N4 2 - CertTest - APAC
N4 2 - CertTest - APAC
N4 2 - CertTest - APAC
January 2017
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are subject to change without notice. The latest product specifications can be found by contacting our corporate
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Trademark Notice
BACnet and ASHRAE are registered trademarks of American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning
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attempt to remove from the test room any part of a test booklet or any notes
relating to the test (on paper or in electronic format)
during the test, give assistance to another candidate or receive assistance from
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create a disturbance
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Invalid Test Booklets. All test booklets are assigned to the candidate on the
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I hereby certify that all the information given above is complete and accurate.
Furthermore, I pledge the work contained in this test booklet and that which I have
submitted in conjunction with the certification lab to be original and mine.
This test booklet has been issued to you. Do not lose this booklet or remove it
from the test room. When you have completed the certification lab, return this
booklet and all other testing materials to the test supervisor.
Testing starts at 8:00 AM on Friday. Testing should conclude by 5:00 PM Friday. You
are invited to work through lunch or break as you desire. You are encouraged to
work diligently and check your work thoroughly prior to submitting it for evaluation. If
you complete your work prior to end time, you are invited to depart the test room.
Once you have submitted your work, it has to be evaluated and scored by the
Tridium Training Staff. Your results will be forwarded to you about two-three weeks
after completing the certification exam.
Before you begin, fill in the identifying information that appears on page #2. Test
booklets will not be accepted unless you have completed this information and signed
the Pledge of Authenticity.
You are allowed to refer to your notes and all class materials.
Cassette recorders, all types of cameras, and other electronic recording devices
are not permitted in the classroom during regular class hours, nor are they
permitted in the test room during certification testing.
Feel free to ask the test supervisor or proctor for assistance if you have a question
or need assistance at any time.
Feel free to use available space in this test booklet for scratch-work.
Feel free to take a break at any time. You are allowed to leave the test room, but
you cannot remove any part of a test booklet or any notes relating to the test.
Please don’t disturb others while you are taking a break.
TEST YOUR WORK to make sure the results meet your expectations.
Although the Platform may periodically save the running station, you should
manually initiate a station save after completing any significant lab exercise. The
icon shown below will remind you to save your work.
In addition to the frequent reminders to save your station, you will also be
periodically reminded to BackUp your JACE Platform. A Backup copy of the
Platform includes a copy of the Station, but also includes copies of all files upon
which the Station depends.
The Best Practice, during this Test as well as in the field, is to always create a
BackUp copy of each platform that you reconfigure. Equipped with both a Station
Copy and a Platform BackUp you will be able to restore your work in almost every
When you have completed the certification lab, return this booklet to the test
supervisor. After submitting your work, please leave the testing room so that you do
not disturb other students that are still working.
Certification Test
Beginning this Test with a JACE that has been cleaned most closely resembles
genuine field conditions involving the installation of new hardware. An Instructor
may have already directed you to clean your JACE before beginning the test.
1.1 Using the Niagara4 Workbench, open a connection to the local Platform
and use the Application Director to stop any running stations. The only
Supervisor on the Enterprise (in the classroom) will be running on the
Instructor’s PC.
N4 Workbench: My Host > My File System > User Home > stations
Windows File System: C:\Users\tridium\Niagara4.0\tridium\stations
1.3 Open a Platform connection to your JACE, and verify that it has been
cleaned. Hint: The default Platform Credentials for a newly cleaned JACE
are UserName: tridium and Password: niagara.
1.4 If necessary, open the Distribution File Installer and Clean the JACE.
2.6 Leave the station start settings at the default for a JACE:
START AFTER INSTALL: Start the station immediately after it is copied
AUTO-START: Start the station every time the platform daemon starts
2.7 In addition to the software modules already required, install the module
needed for the kitPxHvac library of graphical widgets.
3.1 Open the station CertLab_XX now running on your JACE. Log in with the
Username admin and the Password Admin12345 which are the credentials
established in the Baseline station.
3.2 Expand the Services container. Open the Platform Services container
default view, and set the Station Auto-Save Frequency to 15 minutes and
the Station Auto-Save Versions to Keep to 2.
4.3 Using the Category Browser view, assign the Engineering category to the
following levels of the station architecture:
Alarm Service
Backup Service (this should stay in the User category also)
Hierarchy Service (this should stay in the User category also)
History Services (all 3 services) (those in the User category should stay there)
Web Service (this should stay in the User category also)
4.4 Using the Role Manager view, create three new User Roles.
4.7 Disconnect from your JACE station and re-connect/login with the user
created above for yourname. You are the system integrator. The
Facilities Manager is your customer.
5.1 Discover stations on the Niagara Network.
5.2 Add the fox version (NOT foxs) of the N4Supervisor Station running on
the instructor’s PC to your Niagara Network. (Username = m2m, password =
7.2 Tags: As you create the Lighting System control logic, tag the appropriate
objects (use your judgment here) by selecting from the following tags in
the Haystack Tag Dictionary:
lights lighting
lightsGroup equip
7.3 Create the control logic necessary to control the lights in two separate
office spaces.
7.4 Turn the lights On or Off based on time of day and day of the week by
linking the office lights to the Occupancy schedule created earlier. (Link to
the boolean schedule you created earlier in the schedules folder)
7.5 Provide the occupant with a separate historical trend for each of the office
lighting objects to establish a record of On/Off events.
7.6 Configure the application so that the histories collect data ONLY during
unoccupied hours.
11.1 Locate the Room Temp object created in the ventilation system above.
11.2 Program the Room Temp object to generate a high alarm notification
when the value rises above 79F [26C] and a low alarm notification when
the value drops below 65F [18C]. Observe that the change in status
actually manifests itself on the wiresheet and property sheet views.
11.3 Assign alarm high, low, and return-to-normal message text.
11.4 Open the Alarm Console and verify that the alarm notifications are posted
for operator action.
12.1 Configure your station to send its alarms to the N4Supervisor station
running on the instructor’s PC.
13.1 Add a BACnet network to your CertLab station.
13.2 Set your device ID to match your workstation number.
13.3 Configure the IP port to use the primary network port and enable the IP
13.4 Discover all available BACnet devices and then add the BACnet device 50
to your database.
13.5 In the added BACnet device, Discover and subsequently add points for the
AHU group that corresponds to your workstation # as listed in the table
Point Name
13.6 Tags: As you add proxy points or create control logic, tag the appropriate
objects by selecting from the following Haystack tags: (You do not need to
apply all these tags to every point. Apply appropriate tags to the points you create. Use
your own judgment.)
hvac air ahu
cooling heating zone
fan temp equip
13.7 In the Points container wiresheet view, link the Occupancy schedule
created in the Shedules folder to write occupied/unoccupied to the
BACnet device via the occupancy.
13.8 Set default values to all four setpoint objects.
13.9 Add a data history for Space Temp collecting at 5-minute intervals.
13.10 Add data histories for Heat Status, Cool Status, and Fan Status collecting
on change-of-value.
13.11 Set up an alarm to occur when space temperature goes over 78F [26.5C].
14.1 Create a PX view for the BAC integration. As a minimum, the PX view
could resemble the picture below, but you should feel free to be creative!
This is your station, and you can design the graphical views as you like,
using any library of graphical widgets that you prefer.
Vent System
14.2 Provide visual indication and setpoint command capability [C] for
occupied and unoccupied cooling / occupied and unoccupied heating.
14.3 Provide visual indication of heating and cooling coil status.
14.4 Provide visual indication of fan status and damper position.
14.5 Provide for real-time monitoring of Space Temperature.
14.6 Provide visual indication of Occupancy status.
14.7 Provide a hyperlink to the Occupancy schedule editor, as well as a
hyperlink to the Ventilation system PX View, and back.
14.8 Provide a hyperlink to a chart view of the SpaceTemp history created on
the previous page, and a separate hyperlink to the Alarm Console.
14.9 Place a Title AHU# (# = your workstation number) on the PX View.
16.1 Create a Nav file for FacMan. Define the Ventilation Dashboard as the
Home page.
16.2 Assign the new Nav file to the FacMan user account.
16.3 Using the Workbench, disconnect from the station, and re-connect to the
station as the FacMan user.
16.4 Verify that the Home node appears on the Nav Tree.
16.5 Double-Click the Home Node to validate that the home page correctly
displays the Ventilation dashboard.
16.6 Open a web browser to your station and sign in as FacMan. Verify that
your navigation works as you expected.
Verify that the Browser UI opens to the Home Page.
Verify that the Hierarchy node does NOT yet display a hierarchy tree.
Verify that the Hyperlink to the other PX View is functional.
Drag an additional data point onto the Ventilation System Dashboard
from the History container, and save the modified chart configuration.
Test the hyperlink to return to the Home Page.
17.3 On the Property Sheet view of the Hierarchy Service (the default view)
change the name of the existing hierarchy from SmartDevices to
17.4 Right-Click on the Hierarchy container, and Refresh the Tree Node.
17.6 Disconnect from the station, and Log In as yourname. You have been
assigned the admin role. Study the Hierarchy. Test / Verify the
functionality of the User Interface:
17.7 Open the Role Manager view and edit the Operator Role, assigning
All_Controllers as a viewable Hierarchy. The Hierarchy should give the
Facility Manager easy access to all devices (Niagara, BACnet and Lon).
17.8 Open a Web Browser to your station (IP Address of your JACE) and Log
In as FacMan. Test / Verify the functionality of the User Interface:
Note: The FacMan user should now have access to the hierarchy. If you
do NOT see a list of controllers on the All_Controllers hierarchy tree, you
need to figure out why before you proceed!
17.9 Using the Workbench (you are still logged in as yourname, an admin user)
open the Property Sheet view of the Hierarchy Service.
17.10 From the hierarchy palette, Drag a QueryLevelDef from the palette and
drop it directly onto the All_Controllers hierarchy. No need to rename the
QueryLevelDef. Define QueryLevelDef1 to Query the Niagara tag n:point.
17.11 Using the Web Browser, Logged into your station as FacMan, Test / Verify
the functionality of the User Interface.
Note: You may need to Refresh the hierarchy. Verify that the changes to
the Hierarchy result in the appropriate display of data points.
17.13 Using the Web Browser, Logged into your station as FacMan, Test / Verify
the functionality of the User Interface.
17.14 From the Browser UI, execute a Search on the tag hs:hvac in order to
verify the results that you documented above. The results of the Hierarchy
query should be the same as the results of the Search query.
Note: You may choose to add the Haystack tag hvac to a few more data
points in order to force FacMan’s User Interface to display the data that a
Facility Manager needs in order to accomplish daily tasks.
17.15 Return to the Workbench and log back in as yourname so that you can
finish programming the customer’s system.
18.2 Using the appropriate platform tool of the JACE, copy your station to your
PC (Right to Left).
18.3 In the same way, open a platform connection to the Instructor’s PC and
copy your CertLab station to the Instructor’s PC (Left to Right).
Ensure that you set the station to NOT start upon transfer and to NOT
be set to autostart when the Niagara Service is started.
Ensure that you copy all files related to the station being copied.
18.4 When you have finished transferring the station, inform the instructor that
you have completed this step, and verify that all your station files were
Once you have completed the evaluation, return the entire booklet to
the test supervisor. After submitting your work, please quietly gather
your belongings and depart the test room so that you do not disturb
other students that are still working.