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1 pwd

2 mkdir .ssh

3 cd .ssh/

4 cd ..

5 chmod 700 .ssh

6 chmod 700 .ssh/

7 cd .ssh/

8 scp -p authorized_keys

9 ll

10 history
Install python pip and then run pip install ansible

Host Key Checking

Ansible 1.2.1 and later have host key checking enabled by default.

If a host is reinstalled and has a different key in ‘known_hosts’, this will result in an error message
until corrected. If a host is not initially in ‘known_hosts’ this will result in prompting for confirmation of
the key, which results in an interactive experience if using Ansible, from say, cron. You might not want

If you understand the implications and wish to disable this behavior, you can do so by
editing /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg or ~/.ansible.cfg:

host_key_checking = False

To install pip and wheel for the system Python, there are two options:

1. Enable the EPEL repository using these instructions. On EPEL 6 and EPEL7,
you can install pip like so:
2. sudo yum install python-pip

On EPEL 7 (but not EPEL 6), you can install wheel like so:

sudo yum install python-wheel

Since EPEL only offers extra, non-conflicting packages, EPEL does not offer
setuptools, since it’s in the core repository.

3. Enable the PyPA Copr Repo using these instructions [1]. You can install pip
and wheel like so:
4. sudo yum install python-pip python-wheel

To additionally upgrade setuptools, run:

sudo yum upgrade python-setuptools

name=Copr repo for pypa owned by pypa
How to create password less authentication

ssh ansible@ mkdir -p .ssh

cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh ansible@ 'cat >>


ssh ansible@ "chmod 700 .ssh; chmod 640


ssh ansibleadmin@

ssh-copy-id ansibleuser@remotehost

when doing ssh into ubuntu then all files and folders should be owned by ansibleadmin within home

Make entry in

[ansibleadmin@server ~]$ cat /etc/ansible/hosts



To copy a file from host to ec2 guest

$ scp -i ansiblessh.pem ansiblessh.pem ec2-user@
This will copy the files to devel nodes

Running the above did not preserve the permission so will run with - -become

Now, changing the permission of the file.

To delete a file

Normally the ansible.cfg is located at /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg

For my system it is

This will copy a file from control node to the hosts

Modules in Ansible
Installing latest tree package through yum
Command to ensure a service is running

[ansibleadmin@server ~]$ ansible -m service -a "name=httpd state=started" --become


Command to enable the service at boot:-

[ansibleadmin@server ~]$ ansible -m service -a "name=httpd enabled=yes" --become -

Running through shell will change the content again and again which reflects with the changed=1

Same with the copy module

Installing and enabling multiple services at once:

Installing apache with firewalld stopped
Firewalld Rules
- firewalld: service=https permanent=true state=enabled
- firewalld: port=8081/tcp permanent=true state=disabled
- firewalld: port=161-162/udp permanent=true state=enabled
- firewalld: zone=dmz service=http permanent=true state=enabled
- firewalld: rich_rule='rule service name="ftp" audit limit value="1/m" accept'
permanent=true state=enabled
- firewalld: source='' zone=internal state=enabled
- firewalld: zone=trusted interface=eth2 permanent=true state=enabled
- firewalld: masquerade=yes state=enabled permanent=true zone=dmz

The default location for the host inventory file is /etc/ansible/hosts. The ansible*
commands will use a different host inventory file when they are used with the --inventory
PATHNAME option, -i PATHNAME for short.

Ansible host inventories can include groups of host groups. This is accomplished with the
:children suffix. The following example creates a new group, called nwcapitols, that
includes all of the hosts from the olympia and salem groups.




Ranges match all the values between START and END, inclusive. Consider the following examples:
• 192.168.[4:7].[0:255] - all IP addresses in the network (
• server[01:20].example.com - all hosts named server01.example.com through

Managed hosts
Managed hosts do not need to have any special Ansible agent installed. They do need to have
Python 2, version 2.4 or later installed. If the version of Python installed on the managed host is
earlier than Python 2.5, then it must also have the python-simplejson package installed.

At times, it is desirable to use Ansible to manage systems that can not have Python
installed. Systems in this category, such as network routers, can be managed using
Ansible's raw module. Arguments passed to this module are run directly through the
configured remote shell instead of going through the module subsystem. However, in
most other cases the raw module should be avoided.
Another method of accomplishing the same thing as the all host pattern is to use the '*'
wildcard character, which matches any string. The following example shows how the '*' host
pattern can be used to reference all hosts defined in an inventory.
[student@controlnode ~]$ ansible '*' --list-hosts
hosts (6):

In contrast, when used in conjunction with the '&' character to separate groups in a host pattern,
the ':&' characters denote the intersections of two groups in the inventory. The following
example shows the use of a host pattern referencing hosts that are members of both the lab
and datacenter1 groups.

[student@controlnode ~]$ ansible 'lab:&datacenter1' -i myinventory --list-hosts

hosts (1):

listing hosts with exclusion using !

Another example

ansible all -m ping -u bruce -b --become-user batman

Any host that is member of a child group is automatically a member of the parent group.
• A child group’s variables will have higher precedence (override) a parent group’s variables.
• Groups can have multiple parents and children, but not circular relationships.
• Hosts can also be in multiple groups, but there will only be one instance of a host, merging the data from the
multiple groups.
Default source path can be:-



Handlers :- How to use Handlers as below
Yaml is a set of key value pairs

To reboot the hosts

[ansible@master ansible]$ ansible all -a "ls -la /home/ansible"

[ansible@master ansible]$ ansible databases -b -a "less /var/log/messages"

[ansible@master ansible]$ ansible all -s -a "ls -l /root"

-m stands for module
[ansible@master ansible]$ ansible databases -b -m yum -a "name=elinks state=latest"

[ansible@master ansible]$ ansible databases -b -m yum -a "name=elinks state=absent"

[ansible@master ansible]$ ansible centos --list-hosts

Suppose you have created your own file example myhosts then you can use -i switch to provide
the filename

[ansible@master ansible]$ ansible devel -i myhosts -a "df -h"

-m we have to put before the command starts

[ansible@master ansible]$ ansible -i myhosts devel -b -m yum -a "name=elinks

[ansible@master ansible]$ ansible devel -i myhosts -a "ls -l {{ folder }}"

localhost | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
total 0
drwxrwxr-x. 2 ansible ansible 6 Jan 10 06:51 dir1
drwxrwxr-x. 2 ansible ansible 6 Jan 10 06:51 dir2

[ansible@master ansible]$ cat myhosts

localhost folder=/home/ansible

FORK controls how many hosts will run the adhoc command together if we have multiple hosts in
the hosts file:-
[ansible@master ansible]$ ansible all -a "ls -l" -f 100 | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
total 0

localhost | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>

total 0
drwxrwxr-x. 2 ansible ansible 6 Jan 10 06:51 dir1
drwxrwxr-x. 2 ansible ansible 6 Jan 10 06:51 dir2 | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>

total 0

[ansible@master ansible]$ ansible databases -b -a "touch testfile" --become-user


The above will create testfile in test users home directory

[ansible@master ansible]$ ansible databases -b -a "touch testfile1"

The above will create testfile1 in ansibles home directory

[ansible@master ansible]$ ansible databases -m copy -a "src=/etc/ansible/testfile9


[ansible@master ansible]$ ansible databases -b -m file -a "dest=/home/test/file123

mode=777" --become-user test

[ansible@master ansible]$ ansible databases -m file -a "dest=./file15 mode=600"

Static Inventories

[ansible@master static-hosts-example]$ ansible -i myhosts aws -a "ls -l /var/log/"

[ansible@master static-hosts-example]$ ansible-playbook -i myhosts test-


[ansible@master static-hosts-example]$ ansible -i myhosts all -a "hostname"

[ansible@master static-hosts-example]$ ansible -i myhosts aws -a "hostname"

Also uses paramiko for connectivity

How to install ansible from source

mkdir ansibletemp
cd ansibletemp/
yum install git
git clone git://github.com/ansible/ansible.git --recursive
cd ansible/
cd bin/
./ansible (wont run as ansible needs to be compiled)
yum install gcc glibc (C compiler is needed)
cd ..
make install
which ansible
ansible --version
WEB-DB Playbook

- hosts: appserver
become: yes
- name: Ensure apache is installed
name: httpd
state: present

- name: Copying files

src: /etc/ansible/files/
dest: /var/www/html mode0666

- name: Ensure Apache is running

name: httpd
state: started

- hosts: dbserver
become: yes
- name: Ensure MYSQL server is installed
name: mysql-server
state: present

- name: Ensure MySQL-python is installed

name: MySQL-python
state: present

- name: start MYsql

name: mysqld
state: started

- name: Create Database

name: accounts
state: present

- name: Create user Named mint

name: mint
password: admin123
priv: '*.*:ALL'
state: present

Using variables with variable file


$ cat ansible.cfg
host_key_checking = False

Installing Wordpress
To open


How to pass extra variables to ansible playbook

ansible-playbook release.yml --extra-vars "version=1.23.45 other_variable=foo"



The playbook to install the Jenkins server on the CentOS VM is given below:


- name: Install Jenkins software

hosts: jenkins

gather_facts: true

become: yes

become_method: sudo

tags: [jenkins]


- name: Update the software package repository


name: ‘*’

update_cache: yes

- name: Install dependencies


name: “{{ item }}”

state: latest


- java-1.8.0-openjdk

- git

- texlive-latex

- wget

- name: Download jenkins repo

command: wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo http://pkg.jenkins-ci.org/redhat/jenkins.

- name: Import Jenkins CI key


key: http://pkg.jenkins-ci.org/redhat/jenkins-ci.org.key

state: present

- name: Install Jenkins


name: “{{ item }}”

state: latest


- jenkins

- name: Allow port 8080

shell: iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 8080 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

- name: Start the server


name: jenkins

state: started

- wait_for:

port: 8080
The playbook first updates the Yum repository and installs the Java OpenJDK software
dependency required for Jenkins. The Git and Tex Live LaTeX packages are required to
build our project github.com/shakthimaan/di-git-ally-managing-love-letters. We then
download the Jenkins repository file and import the repository GPG key. The Jenkins
server is then installed, port 8080 is allowed through the firewall, and the script waits for
the server to listen on port 8080. The above playbook can be invoked using the following

$ ansible-playbook -i inventory/kvm/inventory playbooks/configuration/jenkins.yml -vv

 With the Command module the command will be executed without being proceeded through a shell. As a consequence
variables like $HOME are not available. And also stream operations like <, >, | and & will not work.
 The Shell module runs a command through a shell, by default /bin/sh. This can be changed with the option executable
and redirection are here therefor available.
 The command module is more secure, because it will not be affected by the user’s environment.


--check for dry run

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