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The document discusses a thesis on thermal stresses and movements in bridges. It reviews previous studies on relating environmental factors like temperature to bridge temperatures, movements, and stresses.

The thesis presents a state of the art on the thermal behavior of bridges and considerations that need to be given to resultant thermal effects.

The thesis reviews results of studies related to thermal effects on bridges, including studies attempting to relate environmental factors to bridge temperatures and movements.

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Masters Theses Student Theses and Dissertations


Thermal stresses and movements in bridges

Joseph Charles Reynolds

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Department: Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

Recommended Citation
Reynolds, Joseph Charles, "Thermal stresses and movements in bridges" (1972). Masters Theses. 6714.

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Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of the


In Partial Fu1fi11m~nt of the Requirements for the Degree



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This thesis has been prepared in the style utilized for publica-

tions of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Pages 1-46 will be

presented for publication in the Journal of the Structural Division

of the ASCE.



By Joseph Charles Reynolds, A. M. ASCE

A state of the art regarding the thermal behavior of bridges and

considerations to be given to the resultant thermal effects is presented.

The results of studies related to the thermal effects on bridges are

reviewed. Studies attempting to relate environmental factors to bridge

temperatures, and subsequently to bridge movements and stresses, indicate

that the task is extremely complex. Some correlation has been made be-

tween equations predicting bridge temperatures and movements based on

weather bureau records. However, further research is needed to evaluate

the effects of factors other than temperature, such as creep, shrinkage,

and humidity on bridge movements and stresses.

KEY WORDS: bibliographies; bridges (decks); bridges (structures);

composite construction; concrete bridges; strains; stresses; structural
engineering; temperature.


Appreciation is expressed to my thesis advisor, Jack H. Emanuel,

Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, for his encouragement and

assistance during the preparation of this paper.




PUBLICATION THESIS OPTION........................................... ii

ABSTRACT. • . . . • • • . • • • . • • . .. • • . • • • • . . • • • .. . . . . • .. . . . . . • • .. • . • . • . .. . . . • . • . ... iii


THERMAL STRESSES AND MOVEMENTS IN BRIDGES. ••••••••• •••••••• ••••••••• 1

INTRODUCTION. .. . .. .. .. .. .. • • . .. • . .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • . • . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1

AIR TE~ERATURE.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. .. .. 6

BRIDGE TEMPERATURE......................................................................................... 8

THERMAL STRESSES AND HOVEMENTS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 15

CURRENT SPECIFICATIONS......... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • 24

EXPANSION JOINTS..... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 27

JOINT SEALANTS...... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 29

BRII)(;E BEARIN GS.. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. . . .. .. . 32

FUTURE NEEDS................ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • 35

S~RY .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 36

APPENDIX I. -BIBLIOGRAPHY. • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • 38

APPENDIX II. -NOTATION. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 45

VITA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47


By Joseph Charles Reynolds, A. M. ASCE


Uncertainties as to the magnitudes and effects of thermally induced

stresses and/or movements in bridges are of major concern to bridge

design engineers. Thermal effects on bridges are caused by both the

short term daily temperature changes and the more lengthy seasonal tem-

perature changes. There are many factors involved in the longitudinal

deformation of a bridge, but among the major factors to be considered

are the thermally induced movements, along with creep and shrinkage

early in the life of the structure (30)2. Therefore, thermal stresses

and movements should be considered in the design process. However,

due to the lack of a rational design criteria, the design engineer can

not be certain that a structure is both the safest and most economical.

Consequently, many uneconomical structures result due to either the

higher initial costs of over-design or the higher maintenance costs of


A survey by Ekberg and Emanuel (23) was made to determine, among

other things, the problems designers have in dealing with thermal

stresses and movements in bridges. From the replies of 40 state high-

way departments and 96 consulting engineers, it was found that thermal

Graduate Student, Dept. of Civ. Engr., Univ. of Missouri-Rolla,
Rolla, MO.
2Numerals in parentheses refer to corresponding items in Appendix 1.-

effects were considered more frequently for steel bridges than for con-

crete bridges. The design engineers expressed a desire for a rational

method of design for thermal effects. They also indicated an interest

in information about actual movements of different types of bridges and

about actual temperature distributions due to variation and duration

of ambient temperatures.

Current design practice generally is to ignore thermal effects

in both simple span and continuous bridges and assume that movements

at expansion devices relieve any induced stresses. However, non-

uniform temperature distributions throughout the depth of the bridge

may create local stresses of considerable magnitude. There are many

uncertainties as to how to calculate the thermal stresses induced by

a non-linear temperature distribution.

The need for more research in the area of thermal behavior of

bridges was expressed editorially in 1960 (53). Especially emphasized

were four concepts: 1) thermal stresses have caused damage to many

structures due to neglect in design of the thermal effects; 2) adequate

provision for thermal strains could be made in design similarly as

provisions are made for dead and live loads; 3) the primary considera-

tion should always be safety, but a close second is good engineering

to prevent structural damage economically; and 4) rather than always

providing for free movement due to temperature change it might be more

economical to design the structure to resist thermally induced stresses.

Since 1960 much work has been done in the area of thermal strains.

Several bridges have been observed by Zuk (76), each during a one-year

period, to determine some basis for predicting the temperature distri-

bution which would result from a set of given conditions. Daily and

yearly temperature distributions were recorded. Air temperature, wind,

humidity, intensity of solar radiation, and type of material all affect

the temperature distribution. For example, in a composite steel and

concrete bridge, the concrete deck heats up from the top do\vo through

the slab due to solar radiation, while the steel is shaded most of the

day and thus will maintain a temperature approximately equal to the

ambient temperature. Thus, a non-linear temperature distribution is

established and thermal stresses and/or strains result. Seasonal

temperature changes cause bigger movements than daily changes. One

difficulty in the study of thermal effects is that either strain or

stress, or both strain and stress, may result (41). Thermal strain

is present without stress if the material is free to expand. Thermal

stresses are present without strain if the material is completely re-

strained from movement. A combination of strain and stress is usually

present because the materials are never completely free to move or

completely restrained. Complicating the study of thermal strains is

the presence of strain due to creep, shrinkage, humidity, moisture

swelling, and change in vehicular loading.

Expansion devices which do not behave as expected (e.g., frozen

rockers) are uneconomical and can cause damage to the structure. A

knowledge of the magnitudes of thermal movement and stress would permit

the designer to make a more rational selection of the types of bearings,

expansion devices, and joint sealants.

Reducing the number of expansion joints in a structure will de-

crease the amount of joint maintenance required as well as the noise

and roughness experienced by motorists at these joints (54). The


remaining joints will be somewhat larger, so the importance of knowing

what movements to expect is emphasized.

A continuous concrete bridge deck on roller bearings shortens due

to concrete shrinkage» and to thermal contraction due to a drop in

temperature (69)>68). A continuous prestressed-concrete bridge will

also shorten due to elastic shortening and plastic flow induced by

prestressing. Since the deck generally shortens by both ends moving

inward, some point on the bridge deck will not move. This point--

called the stagnation point--is located at the "center of gravity" of

the horizontal stiffnesses of the deck supports. The location of the

stagnation point can be varied to a certain extent by the type of

bearings used. If the stagnation point is known, the movements of

other portions of the deck are defined, and a better idea can be had

of the movements (thermal and otherwise) to be expected at the various

bearings. The horizontal forces» which are transmitted to the piers and

abutments due to the movement of the bridge deck» can then be more

realistically calculated (66).

This paper seeks to acquaint the reader with the state of the art

regarding thermal behavior of bridges and considerations to be given

to the resultant thermal effects. The results of studies related to

the thermal effects on bridges are reviewed and grouped for continuity

and clarity. The relationship of the ambient temperature to the bridge

temperature, and the relationship of both ambient and bridge temperatures

to thermal stresses and movements are discussed. Some of the types

of supporting and expansion devices used to provide for thermal move-

ments are also presented. The current code requirements regarding


thermal effects on bridges of both the United States (AASHO-1969) and

Germany (DIN-1967) are discussed.



The records of air temperature can be an important and useful

tool to the design engineer in estimating the effects of temperature

on a structure. Air temperature as well as other weather data such

as humidity, wind, and amount of sunlight are regularly recorded for

almost all regions of the world. By interpreting the local weather

data, suitable provision can be made in the design to resist or allow

for the movements induced by temperature changes.

There are two basic temperature cycles (9). The daily cycle

usually begins with a low temperature being attained just before sun-

rise. The sun's appearance causes a steady rise in temperature until

the daily peak temperature is reached, usually in mid-afternoon a few

hours before sunset, and then air temperatures drop more rapidly to a

low reached prior to sunrise the next morning. The basic daily temper-

ature cycle may be altered by the presence of clouds shading the area

or releasing some form of precipitation. This can result in a sudden

drop of temperature. New air masses moving into the locality from a

cooler or warmer region may also mask the usual daily temperature

cycle. The yearly temperature cycle results from the changes in posi-

tion and distance of the earth relative to the sun. Both of these

temperature cycles are important to the design engineer. The daily

cycle provides quick temperature variations through the different

parts of the structure while the yearly cycle induces the greatest

overall movements. In an attempt to establish the range of bridge

temperature and movement for which a bridge should be designed, Emerson

(25) used meteorological records showing the absolute and the average

maximum and minimum temperatures in Britain. She found that the

current British standards did not provide temperature ranges appro-

priate to any area of Britain, and that the minimum temperatures listed

were too high. Other British researchers (18,58) have also used

weather bureau records in an attempt to define the response of bridges

to changes in their environment. Berwanger (9) used the records of

Winnipeg International Airport to help select three possible temperature

distributions in a bridge. Steward (54) used the temperatures record-

ed by government weather stations located near bridge sites in calculat-

ing the apparent coefficients of thermal expansion of those bridges.



The bottom elements of a bridge will ordinarily have the same

temperature as that of the air (76). The upper elements and the

exterior beams will vary in temperature depending upon the amount of

solar radiation received, the wind, and the amount and type of pre-

cipitation (9). The top of the slab is warmer than the bottom of the

bridge when the sun shines on the exposed deck. The top will cool

faster than the girders when a rain or snow storm first begins. A

uniform temperature can exist just before sunrise when the air tempera-

ture has remained nearly constant for several hours. Thus, a variety

of temperature distributions are possible throughout the depth of a


Several different temperature distributions have been used by

researchers. Berwanger found that three temperature distributions were

typical of those most likely to occur in a composite concrete-deck

and steel-girder bridge. The bottom of the slab was assumed to be at

the temperature of the steel girder. The first case involved a uniform

temperature throughout the slab. Cases two and three had a non-linear

temperature variation in the slab, one with the top of the slab warmer

than the bottom and one with it cooler. Maher (41) assumed a linear

temperature distribution in the top slab of a box section in his study

of continuous, prestressed-concrete bridges built of hollow concrete

box sections.

This assumption was based on observations of the Medway and

Western Avenue Extension bridges which showed an approximately linear


temperature differential of 26°F and 21°F, respectively, through the

top slab of the box section. The sides and bottom of the box section

were assumed to be at a constant temperature, with only the top slab

of the box section having a linear temperature distribution.

Zuk (72) used various linear thermal gradients in developing an

elastic theory for determining the stresses and strains in a composite

concrete-slab and steel-beam section. Later (76), he broadened his

theory to cover any temperature function in the composite section. Liu

and Zuk (40) worked with four types of prestressed-concrete members:

1) prestressed beam with straight tendons; 2) prestressed beam with

draped tendons; 3) prestressed beam with straight tendons, composite

with a concrete slab; and 4) prestressed beam with draped tendons,

composite with a concrete slab. They extended Zuk's earlier work with

composite members (72) to these four cases of prestressed members, and

showed example problems using four different temperature distributions

for each type of member. The shear and the moment at the interface

between the beam and slab and the force in the tendon were all deter-

mined from the solution of three simultaneous equations.

Mean bridge temperatures as well as temperatures at various points

in a bridge have been recorded by several researchers. Menzies (44)

measured the mean temperature of the Moat Street Flyover in Britain

by lowering a thermometer into a tube partially filled with mercury

which had been embedded vertically to a depth of five inches in the

concrete slab. He related the air temperature to the temperature at

mid-depth of the concrete slab by the following equation:

0.156d8 /dt + 8 = 8 .•....•••.••••••..•.•..•.•.••..•. (1)

c c a

where t = time, in hours; ec = concrete temperature, in °C; and

ea = air temperature, in °C. Wroth (67) used the interior air tempera-

ture, as measured in the center compartment of the spine beam, as a

guide to the concrete temperature in his studies of the thermal move-

ments of the 2054-ft Hammersmith Flyover. Emerson (25) used a mean

bridge temperature and the shaded air temperature in her attempt to

correlate temperature with the movements of three bridges in Southern

England: the Medway Bridge (70% concrete beam and slab, 30% variable

depth concrete box); the Hammersmith Flyover (concrete box spine beam) ;

and the Beachley Viaduct/Wye Bridge (steel box).

Zuk studied the temperatures and strains of two bridges: one a

66-ft composite concrete-deck and steel-stringer bridge, and the other

a 36-ft reinforced-concrete bridge. A 24-point automatic recorder

was used to record the temperatures hourly at various points through-

out the depth and width of each bridge. All strain measurements were

taken under dead load and constant slab moisture conditions in an

attempt to separate the thermal strains from those which might result

from other causes. Temperatures were recorded for a one-year period

for the 66-ft composite bridge (76). Then a one-inch thick coating

of sprayed foam urethane insulation was applied to the middle 20 ft of

the bridge and temperatures were recorded for an additional nine months.

Typical temperature distributions were shown for both cases and the

effect of the insulation was discussed. The purpose of the insulation

was to reduce the number of freeze-thaw cycles experienced by the bridge

deck. This was accomplished by the heat flow up from the insulated

beams into the slab which heated up the slab a few degrees warmer than

it would have been without the insulation. One problem noted was the

possibility of moisture retention by the insulation causing corrosion

at the tension cracks (76). Temperatures were recorded for a one-year

period for the 36-ft reinforced-concrete bridge, and some typical values

including the thermal contours through the beam and slab were presented

(78). As expected, noticable differences were found between the exter-

ior beams exposed to the sun and the shaded interior beams.

Barber (6) developed and tested an equation relating weather factors

to the maximum pavement temperature. The coefficients may be modified

in order to use the equation with different pavements and in different

regions of the country. Zuk (76) developed coefficients for use in

Barber's equation to calculate the maximum bridge surface temperature

for two conditions. For a normal concrete deck in the Middle Atlantic

States the maximum surface temperature in degrees Fahrenheit is:

T = T + O.18L + O.667(O.50T + O.054L) ............•... (2)

m a r

in which T = the maximum surface temperature, in of; T = the average

m a
daily temperature, in of; T
= the daily range in air temperature, in of;
and L = the solar radiation received on a horizontal surface, in
g-cal/cm /day.

The maximum surface temperature of a bitumen covered deck would be:

T T + O.027L + O.65(O.50T + O.08lL) .......•.•..... (3)

m a r

The constants in both equations would vary depending on the local

conditions. The Langleys of solar radiation ilL" may be determined

from U.S. Weather Bureau maps or may be measured with an inexpensive

pyrheliome ter.

An approximate equation for the maximum differential between the

top and bottom temperatures of a composite steel and concrete bridge

was also developed by Zuk (76):

l:lT = T - T - AT ..••.•••.•......•••••.•.••..•••.•... (4)

m mar

where A is the factor indicating the phase lag between the maximum

surface temperature and the maximum ambient temperature. For the

Middle Atlantic States a lag factor of one-fourth was found to be

appropriate for the summer and a value of one-half for the winter.

An equation was also presented showing the temperature distribution

throughout the slab depth. Results obtained from these equations

were compared with the results of field tests conducted on the 66-ft

uninsulated composite bridge. As expected, the maximum surface temper-

ature of a bitumen covered deck was approximately ISoF higher than

the normal grey-white concrete deck for sunny summer afternoons.

Calculated and measured temperatures as well as the maximum temperature

differential between the top and bottom of the bridge checked very

closely. Comparisons of the recorded temperature variations through

the thickness of the slab with the calculated values showed fair agree-

ment. The higher temperatures measured on the bitumen covered pave-

ments should be noted by designers because many concrete bridge decks

will eventually receive a new wearing surface; possibly bituminous.

No relief of stresses should be expected from the possible insulation

value of the bituminous surfacing. In Southern England a thickness of

two inches of bituminous surfacing was required before the insulation

of the surfacing began to match the greater heat absorption of the


darker surface (32). Other tests (23) indicated that a three-inch

layer of bituminous surfacing on a seven-inch pavement slab reduced

the maximum surface temperature of the slab by one-third.

Emerson (25) found that in England the maximum range of mean bridge

temperatures was equal to the range of shade temperatures for concrete

bridges. Steel box-section bridges had a temperature range from 6°F

below the minimum temperature to about 1.5 times the maximum tempera-

ture in degrees Celsius.

During the one-year period of observation of the 66-ft composite

bridge, Zuk (76) measured a high temperature of 123°F on top of the

concrete slab with an air temperature of 97°F, and a low temperature

of -6°F at the bottom of the steel girder with an equal air temperature.

The maximum temperature differential for an interior beam on the 66-ft

uninsu1ated bridge was 37°F. An exterior beam had a 42°F difference.

Temperature differentials for the insulated bridge were up to 25 per-

cent greater than those which occurred before the insulation was applied.

This increase was due to the slower transfer of heat from the air to

the insulated beam.

Naruoka, et a1., (28) conducted temperature tests on a composite

concrete slab and steel girder bridge in Japan. Temperatures of 122°F

were observed at the top surface of the two-inch thick asphalt surfac-

ing with an air temperature of 93°F. The concrete slab reached its

highest temperature about two hours later (4:30 p.m.) with the top

and bottom temperatures being 108°F and 91°F, respectively. Both

temperatures were higher than the air temperatures at the top and

bottom of the slab.


For simply supported structures, when the top of the slab is

warmer than the bottom, the stresses developed will be opposite to

those stresses caused by live and dead loads. However, when the top

of the slab is cooler than the bottom, the stresses induced by the

temperature difference will be additive to those resulting from live

and dead loads.



Uniform temperature changes in a homogeneous and isotropic material

cause axial deformation. A varying temperature distribution through

the bridge produces flexural deformation. In composite bridges the

concrete deck is anchored to the steel girders by shear connectors.

Theoretically, there is no movement between the steel-girder and concrete-

deck at the interface. Thus the differing coefficients of thermal

expansion of the steel and concrete will create additional stresses

as the two materials try to match the movements of each other (9).

Internal thermal stresses are normally affected more by large

temperature differentials than by the large overall temperature changes

between summer and winter which will cause general expansion or con-

traction of the bridge (76).

There are two options available to the designer who is consider-

ing the effects of temperature differentials on a bridge. A sufficient

number and size of expansion joints can be provided to accommodate the

thermal movements, or the structure can be designed to resist the

stresses induced when the materials are restrained from movement. The

first method is commonly used for simple span bridges and the second

is often used for continuous span bridges, but either method can be

used with either type structure. In any case the designer needs to

know what thermal stresses and/or movements will occur. Several types

of bridges have been studied to determine the movements that occur with

varying temperatures.

The Hammersmith Flyover (67) is a precast, prestressed-concrete,

continuous four-lane viaduct, 2054-ft long between abutments, with


16 spans, mostly of 140 ft. The main structural element is a 26-ft

wide continuous hollow-spine beam supported on central columns. Each

column is supported on a pair of roller bearings which provide a lO-

in. movement range. All of the longitudinal expansion movement of the

suspended superstructure occurs at one expansion joint. The designers

provided for l4-in. of movement at the expansion joint--lO.7-in. for

temperature and humidity movements; and 3.3-in. for creep and shrink-

age. In the design, a coefficient of thermal expansion of 6 x 10-6/ oF

and a bridge temperature range of 60°F were used to predict thermal

movement of the concrete. Extensive measurements were made on this

bridge to determine the actual effects of temperature, humidity, and

residual creep and shrinkage. The air temperature inside the box-

section structure was used as an indicator of the concrete temperature.

The movements measured at one of the pier columns closely followed the

temperature changes with no discernible time lag. A linear relation-

ship between these movements and the interior air temperature was

shown in a plot of three days'readings. A 50°F temperature range was

observed in the structure. The thermal movement was 8.2-in., which

corresponds to a coefficient of thermal expansion of 6.7 x 10-6/ oF if

the effects of humidity are neglected.

Black and Adams (13) observed the magnitude of movements of five

bridges in Great Britain--each of different size and type. In each

case, the five-day mean bridge temperature (calculated from the move-

ment at a joint and an assumed coefficient of thermal expansion) and

the mean ambient temperature recorded at the nearest government record-

ing station were quite comparable. Thus the probable range of five-day

mean movements could be calculated from the published five-day


mean ambient temperature. The impetus for this investigation carne from

the trend toward the construction of more bridges with longer spans

(100 to 200 ft) which increased the problems with joints and bearings

due to the greater movements experienced by these bridges. The effec-

tiveness of various joints and bearings in accommodating the thermal

movements was discussed. However, the authors did not, at this stage

in their survey, make any specific recommendations as to the most

suitable joints and bearings to use under specific circumstances.

Berks (8) found that improvements in technology in Britain allow-

ed for more efficient use of materials in bridges, resulting in lighter

weight structures with longer spans. The longer spans lead to propor-

tionately larger movements at the expansion joints. Thermal movement

was found to be the primary one to consider. Annual movement cycles

were 1/2 in. and 3/4 in./IOO ft of span for concrete and steel bridges,


A theoretical study of thermal stresses in a composite steel and

concrete section was published by Zuk (72). An elastic theory was

developed for deternlining the stresses and strains due to various

linear thermal gradient patterns. In the analysis, the beam and slab

were separated to determine the stresses in each, and then recombined

in accordance with boundary and compatibility conditions of no slip

at the interface and equal curvature of the two parts at the interface.

The stresses (both axial and lateral) can be determined in any part

of a composite section comprised of a concrete slab and a steel beam

by the following equations:



xs(y) = F/(2ap) + 3ys (Fa - Q)/(2a p) (5)

f zs(y) = mf xs(y) - c s Es T (y) ••••...•.•...•.•.•.•...•.•.. (6)

where 2a = slab thickness, in in.; c = coefficient of thermal expansion,

in in./in./oF; E = modulus of elasticity, in psi; F = interface shear,
in lb; f = longitudinal slab stress (+f = tension), in psi; f =
xs zs
transverse slab stress, in psi; m = Poisson's ratio; p = slab width,
in in.; Q = interface couple, in in.-lb; T = temperature change, in of;
Ys = distance measured from the mid-thickness of the slab (+ down), in



fxb(y) = -F/A+Yb(-Fd l - Q)/I ...•....•.............•.. (7)

where A = area of beam, in sq in.; d

= distance from centroidal axis
to the top interface, in in.; f
= longitudinal stress in beam, in
psi; I = moment of inertia about centroidal axis of beam, in in. ;

= distance measured from the mid-thickness of the slab (+ down),
in in. Some values calculated with these equations, such as longitudin-

al stresses in the beam of up to 24,000 psi, exceeded the limits of

standard specifications. These theoretical values would, of course, be

modified somewhat by the actions of creep, slip, and local plastic

yielding which are neglected in the theoretical development.

Liu and Zuk (40) extended Zuk's earlier work (72) with composite

sections to prestressed-concrete sections. Interface shears and moments

were calculated using the more complex equations developed for four

different cases of prestressed members. Shears and moments up to


30,000 Ib and 120,000 in.-lb were calculated with a 25°F temperature

differential through the prestressed slab and beam. The calculated

concrete stresses were within allowable levels. However, stresses in

the slab in a direction transverse to the beams varied from 1000 psi in

tension to 800 psi in compression; they could cause cracking in the

slab if only the minimum reinforcement required by AASHO was used in

that direction.

Berwanger (9) developed equations which more fully considered the

factors affecting thermal stresses found in composite reinforced con-

crete-slab and steel-beam bridges. In calculating the induced thermal

stresses, he took into account the temperature differentials through-

out the depth of the bridge and the difference between the coefficients

of thermal expansion of the steel beams and concrete slab, as well as

the different coefficients of thermal expansion of the reinforcing steel

and the concrete slab.

Houk (33) conducted tests on small unreinforced beams to study the

effects of volume changes thermally induced in massive concrete struc-

tures at locations of high restraint. Tensile and compressive strains

were measured at the outer fibers of plain concrete beams. He found

the magnitudes of these thermal stress-strain values to be significant

near test failure. Strains developed by the temperature changes would

approach those measured at failure of the beam in loading. Expansion

joints which do not provide sufficient room for expansion can be

locations of high restraint similar to the conditions studied by Houk.

Steward (54) studied the movements at 231 expansion joints in 80

bridges throughout California during a three-year period. The use of


expansion joints at the abutments was found to be very significant

to the total bridge movement. Increases in the movement per unit

length for structures with expansion joints at the abutments varied

from 31 percent in the valley areas of California to 58 percent in the

mountains (California uses the movement per unit length criteria in

designing for thermal movement of highway bridges). In comparing

actual movements with the design values t it was found that several

concrete structures experienced both greater movements and smaller

temperature ranges than specified in design. The type of expansion

bearing used had no significant effect on the thermal joint movements.

Thermal coefficients of expansion of 5.3 x 10

-6 /oF and 6.5 x 10 -6 /oF

were calculated for concrete and steel t respectivelYt for the struc-

tures with the greatest movements. The values recorded on other

structures would have approached these values if their movements had

not been restricted by joints filled with debris or constructed too

narrow to allow free movement of the structure. The thermal movement

of box girder structures was less than that of other concrete structures

due to the insulating effects of the air trapped inside the box section.

Movements at uniformly spaced expansion joints on long structures were

not necessarily the same. Design values for movement of concrete

structures under various climatic conditions were also given.

Zuk (77) presented a simple empirical formula intended for use as

a design check of thermal stresses in simply supported composite high-

way bridges. Based on a series of field tests on various bridges in

the 50 to 70 ft range t the formula relates the thermal stresses at the

bottom of the girder to the temperature difference between the top and

bottom of the slab and the depth of the bridge as follows:

f = 2500T /h (8)
b s

in which f
= the thermal stress in the bottom flange of the girder
(+ equals tension), in psi; T the temperature difference between
the top and bottom of the slab (top temperature less the bottom temper-

ature), in of; h = total depth of the bridge, in inches.

It was recommended that this equation should be verified for

different regions of the country to determine what variations might

be needed for different geographic areas.

End movements of four bridges were studied by Zuk (79,80), each

for a one-year period, to accumulate data for use in possible correla-

tion of air temperatures and bridge movements. The data showed that

there was a general relationship between ambient temperatures and the

end movements of the bridges, but that other factors such as creep,

shrinkage, restraints caused by abutments and bearings, and loading

all affect bridge movements. A summary of the apparent coefficients

of expansion for the bridges, top and bottom, for both winter and summer

and the yearly extremes was also presented. It was noted that the

values are widely scattered. No specific reason for this was given

but possible variables were listed, such as creep, shrinkage, volume

change due to moisture, and dead and live loads. As a guide for

design, Zuk recommended that the magnitude of end movements be assumed

as double that which would be due to temperature alone.

Three types of investigations were conducted by Wah and Kirksey

(60): theoretical; experimental laboratory model; and field tests


on a newly constructed bridge (De Zavala overpass t San Antonio, Texas).

A series of equations were developed to calculate the thermal effects

on a beam-slab bridge. One set of equations was related to the thermal

expansion of beam-slab bridges, and another set was related to the

flexure of beam-slab bridges.

The equations developed for deflection of the slab and beam were

similar to those for deflection due to lateral loading except that

the thermal loads may vary throughout the thickness of the beam and

slab as well as on the surface. The generalized equations may be used

for any temperature variation. A computer program was developed for

use in the solution of the series of equations.

An 8-ft by 6-ft by 7-in. thick slab model was constructed to

approximate both the mathematical model and the highway bridge slab

to be used in the field tests. However, due to its stiffness, the

resultant deflections were too small, even for large thermal gradients.

The model was abandoned and replaced by an 8-ft by 6-ft by 3-in. thick

concrete slab with two layers of welded steel fabric serving as rein-

forcement--one near the top surface and one near the bottom. The

model was heated by banks of infrared bulbs.

Creep effects were found to have a great influence on the behav-

ior of the heated slab. The slab arched up when the heat was first

applied due to the top heating up more quickly than the bottom of

the slab. However t as time progressed the upward deflection decreased t

and in some cases actually reversed t even though the temperature dif-

ference between the top and the bottom of the slab remained nearly the

same. The creep deflections tended to offset thermal deflections when


the top of the slab was warmer than the bottom. The thermal stresses

calculated from strains measured in the model were quite high but not

necessarily accurate due to the unknown effects of creep.

The De Zavala Overpass is a 46-ft span, simply supported bridge

with 14 pan-type reinforced concrete beams as supporting girders.

During its construction 377 thermocouples and 14 concrete embedment

gages were installed in the bridge. Temperatures were recorded hourly

for two days in August and one 22-hour period during a storm in

December, 1967. Stresses, computed from the measured strains, were

shown for the two days in August. Creep would not be as significant

a factor in these stresses as for the model because lower temperature

differentials existed for the field tests. There was a significant

difference between the measured bridge deflections and the deflections

calculated from the mathematical model. This reportedly was due pri-

marily to the deviation of the bridge from the theoretical model and the

presence of different boundary conditions.

Tensile stresses up to 1500 psi were measured in the concrete at

the top of the slab. These stresses would be offset by the compressive

stresses ordinarily found in the top of the slab due to dead and live

loads. The tensile stresses in the bottom of the slab ranged up to

950 psi. These stresses would be additive with those of dead and live


The results indicated that an attempt to completely explain the

thermal behavior of bridges would require the solution of several

sets of lengthy equations. Creep, if included, would tend to further

increase the complexity of the equations.



The 1969 AASHO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges governs

the design of highway bridges in the United States. Two sections of

the code are especially pertinent to this study (4, p. 25, 56).


Provision shall be made for stresses or movements resulting

from variations in temperature. The rise and fall in temperature
shall be fixed for the locality in which the structure is to be
constructed and shall be figured from an assumed temperature at
the time of erection. Due consideration shall be given to the
lag between air temperature and the interior temperature of massive
concrete members or structures.
The range of temperature shall generally be as follows:

Metal Structures

Moderate climate» from 0 to 120 F.

Cold climate» from -30 to 120 F.

Temperature Temperature
Concrete Structures rise fall

Moderate climate 30 F. 40 F.
Cold climate ......• 35 F. 45 F.


In general» provision for temperature changes shall be made

in all simple spans having a clear length in excess of 40 feet.
In continuous bridges, provision shall be made in the design
to resist thermal stresses induced or means shall be provided for
movement caused by temperature changes.
Expansion not otherwise provided for shall be provided by
means of hinged columns, rockers, sliding plates or other devices.

A minimum amount of reinforcement must be provided in all direc-

tions to resist the formation of temperature and shrinkage cracks. An

allowance of 1-1/4 in. per 100 ft of steel bridge is to be provided for

thermal movements. There is no set provision for movement in concrete

bridges, perhaps because the concrete does not react as quickly to the

heating and cooling effects of weather changes. The larger mass and

higher specific heat of a concrete bridge as compared to a steel

bridge cause it to be less affected by short-term temperature extremes

(27). Temperature variations throughout the depth of the structure

are not mentioned as a condition to be investigated during design.

The German Standards (Novembers 1967) provide for an assumed

bridge erection temperature of 50°F (35). Normal temperature variation

for composite steel and concrete bridges is ± 54°F. This is a reduction

from the 1963 standards which provided for a 58.5°F temperature variance.

A variance of ± 54°F is to be used in calculating the thermal movements

at bearings and expansion joints for reinforced-concrete or prestressed-

concrete bridges. A non-uniform temperature of ± 27°F for steel and

± 9°F for concrete bridges is to be considered in design. A 9°F

reduction is allowed if the dimensions of the concrete members exceed

a thickness of 27.6 in., or are insulated in some manner.

A survey of United States and foreign bridge codes by Zuk (79)

disclosed that only the 1965 (now 1969) AASHO specifications make a

specific statement concerning actual movement (1-1/4 in. per 100 ft

for steel bridges). Others, of course, have provisions which refer

indirectly to the need to consider the effects of temperature.

In another discussion of code provisions for thermal effects,

Zuk (77, p. 10) stated:

Germany's code (DIN 1078, 1958) for temperature effects in composite

construction is as follows:

A. Indeterminate structure: a straight line variation of ± 15°C

shall be assumed between the top of concrete slab and bottom of
steel girder.

B. Statically determinate structures: the thermal effect shall

be allowed for by an additional shrinkage of 10 x 10- 5 • These
stresses shall be combined with live load stresses as follows:
(a) Full live load + half temperature difference.
(b) Full temperature variation and live load reduced by 1% per
meter of span to 40 meters span, then constant 40% reduction.
c. Shearing forces due to temperature difference may be distributed
as a triangular shearing force diagram at the end of the girder
with a length equal to the effective slab width. (In associa-
tion with this shearing force the code also specifies the use
of heavy end anchorages tieing the slab and beam together at
their interface.)

Austria, Sweden, and Japan are the only other countries with a
thermal stress provision in their codes, and these codes are all
essentially based on the German code. The United States has no
direct provision, although Section 1.2.15 of the 1961 AASHO
Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges states: "Provision
shall be made for stresses or movements resulting from variations
in temperature."


Close attention must be paid to the proper design of expansion

joints if they are to allow for the smooth passage of vehicles, while

not restricting the free movement of the bridge. The joints are in-

tended to reduce restraints on the structure which would otherwise be

present due to differences in the deformation of the overall system

of the structure. Koster (35) separated expansion joints into five

categories: 1) simple joints with straight edges to the gap; 2) tooth-

ed joints with interlocking fingers; 3) simple sliding plate joints,

which span and cover the gap; 4) elaborate sliding plate joints which

have additional devices to help span the gap resulting from larger

displacements; and 5) composite expansion joint systems, which have

a deformable section, such as neoprene, spanning the gap. Gortz,

Agnew, and Palmer (30) have developed joints for large (up to 73 in.)

small (under 2 in.), and medium (1/2 to 10 in.) movement ranges.

Berks has developed four joints for various ranges of movement based

on the following design criteria (8, p. 439):

1) Conformity to the ... [standard codes].

2) A life equal to that of the bridge structure.
3) Ease of installation.
4) Ease of access for inspection and maintenance.
S) Watertightness [or provision for directing water and grit away].
6) Ability to resist loading and to transfer loads so that they
are absorbed without overstressing the assembly or causing
damage to the structure of the bridge.
7) No restriction on the movement of the bridge due to temperature
variation, creep or shrinkage.
8) Noise and vibration free surfaces.
9) A high inbuilt safety factor.
10) The incorporation of a seal which is durable, resists puncture
and abrasion and performs adequately at all temperatures.

From a survey of deck expansion joints in Britain, Kerensky (34)

concluded that edge plates at expansion joints must be solidly bedded

and pulled down with considerable force (12 tons/ft run) throughout

their length. The French recommended that the bolts holding down the

sealing devices be prestressed to seven tons per foot of joint (62).

Lally and Milek (39) reported that costs of expansion joints

increase rapidly as they become more complex. For example, using the

cost of a simple armored expansion joint as a base, sliding plate ex-

pansion joints are twice as expensive, while finger expansion joints are

ten times as expensive.

Some design engineers eliminate expansion joints entirely by

anchoring the slab to flexible stub abutments and piers. This has

become generally accepted and is being used for both steel and con-

crete superstructures, with lengthS of 400 ft and greater (23). How-

ever, opinions vary as to how to determine and provide for the stresses

induced and as to whether or not an allowance for such stresses is



The task of today's joint sealants has been compared to that of

last century's roofs on covered bridges (16). Bridge joint sealants

are needed to protect the various structural elements such as bearings,

structural steel, and supporting concrete, from water, grit, and

deicing chemicals.

Joint sealants were examined from a structural approach by

Dreher (22). Rather than merely using the slot as a mold for the joint

sealer, his objective was to form a bridge between the two elements

of the deck. Hinged levers, arched springs, and other more elaborate

devices were considered. All of these types would be in compression,

and thus would not rely on a bond with the sides of the gap to main-

tain a good seal.

Cook (21) found that the properties of high bond strength, ex-

tensibility, and excellent short-term memory possessed by polysulfide

sealants made them very desirable for use. Additional study is re-

quired to determine the effects of work hardening, aging, and weather-

ing on the sealant.

Tons (57) listed five factors which require consideration in

joint sealant design: 1) characteristics of the joint, including

type of pavement material; 2) properties of sealant to be used;

3) properties and condition of the sealant-joint interface; 4) quality

of workmanship; and 5) type of service to which the sealed joint is

to be subjected.

Preformed elastomeric joint seals were found to be the most

effective by Gunderson (31). Movement ratings for various preformed


elastomeric joint seals were given. A specification for evaluating

the quality of elastomeric joint sealers for bridges was proposed

by Kozlov (37).

One recent system is a modular joint sealing system which is

prefabricated at the factory and placed in the deck before the con-

crete is placed (64,65). Movements of up to 18 inches have been

accommodated to date by this system.

Criteria for evaluating the sealing performance capability of

any given material were developed by Watson (62). Such a material

must: 1) be capable of responding to many types of movement; 2) seal

out foreign incompressibles and harsh chemicals; 3) seal out free

water and assist in moving it to the proper channels; 4) be capable

of absorbing various types and ranges of movement within itself without

being extruded from the joint opening; 5) survive the wear and impact

of traffic, maintenance vehicles, and climatic conditions; 6) perform

in temperature extremes; 7) have a long service life, at least equal

to that of the deck surfacing; 8) be accessible for inspection and

maintenance, and provide for adjustments required by changes in deck

length, pavement pressures, or abutment settlements; 9) provide good

riding qualities, skid resistance if wider than eight inches, and

structural support for traffic if gap is wider than four inches.

The sealing system should be equally effective at the juncture of

curb and pavement. Photographs illustrating the problems that result

from poor joint sealing were shown (61,62). Such problems as salt

brine deterioration of the concrete, staining of the concrete, accumu-

lation of incompressible materials in the joints leading to crushing


of the concrete, and corrosion of the reinforcing bars occur regular-

ly at bridges with poor joint sealants.



Fairbanks (28, p. 73) defined a bridge bearing as:

"a seat for a girder or truss that provides the necessary reaction

to prevent vertical movements of the structure through a uniform trans-

fer of load to the foundation."

Bridge bearings should: 1) give adequate support; 2) permit

movement and rotation only in the direction and magnitudes designed

for originally; 3) have a consistent performance with age; and 4) be

either easily replaceable or have a life equal to that of the structure

(13). Four variables affecting the designer's choice of bearings are:

1) cost; 2) loading; 3) available headroom; and 4) resistance to

movement required of the bearing.

Early bearings were simply bronze or cast iron sliding plates

which were generally unsatisfactory due to high initial friction coef-

ficients and the difficulty in maintaining proper lubrication. Roller

bearings and rockers were later developments, but the need to provide

for movement and rotation in both the longi tudinal and transverse

directions led them to become bulky and unwie1ding. Nevin (46) suggest-

ed two solutions to this problem: rubber bearings for structures with

small loads and movements, and the sliding plate technique for

structures with movements greater than those which a rubber bearing

can accommodate. Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), commonly known as

Teflon, has a low friction coefficient and a complete absence of the

stick-slip property which reduced the value of previous sliding plates.

Kerensky (34) found that coefficients of friction of two percent or


less could be expected with Teflon coated plates under suitable con-

ditions. Unlike most materials t Teflon materials experience a reduced

coefficient of friction with an increase in load (24).

Elastomeric bearings can absorb individual vertical t horizontal,

and rotational movements, as well as any combination of the three (52).

They can be designed to resist large vertical loads with little deform-

ation, and yet, be soft enough to allow horizontal thermal movements

(5). These bearings have proven satisfactory and economical for use

with concrete and steel bridges (28). Their low cost, freedom from

maintenance, and low profile has led to their wide use as bridge bear-

ings (20). In a theoretical analysis, Zuk calculated that the dynamic

stresses in a bridge supported on elastomeric bearings would be signi-

ficantly lower (15%) than for conventional rigid bearings (73). The

study indicated that the use of elastomeric bearings might provide an

additional savings over the cost difference between them and metal

bearings, in that less increase in design strength of the structure need

be made for impact. McKeel and Kinnier (43) found from field tests

that little advantage of reduced stresses would be gained from the use

of elastomeric bearings under normal loading conditions and compared

these results with both the theoretical study of Zuk (73) and the ex-

perimental model study of Emanuel and Ekberg (24).

Pare (49, p. 39) reported that: "neoprene bearings have performed

extremely well over the past ten years [1957-1967] and all installations

built during this period appear to be continuing their load carrying

function with little or no deterioration. Elastomer bearings can be

designed for any degree of vertical or horizontal restraint desired.


The flexibility of design and material is unique in the opportunity it

affords the designer in controlling the load distribution to the sub-

structure. "


There is a great need for a simple, rational approach to the

problem of determining the effects of environmental changes on a struc-

ture. Additional studies seeking to relate air temperatures with

bridge temperatures are needed. Further research is needed to deter-

mine actual bridge temperature distributions in order to predict the

thermal stresses more reliably. The relative magnitudes of stresses

caused by factors other than temperature, such as creep, shrinkage

and humidity needs to be examined.

The magnitude of stresses induced in a bridge whose superstructure

is tied to flexible stub abutments and piers should be determined so

they can be included in the design. Continuing field observations

will allow the design engineer to evaluate both the benefits and

liabilities of using flexible substructures to replace more conventional

expansion and bearing devices. There is some hesitancy among bridge

design engineers to utilize elastomeric bearing pads due to the lack

of long-term testing. The ten-year study reported herein regarding

the successful use of elastomeric bearings would be a good base upon

which to add further reports of the behavior of such bearings.



There is a continuous need for the development of semi-empirical

formulas suitable for use by design engineers in dealing with thermal

effects on bridges. Previous investigations have sought to somehow

relate environmental conditions to bridge temperatures and thus to

stresses and movements. Bridge movements have been related to air

temperature data published by the weather bureau. Relatively good

results have been obtained in predicting maximum surface temperatures

of the bridge deck and maximum temperature differentials between the

top and bottom of the bridge based on weather data. Test results and

the equations presented indicated that surface temperatures of asphalt-

surfaced bridge decks would be as much as l5°F warmer than normal

grey-white concrete decks when exposed to the summer sun. While

temperature differentials through the bridge depth as great as 42°F

were measured» in general, temperature differentials in the range of

20 to 30°F can be expected.

It is difficult to separate stresses thermally induced in a material

from those stresses caused by creep, shrinkage» and plastic yielding.

Interface slip in composite members also alters theoretical stress

patterns. The large number of variables involved make any attempt to

compare results between different bridges very difficult.

Studies of air temperatures and other environmental factors as

they affect bridge temperatures indicate that the task of predicting

the actual temperature distribution in a bridge is extremely complex.

A uniform temperature distribution» used by some researchers, will


occur only under special conditions, such as during the winter when

clouds screen the bridge deck from the sun's effects. The use of a

mean bridge temperature neglects the bending stresses developed when

the warmer parts of the bridge expand more than the cooler parts. A

more accurate view of the stress levels in a bridge is found by using

a non-linear temperature distribution through the bridge depth. Com-

posite steel and concrete bridges usually have a non-uniform tempera-

ture distribution through the concrete slab, while the steel beam is

at the temperature of the bottom of the slab. A linear temperature

distribution through the top slab is often assumed for concrete box

sections; the sides and bottom of the box have been found to have

approximately constant temperature.

The cost of expansion devices rises rapidly as they become more

complex. Use of flexible stub abutments and piers eliminates these costs.

Also it removes the possibility that failure of the expansive devices

to work properly will cause damage to the structure.



1. Aldridge, W. W., Sestak, J. J., Jr., and Fears, F. K., "Tests on

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No. 34, 1963, pp. 90-116.

21. Cook, J. P., "A Study of Polysulfide Sealants for Joints in

Bridges," Highway Research Record, No. 80, 1965, pp. 11-35.

22. Dreher, D., "A Structural Approach to Sealing Joints in Concrete,"

Highway Research Record, No. 80, 1965, pp. 57-73.

23. Ekberg, C. E., Jr., and Emanuel, J. H., "Current Design Practice
for Bridge Bearing and Expansion Devices," Final Report, Project
547-S, Iowa State University, Engineering Research Institute,
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pp. 76-78, 81, 83.

31. Gunderson, B. J., "Bridge Expansion Joint Sealants," Highway

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Part 2, July, 1960, PP. 1-26.

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34. Kerensky, O. A., "Latest Developments in Highway Bridge Design

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35. Koster, W., Expansion Joints in Bridges and Concrete Roads,

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36. Kozlov, G. S., "Preformed Elastomeric Bridge Joint Sealers,"

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Highway Research Record, No. 354, 1971, pp. 13-26.

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The following symbols are used in this paper:

A = area of beam, sq in.;

2a = slab thickness, in in.;

c = coefficient of thermal expansion, in in./in./oF;

= distance from centroidal axis to the top interface, in in.;
E = modulus of elasticity, in psi;
F = interface shear, in lb;

= thermal stress in bottom flange of the girder, in psi;
longitudinal stress in beam (+f = tension), in psi;
xs = longitudinal stress in slab, in psi;
zs = transverse stress in slab, in psi;
h total depth of bridge, in in. ;
I moment of inertia, in in. ;

L = solar radiation received on a horizontal surface, in

g-cal./cm /day;

m = Poisson's ratio;
p = slab width, in in. ;

Q = interface couple, in in.-lb;

T temperature change, in of;

a = average daily temperature, in of;
T = maximum surface temperature, in of;
T = daily range in temperature, in <IF;
T = temperature difference between the top and bottom of the slab
(top temperature less the bottom temperature), in of;

t time, in hours;

Y distance measured from centroidal axis of beam (+ up), in in.;

Ys = distance measured from the mid-thickness the slab (+ down),

in in.;

ea = air temperature, in °c;

ec concrete temperature, in °C; and

A = lag factor.


Joseph Charles Reynolds was born on September 23, 1948, in

St. Louis, Missouri. He received his primary and secondary education

in University City, Missouri. He has received his college education

from the University of Missouri-Rolla, in Rolla, Missouri. He re-

ceived a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from the

University of Missouri-Rolla, in May, 1970.

He has been enrolled in the Graduate School of the University of

Missouri-Rolla since February, 1970. He held a Graduate Teaching

Assistantship in the Civil Engineering Department of the University

of Missouri-Rolla for the period September, 1970 to May, 1971. He

served three months as an officer in the Army Corps of Engineers at

Fort Belvoir, Virginia in the fall of 1971. He is an Engineer-in-

Training in the State of Missouri, a member of Chi Epsilon, and an

Associate Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers.

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