Art of Interrogation
Art of Interrogation
Art of Interrogation
This term is derived from the
Greek pharmacon, remedy, and
pollaxis, many times, and
means really, repetition of the
It is not my purpose to develop
here all the modalities
concerning this controversed
question, which has been also
applied so differently, but to
place myself to a higher point
of view, and here I will put the
question in those terms : What
do we mean by the repetition of
the remedy ?
At first, it seems that this
question is very simple and
clear, nevertheless it has been
so much obscured that one
could find commonly in our
school this too frequently used
expression : the repetition of
the dose. What signifies this
locution ? Dr. Jahr asserts that
the administration of the
remedy in watery solution does
not constitute a repetition, of
the dose. This is really the way
to darken and complicate this
subject. No, the fact of giving a
remedy in a successive manner,
no matter in which form, is not
- homoeopathically speaking - a
fraction of this remedy, but
really the repetition of the very
remedy each time it is given.
This is why Hahnemann, in his
first volume of the Materia
Medica, in the French edition,
stipulates in his eighth
paragraph this very question,
writing as the title of his
chapter :
On the repetition of
homoeopathic medicaments.
The master could have said in
this title : the repetition of the
doses, if it had been his
opinion. So it seems clear that
in his very thoughts, every
time one is repeating a dose he
is repeating the remedy and
the whole remedy. This chapter
begins with those words :
In the Organon I have insisted
on the necessity never to give
at the same time but one single
dose of a well chosen
homoeopathic medicament,
and to let it have all the
necessary time to develop its
Evidently here the words
single dose signify a remedy
given at one single time. Of
course, if one repeats many
times this dose, he repeats as
frequently this remedy.