Tesla Coil Project
Tesla Coil Project
Tesla Coil Project
Ramos, Justin
Rabaya, Janray
Leslie, Jaime
Manay, Janray
Proposed Topic:
Tesla Coil
Additional Features:
Wireless electricity lighting up the bulb without physical contact with electricity
Electromagnetics Relationship:
Magnetic Fields
Magnetic Induction
Resonant Circuit
A Tesla coil is an electrical resonant transformer circuit invented by Nikola Tesla around
1891. It is used to produce high-voltage, low-current, high frequency, alternating-current
electricity. Tesla experimented with a number of different configurations consisting of
two, or sometimes three, coupled resonant electric circuits.
Tesla developed the coil in 1891, before conventional iron-core transformers were used
to power things like lighting systems and telephone circuits. These conventional
transformers can't withstand the high frequency and high voltage that the looser coils in
Tesla's invention can tolerate. The concept behind the coil is actually fairly simple and
makes use of electromagnetic force and resonance. Employing copper wire and glass
bottles, an amateur electrician can build a Tesla coil that can produce a quarter of a
million volts.
Constant current makes a static magnetic field but when we apply changing current
through the wire, this tells us that the magnetic field changing in time induces a voltage across
the wire proportional to the rate of change of the magnetic field which is called Faraday’s law of
Resonant Circuit
A resonant circuit is like a tuning fork: it has a very strong amplitude response at one
particular frequency, called the resonant or natural frequency. In the case of the tuning fork,
the tines vibrate strongly when excited at a frequency determined by its dimensions and the
material properties. A resonant circuit achieves the highest voltages when driven at its natural
frequency, which is determined by the value of its components. Resonant circuits use
capacitors and inductors, and therefore are also known as LC circuits. They are also known
as “tank circuits,” because of the energy storage elements present.
Capacitors store energy in the form of an electric field between
two plates separated by an insulator, known as a dielectric. The size of
the capacitor is dependent upon the size of the plates, the distance
between them, and the properties of the dielectric.
Inductors store energy in the form of a magnetic field around a
wire, or in the middle of a loop of wire.
The resonant frequency of an LC circuit, or the frequency at which the energy cycles
between the capacitor and inductor as described above, is:
Spark Gap
Spark gap is used as a switch to
momentarily connect the primary capacitor
to the primary coil. When the gap is shorted
the cap is allowed to discharge into the coil.
Primary Coil
Primary coil is used with the primary capacitor to create the primary
LC tank circuit. The Primary coil also couples to the secondary coil
to transfer power from the primary to the secondary circuit.
Secondary Coil
Secondary coil and the top load create the secondary LC tank
circuit. The secondary coil also couples to the primary coil and
transfers power from the primary circuit to the secondary circuit.
Top Load
Top load acts as a capacitor in the secondary circuit
F = frequency in hertz
L = inductance in henrys
C = capacitance in farads
Spiral Coil Inductance
T = AH
Capacitance Inductance
J = 0.5 V2 C J = 0.5 I2 L
Engineering Electromagnetics 8th edition by Hayt