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Business Analytics

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SBM-NMIMS: course teaching plan

assurance of learning AOL specific

Course code
Business analytics
Course title

Course Prof. Vikas Gadre, Prof. Mukund Prasad, Dr. S Roy, Dr. Preeti Khanna,
1.5 credit
Credit value
Programme & MBA core (trimester ii); 1st year; academic year 2019-20

Clos – (in bracket state the PLOS to map)

CLO 1) to understand basic concepts of data warehousing, data mining, text mining, web
mining (PLO 2b)
Learning CLO 2) to understand the business drivers for business analytics (PLO 2b)
objectives CLO 3) to analyze the business situation and formulate a business analytics model /
framework ( PLO 2a)
CLO 4) to understand applicability of business analytics to different functions in the
organization (PLO2a)

1. To explore the components of data warehouse and bi architecture and understand

dimensional modelling
2. To explore the role of data mining, text mining, and web mining in various
Learning applications from business perspective
outcomes 3. To emphasize the generation of actionable insights that lead to tangible
(must be improvements across the organization using analytics
connected to 4. To understand the flavor of analytics and its applications in marketing, finance,
learning supply chain and hr and present a significant opportunity to impact the bottom-line
objectives) of companies in different business verticals through the use of advanced analytics
and sophisticated data modelling.
5. To be able to formulate an analytics model based on a business situation


Specific assessment 1.5 Aol Clo 1 Clo 2 Clo 3 Clo 4

methods credit instruments
Group projects 10
discussion &
Quizzes (2 nos, 5 15 Embedded √ √
marks and 10 questions

Class participation 5

Modified on 30th august 1030pm

End term exam 20 Embedded √ √
Total 50

*aol assessment instruments:

 Embedded questions: quiz, class test, midterm examination, final examination

 Rubrics: case & article discussion, individual assignment

group projects & viva’s, case problem analysis, oral and written
communication presentations, role play,
group presentation, group project etc.

Topics / sub -topics Chapter detail

Details of pedagogy adopted
Sessions / article reference / case
Learning outcome if for class engagement - class
provided session wise exercises etc.

To understand the Chapter 1 , chapter 3 from Case question;

concept of data business intelligence by
warehouse, basics of Ramesh Sharda et al  How organizations can
modelling and its Case discussion: data use data warehousing for
architecture warehouse in ministry of driving programs, projects
 Changing Business commerce to achieve goals.
Environments and  How data warehouses are
1 Evolving Needs for created , updated
Decision Support
and Analytics
 Framework for
 Data Warehousing

To understand Chapter 6 and 7 from In class exercise on data
multidimensional fundamentals of business modelling, live examples
modeling and its analytics by prasad and Examples on BEST/ ST buses
applicability, acharya data warehouse
dimensional modelling
life cycle
 Data Warehousing
2 Architectures
 Data Warehousing
 Data Warehouse
 Issues, and Future
To understand basic Chapter 4 from business Case questions:
3 concepts of data intelligence by Ramesh  How data mining can be
mining, methods and Sharda et al used for predicting

Modified on 30th august 1030pm

its applications across Chapter 12 from financial success of the
business functions fundamentals of business project.
 Data Mining analytics by Prasad and  What are the alternate
Concepts and Acharya ways of predicting success
Applications without data mining?
 Data Mining HBS case: data science at  Why it is important to
Process target predict success before
 Data Mining Case 4.6 data mining goes to start of the production
Methods Hollywood: predicting process
 Data Mining financial success of movies  What are the implications
Privacy Issues, from business intelligence of using data mining on
Myths, and by Ramesh Sharda et al privacy of the customers?
Blunders  How can you predict
Case 4.7 predicting customer buying patterns
customer buying patterns— using data mining?
the target story  What are the
organizational challenges ,
opportunities and
tradeoffs in implementing
BI solutions
4 Quiz for 5 marks

To understand text Chapter 5 from business Case questions:

mining and web intelligence by Ramesh  How big data analytics can
analytics and its Sharda, add value to a service
applications across HBS case: Carolinas health industry that is changing its
business functions. To care system- consumer strategy
understand text analytics  Compare strategic
mining process, Case 5.4 bringing the potential of various players
sentiment analysis, customer into the quality to lead the integration of
web mining, web equation Lenovo uses customer specific data
usage mining analytics to rethink its  How can text / data mining
4  Text Analytics and redesign be used for deception/
Text Mining Case 5.3 mining for lies from fraud? Why is it difficult to
 Text Mining business intelligence by detect deception?
Applications Ramesh Sharda et al  How to use text/ data
 Text Mining Case 5.1 insurance group mining to product and
Process strengthens risk design quality as well as
 Sentiment management with text increase customer
Analysis mining solution satisfaction
 How can text mining be
used to keep current with
changes in industry.
To understand social Chapter 5 from business Case questions;
media analytics, social intelligence by Ramesh
network analytics Sharda  How value can be created
metrics and its Chapter 8, 9 and 11 from by applying big data
applications in fundamentals of business analytics to organizational
5 different business analytics by Prasad and processes
functions. To Acharya  What is people analytics
understand the HBS case Trustsphere- and its value proposition?
measurement of social building a market for  How can sports event
media impact relationship analytics organizers use analytics to
 Web Mining enhance customer
Modified on 30th august 1030pm
 Search Engines Case 5.8 Tito’s vodka  What are the challenges in
establishes brand loyalty such implementations?
with an authentic social  How social media analytics
strategy can be used for consumer
product and services
Case 5.6 creating a unique company?
digital experience to capture  What are the challenges in
the moments that matter at social media analytics

To understand social Chapter 5 from business Case questions

media analytics, intelligence by Ramesh
predictive analytics Sharda  What are the leadership
and its applications in HBS case: Yemeksepeti- traits required in emerging
different business growing and expanding the markets? what are the
functions. business model through data driven growth paths?
6  Web Usage Mining data  How e commerce
(Web Analytics) companies can leverage
 Social Analytics case 5.7 understanding why benefits of analytics? How
customers abandon can they use analytics to
shopping carts results in a improve sales , customer
$10 million sales increase satisfaction?

To understand Chapter 7 from business Case questions:

concepts of big data, intelligence by Ramesh
business drivers for Sharda  How to design an excel
big data analytics. To HBS case managing with based model for optimizing
compare and analytics at proctor gamble delivery routes?
contrast the uses of case 6.7 simulating effects  What are the tangible and
data warehousing of hepatitis b interventions intangible benefits of such
and big data case 6.6 mixed-integer a model?
technologies programming model helps  How to use formulate a
7  Fundamentals of the university of Tennessee mixed integer based
Big Data medical center programming model for
Analytics Case 6.5 metro meals on scheduling events
 Big Data wheels’ treasure valley uses  How simulation based
Technologies excel to find optimal modeling can be used for
 Big Data and delivery routes reducing costs
Data Case 7.3 eBay’s Big Data  Why e commerce
Warehousing Solution businesses require big data
 Big Data and Case 7.5 Using Social Media analytics
Stream Analytics for Now casting the Flu
To understand Chapter 3 from business Case questions:
business reporting intelligence by Ramesh
and visual analytics Sharda  What are the challenges
and business Case 3.6 Expedia.com’s faced for implementation
performance customer satisfaction of terra data analytics?
8 management scorecard  What are the lessons lernt
 Business during implementation of
Performance Case 3.3 use of Teradata big data analytics?
Management analytics for sap solutions  How customer satisfaction
 Performance accelerates big data delivery can be improved using
Measurement scorecards
Modified on 30 august 1030pm
 Balanced case 3.5 AARP transforms  By creating agile BI
Scorecards its bi infrastructure and infrastructure , what
achieves a 347% ROI in results can be achieved in
three years short term , and long term

9 Quiz for 10 marks

9 Project presentations

10 Project presentations

Reading list Text book

and 1. Business intelligence, Analytics, and Data science: A managerial perspective by Ramesh
references Sharda, Dursun Delan And Efrain Turban, Fourth Edition 2018 Pearson Publication ISBN
(along with 2. Fundamentals of business analytics- R N Prasad & Seema Acharya, John Wiley & Sons,
details of 2011, ISBN 8126532033, 9788126532032
year of

prepared by faculty team : Prof. Vikas Gadre, Area & Program Chairpersons
Prof. Mukund Prasad, Dr. S Roy, Dr. Preeti
Khanna, Prof. Vikas Gadre

Faculty Chair AOL Approved By Dean SBM

Approved By Associate Deans

Instruction for Use of Intellectual Property of NMIMS SBM.

(By Order, NMIMS SBM)

Course Outlines are strictly for private and restricted circulation among the concerned Faculty
Members and the Students of this Programme. They are permitted to use the contents for study and
research purpose only. No part of this Course outline can be copied, reproduced, shared and/or
circulated in any manner, through any mode, for any purpose and under any circumstances
whatsoever; which is contrary to the stated restricted uses and purposes. The person responsible for
violating this Instruction shall be liable for appropriate disciplinary action initiated by SBM.

Modified on 30th august 1030pm


While care has been taken in compiling this Course outline, The School of Business Management of
SVKM’s NMIMS University shall not be held liable in any manner to any person for any mistake and /
or omission in the contents of the Course outline.

Modified on 30th august 1030pm

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