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DLP 1 - Math8q3

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DLP No.: Learning Area: Mathematics Grade Level:8 Quarter: Duration:60minutes

Competency/ Describes a Mathematical System. Code: M8GE-IIIa-1
Concepts / Undefined Definitions
ngs to be Terms


Postulate Theorems


Undefined Terms- words/terms that do not have a formal definition.
Definitions- a statement of meaning of a word, a term, or phrase.
Postulate- a statement that is assumed to be true.
Theorem- a statement that can be proved to be true.
 Corollary - a theorem that is easily proved as the consequence of another theorem.
 Lemma - a theorem that is introduced and proved so that a later theorem can be proved
. - It is also known as the “ helping theorem”.
1. Objectives
Knowledge Identify whether the given statement describes undefined term, definition, theorem and postulate.
Skills Explain and describe the parts of a Mathematical System.
Attitudes Be keen enough in identifying the statement as undefined term, definition, theorem and postulate.
Values Show openness in sharing one’s ideas.

2. Content The Mathematical System

3. Learning
Resources/ Worktext in Math 8, page 86
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each
step will consume)

Preparation 1. Routinary Activities:

10 minutes a. Prayer
b. Attendance, Physical Arrangement Check
2. Stimulating Activity:

Think it ! Fill it !

U_D_F_N _D T_R__S 1. Terms that do not have a formal definition like point, line
and plane.(undefined terms)
THE_R _M 2. A statement that can be proved to be true.(theorem)
D_F_N_TIO_S 3. A statement of meaning of a word, term, or
PO_T_LA_E 4. A statement that is assumed to be true.(postulate)
LEM_ _ 5. It is known to be the “Helping Theorem” (lemma)
C_RO_L_RY 6. A theorem that is easily proved as the consequence of
another theorem.(corollary)

Ask: What do you think is the connection among the words?

Presentation 1. Divide the class into 4 and let them do the task assigned to them.
18 minutes (It depends on what they picked among the 4 given task. Allow them to
use any references. )

Task 1: Describe the following terms,

a. point (Represented by a dot. Has no length, width, or thickness;
occupies no space.)
b. line (A straight mark with two arrow heads. Has infinite length but
no width and thicknes.)
c. plane (A flat surface that extends infinitely in all directions.)
Task 2: Explain what have you understood with this postulate.
“ For any two different points, there is exactly one line that
contains both points”. (The Line Postulate)
Task 3: Define parrallelogram.
( Parallelogram is a quadrilateral whose opposite sides are parallel)
Task 4: Give at least one theorem which involves triangle.
2. Select volunteers to present and explain their answers on the board.
3. State and discuss Mathematical system with the aid of the following questions:
a. What are the components of Mathematical System?(Undefined terms, defined
terms, Postulate and theorem)
b. What are the three (3) undefined terms in geometry?(Points, line and Plane)
c. How do defined and undefined terms differ?( Undefined Terms are words/terms
that do not have a formal definition while Definitions are statements of meaning
of a word, a term, or phrase.)
d. How about postulate from theorem? (Postulate is statement that is assumed to
be true while theorem is a statement that can be proved to be true.)
e. What are the two(2) kinds of theorem?
Corollary - a theorem that is easily proved as the consequence of another theorem
Lemma - a theorem that is introduced and proved so that a later theorem can be
proved. It is also known as the “helping theorem”.
4. The teacher will give varied examples of undefined terms, definitions, theorem and
postulates .

10 minutes
Done orally:
Tell whether each statement is True or False.
_______1. Collinear points are points that lie on the same plane.
_______2. An angle lies in a plane.
_______3. Vertical angles are supplementary pairs.
_______4. If two planes intersect, then their intersection is a line.
_______5. If two angles form a linear pair, then they are supplementary.
_______6. Two points determine a line.
_______7. Angle bisector is a ray that divides the angle into two congruent angles.

5. Assessment (indicate whether it is thru Observation and/ or Talking/conferencing to learners and/or

Analysis of Learner’s Products and/or Tests)
Refer to worktext page 86.
Written Test Teachers may give additional numbers if necessary.

Write U if the given statement describes an undefined terms, D if Defined, P if Postulate and
T if Theorem.

__________1. A dot suggest a point. (U)

__________2. An angle is a figure formed by two rays with common endpoints. (D)

__________3. A polygon is a close plane figure formed by connecting three or more segments

at their endpoints. (D)

__________4. The Right Triangle Congruence Theorem states that all right angles are

congruent. (T)

__________5. The Plane Postulates states that any three points lie in at least one plane and

any three non collinear points lie in exactly one plane. (P)

Note: this is just part of the whole page. Please refer to the worktext.

6. Assignment (indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the
day’s lesson or Preparation for a new lesson)

5 minutes Explain and describe the parts of Mathematical System.
7. Wrap-
up/Concludin Close the period by wrapping – up the day’s lesson.
g Activity
2 minutes

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