Business Analytics
Business Analytics
Business Analytics
Course code
Business analytics
Course title
Course Prof. Vikas Gadre, Prof. Mukund Prasad, Dr. S Roy, Dr. Preeti Khanna,
1.5 credit
Credit value
Programme & MBA core (trimester ii); 1st year; academic year 2019-20
CLO 1) to understand basic concepts of data warehousing, data mining, text mining, web
mining (PLO 2b)
Learning CLO 2) to understand the business drivers for business analytics (PLO 2b)
objectives CLO 3) to analyze the business situation and formulate a business analytics model /
framework ( PLO 2a)
CLO 4) to understand applicability of business analytics to different functions in the
organization (PLO2a)
Class participation 5
9 Project presentations
10 Project presentations
prepared by faculty team : Prof. Vikas Gadre, Area & Program Chairpersons
Prof. Mukund Prasad, Dr. S Roy, Dr. Preeti
Khanna, Prof. Vikas Gadre
Course Outlines are strictly for private and restricted circulation among the concerned Faculty
Members and the Students of this Programme. They are permitted to use the contents for study and
research purpose only. No part of this Course outline can be copied, reproduced, shared and/or
circulated in any manner, through any mode, for any purpose and under any circumstances
whatsoever; which is contrary to the stated restricted uses and purposes. The person responsible for
violating this Instruction shall be liable for appropriate disciplinary action initiated by SBM.
While care has been taken in compiling this Course outline, The School of Business Management of
SVKM’s NMIMS University shall not be held liable in any manner to any person for any mistake and /
or omission in the contents of the Course outline.