Mechanics of Composites
Mechanics of Composites
Mechanics of Composites
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Available online 21 January 2012 This review is concerned with mechanics of continuous fiber composites. The earliest and most important
advancements in the field are emphasized. No doubt the coverage is limited to some extent by the
interests and experiences of the writer as well as time and space considerations. The advancements
in mechanics of composites have been influenced to a great extent by the development of advanced
composites through materials science. No attempt is made to discuss these developments. This review
emphasizes the use of theoretical and applied mechanics in the development of theories, confirmed by
experimentation, to predict the response of composite materials and structures. Citations have been
given for many published works, but certainly not all. Apologies to those not listed; numerous additional
references can be found in the works cited.
© 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0093-6413/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 C.T. Herakovich / Mechanics Research Communications 41 (2012) 1–20
“More important than any one new application is the new Egyptianscirca4000 B.C. They laid up strips from the fibrous
‘materials’ concept itself. It marks a shift from concern with papyrus plant in two layers with one layer at right angles to the
substances to concern with structures, a shift from artisan to other. In present day mechanics terminology, such a fabric would
scientist as man’s artificer, a shift from chemistry to physics as be called an unsymmetric, cross-ply laminate. While it is possible
the basic discipline, and a shift, above all, from the concrete that the Egyptians used a symmetric laminate to eliminate curva-
experience of the workshop to abstract mathematics, a shift ture, this author has found no indication that such was the case.
from starting with what nature provides to what man wants The development of papyrus paper was so important to the Egyp-
to accomplish”. tians that they guarded the secret of how it was produced, thereby
Peter F. Drucker, The Age of Discontinuity, 1969 creating a monopoly. Papyrus paper revolutionized the way peo-
ple saved valuable information. As a result, it was ancient Egypt’s
greatest export for many centuries.
1. Since the beginning Cuttings from the papyrus plant also were used in bundles by
early Egyptians to make boats, sails, baskets and ropes. Fig. 1 shows
A historical review of the mechanics of composites must first an image of a passage from the New Testament written on papyrus
consider the question “what initiated the study of these hetero- around the beginning of the 3rd century, some 1800 years ago. It
geneous, anisotropic materials”? Composite materials have been is referred to as the Bodmer Papyrus XIV-XV in the Vatican (2007).
present since the beginning of time. Many objects such as plants Fig. 2 is an example of present-day Egyptian artwork on papyrus
and animals are fibrous composite systems. This is very evident in paper.
trees and their leaves, in the wings of birds and the fins of fish. The Another early, but totally different, application of a man-made
human body is the most complex fibrous composite system. On one fibrous composite was the use of straw to strengthen bricks made
level it consists of a musculoskeletal system of bones, muscles and from mud. According to the Book of Exodus (“do not give them
tendons. On a microscopic level these objects themselves are com- straw for their bricks, make them find their own straw”), this prac-
posite systems consisting of a variety of components that give rise tice was used as early as1300 B.C.; it is still in use today. Fig. 3 is a
to heterogeneous, anisotropic materials. picture of such a brick that was taken in the Middle East in the mid-
The first production and man-made use of a fibrous com- 20th century. Present-day mechanics would classify these bricks as
posite material appears to be the papyrus paper made by the randomly reinforced, short fiber composites.
According to Hartman et al. (1996), ancient Egyptians also made
containers of coarse fibers drawn from heat softened glass, and the
French scientist Reaumur considered the potential of forming fine
glass fibers as early as the 18th century. It was not until 1939 that
continuous glass fibers were produced commercially (Knox, 1982).
These glass fibers were produced mainly for high temperature
electrical applications. Two more decades passed before the “so-
called” advanced fibers were produced, boron (Talley, 1959) carbon
Table 1
Early activities, contributions and accomplishments in mechanics of composites.
(Soltes, 1961) and aramid (Kwolek, 1964). The development of the 2. The early years
advanced fibers in the late 1950s and early 1960s spurred great
interest in the development of theoretical and applied mechanics Table 1 summarizes the early activities, contributions and
for applications to fibrous composite materials and structures. accomplishments related to advances in the mechanics of fibrous
From the earliest applications of fibrous composites by the Egyp- composites. The remainder of this paper is organized according
tians to the introduction of advanced composites in the second half to subject matter. Topics covered include constitutive equations,
of the 20th Century, roughly 6000 years have passed. The progress micromechanics, laminates, thermal and moisture effects, damage
in the use of fibrous composites in the most recent fifty years and failure, experimental methods, interlaminar stresses, tubes,
was much greater than that during the preceding nearly six thou- plates, nanocomposites, and university and government programs.
sand years. The Egyptians were artisans in that they undoubtedly This leaves many related subjects still to be reviewed.
developed their products through trial and error. During the past
fifty years, theoretical and applied mechanics has been employed 3. Anisotropic, elastic constitutive equations
in order to exploit the vast potential of man-made fibrous com-
posites. These advancements are exemplified dramatically by the Discussions on the advances in the development of constitu-
application of advanced fibrous composites in SpaceShipOne and its tive equations for elastic materials can be found in Love’s work
launch vehicle White Knight, (Fig. 4, see (1892–1927), Sokolnikoff (1946/1956) and Timoshenko’s History of
SpaceShipOne is an all-composite, suborbital spaceplane launched Strength of Materials (1953). The development of constitutive equa-
in 2003 by Scaled Composites. tions for homogeneous, elastic materials began with the work of
Hooke (1678) who stated that for an elastic body there is propor-
tionality between stress and strain. Navier (1821) generalized this
Fig. 3. Brick with straw fibers. Fig. 4. White knight and SpaceShipOne.
4 C.T. Herakovich / Mechanics Research Communications 41 (2012) 1–20
idea to arrive at differential equations describing elastic response; directions 1, 2, 3, Eq. (2) takes the form (3) when written in terms
however, his equations included only one elastic constant. Cauchy of engineering constants and reduced notation:
(1822), building on the work of Navier, developed equations of
⎧ ⎫ ⎡ 1 −21 ⁄E −31 ⁄E
⎤⎧ ⎫
⎪ ε1 ⎪
⎪ ⁄E1 2 3 0 0 0 ⎪
⎪ 1 ⎪⎪
elasticity for isotropic materials with two elastic constants.1 ⎪
⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎢ −12 ⁄E 1⁄E −32 ⁄E ⎥⎪⎪ ⎪ ⎪
Cauchy (1828) generalized his results for anisotropic (or
⎨ ⎬ ⎢ −13 1
ε2 2
−23 ⁄E 1⁄E
3 0 0 0
⎥ ⎨ 23 ⎬
⁄E1 2 3 0 0 0 ⎥ (3)
aeolotropic) materials and found that there are, at most, twenty- ⎪ ε4 ⎪ ⎢ 0 0 0 1⁄G 0 0 ⎥ ⎪ 4 ⎪
⎪ ε5 ⎪
⎪ ⎣ 0
⎦⎪⎪ 5 ⎪⎪
one independent constants. However, he believed that only fifteen ⎪
⎩ ⎪ ⎭ 0 0 0 1 ⁄G
31 0 ⎪
⎩ 6 ⎪⎭
ε6 1⁄G
of these constants were “elastics constants”. Like Cauchy, Poisson 0 0 0 0 0 12
Table 2
Developments in micromechanics.
1837 Strain energy density defined – 21 elastic constants George Green Great Britain
1887/1889 Uniform strain modulus prediction W. Voigt Germany
1929 Uniform stress modulus prediction A. Reuss Germany
1957 Determination of the elastic field of an ellipsoidal inclusion and related problems Eshelby Great Britain
1960 Prediction of Elastic Constants of Multiphase Materials Paul USA
1962 The Elastic Moduli of Heterogeneous Materials Hashin USA
1963 Elastic Properties of Reinforced solids: some theoretical principles Hill Great Britain
1963 Variational Approach to the Theory of The Elastic Behavior of Multiphase Materials Hashin and Shtrikman USA and Israel
1964 Theory of Mechanical Behavior of Heterogeneous Media Hashin USA
1964 Theory of Mechanical Properties of Fiber-Strengthened Materials – I. Elastic Behaviour Hill USA
1964 The Elastic Moduli of Fiber-Reinforced Materials Hashin and Rosen USA
1965 The Principle of the Fiber Reinforcement of Metals Kelly and Davies Great Britain
1967 Modern Composite Materials Broutman and Krock USA
1968 Composite Materials Workshop Tsai, Halpin and Pagano USA
1972 Theory of Fiber Reinforced Materials Hashin USA
1972 On the Effective Moduli of Composite Materials: Slender Rigid Inclusions at Dilute Concentrations Russel and Acrivos USA
1975 A Theory of Elasticity with Microstructure for Directionally Reinforced Composites Achenbach USA
1979 Analysis of Properties of Fiber Composites with Anisotropic Constituents Hashin Israel
1991 Mechanics of Composite Materials: A Unified Micromechanical Approach Aboudi Israel
1993 Micromechanics: overall properties of heterogeneous materials Nemat-Nasser and Hori USA
The development of micromechanics models for predicting the of a fiber core surrounded by a matrix annulus, such that the
effective properties of composites experienced a flurry of activity size of the cylinders varies as needed to fill the entire volume of
beginning in the late 1950s and extending through the 1960s and material. The ratio of fiber radius to cylinder radius is held constant
into the 1970s. The earlier works were concerned with the pre- throughout, thereby maintaining a constant fiber volume fraction
diction of effective properties for materials (both solids and fluids) in each cylinder. Four of the necessary five effective properties for a
consisting of inclusions in a carrier material (see Hashin, 1964). transversely isotropic composite can be determined using the CCA
Paul (1960) and Hill (1963) used energy approaches to obtain model.
upper and lower bounds on elastic moduli of heterogeneous mate- In the following from Christensen (1979), with subscripts f and
rials consisting of inclusions in a matrix. In general, the inclusions m indicating fiber and matrix respectively, V fiber volume fraction,
were of arbitrary shape, but both authors did make reference to E axial modulus, Poisson’s ratio, shear modulus, k bulk modulus,
fiber-like inclusions. It is noteworthy that they both showed that and the fiber and matrix are taken to be transversely isotropic, the
the Voigt and Reuss approximations are upper and lower bounds CCA model provides expressions for four of the effective properties
on moduli. Hashin and Shtrikman (1963) presented a variational in terms of the phase properties and fiber volume fraction.
approach to derive upper and lower bounds for the effective elas- Effective axial modulus:
tic moduli of quasi-isotropic and quasi-homogeneous multiphase
materials of arbitrary phase geometry. Hill (1964) addressed the 4Vf (1 − Vf )(vf − vm )2 m
E1∗ = Vf Ef + (1 − Vf )Em + (4)
elastic mechanical properties of fiber-strengthened materials. In ((1 − Vf )m )/(kf + f /3) + Vf m
(1972) Russel and Acrivos considered the effective modulus of com-
posites with slender rigid inclusions at dilute concentrations. Effective axial Poisson’s ratio:
Hashin and Rosen (1964) employed a concentric cylinder assem-
blage (CCA) model to develop upper and lower bounds as well 12 = (1 − Vf )m + Vf f
as specific expressions for (some of) the effective elastic mod-
Vf (1 − Vf )(f − m ) m /(km + m /3) − m /(kf + f /3)
uli of transversely isotropic composites. Their model consists of +
an assemblage of concentric cylinders, each cylinder consisting ((1 − Vf )m )/(kf + f /3) + Vf m /(km + m /3) + 1
It is evident from Eqs. (4) and (5) that the first two terms cor-
respond to a rule of mixtures. The last term is typically very small
for most composites in use today. Thus, the rule of mixtures (i.e.
Voigt upper bound) is a very good predictor for the effective axial
modulus and effective axial Poisson’s ratio. This cannot be said for
the other two properties. Fig. 6. Axial modulus predictions for carbon/epoxy.
Chamis and Sendeckyj (1968) presented an extensive critique
of the theories known at the time for predicting the thermoelastic
4.1. Micromechanics model comparisons
properties of fibrous composites. The theories reviewed were clas-
sified as: netting analysis, mechanics of materials, self-consistent
Figs. 6–9 show comparisons of micromechanics predictions for
model, variational, exact, statistical, discrete element, semi empir-
the effective properties E1 , E2 , 12 , and G12 of unidirectional car-
ical methods, and theories accounting for microstructure. They
bon/epoxy (Lissenden and Herakovich, 1992) as a function of the
included comparisons of predictions by different theories for uni-
fiber volume fraction. The methods compared include: Voigt, Reuss,
directional glass-epoxy, boron-epoxy and graphite-epoxy.
concentric cylinder assemblage, self-consistent, method of cells,
Hashin (1972) gave an extensive theoretical treatment of
Mori-Tanaka and strength of materials.
micromechanics. He considered effective elastic, viscoelastic and
Several important features are evident from these comparisons.
thermoelastic properties, thermal and electrical conduction, and
For the effective axial modulus, E1∗ (Fig. 6) essentially all models give
electrostatics and magnetostatics behavior.
the same prediction, with the lower bound Reuse model being the
Achenbach (1974) and Achenbach (1975) considered wave
exception. Thus, a simple rule of mixtures (the Voigt upper bound),
propagation in fiber-reinforced composites with microstructure.
provides excellent predictions for the effective axial modulus.
The composite with microstructure is distinguished from a com-
Schapery (1967) has shown that the results for linear elastic
posite that is modeled as a homogeneous, anisotropic continuum
materials can be extended to linear viscoelastic materials in a sim-
using effective properties. The point is made that for dynamic
ple and accurate manner.
response such as wave propagation, the characteristic lengths of
the deformations may be small and the effective modulus theory
may not suffice. The proposed theory showed good comparison 5. Lamination theory
with ultrasonic data for fibrous composites and finite element pre-
dictions. Lectures on this subject were given at the International Possibly the most fundamental result for the application of
Centre for Mechanical Sciences (CISM) in Udine, Italy, in July 1973 fibrous composites in structural and devices is Classical Lamination
with publication of the (expanded) monograph in 1975. Theory. The theory follows the original works of Pister and Dong
Aboudi (1991) presented micromechanical analysis methods (1959), Reissner and Stavsky (1961) and Dong et al. (1962)
for composite materials and provided an in-depth analysis of the The theory considers an assemblage of layers bonded together
Method of Cells for thermo-elastic, viscoelastic, nonlinear behav- to form a laminate. The individual layers are taken to be homoge-
ior of resin matrix composites, initial yield surfaces and inelastic neous with properties that can range from isotropic to anisotropic.
behavior of metal matrix composites, and composites with imper- Typically, the layers are unidirectional fibrous composites with the
fect bonding. The method of cells consists of a periodic square
array of rectangular subcells, one representing the fiber and three
similar subcells representing the matrix. This model provides a
computationally efficient method for predicting inelastic response
of composites.
The effects of different types of fiber orthotropy on the effective
properties of composites were considered by Knott and Herakovich
(1991a). Nemat-Nasser and Hori (1993) presented a treatise on the
mechanics of solids with microdefects such as cavities, cracks, and
inclusions, including elastic composites.
Discrete element methods such as the finite element method
have been used to predict effective properties of unidirectional
composites. The earliest work using finite elements appears to
be that of Foye who studied effective elastic properties, inelastic
response, and stress distributions in unidirectional boron/epoxy.
Finite element studies can be valuable when the fiber distribution
is very regular as shown for the ceramic fiber in a titanium matrix
of Fig. 5b, but less so for random fiber distributions such as the
carbon/epoxy of Fig. 5a. Fig. 7. Transverse modulus predictions for carbon/epoxy.
C.T. Herakovich / Mechanics Research Communications 41 (2012) 1–20 7
Poisson ratio:
ε◦y a∗12
xy = − =− (11)
Fig. 8. Shear modulus predictions for carbon/epoxy. ε◦x a∗11
Shear modulus:
fibers in the kth layer oriented at an angle k from a global x-axis
¯ xy 1
as depicted in Fig. 10. Gxy =
xy◦ = a∗ (12)
Analysis results in the fundamental equation relating the 66
inplane forces {N} and moments {M} acting on the laminate to Coefficient of mutual influence:
the midplane strains {ε◦ } and curvatures { } through coefficients ◦
xy a∗16
[A], [B] and [D] that are functions of the material properties, layers
xy,x = = (13)
thickness and stacking sequence of the layers. ε◦x a∗11
The coefficient of mutual influence (13) quantifies the shear
N A B ε◦
= (8) strain associated with normal strain; it is non-zero when the lam-
inate compliance term a∗16 is non-zero.
The effective engineering properties of symmetric laminates can Specific examples of the range of engineering properties that can
be predicted from Eq. (8) through a series of thought experiments be affected through the choice of material and stacking sequence
where the laminate is subjected to a series of specified loadings. are presented in Figs. 11–13. These figures show the variation in
With the laminate compliance defined: axial modulus, Poisson ratio and shear modulus for T300/5208 car-
[a∗ ] ≡ 2H[A]−1 (9) These three figures show that the effective engineering prop-
erties of angle-ply laminates are higher than those of the
The results of these thought experiments provide expressions corresponding laminae. Further, Poisson’s ratio of angle-play lam-
for the engineering properties of the laminate. Examples are: inates can exhibit values greater than 1.0, and the shear modulus
Axial modulus: of angle-ply laminates is largest at 45◦ .
¯ x 1 Another most interesting result for laminated composites
Ex = = ∗ (10)
ε◦x a11 (Fig. 14) is the fact that the through-the-thickness Poisson’s ratio
Fig. 9. Poisson’s ratio predictions for carbon/epoxy. Fig. 11. Axial modulus – unidirectional and angle-ply laminates.
8 C.T. Herakovich / Mechanics Research Communications 41 (2012) 1–20
xz is negative over a significant range of fiber orientations for some Composites often are the material of choice where thermal stresses
angle-ply laminates (Herakovich, 1984). or thermal expansion are important. The coefficient of thermal
Another interesting feature of laminates is that, depending expansion in the fiber direction of unidirectional composites is
on the stacking sequence of the layers, they can exhibit cou- often near zero and can be slightly negative. This has huge
pling between inplane and bending effects. Laminates that are consequences when designing laminates for low, or matching, coef-
unsymmetric about the laminate midplane have a non-zero [B] ficients of thermal expansion. Thermal stresses can be extremely
matrix resulting in coupling between inplane and out-of-plane important for the application of fibrous composite materials as
responses (see Eq. (8)). Unsymmetric laminates exhibit curvature essentially all composite materials are fabricated at an elevated
when subjected to pure inplane loading. Likewise, unsymmetric temperature. The constituent phases become bonded at an elevated
laminates exhibit inplane strains when subjected to pure bending temperature resulting in residual thermal stresses in the composite
moments. More on unsymmetric laminates is provided in a later after it has cooled to room temperature.
section. Fundamental problems at the micromechanics level are predic-
tion of the residual stresses and the effective thermal properties of
6. Environmental effects unidirectional composites. At the laminate level, it is necessary to
predict the residual stresses and the laminate effective coefficient
6.1. Thermal effects of thermal expansion (CTE). This latter property is very important
as it is one of the unique aspects of laminated composite materi-
Environmental effects often play a critical role in the choice als: composite laminates can exhibit CTE values over a wide range
of material for many applications in devices and structures. including zero, positive and negative.
The earliest papers dealing with thermal effects in anisotropic
materials appear to be those by Ambartsumyan (1952) who consid-
ered thermal stresses in anisotropic, laminated plates, and Hayashi
(1956) who considered thermal stresses in orthotropic plates.
The earliest works at the micromechanics level appears to be
that of Van Fo Fy (1965) who considered thermal effects in com-
posites consisting of periodic arrays of continuous, circular glass
fibers. He used stress analysis to determine exact thermal coef-
ficients for specific phase geometries. Levin (1967) presented an
approach for determining the effective coefficients of thermal
expansion for two phase composites with isotropic phases. The
work used an extension Hill’s approach and included bounds on
the expansion coefficients of transversely isotropic, unidirectional,
fiber-reinforced composites. Rosen (1968) investigated thermal
expansion coefficients for composite materials. Much of this work
is incorporated in the later paper by Rosen and Hashin (1970) on
expansion coefficients.
Schapery (1968) derived upper and lower bounds as well as
specific approximations for thermal expansion coefficients of lin-
ear elastic and viscoelastic composite materials. He extended the
previous work of Levin and Van Fo Fy for an arbitrary number
of constituents and phase geometries, for isotropic phases. The
approach provided upper and lower bounds using the principles
Fig. 13. Shear modulus – unidirectional and angle-ply laminates. of complementary and potential energy. Approximate expressions
C.T. Herakovich / Mechanics Research Communications 41 (2012) 1–20 9
for the axial and transverse thermal coefficients of expansion for The analysis of moisture effects in organic matrix composites is
unidirectional, fiber-reinforced composites were presented. Hashin analogous to that for thermal effects at both the micromechanics
(1979) extended Schapery’s elastic results for composites with and laminate levels. Much of this work is detailed in three volumes
transversely isotropic phases. The final forms of the predictions for edited by Springer (1981), Springer (1984), and Springer (1988a).
the axial and transverse thermo-elastic coefficients of expansion Volume 3, Chapter 1 (Springer, 1988b) provides a broad review of
(as presented by Daniel and Ishai, 1994) are: the effects of temperature and moisture on organic matrix com-
posites. In general, moisture effects are not nearly as significant as
Ef ˛f Vf + Em ˛m Vm (E˛)1 thermal effects.
˛1 = = (14)
Ef Vf + Em Vm E1
7. Interlaminar stresses
for the coefficient in the fiber direction, and
The first publication concerned with interlaminar stresses in
˛1f ˛1m laminated composites appears to be that of Hayashi (1967) who
˛2 = ˛2f Vf 1 + 12f + ˛2m Vm 1 + 12m
˛2f ˛2m investigated interlaminar shear stresses in an idealized laminate
consisting of orthotropic layers separated by isotropic shear lay-
(E˛)1 ers. Other important early works include those by Bogy (1968)
− (12f Vf + 12m Vm ) (15)
E1 who investigated the singular behavior of stresses at the inter-
section of a boundary and bonded dissimilar isotropic materials,
for the coefficient in the transverse direction. In the above, f and and the first three-dimensional (numerical) analysis of inter-
m refer to fiber and matrix, respectively, V is volume fraction, E laminar stresses in laminated composites by Pipes and Pagano
is modulus, ˛ is coefficient of thermal expansion and is Pois- (1970).
son’s ratio, (E˛)1 = Ef ˛f Vf + Em ˛m Vm and E1 is the rule of mixture Pipes and Pagano provided the first complete analysis of the
composite modulus in the fiber direction. problem of an axially loaded, laminated coupon with free edges
Additional works on thermal effects in composites include the (Fig. 16). They formulated a reduced system of elasticity equa-
review article by Tauchert (1986) and that by Herakovich and tions governing the laminate behavior by assuming independence
Aboudi (1999). of the stress and strain state on the axial coordinate and then
The first presentation of the thermal-elastic formulation for solved the system of equations using the finite difference method.
composite laminates was by Tsai (1968). An early textbook presen- Their results showed the existence of all three interlaminar stress
tation of the formulation is that by Calcote (1969). A most important components in the boundary layer regions along the free edges
result of the formulation is an expression for the effective coeffi- of finite width laminated coupons under inplane tensile load-
cient of thermal expansion {˛} ¯ for a symmetric N-layered laminate, ing. They presented results for a variety of fiber orientations and
namely: laminate stacking sequences and showed that the width of the
boundary layer is approximately equal to the thickness of the lam-
k inate, that the interlaminar normal stress z and the interlaminar
¯ = [A]−1
{˛} [Q̄ ] {˛}k tk (16) shear stress zx can exhibit singular behavior as the free edge is
k=1 approached, and that the sign and magnitude of the interlami-
nar stresses are functions of the laminate configuration including
Ashton et al., 1969 presented results for the varia- material type, fiber orientations, layer thicknesses and stacking
tion of thermal strains as a function of fiber orientation sequence.
for unidirectional and angle play laminates. Fig. 15 The free edge problem has been studied on a continuing basis
shows that rather large, negative coefficients of ther- ever since the original work in the late 1960s. The finite dif-
mal expansion are possible for a typical carbon/epoxy ference solution of Pipes and Pagano was followed quickly by a
material (T300/5208 in Fig. 15) over a range of fiber orientations three-dimensional finite element solution by Rybicki (1971). Later,
for angel-ply laminates. it was recognized that the tensile coupon problem also could be
10 C.T. Herakovich / Mechanics Research Communications 41 (2012) 1–20
problem, particularly for very general unsymmetric laminates. One at the center of the plate and normal to the surface of the curved
of the difficulties of using finite-element analysis was the existence laminate. The laminate exhibited complex local snap-through
of multiple solutions at room temperature. Finite-element analysis behavior that was not predicted.
had to be coaxed into converging to the various solutions by know- Tawfik et al. (2007) used finite element analysis to study square
ing something about each of the multiple shapes the laminate could cross-ply laminates. The shape predictions were compared with
attain, using a small force or moment to ‘move’ the convergence results using the original theory of Hyer (1981a) and the finite ele-
of the finite element solution toward a particular shape, and then ment analysis was extended to compute the force, applied at the
removing the small force or moment so only thermal effects were center of the laminate and normal to the curved surface, to produce
causing the computed deformations. snap through. Also, calculations were made to determine the crit-
Some finite-element codes would provide information about the ical laminate aspect ratio and it was concluded that snap through
stability of various solutions computed. Schlecht et al. (1995) used a will not occur if the laminate is too narrow. Pirrera et al. (2010)
finite element approach to compare with the earlier Rayleigh–Ritz used more sophisticated approximate displacement functions and
results of Hyer (1981a) for cross-ply laminates. The comparisons the Rayleigh–Ritz approach, considered cross-ply laminates, and
between the results for the cross-ply laminates from the two dif- provided detailed predictions of shapes and the forces to cause
ferent approaches were good. Laminates with 45◦ ply orientation snap through, where again, the force was applied in the center
were also considered, but there was no comparison with results of the laminate and normal to the curved surface. Mattioni et al.
from other approaches. Schlecht and Schulte (1999) considered (2008) considered unsymmetric laminates with piecewise varia-
the effect of temperature-dependent properties and the finite ele- tions of the fiber angle within a layer and concluded that multiple
ment approach to study the cooled shape and snap-through forces shapes were still possible. Betts et al. (2010) used the approach
and displacements for square cross-ply and [02 /2 ]T laminates. developed by Dano and Hyer (1998), relabeling the nomenclature,
The principal curvature directions of the latter laminates were also and a three-camera system with markers on the laminate to mea-
computed as a function of , as was the response of circular unsym- sure laminate shape. This measurement arrangement was unique
metric laminates. and provided high-resolution data. The comparison between the
Dano and Hyer (1998) extended the Rayleigh–Ritz approach predicted and measured shapes was good.
to study much more general laminates by using more complex A potential advantage of using the multiple shapes of unsym-
approximate displacement functions. Shape predictions for more metric laminates for morphing structures was that actuators would
general laminates using this extended Rayleigh–Ritz approach only have to provide the forces to snap the laminate from one shape
were compared with predictions from finite element analyses and to the other. Actuator energy would not be required to hold the lam-
experiments. The correlations among the two predicted shapes and inate in a particular shape. Actuator energy would only be required
the experimentally measured ones were quite good. Going one step for transforming the shape. This could be a significant advantage,
further, Dano and Hyer (2002) used the extended Rayleigh–Ritz assuming the shapes developed by the unsymmetric laminate were
approach to predict the forces required for snap through of general desirable shapes, and environmental or other influences did not
unsymmetric laminates and conducted force-control experiments impact the shape, or the transforming of the shape. Dano and Hyer
to measure these forces. The measured and predicted snap-through (2003) investigated use of shape memory alloy wires, stretched
forces were in good agreement. between short struts, or posts, that were mounted normal to the
Hufenbach and Gude (2002) used a genetic algorithm and a surface of an unsymmetric laminate. When electric current was
Rayleigh–Ritz solution to find families of laminates with desired passed through the shape memory alloy wires, their temperature
curvature characteristics. Cross-ply and angle-ply laminates were would increase and through the martensitic-austenitic transforma-
considered, though details of the approximate in-plane displace- tion, the wires would contract and produce a tensile force between
ment response assumed in the analysis were not given. Hufenbach the struts. The tensile force acting through the length of the strut
et al. (2002) repeated some of the work discussed in (2002) and produced a moment on the laminate that, if sufficient, would cause
presented additional empirical results. A concept for producing the laminate to snap through. A similar shape memory alloy wire
snap through on command was also outlined. Ren et al. (2003) pre- and strut arrangement on the opposite side of the laminate would
sented an interesting alternative to the concept of multiple cooled reverse snap the laminate. The laminate, strut, and shape mem-
shapes by presenting predicted results for unsymmetric laminates ory alloy wire arrangement was modeled using the Rayleigh–Ritz
following the original approach by Hyer (1981b), but assuming approach, and the wire temperature to produced snapping was
the laminate was cured on a cylindrical tool rather than in a flat predicted. Of course, strut length and the number and diameter
state before it was cooled. The initial cylindrical shape had a sig- of shape memory alloy wires were design variables. Experiments
nificant effect on the role of laminate dimensions on the stability were developed, with care taken to electrically insulate all com-
characteristics. ponents, and snap through measurements made. The correlation
A number of investigators continued to study unsymmetric lam- between the predicted and measured snap-though temperature
inates. The influence of laminate aspect ratio, defined as the ratio was good.
of laminate length to laminate width, on the stability character- Using an alternative concept, Schultz and Hyer (2003) used
istics of cross-ply laminates, and therefore the existence or lack piezoelectric actuators, bonded to the surface of an unsymmetric
thereof of cylindrical shapes, was investigated by Gigliotti et al. laminate, to produce snap through. The design variables were the
(2004) using the original formulation of Hyer (1981a) and finite area of the actuator, the strain-voltage capabilities of the actuator,
element analysis. The conclusion was that long, narrow cross-ply the maximum voltage that could be applied to the actuator, and the
laminates did not exhibit multiple shapes, rather they cooled to method of bonding the actuator to the laminate. Interestingly, for
a unique shape with a dominate curvature in the long direction. thin laminates the stiffness of the actuator could alter the cooled
The lack of multiple shapes was associated with the loss of bifur- shape of the unsymmetric laminate, if not globally, then certainly
cation behavior, i.e., the solution for laminate shape did not yield in the neighborhood of the actuator. A model was developed to
two solutions, rather just one. It was also concluded that the orig- consider all these issues, the model being based on a multi-step
inal formulation of Hyer (1981a) was incapable of predicting the Rayleigh–Ritz approach, where the steps were (1) laminate cur-
behavior of long, narrow laminates. Potter et al. (2007) measured ing, (2) bonding the actuator to the laminate, and (3) application of
the load vs. displacement relations for a two-layer cross-ply lami- voltage to the actuator. Reasonably good correlation between the
nate and observed the deformation behavior. The load was applied predicted and measured voltage to produce snapping was achieved.
C.T. Herakovich / Mechanics Research Communications 41 (2012) 1–20 13
Other investigators considered the same basic approach of using exhibit coupling between axial and shear response. This is due
piezoceramic actuators. Gude and Hufenbach (2006) used a finite to the fact that the individual layers are not at the same radius
element approach to model the actuators and laminate. Bowen et al. from the axis. In addition, the response of tubes is a function of
(2007) considered using mechanical loads to augment the effect of the tube aspect ratio RI /h where RI is the inner radius and h is
the actuators. Portela et al. (2008) concluded that the actuator prop- the laminate thickness. Fig. 21 demonstrates the effect of aspect
erties must be matched to the laminate. Failure to do this matching ratio for the radial coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of a car-
results in either the multiple shape characteristics of the laminate bon/epoxy. Results are presented for unidirectional and angle-ply
being eliminated, or the actuator not being powerful enough to laminates. The unidirectional laminae exhibit negative CTE only
snap the laminate. over a very small range of fiber orientation near 90◦ . In contrast,
the angle-ply laminates exhibit negative CTE over a large range of
9. Tubes fiber orientation; the range of negative values and magnitude are
very dependent on the tube aspect ratio. For angle-ply tubes, the
The laminated circular tube (Fig. 20) is one of a very few compos- inner radius of the tube actually shrinks when subjected to heat-
ite structural configurations for which an exact elasticity solution ing; this effect is more pronounced as the aspect ratio decreases
is available. The analytical solution for axisymmetric, mechanical (i.e., the tube is thicker).
loading is based upon the works of Lekhnitskii (1950a), Scherrer The solution for layered tubes can be extended to the case of
(1967), Reissner (1970), Pagano (1971), and Reissner and Tsai a layered, solid cylinder by using the fact that singular displace-
(1974). Thermal stresses were included by Hyer and Cooper (1986) ments are not permissible at r = 0. This condition is used to eliminate
and several follow-on works by Hyer and co-workers Wilson and
Orgill (1986) included material and geometric nonlinearities. The
availability of an analytical solution permits direct and efficient
in-depth study of the problem parameters. For an N-layer compos-
ite tube under x-independent, axisymmetric, thermo-mechanical
loading, the displacements in the kth layer can be written:
In the above, ε◦x and ◦ are the axial strain and angle of twist per
unit length,
(k) , ˝(k) and (k) are known functions of the layer
material properties, T is the uniform temperature change, A1
and A2 are unknown layer constants to be determined from inter-
facial displacement and stress continuity equations and external
boundary conditions.
There are two interesting facets for the response of laminated,
composites tubes. Axisymmetric tubes of a [± ] configuration Fig. 21. Radial CTE for tubes.
14 C.T. Herakovich / Mechanics Research Communications 41 (2012) 1–20
one of the unknowns in the solution. Hashin and Rosen used the
solid cylinder approach in their (1964) paper on the concentric
cylinder assemblage model for micromechanics of composites with
isotropic fiber and matrix. Avery and Herakovich (1986) used the Fig. 23. Off-axis tensile coupon failure comparisons.
solid cylinder approach to study the effect of fiber anisotropy on
thermal stresses, and Knott and Herakovich (1991b) used it to study
the effects of various fiber morphologies on effective composite ultimate stress fult , the composite failure stress cult can be written
in terms of the stress in the matrix at this strain level m and the
fiber and matrix volume fractions as:
10. Plates
cult = fult Vf + m (1 − Vf ) (20)
The first publication concerned with anisotropic plates appears They also presented a relationship specifying the critical fiber
to be that of Huber (in Polish) in (1921). The English translation of volume fraction required for the composite strength to be greater
the title to his work is “The theory of anisotropic rectangular plates, than the bulk matrix strength.
with special consideration of reinforced concrete slabs, iron, etc.”
Another early publication on anisotropic plates is that by Hayashi
11.2. Quadratic failure criteria
(1941). See the Anniversary Volume of collected Papers of Tsuyoshi
Hayashi (1973) for this publication and other related works by
Several quadratic failure criteria have been presented to predict
Hayashi, including his 1947 doctoral thesis that contains his work
failure of a unidirectional composite in a state of combined load-
dating from pre-World War II. Lekhnitskii’s Anisotropic Plates first
ing. They represent attempts to provide better correlation between
appeared in 1944 with a second edition in (1957). Ambartsumyan’s
theory and experiment by inclusion of all components of stress in
Theory of Anisotropic Plates appeared in (1967) and the transla-
an equation representing the failure criterion. The quadratic crite-
tion from Russian in 1970. Whitney’s book on Structural Analysis
ria are based upon the mathematical premise that a second order
of Laminated Anisotropic Plates was published in (1987). Reddy’s
curve has more parameters with which to fit experimental data
book entitled Mechanics of laminated composite plates: theory and
than does a straight line. These criteria generally are not based upon
analysis was published in (1997) with a second edition in (2004).
the physics of the failure mechanisms. While they may provide bet-
Most solutions for laminated plate problems involve some level
ter correlation between theory and experiment in some situations
of approximation. Finite element and other approximate solutions
they are limited in that the sign of the normal stress components
are common. However, there is one problem for which an analytic,
must be known a priori if the positive and negative strengths are
elasticity solution is available. It is the cylindrical bending problem
different (which is often the case with composites).
(Fig. 22) presented in a series of papers by Pagano (1969), Pagano
Failure criteria based upon polynomials of strength tensors
(1970), and Pagano and Wang (1971). The plate is composed of N
represent an attempt to mathematically overcome one of the
orthotropic or angle-ply layers, simply supported along its edges
shortcomings of the quadratic criteria, namely, to account for the
x = 0 and x = L, and subjected to transverse loading q(x) over the
differences in tensile and compressive strengths. They have the
entire the top surface, z = H. For cylindrical bending, all displace-
additional advantage of being scalar equations of tensor quantities.
ments, stresses and strains are independent of axial coordinate y.
Hence they are invariant and transformations between coordinate
Thus the solution to the problem corresponds to the solution for
systems can be affected using the tensor transformation laws.
a generic x-z plane; it shows that, in contrast to classical plate
Tensor polynomial failure criteria were first considered by
theory, the results are a function of the plate length to thickness
Gol’denblat and Kopnov (1965) and Ashkenazi (1965). The criterion
aspect ratio. The classical plate theory predictions converge to the
most often employed over the years is the second order tensor poly-
elasticity solution for large aspect ratios.
nomial criterion proposed by Tsai and Wu (1971). It is a complete
quadratic, tensor polynomial with linear terms included. The crite-
11. Failure
rion assumes that there exists a scalar function f( i ) that describes
the failure surface in stress space. For failure to occur, f( i ) must
11.1. Unidirectional lamina
satisfy the condition:
The axial tensile strength of a unidirectional lamina is typically f (i ) = Fi i + Fij i j ≥ 1 (21)
controlled by the fiber ultimate strain (or stress). Kelly and Davies
(1965) provided a method for predicting axial tensile strength as a In (21), Fi and Fij are tensor quantities of strength parameters
function of fiber and matrix strengths, and the constituent volume that can, at least in theory, be determined from a series of tests on
fractions. For a composite that fails when the fibers attains the fiber the composite.
C.T. Herakovich / Mechanics Research Communications 41 (2012) 1–20 15
13.3. Shear
13.4. Off-axis tensile test at both of these universities in 1974. At Delaware, a Center for
Composite Materials was formed with Jack Vinson, Tsu-Wei Chou,
Tensile tests on unidirectional off-axis lamina have been used Roy McCullough and Byron Pipes providing the leadership. The
to measure the shear modulus G12 . The results are dependent on Delaware Center has maintained a strong relationship with indus-
the fiber orientation angle and the specimen length/width aspect try. At Virginia Tech, the NASA-Virginia Tech Composites Program
ratio. It has been shown that for polymeric matric composites, an was established under the leadership of the author and John Davis
angle of 45◦ and aspect ratio of 10–20 are recommended (Pindera at NASA Langley Research Center. Under this cooperative pro-
and Herakovich, 1986). gram, students completed a research residency of six to twelve
months at NASA’s Langley working with NASA engineers. The first
course in mechanics of composites at Virginia Tech was taught by
14. Nanocomposites
the author in 1974. Courses in mechanics of composites are now
taught in many universities in the United States and around the
The term nanotechnology first appeared in (1974) in a paper
presented by Taniguchi in Tokyo, Japan. Nano denotes a scale of
10−9 and nanotechnology refers to the properties of atoms and
molecules measuring roughly 0.1–1000 nanometers. The first arti- 16. Closure
cle on materials at the nano scale was by Kroto et al. (1985) who
published the results of their work on the development of a sta- During the process of writing this invited article it became clear
ble, cage-like molecule of 60 carbon atoms arranged in the shape that there was too much material to be discussed, at the depth
of a soccer-ball or geodesic dome. They called the molecules buck- desired by the author, and in the time frame and space available,
erminsterfullerenes or buckyballsafter Richard Buckminster Fuller if all aspects of composites mechanics were to be covered. Thus,
of the geodesic dome fame. Richard Smalleyat Rice University was the time came when it was necessary to say that’s enough for now.
actually the one who discovered the arrangement of atoms that Hopefully, there will be time in the future to add additional top-
provided the correct stable shape (see Smalley, 1991). The devel- ics. Apologies to those who have made significant contributions in
opment of buckyballs was followed by the development of carbon areas not covered. You are many!
nanotubes by Iijima (1991). Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are cage-like,
cylindrical fullerenes, roughly 1.5 nanometers in diameter and a 17. Books on mechanics of composites
few hundred nanometers to microns long. They exhibit exceptional
specific stiffness and strength and are highly elastic. They can be Following is a partial listing of books on mechanics of compos-
formed coaxially, one nanotube inside another, to form multiwall ites.
Because of their high specific modulus and strength combined • Aboudi, J., 1991. Mechanics of Composite Materials: A Unified
with their exceptional elasticity, carbon nanotubes are of great Micromechanical Approach. Elsevier.
interest to the composites community. The goal is to disperse car- • Achenbach, J.D., 1975. A Theory of Elasticity with Microstruc-
bon nanotubes in the matrix of a fibrous composite with the hope ture for Directionally Reinforced Composites, CISM Courses and
of improving the mechanical properties of the composite. The work Lectures No. 167. Springer-Verlag, New York.
to date has been largely associated with fabrication issues. Much • Ambartsumyan, S.A., 1970. Theory of Anisotropic Plates. Tech-
of this work is reviewed in four articles published by Chou and nomic Publishing Co. Inc. Stamford, CT.
co-authors with the most recent by Chou et al. (2010). Sun and co- • Ashton, J.E., Halpin, J.C., Petit, P.H., 1969. Primer on Composite
workers reported improved compressive properties of glass and Materials: Analysis. Technomic.
carbon fiber composites using nanoparticle infused matrix materi- • Ashton, J.E., Whitney, J.M., 1970. Theory of Laminated Plates.
als. These works are summarized by Uddin and Sun (2009). Technomic.
All things considered, it may be said that, as of this writing, • Agarwal, B.D., Broutman, L.J., 1990. Analysis and Performance of
additional research is required before major advancements in the Fiber Composites, second edition. John Wiley & Sons.
mechanical properties of fibrous composites are realized through • Broutman, L.J., Krock, R.H. (Eds.), 1974. Composite Materials, vol.
the use of nanoparticle enhanced materials. 1–8. Academic Press.
• Buryachenko, V., 2007. Micromechanics of Heterogeneous Mate-
15. University and government programs rials. Springer.
• Calcote, L.R., 1969. The Analysis of Laminated Composite Struc-
The first significant government research activity on fibrous tures. Van Nostrand Reinhold.
composites in the United States appears to be that at the Air Force • Chawla, K.K., 1987. Composite Materials – Science and Engineer-
Materials Laboratory at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in the early ing. Springer-Verlag.
1960s. The history of the activity at AFML was detailed by Tsai • Christensen, R.M., 1979. Mechanics of Composite Materials. J.
in (2005). Soon after the initiation of work at AFML, NASA Lang- Wiley & Sons.
ley Research Center joined the activity in composites promoting • Daniel, I.M., Ishai, O., 1994. Engineering Mechanics of Composite
their use in commercial aircraft. Virtually all government labora- Materials. Oxford University Press.
tories now have very active programs in mechanics of composites. • Gibson, R.F., 1994. Principles of Composite Material Mechanics.
And, of course, the National Science Foundation has played a very McGraw-Hill, Inc.
strong role in the funding of research in mechanics of compos- • Halpin, J.C., 1992. Revised Primer on Composite Materials: Anal-
ites. ysis, second edition. Technomic.
Educational and research activities in mechanics of compos- • Hashin, Z., 1972. Theory of Fiber Reinforced Materials. NASA CR-
ites first appeared at universities in the United States in the late 1974.
1960s. The first course in composites was taught by Jack Vinson • Hearmon, R.F.S., 1961. An Introduction of Applied Anisotropic
at the University of Delaware in 1969. That same year, a Depart- Elasticity. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
ment of Defense research grant was funded at Virginia Tech under • Herakovich, C.T., 1998. Mechanics of Fibrous Composites. John
the leadership of Dan Frederick. Formal programs were established Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.
18 C.T. Herakovich / Mechanics Research Communications 41 (2012) 1–20
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