11obdg01 Hybrid Diagnostics
11obdg01 Hybrid Diagnostics
11obdg01 Hybrid Diagnostics
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11 OBDG01 HYBRID Diagnostics 1 OF 12 SECTIONS
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Intake P0010 Detects a VVT The ECM detects System supply > 11 Volts 20 failures out Trips 2
Camshaft system error by that the voltage is of 25 samples B Type
Actuator monitoring the commanded state within limits
Solenoid circuit for of the driver and the Output driver is 250 ms /sample,
Circuit – Bank electrical integrity actual state of the commanded on, continuous
1 control circuit do not Ignition switch is
match. in crank or run
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Intake P0011 Detects a VVT Camshaft position (Intake cam DTC’s are NOT System Voltage > 135 failures out Trips 2
Camshaft system error by error [absolute Bank 1)Cam active: 11 Volts, of 150 samples B Type
System comparing the value of (desired Position Error > P0010 IntkCMP
Performance desired and position - actual KtPHSD_phi_C B1 Circuit Both Desired &
– Bank 1 actual cam position)] is amPosErrorLim Measured cam
positions when compared to Ic1 Deg (see IntakeCamSenso positions cannot be
VVT is activated thresholds to Supporting rTFTKO <
determine if Table) KtPHSD_phi_CamP
excessive CrankSensorTFT osErrorLimIc1 or >
KO than (29.0 -
CrankIntakeCam osErrorLimIc1).
Desired cam
position cannot vary
more than 3.0 Cam
Deg for at least
seconds (see
Supporting Tables)
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Engine is running 100 ms /sample
VVT is enabled
Desired camshaft
position > 0
Power Take Off
(PTO) not active
Exhaust P0013 Detects a VVT The ECM detects System supply > 11 Volts 20 failures out
Camshaft system error by that the voltage is of 25 samples
Actuator monitoring the commanded state within limits
Solenoid circuit for of the driver and the
Circuit – Bank electrical integrity actual state of the
1 control circuit do not Trips 2
match. B Type
Output driver is 250 ms /sample,
commanded on, continuous
Ignition switch is
in crank or run
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Exhaust P0014 Detects a VVT Camshaft position (Exhaust cam DTC’s are NOT System Voltage > 135 failures out Trips 2
Camshaft system error by error [absolute Bank 1)Cam active: 11 Volts, of 150 samples B Type
System comparing the value of (desired Position Error > P0013 IntkCMP
Performance desired and position - actual KtPHSD_phi_C B1 Circuit Both Desired &
– Bank 1 actual cam position)] is amPosErrorLim Measured cam
positions when compared to Ec1 Deg (see ExhaustCamSen positions cannot be
VVT is activated thresholds to Supporting sorTFTKO <
determine if Table) KtPHSD_phi_CamP
excessive CrankSensorTFT osErrorLimEc1 or >
KO than (Exh23.5 -
CrankExhaustCa osErrorLimEc1).
Desired cam
position cannot vary
more than 3.0 Cam
Deg for at least
seconds (see
Supporting Tables)
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Engine is running 100 ms /sample
VVT is enabled
Desired camshaft
position > 0
Power Take Off
(PTO) not active
Crankshaft P0016 Detects cam to 4 cam sensor Crankshaft and 2 failures out of Type B
Position crank pulses more than - camshaft position 3 tests. A failed 2 trips
(CKP)- misalignment by 10 crank degrees signals are test is 4 failures
Camshaft monitoring if cam before or 10 crank synchronized out of 5
Position sensor pulse for degrees after samples. There
(CMP) bank 1 sensor A nominal position in is a delay after
Correlation occurs during the one cam revolution. Engine is the first failed
Bank 1 incorrect crank Spinning test to allow the
Sensor A position camshaft
Cam phaser is in position to
"parked" position return to the
park position.
This time is
No Active DTCs: P0335, P0336 defined by the
P0340, P0341 table "Cam
5VoltReferenceA_F Correlation Oil
A Temperature
5VoltReferenceB_F Threshold".
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Crankshaft P0017 Detects cam to 4 cam sensor Crankshaft and 2 failures out of Type B
Position crank pulses more than - camshaft position 3 tests. A failed 2 trips
(CKP)- misalignment by 10 crank degrees signals are test is 4 failures
Camshaft monitoring if cam before or 10 crank synchronized out of 5
Position sensor pulse for degrees after samples. There
(CMP) bank 1 sensor B nominal position in is a delay after
Correlation occurs during the one cam revolution. Engine is the first failed
Bank 1 incorrect crank Spinning test to allow the
Sensor B position camshaft
Cam phaser is in position to
"parked" position return to the
park position.
This time is
No Active DTCs: P0335, P0336 defined by the
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Description y
P0365, P0366 table "Cam
5VoltReferenceA_F Correlation Oil
A Temperature
5VoltReferenceB_F Threshold".
O2S Heater P0030 This DTC checks Voltage low during Ignition = Crank or Run 20 failures out 2 trips
Control Circuit the Heater driver open state of 25 samples Type B
Bank 1 Output Driver (indicates short-to- Ignition Voltage > 11.0 volts
Sensor 1 circuit for ground or open Engine Speed > 400 RPM 250 ms / sample
electrical circuit) or voltage
integrity. high during driver
closed state Continuous
(indicates short to
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
O2S Heater P0036 This DTC checks Voltage low during Ignition = Crank or Run 20 failures out 2 trips
Control Circuit the Heater driver open state of 25 samples Type B
Bank 1 Output Driver (indicates short-to- Ignition Voltage > 11.0 volts
Sensor 2 circuit for ground or open Engine Speed > 400 RPM 250 ms / sample
electrical circuit) or voltage
integrity. high during driver
closed state Continuous
(indicates short to
HO2S Heater P0053 Detects an Heater Resistance No Active DTC's ECT_Sensor_FA Once per valid 2 trips
Resistance oxygen sensor outside of the P2610 cold start Type B
Bank 1 heater having an expected range of 7.0 < < 13.0 IAT_SensorFA
Sensor 1 incorrect or out Coolant – IAT < 8.0 ºC
of range Engine Soak
resistance value. Time > 28800 seconds
Coolant Temp -30.0 < ºC < 45.0
Ignition Voltage < 32.0 volts
Engine Run time < 0.275 seconds
HO2S Heater P0054 Detects an Heater Resistance No Active DTC's ECT_Sensor_FA Once per valid 2 trips
Resistance oxygen sensor outside of the P2610 cold start Type B
Bank 1 heater having an expected range of 7.0 < < 13.0 IAT_SensorFA
Sensor 2 incorrect or out Coolant – IAT < 8.0 ºC
of range Engine Soak
resistance value. Time > 28800 seconds
Coolant Temp -30.0 < ºC < 45.0
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Ignition Voltage < 32.0 volts
Engine Run time < 0.275 seconds
Radiator P00B3 This DTC RCT Resistance < 34 Ohms Engine run time > 10.0 seconds 5 failures out of 2 trips
Coolant Temp detects a short to (@ 150ºC) Or 10 samples Type B
Sensor Circuit ground in the IAT min 70.3 °C
Low Voltage RCT signal 1 sec/ sample
circuit or the
RCT sensor.
Radiator P00B4 Circuit Continuity RCT Resistance > 260000 Engine run time > 60.0 seconds 5 failures out of 2 trips
Coolant Temp This DTC (@ -60ºC) Ohms Or 10 samples Type B
Sensor Circuit detects a short to IAT min -7.0 °C
High Voltage high or open in 1 sec/ sample
the RCT signal
circuit or the
RCT sensor. Continuous
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
been detected.
Block Heater detection is enabled
3) ECT at power up when either of the following
> IAT at power up 1) ECT at power
by 20.0 C and the up > IAT at power
time spent cranking up by > 20.0 ºC
the engine without 2) Cranking time < 1.0 Seconds
starting is greater
than 1.0 seconds Block Heater is detected and
with the diagnostic is aborted when 1) or
LowFuelConditionDi = False 2) occurs. Diagnostic is aborted
ag when 3) or 4) occurs:
1a) Vehicle drive
time > 1 Seconds with
1b) Vehicle
speed > 158.4 MPH and
1c) Additional
Vehicle drive time
is provided to 1a
when Vehicle 0.50 times the
speed is below seconds with
1b as follows: vehicle speed below
1d) IAT drops
from power up
IAT 255.0 ºC
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
2a) ECT drops
from power up
ECT > 255 ºC Within
2b) Engine run
time > 255 Seconds
3) Engine run
time with vehicle
speed below 1b > 1800 Seconds
4) Minimum IAT
during test -7.0 ºC
Engine P00B7 This DTC Engine Coolant THMR_RCT_Senso 30 failures out 2 trips
Coolant Flow detects a Temp (ECT) is No Active DTC's r_Ckt_FA of 200 samples Type B
Insufficient Insufficient Flow greater than 117 THMR_ECT_Senso
Condition (i.e.. Deg C and r_Ckt_FA
Stuck Closed Difference between Engine run time > 45 seconds
Thermostat) ECT and RCT is OR 1 sec/ sample
greater than 45 Deg Engine Coolant
C. When above is Temp > 70.0 Deg C
present for more Continuous
than 5 seconds, fail
counts start.
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Mass Air Flow P0101 Determines if the Filtered Throttle <= 125 Engine Speed >= 500 RPM Continuous Type B
System MAF sensor is Model Error kPa*(g/s) Engine Speed <= 8000 RPM 2 trips
Performance stuck within the AND Coolant Temp >= -7 Deg C Calculation are
normal operating ABS(Measured Coolant Temp <= 125 Deg C performed every
range Flow – Modeled Air Intake Air Temp >= -20 Deg C 12.5 msec
Flow) Filtered > 10 grams/sec Intake Air Temp <= 125 Deg C
AND Minimum total
ABS(Measured weight factor (all
MAP – MAP Model factors multiplied
2) Filtered > 20.0 kPa together)
>= 0.25
Filtered Throttle
Model Error
multiplied by TPS
Residual Weight
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Residual Weight
Factor based on
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Mass Air Flow P0103 Detects a high MAF Output >= 14500 Hertz Engine Run Time > 1.0 seconds 200 failures out Type B
Sensor Circuit frequency output of 250 samples 2 trips
High from the MAF (108 gm/sec) Engine Speed >= 300 RPM
Frequency sensor Ignition Voltage >= 10.0 Volts
Above criteria 1 sample every
present for a cylinder firing
period of time >= 1.0 seconds event
Manifold P0106 Determines if the Filtered Throttle <= 125 Engine Speed >= 500 RPM Continuous Type B
Absolute MAP sensor is Model Error kPa*(g/s) Engine Speed <= 8000 RPM 2 trips
Pressure stuck within the AND Coolant Temp >= -7 Deg C Calculations are
Sensor normal operating ABS(Measured Coolant Temp <= 125 Deg C performed every
Performance range MAP – MAP Model Intake Air Temp >= -20 Deg C 12.5 msec
1) Filtered > 20.0 kPa Intake Air Temp <= 125 Deg C
AND Minimum total
ABS(Measured weight factor (all
MAP – MAP Model factors multiplied
2) Filtered > 20.0 kPa together)
>= 0.25
Filtered Throttle
Model Error
multiplied by TPS
Residual Weight
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Residual Weight
Factor based on
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Manifold Pressure < 50.0 kPa Time between 4 failures out of
OR current ignition 5 samples
Manifold Pressure > 115.0 kPa cycle and the last
time the engine 1 sample every
was running 12.5 msec
> 8.0 seconds
Engine is not
Manifold P0108 Detects an open MAP Voltage > 90.0 % of 5 Continuous 320 failures out Type B
Absolute sensor ground or Volt Range (4.5 of 400 samples 2 trips
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Pressure continuous short Volts = 115.0
Sensor Circuit to high in either kPa)
High the signal circuit 1 sample every
or the MAP 12.5 msec
Intake Air P0111 Detects an IAT ABS(Power Up IAT - Time between Executes once Type B
Temperature sensor that has Power Up ECT) > 40 deg C current ignition at the beginning 2 trips
Sensor Circuit stuck in range by cycle and the last of each ignition
Performance comparing to time the engine cycle if enable
engine coolant was running conditions are
temperature at met
> 28800 seconds
Power Up ECT < 60 deg C
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Intake Air P0113 Detects a Raw IAT Input > 126840 Engine Run Time > 0.0 seconds 40 failures out Type B
Temperature continuous open Ohms of 50 samples 2 trips
Sensor Circuit circuit in the IAT (~-60 deg C)
High (Low signal circuit or 1 sample every
Temperature) the IAT sensor 100 msec
Intake Air P0114 Detects a noisy String Length > 125 DegC Continuous 4 failures out of Type B
Temperature or erratic IAT 5 samples 2 trips
Sensor signal circuit or Where:
Intermittent In- IAT sensor "String Length" =
Range sum of "Diff"
calculated over 10 consecutive
IAT samples
And where:
"Diff" = ABS(current
IAT reading - IAT
reading from 100
Engine P0116 This DTC A failure will be No Active DTC's VehicleSpeedSensor 1 failure 2 trips
Coolant detects ECT reported if any of IAT_SensorFA Type B
Temperature temp sensor the following occur: ECT_Sensor_Ckt_FA500 msec/
(ECT) Sensor stuck in mid IgnitionOffTimeVali sample
Performance range. d
1) ECT at power up See "P0116: TimeSinceEngineR
> IAT at power up Fail if power up unningValid
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
by an IAT based ECT exceeds Non-volatile Once per valid
table lookup value IAT by these memory = Not occurred cold start
after a minimum values" in the Test complete
this trip = False
28800 second soak Supporting
Test aborted this
(fast fail). tables section
trip = False
IAT -7 ºC
2) ECT at power up LowFuelConditio
> IAT at power up n = False
by 20.0 C after a
minimum 28800 Block Heater detection is enabled
second soak and a when either of the following
block heater has not 1) ECT at power
been detected. up > IAT at power
up by > 20.0 ºC
3) ECT at power up 2) Cranking time < 0.0 Seconds
> IAT at power up
by 20.0 C after a Block Heater is detected and
minimum 28800 diagnostic is aborted when 1) or 2)
seconds soak and occurs. Diagnostic is aborted when
the time spent or 4) occurs:
cranking the engine 1a) Vehicle drive
without starting is time > 400 Seconds with
greater than 0.0
1b) Vehicle
seconds with the
speed > 158.4 MPH
= False 1c) Additional
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Vehicle drive time
is provided to 1a
when Vehicle 0.50 times the
speed is below seconds with
1b as follows: vehicle speed below
1d) IAT drops
from power up
IAT 255.0 ºC
2a) ECT drops
from power up
ECT 255 ºC Within
2b) Engine run
time 65535 Seconds
3) Engine run
time with vehicle
speed below 1b > 1800 Seconds
4) Minimum IAT
during test -7 ºC
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
circuit or the
ECT sensor. Continuous
Engine P0118 Circuit Continuity ECT Resistance (@ > 260000 Engine run time > 10.0 seconds 5 failures out of 2 trips
Coolant Temp This DTC -60ºC) Ohms Or 6 samples Type B
Sensor Circuit detects a short to IAT min 0.0 °C
High high or open in
the ECT signal 1 sec/ sample
circuit or the
ECT sensor.
Engine P0119 Circuit Continuity ECT temperature No Active DTC's P0117 3 failures out of 2 trips
Coolant This DTC step change: P0118 4 samples Type B
Temperature detects large 1) postive step
(ECT) Sensor step changes in change is greater 1 sec/ sample
Circuit the ECT signal than high limit
Intermittent circuit or the OR
ECT sensor. 2) negitive step Continuous
Allowable high change is lower
and low limits are than low limit.
calculated for the
next sample
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
based on the
previous sample
and the time
constant of the
Throttle P0121 Determines if the Filtered Throttle Engine Speed >= 500 RPM Continuous Type B
Position Throttle Position Model Error > 125 kPa*(g/s) Engine Speed <= 8000 RPM 2 trips
Sensor Sensor input is AND Coolant Temp > -7 Deg C Calculation are
Performance stuck within the ABS(Measured Coolant Temp < 125 Deg C performed every
normal operating Flow – Modeled Air Intake Air Temp > -20 Deg C 12.5 msec
range Flow) Filtered > 10 grams/sec Intake Air Temp < 125 Deg C
AND Minimum total
ABS(Measured weight factor (all
MAP – MAP Model factors multiplied
2) Filtered <= 20.0 kPa together)
>= 0.25
Filtered Throttle
Model Error
multiplied by TPS
Residual Weight
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
No 5V reference
error or fault for # 4
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
5V reference circuit
TPS1 Circuit P0123 Detects a TPS1 Voltage > 4.75 Run/Crank voltage 639/1279 Trips:
High continuous or > 6.41 counts; 153 1
intermittent short counts Type:
or open in TPS1 continuous; A
circuit 3.125 ms /count MIL:
in the ECM YES
main processor
No 5V reference
error or fault for # 4
5V reference circuit
Engine P0128 This DTC Engine run time is See “P0128: No Active DTC's MAF_SensorFA 1 failure to set 2 trips
Coolant detects if the accumulated when Maximum IAT_SensorFA DTC Type B
Temperature engine coolant airflow is 1 grams Accumulated THMR_RCT_Senso
Below Stat temperature per sec during Time for IAT r_Ckt_FA
Regulating rises too slowly Range #1 or #2: and Start-up THMR_ECT_Senso
Temperature due to an ECT or ECT conditions“ r_Ckt_FA
Cooling system in the 1 sec/ sample
fault Range #1 (Primary) Supporting
ECT reaches Engine not run
Commanded time 1800 seconds
temperature minus Engine 1 Eng Run Tme Once per
11.0 °C when IAT run time 1800 seconds ignition key
min is < 60.0°C and Fuel Condition Ethanol 86% cycle
-7.0°C. Range #1
(Primary) Test
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
ECT at start run -40.0 ECT 59.0
Range #2 °C
(Alternate) Average Airflow 1.0 gps
ECT reaches T-Stat Heater
Commanded duty commanded 10 %
temperature minus
11.0 °C when IAT Not used in this
min is < -50.0°C Range #2 application
and -50.0°C. (Alternate) Test
ECT at start run -50.0 ECT -50.0
Average Airflow 1.0 gps
T-Stat Heater
duty commanded 10 %
O2S Circuit P0131 This DTC Oxygen Sensor No Active DTC's TPS_ThrottleAuthor 380 failures out 2 trips
Low Voltage determines if the Signal < 50 mVolts ityDefaulted of 475 samples Type B
Bank 1 O2 sensor circuit MAP_SensorFA
Sensor 1 is shorted to low. AIR System FA
Ethanol Frequency:
Composition Sensor Continuous in
FA 100 milli -
EvapPurgeSolenoid second loop
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
AIR intrusive test = Not active
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Equivalence 0.9912 < ratio <
Ratio 1.0400
Air Per Cylinder 50 < mgram < 500
Fuel Control
State = Closed Loop
Closed Loop
Active = TRUE
All Fuel Injectors
for active
Cylinders Enabled (On)
Fuel Condition Ethanol 87%
Fuel State DFCO not active
All of the above
met for > 5.0 seconds
O2S Circuit P0132 This DTC Oxygen Sensor 100 failures out 2 trips
High Voltage determines if the Signal > 1050 mvolts Open Test Criteria of 125 samples Type B
Bank 1 O2 sensor circuit No Active DTC's TPS_ThrottleAuthor
Sensor 1 is shorted to ityDefaulted
high. MAF_SensorFA
EthanolComposition Frequency:
Sensor_FA Continuous in
System Voltage 10.0 < Volts < 32.0 100 milli -
= All Cylinders second loop
AFM Status active
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Heater Warm-up
delay = Complete
AIR System FA
Low Fuel
Condition Diag = False
Fuel Condition 87 % Ethanol
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Initial delay after
Open Test > 45.0 seconds
Criteria met (cold when
start condition) engine soak time >
28800 seconds
Initial delay after
Open Test > 45.0 seconds
Criteria met (not when
cold start engine soak time
condition) 28800 seconds
Equivalence 0.9912 ratio
Ratio 1.0400
50.0 mgram
Air Per Cylinder 500.0
Fuel Control not = Power
State Enrichment
All of the above
met for > 5.0 seconds
O2S Slow P0133 This DTC The average No Active DTC's TPS_ThrottleAuthor Sample time is 2 trips
Response determines if the response time is ityDefaulted 60 seconds Type B
Bank 1 O2 sensor caluclated over the MAP_SensorFA
Sensor 1 response time is test time, and IAT_SensorFA
degraded. compared to the ECT_Sensor_FA Frequency:
threshold. Refer to AmbientAirDefault Once per trip
“P0133 - O2S Slow MAF_SensorFA
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Response Bank 1 EvapPurgeSolenoid
Sensor 1" Circuit_FA
Pass/Fail Threshold EvapFlowDuringNo
table in the nPurge_FA
Supporting Tables EvapVentSolenoidC
tab. ircuit_FA
AIR System FA
System Voltage 10.0 < Volts < 32.0
EGR Device
Control = Not active
Idle Device
Control = Not active
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Fuel Device
Control = Not active
AIR Device
Control = Not active
Low Fuel
Condition Diag = False
= Not Valid, See
definition of Green
Sensor Delay
Criteria (B1S1) in
Green O2S Supporting Tables
Condition tab.
O2 Heater on for 40 seconds
Learned Htr
resistance = Valid
Engine Coolant > 50 ºC
IAT > -40 ºC
Engine run
Accum > 90 seconds
Time since any
AFM status
change > 2.0 seconds
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Proportional Gain 0.0 %
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
All of the above
met for > 1.0 seconds
O2S Circuit P0134 This DTC Oxygen Sensor No Active DTC's 200 failures out 2 trips
Insufficient determines if the Signal > 1700 mvolts TPS_ThrottleAuthor of 250 samples. Type B
Activity Bank O2 sensor circuit ityDefaulted
1 Sensor 1 is open. MAF_SensorFA
EthanolComposition Frequency:
Sensor_FA Continuous
System Voltage 10.0 < Volts < 32.0
= All Cylinders
AFM Status active 100msec loop
Heater Warm-up
delay = Complete
> 5 seconds
Engine Run Time
Engine Run
Accum > 150 seconds
Fuel 87 % Ethanol
O2S Heater P0135 This DTC Heater Current 0.3 < Amps < No Active DTC's 8 failures out of 2 trips
Performance determines if the outside of the 2.5 ECT_Sensor_FA 10 samples Type B
Bank 1 O2 sensor expected range of System Voltage 10.0 < Volts < 32.0
Sensor 1 heater is Heater Warm-up Frequency: 2
functioning delay = Complete tests per trip
properly by O2S Heater
monitoring the device control = Not active
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
current through B1S1 O2S 30 seconds
the heater circuit. Heater Duty delay between
Cycle > zero tests and 1
execution rate
All of the above
met for > 120 seconds
O2S Circuit P0137 This DTC Oxygen Sensor No Active DTC's TPS_ThrottleAuthor 430 failures out 2 trips
Low Voltage determines if the Signal < 50 mvolts ityDefaulted of 540 samples Type B
Bank 1 O2 sensor circuit MAP_SensorFA
Sensor 2 is shorted to low. AIR System FA
Ethanol Frequency:
Composition Sensor Continuous in
FA 100 milli -
EvapPurgeSolenoid second loop
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
AIR intrusive test = Not active
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
All Fuel Injectors
for active
Cylinders Enabled (On)
Fuel Condition Ethanol <= 87%
Fuel State DFCO not active
All of the above
met for > 5.0 seconds
O2S Circuit P0138 This DTC Oxygen Sensor Open Test Criteria 100 failures out 2 trips
High Voltage determines if the Signal > 1050 mvolts No Active DTC's TPS_ThrottleAuthor of 125 samples Type B
Bank 1 O2 sensor circuit ityDefaulted
Sensor 2 is shorted to MAF_SensorFA
high. EthanolComposition Frequency:
Sensor_FA Continuous in
System Voltage 10.0 < Volts < 32.0 100 milli -
= All Cylinders second loop
AFM Status active
Heater Warm-up
delay = Complete
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
AIR System FA
Low Fuel
Condition Diag = False
Fuel Condition 87 % Ethanol
Initial delay after
Open Test > 45.0 seconds
Criteria met (cold when
start condition) engine soak time >
28800 seconds
Initial delay after
Open Test > 45.0 seconds
Criteria met (not when
cold start engine soak time
condition) 28800 seconds
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Equivalence 0.9912 ratio
Ratio 1.0400
O2 Sensor P013A This DTC The EWMA of the No Active DTC's TPS_ThrottleAuthor Frequency: 1 trips
Slow determines if the Post O2 sensor ityDefaulted Once per trip Type A
Response post catalyst O2 normalized integral ECT_Sensor_FA Note: if EWMA
Rich to Lean sensor has Slow value > 8.0 units IAT_SensorFA NaPOPD_b_Re
Bank 1 Response in a MAF_SensorFA setFastRespFun
Sensor 2 predefined Rich OR MAP_SensorFA c= FALSE for
to Lean voltages AIR System FA the given Fuel
range during The Accumulated FuelInjectorCircuit_ Bank OR
Rich to Lean mass air flow FA NaPOPD_b_Ra
transition. The monitored during FuelTrimSystemB1 pidResponseAct
diagnostic is an the Slow Response _FA ive = TRUE,
intrusive test Test (between the FuelTrimSystemB2 multiple tests
which runs in a upper and lower _FA per trip are
DFCO mode to voltage thresholds) > 74 grams EngineMisfireDetect allowed.
achieve the (upper ed_FA
required threshold is 450 EthanolComposition
response. mvolts and Sensor_FA
lower threshold B1S2 Failed this P013B, P013E,
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Description lower threshold , ,
is 150 mvolts) key cycle P013F, P2270 or
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
O2 Sensor P013B This DTC The EWMA of the No Active DTC's TPS_ThrottleAuthor Frequency: 1 trips
Slow determines if the Post O2 sensor ityDefaulted Once per trip Type A
Response post catalyst O2 normalized integral ECT_Sensor_FA Note: if EWMA
Lean to Rich sensor has Slow value > 8.0 units IAT_SensorFA NaPOPD_b_Re
Bank 1 Response in a MAF_SensorFA setFastRespFun
Sensor 2 predefined Lean OR MAP_SensorFA c= FALSE for
to Rich voltages AIR System FA the given Fuel
range during The Accumulated FuelInjectorCircuit_ Bank OR
Lean to Rich mass air flow FA NaPOPD_b_Ra
transition. The monitored during FuelTrimSystemB1 pidResponseAct
diagnostic is an the Slow Response _FA ive = TRUE,
intrusive test Test (between the FuelTrimSystemB2 multiple tests
which increases upper and lower _FA per trip are
the delivered A/F voltage thresholds) > 120 grams EngineMisfireDetect allowed.
ratio to achieve (lower threshold ed_FA
the required rich is 350 mvolts EthanolComposition
threshold. and upper Sensor_FA
threshold is 600 B1S2 Failed this P013A, P013E,
mvolts) key cycle P013F, P2270 or
System Voltage 10.0 < Volts < 32.0
Learned heater
resistance = Valid
Burnoff delay = Not Valid
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
= Not Valid, See
definition of Green
Sensor Delay
Criteria (B1S2) in
Green O2S Supporting Tables
Condition tab.
Low Fuel
Condition Diag = False
Post fuel cell = enabled
DTC's Passed P2270 (and P2272
if applicable)
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
O2 Sensor P013E This DTC Post O2 sensor No Active DTC's TPS_ThrottleAuthor Frequency: 2 trips
Delayed determines if the voltage > 450 mvolts ityDefaulted Once per trip Type B
Response post catalyst O2 ECT_Sensor_FA Note: if
Rich to Lean sensor has an AND IAT_SensorFA NaPOPD_b_Re
Bank 1 initial delayed MAF_SensorFA setFastRespFun
Sensor 2 response to an The Accumulated MAP_SensorFA c= FALSE for
A/F change from mass air flow AIR System FA the given Fuel
Rich to Lean. monitored during FuelInjectorCircuit_ Bank OR
The diagnostic is the Delayed FA NaPOPD_b_Ra
an intrusive test Response Test FuelTrimSystemB1 pidResponseAct
which runs in a under DFCO > 33 grams _FA ive = TRUE,
DFCO mode to FuelTrimSystemB2 multiple tests
achieve the DFCO begins after: _FA per trip are
required 1) Catalyst has EngineMisfireDetect allowed.
response. been rich for a ed_FA
minimum of > 2 secs EthanolComposition
AND Sensor_FA
2) Catalyst Rich B1S2 Failed this P013A, P013B,
Accumulation Air key cycle P013F, P2270 or
Flow is greater or P2271
equal to > 2 grams
System Voltage 10.0 < Volts < 32.0
Learned heater
resistance = Valid
Burnoff delay = Not Valid
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
= Not Valid, See
definition of Green
Sensor Delay
Criteria (B1S2) in
Green O2S Supporting Tables
Condition tab.
Low Fuel
Condition Diag = False
Post fuel cell = enabled
DTC's Passed P2270 (and P2272
if applicable)
O2 Sensor P013F This DTC Post O2 sensor No Active DTC's TPS_ThrottleAuthor Frequency: 2 trips
Delayed determines if the voltage < 350 mvolts ityDefaulted Once per trip Type B
Response post catalyst O2 ECT_Sensor_FA Note: if
Lean to Rich sensor has an AND IAT_SensorFA NaPOPD_b_Re
Bank 1 initial delayed MAF_SensorFA setFastRespFun
Sensor 2 response to an The Accumulated MAP_SensorFA c= FALSE for
A/F change from mass air flow AIR System FA the given Fuel
Lean to Rich. monitored during FuelInjectorCircuit_ Bank OR
The diagnostic is the Delayed FA NaPOPD_b_Ra
an intrusive test Response Test > 120 grams FuelTrimSystemB1 pidResponseAct
which increases _FA ive = TRUE,
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
the delivered A/F FuelTrimSystemB2 multiple tests
ratio to achieve _FA per trip are
the required rich EngineMisfireDetect allowed
threshold. ed_FA
B1S2 Failed this P013A, P013B,
key cycle P013E, P2270 or
System Voltage 10.0 < Volts < 32.0
Learned heater
resistance = Valid
Burnoff delay = Not Valid
= Not Valid, See
definition of Green
Sensor Delay
Criteria (B1S2) in
Green O2S Supporting Tables
Condition tab.
Low Fuel
Condition Diag = False
Post fuel cell = enabled
DTC's Passed P2270 (and P2272
if applicable)
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
P013E (and P014A
if applicable)
O2S Circuit P0140 This DTC Oxygen Sensor No Active DTC's TPS_ThrottleAuthor 200 failures out 2 trips
Insufficient determines if the Signal > 1700 mvolts ityDefaulted of 250 samples. Type B
Activity Bank O2 sensor circuit MAF_SensorFA
1 Sensor 2 is open. EthanolComposition Frequency:
Sensor_FA Continuous
System Voltage 10.0 <Volts < 32.0
= All Cylinders
AFM Status active 100msec loop
Heater Warm-up
delay = Complete
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
O2S Heater P0141 This DTC Heater Current No Active DTC's ECT_Sensor_FA 8 failures out of 2 trips
Performance determines if the outside of the System Voltage 10.0 < Volts < 32.0 10 samples Type B
Bank 1 O2 sensor expected range of 0.3 > amps > Heater Warm-up Frequency: 2
Sensor 2 heater is 2.5 delay = Complete tests per trip
functioning O2S Heater
properly by 30 seconds
device control = Not active
monitoring the delay between
B1S1 O2S
current through tests and 1
Heater Duty > zero
the heater circuit. second
C l
All of the above execution rate.
met for
Time > 120 seconds
Fuel System P0171 Determines if the The filtered long- >= 1.250 Engine speed
400 <rpm< 6100 Frequency: 2
Too Lean fuel control term fuel trim metric BARO
> 70 kPa 100 ms Trip(s)
Bank 1 system is in a Coolant Temp-38 <°C< 130 Continuous Type B
lean condition, MAP
15 <kPa< 255 Loop
based on the Inlet Air Temp
-20 <°C< 150
filtered long-term MAF
1.0 <g/s< 512.0
fuel trim. Fuel Level
> 10 % or if fuel
sender is faulty
Long Term Fuel > 20.0 seconds of
Trim data data must
accumulation: accumulate on each
trip, with at least
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
15.0 seconds of
data in the current
fuel trim cell before
fuel trim diagnosed during decels? No
Long-Term Fuel Trim Cell Usage
Sometimes, certain Long-Term Fuel
Cells are not utilized for control or
diagnosis. Please see "Supporting
Tables" Tab for a list of cells
for diagnosis.
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Fuel Consumed > 65535.0 liters of
fuel consumed after
a fuel fill event
("Virtual Flex Fuel
Sensor applications
EGR Flow Diag. Intrusive Test Not
Catalyst Monitor Intrusive Test Not
Post O2 Diag. Intrusive Test Not
Device Control Not Active
EVAP Diag. “tank pull down” Not
No active DTCs:
AIR System FA
Ethanol Composition Sensor FA
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
The filtered Non- <= 0.795 for
Purge Long Term
Fuel Trim metric
2 out of 3
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Performing sufficient time to
intrusive tests purge excess
too frequently vapors from the
may also affect canister. During this
EVAP and period, fuel trim will
EPAIII pass if the filtered
emissions, and Purge-on Long
the execution Term fuel trim >
frequency of Purge Rich Limit
other Table for at least
diagnostics. 150 seconds,
indicating that the
canister has been
Injector 1 P0201 This DTC checks The ECM detects Powertrain Relay 11 volts Voltage 20 failures out 2 trips
the circuit for that the Voltage within for greater than 5 of 25 samples Type B
electrical integrity commanded state range and stable seconds 250 ms /sample
during operation. of the driver and the according to Continuous
actual state of the Enable
control ciruit do not Conditions
Engine Running
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Injector 2 P0202 This DTC checks The ECM detects Powertrain Relay 11 volts Voltage 20 failures out 2 trips
the circuit for that the Voltage within for greater than 5 of 25 samples Type B
electrical integrity commanded state range and stable seconds 250 ms /sample
during operation. of the driver and the according to Continuous
actual state of the Enable
control ciruit do not Conditions
Engine Running
Injector 3 P0203 This DTC checks The ECM detects Powertrain Relay 11 volts Voltage 20 failures out 2 trips
the circuit for that the Voltage within for greater than 5 of 25 samples Type B
electrical integrity commanded state range and stable seconds 250 ms /sample
during operation. of the driver and the according to Continuous
actual state of the Enable
control ciruit do not Conditions
Engine Running
Injector 4 P0204 This DTC checks The ECM detects Powertrain Relay 11 volts Voltage 20 failures out 2 trips
the circuit for that the Voltage within for greater than 5 of 25 samples Type B
electrical integrity commanded state range and stable seconds 250 ms /sample
during operation. of the driver and the according to Continuous
actual state of the Enable
control ciruit do not Conditions
Engine Running
TPS2 Circuit P0222 Detects a TPS2 Voltage < 0.25 Run/Crank voltage 639/1279 Trips:
Low continuous or > 6.41 counts; 153 1
intermittent short counts Type:
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
or open in TPS2 continuous; A
circuit 3.125 ms /count MIL:
in the ECM YES
main processor
No 5V reference
error or fault for # 4
5V reference circuit
TPS2 Circuit P0223 Detects a TPS2 Voltage > 4.59 Run/Crank voltage 639/1279 Trips:
High continuous or > 6.41 counts; 153 1
intermittent short counts Type:
or open in TPS2 continuous; A
circuit 3.125 ms /count MIL:
in the ECM YES
main processor
No 5V reference
error or fault for # 4
5V reference circuit
Random P0300 These DTC’s will Deceleration index (>Idle SCD Engine Run Time > 2 crankshaft Emission 2 Trips
Misfire determine if a vs. AND revolutions Exceedence =
Detected random or a Engine Speed Vs > Idle SCD ddt ECT -7ºC < ECT < 125ºC any (5) failed Type B
P0301 cylinder specific Engine load Tables) 200 rev blocks
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Cylinder 1 misfire is OR If ECT at startup < -7ºC out of (16) 200 (Mil
Misfire occurring by Deceleration index (>SCD Delta rev block tests Flashes
Detected P0302 monitoring calculation is AND with
crankshaft tailored to specific > SCD Delta Failure reported Catalyst
Cylinder 2 velocity veh. Tables used ddt Tables) for (1) Damagi
Misfire P0303 are 1st tables OR Exceedence in ng
Detected encountered that (>Idle Cyl Mode 1st (16) 200 rev Misfire)
are not max of AND block tests, or
Cylinder 3 P0304 range. > Idle Cyl Mode then ECT 21ºC < ECT < (4)
Misfire Undetectable region ddt Tables) 125ºC Exceedences
Detected at a given OR System Voltage 9.00 < volts < 32.00 thereafter.
P0305 speed/load point is (>Cyl Mode
Cylinder 4 where all tables are AND + Throttle delta < 100.00% per 25
Misfire max of range point. > Cyl Mode ddt ms
Detected P0306 see Algorithm Tables) - Throttle delta < 100.00% per 25
Description OR ms
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Cylinder 5 Document for (>Rev Mode Early Termination NotEnabled OR
Misfire P0307 additional details. Table) option when Early
Detected OR Termination
(> AFM Table Reporting =
Cylinder 6 P0308 in Cyl Deact Enabled and
Misfire mode) engine rev >
Detected 1000 and <
3200 at end of
Cylinder 7 trip
Misfire Initial Emission
Detected Exceedence =
fails when
Cylinder 8 MF% >
Misfire Emission
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Misfire Percent > "Catalyst Engine Speed > 6500 rpm AND any Catalyst
Catalyst Damage Damaging Engine Load > 40 % load AND Exceedence =
Misfire Misfire counts < 180 counts on (1) 200 rev
Percentage" one cylinder block as data
Table whenever (at low supports for
secondary speed/loads, one catalyst
conditions are cylinder may not damage.
met. cause cat
damage) Failure reported
with (1 or 3)
Exceedences in
FTP, or (1)
outside FTP.
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Engine Speed 1250 < rpm < 4 cycle delay
(4900) - 50
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
If Monitor Rough
Road=1 and
Output Shaft
Angular Velocity
Validity (Auto Trans
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Clutch Sensor FA
(Manual Trans only)
_FA (Auto Trans
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Abusive Engine > 8192 rpm 0 cycle delay
Over Speed
Below zero < "Zero torque 4 cycle delay
torque (except engine load" in
CARB approved Supporting Tables
3000 rpm to tab
redline triangle.)
Below zero 4 cycle delay
Veh Speed 2%
> 318 mph
EGR Intrusive Active 12 cycle delay
Manual Trans Clutch shift 0 cycle delay
Throttle Position > 100.00% 0 cycle delay
AND Automatic
transmission shift
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Driveline Ring
Filter active
After a low level
misfire, another
misfire may not
be detectable
until driveline
ringing ceases. If
no ringing seen,
stop filter early.
Filter Driveline
ring: > "Ring Filter" in
Supporting Tables
tab engine cycles
after misfire
Stop filter early:
> "Number of
Normals" in
Supporting Tables
tab engine cycles
after misfire
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Abnormal engine
(Rough road etc)
Off Idle, number
of consecutive
cylinders after
(Number of
decels can vary
with misfire
Engine Speed > 1 %
Veh Speed > 1000 rpm
> 0 mph
Cyl Mode > SCD Mode
Rev Mode > Cylinder Mode
> Rev Mode
in Supporting
Tables tab
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Misfire Pattern
Enabled: 0 (1 = Enabled)
Validates misfire
vs. false
Final fail
conditions within: > "min multiplier"
< "max multiplier"
in Supporting
Tables tab
of misfire threshold
for a given engine
speed and load
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Crankshaft P0315 Monitor for valid Sum of 2.0400 OBD =0 0.50 seconds 1 Trips
Position crankshaft error Compensation OR Manufacturer Type A
System compensation factors 1.9960 Enable Counter Frequency
Variation Not factors Continuous
Learned 100 msec
Knock Sensor P0324 This diagnostic Common Enable Diagnostic TRUE First Order Lag Type: B
(KS) checks for knock Criteria Enabled Filter with MIL:
Performance sensor Weight YES
Per Cylinder performance out Engine Speed 8500 RPM Coefficient Trips: 2
of the normal Engine Air Flow 40 mg/cylinder
expected range and
due to: ECT -40 deg's C
1) Excessive IAT -40 deg's C
knock and
2) Abnormal Specific Enable
engine noise on Criteria and
a per cylinder Thresholds
basis 1. Filtered Knock > 4.0000 Engine Speed 600 RPM Weight
Intensity Engine running 1.3 seconds Coefficient =
(for Excessive 0.0400
Updated each
engine event
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
2. Filtered FFT < Abnormal Engine Speed 8000 RPM Weight
Intensity: Noise Engine running 0.4 seconds Coefficient =
(for Abnormal Threshold (see 0.0100
Noise) supporting
Updated each
engine event
Knock Sensor P0325 This diagnostic Filtered FFT Output > Diagnostic TRUE First Order Lag Type: B
(KS) Circuit checks for an OpenCktThrsh Enabled Filter with MIL:
Bank 1 open in the Min Weight YES
knock sensor and Engine Speed 600 RPM and Coefficient Trips: 2
circuit < 8500 RPM
Max Engine Air Flow 40 mg/cylinder
and Weight
2000 mg/cylinder Coefficient =
See Supporting
Tables for ECT -40 deg's C
OpenCktThrsh IAT -40 deg's C Updated each
Min & Max Engine running 5.0 seconds engine event
Knock Sensor P0326 This diagnostic Common Enable Diagnostic TRUE First Order Lag Type: B
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
(KS) checks for knock Criteria Enabled Filter with MIL:
Performance sensor Weight YES
Bank 1 performance out Engine Speed 8500 RPM Coefficient Trips: 2
of the normal Engine Air Flow 40 mg/cylinder
expected range and
due to 1. ECT -40 deg's C
Excessive knock IAT -40 deg's C
or 2. Abnormal
engine noise on 1. Filtered Knock > 2.4140 Engine Speed 600 RPM Weight
a per Intensity Engine running 5.0 seconds Coefficient =
bank/sensor (for Excessive 0.0100
basis Knock)
Updated each
engine event
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Signal Line
Knock Sensor P0328 This diagnostic Sensor Input Signal > 2.76 Volts Diagnostic Enabled 50 Failures out Type: B
(KS) Circuit checks for an out Line Enabled? of 63 Samples MIL:
High Bank 1 of range high YES
knock sensor Engine Speed > 0 RPM and Trips:
or < 8500 RPM
signal 100 msec rate 2
Sensor Return > 1.95 Volts
Signal Line
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Engine Air Flow > 3.0 grams/second
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Crankshaft P0336 Determines if a Crank Re- Crank Re- Crank Re- Type B
Position performance synchronization synchronization synchronization 2 trips
(CKP) Sensor fault exists with Test: Test: Test:
A the crank Time in which 10 or Engine Air Flow >= 3.0 Continuous
Performance position sensor more crank re- grams/second every 250 msec
signal synchronizations Cam-based
occur engine speed > 450 RPM
No DTC Active: 5VoltReferenceB_F
< 10.0 seconds A
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
detecting crankshaft AND
synchronization gap (cam pulses
being received
>= 1.5 seconds OR
( DTC P0101 = FALSE
Engine Air Flow > 3.0 grams/second
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Camshaft P0340 Determines if a Engine Cranking Engine Cranking Engine Cranking Type B
Position fault exists with Camshaft Test: Camshaft Test: Camshaft Test: 2 trips
(CMP) Sensor the cam position
Circuit Bank 1 bank 1 sensor A
Sensor A signal Time since last Starter engaged Continuous
camshaft position every 100 msec
sensor pulse AND
received >= 5.5 seconds (cam pulses
OR being received
Time that starter OR
has been engaged ( DTC P0101 = FALSE
without a camshaft AND DTC P0102
sensor pulse >= 4.0 seconds = FALSE
Engine Air Flow > 3.0 grams/second
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
No DTC Active: 5VoltReferenceA_F
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
The number of Crankshaft is 8 failures out of
camshaft pulses synchronized 10 samples
received during 100 No DTC Active: 5VoltReferenceA_F
engine cycles A
5VoltReferenceB_F Continuous
=0 A every engine
CrankSensor_FA cycle
Camshaft P0341 Determines if a Fast Event-Based Fast Event- Fast Event- Type B
Position performance Camshaft Test: Based Camshaft Based 2 trips
(CMP) Sensor fault exists with Test: Camshaft Test:
Performance the cam position The number of Crankshaft is
Bank 1 bank 1 sensor A camshaft pulses synchronized Continuous
Sensor A signal received during first every MEDRES
12 MEDRES events Starter must be event
is less than 4 or engaged to
greater than 6 enable the
diagnostic, but
(There are 12 the diagnostic will
MEDRES events not disable when
per engine cycle) the starter is
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
IGNITION P0351 This diagnostic The ECM detects Engine running 50 Failures out Type: B
CONTROL #1 checks the circuit that the Ignition Voltage > 5.00 Volts of 63 Samples MIL:
CIRCUIT for electrical commanded state YES
integrity during of the driver and the 100 msec rate Trips:
operation. actual state of the 2
Monitors EST for control circuit do not
Cylinder 1 match.
IGNITION P0352 This diagnostic The ECM detects Engine running 50 Failures out Type: B
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
CONTROL #2 checks the circuit that the Ignition Voltage > 5.00 Volts of 63 Samples MIL:
CIRCUIT for electrical commanded state YES
integrity during of the driver and the 100 msec rate Trips: 2
operation. actual state of the
Monitors EST for control circuit do not
Cylinder 2 match.
IGNITION P0353 This diagnostic The ECM detects Engine running 50 Failures out Type: B
CONTROL #3 checks the circuit that the Ignition Voltage > 5.00 Volts of 63 Samples MIL:
CIRCUIT for electrical commanded state YES
integrity during of the driver and the 100 msec rate Trips:
operation. actual state of the 2
Monitors EST for control circuit do not
Cylinder 3 match.
IGNITION P0354 This diagnostic The ECM detects Engine running 50 Failures out Type: B
CONTROL #4 checks the circuit that the Ignition Voltage > 5.00 Volts of 63 Samples MIL:
CIRCUIT for electrical commanded state YES
integrity during of the driver and the 100 msec rate Trips:
operation. actual state of the 2
M it EST f t l i it d t
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Monitors EST for control circuit do not
Cylinder 4 match.
Camshaft P0365 Determines if a Engine Cranking Engine Cranking Engine Cranking Type B
Position fault exists with Camshaft Test: Camshaft Test: Camshaft Test: 2 trips
(CMP) Sensor the cam position
Circuit Bank 1 bank 1 sensor B
Sensor B signal Time since last Starter engaged Continuous
camshaft position every 100 msec
sensor pulse AND
received >= 5.5 seconds (cam pulses
OR being received
Time that starter OR
has been engaged ( DTC P0101 = FALSE
without a camshaft AND DTC P0102
sensor pulse >= 4.0 seconds = FALSE
Engine Air Flow > 3.0 grams/second
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
camshaft pulses Running every 100 msec
received in a time > 3.0 seconds Starter is not
No DTC Active: 5VoltReferenceA_F
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Camshaft Test: Based Camshaft Based
Test: Camshaft Test:
Camshaft P0366 Determines if a Fast Event-Based Fast Event- Fast Event- Type B
Position performance Camshaft Test: Based Camshaft Based 2 trips
(CMP) Sensor fault exists with Test: Camshaft Test:
Performance the cam position The number of Crankshaft is
Bank 1 bank 1 sensor B camshaft pulses synchronized Continuous
Sensor B signal received during first every MEDRES
12 MEDRES events Starter must be event
is less than 4 or engaged to
greater than 6 enable the
diagnostic, but
(There are 12 the diagnostic will
MEDRES events not disable when
per engine cycle) the starter is
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
No DTC Active: 5VoltReferenceA_F
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Catalyst P0420 Oxygen Storage Normalized Ratio < 0.400 1 test attempted Type A
System Low OSC Value per valid decel 1
Efficiency (EWMA filtered) period Trip(s)
Bank 1
Minimum of 1
test per trip
Maximum of 3
tests per trip
All enable criteria associated with
P0420 can be found under P2270 -
Fueling Related
(O2 Sensor Signal Stuck Lean Bank
: 12.5 ms
1 Sensor 2)
100 ms
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
(I.e. Cerium Oxidation). During rich
A/F excursions, Cerium Oxide reacts
with CO and H2 to release this stored If the difference between current
oxygen (I.e. Cerium Reduction). This EWMA value and the current OSC
is referred to as the Oxygen Storage Normalized Ratio value is > 0.470 and
Capacity, or OSC. CatMon’s strategy the current OSC Normalized Ratio
is to “measure” the OSC of the value is < 0.340
catalyst through forced Rich (intrusive
rich) and Lean (decel fuel cutoff) A/F Maximum of 18 RSR tests to detect
excursions failure when RSR is enabled.
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
represents a good part and a ratio of 0
essentially represents a very bad part.
Evaporative P043E A plugged ELCP While performing Propulsion Up to twice per 2 trip
Emission reference orifice 1st 0.020” system not active trip, for each Type B
System Leak is detected. reference orifice time 4.3 time 5.8 required wake-
Detection vacuum hours or up event
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Reference measurement for 6.0 time 8.1
Orifice Low or 2nd 0.020" hours or 100 msec loop
Flow reference orifice 360 seconds 8.2 time 11.0
vacuum hours
(Sealed Fuel measurement for Odometer 9.9 miles
System) Drive distance 1.0 miles
If the difference Min baro 70 kPa
between the ELCP 30 seconds. Max baro 110 kPa
pressure sensor Min fuel level 10 %
(absolute) reading Max fuel level 90 %
taken ECT 40 °C
before the end of Min IAT 4 °C
the reference Max IAT 45 °C
measurement and 10 seconds Time since last
the final ELCP test when
pressure sensor passing
(absolute) reading P0442/P0455 17 hours
is Time since last
then a stabilized test when failing
0.020” reference P0442/P0455 10 hours
orifice vacuum > 220 Pa
measurement could Voltage 10 volts
not be obtained and Vehicle speed 1 MPH
the DTC fails. Vehicle not in
assembly plant
(value must = 0) 0
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
system not active
time 0 seconds
system active
If 1st 0.020” time 0 seconds
reference orifice
vacuum Abort
measurement is > 4000 Pa Conditions:
after 360 seconds Min fuel level
then a plugged slosh 190 %
ELCP reference Max fuel level
orifice is detected slosh 200 %
and the DTC fails. Key up during
Refueling request
If 2nd 0.020” button pressed
reference orifice
vacuum Service bay test
measurement is > 4510 Pa active
after 30 seconds Device control
then a plugged exceeds 0.5 seconds
ELCP reference
orifice is detected No Active DTC's
and the DTC fails. FuelLevelDataFault
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
No Active DTC's
Evaporative P043F A missing ELCP If 1st 0.020” Propulsion Up to twice per 2 trip
Emission reference orifice reference orifice system not active trip, for each Type B
System Leak is detected. vacuum time 4.3 time 5.8 required wake-
Detection measurement is hours or up event
Reference after < 1180 Pa 6.0 time 8.1
Orifice High then a missing hours or 100 msec loop
Flow ELCP reference 360 seconds 8.2 time 11.0
orifice is detected hours
(Sealed Fuel and the DTC fails. Odometer 9.9 miles
System) Drive distance 1.0 miles
Min baro 70 kPa
Max baro 110 kPa
Min fuel level 10 %
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Max fuel level 90 %
If 2nd 0.020” ECT 40 °C
reference orifice Min IAT 4 °C
vacuum Max IAT 45 °C
measurement is < 1180 Pa Time since last
after 30 seconds test when
then a missing passing
ELCP reference P0442/P0455 17 hours
orifice is detected Time since last
and the DTC fails. test when failing
P0442/P0455 10 hours
Voltage 10 volts
Vehicle speed 1 MPH
Vehicle not in
assembly plant
(value must = 0) 0
system not active
time 0 seconds
system active
time 0 seconds
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Min fuel level
slosh 190 %
Max fuel level
slosh 200 %
Key up during
Refueling request
button pressed
No Active DTC's
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
No Active DTC's
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
EVAP System P0442 A small leak ( If the ELCP Propulsion Once per trip, 2 trip
Small Leak 0.020") is pressure sensor system not active for each Type B
Detected detected in the (gauge) vacuum time 4.3 time 5.8 required wake-
EVAP system reading is less than hours or up event
(Sealed Fuel between the fuel the 0.020" reference 6.0 time 8.1
System) cap, purge orifice vacuum hours or 100 msec loop
solenoid, and measurement 8.2 time 11.0
diurnal control times a hours
valve (DCV). plus a Odometer 9.9 miles
offset for Drive distance 1.0 miles
then the fuel tank Min baro 70 kPa
system has a small 1.00 multiplier Max baro 110 kPa
leak and the DTC 200 Pa Min fuel level 10 %
fails. 400 seconds Max fuel level 90 %
The ELCP ECT 40 °C
vacuum pump Min IAT 4 °C
creates a Max IAT 45 °C
vacuum across a Time since last
0.020" reference test when
orifice. This passing
reference P0442/P0455 17 hours
vacuum is then Time since last
compared to the test when failing
vacuum level P0442/P0455 10 hours
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
created in the
fuel tank to Voltage 10 volts
determine if a Vehicle speed 1 MPH
leak exists. Vehicle not in
assembly plant
(value must = 0) 0
system not active
time 0 seconds
The diagnostic propulsion
has fast pass system active
capability. If the time 0 seconds
Fuel Tank
Pressure (FTP) Abort
sensor measures Conditions:
a fuel tank Min fuel level
system pressure slosh 190 %
greater than Max fuel level
1009 Pa or a fuel slosh 200 %
tank system Key up during
vacuum greater test
than -1011 Pa Refueling request
then both the button pressed
small leak and
large leak Service bay test
diagnostics pass active
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
g p
without using the Device control
ELCP vacuum exceeds 0.5 seconds
No Active DTC's
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
(P145D), ELCP CommBusAOff_VIC
Sensor M_FA
Performance CommBusBOff_VIC
(P1458), FTP M_FA
Sensor AccCktLo_FA
(P0451), DCV ModuleOffTime_FA
Stuck Closed
(P2422), DCV No Active DTC's
Stuck Open
(P2421), Small
Leak (P0442)
and Large Leak
Evaporative P0443 This DTC checks The ECM detects PT Relay Voltage Voltage 11 volts 20 failures out 2 trips
Emission for open circuit that the of 25 samples Type B
System Purge failures during commanded state
Control Valve operation. of the driver and the
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Open Circuit actual state of the 250 ms / sample
control circuit do not
(Sealed Fuel match.
Evaporative P0446 EVAP Vent After an initial time Min baro 70 kPa When 2 trips
Emission System delay of 10 seconds, Max baro 110 kPa Propulsion Type B
(EVAP) Vent Restriction is if the Fuel Tank Min OAT 4 °C System Active
System detected Pressure (FTP) Max OAT 35 °C and Engine On
Performance sensor indicates a Vehicle not in
Diagnostic vacuum level < -3238 Pa assembly plant 100 msec loop
for 5 seconds (value must = 0)
(Sealed Fuel then a vent 0
System) restriction has been Engine Running
detected and the Run/Crank Voltage 11 volts
DTC fails. Voltage
Purge is enabled
Refueling request
button pressed
Device control
exceeds 0.5 seconds
Purge Low Flow
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
(P0497) is
No Active DTC's
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Evaporative P0449 This DTC checks The ECM detects 20 failures out 2 trips
Emission for open circuit that the of 25 samples Type B
System Vent failures during commanded state
Solenoid operation. of the driver and the
Control Open actual state of the 250 ms / sample
Circuit control circuit do not
(Sealed Fuel
Fuel Tank P0451 Fuel Tank After a delay time of Propulsion Once per trip 2 trip
Pressure Pressure (FTP) and a stabilization 2 seconds System Not with Propulsion Type B
(FTP) Sensor Sensor time of Active System Not
Circuit Correlation 3 seconds Active, for each
Performance Diagnostic. Propulsion required wake-
Diagnostic system not active up event
This section of the time 4.3 time 5.8
(Sealed Fuel diagnostic can both hours or Once per trip
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
System) pass and fail 6.0 time 8.1 with Propulsion
hours or System Active
8.2 time 11.0 and Engine On
Odometer 9.9 miles 100 msec loop
Drive distance 1.0 miles
IF Min baro 70 kPa
1) the FTP sensor Max baro 110 kPa
reading is > -3811 Pa Min fuel level 10 %
and < 3388 Pa, Max fuel level 90 %
the FTP sensor is in ECT 40 °C
a readable range. Min IAT 4 °C
OR Max IAT 45 °C
2) the ELCP Time since last
pressure sensor test when
(gauge) reading is passing
and > -3736 Pa P0442/P0455 17 hours
the ELCP pressure < 3313 Pa, Time since last
sensor indicates test when failing
that the FTP sensor P0442/P0455 10 hours
is in a readable
range. Voltage 10 volts
THEN Vehicle speed 1 MPH
If the average Vehicle not in
difference between assembly plant
the FTP sensor (value must = 0) 0
reading and ELCP Propulsion
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Description g
pressure sensor system not active
(gauge) reading is > 3000 Pa time 0 seconds
after 5 seconds Previous
then a FTP sensor propulsion
correlation failure system active
has been detected time 0 seconds
and the DTC fails.
Min fuel level
slosh 190 %
Max fuel level
This section of the slosh 200 %
diagnostic can only Key up during
pass test
Refueling request
button pressed
1) the FTP sensor Service bay test
reading is < -3811 Pa active
and > 3388 Pa, Device control
the FTP sensor is exceeds 0.5 seconds
outside its readable
range. No Active DTC's
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
AND FuelLevelDataFault
2) the ELCP
pressure sensor IAT_SensorFA
(gauge) reading is ECT_Sensor_FA
and < -3736 Pa VehicleSpeedSenso
the ELCP pressure r_FA
sensor indicates > 3313 Pa, AmbientAirDefault
that the FTP sensor
is outside its
readable range.
the correlation is
confirmed and the
DTC passes.
5 seconds VICM_WakeupDiag
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
No Active DTC's
System Active
and Engine On
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Refueling request
button pressed
Device control
exceeds 0.5 seconds
No Active DTC's
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Fuel Tank P0452 This DTC will FTP sensor signal < 0.15 volts (3 640 failures out 2 trips
Pressure detect a Fuel % of Vref or ~ - of 800 samples Type B
(FTP) Sensor Tank Pressure 4377 Pa)
Circuit Low (FTP) sensor The normal
Voltage signal that is too operating range of 12.5 ms /
low out of range. the FTP sensor is sample
(Sealed Fuel 0.5 volts
System) (~ -3757 Pa) to
4.5 volts
(~ 3329 Pa).
Fuel Tank P0453 This DTC will FTP sensor signal > 4.85 volts 640 failures out 2 trips
Pressure detect a Fuel (97% of Vref or of 800 samples Type B
(FTP) Sensor Tank Pressure ~ 3950 Pa)
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Circuit High (FTP) sensor The normal
Voltage signal that is too operating range of 12.5 ms /
high out of the FTP sensor is sample
(Sealed Fuel range. 0.5 volts
System) (~ -3757 Pa) to
4.5 volts
(~ 3329 Pa).
EVAP System P0455 A large leak (>> After a refueling Propulsion Once per trip 2 trips
Large Leak 0.020”) is event has been system not active after a refueling Type B
Detected detected in the detected and the time 4.3 time 5.8 event has been
EVAP system small/large leak hours or detected, for
(Sealed Fuel between the fuel diagnostics have 6.0 time 8.1 each required
System) cap, purge not passed. hours or wake-up event
solenoid, and 8.2 time 11.0
diurnal control hours 100 msec loop
valve (DCV) after Odometer 9.9 miles
a refueling event Drive distance 1.0 miles
has been Min baro 70 kPa
detected. If the ELCP Max baro 110 kPa
pressure sensor Min fuel level 10 %
(gauge) vacuum Max fuel level 90 %
reading is less than Fuel level
the 0.020" reference increase 10 %
orifice vacuum for 5 seconds
The ELCP measurement ECT 40 °C
vacuum pump times a Min IAT 4 °C
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
creates a plus a 1.00 multiplier Max IAT 45 °C
vacuum across a offset times a 200 Pa Time since last
0.020" reference for 0.20 multiplier test when
orifice. This then the fuel tank 400 seconds passing
reference system has a large P0442/P0455 17 hours
vacuum is then leak and the DTC Time since last
compared to the fails. test when failing
vacuum level P0442/P0455 10 hours
created in the
fuel tank to Voltage 10 volts
determine if a Vehicle speed 1 MPH
leak exists. Vehicle not in
assembly plant
(value must = 0) 0
system not active
time 0 seconds
The diagnostic propulsion
has fast pass system active
capability. If the time 0 seconds
Fuel Tank Refueling request
Pressure (FTP) active true
sensor measures
a fuel tank
system pressure Abort
greater than Conditions:
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
g Description
1009 Pa or a fuel Min fuel level
tank system slosh 190 %
vacuum greater Max fuel level
than -1011 Pa slosh 200 %
then both the Key up during
small leak and test
large leak Refueling request
diagnostics pass button pressed
without using the
ELCP vacuum Service bay test
pump. active
Device control
exceeds 0.5 seconds
The Fast Pass
Full Test No Active DTC's
Sequence is FuelLevelDataFault
conducted on the
5th consecutive IAT_SensorFA
fast pass. All ECT_Sensor_FA
other times, the VehicleSpeedSenso
Fast Pass r_FA
Reduced Test AmbientAirDefault
Sequence is VentCircuit_FA
conducted to ELCPCircuit_FA
conserve battery FTP_SensorCircuit_
state of charge. FA
Th F P
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
The Fast Pass ELCP_PumpCircuit
Reduced Test _FA
Sequence ELCP_SwitchCircuit
includes the _FA
following VICM_WakeupDiag
diagnostics: _FA
ELCP Pump VICM_WakeupDiag
Stuck On _TFTKO
(P145D), ELCP LostCommBCM_FA
Performance LostCommBusB_VI
(P1458), FTP CM_FA
Sensor CommBusAOff_VIC
Performance M_FA
(P0451), DCV CommBusBOff_VIC
Stuck Closed M_FA
(P2422), DCV
Stuck Open
(P2421), Small
Leak (P0442)
and Large Leak
No Active DTC's
diagnostics. TFTKO P043E
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Evaporative P0458 This DTC checks The ECM detects PT Relay Voltage Voltage 11 volts 20 failures out 2 trips
Emission for short to low that the of 25 samples Type B
System Purge voltage circuit commanded state
Control Valve failures during of the driver and the
Circuit Low operation. actual state of the 250 ms / sample
control circuit do not
(Sealed Fuel match.
Evaporative P0459 This DTC checks The ECM detects PT Relay Voltage Voltage 11 volts 20 failures out 2 trips
Emission for short to high that the of 25 samples Type B
System Purge voltage circuit commanded state
Control Valve failures during of the driver and the
Circuit High operation. actual state of the 250 ms / sample
control circuit do not
(Sealed Fuel match.
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Fuel Level P0461 This DTC will Delta Fuel Volume Engine Running 250 ms / sample 2 trips
Sensor 1 detect a fuel change < 3 liters Type B
Performance sender stuck in over an No active DTCs:
range in the accumulated 149 VehicleSpeedSenso
primary fuel tank. miles. r_FA
Fuel Level P0462 This DTC will Fuel level Sender % 100 failures out 2 trips
Sensor 1 detect a fuel of 5V range < 10 % of 125 samples Type B
Circuit Low sender stuck out
Voltage of range low in
the primary fuel 100 ms / sample
Fuel Level P0463 This DTC will Fuel level Sender % 100 failures out 2 trips
Sensor 1 detect a fuel of 5V range > 60 % of 125 samples Type B
Circuit High sender stuck out
Voltage of range high in
the primary fuel 100 ms / sample
Evaporative P0497 Low purge flow is After an initial time Min baro 70 kPa Once per trip 2 trips
Emission detected delay of 3 seconds Max baro 110 kPa with Propulsion Type B
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
System Low when the Fuel Tank Min OAT 4 °C System Active
Purge Flow Pressure (FTP) Max OAT 35 °C and Engine On
Diagnostic sensor reading is Engine Vacuum > 5 kPa
or after an initial 996 Pa Purge flow to 100 msec loop
(Sealed Fuel time delay of enable >= 1 % requested
System) when the FTP 3 seconds Purge flow to
sensor reading is disable < 1 % requested
plus an ELCP < 996 Pa Vehicle not in
switching valve assembly plant
delay time of (value must = 0) 0
if the ELCP 0.2 seconds,
pressure sensor Engine Running
(gauge) indicates a
vacuum change Run/Crank Voltage 11 volts
for < 2000 Pa Voltage
then a low purge 20 seconds Purge is enabled
flow failure has
been detected and
the DTC fails. Abort
Refueling request
button pressed
Device control
exceeds 0.5 seconds
Fuel tank
protection active
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
FTP sensor < -3238 Pa
for 5.0 seconds
No Active DTC's
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Evaporative P0498 This DTC checks The ECM detects 20 failures out 2 trips
Emission for short to low that the of 25 samples Type B
System Vent voltage circuit commanded state
Solenoid failures during of the driver and the
Control Circuit operation. actual state of the 250 ms / sample
Low control circuit do not
(Sealed Fuel
Evaporative P0499 This DTC checks The ECM detects 20 failures out 2 trips
Emission for short to high that the of 25 samples Type B
System Vent voltage circuit commanded state
Solenoid failures during of the driver and the
Control Circuit operation. actual state of the 250 ms / sample
High control circuit do not
If the P0499 is match.
(S l d F l ti
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
(Sealed Fuel active, an
System) intrusive test is
performed with
the vent solenoid
closed for 15
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Details on Compressor Speed
Supporting > 500 RPM
To pass a
currently failing
The filtered, Engaged Test: Filtered AC Weighting Factor > Performed
weighted difference Filtered HSPS test 1.0 every 100 msec
between measured Weighted weighting factors and
Delta and predicted residual > 0.75 (function of Coolant Factor
delta (a function of ambient temp, > -0.0 AND < 16.0
ambient temp, engine coolant and
coolant temp, and temperature, and # of Test Samples >
fan speed.): fan speed). 200
Details on
Supporting Compressor Speed
Tables Tab > 500 RPM
(P0531 Section)
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Description engaged (a function Details on every 100 msec
of ambient temp) Supporting
Tables Tab
(P0531 Section)
Fault bundles:
Air P0532 Determines if the (AC High Side 80 failures out 2 trip(s)
Sensor Present Enabled
Conditioning Air Conditioning Pressure Sensor of 100 samples
High Side High Side Circuit < 3 percent Diagnostic
Pressure Pressure Sensor Voltage) / 5 Volts enabled/ disabled Type B
Sensor circuit voltage is Performed
(HSPS) too low every 25 msec
Circuit Low
Air P0533 Determines if the (AC High Side Sensor Present Enabled 80 failures out 2 trip(s)
Conditioning Air Conditioning Pressure Sensor Diagnostic of 100 samples
High Side High Side Circuit enabled/ disabled Type B
Pressure Pressure Sensor Voltage) / 5 Volts > 85 percent Performed
Sensor circuit voltage is every 25 msec
(HSPS) too high
Circuit High
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Cruise Control P0564 Detect when Cruise Control CAN cruise TRUE fail continuously Type:
Mutil-Functon cruise control analog circuit switch diagnostic for greater than
Switch Circuit multi-function voltage must be in enable in ECM 0.500 seconds
switch circuit an "illegal range" for
(analog) voltage greater than a C
is in an illegal calibratable period MIL:
range of time for cruise NO
switch states that Trips:
are received over 1
serial data
Cruise Control P0567 Detects a failure Cruise Control CAN cruise TRUE fail continuously Type:
Resume of the cruise Resume switch switch diagnostic for greater than
Circuit resume switch in remains applied for enable in ECM 90.000 seconds
a continously greater than a
applied state calibratable period
of time for
architecture where
cruise switch states
are received over
serial data
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Cruise Control P0568 Detects a failure Cruise Control Set CAN cruise TRUE fail continuously Type:
Set Circuit of the cruise set switch remains switch diagnostic for greater than
switch in a applied for greater enable in ECM 90.000 seconds
continously than a calibratable
applied state period of time for
architecture where
cruise switch states
are received over
serial data
fail continuously Trips:
for greater than
90.000 seconds
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Cruise Control P0575 Detects rolling If x of y rolling count Cruise Control TRUE 10/16 counts Type:
Input Circuit count or / protection value Switch Serial
protection value faults occur, disable Data Error
errors in Cruise cruise for duration Diagnostic
Control Switch of fault Enable
Status serial
data signal
Thermostat P0597 This DTC checks Voltage low during 15 failures out 2 trips
Heater the T-stat Heater driver open state Run Crank of 30 samples Type B
Control Open Driver Output (indicates short-to- Ignition in Range = True
Circuit circuit for ground or open Engine not
electrical circuit). Fault cranking = True
integrity. present state for 1 sec/ sample
Open circuit is Run Crank active = True
determined from Above is true and
output driver status Last Open Circuit
byte. Test = not Indeterminate Continuous
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Thermostat P0598 This DTC checks Voltage low during 15 failures out 2 trips
Heater the T-stat Heater driver open state Run Crank of 30 samples Type B
Control Circuit Driver Output (indicates short-to- Ignition in Range = True
Low circuit for ground or open Engine not
electrical circuit). Fault cranking = True
integrity. present state for 1 sec/ sample
Ground Short circuit Run Crank active = True
is determined from Above is true and
output driver status Last Ground
byte. Short Circuit Test Continuous
= not Indeterminate
Thermostat P0599 This DTC checks Voltage high during 15 failures out 2 trips
Heater the T-stat Heater driver closed state Run Crank of 30 samples Type B
Control Circuit Driver Output (indicates short-to- Ignition in Range = True
High circuit for power). Fault Engine not
electrical present state for cranking = True
integrity. Power Short circuit 1 sec/ sample
is determined from Run Crank active = True
output driver status Above is true and
byte. Last Power Short
Circuit Test Continuous
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
= not Indeterminate
Control P0601 This DTC will be The Primary 1 failure if the Diagnostic runs Trips:
Module Read stored if the Processor's fault is detected continuously in 1
Only Memory calibration check calculated during the first the background Type:
(ROM) sum is incorrect checksum does not pass. 5 failures A
or the flash match the stored if the fault MIL:
memory detects checksum value. occurs after the YES
an uncorrectable Covers all software first pass is
error via the and calibrations. complete.
Error Correcting The Primary 254 failures Diagnostic runs
Code. Processor's Error detected via continuously via
Correcting Code Error Correcting the flash
hardware in the Code hardware
flash memory
detects an error.
Covers all software
and calibrations.
The Primary 2 consecutive Diagnostic runs
Processor's failures continuously.
calculated detected or 5 Will report a
checksum does not total failures detected fault
match the stored detected. within 200 ms.
checksum value for
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
a selected subset of
the calibrations.
The Secondary 1 failure if the Diagnostic runs
Processor's fault is detected continuously in
calculated during the first the background
checksum does not pass. 5 failures
match the stored if the fault
checksum value. occurs after the
Covers all software first pass is
and calibrations. complete.
In all cases, the
failure count is
cleared when
controller shuts
Control P0602 This DTC will be Output state invalid PCM State = crank or run Diagnostic runs Type A
Module Not stored if the PCM is identified at powerup and 1 trips
Programmed PCM is a service through calibration once per second
PCM that has as a Service PCM continuously
not been after that
Control P0603 Non-volatile Checksum at power- Diagnostic runs Type A
Module Long memory up does not match at powerup 1 trips
Term Memory checksum error checksum at power-
Reset at controller down
reports a fault if
1 failure occurs
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
RAM Fault Indicates that the within 30
primary processor is seconds at all
unable to correctly engine
read data from or conditions -
write data to TPU diagnostic runs
RAM. Detects data continuously
read does not (background
match data written loop)
>= 5 counts
Primary Indicates that the When dual store
Processor primary processor updates occur.
Update Dual detects a mismatch
Store RAM Fault between the data
and dual data is
found during RAM
updates. Detects a
mismatch in data
and dual data 0.47856
updates > seconds
Primary Indicates that the Diagnostic runs
Processor Write primary processor continuously
Protected RAM detects an illegal (background
Fault write attempt to loop)
protected RAM.
Number of illegal
writes are > 0 counts
Secondary Will finish first
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Processor RAM Indicates that the memory scan
Fault secondary within 30
processor is unable seconds at all
to correctly read engine
data from or write conditions,
data to system diagnostic runs
RAM. Detects data continuously
read does not (background
match data written loop)
>= 5 counts
Internal ECM P0606 Indicates that the Trips:
Processor ECM has 1
Integrity Fault detected an Type:
internal A
processor MIL:
integrity fault: YES
Primary Loss or invalid Loss or invalid Run/Crank >= 6.41V In the primary
Processor SPI message of SPI message at Voltage processor,
Fault Detected communication initialization 159/399counts
from the Secondary detected or loss OR intermittent or
Processor at or invalid 39 counts
initialization message after Run/Crank >= 11.00 continuous; 39
detected by the a valid Voltage counts
Primary Processor message was continuous @
or loss or invalid recieved Else The failure will be initialization.
message of SPI reported for all 12.5 ms /count
communication conditions in the ECM
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
from the Secondary main processor
Processor after a
valid message was
recieved by the
Primary Processor
Secondary Loss or invalid Loss or invalid In the secondary
Processor SPI message of SPI message at processor,
Fault Detected communication initialization 20/200 counts
from the Primary detected or loss intermittent or 0
Processor at or invalid counts
initialization message after continuous; 0
detected by the a valid counts
Secondary message was continuous @
Processor or loss or recieved initialization.
invalid message of 12.5 ms /count
SPI communication in the ECM
from the Primary main processor
Processor after a
valid message was
recieved by the
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
for corruption of
known pattern at
stack boundaries.
Checks number of
over/under flow
last powerup reset
>= 5
Secondary MAIN processor is 2 incorrect Ignition State Run OR Crank 150 ms for one
processor verified by seeds within 8 seed continually
received responding to a messages, failing
incorrect Keys seed sent from the 0.200 seconds
secondary with a
key response to
secondary. Checks
number of incorrect
keys received > or
processor has not
received a new
within time limit
MAIN processor Time new seed not always running 0.450 seconds
did not receive received exceeded
seed within time
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
MAIN processor MAIN processor always running 3 / 17 counts
test for seeds to receives seed in intermittent. 50
arrive in a known wrong order ms/count in the
sequence ECM main
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Description g
>= 17
MAIN detected memory and 409.59 seconds
corruption in complement
throttle or pedal memory do not
critical RAM data agree
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
register masks
versus known good
MAIN Stack Checks number of Stack Limit Test TRUE variable,
Fault stack over/under Enabled depends on
flow since last length of time to
powerup reset >= 5 corrupt stack
MAIN processor Voltage deviation > 0.495 A2D Converter TRUE 5 / 10 counts or
ADC test Test Enabled 0.150 seconds
continuous; 50
ms/count in
main processor
Flash ECC Fault Checks for ECC Flash ECC TRUE variable,
(error correcting Circuit Test depends on
code) circuit test Enabled length of time to
errors reported by access flash
the hardware for with corrupted
flash memory. memory
Increments counter
during controller
initialization if ECC 3 (results in
error occured since MIL),
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
last controller 5(results in MIL
initialization. and remedial
Counter >= action)
RAM ECC Fault Checks for ECC 3 (results in RAM ECC Circuit TRUE variable,
(error correcting MIL), Test Enable depends on
code) circuit test 5 (results in MIL length of time to
errors reported by and remedial access flash
the hardware for action) with corrupted
RAM memory memory
circuit. Increments
counter during
initialization if ECC
error occured since
last controller
Counter >=
MAIN DMA MAIN processor DMA Transfer TRUE variable,
transfer check DMA transfer from Check Enabled depends on
Flask to RAM has 1 length of time to
failure write flash to
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Fuel Pump P0628 This DTC checks The ECM detects Run/Crank Voltage 11 volts 8 failures out of 2 trips
Relay Control for a shorted low that the Voltage 10 samples Type B
Circuit Low circuit while the commanded state
Voltage device is of the driver and the
commanded on. actual state of the Engine Speed 0 RPM 250 ms / sample
control circuit do not
Fuel Pump P0629 This DTC checks The ECM detects Run/Crank Voltage 11 volts 8 failures out of 2 trips
Relay Control for an open and that the Voltage 10 samples Type B
Circuit High shorted high commanded state
Voltage circuit while the of the driver and the
device is actual state of the Engine Speed 0 RPM 250 ms / sample
commanded off. control circuit do not
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
or written digit Enable Counter
Mismatched -
5 Volt P0641 Detects a ECM Vref1 < 4.875 Run/Crank > 6.41 19/39counts or Trips:
Reference #1 continuous or Voltage 0.1875 sec
Circuit intermittent short or ECM Vref1 > 5.125 continuous; 12.5 1
on the 5 volt or the difference ms/count in Type:
reference circuit between ECM main A
#1 filtered Vref1 and 0.05 processor MIL:
Vref1 > YES
Malfunction P0650 This DTC checks The ECM detects Run/Crank Voltage 11 volts 20 failures out 2 trip
Indicator the circuit for that the Voltage of 25 samples Type B
Lamp (MIL) electrical integrity commanded state
Control Circuit during operation. of the driver and the
(ODM) actual state of the Remote Vehicle 250 ms / sample NO MIL
control circuit do not Start is not active
5 Volt P0651 Detects a ECM Vref2 < 4.875 Run/Crank > 6.41 19/39 counts or Trips:
Reference #2 continuous or Voltage 0.1875 sec
Circuit intermittent short or ECM Vref2 > 5.125 continuous; 12.5 1
on the 5 volt or the difference ms/count in Type:
reference circuit between ECM main processor A
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
#2 filtered Vref2 and 0.05 MIL:
Vref2 > YES
Powertrain P0685 This DTC checks The ECM detects Run/Crank Voltage 11 volts 8 failures out of 2 trips
Relay Control the circuit for that the Voltage 10 samples Type B
(ODM) electrical integrity commanded state
during operation. of the driver and the
actual state of the 250 ms / sample
control circuit do not
Powertrain P0690 This DTC is a Voltage stuck high Powertrain relay Stuck Test: 2 trips
Relay check to commanded 100 ms/ sample Type B
Feedback determine if the PT Relay feedback “ON”
Circuit High Powertrain relay voltage is > 2 volts
is functioning when commanded No active DTCs: Continuous
properly. ‘OFF’ PowertrainRelaySta failures 4
teOn_FA seconds
5 Volt P0697 Detects a ECM Vref3 < 4.875 Run/Crank > 6.41 19/39 counts or Trips:
Reference #3 continuous or Voltage 0.1875 sec
Circuit intermittent short or ECM Vref3 > 5.125 continuous; 12.5 1
on the 5 volt or the difference ms/count in Type:
reference circuit between ECM main processor A
#3 filtered Vref3 and 0.05 MIL:
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Vref3 > YES
Fuel Pump P069E Monitors the Fuel Pump Control Time since power- > 3 seconds Continuous Type A
Control FPCM MIL Module Emissions- up 1 trips
Module request line to Related DTC set
(FPCM) determine when MIL:
Requested the FPCM has NO
MIL detected a MIL
Illumination illuminating fault.
5 Volt P06A3 Detects a ECM Vref4 < 4.875 Run/Crank > 6.41 19/39counts or Trips:
Reference #4 continuous or Voltage 0.1875 sec
Circuit intermittent short or ECM Vref4 > 5.125 continuous; 12.5 1
on the 5 volt or the difference ms/count in Type:
reference circuit between ECM main processor A
#4 filtered Vref4 and 0.05 MIL:
Vref4 > YES
Internal P06B6 This diagnostic Gated FFT > Diagnostic Enabled First Order Lag Type: B
Control checks for a fault Diagnostic Output OpenTestThres Enabled? Filter with MIL:
Module Knock with the internal hLo Weight YES
Sensor test circuit used (VaKNKD_k_OpenT and Coefficient Trips:
Processor 1 only for the '20 estCktIntFilter[0]) < Engine Speed > 600 RPM and 2
Performance kHz' method of OpenTestThres < 5000 RPM
the Open Circuit hHi Engine Air Flow 40 mg/cylinder Weight
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Description g g y g
Diagnostic and Coefficient =
See Supporting 2000 mg/cylinder 0.0100
Engine running 5.0 seconds
Updated each
engine event
Control P06E4 VICM Wake-up Whenever the Odometer 9.9 miles Once per each 2 trips
Module Wake- events were not propulsion system Drive distance 1.0 miles wake-up event Type B
up Circuit received goes active, the Time since last when Propulsion
Performance diagnostic reads its test when System is not
Diagnostic internal timer and passing active
evaluates the P0442/P0455 17 hours
(Sealed Fuel results from the Time since last Final decision is
System) wake-up events that test when failing made when
could have P0442/P0455 10 hours Propulsion
occurred. For each System is Active
wake-up event the
status can be: 100 msec loop
Pass – the wake-up No Active DTC's
event occurred VehicleSpeedSenso
within a window r_FA
Indeterminate – the
ECM was already ModuleOffTime_FA
awake at the time LostCommBusB_VI
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
the wake-up event CM_FA
could have occurred CommBusAOff_VIC
Fail – the wake-up M_FA
event occurred CommBusBOff_VIC
outside a window or M_FA
did not occur at all AccCktLo_FA
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
to 8.1 hours
then a failure has
At Propulsion
System Active, if
any of the wake-up
events indicate a
failure then the DTC
Transmission P0700 Monitors the Transmission Time since power- Continuous Type A
Control TCM MIL request Emissions-Related up > 3 seconds 1 trips
Module (TCM) line to determine DTC set
Requested when the TCM MIL:
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
MIL has detected a NO
Illumination MIL illuminating
Traction P0856 Determines if Serial Message <> 2's All except
Control torque request Communication 2’s complement of Class2 PWM:
Torque from the EBTCM complement message
Request is valid message - ($140 for Serial No loss of Count of 2's
Circuit PPEI2 or $1C9 for communication to communication complement
PPEI3, $1CA/$1C6 EBTCM (U0108) values not equal
for Hybrid)) >= 10
Power Mode = Run every 12.5 msec
Engine Running = True
Serial Message rolling Status of traction 6 rolling count
Communication count value <> in GMLAN = Traction Present failures out of
message ($140 for previous message ($4E9) 10 samples
PPEI2 or $1C9 for message rolling Performed
PPEI3, $1CA/$1C6 count value every 12.5 msec
for Hybrid)) rolling plus one
count value
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Too many minimum Requested >= 3 multi-
limit torque request torque transitions out of 1 trip(s)
transitions occur intervention 5 samples.
from TRUE to type toggles Performed Special
FALSE to TRUE from not every 200 ms Type C
within a time period increasing
request to
Hybrid P0AC4 Monitors the HPC Emissions- Time since power- Continuous Type A
Powertrain HPC MIL request Related DTC set up > 3 seconds 1 trips
Control line to determine
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Module (HPC) when the HPC MIL:
Requested has detected a NO
MIL MIL illuminating
Illumination fault.
Inlet Airflow P1101 Determines if Filtered Throttle <= 125 Engine Speed >= 500 RPM Continuous Type B
System there are Model Error kPa*(g/s) Engine Speed <= 8000 RPM 2 trips
Performance multiple air Coolant Temp > -7 Deg C Calculation are
induction AND Coolant Temp < 125 Deg C performed every
problems Intake Air Temp > -20 Deg C 12.5 msec
affecting airflow ( ABS(Measured Intake Air Temp < 125 Deg C
and/or manifold Flow – Modeled Air Minimum total
pressure. Flow) Filtered > 10 grams/sec weight factor (all
factors multiplied
OR together)
ABS(Measured >= 0.25
MAP – MAP Model
1) Filtered > 20.0 kPa ) Filtered Throttle
Model Error
AND multiplied by TPS
Residual Weight
MAP – MAP Model Modeled Air Flow
2) Filtered > 20.0 kPa Error multiplied by
MAF Residual
Weight Factor
based on RPM and
MAF Residual
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
O2S P1133 This DTC Fault condition H/C L/R No Active DTC's TPS_ThrottleAuthor Sample time is 2 trips
Insufficient determines if the present if Half Cycle switches < ityDefaulted 60 seconds Type B
Switching O2 sensor is no L/R or R/L Switches Threshold, or MAP_SensorFA
Bank 1 longer are below the H/C R/L IAT_SensorFA
Sensor 1 sufficiently threshold. switches < ECT_Sensor_FA Frequency:
switching. Threshold, AmbientAirDefault Once per trip
(refer to table MAF_SensorFA
named "P1133 - EvapPurgeSolenoid
O2S HC L to R Circuit_FA
Switches Limit EvapFlowDuringNo
Bank 1 Sensor nPurge_FA
1" Pass/Fail EvapVentSolenoidC
Threshold table ircuit_FA
& "P1133 - O2S
HC R to L EvapSmallLeak_FA
Switches Limit EvapEmissionSyste
Bank 1 Sensor m_FA
1" Pass/Fail FuelTankPressureS
Threshold table nsrCkt_FA
in Supporting FuelInjectorCircuit_
tables tab) FA
OR AIR System FA
<3 EthanolComposition
Slope Time L/R Sensor_FA
Switches EngineMisfireDetect
OR Bank 1 Sensor 1 = P0131, P0132 or
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
<3 DTC's not active P0134
Slope Time R/L System Voltage 10.0 < Volts < 32.0
Switches EGR Device
Control = Not active
Idle Device
Control = Not active
Fuel Device
Control = Not active
AIR Device
Control = Not active
Low Fuel
Condition Diag = False
Green O2S = Not Valid, See
Condition definition of Green
Sensor Delay
Criteria (B1S1) in
Supporting Tables
O2 Heater on for 40 seconds
Learned Htr
resistance = Valid
Engine Coolant > 50 ºC
IAT > -40 ºC
Engine run
Accum > 90 seconds
Time since any
AFM status > 2.0 seconds
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Time since Purge
On to Off change > 2.0 seconds
Time since Purge
Off to On change > 2.0 seconds
Engine airflow 17 gps 40
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
All of the above
met for
Time > 1.0 seconds
Mass Air Flow P121B Electrical ECM detects that Mass Air Flow 40 failures out Type B
A Supply Integrity of the commanded and Power is of 50 samples 2 trips
Voltage Mass Air Flow actual states of commanded on
Control Circuit Power Supply output driver do not 1 sample every
Low Circuit - Shorted match because the 100 msec
to Ground output is shorted to
Mass Air Flow P121C Electrical ECM detects that Mass Air Flow 40 failures out Type B
A Supply Integrity of the commanded and Power is of 50 samples 2 trips
Voltage Mass Air Flow actual states of commanded off
Control Circuit Power Supply output driver do not 1 sample every
High Circuit - Shorted match because the 100 msec
to Power output is shorted to
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Cold Start P1400 Model based test Average desired < -32.00 KJ/s To enable the diagnostic, the Cold Runs once per Type A
Emissions computes power accumulated (high RPM Start Emission Reduction Strategy trip when the 1
Reduction from exhaust exhaust power - failure mode) must be Active per the following: cold start Trip(s)
System Fault flow and thermal Average actual emission
energy resulting accumulated reduction
from elevated exhaust power strategy is
idle speed and (too much energy active
retarded spark delivered to
advance. catalyst) Frequency:
Detects if the 100ms Loop
cold start OR
emission Test completes
reduction system Average desired > 4.15 KJ/s after 15
has failed accumulated (low RPM seconds of
resulting in the exhaust power - failure mode) accumulated
delivered power Average actual qualified data.
being out of accumulated
range. exhaust power
(too little energy
delivered to
(EWMA filtered)
< 350.00 degC
Engine Coolant > -10.00 degC
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Engine Coolant <= 180.00 degC
The Cold Start Emission Reduction
strategy must not be exiting. The
strategy will exit per the following:
>= 550.00 degC
Engine Run Time >= 30.00 seconds
> "Extended Engine
Exit Time"
This Extended
Engine Exit time is
Engine Run Time a function of
percent ethanol.
Refer to
Tables" for details.
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Vehicle Speed < 621.37 MPH
(A value of 1 allows
diagnostic to run
Allow diagnostic
and calculate the
to calculate
residual while off
residual in an off-
idle. A value of 0
idle state
requires calculation
of the residual at
If the value above is equal to a value
of 1 then this "DriverOffAccelPedal"
will not be checked. However, if the
above value is equal to a value of 0
then driver must be off the accel pedal.
This checks that the final accel pedal
position (comprehending deadband
and hysteresis) is essentially zero.
A change in throttle position (tip-in/tip-
out) will initiate a delay in the
calculation of the average qualified
residual value. When the
Pedal Close > 0.00 seconds
Delay Timer
the diagnostic will continue the
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Clutch Pedal Top of Travel Achieved
and Clutch Pedal Bottom of Travel
Achieved. Refer to the "Clutch
Pedal Top of Travel Achieved
criteria" and "Clutch Pedal Bottom
of Travel Achieved criteria" section
of the "Supporting Tables" tab criteria
These are scalar
Time Weighting values that are a
Factor function of engine
run time. Refer to
Tables" for details.
General Enable
DTC's Not Set
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Clutch Sensor FA
P050A (ColdStrt_IAC_SysPerf)
P050B (ColdStrtIgnTmngPerf)
Evaporative P1458 ELCP Pressure Propulsion System Propulsion Once or twice 2 trip
Emission Sensor Not Active System Not per trip with Type B
System Leak Correlation Active Propulsion
Detection Diagnostic If the difference System Not
Pump between the ELCP Propulsion Active, for each
Pressure pressure sensor system not active required wake-
Sensor Circuit (absolute) reading time 4.3 time 5.8 up event
Performance and the barometric hours or
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Diagnostic pressure value from 6.0 time 8.1 First time
the MAP sensor hours or diagnostic runs,
(Sealed Fuel is 8.2 time 11.0 50 failures out
System) then increment the hours of 63 samples
fail counter. This Odometer 9.9 miles
diagnostic runs for Drive distance 1.0 miles Second time
> 3000 Pa Min baro 70 kPa diagnostic runs,
Max baro 110 kPa 50 failures out
Min fuel level 10 % of 63 samples
14 seconds. Max fuel level 90 %
ECT 40 °C 100 msec loop
Propulsion System Min IAT 4 °C
Active Max IAT 45 °C
Time since last
test when
After a stabilization passing
time of 10 seconds. P0442/P0455 17 hours
Time since last
test when failing
P0442/P0455 10 hours
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
between the ELCP system not active When
pressure sensor time 0 seconds Propulsion
(absolute) reading Previous System Active
and the barometric propulsion
pressure value from system active 50 failures out
the MAP sensor is > 15000 Pa time 0 seconds of 63 samples
then increment the
fail counter. Abort 100 msec loop
Min fuel level
slosh 190 %
When a recent Max fuel level
barometric pressure slosh 200 %
update has not Key up during
occurred within the test
last 0.1 miles, Refueling request
if the difference button pressed
between the ELCP
pressure sensor Service bay test
(absolute) reading active
and the barometric Device control
pressure value from exceeds 0.5 seconds
the MAP sensor
> 20000 Pa No Active DTC's
then increment the
fail counter.
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
No Active DTC's
System Active
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Run/Crank Voltage 11 volts
Purge is not
Refueling request
button pressed
Device control
exceeds 0.5 seconds
FTP correlation
(P0451) is
Purge Low Flow
(P0497) is
No Active DTC's
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Evaporative P1459 This DTC will ELCP pressure < 0.70 volts (14 640 failures out 2 trips
Emission detect an ELCP sensor signal % of Vref or ~ of 800 samples Type B
System Leak pressure sensor 47 kPa)
Detection signal that is too
Pump low out of range. 12.5 ms /
Pressure sample
Sensor Circuit
Low Voltage
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
(Sealed Fuel
Evaporative P145A This DTC will ELCP pressure > 4.85 volts 640 failures out 2 trips
Emission detect an ELCP sensor signal (97% of Vref or of 800 samples Type B
System Leak pressure sensor ~ 123 kPa)
Detection signal that is too
Pump high out of 12.5 ms /
Pressure range. sample
Sensor Circuit
High Voltage
(Sealed Fuel
Evaporative P145C This DTC will When the ELCP Propulsion Up to twice per 2 trip
Emission detects an ELCP vacuum pump is system not active trip, for each Type B
System Leak vacuum pump commanded on time 4.3 time 5.8 required wake-
Detection that is stuck off. during the 1st hours or up event
Pump 0.020” reference 6.0 time 8.1
Performance/ orifice vacuum hours or 100 msec loop
Stuck Off measurement, if the 8.2 time 11.0
stabilized ELCP hours
(Sealed Fuel pressure sensor Odometer 9.9 miles
System) (gauge) vacuum Drive distance 1.0 miles
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
reading is Min baro 70 kPa
after Max baro 110 kPa
then the ELCP Min fuel level 10 %
vacuum pump is < 100 Pa Max fuel level 90 %
stuck off and the 360 seconds ECT 40 °C
DTC fails. Min IAT 4 °C
Max IAT 45 °C
Time since last
test when
P0442/P0455 17 hours
Time since last
test when failing
P0442/P0455 10 hours
When the ELCP
vacuum pump is Voltage 10 volts
commanded on Vehicle speed 1 MPH
during the 2nd Vehicle not in
0.020” reference assembly plant
orifice vacuum (value must = 0) 0
measurement, if the Propulsion
stabilized ELCP system not active
pressure sensor time 0 seconds
(gauge) vacuum < 100 Pa Previous
reading is 30 seconds propulsion
after system active
then the ELCP time 0 seconds
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
vacuum pump is
stuck off and the Abort
DTC fails. Conditions:
Min fuel level
slosh 190 %
Max fuel level
slosh 200 %
Key up during
Refueling request
button pressed
No Active DTC's
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
No Active DTC's
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Evaporative P145D This DTC The 1st time in the Propulsion Once or twice 2 trip
Emission detects an ELCP test sequence when system not active per trip, for each Type B
System Leak vacuum pump the ELCP vacuum time 4.3 time 5.8 required wake-
Detection that is stuck on. pump is hours or up event
Pump Stuck commanded off, 6.0 time 8.1
On after the ELCP hours or 100 msec loop
switching valve 8.2 time 11.0
(Sealed Fuel transitions from vent hours
System) to pump position, if Odometer 9.9 miles
the difference Drive distance 1.0 miles
between an initial Min baro 70 kPa
ELCP pressure Max baro 110 kPa
sensor (absolute) Min fuel level 10 %
reading and a Max fuel level 90 %
second ELCP ECT 40 °C
pressure sensor Min IAT 4 °C
(absolute) reading Max IAT 45 °C
is Time since last
after test when
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
then the ELCP passing
vacuum pump is > 1000 Pa P0442/P0455 17 hours
stuck on and the 8 seconds Time since last
DTC fails. test when failing
P0442/P0455 10 hours
Voltage 10 volts
Vehicle speed 1 MPH
Vehicle not in
assembly plant
(value must = 0) 0
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Refueling request
button pressed
No Active DTC's
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
No Active DTC's
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
EVAP System P145E A small leak If the ELCP Propulsion Up to once per 2 trips
Leak Between (0.020") is pressure sensor system not active trip, for each Type B
Vent Control detected in the (gauge) vacuum time 4.3 time 5.8 required wake-
Valve and EVAP system reading is less than hours or up event
Leak between the the 0.020" reference 6.0 time 8.1
Detection Diurnal Control orifce vacuum hours or 100 msec loop
Pump Valve (DCV) and measurement 8.2 time 11.0
the ELCP times a hours
(Sealed Fuel vacuum pump. plus a Odometer 9.9 miles
System) This includes a offset for Drive distance 1.0 miles
leak through the then a small leak is Min baro 70 kPa
DCV. detected between 1.00 multiplier Max baro 110 kPa
the DCV and ELCP 200 Pa Min fuel level 10 %
vacuum pump and 30 seconds Max fuel level 90 %
the DTC fails. ECT 40 °C
Min IAT 4 °C
Max IAT 45 °C
The ELCP Time since last
vacuum pump test when
creates a passing
vacuum across a P0442/P0455 17 hours
0.020" reference Time since last
orifice. This test when failing
reference P0442/P0455 10 hours
vacuum is then
compared to the Voltage 10 volts
vacuum level Vehicle speed 1 MPH
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
created between Vehicle not in
the Diurnal assembly plant
Control Valve (value must = 0) 0
(DCV) and the Propulsion
ELCP leak system not active
detection pump time 0 seconds
to determine if a Previous
leak exists. propulsion
system active
time 0 seconds
Min fuel level
slosh 190 %
Max fuel level
slosh 200 %
Key up during
Refueling request
button pressed
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
No Active DTC's
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
No Active DTC's
Evaporative P145F 1st and 2nd If the difference Propulsion Up to once per 2 trip
Emission 0.020” reference between the 1st system not active trip, for each Type B
System Leak orifice vacuum 0.020” reference time 4.3 time 5.8 required wake-
Detection measurements orifice vacuum hours or up event
Reference do not correlate. measurement and 6.0 time 8.1
Orifice the 2nd 0.020” hours or 100 msec loop
Performance reference orifice 8.2 time 11.0
vacuum hours
(Sealed Fuel measurement is Odometer 9.9 miles
System) after Drive distance 1.0 miles
then the 1st and Min baro 70 kPa
2nd reference > 510 Pa Max baro 110 kPa
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
orifice vacuum 30 seconds Min fuel level 10 %
measurements do Max fuel level 90 %
not correlate and ECT 40 °C
the DTC fails. Min IAT 4 °C
Max IAT 45 °C
Time since last
test when
P0442/P0455 17 hours
Time since last
test when failing
P0442/P0455 10 hours
Voltage 10 volts
Vehicle speed 1 MPH
Vehicle not in
assembly plant
(value must = 0) 0
system not active
time 0 seconds
system active
time 0 seconds
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Min fuel level
slosh 190 %
Max fuel level
slosh 200 %
Key up during
Refueling request
button pressed
No Active DTC's
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
No Active DTC's
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Cooling Fan 1 P1485 This DTC checks The ECM detects Battery voltage to 50 failures out 2 trips
Output Circuit for open circuit that the enable 11 volts of 63 samples Type B
(ODM) failures during commanded state Battery voltage to
operation. of the driver and the remain enabled
actual state of the 10 volts 100 ms / sample
control circuit do not
match. Accessory line is
high for > 5 seconds
No Active DTC's
Cooling Fan 1 P1486 This DTC checks The ECM detects Battery voltage to 50 failures out 2 trips
Output Circuit for short to low that the enable 11 volts of 63 samples Type B
Low Voltage voltage circuit commanded state Battery voltage to
(ODM) failures during of the driver and the remain enabled
operation. actual state of the 10 volts 100 ms / sample
control circuit do not
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
match. Accessory line is
high for > 5 seconds
No Active DTC's
Cooling Fan 1 P1487 This DTC checks The ECM detects Battery voltage to 50 failures out 2 trips
Output Circuit for short to high that the enable 11 volts of 63 samples Type B
High Voltage voltage circuit commanded state Battery voltage to
(ODM) failures during of the driver and the remain enabled
operation. actual state of the 10 volts 100 ms / sample
control circuit do not
match. Accessory line is
high for > 5 seconds
No Active DTC's
Steady State P1516 Detect an inablity Throttle is Run/Crank > 6.41 0.49 ms Trips:
Actuation to maintain a considered to be Voltage
Fault steady state steady state when: 1
throttle position Change in throttle 0.25 percent Type:
position over 12.5 A
msec is < MIL:
4.00 seconds YES
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Cruise Control P155A Detects when cruise switch state fail continuously Type:
Switch State cruise switch remains for greater than
Undertermine state cannot be undetermined for 0.5 seconds
d determined, such greater than a
as low voltage calibratable time
Hybrid Control P15F2 Determines if 1. Serial Message <> 2's Secondary High
Torque torque request Communication 2’s complement of Speed Bus is >= 10 Password
Request from the HCP is complement not message Present Protect errors
Circuit valid equal for message out of 16
$181 samples
No Serial 1 trip(s)
loss to HCP Type A
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
2. Serial Message rolling >= 10 Rolling
Communication count value <> count errors out
rolling count value previous of 16 samples
shall be + 1 from message rolling
previous $181 count value Pass diagnostic
message plus one if samples >=16
Hybrid Control P15F9 Determines if 1. Serial Message <> 2's No Serial 2 trip(s)
Speed torque request Communication 2’s complement of communication >= 10 Password
Request from the HCP is complement not message loss to HCP Protect errors
Circuit valid equal for message (U1817) out of 16
$281 samples
Run Crank Active >= 0.50 Sec Type B
2. Serial Message rolling >= 10 Rolling
Communication count value <> count errors out
rolling count value previous of 16 samples
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
shall be + 1 from message rolling
previous $281 count value Pass diagnostic
message plus one if samples >=16
every 12.5 msec
Brake Pedal P15FB Detects rolling If x of y rolling count Chassis Brake TRUE 10/16 counts Type:
Position count or / protection value Pedal Position
Sensor Signal protection value faults occur, default Emissions
Message errors in Chassis brake pedal Related Serial
Counter Brake Pedal positiion to zero for Data Error
Incorrect Position duration of fault Diagnostic
Emissions Enable
Related serial
data signal
EVAP System P162D ECM could not Whenever the Odometer 9.9 miles Once per each 2 trips
Alarm Clock set VICM Alarm propulsion system Drive distance 1.0 miles wake-up event Type B
Signal Not Clock goes active, the Time since last when Propulsion
Received diagnostic reads its test when System is not
internal timer and passing active
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
(Sealed Fuel evaluates the P0442/P0455 17 hours
System) results from the Time since last Final decision is
wake-up events that test when failing made when
could have P0442/P0455 Propulsion
occurred. 10 hours System is Active
If the ECM did not CM_FA
receive feedback CommBusAOff_VIC
from the VICM that M_FA
the alarm clock was CommBusBOff_VIC
set, the 5.0 hour M_FA
wake-up event did AccCktLo_FA
not occur, and the
ECM did not wake Abort
up for any reason Conditions:
from 4.3 hours Service bay test
to 5.8 hours active
then a failure has
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
11.0 hours
then a failure has
At Propulsion
System Active, if
any of the wake-up
events indicate a
failure then the DTC
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
AC friction torque is High Threshold Ignition State Accessory / Run / Up/down timer
greater than 0.00 Nm Crank 475 ms
commanded by AC Low Threshold continuous, 0.5
control software or 0.00 Nm down time
less than threshold multipier
Generator friction High Threshold Ignition State Accessory / Run / Up/down timer
torque is out of 164.43 Nm Crank 475 ms
bounds given by Low Threshold continuous, 0.5
threshold range 0.00 Nm down time
Min. Axle Torque -2520.00 Nm Ignition State Accessory / Run / Up/down timer
Capacity is greater Crank 175 ms
than threshold continuous, 0.5
down time
Rate limited cruise 143.88 Nm Ignition State Accessory / Run / Up/down timer
axle torque request Crank 163 ms
and its dual store do continuous 0 5
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
and its dual store do continuous, 0.5
not match down time
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Redundant < -863.25
Axle Torque
Rate limited vehicle NA Time since first >= 0.500sec 5/8counts;
speed and its dual CAN message 25.0msec/count
store do not equal with vehicle
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
down time
TOS to wheel High Threshold Ignition State Accessory / Run / 5/15 counts;
speed conversion 1.10 T/C Range Crank 25.0msec/count
factor is out of Hi
bounds given by 0.10 T/C Range
threshold range Lo
Low Threshold
TOS to wheel NA Ignition State Accessory / Run / 10/16 counts;
speed conversion Crank 25.0msec/count
factor and its dual
store do not equal
Zero pedal axle High Threshold Ignition State Accessory / Run / Up/down timer
torque is out of 1151.00 Nm Crank 175 ms
bounds given by Low Threshold continuous, 0.5
threshold range -1726.50 Nm down time
Creep Coast Axle High Threshold Ignition State Accessory / Run / Up/down timer
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Description p g g y p
Torque is out of 1151.00 Nm Crank 175 ms
bounds given by Low Threshold continuous, 0.5
threshold range -1726.50 Nm down time
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Regeneration Brake Brake Regen Ignition State Accessory / Run / Up/down timer
Assist is not within a Assist < 0 Nm Crank 175 ms
specified range or continuous, 0.5
Brake Regen down time
Assist > multipier
1000.00 Nm
Driver P1B12 Detect a rolling X of Y failure criteria Propulsion Active 10/16 counts or Trips:
Intended count or have been met for System 0.488 seconds
Brake Torque protection value rolling count or Diagnostic TRUE continuous; 25 1
Fault error in Driver protection errors for Enabled ms/count in
Intended Brake Driver Intended Manufaturer 0 main processor Type:
Torque serial Brake Torque. Enable Counter
data C
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Hybrid P1E00 Monitors the Hybrid Powertrain Time since power- > 3 seconds Continuous Type A
Powertrain Hybrid Control Module 2- up 1 trips
Control Powertrain Related DTC set
Module 2 Control Module 2 MIL:
Requested MIL request line NO
MIL to determine
Illumination when the Hybrid
Control Module 2
has detected a
MIL illuminating
Control P2101 1) Detect a Difference between TPS minimum Run/Crank voltage 1. 39counts; Trips:
Module throttle measured throttle learn is not active > 6.41 12.5 ms/count in 1
Throttle positioning error position and and Throttle is the primary Type:
Actuator modeled throttle being Controlled processor A
Position position > 10.00 percent and (Engine MIL:
Performance Running or YES
Ignition Voltage
Difference between or Ignition > 11
modeled throttle Voltage )
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Description g )
position and > 5.5
measured throttle
position > 10.00 percent Ignition voltage
failure is false
2) Throttle Throttle Position > 37.60 percent TPS minimum 2. 11 counts;
control is driving learn is active 12.5 ms/count in
the throttle in the the primary
incorrect processor
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
energizing ETC On the main No TPS circuit C
motor. processor faults MIL:
PT Relay Voltage
> 5.500
Accelerator P2122 Detect a APP1 Voltage < 0.463 Run/Crank > 6.41 19/39 counts or Trips:
Pedal Position continuous or Voltage 14 counts
(APP) Sensor intermittent short continuous; 12.5 1
1 Lo or open in the ms/count in the Type:
APP sensor #1 main processor A
on Main MIL:
processor YES
No 5V reference
error or fault for # 4
5V reference circuit
Accelerator P2123 Detect a APP1 Voltage > 4.75 Run/Crank > 6.41 19/39 counts or Trips:
Pedal Position continuous or Voltage 14 counts
(APP) Sensor intermittent short continuous; 12.5 1
1 Hi or open in the ms/count in the Type:
APP sensor #1 main processor A
on Main MIL:
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
processor YES
No 5V reference
error or fault for # 4
5V reference circuit
Accelerator P2127 Detect a APP2 Voltage < 0.325 Run/Crank > 6.41 19/39counts or Trips:
Pedal Position continuous or 14 counts 1
(APP) Sensor intermittent short continuous; 12.5 Type:
2 Lo or open in the ms/count in the A
APP sensor #2 main processor MIL:
on Main YES
No 5V reference
error or fault for # 4
5V reference circuit
Accelerator P2128 Detect a APP2 Voltage > 2.6 Run/Crank > 6.41 19/39 counts or Trips:
Pedal Position continuous or 14 counts 1
(APP) Sensor intermittent short continuous; 12.5 Type:
2 Hi or open in the ms/count in the A
APP sensor #2 main processor MIL:
on Main YES
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
No 5V reference
error or fault for # 4
5V reference circuit
Throttle P2135 1. Detects a 1. Difference 1. 7.022% Run/Crank > 6.41 1 & 2: Trips:
Position (TP) continuous or between TPS1 offset at min. 639/1279 counts 1
Sensor 1-2 intermittent displaced and TPS2 throttle position or 154 counts Type:
Correlation correlation fault displaced > with a linear continuous; A
between TPS threshold to 3.125 ms/count MIL:
sensors #1 and 9.622% at max. in the main YES
#2 on Main throttle position processor
2. Difference
(normalized min No TPS sensor
TPS1 ) and faults (P0122,
(normalized min P0123, P0222,
TPS2) > 2. 5.000 % No 5V reference
Vref error or fault for # 4
5V reference circuit
Accelerator P2138 Detects a 1. Difference 1. 10.001% Run/Crank > 6.41 1 & 2: 19/39 Trips:
Pedal Position continuous or between APP1 offset at min. counts 1
(APP) Sensor intermittent displaced and APP2 pedal position intermittent or Type:
1-2 correlation fault displaced > with a linear 15 counts A
Correlation between APP threshold to continuous, 12.5 MIL:
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
sensors #1 and 10.001% at ms/count in the YES
#2 on Main max. pedal main processor
processor position
2. Difference No APP sensor
between faults (P2122,
(normalized min P2123,P2127,
APP1 ) and
(normalized min No 5V reference
APP2) > 2. 5.000% Vref errors or faulst for #
3 & # 4 5V
reference circuits
Vehicle P215B Detect invalid The absolute CAN timer > 0.5000 sec 400/800 counts Trips:
Speed – vehicle speed difference between for wheel speed 1
Output Shaft source. wheel speed vehicle correlation or Type:
Speed speed and TOS 400/800 counts A
Correlation vehicle speed for TOS MIL:
greater than > 6.21 mph correlation; YES
Secure vehicle Secure vehicle
speed source is speed source is
unavailable TOS vehicle speed
or wheel speed
Trans engaged
state is not equal to
not engaged.
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Minimum P2176 TP sensors were During TPS min Run/Crank > 6.41 2.0 secs Trips:
Throttle not in the learn on the Main Voltage
Position Not minmum learn processor, TPS 1
Learned window after Voltage > Type:
multiple attempts 0.955 A
to learn the MIL:
minimum. YES
Number of learn
attempts > 10 counts
Cooling P2181 This DTC Engine Coolant No Active DTC's MAF_SensorFA 20 failures out 2 trips
System detects Temp (ECT) is IAT_SensorFA of 150 samples Type B
Performance thermostat commanded THMR_RCT_Senso
malfunction (i.e. temperature minus r_Ckt_FA
stuck open) 11 Deg C and THMR_ECT_Senso 1 sec/ sample
normalized ratio is r_Ckt_FA
than 4. When above
is present for more Engine not run
than 5 seconds, fail time 1800 seconds
counts start. Engine run time 50 Time 1370 Once per
seconds ignition key
Fuel Condition Ethanol 86% cycle
Engine total ECT at Power Up -40.0 ECT 59.0
airgrams is °C
accumulated when IAT min -7°C IAT 60°C.
1 AirFlow 100
grams per second. T-Stat Heater
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
duty cycle
commanded 10 %
Airflow 1.0 Airflow
100.0 GPS
Ratio Definition:
Current temp
difference between
minus PwrUp
difference divided
by total airgrams.
Note: Minimum total
airgrams is 100.0
Air Fuel P219A Determines if a The following System Voltage 10.9 Volts Minimum of 1 1
Imbalance cylinder-to- criteria apply to: Bank 1 is NOT < test per trip Trip(s)
Bank 1 cylinder air-fuel Filtered Ratio > 0.50 for >= 0.2 seconds Type A
imbalance is Fuel Level > 10.0 percent AND Maximum of 10
present by no fuel level sensor tests per trip
monitoring the ECT > -20 degrees C
pre and post Exclude AFM (DoD) Cumulative The front O2
catalyst O2 Ratio data from YES engine run time > 40.0 seconds sensor voltage
sensor voltage Ratio value Engine speed is sampled once
characteristics. always < 10000.0 rpm per cylinder
The pre voltage AFM (DoD) Diagnostic runs event.
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
is used to operation required at Idle regardless Therefore, the
generate a ratio in order to report: NO of speed, load, time required to
metric. A normal AND air flow, spark complete a
system will AFM (DoD) Filtered advance, and single test
generally result Ratio > 0.50 phaser angle: (when all enable
in a negative NO conditions are
ratio while a Engine speed during: met) decreases
failing system will AND Normal operation 1350 <= rpm <= as engine speed
generally result Post O2 Feature 4800 increases. For
in a positive Enabled: NO Intrusive cam 0 <= rpm <= 0 example,
ratio. The post AND AFM (DoD) 0 <= rpm <= 4800 9.0 seconds of
voltage is used Filtered Post AFM (DoD) and 0 <= rpm <= 0 data is required
to generate an X catalyst O2 voltage intrusive cam at 1000 rpm
out of Y metric, is NOT between 600 and Post O2 testing 0 <= rpm <= 10000 while double this
where Y 800 mV time is required
represents the for more than 50.0 Engine speed at 500 rpm and
number of out of 62.5 seconds range is less half this time is
samples and X than: 100 rpm required at 2000
represents the during non-AFM during a short rpm.
number of those term sample
samples that OR Mass Airflow During:
failed. for more than 50.0 Normal operation 0 <= g/s <= 10000
out of 62.5 seconds
Intrusive cam 0 <= g/s <= 0
Monitor Strategy during AFM AFM (DoD) 0 <= g/s <= 10000
Notes: The NOTE: The Post Decel: AFM (DoD) and 0 <= g/s <= 0
AFIM Filtered O2 Logic is enabled NO intrusive cam
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Ratio is derived only when operating Idle: Post O2 testing 0 <= g/s <= 10000
from the pre-O2 in an enabled Post NO Cumulative delta
sensor voltage O2 Cell. The Cruise: mass air flow
metric known as following Post O2 NO does not exceed:
Variance. Cells are enabled: Light Accel: during a short 5 g/s
Variance is the NO term sample
statistical Heavy Accel:
variation of the NO Filtered Mass The post
O2 sensor NOTE: The "filtered Airflow does not catalyst O2
voltage over one Post catalyst O2 change by more sensor voltage
engine cycle. voltage" referred to than: 0.20 g/s is sampled
The reason we above is the result every 12.5 ms every 12.5 ms.
use Variance is of applying a first Note: first order The cumulative
because it order lag filter to the lag filter time required for
comprehends O2 Post O2 voltage coefficient the post O2
signal deviation used by the closed applied to MAF: 0.050 portion of the
from nominal on loop fuel control Air Per Cylinder During: diagnostic to
a cylinder firing system. The filter Normal operation 0 <= mg/cylinder <= report is 62.5
event basis. coefficient is: 10000 seconds.
This metric is 0.001 Intrusive cam 0 <= mg/cylinder <=
representative of 0
the air/fuel Note: Instusive AFM (DoD) 0 <= mg/cylinder <=
imbalance. phaser control is 10000
active, allowing a AFM (DoD) and 0 <= mg/cylinder <=
specified phaser intrusive cam 0
angle during certain Post O2 testing 0 <= mg/cylinder <= Note: If the post
operating 10000 O2 feature is
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
conditions: NO Filtered APC enabled, both
The AFIM Filtered The Quality shall not change the front and
Ratio metric is the Factor (QF) by more than: 5.00 percent post portions of
difference between calibrations are between 12.5 ms the diagnostic
the current, located in a samples. Note: must complete
measured Variance 17x17 lookup first order lag before reporting.
metric and a 17x17 table versus filter coefficient If the post O2
table lookup value engine speed applied to APC: feature is not
(the threshold), and load (see 1.000 enabled, only
divided by a second Supporting the front portion
17 x 17 table lookup Tables). A QF APC range must complete
value (the of “1” is an during short term before reporting.
normalizer), and indication that sample shall not
finally multiplied by we were able to exceed:
a Quality Factor, achieve at least 75 mg/cylinder
also a 17 x 17 table 4sigma/2sigma Spark Advance During:
lookup value (the robustness in Normal operation 5 <= degrees <= 55
latter ranges that speed/load
between 0 and 1, region. QF Intrusive cam 0 <= degrees <= 0
based on values less
robustness to false than “1” AFM (DoD) 5 <= degrees <= 55
diagnosis in the indicate that we
current operating don’t have AFM (DoD) and 0 <= degrees <= 0
region). The reason 4sigma/2sigma intrusive cam
we use a ratio of the robustness in Throttle Area (percent of max)
Variance is so that that region. The Normal operation 0 <= percent <= 200
we can normalize quality of the
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Description q y
the failure metric data is Intrusive cam 0 <= percent <= 0
over various engine determined via
speed and load statistical AFM (DoD) 0 <= percent <=
regions since analysis of 200
engine speed and Variance data. AFM (DoD) and 0 <= percent <= 0
load directly impact QF values less intrusive cam
the magnitude of than 0.75 Intake Cam Phaser Angle During:
the Variance metric. identify regions Normal operation 0 <= degrees <= 25
diagnosis is not Intrusive cam 0 <= degrees <= 0
AFM (DoD) 0 <= degrees <=
AFM (DoD) and 0 <= degrees <= 0
intrusive cam
Exhaust Cam Phaser Angle During:
Normal operation 0 <= degrees <= 25
Average O2
voltage change < 2 millivolts
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
since last sample
state change will
cause the current
sample to be
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
No AIR System FA
No EvapExcessPurgePsbl_FA
PTO Not Active
Injector base pulse width above min lim
Fuel Control Status
Closed Loop for >= 1.2 seconds
Long Term FT
Enabled Please see
"Closed Loop
Enable Criteria"
and "Long Term
FT Enable
Criteria" in
Rapid Step Response (RSR):
RSR will trigger if For RSR or FIR,
the ratio result 10 tests must
from the last test complete before
is >= 0.50 the diagnostic
or for AFM (DoD) can report.
is >= 0.50
it exceeds the
last filtered ratio
by at least: 1.00
or for AFM (DoD)
by at least:
Once triggered, 1.00
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Description gg ,
the filtered ratio is
reset to:
or for AFM (DoD) 0.00
is reset to:
Fast Initial Response (FIR):
FIR will trigger
when an NVM
reset or code
clear occurs.
Once triggered,
the non-AFM
filtered ratio is
reset to: -0.50
and the AFM
filtered ratio is
reset to: -0.50
O2 Sensor P2270 This DTC Post O2 sensor No Active DTC's TPS_ThrottleAuthor Frequency: 2 trips
Signal Stuck determines if the signal < 850 mvolts ityDefaulted Once per trip Type B
Lean Bank 1 post catalyst O2 ECT_Sensor_FA Note: if Reset
Sensor 2 sensor is stuck in AND IAT_SensorFA Fast Response
a normal lean MAF_SensorFA Function =
voltage range The Accumulated MAP_SensorFA FALSE for the
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
and thereby can mass air flow AIR System FA given Fuel Bank
no longer be monitored during FuelInjectorCircuit_ OR Rapid
used for post the Stuck Lean FA Response
oxygen sensor Voltage Test > 120 grams FuelTrimSystemB1 Active = TRUE,
fuel control or for _FA multiple tests
catalyst FuelTrimSystemB2 per trip are
monitoring. The _FA allowed.
diagnostic is an EngineMisfireDetect
intrusive test ed_FA
(during coast) EthanolComposition
which increases Sensor_FA
the delivered fuel B1S2 Failed this P013A, P013B,
to achieve the key cycle P013E, P013F,
required rich P2270 or P2271
System Voltage 10.0 < Volts < 32.0
Burnoff delay = Not Valid
= Not Valid, See
definition of Green
Sensor Delay
Criteria (B1S2) in
Green O2S Supporting Tables
Condition tab.
Low Fuel
Condition Diag = False
Pedal position 100.0 %
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Engine Speed to
initially enable 1800 RPM 3500
Engine Speed
range to keep
test enabled
(after initially 1700 RPM 3650
Engine Airflow 18 gps 28
Vehicle Speed to
initially enable 24.9 MPH 90.1
Vehicle Speed
range to keep
test enabled 21.7 MPH 93.2
(after initially mph
Closed loop 0.84 C/L Int
integral 1.07
Closed Loop
Active= TRUE
Evap not in control of
Ethanol not in estimate
Post fuel cell = enabled
EGR Intrusive
diagnostic = not active
All post sensor
heater delays = not active
O2S Heater on
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Time 60.0 sec
Catalyst temp 0 ºC 1000
Fuel State = DFCO possible
O2 Sensor P2271 This DTC Post O2 sensor No Active DTC's TPS_ThrottleAuthor 2 trips
Signal Stuck determines if the signal > 100 mvolts ityDefaulted Type B
Rich Bank 1 post catalyst O2 ECT_Sensor_FA Frequency:
Sensor 2 sensor is stuck in AND IAT_SensorFA Once per trip
a normal rich MAF_SensorFA Note: if Reset
voltage range The Accumulated MAP_SensorFA Fast Response
and thereby can mass air flow AIR System FA Function =
no longer be monitored during FuelInjectorCircuit_ FALSE for the
used for post the Stuck Rich FA given Fuel Bank
oxygen sensor Voltage Test > 36 grams FuelTrimSystemB1 OR Rapid
fuel control or for _FA Response
catalyst FuelTrimSystemB2 Active = TRUE,
monitoring. The _FA multiple tests
diagnostic is an EngineMisfireDetect per trip are
intrusive test ed_FA allowed.
which requests EthanolComposition
the DFCO mode Sensor_FA
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
to achieve the B1S2 Failed this P013A, P013B,
required lean key cycle P013E, P013F or
threshold. P2270
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Ethanol not in estimate
Post fuel cell = enabled
Power Take Off = not active
EGR Intrusive
diagnostic = not active
All post sensor
heater delays = not active
O2S Heater on
Time 60.0 sec
Catalyst temp 0 ºC 1000
Fuel State = DFCO possible
DTC's Passed = P2270 (and
P2272 if applicable)
DTC's Passed = P013E (and
P014A if applicable)
DTC's Passed = P013A (and
P013C if applicable)
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Evaporative P2400 This DTC checks The ECM detects 20 failures out 2 trips
Emission for open circuit that the of 25 samples Type B
System Leak failures during commanded state
Detection operation. of the driver and the
Pump Control actual state of the 250 ms / sample
Open Circuit control circuit do not
(Sealed Fuel
Evaporative P2401 This DTC checks The ECM detects 20 failures out 2 trips
Emission for short to low that the of 25 samples Type B
System Leak voltage circuit commanded state
Detection failures during of the driver and the
Pump Control operation. actual state of the 250 ms / sample
Circuit Low control circuit do not
(Sealed Fuel
Evaporative P2402 This DTC checks The ECM detects 20 failures out 2 trips
Emission for short to high that the of 25 samples Type B
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
System Leak voltage circuit commanded state
Detection failures during of the driver and the
Pump Control operation. actual state of the 250 ms / sample
Circuit High control circuit do not
If the P2402 is match.
(Sealed Fuel active, an
System) intrusive test is
performed with
the pump
commanded on
for 15 seconds.
Evaporative P2418 This DTC checks The ECM detects 20 failures out 2 trips
Emission for open circuit that the of 25 samples Type B
System failures during commanded state
Switching operation. of the driver and the
Valve Control actual state of the 250 ms / sample
Open Circuit control circuit do not
(Sealed Fuel
Evaporative P2419 This DTC checks The ECM detects 20 failures out 2 trips
Emission for short to low that the of 25 samples Type B
System voltage circuit commanded state
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Switching failures during of the driver and the
Valve Control operation. actual state of the 250 ms / sample
Circuit Low control circuit do not
(Sealed Fuel
Evaporative P2420 This DTC checks The ECM detects 20 failures out 2 trips
Emission for short to high that the of 25 samples Type B
System voltage circuit commanded state
Switching failures during of the driver and the
Valve Control operation. actual state of the 250 ms / sample
Circuit High control circuit do not
If the P2420 is match.
(Sealed Fuel active, an
System) intrusive test is
performed with
the switching
commanded on
for 15 seconds.
EVAP System P2422 This DTC When sufficient Propulsion Up to once per 2 trip
Vent Valve detects a Diurnal pressure or vacuum system not active trip, for each Type B
Stuck Closed Control Valve exists in the fuel time 4.3 time 5.8 required wake-
(DCV) that is tank system hours or up event
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
(Sealed Fuel stuck closed. 6.0 time 8.1
System) hours or 100 msec loop
8.2 time 11.0
Odometer 9.9 miles
When the Fuel Drive distance 1.0 miles
Tank Pressure Min baro 70 kPa
There are two (FTP) sensor Max baro 110 kPa
ways to run this indicates a pressure Min fuel level 10 %
diagnostic or a vacuum > 697 Pa Max fuel level 90 %
depending on the < -697 Pa. ECT 40 °C
amount of With the DCV Min IAT 4 °C
pressure or commanded Max IAT 45 °C
vacuum in the opened, if the Time since last
fuel tank system. change in the FTP test when
sensor reading is passing
after < 1000 Pa P0442/P0455 17 hours
then the DCV is 10 seconds Time since last
stuck closed and test when failing
the DTC fails. P0442/P0455 10 hours
Voltage 10 volts
Vehicle speed 1 MPH
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
the fuel tank system (value must = 0) 0
system not active
When the FTP time 0 seconds
sensor indicates a Previous
pressure < 697 Pa propulsion
or a vacuum > -697 Pa. system active
time 0 seconds
With the DCV
commanded Abort
opened and the Conditions:
ELCP vacuum Min fuel level
pump commanded slosh 190 %
on, if the 0.020" Max fuel level
reference orifice slosh 200 %
vacuum Key up during
measurement test
minus the ELCP Refueling request
pressure sensor button pressed
(gauge) vacuum
reading is < 300 Pa Service bay test
after 5 seconds active
then the DCV is Device control
stuck closed and exceeds 0.5 seconds
the DTC fails.
No Active DTC's
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
No Active DTC's
ELCP P2450 This DTC When the ELCP Propulsion Up to once per 2 trip
Switching detects a ELCP vacuum pump is system not active trip, for each Type B
Valve Control switching valve commanded on and time 4.3 time 5.8 required wake-
Performance that is stuck. the ELCP switching hours or up event
valve transitions 6.0 time 8.1
(Sealed Fuel from vent to pump hours or 100 msec loop
System) position, if the 8.2 time 11.0
difference between hours
the 1st 0.020” Odometer 9.9 miles
orifice reference Drive distance 1.0 miles
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
vacuum Min baro 70 kPa
measurement and Max baro 110 kPa
the ELCP pressure Min fuel level 10 %
sensor (gauge) Max fuel level 90 %
vacuum reading is ECT 40 °C
after Min IAT 4 °C
then the ELCP Max IAT 45 °C
switching value is Time since last
stuck and the DTC < 400 Pa test when
fails. 5 seconds passing
P0442/P0455 17 hours
Time since last
test when failing
P0442/P0455 10 hours
Voltage 10 volts
Vehicle speed 1 MPH
Vehicle not in
assembly plant
(value must = 0) 0
system not active
time 0 seconds
system active
time 0 seconds
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Min fuel level
slosh 190 %
Max fuel level
slosh 200 %
Key up during
Refueling request
button pressed
No Active DTC's
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
No Active DTC's
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Ignition P2537 This DTC checks The ECM detects 12.5 ms / 2 trips
Switch for short to low that the state of the sample Type B
Accessory voltage circuit accessory line is
Position failures during low when it should
Circuit Low operation. be high. Once per trip
Diagnostic fails
when pass counts
< 8 counts.
ECM/PCM P2610 This DTC Count Up Test: Count Up Test: 2 trips
Internal determines if the Type B
Engine Off hardware timer Time difference 4 failures out of
Timer does not initialize between the current 20 samples
Performance or count read and the
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
properly. There previous read of the 1 sec / sample
are two tests to timer > 1.50 seconds
ensure proper
functioning of the Continuous
timer: Count Up while run/crank
Test (CUT) and is not active and
Range Test until controller
(RaTe). shutdown is
Range Test
(RaTe): When
the run/crank is
not active both
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
the hardware
and mirror timers
are started. The
timers are
compared when
ECM shutdown
is initiated or
becomes active.
Crankshaft P2618 Electrical ECM detects that Powertrain Relay 40 failures out Type B
Position Integrity of the commanded and Voltage >= 11.00 Volts of 50 samples 2 trips
Signal Output Crankshaft actual states of
Circuit Low Position Singal output driver do not Engine is not 1 sample every
Output Circuit - match because the cranking 100 msec
Shorted to output is shorted to
Ground ground Crankshaft
Position Output is
commanded high
Crankshaft P2619 Electrical ECM detects that Powertrain Relay 40 failures out Type B
Position Integrity of the commanded and Voltage >= 11.00 Volts of 50 samples 2 trips
Signal Output Crankshaft actual states of
Circuit High Position Singal output driver do not Engine is not 1 sample every
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Output Circuit - match because the cranking 100 msec
Shorted to Power output is shorted to
power Crankshaft
Position Output is
commanded low
O2Sensor P2A00 This DTC Closed Loop O2S No Active DTC's TPS_ThrottleAuthor 200 failures out 2 trips
Circuit Range/ determines if the ready flag = False ityDefaulted of 250 samples. Type B
Performance O2 sensor MAP_SensorFA
Bank 1 voltage is not A) O2S signal must
Sensor 1 meeting the be < 1100 mvolts ECT_Sensor_FA
voltage criteria to To set Closed Loop FuelInjectorCircuit_
enable closed ready flag FA
loop fueling. = True P0131, P0151 Frequency:
P0132, P0152 Continuous
Closed Loop O2S System Voltage 10.0 < Volts < 32.0 100msec loop
ready flag 1000 RPM 3400
= True Engine Speed
B) Once set to Engine Airflow 4.0 gps 30.0
ready O2S cannot > 1100 mvolts Engine Coolant 70.0 ºC
for > 5.0 seconds Engine Metal
Overtemp Active = False
Then set Closed Converter
Loop ready flag = False Overtemp Active = False
Fuel State DFCO not active
= All Cylinders
AFM Status active
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Exhaust Temp
(B1S1) 0.0 ºC
Engine run time > 100 seconds
Fuel Enrichment = Not Active
Control U0073 This DTC Bus off failures 10 counts General Enable Criteria: Diagnostic runs 2
Module monitors for a in 12.5 ms loop Trip(s)
Communicati BUS A off
on Bus A Off condition
out of these 10 counts U0073 Not Active on Type B
samples Current Key Cycle
Normal CAN Enabled
transmission on
Bus A
Device Control Not Active
High Voltage Not Active
Virtual Network
Ignition Voltage Criteria:
Ignition voltage >= 11.00
>= 6.41
Power Mode = run
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Off Cycle Enable Criteria:
Diagnostic 1
Ignition = Active
Accessory Line
Battery Voltage > 11.00
General Enable Criteria and either
Ignition Voltage Criteria or Off Cycle
Enable Criteria met for > 3.0000
CAN hardware is > 0.1125 seconds
bus OFF for
Control U0074 This DTC Bus off failures 10 counts General Enable Criteria: Diagnostic runs 2
Module monitors for a in 12.5 ms loop Trip(s)
Communicati BUS B off
on Bus B Off condition
out of these 10 counts U0074 Not Active on Type B
samples Current Key Cycle
Normal CAN Enabled
transmission on
Bus B
Device Control Not Active
High Voltage Not Active
Virtual Network
Ignition Voltage Criteria:
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Ignition voltage >= 11.00
>= 6.41
Power Mode = run
Off Cycle Enable Criteria:
Diagnostic 1
Ignition = Active
Accessory Line
Battery Voltage > 11.00
General Enable Criteria and either
Ignition Voltage Criteria or Off Cycle
Enable Criteria met for > 3.0000
CAN hardware is > 0.1125 seconds
bus OFF for
Lost U0101 This DTC Message is not General Enable Criteria: Diagnostic runs 2
Communicati monitors for a received from in 12.5 ms loop Trip(s)
on With TCM loss of controller for
communication Message $0C7 10.0 seconds
with the
transmission Message $0F9 0.5 seconds
control module
Message $1F5 0.5 seconds
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Normal CAN Enabled
transmission on
Bus A
Device Control Not Active
High Voltage Not Active
Virtual Network
Ignition Voltage Criteria:
Ignition voltage >= 11.00
>= 6.41
Power Mode = run
Off Cycle Enable Criteria:
Diagnostic 1
Ignition = Active
Accessory Line
Battery Voltage > 11.00
General Enable Criteria and either
Ignition Voltage Criteria or Off Cycle
Enable Criteria met for > 3.0000
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Power Mode is in
accessory or run
or crank and High
Voltage Virtual
Management is
not active for > 0.4000 seconds
U0101 Not Active on
Current Key Cycle
TCM is present on the
Lost U0109 This DTC Message is not 10.0seconds General Enable Criteria: Diagnostic runs 2
Communicati monitors for a received from in 12.5 ms loop Trip(s)
on With Fuel loss of controller for
Pump Control communication
Module with the fuel
pump control
U0073 Not Active on Type B
Current Key Cycle
Normal CAN Enabled
transmission on
Bus A
Device Control Not Active
High Voltage Not Active
Virtual Network
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Ignition Voltage Criteria:
Ignition voltage >= 11.00
>= 6.41
Power Mode = run
Off Cycle Enable Criteria:
Diagnostic 1
Ignition = Active
Accessory Line
Battery Voltage > 11.00
General Enable Criteria and either
Ignition Voltage Criteria or Off Cycle
Enable Criteria met for > 3.0000
Power Mode is in
accessory or run
or crank and High
Voltage Virtual
Management is
not active for > 0.4000 seconds
U0109 Not Active on
Current Key Cycle
Fuel Pump is present on the
Control Module bus
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Lost U0129 This DTC Message is not 10.0seconds General Enable Criteria: Diagnostic runs 2
Communicati monitors for a received from in 12.5 ms loop Trip(s)
on With Brake loss of controller for
System communication
Control with the Brake
Module System Control
U0073 Not Active on Type B
Current Key Cycle
Normal CAN Enabled
transmission on
Bus A
Device Control Not Active
High Voltage Not Active
Virtual Network
Ignition Voltage Criteria:
Ignition voltage >= 11.00
>= 6.41
Power Mode = run
Off Cycle Enable Criteria:
Diagnostic 1
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Ignition = Active
Accessory Line
Battery Voltage > 11.00
General Enable Criteria and either
Ignition Voltage Criteria or Off Cycle
Enable Criteria met for > 3.0000
Power Mode is in
accessory or run
or crank and High
Voltage Virtual
Management is
not active for > 0.4000 seconds
U0129 Not Active on
Current Key Cycle
Brake System is present on the
Control Module bus
Lost U0140 This DTC Message is not 10.0seconds General Enable Criteria: Diagnostic runs 1
Communicati monitors for a received from in 12.5 ms loop Trip(s)
on With Body loss of controller for
Control communication
Module with the Body
Control Module.
U0073 Not Active on Type C
Current Key Cycle
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Normal CAN Enabled
transmission on
Bus A
Device Control Not Active
High Voltage Not Active
Virtual Network
Ignition Voltage Criteria:
Ignition voltage >= 11.00
>= 6.41
Power Mode = run
Off Cycle Enable Criteria:
Diagnostic 1
Ignition = Active
Accessory Line
Battery Voltage > 11.00
General Enable Criteria and either
Ignition Voltage Criteria or Off Cycle
Enable Criteria met for > 3.0000
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Power Mode is in
accessory or run
or crank and High
Voltage Virtual
Management is
not active for > 0.4000 seconds
U0140 Not Active on
Current Key Cycle
Body Control is present on the
Module bus
Lost U016B This DTC Message is not 10.0seconds General Enable Criteria: Diagnostic runs 2
Communicati monitors for a received from in 12.5 ms loop Trip(s)
on with loss of controller for
Electric A/C communication
Compressor with the Electric
Control A/C Compressor
Module Control Module.
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
High Voltage Not Active
Virtual Network
Ignition Voltage Criteria:
Ignition voltage >= 11.00
>= 6.41
Power Mode = run
Off Cycle Enable Criteria:
Diagnostic 1
Ignition = Active
Accessory Line
Battery Voltage > 11.00
General Enable Criteria and either
Ignition Voltage Criteria or Off Cycle
Enable Criteria met for > 3.0000
Power Mode is in
accessory or run
or crank and High
Voltage Virtual
Management is
not active for > 0.4000 seconds
U016B Not Active on
Current Key Cycle
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Electric A/C
Compressor is present on the
Control Module bus
Lost U0293 This DTC Message is not 10.0seconds General Enable Criteria: Diagnostic runs 1
Communicati monitors for a received from in 12.5 ms loop Trip(s)
on With loss of controller for
Hybrid communication
Powertrain with the Hybrid
Control Powertrain
Module Control Module.
U0073 Not Active on Type A
Current Key Cycle
Normal CAN Enabled
transmission on
Bus A
Device Control Not Active
High Voltage Not Active
Virtual Network
Ignition Voltage Criteria:
Ignition voltage >= 11.00
>= 6.41
Power Mode = run
Off Cycle Enable Criteria:
Diagnostic 1
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Ignition = Active
Accessory Line
Battery Voltage > 11.00
General Enable Criteria and either
Ignition Voltage Criteria or Off Cycle
Enable Criteria met for > 3.0000
Power Mode is in
accessory or run
or crank and High
Voltage Virtual
Management is
not active for > 0.4000 seconds
U0293 Not Active on
Current Key Cycle
Hybrid Powertrain
Control Module is present on the
Lost U179A This DTC Message is not 10.0 seconds General Enable Criteria: Diagnostic runs 2
Communicati monitors for a received from in 12.5 ms loop Trip(s)
on with Hybrid loss of controller for
Powertrain communication
Control with the Hybrid
Module B Powertrain
Control Module B
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
U0073 Not Active on Type B
Current Key Cycle
Normal CAN Enabled
transmission on
Bus A
Device Control Not Active
High Voltage Not Active
Virtual Network
Ignition Voltage Criteria:
Ignition voltage >= 11.00
>= 6.41
Power Mode = run
Off Cycle Enable Criteria:
Diagnostic 1
Ignition = Active
Accessory Line
Battery Voltage > 11.00
General Enable Criteria and either
Ignition Voltage Criteria or Off Cycle
Enable Criteria met for > 3.0000
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Power Mode is in
accessory or run
or crank and High
Voltage Virtual
Management is
not active for > 0.4000 seconds
U179A Not Active on
Current Key Cycle
Hybrid Powertrain
Control Module B
is present on the
Lost U1817 This DTC Message is not 0.5seconds General Enable Criteria: Diagnostic runs 1
Communicati monitors for a received from in 12.5 ms loop Trip(s)
on with Hybrid loss of controller for
Powertrain communication
Control with the Hybrid
Module on Powertrain
Bus B Control Module
on Bus B
U0074 Not Active on Type A
Current Key Cycle
Normal CAN Enabled
transmission on
Bus B
Device Control Not Active
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
High Voltage Not Active
Virtual Network
Ignition Voltage Criteria:
Ignition voltage >= 11.00
>= 6.41
Power Mode = run
Off Cycle Enable Criteria:
Diagnostic 1
Ignition = Active
Accessory Line
Battery Voltage > 11.00
General Enable Criteria and either
Ignition Voltage Criteria or Off Cycle
Enable Criteria met for > 3.0000
Power Mode is in
accessory or run
or crank and High
Voltage Virtual
Management is
not active for > 0.4000 seconds
U1817 Not Active on
Current Key Cycle
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Hybrid Powertrain
Control Module is present on the
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Power Moding Diagnostics
System P0562 Sets when the Ignition Voltage Ignition Voltage RunCrankActive =1 5 seconds in Special
Voltage Low low voltage <= 10 Volts a 6 second Type C
system voltage is window
below a
Engine Speed >= 0 RPM
DTC Pass Ignition Voltage 1 second
> 10 Volts
System P0563 Sets when the Ignition Voltage Ignition Voltage RunCrankActive =1 5 seconds in Special
Voltage Hi low voltage >= 18 Volts a 6 second Type C
system voltage is window
above a
DTC Pass Ignition Voltage 1 second
< 18 Volts
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Shift Solenoid *** Line Pressure > 325 kpa
Hydraulic Estimate AND
Diagnostics >= 325 kpa FOR > 1
P0751, seconds
P0752, AND
P0756, P0757 > 100 kpa
have the
enable criteria
Propulsion =1
System Active
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Shift Solenoid P0751 This DTC will X valve is X Commanded X Command 1 Fail One
Valve A Stuck indicate when determined to be in Hi for > X Position 0 Conditions Trip,
Off Shift Solenoid a hydraulically Low XvalveTurnOnT met for 3 Type A
Valve A (X state when it has ime + seconds
Valve) is stuck in been commanded 1 seconds
the hydraulically hydraulically High.
low position Where
This detection ime:
only occurs
during an X valve Trans
transition Fluid
Temp Time
-40 0.50
-30 0.35
-20 0.250
-10 0.09
20 0.05
140 0.02
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Shift Solenoid P0752 This DTC will X valve is Transition X Command 0 Fail One
Valve A Stuck indicate when determined to be in Case: X X Position 1 Conditions Trip,
On Shift Solenoid a hydraulically high commanded met for 3 Type A
Valve A (X state when it has Low for > seconds
Valve) is stuck in been commanded (XvalveTurnOff
the hydraulically to a low state. Tm + 1)
hi position seconds
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Steady State XY state EVT Lo OR EVT Hi Fail
Case: Conditions
Simultaneous met for 2
failures occur seconds
on both PCS2
and PCS4
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
PCS2 and PCS4 Occur
faults Simultaneously -
tWindow + 0.1 )
Trans Fluid
Temp Time
-50 0.50
-32 0.50
-24 0.50
-5 0.50
4 0.50
40 0.50
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Shift Solenoid P0756 This DTC will The Y valve is Y Commanded Y Command 1 Fail One
Valve B Stuck indicate when determined to be in Hi for > Y Position 0 Conditions Trip,
Off Shift Solenoid a hydraulically Low (Yvalve_TurnO met for 4.5 Type A
Valve B (Y state when it has nTm + 1 seconds
Valve) is stuck in been commanded seconds
the hydraulically hydraulically High.
low position Where
This detection Tm:
only occurs
during an Y valve Trans
transition Fluid
Temp Time
-40 15
-30 10
-20 5
-10 0.30
20 0.15
140 0.05
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Shift Solenoid P0757 This DTC will The Y valve is Y Commanded Y Command 0 Fail One
Valve B Stuck indicate when determined to be in Lo for > Y Position 1 Conditions Trip,
On Shift Solenoid a hydraulically Hi (Yvalve_TurnOf met for 4.5 Type A
Valve B (Y state when it has fTm + 1) seconds
Valve) is stuck in been commanded seconds
the hydraulically hydraulically Lo
hi position Where
This detection Tm:
only occurs
during an Y valve Trans
transition Fluid
Temp Time
-40 4
-30 2.7
-20 1.4
-10 .7
20 .2
140 .05
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Pressure *** Xvalve transition X valve is not in a
Control transition, and
Solenoid hasn’t transitioned
hydraulic in the last 0.275
diagnostics seconds (0.025 +
P0776, .25)
P0796, P0797
P2715, share
Propulsion =1
System Active
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Pressure P0776 This DTC will The pressure switch Fail Case 1: PCS >= 1800 kpa for >= Failure Two
Control (PC) determine if associated with PCS2PS commanded (PSReDelay + 0.1) exists for 30 Trips,
Solenoid B Pressure Control pressure control (PSw3) pressure seconds seconds Type B
Stuck Off Solenoid 2 (B) is solenoid B (PCS2) indicates low (2400 *
stuck in the is indicating that the hydraulic Where 0.0125)
hydraulically low PCS is regulating pressure PSReDelay:
position. This exhuast when the *** Common
DTC has two fail PCS has been Hydraulic Fluid
cases. commanded full Enables Temp Time
feed. -50 4.50
-30 1.80
-24 1.2
-17 0.80
4 0.20
40 0.1
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
The warning Fail Case 2: Same as Fail N/A
threshold for Fail Fail case 1 Case 1.
Case 1 has been criteria met for
met 5 times in a at least 0.5
single key cycle seconds (40 *
0.0125), more
than 10 times in
a given key
Pressure P0777 This DTC will The pressure switch Fail Case 1: PCS <= 5 kpa for >= Failure One
Control (PC) determine if associated with PCS2PS commanded (FFDelay + 0.1) exists for 30 Trip,
Solenoid B Pressure Control pressure control (PSw3) pressure seconds seconds Type A
Stuck ON Solenoid 2 (B) is solenoid B (PCS2) indicates hi (2400 *
stuck in the is indicating that the hydraulic Where 0.0125)
hydraulically hi PCS is in the full pressure FFDelay:
position. This feed position when *** Common
DTC has two fail the PCS has been Hydraulic Temp Time
cases. commanded Enables -50 4.50
regulating exhaust. -30 1.40
-18 0.80
-4 0.30
13 0.19
40 0.08
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Pass Pass when PCS2PS 1.25
PCS2PS and (PSw3) seconds
PCS2Cmnd are in indicates Low ((2500 -
agreement (Reg hydraulic 2400) *
Exhaust) pressure 0.0125)
The warning Fail Case 2: Same as Fail N/A
threshold for Fail Fail case 1 Case 1.
Case 1 has been criteria met for
met 5 times in a at least 0.5
single key cycle seconds (40 *
0.0125), more
than 10 times in
a given key
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Pressure P0796 This DTC will The pressure switch Fail Case 1: PCS >= 1800 kpa for >= Failure Two
Control (PC) determine if associated with PCS3PS commanded (PSReDelay + 0.1) exists for 30 Trips,
Solenoid C Pressure Control pressure control (PSw1) pressure seconds seconds Type B
Stuck Off Solenoid 3 (C) is solenoid C (PCS3) indicates low (2400 *
stuck in the is indicating that the hydraulic Where 0.0125)
hydraulically low PCS is regulating pressure PSReDelay:
position. This exhuast when the *** Common
DTC has two fail PCS has been Hydraulic Temp Time
cases. commanded full Enables -50 4.50
feed. -30 1.80
-24 1.2
-17 0.80
4 0.20
40 0.1
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
The warning Fail Case 2: Same as Fail N/A
threshold for Fail Fail case 1 Case 1.
Case 1 has been criteria met for
met 5 times in a at least 1.875
single key cycle seconds ( 150 *
0.0125), more
than 10 times in
a given key
Pressure P0797 This DTC will The pressure switch Fail Case 1: PCS <=5 kpa for >= Failure One
Control (PC) determine if associated with PCS3PS commanded (FFDelay + 0.1) exists for 30 Trip,
Solenoid C Pressure Control pressure control (PSw1) pressure seconds seconds Type A
Stuck ON Solenoid 3 (C) is solenoid C (PCS3) indicates hi (2400 *
stuck in the is indicating that the hydraulic Where 0.0125)
hydraulically hi PCS is in the full pressure FFDelay:
position. This feed position when *** Common
DTC has two fail the PCS has been Hydraulic Trans
cases. commanded Enables Fluid
regulating exhaust. Temp Time
-50 4.50
-30 1.40
-18 0.80
-4 0.30
13 0.19
40 0.08
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Pass Pass when PCS3PS 1.25
PCS3PS and (PSw1) seconds
PCS3Cmnd are in indicates Low ((2500 -
agreement (Reg hydraulic 2400) *
Exhaust) pressure 0.0125)
The warning Fail Case 2: Same as Fail N/A
threshold for Fail Fail case 1 Case 1.
Case 1 has been criteria met for
met 5 times in a at least 0.5
single key cycle seconds (40 *
0.0125), more
than 10 times in
a given key
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Pressure P2714 This DTC will The pressure switch Fail Case 1: PCS >= 1800 kpa for >= Failure Two
Control (PC) determine if associated with PCS4PS commanded (PSReDelay + 0.1) exists for 30 Trips,
Solenoid D Pressure Control pressure control (PSw4) pressure seconds seconds Type B
Stuck Off Solenoid 4 (D) is solenoidC (PCS4) indicates low (2400 *
stuck in the is indicating that the hydraulic Where 0.0125)
hydraulically low PCS is regulating pressure *** Common PSReDelay:
position. This exhuast when the Hydraulic
DTC has two fail PCS has been Enables Temp Time
cases. commanded full -50 4.50
feed. -30 1.80
-24 1.2
-17 0.80
4 0.20
40 0.1
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
The warning Fail Case 2: Same as Fail N/A
threshold for Fail Fail case 1 Case 1.
Case 1 has been criteria met for
met 5 times in a at least 0.5
single key cycle seconds (40 *
0.0125), more
than 10 times in
a given key
Pressure P2715 This DTC will The pressure Fail Case 1: PCS <= 5 kpa for >= Failure Two
Control (PC) determine if switch associated PCS4PS commanded (FFDelay + 0.1) exists for 30 Trips,
Solenoid D Pressure Control with pressure (PSw4) pressure seconds seconds Type B
Stuck ON Solenoid 4 (D) is control solenoid D indicates hi (2400 *
stuck in the (PCS4) is hydraulic Where 0.0125)
hydraulically hi indicating that the pressure FFDelay:
position. This PCS is in the full *** Common
DTC has two fail feed position when Hydraulic Trans
cases. the PCS has been Enables Fluid
commanded Temp Time
regulating exhaust. -50 4.50
-30 1.40
-18 0.80
-4 0.30
13 0.19
40 0.08
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Pass Pass when PCS4PS 1.25
PCS4PS and (PSw4) seconds
PCS4Cmnd are in indicates Low ((2500 -
agreement (Reg hydraulic 2400) *
Exhaust) pressure 0.0125)
The warning Fail Case 2: Same as Fail N/A
threshold for Fail Fail case 1 Case 1.
Case 1 has been criteria met for
met 5 times in a at least 0.2
single key cycle seconds (16 *
0.0125), more
than 5 times in
a given key
Clutch Slip Diagnostics
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Clutch slip *** LinePressureEst > 235 kpa
diagnostics imate AND
P079A, > (MinLinePressure -
P079B, 2 ) kpa
P079C share
these Where
common MinLinePressure is
secondary a lookup table Trans
parameter Fluid Temp vs Line
enable Pressure:
conditions Temp Kpa
-40 1200
-30 1200
-20 1000
-10 700
0 500
10 265
Clutch 1 Slip P079A This DTC sets Clutch 1 Slip Speed C1 Slip > 200 C1 Pressure > = 1800 kpa 63 seconds One
when excessive RPM Command (3 retries * Trip,
slip is observed 1s failtime * Type A
on C1 while 30 seconds
commanded on between
C1 Torq > = 200 Nm OR
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
C1 Fill detected =1 Instantly if
Predicted Mtr B spd >9500
DTC Pass Clutch 1 Slip Speed C1 Slip < 50 C1 Pressure > = 1800 kpa 0.125
RPM Command seconds (10
* 0.0125)
C1 Torq > = 20 Nm
C1 Fill detected = 1
Clutch 2 Slip P079B This DTC sets C2 Slip Speed C2 Slip > 200 C2 Pressure > = 1800 kpa 63 seconds One
when excessive RPM Command (3 retries * Trip,
slip is observed 1s failtime * Type A
on C2 while 30 seconds
commanded on between
C2 Torq > = 200 Nm OR
C2 Fill detected = 1 Instantly if
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Predicted Mtr A spd >6300
Predicted Mtr B spd >9500
DTC Pass C2 Slip Speed C2 Slip < 50 C2 Pressure > = 1800 kpa 0.125
RPM Command seconds (10
* 0.0125)
C2 Torq > = 20 Nm
C2 Fill detected =1
Clutch 3 Slip P079C This DTC sets C3 Slip Speed C3 Slip > 300 C3 Pressure > = 1800 kpa 63 seconds One
when excessive RPM Command (3 retries * Trip,
slip is observed 1s failtime * Type A
on C3 while C3 30 seconds
has been between
commanded on attempts
C3 Torq > = 200 Nm OR
C3 Fill detected = 1 Instantly if
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Predicted Mtr B spd >9500
DTC Pass C3 Slip Speed C3 Slip < 50 C3 Pressure > = 1800 kpa 0.125
RPM Command seconds (10
* 0.0125)
C3 Torq > = 20 Nm
C3 Fill detected = 1
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
P0976, P0977
share these
Pressure P0961 This DTC sets PCS1 electrical HWIO circutry DTC P0961 Not failed this key Failure Two
Control (PC) when an invalid status detects out of on detected for Trips,
Solenoid A voltage in PCS1 range error is 4 seconds Type B
System control circuit present (320 *
Performance has been 0.0125) out
detected of a 5
second (400
* 0.0125)
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
*** Common
DTC Pass HWIO circuitry 1 second
detects an out ((400 - 320)
of range error is * 0.0125)
not present
Pressure P0962 This DTC sets PCS1 electrical HWIO circuitry DTC P0962 Not failed this key Failure One
Control (PC) when the PCS1 status detects an on detected for Trip,
Solenoid A control circuit electrical low 0.4 seconds Type A
Control Circuit has been pressure error (32 * 0.0125)
Low Voltage detected to be is present out of a 0.5
shorted to second (40 *
ground 0.0125)
*** Common
DTC Pass HWIO circuitry 0.1 seconds
detects an ((40 - 32) *
electrical low 0.0125)
pressure error
is not present
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Pressure P0963 This DTC sets PCS1 electrical HWIO circuitry DTC P0963 Not failed this key Failure One
Control (PC) when PCS1 has status detects an on detected for Trip,
Solenoid A been detected to electrical hi 0.4 seconds Type A
Control Circuit be shorted to pressure error (32 * 0.0125)
High Voltage power or open is present. out of a 0.5
circuited. second (40 *
*** Common
DTC Pass HWIO circuitry 0.1 seconds
detects an ((40 - 32) *
electrical hi 0.0125)
pressure error
is not present
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Pressure P0965 This DTC sets PCS2 electrical HWIO circutry DTC P0965 Not failed this key Failure Two
Control (PC) when an invalid status detects out of on detected for Trips,
Solenoid B voltage in PCS2 range error is 4 seconds Type B
System control circuit present. (320 *
Performance has been 0.0125) out
detected of a 5
second (400
* 0.0125)
*** Common
DTC Pass HWIO circuitry 1 second
detects an out ((400 - 320)
of range error is * 0.0125)
not present
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Pressure P0966 This DTC sets PCS2 electrical HWIO circuitry DTC P0966 Not failed this key Failure One
Control (PC) when the PCS2 status detects an on detected for Trip,
Solenoid B control circuit electrical low 0.4 seconds Type A
Control Circuit has been pressure error (32 * 0.0125)
Low Voltage detected to be is present. out of a 0.5
shorted to second (40 *
ground 0.0125)
*** Common
DTC Pass HWIO circuitry 0.1 seconds
detects an ((40 - 32) *
electrical low 0.0125)
pressure error
is not present
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Pressure P0967 This DTC sets PCS2 electrical HWIO circuitry DTC P0967 Not failed this key Failure One
Control (PC) when PCS2 has status detects an on detected for Trip,
Solenoid B been detected to electrical hi 0.4 seconds Type A
Control Circuit be shorted to pressure error (32 * 0.0125)
High Voltage power or open is present. out of a 0.5
circuited. second (40 *
*** Common
DTC Pass HWIO circuitry 0.1 seconds
detects an ((40 - 32) *
electrical hi 0.0125)
pressure error
is not present
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Pressure P0969 This DTC sets PCS3 electrical HWIO circutry DTC P0965 Not failed this key Failure Two
Control (PC) when an invalid status detects out of on detected for Trips,
Solenoid C voltage in PCS3 range error is 4 seconds Type B
System control circuit present. (320 *
Performance has been 0.0125) out
detected of a 5
second (400
* 0.0125)
*** Common
DTC Pass HWIO circuitry 1 second
detects an out ((400 - 320)
of range error is * 0.0125)
not present
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Pressure P0970 This DTC sets PCS3 electrical HWIO circuitry DTC P0966 Not failed this key Failure One
Control (PC) when the PCS3 status detects an on detected for Trip,
Solenoid C control circuit electrical low 0.4 seconds Type A
Control Circuit has been pressure error (32 * 0.0125)
Low Voltage detected to be is present. out of a 0.5
shorted to second (40 *
ground 0.0125)
*** Common
DTC Pass HWIO circuitry 0.1 seconds
detects an ((40 - 32) *
electrical low 0.0125)
pressure error
is not present
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Pressure P0971 This DTC sets PCS3 electrical HWIO circuitry DTC P0967 Not failed this key Failure One
Control (PC) when PCS3 has status detects an on detected for Trip,
Solenoid C been detected to electrical hi 0.2 seconds Type A
Control Circuit be shorted to pressure error (16 * 0.0125)
High Voltage power or open is present. out of a 0.5
circuited. second (40 *
*** Common
DTC Pass HWIO circuitry 0.1 seconds
detects an ((40 - 16) *
electrical hi 0.0125)
pressure error
is not present
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Pressure P2719 This DTC sets PCS4 electrical HWIO circutry DTC P2719 Not failed this key Failure Two
Control (PC) when an invalid status detects out of on detected for Trips,
Solenoid D voltage in PCS4 range error is 4 seconds Type B
System control circuit present. (320 *
Performance has been 0.0125) out
detected of a 5
second (400
* 0.0125)
*** Common
DTC Pass HWIO circuitry 1 second
detects an out ((400 - 320)
of range error is * 0.0125)
not present
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Pressure P2720 This DTC sets PCS4 electrical HWIO circuitry DTC P2720 Not failed this key Failure One
Control (PC) when the PCS4 status detects an on detected for Trip,
Solenoid D control circuit electrical low 0.4 seconds Type A
Control Circuit has been pressure error (32 * 0.0125)
Low Voltage detected to be is present. out of a 0.5
open circuit or second (40 *
shorted to power 0.0125)
*** Common
DTC Pass HWIO circuitry 0.1 seconds
detects an ((40 - 32) *
electrical low 0.0125)
pressure error
is not present
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Pressure P2721 This DTC sets PCS4 electrical HWIO circuitry DTC P2721 Not failed this key Failure One
Control (PC) when PCS4 has status detects an on detected for Trip,
Solenoid D been detected to electrical hi 0.4 seconds Type A
Control Circuit be shorted to pressure error (32 * 0.0125)
High Voltage ground is present. out of a 0.5
second (40 *
*** Common
DTC Pass HWIO circuitry 0.1 seconds
detects an ((40 - 32) *
electrical hi 0.0125)
pressure error
is not present
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Pressure P2728 This DTC sets PCS5 electrical HWIO circutry DTC P2719 Not failed this key Failure Two
Control (PC) when an invalid status detects out of on detected for Trips,
Solenoid E voltage in PCS5 range error is 4 seconds Type B
System control circuit present. (320 *
Performance has been 0.0125) out
detected of a 5
second (400
* 0.0125)
*** Common
DTC Pass HWIO circuitry 1 second
detects an out ((400 - 320)
of range error is * 0.0125)
not present
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Pressure P2729 This DTC sets PCS5 electrical HWIO circuitry DTC P2720 Not failed this key Failure One
Control (PC) when the PCS5 status detects an on detected for Trip,
Solenoid E control circuit electrical low 0.4 seconds Type A
Control Circuit has been pressure error (32 * 0.0125)
Low Voltage detected to be is present. out of a 0.5
open circuit or second (40 *
shorted to power 0.0125)
*** Common
DTC Pass HWIO circuitry 0.1 seconds
detects an ((40 - 32) *
electrical low 0.0125)
pressure error
is not present
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Pressure P2730 This DTC sets PCS5 electrical HWIO circuitry DTC P2721 Not failed this key Failure One
Control (PC) when PCS5 has status detects an on detected for Trip,
Solenoid E been detected to electrical hi 0.4 seconds Type A
Control Circuit be shorted to pressure error (32 * 0.0125)
High Voltage ground is present. out of a 0.5
second (40 *
*** Common
DTC Pass HWIO circuitry 0.1 seconds
detects an ((40 - 32) *
electrical hi 0.0125)
pressure error
is not present
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Shift Solenoid P0973 This DTC detects X Valve Electrical HWIO circuitry DTC P0973 Not failed this key Failure One
A Control a short to power Status detects an open on detected for Trip,
Circuit Low or open circuit in circuit or short 0.4 seconds Type A
the X valve to power error (32*0.0125)
control circuit. is present. out of a 0.5
*** Common
DTC Pass HWIO circuitry 0.1 seconds
detects an open ((20 - 16) *
circuit or short 0.025)
to power error
is not present.
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Shift Solenoid P0974 This DTC detects X Valve Electrical HWIO circuitry DTC P0974 Not failed this key Failure One
A Control a short to ground Status detects short to on detected for Trip,
Circuit High in the X valve ground error is 0.4 seconds Type A
control circuit. present. (32*0.0125)
out of a 0.5
*** Common
DTC Pass HWIO circuitry 0.1 seconds
detects short to ((20 - 16) *
ground error is 0.025)
not present.
Shift Solenoid P0976 This DTC detects Y Valve Electrical HWIO circuitry DTC P0976 Not failed this key Failure One
B Control a short to power Status detects an on detected for Trip,
Circuit Low or open circuit in electrical low 0.4 seconds Type A
the Y valve pressure error (32*0.0125)
control circuit. is present. out of a 0.5
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
*** Common
DTC Pass HWIO circuitry 0.1 seconds
detects an open ((20 - 16) *
circuit or short 0.025)
to power error
is not present.
Shift Solenoid P0977 This DTC detects Y Valve Electrical HWIO circuitry DTC P0977 Not failed this key Failure One
B Control a short to ground Status detects an on detected for Trip,
Circuit High in the Y valve electrical hi 0.4 seconds Type A
control circuit. pressure error (32*0.0125)
is present. out of a 0.5
*** Common
DTC Pass HWIO circuitry 0.1 seconds
detects short to ((20 - 16) *
ground error is 0.025)
not present.
Power Moding Diagnostics
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Ignition Switch P2534 Detects a run Runk Crank Line Ignition Run CAN enabled 60 seconds One
Run/Start crank relay open voltage Crank line Communication (2400 * Trip,
Position circuit voltage <= 2 0.025) in a Type A
Circuit Low Volts 65 second
(2600 *
ECM run crank available and active
active data
DTC Pass Run Crank Line Ignition Run 5 seconds
Voltage Crank line (200 * 0.025)
voltage > 2
Ignition Switch P2535 Detects a run Runk Crank Line Ignition Run CAN enabled 12 seconds One
Run/Start crank relay short voltage Crank line Communication (480 * 0.025) Trip,
Position to power voltage > 5 V in a 15 Type A
Circuit High second
window (600
* 0.025)
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Ignition Switch P2537 Detects an Accessory On FALSE P2537 Not Test Failed This 0.2 seconds One
Accessory accessory Key On (8 * 0.025) Trip,
Position position circuit and Type A
Circuit Low open Not Test Passed
This Key On
Propulsion Active
Propulsion > 0.5 seconds
System Active
DTC Pass Accessory On TRUE 0.2 seconds
(8 * 0.025)
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Temp 142
°C and
Voltage is
18 V for 10
Temp 50
°C and
Voltage is
18 V for 10
Transmission P0667 The DTC detects Delta between TCM > Highest of IF vehicle speed > 300 Two
Control the TCM substrate transmission is < 5 mph and seconds Trips,
Module (TCM) substrate temperature sensor temperature accelerator (3000 counts Type B
Substrate temperature and transmission sensors position is > at 100ms)
Temperature sensor is fluid temperature Temp Delta 20% for more
Sensor Circuit reporting an sensor (TFT) -40.1 256 than 7 seconds,
Range/Perfor incorrect value -40 50 then diagnostic
mance -20 30 is disabled.
0 30
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
30 30 Once above
60 30 conditions are
100 30 removed > 20
149.0 30 seconds,
149.1 256 diagnostic is re-
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
°C for 4
Transmission P0669 The DTC detects TCM Substrate 160 °C Engine Speed 0 Engine Speed 60 Two
Control TCM substrate Temperature 7500 RPM for 5 seconds Trips,
Module (TCM) temperature Sensor seconds Type B
Substrate sensor open or
Temperature short to power Vehicle Speed 124 MPH for 5
Sensor Circuit error. seconds
High (Failed
at a high
temperature - Transmission Transmission
circuit open or Output Speed Output Speed 200
short to RPM for 5 seconds
power). cumulative.
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
TCM Powerup Temp Sensor
Transmission P06AC The DTC detects Delta between TCM >Highest of IF vehicle speed > 300 Two
Control the TCM powerup transmission is < 5 mph and seconds Trips,
Module (TCM) powerup temperature sensor temperature accelerator (3000 counts Type B
Powerup temperature and transmission sensors position is > at 100ms)
Temperature sensor is fluid temperature Temp Delta 20% for more
Sensor Circuit reporting an sensor (TFT) -40.1 256 than 7 seconds,
Range/Perfor incorrect value -40 50 then diagnostic
mance -20 30 is disabled.
0 30
30 30 Once conditions
60 30 are removed >
100 30 20 seconds,
149.0 30 diagnostic re-
149.1 256 enabled
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
-20 15
0 15 Accelerator Must be FALSE
30 15 Position Sensor
60 15 Failure
100 15
149.0 15 P0721, P0722, NOT Fault Active
149.1 256 P0723, P215C, OR Failed This Key
P0658, P0668, On
P0669, P0712,
P0713, P06AD,
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Transmission P06AD The DTC detects TCM Power Up -59 °C Engine Speed 0 Engine Speed 60 Two
Control TCM powerup Temperature 7500 RPM for 5 seconds Trips,
Module (TCM) sensor short to Sensor seconds Type B
Powerup ground error.
Temperature Vehicle Speed 124 MPH for 5
Sensor Low seconds
(Failed at a
temperature - Estimated Motor Estimated Motor
circuit short to Power Loss Power Loss 0.4
ground). kW for 200 seconds
Temp -40
°C for 4
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Transmission P06AE The DTC detects TCM Power Up 164 °C Engine Speed 0 Engine Speed 60 Two
Control TCM powerup Temperature 7500 RPM for 5 seconds Trips,
Module (TCM) sensor open or Sensor seconds Type B
Powerup short to power
Temperature error. Vehicle Speed 124 MPH for 5
Sensor Circuit seconds
High (Failed
at a high Pass
temperature - Conditions
circuit open or Transm'n
short to Substrate
power). Temp 150
°C for 4
Transmission Fluid Temp Sensor
Transmission P0711 The DTC detects Delta between > Highest of IF vehicle speed > 300 Two
Fluid the transmission transmission fluid transmission is < 5 mph and seconds Trips,
Temperature fluid temperature temperature (TFT) temperature accelerator (3000 counts Type B
Sensor Circuit is reporting an and TCM powerup sensors position is > at 100ms)
Range/Perfor incorrect value temperature sensor Temp Delta 20% for more
mance -40.1 256 than 7 seconds,
-40 50 then diagnostic
-20 30 is disabled.
0 30
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
30 30 Once conditions
60 30 are removed >
100 30 20 seconds,
149.0 30 diagnostic is re-
149.1 256 enabled
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Sump Temp
-50 °C for
4 seconds
Transmission P0713 The DTC detects Transmission Sump 160 °C P0721, P0722, NOT Fault Active 60 One
Fluid substrate sensor Temperature P0723, P077B, OR Failed This Key seconds Trip,
Temperature open or short to Sensor P215C On Type A
Sensor Circuit power error.
High (Failed
at a high Engine Speed 0 Engine Speed
temperature - 7500 RPM for 5
circuit open or seconds
short to
power). Vehicle Speed 124 MPH for 5
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Temp 149
°C for 4
Transmission Output Speed Sensor
Transmission P0721 The DTC detects TOS Raw Direction TOS Direction TOS Sample 0 2.5 One
Output Speed incorrect TOS Raw is not Period seconds Trip,
(TOS) Sensor direction. Forward or (100 counts Type A
Wrong Reverse at 25ms)
Raw =
Forward or
Reverse for
(125 counts
at 25ms)
Output Speed P077B The DTC detects Transmission Motor CAN FALSE 0.35 One
Sensor Circuit if the Output Speed Direction Communication seconds (14 Trip,
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
- Direction Transmission Direction Raw Lost With counts at Type A
Error Output Speed Transmission 25ms)
Sensor Direction
is Incorrect by P215C NOT Fault Active
Comparing with
Calculated TOS Hardware Valid
Direction from Input Output
Motor Speed Transmission
Hybrid Motor Calculated based
Speed based on M1 or M2 Speed
Estimated Equation
Output Speed is
Transmission 50 RPM
Output Speed
and Motor Pass
Output Speed Conditions
Difference Opposite as
FAIL for 5
Motor Estimated 50 RPM seconds
Transmission (200 counts
Output Speed at 25ms)
Output Shaft P215C The DTC Difference between 175 RPM WHEN Output > 150 RPM 200 ms (8 Two
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Speed (OSS) - Correlates the Transmission Speed counts at Trips,
Wheel Speed Transmission Output Speed and Calculated from 25ms) Type B
Correlation Output Speed the Calculated Wheel Speeds
with the ABS Average of Output AND Output
Wheel Speed Speed from the Speed
and Motor Speed Motors and Wheel Calculated from
to Detect any Speed Sensors Motor Speeds
Failures in the
Transmission Output Speed 40 RPM
Output Speed Calculated from
Sensor. Motor Speeds
AND Output
Speed Pass
Calculated from Conditions
Wheel Speeds Difference
Difference between
OBD Wheel TRUE Output
Speed Sensors Speed and
Driven Wheel FALSE Calculated
Estimated Average of
Vehicle Speed Output
Fault Speed from
the Motors
Propulsion TRUE and Wheel
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
System Active Speed
Hybrid Motor Calculated based 125 RPM for
Speed based on M1 or M2 Speed 0.5 seconds
Estimated Equation (20 counts at
Output Speed is 25ms)
Transmission Internal Mode Switch
Internal Mode P1824 The DTC Transmission PARK P1824 NOT Fault Active 2.5 seconds Two
Switch P monitors if the Direction State OR Failed This Key + 1 count at Trips,
Circuit High IMS P Circuit is On 6.25ms Type B
Voltage shorted to a High
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Run/Crank TRUE
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
PRNDL A Circuit PRNDL A Circuit
Sensed Has NOT Been
Observed High for 1
Trans Direction
State Fault
Active TRUE
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
PRNDL B Circuit PRNDL B Transmission FALSE Pass
Sensed Circuit Has Not Direction State Conditions
Been Observed Fault Active PRNDL B
High Circuit Has
High for
Run/Crank TRUE
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Circuit Has
NOT Fault Active Low for
Trans Direction OR Failed This Key 1.5875
State DRIVE P182C On seconds
Trans Direction
State Fault
Active FALSE
Active TRUE
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
124 MPH for 5
Vehicle Speed seconds
0 Engine Speed
7500 RPM for 5
Engine Speed seconds
Internal Mode P182D The DTC PRNDL State Transitional 8 Automatic EVT 8 seconds + Two
Switch P monitors if the Transmission 1 count at Trips,
Circuit Low IMS P Circuit is Type 6.25ms Type B
Voltage shorted to a Low
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
PRNDL P Circuit Has Been Observed
Sensed Low for 1 second
Run/Crank TRUE
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Vehicle Speed 124 MPH for 5 Pass
seconds Conditions
State is NOT
Illegal for 5
Run/Crank TRUE
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Internal Mode P182F The DTC Transmission DRIVE Automatic EVT 2.5 seconds Two
Switch C monitors if the Direction State Transmission + 1 count at Trips,
Circuit High IMS C Circuit is Type 6.25ms Type B
Voltage shorted to a High
PRNDL C Circuit Has Not Been P182F NOT Fault Active Pass
Sensed Observed Low OR Failed This Key Conditions
Circuit Has
Low for 4
seconds + 1
count at
Run/Crank TRUE
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
TOS Sensor Not Fault Active
Internal Mode P1838 The DTC Transmission PARK P1838 NOT Fault Active 2.5 seconds Two
Switch A monitors if the Direction State OR Failed This Key + 1 count at Trips,
Circuit High IMS A Circuit is On 6.25ms Type B
Voltage shorted to a High
Run/Crank TRUE
Internal Mode P1839 The DTC Transmission PARK P1839 NOT Fault Active 2.5 seconds Two
Switch C monitors if the Direction State OR Failed This Key + 1 count at Trips,
Circuit Low IMS C Circuit is On 6.25ms Type B
Voltage shorted to a Low
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Run/Crank TRUE
Controller Diagnostics
Control P0601 This Diagnostic tests the checksum on ROM (flash) memory One
Module Read Trip,
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Only Memory DTC Fail case 1: Ignition Status = Run or Crank 1 failure if it Type A
(ROM) This DTC will be occurs
stored if any during the
check sum in the first ROM
boot is incorrect test of the
ignition cycle
otherwise 5
Calculated in the
Checksum does not background
match stored
DTC Fail case 2: checksum
This DTC will be
stored if any
check sum in the
calibration is
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 3:
This DTC will be
stored if any
check sum in the
software is
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
g p
Term Memory DTC Fail case 1: Ignition Status = Run or Crank 1 failure Type A
Reset Non-volatile
memory (Static) Frequency:
checksum error Once at
at controller powerup
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Pass: No ROM
memory faults
Control P0604 This Diagnostic tests the checksum on RAM memory One
Module Trip,
Random DTC Fail case 1: Data read does not Ignition Status Run or Crank Should finish Type A
Access Indicates that match data written within
Memory HCP 30 seconds
(RAM) Failure is unable to at all
correctly write operating
and read data to conditions
and from RAM
Bosch T43 P0606 This Diagnostic tests that the HWIO executes the IPT (Inhibit Path Test) exactly once at every ignition on to One
TEHCM test the ability of the external monitoring module (CG122) to shutoff high-side drivers to the transmission Trip,
Security- hydraulics and reset the main processor. Type A
Output DTC Fail case 1: Actuator supply is IPT test started end of Initialization 3.125ms
Disable/IPT Abort IPT, out of voltage loop
Test because HSD threshold range
may be short- during more than 40
circuited to msec.
ground or to
battery voltage
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 2: Actuator supply is or > 5.5 volts IPT test started end of Initialization 3.125ms
Abort IPT, lower than 90% of loop
because HSD Batt. voltage or
may be short- WD(Watch Dog for
circuited to TCM main
ground or to processor) error
battery voltage count is greater
than 0 during more
than 40 msec.
Output stage is not
Actuator supply is
out of voltage
threshold range.
DTC Fail case 3: Actuator supply is - WD error IPT test started end of Initialization 3.125ms
Abort IPT, out of voltage counter: >=5 loop
because HSD threshold range
may be short- during more than 40
circuited to msec.
ground or to
battery voltage
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
WD error counter is
equal or higher than
Output stage is
Actuator supply is
lower than 90% of
Batt. Voltage.
DTC Fail case 4: WD error count is - WD error IPT test started end of Initialization 3.125ms
WD error counter higher than count: 0 loop
doesn't reach its threshold
desired level
(sdi_Ufet = 1)
DTC Fail case 5: WD error count is - WD error IPT test started end of Initialization 3.125ms
WD error counter equal or higher than count: 4 loop
does not reach threshold
its desired level
(sdi_Ufet = 4)
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 6: WD error count is - WD error IPT test started end of Initialization 3.125ms
WD error counter equal or higher than count: 6 loop
does not reach threshold
its desired level
(sdi_Ufet = 6)
DTC Fail case 7: Actuator supply is - WD error IPT test started end of Initialization 3.125ms
HSD(High Side lower than 90% of counter: > 0 loop
Driver) cannot be Batt. Voltage or WD
switched on at error count is higher - actuator
WD error counter than threshold supply voltage:
<= 4 during more than 40 >1.5 volts and
msec. <= 5.5 volts
Output stage is not
Actuator supply
voltage is within
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 8: Actuator supply is IPT test started end of Initialization 3.125ms
DReset line = lower than 90% of loop
low level, HSD Batt. Voltage or WD
cannot be error count is higher
switched on than 0 during more
(fgtr_DReset = than 40 msec.
Output stage is
DTC Fail case 9: Actuator supply - actuator IPT test started end of Initialization 3.125ms
HSD cannot be voltage is out of supply voltage: loop
switched off at range or WD error < 1.5 volts or >
WD error counter count is lower than 5.5 volts
>= 5 threshold during
more than 40 msec.
-WD error
Output stage is
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Actuator supply
voltage is equal or
higher than 90% of
the Batt. Voltage.
DTC Fail case Actuator supply - actuator IPT test started end of Initialization 3.125ms
10: DReset line = voltage is out of supply voltage: loop
high level, HSD threshold range < 1.5 volts or >
cannot be during more than 40 5.5 volts
switched off msec.
(fgtr_DReset =
-WD error
WD error count is
equal or higher than
Output stage is not
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case IPT execution time - time threshold IPT test started end of Initialization 3.125ms
11: is equal or greater : 300ms loop
Run time of IPT than time threshold.
function too long
Internal P060B HWIO executes the A/D converter test. This test checks the Vref voltage at 3 levels. One
Control Trip,
Module A/D DTC Fail case 1: 0 x Vref is higher > approx. Run/Crank > 9.5 Volts 6.25ms Type A
Processing AtoD converter than voltage 0.01467 Volts Voltage OR
Performance test result is threshold Powertrain
failed Relay Voltage
DTC Fail case 2: 0.5 x Vref is out of < approx. 2.479 6.25ms
AtoD converter voltage threshold Volts OR >
test result is approx. 2.518
failed Volts
DTC Fail case 3: 1.0 x Vref is out of < approx. 4.978 6.25ms
AtoD converter voltage threshold. Volts OR >
test result is approx. 2.518
failed Volts
Torque Security
Control P062F This Diagnostic tests for unuseable BINVDM (flash) memory only One
Module Long Trip,
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Term Memory DTC Fail case 1: Ignition voltage 5 volts 1 failure Type A
Performance Indicates that the Frequency:
NVM Error flag Once at
HWIO Bat power-up
Dynamic Write
will not succeed
set Last EEPROM write
DTC Fail case 2: did not complete
Indicates that the
NVM Error flag
HWIO Bat Static
Write will not
succeed set
Internal P16F3 Detect the dual store memory fault by comparing the primary value and the dual store value of the individual One
Control variables Trip,
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Module DTC Fail case 1: The primary value Runs continuously Signal Type A
Redundant Detect the dual and the dual store Dependenda
Memory store memory value are not equal ntX fail
Performance fault by counts out of
comparing the Y sample
primary Ve counts
signals and the Executes in
We redundant a Xms loop
Detects in
Clutch P16F7 Detects controller faults such that solenoid commands doesn't match with it's expected associated Range One
pressure State value. Trip,
combination / DTC Fail case 1: Control State Clutch 1 Ignition switch in crank or run Executes in Type A
valve Request for Clutch Pressure > a 12.5ms
commands do 1 is NOT Active 153kpa loop
not fit to AND time threshold:
allowed range 200msec
state X Valve Command
is 0
Y Valve Command
is 0
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Clutch 1 Pressure
Command has been
corrupted to higher
than threshold
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
X Valve Command
is 1
Y Valve Command
is 0
Clutch 1 Pressure
Command has been
corrupted to higher
than threshold
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Clutch 2 Pressure
Command has been
corrupted to higher
than threshold
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
X Valve Command
is 1
Y Valve Command
is 1
Clutch 2 Pressure
Command has been
corrupted to higher
than threshold
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Clutch 3 Pressure
Command has been
corrupted to higher
than threshold
Alive Rolling P179B This Diagnostic checks for corruption in signals sent over CAN for the Hybrid Range State One
Count / Trip,
Protection DTC Fail case 1: Current ARC is not Run/Crank > 9.5 Volts 14 fail Type A
Value fault Detect the ARC equal to previous Voltage OR counts out of
(Alive Rolling ARC + 1 and Powertrain 16 sample
Count) or Primary Value is not Relay Voltage counts
Protection Value equal to protection
fault by checking value
the ARC and
Protection Value
of the Hybrid
Range State
Executes in
a 12.5ms
Detects in
DTC Pass: No errors in
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Communication Diagnostics
Control U0073 This diagnostic indicates a bus off condition on HSGMLAN (Bus A) One
Module Trip,
Comm'n Bus DTC Fail case 1: CAN device driver = bus-off state. Run/Crank > 9.5 Volts Type A
A Off Detects that a Voltage 4 fail counts
CAN serial data OR out of 5
bus shorted Powertrain samples
condition has Relay Voltage counts
occurred to force
the CAN device Executes in
driver to enter a a 12.5ms
bus-off state. loop
Detects in
450 ms
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Normal =TRUE
Normal =TRUE
Diagnostic =FALSE
System Disable
Lost Comm'n U0100 This diagnostic indicates a lost communication between the TCM and the ECM on Bus A One
With Trip,
ECM/PCM on DTC Fail case 1: Missed ECM Run/Crank > 9.5 Volts Executes in Type A
Bus A Detects that CAN Messages Voltage a 6.25ms
serial data OR loop
communication Powertrain
has been lost Relay Voltage
with the ECM on
Bus A Detects in
500 ms
Power Mode =RUN/ACC
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Bus Off Fault =FALSE
Normal =TRUE
Normal =TRUE
Diagnostic =FALSE
System Disable
Lost Comm'n U0129 This diagnostic indicates a lost communication between the TCM and the BSCM on Bus A Two
With Brake Trips,
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
System DTC Fail case 1: Missed EBCM Run/Crank > 9.5 Volts Executes in Type B
Control Detects that CAN Messages Voltage a 6.25ms
Module serial data OR loop
communication Powertrain
has been lost Relay Voltage
with the EBCM
on Bus A Detects in
500 ms
Power Mode =RUN/ACC
Normal =TRUE
Normal =TRUE
Diagnostic =FALSE
System Disable
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Diagnostic >=3 sec
Enable Timer
Lost U0140 This diagnostic indicates a lost communication between the HCP and the BCM on Bus A Special
Communicatio Type C
n With Body
DTC Fail case 1: Missed BCM Run/Crank > 9.5 Volts Executes in
Detects that CAN Messages Voltage a 6.25ms
serial data OR loop
communication Powertrain
has been lost Relay Voltage
with the BCM on Power Mode =RUN/ACC
Bus A Detects in
Bus Off Fault =FALSE 500 ms
Normal =TRUE
Normal =TRUE
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Diagnostic =FALSE
System Disable
Lost Comm'n U0293 This diagnostic indicates a lost communication between the TCM and the HCP One
With Hybrid Detects that CAN Missed HCP Run/Crank > 9.5 Volts Detects Trip,
Controller serial data Messages Voltage OR within 500 Type A
communication Powertrain msec at 6.25
has been lost Relay Voltage msec loop
with the HCP rate
Power Mode =RUN/ACC
Normal =TRUE
Normal =TRUE
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Diagnostic =FALSE
System Disable
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Crank Pulse Diagnostics
Crankshaft P0335 Detects Lack of Crank Sync State No Activity HWIO based NOT DisableCrank 1500ms Two
Position Response from (Lores Crank crank decode Trips,
(CKP) Sensor 58X Crank Compared to Hires status Type B
A Circuit Sensor Crank)
Crank Sync
State т No
Crankshaft P0336 Detects Invalid Crank Sync State Verify Sync HWIO based NOT DisableCrank 400ms Two
Position 58X Crank (Lores Crank crank decode Trips,
(CKP) Sensor Sensor Signal Compared to Hires status Type B
A Crank)
10 crank re-sync
events in a 10
second window
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Pass Criteria:
Crank Status =
CrankInSync for
10 seconds
Idle Speed Diagnostics
Idle *** No Active DTCs: Motor A speed
Diagnostics faults: P0A3F,
P0506, P0507 P1B03, P0A40,
have the P0C52, P0C53,
following P0C5C, P0C5D
enable criteria No Active DTCs: Motor B speed
faults: P0A45,
P1B04, P0A46,
P0C57, P0C58,
P0C61, P0C62
No Active DTCs: Vehicle Speed/TOS
sensor faults:
P0722, P077B,
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
starting or stopping
Vehicle speed <= 0.6 mph
Commanded < 50 RPM
RPM Delta
IdleConditons for >= 5 seconds
Idle Air P0506 This DTC sets Idle speed Filtered input ** Common 1 loop execution Two
Control (IAC) when the idle speed error Enables at 100 ms rate Trips,
System - speed is lower (desired - Type B
RPM Too Low than the targeted actual) is
idle speed greater than fail
threshold 75
RPM. Filter
coefficient for
engine speed =
DTC Pass Idle speed ** Common Pass condition
Enables met for 15
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
DTC RePass Idle Speed Filtered input No Active DTCs: P0507 Pass condition
after failure speed error met for 15
(desired - seconds
actual), is less
than fail
threshold 50.
Filter coefficient
for engine
speed = 0.002
** Common
Idle Air P0507 This DTC sets Idle speed Filtered input ** Common 1 loop execution Two
Control (IAC) when the idle speed error Enables at 100 ms rate Trips,
System - speed is higher (desired - Type B
RPM Too than the targeted actual) is less
High idle speed than fail
threshold -150
RPM. Filter
coefficient for
engine speed =
DTC Pass Idle speed ** Common Pass condition
Enables met for 15
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
DTC RePass Idle Speed Filtered input No Active DTCs: P0506 Pass condition
after failure speed error met for 15
(desired - seconds
actual), is
greater than fail
threshold -140.
Filter coefficient
for engine
speed =
** Common
Power Moding Diagnostics
System P0562 Sets when the Ignition Voltage <= 10 Volts Ignition Key RUN/CRANK 5 seconds in a 6 Special
Voltage Low low voltage Status second window Type C
system voltage is
below a
Engine Speed >= 0 RPM
DTC Pass > 10 Volts 1 second
System P0563 Sets when the Ignition Voltage >= 18 Volts Ignition Key RUN/CRANK 5 seconds in a 6 Special
Voltage Hi low voltage Status second window Type C
system voltage is
above a
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
DTC Pass Ignition Voltage 1 second
< 18 Volts
Ignition P2534 Detects a run Runk Crank Line <= 2 Volts CAN enabled 60 seconds One
Switch crank relay open voltage Communication (2400 * 0.025) in Trip,
Run/Start circuit a 65 second Type A
Position window (2600 *
Circuit Low 0.025)
ECM run crank available and active
active data
DTC Pass Run Crank Line > 5 Volts 5 seconds (200
Voltage * 0.025)
Ignition P2535 Detects a run Runk Crank Line >5V CAN enabled 12 seconds (480 One
Switch crank relay short voltage Communication * 0.025) in a 15 Trip,
Run/Start to power second window Type A
Position (600 * 0.025)
Circuit High
ECM run crank available and false
active data
DTC Pass Run Crank Line < 2V 3 seconds (120
Voltage * 0.025)
Ignition P2537 Detects an Accessory FALSE P2537 Not Test Failed This 0.2 seconds (8 * One
Switch accessory Key On 0.025) Trip,
Accessory position circuit and Type A
Position open Not Test Passed
Circuit Low This Key On
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Propulsion Active
Propulsion > 0.5 seconds
System Active
DTC Pass Accessory TRUE 0.2 seconds (8 *
Stuck Clutch Diagnostics
Transmission P07A3 Detects an Clutch slip observed =0 C1 clutch state =offgoing .9s * 3 fail One
Friction applied or attempts + 2 Trip,
Element A welded clutch *10 second wait Type A
Stuck On (C1) between
Clutch slip <= 30 RPM/s 3 time retry
DTC Pass C1 Slip observed =1 C1 Slip Speed > 30 RPM
Transmission P07A5 Detects an Clutch slip observed =0 C1 clutch state =offgoing .9s One
Friction applied or Trip,
Element B welded offgoing Type A
Stuck On clutch (C2)
OR Clutch slip <= 30 RPM/s 20.6s = (.2s * 3
fail attempts + 2
*10 second wait
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Detects an Clutch slip ref >360 rpm
applied or
welded clutch
Clutch slip actual <100 rpm
DTC Pass C2 Slip observed =1 C1 Slip Speed > 30 RPM .3 s (12*.025s)
Clutch slip >360 rpm
Clutch slip actual >200 rpm
Transmission P07A7 Detects an Clutch slip ref >360 rpm 20.6s = (.2s * 3 One
Friction applied or fail attempts + 2 Trip,
Element C welded clutch *10 second wait Type A
Stuck On (C2) between
Clutch slip actual <100 rpm
DTC Pass Clutch slip >360 rpm .3 s (12*.025s)
Clutch slip actual >200 rpm
Transm'n Auxilary Oil Pump Diagnostics
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Auxiliary P2797 This diagnostic Difference between >650 rpm for Aux Pump Speed >= 600 RPM FOR 1 Fail Condition One
Transmission monitors the aux desired and actual >.25s Command second met for 3 Trip,
Fluid Pump pump aux pump speed seconds (120 * Type A
Performance performance 0.025) in a 1.25
based on aux second (150 *
pump filtered 0.025) window
desired and
actual speed
RunCrankActive = 1 for > 0.2 s
DTC Pass Aux pump speed |Aux pump Pass met for 0.5
speed - seconds ((165-
Commanded 160) * 0.025)
Aux pump
Speed| <= 650
Transm'n Output Speed Sensor
Output Speed P077B The DTC detects Transmission Motor Transmission Not FAULT ACTIVE 0.325 seconds One
Sensor Circuit if the Output Speed Direction Output Speed (13 counts at Trip,
Direction Transmission Direction Raw 25ms) Type A
Error Output Speed
Sensor Direction Hybrid Motor Calculated based
is Incorrect by Speed based on M1 or M2 Speed
Comparing with Estimated Output Equation
Calculated Speed is Valid
Direction from
Motor Speed
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Motor Speed
Transmission 50 RPM Pass
Output Speed Conditions
and Motor Output Opposite of
Speed Difference FAIL for 5
seconds (200
counts at 25ms)
Motor Estimated 50 RPM
Output Speed
Vehicle P215B The DTC Transmission 6.2 mph Number of 2 10 seconds (400 Two
Speed Output Monitors if the Output Speed and Secured Vehicle counts at 25ms) Trips,
Shaft Speed Difference Output Speed Speed Sources Type B
Correlation between the Calculated from the
Transmission Wheel Speed Pass
Output Speed Sensors Difference Secured Vehicle TRUE Conditions
and Output Speed Use Opposite of Fail
Speed Transmission for 20 seconds
Calculated from Output Speed (800 counts at
the Wheel Speed 25ms)
Secured Vehicle TRUE
Speed Use
Wheel Speed
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
** Common *** Ignition Voltage 11V < IGN < 32V
All IMS Run/Crank Active TRUE
have the
Vehicle Speed < 124 mph for 5
Engine Speed 0 Engine Speed
Internal Mode P181C The DTC Converted Transitional 17 Converted Transitional 2 2.7 seconds Two
Switch 2 R1 Monitors if the Directional IMS Directional IMS (108 counts at Trips,
Circuit Low IMS R1 Circuit is 25ms) Type B
Voltage Shorted to a Low
Directional IMS R1 R1 Circuit Has Directional IMS R1 Circuit NOT
Not Been R1 High for 5 seconds
Observed High
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Conditions IMS
R1 Circuit Has
Been Observed
High for 3.125
seconds (125
counts at 25ms)
Enable Criteria
Internal Mode P181D The DTC Converted Transitional 30 **Common 2.7 seconds Two
Switch 2 R1 Monitors if the Directional IMS Enable Criteria (108 counts at Trips,
Circuit High IMS R1 Circuit is 25ms) Type B
Voltage Shorted to a
High Voltage
Directional IMS R1 R1 Circuit Has
Not Been
Observed Low
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Conditions IMS
R1 Circuit Has
Been Observed
Low for 3.125
seconds (125
counts at 25ms)
Internal Mode P181E The DTC Converted DRIVE Converted PARK 2.7 seconds Two
Switch 2 R2 Monitors if the Directional IMS Directional IMS (108 counts at Trips,
Circuit Low IMS R2 Circuit is 25ms) Type B
Voltage Shorted to a Low
AND AND Directional
Directional IMS R2 R2 Circuit Has Directional IMS R2 Circuit Low for 5
Not Been R2 seconds
Observed High
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Conditions IMS
R2 Circuit Has
Been Observed
High for 3.125
seconds (125
counts at 25ms)
Enable Criteria
Internal Mode P181F The DTC Converted Transitional 14 **Common 2.7 seconds Two
Switch 2 R2 Monitors if the Directional IMS OR Transitional Enable Criteria (108 counts at Trips,
Circuit High IMS R2 Circuit is 29 25ms) Type B
Voltage Shorted to a
High Voltage
Directional IMS R2 R2 Circuit Has Pass
Not Been Conditions IMS
Observed Low R2 Circuit Has
Been Observed
Low for 3.125
seconds (125
counts at 25ms)
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Internal Mode P183A The DTC Converted Transitional 8 **Common 2.7 seconds Two
Switch 2 D1 Monitors if the Directional IMS OR Transitional Enable Criteria (108 counts at Trips,
Circuit Low IMS D1 Circuit is 20 25ms) Type B
Voltage Shorted to a Low
Directional IMS D1 D1 Circuit Has Pass
Not Been Conditions IMS
Observed High D1 Circuit Has
Been Observed
High for 3.125
seconds (125
counts at 25ms)
Internal Mode P183B The DTC Converted Transitional 27 **Common 2.7 seconds Two
Switch 2 D1 Monitors if the Directional IMS Enable Criteria (108 counts at Trips,
Circuit High IMS D1 Circuit is 25ms) Type B
Voltage Shorted to a
High Voltage
Directional IMS D1 D1 Circuit Has
Not Been
Observed Low
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Conditions IMS
D1 Circuit Has
Been Observed
Low for 3.125
seconds (125
counts at 25ms)
Internal Mode P183C The DTC Converted Transitional 24 **Common 2.7 seconds Two
Switch 2 D2 Monitors if the Directional IMS Enable Criteria (108 counts at Trips,
Circuit Low IMS D2 Circuit is 25ms) Type B
Voltage Shorted to a Low
Directional IMS D1 D2 Circuit Has
Not Been
Observed High
Conditions IMS
D2 Circuit Has
Been Observed
High for 3.125
seconds (125
counts at 25ms)
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Internal Mode P183D The DTC Converted Transitional 11 **Common 2.7 seconds Two
Switch 2 D2 Monitors if the Directional IMS AND Enable Criteria (108 counts at Trips,
Circuit High IMS D2 Circuit is Transitional 23 25ms) Type B
Voltage Shorted to a
High Voltage
Directional IMS D2 D2 Circuit Has
Not Been
Observed Low
Conditions IMS
D2 Circuit Has
Been Observed
Low for 3.125
seconds (125
counts at 25ms)
Internal Mode P183E The DTC Converted Illegal (All **Common 2.7 seconds Two
Switch 2- Monitors if the Directional IMS Circuits Open) Enable Criteria (108 counts at Trips,
Invalid Range IMS is in an 25ms) Type B
Invalid Range
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Opposite of Fail
for 3.125
seconds (125
counts at 25ms)
Internal Mode P183F The DTC Converted Correlation **Common 1.25 seconds One
Switch 1-2 Monitors if the Directional IMS Fault Neutral Enable Criteria (50 counts at Trip,
Correlation IMS Direction (With No IMS 25ms) Type A
and Range Faults the
Correlation is Direction IMS
Invalid and Range IMS
Different Detent
Opposite of Fail
for 1.7 seconds
(68 counts at
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Internal Mode P184A The DTC Converted Transitional 9 **Common 2.7 seconds Two
Switch 2 S Monitors if the Directional IMS Enable Criteria (108 counts at Trips,
Circuit Low IMS S Circuit is 25ms) Type B
Voltage Shorted to a Low
Directional IMS S Has Not Been
Circuit Observed High
Conditions IMS
S Circuit Has
Been Observed
High for 3.125
seconds (125
counts at 25ms)
Internal Mode P184B The DTC Converted Transitional 26 **Common 2.7 seconds Two
Switch 2 S Monitors if the Directional IMS AND DRIVE Enable Criteria (108 counts at Trips,
Circuit High IMS S Circuit is 25ms) Type B
Voltage Shorted to a
High Voltage
Directional IMS S Has Not Been
Circuit Observed Low
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Conditions IMS
S Circuit Has
Been Observed
Low for 3.125
seconds (125
counts at 25ms)
Directional IMS R1 R1 Has Been
Observed Low
Battery Pack Diagnostics
Hybrid Battery P0C76 High voltage bus High Voltage > 200V after Vehicle Power = RUN 2 Failures out of Special
System discharge time Inverter 3.5 seconds Mode 2 Samples Type C
Discharge too long Rationalized
Time Too Voltage
Runs Once per
Discharge P1A56 High voltage bus High voltage bus < 15V after Vehicle Power = RUN 1 Failure Special
Switch Circuit discharge circuit voltage delta after 100ms Mode Type C
Open failed commanded
discharge circuit
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Discharge circuit Unavailable 10 counts 10 discharge
status unavailable
Runs once per
High voltage
bus delta > 15V
after 100ms of a
discharge event
Hybrid Battery P1E08 The DTC Redundant < 10% Vehicle Power ~= OFF 4s out of a 5s Two
Contactor monitors the contactor status Mode window Trips,
Status Circuit redundant signal PWM Type B
Low contactor status
Hybrid Battery P1E09 The DTC Redundant > 90% Vehicle Power ~= OFF 4s out of a 5s Two
Contactor monitors the contactor status Mode window Trips,
Status Circuit redundant signal PWM Type B
High contactor status
Autostart Diagnostics
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Hybrid P0AB9 This diagnostic Engine state not running Clutch 3 slip state Not fault pending or 15s One
System indicates an fault active Trip,
Performance autostart or Type A
autostop attempt
Controller Diagnostics
Control P0601 This Diagnostic tests the checksum on ROM (flash) memory One
Module Read Trip,
Only Memory DTC Fail case 1: Calculated Ignition Status = Run or Crank 1 failure if it Type A
(ROM) This DTC will be Checksum does not occurs during
stored if any match stored the first ROM
check sum in the checksum test of the
boot is incorrect ignition cycle
otherwise 5
continuously in
the background
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
DTC Fail case 2:
This DTC will be
stored if any
check sum in the
calibration is
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Module Trip,
DTC Fail case 1: Fails if No Start Ignition Status = Run or Crank Runs once
Not Type A
Indicates that the Calibration at power up
HCP needs to be is set to true which
programmed is only available on
a new un-
programmed HCP
DTC Pass: Enable cal =
Control P0603 This Diagnostic tests for BINVDM errors One
Module Long Ignition Status = Run or Crank 1 failure Trip,
DTC Fail case 1:
Term Memory Type A
Reset Frequency:
memory (Static)
checksum error Once at
at controller powerup
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
DTC Fail case 3: does not match
Non-volatile checksum at power-
memory down
checksum error
at controller
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Module Description Trip,
Random DTC Fail case 1: Ye variable Ya Variable Ignition Status = Run or Crank Runs real time Type A
Access The primary Ye
Memory variable does not
(RAM) Failure match the
redundant Ya
variable Dual
Store RAM
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
DTC Fail case 4: HWIO detects Fault = true
Indicates that
HCP is unable to
correctly write
and read data to
and from
System RAM
DTC Fail case 5: HWIO detects Fault = true
Indicates that
HCP is unable to
correctly write
and read data to
and from Cache
DTC Fail case 6: HWIO detects Fault = true
Indicates that
HCP is unable to
correctly write
and read data to
and from eTPU
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
DTC Pass: No errors in
faults = false
CommFlts =
System RAM
faults = false
faults = false
faults = false
Control P0606 This Diagnostic tests all the internal processor integrity subsystems One
Module Trip,
Internal DTC Fail case 1: HWIO detects Fault = true (in SPI Run/Crank > 9.5 Volts 28 fail counts Type A
Performance Indicates that the Hardware) Voltage OR out of 32
HCP has Powertrain Relay sample counts
detected an Voltage
internal Executes in a
processor Diagnostic = true 6.25ms loop
integrity fault System Enable
Detects in
CePISR_e_Main Powermoding = Accesory or Off 200ms
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
DTC Fail case 2: Key Value = Calibration SRAR shutdowns = False Detects in
Indicates that the Value 150ms
HCP has
detected an SPI Fault
internal =False
integrity fault RunCrank Active
= False
otRunningSeedK Ram or ROM
yTst fault = false
12V battery
Seed received in
wrong order fault
= false
Vehicle Speed
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
DTC Fail case 3: IPT Detects faulty calibration HV Bat contactor = True Up down
Indicates that the harware in Inhibit Value Staus Available counter = 3
HCP has path
detected an MMDR = Powerdown Wait
internal IPT feedback State
processor HPMR = Eval BP Open
integrity fault State
HV Battery >= 80 V
SPI Fault
RunCrank Active
= False
Ram or ROM
fault = False
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
12V battery >11V
<= 0 MPH
Vehicle Speed
= False
Timeout = off for less than 5
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
DTC Fail case 5: seed does not within 1. Number Of 1. > 0 Detects in 1 sec
Indicates that the update Calibration Monitors 2. = FALSE
HCP has threshold 2. SPI faults
detected an
integrity fault
DTC Fail case 6: Seed sequence expected 1. Number Of 1. > 0 12 fail counts
Indicates that the order Monitors 2. = FALSE out of 16
HCP has 2. SPI faults sample counts
detected an
internal Executes in a
processor 12.5ms loop
integrity fault
Detects in
CePISR_e_Main 200ms
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
DTC Fail case 7: Seed timeout > 200 ms 1. Seed Update 1. = True 3 fail counts out
Indicates that the Key StoreFault 2. = True of 4 sample
HCP has PSW Fault = True Enable OR counts
detected an 2. Program
internal Sequence Watch Executes in a
processor Enable 50ms loop
integrity fault
Detects in
CePISR_e_Main 200ms
DTC Fail case 8: HWIO detects Fault =2 (ina row) 1. ALU Test 1. = TRUE runs
Indicates that the Enabled 2. = Enabled continuously in
HCP has 2. Diagnostic 3. >= 0.15s 12.5ms loop
detected an system status 4. = True
internal 3. Code clear Detects in
processor active 12.5ms
integrity fault 4. PMDI Low
voltage clear diag
CePISR_e_Main enable conditons
ALU_Flt met
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
DTC Fail case 9: HWIO detects Fault =2 (in arow) 1. Diagnostic 1. = TRUE runs
Indicates that the Test Enabled 2. = Enabled continuously in
HCP has 2. Diagnostic 3. >= 0.15s 12.5ms loop
detected an system status 4. = True
internal 3. Code clear Detects in
processor active 12.5ms
integrity fault 4. PMDI Low
voltage clear diag
CePISR_e_Main enable conditons
CfgRegFlt met
DTC Fail case HWIO detects Fault = 5 (Since Diagnostic Test = True Runs
10: Indicates that Powerup) Enabled Continuously in
the HCP has =True 100ms loop
detected an Diagnostic
internal System Enables Detects in
processor 500ms
integrity fault
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
DTC Fail case Continuous Fault > 200ms 1. A2D Converter 1. = TRUE 5 fail counts out
11: Indicates that Test Enabled 2. > -1 of 8 sample
the HCP has 2. PT Relay 3. > 7 counts
detected an Voltage
internal 3. Run Crank Executes in a
processor Voltage 50ms loop
integrity fault
Detects in
CePISR_e_Main 200ms
DTC Fail case Run Crank on т Run Crank 1. Run Crank 1. = True 5 fail counts out
12: Indicates that Seconday Active Discrete 2. = False of 8 sample
the HCP has Processor Diagnostic counts
detected an Enable
internal 2. SPI Faults Executes in a
processor 25ms loop
integrity fault
Detects in
CePISR_e_Run 200ms
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
DTC Fail case HWIO detects Fault = 3 /10 5/10 1. Flash ECC 1. = True 3 fail counts out
13: Indicates that Circuit Test 2. = True of 10 sample
the HCP has Enable counts (turns on
detected an 2. Power-Up MIL)
internal Reset
processor 5 fail counts out
integrity fault of 10 sample
CePISR_e_Flash (shutdown
ECC_CktTest vehicle)
Executes once
at every power
up reset
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
DTC Fail case HWIO detects Fault = 3 /10 5/10 1. RAM ECC 1. = True 3 fail counts out
14: Indicates that Circuit Test 2. = True of 10 sample
the HCP has Enable counts (turns on
detected an 2. Power-Up MIL)
internal Reset
processor 5 fail counts out
integrity fault of 10 sample
CePISR_e_RAM (shutdown
_ECC_CktTest vehicle)
Executes once
at every power
up reset
DTC Fail case HWIO detects Fault = True Diagnostic Test = TRUE
15: Indicates that Enabled
the HCP has or or
detected an
internal Memory Copy Error =True
integrity fault
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Internal P061A This Diagnostic tests if the regen is reported accurately to the brake control module One
Control Trip,
Module DTC Fail case 1: The Estimated >The drivers Regenerative > 0 Nm 14 fail counts Type A
Torque The Estimated output torque output torque Braking out of 16
Performance output torque Commanded Request + .2g Torque sample counts
Commanded (534Nm)
exceeds the Executes in a
upper Regen 12.5ms loop
torque limit
Detects in
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Module Type A
DTC Fail case 1: The Estimated > Maximum of Runs continuously 14 fail counts
The Estimated output torque either the when a torque out of 16
output torque Commanded drivers output source is present sample counts
Commanded torque request
exceeds the or zero plus .2g Executes in a
upper torque (534Nm) 12.5ms loop
Detects in
To Max Fault 200ms
To Min Fault
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
DTC Fail case 3: Axle torque request 1Nm
Transmission is converted to
output torque transmission output
rationality checktorque. When this
violated converted output
torque violates the
To Req Rat Fault rationality check
comparison by 1
Nm for greater than
200ms a failure is
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
DTC Fail case 5: When the PRNDL -534Nm Vehicle Speed < 7mph
Output torque equals drive and the (equivalent to -
negative when driver requested 0.2g)
driver request is torque is positive
positive while the
commanded output
Sign Diff Fault torque is negative
and below a -0.2g (-
534Nm) threshold
for greater than
TOSS sensor
fault is active or
vehicle speed
sensor fault is
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
DTC Fail case 6: When the PRNDL 534Nm
Output torque equals reverse and (equivalent to
positive when driver requested 0.2g)
driver request is torque is negative
negative while the
commanded output
Sign Diff Fault torque is positive
and greater than a
0.2g (534Nm)
threshold for greater
than 200ms.
DTC Fail case 7: When the > or < the Runs continuously
The primary redundant primary when a torque
Input Torque calculation of the calculation source is present
Correction does input torque
not equal the correction is .2g
redundant (534Nm)
Ti Corr Fault
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
DTC Fail case 8: The Traction Motor >Maximum
The Traction torque command motor torque
Motor torque capacity plus
command .2g (534Nm) or
exceeds the less than the
motor torque minimum
capacity torque capacity
minus .2g
Tm Cmd Fault
Control P062F This Diagnostic tests for unuseable BINVDM (flash) memory only One
Module Long Trip,
Term Memory DTC Fail case 1: Ignition State = accesory, run, or 1 failure Type A
Performance Indicates that the crank Frequency:
NVM Error flag Once at power-
HWIO Bat Write up
will not
succeed set Last EEPROM write
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
DTC Fail case 2: did not complete
Indicates that the
NVM Error flag
HWIO Assembly
Cal set
DTC Pass: NV
eed = fail
= false
Torque P06AF This Diagnostic checks that the ECM is still functioning correctly One
Management Trip,
System – DTC Fail case 1: The nibble pattern The pattern Run/Crank > 9.5 Volts Type A
Forced The main is incorrect does not match Voltage OR 8 fail counts out
Engine processor (F, 5, B, D, A, Powertrain Relay of 12 sample
Shutdown monitor ring 6, 3, 0) Voltage counts
compares the
ECM 2nd pattern Executes in a
(nibble pattern) 12.5 ms Loop
to known good
pattern to Detects in
determine ECM 200ms
state of health.
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
DTC Pass: 2nd RX pattern
smpl > Smpl
Nibble pattern
Detects in 2.5s
DTC Pass: No failure in
Supply P150E Special
Voltage Type C
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
g Description yp
Circuit 1 Low DTC Fail case 1: Ignition Voltage < 8V Enable Cals = true 20 Fail count out
Voltage Supply Voltage of 25 sample
Circuit 1 Low Diag System = false counts
Voltage Disable
Executes in a
100ms loop
Detects in 2.5s
DTC Pass: No failure in
Alive Rolling Count Diagnostics
Alive Rolling P15F0 This Diagnostic checks for corruption in signals sent over CAN for the Engine Actual Torque Steady State One
Count / Trip,
Protection DTC Fail case 1: The current alive Current ARC Ignition Key Run/Crank for > 0.5 Type A
Value fault for Detect the ARC rolling count value Previous ARC Status seconds 14 fail counts
the Engine (Alive Rolling does not equal the +1 out of 16
Actual Torque Count) or previous alive rolling sample counts
Steady State Protection Value count value
fault by checking incremented by 1 Executes in a
the ARC and 12.5 ms Loop
Protection Value
of the Engine Detects in
Actual Torque 200ms
Steady State
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
The primary signal Primary Value
value does not Protection
equal the protection Value
Alive Rolling P15F1 This Diagnostic checks for corruption in signals sent over CAN for the commanded predicted axle torque One
Count / Trip,
Protection DTC Fail case 1: The current alive Current ARC Ignition Key Run/Crank for > 0.5 Type A
Value fault for Detect the ARC rolling count value Previous ARC Status seconds 14 fail counts
the (Alive Rolling does not equal the +1 out of 16
commanded Count) or previous alive rolling sample counts
predicted axle Protection Value count value
torque fault by checking incremented by 1 Executes in a
the ARC and 12.5 ms Loop
Protection Value
of the Detects in
commanded 200ms
predicted axle
The primary signal Primary Value
value does not Protection
equal the protection Value
Alive Rolling P1B15 This Diagnostic checks for corruption in signals sent over CAN for the Regenerative Braking Axle Torque One
Count / Trip,
P t ti T A
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Protection DTC Fail case 1: The current alive Current ARC Ignition Key Run/Crank for > 0.5 Type A
Value fault for Detect the ARC rolling count value Previous ARC Status seconds 21 fail counts
the (Alive Rolling does not equal the +1 out of 32
Regenerative Count) previous alive rolling sample counts
Braking Axle Protection Value count value
Torque fault by checking incremented by 1 Executes in a
the ARC and 6.25 ms Loop
Protection Value
of the Detects in
Regenerative 200ms
Braking Axle
The primary signal Primary Value
value does not Protection
equal the protection Value
Internal P16F2 Detect transmission direction errors by reading the states of the Direction IMS switches as well as determining a One
Control transmission direction and comparing it to the transmission direction from the primary controls path. Trip,
Module Type A
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
DTC Fail case 1: Read the Direction Run/Crank > 9.5 Volts
No direction IMS switches and Voltage OR 5 fail counts out
Range Switch
match with no determine that they Powertrain Relay of 8 sample
IMS failures represent a valid Voltage counts
direction (P,R,N,D) Executes in a
but it does not 25ms loop
match the
transmission Detects in
direction 200ms
determined by the
primary controls
DTC Fail case 2: Read the Direction
Multiple IMS switches and
transmission determine that they
directions with no represent more than
IMS failures one valid
direction (P,R,N,D).
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
DTC Fail case 3: Read the Direction
No direction IMS switches and
match with one determine that one
IMS failure switch has failed
and calculate a
direction, but it does
not match the
determined by the
primary controls
DTC Fail case 4: Read the Direction
Multiple IMS switches and
transmission determine that one
directions with switch has failed
one IMS failure and calculate a
direction and
determine that they
represent more than
one valid
direction (P,R,N,D).
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
DTC Fail case 5: Reads the Direction
Unable to IMS switches and
determine determine that more
transmission than one switch has
direction failed and cannot
calculate a
Internal P16F3 Detect the dual store memory fault by comparing the primary value and the dual store value of the individual One
Control variables Trip,
Module Type A
Redundant DTC Fail case 1: The primary value Runs continuously Signal
Memory Detect the dual and the dual store DependendantX
Performance store memory value are not equal fail counts out of
fault by Y sample
comparing the counts Executes
primary Ve in a Xms loop
signals and the
We redundant All Detected in
signals 200ms
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
DTC Fail case 2: Fail Timer > 175ms
Detect the dual incremented
store memory
fault by
comparing the Detects in
primary Ye 200ms
signals and the Runs continuously
Ya redundant
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
DTC Fail case 2: The Range IMS has
Error corrected a valid transmission
Direction IMS position and the
does not match Direction IMS from
the primary controls
path has an error
position, but the two
do not match.
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
DTC Fail case 4: The Range IMS is
Range IMS is invalid due to a fault
invalid and or a problem with
Direction IMS is the TCM, and the
error corrected Direction IMS has
an error corrected
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Internal P16F6 The Transmission Range State monitor verifies that there are no mismatches in system equations, the One
Control transmission range state being executed is valid, and the transmission range state has not performed an invalid Trip,
Module transition Type A
Commanded DTC Fail case 1: The current Runs continuously 1 failure
Range State Invalid Transmission
Transmission Range State being Detected within
Range State used by the system 25ms of failure
is detected to be an
invalid value within
the current
Range State Group.
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
DTC Fail case 3: The current
Invalid Transmission
Transmission Range State has
Range State changed, and the
transition change in value is
not one of the
transitions from the
Range State.
DTC Fail case 4: The Range
Range Equation Equation can not be
mismatches rationalized against
current the current
Transmission Transmission
Range State Range State.
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
DTC Fail case 6: The Input Torque
Input Torque Optimization State
Optimization can not be
State rationalized against
mismatches the current
current Transmission
Transmission Range State
Range State
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Description p,
Redundant DTC Fail case 1: The difference > 400 Enable Cal = true Type A
Drive Motor B The difference between Mtr B 21 fail counts
Speed between Mtr B calculated speed Run/Crank out of 32
Sensing calculated speed and HCP calculated Voltage sample counts
Circuit and HCP MTR B speed OR
calculated MTR Run/Crank Executes in a
B speed exceeds Voltage Secured = true 6.25ms loop
a threshold
Detects in
Communication Diagnostics
Control U0073 This diagnostic indicates a bus off condition on HSGMLAN (Bus A) One
Module Trip,
Comm'n Bus DTC Fail case 1: CAN device driver = bus-off state. Run/Crank > 9.5 Volts 4 fail counts out Type A
A Off Detects that a Voltage of 5 samples
CAN serial data OR counts
bus shorted Powertrain Relay
condition has Voltage Executes in a
occurred to force 12.5ms loop
the CAN device
driver to enter a
bus-off state. Detects in 450
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Bus Off Fault =FALSE
Normal =TRUE
Diagnostic =FALSE
System Disable
Control U0074 This diagnostic indicates a bus off condition on the PTE (Bus B) One
Module Trip,
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Comm'n Bus DTC Fail case 1: CAN device driver = bus-off state. Run/Crank > 9.5 Volts Type A
B Off Detects that a Voltage 4 fail counts out
CAN serial data OR of 5 samples
bus shorted Powertrain Relay counts
condition has Voltage
occurred to force Executes in a
the CAN device 12.5ms loop
driver to enter a
bus-off state.
Detects in 450
Normal =TRUE
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Diagnostic =FALSE
System Disable
Control U0077 This diagnostic indicates a bus off condition on the CE (Bus E) One
Module Trip,
Comm'n Bus DTC Fail case 1: CAN device driver = bus-off state. Run/Crank > 9.5 Volts Type A
E Off Detects that a Voltage 4 fail counts out
CAN serial data OR of 5 samples
bus shorted Powertrain Relay counts
condition has Voltage
occurred to force Executes in a
the CAN device 12.5ms loop
driver to enter a
bus-off state.
Detects in 450
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Normal =TRUE
Diagnostic =FALSE
System Disable
Lost Comm'n U0100 This diagnostic indicates a lost communication between the HCP and the ECM on Bus A One
With Trip,
ECM/PCM on DTC Fail case 1: Missed ECM Run/Crank > 9.5 Volts Executes in a Type A
Bus A Detects that Messages Voltage 6.25ms loop
CAN serial data OR
communication Powertrain Relay
has been lost Voltage
with the ECM on Detects in 500
Bus A ms
Power Mode =RUN/ACC
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Normal =TRUE
Diagnostic =FALSE
System Disable
Lost Comm'n U0101 This diagnostic indicates a lost communication between the HCP and the TCM on Bus A One
With TCM Trip,
DTC Fail case 1: Missed TCM Run/Crank > 9.5 Volts Executes in a Type A
Detects that Messages Voltage 6.25ms loop
CAN serial data OR
communication Powertrain Relay
has been lost Voltage
with the TCM on Detects in 500
Bus A ms
Power Mode =RUN/ACC
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Normal =TRUE
Diagnostic =FALSE
System Disable
Lost Comm'n U0129 This diagnostic indicates a lost communication between the HCP and the BSCM on Bus A Two
With Brake Trips,
System DTC Fail case 1: Missed EBCM Run/Crank > 9.5 Volts Executes in a Type B
Control Detects that Messages Voltage 6.25ms loop
Module CAN serial data OR
communication Powertrain Relay
has been lost Voltage
with the EBCM Detects in 500
on Bus A ms
Power Mode =RUN/ACC
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Normal =TRUE
Diagnostic =FALSE
System Disable
Lost U0140 This diagnostic indicates a lost communication between the HCP and the BCM on Bus A Special
Communicati Type C
on With Body
DTC Fail case 1: Missed BCM Run/Crank > 9.5 Volts Executes in a
Module Messages Voltage 6.25ms loop
Detects that
CAN serial data OR
communication Powertrain Relay
has been lost Voltage
with the BCM on Power Mode =RUN/ACC Detects in 500
Bus A ms
Bus Off Fault =FALSE
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Normal =TRUE
Diagnostic =FALSE
System Disable
Lost Comm'n U179A This diagnostic indicates a lost communication between the HCP and the VICM on Bus A One
With Hybrid DTC Fail case 1: Missed VICM Run/Crank > 9.5 Volts Executes in a Trip,
Powertrain Lost Messages Voltage 6.25ms loop Type A
C t l O
Power Mode =RUN/ACC
Normal =TRUE
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Normal Message =TRUE
Diagnostic =FALSE
System Disable
Lost Comm'n U1818 This diagnostic indicates a lost communication between the HCP and the ECM on Bus B One
With DTC Fail case 1: Missed ECM Run/Crank > 9.5 Volts Executes in a Trip,
ECM/PCM on Detects that Messages Voltage 6.25ms loop Type A
Power Mode =RUN/ACC
Normal =TRUE
Diagnostic =FALSE
System Disable
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
Diagnostic >=3 sec
Enable Timer
Lost Comm'n U182D This diagnostic indicates a lost communication between the HCP and the VICM on Bus B One
With Hybrid DTC Fail case 1: Missed VICM Run/Crank > 9.5 Volts Executes in a Trip,
Powertrain Lost Messages Voltage 6.25ms loop Type A
Control Communication OR
Module B on with Hybrid Powertrain Relay
Bus B Powertrain Voltage
Control Module B Detects in 500
on Bus B (VICM) ms
Normal =TRUE
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Time Required MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Conditions Illum
With BSCM DTC Fail case 1: Missed BSCM Run/Crank > 9.5 Volts Executes in a Trips,
on Bus E Detects that Messages Voltage 6.25ms loop Type B
CAN serial data OR
communication Powertrain Relay
has been lost Voltage
with the BSCM Detects in 500
Power Mode =RUN/ACC
Normal =TRUE
Diagnostic =FALSE
System Disable
DTC Pass 75 ms
Sensor P0642 Sets when the HWIO signal from Source A/D < 4 failures out One
Reference Main HVIL Ouput VICM indicates 5V 2.63V. RTN of 6 samples Trip,
Voltage A Circuit is Shorted Ref output circuit is A/D < 1.08V. 12V Battery 12.5 ms Type A
> 10V
Circuit Low Low shorted low Voltage /sample
DTC Pass 75 ms
Sensor P0643 Sets when the HWIO signal from 4 failures out One
Reference Main HVIL Ouput VICM indicates 5V of 6 samples Trip,
Voltage A Circuit is Shorted Ref output circuit is 12V Battery 12.5 ms Type A
> 10V
Circuit High High shorted high Voltage /sample
DTC Pass 75 ms
DTC Pass 75 ms
Sensor P0652 Sets when the HWIO signal from 4 failures out One
Reference Charging HVIL VICM indicates 5V of 6 samples Trip,
Voltage B Ouput Circuit is Ref output circuit is 12V Battery 12.5 ms Type A
> 10V
Circuit Low Shorted Low shorted low Voltage /sample
DTC Pass 75 ms
Sensor P0653 Sets when the HWIO signal from 4 failures out One
Reference Charging HVIL VICM indicates 5V of 6 samples Trip,
Voltage B Ouput Circuit is Ref output circuit is 12V Battery 12.5 ms Type A
> 10V
Circuit High Shorted High shorted high Voltage /sample
DTC Pass 75 ms
Battery Voltage
Not Failed
< 15 % before
Bus Voltage /
Negative Contactor
Battery Voltage
DTC Pass 50 ms
Case 1
Active Isolation
P0AA6 DTC Not Active
Resistance < 325 KOhm
Bus Voltage
Not Failed
Battery Voltage
Not Failed
DTC Pass 50 ms
Hybrid Battery P0C77 This DTC sets if Bus Voltage / > 95% in less Battery Current Not Failed One
50 ms
System Bus Voltage gets Battery Voltage than 50 ms Sensor Trip,
Precharge too high too fast from the start of Type A
Once Per
Time Too during contactor precharge
Short precharge.
Bus Voltage < 40 Volts before
the start of
Bus Voltage
Sensor Not Failed
Bus Voltage
Not Failed
with Battery Active
Energy Control
Module (U0111)
Lost Active
with Battery
Energy Control
Module (U0111)
700 ms or
DTC Pass less
Battery P0D0A This DTC checks The HPC2 detects 12V Battery > 10V 40 failures One
Charging the circuit for that the Voltage out of 50 Trip,
System electrical integrity commanded state samples Type A
Positive during operation. of the driver and the 12.5 ms
Contactor actual state of the /sample
Control Circuit control circuit do not Continuous
match. Exception:
It cannot detect the
Short to Ground
Condition A
OBCM Status for Fail or Pass
P0D5E reported from
Condition B
> 2.5 amps
Once 10
(averaged from
6 to 10 sec
OBCM Status for No Confirmed Pass after
Battery Current after discharge
P0D5E or Fail from OBCM Charger
while HFET is
commanded on
Event if
for 2 seconds)
Condition A
is not met
Battery Current
Not Failed
DTC Pass Parm Page
Hybrid/EV P1EBC This DTC checks The HPC2 detects Open Load 12V Battery > 10V 40 failures Two
Battery the circuit for that the detected while Voltage out of 50 Trips,
Multifunction electrical integrity commanded state OFF and output samples Type B
Contactor during operation. of the driver and the voltage > 2V. 12.5 ms
Control Circuit actual state of the Short to VBATT /sample
control circuit do not detected while Continuous
match. Exception: OFF and output
It cannot detect the volage is >
Short to Ground (VPWR -1.2V)
Multipurpose Open
Heater < 5%
Duty Cycle
Charger Current No Faults
Battery Current No Faults
Charge Control Precharge
DTC Pass 600 ms
Condition 3
Lost Comm withh Active Lost Active
HPC1 Communication
with Inflatable
Restraint Sensing
and Diagnostic
Module on Bus F
Condition 4
Lost Comm withh Active Rollover or Not working
HPC1 Airbag or Inertial
State C:
Valve feedback >3% State A is not running (or has
position completed)
Valve has not >1.5s
moved for
State D:
Valve feedback >12% State A is not running (or has
position signal is completed)
erratic and its noise
level sum is
Valve is not moving
Hybrid/EV P0CE2 Valve Motor Valve Motor sense LOW System Voltage >9V 90 fails / 100 Two
Battery Pack drive 1 has a 1 samples at Trips,
Coolant short to low fault. 6.25ms Type B
Control Valve
A Control
Circuit Low
Valve must be moving in
reverse direction
IF: <5C
RESS Inlet Coolant
Temperature Final -
RESS Inlet Coolant
Temperature Initial
IF: <9C
RESS Inlet Coolant
Temperature Final -
RESS Inlet Coolant
Temperature Initial
ABS (Outside Air > 50°C
Temperature - Low
Side Refrigerant
Ambient Air P0072 Outside Air Sensor voltage < 2% (0.1V) of System Voltage >9V 40 fails / 50 Two
Temperature Temperature reference samples at Trips,
Sensor Circuit sensor has an voltage 100ms Type B
Low Input out of range low
circuit fault
Ambient Air P0073 Outside Air Sensor voltage > 98% (4.9V) System Voltage >9V 40 fails / 50 Two
Temperature Temperature of reference samples at Trips,
Sensor Circuit sensor has an voltage 100ms Type B
High Input out of range high
circuit fault
Cooling Fan Diagnostics
Cooling Fan 1 P0480 Engine Cooling Engine Cooling Fan System Voltage >9V 16 fails / 20 Two
Control Circuit Fan has a circuit line is open, shorted samples at Trips,
fault to voltage or 250ms Type B
shorted to ground
Cooling Fan P148A Engine Cooling IF ABS (Hardware > 0.15625 System Voltage >9V 32 fails / 40 Two
Signal Circuit fan signal is not I/O Radiator fan samples at Trips,
Performance performing as period from ECM - 250ms Type B
intended 7.8125)
(Propulsion = False
system active
Energy storage = ActiveCool
system thermal
condition request
Engine Cooling
fan operation = True
APM Cooling P1EA7 APM FAN APM Fan Enable System Voltage >9V 16 fails / 20 Two
Fan Enable Enable signal line is open, shorted samples at Trips,
Circuit has a circuit fault to voltage or 250ms Type B
shorted to ground
Hybrid/EV P0CE9 Coolant Pump Coolant Pump System Voltage >9V 16 fails / 20 Two
Electronics Control line has Control line is open, samples at Trips,
Coolant Pump a circuit fault shorted to voltage 250ms Type B
Control or shorted to ground
Hybrid/EV P0CF1 Power Sensor voltage > 98% (4.9V) of System Voltage >9V 16 fails / 20 Two
Electronics Electronics reference samples at Trips,
Coolant Coolant Temp voltage 250ms Type B
Temperature Sensor has a out
Sensor Circuit of range high
High circuit fault
Engine P26A7 Valve Feedback Valve feedback > 95% (4.25V) System Voltage >9V 40 fails / 50 Two
Coolant signal has a out voltage of reference samples at Trips,
Bypass Valve of range high voltage 100ms Type B
Position circuit fault
Sensor Circuit
State A:
Compressor = ON
running flag
IF High Side >3200Kpa System Voltage >9V
High Side Pressure >5s No active DTCs: P0533; P0532;
Time P0531
Electric A/C P0D71 ACCM CPU IF ABS >6C System Voltage >9V 35 fails / 40 Two
Compressor Temp. Sensor is (Compressor CPU samples at Trips,
Control not performing Temperature 250ms Type B
Module as intended Sensor - Intake Air
Internal Temperature
Temperature Sensor)
Sensor AND
P1ECE Frequency:
- Test Active
Stuck On
- Test Active
Stuck Off
Test active Bit =1 RUN/CRANK = OFF for > 320 40 Failures
Transitions to samples out of 50
Test active Bit =0 RUN/CRANK = OFF for < 320 1 Failures
Transitions to samples out of 1
No active DTCs:
U0111 Frequency:
Hybrid Battery P0B13 Checks for | Fine Current - > 10 A Fine Current Between -20A and 400 Failures One
Pack Current deviation Coarse Current | measured 20A out of 1995 Trip,
Sensor A/B between Fine Samples Type A
Correlation and Coarse
current sensors
Coarse Current Between -20A and
measured 20A
No active DTCs: P0AC1
P1EBA Frequency:
Replace P0A80 High Pack Pack Resistance > Average Battery > -7 ºC 4000 One
Hybrid Battery Resistance KtBSED_R_SO Temperature Failures out Trip,
Pack H_ResistanceT of 5000 Type A
hresh (ohm) - Samples
see VICM
TempRationalityF = FALSE
Hybrid Battery P0A7E Battery temp. too Battery Module > 73.5 ºC TempRationalityF = FALSE 50 Failures One
Pack Over high Temperature A (see fault out of 60 Trip,
temperature bundle page) Samples Type A
Control P1E3D Redundant Pack Voltage - >1V 50 Failures One
Module Voltage monitor Redundant Pack out of 60 Trip,
Calculated Voltage Samples Type A
Performance Frequency:
Miscellaneous Diagnostics
Engine Hood P257D Rationality Hood Switch Within the Diagnostic =TRUE 6 failed Two
Switch Check for the Position Sensor following Enabled samples Trips,
Performance Vehicle Hood reading within an ranges: within 8 Type B
Switch invalid range 86.9% - 87.9% samples
63% - 64%
22.8% - 23.8% 1 sample
Propulsion =TRUE
System Active
1 sample
Propulsion =TRUE
System Active
Engine Hood P257F Detects if the Hood Switch >87.9% Diagnostic =TRUE 6 failed Two
Switch Circuit Vehicle Hood Position Sensor Enabled samples Trips,
High Voltage Switch is Shorted reading above a within 8 Type B
to Battery threshold samples
1 sample
Propulsion =TRUE
System Active
1 sample
every 100
Commanded On
Charge Cord =TRUE
Plugged In
Case 2: Short to Diagnostic =TRUE 40 failed
Battery or Open Enabled samples
Circuit within 50
1 sample
every 100
Commanded On
Charge Cord =FALSE
Plugged In
1 sample
every 100ms
Commanded On
Charge Cord =TRUE
Plugged In
Case 2: Short to Diagnostic =TRUE
Battery or Open Enabled
Commanded On
Charge Cord =FALSE
Plugged In
1 sample
Control Module =TRUE
Output Wake-Up
Circuit Enabled
Case 2:Short to Diagnostic =TRUE
Battery or Open Enabled
Control Module =FALSE
Output Wake-Up
Circuit Enabled
Seed and Key Seed and key test Continuous 100ms loop,
Test failed - invalid order, 3 failures in
timeout, incorrect powerup
seed, incorrect key cycle
Fuel Fill Door P04B8 Detects if Fuel Fill Door 65.9%< Fuel Fill Door =TRUE 6 out of 8 Two
Position sensor reading is Position Sensor Reported Position samples Trips,
Sensor/Switch invalid reading within an Position Sensor/Switch @ 500ms Type B
Circuit invalid range <=81.6% Circuit Diagnostic per sample
Fuel Fill Door P04B9 Detects if the Fuel Fill Door Reported Fuel Fill Door =TRUE 6 out of 8 Two
Position Circuit is Shorted Position Sensor Position<22.9% Position samples Trips,
Sensor/Switch to Ground reading below a Sensor/Switch @ 500ms Type B
Circuit Low threshold Circuit Low per sample
Fuel Fill Door P04BA Detects if the Fuel Fill Door Reported Fuel Fill Door =TRUE 6 out of 8 Two
Position Circuit is Shorted Position Sensor Position > Position samples Trips,
Sensor/Switch to Battery reading above a 94.5% Sensor/Switch @ 500ms Type B
Circuit High threshold Circuit High per sample
Fuel Fill Door P04BB Detects a fault in Hardware Reported Fault =TRUE Fuel Fill Door =TRUE 4 out of 5 Two
Lock Control the Fuel Fill Door Test Result for Lock Control samples Trips,
Circuit/Open Lock/Unlock OPEN Circuit Circuit/Open @ 50ms per Type B
Control Circuit Diagnostic sample
Hardware Reported Fault =TRUE Fuel Fill Door =TRUE 64 out of 80
Test Result for Lock Control samples
SHORT Circuit to Circuit/Open @ 50ms per
Ground Diagnostic sample
The Hardware
reported test INDETERMINANT
result is for short
circuit condition
The door lock =ASSERT NONE
driver circuit is
NOT be active
Fuel Fill Door P04CA Detects if the Fuel Fill Door Lock Reported Fuel Fill Door =TRUE 6 out of 8 Two
Open circuit is shorted Request Switch Position<22.9% Open Request samples Trips,
Request to ground sensor reading less Sensor/Switch @ 500ms Type B
Sensor/Switch than threshold Circuit Low per sample
Circuit Low Diagnostic
Charge Port P0CCA Detects if the Switch sensor Reported Charge Port Door =TRUE 6 out of 8 Two
Door Open circuit is shorted reading greater Positon > Open Request samples Trips,
Request to battery than threshold 94.5% Switch Circuit @ 50ms per Type B
Switch Circuit High Diagnostic sample
High Enable
Charge Port P0CCC Detects if the Position sensor 65.9%< Charge Port Door =TRUE 6 out of 8 Two
Door Position circuit resistance reading within Reported Position Sensor samples Trips,
Sensor Circuit is incorrect INVALID range Position Circuit Diagnostic @ 50ms per Type B
<=81.6% Enable sample
Charge Port P0CCE Detects if the Position sensor Reported Charge Port Door =TRUE 6 out of 8 Two
Door Position circuit is shorted reading less than Positon Position Sensor samples Trips,
Sensor Circuit to ground threshold <22.9% Circuit Low @ 50ms per Type B
Low Diagnostic sample
The hardware
reported circuit INDETERMINANT
fault staus is
Case 1: Short to =TRUE Charge Port Door =TRUE 3 out of 4
Ground Unlock samples
Command @ 50ms per
Case 2: Short to =TRUE Charge Port Door =FALSE 64 out of 80
Battery or Open Unlock samples
Command @ 50ms per
Part A: Sets
when Control System Voltage > 9 V
Pilot Percent Aux Micro Logic Charge Port Door Closed
Voltage is above State High
a Threshold Main Micro Logic Charge Cord Not Connected
OR State State
Aux Micro Logic Low
Shift Lever
Position Not in Park
No Faults on
Vehicle Speed
DTC Pass 5 seconds
Shift Lever
Position Not in Park
No Faults on
Vehicle Speed]
DTC Pass 5 seconds
Charger Precharge
Contactor State
If AC Input
Voltage >= 185 No Active DTCs P0D3A, P0D3B,
V on AC Input P1EE7, P1EE8,
Current Signal P1ECE, P0D5C,
If AC Input P0D5B, P16C4,
Voltage P1EFD, P1F14
< 185 V Control Pilot
Charging Switch Closed
Battery P0D20 This DTC sets Charger HV Output >= 15% System Voltage >9V 30 failures One
Charger when the percent Voltage Percent out of 50 Trip,
Output of voltage Deviation Charge Control Constant Voltage samples Type A
Voltage deviation while in Mode
Performance constant voltage 100 ms rate
control modeis
greater than a
System Voltage
No faults on HV
Output Voltage P0D4E, P0D4F,
Sensor P1EEB, P1EEC,
Charge System P16C5, P1EFD
Heat Only Mode
if fuel
system is
for >= 5
Fuel Rail P018C This DTC FRP sensor voltag < 0.14 V Ignition Run or Crank 72 failures DTC
Pressure detects if the out of 80 Type A
(FRP) fuel pressure samples 1 trip
Sensor sensor circuit
Circuit Low is shorted low 1
Voltage sample/12.
5 ms
Fuel Pump P0231 This DTC Fuel Pump > 14.48A Ignition Run or Crank 72 test DTC
Control detects if the Current failures in Type A
Circuit Low fuel pump 80 test 1 trip
Voltage control circuit samples if
is shorted to Fuel Pump
low Current
HS Comm enabled
OR 1
5 ms
Fuel Pump Duty >20% HS Comm enabled
Fuel Pump enabled
Ignition 9V < voltage <
Run/Crank 32V
PPEI Fuel valid
OR Frequency
ly in the
HS Comm enabled
Fuel Pump enabled
HS Comm enabled
Fuel Pump enabled
OR Frequency
HS Comm enabled Runs
ly in the
Fuel Pump enabled
HS Comm enabled
Fuel Pump enabled
HS Comm enabled
Fuel Pump enabled
5Volt P0641 Detects Reference >= 0.5V Ignition Run or Crank 15 failures
Reference continuous voltage out of 20 DTC
Circuit short or out of AND inactive samples Type A
(Short range on the Output 1 trip
High/Low/O #1 5V sensor 1
ut of reference sample/12.
Range) circuit 5 ms
Lost U0100 Detects that Message $0C9 Undetected 1. Power mode Run/Crank 12 failures DTC
Communica CAN serial out of 12 Type B
tion With data samples 2 trips
ECM/PCM communicatio (12
“A” n has been seconds)
lost with the
2. Ignition 11V<voltage<32
Run/Crank V
3. U0073 not active
Right Front C1233 The right front WSS feedback 0.20v Sys Voltage > 9.0 > 100ms two trips
Wheel Speed wheel speed voltage < Threshold Nominal range: Sys Voltage < 19.5
Sensor Circuit sensor is open. (0.20v < WSS Processing_Enab True (Note 1)
Low Pass Threshold: > voltage range < led C1208
0.20v 2.20v) No Active DTCs
Left Rear C1234 The left rear WSS feedback 0.20v Sys Voltage > 9.0 > 100ms two trips
Wheel Speed wheel speed voltage < Threshold Nominal range: Sys Voltage < 19.5
Sensor Circuit sensor is open. (0.20v < WSS Processing_Enab True (Note 1)
Low Pass Threshold: > voltage range < led C1209
0.20v 2.20v) No Active DTCs
Right Rear C1235 The right rear WSS feedback 0.20v Sys Voltage > 9.0 > 100ms two trips
Wheel Speed wheel speed voltage < Threshold Nominal range: Sys Voltage < 19.5
Sensor Circuit sensor is open. (0.20v < WSS Processing_Enab True (Note 1)
Low Pass Threshold: > voltage range < led C1210
0.20v 2.20v) No Active DTCs
Pass Threshold:
WSS signal is
Right Front C1222 The right front Number of detected 0 edges Veh Vel > 8 mph 70ms two trips
Wheel Speed WSS signal has edges = 0 Nominal System Voltage < 19.5
Sensor Circuit dropped out. It Range: Processing_Enab True (Note 1)
has stopped (N/A) led C1208
producing edges. No Active DTCs
Pass Threshold:
WSS signal is
Left Rear C1223 The left rear Number of detected 0 edges Veh Vel > 8 mph 70ms two trips
Wheel Speed WSS signal has edges = 0 Nominal System Voltage < 19.5
Sensor Circuit dropped out. It Range: Processing_Enab True (Note 1)
has stopped (N/A) led C1209
producing edges. No Active DTCs
Pass Threshold:
WSS signal is
Right Rear C1224 The right rear Number of detected 0 edges Veh Vel > 8 mph 70ms two trips
Wheel Speed WSS signal has edges = 0 Nominal System Voltage < 19.5
Sensor Circuit dropped out. It Range: Processing_Enab True (Note 1)
has stopped (N/A) led C1210
producing edges. No Active DTCs
Pass Threshold:
WSS signal is
Left Front C1225 Erratic signal. WSS Accel > 491m/s/s Veh Vel > 8 mph 280ms two trips
Wheel Speed The left front Threshold Nominal Processing_Enab True (Note 1) Pass >30s
Sensor Circuit WSS is Range: led C1207
Range/Perfor exhibiting erratic Pass Threshold: < (N/A) No Active DTCs
mance behavior with a 491m/s/s
Pedal Travel
Brake Pedal C120F The supply to the Pedal supply 0.5v Processing_Enab True (Note 1) 30ms Two trips
Position pedal position voltage < Threshold led
Sensor Power sensor is shorted
Circuit Low to ground. Pass Threshold >
Pass Threshold
4.75 < Volt <5.25
Brake Pedal C129A Brake pedal Brake Ped Pos 3 5% of sensor Sensor Supply > 4.75v 75ms two trips
Position position 3 input Voltage < Threshold supply voltage Voltage < 5.25
Sensor 3 signal voltage is Sensor Supply True (Note 1)
Circuit Low low. Pass Threshold > Nominal Voltage C120F
5% of sensor supply Range: Processing_Enab
voltage 4.75v - 5.25v - led
Supply No Active DTCs
Brake Pedal C129B Brake pedal Brake Ped Pos 3 95% of sensor Sensor Supply > 4.75v 75ms two trips
Position position 3 input Voltage > Threshold supply voltage Voltage < 5.25
Sensor 3 signal voltage is Sensor Supply True (Note 1)
Circuit High high. Pass Threshold > Nominal Voltage C120F
95% of sensor Range: Processing_Enab
supply voltage 4.75v - 5.25v - led
Supply No Active DTCs
Base brake Brake Pedal Travel Max Threshold Brake Pedal True (Note 2) 7ms
pedal travel Sensor 3 > Max = 33 mm Apply Detected
sensor 3 offset Threshold
Brake Pedal C12F8 The difference of |(%Input 1 - 10% Pedal Supply False 30ms two trips
Position the two travel %Input 2)| >= Voltage Failure True
Sensor 3 sensor inputs is Threshold Brake Pedal > 4.75v
Plausibility greater than a Sensor is < 5.25
predefined enabled True
Brake Pedal C129D Brake pedal Brake Ped Pos 4 5% of sensor Sensor Supply > 4.75v 75ms two trips
Position position 4 input Voltage < Threshold supply voltage Voltage < 5.25
Sensor 4 signal voltage is Sensor Supply True (Note 1)
Circuit Low low. Pass Threshold Nominal Voltage C120F
>5% of sensor Range: Processing_Enab
voltage 4.75v - 5.25v - led
Supply No Active DTCs
Brake Pedal C129F The brake pedal Brake Ped Pos 4 33 mm Brake Pedal True (Note 2) 15ms two trips
Position position 2 input input offset > Apply Detected
Sensor 4 signal offset Threshold Nominal OR True (Note 3)
Circuit Offset voltage is out of Range: Pressure Zeroing
Error range Pass Thresold 4.75v - 5.25v - Enable True (Note 1)
Brake Ped Pos 4 Supply AND C120F
input offset Processing_Enab C127D
<Threshold led C129D
No Active DTCs C129E
Base brake Brake Pedal Travel Max Threshold Brake Pedal True (Note 2) 7 ms
pedal travel Sensor 4 > Max = 33 mm Apply Detected
sensor 4 offset Threshold
Pressure Sensors
Pass Threshold
4.75 < Volt <5.25
BB Solenoids
ABS Power C12E6 When the power Voltage Level 80% bat Power Switch True (Note 8) 50ms Two trips
Switch Circuit switch has been (switched battery) < voltage Base Brake
Open commanded on Threshold Nominal Enabled On
the voltage level Range:
is monitored for Pass Threshold > (N/A) Power Switch
proper operation. 80% bat volt Command
ABS Base C12D7 Whenever the Solenoid feedback 30% of battey Power Switch True (Note 7) 15ms Two trips
Brake Open Power Switch voltage > Threshold (Solenoid in Slip Control > 8v (Solenoid in
Solenoid Base Brake is ON/OFF Mode) Enabled < 16v ON/OFF
Circuit closed and the Pass Threshold: < Solenoid Power On Mode)
Shorted driver transistor Threshold Supply
is turned on Solenoid Power
(solenoid Supply
commanded on) Coil Command
the feedback
voltage should
be low.
ABS Base C12D8 Whenever the Solenoid feedback 30% battery Power Switch True (Note 8) 30ms Two trips
Brake Open Power Switch voltage < Threshold Nominal Base Brake > 8v
Solenoid Base Brake is Range: Enabled < 16v
Driver closed and the Pass Threshold (8v > 16v) Solenoid Power Off
Shorted driver transistor >30% Supply
is not turned on Solenoid Power
(solenoid Supply
commanded off) Coil Command
the feedback
voltage should
be high.
ABS Base C12D9 Whenever the Solenoid feedback 80% battery Power Switch True (Note 8) 30ms Two trips
Brake Closed Power Switch voltage < Threshold 30% battery Base Brake > 8v
Solenoid Base Brake is Solenoid feedback Nominal Enabled < 16v
Circuit Open closed and the voltage > Threshold Range: Solenoid Power Off
driver transistor (8v > 16v) Supply
is not turned on Pass Threshold Solenoid Power
(solenoid >80% Supply
commanded off) Pass Threshold Coil Command
the feedback <30%
voltage should
be high.
ABS Base C12DA Whenever the Solenoid feedback 30% of battey Power Switch True (Note 7) 15ms Two trips
Brake Closed Power Switch voltage > Threshold (Solenoid in Slip Control > 8v (Solenoid in
Solenoid Base Brake is ON/OFF Mode) Enabled < 16v ON/OFF
Circuit closed and the Pass Threshold: < Solenoid Power On Mode)
Shorted driver transistor Threshold Supply
is turned on Solenoid Power
(solenoid Supply
commanded on) Coil Command
the feedback
voltage should
be low.
ABS Base C12DB Whenever the Solenoid feedback 30% battery Power Switch True (Note 8) 30ms Two trips
Brake Closed Power Switch voltage < Threshold Nominal Base Brake > 8v
Solenoid Base Brake is Range: Enabled < 16v
Driver closed and the Pass Threshold (8v > 16v) Solenoid Power Off
Shorted driver transistor >30% Supply
is not turned on Solenoid Power
(solenoid Supply
commanded off) Coil Command
the feedback
voltage should
be high.
ABS Boost C12DD This failsafe is Current Feedback > 150% of Power Switch True (Note 8) 15ms Two trips
Valve for shorted coil Threshold requested Base Brake > 8v
Solenoid detection for HW current Enabled < 16v
Circuit CLC coils Pass Threshold: < Nominal Solenoid Power > 0.25a
Shorted 150% of requested Range: Supply < 0.35a
current (8v > 16v) Solenoid Power
Whenever the Current feedback > 0.10amp Power Switch True (Note 8) 30ms
Power Switch Threshold Nominal Base Brake > 8v
Base Brake is Range: Enabled < 16v
closed and the Pass Threshold < (8v > 16v) Solenoid Power Off
driver transistor 0.10amp Supply
is not turned on Solenoid Power
(solenoid Supply
commanded off) Coil Command
the feedback
current should be
0 amps.
The interrupt
order fault is set,
if the calls of the
are not in the
correct order.
The interrupt
order fault is
monitored during
motor start and
motor spinning
EBCM Device C12E2 System voltage System voltage > 16v Ignition != Crank 100ms Two trips
Voltage High is too high for Threshold Nominal
certain Range:
operations. Pass Threshold Volt (N/A)
Wake Inputs
Ignition Circuit C1241 Ignition voltage is Ignition Voltage > 6v EngRunCrankTer = False 5s Two trips
High too High Threshold minalStatus = True
Pass Threshold < minalStatusValid
ACC Wake C1242 Wakeup voltage Vakeup voltage < 6v Engine run flag = True for 3s 5s Two trips
Up Circuit is too Low at Threshold active = False
Low startup Diagnostic ran = True
Pass Threshold > this ignition cycle
6v Normal
EBCM C121E This fault is set if Interrupt Set = Not Defined Upon Starting 6 interrupts Two trips
Unimplement an interrupt Threshold Interrupt Scheduler in the
ed Interrupt occurs that has Handler Application
no explicit Nominal
interrupt handler Range:
defined. (N/A)
EBCM C121F This fault is set if Exception Not N/A Upon Starting 15ms Two trips
Unexpected an exception that Supported = Nominal Scheduler in the
Exception is not supported Condition Range: Application
in our system (N/A)
has been
EBCM High C123E This failsafe Solenoid Feedback Calculated Upon Starting 15ms one trip
End Timer verifies that a Interrupt from the based on Scheduler in the
Periodic solenoid HET = Threshold Solenoid Application
Interrupt feedback activity
interrupt Nominal
generates a high Range:
end timer(HET) (N/A)
interrupt every
loop cycle.
If the previous
transmission was
not completed,
then the IPC
handler declares
an IPC packe
If the previous
transmission was
not completed,
then the IPC
handler declares
an IPC packe
Antilock Brake U186A MISSING_PTEI_ The specified input Nominal Upon Starting 190msec two trips
System AXLE_TORQUE packet with Range: (N/A) Scheduler in the
Control _CMD consistent data was Application
Module Lost Communication not received by
Communicati message is COMMS for a
on With missing. predefined time.
Engine Every periodic input
Control packet is monitored
Module on for input deadline
Bus E timeout. The
deadline timeout is
reset each time new
packet data is
received. The
deadline timeout is
either set in DBC
file or during the
configuration of the
Note #1 - Processing_Enable is set to FALSE when the following DTCs are set to 'Fault': C1255, C1256, C126E, C123C, C127C
Note #2 - Brake Pedal Apply Detected is the determination that the driver has applied the brake pedal. It is a combination of indications from
the 4 driver inputs: Brake Switch, Master Cylinder Pressure, Brake Pedal Position 3 and Brake Pedal Position 4. Typically, 2 out of 4 sensors
indicating Brake Apply will set the Brake Pedal Apply Detected flag.
Note #7 - Power Switch Slip Control Enable is used to open the power control FET in the electronics as a safety mechanism for the brake
controller. It is set to FALSE when the following DTCs are set to 'Fault': C12C2, C12C5, C12D2, C12D5, C12CC, C12CF, C12C6, C12C8,
C12DE, C12D8, C12D2, C1256, C1255, C126E, C123C, C127C, C121E, C121F, C120D, C127B
Note #8 - Power Switch Base Brake Control Enable is used to open the Base Brake power control FET in the electronics as a safety mechanism
for the brake controller. It is set to FALSE when the following DTCs are set to 'Fault': C12DB, C12DC, C12D8, C12D3, C1256, C1255, C126E,
C123C, C127C, C121E, C121F, C12E6, C127B
Note #9 - Motor_Enable is used to indicate when the motor is allowed to be commanded on. Motor_Enable is set to FALSE when the following
DTCs are set to 'Fault': C12B7, C12B6, C12B8, C12D8, C12DB, C12DC, C12E9, C12E8, C1256, C1255, C126E, C123C, C123E, C123A,
C127A, C123B, C127C, C121E, C121F, C123D, C126F, C121C, C120C, C12E6, C12E7, C127B
Note 4:
Correlation Table
In this
region –
C12B1 Max
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
P1E82 Case 5:
|1st Cell V - 2nd
Cell V|
<= 0.5V
Hybrid Battery P0A9D Sets when Temperature Temperature Diagnostic TRUE 1.4 seconds Two Trips
Temperature Temperature Sensor X Sensor X Enable in a 2
Sensor X P0AC7 Sensor X falls > 87.5C Run/Crank, TRUE second
Circuit Low below a (ADC Count < Accessory/Run or window
Threshold 680) HVEM EB Comm
Enable Frequency-
P0ACC No Active DTCs U2603, U2604, 200 ms
associated with U2605, U2606
VTSM Loss of
Hybrid Battery P0C44 Sets when Inlet Inlet Temp Inlet Temp >= Diagnostic TRUE 1.75 Two Trips
Pack Coolant Coolant Temp 87.9C Enable seconds in a
Temperature Sensor falls (ADC Count <= Run/Crank, TRUE 2.5 seconds
Sensor Circuit below a 130) Accessory/Run or window
Low Threshold HVEM EB Comm
Enable Frequency-
Hybrid Battery P0ABD If Pack side Pack Voltage > 456V Diagnostic TRUE 175 ms in a One Trip
Pack Voltage Voltage is above Enable 250 ms
Sense Circuit Threshold Run/Crank, TRUE window
High Accessory/Run or
HVEM EB Comm Frequency-
Enable 25 ms
No Active DTC P1A07
for Battery
Energy Control
Module 5 Volt
Reference Circuit
Hybrid Battery P0B10 If Fine Current is Fine Current < -23A Diagnostic TRUE 175 ms in a One Trip
Pack Current below Threshold Enable 250 ms
Sensor B Run/Crank, TRUE window
Circuit Low Accessory/Run or
HVEM EB Comm Frequency-
Enable 25 ms
No Active DTC P1A07
for Battery
Energy Control
Module 5 Volt
Reference Circuit
Hybrid Battery P0B11 If Fine Current is Fine Current > 23A Diagnostic TRUE 175 ms in a One Trip
Pack Current above Threshold Enable 250 ms
Sensor B Run/Crank, TRUE window
Circuit High Accessory/Run or
HVEM EB Comm Frequency-
Enable 25 ms
No Active DTC P1A07
for Battery
Energy Control
Module 5 Volt
Reference Circuit
Hybrid Battery P0AC1 If Coarse Current Coarse Current < -470A Diagnostic TRUE 175 ms in a One Trip
Pack Current is below Enable 250 ms
Hybrid Battery P0AC2 If Coarse Current Coarse Current > 280A Diagnostic TRUE 175 ms in a One Trip
Pack Current is above Enable 250 ms
Sensor Circuit Threshold Run/Crank, TRUE window
High Accessory/Run or
HVEM EB Comm Frequency-
Enable 25ms
Hybrid/EV P1EBA If Pack Current |Pack Current > 8A Diagnostic TRUE At power up - One Trip
Battery Pack Coarse Offset is Coarse Offset| Enable 185 ms
Current out of range Run/Crank, TRUE
Sensor A Accessory/Run or
Exceeded HVEM EB Comm
Learning Limit Enable
High Voltage Open
Contactor Status
Charger Open
Contactor Status
Hybrid/EV P1EBB If Pack Current Pack Current Fine |Pack Current Diagnostic TRUE At power up - One Trip
Battery Pack Fine Offset is out Offset Fine Offset| > Enable 185 ms
Current of range 2.5A Run/Crank, TRUE
Sensor B Accessory/Run or
Exceeded HVEM EB Comm
Learning Limit Enable
High Voltage Open
Contactor Status
Charger Open
Contactor Status
Battery P1A07 Sets when 5V 5V Reference Value 5V Reference Diagnostic TRUE 600 ms in a One Trip
Energy VITM reference (Circuit for Value < 2.8V Enable 1 second
Control voltage is out of Reference or 5V Run/Crank, TRUE window
Module 5 Volt range Diagnostic, Shunt Reference Accessory/Run or
Reference Regulator) Value > 3.2V HVEM EB Comm Frequency-
Circuit Enable 25 ms
Battery P1A0C If 12V System 12V System < 9.0V Diagnostic TRUE 5 seconds in Special
Energy Voltage is below Voltage Enable a 6 seconds Type C
Control Threshold Run/Crank, TRUE window
Module Accessory/Run or
System HVEM EB Comm Frequency:
Voltage Low Enable 1 Second
No Active DTC P1A07
for Battery
Energy Control
Module 5 Volt
Reference Circuit
Battery U180B If Bus Off is Transmit Error TEC > 255 Diagnostic TRUE 1.4 seconds Two Trips
Energy Detected Counter (TEC) Enable in a 2
Control Run/Crank or TRUE seconds
Module Accessory/Run window
Communicati VITM System >= 9V
on Bus A Off Voltage Frequency-
200 ms
Battery U1806 If Bus Off is Transmit Error TEC > 255 Diagnostic TRUE 1.4 seconds Two Trips
Energy Detected Counter (TEC) Enable in a 2
Control Run/Crank or TRUE seconds
Module Accessory/Run window
Communicati VITM System >= 9V
on Bus H Off Voltage Frequency-
200 ms
Battery U185B If message $20A Loss of Supervision # of Diagnostic TRUE 700 ms in a Two Trips
Energy is not Received with VICM module consecutive Enable 1 second
Control by VITM on Charger CAN $20A message Run/Crank, TRUE window
Module Lost bus not received > 5 Accessory/Run or
Communicati HVEM EB Comm Frequency-
on with Hybrid Enable 100 ms
Powertrain VITM System >= 9V
Control Voltage
Module B on
Bus H
Battery U1885 If message $1DF Loss of Supervision # of Diagnostic TRUE 1.75 Two Trips
Energy is not Received with HCP module consecutive Enable seconds in a
Control by VITM on HS GMLAN bus $20A message Run/Crank, TRUE 2 second
Module Lost not received > Accessory/Run or window
Communicati 10 HVEM EB Comm
on With Enable Frequency-
Hybrid No Active DTC U180B 250 ms
Powertrain for Battery
Control Energy Control
Module Module
Bus A Off
VITM System >= 9V
Flashing Completed
Session (Other
Modules or itself)
Battery P1A05 RAM Read Write RAM Read not 1 Diagnostic TRUE At power up - One Trip
Energy function Failed Equal to RAM Enable 10 ms
Control Written Run/Crank, TRUE
Module Accessory/Run or
Random HVEM EB Comm
Accessoryess Enable
Memory VITM Initalization Initializing
(RAM) Status Extended
At power up -
DTC Pass 10 ms
Battery P1A06 Flash ROM Flash ROM 1 Diagnostic TRUE At power up - One Trip
Energy Checksum Checksum Value Enable 5 ms up to
Control method Calculated is Run/Crank, TRUE 400 ms
Module Read Different than Accessory/Run or
Only Memory Stored HVEM EB Comm
(ROM) Enable
VITM Initalization Initializing
Status Extended
Battery P0A1F VITM Software If Watchdog resets 1 Diagnostic TRUE N/A One Trip
Energy Watchdog controller Enable Immediate
Control Run/Crank, TRUE
Module Accessory/Run or
Internal HVEM EB Comm
Performance Enable
DTC Pass 1
Battery P1A5E If RunCrank RunCrank Hardwire RunCrank Input Diagnostic TRUE 5 seconds in One Trip
Energy input state is Input and Serial < 5V Enable a 6 second
Control below Threshold Data signal Run/Crank, TRUE window
Module and RunCrank Accessory/Run or
Ignition Received Serial HVEM EB Comm Frequency-
Switch Data State = Enable 1000 ms
Run/Start Active No Active DTC U1806
Position for Battery
Circuit Low Energy Control
Bus H Bus Off
VITM System >= 9V
Battery P1A5F If RunCrank RunCrank Hardwire RunCrank Input Diagnostic TRUE 5 seconds in One Trip
Energy input state is Input and Serial >= 5V Enable a 6 second
Control above Threshold Data signal Run/Crank, TRUE window
Module and RunCrank Accessory/Run or
Ignition Received Serial HVEM EB Comm Frequency-
Switch Data State = Enable 1000 ms
Battery P1A60 If Acessory input Accessory Hardwire RunCrank Input Diagnostic TRUE 100 ms in a Two Trips
Energy state is below Input and Serial < 5V Enable 125 ms
Control Threshold and Data signal Run/Crank, TRUE window
Module received serial Accessory/Run or
Ignition data Propulsion HVEM EB Comm
Switch System Active Enable
Accessory state = True No Active DTC U180B
Position for Battery
Circuit Low Energy Control
Bus A Off
No Active DTC U1885
for Battery
Energy Control
Module Lost
With with HCP
(TPIM) on Bus A
Battery U2603 If associated Loss of Supervision # of Diagnostic TRUE 2.8 seconds One Trip
Energy message from with VTSMx on consecutive Enable in a 4
Control U2604 Slave is not Private CAN bus serial data Run/Crank, TRUE second
Module Lost received message from Accessory/Run or window
Communicati VTSMx not HVEM EB Comm
on with Hybrid received > 7 Enable Frequency-
Battery P1EC1 If High Voltage HVEM Hardwire HVEM Input < Diagnostic TRUE 7 seconds in One Trip
Energy Energy Input and Serial 5V Enable a 10 second
Control Management Data signal Run/Crank, TRUE window
Module High (HVEM) Wakeup Accessory/Run or
Voltage input state is HVEM EB Comm Frequency-
Energy below Threshold Enable 1000 ms
Management and HVEM No Active DTC U180B
Communicati Received Serial for Battery
on Bus Data State = Energy Control
Enable Circuit Active Module
Low Communication
Bus A Off
VITM System >= 9V
Battery U2401 If Bus Off is Transmit Error TEC > 255 Diagnostic TRUE 1.4 seconds One Trip
Energy Detected Counter (TEC) Enable in a 2
Battery U2602 If message $236 Loss of Supervision # of Diagnostic TRUE 2.8 seconds Two Trips
Energy is not Received with VICM module consecutive Enable in a 4
Control by VITM on HS GMLAN bus $236 message Run/Crank, TRUE second
Module Lost not received > 3 Accessory/Run or window
Communicati HVEM EB Comm
on with Hybrid Enable Frequency-
Processor No Active DTC U180B 100 ms
Control for Battery
Module B on Energy Control
HS Module
Bus A Off
VITM System >= 9V
Hybrid Battery P1E92 Cell Balance Cell Balance switch 4.0V < Cell Diagnostic TRUE 14 seconds One Trip
Interface switch output is below threshold Voltage < 5.0V Enable in a 20
Control P1E98 Threshold Run/Crank, TRUE seconds
Module x Cell = 66mV Accessory/Run or window
Balancing HVEM EB Comm
Circuit 3.5V < Cell Enable Frequency-
P1E9E Voltage < 4.0V No Active DTCs U2603, U2604, 200 ms
Threshold associated with U2605, U2606
= 41mV VTSM Loss of
P1EA4 3.0V < Cell 2nd Protection Not Running
Voltage < 3.5V Self Test
Threshold Diagnostic
Hybrid Battery P1E8F RAM Read Write RAM Read not 1 Diagnostic TRUE At power up- One Trip
Interface function Failed Equal to RAM Enable Total of 58
Control P1E95 Written Run/Crank, Transitions: TRUE ms for all
Module x Accessory/Run or to FALSE slaves
RAM HVEM EB Comm (During VTSMx
Enable Power down)
P1E9B No Active DTCs U2603, U2604,
associated with U2605, U2606
VTSM Loss of
Hybrid Battery P1E8E VTSMx Software If Watchdog resets 1 Diagnostic TRUE N/A One Trip
Interface Watchdog controller Enable instantaneou
Control P1E94 Run/Crank, TRUE s-
Module x OR OR Accessory/Run or Watchdog
Performance HVEM EB Comm Reset
SPI Bus Wrong value Read Enable
P1E9A Malfunction VITM System >= 9V 500us - SPI
(Read Value Voltage Bus
P1EA0 from Register
Not Equal to
Hybrid Battery P1E93 Sets when 5V 5V Reference Value 5V Reference Diagnostic TRUE 200ms One Trip
Interface VTSM reference (Circuit for Value < 2.8V Enable
Control P1E99 voltage is out of Reference or 5V Run/Crank, TRUE
Module x 5V range Diagnostic, Shunt Reference Accessory/Run or
Ref Regulator) Value > 3.2V HVEM EB Comm
P1E9F No Active DTCs U2603, U2604,
associated with U2605, U2606
VTSM Loss of
P1EA5 2nd Protection Not Running
Self Test
1 At power up-
DTC Pass 200 ms
Hybrid/EV P1F06 Compare VTSMx Reported Key Value 5 Diagnostic TRUE 1 second in One
Battery Reported Value by VTSMx is not Enable a 1.4 second Trip
Interface with Expected correct window
Control Value in VITM
Module x Frequency-
Processor 200 ms
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
MCP A Phase Current Diagnostics
Drive Motor P0BFD To detect Sum of 3 phase >156 A Wakeup Signal On X: 160 ct One
"A" Phase U- electrical failure currents Y: 190 ct Trip,
V-W of phase current R: 0.11 - 0.5 Type A
Correlation sensor. ms
T: 17.6 - 80
Drive Motor P0C01 Fail Case 1: To U, V, or W Phase > 725 A Wakeup Signal On X: 2 cts One
"A" Phase U- detect fast, current sensor Y: 10 cts Trip,
V-W Current repeated 3 R: 2.08 ms Type A
Sensor Phase over T: 4.2 ms
Overcurrent currents and to
protect IGBT.
Fail Case 2: To X: 5 cts
detect slow, Y: 50 cts
intermittent 3 R: 2.08 ms
Phase over T: 10.4 ms
currents and to
protect IGBT.
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Drive Motor P0C05 Drive Motor "A" ABS(Peak Phase <9A Inverter State RUN X: 200 ct One
"A" Phase U- Missing Motor Axis Current ) Y: N/A Trip,
V-W Current checks R: 0.11-0.5 Type A
Circuit/Open for minimum ms
current in each T: 22 - 100
phase when rotor ms
position is near
that peak's
phase axis.
Each phase is
individually as
rotor turns.
Inverter Voltage > 35 V
Rotor Position -30 deg < Phase
Axis < +30 deg
Current >= 23 A
Drive Motor P0BE7 Circuit Low U Phase current < -800 A Wakeup Signal On X: 4 cts One
"A" Phase U monitor to detect sensor output at Y: 6 cts Trip,
Current the failure of U- highside R: 10.4 ms Type A
Sensor Circuit phase current T: 42 ms
Low sensor circuit
below valid range
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Drive Motor P0BE8 Circuit High U Phase current > 800 A Wakeup Signal On X: 4 cts One
"A" Phase U monitor to detect sensor output at Y: 6 cts Trip,
Current the failure of U- highside R: 10.4 ms Type A
Sensor Circuit phase current T: 42 ms
High sensor circuit
above valid
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Drive Motor P0BEB Circuit Low V Phase current < -800 A Wakeup Signal On X: 4 cts One
"A" Phase V monitor to detect sensor output at Y: 6 cts Trip,
Current the failure of V- highside R: 10.4 ms Type A
Sensor Circuit phase current T: 42 ms
Low sensor circuit
below valid range
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Drive Motor P0BEA Offset Circuit V Phase offset >30 A Wakeup Signal On X: 8 cts One
"A" Phase V monitor to detect current output at Y: N/A Trip,
Current the failure of U- highside R: 10.4 ms Type A
Sensor Offset phase offset T: 83 ms
Out-of Range current above
valid range
Drive Motor P0BEF Circuit Low W Phase current < -800 A Wakeup Signal On X: 4 cts One
"A" Phase W monitor to detect sensor output at Y: 6 cts Trip,
Current the failure of W- highside R: 10.4 ms Type A
Sensor Circuit phase current T: 42 ms
Low sensor circuit
below valid range
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Drive Motor P0BF0 Circuit High W Phase current > 800 A Wakeup Signal On X: 4 cts One
"A" Phase W monitor to detect sensor output at Y: 6 cts Trip,
Current the failure of W- highside R: 10.4 ms Type A
Sensor Circuit phase current T: 42 ms
High sensor circuit
above valid
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Monitors hw High Voltage > 100V
status line to
detect internal
faults, shoot
through, or loss
of switching
control events
Drive Motor P0C0B Detects IGBT Phase A, B, or C FAILED (Status Inverter State Initialization X: 1 ct One
"A" Inverter Bias Faults Power Supply Fault Bit) Complete Y: N/A Trip,
Power Supply R: 2.08ms Type A
Circuit/Open T: 2.08ms
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Drive Motor P1AE8 Circuit Low HV Sensor Voltage <30V Controller Complete X: 15 cts One
"A" Control monitor of HV Initialization Y: 20 cts Trip,
Module Hybrid output voltage R: 10.4ms Type A
Battery sensor T: 156.3ms
Sense Circuit
Low Voltage
Run/Crank Active
Contactors Closed
Drive Motor P1AE9 Circuit High HV Sensor Voltage >500 V Controller Complete X: 15 cts One
"A" Control monitor of HV Initialization Y: 20 cts Trip,
Module Hybrid output voltage R: 10.4ms Type A
Battery sensor T: 156.3ms
Sense Circuit
High Voltage
Run/Crank Active
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Drive Motor P1AEC To check ABS(HV - >= 40 V No Active DTCs: P1AE8, P1AE9 X: 18 cts Two
"A" Control correlation of HV HV_Battery) Y: 30 cts Trips,
Module Hybrid with sum of mid- R: 10.4ms Type B
Battery pack voltages T: 187ms
System and HV_Battery.
AND Contactors Closed
ABS(HV - sum of >= 50 V
mid-pack voltages)
Drive Motor P1AF0 Isolation Lost Isolation Ratio (Neg >4.53 No Active DTCs: P1AE8, P1AE9, X: 250 cts Two
"A" Control between mid- mid-pack voltage / P1AEC Y: 300 cts Trips,
Module Hybrid pack voltage and Pos mid-pack R: 10.4ms Type B
Battery chassis voltage) T: 2600ms
Isolation Fault
Controller Complete
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Drive Motor P1AF4 Circuit 1 Low Pos mid-pack <20V Controller Complete X: 70 cts Two
"A" Control monitor of Pos voltage Initialization Y: 100 cts Trips,
Module Hybrid mid-pack voltage R: 10.4ms Type B
Battery sensor T: 729ms
Sensor 1
Circuit Low
Run/Crank Active
Contactors Closed
Drive Motor P1AF5 Circuit 1 High Pos mid-pack >40 V No Active DTCs: P1AE8, P1AE9 X: 50 cts Two
"A" Control monitor of Pos voltage - HV Y: 100 cts Trips,
Module Hybrid mid-pack voltage R: 10.4ms Type B
Battery sensor T: 520ms
Sensor 1
Circuit High
Controller Complete
Run/Crank Active
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Drive Motor P1B0B Circuit 2 Low Neg mid-pack <20V Controller Complete X: 70 cts Two
"A" Control monitor of Neg voltage Initialization Y: 100 cts Trips,
Module Hybrid mid-pack voltage R: 10.4ms Type B
Battery sensor T: 729ms
Sensor 2
Circuit Low
Run/Crank Active
Contactors Closed
Drive Motor P1B0C Circuit 2 High Neg mid-pack >40 V No Active DTCs: P1AE8, P1AE9 X: 50 cts Two
"A" Control monitor of Neg voltage - HV Y: 100 cts Trips,
Module Hybrid mid-pack voltage R: 10.4ms Type B
Battery sensor T: 520ms
Sensor 2
Circuit High
Controller Complete
Run/Crank Active
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Drive Motor P1B41 To check ABS(Pos mid-pack - >= 40 V No Active DTCs: P1AE8, P1AE9, X: 100 cts Two
"A" Control correlation of Neg mid-pack - P1B0B, P1B0C Y: 150 cts Trips,
Module Hybrid sum of mid-pack HV_Battery) R: 10.4ms Type B
Battery voltages against T: 1040ms
Voltage HV and
Isolation HV_Battery
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Charge Off Time >=7200s X: 200 cts
Y: 300 cts
R: 10.4ms
Cold Start > -40C T: 2080ms
Average =9.36 sec
Temperature total
Power TRUE
Fault Active
Tranmission TRUE
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Propulsion FALSE
System Inactive
Timer Fault
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Battery Thermal Use Data
Inactive Mask
Drive Motor P0A2D To detect Motor Temp < -41 deg C Controller X: 900 cts One
"A" Control temperature (near 5V) Initialization Y:1800cts Trip,
Module sensor voltage Complete R: 10.4ms Type A
Temperature Out of Range T: 9378ms
Sensor Circuit high. Warmup Time >=90s
Out of Range
High Warmup Torque >=ABS(20 Nm)
Drive Motor P0A2C To detect Motor Temp > 184 degC Controller X: 250 cts One
"A" Control temperature (near 0V) Initialization Y: 350 cts Trip,
Module sensor voltage Complete R: 10.4ms Type A
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Temperature Out of Range T: 2600ms
Sensor Circuit low.
Out of Range
Drive Motor P0A2F To detect a Motor Temperature > 159 deg C Motor IN RANGE X: 500 cts One
"A" Over sustained motor exceeds inital fault initial fault Temperature Y: 1500 cts Trip,
Temperature overtemperature threshold R: 10.4ms Type A
condition Temp T: 5200ms
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Sensor Power P06B2 Detects Sensor Scaled 15V Supply > 18.0V Wakeup Signal On X: 40 cts One
Supply "A" Power Supply Voltage Y: 50 cts Trip,
Circuit High (15V) above an R: 10.4ms Type A
acceptable T: 416 ms
fail time >
300 ms
System P1ADE This is the 12V system voltage low diagnostic Special
Voltage Low Type C
DTC Fail case 1: Ignition Voltage <= 10 Volts Enable Cal = true 5 fail counts
Sets when the out of 6
ignition voltage is RunCrankActive = true sample
below a counts
threshold Engine Speed >= 0 RPM
Executes in
a 1000ms
Detects in 6
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
System P1ADF This is the 12V system voltage Hi diagnostic Special
Voltage Hi Type C
DTC Fail case 1: Ignition Voltage >= 18 Volts Enable Cal = true
Sets when the 5 fail counts
ignition voltage is RunCrankActive = true out of 6
above a sample
threshold counts
Executes in
a 1000ms
Detects in 6
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Sensor A Range Coolant Temp and Propulsion
Circuit Rationality Check Transmission Fluid System Inactive
Range/Perfor Temp)) Time
mance "ColdStartAvg" >=21600s
Thermal PLUS
Conditioning Off
X: 200 cts
Charge Off Time Y: 300 cts
>=7200s R: 10.4ms
Cold Start T: 2080ms
Average =9.36 sec
Temperature total
> -40C
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Fault Active
System Inactive
Timer Fault
System Inactive
Timer Mask
Use Data
Off Board
Inactive Timer
Fault Active
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Off Board
Inactive Timer
Use Data
Battery Thermal
Inactive Fault
Battery Thermal
Inactive Mask
Use Data
Plug In Charging
No Active Power P0AF0 and P0AEF
Inverter Temp
Out Of Range
Drive Motor P0AF0 To detect PIM Temp A < -58 deg C Wakeup Signal ON X: 250 cts One
Inverter Inverter A (near 5V) Y: 350 cts Trip,
Temperature Temperature When R: 10.4ms Type A
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Sensor A Sensor #1 malfunction T: 2600ms
Circuit High voltage Out of present at start
Range high of trip:
Cumulative >=90s
Inverter Warmup
at or above
Inverter Warmup >=ABS(20 Nm)
Drive Motor P0AEF To detect PIM Temp A > 130 degC WakeUp Signal On X: 250 cts One
Inverter Inverter A (near 0V) Y: 350 cts Trip,
Temperature Temperature R: 10.4ms Type A
Sensor A Sensor #1 Out of T: 2600ms
Circuit Low Range low
Drive Motor P0BD2 Inverter A ABS(PIM Temp C - >20 deg C Wake Up Signal On 700 cts Start One
Inverter Temperature AVG(PwrElecCoola Delay Trip,
Temperature Sensor #2 In- ntTemp and Type A
Sensor C Range TransTemp)) Propulsion >=21600s
Circuit Range/ Rationality Check "ColdStartAvg" System Inactive
Performance Time
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Thermal >=7200s PLUS
Conditioning Off
Power TRUE
Fault Active
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Tranmission TRUE
Propulsion FALSE
System Inactive
Timer Fault
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Battery Thermal FALSE
Inactive Fault
Drive Motor P0BD4 To detect PIM Temp C < -58 deg C Wakeup Signal ON X: 250 cts One
Inverter Inverter A Temperature (near 5V) Y: 350 cts Trip,
Temperature Temperature When R: 10.4ms Type A
Sensor C Sensor #2 Out of malfunction T: 2600ms
Circuit High Range high present at start
(voltage) of trip:
Cumulative >=90s
Inverter Warmup
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
at or above
Inverter Warmup >=ABS(20 Nm)
Drive Motor P0BD3 To detect PIM Temp C > 130 degC WakeUp Signal On X: 250 cts One
Inverter Inverter A Temperature (near 0V) Y: 350 cts Trip,
Temperature Temperature R: 10.4ms Type A
Sensor C Sensor #2 Out of T: 2600ms
Circuit Low Range low
Drive Motor P0BDC Inverter A ABS(PIM Temp E - >20 deg C Wake Up Signal On 700 cts Start One
Inverter Temperature AVG(PwrElecCoola Delay Trip,
Temperature Sensor #3 In- ntTemp and Type A
Sensor E Range TransTemp)) Propulsion >=21600s
Circuit Rationality Check "ColdStartAvg" System Inactive
Range/Perfor Time
Thermal >=7200s PLUS
Conditioning Off
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Cold Start > -40C T: 2080ms
Average =9.36 sec
Temperature total
Power TRUE
Fault Active
Tranmission TRUE
Propulsion FALSE
System Inactive
Timer Fault
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Propulsion Use Data
System Inactive
Timer Mask
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Plug In Charging TRUE
Drive Motor P0BDE To detect PIM Temp E < -58 deg C Wakeup Signal ON X: 250 cts One
Inverter Inverter A Temperature (near 5V) Y: 350 cts Trip,
Temperature Temperature When R: 10.4ms Type A
Sensor E Sensor #3 Out of malfunction T: 2600ms
Circuit High Range high present at start
of trip:
Cumulative >=90s
Inverter Warmup
at or above
Inverter Warmup >=ABS(20 Nm)
Drive Motor P0BDD To detect PIM Temp E > 130 degC Wakeup Signal On X: 250 cts One
Inverter Inverter A Temperature (near 0V) Y: 350 cts Trip,
Temperature Temperature R: 10.4ms Type A
Sensor E Sensor #3 Out of T: 2600ms
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Circuit Low Range low
Drive Motor P0C11 To detect an in- PIM Temp A > 98 deg C PIM IN RANGE X: 500 cts One
"A" Inverter range Temperature Temperature Y: 1500 cts Trip,
Phase U Over overtemperature R: 10.4ms Type A
Temperature condition that No Active DTCs: P0AEE T: 5200ms
can potentially
damage inverter
Drive Motor P0C12 To detect an in- PIM Temp C > 98 deg C PIM IN RANGE X: 500 cts One
"A" Inverter range Temperature Temperature Y: 1500 cts Trip,
Phase V Over overtemperature R: 10.4ms Type A
Temperature condition that No Perf Fault; NOT ACTIVE T: 5200ms
can potentially P0BDC
damage inverter
Drive Motor P0C13 To detect an in- PIM Temp E > 98 deg C PIM IN RANGE X: 500 cts One
"A" Inverter range Temperature Temperature Y: 1500 cts Trip,
Phase W overtemperature R: 10.4ms Type A
Over condition that No Active DTCs: P0BD2 T: 5200ms
Temperature can potentially
damage inverter
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Drive Motor P0A3F To detect Loss of Sin or Cos Signal <2.3V Wakeup Signal On Fast Fail One
"A" Position Signal or X: 100 Trip,
Sensor Circuit converter error ( Y: 10000 Type A
line open, short) R: 2 ms
in the Motor T: 200 ms
Resolver circuit Resolver 2ms
Slow Fail
X: 120
Y: 900000
R: 2 ms
T: 240 ms
Drive Motor P0A40 To detect a Sin or Cos Signal >4.0V Wakeup Signal On Fast Fail One
"A" Position Degradation of X: 100 Trip,
Sensor Circuit Signal fault in the Y: 10000 Type A
Range/Perfor angle data read R: 2 ms
mance by the Motor T: 200 ms
Resolver circuit. Resolver 2ms
Slow Fail
X: 120
Y: 900000
R: 2 ms
T: 240 ms
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Drive Motor P1B03 To detect a Loss Internal Tracking > 5 deg Wakeup Signal On Fast Fail One
"A" Position of Tracking fault Error X: 100 Trip,
Sensor Circuit in the Motor Y: 10000 Type A
Loss of Resolver circuit. R: 2 ms
Tracking T: 200 ms
Resolver 2ms
Slow Fail
X: 120
Y: 900000
R: 2 ms
T: 240 ms
Drive Motor P1B0D To detect when ABS(Motor speed) >6300 rpm Wakeup Signal On X: 10 cts One
"A" Position Motor A has Y: 12 cts Trip,
Sensor Circuit exceeded R: 10.4ms Type A
Overspeed operational T: 104ms
maximum speed
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Drive Motor P0C17 To detect an Offset Learn DIDN'T Key Off TRUE 300 ms learn One
"A" Position unvalidated complete because: time Trip,
Sensor Not Resolver Offset Type A
Learned Learn Value AND
No Stored
Previously Valid
ABS(Motor Speed) >50 rpm Wakeup Signal ON
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Drive Motor P1B0F To detect an Offset Learn DIDN'T > 50 rpm Key Off TRUE 300 ms learn Two
"A" Position unvalidated complete because: time Trips,
Sensor Learn Resolver Offset ABS(Motor Speed) Type B
Incorrect Learn Value AND
a Stored
Previously Valid
OR Filtered DC < 192V Wakeup Signal TRUE
OR ALL Phase < 15A ABS(Motor < 20 rpm X: 30 ct
Current Max-Min Speed) Y: N/A
Delta R: 2.08ms
T: 62.4ms
OR TimeOut waiting > 1.4 second Valid Stored TRUE
for entry conditions for 1 Timeouts Offset
Drive Motor P0C53 To detect Resolver S13 > 4.5 v Wakeup Signal On X: 20 cts One
"A" Position Resolver Circuit Circuit Reference Y: 30 cts Trip,
Sensor Circuit S1/3 Out of Voltage R: 10.4ms Type A
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
"A" High Range High T: 208ms
Drive Motor P0C5C To detect Resolver S24 < 0.5 v Wakeup Signal On X: 50 cts One
"A" Position Resolver Circuit Circuit Reference Y: 80 cts Trip,
Sensor Circuit S2/4 Out of Voltage R: 10.4ms Type A
"B" Low Range Low T: 520ms
Drive Motor P0C5D To detect Resolver S24 > 4.5 v Wakeup Signal On X: 20 cts One
"A" Position Resolver Circuit Circuit Reference Y: 30 cts Trip,
Sensor Circuit S2/4 Out of Voltage R: 10.4ms Type A
"B" High Range High T: 208ms
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 2: failures
This DTC will be
stored if any Calculated
check sum in the Checksum does not Frequency:
calibration is match stored Runs
incorrect checksum continuously
in the
DTC Fail case 3:
This DTC will be
stored if any
check sum in the
software is
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Term Memory DTC Fail case 1: Checksum at power- Ignition Status = Run or Crank 1 failure Type A
Reset Non-volatile up
memory (Static) does not match Frequency:
checksum error checksum at power- Once at
at controller down powerup
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 4:
hed) checksum
error at controller
DTC Pass:
memory faults
Control P1A50 This Diagnostic tests the checksum on RAM memory One
Module Trip,
Random DTC Fail case 1: Data read does not Ignition Status = Run or Crank Should finish Type A
Access Indicates that match data within
Memory HCP is unable to written 30 seconds
(RAM) Failure correctly write at all
and read data to operating
and from Dual conditions
Store RAM
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 2:
Indicates that
HCP is unable to
correctly write
and read data to
and from Write
Protect RAM
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 5:
Indicates that
HCP is unable to
correctly write
and read data to
and from System
DTC Fail case 6:
Indicates that
HCP is unable to
correctly write
and read data to
and from Cache
DTC Fail case 7:
Indicates that
HCP is unable to
correctly write
and read data to
and from eTPU
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Pass: No errors in
faults = false
CommFlts =
System RAM
faults = false
faults = false
faults = false
Control P0A1B This Diagnostic tests all the internal processor integrity subsystems One
Module Trip,
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Internal DTC Fail case 1: HWIO detects Fault = true (in SPI Run/Crank > 9.5 Volts 28 fail Type A
Performance Indicates that the Hardware) Voltage OR counts out of
HCP has Powertrain 32 sample
detected an Relay Voltage counts
processor Diagnostic = true Executes in
integrity fault System Enable a 6.25ms
CePISR_e_Main Powermoding = Accesory or Off
DtctdSPI_Flt Detects in
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 2: Key Value = Calibration SRAR = False Detects in
Indicates that the Value shutdowns 150ms
HCP has
detected an SPI Fault =False
processor RunCrank Active = False
integrity fault
Ram or ROM
CePISR_e_2ndN fault = False
yTst 12V battery
Seed received in
wrong order fault = False
Vehicle Speed
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 3: IPT Detects faulty calibration HV Bat = True Up down
Indicates that the harware in Inhibit Value contactor Staus counter = 3
HCP has path Available
detected an
internal IPT feedback MMDR = Powerdown Wait
processor State
integrity fault HPMR = Eval BP Open
HV Battery >= 80 V
ailsToTakeRmdl Contactors = Closed
Motor Faults = False
SRAR = False
Ram or ROM
fault = false
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
12V battery >11V
Vehicle Speed
<= 0 MPH
Timeout = False
= off for less than 5
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 5: seed does not within 1. Number Of 1. > 0 Detects in 1
Indicates that the update Calibration Monitors 2. = FALSE sec
HCP has threshold 2. SPI faults
detected an
integrity fault
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 7: Seed timeout > 200 ms 1. Seed Update 1. = True 3 fail counts
Indicates that the Key StoreFault 2. = True out of 4
HCP has PSW Fault = True Enable OR sample
detected an 2. Program counts
internal Sequence
processor Watch Enable Executes in
integrity fault a 50ms loop
CePISR_e_Main Detects in
SequenceFlt 200ms
DTC Fail case 8: HWIO detects Fault =2 (ina row) 1. ALU Test 1. = TRUE runs
Indicates that the Enabled 2. = Enabled continuously
HCP has 2. Diagnostic 3. >= 0.15s in 12.5ms
detected an system status 4. = True loop
internal 3. Code clear
processor active Detects in
integrity fault 4. PMDI Low 12.5ms
voltage clear
CePISR_e_Main diag enable
ALU_Flt conditons met
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 9: HWIO detects Fault =2 (in arow) 1. Diagnostic 1. = TRUE runs
Indicates that the Test Enabled 2. = Enabled continuously
HCP has 2. Diagnostic 3. >= 0.15s in 12.5ms
detected an system status 4. = True loop
internal 3. Code clear
processor active Detects in
integrity fault 4. PMDI Low 12.5ms
voltage clear
CePISR_e_Main diag enable
CfgRegFlt conditons met
DTC Fail case HWIO detects Fault = 5 (Since Diagnostic Test = True Runs
10: Indicates that Powerup) Enabled Continuously
the HCP has =True in 100ms
detected an Diagnostic loop
internal System Enables
processor Detects in
integrity fault 500ms
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case Continuous Fault > 200ms 1. A2D 1. = TRUE 5 fail counts
11: Indicates that Converter Test 2. > -1 out of 8
the HCP has Enabled 3. > 7 sample
detected an 2. PT Relay counts
internal Voltage
processor 3. Run Crank Executes in
integrity fault Voltage a 50ms loop
CePISR_e_Main Detects in
ADC_Flt 200ms
DTC Fail case Run Crank on Run Crank 1. Run Crank 1. = True 5 fail counts
12: Indicates that Seconday Active Discrete 2. = False out of 8
the HCP has Processor Diagnostic sample
detected an Enable counts
internal 2. SPI Faults
processor Executes in
integrity fault a 25ms loop
CePISR_e_Run Detects in
CrankCorrFlt 200ms
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case HWIO detects Fault = 3 /10 5/10 1. Flash ECC 1. = True 3 fail counts
13: Indicates that Circuit Test 2. = True out of 10
the HCP has Enable sample
detected an 2. Power-Up counts (turns
internal Reset on MIL)
integrity fault 5 fail counts
out of 10
CePISR_e_Flash sample
ECC_CktTest counts
once at
every power
up reset
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case HWIO detects Fault = 3 /10 5/10 1. RAM ECC 1. = True 3 fail counts
14: Indicates that Circuit Test 2. = True out of 10
the HCP has Enable sample
detected an 2. Power-Up counts (turns
internal Reset on MIL)
integrity fault 5 fail counts
out of 10
CePISR_e_RAM sample
_ECC_CktTest counts
once at
every power
up reset
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case HWIO detects Fault = True Diagnostic Test = TRUE
15: Indicates that Enabled
the HCP has or or
detected an
internal Memory Copy Error =True
integrity fault
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Pass: NV write will not
succeed = fail
Assembly cal
fail = false
Drive Motor A P0C19 This Diagnostic tests that the difference between the motor A torque command slew and the motor torque One
Torque achieved is greater than a threshold. Trip,
Delivered DTC Fail case 1: the commanded < 138 Ignition switch in crank or run Type A
Performance The slewed MCP torque - the
torque command achieved torque
is different by the
MCP torque
Drive Motor A P1A4F This diagnostic prevents flashing different MCP software into MCP A that does not match its ID One
Control Trip,
Module Not DTC Fail case 1: MCP ID Hardware Calibration Type A
Programmed The MCP ID
hardware does
not match the
calibration for the
specific MCP
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Drive Motor A P1E0A This diagnostic detects the torque command path calculation errors One
Control Trip,
Module DTC Fail case 1: Difference between > 164Nm Fault Active = True Type A
Internal If the difference Primary and 30 fail
Control between the Redundant signals TPTKO = False counts out of
Module Torque achieved 32 sample
Torque primary path Torque Mon Fail = True counts
Calculation signal and the
Performance redundant path Executes in
signal is greater a 6.25 ms
than a threshold Loop
(MTQR) Detects in
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 2: Difference between > 164Nm
If the difference Primary and
between the Redundant signals
primary path
signal and the
redundant path
signal is greater
than a threshold
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 3: Difference between > 50A
Compares the Primary and
ISSD primary Redundant signals
path calculated
signal in task 0
rate with
redundant signal
calculated in
6.25ms and fails
if it is different
than a threshold
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 4: Difference between > 50A
Compares the Primary and
ISSQ primary Redundant signals
path calculated
signal in task 0
rate with
redundant signal
calculated in
6.25ms and fails
if it is different
than a threshold
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 5: Difference between > 50A
Compares the Primary and
ISSCmd primary Redundant signals
path calculated
signal in task 0
rate with
redundant signal
calculated in
6.25ms and fails
if it is different
than a threshold
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 6: Difference between > .001Nm
Compares the Primary and
BEMF Dec Redundant signals
primary path
calculated signal
in task 0 rate with
redundant signal
calculated in
6.25ms and fails
if it is different
than a threshold
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 7: Difference between > .5V
Compares the Primary and
Usdq Limited Redundant signals
primary path
calculated signal
in task 0 rate with
redundant signal
calculated in
6.25ms and fails
if it is different
than a threshold
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 8: For OverMod: > .2Nm
Compares the Mod Index Square
Duty ABC or > 1Nm
primary path PerfSqr
calculated signal
in task 0 rate with For Linear:
redundant signal Mod Index Square > .1Nm
calculated in or
6.25ms and fails PerfSqr > .15Nm
if it is different
than a threshold
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 9: Difference between >4000
Compares the Primary and
Power Input Redundant signals
Watts primary
path calculated
signal in task 0
rate with
redundant signal
calculated in
6.25ms and fails
if it is different
than a threshold
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case Difference between > .03V
10: Primary and
Compares the Redundant signals
VDC Adapt
primary path
calculated signal
in task 0 rate with
redundant signal
calculated in
6.25ms and fails
if it is different
than a threshold
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case Difference between > 0Nm
11: Primary and
Compares the Redundant signals
Qest primary
path calculated
signal in task 0
rate with
redundant signal
calculated in
6.25ms and fails
if it is different
than a threshold
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case Difference between >116
12: Primary and RadPerSec
Compares the Redundant signals
Motor Speed
primary path
calculated signal
in task 0 rate with
redundant signal
calculated in
6.25ms and fails
if it is different
than a threshold
Communication Diagnostics
Lost Comm'n U1876 This diagnostic indicates a lost communication between the MCPA and the ECM on Bus A Two
With Trips,
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
ECM/PCM on DTC Fail case 1: Missed ECM Run/Crank > 9.5 Volts Executes in Type B
Bus A Detects that CAN Messages Voltage a 6.25ms
serial data OR loop
communication Powertrain
has been lost Relay Voltage
with the ECM on
Bus A Detects in
500 ms
PowerMode =RUN
Normal =TRUE
Normal =TRUE
Diagnostic =FALSE
System Disable
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Diagnostic >=3 sec
Enable Timer
Lost Comm'n U1849 This diagnostic indicates a lost communication between the MCPA and the TCM on Bus A Two
With TCM Trips,
DTC Fail case 1: Missed TCM Run/Crank > 9.5 Volts Executes in Type B
Detects that CAN Messages Voltage a 6.25ms
serial data OR loop
communication Powertrain
has been lost Relay Voltage
with the TCM on
Bus A Detects in
500 ms
PowerMode =RUN
Normal =TRUE
Normal =TRUE
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Diagnostic =FALSE
System Disable
Lost Comm'n U1845 This diagnostic indicates a lost communication between the MCPA and the HCP Two
With Hybrid Trips,
Controller Detects that CAN Missed HCP Run/Crank > 9.5 Volts Detects Type B
serial data Messages Voltage OR within 500
communication Powertrain msec at 6.25
has been lost Relay Voltage msec loop
with the HCP rate
PowerMode =RUN
Normal =TRUE
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Normal =TRUE
Diagnostic =FALSE
System Disable
Lost Comm'n U182E This diagnostic indicates a lost communication between the MCPA and the VICM on Bus B Two
With Hybrid Trips,
Controller B DTC Fail case 1: Missed VICM Run/Crank > 9.5 Volts Executes in Type B
on Bus B Lost Messages Voltage a 6.25ms
Communication OR loop
with Hybrid Powertrain
Powertrain Relay Voltage
Control Module B
on Bus A (VICM) Detects in
500 ms
PowerMode =RUN
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Bus Off Fault =FALSE
Normal =TRUE
Normal =TRUE
Diagnostic =FALSE
System Disable
ALU= Arithmetic Logic Unit
BPCM= Batt Pack Ctrl Module
HWIO= Hardware Input/Output
IGBT= Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (Phase Current Controllers)
OOR= Out of Range
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
EREV Inverter Temperature Sensor Mapping Grid SAE
Drive Motor A Phase U PIM_A PIM_0 A
Phase V PIM_C PIM_2 E
Phase W PIM_B PIM_1 C
Drive Motor B Phase U PIM_C PIM_2 F
Phase V PIM_A PIM_0 B
Phase W PIM_B PIM_1 D
Time Required
X: Fail Counts
R: Loop Time Y: Sample Counts
T: Fault Detect (N/A if no XofY
Time structure)
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
MCP B Phase Current Diagnostics
Drive Motor P0BFE To detect Sum of 3 phase > 156 A Wakeup Signal On X: 160 ct One
"B" Phase U- electrical failure currents Y: 190 ct Trip,
V-W of phase current R: 0.11 - 0.5 Type A
Correlation sensor. ms
T: 17.6 - 80
Drive Motor P0C04 Fail Case 1: To U, V, or W Phase > 725 A Wakeup Signal On X: 2 cts One
"B" Phase U- detect fast, current sensor Y: 10 cts Trip,
V-W Current repeated 3 R: 2.08 ms Type A
Sensor Phase over T: 4.2 ms
Overcurrent currents and to
protect IGBT.
Fail Case 2: To X: 5 cts
detect slow, Y: 50 cts
intermittent 3 R: 2.08 ms
Phase over T: 10.4 ms
currents and to
protect IGBT.
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Drive Motor P0C08 Drive Motor "A" ABS(Peak Phase <9A Inverter State RUN X: 200 ct One
"B" Phase U- Missing Motor Axis Current ) Y: N/A Trip,
V-W Current checks R: 0.11-0.5 Type A
Circuit/Open for minimum ms
current in each T: 22 - 100
phase when rotor ms
position is near
that peak's
phase axis.
Each phase is
individually as
rotor turns.
Inverter Voltage > 35 V
Rotor Position -30 deg < Phase
Axis < +30 deg
Current >= 23 A
Drive Motor P0BF3 Circuit Low U Phase current < -800 A Wakeup Signal On X: 4 cts One
"B" Phase U monitor to detect sensor output at Y: 6 cts Trip,
Current the failure of U- highside R: 10.4 ms Type A
Sensor Circuit phase current T: 42 ms
Low sensor circuit
below valid range
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Drive Motor P0BF4 Circuit High U Phase current > 800 A Wakeup Signal On X: 4 cts One
"B" Phase U monitor to detect sensor output at Y: 6 cts Trip,
Current the failure of U- highside R: 10.4 ms Type A
Sensor Circuit phase current T: 42 ms
High sensor circuit
above valid
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Drive Motor P0BF7 Circuit Low V Phase current < -800 A On X: 4 cts One
"B" Phase V monitor to detect sensor output at Y: 6 cts Trip,
Current the failure of V- highside R: 10.4 ms Type A
Sensor Circuit phase current T: 42 ms
Low sensor circuit
below valid range
Wakeup Signal
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Drive Motor P0BF6 Offset Circuit V Phase offset >30 A Wakeup Signal On X: 8 cts One
"B" Phase V monitor to detect current output at Y: N/A Trip,
Current the failure of U- highside R: 10.4 ms Type A
Sensor Offset phase offset T: 83 ms
Out-of Range current above
valid range
Drive Motor P0BFB Circuit Low W Phase current < -800 A Wakeup Signal On X: 4 cts One
"B" Phase W monitor to detect sensor output at Y: 6 cts Trip,
Current the failure of W- highside R: 10.4 ms Type A
Sensor Circuit phase current T: 42 ms
Low sensor circuit
below valid range
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Drive Motor P0BFC Circuit High W Phase current > 800 A Wakeup Signal On X: 4 cts One
"B" Phase W monitor to detect sensor output at Y: 6 cts Trip,
Current the failure of W- highside R: 10.4 ms Type A
Sensor Circuit phase current T: 42 ms
High sensor circuit
above valid
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Monitors hw High Voltage > 100V
status line to
detect internal
faults, shoot
through, or loss
of switching
control events
Drive Motor P0C0E Detects IGBT Phase A, B, or C FAILED (Status Inverter State Initialization X: 1 ct One
"B" Inverter Bias Faults Power Supply Fault Bit) Complete Y: N/A Trip,
Power Supply R: 2.08ms Type A
Circuit/Open T: 2.08ms
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Drive Motor P1AEA Circuit Low HV Sensor Voltage <30V Controller Complete X: 15 cts One
"B" Control monitor of HV Initialization Y: 20 cts Trip,
Module Hybrid output voltage R: 10.4ms Type A
Battery sensor T: 156.3ms
Sense Circuit
Low Voltage
Run/Crank Active
Contactors Closed
Drive Motor P1AEB Circuit High HV Sensor Voltage >500 V Controller Complete X: 15 cts One
"B" Control monitor of HV Initialization Y: 20 cts Trip,
Module Hybrid output voltage R: 10.4ms Type A
Battery sensor T: 156.3ms
Sense Circuit
High Voltage
Run/Crank Active
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Drive Motor P1AED To check ABS(HV - >= 40 V No Active DTCs: P1AEA, P1AEB X: 18 cts Two
"B" Control correlation of HV HV_Battery) Y: 30 cts Trips,
Module Hybrid with sum of mid- R: 10.4ms Type B
Battery pack voltages T: 187ms
System and HV_Battery.
Drive Motor P1AF2 Isolation Lost Isolation Ratio (Neg >4.53 No Active DTCs: P1AEA, P1AEB, X: 250 cts Two
"B" Control between mid- mid-pack voltage / P1AED Y: 300 cts Trips,
Module Hybrid pack voltage and Pos mid-pack R: 10.4ms Type B
Battery chassis voltage) T: 2600ms
Isolation Fault
Controller Complete
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Drive Motor P1AF6 Circuit 1 Low Pos mid-pack <20V Controller Complete X: 70 cts Two
"B" Control monitor of Pos voltage Initialization Y: 100 cts Trips,
Module Hybrid mid-pack voltage R: 10.4ms Type B
Battery sensor T: 729ms
Sensor Circuit
Run/Crank Active
Contactors Closed
Drive Motor P1AF7 Circuit 1 High Pos mid-pack >40 V No Active DTCs: P1AEA, P1AEB X: 50 cts Two
"B" Control monitor of Pos voltage - HV Y: 100 cts Trips,
Module Hybrid mid-pack voltage R: 10.4ms Type B
Battery sensor T: 520ms
Sensor Circuit
Controller Complete
Run/Crank Active
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Drive Motor P1B43 Circuit 2 Low Neg mid-pack <20V Controller Complete X: 70 cts Two
"B" Control monitor of Neg voltage Initialization Y: 100 cts Trips,
Module Hybrid mid-pack voltage R: 10.4ms Type B
Battery sensor T: 729ms
Sensor 2
Circuit Low
Run/Crank Active
Contactors Closed
Drive Motor P1B44 Circuit 2 High Neg mid-pack >40 V No Active DTCs: P1AEA, P1AEB X: 50 cts Two
"B" Control monitor of Neg voltage - HV Y: 100 cts Trips,
Module Hybrid mid-pack voltage R: 10.4ms Type B
Battery sensor T: 520ms
Sensor 2
Circuit High
Controller Complete
Run/Crank Active
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Drive Motor P1B42 To check ABS(Pos mid-pack - >= 40 V No Active DTCs: P1AEA, P1AEB, X: 100 cts Two
"B" Control correlation of Neg mid-pack - P1B43, P1B44 Y: 150 cts Trips,
Module Hybrid sum of mid-pack HV_Battery) R: 10.4ms Type B
Battery voltages against T: 1040ms
Voltage HV and
Isolation HV_Battery
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Thermal >=7200s PLUS
Conditioning Off
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Power TRUE
Fault Active
Tranmission TRUE
Propulsion FALSE
System Inactive
Timer Fault
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Off Board FALSE
Inactive Timer
Fault Active
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
No Active Motor P0A32 and P0A33
Temp Out Of
Range Faults:
Drive Motor P0A33 To detect Motor Temp < -41 deg C Init Complete X: 900 cts One
"B" Control temperature (near 5V) Y:1800cts Trip,
Module sensor voltage R: 10.4ms Type A
Temperature Out of Range T: 9378ms
Sensor Circuit high.
Out of Range
Warmup Time >=90s
Warmup Torque >=ABS(20 Nm)
Drive Motor P0A32 To detect Motor Temp > 184 degC Init Complete X: 250 cts One
"B" Control temperature (near 0V) Y: 350 cts Trip,
Module sensor voltage R: 10.4ms Type A
Temperature Out of Range T: 2600ms
Sensor Circuit low.
Out of Range
Drive Motor P0A35 To detect a Motor Temperature > 149 deg C Motor IN RANGE X: 500 cts One
"B" Over sustained motor exceeds inital fault Temperature Y: 1500 cts Trip,
Temperature overtemperature threshold R: 10.4ms Type A
condition T: 5200ms
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
AND No Active Temp P0A31
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
System P1AE0 This is the 12V system voltage low diagnostic Special
Voltage Low Type C
DTC Fail case 1: Ignition Voltage <= 10 Volts Enable Cal = true 5 fail counts
Sets when the out of 6
ignition voltage is RunCrankActive = true sample
below a counts
threshold Engine Speed >= 0 RPM
Executes in
a 1000ms
Detects in 6
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 1: Ignition Voltage >= 18 Volts Enable Cal = true
Sets when the 5 fail counts
ignition voltage is RunCrankActive = true out of 6
above a sample
threshold counts
Executes in
a 1000ms
Detects in 6
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Thermal >=7200s PLUS
Conditioning Off
Power TRUE
Fault Active
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Tranmission TRUE
Propulsion FALSE
System Inactive
Timer Fault
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Battery Thermal FALSE
Inactive Fault
Drive Motor P0AF5 To detect PIM Temp B < -58 deg C Wakeup Signal ON X: 250 cts One
Inverter Inverter B Temperature (near 5V) Y: 350 cts Trip,
Temperature Temperature When R: 10.4ms Type A
Sensor B Sensor #1 malfunction T: 2600ms
Circuit High voltage out of present at start
range high of trip:
Cumulative >=90s
Inverter Warmup
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
at or above
Inverter Warmup >=ABS(20 Nm)
Drive Motor P0AF4 To detect PIM Temp B > 130 degC WakeUp Signal On X: 250 cts One
Inverter Inverter B Temperature (near 0V) Y: 350 cts Trip,
Temperature Temperature R: 10.4ms Type A
Sensor B Sensor #1 Out of T: 2600ms
Circuit Low Range low
Drive Motor P0BD7 Inverter B ABS(PIM Temp D - >20 deg C Wake Up Signal On 700 cts Start One
Inverter Temperature AVG(PwrElecCoola Delay Trip,
Temperature Sensor #2 In- ntTemp and Type A
Sensor D Range TransTemp)) Propulsion >=21600s
Circuit Rationality Check "ColdStartAvg" System Inactive
Range/Perfor Time
Thermal >=7200s PLUS
Conditioning Off
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Cold Start > -40C T: 2080ms
Average =9.36 sec
Temperature total
Power TRUE
Fault Active
Tranmission TRUE
Propulsion FALSE
System Inactive
Timer Fault
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Propulsion Use Data
System Inactive
Timer Mask
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Plug In Charging TRUE
Drive Motor P0BD9 To detect PIM Temp D < -58 deg C Wakeup Signal ON X: 250 cts One
Inverter Inverter B Temperature (near 5V) Y: 350 cts Trip,
Temperature Temperature When R: 10.4ms Type A
Sensor D Sensor #2 Out of malfunction T: 2600ms
Circuit High Range high present at start
(voltage) of trip:
Cumulative >=90s
Inverter Warmup
at or above
Inverter Warmup >=ABS(20 Nm)
Drive Motor P0BD8 To detect PIM Temp D > 130 degC WakeUp Signal On X: 250 cts One
Inverter Inverter B Temperature (near 0V) Y: 350 cts Trip,
Temperature Temperature R: 10.4ms Type A
Sensor D Sensor #2 Out of T: 2600ms
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Circuit Low Range low
Drive Motor P0BE1 Inverter B ABS(PIM Temp F - >20 deg C Wake Up Signal On 700 cts Start One
Inverter Temperature AVG(PwrElecCoola Delay Trip,
Temperature Sensor #3 In- ntTemp and Type A
Sensor F Range TransTemp)) Propulsion >=21600s
Circuit Rationality Check "ColdStartAvg" System Inactive
Range/Perfor Time
Thermal >=7200s PLUS
Conditioning Off
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Charge Off Time >=7200s X: 200 cts
Y: 300 cts
R: 10.4ms
T: 2080ms
=9.36 sec
Power TRUE
Fault Active
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Tranmission TRUE
Propulsion FALSE
System Inactive
Timer Fault
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Battery Thermal FALSE
Inactive Fault
Drive Motor P0BE3 To detect PIM Temp F < -58 deg C Wakeup Signal ON X: 250 cts One
Inverter Inverter B Temperature (near 5V) Y: 350 cts Trip,
Temperature Temperature When R: 10.4ms Type A
Sensor F Sensor #3 Out of malfunction T: 2600ms
Circuit High Range high present at start
of trip:
Cumulative >=90s
Inverter Warmup
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
at or above
Inverter Warmup >=ABS(20 Nm)
Drive Motor P0BE2 To detect PIM Temp F > 130 degC WakeUp Signal On X: 250 cts One
Inverter Inverter B Temperature (near 0V) Y: 350 cts Trip,
Temperature Temperature R: 10.4ms Type A
Sensor F Sensor #3 Out of T: 2600ms
Circuit Low Range low
Drive Motor P0C14 To detect an in- PIM Temp B > 98 deg C PIM IN RANGE X: 500 cts One
"B" Inverter range Temperature initial fault Temperature Y: 1500 cts Trip,
Phase U Over overtemperature R: 10.4ms Type A
Temperature condition that No Active DTCs: P0A3F T: 5200ms
can potentially
damage inverter
Drive Motor P0C15 To detect an in- PIM Temp D > 98 deg C PIM IN RANGE X: 500 cts One
"B" Inverter range Temperature initial fault Temperature Y: 1500 cts Trip,
Phase V Over overtemperature R: 10.4ms Type A
Temperature condition that No Active DTCs: P0BD7 T: 5200ms
can potentially
damage inverter
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Drive Motor P0C16 To detect an in- PIM Temp F > 98 deg C PIM IN RANGE X: 500 cts One
"B" Inverter range Temperature initial fault Temperature Y: 1500 cts Trip,
Phase W overtemperature R: 10.4ms Type A
Over condition that No Active DTCs: P0BE1 T: 5200ms
Temperature can potentially
damage inverter
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Drive Motor P0A46 To detect a Sin or Cos Signal > 4.0v Wakeup Signal On Fast Fail One
"B" Position Degradation of X: 100 Trip,
Sensor Circuit Signal fault in the Y: 10000 Type A
Range/Perfor angle data read R: 2 ms
mance by the Motor T: 200 ms
Resolver circuit.
Resolver 2ms
Slow Fail
X: 120
Y: 900000
R: 2 ms
T: 240 ms
Drive Motor P1B04 To detect a Loss Internal tracking >5deg Wakeup Signal On Fast Fail One
"B" Position of Tracking fault Error X: 100 Trip,
Sensor Circuit in the Motor Y: 10000 Type A
Loss of Resolver circuit. R: 2 ms
Tracking T: 200 ms
Resolver 2ms
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Slow Fail
X: 120
Y: 900000
R: 2 ms
T: 240 ms
Drive Motor P1B0E To detect when ABS(Motor speed) >9500 rpm Wakeup Signal On X: 10 cts One
"B" Position Motor B has Y: 12 cts Trip,
Sensor Circuit exceeded R: 10.4ms Type A
Overspeed operational T: 104ms
maximum speed
Drive Motor P0C18 To detect an Offset Learn Key Off TRUE 300 ms learn One
"B" Position unvalidated DIDN'T complete time Trip,
Sensor Not Resolver Offset because: Type A
Learned Learn Value AND
No Stored
Previously Valid
ABS(Motor Speed) >50 rpm Wakeup Signal ON
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
OR ALL Phase <100 A High Voltage > 192 V
Current Max-Min
OR TimeOut waiting > 1.4 second Valid Stored FALSE
for entry conditions for 1 timeout Offset
Drive Motor B P0C4F Fail Case 1: To Offset Learn > 30 degrees ABS(Motor < 20 rpm 300 ms learn One
Position detect an Oor Completes AND Speed) > 192V time Trip,
Exceeded Offset Learn ABS(Offset High Voltage Type A
Learning Limit Value Correction Angle)
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
OR ALL Phase < 15A ABS(Motor < 20 rpm X: 30 ct
Current Max-Min Speed) Y: N/A
Delta R: 2.08ms
T: 62.4ms
OR TimeOut waiting > 1.4 second Valid Stored TRUE
for entry conditions for 1 timeout Offset
Drive Motor P0C58 To detect Resolver S13 > 4.5 v Wakeup Signal On X: 20 cts One
"B" Position Resolver Circuit Circuit Reference Y: 30 cts Trip,
Sensor Circuit S1/3 Out of Voltage R: 10.4ms Type A
"A" High Range High T: 208ms
Drive Motor P0C61 To detect Resolver S24 < 0.5 v Wakeup Signal On X: 50 cts One
"B" Position Resolver Circuit Circuit Reference Y: 80 cts Trip,
Sensor Circuit S2/4 Out of Voltage R: 10.4ms Type A
"B" Low Range Low T: 520ms
Drive Motor P0C62 To detect Resolver S24 > 4.5 v Wakeup Signal On X: 20 cts One
"B" Position Resolver Circuit Circuit Reference Y: 30 cts Trip,
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Sensor Circuit S2/4 Out of Voltage R: 10.4ms Type A
"B" High Range High T: 208ms
Calculated in the
Checksum does not background
match stored
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 2: checksum
This DTC will be
stored if any
check sum in the
calibration is
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Term Memory DTC Fail case 1: Checksum at power- Ignition Status = Run or Crank 1 failure Type A
Reset Non-volatile up
memory (Static) does not match Frequency:
checksum error checksum at power- Once at
at controller down powerup
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 4:
hed) checksum
error at controller
DTC Pass:
memory faults
Control P1A53 This Diagnostic tests the checksum on RAM memory One
Module Trip,
Random DTC Fail case 1: Data read does not Ignition Status = Run or Crank Should finish Type A
Access Indicates that match data within
Memory HCP is unable to written 30 seconds
(RAM) Failure correctly write at all
and read data to operating
and from Dual conditions
Store RAM
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 2:
Indicates that
HCP is unable to
correctly write
and read data to
and from Write
Protect RAM
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 5:
Indicates that
HCP is unable to
correctly write
and read data to
and from System
DTC Fail case 6:
Indicates that
HCP is unable to
correctly write
and read data to
and from Cache
DTC Fail case 7:
Indicates that
HCP is unable to
correctly write
and read data to
and from eTPU
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Pass: No errors in
faults = false
CommFlts =
System RAM
faults = false
faults = false
faults = false
Control P0A1C This Diagnostic tests all the internal processor integrity subsystems One
Module Trip,
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Internal DTC Fail case 1: HWIO detects Fault = true (in SPI Run/Crank > 9.5 Volts 28 fail Type A
Performance Indicates that the Hardware) Voltage OR counts out of
HCP has Powertrain 32 sample
detected an Relay Voltage counts
processor Diagnostic = true Executes in
integrity fault System Enable a 6.25ms
CePISR_e_Main Powermoding = Accesory or Off
DtctdSPI_Flt Detects in
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 2: Key Value = Calibration SRAR = False Detects in
Indicates that the Value shutdowns 150ms
HCP has
detected an
internal SPI Fault =False
integrity fault
RunCrank Active = False
yTst Ram or ROM = false
Seed received in
wrong order fault = false
Vehicle Speed
<= 0 MPH
Timeout = False
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 3: IPT Detects faulty calibration HV Bat = True Up down
Indicates that the harware in Inhibit Value contactor Staus counter = 3
HCP has path Available
detected an
internal IPT feedback MMDR = Powerdown Wait
processor State
integrity fault HPMR = Eval BP Open
HV Battery >= 80 V
ailsToTakeRmdl Contactors = Closed
Motor Faults = False
shutdowns = False
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
SPI Fault =False
Ram or ROM
fault = false
12V battery
Seed received in
wrong order fault = false
Vehicle Speed
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 4: Key Value Calibration 1. Number Of 1. > 0 Detects in
Indicates that the Value Mains 2. = Not running for 150ms or
HCP has 2. IPT status > 0.075s two
detected an consecutive
internal faulty keys
integrity fault
DTC Fail case 5: seed does not within 1. Number Of 1. > 0 Detects in 1
Indicates that the update Calibration Monitors 2. = FALSE sec
HCP has threshold 2. SPI faults
detected an
integrity fault
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 6: Seed sequence expected 1. Number Of 1. > 0 12 fail
Indicates that the order Monitors 2. = FALSE counts out of
HCP has 2. SPI faults 16 sample
detected an counts
processor Executes in
integrity fault a 12.5ms
DtctdSdRxWrong Detects in
Ordr 200ms
DTC Fail case 7: Seed timeout > 200 ms 1. Seed Update 1. = True 3 fail counts
Indicates that the Key StoreFault 2. = True out of 4
HCP has PSW Fault = True Enable OR sample
detected an 2. Program counts
internal Sequence
processor Watch Enable Executes in
integrity fault a 50ms loop
CePISR_e_Main Detects in
SequenceFlt 200ms
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 8: HWIO detects Fault =2 (ina row) 1. ALU Test 1. = TRUE runs
Indicates that the Enabled 2. = Enabled continuously
HCP has 2. Diagnostic 3. >= 0.15s in 12.5ms
detected an system status 4. = True loop
internal 3. Code clear
processor active Detects in
integrity fault 4. PMDI Low 12.5ms
voltage clear
CePISR_e_Main diag enable
ALU_Flt conditons met
DTC Fail case 9: HWIO detects Fault =2 (in arow) 1. Diagnostic 1. = TRUE runs
Indicates that the Test Enabled 2. = Enabled continuously
HCP has 2. Diagnostic 3. >= 0.15s in 12.5ms
detected an system status 4. = True loop
internal 3. Code clear
processor active Detects in
integrity fault 4. PMDI Low 12.5ms
voltage clear
CePISR_e_Main diag enable
CfgRegFlt conditons met
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case HWIO detects Fault = 5 (Since Diagnostic Test = True Runs
10: Indicates that Powerup) Enabled Continuously
the HCP has =True in 100ms
detected an Diagnostic loop
internal System Enables
processor Detects in
integrity fault 500ms
DTC Fail case Continuous Fault > 200ms 1. A2D 1. = TRUE 5 fail counts
11: Indicates that Converter Test 2. > -1 out of 8
the HCP has Enabled 3. > 7 sample
detected an 2. PT Relay counts
internal Voltage
processor 3. Run Crank Executes in
integrity fault Voltage a 50ms loop
CePISR_e_Main Detects in
ADC_Flt 200ms
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case Run Crank on Run Crank 1. Run Crank 1. = True 5 fail counts
12: Indicates that Seconday Active Discrete 2. = False out of 8
the HCP has Processor Diagnostic sample
detected an Enable counts
internal 2. SPI Faults
processor Executes in
integrity fault a 25ms loop
CePISR_e_Run Detects in
CrankCorrFlt 200ms
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case HWIO detects Fault = 3 /10 5/10 1. Flash ECC 1. = True 3 fail counts
13: Indicates that Circuit Test 2. = True out of 10
the HCP has Enable sample
detected an 2. Power-Up counts (turns
internal Reset on MIL)
integrity fault 5 fail counts
out of 10
CePISR_e_Flash sample
ECC_CktTest counts
once at
every power
up reset
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case HWIO detects Fault = 3 /10 5/10 1. RAM ECC 1. = True 3 fail counts
14: Indicates that Circuit Test 2. = True out of 10
the HCP has Enable sample
detected an 2. Power-Up counts (turns
internal Reset on MIL)
integrity fault 5 fail counts
out of 10
CePISR_e_RAM sample
_ECC_CktTest counts
once at
every power
up reset
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case HWIO detects Fault = True Diagnostic Test = TRUE
15: Indicates that Enabled
the HCP has or or
detected an
internal Memory Copy Error =True
integrity fault
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Pass: NV
eed = fail
= false
Drive Motor B P0C1A This Diagnostic tests that the difference between the motor B torque command slew and the motor torque One
Torque achieved is greater than a threshold. Trip,
Delivered DTC Fail case 1: the commanded < 138 Ignition switch in crank or run Type A
Performance The slewed MCP torque - the
torque command achieved torque
is different by the
MCP torque
Drive Motor B P1A52 This diagnostic prevents flashing different MCP software into MCP B that does not match its ID One
Control Trip,
Module Not DTC Fail case 1: MCP ID Hardware Calibration Type A
Programmed The MCP ID
hardware does
not match the
calibration for the
specific MCP
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Drive Motor B P1E0B This diagnostic detects the torque command path calculation errors One
Control Trip,
Module DTC Fail case 1: Difference between > 164Nm Fault Active = True Type A
Internal If the difference Primary and 30 fail
Control between the Redundant signals TPTKO = False counts out of
Module Torque achieved 32 sample
Torque primary path Torque Mon Fail = True counts
Calculation signal and the
Performance redundant path Executes in
signal is greater a 6.25 ms
than a threshold Loop
(MTQR) Detects in
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 2: Difference between > 164Nm
If the difference Primary and
between the Redundant signals
primary path
signal and the
redundant path
signal is greater
than a threshold
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 3: Difference between > 50A
Compares the Primary and
ISSD primary Redundant signals
path calculated
signal in task 0
rate with
redundant signal
calculated in
6.25ms and fails
if it is different
than a threshold
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 4: Difference between > 50A
Compares the Primary and
ISSQ primary Redundant signals
path calculated
signal in task 0
rate with
redundant signal
calculated in
6.25ms and fails
if it is different
than a threshold
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 5: Difference between > 50A
Compares the Primary and
ISSCmd primary Redundant signals
path calculated
signal in task 0
rate with
redundant signal
calculated in
6.25ms and fails
if it is different
than a threshold
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 6: Difference between > .001Nm
Compares the Primary and
BEMF Dec Redundant signals
primary path
calculated signal
in task 0 rate with
redundant signal
calculated in
6.25ms and fails
if it is different
than a threshold
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 7: Difference between > .5V
Compares the Primary and
Usdq Limited Redundant signals
primary path
calculated signal
in task 0 rate with
redundant signal
calculated in
6.25ms and fails
if it is different
than a threshold
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 8: For OverMod: > .2Nm
Compares the Mod Index Square
Duty ABC or > 1Nm
primary path PerfSqr
calculated signal
in task 0 rate with For Linear:
redundant signal Mod Index Square > .1Nm
calculated in or
6.25ms and fails PerfSqr > .15Nm
if it is different
than a threshold
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 9: Difference between >4000
Compares the Primary and
Power Input Redundant signals
Watts primary
path calculated
signal in task 0
rate with
redundant signal
calculated in
6.25ms and fails
if it is different
than a threshold
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case Difference between > .03V
10: Primary and
Compares the Redundant signals
VDC Adapt
primary path
calculated signal
in task 0 rate with
redundant signal
calculated in
6.25ms and fails
if it is different
than a threshold
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case Difference between > 0Nm
11: Primary and
Compares the Redundant signals
Qest primary
path calculated
signal in task 0
rate with
redundant signal
calculated in
6.25ms and fails
if it is different
than a threshold
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case Difference between >116
12: Primary and RadPerSec
Compares the Redundant signals
Motor Speed
primary path
calculated signal
in task 0 rate with
redundant signal
calculated in
6.25ms and fails
if it is different
than a threshold
Communication Diagnostics
Lost Comm'n U1879 This diagnostic indicates a lost communication between the MCPB and the ECM on Bus A Two
With Trips,
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
ECM/PCM on DTC Fail case 1: Missed ECM Run/Crank > 9.5 Volts Executes in Type B
Bus A Detects that CAN Messages Voltage a 6.25ms
serial data OR loop
communication Powertrain
has been lost Relay Voltage
with the ECM on
Bus A Detects in
500 ms
PowerMode =RUN
Normal =TRUE
Normal =TRUE
Diagnostic =FALSE
System Disable
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Diagnostic >=3 sec
Enable Timer
Lost U1850 This diagnostic indicates a lost communication between the MCPB and the TCM on Bus A Two
Communicatio Trips,
n With TCM DTC Fail case 1: Missed TCM Run/Crank > 9.5 Volts Executes in Type B
Detects that CAN Messages Voltage a 6.25ms
serial data OR loop
communication Powertrain
has been lost Relay Voltage
with the TCM on
Bus A Detects in
500 ms
PowerMode =RUN
Normal =TRUE
Normal =TRUE
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Diagnostic =FALSE
System Disable
Lost Comm'n U1846 This diagnostic indicates a lost communication between the MCPB and the HCP Two
With Hybrid Trips,
Controller Detects that CAN Missed HCP Run/Crank > 9.5 Volts Detects Type B
serial data Messages Voltage OR within 500
communication Powertrain msec at 6.25
has been lost Relay Voltage msec loop
with the HCP rate
PowerMode =RUN
Normal =TRUE
Normal =TRUE
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Diagnostic =FALSE
System Disable
Lost Comm'n U182F This diagnostic indicates a lost communication between the MCPB and the VICM on Bus B Two
With Hybrid Trips,
Controller B DTC Fail case 1: Missed VICM Run/Crank > 9.5 Volts Executes in Type B
on Bus B Lost Messages Voltage a 6.25ms
Communication OR loop
with Hybrid Powertrain
Powertrain Relay Voltage
Control Module B
on Bus A (VICM) Detects in
500 ms
PowerMode =RUN
Normal =TRUE
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Normal =TRUE
Diagnostic =FALSE
System Disable
ALU= Arithmetic Logic Unit
BPCM= Batt Pack Ctrl Module
HWIO= Hardware Input/Output
IGBT= Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (Phase Current Controllers)
OOR= Out of Range
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Time Required
X: Fail Counts
R: Loop Time Y: Sample Counts
T: Fault Detect (N/A if no XofY
Time structure)
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
ATPC Voltage Diagnostics
Sensor Power P06E7 Detects Sensor Scaled 15V Supply < 12.0 V Wakeup Signal ON X: 40 ct One
Supply C Power Supply Voltage Y: 50 ct Trip,
Circuit Low (15V) below an R: 10.4 ms Type A
acceptable T: 416 ms
threshold. OR 300 ms
fail time
Sensor Power P06E8 Detects Sensor Scaled 15V Supply > 18.0 V Wakeup Signal ON X: 40 ct One
Supply C Power Supply Voltage Y: 50 ct Trip,
Circuit High (15V) above an R: 10.4 ms Type A
acceptable T: 416 ms
threshold. OR 300 ms
fail time
Auxiliary P1E19 This is the 12V system voltage low diagnostic Special
Transmission Type C
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Fluid Pump DTC Fail case: Ignition Voltage <= 10 Volts Enable Cal = true 5 fail counts
Control Sets when the out of 6
Module ignition voltage is RunCrankActive = true sample
System below a counts
Voltage Low threshold Engine Speed >= 0 RPM
Executes in
a 1000ms
Detects in 6
Ignition Voltage 1 second
DTC Pass: > 10 Volts
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Auxiliary P0C20 Drive Motor "A" ABS(Peak Phase < 1A Inverter State Run X: 200 ct One
Transmission Missing Motor Axis Current) Y: N/A Trip,
Fluid Pump Current checks R: 0.11 ms Type A
Phase U-V-W for minimum T: 22 ms
Circuit/Open current in each
phase when rotor
position is near
that peak's
phase axis.
Each phase is
individually as
rotor turns.
High Voltage > 35V
Rotor Position -30 deg < Phase
Axis < +30 deg
Current >= 3A
Auxiliary P0C28 Fail Case 1: To U, V, or W Phase > 35 A Wakeup Signal On X: 2 cts One
Transmission detect fast, current sensor Y: 30 cts Trip,
Fluid Pump repeated 3 R: 2.08 ms Type A
Motor Current Phase over T: 4.2 ms
High currents and to
protect IGBT.
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Fail Case 2: To X: 5 cts
detect slow, Y: 50 cts
intermittent 3 R: 2.08 ms
Phase over T: 10.4 ms
currents and to
protect IGBT.
Auxiliary P1E2A Circuit Low U Phase current < -30A Wakeup Signal ON X: 8 ct One
Transmission monitor to detect sensor output at PWM Output FALSE Y: N/A Trip,
Fluid Pump the failure of U- highside Enabled R: 10.4 ms Type A
Motor Phase phase current T: 83 ms
U Current sensor circuit
Sensor Circuit below valid range
Auxiliary P1E2B Circuit High U Phase current > 30A Wakeup Signal ON X: 4 ct One
Transmission monitor to detect sensor output at PWM Output FALSE Y: 6 ct Trip,
Fluid Pump the failure of U- highside Enabled R: 10.4 ms Type A
Motor Phase phase current T: 42 ms
U Current sensor circuit
Sensor Circuit above valid
High range
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Auxiliary P1E2C Offset Circuit U Phase offset > 2A Wakeup Signal ON X: 8 ct One
Transmission monitor to detect current output at PowerStage OPEN Y: N/A Trip,
Fluid Pump the failure of U- highside No Active DTCs: P1E2A/P1E2B R: 10.4 ms Type A
Motor Phase phase offset T: 83 ms
U Current current above
Sensor Circuit valid range
Auxiliary P1E2D Circuit Low V Phase current < -30A Wakeup Signal ON X: 4 ct One
Transmission monitor to detect sensor output at PWM Output FALSE Y: 6 ct Trip,
Fluid Pump the failure of V- highside Enabled R: 10.4 ms Type A
Motor Phase phase current T: 42 ms
V Current sensor circuit
Sensor Circuit below valid range
Auxiliary P1E2E Circuit High V Phase current > 30A Wakeup Signal ON X: 4 ct One
Transmission monitor to detect sensor output at PWM Output FALSE Y: 6 ct Trip,
Fluid Pump the failure of V- highside Enabled R: 10.4 ms Type A
Motor Phase phase current T: 42 ms
V Current sensor circuit
Sensor Circuit above valid
High range
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Auxiliary P1E2F Offset Circuit V Phase offset > 2A Wakeup Signal ON X: 8 ct One
Transmission monitor to detect current output at PowerStage OPEN Y: N/A Trip,
Fluid Pump the failure of V- highside No Active DTCs: P1E2D/P1E2E R: 10.4 ms Type A
Motor Phase phase offset T: 83 ms
V Current current above
Sensor Circuit valid range
Auxiliary P1E30 Circuit Low W Phase current < -30A Wakeup Signal ON X: 4 ct One
Transmission monitor to detect sensor output at PWM Output FALSE Y: 6 ct Trip,
Fluid Pump the failure of W- highside Enabled R: 10.4 ms Type A
Motor Phase phase current T: 42 ms
W Current sensor circuit
Sensor Circuit below valid range
Auxiliary P1E31 Circuit High W Phase current > 30A Wakeup Signal ON X: 4 ct One
Transmission monitor to detect sensor output at PWM Output FALSE Y: 6 ct Trip,
Fluid Pump the failure of W- highside Enabled R: 10.4 ms Type A
Motor Phase phase current T: 42 ms
W Current sensor circuit
Sensor Circuit above valid
High range
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Auxiliary P1E32 Offset Circuit W Phase offset > 2A Wakeup Signal ON X: 8 ct One
Transmission monitor to detect current output at PowerStage OPEN Y: N/A Trip,
Fluid Pump the failure of W- highside No Active DTCs: P1E30/P1E31 R: 10.4 ms Type A
Motor Phase phase offset T: 83 ms
W Current current above
Sensor Circuit valid range
Auxiliary P1E33 To detect Sum of 3 phase > 5A Wakeup Signal ON X: 160 ct One
Transmission electrical failure currents Y: 190 ct Trip,
Fluid Pump of phase current R: 0.11 ms Type A
Motor Phase sensor. T: 17.6 ms
ATPC IGBT Diagnostics
Auxiliary P1E38 Detects IGBT Phase A, B, or C FAILED (Status Wakeup Signal ON X: 1 ct One
Transmission Bias Faults Power Supply Fault Bit) Y: N/A Trip,
Fluid Pump R: 2.08 ms Type A
Motor Inverter T: 2.08ms
Power Supply
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Monitors hw line High Voltage > 100V
to detect loss of
power supply to
gate drive board.
Auxiliary P1E39 Detects IGBT Phase A, B, or C OVERDRIVEN Inverter State Initialization X: 1 ct One
Transmission Desaturation High or Low Side (Status Fault Complete Y: N/A Trip,
Fluid Pump Faults Devices Bit) R: 2.08 ms Type A
Motor Inverter T: 2.08ms
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Auxiliary P179A To detect when ABS(Motor speed) >6500 rpm Wake up signal On X: 10 cts One
Transmission Motor A has initially Y: 12 cts Trip,
Fluid Pump exceeded R: 10.4ms Type A
Overspeed operational T: 104ms
maximum speed
Auxiliary P1E29 Loss of Motor Speed < -500 r/min Wake up signal On X: 3 cts One
Transmission Sensorless Speed Command >0 Y: 5 cts Trip,
Fluid Pump Control R: 2ms Type A
Control T: 6ms
Module OR OR
Motor Position
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Auxiliary P1E27 To detect over HV Sensor Voltage > 425V Controller Complete X: 3 cts One
Transmission voltage and to Initialization Y: N/A Trip,
Fluid Pump protect TPIM HV R: 0.0001 - Type A
Control Circuit 0.0005 ms
Module Hybrid T: 0.0003 -
Battery 0.00150 ms
Voltage High
Auxiliary P1E20 Circuit Low HV Sensor Voltage <30V Controller Complete X: 15 cts One
Transmission monitor of HV Initialization Y: 20 cts Trip,
Fluid Pump output voltage R: 10.4ms Type A
Control sensor T: 156.3ms
Module Hybrid
Sense Circuit
Low Voltage
Run/Crank Active
Contactors Closed
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Auxiliary P1E21 Circuit High HV Sensor Voltage >500 V Controller Complete X: 15 cts One
Transmission monitor of HV Initialization Y: 20 cts Trip,
Fluid Pump output voltage R: 10.4ms Type A
Control sensor T: 156.3ms
Module Hybrid
Sense Circuit
High Voltage
Run/Crank Active
Auxiliary P1E28 To check ABS(HV - >= 40 V No Active DTCs: P1E20, P1E21 X: 18 cts Two
Transmission correlation of HV HV_Battery) Y: 30 cts Trips,
Fluid Pump with sum of mid- R: 10.4ms Type B
Control pack voltages T: 187ms
Module Hybrid and HV_Battery.
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Auxiliary P1E22 Isolation Lost Isolation Ratio (Neg >4.53 No Active DTCs: P1E20, P1E21, X: 250 cts Two
Transmission between mid- mid-pack voltage / P1E28 Y: 300 cts Trips,
Fluid Pump pack voltage and Pos mid-pack R: 10.4ms Type B
Control chassis voltage) T: 2600ms
Module Hybrid
Isolation Fault
Controller Complete
Auxiliary P1E1C Circuit 1 Low Pos mid-pack <20V Controller Complete X: 70 cts Two
Transmission monitor of Pos voltage Initialization Y: 100 cts Trips,
Fluid Pump mid-pack voltage R: 10.4ms Type B
Control sensor T: 729ms
Module Hybrid
Sensor Circuit
1 Low
Run/Crank Active
Contactors Closed
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Auxiliary P1E1D Circuit 1 High Pos mid-pack >40 V No Active DTCs: P1E20, P1E21 X: 50 cts Two
Transmission monitor of Pos voltage - HV Y: 100 cts Trips,
Fluid Pump mid-pack voltage R: 10.4ms Type B
Control sensor T: 520ms
Module Hybrid
Sensor Circuit
1 High
Controller Complete
Run/Crank Active
Auxiliary P1E1E Circuit 2 Low Neg mid-pack <20V Controller Complete X: 70 cts Two
Transmission monitor of Neg voltage Initialization Y: 100 cts Trips,
Fluid Pump mid-pack voltage R: 10.4ms Type B
Control sensor T: 729ms
Module Hybrid
Sensor Circuit
2 Low
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Run/Crank Active
Contactors Closed
Auxiliary P1E1F Circuit 2 High Neg mid-pack >40 V No Active DTCs: P1E20, P1E21 X: 50 cts Two
Transmission monitor of Neg voltage - HV Y: 100 cts Trips,
Fluid Pump mid-pack voltage R: 10.4ms Type B
Control sensor T: 520ms
Module Hybrid
Sensor Circuit
2 High
Controller Complete
Run/Crank Active
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Auxiliary P1E1B To check ABS(Pos mid-pack - >= 40 V No Active DTCs: P1E20, P1E21, X: 100 cts Two
Transmission correlation of Neg mid-pack - P1E1E, P1E1F Y: 150 cts Trips,
Fluid Pump sum of mid-pack HV_Battery) R: 10.4ms Type B
Control voltages against T: 1040 ms
Module Hybrid HV and
Battery HV_Battery
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
When >=600s
present at start of
trip: Cumulative
Inverter Warmup
Auxiliary P1E35 To detect PIM Temp B > 130 degC WakeUp Signal On X: 250 cts Two
Transmission Inverter A Temperature (near 0V) Y: 350 cts Trips,
Fluid Pump Temperature R: 10.4ms Type B
Motor Inverter Sensor #1 Out of T: 2600ms
Temperature Range low
Sensor Circuit (voltage)
Auxiliary P1E36 Inverter A ABS(PIMTemp - > 20 deg C Wake Up Signal On 700 cts Start Two
Transmission Temperature AVG(PwrElecCoola Delay Trips,
Fluid Pump Sensor #1 In- ntTemp and Propulsion >=21600s Type B
Motor Inverter Range TransTemp)) System Inactive
Temperature Rationality Check "ColdStartAvg" Time
Sensor Circuit
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Range/Perfor Thermal >=7200s PLUS
mance Conditioning Off
Fault Active
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Tranmission Fluid
Propulsion FALSE
System Inactive
Timer Fault
Use Data
Off Board
Charging Inactive
Timer Mask
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Battery Thermal FALSE
Inactive Fault
Auxiliary P1E37 To detect an in- PIM Temp A > 98 deg C PIM Temperature IN RANGE X: 500 cts Two
Transmission range Temperature initial fault Trips,
Fluid Pump overtemperature Type B
Motor Inverter condition that
Over can potentially
Temperature damage inverter
Y: 1500 cts
R: 10.4ms
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
No Active DTCs: P1E36 T: 5200ms
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 3:
This DTC will be
stored if any
check sum in the
software is
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 2:
checksum error
at controller
power-up Checksum at power-
DTC Fail case 3: does not match
Non-volatile checksum at power-
memory down
checksum error
at controller
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Pass: No ROM
memory faults
Auxiliary P1E23 This Diagnostic tests the checksum on RAM memory One
Transmission Trip,
Fluid Pump DTC Fail case 1: Ignition Status = Run or Crank Should finish Type A
Control Indicates that within
Module HCP is unable to 30 seconds
Random correctly write at all
Access and read data to operating
Memory and from Dual conditions
(RAM) Store RAM
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 3:
Indicates that
HCP is unable to
correctly write
and read data to
and from 2nd
DTC Fail case 4:
Indicates that
does not
HCP is unable to
Data read match data
correctly write
and read data to
and from Main
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 6:
Indicates that
HCP is unable to
correctly write
and read data to
and from Cache
DTC Fail case 7:
Indicates that
HCP is unable to
correctly write
and read data to
and from eTPU
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Pass: No errors in
faults = false
CommFlts =
System RAM
faults = false
faults = false
faults = false
Auxiliary P0B0D This Diagnostic tests all the internal processor integrity subsystems One
Transmission Trip,
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Fluid Pump DTC Fail case 1: HWIO detects Fault = true (in SPI Run/Crank > 9.5 Volts 28 fail Type A
Motor Control Indicates that the Hardware) Voltage OR counts out of
Module HCP has Powertrain Relay 32 sample
detected an Voltage counts
processor Diagnostic = true Executes in
integrity fault System Enable a 6.25ms
CePISR_e_Main Powermoding = Accesory or Off
DtctdSPI_Flt Detects in
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 2: Key Value = Calibration SRAR shutdowns = False Detects in
Indicates that the Value 150ms
HCP has
detected an SPI Fault
internal =False
integrity fault RunCrank Active
= False
otRunningSeedK Ram or ROM
yTst fault = false
12V battery
Seed received in
wrong order fault
= false
Vehicle Speed
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 3: IPT Detects faulty calibration HV Bat contactor = True Up down
Indicates that the harware in Inhibit Value Staus Available counter = 3
HCP has path
detected an MMDR = Powerdown Wait
internal IPT feedback State
processor HPMR = Eval BP Open
integrity fault State
HV Battery >= 80 V
SPI Fault
RunCrank Active
= False
Ram or ROM
fault = False
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
12V battery >11V
Seed/Key = False
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 5: seed does not within 1. Number Of 1. > 0 Detects in 1
Indicates that the update Calibration Monitors 2. = FALSE sec
HCP has threshold 2. SPI faults
detected an
integrity fault
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 7: Seed timeout > 200 ms 1. Seed Update 1. = True 3 fail counts
Indicates that the Key StoreFault 2. = True out of 4
HCP has PSW Fault = True Enable OR sample
detected an 2. Program counts
internal Sequence Watch
processor Enable Executes in
integrity fault a 50ms loop
CePISR_e_Main Detects in
SequenceFlt 200ms
DTC Fail case 8: HWIO detects Fault =2 (ina row) 1. ALU Test 1. = TRUE runs
Indicates that the Enabled 2. = Enabled continuously
HCP has 2. Diagnostic 3. >= 0.15s in 12.5ms
detected an system status 4. = True loop
internal 3. Code clear
processor active Detects in
integrity fault 4. PMDI Low 12.5ms
voltage clear diag
CePISR_e_Main enable conditons
ALU_Flt met
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 9: HWIO detects Fault =2 (in arow) 1. Diagnostic 1. = TRUE runs
Indicates that the Test Enabled 2. = Enabled continuously
HCP has 2. Diagnostic 3. >= 0.15s in 12.5ms
detected an system status 4. = True loop
internal 3. Code clear
processor active Detects in
integrity fault 4. PMDI Low 12.5ms
voltage clear diag
CePISR_e_Main enable conditons
CfgRegFlt met
DTC Fail case HWIO detects Fault = 5 (Since Diagnostic Test = True Runs
10: Indicates that Powerup) Enabled Continuously
the HCP has =True in 100ms
detected an Diagnostic loop
internal System Enables
processor Detects in
integrity fault 500ms
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case Continuous Fault > 200ms 1. A2D Converter 1. = TRUE 5 fail counts
11: Indicates that Test Enabled 2. > -1 out of 8
the HCP has 2. PT Relay 3. > 7 sample
detected an Voltage counts
internal 3. Run Crank
processor Voltage Executes in
integrity fault a 50ms loop
CePISR_e_Main Detects in
ADC_Flt 200ms
DTC Fail case Run Crank on Run Crank 1. Run Crank 1. = True 5 fail counts
12: Indicates that Seconday Active Discrete 2. = False out of 8
the HCP has Processor Diagnostic sample
detected an Enable counts
internal 2. SPI Faults
processor Executes in
integrity fault a 25ms loop
CePISR_e_Run Detects in
CrankCorrFlt 200ms
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case HWIO detects Fault = 3 /10 5/10 1. Flash ECC 1. = True 3 fail counts
13: Indicates that Circuit Test 2. = True out of 10
the HCP has Enable sample
detected an 2. Power-Up counts (turns
internal Reset on MIL)
integrity fault 5 fail counts
out of 10
CePISR_e_Flash sample
ECC_CktTest counts
once at
every power
up reset
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case HWIO detects Fault = 3 /10 5/10 1. RAM ECC 1. = True 3 fail counts
14: Indicates that Circuit Test 2. = True out of 10
the HCP has Enable sample
detected an 2. Power-Up counts (turns
internal Reset on MIL)
integrity fault 5 fail counts
out of 10
CePISR_e_RAM sample
_ECC_CktTest counts
once at
every power
up reset
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case HWIO detects Fault = True Diagnostic Test = TRUE
15: Indicates that Enabled
the HCP has or or
detected an
internal Memory Copy Error =True
integrity fault
Auxiliary P1EB8 This Diagnostic tests for unuseable BINVDM (flash) memory only One
Transmission Trip,
Fluid Pump Type A
Module Long
Term Memory
DTC Fail case 1: Last EEPROM write Ignition voltage 5 volts 1 failure
Indicates that the did not complete Frequency:
NVM Error flag Once at
HWIO Bat Write power-up
will not succeed
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 2: Ignition voltage 5 volts 1 failure
Indicates that the Frequency:
NVM Error flag Once at
HWIO Assembly power-up
Cal set
DTC Pass: NV
eed = fail
= false
Auxiliary P1BFF This diagnostic prevents flashing different MCP software into MCP C that does not match its ID One
Transmission Trip,
Fluid Pump DTC Fail case 1: MCP ID Hardware Calibration Type A
Motor Control The MCP ID
Module Not hardware does
Programmed not match the
calibration for the
specific MCP
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Term Memory DTC Fail case 1: Checksum at power- Ignition Status = Run or Crank 1 failure Type A
Reset Non-volatile up
memory (Static) does not match Frequency:
checksum error checksum at power- Once at
at controller down powerup
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 4:
hed) checksum
error at controller
DTC Pass:
memory faults
ATPC Comm'n
Lost Comm'n U1839 This diagnostic indicates a lost communication between the ATPC and the ECM on Bus A Two
With Trips,
ECM/PCM on DTC Fail case 1: Missed ECM Run/Crank > 9.5 Volts Executes in Type B
Bus A Detects that CAN Messages Voltage a 6.25ms
serial data OR loop
communication Powertrain Relay
has been lost Voltage
with the ECM on
Bus A Detects in
500 ms
PowerMode =RUN
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Bus Off Fault =FALSE
Normal =TRUE
Diagnostic =FALSE
System Disable
Lost Comm'n U183B This diagnostic indicates a lost communication between the ATPC and the TCM on Bus A Two
With TCM Trips,
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
DTC Fail case 1: Missed TCM Run/Crank > 9.5 Volts Executes in Type B
Detects that CAN Messages Voltage a 6.25ms
serial data OR loop
communication Powertrain Relay
has been lost Voltage
with the TCM on
Bus A Detects in
500 ms
PowerMode =RUN
Normal =TRUE
Diagnostic =FALSE
System Disable
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Diagnostic >=3 sec
Enable Timer
Lost Comm'n U2611 This diagnostic indicates a lost communication between the ATPC and the HCP Two
With Hybrid Trips,
Controller Detects that CAN Missed HCP Run/Crank > 9.5 Volts Detects Type B
serial data Messages Voltage OR within 500
communication Powertrain Relay msec at 6.25
has been lost Voltage msec loop
with the HCP rate
PowerMode =RUN
Normal =TRUE
Diagnostic =FALSE
System Disable
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Diagnostic >=3 sec
Enable Timer
Lost Comm'n U183C This diagnostic indicates a lost communication between the ATPC and the VICM on Bus A Two
With Hybrid Trips,
Controller B DTC Fail case 1: Missed VICM Run/Crank > 9.5 Volts Executes in Type B
Lost Messages Voltage a 6.25ms
Communication OR loop
with Hybrid Powertrain Relay
Powertrain Voltage
Control Module B
on Bus A (VICM) Detects in
500 ms
PowerMode =RUN
Normal =TRUE
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Normal Message =TRUE
Diagnostic =FALSE
System Disable
Time Required
X: Fail Counts
R: Loop Time Y: Sample Counts
T: Fault Detect (N/A if no XofY
Time structure)
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
A/C P15BA Run/Crank circuit Run/Crank input ON System Voltage 12V System Status 5 fails out of One
Compressor is stuck on >9V 10 samples. Trip,
Control AND Comm with VICM Message $236 recd. Continuous Type A
Module GMLAN Signal INACTIVE sampling at
Ignition Switch "VICM Run Crank 50
Run/Start Terminal Status" msec/sampl
Position Status Pass Run/Crank input ON System Voltage 12V System Status 5 passes out
Circuit High >9V of 10
AND HW Inputs Accessory samples.
GMLAN Signal ACTIVE Comm with VICM Message $236 recd. Continuous
"VICM Run Crank sampling at
Terminal Status" 50
OR msec/sampl
Run/Crank input OFF e
"VICM Run Crank
Terminal Status"
Run/Crank input OFF
"VICM Run Crank
Terminal Status"
A/C P15B9 Run/Crank circuit Run/Crank input System Voltage 12V System Status 5 fails out of One
Compressor is stuck off =OFF & GMLAN >9V 10 samples. Trip,
Control Signal "VICM Run HW Inputs Accessory Continuous Type A
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Module Crank Terminal Comm with VICM Message $236 recd. sampling at
Ignition Switch Status"=ACTIVE" 50
Run/Start msec/sampl
Position Status Pass Run/Crank input System Voltage 12V System Status 5 passes out
Circuit Low =ON & GMLAN >9V of 10
Signal "VICM Run HW Inputs Accessory samples.
Crank Terminal Comm with VICM Message $236 recd. Continuous
Status"=ACTIVE" sampling at
OR 50
Run/Crank input msec/sampl
Signal "VICM Run
Crank Terminal
Run/Crank input
A/C P0D6A Monitor High Sets when HV >= 450V System Voltage 12V System Status 30 fails out Two
Compressor Voltage input to Threshold >9V of 60 Trips,
Motor Voltage ACCM HW Inputs Accessory OR samples. Type B
Sensor Circuit Run/Crank Continuous
High 50 msec
HV Battery Battery Cell Voltage sampling
Normal Operation Fault Active is rate
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Compressor Input
Voltage reading
within 10 V of
Battery Cell Voltage
Status Pass HV <= Threshold 440V System Voltage 12V System Status 30 fails out
>9V of 60
HW Inputs Accessory OR samples.
Run/Crank Continuous
Speed Request After a fail, Speed 50 msec
Reset request needs to go sampling
to 0 before PASS rate
will be enabled.
A/C P0D6B Monitor High Sets when HV <= 190V System Voltage 12V System Status 30 fails out Two
Compressor Voltage input to Threshold >9V of 60 Trips,
Motor Voltage ACCM HW Inputs Accessory OR samples. Type B
Sensor Circuit Run/Crank Continuous
Low 50 msec
Contactors High Voltage rate
Closed with no Battery Contactor is
faults CLOSED for > 1 sec
AND High Voltage
Battery Contactor
Fault Active is
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
HV Battery Battery Cell Voltage
Normal Operation Fault Active is
Compressor Input
Voltage reading
within 10 V of
Battery Cell Voltage
Status Pass HV >= Threshold 200V System Voltage 12V System Status 30 passes
>9V out of 60
HW Inputs Accessory OR samples.
Run/Crank Continuous
Speed Request After a fail, Speed 50 msec
Reset request needs to go sampling
to 0 before PASS rate
will be enabled.
A/C P1ECA Monitor High Sets when HV >= 480V System Voltage 12V System Status 1 fail out of 1 Two
Compressor Voltage input to Threshold >9V sample Trips,
Motor ACCM HW Inputs Accessory OR Continuous Type B
Instantaneous Run/Crank 50 msec
Voltage High sampling
Status Pass HV <= Threshold 440V System Voltage 12V System Status 1 pass out of
>9V 1 sample
HW Inputs Accessory OR Continuous
Run/Crank 50 msec
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Speed Request After a fail, Speed sampling
Reset request needs to go rate
to 0 before PASS
will be enabled.
A/C P0D7A Monitor U-phase U-phase Input >= 68 Amps System Voltage 12V System Status 30 fails out Two
Compressor motor current Threshold >9V of 60 Trips,
Motor Phase HW Inputs Accessory OR samples. Type B
U Current Low Run/Crank Continuous
Motor Stopped Thermal Refrigerant 50 msec
Compressor Speed sampling
Request = 0 RPM rate
Status Pass U-phase Input < 68 Amps System Voltage 12V System Status 30 passes
Threshold >9V out of 60
HW Inputs Accessory OR samples.
Run/Crank Continuous
ECU reset After a FAIL a 12V 50 msec
reset is required sampling
before PASS will be rate
A/C P0D7B Monitor U-phase U-phase Input <= -68 Amps System Voltage 12V System Status 30 fails out Two
Compressor motor current Threshold >9V of 60 Trips,
Motor Phase HW Inputs Accessory OR samples. Type B
U Current Run/Crank Continuous
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
High Motor Stopped Thermal Refrigerant 50 msec
Compressor Speed sampling
Request = 0 RPM rate
Status Pass U-phase Input > -68 Amps System Voltage 12V System Status 30 passes
Threshold >9V out of 60
HW Inputs Accessory OR samples.
Run/Crank Continuous
ECU reset After a FAIL a 12V 50 msec
reset is required sampling
before PASS will be rate
A/C P0D7C Monitor V-phase V-phase Input >= 68 Amps System Voltage 12V System Status 30 fails out Two
Compressor motor current Threshold >9V of 60 Trips,
Motor Phase HW Inputs Accessory OR samples. Type B
V Current Low Run/Crank Continuous
Motor Stopped Thermal Refrigerant 50 msec
Compressor Speed sampling
Request = 0 RPM rate
Status Pass V-phase Input < 68 Amps System Voltage 12V System Status 30 passes
Threshold >9V out of 60
HW Inputs Accessory OR samples.
Run/Crank Continuous
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
ECU reset After a FAIL a 12V 50 msec
reset is required sampling
before PASS will be rate
A/C P0D7D Monitor V-phase V-phase Input <= -68 Amps System Voltage 12V System Status 30 fails out Two
Compressor motor current Threshold >9V of 60 Trips,
Motor Phase HW Inputs Accessory OR samples. Type B
V Current Run/Crank Continuous
High Motor Stopped Thermal Refrigerant 50 msec
Compressor Speed sampling
Request = 0 RPM rate
Status Pass V-phase Input > -68 Amps System Voltage 12V System Status 30 passes
Threshold >9V out of 60
HW Inputs Accessory OR samples.
Run/Crank Continuous
ECU reset After a FAIL a 12V 50 msec
reset is required sampling
before PASS will be rate
A/C P0D7E Monitor W-phase W-phase Input >= 68 Amps System Voltage 12V System Status 30 fails out Two
Compressor motor current Threshold >9V of 60 Trips,
Motor Phase HW Inputs Accessory OR samples. Type B
W Current Run/Crank Continuous
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Low Motor Stopped Thermal Refrigerant 50 msec
Compressor Speed sampling
Request = 0 RPM rate
Status Pass W-phase Input < 68 Amps System Voltage 12V System Status 30 passes
Threshold >9V out of 60
HW Inputs Accessory OR samples.
Run/Crank Continuous
ECU reset After a FAIL a 12V 50 msec
reset is required sampling
before PASS will be rate
A/C P0D7F Monitor W-phase W-phase Input <= -68 Amps System Voltage 12V System Status 30 fails out Two
Compressor motor current Threshold >9V of 60 Trips,
Motor Phase HW Inputs Accessory OR samples. Type B
W Current Run/Crank Continuous
High Motor Stopped Thermal Refrigerant 50 msec
Compressor Speed sampling
Request = 0 RPM rate
Status Pass W-phase Input > -68 Amps System Voltage 12V System Status 30 passes
Threshold >9V out of 60
HW Inputs Accessory OR samples.
Run/Crank Continuous
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
ECU reset After a FAIL a 12V 50 msec
reset is required sampling
before PASS will be rate
A/C P1EC9 Monitor DC Link Sets when DC Link 60A System Voltage 12V System Status 1 fail out of 1 Two
Compressor current > Threshold >9V sample Trips,
Motor HW Inputs Accessory OR Continuous Type B
Instantaneous Run/Crank 50 msec
Current High sampling
Status Pass DC Link <= 60A System Voltage 12V System Status 1 pass out of
Threshold >9V 1 sample
HW Inputs Accessory OR Continuous
Run/Crank 50 msec
Motor Running Motor Spinning and sampling
reaching Speed rate
Request (Thermal
Compressor Speed
Request > 0 RPM)
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Clear Codes After 10 fails, need
clear code from
A/C P0D6F Monitor DC Link Sets when DC Link 27A System Voltage 12V System Status 30 fails out Two
Compressor current > Threshold >9V of 60 Trips,
Motor Current HW Inputs Accessory OR samples. Type B
High Run/Crank Continuous
Motor Running Thermal Refrigerant 50 msec
Compressor Speed sampling
Request > 0 RPM rate
Status Pass Input <= Threshold 27A System Voltage 12V System Status 30 passes
>9V out of 60
HW Inputs Accessory OR samples.
Run/Crank Continuous
Motor Running Motor Spinning and 50 msec
reaching Speed sampling
Request (Thermal rate
Compressor Speed
Request > 0 RPM)
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Speed Request After a fail, Speed
Reset request needs to go
to 0 before PASS
will be enabled.
A/C P16B8 RAM memory Sets on read/write System Voltage 12V System Status < 250 msec One
Compressor read/write check fault to RAM >9V after boot Trip,
Control HW Inputs Accessory OR Type A
Module Run/Crank
Random Start up Upon CPU boot
Access (Run/Crank or ACC
Memory transition high)
(RAM) Error
Status Pass System Voltage 12V System Status
HW Inputs Accessory OR
ECU reset After a FAIL a 12V
reset is required
before PASS will be
A/C P16B9 ROM memory Sets on check sum System Voltage 12V System Status < 250 msec One
Compressor check sum error with ROM >9V after boot Trip,
Control HW Inputs Accessory OR Type A
Module Read Run/Crank
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Only Memory Start up Upon CPU boot
(ROM) Error (Run/Crank or ACC
transition high)
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
ECU reset After a FAIL a 12V
reset is required
before PASS will be
Electric A/C U1860 Loss of Message $236 30 times System Voltage 12V System Status 3 sec Two
Compressor communication missed >9V Trips,
Control with VICM ECU HW Inputs Accessory OR Type B
Module Lost Run/Crank
Communicatio Bus ON
n with Hybrid Status Pass Message $236 1 time System Voltage 12V System Status < 110 msec.
Powertrain detected >9V 10 msec
Control HW Inputs Accessory OR scan rate
Module B Run/Crank
Electric A/C U2608 Loss of Message $1DF 30 times System Voltage 12V System Status 3 sec Two
Compressor communication missed >9V Trips,
Control with HCP ECU HW Inputs Accessory OR Type B
Module Lost Run/Crank
n with Hybrid Status Pass Message $1DF 1 time System Voltage 12V System Status < 110 msec.
Powertrain detected >9V 10 msec
Control HW Inputs Accessory OR scan rate
Module 1 Run/Crank
Electric A/C P0D72 Monitor ACCM Tcpu input < -40 deg C System Voltage 12V System Status 30 fails out Two
Compressor CPU temperature Threshold >9V of 60 Trips,
Control HW Inputs Accessory OR samples. Type B
Module Run/Crank Continuous
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Internal Outside Air OAT > -7 deg C 50 msec
Temperature Temperature sampling
Sensor Circuit Status Pass Tcpu input >= -40 deg C System Voltage 12V System Status 30 passes
High Threshold >9V out of 60
HW Inputs Accessory OR samples.
Run/Crank Continuous
ECU reset After a FAIL a 12V 50 msec
reset is required sampling
before PASS will be rate
Outside Air OAT > -7 deg C
Electric A/C P0D73 Monitor ACCM Tcpu input > 274 deg C System Voltage 12V System Status 30 fails out Two
Compressor CPU temperature Threshold >9V of 60 Trips,
Control HW Inputs Accessory OR samples. Type B
Module Run/Crank Continuous
Internal 50 msec
Temperature sampling
Sensor Circuit rate
Low Status Pass Tcpu input <= 274 deg C System Voltage 12V System Status 30 passes
Threshold >9V out of 60
HW Inputs Accessory OR samples.
Run/Crank Continuous
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
ECU reset After a FAIL a 12V 50 msec
reset is required sampling
before PASS will be rate
Electric A/C P0D77 Monitor ACCM Tigbt input = -40 deg C System Voltage 12V System Status 30 fails out Two
Compressor IGBT Threshold >9V of 60 Trips,
Control temperature HW Inputs Accessory OR samples. Type B
Module Run/Crank Continuous
Output Driver Outside Air OAT > -7 deg C 50 msec
Temperature Temperature sampling
Sensor Circuit Status Pass Tigbt input >= -40 deg C System Voltage 12V System Status 30 passes
High Threshold >9V out of 60
HW Inputs Accessory OR samples.
Run/Crank Continuous
ECU reset After a FAIL a 12V 50 msec
reset is required sampling
before PASS will be rate
Outside Air OAT > -7 deg C
Electric A/C P0D78 Monitor ACCM Tigbt input > 274 deg C System Voltage 12V System Status 30 fails out Two
Compressor IGBT Threshold >9V of 60 Trips,
Control temperature HW Inputs Accessory OR samples. Type B
Module Run/Crank Continuous
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Output Driver Status Pass Tigbt input <= 274 deg C ECU reset After a FAIL a 12V 30 passes
Temperature Threshold reset is required out of 60
Sensor Circuit before PASS will be samples.
Low enabled. Continuous
50 msec
Electric A/C U180A GMLAN Bus Off Set in driver HW Inputs Accessory OR 1 sec Two
Compressor Run/Crank Trips,
Control Type B
Communicatio Status Pass Cleared in driver System Voltage 12V System Status 160 msec
n Bus A Off >9V
HW Inputs Accessory OR
A/C P16B7 ACC circuit is Accessory OFF System Voltage 12V System Status 500 msec Two
Compressor stuck off >9V Trips,
Control HW Inputs Run/Crank Type B
Module Wake- Prop Sys Active Propulsion System
up Circuit Active = True
Performance Timer 500 msec
Status Pass Accessory ON System Voltage 12V System Status 500 msec
HW Inputs Run/Crank
Prop Sys Active Propulsion System
Active = True
Timer 500msec
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
A/C P1F0B Monitor Inverter During driver circuit 1A System Voltage 12V System Status < 50 msec Two
Compressor Phase Currents check for all U/V/W >9V Trips,
Motor Start- Phases, if any HW Inputs Accessory OR Type B
Up Current current < Threshold Run/Crank
Performance Motor Startup
Motor Running Thermal Refrigerant
Compressor Speed
Request > 0 RPM
Status Pass During driver circuit 1A System Voltage 12V System Status 1 pass out of
check for all U/V/W >9V 1 sample
Phases, all currents HW Inputs Accessory OR Continuous
>= Threshold Run/Crank 50 msec
ECU reset After a FAIL a 12V sampling
reset is required rate
before PASS will be
Electric A/C P1F0D Monitor ACCM Current input >= 36.7 Amps System Voltage 12V System Status 30 fails out Two
Compressor DC Link Current Threshold >9V of 60 Trips,
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Control HW Inputs Accessory OR samples. Type B
Module A/C Run/Crank Continuous
Compressor Motor Stopped Thermal Refrigerant 50 msec
Motor Current Compressor Speed sampling
Feedback Request = 0 RPM rate
Circuit High
Status Pass Current input < 36.7 Amps System Voltage 12V System Status 30 passes
Threshold >9V out of 60
HW Inputs Accessory OR samples.
Run/Crank Continuous
Motor Stopped Thermal Refrigerant 50 msec
Compressor Speed sampling
Request = 0 RPM rate
Electric A/C P1F0C Monitor ACCM Current input <= -2.5 Amps System Voltage 12V System Status 30 fails out Two
Compressor DC Link Current Threshold >9V of 60 Trips,
Control HW Inputs Accessory OR samples. Type B
Module A/C Run/Crank Continuous
Compressor Motor Running Thermal Refrigerant 50 msec
Motor Current Compressor Speed sampling
Feedback Request > 0 RPM rate
Circuit Low
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Status Pass Current input > -2.5 Amps System Voltage 12V System Status 30 passes
Threshold >9V out of 60
HW Inputs Accessory OR samples.
Run/Crank Continuous
Motor Running $236 Speed 50 msec
Request > 0 sampling
A/C P1F0A Monitor ACCM Motor Speed < 1800 rpm System Voltage 12V System Status 20 sec Two
Compressor Motor Speed Threshold >9V Trips,
Motor Speed HW Inputs Accessory OR Type B
Performance Run/Crank
Motor Startup Motor Spinning but
not reaching 1800
IGBT Temp Tigbt < 85 degC
Timer > 20 sec after motor
starts spinning
System Voltage 12V System Status 1 min
HW Inputs Accessory OR
Motor Startup Motor Spinning but
not reaching 1800
IGBT Temp Tigbt > 85 degC
Component / Fault Monitor Malfunction Threshold Secondary Enable Conditions Time MIL
System Code Strategy Criteria Value Parameters Required Illum
Increase in IGBT ǻTigbt >= 10 degC
Timer > 1 min after motor
starts spinning and
increases 10 deg
Status Pass Motor Speed >= 1800 rpm System Voltage 12V System Status < 1min
Threshold >9V
HW Inputs Accessory OR
Motor Running Thermal Refrigerant
Compressor Speed
Request > 0 RPM
DTC Fail
Sets when Low
Voltage voltage
is beyond CAN
voltage limits.
Low Voltage DC is AWAKE
micro status
DTC Pass Low Voltage >= 7 Volts AND 5ms
voltage <= 18 Volts
DTC Fail
Sets when
Primary SPI
Resynch Error
Counter is
greater than or
equal to the
counter threshold
DTC Fail
Sets when
Primary Channel
SPI Mode takes
longer than a
timer threshold to
reach Normal
DTC Fail
Sets when
Primary SPI
hardware driver
errors received
Low Voltage DC is AWAKE
micro status
DTC Pass spi_ResultStatus Passed 1 ms
Battery P16C5 Sub-Test 1 of 5 MessageChkSumEr >= 2 Diagnostic is Enabled 44 ms in a One
Charger SPI HV DC Micro rCntr[HV DC Meas enable calibration 44 ms Trip,
Control Message Msg] window Type A
Module SPI Checksum Error
Bus 1 (SPI
Communicatio DTC Fail
n Fault - HV Sets when any
checksum error
count for a SPI
Message is
greater than or
equal to the
counter threshold
DTC Fail
Sets when any
Message is not
received within
an expected time
Low Voltage DC is AWAKE
micro status
DTC Pass MessageTimer[HV < 65 ms < 65 ms
DC Meas]
DTC Fail
Sets when HV
DC SPI Resynch
Error Counter is
greater than or
equal to the
counter threshold
DTC Fail
Sets when HV
DC Channel SPI
Mode takes
longer than a
timer threshold to
reach Normal
Low Voltage DC is AWAKE
micro status
Primary channel
channel VERIFY
DTC Pass SpiChannelRational < 1000 ms < 1000 ms
DTC Fail
Sets when HV
hardware driver
errors received
Low Voltage DC is AWAKE
micro status
DTC Pass spi_ResultStatus Passed 1 ms
Battery P0D5C DTC Fail High Voltage Power > AC Power x Diagnostic is Enabled 1.6 seconds One
Charger Sets when the (HV Voltage x HV 1.99951171875 enable calibration in a 2 Trip,
Hybrid/EV measured High Current) + 30 Watts seconds Type A
Battery Output Voltage output window
Power power exceeds
Performance the theoretical
(HV Output power available
Power (calculated as
Rationality) charger real AC
input power X
efficiency +
HV Current P0D53 or P0D54
Sensor faults not set
Battery P0D5B DTC Fail Low Voltage Power > AC Power x Diagnostic is Enabled 1.6 seconds One
Charger 14 Sets when the (LV Voltage x LV 1.99951171875 enable calibration in a 2 Trip,
Volt Output measured Low Current) + 2.5 Watts seconds Type A
Power Voltage output window
Performance power exceeds
(LV Output the theoretical
Power power available
Rationality) (calculated as
charger real AC
input power X
efficiency +
LV Current P0D49 or P0D4A
Sensor faults not set
Battery P1ECE DTC Fail High Voltage Power > AC Power x Diagnostic is Enabled 1.6 seconds One
Charger Total Sets when the (HV Voltage x HV 1.99951171875 enable calibration in a 2 Trip,
Output Power sum of the Current) + 30 Watts seconds Type A
Performance( measured High + window
Total Output Voltage output Low Voltage Power
Power power and Low (LV Voltage x LV
Rationality) Voltage output Current)
power exceeds
the theoretical
power available
(calculated as
charger real AC
input power X
efficiency +
LV Hardware = Shutdown
(12V Alarm)
DTC Pass 12V Alarm = High 2 seconds
hardware detection
AND <= 0.5 Amps
Low Voltage
DTC Fail
Sets when the
difference of the
max and min
value is below
the threshold.
max and min
temperature are
captured over a
amount of time
when the change
in power
requested is
above a
DTC Fail
Sets when the
difference of the
max and min
value is below
the threshold.
max and min
temperature are
captured over a
amount of time
when the change
in power
requested is
above a
DTC Fail
Sets when the
difference of the
max and min
value is below
the threshold.
max and min
temperature are
captured over a
amount of time
when the change
in power
requested is
above a
DTC Fail
Sets when the
difference of the
max and min
value is below
the threshold.
max and min
temperature are
captured over a
amount of time
when the change
in power
requested is
above a
Diagnostic is Enabled
enable calibration
Battery P1EFD DTC Fail ABS(AC Power - Diagnostic is Enabled 1.6sec in a Two
Charger Sets when the (HV Voltage*HV enable calibration 2sec window Trips,
Power absolute Current + LV >= 3300 Watts Type B
Efficiency difference of the Voltage*LV
(Power AC Input power Current))
Efficiency and the sum of
Functional) the HV Output
Power and the
LV Output Power
is above or equal
to a threshold.
Indicative of a
sensor rationality
Case 1:
1.5 seconds after
receiving the High
Voltage Charger
Active Discharge
Case 2:
1.5 seconds after a
5.25 second shut
down delay timer
has elapsed
confirmation of
OBCM Loss of
Comm With VICM
(DTC U185C
confirmed) - total
elapsed time 6.75
Battery P16C3 DTC Fail eepromPage00Diag A5 (hex) Diagnostic is Enabled 40 ms in a One
Charger Sets when the DataByte enable calibration 40 ms Trip,
Control presence of OR A5 (hex) window Type A
Module Long predefined eepromPage0ADia
Term Memory values at gDataByte
(KAM) Error predefined
(EEPROM locations in
Integrity) EEPROM cannot
be confirmed
AC Present is TRUE
AC Present is TRUE
DTC Pass PBIAS Voltage >= 6 Volts 500 ms
Battery P0D3B DTC Fail AC Current > 24.78 Amps Diagnostic is Enabled 160 ms in a One
Charger Input Sets when the enable calibration 200 ms Trip,
Current reported AC window Type A
Sensor Circuit Current is
High (IACS) greater than a
current threshold
AC Present is TRUE
DTC Pass AC Current <= 24.78 Amps 200 ms
Battery P0D3A DTC Fail AC Current < 0.8 Amps Diagnostic is Enabled 160 ms in a One
Charger Input Sets when the enable calibration 200 ms Trip,
Current reported AC window Type A
Sensor Circuit Current is less
Low (IACS) than a current
AC Present is TRUE
DTC Pass AC Current >= 0.8 Amps 200 ms
AC Present is TRUE
DTC Pass 1kW HV Converter <= 3.28 Volts 500 ms
Sensor Voltage
Battery P1ECB DTC Fail 1kW HV Converter < 0.03 Volts Diagnostic is Enabled 400 ms in a One
Charger High Sets when the Temperature enable calibration 500 ms Trip,
Voltage 1kW HV Sensor Voltage window Type A
Converter "A" Converter (THMOD)
Temparature Temperature
Sensor Circuit sensor voltage
Low (THMOD) is less
(THMOD) than a voltage
AC Present is TRUE
DTC Pass 1kW HV Converter >= 0.03 Volts 500 ms
Sensor Voltage
AC Present is TRUE
DTC Pass PFC Temperature <= 3.28 Volts 500 ms
Sensor Voltage
Battery P1EDF DTC Fail PFC Temperature < 0.03 Volts Diagnostic is Enabled 400 ms in a One
Charger Input Sets when the Sensor Voltage enable calibration 500 ms Trip,
Voltage PFC window Type A
Conditioner Temperature
Temperature sensor voltage is
Sensor Circuit less than a
Low (THPFC) voltage threshold
AC Present is TRUE
DTC Pass PFC Temperature >= 0.03 Volts 500 ms
Sensor Voltage
AC Present is TRUE
DTC Pass AC Peak Voltage <= 422 Volts 200 ms
Battery P0D3F DTC Fail AC Peak Voltage < 90 Volts Diagnostic is Enabled 1500 ms in a One
Charger Input Sets when the enable calibration 1875 ms Trip,
Voltage reported AC window Type A
Sensor Circuit Voltage is less
Low (VACS) than a voltage
AC Present is TRUE
DTC Pass AC Peak Voltage >= 90 Volts 1875 ms
Battery P1ED1 DTC Fail 2kW HV Converter > 3.28 Volts Diagnostic is Enabled 400 ms in a One
Charger High Sets when the Temperature enable calibration 500 ms Trip,
Voltage 2kW HV Sensor Voltage window Type A
Converter "B" Converter (THMOD2)
Temparature Temperature
Sensor Circuit sensor voltage
High (THMOD2) is
(THMOD2) greater than a
voltage threshold
AC Present is TRUE
AC Present is TRUE
DTC Pass 2kW HV Converter >= 0.03 Volts 500 ms
Sensor Voltage
Battery P1EE3 DTC Fail CSEN1 Input > 1.5 Volts Diagnostic is Enabled 950 ms in a One
Charger High CSEN1 Input is Voltage enable calibration 1000 ms Trip,
Voltage greater than a window Type A
Converter "A" voltage
Input Current threshold, (the
Sensor Circuit micro performs
High (CSEN1) this test
AC Present is TRUE
HV Output is OFF
AC Present is TRUE
HV Output is ON
DTC Pass CSEN1 Input > 0.016 Volts 1000 ms
Battery P1EE5 DTC Fail CSEN2 Input > 1.5 Volts Diagnostic is Enabled 950 ms in a One
Charger High CSEN2 Input is Voltage enable calibration 1000 ms Trip,
Voltage greater than a window Type A
Converter "B" voltage
Input Current threshold, (the
Sensor Circuit micro performs
High (CSEN2) this test
AC Present is TRUE
HV Output is OFF
DTC Pass CSEN2 Input <= 1.5 Volts 1000 ms
AC Present is TRUE
HV Output is ON
DTC Pass CSEN2 Input > 0.016 Volts 1000 ms
AC Present is TRUE
PFC Discharged is TRUE (delay
delay expired)
AC Present is TRUE
AC Voltage P0D3F or P0D40
Sensor faults not set
PFC Discharged is TRUE (delay
delay expired)
AC Present is TRUE
PFC Discharged is TRUE (delay
delay expired)
Battery P1EDE DTC Fail ABS(Bulk2 Voltage - > 34 Volts Diagnostic is Enabled 512ms in a One
Charger Bulk2 Voltage is AC Peak Voltage) enable calibration 640ms Trip,
Converter compared to two AND window Type A
Input Voltage equivalent ABS(Bulk2 Voltage - > 10 Volts
Sensor "B" voltage Bulk1 Voltage)
Performance measurements
(Converter (AC Peak
Input Bulk Voltage and
Voltage Bulk1). Fail is
Sensor 2- set if the
Rationality) deviation
betweeen Bulk2
Voltage and
each of the two
measurements is
greater than
voltage deviation
AC Present is TRUE
AC Present is TRUE
HV Output is ON, or
LV Output is ON
Bulk1 Voltage P1ED9 or P1EDA
Sensor faults not set
DTC Pass Bulk Voltage > 350 Volts 2640ms
AC Present is TRUE
Bulk1 Voltage P1ED9 or P1EDA
Sensor faults not set
AC RMS Voltage < 200 Volts
AC Present is TRUE
DTC Pass AC Relay Output AC Relay 3000ms
Check input
DTC Fail
Sets when the
difference of the
HV Current and
HV Current
Command is
above a
DTC Fail
Sets when the
difference of the
HV Current and
HV Current
Command is
above a
DTC Fail
Sets when the
difference of the
LV Current and
is above a
Case 1:
1.5 seconds after
receiving the High
Voltage Charger
Active Discharge
Case 2:
1.5 seconds after a
5.25 second shut
down delay timer
has elapsed
confirmation of
OBCM Loss of
Comm With VICM
(DTC U185C
confirmed) - total
elapsed time 6.75
Battery P16C3 DTC Fail eepromPage00Diag A5 (hex) Diagnostic is Enabled 40 ms in a One
Charger Sets when the DataByte enable calibration 40 ms Trip,
Control presence of OR A5 (hex) window Type A
Module Long predefined eepromPage0ADia
Term Memory values at gDataByte
(KAM) Error predefined
(EEPROM locations in
Integrity) EEPROM cannot
be confirmed
AC Present is TRUE
AC Present is TRUE
DTC Pass PBIAS Voltage >= 6 Volts 500 ms
Battery P0D3B DTC Fail AC Current > 24.78 Amps Diagnostic is Enabled 160 ms in a One
Charger Input Sets when the enable calibration 200 ms Trip,
Current reported AC window Type A
Sensor Circuit Current is
High (IACS) greater than a
current threshold
AC Present is TRUE
DTC Pass AC Current <= 24.78 Amps 200 ms
Battery P0D3A DTC Fail AC Current < 0.8 Amps Diagnostic is Enabled 160 ms in a One
Charger Input Sets when the enable calibration 200 ms Trip,
Current reported AC window Type A
Sensor Circuit Current is less
Low (IACS) than a current
AC Present is TRUE
DTC Pass AC Current >= 0.8 Amps 200 ms
AC Present is TRUE
DTC Pass 1kW HV Converter <= 3.28 Volts 500 ms
Sensor Voltage
Battery P1ECB DTC Fail 1kW HV Converter < 0.03 Volts Diagnostic is Enabled 400 ms in a One
Charger High Sets when the Temperature enable calibration 500 ms Trip,
Voltage 1kW HV Sensor Voltage window Type A
Converter "A" Converter (THMOD)
Temparature Temperature
Sensor Circuit sensor voltage
Low (THMOD) is less
(THMOD) than a voltage
AC Present is TRUE
DTC Pass 1kW HV Converter >= 0.03 Volts 500 ms
Sensor Voltage
AC Present is TRUE
DTC Pass PFC Temperature <= 3.28 Volts 500 ms
Sensor Voltage
Battery P1EDF DTC Fail PFC Temperature < 0.03 Volts Diagnostic is Enabled 400 ms in a One
Charger Input Sets when the Sensor Voltage enable calibration 500 ms Trip,
Voltage PFC window Type A
Conditioner Temperature
Temperature sensor voltage is
Sensor Circuit less than a
Low (THPFC) voltage threshold
AC Present is TRUE
DTC Pass PFC Temperature >= 0.03 Volts 500 ms
Sensor Voltage
AC Present is TRUE
DTC Pass AC Peak Voltage <= 422 Volts 200 ms
Battery P0D3F DTC Fail AC Peak Voltage < 90 Volts Diagnostic is Enabled 1500 ms in a One
Charger Input Sets when the enable calibration 1875 ms Trip,
Voltage reported AC window Type A
Sensor Circuit Voltage is less
Low (VACS) than a voltage
AC Present is TRUE
DTC Pass AC Peak Voltage >= 90 Volts 1875 ms
Battery P1ED1 DTC Fail 2kW HV Converter > 3.28 Volts Diagnostic is Enabled 400 ms in a One
Charger High Sets when the Temperature enable calibration 500 ms Trip,
Voltage 2kW HV Sensor Voltage window Type A
Converter "B" Converter (THMOD2)
Temparature Temperature
Sensor Circuit sensor voltage
High (THMOD2) is
(THMOD2) greater than a
voltage threshold
AC Present is TRUE
AC Present is TRUE
DTC Pass 2kW HV Converter >= 0.03 Volts 500 ms
Sensor Voltage
Battery P1EE3 DTC Fail CSEN1 Input > 1.5 Volts Diagnostic is Enabled 950 ms in a One
Charger High CSEN1 Input is Voltage enable calibration 1000 ms Trip,
Voltage greater than a window Type A
Converter "A" voltage
Input Current threshold, (the
Sensor Circuit micro performs
High (CSEN1) this test
AC Present is TRUE
HV Output is OFF
AC Present is TRUE
HV Output is ON
DTC Pass CSEN1 Input > 0.016 Volts 1000 ms
Battery P1EE5 DTC Fail CSEN2 Input > 1.5 Volts Diagnostic is Enabled 950 ms in a One
Charger High CSEN2 Input is Voltage enable calibration 1000 ms Trip,
Voltage greater than a window Type A
Converter "B" voltage
Input Current threshold, (the
Sensor Circuit micro performs
High (CSEN2) this test
AC Present is TRUE
HV Output is OFF
DTC Pass CSEN2 Input <= 1.5 Volts 1000 ms
AC Present is TRUE
HV Output is ON
DTC Pass CSEN2 Input > 0.016 Volts 1000 ms
AC Present is TRUE
PFC Discharged is TRUE (delay
delay expired)
AC Present is TRUE
AC Voltage P0D3F or P0D40
Sensor faults not set
PFC Discharged is TRUE (delay
delay expired)
AC Present is TRUE
PFC Discharged is TRUE (delay
delay expired)
Battery P1EDE DTC Fail ABS(Bulk2 Voltage - > 34 Volts Diagnostic is Enabled 512ms in a One
Charger Bulk2 Voltage is AC Peak Voltage) enable calibration 640ms Trip,
Converter compared to two AND window Type A
Input Voltage equivalent ABS(Bulk2 Voltage - > 10 Volts
Sensor "B" voltage Bulk1 Voltage)
Performance measurements
(Converter (AC Peak
Input Bulk Voltage and
Voltage Bulk1). Fail is
Sensor 2- set if the
Rationality) deviation
betweeen Bulk2
Voltage and
each of the two
measurements is
greater than
voltage deviation
AC Present is TRUE
AC Present is TRUE
HV Output is ON, or
LV Output is ON
Bulk1 Voltage P1ED9 or P1EDA
Sensor faults not set
DTC Pass Bulk Voltage > 350 Volts 2640ms
AC Present is TRUE
Bulk1 Voltage P1ED9 or P1EDA
Sensor faults not set
AC RMS Voltage < 200 Volts
AC Present is TRUE
DTC Pass AC Relay Output AC Relay 3000ms
Check input
X axis is Deg C
Y axis is RPM
-40 -28 -16 -4 8 20 32 44 56 68 80 92 104 116 128 140 152
400 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000
800 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000
1200 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000
1600 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000
2000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000
2400 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000
2800 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000
3200 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000
3600 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000
4000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000
4400 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000
4800 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000
5200 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000
5600 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000
6000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000
6400 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000
6800 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000
X axis is Deg C
Y axis is RPM
-40 -28 -16 -4 8 20 32 44 56 68 80 92 104 116 128 140 152
400 100.000 80.000 20.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000
800 100.000 80.000 20.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000
1200 100.000 80.000 20.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000
1600 100.000 80.000 20.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000
2000 100.000 80.000 20.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000
2400 100.000 80.000 20.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000
2800 100.000 80.000 20.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000
3200 51.500 41.500 11.500 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000
X axis is Deg C
Y axis is RPM
-40 -28 -16 -4 8 20 32 44 56 68 80 92 104 116 128 140 152
400 100.000 80.000 20.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000
800 100.000 80.000 20.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000
1200 100.000 80.000 20.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000
1600 100.000 80.000 20.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000
2000 100.000 80.000 20.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000
2400 100.000 80.000 20.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000
2800 100.000 80.000 20.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000
3200 51.500 41.500 11.500 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000
3600 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000
4000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000
4400 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000
4800 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000
5200 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000
5600 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000
6000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000
6400 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000
6800 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000
P0133 - O2S Slow Response Bank 1 Sensor 1" Pass/Fail Threshold table
Z axis is the pass/fail result (see note below)
X axis is Lean to Rich response time (msec)
Y axis is Rich to Lean response time (msec)
Note: If the cell contains a "0" then the fault is not indicated, if it contains a "1" a fault is indicated
0.000 0.024 0.036 0.048 0.060 0.072 0.084 0.096 0.108 0.120 0.132 0.144 0.156 0.168 0.180 0.192 1.000
0.000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.036 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.048 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.060 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.072 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
0.084 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
0.096 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
0.108 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
0.120 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
0.132 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
0.144 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
0.156 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
0.168 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
0.180 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
0.192 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
0.204 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
1.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.000 0.020 0.030 0.040 0.050 0.060 0.070 0.080 0.090 0.100 0.110 0.120 0.130 0.140 0.150 0.160 1.000
0.000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
0.050 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
0.100 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
0.149 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
0.159 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
0.170 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
0.180 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
0.189 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
0.199 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
0.210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
0.220 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
0.229 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
0.239 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
0.250 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
0.300 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
0.350 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
0.399 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
P1133 - O2S HC L to R Switches Limit Bank 1 Sensor 1" Pass/Fail Threshold table
Z axis is Limit for L/R HC switches
Y axis is Average flow during the response test (gps)
X axis is estimated Ethanol percentage
Note: The cell contains the minumum switches
P1133 - O2S HC R to L Switches Limit Bank 1 Sensor 1" Pass/Fail Threshold table
Z axis is Limit for R/L HC switches
Y axis is Average flow during the response test (gps)
X axis is estimated Ethanol percentage
Note: The cell contains the minumum switches
P1153 - O2S HC L to R Switches Limit Bank 2 Sensor 1" Pass/Fail Threshold table
Z axis is Limit for L/R HC switches
Y axis is Average flow during the response test (gps)
X axis is estimated Ethanol percentage
Note: The cell contains the minumum switches
P1153 - O2S HC R to L Switches Limit Bank 2 Sensor 1" Pass/Fail Threshold table
Z axis is Limit for R/L HC switches
Y axis is Average flow during the response test (gps)
X axis is estimated Ethanol percentage
Note: The cell contains the minumum switches
The specific diagnostic (from summary table) will not be enabled until the next ignition cycle after the airflow criteria below (by sensor location) has been met:
* B1S1 Airflow greater than 22 gps for 120000 grams of accumulated flow non-continuously.
* B1S2 Airflow greater than 22 gps for 120000 grams of accumulated flow non-continuously.
* B2S1 Airflow greater than 22 gps for 120000 grams of accumulated flow non-continuously.
* B2S2 Airflow greater than 22 gps for 120000 grams of accumulated flow non-continuously.
Note that all other enable criteria must be met on the next ignition cycle for the test to run on that ignition cycle.
Note: This feature is only enabled when the vehicle is new and cannot be enabled in service
P0128: Maximum Accumulated Airflow for IAT and Start-up ECT conditions
Z axis is the accumulated time failure threshold (seconds)
Remove for X axis is ECT Temperature at Power up (° C)
application Y axis is IAT min during test (° C )
s with IAT Range
single Low Hi -40 -28 -16 -4 8 20 32 44 56 68 80
Primary -7.0 ° C 60.0 ° C 1600 1250 700 310 260 230 200 180 150 140 140
Alternate -50.0 ° C -50.0 ° C 1600 1250 700 310 260 230 200 180 150 140 140
P0101, P0106, P0121, P012B, P0236, P1101: IFRD Residual Weighting Factors
TPS Residual Weight Factor based on RPM
RPM 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 4000 4400 4800 5200 5600 6000 6500
1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
MAF Residual Weight Factor based on RPM
RPM 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 4000 4400 4800 5200 5600 6000 6500
1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
MAF Residual Weight Factor Based on MAF Estimate
gm/sec 0.0 50.0 70.0 73.0 76.0 79.0 82.0 85.0 89.0 95.0 100.0 110.0 120.0 150.0 200.0 280.0 350.0
1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
MAP1 Residual Weight Factor based on RPM
RPM 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 4000 4400 4800 5200 5600 6000 6500
1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
MAP2 Residual Weight Factor based on RPM
RPM 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 4000 4400 4800 5200 5600 6000 6500
1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
MAP3 Residual Weight Factor based on RPM
RPM 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 4000 4400 4800 5200 5600 6000 6500
1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
TIAP1 Residual Weight Factor based on RPM
RPM 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 4000 4400 4800 5200 5600 6000 6500
1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
SCIAP1 Residual Weight Factor based on RPM
RPM 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 4000 4400 4800 5200 5600 6000 6500
1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
SCIAP2 Residual Weight Factor based on RPM
RPM 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 4000 4400 4800 5200 5600 6000 6500
1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Boost Residual Weight Factor based on % of Boost
% Boost 0.00 0.06 0.13 0.19 0.25 0.31 0.38 0.44 0.50 0.56 0.63 0.69 0.75 0.81 0.88 0.94 1.00
1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
P0101, P0106, P0121, P0236, P1101: TIAP-MAP Correlation Offset based on RPM
RPM 1000 1750 2500 3250 4000 4750 5500 6250 7000
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0
P0101, P0106, P0121, P0236, P1101: TIAP-MAP Correlation Min Air Flow based on RPM
RPM 1000 1750 2500 3250 4000 4750 5500 6250 7000
15.0 27.0 32.0 32.0 32.0 32.0 32.0 32.0 32.0
P0101, P0106, P0121, P0236, P1101: TIAP-MAP Correlation Min MAP based on RPM
RPM 1000 1750 2500 3250 4000 4750 5500 6250 7000
124.0 126.0 127.0 128.0 129.0 128.0 127.0 127.0 127.0
P0101, P0106, P0121, P0236, P1101: TIAP-Baro Correlation Offset based on RPM
RPM 1000 1750 2500 3250 4000 4750 5500 6250 7000
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
P0101, P0106, P0121, P0236, P1101: TIAP-Baro Correlation Max Air Flow based on RPM
RPM 1000 1750 2500 3250 4000 4750 5500 6250 7000
2.6 3.3 4.5 5.4 7.0 8.8 11.0 12.4 12.4
P0101, P0106, P0121, P0236, P1101: TIAP-Baro Correlation Max MAP based on RPM
RPM 1000 1750 2500 3250 4000 4750 5500 6250 7000
34.1 27.3 26.1 25.4 25.7 24.1 29.5 29.4 29.4
P0171, P0172: The following table defines the Long Fuel Trim cells utilized for FASD diagnosis (cells identified with a "Yes" are enabled, and with a "NO" are disabled)
Long-Term Fuel Trim Cell Usage
D Cell Usage CeFADD_e CeFADD_e_CeFADD_e_CeFADD_e_CeFADD_e_CeFADD_e_CeFADD_e_CeFADD_e_CeFADD_e_CeFADD_e_CeFADD_e_CeFADD_e_CeFADD_e_CeFADD_e_CeFADD_e_CeFADD_e_NonSelectedCell
AvgFlow / Av 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 4000 4200
40 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
80 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
120 15 1 1 2 2 15 1 1 1 1 15 1 1 1 1 15 15
160 15 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 15 15
200 15 2 2 3 3 2 2 1 2 3 3 3 1 2 2 15 15
240 15 4 4 3 3 2 2 3 2 4 3 2 2 2 2 15 15
275 15 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 4 2 2 2 2 15 15
310 15 3 3 3 3 2 5 4 3 4 3 4 3 2 2 15 15
360 15 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 15 15
400 15 15 15 15 15 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 15 15
440 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
480 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
520 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
560 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
640 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
720 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
800 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
AvgFlow / Av 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 4000 4200
40 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25 28 30
80 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25 28 30
120 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25 28 30
160 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25 28 30
200 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25 28 30
240 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25 28 30
275 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25 28 30
310 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25 28 30
360 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25 28 30
400 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25 28 30
440 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25 28 30
480 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25 28 30
520 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25 28 30
560 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25 28 30
AvgFlow / Av 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 4000 4200
40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
120 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
160 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.00
200 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.80 1.00 1.00 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.00
240 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
275 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.80 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.00
310 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
360 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
400 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
440 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
480 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
520 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
560 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
640 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
720 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
800 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
AvgFlow / Av 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 4000 4200
40 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
80 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
120 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
160 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
200 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
240 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
275 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
310 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
360 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
400 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
440 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
480 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
520 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
560 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
640 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
720 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
800 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
AvgFlow / Av 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 4000 4200
40 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
80 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
120 15 2 2 0 0 15 1 1 1 1 15 1 1 0 0 15 15
160 15 2 2 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 15 15
200 15 5 5 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 15 15
240 15 6 6 4 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 15 15
275 15 6 6 4 3 3 3 2 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 15 15
310 15 7 7 4 3 4 2 3 3 3 3 1 1 2 2 15 15
360 15 7 7 4 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 15 15
400 15 15 15 15 15 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 15 15
440 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
480 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
520 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
560 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
AvgFlow / Av 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 4000 4200
40 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25 28 30
80 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25 28 30
120 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25 28 30
160 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25 28 30
200 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25 28 30
240 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25 28 30
275 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25 28 30
310 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25 28 30
360 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25 28 30
400 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25 28 30
440 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25 28 30
480 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25 28 30
520 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25 28 30
560 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25 28 30
640 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25 28 30
720 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25 28 30
800 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25 28 30
t-Up Coolant -40 -29 -18 -6 5 16 28 39 50 61 73 84 95 106 118 129 140
Enable Time 100.0 100.0 100.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0
t-Up Coolant -40 -29 -18 -6 5 16 28 39 50 61 73 84 95 106 118 129 140
amp In Time 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
< 1000
Modeled CaCelcius
> 300
Modeled CaCelcius
PO2S_Bank_1_Snsr_2_FA and PO2S_Bank_2_Snsr_2_FA = False
P0606: Processor Performance Check - ETC software is not executed in proper order
X-axis is task loop time
Data is threshold (seconds)
X-axis CePISR_e_6p25msSeq CePISR_e_12p5msSeq CePISR_e_25msSeq CePISR_e_LORES_C
Data 1 1 1 1
P16F3: Absolute difference of the calculated Intake Manifold Pressure during engine event versus during time event
X-axis is engine torque (Nm)
Data is MAP delta threshold (kPa)
X-axis 1000.00 2000.00 3000.00 4000.00 5000.00 6000.00
Data 256.00 256.00 256.00 256.00 256.00 256.00
P16F3: Table to calculate limit for predicted torque for zero pedal determination.
X-axis is engine oil temp in C deg
Y-axis is engine speed RPM
Data is Torque (Nm)
-40.00 -20.00 -10.00 0.00 50.00 90.00
700.00 4096.00 4096.00 4096.00 4096.00 4096.00 4096.00
900.00 4096.00 4096.00 4096.00 4096.00 4096.00 4096.00
1100.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 60.00 50.00
1400.00 45.00 42.00 38.00 35.00 35.00 35.00
1600.00 32.89 29.44 27.18 25.55 18.09 15.26
1800.00 34.82 31.10 28.67 26.92 19.35 16.51
2000.00 37.64 32.56 30.68 29.85 21.71 18.36
2200.00 40.80 35.20 33.13 32.22 23.24 19.84
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11 OBDG01 HYBRID Diagnostics
Two methods are used for the Knock Sensor Open Circuit Diagnostic:
1) 20 kHz Method: 20 kHz signal is internally injected on one sensor line (Signal) and the output of the differential op-amp is checked to verify the 20 kHz travels through the sensor
2) Normal Noise: The amplitude of the FFT (in the knock frequency range) is checked to verify there is a knock signal within an expected range.
KtKNKD_e_OpenMethod is the cal table used to determine which Open Circuit method is used: '0' = Disabled; '1' = 20 kHz Method; '2' = Normal Noise Method
1. 20 kHz Method:
Engine Speed (RPM): 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500
OpenCktThrshMin: 6.1602 6.1602 6.1602 6.0293 5.9980 6.0215 6.0566 6.0625 5.9902 5.8027 5.4531 4.8984 4.8984 4.8984 4.8984 4.8984 4.8984
Engine Speed (RPM): 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500
OpenCktThrshMax: 18.9473 18.9473 18.9473 18.4883 18.3750 18.4395 18.5195 18.4473 18.0586 17.1875 15.6699 13.3398 13.3398 13.3398 13.3398 13.3398 13.3398
Engine Speed (RPM): 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500
OpenCktThrshMin: 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Engine Speed (RPM): 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500
OpenCktThrshMax: 0.0371 0.0410 0.0488 0.0566 0.0664 0.0762 0.0859 0.0957 0.1094 0.1309 0.1406 0.1504 0.1602 0.1699 0.1797 0.1895 0.2012
Engine Speed (RPM): 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500
OpenTestThreshLo 0.0742 0.0742 0.0742 0.0840 0.1035 0.1328 0.1699 0.2109 0.2578 0.3066 0.3555 0.4023 0.4473 0.4883 0.5234 0.5508 0.5684
Engine Speed (RPM): 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500
OpenTestThreshHi 0.2754 0.2754 0.2754 0.2754 0.3281 0.3789 0.5313 0.7324 0.9883 1.3027 1.6777 2.1191 2.6309 3.2188 3.8828 4.6309 5.4648
P0442: Engine Off Time Before Vehicle Off Maximum as a Function of Estimated Ambient Temperature
Engine Off Time Before Vehicle Off Maximum Table (in seconds) Axis is Estimated Ambient Coolant in Deg C
Axis -10 -4 1 7 13 18 24 29 35 41 46 52 58 63 69 74 80
Curve 44 44 44 44 68 82 105 153 320 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480
P0496: Purge Valve Leak Test Engine Vacuum Test Time (Cold Start) as a Function of Fuel Level
Purge Valve Leak Test Engine Vacuum Test Time (in seconds)
Axis is Fuel Level in %
Axis Curve
0 100
6 100
Rob Genslak
P0300-P0308: Idle SCD dt (decel index (> Idle SCD dt AND > Idle SCD ddt Tables))
400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Load 8 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
9 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
11 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
12 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
13 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
15 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
17 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
19 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
22 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
25 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
29 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
33 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
38 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
42 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
48 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
54 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
60 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
P0300-P0308: Idle SCD ddt
400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
P0300-P0308: Off Idle SCD dt OR (decel index >Off Idle SCD dt AND > Off Idle SCD ddt Tables))
400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Load 8 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
9 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
11 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
12 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
13 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
15 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
17 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
19 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
22 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
25 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
29 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
33 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
38 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
42 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
48 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
54 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
61 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
P0300-P0308: SCD Delta ddt
400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Load 8 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
9 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
11 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
12 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
13 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
15 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
17 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
19 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
22 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
25 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
29 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
33 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
38 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
42 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
48 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
54 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
61 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
Page 1061 of 1087
11 OBDG01 HYBRID Diagnostics
P0300-P0308: Idle Cyl Mode dt OR (decel index (>Idle Cyl Mode dt AND > Idle Cyl Mode ddt Tables))
1250 1300 1350 1375 1400 1425 1450 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000
Load 8 600 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 380 340 300 223 145
9 800 540 540 540 540 540 540 540 310 298 285 212 138
11 750 530 530 530 530 530 530 530 250 248 245 186 127
12 700 530 530 530 530 530 530 530 260 258 255 193 130
13 750 530 530 530 530 530 530 530 285 283 280 208 135
15 800 530 530 530 530 530 530 530 290 288 285 218 150
17 850 530 530 530 530 530 530 530 388 349 310 235 160
19 1100 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 390 353 315 263 210
22 1200 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 363 325 280 235
25 1400 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 450 425 400 320 240
29 1700 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 550 488 425 368 310
33 2300 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 600 525 450 383 315
38 2800 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 650 565 480 398 315
42 3000 925 925 925 925 925 925 925 825 678 530 425 320
48 3400 950 950 950 950 950 950 950 925 738 550 438 325
54 3700 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 850 600 500 400
60 3800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 1300 1150 1000 800 600
P0300-P0308: Idle Cyl Mode ddt
1250 1300 1350 1375 1400 1425 1450 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000
Load 8 1300 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 400 375 350 300 250
9 1250 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 350 325 300 270 240
11 1200 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 300 288 275 248 220
12 1300 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 305 293 280 250 220
13 1400 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 310 298 285 255 225
15 1500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 325 308 290 258 225
17 1600 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 400 375 350 290 230
19 1800 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 430 360 298 235
22 2000 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 520 448 375 308 240
25 2500 625 625 625 625 625 625 625 620 523 425 335 245
29 3500 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 690 570 450 383 315
33 4500 775 775 775 775 775 775 775 750 625 500 410 320
38 5000 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 790 695 600 460 320
42 5500 825 825 825 825 825 825 825 820 760 700 513 325
48 5600 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 825 813 800 565 330
54 5750 875 875 875 875 875 875 875 860 855 850 725 600
60 4000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 1400 1225 1050 850 650
P0300-P0308: Cyl Mode dt OR (decel index > Cyl Mode dt AND > Cyl Mode ddt Tables))
400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000
Load 8 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 2600 2100 1600 800 550 380 300 145 140 120 90 85 70
9 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 2650 2150 1650 750 540 310 285 138 130 100 80 75 60
11 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 2700 2200 1700 700 530 250 245 127 123 95 70 55 50
12 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 2750 2250 1750 750 530 260 255 130 125 98 70 55 50
13 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 2800 2300 1800 800 533 285 280 135 130 100 70 55 50
15 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 2850 2350 1850 850 535 290 285 150 140 105 75 55 50
17 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 3100 2600 2100 1100 575 388 310 160 160 110 80 65 55
19 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 3200 2700 2200 1200 650 390 315 210 180 125 90 70 65
22 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 3400 2900 2400 1400 825 400 325 235 200 140 100 75 75
25 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 3700 3200 2700 1450 850 450 390 240 235 200 125 100 85
29 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 4300 3800 3300 1500 950 550 390 310 270 200 125 120 90
33 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 4800 4300 3800 1600 1000 600 390 315 295 210 125 120 90
38 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 5000 4500 4000 2075 1100 650 390 315 310 210 125 120 120
Page 1062 of 1087
11 OBDG01 HYBRID Diagnostics
P0300-P0308: Rev Mode Table OR (decel index > Rev Mode Table)
1100 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500
Load 8 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
9 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
11 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
12 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
13 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
15 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
17 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
19 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
22 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
25 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
29 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
33 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
38 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
42 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
48 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
54 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
61 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
P0300-P0308: AFM Mode Table OR (decel index > AFM Table if active fuel management)
400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000
Load 0 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
6 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
13 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
19 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
25 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
31 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
38 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
44 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
50 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767
Page 1063 of 1087
11 OBDG01 HYBRID Diagnostics
RoughRoadSource = CeRRDR_e_TOSS
Rough Road Threshold
Engine Speed
600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500
Trans 100 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Speed 200 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
300 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
400 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
500 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
600 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
700 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
800 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
900 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1000 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1100 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1200 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1300 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1400 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Min Multiplier
RPM 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
Multiplier 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85
Max Multiplier
RPM 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
Multiplier 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
Ring Filter
RPM 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
Multiplier 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
Number of Normals
RPM 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
Multiplier 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
HSPRat_DeltaPredictedTable AXIS is Ambient Temp & Fan Speed, Curve is Predicted Delta
Axis 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 100
Curve -40 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00
-20 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00
0 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00
20 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00
40 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00
60 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00
80 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00
100 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00
120 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00
HSPRat_QualityFactorTable AXIS is Ambient Temp & Fan Speed, Curve is Quality Factor
Axis 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 100
Curve -40 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998
-20 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998
0 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998
20 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998
40 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998
60 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998
80 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998
100 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998
120 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998
P0D22: Engine Off Time Before Vehic Charger HV Output Current Deviation as a Function of Desired Current
Axis 0 0.5 1 2 3 4 5
Curve 60 60 60 60 60 20 20
THMR_Insuff_Flow_FA P00B7
THMR_Therm_Control_FA P0597 P0598 P0599
THMR_RCT_Sensor_Ckt_FA P00B3 P00B4
THMR_ECT_Sensor_Ckt_FA P0117 P0118 P0116 P00B6
AAP_SnsrFA aspirated: P2227 P2228 P2229 P2230
ged: P0237 P0238
AAP_SnsrCktFP aspirated: P2228 P2229
ged: P0237 P0238
AAP_SnsrTFTKO aspirated: P2227 P2228 P2229 P2230
ged: P0237 P0238
AAP2_SnsrFA P2227 P2228 P2229 P2230
AAP2_SnsrCktFP P2228 P2229
AAP2_SnsrTFTKO P2227 P2228 P2229 P2230
TC_BoostPresSnsrCktFA P0237 P0238
TC_BoostPresSnsrFA P0236 P0237 P0238
AmbPresSnsrCktFA P2228 P2229
AmbPresSnsrCktFP P2228 P2229
AmbientAirDefault present: P2227 P2228 P2229 P2230
ged or
ged, with
sensor: P112C P112D
aspirated: P0112 P0113
ged or
MnfdTempSensorCktFA sensor: P0097 P0098
ged or
ged, with
sensor: P112C P112D
aspirated: P0112 P0113
ged or
MnfdTempSensorCktFP sensor: P0097 P0098
ged or
ged, with
sensor: P112C P112D
aspirated: P0112 P0113
ged or
MnfdTempSensorTFTKO sensor: P0096 P0097 P0098 P0099
ged or
ged, with
sensor: P112B P112C P112D P112E
aspirated: P0111 P0112 P0113 P0114
ged or
MnfdTempSensorFA sensor: P0096 P0097 P0098 P0099
ged or
ged, with
sensor: P112B P112C P112D P112E
aspirated: P0111 P0112 P0113 P0114
ThrotTempSensorTFTKO sensor: P0096 P0097 P0098 P0099
ged, with
sensor: P112B P112C P112D P112E
ged P0111 P0112 P0113 P0114
ged, with
sensor: P112B P112C P112D P112E
ged P0111 P0112 P0113 P0114
HumTempSnsrCktFA P0097 P0098
HumTempSnsrCktFP P0097 P0098
HumTempSnsrFA P0096 P0097 P0098 P0099
IAT_ContCorrFA P2199
SuperchargerBypassValveFA P2261
CylDeacSystemTFTKO P3400
MAF_SensorPerfFA P0101
MAF_SensorPerfTFTKO P0101
MAP_SensorPerfFA P0106
MAP_SensorPerfTFTKO P0106
SCIAP_SensorPerfFA P012B
ThrottlePositionSnsrPerfFA P0121
ThrottlePositionSnsrPerfTFTKO P0121
TIAP_SensorPerfFA P0236
sorFA OR
MAP_EngineVacuumStatus Pending
EngModeNotRunTmErr P2610
EngineMetalOvertempActive P1258
KS_Ckt_Perf_B1B2_FA P0324 P0325 P0326 P0327 P0328 P0330 P0332 P0333 P06B6 P06B7
CatalystSysEfficiencyLoB1_FA P0420
CatalystSysEfficiencyLoB2_FA P0430
EvapPurgeSolenoidCircuit_FA P0443
EvapFlowDuringNonPurge_FA P0496
EvapVentSolenoidCircuit_FA P0449
EvapSmallLeak_FA P0442
EvapEmissionSystem_FA P0455 P0446
FuelTankPressureSnsrCkt_FA P0452 P0453
VentCircuit_FA P0449 P0498 P0499
ELCPCircuit_FA P1459 P145A
FTP_SensorCircuit_FA P0452 P0453
ELCP_PumpCircuit_FA P2400 P2401 P2402
ELCP_SwitchCircuit_FA P2418 P2419 P2420
VICM_WakeupDiag_FA P06E4
VICM_WakeupDiag_TFTKO P06E4
LostCommBCM_FA U0140
LostCommBusB_VICM_FA U182D
CommBusAOff_VICM_FA U0073
CommBusBOff_VICM_FA U0074
AccCktLo_FA P2537
OAT_EstAmbTemp_FA system P0071 P0072 P0073 P0502 P0503 P0722 P0723
nal fuel
OAT_EstAmbTemp_FA system P0071 P0072 P0073 P0074 P2610
nal fuel
EvapExcessPurgePsbl_FA system P0442 P0443 P0455 P0496
EvapExcessPurgePsbl_FA system P0442 P0455 P0458
nal fuel
EvapReducedPurgePsbl_FA system P0443 P0446 P0449 P0455
EvapReducedPurgePsbl_FA system P0443 P0446 P0449 P0459 P0497 P0499 P2419 P2422
CoolingFanSpeedTooHigh_FA P0495
FanOutputDriver_FA P0480 P0481 P0482 P0691 P0692 P0693 P0694 P0695 P0696
PowertrainRelayFault P1682
PowertrainRelayStateOn_FA P0685
PowertrainRelayStateOn_Error P0685
IgnitionOffTimer_FA P2610
IgnitionOffTimeValid P2610
EngineModeNotRunTimerError P2610
EngineModeNotRunTimer_FA P2610
ModuleOffTime_FA P2610
ControllerProcessorPerf_FA P0606
ControllerRAM_Error_FA P0604
EngineMisfireDetected_TFTKO P0300 P0301 P0302 P0303 P0304 P0305 P0306 P0307 P0308
EngineMisfireDetected_FA P0300 P0301 P0302 P0303 P0304 P0305 P0306 P0307 P0308
ACFailedOnSD Document
ACThrmlRefrigSpdVld Document
ACCMLostComm U016B
Page 1079 of 1087
11 OBDG01 HYBRID Diagnostics
No Active DTCs: DataFault
for at least 30 seconds.
Volume in
Fuel Tank
Transfer Pump is Commanded On < 0.0 liters
Volume in
y Fuel
0.0 liters
Pump on
Time <
t Table
Pump had
been Off
for at
least 0.0
Evap Diagnostic (Purge Valve Leak Test, Large Leak
Long Name Name
Bank B
Brake Brk
Circuit Ckt
Engine Eng
Fault Active FA
Intake Intk
Naturally Aspirated NA
Performance Perf
Position Pstn
Pressure Press
P0B3D P1B79 P0B48 P1B80 U2401 P1B2A P1E7B P1B4B P1BDE
P0B42 P1B7C P0B4D P1B83 P1E90 P1B2B P1E7C P1B4E P1BE1
P0B47 P1B7F P0B52 P1B86 P1E8F P1B2C P1E7D P1B51 P1BE4
P0B4C P1B82 P0B57 P1B89 P1E91 P1B2D P1E7E P1B54 P1BE7
P0B51 P1B85 P0B5C P1B8C P1E8E P1E4C P1E7F P1B57 P1BEA
P0B56 P1B88 P0B61 P1B8F P1E93 P1E4D P1E80 P1B5A P1BED
P0B5B P1B8B P0B66 P1B92 P1E96 P1E4E P1E81 P1B5D P1BF0
P0B60 P1B8E P0B6B P1B95 P1E95 P1E4F P1E82 P1B60 P1BF3
P0B65 P1B91 P0B70 P1B98 P1E97 P1E50 P1E83 P1B63 P1BF6
P0B6A P1B94 P0B75 P1B9B P1E94 P1E51 P1E84 P1B66 P1BF9
P0B6F P1B97 P0B7A P1B9E P1E99 P1E52 P1E86 P1B69 P1BFC
P0B74 P1B9A P0B7F P1BA1 P1E9C P1E53 P1E87 P1B6C P1E01
P0B79 P1B9D P0B84 P1BA4 P1E9B P1E54 P1E88 P1B6F P1E04
P0B7E P1BA0 P0B89 P1BA7 P1E9D P1E56 P1E89 P1B72 P1B76
P0B83 P1BA3 P0B8E P1BAA P1E9A P1E57 P1E8A P1B75 P0B43
P0B88 P1BA6 P0B93 P1BAD P1E9F P1E58 P0B3C P1B78 P1B7D
P0B8D P1BA9 P0B98 P1BB0 P1EA2 P1E59 P0B41 P1B7B U2606
P0B92 P1BAC P0B9D P1BB3 P1EA1 P1E5A P0B46 P1B7E P1B29
P0B97 P1BAF P0BA2 P1BB6 P1EA3 P1E5B P0B4B P1B81 P1E7A
P0B9C P1BB2 P0BA7 P1BB9 P1EA0 P1E5C P0B50 P1B84 P1B48
P0BB0 P1BBE P0BBB P1BC5 P0B3B P1E60 P0B64 P1B90 P1B7A
P0BB5 P1BC1 P1B18 P1BC8 P0B40 P1E61 P0B69 P1B93 U2605
P0BBA P1BC4 P1B1B P1BCB P0B45 P1E62 P0B6E P1B96 P1B28
P1B17 P1BC7 P1B1E P1BCE P0B4A P1E63 P0B73 P1B99 P1E79
P1B1A P1BCA P1B21 P1BD1 P0B4F P1E64 P0B78 P1B9C P1B45
P1B1D P1BCD P1B24 P1BD4 P0B54 P1E65 P0B7D P1B9F P1BD8
P1B20 P1BD0 P1B27 P1BD7 P0B59 P1E66 P0B82 P1BA2 P1B70
Page 1082 of 1087
11 OBDG01 HYBRID Diagnostics
P0ABC P1B17 P1B91 P1BEE P0BB1 P1B89 P1BE6 P1EA2 P1BB7
P0AF8 P1B20 P1B9A P1BF7 P1B18 P1B92 P1BEF P1EA0 P1BC0
P0B3D P1B26 P1BA0 P1BFD P1B1E P1B98 P1BF5 P1EB1 P1BC6
P0B42 P1B46 P1BA3 P1E02 P1B21 P1B9B P1BF8 P1EB5 P1BC9
P0B47 P1B49 P1BA6 P1E05 P1B24 P1B9E P1BFB P0B3B P1BCC
P0B51 P1B4F P1BAC P0B43 P1B47 P1BA4 P1E03 P0B45 P1BD2
P0B56 P1B52 P1BAF P0B48 P1B4A P1BA7 P1E06 P0B4A P1BD5
P0B5B P1B55 P1BB2 P0B4D P1B4D P1BAA U2603 P0B4F P1BD8
P0B60 P1B58 P1BB5 P0B52 P1B50 P1BAD U2604 P0B54 P1BDB
P0B65 P1B5B P1BB8 P0B57 P1B53 P1BB0 U2605 P0B59 P1BDE
P0B6A P1B5E P1BBB P0B5C P1B56 P1BB3 U2606 P0B5E P1BE1
P0B6F P1B61 P1BBE P0B61 P1B59 P1BB6 U2401 P0B63 P1BE4
P0B74 P1B64 P1BC1 P0B66 P1B5C P1BB9 P1E90 P0B68 P1BE7
Page 1083 of 1087
11 OBDG01 HYBRID Diagnostics
P0A9C P0C82 P0CB3 P1EA0
P0A9D P0C83 P0CB4 P1EA1
P0A9E P0C84 P0CB5 P1EA2
P0AC6 P0C89 P0CB8 P1EA3
Page 1084 of 1087
11 OBDG01 HYBRID Diagnostics
This is called the S2 switch. The Control Pilot Charging Switch is used by
the VICM to enable/disable AC power to the vehicle and does so by
Control Pilot Charging Switch
modifying the EVSE generated Control Pilot Signal voltage
The process of raising the OBCM high voltage output terminal voltage to
Charger Contactor State: Precharge
match the high voltage battery voltage.
Aux Micro Logic State Low: expected state when CPDIAG is Not Asserted
(digital logic state at input pin) High: expected state when CPDIAG is Asserted
Main Micro Logic State Low: expected state when CPDIAG is Asserted
(digital logic state at input pin) High: expected state when CPDIAG is Not Asserted
No active cooling means that the battery pack is currently not being
No Active Cooling
thermally managed via cooling.
No active heating means that the battery pack is currently not being
No Active Heating
thermally managed via heating.
Time Required
X: Fail Counts
R: Loop Time
T: Fault Detect Time