Period of Sale/download of
Bidding Document (Start/ Start: 13/09/2019, 11:00 AM onwards
End Date) End: 07/10/2019, Before 3:00 PM
Shravan Hardikar (IAS)
CEO & Director,
Pimpri Chinchwad Smart City
Limited (PCSCL)
Request for Proposal (RFP) for selection of System Integrator for Integrated GIS Enabled
ERP solution, Online Establishment Licensing Solution, Service Level Benchmarking and
creation of Unique Smart Address for Pimpri Chinchwad City under Smart City Initiative
Tender No. 20/2019-20
Pimpri Chinchwad Smart City Limited (PCSCL) intends to appoint System Integrator for
Integrated GIS Enabled ERP solution, Online Establishment Licensing Solution, Service Level
Benchmarking and creation of Unique Smart Address for Pimpri Chinchwad City under Smart
City Initiative. System Integrator shall be selected on the basis of lowest prices quoted (L-1)
after successfully clearing Pre-qualification and Technical Qualification.
Interested Bidders may download the RFP document from the website of
http://mahatenders.gov.in & also PCMC i.e. www.smartcitypimprichinchwad.in or
www.pcmcindia.gov.in from 13/09/2019, 11:00 AM onwards.
Non Refundable
No Name of Work Document Fee EMD (Rs)
Incl. GST (Rs)
Request for Proposal (RFP) for selection of System
Integrator for Integrated GIS Enabled ERP solution,
1 Online Establishment Licensing Solution, Service Level 67,200 1,20,00,000
Benchmarking and creation of Unique Smart Address
for Pimpri Chinchwad City under Smart City Initiative
Rights to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reasons thereof are reserved by CEO,
PCSCL and whose decision will be final and legally binding on all the bidders.
PCSCL/01/158/2019 Shravan Hardikar (IAS)
Date: 09/09/2019 CEO & Director
Pimpri Chinchwad Smart City Limited
I. This Request for Proposal ("RFP") is issued by Pimpri Chinchwad Smart City Limited
II. The information contained in this Request for Proposal document (“RFP”) or
subsequently provided to Bidders, whether verbally or in documentary or any other
form by or on behalf of the PCSCL (the Purchaser) or any of its employees or advisors,
is provided to Bidders, on the terms and conditions set out in this RFP.
III. This RFP is not a Contract and is neither an offer nor invitation by the Purchaser to the
prospective Bidders or any other person. The purpose of this RFP is to provide
interested parties with information that may be useful to them in the formulation of
their Proposals in pursuant to this RFP. This RFP includes statements, which reflect
various assumptions and assessments arrived at, by the Purchaser, in relation to the
project. Such assumptions, assessments and statements do not purport to contain all
the information that each Bidder may require. This RFP may not be appropriate for all
persons, and it is not possible for the Purchaser, its employees or advisers to consider
the objectives, technical expertise and particular needs of each party, who reads or
uses this RFP. The assumptions, assessments, statements and information contained
in this RFP, may not be complete, accurate, adequate or correct. Each Bidder should,
therefore, conduct his own investigations and analysis and should check the accuracy,
adequacy, correctness, reliability and completeness of the assumptions, assessments
and information contained in this RFP and obtain independent advice from
appropriate sources.
IV. Information provided in this RFP to the Bidders is on a wide range of matters, some of
which depends upon interpretation of law. The information given is not an exhaustive
account of statutory requirements and should not be regarded as a complete or
authoritative statement of law. The Purchaser accepts no responsibility for the
accuracy or otherwise for any interpretation or opinion on the law expressed herein.
The Purchaser, its employees and advisers make no representation or warrants and
shall have no liability to any person including any Bidder under any law, statute, rules
or regulations or tort, principles of restitution or unjust enrichment or otherwise for
any loss, damages, cost or expense which may arise from or be incurred or suffered
on account of anything contained in this RFP or otherwise, including the accuracy,
adequacy, correctness, reliability or completeness of the RFP and any assessment,
assumption, statement or information contained therein or deemed to form part of
this RFP or arising in any way in this selection process.
V. The Purchaser also accepts no liability of any nature, whether resulting from
negligence or otherwise, however caused, arising from reliance of any Bidder upon
the statements contained in this RFP.
VI. The Purchaser may, in its absolute discretion, but without being under any obligation
to do so, update, amend or supplement the information, assessment or assumption
contained in this RFP. The issue of this RFP does not imply that the Purchaser is bound
to select a Bidder or to appoint the Selected Bidder, as the case may be, for this project
and the Purchaser reserves the right to reject all or any of the proposals, without
assigning any reason whatsoever.
VII. PCSCL or its authorized officers / representatives / advisors reserve the right, without
prior notice, to change the procedure for the selection of the Successful Bidder or
terminate discussions and the delivery of information at any time before the signing
of any agreement for the Project, without assigning reasons thereof.
VIII. The RFP Document does not address concerns relating to diverse investment
objectives, financial situation and particular needs of each party. The RFP Document
is not intended to provide the basis for any investment decision and each Bidder must
make its / their own independent assessment in respect of various aspects of the
techno-economic feasibilities of the Project. No person has been authorized by PCSCL
to give any information or to make any representation not contained in the RFP
IX. The Bidder shall bear all its costs associated with or relating to the reparation and
submission of its Proposal including but not limited to preparation and expenses
associated with any demonstrations or presentations which may be required by the
Purchaser or any other costs incurred in connection with or relating to its Proposal. All
such costs and expenses shall remain with the Bidder and the Purchaser shall not be
liable in any manner whatsoever for the same or for any other costs or other expenses
incurred by a Bidder, in preparation for submission of the Proposal, regardless of the
conduct or outcome of the selection process.
1 Important Dates ............................................................................................................... 10
2 Acronyms ......................................................................................................................... 11
3 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 12
3.1 About Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation ..................................................... 12
3.2 About Pimpri Chinchwad Smart City Limited ............................................................ 12
3.3 GIS Enabled ERP Project as a part of Smart City Initiative ........................................ 13
3.4 Department Overview of PCMC ................................................................................ 13
3.5 PCMC Organizational Setup ...................................................................................... 14
3.6 RFP Format ................................................................................................................ 14
3.7 Datasheet/Factsheet ................................................................................................. 15
4 Instructions to Bidder ...................................................................................................... 16
4.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 16
4.2 Eligible Bidder ............................................................................................................ 17
4.3 Completeness of Bidder ............................................................................................ 17
4.4 Code of Integrity........................................................................................................ 17
4.5 Bidder to Inform ........................................................................................................ 18
4.6 Pre-bid meeting & Clarification ................................................................................. 18
4.6.1 Bidders Queries .................................................................................................. 18
4.6.2 Pre-Bid Conference ............................................................................................ 18
4.6.3 2.6.3 Responses to Pre-Bid Queries and Issue of Corrigendum ........................ 19
4.7 Bid Validity Period ..................................................................................................... 19
4.8 Firm Prices ................................................................................................................. 19
4.9 Bid Prices ................................................................................................................... 19
4.10 Submission of Proposal ......................................................................................... 20
4.11 Cost of RFP ............................................................................................................. 20
4.12 Completeness of the RFP....................................................................................... 20
4.13 Consortium Conditions .......................................................................................... 21
4.14 Sub-contracting Conditions ................................................................................... 22
5 Key Requirements of Bid.................................................................................................. 23
5.1 Right to terminate the process ................................................................................. 23
5.2 RFP Document fees ................................................................................................... 23
5.3 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) .................................................................................. 23
5.4 Completeness of Response ....................................................................................... 25
5.5 Bid Submission .......................................................................................................... 25
5.6 Proposal Preparation Costs ....................................................................................... 26
5.7 Authentication of Bids ............................................................................................... 26
5.8 Interlineation of bids ................................................................................................. 26
5.9 Late Bids .................................................................................................................... 27
5.10 Patent Claim .......................................................................................................... 27
5.11 Language ................................................................................................................ 27
5.12 Discount ................................................................................................................. 27
5.13 Only One Proposal and One Solution .................................................................... 27
5.14 Supplementary Information/Corrigendum/Amendment to the RFP .................... 27
5.15 Local Conditions..................................................................................................... 28
5.16 Venue & Deadline for Submission of Proposals .................................................... 28
5.17 Proposals submitted after designated time of submission ................................... 28
5.18 Deviations .............................................................................................................. 29
5.19 Modification and Withdrawal of Bids.................................................................... 29
5.20 Revealing of Prices ................................................................................................. 29
5.21 Address for Correspondence ................................................................................. 29
5.22 Contacting PCMC/PCSCL........................................................................................ 29
5.23 PCMC Visit.............................................................................................................. 29
5.24 Bidder Related Conditions ..................................................................................... 30
5.25 Bid Submission ....................................................................................................... 31
5.26 Contents of Bid on e-Procurement Portal ............................................................. 31
5.27 Technical Proposal ................................................................................................. 32
5.28 Commercial Bid...................................................................................................... 32
5.29 Opening of Bids...................................................................................................... 32
5.30 Technical Envelope ................................................................................................ 33
5.31 Commercial Envelope ............................................................................................ 33
6 Selection Process for Bidder ............................................................................................ 34
6.1 Evaluation of Bids ...................................................................................................... 34
6.2 Opening of Bids ......................................................................................................... 35
6.3 Preliminary examination of Bids ............................................................................... 35
6.4 Clarification on Bids................................................................................................... 36
6.5 Evaluation Process .................................................................................................... 36
6.5.1 Stage 1: Pre-Qualification .................................................................................. 36
6.5.2 Stage 2: Technical Evaluation ............................................................................ 36
6.5.3 Stage 3: Financial Evaluation ............................................................................. 37
6.6 Pre-Qualification Criteria .......................................................................................... 38
6.6.1 Pre-Qualification Criteria ................................................................................... 38
6.7 Technical Evaluation Framework .............................................................................. 45
6.8 Requirements of GIS Enabled ERP Solution .............................................................. 57
7 Award of Contract ............................................................................................................ 57
7.1 Right to Accept Any Proposal and To Reject Any or All Proposal(s) ......................... 57
7.2 Notification of Award ................................................................................................ 57
7.3 Negotiations with the successful bidder ................................................................... 58
7.4 Contract Finalization and Award ............................................................................... 58
7.5 Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG)......................................................................... 58
7.6 Warranty & Maintenance ......................................................................................... 59
7.7 Signing of Contract .................................................................................................... 61
7.8 Failure to agree with the Terms & Conditions of the RFP ........................................ 61
7.9 Rejection Criteria ....................................................................................................... 61
7.9.1 General Rejection Criteria.................................................................................. 61
7.9.2 Commercial Rejection Criteria ........................................................................... 62
8 Annexure 1 – Format for Pre-Bid Queries ....................................................................... 63
9 Annexure 2 – Formats for Submission of the Pre-Qualification Bid ................................ 64
9.1 Pre-qualification bid checklist ................................................................................... 64
9.2 Pre-Qualification Bid Covering Letter ....................................................................... 65
9.3 Company profile ........................................................................................................ 67
9.4 Turnover Certificate for Sole bidder/Lead Bidder/ Consortium Members............... 68
9.5 Bidder’s Experience - Client Citations ....................................................................... 69
9.6 IT Certification details ............................................................................................... 70
9.7 Declaration of Non-Blacklisting ................................................................................. 71
9.8 Self-certificate for Project execution experience ..................................................... 72
9.9 No Deviation Certificate ............................................................................................ 74
10 Annexure 3 – Formats for Submission of the Technical Bid ............................................ 75
10.1 Technical Bid Check-List ........................................................................................ 75
10.2 Technical Bid Covering Letter ................................................................................ 77
10.3 Credential Summary .............................................................................................. 79
10.4 Bidder’s Experience - Client Citations ................................................................... 80
10.5 Total Responsibility Certificate .............................................................................. 81
10.6 Overview of Proposed Solution ............................................................................. 82
10.7 Project Plan ............................................................................................................ 83
10.8 Manpower Plan ..................................................................................................... 84
10.8.1 Detail of Resources Proposed ........................................................................ 85
10.9 Proposed Unpriced Bill of Material ....................................................................... 86
10.10 Manufacturers'/Producers’ Authorization Form................................................... 87
10.11 Anti-Collusion Certificate ....................................................................................... 88
10.12 Non-Disclosure Agreement ................................................................................... 89
10.13 Self-declaration by Bidder ..................................................................................... 93
10.14 Format for OEM Declaration ................................................................................. 94
10.15 Declaration on Source Code and Intellectual Property Rights .............................. 96
10.16 Undertaking on Patent Rights ............................................................................... 97
10.17 Undertaking on Service Level Compliance ............................................................ 98
10.18 Undertaking on Deliverables ................................................................................. 99
10.19 Undertaking on Support to Third Party Solution acceptance and certification .. 100
10.20 Declaration of activities sub-contracted ............................................................. 101
10.21 Undertaking on Exit Management and Transition .............................................. 102
11 Annexure 4 – Format for Submission of Commercial Bid.............................................. 103
12 Annexure 5 – Performance Bank Guarantee ................................................................. 107
13 Annexure 6 - Consortium Agreement ............................................................................ 109
14 Annexure 7 - Format for Power of Attorney to Authorize Signatory ............................ 111
15 Annexure 8 - Format for Power of Attorney for Lead bidder of Consortium ................ 112
16 Annexure 9 – Bank Guarantee for Earnest Money Deposit .......................................... 114
17 Annexure 10 – Undertaking for Compliance to ERP Definition ..................................... 116
18 Annexure 11 – Undertaking for Compliance to Definition for Other Commercial off the
Shelf Products (GIS, Work Flow and Document Management, BI etc.) ................................ 118
19 Annexure 12 – Undertaking for Compliance to OGC ..................................................... 120
1 Important Dates
# Activity Deadline
1. Release of RFP 13/ 09/2019, 11:00 AM
2. Last date for submission of Pre Bid Queries 16/ 09/2019, 05:00 PM
3. Pre bid Meeting date 17/ 09/2019, 11:00 AM
4. CSD publishing and Start date for submission of Bids 23/ 09/2019, 11:00 AM
5. Last date for submission of Bids 07/ 10/2019, 03:00 PM
6. Date of opening of technical bids 10/ 10/2019, 11:00 AM
To be communicated
7. Date of Technical Presentation by the Bidders
To be communicated
8. Date of Opening of Commercial bids
To be communicated
9. Award of Contract
To be communicated
10. Commencement of work
2 Acronyms
# Term Meaning
1. API Application Programming Interface
2. BPAS Building Permission and Approval System
3. ICCC Integrated Control and Command Center
4. EMD Earnest Money Deposit
5. FRS Functional Requirement Specifications
6. FY Financial Year
7. GIS Geographical Information System
8. GUI Graphical User Interface
9. LAN Local Area Network
10. MoHUA Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
11. O&M Operations and Maintenance
12. PCMC Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
13. PCSCL Pimpri Chinchwad Smart City Limited
14. PO Purchase Order
15. POC Proof of Concept
16. SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
17. SI System Integrator
18. SLA Service Level Agreement
19. SLB Service Level Benchmarking
20. SRS System Requirement Specifications
21. UAT User Acceptance Test
22. USA Unique Smart Address
23. USB Universal Serial Bus
24. WO Work Order
3 Introduction
3.1 About Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Pimpri Chinchwad is a modern twin city, situated South-East of Mumbai and in the North-
West quadrant of Pune. Pimpri-Chinchwad also happens to be the fifth-most populated city
of Maharashtra and has long been famous for being one of the most prominent industrial
destinations outside Mumbai.
The twin city (Pimpri Chinchwad) is governed by the Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
(PCMC). Pimpri Chinchwad Council was formed on 4 March 1970 covering area of about 87
sq. km which later on was established as Municipal Corporation in 1982, which now covers
an area of approximate 184 square kilometres. As per 2011 census population of Pimpri
Chinchwad is 17, 29,000 souls growing at a rate of 6% annually, with a national average of
2.1%. The city is located on the Deccan Plateau and is surrounded by hills. It is situated 530 m
above the mean sea level. Pavna River traverses the city, while the Indrayani River flows
through the north-western outskirts and Mula River on south side, forms a boundary of Pune
and Pimpri Chinchwad Cities. Various particulars of the city are given in below.
The city forms a continuous urban stretch, adding to the overall Pune Metropolitan Region
(PMR), and contains a thriving industrial belt that primarily consists of engineering and
automobile industries. The Information Technology (IT) sector has also got importance in the
recent years because of the formation of the Hinjewadi IT Park.
PCMC and Pune, when viewed as a unified geographical unit, make up one of India's largest
industrial areas. Pimpri Chinchwad has contributed a lot to the fact that Pune is the second
largest industrial city in Maharashtra after Mumbai.
3.3 GIS Enabled ERP Project as a part of Smart City Initiative
Pimpri Chinchwad Smart City Proposal (SCP) was selected by the Government of India (GoI)
under Smart City Mission (SCM). After consultation with citizens, more than 30 projects have
been identified in the Smart City Plan which were packaged into three modules. The first
module talks about institutionalization of Smart City SPV, the second module covers projects
for area based development while the third module includes few selected projects from the
pan-city development component of the Smart City proposal for Pimpri Chinchwad which
involves “Response” as one of the key packages. In order to utilize the data driven and geo
spatial approach for decision making, Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation (PCMC) has
decided to design and deploy GIS enabled ERP. Under this initiative, the functionalities of GIS
will be interlinked with day to day functioning of departments, so as to update the GIS
database of PCMC continuously.
3.5 PCMC Organizational Setup
Organizational Setup
# Items No of Items
1 No of Employees in PCMC ~ 7,000
2 No of Pensioners in PCMC ~ 4,200
3 No of Electrol Wards in PCMC 32
4 No of new recruits every year ~ 50
5 No of new retirees every year ~ 100
IT Setup
# Items No of Items
1 No of desktops in PCMC ~ 2000
2 DC Setup Available
3 Current Database size ~ 15 GB
4 Current Database PostgreSQL 8.3 (For majority of applications)
3.7 Datasheet/Factsheet
Sl # Item Description
The method of selection is L1. The Contract shall be
1. Method of Selection awarded to the bidder quoting the lowest ‘Total Project
Price’ post technical qualification. Prices inclusive of
applicable taxes, levies etc. shall be considered for
arriving at L1 price.
Availability of RFP Download from
2. Documents e-Procurement Portal (https://mahatenders.gov.in)
3. Release of RFP 13/09/2019, 11:00 AM onwards
Tender document fee
4. (Non-refundable and INR 67,200/- through e-Procurement Portal
Not – exempted)
6. Pre-bid Meeting date 17/09/2019, 11:00 AM at 3rd Floor, PCMC Head Office
Posting of responses to
queries (on website) e-Procurement Portal (https://mahatenders.gov.in)
Last Date and time for
8. Bid/Bid submission (On 07/10/2019, 3:00 PM
or before)
9. Date of opening of
Technical bids 10/10/2019, 11:00 PM
Name and Address for 4th Floor, PCMC Main Building, Pimpri, Maharashtra –
Correspondence 411018 Tel: 020 – 67333333, 67331120
Fax: 020 - 27425600, 67330000
e-Mail ID: smartcity@pcmcindia.gov.in
4 Instructions to Bidder
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Pimpri Chinchwad Smart City Limited (PCSCL), invites
reputed IT Firms to submit their technical proposals and financial offers for the project of
Selection of System Integrator for GIS Enabled ERP Solution for PCMC under Smart City
Initiatives, in accordance with conditions and manner prescribed in this Request for Proposal
(RFP) document.
1. References to “Vendor”, “Bidder”, “SI”, “System Integrator” etc. in this RFP document shall
be construed to refer to the Bidder itself.
2.References to “PCSCL”, “purchaser”, “buyer” in this RFP document shall be construed to
refer to PCSCL (i.e. Pimpri Chinchwad Smart City Limited) while the “User”, “Beneficiary” shall
be referred to Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation (PCMC)
4.1 General
PCSCL has adopted a three-step process (referred to as the "Bidding Process") for selecting
Bidders for the award of the Project through the e-tendering system. The Bidding Process
shall comprise of two steps, the first relating to qualification of the Bidder and the second
relating to the Commercial Proposal of the Bidder. As part of the Bidding Process, the Bidders
are being called upon to submit their Bids through the e-Procurement Portal
(https://mahatenders.gov.in) in accordance with the terms specified in the Bidding
Documents. Registered bidders should submit their offer through e-Procurement Portal only.
The official shall guide the interested Bidder to document the authorization process & to
obtain the Registration Key.
Notes of e-Tendering:
1. All eligible interested Bidders, who want to participate in e-tendering process should
get enrolled on e-Procurement portal (https://mahatenders.gov.in)
2. Bidder shall contact, for details or any difficulties in submission of online tenders, if
any, the CEO, PCSCL
3. It is compulsory for all participants to submit all documents online.
4. It is compulsory to submit cost of Tender Form Fee and Earnest Money Deposit only
in the prescribed form/mode of payment. Detailed terms and conditions are displayed
on the portal (https://mahatenders.gov.in)
5. Right to reject any or all online bids of work without assigning any reasons thereof are
reserved with the CEO, PCSCL.
6. While every effort has been made to provide comprehensive and accurate background
information and requirements and specifications, Bidders must form their own
conclusions about the solution needed to meet the requirements. Bidders and
recipients of this RFP may wish to consult their own legal advisers in relation to this
7. All information supplied by Bidders may be treated as contractually binding on the
Bidders, on successful award of the assignment by the Purchaser on the basis of this
8. No commitment of any kind, contractual or otherwise shall exist unless and until a
formal written contract has been executed by or on behalf of the Purchaser. Any
notification of preferred Bidder status by the Purchaser shall not give rise to any
enforceable rights by the Bidder. The Purchaser may cancel this public tendering at
any time prior to a formal written contract being executed by or on behalf of the
9. This RFP supersedes and replaces any previous public documentation &
communications, and Bidders should place no reliance on such communications.
e. Any financial or business transactions between the bidder and any official of
the procuring entity related to tender or execution process of contract
f. Which can affect the decision of the procuring entity directly or indirectly.
g. Any coercion or any threat to impair or harm, directly or indirectly, any party
or its property to influence the Tendering process.
h. Obstruction of any investigation or auditing of the Tendering process.
i. Making false declaration or providing false information for participation in a
tender process or to secure a contract;
b. Disclosure of conflict of interest.
c. Disclosure by the bidder of any previous transgressions made in respect of the
j. Provisions of sub-clause (a) with any entity in any country during the last three
k. Or of being debarred by any other procuring entity.
In case of any reported violations, the procuring entity, after giving a reasonable opportunity
of being heard, comes to the conclusion that a bidder or prospective bidder, as the case may
be, has contravened the code of integrity, may take appropriate measures.
4.6.3 2.6.3 Responses to Pre-Bid Queries and Issue of Corrigendum
a) The Nodal Officer notified by the Purchaser shall endeavour to provide timely
response to all queries. However, Purchaser makes no representation or warranty
as to the completeness or accuracy of any response made in good faith, nor does
Purchaser undertake to answer all the queries that have been posed by the
b) At any time prior to the last date for receipt of bids, Purchaser may, for any reason,
whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a
prospective Bidder, modify the RFP Document by a corrigendum.
c) The corrigendum (if any) & clarifications to the queries from all Bidders shall be
posted on https://mahatenders.gov.in
d) Any such corrigendum shall be deemed to be incorporated into this RFP.
e) In order to provide prospective Bidders reasonable time for taking the
corrigendum into account, the Purchaser may, at its discretion, extend the last
date for the receipt of Proposals.
Bid shall remain valid for the time mentioned in the RFP Datasheet. In exceptional
circumstances, at its discretion, PCSCL may solicit the Bidder’s consent for an extension of the
validity period. The request and the response shall be made in writing.
a) Prices quoted must be firm and final and shall remain constant throughout the
period of the contract and shall not be subject to any upward modifications, on
any account whatsoever. The Bid Prices shall be indicated in Indian Rupees (INR)
b) The Commercial Bid should clearly indicate the price to be charged without any
qualifications whatsoever and should include all taxes, duties, fees, levies, works
contract tax and other charges as may be applicable in relation to the activities
proposed to be carried out.
c) The taxes quoted in the offer should be inclusive of all the taxes except GST
d) A proposal submitted with an adjustable price quotation or conditional proposal
shall be treated as non-responsive and the bid may be rejected.
tasks in accordance with the requirement of the tender documents and it shall be
the responsibility of the Bidders to fully meet all the requirements of the tender
d) If at any stage, during the contract, if Purchaser identifies that the approach/
project plan/ schedule/ work conducted does not meet the functional
requirements, conceptual design, performance requirements/ SLA, and other
requirements of Tender, the Bidders shall revise the required work plan/
approach/quality of work as required. No additional cost shall be reimbursed for
the bidder for the same.
e) The taxes quoted in the offer should be inclusive of all the taxes except GST
o Tender Fee
o EMD (Original BG document shall be submitted to PCSCL office on technical document
opening date )
o Pre-Qualification Proposal
o Technical Proposal
o Financial proposal
However, each of the above documents must be uploaded in the format specified for this
purpose and as per the specified folder structure in the e-Procurement Portal.
The bidder must ensure that the bid is digitally signed by the Authorized Signatory of the
bidding firm and has been duly submitted (freeze) within the submission timelines. The
PCMC/PCSCL shall in no case be responsible if the bid is not submitted online within the
specified timelines.
All the pages of the Proposal document must be sequentially numbered, signed by
Authority, should have company seal and must contain the list of contents with page
numbers. Any deficiency in the documentation may result in the rejection of the Bidder’s
substantially responsive to the RFP documents in every respect will be at the bidder's risk and
may result in rejection of its Proposal.
The purpose of this RFP is to provide interested parties with information that may be useful
to them in making their financial offers pursuant to this RFP (the "Bid"). This RFP includes
statements, which reflect various assumptions and assessments arrived at by PCSCL in
relation to the project. Such assumptions, assessments and statements do not purport to
contain all the information that each bidder may require. This RFP may not be appropriate for
all persons, and it is not possible for the PCMC/PCSCL, its employees or advisors to consider
the investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs of each party who reads or
uses this RFP. The assumptions, assessments, statements and information contained in this
RFP, may not be complete, accurate, adequate or correct. Each bidder should, therefore,
conduct its own investigations and analysis and should check the accuracy, adequacy,
correctness, reliability and completeness of the assumptions, assessments, statements and
information contained in this RFP and obtain independent advice from appropriate sources.
PCMC/ PCSCL also accepts no liability of any nature whether resulting from negligence or
otherwise howsoever caused arising from reliance of any bidder upon the statements
contained in this RFP. PCSCL may in its absolute discretion, but without being under any
obligation to do so, update, amend or supplement the information, assessment or
assumptions contained in this RFP.
Consortium and do all acts as may be necessary to or for the performance under the
8. The Consortium Agreement shall provide at least the following information in respect of
the Consortium members that the Bidder will engage to provide any of the services
required under this RFP.
a. Brief description of nature of products/services to be provided by Consortium
b. Head and Branch offices (if responsible for work under the contract) (provide
mailing addresses, phone, fax and email)
c. Date, form and state of incorporation of each Consortium member
d. Contract Administrator (Name, business address, fax, phone and email address of
individual responsible for administering any Contract that might result from this
e. Company Principals (Name, title and business address)
f. Current or prior successful partnerships with proposed Consortium member
including Client reference (Contact name, phone number, dates when services
were performed).
9. The Consortium Agreement concluded by the Lead Member and Consortium member(s)
should also be addressed to PCSCL clearly stating that the Agreement is applicable to the
contract executed out of this RFP and shall be binding on them for the Contract Period.
Notwithstanding the Agreement, the responsibility of completion of job under the
contract will be with the Lead Member.
10. Change in members of the Consortium of the successful Bidder anytime during the
Contract will be allowed only with prior approval of PCSCL
11. The Lead Member shall be solely liable to and responsible for all obligations towards
PCMC/PCSCL for performance of works/services including that of its partners/associates,
accuracy of data, validation of data etc. under the contract.
a. Only the survey component of the project which may include door to door survey,
collection of information, data entry, LiDAR Survey or equivalent to LiDAR, Total
Station survey, Areal Survey etc. can be sub-contracted with prior approval of the
However, even if the work is sub-contracted / outsourced, the sole responsibility of the work
shall lie with the lead bidder. The lead bidder shall be held responsible for any
delay/error/noncompliance etc. of its sub-contracted vendor. The details of the sub-
contracting agreements (if any) between both the parties would be required to be submitted
to Purchaser, if asked.
5 Key Requirements of Bid
5.1 Right to terminate the process
PCSCL may terminate the RFP process at any time and without assigning any reason.
PCMC/PCSCL makes no commitments, express or implied, that this process will result in a
business transaction with anyone. This RFP does not constitute an offer by PCMC/PCSCL. The
bidder's participation in this process may result in PCSCL selecting the bidder to engage
towards execution of the contract.
S No Item Details
1 Tender Fees Rs. 67,200/- (Including GST)
1. An EMD for an amount of Rs.1,20,00,000 (INR One Crore twenty Lakhs) shall be
paid as hereunder. The bidders are required to pay Rs. 20,00,000/- (INR Twenty
Lakhs) of the EMD online and the rest either as Bank Guarantee from a
nationalized bank, valid for at least 12 months. The bidder should ensure that the
payment of the EMD is made at least 3 working days prior to submission timeline
to avoid any banking transfer delays and the receipt of the same should/must be
uploaded during the online submission of bid document. Bank details for EMD in
terms of Bank Guarantee (Rs One Crore)
Name of Bank Bank of Baroda
Pimpri Chinchwad
Municipal Corporation ,
Address of Bank Pimpri, Mumbai Pune
Road, Pune 411 018,
Pimpri 411018
Account No 31060200000222
Account Type Current Account
character is zero)
MICR Code 411012025
Branch Code DRCCHI
2. An earnest money deposit of Rs.1,20,00,000 (INR One Crore twenty Lakhs) should
be paid as stated above. Cheque or cash will not be accepted. The EMD is liable to
be forfeited, in case the bidder refuses to enter in to the agreement after receiving
the letter of acceptance from PCSCL.
3. The bid of those who do not deposit earnest money shall be summarily rejected.
4. The amount of earnest money will be refunded to the unsuccessful bidder on
deciding about the acceptance or otherwise of the tender or on expiry of the
validity period whichever is earlier. In case of the successful bidder, it will be
refunded on his paying the initial security deposit and completing the tender
documents or will be transferred towards a part of security deposit to be paid
after awarding of the work. If successful bidder does not pay the security deposit
in the prescribed time limit and complete the agreement, his earnest money
deposit will be forfeited.
5. Exemption certificate will not be accepted in lieu of Earnest Money Deposit.
6. PCSCL shall be entitled to forfeit the full amount of Earnest Money Deposited by
the bidder , without prejudice to any rights and powers of the PCSCL hereunder
or in law, if,
a. The bidder withdraws /modifies the bid after bid opening or otherwise during
the period of Bid Validity.
b. The successful bidder, after the acceptance of his tender fails or neglects to
furnish the Security Deposit in an acceptable form.
c. The successful Bidder fails to sign the agreement as per tender stipulations.
d. Fraudulent practice is any act or omission, including a misrepresentation, that
knowingly or recklessly misleads, or attempts to mislead, a party to obtain a
financial or other benefit or to avoid an obligation.
e. Submission of wrongful, ambiguous or misleading information, documents,
certificates intentionally or unintentionally.
7. Bidders should upload scanned copy of EMD paid receipt during bid preparation.
8. EMD shall be non-transferable
9. Bidders should mention the beneficiary details for EMD refund in the Earnest
Money Deposit Form for fields marked as details required for Refund.
PCMC/PCSCL or e-Tendering Service Provider will not be liable for delays caused
in EMD refund due to incorrect beneficiary details.
10. The earnest money deposit of unsuccessful bidders will be refunded through
RTGS, NEFT mode only after finalization of the tender for which the above refund
details are required.
11. The refund account details should be correctly mentioned by the bidder and
should be active at least 180 days from the date of submission of the bid for
appropriate online EMD refund as the case may be.
12. The EMD of unsuccessful bidders will be returned by PCMC/PCSCL, without any
interest, as promptly as possible and latest by 120th day of signing of the contract
by the successful bidder or when PCMC/PCSCL cancels the bidding process.
13. The EMD of the successful bidder shall be returned/ adjusted latest by 30th day
of submission of performance bank guarantee by the bidder.
14. The EMD shall be furnished in Indian Rupees only. No interest shall be payable by
15. The EMD shall be forfeited and appropriated by PCMC/PCSCL and bid shall be
summarily rejected without prejudice to any other right or remedy that may be
available to PCMC/PCSCL hereunder or otherwise, under the following conditions:
a. If a bidder submits a non-responsive bid
b. If a Bidder withdraws his bid or increases his quoted prices during the period of
bid validity or its extended period, if any.
c. If during the bid process, a bidder indulges in any such deliberate act as would
jeopardize or unnecessarily delay the process of bid evaluation and finalization,
the decision of PCMC/PCSCL regarding forfeiture of the Bid Security shall be final
and binding upon bidders.
d. If during the bid process, any information is found false/fraudulent/mala fide
e. If a bidder engages in a corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice,
undesirable practice or restrictive practice.
f. In the case of successful bidder, if he/she fails within the specified time limit
i. to sign and return the duplicate copy of LOA in accordance with the terms
ii. to sign the contract within the time specified by PCMC/PCSCL; or
iii. to furnish the Performance Security within the period prescribed in the
contract; or
iv. In case the successful bidder, having signed the contract, commits any
breach thereof prior to furnishing the Performance Security.
uploaded on the portal would include all the related documents mentioned in this Model RFP,
such as:
• Tender Fee
• EMD (Original BG document shall be submitted to PCSCL office on technical document
opening date )
• Pre-Qualification Proposal
• Technical Proposal
• Financial proposal
However, each of the above documents must be uploaded in the format specified for this
purpose and as per the specified folder structure in the e-Procurement Portal.
The bidder must ensure that the bid is digitally signed by the Authorized Signatory of the
bidding firm and has been duly submitted (freeze) within the submission timelines. The
PCMC/PCSCL shall in no case be responsible if the bid is not submitted online within the
specified timelines.
All the pages of the Proposal document must be sequentially numbered and must contain the
list of contents with page numbers. Any deficiency in the documentation may result in the
rejection of the Bidder’s Proposal.
5.9 Late Bids
Bids received after the due date and the specified time (including the extended period if
any) for any reason whatsoever, shall not be entertained and shall be returned unopened.
5.11 Language
The proposal should be filled by the bidders in English language only. If any supporting
documents submitted are in any language other than English, translation of the same in
English language is to be duly attested by the bidders. For purposes of interpretation of the
documents, the English translation shall govern.
5.12 Discount
The Bidders are advised not to indicate any separate discount. Discount, if any, should be
merged with the quoted prices. Discount of any type, indicated separately, shall not be taken
into account for evaluation purpose. The summation of prices of individual components
should add up to the final commercial offer including all taxes excluding GST. For variation
during execution of contract, unit prices of all individual components shall be considered
corrigendum / amendment shall be deemed to be incorporated by this reference into this
Any such supplement / corrigendum / amendment will be binding on all the Bidders.
PCMC/PCSCL will not be responsible for any misinterpretation of the provisions of this Tender
document on account of the Bidders failure to update the Bid documents based on changes
announced through the website.
Purchaser shall not be responsible for any delay in the online submission of the
2. The bids submitted by telex/telegram/fax/e-mail etc. shall not be considered. No
correspondence shall be entertained on this matter.
3. The Purchaser shall not be responsible for any postal delay or non-receipt/ non-
delivery of the documents. No further correspondence on the subject shall be
4. PCSCL reserves the right to modify and amend any of the above-stipulated
condition/criterion depending upon project priorities vis-à-vis urgent commitments.
5.18 Deviations
Bids shall be submitted strictly in accordance with the requirements and terms & conditions
of the RFP. The Bidder shall submit a No Deviation Certificate as per the format mentioned in
Annexure 7.9. The bids with deviation(s) are liable for rejection.
2. No site visits shall be arranged or scheduled after the deadline for the submission of
the Bids and prior to the Award of Contract.
5.25 Bid Submission
1. Bidder should enroll online on e-Procurement Portal. The Digital Signature enrolment
has to be done with the e-token, after logging into the portal. The e-token may be
obtained from one of the authorized Certifying Authorities.
2. After downloading / getting the tender schedules, the Bidder should go through them
carefully and then submit the documents as per the tender document; otherwise, the
bid shall be rejected.
3. The BOQ template must not be modified / replaced by the bidder and the same should
be uploaded after filling the relevant columns, else the bidder is liable to be rejected
for that tender. Bidders are allowed to enter the Bidder Name and Values only.
4. The PCMC/PCSCL shall not be held responsible for any sort of delay or the difficulties
faced during the submission of bids online by the bidders due to local issues.
5. The bidder must submit the bid documents within prescribed time limits in online
mode only, through the e-Procurement Portal.
6. After the bid submission, the bid summary has to be printed and kept as an
acknowledgement as a token of the submission of the bid. The bid summary shall act
as a proof of bid submission for a tender floated and shall also act as an entry point to
participate in the bid opening event.
7. The time that is displayed from the server clock at the top of the tender Portal, shall
be valid for all actions of requesting bid submission, bid opening etc., in the e-
Procurement Portal. The Time followed in this portal is as per Indian Standard Time
(IST). The bidders should adhere to this time during bid submission.
8. As per disclaimer of the portal, it is recommended that the EMD transfer is done at
least 1-3 days prior to the last date of submission to have hassle-free operations.
• Technical Bid Covering
• Response to Technical
Evaluation criterion along
with the required
supporting documents
• Commercial bid/proposal
4 Commercial Proposal as per the pre-defined
ii. In the second stage, Commercial Proposal of those Bidders who qualify as per the
Technical qualification criterion would be opened in the presence of Bidders’
representatives who choose to attend the Bid opening sessions on the specified
date, time and address.
g. The Bidders’ representatives who are present shall sign a register evidencing their
attendance. In the event of the specified date of Bid opening being declared a holiday
for PCMC/PCSCL, the bids shall be opened at the same time and location on the next
working day. In addition to that, if there representative of the Bidder remains absent,
PCMC/PCSCL shall continue process and open the bids of the all Bidders.
h. During Bid opening, preliminary scrutiny of the Bid documents shall be made to
determine whether they are complete, whether required EMD has been furnished,
whether the Documents have been properly signed, and whether the bids are generally
in order. Bids not conforming to such preliminary requirements shall be prima facie
rejected. PCMC/PCSCL has the right to reject the bid after due diligence is done.
6 Selection Process for Bidder
6.1 Evaluation of Bids
1. PCSCL shall constitute a Tender Evaluation Committee to evaluate the responses of
the bidders
2. The Tender Evaluation Committee constituted by the PCSCL shall evaluate the
responses to the RFP and all supporting documents / documentary evidence. Inability
to submit requisite supporting documents / documentary evidence, may lead to
rejection. The Bidders' technical solution shall be evaluated as per the requirements
and evaluation criteria as spelt out in the RFP document. The Bidders are required to
submit all required documentation in support of the evaluation criteria specified (e.g.
detailed Project citations and completion certificates, client contact information for
verification, profiles of Project resources and all others) as required for technical
3. The Committee may seek inputs from their professional and technical experts in the
evaluation process.
4. PCSCL reserves the right to do a reference check of the past experience stated by the
Bidder. Any feedback received during the reference check shall be taken into account
during the Technical evaluation process
5. The decision of the Tender Evaluation Committee in the evaluation of responses to
the RFP shall be final. No correspondence shall be entertained outside the process of
negotiation/ discussion with the Committee.
6. The Tender Evaluation Committee may ask for meetings with the Bidders to seek
clarifications on their proposals.
7. The Tender Evaluation Committee reserves the right to reject any or all proposals on
the basis of any deviations without assigning any reason thereof.
8. Each of the responses shall be evaluated as per the criterions and requirements
specified in the RFP.
9. Proposal Presentations: The Tender Evaluation Committee shall invite each pre-
qualified Bidder to make a presentation to PCMC/PCSCL at a date, time and venue
decided by PCSCL. The purpose of such presentations would be to allow the Bidders
to present their proposed solutions to the Committee and orchestrate the key points
in their Proposals.
10. The Bidder should cover scope of work, complexity of implementation, end to end
integration methodology, Demonstration, Survey Method and critical success factor
as specified in the evaluation section
6.2 Opening of Bids
1. The Bids shall be opened by Purchaser in presence of those Bidders or their
representatives who may be present at the time of opening.
2. The representatives of the bidders should be advised to carry the identity card or a
letter of authority from the bidder firms to identify that they are bona fide
representatives of the bidder firm, for attending the opening of bid.
3. The bid shall be opened in the following manner :
Set 1:
o RFP Document Fee & EMD
o Pre-Qualification bid
o Technical bid
o Presentation
Set 2:
o Commercial bid
4. The venue, date and time for opening the Pre-qualification & Technical bid are
mentioned in the Datasheet.
5. The Technical Bids of only those bidders shall be evaluated who clear the Pre-
qualification stage.
6. The Commercial Bids of only those bidders shall be opened whose score equal to or
more than qualifying marks in the Technical Bid.
7. The date and time for opening of Commercial bid would be communicated to the
qualified bidders.
6.4 Clarification on Bids
During the bid evaluation, PCSCL may at its discretion, ask the bidder for a clarification of its
bid. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing, and no change in the
price or substance of the bid shall be sought, offered or permitted. PCSCL is entitled to ask for
clarifications as many times as possible from the bidders to the satisfaction of the Tender
Evaluation committee.
The decision of the Tender Evaluation Committee in the evaluation of bids shall be final. No
correspondence shall be entertained outside the process of evaluation with the Committee.
The Tender Evaluation Committee may ask for meetings or presentation with the Bidders to
seek clarifications or conformations on their bids.
The Tender Evaluation Committee reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Each of the
responses shall be evaluated as per the criteria and requirements specified in this RFP.
3. The bidders' technical solutions proposed in the bid document shall be evaluated as
per the requirements and technical evaluation framework specified in the RFP
4. Bidders shall be required to make the detailed presentation, as part of the Technical
Evaluation Framework specified in the RFP.
5. Each Technical Bid shall be assigned a technical score as per the Technical Evaluation
Framework. Only the bidders who get an Overall Technical score of 80% or more
including sectional cutoff through the Technical Evaluation Framework shall qualify
for commercial evaluation stage. Failing to secure minimum marks shall lead to
technical rejection of the Bid.
6.6 Pre-Qualification Criteria
6.6.1 Pre-Qualification Criteria
The pre-qualification criteria for participating in this tender are mentioned in the table below.
Documents to be
# Criteria Details
The Sole bidder or each of the members of • Certificate of
the consortium, in case of consortium, Incorporation Or
should be an entity registered in India under Partnership deed
1 Legal Entity
the Companies Act 1956 / 2013 or LLP • GST Registration
registered under LLP Act 2008 or Certificate
Subsequent amendments thereto.
Board Resolution
A Board Resolution or Power of Attorney, in
the name of the person executing the bid, OR
Board authorizing the signatory to sign on behalf Power of Attorney with
Resolution / of the Bidding entity. appropriate supporting
Power of documents as only as
2 Attorney in The person issuing the Power of Attorney per the formats given
favour of shall possess Board Resolution in his favour
in Annexure 7 of this
Authorised for granting such rights. document
This is applicable to the sole Bidder or each
of the members of the consortium, in case
of consortium.
In the event of a consortium, one of the In case of consortium,
bidder shall be designated as a "Lead the bidders shall submit
Bidder". Consortium is allowed with up to 3 consortium agreement
consortium members including the Lead valid for complete
Bidder. project duration (as per
Annexure 6 of this RFP)
and power of attorney
in favour of the lead
bidder clearly
mentioning their
3 Consortium association and stake
for the project and
nominating the Lead
bidder (as per
Annexure 8 of this RFP)
to participate in the bid.
The same shall be
signed by the
authorized signatory of
all the consortium
members. The
Documents to be
# Criteria Details
Authorized signatory
shall possess Board
Resolution in his/her
favour for granting such
rights and copy of such
Board Resolution shall
be submitted.
The Sole bidder or Lead bidder of the • Certificate from the
consortium, in case of a consortium, should Statutory Auditor
have an average annual turnover of along with extracts
minimum INR 250 crore over the last three from the audited
financial years. The lead member shall have balance sheet and
obtained this revenue from software related profit & loss
activities i.e. Software development, statement for
software consultancy, software financial year FY16-
implementation and support etc. 17,FY17-18 and FY18-
19 as per Annexure-
In case the lead member is a 100% owned 7.4
Financials subsidiary of the global parent company, the • If audited financial
(Sole bidder Global Parent company's credentials shall be statements are not
or Lead considered. available for FY18-19,
bidder) the provisional
statements shall be
• CA certificate will not
be accepted in any
• Document to
substantiate that the
entity is 100% owned
subsidiary of the
global parent
Each member of consortium should have an • Certificate from the
average annual turnover of minimum INR Statutory Auditor
15 crore over the last three financial years along with extracts
from the audited
Financials balance sheet and
5 (Consortium profit & loss
member) statement for
financial year FY16-
17,FY17-18 and FY18-
19 as per Annexure-
Documents to be
# Criteria Details
• If audited financial
statements are not
available for FY18-19,
the provisional
statements shall be
• CA certificate will not
be accepted in any
The Sole bidder or each of the members of • Certificate from the
the consortium, in case of consortium, Statutory Auditor
should have positive net worth as per the along with extracts
audited consolidated financial statements in from the audited
each of the last three financial years balance sheet and
profit & loss
statement for
financial year FY16-
17,FY17-18 and FY18-
19 as per Annexure-
6 Net Worth
• If audited financial
statements are not
available for FY18-19,
the provisional
statements shall be
• CA certificate will not
be accepted in any
The Sole Bidder or Any member in case of For completed project;
consortium should have successfully all of the following (a
completed Web GIS system development and b):
and integration project (Excluding Survey) in a) Work order OR
past 8 years for any Government Signed Contract
organization in India or Globally with the b) Completion
Technical project of following details: Certificates from
7 Capability- the client OR Go-
GIS Live certificate
from the client
For Substantially
completed project (c
and d):
c) Work order OR
Signed Contract
Documents to be
# Criteria Details
d) Phase Completion
Minimum no of Certificates from
Project Value (INR) projects required to the client OR Phase
qualify PQ wise Go-Live
> 5.0 Cr 1 Project certificate from
> 3.5 Cr to 5.5 Cr 2 Project client OR UAT
≥ 2.5 Cr to 3.5 Cr 3 Project certificates (as
≥ 1.0 Cr to 2.5 Cr 6 Project mentioned in Note
below) OR Phase
Certificates from
Statutory Auditor
The Sole Bidder or Any member in case of For completed project;
consortium should have successfully all of the following (a
completed ERP development project in past and b):
8 years for any Government organization in a) Work order OR
India or Globally with the project of Signed Contract
following details: b) Completion
Certificates from
Minimum no of the client OR Go-
Project Value (INR) projects required to Live certificate
qualify PQ from the client
> 30 Cr 1 Project For Substantially
> 15 Cr to 30 Cr 2 Project completed project (c
Technical ≥ 10 Cr to 15 Cr 3 Project and d):
8 Capability- > 05 Cr to 10 Cr 6 Project c) Work order OR
ERP Signed Contract
d) Phase Completion
Certificates from
the client OR Phase
wise Go-Live
certificate from
client OR UAT
certificates as
mentioned in Note
below) OR Phase
Certificates from
Statutory Auditor
Following certifications are required to clear Copy of Valid
Pre-qualification criteria Certificate(s) issued by
9 Certification Lead Member/Sole Bidder competent authority.
• Mandatory Certificate The certification shall
1. CMMI Level 3 or higher
Documents to be
# Criteria Details
• Any two of following be valid on bid
1. ISO/IEC 20000 certification for submission date
IT Service management
2. ISO 9001:2000/2008 or latest
3. ISO 27001:2005 or latest
Other Members of consortium
• Any one of following
1. CMMI Level 3 or higher
2. ISO/IEC 20000 certification for
IT Service management
• Any one of following
1. ISO 9001:2000/2008 or latest
2. ISO 27001:2005 or latest
Documents to be
# Criteria Details
to make such
• Note for Criteria 7 (Technical Capability-GIS) and Criteria 8 (Technical Capability-ERP)
o If bidders have executed /are executing projects in consortium with some
other organization(s). In such case(s), they must clarify their scope of work
as a part of the consortium along with percentage of total fees for the said
project. The clarification must be backed by adequate proofs in the form of
a. An Agreement between relevant parties
b. MoU between relevant parties
c. Client certification
d. Joint declaration by relevant parties
e. Any other verifiable document(s).
o In case, such documentation is not available, the Authority may ignore the
project at their discretion during evaluation of this bid.
• The substantially completed projects are;
o GIS Project: UAT has been completed for all modules/tasks/work and UAT
certification is available
o ERP Project: UAT has been completed for Human Resource Management
System, Financial Management System, Procurement Management System
and UAT certification is available
o Work Flow Management and Document Management System: : UAT has been
completed for all modules/tasks/work and UAT certification is available
• For the large ongoing projects, client certificate shall clearly state the quantum of work
• The bidders must submit all the supporting documents required along with Technical
bid. No new qualifying documents will be entertained. The documents received in the
Technical bid will be treated as full and final, and evaluation will be carried out
accordingly. However, PCSCL reserves the right to seek clarification/documents
pertaining to information submitted as a part of the Technical bid.
• In case the proposed solution (For ERP, GIS and WFM+DMS) is different from the
projects submitted for evaluation then SI shall ensure that OEM services are
mandatorily provided during various phases of implementation according to Table-1.
The SI shall have to submit a letter from OEM on OEM’s letter head mentioning such
details along with the technical bid. OEM shall have to submit an undertaking that the
OEM shall make available personnel as per the requirements mentioned in section 6.7
containing the Technical Evaluation Framework of the RFP to the satisfaction of PCSCL.
Such OEM personnel shall be on payroll of OEM for at least 6 months prior to the bid
due date. A letter certifying the same and including the CVs shall be provided by the
OEM signed by HR Head/ Company Secretary of OEM after issuance of Letter of Intent
but prior to receiving the work order.
• The SI and OEM shall ensure that the proposed solution (ERP, GIS and WFM+DMS
products of OEM) should have been successfully implemented in at least 2
organizations in last 5 years in India/Globally. SI and OEM shall substantiate such
claims by submitting relevant proofs. SI and OEM shall note that the untested
products/ IT applications etc. will not be accepted.
6.7 Technical Evaluation Framework
The Bidder's technical solution proposed in the Technical Evaluation bid shall be evaluated as
per the evaluation criteria in the following table:
Note: For the Criteria 2.1, 2.5 and 2.6, in case projects submitted fit into different slabs, the
marks obtained for each project per slab shall be considered for arriving at the total marks for
that criteria subject to maximum marks. E.g. in criteria TQ 2.5, if a bidder submits one project
of 40 Cr project value and 2 projects of 18 Cr project value, the marks would be 6 (For 40 Cr
project) plus 3 marks per project (For Rs 18 Cr) equating to 12 marks.
Sr. No. Evaluation Criteria
m Marks
TQ.1.0 Company Profile
The Sole Bidder (Lead Member in case of Consortium) should have
average annual turnover of minimum INR 250 Cr for the last 3 financial 5
Average Annual
TQ1.1 Allocated Marks
Turnover (INR)
> 1000 Cr 5 Marks
> 500 Cr to 1000 Cr 4 Marks
≥ 250 Cr to 500 Cr 3 Marks
The Web GIS Project shall include at least 3 of the following components:
1. GIS Data Conversion/Migration, data modelling
2. Development, customization and Commissioning of proposed Enterprise Web GIS Solution
3. Operations and Maintenance of IT infrastructure for Enterprise Web GIS
4. Capacity building and handholding for Enterprise Web GIS
5. Creation of Multiple Geo-Spatial Layers
Sr. No. Evaluation Criteria
m Marks
Sr. No. Evaluation Criteria
m Marks
The ERP project should consist of at least 3 of the following modules
1. Human Resource Management System
2. Procurement Management System
3. Financial Management System
4. Inventory Management System
5. Project Management System
6. Asset Management System
Sr. No. Evaluation Criteria
m Marks
If bidder has previous experience of implementing the proposed
solution i.e. bidder is proposing the solution which he is already
implemented, additional marks would be awarded for previously
implemented projects as follow:
Marks for each project
Project Value (INR) subject to maximum marks
of 03
> 30 Cr 1.50 Marks
> 15 Cr to 30 Cr 0.75 Marks
≥ 10 Cr to 15 Cr 0.50 Marks
> 05 Cr to 10 Cr 0.25 Marks
Any bidder should have successfully completed project of
Development, Implementation, Integration and Maintenance of Work
Flow Management and Document Management System for any Govt.
organizations/ULB in past 8 (Eight) years in India
Number of
Marks allotted subject to
maximum marks of 10
TQ 2.6 1 2.5 Marks
2 5.0 Marks
3 7.5 Marks
4 10 Marks
Sr. No. Evaluation Criteria
m Marks
TQ 3.0 Key Personnel (10 Marks)
TQ 3.1 Project Manager 3
TQ 3.2 GIS Integration Expert 2
TQ 3.3 Database Administrator 1
TQ 3.4 Server Administrator 1
TQ 3.5 ERP Specialist 1
TQ 3.6 GIS Developer 1
TQ 3.7 GIS Analyst 1
Technical Presentation (Minimum Qualifying Marks 7.5 out of 10
TQ 4.0
TQ 4.1 Understanding of Scope of Work 3
TQ 4.2 Approach & Methodology 1
TQ 4.3 Proposed Solution Architecture and Project Roll-out Plan 3
TQ 4.4 Team Structure 1
TQ 4.5 Operation & Maintenance Plan 2
Total 100
Qualification & Experience
(all education must be Full
Duties & Responsibilities
# Role time)
(all experience must be post-
• Onsite contact for all escalations
• Responsible for monthly reviews
• Provides management summary
• Supports Root Cause Analysis
with Technical
• Acts as local point of contact for
customer and end user
management communication
and escalation of issues
• Acts as local point a contact for
Technical Support Management
for the escalation of support
issues and concerns
• Any other work as per RFP
Qualification - Post Graduate/ • Takes responsibility and monitors
PG Diploma in Geomatics with base map preparation, outdoor
graduation survey
• Mostly Establishes, monitors, and
Relevant GIS Experience – reviews all project deliverables
8+ years of experience on corresponding to GIS
large MIS-GIS development • Manages project GIS hardware
projects in urban sector in • Plans and manages the project
government departments. team's activities from contract
Knowledge of major GIS initiation to completion
software products, GPS, total • Evaluates risks and recommends
GIS station, coordinate reference contingency plans for GIS
2 Integration systems and satellite remote • Manages quality assurance and
Expert sensing technology. Should be ensures compliance with policies
familiar with latest and procedures
government procedures, • Maintains awareness on
standards and guidelines for emerging technologies from GIS
developing GIS, digitization, Solution perspective and applies
thematic maps, etc. the same to the project
• Responsible for monthly reviews
• Supports Root Cause Analysis
with Technical
• Any other work as per RFP
Qualification & Experience
(all education must be Full
Duties & Responsibilities
# Role time)
(all experience must be post-
MCA / B.Tech / BE (IT or CS) / • Installing and upgrading the
Certified DBA (e.g. database server and application
certifications like OCA- tools
DBA/OCP-DBA/MCDBA etc.) • Allocating system storage and
with minimum of 5 years of planning storage requirements
work experience with 2 years for the database system
or more as a DBA for an IT • Modifying the database
project. structure, as necessary, from
information given by application
• Enrolling users and maintaining
system security
• Ensuring compliance with
database vendor license
• Controlling and monitoring user
3 access to the database
• Monitoring and optimizing the
performance of the database
• Planning for backup and recovery
of database information
• Maintaining archived data
• Backing up and restoring
• Contacting database vendor for
technical support
• Generating various reports by
querying from database as per
• Managing and monitoring data
• Any other work as per RFP
MCA / B.Tech / BE (IT or CS) / • Manage network servers and
networking certification with technology tools
minimum of 5 years of work • Install and configure software
Server experience with 2 years or and hardware on servers
4 Administrator more as a Server • Set up accounts and workstations
(GIS,ERP) Administrator for an IT • Monitor performance and
project. maintain systems according to
• Troubleshoot issues and outages
Qualification & Experience
(all education must be Full
Duties & Responsibilities
# Role time)
(all experience must be post-
• Ensure security through access
controls, backups and firewalls
• Upgrade systems with new
releases and models
• Any other work as per RFP
• MCA / B.Tech / BE (IT or CS) Functional:
• At least 3 years of • Understands the current business
experience of working on process, designs current business
proposed ERP solutions. flows, studies current business
processes and its complication.
• Preparation of Flow diagrams and
DFD of AS IS processes.
• Everything configured has to be
documented as per their
categories in the form of
predefined templates, these have
to be then approved by the team
leads or whoever the consultant is
reporting to
• Performs GAP analysis for each
• Prepares DFD/ERD before starting
5 ERP Developer configuring future business
processes in ERP, GIS, Work flow
management etc. i.e. TO BE
• Prepares test scripts for testing
the configured scenarios.
• Prepares end user manual and
provides training to end user.
• Analyses Functional Specifications
and get clarifications from
Business owners
• Creates technical specifications
• Develops Custom reports
(Classical, Interactive)
• Develops Online Interfaces and
BDC programs
• Fine-tunes and modifies of the
custom programs
Qualification & Experience
(all education must be Full
Duties & Responsibilities
# Role time)
(all experience must be post-
• Performs Pre-Delivery Reviews
and Final Testing
• Prepares Unit Test Plans,
coordinating with middleware
and Legacy developers during
process chain testing
• Supports Unit Testing & Business
Acceptance testing
• Any other work as per RFP
• Technical expertise of the ERP
• In case of COTS products,
manages ERP Licences and
ensure compliance with OEM
• Contributes to hardware and
software evaluations and
• Plans growth and changes
(capacity planning), hardware
sizing and network planning
• Defines and formulates
disaster recovery plans,
procedures and test scenarios
and participates in regular DR
• Guide/lead junior Basis
Consultant on technical issues
• Possess Advanced knowledge
and skills in all related to ERP
Solution and system software
• Possess extensive knowledge
and experience in maintaining
and configuring ERP Systems
• Installs and configures ERP
software and other related
products and upgrades
• Manages ERP Login
Credentials i.e. User
Qualification & Experience
(all education must be Full
Duties & Responsibilities
# Role time)
(all experience must be post-
administration (setup and
maintaining account, Setup
security policies for users)
• Manages and support various
hardware platform
environments -
Linux/UNIX/Windows (as
• Participates in the
administration of the server
• Evaluates, tests and updates
system as soon as new version
of OS and/or application
software is released (after
obtaining a formal approval
• Assists in developing,
implementing, testing and
maintaining backup and
disaster recovery policies and
• Carries out backups and
recoveries as per schedule
decided by PCMC/PCSCL like
daily, weekly, monthly, etc.
• Writes the backup data on
DVD/Data Cartridge and
submits to PCMC/PCSCL as per
decided schedule
• Provides suggestions and
implements software-related
measures for maximizing
• Supports development team
whenever required
• Monitors system performance
to ensure high availability of
the system
• Ensures ERP application / user
security and authorization
management, ERP change
correction management / ERP
Qualification & Experience
(all education must be Full
Duties & Responsibilities
# Role time)
(all experience must be post-
Landscape System
management system, etc.
• Any other work as per RFP
Qualification: • Technical expertise of the GIS
MCA / B.Tech / BE (IT or CS) Solution
with minimum 3 years of work • In case of COTS products,
of relevant experience in the manages GIS Licenses and
proposed solution ensure compliance with OEM
Relevant Experience • Contributes to hardware and
Hands on experience in Web- software evaluations and
GIS development, Database recommendations
Management, C,C++ or Java • Plans growth and changes
Development, SQL Scripting (capacity planning), hardware
Knowledge and experience in sizing and network planning
SOAP, WCS, WFS, WFS-T, • Defines and formulates
WMS, REST-API, C, C++/ Java disaster recovery plans,
script, SQL Scripting and procedures and test scenarios
database query and participates in regular DR
• Guide/lead junior Basis
Consultant on technical issues
6 GIS Developer • Possess Advanced knowledge
and skills in all related to ERP
Solution and system software
• Possess extensive knowledge
and experience in maintaining
and configuring GIS Systems
• Installs and configures GIS
software and other related
products and upgrades
• Manages and support various
hardware platform
environments -
Linux/UNIX/Windows (as
• Evaluates, tests and updates
system as soon as new version
of OS and/or application
software is released (after
Qualification & Experience
(all education must be Full
Duties & Responsibilities
# Role time)
(all experience must be post-
obtaining a formal approval
• Assists in developing,
implementing, testing and
maintaining backup and
disaster recovery policies and
• Carries out backups and
recoveries as per schedule
decided by PCMC/PCSCL like
daily, weekly, monthly, etc.
• Writes the backup data on
DVD/Data Cartridge and
submits to PCMC/PCSCL as per
decided schedule
• Provides suggestions and
implements software-related
measures for maximizing
• Supports development team
whenever required
• Monitors system performance
to ensure high availability of
the system
• Ensures GIS application / user
security and authorization
management, GIS change
correction management / GIS
Landscape System
management system, etc.
• Any other work as per RFP
Qualification - Post Graduate/ • Digitalization of maps
PG Diploma in GIS with • Base map creation
graduation • GIS data modelling
Relevant GIS Experience – • GIS quality assurance
7 GIS Analyst 5+ years of experience on • Updation of GIS data
large MIS-GIS development
projects including GIS
mapping in urban sector in
government departments.
Qualification & Experience
(all education must be Full
Duties & Responsibilities
# Role time)
(all experience must be post-
Relevant experience in
working on GIS systems and
improving workflow through
development of an integrated
GIS databases,
Experience in developing and
maintaining MIS is also
7 Award of Contract
7.1 Right to Accept Any Proposal and To Reject Any or All Proposal(s)
The Purchaser reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal, and to annul the tendering
process / Public tendering process and reject all proposals at any time prior to award of
contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Bidder or Bidders or any
obligation to inform the affected Bidder or Bidders of the grounds for Purchaser action.
a. Prior to the expiration of the validity period, PCSCL shall notify the successful
bidders in writing or by fax or email, that its proposal has been accepted. In case
the tendering process / public tendering process has not been completed within
the stipulated period, PCSCL may like to request the bidders to extend the validity
period of the bid.
b. The decision to extend the validity period of a Bidder’s Proposal shall be the
Bidder’s sole prerogative.
a. The Purchaser shall reserve the right to negotiate with the Bidder(s) whose
Proposal has been ranked Least Cost Bid post Technical and Financial Evaluation ,
as per the guidance provided by Central Vigilance Commission (CVC).
b. On this basis the draft contract agreement would be finalized for award & signing.
c. The selected Bidder(s) should convey acceptance of the award of contract by
returning duly signed and stamped duplicate copy of the award letter within 7 days
of receipt of the communication.
d. Upon notification of award to the successful Bidder, PCSCL shall promptly notify
each unsuccessful Bidder.
Within fifteen (15) working days from the date of issuance of LOI, the successful Bidder shall
at his own expense submit unconditional and irrevocable Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG)
to the Purchaser. The PBG shall be from a Nationalized Bank or a Scheduled Commercial Bank
in the format prescribed in Annexure 5 (a), payable on demand, for the due performance and
fulfilment of the contract by the bidder.
This Performance Bank Guarantee shall be for an amount equivalent to 5% of total contract
value. PBG shall be invoked by Purchaser, in the event the Bidder:
a. fails to meet the overall penalty condition as mentioned in RFP Volume II or any
changes agreed between the parties,
b. fails to perform the responsibilities and obligations as set out in the RFP to the
complete satisfaction of Purchaser,
c. misrepresents facts/information submitted to Purchaser
The performance bank guarantee shall be valid until satisfactory completion of Project. The
performance bank guarantee may be discharged/returned by Purchaser upon being satisfied
that there has been due performance of the obligations of the bidder under the contract.
However, no interest shall be payable on the performance bank guarantee.
In the event of the Bidder being unable to service the contract for whatever reason(s),
Purchaser shall have the right to invoke the PBG. Notwithstanding and without prejudice to
any rights whatsoever of Purchaser under the contract in the matter, the proceeds of the PBG
shall be payable to Purchaser as compensation for any loss resulting from the bidder’s failure
to perform/comply its obligations under the contract.
Purchaser shall notify the bidder in writing of the exercise of its right to receive such
compensation within 40 days, indicating the contractual obligation(s) for which the bidder is
in default. Purchaser shall also be entitled to make recoveries from the bidder’s bills,
performance bank guarantee, or from any other amount due to him, an equivalent value of
any payment made to him due to inadvertence, error, collusion, misconstruction or
In case the project is delayed beyond the project schedule as mentioned in RFP Vol II, the
performance bank guarantee shall be accordingly extended by the Bidder until completion of
scope of work as mentioned in RFP Volume II.
On satisfactory performance and completion of the order in all respects and duly certified to
this effect by the Project Coordinator, Contract Completion Certificate shall be issued and the
PBG would be returned to the Bidder.
Warranty would be for 5 years and should start from the Go live date for all the solutions.
During the warranty period of 5 years, the bidder shall warrant that the hardware supplied
under the contract are new, unused, of the most recent version/models and incorporate all
recent improvements in design and materials unless provided otherwise in the contract. The
bidder further warrants that the hardware supplied under this contract shall have no defects
arising from design, materials or workmanship.
Purchaser or designated representatives of the bidder shall promptly notify successful bidder
in writing of any claims arising under this warranty. Upon receipt of such notice, the bidder
shall, within the warranty period and with all reasonable speed, repair or replace the
defective systems, without costs to Purchaser and within time specified and acceptable to
If the successful bidder, having been notified, fails to remedy the defect(s) within the period
specified in the contract, Purchaser may proceed to take such reasonable remedial action as
may be necessary, at the successful bidder’s risk and expense and without prejudice to any
other rights, which Purchaser may have against the bidder under the contract.
During the comprehensive warranty period, the successful bidder shall provide all product(s) and
documentation updates, patches/fixes, and version upgrades within 15 days of their availability
and should carry out installation and make operational the same at no additional cost to
7.7 Signing of Contract
After the notification of award, Purchaser shall issue Work Order (WO) / Letter of Intent (LOI).
Accordingly, a contract shall be signed between successful bidder and Purchaser or the agency
designated by Purchaser. As an acceptance of the WO/LOI, the Bidder shall sign and return a
duplicate copy of the Work Order to Purchaser or the agency designated by Purchaser. The bidder
shall return the duplicate copy along with a Performance Bank Guarantee within 15 working days
from the date of issuance of WO/LOI.
On receipt of the Performance Bank Guarantee, Purchaser or the agency designated by Purchaser
shall enter into a contract with the successful bidder.
7.8 Failure to agree with the Terms & Conditions of the RFP
Failure of the successful bidder to agree with the Terms & Conditions of the RFP shall constitute
sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award, in which event Purchaser may award the
contract to the next best value bidder or call for new bids. In such a case, Purchaser shall invoke
the PBG and/or forfeit the EMD.
l. Failure to furnish all information required by the Tender Document or submission
of a bid not substantially responsive to the Tender Document in every respect
m. Bidders not quoting for the complete scope of Work as indicated in the Tender
documents, addendum (if any) and any subsequent information given to the Bidders
n. Bidders not complying with the General Terms and conditions as stated in the
Tender Documents
o. The Bidders not confirming unconditional acceptance of full responsibility of
providing services in accordance with the Scope of work and Service Level
Agreements of this tender
8 Annexure 1 – Format for Pre-Bid Queries
Bidder shall submit all pre-bid queries as excel sheet in the following format.
Name of Person(s) Representing the Company/ Firm:
Name of Person Designation Email-ID(s) Mobile No. Tel. Nos. & Fax Nos.
RFP Document
Category Content of
Reference (s)
# (Page Number Point of Clarification
Survey, Base Requiring
Map etc. Clarification
Section Number)
• Pre-Bid conferences of the Bidders shall be convened at the designated date, time and
• Only duly authorized representatives of the Bidders shall be allowed to participate in
the Pre-Bid conference.
• Maximum of 5 (Five) (Including consortium members) representatives of each Bidder
shall be allowed to participate on production of authority letter from the Bidder.
• During the course of Pre-Bid conference, the Bidders will be free to seek clarifications
and make suggestions for consideration of PCSCL/PCMC. PCSCL/PCMC shall endeavor
to provide clarifications and such further information as it may, in its sole discretion,
consider appropriate for facilitating a fair, transparent and competitive Bidding
9 Annexure 2 – Formats for Submission of the Pre-Qualification Bid
9.1 Pre-qualification bid checklist
(To be provided on the Company letterhead by the Sole bidder or the Lead Bidder, in case of
9.2 Pre-Qualification Bid Covering Letter
(To be provided on the Company letterhead by the Sole bidder or the Lead Bidder, in case of
Date: dd / mm / yyyy
The CEO,
Pimpri Chinchwad Smart City Limited (PCSCL),
PCMC Main Building, Mumbai-Pune Road, Pimpri, Pune,
Maharashtra - 411018
Subject: Request for Proposal for …………………………………………………. Ref: RFP No. <<…..>>
dated << …..>>
Dear Sir,
With reference to “Selection of System Integrator for Integrated GIS Enabled ERP solution,
Online Establishment Licensing Solution, Service Level Benchmarking and creation of Unique
Smart Address for Pimpri Chinchwad city under Smart City Initiative”, we hereby submit our
Prequalification bid, Technical Bid and Commercial Bid for the same.
a. We hereby acknowledge and unconditionally accept that the Purchaser can at its absolute
discretion apply whatever criteria it deems appropriate, not just limiting to those criteria set
out in the RFP and related documents, in short listing of Agency for providing services.
b. We have submitted EMD of INR______and Tender fee of INR _____ through_____
c. We hereby declare that all information and details furnished by us in the Bid are true and
correct, and all documents accompanying such application are true copies of their respective
d. We agree to abide by our offer for a period of 180 days from the date of opening of pre-
qualification bid prescribed by Purchaser and that we shall remain bound by a
communication of acceptance within that time.
e. We have carefully read and understood the terms and conditions of the RFP and the
conditions of the contract applicable to the RFP. We do hereby undertake to provision as per
these terms and conditions.
f. In the event of acceptance of our bid, we do hereby undertake:
i. To supply the products and commence services as stipulated in the RFP document
ii. To undertake the project services for entire contract period from the date of signing of
the contract as mentioned in the RFP document.
iii. We affirm that the prices quoted are inclusive of design, development, delivery,
installation, commissioning, training, providing facility management and handholding
support, and inclusive of all out of pocket expenses, taxes, levies discounts etc.
g. We do hereby undertake, that, until a formal contract is prepared and executed, this bid,
together with your written acceptance thereof and notification of award of contract, shall
constitute a binding contract between us.
h. We understand that the Purchaser may cancel the bidding process at any time and that
Purchaser is not bound to accept any bid that it may receive without incurring any liability
towards the bidder.
i. We fully understand and agree to comply that on verification, if any information as provided
by us in our bid found to be misleading or misrepresented or suppression of facts, we are
liable to be dismissed from the selection process or termination of the contract during the
project, if selected to do so, along with blacklisting / debarment at PCSCL and PCMC office
and purchaser may also send such recommendations to Government of Maharashtra
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Printed Name
Business Address:
9.3 Company profile
(To be provided on the Company letterhead by the Sole bidder or each member of consortium,
in case of consortium)
Particulars Description or Details
1. Name of Bidder
6. GST number
7. PAN details
9.4 Turnover Certificate for Sole bidder/Lead Bidder/ Consortium Members
To, Date:
The CEO,
Pimpri Chinchwad Smart City Limited (PCSCL),
PCMC Main Building, Mumbai-Pune Road, Pimpri, Pune,
Maharashtra - 411018
This is to certify that …………………………… (Name of the Applicant) has following financials.
We also certify that the Turnover mentioned in above table against the respective years has
been obtained only from software related activities i.e. Software development, software
consultancy, software implementation and support etc.
Note: Please attach the Audited Balance sheets for the last three years.
9.5 Bidder’s Experience - Client Citations
Date of Start
Date of Completion
Note - If the project is ongoing, bidder must clearly specify which of the
stages/phases/milestones are completed and which are ongoing and at what stage of
9.6 IT Certification details
To, Date:
The CEO,
Pimpri Chinchwad Smart City Limited (PCSCL),
PCMC Main Building, Mumbai-Pune Road, Pimpri, Pune,
Maharashtra - 411018
Subject: IT Certificate
We confirm that our company or firm, has below mentioned certification as requested in RFP
(Signature, name and designation of the authorized signatory)
9.7 Declaration of Non-Blacklisting
(To be provided on the Company letterhead by the Sole bidder or each member of consortium,
in case of consortium)
The CEO,
Pimpri Chinchwad Smart City Limited (PCSCL),
PCMC Main Building, Mumbai-Pune Road, Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra – 411018
Dear Sir,
We confirm that our company or firm, ____________, is currently not blacklisted in any
manner whatsoever by any of the State or UT and or Central Government in India on any
ground including but not limited to indulgence in corrupt practice, fraudulent practice,
coercive practice, undesirable practice or restrictive practice.
Printed Name
Business Address:
9.8 Self-certificate for Project execution experience
(To be provided on the Company letterhead by the Sole bidder or each member of
consortium, in case of consortium)
This is to certify that < Name of the Bidding entity > has been awarded with < Name of the
Project > as detailed under:
(Authorised Signatory)
Bidding entity’s name
9.9 No Deviation Certificate
(To be provided on the Company letterhead by the Sole bidder or the Lead member, in case of
To, Date:
The CEO,
Pimpri Chinchwad Smart City Limited (PCSCL),
PCMC Main Building, Mumbai-Pune Road, Pimpri, Pune,
Maharashtra - 411018
This is to certify that our offer is exactly in line with your tender enquiry/RFP (including
amendments) no. _________ dated __________. This is to expressly certify that our offer
contains no deviation either Technical (including but not limited to Scope of Work, Business
Requirements Specification, Functional Requirements Specification, Hardware Specification
and Technical Requirements Specification) or Commercial in either direct or indirect form.
10 Annexure 3 – Formats for Submission of the Technical Bid
10.1 Technical Bid Check-List
(To be provided on the Company letterhead by the Sole bidder or the Lead Bidder,
in case of consortium)
Sr. No. Checklist Items Page No. in bid
(Yes or No)
1. Technical Bid Letter
Are all pages of response document
2. numbered, stamped and signed by
authorized person
Certificate/Documents against
3. Technical Evaluation Framework
Overview of Proposed Solution :
• Project Understanding
• Proposed Technology Solution
• Approach & Methodology
• Technical & Functional Requirement
Specification Compliance
• Project Plan
• Manpower Plan and
• Other technical details pertaining to
the Solutions Proposed
Compliance to Requirement (Technical
/Functional Specifications) on the
5. respective OEM Letterhead with
counter sign of Bidder’s authorized
6. Project Plan
7. Manpower Plan
8. Compliance to requirements
9. Proposed Unpriced Bill of Material
Authorization Form
11. Proposed Manpower
12. Anti-Collusion Certificate
13. Non-Disclosure Agreement
14. Self-Declaration by the Bidder
15. OEM Declaration
Declaration on Source Code and
Intellectual Property Rights
17. Undertaking on Patent Rights
Sr. No. Checklist Items Page No. in bid
(Yes or No)
Undertaking on Compliance and Sizing
of Infrastructure
Undertaking on Service Level
20. Undertaking on Deliverables
Undertaking on Support to Third Party
Solution acceptance and certification
22. Declaration of Activities sub-contracted
Undertaking on Exit Management and
Any other supporting
10.2 Technical Bid Covering Letter
(To be provided on the Company letterhead by the Sole bidder or the Lead Bidder, in case of
Date: dd/mm/yyyy
The CEO,
Pimpri Chinchwad Smart City Limited (PCSCL),
PCMC Main Building, Mumbai-Pune Road, Pimpri, Pune,
Maharashtra - 411018
Subject: Request for Proposal for Selection of System Integrator for GIS Enabled ERP
solution for Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation under Smart City Initiative Ref: RFP
No. <<…..>> dated << …..>>
Dear Sir,
I, having read and examined in detail all the bidding documents in respect of “Selection of
System Integrator for GIS Enabled ERP solution for Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal
Corporation under Smart City Initiative” do hereby propose to provide our services as
specified in the bid submitted by us.
It is hereby confirmed that I am entitled to act on behalf of our company / corporation / firm
/ organization and empowered to sign this document as well as such other documents, which
may be required in this connection.
I declare that all the services shall be performed strictly in accordance with the RFP
I confirm that the information contained in this response or any part thereof, including its
exhibits, and other documents and instruments delivered or to be delivered to PCSCL is true,
accurate, verifiable and complete. This response includes all information necessary to ensure
that the statements therein do not in whole or in part mislead the department in its
evaluation process. We also confirm that we shall not attract conflict of interest in principle.
I hereby declare that in case the contract is awarded to us, we shall submit the contract
Performance bank guarantee, in the form as prescribed in the RFP.
I hereby declare that our bid is made in good faith, without collusion or fraud and the
information contained in the bid is true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief.
I understand that our bid is binding on us and that you are not bound to accept a Bid you
receive. This bid is valid for 180 days after opening of technical bid. We shall extend the
validity of the bid if required by Purchaser.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Printed Name
Business Address:
10.3 Credential Summary
(To be provided on the Company letterhead by the Sole bidder or the Lead Bidder, in case of
10.4 Bidder’s Experience - Client Citations
Date of Start
Date of Completion
N.B- If the project is ongoing, bidder must clearly specify which of the stages/phases/milestones
are completed and which are ongoing and at what stage of completion.
10.5 Total Responsibility Certificate
(To be provided on the Company letterhead by the Sole bidder or the Lead Bidder, in case of
Date: dd/mm/yyyy
The CEO,
Pimpri Chinchwad Smart City Limited (PCSCL),
PCMC Main Building, Mumbai-Pune Road, Pimpri, Pune,
Maharashtra - 411018
Subject: Request for Proposal for Selection of System Integrator for GIS Enabled ERP solution
for Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation under Smart City Initiative Ref: RFP No. <<…..>>
dated << …..>>
This is to certify that we undertake the total responsibility for the defect free operation of the
proposed solutions as per the requirement of the RFP for the duration mentioned in all the
volumes of the RFP.
(Authorised Signatory)
10.6 Overview of Proposed Solution
Bidders are required to provide a detailed Approach & Methodology to execute the entire
project. Bidders are advised to comply with the below provided headers / approach components
while detailing out their solution.
Understanding of requirement and Implementation approach
1 • Understanding of requirements
• Work Plan & its adequacy
Robustness and quality
• End-to-end integrated solution proposed
• Proposed Survey Activities
• Hardware deployment and integration approach encompassing all solutions
• Timelines and modalities for implementation in a time bound manner
2 • Project implementation approach or strategy and operations and
maintenance plan including comprehensiveness of fall-back strategy and
planning during rollout
• Strategy for SLA, System Security etc.
• Any other area relevant to the scope of work and other requirements of the
Assessment of Manpower deployment, Training and Handholding plan
• Deployment strategy of Manpower
3 • Contingency management
• Mobilization of existing resources and additional resources as required
• Training and handholding strategy
Operations and Maintenance
• O&M Strategy and plan
10.7 Project Plan
A Detailed Project Plan covering break-up of each phase into the key activities, along with the
start and end dates must be provided as per format given below.
Activity-wise Timelines
No. Item of Activity Month wise Program
1 2 3 4 5 ..
Project Plan
1 Activity 1
1.1 Sub-Activity 1
1.2 Sub-Activity 2
Note: The above activity chart is just for the purpose of illustration. Bidders are requested to
provide detailed activity & phase wise timelines for executing the project with details of
deliverables & milestones as per their bid.
10.8 Manpower Plan
Manpower distribution
Sr. Month wise time to be spent by each
Role Total
No. personnel (in days)
Manpower distribution
Manpower Years Total
Year Year Year Year Year
1 2 3 4 5
1 Onsite/Offsite
2 Onsite/Offsite
3 Onsite/Offsite
<Add more rows
4 as Onsite/Offsite
Note: The above chart is just for the purpose of illustration. Bidders are requested to provide
detailed manpower distribution for executing the project
10.8.1 Detail of Resources Proposed
(To be provided on the Company letterhead by the Sole bidder or the Lead
Bidder, in case of consortium)
Certifications Compliance
Name of Qualification Total
Proposed Highest (ex. PMI or to RFP
# the (E.g. B.Sc. Or Experience
Role degree ITIL or TOGAF Requirements
Resource B.E. or MCA (in years)
or CCNP etc.) (Yes / No)
or Diploma)
10.9 Proposed Unpriced Bill of Material
The Bidder should provide the proposed unpriced Bill of Material (BoM) here; Bidder should
refer to scope of work of the project RFP Volume II, and accordingly shall produce its Bill of
Material in order to fulfil the RFP and project requirements in totality. The bidder may add
any additional line item (with adequate details) in the proposed BoM table below (towards
the end of the table), that is envisaged by the bidder to fulfil the RFP requirements in totality.
The Bidder may provide a lump sum price for additional item(s) that may be required, as part
of its financial bid.
Also, bidder to produce the details of make/brand and model against each line item,
wherever applicable; the bid shall be considered non-responsive in the absence of such
Once the bidder provides this information in the submitted bid, the bidder cannot change it
with any other component / equipment etc. of lower specifications / performance; it can only
be upgraded at the time of actual deployment/installation at the discretion of the purchaser.
Kindly note that the estimated quantity provided in the RFP is indicative only and the payment
shall be done on actual usage basis.
Indicative Additional Fully Complied
# Item Unit Make Model
Qty Information (Y/N)
1 Hardware-1
2 Hardware-1
<Addmore rows>
10.10 Manufacturers'/Producers’ Authorization Form
(To be provided by the respective OEMs on its letterhead and should be signed by OEM and
bidder’s authorized signatory)
To, Date:
The CEO,
Pimpri Chinchwad Smart City Limited (PCSCL),
PCMC Main Building, Mumbai-Pune Road, Pimpri, Pune,
Maharashtra - 411018
Dear Sir,
We_________ (Name of the OEM) who are established and reputable manufacturers of _______
(List of Quoted Goods, as mentioned below) having factories or product development centres at
the locations__________ or as per list attached, do hereby authorize ____________ (Name and
address of the Bidder) to bid, negotiate and conclude the contract with you against RFP No.
__________dated ________for the above goods manufactured or developed by us.
We hereby extend, our warranty for the hardware goods supplied by the bidder and or
maintenance or support services for software products against this invitation for bid by
_______________________ (Name of the Bidder) as per requirements of this RFP.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
For and on behalf of: _________ (Name of the OEM)
Authorised Signatory
10.11 Anti-Collusion Certificate
(To be provided on the Company letterhead by the Sole bidder or the Lead member, in case of
To, Date:
The CEO,
Pimpri Chinchwad Smart City Limited (PCSCL),
PCMC Main Building, Mumbai-Pune Road, Pimpri, Pune,
Maharashtra - 411018
We hereby certify and confirm that in the preparation and submission of our Bid for Selection of
System Integrator for Integrated GIS Enabled ERP solution, Online Establishment Licensing
Solution, Service Level Benchmarking and creation of Unique Smart Address for Pimpri
Chinchwad city under Smart City Initiative dated [Date] (RFP) against the RFP issued by
Purchaser, We have not acted in concert or in collusion with any other Bidder or other person(s)
and also not done any act, deed or thing, which is or could be regarded as anti-competitive. We
further confirm that we have not offered nor shall offer any illegal gratification in cash or kind to
any person or organization in connection with the instant bid.
Printed Name
Business Address:
10.12 Non-Disclosure Agreement
(To be provided on the Company letterhead by the Sole bidder or the Lead member, in case of consortium)
To, Date:
The CEO,
Pimpri Chinchwad Smart City Limited (PCSCL),
PCMC Main Building, Mumbai-Pune Road, Pimpri, Pune,
Maharashtra - 411018
WHEREAS, the Bidder is aware and confirms that the Purchaser’s business or operations,
information, application or software, hardware, business data, architecture schematics,
designs, storage media and other information or documents made available by the
Purchaser in the RFP documents during the bidding process and thereafter, or otherwise
(confidential information for short) is privileged and strictly confidential and or or
proprietary to the Purchaser,
documents, correspondence or inspection of tangible items, facilities or inspection at any
site to which access is permitted by the Purchaser.
Confidential Information disclosed shall be marked as "Confidential" or if incapable of
marking, communicated as "confidential" in writing at the time of disclosure. Confidential
Information shall exclude information developed independent of the Confidential
Information. Further, notice in case of compelled disclosure shall be made only if
permitted by law.
2. Confidential Information does not include information which:
a. the Bidder knew or had in its possession, prior to disclosure, without limitation
on its confidentiality;
b. information in the public domain as a matter of law;
c. is obtained by the Bidder from a third party without any obligation of
d. the Bidder is required to disclose by order of a competent court or regulatory
e. is released from confidentiality with the written consent of the Purchaser.
The Bidder shall have the burden of proving hereinabove are applicable to the information
in the possession of the Bidder.
3. The Bidder agrees to hold in trust any Confidential Information received by the Bidder,
as part of the Tendering process or otherwise, and the Bidder shall maintain strict
confidentiality in respect of such Confidential Information, and in no event a degree of
confidentiality less than the Bidder uses to protect its own confidential and proprietary
information. The Bidder also agrees:
a. to maintain and use the Confidential Information only for the purposes of bidding for
this RFP and thereafter only as expressly permitted herein;
b. to only make copies as specifically authorized by the prior written consent of the
Purchaser and with the same confidential or proprietary notices as may be printed or
displayed on the original;
c. to restrict access and disclosure of Confidential Information to their employees,
agents and representatives strictly on a "need to know" basis, to maintain
confidentiality of the Confidential Information disclosed to them in accordance with
this clause; and
d. to treat Confidential Information as confidential unless and until Purchaser expressly
notifies the Bidder of release of its obligations in relation to the said Confidential
4. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Bidder acknowledges that the nature of activities to
be performed as part of the Tendering process or thereafter may require the Bidder’s
personnel to be present on premises of the Purchaser or may require the Bidder’s
personnel to have access to software, hardware, computer networks, databases,
documents and storage media of the Purchaser while on or off premises of the Purchaser.
It is understood that it would be impractical for the Purchaser to monitor all information
made available to the Bidder’s personnel under such circumstances and to provide notice
to the Bidder of the confidentiality of all such information.
Therefore, the Bidder shall disclose or allow access to the Confidential Information only to
those personnel of the Bidder who need to know it for the proper performance of their duties
in relation to this project, and then only to the extent reasonably necessary. The Bidder shall
take appropriate steps to ensure that all personnel to whom access to the Confidential
Information is given are aware of the Bidder’s confidentiality obligation. Further, the Bidder
shall procure that all personnel of the Bidder are bound by confidentiality obligation in
relation to all proprietary and Confidential Information received by them which is no less
onerous than the confidentiality obligation under this agreement.
5. The Bidder shall establish and maintain appropriate security measures to provide for the
safe custody of the Confidential Information and to prevent unauthorised access to it.
6. The Bidder agrees that upon termination or expiry of this Agreement or at any time during
its currency, at the request of the Purchaser, the Bidder shall promptly deliver to the
Purchaser the Confidential Information and copies thereof in its possession or under its
direct or indirect control, and shall destroy all memoranda, notes and other writings
prepared by the Bidder or its Affiliates or directors, officers, employees or advisors based
on the Confidential Information and promptly certify such destruction.
7. Confidential Information shall at all times remain the sole and exclusive property of the
Purchaser. Upon completion of the Tendering process and or or termination of the
contract or at any time during its currency, at the request of the Purchaser, the Bidder
shall promptly deliver to the Purchaser the Confidential Information and copies thereof
in its possession or under its direct or indirect control, and shall destroy all memoranda,
notes and other writings prepared by the Bidder or its Affiliates or directors, officers,
employees or advisors based on the Confidential Information within a period of sixty days
from the date of receipt of notice, or destroyed, if incapable of return. The destruction
shall be witnessed and so recorded, in writing, by an authorized representative of the
Purchaser. Without prejudice to the above the Bidder shall promptly certify to the
Purchaser, due and complete destruction and return. Nothing contained herein shall in
any manner impair rights of the Purchaser in respect of the Confidential Information.
8. In the event that the Bidder hereto becomes legally compelled to disclose any Confidential
Information, the Bidder shall give sufficient notice and render best effort assistance to the
Purchaser to enable the Purchaser to prevent or minimize to the extent possible, such
disclosure. Bidder shall not disclose to a third party any Confidential Information or the
contents of this RFP without the prior written consent of the Purchaser. The obligations
of this Clause shall be satisfied by handling Confidential Information with the same degree
of care, which the Bidder applies to its own similar Confidential Information but in no
event less than reasonable care.
For and on behalf of:
10.13 Self-declaration by Bidder
{Procuring entity},
If this declaration is found to be incorrect then without prejudice to any other action that
may be taken as per the provisions of the applicable Act and Rules thereto prescribed by
GoM, my/ our bid, to the extent accepted, may be cancelled.
Thanking you,
10.14 Format for OEM Declaration
The CEO,
Pimpri Chinchwad Smart City Limited (PCSCL),
PCMC Main Building, Mumbai-Pune Road, Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra – 411018
We, <OEM Name> having our registered office at <OEM address>, hereinafter referred to as
OEM are an established manufacturer/provider of the following items, as mentioned below,
quoted by <Bidder Name> having their registered office at <Bidder address>, hereinafter
referred to as Bidder.
List of Items:
We confirm that we have understood the delivery & installation time lines defined in the
tender. We confirm that we have worked out all necessary logistics and pricing agreement
with <SI name>, and there won’t be any delay in delivery, installation and support due to any
delay from our side. Our full support as per pre-purchased support contract is extended in all
respects for supply and maintenance of our products. We also ensure to provide the required
spares and service support as pre-purchased for the supplied equipment for entire contract
period. In case of any difficulties in logging complaint at bidder end, user shall have option to
log complaint at our call support centre.
g. We have not been blacklisted by any State / Central Government Department or
Central /State PSUs as on bid submission date.
h. We either have existing capability and infrastructure to provide 24x7x365 technical
support in India, or shall be establishing the requisite infrastructure and capability
to provide 24x7x365 technical support, on emerging a winner in this bidding
process, refer attached undertaking.
Yours sincerely,
Authorized Signature [In full and initials]: _________________
Name and Title of Signatory: ___________________
Name of Firm: ________________
Address: _______________________
Location: _____________________________________ Date: _________________
10.15 Declaration on Source Code and Intellectual Property Rights
(To be provided on the Company letterhead by the Sole bidder or the Lead member, in case of
To, Date
The CEO,
Pimpri Chinchwad Smart City Limited (PCSCL),
PCMC Main Building, Mumbai-Pune Road, Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra – 411018
Sub: Self-certificate regarding the source code and Intellectual property rights
under this Project
Respected Sir,
I, authorized representative of _________________________, hereby solemnly affirm to the
IPR and Source Code rights as defined in Clause _______________of this RFP document.
In the event of any deviation from the factual information/ declaration, PCSCL reserves the
right to terminate the Contract without any compensation to the System Integrator.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
(Signature of the Authorized signatory of the Bidding Organization)
Business Address:
10.16 Undertaking on Patent Rights
(To be provided on the Company letterhead by the Sole bidder or the Lead member, in case of
To, Date
The CEO,
Pimpri Chinchwad Smart City Limited (PCSCL),
PCMC Main Building, Mumbai-Pune Road, Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra – 411018
Respected Sir,
I/We also confirm that there shall be no infringement of any patent or intellectual
and industrial property rights as per the applicable laws of relevant jurisdictions having
requisite competence, in respect of the equipment’s, systems or any part thereof to be
supplied by us. We shall indemnify PCSCL against all cost/claims/legal claims/liabilities arising
from third party claim in this regard at any time on account of the infringement or
unauthorized use of patent or intellectual and industrial property rights of any such parties,
whether such claims arise in respect of manufacture or use. Without prejudice to the
aforesaid indemnity, I/We shall be responsible for the completion of the supplies including
spares and uninterrupted use of the equipment and/or system or any part thereof to PCSCL
and persons authorized by PCSCL, irrespective of the fact of claims of infringement of any or
all the rights mentioned above.
If it is found that it does infringe on patent rights, I/We absolve PCSCL of any legal
Yours faithfully,
(Signature of the Authorized signatory of the Bidding Organization)
Business Address:
10.17 Undertaking on Service Level Compliance
(To be provided on the Company letterhead by the Sole bidder or the Lead member, in case of
To, Date
The CEO,
Pimpri Chinchwad Smart City Limited (PCSCL),
PCMC Main Building, Mumbai-Pune Road, Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra – 411018
Respected Sir,
I/We do hereby undertake that we shall monitor, maintain, and comply with the
service levels stated in the RFP to provide quality service to PCSCL.
However, if the proposed resources and infrastructure are found to be insufficient in
meeting the RFP and/or the service level requirements given by PCSCL, then we will augment
the same without any additional cost to PCSCL.
Yours faithfully,
(Signature of the Authorized signatory of the Bidding Organization)
Business Address:
10.18 Undertaking on Deliverables
(To be provided on the Company letterhead by the Sole bidder or the Lead member, in case of
To, Date
The CEO,
Pimpri Chinchwad Smart City Limited (PCSCL),
PCMC Main Building, Mumbai-Pune Road, Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra – 411018
Yours faithfully,
(Signature of the Authorized signatory of the Bidding Organization)
Business Address:
10.19 Undertaking on Support to Third Party Solution acceptance and
(To be provided on the Company letterhead by the Sole bidder or the Lead member, in case of
To, Date
The CEO,
Pimpri Chinchwad Smart City Limited (PCSCL),
PCMC Main Building, Mumbai-Pune Road, Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra – 411018
Business Address:
10.20 Declaration of activities sub-contracted
(To be provided on the Company letterhead by the Sole bidder or the Lead member, in case of
To, Date
The CEO,
Pimpri Chinchwad Smart City Limited (PCSCL),
PCMC Main Building, Mumbai-Pune Road, Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra – 411018
Sr No Activity
I/ We would be responsible for ensuring that the sub-contracted work meets the
requirements of the PCSCL.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
(Signature of the Authorized signatory of the Bidding Organization)
Business Address:
10.21 Undertaking on Exit Management and Transition
(To be provided on the Company letterhead by the Sole bidder or the Lead member, in case of
To, Date
The CEO,
Pimpri Chinchwad Smart City Limited (PCSCL),
PCMC Main Building, Mumbai-Pune Road, Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra – 411018
Yours faithfully,
(Signature of the Authorized signatory of the Bidding Organization)
Business Address:
11 Annexure 4 – Format for Submission of Commercial Bid
1. The format provided is for SI’s reference only however, the SI shall submit all the rates
on e-Tendeting system only
2. SI shall take utmost important while submitting the commercial bid
3. Refer the notes before submitting the commercial bid
Item Item Unit Qty Rate Cost
Training Charges Lumpsum 1
Certification Costs (As defined in RFP) Lumpsum 1
Integration Charges Lumpsum 1
Data Migration Cost Lumpsum 1
Manpower Charges for Implementation Lumpsum 1
Additional Charges, if any Lumpsum 1
C-O&M Cost
O-1: O&M for Core ERP
Annual Technical Support for core ERP Modules-
$ Per year 5
Applications for 1000 Employees
Annual Technical Support for Employee Self Services Per year 5
Annual Technical Support for Payroll services Per year 5
Operation & Maintenance Cost Per year 5
O-2: O&M for Work Flow Management
Annual Technical Support for work flow management
Per year 5
for 2000 employees, if any 0
Annual Technical Support for Digital Signature for
Per year 5
2000 employees 0
Operation & Maintenance Cost Per year 5 0
O-3:O&M for GIS Desktop and Server License
Annual Technical Support for GIS Server, if any Per year 5
Annual Technical Support for Desktop Software, if any Per year 5
O-4: O&M for Non Core components as mentioned in (I-3)
Operation & Maintenance Cost Per year 5 0
Manpower Charges for O&M of all modules Per year 5
O-5: Survey (I-4)
$ Operation & Maintenance Cost Per year 5 0
O-6: Base Map Updation
Base Map Updation Per year 5 0
@ Image procurement Cost Per year 12 0
O-7: Back Up solution
Back Up solution Lumpsum 1 0
BPR/SRS/FRS/Implementation phase. It is understood that optimization will
happen through Business Process Reengineering and work Flow
b. SI is not expected to deliver all the quantity of licenses at the start of project. SI has
to provide the licenses as per the demands raised by PCSCL/PCMC. The payments
will be made as per the consumption. SI shall have to deliver licenses as follows:
o 50 : Test Environment
o 100: During development phase
o 450: For Go Live
c. SI shall note that the number of licenses may vary as per the assessment carried
out during BPR and implementation phase. If any additional licenses need to be
procured, it will be based on the unit price discovered during the bidding process.
Such unit price discovered during the bidding process shall be valid up to Go-Live.
d. It is understood that optimization will happen through Business Process
Reengineering which would be undertaken by SI. The SI shall endeavor to minimize
the number of licenses required and optimize the cost for the same through these
a. SI has choice to provide COST or BESPOKE solution provided that the functional
requirements of PCMC/PCSCL are achieved. The approximate number of employees
have been identified who are expected to perform one or multiple functions on
Work Flow and document Management System.
b. It is the responsibility of SI to evaluate total number of licenses that would
be actually required during BPR/SRS/FRS/Implementation phase. It is
understood that optimization will happen through Business Process
** c. SI is not expected to deliver all the quantity of licenses at the start of project. SI has
to provide the licenses as per the demands raised by PCSCL/PCMC. The payments
will be made as per the consumption.
d. It is understood that optimization will happen through Business Process
Reengineering which would be undertaken by SI. The SI shall endeavor to minimize
the number of licenses required and optimize the cost for the same through these
e. There should be no capping on external users such as citizens who will fill various
application forms online
a. The approximate number of employees have been identified who may need digital
signature to authorize any document.
b. It is the responsibility of SI to evaluate total number of digital signatures that
would be actually required during BPR/SRS/FRS/Implementation phase. It is
understood that optimization will happen through Business Process
*** Reengineering.
c. The payment of the digital signatures will be made as per consumption.
d. It is understood that optimization will happen through Business Process
Reengineering which would be undertaken by SI. The SI shall endeavor to minimize
the digital signatures required and optimize the cost for the same through these
**** Active-Active Configuration
The System Integrator is expected to cover complete PCMC limit. The survey need to be
performed by LiDAR or equivalent technology
# Deliverables may include following items but not limited to
1. Data delivery along with viewing executable (viewer software)
2. Mapping of PCMC area and visual data on base application software for data review
3. Conduct feature extraction and integrate it visual data on web based application
4. CAD drawing/ compatible format generation
5. Tagging of properties
The approximate areas of PCMC has been provided. However, System Integrator is expected
## to cover complete PCMC limit. The current of area of PCMC is approx. 184 sq.km.which may
increase to 250 sq.km in coming future.
Survey cost for any incremental growth of areas. The current of area of PCMC is approx.
184 sq.km. which may increase to 250 sq.km in coming future.
Satellite Image need to be procured after every 6 Months (2 Images per year X 6 Years) for
change detection from 2nd year of implementation to project end.
12 Annexure 5 – Performance Bank Guarantee
<Phone Nos.>
<Fax Nos.>
<Email id>
Whereas, <<name of the supplier and address>> (hereinafter called “the System Integrator”) has
undertaken, in pursuance of contract no. <Insert Contract No.> dated <Date> to provide
Implementation services for <<name of the assignment>> to PCSCL (hereinafter called “the
And whereas it has been stipulated by in the said contract that the bidder shall furnish you with a
bank guarantee by a recognized bank for the sum specified therein as security for compliance with
its obligations in accordance with the contract;
And whereas we, <Name of Bank> a banking company incorporated and having its head/registered
office at <Address of Registered Office> and having one of its office at <Address of Local Office>
have agreed to give the supplier such a bank guarantee.
Now, therefore, we hereby affirm that we are guarantors and responsible to you, on behalf of the
supplier, up to a total of Rs.<Insert Value> (Rupees <Insert Value in Words> only) and we undertake
to pay you, upon your first written demand declaring the supplier to be in default under the
contract and without cavil or argument, any sum or sums within the limits of Rs. <Insert Value>
(Rupees <Insert Value in Words> only) as aforesaid, without your needing to prove or to show
grounds or reasons for your demand or the sum specified therein.
We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the bidder before presenting
us with the demand.
We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the terms of the contract
to be performed there under or of any of the contract documents which may be made between
you and the System Integrator shall in any way release us from any liability under this guarantee
and we hereby waive notice of any such change, addition or modification.
I. Our liability under this bank guarantee shall not exceed Rs. <Insert Value> (Rupees <Insert
Value in Words> only).
II. This bank guarantee shall be valid up to <Insert Expiry Date>)
III. It is condition of our liability for payment of the guaranteed amount or any part thereof
arising under this bank guarantee that we receive a valid written claim or demand for
payment under this bank guarantee on or before <Insert Expiry Date>) failing which our
liability under the guarantee shall automatically cease.
Date ______
___________ _______________
Place ______ Signature __
Witness ___________ Printed name __
13 Annexure 6 - Consortium Agreement
This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) entered into this day of [Date] [Month] 2018 at
[Place] among _______ ______ (hereinafter referred to as "_____") and having office at
[Address], India, as Party of the First Part and _______ ______ (hereinafter referred as "_____")
and having office at [Address], as Party of the Second Part and _______ ______ (hereinafter
referred as "____”) and having office at [Address], as Party of the Third Part.
WHEREAS Pimpri Chinchwad Smart City Limited (PCSCL), PURCHASER, has issued a Request for
Proposal for Selection of System Integrator for GIS Enabled ERP solution, Online
Establishment Licensing Solution, Service Level Bench-marking and creation of Unique Smart
Address for Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation under Smart City Initiative dated [Date]
(RFP) from the interested Bidders:
AND WHEREAS the Parties have had discussions for formation of a Consortium for bidding for
the said Project and have reached an understanding on the following points with respect to the
Parties' rights and obligations towards each other and their working relationship.
4. The purpose of this Agreement is to define the principles of collaboration among the Parties
a. Submit a response jointly to Bid for the “Request for Proposal for Selection of System
Integrator for GIS Enabled ERP solution, Online Establishment Licensing Solution,
Service Level Bench-marking and creation of Unique Smart Address for Pimpri
Chinchwad Municipal Corporation under Smart City Initiative dated [Date] (RFP)” as a
b. Sign Contract in case of award
c. Provide and perform the supplies and services which would be ordered by the Purchaser
pursuant to the Contract.
o This Agreement shall not be construed as establishing or giving effect to any legal
entity such as, but not limited to, a company, a partnership, etc. It shall relate
solely towards the Purchaser for
“Selection of System Integrator for GIS Enabled ERP solution, Online Establishment Licensing
Solution, Service Level Bench-marking and creation of Unique Smart Address for Pimpri
Chinchwad city under Smart City Initiative ” dated [Date] (RFP)” for and related execution
works to be performed pursuant to the Contract and shall not extend to any other activities.
o The Lead bidder shall be severally responsible and bound towards the Purchaser
for the performance of the works in totality and in accordance with the terms
and conditions of the BID document and Contract.
o ------------------------------------ (Name of Party) shall act as Lead Partner of the
Consortium. As such, it shall act as the coordinator of the Party’s combined
activities and shall carry out the following functions:
1. To ensure the technical, commercial and administrative co-ordination of the work package
2. To lead the contract negotiations of the work package with the Purchaser.
3. The Lead partner is authorized to receive instructions and incur liabilities for and on behalf
of all Parties.
4. In case of an award, act as channel of communication between the Purchaser and the Parties
to execute the Contract
o That the Parties shall carry out all responsibilities as Developer in terms of the
Project Agreement.
o That the broad roles and the responsibilities of each Party at each stage of the
Bidding shall be as below:
Party A: ________________________________________________
Party B: ________________________________________________
Party C: ________________________________________________
o That the Parties affirm that they shall implement the Project in good faith and shall
take all necessary steps to see the Project through expeditiously.
o That this MoU shall be governed in accordance with the laws of India and courts in
Maharashtra shall have exclusive jurisdiction to adjudicate disputes arising from the
terms herein.
In witness whereof the Parties affirm that the information provided is accurate and true and have
caused this MoU duly executed on the date and year above mentioned.
(Party of the first part) (Party of the second part) (Party of the third part)
i. _____ ____
ii. _____ ____
14 Annexure 7 - Format for Power of Attorney to Authorize Signatory
[To be executed on non-judicial stamp paper of the appropriate value in accordance with
relevant Stamp Act. The stamp paper to be in the name of the company who is issuing the
power of attorney.]
We, M/s.______ (name of the firm or company with address of the registered office) hereby
constitute, appoint and authorise Mr. or Ms.______ (Name and residential address) who is
presently employed with us and holding the position of ______, as our Attorney to do in our
name and our behalf all or any of the acts, deeds or things necessary or incidental to our RFP
for the Project _____ (name of the Project), including signing and submission of the RFP
response, participating in the meetings, responding to queries, submission of information or
documents and generally to represent us in all the dealings with Client or any other
Government Agency or any person, in connection with the works until culmination of the
process of bidding till the Project Agreement is entered into with ____________ (Client) and
thereafter till the expiry of the Project Agreement.
We hereby agree to ratify all acts, deeds and things lawfully done by our said Attorney
pursuant to this power of attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our aforesaid
Attorney shall and shall always be deemed to have been done by us.
(Signature and Name in block letters of all the remaining partners of the firm Signatory for
the Company)
Witness 1: Witness 2:
a. To be executed by all the members individually.
b. The Mode of execution of the power of attorney should be in accordance with the
procedure, if any laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the
executant(s) and when it is so required the same should be under common seal affixed
in accordance with the required procedure.
15 Annexure 8 - Format for Power of Attorney for Lead bidder of
[To be executed on non-judicial stamp paper of the appropriate value in accordance with relevant
Stamp Act. The stamp paper to be in the name of the company who is issuing the power of
Whereas __________ has invited RFP response for __________ (Name of the Project)
Whereas, it is necessary for the members of the Consortium to designate one of them as the lead
member with all necessary power and authority to do, for and on behalf of the Consortium, all
acts, deeds and things as may be necessary in connection with the Consortium’s RFP response
for the Project.
We, M/s._________ and M/s ________ and M/s_________ hereby designate M/s. ______ being
one of the members of the Consortium, as the lead member of the Consortium, to do on behalf
of the Consortium, all or any of the acts, deeds or things necessary or incidental to the
Consortium’s RFP response for the Project, including submission of the RFP response,
participating in meetings, responding to queries, submission of information or documents and
generally to represent the Consortium in all its dealings with Client or any other Government
Agency or any person, in connection with the Project until culmination of the process of bidding
till the Project Agreement is entered into with Client and thereafter till the expiry of the Project
We hereby agree to ratify all acts, deeds and things lawfully done by our said Attorney pursuant
to this power of attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our aforesaid Attorney shall
and shall always be deemed to have been done by us or Consortium.
Witness 1 Witness 2
The Mode of execution of the power of attorney should be in accordance with the procedure, if
any laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the executant(s) and when it
is so required, the same should be under common seal affixed in accordance with the required
16 Annexure 9 – Bank Guarantee for Earnest Money Deposit
Whereas <<Name of the Bidder>> (hereinafter called 'the System Integrator') has submitted the Bid
for Submission of RFP <<RFP Number>> dated <<Date>> for <<Name of the assignment>>
(hereinafter called "the Bid") to <<Purchaser>>.
Know all Men by these presents that we <<… >> having our office at <<Address>> (hereinafter called
"the Bank") are bound unto the << Purchaser >> (hereinafter called "the Purchaser") in the sum of
_____________________________________________ for which payment well and truly to be
made to the said Purchaser, the Bank binds itself, its successors and assigns by these presents.
Sealed with the Common Seal of the said Bank this <<Date>>.
This guarantee will remain in force up to <<insert date>> and including <<extra time over and above
mandated in the RFP>> from the last date of submission and any demand in respect thereof should
reach the Bank not later than the above date.
I. Our liability under this Bank Guarantee shall not exceed Rs. <<Amount in figures>> (Rupees
<<Amount in words>> only)
17 Annexure 10 – Undertaking for Compliance to ERP Definition
To, Date
The CEO,
Pimpri Chinchwad Smart City Limited (PCSCL),
PCMC Main Building, Mumbai-Pune Road, Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra – 411018
Respected Sir,
I/We do hereby undertake that we satisfy the following definition provided in RFP
COTS ERP is defined as the Commercial off the- shelf or commercially available off-the-shelf (COTS)
packaged Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software where OEM holds the intellectual property
rights for the same. The following are the eligibility criteria that needs to be satisfied by COTS ERP:
Documentary (Yes/No),
Serial No Criteria
Evidence evidence
document pg no.
COTS software should have been implemented in
1. government and public sector agency within India Required
& must have gone live for more than five years.
COTS software should be enterprise wide
2. Not Required
integrated application
COTS software should support localization
features for India taxes and provides the legal
3. Required
changes for these taxes as a support package
from time to time
The proposed COTS OEM should have support
4. centers across the globe, including support Required
centers in India
The proposed COTS OEM should offer 24X7
5. Required
The proposed COTS OEM should have at least five
6. partners who can implement the proposed Required
The proposed COTS OEM should have
7. Required
development center in India.
Documentary (Yes/No),
Serial No Criteria
Evidence evidence
document pg no.
The product is successfully implemented in at
8. least 2 organizations in last 5 years in Required
However, if noncompliance to the above definition is found, PCSCL may take appropriate penal
action on the bidder as it deems fit.
Yours faithfully,
(Signature of the Authorized signatory of the Bidding Organization)
Business Address:
18 Annexure 11 – Undertaking for Compliance to Definition for Other
Commercial off the Shelf Products (GIS, Work Flow and Document
Management, BI etc.)
To, Date
The CEO,
Pimpri Chinchwad Smart City Limited (PCSCL),
PCMC Main Building, Mumbai-Pune Road, Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra – 411018
Sub: Undertaking for Compliance to Definition for Other Commercial off the Shelf Products
(GIS, Work Flow and Document Management, BI etc.)
Respected Sir,
I/We do hereby undertake that we satisfy the following definition provided in RFP
However, if noncompliance to the above definition is found, PCSCL may take appropriate penal
action on the bidder as it deems fit.
Yours faithfully,
(Signature of the Authorized signatory of the Bidding Organization)
Business Address:
19 Annexure 12 – Undertaking for Compliance to OGC
To, Date
The CEO,
Pimpri Chinchwad Smart City Limited (PCSCL),
PCMC Main Building, Mumbai-Pune Road, Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra – 411018
Respected Sir,
I/We do hereby undertake that our product/Platform is Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
compliant. The documentary evidence is attached on page on______ However, if
noncompliance is found, PCSCL may take appropriate penal action on the bidder as it deems fit.
Yours faithfully,
(Signature of the Authorized signatory of the Bidding Organization)
Business Address:
Volume-II: Scope of Work
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 126
1.1 Geographical Scope ...................................................................................................... 126
1.2 Reference Statistics ...................................................................................................... 126
1.3 Existing GIS Infrastructure in PCMC ............................................................................. 127
2 Scope of work ..................................................................................................................... 129
2.1 Compliance to eGov Standards .................................................................................... 130
2.1.1 Single Sign On........................................................................................................ 130
2.1.2 Support for PKI based Authentication and Authorization .................................... 131
2.1.3 Interoperability Standards .................................................................................... 131
2.1.4 Scalability .............................................................................................................. 131
2.1.5 Security ................................................................................................................. 131 List of Information security requirements .................................................... 132
2.2 Application Architecture .............................................................................................. 134
2.2.1 High Level Design (HLD) ........................................................................................ 135
2.2.2 Detailed Design/ Low Level Design (LLD) .............................................................. 135
2.3 Brief scope of tasks ...................................................................................................... 138
2.4 Requirements for Envisaged Solution .......................................................................... 139
2.5 Detailed scope of work................................................................................................. 139
2.5.1 Project Planning and Monitoring .......................................................................... 140
2.5.2 System Requirement and Design Study ................................................................ 141
2.5.3 Design.................................................................................................................... 142
2.5.4 Implementation and Customization of GIS and ERP Product ............................... 142
2.5.5 Testing ................................................................................................................... 143
2.5.6 Deployment of the Integrated Solution................................................................ 144
2.5.7 System Acceptance ............................................................................................... 144
2.5.8 Documentation ..................................................................................................... 144
2.5.9 Ownership and Licenses ....................................................................................... 145
2.5.10 Intellectual Property Rights .................................................................................. 145
2.5.11 Integration of Applications/Software/Modules Envisaged by PCMC/PCSCL ....... 146 Illustrative process for obtaining Sky Sign license......................................... 147 Illustrative process for obtaining New Water Connection ............................ 148 Illustrative process for Monitoring construction of new roads .................... 149
2.6 Scope for Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) ....................................................... 150
2.7 Scope for GIS ................................................................................................................ 150
2.7.1 Geospatial Database Management ...................................................................... 150
2.7.2 Preparation of GIS Base Map (2D and 3D) ............................................................ 150
2.7.3 Procurement of Satellite Imagery: ........................................................................ 151
2.7.4 DGPS Survey & Geo Referencing .......................................................................... 151
2.7.5 Ground Control Points (GCPs) Standards ............................................................. 151
2.7.6 Digitization and Map Preparation......................................................................... 151
2.7.7 Data Quality Assurance and Quality Checking...................................................... 154
2.7.8 Outputs and Deliverables ..................................................................................... 154
2.7.9 Design, Develop and Implement GIS Portal .......................................................... 155 GIS Portal for Internal User ........................................................................... 155 GIS Portal for Citizens .................................................................................... 165 Integration Requirements ............................................................................. 166 Online Help .................................................................................................... 166 Mapping Gallery ............................................................................................ 166
2.7.10 Development, customization and Integration Service ......................................... 167
2.7.11 Coding & Integration............................................................................................. 168
2.7.12 Overview of Enterprise Web GIS Solution Architecture ....................................... 168 Customized Application Stack ....................................................................... 169 Application Rights and Licenses .................................................................... 170 Core Web GIS Application ............................................................................. 171 Metadata Management and Shared Information ......................................... 172 Network Security Layer ................................................................................. 173 System Security Layer .................................................................................... 173 Presentation Layer ......................................................................................... 174
2.7.13 On Ground Survey ................................................................................................. 176
122 Property Reconciliation Survey ..................................................................... 176
2.7.14 Deliverables of Surveys ......................................................................................... 177
2.8 Design, Develop and Implement Mobile Application .................................................. 177
2.9 Scope for ERP ............................................................................................................... 179
2.9.1 Functional and Technical Requirements............................................................... 179
2.9.2 Indicative Functional Requirements ..................................................................... 183 Common Functionalities ................................................................................ 183 Financial Management System ..................................................................... 185 Human Resource Management System ........................................................ 190 Asset Management System ........................................................................... 199 Procurement Management System .............................................................. 203 Inventory Management System .................................................................... 204 Program/Project Management System ......................................................... 206 Digital Workflow Management System......................................................... 209 Property Tax Management System ............................................................... 211 Water Billing and Collection Management System ....................................... 214 Citizen Services Module................................................................................. 215 Internal Administration ................................................................................. 228 Dashboard and Business Intelligence (BI) ..................................................... 236 Enterprise GIS Software Specifications ......................................................... 236
2.10 Service Level Benchmarking ..................................................................................... 236
2.10.1 Software Characteristics ....................................................................................... 237
2.10.2 Scope of Service Level Benchmarking................................................................... 238 Web Designing along with Portal Development ........................................... 238 Business Requirement Study and SRS ........................................................... 238 Integration with existing PCMC systems/MIS ............................................... 239 Data Cleansing and Formats .......................................................................... 239 Data Preview and Validation ......................................................................... 240 Details of parameters to be tracked .............................................................. 240 Programme Creation and Data Entry ............................................................ 240 User set .......................................................................................................... 241
123 Approval and validation................................................................................. 243 Approval and validation ............................................................................... 243
2.10.3 Design & Built BI/Analytics Dashboard ................................................................. 243
2.10.4 Important Components ........................................................................................ 245
2.10.5 Functional Characteristics of BI/Analytics Solution .............................................. 245
2.10.6 User management ................................................................................................ 246
2.10.7 Change Management & Issue Tracker .................................................................. 246
2.10.8 Audit trails ............................................................................................................. 246
2.11 Unique Smart Address .............................................................................................. 247
2.12 Scope of Pilot Implementation ................................................................................. 247
2.13 Integration with Existing Systems at PCMC .............................................................. 247
2.14 Data Migration .......................................................................................................... 249
2.15 O&M of the Proposed Solution for 5 years after Go-Live ........................................ 249
2.16 Deployment and Supervision of Personnel during O&M Period ............................. 252
2.17 Capacity Building and Training ................................................................................. 255
2.18 Work Products/Documents/Reports ........................................................................ 256
2.19 User Acceptance Testing .......................................................................................... 257
2.20 Incident Management .............................................................................................. 257
2.21 Change Management ............................................................................................... 258
2.22 Service Request Management.................................................................................. 258
2.23 Problem Management.............................................................................................. 258
2.24 Release Management ............................................................................................... 259
2.25 ISO 27001 Certification ............................................................................................. 259
2.26 Project Timelines and payment milestones ............................................................. 260
2.27 Service Level Agreement (SLA) ................................................................................. 264
2.27.1 Purpose ................................................................................................................. 264
2.27.2 Definitions ............................................................................................................. 265
2.27.3 Applicability........................................................................................................... 265
2.27.4 Penalties ................................................................................................................ 265
2.27.5 Implementation Phase performance levels .......................................................... 266
2.27.6 Operation and Maintenance Phase ...................................................................... 269
2.27.7 Application Performance SLA ............................................................................... 270
2.27.8 Handholding Support: Application Support.......................................................... 280
2.27.9 Non-Applicability of SLA’s ..................................................................................... 281
2.28 Hardware .................................................................................................................. 282
2.28.1 Database Servers .................................................................................................. 282 Database Server Quantity.............................................................................. 282 Database Server Specification ....................................................................... 282
2.28.2 Application Server ................................................................................................. 284 Application server quantity ........................................................................... 284 Application server Specification .................................................................... 284
2.29 Backup Solution ........................................................................................................ 285
3 Annexures ........................................................................................................................... 291
3.1 Annexure-1: Details of layers in Base map .................................................................. 291
3.2 Annexure-2: Indicative Specifications for Work Flow Management System .............. 311
3.3 Annexure-3: Building Property Field Survey Information ............................................ 313
3.4 Annexure-4: Deviated Properties detail Survey Information ...................................... 315
3.5 Annexure-5: Analysis and Reports for Survey Activities .............................................. 316
3.6 Annexure-6: Road Feature data to be captured .......................................................... 318
3.7 Annexure-7: Enterprise GIS Software Specifications ................................................... 323
3.7.1 GIS Desktop Specifications.................................................................................... 323
3.7.2 GIS Server Specifications....................................................................................... 327
3.7.3 Specifications for Mobile GIS ................................................................................ 330
3.8 Annexure-8: Specifications Specification of Lidar or Equivalent to Lidar technology . 331
3.9 Annexure-9: List of Existing application in PCMC ........................................................ 333
1 Introduction
1.1 Geographical Scope
The total area covered by PCMC is 184 sq. km approximately. PCMC is divided into 8 Zones, which
are further divided into 32 Wards as mentioned below. The geographical scope of the
implementation of this RFP shall be limited to PCMC limits.
Serial No Zone Wards
Note: Actual number of users and provided statistic may change during implementation. System
Integrator is expected to perform pre-requisites.
Concurrency during office open and close time such as 10:00 AM in morning and 5:30 PM in evening
Class Number of Employees
Class-1 Employees 80
Class-2 Employees 218
Class-3 Employees 2893
Class-4 Employees 3790
Grand Total 6981
2 Scope of work
The proposed GIS Enabled ERP solution implementation and post-implementation support at
PCMC is a comprehensive solution for modernization of the corporation and envisages end-to-
end computerization of the corporation functioning. It is envisaged to undertake Enterprise Wide
Resource Planning approach, enabling PCMC to use various spatial and geo spatial data in most
optimal way and provide services to citizens in efficient and effective manner.
The Scope of Work can be primarily divided into four main components:
1. Development and implementation of Web GIS enabled platform and applications
2. Development and implementation of ERP solution and other citizen centric, expenditure
and revenue based applications
3. Development and implementation of work flow management system
4. Integration, Operation and Maintenance of the above mentioned GIS enabled ERP system
with work flow management for 5 years after Go-Live
The key features of the scope under each of these components is as under:
1. Development and implementation of Web GIS enabled platform and applications
a) Procurement of Satellite imagery
b) Preparation of Base map to create foundation for GIS.
c) Survey to be carried out to obtain information related to land use, land cover,
deviations of properties, PCMC assets, road features etc. for updating
attributes of GIS objects
2. Development and implementation of ERP solution and other citizen centric, expenditure
and revenue based applications
a) Implementation of various core ERP Modules (Only COTS ERP from OEM
b) Implementation of various non-core ERP Modules including expenditure
applications (Can be Bespoke or COTS products)
c) Implementation of various citizen centric modules (Can be Bespoke or COTS
d) Implementation of various revenue based applications (Can be Bespoke or
COTS products)
3. Development and implementation of work flow management system
a) Development of applications/software to be implemented by PCMC for
various services and integration with the new ERP platform
4. Integration, Operation and Maintenance of the above mentioned GIS enabled ERP system
with work flow management for 5 years
a) Migration of all data from identified existing IT applications
b) Integration of Online Establishment Licensing, Municipal Service Level
Benchmarking and Unique Smart Addressing System and other applications as
per the list (refer section 2.13) with the GIS enabled ERP platform
c) Deployment and supervision of personnel required for the maintenance of the
d) Capacity building and training of selected municipal officials
COTS ERP is defined as the Commercial off the- shelf or commercially available off-the-shelf (COTS)
packaged Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software where OEM holds the intellectual property
rights for the same. The following are the eligibility criteria that needs to be satisfied by COTS ERP:
1. COTS software should have been implemented in government and public sector agency
within India & must have gone live for more than five years.
2. COTS software should be enterprise wide integrated application
3. COTS software should support localization features for India taxes and provides the legal
changes for these taxes as a support package from time to time
4. The proposed COTS OEM should have support centers across the globe, including support
centers in India
5. The proposed COTS OEM should offer 24X7 support
6. The proposed COTS OEM should have at least five partners who can implement the proposed
7. The proposed COTS OEM should have development center in India.
Other Commercial off the Shelf Products (GIS, Work Flow and Document Management, BI etc.):
The solution should be available Commercially Off-The-Shelf (COTS). The software/application should
be readily deployable with or without configuration to suit the customer’s specific process
requirements and does not involve developing the whole application from scratch. COTS software
shall be implementable or deployable and maintainable by any other competent agency other than
the manufacturer/ OEM or agency which has developed the COTS software.
Note: The SI and OEM shall ensure that the proposed solution (ERP, GIS and WFM+DMS products of
OEM) should have been successfully implemented in at least 2 organizations in last 5 years in
India/Globally. SI and OEM shall substantiate such claims by submitting relevant proofs. SI and OEM
shall note that the untested products/ IT applications or application which need to be built from
scratch will not be accepted.
The application should enable single-sign-on so that any user once authenticated and authorized
by system is not required to be re-authorized for completing any of the services in the same
session. For employees of the department concerned, the browser based application accessed
on the intranet, through single-sign-on mechanism, will provide access to all the services of the
departments concerned (based on their roles and responsibilities), Help module, basic and
advanced reporting etc. Similarly, for external users (citizens, etc), based on their profile and
registration, the system shall enable single sign on facility to apply for various services, make
payments, submit queries /complaints and check status of their applications.
2.1.2 Support for PKI based Authentication and Authorization
The solution shall support PKI based Authentication and Authorization, in accordance with IT Act
2000,using the Digital Certificates issued by the Certifying Authorities (CA). In particular, 3 factor
authentication (login id & password, biometric and digital signature) shall be implemented by the
selected Bidder for officials/employees involved in processing citizen services as per the
Functional requirement specification of the services.
Keeping in view the evolving needs of interoperability, especially the possibility that the solution
shall become the focal point of delivery of services, and may also involve cross functionality with
the e-Government projects of other departments / businesses in future. The SI shall ensure that
the application developed is easily integrated with the existing applications.
2.1.4 Scalability
One of the fundamental requirements of the proposed application is its scalability. The
architecture should be proven to be scalable (cater to increasing load of internal and external
users and their transactions) and capable of delivering high performance for at least five years
from the date of deployment. In this context, it is required that the application and deployment
architecture should provide for Scale-Up and Scale out on the Application and Web Servers,
Database Servers and all other solution components. For pilot states, the scalability is very
important and this aspect should be thoroughly tested before state wide roll out.
2.1.5 Security
The systems implemented for project should be highly secure, considering that it is intended to
handle sensitive data relating to the citizens of the PCMC. The overarching security
considerations are described below.
1. The security services used to protect the solution shall include:
Identification, Authentication, Access Control, Administration and Audit and support for
industry standard protocols.
2. The solution shall support advanced user authentication mechanisms including digital
certificates and biometric authentication.
3. Security design should provide for a well-designed identity management system, security
of physical and digital assets, data and network security, backup and recovery and disaster
recovery system.
4. The solution should provide for maintaining an audit trail of all the transactions and
should also ensure the non-repudiation of audit trail without impacting the overall
performance of the system.
5. The overarching requirement is the need to comply with ISO 27001 standards of security.
S.No. Security Areas Specification
6. Data Protection • The solution shoulds support SSL encryption
mechanism for transferring data across
network. Provision should be made to
ensure that data in any form should not be
copied on to any external media without
• The data transferred across network should
be encrypted using Public Key (PKI)
• Complete end point data protection should
be provided at client site such that any type
of data pilferage using unauthorized
copying, storing and emailing could be
• Access to all system resources including
data files, devices, processes and audit files
should be provided to the intended users
• All mobile applications should be designed
and developed in a way that it ensures
security of the application and data on the
• Ensure to protect documents by assigning
security parameters and criteria in order to
provide more effective protection for an
electronic document in order to maintain
Confidentiality, Authorization,
Accountability, Integrity, Authenticity and
7. Session Management • The system should limit to only one session
per user or process ID.
• The system should put a limit on the
maximum time length of an idle session,
which should ensure that automatic session
termination takes place after expiry of the
specific time length.
• Mandatory password change after
predefined time period
S.No. Security Areas Specification
8. Data WareHouse Security • Users must not shave access to the data
warehouse prompt of the application.
Access to the data warehouse prompt must
be restricted only to the database
• “Super user” rights for the data warehouse
must only be given to the administrator and
activities of these accounts must be
properly logged.
9. Application Deployment • All unused ports should be blocked at server
• The application server should be segregated
from internet zone through firewall or other
filtering mechanism.
10. Information Security • The employees working on the project
Governance should be made aware of his or her
responsibilities with respect to Information
Privacy and Information Security.
• Employees working on the project shall
undergo security awareness training during
11. Compliance to Security • Software/Hardware system should be
Standards in compliance with <ISO/IEC 27001:2015>.
12. Security Information and Event • SI should install SIEM for Real-time analysis
Management System (SIEM) of security alerts generated by applications
and infrastructure.
Similarly the modules of the application are to be supported by the Session and Transaction
Manager for the completeness of the request and response of the client request. The system
should have a module exclusively to record the activities/ create the log of activities happening
within the system / application to avoid any kind of irregularities within the system by any User
/ Application.
2.2.1 High Level Design (HLD)
Once the SRS are approved, the SI shall complete the High Level Designing and all HLD documents
of all the functionalities, integration with existing application and external application. The SI
shall prepare the HLD and have it reviewed and approved by PCMC. Following diagram provides
the indicative High Level Design
Security Layer
Data Layer
Enterprise Service Bus
Business Application
Enterprise Application
Tools and
Common Functionality
External Applications
during this stage. The SI shall prepare the HLD and have it reviewed and approved by PCMC.
Following diagram provides the indicative Low Level Design
System Landscape
Refer page No-338
2.3 Brief scope of tasks
# Category Description
2.4 Requirements for Envisaged Solution
The System Integrator shall configure and deploy the application for delivering all the services
and management functions of Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation as identified above and
detailed in the RFP. This system shall be a homogeneous, integrated Enterprise Wide Software
solution, comprising of COTS solution or custom (BESPOKE) solution or both, as required
minimally in order to achieve functional requirements.
The SI would be required to implement all the functional requirements specified. ERP is a
terminology used to specify that the requirements have to be implemented through use of
system of integrated applications, to effectively manage complete operations by use of resources
(spatial data, geo spatial data, various modules, manpower) in most optimal manner. Hence, for
the purpose of simplicity, entire solution for PCMC is being referred as “GIS Enabled ERP
The System Integrator is expected to have back to back support arrangements with OEM in case
of COTS Solution or own support in case of BESPOKE solution to provide technical support, as
well as IT Infrastructure components (Servers, Storage, Networking etc. provided by SI as a part
of solution). In case of COTS solution, the format of the certification (MAF) to be submitted by
OEM (in the technical envelope) as per Annexure 8.11 of Volume-1
a. Business Process Reengineering
b. System requirement study
c. Design of System
d. Development of System
e. Implementation of System
f. Support for O&M
Within 21 calendar days of the effective date of the contract, selected vendor will be required to:
1. Finalize the project charter in order to determine and agree on the project expectations,
ground rules, work plan, communication matrix, timelines, quality plan, configuration
management plan etc.
2. Selected vendor’s project manager should prepare a detailed project plan (as part of the
project charter) clearly specifying the tasks, the dependency among the tasks, the
duration to perform the tasks, the resources allocated to perform the tasks, the scheduled
start and finish dates for the task. This project plan should also clearly mention the various
project milestones and project deliverable schedules. The project manager should also
prepare a detailed register of project related risks with details such as probability of
occurrence of the risk factor, severity of the risk factor, risk rating, risk mitigation plan,
3. The detailed project plan should be internally reviewed for completeness and correctness
by selected vendor and subsequently delivered to PCMC/PCSCL for its review and
acceptance. The mutually agreed project plan will form the basis for regular project
4. Selected vendor should revise the project plan to incorporate changes due to
requirement changes, delay in approvals, etc., if any, and submit the revised project plan
5. Selected vendor should hold fortnightly review meetings with PCMC/PCSCL providing
detailed report on the progress of the project (Project Progress Report) clearly
highlighting the activities completed in the reporting period, activities planned for the
next reporting period, deviations from the planned dates, issues/concerns affecting the
project progress, impact on the overall project timelines, project related risks with their
mitigation plans.
6. Selected vendor should monitor the quality of the solution being developed in line with
the project quality plan. Selected vendor’s project manager should periodically review the
performance of the project against defined quality goals and take necessary actions for
any deviations.
2.5.2 System Requirement and Design Study
1. The selected vendor shall perform the detailed assessment of the functional
requirements for the services described in the RFP.
2. The selected vendor will refer Maharashtra Municipal Corporations Act, National
Municipal Accounting Manual, PCMC Resolutions and Orders, Government Resolutions
3. Selected vendor should understand the processes and other related documents and seek
clarifications from PCMC/PCSCL, if any.
4. Selected vendor shall interact with PCMC/PCSCL to gather requirements. It is expected
that selected vendor gathers requirements through structured questionnaires, focused
interviews with user groups.
5. On gathering the requirements, selected vendor shall analyze these requirements to
ensure the requirements are complete, accurate, consistent and unambiguous.
6. The selected vendor shall finalize the System Requirement Specifications (SRS) in
consultation with PCMC/PCSCL and its representatives based on process definitions &
Functional Requirement Specifications (FRS), Technical Requirements Specifications
provided therein, and also based on its own individual assessment, and/or in consultation
with PCMC/PCSCL and its representatives.
7. SRS shall contain the objectives and scope of the system, overview, various levels of
business requirements, architectural requirements, usability requirements, reliability
requirements, design constraints, sizing considerations, applicable standards, Reports
and templates, interfaces etc. User Role wise mapping to the various business functions
with details regarding their access rights (insert/update/delete/view etc.) shall also be
included in this document. Acceptance Criteria shall also be included explicitly promoting
clear understanding with the end user about what the end user considers acceptable for
the proposed solution.
8. The selected vendor as part of development of SRS shall develop a system prototype to
capture and demonstrate the end user requirements in the form of screens and outputs.
The prototype shall be enhanced continuously during the development of SRS.
9. The SRS shall be prepared by the selected vendor and a formal sign-off obtained from
PCMC/PCSCL before proceeding with the development/customization/installation of the
10. Selected vendor is also expected to visit the different ward locations to understand the
requirements of users at those locations.
2.5.3 Design
1. The selected vendor shall design the integrated solution architecture and specifications
for meeting the SRS finalized by the selected vendor and approved by PCMC/PCSCL. The
solution designed should have seamless integration of all the components comprising the
integrated solution being designed, including some of the existing applications. The
solution design shall include, but shall not be limited to, the design of the application
architecture, user interface, database structures, security architecture, IT Infrastructure
sizing, Storage Architecture, network architecture etc. The principles of Enterprise
Architecture shall be followed while designing the systems.
2. The selected vendor is required to submit network bandwidth requirement for each of
the office locations, as well as bandwidth required on per-user bases.
3. The IT Infrastructure design proposed and implemented must ensure that there is no
4. The selected vendor is expected to implement the GIS Enabled ERP system and customize
based on the requirement gathering and mutual discussion with PCMC/PCSCL. The
selected vendor is required to meet all the requirements of this RFP including the
activities listed, timelines and deliverables mentioned in this RFP, functional,
performance, service level related and any other requirements stated this RFP.
5. The selected vendor should submit the solution design document to PCMC/PCSCL and
should obtain the sign off on the design document before commencing the development
/customization/installation of the solution. However, selected vendor shall be
responsible for ensuring the compliance of the end product to the requirements specified
by PCMC/PCSCL in this RFP.
6. Selected vendor should document the high level design consisting of project standards,
the functional design and the database design, logical and process view of the proposed
system, deployment design, coding standards, architectural requirements such as
number of users and load, size and performance, backup and archival policy, etc.
2.5.4 Implementation and Customization of GIS and ERP Product
1. Based on the identified functional requirements and processes, the selected vendor will
undertake the system configuration and customization.
2. PCMC/PCSCL intends to adopt the leading practices available in the offered solution.
Selected vendor is required to undertake customization that may be needed in line with
the changed, improved or specific business processes requirement prepared during
requirement gathering/study phase of the project.
3. Selected vendor shall make the required system design modifications and implement the
changes in order to achieve the desired functionality. However the same must be tested,
accepted and approved by the PCMC/PCSCL users.
4. After completion of configuration/customization to the product, selected vendor along
with PCMC/PCSCL will evaluate the overall configuration and customization. If the need
arises and the result is not up to the expectations of PCMC/PCSCL management, further
reconfiguration will be done by the System Integrator in order to close any gap left in
meeting the desired objective. Finally approved/accepted solution will be delivered as
“System Configuration” document and the same should be implemented at locations that
are identified within the scope of this project.
2.5.5 Testing
1. The selected vendor shall design the Testing strategy including traceability matrix, test
cases and conduct testing of various components of the software developed/customized
for the project.
2. The software testing shall include Unit Testing, System Testing, Performance Testing,
Integration Testing, etc.
3. The selected vendor shall submit to PCMC/PCSCL the testing approach and plan and make
necessary amendments, if requested by PCMC/PCSCL. The selected vendor shall perform
the testing of the solution based on the above test plan, document the results and shall
fix the bugs found during the testing.
4. Though PCMC/PCSCL is required to review the test plan, it is the ultimate responsibility
of selected vendor to ensure that the end product delivered by the selected vendor meets
all the requirements (including functional and technical requirements) of the project as
specified in the RFP.
5. The basic responsibility of testing the system lies with the selected vendor.
6. The selected vendor shall after development and customization/configuration of the
integrated solution, conduct tests to demonstrate that the system meets all the
requirements (functional and technical) specifications as brought out in this RFP.
7. System Testing: On the basis of these tests, a report would be submitted by the selected
vendor for review and approval by PCMC/PCSCL. The test results and response times
should be demonstrated by the selected vendor during the testing phases (System,
Integration and Stress & Load Testing) at various locations and
environment/infrastructure as mutually agreed upon by PCMC/PCSCL and the selected
8. Integrating Testing: Integration testing shall be carried out by the selected vendor to
ensure cross function modules are integrated and transaction data is flowing across the
modules accurately. Selected vendor is required to plan and execute integration and
ensure satisfactory results are obtained.
9. Load and Stress Testing: Load, scalability and Stress Testing would be conducted prior to
‘Go-Live’, once the System Integration Testing of the configured and customized solution
has been conducted successfully. Selected vendor should use suitable simulation tools in
accordance with the agreed test procedures keeping in view PCMC’s projected future load
of transactional users as proposed by the selected vendor and agreed by PCMC/PCSCL.
10. Providing UAT Plan and Test Cases: Selected vendor must create UAT plans and use cases
and share with V PCMC/PCSCL.
2.5.6 Deployment of the Integrated Solution
The selected vendor shall deploy the application software and other software required for
successful implementation of integrated system at data center and data recovery center as
agreed with PCMC/PCSCL.
2.5.8 Documentation
1. The selected vendor shall prepare/update the documents including that of FRS, SRS,
Detailed Design, Test Cases & Results, User Manuals, Operations Manual, Maintenance
Manual, Administrator Manual, Security Policy, Licensing etc. as per notified standards.
The selected vendor shall obtain the sign-off from PCMC/PCSCL for all the documents
submitted for this Project and shall make necessary changes as recommended by
PCMC/PCSCL before submitting the final version of the documents.
2. Key documents required, are:
• Configuration documentation: consisting of system setting and parameters for
each function modules.
• User manual including system instruction and use cases, running of a program to
perform specific task in the system with sample reports, screen formats etc.
• Program flow and description.
• Any other documentation required for usage of implemented solution at each
• System operational procedure manuals.
• On-line help
• The selected vendor shall provide minimum three hard copies and two soft copies
on (two different CDs) of the above mentioned manuals.
3. All administrative passwords related to entire software stack including but not limited to
operating system, RDBS, middleware(s), ERP software, etc. should be properly
documented and handed over to Department of IT, PCMC or the nominated authority on
continuous basis. The ownership of all passwords, hardware base locking system (if any
developed by the bidder), and keys will be solemnly of PCMC/PCSCL. The bidder will not
have any right, in any form, on it.
4. Selected vendor shall prepare and submit all the documentation before provisional ‘Go-
Live’ and also ensure that a periodic revision of the documents to reflect any changes in
the system and/or processes are also done and submitted to PCMC/PCSCL.
5. Selected vendor need to design user manuals (documents/flash video/video) etc.
covering end-to-end transactions relevant to the PCMC/PCSCL for various modules
implemented to assist users in English and Marathi.
6. Whenever changes are suggested by PCSCL/PCMC in functionalities of any IT application,
the changes need to be documented properly. The record of such changes should be
maintained by SI and copies of such documents should be submitted to PCSCL/PCMC in
hard copy and soft copy as well.
2.5.9 Ownership and Licenses
The ownership of all software developed/customized/configured/procured and related
documentation for the project would always lie with the PCMC/PCSCL. All licenses procured
related to project have to be in the name of PCMC/PCSCL. All the licenses should be
perpetual. After the completion of O&M phase, PCMC/PCSCL doesn’t have to procure any
licenses to run the system effectively. All members of SI will unconditionally hand over all the
licenses, hardware, software, mobile applications etc. required to run this project to
2.5.10 Intellectual Property Rights
1. PCMC/PCSCL shall own and have a right in perpetuity to use all newly created Intellectual
Property Rights which have been developed solely during execution of this Contract,
including but not limited to all processes, products, customizations, specifications,
reports, drawings and other documents which have been newly created and developed
by the SI solely during the performance of services and for the purposes of inter-alia use
or sub-license of such services under this Contract. All documentation and configuration
items such as scripts, code, queries etc. developed by the SI shall be property of
PCMC/PCSCL. The SI should create a repository of such resources and provide access to
the PCMC/PCSCL. The SI undertakes to disclose all such Intellectual Property Rights arising
in performance of the services to the PCMC/PCSCL and execute all such agreements/
documents and file all relevant applications, effect transfers and obtain all permits and
approvals that may be necessary in this regard to effectively transfer and conserve the
Intellectual Property Rights of the PCMC/PCSCL.
2. If PCMC/PCSCL desires, the SI shall be obliged to ensure that all approvals, registrations,
licenses, permits and rights etc., which are inter-alia necessary for use of the goods
supplied/installed by the SI, is acquired in the name of PCMC/PCSCL, prior to termination
of this Contract and which may be assigned by the PCMC/PCSCL to the SI for the purpose
of execution of any of its obligations under the terms of the Bid, Tender or this Contract.
However, subsequent to the term of this Contract, such approvals, registrations, licenses,
permits and rights etc. shall endure to the exclusive benefit of the PCMC/PCSCL.
3. The selected vendor’s team shall ensure that while it uses any software, hardware,
processes, document or material in the course of performing the services, it does not
infringe the Intellectual Property Rights of any person and the selected vendor shall keep
the PCMC/PCSCL indemnified against all costs, expenses and liabilities howsoever, arising
out of any illegal or unauthorized use (piracy) or in connection with any claim or
proceedings relating to any breach or violation of any permission/license terms or
infringement of any Intellectual Property Rights by the selected vendor’s Team during the
course of performance of the services. In case of any infringement by the selected
vendor’s team, the selected vendor shall have sole control of the defense and all related
settlement negotiations.
2.5.11 Integration of Applications/Software/Modules Envisaged by PCMC/PCSCL
1. The selected vendor is expected to propose a new solution in line with the functional
requirements as specified in this document. But, there are certain Applications/modules;
(independently developed by other developers) which will have to be integrated with the
proposed solution to be developed by the selected vendor. Basic details of the existing
applications are provided in section 2.13. Selected vendor may officially request
PCMC/PCSCL officials to inquire any further details about the existing applications.
2. The selected vendor is required to study the requirement of the modules and propose an
approach on the type and level of integration of the existing module with the proposed
solution. All the efforts required for integration of existing modules with the proposed
solution will have to be taken in to consideration by the selected vendor during the effort
calculation and the same will have to be part of the commercial bid submitted by the
selected vendor.
3. PCMC/PCSCL will not allow any deviation in this regards in the Commercial Bid submitted
by the selected vendor and any such request by the selected vendor will eventually lead
to its disqualification.
4. Some of illustrative interaction diagrams are provided. However final to be processes will
be discussed in detail during implementation phase which vendor has to get approved
from PCMC/PCSCL. Illustrative process for obtaining Sky Sign license
147 Illustrative process for obtaining New Water Connection
148 Illustrative process for Monitoring construction of new roads
2.6 Scope for Business Process Re-engineering (BPR)
The PCSCL wishes to embark upon a process reengineering for PCMC, which will streamline the
business processes and ensure consistent and speedy citizen services. The Scope of the System
Integrator under Business Process Re-engineering would include, but not limited to:
1. To study the current processes of PCMC for all departments and offices
2. To devise changes in processes like Administration, Accounting, Asset Management,
Project management etc.
3. To devise strategies for enhanced citizen services and citizen experience.
4. Review of role of each operating unit to arrive at an optimum balance between services
and operations activities.
5. Increasing Digital Transactions. Strategies for optimum utilization of self-service kiosks.
6. Strategies for improving digital work flow. Review and redesign work flows and document
flows at all offices. Digital/ Automated generation of Reports.
7. Build a robust tracking and monitoring mechanism of all transactions including complaint,
applications, grievances etc.
8. Define Service Levels for all activities
The scope of BPR is limited to the activities getting covered under this project.
city profile] GIS based map of the city from High resolution Satellite Image and typical GIS survey
Methodology and integrate that with the various ERP modules.
One of the objectives of the project is to develop a detailed a large scale (1:2000) GIS Base map
for the Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation that is interpretation and digitization of all
physical features from high resolution geo-referenced satellite imagery. The digitization process
shall include vectorisation, symbolization, layering, edge matching, topological integrity. The
preliminary interpreted map should be ground verified and the final map is to be prepared by
incorporating the ground truth data.
grids then further shall be divided into 250m x 250m scenes for future usage like Map
Book creations, Smart Asset ID creation etc. and future analysis. All the grids and scenes
shall have unique IDs.
b) The Bidder/SI shall prepare an up-to-date large-scale base map (Scale 1:2000) of entire
PCMC using high resolution satellite imageries. The Bidder/SI shall then prepare a new
GIS Database as unified Geo-spatial Data with infrastructure details.
c) The Successful Bidder /SI shall conceptualize, design and develop Standardized PCMC
Data Model based on national and global standards for storing the spatial & non-spatial
data. The Successful Bidder/SI shall modify the data model and update the same with the
help of detailed round of discussion with each concerned department officials.
• Standardization of Regional Coordinate System and Datum
• Should support horizontal and vertical projections
• Designed Data Model should be based on global best practices where all different
types of Spatial & Non-Spatial Feature Datasets & layers, Annotations,
Relationships, Rules, Cartography etc. can to be organized.
• Data Model should provide expandable schema to integrate available MIS
parameters from various data sources like Civil Department, Education, Health,
Water Supply, Drainage & Sewerage etc.
• Designed Data Model should promote Standardization of Cartography and should
provide provision to store Rules, Relationships, and Tables etc.
• Data Model should support and store different types of data formats like Vectors,
Rasters, Time Series, Static documents and dynamic datasets.
d) The Successful Bidder/SI shall use proper tools to create the data model. The final data
model shall be approved by the PCSCL and before proceeding further the data model
needs to be finalized.
e) All features like Buildings, Roads, Road Centerline, Bridges, Culvert, Tunnel, Flyovers,
foot Bridge, Railway, Parks, Gardens, Divider, Sports, Traffic Squares, Water body (River,
Lake, Pond, Drainage, Canal etc.), Land use, etc. should be extracted from imagery
through on screen / Heads on digitization technique. All the above digitized features is to
be preparation and updation of base map through field survey. Preparation of field survey
form for each of the layers to be generated as defined in the annexure I.
f) All features should be collected along with the necessary attributes. In the case of
digitization, the data is checked for dimensional accuracy, completeness, displacement,
edge matching, symbology, and layering.
g) The Successful Bidder/SI shall while doing the digitization, a special care of data
Correctness to be taken like undershoots/overshoots; dangling vertices shall get removed
in the process.
h) Once the data model is finalized, the Successful Bidder/SI shall give the details of the data
model diagram (Entity-Relationship Diagram) to PCSCL for future references or for any
modifications in future
i) The Successful Bidder/SI shall take care of the changes in the Data Model as per the
requirements from the PCSCL/PCMC and shall maintain the changes history for the entire
period, the Successful Bidder/SI is working with PCSCL under the contract.
j) The Successful Bidder/SI shall then prepare a new database using the existing Database
available with the departments, as unified Geo-spatial Data with infrastructure details.
k) The Successful Bidder shall be responsible for collecting required data from the respective
departments and authorities. PCMC shall provide administrative support as and when
l) The Successful Bidder shall perform all related tasks to make sure that legacy data is
successfully migrated to standardized data models. The successful bidder must perform
the analysis of the data that needs to be converted / migrated, prepare and submit a plan
for the conversion/migration, and also deliver utilities and programs to achieve the
conversion/migration. These tasks shall include;
i. Data scrubbing: Flag & notify PCMC of any errors detected in legacy data, assist with
corrective actions as required, add any necessary information in the attribute fields
not found in legacy data
ii. Data conversion: Convert data to the standard format to be used in the new data
iii. Data migration: Migrate data to the new data model
iv. Data operability: Ensure migrated data is bug free and fully operable
v. Meta data: Assist PCMC with formulating a comprehensive and consistent metadata
standard which complies with industry standards. Most features do not have existing
metadata. Identify and flag gaps and inconsistencies within metadata and assist the
PCMC with completing the data.
m) The Successful Bidder/SI shall also integrate information of utilities features such as street
lighting, water supply line, sewerage network, wastewater, telecom, electricity, gas and
storm water drain as layers with base map based on availability of data with the
concerned departments.
n) The Successful Bidder/SI shall also be responsible to integrate all details of town planning
schemes in terms of spatial data viz. Survey Map, Original Plot, Final Plot, etc. and non-
spatial data like F- form, B-form etc. with the proposed system based on availability of
data with the concerned departments.
o) The digital map data shall be GIS compatible. Each map object shall be defined uniquely
by its feature code and symbology (point, line, and polygon) and should be approved by
PCSCL/PCMC, concern department and the authorized agencies of PCMC/PCSCL.
p) The Successful Bidder/SI shall prepare a final base map incorporating the data collected,
processed and digitized. Hard copy base maps are to be prepared at 1:2000 as and when
required during the project
q) The Successful Bidder/SI should be responsible for updation of GIS Data and analysis as
per change detection technique within contract period. The change detection reports
should be sent to concerned departments.
r) The System Integrator will be responsible for continuous updation of base map during the
s) The Successful Bidder/SI shall also be responsible to publish web map Using Scale Visibility
based on zoom level and tiled map technique with Proper Symbology.
2.7.7 Data Quality Assurance and Quality Checking
a. Process collected Data, undertake necessary Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Checking
(QC) activities and remove errors
b. Prepare Comprehensive Database including spatial and associated attribute data and
based on geographic coverage, richness and accuracy
c. Post QA and QC, prepare and submit shape files and DWG of all created database
d. Post QA and QC, handover the complete set of base map data in GIS Enterprise database
e. The agency would be responsible for the quality digitization conferring to the best
standard prevailing in the industry, finalization of data layers and submission of digital
files to PCMC.
2.7.8 Outputs and Deliverables
The bidder should be responsible for all output and deliverables. It is very important to note
clearly and in detail the exact outputs required and what they should contain. The desired
outputs & deliverables are shown below.
• Satellite Data
1) Rectified and mosaiced & Tile wise satellite data along with GCP file.
2) Soft copies of images (mosaicked) in Geotiff and JPEG formats.
• DGPS Survey
1) The processed data of the DGPS survey with a photograph of each GCP with monument
2) A neat sketch of each DGPS point showing the location on A4 size drawing
3) Complete DGPS survey report
4) The Point Location should be shape file and drawing/CAD format.
• Base Map
1) Digital base map of all the layers with attributes, it should be compatible with GIS
2) Digital data of base map in shape file and DXF/DWG file
3) GEO PDFs of the suitable scale base maps depicting all the layers
4) Bidder must submit all the reference data (Hardcopies) used during the base map
• Other Deliverables
1) Surveyed Data in a excel/spread sheet format
2) Any other files prepared for integration into GIS
• Minimum No. of users on Intranet simultaneously involved in Data Analysis etc. – 25%
• Minimum No. of users using mobile application for survey, project monitoring etc. –700
• Minimum No. of users using mobile application simultaneously for survey, project
monitoring etc. –25%
b. Spatial Overlay
c. Network
V. Application Interface
VI. Citizen Location Services
VII. Generating Reports
VIII. Help File Creation
d) Maintains Application Security
e) Maintain Interface with PCMC Internal Departments to resolve technical issues
f) Should allow Active Directory, LDAP, or other security source
g) The solution must have LDAP user level Area of Interest based restrictions as per role,
administrative boundaries etc. Administrative boundaries must be dynamically derived
from Layers available in database as Zone Layer, Ward Layer etc.
h) Users defined in LDAP should be able to perform only actions assigned to them. Users will
editing right should be able to edit data while users with Approval rights must be able to
validate the data
i) Should allow administrator to configure security to map service, layer and attribute levels
j) Should allow group-based security policies
k) Should not require opening of any special protocols for connecting the user client to the
web/application server used by the package. All communication should be on HTTP or
l) Any changes to data should be recorded in a separate table and should be stamped with
the identity of the user/program and the date / time of the creation/change.
m) Should be possible to audit users at the form level, user level, application module level
and at the organizational role level.
n) Should provide reports on user activity based on the role and the application that was
o) The system should support configurable password policies including;
▪ Password expiry
▪ Password complexity
▪ Password history and reuse policy
▪ Forced password change on first log on
▪ Capability of self-service reset of passwords in case of forgotten passwords or
locked accounts.
p) Should support security system with a full-fledged Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
158 Map Browsing
This module should mainly comprise of the basic map navigation tools and the most essential
tools for identification of features and attributes. Following are some of the map browsing
1. The portal (2D and 3D) and Desktop must operate on a common database and must allow
authentication against LDAP users.
2. Zoom in: The user will be able to select a particular portion of the map by drawing a
rectangle on the map specifying the extent into which the map will be zoomed in to see the
features more closely and in more detail.
3. Zoom out: The user will be able to select a particular portion of the map by drawing a
rectangle or just clicking on the map to see the map at a smaller scale.
4. Full view (Full Extent): The user can view the map in full extent after zooming in or zooming
out at different scales
5. Pan: The user will be given an option to pan the map, which will be possible if the entire
map is not fitting into the screen, i.e., after the user has zoomed in to the map at a certain
6. Identify: The user will be able to view attribute information of the feature of interest.
7. Find: User can key in the desired area and the application will highlight the area on the map.
8. Zoom to Previous extents (Back) - The user will be able to go to previous zoom level (least
10 previous extents)
9. Zoom to Next extents (Forward) - The user will be able to go to Forward zoom level (least
10 forward extents)
10. Zoom to Selected Features- The user will be able to zoom a particular selected feature
11. Measure distance/area: Two options will be provided to the user. The user will be able to
measure the area and to measure the distance
12. Refresh Map: All the selected features of the active map layer will be cleared of the
selection, by using this tool.
13. Select Feature: User will be able to select the features of active map layer
14. Clear selection: User will be able to clear selection that is there on map
15. Activity indicator: Display notification while map/ data is being processed
16. Scale input box: allow user to enter representative fraction scale for dynamic services - For
cached services, scale box should contain dropdown menu of available cache scales (levels
of detail)
17. Show/ hide co-ordinates : Show/hide mouse coordinates
18. Print: The map can be printed in its current extent as viewed in the map window. The user
would be presented with a layout for printing
19. Descriptive Map Information Tool: When the mouse cursor hovers over each map feature,
information should be shown based on the feature's attributes. Functionality should be
available for all feature classes; should be able to display a combination of attributes and
should not limit the number of features that can be included with the map tool. It should
allow user to turn ON and OFF as needed.
20. Legend : User will be able to view all Layer List (index) with proper symbology
21. Layer On / Off : User will be able to select on/off Layer Data Editing and Auto Data Conversion Module
This module will provide the data editing capabilities including new data addition and existing
data updation for geographical features and its attributes. This module will provide user to edit
GIS Features. The users shall have online editing facility. There shall be mechanism where the
edited data can be quality checked and updated in the GIS database.
Following are the steps for editing any features through Web GIS-
1. Add Features: This module will provide user to add point, line, and polygon along with its
attributes. New features added will by default take Unique ID besides certain other
attributes like State, City, PIN.
For Ex: Adding a new building polygon feature along with attributes whenever a new
building or construction takes place at selected location.
2. Delete Features: This module will provide user to delete features.
For Ex: Deleting the feature along with its attributes for a building polygon feature.
3. Move Features: This module will allow user to move features.
For Ex: Moving a building polygon feature along with its attributes to a new location.
4. Modify Features: This module will provide user to reshape and modify features and
associated attributes.
For Ex: Modifying the shape as well as altering the attributes of a building polygon feature.
5. Select Feature to Edit: This will provide user to select features for editing as well as for
viewing. It could be done by the following steps,
6. Feature Locate by Manual Browsing
7. Feature Locate by Entering Lat and Long
8. Feature Location by search criteria.
9. Identify Feature to Edit: This will provide user with a tool to view data of a feature to be
edited on clicking or selecting it.
10. Save Feature Data: This will provide user to save geographic feature data and attribute
editing done.
11. Audit Trails: This module should allow multiple editors to alter the same data in an
enterprise or workgroup database without applying locks or duplicating data. This will
help different departments or users to edit the data without disturbing the default
version. Users will be able to view the changes after reconciling and posting them to an
ancestor version.
160 Search Module
Should allow users to search features by both pre-configured and dynamic based on unique
values as follows;
the impedance is chosen by the user. Any cost attribute can be used as the impedance when
determining the best route.
The system will conduct a network analysis of linear features in finding the best route through a
series of nodes. This module will generate geometric network based on the linear feature data.
The module will develop functionality that can conduct an online QA/QC of the network features
and attribute data collected through survey and data conversion/ migration Thematic Mapping
Should allow user to generate various thematic maps based on the attribute information
available in native databases or through join table feature
162 Hyperlinks
1. Should have ability to hyperlink to document, images, avi files and PDF files with the
feature’s attribute Emailing
1. Should allow user to Email map as an attachment Reporting
1. Should provide predefined report templates
2. Should allow user to create custom reports using SQL query interface and save those
reports for shared future use
3. Should allow user to generate reports on selected features
4. Should be able track the history of reports a user has performed.
5. Should be able to export reports into PDF and MS Excel
6. Should allow use to select different date ranges to view report information
7. Should allow user to print reports
8. Should allow user to create custom reports using attribute & spatial query Web-Editing
1. Support role based multi-user editing access and editing work flows.
2. Should allow authenticated user to validate spatial feature
3. create/delete/edit/upload through Web-GIS application
4. Should allow administrator to Accept/Reject the changes made and a log should be
created for the same.
5. Should have easy-to-use map editing tools
6. Should allow user to divide the polygon or polyline
7. Should allow user to amalgamate the two or multiple polygons or polylines
8. Should allow administrator to configure the edit/view security at the level of feature
attribute Select Feature
1. Should be able to select features by clicking on or by drawing a polygon around the
2. Should allow user to generate URL for current view extents, visible layers, and active
3. Should allow user to email the generated URL
4. Should allow user to export data into KML/KMZ and Shapefile Bookmarks
1. User should be able to save a map view and be able to return to that exact view at a later
2. Should have ability to email the current view extents, visible layers, and active selection
in the form of image
163 Application Error Reporting
1. Should allow user to report errors, with a screen capture, back to the GIS Coordinator and
helpdesk support center Performance Dashboard
1. Should provide easy-to-understand, easy-to-use reports that use appropriate
infographics (Charts) to present key indicators from the GIS database, to provide overall
performance information to the PCMC senior officials and decision makers.
2. Should have a GIS-enabled real-time dashboard to display dynamic charts & graphs
3. Should have easy to use, interactive facility for management to generate ad-hoc reports. Mobility/In-Field Usage
1. Should allow remote access on Mobile & Tablet devices
2. Should allow offline viewing and data updating capabilities and should allow data to be
synced with the database once the device is online.
3. Should have ability to configure security to assure that only authorized persons are
allowed to sign in
4. Should have redlining capability. Capability to Capture the boundary of the surveyed
location with the co-ordinates
5. Should allow capturing the Geo-Tagged and time stamped pictures
6. Should support One-Web functionality
The results of the mobile/ in-field service should be integrated with the workflow of the
Enterprise Web GIS System. Bigdata
1. Enterprise GIS application should have ability to filter and organize big data so it can be
analyzed and visualized from a geographic perspective. Big data connectors to enterprise GIS
engine should be able to handle not only massive volumes of data but also data of disparate
2. Should have connectors that pair with many familiar big data platforms from recognized
technology leaders like IBM, Microsoft, SAP etc.
164 360° Panoramic View
a. Shall have ability to visualize the Property/Building/ Electrical Pole, Signals, Road Features
etc. data in 360° view.
b. Shall have a provision to resize the map window size for better visualization as when
c. Shall allow user to measure the dimensions of Property/Building/ Electrical pole, Signals,
Road Features etc. with user defined measurement units
e) Printing
• Shall have print preview option
• Shall be able to handle and process any redlining / markups of the map.
• Shall have ability to export the map to a standard image format (BMP, TIF, JPEG and
PDF file)
• Shall have a variety of templates must be available which allow the user to add a
custom map title and to decide which map elements (north arrow, scale bar,
overview map, legend, etc.) will be visible.
• Print date and time shall be automatically added to output at application runtime
• Legend Shall be automatically adjusted based layers displayed in print area
f) Shall have provision for public announcement using RSS and web based announcement Integration Requirements
a. Shall have provision to seamless integration, which should not require any conversions of
data and services available through various National / International Sources like ISRO,
Bhuvan, NASA, NOAA, USGS etc.
b. Shall have provision to publish and access Open Standard based OGC compliant services.
c. The proposed system shall be capable to being integrate through APIs(Base maps, Various
Query, POI Search) with any other system that may be introduced in future.
d. The APIs should be able to integrate with both Web and Mobile App applications as and
when required with prior approval of PCSCL
e. Successful Bidder / SI shall also be responsible to integrate the proposed GIS system with
state line department applications as and when required.
f. Successful Bidder/SI shall conduct analysis of integration points and provide a detailed
report and get approval from PCSCL before integration. PCSCL shall help Successful
Bidder/SI to get the details from each line department and facilitate to get the required
information on time. Online Help
Should have online help files and user manual with use cases for the end user Mapping Gallery
1. Shall support to build mapping collaboration and data exploration platform with different
thematic interest within PCSCL and other stakeholders.
2. The Successful Bidder/SI shall help to manage Meta data and links to static documents
and databases based on National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy (NDSAP) dated 17
March 2012, India’s open Government data platform.
3. The mapping gallery shall provide options for creating desired maps, charts with advanced
data analytic function, support device independent infographics and interactive 2D and
3D maps with customized reports
4. Provide smart informatics from the real time sensor platform to manage and aggregate
real time data from infrastructure, virtual sensors from data published from the web, and
social network feeds.
5. The Mapping gallery hosted on the enterprise Web GIS shall offer modular components
viz. Content Management System, Data Management System, Sensor Data analytics,
Community/Events Management System supporting Semantic Web standards
usingResource Description Framework(RDF)
6. Standardization and Interoperability – The Enterprise Web GIS shall be OGC (Open
Geospatial Consortium) and SWE (sensor Web Enablement) compliant. The system shall
harmonize the sensor data measurement and fusion process in real-time and publish
them on the fly via standardized OGC web service interface such as web feature service
(WFS) and web Mapping service (WMS).
7. Landing site for hosting raw data using Big Data services, analyze data contents using
mashups and provision for application interface to access time series data from world
wide data sites.
2.7.10 Development, customization and Integration Service
1. The bidder should make provision for development, customization and integration
service within the Enterprise Web GIS Map Engine.
2. Direct integration will be sole responsibility of bidder, creating an integration approach
through integration service bus for message delivery, services based on standards such as
SOAP, HTTP and WCS. The integration service bus should be designed to promote high
throughput, compatibility, flexibility and scalability. Specific functionalities need to be
configured for data retrieval from Web-GIS. Data sent from external applications should
leverage integration framework and direct database calls.
3. Should provide a simple and easy to manage integration architecture for all external
4. System should be able to toggle between Web-GIS and external applications. A common
dashboard page should help to navigate between GIS and external applications.
5. A user should be able to view the maps and attribute data (in limited form) from external
applications as well as from the Web GIS window and perform basic functionalities of
external applications through the web-GIS window and vice-versa
6. The Other applications integration with Enterprise Web GIS application with Building Plan
Approval System, Solid Waste Management System & Vehicle tracking System, SCADA
etc. The integration module should seamlessly update the GIS Database in real time and
2.7.11 Coding & Integration
1. The design shall be decomposed to responsive HTML’s which will be compatible with the
latest version of browser & all smart devices
2. The applications should be browser independent
3. The application is expected to realign and fit to the smart mobile devices (iPad, iPhone,
Android etc.).
4. The Solution should be compatible with various open standards and technologies and
should not restrict PCMC/PCSCL in using the Solution data for any other applications.
**The above image is just for representation. The SI is expected to prepare his own architecture suitable to solution
Implementation of the Enterprise wide web GIS Solution will comprise of the following
components: Customized Application Stack
The customized application should:
1. Manage all the attribute, spatial data and collaterals including documents, drawings,
manuals, etc. for each feature on the map.
2. Should provide a full proof Document version control, integrated workflow, security of
collaterals and audit trails
3. Should have an intuitive Graphic user interface
4. Should allow solution in creation of functionality considering the current and future
requirements. The mapping functionalities will be flexible to accommodate user needs
and requirements.
5. Should have a globally accepted interfaces for Mobile, Email gateway, SMS gateway and
payment gateway. The solution should be configured to leading gateway interfaces.
6. Should provide a Metadata management services that will predominantly cover the data-
modeling and cataloging services. The customized metadata service shall also help in
devising data management policies for transactional as well as static data for PCMC.
7. Should provide a flexible, versatile reporting tools for PCMC that should develop reports
showing KPIs, metrics, trends and other statistics. The report tool shall provide status of
solution maintenance activities in various formats to support solution performance
tracking, accountability and audit.
8. Should define each transaction and identify the data entry the application has created.
Through a combination of discovery, query, locking, and transaction operations, users
have access to the source data in a manner that allows them to interrogate, style, edit
(create, update, and delete), and download individual instance.
9. Should provide online training in the form of help menu and ready reference to
functionality functionalities at each module/page of the solution.
10. The customized Web GIS application instance shall be configured to each Departments of
PCMC. The customization activity conducted by the solution provider for the Department
instance should be horizontally replicable and scalable to accommodate new functionality
or system integration. Application Rights and Licenses
1) The Successful Bidder/ SI shall depute System administrator to monitor and provide
access to Departments of PCMC and external stakeholders such as technical consultants,
turn-key project contractors, research agencies, etc. who would be undertaking projects
on behalf of Departments PCMC.
2) The Successful Bidder/ SI by way of provisioning of the solution, grants users access for
Departments of PCMC as well as external registered users with unrestricted access to all
the features of the complete solution including any offline / pre-activity / ostactivity
3) The bidder should facilitate to all internal as well as external users of PCMC, including, but
not limited to the following;
a. Comprehensive unrestricted access to all features of entire Web GIS solution
b. Unlimited iterations to drawings, maps and plans
c. No restrictions to store and access data from external, disparate data sources.
d. User Training for both internal & external users
e. Handholding of all users, in the form of Helpdesk Support, up-gradation of
application and facility for inclusion of new functionality, etc
4) The Successful Bidder/ SI if proposes Such license if any to access, use the Software shall
a. Non-exclusive
b. Perpetual, fully paid up and irrevocable
c. Valid throughout India
d. Technical Support for a period of implementation phase and Operations &
Maintenance for 5 years.
5) PCMC/PCSCL shall get absolute Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) for the customized
portion of the solution. Apart from the solution Licenses, the bidder has to provision for
all licenses (perpetual) required for hosting and maintaining the software solution for the
entire period of the contract including, but not limited to Operating System, System
Software, Database, Application Software etc. Core Web GIS Application
The Core solution should:
1. Manage all the digital content (Spatial Data, maps, drawings, attribute data, etc. ) that
flows in and out of the Web GIS solution through front end interfaces – internal and
external users, and applications such as Building Permission Approval System, ERP,
SCADA, Document Management etc.
2. Undertake one time migration of Desktop GIS data and CAD to Web GIS Map engine. The
vendor should develop ETL tool to eventually process the CAD drawings and automatically
upload the spatial and attribute data in Web GIS Map Engine. The ETL dashboard shall
notify the user about the successful uploading process or generate alerts depending upon
the non-compliance of data. The ETL tool/ rule engine will also upload the processed CAD
drawing to Document Management System to be stored in versioned format.
3. Create a verification checklist and compliance report applicable for CAD-ETL tool/ rule
engine for automatic conversion of CAD to GIS format.
4. Help in monitoring and channelizing the map content through Map Content service. It will
process spatial and attribute data gathered from various SPAs, ULBs and from statutory
agencies and generate dynamic MIS reports.
5. Define and standardize the workflows for data editing, redlining, online approvals,
uploading data, etc through Enterprise Web GIS solution.
6. The Mapping gallery to assess the trend of development through satellite imageries,
maps, attribute data within PCMC. The map engine should provide business intelligence
tools for effective decision making process and link with urban development initiative of
7. Process the data gathered from various SPA projects and from ULBs and Statutory
agencies, analyze the MIS database patterns and its corresponding layers using
MIS/Reporting tool. This Web GIS functions also shall play a vital role in database
integration with other systems (Building Plan Approval System, Solid Waste Management
System & Vehicle tracking System, SCADA etc) and generate customized reports as
required by PCMC and specified in the SRS (System Requirement Specification).
8. Ensure adherence with the thematic cartography, templates for maps and the Web GIS
shall cover an enterprise Mapping and OGC data interoperability compliance framework.
This framework generally consists standards and procedures, Governance (oversight),
enforcement, monitoring (testing) and corrective actions reporting.
9. Configure the work flow, database, system management, incident management,
authentication and security management. The configuration management shall help in
diagnosing the application problem and scaling out Web GIS build solution
10. Automatically process alerts and generate notifications depending upon the data
received through the solution
11. The hardware and software components configured for the computing and data
processing systems must support latest computing standards for security, multicore
architecture, parallel processing, distributed computing, and fast real-time processing
12. It should intelligently make quick decisions and take appropriate action in a time bound
manner Metadata Management and Shared Information
The Metadata Management and Processing System should:
1. Serve as a central platform for data sharing between PCMC and Statutory agencies. The
static data shall be shared for analysis and effective decision making.
2. Serve as a central platform for all data related activities including data management,
aggregation, normalization, and abstraction
3. Ensure high availability of all databases
4. Be able to provide customized data templates with data placeholders that will help
application to tackle the current and future data requirements
5. To create Auto-detect database problems and auto fine tune them to ensure high
6. Optimize performance by identifying resource intensive procedures, generate alerts and
take necessary action
7. Monitor key operational activities to identify and report any anomalous behavior
8. Monitor and frequently generate reports for industry standard KPIs (throughput, CPU
utilization, availability of database, daily workload, service fulfillment time)
9. Aggregate and store stakeholder information and data of all the SPAs and statutory
10. Normalize data by creating data placeholders in the data modeling framework
11. Abstract the data in a way that it can be leveraged simultaneously by multiple software
integration components
12. Be able handle large volumes of data without resulting in undue delay
13. Be able to perform fact based and detailed analysis of various data elements based on
historical trends
14. Be able to generate dynamic reports based on preset queries and also be able to generate
dynamic reports based on various user defined query parameters. PCMC project team
must have the capability to pick and choose reporting parameters, and get dynamic
dashboard views based on the selected parameters
15. Should have a highly customizable Configuration management tool, powerful reporting
engine to create batches for large reports
16. Should have a defined standard operating procedures for data retrieval, data
configuration and security of data.
17. Should be responsible for the extraction of data from several sources, its cleansing,
customization, reformatting, integration, and insertion into a data warehouse using the
Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) tool
Adhere to latest industry standards related to data privacy and maintain confidentiality
of PCMC data. Network Security Layer
1. This layer is the physical network security layer consisting of LAN, Ethernet, Wi-Fi, fiber
2. The network security should be configured to support industry leading communication
and open data standards
3. Should conform to latest industry standards for design, implementation, and connectivity
4. The network configuration platform should be modular and scalable to allow multiple
types of networks and topologies to be implemented on the same platform
5. Should be scalable to accommodate future/advanced technological integration
6. Should have self-healing and self-diagnostic capabilities System Security Layer
1. Should provide strong and reliable security for the entire solution
2. This layer must be monitored from the administrative user and shall provide a facility to
isolate the solution in case of the breach. Should conform to the latest security standards
3. Should seamlessly integrate with, and be able to embed functionalities of external
applications with the solution.
4. Should be capable of detecting denial of service (DDoS) and remediation
5. Should have sophisticated firewall, antivirus, content filtering, tracking, lockdown, and
malware detection and prevention capabilities
6. Should provide additional security mechanisms like encrypted communication channels,
virtual tunneling, etc.
7. Should have self-healing and self-diagnostic capabilities
8. Should be capable of recognizing network vulnerabilities and immediately send alerts to
the admin user or dynamically fix them and send intimations to the admin user
9. Should detect an attempt to gain unauthorized access to the network, lockdown the
infected areas, and immediately send alerts to the helpdesk/ admin user
Should detect data duplication and store more data in less space. The data should be
restore without compromising its fidelity or integrity.
173 Presentation Layer
The presentation layer should:
1. Design a Geo portal with personalized, secure, customizable needs with flexible user
interface and external collaboration functionality
2. Provide a user profile management for internal and external users
3. Manage all the digital content that flows in and out of the Web GIS solution and provide
interfaces to external third party web integration
4. Build a mobile interface to undertake site survey, location tracking. In the subsequent
phase the mobile interface should be able to notify alerts, status tracking and update.
5. Build an Integration Interface
a. The integration interface will be the logical umbrella layer that will virtually
integrate and process information from ERP and other applications such as Building
Plan Approval System, Solid Waste Management System & Vehicle tracking System,
SCADA etc.
b. The Integration interface will be open platform to enable plug and play of software
integration components like connectors, APIs, SDKs and adapters for
communicating with external solutions, applications, and external interfaces
(gateways, plug-ins, APIs) like third party shared services
c. Be a vendor agnostic, modular, scalable, flexible and adhere to open platform and
leading industry standards. It shall comply to open communication standards, and
data abstraction standards
d. The integrated open platform must be the overall management layer that logically
facilitates communication between the physical networking layer, core computing
layer, applications, external shared services, and the Client Presentation layer
e. Data from the various applications, devices, sub-systems, and external interfaces
for each spatial feature will be normalized and abstracted in a way that it can be
utilized by the integration interface to enable real-time communication.
f. This interface will also integrate data from solution wide functions like compliance,
Governance, data Policy and SLA Management
g. The Integration Interface should consist of a Centralized Application Manager,
which should integrate and manage all interfaces of related software applications
and operate collectively and make informed decisions
h. Should have simple installation, configuration, updation, and maintenance
i. Should be able to monitor and manage single or multiple user with all groups
mutually exclusive to each other in terms of access and view
j. Should be able to correlate two or more instances from multiple users of Web GIS
solution and take appropriate actions
k. Should be able to set customizable thresholds (lower and upper) for all system
parameters, compare performance with threshold, and send notifications if the
system parameters either exceed the upper limit or fall below the lower limit of the
l. Should integrate third party applications and external shared services without
source code changes using software connectors like gateways, APIs, connectors,
and Adapters
m. Should be able to integrate with communication gateways i.e. mobile, email or SMS,
to provide information or updates to intended audience
n. Should be able to integrate with Payment gateways for conducting internet banking
for paying online fees
o. Should have the ability to perform root cause analysis and deep diagnostics in case
of application failures and non-response from application
p. Should provide real-time Incident management services to facilitate management
of responses received
q. The Integration interface should consist of an Application Utility Manager, which
r. Should monitor, control, manage and analyze all functionalities within Web GIS
s. Should have ability to set customizable solution performance thresholds
t. Should monitor Web GIS solution and Data uploading and editing workflow and
processes for detecting issues, bugs, abnormal trends, threshold breaches and
respond as per user defined SOPs and provide early warning to reduce or mitigate
the impact
u. Should monitor integrated solution performance and capacity management
v. Should monitor end-to-end transaction and performance of resource heavy use
cases, failed transactions, application locks, database un-availability etc., and
automatically generate corresponding reports
w. Should have customizable dashboards to monitor and manage solution
performance parameters
x. Should have an inbuilt customizable reporting capability to dynamically generate
solution performance reports based on user defined parameters
2.7.13 On Ground Survey
1. PCMC intends to engage competent agency to undertake GIS enabled Door-to-Door field
survey of Properties spread across the PCMC. The Successful Bidder(s) shall be responsible
to develop Mobile based survey application along with a Web application for monitoring
and data analysis.
2. Survey PCMC area with terrestrial LiDAR (Ground) or equivalent to LiDAR technology to
generate reference data for measurement. The SI shall capture sufficient pictures of each
Property / structure available in Street/Lane through Panoramic Imaging equipment to
provide 360 degree immersive visual image data to provide direct view of vertical faces to
identify property type and uses (Commercial, Residential, mixed etc.) or any other method
that can be selected by the Successful Bidder(s) for better result. These captured images
shall be geo-tagged with the location of the Property to provide 3D representation view of
the Property. Refer Annexure-8 for Specifications of LiDAR or equivalent to LiDAR
technology. If SI is proposing survey through drone, then obtaining all necessary approvals
will be complete responsibility of SI. The SI shall make sure that all the approvals are
obtained on time so that project timeline would not be hampered. If SI fails to obtain
approvals, then survey shall be completed through LiDAR technology as mentioned in RFP
as per quoted price in financial bid. PCSCL/PCMC will not be responsible for providing
permission for operating drones during entire project duration.
3. Ground Survey must also result into complete field data capture of all over the ground
assets as mentioned in annexure-6 along with attribute data creation. The output must
clearly provide details with actual measurement of road features such as pavement’s length,
electric/signal pole’s height etc. and attributes such as road construction material (concrete,
soil etc.) etc.
4. Carrying out topographic survey of PCMC wards for ground truthing of mapped features
through satellite/Arial imagery. (Annexure-3 and Annexure-6)
5. Conduct field survey to capture buildings/property details and mark building footprints on
GIS map. (Annexure-3)
6. Integrate PCMC MIS data, base map data, Field survey data and visual image data.
7. If it is found that the ground survey and any other survey has some barriers on clear
visibility, objects not clearly visible, uncovered area etc., for such locations and object, the
survey need to be conducted once again without any additional charges.
8. If during survey any objectionable, obscene, improper etc. images are captured, SI shall have
to delete such images and recapture the data. If SI fails to do so and gets involved in legal
litigations, SI shall have to deal with it on its own. Property Reconciliation Survey
The Property survey comprises of following activities:
a) Identifying the properties on GIS location and linking it with PCMC MIS data. If any
deviations are found, update the information in GIS map as per ground realty conditions
(Missed properties, additional properties, combined properties etc.)
b) Geo-tagging of the tax payers for municipal Corporation
c) Geographically understand the performance of the each ward towards tax collection and
d) Field surveys to capture attribute data of the properties. Hoarding, Telecom tower and
road datasets are to be surveyed alike building property data. (Annexure-3 and
e) The absolute accuracy of measured entity should be better than 5-15 cm
f) Tagging of property attribute information extracted from property tax MIS records of
PCMC in soft copy, field survey attributes and property deviation remarks (updated and
stored in observation table) against the properties identified and interpreted over
panoramic images and updated base map.
g) Update the captured information on GIS map for all Properties/Road features/wards/
property tax zones/electoral zones etc. of PCMC
2.7.14 Deliverables of Surveys
1. The SI is free to choose any appropriate technology as long as functionalities mentioned
in tender are satisfied. However, SI shall have to complete all activities related to survey
in given timelines.
2. All captured data should be as raw as well as OGC compliant format
3. The system Integrator should update all the details captured through various surveys on
GIS Map.
4. Digital photos and images mosaic files
5. Survey narrative report and QA/QC files
6. Geospatial metadata files
8. The Successful Bidder shall ensure that few functionalities of this application shall also be
available in the mobile app for official to perform field verification of the surveyed data.
Detailed requirement shall be finalized during System Requirement study phase.
9. Shall be able to work in both with or without internet connectivity and shall be able to
sync its data to Data Center (DC) storage when the internet is made available to the
mobile. The data so captured shall be stored in the standard format in the DC and in
secured environment. DC storage shall be able to sync concurrent data from the field as
per field requirement.
10. Should have access to World level free Online 2D, 3D, Street, base map, imagery Services
for location reference.
11. Mobile GIS application is expected to integrate with GIS Enabled ERP System, Service
Level Benchmarking module, etc., which shall be the common GIS platform
1. Shall work on online and offline mode
2. Shall allow to view assets on base maps
12. User details will be captured from the database so that users do not have register again
and again for mobile application.
13. Citizens may register with the help of their mobile number and OTP mechanism. The login
credentials for mobile application should be same as that of web portal.
14. The mobile application should also have following functionality:
▪ Integrated one Mobile application for all the utilities of PCMC
▪ All the above mentioned modules have to be accessible on mobile
▪ It should have facility to capture the geo location of device
▪ Project Monitoring: Facility to take pictures of ongoing civil work along
with server upload functionality to get geo locations
▪ Citizens shall be able to submit Application forms through mobile
▪ Payment of Taxes like Property tax, water bills, Slum Billing, Hawker’s
charges etc.
▪ Marriage certificates, Sky Sign and Business Licenses, Fire NOCs etc.
▪ Building plan permission
▪ Grievance registration
▪ Auditorium/Sport’s venue booking
▪ Online Tenders of PCMC
▪ Recruitment Details
▪ Feedback of Citizen
▪ Complaint Details of Citizen
▪ Contact Details of PCMC etc.
▪ Different types of MIS Reports and Graphical Dashboards for PCMC
Authorities and higher management.
▪ Officials should be able to provide approvals to files through mobile
▪ Other minor services/functions to be finalized at SRS stage.
2.9 Scope for ERP
2.9.1 Functional and Technical Requirements
It has been envisioned that 12 modules will be implemented to serve the purpose of GIS Enabled
ERP system. The Complete GIS Enabled ERP System can be divide into three sets:
1. Set-1: GIS
2. Set-2: Core Modules
3. Set-3: Non-core Modules
# Set-1: GIS
# Modules Description of Modules
# Modules Description of Modules
monitoring of grievance
4. Hawker Management System
Module for management of
hawkers and their billing
5. Marriage Registration
Issuance of Marriage
Registration certificate
6. PCMC Services Portal
Service portal for citizens to
raise requests, grievances and
to interact with PCMC
7. Public Auditorium
Booking of Auditorium of
PCMC for selected duration
and function
8. RTI Online System
Module for Acceptance and
monitoring of RTIs and their
9. Sky Sign & Industrial Licenses
Issuance of Hoardings and
industrial licenses
10. Slum Billing Management
Similar to property tax
management module where
small amount in the form of
tax collection
11. Sports Portal
Online Booking of Sport
facilities of PCMC
12. Town Planning Management
Issuance of DP Opinion, part
plan etc.
13. Road Excavation
Provides NOCs to various
organization/vendors for road
etc. excavation
# Modules Description of Modules
2.9.2 Indicative Functional Requirements
Following are the indicative functional requirements for various modules. The requirements will
be finalized during the As-Is and To-Be phase. Bidder is required to provide his response as per
following table for proposed solution. After onboarding of successful bidder/ System Integrator,
SI is expected to study the existing IT infrastructure of PCMC including software and hardware,
network components, back up mechanisms, SRS documents of existing application etc. Common Functionalities
These functionalities will be common among all the applications (Wherever required). The follow
table provides common functionalities:
Sr Functionalities
1. Single Sign on to access all the applications getting deployed under GIS Enabled ERP
2. Public Date entry module for citizens to enter information in application forms and
upload documents
3. Integration with payment gateways wherever applicable. The banks and payment
gateway may change during project duration
4. Ideally there may not be any physical file movements. All noting activities on files will
be performed through Workflow management system
5. Notifications to be sent to citizens when required (WhatsApp, SMS, Emails, social
media etc.)
6. Notifications to the concerned authorities when required (WhatsApp, SMS, Emails,
social media etc.)
7. The applications will be developed to handle and operate in Marathi (Unicode
Compatible) and English
8. NOCs, Licenses etc. should be provided in electronic format with digital signature
9. Centralized database for all applications
10. Paperless working environment
11. SLA will be defined for all activities
12. Role based Dashboard for citizens and administration
13. Audit Trails of all activities and Archrivals (As per policy, and duration of maintenance
of trails and data) would be maintained
14. Roles of users should be categorized according to zone/village/ward/PTax zone/gat
15. All the applications will have dashboards as per user’s requirements
Sr Functionalities
16. The applications should be Browser Independent
17. Knowledge bank for each department containing circulars, notices, GR,MC Acts etc.
18. Push alerts on mobile app/email/WhatsApp
19. Feedback mechanism for all applications
20. All reports should be generated in bilingual (English and Marathi) on A4 only.
However there will be facility to change the printing options on other page sizes.
The reports should be in proper format. If they contain any logo, logo should be taken
21. from master database. So that, if logos are changed in database, the reports and
formatting should change accordingly.
22. Application should have facility of Dynamic Reporting
23. Citizen centric applications should be designed as per disability act to facilitate
24. Application should have facility of English to Marathi translation and Transliteration
25. Facility should be provided to map all the assets/information which can be marked
on GIS
26. Data analytics and Artificial Intelligence tools/features should be provided for all the
27. Master list of citizens along with details should be generate through ERP System
28. Data should be clean up and migrated from existing applications to GIS Enabled ERP
29. Data conversion should be performed for existing Water Tax Management System
and Property Tax Management System (English to Marathi Vice a versa)
30. Applications should be integrated with State and Central government
portals/systems such as GST portal, grievance portal, digilocker etc.
31. Existing scanned documents should be attached to respective module as necessary
32. All the module should be compatible to mobile devices
33. Integrated Mobile application should be developed for the modules wherever
The complete solution should have a master data and the sub-master database for
34. each IT applications. Once some of the fields in master database are updated, it
should get reflected in all the applications and service portal. E.g. If a person gets
promoted, same should be updated in all the applications and Service Portal
35. No hard coding in source codes
Sr Functionalities
Changes made in source codes as per the requirements of PCSCL/PCMC should be
36. documented properly and sign off need to be taken from concerned stakeholder.
Notifications need to be sent to concerned authorities on changing the source code.
37. Every bill, receipts, NOC, certificates etc. should have QR code
38. The year ending processes for the concerned IT applications should be completed
through that application. E.g. generation of property bills
While using logos, icons etc., SI shall take utmost care of any copyright issues with
39. any entity. If any legal issues arises due to use of copyrighted logos, icons etc., SI will
be responsible for it.
40. SI shall help PCSCL/PCMC to prepare presentation, documentation related to this
project to showcase at various programs/events
# Sub Modules Activities
Alerts and validation need to be setup for budgets. E.g. If a department
tries to use more than allotted fund, an alert will be sent to the
concerned person
Unfinished work and associated budget can be carried forward. In order
to manage this an option shall be provided to department about closing
of work or to carry forward the work for next financial year
The system should be designed taking into considerations double entry
National Municipal Accounting Manual (NMAM)
All the reports of Accounts and Audit should be NMAM compliant
For complete operation of PCMC, default printing page need to set to
A4 page size
All mode of transactions need to be included in receipts (Online and
Weekly report of receipt and expenses to be obtained from accounting
and to be audited by Audit department which can be submitted to
various committees
Streamlining of budget heads for all the departments is required.
NMAM wise budget heads to be developed
Single system should be available to perform all the activities and check
The receipt formats should be uniform.
The provision should be provided to assist Audit as per projects, bills
Account Head Definition
Account Grouping and Sub-Grouping
2 Master
Bank Account Details
Vendor Details
Budget Preparation, Distribution and Management System
- Budget Classification
- Department-wise estimated provision, revision for income and
Departmental expenditure
Process - Budget Appropriation between different budget heads through
approval process
- Administrative approval / dis-approval of works linked to budget
# Sub Modules Activities
Receipts through Internet / KIOSKs
- Counter-wise Collection Detailed and Summary Reports
- Revenue Stamp Management
- Cheque/ Cash Deposit Slips into Bank
- Capture of Cheque dishonour cases, Remittance entry
Payment Management
- Bill / Liability Entry
- Payment Authorization
- Payment Voucher (Full or Partial Amount)
- Maintaining Cheques details, Cheques Printing
- Recording of Cheques Issuance Details
- Recording of Cheques Cancellation details
Security Deposit / Earnest Money Deposit Management / Bank
Guarantee Register
Zone/Ward/CCC wise Bank Collections
Loans Management
- Maintenance of Loan Details
- Alerts for Loan Instalment Payments
- Loan Instalment Payments
- Generate Bill and Carry out payment
- Interest Calculation
Grants Management
- Maintenance of Grant Details
- Timing of Grant (Regular/Irregular)
- Utilization Details
- Interest Calculation
- Utilization Certificates
- Generate alerts for Grant Received or not.
Debt Management
Accrued Payment Management/Fund Management
Investment Management
- Maintenance of Investment Register
- Alerts on due dates
- Comparison of different options for Investments
- Interest Calculation
- FD Register
- Generate Voucher/Challan
# Sub Modules Activities
Advance Management
Bank Reconciliation
TDS/ VAT register, Online Payment of Tax
Maintenance of Bank Account wise balances
Integration of Ledger A/c with ECS Payment
Demand details for various departments and approved values in budget
for different departments should be viewed by account official.
Demand Notice Generation
Print ECG Receipt
Dynamic Dashboard synced with the role of the personnel viewing
Financial statements at the various defined levels of the organization
Generation of internal reports and transactional reports for each of
the organizational units
Print/Publish reports and save them in viewable file formats in PDF,
TXT, MS-Excel, and XML formats.
Support customizations of any exiting report or new reports
All report on net movement by account, showing opening balance at
start of month, net transactions value (or detailed transactions) and
closing balance.
Generate financial statements at different levels like across units,
across plants, across cost centers etc.
Cash flow report: Listing period and year to date various cash flows
4 Reports against budget and last year, subtotaled at various levels
Provide for all TDS(Tax Deducted at Source) related reporting
Vendor Listing along with other vendor details as may be required
Cash Requirements Report
Cheque Reconciliation Report
Account Receivable Invoice Register
Provide Adjustment of Advance payment
Bank balance analysis (bank balances by amount slabs)
Generate a comprehensive asset register (as per standard accounting
Asset register report available in summary form (with only financial
details) and details form (with all asset master details)
Drilldown report (Budget head to voucher)
GST/taxes related reports
# Sub Modules Activities
Report project status for Capital projects along with capital expense
Use of GIS for Audit Trail assessment
189 Human Resource Management System
Sl. No. Sub Modules Activities
History of training for PCMC employees should be maintained
through Kamgar Kalyan Department which shall be linked to
Employee Portal where employees can see their trainings completed
Training module need to be developed. It will provide the capacity
building report. Employees should be able to fill training needs for
Training need analysis (TNA) which can be verified by concerned
Facility should be given to enter union demands
System should be able to track all the facilities and PCMC assets
(Laptop, mobiles etc.) provided to employee. If any employee is
leaving the organization, system should be able to provide no
dues/NOCs after verification by Administration Department.
Employee Portal shall contain the list of facilities provided to user.
Employee should be able to declare their assets/properties (Asset
Declaration Form) in Employee Portal
Seniority list shall be generated as per the criteria defined by user
Form 16 and 24 Q generations through system. Admin should be able
Department to adjust Tax slabs as per the current budget
Expectations Payroll linked to biometric system
PT cash module for department (Advance cash management for each
Last payment certificate should be available immediately and
through all department
Complete payroll management system for (New joiner, promotion,
retirement, suspend, expire, VRS etc.)
Proper logic should be there to generate employee code
Locations of employee address to be mapped on GIS, biometric
locations etc.
Recruitment and Reservation (100 Points)
Payments for all committee members shall be managed through
system. Annual Income certification to be issued from system to
these members
salary of Temporary employee to be managed by system
Smart cards for corporation use
System should be able to manage records of employees as per shifts
Sl. No. Sub Modules Activities
Loan management/sanction process should be managed through
Employees should be able to download Form 16 and other necessary
from Employee portal
One should be able to see the employment history (Positions and
departments served)
If employees are transferred, their access rights will be revised
accordingly and in continuation with previous work. The pending
work will be assigned to the new employee who has taken that
Employees should be able to upload service book records
Employee should be able to declare their assets/properties (Asset
Declaration Form)
Employee should be able to submit Confidentiality Report through
Employee should be able to submit Nomination form
Notices/letter/Notifications should be available on portal
Service request for Passport NOC/Foreign Travel
permission/Affidavits etc. can be raised through portal and can be
obtained digitally
Job notification/Circulars/Schemes need to be available on portal
One should be able to submit nomination for the sports competition,
cultural day etc. The calendar should be updated in similar manner
Supports multiple companies’ definition
Web portal communication to all people in the organization
Employee searches by: Employee Number, Last Name & First Name,
Organizational Level, Department, Location, Status, Reporting officer
Organization An on-line organization chart with hierarchies.
Management Adds / changes organization entities and easily transfers associates
within and / or across entities (including companies).
Manages organization restructuring including position control.
Maintain complete organization structure bifurcated into
maintenance of Organization unit, department unit, positions,
grades, relations, and hierarchy
Sl. No. Sub Modules Activities
Any change in organization structure to be approved based on
defined workflows
Organization unit wise policy/ rule engine, changed based on defined
approval workflows
Ability to maintain organization wise unit wise approved position list
and current status.
Facility for online recruitment of employees
Facility to collect online resumes against the vacancy
On-line screening & short listing of applications received on-line
Allow for on-line short listing of applications for recruitment process
like written test or interview
Able to generate Call Letters for Interviews to shortlisted candidates
Generate the joining forms on-line for the new employee to fill up
3 on her/his own
Convert the Applicant data into Employee data on hiring / joining
Generate Organogram with vacant position mark
Define the specifications of the vacancy in terms of qualifications,
work experience, location considerations, skills/competencies
required, additional certifications / professional qualifications, etc.
Online recruitment to be integrated with PCMC website
Common employee database with personal, educational,
professional information like Personnel details, address, family,
working hours, work schedule rules, pay grades, tax data, pension
Maintain as on date employment history starting from joining the
organization like promotions, achievement, awards, punishment,
Personnel etc.
Management Capture relevant copy of documents in digital format and linked with
the employee data integrated with document management system
Maintain the information along with photo of the employee and all
dependent or family on the system
Review On-line request for updating / changes. Date gets updated
after proper approval using workflow.
Maintain issuance records of asset like Mobile, Tablets etc.
Sl. No. Sub Modules Activities
Administrative task like transfer, special duty assignment,
resignation, promotion, NOC issue, etc.
Generating Transfer Forms / Orders for transfer of manpower from
one location to another
Issuance of Transfer Order automatically for authorization personnel
(Work flow)according to internal hierarchy
Auto update of the employee master and organization structure on
actions like relocation or transfer of an employee from one
department to another
Date wise validity of each transaction to be maintained. The master
data need to be time bound with defined start date and end date
with time constraints defined for type of record
Need to cater to the following task of employees:
• VRS/Retirements
• Disciplinary cases
• Promotions
• Confirmation and transfers
• Government Reservation Compliance
• Roster for Reserved Categories
• Employee Grievances
• Leave Management
• Welfare Services
• Union Matters
• Handling of loans, NOCs etc.
• Reports & Returns / Maintenance of Rosters
• Non-contributed PF
• Contributed PF
System to keep record of legal issues and cases for each employee
System to manage permanent as well as contract employees
System to generate all statutory Return forms under PF, Contract
Labour and other government acts and policies
System to generate statutory forms for Pension and other
Bulk data upload/ change should be possible
Employee appraisal and evaluation functionality (along with rules
Appraisal and and policy guidelines)
Appraisee & Appraiser fill up the forms on-line
Sl. No. Sub Modules Activities
Appraisee & Appraiser and/or Reviewer view the form on-line at the
same time to facilitate discussion / comments on the same
Policy for Salary revision, Increments, Promotions be maintained
System to provide facility for approval for pay fixation on promotion
System to give the status of promotion with eligibility, advice, trade
test, promotion, extension of probation and reversion of promotion
System to handle employee demotion as a disciplinary action
Define and maintain a variety of leave types and associated
application rules
Support for Manual and on-line Leave application processing
Leave Integration with Payroll
Leave amendments and adjustments by designated authority
Retain all leave history (approved, rejected, adjusted) based on user
Leave defined criteria
6 Management System to maintain leave ledger
/Attendance System to generate the monthly attendance/ absence sheet
integrated with time biometric devices
System capable of generating late coming and early going report,
their adjustment as per SMC policies
Leave quota management, leave approval, and leave encashment
System to generate Compensatory -Off balancing and their
adjustment as per the SMC policies
Payroll computation based on leave, tax computation, deductions,
adjustments etc.
Accommodate adjustment for the previous period's attendance
System to calculate statutory deduction for each employee based on
deduction rules
Both earning and deductions can be of both types i.e. forever and
7 Payroll
within period (From To dates). There should not be restriction on
number of earnings and deductions
Integrate with different types of loan account for deducting EMI /
Installment automatic
EMI / Installment deduction stop automatically after end of the loan
Sl. No. Sub Modules Activities
Arrears of salary to be paid for the adjustment of salary for the
previous period by giving range of months/ Period
System to allocate an employee's salary across multiple cost centers
by fixed % or specific assignment or manual distribution
Automatic update payroll calculation rules whenever an employee's
grade changes
Handle multiple pay commission guidelines e.g. 6th pay and 7th pay
commission for different set of employees
All standard and statutory payroll related reports
Capture employee‘s bank account number and bank details
Allows to define different salary or wage classes and scales
Auto calculation of payroll based on attendance records with
possibility of transfer of attendance records to payroll system in
batch mode or manually for employees not using ERP for time and
System should be able to categorize the deductions like Tax,
deductions on uniform, deduction on advance taken, loans from
company or external
Organization, payments for any other purposes to external org. like
LIC premiums
Provision of supporting loan details/advances taken like amount
taken, tenure, amount of each instalment
Provision to set loan and advances repayment schedule with an
option to modify the same and payroll calculation accordingly
Provision to levy deduction (for a user defined period) on items
issued to employee e.g. uniform, deduction of loan or advance
Audit Payroll fixation
Payroll processing for Anganwadi employees (fix pay), Committee
members, Temporary staff etc.
Process & generate the Salary certificate, Due Settlement Certificate
for an employee / ex-employee
Daily wage employees payroll management
Ability to Define tax rules to determine employees tax liability as per
8 Taxation changes by the Central Govt./ local statutory legislation for actual tax
liability of employee
Sl. No. Sub Modules Activities
Facility to provide investment declaration form in electronic format.
The employee will be required to fill and submit the form
electronically so as to update salary record and tax calculation
automatically by the system.
The system should ensure support for major statutory reports /
Forms and certificates of taxes.
The system should Record employees’ perquisites and other
information relevant in computing their tax liability as tax
The system should Complete calculation and deduction of tax
automatically / user defined
The system should Project the tax liability of each employee for the
period within a tax calendar based on the employee declaration of
savings etc. and providing tax planners to the employee.
Provision to Manually adjust taxable earnings (in case of income from
other sources, investments etc.)
The system should handle Exemptions and Rebates as per the Income
Tax Rules
Professional tax deductions with exemptions, arrears and generation
of related reports and challans
System to take care for various Reimbursement system
Travel & Expense: Employees to fill details of expenses carried out
during a travel, upload of receipts, computation of travel allowances
and approvals. Integration with corporate card if issued in future,
needs to be done.
System to provide provision and checks for the employees to be
Retirement granted LTA / LTC as per company rules
Benefit System to allow payments (Both Advance and Final) towards LTA /
9 System/
LTC either outside or with Payroll and paid as taxable/ nontaxable as
Other Benefit
System per Tax rules
System to provide facility of making payments of other benefits Like
Telephone bills reimbursement either outside or with Payroll
Health card and medical allowances
Pensioner Management
Entire Provident Fund and Gratuity Accounting Module as part of
Payroll system
10 Feature of training calendar
Sl. No. Sub Modules Activities
Information of employees called & attended training
Career path/ skill-wise training schedule for employees and initiation
of schedule after transfer or promotion to new position
System to provide a standard methodology for Training Need
System to provide provision for the employees/Head of division to
give a request/ nomination for training
Management, Provide facility for online evaluation / feedback on Trainings by the
Training & employees
Development, Send training alerts to employees
Enterprise Maintain minimum required training to employees with alert for any
Knowledge repetition of the same or maximum training attended
A knowledge portal to empower employees taking up new
responsibilities with rich knowledge base and anytime accessibility
will be provided.
Provide provision to know the number of days/hours spent by
individual & up to group for training
System to provide provision to know the amount spent on various
training activities.
Employee should be able to access own records, perform necessary
functions and raise requests for above-mentioned phases using self-
service portal:
• Apply Leaves
• Viewing salary slips
• View leave balance and status
• Viewing Form 16
Employee Self • Entering travel claims
Service &
11 • Confidential Report Triggering and updation
Manager Self
• Searching employee directory
• Employee time and attendance entry
• Employee directory
• Benefits enrollment
• View Service Book
• Standard Application of Rules
• Benefits Management
• Online Learning
Sl. No. Sub Modules Activities
• Skill Position Matching
• Talent Profile & Feedback on Performance
• Loan Status
• PF slips etc.
System to generate service book for employees, downloaded as pdf
on request to view in Marathi and English with all necessary
Reporting Manager should be able to raise request on employee
behalf and approve requests raised by employees online over
mobile and web. These will empower manager as envisaged by the
Government of Maharashtra under:
• Number of Employees Present or Absent
• Filled in Position Distribution in Subordinate Offices
• Online Communication to Pre-Designated Mailing List
• Pending Administrative Processes –PAR, TA/DA, DPC, 50-55
• Pending Work Process Monitoring –Loan/Advances, GPF, Interest
• Human Resource Budgeting
• Talent Management -Skill / Competency Assessment, Training
Employees able to access own records online and raise requests for
name change, NOC, address change, leaves with necessary
workflow approvals.
198 Asset Management System
Asset Management
# Sub Modules Activities
- Depreciation Principles
- Other details to arrive at Current Value
Preparation of Opening Balance for Asset Valuation
GIS Mapping of the data
Purchase of New Assets
Acquisition of Land
Asset Sale
3 Asset Transactions Investment on Assets (like construction of new floors, road
re- surfacing, etc.)
Insurance Details
Insurance Claim Related Information capture
Analyze the equipment breakdown and repetitive
Equipment breakdown analyze and control
Material planning for preventive maintenance and maintain
safety stock
Maintenance Analysis and Material consumption analysis
Statistics Counter based preventive maintenance for equipment like
Generators, motors & Compressors
Ability to maintain operational equipment work orders and
maintenance history against asset/equipment work orders.
Reporting on asset/ equipment statistics like availability,
utilization etc.
Asset Register
Revenue Report
Outstanding Register
Search facility for various information (like search for name
of road)
GIS Mapping of the data
Land and Estate Management
# Sub Modules Activities
Maintenance Inspection report
PCMC Land Register with properties marked on GIS
Land Acquisition related reports using GIS
4 MIS Revenue Reports for Estate on Rent / Lease along with GIS Mapping
Outstanding Register for Estate on Rent / Lease with GIS Mapping
Top Defaulters List with GIS Mapping
5 Data Porting/ Data Entry Suite
202 Procurement Management System
The notification should be on pre decided intervals for the recurring works
such as AMC etc.
System should provide the capability to record measurements from site using
a dedicated Mobile application which can be deployed on Tablet, Mobile etc.
Mobile for Android and iOS
Application The images work progress can be captured on ground through mobile app
where locations shall be geo-tagged.
Mobile application should work in offline as well as online mode.
# Sub Modules Activities
Categorization of Stores
- Central Stores
- Biomedical Engineering Store
-General Stores (issuing stationery and non-medical materials)
-Electrical Stores
-Civil Stores
Department-wise segregation for request, process, fulfilment and
2 Masters
Dead stock Register (for movable assets)
Defining Various Items under each category
Approved Vendor List of PCMC along with their details
Price-list for the Rate Contract Items
Maintenance of Reorder level i.e. procurement after reaching
reorder level.
Payment to Vendor
GIS Mapping of the data
Department-wise submission of details
Disposal of Dead
3 Disposal of Dead Stock
GIS Mapping of the data
List of Vendor-wise / Material-wise orders
Material-wise, Department-wise consumption report
Disposal of Dead Stock
Status report to department w.r.t. their order
Alerts if the Batch Nos. or Sr. No. is not in order
ABC Analysis, EOQ analysis, Min order, Max. order etc.
Work Completion Report
Work Comparison Report
Demand & Issuance Comparative Report
GIS Mapping of the data
205 Program/Project Management System
Sl. No. Sub Modules Activities
Work Breakdown Structures (WBS) and Networks to structure projects
6.3 hierarchical and/or using network techniques. Milestones and
documents to mark project events appropriately.
To provide various date planning functions. Flexible scheduling
6.4 Project Scheduling techniques to be used to calculate earliest/latest dates, floats, or
critical paths within projects.
Capacity and
Networks to plan, analyze and level work center based capacity
6.5 Workforce
requirements of the project.
Material and To assign material components to Networks to plan material
6.6 External service requirements based on the project schedule, check the material
planning availability, and trigger the material procurement and delivery later.
To provide various techniques for planning costs and revenues in
6.7 Financial Planning
Project System depending on financial planning requirements.
Budget is the approved cost structure for a project. One can allocate
6.8 budget to projects in Investment Management or directly in Project
In the execution phase of projects confirmations can be used to
6.9 Confirmations document the actual work performed and the progress of individual
work packages.
Costs actually incurred are posted directly to project by account
Cost Integration
6.10 assignment of documents in Financial Accounting, Controlling or
and Billing
Materials Management for example.
Project System provides various standard reports for real-time
6.11 Project Reporting
reporting of financial and logistic project data.
Citizen engagement is required for the projects where decision of
creating a bridge/ asset, budget approvals, progress report is visible to
them on GIS map where citizens can know beforehand any upcoming
project decisions, traffic disruptions or gives comments. This will be
6.12 Integration
achieved by publishing details on web portals. The details will come
from Project Management and Asset management/ maintenance
module of ERP, thus integration with web portals and PMMC GIS to
provide this information readily.
Ability to manually/auto load and selectively change project data
(start/end dates, etc.).
6.13 General
Ability to capture, compute and report real-time actuals (e.g. costs,
effort, schedule status)
Sl. No. Sub Modules Activities
Ability to aggregate cost, effort, and schedule data across projects (e.g.
Gantt chart data rollup)
Ability to calculate performance ratios manually or automatically at
specified points in time or at project milestones.
Ability to provide dashboard view of status of all projects with ability
to drill down.
Ability to compute/display estimates of remaining work (hours to
completion, percent of wok completed, end-date forecasting, etc.)
Ability to provide comparison of actual vs. planned progress with
variance analysis, alerts, and rule - based notification.
Ability to provide project reporting/forecasting according to
government contracting requirements (e.g., earned value analysis).
Ability to support risk monitoring and on-going multi-project risk
Ability to use project status and project forecasts to update financial
budget forecasts.
Ability to capture and transmit project costs, expenses, commitments,
etc., for accounting.
Ability to support and billing (e.g., expense reporting).
Configure status indicators at summary level of Project. These
indicators should be displayed in Project Center with different colors
to depict project status.
Ability to store, populate and update exact latitude and longitude
details of the project and pass the information to and from GIS system.
Facility to record various Cost Data for a project (such as budget
amount, expenditure to date, cost to completion, cost estimate of
changes, etc.)
Facility to record Project committed Cost Data from the payment
requests received from various sources
Project Cost
6.14 Facility to record release of funds details and maintain project release
of funds history
Facility to record project allocations, advanced payment and bank
Provisions to compare the payment requests against the outstanding
contract value for a given project/stage/activity
Sl. No. Sub Modules Activities
Provisions to track payments related to external agents (consultants,
contractors, vendors etc.)
Provisions to track the status of a payment request through the batch
upload and approvals process
Provisions to validate payment against the release of funds and update
the project release of funds balance
Facility to mark projects for archiving once all the costs have been paid
and project completed
Facility to integrate all functions such as Procurement, Receipt and
Storing procedure, Material Reservation, and Inventory Management.
Facility to declare WIP status and completion of project.
Facility to transfer Project Material to regular Inventory and vice versa.
Project Resource Facility to Map Project Item with Regular Item codification.
6.15 Utilization and Provisions to include left over Material in regular Inventory as Non-
Reporting Valued /Valued Material as well as Spare or Part of specific Equipment
on completion of Project.
Provisions to track and include Installation / Commissioning / Put to
use Date and warranty period and Maintenance schedule along with
Details in system on completion of Project.
# Sub Modules Activities
Reports and Search
- Support saving of search queries and search results.
- Support extensive Reports and audit trails and provide data points
and facility to design new reports.
- Should have XML based API support for data import & export and
integration with third party applications.
Movement of Proposals/documents/noting/objects on various
Facility to mark the application to pre-defined hierarchy
Inbox for officers (listing applications received)
FIFO principle for taking action on application
Creation of a Note Sheet for Scanned Documents
Alerts for delay in action
Information/Alert to be sent to higher authority in case of delay in
action by specific employee of the department
Pre-defined scrutiny for citizen applications
Display of all application data during scrutiny process
Check-list for rejection
Facility to mark the application to other officer
Workflow Facility to mark the application to other department for their NOC /
Management Comments / Input
Alerts via Email/SMS
Every user shall have role based dashboard showing details of files
pending with him/her etc.
Final Decision by the Decision Authority
In case the person is on leave, s/he can delegate the work to some
other person. The facility of delegation of work should be provided.
Some people have double charge. The system should be able to
handle such scenarios. E.g. A person may take position of Deputy
Engineer and Executive Engineer for some time.
File, letters, RTI applications, grievances etc. moves through various
touch points situated in ward offices, village offices, zonal office etc.
The SI is expected to maintain such flows while designing the work
flow management system
The required workflow solution should comply to various open
workflow standards such as BPMN (2.0), WFMC etc.
# Sub Modules Activities
User should be able to open/see files which may be in different
7.5 formats such as DWG,PDF etc. attached to any workflow. Users do
not have to open another application to view such attached files.
Workflows built using the product must also be fully functional on
mobile devices at no additional cost
# Sub Modules Activities
Allow citizens to enter their property details through Web
Self-Assessment Portal
Module Option to the citizens to submit their Assessment to the
department for confirmation
System based
8.4 calculation of Room-wise / Flat-wise/ Whole Property Assessment
Ratable Value
Tax Generation as per Rate Chart
Tax Exemptions
Bifurcation of rates for General Tax, Fire Fighting, Water Tax,
8.5 Tax Generation
Conservancy Tax, Educational Cess, etc.
Tax regeneration after change in ownership, use of property,
increase in areas etc.
Property history
Advance property tax payment
Other Relevant Property Rental details
Property Details Date of Assessment
Generation of Unique Address/ID for each property of PCMC so
that it can be easily identified
Generation of Special Notice
Property Billing
- Individual flat-wise billing/ Property wise billing
- Calculation of Property Tax as per prevailing Stamp Duty for
different areas.
- Interest Calculation
Other Department - Consideration of Advance paid earlier
Process Demand Notice Generation
Issue of Warrant Notice
Seizure of Property
Auction of Property
Rebate Calculations
Automatic mailing of Bills / Notices to the E-Mail ID
Advance / Excess Collection / Refunds
Cheque Dishonour and Outstation Cheque charges
Facility for online tracking of bounced checks
# Sub Modules Activities
E-Mail / SMS to be sent to the owner upon transactions
Change in Property Ownership
Splitting of Property Tax Assessment
Duplicate Bill
Assessment Certificate
Copy of Property Tax Assessment Extract
8.8 Citizen Services
No Dues Certificate
Payment of Property Tax
Linkage with Grievance module for Property Tax related
GIS mapping of the data
Demand / Collection Register
Assessment Register
Closing Register
Ward-wise / Zone-wise Recovery reports
Top Defaulters Report
Occupancy wise / Flat wise report
Escalation alert to be generated for new property assessments
to zonal assessors, Deputy Municipal Commissioner and
Municipal Commissioner.
Tax-wise Recovery Details
Tax-wise Demand Details
8.9 MIS
Advance Payment Reports
Objection / Hearing Details
Inspector wise report (Assessment of property as per Building
permission / Citizen request /Inspection)
Assessment as per citizen / Assessment as per inspector
MIS reports for self-assessment, concessions.
Alerts from License Module upon New License / change in
Concession list, property count report (Use wise),Unauthorized
property etc.
GIS mapping of the data
Data Porting / Data Entry Suite
8.10 Other Requirements Query of Property Dues
Scope to link up to Land Records / Registration system
# Sub Modules Activities
GIS mapping of the data
Challan generation
8.11 Accounting Bank wise, ward wise etc. collection
Cheques status report
▪ NRW Analysis
▪ Audit trail of all transactions
▪ Map based water zones with plotted consumers
▪ Integration with SLB , SCADA, control room etc.
▪ Zone-wise Demand/Recovery Reports
▪ Zone-wise Adhoc Report management system
▪ Bill distribution on emails
▪ Mobile based Consumer Satisfaction surveys and develop analytics to analyse
the survey.
5. For individual residential consumers the billing cycle shall be every third month (four
times in a year) and for chawls, commercial and society consumers the billing cycle shall
be every month (twelve times in a year). The billing cycles may be changed.
6. Complaint Management
a. The software system developed by the operator shall have complete workflow
from complaint registration to resolution to record for audit.
b. Record all consumer complaints in the web based water supply system related to
water meters and water billing including but not limited to faulty recording of
water meter reading, non-receipt of water bills, faulty meters and manage its
complete work flow other consumer complaints and provide a proof to PCMC
against such consumer complaints.
c. Assist the zonal water supply department in resolving issues related to water
meter, billing, and collection and report its status through the web based
complaint management system to all concerned.
7. SI shall support the staff of PCMC or external agency as per the case may be who work on
ground to collect readings of meters, bill distribution, Meter inventory and repairing work
etc. If PCMC purchases handheld devices for capturing and printing water bills, the SI shall
assist PCMC to load billing application on such devices.
# Sub Modules Activities
Public Data Entry Module should be implemented and linked
with PCMC portal
If documents are submitted in CFC, CFC/ department staff will
scan the document and it will be directed to concerned system
of concerned department
All modes recommended by central government should be
enabled for payment gateway
PAN/Aadhaar card number should be captured and linked with
all the service provided by PCMC
Citizen dashboard should be developed which will be linked to
all the services provided by PCMC.
RTIs should be directed to concerned departments directly
Integrated dashboard for grievance UG,PG,PCMC etc.
RTS MIS reports
#. Sub Modules Activities
- Renewal Status
- Certificates issuance
# Sub Modules Activities
The provision should be made to capture image of affected location
before and after redressal of grievance
Citizen as well as department should have their own dashboard to
monitor status of grievances
Facility to lodge New Complaints, Check Status of complain redressal
Facility to check citizen data
- Bill Dues
- Application Status
- Payment Status
- Renewal Status
- Certificates issuance
Citizen Charter
Citizen Help
8.1 NOCs for other govt. departments
Each complaint’s history is easily accessible and provides a
completely updated status of how a complaint is progressing through
the organization and what actions have been taken, if any.
RTI Application Management
Assign corrective actions and preventive actions at any appropriate
time throughout a complaint’s progress
Provides an easy and strategic method of online recording and
tracking customer concerns and complaints.
The Grievances received from multiple channels such Mobile app,
email Whatsapp etc. should be tracked in system
Dashboard should be available to each user showing number of
grievances received, total solved, total solved within time etc.
# Sub Modules Activities
Reporting mechanism should be proper. The reports should be able
to tell the hawkers with expired licenses so that action can be taken
against them.
Dashboard for hawker management system showing details
Generation of I-Cards for vendors
Department GIS map and different layers such as hospitals, cinema halls, ATMS etc.
Expectations need to be made visible to citizens
# Sub Modules Activities
The portal should be updated in such a way that it will be a two way
communication where citizens can also share opinions
Dashboard for work going on, budget and various other parameters
Details information of every electoral ward including GIS, geo fencing
and facilities available online
Single signing for citizens for all services (Citizen dashboard). Once
citizens register on the portal, they will be able to see all the services
offered by PCMC e.g. single window will provide property tax, water bill
etc. services. Citizens can also raise grievances through same portal and
will be able to track details.
PCMC Katta: Platform for various groups such bikers, cycle, trekker,
music lover etc. will register on portal and others can get information
Alerts to be sent to registered members for different situations such
disaster, PCMC schemes, epidemic etc.
Event wise promotion module for PCMC’s various events
Blood donation alerts to be sent to the concerned blood group
The portal’s field will be linked to database such that once any
information changes in database, it will be updated automatically on
portal. This will help to immediately update information such as HOD’s
details, FAO’s details etc.
Simple tab will be designed to capture details of PCMC citizens along
with their Aadhaar numbers so that immediate action can be taken in
case of emergency
It should be designed as per Disability act
Information should be available in Marathi and English
Department-wise categorization
Allow system to accept service specific inputs
Capture of Mobile No. of Applicant
Application Re-submission of rejected application after compliance
Acceptance & Check-list for documents to be submitted along-with application
Delivery of Define citizen charter (list of the officers & duration for service delivery)
Outputs Fees to be accepted
Generate Token of Application acceptance
Rejection Note in case of inadequate application
Marking the application to Corresponding Department / Ward / Officer
# Sub Modules Activities
# Sub Modules Activities
Sub Modules Activities
Dashboard should be available showing various RTI and
centralized dashboard showing all RTI information
Facility to lodge New Complaints, Check Status of complain
Facility to check citizen data
- Birth / Death registrations
- Bill Dues
8.1 Citizen Help Desk
- Application Status
- Payment Status
- Renewal Status
- Certificates issuance
Citizen Charter
The RTIs received from multiple channels such Mobile app,
email whatsapp etc. should be tracked in system
Dashboard should be available to each user showing number of
RTIs received, total solved, total solved within time etc.
# Sub Modules Activities
Automatic penalty calculation
Auto generation of license number for all categories
NOC for Ganapati, election, Firework shop etc. should be issued
through system
Digital Certificate with digital signature should be issued
Issue of New License
Duplicate License
Change in Name of Business
Citizen Services Change in Business
Transfer of License
Renewal Of License
Cancellation of License
Capture of License Details
- License Holder’s Details – One or multiple owners
- Capture of Mobile No. / E-Mail ID
- License holder’s photograph(s) (optional)
- Link to Property Number (optional)
- License Details – Temporary/ Permanent License, Name of
Issuance of License Business, Business Address, Business Details
- Trade/ Business Details – License Type, Subtype - multiple
levels to define types and sub types.
- License type, sub-type, unit of measure wise license amount.
Calculation of License Fee
License Certificate
Digital Signing of certificate and online delivery of certificates
Scrutiny of Applications
Inspection Entry
11. Other Departmental Generation of Show cause Notice
3 Process Hearing
Reminder Notice for Renewal
Cancellation of License/Revoke by Force
License Register
11. List of Defaulters
4 Reminder Notice for Renewal
Demand / Collection Register
# Sub Modules Activities
Reports showing Changes in License Types, Business Partners,
Cancellation Licenses, etc.
Facility to forecast the impact of reduction / deduction of
License Fee
Reports w.r.t. Bills / Notices generated
E-Mail / SMS to be sent to the owner upon transactions
Other Requirements Data Porting/ Data Entry Suite
Sl. No. Sub Modules Activities
All the sport facilities need to be geo tagged. The layers should
clearly differentiate PCMC operated and private vendor
operated sport’s facilities
Sport’s facilities which are provided to companies for
conducting their tournaments should be visible on sport portal
Provision should be made to provide temporary booking for
Ganapati festival, fire shops etc. on PCMC grounds and places
Provision should be made to issue passes to users (Monthly,
Quarterly etc.) for the facilities such as Gym, swimming pool
Smart card should be issued for cashless payment
# Sub Modules Activities
Allow system to accept service specific inputs
Capture of Mobile No. of Applicant
Re-submission of rejected application after
Check-list for documents to be submitted along-with
Application Acceptance &
Fees to be accepted
Delivery of Outputs
Generate Token of Application acceptance
Rejection Note in case of inadequate application
Marking the application to Corresponding Department
/ Ward / Officer
Delivery of the output through Internet and CFC
SMS alert to applicant upon decision
All Departmental Services
Land Document Fees
All stockholders forms submitted to PCMC with
4 Grievance Monitoring
integration to payment gateway must be provided
along with online citizen portal
POS terminal integration
Any other payment services
Title Documents
NOCs for the required service
5 Citizen Services (General) RTI Application Management
Any other services
GIS Mapping of the data
SMS alert to applicant upon decision
Services Statistics
Officer-wise list of services pending beyond the
stipulated time
Title Document
7 Issuing License
Other relevant documents to close the process
227 Road Excavation NOC/Permission
Sl. No. Sub Modules Activities
Online application form submission facility with
document attachment
Excavation work should be marked on GIS
Notifications to concerned person of the departments to
be sent
Site inspection facility along with facility to upload site
photos for geo locations
Calculation of fees and collection
1 Department Expectations Facility for online payments
GIS locations of meters and other electrical assets such as
transformers, street lamps, feeders etc.
Facility shall be given to add new meter or change details of existing
Reports: Meter wise consumptions(Unit, Amount etc.), zone wise etc.
Note: SI is expected to study the functionalities of existing IT applications. Functionalities of
applications will be finalized after multiple rounds of discussion with respective department
during SRS phase. Municipal Secretariat Management
Sub Modules Activities
Every Department should be able to put the subjects directly
along with summary in agenda
Date should be automatically changed if any of the
committee meeting gets cancelled/postponed
From Department, agenda should be frozen after HODs
digital signature
Facility should be provided to scan document and upload the
Facility should be given to mark subject as for approval or
just for information of the committee members
One should be able to forward subject of one committee
meeting to other committees e.g. Subject of standing
committee can be forwarded to General Body Meeting
Department Scope
Ad-hoc Subjects suggested by member during meetings
need to be tracked
Standard format need to be provided to capture MOMs
Alerts/SMS/Email/Mobile push notifications to be sent to
department HODs, committee members etc.
Alerts/SMS/Email/Mobile app also to be sent to
department’s HOD if the subjects included are concerning to
their departments
Verdict of the proceeding should be captured and
documented (Static wording; last line of the subject to be
changed according to verdict)
Names in MOM should automatically be included from
biometric attendance or Face detection
Monitor the schedule of the meetings
Municipal Secretariat Management
Alert system
230 Security Management
Sub Modules Activities
Thumb integrated Key Management system should be there. Issuance
and acceptance of keys of departments, vehicles etc. should be done
from system.
The Visitors Management should be implemented like Mantralaya
(Maharashtra, Mumbai). It should have facility to mark visitors as
notorious etc. so that people coming for riots will be identified and
appropriate action would be taken immediately.
Department Flexible Duty charts for security guards to be integrated with
Expectations attendance system
Mapping of security personnel on GIS along with properties on PCMC.
Confidential and internal purpose only
Automation of Contractor billing ,Form 22
Database of vehicles of PCMC employees to be maintained. Driver and
mobile number to be mapped with vehicles. So that if any of the vehicle
is parked in the area where it should not be, owner of such vehicles can
be contacted immediately.
Sub Modules Activities
Biometric database of repetitive beneficiaries which obtain benefit after
producing the “हयातीचा दाखला”
System should be able to provide reports as per scheme, caste etc.
CFC and system should not accept forms for the lack of documents
GIS mapping of bachat gats with analytics to identify bachat gats where
benefits are provided
The workshop maintains a History Book for each vehicle which gives the summary of all the costs
and work performed on the vehicle right from the time of purchase of the vehicle till it is disposed
off. The History Book of each vehicle is maintained in a separate book identified by the
registration number of the vehicle.
Each of the PCMC departments has certain vehicles at its disposal for official use. The vehicles
need to be serviced regularly. For that they need proper repair and maintenance work from time
to time. When a vehicle malfunctions, the driver of that vehicle raises a request of repair to the
concerned department and gets the required approval from the department before handing over
the vehicle to the workshop department along with the approval letter. Once handed over to the
workshop, the Security Personnel makes an ‘IN’ entry of the vehicle in the Workshop’s log book.
A Fitter then examines the vehicle’s problem as per the problem mentioned by the driver in his
repair request letter and determines the nature of work that needs to be performed and records
it on the ‘Job Card’. The work depending upon the type will either be performed by the Workshop
Department itself or the appointed Contractor. The Fitter during the course of inspection can
suggest some more work that needs to be done on the vehicle. Such suggestions if any need prior
approval from the concerned department before any work can be done on the vehicle. Once the
repair/maintenance work is performed, the fitter will inspect the work and if the issue is resolved,
will let the concerned department know that the vehicle is ready. The driver will then take
custody of the vehicle and on his way out of the workshop, the Security Personnel will make an
‘OUT’ entry into the log book. The details of the work performed, labor charges and spares
consumed charges are recorded in the History Book of the vehicle.
Some specific work types are outsourced by the Workshop department to contractors. The
Department calls in tenders for labor charges for specific work orders from the contractors for
each vehicle type and then selects one from the submitted applications after careful assessment.
The tender procedure is handled by the e-Tender System of PCMC. The Contractor uses spares
during the course of his work. PCMC makes payments for these spares at a predetermined price.
The prices are determined from a specific price list released by the OEM (Original Equipment
Manufacturer) or authorized vendors. The spare part prices once fixed will remain constant
during the contract period. The payments for the spares are made to the Contractor on the basis
of this price list. The labor charges are paid as per the rates in the tender. The Contractor has to
return the worn out spares back to the workshop. In case he does not, he is fined 40% of the
price of the new spare. The bill submitted by the contractor is verified and the due payment is
then made to the Contractor. Also if a work order is performed twice in a period of 6 months, the
work order along with any spare parts consumed for the work order will not be charged by the
Contractor. A similar process is followed by when the workshop does some maintenance/repair
work, except no bill is generated. The costs incurred are mentioned on the back side of the
respective job card.
233 School Management System
Sub Modules Activities
The system should be able to handle all schools, ITI schools etc. of
PCMC including ITI
The details of students name, marks etc. need to tracked in system
Note: SI is expected to study the functionalities of existing IT applications. Functionalities of
applications will be finalized after multiple rounds of discussion with respective department
during SRS phase. Library Management System
Sub Modules Activities
Provide a mechanism of searching available books and magazines using
title, author name, or category of the book.
Facility for Members to log into the system and check if a particular book
is issued.
Impose fines on book receiver considering holidays, exams or special
leaves. Complete Penalty management and collection
Provide a mechanism whereby a librarian can view information of all the
books and the status of each book i.e. whether the book is issued or in the
library or due, the return date etc.
The system should show the physical location of books (Issues or in shelf, shelf
location etc.)
Notification to be sent for issue of book, delay in return etc.
GIS locations of libraries to be mapped on base map with classification of libraries
such as sport library, granted non granted etc.
Citizens should be able to register online and can pay online as well
Books should be classified
235 Dashboard and Business Intelligence (BI)
Each module will have its own dashboard and Business Intelligence tool as per the user access
provided. This sections has been divided into two components.
1. Once the user (Internal/External) logs in the system, S/he should directly see the
dashboard on the screen
2. Every user will have its own dashboard showing the details of pending task
application forms, files, grievances received, works etc.
3. Dashboard should show tasks, files etc. with color coding depending on the
urgency and importance of that task, file etc.
4. A dashboard should be developed for respective departments and users providing
information about various stages of the work like Floating tender, opening of
Tender, awarding order, supply details, distribution details and payment details.
It should clearly indicate the repetitive works such as tenders for maintenance
work etc.
5. Notifications in form of Email and SMS shall be provided for repetitive work before
pre-defined tenure
6. Integration with current E-Tendering, Works Dashboard and Accounting system.
7. The functionalities such as drilled down option, analytics, notifications etc.
mentioned in section 2.10 will be applicable to all dashboards Service Level benchmarking
The detail scope has been covered in section 2.10 Enterprise GIS Software Specifications
Refer Annexure-7 for detail specifications of GIS software
The primary objective is to design and develop and implement a web-based application along
with a comprehensive analytics based interactive solution/tool. The Dashboard would be
accessible to public and they would be able to view the performance of following four sectors
1. Water supply
2. Sewage
3. Solid waste management
4. Storm water drainage
The Dashboard also aims at improving the efficiency of the departments and removing delays
in Service Delivery through effective monitoring of these schemes and departments.
2.10.1 Software Characteristics
1. All in One Home Screen – The home screen should give a complete performance outlook
of the municipal services (PCMC municipal services at a glance view). It is also
recommended that all the visualizations pertaining to all departments fit in a single
2. Key Performance Indicators – The solution will display the KPIs of various municipal
services and help users monitor the performance through these KPIs.
3. Animated Dashboard Tiles – The solution will have tiles displayed which will contain the
snippets of key data pertaining to the municipal services.
4. Public Access – The dashboard can be accessed by anyone through web. They would be
able to see the performance of various municipal services.
5. Data Fetching and Updating – Data fetching process can be categorized into two parts:
1. The solution would have facilities to fetch server data from the required databases
and get automatically updated without any assistance from the user through
system integration.
2. The user login for data inputs for those datasets which are physically collected.
The frequency of the data updating will vary with the departments and would be decided
by the Commissioner. Dashboard data, however, should get updated on a daily basis.
6. Drill Down View – The solution will allow users to get the drill down views of various
schemes and departments.
7. Reports – The solution would have customized reports which would enable the users in
decision making.
8. BI/Analytics – The solution would have a robust BI/Analytics tool which would enable
officers in making data driven decision making.
9. Multilingual Website – The solution should be multilingual (English and Marathi)
10. Email, SMS/WhatsApp Integration – In order to ensure better reach of updates and
status to the users, the system should have email and SMS integration features.
11. Customizable Public View and Departmental view – Solution should be able to create
views based on profiles like public facing or internal drill down dept. views.
2.10.2 Scope of Service Level Benchmarking Web Designing along with Portal Development
The aim of the project is designing a flexible framework for performance monitoring and
graphical or area wise display of various municipal services performance at a glance and
parallel to develop a web based portal for displaying performance of various municipal
services. The design of home page, data entry screens etc. should be planned and developed.
It is proposed that the web site should have the following characteristics.
a. Aesthetic Layout and Professional Design
b. Effective Navigation
c. Mobile Compatibility
d. Good Performance and Speed
e. Responsive as well as reliable
f. Should be scalable
g. Good Error Handling Mechanism
h. Contrasting Color Schemes
i. Browser consistency and compatibility
j. Faster Load Time
k. Well Designed and Easy to Use
l. Optimized for search
The user experience and UI Design should also need to be planned and developed well. The
solution should be compatible with Mobiles, tablets etc. for android, iOS and should be flexible
enough to support viewing and usage of Dashboard on mobile as well as tablets. Business Requirement Study and SRS
The System Integrator shall do a Business Requirements Study for the various departments
of PCMC. SI needs to understand the current processes as to how the departments are
monitoring the performance of various municipal services , what are the Key Performance
Indicators(Both Physical and Financial Targets), what type of MIS reports are maintained and
available and come up with the To-Be processes. The details of the same shall be prepared
by the System Integrator and SRS should be prepared.
System Integrator shall prepare detailed System Requirement Specifications (SRS) detailing
processes for all modules based on the study done. Additional requirements may be identified
in consultation with the Department during the requirement study phase. The system
integrator shall prepare the SRS in line with the below mentioned guidelines;
a. Study and understand the requirements in terms of efficient handling of back end
operations, effective delivery of services to its stakeholders, service levels etc.
b. Document the requirements in the form of SRS documents, Design/Blueprint
documents, mapping of proposed solution.
c. The SRS document shall be accompanied with a detailed Use Case Document of all
the processes and functions of departments pertaining to the Municipal services.
d. The bidder shall submit all the documents in both hardcopy as well as softcopy to
e. The SRS shall have the following details but not limited to:
• Screenshots, prototypes of the system to be developed
• List of all validations/ internal controls applicable
• List & format of MIS reports to be generated
• List of Standards followed or to be followed
• Detailed process flow of the entire Business Logic
• List of all data elements and database requirements
• Details of interfaces/ integration both external & internal, hardware & software
• System and processes for capturing attributes of Service Level Agreement (SLA)
• Various attributes of the application and the mechanism to manage the SLA’s;
• Details of all tools & technologies to be used
• Integration/ interface requirement with other Departments and external
agencies such as Project Management Consultancies, Contractors, Banks, etc.
• Mechanism for clearly identifying the sources of various types of problems and
their mitigation thereof for the entire Analytics Dashboard Solution project
• Assumptions, dependencies & constraints.
SRS for other modules are also expected to be delivered in similar fashion Integration with existing PCMC systems/MIS
The application should seamlessly integrate with all the department database. Various
departments should be able to share the data from their transactional systems or screen
enabling input of the requisite data on the portal on real time/ daily / monthly /annual basis
(depending on the type of service / data) or as per the agreed frequency with the PCMC. These
are to be displayed as reports for the respective scheme / department.
For excel/spreadsheets, the formats need to be discussed and agreed with PCMC departments
managing municipal services. The users should have provisions to upload the required data
through this link periodically. While uploading the data in this manner, if the formats are
different from what is agreed upon, the system should throw an error/warning to the user
indicating the same. Additionally, the user should be able to see the preview of the data
Health 3
Water supply 1
3 Sewage Environment 8 4
240 User set
The Site Inspector and the equivalent shall be responsible for the data entry by the stipulated
date and time. The Deputy Engineer and equivalent shall be responsible for the first level
review of the data and post-approval shall pass on the same to the Executive engineer for
second level review. The Executive engineer shall review the same and pass on to the
Commissioner for final decision and actions. The indicative number of users and data process
flow has been described below. The proposed data process flow is common for all the four
municipal services, only the designation shall vary as per department wise applicability.
Department involved
# Sector in data collection and Designation Role Number
Data validation
and final 3
Water supply
Deputy Data validation
Water department 8
Engineer and approval
Data collection 32
1 Engineer
Property tax
Data collection 1
Total manpower involved in water supply
Data validation
and final 1
Data collection 52
Chief Sanitary
Department involved
# Sector in data collection and Designation Role Number
Data validation
and final 1
Property tax
Data validation
and final 1
Data collection 47
Chief Sanitary
3 Sewage Inspector
Data validation
and final 1
Deputy Data validation
Engineer and approval
Department involved
# Sector in data collection and Designation Role Number
Data validation
and final 8
1. Dashboard of PCMC: All the data sets within dashboard shall be accessible to the concern
departments of PCMC for performance evaluation and monitoring of day to day duties.
2. Dashboard of Citizen: Among the data sets of the dashboard certain datasets shall be
accessible to the citizen, to make them aware regarding performance of the municipal
services and which can be helpful in the promotion of the participatory governance in the
long run ,by understanding the ground realities and can express them through grievance
redressal mechanism.
3. Use of heat map, bubble map etc. to display the mapping
4. Various color coding representing high performing indicators and below performing
as per the preset benchmark value (source define) of the municipal services.
5. Filtering and selection capabilities can be easily added to reports with common
action elements such as drop-down/combination boxes, check boxes and sliders
6. Application of data manipulation tools such as ranking, calculations, formulas and
display rules
7. Drill down functionality to source level data
8. Dynamic Search and to find data instantly
9. Geo-clustering and geo-querying capability to identify focus areas & areas that
require improvement instantaneously
10. Optimizing for printing and exporting to a digital document format such as Word,
Excel or PDF.
11. The application will be independent of Operating System, Browser and the database
12. The application will be open, interoperable, highly scalable and capable of delivering
high-performance in varied field conditions.
13. Component-based architecture to enable extensibility of features and functions.
14. Framework choice is based on various factors including scalability, easy to upgrade
15. Accessing the Dashboard in the BI Workspace - The BI tool workspace displays the
following tabs for working with a request:
• Criteria tab- This tab provides access to the columns selected for the request and
buttons to access the most common view types.
• Results tab - This tab allows you to work with the results of the request.
• Prompts tab - This tab allows you to create prompts to filter the request.
• Advanced tab - This tab allows advanced users to work with the XML and logical
SQL for the request.
16. Each tab contains on-screen information and buttons to help you create, access, and
manage requests. On each tab, you can pause your mouse over each button for a
description of what it does.
17. Drag-and-drop Interface: Makes it easy for you to quickly create the reports &
dashboards you need
18. Flexible Layout & Formatting: Design your dashboards to fit your desired page layout.
Add rich formatted text, logos and icons.
19. Interactive Dashboards: Drill down on reports, apply filters, visually highlight data
points and do much more.
20. Share & Embed: Easily share dashboards to colleagues or embed them in your
intranet, web applications, websites or blogs.
21. Integration: Integrated with other application like SCADA system, Building
permission approval system (Auto DCR), Solid Waste Management etc.
22. Export & Email: Export your dashboards in a variety of file formats including HTML.
Email them as attachments on need or schedule them.
• Data Update Frequency –The frequency of the data updating will vary with the
departments and the data sets. Dashboard data gets updated on a daily /monthly
or annual basis.
• Reports – The criteria for the reports would be decided by the Commissioner. The
SI needs to model and generate reports as per that. The reports should be
available for download for users in various formats (PDF/Excel).
• Filters & Customizing Reports – The Solution should have filters in the reports,
which could fetch customized search results. It should also facilitate predicative
analytics to enable decision making.
• Root cause Analysis – The Solution should be able to analyse cross departmental
performance and identify root causes of Failure.
2.11 Unique Smart Address
1. For all the properties where the data already exists, system will create the Digital Door
Numbers (DDN) which will be used for all types of communication with PCMC.
2. For the properties missing from the above step, conduct a field survey to assign DDNs.
This includes the slums, unauthorized constructions and unorganized areas of the City.
3. The digital Door Number will be critical entity for all types of communication from PCMC.
Whenever a citizen submits any application form, s/he has to provide DDN for properties.
4. The DDN should be integrated with other IT applications such as property tax
management system, Water billing and collection system, grievance management system
a. Attendance of All the employee (including PCMC Regular Staff, Daily Wagers,
sweepers & Contractual Persons), done through this Face Recognition machine
b. Leave Management of employee can be get from this software and integrated
with Payroll module.
c. Ability to provide automatic calculation of deductions / earnings based on leave,
bonus declaration, Home Loan, Computer loan , tax deductions, Quarter Rent -
HRR (person won’t be eligible for HRA), etc.
d. Support attendance entry from various sources such as direct entry, rule-based
and automatic (through biometric device /Face Recognition/ swipe card / smart
NOTE: To be integrated with Payroll and accounts module. Regular interval data transfer
mechanism to be frozen during SRS Phase.
a. Citizens can log complaint via Internet or call on Toll free number from anywhere,
no needs to travel.
b. Centralized system
c. Auto Escalation
d. Higher authority can view complaint online
e. SMS forwarded to PCMC employees for quick resolution
f. Citizens can view their complaint status online.
g. Registration of queries/Feedback/Complaints
h. Allocation of Complaints/Queries to the appropriate department/personnel
i. SMS Gateway Integration
j. Facility to Check Status
k. MIS Generation
3. Control and Command Center
p. Asset Management and Maintenance
q. Plotting of assets on GIS
5. Building Permission and Approval System
6. Tree Census
7. Hospital Management System
8. Some existing IT systems (Birth and Death Certificate etc.)
Note: API will be provided for any future integration. Facilitation of such API from other parties
would be taken care by PCMC
The selected vendor shall provide for single sign-on facility and keep the application software in
high availability mode meeting the requirements defined by the PCMC/PCSCL from time to time
based on functional, administrative or legislative priorities, perform any changes and upgrades
to applications as requested by the PCMC/PCSCL and required for achieving the project
Following is the broad scope for maintenance and support functions with regard to software.
Additional Licenses
1. In case of COTS products, PCMC/PCSCL will purchase only a subset of Licenses during the
implementation phase.
2. The selected vendor shall be responsible for supply of additional licenses for packaged
solution modules or user expansion capacity for developed applications. The selected
vendor is required to give a regular feedback to the PCMC/PCSCL on the overall usage of
the application software to understand the usage of the already procured licenses/user
base/load. Based on this usage statistics and as per project requirement, PCMC/PCSCL
will be free to purchase additional ERP Licenses from the bidder at the same unit rate
mentioned the Commercial Bid.
IT Infrastructure Management
The selected vendor would be responsible for managing all project IT Infrastructure and
maintain required service level to keep IT Infrastructure up and running.
Data Management
The selected vendor would be responsible for extending all possible support to the
PCMC/PCSCL staff for Data Management (like Data Entry Screens, Report Generation,
Data Analysis, Data Cleansing, etc.). Data could be in English as well as in Marathi. Data
should be Unicode compliant and should support Marathi Fonts.
Content Management
The selected vendor would be responsible for carrying out day to day content
management as per the requirement of PCMC/PCSCL for the entire project period.
Content Management scope would cover both PCMC/PCSCL’s intranet and internet based
web portal.
Compliance to SLA
The selected vendor shall ensure compliance to uptime and performance requirements
of Project solution as indicated in the SLA in the RFP and any upgrades/major changes to
the software shall be accordingly planned and implemented by the selected vendor at no
additional cost for ensuring the SLA requirements.
Application Software Maintenance
1. The selected vendor shall address all the errors/bugs/gaps in the functionality offered by
solution (vis-à-vis the FRS and SRS signed off for the Project) at no additional cost during
the operations and maintenance period.
2. For performing any functional changes to system that are deviating from the signed-off
Functional Requirements/System Requirements, a separate Change Request shall be
raised by the selected vendor and the changes in the software shall be implemented
accordingly. The time period for implementation of change shall be mutually decided
between the selected vendor and the PCMC/PCSCL.
3. The selected vendor has to carry out all change requests at no additional cost and no
additional efforts. However, all the changes need to documented and submitted to
PCMC/PCSCL for the future use.
Problem Identification and Resolution
1. Identification and resolution of application problems (e.g. system malfunctions,
performance problems and data corruption etc.) shall be part of the selected vendor’s
2. The selected vendor shall also be responsible to rectify the defects pointed out by the
Project Monitoring Body to be setup by the PCMC/PCSCL and carry out the enhancements
suggested by such body, as a result of the feedback, during the O&M period. This shall be
at no additional cost to the PCMC/PCSCL, in so far as the enhancements relate to items
of work falling within the purview of the defined Scope of Work for the selected vendor.
Software Change and Version Control
1. All planned changes to application systems shall be coordinated within established
Change Control processes to ensure that:
o Appropriate communication on change required has taken place
o Proper approvals have been received
o Schedules have been adjusted to minimize impact on the production environment
2. The selected vendor shall define the Software Change Management & Version Control
process and obtain approval for the same from the PCMC/PCSCL. For any changes to the
software, the selected vendor has to prepare detailed documentation including proposed
changes, impact to the system in terms of functional outcomes/additional features added
to the system etc. The selected vendor is required to obtain approval from the
PCMC/PCSCL for all the proposed changes before implementation of the same into
production environment and such documentation is subject to review at the end of each
quarter of operations and maintenance support.
3. In case of any upgrades in hardware, OS and system software, the selected vendor will
have to migrate the solution on new solution. All patches and/or upgrades which are
released by respective OEM for all supplied software must be carried out within 15 days,
so as to keep the entire software landscape for GIS Enabled ERP solution up-to-date.
4. All software changes may be suggested by PCMC/PCSCL or due internal process change
for vendor need to be strictly documented
Maintain Configuration Information
Maintain version control and configuration information for application software and any
system documentation.
Maintain System Documentation
Maintain and update documentation of the software system. Ensure that:
1. Source code is documented
2. Functional specifications are documented
3. Application documentation is updated to reflect on-going maintenance and
enhancements including FRS and SRS
4. User manuals and training manuals are updated to reflect on-going
5. Standard practices are adopted and followed for version control and management
5. The selected vendor must ensure that the minimum number of personnel proposed
in the RFP is available. However, the selected vendor is expected to provide
information on the different levels of resources proposed for the project. The selected
vendor is expected to estimate the requirements of resources considering the
requirements provided in this tender and to implement it successfully. In case to
expedite the implementation process or to support during deployment phase, vendor
has to deploy additional resource at no cost.
6. It may also be noted that the selected vendor shall be required to deploy separate
teams for Project Management, Design & Deployment and Operations &
Maintenance, the details of which have to be provided by the selected vendor in the
7. All the concerned staff shall log attendance on a daily basis at their respective
reporting location. In case of requirement of leave, the concerned staff shall seek the
permission of Department of IT or the nominated authority. All concerned staff may
be required to work beyond working/office hours of PCMC/PCSCL & the bidder and
on holidays too, in case there is such need.
8. For all resources (i.e. employees) which are deployed on this project by the selected
bidder, the salaries of such employees must be paid to their savings bank account (i.e.
electronic disbursal of salary). The bidder has to submit such declaration signed by
CFO (or equivalent) of the parent organization of the employee if demanded by
9. Bidder/SI shall bring all the required IT and Non- IT infrastructure for undertaking this
activity. PCSCL shall only provide electricity, furniture and sitting space
10. The responsibilities and qualification requirements for the mandatory resource
personnel are specified below and must be met by the selected vendor:
Location during
No of manpower
# Role Implementation
1 Project Manager 1 Onsite, Full time
Location during
No of manpower
# Role Implementation
7 GIS Developer## 5 Onsite, Full time
2.17 Capacity Building and Training
1. Selected vendor should impart end user training to PCMC/PCSCL users on solutions being
rolled out phase wise to allow end users to effectively and efficiently use the application
system to support business processes. Selected vendor should provide solution specific
training manual for the training sessions.
2. Selected vendor should impart training to different users as stipulated below on usage
and implementation of the features of the proposed products. Selected vendor should
provide Training Manuals covering product features specific to PCMC/PCSCL
3. Selected vendor should update the Training Manuals, Procedures Manual,
Deployment/Installation Guides etc. to reflect the latest changes to the solutions
4. All training manuals shall be prepared in English and Marathi.
5. Selected vendor should ensure necessary environment setup, data creation to conduct
end user training.
6. PCMC/PCSCL shall provide the necessary infrastructure such as training classrooms to
conduct the end user training.
7. Based on the identified education and training needs, selected vendor should provide
efficient delivery mechanisms and trainers. Selected vendor should appoint trainers and
organize training sessions on a timely basis and ensure that the attendance and
performance evaluations are recorded.
8. The Vendor should also facilitate training to new joinee, promoted employees,
transferred employees etc.
9. Selected vendor would be required to provide training videos/Computer Based Training
(CBT) material to PCMC/PCSCL which may later be used by PCMC/PCSCL to train other
trainees on its own.
10. Performance of selected vendor during these trainings should be assessed based on the
trainee feedback collected for each training course. Selected vendor should design the
trainee feedback template in consultation with PCMC/PCSCL. Selected vendor should
provide, collect and collate the trainee feedback and submit the Trainee Feedback Report
to PCMC/PCSCL. Individual trainee feedback should also be submitted as part of this
11. The trainers imparting the training should be well versed in Marathi and English language.
12. Training shall also be provided for teaching the basic trouble shooting activities in case of
13. The location of the training sessions shall be decided by PCMC/PCSCL after discussions
with the selected vendor.
14. Selected vendor will design different training curriculum for different Grades of
employees. The training for Grade 1 employees needs to be more business focused,
training material for Grade 2 should be more functional and for Grade 3. The tentative
batch sizes would be as follows:
# Grade No of Employees per batch
1 Grade 1 and Grade 2 25
2 Grade 3 50
15. The SI should make sure of necessary arrangements to provide trainings to users during
O&M phase as well. This is necessary due to continuously transfer of manpower amongst
16. The SI should arrange refreshers training of all modules at least once in a quarter for
complete project duration.
17. Once users start using ERP, GIS and Workflow Management System, they may face isses
while handling these system during initial days. In order to address users queries, the SI
shall setup helpdesk.
• Requirements Change Management
o Change Request Log
o Impact Analysis including changes in effort and schedule
• End User Support
o Defect/Bugs Log with Resolution
o Consolidated List of Common Errors and their Resolution
• Release Plan and Release Note
2 Every incident runs through a set of standardized activities and procedures, in order to
ensure effective and efficient processing.
3 Every incident is categorized and prioritized regarding its (potential) impact and urgency,
in order to schedule its resolution in a business-oriented way.
Functional and hierarchical escalation procedures shall be in place in order to ensure that
4 each incident is investigated by qualified members of staff, either by internal or external
5 Record shall be maintained for analytics on request raised, time to solve them etc.
2.21 Change Management
A well-defined and controlled process leads to the effective handling of these changes. Change
Management is triggered every time a request for change is received from stakeholders who
make such requests. Each requested change is classified by determining its priority and impact,
and afterwards the responsible change authority decides on the approval or dismissal of the
change. Change Management coordinates the incidental tasks in the context of change building,
testing and release. For this purpose, close collaboration between Change Management and
Project, as well as Release Management, is critical for the success of this process. The selected
vendor must follow ITIL/ISO 20000 change management process for duration of the contract.
# Processes to be followed to deliver services
1 Every change and all required data is recorded.
Every change runs through a set of standardized activities and procedures in order to
ensure effective and efficient processing.
Every change with a risk to normal service operation is carefully assessed and sufficiently
3 tested to avoid service disruption or degradation of service quality, in particular in terms of
SLA deviations.
All change request shall be documented and submitted to the concerned department after
their approval
5 Every implemented change is documented and reviewed.
The SI shall setup the helpdesk to resolve the queries raised by users and help them to get hands
on the IT applications.
o Reactive Problem Management analyses the issued reasons for incidents and develops
proposals on avoiding of those reasons.
o Preventive Problem Management supports the prevention of incidents before they occur
and before they can become a major incident. This is achieved by analyzing IT services for
their weak points and providing proposals to remove those weaknesses.
Moreover, Problem Management performs continuous quality improvement of IT infrastructure
by preventing Incidents, locate, record, track and solve structural defects, Develop a “Knowledge
Database”, Submits a Request for Change (RFC) to improve the IT infrastructure. The purpose of
Problem Management is to establish standardized procedures which will analyze IT-services on
their possible weaknesses in their delivery of defined SLAs and analyze incidents that might
develop into major issues for the defined IT-services.
2.26 Project Timelines and payment milestones
% of Total
Timeline Project cost
Activity Distribution Combined
(Weeks) excluding license
T+4 0.00%
As-is process and Gap Analysis
Preparation of 1.00%
T+16 Report 2.00%
BPR document
To-be process documentation 1.00%
Financial Management
Human Resources
Management System
Asset Management System 0.25%
Procurement Management
Inventory Management
Program/ Project
FRS and SRS 0.25%
T+28 Management System 3.25%
Digital Workflow
Management System
GIS Portal 0.25%
Property Tax Management
Water Billing and collection
management system
Citizen Services 0.25%
Internal Administration 0.25%
Service Level Benchmarking 0.25%
Submission of
various Survey
details(Door to
Door, Property
etc.) for one
T+20 0.40% 0.40%
property tax
Submission of
Base Map for
% of Total
Timeline Project cost
Activity Distribution Combined
(Weeks) excluding license
one complete
Checking of
details of
survey by
Inspectors and
T+24 0.60% 0.60%
rectification of
errors if any
Verification of
Base Map for
one complete
IT Architecture
Architecture, T+32 1.00% 1.00%
Diagrams etc.)
Core Module 1.00%
Data Migration T+40 2.00%
Non-core modules 1.00%
Core Module
Development Non-core modules
of Software T+52 Work flow management 0.00%
Modules GIS Portal
Service Level Benchmarking
Completion of Property Tax Zone-2 1.20%
Survey (Door Property Tax Zone-3 1.20%
to Door,LiDAR Property Tax Zone-4 1.20%
or equivalent
Property Tax Zone-5 1.20%
to LiDAR) for T+52 18.00%
remaining Property Tax Zone-6 1.20%
wards as per Property Tax Zone-7 1.20%
zones (0.2 % Property Tax Zone-8 1.20%
upon Property Tax Zone-9 1.20%
% of Total
Timeline Project cost
Activity Distribution Combined
(Weeks) excluding license
submission of Property Tax Zone-10 1.20%
survey details Property Tax Zone-11 1.20%
1.0% Upon
Property Tax Zone-12 1.20%
checking by
Concerned Property Tax Zone-13 1.20%
Officer and Property Tax Zone-14 1.20%
rectification of Property Tax Zone-15 1.20%
errors if any
for each
property tax Property Tax Zone-16 1.20%
Core Module (0.2% for 6 core
sub module each)
Non-core modules (0.04% for
25 noncore sub modules 1.00%
UAT T+60 each) 3.20%
Work flow management 0.50%
GIS Portal 0.20%
Service Level Benchmarking 0.30%
Final Base Map
T+56 1.25% 1.25%
Data migration
and publishing
on Web GIS T+60 1.25% 1.25%
Portal, UAT of
(Core, Non- T+70 0.00% 0.00%
core, Work
GIS Portal,SLB)
UAT of
modules (Core,
Non-core, T+74 2.30% 2.30%
Work flow
GIS Portal,SLB)
% of Total
Timeline Project cost
Activity Distribution Combined
(Weeks) excluding license
T+78 0.30% 0.30%
and Security
Financial Management
Human Resources
Management System
Asset Management System 0.15%
Procurement Management
Inventory Management
Program/ Project
End User 0.15%
T+90 Management System 2.65%
Digital Workflow
Management System
GIS Portal 0.15%
Property Tax Management
Water Billing and collection
management system
Citizen Services 0.50%
Internal Administration 0.50%
Service Level Benchmarking 0.15%
Financial Management
Human Resources
Management System
Asset Management System 1.50%
Procurement Management
Go-Live T+94 17.80%
Inventory Management
Program/ Project
Management System
Digital Workflow
Management System
GIS Portal 1.20%
% of Total
Timeline Project cost
Activity Distribution Combined
(Weeks) excluding license
Property Tax Management
Water Billing and collection
management system
Citizen Services (0.1% for
each Citizen service sub 1.30%
module as defined in RFP)
Internal Administration
(0.15% for each Citizen
service sub module as
defined in RFP)
Service Level Benchmarking 1.00%
Hand Holding
T+118 4.00% 4.00%
1. T= Letter of Intent or Work order date whichever is earlier
2. In case of License cost, amount will be paid as per consumption of licenses within 45 days of receipt
of invoice.
3. The 4% of the total project cost will be paid in equal parts in two quarters of hand holding support
4. The Operations and Maintenance cost will be paid quarterly in equal parts over O&M period after
submission of satisfactory reports showing compliant to SLAs.
b. Handholding Support: Application Support Service Levels
2.27.2 Definitions
1. 19x7 shall mean hours between 5AM – 11 PM on all working days excluding Public
Holidays or any other Holidays observed by PCMC/PCSCL.
2. “Scheduled Maintenance Time” shall mean the time that the System is not in service due
to a scheduled activity as defined in this SLA. The scheduled maintenance time would not
be during 19x7 timeframe. Further, scheduled maintenance time is planned downtime
with the prior permission of PCSCL.
3. “Scheduled operation time” means the scheduled operating hours of the System for the
month. All scheduled maintenance time on the system would be deducted from the total
operation time for the month to give the scheduled operation time. The total operation
time for the systems and applications within the Primary Data Centre and Data Recovery
Centre will be 24x7x365. The total operation time for the client site systems shall be the
business hours of PCMC/PCSCL.
4. “System or Application downtime” means accumulated time during which the System is
totally inoperable within the Scheduled Operation Time but outside the scheduled
maintenance time and measured from the time PCMC/PCSCL and/or its employees log a
call with the Bidder team of the failure or the failure is known to the Bidder from the
availability measurement tools to the time when the System is returned to proper
5. “Availability” means the time for which the services and facilities are available for
conducting operations on the GIS Enabled ERP system including application and
associated infrastructure.
Availability is defined as:
{(Scheduled Operation Time – System Downtime) / (Scheduled Operation Time)} * 100%
6. “Incident” refers to any event / abnormalities in the functioning of the any of IT
Equipment / Services that may lead to disruption in normal operations of the Data Centre,
System or Application services.
7. The business hours are 10:00AM to 6.00 PM on all working days. The Bidder however
recognizes the fact that PCMC/PCSCL offices may require to work beyond the business
hours on need basis. The business hours may change as per guidelines of state/Central
8. "Non-Business Hours" shall mean hours excluding “Business Hours”.
2.27.3 Applicability
The SLAs are binding to the sole bidder or each of the members of the consortium, in case of
2.27.4 Penalties
9 Event of default and termination as per RFP terms and conditions
8 5.0%
7 4.0%
6 2.0%
5 1.0%
4 0.5%
3 0.4%
2 0.3%
1 0.2%
0 No Penalty
1. Performance Penalty for not meeting a measurement parameter for any two months in
consecutive quarters shall result in twice the penalty percentage of that respective
measurement parameter in the third quarter for all the three months
2. Maximum Penalty applicable for any quarter shall not exceed 30% of the ‘applicable fees’
for the respective quarter.
3. Three consecutive quarterly deductions of 30% of the applicable fee on account of any
reasons shall be deemed to be an event of default and shall be treated as per the RFP
2.27.5 Implementation Phase performance levels
1. The service levels to be established for the Services offered by the Successful Bidder/SI to
PCSCL. The Successful Bidder/SI shall monitor and maintain the stated service levels to
provide quality service to PCSCL.
2. The SLAs may be reviewed on quarterly basis as PCSCL decides after taking the advice of
the Successful Bidder/SI and other agencies. All changes shall be made by PCSCL in
consultation with the Successful Bidder/SI.
The framework for Penalties, as a result of not meeting the Service Level Agreement Targets is
as follows:
1. A quarterly performance evaluation will be conducted using the Quarterly report of that
2. The performance of the System will be measured for each of the defined service level
metric against the minimum service level requirement or the target service level
requirement, as the case may be and the violations will be calculated accordingly.
3. The number of violations in the reporting period for each level of severity will be totaled
and used for the calculation of Penalties.
4. Penalties applicable for each of the high severity (H) violations are one (1) % of
respective Quarterly payment to the Bidder.
5. Penalties applicable for each of the medium severity (M) violations is half percentage
(0.5%) of respective Quarterly payment to the Bidder.
6. Penalties applicable for each of the low severity (L) violations are Quarter percentage
(0.25%) of respective Quarterly payment to the Bidder.
7. Penalties applicable for not meeting a high (H) severity performance target in two
consecutive Quarters on same criteria shall result in additional deduction of 3% of the
respective Quarterly payment to the Bidder. Penalty shall be applicable separately for
each such high critical activity
8. Penalties applicable for not meeting a medium (M) severity performance target in two
consecutive Quarterly periods on same criteria shall result in additional deduction of 2%
of the respective Quarterly payment to the Bidder. Penalty shall be applicable separately
for each such medium critical activity
9. Penalties applicable for not meeting a low (L) severity performance target in two
consecutive Quarterly periods on same criteria shall result in additional deduction of 1%
of the respective Quarterly payment to the Bidder. Penalty shall be applicable separately
for each such medium critical activity
10. It is to be noted that if the overall penalty applicable for any of the review period during
the contract exceeds 25% of the quarterly payment or if the overall penalty applicable for
any of the successive Quarterly periods during the contract is above 15%; then PCSCL shall
have the right to en cash the Performance Bank Guarantee or terminate the contract or
2.27.7 Application Performance SLA
The table below gives details of the Service Levels the Bidder should maintain.
Sr. Service Level Severity of
No. Description Violation
1 Average Application Response Time during peak usage
hours as measured at any of the locations shall not
exceed 3 seconds.
The list of critical business functions and peak usage
hours will be identified by PCSCL/PCMC during the
Detail Design phase.
This service level will be measured on a quarterly basis.
Average Application No. of violations to be
Average Response Time over counted for calculation
Application Medium the Quarter of penalty
Response > 3 sec & <= 5 sec 2
> 5 sec & <= 8 sec 4
> 8 sec 5 for every second
increase or part thereof
exceeding 8 seconds
In addition to the above, if the average application
response time in any month in the Quarter goes beyond
8s, one (1) additional violation will be added for each
such month to the overall violations for this service
level in the quarter.
2 Maximum Low Maximum Time for Home Page opening during peak
Time for usage as measured at any of location shall not exceed
Home Page 2 seconds.
opening This service level will be measured on a quarterly
Sr. Service Level Severity of
No. Description Violation
> 2 sec & <= 4 sec 2
> 4 sec & <= 6 sec 3
4 for every second
> 6 sec increase or part thereof
exceeding 6 seconds
In addition to the above, if the Maximum Time for
Home Page opening in any month in the Quarter goes
beyond 6s, one (1) additional violation will be added
for each such month to the overall violations for this
service level in the quarter.
Sr. Service Level Severity of
No. Description Violation
4 Menu Page Low Menu Page after User Login opening during peak
after User usage as measured at any of location shall not exceed
Login 2 seconds.
This service level will be measured on a quarterly
Sr. Service Level Severity of
No. Description Violation
In addition to the above, if the Menu Navigation – To
display the menu as per the defined user role and
profile opening in any month in the Quarter goes
beyond 6s, one (1) additional violation will be added
for each such month to the overall violations for this
service level in the quarter.
6 Map High Map Navigation – Time taken to display the map area
Navigation- chosen during navigation with all visible layers and in
Time taken in the desired scale during peak usage as measured at
map rendering any of location shall not exceed 2 seconds.
with all visible
This service level will be measured on a quarterly
layers (with basis.
dependency) Map Navigation- Time No. of violations to
on using taken in map rendering be counted for
navigation with all visible layers calculation of
tools. (with scale dependency) penalty
on using navigation tools.
> 2 sec & <= 4 sec 2
> 4 sec & <= 6 sec 3
> 6 sec 4 for every second
increase or part
thereof exceeding 6
In addition to the above, Map Navigation – to display
the map area chosen during navigation with all visible
layers and in the desired scale in any month in the
Quarter goes beyond 6s, one (1) additional violation
will be added for each such month to the overall
violations for this service level in the quarter.
7 Screen Low Screen Navigation - Time taken to navigate from one
Navigation – screen (tab page) to another which does not involve
Time taken to processing in earlier screen during peak usage as
navigate from measured at any of location shall not exceed 2 seconds.
one screen This service level will be measured on a quarterly
(tab page) to basis.
another which
does not
Sr. Service Level Severity of
No. Description Violation
Screen Navigation – Time No. of violations to
processing in
taken to navigate from be counted for
earlier screen
one screen (tab page) to calculation of
another which does not penalty
involve processing in
earlier screen
> 2 sec & <= 4 sec 2
> 4 sec & <= 6 sec 3
> 6 sec 4 for every second
increase or part
thereof exceeding 6
In addition to the above, Screen Navigation – time
taken to navigate from one screen (tab page) to
another in any month in the Quarter goes beyond 6s,
one (1) additional violation will be added for each such
month to the overall violations for this service level in
the quarter.
Sr. Service Level Severity of
No. Description Violation
Quarter goes beyond 14s, one (1) additional violation
will be added for each such month to the overall
violations for this service level in the quarter.
9 Response time High Response time for Screen with Query Retrieval during
for Screen peak usage as measured at any of location shall not
with Query exceed 4 seconds for Simple Query, 7 seconds for
Retrieval Medium Complexity Query and 10 seconds for High
Complexity Query.
• Simple
Query This service level will be measured on a quarterly
• Medium
Complexity Penalty for Simple Query SLA violation
Response time for Screen No. of violations to
• High
with Query Retrieval for be counted for
a Simple Query over the calculation of
Quarter penalty
> 4 sec & <= 6 sec 2
(Complexity of
> 6 sec & <= 8 sec 3
the query will
depend on the > 8 sec 4 for every second
business logic, increase or part
size of tables thereof exceeding 8
in databases seconds
being In addition to the above, Response time for Screen
searched, with Query Retrieval for Simple Query in any month in
indexing of the Quarter goes beyond 8s, one (1) additional
database and violation will be added for each such month to the
the way overall violations for this service level in the quarter.
are written to Penalty for Medium Complexity Query SLA violation
information) Response time for Screen No. of violations to
with Query Retrieval for be counted for
a Medium level calculation of
transaction over the penalty
> 7 sec & <= 9 sec 2
> 9 sec & <= 11 sec 3
Sr. Service Level Severity of
No. Description Violation
> 11 sec 4 for every second
increase or part
thereof exceeding 11
In addition to the above, Response time for Screen
with Query Retrieval for Medium Complexity Query in
any month in the Quarter goes beyond 11s, one (1)
additional violation will be added for each such month
to the overall violations for this service level in the
Penalty for High Complexity Query SLA violation
Sr. Service Level Severity of
No. Description Violation
• High
Report Generation No. of violations to
Response time from a be counted for
Simple Query over the calculation of
(Time of the Quarter penalty
> 4 sec & <= 6 sec 2
generation will
depend on the > 6 sec & <= 8 sec 3
complexity of > 8 sec 4 for every second
the query, no. increase or part
of parameters thereof exceeding 8
fetched, and seconds
level of
customization In addition to the above, Response time to generate a
required to report from a Simple report in any month in the
generate the Quarter goes beyond 8s, one (1) additional violation
report) will be added for each such month to the overall
violations for this service level in the quarter.
Penalty for Medium Complexity report SLA violation
Sr. Service Level Severity of
No. Description Violation
High Complexity Query calculation of
over the Quarter penalty
2.27.8 Handholding Support: Application Support
This service level will be monitored on a monthly basis.
# Defect Definition
Level 3 The failure to fix has no direct impact on PCMC’s/PCSCL’s ability to serve its
Defects citizens, user units, or perform critical functions.
The below tables gives details on the Service Levels the Bidder should maintain.
Service Level Severity of
Description Violation
Application High 95% of the Level 1 defects shall be resolved within 4 business
Support hours from the time of reporting full details. This service
Performance level will be monitored on a monthly basis.
Violations for
Performance over the Quarter
calculation of penalty
< 95% &>= 90% 1
< 90% &>= 85% 2
< 85% 3
In addition to the above, if the service level in any month in
the Quarter falls below 85%, one (1) additional violation
will be added for each such month to the overall
violations for this service level.
Application High 95% of the Level 2 defects shall be resolved within 72 hours
Support from the time of reporting full details.
Performance This service level will be monitored on a monthly basis.
Violations for
Performance over the Quarter
calculation of penalty
< 95% &>= 90% 1
< 90% &>= 85% 2
< 85% 3
In addition to the above, if the service level in any month in
the Quarter falls below 85%, one (1) additional violation
Service Level Severity of
Description Violation
will be added for each such month to the overall
violations for this service level.
Application High 100% of the Level 3 defects shall be resolved within 120
Support hours from the time of reporting full details.
Performance This service level will be monitored on a monthly basis.
Violations for
Performance over the Quarter
calculation of penalty
< 100% &>= 90% 1
< 90% &>= 80% 2
< 80% 3
2.28 Hardware
Memory 1.5TB DIMMS scalable to at least up to 4.5 TB, using 128GB DDR4
Load Reduced DIMM (LRDIMM) memory modules. Should be
Category Minimum Requirement Specifications
Advanced ECC
Memory mirroring
Memory online spare mode
Hard Drive 4 x 3.2TB Hot plug Mixed Use SFF SSD drives or better
Storage Integrated PCIe 3.0 based 12G SAS Raid Controller with RAID 0, 1
Controller with 1GB of Flash backed write cache onboard
2 x Dual Port 20GbE Converged Network Adaptor
2.28.2 Application Server Application server quantity
# Server Nos.#
The distribution provided in the table may change as per the need of the solution Application server Specification
Category Minimum Requirement Specifications
512 GB DIMMS scalable to at least up to 1.5 TB, using DDR4 Load Reduced
Memory DIMM (LRDIMM) memory modules. Should be capable of identifying and
reporting whether genuine OEM memory is installed for system reliability
Advanced ECC
Memory mirroring
Memory online spare mode
Hard Drive 2 x 900 GB Hot plug 12G SAS SFF hard drives 15K RPM or better
Storage Integrated PCIe 3.0 based 12G SAS Raid Controller with RAID 0, 1 with
Controller 1GB of Flash backed write cache onboard
Dual Port 20GbE Converged Network Adaptor
Category Minimum Requirement Specifications
Should be provided with 16 Gbps Dual port Fiber Channel HBA. If the
Blade Server
bidder is proposing FCoE connectivity, then bidder needs to provide 2 X
Connectivity to
20G FCoE HBA/ports in place of Dual-port 16Gbps FC HBA over and above
Dual port 20GbE Converged Network Adaptor
6. The proposed backup solution must support standalone tape drive and should not be
license feature.
7. The proposed Backup Solution supports the capability to write up to 32 data streams to a
single tape device or multiple tape devices in parallel from multiple clients to leverage the
throughput of the Drives using Multiplexing technology.
8. The proposed backup solution should allow creating tape clone facility after the backup
process which can have different retention policy than first backup set.
9. The proposed Backup Solution has in-built calendar based scheduling system and
supports Clustering the Backup Server on Windows, Linux and UNIX.
10. The backup software must use an open format (TAR) for writing backup data to tapes, so
that native OS tools can also be used to recover in case the backup application is not
available. It will also allow the data backup from one Unix platform to be restored on
another platform.
11. The proposed Backup Solution has in-built media management and supports cross
platform Device & Media sharing in SAN environment. It provides a centralized scratched
pool thus ensuring backups never fail for media.
12. Backup software must support open file backup for Windows & Linux/Unix environment.
13. Backup Software is able to rebuild the Backup Database/Catalog from tapes in the event
of catalog loss/corruption.
14. The proposed Backup Solution must support online backup for different type of
databases; including Informix, DB2, Oracle, MS SQL, Sybase etc.
15. Backup solution should support Block level incremental backup of database.
16. The backup solution must provide file backup, Bare Metal restore, deduplication,
encryption, database online backup, etc with single agent. Multiple agents/clients should
not be installed in server to achieve above features.
17. The Proposed backup solution shall provide granularity of single file restore.
18. The Proposed backup solution shall be designed in such a fashion so that every
client/server in a SAN can share the robotic.
19. Backup solution must support LAN free backups of clients by using the client footprint.
There should not be any need of installing or configuring clients as Media servers/ Storage
Server on the client which takes more server resources for backups.
20. Backup Solution shall be able to copy data across firewall.
21. The Proposed Appliance must support backup of all the databases (Proprietary databases
such as SAP, Oracle etc. and open source databases such as PostgreSQL etc.)
22. Backup Solution shall support automatic skipping of backup during holidays.
23. Backup solution must have option of immediate recovery/restoration of Virtual machine
directly from backed up disk destination.
24. Backup solution must have integration with Vcentre for virtual machine backup reporting.
25. Backup software must support single pass backup in vSphere; it means single backup
should be sufficient to restore the whole VMDK image or single file.
26. Backup Solution must support fast/accelerate backup where unchanged blocks should
not be scanned in both virtual environment (ESX) and physical environment running
heterogeneous platform (Linux & Windows) for flat file backup.
27. Backup solution must have inbuilt data replication feature independent of hardware for
creating multiple copy at different locations with different retention.
28. Backup solution must have deduplication feature which can be used with any supported
disk hardware.
29. Backup solution must support client, media and target level deduplication. Client
deduplication must have database intelligence on MS SQL, Oracle, DB2 and furthermore
on all databases as per OEM backup supportability guide
30. Bakup solution should not have any special disk (SSD) requirement for Deduplication
31. Backup solution must have integration with System Center Virtual Machine Manager
(SCVMM) for Hyper-V virtual machine recovery.
32. Proposed backup solution must support ESX backup in non windows environment, even
without the need of windows backup server. There should not be any limitation from
media server on supporting number of ESX/virtual guest host per media server
33. Backup software must have inbuilt backup image replication feature for creating multiple
copy at different locations for DC-DR requirements and should be configurable through
single parent policy.
34. Backup solution must have network resilience feature with WAN optimization; which can
be used for remote site backup in case of low bandwidth. It should not be at extra cost
and must be without the need of specific vendor hardware
35. Backup software must have fast backup option to reduce backup window in virtual & non
virtual environment. It should not be at additional cost and support all major platforms
like Windows, Linux & Unix.
36. Backup solution to support Bare Metal Restore to help P2P, P2V, V2V conversion.
37. Instant VM recovery to reduce downtime in case of failed VM restoration from Backup.
38. Single patch upgrade for backup software, backup appliance, file system, security updates
39. Backup solution to support Cloud storage as Backup Target. Viz Amezon S3, Google
40. Backup solution to leverage OST (Open Storage Technology) supported storage features
during backup.
41. It should support intelligent policy for VMWARE and HyperV VMs (Discovery and Load
42. The solution should be supplied with 3 year warranty and 4 year maintenance.
43. All the Bidders need to provide perpetual Capacity Based Licenses only. The appliance
capacity shall be 53 TB with backup capacity license for 10 TB.
Technical Specifications of the Appliance
# Specifications
Should be able to backup open files on Windows and other OS platforms like RHEL,
1. SUSE Linux, AIX, Solaris & HP-UX
Central administration console must be available through JAVA and it should also
3. have utility to connect from desktop/laptop.
Appliance Backup software must perform Flat file backup, database backup, Bare
Metal Restore, Encryption, deduplication etc with single agent. There should not be
7. requirement of multiple agents installation on production machines.
The proposed single appliance must have disk backup in both Dedupe form and in
8. advance disk (without dedupe) for fast restoration.
9. The backup Software should have support for 256 Bit AES Encryption.
The backup software should support full integration to virtual environment like
VMWare, Microsoft HyperV etc. for the backup and recovery of full virtual machines
10. and the individual files and folders inside them.
Proposed Appliance should be Linux based Operating system and must have
12. security component i.e. Host Intrusion prevention System for data security.
# Specifications
Proposed appliance and backup software should be from same vendor. Appliance
Hardware components, Operating system and backup solution must support by
single vendor to avoid multi vendor ownership which results in to daily challenges in
14. later stage.
The backup software should support synthesizing new full backups without the
need of taking any full backup from clients, with the help of old full backups and
15. incremental backup images.
The backup software must have integrated advanced backup technologies i.e.
deduplication and tape archiving. Dedupelication should work with SAS, SATA and
nearline SATA. There should not be any dependency of SSD for dedupe backups (in
16. terms of performance)
The Proposed Appliance should support wide range of hardware to connect third
17. party hardware in terms of Tape Drive, VTL if required.
The proposed Appliance should have dual intel xeon six core processor or better
18. with compatible intel chipset.
The proposed appliance hardware & software (Operating System and backup
software) upgrade and patches must be from single Box OEM to avoid multi OEM
20. management challenges.
The proposed backup solution must have hardware configuration i)4 x 1 Gigabit
ethernet ports ii) 2 * 10 GB port iii) 10 * 8 GB FC iv) Expandable to 140 TB v) 64 GB
21. RAM minimum vi) Two cpu each 6 core minimum
The proposed Appliance should have Operating System disk in mirroring and data
22. disk on Raid 6 with Hot spare.
Proposed appliance must have expandable option by adding head & disk unit to 228
TB usable space without the need of Deduplication license if front end data size is
not changed. Additional disk space will be utilized for multiple copy with long
23. retention.
The Proposed Appliance must support backup of all the databases (Proprietary
databases such as SAP, Oracle etc. and open source databases such as PostgreSQL
24. etc.)
# Specifications
Proposed backup solution must support ESX backup without the need of any
windows environment or backup server. There should not be any limitation of
25. supporting number of ESX server and guest host machines per media server.
Proposed Appliance Backup software must have inbuilt backup image replication
feature for creating multiple copy at different locations with different retention.
There should not be any dedupe license requirement on hardware and software for
26. keeping multiple copy in multiple location.
Proposed Backup solution should support instant recovery (directly through backed
27. up images) of virtual machines.
28. Appliance should have WAN Optimization feature for remote backup and replication.
29. Solution should support Global Deduplication (Client side, Media Server and Target)
Single patch upgrade for backup software, backup appliance, file system, security
30. updates
31. The Hardware appliance and the software must be from the same OEM
3 Annexures
3.1 Annexure-1: Details of layers in Base map
# Layer Attribute Data Remark
ID, Name, Area in Square
1. State Boundary Polygon
ID, Name, Area in Square
2. District Boundary Polygon
Tehsil / Mandal / ID, Name, Area in Square
3. Polygon
Block Boundary Meter
ID, Village Name, Area in
4. Village Boundary Polygon
Square Meter
Municipal ID, Name, Area in Square
5. Polygon
Boundary Meter
ID, Name, Zone Number,
6. Zone Boundary Polygon Zone Name, Area in Square
ID, Name, Ward Number,
Ward Name, Zone Number,
7. Ward Boundary Polygon
Zone Name, Area in Square
ID, Name, Area in Square
8. PMRDA Boundary Polygon
ID, Gut Number, State
Code, District Code, Sub
District Code, Sub District
Census Gut
9. Polygon Name, Ward Number,
Ward Name, Zone Number,
Zone Name, Area in Square
ID, Name, Type, Zone Notified Slum
10. Slum Boundary Polygon Number, Zone Name, Area Non- notified Slum
in Square Meter Squatter
11. Grids Polygon ID, Grid Number 1000m x 1000m
ID, Grid Number, Sub Grid 500m x 500m,
12. Sub Grids Polygon
Number 250m x 250m
ID, Name, Area in Square
13. Forest Boundary Polygon
# Layer Attribute Data Remark
Road/Rail Level –
Road ID, Type, Road 0, 1, 2, 3
Median (Yes/No), 0=Ground
Construction Material, Road 1=Above Ground
Name, Road Number,
14. Road Centerline Line ownership of Road, number Direction-one
of Lane, Road/Rail Level, Way/Both way
Bridges, Fly Over, Culvert,
Tunnel, Direction, Width in For Type and Sub
m (ROW), Length in m, Type refer Table
ID, Road Name, Road
15. National Highway Polygon
ID, Road Name, Road
16. State Highway Polygon
Major District ID, Road Name, Road
17. Polygon
Road Number
Other District ID, Road Name, Road
18. Polygon
Road Number
ID, Road Name, Road
19. Expressway Polygon
ID, Road Name, Road
20. Bypass Polygon
ID, Road Name, Road
21. Ring Road Polygon
ID, Road Name, Road
22. Service Road Polygon
ID, Road Name, Road
23. Major City Road Polygon
ID, Road Name, Road
24. Minor City Road Polygon
ID, Road Name, Road
25. Other Public Road Polygon
Other Private ID, Road Name, Road
26. Polygon
Road Number
ID, Road Name, Road
27. BRTS Polygon
ID, Road ID, Road Name,
28. Cycle Track Polygon
Road Number, Height
Village ID, Road Name, Road
29. Polygon
road/Other Road Number
# Layer Attribute Data Remark
ID, Type, Road ID, Road
Name, Road Number,
30. Foot path Polygon Paved, Unpaved
Construction Material,
Width, Height
Carriageway ID, Road Name, Road
31. Polygon
Divider Number, Width, Height
ID, Type, Road Name, Road
32. Culvert Line Road, Rail, Other
ID, Type, Tunnel Name,
33. Tunnel Polygon Road Name, Road Number, Road, Rail, Utilities
Width, Length
Bridge across
river, Over Bridge,
ID, Type, Bridge Name,
Under Pass, Road
Road/Rail ID, Road Name,
34. Bridge Polygon Bridge across Rail,
Road Number, Width,
Subway, Rope
# Layer Attribute Data Remark
ID, Type, Name of the
Overhead Tank,
43. Tank Polygon Waterbody, Area in Square
On Ground
44. Drainage Line ID, Length,
# Layer Attribute Data Remark
Elevation model
& Elevation
58. Raster -
# Layer Attribute Data Remark
Diameter/ length & Width,
Ward Number, Zone
Number, Locality
ID, Type, Road Name, Road
ID, Length, width, Ward
66. Hoardings Point
Number, Zone Number,
ID, Type, Road Name, Road
67. Traffic Sign Point ID, Ward Number, Zone
Number, Locality, Height
ID, Type, Road Name, Road
68. Railing Line ID, Length, Ward Number,
Zone Number, Locality
ID, Type, Road Name, Road
ID, Length, width, Height
69. Gantry Sign Point
From Road, Ward Number,
Zone Number, Locality
ID, Type, Road Name, Road
ID, Length, Height, Ward
70. Kerbing Line
Number, Zone Number,
ID, Type, Road, Bus Stop
number, Bus Stop Name,
71. Bus Stops Point
Road ID, Ward Number,
Zone Number, Locality
ID, Road Name, Road ID,
72. Electrical Lamps Point Ward Number, Zone
Number, Locality
ID, Road Name, Ownership,
73. Fire hydrants Point , Road ID, Ward Number,
Zone Number, Locality
Pre Primary
ID, Type, Name, Ownership,
School, Primary
74. School Point , Ward Number, Zone
School, Secondary
Number, Locality
Art College,
ID, Type, Name, Ownership,
Science College,
75. College Point , Ward Number, Zone
Medical College,
Number, Locality
# Layer Attribute Data Remark
Junior College,
Research Institute,
Business School
ID, Name, Ward Number,
76. University Point
Zone Number, Locality
Vocational ID, Name, Ward Number,
77. Point
Institute Zone Number, Locality
ID, Name, Ownership,
78. Anganwari Point ,Ward Number, Zone
Number, Locality
ID, Name, Ward Number,
79. Training Institute Point
Zone Number, Locality
ID, Name, Ownership, Ward
80. Govt. Hospital Point Number, Zone Number,
ID, Name, Ward Number,
81. Private Hospital Point
Zone Number, Locality
ID, Name, Ownership ,
82. Diagnostic Centre Point Ward Number, Zone
Number, Locality
ID, Name, Ownership, Ward
83. Clinic/Dispensary Point Number, Zone Number,
ID, Name, Ownership,
84. Nursing Home Point ,Ward Number, Zone
Number, Locality
Primary/Commun ID, Name, Ward Number,
85. Point
ity Health Centre Zone Number, Locality
ID, Name, Ownership,
86. Point ,Ward Number, Zone
Number, Locality
ID, Name, Ward Number,
87. Blood Bank Point
Zone Number, Locality
Central Govt. ID, Name, Ward Number,
88. Point
Office Zone Number, Locality
ID, Name, Ward Number,
89. State Govt. Office Point
Zone Number, Locality
Point, ID, Name, Ward Number,
90. PCMC Office All PCMC Offices
Polygon Zone Number, Locality, Sub
# Layer Attribute Data Remark
Locality, Floor Number,
Number of floors
ID, Type, Name, Ward
Nationalized Bank,
91. Banks Point Number, Zone Number,
Scheduled Bank,
Private Bank,
International Bank
Nationalized Bank
ID, Type, Name, Ward
92. ATM Point Number, Zone Number,
Scheduled Bank
Private Bank ATM,
ID, Type, Name, Ward
93. Financial Institute Point Number, Zone Number,
Other Financial
ID, Name, Ward Number,
94. Police Station Point
Zone Number, Locality
Cantonment ID, Name, Ward Number,
95. Point
/Battalion Zone Number
ID, Name, Ward Number,
96. Jail Point
Zone Number, Locality
ID, Name, Ward Number,
97. al Ground/Grave Point
Zone Number, Locality
ID, Name, Ward Number,
98. Community hall Point
Zone Number, Locality
ID, Name, Ward Number,
99. Dharmashala Point
Zone Number, Locality
ID, Name, Ward Number,
100. Auditorium Point
Zone Number, Locality
ID, Name, Ward Number,
101. Shopping Centre Point
Zone Number, Locality
ID, Name, Ward Number,
102. Museum Point
Zone Number, Locality
# Layer Attribute Data Remark
ID, Name, Ward Number,
103. Public Library Point
Zone Number, Locality
Art Gallery & ID, Name, Ward Number,
104. Point
Cultural Centre Zone Number, Locality
LPG/ CNG Gas ID, Name, Ward Number,
105. Point
Station Zone Number, Locality
ID, Type, Name, Ward
Public/Communit Number, Locality Name,
106. Point Status- working/
y Toilet Road ID, Road Name,
Not Working
Model- Public/PPP
ID, Petrol Pump Name,
Ward Number, Road ID, Status- Working/
107. Petrol Pump Point
Road Name, Locality name, Non-Working
ID, Fire Station Name,
Ward Number, Road ID,
108. Fire Station Point
Road Name, Locality name,
ID, Name, Ward Number,
109. Temple Point
Zone Number, Locality
ID, Name, Ward Number,
110. Mosque Point
Zone Number, Locality
ID, Name, Ward Number,
111. Idgah Point
Zone Number, Locality
ID, Name, Ward Number,
112. Church Point
Zone Number, Locality
ID, Name, Ward Number,
113. Gurudwara Point
Zone Number, Locality
ID, Name, Ward Number,
114. Monastery Point
Zone Number, Locality
ID, Name, Ward Number,
115. Synagogue Point
Zone Number, Locality
ID, Name, Ward Number,
116. Chhatri Point
Zone Number, Locality
ID, Name, Ward Number,
117. Garden Point
Zone Number, Locality
ID, Type, Name, Ward
118. Park Point
# Layer Attribute Data Remark
ID, Name, Ward Number,
119. Club Point
Zone Number, Locality
Sports Centre/ ID, Name, Ward Number,
120. Point
Complex Zone Number, Locality
ID, Name, Ward Number,
121. Gymnasium Point
Zone Number, Locality
Public Swimming ID, Name, Ward Number,
122. Point
Pool Zone Number, Locality
ID, Name, Ward Number,
123. Stadium Point
Zone Number, Locality
ID, Name, Ward Number,
124. Planetarium Point
Zone Number, Locality
ID, Name, Ward Number,
125. Aquarium Point
Zone Number, Locality
ID, Name, Ward Number,
126. Golf Course Point
Zone Number, Locality
ID, Name, Ward Number,
127. Race Course Point
Zone Number, Locality
Amusement ID, Name, Ward Number,
128. Point
/Theme Park Zone Number, Locality
ID, Name, Ward Number,
129. Post Office Point
Zone Number, Locality
130. IT Park Point ID, Name, Ward Number
ID, Name, Ward Number,
131. Court Point
Zone Number, Locality
ID, Name, Ward Number,
132. Monument Point
Zone Number, Locality
ID, Name, Ward Number,
133. Fort Point
Zone Number, Locality
ID, Name, Ward Number,
134. Cave Point
Zone Number, Locality
Archaeological ID, Name, Ward Number,
135. Point
Site Zone Number, Locality
Meteorological ID, Name, Ward Number,
136. Point
Station Zone Number, Locality
Bus stand ID, Name, Ward Number,
137. Point
/Terminus Zone Number, Locality
ID, Name, Ward Number,
138. Railway Station Point
Zone Number, Locality
ID, Name, Ward Number,
139. Metro Station Point
Zone Number, Locality
# Layer Attribute Data Remark
Railway Yard / ID, Name, Ward Number,
140. Point
Sliding Zone Number, Locality
ID, Name, Ward Number,
141. Airport / Airstrip Point
Zone Number, Locality
ID, Name, Ward Number,
142. Truck Terminus Point
Zone Number, Locality
ID, Name, Ward Number,
143. Freight Complex Point
Zone Number, Locality
ID, Name, Ward Number,
144. Transport Nagar Point
Zone Number, Locality
ID, Name, Ward Number,
145. Public Parking Point
Zone Number, Locality
ID, Name, Ward Number,
146. Bird Sanctuary Point Zone Number, Locality,
Area Square Meter
ID, Name, Ward Number,
147. Bio-diversity Park Point Zone Number, Locality,
Area Square Meter
ID, Name, Ward Number,
148. Botanical Garden Point Zone Number, Locality,
Area Square Meter
ID, Name, Ward Number,
149. Zoo Point Zone Number, Locality,
Area Square Meter
ID, Name, Ward Number,
150. National Park Point Zone Number, Locality,
Area Square Meter
7 Ring Road
8 Service Road
9 Major City Road#
10 Minor City Road#
11 Other Public Road
12 Other Private Road
14 Village road/Other Road
#Roads having width of 10.5m/11m and more will be called Major City Road and less than 10.5m/11m as MinorCity Road (for
information, the road widths mentioned are as per IRC standards)
# Type Sub Type
29 Cottage and Household
30 Other Industries
31 Residential & Commercial
32 Residential & Household Industry
33 Residential & Educational
34 Residential & Health Services
35 Mixed Commercial & Industrial
36 Commercial & Health Services
37 Commercial & Educational
38 Commercial & Recreational
39 Residential & Commercial & Institutional
40 School
41 College
42 University
43 Vocational Institute
44 Anganwari
45 Training Institute
46 Govt. Hospital
47 Private Hospital
48 Diagnostic Centre
Health Services
49 Clinic/Dispensary
50 Nursing Home
51 Primary/Community Health Centre
52 Office
Central Government Property
53 Quarter
54 Office
State Government Property
55 Quarter
56 Railway Railway Property@
57 Private Office
58 Banks
59 Credit Society
60 Foreign Establishment
61 Police Station
62 Cantonment/Battalion
Public& Semi- public
63 Jail
64 Crematorium Burial Groun /Grave Yard
65 Guesthouse
66 Community hall
67 Dharmashala
68 Tourist Facility Centre
# Type Sub Type
69 Auditorium
70 Convention Centre
71 Museum
72 Public Library
73 Art Gallery & Cultural Centre
74 LPG/CNG Gas Booking Office
75 Ticket Booking & Reservation Office
76 Stock Exchange
77 Disaster Management Centre
78 Metrological Station
79 Dhobi Ghat
80 Crech/Day Care
81 Public/Community Toilet
82 Social Welfare Centre
83 Orphanage
84 Old Age Home
85 Night Shelter
86 Fire Station
87 Temple
88 Mosque
89 Idgah
90 Church
91 Gurudwara
92 Monastery
93 Synagogue
94 Chhatri
95 Garden
96 Park
97 Play Ground
98 Club
99 Sports Centre
100 Gymnasium
101 Swimming Pool
102 Stadium
103 Planetarium
104 Aquarium
105 Open Air Theatre
106 Golf Course
107 Race Course
108 Exhibition Ground
# Type Sub Type
109 Amusement /Theme Park
110 Water Treatment Plant
111 Water Pumping Station
112 Ground Level Reservoir
113 Sewage Treatment Plant
114 Sewage Pumping Station
115 Public Utilities Electric Power Plant
116 Electric Sub-Station
117 City Gate Metering Stations
118 Area Regulator Stations
119 Rain Water Harvesting System
120 Effluent Treatment Plant
121 Solid Waste Management Recycling Plant
122 Telephone exchange
123 Post/Telegraph Office
124 Radio/TV Station
125 Satellite & Telecommunication Centre
126 Bus stand /Terminus
127 Railway Station
128 Railway Yard / Siding
129 Airport / Airstrip
130 Transportation Port
131 Truck Terminus
132 Freight Complex
133 Bus Stop
134 Transport Nagar
135 Traffic related Multi-level Parking
136 Bird Sanctuary
137 Bio-diversity Park
138 Eco-Sensitive Area Botanical Garden
139 Zoo
140 National Park
141 Farm house
142 Dairy farm
143 Others Poultry farm
144 Slaughter House
144 Dairy Booth
Table Number-3: Land use/Land cover- Type and Sub Type
# Type Sub Type
40 School
41 College
42 University
43 Other
44 Govt. Hospital
45 Private Hospital
Health Services
46 Diagnostic Centre
47 Other Health Facility
48 Office
Central Government Property
49 Quarter
50 Office
State Government Property
51 Quarter
52 Railway Railway Property@
53 Private Office
54 Banks
55 Credit Society
56 Foreign Establishment
57 Police Station
58 Cantonment/Battalion
59 Jail
60 Crematorium Burial Groun /Grave Yard
61 Guesthouse
62 Community hall
63 Dharmashala
64 Tourist Facility Centre
65 Auditorium
66 Public& Semi- public Convention Centre
67 Museum
68 Public Library
69 Art Gallery & Cultural Centre
70 LPG/CNG Gas Booking Office
71 Stock Exchange
72 Disaster Management Centre
73 Metrological Station
74 Dhobi Ghat
75 Crech/Day Care
76 Public/Community Toilet
77 Social Welfare Centre
78 Orphanage
79 Old Age Home
# Type Sub Type
80 Night Shelter
81 Fire Station
82 Temple
83 Mosque
84 Idgah
85 Church
86 Gurudwara
87 Monastery
88 Synagogue
89 Chhatri
90 Garden
91 Park
92 Play Ground
93 Club
94 Sports Centre
95 Gymnasium
96 Swimming Pool
97 Recreational Stadium
98 Planetarium
99 Aquarium
100 Open Air Theatre
101 Golf Course
102 Race Course
103 Exhibition Ground
104 Amusement /Theme Park
105 Water Treatment Plant
106 Water Pumping Station
107 Ground Level Reservoir
108 Sewage Treatment Plant
109 Sewage Pumping Station
110 Public Utilities Electric Power Plant
111 Electric Sub-Station
112 City Gate Metering Stations
113 Area Regulator Stations
114 Rain Water Harvesting System
115 Effluent Treatment Plant
116 Land Fill Site
117 Dumping Yard
Solid Waste Management
118 Recycling Plant
119 Garbage Collection
# Type Sub Type
120 Point/Dumper
121 Telephone exchange
122 Post/Telegraph Office
123 Radio/TV Station
124 Communication Satellite & Telecommunication Centre
125 Public Telephone Booth
126 Cell Tower
127 WiFi Hotspot
128 Monument
129 Heritage Fort
130 Archaeological Site
131 Notified Slum
132 Slum Non- notified Slum
133 Squatter / Kachibasti
134 Private Vacant
135 Municipal Asset
136 Vacant Land Government Asset
137 Reclaimed Land
138 Layout / Plotted
139 Bus stand /Terminus
140 Railway Station
141 Railway Yard / Siding
142 Railway Track Area
143 Airport / Airstrip
144 Helipad
145 Port
146 Harbour
147 Jetty
148 Truck Terminus
149 Freight Complex
150 Transport Nagar
151 Traffic Island
Traffic related
152 Parking Space / Area
153 Green Areas Green Cover
154 Agricultural Land Agricultural Land
155 Bird Sanctuary
156 Bio-diversity Park
157 Eco-Sensitive Area Botanical Garden
158 Zoo
159 National Park
# Type Sub Type
160 Oxbow Lakes
161 Others Others
@includes Office, Quarters, Recreational Space, Institutions etc. under Railways
Note: The number of layers and attributes may increase/ decrease during implementation and
O&M phase. If any layer needs to be added during O&M phase, the SI will update it at no
additional cost.
3.2 Annexure-2: Indicative Specifications for Work Flow Management System
# File Noting creation & Approval workflow
The system shall have Text Editor functionalities such as bold,
alignment, font, color, highlight etc.
18. The system shall provide facility to view all letters/documents
3.3 Annexure-3: Building Property Field Survey Information
Bidder should conduct the field survey and capture following information for all the buildings and
structures within PCMC jurisdiction to identify the missing buildings, properties and information
2. PT_Tax_Ward/Zone_No
3. Property No
4. Building Name
5. Owner Name (English/ Marathi)
6. No of Floors
7. No of households
8. No of Basement
9. Total No. of Properties (Residential/ Non- residential)
10. Flat No
11. Floor No
12. Property/holding Address (Present Address, Permanent Address)
13. Construction Type
14. Property Usage –Residential / Commercial / Mixed
15. Property Type/ Sub Type
16. Occupancy status - rented /self-occupied/mix
17. Room details/ Number of Rooms
18. Zone No
19. Ward No
20. Village /Locality/Sub Locality
21. Year of Construction and age of the property in Months
22. Authorized / Un-Authorized
23. Property Holder’s Email ID / Mobile No
24. Mobile Tower Y /N
25. Hoarding Y/N
26. Electric Consumer No
27. Water Connection Y/N
28. Water Meter Y / N
29. Water Consumer No
30. No of Connections
31. Connection Type Resi/Comm.
32. Property Holder Name
33. Sub Lessee Name
34. Survey No/ City_Survey_No/Block No
35. No. of Shops
36. Digital photograph of each property within the municipal boundary and its linking with
respective property/holdings database
37. In case of Multi-storey Building (Commercial complex/Apartments) following
information shall be also collected
• Apartment/Building Name
• Total No. of Property
• Lift Facility
• Total number of floors excluding ground floor
• Status of different facility like lift, power backup, parking, fire fighting
• Total no. of residential and non-residential holdings
• Source of water in the building
38. In case of Commercial/Industrial following additional information shall be also collected
• Firm/Shop/Industry Name
• License Status – Yes/No
• Firm/Shop/Industry Owner Name and address
• License status and license no.
• License validity date
• Business/Industry type
39. Minimum documents to be collected for Property (Indicative)
• Adhaar Card
• Electricity Bill
• Property Tax receipt (If available)
• Photos
3.4 Annexure-4: Deviated Properties detail Survey Information
Field data collection for Deviation properties detail survey data
Bidder should collect below mentioned data about Tagged properties as output of phase I, after
consulting with PCMC officers (Project Manager and the relevant Ward officer). Activities
involved are
1. Collect and record property details
2. Collect Document and Communication details
3. Updating the deviated information in the system and compare with the old record to
derive delta enhancement in the revenue
4. Documentation and report generation:
5. Create and amend online report on deviations
6. Online data updation
3.5 Annexure-5: Analysis and Reports for Survey Activities
The reports to be generated from the platform are detailed out a follows:
Field surveyed data
1. Buildings with change of name reference to PCMC records
2. Buildings with dual names of Identification reference to PCMC records
3. Buildings with double assessment
4. Properties paying tax
5. Dangerous properties (depending on inspection report and building age)
6. Area having particular (Residential/ Nonresidential) type of property
7. Properties with particular type of construction
8. Properties with number of stories and above
9. Properties with age ***(user defined) and above
10. Properties with actual carpet area / Built up area should be shown with multiple
options for search all attributes
11. Display properties as and when they are assessed for tax
12. Commercial properties in slum area
13. Commercial slum areas (garages, Production hubs etc.)
14. Location of PCMC owned vacant lands
15. Locating all parks and gardens in the area
16. Locating all the open spaces in the area
17. Locating all the water bodies in the area with building wise relevant water
connection no.
Revenue collection reports
a) For Deviated properties accounting for the extended areas
c) Report generation as per land use with searchable option for all types of
land use
Other Reports
a) Bill wise/ property wise/ year wise outstanding arrears of property taxes,
government taxes with penalties.
b) Tax payers having annual demand more than 1 lakhs to 5 lakhs, 5 lakhs to
10 lakhs and above 10 lakhs.
3.6 Annexure-6: Road Feature data to be captured
Note: Find below list of Road features, which are visible on the panoramic images, to be captured
in the excel sheet.
Road Name
Road Number
Start Chainage
Start Reference
Road Attributes End Chainage
End Reference
Images of roads
No of Carriageway Entrances
identified in a Road Stretch (1 to 10)
Drain Y/N
Type of Drain
Footpath Card
Footpath Left / Right
Street Light
No of Poles / Height / No. of fittings.
Traffic Card
Traffic Sign - Left Carriageway
Traffic Sign - Right Carriageway
Gantry Sign - Left Carriageway
Gantry Sign - Right Carriageway
Road Markings
Manholes Circular/Rectangular
Bus Stops
Electrical Lamps
Fire hydrants
Bridge Card
Total Length
Bridges / Culvert 1 to 5 Location
Spanning across
No of span
Length of span
Reference Point
Bridge Carriageway
Surface Type
Left Carriageway Lane 1 to 5
Surface Type
Right Carriageway Lane 1 to 5
3.7 Annexure-7: Enterprise GIS Software Specifications
Bidder shall supply Enterprise GIS software to set up GIS enabled applications and provide a
maintenance support for Implementation Phase plus five years to provide flexible software
management. It is envisioned that the deployment model would be in Active-Active mode to
ensure maximum uptime. Desktop GIS software with extension (added capabilities) would be
used for GIS data creating, updating & publishing. Following are the quantities & specifications
of the GIS software that would be required:
# GIS Desktop Specifications Compliance Remark
# GIS Desktop Specifications Compliance Remark
Should be able to control & create rule based topology for the spatial
Feature construction tools including: Point-and-click feature location
31. with mouse, locations with mouse, x, y coordinate input with
keyboard coordinate input with keyboard
Feature edits tools including: Move, rotate, delete, copy, and paste,
32. Reshape, Split and trim, Divide into N-parts or into specified
intervals, Vertex editing (add, delete, and move), etc.
Should have Spatial data adjustment tools including: Rubber
sheeting, Transformation, Edge matching, Attribute transfer.
Snap to vertex, endpoint, midpoint, or along the edge of features &
layer wise snapping
36. Should be able to plot data on the map directly from the tables
37. UNICODE support for Multilanguage attributes
38. Direct Read of Vector Data like Shapefiles, Spatial database etc.
39. Should be able to operate on Windows 7, 8.1, 10.
Perform interactive perspective viewing, including pan and zoom,
41. rotate, tilt for presentation, analysis, or export for display on the
42. Software should have the facility visualize temporal data
Software should be capable of authoring the layers with time
Software should have report generation tool for creating and
managing reports.
45. Should have the capability to web enable the 3D models.
Should have capability to Computes 3D points from stereo pairs and
outputs a point cloud as a set of LAS files
50. Software should support Metadata management.
Create statistics & various statistical operations, viz. create charts
51. and reports, Sort tables by multiple attributes, Populate values based
on expression, Summery of data.
52. View and create KML and view LIDAR data
Toolset should include features like locate various data points
53. captured by LiDAR or equivalent technology (Locate Points By
Proximity, Point Statistics By Area etc.)
Derive contour, slope, viewshed, aspect, and hillshades of these
# GIS Desktop Specifications Compliance Remark
3.7.2 GIS Server Specifications
Facility for basic Navigation tools like the software should have
tools to Pan, Zoom, and Rotate the Map according to user
3. Facility for spatial data classification based on specific attribute
value and report generation
4. Ability to search and to zoom into the user specified x, y
5. Support Predefined Geographic Coordinate Systems, Projected
Coordinate Systems, Predefined Vertical Coordinate Systems
6. Provision for definition of map projection system and geodetic
datum to set all the maps in a common projection and scale.
Server based GIS should be OGC Compliant and must Support
any client. It shall be
7. a. Form independent i.e. it shall work on mobiles, tablets
b. Web browsers independent
c. Shall support desktop applications
Facility for display of spatial layers, query management like
8. have
various query tools for queries based on attributes, location,
Server Software should run as a native 64-bit application and
9. should support Windows 64-bit and / or Linux/UNIX operating
systems 64-bit. Server licensing should not be restricted by
Hardware / Users / Instance or Sites.
10. It should be possible to deploy in all virtualized environment and
support vSphere and vCenter.
Support service-oriented architectures
Software should have utility for checking availability of server
software updates/patches and bidder must provide updates and
upgrades for all solutions
Software should support Feature service
14. Support portal standards like JSR-356, UDDI, CSW from OGC, web
portal frameworks, and APIs
# GIS Server Specifications Compliance Remark
# GIS Server Specifications Compliance Remark
window, find place, query attribute, search attribute, editing, geo-
processing tasks etc.
Should support server-based analysis and geo-processing,
including vector, raster, 3D analysis, and network analysis as well
as scripts, and tools
30. Solution should support distributed editing through Desktop/Web
using Cache image and Raw Image
31. Should have geo-processing framework, geo-processing tools, core
analysis functionalities, spatial statistics analysis functionalities
32. Should have Centrally managed data, models, tools, maps, and
It should provide network analysis tools for desktop, mobile, and
web applications without requiring the end user to install
additional GIS software.
35. It must be possible to integrate GIS Server services with enterprise
The offered software must be form factor independent and must
36. be HTML 5 compliant and must not require any installation on the
device unless device level hardware is being used for instance Laser
Distometer / Camera integration for Property survey.
The application should provide an out-of-the-box, configurable
37. unlimited mobile clients that allows dynamic query . The mobile
application should be able to integrate with GPS devices on
Windows, Linux, iOS, & Android Platform.
38. Should support Tile layer from Vector and Raster layers for better
performance and fast accessibility
39. Should support web application to visualize raster, vector, and 3D
data, terrain, subsurface, and volumetric views
Should support web application to analyze GIS data for 3D data
Should support web application in finding multipoint optimized
routing, time-sensitive, turn-by-turn driving directions, service area
allocation, and fastest fixed route to the closest facility
42. Should support web application for network modeling capability
for Network analysis
Should support web application for Spatial analysis.
44. Should support web application in assigning and editing network
features such as barriers, turns and uni-directional flow
Should support web application for water cachment area analysis
Should assist in calculation of the shortest path.
# GIS Server Specifications Compliance Remark
50. Should allow clients to view metadata information for each raster
in a mosaic dataset.
51. support overlapping imagery and explore temporal changes using
the advanced image serving capabilities
Application shall have capability to be hosted on cloud
53. Distribute large volumes of geospatial imagery to thousands of
users from a single server.
Easily integrate with third-party GIS software
Application should support industry standard APIs
Should support web application for Mapping & Charting.
3.8 Annexure-8: Specifications Specification of Lidar or Equivalent to Lidar
Terrestrial LiDAR Scanning (TLS)
• Specifications:
o Data capturing range up to 300 m
o Data scan rate is 1,00,000 points per second or more
o Absolute accuracy < 10 cm
o Scanning with Wide Field of View (FOV) 360° horizontal and 270° vertical
o Should be eye-safe with laser class 1.
• Data Collection Requirements
o LiDAR Acquisition must be collected with coupled GNSS data for trajectory processing.
GPS GNSS Data must be RTK processed.
o LiDAR Acquisition must include image to colorize the point cloud and to aid with
feature identification and attribution.
o The images must be indexed and delivered with the LiDAR data.
o Occlusions with shall not be acceptable, except in the below mentioned cases;
- Water bodies
- Areas of low reflectivity e.g. glass
- Object shadowing (e.g., buildings, towers, vertical cliffs)
o All processing should be carried out with the understanding that point cloud data
deliverables are required to be in fully compliant ASPRS LAS, v1.4 Point Record Format
• Deliverables:
This project requires deliverables, which range from a standard CAD product to a physical
three-dimensional (3D) scale model of the actual subject. Deliverables specific to TLS surveys
include, but are not limited to:
o Geo-referenced 3D point clouds (XYZ or XYZI files) in, LAS, LAZ format.
o Digital photo mosaic files.
o Registration report including GCPs used in the processing of the data.
o Survey narrative report and QA/QC files
o Geospatial metadata files
• MLS Specifications:
o Comprises of Laser sensor, cameras, GNSS/INS positional navigation system (GPS +
IMU), Laptop and mobile platform.
o Scan rate of 1, 00,000 points per second.
o Capable of capturing MLS datasets with a minimum point density of 100 points/m and
sample spacing of 0.01 m.
o Provide acquisition of 360° FOV.
o Minimum range of 110 meters.
o Should be eye-safe with laser class 1.
Prior to collection the successful bidder will develop a field collection work plan for
presentation to the Project Manager. The work plan will detail:
o Routes to be covered.
o Proposed drive paths and number of trajectories to be run on each route
o Times and specification of data collection
o Mobile LiDAR Unit Calibration report(s)
o Quality Control and Quality Assurance Measures to be employed for field
• Data Collection Requirements
o LiDAR data must be collected with coupled GNSS data. GPS GNSS Data must be
RTK processed.
o LiDAR data acquisition must include image collection along the trajectory routes
to colorize the point cloud and to aid with feature identification and attribution.
o The images must be indexed and delivered with the LiDAR data.
o Multiple passes must be employed in areas where obstructions occur due to
traffic, if any.
o Data shall be collected in weather free from cloud/fog.
o GPS Time stamp shall be recorded and delivered for each point.
o Completed at or near traffic speeds to avoid impeding traffic while ensuring
adequate spacing from surrounding traffic to avoid obstructions.
o Occlusions with shall not be acceptable, except in the below mentioned cases;
o Water bodies
o Areas of low reflectivity e.g. glass
o Object shadowing (e.g., buildings, towers, vertical cliffs)
All processing should be carried out with the understanding that point cloud data deliverables
are required to be in fully compliant ASPRS LAS, v1.4 Point Record Format 10.
3.9 Annexure-9: List of Existing application in PCMC
Sr IT Application Sr IT Application
1 Asset & Works Management System 19 Fire Brigade
2 Audit Department 20 Food Licenses Management
3 Birth & Death Management 21 Geo Tagging
GISDA (GIS For Dynamic
4 Blood Bank Management 22
5 BSUP (Nagarvasti, Mahila Bal Kalyaan) 23 Grievance Monitoring
6 Building Permission 24 Hawker Management System
7 Central Medical Stores & Inventory 25 Health Card
8 Central Stores & Inventory 26 Health Program Management
9 Citizen Facility Centre 27 Hospital Management (IPD)
10 Dhanvantari Yojna 28 Hospital Management (OPD)
11 Digital Dashboards - Phase II 29 Intranet
12 Disaster Management 30 IT Assets Management
13 Document Management & File Tracking 31 ITI Management System
14 Election Department 32 Land and Estates Management
15 Electrical Department 33 Legal Department
16 e-Office Project 34 Marriage Registration
17 E-tendering System 35 M-Governance
18 Financial Accounting 36 Municipal Secretariat Management
37 Octroi / LBT 48 Scanning & Digitization
38 PCMC Services Portal 49 School Management
39 Personnel Management 50 Security Management
40 Tenant Tracking 51 Sky Sign & Industrial Licenses
41 Pothole Management 52 Slum Billing Management
42 Project Prakash 53 Solid Waste Management
43 Property Tax Management System 54 Sports Portal
44 Public Auditorium Management 55 Town Planning Management
45 Public Library Management 56 Vehicle Workshop Management
46 RTI Online System 57 Veterinary Management
47 SARATHI Helpline 58 Water Tax Management System
Obtaining Sky Sign License
SAN Notification to
storage to Applicant
store NO
NO Notification to YES
Applicant Property
Tax, PAN,
Clerk authorizes
Database and forwards
OS to verify the completeness of application to
application and documents? Office
Sky Sign Superintendent Digital
Calendar License Notification to (OS)
Database Database Applicant Key
System changes the status License Inspector Assistant Commissioner
Commissioner Obtain digitally signed
Citizen pays Amounts gets credited of application status as authorizes and forwards authorizes and forwards
approves the license or can download
license fees in PCMC s bank paid and it is automatically the application to the application to
license digitally the copy from the PCMC
online accounf gets forwarded to License Assistant Commissioner Additional Commissioner
with digital Service Portal
Inspector for approval for approval
Notification to
NO Applicant
Meter Inspector to
Submit comments on
Authorize and perform site visit and Authorize and forward
System captures the Inspection in Water Junior Engineer to scrutinize the
forward application upload image of application to Junior
Geo location of site Connection proposal and check physical site
to Meter Inspector property from Mobile Engineer
Management System All OK?
Submit comments on
Authorize and forward Deputy Engineer Is diameter of water forwards the Executive Engineer
Inspection in Water
application to Deputy verifies, authorizes the connection more than YES application to verifies, authorizes the
Engineer application 25 mm? Executive application
Management System Digital Key
connection demanded and enabled in applicant's Citizen logins on Citizen pays
Approve the
history of previous dues, registered account from PCMC Service license fees
the connection fees will be where s/he can make the Portal online
Payment Gateway
generated online payment
Amounts gets credited of application status as Concerned Clerk notification to
work order for Plumber installs
in PCMC s bank paid and it is automatically generates the 1. Plumber
payment and work the connection
account sends notification to work order 2. Cranberry
completion tracking
concerned clerk 3.Meter Inspection
Database Financial Accounting Water Connection
Database Management Database
Project Management
Plumber uploads
images of System sends notification Concerned Clerk System sends notification
GIS cell update the
completion of work to concerned clerk about verifies images and to GIS cell to update Utility END
and illustrative completion of work approves it network
diagram of network
GIS database
to store
Illustrative process for Monitoring construction of new roads
Security Layer
Authentication Services Pattern Matching Services Encryption/decryption services SSO Services User
Central Authorization Server Registry Provisioning Services
Data Layer
Presentation Layer Data Protection & ETL Tool and
Data Storage DR Site
Recovery Data Warehouse
Provisioning Database Servers
Request Handler Data Replication, Data Extract
Service Delivery and
Snapshot DB_01 DB_02
Service Bus
Cleansing Data
Auditing and NAS/SAN Fiber Channel Data Backup and
Service Security
WAP Converter NAS Switch DB_03 DB_04 Warehouse
logging Server Switch Recovery Applications
Meta Data data
Caching Server ce
Handheld Transaction Controller
Mobile Applications
Client Data Access Layer
Business Application
Hand Held Form Generation and Visual Transform AP011: Enterprise Management System
Application Layer
AP003: Asset Management System AP003: Citizen Services
Cross Reference Navigation Engine AP001: Human Resource Management System I_AP003_AP002 AEA-8
Protocol Support
I_AP001_AP009 Interface name I_AP002_AP006 I_AP003_AP010
Portal Services Form Validation
I_AP001_AP010 I_AP002_AP009 Interface name
Visual Transforms I_AP001_AP002 I_AP002_AP010 I_AP003_DB001
Service Registry
Error Handler
Applications I_AP002_DB001
IVRS AP004: Procurement Management System
Manager AP005: Inventory Management System
Spatial ATL Applications Management License
Kiosk database Indexing Categoriz ation Management
Conversion Storage and
Scanned Maps XML/EDI Workflow Management
Orchestration Testing
Kiosks CAD Inputs Digitization Spatial Analysis Documents Retrieval Engine Database
and Debugging
Digital Satellite Data Modelling Scanners Application
Application Gateway Images
Projection and
Mapping Data Management
Web Services Container
Input from GPS Modelling
Data Capture
Network Delivery
Handheld Devices GIS Application Modelling
Search Transformation
Digital Terrain Check In/ Payment Gateway Platform Srvices
and and
Server Side
Check Out
GIS Reader Modelling Retrieval Vis ualization
Client Request Processor Web APIs and
validation Other APIs
Portal Services E-Mail Server
Call Cent
ACF - 15 ACF - 8
Transaction Transaction
File Management Coordinator (Data
Coordinator Configuration Broker
Code Layer)
Client Caching ACF - 13 ACF - 7
Query Simplifier/
Configuration Broker Query Builder
XML Parser
IVRS XML files Processing unit Tool Business Process
Event Processing
Database files GIS Data Definition Event Delivery Workflow Engine
Process Engine
and Filtering
ACF - 2 ACF - 14
Design Tool and Display
Configuration and Data recording and Business Performance Master Maintenance
ACF - 1
Management Services transmission services (KPI Calculator)
Resource Transaction Manager
Manager Provisioning data for Event Escalation Engine ACF - 14 ACF - 16
GPS Rules Engine Event Router
Workflow Absorption Notification handler
Workflow Engine
SSML Layer Master Maintenance Email and Mes saging Routine
Call Handling Connector Framework
Services XML Data Display Approval Engine
Application Adapter Master
Interpreters Table
Support Cache
Page 1
29 Indemnifications and Limitation of Liability: ...................................................................... 385
30 Ownership and Retention of Documents ........................................................................... 388
31 Escrow Agreement ............................................................................................................. 388
32 Information Security ........................................................................................................... 390
33 Records of contract documents ......................................................................................... 391
34 Security and Safety ............................................................................................................. 391
35 Confidentiality .................................................................................................................... 391
36 Events of Default by the SI ................................................................................................. 392
37 Termination ........................................................................................................................ 393
38 Effects of Termination ........................................................................................................ 395
39 Change Control Note (CCN) ................................................................................................ 396
40 Project Implementation Timelines, Deliverables and Payment Terms .............................. 397
41 Miscellaneous ..................................................................................................................... 398
41.1 Personnel ........................................................................................................................ 398
C. SERVICE LEVELS.......................................................................................................................... 403
42 Reporting Procedures ......................................................................................................... 403
43 Issue Management Procedures .......................................................................................... 403
44 Service Level Change Control ............................................................................................. 404
45 Governance Law and Dispute Resolution........................................................................... 404
46 Jurisdiction .......................................................................................................................... 406
47 Annex II: Change Control Schedule .................................................................................... 410
48 Annex III: Form of Agreement ............................................................................................ 413
49 Annex IV: Governance Schedule......................................................................................... 415
The ‘‘Pimpri Chinchwad Smart City Limited’’ having its registered office at Pimpri Chinchwad
Municipal Corporation, Mumbai-Pune Road, Pimpri, Pune-411018 hereinafter referred to as
"PCSCL”, (which expression unless repugnant to the context therein shall include its
administrator and its assignees) of the FIRST PART;
<NAME OF SYSTEM INTEGRATOR>, a company organized and existing under the Section of
2(20) of Companies Act, 2013, having its registered office at <ADDRESS OF SYSTEM
INTEGRATOR>, India hereinafter referred to as “Systems Integrator” or “the SI”, (which
expression unless repugnant to the context therein, shall include its successors,
administrators, executors and permitted assignees), of the SECOND PART.
WHEREAS the SI has the required professional skills, personnel and technical resources, has
agreed to provide the Services on the terms and conditions set forth in this Contract and RFP
and is about to perform services as specified in this RFP Volume I & II (hereinafter called
“works”) mentioned, enumerated or referred to in certain Contract conditions, specification,
scope of work, other Sections of the RFP, covering letter and schedule of prices which, for the
purpose of identification, have been signed by the authorized representative on behalf of
<NAME OF SYSTEM INTEGRATOR> (the SI) and Pimpri Chinchwad Smart City Limited (PCSCL)
and all of which are deemed to form part of the Contract as though separately set out herein
and are included in the expression “Contract” whenever herein used.
Complete Request for Proposal (RFP) Volumes I, II and III of the RFP and corrigendum,
Document addendum and clarifications, if any
Price Schedule Detailed Price Schedule – Proforma A
d. The mutual rights and obligations of the “PCSCL” and the SI shall be as set forth in
the Contract, in particular:
• The SI shall carry out and complete the Services in accordance with the provisions of
the Contract
• “PCSCL” shall make payments to the SI in accordance with the provisions of the Contract
NOW THESE PRESENTS WITNESS and the parties hereto hereby agree and declare as follows,
that is to say, in consideration of the payments to be made to the SI by PCSCL as hereinafter
mentioned, the SI shall deliver the services for the said works and shall do and perform all
other works and things in the Contract mentioned or described or which are implied there
from or there in respectively or may be reasonably necessary for the completion of the said
works within and at the times and in the manner and subject to the terms, conditions and
stipulations mentioned in the said Contract.
AND in consideration of services and milestones, PCSCL shall pay to the SI the said sum of INR ____
(Rupees ___________), including all taxes and levies or such other sums as may become payable
to the SI under the provisions of this Contract, such payments to be made at such time and in such
manner as is provided by the Contract.
1 Definition of Terms
The SI shall achieve operational acceptance of the complete solutions as defined in the
RFP in accordance with the time schedule specified in the implementation schedule, scope
of work, technical requirements, design considerations Section and any refinements made
in the agreed and finalized project plan, or within the timeframe, the SI has been provided
As soon as the System or any subsystem, has, in the opinion of the SI, been delivered,
commissioned, and made in accordance with the technical requirements of the RFP as per
the agreed and finalized Project plan, the SI shall notify PCSCL in writing.
PCSCL shall, after receipt of the SI’s notice, either issue an installation certificate, stating that
the system, or major component or subsystem (if Acceptance by major component or
subsystem) has achieved Installation by the date of the SI’s notice under or notify the SI in
writing of any defects and/or deficiencies, including, but not limited to, defects or
deficiencies in the interoperability or integration of the various components and/or
subsystems making up the System.
System Integrator (the SI) shall use all reasonable endeavors to promptly remedy any defect
and/or deficiencies that notified by PCSCL.
The SI shall then promptly carry out retesting of the system or subsystem and, when in the
SI’s opinion the system or subsystem is ready for commissioning and operational acceptance
testing, notify PCSCL in writing. The procedure shall be repeated, as necessary, until an
Installation certificate is issued. The acceptance criteria shall inter-alia include, but not
limited to:
• Installation and commissioning of all the Hardware & Software supplied as part of the
Project, clearly documented and demonstrated. The documents would include but not
limited to FRS, SLA etc.
• Functional Acceptance Criteria – Demonstration of tasks, business processes or functions
which PCSCL has listed out in the RFP as Functional & Non-functional requirement design
• Submission of manuals, design documents, training materials and other necessary
• Training to personnel identified by PCSCL as per the project plan & the proposal from the
• Summary of test cases and execution results to prove that the acceptance criteria have
been met
1.1 “Applicable Law(s)”: Any statute, law, ordinance, notification, rule, regulation, judgment,
order, decree, by law, approval, directive, guideline, policy, requirement or other
governmental restriction or any similar form of decision applicable to the relevant party and
as may be in effect on the date of the execution of this Contract and during the subsistence
thereof, applicable to the Project
1.3. “PCSCL” means the Pimpri Chinchwad Smart City Limited
1.4. “System Integrator (SI)” means the selected bidder i.e. <NAME OF SYSTEM INTEGRATOR> or
Substitute System Integrator, as the case may be, who shall carry out all the services
mentioned in the scope of work of the RFP
1.5. “Contract” means the agreement entered into by the parties with the entire documentation
specified in the RFP
1.6. “Contract Value” means the price payable to the SI under this Contract for the full and
proper performance of its contractual obligations
1.7. “Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS)” refers to software products that are ready-made and
available for sale, lease, or license to the general public.
1.8. “Server Room” means the centralized space to be used for installation and deployment of
all the proposed systems and devices for centralized control, monitoring and management
of all the solutions. The server room is planned to host city’s existing and forth coming
systems for centralized management.
1.9. “Document” means any embodiment of any text or image however recorded and includes
any data, text, images, sound, voice, codes, databases or any other electronic documents as
per IT Act 2000
1.10. “Effective Date” means the date on which this Contract is signed and executed by the parties
hereto. If this Contract is executed in parts, then the date on which the last of such Contracts
is executed shall be construed to be the Effective Date
1.11. “GCC” means General Conditions of Contract
1.12. “Goods” means all of the equipment, sub-systems, hardware, products accessories, software
and/or other material / items which the SI is required to supply, install and maintain under
the contract
1.13. “PCMC” means the Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
1.14. “PCMC HO” means the Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation Head Office, Pimpri
1.15. “Command Control Center” means the center from where Police would conduct surveillance
on civil issues on the entire Pimpri Chinchwad City
1.16. “City Operation Center” means the center from where Pimpri Chinchwad Smart City Limited
would conduct monitoring of all the smart city elements throughout the entire Pimpri
Chinchwad City
1.17. “Intellectual Property Rights” means any patent, copyright, trademark, trade name, service
marks, brands, proprietary information whether arising before or after the execution of this
Contract and the right to ownership and registration of these rights
1.18. “Go-Live” means commissioning of project post design, development and implementation,
including training as per scope of work mentioned in the RFP. the SI shall have the approval
from PCSCL for user acceptance testing
1.19. “Notice” means a consent, approval or other communication required to be in writing under
this Contract
1.20. “OEM” means the Original Equipment Manufacturer of any equipment / system / software
/ product, which are providing such goods to PCSCL under the scope of this
1.21. “The SI’s Team” means the SI who has to provide goods & services to PCSCL under the scope
of this Contract. This definition shall also include any and/or all of the employees of the SI,
authorized service providers/ partners and representatives or other personnel employed or
engaged directly or indirectly by the SI for the purposes of this Contract.
1.22. “Substitute System Integrator” means the organization replacing the SI in case of contract
termination for any reasons
1.23. “Sub-Contractor” shall mean the entity named in the contract for any part of the work or
any person to whom any part of the contract has been sublet with the consent in writing of
PCSCL and the heirs, legal representatives, successors and assignees of such person.
1.24. “SCC” means Special Conditions of Contract.
1.25. “Services” means the work to be performed by the SI pursuant to this RFP and to the contract
to be signed by the parties in pursuance of any specific assignment awarded by PCSCL.
2 Interpretation
c) References to a ‘company’ shall be construed so as to include any company,
corporation or other body corporate, wherever and however incorporated or
d) References to a ‘person’ shall be construed so as to include any individual, firm,
company, government, state or agency of a state, local or municipal authority or
government body or any joint venture, association or partnership (whether or not
having separate legal personality);
e) A reference to any statute or statutory provision shall be construed as a reference to
the same as it may have been, or may from time to time be, amended, modified or
f) Any reference to a ‘day’ (including within the phrase ‘business day’) shall mean a
period of 24 hours running from midnight to midnight;
g) References to a ‘business day’ shall be construed as a reference to a day (other than
a Sunday) on which banks in the state of Maharashtra are generally open for
h) References to times are to Indian Standard Time;
i) A reference to any other document referred to in this Agreement is a reference to
that other document as amended, varied, novated or supplemented at any time; and
j) All headings and titles are inserted for convenience only. They are to be ignored in
the interpretation of this Agreement.
k) System Integrator (SI) has been used for the same entity i.e. Bidder selected for the project.
c) as between any value written in numerals and that in words, the value in words shall
5 Priority of Documents
This Agreement, including its Schedules and Annexures, represents the entire agreement
between the Parties as noted in this Clause. If in the event of a dispute as to the
interpretation or meaning of this Agreement it shall be necessary for the Parties to refer to
documents forming part of the bidding process leading to this Agreement, then such
documents shall be relied upon and interpreted in the following descending order of priority:
a) This Agreement along with
b) NDA agreement, if any
c) Schedules and Annexures;
d) the RFP along with subsequently issued corrigendum and addendums
e) Technical and financial proposal submitted by the successful bidder, to the extent
they along with subsequently issued clarifications furnished by the System Integrator
in response to the RFP, to the extent they are not inconsistent with any terms of the
For the avoidance of doubt, it is expressly clarified that in the event of a conflict between
this Agreement, Annexures / Schedules or the contents of the RFP, the terms of this
Agreement shall prevail over the Annexures / Schedules and Annexures / Schedules shall
prevail over the contents and specifications of the RFP.
6 Scope of work
6.1. Scope of the work as defined in RFP Volume II and Annexures thereto of the tender
and subsequent pre bid clarifications, corrigendum/addendum, if any.
6.2. PCSCL has engaged the SI to provide services related to implementation of the ICT
led smart city solutions using which PCSCL intends to perform its business
operations. The SI is required to provide such goods, services and support as PCSCL
may deem proper and necessary, during the term of this Contract, and includes all
such processes and activities which are consistent with the proposals set forth in the
RFP and this Contract and are deemed necessary by PCSCL, in order to meet its
business requirements (hereinafter ‘scope of work’).
6.3. Bidder shall also provide complete maintenance support for all the proposed
integrated solution as outlined in this RFP for a period of Sixty (60) months from the
date of go-live i.e.
“Go-Live” + 60 months. “Go-live” is the date on which the proposed solution is
operational as per the requirements provided in this RFP and all the acceptance tests
are successfully concluded to the satisfaction of PCSCL.
7.1. This Agreement shall come into effect on <DD/MM/YYYY> (hereinafter the ‘Effective
Date’) and shall continue till operation and maintenance completion date which
shall be the date of the completion of the operation and maintenance to PCSCL or
its nominated agencies, unless terminated earlier (as per clause 37), in which case
the contract will get terminated on fulfilment of all obligations mentioned as per
clause 37.
a) Subject to express terms to the contrary, the rights and obligations under this
Agreement shall take effect only upon fulfilment of all the Conditions Precedent
set out below. However, PCSCL or its nominated agencies may at any time at its
sole discretion waive fully or partially any of the Conditions Precedent for the
System Integrator.
b) For the avoidance of doubt, it is expressly clarified that the obligations of the
Parties (or its nominated agencies) under this Agreement shall commence from
the fulfillment of the Conditions Precedent as set forth below.
The System Integrator shall be required to fulfill the Conditions Precedent, which is as follows:
a) To provide a Performance Security/Guarantee and other guarantees/ payments
within fifteen (15) days of the receipt of notification of award from PCSCL; and
b) To provide PCSCL or its nominated agencies certified true copies of its constitutional
documents and board resolutions authorizing the execution, delivery and
performance of this Agreement by the System Integrator (optional)
PCSCL shall be required to fulfill the Conditions Precedents, which are as follows:
a) Necessary clearances associated with the execution of the project, unless specified
to be performed by the the SI
b) Approval of the Project by a Competent Authority, etc.
The Parties may, by mutual agreement extend the time for fulfilling the Conditions
Precedent and the Term of this Agreement.
a) In the event that any of the Conditions Precedent of the System Integrator have
not been fulfilled within fifteen (15) days of signing of this Agreement and the
same have not been waived fully or partially by PCSCL or its nominated agencies,
this Agreement shall cease to exist;
b) In the event that the Agreement fails to come into effect on account of non-
fulfilment of the System Integrator’s Conditions Precedent, PCSCL or its
nominated agencies shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever to the System
Integrator and PCSCL shall forthwith forfeit the Earnest Money Deposit.
c) In the event that possession of any of PCSCL or its nominated agencies facilities
has been delivered to the System Integrator prior to the fulfilment of the
Conditions Precedent, upon the termination of this Agreement such shall
immediately revert to PCSCL or its nominated agencies, free and clear from any
encumbrances or claims.
9.1. The SI shall subject to the fulfilment of the conditions precedent above, commence
the performance of its obligations in a manner as per the Scope of Work (RFP Volume
9.2. The SI shall proceed to carry out the activities / services with diligence and expedition
in accordance with any stipulation as to the time, manner, mode, and method of
execution contained in this Contract.
9.3. The SI shall be responsible for and shall ensure that all activities / services are
performed in accordance with the Contract, RFP Scope of Work and Service
Specifications and that the SI’s Team complies with such specifications and all other
standards, terms and other stipulations/conditions set out hereunder.
10 Standards of Performance
10.1. The SI shall perform the services and carry out its obligations under the Contract with
due diligence, efficiency and economy, in accordance with generally accepted
techniques and best practices used in the industry and with IT standards recognized
by international professional bodies and shall observe sound management,
engineering and security practices. It shall employ appropriate advanced technology
and engineering practices and safe and effective equipment, machinery, material
and methods. The SI shall always act, in respect of any matter relating to the
Contract, as faithful advisors to PCSCL and shall, at all times, support and safeguard
PCSCL's legitimate interests in any dealings with Third Parties.
11.1. The Parties shall cooperate to procure, maintain and observe all relevant, regulatory
and governmental licenses, clearances and applicable approvals (hereinafter the
“Required Consents”) necessary for the System Integrator to provide the services.
The costs of such approvals shall be borne by the Party normally responsible for such
costs according to local custom and practice in the locations where the services are
to be provided. PCSCL shall also provide necessary support to the SI in obtaining the
approvals. In the event that any approval is not obtained, the SI and PCSCL shall co-
operate with each other in achieving a reasonable alternative arrangement as soon
as reasonably practicable for PCSCL and at the discretion of PCSCL without any
adverse impact on PCSCL’s interest including but not limited to additional
time/expenditure, to continue to process its work with as minimal interruption to its
business operations as is commercially reasonable until such approval is obtained,
provided that the SI shall not be relieved of its obligations to provide the services
and to achieve the service Levels until the approvals are obtained if and to the extent
that the SI 's obligations are dependent upon such approvals.
11.2. PCSCL or its nominated agencies shall use reasonable endeavors to assist System
Integrator to obtain the required consent. In the event that any required consent is
not obtained, the System Integrator and PCSCL or its nominated agencies will co-
operate with each other in achieving a reasonable alternative arrangement as early
and as reasonably practicable for PCSCL or its nominated agencies to continue to
process its work with as minimal interruption to its business operations as is
commercially reasonable until such required consent is obtained, provided that the
System Integrator shall not be relieved of its obligations to provide the services and
to achieve the service levels until the required consents are obtained to the extent
that the System Integrator’s obligations are not dependent upon such required
12 Obligations of the SI
12.1. The SI’s obligations shall include all the activities as specified by PCSCL in the Scope of
Work and other Sections of the RFP and Contract and changes thereof to enable PCSCL
to meet the objectives and operational requirements. It shall be the SI’s responsibility
to ensure the proper and successful implementation, performance and continued
operation of the proposed solution in accordance with and in strict adherence to the
terms of his Bid, the Tender and this Contract.
12.2. In addition to the aforementioned, the SI shall provide services to manage and
maintain the said system and infrastructure as mentioned in RFP Volume II.
12.3. PCSCL reserves the right to interview the personnel proposed that shall be deployed
as part of the project team. If found unsuitable, PCSCL may reject the deployment of
the personnel. But ultimate responsibility of the project implementation shall lie with
the SI.
12.4. PCSCL reserves the right to require changes in personnel, which shall be
communicated to the SI. the SI with the prior approval of PCSCL may make additions
to the project team. the SI shall provide PCSCL with the resume of Key Personnel and
provide such other information as PCSCL may reasonably require. PCSCL also reserves
the right to interview the personnel and reject, if found unsuitable. In case of change
in its team members, for any reason whatsoever, the SI shall also ensure that the
exiting members are replaced with at least equally qualified and professionally
competent members.
12.5. the SI shall ensure that none of the Key Personnel, proposed, exit from the project
during the project implementation Phase.
12.6. The SI shall submit profiles of only those resources that shall be deployed on the
project. Any change of resource shall be approved by PCSCL and compensated with
equivalent or better resource.
12.7. In case of change in its team members, the SI shall ensure a reasonable amount of
time overlap in activities to ensure proper knowledge transfer and handover /
takeover of documents and other relevant materials between the outgoing and the
new member.
12.8. The SI shall ensure that the SI’s team is competent, professional and possesses the
requisite qualifications and experience appropriate to the task they are required to
perform under this Contract. The SI shall ensure that the services are performed
through the efforts of the SI’s Team, in accordance with the terms hereof and to the
satisfaction of PCSCL. Nothing in this Contract relieves the SI from its liabilities or
obligations under this Contract to provide the Services in accordance with PCSCL’s
directions and requirements and as stated in this Contract and the Bid to the extent
accepted by PCSCL and the SI shall be liable for any non-performance, non-
compliance, breach or other loss and damage resulting either directly or indirectly by
or on account of the the SI’s Team.
12.9. The SI shall be fully responsible for deployment / installation / development and
integration of all the software and hardware components and resolve any problems /
issues that may arise due to integration of components.
12.10. The SI shall ensure that the OEMs supply equipment / components including
associated accessories and software required and shall support the SI in the
installation, commissioning, integration and maintenance of these components
during the entire period of contract. If the SI deploys COTS solutions, the SI shall
ensure that the COTS OEMs supply the software applications and shall support the SI
in the installation / deployment, integration, rollout and maintenance of these
applications during the entire period of contract. It must clearly be understood by the
SI that warranty and AMC of the system, products and services incorporated as part
of system would commence from the day of Go-Live of system as complete solutions
including all the solutions proposed. The SI would be required to explicitly display that
they have a back-to-back arrangement for provisioning of warranty / AMC support till
the end of contract period with the relevant OEMs. The annual maintenance support
shall include patches and updates of the software, hardware components and other
12.11. All the software licenses that the SI proposes shall be perpetual software licenses.
Licenses shall be in the name of PCSCL/end user. The software licenses shall not be
restricted based on location and PCSCL/end user shall have the flexibility to use the
software licenses for other requirements if required, provided the same does not
violate the usage rights agreed with the original manufacturer.
12.12. All the OEMs that the SI proposes shall have dealer possession licenses.
12.13. PCSCL reserves the right to review the terms of the Warranty and Annual
Maintenance Agreements entered into between the SI and OEMs and no such
agreement/contract shall be executed, amended, modified and/or terminated
without the prior written consent of PCSCL. An executed copy of each of such
agreements/contracts shall, immediately upon execution be submitted by the SI to
12.14. Alternatively, the the SI can also submit an undertaking on company letterhead in this
regard (specifying broadly the terms of the Warranty and Annual Maintenance
Agreements entered into between the the SI and OEM) signed by a competent
authority of the SI/OEM.
12.15. The SI shall ensure that none of the components and sub-components is declared end-
of-sale or end-of-support by the respective OEM at the time of submission of bid. If
the OEM declares any of the products/ solutions end-of-sale subsequently, the the SI
shall ensure that the same is supported by the respective OEM for the entire contract
period. Undertaking on company letterhead in this regard signed by the Global CEO
or the Country head of OEM/the SI shall be submitted by the SI.
12.16. If a product is de-supported by the OEM for any reason whatsoever, from the date of
Acceptance of the System till the end of contract, the SI shall replace the products/
solutions with an alternate that is acceptable to PCSCL at no additional cost to PCSCL
and without causing any performance degradation.
12.17. If there are any licenses, all the Licenses will be in the name of PCSCL only.
12.18. the SI shall ensure that the OEMs provide the support and assistance to the SI in case
of any problems / issues arising due to integration of components supplied by the SI
with any other component(s) / product(s) under the purview of the overall solution. If
the same is not resolved for any reason whatsoever, the SI shall replace the required
component(s) with an equivalent or better substitute that is acceptable to PCSCL
without any additional cost to PCSCL and without impacting the performance of the
solution in any manner whatsoever.
12.19. The SI shall ensure that the OEMs for hardware servers/equipment supply and/or
install all type of updates, patches, fixes and/or bug fixes for the firmware or software
from time to time at no additional cost to PCSCL.
12.20. The SI shall ensure that the OEMs for hardware servers/ equipment or the SI's trained
engineers conduct the preventive maintenance on a Quarterly basis and break-fix
maintenance in accordance with the best practices followed in the industry. The SI
shall ensure that the documentation and training services associated with the
components shall be provided by the OEM partner or OEM’s certified training partner
without any additional cost to PCSCL.
12.21. The SI and their personnel/representative shall not alter / change / replace any
hardware component proprietary to PCSCL and/or under warranty or AMC of third
party without prior consent of PCSCL.
12.22. The SI representative(s) shall have all the powers requisite for the execution of scope
of work and performance of services under this contract. the SI representative(s) shall
liaise with PCSCL’s representative for the proper coordination and timely completion
of the works and on any other matters pertaining to the works. The SI shall extend full
co-operation to PCSCL’s representative in the manner required by them for
supervision/ inspection/ observation of the equipment/ goods/ material, procedures,
performance, progress, reports and records pertaining to the works. He shall also
have complete charge of the SI’s personnel engaged in the performance of the works
and to ensure compliance of rules, regulations and safety practice. He shall also
cooperate with the other Service Providers/Vendors of PCSCL working at PCSCL’s
office locations & field locations and COC, CCC.
12.23. The SI shall be responsible on an ongoing basis for coordination with other vendors
and agencies of PCSCL in order to resolve issues and oversee implementation of the
same. The SI shall also be responsible for resolving conflicts between vendors in case
of borderline integration issues.
12.24. The SI’s shall adhere with the followings:
12.24.1 The products, solutions, goods and services etc. quoted by them, shall fulfil all
the RFP requirements including but not limited to OEM compliance and
technical specifications etc. In case any of the quoted products, solutions, goods
and services etc. do not meet any of the RFP requirements, the SI is liable to
provide requisite substitution/alternate to fulfil the RFP requirements by the
approval of PCSCL, without any delay in Project timelines or additional cost to
12.24.2. The SI’s submitted bid is prepared in conformance of the RFP requirement in
totality and any deficiency in the quoted BoM shall be fulfilled by the SI without
any enhancement in the quoted project cost in its financial bid or change in the
project timelines & SLAs.
12.24.3. Any reference of payment to the the SI on actual basis, anywhere in the RFP, only
means that, for any reasons if PCSCL at any stage decides to enhance or truncates
the scope of work leading to increase or decrease in the no. of hardware
components/devices than the one prescribed in the RFP or in the response of the
the SI, the payment for the same shall be made for such additional or lower
number on the basis of the respective line item unit cost prescribed by the the SI
as part of their financial bid.
c) If such a guarantee is not furnished within thirty (30) days of PCSCL or its nominated
agencies requiring the replacement, PCSCL may exercise its right to terminate the SLA
and/ or this Agreement within a further thirty (30) days by written notice, to become
effective as specified in such notice.
d) Pursuant to termination, the effects of termination as set out in Clause 37 of this
Agreement shall follow.
e) For the avoidance of doubt, it is expressly clarified that the internal reorganization of
the System Integrator shall not be deemed an event of a change of control for
purposes of this Clause unless the surviving entity is of less net worth than the
predecessor entity.
The Project shall be governed by the mechanism of final acceptance testing and certification
to be put into place by PCSCL and System Integrator as under:
a. Final testing and certification criteria will lay down a set of guidelines following
internationally accepted norms and standards for testing and certification for all
aspects of project development and implementation covering software, hardware
and networking including the processes relating to the design of solution
architecture, design of systems and sub-systems, coding, testing, business process
description, documentation, version control, change management, security, service
oriented architecture, performance in relation to compliance with SLA metrics,
interoperability, scalability, availability and compliance with all the technical and
functional requirements of the RFP and this Agreement;
b. Final testing and certification criteria will be finalized from the development stage to
ensure that the guidelines are being followed and to avoid large scale modifications
pursuant to testing done after the application is fully developed;
c. Final testing and certification criteria will consider conducting specific tests on the
software, hardware, networking, security and all other aspects;
d. Final testing and certification criteria will establish appropriate processes for
notifying the System Integrator of any deviations from the norms, standards or
guidelines at the earliest instance after taking cognizance of the same to enable the
System Integrator to take corrective action; etc.
e. The Parties shall each ensure that the range of the Services under the SLA shall not
be varied, reduced or increased except with the prior written agreement between
PCSCL and System Integrator in accordance with the Change Control Schedule set out
in Annex II of this Agreement.
f. Save for the express terms of the Terms of Payment Schedule set out of this
Agreement, PCSCL or its nominated agencies and its users may purchase any
particular category of Services that may become necessary as per the Change Control
Schedule set out in Annex II of this Agreement, without the need to go for a separate
procurement process.
a) Take all reasonable and proper care of the entire hardware and software, network or
any other information technology infrastructure components used for the Project
and other facilities leased / owned / operated by the System Integrator exclusively in
terms of ensuring their usability for the delivery of the Services as per this Agreement
(hereinafter the “Assets”) in proportion to their use and control of such Assets; and
b) Keep all the tangible Assets in as good and serviceable condition (reasonable wear
and tear excepted) as at the date the System Integrator takes control of and/or first
uses the Assets and during the entire Term of the Agreement.
c) Ensure that any instructions or manuals supplied by the manufacturer of the Assets
for use of the Assets and which are provided to the System Integrator will be followed
by the System Integrator and any person who will be responsible for the use of the
d) Take such steps as may be properly recommended by the manufacturer of the Assets
and notified to the System Integrator or as may, in the reasonable opinion of the
System Integrator, be necessary to use the Assets in a safe manner;
e) Ensure that the Assets that are under the control of the System Integrator, are kept
suitably housed and in conformity with Applicable Law;
f) Procure permission from PCSCL or its nominated agencies and any persons duly
authorized by them to enter any land or premises on which the Assets are for the
time being sited so as to inspect the same, subject to any reasonable third party
g) Not knowingly or negligently use or permit any of the Assets to be used in
contravention of any statutory provisions or regulation or in any way contrary to
Applicable Law
compliance by the System Integrator with any safety and security guidelines which
may be provided by PCSCL as the case may be or its nominated agencies and
notified to the System Integrator in writing, provide the System Integrator with:
a) Reasonable access, in the same manner granted to PCSCL or its
nominated agencies employees, to PCSCL as the case may be location
twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week;
b) Reasonable work space, access to office equipment as mutually agreed
and other related support services in such location and at such other
PCSCL as the case may be location, if any, as may be reasonably necessary
for the System Integrator to perform its obligations hereunder and under
the SLA
12.28.2. Access to locations, office equipment and services shall be made available to the
System Integrator (as per scope of work defined in the tender) by PCSCL as the
case may be or its nominated agencies. The System Integrator agrees to ensure
that its employees, agents and contractors shall not use the location, services and
equipment referred to in RFP for the following purposes:
a) for the transmission of any material which is defamatory, offensive or
abusive or of an obscene or menacing character; or
b) in a manner which constitutes a violation or infringement of the rights of
any person, firm or company (including but not limited to rights of
copyright or confidentiality)
12.29.1. The SI shall co-ordinate with PCSCL and stakeholders for the complete setup of
sites before commencement of installation of other areas as mentioned in Scope
of Work of the RFP Volume II document.
12.29.2. The plan and design documents thus developed shall be submitted by the SI for
approval by PCSCL.
12.29.4. After obtaining the approval from PCSCL, the SI shall commence the installation
of the systems.
The review and management process of this Agreement shall be carried out in accordance
with the Governance Schedule set out in Annex IV of this document and shall cover all the
management aspects of the Project.
12.30.2. Use of Services
a) PCSCL as the case may be or its nominated agencies, will undertake and
use the Services in accordance with any instructions or procedures as per
the acceptance criteria as set out in the SLA or this Agreement or any
agreement that may be entered into between the Parties from time to
b) PCSCL as the case may be or its nominated agencies shall be responsible
for the operation and use of the Deliverables resulting from the Services
12.30.3. Changes
Unless expressly dealt with elsewhere in this Agreement, any changes under or
to this Agreement or under or to the SLA shall be dealt with in accordance with
the Change Control Schedule set out in Annex II of this Agreement.
act or omission which they are aware that could have an adverse effect
on the proper conduct of safety and information technology security at
the facilities of PCSCL as the case may be.
12.30.5. Co-operation
Except as otherwise provided elsewhere in this Agreement or the SLA, each Party
(“Providing Party”) to this Agreement or to the SLA undertakes promptly to
provide the other Party (“Receiving Party”) with all such information and co-
operation which the Receiving Party reasonably requests, provided that such
information and co-operation:
a) does not require material expenditure by the Providing Party to provide
the same;
b) is reasonably required by the Receiving Party in order for it to comply with
its obligations under this Agreement or the SLA;
c) cannot be construed to be Confidential Information; and
d) is capable of being provided by the Providing Party
Further, each Party agrees to co-operate with the contractors and subcontractors
of the other Party as reasonably requested in order to accomplish the purposes
of this Agreement.
at intervals, as decided by PCSCL later, to oversee the progress of the
12.31.6. All the goods, services and manpower to be provided / deployed by the SI under the
Contract and the manner and speed of execution and maintenance of the work and
services are to be conducted in a manner to the satisfaction of PCSCL’s
representative in accordance with the Contract.
12.31.7. PCSCL reserves the right to inspect and monitor/ assess the progress/ performance
of the work / services at any time during the course of the Contract. PCSCL may
demand and upon such demand being made, the SI shall provide documents, data,
material or any other information which PCSCL may require, to enable it to assess
the progress/ performance of the work / service.
12.31.8. At any time during the course of the Contract, PCSCL shall also have the right to
conduct, either itself or through another agency as it may deem fit, an audit to
monitor the performance by the SI of its obligations/ functions in accordance with
the standards committed to or required by PCSCL and the SI undertakes to
cooperate with and provide to PCSCL/ any other agency appointed by PCSCL, all
Documents and other details as may be required by them for this purpose. PCSCL at
its discretion may appoint third party for auditing the activities of onsite services
and operations of entire services provided by the SI. The same cost of the third party
audit shall be borne by the SI.
12.31.9. Should the rate of progress of the works or any part of them at any time fall behind
the stipulated time for completion or is found to be too slow to ensure completion
of the works by the stipulated time, or is in deviation to Tender requirements/
standards, PCSCL’s representative shall so notify the SI in writing.
12.31.10. The SI shall reply to the written notice giving details of the measures the SI
proposes to take to expedite the progress to complete the works by the prescribed
time or to ensure compliance to RFP requirements. The SI shall not be entitled to
any additional payment for taking such steps. If at any time it shall appear to PCSCL
or PCSCL’s representative that the actual progress of work does not conform to the
approved plan the SI shall produce at the request of PCSCL’s representative a
revised plan showing the modification to the approved plan necessary to ensure
completion of the works within the time for completion or steps initiated to ensure
compliance to the stipulated requirements
12.31.11. The submission seeking approval by PCSCL or PCSCL’s representative of such plan
shall not relieve the SI of any of his duties or responsibilities under the Contract.
12.31.12. In case during execution of works, the progress falls behind schedule or does not
meet the Tender requirements, the SI shall deploy extra manpower / resources to
make up the progress
or to meet the RFP requirements. Plan for deployment of extra manpower /
resources shall be submitted to PCSCL for its review and approval. All time and cost
effect in this respect shall be borne, by the SI within the contract value.
12.32.1. Within 15 calendar days of effective date of the contract, the SI shall submit to
PCSCL for its approval a detailed Project Plan with details of the project showing
the sequence, procedure and method in which the SI proposes to carry out the
works. The Plan so submitted by the SI shall conform to the requirements and
timelines specified in the Contract. PCSCL and the SI shall discuss and agree upon
the work procedures to be followed for effective execution of the works, which the
SI intends to deploy and shall be clearly specified. The Project Plan shall include but
not limited to project organization, communication structure, proposed staffing,
roles and responsibilities, processes and tool sets to be used for quality assurance,
security and confidentiality practices in accordance with industry best practices,
project plan and delivery schedule in accordance with the Contract. Approval by
PCSCL’s representative of the Project Plan shall not relieve the SI of any of his duties
or responsibilities under this Contract.
12.32.2. If the SI’s work plans necessitate a disruption/ shutdown in PCSCL’s operation, the
plan shall be mutually discussed and developed so as to keep such
disruption/shutdown to the barest unavoidable minimum. Any time and cost
arising due to failure of the SI to develop/adhere such a work plan shall be to the
SI’s account.
12.33.1. The SI’s Team shall comply with the provision of all applicable laws including labor
laws, rules, regulations and notifications issued there under from time to time. All
applicable safety and labor laws enforced by statutory agencies and by PCSCL shall
be applicable in the performance of this Contract and the SI’s Team shall abide by
these laws.
12.33.2. Access to the Network Operations Center (NOC), Server Room, Command &
Control Center and City Operation Center (COC) shall be strictly restricted. No
access to any person except the essential members of the SI’s Team who are
authorized by PCSCL and are genuinely required for execution of work or for
carrying out management/ maintenance shall be allowed entry. Even if allowed,
access shall be restricted to the pertaining equipment of PCSCL only. The SI shall
maintain a log of all activities carried out by each of its team personnel.
12.33.3. No access to any staff of the SI, except the essential staff who has genuine work-
related need, shall be given. All such access shall be logged in a loss free manner
for permanent record with unique biometric identification of the staff to avoid
misrepresentations or mistakes.
12.33.4. The SI shall take all necessary and proper measures to protect the personnel, work
and facilities and shall observe all reasonable safety rules and instructions. The SI’s
Team shall adhere to all security requirement/ regulations of PCSCL during the
execution of the work. PCSCL’s employee also shall comply with safety procedures/
12.33.5. The SI shall report as soon as possible any evidence, which may indicate or is likely
to lead to an abnormal or dangerous situation and shall take all necessary
emergency control steps to avoid such abnormal situations.
13 PCSCL’s Obligations
13.1. PCSCL or his/her nominated representative shall act as the nodal point for
implementation of the contract and for issuing necessary instructions, approvals,
commissioning, acceptance certificates, payments etc. to the SI.
13.2. PCSCL shall ensure that timely approval is provided to the SI as and when required,
which may include approval of project plans, implementation methodology, design
documents, specifications, or any other document necessary in fulfilment of this
13.3. PCSCL’s representative shall interface with the SI, to provide the required
information, clarifications, and to resolve any issues as may arise during the
execution of the Contract. PCSCL shall provide adequate cooperation in providing
details, coordinating and obtaining of approvals from various governmental
agencies, in cases, where the intervention of PCSCL is proper and necessary.
13.4. PCSCL may provide on the SI’s request, particulars / information / documentation
that may be required by the SI for proper planning and execution of work and for
providing services covered under this contract and for which the SI may have to
coordinate with respective vendors.
13.5. PCSCL shall provide to the SI only sitting space and basic infrastructure not including,
stationery and other consumables at PCSCL’s office locations.
13.6. Site Not Ready: PCSCL hereby agrees to make the project sites ready as per the
agreed specifications, within the agreed timelines. PCSCL agrees that the SI shall not
be in any manner liable for any delay arising out of PCSCL’s failure to make the site
ready within the stipulated period.
13.8. To provide any support through personnel to test the system during the Term;
13.9. To provide any support through personnel and/or test data during development,
rollout, steady state operation, as well as, for any changes/enhancements in the
system whenever required due to scope change that may arise due to business,
delivery or statutory/regulatory reasons;
13.10. PCSCL shall provide the data (including in electronic form wherever available) to be
13.11. PCSCL shall authorize the System Integrator to interact for implementation of the
Project with external entities and shall provide prompt Deliverable feedback, sign
offs or its comments for changes.
14 Financial Matters
14.2. Invoicing & Settlement
a) Subject to the specific terms of the Agreement and the SLA, the System Integrator
shall submit its invoices in accordance with the following principles:
I. PCSCL shall be invoiced by the System Integrator for the Services. Generally and
unless otherwise agreed in writing between the Parties or expressly set out in
the SLA, the System Integrator shall raise an invoice as per the Payment
Schedule of this Agreement; and
II. Any invoice presented in accordance with this Clause shall be in a form agreed
with PCSCL
b) The System Integrator alone shall invoice all payments after receiving due approval
of completion of payment milestone from the competent authority. Such invoices
shall be accurate with all adjustments or changes in the terms of payment as stated
in Payment Schedule of this Agreement.
c) Payment shall be made within Forty Five (45) working days of the receipt of invoice
along with supporting documents by PCSCL subject to deduction of applicable
liquidated damages (till “Go Live”) or SLA penalties (post “Go Live”). The penalties
are imposed on the vendor as per the SLA criteria specified in the SLA.
d) PCSCL shall be entitled to delay or withhold payment of any invoice or part of it
delivered by the System Integrator under Payment Schedule section of this
Agreement where PCSCL disputes/withholds such invoice or part of it provided that
such dispute is bonafide. The withheld amount shall be limited to that which is in
dispute. The disputed / withheld amount shall be settled in accordance with the
escalation procedure as set out in Payment Schedule sections of this Agreement. Any
exercise by PCSCL under this Clause shall not entitle the System Integrator to delay
or withhold provision of the Services.
14.3. Tax
a) PCSCL or its nominated agencies shall be responsible for withholding taxes from the
amounts due and payable to the System Integrator wherever applicable. The System
Integrator shall pay for all other taxes in connection with this Agreement, SLA, scope
of work and any other engagement required to be undertaken as a part of this
Agreement, including, but not limited to, property, sales, use, excise, value-added,
goods and services, consumption and other similar taxes or duties.
b) PCSCL or its nominated agencies shall provide System Integrator with the original tax
receipt of any withholding taxes paid by PCSCL or its nominated agencies on
payments under this Agreement. The System Integrator agrees to reimburse and
hold PCSCL or its nominated agencies harmless from any deficiency including
penalties and interest relating to taxes that are its responsibility under this
paragraph. For purposes of this Agreement, taxes shall include taxes incurred on
transactions between and among PCSCL or its nominated agencies, the System
Integrator and third party subcontractors.
c) If, after the date of this Agreement, there is any change of rate of levy under the
existing applicable laws of India with respect to taxes and duties, which are directly
payable by PCSCL for providing the goods and services i.e. GST or any such other
applicable tax from time to time, which increase or decreases the cost incurred by
the System Integrator in performing the Services, then the remuneration and
reimbursable expense otherwise payable to the System Integrator under this
Agreement shall be increased or decreased accordingly by correspondence between
the Parties hereto, However, in case of any new or fresh tax or levy imposed after
submission of the proposal the System Integrator shall be entitled to reimbursement
on submission of proof of payment of such tax or levy.
d) The Parties shall cooperate to enable each Party to accurately determine its own tax
liability and to minimize such liability to the extent legally permissible. In connection
therewith, the Parties shall provide each other with the following:
I. any resale certificates;
II. any relevant information regarding out-of-state or use of materials, equipment
or services; and
III. any direct pay permits, exemption certificates or information reasonably
requested by the other Party.
e) The SI shall bear all personnel taxes levied or imposed on its personnel, or any other
member of the SI’s Team, etc. on account of payment received under this Contract.
The SI shall bear all corporate taxes, levied or imposed on the SI on account of
payments received by it from PCSCL for the work done under this Contract.
f) the SI shall bear all taxes and duties etc. levied or imposed on the SI under the
Contract including but not limited to GST, Sales Tax, Customs duty, Excise duty,
Octroi, Service Tax, VAT, Works Contracts Tax and all Income Tax levied under Indian
Income Tax Act – 1961 or any amendment thereof during the entire contract period,
i.e., on account of material supplied and services rendered and payments received by
him from PCSCL under the Contract. It shall be the responsibility of the SI to submit
to the concerned Indian authorities the returns and all other connected documents
required for this purpose. the SI shall also provide PCSCL such information, as it may
be required in regard to the SI’s details of payment made by PCSCL under the Contract
for proper assessment of taxes and duties. The amount of tax withheld by PCSCL shall
at all times be in accordance with Indian Tax Law and PCSCL shall promptly furnish to
the SI original certificates for tax deduction at source and paid to the Tax Authorities.
g) the SI agrees that he shall comply with the Indian Income Tax Act in force from time
to time and pay Indian Income Tax, as may be imposed/ levied on them by the Indian
Income Tax Authorities, for the payments received by them for the works under the
h) The SI shall fully familiarize themselves about the applicable domestic taxes (such as
GST, value added or sales tax, service tax, income taxes, duties, fees, levies, etc.) on
amounts payable by PCSCL under the Contract. All such taxes must be included by
the SI in the financial proposal. (The SI to find out applicable taxes for the
components being proposed.)
i) Should the SI fail to submit returns/pay taxes in time as stipulated under applicable
Indian/State Tax Laws and consequently any interest or penalty is imposed by the
concerned authority, the SI shall pay the same. the SI shall indemnify PCSCL against
any and all liabilities or claims arising out of this Contract for such taxes including
interest and penalty by any such Tax Authority may assess or levy against PCSCL/the
j) PCSCL shall if so required by applicable laws in force, at the time of payment, deduct
income tax payable by the SI at the rates in force, from the amount due to the SI and
pay to the concerned tax authority directly.
15 Audit, Access and Reporting
The System Integrator shall allow access to PCSCL or its nominated agencies to all
information which is in the possession or control of the System Integrator and which relates
to the provision of the Services as set out in the Audit, Access and Reporting Schedule and
which is reasonably required by PCSCL to comply with the terms of the Audit, Access and
Reporting Schedule set out as in Annex V of this agreement.
affiliates, or a third party. “Fixes” means product fixes that are either released
generally (such as commercial product service packs) or that are provided to you
when performing services (such as workarounds, patches, bug fixes, beta fixes and
beta builds) and any derivatives of the foregoing.
16.2. Bespoke development:
Subject to the provisions of Clause 16.3 and 16.4 below, upon payment, the IPR rights
for any bespoke development done during the implementation of the project will lie
exclusively with PCSCL.
16.3. Pre-existing work:
All IPR including the source code and materials developed or otherwise obtained
independently of the efforts of a Party under this Agreement (“pre-existing work”)
including any enhancement or modification thereto shall remain the sole property of
that Party. During the performance of the services for this agreement, each party
grants to the other party (and their sub-contractors as necessary) a non-exclusive
license to use, reproduce and modify any of its pre-existing work provided to the
other party solely for the performance of such services for duration of the Term of
this Agreement. Except as may be otherwise explicitly agreed to in a statement of
services, upon payment in full, the System Integrator shall grant PCSCL a non-
exclusive, perpetual, fully paid-up license to use the pre-existing work in the form
delivered to PCSCL as part of the service or deliverables only for its internal business
operations. Under such license, either of parties will have no right to sell the pre-
existing work of the other party to a Third Party. PCSCL’s license to pre-existing work
is conditioned upon its compliance with the terms of this Agreement and the
perpetual license applies solely to the pre-existing work that bidder leaves with PCSCL
at the conclusion of performance of the services.
16.4. Residuals:
In no event shall System Integrator be precluded from independently developing for
itself, or for others, anything, whether in tangible or non-tangible form, which is
competitive with, or similar to, the deliverables, set-out in this Agreement. In
addition, subject to the confidentiality obligations, System Integrator shall be free to
use its general knowledge, skills and experience, and any ideas, concepts, know-how,
and techniques that are acquired or used in the course of providing the Services.
The System Integrator represents and warrants to PCSCL or its nominated agencies that:
a) it is duly organized and validly existing under the laws of India, and has full power
and authority to execute and perform its obligations under this Agreement and other
agreements and to carry out the transactions contemplated hereby;
b) it is a competent provider of a variety of information technology and business
process management services;
c) it has taken all necessary corporate and other actions under laws applicable to its
business to authorize the execution and delivery of this Agreement and to validly
exercise its rights and perform its obligations under this Agreement;
d) from the Effective Date, it will have the financial standing and capacity to undertake
the Project in accordance with the terms of this Agreement;
e) in providing the Services, it shall use reasonable endeavors not to cause any
unnecessary disruption to PCSCL's normal business operations
f) this Agreement has been duly executed by it and constitutes a legal, valid and binding
obligation, enforceable against it in accordance with the terms hereof, and its
obligations under this Agreement shall be legally valid, binding and enforceable
against it in accordance with the terms hereof;
g) the information furnished in the System Integrator’s response to the RFP and any
subsequent clarification pertaining to the evaluation process, furnished on or before
the date of this Agreement is to the best of its knowledge and belief true and accurate
in all material respects as at the date of this Agreement;
h) the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement shall not conflict with,
result in the breach of, constitute a default by any of the terms of its Memorandum
and Articles of Association or any Applicable Laws or any covenant, contract,
agreement, arrangement, understanding, decree or order to which it is a party or by
which it or any of its properties or assets is bound or affected;
i) there are no material actions, suits, proceedings, or investigations pending or, to its
knowledge, threatened against it at law or in equity before any court or before any
other judicial, quasi-judicial or other authority, the outcome of which may result in
the breach of this Agreement or which individually or in the aggregate may result in
any material impairment of its ability to perform any of its material obligations under
this Agreement;
j) it has no knowledge of any violation or default with respect to any order, writ,
injunction or decree of any court or any legally binding order of any Government
Instrumentality which may result in any Adverse Effect on its ability to perform its
obligations under this Agreement and no fact or circumstance exists which may give
rise to such proceedings that would adversely affect the performance of its
obligations under this Agreement;
k) it has complied with Applicable Laws in all material respects and has not been subject
to any fines, penalties, injunctive relief or any other civil or criminal liabilities which
in the aggregate have or may have an Adverse Effect on its ability to perform its
obligations under this Agreement;
l) no representation or warranty by it contained herein or in any other document
furnished by it to PCSCL or its nominated agencies in relation to the Required
Consents contains or shall contain any untrue or misleading statement of material
fact or omits or shall omit to state a material fact necessary to make such
representation or warranty not misleading; and
m) no sums, in cash or kind, have been paid or shall be paid, by it or on its behalf, to any
person by way of fees, commission or otherwise for entering into this Agreement or
for influencing or attempting to influence any officer or employee of PCSCL or its
nominated agencies in connection therewith.
17.2. Representations and warranties of PCSCL or its nominated agencies
PCSCL or its nominated agencies represent and warrant to the System Integrator that:
a) it has full power and authority to execute, deliver and perform its obligations under
this Agreement and to carry out the transactions contemplated herein and that it has
taken all actions necessary to execute this Agreement, exercise its rights and perform
its obligations, under this Agreement and carry out the transactions contemplated
b) it has taken all necessary actions under Applicable Laws to authorize the execution,
delivery and performance of this Agreement and to validly exercise its rights and
perform its obligations under this Agreement;
c) it has the financial standing and capacity to perform its obligations under the
d) it is subject to the laws of India, and hereby expressly and irrevocably waives any
immunity in any jurisdiction in respect of this Agreement or matters arising
thereunder including any obligation, liability or responsibility hereunder;
e) this Agreement has been duly executed by it and constitutes a legal, valid and binding
obligation enforceable against it in accordance with the terms hereof and its
obligations under this Agreement shall be legally valid, binding and enforceable
against it in accordance with the terms thereof;
f) the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement shall not conflict with,
result in the breach of, constitute a default under, or accelerate performance
required by any of the Applicable Laws or any covenant, contract, agreement,
arrangement, understanding, decree or order to which it is a party or by which it or
any of its properties or assets is bound or affected;
g) there are no actions, suits or proceedings pending or, to its knowledge, threatened
against it at law or in equity before any court or before any other judicial, quasi-
judicial or other authority, the outcome of which may result in the default or breach
of this Agreement or which individually or in the aggregate may result in any material
impairment of its ability to perform its material (including any payment) obligations
under this Agreement;
h) it has no knowledge of any violation or default with respect to any order, writ,
injunction or any decree of any court or any legally binding order of any Government
Instrumentality which may result in any Adverse Effect on PCSCL or its nominated
agencies ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement and no fact or
circumstance exists which may give rise to such proceedings that would adversely
affect the performance of its obligations under this Agreement;
i) it has complied with Applicable Laws in all material respects;
j) all information provided by it in the RFP in connection with the Project is, to the best
of its knowledge and belief, true and accurate in all material respects; and
k) upon the System Integrator performing the covenants herein, it shall not at any time
during the term hereof, interfere with peaceful exercise of the rights and discharge
of the obligations by the System Integrator, in accordance with this Agreement.
18.1. The Contract period shall commence from the date of signing of contract and shall
remain valid for sixty (60) months from the date of Go Live of the system
18.2. If the delay occurs due to circumstances beyond control of the SI such as strikes,
lockouts, fire, accident, defective materials, delay in approvals or any cause
whatsoever beyond the reasonable control of the SI, a reasonable extension of time
shall be granted by PCSCL.
18.3. PCSCL shall reserve the sole right to grant any extension to the term abovementioned
and shall notify in writing to the SI, at least three (3) months before the expiration of
the Term hereof, whether it shall grant the SI an extension of the Term. The decision
to grant or refuse the extension shall be at PCSCL’s discretion and such extension of
the contract, if any, shall be as per terms agreed mutually between PCSCL and the SI.
18.4. Where PCSCL is of the view that no further extension of the term be granted to the
SI, PCSCL shall notify the SI of its decision at least three (3) months prior to the expiry
of the Term. Upon receipt of such notice, the SI shall continue to perform all its
obligations hereunder, until such reasonable time beyond the Term of the Contract
within which, PCSCL shall either appoint an alternative agency/the SI or create its
own infrastructure to operate such Services as are provided under this Contract.
19 Dispute Resolution
a. General: If any dispute arises between the parties during the execution of a contract
that shall be amicably settled by mutual discussions. However, if the dispute is not
settled by mutual discussions, a written representation will be obtained from the
the SI on the points of dispute. The representation so received shall be examined
by PCSCL and may take legal advice of a counsel and then examine the
representation. The the SI will also be given an opportunity of being heard. PCSCL
will take a decision on the representation and convey it in writing to the the SI.
c. Arbitration
In the event of unresolved dispute between the parties (PCSCL BoD fails to
resolve), it shall be the subject matter of jurisdiction of Pune district court only.
21 Conflict of interest
21.1. The the SI shall hold the Purchaser’s interests paramount, without any
consideration for future work, and strictly avoid conflict of interest with other
assignments or their own corporate interests. If during the period of this contract,
a conflict of interest arises for any reasons, the the SI shall promptly disclose the
same to the purchaser and seek its instructions.
21.2. Prohibition of Conflicting Activities: The the SI shall not engage, either directly or
indirectly, in any business or professional activities related to PCSCL’s mentioned
projects’ Operations & Management that would conflict with the activities assigned
to them under this Contract.
21.3. the SI shall disclose to PCSCL in writing, all actual and potential conflicts of interest
that exist, arise or may arise (either for the SI or the SI’s Team) in the course of
performing the Services as soon as practical after it becomes aware of that conflict.
22 Force Majeure
22.1. Definition of Force Majeure:
“Force Majeure” shall mean any event beyond the reasonable control of PCSCL or of
the the SI, as the case may be, and which is unavoidable notwithstanding the
reasonable care of the party affected.
22.2. Force Majeure events
A Force Majeure shall include, without limitation, the following:
a) War, hostilities, or warlike operations (whether a state of war be declared or
not), invasion, act of foreign enemy, and civil war;
b) Strike, sabotage, lockout, embargo, import restriction, port congestion, lack of
usual means of public transportation and communication, industrial dispute,
shipwreck, shortage or restriction of power supply, epidemics, quarantine, and
c) Earthquake, landslide, volcanic activity, fire, flood or inundation, tidal wave,
typhoon or cyclone, hurricane, storm, lightning, or other inclement weather
condition, nuclear and pressure waves, or other natural or physical disaster;
22.3. If either party is prevented, hindered, or delayed from or in performing any of its
obligations under the Contract by an event of Force Majeure, then it shall notify the
other in writing of the occurrence of such event and the circumstances of the event
of Force Majeure within fourteen (14) days after the occurrence of such event.
22.4. The party who has given such notice shall be excused from the performance or
punctual performance of its obligations under the Contract for so long as the relevant
event of Force Majeure continues and to the extent that such party’s performance is
prevented, hindered, or delayed. The time for achieving Final Acceptance shall be
22.5. The party or parties affected by the event of Force Majeure shall use reasonable
efforts to mitigate the effect of the event of Force Majeure upon its or their
performance of the Contract and to fulfill its or their obligations under the Contract,
but without prejudice to either party’s right to terminate the Contract under Clause
22.6. No delay or non-performance by either party to this Contract caused by the
occurrence of any event of Force Majeure shall:
a) constitute a default or breach of the Contract
b) give rise to any claim for damages or additional cost or expense occasioned by
the delay or non-performance
c) if, and to the extent that, such delay or nonperformance is caused by the
occurrence of an event of Force Majeure
22.7. If the performance of the Contract is substantially prevented, hindered, or delayed
for a single period of more than sixty (60) days on account of one or more events of
Force Majeure during the time period covered by the Contract, the parties will
attempt to develop a mutually satisfactory solution, failing which, either party may
terminate the Contract by giving a notice to the other.
22.8. In the event of termination pursuant to this Clause 22, the rights and obligations of
PCSCL and the the SI shall be as specified in the clause titled Termination.
22.9. Notwithstanding Clause 22, Force Majeure shall not apply to any obligation of PCSCL
to make payments to the the SI under this Contract.
22.10. For the avoidance of doubt, it is expressly clarified that the failure on the part of the
System Integrator under this Agreement or the SLA to implement any disaster
contingency planning and back-up and other data safeguards in accordance with the
terms of this Agreement or the SLA against natural disaster, fire, sabotage or other
similar occurrence shall not be deemed to be a Force Majeure event. For the
avoidance of doubt, it is further clarified that any negligence in performance of
Services, which directly causes any breach of security like hacking aren’t the forces
of nature and hence wouldn’t be qualified under the definition of “Force Majeure”.
In so far as applicable to the performance of Services, Service Provider will be solely
responsible to complete the risk assessment and ensure implementation of adequate
security hygiene, best practices, processes and technology to prevent any breach of
security and any resulting liability therefrom (wherever applicable).
23 Delivery
23.1. The SI shall bear the cost for packing, transport, insurance, storage and delivery of all
the goods for “Selection of System Integrator for Supply, Installation, Testing,
Commissioning and O&M for ICT led PCSCL Smart City Solutions” at all locations
identified by PCSCL in Pimpri Chinchwad.
23.2. The Goods and manpower supplied under this Contract shall conform to the
standards mentioned in the RFP, and, when no applicable standard is mentioned, to
the authoritative standards; such standard shall be approved by PCSCL.
23.3. The SI shall only procure the hardware and software after approvals from a
designated Committee/Authority.
24.1. Standard: The System Integrator warrants that the Project, including all the
system(s), materials and goods supplied pursuant to the Agreement, shall be free
from any defect or deficiency in the material, design, engineering, and workmanship
that prevent the system and/or any of its systems(s) from fulfilling the technical
requirements or that limit in a material fashion the performance, reliability, or
extensibility of the system and/or any of its sub-system(s). Commercial warranty
provisions of products supplied under the Agreement shall apply to the extent they
do not conflict with the provisions of this Agreement.
24.2. The SI also warrants that the products, materials and other goods supplied under the
Agreement are new, unused and incorporate all recent improvements in design that
materially affect the system’s or subsystem’s ability to fulfil the technical
requirements specified in the RFP.
24.3. In addition, the SI warrants that: (i) all Goods components to be incorporated into the
System form part of the SI/OEM’s and/or Subcontractor’s current product lines.
24.4. The warranty period shall commence from the date of Final Acceptance of the System
(or of any major component or subsystem for which phased Go-Live is provided for
in the Agreement) or on expiry of the products commercial warranty, whichever is
24.5. If during the warranty period any defect or deficiency is found in the material, design
and performance/workmanship of the Project and other Services provided by the
System Integrator, the System Integrator shall promptly, in consultation and
agreement with PCSCL, and at the System Integrator’s sole cost repair, replace, or
otherwise make good (as the System Integrator shall, at its discretion, determine)
such default, defect or deficiency as well as any damage to the system caused by such
default, defect or deficiency. Any defective component, excluding hard disks, that
has been replaced by the System Integrator shall remain the property of the System
24.6. The SI may, with the consent of PCSCL, remove from the site any product and other
goods that are defective, if the nature of the defect, and/or any damage to the
System caused by the defect, is such that repairs cannot be expeditiously carried out
at the site. If the repair, replacement, or making good is of such a character that it
may affect the efficiency of the System, PCSCL may give the SI notice requiring that
tests of the defective part be made by the SI immediately upon completion of such
remedial work, whereupon the SI shall carry out such tests. If such part fails the tests,
the SI shall carry out further repair, replacement, or making good (as the case may
be) until that part of the System passes such tests. The tests shall be agreed upon by
PCSCL and the SI.
24.7. If the SI fails to commence the work necessary to remedy such defect or any damage
to the System caused by such defect within a reasonable time period, PCSCL may,
following notice to the SI, proceed to do such work or contract a third party (or
parties) to do such work, and the reasonable costs incurred by PCSCL in connection
with such work shall be paid to PCSCL by the SI or may be deducted by PCSCL from
any amount due to the the SI.
24.8. If the System or any of its sub-systems cannot be used by reason of such default,
defect or deficiency and/or making good of such default, defect or deficiency, the
warranty period for the Project shall be extended by a period equal to the period
during, which the Project or any of its system could not be used by PCSCL because of
such defect and/or making good of such default, defect or deficiency.
24.9. Items substituted for defective parts of the System during the Warranty Period shall
be covered by the Warranty for the remainder of the Warranty Period applicable for
the part replaced or three (3) months, whichever is greater.
24.10. The Implementing Agency shall have no liability in the case of breach of this warranty
due to use of the deliverables on any environment (hardware or software) other than
the environment recommended or approved by the Implementing Agency, (ii) the
combination, operation, or use of some or all of the deliverables with information,
software, specifications, instructions, data, or materials not approved by the
Implementing Agency; (iii) the deliverables having been tampered with, altered or
modified by PCSCL without the written permission of the Implementing Agency, or
(iv) use of the deliverables otherwise than in terms of the relevant documentation.
24.11. Implied Warranty: The warranties provided herein are in lieu of all other warranties,
both express and implied, and all other warranties, including without limitation that
of merchantability or fitness for intended purpose is specifically disclaimed.
25 Insurance
25.1. The Goods supplied under this Contract shall be comprehensively insured by the SI at
his own cost, against any loss or damage, for the entire period of the contract. The SI
shall submit to PCSCL, documentary evidence issued by the insurance company,
indicating that such insurance has been taken.
25.2. The SI shall bear all the statutory levies like customs, insurance, freight, etc. applicable
on the goods and also the charges like transportation charges, etc. that may be
applicable till the goods are delivered at the respective sites of installation shall also
be borne by the SI.
25.3. The SI shall take out and maintain at its own cost, on terms and conditions approved by the
PCSCL, insurance against the risks, and for the coverages, as specified below:
a) At PCSCL’s request, shall provide evidence to PCSCL showing that such insurance
has been taken out and maintained and that the current premiums therefor have
been paid.
b) Employer's liability and workers' compensation insurance in respect of the
Personnel of the Company, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the
Applicable Law, as well as, with respect to such Personnel, any such life, health,
accident, travel or other insurance as may be appropriate
25.4. Obligation to maintain insurance in connection with the provision of the Services, the
Service Provider must have and maintain:
a) For the Agreement Period, valid and enforceable insurance coverage for:
i. Public liability;
ii. Either professional indemnity or errors and omissions;
iii. Product liability;
iv. Workers’ compensation as required by law; and
v. Any additional types specified in Annex II
b) For one year following the expiry or termination of the Agreement, valid and
enforceable insurance policies (if relevant), in the amount not less than the
Insurance Cover derived in this RFP
25.5.1. The System Integrator must, on request by PCSCL, provide current relevant
confirmation of insurance documentation from its insurance brokers certifying
that it has insurance as required by this Clause 25. The Service Provider agrees
to replace any coverage prior to the date of expiry/cancellation.
25.6. Non-compliance
25.6.1. PCSCL or its nominated agencies may, at its election, terminate this Agreement
as per Clause 37.8, upon the failure of System Integrator or notification of such
failure, to maintain the required insurance coverage. Inadequate insurance
coverage for any reason shall not relieve System Integrator of its obligations
under this Agreement.
26 Exit Management
26.1.1 Purpose
26.1.1. This Schedule sets out the provisions, which will apply on expiry or termination
of the MSA, the Project Implementation, Operation and Management SLA.
26.1.2. In the case of termination of the Project Implementation and/or Operation and
Management, the Parties shall agree at that time whether, and if so during what
period, the provisions of this Schedule shall apply.
26.1.3. The Parties shall ensure that their respective associated entities carry out their
respective obligations set out in this Exit Management clause.
26.2. Transfer of Assets
26.2.1. PCSCL shall be entitled to serve notice in writing on the the SI at any time during
the exit management period as detailed hereinabove requiring the the SI and/or
its sub-contractors to provide PCSCL with a complete and up to date list of the
Assets within thirty (30) days of such notice. PCSCL shall then be entitled to serve
notice in writing on the SI at any time prior to the date that is thirty (30) days
prior to the end of the exit management period requiring the SI to sell the Assets,
if any, to be transferred to PCSCL or its nominated agencies at book value as
determined as of the date of such notice in accordance with the provisions of
relevant laws.
26.2.2. In case of contract being terminated by PCSCL, PCSCL reserves the right to ask
the SI to continue running the project operations for a period of six (6) months
after termination orders are issued.
26.2.3. Upon service of a notice under this Article the following provisions shall apply:
i. in the event, if the Assets to be transferred are mortgaged to any financial
institutions by the SI, the SI shall ensure that all such liens and liabilities have
been cleared beyond doubt, prior to such transfer. All documents regarding
the discharge of such lien and liabilities shall be furnished to PCSCL.
ii. All risk in and title to the Assets to be transferred / to be purchased by PCSCL
pursuant to this Article shall be transferred to PCSCL, on the last day of the
exit management period.
iii. PCSCL shall pay to the SI on the last day of the exit management period such
sum representing the Net Block (procurement price less depreciation as per
provisions of Companies Act) of the Assets to be transferred as stated in the
Terms of Payment Schedule.
iv. Payment to the outgoing SI shall be made to the tune of last set of completed
services / deliverables, subject to SLA requirements.
v. The outgoing SI will pass on to PCSCL and/or to the Replacement SI, the
subsisting rights in any leased properties/ licensed products on terms not less
favorable to PCSCL/ Replacement SI, than that enjoyed by the outgoing SI.
26.3. Cooperation and Provision of Information
During the exit management period:
26.3.1. The System Integrator will allow PCSCL or its nominated agency access to
information reasonably required to define the then current mode of operation
associated with the provision of the services to enable PCSCL to assess the existing
services being delivered;
26.3.2. Promptly on reasonable request by PCSCL, the SI shall provide access to and copies
of all information held or controlled by them which they have prepared or
maintained in accordance with this agreement relating to any material aspect of
the services (whether provided by the System Integrator or sub-contractors
appointed by the System Integrator). PCSCL shall be entitled to copy of all such
information. Such information shall include details pertaining to the services
rendered and other performance data. The System Integrator shall permit PCSCL
or its nominated agencies to have reasonable access to its employees and facilities
as reasonably required by the Chairman, PIU to understand the methods of
delivery of the services employed by the System Integrator and to assist
appropriate knowledge transfer.
26.4. Confidential Information, Security and Data
26.4.1. The System Integrator will promptly on the commencement of the exit
management period supply to PCSCL or its nominated agency the following:
i. Information relating to the current services rendered and customer and
performance data relating to the performance of sub-contractors in relation
to the services;
ii. Documentation relating to Computerization Project’s Intellectual Property
iii. Documentation relating to sub-contractors;
iv. All current and updated data as is reasonably required for purposes of PCSCL
or its nominated agencies transitioning the services to its Replacement
System Integrator in a readily available format nominated by PCSCL, its
nominated agency;
v. All other information (including but not limited to documents, records and
agreements) relating to the services reasonably necessary to enable PCSCL or
its nominated agencies, or its Replacement System Integrator to carry out due
diligence in order to transition the provision of the Services to PCSCL or its
nominated agencies, or its Replacement System Integrator (as the case may
26.4.2. Before the expiry of the exit management period, the System Integrator shall
deliver to PCSCL or its nominated agency all new or up-dated materials from the
categories set out in this section above and shall not retain any copies thereof,
except that the System
Integrator shall be permitted to retain one copy of such materials for archival
purposes only.
26.4.3. Before the expiry of the exit management period, unless otherwise provided
under the MSA, PCSCL or its nominated agency shall deliver to the System
Integrator all forms of System Integrator confidential information, which is in the
possession or control of Chairperson, PIU or its users.
26.5. Employees
26.5.1. Promptly on reasonable request at any time during the exit management period,
the System Integrator shall, subject to applicable laws, restraints and regulations
(including in particular those relating to privacy) provide to PCSCL or its nominated
agency a list of all employees (with job titles) of the System Integrator dedicated
to providing the services at the commencement of the exit management period.
26.5.2. Where any national, regional law or regulation relating to the mandatory or
automatic transfer of the contracts of employment from the System Integrator to
PCSCL or its nominated agency, or a Replacement System Integrator ("Transfer
Regulation") applies to any or all of the employees of the System Integrator, then
the Parties shall comply with their respective obligations under such Transfer
26.6. Transfer of Certain Agreements
On request by PCSCL or its nominated agency, the System Integrator shall effect such
assignments, transfers, licenses and sub-licenses as the Chairperson, PIU may require in
favor of the Chairperson, PIU, or its Replacement System Integrator in relation to any
equipment lease, maintenance or service provision agreement between System Integrator
and third party lessors, vendors, and which are related to the services and reasonably
necessary for the carrying out of replacement services by PCSCL or its nominated agency or
its Replacement System Integrator.
used to ensure continuing provision of the services throughout the transfer
process or until the cessation of the services and of the management
structure to be used during the transfer;
ii. Plans for the communication with such of the System Integrator's sub-
contractors, staff, customers and any related third party as are necessary to
avoid any material detrimental impact on PCSCL’s operations as a result of
undertaking the transfer;
iii. If applicable, proposed arrangements for the segregation of the System
Integrator's networks from the networks employed by PCSCL and
identification of specific security tasks necessary at termination;
iv. Plans for provision of contingent support to PCSCL, and Replacement System
Integrator for a reasonable period after transfer.
26.8.2. The System Integrator shall re-draft the Exit Management Plan annually
thereafter to ensure that it is kept relevant and up to date.
26.8.3. Each Exit Management Plan shall be presented by the System Integrator to and
approved by PCSCL or its nominated agencies.
26.8.4. The terms of payment as stated in the Terms of Payment Schedule include the
costs of the System Integrator complying with its obligations under this
26.8.5. In the event of termination or expiry of MSA, and Project Implementation, each
Party shall comply with the Exit Management Plan.
26.8.6. During the exit management period, the System Integrator shall use its best
efforts to deliver the services.
26.8.7. Payments during the Exit Management period shall be made in accordance with
the Terms of Payment Schedule.
26.8.8. This Exit Management plan shall be furnished in writing to PCSCL or its
nominated agencies within ninety (90) days from the Effective Date of this
27 Performance Security
27.1. The SI shall furnish Performance Security Deposit to PCSCL, in the form of Bank
Guarantee (PBG), within fifteen (15) days of issuance of Letter of Intent (LoI) or Letter
of Award (LoA) for a value equivalent to 5% of the contract value. This PBG shall be
valid up to One hundred and eighty (180) days beyond the term of the Contract
(Contract Period+180 days) including any subsequent term extension. The SI shall be
responsible for extending the validity date and claim period of the PBG as and when
it is due on account of extension of contract and/or warranty period.
28 Liquidated Damages
i. Except as provided under clause “Force Majeure”, if the supplier/ selected bidder
fails to deliver any or all of the items/goods or perform the Related Services within
the period specified in the Contract, the Purchaser may without prejudice to all its
other remedies under the Contract, deduct from the Contract Price, as liquidated
damages, a sum equivalent to the percentage specified in (d) below for each week
or part thereof of delay until actual delivery or performance, up to a maximum
deduction of the percentage specified in the bidding document and/ or contract.
Once the maximum is reached, the Purchaser may terminate the Contract pursuant
to clause “Termination”.
b) The time specified for delivery and installation of the IT/non-IT Infra and software
products licenses in the bidding document shall be deemed to be the essence of the
contract and the supplier/ selected bidder shall arrange items/goods supply and
related services within the specified period.
c) Delivery and installation/ completion period may be extended with or without
liquidated damages, if the delay in the supply of items/goods or service is on
account of hindrances beyond the control of the supplier/ selected bidder.
i. The supplier/ selected bidder shall request in writing to the Purchaser giving
reasons for extending the delivery period of service, if he finds himself unable
to complete the supply of items/goods or service within the stipulated delivery
period or is unable to maintain prorate progress in the supply of items/goods
or service delivery. This request shall be submitted as soon as a hindrance in
delivery of items/goods and service occurs or within fifteen (15) days from such
occurrence but before expiry of stipulated period of completion of delivery of
items / goods and service after which such request shall not be entertained.
ii. The Purchaser shall examine the justification of causes of hindrance in the
delivery of items/goods and service and the period of delay occurred due to
that and recommend the competent authority on the period of extension
which shall be granted with or without liquidated damages.
iii. Normally, extension in delivery period of items/goods and service in following
circumstances may be considered without liquidated damages:
a. When delay has occurred due to delay in supply of drawings, designs, plans
etc. if PCSCL was required to supply them to the supplier of items/goods or
service provider as per terms of the contract.
b. When delay has occurred in supply of materials etc. if these were required
to be supplied to the supplier or service provider by PCSCL as per terms of
the contract.
iv. If the competent authority agrees to extend the delivery period/ schedule, an
amendment to the contract with suitable denial clauses and with or without
liquidated damages, as the case may be, shall be issued. The amendment letter
shall mention that no extra price or additional cost for any reason, what so ever
beyond the contracted cost shall be paid for the delayed supply of items/goods
and service.
v. It shall be at the discretion of the concerned authority to accept or not to accept
the supply of items/goods and/ or services rendered by the contractor after the
expiry of the stipulated delivery period, if no formal extension in delivery period
has been applied and granted. The competent authority shall have right to
cancel the contract with respect to undelivered items/goods and/ or service.
vi. If PCSCL is in need of the items/goods and/ or service rendered after expiry of
the stipulated delivery period, it may accept the services and issue a letter of
extension in delivery period with usual liquidated damages and denial clauses
to regularize the transaction.
d) In case of extension in the delivery and installation/completion period is granted with
full liquidated damages, the recovery shall be made on the basis of following
percentages of value of items/goods and/ or service which the supplier/ selected
bidder has failed to supply/ install/ complete :
Condition LD%*
Time is the essence of the Agreement
and the delivery dates are binding on
the Implementation Agency. In the
event of delay or any gross negligence
in implementation of the project
before Go-Live, for causes solely
attributable to the Implementation
Agency, in meeting the deliverables,
the Purchaser shall be entitled at its A sum of <0.5%> of the value of the
option to recover from the deliverable which suffered delay or gross
Implementation Agency as agreed, negligence for each completed week or
liquidated damages, a sum of <0.5%> part thereof subject to a limit of <10%> of
of the value of the deliverable which the total contract value.
suffered delay or gross negligence for
each completed week or part thereof
subject to a limit of <10%> of the total
contract value. This right to claim any
liquidated damages shall be without
prejudice to other rights and remedies
available to Purchaser under the
contract and law.
29.1. Subject to Clause 29.5 below, System Integrator (the "Indemnifying Party")
undertakes to indemnify, hold harmless PCSCL (the "Indemnified Party") from and
against all claims, liabilities, losses, expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees),
fines, penalties, taxes or damages (Collectively “Loss”) on account of bodily injury,
death or damage to tangible personal property arising in favor of any person,
corporation or other entity (including the Indemnified Party) attributable to the
Indemnifying Party's negligence or wilful default in performance or non-performance
under this Agreement.
29.2. If the Indemnified Party promptly notifies Indemnifying Party in writing of a third
party claim against Indemnified Party that any Service provided by the Indemnifying
Party infringes a copyright, trade secret or patents incorporated in India of any third
party, Indemnifying Party will defend such claim at its expense and will pay any costs
or damages, that may be finally awarded against Indemnified Party.
29.3. Indemnifying Party will not indemnify the Indemnified Party, however, if the claim of
infringement is caused by:
a. Indemnified Party’s misuse or modification of the Service;
b. Indemnified Party’s failure to use corrections or enhancements made available by the
Indemnifying Party;
c. Indemnified Party’s use of the Service in combination with any product or
information not owned or developed by Indemnifying Party;
29.4. However, if any service, information, direction, specification or materials provided by
Indemnified Party or any third party contracted to it, is or likely to be held to be
infringing, Indemnifying Party shall at its expense and option either
a. Procure the right for Indemnified Party to continue using it
b. Replace it with a non-infringing equivalent
c. Modify it to make it non-infringing
The foregoing remedies constitute Indemnified Party’s sole and exclusive remedies
and Indemnifying Party’s entire liability with respect to infringement.
29.5. The indemnities set out in Clause 29 shall be subject to the following conditions:
29.5.1. The Indemnified Party as promptly as practicable informs the Indemnifying Party
in writing of the claim or proceedings and provides all relevant evidence,
documentary or otherwise;
29.5.2. The Indemnified Party shall, at the cost of the Indemnifying Party, give the
Indemnifying Party all reasonable assistance in the defence of such claim including
reasonable access to all relevant information, documentation and personnel
provided that the Indemnified Party may, at its sole cost and expense, reasonably
participate, through its attorneys or otherwise, in such defence;
29.5.3. If the Indemnifying Party does not assume full control over the defence of a claim
as provided in this Article, the Indemnifying Party may participate in such defence
at its sole cost and expense, and the Indemnified Party will have the right to defend
the claim in such manner as it may deem appropriate, and the cost and expense
of the Indemnified Party will be included in Losses;
29.5.4. The Indemnified Party shall not prejudice, pay or accept any proceedings or claim,
or compromise any proceedings or claim, without the written consent of the
Indemnifying Party;
29.5.5. All settlements of claims subject to indemnification under this Clause will:
i. Be entered into only with the consent of the Indemnified Party, which consent
will not be unreasonably withheld and include an unconditional release to the
Indemnified Party from the claimant or plaintiff for all liability in respect of such
claim; and
ii. Include any appropriate confidentiality agreement prohibiting disclosure of the
terms of such settlement
29.5.6. The Indemnified Party shall account to the Indemnifying Party for all awards,
settlements, damages and costs (if any) finally awarded in favor of the Indemnified
Party which are to be paid to it in connection with any such claim or proceedings;
29.5.7. The Indemnified Party shall take steps that the Indemnifying Party may reasonably
require to mitigate or reduce its loss as a result of such a claim or proceedings;
29.5.8. In the event that the Indemnifying Party is obligated to indemnify an Indemnified
29.5.9. pursuant to this Article, the Indemnifying Party will, upon payment of such
indemnity in full, be subrogated to all rights and defences of the Indemnified Party
with respect to the claims to which such indemnification relates; and
29.5.10. If a Party makes a claim under the indemnity set out under Clause 28 above in
respect of any particular Loss or Losses, then that Party shall not be entitled to
make any further claim in respect of that Loss or Losses (including any claim for
29.6. The liability of either Party (whether in contract, tort, negligence, strict liability in tort,
by statute or otherwise) for any claim in any manner related to this Agreement,
including the work, deliverables or Services covered by this Agreement, shall be the
payment of direct damages only which shall in no event exceed one time the total
contract value payable under this Agreement.
29.7. In no event shall either party be liable for any consequential, incidental, indirect,
special or punitive damage, loss or expenses (including but not limited to business
interruption, lost business, lost profits, or lost savings) nor for any third party claims
(other than those set-forth in Clause 29.1) even if it has been advised of their possible
29.8. The allocations of liability in this Clause 29 represent the agreed and bargained-for
understanding of the parties and compensation for the Services reflects such
allocations. Each Party has a duty to mitigate the damages and any amounts payable
under an indemnity that would otherwise be recoverable from the other Party
pursuant to this Agreement by taking appropriate and commercially reasonable
actions to reduce or limit the amount of such damages or amounts.
30.1. PCSCL shall own the Documents, prepared by or for the SI arising out of or in
connection with the Contract.
30.2. Forthwith upon expiry or earlier termination of this Contract and at any other time
on demand by PCSCL, the SI shall deliver to PCSCL all documents provided by or
originating from PCSCL and all documents produced by or for the SI in the course of
performing the Services, unless otherwise directed in writing by PCSCL at no
additional cost. The SI shall not, without prior written consent of PCSCL store, copy,
distribute or retain any such documents.
31 Escrow Agreement
31.1. System Integrator shall comply with the escrow provisions below for all Bespoke
Development customized codes (including subcontractor-owned materials and other
Third Party Material incorporated in System Integrator’s Proprietary Material),
except to the extent System Integrator demonstrates to the satisfaction of PCSCL
that compliance is not permitted by the nature of System Integrator’s limited rights
in such material.
31.2. Within ninety (90) days after PCSCL’s acceptance of the Solution, the Parties shall
enter into a software escrow agreement (“Escrow Agreement”) with a reputable,
independent, third party that provides software escrow services among its principal
business offerings (“Escrow Agent”). The Escrow Agreement shall provide for the
regular deposit into escrow of all source code (including without limitation all make
files, configurationally files, data tables upon which execution is dependent, and the
like, collectively the “Source Code”), object code, and documentation with respect to
all Public Material and System Integrator’s Proprietary Material (and cumulative
updates thereof), together with (a) continually updated instructions as to the
compilation, installation, configuration, deployment, and use of the Source Code,
and (b) a list of all non-deposited third party software used in conjunction with the
Source Code to provide the full functionality of the deposited materials. In the event
of the termination or expiration of the initial Escrow Agreement or any successor
agreement, with minimal delay the Parties shall enter into a substantially equivalent
agreement with a successor provider of software escrow services (who shall then be
known as the “Escrow Agent”).
31.3. System Integrator will make its initial deposit of Source Code within fifteen (15) days
after the effective date of the Escrow Agreement.
31.4. System Integrator shall periodically update the escrow deposit as the Parties shall
agree in the Escrow Agreement. In addition to other usual and customary terms, the
Escrow Agreement shall provide that PCSCL shall be entitled to obtain the deposited
materials from escrow upon PCSCL’s making a proper claim for release from escrow
in the event that (c) proper written notice is given to the Escrow Agent that release
of the copy of the deposited materials is pursuant to applicable Central or PCSCL
bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, or liquidation statute; (d) System Integrator
files articles of dissolution (but not if System Integrator is consolidated or merged
into another entity); (e) the Contract expires or terminates for Material Breach of
System Integrator.
31.5. The release of deposited materials from escrow shall not confer upon PCSCL any right
of ownership in the deposited materials or the underlying intellectual property
embodied therein. In the event of the release of deposited materials to PCSCL from
escrow, PCSCL shall use the deposited materials solely for the benefit of PCSCL and
its constituents, consistently with the grants of license set forth in Clause 16 of this
31.6. The release of materials from escrow, without more, shall not cause any further
amounts to accrue as payable to System Integrator by PCSCL, and the term of PCSCL’s
possessory and usage rights with respect to the released materials shall be perpetual.
31.7. The Escrow Agreement shall provide for its automatic termination upon the earlier of
five (5) years after the expiration or termination of this Contract, or, release of all
Source Code to PCSCL and PCSCL’s subsequent confirmation of compliance with the
terms of the Escrow Agreement. System Integrator shall pay the escrow costs, as well
as all costs associated with causing its subcontractors and other third parties to abide
by the Escrow Agreement.
32 Information Security
32.1. The SI shall not carry any written/printed document, layout diagrams, CD, hard disk,
storage tapes, other storage devices or any other goods /material proprietary to
PCSCL into / out of any location without written permission from PCSCL.
32.2. The SI shall not destroy any unwanted documents, defective tapes/media present at
any location on their own. All such documents, tapes/media shall be handed over to
32.3. All documentation and media at any location shall be properly identified, labeled and
numbered by the SI. The SI shall keep track of all such items and provide a summary
report of these items to PCSCL whenever asked for.
32.4. Access to PCSCL’s data and systems, Internet facility by the SI at any location shall be
in accordance with the written permission by PCSCL. PCSCL shall allow the SI to use
facility in a limited manner subject to availability. It is the responsibility of the SI to
prepare and equip himself in order to meet the requirements.
32.5. The SI must acknowledge that PCSCL’s business data and other PCSCL proprietary
information or materials, whether developed by PCSCL or being used by PCSCL
pursuant to a license agreement with a third party (the foregoing collectively referred
to herein as “proprietary information”) are confidential and proprietary to PCSCL;
and the SI along with its team agrees to use reasonable care to safeguard the
proprietary information and to prevent the unauthorized use or disclosure thereof,
which care shall not be less than that used by the SI to protect its own proprietary
information. The SI recognizes that the goodwill of PCSCL depends, among other
things, upon the SI keeping such proprietary information confidential and that
unauthorized disclosure of the same by the SI or its team could damage the goodwill
of PCSCL, and that by reason of the SI’s duties hereunder. the SI may come into
possession of such proprietary information, even though the SI does not take any
direct part in or furnish the services performed for the creation of said proprietary
information and shall limit access thereto to employees with a need to such access
to perform the services required by this Contract. the SI shall use such information
only for the purpose of performing the said services.
32.6. the SI shall, upon termination of this Contract for any reason, or upon demand by
PCSCL, whichever is earliest, return any and all information provided to the SI by
PCSCL, including any copies or reproductions, both hardcopy and electronic.
32.7. By virtue of this Contract, the SI’s team may have access to personal information of
PCSCL and/or a third party. PCSCL has the sole ownership of and the right to use, all
such data in perpetuity including any data or other information pertaining to the
citizens that may be in the possession of the SI team in the course of performing the
Services under the Contract.
33 Records of contract documents
33.1. The SI shall at all-time make and keep sufficient copies of the process manuals,
operating procedures, specifications, Contract documents and any other
documentation for the SI to fulfil his duties under the Contract.
33.2. The SI shall keep on the Site at least three copies of each and every specification and
Contract Document, in excess of his own requirement and those copies shall be
available at all times for use by PCSCL’s Representative and by any other person
authorized by PCSCL’s Representative.
34 Security and Safety
34.1. The SI shall comply with the directions issued from time to time by PCSCL and the
standards related to the security and safety, insofar as it applies to the provision of
the Services.
34.2. The SI shall upon reasonable request by PCSCL, or its nominee(s) participate in regular
meetings when safety and information technology security matters are reviewed.
35 Confidentiality
35.1. PCSCL or its nominated agencies shall allow the System Integrator to review and utilize
highly confidential public records and the System Integrator shall maintain the highest
level of secrecy, confidentiality and privacy with regard thereto.
35.2. Additionally, the System Integrator shall keep confidential all the details and
information with regard to the Project, including systems, facilities, operations,
management and maintenance of the systems/facilities.
35.3. PCSCL or its nominated agencies shall retain all rights to prevent, stop and if required
take the necessary punitive action against the System Integrator regarding any
forbidden disclosure.
35.4. The System Integrator shall ensure that all its employees, agents and sub-contractors
involved in the project, execute individual non-disclosure agreements, which have
been duly approved by PCSCL with respect to this Project.
35.5. For the avoidance of doubt, it is expressly clarified that the aforesaid provisions shall
not apply to the following information:
35.5.1. Information already available in the public domain;
35.5.2. Information which has been developed independently by the System Integrator;
35.5.3. Information which has been received from a third party who had the right to
disclose the aforesaid information;
35.5.4. Information which has been disclosed to the public pursuant to a court order
35.6. To the extent the System Integrator shares its confidential or proprietary information
with PCSCL for effective performance of the Services, the provisions of the Clause 35.1
to 35.3 shall apply mutatis mutandis on PCSCL or its nominated agencies
35.7. Any handover of the confidential information needs to be maintained in a list, both by
The SI, containing at the very minimum, the name of provider, recipient, date of
generation of the data, date of handing over of data, mode of information, purpose
and signatures of both parties.
35.8. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary mentioned hereinabove, the System
Integrator shall have the right to share the Letter of Intent / work order provided to it
by PCSCL in relation to this Agreement, with its prospective PCSCLs solely for the
purpose of and with the intent to evidence and support its work experience under this
The failure on the part of the SI to perform any of its obligations or comply with any of the
terms of this Contract shall constitute an Event of Default on the part of the SI. The events
of default are but not limited to:
36.1. The SI Team has failed to perform any instructions or directives issued by PCSCL
which it deems proper and necessary to execute the scope of work or provide
services under the Contract, or
36.2. The SI Team has failed to confirm / adhere to any of the key performance indicators
as laid down in the Key Performance Measures / Service Levels, or if the SI has fallen
short of matching such standards / benchmarks / targets as PCSCL may have
designated with respect to the system or any goods, task or service, necessary for
the execution of the scope of work and performance of services under this Contract.
The above mentioned failure on the part of the SI may be in terms of failure to adhere
to performance, quality, timelines, specifications, requirements or any other criteria
as defined by PCSCL;
36.3. the SI has failed to remedy a defect or failure to perform its obligations in accordance
with the specifications issued by PCSCL, despite being served with a default notice
which laid down the specific deviance on the part of the SI/ the SI’s Team to comply
with any stipulations or standards as laid down by PCSCL; or
36.4. The SI/ The SI’s Team has failed to adhere to any amended direction, instruction,
modification or clarification as issued by PCSCL during the term of this Contract and
which PCSCL deems proper and necessary for the execution of the scope of work
under this Contract
36.5. The SI/ The SI’s Team has failed to demonstrate or sustain any representation or
warranty made by it in this Contract, with respect to any of the terms of its Bid, the
RFP and this Contract
36.6. There is a proceeding for bankruptcy, insolvency, winding up or there is an
appointment of receiver, liquidator, assignee, or similar official against or in relation
to the SI.
36.7. The SI Team has failed to comply with or is in breach or contravention of any applicable
36.8. Where there has been an occurrence of such defaults inter alia as stated above,
PCSCL shall issue a notice of default to the SI, setting out specific defaults / deviances
/ omissions / non-compliances / non-performances and providing a notice of thirty
(30) days to enable such defaulting party to remedy the default committed.
36.9. Where despite the issuance of a default notice to the SI by PCSCL, the SI fails to
remedy the default to the satisfaction of PCSCL, PCSCL may, where it deems fit, issue
to the defaulting party another default notice or proceed to contract termination.
37 Termination
PCSCL may, terminate this Contract in whole or in part by giving the SI a prior 30 days written
notice, indicating its intention to terminate the Contract under the following circumstances:
37.1. Where PCSCL is of the opinion that there has been such Event of Default on the part
of the SI / the SI’s Team which would make it proper and necessary to terminate this
Contract and may include failure on the part of the SI to respect any of its
commitments with regard to any part of its obligations under its Bid, the RFP or under
this Contract.
37.2. Where it comes to PCSCL’s attention that the SI (or the SI’s Team) is in a position of
actual conflict of interest with the interests of PCSCL, in relation to any of terms of
the SI’s Bid, the RFP or this Contract.
37.3. Where the SI’s ability to survive as an independent corporate entity is threatened or
is lost owing to any reason whatsoever, including inter-alia the filing of any
bankruptcy proceedings against the SI, any failure by the SI to pay any of its dues to
its creditors, the institution of any winding up proceedings against the SI or the
happening of any such events that are adverse to the commercial viability of the SI.
In the event of the happening of any events of the above nature, PCSCL shall reserve
the right to take any steps as may necessary, to ensure the effective transition of the
sites, pilot site to a successor agency, and to ensure business continuity
37.4. Termination for Insolvency: PCSCL may at any time terminate the Contract by giving
written notice to the SI, without compensation to the SI, if the SI becomes bankrupt
or otherwise insolvent, provided that such termination shall not prejudice or affect
any right of action or remedy which has accrued or shall accrue thereafter to PCSCL.
37.5. The SI may, subject to approval by PCSCL, terminate this Contract before the expiry of
the term by giving PCSCL a prior and written notice at least three (3) months in advance
indicating its intention to terminate the Contract.
37.6. Termination for Material Breach
I. In the event that either Party believes that the other Party is in Material Breach of
its obligations under this Agreement, such aggrieved Party may terminate this
Agreement upon giving a one month’s notice for curing the Material Breach to the
other Party. In case the Material Breach continues, after the notice period, PCSCL
or System Integrator, as the case may be will have the option to terminate the
II. Any notice served pursuant to this Clause shall give reasonable details of the
Material Breach, which could include the following events and the termination will
become effective:
a. If the System Integrator is not able to deliver the services as per the SLAs
defined in RFP which translates into Material Breach, then PCSCL may serve a
thirty (30) days written notice for curing this Material Breach. In case the
Material Breach continues, after the expiry of such notice period, PCSCL will
have the option to terminate this Agreement. Further, PCSCL may after
affording a reasonable opportunity to the System Integrator to explain the
circumstances leading to such a breach.
b. If there is a Material Breach by PCSCL or its nominated agencies which results
in not providing support for effecting data migration or not providing the
certification of User Acceptance then the System Integrator will give a one
month’s notice for curing the Material Breach to PCSCL. After the expiry of such
notice period, the System Integrator will have the option to terminate the
III. PCSCL may by giving a one month’s written notice, terminate this Agreement if a
change of control of the the SI has taken place. For the purposes of this Clause, in
the case of the the SI, change of control shall mean the events stated in Clause
12.28, and such notice shall become effective at the end of the notice period as set
out in Clause 12.28.
IV. In the event that the SI undergoes such a change of control, PCSCL may, as an
alternative to termination, require a full Performance Guarantee for the obligations
of the SI by a guarantor acceptable to PCSCL or its nominated agencies. If such a
guarantee is not furnished within thirty (30) days of PCSCL’s demand, PCSCL may
exercise its right to terminate this Agreement in accordance with this Clause by
giving fifteen (15) days further written notice to the the SI.
V. The termination provisions set out in this Clause shall apply mutatis mutandis to the SLA
37.7. Termination for Convenience
I. PCSCL may at any time terminate the Contract for any reason by giving the the SI a
notice of 30 days cure period for termination that refers to this clause.
II. Upon receipt of the notice of termination under this clause, the the SI shall either
as soon as reasonably practical or upon the date specified in the notice of
a) cease all further work, except for such work as PCSCL may specify in the
notice of termination for the sole purpose of protecting that part of the
System already executed, or any work required to leave the site in a clean
and safe condition;
b) terminate all subcontracts, except those to be assigned to PCSCL pursuant
to Clause 37.7 (ii) (d) (ii) below;
c) remove all the SI’s Equipment from the site, repatriate the the SI’s and its
Subcontractors’ personnel from the site, remove from the site any
wreckage, rubbish, and debris of any kind;
d) in addition, the the SI shall:
i. Deliver to PCSCL the parts of the System executed by the the SI up to
the date of termination;
ii. To the extent legally possible, assign to PCSCL all right, title, and benefit
of the the SI to the System, or Subsystem, as at the date of termination,
and, as may be required by PCSCL, in any subcontracts concluded
between the the SI and its Subcontractors;
iii. Deliver to PCSCL all non-proprietary drawings, specifications, and other
documents prepared by the the SI or its Subcontractors as of the date
of termination in connection with the System.
38 Effects of Termination
I. In the event that PCSCL terminates this Agreement pursuant to failure on the part of
the System Integrator to comply with the conditions as contained in this Clause and
depending on the event of default, Performance Guarantee furnished by System
Integrator may be forfeited.
II. Upon termination of this Agreement, the Parties will comply with the Exit
Management section set out in Clause 26 of this Agreement.
III. In the event that PCSCL or the System Integrator terminates this Agreement, the
compensation will be decided in accordance with the Terms of Payment Schedule set
out as Payment Schedule section of this Agreement.
39.1. This applies to and describes the procedure to be followed in the event of any
proposed change to contract, site Implementation, and Service levels. Such change
shall include, but shall not be limited to, changes in the scope of services or products
provided by the SI and changes to the terms of payment.
39.2. Change requests in respect of the contract, the site implementation, or the Service
levels shall emanate from the Parties' representative who shall be responsible for
obtaining approval for the change and who shall act as its sponsor throughout the
Change Control Process and shall complete Part A of the CCN (Annex I of this
Agreement). CCNs shall be presented to the other Party's representative who shall
acknowledge receipt by signature of the authorized representative of PCSCL.
39.3. The SI and PCSCL while preparing the CCN, shall consider the change in the context
of whether the change is beyond the scope of Services including ancillary and
concomitant services required
39.4. The CCN shall be applicable for the items which are beyond the stated/implied scope
of work as per the RFP document.
39.5. Additional payment due to change in location shall be considered only in those cases
where any such change has been made after approval, by PCSCL, of the detailed
locations plan prepared by the the SI based on actual ground survey and such change
results in additional material and or efforts/labour cost.
39.6. Quotation
39.6.1. The SI shall assess the CCN and complete Part B of the CCN. In completing Part B of
CCN, the SI shall provide as a minimum:
o a description of the change;
o a list of deliverables required for implementing the change;
o a timetable for implementation;
o an estimate of any proposed change;
o any relevant acceptance criteria;
o an assessment of the value of the proposed change;
o material evidence to prove that the proposed change is not already covered
o within the scope of the RFP, Contract and Service Levels.
39.6.2. Prior to submission of the completed CCN to PCSCL or its nominated agencies,
the SI shall undertake its own internal review of the proposal and obtain all
necessary internal approvals. As a part of this internal review process, the SI
shall consider the materiality of the proposed change in the context of the
Contract, the sites, Service levels affected by the change and the total effect
that may arise from implementation of the change.
39.6.3. Each Party shall be responsible for its own costs incurred in the quotation,
preparation of CCNs and in the completion of its obligations described in this
process provided the SI meets the obligations as set in the CCN. In the event
the SI is unable to meet the obligations as defined in the CCN then the cost of
getting it done by third party shall be borne by the SI. Change requests and
CCNs shall be reported monthly to each Party's representative who shall
prioritize and review progress.
As per RFP Volume II or subsequent corrigendum/addendums
41 Miscellaneous
41.1 Personnel
nominated agencies shall have the right to review and approve System Integrator’s
plan for any such knowledge transfer. System Integrator shall maintain the same or
higher standards for skills and professionalism among replacement personnel as in
personnel being replaced.
e. Each Party shall be responsible for the performance of all its obligations under this
Agreement or the SLA as the case may be and shall be liable for the acts and omissions
of its employees and agents in connection therewith.
f. Neither Party will solicit for employment or knowingly hire an employee of the other
Party with whom such Party has contact pursuant to project engagements under this
Agreement. This restriction shall not apply to employees of either Party responding
to advertisements in job fairs or news media circulated to the general public.
Nothing in this Agreement or the SLA shall be construed as establishing or implying any
partnership or joint venture between the Parties to this Agreement or the SLA and, except
as expressly stated in this Agreement or the SLA, nothing in this Agreement or the SLA shall
be deemed to constitute any Parties as the agent of any other Party or authorizes either
Party to:
41.3. Sub-contractors
System Integrator shall not subcontract any work related to Design, Development, Supply,
Installation, Implementation and Operation & Maintenance of ICT led smart city solutions
without PCSCL’s prior written consent. However the System Integrator shall provide the list
of all the other services planned to be sub contracted, within fifteen (15) days of signing the
Agreement. It is clarified that the System Integrator shall be the principal employer for all
claims arising from the liabilities statutory or otherwise, concerning the sub-contractors. The
System Integrator undertakes to indemnify PCSCL or its nominated agencies from any claims
on the grounds stated hereinabove.
41.4. Assignment
a) All terms and provisions of this Agreement shall be binding on and shall inure to the
benefit of PCSCL and their respective successors and permitted assigns
b) The System Integrator shall not be permitted to assign its rights and obligations under
this Agreement to any third party
c) PCSCL may assign or novate all or any part of this Agreement and
Schedules/Annexures, and the System Integrator shall be a party to such novation,
to any third party contracted to provide outsourced services to PCSCL or any of its
Neither Party may use the trademarks of the other Party without the prior written consent
of the other Party except that System Integrator may, upon completion, use the Project as a
reference for credential purpose. Except as required by law or the rules and regulations of
each stock exchange upon which the securities of one of the Parties is listed, neither Party
shall publish or permit to be published either along or in conjunction with any other person
any press release, information, article, photograph, illustration or any other material of
whatever kind relating to this Agreement, the SLA or the business of the Parties without prior
reference to and approval in writing from the other Party, such approval not to be
unreasonably withheld or delayed provided however that System Integrator may include
PCSCL or its client lists for reference to third parties subject to the prior written consent of
PCSCL not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Such approval shall apply to each specific
case and relate only to that case.
41.6. Notices
a) Any notice or other document which may be given by either Party under this
Agreement or under the SLA shall be given in writing in person or by pre-paid
recorded delivery post, email or by facsimile transmission
b) In relation to a notice given under this Agreement, any such notice or other
document shall be addressed to the other Party’s principal or registered office
address as set out below:
e. System Integrator:
f. Tel:
g. Fax:
h. Email:
i. Contact:
c) In relation to a notice given under the MSA / SLA, a Party shall specify the Parties’
address for service of notices, any such notice to be copied to the Parties at the
addresses set out in this Clause
d) Any such notice or other document shall be deemed to have been given to the other
Party (or, if relevant, its relevant associated company) when delivered (if delivered
in person) if delivered between the hours of 9.00 am and 5.00 pm at the address of
the other Party set forth above or if sent by fax, provided the copy fax is accompanied
by a confirmation of transmission, or on the next working day thereafter if delivered
outside such hours, and seven (7) days from the date of posting (if by letter)
e) Either Party to this Agreement or to the SLA may change its address, telephone
number, facsimile number and nominated contact for notification purposes by giving
the other reasonable prior written notice of the new information and its effective
a) If any provision of this Agreement or the SLA, or any part thereof, shall be found by
any court or administrative body of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, invalid or
unenforceable the illegality, invalidity or unenforceability of such provision or part
provision shall not affect the other provisions of this Agreement or the SLA or the
remainder of the provisions in question which shall remain in full force and effect.
The relevant Parties shall negotiate in good faith in order to agree to substitute for
any illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision a valid and enforceable provision which
achieves to the greatest extent possible the economic, legal and commercial
objectives of the illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision or part provision.
b) No failure to exercise or enforce and no delay in exercising or enforcing on the part
of either Party to this Agreement or the SLA of any right, remedy or provision of this
Agreement or the SLA shall operate as a waiver of such right, remedy or provision in
any future application nor shall any single or partial exercise or enforcement of any
right, remedy or provision preclude any other or further exercise or enforcement of
such right, remedy or provision or the exercise or enforcement of any other right,
remedy or provision.
All expenses incurred by or on behalf of each Party to this Agreement and the SLA,
including all fees of agents, legal advisors, accountants and actuaries employed by
either of the Parties in connection with the negotiation, preparation and execution
of this Agreement or the SLA shall be borne solely by the Party which incurred them.
41.11. Ethics
The System Integrator represents, warrants and covenants that it has given no
commitments, payments, gifts, kickbacks, lavish or expensive entertainment, or
other things of value to any employee or agent of PCSCL or its nominated agencies in
connection with this agreement and acknowledges that the giving of any such
payment, gifts, entertainment, or other things of value is strictly in violation of PCSCL
standard policies and may result in cancellation of this Agreement, or the SLA.
41.12. Entire Agreement
This Agreement and the SLA with all schedules & annexures appended thereto and
the contents and specifications of the RFP constitute the entire agreement between
the Parties with respect to their subject matter, and as to all other representations,
understandings or agreements which are not fully expressed herein, provided that
nothing in this Clause shall be interpreted so as to exclude any liability in respect of
fraudulent misrepresentation.
41.13. Amendment
Any amendment to this Agreement shall be made in accordance with the Change Control
Schedule set out in Annex II of this Agreement by mutual written consent of all the Parties.
42 Reporting Procedures
42.1. The SI representative shall prepare and distribute Service level performance reports
in a mutually agreed format by the 5th working day of subsequent month. The
reports shall include “actual versus target” Service Level Performance, a variance
analysis and discussion of appropriate issues or significant events. Performance
reports shall be distributed to PCSCL management personnel as directed by PCSCL.
42.2. Also, the SI may be required to get the Service Level performance report audited by
a third-party Auditor appointed by PCSCL.
43.1. General
This process provides an appropriate management structure for the orderly
consideration and resolution of business and operational issues in the event that quick
consensus is not reached between PCSCL and the SI.
43.2.1. Either PCSCL or the SI may raise an issue by documenting the business or
technical problem, which presents a reasonably objective summary of both
points of view and identifies specific points of disagreement with possible
43.2.2. PCSCL and the the SI will determine which committee or executive level shall
logically be involved in resolution
43.2.3. A meeting or a conference call will be conducted to resolve the issue in a timely
manner. The documented issues will be distributed to the participants at least
24 hours priors to the discussion, if the issue is not an emergency requiring
immediate attention.
43.2.4. PCSCL and the the SI shall develop an interim solution, if required, and
subsequently the permanent solution for the issue at hand. The the SI will then
communicate the resolution to all the interested parties.
43.2.5. Any unresolved issues shall first be referred in writing to the Project Monitoring
Committee. If the Project Monitoring Committee is unable to resolve the issue
referred to them within fifteen (15) days, the same shall be referred to Project
Steering Committee.
44.1. General
It is acknowledged that these Service levels may change as PCSCL’s business needs
evolve over the course of the contract period. As such, this document also defines
the following management procedures:
a. A process for negotiating changes to the Service Levels
b. An issue management process for documenting and resolving particularly
c. difficult
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44.2. Service Level Change Process: The parties may amend Service Level by mutual
agreement in accordance. Changes can be proposed by either party .Unresolved
issues shall also be addressed. the SI’s representative shall maintain and distribute
current copies of the Service Level document as directed by PCSCL. Additional copies
of the current Service Levels shall be available at all times to authorized parties.
44.3. Version Control / Release Management: All negotiated changes shall require changing
the version control number. As appropriate, minor changes may be accumulated for
periodic release or for release when a critical threshold of change has occurred.
45.1. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of
India, without giving effect to conflict of law rules. The parties expressly agree to
exclude the application of the U.N. Convention on Contracts for the International Sale
of Goods (1980) to this Agreement and the performance of the parties contemplated
under this Agreement, to the extent that such convention might otherwise be
45.2. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or the SLA shall in the
first instance be dealt with in accordance with the escalation procedure as set out in
the Governance Schedule set out in Annex IV of this Agreement.
45.3. In case the escalations do not help in resolution of the problem within 3 weeks of
escalation,both the parties shall agree on a mediator for communication between
the two parties.
45.4. The process of the mediation would be as follows:
45.4.1. Aggrieved party shall refer the dispute to the identified mediator in writing,
with a copy to the other party. Such a reference shall contain a description of
the nature of the dispute, the quantum in dispute (if any) and the relief or
remedy sought suitable.
45.4.2. The mediator shall use his best endeavors to conclude the mediation within
a certain number of days of his appointment.
45.4.3. If no resolution can be reached through mutual discussion or mediation within
thirty(30) days then the matter shall be referred to Experts for advising on the issue.
45.5. In case the mediation does not help in resolution and it requires expertise to
understand an issue, a neutral panel of 3 experts, agreeable to both parties shall be
constituted. The process of the expert advisory would be as follows:
45.5.1. Aggrieved party shall write to the other party on the failure of previous
alternate dispute resolution processes within the timeframe and requesting
for expert advisory. This is to be sent with a copy to the mediator.
45.5.2. Both parties shall thereafter agree on the panel of experts who are well
conversant with the issue under dispute
45.5.3. The expert panel shall use his best endeavors to provide a neutral position on
the issue.
45.5.4. If no resolution can be reached through the above means within thirty (30)
days then the matter shall be referred to Arbitration.
45.6. Compliance with laws: Each party will comply with all applicable export and import
laws and regulations.
45.7. Risk of Loss: For each hardware item, System Integrator bears the risk of loss or
damage up to the time it is delivered to the Implementation/PCSCL - designated
carrier for shipment to PCSCL or PCSCL’s designated location.
45.8. Third party components: System Integrator will provide all third party components
solely on a pass-through basis in accordance with the relevant third party terms and
46 Jurisdiction
In the event of dispute, Pune District Courts shall have the exclusive jurisdiction.
Signed by:
(Name and designation)
Proforma A – Detailed Price Schedule
Charges for Implementation:
(including a schedule of payments)
Signature Signature
Name Name
Title Title
Date Date
47 Annex II: Change Control Schedule
This Schedule describes the procedure to be followed in the event of any proposed change to the
Master Service Agreement (“MSA”), Project Implementation Phase, SLA and Scope of Work and
Functional Requirement Specifications. Such change shall include, but shall not be limited to, changes
in the scope of services provided by the System Integrator and changes to the terms of payment as
stated in the Terms of Payment Schedule.
PCSCL and the SI recognize that frequent change is an inevitable part of delivering services and that a
significant element of this change can be accomplished by re-organizing processes and responsibilities
without a material effect on the cost. The SI will endeavor, wherever reasonably practicable, to effect
change without an increase in the terms of payment as stated in the Terms of Payment Schedule and
PCSCL or its nominated agencies will work with the System Integrator to ensure that all changes are
discussed and managed in a constructive manner. This Change Control Schedule sets out the
provisions, which will apply to all the changes to this agreement and other documents except for the
changes in SLAs for which a separate process has been laid out in the SLA.
This Change Control Schedule sets out the provisions, which will apply to changes to the MSA.
a. Change requests in respect of the MSA, the Project Implementation, the operation, the
SLA or Scope of work and Functional Requirement specifications will emanate from the
Parties' respective Project Manager who will be responsible for obtaining approval for the
change and who will act as its sponsor throughout the Change Control Process and will
complete Part A of the CCN attached as Annex I hereto. CCNs will be presented to the
other Party's Project Manager who will acknowledge receipt by signature of the CCN.
b. The SI and PCSCL or its nominated agencies, during the Project Implementation Phase and
PCSCL or its nominated agencies during the Operations and Management Phase and while
preparing the CCN, shall consider the change in the context of the following parameter,
namely whether the change is beyond the scope of Services including ancillary and
concomitant services required and as detailed in the RFP and is suggested and applicable
only after the testing, commissioning and certification of the Pilot Phase and the Project
Implementation Phase as set out in this Agreement.
c. It is hereby also clarified that any change of request suggested beyond 25% of the value
of this Project will be beyond the scope of the change control process and will be
considered as the subject matter for a separate bid process and a separate contract. It is
hereby clarified that the 25% of the value of the Project as stated in herein above is
calculated on the basis of bid value submitted by the System Integrator and accepted by
PCSCL or its nominated agencies or as decided and approved by PCSCL or it Nominated
Agencies. For arriving at the cost / rate for change upto 25% of the project value, the
payment terms and relevant rates as specified in Annex III shall apply.
b) Quotation
a. The SI shall assess the CCN and complete Part B of the CCN, in completing the Part B of
the CCN the SI shall provide as a minimum:
a) a description of the change
b) a list of deliverables required for implementing the change;
c) a time table for implementation;
d) an estimate of any proposed change
e) any relevant acceptance criteria
f) an assessment of the value of the proposed change;
g) material evidence to prove that the proposed change is not already
covered within the Agreement and the scope of work
b. Prior to submission of the completed CCN to PCSCL, or its nominated agencies, the Service
Provider will undertake its own internal review of the proposal and obtain all necessary
internal approvals.
c. As a part of this internal review process, the SI shall consider the materiality of the
proposed change in the context of the MSA and the Project Implementation affected by
the change and the total effect that may arise from implementation of the change
c) Costs
Each Party shall be responsible for its own costs incurred in the quotation, preparation of CCNs and
in the completion of its obligations described in this process provided the SI meets the obligations as
set in the CCN. In case of recertification due to proposed changes, required cost will be borne by the
party that initiated the change. In the event the SI is unable to meet the obligations as defined in the
CCN then the cost of getting it done by third party will be borne by the SII.
d) Obligations
The SI shall be obliged to implement any proposed changes once approval in accordance with above
provisions has been given, with effect from the date agreed for implementation and within an agreed
timeframe. The SI will not be obligated to work on a change until the parties agree in writing upon its
scope, price and/or schedule impact. The cost associated with any hardware/goods/License for COTS
product shall not exceed the price quoted in the bidder’s proposal. Any costs associated with changes
to Software specifications which cannot be arrived at on the basis of the SI’s proposal shall be mutually
agreed to between the SI and PCSCL.
48 Annex III: Form of Agreement
WHEREAS the SI has the required professional skills, personnel and technical resources, has agreed
to provide the Services on the terms and conditions set forth in this Contract and is about to
perform services as specified in this RFP …………………..(hereinafter called “works” ) mentioned,
enumerated or referred to in certain Contract conditions, specification, scope of work, other
Sections of the RFP, covering letter and schedule of prices which, for the purpose of identification,
have been signed by ………………. on behalf of the ………….. SI and ……….( PCSCL) on behalf of PCSCL
and all of which are deemed to form part of the Contract as though separately set out herein and
are included in the expression “Contract” whenever herein used.
d. The mutual rights and obligations of the “PCSCL” and the SI shall be as set forth in the
Agreement, in particular:
• The SI shall carry out and complete the Services in accordance with the provisions of
the Agreement; and
• “PCSCL” shall make payments to the SI in accordance with the provisions of the
NOW THESE PRESENTS WITNESS and the parties hereto hereby agree and declare as follows, that
is to say, in consideration of the payments to be made to the SI by PCSCL as hereinafter mentioned,
the SI shall deliver the services for the said works and shall do and perform all other works and
things in the Contract mentioned or described or which are implied there from or there in
respectively or may be reasonably necessary for the completion of the said works within and at
the times and in the manner and subject to the terms, conditions and stipulations mentioned in
the said Contract.
AND in consideration of services and milestones, PCSCL shall pay to the SI the said sum of
such other sums as may become payable to the SI under the provisions of this Contract, such
payments to be made at such time and in such manner as is provided by the Contract.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have signed this deed hereunder on the dates
respectively mentioned against the signature of each.
Signed Signed
Name : _________________ Name ____________
Designation : _________________ Designation ____________
Date : Date :
Place : Place :
Signed Signed
Name : _________________ Name ____________
Designatio Designatio :
n : _________________ n ____________
Date : Date :
Place : Place :
49 Annex IV: Governance Schedule
i. establish and maintain the formal and informal processes for managing the
relationship between PCSCL and the System Integrator (including the outputs from
other Schedules to this Agreement;
ii. define the principles that both Parties wish to follow to ensure the delivery of the
iii. ensure the continued alignment of the interests of the Parties;
iv. ensure that the relationship is maintained at the correct level within each Party;
v. create the flexibility to revise and maintain the relationship and this Agreement during
the Term;
vi. set out the procedure for escalating disagreements; and
vii. enable contract administration and performance management
Governance Structure:
i. Project Managers: The relationship under this Agreement will be managed by the
Project Managers appointed by each Party, who will provide the interface between
the executive management of the respective Parties.
ii. Project Implementation Unit (PIU): Within seven (7) days following the Effective Date,
PCSCL or its nominated agencies and the System Integrator shall each appoint a Project
iii. In the event that either Party wishes to substitute its Project Manager, it will do so in
a manner in which the original appointment is made and notify the other Party of such
substitution as soon as reasonably practicable but at the latest within seven (7) days
of the substitution.
iv. The Project Managers shall have responsibility for maintaining the interface and
communication between the Parties.
v. The PIU will meet formally on a weekly/fortnightly / monthly / quarterly, as required,
basis at a time and location to be agreed between them. These meetings will cover, as
a minimum, the following agenda items: (i) consideration of Quarterly Performance
Reports; (ii) consideration of matters arising out of the Change Control Schedule; (iii)
issues escalated in accordance with the escalation procedure as set out in the
Governance Schedule; (iv) matters to be brought before the PIU in accordance with
the MSA and the Schedules; (v) any matter brought before the PIU by the System
Integrator under this Article; and (vi) any other issue which either Party wishes to add
to the agenda.
vi. In the event that there is any material factor which affects the delivery of the Services
or the terms of payment as stated in the Terms of Payment Schedule, the Parties agree
to discuss in the PIU any appropriate amendment to the Agreement or any Service
Level Agreements or Statement of Works including any variation to the terms of
payment as stated in the Terms of Payment Schedule. Any variation so agreed shall be
implemented through the change control procedure as set out in the Change Control
Governance Procedures:
i. The System Integrator shall document the agreed structures in a procedures manual.
ii. The agenda for each meeting of the PIU shall be set to reflect the discussion items referred
to above and extraordinary items may be added either with the agreement of the Parties
or at the request of either Party. Copies of the agenda for meetings of the PIU, along with
relevant pre-reading material, shall be distributed at least one week in advance of the
relevant meeting.
iii. All meetings and proceedings will be documented such documents to be distributed to the
Parties and copies shall be kept as a record. All actions, responsibilities and accountabilities
arising out of any meeting shall be tracked and managed.
iv. The Parties shall ensure as far as reasonably practicable that the PIU shall resolve the issues
and resolve the objectives placed before them and that members representing that Party
are empowered to make relevant decisions or have easy access to empowered individuals
for decisions to be made to achieve this.
v. In order formally to submit a Disputed Matter to the aforesaid for a, one Party ("Claimant")
shall give a written notice ("Dispute Notice") to the other Party. The Dispute Notice shall
be accompanied by (a) a statement by the Claimant describing the Disputed Matter in
reasonable detail and (b) documentation, if any, supporting the Claimant's position on the
Disputed Matter.
vi. The other Party ("Respondent") shall have the right to respond to the Dispute Notice within
seven (7) days after receipt of the Dispute Notice. In the event that the parties are unable
to resolve the Disputed Matter within a further period of seven (7) days, it shall refer the
disputed matter to next level of the dispute resolution for action
vii. All negotiations, statements and / or documentation pursuant to these Articles shall be
without prejudice and confidential (unless mutually agreed otherwise).
viii. If the disputed matter is having a material effect on the operation of the services (or any
of them or part of them) the parties will use all their respective reasonable endeavors to
reduce the elapsed time in reaching a resolution of the disputed matter.
E. Annex V: Audit, Access and Reporting
This Schedule details the audit, access and reporting rights and obligations of PCSCL or its nominated
agency and the System Integrator.
1. As soon as reasonably practicable after the Effective Date, the Parties shall use their best
endeavors to agree to a timetable for routine audits during the Project Implementation
Phase and the Operation and Management Phase. Such timetable during the
Implementation Phase, PCSCL or its nominated agency and thereafter during the operation
Phase, PCSCL or its nominated agency shall conduct routine audits in accordance with such
agreed timetable and shall not be required to give the System Integrator any further notice
of carrying out such audits.
2. PCSCL or its nominated agency may conduct non-timetabled audits at his/ her own discretion
if it reasonably believes that such non-timetabled audits are necessary as a result of an act
of fraud by the System Integrator, a security violation, or breach of confidentiality
obligations by the System Integrator, provided that the requirement for such an audit is
notified in writing to the System Integrator a reasonable period time prior to the audit
(taking into account the circumstances giving rise to the reasonable belief) stating in a
reasonable level of detail the reasons for the requirement and the alleged facts on which the
requirement is based. If the System Integrator considers that the non-timetabled audit was
not appropriate, the matter shall be referred to the escalation procedure as set out in the
Governance Schedule.
3. The frequency of audits shall be a (maximum) half yearly, provided always that PCSCL or its
nominated agency shall endeavor to conduct such audits with the lowest levels of
inconvenience and disturbance practicable being caused to the System Integrator. Any such
audit shall be conducted by with adequate notice of 2 weeks to the System Integrator.
4. PCSCL will ensure that any 3rd party agencies (except CAG) appointed to conduct the audit
will not be the competitor of System Integrator and will be bound by confidentiality
1. The System Integrator shall provide to PCSCL or its nominated agency reasonable access to
employees, subcontractors, the SIs, agents and third party facilities as detailed in the RFP,
documents, records and systems reasonably required for audit and shall provide all such
persons with routine assistance in connection with the audits and inspections. The
Chairperson, PIU / Steering Committee shall have the right to copy and retain copies of any
relevant records. The System Integrator shall make every reasonable effort to co-operate
with them.
2. PCSCL or its nominated agency shall have the right to audit and inspect the SIs, agents and
third party facilities (as detailed in the RFP), server room, documents, records, procedures
and systems relating to the provision of the services, but only to the extent that they relate
to the provision of the services, as shall be reasonably necessary to verify:
1.1. The security, integrity and availability of all data processed, held or conveyed by the
Partner on behalf of PCSCL and documentation related thereto;
1.2. That the actual level of performance of the services is the same as specified in the SLA;
1.3. That the System Integrator has complied with the relevant technical standards, and has
adequate internal controls in place; and
1.4. The compliance of the System Integrator with any other obligation under the MSA and
1.5. Security audit and implementation audit of the system shall be done once each year, the
cost of which shall be borne by the System Integrator.
1.6. For the avoidance of doubt the audit rights under this Schedule shall not include access
to the System Integrator's profit margins or overheads, any confidential information
relating to the System Integrator’ employees, or (iii) minutes of its internal Board or
Board committee meetings including internal audit, or (iv) such other information of
commercial-in-confidence nature which are not relevant to the Services associated with
any obligation under the MSA.
3. The System Integrator shall use reasonable endeavors to achieve the same audit and access
provisions as defined in this Schedule with sub-contractors who supply labor, services in
respect of the services. The System Integrator shall inform PCSCL or its nominated agency
prior to concluding any sub-contract or supply agreement of any failure to achieve the same
rights of audit or access.
4. REPORTING: The System Integrator will provide quarterly reports to the Chairperson, PIU /
Steering committee regarding any specific aspects of the Project and in context of the audit
and access information as required by PCSCL or its nominated agency.
5. Any change or amendment to the systems and procedures of the System Integrator, or sub-
contractors, where applicable arising from the audit report shall be agreed within thirty (30)
calendar days from the submission of the said report.
6. Any discrepancies identified by any audit pursuant to this Schedule shall be immediately
notified to PCSCL or its nominated agency and the System Integrator Project Manager who
shall determine what action shall be taken in respect of such discrepancies in accordance
with the terms of the MSA.
PCSCL shall bear the cost of any audits and inspections. The terms of payment are exclusive of any
costs of the System Integrator and the sub-contractor, for all reasonable assistance and information
provided under the MSA, the Project Implementation, Operation and Management SLA by the
System Integrator pursuant to this Schedule.
For the purposes of audit in accordance with this Schedule, the System Integrator shall maintain
true and accurate records in connection with the provision of the services and the System Integrator
shall handover all the relevant records and documents upon the termination or expiry of the MSA.