Annex - B - BOQ - Detailed - Estimate Smart Street Light
Annex - B - BOQ - Detailed - Estimate Smart Street Light
Annex - B - BOQ - Detailed - Estimate Smart Street Light
Sr. NO. Description Unit Qty. Unit Supply Rate ref Total Supply cost Unit Erection Cost Total Erection Total Cost
Rates Cost
1 Poles
a PCC Pole 11.0M Long (400kg working load). Nos 140 4775.00 1.2 668500.00 716.25 100275.00 768775.00
b PCC Poles 9 M Long (400kg working Load) Nos 140 2100.00 1.1 294000.00 315 44100.00 338100.00
2 ACSR Conductor 0.00
a 100mm2 Mtrs 40350 55.64 5.3 2245074.00 5.56 224346.00 2469420.00
b 100mm2 insulated Mtrs 2000 64.88 5.4 129760.00 6.49 12980.00 142740.00
3 11 KV Insulators
a 11 KV Polymeric insulators with pin, nuts and washers Set 375 152.00 4.7 57000.00 15.2 5700.00 62700.00
complete suitable for insulator assembly
b 45 KN Disc Insulator (T&C type) along with Hardwares & Set 90 267.00 4.3/4.11 24030.00 26.7 2403.00 26433.00
Accessories all complete as per Technical Specification.
4 LT Insulators
a LT Insulator Nos. 90 10.00 4.13 900.00 1 90.00 990.00
b Egg Insulator Nos. 90 10.00 4.14 900.00 1 90.00 990.00
5 M.S. Galvanized Items
a Fabrication and Supply of M.S. Galvanized items- Pole Top MT 50 56000.00 2.12 2800000.00 5600 280000.00 3080000.00
Bracket/hamper, V/straight-Cross arm, Guarding cross arm,
Back Clamps for V/straight-Cross arm and Guard cross arm,
D P Channel/angle, D P Channel clamp, Stay clamps angle,
Stay clamps side, D P cross bracing & clamps, half clamp,
full clamp, D-Strap, structure for mounting of isolator MS flat
b GI Nuts & Bolts with Washers (plain and spring) Kgs 1000 53.00 13.1 53000.00 5.3 5300.00 58300.00
6 11 kV stay set assembly & LT stay set assembly
(excluding stay clamp & fasteners)
a Stay wire (7/8 SWG) Kgs 1800 62.09 6.1 111762.00 6.21 11178.00 122940.00
b Hardware Fittings ( 8' long complete with X-Plat 460mm of Set 180 656.00 52.3 118080.00 65.6 11808.00 129888.00
Angle 65x65x6 Elbow & rod with Discs etc) to complete 11kV
stay set
7 Earthing
a G.I. Pipe 40 mm dia 6 mtr. Long for earthing set. B-class Nos 2562 1540.00 52.5 3945480.00 154 394548.00 4340028.00
b Earthing Rod Wt. 6.175 Kg. Nos 2562 294.00 52.4 753228.00 29.4 75322.80 828550.80
c Earthing with G.I. Strip 25x6 mm 9 mtr. as per Drawing Nos 2562 661.00 6.4 1693482.00 66.1 169348.20 1862830.20
d Maintanance free Earthing with all the allied Materialas per Nos. 1165 4280.00 P&D 4986200.00 820 955300.00 5941500.00
Nigam Specifiaction
8 GSL 8 SWG Kgs 2440 58.60 6.2 142984.00 5.86 14298.40 157282.40
9 11 KV 400 Amps. GO Switch complete with handle, pipe & Nos 10 5200.00 52.2 52000.00 520 5200.00 57200.00
Supporting Channel. As per Nigam’s Tech. Spec., relevant
ISS and latest amendments
10 11kV LA Nos 160 2500.00 11.2 400000.00 250 40000.00 440000.00
11 Barbed wire Kg. 160 50.00 6.3 8000.00 5 800.00 8800.00
12 Danger Plate Enameled No. 630 66.00 52.7 41580.00 6.6 4158.00 45738.00
13 Number Plate Enameled No. 140 66.00 52.8 9240.00 6.6 924.00 10164.00
14 Phase Plate for each phase set of 3 (On H-pole & 4 pole) Set 10 55.00 52.6 550.00 5.5 55.00 605.00
26 LT Feeder Pillar
a 6– way Distribution feeder pillar with 1 no ACB , 4 pole, Nos 239 479648.34 P&D 114635953.26 9592.97 2292719.83 116928673.09
3phase, 415 v , 1600 Amps for incoming and 5 nos outgoing
MCCB 4 pole, 3phase, 415 v , 400 Amps rating type,
metering arrangement on incomer suitable for outdoor
installation, in accordance with Technical Specification
b 5– way Distribution feeder pillar with 1 no ACB , 4 pole, Nos 138 430776.50 P&D 59447157.00 8615.53 1188943.14 60636100.14
3phase, 415 v , 1250 Amps for incoming and 4 nos outgoing
MCCB 4 pole, 3phase, 415 v , 400 Amps rating type,
metering arrangement on incomer suitable for outdoor
installation , in accordance with Technical Specification
c 4– way Distribution feeder pillar with 1 no ACB , 4 pole, Nos 27 366513.90 P&D 9895875.30 7330.28 197917.56 10093792.86
3phase, 415 v , 800 Amps for incoming and 3 nos outgoing
MCCB 4 pole, 3phase, 415 v , 400 Amps rating type,
metering arrangement on incomer suitable for outdoor
installation , in accordance with Technical Specification
d 7– way Distribution feeder pillar with 2 no MCCB , 4 pole, Nos 4615 183960.24 P&D 848976507.60 3679.2 16979508.00 865956015.60
3phase, 415 v , 400 Amps for incoming and 5 nos outgoing
MCCB 4 pole, 3phase, 415 v , 100 Amps rating type suitable
for outdoor installation , in accordance with Technical
e 3 phase ,415 v , Distribution service Pillar for LT, 100 Amps Nos 2432 47530.37 P&D 115593859.84 950.61 2311883.52 117905743.36
incoming ;2 nos . 32 TPN, 10 nos. 16 Amp SPN rating
feeder type distribution service pillar suitable for outdoor
installation , in accordance with Technical Specification
27 Distribution T/Fs
a 1000 KVA 11/.433 KV T/F Oil Type Nos. 77 984082.00 P&D 75774314.00 19681.64 1515486.28 77289800.28
b 630 KVA 11/.433 KV T/F Oil Type Nos. 129 749658.00 8.2 96705882.00 14993.16 1934117.64 98639999.64
c 400 KVA 11/.433 KV T/F Oil Type Nos. 4 593390.00 P&D 2373560.00 11867.8 47471.20 2421031.20
d 1000 KVA 11/.433 KV T/F Dry Type Nos. 10 1611579.00 P&D 16115790.00 32231.58 322315.80 16438105.80
e 630 KVA 11/.433 KV T/F Dry Type Nos. 10 1410220.00 P&D 14102200.00 28204.4 282044.00 14384244.00
f 400 KVA 11/.433 KV T/F Dry Type Nos. 10 1114129.00 P&D 11141290.00 22282.58 222825.80 11364115.80
28 9711 3324.00 P&D 32279364.00 332.4 3227936.40 35507300.40
Fencing for DT,RMU and LT ACB feeder Panel. (Per
Running meter) as per Nigam Specification including gate.
29 PSS (Package Sub-Station)
a 1000 KVA 11/.433 KV T/F compact type containerized T/F Nos. 5 3039113.59 P&D 15195567.95 60782.27 303911.35 15499479.30
unit with RMU with one VCB and two LBS with FRTU and
FPI, 415 V 1600 Amps Air circuit Breaker as incomer, 5nos.
400 Amps MCCB's as outgoing along with separate DT
meter compartment
b 630 KVA 11/.433 KV T/F compact type containerized T/F Nos. 5 2750632.08 P&D 13753160.40 55012.64 275063.20 14028223.60
unit with RMU with one VCB and two LBS with FRTU and
FPI, 415 V 1600 Amps Air circuit Breaker as incomer, 5nos.
400 Amps MCCB's as outgoing along with separate DT
meter compartment
c 400 KVA 11/.433 KV T/F compact type containerized T/F Nos. 5 2409904.72 P&D 12049523.60 48198.09 240990.45 12290514.05
unit with RMU with one VCB and two LBS with FRTU and
FPI, 415 V 1600 Amps Air circuit Breaker as incomer, 5nos.
400 Amps MCCB's as outgoing along with separate DT
meter compartment
30 RMU ( Ring Main Units)
a Indoor type11 KV SF6 type extensible and motorized 5 way Nos. 5 915131.00 P&D 4575655.00 18302.62 91513.10 4667168.10
smart Ring Main Unit (RMU) complete with two VCB and
three LBS with FRTU and FPI as per IS
b Indoor type 11 KV SF6 type extensible and motorized 4 way Nos. 5 803250.00 P&D 4016250.00 16065 80325.00 4096575.00
smart Ring Main Unit (RMU) complete with two VCB and two
LBS with FRTU and FPI as per IS
c Indoor type 11 KV SF6 type extensible and motorized 3 way Nos. 5 643174.00 P&D 3215870.00 12863.48 64317.40 3280187.40
smart Ring Main Unit (RMU) complete with one VCB and two
LBS with FRTU and FPI as per IS
d Indoor type 11 KV SF6 type extensible and motorized 3 way Nos. 5 779726.00 P&D 3898630.00 15594.52 77972.60 3976602.60
smart Ring Main Unit (RMU) complete with all three VCB and
with FRTU and FPI as per IS
e Indoor type 11 KV SF6 type extensible and motorized one Nos. 5 154339.00 P&D 771695.00 3086.78 15433.90 787128.90
way smart Ring Main Unit (RMU) complete with LB and with
FPI as per IS
f Indoor type 11 KV SF6 type extensible and motorized one Nos. 5 220320.00 P&D 1101600.00 4406.4 22032.00 1123632.00
way smart Ring Main Unit (RMU) complete with VCB and
FPI as per IS
g Outdoor type 11 KV SF6 type non extensible and motorized Nos. 17 918000.00 P&D 15606000.00 18360 312120.00 15918120.00
5 way smart Ring Main Unit (RMU) complete with two VCB
and three LBS with FRTU and FPI as per IS
h Outdoor type11 KV SF6 type extensible and motorized 4 way Nos. 83 805545.00 P&D 66860235.00 16110.9 1337204.70 68197439.70
smart Ring Main Unit (RMU) complete with two VCB and two
LBS with FRTU and FPI as per IS
i Outdoor type 11 KV SF6 type extensible and motorized 3 Nos. 418 644895.00 P&D 269566110.00 12897.9 5391322.20 274957432.20
way smart Ring Main Unit (RMU) complete with one VCB
and two LBS with FRTU and FPI as per IS
j Outdoor type 11 KV SF6 type extensible and motorized 3 Nos. 5 781448.00 P&D 3907240.00 15628.96 78144.80 3985384.80
way smart Ring Main Unit (RMU) complete with all three
VCB and with FRTU and FPI as per IS
k Outdoor type 11 KV SF6 type extensible and motorized one Nos. 5 154913.00 P&D 774565.00 3098.26 15491.30 790056.30
way smart Ring Main Unit (RMU) complete with LB and with
FPI as per IS
l Outdoor type 11 KV SF6 type extensible and motorized one Nos. 5 220894.00 P&D 1104470.00 4417.88 22089.40 1126559.40
way smart Ring Main Unit (RMU) complete with VCB and
FPI as per IS
31 Optical Fiber
a Un- Armoured Optical Fiber (48 Fibers) along with the all KM 222 48095.00 P&D 10677090.00 2404.75 533854.50 11210944.50
accessories connectors, switches etc.
b Armoured Optical Fiber (48 Fibers) along with the all KM 37 42477.20 P&D 1571656.40 2123.86 78582.82 1650239.22
accessories connectors, switches etc.
c PLB-HDPE (Permanently Lubricated High Density Poly KM 259 61000.00 P&D 15799000.00 3050 789950.00 16588950.00
Ethylene) pipe 40 mm. dia pipe for laying optical Fiber Cable.
32 Street light
a Supply and erection of 3 corePVC copper insulated and Mtr 110000 0.00 MCG 0.00 35.88 3946800.00 3946800.00
Sheathed Circular flexible wire of size
2.50sqmm(80/0.20mm)as per HSR No.31.9(II)e
b Supply and erection of Galvanized Iron pipe 65 mm dia on Mtr 4000 0.00 MCG 0.00 405.45 1621800.00 1621800.00
flushed for wiring purposes including bends inspection boxes
etc. where necessary and painting as required as per HSR
No. 31.21(XIV)
c Earthing with GI earth pipe 4.5 m long and 40 mm dia with Each 11000 0.00 MCG 0.00 1701 18711000.00 18711000.00
masonry enclosure on the top etc. as required as per HSR
item No.31.22(1)
d Extra item for using salt and charcoal / coke for pipe earth Each 11000 0.00 MCG 0.00 562.5 6187500.00 6187500.00
electrode as required as per HSR item No.31.12(II)
e Supplying and laying of 25 mm x 5 mm G.I. Strip at 0.50 Mtr 55000 0.00 MCG 0.00 72.9 4009500.00 4009500.00
metre below ground level as strip earth electrode including
soldering etc. as required as per HSR no. 31.22(VIII)
f Supply and erection of 25 Sq. mm 4 Core Armoured under Mtr 341000 0.00 MCG 0.00 135.12 46075920.00 46075920.00
ground cable ,loose in existing pipe or trenches complete
with necessary connections as per HSR 31.26(XII)
g Supply and erection of copper lugs of 25sqmm size including Each 88000 0.00 MCG 0.00 15.95 1403600.00 1403600.00
crimping etc. up to entire satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge
as per HSR No. 31.45(d)
h Supply and erection of HDPE pipe 90/75 mm Outer dia/Inner Mtr 350000 0.00 MCG 0.00 135 47250000.00 47250000.00
dia laid 1 Mtr below ground level including digging or
trenchless boring and refilling of earth including cost of
suitable size socket/coupler for HDPE Pipe including cost of
labour and material required to complete the job in all
respects upto the entire satisfaction of the engineer-in-
charge of the work.
i Supply and erection of Hot Dip Galvanized octagonal pole of nos. 9000 0.00 MCG 0.00 13940 125460000.00 125460000.00
3 mm thickness 7 Mtr. Long pole with top dia 70 mm and
bottom dia 130 mm with base plate of size 220 x 220 x 12
mm, including cost of nut and bolts and all
accessories(including provisions of camera, Wi-Fi unit,
speaker later stage) as supplied by the manufacture
including cost of foundation accessories etc. the foundation
bolts as per manufacturer design should be hot dipped
galvanized pole complete with door locking arrangement,
Terminal plate consisting of 2 nos. 100 A, 4 pole natural links
inclding connection etc. with suitable connecting
arrangement for 2 nos. MCBs/ kit- kat including cost of RCC
1:1.5:3 for foundation of size 0.7 m x 0.7 m x 1.8 m with
minimum 8 nos. 12 mm dia longitudinal MS reinforcement
rods with rings of 8 mm dia not more than 200 mm C.C. for
fixing the pole with all labour & material required to complete
the job in all respect upto the entire satisfaction of Engineer -
In - Charge of the per HSR item no. 31.68(i)
j Supply and erection of Hot Dip Galvanized octagonal pole of Nos 2000 0.00 MCG 0.00 15320 30640000.00 30640000.00
3 mm thickness 8 Mtr. Long pole with top dia 70 mm and
bottom dia 135 mm with base plate of size 225 x 225 x 16
mm, including cost of nut and bolts and all accessories
(including provisions of camera, Wi-Fi unit, speaker
later stage)as supplied by the manufacture including cost of
foundation accessories etc. the foundation bolts as per
manufacturer design should be hot dipped galvanized pole
complete with door locking arrangement, Terminal plate
consisting of 2 nos. 100 A, 4 pole natural links inclding
connection etc. with suitable connecting arrangement for 2
nos. MCBs/ kit- kat including cost of RCC 1:1.5:3 for
foundation of size 0.7 m x 0.7 m x 1.8 m with minimum 8 nos.
12 mm dia longitudinal MS reinforcement rods with rings of 8
mm dia not more than 200 mm C.C. for fixing the pole with all
labour & material required to complete the job in all respect
upto the entire satisfaction of Engineer - In - Charge of the
work as per HSR item No.31.68(ii)
k Supply, installation, Testing & commissioning of LED type IP- Nos 2000 0.00 MCG 0.00 13930 27860000.00 27860000.00
66 and above ,72W Street Light Fitting as per technical
specification enclosed. With Free Replacement Guaranttee -
-- 5 years as per the specification.
l Supply, installation, Testing & commissioning of LED type IP- Nos 9000 0.00 MCG 0.00 8168 73512000.00 73512000.00
66 and above 35W Street Light Fitting as per technical
specification enclosed . With Free Replacement Guaranttee
--- 5 years as per the specification.
m Supply and erection of terminations for octogonal poles Nos 11000 0.00 MCG 0.00 440 4840000.00 4840000.00
consisting of 1no 4 pole 40 A connector with brass/copper
links,2 no 10A , SP MCB 10 KA mounted on 5 mm thick
bakelite sheet duly fixed inside of the pole.
n Supply, Erection, Testing and Commisioning of Intellegent Nos 75 1.00 MCG 75.00 295570 22167750.00 22167825.00
feeder pillar (Outdoor type) for smart lighting system having
compatibility with optical fibre,GSM,Wi-Fi,Wi-max,Ethernet
as per specifications attached including
concentrator,convertor and other items required for
successful operation as per entire satisfaction of Engineer-
o Supply , fabrication and erection of single arm bracket 1500 Nos 11000 0.00 MCG 0.00 2350 25850000.00 25850000.00
mm overhang made of 48.3mm OD Dia.MS pipe (3.5mm
thick) as per IS 1161 welded to canopy 400 mm long with
angle of inclination of 105 degree to the vertical.The canopy
should be suitable for 70 mm top dia pole.The bracket should
be hot dip galvanized alongwith 3 no. 10mm dia.SS bolts
b Foundation for RMU No. 538 0.00 P&D 0.00 18000 9684000.00 9684000.00
c Foundation for Distribution Transformer(400,630 & 1000kVA) No. 380 0.00 P&D 0.00 20000 7600000.00 7600000.00
f Excavation for trenches upto 2m depth for size Mtr 35000 0.00 P&D 0.00 190 6650000.00 6650000.00
1000mmX1200mmX1000 m with supplying & laying 100mm
jamuna sand below the 3 no. cables i/c refilling the
excavated earth, watering, rolling compaction etc. complete
in all respects. alongwith laying of cables and all necessary
installation of material including HDPE & PLB-HDPE pipes
for road/rail crossing for road/rail crossing or as per site
requirement , GI pipes (Heavy Gauge) for bridge crossings,
cable protection cover RCC slabs, Yamuna Sand, end
termination, supporting structure for crossing small bridges,
culverts etc, cast riser for cable joint marker, route markers,
earthing material and earthing cable etc, including testing
and commissioning for Laying and restoration of excavated
portion to original look as far as practical possible of 11 kV&
LT 3-core, 1 core cable of various sizes below the ground
complete as per Drg./TS.
g Construction of room for providing Underground Distribution No. 5 0.00 P&D 0.00 400000 2000000.00 2000000.00
Transformer alongwith RMU and LT ACB
h Construction of double-decker room for providing Distribution No. 5 0.00 P&D 0.00 375000 1875000.00 1875000.00
Transformer alongwith RMU and LT feeder pillar
i Trenchless laying of Cable using HDD method with HDPE km 397 0.00 P&D 0.00 650000 258050000.00 258050000.00
pipe or PLB-HDPE
Total = 3136431048.57 1016303350.31 4152734398.88
15% overhead charges on supply 470464657.29
Grand Total 4623199056.17
Dismantling estimated Rates of existing HT and LT line and cartage to nearest store
Sr. No. Description Unit Dismentalling Qty Total Cost
Unit Rates
A Pole (PCC, Rail, Tubler etc ) - Supply Unit rates taken of 9 Nos. 157.50 11914 1876455
mtr. Pole
B ACSR Conductor with allied Material - Supply Unit rates KM 2163.35 1136 2457566
taken of 80 mm. sq. Conductor
C Distribution T/F with allied Material - Supply Unit rates taken nos. 2232.53 234 522412
of 200 kVA DT
D HT AB Cable of various sizes along with allied material - KM 19296.13 39 752548.9
Supply Unit rates taken of 3CX185 mm.sq.+ 150
C Overhead HT XLPE Cable of various sizes along with allied KM 16428.03 11 180708.3
material - Supply Unit rates taken of 3CX185 mm.sq.
Total 5789690