David Stetler Believes Often Companies
David Stetler Believes Often Companies
David Stetler Believes Often Companies
1. Do you believe that whistle-blowing is good for organizations and its members, or is
it, as David Stetler believes, often a means to extort financial gains from companies?
The reason was for his innocence is there were 500 boxes
of evidence and the case settled. In addition, it cost TAP
over 1 billion dollars of legal fees to clear them of all
wrongdoing. David Stetler's, job as a defense attorney is
to defend whether the defendant is right or wrong.
3. When frivolous lawsuits occur, how might these cases affect future whistle-blowers
who have a valid legal claim against their company? Would they be more or less likely
to come forward? How might their claims be evaluated? What should companies and
the government do to prevent frivolous lawsuits?
4. Do you believe that employees of a company have an ethical obligation to first attempt
to report wrong-doing to members of the company itself, or should they go straight to the
authorities when they suspect illegal activity? What are some advantages and
disadvantages of both actions?.