Creative Brief For Diabetes
Creative Brief For Diabetes
Creative Brief For Diabetes
Medical health experts assert that regular check-ups and timely detection plays
a vital role in controlling and managing the problem. Ironically, due to patient
resistance and feeling of disbelief that 'I can have diabetes too', most patients
tend to defer on detection and treatment that often leads to complications.
World Diabetes Day (WDD) was created in 1991 by IDF and the World Health
Organization in response to growing concerns about the escalating health
threat posed by diabetes. It is marked every year on 14 November, the birthday
of Sir Frederick Banting, who co-discovered insulin along with Charles Best in
Every year, the World Diabetes Day campaign focuses on a dedicated theme
that runs for one or more years. The theme for World Diabetes Day 2018-19
is Family and Diabetes.
Creative Objective:
The theme for World Diabetes day and World Diabetes this year is the Family and
Diabetes. It aims to:
Raise awareness of the impact that diabetes has on the family and support
network of those affected.
Promote the role of the family in the management, care, prevention and
education of diabetes.
The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) is urging families to learn more about
the warning signs of diabetes (Annexure 2 below). Research conducted by IDF
in 2018 discovered that parents would struggle to spot this serious life-long
disease in their own children. Despite the majority of people surveyed having a
family member with diabetes, an alarming four-in-five parents would have
trouble recognising the warning signs. One-in-three wouldn’t spot them at all.
The findings underline the need for education and awareness to help people
spot the diabetes warning signs early.
A lack of knowledge about diabetes means that spotting the warning signs is
not just a problem for parents, but is an issue impacting a cross-section of
society. This is a major concern, due to the signs being milder in type 2 diabetes,
the most prevalent form of the condition, responsible for around 90% of all
diabetes cases.
Left untreated or unmanaged, diabetes can lead to life-
changing complications. Diabetes was responsible for four million deaths in
Target Audience:
This is a proactive work we are doing, so our first Target group is the internal
Brand Team that manages Diabetes portfolio. We can approach our corporate
team also if we have some activities/ideas that really works.
Points to Consider
We follow the theme of World Diabetes day and work towards developing
creatives on Family and Diabetes.
We can work on creatives about general awareness of Diabetes.
There Are Over 425 Million People Worldwide With Diabetes And Expected
To Rise By 522 Million By 2030
1 in 2 people with diabetes remain undiagnosed
every 8 seconds someone dies from diabetes
Diabetes is a leading cause of:
o Vision loss- 1 in 3 people with diabetes will develop some form of
vision loss during their lifetime
o CV diseases - People with diabetes are up to three times more likely
to develop cardiovascular disease
o Kidney failure - Kidney failure is ten times more common in people
with diabetes
o Lower limb loss - A lower limb is lost to diabetes somewhere in the
world every 30 seconds
Annex 2:
There are diabetes warning signs and symptoms that both women and men have
in common, for example: