Chapter 7: Systolic Architecture Design: Keshab K. Parhi
Chapter 7: Systolic Architecture Design: Keshab K. Parhi
Chapter 7: Systolic Architecture Design: Keshab K. Parhi
Keshab K. Parhi
• Systolic architectures are designed by using linear
mapping techniques on regular dependence graphs (DG).
• Regular Dependence Graph : The presence of an edge in
a certain direction at any node in the DG represents
presence of an edge in the same direction at all nodes
in the DG.
• DG corresponds to space representation à no time
instance is assigned to any computation ⇒ t=0.
• Systolic architectures have a space-time
representation where each node is mapped to a certain
processing element(PE) and is scheduled at a particular
time instance.
• Systolic design methodology maps an N-dimensional DG
to a lower dimensional systolic architecture.
• Mapping of N-dimensional DG to (N-1) dimensional
systolic array is considered.
Chap. 7 2
• Definitions :
Ø Projection vector (also called iteration vector), d =
d 2
Two nodes that are displaced by d or multiples of d are
executed by the same processor.
ØProcessor space vector, p T
= ( p1 p2 )
Any node with index IT=(i,j) would be executed by proc-
essor; i
pT I = ( p1 p 2 )
e pTe sTe
wt(1 0) 0 1
i/p(0 1) 1 0
result(1 –1) -1 1
Chap. 7 5
Block diagram of B1 design
Chap. 7 7
Design B2(Broadcast Inputs, Move Weights, Results Stay)
dT = (1 -1), pT = (1 1), sT = (1 0)
ØAny node with index IT = (i , j)
Øis mapped to processor pTI=i+j.
Øis executed at time sTI=i.
ØSince sTd=1 we have HUE = 1/|sTd| = 1.
ØEdge mapping :
e pTe sTe
wt(1 0) 1 1
i/p(0 1) 1 0
result(1 –1) 0 1
Chap. 7 8
Block diagram of B2 design
Chap. 7 11
Low-level implementation of F design
Chap. 7 14
Design R2 and Dual R2(Results Stay, Inputs and
Weights Move in Same Direction but at Different Speeds)
dT = (1 -1), pT = (1 1),
R2 : sT = (2 1); Dual R2 : sT = (1 2);
ØSince sTd=1 for both of them we have HUE = 1/|sTd| = 1 for
ØEdge mapping :
R2 Dual R2
e pTe sTe e pTe sTe
wt(1, 0) 1 2 wt(1, 0) 1 1
i/p(0,1) 1 1 i/p(0,1) 1 2
result(1, -1) 0 1 result(-1, 1) 0 1
e pTe sTe
wt(1 0) 0 2
i/p(0 -1) 1 1
result(1 –1) -1 1
Chap. 7 16
Design W2 and Dual W2(Weights Stay, Inputs and
Results Move in Same Direction but at Different Speeds)
dT = (1 0), pT = (0 1),
W2 : sT = (1 2); Dual W2 : sT = (1 -1);
ØSince sTd=1 for both of them we have HUE = 1/|sTd| = 1 for
ØEdge mapping :
W2 Dual W2
e pTe sTe e pTe sTe
wt(1, 0) 0 1 wt(1, 0) 0 1
i/p(0,1) 1 2 i/p(0,-1) -1 1
result(1, -1) 1 1 result(1, -1) -1 2
Chap. 7 17
• Relating Systolic Designs Using Transformations :
Ø FIR systolic architectures obtained using the
same projection vector and processor vector,
but different scheduling vectors, can be
derived from each other by using
transformations like edge reversal,
associativity, slow-down, retiming and pipelining.
• Example 1 : R1 can be obtained from B2 by slow-
down, edge reversal and retiming.
Chap. 7 18
• Example 2:
Chap. 7 19
Ø Selection of sT based on scheduling inequalities:
For a dependence relation X àY, where IxT= (ix, jx)T and IyT=
(iy, jy)T are respectively the indices of the nodes X and Y.
The scheduling inequality for this dependence is given by,
Sy ≥ Sx + Tx
where Tx is the computation time of node X. The scheduling
equations can be classified into the following two types :
ØLinear scheduling , where
Sx = sT Ix = (s1 s2)(ix jx )T
Sy = sT Iy = (s1 s2)(iy jy)T
ØAffine Scheduling, where
Sx = sT Ix + γx= (s1 s2)(ix jx )T + γx
Sx = sT Ix + γy = (s1 s2)(ix jx)T + γy
So scheduling equation for affine scheduling is as follows:
sT Ix + γy ≥ sT Ix + γx + Tx
Chap. 7 20
Each edge of a DG leads to an inequality for selection of the
scheduling vectors which consists of 2 steps.
– Capture all fundamental edges. The reduced
dependence graph (RDG) is used to capture the
fundamental edges and the regular iterative algorithm
(RIA) description of the corresponding problem is used
to construct RDGs.
– Construct the scheduling inequalities according to
sT Ix + γy ≥ sT Ix + γx + Tx
and solve them for feasible sT.
Chap. 7 21
• RIA Description : The RIA has two forms
⇒ The RIA is in standard input RIA form if the index of the
inputs are the same for all equations.
⇒ The RIA is in standard output RIA form if all the output
indices are the same.
• For the FIR filtering example we have,
W(i+1, j) = W(i, j)
X(i, j+1) = X(i, j)
Y(i+1, j-1) = Y(i, j) + W(i+1, j-1)X(i+1, j-1)
The FIR filtering problem cannot be expressed in standard
input RIA form. Expressing it in standard output RIA form
we get,
W(i, j) = W(i-1, j)
X(i, j) = X(i, j-1)
Y(i, j) = Y(i-1, j+1) + W(i, j)X(i, j)
Chap. 7 22
• The reduced DG for FIR filtering is shown below.
Example :
Tmult = 5, Tadd = 2, Tcom = 1
Applying the scheduling equations to the five edges of the
above figure we get ;
W-->Y : e = (0 0)T , γx - γw ≥ 0
X -->X : e = (0 1)T , s2 + γx - γx ≥ 1
W-->W: e = (1 0)T , s1 + γw - γw ≥ 1
X -->Y : e = (0 0)T , γy - γx ≥ 0
Y --> Y: e = (1 -1)T , s1 - s2 + γy - γy ≥ 5 + 2 + 1
For linear scheduling γx =γy = γw = 0. Solving we get, s1 ≥ 1,
s2 ≥ 1 and s1 - s2 ≥ 8.
Chap. 7 23
• Taking sT = (9 1), d = (1 -1) such that sTd ≠ 0 and pT = (1,1)
such that pTd = 0 we get HUE = 1/8. The edge mapping is as
follows :
e pTe sTe
wt(1 0) 1 9
i/p(0 1) 1 1
result(1 –1) 0 8
Chap. 7 24
Matrix-Matrix multiplication and 2-D Systolic Array Design
Chap. 7 26
• Solution 2 :
sT = (1,1,1), dT = (1,1,-1), p1 = (1,0,1),
p2 = (0,1,1), PT = (p1 p2)T
Sol. 1 Sol. 2
e pTe sTe e pTe sTe
a(0, 1, 0) (0, 1) 1 a(0, 1, 0) (0, 1) 1
b(1, 0, 0) (1, 0) 1 b(1, 0, 0) (1, 0) 1
C(0, 0, 1) (0, 0) 1 C(0, 0, 1) (1, 1) 1
Chap. 7 27