A Level Shakespeare Extract Booklet
A Level Shakespeare Extract Booklet
A Level Shakespeare Extract Booklet
Unit 4: Shakespeare
EJD / 2018
Unit 4: Shakespeare Extract (Section A)
Select carefully from the extract evidence of how Shakespeare presents a
character(s)/relationship/attitudes/thoughts and feelings (depending on the question).
• It is worth spending ten or more minutes preparing your response in this way before starting to
answer the question.
• Don’t start writing immediately, going through the extract line by line: this leads to errors in
understanding and irrelevant remarks.
• If the question asks for a character’s ‘thoughts and feelings’ you must consider both; ‘feelings’ alone
will not suffice.
• Do not track through the extract line by line, commenting as you go along on any device you may
spot, as this will result in a less structured and less coherent response.
• Think about the broader aspects of Shakespeare’s presentation, for example if another character in
the same extract adds to/filters the presentation of the central character in any way or use of an
aspect of staging/stagecraft.
• As well as discussing aspects of ‘language and imagery’ as required by the question, such as
metaphorical language, discussing implicit meaning is also important, as this also shows
understanding of how language shapes meaning.
• Remember this is a play, and Shakespeare’s dramatic techniques must be considered.
Section A
Shakespeare Extract
Preparing to respond
• Overview of extract : take time to
• 45 marks : AO1 (15) AO2 read carefully
(30) • remind yourself of what the audience
• Timing advice 45 minutes sees taking place in the extract ‘at
• Question only requires this point in the play’
focus on the specified • now read the extract again until you
point of the play feel reasonably confident that you
• No reward for context and understand the speech/speeches
different interpretations • next start thinking about what we
learn from it in relation to the
Look at the following examples of the opening paragraphs of candidate responses to the extract
question and identify where AO1 and AO2 can be rewarded.
Candidate response to King Lear extract – opening paragraph
Q 1. With close reference to the language and imagery in this extract, analyse Shakespeare’s
presentation of Lear’s thoughts and feelings at this point in the play.
In this extract Shakespeare presents Lear as a man on the brink of insanity. The
unravelling of his mind is clear in his confusion, nonsense threats and his
unpredictable emotions throughout.
Towards the end of the extract there is a section where Lear attempts to threaten
Regan and her sister with “revenges”; however, he says in the same breath “what
they are yet I know not”. By writing these empty threats, Shakespeare is presenting
Lear as powerless because suddenly it seems less likely that Lear’s revenges will
be “the terrors of the earth” and so his threats mean nothing to Goneril or Regan.
Q 3. With close reference to the language and imagery in this extract, analyse how Shakespeare
presents Hamlet’s character at this point in the play.
In this extract we see Hamlet caught between action and hesitation, with him initially
seeming propelled forwards to take his revenge against Claudius claiming “Now I
might do it pat.” However, Hamlet expresses great uncertainty in the true justice
that will be achieved in Claudius’ death, whilst he is praying. He questions himself,
exploring that “A villain kills my father; and …do this same villain send to Heaven.”
Shakespeare uses the contrasting ideas of murder and heaven to emphasise that
Claudius is unworthy of an afterlife in heaven. This recurrs at the end of the extract
with Hamlet defiantly stating that Claudius’ “ heels may kick at heaven” while his
soul is “damn’d and black as hell”. This drives Hamlet’s certainty that Claudius does
not belong to heaven, therefore he cannot, and shall not, enter. Through mirroring
these images, Shakespeare emphasises that Hamlet’s mind is unchanged when it
comes to the justice his father deserves.
Candidate response to The Tempest extract – opening paragraph
Q 5. With close reference to the language and imagery in this extract, analyse how Shakespeare
presents Prospero at this point in the play.
1. With close reference to the language and imagery in this extract, analyse Shakespeare’s
presentation of Lear’s thoughts and feelings at this point in the play.
King Lear
1. With close reference to the language and imagery in this passage, examine how
Shakespeare presents Lear’s state of mind.
King Lear
1. With close reference to the language and imagery in this extract, examine Shakespeare’s
presentation of Cordelia at this point in the play. [45]
(Act 1 Scene i)
Answer one question in this section.
In your response, you are required to analyse how meanings are
King Lear
1. With close reference to the language and imagery in this extract, analyse Shakespeare’s presentation of
Lear’s thoughts and feelings at this point in the play. [45]