Joseph M. Powers
12 December 2019, 8:17pm
Preface 9
1 Introduction 11
1.1 Some semantics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.2 Historical milestones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.3 Philosophy of science note . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.4 Some practical applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.5 Example to illustrate homework solution style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
1.6 Thermodynamic system and control volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
1.7 Macroscopic versus microscopic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
1.8 Properties and state of a substance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
1.9 Processes and cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
1.10 Fundamental variables and units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
1.11 Zeroth law of thermodynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
1.12 Secondary variables and units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
6 Entropy 209
6.1 Theoretical development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
6.2 Second law in terms of entropy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
6.3 The Gibbs equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
6.4 Entropy for ideal gases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
6.4.1 Calorically perfect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
6.4.2 Calorically imperfect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
8 Cycles 297
8.1 Rankine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
8.2 Brayton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
8.3 Refrigeration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
Bibliography 371
Index 379
These are lecture notes for AME 20231, Thermodynamics, a sophomore-level undergraduate
course taught in the Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering at the University
of Notre Dame. The objective of the course is to survey practical and theoretical problems
in classical thermodynamics. The emphasis is on the axiomatic approach to equilibrium
thermodynamics and its application to practical devices. However, there are some brief
appeals to the non-equilibrium and molecular underpinnings of thermodynamics.
The notes draw often on the text specified for the course, Borgnakke and Sonntag’s
(BS) Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, Ninth Edition, John Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, 2017,
especially Chapters 1-7, 9, 10, 12, and 15. In general the nomenclature of BS is used, and
much of the notes follow a similar structure as the text. Some example problems have been
directly taken from BS and other texts; specific citations are given where appropriate.
These notes emphasize problem-solving and rigorous development of the underlying clas-
sical theory; the student should call on other reference materials to fill some of the gaps.
It should also be remembered that practice is essential to the learning process; the student
would do well to apply the techniques presented here by working many problems.
An unusual aspect of the notes is the inclusion of accompanying text and figures related
to the history of classical thermodynamics. Where possible, citations of original work are
provided; most citations are linked directly to the original source material via click-able
text. Additionally, an extensive annotated bibliography is provided. This is an attempt
to fill gaps in most modern undergraduate texts, which at best provide small guidance to
original thermodynamics scholarship.
The notes and course data can be found at∼powers/ame.20231.
At this stage, anyone is free to make copies for their own use. I would be happy to hear
about suggestions for improvement. Thanks to many of the students, past and present,
whose diligence in identifying dozens of errors has been useful.
Joseph M. Powers∼powers
Notre Dame, Indiana; USA
= 12 December 2019
The content of this book is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0.
Figure 1.1: William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) (1824-1907), Ulster-born Scottish scientist; im-
age from∼history/Biographies/Thomson.html
and image giving the first use of “thermo-dynamic” extracted from his 1849 work.
are not considered in any detail. These effects will not be completely ignored; however,
they will be lumped into simple averaged models that are valid on the macroscale. As an
example, for ordinary gases, our classical thermodynamics will be valid for systems whose
characteristic length scale is larger than the mean free path between molecular collisions.
For air at atmospheric density, this about 0.1 µm = 10−7 m).
Additionally, “classical” also connotes a description in which the effects of finite time-
dependency are ignored. In this sense, thermodynamics resembles the field P of statics from
Newtonian mechanics. Recall Newton’s second law of motion, m d2 x/dt2 = F, where m
is the mass,
P x is the position vector, t is time, and F is the force vector. In the statics limit
where F = 0, inertial effects are ignored, as is time-dependency. Now, a Newtonian would
consider dynamics to imply motion, and so would consider thermodynamics to imply the
time-dependent motion of heat. So a Newtonian would be more inclined to call the subject
of these notes “thermostatics.” However, if we return to the earlier Greek translation of
dynamics as power, we are actually truer to the classical connotation of thermodynamics.
For the fundamental interplay of thermodynamics is that between so-called thermal energy
(as might be thought of when considering heat) and mechanical energy (as might be thought
of when considering power, a work rate). More formally, we will take the definition
• thermodynamics: the science that deals with heat and work and those properties of
matter that relate to heat and work.
One of the main goals of these notes will be to formalize the relationship between heat, work,
and energy.
We close this section by noting that the concept of energy has evolved through time, but
has ancient origins. The word itself had its first recorded use by Aristotle.3 His portrait,
along with an image of the relevant section of an 1818 translation of his work, is depicted in
Figs. 1.2. In the Greek, the word ǫνǫ́ργǫια, “energeia,” connotes activity or operation. While
the word was known to Aristotle, its modern usage was not; it was the English polymath
Thomas Young who first used the word “energy,” consistent with any sort of modern usage,
in this case kinetic energy.4 A portrait of Young and an image of his text defining energy,
in actuality kinetic energy, in modern terms are shown in Fig. 1.3.
Aristotle, ∼335 BC, The Rhetoric, Poetic, and Nicomachean Ethics, Book III, Ch. XI, English transla-
tion by T. Taylor, 1818, Black, London, see pp. 242-243.
T. Young, 1807, Lectures on Natural Philosophy, William Savage, London, p. 52.
Figure 1.2: Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC), Greek philosopher who gives the first recorded use
of the word “energy” and whose method of logic permeates classical thermodynamics; image
and an image of Aristotle’s usage of the word “energy” from his Nicomachean Ethics.
Figure 1.3: Thomas Young (1773-1829), English natural philosopher; image from Young (scientist), and a reproduction of his
more modern 1807 definition of (kinetic) energy.
Finally, though she did not use the word “energy,” the notion of what is now known as
kinetic energy being related to the square of velocity was first advanced by du Châtelet,5
pictured in Fig. 1.4.
• first century AD: Hero of Alexandria documents many early thermal engines.
• 1650: Otto von Guericke designs and builds the first vacuum pump.
• 1662: Robert Boyle develops his law for isothermal ideal gases.
É. du Châtelet, 1740, Institutions de Physique, Chez Prault, Paris.
C. Truesdell, 1980, The Tragicomical History of Thermodynamics, 1822-1854, Springer, New York.
I. Müller, 2007, A History of Thermodynamics: the Doctrine of Energy and Entropy, Springer, Berlin.
I. Müller and W. H. Müller, 2009, Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Applications with Historical
Annotations and Many Citations from Avogadro to Zermelo, Springer, Berlin.
• 1679: Denis Papin develops his steam digester, forerunner to the steam engine.
• 1840: Germain Henri Hess considers an early version of the first law of thermodynamics
for work-free chemical reactions.
• 1850: Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius formalizes the second law of thermodynamics.
• 1889: Gibbs develops statistical mechanics, giving underlying foundations for classical
and statistical thermodynamics.
Much development continued in the twentieth century, with pioneering work by Nobel lau-
Note that Sir Isaac Newton also considered the subject matter of thermodynamics. Much
of his work is concerned with energy; however, his theories are most appropriate only for
mechanical energy. The notion that thermal energy existed and that it could be equivalent
to mechanical energy was not part of Newtonian mechanics. Note however, that temperature
was known to Newton, as was Boyle’s law. However, when he tried to apply his theories to
problems of thermodynamics, such as calculation of the speed of sound in air, they notably
failed. The reason for the failure required consideration of the yet-to-be-developed second
law of thermodynamics.
Figure 1.5: Euclid of Alexandria (∼ 325 BC- ∼265 BC), Greek mathematician whose rational
exposition of geometry formed a model for how to present classical thermodynamics; image
tities such as points, lines, and planes, then adopted certain axioms such as parallel lines do
not meet at infinity, and went on to prove a variety of theorems. Classical thermodynamics
follows the same approach. Concepts such as system and process are defined, and axioms,
known as the laws of thermodynamics, are proposed in such a way that the minimum amount
of theory is able to explain the maximum amount of data.
Now, in some sense science can never be formally proved; it can only be disproved.
We retain our axioms as long as they are useful. When faced with empirical facts that
unambiguously contradict our axioms, we are required to throw away our axioms and develop
new ones. For example, in physics, the Michelson-Morely experiment forced Einstein to
abandon the axioms of Euclid, Newton, and Clausius for his theory of general relativity.
It turns out that we can still use these axioms, as long as we are considering problems in
which the speed of our reference frame is far less than the speed of light. In an example
from biology that is the topic of a popular science book,10 it was noted that it was once
believed that all swans were white. This working hypothesis was perfectly acceptable until
1697, when a black swan was discovered in Australia. Thus, the “theory” (though it is not
a highly profound theory) that all swans were white was unambiguously discredited. It will
be briefly seen in this course that non-classical thermodynamics actually has a deep relation
to probability and statistics and information, a topic that transcends thermodynamics.
Hero of Alexandria, perhaps the first recognized thermal engineer, documented a variety of
devices. These include an early steam engine11 known as the æolipile, pumps, and a device
to use fire to open doors. Hero and a nineteenth century rendition of his steam engine are
shown in Fig. 1.6. While Hero’s contributions are a matter of some speculation inspired by
Figure 1.6: Hero of Alexandria (10-70 AD), Greek engineer and mathematician who devised
some early ways to convert thermal energy into mechanical energy, and his æolipile; images
from of Alexandria.
ancient artistry, the much later works of Denis Papin (1647-1712) are more certain. Papin
invented the so-called steam digester, that anticipated both the pressure cooker and the
steam engine. The device used steam power to lift a weight. Depictions of Papin and his
device are found in Fig. 1.7. Significant improvements were led by James Watt (1736-1819)
of Scotland. An image of Watt and one of his engines is shown in Fig. 1.8.
P. Keyser, 1990, “A new look at Heron’s steam engine,” Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 44(2):
Figure 1.7: French-born inventor Denis Papin (1647-1712) and his steam digester; images
from Papin.
a) b)
These engines were adopted for transportation. In 1807, the American engineer Robert
Fulton (1765-1815) was the first to use steam power in a commercial nautical vessel, the
Clermont, that was powered by a Boulton and Watt steam engine. Soon after, in 1811 in
Scotland, the first European commercial steam vessel, the Comet, embarked. We have a
sketch of the Comet and its steam power plant in Fig. 1.9. On land, steam power soon
Figure 1.9: Sketch of the Comet and its steam engine; image from W. J. M. Rankine, 1859,
A Manual of the Steam Engine and Other Prime Movers, First Edition, Griffin, London.
enabled efficient rail transportation. A famous early steam locomotive was the English
engineer Robert Stephenson’s (1803-1859) Rocket, sketched in Fig. 1.10.
Figure 1.10: Sketch of the Rocket; image from W. J. M. Rankine, 1859, A Manual of the
Steam Engine and Other Prime Movers, First Edition, Griffin, London.
• fuel cells,
As an example, the main power plant of the University of Notre Dame, depicted in Fig. 1.11,
is based on a steam power cycle that will be a topic of study in this course. Additionally,
one might consider the following topics to have thermodynamic relevance:
• the weather,
• cooking,
Figure 1.11: University of Notre Dame Power Plant; image from Matt Cashore, University
of Notre Dame.
Example 1.1
A mass of m = 1 kg is initially at rest and is dropped from a height of y = yo = 10 m above the
ground, where gravitational acceleration g = 9.81 m/s2 . Neglect drag forces. Find the time to reach
the ground, the kinetic energy as a function of time, and the potential energy as a function of time.
Plot key results.
The scenario is sketched in Fig. 1.12. The principle governing the motion of the body is Newton’s
m = 1 kg
g = 9.81 m/s2
yo = 10 m
second law, embodied in a second order differential equation. The only force is the gravitational force
acting in the negative y direction. This gives the equation
d2 y
m = −mg. (1.1)
Note the mass m cancels here, giving
d2 y
= −g. (1.2)
Integrate once to get
= −gt + C1 , (1.3)
where C1 is a constant. Integrate a second time to get
y(t) = − gt2 + C1 t + C2 . (1.4)
We need two initial conditions for this second order ordinary differential equation. At time t = 0, we
know from the problem statement that
y(0) = yo , (0) = 0. (1.5)
0 = −g(0) + C1 = C1 . (1.8)
Thus, we have
y(t) = − gt2 + yo . (1.9)
For the velocity, we get
= −gt. (1.10)
When the mass reaches the ground, y = 0. Solving for the time when y = 0, we get
0 = − gt2 + yo , (1.11)
1 2
gt = yo , (1.12)
2 r
t = ± . (1.13)
We are considering t going forward, so we take the positive root, giving
t = , (1.14)
2(10 m)
= , (1.15)
9.81 sm2
= 1.43 s. (1.16)
PE = mgy, (1.19)
= mgyo − mg 2 t2 . (1.20)
Note that
KE + P E = mgyo , (1.21)
that is a constant. Thus, mechanical energy is conserved here! By conserved, we mean it does not
1 m
y(t) = − 9.81 2 t2 + (10 m), (1.22)
2 s
m 2
= − 4.904 2 t + (10 m), (1.23)
1 m 2
KE(t) = (1 kg) − 9.81 2 t , (1.24)
kg m2 2
= 48.12 t , (1.25)
kg m2 J
= 48.12 t2 , (1.26)
s4 kg m2 /s2
= 48.12 2 t2 , (1.27)
m 1 m 2
P E(t) = (1 kg) 9.81 2 (10 m) − (1 kg) 9.81 2 t2 , (1.28)
s 2 s
= (98.1 J) − 48.12 2 t2 . (1.29)
The position as a function of time is plotted in Fig. 1.13. The kinetic, potential, and total mechanical
y (m)
t (s)
0.4 0.8 1.2
Figure 1.13: Position versus time for particle accelerating in a gravitational field with no
drag force.
energies as functions of time are plotted in Fig. 1.14. One can tell by inspection that as potential energy
decreases, kinetic energy increases just as much, rendering the total mechanical energy to be constant.
If we include drag forces, the total mechanical energy is not constant; in fact, it dissipates with
time. We will omit the details, but if we include a simple drag force proportional to the particle velocity,
we get the equations
d2 y dy dy
m 2
= −c − mg, y(0) = yo , (t = 0) = 0. (1.30)
dt dt dt
Skipping the details of calculation, if we take c = 0.1 N s/m, and all other parameters as before, we
energy (J)
100 total mechanical energy
80 ten
r gy
e ner
20 tic
t (s)
0.4 0.8 1.2
Figure 1.14: KE(t), P E(t) and total mechanical energy for a particle accelerating in a
gravitational field with no drag force.
−t 1
y(t) = (991 m) − (981 m) exp − 98.1 t, (1.31)
10 s s
−t −t 1
KE(t) + P E(t) = (14533.5 J) + (4811.8 J) exp − (19247.2 J) exp − 962.361 t.
20 s 10 s s
The kinetic, potential, and total mechanical energies as functions of time are plotted in Fig. 1.15.
energy (J)
100 total mechanical ener
p ot
80 ia l
rg y
e ne
20 etic
t (s)
0.4 0.8 1.2
Figure 1.15: KE(t), P E(t) and total mechanical energy for a particle accelerating in a
gravitational field in the presence of a drag force.
When drag forces are included, we begin with the same amount of total mechanical energy and
potential energy. At the end of the calculation, we have the same amount of potential energy (zero), but
less kinetic energy and less total mechanical energy. Where did this energy go? In fact, it is transformed
into another form of energy, thermal energy, that is not accounted for in Newtonian mechanics. When
we properly account for thermal energy, we will again impose a conservation of total energy, one of the
main topics of this course, to be considered at the outset of Chapter 3.
We close this section with an image of Sir Isaac Newton in Fig. 1.16, who began to study
issues related to thermodynamics, and whose scientific methods imbue its development.
The system, surroundings, system-boundary for a universe are shown for a potato-shaped
system in Fig. 1.17. We allow two important interactions between the system and its sur-
work out
Figure 1.17: Sketch of a universe composed of a system, its surroundings, and the system
• heat can cross into the system (our potato can get hot), and
• work can cross out of the system (our potato can expand).
Now, the system boundaries can change, for example the potato might expand on heating,
but we can still distinguish the system and the surroundings. We now define an
Note that a potato with thick and inelastic skin will be isolated. We distinguish the system,
that has constant mass, but possible variable volume, from the
• Control Volume: fixed volume over which mass can pass in and out of its boundary.
The control volume is bounded by the
• Control Surface: boundary of the control volume.
The mass within a control volume may or may not be constant. If there is fluid flow in
and out there may or may not be accumulation of mass within the control volume. We will
mainly study cases in which there is no accumulation, but this need not be the case. A
sketch contrasting scenarios in which a fluid is compressed in which the system approach
would be used against those where the control volume approach would be used is shown in
Fig. 1.18. In summary,
system approach control volume approach
flow in flow out
piston-cylinder compressor
Figure 1.18: Comparison of system (fixed mass) and control volume (fixed volume) ap-
proaches in thermodynamics for two common scenarios: piston-cylinder compression (left)
and compression in a flow device whose details are not shown (right).
• Even with our largest computers, this is impossible today. Note most desktop com-
puters only can store roughly 109 bytes of data in Random Access Memory (RAM).
• We can however model the average behavior of the molecules statistically.
• We can also use simple empirical relations that can be formally proved to capture the
statistical nature of the flow. This will be our approach.
• classical thermodynamics will treat macroscopic effects only and ignore individual
molecular effects. For example molecules bouncing off a wall exchange momentum
with the wall and induce pressure. We could use Newtonian mechanics for each par-
ticle collision to calculate the net force on the wall. Instead our approach amounts to
considering the average over space and time of the net effect of millions of collisions on
a wall.
We will in fact assume that matter can be modeled as a
• Continuum: the limit in which discrete changes from molecule to molecule can be
ignored and distances and times over which we are concerned are much larger than
those of the molecular scale. This will enable the use of calculus in our continuum
The continuum theory can break down in important applications where the length and time
scales are of comparable magnitude to molecular time scales. Important applications where
the continuum assumption breaks down include
• rarefied gas dynamics of the outer atmosphere (relevant for low orbit space vehicles),
• nano-scale heat transfer (relevant in cooling of computer chips).
To get some idea of the scales involved, we note that for air at atmospheric pressure and
temperature that the time and distance between molecular collisions provide the limits of
the continuum. Under these conditions, we find for air
• length > 0.1 µm, and
• time > 0.1 ns,
will be sufficient to use the continuum assumption. For denser gases, these cutoff scales are
smaller. For lighter gases, these cutoff scales are larger. Details of collision theory can be
found in advanced texts such as that of Vincenti and Kruger.12 They show for air that the
mean free path λ is well modeled by the following equation:
λ= √ . (1.33)
W. G. Vincenti and C. H. Kruger, 1965, Introduction to Physical Gas Dynamics, John Wiley, New York,
pp. 12-26.
Here, M is the molecular mass, N is Avogadro’s number, and d is the molecular diameter.
Example 1.2
Find the variation of mean free path with density for air.
We turn to Vincenti and Kruger for numerical parameter values, that are seen to be M =
28.9 kg/kmole, N = 6.02252 × 1023 molecule/mole, d = 3.7 × 10−10 m. Thus,
kg 1 kmole
28.9 kmole 1000 mole
λ = √ 2, (1.34)
2π 6.02252 × 1023 molecule
mole ρ (3.7 × 10−10 m)
7.8895 × 10−8 molecule m2
= . (1.35)
Note that the unit “molecule” is not really a dimension, but really is literally a “unit,” that may well
be thought of as dimensionless. Thus, we can safely say
7.8895 × 10−8 m2
λ = . (1.36)
A plot of the variation of mean free path λ as a function of ρ is given in Fig. 1.19. Vincenti and Kruger
λ (m)
ρatm~1.288 kg/m3
10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101
Figure 1.19: Mean free path length, λ, as a function of density, ρ, for air.
go on to consider an atmosphere with density of ρ = 1.288 kg/m3 . For this density
7.8895 × 10−8 m2
λ = kg
, (1.37)
1.288 m3
= 6.125 × 10 m, (1.38)
= 6.125 × 10 µm. (1.39)
Vincenti and Kruger also show the mean molecular speed under these conditions is roughly c = 500 m/s,
so the mean time between collisions, τ , is
λ 6.125 × 10−8 m
τ∼ = = 1.225 × 10−10 s. (1.40)
c 500 ms
An example of a single phase is ice. Another single phase is liquid water. A glass of ice
water is a two-phase mixture with the phase boundaries at the edge of each ice cube.
We next define (circularly)
• Property: quantity that only depends on the state of the system and is independent
of the history of the system.
Examples of properties include temperature and pressure. Two states are equivalent if they
have the same properties. So if state 1 is defined by temperature T1 and pressure P1 , and
state 2 is defined is by temperature T2 and P2 , state 1 is equivalent to state 2 iff (that is, if
and only if) T1 = T2 and P1 = P2 .
There are two important classes of properties we consider in thermodynamics:
• Extensive Property: a property that depends on the mass (or the extent) of the
system, example extensive properties include mass, total volume, total energy, and
In general, if you cut a system in half and re-measure its properties, intensive properties
remain unchanged, while extensive properties are cut in half. Properties are defined for
systems that are in
We actually never totally achieve equilibrium, we only approximate it. It takes infinite time
to achieve final equilibrium. In this class we will mainly be concerned with two types of
A third type of equilibrium is chemical equilibrium, that we will not consider here, and is
characterized by equal chemical potentials.
A difficult conceptual challenge of thermodynamics is to reckon with two systems initially
at their own equilibria, to bring them into contact so that they find a new equilibria. How to
do this without consideration of time can be difficult. Another branch of thermodynamics,
that we will consider only briefly in this course is
• Change of State: implies one or more properties of the system has changed.
How these properties would change outside of time is curiously outside the framework of
equilibrium thermodynamics! The best way to think of them is that the changes are slow
relative to the underlying molecular time scales. Fortunately, this will allow us to do a wide
variety of problems of engineering relevance.
We also define a
We assume our processes are all sufficiently slow such that each stage of the process is near
equilibrium. Certain common processes are given special names, based on the Greek ι σoς,
isos, meaning “equal”:
– Rankine: (◦ R).
The origins of the zeroth law are murky. Sommerfeld13 attributes the notion to R. H. Fowler
in a 1931 review of a thermodynamics book. Fowler and Guggenheim explicitly introduce
the term “zeroth law of thermodynamics” later.14 The equivalent statement in mathematical
logic is that if x = y and x = z, then y = z; this is in fact equivalent to the first of Euclid’s
common notions: things that are equal to the same thing are also equal to each other.
Definition of the zeroth law enables the use of a thermometer as a measurement device.
A scale however needs to be defined. The old metric temperature scale, Celsius (◦ C), was
defined so that
These quantities varied with pressure however, so that different values would be obtained
on top of a mountain versus down in the valley, and so this is not a good standard. The
modern Celsius scale is defined to be nearly the same, but has
The triple point of water is defined at the state where three phases of water (solid, liquid,
and gas) are observed to co-exist. The transformation between the absolute Kelvin scale and
the Celsius scale is given by
K = ◦ C + 273.15. (1.41)
A. Sommerfeld, 1956, Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, Lectures on Theoretical Physics,
Vol. V, Academic Press, New York, p. 1.
R. Fowler and E. A. Guggenheim, 1939, Statistical Thermodynamics: A Version of Statistical Mechanics
for Students of Physics and Chemistry, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, p. 56.
The English equivalents are degrees Fahrenheit (◦ F) for relative temperature and degrees
Rankine (◦ R) for absolute temperature. The conversions are
1 d2 y X
m = F. (1.43)
gc dt2
Moreover, a gravitational body force is better stated as mg/gc in English units. Now,
1 lbf is induced by a mass of 1 lbm in places where local gravitational acceleration is
g = 32.1740 ft/s2 . Let us consider two important types of problems
1 d2 y mg
m 2 = − , (1.44)
gc dt gc
d2 y
= −g, (1.45)
= −gt + C1 , (1.46)
y = − gt2 + C1 t + C2 . (1.47)
Note that gc plays no role whatsoever in determining the position of the particle.
– static force balance: Here one wants to determine the force necessary to hold
a particle stationary in a uniform gravitational field. In such a problem the
acceleration is zero, but there are two forces, the gravitational force −mg/gc , and
the counter-balancing force that we will call F . Eq. (1.43) reduces to
1 d2 y mg
m 2 = F− , (1.48)
gc |{z}
dt gc
0 = F− , (1.49)
F = . (1.50)
Example 1.3
If the local gravitational acceleration is 32.0 ft/s2 , find the weight W of an object with mass of
m = 1000 lbm.
1 1 ft
W =F = mg = lbm ft
(1000 lbm) 32.0 = 994.59 lbf. (1.53)
gc 32.1740 lbf s2
Example 1.4
An alternative English unit for mass is the slug with 1 slug = 32.1740 lbm. If local gravitational
acceleration is 32.0 ft/s2 , find the weight W of an object with mass of m = 1 slug.
1 1 32.1740 lbm ft
W = F = mg = lbm ft
(1 slug) 32.0 2 = 32.0 lbf. (1.54)
gc 32.1740 lbf s2
1 slug s
Because in this unit system, gc has a magnitude of unity, it is analogous to the SI system, and
the slug is more appropriate e lbm as an analog to the kg. Just as we think of N = kg m/s2 ,
we can think of lbf = slug ft/s2 . Mainly so that consistency can be maintained with BS, we will
nearly always use lbm and avoid slugs for mass in the English system.
• Energy: roughly speaking, the ability to do work, found from the product of force
and distance.
– Joule: (J), 1 J = 1 (N m), and
– foot-pound force: (ft lbf).
• Specific Volume: the volume per unit mass, known as v = V /m.
– mkg , and
– lbm .
• Density: the mass per unit volume, the inverse of specific volume ρ = m/V .
– mkg3 , and
– lbm
Note also that
1 1
v= , ρ= . (1.57)
ρ v
• Pressure: the limA→0 F/A where A is the cross-sectional area and F is the compo-
nent of force acting normal to that area. In thermodynamics, we are almost always
concerned with the absolute pressure as opposed to the gauge pressure. Most common
pressure gauges do not measure the absolute pressure; instead they measure the differ-
ence between the absolute pressure and the atmospheric pressure. The two are related
via the formula
Pgauge = Pabsolute − Patm . (1.58)
We nearly always interpret P as an absolute pressure, so we could also say
Pgauge = P − Patm . (1.59)
– Pascal: (Pa), 1 Pa = 1 N/m2 ; note other common units are 1 bar = 105 Pa,
1 atm = 1.01325 × 105 Pa = 101.325 kPa = 0.101325 MPa, and
– (psia): 1 psia = 1 lbf/in2 . 1 atm = 14.696 psia. The a denotes the “absolute”
pressure as opposed to the “gauge” pressure. The units psig refer to a gauge
The SI unit is named after Blaise Pascal, see Fig. 1.20, the French polymath who
Patm PatmA
mg = ρVg = ρAHg
g H
fluid at P, ρ
containing fluid at pressure P and density ρ has a small tube with cross sectional area
d2 y
m = P A − Patm A − mg. (1.60)
Now, we are concerned with cases that are static, in which case the acceleration
d2 y/dt2 = 0. Thus, we require a force balance, i.e. mechanical equilibrium, that is
achieved when
Now, mg = ρV g, where V is the volume of the fluid in the cutaway. Obviously from
the geometry, we have V = AH, so mg = ρAHg. Thus,
∆P = P − Patm = Pgauge = ρgH. (1.65)
Example 1.5
A manometer gives a reading of H = 2 ft in a region where local g = 32.2 ft/s2 . The working fluid
has specific volume v = 0.0164 ft3 /lbm. The atmospheric pressure is Patm = 14.42 lbf/in2 = 14.42 psia.
Find the fluid pressure.
P = Patm + . (1.67)
The challenge here is really the English units. A fair way to approach English units is to replace g by
g/gc in every formula. Thus, in English units, we have
1 g
P = Patm + H. (1.68)
v gc
So our fluid pressure is
! 2
lbf 1 32.2 s2 1 ft lbf
P = 14.42 2 + ft3 lbm ft
(2 ft) = 15.27 = 15.27 psia. (1.69)
in 0.0164 lbm
32.1740 lbf s2
12 in in2
• Air, being composed of a mixture of N2 , O2 , and other gases, is formally not a pure
substance. However, experience shows that we can often treat air as a pure substance
with little error.
slowly add heat to the cylinder, and observe a variety of interesting phenomena. A sketch
of what we observe is given in Fig. 2.2. We notice the following behavior:
P = 100 kPa P = 100 kPa P = 100 kPa P = 100 kPa P = 100 kPa P = 100 kPa
water vapor
T > 99.62 oC
water vapor
T=99.62 oC
T = 99.62 oC
liquid water saturated liquid,
liquid water T > 20 oC liquid water T = 99.62 oC
T = 20 oC T = 99.62 oC
Figure 2.2: Sketch of experiment in which heat is added isobarically to water in a closed
piston-cylinder arrangement.
• The pressure remains at a constant value of 100 kPa. This is an isobaric process.
• The temperature of the liquid increases significantly as heat is added to the liquid.
• As heat is added, we find both the temperature and the volume rise, with the pressure
remaining constant. The water remains in the all vapor state.
We have just boiled water! We sketch this process in the temperature-specific volume plane,
that is, the T − v plane, in Fig. 2.3. Note that the mass m of the water is constant in this
saturated two-phase
liquid mixture saturated
vf vg v
Figure 2.3: Isobar in the T − v plane for our thought experiment in which heat is added
isobarically to water in a piston-cylinder arrangement.
We see how the boiling point changes with pressure by plotting the saturation pressure
as a function of saturation temperature in the T − P plane in Fig. 2.4. This is the so-called
vapor pressure curve. Here, we focus on liquid-vapor mixtures and keep T high enough to
Tc T
prevent freezing. Note the curve terminates abruptly at the critical point.
We adopt the following nomenclature:
• two-phase mixture: the material is composed of co-existing liquid and vapor with
both at Tsat .
This behavior may have first been carefully documented by T. Andrews, 1869, “The Bakerian lecture:
on the continuity of the gaseous and liquid states of matter,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
of London, 159: 575-590.
For two-phase mixtures, we define a new property to characterize the relative concentra-
tions of liquid and vapor. We define the
• quality= x: as the ratio of the mass of the mixture that is vapor (vap) to the total
mixture mass:
x= . (2.1)
We can also take the total mass to be the sum of the liquid and vapor masses:
x= . (2.3)
mliq + mvap
There are two important limits to remember:
T P = 40 MPa
Pc = 22.089 MPa
P = 10 MPa
Tc = 374.14 oC
P = 1 MPa
P = 0.1 MPa
T= 99.62 oC saturated
saturated vapor line
liquid line
vc = 0.003155 m3/kg
water’s P − v plane for a wide variety of isotherms in Fig. 2.6. We can perform a similar
thought experiment for ice. We can start with ice at P = 100 kPa and add heat to it. We
critical superheated
point vapor
Pc = 22.089 MPa
two-phase o
Tc = 374.14 C
compressed mixture
saturated saturated
liquid line Tlow
vapor line
vc = 0.003155 m /kg
observe the ice’s temperature rise until T = Tsat ∼ 0 ◦ C. At that temperature, the ice begins
to melt and the temperature remains constant until all the ice is melted. At this point the
liquid temperature begins to rise. If we continued to add heat, we would boil the water.
We note if we perform this experiment for P < 0.6113 kPa the ice in fact goes directly
to vapor. It is said to have undergone sublimation. There exists a second important point
where ice being heated isobarically can transform into either liquid or gas. This is the so-
called triple point. At the triple point we find the saturation pressure and temperature are
Ptp = 0.6113 kPa and Ttp = 0.01 ◦ C, respectively. It is better described as a triple line,
because in the P − v − T space we will study, it appears as a line with constant P and T , but
variable v. In the P − T projected plane of the P − v − T volume, it projects as a point. We
sketch water’s P − T plane again for a wider range to include the vapor-liquid-solid phase
behavior in Fig. 2.7.
These characteristics apply to all pure substances. For example, nitrogen has a triple
point and a critical point. Table A.2 in BS lists critical constants for many materials. Note
also that phase transitions can occur within solid phases. This involves a re-arrangement of
the crystal structure. This has important implications for material science, but will not be
considered in detail in this course.
P (kPa)
22089 point
fusion l
solid p or
0.6113 l ine
on triple superheated
mati vapor
li point
Note we neglect electric, magnetic, and chemical work modes. While this is indeed restrictive,
it will be important for many mechanical engineering applications. The following important
statement can be proved (but will not be so here):
• For a simple compressible substance, two independent intensive thermodynamic prop-
erties define the state of the system.
Consider the implications for
• superheated vapor: If we consider P , T , and v, this states that we must allow one of the
variables to be functions of the other two. We could have P = P (T, v), v = v(T, P ),
or T = T (P, v). All are acceptable.
• two-phase mixture: If we have a two-phase mixture, our experiments show that P and
T are not independent. In this case, we need another property to characterize the
system. That property is the quality, x. So for two-phase mixtures, we might have
v = v(T, x), for example.
• Ideal gas law: This equation, which is a combination of Boyle’s law,2 Charles’ law,3
and Avogadro’s law,4 is most fundamentally stated as
P V = nRT. (2.6)
On the continent, Boyle’s law is sometimes known as Mariotte’s law after Edme Mariotte
(1620-1684), but Boyle published it fourteen years earlier.5 A reproduction of Boyle’s data
is given in Fig. 2.8.6 The data in (V, 1/P ) space is fit well by a straight line with intercept
at the origin; that is 1/P = KV , where K is a constant. Thus, P V = C, where C = 1/K is
a constant.
R. Boyle, 1662, New Experiments Physico-Mechanical, Touching the Air: Whereunto is Added A Defence
of the Authors Explication of the Experiments, Against the Obiections of Franciscus Linus and Thomas
Hobbes, H. Hall, Oxford. There exists a 1725 text modified from the 1662 original in The Philosophical
Works of Robert Boyle, Vol. 2, P. Shaw, ed., Innis, Osborn, and Longman, London. Boyle’s law holds that
P V is constant in an isothermal process.
attributed to J. A. C. Charles by J. L. Gay-Lussac, 1802, “Recherches sur la dilatation des gaz des
vapeurs,” Annales de Chimie, 43(1): 137-175. Charles’ law holds that V /T is constant for ideal gases
undergoing isobaric processes. Additionally, Guillaume Amontons (1663-1705) performed some of the early
experimentation that led to Charles’ law. John Dalton (1766-1844) is said to have also written on a version
of Charles’ Law in 1801.
A. Avogadro, 1811, “Essai d’une manière de déterminer les masses relatives des molécules élémentaires
des corps, et les proportions selon lesquelles elles entrent dans ces combinaisons,” Journal de Physique,
de Chimie et d’Historie Naturelle, 73:58-76. Here, Avogadro hypothesized that “equal volumes of ideal or
perfect gases, at the same temperature and pressure, contain the same number of particles, or molecules.”
C. Webster, 1965, “The discovery of Boyle’s law, and the concept of the elasticity of air in the seventeenth
century,” Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 2(6): 441-502. Also described here is how Henry Power
(1623-1668) and Richard Towneley (1629-1707) did important preliminary work that helped Boyle formulate
his law.
see J. B. West, 1999, “The original presentation of Boyle’s law, Journal of Applied Physiology, 98(1):
0.04 b)
1/P (in Hg)-1
0 10 20 30 40 50 V (in3)
Figure 2.8: a) Boyle’s 1662 data to validate his law (P V is constant for an isothermal
process), b) plot of Boyle’s data: V (the left-most of the columns labelled A) versus reciprocal
of P (reciprocal of column D), demonstrating its near linearity.
Depictions of Boyle, Charles, and Avogadro are given in Fig. 2.9. The ideal gas law was
b) c) a)
Figure 2.9: b) Robert Boyle (1627-1691), Irish scientist who developed an important special
case of the ideal gas law. Image from Boyle, c)
Jacques Alexandre César Charles (1746-1823), French scientist credited in 1802 by Joseph
Louis Gay-Lussac (1778-1850) for developing an important special case of the ideal gas
law in the 1780s. Image from Charles,
a) Lorenzo Romano Amedeo Carlo Avogadro di Quarengna e di Cerroto
(1776-1856), Italian physicist, nobleman, and revolutionary. Image from Avogadro.
first stated in the form roughly equivalent to Eq. (2.6) by Clapeyron,7 depicted in Fig. 2.10.
It is critical that the temperature here be the absolute temperature. For the original
argument, see Thomson.8 Here, n is the number of moles. Recall there are N = 6.02214179×
1023 molecules in a mole, where N is Avogadro’s number. Also R is the universal gas constant,
whose history is recounted by Jensen.9 From experiment, many performed by by Regnault,
depicted in Fig. 2.11, it is determined to be
R = 8.314472 . (2.7)
kmole K
In this class the over bar notation will denote an intensive property on a per mole basis.
Intensive properties without over bars will be on a per mass basis. Recall the mass-basis
É. Clapeyron, 1834, “Mémoire sur la puissance motrice de la chaleur,” Journal de l’École Polytechnique,
14: 153-190.
W. Thomson, 1848, “On an absolute thermometric scale founded on Carnot’s theory of the motive power
of heat and calculated from Regnault’s observations, Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society,
1(5): 66-71.
W. B. Jensen, 2003, “The universal gas constant R,” Journal of Chemical Education, 80(7): 731-732.
Figure 2.10: Benoı̂t Paul Émile Clapeyron (1799-1824), French engineer and
physicist who furthered the development of thermodynamics. Image from Clapeyron.
Figure 2.11: Henri Victor Regnault (1810-1878), French chemist and physicist who made
careful early measurements of thermodynamic parameters for ideal and non-ideal gases. Victor Regnault.
v= . (2.8)
Thus, the ideal gas law can be represented in terms of intensive properties as
P = RT, (2.9)
P v = RT. (2.10)
There are other ways to write the ideal gas law. Recall the molecular mass M is the
mass in g of a mole of substance. More common in engineering, it is the mass in kg of a
kmole of substance. These numbers are the same! From chemistry, for example, we know
Pv = T. (2.14)
Example 2.1
Find R for air.
We can model air as a mixture of N2 and O2 . Its average molecular mass is known from Table A.5
of BS to be M = 28.97 kg/kmole. So R for air is
R 8.3145 kmole K kJ
R= = kg
= 0.287 . (2.20)
M 28.97 kmole kg K
Consider some notions from algebra and geometry. The function f (x, y) = 0 describes a
curve in the x − y plane. In special cases, we can solve for y to get the form y = y(x). The
function f (x, y, z) = 0 describes a surface in the x − y − z volume. In special cases, we can
solve for z to get z = z(x, y) to describe the surface in the x − y − z volume.
Example 2.2
Analyze the surface described by f (x, y, z) = z 2 − x2 − y 2 = 0.
This surface is plotted in Fig. 2.12. We can also get three two-dimensional projections of this surface
y 1
z 0
x 1
in the x − y plane, the y − z plane, and the x − z plane. Orthographic projections of this surface are
plotted in Fig. 2.13.
iso-z contours
-2 -1 0 1 2
z2 z
1 1
iso-y 0
0 contours
-1 -1
-2 -2
-2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2
x y
Figure 2.13: Contours of constant x, y and z in orthographic projection planes of the surface
z 2 − x2 − y 2 = 0.
P (kPa)
v (m3/kg) 4
of the thermodynamic surfaces by projection into various thermodynamic planes and plotting
various iso-contours. Let us do this for an ideal gas.
• isobars:
– Consider curves in the T − v plane on which P is constant. Thus, for the ideal
gas, we consider
T = v. (2.25)
| {z }
P = constant, (2.26)
P = constant, (2.27)
T Phigh P P
Phigh Phigh
v v T
• isotherms
– Consider curves in the T − v plane on which T is constant. Thus, for the ideal
gas, we have
T = constant. (2.28)
These are straight horizontal lines in the T − v plane.
– Consider curves in the P − v plane on which T is a constant. Thus, for the ideal
gas, we have
P = (RT ) . (2.29)
These are hyperbolas in the P − v plane.
– Consider curves in the P − T plane on which T is a constant. Thus, for the ideal
gas, we have
T = constant. (2.30)
These are straight vertical lines in the P − T plane.
T P P Thigh
Tlow Thigh
v v T
• isochores
– Consider curves in the T − v plane on which v is constant. Thus, for the ideal
gas, we have
v = constant. (2.31)
These are straight vertical lines in the T − v plane.
– Consider curves in the P − v plane on which v is a constant. Thus, for the ideal
gas, we have
v = constant. (2.32)
These are straight vertical lines in the P − v plane.
– Consider curves in the P − T plane on which v is a constant. Thus, for the ideal
gas, we have
P = T. (2.33)
| {z }
These are straight lines in the P − T plane with slope R/v. Because R > 0 and
v > 0, the slope is always positive. For large v, the slope is shallow. For small v,
the slope is steep.
Example 2.3
Given air in a cylinder with stops and a frictionless piston with area A = 0.2 m2 , stop height of
1 m, and total height of 2 m, at initial state P1 = 200 kPa and T1 = 500 ◦ C with cooling, find
• the temperature when the piston reaches the stops, and
• the pressure if the cooling continues to T = 20 ◦ C.
v v T
A = 0.2 m2
free body diagram
at the initial state
The initial state along with a free body diagram is sketched in Fig. 2.18. We have three distinct
• state 1: initial state
• state 2: piston reaches the stops
• state 3: final state, where T = 20◦ C.
At the initial state, the total volume is
We also know that P1 = 200 kPa. For use of the ideal gas law, we must use absolute temperature. So
Now, as long as the piston does not touch the stops, it will be in a force balance giving Patm A = P A.
So our atmosphere must be at Patm = 200 kPa. As the air cools, its temperature will go down. Because
P v = RT , as temperature goes down with constant P , we expect the volume to decrease. Just when
the piston hits the stops, the stops still exert no force on the piston, so
V2 = A(1 m) = (0.2 m2 )(1 m) = 0.2 m3 . (2.39)
V2 0.2 m3 m3
v2 = = = 0.554735 . (2.40)
m 0.360532 kg kg
Use the ideal gas law to get T2 :
P2 v2 (200 kPa) 0.55735 kg
T2 = = kJ
= 386.575 K. (2.41)
R 0.287 kg K
Now, after the piston reaches the stops, the volume is constant. So the process from 2 to 3 is
isochoric, and
V3 = V2 = 0.2 m3 . (2.42)
v3 = v2 = 0.554735 . (2.43)
RT3 0.287 kg K (20 + 273.15) K)
P3 = = m3
= 151.665 kPa. (2.44)
v3 0.554735 kg
We generate Table 2.1 to summarize the problem. It is usually useful to include sketches of the
process in the various thermodynamic planes. This process is sketched in each of the relevant planes
in Fig. 2.19.
m 3/
773 - 1 K
2 1
200 - 200 -
2 1
a T
kP =
51.6 151.6 - 386 151.6 -
1 K 3
= 3
2 P T=
2 93
386 -
293 -
Figure 2.20: Johannes Diderik van der Waals (1837-1923), Dutch physicist
and Nobel laureate who developed a corrected state equation. Image from Diderik van der Waals. Redlich-Kwong
For the Redlich-Kwong11 equation of state, one has
RT a
P = − √ , (2.47)
v − b v(v + b) T
R2Tc RTc
a = (0.42748) , b = (0.08664) . (2.48)
Pc Pc
For ideal gases, P v = RT , so Z = 1. Experiments show the behavior of real gases, and this
can be presented in graphical form, as shown for N2 in Fig. 2.21. Note
O. Redlich and J. N. S. Kwong, 1949, “On the thermodynamics of solutions. V. an equation of state.
fugacities of gaseous solutions,” Chemical Reviews, 44(1): 233-244.
Z = Pv/RT
1 10
P (MPa)
• for all T , Z → 1 as P → 0. Thus, one has ideal gas behavior at low pressure.
• Hold at P = 4 MPa and decrease temperature from 300 K; we see Z decrease below
unity. Now
Pv P P
Z= = , ρ= . (2.50)
Because Z < 1, the density ρ is higher than we would find for an ideal gas with Z = 1.
Thus, in this region, there is an attractive force between molecules.
• For P > 30 MPa, we find Z > 1. Thus, a repulsive force exists in this regime. The
forces are complicated.
Note that generalized compressibility charts have been developed for general gases. These
are based on the so-called reduced pressures and temperatures, Pr and Tr , where
Pr = , Tr = . (2.51)
Pc Tc
The reduced polytropic process and temperature are dimensionless. Values with the c sub-
script are the critical constants for the individual gases. Appendix D of BS gives generalized
compressibility charts.
Figure 2.22: P − v − T surface for H2 O, showing solid, liquid, and vapor phases.
In such cases, one should use tables to find a third property, given two independent
properties. We can say that the thermal equation of state is actually embodied in the
tabular data.
We lay down some rules of thumb for this class:
• If steam, use the tables.
• If air or most other gas, use the ideal gas law, but check if the polytropic process is high
or the properties are near the vapor dome, in which case use compressibility charts or
non-ideal state equations.
Let us look at how the tables are organized.
equation of state. Recall, for two-phase mixtures, pressure and temperature are not inde-
pendent thermodynamic variables. Two properties still determine the state, but quality x is
now important. So for two-phase mixtures we allow
• T = T (v, x),
• P = P (v, x), or
• v = v(T, x),
Specific Volume, kg
Table 2.2: Saturated liquid-vapor water tables, temperature entry, from BS, Table B.1.1.
• f : saturated liquid,
• g: saturated vapor,
Note for liquid-vapor mixtures, this table begins at the triple point temperature 0.01 ◦ C and
ends at the critical temperature 374.1 ◦ C. At P = Pc and T = Tc , we have vf = vg . Note
• vf ≃ constant, and
T ( C)
compressed superheated
liquid vapor
15 oC
f g
Figure 2.23: Vapor dome for H2 O with data for vf , vg , and vf g at T = 15◦ C.
We define vf g as
vf g ≡ vg − vf . (2.52)
Recall the quality x is
x= .
Consider a mass of fluid m in total volume V . We must have
v = vf + xvf g , (2.60)
v − vf
x= . (2.61)
vf g
Specific Volume, kg
Table 2.3: Saturated water tables, pressure entry from BS, Table B.1.2.
Example 2.4
Given a vessel with V = 0.4 m3 filled with m = 2 kg of H2 O at P = 600 kPa, find
• the volume and mass of liquid, and
• the volume and mass of vapor.
The problem is sketched in Fig. 2.24. While the problem statement suggests we have a two-phase
mixture, that is not certain until one examines the tables. First, calculate the specific volume of the
V 0.4 m3 m3
v= = = 0.2 . (2.62)
m 2 kg kg
Next go to the saturated water tables with pressure entry to see if the water is a two-phase mixture.
We find at P = 600 kPa that
m3 m3
vf = 0.001101 , vg = 0.31567 . (2.63)
kg kg
water vapor
P = 600 kPa
m = 2 kg
V = 0.4 m3
liquid water
Now, for our mixture, we see that vf < v < vg , so we have a two-phase mixture. Now, apply Eq. (2.61)
to find the quality.
3 3
v − vf v − vf 0.2 m m
kg − 0.001101 kg
x= = = 3 m3
= 0.632291. (2.64)
vf g vg − vf 0.31567 m
kg − 0.001101 kg
Temp. v u h s
m3 kJ kJ kJ
C kg kg kg kg K
P = 10 kPa (45.81 ◦ C)
Sat. 14.67355 2437.89 2584.63 8.1501
50 14.86920 2443.87 2592.56 8.1749
100 17.19561 2515.50 2687.46 8.4479
150 19.51251 2587.86 2782.99 8.6881
.. .. .. .. ..
. . . . .
Liquids truly have properties that vary with both T and P . To capture such variation, we
can use compressed liquid tables as an equation of state. An example for water is given
in Table 2.5. If compressed liquid tables do not exist, it is usually safe enough to assume
Temp. v u h s
m3 kJ kJ kJ
C kg kg kg kg K
Table 2.5: Compressed liquid water tables, from BS, Table B.1.4.
Other types of saturation can exist. For example, below the triple point temperature, one
can have solid water in equilibrium with water vapor. The process where ice transforms
directly to water vapor is known as sublimation. Saturation tables for ice-vapor equilibrium
exist as well. For example, consider the structure of saturation tables, as shown in Table
2.6, extracted from BS’s Table B.1.5.
Specific Volume, kg
Table 2.6: Saturated solid-vapor water tables, temperature entry, from BS, Table B.1.5.
Specific Volume, kg
Table 2.7: Saturated liquid-vapor ammonia tables, temperature entry, from BS, Table B.2.1.
superheated ammonia vapor. An example of a portion of such a table is shown in Table 2.8.
Other tables in BS, include those for carbon dioxide, CO2 , a modern refrigerant, R-410a,12
another common refrigerant, R-134a,13 diatomic nitrogen, N2 , and methane, CH4 .
Temp. v u h s
m3 kJ kJ kJ
C kg kg kg kg K
P = 50 kPa (−46.53 ◦ C)
Sat. 2.1752 1269.6 1378.3 6.0839
-30 2.3448 1296.2 1413.4 6.2333
-20 2.4463 1312.3 1434.6 6.3187
-10 2.5471 1328.4 1455.7 6.4006
.. .. .. .. ..
. . . . . Single interpolation The most common interpolation is the single interpo-
lation of variables. We give an example here.
Example 2.5
Given water at T = 36.7 ◦ C, with v = 10 m3 /kg, find the pressure and the quality if a two-phase
A wise first step is to go to the saturated tables. We check Table B.1.1 from BS and find there are
no values at T = 36.7 ◦ C. So we must create our own personal steam table values at this temperature,
just to determine if where we are on the thermodynamic surface. We list the important part of the
saturated water liquid-vapor tables in Table 2.9.
We seek to get appropriate values for P , vf , vf g , and vg at T = 36.7 ◦ C. Let us find P first. The
essence of linear interpolation is to fit known data to a straight line, then use the formula of that line to
predict intermediate values of variables of interest. We know values of P at T = 35 ◦ C and T = 40 ◦ C.
In fact we have two points: (T1 , P1 ) = (35 ◦ C, 5.628 kPa), and (T2 , P2 ) = (40 ◦ C, 7.384 kPa). This lets
us fit a line using the familiar point-slope formula:
P2 − P1
P − P1 = (T − T1 ). (2.69)
T2 − T1
| {z }
We could have used the other point. Note when T = T1 , that P = P1 . Also, when T = T2 , P = P2 .
Specific Volume, kg
Table 2.9: Relevant portion of saturated liquid-vapor water tables, temperature entry, from
BS, Table B.1.1.
P (kPa)
7.384 2
35 36.7 40
T (oC)
Figure 2.25: Sketch of linear interpolation to find P when T = 36.7 ◦ C, v = 10 m3 /kg for
Now, we need to interpolate for vf and vg as well. Let us apply the same technique. For vf , we
m3 m3
0.001008 kg − 0.001006 kg
vf − 0.001006 = (T − (35 ◦ C)). (2.74)
kg (40 ◦ C) − (35 ◦ C)
Now, v = 10 m3 /kg. Because at T = 36.7◦ C, we have vf < v < vg , we have a two-phase mixture.
Let us get the quality. From Eq. (2.61), we have
m3 m3
v − vf 10 kg − 0.00100668 kg
x= = m3
= 0.429525. (2.79)
vf g 23.2792 kg
x= = 0.429525. (2.80)
• For a nearby value of P = P1 , get a linear interpolation of the form T = T (v, P1). Use
this to get T1 = T (vo , P1 ).
• For a different nearby value of P = P2 , get another linear interpolation of the form
T = T (v, P2). Use this to get T2 = T (vo , P2 ). We now have two points (T1 , P1 ) and
(T2 , P2 ), both valid at v = vo .
• Use the two points (T1 , P1 ), (T2 , P2 ) to develop a third interpolation P = P (T, vo ).
Estimate Po by Po = P (To , vo ).
Example 2.6
Consider m = 1 kg of H2 O initially at T1 = 110 ◦ C, x1 = 0.9. The H2 O is heated until T2 = 200 ◦ C.
As sketched in Fig. 2.26, the H2 O is confined in a piston-cylinder arrangement, where the piston
Fs=k(y-y1) PatmA
water PA
free body diagram
is constrained by a linear spring with dP/dv = 40 kPa/m3 /kg. At the initial state, the spring is
unstretched. Find the final pressure.
While this problem seems straightforward, there are many challenges. Let us first consider what we
know about the initial state. Because we have a numerical value for x1 , we know state 1 is a two-phase
mixture. From the tables, we find that
m3 m3 m3
P1 = 143.3 kPa, vf 1 = 0.001052 , vg1 = 1.2101 , vf g1 = 1.20909 . (2.81)
kg kg kg
We can then calculate v1 for the mixture:
m3 m3 m3
v1 = vf 1 + x1 vf g1 = 0.001052 + (0.9) 1.20909 = 1.08923 . (2.82)
kg kg kg
d2 y X
mpiston = Fy . (2.83)
From our free body diagram, we note three major forces:
• force due to the interior pressure from the water,
• force due to the exterior pressure from the atmosphere,
• force due to the linear spring, that we call Fs = k(y − y1 ) where k is the spring constant, y is the
position of the piston, and y1 is the initial position of the piston. Note that Fs = 0 when y = y1 .
We write this as
d2 y
mpiston = P A − Patm A − k(y − y1 ). (2.84)
Now, in classical thermodynamics, we make the assumption that the inertia of the piston is so small
that we can neglect its effect. We are really requiring that a force balance exist for all time. Thus,
even though the piston will move, and perhaps accelerate, its acceleration will be so small that it can
be neglected relative to the forces in play. We thus take
mpiston d y ≪ |Fs |, |Patm A|, |P A|.
With this assumption, we have
P = Patm + (v − v1 ). (2.89)
This equation is highlighted because it provides an algebraic relationship between two intensive thermo-
dynamic properties, P and v, and such a tactic will be useful for many future problems. Using numbers
from our problem, with dP/dv = km/A2 , we can say
kPa m3
P = (143.3 kPa) + 40 m3 v − 1.08923 , (2.90)
P = (99.7308 kPa) + 40 m3 v. (2.91)
| {z }
linear spring rule
Now, at state 1, we have V = V1 and P = P1 = 143.3 kPa, so we must have Patm = 143.3 kPa for this
Let us now consider the possibilities for state 2. We are constrained to be on the line in P − v space
given by our force balance, Eq. (2.91). We are also constrained to be on the T = 200 ◦ C isotherm,
that is also a curve in P − v space. So let us consider the P − v plane, as sketched in Fig. 2.27. The
isotherms for T1 = 110 ◦ C and T2 = 200 ◦ C are set in both parts of Fig. 2.27. Because both T1 and
T2 are well below Tc , both isotherms pierce the vapor dome. Our final state has a line in P − v space
from the force balance intersecting the state 2 isotherm. There are two distinct possibilities for the
final state:
• for a stiff spring, i.e. large km/A2 , our line will intersect the isotherm within the vapor dome, or
km/A2 ~ large
km/A2 ~ small
T2=200 oC T2 =200 oC
1 1
T1=110 oC T1 =110 oC
v v
Figure 2.27: Sketch of P − v plane for piston-cylinder-linear spring problem for water.
• for a loose spring, i.e. small km/A2 , our line will intersect the isotherm in the superheated vapor
Let us consider the first possibility: state 2 is under the vapor dome. If that is the case, then the
tables tell us that P2 = 1553.8 kPa. At this pressure, Eq. (2.91) gives us v = (1553.8 − 99.7308)/40 =
36.3517 m3 /kg. However, at this pressure vg = 0.12736 m3 /kg. Because we just found v > vg , our
assumption that the final state was under the dome must be incorrect!
Therefore, let us go to the more difficult case posed by the second possibility: state 2 is a superheated
vapor. In general the intersection of the straight line with the isotherm is difficult. We can use
linearization to assist us. Let us choose a small region of the tables, and locally fit the 200 ◦ C isotherm
to a straight line. This will give us a second independent equation in P − v space. We will then solve
two equations in two unknowns for the final state.
Our initial pressure, P1 = 143.3 kPa lies between 100 kPa and 200 kPa. We have values from the
superheat tables at these pressures for v at 200 ◦ C. So, we approximate the isotherm by the line
(200 kPa) − (100 kPa) m3
P − (100 kPa) = v − 2.17226 . (2.92)
1.08034 m
− 2.17226 m3 kg
kg kg
P = (298.939 kPa) − 91.5818 m3 v. (2.93)
| {z }
linear approximation of isotherm from tabular thermal EOS
We simultaneously solve the two linear equations, Eqs. (2.91, 2.93), and get the unique solution
P2 = 160.289 kPa, v2 = 1.151395 . (2.94)
Because we found 100 kPa < P2 = 160.289 kPa < 200 kPa, we made a good assumption on the final
pressure, and our interpolation values from the tables are acceptable. Lastly, we sketch the process in
the T − v and P − T planes in Fig. 2.28.
16 2
= liquid
solid 2
k 1
P1 vapor
v T
Figure 2.28: Sketch of T − v and P − T planes for piston-cylinder-linear spring problem for
Recall in the example problem of Chapter 1, p. 24, we saw that mechanical energy was
conserved for a mass falling under the sole influence of a gravitational force. We took the
mechanical energy to be the sum of the kinetic and potential energy of the system. But
when we included a drag force, we found that mechanical energy was no longer conserved,
but in fact dissipated with time. There was considerable discussion in the 17th and 18th
centuries that pitted advocates of a so-called vis viva (“force of life,” a type of kinetic energy)
against those who argued for the primacy of momentum conservation. Leibniz led the vis viva
camp, and Newton and Descartes led the momentum camp. Both ultimately are equivalent
formulations when analyzed carefully.
In this chapter, we will expand our notion of energy and in so doing recover a new
conservation principle. This new principle, not known to Newton, is the first law of thermo-
dynamics. It takes many equivalent forms, and relies at a minimum on the introduction of
a new type of energy, thermal energy, that is necessary to conserve the total energy.
Thermal energy is actually a macro-scale representation of micro-scale mechanical energy.
Recall that at the micro-scale, molecules are in random motion. This random motion has
kinetic energy associated with it. But we cannot hope to keep track of it all for each
individual particle. So we surrender knowledge of the micro-scale motions, and allow the
temperature to be a measure of the average micro-scale kinetic energy. We can also take the
historical approach and develop the principle of energy conservation without further appeal
to micro-scale arguments. Let us begin that approach here.
Example 3.1 p
If z = x2 + y 2 , find the partial of z with respect to x and then with respect to y.
On a particular path C in the x − y plane along which we know y = y(x), we also have the
total derivative
dz ∂z ∂z dy
= + . (3.4)
dx ∂x y ∂y x dx
Now, we can integrate dz along a variety of paths C in the x − y plane. Two paths from z1
to z2 are shown in Fig. 3.1. Integrating Eq. (3.3), we get
Z 2 Z !
∂z ∂z
dz = dx + dy . (3.5)
1 C ∂x y ∂y x
Now, because z = z(x, y), it will not matter which path we choose. The integral is said to
be path-independent.
Conversely, if we were given
path B
path A
the associated integrals are path-independent iff z(x, y) can be found by solving.
∂z ∂z
M= , N= . (3.7)
∂x y ∂y x
One easy way to check this is to form the following two partial derivatives of Eqs. (3.7):
∂M ∂2z ∂N ∂2z
= , = . (3.8)
∂y x ∂y∂x ∂x y ∂x∂y
Now, if z(x, y) and all its partial derivatives are continuous and differentiable, it is easy
to prove the order of differentiation does not matter: ∂ 2 z/∂x∂y = ∂ 2 z/∂y∂x. Thus, if
z = z(x, y), we must insist that
∂M ∂N
= . (3.9)
∂y ∂x
x y
Example 3.2
If dz = x dx + y dy, is dz exact?
M= = x. (3.10)
∂x y
1 2
z= x + f (y). (3.11)
∂z df
= = y. (3.12)
∂y x dy
1 2
f (y) = y + C, (3.13)
1 2
z(x, y) = (x + y 2 ) + C. (3.14)
Examine a difference in z:
1 2
z2 − z1 = (x − x21 + y22 − y12 ). (3.15)
2 2
Note the constant C drops out and that the difference in z only depends on the end points and not the
path between points 1 and 2. Here, dz is exact.
Note also that
∂M ∂N
= 0, = 0, (3.16)
∂y x ∂x y
Example 3.3
If dz = y dx − x dy, is dz exact?
M= = y. (3.17)
∂x y
z = yx + f (y). (3.18)
∂z df
=x+ = −x. (3.19)
∂y x dy
= −2x. (3.20)
But functions of y cannot be functions of x. Therefore, we have generated nonsense. We cannot find
z(x, y)! Thus, z is not a state variable, and dz is inexact. We give a new notation for such differentials:
If we choose a path, we can still find differences in z. Let us examine the integral of z along two
paths, illustrated in Fig. 3.2.
path B, C2 (x,y)=(1,1)
path B, C1
1 x
• Path A: Integrate from (x, y) = (0, 0) to (x, y) = (1, 1) along the path x = y and find z2 − z1 .
On path A, x = y and dx = dy. So eliminate y to get
δz = x dx − x dx = 0. (3.21)
Thus, δz = 0, and z = C after integrations. Thus z2 = z1 = C, and z2 − z1 = 0.
• Path B: Integrate from (x, y) = (0, 0) to (x, y) = (1, 1) along the path given first by the y-axis from 0
to 1, then by the line y = 1 from x = 0 to x = 1 and find z2 − z1 .
We have Z Z Z
δz = y dx − x dy + y dx − x dy. (3.22)
1 C1 C2
On C1 , we have x = 0, and dx = 0. On C2 , we have y = 1 and dy = 0. So we get
Z 2 Z Z Z 1
δz = y(0) − (0) dy + (1) dx − x(0) = dx. (3.23)
1 C1 C2 0
z2 − z1 = 1. (3.24)
We chose a different path, and found a different difference in z.
Note also that
∂M ∂N
= 1, = −1; (3.25)
∂y x ∂x y
thus, our condition for exactness, Eq. (3.9), is not satisfied.
3.2 Work
3.2.1 Definitions
From Newtonian mechanics, we know going from state 1 to state 2, that the work 1W2 is
done by a force moving through a distance. The word “work” was first used in this sense by
the French mechanician Gaspard-Gustave Coriolis, depicted in Fig. 3.3. Work is defined as
Z 2
1W2 = F · dx. (3.26)
Note that we have anticipated that the work differential is inexact. This is an important
point, as work integrals will be path-dependent, and work will not be a state variable for a
system. Here, F is a three-dimensional force vector, x is a three-dimensional distance vector,
and · is the dot product operator. Recall that the dot product of two vectors yields a scalar.
The terms F and x are scalar equivalents valid for one-dimensional systems. The units of
force are N, those of distance are m, so the units of work are N m, that have been defined
as Joules (J).
Work is done by a system if the sole effect on the surroundings (i.e. everything external
to the system) could be the raising of a weight. We take the following sign convention:
• Specific work: the work per unit mass w = W/m. Because work is path-dependent,
the intensive quantity w is not a thermodynamic state variable.
P+dP x+dx
state 1 state 2
Figure 3.4: Sketch of piston-cylinder arrangement as work is done as the material expands
when weights are removed.
confined in a cylinder of cross-sectional area A. The height of the piston in the cylinder is
x. The pressure force of the material on the piston is just balanced by weights on top of the
Now, remove one of the weights. We notice a motion of the piston to a new height x+ dx.
We let a long time elapse so the system comes to rest at its new equilibrium. We notice
there is a new pressure in the chamber, P + dP sufficient to balance the new weight force.
Obviously work was done as a force acted through a distance. Let us calculate how much
work was done. The differential work is given from Eq. (3.29) as
δW = F dx. (3.30)
Let us only retain terms that are differential and neglect the square of differential terms, so
δW = P A dx. (3.33)
δW = P dV. (3.34)
Note we employ the unusual notation 1W2 to emphasize that the work R 2 depends on the path
from state 1 to state 2. We are tempted to write the incorrect form 1 δW = W2 − W1 , but
this would imply the work is a state function, which it is not, as shown directly.
Example 3.4
Show that work is path-dependent.
dw = P dv. (3.36)
If w were a path-independent property, we could have w = w(P, v), that would admit the exact
∂w ∂w
dw = dv + dP. (3.37)
∂v P ∂P v
| {z } | {z }
=P =0
df (P )
= −v. (3.41)
Functions of P cannot
R2 be functions of v if P and v are independent. Therefore dw is not exact,
w 6= w(P, v), and 1 P dv is path-dependent.
We can also see the path-dependence of 1W2 by realizing that 1W2 = 1 P dV represents
the area under a curve in a P − V diagram. Consider two paths, A and B from the same
points 1 to 2 as depicted in the P − V space of Fig. 3.5. The area under the curve defined
1 1
2 2
p at h B
2 V 2 V
W2 = ∫ P dV W2 = ∫ P dV
1 1
Figure 3.5: P − V diagram for work for two different processes connecting the same states.
by Path A is clearly different from that under the curve defined by Path B. Clearly, the
work 1W2 depends on the path selected, and not simply the end points. Obviously then, to
calculate the work, we will need full information on P (V ) for the process under consideration.
Many processes in thermodynamics are well modeled as a
Example 3.5
Find the work for a gas undergoing a polytropic process with n 6= 1.
P2 V2 − P1 V1
1W2 = . (3.46)
Note this formula is singular if n = 1.
Example 3.6
Find the work for a gas undergoing a polytropic process with n = 1.
Example 3.7
Find the work for an isobaric process.
Example 3.8
Find the work for an isochoric process.
There is no work for an isochoric process. This also corresponds to a polytropic process with n → ∞.
Example 3.9
An ideal gas undergoes a two-step process. Beginning at state 1, it is isothermally compressed to
state 2. Then it is isobarically compressed to state 3. Find the work.
n=0 (isobaric)
n<1 (polytropic)
n=1 (isothermal for ideal gases)
2 V
W2 = ∫ P dV
3 2
W3 = ∫ P dV < 0
1 1
Example 3.10
Consider the piston-cylinder arrangement sketched in Fig. 3.8. Here, m = 2 kg of water is initially
at V1 = 0.02 m3 , T1 = 50 ◦ C. When P = 100 kPa, the piston leaves the stops. The water is heated
from its initial state to a final state of 200 ◦ C. Find diagrams for the process in the P − T , T − v, and
P − v planes and the work done by the water.
At state 1, we have
V1 0.02 m3 m3
v1 = = = 0.01 . (3.58)
m 2 kg kg
Go to the saturated water tables, temperature entry. At T1 = 50 ◦ C, we find vf = 0.001012 m3 /kg
and vg = 12.0318 m3 /kg. This gives vf g = 12.0308 m3 /kg. Because vf < v1 < vg , we have a two-phase
mixture at the initial state. This fixes P1 = 12.350 kPa.
water m = 2 kg
m = 2 kg T3 = 200 C
V1 = 0.02 m3
T1 = 50 C
Now, we have
m3 m3
v1 − vf 0.01 kg − 0.001012 kg
x1 = = m3
= 0.000747083. (3.59)
vf g 12.0308 kg
2 3 2 3
1 1
v v T
Now, we heat isobarically until T3 = 200 ◦ C, with P3 = P2 = 100 kPa. This gives us two properties,
so we know the state. The superheat tables give us v3 = 2.17226 m3 /kg.
Now, the final volume is
V3 = mv3 = (2 kg) 2.17226 = 4.34452 m3 . (3.61)
Example 3.11
Measured P − V data for an internal combustion engine is obtained. Estimate the work.
The data is given in Table 3.2. Here, we have N = 6 points. The best way to address this problem
P (bar) V (cm3 )
20.0 454
16.1 540
12.2 668
9.9 780
6.0 1175
3.1 1980
is via numerical integration. We could use a variety of methods like Simpson’s rule. Let us take what
amounts to the trapezoidal method. We will estimate
Z 2 NX−1
1W2 = P dV ≃ Piave ∆Vi . (3.65)
1 i=1
Here, we are taking the area of trapezoid i as the product of the base,
∆Vi = Vi+1 − Vi , i = 1, . . . , N − 1, (3.66)
and the average pressure of trapezoid i,
Pi + Pi+1
Piave = , i = 1, . . . , N − 1. (3.67)
We can summarize the calculations in Table 3.3. We see
Z 2 N
X −1
1W2 = P dV ≃ Piave ∆Vi = 11404.1 bar cm3 . (3.68)
1 i=1
P (bar)
Example 3.12
We are given air in the spring-restrained piston-cylinder arrangement of Fig. 3.11 with P1 = 100 kPa,
Fspring = kx
air Fair = PA
k Fatm = PatmA
P, V
V1 = 0.002 m3 , x1 = 0 m, no force on the piston at state 1, Patm = 100 kPa, and A = 0.018 m2 . The
air expands until V2 = 0.003 m3 . We know the spring is linear with Fspring = kx with k = 16.2 kN/m.
Find the final pressure of the air and the work done by the air on the piston.
First note here that x is distance and not quality! The free body diagram is sketched in Fig. 3.11.
For the piston to be in mechanical equilibrium, we require
PA = Patm A + kx, (3.70)
P = Patm + x. (3.71)
This gives us P (x). So at the initial state, where x1 = 0, we have P1 = Patm = 100 kPa. We also need
V (x):
V (x) = V1 + Ax. (3.72)
Let us eliminate x. From Eq. (3.72), we get
V − V1
x= . (3.73)
Substitute Eq. (3.73) into Eq. (3.71) to get
k V − V1
P = Patm + , (3.74)
P = Patm + 2 (V − V1 ). (3.75)
Note, when V = V1 , we find P = Patm .
Now, to get the work, we take
Z 2 Z V2
1W2 = P dV = Patm + 2 (V − V1 ) dV. (3.76)
1 V1 A
| {z }
The P − V diagram is sketched in Fig. 3.12. Let us calculate the numerical values.
kN 1
P2 = (100 kPa) + 16.2 2 2
(0.003 m3 ) − (0.002 m3 ) = 150 kPa. (3.80)
m (0.018 m )
3 1
3 kN (0.003 m3 ) − (0.002 m3 )
1W2 = (100 kPa)((0.003 m ) − (0.002 m )) + 16.2 , (3.81)
2 m 0.018 m2
= 0.125 kJ. (3.82)
Example 3.13
A gas is compressed from state (P1 , V1 ) to (P2 , V2 ) via two different paths, A and B:
1 1
W2 = ∫ P dV
1 1
V1 V2 V
P2 V2 − P1 V1
1W2 = . (3.86)
Now, for Path B, we denote the intermediate state as ∗ and quickly calculate
Z 2 Z ∗ Z 2
1 2 = P dV = P dV + P dV. (3.87)
1 1 ∗
Now, because the first part of the process is isobaric with P = P1 , the first integral is easy. And the
second integral is zero, because the integral has no width. So we get
Z V2
1W2 = P1 dV = P1 (V2 − V1 ) = P1 V2 − P1 V1 . (3.89)
2 2
P2 P2
P1 1 P1 1
= ∫ P dV 2
1W 2 = ∫ P dV
1 1W2 1
V2 V1 V V2 V1 V
the work is negative. The gas is worked upon; it is thus doing negative work.
Example 3.14
A spherical balloon contains air at P1 = 150 kPa and is placed in a vacuum. It has an initial
diameter of D1 = 0.3 m. The balloon is heated until its diameter is D2 = 0.4 m. It is known that the
pressure in the balloon is proportional to its diameter. Calculate the work of expansion.
The process is diagrammed in Fig. 3.14. We are told the pressure is proportional to the diameter.
P1 + heat P2
P1 1 2
W2 = ∫ P dV
state 1
state 2 V
V1 V2
D= . (3.92)
Because the volume is proportional to the cube of the diameter, the diameter is proportional to the
cube root of the volume. So the pressure is proportional to the cube root of the volume:
P = kD, (3.93)
P = k . (3.94)
Here, we have defined the proportionality constant as k. The free body diagram is unusual and is
sketched in Fig. 3.15. Here, we give a sketch only for a sector of the balloon. The interior air pressure
atmospheric pressure
Figure 3.15: Free body diagram for a sector of the spherical balloon surface.
exerts a net upwards force on the balloon surface. The lateral pressure forces cancel each other. The
net upwards force on this sector is balanced by a net downwards force exerted by the surface tension
force of the balloon material.
Let us calculate the work:
Z 2
1W2 = P dV, (3.95)
1/3 Z V2
= k V 1/3 dV, (3.96)
π V1
1/3 h iV2
6 3
= k V 4/3 , (3.97)
π 4 V1
6 3 4/3 4/3
= k V2 − V1 , (3.98)
π 4
1/3 4/3 !
6 3 4/3 V2
= k V1 −1 . (3.99)
π 4 V1
k = P1 (3.100)
• a stretching wire stretched by tension force T through length change dL. The differ-
ential work is
δW = −T dL. (3.107)
δW = −S dA. (3.108)
• a system with electrical work where E is the electrical field strength, q is the particle
charge, and x is the distance:
δW = −qE dx. (3.109)
In total, for materials that are more than simple compressible substances, we have
δW = −P dV − T dL − S dA − qE dx − . . . (3.110)
It can be shown that the more work modes we include, the more independent thermodynamic
variables are necessary to specify the state of the system. R2
Lastly we note that a gas expanding into a vacuum has 1W2 6= 1 P dV because it is
inherently a non-equilibrium process.
3.3 Heat
Let us make the following definition:
• Heat: a form of energy transferred across the boundary of a system at a given tem-
perature to another system (or the surroundings) at a different temperature by virtue
of the temperature difference between the two.
We adopt the notion that bodies do not contain heat, but that heat only has relevance as a
type of energy that crosses system boundaries. Note that work is in a similar class; it is not
contained within a system, but can be identified when it crosses system boundaries. We will
make a distinction between heat and work energy transfers.
We also note that when two bodies are at the same temperature, there can be no heat
transferred between the two bodies. The subject of heat transfer considers the details of the
heat transfer process. There are three fundamental classes of heat transfer:
• heat diffusion, also called conduction. Physically this is due to local effects. Bacon is
fried via conduction effects as a culinary example. This is characterized by Fourier’s
q = −k∇T, (3.111)
where q is the heat flux vector with units J/s/m2 = W/m2 , k is the thermal conductivity
with units J/s/m/K = W/m/K, and ∇T is the vector representing the gradient of
temperature. Recall that ∇T is a vector pointing in the direction in which T rises
most rapidly. Because of the minus sign, we see then that the thermal energy flows in
the direction of most rapid temperature decrease. This law was developed by Joseph
Fourier, who built an elegant and correct theory of a special case of non-equilibrium
thermodynamics before the laws of equilibrium thermodynamics were formulated, let
alone fully understood. Fourier is depicted in Fig. 3.16.
In one dimension and also neglecting any time-dependency, we get
q = −k . (3.112)
dT Thot − Tcold
Q̇ = −kA ∼ −kA . (3.113)
dx L
Figure 3.16: Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier (1768-1830), French physicist and math-
ematician who developed a correct theory of heat conduction. Image from∼history/Biographies/Fourier.html.
• convection. This is actually a version of conduction, albeit enhanced by fluid flow. For
some systems, convective effects are well modeled by Newton’s law of cooling2,3 :
• thermal radiation. Physically this is due to remote effects. The earth is heated by
the sun via radiation effects, not conductive energy diffusion. For some systems, the
radiative heat transfer rate is well modeled by
4 4
q = σ(Thot − Tcold ), (3.116)
4 4
Q̇ = qA = σA(Thot − Tcold ). (3.117)
The sign convention again is motivated by nineteenth century steam engines. Heat had to
be added into a system to get work out of the system. Because engineers were and are
concerned with this problem, this convention is taken.
We define a special kind of process in which Q = 0 as
Figure 3.17: Image of the first modern use of the word “adiabatic” from Rankine’s 1859 text.
Now, 1W2 = 1 P dV . We will see in future chapters that there is an equivalent for heat
in that 1 Q2 = 1 T dS, where S is the entropy, to be defined later in Ch. 6.
We finish with some notes of comparison:
• Q and W as well as q and w are affiliated with transient phenomena; both cross
boundaries when the system changes state.
• Q and W as well as q and w are both path-dependent, have inexact differentials, and
are not properties of the system.
3.4.1 Cycle
• First law of thermodynamics: During any cycle, the cyclic integral of heat added
to a system is proportional to the cyclic integral of work done by the system.
If we denote a cyclic integral by , the mathematical representation of this law is
J δQ = δW, (Q in cal, W in J). (3.121)
a) b)
Figure 3.18: a) Sir Benjamin Thompson (Count Rumford) (1753-1814) in a 1783 portrait
by Thomas Gainsborough. American scientist whose cannon-boring experiments discredited
the caloric theory. Image from Thompson, b)
Image of cannon from B. Thompson (Count Rumford), 1798, “An inquiry concerning the
source of the heat which is excited by friction,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
Society of London, 88: 80-102.
In the 1840s there was considerable effort to relate mechanical and thermal energy and
thus measure J. There is some controversy over who first quantified this value. By many
accounts Julius Robert von Mayer achieved the first success in 1842,6 though his exposi-
tion often lacked the mathematical and experimental support that many scientists demand.
Mayer is pictured in Fig. 3.19. Contemporaneously, and with more publicity, Joule spent
considerable effort in carefully measuring J.7,8 He estimated J = 4.41 J/cal, that has since
been corrected to
J = 4.1860 . (3.122)
We give a portrait of Joule in Fig. 3.20a. A nineteenth century etching of Joule’s device is
given in Fig. 3.20b. A modern full-scale replica of Joule’s apparatus designed and constructed
by Mr. Leon Hluchota and Prof. Patrick F. Dunn, based upon Joule’s original experimental
display in the Science Museum, London, and formally in use in undergraduate laboratories
at the University of Notre Dame, is shown in Fig. 3.20c.
J. R. Mayer, 1842, “Bemerkungen über die Kräfte der unbelebten Natur,” Annalen der Chemie und
Pharmacie, 42: 233-240.
J. P. Joule, 1845, “On the existence of an equivalent relation between heat and the ordinary forms of
mechanical power,” The London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science,
Ser. 3, 27: 205-207.
J. P. Joule, 1850, “On the mechanical equivalent of heat,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal So-
ciety of London, 140: 61-82.
Figure 3.19: Julius Robert von Mayer (1814-1878). German physician and physi-
cist who in 1842 said “Energy can be neither created nor destroyed.” Image from Robert von Mayer.
a) b) c)
While Joule performed the key experiments, the critical acceptance of the first law is
attributed by many to the work of Hermann von Helmholtz,9 pictured in Fig. 3.21. However,
Truesdell notes that in this work Helmholtz restricts his conservation principle to kinetic and
potential energies.10 The classical theoretical framework for the first law and more was firmly
solidified by Rudolf Clausius.11 Clausius is depicted in Fig. 3.22.
Now, in this class, we will not bother much with the mechanical equivalent of heat, and
simply insist that Q be measured in units of work. When Q has units of J, then J = 1, and
we recover our preferred form of the first law:
δQ = δW, (Q in J, W in J). (3.123)
H. Helmholtz, 1847, Über die Erhaltung der Kraft, Reimer, Berlin.
C. Truesdell, 1980, The Tragicomical History of Thermodynamics 1822-1854, Springer, New York, p. 161.
R. Clausius, 1850, “Ueber die bewegende Kraft der Wärme und die Gesetze, welche sich daraus für die
Wärmelehre selbst ableiten lassen,” Annalen der Physik und Chemie 79: 368-397.
Figure 3.21: Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz (1821-1894). German physi-
cian and physicist who impacted nearly all of nineteenth century mechanics. Image from∼history/Biographies/Helmholtz.html.
3.4.2 Process
We arrive at an alternate representation of the first law by the following analysis. Consider
the sketch of Fig. 3.23. Now, consider two cycles, each passing through points 1 and 2, albeit
1 C
Figure 3.23: Sketch of P − V diagram for various combinations of processes forming cyclic
Now, B and C are arbitrary paths; Eq. (3.127) asserts that the integral of δQ − δW from 2
to 1 is path-independent. This is in spite of the fact that both W and, as we will see later,
Q are path-dependent quantities. Therefore, we can deduce that this defines
Energy is a new extensive property of the system denoted by E. While we like to think we
have intuition for what constitutes energy, it really is an elusive quantity. Viewed at another
way, the Newtonian mechanical energy is easily visualized in terms of kinetic and potential
energy, but it is not always conserved! Our new energy includes thermal energy, that we
think we can easily feel, so we still have a good intuition for it. So we have generalized
energy so that it is always conserved, at the expense of losing the ability to easily visualize
Recall that properties depend only on the state and not the path taken to arrive at the
state. Let us then take the following definition for the differential of E:
dE = δQ − δW. (3.128)
E2 − E1 = 1Q2 − 1W2 . (3.130)
Equation (3.130) is the alternate representation of the
Now, we consider E to represent the total energy of the system. It has units of J. It
includes energy that is
• potential,
• kinetic,
• thermal,
• chemical,
• electrical,
• magnetic,
• etc.
We will find it useful to lump all of the types of energy that are not potential or kinetic into
a single term U, that we call
• internal energy: that portion of total energy E that is not kinetic or potential
energy. It includes thermal, chemical, electric, magnetic, and other forms of energy.
We take U to have units of J. We call the kinetic energy KE and the potential energy P E.
So we take
|{z} = U
|{z} + KE
|{z} + PE
|{z} . (3.131)
total energy internal energy kinetic energy potential energy
In this course we shall mainly be concerned with changes of U that are associated with
changes of the thermal energy of the system. A useful way to think of thermal energy is
• Thermal energy: kinetic energy associated with random motions of molecules at
the microscale.
We can only observe this microscale kinetic energy with great difficulty. We usually have no
hope of having any detailed knowledge of it, and so only consider it in the average. In fact,
the temperature is a measure of the average microscale kinetic energy. We distinguish the
thermal energy from KE, that we take to exist at the observable macroscale.
Each form of energy is an extensive property of the system. Taking differentials of
Eq. (3.131), we get
dE = dU + d(KE) + d(P E). (3.132)
So the first law, dE = δQ − δW , can be written as
In the next two examples, let us consider two special cases of Eq. (3.133), that are familiar
from Newtonian mechanics.
Example 3.15
Consider a system of mass m for which dU = 0, d(P E) = 0, and δQ = 0. Physically, this
might correspond to a system with constant internal energy, held at constant height, and with no heat
exchanges with its surroundings. For this system, the first law gives a balance between changes in
kinetic energy and work. And let us assume that the system is being accelerated by a horizontal force
F as it acts through a distance in the x direction. Assume there is no friction force.
F m x
The sign is negative because the system is being worked upon. It is not doing work. So we get
Newton’s second axiom tells us F = m(d2 x/dt2 ). And because dx/dt = v, we can say F = m(dv/dt),
d(KE) = m dx. (3.137)
Note we use v for velocity and distinguish that from v, the specific volume.
Let us divide both sides by dt to get
d(KE) dv dx
= m , (3.138)
dt dt |{z}
d(KE) dv
= m v, (3.139)
dt dt
= mv , (3.140)
d v2
= m , (3.141)
dt 2
d v
= m , (3.142)
dt 2
1 2 1 2
KE2 − KE1 = mv − mv . (3.143)
2 2 2 1
If we take v1 = 0 and define the KE1 as zero at this point, and take 2 to just be a general state, we
get the commonly used
KE = mv2 . (3.144)
Note that
d(KE) = mv dv. (3.145)
Example 3.16
Consider a system of mass m for which dU = 0, d(KE) = 0, and δQ = 0. Physically, this might
correspond to a system with constant internal energy, held at constant upward velocity, with no heat
exchanges with its surroundings. For this system, the first law gives a balance between changes in
potential energy and work. And let us assume that the system is being raised at constant velocity v
through distance z against a gravitational force, where the gravitational acceleration g is constant.
v = constant m z
Figure 3.25: Sketch of system being raised at constant velocity v in a gravitational potential
field, where g is constant.
We give a sketch in Fig. 3.25. Newton’s second axiom says that m(d2 z/dt2 ) = F − mg. Now, we are
told the velocity is constant, so the acceleration here is zero, so Newton’s second axiom gives a force
balance, 0 = F − mg, thus
F = mg. (3.146)
Now, the first law tells us, when dU = 0, d(KE) = 0, and δQ = 0, that
δW = −F dz. (3.148)
We have a negative sign because the system is having work done on it by F . Thus
P E = mgz. (3.152)
Note that
d(P E) = mg dz. (3.153)
Now, because dE = dU + d(KE) + d(P E) from Eq. (3.131), we can substitute from
Eqs. (3.145, 3.153) to get
dE = dU + mv dv + mg dz. (3.154)
U2 − U1 + m(v22 − v12 ) + mg(z2 − z1 ) = 1Q2 − 1W2 . (3.156)
| 2 {z }
=E2 −E1
Now, if m is a constant, as it will be for a system, we can divide both sides by m to get
1 2
u2 − u1 + v2 − v12 + g(z2 − z1 ) = 1 q2 − 1 w2 . (3.157)
Here, we have defined the new intensive variables
• u ≡ U/m, the internal energy per unit mass, also known as the specific internal energy.
It has units kJ/kg. It is an intensive thermodynamic property.
• 1 q2 ≡ 1Q2 /m, the heat transfer per unit mass. It has units kJ/kg and is not a thermo-
dynamic property.
• 1 w2 ≡ 1W2 /m, the work per unit mass. It has units kJ/kg and is not a thermodynamic
For materials such as water, u(T, v) is tabulated. Note that the tables must presume a
reference value for energy so as to give it an absolute nature. However, as long as we confine
our thermodynamics to a single substance, differences in energy will be the only quantities
that have relevance in determining physical quantities of interest. That is to say, the reference
state will not be important for single material problems. This is not true for multiple material
problems such as when chemical reactions are present.
Similar to vf and vg , the tables have
U2 − U1 = 1Q2 , (3.168)
1Q2 = U2 − U1 = ∆U. (3.169)
H ≡ U + P V, (3.170)
h = = +P . (3.171)
m m m
h = u + P v. (3.172)
Its most important feature is its utility in control volume analysis that will be fully discussed
in Ch.; its underlying mathematical rationale will be given in Ch. 9.3.
The first written use of the word “enthalpy” is given by Porter,12 who notes the term was
introduced by the Dutch physicist and Nobel laureate Heike Kamerlingh Onnes (1853-1926).
The word is from the Greek ǫνθάλπǫιν, meaning “to warm in.” We give an image of Porter’s
citation of Onnes’ usage in Fig. 3.26.
Figure 3.26: Image of first known printed use of the word “enthalpy” from Porter, 1922.
Eq. (3.172) is valid for general materials. It will be seen to be useful for many problems,
though in principle, we could get by with u alone just as well. Now, because u, P , and v are
thermodynamic properties, so then is h:
h = h(T, P ). (3.173)
Sometimes tables give h and we need to find u; thus,
u = h − P v. (3.174)
Similar to u, we can easily show
h − hf
h = hf + xhf g , x= . (3.175)
hf g
The enthalpy is especially valuable for analyzing isobaric processes. Consider a special
isobaric process in which P1 = P2 = P , ∆KE = ∆P E = 0. Then the first law, Eq. (3.156),
reduces to
U2 − U1 = 1Q2 − 1W2 . (3.176)
Because 1W2 = 1 P dV = P (V2 − V1 ) for the isobaric process, the first law reduces to
U2 − U1 = 1Q2 − P (V2 − V1 ), (3.177)
U2 − U1 = 1Q2 − P2 V2 + P1 V1 , (3.178)
1Q2 = (U2 + P2 V2 ) − (U1 + P1 V1 ), (3.179)
| {z } | {z }
=H2 =H1
• Specific heat capacity: the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of a
unit mass of material by one degree.
The word is a relic of the discredited caloric theory of heat in which heat was thought to be
a fluid that could somehow fill its container. We often simply call it the “specific heat.” We
give the specific heat the symbol c. It has units kJ/kg/K. Its loose mathematical definition
1 δQ
c≃ . (3.181)
m δT
We also define the extensive heat capacity as C = δQ/δT , where C has units kJ/K. We will
not use C explicitly from here on.
It turns out that because δQ is path-dependent, so is c. So let us specify two common
that is to say, cv (T, v) is itself a thermodynamic property for general materials. It can
vary with two independent variables. We shall see later for some materials it varies
only with T , and for other materials, it is actually a constant.
cP = cP (T, P ), (3.187)
that is to say, cP (T, P ) is itself a thermodynamic property for general materials. It can
vary with two independent variables. We shall see later for some materials it varies
only with T , and for other materials, it is actually a constant.
• specific heat for incompressible materials: c. Most liquids and solids under
moderate to low pressure conditions (P < 1 GPa) are well modeled as incompressible.
Thus, in any heating process, there will be little if any associated work of compression.
For such a material, there is no need to distinguish cv and cP , so we simply use c for
the specific heat. We thus take
c(T ) = . (3.188)
Often, especially if the temperature changes are small, we can ignore the temperature
variation of c for incompressible materials and simply take
c= . (3.189)
More rigorous mathematical discussion of specific heat capacity will be given in Ch. 9.4.
In Ch. 9.4, we shall see there are restrictions on the form u(T, v) can take. In a complicated
fashion, the form of the caloric state equation for u(T, v) has some dependency on the thermal
state equation P = P (T, v).
One of the more confusing notions to beginning students of thermodynamics is which
forms of energy and specific heat are appropriate for which materials. Here, we discuss them
in more detail, moving from simple to complex.
u = u(T ). (3.191)
Now, we can specify h for an ideal gas. From Eq. (3.172), h = u + P v, and the ideal gas
law, P v = RT , we get
h = u(T ) + RT. (3.192)
Thus, the enthalpy of an ideal gas is a function of T only:
h = h(T ). (3.193)
Now, for the specific heats of an ideal gas, Eq. (3.183) gives
∂u d
cv (T, v) = = (u(T )) = cv (T ). (3.194)
∂T v dT
Separating variables in Eq. (3.194), we can also say for an ideal gas
du = cv (T ) dT. (3.195)
dh = cP (T ) dT. (3.197)
dh = du + R dT. (3.198)
cP (T ) dT = cv (T ) dT + R dT, (3.199)
cP (T ) = cv (T ) + R. (3.200)
cP (T ) − cv (T ) = R. (3.201)
This is sometimes known as Mayer’s relation. Last, let us define the ratio of specific heats,
k, as
k= . (3.202)
For general materials k = k(T, v). For an ideal gas, we have
cv (T ) + R R
k= =1+ . (3.203)
cv (T ) cv (T )
So k = k(T ) for an ideal gas. We will see that k(T ) is often nearly constant. Because R > 0
and cv (T ) > 0, we must have k > 1 for an ideal gas. In a later chapter, it will later be seen
this result extends to general gases.
But for the ideal gas, u = u(T ), so the partial derivatives become total derivatives and
= cv . (3.205)
Integrating, we get the simple caloric equation of state:
u(T ) = uo + cv (T − To ), (3.206)
valid for CPIG.
Note that
u = uo + cv T − cv To , (3.207)
| +{zP v} = uo + cv T − cv To + |{z}
Pv , (3.208)
=h =RT
h = uo + cv T − cv To + RT, (3.209)
h = uo + RTo + (cv + R) T − (cv To + RTo ), (3.210)
| {z } | {z } | {z }
=ho =cP =cP To
h = ho + cP T − cP To . (3.211)
h(T ) = ho + cP (T − To ), (3.212)
valid for CPIG.
For a CPIG,
cP cP
k= = = constant. (3.213)
cv cv
Example 3.17
Given Ar at P1 = 140 kPa, T1 = 10 ◦ C, V1 = 200 ℓ that undergoes a polytropic expansion to
P2 = 700 kPa, T2 = 180 ◦ C, find 1Q2
To calculate 1Q2 , we will need to invoke the first law: U2 − U1 = 1Q2 − 1W2 . Now, for the CPIG, we
will be able to calculate ∆U from knowledge of ∆T , and we can easily compute 1W2 from its definition
as 1 P dV . This will let us calculate the heat transfer.
Ar is a noble gas. Because it is noble, it is well modeled as a CPIG over a wide range of temperatures.
From Table A.5 in BS, we find the data
kg kJ kJ
M = 39.948 , R = 0.2081 , cv = 0.312 . (3.214)
kmole kg K kg K
Note that
cv 0.312 kgkJK 3
= kJ
= 1.49928 ∼ . (3.215)
R 0.2081 kg K 2
This result will be seen to be valid for all monatomic gases, such as He, Ne, H, O, etc.
Also note that
kg kJ kJ
M R = 39.948 0.2081 = 8.31318 = R. (3.216)
kmole kg K kmole K
Now, we need to have absolute temperatures. Adding 273.15 to both temperatures, we get
0.001 m3
V1 = (200 ℓ) = 0.2 m3 . (3.218)
Let us compute the mass m. From one incarnation of the ideal gas law, we have
P1 V1 (140 kPa)(0.2 m3 )
m= = = 0.475192 kg. (3.219)
RT1 0.2081 kgkJK (283.15 K)
P2 V2 = mRT2 , (3.220)
mRT2 (0.475192 kg) 0.2081 kgkJK (453.15 K)
V2 = = = 0.0640155 m3 . (3.221)
P2 700 kPa
We have calculated the work for a polytropic process before. Repeating, we find
Z 2 Z 2 1−n V2
dV n V P1 V1n 1−n
1W2 = P dV = P1 V1n = P V
1 1 = (V − V11−n ). (3.228)
1 1 V n 1 − n V1 1−n 2
The heat transfer is negative, so heat was lost from the system, even though the temperature went up.
The reason the temperature went up is that the internal energy was raised more by work than it lost
by heat transfer. A plot of this process is given in Fig. 3.27.
• cv = cv (T ),
P (kPa)
200 T2 = 453.15 K
1 T1 = 283.15 K
0.10 0.20 0.30
v (m3/kg)
• h = h(T ),
• cP = cP (T ).
For such temperatures, our assumption of constant cv is not as valid. But for ideal gases,
we can still take cv = cv (T ), so
= cv (T ). (3.235)
We can integrate via separation of variables to get
du = cv (T ) dT, (3.236)
Z 2 Z 2
du = cv (T ) dT, (3.237)
1 1
Z 2
u2 − u1 = cv (T ) dT. (3.238)
We can interpret the difference in u as the area under the curve in a plot of cv (T ) versus T
as plotted in Fig. 3.28. More generally, we could say
u(T ) = uo + cv (T̂ ) dT̂ , (3.239)
u2-u1 = ∫ cv(T) dT
T1 T2 T
Figure 3.28: Relation between u2 − u1 and area under curve in a plot of cv (T ) for calorically
imperfect ideal gas.
Now, cv , cP and R all have units of kJ/kg/K. Let us consider the ratio
cv cv M M cv
= = R
= . (3.242)
The ratio is now in terms of molar specific properties with cv and R having units of
kJ/kmole/K. Note that R is the universal gas constant. A plot of cv /R versus T for a
variety of simple molecules is given in Fig. 3.29. We note some remarkable facts:
• For monatomic gases, such as Ar, O, and H, cv /R = 3/2 for a wide variety of temper-
• For diatomic gases, such as O2 and H2 for T < 600 K, cv /R ∼ 5/2, and for T > 600 K,
cv /R → 7/2.
• For larger molecules such as CO2 or H2 O, cv /R is larger still.
What we are seeing actually reflects some fundamental physics. We first note that sta-
tistical thermodynamics proves
• Temperature is a measure of the average translational kinetic energy of a set of molecules.
Now, we consider some features of Fig. 3.29.
6 CO2
4 O2
2 O
Ar, H
0 2000 4000 6000 T (K)
• For diatomic molecules, we summarize the behavior in the sketch given in Fig. 3.30.
Figure 3.30: cv /R as a function of T for a model diatomic gas. (Note a real gas would liquefy
in the very low temperature region of the plot! So this model is really for a non-existent gas
that has no liquid-inducing intermolecular forces.)
• For triatomic molecules such as H2 O or CO2 , there are more modes of motion that can
absorb energy, so the specific heat is higher still.
Feynman13 summarizes the argument that this preference for one type of energy over an-
other (translation, rotational, vibrational) depending on temperature is surprising to those
not versed in quantum mechanics and violates standard assumptions of classical statistical
mechanics. In fact, he notes that Maxwell had a hint of the problem as early as 1859, and
stated this concern more directly in 1869. Maxwell summarized those concerns in an 1875
lecture, transcribed in Nature.14 Feynman argues that the reason for the energy partition
observed in diatomic gases is a “failure of classical physics” and instead is a pure effect of
quantum mechanics; that is to say k = cP (T )/cv (T ) = k(T ) is a non-classical result! Em-
ployment of the theories of quantum and statistical mechanics allows an accounting for the
observation that there is a preference of molecules to exist in lower energy states, and at
those states, the discrete quantization is important. High energy vibrational states are less
likely than translational states at low temperature. At higher temperature, there is a higher
probability that all states are populated, and one recovers results consistent with classical
Let us also recall that cP (T ) − cv (T ) = R; thus, cP (T ) − cv (T ) = R. Let us summarize
R. P. Feynman, R. B. Leighton, and M. Sands, 1963, The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Volume 1,
Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, pp. 40-7–40-10.
J. C. Maxwell, 1875, “On the dynamical evidence of the molecular constitution of bodies,” Nature,
11(280): 374-377.
To summarize, usually the most problematic case is whether or not specific heats vary
with temperature in ideal gases. For low temperatures, the specific heat is well modeled as a
constant; here the internal energy change is strictly proportional to the temperature change.
For moderate to high temperatures, a temperature-variation of the specific heat is observed.
Changes in internal energy are no longer strictly proportional to changes in temperature.
The behavior is analogous to solid mechanics. At low strain ǫ, stress σ is proportional to
strain, and the constant of proportionality is the modulus of elasticity E. For high strains,
the linearity is lost; we could say the elastic modulus becomes a function of strain. We give
a sketch in Fig. 3.31 of the comparison to solid mechanics
σ u
E higher cv
elastic calorically
region perfect
E region cv
1 1
ε T
Figure 3.31: Sketch of comparison of stress-strain behavior in solids with ideal gas internal
energy-temperature behavior.
There are four main ways to calculate changes in enthalpy for ideal gases:
Example 3.18
Calculate the heat transferred per unit mass to N2 in an isobaric process that starts at T1 = 300 K
and finishes at T2 = 1000 K. Use the four different means of calculating enthalpy changes to estimate
the heat transfer.
u2 − u1 = 1 q2 − 1 w2 . (3.249)
For an isobaric process, 1 w2 = 1 P dv = P (v2 − v1 ) = P2 v2 − P1 v1 . So
Z 2
1 q2 = u2 − u1 + P2 v2 − P1 v1 = h2 − h1 = ∆h = cP (T ) dT. (3.250)
• Constant cP at 298 K. From Table A.5 in BS, we find cP = 1.042 kJ/kg/K. Thus, we estimate
kJ kJ
∆h = h2 − h1 = cP (T2 − T1 ) = 1.042 ((1000 K) − (300 K)) = 729.4 . (3.251)
kg K kg
Let us change variables from T to θ. We have θ = T /(1000 K), so dθ = dT /(1000 K), and dT =
(1000 K) dθ. Thus,
Z θ2
∆h = C0 + C1 θ + C2 θ2 + C3 θ3 ((1000 K) dθ), (3.259)
θ2 θ3 θ4 2
= (1000 K) C0 θ + C1 + C2 + C3 , (3.260)
2 3 4 θ1
kJ kJ θ
= (1000 K) 1.11 θ − 0.48
kg K kg K 2
3 1000 K
4 1000
kJ θ kJ θ K
+ 0.96 − 0.42 . (3.261)
kg K 3 kg K 4 300 K
1000 K
• Use of ideal gas tables. Lastly, we can use the ideal gas tables. For us, Table A.8 of BS is best. We
find h(300 K) = 311.67 kJ/kg and h(1000 K) = 1075.91 kJ/kg. So
kJ kJ kJ
∆h = h2 − h1 = 1075.91 − 311.67 = 764.24 . (3.263)
kg kg kg
• u = u(T ),
• c = c(T ).
= c(T ). (3.265)
Often, we can take a calorically perfect model in which c loses its temperature variation, and
get the commonly used equations
Example 3.19
A mass of cast iron of m = 1 kg is heated from T1 = 300 K to T2 = 400 K. Determine the thermal
energy required.
U2 − U1 = 1Q2 . (3.269)
Example 3.20
A tall thermally insulated shaft contains 100 kg of water at its base at 20 ◦ C. At the top of the
shaft, at z = 100 m, is a 5 kg mass of aluminum. The mass is dropped to the base, comes to rest, and
comes to equilibrium with the water. Local g = 9.81 m/s2 . Find the final temperature.
We can consider the masses of the water and the aluminum to constitute our combined system.
The combined system is isolated; that is there is no heat or work crossing the system boundary. We
cannot neglect mechanical energy in this problem. So the first law is
Now, at the beginning and end of the process neither water nor aluminum is in motion; hence, KE1 =
KE2 = 0. So
(U2 − U1 ) + (P E2 −P E1 ) = 0. (3.276)
U2 − U1 = P E1 . (3.277)
Now, U represents an extensive energy of the combined system. And we have two components. The
total is the sum of the parts, that leads to
Note because we are dealing with temperature differences, K plays the same role as ◦ C, and there is no
need to transform.
• u = u(T, v),
• cv = cv (T, v),
• h = h(T, P ),
u (kJ/kg) cv (kJ/kg/K)
Figure 3.32: Sketch of u = u(T, v), cv = cv (T, v) using a Redlich-Kwong caloric state equation
model for superheated water.
• cP = cP (T, P ).
A sketch of an estimate for u(T, v) and cv (T, v) for superheated water is given in Fig. 3.32.
Here, we selected a Redlich-Kwong model obeying
kJ kJ
u(T, v) = 2863.75 + 1.41 (T − (673.15 K))
kg kg K
kJ K1/2 m3 kg 1
− 65.743 1.12304 1/2 3 − √ , (3.281)
kg kg K m Tv
kJ K1/2 m3
32.8715 kg kg
cv (T, v) = 1.41 + . (3.282)
kg K T 3/2 v
This particular model ignores some of the potential temperature variation of cv , but is useful
for illustration purposes. It gives results not unlike those in portions of the steam tables. As
an aside, the Redlich-Kwong thermal equation of state, see p. 63, for superheated water is
kJ kJ K1/2 m3
0.461504 kg K T 43.8287 kg kg
P =
√ . (3.283)
v − 0.00117008 mkg v v + 0.00117008 mkg T
Even more generally, u and h are tabulated for materials such as water.
Example 3.21
Consider water in a fixed total volume of V = 5 m3 . Initially there is Vf = 0.05 m3 of liquid water
and Vg = 4.95 m3 of water vapor. The initial pressure is P1 = 100 kPa. Heat is added isochorically
until the saturated vapor state is reached. Determine 1Q2 .
state 1 state 2
P1 = 100 kPa
V = 4.95 m3 V = 5 m3
x2 = 1
liquid water
V = 0.05 m3
A sketch of this process is given in Fig. 3.33. The first law tells us
1Q2 = U2 − U1 , (3.285)
= m(u2 − u1 ). (3.286)
So, we need to find u1 and u2 from caloric equations of state to solve this problem. Here, however, our
equations reside in tabular form. Let us see what we know. At state 1, we have P1 = 100 kPa. We
need another property to fix state 1. We can get the quality, x1 , by the following analysis. First, we
know that state 1 is a two-phase mixture. The saturated water tables tell us
m3 m3
T1 = 99.62 ◦ C, vf = 0.001043 , vg = 1.69400 . (3.287)
kg kg
So we get at state 1
Vf 0.05 m3
mf = = 3 = 47.9386 kg, (3.288)
vf 0.001043 m
Vg 4.95 m3
mg = = 3 = 2.92208 kg. (3.289)
vg 1.694 mkg
m3 m3
× 0.0983077 − 0.09963 , (3.295)
kg kg
= 2600.47 . (3.296)
So the heat transfer is
kJ kJ
1Q2 = m(u2 − u1 ) = (50.8607 kg) 2600.47 − 537.332 = 104993 kJ. (3.297)
kg kg
One could also interpolate for the final pressure and temperature and find them to be P2 = 2030.38 kPa,
and T2 = 213.153 ◦ C. Sketches of this process are given in Fig. 3.34.
2 2
1 1
v v T
Figure 3.34: Sketches of process of isochoric water heating problem in various planes.
3.9 Time-dependency
We venture gently away from classical thermodynamics into non-equilibrium thermodynam-
ics. Let us admit time t into the differential form of the first law by scaling Eq. (3.133) by
dU d d δQ δW
+ (KE) + (P E) = − . (3.298)
dt dt dt dt dt
CC BY-NC-ND. 12 December 2019, J. M. Powers.
= Q̇ − Ẇ . (3.300)
In this course, we will often neglect changes in KE and P E, in which case the time-dependent
first law reduces to
= Q̇ − Ẇ . (3.301)
Many times in this course, we will treat Q̇ and Ẇ as constants. Problems become more
interesting when they are variable. Such problems are also important. Now, Newton did
consider some thermal problems. In fact Newton’s law of cooling (see Eq. (3.115)) tells us
that Q̇ is proportional to the surface area of a body and the temperature difference between
the body and its environment:
Q̇ = −hA(T − T∞ ). (3.302)
Note that heat flows into a body when it has a temperature less than its surroundings,
T < T∞ . Here, we have the
• Heat transfer coefficient, h, with units W/m2 /K.
Note h 6= h. Enthalpy is a different physical quantity with different units. While Eq. (3.302)
is given the elevated name of “law,” one must realize that it is by no means a law of the same
status as the first law of thermodynamics. Rather, it is actually only a useful but fallible
approximation; often h is not a constant but rather a complicated function of the local
material’s state and geometrical configuration. Its nuances are the subject of the discipline
of convective heat transfer.
Example 3.22
Use Newton’s law of cooling along with the first law of thermodynamics and a caloric state equation
to estimate the time necessary to bake a potato. See Fig. 3.35 showing a potato in a modern convection
Let us describe the potato as a sphere with surface area A, volume V , temperature T , density ρ,
initial temperature To , immersed in an oven at constant T∞ . The first law tells us that
= Q̇ − Ẇ . (3.303)
We can take Ẇ = 0 because of incompressibility, so
= Q̇. (3.304)
Now, the caloric state equation is U = Uo + mc(T − To ). Take c constant, so dU/dt = mc(dT /dt); thus,
the first law becomes
mc = Q̇. (3.305)
Now, invoke Newton’s law of cooling to get
mc = −hA(T − T∞ ). (3.306)
Now, m = ρV , so
ρV c = −hA(T − T∞ ). (3.307)
dT hA
=− (T − T∞ ). (3.308)
dt ρcV
Now, this is a first order ordinary differential equation for T (t). We can separate variables to get
dT hA
= − dt, (3.309)
T − T∞ ρcV
dT hA
= − dt, (3.310)
T − T∞ ρcV
ln(T − T∞ ) = − t + C, (3.311)
T − T∞ = C ′ exp − t . (3.312)
T (t) = T∞ + (To − T∞ ) exp − t . (3.315)
Notice that T (0) = To and T (∞) = T∞ . And notice that when the argument of the exponential is
−1, giving exp(−1) = 0.357, we get a good estimate of the time it takes to get most of the way to
equilibrium. We define this as the time constant, τ of the system. Here, we can get τ via
− τ = −1, (3.316)
τ = . (3.317)
So we get fast cooking (small τ ) if
• ρ is small (a light potato),
• c is small,
• h is large (the heat transfer rate is fast), or
• A/V is large (the surface to volume ratio is large).
For our potato, let us model it as a sphere of liquid water with R = 0.05 m, ρ = 997 kg/m3 , c =
4.18 kJ/kg/K. Let us take h = 0.012 kW/m2 /K. Let us take To = 20 ◦ C, T∞ = 200 ◦ C. For a sphere,
we have the surface to volume ratio of
A 4πR2 3
= 3
= . (3.318)
V (4/3)πR R
The time constant τ = 5788.14 s = 96.469 min. When T = 100 ◦ C, the potato is probably cooked
enough. This occurs at
t = 3402.19 s = 56.7032 min. (3.322)
60 s
If we leave the potato in the oven too long, it will get too hot, and all its water will boil away. Note that
our simple analysis does not account for latent heat and mass loss of vaporization. The temperature
history is plotted in Fig. 3.36.
This example used what is known as the lumped capacitance method for analysis of T (t). In actuality,
T is a function of space and time: T = T (x, y, z, t). It will be shown in later courses that the lumped
capacitance method is valid when the so-called Biot number, Bi, is much less than unity. Biot himself
was an important physicist who played a small role in thermal sciences. He is depicted in Fig. 3.37.
The Biot number for our potato problem is defined as
Bi ≡ , (3.323)
T (oC)
cooking time
50 t = 3402.19 s = 56.7 min
Figure 3.36: Temperature versus time for the potato in the oven.
Figure 3.37: Jean-Baptiste Biot (1774-1862). French physicist, astronomer, and mathemati-
cian. Image from Baptiste Biot.
where k is the thermal conductivity. For the lumped capacitance to be valid, we need
Bi = ≪ 1, thus k ≫ hR. (3.324)
For liquid water, k ∼ 0.006 kW/m/K, so for this problem
0.012 mkW2 K (0.05 m)
Bi = = 0.1. (3.325)
0.006 mkWK
This is a small enough Biot number that our lumped capacitance method is acceptable. Physically, if
the thermal conductivity is high relative to the product of h and R, thermal energy diffuses rapidly in
the solid, and internal temperature gradients are small.
The predictions of this theory were tested in a domestic laboratory. The specimen of Fig. 3.35 was
subjected to the culinary regimen suggested by the analysis: 57 min at 200 ◦ C in a convection oven.
The results can be seen in Fig. 3.38. Qualitative testing by a human subject following treatment with
NaCl, ground black paper, and bovine butter revealed the potato induced a high degree of gastronomic
a) b)
Figure 3.38: a) Baked potato following an oven-based heat transfer process, t = 57 min;
b) the same potato subjected to a routine post-heating, pre-human-ingestion mashing and
seasoning procedure.
= 0, isolated system. (3.326)
Integrating, we find
E = constant, isolated system. (3.327)
Even more fundamentally, we can say, by its definition, that the mass m of a system is
constant; thus, the mass of an isolated system must also be constant.
This theoretical formulation is often successful in describing nature for a wide variety
of scenarios. However, it does not always succeed. It has been observed to fail for systems
that move at a velocity close to the speed of light. For such systems, not only do energy
and mass conservation principles fail, so do Newton’s laws of mechanics. To realign theory
with observation, it was necessary for Einstein, depicted in Fig. 3.39, to re-formulate a new,
modified set of axioms. In a certain sense the new axioms are simple. For example one
can replace Newton’s second law with the seemingly simpler dv/dt = 0, where v is a new
velocity vector; however, the coordinate axes associated with this vector are complicated.
Figure 3.39: Albert Einstein (1879-1955), German theoretical physicist who de-
veloped theories that explained data better than those of Newton. Image from∼history/Biographies/Einstein.html.
Problems in previous chapters have focused on systems. These systems always were com-
posed of the same matter. However, for a wide variety of engineering devices, for example
• flow in pipes,
• jet engines,
• heat exchangers,
• gas turbines,
• pumps,
• furnaces, or
• air conditioners,
a constant flow of new fluid continuously enters and exits the device. In fact, once the fluid
has left the device, we often are not concerned with that fluid, as far as the performance
of the device is concerned. Of course, we might care about the pollution emitted by the
device and the long term fate of expelled particles. Pollution dispersion, in contrast to
pollution-creation, is more a problem of fluid mechanics than thermodynamics.
Analysis of control volumes is slightly more complicated than for systems, and the equa-
tions we will ultimately use are slightly more complex. Unfortunately, the underlying math-
ematics and physics that lead to the development of our simplified control volume equations
are highly challenging! Worse still, most beginning thermodynamics texts do not expose the
student to all of the many nuances required for the simplification.
We will introduce no new axioms in this chapter. We shall simply formulate our mass
and energy conservation axioms for a control volume configuration. A sketch of a generic
apparatus for control volume analysis is given in Fig. 4.1.
mi(hi + vi2/2 + gzi)
me(he + ve2/2 + gze)
me(he + ve2/2 + gze)
Qcv .
Wcv .
me(he + ve2/2 + gze)
J. M. Powers, 2019, Lecture Notes on Intermediate Fluid Mechanics, University of Notre Dame,∼powers/ame.60635/notes.pdf.
W. Kaplan, 2003, Advanced Calculus, Fifth Edition, Addison-Wesley, New York.
S. Whitaker, 1992, Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, Krieger, Malabar, Florida.
R. Aris, 1962, Vectors, Tensors, and the Basic Equations of Fluid Mechanics, Dover, New York.
F. M. White, 2002, Fluid Mechanics, Fifth Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York.
R. W. Fox, A. T. McDonald, and P. J. Pritchard, 2003, Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, Sixth Edition,
John Wiley, New York.
It effectively says that to find the integral of a function ψ(x), that is the area under the
curve, it suffices to find a function φ, whose derivative is ψ, i.e. dφ/dx = ψ(x), evaluate φ
at each endpoint, and take the difference to find the area under the curve.
Figure 4.2: Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855), German mathematician; image from∼history/Biographies/Gauss.html.
often attributed to Gauss who reported it in 1813, it is said that it was first discovered by
Joseph Louis Lagrange in 1762.8
Let us define the following quantities:
• t → time,
Carl Friedrich Gauss, 1777-1855, Brunswick-born German mathematician, considered the founder of
modern mathematics. Worked in astronomy, physics, crystallography, optics, bio-statistics, and mechanics.
Studied and taught at Göttingen.
8 theorem.
• x → spatial coordinates,
• Va (t) → arbitrary moving and deforming volume,
• Aa (t) → bounding surface of the arbitrary moving volume,
• n → outer unit normal to moving surface, and
• φ(x, t) → arbitrary vector function of x and t.
The divergence theorem is as follows:
∇ · φ dV = φ · n dA. (4.2)
Va (t) Aa (t)
The surface integral is analogous to evaluating the function at the end points in the funda-
mental theorem of calculus.
If φ(x, t) has the form φ(x, t) = cφ(x, t), where c is a constant vector and φ is a scalar
function, then the divergence theorem, Eq. (4.2), reduces to
∇ · (cφ) dV = (cφ) · n dA, (4.3)
Va (t) Aa (t)
Z ! Z
| {z· c} +c · ∇φ dV = φ (c · n) dA, (4.4)
Va (t) =0 Aa (t)
c· ∇φ dV = c · φn dA, (4.5)
Va (t) Aa (t)
c· ∇φ dV − φn dA = 0. (4.6)
Va (t) Aa (t)
| {z }
Note if we take φ to be the scalar of unity (whose gradient must be zero), the divergence
theorem reduces to
∇(1) dV = (1)n dA, (4.8)
Va (t) Aa (t)
0 = (1)n dA, (4.9)
Aa (t)
n dA = 0. (4.10)
Aa (t)
That is, the unit normal to the surface, integrated over the surface, cancels to zero when the
entire surface is included.
We will use the divergence theorem (4.2) extensively. It allows us to convert sometimes
difficult volume integrals into easier interpreted surface integrals. It is often useful to use
this theorem as a means of toggling back and forth from one form to another.
Let us consider the scenario sketched in Figure 4.4. Say we have some value of interest,
Φ, that results from an integration of a kernel function φ over Va (t), for instance
Φ= φ dV. (4.11)
Va (t)
We are often interested in the time derivative of Φ, the calculation of which is complicated
by the fact that the limits of integration are time-dependent. From the definition of the
derivative, we find that
dΦ d Va (t+∆t)
φ(t + ∆t) dV − Va (t) φ(t) dV
= φ dV = lim . (4.12)
dt dt Va (t) ∆t→0 ∆t
Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz, 1646-1716, Leipzig-born German philosopher and mathematician. In-
vented calculus independent of Newton and employed a superior notation to that of Newton.
nI nII
Va(t) Va(t+Δt) II
Figure 4.4: Sketch of the motion of an arbitrary volume Va (t). The boundaries of Va (t)
move with velocity w. The outer normal to Va (t) is Aa (t). Here, we focus on just two regions:
I, where the volume is leaving material behind, and II, where the volume is sweeping up
new material.
Now, we have
Va (t + ∆t) = Va (t) + VII (∆t) − VI (∆t). (4.13)
Here, VII (∆t) is the amount of new volume swept up in time increment ∆t, and VI (∆t) is
the amount of volume abandoned in time increment ∆t. So we can break up the first integral
in the last term of Eq. (4.12) into
φ(t + ∆t) dV = φ(t + ∆t) dV + φ(t + ∆t) dV − φ(t + ∆t) dV,
Va (t+∆t) Va (t) VII (∆t) VI (∆t)
that gives us then
φ dV =
dt Va (t)
V (t)
φ(t + ∆t) dV + VII (∆t)
φ(t + ∆t) dV − VI (∆t)
φ(t + ∆t) dV − Va (t)
φ(t) dV
lim a .
∆t→0 ∆t
Rearranging (4.15) by combining terms with common limits of integration, we get
d V (t)
(φ(t + ∆t) − φ(t)) dV
φ dV = lim a
dt Va (t) ∆t→0 ∆t
V (∆t)
φ(t + ∆t) dV − VI (∆t)
φ(t + ∆t) dV
+ lim II . (4.16)
∆t→0 ∆t
Now, the volume swept up by the moving volume in a given time increment ∆t is
• We can use the definition of the partial derivative to simplify the first term on the right
side of (4.19),
• Aa (t) = AI + AII ,
so that Z Z Z
d ∂φ
φ dV = dV + φw · n dA . (4.20)
dt Va (t) Va (t) ∂t Aa (t)
| {z } | {z } | {z }
total time rate of change intrinsic change within volume net flux into volume
This is the three-dimensional scalar version of Leibniz’s rule. Say we have the special case
in which φ = 1; then Leibniz’s rule (4.20) reduces to
d ∂
dV = (1) dV + (1)w · n dA, (4.21)
dt Va (t) ∂t{z }
Va (t) | Aa (t)
Va (t) = w · n dA. (4.22)
dt Aa (t)
This simply says the total volume of the region, that we call Va (t), changes in response to
net motion of the bounding surface.
Leibniz’s rule (4.20) reduces to a more familiar result in the one-dimensional limit. We
can then say
Z Z x=b(t)
d x=b(t) ∂φ db da
φ(x, t) dx = dx + φ(b(t), t) − φ(a(t), t). (4.23)
dt x=a(t) x=a(t) ∂t dt dt
As in the fundamental theorem of calculus, Eq. (4.1), for the one-dimensional case, we do
not have to evaluate a surface integral; instead, we simply must consider the function at
its endpoints. Here, db/dt and da/dt are the velocities of the bounding surface and are
equivalent to w. The terms φ(b(t), t) and φ(a(t), t) are equivalent to evaluating φ on Aa (t).
We can also apply the divergence theorem, Eq. (4.2), to Leibniz’s rule, Eq. (4.20), to
convert the area integral into a volume integral to get
d ∂φ
φ dV = dV + ∇ · (φw) dV. (4.24)
dt Va (t) Va (t) ∂t Va (t)
Applying the divergence theorem, Eq. (4.2), to the general transport theorem, Eq. (4.29),
we find the alternate form
d ∂
ρβ dV = (ρβ) + ∇ · (ρβw) dV. (4.30)
dt Va (t) Va (t) ∂t
principles in a general sense.11 From this work, and after employing more modern notation,
we arrive at what is now known as the Reynolds transport theorem if we force the arbitrary
velocity of the moving volume to take on the velocity of a fluid particle, i.e. take
w = v. (4.31)
In this case, our arbitrary volume is no longer arbitrary. Instead, it always contains the same
fluid particles. We call this volume a
• material volume, Vm (t): a volume that always contains the same fluid particles.
The proper way to generalize laws of nature that were developed for point masses is to
consider collections of fixed point masses, that will always reside within a material volume.
That said, it is simple to specialize the general transport theorem to obtain the Reynolds
transport theorem. Here, we give two versions, the first using area integrals, and the second
using volume integrals only. In this special case, Eqs. (4.29) and (4.30) become, respectively,
d ∂
ρβ dV = (ρβ) dV + ρβ (v · n) dA, (4.32)
dt Vm (t) Vm (t) ∂t Am (t)
Osborne Reynolds, 1842-1912, Belfast-born British engineer and physicist, educated in mathematics at
Cambridge, first professor of engineering at Owens College, Manchester, did fundamental experimental work
in fluid mechanics and heat transfer.
O. Reynolds, 1903, Papers on Mechanical and Physical Subjects, Volume III, The Sub-Mechanics of the
Universe, Cambridge, Cambridge.
d ∂
ρβ dV = (ρβ) + ∇ · (ρβv) dV. (4.33)
dt Vm (t) Vm (t) ∂t
The implications of these mathematical statements are summarized in the words of Reynolds:
in Fig. 4.5.
Figure 4.6: Image from Reynolds’ 1903 study, p. 9, giving his key general axiom.
• Mass conservation principle: The time rate of change of mass of a material region is
• Linear momenta principle: The time rate of change of the linear momenta of a material
region is equal to the sum of forces acting on the region. This is Euler’s generalization
of Newton’s second law of motion.
• Angular momenta principle: The time rate of change of the angular momenta of a
material region is equal to the sum of the torques acting on the region. This was first
formulated by Euler.
• Energy conservation principle: The time rate of change of energy within a material
region is equal to the rate that energy is received by heat and work interactions. This
is the first law of thermodynamics.
• Entropy inequality: The time rate of change of entropy within a material region is
greater than or equal to the ratio of the rate of heat transferred to the region and the
absolute temperature of the region. This is the second law of thermodynamics.
Here, we shall systematically convert two of these axioms, the mass conservation principle
and the energy conservation principle, into mathematical form. Mass
Mass is an extensive property for which we have
B = m, β = 1. (4.37)
The mass conservation axiom is simple to state mathematically. It is
m = 0. (4.38)
A relevant material volume is sketched in Figure 4.7. We can define the mass enclosed within
a material volume based upon the local value of density:
m= ρ dV. (4.39)
Vm (t)
Invoking the Reynolds transport theoremindextransport theorem!Reynolds (4.32), dt Vm (t)
[ ] dV =
R ∂
Vm (t) ∂t
[ ] dV + Am (t) v · n[ ] dA, we get
d ∂ρ
ρ dV = dV + ρv · n dA = 0. (4.41)
dt Vm (t) Vm (t) ∂t Am (t)
ρ dV
Figure 4.7: Sketch of finite material region Vm (t), infinitesimal mass element ρdV , and
infinitesimal surface element dA with unit normal n, and general velocity w equal to fluid
velocity v.
The first equality of Eq. (4.41) is simply a mathematical statement involving definitions;
forcing either of the terms to Requal zero is a statement
R of physics. Now, we invoke the
divergence theorem, Eq. (4.2) V (t) ∇ · [ ] dV = A(t) n · [ ] dA, to convert a surface integral
to a volume integral to get the mass conservation axiom to read as
dV + ∇ · (ρv) dV = 0, (4.42)
Vm (t) ∂t Vm (t)
+ ∇ · (ρv) dV = 0. (4.43)
Vm (t) ∂t
| {z }
Now, in an important step, we realize that the only way for this integral, that has absolutely
arbitrary limits of integration, to always be zero, is for the integrand itself to always be zero.
Hence, we have
+ ∇ · (ρv) = 0. (4.44)
This is the important differential form of the mass conservation principle.
We can get a useful control volume formulation by integrating the mass conservation
principle (4.44) over a fixed volume V :
+ ∇ · (ρv) dV = 0 dV. (4.45)
V ∂t V
Rb the integral of 0 over a fixed domain must be zero. This is equivalent to saying
0dx = 0, where the area under the curve of 0 has to be zero. So we have
+ ∇ · (ρv) dV = 0. (4.46)
V ∂t
Applying now the result from (4.36) to (4.47), we see for the fixed volume that
ρ dV + ρv · n dA = 0. (4.48)
dt V A
We note now that at an inlet to a thermal energy that v points in an opposite direction to
n, so we have
v · n < 0, at inlets. (4.49)
At exits to a thermal energy v and n point in the same direction so that
If now, we take the simplifying assumption that ρ and v have no spatial variation across
inlets and exits, we get for a thermal energy with one inlet and one exit that
ρ dV + ρe |ve |Ae − ρi |vi |Ai = 0. (4.51)
dt V
Here, the subscript i denotes inlet, and the subscript e denotes exit. Rearranging (4.51), we
find Z
ρ dV = ρi |vi |Ai − ρe |ve |Ae . (4.52)
dt V
We now define the mass in the thermal energy mcv as
mcv = ρ dV. (4.53)
Here, (4.53) is equivalent to the equation on p. 144 of BS. If we make the further simplifying
assumption that ρ does not vary within V , we find that
= ρi |vi |Ai − ρe |ve |Ae . (4.54)
| dt
{z } | {z }
mass rate in
| {z }
mass rate out
rate of change of mass
Here, mcv is the mass enclosed in the thermal energy. If there is no net rate of change of
mass the thermal energy is in steady state, and we can say that the mass flow in must equal
the mass flow out:
ρi |vi |Ai = ρe |ve |Ae . (4.55)
We define the mass flow rate ṁ as
ṁ = ρ|v|A. (4.56)
dmcv X X
= ṁi − ṁe . (4.60)
dt }
| {z | {z } | {z }
rate of change of mass mass rate in mass rate out
Note that (4.60) is fully equivalent to BS’s Eq. (4.1) (p. 143), but that it actually takes a
good deal of effort to get to this point with rigor! For steady state conditions with many
entrances and exits we can say
ρi |vi |Ai = ρe |ve |Ae . (4.61)
ṁi = ṁe . (4.62) Energy
For energy, we must consider the total energy that includes internal, kinetic, and potential.
Our extensive property B is thus
B = E = U + mv · v + mgz. (4.63)
Here, we have assumed the fluid resides in a gravitational potential field in which the gravi-
tational potential energy varies linearly with height z. The corresponding intensive property
β is
β = e = u + v · v + gz. (4.64)
We recall the first law of thermodynamics, that states the change of a material volume’s
total energy is equal to the heat transferred to the material volume less the work done by
the material volume. Mathematically, this is stated as Eq. (3.128):
dE = δQ − δW. (4.65)
We recall the total derivative is used for dE, because energy is a property and has an exact
differential, while both heat transfer and work are not properties and do not have exact
differentials. It is more convenient to express the first law as a rate equation, that we get by
dividing (4.65) by dt to get
dE δQ δW
= − . (4.66)
dt dt dt
Recall that the upper case letters denote extensive thermodynamic properties. For example,
E is total energy, inclusive of internal and kinetic and potential12 , with SI units of J. Let us
consider each term in the first law of thermodynamics in detail and then write the equation
in final form. Total energy term For a fluid particle, the differential amount of total energy
dE = ρβdV = ρ u + v · v + gz dV, (4.67)
| {z }
= ρdV u + v · v + gz . (4.68)
|{z} 2
mass | {z }
internal +kinetic +potential Work term Let us partition the work into work WP done by a pressure force
FP and work done by other sources, that we shall call Wmv , where the subscript “mv”
indicates “material volume.”
W = WP + Wmv . (4.69)
Taking a time derivative, we get
δW δWP
= + Ẇmv . (4.70)
dt dt
The work done by other sources is often called shaft work and represents inputs of such
devices as compressors, pumps, and turbines. Its modeling is often not rigorous.
Recall that work is done when a force acts through a distance, and a work rate arises when
a force acts through a distance at a particular rate in time (hence, a velocity is involved).
Recall also that it is the dot product of the force vector with the position or velocity that
gives the true work or work rate. In shorthand, we can say that the differential work done
by the pressure force FP is
δWP = FP · dx, (4.71)
δWP dx
= FP · = FP · v. (4.72)
dt dt
Strictly speaking our derivation will only be valid for potentials that are time-independent. This is the
case for ordinary gravitational potentials. The modifications for time-dependent potentials are straightfor-
ward, but require a more nuanced interpretation than space permits here.
= FP . v > 0 for expansion
v n v
FP = PAn
Here, W has the SI units of J, and FP has the SI units of N. Now, let us consider the work
done by the pressure force. In a piston-cylinder arrangement in which a fluid exists with
pressure P within the cylinder and the piston is rising with velocity v, the work rate done
by the fluid is positive. We can think of the local stress vector in the fluid as pointing in
the same direction as the fluid is moving at the piston surface, so that the dot product is
positive. Now, we can express the pressure force in terms of the pressure by
FP = P An. (4.73)
This form allows for P and v to vary with location. This is summarized in the sketch of
Figure 4.8. Heat transfer term If we were considering temperature fields with spatial
dependency, we would define a heat flux vector. This approach is absolutely necessary to
describe many real-world devices, and is the focus of a standard undergraduate course in
heat transfer. Here, we will take a simplified assumption that the only heat fluxes are easily
specified and are all absorbed into a lumped scalar term we will call Q̇mv . This term has
units of J/s = W in SI. So we have then
= Q̇mv . (4.76)
dt The first law of thermodynamics Putting the words of the first law into
equation form, we get
d 1 δQ δW
ρ u + v · v + gz dV = − . (4.77)
dt Vm (t) 2 dt dt
| {z }
We next introduce our simplification of heat transfer (4.76) and partition of work (4.70)
along with (4.75) into (4.77) to get
d 1
ρ u + v · v + gz dV = Q̇mv − Ẇmv + P n · v dA . (4.78)
dt Vm (t) 2 Am (t)
Now, we bring the pressure work integral to the right side of (4.78) to get
d 1
ρ u + v · v + gz dV + P n · v dA = Q̇mv − Ẇmv . (4.79)
dt Vm (t) 2 Am (t)
We next invoke the Reynolds transport theorem (4.32) into (4.79) to expand the derivative
of the first integral so as to obtain
∂ 1 1
ρ u + v · v + gz dV + ρ u + v · v + gz v · n dA
Vm (t) ∂t 2 Am (t) 2
| {z }
dEmv /dt
+ P n · v dA = Q̇mv − Ẇmv . (4.80)
Am (t)
We next note that the two area integrals have the same limits and can be combined to form
∂ 1 ρ u + P + 1 v · v + gz v · n dA
ρ u + v · v + gz dV +
Vm (t) ∂t 2 ρ 2
Am (t)
| {z }
Now, all terms in (4.87) have the same limits of integration, so they can be grouped to form
∂ 1 1
ρ u + v · v + gz + ∇ · ρv h + v · v + gz
Vm (t) ∂t 2 2
∂ ∂
− (ρqmv ) + (ρwmv ) dV = 0. (4.88)
∂t ∂t
As with the mass equation, because the integral is zero, in general we must expect the
integrand to be zero, giving us
∂ 1 1 ∂ ∂
ρ u + v · v + gz + ∇ · ρv h + v · v + gz − (ρqmv ) + (ρwmv ) = 0.
∂t 2 2 ∂t ∂t
To get the standard thermal energy form of the equation, we then integrate (4.89) over
a fixed thermal energy V to get
∂ 1 1
ρ u + v · v + gz + ∇ · ρv h + v · v + gz
V ∂t 2 2
∂ ∂
− (ρqmv ) + (ρwmv ) dV = 0. (4.90)
∂t ∂t
Now, defining the thermal energy heat transfer rate and work rate, Q̇cv and Ẇcv ,
Q̇cv = (ρqmv ) dV, (4.91)
Ẇcv = (ρwmv ) dV, (4.92)
V ∂t
Here, (4.98) is equivalent to BS’s Eq. (4.7), p. 148. Note that the so-called total enthalpy is
often defined as
htot = h + v · v + gz. (4.99)
Employing (4.99) in (4.98), we find
dEcv X X
= Q̇cv − Ẇcv + ṁi htot,i − ṁe htot,e . (4.100)
If the flow is steady, we have dEcv /dt = 0 and ṁi = ṁe = ṁ, so the first law with a single
entrance and exit becomes
0 = Q̇cv − Ẇcv + ṁ hi − he + (vi · vi − ve · ve ) + g(zi − ze ) . (4.102)
Q̇cv Ẇcv
q= , w= , (4.103)
ṁ ṁ
and substituting (4.103) into (4.102), we get
0 = q − w + hi − he + (vi · vi − ve · ve ) + g(zi − ze ). (4.104)
Now, (4.104) can be rearranged to form BS’s (4.13), p. 149:
1 1
q + hi + vi · vi + gzi = w + he + ve · ve + gze . (4.105)
2 2
If the flow is adiabatic, steady, has one entrance and one exit, and there is no shaft work,
we find that the total enthalpy must remain constant:
1 1
hi + vi · vi + gzi = he + ve · ve + gze . (4.107)
2 2
The density ρ can vary throughout V . In this class, we will nearly always take it to be
constant throughout the volume. If ρ is constant
R throughout V , then it can be brought
outside the integral operator, yielding mcv = ρ V dV = ρV. Our thermal energy will have a
finite number of openings where fluid can enter and exit.
We state mass conservation for a thermal energy as
dmcv X X
= ρi |vi |Ai − ρe |ve |Ae , (4.109)
dt }
| {z | {z } | {z }
rate of change of mass mass rate in mass rate out
dmcv X X
= ṁi − ṁe . (4.110)
dt }
| {z | {z } | {z }
rate of change of mass mass rate in mass rate out
Equations (4.109, 4.110) were fully developed in the previous section where they appeared
as Eqs. (4.59, 4.60). Here, the fluid at an inlet i has density ρi , velocity vector vi and flows
through cross-sectional area Ai . An analogous set of variables exists at each exit e. Let us
look at the units of the important quantity ρ|v|A:
kg m m2 kg
ρ|v|A → 3
= . (4.111)
m s 1 s
Obviously, it is a rate of mass flow; consequently, we define the mass flow rate as
ṁ ≡ ρ|v|A. (4.112)
Often we will neglect the vector notation and take |v| = v. Equation (4.110) expresses
mathematically the notion of mass conservation for the thermal energy:
• The time rate of accumulation of mass within the thermal energy is equal to the net
rate of mass flow into the thermal energy.
In short
accumulation = in - out.
In the important case in which there is no net accumulation rate, the so-called steady
state limit, we get
dmcv X X
= ṁi − ṁe . (4.113)
| dt
{z }
ṁi = ṁe . (4.114)
Eq. (4.114) is the same as Eq. (4.62). If there is a single entrance and exit, then we simply
ṁi = ṁe = ṁ = constant. (4.115)
Example 4.1
Consider a thermal energy with three openings. A sketch is given in Fig. 4.9. The system is in a
2 water
A2 = 25 cm2
T2 = 40 oC 1
P2 = 7 bar T1 = 200 oC
P1 = 7 bar
m1 = 40 kg/s
x3 = 0
P3 = 7 bar
(Av)3 = 0.06 m3/s
Figure 4.9: Sketch for steady state thermal energy mass conservation example.
steady state, and water is the working fluid. Measurements at the openings shows conditions at each
to be
1. inlet with T1 = 200 ◦ C, P1 = 7 bar, ṁ1 = 40 kg/s
2. inlet with A2 = 25 cm2 , T2 = 40 ◦ C, P2 = 7 bar.
3. exit with x3 = 0, P3 = 7 bar, (Av)3 = 0.06 m3 /s.
Find ṁ3 , ṁ2 and v2 .
Now, because the problem is steady, d/dt = 0. Thus, there is no net accumulation of mass in the
thermal energy, and we must have
ṁ3 = . (4.120)
Now, we have two properties at state 3, so we know the state. The water tables thus give us
v3 = vf = 0.001108 . (4.121)
s kg
ṁ3 = 3 = 54.1516 . (4.122)
0.001108 mkg
kg kg kg
ṁ2 = ṁ3 − ṁ1 = 54.1516 − 40 = 14.1516 . (4.123)
s s s
A2 v2
ṁ2 = , (4.124)
ṁ2 v2
v2 = . (4.125)
Now, state 2 is a compressed liquid. Let us estimate v2 by vf at T2 = 40 ◦ C. We find this is
v2 = 0.001008 m3 /kg. So
14.1516 kg
s 0.001008 mkg
v2 = 2 , (4.126)
1 m
(25 cm2 ) 100 cm
= 5.70594 . (4.127)
Example 4.2
A tank is initially empty. A liquid with ρ = 62.4 lbm/ft3 is poured into the tank at a constant mass
flow rate of ṁi = 7 lbm/s. The tank has cross-sectional area A = 0.2 ft2 , and the fluid in the tank has
a variable height H(t). There is a hole at the bottom of the tank. The fluid flows out of the tank at a
rate proportional to the fluid height: ṁe = kH, where k = 1.4 lbm/ft/s. Find H(t). A sketch is given
in Fig. 4.10.
H (ft)
t (s)
10 20 30 40 50
lim H(t) = . (4.140)
t→∞ k
In the long time limit, a steady state height is reached where the flow out balances the flow in. If we
increase ṁi , the steady state height increases proportionally.
We also see by inspection that the time constant is
τ= . (4.141)
This gives an estimate of how long it takes to reach the steady state height.
Substituting numbers, we find
! !!
lbm lbm
7 s 1.4
H(t) = 1 − exp − ft s t , (4.142)
1.4 lbm
ft s 62.4 lbm
ft3 (0.2 ft2 )
= (5 ft)(1 − exp − . (4.143)
8.91429 s
The time constant is τ = 8.91429 s; H(∞) is 5 ft. A plot of H(t) p is shown in Figure 4.11. Note
that the physics of this problem would be better modeled by ṁe = k H(t), as we shall see later in
Ch. 7.2.3. However, near the equilibrium state, our linear analysis can be shown to be appropriate. A
better capture of the initial transients would require the indicated modifications, and would necessitate
a numerical solution, rather than the closed form analytic solution given here.
= Q̇cv − Ẇcv
dt }
| {z |{z} |{z}
CV heat transfer rate CV shaft work rate
rate of CV energy change
X 1 2 1 2
+ ṁi hi + vi + gzi − ṁe he + ve + gze . (4.144)
2 2
| {z } | {z }
total enthalpy rate in total enthalpy rate out
Here, Eq. (4.144) is equivalent Eq. (4.98) and to BS’s Eq. (4.7), p. 148. Note that the
so-called total enthalpy is often defined as
1 1
htot = h + v2 + gz = u + v2 + gz + P v. (4.145)
2 2
Note that in this context, total enthalpy is on a per mass basis. The “total” comes from
summing internal, kinetic, potential, and P v terms. Employing (4.145) in (4.144), we find
dEcv X X
= Q̇cv − Ẇcv + ṁi htot,i − ṁe htot,e . (4.146)
Here, Eq. (4.146) is equivalent to Eq. (4.100) and to BS’s (4.8), p. 148. Eq. (4.146) expresses
mathematically the notion of energy conservation for the thermal energy:
• The time rate of accumulation of total energy within the thermal energy is equal the
rate of heat transfer into the thermal energy minus the rate of work done leaving the
thermal energy plus the net rate of total enthalpy entering the thermal energy.
The new terms here are attributable to total enthalpy entering and exiting the thermal
Again, the total enthalpy is the sum of the specific internal energy, the specific kinetic
energy, the specific potential energy and the term P v. It is easy to imagine that Ecv , that
itself is composed of u, KE, and P E, is affected by the flow of u, KE, and P E into and out
of the thermal energy. However the term P v is unusual. It is multiplied by ṁ. Let us check
the units: 3
kg kN m kJ
ṁP v → 2
= = kW. (4.147)
s m kg s
It has the units of power. As shown in detail in the previous section,
• The term ṁP v embedded within the thermal energy energy equation within htot accounts
for the net work rate done by the fluid as it enters and exits the control surface bounding
the thermal energy.
• The term Ẇcv represents so-called shaft work and does not include work associated with
the expansion of the working fluid.
If there is a single entrance and exit, we lose the summation, so that (4.144) becomes
dEcv 1 2 1 2
= Q̇cv − Ẇcv + ṁi hi + vi + gzi − ṁe he + ve + gze . (4.148)
dt 2 2
If the flow is steady, we have dEcv /dt = 0 and ṁi = ṁe = ṁ, so the first law with a single
entrance and exit becomes
1 2 2
0 = Q̇cv − Ẇcv + ṁ hi − he + (vi − ve ) + g(zi − ze ) . (4.149)
Q̇cv Ẇcv
q= , w= , (4.150)
ṁ ṁ
and substituting (4.150) into (4.149), we get
0 = q − w + hi − he + (vi2 − ve2 ) + g(zi − ze ). (4.151)
Now, (4.151) can be rearranged to form BS’s (4.13), p. 149:
1 1
q + hi + vi2 + gzi = w + he + ve2 + gze . (4.152)
2 2
This looks more like the first law when we rearrange as
1 2 1 2
he + ve + gze = hi + vi + gzi + q−w . (4.153)
2 2 | {z }
| {z } | {z } CV heat and work
outlet inlet
If the flow is adiabatic, steady, has one entrance and one exit, and there is no shaft work,
we find that the total enthalpy must remain constant:
1 1
hi + vi2 + gzi = he + ve2 + gze . (4.154)
2 2
1 2
Now, in throttling devices there may be a change in velocity due to compressibility effects,
but it is observed to be small when the flow velocity is much less than the speed of sound.
We shall assume here the velocity is small relative to the speed of sound so as to recover
v1 ∼ v2 and thus
h1 = h2 . (4.160)
So, we can say that such a throttling device is one in which pressure drops and enthalpy
remains constant.
Example 4.3
Let us throttle steam from P1 = 3 bar, T1 = 200 ◦ C to P2 = 1 bar. Find T2 .
We know two properties at state 1; therefore, its state is determined. At state 2, we know the
pressure and something about the path of the process that brought us to state 2. The process was
iso-enthalpic, so h2 = h1 . From the tables, we find
h1 = 2865.5 = h2 . (4.161)
So at state 2, we have P2 = 1 bar, h2 = 2865.5 kJ/kg. We interpolate the steam tables to find
T2 = 195.04 ◦ C. (4.162)
Note for steam, the enthalpy remained constant, but the temperature dropped. If the material had
been an ideal gas, the temperature drop would have been zero, because for ideal gases, the enthalpy is
related only to temperature.
2 1
subsonic subsonic
nozzle diffuser
momentum, and energy principles, after detailed analysis, one finds the converse state of
affairs for supersonic flow conditions. Supersonic nozzles have increasing area; supersonic
diffusers have decreasing area. This is why in the design of rocket nozzles, the cross-sectional
area broadens at the base. The broadening area induces a higher velocity, and induces a
higher thrust for a supersonic rocket engine.
We analyze nozzles and diffusers as follows. Mass conservation tells us
= ṁ1 − ṁ2 , (4.163)
dt }
| {z
ṁ1 = ṁ2 = ṁ. (4.164)
v12 v2
h1 + = h2 + 2 . (4.168)
2 2
4.4.3 Turbine
A turbine is a device in which work is generated through expansion of a fluid as it passes
through a fan-like device. The fluid interacts with the blades and turns the fan. Ultimately
thermal and mechanical energy is transferred from the fluid into the rotational kinetic energy
of the fan blades. A sketch of a turbine is given in Fig. 4.14. For a turbine, we typically
neglect kinetic and potential energy changes of the fluid. We may or may not neglect heat
transfer. We also neglect any unsteady effects. Mass conservation tells us
= ṁ1 − ṁ2 , (4.169)
dt }
| {z
ṁ1 = ṁ2 = ṁ. (4.170)
vi ve
Phigh Plow
w = h1 − h2 . (4.176)
= ṁ1 − ṁ2 , (4.177)
dt }
| {z
ṁ1 = ṁ2 = ṁ. (4.178)
w = h1 − h2 . (4.184)
For pumps and compressors, h1 < h2 , so we get w < 0. The device requires an input of
• there will be exchange of thermal energy between individual flow streams, but
• globally for the entire device, there will be no heat transfer with the environment.
T1,hot T1,cold
T2,hot T2,cold
Let us consider a counterflow heat exchanger. The mass balance for steady flow is trivial.
The energy balance, neglecting changes in KE and P E states
dEcv X X
= Q̇cv − Ẇcv + ṁi hi − ṁe he . (4.185)
| {z } |{z} |{z}
i e
=0 =0
Example 4.4
Given an adiabatic air turbine with ṁ = 1.5 kg/s with the following inlet and exit conditions
• Pi = 1000 kPa,
• Ti = 1200 K,
• Pe = 100 kPa,
• Te = 700 K,
calculate the work output of the turbine assuming i) CPIG, ii) CIIG, and neglecting changes in kinetic
and potential energy. We have a simple sketch in Fig. 4.16.
i e
The first law for both CPIG and CIIG is the same. It is, after neglecting changes of kinetic and
potential energy,
= Q̇cv −Ẇcv + ṁhi − ṁhe . (4.188)
| dt
{z } |{z} =0
Our estimate of the work output will depend on which caloric state equation we choose.
5 kJ kJ
cP = 7 0.287 = 1.0045 , (4.196)
5 −1
kg K kg K
1 kJ kJ
cv = 7 0.287 = 0.7175 . (4.197)
5 − 1 kg K kg K
Note these are the same values listed in Table A.5 of BS.
So for the turbine work output, we get
kg kJ
Ẇcv = ṁcP (Ti − Te ) = 1.5 1.0045 ((1200 K) − (700 K)) = 753.375 kW. (4.198)
s kg K
• CIIG. For the CIIG, we have a few choices. We could use Table A.6 of BS to estimate R e cP at an
intermediate temperature, and then treat it as a constant. We could form the integral i cP (T ) dT .
Or we could use the ideal gas tables, Table A.7.1 of BS. Let us do the third method. At Ti = 1200 K,
we find
hi = 1277.81 . (4.199)
At Te = 700 K, we find
he = 713.56 . (4.200)
kg kJ kJ
Ẇcv = ṁ(hi − he ) = 1.5 1277.81 − 713.56 = 846.375 kW. (4.201)
s kg kg
The two methods yield similar results. Use of the more accurate CIIG reveals there is more useful work
that can be expected when we take actual material behavior into account. This is because the high
temperature gas has some extra energy stored in its vibrational modes that was unaccounted for by
the CPIG model. Recall our CPIG model did account for rotational modes in taking cv = 5/2R. But
as can be seen from examining Fig. 3.29, for diatomic molecules in air, such as O2 , cv /R > 5/2 for
our temperatures of T ∈ [700 K, 1200 K]. Presumably, molecular vibration is relevant at these elevated
temperatures; in particular, the enhanced work predicted by the CIIG model is a manifestation of
accounting for the additional energy available that was initially bound into vibrational modes at high
temperature. The CIIG model properly accounts for this.
Example 4.5
Given a steam turbine with ṁ = 1.5 kg/s, Q̇cv = −8.5 kW with the following inlet and exit
• Pi = 2 MPa,
• Ti = 350 ◦ C,
• vi = 50 s ,
• zi = 6 m,
• Pe = 0.1 MPa,
• xe = 1,
• ve = 200 s ,
• ze = 3 m,
find the power output. The same simple sketch of Fig. 4.16 applies.
kJ kJ
hi = 3137 , he = 2675.5 . (4.204)
kg kg
kg kJ kJ
Ẇcv = (−8.5 kW) + 1.5 3137 − 2675.5
s kg kg
1 kJ m 2 m 2 9.81 sm2
+ 50 − 200 + J
((6 m) − (3 m)) , (4.205)
2 1000 J s s 1000 kJ
kg kJ kJ kJ
= (−8.5 kW) + 1.5 461.6 − 18.75 + 0.0294 , (4.206)
s kg kg kg
| {z } | {z } | {z }
=∆h =∆KE =∆P E
• The dominant term is the ∆h term. Kinetic and potential energy changes, as well as heat transfer
effects are small in comparison. This is typical for turbines.
• The factor of 1000 is necessary to give the units of specific kinetic and potential energy changes kJ/kg.
Let us quickly check the units for kinetic energy, here without the factor of 1000:
J Nm kg m2 m2
= = 2 = 2. (4.208)
kg kg s kg s
• Rankine cycle: a thermodynamic cycle that forms the foundation for most steam
power plants.
The cycle was studied analytically by Rankine,13 depicted in Fig. 4.17. We will consider
additional nuances of the Rankine cycle in Ch. 8.1.
The key features of the Rankine cycle are
Figure 4.17: William John Macquorn Rankine (1820-1872), Scottish engineer who sys-
tematically studied and published discussion of steam power cycles. Image from John Macquorn Rankine.
A sketch of the Rankine cycle in the P − v plane is given in Fig. 4.18. The Rankine
cycle forms the cornerstone of a wide variety of power generating devices in the world today.
Whether the heat source comes from burning coal, natural gas, fuel oil, garbage, nuclear
fission, solar energy, or some other source, it can always be used to boil water, that is
the key feature of the Rankine cycle. Most modern power plants are considerably more
complicated than the simple outline given here. Some are equipped to use a variety of
fuels. Often coal burning components are used continuously for so-called base loads and
are supplemented during peak consumption hours by natural gas. Some modern plants use
natural gas for base loads. Some cycles are equipped for district heating and cooling, some
for electric power generation, some for nautical propulsion.
Example 4.6
Consider the Rankine cycle sketched in Fig. 4.19 for generation of power. The conditions of the
steam are indicated in Fig. 4.19.
The cycle includes some of the effect of losses; thus, it is not an ideal Rankine cycle. But it is close.
Find, on a per unit mass basis,
• the heat transfer in the line between the boiler and the turbine,
• the turbine work,
• the heat transfer in the condenser, and
W. J. M. Rankine, 1859, A Manual of the Steam Engine and Other Prime Movers, Griffin, London.
2 boiler 3
pump turbine
We use the steam tables for our equation of state. We can model this as a steady state system
composed of devices with one inlet and one exit. We can neglect changes in KE and P E. For any such
device, the mass flow rate ṁ is constant, and the energy balance gives
= Q̇cv − Ẇcv + ṁ(hi − he ), (4.209)
| dt
{z }
0 = q − w + hi − he . (4.210)
• Work in pump. Let us assume an ideal pump, that is adiabatic, 1 q2 = 0. Work is done by the pump
on the fluid in compressing it. A pump restores the high pressure to the fluid to compensate for
frictional losses.
1 w2 = hi − he = h1 − h2 . (4.211)
We go to the tables and find h1 = 188.45 kJ/kg. Now, we know 1 w2 = −4 kJ/kg, so this lets us
calculate h2 via
kJ kJ kJ
h2 = h1 − 1 w2 = 188.45 − −4 = 192.45 . (4.212)
kg kg kg
– The pump work is relatively small, as will be seen by comparison to later calculations of work
and heat transfers for other devices.
• Heat transfer in boiler. A boiler is an active device in which thermal energy of perhaps combustion
or nuclear reaction is used to boil water. The tables tell us that h3 = 3023.5 kJ/kg. There is no work
P4 = 15 kPa
boiler x4 = 0.9
2 3
P1 = 14 kPa
2 q
T1 = 45 oC 4 1
w = -4 kJ/kg
1 2
Figure 4.19: Sketch of steam power cycle, known as the Rankine cycle.
2 q3 = he − hi = h3 − h2 , (4.213)
kJ kJ kJ
= 3023.5 − 192.45 = 2831.1 . (4.214)
kg kg kg
– The heat transfer to the boiler, 2 q3 > 0, so the thermal energy is entering the device.
• Heat transfer in line between boiler and turbine. For the flow in the pipe, there is no external shaft
work, so 3 w3a = 0, and thus
3 q3a = he − hi = h3a − h3 . (4.215)
From double interpolation of the steam tables, h3a = 3002.5 kJ/kg, so
kJ kJ kJ
3 q3a = 3002.5 − 3023.5 = −21 . (4.216)
kg kg kg
– Because the thermal energy leaves the pipe, 3 q3a < 0. In general we will find that q will be
path-dependent. For this type of analysis, it reduces to differences in the end states.
– Note that P drops because of friction in the pipes.
– Note that T drops because of heat transfer to the surroundings.
– Most importantly, note that we easily determined a quantity of global importance with data
that was easily measured at the inlet and exit of the pipe. We did not need to consider the
detailed fluid and thermal fields within the pipe.
3a w4 = hi − he = h3a − h4 . (4.217)
boiler turbine
pump condenser
Figure 4.20: Elements of the University of Notre Dame Power Plant, configured in an over-
simplified manner, 14 June 2010. At this time, the energy source was coal combustion, which
is no longer the case.
h4 = hf + x4 hf g , at P4 = 15 kPa, (4.218)
kJ kJ
= 225.94 + (0.9) 2373.1 , (4.219)
kg kg
= 2361.7 . (4.220)
kJ kJ kJ
3a w4 = 3002.5 − 2361.7 = 640.8 . (4.221)
kg kg kg
• Heat transfer in condenser. A condenser is just a place for steam to convert to liquid water. It is a
passive device. So 4 w1 = 0. The first law reduces to
4 q1 = he − hi = h1 − h4 . (4.222)
We know h4 . And h1 is a compressed liquid state. Let us approximate h1 using the saturated liquid
value at T = 45 ◦ C; thus, h1 = 188.45 kJ/kg. So
kJ kJ kJ
4 q1 = 188.45 − 2361.7 = −2173.25 . (4.223)
kg kg kg
– the heat transfer 4 q1 < 0 because thermal energy leaves the condenser to the surroundings. This
is why cooling lakes near power plants are warmer than they otherwise would be.
This problem is an example of a thermodynamic cycle. This particular cycle is important because it
is the foundation of most electrical power generation in the world, as well as many other applications.
We can introduce the concept of a cycle thermal efficiency, η as the ratio of what we want to what we
pay for. Here, we want net work, that is the difference of the turbine work and the pump work, and
we pay for the heat transfer into the boiler. Mathematically, we have
what we want
η = , (4.224)
what we pay for
= , (4.225)
wturbine + wpump
= , (4.226)
3a w4 + 1 w2
= , (4.227)
2 3
kJ kJ
640.8 kg + −4 kg
= kJ
, (4.228)
2831.1 kg
= 0.225. (4.229)
This is a low efficiency by modern standards. Later we shall use the second law of thermodynamics to
calculate the peak efficiency of a steam power plant. That analysis will reveal that the peak efficiency
for this plant is η = 0.445.
In a spirit similar to that of double-entry accounting, we summarize the key energy balances in
Table 4.1. Note there is some small round-off error due mainly due to significant digits and interpolation
that has been ignored in Table 4.1. Each row must maintain the control volume balance ∆h = q − w.
Each column must add to form its total. Because h is a state property, the net ∆h for the cycle must
be zero. And to satisfy the first law for the cycle, the total q must equal the total w.
There is another useful way to formulate the thermal efficiency. We can begin with Eq. (4.227) and
3a w4 + 1 w2
η= . (4.230)
2 q3
kJ kJ kJ
Process ∆h kg q kg w kg
1→2 4 0 -4
2→3 2831.1 2831.1 0
3 → 3a -21 -21 0
3a → 4 -640.8 0 640.8
4→1 -2173.25 -2173.25 0
Total 0 636.8 636.8
Table 4.1: First law analysis summary for our non-ideal Rankine cycle.
Example 4.7
A well insulated chamber with V = 1 ft3 initially contains air at P = 14.7 lbf/in2 , T = 100 ◦ F. See
Fig. 4.23. Intake and exhaust valves are opened, and air enters and exits at 1 lbm/min through each
valve. The entering air is at P = 30 lbf/in2 , T = 200 ◦ F. Assume the air is well mixed so that P and
T are uniform throughout the chamber. Find P (t), T (t).
The temperatures are moderate, so it is not a problem to model air as a CPIG. For a CPIG, we
P = RT, (4.236)
dh = cP dT, (4.237)
du = cv dT. (4.238)
Figure 4.21: St. Joseph’s Lake (left) and St. Mary’s Lake (right) on the University of Notre
Dame campus, 14 February 2010, demonstrating the effect of exchanging heat with the
condenser of the Notre Dame power plant near St. Joseph’s Lake.
Figure 4.22: Zones of melted snow in regions near underground steam lines on the University
of Notre Dame campus, 14 February 2010.
The mass and energy evolution equations for the control volume are, respectively,
= ṁ1 − ṁ2 , (4.239)
dEcv v12 v22
= Q̇cv − Ẇcv + ṁ1 h1 + + gz1 − ṁ2 h2 + + gz2 . (4.240)
dt 2 2
Let us find the initial mass in the control volume. At t = 0 s, we have
PV PV 14.7 in 2 144 in
ft2 1 ft3
m= = = lbf ft = 0.0709 lbm. (4.241)
T 1545 lbmole ◦R
(100 + 460 ◦ R)
M 28.97 lbm
air initially at
1 P = 14.7 psia 2
T = 100 oF
P = 30 psia
T. = 200 oF
m = 1 lbm/min
Now, for the energy equation, we can neglect changes in kinetic and potential energies. The volume is
insulated, so Q̇cv = 0. And there is no shaft work, so Ẇcv = 0. So the energy balance reduces to
= ṁ1 h1 − ṁ2 h2 . (4.245)
Now, because ṁ1 = ṁ2 = ṁ, and because Ecv = Ucv = mcv ucv when KE and P E are neglected, the
energy equation reduces to
(mcv ucv ) = ṁ(h1 − h2 ). (4.246)
Because mcv is constant, and because du = cv dT , where cv is constant for a CPIG, we get
mcv cv = ṁ(h1 − h2 ). (4.247)
Now, h1 is known from the inlet conditions. After mixing, the exit enthalpy takes on the value of the
enthalpy in the chamber. So we have from the caloric state equation for h that
question now is how long is the flushing time? To answer this, we must solve a differential equation.
Let us separate variables to get
dTcv ṁ
k dt, (4.252)
T1 − Tcv mcv
− ln(T1 − Tcv ) = kt + C, (4.253)
T1 − Tcv = exp − kt − C , (4.254)
′ ṁ
T1 − Tcv = C exp − kt . (4.255)
At the initial state, we get
T1 − To = C ′. (4.256)
Tcv = T1 − (T1 − To ) exp − kt . (4.257)
Note that as t → ∞, Tcv → T1 . Also note by inspection, the time constant of relaxation is
mcv 1
τ= . (4.258)
ṁ k
So the time to equilibrium is short if
• the input forcing ṁ is large, or
• the mass in the control volume, mcv , is small.
For us, the time constant is
0.0709 lbm
τ= 7
1 lbm = 3.04 s. (4.259)
5 60 s
A plot of T (t) and P (t) is given in Fig. 4.24. Note, the final pressure is not the inlet pressure.
P (psia)
T (oR) 18
0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12
t (s) t (s)
Figure 4.24: Plots of T (t) and P (t) for transient thermal mixing problem.
+ ∇ · (ρv) = 0 mass, (4.265)
(ρv) + ∇ · (ρvv) = ρg − ∇P + ∇ · τ , linear momenta, (4.266)
τT = τ, angular momenta, (4.267)
∂ 1 1
ρ u+ v·v + ∇ · ρv u + v · v = −∇ · q − ∇ · (P v)
∂t 2 2
+∇ · (τ · v) + ρv · g,
energy. (4.268)
Equations (4.265-4.268) are the axioms of mass conservation, linear momentum conservation,
angular momenta conservation, and energy conservation, respectively. They are valid for any
pure material, be it solid, liquid, or gas, as long as we are at velocities small relative to the
velocity of light. New variables here include the deviatoric stress tensor τ , and the heat flux
vector q. The vector g is the constant gravitational acceleration. It is easily modified for
variable gravitational acceleration.
The conservation axioms are necessary but not sufficient to determine all flow variables.
They must be supplemented by constitutive relations. Constitutive relations specify the
actual material. A general set is given here.
Equation (4.269) is a thermal equation of state. An example is the ideal gas law P = ρRT .
Equation (4.270) is a caloric equation of state. An example is a calorically perfect ideal
gas, u = cv (T − To ) + uo . Equation (4.271) is a relation between the heat flux vector and
other state variables. An example is Fourier’s law, q = −k∇T. Equation (4.272) is a relation
between the deviatoric stress and a variety of variables. For example, a Newtonian fluid
obeying Stokes’ assumption has τ = µ((∇v + (∇v)T ) − (1/3)(∇ · v)I). This relates stress to
strain rate. On the other hand, the stress in a solid would be related to the strain, instead
of the strain rate.
Here, E is the modulus of elasticity, ν is Poisson’s ratio (−1 ≤ ν ≤ 1/2), and e is the strain.
∇ · v = 0, mass, (4.275)
ρ + v · ∇v = ρg − ∇P + µ∇2 v, linear momenta, (4.276)
τT = τ, angular momenta, (4.277)
ρcP + v · ∇T = k∇2 T, energy, (4.278)
τ = µ(∇v + (∇v)T ), stress-strain rate, (4.279)
q = −k∇T, Fourier’s law (4.280)
The thermodynamic state equations are not particularly important here. Moreover, the mass
and linear momenta equations form an independent set. The energy equation is coupled to
to mass and momenta equations because of the velocity vector.
Notice the energy equation is simply the familiar du/dt = −P dv/dt, when d/dt is interpreted
as ∂/∂t + v · ∇.
Conservation of mass and energy are fine concepts that allow us to quantify and predict well
many phenomena that are observed in nature. And if a phenomenon can be repeated, it
becomes subject to prediction, and can be thought of as a science.
However, conservation of mass and energy, by themselves, admit as possibilities phenom-
ena that are not observed in nature! For instance consider an isolated system composed of
two equal masses of liquid water. See Fig. 5.1. The first is at TA = 310 K, the second is at
T = 320 K T = 280 K
not observed in nature
T = 310 K T = 290 K t ∞
T = 300 K T = 300 K
observed in nature
Figure 5.1: Sketch of two scenarios, both of which satisfy mass and energy conservation.
TB = 290 K. A long time elapses. Because the combined system is isolated, there are no
external heat or work exchanges with the environment. But we will allow heat exchanges
between mass A and mass B. Consider two possibilities, both admitted by mass and energy
conservation, as t → ∞:
So mass conservation and the first law of thermodynamics, both of which speak to this
gedankenexperiment, are insufficient to guarantee that we will predict what is observed in
nature. We need another axiom!
In a similar way, there are a variety of phenomena that may satisfy mass and energy
conservation, but are not observed in nature. Some include
A good many times I have been present at gatherings of people who, by the stan-
dards of the traditional culture, are thought highly educated and who have with
considerable gusto been expressing their incredulity at the illiteracy of scientists.
Once or twice I have been provoked and have asked the company how many of
them could describe the Second Law of Thermodynamics, the law of entropy. The
response was cold: it was also negative. Yet I was asking something which is
C. P. Snow, 1959, The Two Cultures, Cambridge U. Press, Cambridge (reprinted 1998).
about the scientific equivalent of: ‘Have you read a work of Shakespeare’s?’ I
now believe that if I had asked an even simpler question —such as, What do you
mean by mass, or acceleration, which is the scientific equivalent of saying, ‘Can
you read?’ —not more than one in ten of the highly educated would have felt that
I was speaking the same language. So the great edifice of modern physics goes up,
and the majority of the cleverest people in the western world have about as much
insight into it as their Neolithic ancestors would have had.
Let us summarize some more reasons for studying the second law:
• It enables one to frame analysis of the factors that inhibit the realization of peak
This definition begs the question, what is entropy? A formal definition will be deferred to
the next chapter. Let us loosely define it here as a measure of the so-called randomness (or
disorder) of a system, with high randomness corresponding to high entropy. Low randomness
or low disorder often corresponds to low entropy.
Interpreted in another way, structure or order requires energy input to be realized, while
over time, without continued maintenance, structure and order decay. The formulation of
the second law we adopt will be robust enough to prevent us from predicting water to run
uphill, methane to spontaneously form from carbon dioxide and water, or air to separate into
its constituents. It will also be seen to be an important principle for predicting the optimal
behavior of a wide variety of engineering devices.
All that said, it should be noted that the equivalence of entropy with disorder, while
useful and common, is likely not universal. Certainly Wright2 characterizes it as “a highly
P. G. Wright, 1970, “Entropy and disorder,” Contemporary Physics, 11(6): 581-588.
The original German version appeared earlier5 and is reproduced in Fig. 5.2.
Figure 5.2: Image of the original 1854 appearance of the Clausius form of the second law.
The Clausius formulation of the second law is easy to understand in engineering terms
and is illustrated schematically in Fig. 5.3. Note that air conditioners move heat from cold
regions to hot regions, but that work input is required.
cold hot cold hot
Figure 5.3: Schematic of the Clausius statement of the second law of thermodynamics.
a) b)
Figure 5.4: a) William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) (1824-1907), Ulster-born Scottish scientist
who had profound impact on nineteenth century science including thermodynamics. Image
b) Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck (1858-1947), German physicist. Image from Planck (1858-1947).jpg.
a) Kelvin b) Planck
Figure 5.5: Images of a) Thomson’s 1851 and b) Planck’s 1897 statements of the second law
of thermodynamics.
cyclic W cyclic W
engine engine
first law: Q=W, because ΔU=0 for cycle first law: Q=W, because ΔU=0 for cycle
second law: This scenario cannot be. second law: This scenario can be.
Figure 5.6: Schematic of the Kelvin-Planck statement of the second law of thermodynamics.
The title of the novel is drawn from a line in Nobel literature laureate William Butler Yeats’
apocalyptic 1921 poem, The Second Coming.
H. B. Adams, 1910, A Letter to American Teachers of History, J. H. Furst, Washington.
• Electricity would flow without generating heat; thus, computer fans would be unnec-
essary, among other things, but
Carnot’s 1824 work was done before any formal notions of the first and second laws had been
S. Carnot, 1824, Réflexions sur la Puissance Motrice du Feu et sur les Machines propres à Développer
cette Puissance, Bachelier, Paris. (English translation, 2005, Reflections on the Motive Power of Fire, Dover,
Mineola, New York). 1897 English translation.
The informal statement of the Kelvin-Planck version of the second law is that you cannot
turn all the heat into work. Now, an engineer often wants to harvest as much as possible
of the thermal energy of combustion and convert it into mechanical energy. Kelvin-Planck
simply says we cannot have it all. But it lets us have some! In fact if we only harvest a
portion of the thermal energy for work and reject the rest in the form of thermal energy, we
can satisfy the second law. We show this schematically in Fig. 5.9. The first law for this
cyclic W
system is
U2 − U1 = QH − QL − W. (5.4)
Note that here, we are thinking of W , QH , and QL as all positive. If we were rigorous with
our sign convention, we would have reversed the arrow on QL because our sign convention
always has positive work entering the system. However,
• following a common practice, the rigorous sign convention is traditionally abandoned
for analysis of heat engines!
Now, we are requiring a cyclic process, so U1 = U2 ; thus, Eq. (5.4) reduces to
W = QH − QL . (5.5)
η= =1− . (5.8)
Equation (5.8) is analogous to the earlier Eq. (4.235). Now, if QL = 0, we get η = 1, and
our engine does a perfect job in converting all the heat into work. But if QL = 0, we violate
the Kelvin-Planck version of the second law! So we must reject some heat. Another version
of the Kelvin-Planck statement then is
η =1− < 1. (5.9)
Example 5.1
Prove the first corollary, Eq. (5.10).
We show this schematically in Fig. 5.10. In Fig. 5.10a, we have two cyclic engines operating
between the same thermal reservoirs. One is reversible, and extracts reversible work, WR from an input
of QH . The other engine is irreversible and extracts irreversible work WI from the same heat input
QH . Because WI 6= WR , the two engines reject a different amount of heat to satisfy the first law. The
reversible engine rejects QL , and the irreversible engine rejects Q′L .
In Fig. 5.10b, we take formal advantage of the reversibility of one of the engines to reverse all
processes, as shown by the different nature of all the arrows. In fact we have created a refrigerator, a
device in which a work input is used to move thermal energy from a cold region to a hot region. Now,
in this configuration, an identical QH is added and removed from the hot thermal reservoir. So the net
effect into the system defined by the combined two cyclic engines is that there is no net heat transfer to
the combined system. We show this schematically in Fig. 5.11. Now, the combined effect of Fig. 5.11 is
in a form suitable for application of the Kelvin-Planck form of the second law. We have the net work
W = WI − WR . (5.12)
And the Kelvin-Planck statement, from Eq. (5.3) holds that
W ≤ 0. (5.13)
Figure 5.10: Schematic of a heat engine used in proof of the first corollary of the Kelvin-
Planck statement of the second law of thermodynamics.
cyclic cyclic WI
WR engine engine
• The thermal efficiency, η, should depend only on the character of the reservoirs in-
Specifically, we will define η in terms of what we will call the temperature of the reservoir.
This is the classical macroscopic interpretation of temperature. Later statistical theories give
it the additional interpretation as a measure of the average translational kinetic energy of
molecules of the system. But that is not our approach here! Now, we might suppose that
this new thermodynamic property, temperature, should somehow be a measure of how much
heat is transferred from one reservoir to another. Moreover, each reservoir will have its
own temperature. The hot reservoir will have temperature TH ; the cold reservoir will have
temperature TL . So we are then saying that
η = η(TH , TL ). (5.19)
As of yet, this functional form is unspecified. Substituting this form into our earlier Eq. (5.8),
we get
η(TH , TL ) = 1 − . (5.20)
This can only be true if QL and QH have some relation to TL and TH . So let us propose a
useful definition. We insist that our temperatures take the form of that for a Carnot cycle
= . (5.21)
This is just a definition that cannot be argued. Its utility will be seen as its justification,
but nothing more. Eq. (5.21) is valid only in the context of a Carnot cycle, and not for other
Our logic train is that we observe heat engines, such as steam engines seen by Carnot
in the early 1800s, doing work as a result of heat transfers. That effect, work, must have a
cause. And we are going to assert that the cause is affiliated with a temperature difference.
So far our temperature has been defined only in terms of a ratio. Let us make an arbitrary
choice to avoid ratios. We take, for convenience, the temperature of the triple point of water
to be 273.15 K. Thus for any system, the local T is
T = (273.15 K) . (5.22)
Qtriple point reversible cycle
This implies we can connect our heat engine to a reservoir maintained at the triple point
temperature of water, and measure the associated Qs for the heat engine. With our definition,
Eq. (5.21), our thermal efficiency, Eq. (5.8), becomes
η =1− . (5.23)
This famous formula is the thermal efficiency for an idealized heat engine; it is not valid for
other heat engines. This formula is not found in Carnot’s original work; nor is it straightfor-
wardly presented in the later works of the 1850s. Clausius puts most of the pieces in place,12
so much so that Müller and Müller13 attribute the formula to him; but it is not directly seen
in his 1854 study; see Truesdell.14
lim η = 1, (5.24)
TL →0
lim η = 1. (5.25)
TH →∞
These two statements have practical importance. While we would like to drive our efficiency
to be as close to unity as possible, nature limits us. Generally, we have little to no control
over the environmental temperature TL , so it is a lower bound, usually around TL ∼ 300 K.
And material properties for engines limit TH . For many metals, TH ∼ 1500 K is approaching
values where material strength is lost. So a practical upper bound based on these numbers
tells us η ∼ 1 − (300 K)/(1500 K) = 0.8 is maybe the most we can expect. We plot η as a
function of TH for fixed TL = 300 K in Fig. 5.12. For real systems, with irreversible features,
the values are much worse.
1.0 maximum efficiency = 1
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
TH (K)
Figure 5.12: Plot of idealized thermal efficiency as a function of hot thermal reservoir tem-
perature with TL = 300 K.
cyclic W
For heat pumps, we want to bring QH into a warm room from a cold outdoors to make
the warm room warmer. So it has a related COP , that we define as β ′ :
β′ = , Carnot heat pump. (5.29)
Again the first law gives W = QH − QL , so
QH 1 1
β′ = = QL
= , Carnot heat pump. (5.30)
QH − QL 1 − QH 1 − TTHL
Example 5.2
The inside of a refrigerator is held at TL = 3 ◦ C. The surroundings are at TH = 27 ◦ C. We must
remove 1.25 kW of thermal energy from the inside of the refrigerator to balance the thermal energy
entering from the environment. Find the best possible coefficient of performance β and the minimum
power requirement to operate the refrigerator.
cyclic W
1 1
β= TH
= 300.15 K
= 11.5063. (5.31)
TL −1 276.15 K −1
what we want Q̇L
β= = . (5.32)
what we pay for Ẇ
Q̇L 1.25 kW
Ẇ = = = 0.108367 kW. (5.33)
β 11.5063
Note the rules of heat transfer determine the energy load needed to keep the temperature constant. We
have not considered those here. This is the smallest possible engine that would be needed. Inefficiencies
would cause the actual size needed to be higher.
Figure 5.15: Chart of distribution of energy sources and usage in the US in 2018. Data from
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,
usage in 2018 from a wide variety of sources directed to a wide variety of applications. The
basic unit of energy here is the quad where 1 quad = 1015 Btu = 1.055 × 1018 J = 1.055 EJ,
where EJ is an “exajoule.” Much can be gleaned from this chart. Overall US energy use
is estimated at 101.2 quad for the year indicated. As far as the second law is concerned,
electricity generation rejects 25.3 quad waste heat per annum and transportation rejects
22.4 quad waste heat per annum. In total, 68.5 quad is rejected, and 32.7 quad is directed
towards a useful intended purpose. Thus, the thermal efficiency of the US in 2018 was
32.7 quad
ηU S = = 0.323. (5.34)
(32.7 quad) + (68.5 quad)
Figure 5.16 shows a comparable plot for 2011. One can see evolution of the energy
Figure 5.16: Chart of distribution of energy sources and usage in the US in 2011. Data from
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,
Example 5.3
If all the waste heat in the US in 2018 were directed into Lake Michigan, find its temperature rise.
Now, Lake Michigan has a volume of 4900 km3 . Therefore the mass of water in Lake Michigan is
103 m 3
m = ρV = 997 3 4900 km3 = 4.88 × 1015 kg. (5.36)
m km
If all the waste energy were dumped into Lake Michigan, we could expect from a first law analysis to
find a temperature rise of
Q 7.23 × 1019 J
∆T = = = 3.5 K. (5.37)
mcP (4.88 × 1015 kg) 4180 J
kg K
Locally on the University of Notre Dame campus, both St. Mary’s and St. Joseph’s Lakes would be
vaporized many times over.
Much as the new property energy arose via consideration of the first law of thermodynamics,
we will find it useful to introduce
from consideration of the second law of thermodynamics. The word itself was coined by
Clausius,1 who based it on the combination of ǫν- (en-) “to put into,” and τ ρoπή (tropē),
“turn” or “conversion.” The Greek here is a modification of the original Greek of Clausius,
who employed ὴ τ ρoπὴ. An image of the first use of the word is given in Fig. 6.1.
In some ways entropy is simply a mathematical convenience and a theoretical construct.
However, its resilience is due to the fact that it is useful for engineers to summarize important
design concepts for thermal systems such as steam power plants, automobile engines, jet
engines, refrigerators, heat pumps, and furnaces.
R. Clausius, 1865, “Ueber verschiedene für die Anwendung bequeme Formen der Hauptgleichungen der
mechanischen Wärmetheorie,” Annalen der Physik und Chemie, 125(7): 353-390.
Figure 6.1: Image capturing the first use of the word entropy, from R. Clausius, 1865.
δQ ’
cyclic δW ’
T δW
Figure 6.2: Sketch of heat engine configuration to motivate the development of entropy.
Note that we have not yet required the process be cyclic. Also note that δQ is internal and
so does not cross the boundary of the combined system and is not present in our first law
formulation. Rearrange Eq. (6.3) to get
Because E is a thermodynamic property, its cyclic integral is zero. But Q and W are not
properties, so they have non-zero values when integrated through a cycle. Performing the
integration of Eq. (6.6) and realizing that, by definition, Tres is a constant, we get
′ δQ
W + W = Tres . (6.7)
Now, we can apply the Kelvin-Planck form of the second law of thermodynamics to the
configuration of Fig. 6.2; thus, we require simply that
W + W ′ ≤ 0. (6.8)
That is, we cannot convert all the heat to work, but we can convert all the work to heat.
Because Kelvin-Planck tells us W + W ′ ≤ 0, Eq. (6.7) tells us
Tres ≤ 0. (6.9)
And because Tres > 0, we can divide Eq. (6.9) by it without changing the sense of the
inequality to get a mathematical representation of the second law of thermodynamics:
≤ 0, (6.10)
Now, let us reconsider Fig. 3.23, recast here as Fig. 6.3, that was used for development
of the path-independent thermodynamic property E. Here, we will use similar concepts to
develop the thermodynamic property of entropy. Let us restrict our discussion to reversible
1 C
Figure 6.3: Sketch of P − V diagram for various combinations of processes forming cyclic
processes, that are the best we could hope for in an ideal world. So we demand that Eq. (6.11)
Now, from Fig. 6.3, consider starting
H from 1, proceeding on path A to 2, and returning
to 1 via path B. The cyclic integral δQ/T = 0 decomposes to
Z 2 Z 1
δQ δQ
+ = 0. (6.12)
1 T A 2 T B
Now, perform the same exercise going from 1 to 2 on path A and returning on path C,
Z 2 Z 1
δQ δQ
+ = 0. (6.13)
1 T A 2 T C
Now, subtract Eq. (6.13) from Eq. (6.12) to get
Z 1 Z 1
δQ δQ
− = 0. (6.14)
2 T B 2 T C
Z 1 Z 1
δQ δQ
= . (6.15)
2 T B 2 T C
R1 R2
We can reverse direction and recover the same result, because 2 = − 1 :
Z 2 Z 2
δQ δQ
= . (6.16)
1 T B 1 T C
Because paths B and C are different and arbitrary, but 1 δQ/T is the same on either path,
the integral must be path-independent. It therefore defines a thermodynamic property of the
system. We define that property as entropy, S, an extensive thermodynamic property:
Z 2
S2 − S1 = . (6.17)
1 T
Note the units of S must be kJ/K in the SI system. We also can scale by the constant mass
m to get the corresponding intensive property s = S/m:
Z 2
s2 − s1 = . (6.18)
1 T
The units for s are kJ/kg/K; note they are the same as cP , cv , and R. In differential form,
we can say
ds = . (6.19)
This leads us to
δq = T ds. (6.20)
Thus, we get
Z 2
1 q2 = T ds. (6.22)
This is the heat transfer equivalent to 1 w2 = 1 P dv. So we see the heat transfer for a
process from 1 to 2 is given by the area under the curve in the T − s plane; see Fig. 6.4.
Note if our process lies on a so-called
1 1
h A
2 2
areaA areaB
2 S 2 S
Q2 =∫ T dS 1
Q2 =∫ T dS
1 1
Figure 6.4: Sketch of process in the T − s plane, with the associated heat transfer.
then by Eq. (6.22), 1 q2 = 0; thus, the process is adiabatic. Now, Eq. (6.22) only applies for a
reversible process. Combining these notions, we summarize with the important equivalence:
quoted here from Lewis and Randall.2 The law, another axiom of thermodynamics, was
developed over several years by Nernst,3 depicted in Fig. 6.5. It will not be considered
G. N. Lewis and M. Randall, 1923, Thermodynamics and the Free Energy of Chemical Substances,
McGraw-Hill, New York, p. 448.
e.g. W. H. Nernst, 1906, Ueber die Berechnung chemischer Gleichgewichte aus thermischen Messungen,
Nachrichten von der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Mathematisch-physikalische
Klasse, Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, Berlin.
further here.
Because entropy is a thermodynamic property, it can be used to help determine the state.
That is we can say any of the following:
s = s(T, v), s = s(T, P ), s = s(v, x), P = P (T, s), v = v(P, s), ... (6.23)
Figure 6.6: Sketch of cycle in the T − S plane composed of irreversible process I from 1 to
2, followed by reversible process R from 2 back to 1.
The equality implies all processes are reversible; the inequality implies some portion of the
process is irreversible. Now, for a reversible process we also have
Z 2
S2 − S1 = . (6.27)
1 T
Because the process is reversible, we reverse to get
Z 1
S1 − S2 = . (6.28)
2 T
Now, apply the second law, Eq. (6.10), to the scenario of Fig. 6.6:
Z 2 Z 1
δQ δQ
0≥ + . (6.29)
1 T I 2 T R
Now, substitute Eq. (6.28) into Eq. (6.29) to eliminate the integral along R to get
Z 2
0 ≥ + S1 − S2 , (6.30)
1 T I
Z 2
S2 − S1 ≥ . (6.31)
1 T I
More generally, we can write the second law of thermodynamics as
Z 2
S2 − S1 ≥ . (6.32)
1 T
Example 6.1
Two large thermal reservoirs, one at TA and the other at TB , exchange a finite amount of heat Q
with no accompanying work exchange. The reservoirs are otherwise isolated and thus form their own
universe, when considered as a combined system. Consider the implications for entropy and the second
The scenario is sketched in Fig. 6.7. Assume for now that positive Q leaves A and enters B. Both A
and B are so massive that the respective loss and gain of thermal energy does not alter their respective
temperatures. Consider the entropy changes for each system:
Z 2 Z 2
δQ 1 Q
SA2 − SA1 = = δQ = − , (6.34)
1 T TA 1 TA
Z 2 Z 2
δQ 1 Q
SB2 − SB1 = = δQ = . (6.35)
1 T TB 1 TB
The entropy change for A is negative because Q was negative for A; the entropy change for B is positive
because Q for B was positive. Now, our universe is the combination of A and B, so the entropy change
of the universe is found by adding the entropy changes of the components of the universe:
(SA2 + SB2 ) − (SA1 + SB1 ) = − . (6.36)
| {z } | {z } TB TA
=SU 2 =SU 1
The universe is isolated, so the second law holds that SU2 − SU1 ≥ 0; thus,
1 1
Q − ≥ 0. (6.38)
Now, we have assumed Q > 0; therefore, we can divide by Q without changing the sense of the
1 1
− ≥ 0, (6.39)
≥ 0. (6.40)
Because TA > 0 and TB > 0, we can multiply both sides by TA TB without changing the sense of the
inequality to get
TA − TB ≥ 0, (6.41)
TA ≥ TB . (6.42)
We have thus confirmed that our mathematical formulation of the second law in terms of entropy yields
a result consistent with the Clausius statement of the second law. We must have TA ≥ TB in order to
transfer positive heat Q from A to B.
Example 6.2
We have m = 10 kg of liquid water at T1 = 0 ◦ C. The water freezes, and its final state is solid
water at T2 = 0 ◦ C. Give a second law analysis.
While we can use the steam tables to find the heats of vaporization and sublimation for water, there
are no values listed for the liquid-solid transition process. We consult other sources, and quickly find
the heat of fusion for water estimated as ∆hf usion = 333.55 kJ/kg. We will ignore work because the
density change is not great (though it is not zero). Now, the water will have 1 q2 = −∆hf usion as it
solidifies, because it is losing energy. The temperature is constant, so we get
Z 2
m1 q2 (10 kg) −333.55 kg kJ
S2 − S1 = δq = = = −12.2112 . (6.44)
T 1 T (0 + 273.15 K) K
Note that ice has more structure, i.e. less randomness, than liquid water. This is reflected in the drop
of entropy.
In order for this process to have taken place, the surroundings must have received a transfer of
(10 kg)(333.55 kJ/kg) = 3335.5 kJ of energy. For this to have occurred, we would need Tsurr ≤ 0 ◦ C.
Say the surroundings were at −10 ◦ C. Then their entropy would have increased via
3335.5 kJ kJ
∆Ssurr = = 12.6753 . (6.45)
(−10 + 273.15) K K
Example 6.3
Given saturated ammonia vapor at P1 = 200 kPa compressed by a piston to P2 = 1.6 MPa in a
reversible adiabatic process, find the work done per unit mass.
Consider the diagram of in Fig. 6.8. The fact that the compression is reversible and adiabatic
P1 = 200 kPa
x1 = 1 NH3
P2 = 1600 kPa
Figure 6.8: Schematic for adiabatic reversible (isentropic) compression of ammonia problem.
implies that it is an isentropic process. If this were a CPIG, we could use algebraic equations, to be
developed, to calculate state 2. But these equations are not valid for materials such as ammonia (NH3 )
near the vapor dome. So, we consult the tables.
Interpolation of Table B.2.1 of BS tells us that
kJ kJ m3
s1 = 5.6034 , u1 = 1301.3 , T1 = −18 ◦ C, v1 = 0.598902 . (6.47)
kg K kg kg
Because the process is isentropic,
s2 = s1 = 5.6034 . (6.48)
kg K
The saturation tables, BS’s B.2.1, tell us that near P2 = 1600 kPa, that sg ∼ 4.8 kJ/kg/K. Because
s2 > sg , the ammonia is superheated at this state. Knowing P2 and s2 , we turn to BS’s Table B.2.2 to
find by linear interpolation that
kJ m3
T2 = 134.9 ◦ C, u2 = 1548.4 , v2 = 0.118337 . (6.49)
kg kg
Note that T2 is just above the critical temperature of ammonia, that is Tc = 132.3 ◦ C. But P2 is well
below the critical pressure, that is Pc = 11333.2 kPa. Note also that v2 < v1 .
Now, the first law of thermodynamics tells us that
u2 − u1 = 1 q2 −1 w2 . (6.50)
With considerable effort we could have also constructed 1 w2 by integration of the P − v diagram along
an isentrope.
The process is sketched in Fig. 6.9.
P=1600 kPa =1
3 4. 9 oC
P=200 kPa
1 1 T =-
18.8 oC
s v
Example 6.4
Liquid water at P1 = 100 kPa, x1 = 0 is heated isobarically until T2 = 200 ◦ C. Find the heat
The tables tell us that at state 1, we have T1 = 99.62 ◦ C, v1 = 0.001043 m3 /kg, h1 = 417.44 kJ/kg,
and s1 = 1.3025 kJ/kg/K. We note an intermediate stage i when xg = 1 that Tg = T1 = 99.62 ◦ C,
hg = 2675.46 kJ/kg, and sg = 7.3593 kJ/kg/K. At the final state, the superheat tables give us
v2 = 2.17226 m3 /kg, h2 = 2875.27 kJ/kg, and s2 = 7.8342 kJ/kg/K.
For the isobaric process, we have the heat transfer given by ∆h. For the part of the process under
the dome, we have
kJ kJ kJ
1 g = h g − h 1 = 2675.46 − 417.44 = 2258.02 . (6.52)
kg kg kg
This quantity is known as the latent heat. It represents heat added without
R g increase in temperature.
It is easily calculated by an independent method. We also have 1 qg = 1 T ds. Because an isobaric
process under the vapor dome is also isochoric, we can say 1 qg = T (sg − s1 ), so
kJ kJ kJ
1 qg = (99.62 + 273.15) (K) 7.2593 − 1.3025 = 2257.79 . (6.53)
kg K kg K kg
The difference in the two predictions can be attributed to rounding error.
For the part of the process outside of the dome, we have
kJ kJ kJ
g 2 = h 2 − h g = 2875.27 − 2675.46 = 199.81 . (6.54)
kg kg kg
This quantity is known as the sensible heat. It represents heat added with an increase in temperature.
We can sense it. It could also be calculated via numerical integration of g q2 = g T ds for this non-
isothermal process; we omit this calculation.
The total heat added, work, and total entropy change are
kJ kJ kJ
1 2 = h 2 − h 1 = 2875.27 − 417.44 = 2457.83 , (6.55)
kg kg kg
m3 m3 kJ
1 2 = P (v2 − v1 ) = (100 kPa) 2.17226 − 0.001043 = 217.12 , (6.56)
kg kg kg
kJ kJ kJ
s2 − s1 = 7.8342 − 1.3025 = 6.5317 . (6.57)
kg K kg K kg K
Note that 1 w2 6= 1 q2 because there is a change in internal energy for this process. The process is
sketched in Fig. 6.10.
1 P=100 kPa g 2
1 P=100 kPa
latent work
s v
Figure 6.11: Josiah Willard Gibbs (1839-1903), American mechanical engineer who
revolutionized the science of classical and statistical thermodynamics; images from∼history/Biographies/Gibbs.html.
du = T ds − P dv. (6.59)
Gibbs presented this now famous equation in an obscure journal, that was the only journal
in which he ever published. A reproduction from that journal of the page where his equation
first appeared6 is given in Fig. 6.12.
Figure 6.12: An image of the 1873 first appearance of the Gibbs equation in print.
Note that the Gibbs equation is generally valid for all materials. We have said nothing
about either a thermal or caloric equation of state. It is thus valid for ideal gases, non-ideal
gases, liquids, solids, or two-phase mixtures. And though we considered reversible processes
in its derivation, once we have it, we note that only properties are defined, and so we do not
have to restrict ourselves to reversible processes. It is commonly rearranged in a way that
allows the entropy to be determined:
T ds = du + P dv. (6.60)
In this usage, similar to that given by BS, we are not alone, but may be in the minority. Some texts
call Eq. (6.59) the “first Gibbs equation.” Perhaps a more common name for a variant of Eq. (6.59) is
the “Fundamental Thermodynamic Relation,” that is commonly described for the extensive analog, dU =
T dS − P dV .
J. W. Gibbs, 1873, “Graphical methods in the thermodynamics of fluids,” Transactions of the Connecti-
cut Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2: 309-342.
The Gibbs equation can also be written in terms of enthalpy. Recall Eq. (3.172), h = u+P v,
also valid for general materials. Elementary calculus then tells us
h = u + P v, (6.61)
dh = du + P dv + v dP, (6.62)
du = dh − P dv − v dP. (6.63)
Substitute Eq. (6.63) into the Gibbs relation Eq. (6.60) to yield
T ds = dh − P dv − v dP + P dv, (6.64)
= dh − v dP. (6.65)
So we can say7
dh = T ds + v dP. (6.66)
Example 6.5
Given the enthalpy change, calculate the entropy change for water going from saturated liquid to
saturated vapor along a T = 100 ◦ C isotherm.
dh = T ds. (6.67)
We compare this to the value listed in BS’s Table B.1.1 of sf g = 6.0480 kJ/kg/K. The difference is
likely due to round-off errors. Note that the entropy of the vapor is greater than that of the liquid,
sf g = sg − sf > 0. We easily envision the vapor as having less structure or less order than the liquid.
Equation (6.66) is called in some texts the “second Gibbs equation.” BS considers it to be a “Gibbs
T2 v2
s2 − s1 = cv ln + R ln . (6.80)
T1 v1
In general for a CPIG we can say
T v
s(T, v) = so + cv ln + R ln , (6.81)
To vo
where o denotes a reference state. We can invert to solve for T /To as follows
T (s, v) vo R/cv s − so
= exp . (6.82)
To v cv
s(T, P ) = so + cP ln − R ln , (6.88)
To Po
This gives
Z 2
cv (T ) dT v2
s2 − s1 = + R ln . (6.92)
1 T v1
For the CIIG, we have Eq. (3.197), dh = cP (T ) dT , along with the ideal gas result
v/T = R/P ; thus, Eq. (6.84) reduces to
cP (T ) dT dP
ds = −R . (6.93)
Integrating, we get
Z 2
cP (T ) dT P2
s2 − s1 = − R ln . (6.94)
1 T P1
Here, the “hat” notation indicates a dummy variable of integration. Here, soT is a function
of temperature and represents the entropy when the pressure is evaluated at its reference
value of P = Po . In BS, Table A.8 gives values of soT . Note that
• in this course a superscript denotes evaluation at a reference pressure. Typically
Po = 100 kPa.
So for the CIIG, we have
cP (T̂ ) dT̂ P P
s(T, P ) = so + −R ln = soT − R ln . (6.96)
To T̂ Po Po
| {z }
Example 6.6
Consider a mass of air, m = 10 kg cooled isochorically from P1 = 1 MPa, T1 = 500 K to the
temperature of the surroundings, T2 = 300 K. Find the entropy change of the air, the surroundings,
and the universe. Assume a CPIG model and then compare to results for a CIIG model.
The scenario is sketched in Fig. 6.13. For air, we take R = 0.287 kJ/kg/K, cv = 0.7175 kJ/kg/K.
state 1 state 2
T1 = 500 K T2 = 300 K
P1 = 1 MPa
S2 − S1 = −3.66517 . (6.109)
The entropy went down for the system. Note this is consistent with ds = δq/T . When δq < 0, the
entropy drops. The system becomes more ordered as it cools.
Now, the surroundings gained thermal energy, Q = 1435 kJ. However, they are so massive that
the surroundings temperature remained constant. So the entropy change of the surroundings is found
Z 2
S2,surr − S1,surr = , (6.110)
1 Tsurr
Z 2
= δQ, (6.111)
Tsurr 1
= , (6.112)
1435 kJ
= , (6.113)
300 K
S2,surr − S1,surr = 4.78333 . (6.114)
So the energy addition to the surroundings raised its entropy.
The entropy change of the universe is that of the combination of the surroundings’ change and the
system’s change:
∆Suniv = (S2,surr − S1,surr ) + (S2 − S1 ), (6.115)
kJ kJ
= 4.78333 + −3.66517 , (6.116)
∆Suniv = 1.11816 . (6.117)
The universe is isolated, and its entropy went up in this process, consistent with the second law of
CIIG model
Let us repeat the analysis with a CIIG model. First, P2 = 600 kPa, unchanged from the CPIG
model. The first law for the isochoric, work-free process gives
S2,surr − S1,surr = , (6.124)
1454.8 kJ
= , (6.125)
300 K
= 4.84933 . (6.126)
Combining the entropy changes of the surroundings and system, we get that for the universe,
kJ kJ
∆Suniv = 4.84933 + −3.71053 , (6.127)
= 1.1388 . (6.128)
This is very close to the CPIG estimate of 1.11816 kJ/K.
T ds = c dT, (6.130)
c dT
ds = , (6.131)
c(T̂ ) dT̂
s − so = . (6.132)
To T̂
And if the solid or liquid is calorically perfect with c a true constant, we get
s − so = c ln . (6.133)
6.6.1 Isochores
To identify isochores, let us consider Eq. (6.60),
T ds = du + P |{z}
dv , (6.134)
T ds = du, (6.135)
T = . (6.136)
∂s v
This is valid for a general material. Iff we have an ideal gas, then du = cv (T ) dT , and on an
isochore, Eq. (6.60) becomes
T ds = du
|{z} +P |{z}
dv , (6.137)
=cv (T ) dT =0
T ds = cv (T ) dT, (6.138)
T ∂T
= . (6.139)
cv (T ) ∂s v
Thus, the slope of an isochore in the T − s plane for an ideal gas is T /cv .
6.6.2 Isobars
To identify isobars, let us consider Eq. (6.65),
T ds = dh − v |{z}
dP , (6.140)
T ds = dh, (6.141)
T = . (6.142)
∂s P
This is valid for a general material. Iff we have an ideal gas, then dh = cP (T ) dT , and
on an isobar, Eq. (6.65) becomes
T ds = dh
|{z} −v |{z}
dP , (6.143)
=cP (T ) dT =0
T ds = cP (T ) dT, (6.144)
T ∂T
= . (6.145)
cP (T ) ∂s P
Thus, the slope of an isobar in the T −s plane for an ideal gas is T /cP . Because cP (T ) > cv (T ),
the slope of the isochore is greater than the slope of an isobar at a given point.
For air as a CPIG with k = 7/5, R = 0.287 kJ/kg/K, the scenario is sketched in Fig. 6.14.
For materials such as water, the behavior is similar. The slope of the isochore is greater at
a given point than that of an isobar.
T (K)
m /k
10 m 3
1 m3
100 3
slope isochore > slope isobar
1 2 s (kJ/kg/K)
Figure 6.14: Sketch of isochores and isobars in the T − s plane for CPIG air, k = 7/5,
R = 0.287 kJ/kg/K, so = 0 kJ/kg/K.
6.6.3 Isentropes
We introduce an
• Isentrope: a curve on which entropy is constant.
For general materials, we identify isentropes by considering Eq. (6.60) with ds = 0:
T |{z}
ds = du + P dv, (6.146)
0 = du + P dv, (6.147)
du = −P dv. (6.148)
Because there is no heat transfer on an isentrope, for such a process, all of the P dv work
goes into changing the internal energy of the system. We could also say
= −P. (6.149)
∂v s
T |{z}
ds = dh − v dP, (6.150)
0 = dh − v dP, (6.151)
dh = v dP. (6.152)
Here, we will consider algebraic relations for ideal gases undergoing isentropic processes. The
results are simple for CPIGs and a little more complicated for CIIGs.
Let us consider the important case of a CPIG undergoing an isentropic process. Start with
the Gibbs equation, Eq. (6.60), T ds = du + P dv. Now, for an isentropic CPIG, we have
ds = 0, P = RT /v, and du = cv dT , so we get
0 = cv dT + dv, (6.154)
dT dv
0 = cv +R , (6.155)
T v
dT dv
−cv = R , (6.156)
T v
Z 2 Z 2
dT dv
−cv = R , (6.157)
1 T 1 v
T2 v2
−cv ln = R ln , (6.158)
T1 v1
T2 R v1
ln = ln , (6.159)
T1 cv v2
= ln , (6.160)
= ln , (6.161)
T2 v1
= . (6.162)
T1 v2
We can summarize by combining Eqs. (6.162, 6.166) to get an important result, that we
emphasize is valid for isentropic calorically perfect ideal gases only:
k−1 k−1
T2 P2 k
= = . (6.167)
T1 P1 v2
Another useful form is given by rearranging Eq. (6.166) to get the result, again valid for
isentropic calorically perfect ideal gases only:
We see that the isentropic relation between P and v is that for a polytropic process, see
p. 87, with the polytropic exponent n = k. Recall for an ideal gas undergoing an isothermal
process, we have P1 v1 = P2 v2 , that is polytropic with n = 1.
Example 6.7
Compare the slope of an isentrope and isotherm through the same point in the P − v plane for a
Pv = Po vo , (6.169)
P = Po vo , (6.170)
∂P 1
= −Po vo , (6.171)
∂v T v2
∂P Po
=− . (6.172)
∂v T v=vo
P vk = Po vok , (6.173)
P = Po vok , (6.174)
∂P 1
= −kPo vok , (6.175)
∂v s v 1+k
∂P Po
= −k . (6.176)
∂v s v=vo vo
Both slopes are negative, because Po > 0 and vo > 0. Because k > 1, the magnitude of the isentrope’s
slope is steeper than that of the isotherm. We give a sketch of the behavior of an isentrope and isotherm
for a CPIG, each passing through the point (Po , vo ) in the (P, v) plane, in Fig. 6.15.
n=1, isotherm
n=k, isentrope
vo v
Figure 6.15: Sketch of isentrope and isotherm for a CPIG in the P − v plane.
Example 6.8
Show that dT /dz is constant in an isentropic atmosphere, and give an estimate for it.
We must consider the forces acting on a differential slice of the atmosphere. Consider the free body
diagram in Fig. 6.16. Newton’s second law for the fluid gives rise to
d2 z
ρA dz 2 = P A − (P + dP )A − ρgA dz. (6.177)
| {z } dt
| {z }
ρgA dz dz
Figure 6.16: Free body diagram for differential slice of the atmosphere.
For an atmosphere in mechanical equilibrium, we neglect fluid acceleration and arrive at a force balance
of surface forces against the weight of the fluid:
So the pressure gradient is constant in the atmosphere in static equilibrium. Now, let us impose a
CPIG assumption. Thus
P = ρRT. (6.183)
P = Po . (6.184)
Now, take d/dz of Eq. (6.184), using the chain rule, to get
k−1 −1
dP Po k T dT
= . (6.185)
dz To k − 1 To dz
Now, use Eq. (6.183) to eliminate ρ in Eq. (6.182) and use Eq. (6.185) to eliminate dP/dz in Eq. (6.182),
Po k T dT P
=− g. (6.186)
To k − 1 To dz RT
So dT /dz is indeed a constant. Let us use numerical values to estimate the gradient:
dT 9.81 s2 K K
=− J
= −0.009766 = −9.766 . (6.191)
dz 1004.5 kg K
m km
Commercial airplanes fly around at altitude near 10 km. So we might expect temperatures at this
altitude to be about 100 K less than on the ground with this simple estimate. Mountain climbers of
Denali have to rise 5.5 km from its base to its peak; thus, they might expect to experience a 53 K
temperature drop during the ascent, that is a drop of roughly 95 ◦ F. Climbers of Pike’s Peak have
only a 1.6 km rise, and so can expect at 15 K (27 ◦ F) drop. There are other mitigating effects that can
modulate these temperature changes that we have not included.
The predictions of Eq. (6.191) are compared to data for a standard atmosphere from Kuethe and
Chow8 in Fig. 6.17. Obviously, the theory and data have some mismatch. For z < 10000 m, the slopes
T (K)
300 troposphere stratosphere
100 data
theory: adiabatic dry air
of the curves are different, with our theory predicting a drop of roughly 10 K/km. The observed rate
of drop in this region is linear but at a rate of 6.5 K/km. Kundu and Cohen9 attribute the discrepancy
A. M. Kuethe and C.-Y. Chow, 1998, Foundations of Aerodynamics, Fifth Edition, John Wiley, New
York, p. 533.
P. K. Kundu and I. M. Cohen, 2008, Fluid Mechanics, Fourth Edition, Academic Press, Amsterdam,
p. 605.
to the neglect of the influence of moisture in the air in the atmosphere. For z > 10000 m, the difference
becomes more pronounced. At this stage, we have reached the end of the troposphere and entered the
stratosphere, where different physics are at work. The predictions of an adiabatic theory for pressure
variation with altitude compare some what better to the data as shown in Fig. 6.18.
P (kPa)
80 theory: adiabatic dry air
Example 6.9
We are given a cylinder divided by a frictionless, mobile, adiabatic piston, with air on one side
and water on the other side as shown in Fig. 6.19. The air is thermally insulated from the water
adiabatic wall
conducting wall
adiabatic, mobile piston
air water
Figure 6.19: Schematic of piston-cylinder arrangement with air on one side and water on the
and the surroundings. The water is in thermal contact with its surroundings. Initially Va1 = 0.1 m3 ,
Vw1 = 0.1 m3 , Ta1 = 40 ◦ C, Tw1 = 90 ◦ C, xw1 = 0.1, where a stands for air and w for water. Heat is
added until xw2 = 1. Find the final pressure and the heat added.
Because the piston is frictionless and mobile, we can say at all times that the air and water are in
mechanical equilibrium:
Pa = Pw . (6.192)
The pressure will vary throughout the process, but air and water will always have the same pressure.
We also can see that the total volume will be constant:
Va + Vw = 0.2 m3 . (6.193)
Now, the air undergoes a reversible adiabatic process, i.e. isentropic. The water undergoes a non-
adiabatic process; hence, it is not isentropic.
At the initial state the water is saturated at 90 ◦ C, x = 0.1. We learn from the tables that
Vw1 0.1 m3
mw = = 3 = 0.4219 kg. (6.204)
vw1 0.2370 m
3 3
Pw (kPa) vg m
kg RHS m kg
100 1.6940 0.5923
300 0.6058 0.0910
400 0.4625 0.0240
450 0.4140 0.0011
453 0.4133 0.0008
500 0.3749 -0.0172
Now, at state 2, Eq. (6.193) gives Va2 + Vw2 = 0.2 m3 . Substitute Eq. (6.209) into this and eliminate
Vw2 in favor of mass and specific volume to get
Va1 + mw vw2 = 0.2 m3 . (6.210)
Pa2 | {z }
| {z } =Vw2
Now, this is a relation between Pw2 and vw2 . It is not sufficient to fix the state. However, we know
x2 = 1. This gives us another curve in the P − v space. Let us guess a value of Pw2 , read the value of
vg from the tables, substitute both into Eq. (6.212), see how close the right hand side (RHS) comes to
zero, and iterate until we have an acceptable estimate. We generate Table 6.1. After the iteration, we
see that
Pw2 = Pa2 = 453 kPa, vw2 = 0.4133 . (6.213)
kJ kJ
Tw2 = 148 ◦ C, sw2 = 6.856 , uw2 = 2557.7 . (6.214)
kg K kg
Vw2 = mw vw2 = (0.4219 kg) 0.4133 = 0.1744 m3 . (6.215)
Va2 = (0.2 m3 ) − Vw2 = (0.2 m3 ) − (0.1744 m3 ) = 0.0256 m3 . (6.216)
Va2 0.0256 m3 m3
va2 = = = 0.3282 . (6.217)
ma 0.07808 kg kg
Now, we know two properties of the air, so we can get
Pa2 va2 (453 kPa) 0.3282 kg
Ta2 = = = 518.1 K. (6.218)
R 0.287 kgkJK
Now, consider the first law of thermodynamics for the entire system. The work is zero because the
entire system is isochoric. So the first law gives
U2 − U1 = 1Q2 − 1W2 , (6.219)
1Q2 = ma cv (Ta2 − Ta1 ) + mw (uw2 − uw1 ), (6.220)
= (0.07808 kg) 0.7175 ((518.1 K) − (313 K))
kg K
kJ kJ
+(0.4219 kg) 2557.7 − 588.62 , (6.221)
kg kg
Let us keep on analyzing! Consider the air alone, that is adiabatic. The first law for the air alone
Example 6.10
Consider the cannon shown in Fig. 6.20. At t = 0 s, the bore of the cannon between the projectile
Po m A
and its base is filled with a CPIG at Po . The projectile is located at x = xo . The projectile fits snugly in
the cannon, has mass m, and cross-sectional area A. The ambient pressure is P∞ . Find the equations of
motion for the projectile. Assume the gas expands isentropically, and the local pressure is P . Assume
a drag force, proportional to the cube of projectile velocity, retards its motion.
This is a problem that is not in mechanical equilibrium. Newton’s law of motion for the projectile
d2 x dx
m 2 = (P − P∞ )A − C . (6.234)
dt dt
Here, the product of mass and acceleration is balanced by the net pressure force and the drag force.
Let us define the velocity as
v= . (6.235)
So our equation of motion becomes
m = (P − P∞ )A − Cv3 . (6.236)
Now, for an isentropic expansion of a CPIG we have
Po Vok = P V k, (6.237)
k k
Po (Axo ) = P (Ax) , (6.238)
x k
P = Po . (6.239)
We start with known values of vn and xn . We use the above formulæ to get new values, then we repeat
the process as long as necessary until we have a full solution. When we choose ∆t sufficiently small,
we should get a stable solution that is a good approximation of the actual solution. Linearization near
the equilibrium point gives an estimate for ∆t:
mxo Po k
∆t < . (6.249)
kPo A P∞
This estimate is only valid in the limit as t → ∞, and so may not work for early time, where ∆t may
need to be much smaller. For early time, we can linearize near the initial point and find that we need
∆t < , (6.250)
kPo A
x (m) v (m/s)
0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010
t (s) t (s)
Figure 6.21: Position and velocity of projectile in cannon problem for early time.
x (m)
v (m/s)
15 300
10 200
5 100
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
t (s) t (s)
Figure 6.22: Position and velocity of projectile in cannon problem for late time.
muzzle velocities are a little low for actual cannons, that also may have higher initial pressures. Around
t = 0.01 s, we have x ∼ 2 m, that is not unlike a cannon barrel length.
Let us now assume an unrealistically long barrel length and calculate for a long time. A plot at
late time for x(t) and v(t) is given in Fig. 6.22. At late time we see the projectile is approaching
an equilibrium where the velocity goes to zero due to drag forces and the position oscillates about
an equilibrium where there is a pressure balance. As t → ∞, our estimate, Eq. (6.249) for ∆t is
applicable. For these values, our estimate for the time step near equilibrium gives ∆t < 0.10 s. This
time scale actually captures the period of oscillation effectively. It is surprising that the system came
to equilibrium at such a short distance x = 15 m, and it is hard to imagine an actual artillery shell
behaving in this way. It is likely that the drag model is highly inaccurate.
A clearer picture of the early, intermediate, and late time dynamics can be seen in the log-log scale
plot of x(t) given in Fig. 6.23. For early time t < 10−4 s, the piston is effectively stationary. We call
this a time of inertial confinement. For t > 10−4 s, we see that x grows exponentially as time grows,
reflected in the positive sloped line on the log-log plot of Fig. 6.23. During this phase of the expansion,
the pressure force of the compressed air dominates the resistive force of the atmospheric pressure and
the drag force. As x rises, and as dx/dt rises, the resistance of the atmosphere and the drag force
both become more prominent, until around t ∼ 1 s, when the forces begin to balance one another. At
this point, there is overcompensation due to the inertia of the piston, and the atmospheric pressure
dominates the charge pressure. This sets up an oscillation, that ultimately decays due to the drag force.
x (m)
100 oscillatory
relaxation to
Figure 6.23: Position of projectile in cannon problem versus time, plotted on a log-log scale
to reveal the regimes where different physics are dominant.
Example 6.11
For the previous example problem, show details of the linearized analysis in the late time limit so
as to derive Eqs. (6.249).
At equilibrium, we must have dv/dt = 0 and dx/dt = 0. So, as with all equilibrium states, we solve
the corresponding algebra problem deduced from Eqs. (6.241), 6.242):
k !
P∞ A Po xo C 3
0 = −1 − v , (6.251)
m P∞ xeq m eq
0 = veq . (6.252)
Equations (6.251, 6.252) form two algebraic equations for the two unknowns veq and xeq at the equi-
librium state. One root is obvious, and the other is easily found with simple algebra. The equilibrium
state is thus seen to be
xeq = xo , (6.253)
veq = 0. (6.254)
• The equilibrium state is one of rest, veq = 0. This is consistent with a mechanical equilibrium.
• The equilibrium state is independent of the mass of the projectile, and the cross-sectional area.
Now, let us examine the local dynamics in the neighborhood of equilibrium. Consider Taylor series
We have constructed f and g to have values of zero at equilibrium. Now, because veq and xeq are
constants with derivatives of zero, we can rewrite Eqs. (6.255, 6.256) as
d ∂f ∂f
(v − veq ) = (v − veq ) + (x − xeq ) + . . . , (6.257)
dt ∂v eq ∂x eq
d ∂g ∂g
(x − xeq ) = (v − veq ) + (x − xeq ) + . . . . (6.258)
dt ∂v eq ∂x eq
Now, with
P∞ A Po xo k C
f (v, x) = − 1 − v3 , (6.259)
m P∞ x m
We have
∂f C
= −3 v2 . (6.260)
∂v m
At equilibrium, where v = 0, this gives
= 0. (6.261)
∂v eq
We also get
∂f Po A xo k
= −k . (6.262)
∂x mx x
Evaluating ∂f /∂x at the equilibrium point, we find
∂f Po A P∞ k
= −k . (6.263)
∂x eq mxo Po
By inspection, we see that ∂g/∂v = 1 and ∂g/∂x = 0. Thus, Eqs. (6.257, 6.258) become
d Po A P∞ k
(v − veq ) = −k (x − xeq ) + . . . , (6.264)
dt mxo Po
(x − xeq ) = (v − veq ) + . . . . (6.265)
Let us define two new variables:
With the definitions of Eqs. (6.266, 6.267), Eqs. (6.264, 6.265) reduce to
dv̂ Po A P∞ k
= −k x̂, (6.268)
dt mxo Po
= v̂. (6.269)
Take now the time derivative of Eq. (6.269) and substitute it into Eq. (6.268) to get the second order
linear differential equation:
d2 x̂ Po A P∞ k
+k x̂ = 0. (6.270)
dt2 mxo Po
We can rewrite this in the form of a mass-spring type problem as
d2 x̂
m + ks x̂ = 0, (6.271)
Po A P∞ k
ks = k . (6.272)
xo Po
The solution of this equation is well known to be
r ! r !
ks ks
x(t) = C1 sin t + C2 cos t . (6.273)
m m
At early time one can also do a similar linear analysis in the neighborhood of x ∼ xo and v ∼ 0.
One can define new variables x̃ = x − xo , ṽ = v, linearize the equations, and solve at early time.
Recall o denotes the reference pressure, and soT is a temperature-dependent function, that is
available in tabular form. So the entropy difference, s2 − s1 , is
o o P2 P1
s2 − s1 = sT2 − sT1 − R ln − ln , (6.277)
Po Po
o o P2 Po
= sT2 − sT1 − R ln , (6.278)
Po P1
o o P2
= sT2 − sT1 − R ln . (6.279)
If the process is isentropic, we have s2 = s1 , and so
0 = soT2 − soT1 − R ln , (6.280)
soT2 − soT1 = R ln . (6.281)
Example 6.12
Air is isentropically compressed from T1 = 300 K, P1 = 100 kPa to T2 = 2000 K. Find the final
pressure with a CIIG and CPIG model. Find the work per unit mass of compression for CIIG and
CPIG models.
Note the pressure from the CPIG model is half that from the CIIG model! This illustrates the dangers
of using a CPIG model for high temperature applications.
If we had chosen T2 = 400 K, the CIIG model would have given P2 = 274.7 kPa, and the CPIG
model would have given P2 = 273.7 kPa. This emphasizes at low temperatures, the CPIG is an accurate
6.8.1 Carnot
Motivated by a practical desire to improve French industry in the aftermath of military de-
feats of earlier decades, Nicolas Lèonard Sadi Carnot (1796-1832), (son of the mathematician
and architect of the military success of the early French revolution, Lazare Carnot) devel-
oped an impractical engine with great theoretical importance. Though the so-called Carnot
engine has never been built, it represents the best heat engine that could be built, and im-
poses useful restrictions for practical engineers with visions of unrealizable efficiencies. Most
importantly, the analysis of Carnot demonstrates how perpetual motion machines of the first
and second kind cannot exist. Those of the first kind violate the first law of thermodynamics;
those of the second kind violate the second law of thermodynamics.
Let us use a piston-cylinder arrangement to illustrate a Carnot cycle. See the sketch of
Fig. 6.24. A sketch of the process in both the P − v and T − s planes for a CPIG is given
in Fig. 6.25.
4 4
3 3
1 1
2 2
1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 4 to 1
adiabatic isothermal adiabatic isothermal
compression expansion expansion compression
isotherm 3
1 rm 1 isotherm 4
TL op
v s
Figure 6.25: Sketch of a Carnot cycle for a CPIG represented in the P − v and T − s planes.
The Carnot cycle is defined in four stages. Here, we use a different identification of the
states 1, 2, 3, and 4 than do BS to be consistent with more common notation that will be
used later for other engines by BS and most other texts. The four stages are
• 4 → 1: isothermal compression at TL .
We always assume the same fluid is present within the Carnot engine, and ignore the effects
of valves. We also ignore the effect of mixtures of combustible gases.
The Carnot cycle for a CPIG is such a foundational idealization for mechanical engineers
that it is centrally incorporated in the logo of the international mechanical engineering
academic honor society, Pi Tau Sigma (ΠTΣ). The logo is reproduced in Fig. 6.26.
Figure 6.26: Logo of the international mechanical engineering honor society, Pi Tau Sigma
(ΠTΣ) featuring the Carnot cycle for a CPIG in the P − v plane as displayed on the campus
of the University of Notre Dame.
Example 6.13
Given k, R, TL = T1 = T4 , TH = T2 = T3 , v1 and v4 , demonstrate for a CPIG undergoing a Carnot
cycle, that the earlier derived Eq. (5.23), η = 1 − TL /TH , is true. Also find the net work and heat
For the isentropic process P v k = P1 v1k , and we know from the per mass version of Eq. (3.46) for work
for a polytropic process that when n = k, the work must be
P2 v2 − P1 v1
1 w2 = , (6.296)
RT2 − RT1
= , (6.297)
= − (T2 − T1 ). (6.298)
This is consistent with the change in internal energy being the negative of the work done.
• For process 2 → 3, the first law gives
u3 − u2 = 2 q3
− 2 w3 , (6.299)
Z 3
cv (T3 − T2 ) = 2 q3 − P dv, (6.300)
| {z } 2
Z 3
2 q3 = P dv, (6.301)
Z 3
= RTH , (6.302)
2 v
= RTH ln . (6.303)
Now, we have from the isentropic relations that
k−1 1 1 1
T1 TL k−1 TL
v2 = v1 = v1 , v3 = v4 . (6.304)
So 1
v4 TH v4
2 q3 = RTH ln 1 = RTH ln . (6.305)
k−1 v1
u1 − u4 = 4 q1
− 4 w1 , (6.309)
Z 1
cv (T1 − T4 ) = 4 q1 − P dv, (6.310)
| {z } 4
Z 1
4 q1 = P dv, (6.311)
Z 4
= RTL , (6.312)
1 v
= RTL ln . (6.313)
η =1− , Q.E.D.10 (6.318)
Also, we easily get the net work and heat transfer via
v4 v1 v4
wcycle = qcycle = 2 q3 + 4 q1 = RTH ln + RTL ln = R(TH − TL ) ln . (6.319)
v1 v4 v1
Example 6.14
A mass of m = 1 kg of water executes a Carnot cycle. The high temperature isothermal expansion
is from P2 = 15 bar, x2 = 0.25 to the saturated vapor state. The adiabatic expansion is to P4 = 1 bar.
Analyze the system.
The system is sketched in Fig. 6.27. We have P2 = 1500 kPa, x2 = 0.25. From the tables we find
abbreviation of the Latin phrase, quod erat demonstrandum, “that which was to have been demon-
,′ ,′
strated.” The original Greek version, used by Euclid and Archimedes, was o πǫρ ǫ δǫι δǫι̂ξαι, translated as
“precisely what was required to be proved,” (
Process ∆u q w
1→2 k−1 (TH
− TL ) 0 − k−1 (TH− TL )
2→3 0 RTH ln vv41 RTH ln vv41
3→4 − k−1 (TH − TL ) 0 k−1 (TH − TL )
4→1 0 RTL ln vv14 RTL ln vv14
Total 0 R(TH − TL ) ln vv14 R(TH − TL ) ln vv14
Table 6.2: First law analysis summary for our CPIG undergoing a Carnot cycle.
2 3 isotherm
2 3
47 K
1 4 372.7 4
7K 1 isotherm
v s
Figure 6.27: Sketch of a Carnot cycle for water represented in the P − v and T − s planes.
the following
m3 m3
vf 2 = 0.001154 , vf g2 = 0.13062 . (6.321)
kg kg
kJ kJ
uf 2 = 843.14 , uf g2 = 1751.3 , (6.322)
kg kg
kJ kJ
sf 2 = 2.3150 , sf g2 = 4.1298 . (6.323)
kg K kg K
m3 m3
vf 4 = 0.001043 , vf g4 = 1.69296 , (6.331)
kg kg
kJ kJ
uf 4 = 417.33 , uf g4 = 2088.72 , (6.332)
kg kg
kJ kJ
sf 4 = 1.3025 , sf g4 = 6.0568 . (6.333)
kg K kg K
Knowing s4 , we can find the quality x4 via
kJ kJ
s4 − sf 4 6.4448 kg K − 1.3025 kg K
x4 = = = 0.849013. (6.334)
sf g4 6.0568 kgkJK
We then find
v4 = vf 4 + x4 vf g4 = 1.43838 , (6.335)
u4 = uf 4 + x4 uf g4 = 2190.68 . (6.336)
Now, we know that for state 1, s1 = s2 = 3.34745 kJ/kg/K, and sf 1 = sf 4 , sf g1 = sf g4 . So
s1 − sf 1
x1 = = 0.337629. (6.337)
sf g1
We also know that T1 = T4 = 372.77 K. We also know that vf 1 = vf 4 , vf g1 = vf g4 , uf 1 = uf 4 ,
uf g1 = uf g4 . So
v1 = vf 1 + x1 vf g1 = 0.572634 , (6.338)
u1 = uf 1 + x1 uf g1 = 1122.54 . (6.339)
Now, let us consider the first law for each process.
4 q1 = (u1 − u4 ) + 4 w1 , (6.361)
kJ kJ kJ
= 1122.54 − 2190.68 + −86.5751 , (6.362)
kg kg kg
= −1154.71 . (6.363)
qcycle = 2 q3
+ 4 q1 , (6.367)
kJ kJ
= 1460.48 + −1154.71 , (6.368)
kg kg
= 305.764 . (6.369)
Note that, as expected wcycle = qcycle . Now, let us calculate the thermal efficiency.
η = , (6.370)
= , (6.371)
2 q3
305.764 kg
= kJ
, (6.372)
1460.48 kg
= 0.209359. (6.373)
η = 1− , (6.374)
372.77 K
= 1− , (6.375)
471.47 K
= 0.209345. (6.376)
The small differences are likely due to interpolation error from using the tables. We summarize the
first law statements in Table 6.3.
kJ kJ kJ
Process ∆u kg q kg w kg
1→2 158.423 0 -158.423
2→3 1313.54 1460.48 146.942
3→4 -403.82 0 403.82
4→1 -1068.14 -1154.71 -86.5751
Total 0 305.764 305.764
Table 6.3: First law analysis summary for our water undergoing a Carnot cycle.
Figure 6.28: Nikolaus August Otto (1832-1891), German developer of the internal combus-
tion engine. Image from Otto.
6.8.2 Otto
The Otto cycle approximates the gasoline engine using what is known as an air standard
approximation. The air standard will be considered in more detail in Ch. 8.2. It is named
for Nikolaus Otto, depicted in Fig. 6.28. Many details are ignored (like inlet and exhaust),
and all material properties are taken to be those of air modeled as a CPIG. It employs a
fixed mass approach. Diagrams for P − v and T − s for the Otto cycle are shown in Fig. 6.29.
One can outline the Otto cycle as follows:
• 1 → 2: isentropic compression in the compression stroke,
ise tio
nt bus
rop com
e hore
2 isoc
trop 4
2 e isochore
pres st
sion exhau
v s
occurs at lower temperatures than other parts of the cycle. Recall that for maximum Carnot
efficiency, we would like TH as high as possible. Just past state 2, the heat transferred at T2
is at a lower temperature than the heat transferred at T3 .
Note for isochoric heating, such as 2 → 3, in a fixed mass environment, the first law gives
u3 − u2 = 2 q3
− 2 w3 , (6.377)
Z v3
= 2 q3 − P dv, but v2 = v3 , (6.378)
Z v2
= 2 q3 − P dv , (6.379)
| {z }
2 q3 = u3 − u2 , (6.380)
= cv (T3 − T2 ), if CPIG. (6.381)
But V4 = V1 and V2 = V3 , so
T3 V1 T2
= = . (6.390)
T4 V2 T1
Cross multiplying the temperatures, one finds
T3 T4
= . (6.391)
T2 T1
Thus, the thermal efficiency reduces to
η =1− . (6.392)
This looks a lot like the Carnot efficiency. But for a Carnot engine operating between the
same temperature bounds, we would have found η = 1 −T1 /T3 . Because T3 > T2 , the Carnot
engine is more efficient than the ideal Otto engine. This identifies an important
One often finds commercial engines characterized by their compression ratios. Modern
gasoline engines may have compression ratios of rv = 10. In terms of the compression ratio
rv = V1 /V2 , one has
η = 1 − rv1−k = 1 − k−1 . (6.393)
Note if the compression ratio increases, the thermal efficiency increases, so this is desirable,
in principle. However, high compression ratios introduces a variety of problems including
1) loss of material strength of hot metals in the engine, 2) higher incidence of detonation
or knock in the combustion process, 3) greater tendency to form harmful pollutants such as
NOx .
Some deviations of actual performance from that of the air-standard Otto cycle are as
Example 6.15
The temperature prior to compression in an air-standard Otto cycle with a compression ratio of 8
is 500 ◦ R, and the pressure is 1 atm. The maximum temperature is 3500 ◦ R. Find
• temperature and pressure at each stage of the process, and
• thermal efficiency.
One can use the ideal gas law to get the pressure at state 2:
P2 V2 P1 V1
= , (6.397)
T2 T1
V1 T2
P2 = P1 , (6.398)
V2 T1
1088.95 ◦ R
= (1 atm)(7) , (6.399)
500 ◦ R
= 15.2453 atm. (6.400)
Now, V3 = V2 because the combustion is isochoric. And the maximum temperature is T3 = 3500 ◦ R.
This allows use of the ideal gas law to get P3 :
P3 V3 P2 V2
= , (6.401)
T3 T2
V2 T3
P3 = P2 , (6.402)
V3 T2
3500 ◦ R
= (15.2453 atm)(1) , (6.403)
1088.95 ◦ R
= 49 atm. (6.404)
A Carnot engine operating between the same upper and lower temperature limits would have had
thermal efficiency η = 1 − (500 ◦ R)/(3500 ◦ R) = 0.857143.
Example 6.16
Consider a fixed volume chamber that is thermally insulated from its outer surroundings. The fixed
volume chamber is initially divided into two compartments A and B, by a thin, thermally insulated
barrier. Both compartments contain CPIG air (R = 0.287 kJ/kg/K, cv = 0.7175 kJ/kg/K). We have
PA = 100 kPa, TA = 300 K, mA = 10 kg, PB = 200 kPa, TB = 500 K, and mB = 2 kg. The thin
barrier is removed, and the combined system comes to a new mechanical and thermal equilibrium at
state C. Find the entropy change of the universe.
The process is sketched in Fig. 6.30. Use the ideal gas law to get the various volumes:
vA = , vB = . (6.419)
VA = mA vA = , VB = mB vB = . (6.420)
Now, mass conservation gives
mC = mA + mB , (6.421)
= (10 kg) + (2 kg), (6.422)
= 12 kg. (6.423)
By geometry, we have
VC = VA + VB = + =R + . (6.424)
We can use the first law of thermodynamics to get a second property at the final state:
Because the combined system is adiabatic and isochoric, there is no global heat transfer or work during
the process, so
UC − (UA + UB ) = 0, (6.427)
UC = UA + UB , (6.428)
mC cv (TC − To ) = mA cv (TA − To ) + mB cv (TB − To ), (6.429)
(mA + mB )(TC − To ) = mA (TA − To ) + mB (TB − To ), (6.430)
(mA + mB )TC = mA T A + mB T B , (6.431)
mA T A + mB T B
TC = . (6.432)
mA + mB
The mixture temperature, TC is the mass-weighted average of the two initial temperatures. Note it
would not matter if we used K or ◦ C to get the mixture temperature. The final temperature for our
system is
Now, we can use the ideal gas to find the final pressure:
m T +m T
RTC mA T A + mB T B
PC = = R mAmTAA+mmBB TB = mA TA . (6.434)
vC R PA + PB P + mPB TB A B
mA +mB
Now, there are no interactions with the surroundings, so we need only consider the entropy changes
of A and B. First consider the gas that starts at state A and finishes at state C
∆SA = mA cP ln − R ln , (6.436)
= mA ln − ln , (6.437)
= mA ln − ln , (6.438)
R cP − cv T A PA
= mA ln − ln , (6.439)
R k − 1 TA PA
k−1 k !
= ln − ln , (6.440)
R(mA + mB ) mA + mB TA PA
1.4 !
10 kg 333.333 K 1.4−1 114.286 kPa
= ln − ln , (6.441)
(10 kg) + (2 kg) 300 K 100 kPa
= 0.196025. (6.442)
Here, we have generated a dimensionless entropy rise by scaling by RmC . Gas A saw its scaled entropy
Similarly, for the gas that starts at B and ends at C, we have
k !
∆SB mB TC k−1 PC
= ln − ln , (6.443)
R(mA + mB ) mA + mB TB PB
1.4 !
2 kg 333.333 K 1.4−1 114.286 kPa
= ln − ln , (6.444)
(10 kg) + (2 kg) 500 K 200 kPa
= −0.143252. (6.445)
Gas B saw its scaled entropy fall.
The combined system has
∆SA + ∆SB
= 0.196025 − 0.143252 = 0.0527733. (6.446)
R(mA + mB )
kJ kJ
∆SA + ∆SB = (0.0527733)RmC = (0.0527733) 0.287 (12 kg) = 0.181751 . (6.447)
kg K K
With some more effort, we could prove that the mixing of arbitrary initial states would result in a global
entropy increase.
We note
• The entropy of the universe increased, and we were able to quantify it.
• The adiabatic mixing process we described is irreversible. That is to say, once mixed,
we do not expect to see a spontaneous return to the initial state.
• The entropy of the universe will increase whenever two systems, initially not in equi-
librium, come to an equilibrium.
Figure 6.31: Two scenarios for the temperature field with the grey scale proportional to the
tional to the local temperature. The blocks on the left are held at a variety of temperatures,
hot, intermediate, and cold. The blocks on the right are held at the same intermediate tem-
perature. Let us restrict attention to the case where the hot and cold temperature blocks
on the left just balance, so that when the net temperature of all the blocks on the left is
calculated, it is precisely the intermediate temperature of the blocks on the right. For such
a case, the total thermal energy of the left and right configurations is equal. Energy being
equal, which configuration has the higher entropy? One is tempted to say that on the left
because it looks to be more random. But in fact it is the configuration on the right, that is
equivalent to that on the left having come to equilibrium, while conserving energy. The con-
figuration on the left has each block at a different temperature. This is properly considered,
in the sense of thermodynamics, to be a structure. Left to itself, the thermal energy would
diffuse, giving rise to the configuration on the right. Now, the grey-level of each block on
the left is representative of that block’s average kinetic energy. Within each block, there will
be a distribution of kinetic energy for each individual molecule. For the blocks on the right,
there is an overall distribution of randomness, the same for each block. That randomness is
not represented by the uniform grey shade, that only captures the average kinetic energy.
It may be possible to better understand the relationship between entropy and randomness,
such as that depicted in Fig. 6.31, by the following discussion. Let us consider a radically
different approach to entropy, first advocated by Boltzmann in the late nineteenth century.
Boltzmann, depicted at two disparate stages in his life in Fig. 6.32, had to struggle mightily
Figure 6.32: Ludwig Boltzmann (1844-1906), Austrian physicist whose statistical ap-
proach to thermodynamics laid the foundation for quantum mechanics; images from∼history/Biographies/Boltzmann.html.
for his theories to gain acceptance in a time when the atomic theory of matter was not widely
understood. His arguments have become accepted over time relative to those of his many
detractors. Let us define a set of N possible states, each with a probability of pn . By the
nature of probability, we must have
pn = 1. (6.448)
That is to say neither negative probability or probability greater than unity has any meaning.
Let us define the entropy of the system as
S = −kB pn ln pn . (6.450)
where we take kB to be the Boltzmann constant. Boltzmann’s tomb has a variant of this
equation cut into its stone, as shown in Fig. 6.32. As an aside, we note that operating on
Example 6.17
Consider a CPIG in terms of the Boltzmann constant.
We have
PV = nRT, (6.457)
= n RT, (6.458)
= nN T, (6.459)
= nN kB T.
|{z} (6.460)
We next define the number of molecules N as the product of the number of moles, that we have taken
to be n, and the number of molecules per mole, N:
N = nN. (6.461)
u = cv T. (6.463)
Now, scale by the molecular mass to cast this on a per mole basis:
u cv
= T, (6.464)
u = cv T, (6.465)
u = RT, (6.466)
u = RT, (6.467)
cP − cv
u = cP
RT, (6.468)
cv − 1
u = RT, (6.469)
u = T, (6.470)
u = kB T, (6.471)
u 1
= kB T. (6.472)
N k−1
Now, u is the energy per mole. And N is the number of molecules per mole. Now, define û as the
energy per molecule:
û = . (6.473)
û = kB T, (6.474)
= [K]. (6.475)
molecule K molecule
Example 6.18
Consider a system with four possible states, 1, 2, 3, and 4. Now, consider three configurations A,
B, and C. For each configuration, that may correspond to a bulk energy level, we have a different set
of probabilities for each state. Let us take:
• Energy level A: p1 = 1, p2 = 0, p3 = 0, p4 = 0.
• Energy level B: p1 = 21 , p2 = 41 , p3 = 18 , p4 = 81 .
Roll pn −kB pn ln pn
2 1/36 0.0995kB
3 2/36 0.1605kB
4 3/36 0.2071kB
5 4/36 0.2441kB
6 5/36 0.2742kB
7 6/36 0.2986kB
8 5/36 0.2742kB
9 4/36 0.2441kB
10 3/36 0.2071kB
11 2/36 0.1605kB
12 1/36 0.0995kB
Total pn = 1 −kB pn ln pn = 2.2694kB
Table 6.4: Entropy associated with an ordinary pair of six-sided unbiased dice.
• Energy level C: p1 = 41 , p2 = 14 , p3 = 41 , p4 = 41 .
Find the entropy of each energy level via S = −kB n=1 pn ln pn .
• A: SA = −kB (1 ln 1 + 0 ln 0 + 0 ln 0 + 0 ln 0) = 0.
• B: SB = −kB 12 ln 21 + 41 ln 41 + 81 ln 81 + 81 ln 81 = 1.21301kB .
• C: SC = −kB 41 ln 41 + 41 ln 41 + 14 ln 41 + 41 ln 41 = 1.38629kB .
Note the least random is at energy level A, where there is certainty that the configuration is state
1. There is no randomness to this, and the entropy is formally zero. Loosely speaking, this might
correspond to a temperature of absolute zero, where the probability of finding a molecule in its ground
state is unity. Note that we have used the mathematical limit limx→0 x ln x = 0, that can be shown
with L’Hôpital’s rule. Configuration B is less random, with some bias towards states 1 and 2. It has
positive entropy. Configuration C has the highest entropy. In this configuration, all states are equally
likely. It is the most random in this sense.
Example 6.19
Let us do the same exercise with a pair of ordinary dice.
We summarize the probability of rolling each number in Table 6.4. The entropy of this configuration
is S = 2.2694kB . Now, if each roll were equally likely, the entropy would be different. We would need a
single die with eleven sides to achieve this! See Table 6.5. The entropy of this configuration is greater,
and in fact, maximum: S = 2.3979kB .
Roll pn −kB pn ln pn
2 1/11 0.21799kB
3 1/11 0.21799kB
4 1/11 0.21799kB
5 1/11 0.21799kB
6 1/11 0.21799kB
7 1/11 0.21799kB
8 1/11 0.21799kB
9 1/11 0.21799kB
10 1/11 0.21799kB
11 1/11 0.21799kB
12 1/11 0.21799kB
Total pn = 1 −kB pn ln pn = 2.3979kB
Example 6.20
Consider the entropy associated with the results of rolling an ordinary unbiased six-sided die.
Compare this with a variety of biased or so-called “loaded” die.
First consider the unbiased or non-“loaded” die. The probability of rolling each number 1 through
6 is pn = 1/6. The entropy associated with each roll is −kB pn ln pn = −kB (1/6) ln(1/6) = 0.298627kB .
See Table 6.6. The total entropy is
S = −kB pn ln pn = 1.79176kB . (6.477)
Now, consider the average value of a roll of the die. A given roll will result in a value of n = 1, . . . , 6.
Let us define the average value of n to be <n>. Using the ordinary rules of probability, we expect that
X 1 1 1 1 1 1 7
<n> = npn = 1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 = . (6.478)
6 6 6 6 6 6 2
Let us turn our analysis around. Let us say we know <n> = 7/2, but do not know pn . Ther-
modynamically, this is equivalent to saying we know the mean kinetic energy of our molecules, but
do not know the kinetic energy of an individual molecule. Given that there are six possible states of
the system, we would like to know how this energy is distributed among the possible states. Now, we
already know that pn = 1/6 for n = 1, . . . , 6 is a possibility. But it is easy to check that p3 = p4 = 1/2,
p1 = p2 = p5 = pP
P 6 = 0 is another possibility. In fact, there are an infinite set of pn for which
6 6
n=1 p n = 1 and n=1 npn = 7/2. To fix our selection of the distribution of P pn , let us assert
that the entropy is maximized, while simultaneously satisfying the two constraints n=1 pn = 1 and
n=1 npn = 7/2.
This gives rise to a problem in constrained optimization, that can be solved with the method of
Lagrange multipliers. Thus, our problem is to select pn so as to maximize
6 6
! 6
X X 7 X
S = −kB pn ln pn + λ1 1− pn + λ2 − npn , (6.479)
n=1 n=1
2 n=1
Roll pn −kB pn ln pn
1 1/6 0.298627kB
2 1/6 0.298627kB
3 1/6 0.298627kB
4 1/6 0.298627kB
5 1/6 0.298627kB
6 1/6 0.298627kB
Total pn = 1 −kB pn ln pn = 1.79176kB
that reduces to
λ1 λ2
ln pn = −1 − − n, (6.489)
kB kB
λ1 λ2
pn = exp −1 − − n , (6.490)
kB kB
λ1 λ2
pn = exp −1 − exp −n . (6.491)
kB kB
These six equations, embodied in Eq. (6.491), in conjunction with the two constraints, Eqs. (6.480,6.481),
form eight equations for the eight unknowns p1 , . . . , p6 , λ1 /kB , λ2 /kB . They can be solved iteratively
by Newton’s method. We find
7 1
<n> = : p1 = p2 = p3 = p4 = p5 = p6 = . (6.492)
2 6
From here on let us take λ∗1 = λ1 /kB and λ∗2 = λ2 /kB . The values of the Lagrange multipliers are
λ∗1 = 0.79176, λ∗2 = 0, but are not of particular importance. One could use a variety of methods to
show the extreme value for S we found was actually a maximum. Thus, for <n> = 7/2, the probability
distribution function that maximizes entropy is in fact uniform, with pn = 1/6. Thermodynamically,
this implies that if the average energy is 7/2, the six accessible states are equally likely to be populated,
as it is this distribution of probabilities that maximizes the system’s entropy and thus satisfies the
second law of thermodynamics.
Let us decrease the mean die roll to <n> = 2 and ask what probability distribution now maximizes
entropy. That is to say, we are going to employ a “loaded” die. Now, there are again an infinite number
of ways to distribute pn to obtain <n> = 2. One obvious way is to take p2 = 1 and p1 = p3 = p4 = p5 =
p6 = 0. But this P will not maximize entropy; certainly, such a die has no randomness to it. Replacing
Eq. (6.481) with n=1 npn = 2 and solving the similar Lagrange multipliers problem to determine the
set of pn that maximizes S, we obtain
A die loaded in this fashion will maximize entropy or randomness while simultaneously achieving the
desired average behavior, that can be thought of as conserving energy.
If we choose a mildly loaded die, so that <n> = 4, we find the distribution of pn that maximizes
entropy to be slightly biased:
The probability distribution functions pn (n) for a variety of <n> values are shown in Fig. 6.33.
Obviously, if <n> = 1, there is only one possibility: the die must be entirely weighted to always yield
a 1; thus, p1 = 1, and all others are zero. There is no randomness, and the entropy is zero. A similar
condition holds for <n> = 6. For <n> ∈ [1, 6], there is a non-trivial distribution of pn that maximizes
S for the given <n>. Note that when <n> = 7/2, that S is maximized, and the probability distribution
is uniform with pn = 1/6. A plot of S/kB versus <n> is given in Fig. 6.34.
pn pn pn
1 1 1
<n> = 1 <n> = 2 <n> = 3
S = 0kB S = 1.36747kB S = 1.74851kB
n n n
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
<n> = 3.5
S = 1.79176kB
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
pn pn pn
1 1 1
<n> = 4 <n> = 5 <n> = 6
S = 1.74851kB S = 1.36747kB S = 0kB
n n n
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 6.33: Probability distribution functions for a six-sided die weighted so as to achieve
a variety of mean values <n> = 1, 2, 3, 7/2, 4, 5, 6 while maximizing entropy.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 6.34: Scaled entropy as a function of mean value of the six-sided die.
As an aside, let us reconsider Eq. (6.491), that itself holds for any value of <n>. Because n=1 pn =
1, we can form
X 6
pn = 1 = exp (−1 − λ∗1 ) exp (−nλ∗2 ) . (6.505)
n=1 n=1
Now, let us divide Eq. (6.491) by the left and right sides of Eq. (6.505) so as to get
exp (−nλ∗2 )
pn = P6 . (6.506)
n=1 exp (−nλ2 )
Now, we also know by definition of the average and the probability pn that
<n> = npn . (6.517)
Using Eq. (6.506) to remove pn from Eq. (6.517), we recover exactly Eq. (6.516). Thus our assertion of
Eq. (6.511) is true.
Lastly, we see that given <n>, it is possible to solve Eq. (6.516) to find λ∗2 . With λ∗2 , one can then
use Eq. (6.506) to find each of the pn . In fact, the problem reduces to solving a polynomial equation.
If we take x = exp(−λ∗2 ), Eq. (6.516) reduces to
There are five roots to this equation, and at least one real root. It is likely possible to prove that in
cases of interest there is only one real root. Let us check for the special case in which <n> = 3.5 = 7/2.
In that case, we get
There is obviously one real root, x = 1. The other four roots are complex. For x = exp(−λ∗2 ) = 1, we
must have λ∗2 = 0, as we have seen to be the case for the uniform distribution pn = 1/6 associated with
<n> = 7/2.
• Die Energie der Welt ist konstant. Die Entropie der Welt strebt einem Maximum zu.
uncertainty, and perhaps less reason for pessimism. The so-called laws of thermodynamics
are simply an efficient reflection of present-day empirical data. Science is in that sense
radically pragmatic; if unimpeachable data is found that contradict our present axioms of
thermodynamics, science resorts to new and improved axioms.
In this chapter, we will apply notions from control volume analysis to problems that involve
the second law of thermodynamics. Recall that the fundamental description of our axioms
is written for systems. We simply modify these axioms when applying them to control
volumes. We shall omit most of the details of the reduction of the second law to control
volume formulation. It is not unlike that done for mass and energy conservation.
Clearly, this is just a notational convenience that moves the inequality from one equation to
another. On a differential basis, we can say for a system
dS = + δσ. (7.4)
And for time-dependent processes, we say for a system
dS 1 δQ δσ
= + . (7.5)
dt T dt dt
Now, let us expand to an unsteady control volume, that should be similar to that for a
system, with corrections for inlets and exits. We get
dScv X Q̇j X X
= + ṁi si − ṁe se + σ̇cv . (7.6)
dt j
Tj i e
Let us study this equation in some common limits. First, if the problem is in steady
state, then
X Q̇j X X
0= + ṁi si − ṁe se + σ̇cv , (7.7)
Tj i e
steady state limit.
If it is in steady state and there is one entrance and one exit, then mass conservation gives
ṁi = ṁe = ṁ, and
X Q̇j
0= + ṁ(si − se ) + σ̇cv , (7.8)
steady state, one entrance, one exit.
We can rearrange to say
1 X Q̇j σ̇cv
se − si = + . (7.9)
ṁ j Tj ṁ
Example 7.1
A steam turbine has an inlet condition of P1 = 30 bar, T1 = 400 ◦ C, v1 = 160 m/s. Its exhaust
condition is T2 = 100 ◦ C, v2 = 100 m/s, x2 = 1. The work for the turbine is wcv = 540 kJ/kg. Find
σ̇cv /ṁ. The surroundings are at 500 K. See Fig. 7.1.
control volume
steam turbine
P1 = 30 bar T2 = 100 oC
T1 = 400 oC v2 = 100 m/s
v1 = 160 m/s x2 = 1
Tsurr = 500 K
wcv = 540 kJ/kg
Q̇cv Ẇcv 1 2
= + (h2 − h1 ) + v2 − v12 , (7.14)
ṁ ṁ 2
1 2
qcv = wcv + (h2 − h1 ) + v2 − v12 . (7.15)
We find from the tables that P2 = 101.3 kPa, h2 = 2676.05 kJ/kg, and h1 = 3230.82 kJ/kg. So
kJ kJ kJ
qcv = 540 + 2676.05 − 3230.82
kg kg kg
1 m 2 m 2 kg
+ 100 − 160 2 , (7.16)
2 s s 1000 ms2
= −22.6 . (7.17)
P=3000 kPa
1 00 o
P=101.3 kPa 2 C
s v
Example 7.2
Steam is flowing in a diffuser. At the entrance it has P1 = 0.2 MPa, T1 = 200 ◦ C, v1 = 700 m/s.
At the exhaust it has v2 = 70 m/s. Assume an adiabatic reversible process. Find the final pressure and
temperature. See Fig. 7.3.
control volume
P1 = 0.2 MPa
v2 = 70 m/s
T1 = 200 oC
v1 = 700 m/s
Because the process is reversible and adiabatic, the second law simply reduces to
s2 = s1 . (7.22)
Now, we cannot neglect kinetic energy changes in a diffuser. We can neglect potential energy changes.
We can also neglect unsteady effects as well as control volume work. We were told it is adiabatic, so
heat transfer can be neglected. Thus, we get
1 2 1 2
0 = ṁ h1 + v1 − ṁ h2 + v2 , (7.24)
2 2
1 2
h2 = h1 + v1 − v22 . (7.25)
The tables give us h1 = 2870.5 kJ/kg. We thus can get
kJ 1 m 2 m 2 kg kJ
h2 = 2870.5 + 700 − 70 m2
= 3113.05 . (7.26)
kg 2 s s 1000 s2 kg
Now, we know two properties, h2 and s2 . To find the final state, we have to double interpolate the
superheated steam tables. Doing so, we find
= 32
P=542 kPa 4.1 K
P=200 kPa T =2
1 00 K
s v
• Bernoulli principle: a useful equation in thermal science, often used beyond its
realm of validity, relating pressure, fluid velocity, density, and fluid height, valid only
in the limit in which mechanical energy is conserved.
The principle was first elucidated, though not without considerable turmoil within his prolific
family, by Daniel Bernoulli,1 depicted in Fig. 7.5.
Figure 7.5: Daniel Bernoulli (1700-1782), Dutch-born mathematician and physicist; image
from∼history/Biographies/Bernoulli Daniel.html.
For the Bernoulli principle to be formally valid requires some restrictive assumptions.
We shall make them here in the context of thermodynamics. The same assumptions allow
one to equivalently obtain the principle from an analysis of the linear momentum equation
developed in fluid mechanics courses. In such a fluids development, we would need to make
several additional, but roughly equivalent, assumptions. This equivalence is obtained because
we shall develop the equation in the limit that mechanical energy is not dissipated. For our
analysis here, we will make the following assumptions:
• there is contact with one thermal reservoir in which thermal energy is transferred
D. Bernoulli, 1738, Hydrodynamica, sive de Viribus et Motibus Fluidorum Commentarii, J. H. Deckeri,
Though we will not study it, there is another important version of the Bernoulli principle
for unsteady flows.
Our second law becomes in the limits we study,
dScv Q̇cv
= + ṁs1 − ṁs2 + σ̇cv , (7.28)
dt }
| {z T |{z}
0 =
+ ṁ(s1 − s2 ), (7.29)
ṁ(s2 − s1 ) = , (7.30)
ṁT (s2 − s1 ) = Q̇cv . (7.31)
Now, let us non-rigorously generalize this somewhat and allow for differential heat transfer
at a variety of temperatures so as to get
Z 2
ṁ T ds = Q̇cv . (7.32)
In a more formal analysis from continuum mechanics, this step is much cleaner, but would
require significant development. What we really wanted was a simplification for Q̇cv that we
could use in the energy equation, considered next:
dEcv 1 2 1 2
= Q̇cv −Ẇcv + ṁ h1 + v1 + gz1 − ṁ h2 + v2 + gz2 , (7.33)
dt }
| {z |{z}
2 2
=0 =ṁ 1
T ds
Z 2
Ẇcv 1
= T ds + (h1 − h2 ) + (v12 − v22 ) + g(z1 − z2 ). (7.34)
ṁ 1 2
Now, one form of the Gibbs equation, Eq. (6.65), has T ds = dh − v dP , so
Z 2 Z 2 Z 2
T ds = dh − v dP, (7.35)
1 1 1
Z 2 Z 2
T ds = h2 − h1 − v dP, (7.36)
1 1
Z 2 Z 2
T ds + (h1 − h2 ) = − v dP. (7.37)
1 1
P 1
+ v2 + gz = constant, (7.44)
ρ 2
Bernoulli’s equation for an incompressible liquid.
In a different limit, that in which changes in kinetic and potential energy can be neglected,
Eq. (7.39) reduces to
Z 2
wcv = − v dP. (7.45)
This integral is not the area under the curve in P − v space. It is the area under Rthe curve
in v − P space instead. Contrast this with the system result where we get 1 w2 = 1 P dv.
In the important operation of pumping liquids, v is nearly constant, and we can say
this case:
Z k1
C 1
0 = dP + (v22 − v12 ) + g(z2 − z1 ), (7.48)
1 P 2
" 1 #P2
k C k 1
0 = P + (v22 − v12 ) + g(z2 − z1 ), (7.49)
k−1 P 2
k 1
0 = (P2 v2 − P1 v1 ) + (v22 − v12 ) + g(z2 − z1 ). (7.50)
k−1 2
Thus, for a CPIG obeying Bernoulli’s principle, we can say, taking v = 1/ρ,
k P 1
+ v2 + gz = constant, (7.51)
k−1 ρ 2
Bernoulli’s equation for a CPIG.
Using P v k = C = Po vok and ρo = 1/vo , we can rewrite Eq. (7.51) as
k P k Po 1 2
+ v + gz = constant. (7.52)
k − 1 Po ρo 2
Similarly for isentropic pumps or turbines using CPIGs with negligible changes in kinetic
and potential energies, Eq. (7.39) reduces to
Z 2
wcv = − v dP, (7.53)
= − (P2 v2 − P1 v1 ), (7.54)
= − R(T2 − T1 ), (7.55)
kRT1 T2
= − −1 , (7.56)
k − 1 T1
k−1 !
kRT1 P2 k
= − −1 . (7.57)
k−1 P1
An isothermal pump or compressor using a CPIG has
Z 2
wcv = − v dP, (7.58)
Z 2
= − dP, (7.59)
1 P
= −RT1 ln , (7.60)
= −P1 v1 ln . (7.61)
Figure 7.6: Evangelista Torricelli (1608-1647), Italian physicist and mathematician; image
from Torricelli.
Consider the scenario of Fig. 7.7. Here, a fluid is in an open container. The container has
a small hole near its bottom. The fluid at the top of the container, z = z1 , is at P1 = Patm .
The leaking fluid exhausts at the same pressure P2 = Patm . The fluid leaks at velocity v2
at a hole located at z = z2 . The fluid at the top of the container barely moves; so, it has
negligible velocity, v1 ∼ 0. The fluid exists in a constant gravitational field with gravitational
acceleration g, as sketched. Assume the fluid is incompressible and all of the restrictions of
Bernoulli’s law are present. Let us apply Eq. (7.44):
P1 1 2 P2 1 2
+ v1 +gz1 = + v2 + gz2 . (7.62)
ρ 2 |{z} ρ 2
v2 = 2g(z1 − z2 ), (7.64)
Torricelli’s formula.
E. Torricelli, 1643, De Motu Gravium Naturaliter Accelerato, Firenze.
P1 = Patm
v1~ 0 1
P2 = Patm
It represents a balance of kinetic and potential energy of the fluid, and thus is concerned
only with mechanical energy.
Example 7.3
Let us design a liquid water fountain by cutting a hole in a high pressure water pipe. See Fig. 7.8.
We desire the final height of the water jet to be 30 m. The jet rises against a gravitational field with
g = 9.81 m/s2 . The atmospheric pressure is 100 kPa. Water has density ρ = 997 kg/m3 . Find the
necessary pipe gauge pressure P1 and jet exit velocity v2 .
Let us apply the Bernoulli principle between states 1 and 3, the pipe interior and the peak of the
height of the fountain. We will estimate the velocity of the water in the pipe to be small, v1 ∼ 0 m/s.
We will also estimate the velocity at the apex of the motion to be negligible, v3 = 0 m/s.
Let us apply Eq. (7.44):
P1 1 2 P3 1 2
+ v1 +gz1 = + v3 +gz3 , (7.66)
ρ 2 |{z} ρ 2 |{z}
∼0 =0
P1 = Patm + ρg(z3 − z1 ), (7.67)
P1 − Patm = ρg(z3 − z1 ). (7.68)
| {z }
g = 9.81 m/s2
30 m
v2 = ?, P2 = 100 kPa
We can use the same principle to estimate the exit velocity, v2 . Here, we take z1 ∼ z2 .
P1 1 2 P2 1
+ v1 +gz1 = + v22 + g z2 , (7.70)
ρ 2 |{z} ρ 2 |{z}
∼0 ∼z1
P1 Patm 1
= + v22 , (7.71)
ρ ρ 2
2(P1 − Patm )
v2 = , (7.72)
v2 = . (7.73)
One could use a similar analysis to estimate the necessary pressure to generate the jet of the University
of Notre Dame’s War Memorial Fountain, depicted in Fig. 7.9.
Example 7.4
Perform a similar calculation for the problem sketched in Fig. 7.8, but account for mass conservation.
Take the cross-sectional area of the pipe to be A1 = A4 = 1 m2 , and that of the hole to be A2 = 0.01 m2 .
We measure v1 = 1 m/s. See Fig. 7.10. Assume we have the same Pgauge = 293.4 kPa as calculated
earlier. Find the new height of the fountain, z3 , and the new exit velocity v2 .
Figure 7.9: The University of Notre Dame’s War Memorial Fountain, 4 June 2010.
A2 = 0.01 m2
v1 = 1 m/s .
A1 = 1 m2 m2
A4 = 1 m2
. .
m1 m4
= ṁ1 − ṁ2 − ṁ4 , (7.75)
dt }
| {z
0 = ṁ1 − ṁ2 − ṁ4 , (7.76)
ṁ4 = ṁ1 − ṁ2 . (7.77)
ρ4 v4 A4 = ρ1 v1 A1 − ρ2 v2 A2 . (7.78)
This is nice, but not that useful. It simply predicts a lessening of velocity downstream of the hole.
2.934 × 105 Pa 1 m 2
z3 − z1 = + m
1 = 30.05 m. (7.90)
997 m3 9.81 s m 2 9.81 s2
The extra boost in height comes from accounting for the initial kinetic energy of the water.
The best we could get is generally an isentropic device. So, for example, for a turbine, we
actual work w
ηturbine = = . (7.92)
work done by an isentropic turbine ws
Here, the subscript “s” denotes isentropic.
For a nozzle, we would like to maximize the kinetic energy of the working fluid, so we
ηnozzle = 2 . (7.93)
However for pumps and compressors, the isentropic pump requires the least work input. So
we take instead
ηpump,compressor = . (7.94)
Example 7.5
N2 is adiabatically compressed from T1 = 300 K, P1 = 100 kPa to P2 = 1000 kPa. The compressor
efficiency is ηc = 0.9. Find the final state and the compression work per unit mass. Assume N2 is a
w = h2 − h1 . (7.95)
Table A.8 from BS tells us that at T1 = 300 K, h1 = 311.67 kJ/kg, soT1 = 6.8463 kJ/kg/K. But we are
not sure what state 2 is, and the first law does not help yet, as we do not know either w or h2 .
Let us calculate state 2 assuming an isentropic process, and then use our knowledge of compressor
efficiency to correct for real effects. We first note for N2 that
R 8.31451 kmole K kJ
R= = kg
= 0.2968 . (7.96)
M 28.013 kmole kg K
From Eq. (6.96), we can conclude that for an isentropic process in which s2 = s1 that
s2 − s1 = 0 = soT2 − soT1 − R ln , (7.97)
soT2 = soT1 + R ln , (7.98)
kJ kJ 1000 kPa
= 6.8463 + 0.2968 ln , (7.99)
kg K kg K 100 kPa
= 7.52971 . (7.100)
kg K
Knowing soT2 , we next interpolate Table A.8 from BS to get
T2s = 576.133 K, h2s = 601.712 . (7.101)
(Note the CPIG assumption would have yielded T2s = (300 K)(10)0.286 = 579.209 K). So the work for
the isentropic compressor is
kJ kJ kJ
ws = h2s − h1 = 601.712 − 311.67 = 290.042 . (7.102)
kg kg kg
Thus, we have the actual work per unit mass. So the actual enthalpy at state 2 can be derived from
the first law:
kJ kJ kJ
h2 = h1 + w = 311.67 + 322.269 = 633.939 . (7.107)
kg kg kg
Now, knowing h2 , we can again interpolate Table A.8 of BS to find the final temperature T2 to be
T2 = 606.263 K. (7.108)
We had to add more energy to achieve the non-isentropic compression relative to the isentropic com-
In this chapter, we will delve more deeply into some thermodynamic cycles.
8.1 Rankine
Large electric power plants typically utilize a vapor power cycle. Regardless of the heat
source, be it nuclear or combustion of coal, oil, natural gas, wood chips, etc., the remaining
details of these plants are similar. Typically a pure working fluid, usually water, is circulated
through a cycle, and that fluid trades heat and work with its surroundings. We sketch a
typical power plant cycle for electricity generation in Fig. 8.1. The ideal Rankine cycle was
first described in 1859 by William John Macquorn Rankine, long after the steam engine was
in wide usage. Expanding on our earlier discussion of Ch. 4.5, the cycle has the following
Two variants of the T − s diagram are given in Fig. 8.2. The first is more efficient as it has
the appearance of a Carnot cycle. However, it is impractical, as it induces liquid water in
the turbine, that can damage its blades. So the second is more common.
The thermal efficiency is
3 turbine generator
cold water
condenser hot water
pump tower
2 1
This reduces to
ṁ ((h3 − h4 ) + (h1 − h2 ))
η = , (8.2)
ṁ (h3 − h2 )
h4 − h1
= 1− , (8.3)
h3 − h2
= 1− . (8.4)
Note that because the Rankine cycle is not a Carnot cycle, we have qout,condenser /qin,boiler 6=
T1 /T3 .
Power plants are sometimes characterized by their
• back work ratio: bwr, the ratio of pump work to turbine work.
|pump work| h2 − h1
bwr = = . (8.5)
|turbine work| h3 − h4
We model the pump work as an isentropic process. Recall our analysis for isentropic pumps
that generated Eq. (7.46). The Gibbs equation, Eq. (6.66), gives dh = T ds + v dP . If
ds = 0, we have
dh = v dP, (8.6)
2 2
1 4 1
s s
h2 − h1 = v(P2 − P1 ), (8.7)
2 3
1 4
The gas phasecan seriously damage the pump. Some features that could be desirable for a
Rankine cycle include
• high power output: One can enhance this by raising the fluid to a high temperature
during the combustion process or by pumping the fluid to a high pressure. Both
strategies soon run into material limits; turbine blades melt and pipes burst. Another
strategy is to lower the condenser pressure, that means that one must maintain a
vacuum, that can be difficult.
• high thermal efficiency: The key design strategy here lies in 1) increasing component
efficiencies, and 2) rendering the overall cycle as much like a Carnot cycle as is feasible.
Modern power plants have had revolutionary increases in overall thermal efficiency
because of enhancements that make the process more Carnot-like.
There are some important loss mechanisms in the Rankine cycle that inhibit efficiency. They
• Turbine losses: These are the major losses. To avoid these losses requires detailed
consideration of fluid mechanics, material science, and heat transfer and is beyond
the scope of classical thermodynamics. Thermodynamics develops broad measures of
turbine efficiency such as ηturbine = (h3 − h4 )/(h3 − h4s ).
• Pump losses: Again, fluid mechanics, machine design, and material science are required
to analyze how to actually avoid these losses. Thermodynamics characterizes them by
pump efficiency, ηpump = (h2s − h1 )/(h2 − h1 ).
Example 8.1
Consider water in a Rankine power cycle with reheat. The first turbine has water enter at P3 =
8000 kPa, T3 = 480 ◦ C. The water expands to 700 kPa, undergoes reheat, and then expands again to
8 kPa. The mass flow rate is ṁ = 2.63 × 105 kg/hr. We have ηt = 0.88 for each turbine, and ηp = 0.80
for the pump. Find the net power generated, η, and the heat transfer to the condenser.
3 5
6 4
pump condenser
Let us consider the big picture first. The net specific power will be the positive effect of the two
turbines and the negative effect of the pump:
wnet = (h3 − h4 ) + (h5 − h6 ) + (h1 − h2 ) . (8.8)
| {z } | {z } | {z }
turbine 1 turbine 2 pump
Now, state 5 is after the reheat, that was isobaric at P4 = P5 = 700 kPa, and the reheating returns the
temperature to T5 = 480 ◦ C. From interpolation of the superheat tables, we find h5 = 3361.15 kJ/kg,
s5 = 6.73695 kJ/kg/K. After expansion in the second turbine, we have s6s = s5 = 6.73695 kJ/kg.
And we were given P6 = 8 kPa. We consult the saturation tables to find at this pressure sf =
0.5926 kJ/kg/K, sg = 8.2287 kJ/kg/K. Thus,
kJ kJ
s6s − sf 6.73695 kg K − 0.5926 kg K
x6s = = = 0.804645. (8.17)
sg − sf kJ
8.2287 kg K − 0.5926 kgkJK
kJ kJ kJ
h6s = hf + x6s hf g = 173.88 + (0.804645) 2403.1 = 2107.52 . (8.18)
kg kg kg
kJ kJ kJ kJ
h6 = h5 − ηt (h5 − h6s ) = 3361.15 − (0.88) 3361.15 − 2107.52 = 2257.96 . (8.19)
kg kg kg kg
kJ m3
h1 = hf = 173.88 , v1 = vf = 0.001084 . (8.20)
kg kg
ηp = , (8.21)
wp = , (8.22)
v1 (P2 − P1 )
= , (8.23)
0.001084 m kg ((8000 kPa) − (8 kPa))
= , (8.24)
= 10.83 . (8.25)
h2 = h1 + wp , (8.26)
kJ kJ
= 173.88 + 10.83 , (8.27)
kg kg
= 184.709 . (8.28)
Now, substitute all these values into Eq. (8.8) and get
kJ kJ
wnet = 3348.4 − 2814.6
kg kg
| {z }
turbine 1
kJ kJ
+ 3361.15 − 2257.96
kg kg
| {z }
turbine 2
kJ kJ
+ 173.88 − 184.709 , (8.29)
kg kg
| {z }
= 1626.11 . (8.30)
On a mass basis, we have
5 kg hr kJ
Ẇ = ṁwnet = 2.63 × 10 1626.11 = 1.19 × 105 kW. (8.31)
hr 3600 s kg
From Eq. (8.9), the heat added is
kJ kJ
qin = 3348.4 − 184.709
kg kg
| {z }
first boiling
kJ kJ
+ 3361.15 − 2814.6 , (8.32)
kg kg
| {z }
second boiling
= 3710.18 . (8.33)
So the cycle’s thermal efficiency is
wnet 1626.11 kg
η= = kJ
= 0.438282. (8.34)
qin 3710.18 kg
The heat per unit mass rejected in the condenser is from Eq. (8.10):
kJ kJ kJ
qout = 2257.96 − 173.88 = 2084.08 . (8.35)
kg kg kg
So the power rejected as heat is
kg hr kJ
Q̇L = ṁqout = 2.63 × 105 2084.08 = 1.52 × 105 kW. (8.36)
hr 3600 s kg
Example 8.2
Repeat the previous analysis without reheat.
We then get
kJ kJ kJ kJ
wnet = h3 − h4 − wp = 3348.4 − 2234.73 − 10.83 = 1102.84 . (8.42)
kg kg kg kg
We also get
kJ kJ kJ
qin = h3 − h2 = 3348.4 − 184.709 = 3163.69 . (8.43)
kg kg kg
wnet 1102.84 kg
η= = kJ
= 0.348593. (8.44)
qin 3163.69 kg
The thermal efficiency without reheat (0.348593) is less than that with reheat (0.438282). The reheat
altered the topology of the T − s diagram to make it more Carnot-like, and thus generated a more
efficient use of resources.
Example 8.3
A Rankine power cycle with water as the working fluid has ηt = ηp = 0.88. The turbine inlet
pressure and temperature are at P3 = 1200 psia, T3 = 1000 ◦ F. The condenser pressure is at P4 = 1 psia.
The steam generator provides Q̇H = 2×109 Btu/hr. In the condenser the cooling water enters at 60 ◦ F,
and we wish to keep the exit cooling water temperature at 80 ◦ F. Find the net power, the thermal
efficiency, and the mass flow rate of cooling water, ṁcw .
For an isentropic turbine, we have s4s = s3 = 1.6297 Btu/lbm/ ◦ R. At P4 = 1 psia, we find state 4s is
a two-phase mixture:
s4 − sf 1.6297 lbm ◦R − 0.1327 lbm ◦R
x4s = = Btu
= 0.811. (8.46)
sg − sf 1.9779 lbm ◦R − 0.1327 lbm ◦R
Btu Btu Btu
h4s = hf + x4s hf g = 69.74 + (0.811) 1036 = 909.9 . (8.47)
lbm lbm lbm
Now, for the actual turbine, we get
Now, the net power is the sum of the turbine and pump work:
The cooling water and the water in the Rankine cycle exchange heat in the condenser. This is
sketched in Fig. 8.5. The first law for the heat exchanger is
. .
mh4 Rankine cycle water mh1
Thot = 80 oF Tcold = 60 oF
. .
mcw cooling water mcw
= Q̇cv − Ẇcv +ṁ(h4 − h1 ) + ṁcw cP (Tcold − Thot ), (8.66)
dt }
| {z |{z} |{z}
=0 =0
0 = ṁ(h4 − h1 ) + ṁcw cP (Tcold − Thot ), (8.67)
ṁ(h4 − h1 )
ṁcw = , (8.68)
cP (Thot − Tcold )
390 lbm
s 979 Btu
− 69.74 lbm
= Btu
, (8.69)
1.00 lbm ◦ R ((80
◦ F) − (60 ◦ F))
= 17730 . (8.70)
8.2 Brayton
Gas turbine power plants, both stationary and those for jet engines operate on the Brayton
cycle. The cycle is named after George Brayton, an American mechanical engineer. Brayton
Figure 8.6: George Brayton (1830-1892), American mechanical engineer from Exeter, New
Hampshire; image from Brayton.
fuel P T
2 2 isobar 3 3
chamber 3
w ise
compressor turbine nt isob
ro 2
pe ar
isob 4
products 1 4
air 1
1 4
environmental exhaust return v s
is depicted in Fig. 8.6. It has many similarities to the Rankine cycle. A schematic and T − s
and P − v diagrams for the Brayton cycle for a power plant is illustrated in Fig. 8.7.
The Brayton cycle is outlined as follows:
Note, the work extracted is greater than the work added, i.e.
Often we will be dealing with a CPIG, in which case ∆h = cP ∆T . If so, then we can say
Because at a given s, a high T isobar sits above a low T isobar, and the slope of the isobar
is proportional to T , it is easily seen how they must diverge. This is illustrated in Fig. 8.8.
ba ope
iso r sl
T re e
su gh
res , hi
p T
gh r
hi ighe
re s sure r slope
p e
low r T, low
There are other classes of Brayton cycle plants. Schematics are shown next.
• Turbojet. In the turbojet, the kinetic energy of the fluid becomes important at two
points in the cycle. In the compression, the freestream fluid, entering the compressor
at the flight speed, has its pressure increased by the so-called “ram effect” where the
fluid decelerates. Second, the point of the turbojet is to produce thrust, that requires
a significant exit velocity. The turbine work is used solely to power the compressor.
See Fig. 8.9.
• Turbojet with afterburners. We are limited in an ordinary turbojet by how much heat
can be added to the flow in combustion because such flow typically must pass through
the turbine blades, that suffer material degradation if the fluid is too hot. However,
C T v2/2
we can add heat after the turbine in so-called afterburners. This releases chemical
energy, turns it into fluid potential energy in the form of high P/ρ, and then converts
to kinetic energy in the nozzle. This can enhance the thrust, though it can be shown
it is not particularly efficient. A sketch is given in Fig. 8.10.
qin wt
Figure 8.10: Sketch of turbojet with afterburners schematic and associated T − s plane.
• Ramjet. A ramjet is much simpler. The compressor and turbine are removed. We
rely on the ram compression effect alone for compression and convert as much of the
thermal energy as possible into mechanical energy used to generate thrust force. A
sketch is given in Fig. 8.11.
Let us consider an
• Air standard analysis: a common set of assumptions used for idealized cyclic
The air standard make many compromises in order to admit some simple analysis tools to
be used to make simple estimates for the performance of a variety of devices. Actual design
calculations would have to remedy the many shortcomings. But it is useful for a framework
of understanding. We take the air standard to entail
• The working fluid is air. This ignores any effect of the properties of the fuel or any
other fluid that is mixed with the air.
• The working fluid is an ideal gas. We will often assume it is a CPIG, but sometimes
• We will ignore all details of the combustion process and treat it as a simple heat
Often in cycle analysis, the formal sign convention is ignored. We take the following
Now, 1 → 2 is isentropic. Recall for a CPIG that is isentropic that T2 /T1 = (P2 /P1 )(k−1)/k .
We also have 3 → 4 to be isentropic, so T3 /T4 = (P3 /P4 )(k−1)/k . But P2 = P3 and P1 = P4 .
T2 T3
= , (8.83)
T1 T4
T4 T3
= . (8.84)
T1 T2
η = 1− , (8.85)
= 1 − k−1 . (8.86)
A plot of η versus the pressure ratio P2 /P1 for k = 7/5 is plotted in Fig. 8.12. As the
k = 7/5
0 5 10 15 20
Figure 8.12: Thermal efficiency versus pressure ratio for air standard Brayton cycle, k = 7/5.
pressure ratio P2 /P1 rises, the thermal efficiency increases for the Brayton cycle. It still is
much less than unity for P2 /P1 = 20. To approach unity, high pressure ratios are needed;
η = 0.9 requires P2 /P1 ∼ 3200. Note in terms of temperature, the efficiency looks like that
for a Carnot cycle, but it is not. The highest temperature in the Brayton cycle is T3 , so the
equivalent Carnot efficiency would be 1 − T1 /T3 .
Example 8.4
Consider a CPIG air standard Brayton cycle with fixed inlet conditions P1 and T1 . We also fix the
maximum temperature as the metallurgical limit of the turbine blades, Tmax . Find the pressure ratio
that maximizes the net work. Then find the pressure ratio that maximizes the thermal efficiency.
We have
k−1 k−1
P2 k
P4 k
T2 = T1 , T3 = Tmax , T4 = T3 . (8.87)
P1 P3
We also have P4 = P1 and P2 = P3 . So
k−1 1−k
P1 k
P2 k
T4 = Tmax = Tmax . (8.88)
P2 P1
Really θ is the temperature ratio, T2 /T1 . When the pressure ratio goes up, the temperature ratio goes
To find the maximum wnet we take dwnet /dθ and set to zero:
dwnet Tmax −2
= cP T 1 θ −1 , (8.94)
dθ T1
Tmax −2
0 = cP T 1 θ −1 , (8.95)
θ = ± . (8.96)
We take the positive root, because a negative pressure ratio does not make sense:
θ= . (8.97)
The second derivative tells us whether our critical point is a maximum or a minimum.
d2 wnet
= −2cP Tmax θ−3 . (8.98)
When θ > 0, d2 wnet /dθ2 < 0, so we have found a maximum of wnet . The maximum value is
−1/2 1/2 !
Tmax Tmax
wnet = cP Tmax − Tmax − T1 + T1 , (8.99)
T1 T1
−1/2 1/2 !
Tmax Tmax Tmax Tmax
= cP T 1 − − , (8.100)
T1 T1 T1 T1
1/2 !
Tmax Tmax
= cP T 1 −2 . (8.101)
T1 T1
η = 1 − θ−1 , (8.102)
dη 1
= . (8.103)
dθ θ2
At a maximum, we must have dη/dθ = 0. So we must have θ → ∞ in order to have η reach a maximum.
But we are limited to θ ≤ Tmax /T1 . So the efficiency at our highest allowable θ is
1 T1
η =1− Tmax
=1− . (8.104)
But at the value of peak efficiency, the net work is approaching zero! So while this is highly efficient,
it is not highly useful!
wnet/(cP T1)
2 4 6 8 10
3.162 θ = (P2/P1)((k-1)/k)
Figure 8.13: Scaled net work versus modified pressure ratio for Brayton cycle with Tmax /T1 =
of θ, we find wnet /cP /T1 = 4.675.
Example 8.5
Consider the Brayton power cycle for a space craft sketched in Fig. 8.14. The working fluid is argon,
that is well modeled as a CPIG over a wide range of T and P . We take the pressure in the heating
process to be isobaric, P2 = P3 = 140 kPa, and the pressure in the cooling process to be isobaric,
P4 = P1 = 35 kPa. We are given that T1 = 280 K, T3 = 1100 K. The compressor and turbine both
have component efficiencies of ηt = ηc = 0.8. We are to find the net work, the thermal efficiency, and
a plot of the process on a T − s diagram.
heat source
T3 = 1100 K
P2 = 140 kPa 2 3 P3 = 140 kPa
compressor turbine
ηc = 0.8 ηt = 0.8 wnet
1 4
P1 = 35 kPa P4 = 35 kPa
T1 = 280 K
low temperature
Now, ηc = ws /wcompressor , so
ws h2s − h1 cP (T2s − T1 ) 0.5203 kg K (487.5 K − 280 K) kJ
wcompressor = = = = = 135.0 . (8.109)
ηc ηc ηc 0.8 kg
wcompressor 135.0 kJ
T2 = T1 + = (280 K) + = 539.5 K. (8.110)
cP 0.5203 kgkJK
Notice that T2 > T2s . The inefficiency (like friction) is manifested in more work being required to
achieve the final pressure than that which would have been required had the process been ideal.
In the heater, we have
kJ kJ
qH = h3 − h2 = cP (T3 − T2 ) = 0.5203 ((1100 K) − (539.5 K)) = 291.6 . (8.111)
kg K kg
wturbine 194.9 kJ
T4 = T3 − = (1100 K) − = 725.4 K. (8.121)
cP 0.5203 kgkJK
Note that T4 is higher than would be for an isentropic process. This indicates that we did not get all
the possible work out of the turbine. Note also that some of the turbine work was used to drive the
compressor, and the rest wnet is available for other uses. We find
kJ kJ kJ
wnet = wturbine − wcompressor = 194.9 − 135.0 = 59.9 . (8.122)
kg kg kg
Now, for the cooler,
kJ kJ
qL = h4 − h1 = cP (T4 − T1 ) = 0.5203 ((725.4 K) − (280 K)) = 231.7 . (8.123)
kg K kg
We are now in a position to calculate the thermal efficiency for the cycle.
η = , (8.124)
wturbine − wcompressor
= , (8.125)
cP ((T3 − T4 ) − (T2 − T1 ))
= , (8.126)
cP (T3 − T2 )
(T3 − T4 ) − (T2 − T1 )
= , (8.127)
T3 − T2
((1100 K) − (725.4 K)) − ((539.5 K) − (280 K))
= , (8.128)
(1100 K) − (539.6 K)
= 0.205. (8.129)
If we had been able to employ a Carnot cycle operating between the same temperature bounds, we
would have found the Carnot efficiency to be
T1 280 K
ηCarnot = 1 − =1− = 0.745 > 0.205. (8.130)
T3 1100 K
A plot of the T − s diagram for this Brayton cycle is shown in Fig. 8.15. Note that from 1 to 2 (as
2 P=
35 k 4s
Figure 8.15: T −s diagram of Brayton power cycle for spacecraft with turbine and compressor
well as 3 to 4) there is area under the curve in the T − s diagram. But the process is adiabatic! Recall
that isentropic processes are both adiabatic and reversible. The 1-2 process is an example of a process
that is adiabatic but irreversible. So the entropy change is not due to heat addition effects but instead
is due to other effects.
Example 8.6
We are given a turbojet flying with a flight speed of 300 m/s. The compression ratio of the
compressor is 7. The ambient air is at Ta = 300 K, Pa = 100 kPa. The turbine inlet temperature is
1500 K. The mass flow rate is ṁ = 10 kg/s. All of the turbine work is used to drive the compressor.
Find the exit velocity and the thrust force generated. Assume an air standard with a CPIG; k =
1.4, cP = 1.0045 kJ/kg/K.
A plot of the T − s diagram for this Brayton cycle is shown in Fig. 8.16. We first calculate the ram
compression effect:
1 2 1
h1 + v1 = ha + va2 . (8.131)
|{z} 2
T 3
1 5
v /2
We typically neglect the kinetic energy of the flow once it has been brought to near rest within the
engine. So we get
1 2
h1 − ha = v , (8.132)
2 a
1 2
cP (T1 − Ta ) = v , (8.133)
2 a
T1 = Ta + , (8.134)
m 2
300 s kJ
= (300 K) + 2 , (8.135)
2 1.0045 kgkJK 1000 ms2
= 344.8 K. (8.136)
Now, consider the isentropic compression in the compressor. For this, we have
T2 P2
= , (8.137)
T1 P1
T2 = (344.8 K)(7) 1.4 , (8.138)
= 601.27 K. (8.139)
Let us calculate P2 /Pa , that we will need later. From the isentropic relations,
P2 T2
= , (8.140)
Pa Ta
601.27 K
= , (8.141)
300 K
= 11.3977. (8.142)
We were given the turbine inlet temperature, T3 = 1500 K. Now, the compressor work must equal
the turbine work. This amounts to, ignoring the sign convention,
wc = wt , (8.143)
h2 − h1 = h3 − h4 , (8.144)
cP (T2 − T1 ) = cP (T3 − T4 ), (8.145)
T2 − T1 = T3 − T4 , (8.146)
T4 = T3 − T2 + T1 , (8.147)
= (1500 K) − (601.27 K) + (344.8 K), (8.148)
= 1243.5 K. (8.149)
Now, we use the isentropic relations to get T5 . Process 3 to 5 is isentropic with P5 /P3 = Pa /P2 =
1/11.3977 , so we have
P5 T5
= , (8.150)
P3 T3
P5 k
T5 = T3 , (8.151)
1 1.4
= (1500 K) , (8.152)
= 748.4 K. (8.153)
Now, we need to calculate the exhaust velocity. Take an energy balance through the nozzle to get
1 2 1
h4 + v4 = h5 + v52 , (8.154)
2 |{z} 2
h4 = h5 + v52 , (8.155)
p 2
v5 = 2(h4 − h5 ), (8.156)
= 2cP (T4 − T5 ), (8.157)
u 2
t2 1.0045 kJ
u 1000 ms2
= ((1243.5 K) − (748.4 K)) kJ
, (8.158)
kg K kg
= 997.3 . (8.159)
Now, Newton’s second law for a control volume can be shown to be in one dimension with flow with
one inlet and exit.
(ρv) = Fcv + ṁvi − ṁve . (8.160)
It says the time rate of change of momentum in the control volume is the net force acting on the control
volume plus the momentum brought in minus the momentum that leaves. We will take the problem to
be steady and take the force to be the thrust force. So
Fcv = ṁ(ve − vi ), (8.161)
= ṁ(v5 − va ), (8.162)
kg m m
= 10 997.3 − 300 , (8.163)
s s s
= 6973 N. (8.164)
8.3 Refrigeration
A simple way to think of a refrigerator is a cyclic heat engine operating in reverse. Rather
than extracting work from heat transfer from a high temperature source and rejecting heat
to a low temperature source, the refrigerator takes a work input to move heat from a low
temperature source to a high temperature source.
A common refrigerator is based on a vapor-compression cycle. This is a Rankine cycle
in reverse. While one could employ a turbine to extract some work, it is often impractical.
Instead the high pressure gas is simply irreversibly throttled down to low pressure.
One can outline the vapor-compression refrigeration cycle as follows:
• 1 → 2: isentropic compression
• 2 → 3: isobaric heat transfer to high temperature reservoir in condenser,
• 3 → 4: adiabatic expansion in throttling valve, and
• 4 → 1: isobaric (and often isothermal) heat transfer from a low temperature reservoir
to an evaporator.
A schematic and associated T − s diagram for the vapor-compression refrigeration cycle is
shown in Figure 8.17. One goal in design of refrigerators is low work input. There are two
main strategies in this:
• Design the best refrigerator to minimize Q̇in . This really means reducing the conductive
heat flux through the refrigerator walls. One can use a highly insulating material. One
can also use thick walls. Thick walls will reduce available space for storage however.
This is an example of a design trade-off.
• For a given Q̇in , design the optimal thermodynamic cycle to minimize the work nec-
essary to achieve the goal. In practice, this means making the topology of the cycle
as much as possible resemble that of a Carnot refrigerator. Our vapor compression
refrigeration cycle is actually close to a Carnot cycle.
condenser 2
Compressor .
expansion compressor W
4 evaporator T
1 2
3 condenser
. temperature of
QL surroundings
evaporator temperature inside
4 1
Qin s
Figure 8.17: Schematic and T − s diagrams for the vapor-compression refrigeration cycle.
The efficiency does not make sense for a refrigerator as 0 ≤ η ≤ 1. Instead, much as our
earlier analysis for Carnot refrigerators, a coefficient of performance, β, is defined as
what one wants
β = , (8.165)
what one pays for
= . (8.166)
Note that a heat pump is effectively the same as a refrigerator, except one desires qH
rather than qL . So for a heat pump, the coefficient of performance, β ′ , is defined as
β′ = . (8.167)
Example 8.7
R-134a, a common refrigerant, enters a compressor at x1 = 1, T1 = −15 ◦ C. At the compressor
inlet, the volume flow rate is 1 m3 /min. The R-134a leaves the condenser at T3 = 35 ◦ C, P3 = 1000 kPa.
Analyze the system.
kJ kJ m3
h1 = 389.20 , s1 = 1.7354 , v1 = 0.12007 . (8.168)
kg kg K kg
The process 2 to 3 is along an isobar. We know P3 = 1000 kPa, so P2 = 1000 kPa. We assume an
isentropic compression to state 2, where P2 = 1000 kPa. We have s2 = s1 = 1.7354 kJ/kg/K. We
interpolate the superheat tables to get
h2 = 426.771 . (8.169)
State 3 is a subcooled liquid, and we have no tables for it. Let us approximate h3 as hf at T3 = 35 ◦ C,
that is
h3 ∼ 249.10 . (8.170)
In the expansion valve, we have
h4 = h3 = 249.10 . (8.171)
Now, !
Av 1 min min kg
ṁ = ρAv = = m3
= 0.138808 . (8.172)
v1 0.12007 kg 60 s s
Now, the compressor power is
kg kJ kJ
Ẇ = ṁ(h2 − h1 ) = 0.138808 426.771 − 389.20 = 5.2152 kW. (8.173)
s kg kg
The refrigeratory capacity is
kg kJ kJ
Q̇in = ṁ(h1 − h4 ) = 0.138808 389.20 − 249.10 = 19.447 kW. (8.174)
s kg kg
With a 5.2152 kW input, we will move 19.447 kW out of the refrigerator.
How much heat exits the back side?
kg kJ kJ
Q̇H = ṁ(h2 − h3 ) = 0.138808 426.771 − 249.10 = 24.6622 kW. (8.175)
s kg kg
Note that
Q̇H = Q̇in + Ẇ , (8.176)
24.6622 kW = (19.447 kW) + (5.2152 kW). (8.177)
The coefficient of performance is
Q̇in 19.447 kW
β= = = 3.72891. (8.178)
Ẇ 5.2152 kW
We could also say
β = , (8.179)
Q̇H − Q̇in
= . (8.180)
Because we do not have a Carnot refrigerator for this problem, we realize that Q̇H /Q̇in 6= T3 /T1 .
Figure 8.18: Chiller in the University of Notre Dame power plant, 14 June 2010.
Mathematical foundations
Figure 9.1: James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) Scottish physicist; image from∼history/Biographies/Maxwell.html.
J. C. Maxwell, 1871, Theory of Heat, reprinted 2001, Dover, Mineola, New York, p. 169.
These equations are the same as Eqs. (3.7,3.8). Because order of differentiation does not mat-
ter for functions that are continuous and differentiable, we must have for exact differentials,
Eq. (3.9):
∂N ∂M
= . (9.4)
∂x y ∂y x
Compare the Gibbs equation, Eq. (6.59), to our equation for dz:
du = −P dv + T ds, (9.5)
dz = M dx + N dy. (9.6)
z → u, x → v, y → s, M → −P, N → T, (9.7)
and just as one expects z = z(x, y), one then expects the natural, or canonical form of
Application of Eq. (9.4) to the Gibbs equation, Eq. (6.59), gives then
∂T ∂P
=− . (9.9)
∂v s ∂s v
Equation (9.9) is known as a Maxwell relation. Moreover, specialization of Eq. (9.2) to the
Gibbs equation gives
∂u ∂u
= −P, = T. (9.10)
∂v s ∂s v
f (x, y, z) = 0. (9.11)
In x − y − z space, this will represent a surface. If the function can be inverted, it will be
possible to write the explicit forms
Because x and z are independent, so are dx and dz, and the coefficients on each in Eq. (9.17)
must be zero. Therefore, from the coefficient on dx in Eq. (9.17), we have
∂x ∂y
− 1 = 0, (9.18)
∂y z ∂x z
∂x ∂y
= 1, (9.19)
∂y z ∂x z
∂x 1
= ∂y , (9.20)
∂y z
∂x z
If one now divides Eq. (9.13) by a fourth differential, dw, one gets
dx ∂x dy ∂x dz
= + . (9.24)
dw ∂y z dw ∂z y dw
However, v and s may not be convenient for a particular problem. There may be other
combinations of variables whose canonical form gives a more convenient set of independent
variables for a particular problem. An example is the enthalpy, Eq. (3.172):
h = u + P v. (9.31)
dh = du + P dv + v dP. (9.32)
We repeat the analysis used to obtain Eq. (6.66) earlier. Use Eq. (9.32) to eliminate du in
the Gibbs equation, Eq. (6.59), to give
dh {z − v dP} = −P dv + T ds,
| − P dv (9.33)
dh = T ds + v dP. (9.34)
h = h(s, P ). (9.35)
This exercise can be systematized with the Legendre transformation, details of which we
will omit. The interested student can consult Zia, et al.2 or Abbott and van Ness.3 The
transformation is named after Adrien-Marie Legendre, whose work was not motivated by
thermodynamic concerns, but has found application in thermodynamics. The only known
image of Legendre is shown in Fig. 9.2.
From Eq. (9.40), a second Maxwell relation can be deduced by differentiation of the first
with respect to P and the second with respect to s:
∂T ∂v
= . (9.41)
∂P s ∂s P
H. Helmholtz, 1882, “Die Thermodynamik chemischer Vorgänge,” Sitzungsberichte der Königlich
Preuβischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1: 22-39.
J. W. Gibbs, 1873, “A method of geometrical representation of the thermodynamic properties of sub-
stances by means of surfaces,” Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2: 382-404.
Figure 9.3: Image of the original 1882 appearance of the Helmholtz free energy.
The relations for Helmholtz and Gibbs free energies each supply additional useful relations
including two new Maxwell relations. First consider the Helmholtz free energy
a = u − T s, (9.42)
da = du − T ds − s dT, (9.43)
= (−P dv + T ds) − T ds − s dT, (9.44)
= −P dv − s dT. (9.45)
So the canonical variables for a are v and T . The conjugate variables are −P and −s. Thus
∂a ∂a
da = dv + dT. (9.46)
∂v T ∂T v
So one gets
∂a ∂a
−P = , −s = . (9.47)
∂v T ∂T v
and the consequent Maxwell relation
∂P ∂s
= . (9.48)
∂T v ∂v T
Figure 9.4: Image of the original 1873 appearance of a combination of terms that is now
known as the Gibbs free energy.
Figure 9.5: Figure cast in the atrium floor of the University of Notre Dame’s Jordan Hall of
Science containing an isothermal extensive version of Eq. (9.51), among other things.
u=u h = u + Pv a = u − Ts g = u + Pv − Ts
du = −P dv + T ds dh = T ds + v dP da = −P dv − s dT dg = v dP − sdT
u = u(v, s)
h = h(s, P ) a = a(v, T ) g = g(P, T )
∂P ∂T ∂T ∂v ∂P ∂s ∂v ∂s
− ∂s v = ∂v s ∂P s
= ∂s P ∂T v
= ∂v T ∂T P
= − ∂P T
du = T ds − P dv, (9.59)
∂u ∂s
= T , (9.60)
∂T v ∂T v
cv = T . (9.61)
∂T v
dh = T ds + v dP, (9.62)
∂h ∂s
= T , (9.63)
∂T P ∂T P
cP = T . (9.64)
∂T P
One finds further useful relations by operating on the Gibbs equation, Eq. (6.59):
du = T ds − P dv, (9.65)
∂u ∂s
= T − P, (9.66)
∂v T ∂v T
= T − P. (9.67)
∂T v
Consequently, u is not a function of v for an ideal gas, so u = u(T ) alone. Because h = u+P v,
h for an ideal gas reduces to h = u + RT . Thus,
Now, return to general equations of state. With s = s(T, v) or s = s(T, P ), one gets
∂s ∂s
ds = dT + dv, (9.74)
∂T v ∂v T
∂s ∂s
ds = dT + dP. (9.75)
∂T P ∂P T
Now, divide both sides by dT and hold either P or v constant. In either case, one gets
∂P ∂v
cP − cv = T . (9.80)
∂T v ∂T P
Example 9.1
For a CIIG, prove Mayer’s relation, Eq. (3.201), cP (T ) − cv (T ) = R.
For the ratio of specific heats for a general material, one can use Eqs. (9.61) and (9.64)
to get
cP T ∂T
k= = ∂s
P , then apply Eq. (9.20) to get (9.88)
cv T ∂T v
∂s ∂T
= , then apply Eq. (9.22) to get (9.89)
∂T P ∂s v
∂s ∂P ∂T ∂v
= − − , (9.90)
∂P T ∂T s ∂v s ∂s T
∂v ∂s ∂P ∂T
= , (9.91)
∂s T ∂P T ∂T s ∂v s
∂v ∂P
= . (9.92)
∂P ∂v T s
The first term can be obtained from P − v − T data. The second term is related to the
isentropic sound speed of the material, that is also a measurable quantity.
Geometrically, one could say that an area in the T − s plane has the same value in the P − v
plane. Moreover, because the cyclic integral is direction-dependent, one must insist that an
area in the T −s plane maintain its orientation in the P −v plane. As an example, a rotation
of a two-dimensional geometric entity preserves area and orientation, while a reflection of
the same entity preserves area, but not orientation.
Now we can consider equations of state to be coordinate mappings; for example, consider
the general equations of state
T = T (P, v), (9.95)
s = s(P, v). (9.96)
These are mappings that take points in the P −v plane into the T −s plane. The differentials
of Eqs. (9.95,9.96) are
∂T ∂T
dT = dP + dv, (9.97)
∂P v ∂v P
∂s ∂s
ds = dP + dv. (9.98)
∂P v ∂v P
In matrix form, we could say
∂T ∂T
dT dP
= ∂P v ∂v
∂s . (9.99)
ds ∂P v ∂v P
| {z }
Here, we have defined the Jacobian matrix of the mapping from the standard mathematics
of coordinate transformations: ∂T ∂T
J = ∂P v ∂v
P .
∂s (9.100)
∂P v ∂v P
In a standard result from mathematics, for a coordinate transformation to be area- and
orientation-preserving, its Jacobian determinant, J must have a value of unity:
∂T ∂T
J ≡ det J = ∂P v ∂v
P = 1.
∂s (9.101)
∂P v ∂v P
Example 9.2
Show a CPIG has a mapping from the T − s plane to the P − v plane that is area- and orientation-
• at the critical point ∂P/∂v|T = 0; that is an isotherm has a zero slope in the P − v
plane at the critical point, and
• at the critical point ∂ 2 P/∂v 2 |T = 0; that is an isotherm has a point of inflection in the
P − v plane at the critical point.
It is also easy to show that at the critical point, we have
3 RTc
vc = 3b = . (9.109)
8 Pc
Example 9.3
Show an isotherm has a slope of zero in the P − v plane at the critical point for a van der Waals
Now, substitute values for a, b, and vc for the van der Waals gas to get
R2 Tc2
∂P RTc 2 2764 Pc
= − 2 + 3 , (9.112)
∂v T critical point 3 RTc RTc 3 RTc
8 Pc − 8Pc 8 Pc
∂P RTc RTc 27 32 Pc
= − 2 + 3 , (9.113)
∂v T critical point 1 RTc 3 RTc
4 Pc 8 Pc
∂P RTc 1 32
= 2 − 2 + , (9.114)
∂v T critical RTc 1 3 3
point 4 8
∂P Pc2 27 512
= −16 + = 0. (9.115)
T critical point RTc 32 27
One could similarly take the second derivative and show the critical point is a point of inflection.
Example 9.4
Consider the van der Waals equation for water.
For water, we have Tc = 374.15 ◦ C = 647.3 K and Pc = 22120 kPa. We also have M =
18.015 kg/kmole. So
R 8.314 kmole K kJ
R= = kg
= 0.4615 . (9.116)
M 18.015 kmole kg K
Some isotherms for water, as predicted by the van der Waals equation, are given along with the actual
data for the vapor dome in Fig. 9.7. Obviously, the van der Waals predictions are not valid inside the
P (kPa)
vapor dome
0.02 0.04 v (m3/kg)
Figure 9.7: Isotherms for water as predicted by the van der Waals equation along with actual
data for the vapor dome.
The actual data from Table B.1.2 of BS gives vc = 0.003155 m3 /kg, so clearly the van der Waals equation
has some inaccuracy, even near the critical point. This inaccuracy is clearly seen in Fig. 9.7 as the
isotherm corresponding to T = Tc = 647.3 K has its zero-slope inflection point at P = Pc = 22120 kPa,
slightly displaced from the measured value of vc .
Example 9.5
Find a general expression for u(T, v) if
RT a
P (T, v) = − . (9.121)
v − b v2
recalling that
∂u ∂u ∂P
= cv , =T − P. (9.123)
∂T v ∂v T ∂T v
So we have
∂u a
= , (9.127)
∂v T v2
u(T, v) = − + f (T ). (9.128)
Here, f (T ) is some as-of-yet arbitrary function of T . To evaluate f (T ), take the derivative with respect
to T holding v constant:
∂u df
= = cv . (9.129)
∂T v dT
We also find
1 1
h = u + P v = uo + cv (T̂ ) dT̂ + a − + P v, (9.133)
To vo v
1 1 RT v a
h(T, v) = uo + cv (T̂ ) dT̂ + a − + − . (9.134)
To vo v v−b v
Example 9.6
Consider an isothermal compression of water at T = 400 ◦ C from P1 = 8000 kPa to P2 = 10000 kPa.
Analyze this using a van der Waals model. Compare some results to those from an ideal gas model and
those from a steam table model.
At state 1, we have T1 = 400 ◦ C = 673.15 K. Note that T1 > Tc . Now, we also have P1 = 8000 kPa.
Note that P1 < Pc . Let us find an estimate for v1 from the van der Waals equation, Eq. (9.119):
0.4615 kgkJK (673.15 K) 1.70201 kPa
P1 = 8000 kPa = − 2 . (9.135)
v − 0.00168813 m3 v1
1 kg
Omitting units, Eq. (9.135) expands to −3.59151 × 10−7 + 0.000212751v1 − 0.0405208v12 + v13 = 0. This
cubic equation has three roots:
v1 = 0.00291758 ± 0.00135727i , non-physical, (9.136)
v1 = 0.0346857 , physical. (9.137)
The two non-physical roots are a complex conjugate pair. In other cases, they might appear to be
physical, but will still be nothing more than mathematical relics with no physical meaning. At this
state, the ideal gas law, v1 = RT1 /P1 predicts a value of v1,ideal gas = 0.0388327 m3 /kg. Data from the
steam tables show that v1,steam tables = 0.03432 m3 /kg. So the van der Waals equation gives a better
prediction of v1 than does an ideal gas assumption.
At state 2, we have T2 = 400 ◦ C = 673.15 K and P2 = 10000 kPa. Again, we find an estimate for
v2 from the van der Waals equation, Eq. (9.119):
0.4615 kgkJK (673.15 K) 1.70201 kPa
P2 = 10000 kPa = − . (9.138)
v2 − 0.00168813 m
3 v22
v2 = 0.0029749 ± 0.00136715i , non-physical, (9.139)
v2 = 0.0268045 , physical. (9.140)
At this state, the ideal gas law, v2 = RT2 /P2 predicts a value of v2,ideal gas = 0.0310662 m3 /kg. Data
from the steam tables show that v2,steam tables = 0.02641 m3 /kg. So again, the van der Waals equation
gives a better prediction of v2 than does an ideal gas assumption.
The first law of thermodynamics tells us
u2 − u1 = 1 q2 − 1 w2 . (9.141)
Because we can compute u2 − u1 and 1 w2 , the first law lets us get the heat transfer 1 q2 . Let us first
compute the work:
Z 2
1 w2 = P dv, (9.142)
Z 2
RT a
= − 2 dv, (9.143)
1 v−b v
v2 − b 1 1
= RT1 ln +a − , (9.144)
v1 − b v2 v1
m3 m3
0.0268045 kg − 0.00168813 kg
= 0.461504 (673.15 K) ln
kg K 0.0346857 m3
− 0.00168813 m3
kg kg
kPa m6 1 1
+ 1.70201 m3
− 3 , (9.145)
kg2 0.0268045 kg 0.0346857 m
= −70.3563 . (9.146)
The work in compression is negative. From the tables, we could estimate the work via numerical
integration along an isotherm. We only have two data points from the tables, so the estimate is simple
3 3
1 w2 ∼ Pave (v2 − v1 ). This gives (9000 kPa)(0.02641 m /kg − 0.03432 m /kg) = −71.19 kJ/kg.
Now, let us find u2 − u1 . Note if we had an ideal gas, this would be zero, because it is an
isothermal process. However, the van der Waals gas has u(T, v), and because v changes, so does u.
1 q2 = u2 − u1 + 1 w2 , (9.150)
kJ kJ
= −14.4277 + −70.3563 , (9.151)
kg kg
= −84.7839 . (9.152)
This compares with an estimate based on the tables of 1 q2 = −102.56 kJ/kg.
Now, let us get the entropy change. We start with the Gibbs equation, Eq. (6.59): du = T ds−P dv.
Rearranging, we get
T ds = du + P dv. (9.153)
We can differentiate Eq. (9.132) to get
du = cv (T ) dT + dv. (9.154)
Substitute Eq. (9.154) into Eq. (9.153) to get
T ds = cv (T ) dT + P + 2 dv. (9.155)
Now, we know from the van der Waals equation, Eq. (9.107), that P + a/v 2 = (RT )/(v − b), so
Eq. (9.155) reduces to
T ds = cv (T ) dT + dv, (9.156)
cv (T ) R
ds = dT + dv, (9.157)
T v−b
Z 2
cv (T ) v2 − b
s2 − s1 = dT + R ln . (9.158)
1 T v 1−b
The estimate of the entropy change from the tables is s2 − s1 = 6.2119 kJ/kg/K − 6.3633 kJ/kg/K =
−0.1514 kJ/kg/K.
Note that for this isothermal problem
Z 2 kJ
δq 1 q2 −84.7839 kg kJ
s2 − s1 = = = = −0.125951 . (9.162)
1 T T 673.15 K kg K
Thermal energy left the system, and its entropy went down. This thermal energy entered the sur-
roundings, that needed to have Tsurr ≤ 673.15 K for this process to occur. Had Tsurr = 673.15 K, the
heat transfer process would have been slow, and the entropy of the surroundings would have risen by
precisely enough to balance the loss in the system, keeping the entropy of the universe constant. The
lower the surroundings temperature, the higher the total entropy change of the universe would have
Example 9.7
Find cP − cv for a van der Waals gas.
RT a
P = − , (9.165)
v − b v2
we easily get
∂P R
= . (9.166)
∂T v v−b
We also solve for T to get
(v − b)(a + P v 2 )
T = . (9.167)
Rv 2
Leaving out details, one can show that
∂T P v 3 − av + 2ab
= . (9.168)
∂v P Rv 3
Thus, Mayer’s relation, Eq. (3.201), does not hold for the van der Waals gas. Note that when a = 0,
Mayer’s relation again holds, even for b 6= 0.
As the entropy is constant for such a calculation, this is sometimes called the adiabatic sound
Let us calculate c. From the Gibbs equation, Eq. (6.60), we have
T ds = du + P dv. (9.172)
Now, because v = 1/ρ, we get dv = −(1/ρ2 ) dρ, and Eq. (9.172) can be rewritten as
T ds = du − dρ. (9.173)
Now, for simple compressible substances, we can always form u = u(P, ρ). Thus, we also
∂u ∂u
du = dP + dρ. (9.174)
∂P ρ ∂ρ P
Now, to find c = ∂P/∂ρ|s , take ds = 0, divide both sides by dρ, and solve for ∂P/∂ρ|s in
Eq. (9.176) so as to get
∂P − ∂ρ
+ ρP2
= ∂u
. (9.177)
∂ρ s ∂P ρ
Now, Eq. (9.177) is valid for a general equation of state. Let us specialize it for a CPIG. For
the CPIG, we have
u = cv T + constant, (9.178)
= cv + constant, (9.179)
cv P
= + constant, (9.180)
cP − cv ρ
1 P
= cP + constant, (9.181)
−1 ρ
1 P
= + constant. (9.182)
k−1 ρ
Thus, we have for the CPIG
∂u 1 1
= , (9.183)
∂P ρ k−1ρ
∂u −1 P
= . (9.184)
∂ρ P k − 1 ρ2
Now, substitute Eqs. (9.183, 9.184) into Eq. (9.177) to get
1 P
∂P k−1 ρ2
+ ρP2
= 1 1 , (9.185)
∂ρ s k−1 ρ
= + (k − 1) , (9.186)
ρ ρ
= k , (9.187)
= kRT. (9.188)
c2 = = kRT, (9.189)
∂ρ s
√ P
c = kRT = k . (9.190)
This is the form Newton used in 1687 to estimate the sound speed; however, he probably used
an approach different from assuming Boyle’s law and taking derivatives. Newton’s approach
was corrected by Laplace in 1816 who generated what amounts to our adiabatic prediction,
long before notions of thermodynamics were settled. Laplace is depicted in Fig. 9.8. Laplace’s
notions rested on an uncertain theoretical foundation; he in fact adjusted his theory often,
and it was not until thermodynamics was well established several decades later that our
understanding of sound waves clarified. The interested reader can consult Finn.7
Example 9.8
At T = 300 K, estimate the adiabatic sound speed and compare it to the isothermal sound speed.
B. S. Finn, 1964, “Laplace and the speed of sound,” Isis, 55(1): 7-19.
Newton’s published estimate in the first edition of his Principia was 968 ft/s = 295 m/s. In his
second edition, he adjusted his estimate to 979 ft/s = 298 m/s. However, it was well known at that
time that the measured speed of sound in air was roughly 1100 ft/s = 335 m/s. Newton put forth
some speculations to try to come to agreement with experiment, but these did not stand the test of
time. Careful experiment with the local temperature carefully monitored shows conclusively that the
adiabatic sound speed better predicts the data observed in nature than the isothermal sound speed.
Lastly, we recall Eq. (9.92), valid for general materials, k = (∂v/∂P |T )(∂P/∂v|s ). This actually
allows us to relate adiabatic and isothermal sound speeds for general materials. Slightly rearranging
Eq. (9.92) and using ρ = 1/v, we get
dρ ∂P
− v12 ∂P ∂P
∂v s dv ∂ρ ∂ρ ∂ρ c
k = ∂P = s = s = s = . (9.195)
∂v T
dρ ∂P
− 1 ∂P
c T
dv ∂ρ 2
v ∂ρ ∂ρ
That is to say, the ratio of specific heats k is also the ratio of the square of the ratio of the adiabatic
and isothermal sound speeds.
We close this section with the relevant passage from a translation of Newton’s Principia.8
The title page and a portion of the original 1687 Latin text are depicted in Fig. 9.9. Note
the 1687 Latin text employs a slightly different numbering system for the “Problem” than
does the translation.
I. Newton, 1934, Principia, Cajori’s revised translation of Motte’s 1729 translation, U. California Press,
Berkeley. Link to the 1726 edition in the original Latin.
Figure 9.9: Images from the original 1687 edition of Newton’s Principia; images from
Let the number of the vibrations of the body, by whose tremor the pulses are
produced, be found to any given time. By that number divide the space which a
pulse can go over in the same time, and the part found will be the breadth of one
pulse. Q.E.I.
The last Propositions respect the motions of light and sounds; for since light
is propagated in right lines, it is certain that it cannot consist in action alone
(by Prop. XLI and XLII). As to sounds, since they arise from tremulous bodies,
they can be nothing else but pulses of the air propagated through it (by Prop.
XLIII); and this is confirmed by the tremors which sounds, if they be loud and
deep, excite in the bodies near them, as we experience in the sound of drums;
for quick and short tremors are less easily excited. But it is well known that any
sounds, falling upon strings in unison with the sonorous bodies, excite tremors
in those strings. This is also confirmed from the velocity of sounds; for since the
specific gravities of rain-water and quicksilver are to one another as about 1 to 13
2/3, and when the mercury in the barometer is at the height of 30 inches of our
measure, the specific gravities of the air and of rain-water are to one another as
about 1 to 870, therefore the specific gravities of air and quicksilver are to each
other as 1 to 11890. Therefore when the height of the quicksilver is at 30 inches,
a height of uniform air, whose weight would be sufficient to compress our air to
the density we find it to be of, must be equal to 356700 inches, or 29725 feet of
our measure; and this is that very height of the medium, which I have called A in
the construction of the forgoing Proposition. A circle whose radius is 29725 feet
is 186768 feet in circumference. And since a pendulum 39 1/5 inches in length
completes one oscillation, composed of its going and return, in two seconds of
time, as is commonly known, it follows that a pendulum 29725 feet, or 256700
inches in length will perform a like oscillation in 190 3/4 seconds. Therefore in
that time a sound will go right onwards 186768 feet, and therefore in one second
979 feet.
But in this computation we have made no allowance for the crassitude of the solid
particles of the air, by which the sound is propagated instantaneously. Because
the weight of air is to the weight of water as 1 to 870, and because salts are almost
twice as dense as water; if the particles of air are supposed to be of about the same
density as those of water or salt, and the rarity of the air arises from the intervals
of the particles; the diameter of one particle of air will be to the interval between
the centres of the particles as 1 to about 9 or 10, and to the interval between the
particles themselves as 1 to 8 or 9. Therefore to 979 feet, which according to the
above calculation, a sound will advance forwards in one second of time, we may
add 979
, or about 109 feet, to compensate for the crassitude of the particles of
air: and then a sound will go forwards about 1088 feet in one second of time.
Moreover, the vapors floating in the air being of another spring, and a different
tone, will hardly, if at all, partake of the motion of the true air in which the
sounds are propagated. Now, if these vapors remain unmoved, that motion will
be propagated the swifter through the true air alone, and that as the square root
of the defect of the matter. So if the atmosphere consist of ten parts of true air
and one part of vapors, the motion of sounds will be swifter as the square root of
the ratio of 11 to 10, or very nearly in the entire ratio of 21 to 20, than if it were
propagated through eleven parts of true air: and therefore the motion of sounds
above discovered must be increased in that ratio. By this means the sound will
pass through 1142 feet in one second of time.
These things will be found true in spring and autumn, when the air is rarefied by
the gentle warmth of those seasons, and by that means its elastic force becomes
somewhat more intense. But in winter, when the air is condensed by the cold,
and its elastic force is somewhat more remitted, the motion of sounds will be
slower as the square root of the density; and, on the other hand, swifter in the
Now, by experiments it actually appears that sounds do really advance in one
second of time about 1142 feet of English measure, or 1070 feet of French measure.
The velocity of sounds being known, the intervals of the pulses are known also.
For M. Sauveur, by some experiments that he made, found that an open pipe
about five Paris feet in length gives a sound of the same tone with a viol sting
that vibrates a hundred times in one second. therefore there are near 100 pulses
in a space of 1070 Paris feet, which a sound runs over in a second of time; and
therefore one pulse fills up a space of about 10 7/10 Paris feet, that is, about twice
the length of the pipe. From this it is probably that the breadths of the pulses, in
all sounds made in open pipes, are equal to twice the length of the pipes.
Moreover, from the Corollary of Prop. XLVII appears the reason why the sounds
immediately cease with the motion of the sonorous body, and why they are heard
no longer when we are at a great distance from the sonorous bodies that when we
are very near them. And besides, from the foregoing principles, it plainly appears
how it comes to pass that sounds are so mightily increased in speaking-trumpets;
for all reciprocal motion tends to be increased by the generating cause at each
return. And in tubes hindering the dilatation of the sounds, the motion decays
more slowly, and recurs more forcibly; and therefore is the more increased by the
new motion impressed at each return. And these are the principal phenomena of
∂ ∂
(ρA) + (ρvA) = 0, (9.196)
∂t ∂x
∂v ∂v ∂P
ρ +v = − , (9.197)
∂t ∂x ∂x
∂u ∂u ∂v ∂v
+v = −P +v . (9.198)
∂t ∂x ∂t ∂x
Note, we have not specified any equation of state. It can be shown that viscosity and
heat conduction, that we have neglected, are the only mechanisms to generate entropy in
a flow without shock waves. Because we have neglected these mechanisms, our equations
are isentropic as long as there are no shock waves. Note that Eq. (9.198) can be rewritten
as du/dt = −P dv/dt when we define the material derivative as d/dt = ∂/∂t + v∂/∂x.
Thus, Eq. (9.198) also says du = −P dv. Comparing this to the Gibbs equation, Eq. (6.59),
du = T ds−P dv, we see that our energy equation, Eq. (9.198), is isentropic, ds = 0. We can
thus replace Eq. (9.198) by ds/dt = ∂s/∂t + v∂s/∂x = 0. We also take a general equation
of state P = P (ρ, s). So our governing equations, Eqs. (9.196-9.198) supplemented by the
general equation of state become
∂ ∂
(ρA) + (ρvA) = 0, (9.199)
∂t ∂x
∂v ∂v ∂P
ρ +v = − , (9.200)
∂t ∂x ∂x
∂s ∂s
+v = 0, (9.201)
∂t ∂x
P = P (ρ, s). (9.202)
9.8.1 Acoustics
Let us first explore the acoustic limit in which disturbances to an otherwise stationary
material are small but non-zero. We restrict attention to purely isentropic flows, so s =
constant, and all its derivatives are zero. We first consider the state equation, Eq. (9.202)
so as to remove P from our analysis.
∂P ∂P
dP = dρ + ds, (9.203)
∂ρ s ∂s ρ
∂P ∂P ∂ρ ∂P ∂s
= + , (9.204)
∂x ∂ρ s ∂x ∂s ρ |{z}
| {z }
∂P ∂ρ
= c2 . (9.205)
∂x ∂x
We next consider Eq. (9.199) in the limit where A is a constant and Eq. (9.200) where
∂P/∂x is replaced in favor of ∂ρ/∂x via Eq. (9.205):
∂ρ ∂
+ (ρv) = 0, (9.206)
∂t ∂x
∂v ∂v ∂ρ
ρ +v = −c2 . (9.207)
∂t ∂x ∂x
We next assume that the state variables ρ and v are the sum of a constant state and a
small perturbation:
ρ = ρo + ρ̃, (9.208)
v = 0 + ṽ. (9.209)
The velocity is assumed to be perturbed about zero, the stationary state. We substitute
Eqs. (9.208-9.209) into Eqs. (9.206-9.207) to get
∂ ∂
(ρo + ρ̃) + ((ρo + ρ̃) ṽ) = 0, (9.210)
∂t ∂x
∂ṽ ∂ṽ ∂
(ρo + ρ̃) + ṽ = −c2 (ρo + ρ̃) . (9.211)
∂t ∂x ∂x
We expand to get
∂ρo ∂ ρ̃ ∂ṽ ∂
+ + ρo + (ρ̃ṽ) = 0, (9.212)
|{z} ∂t ∂x ∂x
| {z }
=0 ∼0
∂ṽ ∂ṽ ∂ṽ ∂ṽ ∂ρo ∂ ρ̃
ρo + ṽ + ρ̃ + ṽ = −c2 −c2 . (9.213)
∂t |{z}∂x ∂t ∂x ∂x
|{z} ∂x
| {z }
∼0 ∼0 =0
∂ ρ̃ ∂ṽ
+ ρo = 0, (9.214)
∂t ∂x
∂ṽ ∂ ρ̃
ρ0 = −c2 . (9.215)
∂t ∂x
Now, take the time derivative of Eq. (9.214) and the space derivative of Eq. (9.215) and get
∂ 2 ρ̃ ∂ 2 ṽ
+ ρo = 0, (9.216)
∂t2 ∂t∂x
∂ 2 ṽ ∂ 2 ρ̃
ρo = −c2 2 . (9.217)
∂x∂t ∂x
Next, realizing the order of the mixed second partial derivatives does not matter for functions
that are continuous and differentiable, we eliminate ∂ 2 ṽ/∂t∂x and get
∂ 2 ρ̃ 2
2 ∂ ρ̃
=c . (9.218)
∂t2 ∂x2
CC BY-NC-ND. 12 December 2019, J. M. Powers.
Taking P = Po + P̃ , we have
c2 = k , (9.219)
Po + P̃
= k , (9.220)
ρo + ρ̃
Po 1 + PP̃o
= k , (9.221)
ρo 1 + ρρ̃o
Po P̃ ρ̃
= k 1+ 1− + ... , (9.222)
ρo Po ρo
Po P̃ ρ̃
= k 1+ − + ... . (9.223)
ρo Po ρo
∂ 2 ρ̃ 2
2 ∂ ρ̃
= c o . (9.225)
∂t2 ∂x2
This is the well known wave equation that is satisfied by the well known d’Alembert solution:
It is named after Jean le Rond d’Alembert, see Fig. 9.10, Here, f and g are arbitrary
functions. In a physical problem, they are determined by the actual initial and boundary
conditions that are appropriate for the particular problem. The so-called “phase” φ of f is
φ = x + co t. We can find the speed of a point with constant phase by considering φ to be a
constant, and taking appropriate derivatives:
φ = constant = x + co t, (9.227)
dφ dx
=0 = + co , (9.228)
dt dt
= −co . (9.229)
Thus, waves described by ρ̃(x, t) = f (x + co t) are traveling to the left (negative x direction)
with speed co . Similarly the waves given by g(x − co t) are traveling to the right (positive x
direction) with speed co .
Figure 9.10: Jean le Rond d’Alembert (1717-1783), French mathematician, physicist, and
music theorist; image from le Rond d’Alembert.
Example 9.9
Let us verify that ρ̃(x, t) = f (x + co t) satisfies the wave equation, Eq. (9.225). The proof for
g(x − co t) is similar.
We simply need to calculate derivatives and then substitute into the original equation. The appro-
priate derivatives are
∂ ρ̃
= co f ′ (x + co t), (9.230)
∂ 2 ρ̃
= c2o f ′′ (x + co t), (9.231)
∂ ρ̃
= f ′ (x + co t), (9.232)
∂ 2 ρ̃
= f ′′ (x + co t). (9.233)
Substituting into the wave equation, Eq. (9.225) gives
may be as important as the internal energy changes. Let us also consider only steady flows;
thus, ∂/∂t = 0. Our governing equations, Eqs. (9.199-9.202), reduce to
(ρvA) = 0, (9.235)
dv dP
ρv = − , (9.236)
dx dx
= 0, (9.237)
P = P (ρ, s). (9.238)
dv 1 dA
= 2 . (9.248)
v M −1 A
Note, if the flow is subsonic, M < 1, with v > 0 and area increasing dA > 0, then dv < 0: area
increase in a subsonic nozzle generates velocity decrease. For supersonic flow, the opposite
is true: area increase in a supersonic nozzle generates velocity increase. One can see a
converging-diverging nozzle as well as its use in generating supersonic flow at its exit plane
in an image of a 2010 space shuttle launch depicted in Fig. 9.11.
a) b)
Figure 9.11: a) diverging section of a nozzle for the space shuttle main engine; image
from Shuttle main engine, b) Launch of Space
Shuttle Atlantis, STS-132, 14 May 2010, with a crew including astronaut Michael T. Good,
BSAE 1984, MSAE 1986, University of Notre Dame; image from
One important application of data analysis is the method of least squares. This method is
often used to fit data to a given functional form. The form is most often in terms of polyno-
mials, but there is absolutely no restriction; trigonometric functions, logarithmic functions,
Bessel functions can all serve as well. Here, we will restrict ourselves to strictly scalar
functions of the form
x = f (t; aj ), j = 1, . . . , M,
where x is a dependent variable, t is an independent variable, f is an assumed functional
form, and aj is a set of M constant parameters in the functional form. The analysis can
easily be extended for functions of many variables. General mathematical background is
given by Strang.9
Mathematically, the fundamental problem is, given
• an assumed functional form for the curve fit f (t; aj ) that has M parameters aj , j =
1, . . . , M,
find the best set of parameter values aj so as to minimize the least squares error between the
curve fit and the actual data points. That is, the problem is to find aj , j = 1, . . . , M, such
that v
u N
ℓ2 = ||xi − f (ti ; aj )||2 ≡ t (xi − f (ti ; aj ))2 ,
• makes a non-unique judgment of what the functional form might be,
• substitutes each data point into the assumed form so as to form an over-constrained
system of equations,
• uses straightforward techniques from linear algebra to solve for the coefficients that
best represent the given data if the problem is linear in the coefficients aj ,
• uses techniques from optimization theory to solve for the coefficients that best represent
the given data if the problem is non-linear in aj .
The most general problem, in which the dependency aj is non-linear, is difficult, and
sometimes impossible. For cases in which the functional form is linear in the coefficients aj or
can be rendered linear via simple transformation, it is possible to get a unique representation
of the best set of parameters aj . This is often the case for common curve fits such as straight
line, polynomial, or logarithmic fits.
Let us first consider polynomial curve fits. Now, if one has say, ten data points, one can
in principle, find a ninth order polynomial that will pass through all the data points. Often
times, especially when there is much experimental error in the data, such a function may
be subject to wild oscillations, that are unwarranted by the underlying physics, and thus is
not useful as a predictive tool. In such cases, it may be more useful to choose a lower order
curve that does not exactly pass through all experimental points, but that does minimize
the error.
This is the most common method used when one has equal confidence in all the data.
Example 9.1
Find the best straight line to approximate the measured data relating x to t.
t x
0 5
1 7
2 10
3 12
6 15
x = a1 + a2 t,
where a1 and a2 are the terms to be determined. Substituting each data point to the assumed form,
we get five equations in two unknowns:
5 = a1 + 0a2 ,
7 = a1 + 1a2 ,
10 = a1 + 2a2 ,
12 = a1 + 3a2 ,
15 = a1 + 6a2 .
This is an over-constrained problem, and there is no unique solution that satisfies all of the equations!
If a unique solution existed, then the curve fit would be perfect. However, there does exist a solution
that minimizes the error, as is often proved in linear algebra textbooks (and will not be proved here).
The procedure is straightforward. Rearranging, we get
1 0 5
1 1 7
1 2 a1 = 10 .
1 3 12
1 6 15
AT · A · a = AT · b,
a = AT · A · AT · b.
If one has more confidence in some data points than others, one can define a weighting
function to give more priority to those particular data points.
Data Points
x = 5.7925 + 1.6698 t
2 4 6
Figure 9.12: Plot of x − t data and best least squares straight line fit.
Example 9.2
Find the best straight line fit for the data in the previous example. Now however, assume that we
have five times the confidence in the accuracy of the final two data points, relative to the other points.
Define a square weighting matrix W:
1 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0
W= 0 0 1 0 0 .
0 0 0 5 0
0 0 0 0 5
A·a = b,
W·A·a = W · b,
(W · A) · W · A · a = (W · A) · W · b,
a = (W · A)T · W · A (W · A)T · W · b.
So the best weighted least squares fit is
x = 8.0008 + 1.1972 t.
A plot of the raw data and the best fit straight line is shown in Figure 9.13.
x = 8.0008 + 1.1972 t
2 4 6
Figure 9.13: Plot of x − t data and best weighted least squares straight line fit.
When the measurements are independent and equally reliable, W is the identity matrix.
If the measurements are independent but not equally reliable, W is at most diagonal. If the
measurements are not independent, then non-zero terms can appear off the diagonal in W.
It is often advantageous, for instance in problems in which one wants to control a process in
real time, to give priority to recent data estimates over old data estimates and to continually
employ a least squares technique to estimate future system behavior. The previous example
does just that. A famous fast algorithm for such problems is known as a Kalman11 Filter.
It is extremely common and useful at times to fit data to either a power law form,
especially when the data range over wide orders of magnitude. For clean units, it is highly
Rudolf Emil Kálmán, 1930-, Hungarian-American electrical engineer.
advisable to scale both x and t by characteristic values. Sometimes this is obvious, and
sometimes it is not. Whatever the case, the following form can usually be found
x(t) t
= a1 .
xc tc
x(t) t t
ln = ln a1 = ln(a1 ) + a2 ln .
xc tc tc
Often times one must not include values at t = 0 because of the logarithmic singularity
Example 9.3
An experiment yields some data, shown next.
t(s) x(nm)
0.0 0.0
1 × 10−3 1 × 100
1 × 10−2 5 × 101
1 × 100 3 × 105
1 × 101 7 × 109
1 × 102 8 × 1010
A plot of the raw data is shown in Figure 9.14. Notice that the linear plot obscures the data at
small time, while the log-log plot makes the trends more clear. Now, to get a curve fit for the log-log
plot, we assume a power law form. We first eliminate the point at the origin, then scale the data, in
this case by the maximum values of t and x, and take appropriate logarithms to get to following values.
t x
t (s) x (nm) t/tmax x/xmax ln tmax ln xmax
1 × 10−3 1 × 100 1 × 10−5 1.25 × 10−11 −11.5129 −25.1053
1 × 10−2 5 × 101 1 × 10−4 6.25 × 10−10 −9.2013 −21.1933
1 × 100 3 × 105 1 × 10−2 3.75 × 10−6 −4.6052 −12.4938
1 × 101 7 × 109 1 × 10−1 8.75 × 10−2 −2.3026 −2.4361
1 × 102 8 × 1010 1 × 100 1 × 100 0.0000 0.0000
x 1010
8 1012
a) b)
x (nm)
x (nm)
20 40 60 80 100 10-4 10-2 100 102
t (s) t (s)
Solving, we find
a= .
So that
ln a1 = 0.4206, a2 = 2.2920,
a1 = 1.5228.
x (nm)
10-4 10-2 100 102
t (s)
Figure 9.15: Plot of x − t data and power law curve fit: x(t) =
(1.2183 × 10 nm) 100t s
As long as the assumed form for the curve fit is linear in the coefficients, it is straightforward to
extend to high order curve fits as demonstrated in the following example.
Example 9.4
An experiment yields the data that follows.
t x
0.0 1.0
0.7 1.6
0.9 1.8
1.5 2.0
2.6 1.5
3.0 1.1
Find the least squares best fit coefficients a1 , a2 , and a3 if the assumed functional form is
1. x = a1 + a2 t + a3 t2 ,
2. x = a1 + a2 sin 6t + a3 sin t
3 .
Plot on a single graph the data points and the two best fit estimates. Which best fit estimate has the
smallest least squares error?
• x = a 1 + a 2 t + a 3 t2 :
We substitute each data point into the assumed form and get the following set of linear equations
Solving, we find
a = 1.2679 .
So the best quadratic curve fit to the data is
This form has applied a bit of intuition. The curve looks like a sine wave of wavelength 6 that has
been transposed. So we suppose it is of the form. The term a1 is the transposition; the term on a2 is
the fundamental frequency that fits in the domain; the term on a3 is the first harmonic, that we have
thrown in for good measure.
We substitute each data point into the assumed form and get the following set of linear equations
0.0 0.0
1.0 = a1 + a2 sin + a3 sin ,
6 3
0.7 0.7
1.6 = a1 + a2 sin + a3 sin ,
6 3
0.9 0.9
1.8 = a1 + a2 sin + a3 sin ,
6 3
1.5 1.5
2.0 = a1 + a2 sin + a3 sin ,
6 3
2.6 2.6
1.5 = a1 + a2 sin + a3 sin ,
6 3
3.0 3.0
1.1 = a1 + a2 sin + a3 sin .
6 3
Solving, we find
a = −37.1423 .
So the best curve fit for this form is
t t
x(t) ∼ 1.0296 − 37.1423 sin + 21.1848 sin .
6 3
The least squares error norm is
||A · a − x||2 = 0.1165.
Because the error norm for the quadratic curve fit is less than that for the sinusoidal curve fit, the
quadratic curve fit is better in this case.
A plot of the raw data and the two best fit curves is shown in Figure 9.16.
two-term sinusoidal
2 curve fit
curve fit
1 2 3
Figure 9.16: Plot of x − t data and two least squares curve fits x(t) ∼ 0.9778 + 1.2679t −
0.4090t2 , and x(t) ∼ 1.0296 − 37.1423 sin (t/6) + 21.1848 sin (t/3).
M. M. Abbott and H. C. van Ness, 1989, Thermodynamics with Chemical Applications, Second Edition,
Schaum’s Outline Series in Engineering, McGraw-Hill, New York.
First published in 1972, this is written in the style of all the Schaum’s series. It has extensive solved
problems and a crisp rigorous style that is readable by undergraduate engineers. It has a chemical
engineering emphasis, but is also useful for all engineers.
P. Atkins, 2010, The Laws of Thermodynamics: a Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
This is a short book by an eminent chemist summarizing the foundations of thermodynamics for an
interested general reader.
A. Bejan, 2016, Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics, Fourth Edition, John Wiley, Hoboken, New Jersey.
This is an advanced undergraduate text first published in 1988. It gives a modern treatment of
the science of classical thermodynamics. It does not confine its attention to traditional engineering
problems, and considers applications across biology and earth sciences as well; some readers will
find parts of the discussion to be provocative, as received wisdom is occasionally challenged. The
thermodynamics of irreversible processes are discussed in detail.
T. L. Bergman, A. S. Lavine, F. P. Incropera, and D. P. DeWitt, 2011, Fundamentals of Heat and Mass
Transfer, Seventh Edition, John Wiley, New York.
This has evolved since its introduction in 1981 into the standard undergraduate text in heat transfer.
The interested thermodynamics student will find the subject of heat transfer builds in many ways
on a classical thermodynamics foundation. Especially relevant to thermodynamics are chapters on
boiling and condensation, heat exchangers, as well as extensive tables of thermal properties of real
R. S. Berry, S. A. Rice, and J. Ross, 2000, Physical Chemistry, Second Edition, Oxford University Press,
This is a rigorous general text in physical chemistry at a senior or first year graduate level. First
appearing in 1980, it has a full treatment of classical and statistical thermodynamics as well as
quantum mechanics.
L. Boltzmann, 1995, Lectures on Gas Theory, Dover, New York.
This is a detailed monograph by the founding father of statistical thermodynamics. This edition is a
translation of the original German version, Gastheorie, from 1896-1898.
C. Borgnakke and R. E. Sonntag, 2017, Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, Ninth Edition, John Wiley,
New York.
This classic and popular undergraduate mechanical engineering text, that in earlier editions was
authored by J. G. van Wylen and Sonntag, has stood the test of time and has a full treatment of
most classical problems. Its first edition appeared in 1965.
M. Born, 1949, Natural Philosophy of Cause and Chance, Clarendon Press, Oxford.
This monograph is a summary of the Waynflete Lectures delivered at Oxford University in 1948 by
the author, the winner of the 1954 Nobel Prize in physics. The lectures consider various topics, and
include an important chapter on thermodynamics with the author’s earlier defense of the approach of
Carathèodory playing a prominent role.
R. Boyle, 2003, The Sceptical Chymist, Dover, New York.
This is a reprint of the original 1661 work of the famous early figure of the scientific revolution.
P. W. Bridgman, 1943, The Nature of Thermodynamics, Harvard, Cambridge.
This short monograph by the winner of the 1946 Nobel Prize in physics gives a prosaic introduction to
thermodynamics that is directed at a scientifically literate audience who are not interested in detailed
mathematical exposition.
H. A. Buchdahl, 1966, The Concepts of Classical Thermodynamics, Cambridge, Cambridge.
This short text outlines the basic principles of thermodynamics.
H. B. Callen, 1985, Thermodynamics and an Introduction to Thermostatistics, Second Edition, John Wiley,
New York.
This advanced undergraduate text, an update of the 1960 original, has an emphasis on classical physics
applied to thermodynamics, with a few chapters devoted to quantum and statistical foundations.
S. Carnot, 2005, Reflections on the Motive Power of Fire, Dover, New York.
This is a translation of the author’s foundational 1824 work on the heat engines, Réflexions sur la
Puissance Motrice du Feu et sur les Machines propres à développer cette Puissance (“Reflections on
the Motive Power of Fire and on Machines Fitted to Develop that Power”). Also included is a paper
of Clausius.
Y. A. Çengel and M. A. Boles, 2018, Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach, Ninth Edition, McGraw-
Hill, Boston.
This popular undergraduate mechanical engineering text that first appeared in 1989 has most of the
features expected in a modern book intended for a large and varied audience.
S. Chandrasekhar, 2010, An Introduction to the Study of Stellar Structure, Dover, New York.
This monograph, first published in 1939, on astrophysics is by the winner of the 1983 Nobel Prize
in physics. It has large sections devoted to rigorous axiomatic classical thermodynamics in the style
of Carathèodory, highly accessible to engineering students, that show how thermodynamics plays a
critical role in understanding the physics of the heavens.
R. J. E. Clausius, 2008, The Mechanical Theory of Heat, Kessinger, Whitefish, Montana.
This is a reprint of the 1879 translation of the 1850 German publication of the great German scientist
who in many ways founded classical thermodynamics.
S. R. de Groot and P. Mazur, 1984, Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, Dover, New York.
This is an influential monograph, first published in 1962, that summarizes much of the work of the
famous Belgian school of thermodynamics. It is written at a graduate level and has a strong link to
fluid mechanics and chemical reactions.
E. Fermi, 1936, Thermodynamics, Dover, New York.
This short 160 page classic clearly and efficiently summarizes the fundamentals of thermodynamics.
It is based on a series of lectures given by this winner of the 1938 Nobel Prize in physics. The book
is highly recommended, and the reader can benefit from multiple readings.
R. P. Feynman, R. B. Leighton, and M. Sands, 1963, The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Volume 1, Addison-
Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts.
This famous series documents the introductory undergraduate physics lectures given at the California
Institute of Technology by the lead author, the 1965 Nobel laureate in physics. Famous for their clarity,
depth, and notable forays into challenging material, they treat a wide range of topics from classical
to modern physics. Volume 1 contains chapters relevant to classical and modern thermodynamics.
J. B. J. Fourier, 2009, The Analytical Theory of Heat, Cambridge, Cambridge.
This reprint of the 1878 English translation of the 1822 French original, Théorie Analytique de la
Chaleur is a tour de force of science, engineering, and mathematics. It predates Carnot and the
development of the first and second laws of thermodynamics, but nevertheless successfully develops
a theory of non-equilibrium thermodynamics fully consistent with the first and second laws. In so
doing, the author makes key advances in the formulation of partial differential equations and their
solution by what are now known as Fourier series.
J. W. Gibbs, 1957, The Collected Works of J. Willard Gibbs, Yale U. Press, New Haven.
This compendium gives a complete reproduction of the published work of the monumental American
engineer and scientist of the nineteenth century, including his seminal work on classical and statistical
W. T. Grandy, 2008, Entropy and the Time Evolution of Macroscopic Systems, Oxford, Oxford.
This monograph gives an enlightening description, fully informed by both historical and modern
interpretations, of entropy and its evolution in the context of both continuum and statistical theories.
E. A. Guggenheim, 1933, Modern Thermodynamics by the Methods of Willard Gibbs, Methuen, London.
This graduate-level monograph was important in bringing the work of Gibbs to a wider audience.
E. P. Gyftopoulos and G. P. Beretta, 2005, Thermodynamics: Foundations and Applications, Dover, Mine-
ola, New York.
First published in 1991, this beginning graduate text has a rigorous development of classical thermo-
C. S. Helrich, 2009, Modern Thermodynamics with Statistical Mechanics, Springer, Berlin.
This is an advanced undergraduate text aimed mainly at the physics community. The author includes
a full treatment of classical thermodynamics and moves easily into statistical mechanics. The author’s
undergraduate training in engineering is evident in some of the style of the text that should be readable
by most undergraduate engineers after a first class in thermodynamics.
J. O. Hirschfelder, C. F. Curtis, and R. B. Bird, 1954, Molecular Theory of Gases and Liquids, Wiley, New
This comprehensive tome is a valuable addition to any library of thermal science. Its wide ranging
text covers equations of state, molecular collision theory, reactive hydrodynamics, reaction kinetics,
and many other topics all from the point of view of careful physical chemistry. Much of the work
remains original.
J. R. Howell and R. O. Buckius, 1992, Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, Second Edition,
McGraw-Hill, New York.
This is a good undergraduate text for mechanical engineers; it first appeared in 1987.
W. F. Hughes and J. A. Brighton, 1999, Fluid Dynamics, Third Edition, Schaum’s Outline Series, McGraw-
Hill, New York.
Written in the standard student-friendly style of the Schaum’s series, this discussion of fluid mechanics
includes two chapters on compressible flow that bring together fluid mechanics and thermodynamics.
It first appeared in 1967.
J. H. Keenan, F. G. Keyes, P. G. Hill, and J. G. Moore, 1985, Steam Tables: Thermodynamic Properties
of Water Including Vapor, Liquid, and Solid Phases, John Wiley, New York.
This is a version of the original 1936 data set that is the standard for water’s thermodynamic prop-
J. Kestin, 1966, A Course in Thermodynamics, Blaisdell, Waltham, Massachusetts.
This is a foundational textbook that can be read on many levels. All first principles are reported in a
readable fashion. In addition the author makes a great effort to expose the underlying mathematical
foundations of thermodynamics.
R. J. Kee, M. E. Coltrin, and P. Glarborg, 2017, Chemically Reacting Flow: Theory and Practice, Second
Edition, John Wiley, New York.
This comprehensive text gives an introductory graduate level discussion of fluid mechanics, thermo-
chemistry, and finite rate chemical kinetics. The focus is on low Mach number reacting flows, and
there is significant discussion of how to achieve computational solutions.
C. Kittel and H. Kroemer, 1980, Thermal Physics, Second Edition, Freeman, San Francisco.
This is a classic undergraduate text, first introduced in 1970; it is mainly aimed at physics students.
It has a good introduction to statistical thermodynamics and a short effective chapter on classical
thermodynamics. Engineers seeking to broaden their skill set for new technologies relying on micro-
scale thermal phenomena can use this text as a starting point.
S. Klein and G. Nellis, 2012, Thermodynamics, Cambridge, Cambridge.
This is an undergraduate textbook for engineers treating a standard set of topics.
D. Kondepudi and I. Prigogine, 2015, Modern Thermodynamics: From Heat Engines to Dissipative Struc-
tures, Second Edition, John Wiley, New York.
This is a detailed modern exposition that exploits the authors’ unique vision of thermodynamics with
both a science and engineering flavor. The authors, the second of whom is one of the few engineers
who was awarded the Nobel Prize (chemistry 1977, for the work summarized in this text), often
challenge the standard approach to teaching thermodynamics, and make the case that the approach
they advocate, with an emphasis on non-equilibrium thermodynamics, is better suited to describe
natural phenomena and practical devices than the present approach, that is generally restricted to
equilibrium states.
K. K. Kuo, 2005, Principles of Combustion, Second Edition, John Wiley, New York.
This is a readable graduate level engineering text for combustion fundamentals. First published in
1986, it includes a full treatment of reacting thermodynamics as well as discussion of links to fluid
K. J. Laidler, 1987, Chemical Kinetics, Third Edition, Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
This is a standard advanced undergraduate chemistry text on the dynamics of chemical reactions. It
first appeared in 1965.
L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, 2000, Statistical Physics, Part 1, Volume 5 of the Course of Theoretical
Physics, Third Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford.
This book, part of the monumental series of graduate level Russian physics texts, first published in
English in 1951 from Statisticheskaya fizika, gives a fine introduction to classical thermodynamics as
a prelude to its main topic, statistical thermodynamics in the spirit of Gibbs.
B. H. Lavenda, 1978, Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes, John Wiley, New York.
This is a lively and opinionated monograph describing and commenting on irreversible thermodynam-
ics. The author is especially critical of the Prigogine school of thought on entropy production rate
A. Lavoisier, 1984, Elements of Chemistry, Dover, New York.
This is the classic treatise by the man known as the father of modern chemistry, translated from the
1789 Traité Élementaire de Chimie, that gives the first explicit statement of mass conservation in
chemical reactions.
G. N. Lewis and M. Randall, 1961, Thermodynamics and the Free Energy of Chemical Substances, Second
Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York.
This book, first published in 1923, was for many years a standard reference text of physical chemistry.
H. W. Liepmann and A. Roshko, 2002, Elements of Gasdynamics, Dover, New York.
This is an influential text in compressible aerodynamics that is appropriate for seniors or beginning
graduate students. First published in 1957, it has a strong treatment of the physics and thermody-
namics of compressible flow along with elegant and efficient text. Its treatment of both experiment
and the underlying theory is outstanding, and in many ways is representative of the approach to
engineering sciences fostered at the California Institute of Technology, the authors’ home institution.
J. C. Maxwell, 2001, Theory of Heat, Dover, New York.
This is a short readable book by the nineteenth century master, first published in 1871. Here, the
mathematics is minimized in favor of more words of explanation.
M. J. Moran, H. N. Shapiro, D. D. Boettner, and M. B. Bailey, 2018, Fundamentals of Engineering Ther-
modynamics, Ninth Edition, John Wiley, New York.
This is a standard undergraduate engineering thermodynamics text, and one of the more popular.
First published in 1988, it has much to recommend it including good example problems, attention to
detail, good graphics, and a level of rigor appropriate for good undergraduate students.
P. M. Morse, 1969, Thermal Physics, Second Edition, Benjamin, New York.
This is a good undergraduate book on thermodynamics from a physics perspective. It covers classical
theory well in its first sections, then goes on to treat kinetic theory and statistical mechanics. It first
appeared in 1964.
I. Müller and T. Ruggeri, 1998, Rational Extended Thermodynamics, Springer-Verlag, New York.
This modern, erudite monograph gives a rigorous treatment of some of the key issues at the frontier
of modern continuum thermodynamics.
I. Müller and W. Weiss, 2005, Entropy and Energy, Springer-Verlag, New York.
This is a unique treatise on fundamental concepts in thermodynamics. The author provide mathe-
matical rigor, historical perspective, and examples from a diverse set of scientific fields.
I. Müller, 2007, A History of Thermodynamics: the Doctrine of Energy and Entropy, Springer-Verlag,
The author gives a readable text at an advanced undergraduate level that highlights some of the many
controversies of thermodynamics, both ancient and modern.
I. Müller and W. H. Müller, 2009, Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Applications: with Historical
Annotations and Many Citations from Avogadro to Zermelo, Springer, Berlin.
The author presents an eclectic view of classical thermodynamics with much discussion of its history.
The text is aimed at a curious undergraduate who is unsatisfied with industrial-strength yet narrow
and intellectually vapid textbooks.
W. Nernst, 1969, The New Heat Theorem: Its Foundation in Theory and Experiment, Dover, New York.
This monograph gives the author’s exposition of the development of the third law of thermodynamics.
It first appeared in English translation in 1917 and was originally published in German.
S. Paolucci, 2016, Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Matter, Cambridge, New York.
This graduate level monograph has an extensive discussion of how thermodynamics fits within the
broader structure of continuum mechanics.
W. Pauli, 2000, Thermodynamics and the Kinetic Theory of Gases, Dover, New York.
This is a monograph on statistical thermodynamics by the winner of the 1945 Nobel Prize in physics.
It is actually derived from his lecture course notes given at ETH Zurich, as compiled by a student in
his class, E. Jucker, published in 1952.
M. Planck, 1990, Treatise on Thermodynamics, Dover, New York.
This brief book, that originally appeared in German in 1897, gives many unique insights from the
great scientist who was the winner of the 1918 Nobel Prize in physics. It is rigorous, but readable by
an interested undergraduate student.
H. Poincaré, 1892, Thermodynamique: Leçons Professèes Pendant le Premier Semestre 1888-89, Georges
Carré, Paris.
This text of classical undergraduate thermodynamics has been prepared by one of the premier math-
ematicians of the nineteenth century.
M. Potter and C. Somerton, 2009, Thermodynamics for Engineers, Second Edition, Schaum’s Outline Series
in Engineering, McGraw-Hill, New York.
First published in 1993, this is a standard contribution in the Schaum format of many solved example
J. M. Powers, 2016, Combustion Thermodynamics and Dynamics, Cambridge, New York.
This graduate level monograph focusing on combustion has a detailed discussion of advanced under-
graduate chemical thermodynamics.
I. Prigogine, 1967, Introduction to Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes, Third Edition, Interscience,
New York.
This is a famous book that summarizes the essence of the work of the Belgian school for which the
author was awarded the 1977 Nobel Prize in chemistry. This book first appeared in 1955.
W. J. M. Rankine, 1908, A Manual of the Steam Engine and Other Prime Movers, Seventeenth Edition,
Griffin, London.
This in an accessible undergraduate text for mechanical engineers of the nineteenth century. It first
appeared in 1859. It contains much practical information on a variety of devices, including steam
L. E. Reichl, 2016, A Modern Course in Statistical Physics, Fourth Edition, John Wiley, New York.
This full service graduate text has a good summary of key concepts of classical thermodynamics and
a strong development of modern statistical thermodynamics.
O. Reynolds, 1903, Papers on Mechanical and Physical Subjects, Volume III, The Sub-Mechanics of the
Universe, Cambridge, Cambridge.
This volume compiles various otherwise unpublished notes of Reynolds and includes his detailed deriva-
tions of general equations of conservation of mass, momentum, and energy employing his transport
W. C. Reynolds, 1968, Thermodynamics, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York.
This is an unusually good undergraduate text written for mechanical engineers. The author has
wonderful qualitative problems in addition to the usual topics in such texts. A good introduction
to statistical mechanics is included as well. This particular edition is highly recommended; the first
edition appeared in 1965.
W. C. Reynolds and P. Colonna, 2018, Thermodynamics: Fundamentals and Engineering Applications,
Cambridge, New York.
This is a significant modernization of Reynolds’ 1968 test. It maintains the rigor and style of the
original and treats new and important topics.
S. I. Sandler, 2017, Chemical, Biochemical, and Engineering Thermodynamics, Fifth Edition, John Wiley,
New York.
This is an advanced undergraduate text in thermodynamics from a chemical engineering perspective
with a good mathematical treatment. It first appeared in 1977.
E. Schrödinger, 1989, Statistical Thermodynamics, Dover, New York.
This is a short monograph written by the one of the pioneers of quantum physics, the co-winner of
the 1933 Nobel Prize in Physics. It is based on a set of lectures delivered to the Dublin Institute for
Advanced Studies in 1944, and was first published in 1946.
A. H. Shapiro, 1953, The Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Compressible Fluid Flow, Vols. I and II, John
Wiley, New York.
This classic two volume set has a comprehensive treatment of the subject of its title. It has numerous
worked example problems, and is written from a careful engineer’s perspective.
J. M. Smith, H. C. van Ness, and M. Abbott, 2004, Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics,
Seventh Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York.
This is probably the most common undergraduate text in thermodynamics in chemical engineering.
It first appeared in 1959. It is rigorous and has went through many revisions.
A. Sommerfeld, 1956, Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, Lectures on Theoretical Physics, Vol. V,
Academic Press, New York.
This is a compilation of the author’s lecture notes on this subject. The book reflects the author’s
stature of a leader of theoretical physics of the twentieth century who trained a generation of students
(e.g. Nobel laureates Heisenberg, Pauli, Debye and Bethe). The book gives a fine description of
classical thermodynamics with a seamless transition into quantum and statistical mechanics.
J. W. Tester and M. Modell, 1997, Thermodynamics and Its Applications, Third Edition, Prentice Hall,
Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
First appearing in 1974, this entry level graduate text in thermodynamics is written from a chemical
engineer’s perspective. It has a strong mathematical development for both classical and statistical
C. A. Truesdell, 1980, The Tragicomic History of Thermodynamics, 1822-1854, Springer Verlag, New York.
This idiosyncratic monograph has a lucid description of the history of nineteenth century thermal
science. It is written in an erudite fashion, and the reader who is willing to dive into a difficult subject
will be rewarded for diligence by gain of many new insights.
C. A. Truesdell, 1984, Rational Thermodynamics, Second Edition, Springer-Verlag, New York.
This is an update on the evolution of classical thermodynamics in the twentieth century. The book
itself first appeared in 1969. The second edition includes additional contributions by some contempo-
raneous leaders of the field.
S. R. Turns, 2011, An Introduction to Combustion, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill, Boston.
This is a senior-level undergraduate text on combustion that uses many notions from thermodynamics
of mixtures. It first appeared in 1996.
S. R. Turns and L. L. Pauley, 2020, Thermodynamics: Concepts and Applications, Second Edition, Cam-
bridge, Cambridge.
This is detailed undergraduate book on engineering thermodynamics.
H. C. van Ness, 1983, Understanding Thermodynamics, Dover, New York.
This is a short readable monograph from a chemical engineering perspective. It first appeared in 1969.
W. G. Vincenti and C. H. Kruger, 1976, Introduction to Physical Gas Dynamics, Krieger, Malabar, Florida.
This graduate text on high speed non-equilibrium flows contains a good description of the interplay
of classical and statistical mechanics. There is an emphasis on aerospace science and fundamental
engineering applications. It first appeared in 1965.
F. M. White, 2015, Fluid Mechanics, Eighth Edition, McGraw-Hill, Boston.
This standard undergraduate fluid text draws on thermodynamics in its presentation of the first law
and in its treatment of compressible flows. It first appeared in 1979.
B. Woodcraft, 1851, The Pneumatics of Hero of Alexandria, London, Taylor Walton and Maberly.
This is a translation and compilation from the ancient Greek of the work of Hero (10 A.D.-70 A.D.).
The discussion contains descriptions of the engineering of a variety of technological devices including
a primitive steam engine. Other devices that convert heat into work are described as well.
L. C. Woods, 1975, The Thermodynamics of Fluid Systems, Clarendon, Oxford.
This graduate text gives a good, detailed survey of the thermodynamics of irreversible processes,
especially related to fluid systems in which convection and diffusion play important roles.
compressed liquid, 46, 70, 163, 181 degrees
compressibility factor, 63 Celsius, 36
compressible flow with area change, 356 Fahrenheit, 37
compressible fluid mechanics, 352 Kelvin, 35
compressor, 155, 171, 172, 289, 295, 296, 308, Rankine, 36, 37
309, 314, 316–319, 321, 322 density, 12, 32, 35, 39, 40, 50, 62, 64, 134, 148,
condenser, 176, 177, 181, 183, 297, 300, 301, 151, 161, 187, 188, 218, 286, 291, 351
303–306, 320, 321 Descartes, R., 79
conduction, 100 deviatoric stress tensor, 186
conjugate variables, 330, 331 diatomic gas, 123, 125, 126, 174
conservation axioms, 150 Diesel engine, 22
conservation of energy, 103, 151, 157 diffuser, 169, 170, 284, 285
conservation of mass, 151 dissociation, 62, 124
conservation of mass-energy, 139 distance, 31, 39, 84, 86, 94, 99, 103, 110, 111,
continuum, 31 155, 244, 352, 359
control surface, 30, 166 district heating and cooling, 177
control volume, 30, 114, 141, 142, 150, 152, 167– divergence theorem, 143, 152
169, 181, 183–185, 281, 282, 285, 319, double interpolation, 74
320 drag, 24, 26–28, 79, 242, 244
convection, 101, 134, 135, 137
converging-diverging nozzle, 358 efficiency
coordinate component, 294
mapping, 337 thermal, 181, 198
transformation, 337, 338 Einstein, A., 16, 17, 138
Coriolis, G., 84 electrical energy, 109
critical point, 46, 48, 338 energy, 12, 14–18, 24–28, 39, 61, 69, 79, 85, 100–
critical pressure, 46, 220 104, 109–111, 113, 117, 123–125, 129,
critical temperature, 46, 66, 220 130, 137, 138, 141, 142, 151, 153–155,
critical volume, 341 158–164, 166–176, 178–181, 183, 184,
curve fitting 186–193, 198, 199, 201, 202, 204–207,
higher order, 366 209, 217, 222, 228, 229, 263, 266, 269,
linear, 360 270, 272, 273, 277, 278, 281, 285–288,
power law, 363 291, 294–296, 308, 309, 318, 319, 345,
cycle, 22, 34 346, 352, 353, 356
Brayton, 306–308, 311, 312, 314, 317, 318 chemical, 109
Carnot, 201, 249–251, 253, 254, 258, 297– conservation of, 15, 103
300, 312, 317, 320 electrical, 109
Otto, 249, 258, 259, 261 internal, 69, 110, 111, 113, 121, 126, 133,
Rankine, 176–179, 182, 297–301, 306, 307, 166, 221, 232, 252, 268, 269, 328, 357
311, 320 kinetic, 12, 14, 24–26, 28, 79, 109, 110, 123,
refrigeration, 320, 321 124, 166, 169, 170, 172–174, 176, 187,
steam power, 22, 177, 179 193, 201, 222, 266, 272, 285, 288, 291,
thermal efficiency, 181 294, 295, 308, 309, 318, 356
thermodynamic, 176, 181, 192, 211, 249, magnetic, 109
297, 320 mechanical, 12, 16, 18, 24, 25, 27, 28, 79,
vapor compression, 320 109, 130, 170, 171, 198, 222, 286, 291,
cyclic integral, 103, 211, 212, 337 309
potential, 24–26, 28, 79, 109–111, 124, 130,
d’Alembert solution, 355 154, 166, 168–170, 172–174, 176, 193,
d’Alembert, J., 355 222, 285, 288, 291, 309
Dalton, J., 50 rotational, 124
specific internal, 113 Feynman, R., 125
thermal, 12, 16–18, 28, 79, 100, 102, 104, first law of thermodynamics, 15, 36, 79, 103,
109, 110, 129, 137, 153, 158–164, 166, 106, 108–112, 114–116, 120, 121, 127,
167, 172, 178, 179, 181, 190, 198, 199, 129, 130, 132–135, 138, 151, 154, 155,
202, 204, 217, 222, 229, 266, 285, 286, 157, 160, 166, 167, 174, 175, 179, 181,
309, 345 182, 188, 190, 193, 198, 199, 203, 204,
total, 79, 109, 114, 134, 138, 154, 155, 159, 207, 209, 211, 220, 222, 228, 229, 241,
166, 222 248, 249, 252, 253, 255–257, 259, 264,
translational, 123 285, 295, 296, 337, 343
vibrational, 124, 175 force, 12, 24, 26–28, 30, 31, 37–39, 41, 48, 61,
energy conservation principle, 151, 157 62, 64, 75, 76, 79, 84–86, 94, 98, 99,
engine 110–112, 125, 149, 151, 155, 156, 187,
automobile, 209 222, 235, 236, 242, 244, 309, 317, 320,
Diesel, 22 338, 351
gasoline, 22 body, 37
jet, 141, 209 Fourier’s law, 100, 187, 188
enthalpy, 69, 114, 115, 118, 126–128, 157, 166, Fourier, J., 100
168, 169, 184, 224, 296, 329, 330 Fowler, R., 36
specific, 114 free energy
total, 114, 160, 166, 167 Gibbs, 330, 332
entropy, 15, 69, 103, 151, 190–192, 209, 210, Helmholtz, 330, 331
212–215, 217–219, 221–225, 227–230, frequency, 368
232, 241, 242, 247, 248, 263–267, 270, Fulton, R., 21
272–275, 277, 278, 281, 330, 344–346, fundamental theorem of calculus, 143
352 furnace, 141, 209
ideal gas, 225
information, 278 Galileo, G., 14
irreversible production, 281 gas
randomness, 266 diatomic, 123, 125, 126, 174
thermo-mechanical mixing, 263 monatomic, 119, 120, 123, 126
entropy evolution principle, 151 noble, 119, 120
equation of state gauge pressure, 39, 40, 291
caloric, 117–119, 129, 187, 223 Gauss’s theorem, 143
thermal, 49, 50, 62, 65, 131, 187 Gay-Lussac, J., 52
equilibrium, 33–35, 43, 70, 86, 129, 136, 165, gedankenexperiment, 43, 190
185, 186, 191, 194, 236, 239, 243–246, general transport theorem, 148
263, 265, 266, 278 Giauque, W., 16
chemical, 34 Gibbs equation, 222–225, 230, 233, 287, 298,
mechanical, 33, 41, 94, 236, 239, 242, 245, 308, 326, 328–330, 334, 344, 346, 353
263 first, 223
pressure, 239 second, 224
thermal, 33, 35, 263 Gibbs free energy, 330, 332
Euclid, 16 Gibbs, J., 15, 222
exact differential, 79, 81, 155, 326 governing equations of continuum mechanics, 186
explicit Euler method, 243
extensive property, 33, 109, 110, 148, 151, 154 heat, 11, 12, 15, 29, 100, 138, 151, 190, 211, 297
extrapolation, 72 latent, 136, 221
sensible, 221
Fahrenheit sign convention, 101
degrees, 37 heat capacity
Fermi, E., 16 specific, 116, 333
heat death, 278 irreversible entropy production, 281
heat diffusion, 100 irreversible process, 196, 215, 216
heat engine, 15 irreversible work, 199
Carnot, 197 isentrope, 214, 220, 232, 234, 235
heat exchanger, 141, 172 isentropic, 219, 220, 233–236, 239, 240, 242,
counterflow, 173 247–249, 251, 252, 258, 260–262, 289,
heat flux vector, 100, 187 295–298, 305, 307, 311, 314, 316–320,
heat pump, 204, 321 322, 336, 352, 353
Carnot, 202 isobaric, 34, 44, 45, 48, 50, 89–91, 96, 115, 116,
heat transfer, 31, 100, 102, 109, 113, 114, 116, 127, 220, 221, 297, 302, 307, 314, 320
120, 121, 127, 133, 136, 138, 151, 154, isochoric, 34, 61, 89, 92, 96, 114, 116, 132, 133,
155, 157–160, 166–170, 172, 176–179, 221, 228, 229, 241, 258, 259, 262, 264
181, 188, 199, 201, 205, 214, 215, 217, isolated system, 29
221, 232, 251, 253, 257–259, 261, 264, isotherm, 76, 77, 224, 234, 235, 339, 341
282, 285, 287, 300, 320, 343–345 isothermal, 14, 34, 45, 50, 51, 88, 90, 221, 234,
coefficient, 134 251, 253, 289, 320, 332, 333, 342–345,
convective, 134 348, 349
irreversible, 215 isothermal sound speed, 348
isobaric, 320
isothermal, 320 Jacobian determinant, 337
radiative, 101 Jacobian matrix, 337, 338
reversible, 215, 222, 281 Joule, J., 15, 104
Helmholtz free energy, 330, 331
Helmholtz, H., 15, 107 Kalman filter, 363
Hero of Alexandria, 14, 18 Kelvin
Hess, G., 15 degrees, 35
Kelvin scale, 36
ideal gas, 14, 50, 52–54, 57–66, 69, 88–90, 118– kinetic energy, 12, 14, 24–26, 28, 79, 109, 110,
120, 122, 123, 126–128, 169, 174, 187, 123, 124, 166, 169, 170, 172–174, 176,
223, 225–228, 231, 233, 234, 239, 243, 187, 193, 201, 222, 266, 272, 285, 288,
261–264, 268, 269, 310, 335, 336, 342, 291, 294, 295, 308, 309, 318, 356
343, 348
calorically imperfect, 121 Lagrange multiplier, 272–274, 276
calorically perfect, 119 Lagrange, J., 143
entropy of, 225 Laplace, S., 348
isentropic relations, 233 latent heat, 136, 221
ideal gas tables, 127 least squares, 359, 369
incompressible liquid, 230 unweighted, 360
incompressible solid, 230 weighted, 361
industrial revolution, 22 Legendre transformation, 329, 330
inexact differential, 102, 103 Legendre, A., 329
information entropy, 278 Leibniz’s rule, 145
information theory, 277 Leibniz, G, 79, 145
intensive property, 33, 49, 52, 75, 76 length, 12, 31, 32, 35, 41, 99, 150, 243, 244, 351,
internal energy, 69, 110, 111, 113, 121, 126, 133, 352
166, 221, 232, 252, 268, 269, 328, 357 linear interpolation, 71–74, 219
interpolation, 71–73, 77, 181, 219, 257, 302 linear momenta principle, 151
double, 72, 74, 179 linearized analysis of differential equations, 245
linear, 71–74, 219 liquid, 46, 223
single, 72 compressed, 46, 70, 163, 181
ionization, 124 incompressible, 230
saturated, 44, 46, 66, 70, 73, 113, 181, 224 Newton, I., 12, 14, 79, 134, 145, 348, 349
Newtonian fluid, 187
Müller, I., 14 Newtonian mechanics, 12, 110
Mach number, 357 nitrogen, 48, 71
magnetic energy, 109 noble gas, 119, 120
manometer, 40, 41 non-equilibrium thermodynamics, 15, 34, 133,
manometry, 40 278
Mariotte’s law, 50 non-ideal gas, 53, 88, 223, 338
Mariotte, E., 50 norm, 359, 369
mass, 12, 24, 35, 43, 45, 47, 52, 53, 61, 67–69, nozzle, 169, 170, 295, 309, 319, 358
79, 85, 103, 110, 111, 113, 116, 120, converging-diverging, 358
127, 129, 130, 132, 136, 138, 139, 141, subsonic, 358
142, 148, 151–153, 158, 161–164, 166, supersonic, 358
169, 171–173, 177, 178, 183, 185–191,
207, 213, 219, 222, 227, 239, 240, 242, Onnes, H., 16, 115
245, 247, 248, 252, 253, 259, 263, 264, Onsager reciprocity, 15
278, 281, 282, 292, 293, 295, 296, 300, Onsager, L., 15, 16
303, 304, 317, 346, 352, 357 Otto cycle, 249, 258, 259, 261
flow rate, 153, 161, 163, 178, 300, 304, 317 Otto, N., 258
mass conservation principle, 151
material volume, 149, 151, 154, 156 Papin, D., 15, 18
Maxwell relations, 15, 325, 326, 330, 333 partial derivative, 80, 81, 119, 333, 339, 354
Maxwell, J., 15, 125, 325 partition function, 276
Mayer’s relation, 119, 336 Pascal, B., 40
Mayer, J., 15, 104 path-dependent, 84–87, 103, 109, 116, 281
mean free path, 12, 31, 32 path-independent, 80, 81, 86, 109, 212, 213
mean molecular speed, 32 phase, 33, 299, 311
mechanical energy, 12, 16, 18, 24, 25, 27, 28, 79, gas, 299, 311
109, 130, 170, 171, 198, 222, 286, 291, phase boundaries, 33
309 Planck, M., 16
mechanical equilibrium, 33, 41, 94, 236, 239, Poisson’s ratio, 187
242, 245, 263 polytropic exponent, 88
mechanical equivalent of heat, 15, 103 polytropic process, 64, 65, 87–90, 96, 121, 234,
methane, 71, 191 252
method of least squares, 359 Popper, K., 278
Michelson-Morely experiment, 17 position, 12
mixing potato, 29, 134–138
entropy of, 263 potential energy, 24–26, 28, 79, 109–111, 124,
modulus of elasticity, 126 130, 154, 166, 168–170, 172–174, 176,
molecular diameter, 32 193, 222, 285, 288, 291, 309
molecular mass, 32, 53, 54, 269 power, 11, 12, 18, 21, 22, 85, 175–177, 179, 181–
momentum, 31, 169, 186, 286, 320, 346, 352, 357 183, 204, 209, 258, 297, 300, 301, 303,
monatomic gas, 119, 120, 123, 126 304, 306–308, 311, 314, 315, 317, 322,
nano-scale heat transfer, 31 power law curve fitting, 363
Nernst, W., 16, 214 Power, H., 50
Newcomen, T., 15 pressure, 18, 30, 31, 33–36, 39–46, 48–50, 57, 59,
Newton’s law of cooling, 101, 134 61, 64, 66, 68, 69, 72, 75–77, 85, 86, 91,
Newton’s method, 273 93, 94, 97–99, 117, 119, 128, 131, 133,
Newton’s second law, 12, 24, 37, 41, 75, 138, 155–157, 168, 169, 178, 180, 185, 222,
151, 222, 235, 242, 319 227, 236, 238, 239, 242–244, 248, 249,
261–264, 284, 286, 290–292, 300, 302, Reynolds, O., 149
304, 308, 311–315, 320, 338 Rocket, 21
absolute, 39 rotational energy, 124
critical, 46, 220
gauge, 39, 40, 291 saturated liquid, 44, 46, 66, 70, 73, 113, 181, 224
saturation, 46 saturated vapor, 45, 46, 66, 113, 131, 133, 224,
Prigogine, I., 16 253
probability, 267 saturation pressure, 46
process, 34 saturation temperature, 44–46, 69
irreversible, 196, 215, 216 Savery, T., 15
polytropic, 64, 65, 87–90, 96, 121, 234, 252 scalar, 84, 144, 147, 157, 188, 359
reversible, 196, 212, 214–216, 218, 223, 284 Schrödinger, E., 16
property, 33 second law of thermodynamics, 15, 16, 36, 151,
extensive, 33, 109, 110, 148, 151, 154 181, 190–195, 198–200, 202, 204–206,
intensive, 33, 49, 52, 75, 76, 213, 264 209, 211, 212, 215–218, 229, 249, 274,
pump, 14, 18, 141, 155, 171, 172, 176, 178, 181, 281, 283, 285, 287
209, 289, 295, 297–302, 306, 321 Carathéodory statement, 194
pure substance, 43 Clausius statement, 192
entropy-based statement, 191
quality, 47, 49, 66, 67, 69, 72, 74, 94, 114, 132, Kelvin-Planck statement, 192, 211
255 sensible heat, 221
quantum effects, 11 shaft work, 155, 160, 167, 179, 184
quantum mechanics, 125 Shannon, C., 277
SI (Système International), 35
R-134a refrigerant, 71, 321 simple compressible substance, 48
R-410a refrigerant, 71 single interpolation, 72
radiation, 35, 101 singularity, 357, 364
ramjet, 309 Snow, C., 190
randomness, 266 solid, 223
Rankine incompressible, 230
degrees, 36 Sommerfeld, A., 36
Rankine cycle, 176–179, 182, 297–301, 306, 307, sound speed, 336, 346, 348, 349, 352, 357
311, 320 adiabatic, 346, 348, 349, 352, 357
reheat, 300 isentropic, 336
Rankine, W., 102, 297 isothermal, 348, 349
rarefied gas dynamics, 31 specific heat, 116–118, 261, 333
ratio of specific heats, 119, 336, 349 at constant pressure, 116
reciprocity at constant volume, 116
Onsager, 15 specific heat capacity, 116
Redlich-Kwong equation of state, 63, 131 specific internal energy, 113
reduced pressure, 64 specific volume, 39, 41, 45, 46, 53, 66–69, 111,
reduced temperature, 64 240
refrigeration cycle, 320, 321 specific work, 85
refrigerator, 204, 320 speed of light, 138
Carnot, 202 state, 33, 49
Regnault, H., 52 statistical mechanics, 15, 125
reheat, 300–304 statistical thermodynamics, 15
reversible process, 196, 212, 214–216, 218, 223, steady state, 153
284 steam digester, 15
reversible work, 199 steam engine, 15, 18, 21, 190, 201
Reynolds transport theorem, 149, 151, 157 Boulton and Watt, 21
steam power cycle, 177, 179 212, 214–216, 220, 222, 229, 241, 249,
Stefan-Boltzmann constant, 101 264, 266, 267, 274, 277–279, 281, 286,
Stephenson, R., 21 325, 328, 329, 337, 343, 348, 352
Stokes’ assumption, 187 equilibrium, 34, 100, 186
strain, 126, 187 non-equilibrium, 15, 34, 281
stress, 126, 156, 186, 187 thermostatics, 12
deviatoric, 186 third law of thermodynamics, 214
sublimation, 48, 70 Thompson, B. (Count Rumford), 15, 103
subsonic, 358 Thomson, W. (Lord Kelvin), 11, 15, 278
subsonic nozzle, 358 throttling device, 168, 169
superheated vapor, 46, 49, 69, 77 thrust, 308, 309, 317, 320
supersonic, 358 time, 12, 24–27, 31–35, 76, 79, 85, 86, 100, 133,
supersonic nozzle, 358 134, 136, 137, 143, 145–147, 150, 151,
surroundings, 29 155, 159, 161, 165, 166, 180, 184–186,
system boundary, 29, 130, 138 189, 191, 217, 243–245, 247, 267, 320,
349–352, 354
tabular equations of state, 65 time constant, 136, 165, 185
temperature, 15, 16, 30, 31, 33–37, 44–46, 48, time-dependency, 133
50, 52, 59–62, 64, 66, 69–73, 75, 79, Torricelli’s formula, 290
90, 100, 110, 116, 117, 119–127, 129– Torricelli, E., 290
131, 133, 134, 136, 137, 151, 156, 169, total derivative, 80, 119, 155
174, 175, 182, 184, 185, 191, 201–203, total differential, 80
205–207, 209, 214, 217, 218, 221, 227, total energy, 79, 109, 114, 134, 138, 154, 155,
229, 237, 248, 249, 253, 258–264, 266, 159, 166, 222
270, 284, 285, 287, 296, 300, 302, 304, total enthalpy, 114, 160, 166, 167
312, 314, 317, 319, 320, 330, 338, 345, Towneley, R., 50
349 transformation
absolute, 35, 37, 52, 60, 120, 151, 191 coordinate, 337
critical, 46, 66, 220 Legendre, 329, 330
saturation, 44–46, 69 translational kinetic energy, 123
tensor, 186, 187 transport theorem
stress, 187 general, 148
thermal conductivity, 100, 137, 188 Reynolds, 149, 157
thermal efficiency, 181, 198 triple point, 35, 36, 48, 66, 70, 202
thermal energy, 12, 16–18, 28, 79, 100, 102, 104, Truesdell, C., 14, 106
109, 110, 129, 137, 153, 158–164, 166, turbine, 141, 155, 170, 171, 173–177, 179–181,
167, 172, 178, 179, 181, 190, 198, 199, 282–284, 289, 295, 297, 298, 300–302,
202, 204, 217, 222, 229, 266, 285, 286, 304, 305, 308, 309, 316, 317
309, 345 steam, 175, 282, 284
thermal equation of state, 49, 50, 62, 65, 131, turbojet, 308, 309, 317, 318
187 two-phase mixture, 33, 46, 47, 49, 65, 66, 68, 69,
thermal equilibrium, 33, 35, 263 72, 74, 75, 90, 91, 114, 132, 215, 223,
thermal radiation, 101 299, 301, 305
thermodynamic cycle, 176, 181, 192, 211, 249,
297, 320 universal gas constant, 52, 123
thermodynamic system, 29 universe, 29, 217–219, 227, 229, 230, 242, 263,
thermodynamics, 11, 12, 15–17, 22, 28, 30, 31, 265, 277, 278, 345
33, 34, 36, 37, 39, 53, 76, 79, 85, 87, isolated, 277
100, 102, 103, 107, 109, 113, 117, 123, University of Notre Dame, 22, 23, 104, 106, 178,
133, 134, 141, 151, 154, 155, 157, 166, 180, 182, 183, 251, 322, 323, 332, 358
181, 186, 188–197, 200, 202, 209, 211, power plant, 23
vacuum pump, 14 201, 202, 209, 211, 217–219, 222, 232,
van der Waals equation of state, 62 241, 243, 248, 251–253, 257, 261, 264,
van der Waals gas, 130, 338, 339, 341, 343, 345, 282, 295–298, 307, 308, 313–317, 319,
346 320, 329, 330, 343
van der Waals, J., 16, 63 electrical force, 99
van’t Hoff, J., 15 irreversible, 199
vapor reversible, 199
saturated, 45, 46, 66, 113, 131, 133, 224, shaft, 155, 160, 167, 179, 184
253 sign convention, 84
superheated, 46, 69, 77 surface force, 99
vapor compression cycle, 320 tensile force, 99
vapor dome, 62, 63, 65, 76, 77, 219, 221, 224,
338, 340 Young, T., 12
vapor pressure curve, 46
variables zeroth law of thermodynamics, 36
canonical, 329–331
conjugate, 330, 331
vector, 12, 84, 100, 138, 143, 144, 147, 155, 156,
161, 187, 188, 359, 361
velocity, 14, 25, 26, 30, 111, 112, 138, 146, 147,
149, 152, 155, 156, 161, 168–170, 186,
188, 242–244, 286, 290–294, 308, 317,
319, 350, 352, 354, 357, 358
vibrational energy, 124, 175
vis viva, 79
volume, 29, 30, 33, 34, 39, 41, 44, 45, 48, 50, 55,
57, 60–62, 67–69, 86, 91, 92, 98, 114,
131, 134, 136, 143–150, 152, 153, 159,
161, 184, 207, 222, 239, 263, 321, 338
critical, 341
flow rate, 321
specific, 39, 41, 45, 46, 53, 66–69, 111, 240
von Guericke, O., 14
water, 14, 33, 35, 36, 43–45, 47–49, 65, 66, 68–
78, 90–92, 103, 113, 129–133, 136, 137,
162, 163, 177, 178, 181, 182, 189–191,
202, 207, 218, 220, 221, 224, 231, 238–
240, 253–255, 258, 263, 291–294, 297,
300, 304, 306, 322, 339, 340, 342, 350,
Watt, J., 15, 18
wave equation, 355, 356
wavelength, 368
William of Occam, 16
Wilson, K., 16
work, 12, 15, 16, 22, 29, 39, 49, 50, 84–90, 94,
96, 97, 99, 100, 102, 103, 106, 109, 112,
113, 117, 121, 130, 132, 138, 149, 151,
154–157, 159, 160, 166–168, 170, 173–
175, 178, 180, 181, 190–194, 197–199,