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Die-Sinking by Electroerosion-DissolutionMachining

A. B. E. Khairy'; University of Alexandria/Egypt - Submitted by J. A. McGeough (1). Edinburgh University/U.K.

Received on December 1,1989

The electroerosion-dissolutionmachining (EEDM) is a combination of pulsating electroerosion action aided by electrochemical dissolution. In
the present study. the process is sustained for shaping small shallow dies. The kinematics of EEDM leading to the elevated rates of metal removal
as well as satisfactory surface integrity and dimensional quality ar2 identified. The machining parameters such as the specific metal
removal rate, power utilization factor and die-shaping factor are evaluated experimentally and by empirical relation. The process
characteristics are contrasted with electrochemical machining and electrodischarge machining processes.
Key words: E]ectrochemica[ machining, electrodischarge machining. electroerosion - dissolution machining Specific metal removal rate, power
utilization factor, die-shaping factor, surface integrity.

Many new methods of machining have been develo d in recent years to
deal mainly with the difficult-to-machine metals anc~!&o . Electrochem-
ical machining (ECM) and electroerosion machining (&M) are ranked
as the most successful of these new methods. The two processes have
been around long enough and used extensive1 for the machining of
conventional and nonconventional materials [l,4, especially in internal
machining operations such as hole drilling and die-sinking.
The pioneering work by Lazarenkos [ 11 on EDM in electrolytic aqueous
solutions supported, over the past two decades, by experimental studies of
Kubota (21 and greatly sophisticated by McGeou h (3.41 to tackle many
machining operations, have all led to the set u of a novel process. This
process features a combined action of metal e~ectrolyticdissolution and
electric-dischar e erosion. Man names were given to the combined
process such as l!lectrochemical -&char e machining (ECDM), Electro-
chemical arc machining (ECAM) and E~ectrochemicaland Electroero-
sion machining; a fair review for these cornbinations is available in (2.51.
The elevated rates of metal removal in the combined process are known
to be on1 available because of the active electroerosion machining
(EEM) ase which is estimated to be res onsible for the removal of Fig.1 Principal controllable variables of EEDM.
about d p e r c e n t of the net machined stock $1. Meanwhile, the intermit-
tent electrochemical dissolution (ECD) phase aids in metal removal and
helps improving the surface quality [6]. The dominant effect of erosion
action in the combined EEM-ECD process sueests the process to be I. An electric power supply unit which generates DC pulsed sinusoids
rather called as Electroerosion-dissolutionmachining (EEDM). of 10 ms periodic time. The unit was capable of supplying up to
Like the pure ECM and EDM, EEDM can be used for turnin
200 A at 15 to 50 v. An over current protection for short circuit
was devised to minimize any harmful effects that may rise on tool
and die-sinking operations. In nonconventional processes the d?e-%k~ or workpiece.
is an operation which should be distinguished from hole drilling. The
former usually involves machining over a relatively large contoured area 2. An electrolyte system to ump the electrolyte through a machining
with the main interest in surface qualit of bottom walls of die cavity. The gap built up between catRode and anode electrodes. A nowmeter
machine tool used for die-sinking s h o d be rigid enou h to withstand high and ressure gau e were implemented to control the hydrodynam-
hydrodynamic and electromagnetic forces exerted in l i e machinin zone, ics ofelectrolyte flow along with a clarifier to clear off the machin-
and usually equipped with high rating electrolyte pumping unit an! heavy ing debris.
du power generator. for hole drilling, light machines in terms of rigidity
anrpower re uirements are used since the rate of metal removal is 3. Electrode tooling to clamp, and sometimes rotate, the cathodic
eventually smdler than in die-sinking and surface finish of side walls is of tool. convey the pumped liquid through or to tool and precisely
most concern (71. setting the workpiece.
This paper is a preliminary empirical study of die-sinking hy EEDM. The 4. A machine base and control console which combined the above
rocess kinematics leading to higher rates of metal removal are discussed mentioned items as a rigid machine tool. The control console
priefly. Simple machining parameters are developed to reveal the trend of enabled control over the machine variables which include the
process with various combinations of machine variables. Typical surfaces average open gap voltage, cathode oscillation amplitude, cathode
and geometries produced by EEDM in Stainless Steel dies are presented. feed rate, phase shift between pulsed input voltage and cathode
oscillation waveforms.
Theoretical desc .
Recent hit-eoiert ations have dealt with the 5. A measurement rack that directly measured the following uanti-
characteristics of electricay discharging in EEM electrolytes. for single
pulsed and multiple ulsed power sources [8,9]. The shape of input pulsed
ties, a ) the weight loss from tool and workpiece, the
amount of coulomb, c) the consumed power, and d) the actual
wer was also s t d e d , especially the rectangular and sinusoidal shapes machining time.
ElO]. The discharge action in liquid electrolytes is always accompanied
with electrochemical action. The two actions may occur in-phase or out- The feed of cathode tool throu8h workpiece was achieved by a stepper
ghase dependin upon conditions dominating in the machining gap motor triggered by a cho er drive, thereby feed rates of 0.5 mm/min to
etween tool antworkpiece. The principal variables involved in hybrid 28 mm/rnin were obtainatre. The starting position of cathode in-feed was
EEDM process rendering the generation of electrical discharges and set by a linear rule whereas the travelling depth was measured via a dial
electrolytic dissolution are shown in Fig.1. While electrochemical dissolu- indicator. The depth of blind sink was limited to about 30 mm which was
tion is spontaneously occurin in the gap medium, erosion by electrical
discharges will come about a n t aid metal removal.
With respect to the distribution of machining actions along the machining
gap, Fig.2 shows that region A is likely to be tackled merely by ECD,
region C is machined main1 b EEM and intermediate region B by a
combination of ECD and E L d This specific classification of working
phases in EEDM is eventually based upon the intergap spacing between
cathode and anode which controls the field concentration and current
density. The die geomet along the side walls is also divided into three
r t s ; the entrance part
ttom part (111).
(8, the taper part (11) with length L,and the die-

w . 3 for the test rig used in experiments.

The rig is composed of five main arrangements: Fig.2 Die sections and machining regions.

Present Address: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sultan

Qaboos University, P.0.Box 32483. AI-Khod, Oman.

Annals of the ClRP Vol. 3$/1/13W 191

accurately set through the die by amunting for tool wear by EEM effects. Now, the following three machining variables will be developed.
Tools were made of commercial bronze pi ing of 9.4 mm and 3.7 mm 1. The specific metal removal rate (smrr). This is directly assessed
diameters (The dJoy s ecifications: 90% &
and 10% Zn,and s ecific
weight 8 3 p / c m ). d e workpiece material was rolled plates 31f!)Slain-
from the ratio between removed volume of work iece metal and
amount of Coulomb registered by the Coulom\-meter during
less Steel of 40 mm thickness. Sodium Chlorate (NaCIO3) electrolyte of machining, that is for the given data.
120 g/1 was used as a machining medium because it is noncorrosive and
known to produce high surface finish and controlled geometrical toler- smrr = 23.55. da2/c (5)
ances when devoted to ECM a plications [lo]. The electrolyte flow rate
was assumed constant at 7.2 m b when coupled with a stationary pumping where smrr (mm3/KC) and c is the total amount of Coulomb on
pressure of 0.8 MPa. meter (C).
During machining the coulomb-meter and power-meter were set into 2. The power utilization factor (puf). This variable is des' ned to
muntin their respective quantities BS cumulative number of pulses. Each rate the volume of metal removed from the die-cavity (mmy to the
one of hese pulses has a precalibrated value which was thereafter multi- total amount of power (9) counted up by power meter (Kj),i.e.,
plied by the total number of pulses counted at the end of a machining run.
A two channel digital oscilloscope has been connected to a current simula- puf = 23.55. d 2 / q (6)
tor box and power terminal to capture records of passing current and
machining ower resp,ctively. as exhibited in Fig.3. After every run the This value of puf can implicitly be estimated for any machining
loss in toofand wor piece weights were measured by a weigher. The setting by assessing smrr in ( 5 ) and from the meter readings of c
diameters were measured by internal micrometer at three different levels and q, thus
of die circumference. The workpiece samples were then sawed into Ion i-
tudinal and cross sections, ground down to plane surfaces and etched b r puf = smrr. c/q (7)
further metallugraphic and dimensional tests.
3. The die-shaping factor (dsf). The die-shaping factor is a measure
of conicity in die cylindrical shape. and estimated by
dsf = (d2 d3)/L - (8)

The diameters d2 and d3 are measured at two sections shown as levels I

and 11 in Fig.2 and L is the vertical height between these two sections.
The dsf parameter can be used to compare the geometry of die sha es
produced by EEDT and its candidates: the pure ECM and EDM. A e
average die diameter da can also be a useful shape comparative parame-
ter since machining by ECM is usual1 accompanied with a certain taper in
die sides; EDM has similar but smaier effect and EEDM is expected to
produce dies of intermediatecharacters between the two processes.

1 ne e - the governing variables and

u Electrolyte reservoir
u Power Denerator
machining parameters in E E D d - be represented by p e r equations.
Only two governi variables were studied, namely the tool feed rate and
the a v e y appliz voltage across machinii gap; the machinin parame-
ters inch ed smrr, uf and dsf. The indivi ual and mutual iduences of
the governing variabpes on machining parameters are tested b analysis of
variance, prior to developin4 power e uations. These were round after-
Fig.3 A shematic of EEDM die-sinking. wards by treating the governing variabqa as independent input variables
with power exponents and the machining parameters as de ndent output
variables. The exponent constants were estimated by Gearking the
.. equations and finding best estimates for constants by error minimization
techniques Ill].
m a s e d on the Faraday's principle of electrolysis will
be emplo ed here to develop some important macluning arameters. The The feed rate was set at five different levels 3,6. 12. IS and 18 mm/min
validity or these arameters, however, is limited to the p$sical and elec- and the average applied voltage at three levels 2 0 , Z and 30 v. Thus, a 15
trochemical con$tions indicated herewith for every case. First we devel- full-factorial experiments were conducted while kee ing all other varia-
op the following simple parameters bles fixed. Table 1 shows the various combinations o&overning variables,
calculated and measured parameters and machining parameters.
- The average diameter of die (da). This parameter is defined by
The following relationship is developed for smrr from experimental data
da = [Volume of metal removed/Die depth.T/4]1/2, or
smrr =0.83(Feed rate)1*083.(Average v ~ l t a g e ) ~ . ~ ~ ~ (9)
da = 2 [m/ T P h]'j2 (1) The actual data collected from experiments are given in column 8 of
where m 's the removed stock from workpiece (gm),pisits specific mass Table 1, denoted as E W . In column 9 the values redicted by eq. (9) are
(gm/mm 9) and h is the die depth (mm). given alongside denoted as PRED. It is evident tEt predictions made by
power equation (9) are very close to e rimental data values. However,
- The current density (i). If the electrolysis current efficiency 07)is it is deducible from eg.(9) that smrr iszcctly proportional to both varia-
bles, the feed rate an average voltage. Moreover. the
assumed to be constant at any reported value, then from the
Faraday's law of electrolysis the former indicates much powerful influence on smrr ?!l%
t %?t Of

I=m/ 7 tea (2)

where I is the electrolysis current (A), t is the machinin time (s) and ea TABLE 1 UPERINENTrL WNDITIONS AND DATA FUR IWM-DIE SINKINC
being t9e electrochemical constant ( /C).The momenta! current densi J
(A/cm throughout the whole surface area en a ed in machining ( 2 ,
tremendous current density in plasma channef of discharge erosion is ~~ AvY.. reed CALCUUTED L UUSURED PAMU?XEkS
ignored) will be.
j = I/s , s = d,.h
I 3 14.09 183.71 550.20 060.01 08.SO 07.83 78.00 0.19
Therefore, from (1) 2 6 13.82 179.52 277.80 064.68 16.16 16.67 69.60 0.15
3 20 12 13.24 174.90 128.40 086.01 12.17 3J.18 k8.00 0.13
j = (1/2 37 eat)[m / Th]*/2 (3) b I5 12.10 145.7S 079.80 081.02 43.18 44.84 42.60 0.12
5 18 11.05 104.42 os2.20 119.86 5S.01 54.51 26.40 0.11
6 I 12.78 172.61 471.00 OU7.86 08.17 08.50 43.W 0.12
Ap endix (A) shows the composition and electrochemical properties of 7 6 12.31 154.52 178.20 112.19 20.00 18.17 31.80 0.09
3lgStainless Steel. The chenucal e uivale of the alloy is 26.41 g hence.
the electrochemical e uivalent is x 10% g/C. It is assumed that the
valency of alloy is fue! and will not be changed during machinin espe-
25 12
11.19 134.S1
10 I8 10.54 132.09 045.60 090.8) 57.34 59.01
cially in transition between polarization states (If it is assumed %at the I1
48.00 0.05
3 17.05 181.37
only expected EC reaction at the work surface will be metal dissolution, 80S.20 158.51 08.SO 09.00 43.10 0.15
the current efficiency may reasonably be assumed to be 100%). 12 6 15.22 I51.11 318.00 154.20 17.17 19.17 35.40 0.15
I3 30 12 11.93 106.65 OR1.60 113.03 11.17 40.67 25.20 0.10
On substitution in (3) by these values, and with h= 30 mqhence lb IS 10.47 106.68 051.60 056.68 4V.84 50.18 45.60 0.10
I5 111 9.98 I8b.11 039.60 091.35 58.84 61.01 24.60 0.09
j = 1740 m / q t (4)
0.2 IU AllD
The current density at any moment of machining time can be found by (MWER CONDITIONS: CUllRENT E W I C X P C Y 1002. OSCILLATION N I P L I N D E
considering the partial derivatives of both variables in eq.(4). UP. DENOTES mmrr FROU UPERZUENTAL DATA. CAMULATW BY E g . ( I )

Like in conventional ECM and EDM, the machining components in The promotion in smrr with elevated rates of feed rate can be seen from
EEDM. i.e. EEM and ECD. are intensified b hi her feed rates. The plots in Fi 6. Higher voltages have signified greater rates of metal
frontal machining gap tends to be smaller and tie #ow rate of electrolyte removal. ' h e high accura of eq. (9) in representing the experimental
is consequently accelerated. Likewise, the pulsed voltage will help agitat- data can be jud ed from S e typical example shown for machining at
ing the electrol e, gases and debris mixture which stabilizes the machin-
ing action by EzM and ECD[6,9].
average voltage v.
Broadly speaking, the frontal machining gap in EEDM should be much
Fig.4 shows the effect of feed rate on the die-average diameter. da. for smaller than that in pure ECM, for fixed feed rates. This situation en-
three average voltages 20,Z and 30 v. The decrease in da with increased dures because of substantial pollution of machining gap by machinin
feed rate is visible es ecially for the highest average voltage; a 41% products [6.13]. and also the a plication of pulsed rather than constant D!
decrease in da (This &creased from about 17 m m to 10 mm) occured volta e [4,9. Smaller frontaffaps always entail higher current densities
when feed rate is increased six folds (from 3 m m min to 18 mm/min).
This suggests a mode of metal removal mainly liCD component up to
for ZCD. k e generation of e ectrolytic gases in liquid and formation of
oxide films on workpiece surface seem both to deviate this tendency of
the maximum attainable feed rates by pure CM, i.e. 6 mm/min, in
similar machining conditions [12]. The rest of metal should have been
high current density. EEM can now be activated
3electrical discharges
between cathode and anode rather than between e two electrodes and
gas voids [2,8]. The amount of ener absorbed by the tool and usually
removed by EEM component. It is also evident from Fig.4 that machin-
ing at the intermediate voltage, 25 v, has produced not only the smallest causes tool wear can also impair t R process of metal removal from
rate of variation in d with feed rate, but more remarkably also the small- workpiece. The ratio of metal volumes removed from tool and workpiece
est da values. The nndings of this particular machining condition are was in the range of 1 to 27%. for the present experimental combinations,
which is almost double EDM rates but with much higher feed rates.

,,oL =. I

20 -0-
25 -A-
30 -.-
Ymlnly E E U

100 I
30 60 9.0 12.0 15.0 18.0 3.0 6.0 9.0 12.0 15.0 18.0

Tool lsed rate (mmlmh.) Tool l e e d r a t e (mmlmin.)

Fig.4 Variation in die-average diameter with tool feed Fig4 Variation in Smrr with tool feed-rate for three
in different voltages. voltages.

reproduced in Fig.5 with an extra coordinate, the current density j, for The exponent of average volta e in eq.(9) can be seen to be less than unity
further explanations. The two (or double) sided Overcut in die diameter which implies that at hi er vafues of this variables the rate of rise in smrr
is shown to diminish with higher feed rates, so does the current density. will be smaller; Fig.7 sl%s a verification for this condition if comparin
This last parameter is calculated merely from Faraday's principle of elec- the ordinates S1 and S2 The reduced efficien in ECD component wit!
trol is, q.(3), while the experimentalvalues are for the combined ECD
EEG components. Hence, the values of current densi are interpreted to
- increased average volta e could be the reason.% this case the hi h levels
of volta e have exertecf lower current densit and smaller die iameter
account for EEM effect in current density rating% her than these
common1 known for ECD in comparable conditions. %he j values are
(Table with a greater contribution of EEdaction. The 3-D represen-
tation in Fig.7 shows assessment for variation in power utilization factor
shown in biQ to be considerably high in lower feed rates (in the range 3 (puf) when machining at the minimum and maximum feed rates 3 and 18
to 6 mm/nun), a discrepancy which could be attributed on one side to the mm/min. The smaller feed rate has shown a sip.ticant drop in puf with
electrochemical reactions at higher feed rates (which is usual1 accompa- increased volt e, almost one-half of its ori ina high value. This behav-
nied with smaller frontal gaps), with a ibility of changing irom active ior is attribut3, as pointed out before, to efectrolyticreactions like1 to
to transpassive dissolution modes. E h e other side, the incredibl occur with hi her voltages which favour EEM at the expense of EED.
condensed current densities in EEM lasma channels over infinitely s m d
times can not be measured provirfed provisions. Later discussions on
surface integrity will explain t ese effects further.
The plot for kigher feed rate, 18 mm/min, su ports this claim since it
showed little variation in puf due to prevailing E&Maction.

20 2s 30
Feed r a t e . F(mmlm1n.) Average voltage. V(v)

Fig.5 Effect of tool feed-rate on current densi Fig.7 3-D representation of relationshi of Smrr. puf
die-averagediameter with average voltage %Yd and average voltage at lowest anJhighest feed-

The variant behavior of smrr and puf parameters can be justified by the
difficultiesarising in unaerstanding the way by which machirung power is
consumed in high rates of electrolysis and erosion machining [12,13].
This phenomenon is particularly pronounced in situations whereby the
effects arising from several gap variables may act adversely, as is the case
for EEDM components.
The last column in Table 1 lists values of the die-shapin factor (dsf) as
calculated by e (8). Ap arently there is a decrease in dsf with increased
feed rate, for a%levels ofmachiningvoltage. As indicated before, the dsf
reflects, to some extent, the de ree of conicity in cylindrical shape as-
sumed for die. Such a IindriJ shape is subjected to a widening effect
by stray ECD of the hi&y g r d electrolyte at exit end (top side) of
the die. Concurrently the E action continues worhng mainly at the
frontal machining zone that always corresponds to die bottom; Fig.2. The
machiningat intermediate avera e voltage, 25 v,. seems to have been
optimum wth all combinationsof (ed rate of since it yielded the smallest
dsf value. Fig.8 demonstrates this criterion for a typical feed rate 12
mm/min. The other feed rates have shown a similar trend. At 25 average

= 18.0

5 15.0


t- 6.0


0 .o

Fig3 Variation in dsf with average voltage and opti-

mum feed-rate of 12 mm/min. Fig.9 Optical microsco sections at die entrance (a),
midheight (b). an!central bottom (c).

voltage there was probably a good balance between factors leading to side struck along side walls of die and produce mat-cratered surface at the
machining and those workin at the frontal gap. Since the former is frontal gap zone.
mainly due to ECD stray mackning, the passive layer covering the side
walls of die tends to transform into a trans assive one in that particular At the ent top of die between dl and d2. as shown in Fig.2, a rounded
high volta e. The concentration of electric ields in the frontal gap in this filleted sugce eusted for all s imens wth fillet radius of typically 0.7
case will [ecome moderate enough so that a stead course of erosion to 1.1 mm. The early dam e E r f a c e layer by EEM when tool starts to
(mainly by spark pulses) is takin place locally. d e study of surface penetrate throu h blank su3ace is gradually recessed by prolonged ECD
inte ri in next section can elucidate the surfaces conditioned by ECD stray action. Tfw second section exhibited a constantly tapered shape
andkE% actions for this particular machining condition. (hei ht d2-d or L). The value of that taper is given by dsf parameter in
Tabke 1 andran ed between 0.05 and 0.19 mm/mm. This range of die
It might have been realized that puf and dsf can be expressed in terms of taper b E E D d is of a value between the wider ECM ran e and the
feed rate and voltage by power relationshipssimilar to that developed for closer ELM range in comparable current density and power!evels. By
smrr,eq.(9). Both parameters, however, have shown ele ant and clear now the white dama ed layer (also called the recast layer), normally
relationshipswith the input governing variablesas discussetabove. caused by EEM metafmeltingand redepositingon the surface, would start
to appear alon the die sides. The thickness of that layer is consistently
decreasing in tfe direction of electrolyte u stream owing to the continu-
for arts roduced by EEDM should include a study of ous attack by ECD. this last action in NaC& has also caused high pittin
the metallur 'cal an!mecl!anical alternations that ma occur in the sur-
face layers. f!he combinationof ECD and EEM in EEJM roduces inter-
to the overall die surface. The thickness of white layer ran ed between
and 130pm, and shown to be dependent upon the tool feed rate and to a
insic effects on machining products, surface roughness, sfape geometry lesser extent the applied voltage. Finally, the die bottom section had
and subsurface la ers. The procedure used to investigate the surface integ- shown relative1 thicker damaged layer because of concentrated EEM
ri is similar to tiat used to analyse the drilling of heat-resistant alloys by action in frontalgap. The layer thickness 'umped to a range of 8 to 280
EzAM process [15]. pm for machining respectively at average vojtage 30v-feed rate 3 mm/min
as well as average vo tap 20 v-feed rate 18 mmlmin. The heat affected-
Metal hydroxide and spherical droplets of oxidised metal were found in zone thickness was shallowest (140pm) at the former condition and
the s ent NaCl electrolyte. These residues are respectively indicatives
of E8D and EE components. The molten craters on workpiece surface,
formed by severe thermal erosion pulses, are quenched very rapid1 in the
deepest (288 pm) in the latter condition. Fig.9 shows an exam le of o tical
microscopy sections at entry (a), midheight (b) and central bttom fc) of
die surface.
surroundingcold electrolyte. The surface and subsurface layers widquick-
I undergo metallurgical phase. transformations.Hollow metallic heroids Microcracks and macrocracks were also observed in the white layer, occa-
&med by the ejected molten metal are suspended in the liquid.%e size sionally extended to the annealed sub la er. Most of the microcracks were
of these spheroids was between 5 and 310 pm compared with 1-210pm for dissolved b ECD action and some of x e macrocracks withstood dissolv-
EDM s heroids. Fiercer thermal erosion pulses in EEDM are the reason ing especia$ at highest level of feed rate and applied voltage. The itted
for the rarger size of spheroids. surface of die by selective ECD action is shown in Fi .lo(a) whicl was
repeated1 observed over the surface sides. Fig.lO(bf shows the white
The mode of metal removal by ECD is known to be function of the kind of damaged rayer by EED action at the die bottom section, with clear cracks
surface films formed at anodic surface that could be active, selective, of the micro and macro sizes.

The EEM pulses act selectively too over the workpiece surface. Metal is
removed from die stock by preferential erosion process which means that Fig.10 Pitted surface b ECD at die side walls (a) and
nearest peaks between tool and workpiece are machined first. The white damagellayer with micro and macro
randomly located erosion pulses would rupture the anodic passive film if crach(b).

g- by EEDM process of 316 Stainless Steel alloy is ffasible [I4] Bartel. E. and Hockenberry, T., The Arc Phenomenon in Electri-
cal Discharge Machining and its Effects on the Machining
regarding metal removal rate, dimensional tolerances and surface integn- Process"., Conf. of Methods of Machining, Forming and Coating,
ty. Metal removal rate is considerably higher than pure ECM and EDM IEE, 18-20Nov., 125-131,(1975).
processes, dimensional tolerances are controllable than ECM and com-
arable with EDM, and the sulfa? integrity reflects ECM-EDM effects.
h g h sinking (feed) rates were obtamable in the range of 3 to 18 m / + n [I51 A Private Report to the Rolls Royce Ltd, Bristol, No.~p1-85,
when machining wth pulsed DC voltage of average value 20 to 30 v and in (1981).
120 g/1 NaC103 electrolyte. The limits of machining parameters de-
veloped from experimental data for e iven settings are: the specific
metal removal r3te: 8.17 - 58.84 mrn9/&, the power utilization factor
24.60 - 78.00 mm /KJ,and the die-shaping factor 0.05 - 0.19 mm/mm.
The effect of increasin tool feed rate on these machining parameters was
positvel proportionat except for the last parameter. Average applied
voltage {as shown effects inferior to feed rate but still pro rtional to the
first two arameters and developed optimum conditions
factor at v.
Cr die-shaping

A power equation was developed for relating the specific metal removal
rate and machine governing variables, the feed rate and average voltage.
Surface pitting b ECD action and heat-affected zone, with micro and
macrocralts, by E i M action were found on surface. and subsurface layers.

The experimental facilities and funds that made available by the Depart-
ment of Production Engineering of Alexandria University were essential
for corn letion of this work. Thanks are due to Professor A.E. A-Ashram,
Head oPthe Department. Many thanks are also due to Professor S.M.
Soliman for helpful discussions and to Professor H.A. Awad for sincere

Append* (A)
The chemical composition and electrochemical properties of 316 St/St
were as follows [7].

Element % Atomic Weight Assumed valency Chemical

(Other valency) Equivalent
Pe 66 55.85 27.93
Cr 17 51.99 17.34
Ni 12 58.71 29.36
MO 03 95.94 31.98
Mn 02 54.94 27.47
The electrochemicalequivalent of alloy is 27 x g/C.
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