Assignment 3
Assignment 3
Assignment 3
Assignment 3
Problem #1: Give a state diagram of NFA without null transition with specified states of the following
Problem #2: Give a state diagram of NFA with null transition with specified states of the following
δ(q, a) δ(q, b)
Start state Q0 {Q0, Q1} Φ
Q1 Φ {Q1, Q2}
Final state Q2 {Q0, Q1} Φ
i. Trace all computations of the string aaabb using extended transition function.
ii. Is aaabb in the above language?
δ(q, a) δ(q, b)
Start state Q0 {Q0, Q1} Φ
Q1 Φ {Q1, Q2}
Final state Q2 {Q0, Q1} Φ
i. Construct the state diagram of a DFA equivalent to NFA of the above problem, using subset
construction algorithm. Give all steps.
ii. Trace the string aaabb using extended transition function for DFA constructed in (i)
i. Construct the state diagram of a DFA equivalent to NFA with Null transition of the above
problem, using subset construction algorithm. Give all steps.
ii. Trace the string bbaaabaa using extended transition function for DFA constructed in (i)