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Population nearly 28 million

Located tropical Andes

Aim: To design and confirm a vacation package for a customer. Capital Lima
1 Listen to a telephone call and complete the customer's profile. Official Spanish and Quechua
2 Read about and discuss the best holiday package choices.
Places of interest Lima, Machu Picchu, Cusco, trekking
3 Read messages and listen to changes to the customer's needs. on the Inca trail, ancient lines at Nazca,
4 Make changes to the booking and confirm with the customer. Lake Titicaca and the Amazon jungle

Best time to go in winter from June to August when

5 Confirm the booking and cost in writing.
it's dry and sunny in the mountains
and jungle


GO' ul









1 Look at the 0
information and co
100 km
photos of Peru.
200 male,
What is unusual
about the country?

Customer profile
2 Gabi Werner works for CSAM Travel in Mexico City.
Listen to a telephone call and complete the customer profile.

Customer profile
Name: Mark Travelling with:
Destination: Travel dates:
Interests: trekking and local culture 10-day package: US'S grip
Places to visit: , the Amazon and Email: mark.bradford@leeds. a
et 7 1 r 4
_ A v;isirliL,

Choosing a package
3 Work in pairs. Look at the holiday packages and choose the best package for Mark.
Write down the important details of the booking: the package choice, travel dates and
total cost.

A Incan Wonders B The Land of the Incas

15 days/14 nights) (Seven days/six nights)
Arrival to Lima & Lima Tour - Paracas & Nazca Go on the Inca Trail and see Machu Picchu,
Lines Tour - Return to Lima - Flight to Cusco and the most famous archaeological site in South
tour of Cusco, the Incan capital - Sacred Valley America - Arrival to Cusco and Cusco Tour -
Tour - Trekking on the Inca Trail (five days) - Tour of Sacred Valley Tour - Begin the Inca Trail Trek
Machu Picchu, one of the seven wonders (three days) - Machu Picchu Tour and return to
of the world - Arrival to Puerto Maldonado - Cusco - Departure from Cusco - US $1,050 pp.
Amazon Tour (five days) - Departure from Puerto
Maldonado - US $1,700 pp.

C Andean Adventures D Peru Special

(Four days/three nights) (Ten days/nine nights)
Can be combined with other tours (add one From ancient Incan ruins to the Amazon jungle
extra day for travel) - Arrival to Cusco - Home - Arrival in Lima and Lima Tour - Flight to Cusco
stay accommodation at Lake Titicaca, the - Sacred Valley Tour - Trekking on the Inca Trail
highest lake in the world (three days) - Cusco (three days) - Machu Picchu, the lost city of the
and Tour of Cusco - Departure from Cusco - US Incas - Puerto Maldonado - Amazon tour with
$500 pp. guided walks (three days) - Departure from

4 et Listen to Gabi calling Mark and
Puerto Maldonado - US $1,200 pp.

make a note of any changes to his booking. Optional tours

Look at these optional tours. Listen
1 Mountain train journey from Huancayo to
Lima - 12-hour ride - Weekends only, June to
again and choose one for Mark's Peru
September - US $40 pp.
2 (One day) Sand-boarding on the sand dunes in
Huacachina - Four hours from Lima - US $55 pp.
Work in pairs. Student A turn to File 5, page
3 (One day) Ancient Nazca lines in the desert -
102. Student B turn to File 14, page 105.
Tour from Paracas - US $125 pp.

Confirming a booking
accommodation booking
7 Write an email to Mark to confirm his booking (100-120 words).
Use the expressions in the box and the model in the Writing bank on domestic tourism
page 99 to help you. inbound/outbound tourism
include leisure lower case
Here is/are ... I would also like to confirm ... package recreation
Thank you for booking with ... Please see the attached details. shopping spend theme park
Your booking includes ... trekking trip
See DVD-ROM Mini-dictionary
Aim: To produce an action plan to improve the guest experience at the Apfelsine Hotel.
Analyse online guest reviews.
2 Listen to staff opinions.
3 Read staff suggestions.
4 Hold a meeting to create an action plan.

Online guest reviews

1 Read the online guest reviews for the Apfelsine Hotel in Berlin.
How could the hotel improve customer service? How could it
improve equipment and facilities? Make a list.

1 We ate in the hotel two nights and the food We were disappointed that there were no
was fantastic. The only problem was that the coffee/tea making facilities in the room,
service can be a bit slow. They seemed short no fridge and no air conditioning when we
staffed in the restaurant in the evenings. stayed there in the summer. It says in the hotel
In general the hotel staff were friendly and magazine in the room that this is a 'green hotel'
helpful but the staff at the café weren't very and they try to be environmentally friendly but
attentive. I'd prefer these facilities next time.

3 The room was spotlessly clean and very 4 The big issue for me was the service, which was
comfortable but small - like a lot of slow and amateurish. I waited for 30 minutes
European budget hotels. The shower was to check in. There was only one receptionist
great. My only small complaint is that the on Friday evening but there were usually two
towels were very small and thin! (And I'm or three people on reception the rest of the
not!!) weekend. Really disappointing.

5 The only negative thing I can say about the Apfelsine is there is very poor lighting
for reading at night but I suppose that is because they use energy saving bulbs.

Staff opinions
2 OM Listen to the staff talking about some problems at the hotel. Complete
the manager's notes using ONE or TWO words.

North Americans and Australians usually expect' . We should offer guests an

upgrade to a' on check-in if one is available. We, should also email in
advance about the small size of standard rooms.
A lot of European guests come for . We should check the times on
Friday evenings and make sure there are enough staff on reception.
Last month some waiting staff were 6 and we had two new members of the
team, who were slower than the others. We should have a list of staff phone numbers
to call people who are ' in cases of emergency. The don't speak very
good English.
Most guests love the fad that we are a g
they have to come to reception to ask for lc

Staff suggestions
. But some guests are unhappy that
and shampoo.

3 Read the staff suggestions for how to improve the hotel. Make a list of possible
1 2
When guests arrive a few hours before the As part of our green hotel plan, we could
check-in time, let's offer them complimentary offer a nice organic breakfast with lots of fresh
coffee and cakes in the restaurant while they're fruit, juices and nice breads. We could serve
waiting for their room. It's a nice, friendly breakfast until 1 p.m. — that would make us
welcome. And we can take their bags up to the different from other hotels and guests would
room or store bags if guests want to go out. love it. Let's put complimentary fruit on the
Also, we get a lot of guests on weekend breaks, reception desk for guests, too.
so let's have a late checkout option on Sundays.
3 4
Why don't we offer our own walking tours of We have free Wi-Fi access in the hotel but
the local neighbourhood? It's a bit different guests don't always travel with their computers.
from the typical sights of Berlin. We could also We could lend them a laptop to use, at no extra
produce our own guide to Berlin for the hotel charge, if they want to check their email or use the
website with our staff recommendations for internet while they are in the lobby cafe. And how
tours and restaurants. I think reception staff about guide books in the lobby and live music in
should ask guests when they arrive if they want the cafe at weekends?
any recommendations for things to see and do I
in the city. It makes us seem more friendly and

affordable apologize
4 Work in small groups. Look at your list of possible
budget charge complain
improvements in Exercise 3 and hold a meeting.
complimentary disappointing
1 Create a schedule for six main improvements. guest helpful laptop luxury
2 Add any suggestions of your own to the list. missing noisy refund
3 Present your action plan to the class. request
See DVD-ROM Mini-dictionary}
Aim: To create a commercial to promote tourism in Isan, Thailand.
1 Listen to and complete information about Thailand and Isar),
2 Exchange information about the Isan region.
3 Decide on key tourism values for promoting !sari and which segments to target.
4 Write the storyboard or script and slogan for a TV or radio commercial.

Thailand and the Isan region THAILAND

1 f, p.7 Listen to an extract from a programme
about Thailand and the Isan region. Answer the

1 What two things do tourists come to Thailand for?

2 In which part of Thailand is the Isan region?
3 What is special about Isan? How is it different from
other parts of Thailand?

Population 66,700,000

Capital and major Bangkok


Currency Thai baht

Major languages Thai

Climate the Thai year depends on the monsoons and

its three seasons: wet, cool and hot

Main attractions nightlife in Bangkok, festivals, trekking,

elephant riding, historic sites, tropical islands
and Thai food

2 VT Complete the text about the Isan region with

appropriate adjectives. Listen again to check your
answers. You can also look at audio script 10.7 on
page 128.

Isan region — Thailand

The northeast of Thailand, known as Isan, has a(n)
, unique culture. Isan is situated on the Khorat
plateau, and the Mekong river borders this part of
Thailand with Laos. It is a region 2 by mass
tourism and is ideal for travellers looking for a(n)
travel experience. If you travel in the
northeast, you will discover the 4 and friendly
Isan people, and their 5 culture and historic
heritage. Isan also has 6 landscapes,
boxing and Isan food, 8 all over
Thailand for its 9 rice and chillies. And, sweet
mangoes served with coconut cream!
T3ourism in Isan
Work in pairs. Student A, look at the information below. Student B turn to File 32, page
109. Take turns to ask and answer questions to find out more information about Isan.

1 the best times to visit Isan and Thailand 4 the main attractions in Isan
2 value for money 5 accommodation in Isan
3 how Isan is different 6 the people of Isan

Tourism in Thailand
Thailand is one of the world's best value Khon Kaen: The town of Khon Kaen in the centre
destinations, although there has been increased of Isan was once a quiet place but it has become a
competition since Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam busy university town. There are modern hotels and
opened up to international tourism in the 1980s. shops next to traditional streets and market places.
The weather: in the north, the rainy season is Ubon Ratchathani: Ubon Province in the east of the
from May to November, the cool season is the Mekong river valley has many natural attractions:
best time to visit (November to February); the hot ancient cave drawings, strange rock formations and
season is March to May. beautiful waterfalls, such as the Than Thip Falls near
Sangkhorin. This waterfall is 30 m high and in the
Isan region rainy season there's a large pool for swimming. The
province is popular with backpackers who stay in
The main city is Khorat. The Mekong River valley
separates the region from its neighbour, Laos. bamboo huts by the river. In July, the town of Ubon
Most of its people are ethnically Lao and are holds a spectacular candle festival when villagers
known for their hospitality. Isan has many national make enormous candles.
parks for trekking.

4 Work in groups. Hold a meeting to discuss how you can market !sari to your country.

1 Choose three of the most important values for your marketing campaign. Use ideas from
the box and your own.
2 Consider the different market segments. Which one(s) will you target?
3 What features and attractions in Isan will your campaign focus on?

Tourism values
adventure activities family holidays friendly people good food
Khmer history and culture luxury resorts natural beauty nightlife river life
safety and security solo travel sustainable tourism transport unspoilt beaches
value for money warm weather

Market segments

1 High income professionals with little time 3 Young people on a low budget
2 Families with children 4 'Baby boomers' — older people with
time and money

5 Work in small groups. Create a ONE- to TWO-minute TV or radio

commercial to promote !sari in your country.
advertisement bargain
1 Brainstorm different ideas and then choose the best one.
campaign commercial
2 Write up a storyboard or script. Include a description of the discount e-brochure flyer
characters and setting with ideas for music or sound effects. market research/segment
3 The commercial should reflect three tourism values and target marketeer negotiation
specific market segments. promote promotion slogan

4 Give your campaign a slogan. social media print

See DVD-ROM Mini-dictionary
Aim: To put together and present a wedding package in the Virgin Islands.
1 Read about a wedding and honeymoon package tour operator.
2 Listen to a discussion about a wedding package.
3 Read the customer and supplier profiles.
4 Cost a package for the customers. Present it to the class.

Evermore Tours brochure

1 Read the extract from the brochure of Evermore Tours. What does the
company do?


Evermore Tours offers you the opportunity to

pledge your love for one another, surrounded by
family and friends, in one of the world's most
You say 'I do' The Caribbean
and we do Atlantic
the rest. The
-134HAMAS Ocean
Virgin Islands
are famous for
their fantastic, CUBAN, dt!
beaches and amazing scenery. We take away HAITI

all the stress of organizing the most important

day of your life, leaving you free to make the
most of the experience and all at a cost that -IONDURAS Caribbean Sea
might just surprise you. Not only are our all-in
weddings stress-free but you might be surprised NICARAGUA
to find that they can cost much less than a
wedding at home. OMB VENEZUELA
PANKM<•k, frA0.1_e
4L A

The wedding package

2 MD The owners of Evermore Tours are meeting to finalize the contents of
their Virgin Islands package. Listen and tick (✓ ) the topics they discuss.
transport legal requirements pricing the wedding co-ordinator
guest list FAQs accommodation cost of weddings abroad

3 CI Listen again. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?

1 The couple and guests will arrange and pay for their own flights. T / F
2 Evermore Tours have already costed the price of local transport. T / F
3 They want to make a profit margin of 30%. T / F
4 A wedding abroad is only about 13% more expensive than at home. T / F

We would like to invite 20 people from our friends and family in New
York and Tokyo to come to our wedding. We want them to share our
special day with us and also give them a holiday to remember ..

Look at the customer profile and requirements. Put together an Evermore Tours wedding package for
Rafael Martinez and Keitko Takatsu.

1 Design an itinerary for the whole seven days of the package. Remember to include:
• arrival and departure times • itinerary for the wedding day • services and extras
• details of accommodation • details of wedding ceremony • description of location and venue
2 Work out the total price Evermore Tours should charge. Remember to allow a comfortable profit margin.
3 Present your package to the class. Describe what will happen on each day. Remember to make it sound
as attractive as possible.

Clearwater Beach Hotel Virgin Flowers Inc

7-night package for two persons includes: Wedding bouquets - $200-$350
• 7 nights in a deluxe studio with king-size Bridesmaids' bouquets $100-$150
bed, private bathroom and balcony with I
ocean and garden views
• Full breakfast and candlelit evening meal on Mamadoo
the terrace
Price: $6,650 Virgin Island Catering Services
Wedding Specialists
(the Inandoer said he could give us a
20% discount) Wedding cake: $10 per person - minimum $50
Buffet meal: $60-S95 per person

Virgin Islands of the United

States Clearwater Beach Resort
Marriage licence fee - 5125 7 nights, $1,490 per apartment. 4 guests per
Fee for ceremony - $150 apartment. A daily maid service. All hotel
services and sport facilities are available free of

Leilani McCleary Photographer

2-hour photoshoot - $500, $135 for
each additional hour. This includes a Wedding Dreams
custom-designed CD. Let us create your own website for invitations
and a photo album - $250.

Writing a description for a brochure KEY WORDS

4 Write a description of 'Our Virgin Islands wedding accommodation attraction boom
package' for the Evermore Tours brochure brochure consultant costing demand
(200-250 words). Use the model in the Writing bank on destination launch market package
page 96 to help you. promote resort supplier tour
See DVD-ROM Mini-dictionary
Aim: To investigate a customer complaint and respond to it appropriately.
1 Read a brochure and a letter of complaint.
2 Read some customer feedback and exchange information.
3 Listen to a management team meeting.
4 Hold a meeting to discuss how to solve the problems.

Promotional brochure
I Read the brochure extract about Sylvan Parks and answer the questions.

1 Where are the Sylvan Parks?

2 What kind of accommodation do they offer?
3 What type of holidaymaker do they cater for?

Discover our fabulous short breaks and family holidays in

private and enclosed woodland settings throughout Europe.
In each location, you stay in self-catering villa
accommodation and benefit from the sports and leisure
facilities available on site. Everything you need is on site, a
fully-stocked supermarket, a choice of restaurants, a
fully-equipped medical centre staffed 24 hours a day and a
maid service in our Executive Villas.

Customer complaint
I am writing regarding our recent stay at the Sylvan Park
2 Read the complaint from a recent in Caxton. On the morning of 26 September I reached
visitor to a Sylvan Park in the UK down to the bedside table in our Executive Villa and
and answer the questions. caught my finger on it. Imagine my horror to discover that
I had an enormous splinter from the table going under
1 What exactly happened to her?
my thumbnail. The splinter was approx 3 cm long and
2 How did the staff deal with her
❑ .3 cm wide. I went directly to the Medical Centre where
the nurse advised me to take painkillers. She phoned the
3 How serious is the problem now? relevant department while we were present and asked for
4 What does she intend to do now? the offending table to be removed from the villa. This never
happened. As the only free activity is the Aquaboulevard,
I spent a lot of the time there but was unimpressed with
the standard of hygiene in the pool area. I now have a
serious infection and risk amputation of part of my finger.
I am going to put the matter in the hands of my solicitor
Problems at Caxton

3 Work in pairs. Student A, look at the documents below. Student B, turn to File 8,
page 105. Read your documents. Share your information and make a list of the
main problems at the Sylvan Park in Caxton.
To: contact@sylvanparks.com 'The level of service has deteriorated'
We have been going to the Sylvan Park in Caxton for
From: m.hawkins@yahoo.net
three years and have noticed that the level of service
Subject: Caxton Park Market and hygiene has gone down.
On our last weekend break I spent several hours
trying to get medical help for my husband who
While shopping at Park Market in Caxton, I
was suffering from gastro-enteritis. After making
was alarmed to discover not one but
numerous phone calls to the medical centre, it took
numerous food items several days past their
sell-by date! well over an hour before two staff members turned up
to help and called an ambulance. I have no
I don't understand how such a potential health
doubt that the swimming pool is to blame because of
hazard could occur in a busy supermarket
with a captive audience (it's the only store on
the number of young children I saw wandering around
wearing nappies. This is probably the
the site). I have to say that I am disgusted.
cause of many infections - why don't they provide
Margaret Hawkins
separate areas for young children to swim in?
Value ••• Rooms 00000
Location • • • • Cleanliness • • 0 0 0 0

The Regional Director for Sylvan Parks is

concerned about the number of complaints
about the one at Caxton and has asked you to
investigate. Hold your own meeting to discuss the

1 What are the strengths and weaknesses of the

Sylvan Park's customer service at Caxton.
2 What else can be done to address the customers'
complaints and improve standards in the future?

1 Katarina Chalupova

2 Swimming pool health and safety

3 Villa maintenance
Management team meeting
4 Park Market supplies
4 GEED Listen to a meeting of the
management team at Caxton. What do they
decide to do for each of the items on the
agenda? Then look at the Task and hold your
own meeting to discuss the problems.
air conditioning award
Writing a letter of apology bed linen charge complaint
facilities grade housekeeping
5 Write a letter of apology to Katarina Chalupova's solicitor. hygiene insurance
Explain what action you are going to take in response to her maintenance overbooking,
complaint and, if you think it is justified, offer some form of reception area reservation
compensation. Use the model in the Writing bank on page 101 room rate
to help you. See DVD-ROM Mini-dictionary
Aim: To plan a new itinerary for a gastronomic tour. PERU
1 Listen to an interview about creating a gastronomic tour.
2 Read the itinerary of a gastronomic tour.
3 Read comments posted on a travel forum.
4 Plan a new itinerary.
7 c .14 ' :Cr"'. r.`• "..` c' I .X.

A gastronomic tour of Peru -'

.."'"..". • .,n,so .;

r ...--- , ••,,,,,o
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1 111"/k Listen to an interview with Rosa Huanca about
her experience of creating a gastronomic tour in Peru and
answer the questions. 0

1 What do the numbers 650,000, 100,000

and 2,000 represent?
2 Why does she mention potatoes and
quinoa, and olives and grapes?
3 What does the Peruvian dish called 0
papa a la huancaina consist of and why
is it significant?
4 What are chifas, tiradito and ceviche?
What is their link with the Japanese and Chinese immigrant
communities in Peru?

Tour itinerary

2 Read the itinerary of Mucho Gusto, the gastronomic tour created by Rosa Huanca,
and answer the questions.

1 In your opinion, how 'complete' is this culinary tour?

2 What is the high point of the tour?

Mucho Gusto is a complete culinary tour blending together the flavour of native,
creole and fusion foods. Experience the exotic tastes and ingredients of the Mistura
food festival, take part in a cookery class to try traditional recipes and crown your stay
with a visit to the magical Machu Picchu.
• Day 1: arrival in Lima; overnight accommodation in budget hotel
• Day 2: breakfast on acaldo de gallino (hen soup), known as the soup 'levanta
muertos', a dish to 'wake the dead'; visit to a local market to purchase ingredients for
tomorrow's cookery class; dinner at the Costanera 700 restaurant to
experience the Japanese and Asian influence in Peruvian cuisine
• Day 3: introduction to Peruvian cuisine; learn how to prepare Peru's staple dishes
and afterwards taste the many dishes you made during class
• Day 4: early morning flight to Cuzco by AeroCondor, followed by a spectacular
four-hour train journey through rolling hills and picturesque villages to Machu
Picchu, the sacred valley of the Incas
• Day 5: overnight stay in Cuzco at the Casa San Blas Boutique Hotel; gourmet
lunch at the Cicciolina; return to Lima and hotel
• Day 6: Mistura food festival; attend demonstrations and taste exquisite dishes
from the country's top restaurants and chefs
n-.. 7. ok",,inrc irr, and return fliaht

Customer feedback
3 Rosa is now preparing a tour for her second year of activity. Work in pairs. Student
A, look at the information below. Student B, turn to file 18, page 107. Read the
comments Rosa received and make a list of the main complaints and suggestions.

The stay got off to a bad start: no driver at the airport to take us to our hotel. Two hours
and 15 minutes later - and many phone calls, at our expense - he finally
turned up. He seemed not to know the way to the hotel, which, in my opinion, was pretty
substandard. The 'early morning flight' on Day 4 turned out to be at 5:30 a.m. but the
flight was delayed and by the time we arrived, it was well into the afternoon. We had
hardly arrived when we had to go back!

I never expected to get food poisoning from a gourmet lunch! From the menu I
chose the main courses aij de gallina (chicken) and the savoury beef, and as dessert the
volador y guargueros (egg-based pastry). Although the service and taste of the food was
OK, I was violently sick from it and felt terrible during the next two days. Looking at it
now, I assume that I got salmonella from the dessert because it
contained milk and eggs. Given the fact that this establishment tries to come across as a
high-end restaurant for trusted food, this is absolutely not the case and I would
recommend you drop this from the itinerary.

The toilets were interesting in the hotels we stayed at. They didn't have toilet seats, so be
prepared to squat, hover or fall in AND bring your own toilet paper! Away
from the city, on the Inca Trail, prepare for the worst. I think you should point this out to all
travellers beforehand.

I was really impressed by the day at the Mistura. As well as sampling the local
specialities, I had the opportunity to speak to members of the various indigenous
communities, who told me about the richness of their country, their happiness at being
part of the 'Peruvian food revolution' and about their sense of national pride at having
their food on show. The festival left a powerful and unforgettable
impression on me. But it lasts for ten days! Why did we have to leave so early?

4 Rosa is changing her programme to take account of the feedback. She

has gone into partnership with Luis Calderon, who has experience in organizing
similar tours. Listen to their conversation. What changes do they suggest a) to the
culinary experience and b) to other activities?

5 Work in small groups. You are going to plan

what Rosa and Luis should offer for next year's
gastronomic tour. Follow the steps below.

1 Brainstorm your ideas. Think about the

length of the tour, the type of activities and
practical information such as transport and
2 Rewrite the website itinerary from Exercise 2,
describing the tour and its activities. Include
a section on relevant practical information.

There is space for 400 words on the website. bake bland celebrity chef dine out
done to a turn fare fusion cuisine
mouth-watering oven savour simmer
speciality (BrE)/specialty (Am E) staple stew
whet the appetite
See DVD-ROM Mini dictionary

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