndromes).**
8. Perform excision of conjunctival tumors, avoiding seeding, or refer to an ocular oncology
subspecialist for such surgery if possible.**
9. Perform enucleation, obtaining long optic nerve if appropriate, or refer to a subspecialist
for this surgery if necessary.**
10. Collaborate with subspecialist in the preoperative care and referral of selected patients
with an ocular tumor, avoiding potential pitfalls.**
11. Provide short-term and long-term postoperative care to patients with an ocular tumor,
collaborating with a subspecialist and other health care workers as appropriate.**
12. Investigate and manage ocular complications as appropriate (eg, radiation retinopathy,
macular edema, cataract, glaucoma).**
13. Interpret the results of laboratory investigations and adjust management accordingly.**
14. Discuss prognosis and various management options with patients and their families in a
detailed, ethical, and compassionate manner.**

Advanced Level Goals: Year 3

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Describe the applied surgical anatomy, histology, and physiology of the eye and ocular
adnexa with relevance to ocular oncology.
2. List the most common conjunctival and intraocular tumors.**
3. Describe relevant pathological conditions, such as:**
a. Nonneoplastic tumors (eg, hamartomas)**
b. Neoplastic tumors**
i. Benign (eg, nevus, hemangioma)
ii. Malignant (eg, melanoma, carcinoma, metastasis)
c. Traumatic lesions (eg, implantation cysts, hemorrhages)**
d. Degenerative lesions (eg, disciforms, sclerochoroidal calcification)**
e. Idiopathic disease (eg, juvenile xanthogranuloma, vasoproliferative tumor)**
f. Paraneoplastic disease (eg, Bilateral diffuse uveal melanocytic proliferation)**
g. Iatrogenic disease (eg, radiation-induced disease)**
4. Describe relevant pathological techniques (eg, fixation, histology,
5. Describe relevant genetic abnormalities and techniques:**
a. Germinal and somatic mutations relevant to oncology (eg, retinoblastoma)**
b. Important genetic techniques (eg, fluorescence in situ hybridization)**
6. Describe the relevance of staging tumors (eg, TNM [Tumor, lymph Nodes, Metastasis]
Classification of Malignant Tumors).
7. Describe the etiology of ocular tumors, such as:
a. Environmental factors (eg, conjunctival squamous cell carcinoma)
b. Genetic factors (eg, retinoblastoma)
c. Syndromes (eg, von Hippel-Lindau disease)
d. Malformations (eg, choroidal osteoma)
8. Describe the pathogenesis of ocular tumors (ie, how tumors cause harm):**
a. Ocular effects (eg, neovascular glaucoma)**
b. Systemic effects (eg, metastatic disease)**
9. Describe the epidemiology of the more common ocular tumors (eg, melanoma).**
10. Describe the principles of examination techniques:
a. Inspection
b. Transillumination
c. Color photography
d. Optical coherence tomography
e. Autofluorescence
f. Angiography (indocyanine green and fluorescein)
g. Ultrasonography
h. Magnetic resonance imaging
i. Computerized tomography
j. Positron emission tomography
k. Biopsy
i. Aspiration
ii. Incisional
iii. Excisional
iv. Impression cytology
l. Systemic investigation according to ocular tumor diagnosis
i. History
ii. Clinical examination
iii. Hematology and biochemistry
iv. Radiography
v. Ultrasonography
vi. Computerized tomography
vii. Magnetic resonance imaging
viii. Genetic testing
11. Describe the clinical features of each tumor type:**
a. Inspection/color photography**
b. Investigational (ie, angiography, echography)**
12. List the differential diagnosis of each tumor, and describe the investigational approach
for each condition.**
13. Describe how the following therapeutic modalities and their effects are relevant to ocular
a. Radiotherapy (eg, brachytherapy, external beam radiotherapy, proton beam)**
b. Chemotherapy (eg, topical, intraocular, systemic)**
c. Phototherapy (eg, photocoagulation, photodynamic therapy)**
d. Cryotherapy (eg, liquid nitrogen, carbon dioxide)**
e. Surgical resection (eg, local resection, enucleation)**
14. Describe how statistics can be applied to ocular oncology (eg, survival analysis).
15. Describe the methods, risks, and benefits of tumor biopsy and how these can be avoided
(eg, biopsy of retinoblastoma, incisional biopsy of conjunctival tumor).**
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Perform or request appropriate examinations and investigations according to differential
2. Perform or refer for treatment for conjunctival or intraocular tumors, demonstrating
awareness of the indications, contraindications, and complications of each treatment and
having skill to administer short-term and long-term postoperative care:**
a. Radiotherapy (eg, brachytherapy, external beam radiotherapy)**
b. Phototherapy (eg, photodynamic therapy, transpupillary thermotherapy)**
c. Surgical excision (eg, local resection, enucleation, exenteration)**
d. Ocular pharmacological therapy by various routes (ie, topical, intravitreal, ophthalmic
artery infusion, subtenon, systemic)**
i. Chemotherapy and biological therapy
ii. Antiangiogenic agents
iii. Steroids
3. Interpret results of relevant laboratory tests and communicate results to patients, relatives,
and health care workers; and adjust patient management accordingly.
4. Communicate prognosis with patients, relatives, and health care workers; and adjust
patient management accordingly in collaboration, if necessary, with a subspecialist.**
5. Use information technology and other aids to cope with lack of expert knowledge.**
6. Assist patients with selecting the most appropriate management in collaboration, if
necessary, with a subspecialist in ocular oncology.
7. Provide or organize appropriate psychological support, demonstrating empathy and an
adequate awareness of the principles of this aspect of care (eg, giving bad news).**
8. Collaborate with subspecialists and other health care professionals to provide patient-
focused care.**
9. Develop protocols and infrastructure for practice-based learning and improvement (eg,
access to information, outcomes data).

Very Advanced Level Goals: Subspecialist

Subspecialist equivalent: senior ophthalmologist responsible for ocular oncology, either part-
time or full-time, who receives ocular oncology patient referrals.

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Describe the applied surgical anatomy, histology, and embryology of the eye and ocular
adnexa with relevance to ocular oncology.
2. Describe the applied physiology of the eye and adnexa with relevance to ocular oncology.
3. Describe the applied pathology of the following:**
a. Ocular tumors and pseudotumors**
i. Congenital/developmental
1.1. Conjunctiva
a. Dermoid
b. Dermolipoma
c. Choristoma (simple and complex)
2.1. Uvea
a. Lisch nodules
b. Stromal iris cyst
c. Lacrimal gland choristoma
3.1. Retina
a. Multiple congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium
b. Astrocytic hamartoma
c. Hemangioblastoma
d. Cavernous angioma
e. Dominant exudative vitreoretinopathy
f. Norrie disease
g. Incontinentia pigmenti
h. Solitary CHRPE
i. Grouped pigmentation
j. Arteriovenous malformation (racemose angioma)
k. Posterior primary hyperplastic vitreous (PPHV)
l. Glioneuroma
ii. Inflammatory (infectious, noninfectious)
1.1. Conjunctiva
a. Granuloma (eg, syphilis, sarcoid)
2.1. Uvea
a. Granuloma (eg, tuberculosis)
b. Uveal effusion
c. Posterior scleritis
3.1. Retina
a. Granuloma (eg, toxocara)
iii. Neoplastic
1.1. Benign
a. Conjunctiva
i. Nevus
ii. Papilloma
iii. Oncocytoma
iv. Primary acquired melanosis
v. Reactive lymphoid hyperplasia
vi. Other
b. Uvea
i. Nevus/melanocytoma
ii. Hemangioma
iii. Osteoma
iv. Neurilemmoma
v. Neurofibroma
vi. Leiomyoma
vii. Mesectodermal leiomyoma
viii. Reactive lymphoid hyperplasia
ix. Bilateral diffuse uveal melanocytic proliferation
x. Other rare conditions
c. Retina
i. Retinoma/retinocytoma
ii. Adenoma
iii. Fuchs adenoma
iv. Benign medulloepithelioma
v. Other
2.1. Malignant
a. Conjunctiva
i. Melanoma
ii. Squamous cell carcinoma
iii. Sebaceous carcinoma
iv. Kaposi sarcoma
v. Lymphoma
vi. Extraocular tumor spread
vii. Metastasis
viii. Other
b. Uvea
i. Melanoma
ii. Lymphoma
iii. Intraocular tumor spread from conjunctiva
iv. Systemic lymphoma
v. Systemic leukemia
vi. Metastasis
vii. Other
c. Retina
i. Retinoblastoma
ii. Adenocarcinoma
iii. Malignant medulloepithelioma
iv. Lymphoma
v. Leukemia
vi. Metastasis
vii. Other
iv. Traumatic
1.1. Conjunctiva
a. Implantation cyst
b. Foreign body granuloma
c. Pyogenic granuloma
2.1. Uvea
a. Implantation cyst
b. Choroidal hemorrhage
c. Miotic cyst
3.1. Retina
a. Retinopathy of prematurity
b. Retinal detachment
c. Massive reactive gliosis
v. Degenerative
1.1. Conjunctiva
a. Lacrimal retention cyst
2.1. Uvea
a. Disciform lesion
b. Sclerochoroidal calcification
c. Vortex vein ampulla
3.1. Retina
a. Vasoproliferative tumor
vi. Idiopathic
1.1. Conjunctiva
a. Lymphangiectatic cyst
2.1. Uvea
a. Juvenile xanthogranuloma
3.1. Retina
a. Coats disease
b. Combined hamartoma of retina and retinal pigment epithelium
c. Iris cyst
d. Ciliary epithelial cyst
vii. Paraneoplastic disease
1.1. Bilateral diffuse uveal melanocytic proliferation
2.1. Carcinoma-associated retinopathy
3.1. Melanoma-associated retinopathy
4.1. Other
4. Describe the following pathological conditions:**
a. Non-neoplastic tumors**
i. Hamartoma
ii. Choristoma
iii. Granuloma
iv. Cyst
v. Hyperplasia
vi. Metaplasia
b. Neoplastic tumors**
i. Benign
ii. Malignant
1.1. Proliferation
2.1. Invasion
3.1. Seeding
4.1. Metastasis
iii. Iatrogenic disease
1.1. Radiation
2.1. Pharmacology
3.1. Surgery
4.1. Phototherapy
5. Describe relevant pathological techniques, such as:
a. Fixatives**
b. Frozen sections
c. Histology
d. Immunohistochemistry
e. Flow cytometry
f. Other
6. Describe the following genetic abnormalities and techniques:
a. Germinal mutations relevant to oncology**
b. Somatic mutations in tumors**
c. Genetic techniques
i. Karyotyping
ii. Polymerase chain reaction
iii. Fluorescence in situ hybridization
iv. Multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification
v. Gene expression profiling
vi. Comparative genomic hybridization
vii. Other
7. Describe the relevant staging and grading systems for ocular tumors (with ability to use
appropriate methods as necessary, using appropriate references sources):
a. TNM Classification of Malignant Tumors cancer staging system
i. Uveal melanoma
ii. Retinoblastoma
iii. Conjunctival melanoma
iv. Conjunctival carcinoma
v. Ocular adnexal lymphoma
b. International retinoblastoma staging system
c. Reese-Ellsworth staging system for retinoblastoma
d. Other staging systems (eg, Collaborative Ocular Melanoma Study)
8. Describe the etiology of ocular tumors:
a. Environmental factors
b. Genetic factors
c. Syndromes
d. Malformations
e. Other
9. Describe the pathogenesis of ocular tumors:**
a. Secondary effects of uveal melanoma**
b. Secondary effects of retinoblastoma**
c. Secondary effects of other tumors (eg, conjunctival tumors)**
10. Describe the epidemiology of ocular tumors:
a. Principles of epidemiology
11. Describe the principles of examination techniques:**
a. Inspection**
i. Slit-lamp examination
ii. Gonioscopy and 3-mirror examination
iii. Ophthalmoscopy
b. Transillumination**
i. Transpupillary
ii. Transscleral
c. Color photography**
i. Standard ocular photography
ii. Specialized cameras (eg, RetCam, Optos)
iii. Autofluorescence photography
d. Angiography**
i. Fluorescein angiography
ii. Indocyanine green angiography
e. Ultrasonography**
i. A-scan ultrasonography
ii. B-scan ultrasonography (including high frequency)
iii. Doppler ultrasonography
f. Magnetic resonance imaging**
g. Computerized tomography**
h. Positron emission tomography**
i. Biopsy**
i. Aspiration
ii. Incisional
iii. Excisional
iv. Impression cytology
j. Systemic investigation according to ocular tumor diagnosis**
i. History
ii. Clinical examination
iii. Hematology and biochemistry
iv. Radiography
v. Ultrasonography
vi. Computerized tomography
vii. Magnetic resonance imaging
viii. Genetic testing
12. Describe the clinical features of each tumor type:**
a. Inspection/color photography**
b. Investigational (ie, angiography, echography)**
13. List the differential diagnosis of each tumor and describe the investigational approach for
each condition.**
14. Describe how the following therapeutic modalities and their effects are relevant to ocular
a. Radiotherapy**
i. Radiation
1.1. Radioactive sources (eg, iodine, ruthenium)
2.1. Types of radiation (eg, gamma, beta, proton)
ii. Biological effects
b. Chemotherapy**
c. Phototherapy**
d. Cryotherapy**
e. Surgical resection**
15. Describe how the following statistics can be applied to ocular oncology:
a. Statistical correlations
i. Univariate
ii. Multivariate
b. Survival statistics
i. Kaplan-Meier analysis
ii. Cox analysis
iii. Neural networks
iv. Accelerated failure time
c. Bias
d. Power calculations
e. Other relevant statistical methods
B. Technical/Surgical Skills
1. Perform or request the following examinations, interpreting and documenting any
findings, demonstrating awareness of the indications, contraindications, and limitations of
each investigation:**
a. Slit-lamp examination of conjunctiva and assessment of conjunctival fornices**
b. Slit-lamp examination of anterior chamber and gonioscopy**
c. Binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy with indentation**
d. Transpupillary transillumination**
e. A-scan and B-scan ultrasonography of anterior and posterior eye**
f. Color and autofluorescence photography**
g. Fluorescein angiography**
h. Indocyanine green angiography**
i. Magnetic resonance imaging**
j. Incisional and excisional conjunctival tumor biopsy**
k. Aspiration, incisional, or excisional biopsy of intraocular tumor**
l. Other relevant examinations and investigations**
2. Perform or refer for the following treatments for conjunctival tumors, demonstrating
awareness of the indications, contraindications, and complications of each treatment:**
a. Surgical excision**
b. Cryotherapy**
c. Brachytherapy**
d. External beam radiotherapy, including proton beam radiotherapy**
e. Topical therapy (eg, mitomycin C, 5-fluorouracil, interferon)**
3. Perform or refer for the following treatments for intraocular tumors, demonstrating
awareness of the indications, contraindications, and complications of each treatment:**
a. Radiotherapy**
i. Brachytherapy (eg, iodine, ruthenium, strontium, palladium, iridium)
ii. External beam radiotherapy
iii. Stereotactic radiotherapy
iv. Charged particle radiotherapy (eg, proton beam)
b. Phototherapy**
i. Photocoagulation
ii. Transpupillary thermotherapy
iii. Photodynamic therapy
c. Surgical excision**
i. Iridectomy
ii. Iridocyclectomy
iii. Transscleral choroidectomy
iv. Transretinal choroidectomy
v. Enucleation
vi. Exenteration
d. Ocular pharmacological therapy by various routes (ie, topical, intravitreal, ophthalmic
artery infusion, subtenon, systemic)**
i. Chemotherapy and biological therapy
ii. Antiangiogenic agents
iii. Steroids
4. Request the following investigations, interpreting and communicating the results to
patients, relatives, and health care workers, adjusting patient management accordingly:**
a. Histopathological assessment of tumor samples**
b. Genetic assessment of tumor samples**
c. Laboratory investigation of vitreous samples**
d. Other**
5. Estimate the prognosis and communicate the following implications with patients,
relatives, and health care workers, adjusting patient management accordingly:**
a. Visual acuity**
b. Local tumor control**
c. Possible side effects and complications of therapy**
d. Ocular conservation**
e. Systemic manifestations of disease, including metastasis**
f. Systemic complications and side effects of therapy**
g. Survival probability and chances of disease-related mortality**
h. Heritability**
i. Use information technology and other aids to enhance prognostication**
6. Communicate the following to patients, relatives, and health care workers:**
a. Diagnosis, extent and severity of disease, including diagnostic uncertainty**
b. Natural history without treatment**
c. Therapeutic options with advantages and limitations of each therapy, including
methods available elsewhere**
d. Logistical implications of selected treatment**
e. Use information technology and other aids to support this process**
i. Websites
ii. Printed leaflets
iii. Audio recordings
f. Other relevant materials**
7. Assist patients with selecting the most appropriate management, taking into account:**
a. Patient age, gender, culture, wishes, needs, and fears**
b. Costs and logistics**
c. Availability of health care resources, locally and elsewhere**
8. Provide or organize appropriate psychological support, demonstrating empathy and an
adequate awareness of the principles of this aspect of care, such as:**
a. Giving bad news**
b. Communicating with relatives**
c. Enabling long-term communication and support**
9. Develop and maintain a multidisciplinary team of health care professionals to provide
patient-focused care by activities, such as:
a. Recruiting staff and coworkers
b. Developing service operating procedures.
c. Maintaining efficient and varied methods of communication and education
i. Between multidisciplinary team members (MDT)
ii. Between MDT and other practitioners (eg, pathologists)
iii. Between MDT and patient
10. Develop protocols and infrastructure for practice-based learning and improvement,
a. Proformas and databases for storing data
b. Protocols for extracting and analyzing data
c. Application of study designs and statistical methods
d. Adherence to clinical governance
i. Informed consent
ii. Confidentiality
iii. Ethical committee approval

Note: Inclusion of therapies and investigations in the ICO Residency Curriculum does not imply
that listings are all inclusive or that methods are endorsed by the ICO. Appropriate levels of
expertise and knowledge should be achieved based on the care provided. Practitioners should
know of therapies and investigations not available at their hospital or clinic, so that they can
advise patients who may be able to seek care elsewhere.
XIV. Low Vision Rehabilitation
As vision rehabilitation is concerned with visual functioning, it cuts across all other ophthalmic
subspecialties that are based on anatomy or structure. Vision rehabilitation deals with the
consequences of a wide range of eye diseases with the focus being on how the person with low
vision functions. Interventions might include medical and/or surgical measures but also involve
patient education and training. The ultimate determination of vision rehabilitation's success is
functional improvement and quality of life for a person with low vision.

Basic Level Goals: Year 1

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Describe the definition, categories (types), and degrees of low vision.**
2. Describe the most common causes of low vision (global and regional epidemiology and
its impact on different age groups).
3. Describe the role of the ophthalmologist in recognizing the need for referring patients to a
low vision rehabilitation service.**
4. Describe the special aspects of vision-assessment techniques for children and adults with
low vision (eg, Early Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy Study charts, LogMAR visual
acuity chart, SOSH low vision chart set, LEA test eye charts).**
5. Describe significant co-morbidities that impact low vision rehabilitation.
6. Describe various low vision aids.**
7. Describe the basic optics of low-vision devices.
8. Demonstrate sensitivity to psychological and emotional aspects of visual impairment.**
9. Describe challenges commonly encountered by individuals with visual impairments.**
10. Describe how low vision impacts safety, including risk of falls, errors in medication, and
driving accidents.**
11. Describe the importance of different visual functions, including:
a. Visual acuity (far and near distance)
b. Contrast sensitivity
c. Central and peripheral visual field
d. Light and dark adaptation
e. Depth perception
f. Color vision
B. Technical Skills
1. Perform an evaluation of visual function in patients with low vision.**
2. Describe how to use high-add reading glasses with and without a base-in (BI) prism.**
3. Prescribe simple but appropriate rehabilitative therapies and optical devices to help the
patient meet their goals (eg, magnification, illumination).**
4. Encourage patients with low vision to actively participate in visual rehabilitation.**
5. Describe the functional losses of vision that may occur with various ocular diseases.
6. Describe the functional losses that might result from certain treatments.

Standard Level Goals: Year 2

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Recognize significant comorbidities that impact low vision rehabilitation.
2. Recognize and describe clinical applications, indications, and limitations of the various
low vision aids (eg, electronic and optical magnification, large print, Braille, computers
with artificial speech, text to speech).**
3. Describe the more advanced optics of low vision devices.
4. Describe visual acuity and visual field evaluation methods for different levels of
5. Describe the evaluation of and rationale for licensing automobile drivers who are visually
impaired, and explain the local licensing regulations.
B. Technical Skills
1. Prescribe more complex rehabilitative therapies and optical devices to help the patient
meet their goals.
2. Perform evaluation of vision assessment in licensing drivers who are visually impaired.
3. Demonstrate low vision devices and educate low vision patients on the uses and
limitations of these devices.**

Advanced Level Goals: Year 3

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Describe significant comorbidities that impact low vision rehabilitation.**
2. Describe the role of visual processing and perception deficits (eg, cerebral visual
impairment, acquired brain injury, stroke).
3. Describe indications for the most complex low vision aids.
4. Apply more complex principles of optics of low vision devices.
5. Describe vision related quality of life measurements.
6. Describe social or public consequences and implications of low vision.**
7. Describe the role of the electrophysiological examinations as diagnostic and prognostic
tools for low vision patients.
8. Describe the implications of low vision in the education of children.**
B. Technical Skills
1. Evaluate visual acuity and visual field for determination of disability for legal and
insurance purposes.
2. Prescribe the most complex rehabilitative therapies and optical devices to help the patient
meet their goals.
3. Apply and prescribe visual field enhancing techniques, including scanning training for
hemianopic field loss.
4. Perform short cognitive assessment of elderly patients with visual impairments for
drivers’  license  approval.

Very Advanced Level Goals: Subspecialist

A. Cognitive Skills
1. Describe the process of complex rehabilitation, including:**
a. Optical rehabilitation**
b. Nonoptical aids**
c. Eccentric fixation training and scotoma avoidance**
d. Orientation and mobility**
e. Activities of daily living**
f. Vision substitution (eg, touch, hearing)**
g. Psychological care**
2. Describe  the  role  of  all  of  the  partners  and  team  members  in  the  patient’s  care  and  in  low  
vision rehabilitation (eg, ophthalmologists, social workers, psychologists, rehabilitation
3. Describe the main aims and projects of VISION 2020.
4. Describe the effects of low vision on the general health and on the psychological well-
being of the patient.**
5. Describe the concept of artificial vision and implantation of microchips for the treatment
of patients with the most profound visual impairments.
6. Describe a low-vision-friendly physical environment that includes easy accessibility (eg,
ergonomics, special visual signs in buildings/streets, talking elevators/traffic signs).**
B. Technical Skills
1. Identify basic low vision and other surgical and medical interventions necessary to ensure
the best possible visual outcome.
2. Oversee  and  provide  referrals  to  support  the  patient’s  psychological  adjustment  to  life  
after acute vision loss.**
3. Educate patients on use of low vision equipment.**
4. Be well informed and instruct patients with low vision of comprehensive rehabilitation
resources in the region and in the country, including offering provider contact details.**
5. Interact with other professionals (eg, psychologists, occupational therapists, vocational
counselors, social workers) to improve the daily life of patients with low vision.**

Note: Inclusion of therapies and investigations in the ICO Residency Curriculum does not imply
that listings are all inclusive or that methods are endorsed by the ICO. Appropriate levels of
expertise and knowledge should be achieved based on the care provided. Practitioners should
know of therapies and investigations not available at their hospital or clinic, so that they can
advise patients who may be able to seek care elsewhere.
XV. Ethics and Professionalism in Ophthalmology
Some of the goals listed below are specific to the requirements of the United States or other
nations. They are included here as a guideline only.

Basic Level Goals: Year 1

1. Provide the definition and basic concepts behind the following terms used in medical
a. Morality versus ethics (intent-based standards versus conduct-based standards)
b. Autonomy and surrogacy
c. Beneficence
d. Nonmaleficence
e. Truth telling
f. Distributive justice
g. Fiduciary responsibility to patients
h. Compassion
2. Describe the ethical principles listed in the following key medical documents:
a. Hippocratic Oath1
b. Declaration of Geneva2
c. Ethical Code, International Council of Ophthalmology3
d. Code of Ethics, American Academy of Ophthalmology4
3. Describe the basics of ophthalmic practice management:
a. Partnership arrangements
b. Income distribution methods
c. Contractual negotiations
d. Hiring and supervising of employees
e. Basic accounting
i. Profit/loss statements
ii. Billing
iii. Collections
f. Financial management
4. Describe the basics of the health care system and reimbursement for services as
appropriate to the local, regional, and national market of the trainee (eg, medical
documentation, third party payers, managed care, Medicare [USA], Medicaid [USA],
private insurance, nationalized health care systems [United Kingdom, Canada, and

Standard Level Goals: Year 2

1. Describe basic medical ethics in the ophthalmic practice, including:
a. Confidentiality of health information
b. Professional competence and maintenance of competence
c. Informed consent
d. Responsibility to report the unethical conduct of others
e. Adequate patient assessment and avoidance of under/over treatment and under/over
2. Identify elements of effective physician-patient communication, including:
a. Relevant cultural and linguistic differences that potentially influence ethical delivery
of services
3. Describe advanced aspects of practice management (eg, business models, documentation
requirements and coding, privacy requirements, accommodating patients or employees
with disabilities).
4. Describe advanced aspects of health care reimbursement (eg, physicians' role in managed
care organizations, administrative role, third-party reimbursement, capitated programs).
5. Describe the framework of patient-care quality as it relates to patient safety, patient
advocacy, effectiveness, efficiency, timeliness, and equity.
6. Describe how ophthalmologists are responsible for ensuring that all those in the service
area of the practice have access to affordable eye care, and define how ophthalmologists
are uniquely trained and certified to do so.
7. Identify the various missions of ophthalmology organizations with respect to service to
members, patients, clinical education, quality of care. Define and mitigate the
consequences of conflicting missions.
8. Identify how participation of ophthalmologists in ophthalmology organizations serves the
profession and society.
9. Identify the responsibilities of ophthalmologists and ophthalmology societies to ensure
that everyone has the right to sight.

Advanced Level Goals: Year 3

1. Recognize and use advanced medical ethics in the ophthalmic practice:
a. Applicable informed consent documents (eg, clinical research, off-label use
b. Management (offering and rendering) of second opinions
c. Individual and institutional responsibilities regarding impaired physicians
d. Responsibility for postoperative care, including appropriate transfer of care to other
e. Appropriate delegation to limited license auxiliaries
f. Fairness of fees
g. Management of conflicts of interest (clinical and nonclinical)
i. Disclosures
ii. Gifts to physicians
h. Appropriate advertising (and applicable laws)
i. Appropriate conduct as a medical-expert witness in litigation
2. Describe the ethical principles listed in the following key medical documents regarding
research involving human subjects:
a. Nuremburg Code5
b. Declaration of Helsinki6
c. Belmont Report7

3. Identify applicable insurance coverage responsibilities in a practice situation.

4. Utilize more advanced aspects of health care reimbursement in a clinical practice (eg,
denials of claims, hospital contracting, electronic billing).
5. Work within integrated eye care delivery systems (both within eye care specialties and
within general medicine and surgery).
6. Participate in all of the foregoing aspects of practice management to the best ability
within a medical education setting.
7. Utilize all of the foregoing ethical principles and knowledge in direct patient care.
8. Describe the responsibility of ophthalmologists to share their knowledge of clinical arts
and sciences for the benefit of patients, the profession, and society.

Medical Ethics Documents

1. Hippocratic Oath
2. Declaration of Geneva, World Medical Association
3. Ethical Code, International Council of Ophthalmology
4. Code of Ethics, American Academy of Ophthalmology
5. Nuremburg Code
6. Declaration of Helsinki, World Medical Association
7. Belmont Report

Note: Inclusion of therapies and investigations in the ICO Residency Curriculum does not imply
that listings are all inclusive or that methods are endorsed by the ICO. Appropriate levels of
expertise and knowledge should be achieved based on the care provided. Practitioners should
know of therapies and investigations not available at their hospital or clinic, so that they can
advise patients who may be able to seek care elsewhere.
XVI. Community Eye Health
The resident should specifically reference their own country or health district as they consider
each of the community health-related items presented below, as not all items may be relevant to
each resident.

Basic Level Goals: Year 1

A. Cognitive Skills
Principles for the prevention of blindness
1. Explain the World Health Organization (WHO) definition of blindness and low vision.**
2. Describe the magnitude of blindness in different economic settings.**
3. List the major causes of blindness in different economic settings.**
4. Describe  the  magnitude  of  blindness  in  the  resident’s  own  country.**
5. List  the  major  causes  of  blindness  in  the  resident’s  own  country.**
6. Define the concept of blind-person years.**
7. Outline the structure of the health service, and how eye care services are integrated into
this structure.**
8. Outline the social and economic implications of visual impairment and the impact on
quality of life.**
9. Outline the barriers to the uptake of eye care services.**
10. Describe the principles of primary health care and their application for primary eye

Inclusive practice
1. Explain the WHO definition and conceptualization of disability.
2. Appraise the epidemiology of disability (including due to visual impairment) and its
impact in different economic settings.
3. Describe the intersection of blindness and visual impairment with other issues that may
cause  marginalization,  including  the  patient’s age, gender, other impairments, poverty,
ethnic group, and faith community.
4. Critically appraise the impact of disability in peoples lives (eg, poverty, education,
quality of life [social and economic], and occupation).
5. Describe the barriers to the uptake of eye care services within health systems by
marginalized groups.
6. Describe the principles of rehabilitation and community-based rehabilitation with
relevance to people with visual impairment and the integration of rehabilitation within a
health system.
7. Describe strategies and partnerships with disability support services that can improve
quality of life (eg, health, education, livelihoods, economic security, social inclusion) of
people with long term visual impairment.

1. Describe the prevalence and incidence of blindness due to cataract.***
2. Define cataract surgical rate (CSR).**
3. Describe the desired CSR required to eliminate blindness due to cataract.**
4. List the barriers to the uptake of cataract surgery.**
5. Outline the rationale for the monitoring of cataract services.**
6. Describe the components of a system for the monitoring of cataract services.**
7. List  the  WHO’s  recommendations  for  the  visual  acuity  outcomes  following  cataract  

Refractive error
1. Define significant refractive error.**
2. Describe the prevalence of significant refractive error in children and in adults.**
3. Outline the strategy for including refractive error in a blindness prevention program,
including a system for screening of school children to detect refractive error.**
4. List the barriers to the uptake of refractive error services.**

Low vision
1. Define low vision.**
2. Describe the prevalence of low vision.**
3. Outline the strategy for including low vision in a blindness prevention program.**
4. List the barriers to the uptake of low vision services.
5. Describe the impact of low vision on the affected person and how it impacts their access
to wider health, education, economic, and social inclusion.**
6. List the resources available for people with low vision (eg, low-vision devices, low-
vision training, and access to wider opportunities in education, livelihoods, and social

Childhood blindness
1. Define childhood blindness.**
2. Describe the prevalence of childhood blindness in different economic settings.**
3. Describe the incidence of childhood blindness.**
4. Describe the classification of the causes of childhood blindness.**
5. Outline the blind school survey method and the key informant method for identifying the
causes of childhood blindness.**
6. Summarize the results of blind school surveys that have been conducted.**
7. List the barriers to the uptake of services for childhood eye problems.**
8. Outline the role of primary eye care in the prevention and treatment of childhood
9. Outline how to partner with services that can improve quality of life (eg, health,
education, livelihoods, and social inclusion) of children with long term visual

1. Describe the risk factors for trachoma.**
2. Outline the WHO clinical grading of trachoma.**
3. Outline the surgery, antibiotics, facial cleanliness, and environmental changes (SAFE)
strategy for the control of trachoma.**
4. Describe the magnitude of trachoma, and describe the affected regions.**
5. Outline the role of primary health care in the prevention and treatment of trachoma.**
1. Describe the risk factors for onchocerciasis.**
2. Outline the strategy for the control of onchocerciasis.**
3. Describe the magnitude of onchocerciasis, and describe the affected regions.**
4. Outline the system for the distribution of ivermectin.**

1. Describe the prevalence of glaucoma and blindness due to glaucoma.**

Diabetic retinopathy
1. Describe the prevalence of diabetes and diabetic retinopathy.**

Human resources for blindness prevention program

1. Describe the role and distribution of different cadres working in eye care.**

Planning of blindness prevention programs

1. Describe the steps in developing a one-year operational plan for a blindness prevention
program for a health district with a population of one million people.**

B. Technical Skills
Principles of prevention of blindness
1. Calculate prevalence rates from given data sets.**
2. Calculate numbers blind from given prevalence rates.**
3. Calculate blind-person years from given data sets.**
4. Calculate estimates of numbers of persons who are blind.**
5. Calculate estimates of blind-person years.**
6. Calculate an estimate of the number of persons who are irreversibly blind and require
rehabilitation services.
1. Calculate an estimate of the number blind due to cataract.**
2. Calculate cataract surgery rate.**
3. Calculate cataract surgery coverage from given data sets.**
4. Calculate and comment on visual acuity outcomes following cataract surgery from given
data sets.**
Refractive error
1. Calculate estimates of numbers of children and adults with significant refractive error.**
Low vision
1. Calculate estimates of numbers of children and adults with low vision.**
Childhood blindness
1. Calculate estimates of the numbers of children blind due to different causes.**

Standard Level Goals: Year 2

A. Cognitive Skills
Principles for the prevention of blindness
1. Outline the magnitude and distribution of global blindness, and compare this to overall
global disability prevalence.
2. List the major causes of global blindness.
3. Describe primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention strategies that are applicable to the
leading causes of low vision and blindness.
4. Outline the different possible approaches (ie, disease orientated, service orientated,
strategy orientated, community orientated) to blindness prevention.
5. Describe the integrated approach to blindness prevention that is recommended for use in
VISION 2020.
6. Describe the structure and function of a generic VISION 2020 program for a health
service unit with a population of one million.
7. In line with the WHO Universal Eye Health: A Global Action Plan 2014–2019, describe
strategies to strengthen inclusive practices related to gender, disability, and other groups
within a generic VISION 2020 program.
1. Describe the prevalence and incidence of blindness due to cataract in different economic
2. Describe the cataract surgery rates in different economic settings.
3. Describe cataract surgery coverage, including its use and limitations as an indicator to
measure program output.
4. Outline the possible strategies to overcome the barriers to cataract surgery.
5. Define cataract surgery efficiency and cataract surgery volume.
6. Outline the factors affecting cataract surgery capacity.
7. Outline the principles of an efficient cataract surgical service.
8. Describe a model for the staffing and running of a cataract surgical unit.
9. Describe the components of a model for the costing of cataract surgery.
10. Describe the possible strategies for cataract surgery cost containment.
11. Describe the possible strategies for cataract surgery cost recovery.
Refractive error
1. Describe the prevalence of refractive error in different countries/regions.
2. Outline the possible strategies for the provision of spectacles in a blindness prevention
Low vision
1. Describe the prevalence of low vision in different countries/regions.
2. Outline the possible strategies for the provision of low-vision aids in a blindness
prevention program.
Childhood blindness
1. List the main causes of childhood blindness in different socioeconomic settings.
2. Describe the primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention strategies for the control of
childhood blindness due to corneal scar, cataract, glaucoma, and retinopathy of
3. Describe the main barriers for children with visual disabilities to access health, education,
and social inclusion.
4. Outline the models/strategies for supporting education for children with visual
impairments  through  mainstream  schools  (eg,  inclusive  education)  or  “special”  schools.  
1. Describe the prevalence of glaucoma in different regions and in different race groups.
2. Outline the possible strategies for the opportunistic case detection of glaucoma.
3. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of medical, laser, and surgical interventions
for the management of glaucoma in middle and low-income countries.
4. Define glaucoma treatment/surgery rate.
5. If known, describe the desired glaucoma treatment/surgery rate that is required to
adequately deal with glaucoma in a blindness prevention program.
6. Outline the possible strategies for increasing the glaucoma follow-up rate.
Diabetic retinopathy
1. Outline the possible strategies for the prevention of diabetic retinopathy, including the
use of appropriate educational health materials for counseling.
2. Outline the possible strategies for screening for diabetic retinopathy.
3. Outline the possible strategies for the treatment of diabetic retinopathy.
4. Outline the possible strategies for increasing the diabetic retinopathy follow-up rate.
Human resources for blindness prevention programs
1. Describe the recommended cadres and numbers of human resources required at the
community level, primary level, secondary level, and tertiary level for a generic blindness
prevention program for a health service  unit  of  one  million  in  the  resident’s  own  country  
or health district.
2. Describe the roles of each of the cadres that are recommended for a generic blindness
prevention program.
3. Describe the available training facilities for a generic blindness prevention program.
Infrastructure for blindness prevention programs
1. From the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) standard list for
VISION 2020, describe the recommended instruments and equipment required at the
primary, secondary, and tertiary level for a generic blindness prevention program for a
health service unit of one million population.
2. Outline the strategies for the maintenance of the recommended instruments and
Planning of blindness prevention programs
1. Describe the potential role of a VISION 2020 coordinator and a VISION 2020

B. Technical Skills
Principles of blindness prevention
1. For planning purposes, integrate primary, secondary, and tertiary preventions for leading
causes of low vision and blindness into a district blindness prevention program plan
adhering to inclusive practices.
1. For planning purposes, calculate estimates of numbers of people blind due to cataract in
different countries and regions.
2. For planning purposes, calculate cataract surgery rate in different countries and regions.
3. For planning purposes, identify and include suitable strategies for overcoming the
barriers to cataract surgery in a blindness prevention program. Consider how patients
may be affected differently based on their age, gender, other impairments, poverty, ethnic
group, faith community, etc.
4. For planning purposes, identify and include suitable strategies for improving the
efficiency of a cataract surgical unit in a blindness prevention program.
Refractive error
1. Calculate estimates of numbers of children and adults with significant refractive error in
different countries and regions.
2. For planning purposes, identify and include suitable strategies for including refractive
error as a priority in a blindness prevention program.
Low vision
1. Calculate estimates of numbers of children and adults with low vision in different
countries and regions.
2. For planning purposes, identify and include suitable strategies for including low vision as
a priority in a blindness prevention program.
Childhood blindness
1. For planning purposes, use available program reports to identify key gaps in and barriers
to service delivery.
1. For planning purposes, use available program reports to identify key gaps in and barriers
to service delivery.
1. For planning purposes, use available program reports to identify key gaps in and barriers
to service delivery.
1. Calculate estimates of numbers of people with glaucoma in different countries and
2. For planning purposes, identify and include suitable strategies for including glaucoma as
a priority disease in a blindness prevention program.
Diabetic retinopathy
1. Calculate estimates of numbers of people with diabetic retinopathy in different countries
and regions.
2. For planning purposes, identify and include suitable strategies for including diabetic
retinopathy as a priority disease in a blindness prevention program.
Human resources
1. For planning purposes, identify and include suitable strategies for improving the human
resource capacity in a blindness prevention program.
1. For planning purposes, identify and include suitable strategies for improving the
infrastructure capacity in a blindness prevention program.
Planning of blindness prevention programs
1. Develop an activities plan for a one-year operational plan for a blindness prevention
program for a health district with a population of one million.

Advanced Level Goals: Year 3

A. Cognitive Skills
Principles of prevention of blindness
1. Outline the different health service models in different countries and regions, and how
eye care services might be integrated into these.
2. Describe the components of a rapid assessment of avoidable blindness (RAAB) survey.
3. Outline the government and nongovernment funding that are available for eye care.
4. Describe the key practices and policies that will ensure the principles of prevention of
blindness are inclusive relating to gender, disability, and other potential causes of
1. Outline the components of a system for monitoring the visual acuity outcomes following
cataract surgery.
2. Outline the components of the cataract surgery costs.
1. Describe the components of a rapid assessment of trachoma (RAT) survey.

B. Technical Skills
1. Set up a system for the monitoring of the visual acuity outcomes following cataract
2. Calculate cataract surgery costs with recommendations for strategies to decrease unit
Refractive error
1. Evaluate the coverage and impact of school screening, and make recommendations for
2. Evaluate the services for the provision of presbyopic correction, and make
recommendations for improvement.
Low vision
1. Evaluate the coverage and impact of low-vision services.
Childhood blindness
1. Where appropriate, set up a system for the screening and treatment of retinopathy of
1. Where appropriate, network and advocate with agencies and communities to implement
the F (facial cleanliness) and E (environmental changes) components in the SAFE
Planning of blindness prevention programs
1. Develop a budget for a one-year operational plan for a blindness prevention program for
a health district with a population of one million.

Very Advanced Level Goals: Subspecialist

Subspecialty training usually involves a 1-2  year  master’s  level  training  in  community  eye  
health. This might be a stand-alone  master’s  degree  in  community  eye  health,  or  it  might be a
component of a master in public health degree. A community eye health subspecialist should
have all the cognitive and technical skills listed for residency training. A community eye health
subspecialist should be able to plan and manage a district or national blindness prevention
A. Cognitive Skills
In addition to the cognitive skills listed for residency training, be able to:
1. Describe the principles of epidemiology, as applicable to community eye health.
2. Describe the principles of research methods, as applicable to community eye health.
3. Describe the principles of biostatistics, as applicable to community eye health.
4. Describe the principles of health economics, as applicable to community eye health.
5. Describe the principles of health systems strengthening, as applicable to community eye
6. Describe the principles of health education and health promotion, as applicable to
community eye health.
7. Describe the principles of project and program management, as applicable to community
eye health.
8. Describe the relevant WHO global programs (eg, millennium development goals,
disability framework).
9. Describe the relevance of the disability policy at a global level and within the health
10. Describe the main concepts of habilitation, rehabilitation, and community based
rehabilitation for persons with visual disability and its integration within a health system.

B. Technical Skills
In addition to the technical skills listed for residency training, be able to:
1. Plan and conduct research projects to inform the planning and implementation of district
and national blindness prevention programs.
2. Plan and conduct RAAB surveys.
3. Plan and conduct RAT surveys.
4. Plan, implement, and manage one-year district operational blindness prevention
5. Plan, implement, and manage national three-to-five-year strategic blindness prevention
6. Advocate for national policy implementation and community participation to strengthen
national blindness prevention programs.
7. Provide training in community eye health to different eye care cadres.
8. Engage with public health practitioners to advocate for improvements in eye care services
and the implementation of the disability framework.
9. Assess the impact of disabilities and advocate the application of global disability policy
at a local level.

Note: Inclusion of therapies and investigations in the ICO Residency Curriculum does not imply
that listings are all inclusive or that methods are endorsed by the ICO. Appropriate levels of
expertise and knowledge should be achieved based on the care provided. Practitioners should
know of therapies and investigations not available at their hospital or clinic, so that they can
advise patients who may be able to seek care elsewhere.
XVII. Appendix
Residency Curriculum
Chair, Section Chairs, and Committee Members

Andrew G. Lee, MD, Chair, United States

I. Optics and Refraction

Florence Malet, MD, Section Chair, France
Neal H. Atebara, MD, Member, United States
Doğan  Ceyhan,  MD,  Member,  Turkey
Berthold Seitz, MD, EBOD, Member, Germany

II. Cataract and Lenses

Thomas A. Oetting, MS, MD, Section Chair, United States
Tushar Agarwal, MD, Member, India
Anders Behndig, MD, PhD, Member, Sweden
Zsolt Biró, MD, PhD, Member, Hungary
Kunle Hassan, FRCS, FRCOphth, FWACS, FNICM, Member, Nigeria
Guy Kleinmann, MD, Member, Israel

III. Contact Lenses

Helena Prior Filipe, MD, Section Chair, Portugal
Deepinder K. Dhaliwal, MD, Member, United States
Albert T. Franceschetti, MD, Member, Switzerland
Ayfer Kanpolat, MD, Member, Turkey
Mark G. Lazarus, MD, Member, Australia

IV. Cornea and External Diseases

Michael W. Belin, MD, FRANZCO, FACS Section Chair, United States
Millicent Kariuki-Wanyoike, MBChB, MMed (Ophth), FEACO, Member, Kenya
D. Ramamurthy, MD, DNB, Member, India
Rasik B. Vajpayee, MS, FRCS (Edin), FRANZCO, Member, Australia

V. Refractive Surgery
Alaa M. El-Danasoury, MD, FRCS, Section Chair, Saudi Arabia
Gustavo E. Tamayo Fernández, MD, Co-Section Chair, Colombia
Joseph Colin, MD, Member, France
Paolo Vinciguerra, MD, Member, Italy

VI. Glaucoma
Neeru Gupta, MD, PhD, FRCSC, DABO, MBA, Section Chair, Canada
Tanuj Dada, MD, Member, India
Daniel Kiage, MBChB, MMed, FEACO, Member, Kenya
Robert Ritch, MD, Member, United States
Fotis Topouzis, MD, Member, Greece
VII. Neuro-Ophthalmology
Aki Kawasaki, MD, Section Chair, Switzerland,
Carlos Filipe Chicani, MD, Member, Brazil
Şansal  Gedik, MD, Member, Turkey
Sanjeev Yawanarajah, MD, Member, Malaysia

VIII. Ophthalmic Pathology

Tero Kivelä, MD, Section Chair, Finland
Sarah E. Coupland, MBBS, PhD, Member, United Kingdom
Juan O. Croxatto, MD, Member, Argentina
Ahmad M. Mansour, MD, Member, Lebanon
Geeta K. Vemuganti, DCP, MD, DNB, Member, India

IX. Oculoplastic Surgery and Orbit

Santosh G. Honavar, MD, FACS, Section Chair, India
Richard C. Allen, MD, PhD, Member, United States
Daniel Briscoe, MD, Member, Israel
Christian E. Decock, MD, Member, Belgium

X. Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus

Jan-Tjeerd H. N. de Faber, MD, Section Chair, Netherlands
Swaminathan Meenakshi, MD, Co-Section Chair, India
P. Vijayalakshmi, MBBS, DO, MS, Co-Section Chair, India
Eugene M. Helveston, MD, Member, United States

XI. Vitreoretinal Diseases

Francesco Bandello, MD, FEBO, Section Chair, Italy
Anita Agarwal, MD, Member, United States
Teodoro Evans, MD, Member, Canada
Alain Gaudric, MD, Member, France
Tatsuro Ishibashi, MD, PhD, Member, Japan
Kgaogelo Edward Legodi, MBchB, FCS (Ophth) SA, Member, South Africa

XII. Uveitis and Ocular Inflammation

Chee Soon-Phaik, MBBS, MMed (Ophth), FRCS (Ed), FRCS(G), FRCOphth (UKF),
FAMS, Section Chair, Singapore
Andrea Facskó, MD, PhD, Member, Hungary
Moncef Khairallah, MD, Member, Tunisia
Cristina Muccioli, MD, MBA, Member, Brazil

XIII. Ocular Oncology

Bertil Damato, MD, PhD, FRCS, FRCOphth, Section Chair, United Kingdom
Rubens N. Belfort, Jr., MD, PhD, Member, Brazil
Michael Giblin, MB, BS, FRACO, FRACS, Member, Australia
Jacob Pe'er, MD, Member, Israel
XIV. Low Vision Rehabilitation
János Németh, MD, PhD, DSc, Section Chair, Hungary
August Colenbrander, MD, Member, United States
Mohamed T. Higazy, MD, Member, Egypt
Jill Keeffe, PhD, Member, Australia
Gwen K. Sterns, MD, Member, United States
Ger H.M.B. van Rens, MD, PhD, FEBOphth, Member, Netherlands

XV. Ethics and Professionalism in Ophthalmology

Charles M. Zacks, MD, Section Chair, United States
Manal Bouhaimed, MBchB, PhD, FRCS (Ed), Member, Kuwait
Susan H. Day, MD, Member, United States
Gisèle Soubrane, MD, PhD, FEBO, Member, France
R.D. Thulasiraj, BSc, MBA, Member, India

XVI. Community Eye Health

Colin Cook, MBChB, FCS (Ophth) SA, FRCOphth, Section Chair, South Africa
Rainald Duerksen, MD, Member, Paraguay
Daksha Patel, MSc, Member, United Kingdom
N. Venkatesh Prajna, DO, DNB, FRCOphth, Member, India
Babar Qureshi, BMBCh, DOMS, MSc, Member, Pakistan
Section Reviewers
I. Optics and Refraction
Motozumi Itoi, MD, Japan
Ana Gabriela Palis, MD, Argentina

II. Cataract and Lens

Kenneth Cohen, MD, United States
Alaa M. El-Danasoury, MD, FRCS, Saudi Arabia
Ana Gabriela Palis, MD, Argentina
Abhay Vasavada, MD, MS, India

III. Contact Lenses

Gudrun Bischoff, MD, Germany
Bruce Koffler, MD, United States
Amy Nau, FAAO, United States
Clive Novis, MD, South Africa
Ana Gabriela Palis, MD, Argentina
Lurdes Rosário, MD, Portugal
Xavier Subirana, MD, France
Ursula Vogt, MD, United Kingdom

IV. Cornea and External Diseases

Siamak Zarei Ghanavati, MD, FICO, Iran
David B. Glasser, MD, United States
Hyung-Joon Kim, MD, Korea
Friedrich Kruse, MD, Germany
Christopher Liu, MD, FRCOphth, United Kingdom
Alvin L. Young, MD, Hong Kong

V. Refractive Surgery
Jorge Alió, MD, PhD, Spain
Carmen Barraquer, MD, Colombia
Siamak Zarei Ghanavati, MD, FICO, Iran
Ahmed A. K. El-Massry, MD, Egypt
Ana Gabriela Palis, MD, Argentina
Frik J. Potgieter, MB, ChB (Stell), FCS (SA), MMed (Pret), FRCS (Edin),
South Africa

VI. Glaucoma
Karim Damji, MD, FRCSC, MBA, Canada
David F. Garway-Heath, MD, United Kingdom
Ivan Goldberg, MB, BS (Syd), FRANZCO, FRACS, Australia
Paul L. Kaufman, MD, United States
Amel Ouertani, MD, Tunisia
Nathan M. Radcliffe, MD, United States
Garudadri Chandra Sekhar, MD, India
Andries Stulting, MD, South Africa
Clement C.Y. Tham, FRCS, Hong Kong

VII. Neuro-Ophthalmology
James Acheson, MRCP (UK), FRCS (Glas), FRCOphth, United Kingdom
Ben Burton, MA (Cantab.) MRCP, FRCOphth, United Kingdom
Shlomo Dotan, MD, Israel
Workayehu Kebede, MD, Ethiopia
Lorette Leon, MD, France
Neil R. Miller, MD, United States

VIII. Ophthalmic Pathology

Jyotirmay Biswas, MS, FNAMS, India
Patricia Chevez-Barrios, MD, United States
Francisco Contreras, MD, Peru
Hans E. Grossniklaus, MD, United States
Steffen Heegaard, MD, DMSc, Denmark
Bin Li, MD, China
Cornelia M. Mooy, MD, PhD, the Netherlands

IX. Oculoplastic Surgery and Orbit

Ashok Grover, MD, India
Stuart R. Seiff, MD, FACS, United States
Gangadhar Sundar, DO, FRCSEd, FAMS, Singapore

X. Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus

Lionell Kowal, MD, Australia
Christopher J. Lyons, MD, Canada
Marilyn T. Miller, MD, United States
Travis J. Pollock, MB, ChB, FCS (Ophth) SA, South Africa and
United Arab Emirates
Seyhan B. Ozkan, MD, Turkey
Miho Sato, MD, Japan

XI. Vitreoretinal Diseases

Bertil Damato, MD, PhD, FRCS, FRCOphth, United Kingdom
Richard H. Fish, MD, United States
Helen K. Li, MD, United States

XII. Uveitis and Ocular Inflammation

Philip I. Murray, MBBS, DO (RCS), PhD, FRCP, FRCS, FRCOphth,
United Kingdom
Annabelle A. Okada, MD, Japan
Narsing Rao, MD, United States
XIII. Ocular Oncology
Laurence Desjardins, MD, France
Karin Lecuona, MB, ChB, FCS (Ophth) SA, South Africa
Carol L. Shields, MD, United States
Arun D. Singh, MD, United States

XIV. Low Vision Rehabilitation

Gyorgy Barcsay, MD, Hungary
Haroon Awan, MD, Pakistan
Mary Lou Jackson, MD, United States

XV. Ethics and Professionalism in Ophthalmology

Phil Aitken, MD, United States
Christie L. Morse, MD, United States
George L. Spaeth, MD, United States

XVI. Community Eye Health

Van Lansingh, MD, PhD, Latin America
Evidence-based medicine, in which therapeutic decisions are based on documented, verifiable,
and validated information, is an increasingly important educational framework upon which
physicians should make recommendations for their patients. Whenever possible, updated
references and sources of knowledge providing such information should receive precedence and
preference by both teachers and students of clinical ophthalmology. Links to the practice of
evidence-based medicine can be found at www.aao.org.

General References
1. Atebara, N. Basic and Clinical Science Course, 2012-2013. Section 3: Clinical Optics.
San Francisco: American Academy of Ophthalmolgy, 2012.
2. Albert DM, Jakobiec FA. Principles and practice of ophthalmology. 2nd ed. Philadelphia:
W.B. Saunders Co.; 2000.
3. Easty DL, Sparrow JM. Oxford textbook of ophthalmology, 2v. Oxford; New York:
Oxford University Press; 1999.
4. Forrester JV. The eye: Basic sciences in practice. 2nd ed. Edinburgh ; New York: W.B.
Saunders; 2002.
5. Galloway NR. Common eye diseases and their management. 2nd ed. London: Springer;
6. Kanski JJ. Clinical ophthalmology: a systematic approach. 4th ed. Oxford; Boston:
Butterworth-Heinemann; 1999.

Journal Articles
1. Congdon NG, Friedman DS, Lietman T. Important causes of visual impairment in the
world today. Jama 2003; 290: 2057-2060.
2. Liesegang TJ, Hoskins HD Jr., Albert DM et al. Ophthalmic education: where have we
come from, and where are we going? Am J Ophthalmol 2003; 136: 114-121.
3. Okada AA. International guidelines: all for one and one for all? Arch Ophthalmol 2003;
4. Lee AG. Using the American Journal of Ophthalmology's website for assessing residency
subcompetencies in practice-based learning. Am J Ophthalmol 2004; 137: 206 -207.
5. Lee AG. The new competencies and their impact on resident training in ophthalmology.
Surv Ophthalmol 2003; 48: 651-662.
6. The "Atlas of Ophthalmology" (www.atlasophthalmology.com) is an online multimedia
database edited by Georg Michelson, MD, from the University Augenklinik in Erlangen,
Germany and Robert Machemer, MD, from Duke University in Durham, North Carolina,
USA. It is endorsed by the ICO.

1. International Council of Ophthalmology (ICO): www.icoph.org
a. ICO Center for Ophthalmic Educators: educators.icoph.org
b. ICO Examinations: www.icoexams.org/
c. ICO International Fellowships:
d. ICOFoundation: www.icofoundation.org/
2. American Academy of Ophthalmology: http://www.aao.org
3. American Academy of Ophthalmology Education Resource Center:
4. American Board of Ophthalmology: http://www.abop.org
5. Digital Journal of Ophthalmology: http://www.djo.harvard.edu
6. Eye Search: http://www.eyesearch.com
7. Eye Atlas - Online Atlas of Ophthalmology: http://www.eyeatlas.com
8. Eye Cancer Network: http://eyecancer.com
9. Eye Library.Org: http://www.eyelibrary.org
10. Eye Text.Net: http://www.eyetext.net
11. Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education: http://www.acgme.org
12. Orbis International: www.orbis.org
13. Ophthalmic resource searches (ie, search for "eye resources on the Internet" or search by
ophthalmic keywords): http://www.google.com
14. New York Eye and Ear Infirmary: Digital Atlas of Ophthalmology
15. Royal College of Ophthalmologists: http://www.rcophth.ac.uk
16. Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmology: http://www.ranzco.edu
17. Wilmer Ophthalmological Institute: http://www.wilmereyeinstitute.net

Ophthalmology Journal Websites

1. Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journals/aos
2. American Journal of Ophthalmology: http://www.ajo.com
3. Ophthalmology: http://www.aao.org
4. Several sub-specialty journals are available through: http://www.ophsource.org
5. Archives of Ophthalmology: http://archopht.ama-assn.org/
6. British Journal of Ophthalmology: www.bjophthalmol.com
7. Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology: http://www.eyesite.ca
8. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology:
9. Current Opinion in Ophthalmology: http://www.co-ophthalmology.com
10. European Journal of Ophthalmology: http://www.eur-j-ophthalmol.com/ejo/
11. Eye: http://www.nature.com/eye/
12. Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology:
13. International Ophthalmology Clinics: http://www.internat-ophthalmology.com
14. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science: http://www.iovs.org
15. Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology: http://www.springerlink.com
16.  Journal  Français  d’Ophtalmologie:  http://www.sfo.org
17. Ophthalmologica: http://www.karger.com
18. Transactions of the American Ophthalmological Society:
19. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins: http://www.lwwonline.com
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Ophthalmol. 2008 May;246(5):627-9. Epub 2008 Apr.
22. Prescribing spectacles in children: a pediatric ophthalmologist's approach. Donahue
SP.Optom Vis Sci. 2007 Feb;84(2):110-4. Review.
23. The effect of anisometropia on binocular visual function. Dadeya S, Kamlesh, Shibal
F.Indian J Ophthalmol. 2001 Dec;49(4):261-3.
24. A survey of clinical prescribing philosophies for hyperopia. Lyons SA, Jones LA,
Walline JJ, Bartolone AG, Carlson NB, Kattouf V, Harris M, Moore B, Mutti DO,
Twelker JD.Optom Vis Sci. 2004 Apr;81(4):233-7.
25. Spectacle prescribing recommendations of AAPOS Members. Miller JM, Harvey EM.J
Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus. 1998 Jan-Feb;35(1):51-2.
26. Refractive changes in the elderly. Bengtsson B, Grødum K.Acta Ophthalmol Scand. 1999
27. Contemporary management of aniseikonia. Achiron LR, Witkin N, Primo S, Broocker
G.Surv Ophthalmol. 1997 Jan-Feb;41(4):321-30. Review.
28. Prescribing for noncontact sports. Classé JG. Optom Clin. 1993;3(1):111-28. Review.
29. Prescribing for contact sports. Vinger PF.Optom Clin. 1993;3(1):129-43. Review.
30. Presbyopia and ocular motor balance. Hanlon SD.J Am Optom Assoc. 1984
31. Recent advances in clinical low-vision care. Bailey IL.Int Rehabil Med. 1983;5(3):106-
10. Review.
32. Prescribing glasses for myopia. Milder B. Ophthalmology. 1979 May;86(5):706-12.
33. Defects of vision through aphakic spectacle lenses. Dabezies OH Jr. Ophthalmology.
1979 Mar;86(3):352-79.
II. Cataract and Lens

American Academy of Ophthalmology Basic and Clinical Science Courses

1. AAO Basic and Clinical Science Course. Section 11: Lens and Cataract. San Francisco:
American Academy of Ophthalmology, 2010.
2. AAO Basic and Clinical Science Course. Section 2: Fundamentals and Principles of
Ophthalmology (formerly Lens anatomy, biochemistry, metabolism, and embryology).
San Francisco: American Academy of Ophthalmology, 2010.
3. AAO Basic and Clinical Science Course. Section 3: Clinical Optics. San Francisco:
American Academy of Ophthalmology, 2010.

1. Henderson B. Essentials of cataract surgery. Thorofare, NJ: Slack, Inc., 2007.
2. Seibel BS. Phacodynamics: mastering the tools and techniques of phacoemulsification
surgery. 4th ed. Thorofare, NJ: Slack, Inc., 2004.
3. Kim T, Oetting TA, Chang DF. Curbside consultation in cataract surgery. Thorofare, NJ:
Slack, Inc., 2007.
4. Chang DF. Phaco chop: mastering techniques, optimizing technology, and avoiding
complications. Thorofare, NJ: Slack, 2000.
5. Natchiar G. Aravind guide to small incision cataract surgery. 2004.
6. Cohen, Kenneth L., Orbis Cataract Training Website:
http://telemedicine.orbis.org/learning/bins/login.asp?cid=740 (Apply for user account).
7. Oetting TA. Cataract Surgery for Greenhorns. Coralville, IA: MedRounds Publications,
2005. [Available from: http://www.medrounds.org/cataract-surgery-greenhorns].
8. Oetting TA. Cataract Surgery for Greenhorns. blog. [Available from:
9. Oetting TA. Facebook Cataract Surgery. Video blog. [Available from:
10. CRST Virtual Textbook of Cataract Surgery. David F. Chang, MD, .
11. Colvard DM (editor). Achieving Excellence in Cataract Surgery. A Step-by-Step
Approach. Thorofare, NJ. Slack. 2009.
III. Contact Lenses
1. Gasson A, Morris A J. The Contact Lens Manual. A practical guide to fitting. 4th ed.
Butterworth Heinemann Elsevier, 2010.
2. Malet F. Les Lentilles de Contact.  Societé  Francaise  d’Opftalmologie.  Masson  Elsevier,  
3. Eye and Contact Lens: Science and Clinical Practice (CLAO Journal). Available from
4. Optometry and Visual Science. (Journal of the American Academy of Optometry).
Available from http://journals.lww.com/optvissci/pages/default.aspx
5. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. Available from http://www.iovs.org.
6. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye (Journal of the British Contact Lens Association).
Available from http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journals
7. American Academy of Ophthalmology Basic and Clinical Science Course. AAO Basic
and Clinical Science Course. Section 3: Optics, Refraction, and Contact Lenses. San
Francisco: 2009-2010, American Academy of Ophthalmology.
8. Stein HA, Freeman MI, Stein RM, Maund LD: CLAO Residents Contact Lens
Curriculum Manual, Third edition, Metairie, LA, Contact Lens Association of
Ophthalmologists, 2004.
9. Kastl PR (ed): Contact Lenses: The CLAO Guide to Basic Science and Clinical Practice,
Dubuque, IA, Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co, 1994.
10. Key JE II (ed): The CLAO Pocket Guide to Contact Lens Fitting, ed 2, New Orleans,
Contact Lens Association of Ophthalmologists, 1998.
IV. Cornea and External Diseases

1. Basic and Clinical Science Course. Section 8: External Disease and Cornea. San
Francisco: American Academy of Ophthalmology, 2010.
2. Krachmer JH, Mannis MJ, Holland EJ. Cornea: Fundamentals, Diagnosis, and
Management 3 ed. Mosby Elsevier, 2011.
3. Yanoff N, Duker JS. Ophthalmology 3 ed. Mosby Elsevier, 2009 (Chapter 4).
4. Friedman NJ, Kaiser PK, Trattler WB. Review of Ophthalmology. Elseview Saunders
2005, Philadelphia. Pp 197-234.
5. Vajpayee RB. Corneal Transplantation 2nd edition. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers
(P) Ltd, New Delhi.
6. Coster D. Cornea (Fundamentals of Clinical Ophthalmology Series). Blackwell
Publishing Limited.

Journal Article
1. Weiss JS, Moller HU, Lisch W, Kinoshita S, Aldave AJ, Belin MW, Kivela T, Busin M,
Muniew FL, Seitz B, Sutphin J, Bredrup C, Mannis MJ, Rapuano C, Van Rij G, Kim EK,
Klintworth GK. The IC3D Classification of Corneal Dystrophies. Cornea 2008; 27:S1–

1. American Academy of Ophthalmology EyeWiki Cornea/External Disease
2. University of Arizona Hereditary Ocular Disease
3. University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics Eye Rounds
4. University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics Eye Rounds – Case Presentations
http://webeye.ophth.uiowa.edu/eyeforum/cases.htm (Cornea and Anterior Segment tab)
5. Columbia Digital Reference of Ophthalmology Cornea and External Disease
6. Online Journal of Ophthalmology Atlas of Ophthalmology - Cornea

Suggested Journals
1. Cornea: The Journal of Cornea and External Disease
2. Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery
http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/620025/description -
V. Refractive Surgery
1. American Academy of Ophthalmology Basic and Clinical Science Course –
Refractive Surgery Section 13.
2. Agarwal A, Agarwal A, Jacob Soosan. Refractive Surgery 2nd edition. Jaypee, 2009.
3. Gimbel HV, Penno EEA. LASIK Complications, Prevention and management 2nd
edition. Slack Inc., 2001.
4. Alio JL, Azar DT. Management of Complications of Refractive Surgery. Springer,
5. Talamo  JH,  Krueger  RR.  The  Excimer  Laser,  A  Clinician’s  Guide  to  Excimer   Laser
Surgery. Little, Brown and Company Inc., 1997.
6. Yanoff M, Duker JS. Ophthalmology, 2nd edition. Mosby, 2008.
7. Holladay JT. Quality of Vision: Essential Optics for the Cataract and Refractive
Surgeon. Slack Inc., 2006.

Online Education
1. International Society of Refractive Surgery; Multimedia
Library: www.aao.org/isrs/resources/isrs-multimedia-library.cfm
2. American Academy of Ophthalmology EyeWiki – refractive Management and
Intervention: http://eyewiki.aao.org/Category:Refractive_Management/Intervention
3. ONE Network: http://one.aao.org
4. Refractive Surgery outlook. http://www.aao.org/isrs/resources/outlook/10/index.cfm

Suggested Journals
1. Journal of Refractive Surgery. http://www.aao.org/isrs/resources/jrs.cfm
2. Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. http://ees.elsevier.com/jcrs/
3. Ophthalmology. http://www.aao.org
4. American Journal of Ophthalmology. http://www.ajo.com/
VI. Glaucoma

Clinical Trials
1. Beck RW. Sample size for a clinical trial: Why do some trials need only 100 patients and
others 1000 patients or more? (Editorial) Ophthalmology 2006;113:721-722.
2. Chaudhary O, Adelman RA, Shields MB. Predicting response to glaucoma therapy in one
eye based on response in the fellow eye. The Monocular Trial. Arch Ophthalmol.
3. Fletcher AE. Controversy over "contradiction": should randomized trials always trump
observational studies? Am J Ophthalmol 2009;147:384-386.
4. Greenfield DS, Weinreb RN. Role of optic nerve imaging in glaucoma clinical practice
and clinical trials. Am J Ophthalmol 2008;145:598-603.
5. Jampel HD, Friedman DS, Lubomski LH: Methodologic rigor of clinical trials on
surgical management of eyes with coexisting cataract and glaucoma. Ophthalmology
6. Kupfer C: The randomized clinical trial in glaucoma. Ophthalmol Clin NA 1991, 4:819-
7. Lai TY, Wong VW, Lam RF, Cheng AC, Lam DS, Leung GM. Quality of reporting of
key methodological items of randomized controlled trials in clinical ophthalmic journals.
Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2007 Nov-Dec;14(6):390-8.
8. Lichter PR: Patient recruitment for clinical trials (editorial). Ophthalmology 1991,
9. Lichter PR, Musch DC, Janz NK. The investigators' perspective on the Collaborative
Initial Glaucoma Treatment Study (CIGTS). Arch Ophthalmol. 2008;126:122-124.
10. Llorca J, Martinez-Sanz F, Prieto-Salceda D, et al. Quality of controlled clinical trials on
glaucoma and intraocular high pressure. J Glaucoma. 2005;14:190-195.
11. Maier PC, Funk J, Schwarzer G, et al. Treatment of ocular hypertension and open angle
glaucoma: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Br Med J 2005;331:134-9.
12. Parrish RK II: Learning from surgical failures: An argument for clinical trials (editorial).
Ophthalmology 2002;109:1045-1046. [Good list of references].
13. Realini TD. A prospective, randomized, investigator-masked evaluation of the monocular
trial in ocular hypertension or open-angle glaucoma. Ophthalmology 2009;116:1237-
14. Singh, K. The randomized clinical trial: beware of limitations (editorial). J Glaucoma.
15. Stewart WC, Jenkins JN. Predictive value of the efficacy of glaucoma medications in
regulatory trials: Phase I-III to post-marketing studies. Eye 2008;22:985-988.
16. Takahashi M, Higashide T, Sakurai M, et al. Discrepancy of the intraocular pressure
response between fellow eyes in one-eye trials versus bilateral treatment: verification
with normal subjects. J Glaucoma 2008;17:169-174.

17. Thomas R, Kumar RS, Chandrasekhar G, et al. Applying the recent clinical trials on
primary open angle glaucoma: The developing world perspective. J Glaucoma.
18. Van der Valk R, Webers CAB, Schouten JSAG, et al: IOP-lowering effects of all
commonly used glaucoma drugs: a meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials.
Ophthalmology 2005;112:1177-1185.
19. Varma R, Hwang L-J, Grunden JW, et al. Inter-visit intraocular pressure range: an
alternative parameter for assessing intraocular pressure control in clinical trials. Am J
Ophthalmol 2008;145:336-342.
20. Weinreb RN, Kaufman PL. The Glaucoma Research Community and FDA look to the
future: A report from the NEI/FDA CDER Glaucoma Clinical Trial Design and
Endpoints Symposium. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2009;50:1497-1505.
21. Wilson MR, Gaasterland D: Translating research into Practice: Controlled clinical trials
and their influence on glaucoma management. J Glaucoma 1996;5:139-146.

African Descent and Glaucoma Evaluation Study (ADAGES)

1. Sample PA, Girkin CA, Zangwill LM, et al. The African descent and glaucoma
evaluation study (ADAGES). Design and baseline data. Arch Ophthalmol.

Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study (AGIS)

1. Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study Investigators, The: Advanced Glaucoma
Intervention Study. 2. visual field test scoring and reliability. Ophthalmology
2. AGIS Investigators, The: The Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study (AGIS): 1. Study
design and methods and baseline characteristics of study patients. Controlled Clin Trials
3. AGIS Investigators, The: The Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study (AGIS): 7. The
relationship between control of IOP and visual field deterioration. Am J Ophthalmol
4. AGIS Investigators, The: AGIS: 2. VF test scoring and reliability. Ophthalmology
5. The AGIS Investigators: The Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study (AGIS): 3.
Baseline characteristics of black and white patients. Ophthalmology 1998;105:1137-
6. AGIS Investigators, The: The Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study (AGIS): 4.
Comparison of treatment outcomes within race: Seven-year results. Ophthalmology
7. AGIS Investigators, The: The Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study (AGIS): 6. Effect
of cataract on visual field and visual acuity. Arch Ophthalmol 2000;118:1639-1652.
8. AGIS Investigators, The: The Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study, 8: risk of cataract
formation after trabeculectomy. Arch Ophthalmol 2001;119:1771-1780
9. AGIS Investigators: The Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study (AGIS): 9. Comparison
of glaucoma outcomes in black and white patients with in treatment groups. Am J
Ophthalmol 2001;132:311-320.
10. Gaasterland DE, Blackwell B, Dally LG: The Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study
(AGIS): 10. Variability among academic glaucoma subspecialists in assessing optic disc
notching. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc 2001;99:177-185.
11. AGIS Investigators, The: The Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study (AGIS): 11. Risk
factors for failure of trabeculectomy and ALT. Am J Ophthalmol 2002;134:381-498.
12. AGIS Investigators, The: The Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study (AGIS): 12.
Baseline risk factors for sustained loss of visual field and visual acuity in patients with
advanced glaucoma. Am J Ophthalmol 2002;134:499-512.
13. AGIS Investigators, The: The Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study (AGIS): 13.
Comparison of treatment outcomes within race: 10-year results. Ophthalmology
14. Brown RH, et al: The advanced glaucoma intervention study (AGIS). 1. Study design and
methods and baseline characteristics of study patients. Controlled Clin Trials
15. Caprioli J, Nouri-Mahdavi K, Badala F. Prognostic factors for visual field progression in
the advanced glaucoma intervention study: a recursive partitioning analysis. Trans Am
Ophthalmol Soc. 2006;104.
16. Nouri-Mahdavi K, Hoffman D, Coleman A, et al: Predictive factors for glaucomatous
visual field progression in the advanced glaucoma intervention study. Ophthalmology
17. Schwartz AL, Van Veldhuisen PC, Gaasterland DE, et al: The Advanced Glaucoma
Intervention Study (AGIS): 5. Encapsulated bleb after initial trabeculectomy. Am J
Ophthalmol 1999;127:8-19.
18. Caprioli J., Coleman A.L. Intraocular pressure fluctuation a risk factor for visual field
progression at low intraocular pressures in the advanced glaucoma intervention study.
Ophthalmology 2008; Jul;115(7): 1123-1129-Epub 2008 Feb 20.
19. Coleman A.L., Caprioli J. The logic behind target intraocular pressure. Am J Ophthalmol.
2009 March 157;(3):379-80.

American Chinese Glaucoma Imaging Study

1. Leung C K-s, Medeiros FA, Zangwill LM, et al. American Chinese Glaucoma Imaging
Study: a comparison of the optic disc and retinal nerve fiber layer in detecting
glaucomatous damage. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2007;48:2644-2652.

Baltimore Eye Survey

1. Katz J, Gilbert D, Quigley HA, Sommer A. Estimating progression of visual field loss in
glaucoma. Ophthalmology. 1997;104:1017-25.
2. Rahmani B, Tielsch JM, Katz J, Gottsch J, Quigley H, Javitt J, Sommer A. The cause-
specific prevalence of visual impairment in an urban population. The Baltimore Eye
Survey. Ophthalmology. 1996;103:1721-6.
3. Tielsch JM, Katz J, Sommer A, Quigley HA, Javitt JC. Family history and risk of
primary open angle glaucoma. The Baltimore Eye Survey. Arch Ophthalmol.
4. Tielsch JM, Katz J, Singh K, Quigley HA, Gottsch JD, Javitt J, Sommer A. A population-
based evaluation of glaucoma screening: the Baltimore Eye Survey. Am J Epidemiol.
5. Tielsch JM, Sommer A, Katz J, Royall RM, Quigley HA, Javitt J. Racial variations in the
prevalence of primary open-angle glaucoma. The Baltimore Eye Survey. JAMA.
Barbados Eye Study
1. Hennis A, Wu SY, Nemesure B, Honkanen R, Leske MC; Barbados Eye Studies Group.
Awareness of incident open-angle glaucoma in a population study: the Barbados Eye
Studies. Ophthalmology. 2007;114:1816-21.
2. Leske MC, Wu SY, Hennis A, Honkanen R, Nemesure B; BESs Study Group. Risk
factors for incident open-angle glaucoma: the Barbados Eye Studies. Ophthalmology.
3. Leske MC, Connell AM, Wu SY, Nemesure B, Li X, Schachat A, Hennis A. Incidence of
open-angle glaucoma: the Barbados Eye Studies. The Barbados Eye Studies Group. Arch
Ophthalmol. 2001;119:89-95.
4. Leske MC, Connell AM, Wu SY, Hyman L, Schachat AP. Distribution of intraocular
pressure. The Barbados Eye Study. Arch Ophthalmol. 1997;115:1051-7.
5. Leske MC, Connell AM, Wu SY, Hyman LG, Schachat AP. Risk factors for open-angle
glaucoma. The Barbados Eye Study. Arch Ophthalmol. 1995;113:918-24.

Beijing Eye Study

1. Jonas JB, Xu L, Wang YX. The Beijing Eye Study. Acta Ophthalmol. 2009;87:247-261.
2. Wang S, Xu L, Jonas JB, et al. Major eye diseases and risk factors associated with
systemic hypertension in an adult Chinese population: The Beijing Eye Study.
Ophthalmology 2009;116:2373-2380.
3. Wang YX, Xu L, Yang H, et al. Prevalence of glaucoma in north China: the Beijing Eye
Study. Am J Ophthalmol 2010;150:917-924.
4. Wang YX, Xu L, Zhang RX, et al. Frequency-doubling threshold perimetry in predicting
glaucoma in a population-based study: The Beijing Eye Study. Arch Ophthalmol.
5. Xu L, Li JJ, Xia CR, et al. Anterior chamber depth correlated with anthropomorphic
measurements: the Beijing Eye Study. Eye 2009;23:632-634.
6. Xu L, Wang YW, Jonas JB, et al. Ocular hypertension and diabetes mellitus in the
Beijing Eye Study. J Glaucoma 2009;18:21-25.
7. Xu L. Wang H, Wang Y, et al. Intraocular pressure correlated with arterial blood
pressure: the Beijing Eye Study. Am J Ophthalmol 2007;144:461-462.
8. Xu L, Wang Y, Yang H, et al. Differences in parapapillary atrophy between
glaucomatous and normal eyes: The Beijing Eye Study. Am J Ophthalmol 2007;144:541-

9. Xu L, Wang Y, Yang H, et al. Size of the neuroretinal rim and optic cup and their
correlations with ocular and general parameters in adult Chinese: the Beijing eye study.
Br J Ophthalmol 2007;91:1616-1619.
10. Xu L, Wang YX, Yang H, et al. Follow-up of glaucomatous eyes with optic disc
haemorrhages: the Beijing Eye Study. Acta Ophthalmol. 2009;87:235.
11. Xu L, Wang YX, Wang J, et al. Mortality and ocular diseases: The Beijing Eye Study.
Ophthalmology 2009;116:732-738.
12. Xu L, Wang YX, Jonas JB. Glaucoma and mortality in the Beijing Eye Study. Eye
13. Xu L, Wang YX, Jonas JB. Ocular perfusion pressure and glaucoma: the Beijing Eye
Study. Eye 2009;23:734-736.
14. Xu L, Wang YX, Wang J, et al. Mortality and ocular diseases: The Beijing Eye Study.
Ophthalmology 2009;116:732-738.
15. Xu L, Wang YX, Yang H, et al. Follow-up of glaucomatous eyes with optic disc
haemorrhages: the Beijing Eye Study. Acta Ophthalmol. 2009;87:235.
16. You QS, Xu L, Xing Y, et al. Prevalence of optic disc drusen in an adult Chinese
population: the Beijing Eye Study. Acta Ophthalmol. 2009;87:227-228.

Blue Mountains Eye Study

1. Crowston JG, Hopley CR, Healey PR, Lee A, Mitchell P; Blue Mountains Eye Study.
The effect of optic disc diameter on vertical cup to disc ratio percentiles in a population
based cohort: the Blue Mountains Eye Study. Br J Ophthalmol. 2004 Jun;88(6):766-70.
2. Lee AJ, Wang JJ, Rochtchina E, Healey P, Chia EM, Mitchell P. Patterns of
glaucomatous visual field defects in an older population: the Blue Mountains Eye Study.
Clin Experiment Ophthalmol. 2003 Aug;31(4):331-5.
3. Healey PR, Mitchell P. Optic disk size in open-angle glaucoma: the Blue Mountains Eye
Study. Am J Ophthalmol. 1999 Oct;128(4):515-7.
4. Ong LS, Mitchell P, Healey PR, Cumming RG. Asymmetry in optic disc parameters: the
Blue Mountains Eye Study. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 1999 Apr;40(5):849-57.
5. Mitchell P, Smith W, Attebo K, Healey PR. Prevalence of open-angle glaucoma in
Australia. The Blue Mountains Eye Study. Ophthalmology. 1996;103(10):1661-9.

Canadian Glaucoma Study

1. Chauhan BC, Mikelberg FS, Balaszi AG, et al. Canadian Glaucoma Study: 2.
Risk factors for the progression of open-angle glaucoma. Arch Ophthalmol

Collaborative Initial Glaucoma Treatment Study (CIGTS)

1. Gillespie BW, Musch DC, Guire KE, et al: The CIGTS: Baseline VF and test-retest
variability. IOVS 2003;44:2613-2620.
2. Janz NK, Wren PA, Lichter PR, Musch DC, Gillespie BW, Guire KE, The CIGTS
Group: Quality of life in newly diagnosed glaucoma patients. The Collaborative Initial
Glaucoma Treatment Study. Ophthalmology 2001;108:887-898.
3. Janz NK, Wren PA, Guire KE, et al. Fear of blindness in the collaborative initial
glaucoma treatment study: patterns and correlates over time. Ophthalmology
4. Janz NK, Wren PA, Lichter PR, et al: The Collaborative Initial Glaucoma Treatment
Study. Interim quality of life findings after initial medical or surgical treatment of
glaucoma. Ophthalmology 2001;108:1954-1965.
5. Lichter PR, Musch DC, Gillespie BW, et al: Interim clinical outcomes in the
Collaborative Initial Glaucoma Treatment Study comparing initial treatment randomized
to medications or surgery. Ophthalmology 2001;108:1943-1953.
6. Mills RP, Janz NK, Wren PA, Guire KE, CI:GTS Study Group: Correlation of visual
field with quality-of-life measures at diagnosis in the Collaborative Initial Glaucoma
Treatment Study (CIGTS). J Glaucoma 2001;10:192-198.
7. Musch DC, Gillespie BW, Motyka BM, et al: Converting to SITA-standard from full-
threshold visual field testing in the follow-up phase of a clinical trial. IOVS
8. Musch DC, Lichter PR, Guire KE, Standardi CL, and the CIGTS Study Group. The
Collaborative Initial Glaucoma Treatment Study. Study design, methods, and baseline
characteristics of enrolled patients. Ophthalmology 1999;106:653-662.
9. Pasquale LR. Optimizing therapy for newly diagnosed open-angle glaucoma: lessons
learned from the Collaborative Initial Glaucoma Treatment Study. Arch Ophthalmol.

Collaborative Normal-Tension Glaucoma Study

1. Drance S, Anderson DR , Schulzer M. Risk factors for progression of visual field
abnormalities in normal tension glaucoma. Am J Ophthalmol. 2001;131:699-708.
2. Drance SM. The Collaborative Normal-Tension Glaucoma Study, (and some of its
lessons). Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology. February 1999;34:1-6.

Diagnostic Innovations in Glaucoma Study

1. Hoffmann EM, Boden C, Zangwill LM, et al. Intereye spatial relationship of abnormal
neuroretinal rim locations in glaucoma patients from the diagnostic innovations in
glaucoma study. Am J Ophthalmol. 2007;143:781-787.
2. Pascual JP, Schiefer U, Paetzold J, et al. Spatial characteristics of visual field progression
determined by Monte Carlo simulation: diagnostic innovations in glaucoma study. Invest
Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2007;48:1642-1650.

Early Manifest Glaucoma Trial Group (EMGT)

1. Bengtsson B., Leske M.C., Hyman L., Heijl A. Early Manifest Glaucoma Trial Group.
Fluctuation and intraocular pressure and glaucoma progression in the early manifest
glaucoma trial. Ophthalmology. 2007 Sep 112(9): 1505-13.
2. Bengtsson B., Leske C., Hyman L., Yang Z., Heijl A: EMGT group. Disc hemmorrhages
and treatment in the Early Manifest Glaucoma Trial. Ophthalmology. 2008

3. Hyman L., Heijl A., Leske C., Bengtsson B., Yang Z. Early Manifest Glaucoma trial
Group. Natural history of intraocular pressure in the early manifest glaucoma trial: a 6-
year follow-up. Arch Ophthalmol 2010:May 128(5):601-7.
4. Bengtsson B, Leske C, Hyman L, et al. Fluctuation of intraocular pressure and glaucoma
progression in the early manifest glaucoma trial. Ophthalmology 2007;114:205-209.
5. Heijl A, Leske MC, Bengtsson B, Hyman L, Bengtsson B, Hussein M; Early Manifest
Glaucoma Trial Group. Reduction of intraocular pressure and glaucoma progression:
results from the Early Manifest Glaucoma Trial. Arch Ophthalmol 2002;120:1268-1279.
6. Leske MC, Heijl A, Hussein M, et al: Factors for glaucoma progression and the effect of
treatment. The Early Manifest Glaucoma Trial. Arch Ophthalmol 2003;121:48-56.
7. Leske MC, Heijl A, Hyman L, Bengtsson B, the Early Manifest Glaucoma Trial Group.
Early Manifest Glaucoma Trial. Design and baseline data. Ophthalmology
8. Leske MC, Heijl A, Hyman L, et al. Predictors of long-term progression in the Early
Manifest Glaucoma Trial. Ophthalmology 2007;114:1965-1972.

European Glaucoma Prevention Study (EGPS)

1. European Glaucoma Prevention Study (EGPS) Group: Results of the European Glaucoma
Prevention Study. Ophthalmology 2005;112:366-375.
2. European Glaucoma Prevention Study Group. Central corneal thickness in the European
Glaucoma Prevention Study. Ophthalmology 2007;114:454-459.
3. European Glaucoma Prevention Study (EGPS) Group. Predictive factors for open-angle
glaucoma patients with ocular hypertension in the European Glaucoma Prevention Study.
Ophthalmology 2007;114:3-9.
4. Miglior S, Torri V, Zeyen T, et al. Intercurrent factors associated with the development of
open-angle glaucoma in the European Glaucoma Prevention Study. Am J Ophthalmol.
5. Mills RP. Diuretics, placebos, and the European Glaucoma Prevention Study. Am J
Ophthalmol. 2007;144:290-291.

Fluorouracil Filtering Surgery Study (FFSS)

1. Fluorouracil Filtering Surgery Study Group. Fluorouracil Filtering Surgery Study one-
year follow-up. Am J Ophthalmol. 1989;108:625-35.
2. Fluorouracil Filtering Surgery Study Group: Risk factors for suprachoroidal hemorrhage
after filtering surgery. Am J Ophthalmol. 1992;113:501-7.
3. Fluorouracil Filtering Surgery Study Group: Three-year follow-up of the Fluorouracil
Filtering Surgery Study. Am J Ophthalmol. 1993.115:82-92.
4. Parrish RK, and The Fluorouracil Filtering Surgery Study Group: Five-year follow-up of
the Fluorouracil Filtering Surgery Study.. Am J Ophthalmol. 1996;121:349-66.
5. Van Buskirk, EM and The Fluorouracil Filtering Surgery Study Group. Five-year follow-
up of the Fluorouracil Filtering Surgery Study. Am J Ophthalmol. 1996;122:751-2.

Glaucoma Laser Trial (GLT)

1. Glaucoma Laser Trial Research Group: The Glaucoma Laser Trial. I. Acute effects of
argon laser trabeculoplasty on intraocular pressure. Arch Ophthalmol. 1989;107:1135-42.
2. Glaucoma Laser Trial Research Group: The Glaucoma Laser Trial (GLT). 2. Results of
argon laser trabeculoplasty versus topical medicines. Ophthalmology. 1990;97:1403-13.
3. Glaucoma Laser Trial Research Group: The Glaucoma Laser Trial (GLT): 3. Design and
methods. Control Clinical Trials. 1991;12:504-24.
4. Glaucoma Laser Trial Research Group: The Glaucoma Laser Trial: 4. Contralateral
effects of timolol on the intraocular pressure of eyes treated with ALT. Ophthalmic
Surgery, 1991;22:324-9.
5. Glaucoma Laser Trial Research Group: The Glaucoma Laser Trial (GLT): 5. Subgroup
differences at enrollment. Ophthalmic Surgery. 1993;232-40.
6. Glaucoma Laser Trial Research Group: The Glaucoma Laser Trial (GLT): 6. Treatment
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8. Lichter, R. P., Practice implications of the Glaucoma Laser Trial. Ophthalmology.
9. Glaucoma Laser Trial Research Group. American Journal of Ophthalmology.
10. Glaucoma Laser Trial Research Group: Glaucoma Laser Trial Follow-up Study (GLTFS)
The Glaucoma Laser Trial (GLT) and glaucoma laser trial follow-up study, (7 Results).

Guangzhou Twin Eye Study

1. He M, Ge J, Wang D, et al. Heritability of the iridotrabecular angle width measured by
optical coherence tomorgraphy in Chinese children: The Guangzhou Twin Eye Study.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2008;49:1356-1361.
2. He M, Liu B, Huang W, et al. Heritability of optic disc and cup measured by the
Heidelberg retinal tomography in Chinese: The Guangzhou Twin Eye Study. Invest
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3. He M, Wang D, Console JW, et al. Distribution and heritability of iris thickness and pupil
size in Chinese: The Guangzhou Twin Eye Study. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci.
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Chinese children: The Guangzhou Twin Eye Study. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci.

Liwan Eye Study

1. He M, Huang W, Friedman DS, et al. Slit lamp-simulated oblique flashlight test in the
detection of narrow angles in Chinese eyes: The Liwan Eye Study. Invest. Ophthalmol.
Vis. Sci. 2007;48:5459-5463.
2. Huang S, Zheng Y, Foster PJ, et al. Prevalence and causes of visual impairment in
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4. Kong X, Foster PJ, Huang Q, et al. Appositional closure identified by ultrasound
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Low-Pressure Glaucoma Treatment Study (LOGTS)

1. Krupin T, Liebmann JM, Greenfield DS, et al. A randomized trial of brimonidine versus
timolol in preserving visual function: results from the Low-pressure Glaucoma Treatment
Study. Am J Ophthalmol 2011;151:671-681.

Los Angeles Latino Eye Study

1. Memazardeh F., Ying-Lai M., Chung J., Azen S.P., Varma R. Los Angeles Latino Eye
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5. Kuzin AA, Varma R, Reddy HS, et al. Ocular biometry and open-angle glaucoma: The
Los Angeles Latino Eye Study. Ophthalmology 2010;117:1713-1719.

Ocular Hypertension Treatment Study (OHTS)

1. Cioffi GA, Liebmann JM: Translating the OHTS results into clinical practice (editorial). J
Glaucoma 2002;11:375-377.
2. Coleman AL, Gordon MO, Beiser JA, et al: Baseline risk factors for the development of
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6. Herman DC, Gordon MO, Beiser BA, et al. Topical ocular hypotensive medication and
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7. Higginbotham E, Gordon MO, Beiser JA, et al: The OHTS: Topical medication delays or
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8. Jampel HD: We should treat fewer patients with elevated IOP now that we know the
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11. Keltner JL, Johnson CA, Cello KE, et al. Visual field quality control in the Ocular
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Group. Validated prediction model for the development of primary open-angle glaucoma
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18. Palmberg P: Answers from the OHTS (editorial). Arch Ophthalmol 2002;120:829-830.
19. Robin AL, Frick KD: The OHTS: IOP lowering prevents the development of glaucoma,
but does that mean we should treat before the onset of disease? Arch Ophthalmol
20. Zangwill LM, Weinreb RN, Beiser JA, et al: Baseline topographic optic disc
measurements are associated with the development of POAG. Arch Ophthalmol

Rotterdam Study
1. Ramdas WD, Wolfs RC, Hofman A, de Jong PT, Vingerling JR, Jansonius NM. Lifestyle
and risk of developing open-angle glaucoma: the Rotterdam study. Arch Ophthalmol.
2. Hulsman CA, Vingerling JR, Hofman A, Witteman JC, de Jong PT. Blood pressure,
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3. Wolfs RC, Borger PH, Ramrattan RS, Klaver CC, Hulsman CA, Hofman A, Vingerling
JR, Hitchings RA, de Jong PT. Changing views on open-angle glaucoma: definitions and
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4. Dielemans I, Vingerling JR, Wolfs RC, Hofman A, Grobbee DE, de Jong PT. The
prevalence of primary open-angle glaucoma in a population-based study in The
Netherlands. The Rotterdam Study. Ophthalmology. 1994;101:1851-5.

Singapore Malay Eye Study

1. Jeganathan VSE, Wong TY, Foster PJ, et al. Peripheral artery disease and glaucoma: The
Singapore Malay Eye Study. Arch Ophthalmol. 2009;127:888-893.
2. Koh V, Cheung C Y-l, Zheng Y, et al. Relationship of retinal vascular tortuosity with the
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pressure: The Singapore Malay Eye Study. Ophthalmology 2010;117:477-483.
4. Perera SA, Wong TY, Tay W-T, et al. Refractive error, axial dimensions, and primary
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The Singapore Malay Eye Study. Arch Ophthalmol 2009;127:1354-1361.
6. Wu R-Y, Zheng Y-F, Wong Ti-Y, et al. Relationship of Central Corneal Thickness with
Optic Disc Parameters: The Singapore Malay Eye Study. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci
7. Zheng Y, Wong TY, Mitchell P, et al. Distribution of ocular perfusion pressure and its
relationship with open-angle glaucoma: The Singapore Malay Eye Study. Invest
Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2010;51:3399-3404.

Tajimi Study
1. Saito H, Tsutsumi T, Araie M, Tomidokoro A, Iwase A. Heidelberg retina tomograph II
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2. Kawase K, Tomidokoro A, Araie M, et al. Ocular and systemic factors related to
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3. Saito H, Tsutsumi T, Araie M, et al. Sensitivity and specificity of the Heidelberg retina
tomograph II version 3.0 in a population-based study: The Tajimi Study. Ophthalmology

Tanjong Pagar Study

1. How ACS, Tan GSW, Chan Y-H, et al. Population prevalence of tilted and torted optic
discs among an adult Chinese population in Singapore: The Tanjong Pagar Study. Arch
Ophthalmol. 2009;127:894-899.

Thessaloniki Eye Study

1. Topouzis F., Wilson M.R., Harris A., Founti P., Yu F., Anastasopoulos E., pappas T.,
Koskosas A., Salonikiou A., Coleman A.L. Risk factors for primary open-angle
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2. Jonas JB. Association of blood pressure status with the optic disk structure. Am J
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3. Parrish II RK. Thessaloniki Eye Study: the importance of recognizing pseudoexfoliation.
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4. Topouzis F, Coleman AL, Harris A, et al. Association of blood pressure status with the
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5. Topouzis F, Coleman AL, Harris A, et al. Factors associated with undiagnosed open-
angle glaucoma: The Thessaloniki Eye Study. Am J Ophthalmol 2008;145:327-335.
6. Topouzis F, Harris A, Wilson MR, et al. Increased likelihood of glaucoma at the same
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Koskosas A, Coleman AL. Prevalence of open-angle glaucoma in Greece: the
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Tube Versus Trabeculectomy Study
1. Gedde SA, Schiffman JC, Feuer WJ, et al. The tube versus trabeculectomy study: design
and baseline characteristics of study patients. Am J Ophthalmol 2005;140:275-287.
2. Gedde SJ, Schiffman JC, Feuer WJ, et al. Treatment outcomes in the Tube Versus
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3. Gedde SJ, Herndon LW, Brandt JD, et al. Surgical complications in the Tube Versus
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4. Jamil AL, Mills RP. Glaucoma tube or trabeculectomy? That is the question. Am J
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VII. Neuro-Ophthalmology
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2. Clinical Pathways in Neuro-Ophthalmology. An Evidence-Based Approach. Lee AG,
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4. Anderson DR, Patella VM. Automated Static Perimetry, 2nd ed. St Louis, Mosby, 1999.
5. Leigh RJ, Zee DS. The Neurology of Eye Movements. 4th ed. Contemporary Neurology
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10. Neuro-Ophthalmology: Diagnosis and Management by Grant T. Liu MD Dr., Nicholas J.
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14. Galetta KM, Calabresi PA, Frohman EM, Balcer LJ. Optical coherence tomography
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15. Cettomai D, Hiremath G, Ratchford J, Venkatesan A, Greenberg BM, McGready J, Pardo
CA, Associations between retinal nerve fiber layer abnormalities and optic nerve
examination. Neurology. 2010 Oct 12;75(15):1318-25. Epub 2010 Sep 1.
VIII. Ophthalmic Pathology
1. Rao NA. Biopsy Pathology of the Eye and Ocular Adnexa. Hodder Arnold. 1996.
2. Spencer WH, editor. Ophthalmic Pathology: An Atlas and Textbook 1-4, 4th Edition, W
B Saunders Co., 1996.
3. Sassani JW, editor. Ophthalmic Pathology with Clinical Correlations. Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins, 1997.
4. Apple DJ. Ocular Pathology: Clinical Applications and Self-Assessment. Mosby, 1998.
5. Harry J, Misson, GP. Clinical Ophthalmic Pathology: Principles of Diseases of the Eye
and Associated Structures. Butterworth-Heinemann, 2001.
6. Meyer P, Loeffler, K. Stereoatlas of Ophthalmic Pathology: Anatomy and Pathology of
the Peripheral Fundus (Fundus extremus). S Karger, 2005.
7. Sehu WK, Lee W. Ophthalmic Pathology: An Illustrated Guide for Clinicians. Blackwell
Publishing, 2006 (eBook 2008).
8. Naumann GOH. Applied Pathology for Ophthalmic Microsurgeons. Springer. 2008.
9. Eagle RC. Eye Pathology: An Atlas and Text. 2nd Edition, Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins, 2011 (eBook 2011).
10. American Academy of Ophthalmology: Basic and Clinical Science Course 2011-2012
Section 4: Ophthalmic Pathology and Intraocular Tumors. AAO 2011.
11. Yanoff M, Sassani JW. Ocular Pathology. 6th Edition. Mostby, 2008.
12. Chévez-Barrios P. Frozen section diagnosis and indications in ophthalmic pathology.
Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2005 Dec;129(12):1626-34.
13. Eagle RC Jr. Immunohistochemistry in diagnostic ophthalmic pathology: a review. Clin
Experiment Ophthalmol. 2008 Oct;36(7):675-88
14. Parsons MA, Start RD. ACP Best Practice No 164: Necropsy techniques in ophthalmic
pathology. J Clin Pathol. 2001 Jun;54(6):417-27.
15. Biswas J, Babu K, Krishnakumar S, Vanitha K, Vaijayanthi P. Gross photography of
ophthalmic pathology specimens. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2001 Dec;49(4):273-6.
16. Biswas J, Krishnakumar S, Ahuja S: Manual of ocular pathology, Jaypee Brothers, India,
IX. Oculoplastic Surgery and Orbit
Recommended Textbooks
1. Dutton JJ. Atlas of clinical and surgical orbital anatomy. Philadelphia, WB Saunders
2. Nerad JA. Techniques in ophthalmic plastic surgery : A personal tutorial (with DVD). St.
Louis: Saunders Elsevier; 2010.
3. Tyers AG, Collin JRO. Colour atlas of ophthalmic plastic surgery, 2nd ed.
Oxford; Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann; 2001.

1. Beard C, Quickert MH. Anatomy of the Orbit (A Dissection Manual), 2nd edition.
Aesculapius Publishing Company, Birmingham, Alabama, 1977.
2. Biesman BS. Lasers in facial aesthetic and reconstructive surgery. Baltimore: Williams &
Wilkins; 1999.
3. Callahan M, Beard C. Ptosis . 4th edition. Aesculapius Publishing Company,
Birmingham, 1990.
4. Carruthers J, Carruthers A. Soft tissue augmentation (Procedures in cosmetic
dermatology). Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders; 2005.
5. Char DR. Thyroid Eye Diseas., Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, 1985
Collin JRO (ed). A Manual of Systematic Eyelid Surgery. Churchill Livingstone,
Edinburgh, 1983.
6. Della Rocca RC, Bedrossian EH, Arthurs B, et al. Ophthalmic plastic surgery: decision
making and techniques New York: McGraw-Hill, Medical Publishing Div; 2002.
7. Dortzbach RK. Ophthalmic plastic surgery: prevention and management of
complications. New York: Raven Press; 1994.
8. Doxanas MT, Anderson RL. Clinical Orbital Anatomy . Williams and Wilkins,
Baltimore, Maryland, 1984.
9. Dutton JJ. Oculoplastic, lacrimal, and orbital surgery (Atlas of ophthalmic surgery, vol
2). St. Louis: Mosby; 1991.
10. Fagin S, Putterman AM. Putterman's cosmetic oculoplastic surgery, 4th ed. Philadelphia:
Saunders Elsevier; 2008.
11. Gladstone GJ, Nesi FA, Goldberg RA. Gladstone and Nesi's oculoplastic surgery atlas
Cosmetic facial surgery. New York: Springer; 2005.
12. Guthoff R, Katowitz JA. Oculoplastics and orbit. (Essentials in Ophthalmology). Berlin:
Springer; 2007.
13. Henderson JW. Orbital Tumors. 2nd edition. Brian C. Decker, New York, 1980
Hornblass A, Hanig CJ. Oculoplastic, orbital, and reconstructive surgery. Baltimore:
Williams & Wilkins; 1988.
14. Iliff CE, Iliff WJ, Iliff N. Oculoplastic surgery. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders; 1979.
15. Jones LT and Wobig JL. Surgery of the Eyelids and Lacrimal System. Aesculapius
Publishing Company, Birmingham, 1976.
16. Katowitz JA. Pediatric oculoplastic surgery. New York: Springer; 2002.
LaTrenta GS. Atlas of aesthetic face and neck surgery. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders; 2004.
17. Leatherbarrow B. Oculoplastic surgery. New York: Informa Healthcare; 2011.
Levine MR. Manual of oculoplastic surgery, 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Butterworth-
Heinemann; 2002.
18. Mauriello JA. Unfavorable results of eyelid and lacrimal surgery: prevention and
management. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann; 2000.
19. McCord CD, Tanenbaum M, Nunery WR. Oculoplastic surgery, 3rd ed. New York:
Raven Press; 1995.
20. Mustarde JC. Repair and reconstruction in the orbital region: a practical guide, 2nd ed.
Edinburgh; New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1980.
21. Nerad JA, Carter KD, Alford MA. Rapid diagnosis in ophthalmology, oculoplastic and
reconstructive surgery. Philadelphia: Mosby/Elsevier; 2008.
22. Nesi FA, et al. Ophthalmic and facial plastic surgery: a compendium of reconstructive
and aesthetic techniques. Thorofare, NJ: Slack, Inc.; 2001.
23. Rootman J (ed). Diseases of the Orbit. JB Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1988.
24. Rootman J, Stewart B, Goldberg RA. Orbital Surgery. Lippincott-Raven Publishers,
Philadelphia, 1995
25. Shields JA, Shields CL. Atlas of eyelid and conjunctival tumors. Philadelphia: Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins; 1999.
26. Smith BC, Nesi FA, Lisman RD, Levine MR. Smith's Ophthalmic plastic and
reconstructive surgery. St. Louis: Mosby; 1998.
27. Stewart WB. Surgery of the eyelid, orbit, and lacrimal system (3 vols) (Ophthalmology
monographs 8). San Francisco: American Academy of Ophthalmology; 1993.
28. Tessier P. Symposium on Plastic Surgery in the Orbital Region, Dallas, 1974
(Proceedings of the Symposium of the Educational Foundation of the American Society
of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons; v. 12). St. Louis: Mosby; 1976.
29. Tessier P, Rougier J, Hervouet F, et al. Plastic surgery of the orbit and eyelids (Chirurgie
plastique orbito-palp-brale / Societe Francaise d'Ophtalmologie). New York: Masson
Pub. USA; 1981.
30. Tse DT. Color atlas of oculoplastic surgery. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer
Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2011.
31. Wolfort FG, Kanter WR. Aesthetic blepharoplasty. Boston: Little Brown; 1995.
Zide BM, Jelks GW: Surgical Anatomy of the Orbit. Raven Press, New York, New York,
32. McGregor IA, McGregor AA. Fundamental Techniques of Plastic Surgery and their
Surgical Applications, Churchill Livingstone.
33. Singh AD, Clinical Ophthalmic Oncology. Saunders Elsevier, 2009.
34. Baker SR, Local Flaps in Facial Reconstruction. Mosby Elsevier, 2007.
35. Panfilov DE, Aesthetic Surgery of the Facial Mosaic. Springer 2007.

Selected Journal Articles

1. Anderson RL: Medial canthal tendon branches out. Arch Ophth 95:2051, 1977.
2. Anderson RL, Beard C: The levator aponeurosis. Arch Ophth 95:1437, 1977.
3. Anderson RL, Dixon RS: The role of Whitnall's ligament in ptosis surgery. Arch Ophth
97:705, 1979.
4. Koornneef L: Orbital septa: anatomy and function. Ophthalmol 86:876, 1979.
5. Lemke BN, Stasior OG: The anatomy of eyebrow ptosis. Arch Ophth 100:981, 1982.
6. Hawes MJ, Dortzbach RK: The microscopic anatomy of the lower eyelid retractors. Arch
Ophth 100:1313,1982.
7. Gioia VM, Linberg JV et al: The anatomy of the lateral canthal tendon. Arch Ophth
105:529, 1987.
8. Scott KR, Tse DT, Kronish JW: Temporal artery biopsy technique: a clinico-anatomical
approach. Ophthalmic Surg 22:519, 1991.
9. Codere F, Tucker NA et al: The anatomy of Whitnall ligament. Ophthalmology
102:2016, 1995.
10. Goldberg RA, et al: The Lacrimal Keyhole, Orbital Door Jamb, and Basin of the Inferior
Orbital Fissure. Three Areas of Deep Bone in the Lateral Orbit. Arch Ophthalmol
116:1618-24, 1998.
11. Jeong S, et al: The Asian Upper Eyelid: An Anatomical Study with Comparison to the
Caucasian Eyelid. Arch Ophthalmol 117:907-12, 1999.

1. Tessier P: Anatomical classification of facial, cranio-facial, and latero-facial clefts. J
Maxillofac Surg 4:69, 1976.
2. Kidwell EDR, Tenzel RR: Repair of congenital colobomas of the lids. Arch Ophth
97:1931, 1979.
3. Hornblass A, Reifler D: Ablepharon Macrostomia syndrome. AJO 99:552, 1985
Anderson RL, Nowinski TS: The five-flap technique for blepharophimosis. Arch Ophth
107:448, 1989.
4. Jackson IT: Reconstruction of the lower eyelid defect in Treacher Collins syndrome. Pl
Recons Surg 67:365, 1981.
5. Johnson CC: Developmental abnormalities of the eyelids. Ophth Pl Recons Surg
6. Beard C: Dermolipoma surgery, or, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."
Ophth Pl Recons Surg 6:153, 1990.
7. David DJ, Sheen R: Surgical correction of Crouzon syndrome. Pl Recons Surg 85:344,
8. Wang FM, Millman AL et al: Ocular findings in Treacher Collins syndrome. AJO
110:280, 1990.
9. Cepela MA, Nunery WR, Martin RT: Stimulation of orbital growth by the use of
expandable implants in the anophthalmic cat orbit. Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg
8:157, 1992.
10. Sullivan TJ, Welham RAN, Collin JRO: Centurion syndrome. Idiopathic anterior
displacement of the medial canthus. Ophthalmology 100:328, 1993.
11. Léauté-Labrèze C. Propranolol for Severe Hemangiomas of Infancy. N Eng J Med.
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1. Quickert MH, Rathbun E: Suture repair of entropion. Arch Ophth 85:304, 1971
Tenzel RR, Miller GR, Rubenzik R: Cicatricial upper lid entropion. Arch Ophth 93:999,
2. Brown BZ: The use of homologous tarsus as a donor graft in lid surgery. Ophth Pl
Recons Surg 1:91, 1985.
3. Nasr AM: Eyelid complications in trachoma. I. Cicatricial entropion. Ophth Surg 20:800,
4. Shore JW, Foster CS et al: Results of buccal mucosal grafting for patients with medically
controlled ocular cicatricial pemphigoid. Ophthalmology 99:383, 1992.
5. Reacher MH, Munoz B et al: A controlled trial of surgery for trachomatous trichiasis of
the upper lid. Arch Ophthalmol 110:667, 1992.
6. Kersten RC, Kleiner FP, Kulwin DR: Tarsotomy for the treatment of cicatricial entropion
with trichiasis. Arch Ophthalmol 110:714, 1992.
7. Wojno TH: Lid splitting with lash resection for cicatricial entropion and trichiasis.
Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg 8:287, 1992.
8. Al-Rajhi AA, Hidayat A et al: The histopathology and the mechanism of entropion in
patients with trachoma. Ophthalmology 100:1293, 1993.
9. Dutton JJ, Tawfik HA, DeBacker CM, Lipham WJ: Anterior Tarsal V-Wedge Resection
of Cicatricial Entropion. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg 16:126, 2000.
Sullivan JH, Beard C, Bullock JD: Cryosurgery for treatment of trichiasis. AJO 82:117,
10. Wood JR, Anderson RL: Complications of cryosurgery. Arch Ophth 99:460, 1981.
11. Wojno TH: Lid splitting with lash resection for cicatricial entropion and trichiasis.
Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg 8:287, 1992.
12. Vaughn GL, Dortzbach RK et al: Eyelid splitting with excision or microhyfrecation for
distichiasis. Arch Ophthalmol 115:282, 1997.

1. Smith B: The "lazy-T" correction of ectropion of the lower punctum. Arch Ophth
94:1149, 1976.
2. Anderson RL, Gordy DD: The tarsal strip procedure. Arch Ophth 97:2192, 1979.
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X. Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus
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3. Wright, Spiegel and Thompson: Handbook of Pediatric Eye and Systemic disease.
4. The AAO Basic and Clinical Science Course section 6: Pediatric ophthalmology and

Free Textbooks Available at Orbis:www.cybersight.org

1. von Noorden and Campos: Binocular Vision and Ocular Motility.
2. Helveston: Surgical Management of Strabismus.
3. Von Noorden and Helveston: Strabismus: A Decision Making Approach.

Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Journals

1. Journal of AAPOS
2. Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus
3. The American Orthoptic Journal
4. Binocular Vision and Strabismus Quarterly
5. Strabismus
6. The British Orthoptic Journal
7. The Australian Orthoptic Journal
8. The Strabismus Minute

Basic Examination Techniques for Children and Adults with Strabismus

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Paralytic and Restrictive Strabismus

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Exodeviations and Monofixation Syndrome

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Pediatric Cataract
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Pediatric Glaucomas
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Pediatric Glaucomas
1. Bainbridge JW, Smith AJ, Barker SS, Robbie S, Henderson R, Balaggan K, Viswanathan
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Myopia–Sydney Eye Study

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Retinopathy of Prematurity
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XI. Vitreoretinal Diseases
Branch Vein Occlusion Studies (BVOS)
1. Branch Vein Occlusion Study Group. Argon laser scatter photocoagulation for prevention
of neovascularization and vitreous hemorrhage in branch vein occlusion. A randomized
clinical trial. Branch Vein Occlusion Study Group. Arch Ophthalmol 1986; 104: 34-41.
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4. Campochiaro PA, Heier JS, Feiner L, Gray S, Saroj N, Rundle AC, Murahashi
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branch retinal vein occlusion: six-month primary end point results of a phase III study.
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5. Brown DM, Campochiaro PA, Bhisitkul RB, Ho AC, Gray S, Saroj N, Adamis AP,
Rubio RG, Murahashi WY. Sustained benefits from Ranibizumab for macular edema
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Additional Background Reading

1. Barbazetto IA, Schmidt-Erfurth UM. Evaluation of functional defects in branch retinal
vein occlusion before and after laser treatment with scanning laser perimetry.
Ophthalmology 2000; 107: 1089 -1098.
2. Saxena S. Laser photocoagulation in retinal vein occlusion: branch vein occlusion study
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3. Cousins SW, Flynn HW Jr., Clarkson JG. Macroaneurysms associated with retinal branch
vein occlusion. Am J Ophthalmol 1990;109:567-570.
4. Finkelstein D. Argon laser photocoagulation for macular edema in branch vein occlusion.
Ophthalmology 1986; 93: 975 ¬977.
5. (No authors listed). Branch vein occlusion study. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci

Macular Photocoagulation Study (MPS)

1. Macular Photocoagulation Study Group. Risk factors for choroidal neovascularization in
the second eye of patients with juxtafoveal or subfoveal choroidal neovascularization
secondary to age-related macular degeneration. Macular Photocoagulation Study Group.
Arch Ophthalmol 1997;115:741-747.
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choroidal neovascularization. Five-year results from randomized clinical trials. Macular
Photocoagulation Study Group. Arch Ophthalmol 1994;112:500-509.
3. Macular Photocoagulation Study Group. Five-year follow-up of fellow eyes of patients
with age-related macular degeneration and unilateral extrafoveal choroidal
neovascularization. Macular Photocoagulation Study Group. Arch Ophthalmol
4. Macular Photocoagulation Study Group. Laser photocoagulation of subfoveal
neovascular lesions of age-related macular degeneration. Updated findings from two
clinical trials. Macular Photocoagulation Study Group. Arch Ophthalmol 1993;111:1200-
5. Macular Photocoagulation Study Group. Argon laser photocoagulation for neovascular
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6. Macular Photocoagulation Study Group. Krypton laser photocoagulation for neovascular
lesions of age-related macular degeneration. Results of a randomized clinical trial.
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7. Macular Photocoagulation Study Group. Persistent and recurrent neovascularization after
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degeneration. Macular Photo-coagulation Study Group. Arch Ophthalmol 1990;108:825-
8. Bressler SB, Maguire MG, Bressler NM, Fine SL. Relationship of drusen and
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16. Zimmer-Galler IE, Bressler NM, Bressler SB. Treatment of choroidal neovascularization:
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Additional Background Reading

1. Macular Photocoagulation Study Group. Occult choroidal neovascularization. Influence
on visual outcome in patients with age-related macular degeneration. Macular
Photocoagulation Study Group. Arch Ophthalmol 1996;114:400-412.
2. Macular Photocoagulation Study Group. Five-year follow-up of fellow eyes of
individuals with ocular histoplasmosis and unilateral extrafoveal or juxtafoveal choroidal
neovascularization. Macular Photocoagulation Study Group. Arch Ophthalmol 1996;114:
3. Macular Photocoagulation Study Group. Laser photocoagulation for neovascular lesions
nasal to the fovea. Results from clinical trials for lesions secondary to ocular
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Ophthalmol 1995;113:56-61.
4. Macular Photocoagulation Study Group. The influence of treatment extent on the visual
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5. Macular Photocoagulation Study Group. Persistent and recurrent neovascularization after
laser photocoagulation for subfoveal choroidal neovascularization of age-related macular
degeneration. Macular Photocoagulation Study Group. Arch Ophthalmol 1994;112:489-
6. Macular Photocoagulation Study Group. Evaluation of argon green vs krypton red laser
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photocoagulation study. Macular Photocoagulation Study (MPS) Group. Arch
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7. Orr PR, Blackhurst DW, Hawkins BS. Patient and clinic factors predictive of missed
visits and inactive status in a multicenter clinical trial. The Macular Photocoagulation
Study Group. Control Clin Trials 1992; 13:40-49.
8. Bressler NM, Bressler SB, Alexander J et al. Loculated fluid. A previously undescribed
fluorescein angiographic finding in choroidal neovascularization associated with macular
degeneration. Macular Photocoagulation Study Reading Center. Arch Ophthalmol 1991;
9. Macular Photocoagulation Study Group. Laser photocoagulation of subfoveal
neovascular lesions in age-related macular degeneration. Results of a randomized clinical
trial. Macular Photocoagulation Study Group. Arch Ophthalmol 1991;109:1220 -1231.
10. Macular Photocoagulation Study Group. Laser photocoagulation of subfoveal recurrent
neovascular lesions in age-related macular degeneration. Results of a randomized clinical
trial. Macular Photocoagulation Study Group. Arch Ophthalmol 1991;109:1232-1241.
11. Macular Photocoagulation Study Group. Subfoveal neovascular lesions in age-related
macular degeneration. Guidelines for evaluation and treatment in the macular
photocoagulation study. Macular Photocoagulation Study Group. Arch Ophthalmol 1991;
12. Hawkins BS, Prior MJ, Fisher MR, Blackhurst DW. Relationship between rate of patient
enrollment and quality of clinical center performance in two multicenter trials in
ophthalmology. Control Clin Trials 1990;11:374-394.
13. Macular Photocoagulation Study Group. Krypton laser photocoagulation for idiopathic
neovascular lesions. Results of a randomized clinical trial. Macular Photocoagulation
Study Group. Arch Ophthalmol 1990;108:832-837.
14. Blackhurst DW, Maguire MG. Reproducibility of refraction and visual acuity
measurement under a standard protocol. The Macular Photocoagulation Study Group.
Retina 1989;9:163-169.
15. Macular Photocoagulation Study Group. Persistent and recurrent neovascularization after
krypton laser photocoagulation for neovascular lesions of ocular histoplasmosis. Macular
Photocoagulation Study Group. Arch Ophthalmol 1989;107:344-352.
16. Fine SL. Early detection of extrafoveal neovascular membranes by daily central field
evaluation. Ophthalmology 1985;92:603-609.
17. Macular Photocoagulation Study Group .Changing the protocol: a case report from the
Macular Photocoagulation Study. Macular Photocoagulation Study Group. Control Clin
Trials 1984;5:203-216.
18. Gottfredsdottir MS, Sverrisson T, Musch DC, Stefansson E. Age related macular
degeneration in monozygotic twins and their spouses in Iceland. Acta Ophthalmol Scand
19. Macular Photocoagulation Study Group. Age-related macular degeneration. The Macular
Photocoagulation Study. Am J Ophthalmol 1984;98:376-377.
20. Freund KB, Yannuzzi LA, Sorenson JA. Age-related macular degeneration and choroidal
neovascularization. Am J Ophthalmol 1993;115:786-791.
21. Jampol LM. Hypertension and visual outcome in the macular photocoagulation study.
Arch Ophthalmol 1991;109:789-790.
22. Jost BF, Alexander MF, Maguire MG et al. Laser treatment for choroidal
neovascularization outside randomized clinical trials. Arch Ophthalmol 1988;106:357-
23. Fine SL. Macular photocoagulation study. Arch Ophthalmol 1980;98: 832.
24. Fine SL, Hawkins B, Maguire M. Macular photocoagulation study. Arch Ophthalmol
1984; 102:1583.
25. Jampol LM, Tielsch J. Race, macular degeneration, and the Macular Photocoagulation
Study. Arch Ophthalmol 1992; 110: 1699-1700.
26. Moisseiev J, Alhalel A, Masuri R, Treister G. The impact of the macular
photocoagulation study results on the treatment of exudative age-related macular
degeneration. Arch Ophthalmol 1995; 113: 185 -189.
27. Beatty S, Au Eong KG, McLeod D, Bishop PN. Photocoagulation of subfoveal choroidal
neovascular membranes in age related macular degeneration: the impact of the macular
photocoagulation study in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland.Br J Ophthalmol
1999; 83:1103 -1104.
28. Custis PH, Bressler SB, Bressler NM. Laser management of subfoveal choroidal
neovascularization in age-related maculardegeneration. Curr Opin Ophthalmol1993; 4: 7-
29. Dyer DS, Bressler SB, Bressler NM. The role of laser wavelength in the treatment of
vitreoretinal diseases. Curr Op in Ophthalmol 1994; 5: 35-43.
30. Bergink GJ, Deutman AF, van den Broek JF, van Daal WA, van der Maazen RW.
Radiation therapy for subfoveal choroidal neovascular membranes in age-related macular
degeneration. A pilot study. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 1994;232:591-598.
31. Gelfand YA, Linn S, Miller B. The application of the macular photocoagulation study
eligibility criteria for laser treatment in age-related macular degeneration. Ophthalmic
Surg Lasers 1997;28:823-827.
32. Spaide RF, Guyer DR, McCormick B et al. External beam radiation therapy for choroidal
neovascularization. Ophthalmology 1998;105:24-30
33. Ormerod LD, Puklin JE, Frank RN. Long-term outcomes after the surgical removal of
advanced subfoveal neovascular membranes in age-related macular degeneration.
34. Avvad FK, Duker JS, Reichel E, Margolis TI, Puliafito CA. The digital indocyanine
green videoangiography characteristics of well-defined choroidal neovascularization.
Ophthalmology 1995;102:401-405.
35. Yannuzzi LA. A new standard of care for laser photocoagulation of subfoveal choroidal
neovascularization secondary to age-related macular degeneration. Data revisited. Arch
Ophthalmol 1994;112 462-464.
36. Tiedeman JS. Treatment of subfoveal choroidal neovascularization. Arch Ophthalmol
1995; 113:137-138.
37. Hawkins WR. Visual prognosis of eyes with submacular choroidal neovascularization.
Arch Ophthalmol 1994; 112: 874 -875.
38. Fine SL, Hawkins BS, Maguire MG. Krypton Laser photocoagulation for neovascular
lesions of age-related macular degeneration. Arch Ophthalmol 1991; 109: 614-615.
39. Tornambe PE, Poliner LS. Partial ablation of neovascular membranes involving the
fovea. Arch Ophthalmol 1989;107: 955-956.
40. Wolfe JA, Horton MB, McAteer MB, Szuter CF, Clayton T. Race, macular degeneration,
and diabetic maculopathy. Arch Ophthalmol 1993; 111: 1603 -1604.
41. Chakravarthy U, Hart P, Finger P. External beam radiation therapy for CNV.
Ophthalmology 1998; 105:1790-1791; author reply 1791 -1792 Beaumont P, Chang A.
External beam radiation therapy for CNV. Ophthalmology 1998; 105: 1792 -1793; author
reply 1793 -1794.
42. Schachat AP. Management of subfoveal choroidal neovascularization. Arch Ophthalmol
1991; 109:1217-1218.

Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS)

1. Clemons TE, Chew EY, Bressler SB, McBee W. National Eye Institute Visual Function
questionnaire in the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS): AREDS Report No. 10.
Arch Ophthalmol 2003; 121: 211-217.
2. Age-Related Eye Disease Study Research Group. The effect of five-year zinc
supplementation on serum zinc, serum cholesterol and hematocrit in persons randomly
assigned to treatment group in the age-related eye disease study: AREDS Report No. 7.J
Nutr 2002; 132: 697-702.
3. Age-Related Eye Disease Study Research Group. A randomized, placebo-controlled,
clinical trial of high-dose supplementation with vitamins C and E and beta carotene for
age-related cataract and vision loss: AREDS report no. 9. Arch Ophthalmol 2001; 119:
4. Age-Related Eye Disease Study Research Group. A randomized, placebo-controlled,
clinical trial of high-dose supplementation with vitamins C and E, beta carotene, and zinc
for age-related macular degeneration and vision loss: AREDS report no. 8. Arch
Ophthalmol 2001; 119: 1417-1436.
5. Age-Related Eye Disease Study Research Group. The Age-Related Eye Disease Study
system for classifying age-related macular degeneration from stereoscopic color fundus
photographs: the Age-Related Eye Disease Study Report Number 6. Am J Ophthalmol
2001; 132: 668-681.
6. Age-Related Eye Disease Study Research Group. The age-related eye disease study
(AREDS) system for classifying cataracts from photographs: AREDS report no. 4. Am J
Ophthalmol 2001; 131: 167-175.
7. (No authors listed). Risk factors associated with age-related nuclear and cortical cataract:
a case-control study in the Age-Related Eye Disease Study, AREDS Report No. 5.
Ophthalmology 2001; 108:1400-1408.
8. (No authors listed). The Age-Related Eye Disease Study: a clinical trial of zinc and
antioxidants -Age-Related Eye Disease Study Report No. 2. J Nutr 2000; 130: 1516S -
9. (No authors listed). Risk factors associated with age-related macular degeneration. A
case-control study in the age-related eye disease study: Age-Related Eye Disease Study
Report Number 3. Ophthalmology 2000; 107: 2224-2232.
10. (No authors listed). The Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS): design implications.
AREDS report no. 1. Control Clin Trials 1999; 20: 573-600.

AMD Studies
1. Chang TS, Bressler NM, Fine JT, Dolan CM, Ward J, Klesert TR; MARINA Study
Group. Improved vision-related function after ranibizumab treatment of neovascular age-
related macular degeneration: results of a randomized clinical trial. Arch Ophthalmol.
2007 Nov;125(11):1460-9.
2. Kaiser PK, Brown DM, Zhang K, Hudson HL, Holz FG, Shapiro H, Schneider S,
Acharya NR. Ranibizumab for predominantly classic neovascular age-related macular
degeneration: subgroup analysis of first-year ANCHOR results. Am J Ophthalmol. 2007
3. Bressler NM, Chang TS, Suñer IJ, Fine JT, Dolan CM, Ward J, Ianchulev T; MARINA
and ANCHOR Research Groups. Vision-related function after ranibizumab treatment by
better- or worse-seeing eye: clinical trial results from MARINA and ANCHOR.
Ophthalmology. 2010 Apr;117(4):747-56.
4. Rosenfeld PJ, Shapiro H, Tuomi L, Webster M, Elledge J, Blodi B; MARINA and
ANCHOR Study Groups. Characteristics of patients losing vision after 2 years of
monthly dosing in the phase III ranibizumab clinical trials. Ophthalmology. 2011
5. CATT Research Group, Martin DF, Maguire MG, Ying GS, Grunwald JE, Fine SL, Jaffe
GJ. Ranibizumab and bevacizumab for neovascular age-related macular degeneration. N
Engl J Med. 2011 May 19;364(20):1897-908.
6. Martin DF, Maguire MG, Fine SL, Ying GS, Jaffe GJ, Grunwald JE, Toth C, Redford M,
Ferris FL 3rd; Comparison of Age-related Macular Degeneration Treatments Trials
(CATT) ResearchGroup Writing Committee. Ranibizumab and Bevacizumab for
Treatment of Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration: Two-Year
Results. Ophthalmology. 2012 May 1. [Epub ahead of print].

Vertoporfin in Photodynamic Therapy (VIP)

1. Blinder KJ, Blumenkranz MS, Bressler NM et al. Verteporfin therapy of subfoveal
choroidal neovascularization in pathologic myopia: 2-year results of a randomized
clinical trial –VIP report no.3. Ophthalmology 2003; 110:667-673.
2. Verteporfin in Photodynamic Therapy Study Group. Verteporfin therapy of subfoveal
choroidal neovascularization in age-related macular degeneration: two-year results of a
randomized clinical trial including lesions with occult with no classic choroidal
neovascularization -verteporfin in photo-dynamic therapy report 2. Am J Ophthalmol
2001; 131: 541-560.
3. Verteporfin in Photodynamic Therapy Study Group. Photodynamic therapy of subfoveal
choroidal neovascularization in pathologic myopia with verteporfin. 1-year results of a
randomized clinical trial -VIP report no. 1. Ophthalmology 2001; 108: 841-852.
4. Verteporfin Roundtable 2000 and 2001 Participants, Treatment of age-related macular
degeneration with photodynamic therapy (TAP) study group principal investigators,
Verteporfin in photodynamic therapy (VIP) study group principal investigators.
Guidelines for using verteporfin (visudyne) in photodynamic therapy to treat choroidal
neovascularization due to age-related macular degeneration and othercauses. Retina
2002; 22:6-18.

Treatment of Age-Related Macular Degeneration with Photodynamic Therapy (TAP)

1. Blumenkranz MS, Bressler NM, Bressler SB et al. Verteporfin therapy for subfoveal
choroidal neovascularization in age-related macular degeneration: three-year results of an
open-label extension of 2 randomized clinical trials -TAP Report no. 5. Arch Ophthalmol
2002; 120: 1307-1314.
2. Rubin GS, Bressler NM. Effects of verteporfin therapy on contrast on sensitivity: Results
From the Treatment of Age-Related Macular Degeneration With Photodynamic Therapy
(TAP) investigation-TAP report No 4. Retina 2002; 22: 536¬544.
3. Bressler NM, Arnold J, Benchaboune M et al. Verteporfin therapy of subfoveal choroidal
neovascularization in patients with age-related macular degeneration: additional
information regarding baseline lesion composition's impact on vision outcomes-TAP
report No. 3. Arch Ophthalmol 2002; 120: 1443-1454.
4. Bressler NM. Photodynamic therapy of subfoveal choroidal neovascularization in age-
related macular degeneration with verteporfin: two-year results of 2 randomized clinical
trials-tap report 2. Arch Ophthalmol 2001; 119: 198-207.
5. Miller JW, Schmidt-Erfurth U, Sickenberg M et al. Photodynamic therapy with
verteporfin for choroidal neovascularization caused by age-related macular degeneration:
results of a single treatment in a phase 1 and 2 study. Arch Ophthalmol 1999; 117: 1161-
1173 [Erratumin: Arch Ophthalmol 2000 Apr; 1118: 1488].
6. (No authors listed). Photodynamic therapy of subfoveal choroidal neovascularization in
age-related macular degeneration with verteporfin: one-year results of 2 randomized
clinical trials -TAP report. Treatment of age-related macular degeneration with
photodynamic therapy (TAP) Study Group. Arch Ophthalmol 1999; 117:1329-1345
[Erratum in: Arch Ophthalmol 2000 April; 1118: 1488].

Silicone Study
1. Abrams GW, Azen SP, McCuen BW, 2nd et al. Vitrectomy with silicone oil or long-
acting gas in eyes with severe proliferative vitreoretinopathy: results of additional and
long-term follow-up. Silicone Study report 11. Arch Ophthalmol 1997; 115: 335-344.
2. McCuen BW, 2nd, Azen SP, Stern W et al. Vitrectomy with silicone oil or
perfluoropropane gas in eyes with severe proliferative vitreoretinopathy. Silicone Study
Report 3. Retina 1993; 13: 279 -284.
3. (No authors listed). Vitrectomy with silicone oil or sulfur hexafluoride gas in eyes with
severe proliferative vitreoretinopathy: results of a randomized clinical trial. Silicone
Study Report 1. Arch Ophthalmol 1992; 110:770-779.
4. (No authors listed). Krypton laser photocoagulation for neovascular lesions of ocular
histoplasmosis. Results of a randomized clinical trial. Macular Photocoagulation Study
Group. Arch Ophthalmol 1987; 105: 1499-1507.
5. (No authors listed). Vitrectomy with silicone oil or perfluoropropane gas in eyes with
severe proliferative vitreoretinopathy: results of a randomized clinical trial. Silicone
Study Report 2. Arch Ophthalmol 1992; 110: 780 -792.
6. Lean JS, Stern WH, Irvine AR, Azen SP. Classification of proliferative vitreoretinopathy
used in the silicone study. The Silicone Study Group. Ophthalmology 1989; 96: 765-771.
7. Brown GC, Brown MM, Sharma S, Busbee B, Landy J. A cost-utility analysis of
interventions for severe proliferative vitreoretinopathy. Am J Ophthalmol 2002; 133:365-
8. Pastor JC. Proliferative vitreoretinopathy: an overview. Surv Ophthalmol 1998; 43:3 -18.

Additional Background Reading

1. Diddie KR, Azen SP, Freeman HM et al. Anterior proliferative vitreoretinopathy in the
silicone study. Silicone Study Report Number10. Ophthalmology1996; 103:1092 -1099
Lean J, Azen SP, Lopez PF et al. The prognostic utility of the Silicone Study
Classification System. Silicone Study Report 9. Silicone Study Group . Arch Ophthalmol
1996; 114:286-292.
2. Abrams GW, Azen SP, Barr CC et al. The incidence of corneal abnormalities in the
Silicone Study. Silicone Study Report 7. Arch Ophthalmol 1995; 113: 764-769.
3. Cox MS, Azen SP, Barr CC et al. Macular pucker after successful surgery for
proliferative vitreoretinopathy. Silicone Study Report 8. Ophthalmology 1995; 102:
4. Hutton WL, Azen SP, Blumenkranz MS et al. The effects of silicone oil removal.
Silicone Study Report 6. Arch Ophthalmol 1994; 112: 778-785.
5. Peyman GA, Greve MD, Millsap CM. Silicone oil vs perfluoropropane gas as a
postoperative retinal tamponade. Arch Ophthalmol 1994; 112: 728 -729; Reply by
McCuen BW, Azen SP: 729.
6. Chan CK. Reports by the Silicone Study Group. Arch Ophthalmol 1993; 111: 428; author
reply 429 Le Mer Y. Reports by the Silicone Study Group. Arch Ophthalmol 1993; 111:
7. Barr CC, Lai MY, Lean JS et al. Postoperative intraocular pressure abnormalities in the
Silicone Study. Silicone Study Report 4. Ophthalmology 1993; 100: 1629 -1635.
8. Blumenkranz MS, Azen SP, Aaberg T et al. Relaxing retinotomy with silicone oil or
long-acting gas in eyes with severe proliferative vitreoretinopathy. Silicone Study Report
5. The Silicone Study Group. Am J Ophthalmol 1993; 116: 557-564.
9. Azen SP, Boone DC, Barlow W et al. Methods, statistical features, and baseline results of
a standardized, multicentered ophthalmologic surgical trial: the Silicone Study. Control
Clin Trials 1991; 12: 438-455.
10. Barlow W, Azen S. The effect of therapeutic treatment crossovers on the power of
clinical trials. The Silicone Study Group. Control Clin Trials 1990; 11: 314 -326
11. Azen SP, Irvine AR, Davis MD et al. The validity and reliability of photographic
documentation of proliferative vitreoretinopathy. Ophthalmology 1989; 96:352-357.
12. Boone DC, Lai M, Azen S, Silicone Study Group. Clinical judgment and centralized data
management. Control Clin Trials 1989: 339.
13. Irvine AR. Photographic documentation and grading of PVR, in Freeman HM, Tolentino
FI (eds). Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy, New York, Springer-Verlag 1989: 105-109.
14. Stern WH, Lean JS, Silicone Study Group. Intraocular silicone oil versus gas in the
management of proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR): A multicenter clinical study, in
Freeman HM, Tolentino FI (eds). Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy. New York, Springer-
Verlag, 1989.
15. Glaser BM. Silicone oil for proliferative vitreoretinopathy. Does it help or hinder? Arch
Ophthalmol 1988; 106:323-324.
16. Lean JS. Changing attitudes in United States to use of intravitreal silicone. Jpn J
Ophthalmol 1987; 31: 132-137.
17. (No authors listed). Proliferative vitreoretinopathy (editorial). The Silicone Study Group.
Am J Ophthalmol 1985; 99: 593-595.
18. Campochiaro PA. The Silicone Study. A small piece of the PVR puzzle is put into place.
Arch Ophthalmol 1997; 115: 407-408.
19. Haller JA, Campochiaro PA. Oil and gas on troubled waters. The proliferative
vitreoretinopathy studies. Arch Ophthalmol 1992; 110: 768 -769.

Submacular Surgery Trials (SST)

1. Bressler NM, Hawkins BS, Sternberg P Jr., McDonald HR. Are the submacular surgery
trials still relevant in an era of photo dynamic therapy? Ophthalmology 2001; 108: 435-
2. Grossniklaus HE, Green WR. Histopathologic and ultrastructural findings of surgically
excised choroidal neovascularization. Submacular Surgery Trials Research Group. Arch
Ophthalmol 1998; 116: 745-749.

Additional Background Reading

1. Bressler NM, Bressler SB, Hawkins BS et al. Submacular surgery trials randomized pilot
trial of laser photocoagulation versus surgery for recurrent choroidal neovascularization
secondary to age-related macular degeneration: I. Ophthalmic outcomes submacular
surgery trials pilot study report number 1. Am J Ophthalmol 2000; 130: 387-407.
2. photocoagulation versus surgery for recurrent choroidal neovascularization secondary to
age-related macular degeneration: II. Quality of life outcomes submacular surgery trials
pilot study report number 2. Am J Ophthalmol 2000; 130: 408 -418.
3. Bressler NM. Submacular surgery. New information, more questions. Arch Ophthalmol
4. Bressler NM. Submacular surgery. Are randomized trials necessary? Arch Ophthalmol
5. Dong LM, Hawkins BS, Marsh MJ. Consistency between visual acuity scores obtained at
different test distances: theory vs observations in multiple studies. Arch Ophthalmol
2002; 120:1523-1533.
6. Orr PR, Cramer LD, Hawkins BS, Bressler NM. Manifest refraction versus autorefraction
for patients with subfoveal choroidal neovascularization. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci
7. Fleckner MR, Hochman MA, Buzney SM et al. Complications of surgery for subfoveal
choroidal neovascularization. Int Ophthalmol Clin 2000;40:201-214.
8. Uemura A. [Subretinal surgery for choroidal neovascularization]. Nippon Ganka Gakkai
Zasshi 2000;104:611-620.
9. Rao PK, Thomas MA. Update on surgical removal of choroidal neovascularization. Curr
Op in Ophthalmol 2000;11:180-185.

Multicenter Trial of Cryotherapy for Retinopathy of Prematurity (CRYO-ROP)

1. (No authors listed). Multicenter Trial of Cryotherapy for Retinopathy of Prematurity:
ophthalmological outcomes at 10 years. Arch Ophthalmol 2001; 119: 1110 -1118.
2. Repka M., Palmer EA, Tung B. Involution of retinopathy of prematurity. Cryotherapy for
Retinopathy of Prematurity Cooperative Group. Arch Ophthalmol 2000; 118:645-649.
3. Saunders RA, Donahue ML, Christmann LM et al. Racial variation in retinopathy of
prematurity. The Cryotherapy for Retinopathy of Prematurity Cooperative Group. Arch
Ophthalmol 1997; 115: 604-608.
4. Bartholomew PA, Chao J, Evans JL et al. Acceptance/Use of the Teller acuity card
procedure in the clinic. Am Orthoptic J 1996; 46: 100-106.
5. Quinn GE, Dobson V, Barr CC et al. Visual acuity of eyes after vitrectomy for
retinopathy of prematurity: follow-up at 5 1/2 years. The Cryotherapy for Retinopathy of
Prematurity Cooperative Group. Ophthalmology 1996; 103: 595-600.
6. (No authors listed). Multicenter trial of cryotherapy for retinopathy of prematurity:
natural history ROP: ocular outcome at 5(1/2) years in premature infants with birth
weights less than 1251 g. Arch Ophthalmol 2002; 120: 595-599.
7. Dobson V, Quinn GE, Summers CG, Hardy RJ, Tung B; Cryotherapy for Retinopathy of
Prematurity Cooperative Group. Visual acuity at 10 years in Cryotherapy for Retinopathy
of Prematurity (CRYO-ROP) study eyes: effect of retinal residua of retinopathy of
prematurity. Arch Ophthalmol. 2006 Feb;124(2):199-202.
8. Msall ME, Phelps DL, Hardy RJ, Dobson V, Quinn GE, Summers CG, Tremont MR;
Cryotherapy for Retinopathy of Prematurity Cooperative Group. Educational and social
competencies at 8 years in children with threshold retinopathy of prematurity in the
CRYO-ROP multicenter study. Pediatrics. 2004 Apr;113(4):790-9.

Additional Background Reading

1. (No authors listed). Contrast sensitivity at age 10 years in children who had threshold
retinopathy of prematurity. Arch Ophthalmol 2001; 119: 1129 -1133.
2. (No authors listed). Effect of retinal ablative therapy for threshold retinopathy of
prematurity: results of Goldmann perimetry at the age of 10 years. Arch Ophthalmol
2001; 119: 1120 -1125.
3. Quinn GE, Dobson V, Siatkowski R et al. Does cryotherapy affect refractive error?
Results from treated versus control eyes in the cryotherapy for retinopathy of prematurity
trial. Ophthalmology 2001; 108: 343 -347.
4. Msall ME, Phelps DL, DiGaudio KM et al. Severity of neonatal retinopathy of
prematurity is predictive of neurodevelopmental functional outcome at age 5.5 years.
Behalf of the Cryotherapy for Retinopathy of Prematurity Cooperative Group. Pediatrics
2000; 106: 998 -1005.
5. Dobson V, Quinn GE, Siatkowski RM et al. Agreement between grating acuity at age 1
year and Snellen acuity at age 5.5 years in the preterm child. Cryotherapy for Retinopathy
of Prematurity Cooperative Group. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1999;40: 496 -503.
6. Harvey EM, Dobson V, Tung B, Quinn GE, Hardy RJ. Interobserver agreement for
grating acuity and letter acuity assess¬ment in 1-to 5.5-year-olds with severe retinopathy
of prematurity. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1999; 40: 1565 -1576.
7. GE, Dobson V, Kivlin J et al. Prevalence of myopia between 3 months and 5 1/2 years in
preterm infants with and without retinopathy of prematurity. Cryotherapy for Retinopathy
of Prematurity Cooperative Group. Ophthalmology 1998; 105: 1292 -1300.
8. Bremer DL, Palmer EA, Fellows RR et al. Strabismus in premature infants in the first
year of life. Cryotherapy for Retinopathy of Prematurity Cooperative Group. Arch
Ophthalmol 1998; 116: 329-333.
9. Repka M, Summers CG, Palmer EA et al. The incidence of ophthalmologic interventions
in children with birth weights less than 1251 grams. Results through 5 1/2 years.
Cryotherapy for Retinopathy of Prematurity Cooperative Group. Ophthalmology 1998;
105: 1621 -1627.
10. Hardy RJ, Palmer EA, Schaffer DB et al. Outcome-based management of retinopathy of
prematurity. Multicenter Trial of Cryotherapy for Retinopathy of prematurity
Cooperative Group.JAapos1997; 1:46-54.
11. (No authors listed). Multicenter trial of cryotherapy for reti¬nopathy of prematurity.
Snellen visual acuity and structural outcome at 5 1/2 years after randomization.
Cryotherapy for Retinopathy of Prematurity Cooperative Group. Arch Ophthalmol 1996;
114: 417 -424.
12. Dobson V, Quinn GE, Abramov I et al. Color vision measured with pseudoisochromatic
plates at five-and-a-half years in eyes of children from the CRYO-ROP study. Invest
Ophthalmol VisSci 1996; 37: 2467-2474.
13. Gilbert WS, Quinn GE, Dobson V et al. Partial retinal detachment at 3 months after
threshold retinopathy of prematurity. Long-term structural and functional outcome.
Multicenter Trial of Cryotherapy for Retinopathy of Prematurity Cooperative Group.
Arch Ophthalmol 1996; 114: 1085 -1091.
14. Kivlin JD, Biglan AW, Gordon RA et al. Early retinal vessel development and iris vessel
dilatation as factors in retinopathy of prematurity. Cryotherapy for Retinopathy of
Prematurity (CRYO-ROP) Cooperative Group. Arch Ophthalmol 1996; 114: 150 -154.
15. GE, Dobson V, Hardy RJ et al. Visual fields measured with double-arc perimetry in eyes
with threshold retinopathy of prematurity from the cryotherapy for retinopathy of
prematurity trial. The CRYO-Retinopathy of Prematurity Cooperative Group.
Ophthalmology 1996; 103: 1432 -1437.
16. Dobson V, Quinn GE, Saunders RA et al. Grating visual acuity in eyes with retinal
residua of retinopathy of prematurity. The Cryotherapy for Retinopathy of Prematurity
Cooperative Group.ArchOphthalmol 1995; 113:1172-1177.
17. Dobson V, Quinn GE, Tung B, Palmer EA, Reynolds JD. Comparison of recognition and
grating acuities in very-low-birthweight children with and without retinal residua of
retinopathy of prematurity. Cryotherapy for Retinopathy of Prematurity Cooperative
Group. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1995; 36: 692 -702.
18. Quinn GE, Dobson V, Biglan A et al. Correlation of retinopathy of prematurity in fellow
eyes in the cryotherapy for retinopathy of prematurity study. The Cryotherapy for
Retinopathy of Prematurity Cooperative Group. Arch Ophthalmol 1995; 113: 469 -473.
19. The natural ocular outcome of premature birth and retinopathy. Status at 1 year.
Cryotherapy for Retinopathy of Prematurity Cooperative Group. Arch Ophthalmol 1994;
112: 903 -912.
20. Dobson V, Quinn GE, Summers CG et al. Effect of acute-phase retinopathy of
prematurity on grating acuity development in the very low birth weight infant. The
Cryotherapy for Retinopathy of Prematurity Cooperative Group. Invest Ophthalmol Vis
Sci 1994; 35:4236 -4244.
21. Multicenter trial of cryotherapy for retinopathy of prematurity. 3 1/2-year outcome -
structure and function. Cryotherapy for Retinopathy of Prematurity Cooperative Group.
Arch Ophthalmol 1993; 111: 339-344.
22. Evans MS, Wallace PR, Palmer EA. Fundus Photography in small infants. J Ophthal
Photography 1993; 15:38-39.
23. Reynolds J, Dobson V, Quinn GE et al. Prediction of visual function in eyes with mild to
moderate posterior pole residua of retinopathy of prematurity. Cryotherapy for
Retinopathy of Prematurity Cooperative Group. Arch Ophthalmol 1993; 111: 1050 -
24. Schaffer DB, Palmer EA, Plotsky DF et al. Prognostic factors in the natural course of
retinopathy of prematurity. The Cryotherapy for Retinopathy of Prematurity Cooperative
Group. Ophthalmology 1993; 100: 230 -237.
25. Gilbert WS, Dobson V, Quinn GE et al. The correlation of visual function with posterior
retinal structure in severe retinopathy of prematurity. Cryotherapy for Retinopathy of
Prematurity Cooperative Group. Arch Ophthalmol 1992; 110: 625-631.
26. Quinn GE, Dobson V, Repka M et al. Development of myopia in infants with birth
weights less than 1251 grams. The Cryotherapy for Retinopathy of Prematurity
Cooperative Group. Ophthalmology 1992; 99: 329 -340.
27. Summers G, Phelps DL, Tung B, Palmer EA. Ocular cosmesis in retinopathy of
prematurity. The Cryotherapy for Retinopathy of Prematurity Cooperative Group. Arch
Ophthalmol 1992; 110: 1092 -1097.
28. Trueb L, Evans J, Hammel A, Bartholomew P, Dobson V. Assessing visual acuity of
visually impaired children using the Teller acuity cards. Am Orthoptic J 1992; 2:149 -
29. Hardy RJ, Davis BR, Palmer EA, Tung B. Statistical considerations in terminating
randomization in the Multicenter Trial of Cryotherapy for Retinopathy of Prematurity.
Cryotherapy for Retinopathy of Prematurity Cooperative Group. Control Clin Trials
1991; 12: 293 -303.
30. Palmer EA, Flynn JT, Hardy RJ et al. Incidence and early course of retinopathy of
prematurity. The Cryotherapy for Retinopathy of Prematurity Cooperative Group.
Ophthalmology 1991; 98: 1628-1640.
31. Palmer EA, Hardy RJ, Davis BR et al. Operational aspects of terminating randomization
in the Multicenter Trial of Cryotherapy for Retinopathy of Prematurity. Cryotherapy for
Retinopathy of Prematurity Cooperative Group. Control Clin Trials 1991; 12: 277-292.
32. Phelps DL, Brown DR, Tung B et al. 28-day survival rates of 6676 neonates with birth
weights of 1250 grams or less. Pediatrics 1991; 87: 7-17.
33. Quinn GE, Dobson V, Barr CC et al. Visual acuity in infants after vitrectomy for severe
retinopathy of prematurity. Ophthalmology 1991; 98:5 -13.
34. (No authors listed). Multicenter trial of cryotherapy for reti¬nopathy of prematurity.
Three-month outcome. Cryotherapy for Retinopathy of Prematurity Cooperative Group.
Arch Ophthalmol 1990; 108:195 -204.
35. Dobson V, Quinn GE, Biglan AW et al. Acuity card assessment of visual function in the
cryotherapy for retinopathy of pre-maturity trial. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1990; 31:
36. Watzke RC, Robertson JE Jr., Palmer EA et al. Photographic grading in the retinopathy
of prematurity cryotherapy trial. Arch Ophthalmol 1990; 108: 950 -955 Multicenter trial
of cryotherapy for retinopathy of prematurity. Preliminary results.
37. Cryotherapy for Retinopathy of Prematurity Cooperative Group. Arch Ophthalmol 1988;
106: 471-479.
38. Multicenter trial of cryotherapy for retinopathy of prematurity: preliminary results.
Cryotherapy for Retinopathy of Prematurity Cooperative Group. Pediatrics 1988; 81:
39. Reynolds JD, Dobson V, Quinn GE et al. Evidence-based screening criteria for
retinopathy of prematurity: natural history data from the CRYO-ROP and LIGHT-ROP
studies. Arch Ophthalmol 2002; 120: 1470-1476.
40. Onofrey CB, Feuer WJ, Flynn JT. The outcome of retinopathy of prematurity: screening
for retinopathy of prematurity using an outcome predictive program. Ophthalmology
2001; 108: 27-34; discussion 34 -35.
41. Clemett R, Darlow B. Results of screening low-birth-weight infants for retinopathy of
prematurity. Curr Op in Ophthalmol 1999; 10: 155 -163.
42. (No authors listed). Multicenter trial of cryotherapy for reti¬nopathy of prematurity. One-
year outcome - structure and function. Cryotherapy for Retinopathy of Prematurity
Cooperative Group. Arch Ophthalmol 1990; 108:1408-1416.
43. Palmer EA. Results of U.S. randomized clinical trial of cryotherapy for ROP (CRYO-
ROP). Doc Ophthalmol 1990; 74: 245-251.
44. Lutty GA, Chan-Ling T, Phelps DL, Adamis AP, Berns KI, Chan CK, Cole CH,
D'Amore PA, Das A, Deng WT, Dobson V, Flynn JT, Friedlander M, Fulton A, Good
WV, Grant MB, Hansen R, Hauswirth WW, Hardy RJ, Hinton DR, Hughes S, McLeod
DS, Palmer EA, Patz A, Penn JS, Raisler BJ, Repka MX, Saint-Geniez M, Shaw LC,
Shima DT, Smith BT, Smith LE, Tahija SG, Tasman W, Trese MT. Proceedings of the
Third International Symposium on Retinopathy of Prematurity: an update on ROP from
the lab to the nursery (November 2003, Anaheim, California). Mol Vis. 2006 May
45. Good WV, Hardy RJ, Dobson V, Palmer EA, Phelps DL, Quintos M, Tung B; Early
Treatment for Retinopathy of Prematurity Cooperative Group. The incidence and course
of retinopathy of prematurity: findings from the early treatment for retinopathy of
prematurity study. Pediatrics. 2005 Jul;116(1):15-23.
46. Palmer EA, Hardy RJ, Dobson V, Phelps DL, Quinn GE, Summers CG, Krom CP,
Tung B; Cryotherapy for Retinopathy of Prematurity Cooperative Group. 15-year
outcomes following threshold retinopathy of prematurity: final results from the
multicenter trial of cryotherapy for retinopathy of prematurity. Arch Ophthalmol. 2005
47. Jandeck C, Kellner U, Heimann H, Foerster MH. [Comparison of the anatomical and
functional outcome after laser or cryotherapy for retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)].
Ophthalmologe. 2005 Jan;102(1):33-8.
48. Repka MX, Tung B, Good WV, Shapiro M, Capone A Jr, Baker JD, Barr CC, Phelps DL,
van Heuven WA. Outcome of eyes developing retinal detachment during the Early
Treatment for Retinopathy of Prematurity Study (ETROP). Arch Ophthalmol. 2006
49. Jones JG, MacKinnon B, Good WV, Hardy RJ, Dobson V, Palmer EA, Phelps DL,
Quintos M, Tung B; Early Treatment for Retinopathy of Prematurity Cooperative Group.
The early treatment for ROP (ETROP) randomized trial: study results and nursing care
adaptations. Insight. 2005 Apr-Jun;30(2):7-13. Review.
50. Final results of the Early Treatment for Retinopathy of Prematurity (ETROP) randomized
trial. Good WV; Early Treatment for Retinopathy of Prematurity Cooperative Group.
Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc. 2004;102:233-48; discussion 248-50.
51. Phelps DL; ETROP Cooperative Group. The Early Treatment for Retinopathy of
Prematurity study: better outcomes, changing strategy. Pediatrics. 2004 Aug;114(2):490-

Central Vein Occlusion Study (CVOS)

1. The Central Vein Occlusion Study Group. Natural history and clinical management of
central retinal vein occlusion. The Central Vein Occlusion Study Group. Arch
Ophthalmol 1997;115:486-491.
2. The Central Vein Occlusion Study Group. Evaluation of grid pattern photocoagulation
for macular edema in central vein occlusion. The Central Vein Occlusion Study Group M
report. Ophthalmology 1995;102:1425-1433.
3. The Central Vein Occlusion Study Group. A randomized clinical trial of early pan-retinal
photocoagulation for ischemic central vein occlusion. The Central Vein Occlusion Study
Group N report. Ophthalmology 1995;102:1434 -1444.
4. Fekrat S, Finkelstein D. Current concepts in the management of central retinal vein
occlusion. Curr Op in Ophthalmol 1997;8:50-54.
5. Haller JA, Bandello F, Belfort R Jr, Blumenkranz MS, Gillies M, Heier J, Loewenstein
A, Yoon YH, Jacques ML, Jiao J, Li XY, Whitcup SM; OZURDEX GENEVA Study
Group. Randomized, sham-controlled trial of dexamethasone intravitreal implant in
patients with macular edema due to retinal vein occlusion. Ophthalmology. 2010
6. Brown DM, Campochiaro PA, Singh RP, Li Z, Gray S, Saroj N, Rundle AC, Rubio RG,
Murahashi WY; CRUISE Investigators. Ranibizumab for macular edema following
central retinal vein occlusion: six-month primary end point results of a phase III study.
Ophthalmology. 2010 Jun;117(6):1124-1133.
7. Ip MS, Scott IU, VanVeldhuisen PC, Oden NL, Blodi BA, Fisher M, Singerman LJ,
mTolentino M, Chan CK, Gonzalez VH; SCORE Study Research Group. A randomized
trial comparing the efficacy and safety of intravitreal triamcinolone with observation to
treat vision loss associated with macular edema secondary to central retinal vein
occlusion: the Standard Care vs Corticosteroid for Retinal Vein Occlusion (SCORE)
study report 5. Arch Ophthalmol. 2009 Sep;127(9):1101-14.
8. Scott IU, Ip MS, VanVeldhuisen PC, Oden NL, Blodi BA, Fisher M, Chan CK, Gonzalez
VH, Singerman LJ, Tolentino M; SCORE Study Research Group. A randomized trial
comparing the efficacy and safety of intravitreal triamcinolone with standard care to treat
vision loss associated with macular Edema secondary to branch retinal vein occlusion:
the Standard Care vs Corticosteroid for Retinal Vein Occlusion (SCORE) study report 6.
Arch Ophthalmol. 2009 Sep;127(9):1115-28.
9. Chan CK, Ip MS, Vanveldhuisen PC, Oden NL, Scott IU, Tolentino MJ, Blodi BA;
SCORE Study Investigator Group. SCORE Study Report #11 Incidences of neovascular
events in eyes with retinal vein occlusion. Ophthalmology. 2011 Mar 25. [Epub ahead of

Additional Background Reading

1. Clarkson JG. Central Vein Occlusion Study: photographic protocol and early natural
history. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc 1994;92:203-213. Discussion 213-215.
2. (No authors listed). Baseline and early natural history report. The Central Vein Occlusion
Study. Arch Ophthalmol 1993;111:1087-1095.
3. Soubrane G. Macular edema in retinal vein occlusion: up-date from the central retinal
vein occlusion study. Doc Ophthalmol 1999;97:279 -281.

Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT)

1. (No authors listed). Lifetime benefits and costs of intensive therapy as practiced in the
diabetes control and complications trial. The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial
Research Group. Jama 1996; 276: 1409 -1415.
2. (No authors listed). The effect of intensive treatment of diabetes on the development and
progression of long-term complications in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. The
Diabetes Control and Complications Trial Research Group. N Engl J Med 1993; 329:
3. (No authors listed). Progression of retinopathy with intensive versus conventional
treatment in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial. Diabetes Control and
Complications Trial Research Group. Ophthalmology 1995; 102: 647 -661.
4. (No authors listed). Early worsening of diabetic retinopathy in the Diabetes Control and
Complications Trial. Arch Ophthalmol 1998; 116: 874-886 [Erratum appears in Arch
Ophthalmol 1998; 1116: 1469].
5. (No authors listed). The effect of intensive diabetes treatment on the progression of
diabetic retinopathy in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. The Diabetes Control and
ComplicationsTrial. Arch Ophthalmol 1995; 113:36-51.
6. Barr CC. Retinopathy and nephropathy in patients with type 1 diabetes four years after a
trial of intensive therapy. The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial/Epidemiology of
Diabetes Interventions and Complications Research Group. N Engl J Med 2000; 342: 381
7. Eastman RC, Javitt JC, Herman WH et al. Model of complications of NIDDM. II.
Analysis of the health benefits and cost-effectiveness of treating NIDDM with the goal of
normoglycemia. Diabetes Care 1997; 20: 735-744.
8. Klein R, Klein BE. Relation of glycemic control to diabetic complications and health
outcomes. Diabetes Care 1998; 21, Suppl 3: C39 -43.

Additional Background Reading

1. Peterson KA, Smith CK. The DCCT findings and standards of care for diabetes. Am Fam
Physician 1995; 52: 1092 -1098.
2. Leiter LA. Use of bioelectrical impedance analysis measurements in patients with
diabetes. The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial Research Group. Am J Clin Nutr
1996; 64: 515S -518S.
3. (No authors listed). Epidemiology of severe hypoglycemia in the diabetes control and
complications trial. The DCCT Research Group. Am J Med 1991; 90:450 -459.
4. (No authors listed). Effect of intensive therapy on residual beta-cell function in patients
with type 1 diabetes in the diabetes control and complications trial. A randomized,
controlled trial. The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial Research Group. Ann
Intern Med 1998; 128: 517 -523.
5. (No authors listed). The effect of intensive diabetes therapy on the development and
progression of neuropathy. The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial Research
Group. Ann Intern Med 1995; 122:561 -568.
6. (No authors listed). Color photography vs fluorescein angiography in the detection of
diabetic retinopathy in the diabetes control and complications trial. The Diabetes Control
and Complications Trial Research Group. Arch Ophthalmol 1987; 105: 1344-1351.
7. Worrall G. Results of the DCCT trial. Implications for managing our patients with
diabetes. Can Fam Physician 1994; 40: 1955-1960, 1963 -1965.
8. Hoogwerf BJ, Brouhard BH. Glycemic control and complications of diabetes mellitus:
practical implications of the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT). Cleve
Clin J Med 1994; 61:34-37; quiz 80 -82.
9. (No authors listed). Feasibility of centralized measurements of glycated hemoglobin in
the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial: a multicenter study. The DCCT Research
Group. Clin Chem 1987; 33: 2267-2271.
10. (No authors listed). Implementation of a multicomponent process to obtain informed
consent in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial. The DCCT Research Group.
Control Clin Trials 1989; 10: 83-96.
11. (No authors listed). Clustering of long-term complications in families with diabetes in the
diabetes control and complications trial. The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial
Research Group. Diabetes 1997; 46: 1829-1839.
12. (No authors listed). Factors in development of diabetic neuropathy. Baseline analysis of
neuropathy in feasibility phase of Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT).
The DCCT Research Group. Diabetes 1988; 37: 476-481.
13. (No authors listed). Hypoglycemia in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial. The
Diabetes Control and Complications Trial Research Group. Diabetes 1997; 46: 271 -286.
14. Monnier VM, Bautista O, Kenny D et al. Skin collagen glyca¬tion, glycoxidation, and
crosslinking are lower in subjects with long-term intensive versus conventional therapy
of type 1 diabetes: relevance of glycated collagen products versus HbA1c as markers of
diabetic complications. DCCT Skin Collagen Ancillary Study Group. Diabetes Control
and Complications Trial. Diabetes 1999; 48: 870-880.
15. (No authors listed). The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT). Design and
methodologic considerations for the feasibility phase. The DCCT Research Group.
Diabetes 1986; 35: 530 -545.
16. Gautier JF, Beressi JP, Leblanc H, Vexiau P, Passa P. Are the implications of the
Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) feasible in daily clinical practice?
Diabetes Metab 1996; 22: 415 -419.
17. McCulloch DK, Glasgow RE, Hampson SE, Wagner E. A systematic approach to
diabetes management in the post-DCCT era. Diabetes Care 1994; 17: 765-769.
18. Moses RG, Rodgers DV, Griffiths RD. Clinic variations hold important clues to the
understanding and implementation of the DCCT results. Diabetes Care 1996; 19: 178-
19. Dagogo-Jack S. DCCT results and diabetes care in developing countries. Diabetes Care
1995; 18: 416 -417.
20. (No authors listed). Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT): results of
feasibility study. The DCCT Research Group. Diabetes Care 1987; 10: 1-19.
21. (No authors listed). Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT). Update. DCCT
Research Group. Diabetes Care 1990; 13: 427-433.
22. (No authors listed). Effect of pregnancy on microvascular complications in the diabetes
control and complications trial. The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial Research
Group. Diabetes Care 2000; 23: 1084 -1091.
23. Orchard TJ. From diagnosis and classification to complications and therapy. DCCT. Part
II Diabetes Control and Complications Trial. Diabetes Care 1994; 17: 326-338.
24. Thompson CJ, Cummings JF, Chalmers J, Gould C, Newton RW. How have patients
reacted to the implications of the DCCT? Diabetes Care 1996; 19: 876 -879.
25. Rubin RR, Peyrot M. Implications of the DCCT. Looking beyond tight control. Diabetes
Care 1994; 17: 235 -236.
26. (No authors listed). Lipid and lipoprotein levels in patients with IDDM diabetes control
and complication. Trial experience. The DCCT Research Group. Diabetes Care 1992; 15:
886 -894.
27. (No authors listed). Reliability and validity of a diabetes quality-of-life measure for the
diabetes control and complications trial (DCCT). The DCCT Research Group. Diabetes
Care 1988; 11: 725 -732.
28. Harris MI, Eastman RC, Siebert C. The DCCT and medical care for diabetes in the U.S.
Diabetes Care 1994; 17:761-764.
29. (No authors listed). Weight gain associated with intensive therapy in the diabetes control
and complications trial. The DCCT Research Group. Diabetes Care 1988; 11: 567 -573.
30. (No authors listed). AADE position statement: Diabetes Control and Complications Trial
(DCCT). Diabetes Educ 1994; 20: 106, 108.
31. Ahern JA, Kruger DF, Gatcomb PM, Petit WA Jr., Tamborlane WV. The diabetes control
and complications trial (DCCT): the trial coordinator perspective. Report by the DCCT
Research Group. Diabetes Educ 1989; 15: 236-241.
32. Ahern J, Grove N, Strand T et al. The impact of the Trial Coordinator in the Diabetes
Control and Complications Trial (DCCT). The DCCT Research Group. Diabetes Educ
1993; 19: 509 -512.
33. Ahern JA, Ramchandani N, Cooper J et al. Using a primary nurse manager to implement
DCCT recommendations in a large pediatric program. Diabetes Educ 2000; 26: 990-994.
34. Molyneaux LM, Constantino MI, McGill M, Zilkens R, Yue DK. Better glycaemic
control and risk reduction of diabetic complications in Type 2 diabetes: comparison with
the DCCT. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 1998; 42:77-83.
35. (No authors listed). Implementing the lessons of DCCT. Report of a national workshop
under the auspices of the British Diabetic Association. Diabet Med 1994; 11: 220 -228.
36. Gibb I, Parnham AJ, Lord C et al. Standardization of glycated haemoglobin assays
throughout the Northern region of England: a pilot study. Diabet Med 1997; 14: 584-588.
37. (No authors listed). The effect of intensive diabetes therapy on measures of autonomic
nervous system function in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT).
Diabetologia 1998; 41:416 -423.
38. Zinman B. Translating the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) into
clinical practice: overcoming the barriers. Diabetologia 1997; 40 Suppl 2: S88 -90.
39. Szucs TD, Smala AM, Fischer T. [Costs of intensive insulin therapy in type 1 diabetes
mellitus]. Experiences from the DCCT study. Fortschr Med 1998; 116:34 -38.
40. German Leiter LA, Lukaski HC, Kenny DJ et al. The use of bioelectrical impedance
analysis (BIA) to estimate body composition in the Diabetes Control and Complications
Trial (DCCT). Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1994; 18: 829 -835.
41. Purnell J, Hokanson JE, Marcovina SM et al. Effect of excessive weight gain with
intensive therapy of type 1 diabetes on lipid levels and blood pressure: results from the
DCCT. Diabetes Control and Complications Trial. Jama 1998; 280: 140-146 [Erratum
appears in JAMA 1998 1994; 1280:1841].
42. (No authors listed). A screening algorithm to identify clinically significant changes in
neuropsychological functions in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial. DCCT
Research Group. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol 1994;16: 303-316.
43. (No authors listed). Effects of age, duration and treatment of insulin-dependent diabetes
mellitus on residual beta-cell function: observations during eligibility testing for the
Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT). The DCCT Research Group. J Clin
Endocrinol Metab 1987; 65: 30 -36.
44. White NH, Cleary PA, Dahms W et al. Beneficial effects of intensive therapy of diabetes
during adolescence: outcomes after the conclusion of the Diabetes Control and
Complications Trial (DCCT). J Pediatr 2001; 139: 804 -812.
45. (No authors listed). Effect of intensive diabetes treatment on the development and
progression of long-term complications in adolescents with insulin-dependent diabetes
mellitus: Diabetes Control and Complications Trial. Diabetes Control and Complications
Trial Research Group. J Pediatr 1994; 125: 177 -188.
46. Moses R, Rodgers D, Griffiths R. Diabetic control and hypoglycaemia in the Illawarra
area of NSW, Australia: a comparison with the DCCT. J Qual Clin Pract 1995; 15: 89-97.
47. Delahanty L, Simkins SW, Camelon K. Expanded role of the dietitian in the Diabetes
Control and Complications Trial: implications for clinical practice. The DCCT Research
Group. J Am Diet Assoc 1993; 93:758-764,767.
48. Anderson EJ, Richardson M, Castle G et al. Nutrition interventions for intensive therapy
in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial. The DCCT Research Group. J Am Diet
Assoc 1993; 93: 768 -772.
49. Schmidt LE, Cox MS, Buzzard IM, Cleary PA. Reproducibility of a comprehensive diet
history in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial. The DCCT Research Group. J
Am Diet Assoc 1994; 94: 1392 -1397.
50. Levey AS, Greene T, Schluchter MD et al. Glomerular filtration rate measurements in
clinical trials. Modification of Diet in Renal Disease Study Group and the Diabetes
Control and Complications Trial Research Group. J Am Soc Nephrol 1993; 4: 1159 -
51. Molitch ME, Steffes MW, Cleary PA, Nathan DM. Baseline analysis of renal function in
the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial. The Diabetes Control and Complications
Trial Research Group [corrected]. Kidney Int 1993; 43: 668 -674.
52. (No authors listed). Effect of intensive therapy on the devel¬opment and progression of
diabetic nephropathy in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial. The Diabetes
Control and Complications (DCCT) Research Group. Kidney Int 1995; 47: 1703-1720.
53. Covic AM, Schelling JR, Constantiner M, Iyengar SK, Sedor JR. Serum C-peptide
concentrations poorly phenotype type 2 diabetic end-stage renal disease patients. Kidney
Int 2000; 58: 1742-1750.
54. Chrisholm DJ. The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT). A milestone in
diabetes management. Med J Aust 1993; 159: 721-723.
55. Nosadini R, Abaterusso C, Dalla Vestra M et al. Efficacy of antihypertensive therapy in
decreasing renal and cardiovascular complications in diabetes mellitus. Nephrol Dial
Transplant 1998; 13 Suppl 8: 44-48.
56. Rapaport R, Sills IN. Implications of the DCCT for children and adolescents with IDDM.
N J Med 1994; 91:227 -228.
57. (No authors listed). Effect of intensive diabetes management on macrovascular events
and risk factors in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial. Am J Cardiol 1995; 75:
894 -903.
58. Schwartz R, Teramo KA. Pregnancy outcome, Diabetes Control and Complications Trial,
and intensive glycemic control. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1998; 178: 416-417.
59. (No authors listed). Pregnancy outcomes in the Diabetes Control and Complications
Trial. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1996; 174: 1343-1353.
60. (No authors listed). Effect of intensive therapy on the micro-vascular complications of
type 1 diabetes mellitus. Jama 2002; 287: 2563 -2569.
61. (No authors listed). Effects of intensive diabetes therapy on neuropsychological function
in adults in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial. Ann Intern Med 1996; 124:
379 -388.
62. Brink SJ. How to apply the experience from the diabetes con¬trol and complications trial
to children and adolescents? Ann Med1997; 29:425-438.
63. (No authors listed). Effect of intensive diabetes treatment on nerve conduction in the
Diabetes Control and Complications Trial. Ann Neurol 1995; 38:869-880.
64. Carlisle BA. The implications of diabetes control and complications trial for the
pharmacy profession. Ann Pharmac other 1996; 30: 294 -295.
65. Klein R, Moss S. A comparison of the study populations in the Diabetes Control and
Complications Trial and the Wisconsin Epidemiologic Study of Diabetic Retinopathy.
Arch Intern Med 1995; 155: 745-754.
66. Duron F. Intensive insulin therapy in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, the results of
the diabetes control and complications trial. Biomed Pharma cother1995; 49: 278 -282.
67. Newman RJ. A method to implement the recommendations of the diabetes control and
complications trial in a busy pediatric outpatient practice. Pediatr Ann 1999; 28:594-598.
68. Fenton CL, Clemons PM, Francis GL. How do the results of the diabetes control and
complications trial relate to the practice of pediatrics: who should have intensive
management? Pediatr Ann 1999; 28: 600-604.
69. Malone JI. Lessons for pediatricians from the diabetes control and complications trial.
Pediatr Ann 1994; 23:295-299.
70. Tamborlane WV, Ahern J. Implications and results of the Diabetes Control and
Complications Trial. Pediatr Clin North Am 1997; 44: 285-300.
71. Vinik AI, Richardson DW. Implications of the diabetes control and complications trial
for persons with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. South Med J 1997; 90:268 -
72. Saudek CD. Non-ophthalmologic findings of the Diabetes Control and Complications
Trial. Surv Ophthalmol 1995; 40: 157-162.
73. Nuttall F. Comparison of percent total GHb with percent HbA1c in people with and
without known diabetes. Diabetes Care 1998; 21: 1475-1480.
74. Ruggiero L, Glasgow R, Dryfoos JM et al. Diabetes self-management. Self-reported
recommendations and patterns in a large population. Diabetes Care 1997; 20:568-576.
75. Levin SR, Coburn JW, Abraira C et al. Effect of intensive glyce¬mic control on
microalbuminuria in type 2 diabetes. Veterans Affairs Cooperative Study on Glycemic
Control and Complications in Type 2 Diabetes Feasibility Trial Investigators. Diabetes
Care 2000; 23: 1478-1485.
76. Rosilio M, Cotton JB, Wieliczko MC et al. Factors associated with glycemic control. A
cross-sectional nationwide study in 2,579 French children with type 1 diabetes. The
French Pediatric Diabetes Group. Diabetes Care 1998; 21:1146-1153.
77. (No authors listed). Factors influencing glycemic control in young people with type 1
diabetes in Scotland: a population-based study (DIABAUD2). Diabetes Care 2001;
78. Yokoyama H, Okudaira M, Otani T et al. High incidence of diabetic nephropathy in
early-onset Japanese NIDDM patients. Risk analysis. Diabetes Care 1998; 21:1080-1085.
79. Dunn FL, Nathan DM, Scavini M, Selam JL, Wingrove TG. Long-term therapy of IDDM
with an implantable insulin pump. The Implantable Insulin Pump Trial Study Group.
Diabetes Care 1997; 20:59-63.
80. Miller CD, Phillips LS, Tate MK et al. Meeting American Diabetes Association
guidelines in endocrinologist practice. Diabetes Care 2000; 23:444-448.
81. Eastman RC, Javitt JC, Herman WH et al. Model of complications of NIDDM. I. Model
construction and assumptions. Diabetes Care 1997; 20:725-734
82. Keen H. The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT). Health Trends 1994; 26:
83. Tercyak KP Jr., Johnson SB, Kirkpatrick KA, Silverstein JH. Offering a randomized trial
of intensive therapy for IDDM to adolescents. Reasons for refusal, patient characteristics,
and recruiter effects. Diabetes Care 1998; 21:213-215.
84. Glasgow RE, Ruggiero L, Eakin EG, Dryfoos J, Chobanian L. Quality of life and
associated characteristics in a large national sample of adults with diabetes. Diabetes
Care 1997; 20:562-567.

Diabetic Retinopathy Study (DRS)

1. (No authors listed). Indications for photocoagulation treatment of diabetic retinopathy:
Diabetic Retinopathy Study Report no. 14. The Diabetic Retinopathy Study Research
Group. Int Ophthalmol Clin 1987; 27:239-253.
2. Kaufman SC, Ferris FL 3rd, Seigel DG, Davis MD, DeMets DL. Factors associated with
visual outcome after photocoagulation for diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic Retinopathy
Study Report 13. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1989; 30:23-28.
3. Ferris FL 3rd, Podgor MJ, Davis MD. Macular edema in Diabetic Retinopathy Study
patients. Diabetic Retinopathy Study Report Number 12. Ophthalmology 1987; 94:754-
4. Rand LI, Prud'homme GJ, Ederer F, Canner PL. Factors influencing the development of
visual loss in advanced diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic Retinopathy Study (DRS) Report
No. 10. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1985; 26:983-991.

Additional Background Reading

1. Kaufman SC, Ferris FL 3rd, Swartz M. Intraocular pressure following panretinal
photocoagulation for diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic Retinopathy Report No. 11. Arch
Ophthalmol 1987; 105:807-809.
2. Ederer F, Podgor MJ. Assessing possible late treatment effects in stopping a clinical trial
early: a case study. Diabetic Retinopathy Study report No. 9. Control Clin Trials 1984;
3. (No authors listed). Diabetic retinopathy study. Report Number 6. Design, methods, and
baseline results. Report Number 7. A modification of the Airlie House classification of
diabetic retinopathy. Prepared by the Diabetic Retinopathy. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci
1981; 21:1-226.
4. Photocoagulation treatment of proliferative diabetic retinopathy: relationship of adverse
treatment effects to retinopathy severity. Diabetic retinopathy study report no. 5. Dev
Ophthalmol 1981; 2:248-261.
5. (No authors listed). Photocoagulation treatment of proliferative diabetic retinopathy.
Clinical application of Diabetic Retinopathy Study (DRS) findings, DRS Report Number
8. The Diabetic Retinopathy Study Research Group. Ophthalmology 1981; 88:583-600.
6. (No authors listed). Four risk factors for severe visual loss in diabetic retinopathy. The
third report from the Diabetic Retinopathy Study. The Diabetic Retinopathy Study
Research Group. Arch Ophthalmol 1979; 97:654-655.
7. Preliminary report on effects of photocoagulation therapy. The Diabetic Retinopathy
Study Research Group. Am J Ophthalmol 1976; 81: 383-396.

Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS)

1. Fong DS, Ferris FL 3rd, Davis MD, Chew EY. Causes of severe visual loss in the early
treatment diabetic retinopathy study: ETDRS report no. 24. Early Treatment Diabetic
Retinopathy Study Research Group. Am J Ophthalmol 1999; 127:137 -141.
2. Chew EY, Klein ML, Murphy RP, Remaley NA, Ferris FL 3rd. Effects of aspirin on
vitreous/preretinal hemorrhage in patients with diabetes mellitus. Early Treatment
Diabetic Retinopathy Study report no. 20. Arch Ophthalmol 1995; 113: 52-55.
3. (No authors listed). Focal photocoagulation treatment of diabetic macular edema.
Relationship of treatment effect to fluorescein angiographic and other retinal
characteristics at baseline: ETDRS report no. 19. Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy
Study Research Group. Arch Ophthalmol 1995; 113: 1144 -1155.
4. (No authors listed). Early photocoagulation for diabetic retinopathy. ETDRS report
number 9. Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study Research Group. Ophthalmology
1991; 98:766-785.
5. (No authors listed). Grading diabetic retinopathy from stereoscopic color fundus
photographs -an extension of the modified Airlie House classification. ETDRS report
number 10. Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study Research Group.
Ophthalmology 1991; 98:786-806.
6. (No authors listed). Classification of diabetic retinopathy from fluorescein angiograms.
ETDRS report number 11. Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study Research Group.
Ophthalmology 1991; 98:807-822.
7. (No authors listed). Fundus photographic risk factors for progression of diabetic
retinopathy. ETDRS report number 12. Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study
Research Group. Ophthalmology 1991 May; 98 (5Suppl):823-33.
8. (No authors listed). Treatment techniques and clinical guidelines for photocoagulation of
diabetic macular edema. Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study Report Number 2.
Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study Research Group. Ophthalmology 1987;
9. (No authors listed). Techniques for scatter and local photocoagulation treatment of
diabetic retinopathy: Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study Report no. 3. The
Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study Research Group. Int Ophthalmol Clin 1987;
10. Fong DS, Segal PP, Myers F et al. Subretinal fibrosis in diabetic macular edema. ETDRS
report 23. Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study Research Group. Arch
Ophthalmol 1997; 115:873-877.

Additional Background Reading

1. Fong DS, Barton FB, Bresnick GH. Impaired color vision associated with diabetic
retinopathy: Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study Report No. 15. Am J
Ophthalmol 1999; 128: 612-617.
2. Chew EY, Klein ML, Ferris FL 3rd et al. Association of elevated serum lipid levels with
retinal hard exudate in diabetic retinopathy. Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study
(ETDRS) Report 22. Arch Ophthalmol 1996; 114 :1079-1084.
3. Ferris F. Early photocoagulation in patients with either type I or type II diabetes. Trans
Am Ophthalmol Soc 1996; 94:505-537.
4. Ferris FL 3rd, Chew EY, Hoogwerf BJ. Serum lipids and diabetic retinopathy. Early
Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study Research Group. Diabetes Care 1996; 19:1291-
5. Braun CI, Benson WE, Remaley NA, Chew EY, Ferris FL 3rd. Accommodative
amplitudes in the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study. Retina 1995; 15: 275-
6. Prior MJ, Prout T, Miller D, Ewart R, Kumar D. C-peptide and the classification of
diabetes mellitus patients in the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study. Report
number 6. The ETDRS Research Group. Ann Epidemiol 1993; 3:9-17.
7. (No authors listed). Aspirin effects on mortality and morbidity in patients with diabetes
mellitus. Early Treatment Dia¬betic Retinopathy Study report 14. ETDRS Investigators.
Jama 1992;268:1292-1300.
8. Chew EY, Williams GA, Burton TC et al. Aspirin effects on the development of cataracts
in patients with diabetes mellitus. Early treatment diabetic retinopathy study report 16.
Arch Ophthalmol 1992;110:339-342.
9. Flynn HW Jr., Chew EY, Simons BD et al. Pars plana vitrectomy in the Early Treatment
Diabetic Retinopathy Study. ETDRS report number 17. The Early Treatment Diabetic
Retinopathy Study Research Group. Ophthalmology 1992;99:1351-1357.
10. (No authors listed). Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study design and baseline
patient characteristics. ETDRS report number 7. Ophthalmology 1991;98:741-756.
11. (No authors listed). Effects of aspirin treatment on diabetic retinopathy. ETDRS report
number 8. Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study Research Group. Ophthalmology
12. (No authors listed). Fluorescein angiographic risk factors for progression of diabetic
retinopathy. ETDRS report number 13. Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study
Research Group. Ophthalmology 1991;98:834-840.
13. Kinyoun J, Barton F, Fisher M et al. Detection of diabetic macular edema.
Ophthalmoscopy versus photography -Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study
Report Number 5. The ETDRS Research Group. Ophthalmology 1989; 96:746 -750;
discussion 750-751.
14. (No authors listed). Photocoagulation for diabetic macular edema: Early Treatment
Diabetic Retinopathy Study Report no. 4. The Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy
Study Research Group. Int Ophthalmol Clin 1987;27:265-272.
15. (No authors listed). Photocoagulation for diabetic macular edema. Early Treatment
Diabetic Retinopathy Study report number 1. Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy
Study research group. Arch Ophthalmol 1985;103:1796-1806.
16. Ferris FL 3rd. Photocoagulation for diabetic retinopathy. Early Treatment Diabetic
Retinopathy Study Research Group. Jama 1991;266:1263-1265.
17. (No authors listed). Case reports to accompany Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy
Study Reports 3 and 4. The Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study Research
Group. Int Ophthalmol Clin 1987;27:273-333.
18. (No authors listed). Photocoagulation therapy for diabetic eye disease. Early Treatment
Diabetic Retinopathy Study Research Group. Jama 1985;254:3086.
XII. Uveitis and Ocular Inflammation
1. Jabs DA. Epidemiology of uveitis. Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2008 Sep-Oct;15(5):283-4.

Evaluation and Grading

1. Bloch-Michel E, Nussenblat RB. International Uveitis Study Group Recommendations
for the evaluation of intraocular inflammatory disease. Am J Ophthalmol 1987;103:234-
2. Jabs DA, Nussenblatt RB, Rosenbaum JT; Standardization of Uveitis Nomenclature
(SUN) Working Group. Standardization of uveitis nomenclature for reporting clinical
data. Results of the First International Workshop. Am J Ophthalmol. 2005
3. Tugal-Tutkun I, Herbort CP, Khairallah M, Mantovani A. Interobserver agreement in
scoring of dual fluorescein and ICG inflammatory angiographic signs for the grading of
posterior segment inflammation. Ocul Immunol Inflamm. 2010 Oct;18(5):385-9.
4. Mahendradas P, Shetty R, Narayana KM, Shetty BK. In vivo confocal microscopy of
keratic precipitates in infectious versus noninfectious uveitis. Ophthalmology
5. Kempen JH, Ganesh SK, Sangwan VS, Rathinam SR. Interobserver agreement in grading
activity and site of inflammation in eyes of patients with uveitis. Am J Ophthalmol. 2008

Approach to Uveitis
1. Herbort CP. Appraisal, work-up and diagnosis of anterior uveitis: a practical approach.
Middle East Afr J Ophthalmol. 2009 Oct;16(4):159-67.
2. Agrawal RV, Murthy S, Sangwan V, Biswas J. Current approach in diagnosis and
management of anterior uveitis. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2010 Jan-Feb;58(1):11-9.
3. Sudharshan S, Ganesh SK, Biswas J. Current approach in the diagnosis and management
of posterior uveitis. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2010 Jan-Feb;58(1):29-43.
4. Bansal R, Gupta V, Gupta A. Current approach in the diagnosis and management of
panuveitis. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2010 Jan-Feb;58(1):45-54.
5. Babu BM, Rathinam SR. Intermediate uveitis. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2010 Jan-
6. Mahendradas P, Shetty R, Narayana KM, Shetty BK. In vivo confocal microscopy of
keratic precipitates in infectious versus noninfectious uveitis. Ophthalmology

1. Jabs DA, Mudun A, Dunn JP, Marsh MJ. Episcleritis and scleritis: clinical features and
treatment results. Am J Ophthalmol 2000; 130: 469 -476.

Anterior Uveitis
1. Tay-Kearney ML, Schwam BL, Lowder C et al. Clinical features and associated systemic
diseases of HLA-B27 uveitis. Am J Ophthalmol 1996; 121: 47 -56.
Infectious Uveitis
1. Khairallah M, Chee SP, Rathinam SR, Attia S, Nadella V. Novel infectious agents
causing uveitis. Int Ophthalmol. 2010 Oct;30(5):465-83.
2. Ur Rehman S, Anand S, Reddy A, Backhouse OC, Mohamed M, Mahomed I, Atkins AD,
James T. Poststreptococcal syndrome uveitis: a descriptive case series and literature
review. Ophthalmology. 2006 Apr;113(4):701-6.
3. Van Gelder RN. Ocular pathogens for the twenty-first century. Am J Ophthalmol. 2010
4. Rathinam SR, Ashok KA. Ocular manifestations of systemic disease: ocular parasitosis.
Curr Opin Ophthalmol. 2010 Nov;21(6):478-84.
5. Mahendradas P, Ranganna SK, Shetty R et al. Ocular manifestations associated with
Chikungunya. Ophthalmology 2008;115:287-291.
6. Dengue-associated maculopathy. Bacsal KE, Chee SP, Cheng CL, Flores JV. Arch
Ophthalmol. 2007 Apr; 125(4):501-10

Herpetic Disease
1. Tugal-Tutkun  I,  Otűk-Yasar B, Altinkurt E. Clinical features and prognosis of herpetic
anterior uveitis: a retrospective study of 111 cases. Int Ophthalmol. 2010 Oct;30(5):559-
2. Green LK, Pavan-Langston D. Herpes simplex ocular inflammatory disease. Int
Ophthalmol Clin. 2006 Spring;46(2):27-37.
3. Herpetic Eye disease Study Group. Acyclovir for the prevention of recurrent herpes
simplex virus eye disease. N Engl J Med 1998; 339:300-306.
4. Uchoa UB, Rezende RA, Carrasco MA et al. Long term acyclovir use to prevent
recurrent ocular herpes simplex virus infection. Arch Ophthalmol 2003; 121:1702-1704.
5. Chee SP, Bacsal K, Jap A et al. Clinical features of cytomegalovirus anterior uveitis in
immunocompetent patients. Am J Ophthalmol 2008;145:834-840.
6. Chee SP, Jap A. Presumed fuchs heterochromic iridocyclitis and Posner-Schlossman
syndrome: comparison of cytomegalovirus-positive and negative eyes. Am J Ophthalmol
2008; 146:883-889.
7. Chee SP, Jap A. Cytomegalovirus anterior uveitis: outcome of treatment. Br J
Ophthalmol 2010; 94:,1648-1652.

Fuchs Uveitis Syndrome

1. Mohamed Q, Zamir E. Update on Fuchs' uveitis syndrome. Curr Opin Ophthalmol. 2005
2. Al-Mansour YS, Al-Rajhi AA, Al-Dhibi H, Abu El-Asrar AM. Clinical features and
prognostic factors in Fuchs' uveitis. Int Ophthalmol. 2010 Oct;30(5):501-9.
3. Quentin CD, Reiber H. Fuchs heterochromic cyclitis: rubella virus antibodies and
genome in aqueous humor. Am J Ophthalmol 2004;138:46-54.
4. Bouchenaki N, Herbort CP. Fluorescein angiographic findings and clinical features in
Fuchs' uveitis. Int Ophthalmol 2010;30:511-519.

Cytomegalovirus Retinitis (CMV)

1. Nguyen QD, Kempen JH, Bolton SG, Dunn JP, Jabs DA. Immune recovery uveitis in
patients with AIDS and cytomegalovirus retinitis after highly active antiretroviral
therapy. Am J Ophthalmol 2000; 129: 634 -639.
2. Robinson MR, Reed G, Csaky KG, Polis MA, Whitcup SM. Immune-recovery uveitis in
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Ophthalmol 2000; 130: 49 -56.

1. Dodds EM. Toxoplasmosis. Curr Opin Ophthalmol. 2006 Dec;17(6):557-61.

White Dot Syndromes

1. Quillen DA, Davis JB, Gottlieb JL, Blodi BA, Callanan DG, Chang TS, Equi RA. The
white dot syndromes. Am J Ophthalmol. 2004 Mar;137(3):538-50.

1. Herbort CP, Rao NA, Mochizuki M; Member,s of Scientific Committee of First
International Workshop on Ocular Sarcoidosis. International criteria for the diagnosis of
ocular sarcoidosis: results of the first International Workshop On Ocular Sarcoidosis
(IWOS). Ocul Immunol Inflamm. 2009 May-Jun;17(3):160-9.

1. Gupta V, Gupta A, Rao NA. Intraocular tuberculosis--an update. Surv Ophthalmol. 2007
2. Diagnosis of tuberculous uveitis: clinical application of an interferon-gamma release
assay. Ang M, Htoon HM, Chee SP. Ophthalmology. 2009 Jul;116(7):1391-6.

Behçet Disease
1. Kitaichi N, Miyazaki A, Iwata D, Ohno S, Stanford MR, Chams H. Ocular features of
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2. Hatemi  G,  Silman  A,  Bang  D,  Bodaghi  B,  Chamberlain  AM,  Gul  A,  Houman  MH,  Kőtter  
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Vogt Koyanagi Harada Disease and Sympathetic Ophthalmia

1. Nussenblatt RB. Clinical studies of Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada's disease at the National Eye
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2. Rao NA, Sukavatcharin S, Tsai JH. Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease diagnostic criteria.
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ocular complications and vision loss in the sympathizing eye. Am J Ophthalmol. 2009

Masquerade Sydromes
1. Rothova A, Ooijman F, Kerkhoff F, Van Der Lelij A, Lokhorst HM. Uveitis masquerade
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Cystoid Macular Edema

1. Whitcup SM, Csaky KG, Podgor MJ et al. A randomized, masked, cross-over trial of
acetazolamide for cystoid macular edema in patients with uveitis. Ophthalmology 1996;
103: 1054 -1062; discussion 1062-1063.
2. Ossewaarde-van Norel A, Rothova A. Clinical review: Update on treatment of
inflammatory macular edema. Ocul Immunol Inflamm. 2011 Feb;19(1):75-83.

1. Jabs DA, Rosenbaum JT, Foster CS et al. Guidelines for the use of immunosuppressive
drugs in patients with ocular inflammatory disorders: recommendations of an expert
panel. Am J Ophthalmol 2000; 130: 492 -513.
2. Lobo AM, Sobrin L, Papaliodis GN. Drug delivery options for the treatment of ocular
inflammation. Semin Ophthalmol. 2010 Sep-Nov;25(5-6):283-8.
3. Lee SS, Hughes PM, Robinson MR. Recent advances in drug delivery systems for
treating ocular complications of systemic diseases. Curr Opin Ophthalmol. 2009
4. Jap A, Chee SP. Immunosuppressive therapy for ocular diseases. Curr Opin Ophthalmol.
2008 Nov;19(6):535-40.
5. Sugita S. Intravitreal anti-inflammatory treatment for uveitis. Br J Ophthalmol. 2007
6. Imrie FR, Dick AD. Biologics in the treatment of uveitis. Curr Opin Ophthalmol
7. Sfikakis PP, Markomichelakis N, Alpsoy E et al. Anti-TNF therapy in the management of
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8. Kempen JH, Daniel E, Gangaputra S et al. Methods for identifying long-term adverse
effects of treatment in patients with eye diseases: the Systemic Immunosuppressive
Therapy for Eye Diseases (SITE) Cohort Study. Ophthalmic Epidemiol 2008;15:47-55.

Investigations and Imaging

1. Singh RP, Young LH. Diagnostic tests for posterior segment inflammation. Int
Ophthalmol Clin. 2006 Spring;46(2):195-208.
2. Herbort CP. Fluorescein and indocyanine green angiography for uveitis. Middle East Afr
J Ophthalmol. 2009 Oct;16(4):168-87.
3. Gallagher MJ, Yilmaz T, Cervantes-Castañeda RA, Foster CS. The characteristic features
of optical coherence tomography in posterior uveitis. Br J Ophthalmol. 2007
XIII. Ocular Oncology
This list is not exhaustive and the reading material is recommended and not required.

1. Damato B, Groenewald C. Surgery for intraocular tumors. In: Bhavsar AR, editor. Retina
and vitreous surgery. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2009. p. 229-44.
2. Damato B. Ocular tumors: Diagnosis and Treatment. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann;
3. Jager MJ, Desjardins L, Kivela T, Damato BE. Current Concepts in Uveal
Melanoma. In: Bandello F, editor. Developments in Ophthalmology. Vol 49.
Basel. Karger; 2012
4. Kanski JJ, Milewski SA, Damato BE, Tanner V. Tumors. Diseases of the ocular fundus.
Edinburgh: Elsevier Mosby; 2005. p. 281-325.
5. Ocular oncology. New York: Marcel Dekker; 2003.
6. Ophthalmic oncology. Philadelphia: Saunders; 2005.
7. Ophthalmic pathology and intraocular tumors. San Francisco: American Academy of
Ophthalmology; 2009.
8. Shields JA, Shields CL. Eyelid, conjunctival and orbital tumors. An atlas and textbook.
Second ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2008.
9. Shields JA, Shields CL. Intraocular tumors. An atlas and textbook. Second Edition ed.
Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2008.
10. Singh AD, Damato BE, Pe'er J, Murphree AL, Perry JD. Clinical Ophthalmic Oncology.
London: Elsevier; 2006.
11. Therapeutic approaches to ocular tumors. In: Spaeth GL, editor. Ophthalmic
Surgery.Philadelphia: Saunders; 2003. p. 699-734.
12. TNM staging of malignant tumors (7th ed). 7th ed. New York/Berlin: Springer; 2009.
13. Tumors of the retina, choroid, and vitreous. In: Schachat AP, editor. Retina. 4th ed.
Philadelphia: Mosby; 2006. p. 557-872.
14. Tumors. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2008.
15. Uveal melanoma: a model for exploring fundamental cancer biology. London: Taylor &
Francis; 2004.
16. Zografos L. Tumeurs intraoculaires. Paris: Masson; 2002.

Uveal Melanoma
1. All-Ericsson C, Girnita L, Seregard S, Bartolazzi A, Jager MJ, Larsson O. Insulin-like
growth factor-1 receptor in uveal melanoma: a predictor for metastatic disease and a
potential therapeutic target. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2002 January;43(1):1-8.
2. Barak V, Kaiserman I, Frenkel S, Hendler K, Kalickman I, Pe'er J. The dynamics of
serum tumor markers in predicting metastatic uveal melanoma (part 1). Anticancer Res
2011 January;31(1):345-9.
3. Bauer J, Kilic E, Vaarwater J, Bastian BC, Garbe C, de KA. Oncogenic GNAQ mutations
are not correlated with disease-free survival in uveal melanoma. Br J Cancer 2009
September 1;101(5):813-5.
4. Bechrakis NE, Hocht S, Martus P, Kreusel KM, Heese J, Foerster MH. [Endoresection
following proton beam irradiation of large uveal melanomas]. Ophthalmologe 2004
5. Bechrakis NE, Petousis VE, Willerding G et al. Ten year results of transscleral resection
of large uveal melanomas:Local tumor control and metastatic rate. Br J Ophthalmol 2009
December 3.
6. Bechrakis NE, Sehu KW, Lee WR, Damato BE, Foerster MH. Transformation of cell
type in uveal melanomas: a quantitative histologic analysis. Arch Ophthalmol 2000
7. Bedikian AY, Johnson MM, Warneke CL et al. Systemic therapy for unresectable
metastatic melanoma: impact of biochemotherapy on long-term survival. J
Immunotoxicol 2008 April;5(2):201-7.
8. Bergman L, Seregard S, Nilsson B, Lundell G, Ringborg U, Ragnarsson-Olding B. Uveal
melanoma survival in Sweden from 1960 to 1998. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2003
9. Chang SH, Worley LA, Onken MD, Harbour JW. Prognostic biomarkers in uveal
melanoma: evidence for a stem cell-like phenotype associated with metastasis. Melanoma
Res 2008 June;18(3):191-200.
10. Char DH, Kroll S, Phillips TL, Quivey JM. Late radiation failures after iodine 125
brachytherapy for uveal melanoma compared with charged-particle (proton or helium
ion) therapy. Ophthalmology 2002 Oct;109(10):1850-4.
11. Char DH, Miller T, Crawford JB. Eye-wall resection. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc
2000;98:153-9; discussion 159-61.:153-9.
12. Char DH, Miller T, Crawford JB. Uveal tumor resection. Br J Ophthalmol 2001
13. Conway RM, Poothullil AM, Daftari IK, Weinberg V, Chung JE, O'Brien JM. Estimates
of ocular and visual retention following treatment of extra-large uveal melanomas by
proton beam radiotherapy. Arch Ophthalmol 2006 Jun;124(6):838-43.
14. Cook SA, Damato B, Marshall E, Salmon P. Psychological aspects of cytogenetic testing
of uveal melanoma: preliminary findings and directions for future research. Eye (Lond)
2009 March;23(3):581-5.
15. Cook SA, Damato B, Marshall E, Salmon P. Psychological aspects of cytogenetic testing
of uveal melanoma: preliminary findings and directions for future research. Eye 2008
March 14.
16. Cook SA, Damato B, Marshall E, Salmon P. Reconciling the principle of patient
autonomy with the practice of informed consent: decision-making about prognostication
in uveal melanoma. Health Expect 2010 October 28;10-7625.
17. Coupland SE, Campbell I, Damato B. Routes of Extraocular Extension of Uveal
Melanoma Risk Factors and Influence on Survival Probability. Ophthalmology 2008 June
18. Damato B, Coupland SE. A reappraisal of the significance of largest basal diameter of
posterior uveal melanoma. Eye (Lond) 2009 December;23(12):2152-60.
19. Damato B, Dopierala JA, Coupland SE. Genotypic profiling of 452 choroidal melanomas
with multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification. Clin Cancer Res 2010 December
20. Damato B, Duke C, Coupland SE et al. Cytogenetics of uveal melanoma: a 7-year
clinical experience. Ophthalmology 2007 October;114(10):1925-31.
21. Damato B, Eleuteri A, Fisher AC, Coupland SE, Taktak AF. Artificial Neural Networks
Estimating Survival Probability after Treatment of Choroidal Melanoma. Ophthalmology
2008 March 13;.
22. Damato B, Eleuteri A, Taktak AF, Coupland SE. Estimating prognosis for survival after
treatment of choroidal melanoma.Prog Retin Eye Res. 2011 May 30.
23. Damato B, Groenewald CP, McGalliard JN, Wong D. Rhegmatogenous retinal
detachment after transscleral local resection of choroidal melanoma. Ophthalmology
2002 November;109(11):2137-43.
24. Damato B, Kacperek A, Chopra M, Campbell IR, Errington RD. Proton beam
radiotherapy of choroidal melanoma: the Liverpool-Clatterbridge experience. Int J Radiat
Oncol Biol Phys 2005 Aug 1;62(5):1405-11.
25. Damato B, Kacperek A, Chopra M, Sheen MA, Campbell IR, Errington RD. Proton beam
radiotherapy of iris melanoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2005 Sep 1;63(1):109-15.
26. Damato B, Wong D, Green FD, Mackenzie JM. Intrascleral recurrence of uveal
melanoma after transretinal "endoresection". Br J Ophthalmol 2001 January;85(1):114-5.
27. Damato B. Choroidal melanoma endoresection, dandelions and allegory-based medicine.
Br J Ophthalmol 2008 August;92(8):1013-4.
28. Damato B. Developments in the management of uveal melanoma. Clin Experiment
Ophthalmol 2004 December;32(6):639-47.
29. Damato B. Does ocular treatment of uveal melanoma influence survival? Br J Cancer
2010 July 27;103(3):285-90.
30. Damato B. Legacy of the collaborative ocular melanoma study. Arch Ophthalmol 2007
31. Dayani PN, Gould JE, Brown DB, Sharma KV, Linette GP, Harbour JW. Hepatic
metastasis from uveal melanoma: angiographic pattern predictive of survival after hepatic
arterial chemoembolization. Arch Ophthalmol 2009 May;127(5):628-32.
32. De Potter P, Jamart J. Adjuvant indocyanine green in transpupillary thermotherapy for
choroidal melanoma. Ophthalmology 2003 February;110(2):406-13.
33. Demirci H, Shields CL, Shields JA, Eagle RC, Jr., Honavar SG. Diffuse iris melanoma: a
report of 25 cases. Ophthalmology 2002 August;109(8):1553-60.
34. Dendale R, Lumbroso-Le Rouic L, Noel G, Feuvret L, Levy C, Delacroix S, et al. Proton
beam radiotherapy for uveal melanoma: results of Curie Institut-Orsay proton therapy
center (ICPO). Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2006 Jul 1;65(3):780-7.
35. Desjardins L, Lumbroso-Le Rouic L, Levy-Gabriel C, Dendale R, Delacroix S, Nauraye
C, et al. Combined proton beam radiotherapy and transpupillary thermotherapy for large
uveal melanomas: a randomized study of 151 patients. Ophthalmic Res 2006;38(5):255-
36. Dunavoelgyi R, Dieckmann K, Gleiss A et al. Local Tumor Control, Visual Acuity, and
Survival After Hypofractionated Stereotactic Photon Radiotherapy of Choroidal
Melanoma in 212 Patients Treated Between 1997 and 2007. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys
2010 July 31.
37. Egger E, Schalenbourg A, Zografos L, Bercher L, Boehringer T, Chamot L, et al.
Maximizing local tumor control and survival after proton beam radiotherapy of uveal
melanoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2001 Sep 1;51(1):138-47.
38. Egger E, Zografos L, Schalenbourg A, Beati D, Bohringer T, Chamot L, et al. Eye
retention after proton beam radiotherapy for uveal melanoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol
Phys 2003 Mar 15;55(4):867-80.
39. Eskelin S, Pyrhonen S, Hahka-Kemppinen M, Tuomaala S, Kivela T. A prognostic model
and staging for metastatic uveal melanoma. Cancer 2003 January 15;97(2):465-75.
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11. Lord SR, Dayhew J, Howland A. Multifocal glasses impair edge-contrast sensitivity and
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targets. Br J Ophthalmol 1987;71:791-6.
13. Pollard TL, Simpson JA, Lamoureux EL, Keeffe JE. Barriers to accessing low vision
services. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt 2003;23:321-7.
14. Riordan-Eva P, Cunningham E (Eds). Vaughan & Asbury's General Ophthalmology,
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15. Scott IU, Smiddy WE, Schiffman J, et al. Quality of life of low-vision patients and the
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16. Shaaban S, El-Lakkany AR, Swelam A, Anwar G. Low vision AIDS provision for
visually impaired egyptian patients - a clinical outcome. Middle East Afr J Ophthalmol.
2009 Jan;16(1):29-34.
17. Stelmack JA, Rosenbloom AA, Brenneman CS, Stelmack TR. Patients' perceptions of the
need for low vision devices. J Vis Impair Blind 2003;97:521-35.
18. Stelmack JA, Tang SC, Reda DF et al. Outcomes of the Veterans Affairs Low Vision
Intervention Trial (LOVIT). Arch Ophthalmol 2008;126:608-17.
19. Trauzettel-Klosinski, S. Rehabilitation for visual disorders. J Neuro-Ophthalmol 2010;
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20. Wang JJ, Mitchell P, Smith W, Leeder SR. Factors associated with use of community
support services in an older Australian population. Aust N Z J Public Health
21. Warren, M. Barstow, B. Occupational Therapy interventions for Adults with Low Vision.
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22. West SK, Munoz B, Rubin GS, et al. Function and visual impairment in a population-
based study of older adults. The SEE project. Salisbury Eye Evaluation. Invest
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23. West SK, Rubin GS, Broman AT, et al. How does visual impairment affect performance
on tasks of everyday life? The SEE Project. Salisbury Eye Evaluation. Arch Ophthalmol
24. Wolter M, Preda S. Visual deficits following stroke: maximizing participation in
rehabilitation. Top Stroke Rehabil 2006;13:12-21.
XV. Ethics and Professionalism in Ophthalmology

Medical Ethics Documents

1. The Hippocratic Oath
2. WMA Declaration of Geneva
3. Ethical Code, International Council of Ophthalmology
4. Code of Ethics, American Academy of Ophthalmology
5. Nuremburg Code
6. WMA Declaration of Helsinki
7. Belmont Report

Suggested Additional Reading

1. Angell, M. The Truth About Drug Companies, How They Deceive Us and What to Do
About It. New York, Random House, 2005
2. Gawande A. Better: A Surgeon's Notes on Performance. New York. Metropolitan Books,
3. Harbin T. Waking up Blind - Lawsuits Over Eye Surgery. Minneapolis, Langdon Street
Press 2009
4. Kassirer  J.  On  The  Take:  How  Medicine’s  Complicity  With  Big  Business  Can  Endanger  
Your Health. New York, Oxford University Press, 2004
XVI. Community Eye Health References

1. Johnson G (editor). The epidemiology of eye disease. Third edition. Arnold. 2011.

2. World Health Organization: Action plan for the prevention of avoidable blindness and
visual impairment 2009–2013. [Available from:

3. World Health Organization. Universal eye health: a global action plan 2014–
2019. [Available from: http://www.who.int/blindness/actionplan/en/]

4. World Sight Day report 2013: towards universal eye health. International Agency for the
Prevention of Blindness, 2013.

5. Stevens GA, White RA, Flaxman SR et al. Global prevalence of visual impairment and
blindness – Magnitude and temporal trends 1990-2010. Ophthalmology 2013; 120:

6. Pascolini SD, Mariotti SP. Global estimates of visual impairment: Br J Ophthalmol

2012;96: 614-618.

7. Global data on visual impairment in the year 2002. Bulletin of the World Health
Organization; November 2004; 844–851. [Available from:

8. VISION 2020 Government Tool Kit. [Available from:


9. Inclusion Made Easy in Eye Health Programs. [Available from: cbm.org/disability-


10. Facing up to Disability. Community Eye Health Journal, Volume 26, Issue 81, 2013.
[Available from: http://www.cehjournal.org/wp-content/uploads/facing-up-to-

11. The Economic Costs of Exclusion and Gains of Inclusion of People with Disabilities.
Evidence from Low and Middle Income Countries. Lena Morgan Banks and Sarah
Polock. [Available from:

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