The rubric assesses students on a vocabulary assignment involving a slang dictionary worksheet. It provides criteria for evaluating students' understanding of vocabulary words, language use, responses to writing prompts, presentation of work, and participation in groups. Students can earn scores of 1, 2, or 3 in each category, with 3 being the highest level of achievement and demonstration of full understanding or participation.
The rubric assesses students on a vocabulary assignment involving a slang dictionary worksheet. It provides criteria for evaluating students' understanding of vocabulary words, language use, responses to writing prompts, presentation of work, and participation in groups. Students can earn scores of 1, 2, or 3 in each category, with 3 being the highest level of achievement and demonstration of full understanding or participation.
The rubric assesses students on a vocabulary assignment involving a slang dictionary worksheet. It provides criteria for evaluating students' understanding of vocabulary words, language use, responses to writing prompts, presentation of work, and participation in groups. Students can earn scores of 1, 2, or 3 in each category, with 3 being the highest level of achievement and demonstration of full understanding or participation.
The rubric assesses students on a vocabulary assignment involving a slang dictionary worksheet. It provides criteria for evaluating students' understanding of vocabulary words, language use, responses to writing prompts, presentation of work, and participation in groups. Students can earn scores of 1, 2, or 3 in each category, with 3 being the highest level of achievement and demonstration of full understanding or participation.
CATEGORY 3 2 1 Slang dictionary Student demonstrated full Writing show some level vocabulary Student has little or no worksheet understanding of the vocabulary understanding. Most columns on the understanding of the vocabulary words. All columns were slang dictionary table complete. words. Student failed to complete completed with specific page all columns on slang dictionary numbers and examples form text. assignment. Language Student uses words and phrases Student uses some words and Language use does not meet the that clearly support the answers. phrases that support the answers. requirements. Shows understanding of the assignment and use of language. Response to writing Responses include in-depth Responses show some depth and Responses are weak and there was prompt discussion of each of the essential most of the essential questions are failure to answer all of the questions presented and student answered with some supporting essential questions. provided examples of different details/information. types of language used. Appearance and Assignments are organized and in Assignments are organized and Work is sloppy and poorly presentation of all order. Work is neatly written or appear neat and easy to read, presented. Making it difficult to writing assignments typed. read Working and sharing Helps the group stay on task, is Willingly participates in group Student consistently needs with others engaged and encourages group work; usually does the assigned redirecting, prompting, and members; always does the work and rarely needs encouragement to participate assigned work without prompting/encouragement Shows little interest. prompting,