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SURVEY ON ANTI-DRUG ACTION COUNCIL (ADAC) FUNCTIONALITY AND EFFECTIVENESS Integrative Competitibe Intelligence (ICI) Asia, Philippines Questionnaire No. ‘Time Interview Ended (hh:mm:ss) Year 2019 PART INTRODUCTION AND CONSENT: Hello! My name s__trom Cl ASIA, We are commisioned by the Dangerous Drug Board (DDB) to study on Ant-Drug Action Councils in select ‘municipalities in te country. Your barangay and municipality Was selected and endorsed by Dangerous Drug Goard as one of aur respondents We are conducting a survey fo know the status ot BADACS including the programs, issues and challenges thst your BADAC implement or expereince. to start tne survey we woule nist keto ax some questions aout your #arangay Alot tne answers yOu gve ate conngental and wil be ‘consolidated with the answers trom other barangays ang wil be anlayzed collectively. You do not nave to partiipate inthe Survey you Teel luncomtortable. It ask any question you do not wart to answer, JUst let me Know and wil go tothe next question. However, we Nope for your parnicpation ana cooperation in te survey ince Your views are important. [At this time, is there anything you want to ask about the survey? If none, may {begin the interview now? RESPONDENT AGREES TO BE INTERVIEWED 15 GOTO SCREENING QUESTION RESPONDENT DOES NOT AGREE TO BF INTERVIEWED 2+ END AND Go TO REPLACEMENT ‘SCREENING OF OF RESPONDENT: (000 Does the Barangay currently have Barangay Antiiegal Drug Acton Council (BADAC) PUTA CHECK (yj INSIDE THE APPRORIATE BOX vs [7] No. — ASK PARTI2. PAGE 14 IDENTIFICATION OF RESPONDENT WRITE CODE HERE Ecion: SEE covine manuay) 4) /PROVINCE/OISTRICT TANS AOINAN oistuct quae a Municiaury ferry BUCALLON BARANGAY, PANTAL INCOME CLAS (iste 12nd 2; 33 ath Sth=5) LURBAN=1; RURAL [NAME OF RESPONDENT/s Designation in the Barangay: (SEE CODING MANUAL) No. of Months in the Position: Postion in the BADACYSEE CODING MANUAL) No. of Months in the Position: AGE (in last birthday) Sec 1 FINAL INTERVIEW. DATE pay MONTH INTERVIEWERS NAME INTERVIEWER No, RESULT: FINAL RESULT RESULTS CODE: 5 =the: 2= Postponed 6 = Terminated and Replaced ‘SURVEY SUPERVISOR DATA ENTRYPAL I Sec}. 1GU's DEMOGRAPHIC, NOMIC PROFILE (GENERAL DIRECTIONS KINDLY ASK ALL QUESTIONS AND RECORD ALL ANSWERS BASED ON THE RESPONSES OF RESPONDENT. FOR QUESTION WITH PRE-DETERMINED ANSWERS, ENCIRCLE THE CODE/S OF ANSWERS. FOR OPEN-ENDED QUESTIONS, SPECIFY AND WRITE THE ANSWER/S IN SPACE PROVIDED. DO NOT LEAVE ANY QUESTIONS UNANSWERED. WRITE (N/A) IN SPACE/BOX IF QUESTION IS NOT APPLICABLE AND USE THE SKIPS TO PROCEED TO NEXT QUESTION. ‘QUESTIONS AND FILTERS [ANSWERS and CODES {ENCIRCLE CODE OF ANSWER) What isthe approximate total Land Area of the Barangay? (nectar re) [214-0663 What isthe latest TOTAL population of the Barangay? ‘What is its MALE and FEMALE population? WRITE THE NUMBER OF POPULATION AND REFERENCE YEAR WY SPACE PROVIDED) TOTAL POPULATION MALE POPULATION: female porutation: E [OTe] (NUMBER) (YEAR) How far isthe barangay from the town center? INONCATE ESTIMATED DISTANCE IN RLOMETER DISTANCE: (KM) 5 05 | How much s the 2019 total Budget of the Barangay? Pho [2,443,744. 20 05 | How much isthe 2018 Local Income ofthe Barangay? oe (dog. a] or ‘What are the major industries inthe BARANGAY? This is @ Multiple response item: (ENCIRCLE THE APPLICABLE CODES AND RANK THEM ACCORDING TO MOST COMMON/PREDOMINANCE, WITH 1 AS THE HIGHEST) AGRICULTURE & POULTRY AQUACULTURE & FISHERY GARMENTS & TEXTILE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (8POs) ‘CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISES / BUSINESS (eg retails OTHERS. Spefiey 0 NOT Kt HILL RTE Now os What are the major income source /livelihood of the people This isa Multiple response item: (ENCIRCLE THE APPLICABLE CODES AND RANK THEM ACCORDING TO MOST COMMON/PREDOMINANCE, WITH 1 AS THE HIGHEST ) FARMING LUVESTOCK AND POULTRY FISHING (DEEPSEA/COASTAL) ENTERPISE / BUSINESS MANUFACTURING / PROCESSING INDUSTRIAL EMPLOYMENT PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT ‘OFW REMITTANCE SOCIAL SERVICES MINING CONSTRU ‘TOURISM OTHERS. Spefiey: 0 BONOT KNOW. wsnnn oe 9B & ICTION Sort | TTT LTIAAE oes the Barangay have the following plans? If so what isthe most latest year? TYPE OF Brgy Dev't. Pian (BDP) Brey . Disaster Mgt Plan Bray. GAD Plan Annual Investment Plan Community-Orug Rehab Plan Community-Refromation Pian 1 OTHERS: Page 2 (@. 14 TYPE OF SERVICE (9.15, FUND SOURCE 4 = EDUCATION /TRAINING ON ILLEGAL DRUS 1= MUNICIPAL PLANS YES NO YEARFORMUATED iN Q.16, ACCESS AND PROXIMITY OF PERSONNEL "MUNICIPAL /CITY CLINICSICENTERSPART Il Sec 1-2: BARANGAY's FACILITY AND SOCIAL SERVICE PERSONNEL KINDLY ASK ALL QUESTIONS and DO NOT LEAVE ANY BLANK ITEMS, ENCIRCLE or WRITE THE CORRECT CODE IN DESIGNATED BOXES, Now | would like to ask you on the availability of and access to various social service personnel in the Barangay ime] 1YPE UF SERVICE PERSONNEL TVALABIETY] NOMGER] SUPPORTING | SeniCE Ree nu ‘orsiat | Orsiate | SIA ‘oven’ | FUND SOURCE lu rerunt wrvesincig| wvesincig | mvESmoa) | AYES [NOm(TO LIST OF SERVICE PERSONNEL AND STAFF | Istheea | Howmany | Doesthe | Whattype ot | Whogves | there (stare) | (starr) | (STAFF) | service’ forthe ‘snone, READ EACHPOSITION/PERSONNELAND CIRCLE | inthe | does the | providing | often given’ | Salaryorof | where do CORRECT CODE IN COLUMN (1) Barangay? | Barangay | servceto | provdedty | allowance | the people have? | programs on | (STAFF)? | of STAFF) | access [AF EAC ADRING LULUMN (1) FUR REALM DIA ant-itegat une serves ASK (1). (18) FOR THOSE CODED YES IN (10) rugs? of (STAFF)? ASK. (1) FOR ALL THOSE CODED NON (10) WRITE THE Mutiple | use coves BeLoW NuMBER Response. | IF SHARED, WRITE eworrc.e | msoe re | encircue | usecooes | AGENCY CODE | see coves cove | box cove | beLoW | “nexraoxes | eeLow. 1 (10) {iy (12) 3) 4) (i5)__|_(18) YES NO YES NO ‘2 | Medical Doctor - Psychiatrist 1 1 2 Z abn? 3 | Medical Doctor - General Practitioner 1 @ ane L 7 cons © [Nurse EO) ie T @. | Midwite 7 1 2 RN i © |Health Workers DO. 2\[7e]|% 2 [e S © | Rutrtion Worker NutrionT ®.2l 1°? la aie Day Care Workers 2 D2 ei as &o2 (C1) © ? aT WE G3. | Barangay Statistics and Population Officer a IT 7 ® 2 F =LI CD | Barangay Police / Tanods [ay 13 Dae (i Fi |, | Police Officer 1.@ aS ji i | Social Workers 1,@ aire 7 T | Guidance Counselors / Theraplets 1. ee i @ | Religious Leaders (Priest / Pastor) ©.?lfe | © 2 Ie a | Paralegals 1 © ra i 0 | Lawyer 1 ® 1 2 7 TIGK HERE IF CONTINUATION SHEET USED DUC GN SANITATION & HYGIENE T= DONT RNOW @5 = DONT KNOW. \CCOMPANY TO PNP and OTHER ‘AGENCIES 90 = OTHERS: 9 =DONT KNOW Page 3 PART Il: Sec 1.2: BARANGAY's FACILITY AND SERVICE PERSONNEL, KINDLY ASK ALL QUESTIONS and DO NOT LEAVE ANY BLANK ITEMS. ENCIRCLE or WRITE THE CORRECT CODE IN DESIGNATED BOXES,FOR NON-APPLICAPLE QUESTIONS, WRITE (N/A) INSIDE THE BOX AND FOLLOW THE SKIPS TO PROCEED WITH NEXT QUESTIONS. Now we will ask ofthe avalablit ofthe vaious sevice faci area in the baranaav. ‘TYPE OF FACILITY AVAILABLE AVALBLTY | NO.ot YEAR FUND SOURCE, [ACCESSIBILITY INTHE BARANGAY oFFacuTY | FACILITY ESTABLISHED ACCESS PROXIMITY mvesinct | mvesincty | vesints) | woes) | nom Does the Bray | How many | When was Who funds | IF there is Where is READ EACH FACILITY AND ENCIRCLE THE | have the (FACILITY) | the first ‘the operation ‘none , where this ABPROPIATE CODE IN COLUMN (18) (Menton the | isiaethere | ACLTY cftre | dothe people | ACLITY FacuiTy?” | inte | estbishes | (ACK?) | usually get | MENTIONED AFTER ASKING (COLUMN 18) FOR EACH Barangay? ‘the service of | IN COLUM 18) FACILITY ASK (18) 9 THOSE CODED YES in (2) Mute Response | (FACILITY? | located? evorcce | wrrretre | wrrre vean | use coves aetow answer — | NO. INSIDE] misive THe | wesnaneo, ware | see coves | seecoves treBox | Box | Aceworcooe | seiom | aeLow. NEXT BOXES (7) (9 9 20) ey 2a 2 YES NO DAY CARE CENTER 2 col. 22 +! ELENETARY Sooo 2 oe d [CO HIGH SCHOOL TECHNICAL (VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS ‘COLLEGE/ UNIVERSITY HEALTH STATIONS/ CENTERS LIVELIHOOD CENTER CRISIS CENTER FOR WOMEN AND GIRLS TEMPORARY HOLDING CENTERS! JAILS Fonomue summeuoene cominTyonaGReaaLTaTON CENTER 1) eee coenwaramonucrauauranon] 1 caien cat a ‘21, FUND SOURCE "O22, ACCESS - SOURCE Q23;__ACCESS _- PROXIMITY THER BARANGAY ey SSegennoM kecicmuwextaws | GePRVRTEWITINBMEDOUTY 3 chan ALA) eee eee recoanoacne wramuumcesry B= TIT cen watenat neces 1 regener Coreon necro? 90 = OTHERS: (90 = OTHERS: 95 = DONT KNOW 198 = DONT KNOWPART II-C. BARANGAY’s ILLEGAL- DRUG AFFECTATION PROFILE ‘ASK AND DO NOT LEAVE QUESTIONS UNANSWERED ENCIRCLE CODE AND WRITE THE ANSWERS GIVEN BY RESPONDENT IN SPACE PROVIDED ‘QUESTIONS AND FILTERS Has the BADAC beed Audited by DILG? acc 9% What isthe Audit Resuits Findings evel of tunetionalty?) | BADACAUDITRESULT. ) 50. _ Moco (VAUOATE WaT AUDIT RESULT) om When was the Barangay declared as Drug free? DATE OF AUDIT Toy. 24,2014 (NDICATE MONTH 8 YEAR) (SPECIFY) ‘Was the Barangay declared as Drug-Free/ Drug-Cleared YES @ cas Barangay by PDEA? NO DONT KNOW $5 ‘When was the Barangay Declared? (MM IYYYY) DATE OF DECLARED (mmiyyyy) Nov. 24,20/7 ‘What do you think were the reasons for the non-delcaraion of Barangay as drug free? Reason cited: ENCIRCLE APPROPRIATE CODE. FOR REASONS NOT CITED High incidence of Persons Using Drugs (PSUDs) WRITE THE REASON IN SPACE PROVIDED ‘Unable to maintain the drug-free status 2 OTHERS: 90 [Based on the narco list, how many individuals are affected by illegal Applicable Jdrugs in an applicable year? How many are males? females? WRITE ANSWER BASED ON DATA IF DATA IS NOT AVAILABLE JASK FOR THE APPROXIMATE NUMBER [Based on BADACS Operation Tokhang data, how many have surrendered inthe barangay? How many males? How many females? |Based on the data, among those who surrendered, how many lare mate and female minors or those aged 17 years and below? 2019 2018 2017 2016 © 2015 it your are to at in a scale the degree of dependency to egal rugs, LEVEL OF ADDICTION Ihow would you rae the level of addiction in the barangay? Very Low leNciRLCE CODE Low Mild Severepage 5 PART Ill SEC.1.1 BARANGAY ANTI-DRUG ‘ASK AND DO NOT LEAVE QUESTIONS UNANSWERED. ENCIRCLE CODE AND WRITE THE ANSWERS GIVEN BY RESPONDENTIs IN SPACE PROVIDED NO, ‘QUESTIONS AND FILTERS SKIPS 4] When was the BADAC first organized? MO. & YEAR ORGANIZED. ‘OPEN:ENDED-INDICATE APPROKIMATE YEAR stone 1 Z01 35 | When dd the BADAC conduct its frstTokhang Operation? ‘YEAR FUNCTIONED: OPEN-ENDED.INDICATE APPROXIMATE YEAR july 25, 20/6 36 | From the date ofits rst organization, was the BADAC been Yes oD fe at reorganized? No 2 | DONT Know 6 lL} » 37 | How many times does the BADAC been r-organized? NUMBER RE-ORG YEAR OF RE-ORG. When was this? Zz 2p PROVIDE APPROXMATE NUMBER PER YEAR 38 | What are the common reasons forthe re-organization of BADAG? | REASONS: YES NO (MULTIPLE RESPONSE ENCIRCLE APPLICABLE CODES ‘8, End of term of BADAC Offcers? g 2 B Local Election 2 OTHER REASONS, Sooty Here € Reswaton of most members? a 4 Desianaton of members tootherPositon 1 2 . Nereebve members? i OTHER EGF) DONT KNOW 95 ACTIVITIES YES_NO What are the activities that Bray LGU conduct before the 4. Meeting Consultation wth sectors? 2 38 | organization or re-organization ofthe BADAC? Presentation of BADAC status? aA €. Sobeting endorsement fom CSOPuoK? 2 (MULTIPLE RESPONSE: ENCIRGLE APPLICABLE CODES 4 Oferta on res and functons of BADAC(T) 2 OTHER REASONS, Spetey Her: OTHER 0 DONT KNOW % 0 TORIC YES_ NO %Nombors? ‘Do BADAC members have existing knowledge on (NAME OF TOPIC) | Participatory Governance? Opisug, Leadership Trainings? iO 2 gone have existing knowedge? ProgramPoject Management? > sama Barangay Penning end Development? § GD 2 % Lawson women and cidren? D 2 “woe ENCIRCLE THE CODE AND IF YES ‘Human Rights Laws and Principles? 1 @ INDICATE % of MEMBERS wih FNOALEDGE on EACH TOPIC Conder Sect? O) fear 2 OTHER TRAININGS: SPECIFY HERE: OTHER, 90 PEG) DONT KNOW % ‘TRAININGSTOPIC YES NO % Members? 41,| What ae the Trainings that BADAC members have attended in the | Pantipatory Governance? 2 5Ye ast since the date of ther designation ae member? Leaders Tangs? 2 Ee JMC 213-1; BADAC Compliance Standard 2 Joy [MULTIPLE RESPONSE ENCIRCLE APPLICABLE CODE ADAG Assosietby OL 2 By AND F YES; INDICATE % of MEMBERS wih KNOWLEDGE Handing At ega rug Operations 2 oy on EACH TOPIC Community Based Dug Rehabitaton = D2 “ST POEA Davy Arenas (De 2 ioten OTHER TRARINGS. SPECIFY HERE: OTHER, 90 DONT KNOW 6 AciK DAG)PROFILENAME OF ANTHLLEGAL DRUG RELATED POLICY, PROPONENT | ___YEAR ESTABLISHED | BUDGET READ EACH POLICY and WRITE ADDITIONAL POLICY CITED IN THE SPACE PROVIDED. USE ADDITIONAL SHEET WHEN NECESSARY AFTER ASKING (COLUMN 42) FOR EACH POLICY ASK (44) fo THOSE CODED YES in (42) ‘What ae the drug-related policies passed and enacted which facilitated Antlligeal drug program in your Barangay? YES in 3) | WES in (4a) Whe sto PROPONENT ofthe POUCY When was the (POLICY) enacted implemented SEE CODES ‘BELOW WraTE DATE (MONTH & YEAR) THE BOX ‘Organization of BADAC YES in 43) How much the approx BUDGET for the implementation cofPoley WRITE AMOUNT INSIDE THE ‘SEE CODES BELOW Wyte: Estabishment of Reteral Desks ave (6/2205 (Conduct of Operation Doble Barrel [soly242e/e| Eslabishment of Cluster Houses e225 (Conduct of drug-estng and dug screening actos ‘Nlocaton of funds for Community-Based Rehabiltaion Program (CBRP) Others: Others: TICK HERE IF CONTINUATION SHEET USED (44, PROPONENT Barangay LGU 2= MUNICIPAL /CITY LU 3= PROVINCIAL LGU 4= Regional Counci/ Region INGOIGO) 6 = OTHER GOVT AGENCIES. 7 = NATIONAL 90 = OTHERS (Speify) 95 = DONT KNOW Page 7 (7: POLICY CLASSIFICATION 1 = MEMO CIRCULA (MC) 2 = EXECUTIVE ORDER MUNICIPAL ) 32 EXECUTIVE ORDER (PROVINCE) 4 = ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER 5 = PROVINCIAL ORDINANCE 5 = MUNICPAL ORDINANCE 6 = BRGY ORDINANCE 7= MUNICIPAL RESOLUTION 8 = BARANGAY RESOLUTION 90 = OTHERS: 95 = DONT nowFOLLOW SPECIFIC INSTRUCTION PER ITEM. DO NOT LEAVE QUESTIONS UNANSWERED. ENCIRCLE CODE AND BY RESPONDENTIs IN SPACE PROVIDED FOR OPEN-ENDED QUESTIONS: wan of pocin seneeeoRPoLET — [nur [ ononsn] em} clases ead NO] — FOR ILLEGAL DRUG VICTIM IN THE BRGY | ESTABLISHE SOURCE _— Graduated READ EACH PROGRAM SERVICE and WRITE ADDL ir VES in (49) 14 VES in (49) IF VES in (49) IF VES in (49) IF VES in (49)] 1 YES 0, secsctanncoeerams vsamonaa secrwnenessoar | sews | wo | wnwm |amsine | vormene| rose | rpm Gasca] ug | Mn | Reet (Se tng] 2, ssrexasins coum eg ronson epoaeal wsceoee] e| padaun| Sor" | ascens [ee"| sees ferumrastn MOSeCOOE ESN | weasn| enCSaan| Sowcnne| occas | Oss | ral | sin perigee rae wnataetieantitgariug — | conze | secaze | wmeuoon| were | were | uecoe | ee raat weiens/estten | sae | cea} [erate | core! | aire | cece |e ieplomerod ne barangays oot | eee (ae [nee | oor eee [peat (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (53) (54) (55) aie « | Livelihood! Skis Devt Progam 1@ (ena on) Oo i c | Positive Behavior and Personality Development 1@ vases ee 7 | est sove ts Tag To il ‘Next Une} « | Effective Parenting, Family Development Session] 1G) Newttine «! + | Organization af reforned sumenderersto prove | 1 ©) soetoee ute 9 | Drug Testing and Screening + = ome i oe SS "TICK HERE F CONTUATION SHEET USED Ee] Ars eeeremene au.mmaror WRITE THE ANSWERS GIVEN 11 Barangay LGU JUNICIPAL CITY LGU. >ROVINCIAL LGU 7 = NATIONAL, 90 = OTHERS (Spal), 95= DONT KNOW MUNICIPAL (CITY CLINICSICENTERS. 2= DISTRICT PROVINCIAL CENTERIHOSPITAL 3= DOH REGIONAL HOSPITAL / CENTER 4= PRIVATE WITHIN MUNICIPALICITY ‘5 = PRIVATE OUTSIDE MUNICIPALICITY 62 CSOINGOICHURCH WITHIN MUNICIPALITY 7= CSOINGOICHURCH OUTSIDE MUNICIPALITY omy 0 THER 95 = DONT KNOW below 10% of totat surrenderers 0% to 25% of surrenderers 3 = 25-50% ofthe surrenderers 50-75% of surrenderers 5.05% of surenders 0% of surrenderere‘PARTI SEC.1:3. BADAG COMPOSITION and STRUCTURE | ? es FOLLOW SHEGIFIG INSIKUCIION PEK IIEM & UO NOI LEAVE QUES IONS UNANSWERED. ENGIKULE CORRECI COUE FOR PRECOUED ITEMS AND WRITE THE RESPONES GIVENBY RESPONDENTS IN SPACE PROVIDED FOR OPEN-ENDED QUESTIONS ‘Does the LGU have Barangay Rehabilation Referral Desk? DONT KNOW ‘Wien was the Referral Desk nretorganizea? INDICATE APPROXIMATE DATE (MONYYY) MONTH & YEAR ORGANIZED (my) Won di the Referral Desk conducted its est refral aso? ‘YEAR FUNCTIONED: ‘Does the Reteral Desk has assigned staff? | YES In (59) How many are the designated desk ofcers? INDICATE THE NUNBER IN SPACE PORVIDED a NO DONT KNOW. TOTAL DESK OFFICERS, ‘Does the Desk ofcer receive JES 7 "ALLOWANCES: Monthy Honoree? Monthy Aowance? Transpodtation Allowance? How much isthe (ALLOWANCES) of refferal desk officer per month? ALLOWANCES Monty Honoree? Moni Atowance? Transpertation Allowance? ANOUNT (Aprox mo) From the date of its designation! appointment, was the Referral Desk Officer been replaced”? oe No. DONT KNOW [ez A Cd Cd aml il ‘How many Uries Te TeeTaT EEK ottcer been re-placed ‘When was this? PROVIDE ESTIMATES NOLREORG YEAR OF RE ORGAANTZATION poe ‘What are the common reasons /cause forthe replacement ‘of rteral desk officer? MULTIPLE RESPONSE, ENCIRCLE ALL THAT APPLIES FOR OTHER REASONS: SPECIFY HERE: REASONS Local Eaton Loca Econ Resigaton? Inactive OTHER DONT KNOW Does the Rehablitation Referral Desk Officer stended in ‘Trainings related tothe following themes: MULTIPLE RESPONSE, ENCIRCLE ALL THAT APPLIES FOR OTHER REASONS: SPECIFY HERE: TRAININGS Antlega Drug Aweeness (Case Reeral and Managemet ‘Community Based Drug Renabiltaton Program Counseing Gender Sense Handing of Cases? Human Rights Laws and Principles? Laws on women and chien? Leadership Trainings? Partispatory Governance? ProgramProject Management? Basic Lega protocols in Apprehension, Sozure and Holding OTHER BPECFY) DONT KNOWWhat ar the reasons for non-establshing the referral desks? [MULTIPLE RESPONSE, ENCIRCLE ALL THAT APPLIES OTHERS; Spoctcy her: SGIFNCINSIKUGIION FER I1EM 8 UO NO! Lee QUESIIONS UNANSWERED. ENGINCLE COKREC! CODE OK PRECODED 11EMS ‘AND WRITE THE RESPONES GIVENBY RESPONDENTIsIN SPACE PROVIDED FOR OPEN-ENDED QUESTIONS REASON: ‘The Barenagy LGU i not aware that it should establish Referal Desk ‘The BADAC is inactive ‘The LGU didnot receive order or memo to organize Referral Desk LGU doen't know how o pane Referra Desk Functions of Referal Desk i nat clear to LGU. vines UN KNOW Forthe pat 24 months (2 ya), approximately how many dry sumenders wore refered to acces vanes Sences? INDICATE THE NUMBER OF CLIENTS REFERRED TO EACH SERVICE (OTHERS; Spey HERE TYPE OF SERVICE /PROGRAMS NO. OF CLIENTS ‘Medical and Psychological Assessment Community-Based Drug Rehabitaon Program Fecty-based Rehabition Progam Profesional Counseing Lie sls Training Livetnood echnical Skis Trang Personality Development and Poste Behavior OTHER For the pas 24 months, How many Clions were refered to Facity? INDICATE THE NUMBER OF CLIENTS REFERRED TO FACILITY MULTIPLE RESPONSE, ENCIRCLE ALL THAT APPLIES FOR OTHER REASONS. SPECIFY HERE. TYPE OF FACILITY NO. OF CLIENTS Ale = Community-based Rehab Center Government owned rehab Center Goverment Hopsital Private Rehab Certer OTHERS: (SPECIFY) (nthe average, how long doos it take to compete the referral process om intake ifaw to acmisson in the folowing reabiltion program series INDICATE THE DURATION OF TRANSACTION PER SERVICE (SEE CODES) OTHER SERVICE SPECIFY HERE: ‘TYPE OF SERVICE (FACILITY DURATION (SEE CODE) Medical and Psychological Assessment Drug Testing and Screening Community-Based Drug Rehabiltaon Program Fecity-based Rehabitton Program Professional Counseling Life-sas / Survival Skis Traiaing Livetnood echnical Skil Training Personality Development and Posiive Behavior ines 70: DURATION 41 = Less than {hour 2=2t03 hous 3= Hat Day 5=morethan 1 day 6 more than 3. days. — " Now we would like some information about the members of the BADACs and its Sub-Committes AFTER LISTING THE NAME, ASK FOR THE POSITION AND YEARS IN POSITION OF EACH PERSON SEE CODES SEECODES THEN ASK FOR PERSONAL DATA | LOW, BELOW NAME OF BADAC. POSITION NBADAC | POSITIONIN BADAC. Member COUNCIL ‘SUB-COMMITTEE Please give me the names ofthe | Whatis the How many persons who are member so of sion of] years does | postion of | years does| sector (NAME) your BADAC and BADAC (NAME) | (NAME) | (NAME) — | (NAME) | does male or Commitees inte | inte fine — | inthe | (NAME) ‘| female? BaDAC? | BADAC? | BADAC? | BADAC? | Represents? SEE CODES eeLow, tame What 's How od 2 Few LivEUHooD] EDUCATION Whatis | Whatis the 's treword ] highestlevet (NAME) | ivelccod | of school from tre | of (NaNe} lest | (NAME)? | has. bay? attended? SEE CODES BLOW, SEE copes eLow, 2 | Bevinand ™). Menaoot Alfredo Manuel Cecilia Ulardy Grace Malicdem *|Morlas & Regaspt Nese Ulanday Maria Tessie Aviles Maya). Reyes Salyedey Manabat 1 | Rodel Domengo k| Maxim Ulandaxy | | Wertite salgade Efren Aviles 8) Fedurice Garcia Borifacie Agaton TICK HERE IF CONTINUATION SHEET USED 951853_PoSsITION: Q55: SECTOR JADA CHAIRPERSON 2 = BADAC VICE CHAIRPERSON 2 Youth and Children 3= BADAC MEMBER 3 =Senior Citizen 4 = COMMMITTE ON OPERATION - CHAIR 4 = Farmers 5= COMMITTEE ON OPERATION- 5 =Fisherfolks MEMBER 6= COMMITTEE ON ADVOCACY- 6 = Business/Enterprise CHAIR 58: LIVELIHHOODWORK: 2 = Employed: Clerical! Administratives 3 officeworkers) 4= Non-Agricuturalunskiled (laborers 5 = Agricultural (Include fishing forestry) = Business/Enterpiee :mployed: Professional Technical Non-Agricuturalskiled (non (@:__ EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT: © = NO Formal Schooling None 1 = SOME ELEMENTARY 2 = COMPLETED ELEMENTARY 3 = SOME SECONDARY 4 = COMPLETED SECONDARY 5 = SOME COLLEGEPROCEED TO Page 14 YEARS OF LINE NAME OF BADAC LOCATION) parTuERS No, ners and Networks YEAR artwersip | PROGRAM — | NUMBEROF| cunRenr | REASON FOR STARTED _| OFFERED BENES | PARTNER Who ae the pertner ices | ovine ] wnenadte | vrata pmo | A ; cou Nes cs05 fm 0co] teen | parwans” | estere! | ten” | ates | mene Seetomenivet, Jose | rates | wee) | sends | ay | core | Clee nice grad popee? cet | Neon} wt?” | oneso, | lnenens | 7" | Sst apa savior | rocter” | pent | trop of By provided? assisted by with (NGO)? LUST HERE THE NAME OF NGOs, NGhs, CSOPARTNERS: (conan) ‘Mutipl response SEECODES WRITE | INDICATE YEAR SEE CODES BELOW WiDCATE SEE CODES eevow. | wonTas ‘onty cove cer | NUMER IN aeLoW, THE BOX cot 6614 | © | Paes Teachers Asotin O2 coat | @locreo Zz ime O2 cot! z= z [2 D2 @2 2, = sq |.¢ 2/4 or z cea] eae D2 cx feo z wet O2 04 6) 4) TTT ey, oo ‘1. LOCATION OF PARTNERS. . 83 SERVICES OFFERED ‘6. REASON FOR ENDING PARTNERSHIP FOLLOW SPECIFIC INSTRUCTION PER ITEM & DO NOT LEAVE QUESTIONS UNANSWERED. ENCIRCLE CORRECT CODE FOR PRECODED ITEMS AND WRITE THE RESPONES GIVENBY RESPONDENTIs IN SPACE PROVIDED FOR OPEN-ENDED QUESTIONS: DOH ‘Asso. Of Brgy Captains (ABC) MUN. LGU bus Sle PNP CG 79. Does the BADAC has partnership and collaboration with government agencies, NGOs and CSOs in the implementation of various programs and services related to prevention, reduction and control of illegal drugs in the baragay? 1= NEIGHBORING BARANGAY 1 = EDUCATION /TRAINING ON ILLEGAL DRUS 1 = NGO's Transfer of focus ares 2= WITHIN THE MUNICIPALITY 2 = COUNSELING 2 « Lack of funding ‘3 OTHER MUNICIPALITYICITY3 = LIVELIHOOD SKILLS 3_= Change in priority barangay! 4=PROVINCE — 4=SURVIVALSKILIS 4 = Change inNGOICSO leadership S=NATIONAL (MANILA) S= MEDICAL TREATMENT 5 = Declaration of Barangay as Drug-Free 90 = OTHERS: ‘6 = DRUG TESTING 6 = Barangays no longer need the assistance (in general) 95=DONTKNOW 7=DRUGASSESSMENT AND SCREENING 7 =Barangay is an opposition to Municipal Provincial Ine up |EFERRAL TOHOSPITAL/ REHAB CENTER 8 = Election 9=EDUC ON SANITATION & HYGIENE 9 = End of project (for NGOs, CSOs ) 10 = ADVOCACY ANDORIENTATION 90 = OTHERS: 95 = DONT KNOWPART Il, SEC.4.3: PERCEIVED FUNCTIONALITY AND EFFECTIVENESS OF BADAC {wil read to you statement about the cfferent roles and functions of the BADAC. You wil tell me whether you stony agree or degree of your agreement or disagreement to these statements. We will use the folowing code: 1- STRONGLY DISAGRE; 2- DISAGREE; 3- AGREE; 4- STRONGLY AGREE; PUT A(\) ON THE BOX WHICH CORRESPONDS THE ANSWER. UNE STATEMENTS. [The BADAC is comprise of atleast 7 members. members of DILG of ta least 7 87 Imembers CHOICES / RATING [STRONGLY] ‘AGREE AGREE 3 T STRONGL DISAGREE DISAGREE 2 1 88, [Majority it not al members of the BADAC are active. 89 |The BADAC has established a committee on operations 80 |The BADAC committee on operations has functional members 91. |The BADAC has as committee on advocacy 92 |The BADAC has an Auxllary team that helps in its cl ring operations 93, |The Barangay cluster heads are organized in our barangay, 94 |Each House Cluster has an assigned chister leaders OO 95. |Majrty ofthe cluster heads are active and reguarly performs its functions The barangay has an assigned Barangay Duly Officer everyday to handle retfeval [The BADAC ChairPunong Barangay regularly atlends Wainingalseminars related to 87 _leaAc enhancement and strengthening [The BADAG ChairPunong Barangay regulary alends trainings/seminars on CSAR and 98 other related trainings organized by the CADAC. JAINISM 99. |The BADAC regularly conduct training forthe strengthening of house cluster leaders 4100 |The BADAC regulary conducts meeting fo all house Cluster Leaders 4101 |The BADAC regulary conduct training forthe strengthening of Brgy Auxillary Team 4102 |The BADAC regulary conducts monthy meetings. UIAINIE [The BADAC regularly conducts Information and education campaign (IEC) toto 103 | choot and bray sitios, [The BADAG regulary conducts IEC to local associations and non-government 104 |ecganizations the Barangay [The BADAC regulary organize and conduct active in elation to celebration of 105 international Day Against Drug Abuse and lit Trafficking (DADANT) [The BADAC regulary organize and conduct adie elation related fo Drug Abuse 108 Tprevention and Control (DAPC) [The Barangay conducts yearly planning workshop to formulate Communiy Based 107 |Renab Pian (CBRP) ONS IAI 408 |The BADAC regulary conducts monitoring and unpdates its records AW aaa‘STATEMENTS ISTRONGIY] DISAGREE DISAGREE 2 [The BADAC regularly submits report to CADAC and PDEA, The Barangay regulaty allot funds forthe operation of the BADAC [The BADAG annually submits its Accomplishment and Funed Utilization Report [The BADAC/MADAC has clear programs that supporting the rehabilitation of surrenders |The BADAG/MADAC is Independent from Bray/Muniipal counel in crafting its CBRP plan |The BADAC has at east 1 NGO partner inthe implemnation of CBRP Plan |The roles and responsibltes of each In BADAC is clear to each member There is an increase in numuber of cases refered to other agencies for intervention tom previous year The Referral Dest and BADAC are fast in acting onthe cases reffered tothe BADAC |The BADAC has the competency in handing cases of surenderees referred for CBR There is no overlapping and confusion in the roles of BDAC members [The BADAC is confident to address and resoive the problem on drugs wit ts preset eforts The family of surenderersrecepient ofthe CBR/ BADAC services are satisfied of the the service they received In general, the BADAC Is confident of ts competency to address issues on Blega-crugs, in general, the barangay has adequate services and programs to respond tothe needs of PSUDs and PWIDS |The Barangay has al access to several asstance and resources in combating drug menace. [The BADAC are indespensibien curbing the problem on drugs and in preventing Ke Proferation and affectation In general the BADAC is successful in impimenting ts ant-llegal drug programsi-Secti ONTRIBUTIG FACTO! sTABL 126 | What are the constraints or reason for the non- | ENCIRCLE CODE OF REASONFACTORS THAT APPLIES «stabishment of BADAC in the Baranagay? YES NO ~ There is no drug affectation in the community 1 2 ~ The Baranagy LGU is not aware that it should estbalish 1 BADAC. 1@ ~ The LGU did not receive order or memo to organize BADAC. @) ~ The Barangay does not need the BADAC. 10 OTHERS (Specify) 1127 | Does the DILG give recommendations to establish organize the BADAC? DILG GIVE RECOMMENDATION YES NO BARANGAY? @D 2 ENCIRCLE CODE OF ANSWER THAT APPLIES 128 | What are the recommendations / suggestions/ | WRITE ANSWER HERE: < actions given by the DILG? . OPEN: ENDED: RECORD THE ANSWER IN sPACE| PROVIDED 29 [PART V: PLANS AND NEXT STEPS OF THE LGU What are the plans / actions / activities that the the LGU will make based on the following categories? 2. Policy formulation and program development: urhatcon . Community-based rehabilitation and re-integration program Beg fovea) erie etn cc. Organizational development and capacity building Condict Trainizgsen developonnt and eapecthy buildez _Aaocay, ecuationa information carpeign cord eduectiongal informélon . Others: END: THANK THE RESPONDENT AND ASSURE HIM/HER THAT THE RESPONSES WILL BE KEPT CONFIDENTIAL RETURN TO COVER PAGE AND HAVE THE RESPONDENT SIGNED THE QUESTIONNAIRE Page 14ES AND. FOR THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS, ASK RESPONDENTS TO RATE ON THE SEVERITY OR INTENSITY OF THE CONDITION / SITUATION DESCRIBE IN THE STATEMENT. RECORD THE REPLY BY ENCIRCLING THE NUNBER CORRESPONDING TO THE RATING. |will ask you questions which you will respond to and then assess their severity or degree using the SCALE of 1 to 5, with (1) as the least and (5) as most severe. STATEMENTS SCALE/ RATING a) Ina sclae off to 8 how would you assess the degree of diffcultyexeperince Barangay on the following issues and concerns: «8. Inadequate alternative lvelinood programs fr surenderers after graduation? . Weak capacity ofthe LGU and BADAC in providing Inadequate access to support services to contol use of ilegal drags Lack of human resource to implement ent-ilegal drug programs Lack of funds to supporta and maintain programs Limited access toinfrastucture and fact fo rehabitation 2. Lack of knoulegde in montorng and survellance of incidence of dug.use Negative atitude of the community towards antidrug campaign Formuaton of Comprehensive CBRO Plan Negative pecepton on Operation Thang 1 Ones; Spey spect ina sie of 5 how woul you ates the degre or evel of compeance or srenght of the barangey onthe oliowing issues and concerns 2 Competeney of LGU in handing WOD rogram 2 8. Strong cooperation ofthe NGO-CSO wth he LGU 2 . Positive regard of the community towards BDAC 2 4. Active and functional ADACS: @ €. Support the Muri fo the Brengays 1. Awareness ofthe BADAC ofits oles end functions @ 2 2 2 2 2 2 . ene Gans HOOD o oon OQuaane © 6 Fe eQeeweee Wide netwrok ofthe Baragays assisting community Rehabilitation programs Presence of professionals and expertin the barangay to handle surrendered Formulation of comprehensive community-based drug rehabilitation programs end services ‘Cooperation and support of community members and household in implementing CBRP 1 Otners: Spefcy at 4 Avalabilty of funds fr al programs i oo Qe eee e@e POO oon ane == err teyien len terion ententes Spey [PART V: PLANS AND NEXT STEPS OF THE LGU i What are the plans / actions / activites thatthe LGU will make based on the following categories? «Ply fulton and program development: n Liryrerne ©. Communtyaeedreeitatin andres pope Bujoleet Ayadii7g « ©. Organizational development and capacity buuilding teining on pert and ty biker 4. Advocay, education information campaign Conduct educational soformabon camegn , Others: END: THANK THE RESPONDENT AND ASSURE HIM/HER THAT THE RESPONSES WILL BE KEPT CONFIDENTIAL RETURN TO COVER PAGE AND HAVE THE RESPONDENT SIGNED THE QUESTIONNAIRE
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