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Aris Wahyu Kuncoro

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Aris Wahyu Kuncoro

Lecture at Management Universitas Budi Luhur
Jakarta, Indonesia


This study aims to see how the application of laws and berneish Benford models in the analysis of
corporate financial statements. The author uses data PT Pertamina's financial statements for the fiscal year
ending in 2010-2015. From the results of that is done there is that the model Benford law and berneish
score biased in use as tools in predicting bankruptcy within the company.

Keywords: Benford law, berneish, financial analysis, PT Pertamina.


Seeing the flashbacks on October 21, 1986 on a newspaper page New York Times, writing about Enron
company survived and managed to hit as well as to repurchase shares in the number of large blocks at a
premium price. On the other side of the disaster was sweeping the Peruvian government, are in the
process of nationalization of gas pipeline Enron and added the situation with Enron who suffered losses
from trading activities of oil or rather leading to speculation that the oil company is destined to go
bankrupt. According to Mark Palmer Vice President Corporate Communications Enron Corp., "In the
years 1986-1987 Enron corp are in a very difficult situation and almost declared bankruptcy in 1988.
With the establishment of new companies in 1985 to create Enron Corporation, which is a combination of
Houston Gas and Inter North Inc. With the establishment of the new company by Kenneth Lay, Enron
Corp. suffered losses reached $ 15 million, so that Jacobs and Leucadia National Corporation
accumulated 15% more shares of Enron Corp. that time.

Thus, indirectly, the financial dilemma at Enron Corp. began to appear. On the external side, there is good
information in the financial report on stock exchanges can be made in analysis tools. Some models are
much in use, such an objective analysis relating Altman Z Score. In this study the authors tried to use
another analyzer that is considered able to provide advice and additional information from the Enron case
with the case of one of the oil companies in Indonesia such as PT Pertamina. In completing this case
study examples, the author uses financial analysis tools are very simple Benford's Law and Beneish M


In Suntherland Edwin (1949), Cressey (1972), Wells, (2007) Coburn, (2006); Sitorus and Scott, 2009;
Brody (2010) explains that a fraud in the financial statements can be regarded as a pervasive business
risk business activities, and risk of loss are deeply embedded in the company's business. Many
companies are less once respond to events as mentioned, when I have a lot of analysis model was
developed to respond to it. Several strategies have been widely present fraud detection, although some of
the literature is based on a study done in the earliest as well. So the literary works and current issues
related to fraud detection in the financial statements of Suntherland inspired research.

Afterwards proceed by other well-known names such as Altman, Beneish and others. In a study done by
the Suntherland coined the term 'white collar crimes' described in the company means that individuals
who committed crimes in corporations, and individuals acting in the capacity of the company where he
works. But now the term has become more frequent in the hearing with the financial or economic crimes.
The emergence of the theory of the association that has been proposed by Suntherland work related to
the perpetrator or a dishonest employees, which in turn will infect the corporation indirectly. Their
behavior indirectly in terms verbalizations situation that allows the actors to adjust conception of the
case, in which the perpetrators generally are as a person in trust with the conception they hold
themselves, and in general the perpetrators are the users of funds entrusted or property in a analytical
discourse. If interpreted fraud in a more general sense means an action or activity that is done
intentionally, that is in essence to benefit personally and can damage another individual, whereas
corporate fraud can be described as an activity or action undertaken by the corporation with involves the
deliberate dishonesty, to deceive stakeholders, shareholders, and usually result in financial rewards to
those who do.


According to the authors know and understand exactly on the information contained in the financial
statements is a very important asset for an interest in it. Although in Zahra, Priem and Rasheed (2005)
describes how the parties are clearly committed fraud in financial reporting, and can effect significant
information to stakeholders and shareholders. From the authors were motivated to carry out the study
using simple tools of analysis of the financial statements that Benford's Law and Berneish M Score. So
that could provide an explanation for the two characteristics that can provide evidence on the relevance of
the objectives of this study. The first characteristic is based on the model studies on the proposal by
Glover, Prawitt, Schultz & Zimbelman, (2003), Asare & Wright (2004), Wilks & Zimbelman, (2004a),
Wilks & Zimbelman, (2004b), Carpenter, ( 2007), Green & Choi, (1997), Kaminski, Wetzel & Guan,
(2004), Beneish, (1999) and Durtschi, Hillison & Pacini, (2004), which in their study on the methodology
used to gain insight in the possibilities the occurrence of a fraud in the financial statements that are

The second characteristic is based to a study done by (Beasley, 1996), Dechow, Sloan and Sweeney,
(1996), Beneish, (1999), Harris & Bromiley (2007), Skousen & Wright (2008), Jones, Krishnan &
Melendrez, (2008), Brazel, Jones & Zimbelman, (2009), Armstrong, Jagolinzer & Larcker, (2010) and
Hribar, Kravet & Wilson, (2010) which explains that the analyzer's financial statements is one type of
information used in making and take a decision. If we see that the research method used was the deciding
factor in the type of information used. So the authors justify the study models of Cressey, (1973) which
uses the analyzer as a mechanism to see if fraud and error in financial reporting information that is given.
Each tool certainly has its benefits and advantages. But this can not be separated from the deliberations
and decisions that will be taken to achieve maximum results. For this reason, the author aims to contribute
to the research, particularly with regard to decision aids generally applicable based on the model of
financial analysis.

In the analysis has been widely developed various models as a tool to support an information, one
Benford's Law and Beneish M Score. However, some arguments to assume that the analysis model used
by the authors in this study, can benefit and expand research on information that ultimately can reduce the
error information to be conveyed. Based on the writer's argument, so in this study the authors construct a
hypothesis as follows:

H0: In this study, the authors establish the hypothesis accept H0, if the figures obtained from the analysis
of models of Benford's Law can support the results of the analysis information generated numbers in the
model Beneish M Score.


Data and Time Research

The data used by the authors in this study, using financial statement data PT Pertamina for the period year
ended 2010-2015. Data in the can by the author by means of downloading on the website of PT Pertamina
Indonesia. Data once in the can, first in though to make it as a method of analysis with Benford's Law and
Berneish M Score. The study was done by the author at the time of the month from October 2016.

Research methods

In this study the authors used two financial statements analysis tools are:
1.Benford Law
Stages or steps to the data analysis performed by the authors is as follows:
1. Analyze "Benford Analysis" by way of the Tools menu to open the tool.
2. Create a Table in a way Click the Browse button to see the project on the computer and select the
table you want in the analysis.
3. When finished select the column name from the drop-down menu. After that the data contained in the
column will be analyzed to determine the distribution of first digits.
4. Model the analysis following the model of Myagkov, et, al. (2009).

2.Beneish M-Score Model

Is Professor Bene-ish-Messod that make the equation resembles the Altman Z score, but the equation
model is expected to be able to detect the occurrence of earnings manipulation in the financial statements.

M-score calculation (8-variable model):

M = -4.84 + 0.92*DSRI + 0.528*GMI + 0.404*AQI + 0.892*SGI + 0.115*DEPI –

– 0.172*SGAI + 4.679*TATA – 0.327*LVGI (1)

The following variables are employed:

1.DSRI - Days' sales in receivable index in the t and t-1 period.

2.GMI - Gross margin index as the ratio of gross margin and sales in
the t and 3.t-1. 3.AQI - Asset quality index.
4.SGI - Sales growth index.
5.DEPI - Depreciation index.
6.SGAI - Sales and general and administrative expenses index.
7.LVGI - Leverage index of total debts to total assets in the t and t-1.
8. TATA - Total accruals to total assets in the t-period.
In Beneish (2001) explains that the value of the M-score of less than -2.22 indicated that the company
does not manipulate its financial statements if the M-score greater than -2.22 This gives a signal that in
the financial statements of companies going manipulation.

Table 1 Beneish M-Score Model for years 1 and 2

Options for 1st - 2nd year M-Score Result

Option A -0.83 High risk in 1st year

· C -2.26 Low risk in 1st year
Sumber : Berneish M-Score (2001)

Table 1 shows the number of Beneish M-Score of -0.83 that is higher than -2.2, which is defined by the model for
risk assessment. M-Score for A options and one year (accounting period) so that a positive detection of high risk of
manipulation of financial statements. Beneish reported a lower risk of manipulation of financial statements. M-
score of -2.26 is less than the threshold value of -2.2. M-Score detect positive creative accounting method (window
dressing and fraud) that distorts the true and fair view of accounting in the choice of case studies.


Here are the results in the research of PT Pertamina's financial statements for the year ended in 2010-
2015 with analysis model Benford models.

Table 2 Results of the analysis of the first digit of the financial untuklaporan PT Pertamina 2010-2015
2015 Diff 2014 Diff 2013 Diff 2012 Diff 2011 Diff 2010 Diff

3.23% 4.49% -7.37% 1.73% -1.10% -1.10%

1.79% 1.04% 4.42% -1.19% 0.72% 0.72%
-5.03% -0.63% -5.71% -3.54% 2.51% 2.51%
-0.74% -2.91% 5.56% 6.73% -6.36% -6.36%
2.53% -4.53% 0.56% -3.44% -6.25% -6.25%
-5.20% 0.08% -1.61% 0.77% 8.31% 8.31%
-1.62% 2.38% -1.01% -0.13% 2.23% 2.23%
1.16% -3.12% -3.12% -1.83% -1.48% -1.48%
2.89% 2.20% 7.29% -0.10% 0.42% 0.42%
Sources in if the author

And following the results of the analysis of financial statements of PT Pertamina for the year ending in
the year 2010-2014 with benesih m score models.

Table 2 Results Beneish m score for the financial statements of PT Pertamina 2010-2014
2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
-1.76 -2.95 -3.17 -2.99 2.24
5 variable model
-1.25 -2.40 -2.61 -2.55 3.06
8 variable model
Sumber di olah oleh penulis

Seen in table 2 above analysis results of legal Benford showed good results, away from the numbers
specified for the threshold error in the financial statements.


In conclusion, risk models and financial fraud were used in this analysis demonstrate the potential to
develop the monitoring of effective risk management and corporate governance more powerful to
improve the relationship between management, financial reporting, and the stability of the economic
system in crisis and post-crisis shows that reports PT Pertamina finance seems to be in the same financial
position or slightly stronger. Because of Benford analysis and Beneish m score to the same conclusion,
are in a good position.


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