INDRAMAT Manuals 2065 PDF
INDRAMAT Manuals 2065 PDF
INDRAMAT Manuals 2065 PDF
IAE 74795. REV. e, 1m3
IAE 74795
DDS 2.1
Special Notations:
Special notations are used in this manual to assist the reader in identifying unique conditions
or information that is important. Three categories of notations are listed below in ascending
order of importance.
Note: A NOTE is a tip, suggestion or emphasized procedure for operating the equipment.
Caution: A CA UTION appears when a condition exists which could cause operating/au Its
or damage to the equipment.
Warning: WARNING statements identify conditions which could cause bodily harm and/or -
severe damage to the equipment if the operator is not careful operating the equipment . A
WARNING typically describes the potential hazard, its possible effect, and measures that
must he taken to avoid the hazard
... Repair and Training services are available from REXROTH INDRAMAT.
Level Date Description of Change
IAE 74795
DDS 2.1
1.1. System Description .. ............ ........... .. ..... .............. .... ... .... ........ ................. I-I
1.2. Principles of Operation ............... .. ....... ..................... .•..... .... ... .. ..... ..... ....... 1-3
2.1. SERCOS Interface Specifications ....... .. ......................... ... . ...... . .. . .. . ....... ... .... 2-1
2.1.1. Data Blocks .. .............. . ................ .... ....... .... .. ... . .. . .. ... ..................... 2-2
2.1.2. Data Communications ..... ............ . .. .. ........... ............ ..... ....... .... .......... 2-3
2.1.3 . Setting the Address on the DDS 2. 1 ......... . .... .. ....................•.............. ... 2-10
2.2. SERCOS Specific Parameters ... .......... ... . .. ..... .... . .. ..... .. ..... ....... ..... .............. 2-10
2.3. Description of the product specific parameters in the DDS 2.1.. ......... .•.. .... . . . ........ 2-96
2.4. DDS 2.1 SERCOS Interface Functions .. . ... . ..... ..... .. .................... ....... .. .......... 2-122
2.4.1. Axis Error Compensation .......... .. ..... .... .. ...... .. ........... . .... .... ... .......... ... 2-122
2.4.2. Single Axis Motion ................. . ...... .. .. . ........... . ... ... ... .. ... ... .............. . . 2-128
2.4.3. Drive Controlled Homing ....... ...... . .. ...... . .... .. ............ . ....... .... . .............. 2-130
2.4.4. DDS 2.1 Oscilloscope Function ....... . .. . .. . .... .. ..... ......... ...... . .... . . .. ...... .... 2-134
2.4.5. Probing or Position Registration Function . . .... ... ......••............• . ..... .•.. .. . .... 2-136
2.4.6. Absolute Positioning and Rotary (Modulo) Axes .......... .......... .. .... ... .. ......... 2-138
3.8. Operation Modes, Scaling ......... ..................... .......... ...... .............. .. ............ 3·7
3.8.1. Operation Mode ..................................... .... ... .... ............................... 3·8
3.8.2. Bipolar Velocity Limits .......................................................... ............ 3·8
3.8.3. Overload Factor ... ...... ......... ............... .. ................ .. ........... ....... .... .... 3·8
3.8.4. Command Value Scaling ....... .. ... .......... .......... ..... ........... ... ...... .... ..... .. 3-9
3.8.5. Command Value Smoothing Filter Time Constant ....... ..... .......................... 3-9
3.8.6. Analog Outputs ....... .... ................ .. .. ....... .... ... .............. ... ...... ........... 3-9
3.8.7. Getting around in the Operation Modes, Scaling Screen ... ... ....... .................. 3-10
3.9. Incremental Encoder Emulation Setup .. ..... ............ ................... ..... ......... ..... .. 3-12
3.9.1. Incremental Encoder Line Coun!. .................. ..................................... ... 3·12
3.9.2. Marker Pulse Offse!. .. ..................................... ........ ...... .. .................. 3· 13
3.10. Error Reaction ................... ................ .... .... ..... ....... ................ .... .. ...... ... 3-14
3.11. Torque (Current) Reduction ........ ...................... ............................. .. ......... 3·14
3. 12. Gain Parameters .. ...... ...... ....... .... ...... . ..... ..... .......... ..... ... ........................ 3-15
3.13. Motor and Drive Parameters ......... ............ .. ........... ........ ... ....................... . 3· 16
3.13 .1. Amplifier Type .. .. .......... '" ... .......... ................ ...... ....... ... ... ... ... ....... 3-16
3.13.2 . Amplifier Peak Current ...... .. .... ...... ..... ... ..... .. ......... .... ........... .... ....... 3-16
3.13 .3. Amplifier Continuous Current ..................................... ....... ................ 3·16
3.13.4. Effective Peak Current ...... ................... ... ......................... .... .......... .. 3-17
3.13.5. Effective Continuous Current .... ... .......... ........ ............ .... .. .. ........ .. ...... 3-17
3.13.6. MotorType .............. ............... .. ............ ..... ........................... ....... 3-17
3. 13.7. Nominal Torque ..... ...... ............ .. ......... ................ ...... ... .... .............. 3-17
3.13. 8. Maximum Motor Velocity ....................... ............. ..... ... .......... .. ......... 3·17
3.13.9. Mass Moment of Inertia ... ... ......... ............ ......... .... ....... ..... ....... .. ....... 3·17
3.13.10. Motor Torque Constan!. ................ .... .............. .......... ...... .. ........ ... ... 3-17
3.13 .11. MotorPeakCurrent ............................. .......................................... 3-18
3.13.12. Motor Continuous Current .. .......... ... .... ..... .. ............... ...................... 3-18
3.13 .13. Saving Parameters to Disk ............ ... .. ......... .. .. .. ..... ..... ............. ........ 3-18
3.13.14. Loading Parameters from Disk .... .... ............. ......... ...... .. ..... ...... ... ...... 3-20
4.]. General Considerations .. _.................. . ...•... . _. _.... .. ... ............ .• _... _.. ... . ... .. .. . .. 4-1
4.1.1. Panel Layout .. ...... ........................... ... ..... ............ ................. .......... 4-1
4.1.2. Signal Wiring .............. .................. .......... ..... ... .... ...... ..... ........... ..... 4-1 DDS 2.1 Configurations .... ..... .... ............................ ....... .. ............ 4-2 Signal Descriptions ............ ...... .... .. ................. .. ... ... ......... .. ........ 4-3
4.1.3. Power Wiring ........ ....... .... ...... .... ........ ....... .. ................................... 4-8
4.2. Step-by-Step Installation Instructions ....... ................... .................. ........ ..... .... 4-8
4.3. DSS 1.1 SERCOS Interface Card ............. .... .................. ............... ............... 4-10
4.4. DAE 1.1 Analog Interface Card with Incremental Encoder Emulator ....................... 4-12
4.5. Feedback Input Cards ................... ........................ ............. .... .. ........ ....... .. 4-12
4.6. Operation of the Mechanical Brake ...................... .. .. ..... .... ............•......•........ 4-16
4.6.1. SERCOS Brake Control.. .... ....... ... .. ... ... .. .. .... .. .. .. .. ............................. 4-16
4.6.2 . Analog Brake Control .. .. .... .. .... ... . . .... .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ... .. ...... .. .... .•. ... .•.. ...... 4-16
5.1. Analog DDS 2.1 Startup ... .. ...... ......... .. . .. ... .. ..... ......... .... .. ....... . .... ... .•..... .. . 5-1
5.1. 1. Equipment Requirements ... .. ..... .... .. .... ... . ...... ... .... ... .. ....... .. . ... . .... . ....... 5-1
5.1.2. Pre-Power Checks ...................... . .. .. ... .... .. ... .. ......... ... ......... .. . ... . ... .. . 5-1
5.1.3. Power On Checks .. ..................... .. .. . . ................ .. .. .... . ...... .. . ....... ..... . 5-2
5.1.4. Applying Main Power and Moving the Axis ... ....................... .. .. . .. .... . . ... .. . 5-3
5.1.5 . Checking Load Torque .............................. ... . .. .. . .. .... ... .. ................... . 5-4
5.2. SERCOS Startup ..... .. . .. . .. .. .. .... .. .. .. ... ..... . ... .. ... . .......................... ............. 5-4
5.2.1. Pre-Power Checks ...... .... . ... ........ . ........ .. .... ... . ... ... .. ... ... .. . . ........ . ....... 5-5
5.2.2. Power On Checks ... ........ . ....... .. .... .. . .... .... . ...... .. .. ... ......... . ................ 5-5
5.2.3. Applying Main Power and Moving the Axis .. ... . ........... ..... .. ...... . ... ... ... .. .. . 5-7
5.2.4. Homing . .... c.. .. .... .. . .. . .. .... .. ..... ...... ........... ... .. ................ . .. . ..... .. . ... .. 5-7
Figure l.l DDS 2.1 FrontFace ........ ... .. ..... . .. .......... . ................ . ...... . ..... . ... ...... 1-2
Figure 2.1 SERCOS DDS 2.1 Topology ............. . ... .... ..........•..... .. •..... .•.... . ......... 2-2
Figure 2.2 SERCOS Data Block Structure ........ .... ...... .. ........ .. ...... .. ...... .. .. .. ......... 2-3
Figure 2.3 Structure of Master Synchronization Telegram ................................... .. .... 2-3
Figure 2.4 SERCOS Cycle ...... ....... .......... ........... .... .... . .................. .. ..... .. ........ 2-4
Figure 2.5 Master Data Telegram, (MDT), Structure ........................ .. .... .. .. .......... .. 2-5
Figure 2.6 Amplifier Telegram, (AT), Structure .. .. .. .. .. .. .......... .. .... .... .......... .. ........ 2-6
Figure 2.7 Parameter Values for Velocity Polarity .... .. .. .... ... .. .. .. .. ........................... 2-35
Figure 2.8 Scaling Options for Velocity Data .... .. ........ .. .. ...................................... 2-37
Figure 2.9 Parameter Values for Position Polarity .. .......................... .. .. ........ . ...... .. 2-43
Figure 2.10 Scaling Options for Position Data .. .. .............. .. .... .. .. .... . ...................... 2-46
Figure 2.11 Parameter Values for Torque Polarity ............ ...... ... .. .......... ... .. ........... 2-50
Figure 2.12 Scaling Options for Torque-Force Data ............... ...... .. ...... ................... 2-52
Figure 2.13 Velocity Loop Proportional Gain .. ...................... ......... ...................... 2-58
Figure 2.14 Position Loop Regulator ............................................................... 2-60
Figure 2.15 Scaling Options for Acceleration Data ...... .. .......................... .... ........... 2-80
Figure 2.16 Velocity Loop Regulator .. .... .. ...... .... ........ .. .. .. ................ .... ............. 2-97
Figure 2.17 Diagram sbowing status of axis -error compensation .................. .. .... .. .... .. . 2-116
Figure 2.18 Correction Bebavior . ... .. . .... .... .. .. ....... .. .. ...... .................... .. .. ........ ... 2-123
Figure 2.19 Axis Error Compensation Block Diagram .. .... .. .. .............. .. ................ .. . 2- 124
Figure 2.20 Description of Parameters ........ .... .. .. ...... .. ..... .. ... .. . .................. .... ..... 2- 125
Figure 2.21 Single Axis Motion Function .... .... ...... .. ........ .. .. .. .................... ... ....... 2-128
Figure 2.22 Homing Procedure using the Motor Feedback .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ........................ 2-131
Figure 2.23 Homing Procedure with a Positive Reference Offset Value ......................... 2-132
Figure 2.24 Homing Procedure with a Negative Reference Offset Value ............... .. ....... 2-133
Figure 2.25 Example of the DDS 2.1 Oscilloscope Function .. .................................... 2-134
Figure 2.26 Axis Probing .... .. ...................... .... ... .. ........... .. ........ .. ......... ..... ..... 2-136
Figure 3.1 Incremental Encoder Siguals .......................... .. .................. .... ... .. ....... 3-3
Figure 3.2 RS 232 C Interface Wiring Diagram ......................... .. ....... .... ............ .. . 3-4
Figure 3.3 RS 2321 VT 100 User Interface Summary .............................................. 3-5
Figure 3.4 Analog Output Representation of Position Sigual ................. .. ..... .. ............ 3-10
Figure 3.5 Motor Speed vs. Encoder Line Count .. .. .. .......... .. .. .. .... .. .. ...... .......... .... .. 3-13
Figure 3.6 Block Diagram of Gain Parameters ................. ....................... .. .. .... .. .. .. 3-15
Figure 4.1 Power Supply and 2 Amplifiers ......................................... . ................. 4-2
Figure 4.2 Configuration Sticker (on Plexiglas cover of DDS 2.1) ........... .. .... .. .... .. ...... 4-3
Figure 4.3 Connection of Fiber Optic Cables .. ............................... .. . .... ................ 4-11
Figure 5.1 Battery Box .. ........ ................ ................................... ........... . ......... 5-3
Figure 5.2 Homing Procedure using the Motor Feedback ................ ......... .......... . ...... 5-8
Figure 5.3 Homing Procedure using an External Feedback ...... .. ............ .. .... .. ............ 5-9
Figure 6. 1 Positioning of the Home Switch ....................... .. ...... ...... . .. .... .. .... .... .... 6-13
The DDS 2.1 Intelligent Digltal Servo Drive was developed using the most current state of the art
teclmology available. The DDS 2. I is a cost effective drive which responds superbly to the
demanding requirements of today' 5 automated factories.
The philosophy behind Indramats digital drive development was to build a digital drive that would
perform at least as well as an analog drive. In addition, this drive must be easy to install and use, as
demonstrated by lndramats "SysteMate " philosophy in the past. The basic challenge was to develop
a drive which complied with three main objectives:
1) Real time processing with high update rates fo r the velocity loop was needed .
2) A high resolutio n feedback was needed to compete with a real time tachometer.
3) A standard digital interface was required which could perform well over
closed control loops.
Indramat has accomplished these three objectives in the DDS 2.1. This drive uses a digital signal
processor for the real time processing. This allows the DDS 2. 1 to update its velocity loop, as well as
a position loop, every 2S0 ~sec . Secondly, after over five years of research and development,
Indramat now provides a state of the art feedback which enables the drive to measure position with a
resolution of 114,000,000 of a revolution at speeds up to 6000 RPM. FinaJJy, the DDS 2. 1 uses a
high perfonnance digital interface called the SERCOS Interface, which was developed by several
companies and is on its way to becoming an international standard.
The resu lt of these efforts is a DDS 2.1 Digital AC Servo Drive which out performs the best analog
drives o n the market today. In addition it brings all the other attractive features of digital drives to
market, such as digital parameter adjustments and mo re advanced diagnostics. Finally, the price is
competitive with that of comparable analog drives.
An lndramat digital drive system consists of a modular DDS 2. 1 Digital AC Servo Drive with a
program module and a corresponding interface card plugged into the first slot. There are numerous
configurations available with the use of different plug in modules to accommodate most applications.
This allows more flexibility and custornization of the DDS 2. 1 Drive. (See Figure l.l DDS 2.1 Front
DC Bus Terminals
On the front of the DDS 2.1, there is a 2 digit, 7-segment display which allows the user to quickly
determine the status of the drive. This display communicates normal drive conditions as well as error
codes. These are described in more detail in Chapter 6 of this manuaL
Two outputs exist for analog monitoring of signals. These can be connected to an oscilloscope and
the signa1s appearing on these outputs may be selected via the RS232 interface or SERCOS Interface.
An MDD series digital motor from Indramat is used with a Digital Servo Feedback., (DSF), mounted
on the back. This feedback contains memory which stores all motor specific data. This data is then
sent to the DDS 2.1 via the feedback cable and the drive automatically sets up its operating
characteristics based on the motor type during powerup. There is also a multi-tum absolute DSF
feedback available, which mechanically stores position over 4096 turns of the motor shaft.
The DDS 2.1 can be configured with most of the Indramat power supplies with a regulated 24V
supply--an exception is the TVM 1.2. (Operating characteristics of the drive may vary between
different suppli es. See DDS 2.1 Selection Guide) . This drive can also be mounted side by side with
Indramats other modular AC servo and spindle drives .
Depending on the type of interface that is used, it is possible to run in one offour different closed
loop operating modes. A closed torque loop mode alone can run in the DDS 2.1 , where torque
commands may be sent by an external control. A velocity loop can be closed around this internally in
the drive as well, accepting velocity command values. The update time of this internal velocity loop is
250~sec. Either of these two modes may be run via the SERCOS Interface or the Analog Interface.
A third operating mode in which an internal position loop may be closed around the velocity and
torque loops is possible when using the SERCOS Interface option. The update of this position loop
is also done in 2S0~sec intervals. With this high speed internal position loop, system performance can
be greatly improved. Typical update times when closing a position loop over an interface is 1 to 2
msec. When operating in position loop mode via SERCOS, the drive has the capability to perform a
homing function.
The forth operating mode, also available via the SERCOS Interface, is called Single Axis Mode,
(SAM) . In this mode, the user defines a ramp, velocity and final position. When a go command is
issued, this profile is executed independently by the axis.
When operating in the Analog Mode, all communications for parameter adjustments and diagnostics
are done via the RS232 port. This port requires corrunurucation to a VT100 terminal, or terminal
emulation program rurming on a PC. Menu driven screens guide the user through scaling
adjustments, tuning, feedback setup. and other parameter adjustments. The entire user interface is
contained in the DDS 2. 1. No additional software, (other than tenninai emulation software), is
The DDS 2.1 also contains an oscilloscope function that can store aU signals in the drive. This allows
velocity and position sampling at the drives update rate of250lJ.sec. Up to 2000 samples can be taken
at one time, then transmitted via the SERCOS Interface. This function contains all features that
would be found in a typical digital storage scope. The main advantage of an internal oscilloscope is
that the same signals that the drive is processing can be captured and analyzed, noise free. In
addition, greater accuracy can be achieved in setting trigger points based on any signal available in the
There are additional plug in cards available for second position feedback inputs. Either analog or
digital feedback input signals can be con£gured. When using SERCOS, both motor feedbac k data
and external feedback data can be transmitted to, and used in a control.
This chapter contains infonnation on the SERCOS Interface specification as it applies to the DDS
2.1. !fyou have a DDS 2.1 which does not have a SERCOS Interface card, (DSS 1.I) plugged in the
first card slot, UI, then your drive is not con£gured to use the SERCOS Interface, in which case trus
chapter may be skipped over.
The SERCOS Interface Specification was developed by several companies with the intention of
standardizing on an interface between controls and digital drives. SERCOS, which stands for SErial
Realtime COmmunication System,. uses fiber optics as its transmission medium. Indramat developed
one of the first digital servo drives which incorporated SERCOS in its DDS 1.1 Digital Drive
product. The DDS 2.1 Digital Drive is now the second generation of Indramat' 5 family of SERCOS
products. The topology for SERCOS as it applies to the DDS 2.1 is shown in figure 2-1 .
Each DDS 2.1 on the SERCOS ring must be set to a unique address from 1 to 99. For more
infonnation on setting the SERCOS address, see section 2.1.2.
Digital information is communicated on a SERCOS ring between the Master, which is defined as the
SERCOS communication section of the motion control unit, and the Slave of each DDS 2.1, where
the Slave is the SERCOS communication section of the drive. In the case of the DDS 2.1 , the Slave
is configured on the DSS 1.1 SERCOS Interface Module. Note that all data transfers take place
between the Master and a Slave. There is no direct communication between Slaves. This is
necessary to maintain strict timing requirements within the system. When the data is received by a
Slave and accepted, it is repeated back to the ring for the next Slave.
Master I Master
T T, •! ,
•• ~ ~
All data in a SERCOS system is stored or configured in a block format. Figure 2.1 SERCQS DDS 2.1
Topology shows the data block structure. Each data block is identified by an II) Number, (IDN).
For example, ION 5-0-0100 represents Velocity Loop Proportiona1 Gain . This data block also
contains the ASCn representation of the name and units of the data, as weD as minimum and
maximum values that may be entered. An attribute fi eld defines how the data is interpreted
between t he operator and the machine and also the type of data to be entered. Finally, the last
fie ld contains the actual data itself. In the example noted above, this data would be the
proportional gain that was originally selected by the drive or the value entered by the
programmer. Data blocks can vary greatly in size, depending on their data content.
Element 3 Attribute
The total number ofIDN's, (or data blocks) which the SERCOS Interface Specification allows is
65,536. 32,768 of these IDN's are reserved for SERCOS defined data. The example above is of
thi s type and is identified by the "S" in the ID Number. The other 32,768 are reserved for product
specific data,. which a drive or control manufacturer may use for their own proprietary features.
This data is identified by a "P" in the ID N umber for Product Specific. Finally, each of these
groups of 32, 768 IDN's are divided into 8 parametersets of 4096 IDNs each. This is the
maximum number of IONs that are allowed for SERCOS or Product Specific data. These
parameter sets can then be used in applications where severa1 data values need to be changed.
These values can be loaded in an inactive state while another parameter set is active. When the
data is complete, the parameter sets can be switched. Examples of applications that would use
this feature are electronic gearing, where it is desired to have several gear ratios change
simultaneously. and also gain scheduling .
All other data that is communicated in the rest of the cycle is either placed on the ring or read
from the ring at precise time intervals measured from the end of the MST. Each drive
continuously synchronizes its own internal clock directly off the data received by the Master. All
data received by the drives become active at a defined time inteIVal after the MST, forcing all
drives to act on their data simultaneously. The figure below shows a typical cycle.
T Seye
T 10m
All data to be acted upon by the drive is communicated from the Master via a Master Data
Telegram, (MDT). One Master Data Telegram is sent out per SERCOS communication cyeIe.
Each :MDT contains data for all drives, and it is the duty of each Slave to extract the pertinent
data from the :MDT for its respective drive. The data for a particular drive is designated as a byte
position within the tvIDT, (see IDN S-D-OD09) . These byte positions are the same every cycle and
are determined during an initialization process when SERCOS is first brought up. The structure
of the tvIDT is shown in Figure 2.5 Master Data Telegram, (?vIDl). Structure.
Data Record 1 Data Record m Data Record M
BOF ADR Drive xx Drive xx Orive xx
Control Word Master Service
Operation Data for Drive m
for Drive m Info - Drive m
, V
Operation Data
Variable Part of Data Record for Drive m (cyclic datal
The operation data field of the MDT for a particular drives' data record con~ains data that is to be
sent to the drive on a cyclic basis. An example oftms would be a velocity command vaJue or
position command value. This type of data must be updated continuously and in a timely fashion
in order to maintain the integrity of a closed loop control system. This data is considered to be
time criticaL Non-time critical data can be placed in the Master Service Info field, which IS 2
bytes wide. Data that is longer than 2 bytes would require several SERCOS cycles to transmit.
FinaUy, there is a Control Word in each drive data record that contains hand shaking signals for
control of the non-time critical data transmissions, real time bit control and also to initiate special
functions or procedures in the DDS. The Control Word also communicates the sequential
powering up and enabling of each drive.
AU data that is to be sent from the drive back to the control unit is corrununicated via an Amplifier
Telegram, Of AT. Each drive sends its own AT back to the control unit every cycle and there is a
specified time slot designated for each drives AT. The operation data field of the AT for a
particular drive contains data that is to be sent to the control unit on a cyclic basis. An example of
this would be a velocity feedback value or position feedback value. Like the MDT, this type of
data must be updated continuously and in a timely fashion in order to maintain the integrity of a
closed loop control system. This data is considered to be time critical. Non-time critical data can
be placed in the Drive Service Info field, which is 2 bytes wide. Data that is longer than 2 bytes
would require several SERCOS cycles to t ransmit. The structure of the AT is shown in Figure 2.6
Amplifier Telegram, (An, Strucrure.
Data Record
Drive xx
Operation Data
Variable Part of Data Record for Drive , (cyclic datal
Analogous to the Masters Control Word, there is a Status Word sent out by each drive in the AT.
As with the Control Word, the Status Word contains hand shaking signals for control of the 000-
time critical data transmissions. Real time status, as weU as status of general operating conditio ns
and states, including drive diagnostics is also placed in this word.
Telegram Type
Before the system can be started some setup is required. One parameter that must be loaded in
every drive is the Telegram Type Parameter, (S -0-0015). This parameter determines the type of
data that will be communicated cyclically between the master and the drive. There are 6
predefined telegram configurations that may be selected, or a custom configuration can be
When a custom telegram is selected, the ID Numbers of the data to be communicated cyclically by
a particular drive must be placed in the AT and J\.1DT configuration lists, (IDN 5-0-0016 and ION
S-0-0024). Only data that is found in the lists ofconfigurable data of the AT and MDT, (IDN S-
0-0187 and ION S-0-0 188), may be placed in these configuration lists.
The most critical feature of the SERCOS Interface is its timing and synchronization capability.
When a SERCOS system is first powered up, the devices on the SERCOS ring are unable to
conununicate in normal operation as defined by the SERCOS Interface Specification. In order for
it to operate in this nonnal mode, each device must first be initialized so that all time slots are
appointed and all data to be transmitted cyclically is assigned for all telegrams. This initialization
process is comprised offive communication phases which must be executed sequentially.
In this phase, the control unit checks all devices on the ring to confum that they are in their
correct physical locations and that all addresses are set correctly. Once this has been confumed,
the Master switched all devices to Communication Phase 2.
In this phase, the control unit first runs several timing routines to detennine the response of each
device . After this is detennined, the control unit calculates all communication timing parameters
and loads the correct values to each drive. Communication during this phase takes place between
the Master and each drive, where only one drive at a time may be conununicated to per cycle. All
drives must then report back to the control unit when all timing parameters are satisfied. The
control unit then switches the system to Communication Phase 3.
Now that aU timing parameters are in place, the control unit is able to communicate more
efficiently to all the drives, every cycle. All the remaining parameters are now communicated to
the drives via the Service Channel of the rvIDT. In this phase, the cyclic data channels of the
MDT and ATs exist, but are not used. After all application data has been loaded and is
considered valid and complete by every device on the ring, the control unit switches the system to
Communication Phase 4.
In this final phase, the communication between the Master and every drive is fully operational.
Once the devices are enabled, they may run high performance closed loops serially across this
SERCOS communication link.
If any error occurs during the initialization process, a drive may only descend to Communication
Phase O. By sequencing from Phase 0 to Phase 2, it is then possible to detennine the error that
took place. It is only possible to ascend cornmunication phases sequentially.
There are three levels of diagnostics in the SERCOS Interface specification. These three levels
are designed to handle different situations more effectively.
Class 1 Diagnostics, or Shutdown Errors indicates that there is a fau lt in the drive and that the
drive is in the process of shutting itself down . The drive shuts itself down by decelerating to zero
speed and then removing torque from the motor by disabling the power section of the drive. In
addition, the drive returns to Communication Phase 0, and, depending on the control unit, may
progress to Communication Phase 2 so that the error can be· further diagnosed .
When this type of error occurs, the drive immediately notifies the master of its shutdown status
via the Class 1 Diagnostic bit in the Status Word of the AT. In addition., there is an IDN that
contains a description of the error which occurred caUed Class 1 Diagnostics, IDN S-0-0011.
The master may display a diagnostic message indicating the fault that has caused the shutdown to
the user.
This shutdown status can only be reset after all shutdown fault conditions have been corrected.
Once this has been done, the master may reset this status with the "Reset Class 1 Diagnostics"
procedure command, IDN 5-0·0099.
Warning conditions can occur in the DDS 2. 1, which, if not corrected, may cause a Class 1
Diagnostic, Shutdown Error. When a warning condition occurs in the drive, the Class 2
Diagnostic bit in the status word of the AT is immediately set. Also, if the warning condition
disappears, this bit is set. In other words, whenever the warning status of the drive changes, it
sets the Class 2 Diagnostic bit. This bit is reset whenever the Master reads the Class 2 Diagnostic
- Warning, IDN $-0-00 12. This assures that the Master has been warned.
Class 3 Diagnostics or Operational Status conditions may occur in the DD S 2 .1 during normal
operation . This is not a fault condition. This enables the drive to quickly communicate to the
Master when certain events have occurred, such as when the conunanded speed has been reached,
when an axis is in position, etc, Whenever the operationaJ status of the drive changes, as with
Class 2 Diagnostics, it sets the Class 2 Diagnostic bit. This bit is reset whenever the Master reads
the Class 3 Diagnostic - Operational Status, IDN 5 -0-00 13. This assures that the Master has been
All position data, velocity data, torque-force data and acceleration data can be scaled within the
SERCOS Interface. This is important to efficiently transfer data between the control unit and the
drives with the correct scaling defined. The scaling options parameters are used to define how
scaling will be done fo r each type of data. These parameters are as follows:
Polarity for position, velocity and torque can also be defined by the following parameters:
When the drive is performing some operation or procedure w hich requires the drive to react
inunediately to some event, the drive can notify the Master that the event has occurred and that it
has already reacted via the real time bit.
One important use of the real time bits is a probing procedure. This is where several axes may be
positioning a probe and slowly moving this probe into a machined part. The objective is to find
the exact position of each of the axes when this probe touches the part. Since the probe is
basically just a switch, when it touches the part, the switch is activated. T hi s probe switch can be
fed to each of the drives. so that when the probe is activated. each drive can immediately capture
its own position at the point of contact. The real time bits in the AT Status Words are
immediately set, notifying the Master that the probe made contact and the positions are latched.
The Master may then proceed to query each drive to obtain the positions for processing.
Another similar application would be registration . This is where a registration mark on material,
such as on a ronof printed packaging material, is encountered between each successive panern.
This enables the control to make adjustments to the positioning of the pattern creach feed.
In order for the system to successfully execute SERCOS Communication Phase 1 of the
initialization sequence, the addresses of the drives must be correctly entered. No two drives may
have the same address when connected to a common SERCOS ring. The drive addresses are
selected on the DSS 1. 1, SERCOS Interface Card. There are two small rotary selector switches
on the front of this card. The high address is set with the switch S3 and the low address is set
with switch S2. (See also section 4.3, DSS 1.1 SERCOS !ntemce Card Installation.)
2.2. SERCOS Specific Parameters
The Control Unit Cycle Time defines the cyclic intervals during which the control unit makes new
command values available. The Control Unit Cycle Time must be an integer multiple of the
SERCOS cycle time. (lNcyc ~ tScyc * j , j ~ 1,2,3 .....). This value is calculated and loaded by the
control unit during Corrununication Phase 2 and becomes active in Communication Phase 3 of
The cycle time of the interface defines the intervals during which the cyclic data are transferred.
The interface cycle times that would be valid for the DDS 2.1 are 250 llSec or any integer multiple
0[250 Ilsec. This value is loaded by the master during Communication Phase 2 and becomes
active in Communication Phase 3 ofInitialization.
Indicates the time requirement off the drive between the end of the reception of the MST and the
start of transmission of the AT. This time interval, required by the drive, depends on the selected
telegram type, (see section 2.3), The time tlmin is read by the Master during Communication
Phase 2 in order to calculate the AT Transmission Starting Time. tl (IDN S· 0-0006).
The time required by the DDS 2.1 to switch from transmitting the AT to receiving the MDT.
This parameter is read by the Master during Conununication Phase 2 in order to correctly
calculate the time t2, MDT Transmit Starting Time, IDN 00089.
The time required by the drive, between the start of the feedback acquisition and the end of the
next MST. This time is set to a value that makes it possible for the drive to place the feedback
value in the next AT. The Master reads this value during Corrununication Phase 2 in order to
calculate the Feedback Acquisition Time, IDN S-0-0007.
The AT Transmission Starting Time determines the time after the MST in which the Master will
send it's AT during Cominunication Phases 3 and 4. This value is loaded by the master during
Communication Phase 2 and becomes active in Communication Phase 3 of Initialization. (t 1 >
tlminl ·
The Feedback Acquisition Starting Time is the time after the MST at which the drives capture the
feedback data. T he time in each drive is set so that the acquisition is synchronized so that all drives
capture their feedback data simultaneously. t4 S; tScyc - t5 .
This parameter determines the time after the MST at which the drive is allowed to access new
command values. The time is set in each drive so that the Command Valid time occurs
simultaneously in all the drives. This maintains system synchronization. This parameter is
activated in Communication Phase 3.
The beginning address of a data record of the drive within the :MDT, expressed as a byte
position. It starts with $01 for the initial data byte after the address field within the MDT. Every
drive is informed by the master during Communication Phase 2 where the beginning address of its
respective data record will be located in the :MDT. The beginning address in the lvIDT becomes
active during Communication Phase 3 in the Master and Slave.
The Length of the MDT, expressed in bytes, includes data records for all drives. Every drive is
infonned of the length ofthe lvIDT by the Master during Conunurucation Phase 2. This
parameter becomes active in Communication Phase 3.
A Class 1 Diagnostic indicates a shutdown error or fatal error condition in the drive. When this
condition exists. the drive decelerates in the best possible marmeT to zero speed, followed by the
shutting down of the torque. At the same time, the drive signals the master of its shutdown by
setting the Class 1 Diagnostic bit to "1" in the Drive Status Word. This bit is reset only after the
condition which caused the shutdown is cleared and the command "Reset Class 1 Diagnostics" is
received by the drive via the service channel.
Ir r r r r x x x : x x x x x x x xl
There is a mask associated with Class 2 Diagnostics which can mask certain bits so that a cbange
in that particular warning condition will not set the masked bit and therefore not set the Class 2
Diagnostic bit in the Drive Status Word.
Ir r r r r x x x : x x x x x x x xl
A Class 3 Diagnostic indicates an operating status. When an operating status condition is either
activated or canceled, the change bit for Class 3 Diagnostics in the Drive Status Word is set to
"I ". This bit is amy reset after the Master reads the Class 3 Diagnostic to see what operating
status condition has changed.
There is a mask associated with Class 3 Diagnostics which can mask certain bits so that a change
in that particular operating status condition will not set the masked bit and therefore not set the
Class 3 Diagnostic bit in the Drive Status Word .
Ir r r r r x x z : x x x x x x x xl
II Bit 2:
Bit 0: Dactual "" °command
Bit 1: 1Dactuall 0
I"actual I< I"x I
ITI > ITxl
- B;14: ITI > ITI;mill
L- Bit 5: IDcommand I> IDlimit 1
L Bit 6: In position
- B;t7: Ipl>lp.1
L Bit 8: Service Request
- Bit 9: reserved
- Bit 10: reserved
- Bit 11: reserved
L- Bit 12: reserved
- Bit 13: reserved
- Bit 14: reserved
L- Bit 15. Product Specific Operatioo Status
Note: Bit :::: 0: Coodition does not exist
Bit '"" 1: Condition exists
The Interface Status indicates whether a communication error has occurred. [f an error has
occurred, the Class 1 Diagnostics bit for communication error is set, and the error and the
communication phase at the time of the error wiU be latched in this IDN. If no communication
error exists, the present communication phase is designated by bits 0 to 2. The drive cancels a
communication error and resets to "0" only if the error indicated by the interface status has been
eliminated and upon receiving the command IIReset Class 1 Diagnostics" via the service channel.
Ix r r r r x x x : x x x x x x x xl
LBit 2-<): Communkation Phase
[l Bit 3: MST Failure
(Diag. Code 01 , See pg 6· 5)
Bit 4: MDT Failure
(Diag. Code 02, See pg 6-5)
Bit 5: Invalid phase (pbase > 4)
(Diag. Code 03 , See pg 6-6)
l (Diag. Code 07. See pg 6-7)
Bit 10: 2 drives set to tbe same address in the ring
(Diag. Code 03, See pg 6-6)
Bit 11: reseoed
The telegram type parameter allows the ability to select between SERCOS defined telegrams and
custom telegrams. The SERCOS defined telegrams detennine which parameters will be
transmitted cyclically in both the MDT and the AT. The SERCOS defined telegrams are
considered more commonJy used and therefore pre-defined by the SERCOS Interface
Specification. If telegram configurations other than the ones provided are req uired, they can be
called out by the Custom Telegram as shown below.
10 0 0 a0 0 0 0 : 0 0 0 0 0 xxxl
0 0 0 - SERCOS Defined Telegram 0
o 0 1 - SERCOS Defined Telegram 1
a 1 a - SERCOS Defined Telegram 2
a 1 1 - SERCOS Defined Telegram 3
1 0 0 - SERCCS Defined Telegram 4
1 0 1 - SERCOS Defined Telegram 5
1 1 0 - SERCOS Defined Telegram 6
1 1 1 - Custom Telegram
When set up w ith this telegram type. no data is configured for the operation data field. This
means that no data is defined to be sent cyclically in the IvIDT or the AT. Only service channel
data is sent in this configuration.
This pre configured telegram supports the torque loop control mode in the drive. The data for the
MDT and the AT operation data fields are configured as follows:
This preconfigured telegram supports the velocity loop control mode in the drive. Position
feedback acquisition takes place in the control unit, therefore no position data needs to be
transferred between the control unit and the drive. The data for the MDT and the AT operation
data fields are configured as follows:
Velocity COrd
I~N S-O-003~
AT Data Field 1
Velocity Feedback Val~e
I?N S-0-0049 !
This pre configured telegram supports the velocity loop control mode in the drive. Position
feedback acquisition a1so takes place in the drive and is sent to the control unit via the AT. The
data for the:MDT and the AT operation data fields are configured as follows:
AT Data Field 1
Position Feedback Value 1 or 2
IDN 5 - 0 - 0051 or S-0 - 0053
This pre configured telegram supports the position loop control mode in the drive. The data for
the 'tvIDT and the AT operation data fields are configured as follows:
AT Data Field 1
Position Feedback Value 1 or 2
IDN S - 0-0051 or 5-0-0053
This pre configured telegram supports both the velocity and position loop control mode in the
drive. This allows the control unit to switch the drive between position loop control and velocity
loop control modes on the fly. The data for the:MDT and the AT operation data fields are
configured as foUaws:
This preconfigured telegram supports the velocity loop control mode in the drive. Position
feedback acquisition takes place in the control unit. This is similar to SERCOS Defined Telegram
2, except that no velocity feedback data is sent back to the control unit. Trus is useful for saving
time in a SERCOS cycle. The data for the:MDT and the AT operation data fields are configured
as follows:
The ID Numbers that will be transmitted cyclically in the AT are placed in this configuration list.
This parameter only needs to be supported if Custom Telegram is selected in IDN $-0-0015 .
Only ID Numbers that are present in the List of AT Configurable Data, IDN S· 0-0187 are
allowed to be added to this configuration list.
All IDNs of all operation data of this drive are stored in the data of this list.
1< Length of List >1
- - -r --1 1 ---'
ID E 0 0 110 00 10100 0200 03 00 05 0 0 0 6 00 0700
----r-IDN S.o.oO IO
IDN S.o.Q006
IDN S.o.oOO5
IDN S.o.Q003
IDN S.o.o002
Bytes 3 and 4 indicate the maximum length for
operation data available in the drive;
Default length '" 16 bytes ($0010)
Before the control unit advances the communication phase from 2 to 3, the drive must
acknowledge that all ION's required for phase 3 operation is loaded and valid. If there are still
invalid IONs, the drive will give an error in ION S-0-0095 of201 , (See Chapter 6, Diagnostics).
At this time, all invalid IDNs will be placed in this parameter, IDN S-O-0021 .
-, ---'1 l
IDE 00 11 0 00 10100 0200 0300 0500 0600 0700 OAOO~
-r --r-ION S-O-O010
l ION S-O-OO07
ION S-O-O006
ION S-O-0002
Bytes 3 and 4 indicate the maximum length for
operation data available in the drive;
Default length = 16 bytes (SOOIO)
Byles 3 and 4 indicate the length for programmed
operation data available in the drive;
Defau1t length ::: 14 bytes (SOOOE)
Before the control unit advances the communication phase from 3 to 4, the drive must
acknowledge that all IONs required for phase 4 operation is loaded and valid. If there are still
invalid IDN's. the drive will give an error in IDN S-0-0095 of201. (See Chapter 6, Diagnostics) .
At this time, all invalid IDN's will be placed in this parameter, IDN S-0-0022.
-, ---'1-r T
IO E' OOj lO 00 10 1 00 0200 0300 050 0 06 00 07 00 DADol
IDN S.{).{)007
IDN S'{)'{)OO6
IDN S'{)'{)OO5
IDN S.{)'{)OO3
IDN S.{).{)Q02
IDN S,{).{)OO I
Bytes 3 and 4 indicate the maximum length for
operation dala available in the drive;
Default length:::: 16 bytes (SOO 10)
Bytes 3 and 4 indicate the length for programmed
operation data available in the drive;
Default length = 14 bytes ($OOOE)
The ID Numbers that will be transmitted cyclically in the:MDT are placed in this configuration
list. This parameter only needs to be supported if Custom Telegram is selected in IDN S-0-0015.
Only ID Numbers that are present in the List of MDT Configurable Data, IDN S-0-0188 are
allowed to be added to this configuration list.
The MST error counter counts all invalid MST's in Communication Phases 3 and 4. In the case
where more than two consecutive MST's are invalid, only the first two are counted. The MST
error counter counts up to a maximum of2 16 - 1. This means that ifa value 0[65535 is set in the
counter, there may have been a noisy transmission over a long period oftirne.
The MDT error counter counts all invalid MDT's in Communication Phases 3 and 4. In the case
where more than two consecutive MDT's are invalid, only the first two are counted. The MDT
error counter counts up to a maximum of2 16 - 1. This means that ua value 0[65535 is set in the
counter. there may have been a noisy transmission over a long period of time.
This parameter identifies the DDS 2.l software version. For the currently available versions, see
Appendix H, or contact Indramat Sales or Engineering.
The drive operation mode defined by this ID Number becomes act ive when Primary Operation
Mode is set in the control word of the MDT, (bits 8 and 9 set to "00"). This infonnation must be
supplied before progressing to Communication Phase 3.
lS 3 2 1 0
jx x 0 a 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 x x x xl
o 0 0 0 - no mode of operation defined
o 0 0 1 - torque loop control
o 0 1 0 - velocity loop control
x 0 1 1 - position loop control using feedback 1
x 1 0 0 - position loop control using feedback 2
x 1 0 1 - position control using feedbacks I & 2
x 1 1 0 - reselVed
o 1 1 1 - operation mode without closed loops
o - position control with following error
1 - position conttol without following error
o - cyclic command vaJues
1 - ignore cyclic corrunand values
o - operation mode defined by SERCOS Note: Position feedback 1 "" Motor feedback
1 - operation mode defined by product Position feedback 2 = E"1emal feedback
The drive operation mode defined by this ID Number becomes active when the Secondary
Operation Mode I is set in the control word of the MDT, (bits 8 and 9 set to "0 1").
Ix x 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 x x x xl
o 0 0 0 - no mode of operation defined
o 0 0 1 - torque loop control
o 0 1 0 - velocity loop control
x 0 1 1 - position loop control using feedback I
x 1 0 0 - position loop control using feedback 2
x 1 0 1 - position control using feedbacks 1 & 2
x 1 1 0 - reserved
o 1 1 1- operation mode without closed loops
o - position control with following error
1 - position control without following error
o - cyclic conunand values
1 - ignore cyclic com.mand values
o - operation mode defined by SERCOS Note: Position feedback 1 "" Motor feedback
1 - operation mode defined by product Position feedback 2 = External feedback
The drive operation mode defined by this ID Number becomes active when the Secondary
Operation Mode - 2 is set in the control word of the MDT, (bits 8 and 9 set to "10") .
Ix x 0 0 0 0 0 0 o0 0 0 x ::It ::It xl
o 0 a 0 - no mode of operation defined
o 0 0 1 - torque loop control
o 0 1 0 - velocity loop control
::It 0 1 1 - position loop control using feedback I
x 1 0 0 - position loop control using feedback 2
1 0 1 - position control using feedbacks 1 & 2
x l I 0 - reserved
o 1 1 1 - operation mode without closed loops
o - position control with following error
1 - position control without following error
o - cyclic command values
1 - ignore cyclic command values
The drive operation mode defined by this ID Number becomes active when the Secondary
Operation Mode - 3 is set in the control word of the MDT, (bits 8 and 9 set to "lIlt).
15 3 2 1 0
Ix x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 xxxxl
a 0 0 0 - no mode of operation defined
o 0 0 1 - torque loop control
o 0 1
0 - velocity loop control
K 0 1 - position loop control using feedback I
KI a
0 - position loop control using feedback 2
x 1 1 - position control using feedbacks I & 2
x l I 0 - reserved
o 1 1 1 - operation mode without closed loops
o - position control with following error
1 - position control wiiliout following error
o - cyclic command values
1 - ignore cyclic command vaJues
When the drive operating mode "Velocity Loop Control" is activated, the control unit transfers
the velocity command value to the drive every cycle.
Write in Phase 4
This value, whi ch represents the actual velocity of the motor, can be sent from the DDS 2. 1 to the
control unit cyclically or via the service channel for processing by the control unit.
The Homing Velocity is the velocity that the motor will operate at during drive controlled
homing. This parameter is required when the drive is closing a position loop and the drive
controlled homing procedure is executed.
The Homing Acceleration is the acceleration that the motor will operate at during drive controlled
homing. This parameter is required when the drive is closing a position loop and the drive
controlled homing procedure is executed.
This IDN is used to switch the polarity of the velocity data for specific applications. The polarity
is switched on the outside of a closed loop system, (i.e. o n the input and output), The motor shaft
will tum clockwise. (looking at the motor from the shaft side), when a positive velocity command
error is present and no inversion is specified.
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 xxxl
Comma nded Velocity
o - NOR-lJIvened
1 - Inverted
r- IDN S-O-OO8
r- Bit 0 - polarity
To rque
V:a]u e
Velocity - - - 0 IDN S-0-0043
BaO- pol.:uity f----V .
Ve locity
Loo p
Valu e
- IDN 5-0-0043
Bit 2 • polarity
Velocity Fudbaek Value
A variety of parameters may be selected in this IDN to determine the method in which velocity
data is read and interpreted.
15 6543210
Ir r r r r r r r r x x x ::It 0 x xl
0 0 0 0 0 0 -no scaling
Bit 2-<): Scaling Method
1 x x x a 0 1 · linear scaling
x x 0 x 0 1 o· rotational scaling
I Bit3:
o - preferred scaling
1 - parameter scaling
II Bit 4: Units for lioear scaling
o - meters [m)
1 • inches {inJ
I No Scaling
I I Linear Scaling
I I Rotational Scaling J
lDN 5-0-0044, Bit 6
Variable LSD LSB- LSB= Variable LSD
IDN 5-0-0046
RPl\J ......
lDN S-O-0046
This ID Number contains the scaling factor that is to be used for scaling all velocity data in the
drive. This parameter is write protected if preferred scaling is selected in ION S-O-0044 (bit 3 =
15 • 7 o
This ID Number contains the scaling exponent that is to be used for scaling all velocity data in the
drive. This parameter is write protected if preferred scaling is selected in IDN S-0-0044 (bit 3 =
15 • 7 o
I Bit 15: Sign of Exponent
0- positive
1 - negative
When the drive operating mode "Position Loop Control II is activated. the control unit transfers
the position command value to the drive every cycle.
This limit value describes the maximum travel distance in the positive direction. This InN is only
enabled when all position data is based on the home position. The position polarity parameter can
be used to disable the position limit values. When the positive position limit value is exceeded,
the drive sets an error bit under Class 1 Diagnostics, (IDN S-0-0011) and/or sets a warning bit
under Class 2 Diagnostics, (IDN S-0-0012), depending on the drives internal functionality.
This limit value describes the maximum travel distance in the negative direction. Thi s IDN is only
enabled when all position data is based on the home position. The position polarity parameter can
be used to disable the position limit values. When the negative position limit value is exceeded,
the drive sets an error bit under Class 1 Diagnostics, (ION S-0-00 11) andlor sets a warning bit
under Class 2 Diagnostics, (ION S-0-0012), depending on the drives internal functionallty.
This value, which represents the actual position of the motor, can be sent from the DDS 2.1 to the
control unit cyclically or via the service channel for processing by the control unit.
This parameter contains the distance from the machine zero point to a fixed reference point as
measured by position feedback 1, (motor encoder).
This value, which represents the position where the external feedback is mounted, can be sent
from the DDS 2.1 to the control unit cyclically or via the service channel for processing by the
control unit.
This parameter contains the distance from the machine zero point to a fixed reference point as
measured by position feedback 2, (external encoder).
This IDN is used to switch the polarity of the position data for specific applications. The polarity
is switched on the outside of a closed loop system, (Le. on the input and output) , The motor shaft
will turn clockwise, (looking at the motor from the shaft side), when a positive position command
eITor is present and no inversion is specified.
10 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 o 0 0 xxxxxl
~ Commanded Position
o - Non-inverted
1 - Inverted
l o - Non-inverted
1 - Inverted
r ... ition PO$ition Feodb:>ck V:aJ~ 1 _ M"t.or Encoder
Feedback Bit 1 a polarity
ValQe I
IDN 5-4-0053
PG!Hlon roN $-0-11055
Fcodbad; Bit 3 " polJ./lty
When the motor position is found to be near home, within the limits defined by the position
window, it is considered to be at home and the drive will acknowledge as such. This function is
also used for the single axis mode to detennine the limits in which the axis is considered to be in
its final position.
A variety of parameters may be selected in this IDN to determine the method in which position
data is read and interpreted.
10 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 xxxxl
0 x 0
0 0 0 o - no scaling
I Bit 2..(): Scaling Method
0 1 0 xx 0 0 1. - linear scaling
x x 0 0 x 0 1 0 - rotational scaling
I Bit3:
a - preferred scaling
1 - parameter scaling
o • reserved
1 - reserved
ION 5-0-0076, Bil 4 Meters Inches Meters or I Degrus I Degrees I
LSB= LSB - Variabl e LSD 3600000- Variable LSD
IDNS-O-OO77 0.0001 IDN S.0.0079
10·' m 10-' in IDN S-G-0078 d."",
This ID Number contains the scaling factor that is to be used for scaling all position data in the
drive. This parameter is used by the drive only if parameter scaling is selected in bit 3 and linear
scaling is selected in bits 0 to 2 of IDN S-0-0076.
15 8 7 o
This ID Number contains the scaling exponent that is to be used for scaling all position data in the
drive. This parameter is used by the drive only if parameter scaling is selected in bit 3 and linear
scaling is selected in bits 0 to 2 ofIDN S-0·0076.
15 8 7 o
I Bit 15: Sign of Exponent
0- positive
1 - negative
This ID Number contains the rotational position resolution that is to be used for all position data
in the drive. The value is entered in binary format. This parameter is used by the drive only if
parameter scaling is selected in bit 3 and rotational scaling is selected in bits 0 to 2 of IDN 5-0-
31 0
!fa resolution down to .01 degrees were desired for the LSB weight, a value of 36,000 would
need to be entered. Therefore, the value to be entered in this parameter is 8eAOH, or:
31 o
0000 0000 0000 0000 1000 1100 1010 00 00
In the case where preferred scaling is selected in bit 3 ofIDN S-O-0076, the rotational position
resolution is fixed at 3,600,000. This relates to a LSB weight of 0.0001 angular degrees.
When the drive operating mode "Torque Loop Control" is activated, the control unit transfers the
torque command value to the drive every cycl e.
This value, which represents the actual torque of the motor, can be sent from the
DDS 2.1 to the control unit cyclically or via the service channel for processing by the control unit.
This IDN is used to swit ch the polarity of the torque data for specific applications. The polarity is
switched on the outside of a closed loop system, (i.e. on the input and output). The motor shaft
will tum clockwise, (looking at the motor from the shaft side), when a positive torque command
error is present and no inversion is specified.
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 xxxl
Commanded Torque
o - NOD-inverted
1 -Inverted
Torque Feedback Value
o - Non-inverted
I - Inverted
IDN 5-0-0080
Torque --> lDN S-0-0085
C Oll\llUllld
Bit 0 .. polarity f--V -
lDN S-{l-0034
ID N~085
Bit 2 .. polarity
Torque Feedb:u:k Value
A variety of torque-force scaling options can be selected for all torque-force data as described
15 6543210
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o x 0 x x 0 x xl
I Bit 3:
a - preferred scaling
1 - parameter scaling
o - reserved
1 - reserved
I Percentage Scaling
Linear (Force) Rotational (Torque)
lDN S.Q.o086, Bit 4 N IbF Nor IbF I Nm I io-lbF Nm or in-lbF I
I L5B -
Variable LSB
Variable LSB
O.llb IDN S.O.OO93 10" No 0.1 IDN 5-0-0093
1.0 N IDN s.o.oG94 lDN S-O-0094
The time required by the DDS 2.1 to switch from receiving the MDT to receiving the next MST.
This parameter is read by the Master during Conununication Phase 2 to insure that enough time is
available between the end of the MDT and beginning of the MST .
The MDT Transmit Starting Time detennines the time after the MST in which the Master will
send it's MDT during Communication Phases 3 and 4 . This value is loaded by the master during
Communication Phase 2 and becomes active in Communication Phase 3 of Initialization.
The time required by the DSS 1. 1 to make command values available to the DDS 2 .1 after the
receipt of the MDT. The Master read s this va1ue during Communication Phase 2 in order to
calculate the Command Valid Time, IDN S-O-OOOS. The Comrnand Value T ransmit Time
depends on the telegram type that was selected .
The bipolar velocity limit value determines the maximum allowable speed in either direction. If
the velocity limit value is exceeded, the drive responds by setting the message "ncommand >
nlimit" in Class 3 Diagnostics (ION S-O-0013).
The bipolar velocity limit value determines the maximum allowable torque in either direction. If
the torque limit value is exceeded, the drive sets the message !IT> Tlimit" in Class 3 Diagnostics
(IDN S-O-0013).
This ID Number contains the scaling factor that is to be used for scaling all torque-force data in
the drive.
15 8 7 o
This ID Number contains the scaling exponent that is to be used for scaling all torque-force data
in the drive.
15 8 7 o
I Bit 15: Sign of Exponent
0- positive
1 - negative
The status of the DDS 2.1 is described by the 2-digit code on the HI display of the drive. In
addition, a text message corresponding to the status is also generated by the drive and stored in
this parameter. When a blinking "32" code appears on the HI display. this parameter can be
viewed to see the actual diagnostic. (See Chapter 6 for a list of diagnostic messages.)
Amp 1 i fie r Rea d Y
41 60 70 6C 69 66 69 65 72 20 52 65 6S 64 7 9
During initialization, the Master needs t o know what drives are present under each slave in order
to optimize the automatic time slot computation. The Master may request this infonnation from
the drives during Communication Phase 2. Valid drive addresses range from 01 to 99. Since
each DDS 2.1 is configured with one drive per slave, (DSS 1.1), then "Next Drives Address" =
"Drive Address" .
A drive with an address cf u D3" has a value of
When this command is received by the drive via the service channel and no error exists, the Class
I Diagnostic bit, the Interface Status, the Product Defined Class I Diagnostic bit and the drive
shutdown mechanism are all reset.
This is a proportional gain only for the velocity loop regulator. In order to adjust this gain
automatically for a particular motor and drive combination, you must perfann the "Load Default
Gain Parameters" Procedure Command, ION S-0-0262. This adjustment assumes a 1: I ratio of
load inertia to motor inertia. This proportional gain has a fixed relationship to the velocity loop
integral gain through the Velocity Loop Integral Action Time, ION $-0-0101 . This aUows the
drive to be tuned by adjusting the velocity loop proportional gain only. A block diagram of the
velocity loop regulator is shown in following figure.
b HI /
WbcJe Tn· Intcpal RCICtl"" Time. (S4<lI OI)
This value relates the velocity loop proportional gain, Kp to the velocity loop integral gain by the
Ki ~Kn
Where tn is the velocity loop integral reaction time.
The definition of tn is the time when the Ki gain equals the Kp gain.
Vaut (tl
.---JL.----.--------.--..- ....----
Vin • Kp
! Vin "Kp
Ki - Kp
Since this relationship exists, it is not necessary to adjust the integral gain when tuning the drive.
I! is only necessary to adj ust the velocity loop proportional gain. (See IDN S·O·OIOO).
The modulo value is indicated as a maximum rotational value in which the motor will tum before
resetting the position to zero. The default value when operating in modulo mode is 360°.
(Modulo mode is set in the drive by setting bit 7 ofIDN S-0-0076, Scaling Options for Position
This is a proportional gain only for the position loop regulator. This gain defined in terms of the
following error of the system in units orm/min/mil. For a block diagram of the position loop
regulator, see figure below.
Feed Forward
'L ,f
Positi 00
Comm ",d ~ ').
.It=f.-O- .I
Velooity Loop I
Smoothing Fil ter K,
TIme Constant Position Loop
This is the proportional gain for the current loop regulator. This gain is adjusted by the drive
automatically for any motor/drive combination. This adjustment is defined by the type of motor
used and should not be changed.
The feedrate ovenide is activated only with drive controlled procedure commands. In this case,
the velocity command value is calculated by the drive internally. The cyclic data containing
velocity command data is ignored when this function is active.
If the peak current of the motor is less t han that of the DDS 2.1 drive, the drive then
automatically limits its peak current to that of the motor. This data is factory programmed in the
feedback of the motor and should not be changed.
Min. Input: o
Max. Input: 2147483.647
Scaling: 1rnA
Access Mode: Read in Phase 2 and Phase 4 (Read Only)
This is the peak current that is allowed by the DDS 2.1 as is specified in its type code, (see
Appendix A).
This value represents the motors continuous current at standstiU that is determined by the motors
continuous standstill torque. This value is stored in the motor feedback and this parameter is set
when the motor/drive system is first started up.
This value represents the DDS 2.1 allowable continuous current. This value is set automatically
by the drive.
This is the maximum motor velocity that the respective motor may run. See motor data sheet and
DDS 2.1 Selection Guide for more information.
This ION defines the type and setup of an external feedback that is applied to the respective drive.
(See also ION S· 0-0117 and ION S-0-0118)
15 • 7 3 2 1 0
to 0 0 0 a0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x xx xl
r- Feedback Type
o - Rotational Feedback
1 - Linear Feedback
o - Only one marker pulse
1 - Distance coded reference marks
o - Melric
1 - Inches
~ Polarity
o - not inverted
1 - inverted
If an additional rotational feedback device is used for positioning directly at the load. (versus the
feedback on the motor), this parameter is used to define the resolution afthat feedback.
If an additional linear feedback device is used for positioning directly at the load, (versus the
feedback on the motor), this parameter is used to define the resolution of that feedback.
If gearing is used between the motor and the load, the positioning of the axis must be taken into
account. Therefore, t he input revolutions of the load gear are entered here.
Ifgearing is used between the motor and the load, the positioning of the axis must be taken into
account. Therefore, the output revolutions of the load gear are entered here.
The feed constant describes the conversion from rotational motion into linear motion. This is
defined as the linear distance per one revolution of the motor shaft when the gear ratio defined by
s-o-o 121 and S-O-O 122 is 1: 1. If a gear ratio other than 1:1 is used, the feed constant does not
include this gear ratio.
This window sets a minimum velocity in which the motor operates. If the motor operates below
this value, it is considered to be a zero velocity.
The Master uses this cOlTUTIand to instruct the Slave to check that all necessary communication
parameters have been transferred for Communication Phase 3 so that all communication
components run error free in Phase 3. (See also IDN S-0-0021).
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 xxl
o- Cancel command in drive
I - Set command in drive
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 x o 0 0 0 xxxxl
o - Command not set in drive
1 - Command set in drive
I I o- Command execution imerrupt in drive
1 - Command execution enabled in drive
o - No command error
1 - Command execution not possible
The Master uses this command to instruct the Slave to check that all necessary data has been
transferred for Corrununication Phase 3 so that all data components run error free in Phase 3.
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o0 0 0 0 0 x xl
o - Cancel command in drive
1 - Set command in drive
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 0 x x x xl
o - Command not set in drive
1 - Command set in drive
o - Conunand execution interrupt in drive
I - Command execution enabled in drive
o - No command error
1 - Conunand e:xecution not possible
When the probing procedure is taking place, the drive stores the value of the position feedback to
this IDN immediately following the positive edge of the input signal of Probe I. The position is
taken from the external feedback, (position feedback 2), if it is being used. If an external feedback
is not used, the position is taken from the motor feedback.
When the probing procedure is taking place, the drive stores the value of the position feedback to
this IDN immediately following the negative edge of the input signal of Probe 1. The position is
taken from the external feedback, (position feedback 2), if it is being used. If an external feedback
is not used, the position is taken from the motor feedback.
When the probing procedure is taking place, the drive stores the value of the position feedback to
this IDN immediately following the positive edge of the input signal of Probe 2. The position is
taken from the external feedback, (position feedback 2), if it is being used. If an external feedback
is not used, the po sition is taken from the motor feedback.
When the probing procedure is taking place, the drive stores the value of the position feedback to
this ION immediately following the negative edge of the input signal of Probe 2. The position is
taken from the external feedback, (position feedback 2), if it is being used. If an external feedback
is not used, the position is taken from the motor feedback.
Allows the display of the Master Control Word on the control units display via the service channel.
Ix x x r r x x x x x x r r x x xl
L Bit 0: "BS"
0/1 - Master Service TTanspOit Handshake
L Bit 1: "R/W"
Bit 2:
o- Transmission in Progress
1 - Last Transmission
L Bit 3-5: "Data Block Element"
o 0 0 - Service Channel not active, close service channel
or interrupt a rransmission in progress
OOl-ID Number
The service channel is closed for the previous
ID Number and opened for a new OJ Number
0 - Name of operation data
o 1 1 - Attribute of operation data
1 0 0 - Units of operation data
1 0 1 - Minimum Input Value
1 I 0 - Maximum Input Value
1 I 1 - Operation Data
Allows the display of the Drive Status Word on the control uruts display via the service channel.
Ix x x x x r x x x x x r r x x xl
I I l B;t 0: "US"
Oll - Master Sel'\oice Transpon Handshake
Bit 1: "Busy"
o - Step Finished
1 - Step in progress
L Bit 2: "Er ror"
0- No Error
1 - Error in Service Channel, (error message in
Drive SelVice INFO
L-- Bit 12: "Change Bit for Class 2 Diagnostics", (lDN 8-0-0012)
The bipolar acceleration parameter reduces the maximum acceleration ability of the drive
symmetrically around 0, to the programmed value in both directions.
This contains the type code of the DDS 2.1 to which the current parameter set applies.
This contains the type code of the MDD motor to which the current parameter set applies.
This ID Number contains a description of the drive application, (e.g., main spindle drive, turning
axis, etc.)
This ID Number contains the SERCOS Interface Version that is loaded in this drive.
This parameter defines the setup for the drive controlled homing procedure.
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 x x x x x xl
I I Homing Direction
I 0 - motor shaft turns clockwise
I 1 - motor shaft turns counter clockwise
I Position Feedback Marker Pulse
o - first marker pulse after the positive edge of
the home switch.
1 - first marker pulse after !.he negative edge of
the home switch.
o - connected to the control writ
1 - connected to the drive
I Homing
o - using motor feedback
1 - using external feedback
When the Master sets and enables this command, the drive automatically starts a drive internal
position control and accelerates to the homing velocity, (ION S-0-0041), with an acceleration
defined by the homing acceleration parameter, (IDN S-0-0042). The drive resets the bit "Position
Feedback Status," (IDN 5-0-0403). All changes within the cyclic command, (e.g., velocity
command value), are ignored by the drive while the procedure is active.
Once the home switch has been activated, the drive decelerates, (at a rate defined by ION S-O-
0042), and stops on the following marker pulse. The drive then sets bit "Position Feedback
Status," (IDN 5-0-0403).
The control unit reads the position command value of the drive, (IDN S-0-0047), via the service
channel, and sets its own position command value to the same value. Once this is complete, the
procedure command is canceled by the control unit, and the drive once again follows the cyclic
command values sent by the control unit.
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x xl
o- Cancel command in drive
1 - Set command in drive
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 x 0 0 a 0 x x x xl
o- Command not set in drive
1 - Command set in drive
o- No command error
1 - Command execution not possible
0- Valid operation data
1 - Invalid operation data
This procedure command allows the motor to drive into a positive stop without causing a Class I
Diagnostic, shutdown error to occur. The command is acknowledged positively when IT I ;: : I
Tlimit and nfeedback ~ O.
Data Length: 2 bytes
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 xxl
II J. Cancel command in drive
1· Set command in drive
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 x o0 0 0 x x x xl
o- Command not set in drive
1 • Conunand set in drive
This parameter contains the distance between the Position Feedback 1 - Reference Distance, (IDN
8-0-0052), and the home position as determined by the respective marker pulse of position
feedback J.
This parameter contains the distance between the Position Feedback 2 - Reference Distance. (IDN
S-O-OOS4), and the home position as determined by the respective marker pulse of position
feedback 2.
The friction torque compensation is added directly to the torque command value. This
compensation value must also have the same sign as the torque command value. The additio n of
the friction torque compensation value helps to compensate for the frictional grip when
accelerating from a stand still position and during reversals.
Preferred Scaling:
Percentage = 0. 1% of motor stall torque
Rotational = 0.01 Nm
The maximum following error that is allowed by the position loop can be defined in the
monitoring window. When the position error exceeds the maximum window value, the drive sets
an excessive position error in Class 1 Diagnostics, IDN 5-0-0011 .
This is a1so shown o n the Hl display as a "28" error, Excessive Deviation. When this error
occurs, the maximum deviation that was encountered is stored in parameter
P-0-0098 in percent, with 100% = 360°.
A variety of acceleration scaling options can be selected for aU acceleration data as described
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 a o % 0 X X 0 xxl
I I I aI I I I
x 0 0
8;t2·0: Sc.Hng Option
0 0 a-noscaling
1 0 :It X 0 0 1 - linear scaling
x 0 x x 0 1 0 - rotational scaling
o - preferred scaling
1 - parameter scaling
I o - radians [cad1
1 - wtdefined
InN ,s..o.0160, Bit 5
I sec ' I sec 1
I sec ' sec'
IDN 5-0-0160, Bil"
I Meter .,
Radians Radians
LSB- Vllriable LSS LSB= Variable LSB
lDN 5-0-0161 0 IDN 5-0-016]
to" , 10 IDN 5-0-0161
IDN &-0-0162 radlse<: 1
This ID Number contains the scaling factor that is to be used for scaling all acceleration data in
the drive.
15 B 7 0
This ID Number contains the scaling exponent that is to be used for scaling all acceleration data in
the drive.
15 • 7 o
When using a distance coded scale for measuring position, there are distance coded reference
marks on the scale. This parameter contains the programmed value for the smallest distance
between two reference marks for Distance Coded Scale 1.
When using a distance coded scale for measuring position,. there are distance coded reference
marks on the scale. This parameter contains the programmed value for the smallest distance
between two reference marks for Distance Coded Scale 2.
The options in this parameter define the probe that will be active and which signa1 edges from the
probe will indicate that the probe has been activated.
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 % 0 0 0 0 xxxxl
l Bit 0: Probe 1 positive edge
o - positive edge is Dot active
1 - positive edge is active
l Bit 1: Probe 1 negative edge
o- negative edge is not active
1 - negative edge is active
This command is used to set and enable the probing cycle. This procedure first requires that one
of the probe enables, (probe 1 E nable, IDN S· 0-0405 or Probe 2 Enable, IDN S-0-0406), are set.
The master then acts on the probe input which was selected. These inputs correspond with Probe
lor 2, IDN's S-0-040 1 or S-0-0402. The functionality of these inputs is programmed in IDN S-
0-0169, Probe Control Parameter.
At the instant a probe is activated, the position is captured in the drive and stored in one of the
probe position parameters, ION's 5-0-0130 to S-0-0133, depending on the Probe Control
Parameter, IDN S-O-O 169.
Once a probe measurement has taken place, the probing is disabled fo r the respective probe. If
multiple sequential probe measurements are desired, the respective probe enable must be cycled to
"0" then back to "I" between each probe measurement. (refer to Probe 1 Enable, IDN S~O -0405
or Probe 2 Enable, IDN S-0-0406).
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 x xl
o ~ Cancel command in drive
1 ~ Set command in drive
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 0 x x x xl
0 • Command not set in drive
1 ~ Command set in drive
o ~ No conunand error
1 - Command execution not possible
During Homing, when a drive encounters the homing marker pulse of the position feedback (lor
2), it stores the instantaneous unhomed position value in this parameter.
This parameter describes the distance between the machine zero point and the zero point of the
motor feedback with absolute dimension.
This parameter describes the distance between the machine zero point and the zero point of the
external feedback with absolute dimension.
The DDS 2 .1 contains special operation status diagnostics that are not contained in the SERCOS
defined Class 3 Diagnostics, IDN S-O·OO 13. When bit 15 is set in Class 3 Diagnostics, the user is
referred to this ID number for a further description of the operation status.
jr r r r r x x x x x x x x x x xl
This parameter indicates the maximum length in bytes that can be processed by the drive in the
configurable data record of the AT. This parameter is used only if the custom telegram was
selected in the Telegram Type Parameter, IDN S-O-OO I S.
This parameter indicates the maximum length in bytes that can be processed by the drive in the
configurable data record of the MDT. This parameter is used only if the custom telegram was
selected in the Telegram Type Parameter, IDN S-O-OO I S.
This list contains the ID numbers of the parameters that can be placed in the configurable data
record of the AT. If placed in the AT configurable data record, tlUs data will be transmitted every
SERCOS cycle. This parameter is used only if the custom telegram was selected in the Telegram
Type Parameter, IDN S-O-OOIS .
This list contains the II) numbers of the parameters that can be placed in the configurable data
record of the :MDT. If placed in the MDT configurable data record, this data will be transmitted
every SERCOS cycle. This parameter is used only if the custom telegram was selected in the
Telegram Type Parameter, IDN S-O-OOIS .
This parameter displays the position following error or lag of the motor when the drive is
operating in a closed position loop_ The following eITor is defined as the difference between the
command position value and the actual position value.
The ID numbers of all drive data that must be loaded in the drive in order to guarantee correct
operation are stored in this list. The Master may then use this list to generate a backup copy of
the drive parameters, (e.g. on a floppy disk) .
By executing this procedure conunand, aU standard gain parameters for the connected motor will
be loaded and activated by the drive. The parameters that are affected are:
Jo 0 0 0 0 a0 0 o 0 0 0 0 a xxl
o - Cancel command in drive
1 - Set command in drive
Jo 0 0 0 0 0 0 x o 0 0 0 x x x xl
o- Command not set in drive
1 - Corrunand set in drive
J 0 - Command execution interrupt in drive
I 1 - Command execution enabled in drive
o - Command executed correctly
1 - Command Dot yet executed
o- No command error
1 - Command e.xecution not possible
In order to assign a signal to the real time control bit 1, the IDN of the signal is written to the
operation data oftbis ID Number. After the allocation, the assigned signal appears in the real
time control bit 1,
In order to assign a signal to the real time control bit 2, the ION of the signal is written to the
operation data oftms ID Number. After the allocation, the assigned signal appears in the real
time control bit 2.
In o rder to assign a signal to the real time status bit 1, the roN of the signal is written to the
operation data of this ID Number. After the allocation, the assigned signal appears in the real
time status bit 1.
In order to assign a signal to the real time status bit 2, the IDN of the signal is written to the
operation data of this ID Number. After the allocation, the assigned signal appears in the real
time status bit 2.
This parameter is used to assign an ID Number to the home switch. This allows the home switch
to be allocated to a real time status bit, (See IDN S-0-0305). Bit 0 reflects the state of the home
15 o
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 xl
0- Home Switch Not Active
1 - Home Switch Active
S-0-040 I Probe I
TtUs parameter is used to assign an ID Number to the probe 1 switch. This allows the probe
switch to be allocated to a real time control bit. (See lDN S-0-030 I and 5-0-0303). Related
parameters are lDN's S-0-0130 and S-O-013 I.
The signal "Probe I" is checked and updated by the drive only if the procedure command
"Probing Cycle". lDN S-0-0170. is active and the signal "Probe I Enable", lDN S-0-0405, is set.
Bit 0 reflects the state of the probe switch.
15 o
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 xl
o - Probe 1 Not Active
1 - Probe 1 Active
S-0-0402 Probe 2
This parameter is used to assign an ID Number to the probe 2 switch. This allows the probe
switch to be ailocated to a real time control bit, (See IDN S-0-03 01 and S-0-0303). Related
parameters are IDN's S-0-0132 and S-0-0133 .
The signal "Probe 2" is checked and updated by the drive only if the procedure command
"Probing Cycle", IDN S-0-0170, is active and the signal "Probe 2 Enable"_lDN S-0-0406, is set.
Bit 0 reflects the state of the probe switch.
15 o
10 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 xl
o - Probe 2 Not Active
1 - Probe 2 Active
When the drive's position feedback values are referenced to the coordinates defined by the
machine zero point, the drive sets Bit 0 of this parameter in order to inform the control unit. Bit 0
will be reset during a drive controlled homing, or if the drive looses its reference to the machine
zero point.
15 o
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 xl
o- Position not referenced to mach. zero point
1 - Position referenced to mach. zero point
This parameter is used to assign an ID number to Probe I Enable. This allows the status "Probe 1
Enable" to be assigned to a real time control bit, (see IDN S-0.0301).
The signal "Probe I Enable" is checked and updated by the drive only if the procedure command
"Probing Cycle", IDN S-0-0170, is active. For a repeated probing cycle on the same edge of
probe I, the control unit must reset this parameter to "0," then set it back to "1 ."
This parameter is used to assign an ill number to Probe 2 Enable. This aUows the status "Probe 2
Enable" to be assigned to a real time control bit, (see IDN S-0-030 I).
The signal "Probe 2 Enable" is checked and updated by the drive only if the procedure command
"Probing Cycle", ION S-0-0170, is active. For a repeated probing cycle on the same edge of
probe 2, the control unit must reset this parameter to "0," then set it back to "1 ."
This parameter is used to assign an ID number to Probe 1 Positive Edge Latched. This allows the
status "Probe 1 Positive Edge Latched H to be assigned to a real time status bit, (see IDN S-O-
Bit 0 of this parameter is set by the drive only if the procedure command "Probing Cycle", ION
S-0-0170, is active; "Probe 1 Enable", IDN S-0-0405, is set to "1" and the positive edge of probe
1, IDN S-0-0401, has been detected. When this occurs, the drive simultaneously stores the
position feedback value in "Probe 1 - Positive Edge Position Value", IDN S-0-0130.
The drive resets this bit when the control unit cancels the "Probing Cycle" procedure command,
er when "Probe 1 Enable" is reset to "0" .
This parameter is used to assign an ID number to Probe I Negative Edge Latched. This allows
the status "Probe 1 Negative Edge Latched" to be assigned to a real time status bit, (see IDN S-O-
Bit 0 of this parameter is set by the drive only if the procedure command "Probing Cycle", IDN
5·0-0170, is active, "Probe 1 Enable", IDN 5-0-0405, is set to "1" and the negative edge of probe
1, IDN 5-0-0401 has been detected. When this occurs, the drive simultaneously stores the
position feedback value in "Probe 1 - Negative Edge Position Value", IDN 5-0-0131.
The drive resets this bit when the control unit cancels the "Probing Cycle" procedure command,
or when "Probe 1 Enable" is reset to "0" .
15 o
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 xl
o - Probe 1 negative not latched
1 - Probe 1 negative latched
This parameter is used to assign an ID number to Probe 2 Positive Edge Latched. This allows the
status "Probe 2 Positive Edge Latched" to be assigned to a real time status bit, (see ION 5-0-
Bit 0 oftbis parameter is set by the drive only if the procedure command "Probing Cycle", ION
5-0-0170, is active; "Probe 2 Enable". IDN S-0-0406, is set to "I" and the positive edge of probe
2, IDN 5-0-0402, has been detected. When this occurs, the drive simultaneously stores the
position feedback value in "Probe 2 - Positive Edge Position Value", IDN S-0-0132.
The drive resets this bit when t he control unit cancels the "Probing Cycle" procedure corrunand,
or when "Probe 2 Enable" is reset to "0".
15 o
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 xl
o - Probe 2 positive nOl lalched
1 - Probe 2 positive latched
This parameter is used to assign an ID number to Probe 2 Negative Edge Latched. This allows
the status "Probe 2 Negative Edge Latched" to be assigned to a real time status bit, (see ION S-O-
Bit 0 of this parameter is set by the drive only if the procedure command "Probing Cycle", IDN
S-O-O 170, is active; "Probe 2 Enable" , IDN S-0-0406, is set to "1 II and the negative edge of probe
2, ION S-0-0402, has been detected. When this occurs, the drive simultaneously stores the
position feedback value in "Probe 2 - Negative Edge Position Value", ION S-0-0133 .
The drive resets this bit when the control unit cancels the "Probing Cycle" procedure command,
or when "Probe 2 Enable" is reset to "0".
15 o
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 xl
o- Probe 2 negative not latched
1 - Probe 2 negative latched
A time constant can be integrated into the Proportional gain of the V docity loop regulator in
order to suppress the quantization effects and limit the bandwidth of the velocity loop regulator.
(See the block diagram of the velocity loop regulator.)
The smallest input value that can be used for this parameter is 25011sec. The filter is switched off
for values smaUer than this amount.
Kpl: Proportio:Nl
Curren! Gain
","'" S-O-Oloo
Ki : Intc&nI Gain OJ
Wher. Tn - lntep R.eaction Time. (S-Q-OHll)
All texts such as parameter descriptions, diagnostic messages, etc., are stored in several languages
in the DDS 2. 1. The languages in which these text messages can be displayed are selected by this
0: German
I: Engtish
The motor continuous current is derived from the Overload Factor as follows :
The allowable motor continuous current is dependent on the application, (Duty Cycle). The
corresponding value of the Overload Factor for a typical application can be taken from the drive
selection list.
The way in which a drive reacts to a non-fatal error can be selected by this parameter. A non-
fatal error is defined as a drive error which does not prevent the drive from being disabled at
0: At the appearance of a drive error, the drive, depending upon the present operation mode,
switches to velocity loop regulation mode, forces a velocity corrunand of 0 RPM and signals the
power supply unit of a drive error via the ribbon cable (Xl, pin 2). This forces the power supply
to swit ch main power "OFF.". The drive continues to brake at its maximum deceleration rate and
after 500 msec the drive enable, (RF), is switched off, leaving the motor in a torque free mode.
1: This Error Reaction is the same as Reaction 0 above, with the exception that no signal is sent to
the power supply via the ribbo n cable (Xl , pin2).
2: When a non-fatal drive error occurs, the drive will irrunediately switch to a torque free mode. If a
motor brake is used, the brake will immediately engage. The Bb contact on the drive will open.
No signal will be sent to the power supply via the ribbon cable, (Xl, pin2).
3: At the occurrence ofa non-fatal drive erro r and with a still functional SERCOS communication,
the drive will try to maintain nonnal operation for 30 sec. The corresponding error will
irrunediately be sent to the control unit. The control unit then has the option to bring the system
to a controlled stop. Once the 30 second o peration time has elapsed, the drive will force a 0 RPM
velocity command to bring the motor to a stop. After 500msec, the torque will be switched off of
the motor and the Bb contact on the drive will open. No signal is sent to the power supply in this
- Feedback Errors
- Control (low) Voltage Errors
- Over Current
- Over Voltage
At the occurrence of these fatal errors, the drive will basically switch the current off.
Simultaneously, the drive will signal t he power supply the a drive error exists, via pin 2 on the Xl
ribbon cable.
All cyclic position command values that reach the drive via the SERCOS Interface are checked
and compared with the previous command values to determine whether the new value is
pennissible. The new position value is determined to be acceptable when the difference between
the present value and the previous value is less than or equal to the velocity limit value, (see IDN
5-0-0091, Bipolar Velocity Limit Value). When the drive determines that there is an excessive
position corrunand value, it stores the excess value in this parameter. The reaction to this error is
dependent on the error reaction stored in parameter P-O-0007. In addition, the last valid position
command value is stored in parameter P-O-OO 11 . With this error processing of an excessive
position conunand, it is possible to completely reconstruct the condition leading to the error.
[n the case of an excessive position command value. the last valid position command is stored in
this parameter. (See P-O-OO 10, Excessive Position Command Value).
Indramat' s Intelligent AC Servo Drives have an integrated absolute encoder function option. In
order to set a fixed reference value for this integrated absolute encoder, the following procedure
is employed:
The effected axis is moved to an exact known reference position which has been manually
The desired position feedback val ue at the reference position is entered in Parameter S-O-0052,
Position Feedback 1 - Reference Distance.
At the execution of the procedure command, if the drive finds that it is not in closed loop
regulation, it will immediately take the value that it find s in parameter $-0-0052 as its position
feedback value. (Controlled by comparing 5·0·0051 to 5·0.0052.)
At the execution of the procedure command, if the drive finds that it is in closed loop regulation,
it will detennine the reference point in relation to the position feedback value after switching on
RF, or during execution of the Drive Controlled Homing Procedure, (S-O-0148).
During execution of this command, immediately after the marker pul se is encountered, the
position feedback value. (from the external feedback), is stored in IDN S-O-Ol 73, Marker
During the powering up of a SERCOS based system, the last valid position feedback value can be
written to this parameter by the control unit over the SERCOS Interface. The drive then
assumes this starting position value as its feedback value. This allows a travel of this axis for
initial positioning if need be, with reduced precision.
If nothing is written to this parameter during Conununication Phase 2, no new starting position
value will overwrite the position feedback value. The feedback value is then absolute within one
motor revolution .
If the drive is equipped w ith the integrated absolute encoder function, this parameter is not in
effect, since such a drive continually has the exact absolute position information at its disposal.
During Drive Controlled Homing, the home switch is evaluated by the drive. An optimal location
exists from the relative position where the home switch signals to the marker pulse of the motor
encoder. In order to facilitate in the adjustment during the first start-up, the distance from the
home switch dog to the ideal point can be displayed with this parameter. The value is dependent
on the programmed position scaling type, (see S-0-0076), and is displayed in [mm] or [' ].
This parameter contains the acquired data samples representing the signal to be displayed in
Channel I . The data is in the SERCOS format and is represented by 32 bits for each sample.
This parameter contains the acquired data samples representing the signal to be displayed in
Charmel 2. The data is in the SERCOS format and is represented by 32 bits for each sample.
A number is entered into this parameter in order to select one of the signals from the list below as
the signal to be recorded in Channell.
0: No Signal Recording
I: Position Feedback
2: Velocity Feedback
3: Velocity Deviation
4: Position Deviation
5: T arque Conunand Value
A number is entered into this parameter in order to select one of the signals from the list below as
the signal to be recorded in Channel 2.
0: No Signal Recording
l' Position Feedback
2: Velocity Feedback
3: Velocity Deviation
4: Position Deviation
5: Torque Command Value
If an internal or external signal is to trigger the start of the signal recording, the source must be
defined in this parameter. The followi ng selections are possible:
1: External triggering with the Real Time Bit in the Control Word of the drive initiating the
start of the recording.
2: Internal triggering with the drive internally starting the recording. This is based on the
trigger signal, threshold and delay.
The triggering can be initiated by several signals from the list below:
1: Position Feedback
2: Velocity Feedback
3: Velocity Deviation
4: Position Deviation
5: Torque Command Value
This signal value, which corresponds to a position trigger signal (selected in P-O-0026), will
trigger the start of the recording at the position level defined by this parameter. Parameter IDN
P-O-0030 defines how this triggering will take place.
This signal value, which corresponds to a velocity trigger signal (selected in P-O-0026), will
trigger the start of the recording at the velocity level defined by this parameter. Parameter IDN
P-0-0030 defines how this triggering will take place.
This signal value, which corresponds to a torque trigger signal (selected in P·O-0026), will trigger
the start of the recording at the torque level defined by this parameter. Parameter IDN P-O-0030
defines how this triggering will take place.
Units: %
Access Mode: ReadIWrite in Phase 2 and Phase 4
This parameter determines the signal behavior that will activate the trigger. The following
selections are possible:
1: Trigger threshold is activated when it is reached by the signal level in the positive direction.
2: Trigger threshold is activated when it is reached by the signal level in the negative direction.
3: Trigger threshold is activated when it is reached by the signal level in the positive or
negative direction.
The sampling of the signal can only take place at discrete time points with the Oscilloscope
Function. This sample time can be selected via this parameter. The valid sampling times are
limited to integer multiples of the base scan time of250 ~sec .
The DDS 2. 1 Oscilloscope function can store 2 chaTUlels of sampled data. The distribution of
memory for these signals is defined by this parameter. The range is from I to 2048 bytes, or 512
samples per channel. Two chaTUlels are allowed per drive.
The relative position of the trigger time point inside the recording memory is set with this
parameter. This makes it possible to capture the portion of the signal that occurs before the
trigger event. This function corresponds to that of a trigger delay of a typical oscilloscope. The
adj ustment range is between 0 and the memory size of the display memory. For example, with an
adjustment value of 0, the trigger event would occur at the left edge of the oscilloscope screen.
The trigger offset detennines the number of samples between the occurrence of the trigger event
and the start of recording.
Start Recording:
This bit allows the control to synchronize acquisition between several drives without using a Real
Time Bit. The recording of the data starts the instant that this bit is set to "1."
Trigger Stan:
The internal trigger mechanism is activated when the Trigger Start bit is set to "I ."
Record Enable:
Data acquisition is enabled by this bit in aU situations. For internal triggering, the drive sets this
bit to "0" once the sampled data buffer is full. In cases where a trigger delay is implemented using
an external trigger, some data is captured before the trigger event occurs. The data acquisition
must begin first for an adequate length of time before setting this bit.
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 xxxl
II L Start Recording
Trigger Stan
Record Enable
In the case where several drives are capturing synchronized data to be triggered off of one drive,
(see trigger modes), the data acquisition must be simultaneously activated. This trigger activation
is signaled to the control via the bit "Trigger Activated" bit. The data acquisition is then initiated
by the control by setting the real time bits "Start Recording" on all drives simultaneously_
Tros bit is set to ,. I" whenever the sample buffer is being filled. It is set to "0" when the trigger or
delay condition has not occurred, or when the sample buffer is full.
This bit is set to "1" when the internal trigger signal is lower than the trigger threshold.
Trigger Activated:
This bit is set to "1" when the internal trigger is activated. In cases where several drives are
capturing synchronized data to be triggered off of one drive (see trigger modes), the data
acquisition must be simultaneously activated . When this bit is set, the control can notify the other
drives of the trigger condition in one drive by inunediately setting the "Start Recording" bit in
Parameter P-O-0036, or by setting a Real Time Control Bit.
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 xxxl
Two analog monitor outputs are provided on the DDS 2.1 so that drive internal signals can be
output for test purposes. The parameter" Analog Output Charmel l it allows a signal to be
selected out of a number of available signals to be output.
Two analog monitor outputs are provided on the DDS 2. 1 so that drive internal signals can be
output for test purposes. The parameter "Analog Output Channel 2" allows a signal to be
selected out of a number of available signals to be output.
Two analog monitor outputs are provided on the DDS 2. 1 so that drive internal signals can be
output for test purposes. When velocity data is selected to be output on the Analog Output.
Charmel 1, this parameter determines how that velocity data will be scaled. The output velocity is
in respect to the motor shaft.
Two analog monitor outputs are provided on the DDS 2. 1 so that drive internal signals can be
output for test purposes. When velocity data is selected to be output on the Analog Output -
Channel 2, this parameter determines how that velocity data wiD be scaled. The output velocity is
in respect to t he motor shaft.
Two analog monitor outputs are provided on the DDS 2. I so that drive internal signals can be
output for test purposes. When position data is selected to be output on the Analog Output -
Channell , this parameter determines how that position data will be scaled. The output position is
in respect to the motor shaft.
Two analog monitor outputs are provided on the DDS 2.1 so that drive internal signals can be
output for test purposes. When position data is selected to be output on the Analog Output -
Charmel2, this parameter determines how that position data will be sca1ed. The output position is
in respect to the motor shaft.
This list provides a means to classifY group parameters and can be used by a control to display
parameters in the form of groups.
This list provides a means to classify group parameters and can be used by a control to display
parameters in the form of groups.
This list provides a means to classify group parameters and can be used by a control to display
parameters in the form of groups.
This list provides a means to classify group parameters and can be used by a control to display
parameters in the form of groups.
During the DDS 2. 1 operation mode, Single Axis Mode, this parameter contains the target
position to which the axis will travel.
Acceleration feed forward can be achieved when the drive is in position loop mode with this
parameter. This is done by commanding an acceleration jump derived from the position command
The torque constant of the connected motor is stored in the feedback, and can be displayed or
viewed via this parameter. (Divide values in in-Ibfby 8.85 )
This parameter is for the actual status of the compensation. In this parameter, all important
information about initialization is updated and can be requested from the drive by the control unit.
In addition, the control bit for the activation of Axis Error Compensation is included.
XC (<leI)
Ix x x x x x x x : x x x x x x x xl
Bit 8: xs invalid
- Bit 9: ds invalid
Bit 10: xc tables invalid
Bit 11: reserved
Bit 12: IS not initialized
Bit 13: ds not initialized
Bit 14: :Ie table not initialized
Bit 15: reserved
This parameter defines the distance between two compensation points. This can only be entered
in the 32 bit preferred scaling mode and must correspond with the Correction Table Start Position
and the correction table size.
The distance between correction points can he calculated as the total distance in which the axis
error compensation is to be applied, (in mm), and dividing by 498. The largest correction value
allowed is 3.27 rum.
This parameter defines the distance between the Table Start Position and the machine zero point.
The table start position is always the smallest position feedback value in the correction table, (see
figure 3). The input can only be entered in preferred scaling (32 bit), where by the start position
must always correspond with the correction value table.
Two correction value tables, (one for each direction), are contained in this parameter. It is
configured in a variable length list with an even number of bits. The correction values 1-500 are
reserved for positive velocity commands, whereas the values 501- 1000 correspond with negative
command values.
When a parallel 110 card, DEA 4. 1, is plugged into the drive, the status of the output channels can
be viewed, displayed or set via this parameter.
When a parallel 110 card, DEA 4. 1, is plugged into the drive, the status of the input chalUlels can
be viewed, displayed or obtained for processing via this parameter.
If an :rv1DT is missing or contains an invalid position command value, the drive will interpolate to
derive the missing command value. Bit I activates or deactivates this function.
15 o
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 xl
j- Cmd. Interpolation not active
1 - Cmd. Interpolation active
Implementing the interpolation results in a delay of the position command value from the control
unit cycle. When updating software, all axes that participate in the path interpolation must also
be updated to this software revision. When combining 501. 09 software with older software, this
function must be switched of! to avoid path errors.
When an axis with an absolute feedback is powered down, the DDS 2. 1 stores the position read
from the feedback. When the system is powered back up, the drive checks the position of the
motor and compares with the position that was stored before the power down. If the difference is
greater than that stored in this parameter, Absolute Encoder Monitoring Window, an error "76" is
shown on the HI diagnostic display.
A drive model is implemented in the DDS in order to monitor the drive internal position loop.
The difference between the position feedback value and the model feedback value produces an
error signal. A threshold that limits the amount of excessive error which the system may exhibit is
set in IDN S-0-0159, Monitoring Window. This is entered in percentage, with 100% = 360 0 of
the motor shaft.
Complete parameterization of the model function can be accomplished in IDN 5 -0-0159. In this
parameter Maximum Model Deviation can be activated . It is used in the following way:
First, the monitoring window is set to 50%. Then the corresponding axis is moved with at the
designated velocity and acceleration for that axis. (For best results, a normal operating cycle
should be executed taking into account typical loads.)
After this, the derived value can be read in the parameter Maximum Model Deviation.
A complete va1ue for the monitoring window can be defined with the help of these deviation
vaJues, and the determined value can be provided in the Monitoring Window parameter with a
safety factor of 1.5 to 2.
When operating in position loop mode, filtering of the position corrunand value can be
accomplished . The time constant of corrunand value filter is set by this parameter. A time
constant of"O" means that the filter is switched off.
D uring the DDS 2.1 operation mode, Single Axis Mode, this parameter contains the maximum
allowable change of acceleration. The axis may not exceed this value during a move.
Version of the DDS 2.1 SERCOS Interface Module (DSS module) Finnware.
This section gives an overview of certain SERCOS functions as they apply to the DDS 2 .1 drive.
These functions are described at the SERCOS level. Many of these functions may already be
implemented in the control unit being u sed. In this case, many of the details described in this section
may be transparent to the user, and it is advised to refer to the control unit documentation for
infonnation on how to use these functions.
The Axis E rror Compensation is used to compensate for systematic errors within a gearbox and
lead screw by operating a closed position loop with the motor encoder as well as with a second
encoder coupled directly to the load. In addition a highly accurate position must be measured
when initially setting up this compensation . T his is often provided w ith a highly accurate
measuring system su ch as a laser inferrometer. The position eITor (i.e., compensation value), can
be calculated and set by subtracting the position measured by the encoder from the correct
position value, therefore providing a correction of the position. Ifit is impossible to measure the
entire screw, point for point, the measurements should be taken at defined distance intervals. The
correction values are linearly interpolated between the individual measurement points, providing
an approximate compensation between these points.
xc (act)
It follows that the True Position can be derived from the Encoder Feedback Position +
Compensation Value. A gearbox with backlash in which motion in opposite directions occurs can
also be taken into account. Correction values for both positive and negative directions are
necessary, which, by taking the velocity command value of the slide into account, serves to
generate the true position feedback value.
X (act) ~ xf (act) + xc (act), ; xcmd < xf(act) < (xcmd + 499' ds)
X (act) ~ xf(act) ; [xf (act) < xcmd] or [xf(act) > (xcmd + 499 ' ds)
Figure 2 shows a block diagram that represents the true position calculation within the drive.
Xcmd xl {actl
Drive and Mechanics
'- LL •
Xcmd -=t==- .{)\ r'\(
xc (act)
Figure 2.19 Axis Error Compensation Block Diagram
Methods of linear interpolation are applied in order to detennine the Correction Feedback Value.
This means that a straight line can be made between two correction sample points, and based on this
the immediate correction value can be approximately detennined. Therefore, the xc (act) value
becomes the average of the linear equations from the actual correction sample points. This is shown
as follows:
xc (n+ J) - xc (n)
Linear Equation xc (act) = ds * [xf(act) - xf(n)] + xc (n)
It follows that the coordinate system would be shifted by x(n) respectively, whereby avoiding the
count range limit by calculating the ordinate intercept point. The slope of the line, i.e. , the expression
[(xc(n+ 1)-xc(n)]/ds proves to be the interpolation factor.
L Tbere must be two correction tables, (one for each direction of motion), with 500 correclion values, "xc," each.
which are accessed from the EEPROM in the SERCOS format In order to save memory. only 16 bit correction
values will be allowed.
2. The most only a fixed range must be corrected, defined by a table start position "xs," which is entered as a 32 bit
word in the EEPROM (in the SERCOS format) . Thls sets the negative limit of the compensation range with
reference to the machine zero point.
3. The sampling distance, !Ods," defines the distance between two encoder feedbacks, which corresponds with the
correction values.
4. The access of the respective correction value table depends on the polarity oftbe commanded velocity, d(Xcmd)ldt.
5. Encoder feedback values oUlside afthe compensation range, defined by the start position and the distance between
correction points, will not be compensated for.
6. The correction values can be viewed iounediately via the SERCOS Interface as well as the RS-232 interface on the
drive. The tables are stored on the residem DSM module so that these values can be easily transferred over to a
new drive if replacement of the DDS is necessary.
7. All position data for axis error compensation may only be entered in preferred scaling. The maximwn allowed
correction value is ±3.27nun.
Diotm<o_C _
XI - Table Swt Position
This parameter is for the actual status of the compensation. In this parameter, all important
infonnation about initialization is updated and can be requested from the drive by the control unit.
In addition, the control bit for the activation of Axis Error Compensation is included.
L Bit 8: IS iDvalid
I l Bit 9: ds invalid
L Bit 10: xc tables invalid
Bit 14. xc table not initialized
This parameter defines the distance between two compensation points. This can only be entered
in the 32 bit preferred scaling mode and must correspond with the Correction Table Stan Position
and t he correction table size.
The distance between correction points can be calculated as the total distance in which the axis
error compensation is to be applied, (in mm), and dividing by 498. The largest correction value
allowed is 3.27 mm.
This parameter defines the distance between the Table Start Position and the machine zero pomt.
The table start position is always the smallest position feedback value in the correction table, (see
figure 3). The input can only be entered in preferred scaling (32 bit), where by the start position
must always correspond with the correction value table.
Two correction value tables, (one for each direction), are contained in this parameter. It is
configured in a variable length list w ith an even number orbits. The correction values 1-500 are
reserved for positive velocity commands, whereas the values 501-1 000 correspond with negative
command values.
Single Axis Motion allows the DDS 2. 1 to perfonn a move independently of the rest afthe system.
This means that t he control unit does not need to continually update the drive with control loop
commands every cycle. Five parameters are pre configured in the drive that define the desired
motion. The figure below gives a pictorial description of the Single Axis Motion function.
When performing the single axis motion, the motor will accelerate at the rate described by IDN S~O-
0138, to a velocity described by S·0·0091 , and with a Jerk value described by P·O·O 106. The drive
will also internally calculate when to start its deceleration 50 that it stops at the final position defined
by P-O-0049. These parameters are normally set before the procedure is executed, and bit 13 of the
control word acts as a "GO" command. (This is done by removing the drive halt state.) Any of the
above parameters can be changed at any time during the move and the axis will make immediate
adjustments to follow the new changes to the best of its ability.
Vek>c:1ty ComrTIIIJId
" ./ eonrn.nd
v.... '-....J
During the DDS 2.1 operation mode, Single Axis Mode, this parameter contains the maximum
allowable change of acceleration. The axis may not exceed this value during a move.
The bipolar acceleration parameter reduces the maximum acceleration ability of the drive
syrrunetrically around 0, to the programmed value in both directions.
The bipolar velocity limit value determines the maximum allowable speed in either direction. If
the velocity limit value is exceeded, the drive responds by setting the message "nconunand >
nlimit" in Class 3 Diagnostics (IDN S-O-0013).
During the DDS 2.1 operation mode, Single Axis Mode, this parameter contains the target
position to which the axis will travel to .
When the axes are first switched on and they have no absolute position orientation, the axes
position measuring systems must be aligned so that they have a relationship to a known machine
position before normal measuring operations take place. These aligrnnents take place during the
Homing Procedure.
In the past, homing has been done by the control unit. Since the position loop can be closed in
the DDS 2.1 , it has the ability to perfonn a drive controlled homing procedure. This function
operates according to the SERCOS Interface specification.
The following example wiD illustrate the operation of the real time bits in a probing application:
Example I:
In this example, the motor encoder will be used as the position feedback during the homing cycle.
A marker pulse is generated by the feedback every motor revolution. When homing takes place,
the motor will run at a preset homing velocity until it the axis encounters the home switch. For a
typical homing application, the axis will continue and position to the next marker pulse for a more
accurate home position. (It is possible to home directly to the home switch if desired when using
the DDS 2. 1.)
In this first example, the reference offset, (IDN S·0.0150), is set to "0."
Home Sw;tch
Encoder Marker
Pu lses
~lf------- ____ -1f1L_ _ _ _ _ _-
Velocity of
the Drive
Machine Zero/'
Point 0
Direction of Motion
of t he Axis
Position Feedback 1
Reference Distance
IDN S-0·0052
Figure 2.22 Homing Procedure using the Motor Feedback
Note that in the figure above, the home point is the first marker pulse after the home switch. The
actual position afthe home point is equal to the Position Feedback I, Reference Distance, IDN S-O-
0052. This means that the home switch can be set at some position other than the machine zero
point. After homing is done, the axis can be commanded to move to machine zero if desired .
Example 2:
This example is the same as Example 1 above, except that the Reference Offset is set to a positive
value. In this case, the drive encounters the home switch and looks for the following marker pulse.
From this marker pulse, it continues to move in the same direction until it travels the distance of the
Reference Offset. When it reaches its d estination, the axis is considered to be at its home point and
the position is set at the value in Position Feedback 1 - Reference Distance, (IDN S-0 -0052).
Machine ZerC
Point 0
Direction of Motion
of the Axis
Position Feedback 1
Reference Distance
Reference Offset 1
ION 5-0-0150
ION 5-0-0052
Example 3:
This example is the same as Example 2 above, except that the Reference Offset is set to a negative
value. In this case, the drive encounters the home switch and immediately reverses its direction.
Since the axis references everything from the marker after the home switch during homing, and since
the axis reversed direction before it saw this marker, it internally calculates its distance from the
marker before the home switch. Now it must also add one motor revolution (the distance between
markers), to its calculation of the offset position.. When it reaches its destination, the axis is
considered to be at its home point and the position is set at the value in Position Feedback 1 -
Reference Distance, (IDN 5-0-0052).
Home Switch ~I fl
EnCOderMarker ~------------------------~LL-----------------
Velocity of
the Drive
Mach ine Zer6"
Point 0
iI".. "'.'_.' / '
Marker after
the Home switch
.. I
In any seIVa drive system, it is a fundamental requirement that the drive provide signal monitoring
points for diagnostic purposes. In a digital drive. one way to implement these signals is to use digital
to analog, (D/A), converters. The DDS 2.1 has an additional capability. Since most of the signals to
be displayed are already in a digital format, the drive can easily sample and store these digital values
at a defined sample rate. These stored values can then be sent over the SERCOS Interface to the
control unit that can in tum plot the signals on the user interface screen. This provides a means of
capturing noise free signals from the drives.
Threshold - - - -
P-().-0028 1- -r' t-:-·_--_·_--- - - - -
I I I :
--1 I- Signal Sample Time
The DDS 2. 1 allows torque, velocity or position data to be captured in the drive. The sample rate is
programmable through IDN P -0-0031 and can be programmed up to the update rate ofthe drive, i.e.,
250 ~sec . Two channels of up to 512 samples Ichannel can be stored in each drive. Since the drives
are synchronized over the SERCOS Interface, the data capture for multiple drives is also
synchronized. Trigger points can also be configured based on any of the available signals, or from an
external Real Time input. Once the data is obtained by the control unit, this data can be plotted,
processed or manipulated mathematically for unlimited methods of analysis.
For more detailed descriptions of these parameters, see section 2.1.4, Product Specific
A probe is typically used to define the position of a part or deplh of a hole or cut. The probe is configured with some
type of touch sensitive switch at its tip. It measures a surface by being slowly moved toward a swface. When the tip
touches the surface, the switch closes, signaling the latching afthe position data.
Position registration is similar to probing in that a switch closure, (i.e., optical switch, proximity switch, etc.), will
signal the latching of the position data.
In most configurations, the probing or position registration is done in the contIol unit. Since the position feedback
data acquisition is done directly in the DDS 2.1 , it is faster and more convenient to latch the position in the drive. This
is done with the use of the Real Time Bits.
The following example will illustrate tbe operation of the real time bits in a probing application:
The figure below shows a 2 axis system performing a probing function. When the probe touches the Part. the drives
will immediately latch the position data from the motor feedbacks. The control unit is simultaneously notified thai the
probe switched has closed via the reaJ time bits of the drive status words.
Control Unit
X Axis
Before setting up this example. a few assumptions are made. Real Time Bit 1will be used to indicate
to the control unit when Probe I closes. Real Time Bit 2will be used to indicate to the control unit
when Probe 1 position is latched. The probe position will be latched on the positive going edge of the
probe switch signal, i. e. , on the closing edge ofthe probe switch.
I. Load S-0-030S, (Allocation of Real Time Status Bit I), with IDN S-0-0401 , (probe 1).
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 11
2. Load S-0-0307, (Allocation of Real Time Status Bit 2), with IDN S-0-0409, (probe 1 Positive
Edge Latched).
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 9 1
3. Set ION S-0-0169, Probe Control Parameter. In this case, bit 0 will be set to 1 to activate the
probe 1 positive edge.
4. Set IDN S-0-040S, Probe 1 Enable, bit 0 to "1". This enables probe 1.
S. Start the probing cycle procedure command, IDN S-0-0170. (This is done by setting bits 0
and 1 to "11" and then hack lo "00".)
6. When the probe switch closes, the position will be latched and stored in IDN S·0-130, Probe
1 - Positive Edge Position Value. In the next AT after the probe switch closes, the real time
status bit 1 will be set to "1 ." In the AT following the position latching, t he real time status bit
2 will be set to "1," indicating to the control unit that the position was latched. (See steps 1
and 2 above.)
The standard DSF high resolution feedbacks for the:MOD motors are single-tum absolute. This
means that when the system is powered down and back up, the angular position can be determined
within one revolution of the motor shaft. If the motor rotates multiple revolutions, the drive can
detennine absolute position as long as the system is not powered down.
For a system that requires absolute position over multiple turns of the motor after cycling power, a
DSF multiturn feedback is used. This option must be specified when ordering the MDD motor.
3.1. Introduction
The analog interface option allows the DDS 2.1 drive to operate as an analog drive. This means that
the drive may be corrunanded by an analog voltage signal and the drive will respond with a respective
velocity or torque, depending on the selected mode. There are several advantages of a DDS 2.1 drive
running with an analog interface over standard analog drives. The DDS 2. 1 has 2 prograrrunabJe
analog outputs for signal monitoring and/or troubleshooting. In addition, all gains and parameters
can be adjusted easily via the DDS 2.1's RS 232 port. A user interface for this port is implemented in
the drive, so that when cotulected to a VT100 terminal or VT100 emulator, aU parameters can be
adjusted without additional software. Finally, ifit is desired to run SERCOS in the future, the DAE
J.I Analog Interface Card can be replaced with a DSS 1.1 SERCOS Interface Card and the DSM
Card exchanged for an inexpensive upgrade to a SERCOS compatible drive.
The DAE 1.1 is plugged into the first slot ofthe DDS 2.1. This card contains two connectors on the
front face. The top connector, XIS, is a Pheorux connector and contains the anaJog inputs . The
bottom connector is a 15 Pin D-Shell connector and is configured as an incremental encoder output.
There is a differentiaJ input provided for the anaJog velocity command . The difference of voltage
between the two terminals E I and E2 controls the velocity of the motor shaft.
The DDS 2.1 does an internal check when control voltages are first applied . If there are no problems
and it is detenruned that the drive is ready for the bus voltage, (i.e., ready for main power), the
diagnostic "bb" is shown on the two digit, 7 segment display, HI. Once main power is brought up,
the drive will display the diagnostic" Ab" . This means that all power has been brought up successfuUy
and the drive is ready to be enabled. By applying a voltage between + 12 and +32 v in the terminal
labeled "RF", the drive will become enabled and will acknowledge this state by displaying "AF" on
HI . Once the drive is enabled, it will respond to the conunanded inputs, E I and E2.
Note: RF can only be applied after main power has been applied .
This output will go to a high level, (a high level is supplied by the +UL input described below), when
there is an overtemperature warning condition existing, either in the motor or in the DDS. This
output can source up to 1OOmA and is used for input into a PLC for monitoring purposes.
This input is used to internally command a zero velocity. This is done when it is required to stop the
motor shaft and maintain zero velocity without any drift. When this function is active, any signals on
the E1, E2 inputs are ignored.
Note: This function is active low and therefore requires a high voltage level. (between +12 and +32
v), on this input in order to conunand the drive via the El and E2 inputs.
Three current or torque reduction levels can be selected with these inputs. These reduced torque
values are preset via the RS 232 user interface terminal. These torque values represent a maximum
holding torque that the motor will provide when selected. This is useful for driving into a positive
stop, or for servo clamping applications. The torque reductions are selected by applying high voltage
levels (between +12 and +32 v) to the Iredl and Ired 2 inputs in a binary fashion as shown in the table
0 I Torque 80'
Reduction 1
I 0 Torque SO'
Reduction "}
I I Torque 20'
Reduction 3
•inserted values are examples on~v. Values may be preset by user.
An extemal24V must be supplied on this input and referenced to OVL. This is required for proper
operation of the DDS 2.1 in analog mode. The current draw on dus input is lOOmA If this input
voltage is missing, an error "33", External P ower Supply Error will be displayed on HI .
The bottom IS-pin D-Shell connector on the DAE 1.1 card supplies an incremental encoder signal
that is derived from the high resolution (DSF) feedback on the motor.
The signals from this encoder connection are shown below .
..... ,
CIIoMoI6 ......
_-- , '-----'
"'-WN.(1 ............ "
Figure 3.1 Incremental Encoder Signals
The actual number of cycles per motor revolution on the A and B channels can be selected via the
RS232 user interface. The maximum number of cycles per revolution is 262, 144. This count is
frequency limited to a maximum of 1845 RPM. (See also section 3.9.1. Incremental Encoder Line Count).
The DDS 2.1 contains an RS232 interface connection. This interface gives you information regarding
the status of the drive, the ability to run a function test from a tenninal keyboard and allows you to
read all parameters of the system and to change them if necessary. The DDS 2.1 provides screens
and menus that are accessible via a VT 100 terminal, or a PC computer with a VT 100 emulator, (e.g.
Procomm, Windows 3.1, etc.).
X ~
~ Q
4 7
CTS 5 i 8 CTS
i, I
> , I
< 5
____ ___ "___ ... ._____ .1i
The RS232 User Interface includes all menus for viewing system parameters and for changing some
of these parameters. An overview of the menus is shown in the following figure:
-1 J :.".
1-------2 j J I l Jt:~
1 =i1~1-!
r-*--...,.",.L, lm.....
lm..... lm.....
T OIq....
O."'~ _
~ hi..,
h ,.~
, " I
H"'CT_~ ~"=~ H..... T""~
Figure 3.3 RS 232 I VT 100 User Interface Sununary
Once the terminal is connected, the control voltage to the DDS 2.1 can be brought up and the
terminal turned on. The user may begin conununications by pressing the ENTER key. This will bring
up the main menu:
1 -> Dr ive St at us
2 -> Pa r ameters
3 -> Language Selection / Spuchauswahl
ESC -> Exit E'r09r4l1n
In order to change the language displayed on the screen, select "3" from the main menu .
In order to view the drive status, select" 1" from the main menu. The following screen will be
displayed with the appropriate data inserted after the colons:
3.7. Parameters
In order to view and/or change system parameters, select "2" from the main menu . The following
menu will be displayed:
Control Sys~em and Servo Drive
Parameter Management
1 -> Save Para meters to Disk
8 -> Load Par .. rne t ers from Disk
This menu allows you to select from various parameter groups. These parameter groups contain all
the parameters that are necessary for the respective applications.
Anillog Output
Ch a nnell - > Current Command Value
Channel 2 - > Velocity feedback Value
OVerload Factor
Maximum Command Value tor Maximum Ve l ocity
Velocity il t Ha1timum Command Value
(, ): lOO[!~~~~
IV): 10.0
(RPM): 2500
Command Value Smoo t hing Filter Time Const",nt (lIlsec): 2.00
Position Data Scaling at the JI.n'llog Outp . (dgr/lOV): 360.0
Velocity Da t a Scaling at the AJ-ialog Outp . (RPM/IOV): 2500
? -> Help; ESC -> Abort Input I Ret urn to Parameter Menu
3.8.1. Operation Mode
The parameter "Operation Mode" allows the user to select between two modes of operation, (or
interface configurations) . The control loop selected detennines the outermost loop that is to
operate in the drive:
The parameter "Bipolar Velocity Limits" sets the value for the velocity limits in both directions .
This is the maximum speed that the motor will run .
The overload factor is determined based on the desired intermittent torque as follows :
Intermittent Torque
Overload Factor = ---------------.-.--.------------ * 100
Continuous Torque
The pennissible intermittent torque is dependent on the duty cycle. (See DDSIMDD Selection
List ).
Depending on the application, the overload factor can be adjusted manuaUy. In this case, the
duty cycle must be observed as follows:
T = Continuous Targue
The Command Input Scaling detennines the velocity in which the motor will run at a given
command voltage. This value is represented by the following ratio:
Vin mtJr
Command Input Speed Scaling =
The input velocity or torque command value can be smoothed via this parameter. This can be
useful in cases where a noisy command line is present. The more typical application oftms
parameter is seen in cases where a stairstep is present due to a lower resolution DI A converter on
a control when an acceleration is being commanded.
The filtering effect is increased with larger values. A value of250J.l.sec turns the filtering off
There are two analog outputs, AKl and AK2. on COTUlector X3 of the DDS 2.1 which can be
used fo r diagnostics. The signal s to be analyzed on these outputs are selectable in this Operation
Modes menu. Channels 1 and 2 correspond to AKI and AK2 respectively. The signals may be
selected from the following:
The velocity values at these outputs can also be scaled in this menu in RPM per IOV. This scaling
is linear, so that if3000 RPM/lOV is entered, 5V will appear on these outputs if 1500 RPM is
NOTE: This scaling is for the outputs AX] and AK2 only and does not apply /0 the voltage at
the command inputs of the analog card. E1!E2. The scaling/or these inputs are discussed above
in this section. -
The position values at these outputs are represented by a voltage proportional to a given distance.
These values can also be scaled in this menu in units of degrees per l OY. As an example, if360 °
were entered, one revolution of the motor shaft would provide one linear voltage ramp from 0 to
lOVas shown in the figure below.
Position Data Scaling at the Analog Output - 360/l0V •
Parameter Changes:
Move the cursor to the parameter to be changed.
Enter the new parameter value and hit enter.
Input Limits:
Operation Mode : lor 2
Bipolar Velocity Limit Value : 0 ... 50000
Overload Factor : 0 .. . 400
Maximum Command Value for Desired Velocity : 0 ... 10
Velocity at Maximum Command Value : 0 ... 65000
Command Value Smoothing Filter Time Constant : 0.25 ... 1000
Position Data Scaling at the Analog Output : 0.1 .. . 1474560
Velocity Data Scaling at the Analog Output : I .. . 65000
The command scaling is determined by the value input at Max. Command Value and the
corresponding velocity.
NOTE Th e s e parame ters can only be changed when the dri v e is not enabled ,
IRf is no t appl1.ed) .
The line coun t that has been entered must a g r ee wi th the control unit
The maximum line cou n t may also be limited by th e max i mum motor spe ed.
See DDS 2.1 Users Manual .
The incremental encoder output of the DAE 1.1 or DAA 1.1 card represents motor position in the
same way that a typical incremental encoder would, (see 3.1. Introduction). The encoder count
defines the number of encoder cycles per revolution of the motor shaft. This encoder count can
be programmed in this menu up to 16,383 cycles per revolution. The maximum count which can
be programmed is limited to a frequency of 504 kHz. which is affected by motor speed. This
limitation is shown as follows:
60x504 , OOO
n m<>.~ ~
Line Count
where nmax is the maximum motor speed in RPM for the given encoder line count. This results
in a maximum speed of 1845 RPM for an encoder line count 0[262, 144. Ifa higher speed is
required, the line count must be reduced accordingly to accommodate this speed.
Line Count
~ Max. Output Frequency: 504 KHz
Permissible Range .........
o 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Motor Speed (RPM)
In the case of a homing procedure as well as other applications which look at the marker pulse, it
is often required to adjust the position of the marker pulse. This is typically done by aligning the
motor shaft with the mechanics based on the position of the marker pulse, or physically adjusting
the feedback to the motor shaft. In the case of the DDS 2. 1, it is possible to adjust this marker
pulse offset in this menu. This is done by adding this angular offset in degrees to the present
position of the marker pulse. The values for this offset may be between 0 and 359.9 degrees.
o -> The drive automatically switches t o velocity loop requlation and p r ovide.
a velocity command value of O. After 500 mse-c, the motor torque is disabled
and an e('roJ: signal is sent to the powec supply on the Xl IKl . 2J connector.
1 - > The driva reacts the •• me as in e reor ceaction 0 , with t he except ion that
the drive does not 51 90a1 the power su ppl y that an error has occurred.
2 -> The drive i mme d iately switches its torque to O. No signal is provided
to the power supply.
The Error Reaction selected determines how the drive will react when a shutdown error occurs.
Three possibilities exist and are explained in this menu.
The mecor corque is adjusced in t nis menu . There are 2 Ired cont r ol inputs
which will allow 4 dlfferent current limit values . Thes . values can be
in a ranqe from Ot to 400'. lOOt - Continuous Motor Current rrorque) .
0 0 f ul l Torque
1 Current Limit
Current L1m1t
Cur r ent L1mit
"" ....
•• • %
.. . l 10
? -~ Help ; ESC - > Abott Input I Recurn to Parameter Menu
Three torque or current reduction values may be set in the drive in this menu. These values are then
selected in a binary fashion by applying a voltage between 12 and 32 volts for a binary" 1" and 0 to 3
volts for a binary "0" on Ired I and 2 inputs. A "0-0" on these inputs indicates no torque reduction.
Analog Output
Channel 1 -> Current Command Value
Channel 2 -> Velocity feedbaek Value
This menu contains the gain parameters for the drive. A simplified block diagram of these gains is
shown below.
'.' _<b.""
T._ IIpI, P ..>port>OIWI
CHent Goo'~
•• III •
These gains are adjusted to standard values automatically when the drive is first powered up. This is
done by gathering the data from the motor and setting gains for an ideal matching of inertia. with a
1:1 ratio between the load and the motor. If the load inertia is much larger than the motor inertia,
gain adjustments may be necessary.
Amplifi e r Parameters
This describes the DDS 2. 1. The type code can be found in Appendix E.
This is the maximum current which the DDS 2.1 can provide for a time period of approximately
400msec. Once this time period has elapsed, the drive current folds back to the Amplifier
Continuous Current.
This is the current which the drive folds back to once the amplifier peak current has been
maintained for 400msec.
The peak current which a motor/drive system has available may be limited by the motor or the
drive. The effective peak CUTTent gives the allowable peak current fo r the entire system. The
effective peak current is also affected by the overload factor. The higher the overload factor, the
lower the effective peak current.
The continuous current which a motor/drive system has availabl e can be limited by the motor or
the drive. The effective continuous current gives the allowable continuous current for the entire
system. The effective continuous current is also affected by the overload factor. The higher the
overload factor, the higher the effective continuous current.
This describes the DDS 2. 1. The type code can be found in Appendix E .
This is the continuou s torque of the motor at stand still. This torque may be applied for an
undefined period of time without exceeding the motor thennallirnits.
This is the mass moment of inertia of the motor shaft in units ofkgm2.
This is the continuous current of the motor. This current may be applied for an undefined period
of time without exceeding the motor thermal limits.
To Save Parameters:
Press "7" in the Parameter Menu . The following menu should be displayed as the questions for
machine data at the top of the screen are answered:
to s a ve pa r ameters :
if you a t e us i ng ' DDS2?C' as e mulator hit ALT - S otherwise fol l ow i n struct~on
Ifyau are using Indramat's "DDS2 PC Tenninal Emulation Software", you can proceed by pressing
If you are using another terminal emulator software, execute the following:
5) After the last character is received ($$$), then exit the receive mode.
Press "8" in the Parameter Menu. The following menu should be displayed:
to load parameters:
j f you are using DDS2pC as emulator , only hit ALT-L otherwise follow instruction
If you are using Indramat's "DDS2 PC Terminal Emulation Software" , you can proceed by pressing
If you are using another terminal emulator software, execute the following:
1) Press "y" to continue. (Warning: Do not start sending data until after lIy" is pressed)
6) The screen will then prompt you to press any key to return to the Main Menu when the
upload is complete.
DDS amplifiers are designed for panel mounting in a sealed (NEMA 12) enclosure along with a
TVDINAM, TVM or KDV power supply and possibly a 3-phase transformer. Mechanical
dimensions have been chosen so that one power supply module and two to three servo amplifier
modules fit side by side in a 19 inch cabinet. Any number of modules can be mounted side by
Figure 4.l Power Supply and 2 Amplifiers iUustrates a typical installation. The minimum spacing
distances cited in this drawing must be observed to assure an adequate flow of cooling air. Other
components that generate heat. such as power transformers, must be mounted where they do not
affect the servo system. If possible, mount such components in a separate enclosure. If this is not
possible, mount these components to the side or above the servo modules, never directly below
The power supply module must be at one end of the assembly with all servo amplifier modules to
one side.
Care must be taken to assure that electrical noise is not induced into the signal wiring.
Do this by:
1) routing signal wiring separately from power wiring and,
2) following good shielding and grounding practice.
Signal wiring should never be run in the same conduit as power wiring. If necessary, power and
signal wiring may share the same square wire trough, provided a metal dividing wall separates the
two . Power wiring and signal wiring should also be separated as much as possible within the
enclosure. Do this by rururing these wires as far apart as possible from each other, avoiding
parallel runs, and making sure that any required intersections are at right angles.
Signal wiring should be run with twisted, shielded wire; #20AWG or larger. Connect the shield to
ground at only one end. Nonnally the shield would be connected to the ground tenninal of the
servo amplifier. (See the wiring diagram for your specific servo amplifier
model to locate this terminal.) In general, avoid making ground connections at more than one
point as this creates "ground loops" which are a potential source for the introduction of electrical
Since the DDS 2. 1 has plug-in slots to allow for various options, it must be ordered by
configuration. A configuration number detennines which plug-in boards will be configured in
the drive, as well as the software version. Before installing the equipment. check to make sure
the equipment is configured correctly. The PlexigJas cover on the front of the drive should
accurately describe the boards which are installed.
System Configuration
DDS 2.1·W050·DS01·00
DOS 2.1·W050·0
r-~-- LIO_S_S_1._1_ _ _ _ _ _~
Signal Descriptions for the DDS 2.1 and the main interface plug in modules are described in
this section.
The AKl and AK2 outputs on pins I and 3 of connector X3 on the DDS 2.1 are
programmable outputs for diagnostic purposes. These signals are referenced to DVm which is
found on terminals 2 and 4 of X3. These outputs can be selected either via the RS232 user
interface (when using an analog interface option), or via a SERCOS control unit (e.g. MT-
CNC, CLC, etc.). When using the SERCOS Interface to communicate to the DDS, IDN's P-
0-0038 and P-O-0039 are used to select output signals for AKI and AK2 respectively.
Position and Velocity data at these outputs can also be sca1ed independently with IDN's P-O-
0040 to P-0-0043 .
When powering up a DDS servo system, the drive does an internal diagnostic check to insure
that no errors exist that would prevent the turning on of main 34> power. If all is clear for
main power to be applied to the system, diagnostic "bb!! appears in the HI display and the dry
contact between the Bb terminals, (pins 6 and 7 of connector X3), is closed. When using a
TVD power supply, the Bb status is also monitored internally, preventing main power to be
applied . When using a TVD, it is recommended to use the Bb contacts as acknowledgments
that the drives are ready for main power. The power rating for this contact is +24 V at ImA.
The AS Safety Interlock function is used in cases where it is required to completely shut down
the power section of selected drives and totally remove power to the motor. When trus power
down occurs, other drives in the same system are allowed to maintain their power and
operational capability. This provides a safe working environment around the axes which have
their AS function active without having to power down the complete system.
To activate the AS function, drive must be disabled, (Le. remove RF enable signal) . Apply
+24V to the terminal AS+, (pin 8 of connector X3), with the OV reference tied to AS-, (pin 9
of connector X3). Once the AS function is active and the axis is considered safe, the AS
acknowledge contact between the ASQ pins will be closed. This acknowledge contact must
be monitored by the control logic to insure that the drive cannot be restarted while the AS
function is active. This can also be used to signify that the AS function has been disabled and
the axis is no longer considered to be in a safe mode.
The following timing diagram describes the switching of the AS Safety Interlock:
RF Dri ve Enable
Motor Torque
~ 0.5sec 1--
AS Safety Interlock AS Safety Interlock Active
Input Signal
Axis safety acknowtedg
(ASO is open) Axis is Safe, (ASO is close d)
(A SO contact status)
The DDS 2. 1 monitors the motor thennal switch via inputs TM+ and TM-, (pins 1 and 2 on
connector X6). When the motor exceeds its maximum operating temperature and the thermal
switch opens, the drive will issue a motor over temperature warning and continue to operate
for 30 sec. If the switch is still open after the 30 sec time period has elapsed, the drive will go
into an over temperature shutdown. These inputs are not polarity sensitive.
The brake control output BR, (pin 4 on connector X6 and referenced to OVe, pin 5 on X6),
essentially controls the release and application of the motor brake. When the motor has
torque (which is controDed by the drive), the drive automatically releases the brake by
providing +24V to the motor brake. When torque is to be turned off, the brake is applied by
removing the +24V. NOTE: In order to operate the brake, a +24 V (:± 10%) external power
supply must be connected to the UB input referenced to OVB REF., (pins 3 and 6
respectively on connector X6). (See specific .l\.1DD motor data sheets to determine total
brake current requirements).
Enabla (RF) 1 I
Switch"o to
zoro speed I I
Torque I I
11 2}
n<1 0 1lPM
n > 10 RPM
, , ,
r~ -,-
0 100
200 300
400 500
Home Switch - El
The DDS 2.1 drive has the ability to perform a drive controlled homing function running with
the SERCOS Interface. The home switch is cOTUlected to input El a n the DSS 1.1 card, (pin
I on connector XI2) . This input is active high. (For more details on the homing function, see
Chapter 5).
There are two inputs which allow the SERCOS configured DDS 2.1 to monitor overtraveI
limit switches. The positive and negative overtravel limit switch inputs are defined as the E 2
and E3 inputs respectively. (pins 2 and 3 on connector X12). These inputs will result in an
error "44" on the HI display and the drive will internally command a zero velocity,
decelerating the motor~ regardless of the error reaction mode. These inputs are active high.
There are two probe inputs available which allow the drive to perfonn real time probing at the
drive. Since the drive is capable of closing a position loop, it has direct access to position
feedback data at all times. When a probing function is activated, the drive latches the position
being processed as soon as the input is activated, (i.e. the switch closes). The drive then
notifies the master in the next SERCOS cycle that the probe input was activated and the
position has been latched.
In order to utilize the above inputs on the DSS 1. 1 card, the external supply voltage which is
used for the above signals must also be applied to the inputs +UL and OVL• (pins 7 and 8 of
connector X I2).
Follow the intercoMecti on drawing for specific instructions on power wiring. Pay special
attention to the foUowing:
1. Wire grounds from servo amplifiers directly to the power supply. Do not "daisy chain" the
ground wire from one amplifier to the next.
2. Wire grounds from each motor directly to its respective servo amplifier.
3. Use either twisted wires or a 4-wire cable for the motor power coTUlections. Make this line as
short as possible.
4. If a supplementary capacitance unit is used, make the cOTUlecting wire as short as possible.
1. Detennine where each component is to be mounted on the panel. See paragraph 4 .1,1 for de-
Use 6mm or 114Mscrews for the top keyhole and the bottom mounting slots.
3. Mount bus bars to connect all L+ tenrunals together and all L- terminals together. Use an 8mm
hex nut driver.
CAUTION: Use locking nuts or lock washers provided Do not over-torque nuts or damage
may result.
5. InstaU Xl wire "ribbon" cable between the power supply and the first amplifier. Connect a cable
from each servo amplifier to the next amplifier. Note that the black wire is towards the bottom.
When installing DDS amplifiers with KDV power supplies, or ifDDSs and KDSs, KDAs or
other cold modules are configured together, 12 pin to 16 pin or 16 pin to 12 pin ribbon cables
may be required. These cables are supplied with the specified amplifier accessory kits.
6. InstaU a terminating plug on the last amplifier, i.e., the one furthest from the power supply. The
terminating plug is supplied with the power supply accessory kit.
Note: When any cold modules such a KDSs, KDAs, etc. are used, the terminating plug contains a
resistor covered with heat shrink tubing. The plug should be mounted with the resistor on top
(pins 2 & 3).
7. Connect the 3-phase wires to terminal lugs LI, L2, and L3. The 3-phase inputs on certain power
supplies are phase sensitive. In order to prevent damage to the unit, see the appropriate power
supply manual for correct phasing. The incoming 3-phase must be ground referenced as specified
in section 3.8.
8. Install grounding wires from the power supply to each amplifier. Do not daisy chain the grounds
from amplifier to amplifier.
9. Connect the motor power cable from each motor to its respective amplifier on terminals AI , A2,
and A3 . WARNING: These connections are phase sensitive and wiring should follow the
interconnect drawing exactly. It is very important to connect each motor ground to its own
Do not run cables over the bus bars. Run cable wires out of the top or bottom of the unit to
avoid the bus bars.
10. Connect the motors high resolution feedback cable to the DB 15 cOJUlector , X4, near the bottom
right side of the DDS . Ifa second feedback device is being used, (such as a linear encoder), an
additional DLF 1 card will be required. Refer to the interconnect drawings in Appendix C and
the cable and connector descriptions in Appendix D for wire color to terminal designations.
11 . Connect the servo amplifier signal wiring following one of the procedures in the following
sections, depending on drive configuration, (which plug-in cards are used) . .In addition, the
phoenix tenninal, X6, must be wired for the thennal switch and the brake. The wires for the
motor thennal switch are contained in the motor power cable and are connected to pins 1 and 2
ofX6. The thermal wires are not polarity sensitive. When wiring the brake, an external +24V
supply is required, with +24V connected to pin 3 and its 0 reference to pin 6 ofX6. The Brake +
wire from the motor power cable is then wired to pin 4, and Brake - to pin 5 of the X6
connector. (See Appendix D for cable descriptions and Appendix C for DDS 2.1 Interconnect
12. Connect the power supply signal wiring. See the corresponding power supply manual for more
13. If an inductor is used with the KDV, remove the Plexiglas cover over X28 and remove the
jumper wire from the tenrunallugs on the top of the unit using a lOnun hex nut driver. Install the
inductor in place of the jumper. Re-attach the Plexiglas cover.
1, Before handling the DSS 1.1 Card, make sure that you are grounded as static electricity
discharge caD cause damage to the surface mount devices.
2. Malee sure the DSS l.1 Card is plugged into the first slot on the lower left of the DDS 2. 1, (slot
Ul). This is the only acceptable slot and is designated as the main communication slot. No other
corrunurucation cards should be in any other slots. (See configuration section of the DDS 2. 1
Selection Guide for acceptable card combinations). Take cafe not to bend the connector pins
when inserting this card. When the connector is properly aligned, the card will fit smoothly into
Warning: Do not force plug-in cards into slots. Damage to the connectors may result.
3. Once the card is inserted, connect the fiber optic cables as shown below.
Switch S3 is set to "I" and switch S2 is set to "7
Control Unit
The incoming fiber optic cable coming from the control unit or the preceding drive is connected
to the fiber optic receiver, (RX, terminal X II on DSS 1.1 card). Another fiber optic cable must
then be connected to the fiber optic transmitter, (Tx, tenninal Xl 0 on DSS 1. 1 card), and routed
to a receiver on a subsequent drive or back to the receiver on the control unit.
Warning: When tightening the fiber optic connectors, a torque of 7 in-lbs, or .8 NM must not
be exceeded Damage to the connectors will result. (Refer also to F-SMA lEe 86B)
When connecting the SERCOS ring, aU components to be operated by the Master Control Unit
must be connected on the fiber optic ring. The fiber optic ring must make a complete loop back
to the Master Control Unit.
4. Each device on the SERCOS ring has a unique address. (with the exception of the Master
Control Unit). This address is a number between 01 and 99, (SERCOS allows up to 254). The
address "~O'' is reserved as a "null" address in which the unit is connected but is not active in the
SERCOS ring. A null device must still be active in repeater mode, in which it repeats the
incoming data stream at its receiver to the transmitter, maintaining communications. In order to
set the address on a DSS 1. 1 card, the high address must be set on selector switch 53 and the
low address on switch 52. For example, a SERCOS address of "17" corresponds to switch S3
setting of "1" and switch S2 setting of "7".
4.4. DAE 1.1 Analog Interface Card with Incremental Encoder Emulator
I. Before handling the DAE 1.1 Card, make sure that you are grounded as static electricity
discharge can cause damage to the surface mount devices.
2. Make sure the DAE 1.1 Card is plugged into the first slot on the lowerleft of the DDS 2. 1, (slot
UI) . This is the only acceptable slot and is designated as the main communication slot. No other
conununication interface cards should be in any other slots. (See configuration section of the
DDS 2.1 Selection Guide for acceptable card combinations). Take care not to bend the
connector pins when inserting this card. When the connector is properly aligned, the card will fit
smoothly into place.
Warning: Do notforce plug-in cards into slots. Damage to the connectors may result.
3. Tenninal X13 on the DAE 1.1 card contains the signal wiring tenninations. This terminal uses a
10 pin miniature Phoenix plug-in connector. An external 24V, IOOmA power source is required
for this card and is input at pins 8 and 9 on the X13 connector. For additional infonnation on
DAE 1.1 signal wiring, refer to the interconnect drawing in Appendix C.
4. The incremental encoder emulator provides a representation of the position of the rotor or the
load. This uses a IS pin sub miniature D-Shell connector and is designated as XI4 on the DAE
1.1 card. For the correct pinouts of this connector, see Appendix. C.
There are three feedback input cards currently available, DEF I I, DLF 1.1 and DZF 1. 1.
1. Before handling the feedback cards, make sure that YOll are grounded as static electricity
discharge can cause damage to the surface mount devices.
2. These cards may be input into anyone of the remaining three slots. Take care not to bend the
connector pins when inserting these cards. When the connector is properly aligned, the card will
fit smoothly into place.
Warning: Do notforce plug-in cards into slots. Damage to the connectors may result.
3. On each of these cards, there is a 15 pin sub miniature D-SheU connector for input from an
external feedback device. For more infonnation on the pinouts and usage of these cards see
section Appendix C.
4. When using the DLF 1.1 card, (Linear Encoder Analog Position Input Card), and a Heidenhain
linear scale. it may be necessary to use a DGV 1.1 Line Driver for cable lengths longer than 75
feet, (30 meters).
Application specifications for the feedback connections are given on the following pages. For more
detailed specifications of the feedback input cards, see Appendix A.
OLF 1.1
High Roooolrtion
Pot"'.... IntMf..,..
oign.1 ""riod
Linear Scale Rotary Encoder
Activate the allowable me(:hanic:al traverse velocity, i.e. velocity of the encoder
Maximum v~,~--
Velocity ,
-_. ,
--- .. .....,.
(Velocity at
the max.
input freq. of
- ~0W<Il>Ie
. .
-- .;<-,
.....,. ,
f\lOtioo! "Y
J =XL ., ., .,
" i
" .
R.......... ,-,
0. ,1 . ,0. 1
0.25 "' 0.
--,. ,
OEF 1. 1
High Relolut ....
Pooition Imorf_
Activate the allowable mechanical traverse velocity, i.e. velocity of the encoder
'..., • • 0 Veloclty
Velocity ,-
(Velocity at
the ml.X. input
ii· t
frcq. Orl SO
{ ~
. , ~',;
,-, l
Pet~ II:
,. ,
, •, ,, •, •,
•• ..
•• , , .. -,- ""'10 7."\0 ,.,"·10
When a mechanical brake is installed in a MDD motor, the DDS 2.1 controls the brake so that the
brake becomes engaged when the motor no longer has torque or in a situation where system power is
The timing diagram in fig 3 describes the operation of the brake as it relates to drive enable, (RF) ,
NOTE: The mechanical brake of an MDD molor should not be used as an operational hrake. The
brake rotor disk can only withstand approximately 20000 motor revolutions against a closed brake
before wearing out.
The control of the mechanical brake depends upon the Error Reaction Mode selected in the DDS 2. 1.
When using the SERCOS Interface, these signals are controlled via the bit "Drive On" in the
Master Data Telegram (MDT). (See Section 2. 1 SERCOS Interface Specifications and IDNS-O-
0 134 for more details)
NOTE: In the case where the hit ''Drive Enable" is changedfrom a "0" to a I'}", (immediate
switching off of the torque), the brake is immediately switched on. This sequence should only be
performed when the motor speed is at 0 RPM, since the possibility of damaging the brake exists.
When using an analog interface card, the brake is controlled via t he RF enable signal. This
corresponds to connector 13, terminal 4 on the DAE 1.1 card and cormector IS , terminal 4 on the
DAA 1.1 card.
Enabla (RF) I I
SwitchIDg to
zefO splIBd I I
Torque I I
IJ 2)
Tn ,• I
0 100 200 300 4;0 500 3)
2) Braking occurs after 400 msec, when the motor velocity is over 10 RPM
NOTE: JOO msec after the brake is engaged, the molor torque is removed.
Section 5.1 is the startup procedure for anaJog DDS 2.1'5. These are DDS's which use a standard ±
lOV corrunand signal. They are identified by the letters "DA##1t at the end of the DDS 2. 1 typecode.
where the "##" is a 2 digit number designating the configuration type. (See Appendix E for more
information on typecodes . See also, the DDS 2.1 Selection Guide.) If you have a SERCOS drive,
designated by ItDS##". skip Section 5.1 and go to Section 5.2, SERCOS Startup.
• Analog or Digital Multimeter (20 ,000 Ohm per Volt or greater sensitivity)
• Oscilloscope
• Battery box with an adjustable conunand signal from -I OV to +lOV DC
Warning: Do not connect the grounded lead of the oscilloscope to either of the DC bus bars.
Both of these conductors are at a high voltage with respect to ground Serious equipmenz
damage and/or personal injury may result.
Make sure power is not applied to the system and perfonn these checks for each servo drive and
power supply.
2. Ensure that external wiring agrees with the wiring diagram . Check for open circuits, short
circuits and crossed connections. Refer also to Section 3.3 Analog Inputs for descriptions of
analog input signals.
3. Check the external wiring to ensure that the wires are securely held in the terminals and that
the bus bars are securely tightened down. Poor contact due to loose screws may result in
severe damage to the drives.
4. Check for compliance with local wiring codes and safety regulations. Pay special attention to
grounding, wire sizing and fusing.
5. Check for proper shielding of the signal lines. The shield must be connected to ground at one
end only.
6. Motor and drive grounding must conform exactly to the Indramat interconnect drawings.
Each motor must be grounded to its own respective drive module. Each drive must also be
individually grounded back to the power supply unit. (Do not daisy chain the drive grounds).
7_ VerifY that the power supply and transformer ratings agree with the incoming line voltage.
Check both 3-phase and single phase control Voltages.
3. Uncouple the motor from the mechanicaJload. If this is impossible, then make sure that the
motor is in the center of its travel distance. Also, make sure that all safety limit switches are
wired in and operational.
4. Remove fuses from the 3-phase supply or ensure that the 3-phase voltage will not be present
for first power up.
Apply single phase control power to the system and perfonn the following checks:
I . Check the internal fans on the bottom of the drives for proper operation. Make sure these are
2. Check the +24V and ±15V DC on the power supply with respect to 0VL and 0VM
4. If the fuses from the 3-phase power have been removed, check that the main contactor
functions properly. (It is important that the 3-phase fuses are removed for this test) ,
6. Check the diagnostic display for a good diagnostic. Refer to Chapter 6 Maintenance and
2. Leave mechanical load uncoupled from the motor shaft. Reconnect aU missing power
connections or replace fuses.
• E'
ctlont'td l
A l ..
10 ': . _
•• Ired 1
Ired 2
~ ••
m + H iYm
Al !Hell + UI
r!- 'Vm
R.w • • • •
- 1 ,.V ...
It is important that the Emergency Stop circuit is functio nal for the fo Uawing steps.
4. Apply single phase power to the servo system. The diagnostic "bb" should appear.
5. Measure the command voltage coming from the battery box and make sure this is set to av.
The RF enable should also be at OV with respect to 0VM.
6. Energize the main 3-phase power contactor. "Abl! should appear on the display_
7, The bus voltage should now be between 275VDC and 345VDC for a TVM power supply or
at 320 VDC for the TVD power supply with a regulated bus.
8. Enable the drive by applying voltage to the RF input, (closing the enable switch as shown in
the Battery Box illustration). Slowly tum the speed pot on the battery box which will provide
a small velocity conunand signal to the DDS. The motor should run at a slow steady speed.,
By reversing the polarity, the motor should run in the reverse direction.
9. Check the scaling of the velocity conunand signal against the speed sensitivity configured in
the drive. (Refer to Section 3.8.4 Command Value Scaling).
Once again turning power off, the motor should be coupled to the load. Continue to use the
battery box to provide the velocity corrunand signaL
In the following steps, the motor current will be used as an indication of load torque since they
are directly proportional. The motor current is measured via one of programmable outputs.
AKI or AK2. Current Command Value should be selected in the Operation Modes, Scaling
menu over the RS232 interface, ( see Section 3.8 Operation Modes).
1. DeteID1ine the motor torque at a very slow speed (approximately 5 inches per minute for
conventional axis feed applications. The current required at this speed should not exceed
60 % of the rated motor current.
2. Determine the motor torque at the rapid traverse speed of the servomotor. The current re-
quired at this speed should not exceed 75 % of the rated peak motor current.
If the measured torques are higher than expected, check the mechanics to make sure there is no
binding or excessive load conditions. Also check the motor sizing for the application. (Refer
to the DDS 2.1 Selection Guide).
Make sure power is not applied to the system and perfonn these checks for each servo drive and
power supply.
l. Check for the correct program modules. Make sure that SERCOS software is installed in the
program module. Refer to appendix H .
2. Ensure that external wiring agrees with the wiring diagram. Check for open circuits, short
circuits and crossed connections. Refer also to Section 4.3. DSS 1.1 SER.cOS Interface Card for
descriptions of the SERCOS inputs.
3. Check the external wiring to ensure that the wires are securely held in the terminals and that
the bus bars are securely tightened down. Poor contact due to loose screws may result in
severe damage to the drives.
4. Check for compliance with local wiring codes and safety regulations. Pay special attention to
grounding, wire sizing and fusing.
5. Check for proper shielding of the signal lines. The shield must be connected to ground at o ne
end only.
6. Motor and drive grounding must confonn exactly to the Indramat interconnect drawings.
Each motor must be grounded to its own respective drive module. Each drive must also be
individually grounded back to the power supply unit. (Do not daisy chain the drive grounds) .
7. Verify that the power supply and transformer ratings agree with the incoming line voltage.
Check both 3-phase and single phase control voltages.
Before perfonning the following steps, check the startup procedure of the SERCOS control unit.
Many of the diagnostics appearing on the HI display may a1so be shown with more descriptive
text over the control unit user interface.
3. Uncouple the motors from their mechanical loads. Tfthis is impossible, then make sure that
each of the motors are in the center of their travel distance. Also, make sure that all safety
limit switches are wired in and operational.
4. Remove fuses from the 3-phase supply or ensure that the 3-phase voltage will not be present
for first power up.
Apply single phase control power to the system and perform the following checks:
1. Check the internal fans on the bottom of the drives for proper operation. Make sure these are
2 . Check the +24V and ±15V DC on the power supply with respect to 0vr. and 0VM
4. If the fuses from the 3-phase power have been removed, check that the main contactar
functions properly. (It is important that the 3-phase fuses are removed for this test) .
6. Apply the single phase power to the drives and the control unit. The control unit can then
stan the SERCOS initialization process. If an address is set incorrectly, the drive with the
incorrect address will switch between -0 and -Ion the HI display, and all drives following the
incorrect drive on the ring will display -0. IfalJ drives display "-0", make sure that the fiber
optic ring is completely closed. (Refer to Chapter 4 for correct installation procedure).
7 After the addresses are set correctly, the drive should advance to communication phase 2 ,
which the drive acknowledges with a "-2" on the display. All the SERCOS timing parameters
must be sent to the drive by the control unit in this phase. Once the system is in
communication phase 2, the operator may access and change SERCOS parameters. (Note
that some parameters are read only and may not be changed). Any invalid IDN's which are
necessary during communication phase 2 can be found in a list under IDN S-0-0021.
8. Before continuing, set IDN's S-0-0049 and S-0-0050, the positive and negative position limit
values to "0" in each drive. This ensures that the axes will not move when they are in
communication phase 4.
9. Once all the timing parameters have been set correctly by the control unit, the system
advances to communication phase 3. which is acknowledged with a "-3" on the display. If this
then rums to a blinking "32", you must check IDN S-0-0095 for the correct diagnostic.
(Refer also to Chapter 6, Diagnostics). In this communication phase, all remaining parameters
are loaded. If parameters are considered invalid by the drive, the drive will give an
appropriate error. All invalid IDN's in camm. phase 3 can be found in a list under IDN S-O-
10. When the system is advanced to corrununication phase 4, the drives can now be enabled and
run under nannal operation. All parameters are found to be acceptable for the drive. This
does not mean that they are necessarily correct for the application .
2. Leave the mechanical loads uncoupled from the motor shafts. Reconnect aU missing power
connections or r~place fuses.
It is important that the Emergency Stop circuit is functional for the following steps.
3. Apply single phase power to the system and advance it to communication phase 4. Make sure
the drive enable is turned off for all the axes.
4. Energize the main 3-phase power contactor. "Ab" should appear on the display. The bus
voltage should now be between 275VDC and 345VDC for a TVM power supply or at 320
VDC for the TVD power supply with a regulated bus.
5 , Enable the drive in the control unit. The drive should come up with torque and the brake
should be released. At this point it is not possible to move the axis since the IDN's S-0-0049
and S-O-0050 position limits are set to "0", 1fa11 diagnostics are normal, proceed to set small
values to these position limit parameters.
6. Begin to jog the axis slowly to detenrune the direction of motion. Once the direction is
determined, (positive or negative), set aU scaling parameters appropriately.
7. Once all the drives are operating normally, set the position limits to their desired location and
perfonn a homing of all the axes.
5 .2.4. Homing
When the axes are first switched on and they have no absolute position orientation, the axes
position measuring systems must be aligned so that they have a relationship to a known machine
position before normal measuring operations takes place. These alignments take place during the
Homing Procedure.
• The operation of the homing procedure is shown in Figure 5.2 Homing Procedure using the
Motor Feedback, with position measurements done via the motor encoder. Figure 5.3 Homing
Procedure using an E>.1emal Feedback, again shows homing, except with position measurement
done by an external linear encoder or rotational encoder mounted directly on the slide.
The order of events is discernible from these figures.
Home Switch
Encoder Marker
0' ~_------lJf
Velocity of
the Drive
Machine Zero
Point 0
Direction of Motion
of the Axis
Position Feedback 1
Reference Distance
Reference Offset 1
ION 5-0-0150
ION S-()..OO52
Home Switch
Encoder Marker
- - - - -f r - - - ]
: Position Encoder 2
v : Reference Mark
Velocity of
the Drive
Machine Zero
./ ,, ' - /
Point 0
Direction of Motion
of the Axis
- :,,
• Before actually homing, the home switch testing function should be perfonned.
Figure 5.2 Homing Procedure using the Motor Feedback - By "incrementally" measuring position
from the motor encoder
Figure 5.3 Homing Procedure using an External Feedback - By "incrementally" measuring position
from an external encoder mounted at the load w ith evaluation of the home switch
The Homing Velocity is the velocity which the motor will operate at during drive controUed
The Homing Acceleration is the acceleration which the motor will operate at during drive
controlled homing.
This parameter defines the setup for t he drive controlled homing procedure.
This parameter contains the distance between the Position Feedback 1 - Reference Distance, (IDN
S-0-0052), and the home position as determined by the respective marker pulse of position
feedback 1.
This parameter contains-the distance between the Position Feedback 2 - Reference Distance, (IDN
8-0-0054), and the home position as determined by the respectiv~ marker pulse of position
feedback 2.
This parameter contains the distance from the machine zero point to a fixed reference point as
measured by position feedback 1, (motor encoder).
This parameter contains the distance from the machine zero point to a fixed reference point as
measured by position feedback 2, (external encoder).
When the Master sets and enables this command, the drive automaticaUy starts a drive internal
position control and accelerates to the homing velocity, (ION S-0-0041), with an acceleration
defined by the homing acceleration parameter, (IDN S-0-0042). The drive resets the bit "Position
Feedback Status", (ION S-0-0403). AIl changes withi n the cyclic command, (e.g., velocity
command value), are ignored by the drive while the procedure is active.
Once the home switch has been activated, the drive decelerates, (at a rate defined by ION S-O-
0042), and stops on the following marker pulse. The drive then sets bit "Position Feedback
Status". (IDN S-0-0403).
The control unit reads the position command value of the drive, (IDN S-0-0047), via the service
channel, and sets its own position command value to the same value. Once this is complete, the
procedure command is canceled by the control unit, and the drive once again follows the cyclic
command values sent by the control unit.
This parameter is used to assign an ID Number to the home switch . Bit 0 reflects the state of the
home switch.
During Drive Controlled Homing, the home switch is evaluated by the drive. An optimal location .
exists from the relative position where the home switch signals to the marker pulse of the motor
encoder. In order to facilitate in the adjustment during the first start-up. the distance from the
home switch dog to the ideal point can be displayed with this parameter. The value is dependent
on the programmed position scaling type, (see S-0-0076), and is displayed in [mml or [').
This section describes the diagnostics which appear on the 2 digit, 7-segment display, (Hl) on the
front face of the DDS 2.1. This display shows normal operating diagnostics as well as error
'- '..,
L' L, Operati on Ready
Drive Ready
Control voltage and main power are present, (DC bus voltage is present). Drive is ready to be
"'- Drive Enabled
Drive has all power up and has been enabled. The drive will follow a commanded input over
SERCOS or the analog input, depending on the drives configuration.
The drive will stop the motor with its maximum available torque, (or the torque selected by the
current reduction via the RS232 interface, see section 3.11 Torque (Current) Reduction.. The drive
will then maintain zero velocity, ignoring the commanded input, and remain in a closed velocity loop.
This is only applicable when using the analog interface configuration.
Safety Interlock
The power section of the drive is disabled when the AS input is activated. This allows select
individual axes to be shut down while all other axes remain active. See page 4-4 for more details.
OJ Watchdog
Possible Causes:
Possible Solutions:
1. Insert missingDSM module in t he U5 slot on the front of the DDS, or exchange the module nit
is defective.
2. Exchange the drive if the software module is OK.
1 1-' Communicatio n Phase 0
The SERCOS Communication is in Phase D, which means that the Master is attempting to close or
has not yet closed the ring. The Master sends out a stream ofMST's, and detennines that the ring is
closed after it sees 10 consecutive MST's come back off the ring.
Possible Causes:
Possible Solutions:
, I
Communication Phase 1
When the SERCOS Ring is in Phase 1, it is checking the addresses and the physical configuration of
the ring.
Possible Causes:
Possible Solutions:
L Communication Phase 2
When the SERCOS Ring is in Phase 2, the master is testing and obtaining information for the
corrununication timing parameters and it configures the system to run in its nonnal operation mode.
These timing parameters are required in order to progress to Conunurucation Phase 3. The Master
may also stay in this phase to do any other parameterization, and thi s is sometimes called parameter
mode. All conununications done in this phase take place over the service channel and only one drive
is communicated to at one time.
Possible Causes:
Possible Solutions:
Communication Phase 3
In Communication Phase 3, the Master must load all remaining parameter data for the drive to run in
normal operation mode. This parameter data is typically application specific, (i.e. telegram type,
velocity scaling, position scaling, etc.) There are certain parameters which must be correct in order to
proceed to Communication Phase 4. In this phase, all communication parameters are correct and
working, and aU drives on the ring are communicated with every cycle.
Possible Causes:
1. System is in Parameter.Mode.
2. Master is still processing application parameters.
3. One of the drives has invalid or incomplete application parameters.
Possible Solutions:
~ MST Failure
The Master Synchronization Telegram was missing in two consecutive SERCOS cycles.
Possible Causes:
1. Optical losses in the cable are too high. (Cable possibly too long).
2. Fault occurred in the control unit.
3. Noise in the fiber optics.
4. Noise within the SERCOS Interrace.
Possible Solutions:
MDT Failure
The Master Data Telegram was missing in two consecutive SERCOS cycles",
Possible Causes:
I. Optical losses in the cable are too high. (Cable possibly too long).
2. Fault occurred in the control unit .
3. Noise in the fiber optics.
4. Noise within the SERCOS Interrace.
Possible Solutions:
L' :::, Invalid Communication Phase
Possible Causes:
Possible Solutions:
L' -; Error Advancing Communication Phases
The prescribed sequence has not been followed in the advancing of the communication phases.
Possible Causes:
Possible Solutions:
L' :::, Error Descending Communication Phases
The prescribed sequence has not been followed in the descent of the communication phases.
Possible. Causes:
Possible Solutions:
L' Col Communication Phase Switched without Ready Message
The SERCOS Master attempted to switch communication phases without waiting for the ready signal
from the drive.
Possible Causes:
Possible Solutions:
L' , Switched to a Non-Initialized Operation Mode
Possible Solutions:
• Torque Regulation
• Velocity Regulation
• Position Regulation with Feedback I, (Motor Feedback)
• Position Regulation with Feedback 2, (External Feedback)
• Position Regulation with Feedback 1 without following error.
• Position Regulation with Feedback 2 without following error.
• Single Axis M ove with following error.
• Single Axis Move without following error.
- Amplifier Over Temperature Shutdown
The power stage section afthe drive has reached an excessively high temperature. This over
temperature condition has followed diagnostic "50", Amplifier Over Temperature Warning which was
present for more than 30 seconds. The drive immediately goes to a velocity of zero when this error
Possible Causes;
Possible Solutions:
/ 0
I _,
1 1 1 Motor Over Temperature Shutdown
The motor has reached an excessively high temperature. This over temperature condition has
followed diagnostic "51 ", Motor Over Temperature Warning in the drive, which was present for more
-than 30 seconds. The drive immediately goes into a shutdown mode according to parameter p-o-
0007, Error Reaction when this error occurs.
Possible Causes:
Possible Solutions:
The motor feedback signals are monitored by the drive. If these signals are outside of their
tolerances, this error message occurs and the power supply is switched off.
Possible Causes:
Possible Solutions:
C -, Over Current
One of the three phase currents has a value larger than 1.5 times the drives rated current.
Possible Solutions:
C:J Over Voltage
The DC bus voltage has exceeded its maximum value, (Vbus> 475 VDC). The drive has disabled the
torque on the motor in order to prevent damage to its power stage.
Possible Causes:
1, The energy being regenerated by a spindle motor on the same power supply may be too great.
2. The regeneration capabilities of the power supply may have been exceeded, resulting in damage to
the power supply.
Possible Solutions:
C CI Under voltage
DC bus voltage has dropped below 200 V while the drive was enabled.
Possible Causes:
Possible Solutions:
I . Check the logic in the power down sequence of the drive. The drive should be disabled before the
main power, (3 phase), is brought down. If this error occurs due to the power down sequence, it
may be cleared by bringing up main power and recycling the drive enable. (Drive enable must be
offwnen reapplying power. Once power is up, drive may be enabled again .)
2. Check the power supply and replace ifnecessary.
C C, Excessive Deviation
The drive is unable to follow the last commanded value and reacts according to the selected error
reaction mode.
Possible Causes:
Possible Solutions:
1. Check parameter S-0-0092, Bipolar Torque Limit Value, and set this value to its maximum
pennissible value which the application will allow.
2. Reduce the acceleration of the control unit.
3. Check mechanics and remove axis coupling.
4. Check drive gain parameters.
5. Check the Monitoring Window. lDN S-0-0159.
::.; '-' Software Over Travel Limit Exceeded, Shutdown
Possible Causes:
I. The drive has been commanded a value outside the traverse range of the axis.
Possible Solutions:
.:Ie Procedure Command Execution Error
Error conditions which occur during the execution of a procedure command are indicated by a
collective diagnostic on the HI display, (blinking 32). The details of the error may be found inIDN
S·0-0095, Diagnostic.
Different optional plug in modules may require an external supply for the on board inputs and
outputs. If the required supply voltage lies outside of the pennissible range, this error will be
Possible Solutions:
Check the external supply voltage. Voltage amplitudes and tolerances can be found in Appendix A
The conunurucation between the drive processor and the SERCOS Interface module is distorted.
'Possible Solutions:
The relative position of the home switch in relation to the marker pulse of the motor encoder is
outside the permissible range.
Possible Solutions:
Parameter P~O-0020 contains the distance in which the home switch is currently positioned from its
optimal position. Move the home dog by this distance. (See Figure 6.1 Positioning oflhe Home Switch.)
I Pennissilill RIRg'
When a drive operates in closed position loop mode, the position command values are monitored . If
the velocity derived by two successive position commands will exceed the value in the Bipolar
Velocity Limit Value, IDN S-O-0091 , this error will occur. The excessive position command value
will then be stored in IDN P-O-OO to. The last valid position command value will be stored in IDN p.
0-001 L
(Another cause of thi s problem may be that the gear ratio is larger than 2047:1).
Possible Solutions:
1. Compare the Bipolar Velocity Limit Value (ION S-O-009 1) with the maximum programmed
velocity value and adjust if necessary.
::., CI Absolute Encoder Power Interrupted
(Only for drive configurationsRA02 and RS02 for MDD" 041)
Possible Causes:
Possible Solutions:
For new installations of an axis or after a power failure of the motor feedback, the drive looses its
absolute position measurement (or reference).
Possible Solutions:
Possible Solutions:
1. Exchange interface.
During the high resolution evaluation of the external position measuring system, analog signals are
used. If the amplitude ofthese signals goes below an allowable limit value, this error message is
displayed .
Possible Solutions:
-, --,
II ,
Invalid Feedback Data - Communication Phase 2
In cyclic operation (Communication Phase 4), a motor encoder error, error 22, was encountered.
This error is generated after the error in Phase 4 is cleared.
Possible Causes:
Possible Solutions:
Possible Causes:
I. The drive has been commanded a value outside the traverse range of the axis limit switch.
Possible Solutions:
A hardware error on the intert'ace module is known by the connections of the external position
Possible Causes:
Possible Solutions:
The interface module in which the external feedback is connected to can only operate up to a set
maximum frequency. This error is displayed when this maximum frequency has been exceeded
Possible Solutions:
I. Reduce velocity
Possible Causes:
Possible Solutions:
'-' Absolute Encoder Battery Under voltage
The battery voltage of the absolute encoder interface module, (OPF 1.1), has fallen below its
minimum value. It can still operate normally for approximately one week from the time the low
voltage condition exists.
Possible Solutions:
~ L' Amplifier Over Temperature Warning
The heat sink in the drive has reached is maximum allowable temperature. The drive will continue to
follow its commanded values for a period of 30 seconds. This allows the control unit to complete the
machine cycle or go through a controll ed shutdown. After 30 seconds, the drive goes into a
shutdown mode according to parameter P-O-0007, Error Reaction.
Possible Causes:
Possible Solutions:
ld.L!J Motor Over Temperature Warning
The motor has a thermal resistor built into the windings so that when the motors maximum operating
temperature is exceeded, the DDS 2.1 is notified by a change in the resistor. When this motor over
temperature condition occurs, the DDS 2.1 will continue to follow the conunanded values for 30
seconds after which time a motor over temperature shutdown will occur. This allows t he drive to
bring the motor to a controlled stop if a motor over temperature condition occurs. After 30 seconds,
the drive goes into a shutdown mode according to parameter P-O-0007, Error Reaction.
Possible Causes:
I. The motor is overloaded, The motor has run in a high torque condition for too long and has
exceeded the allowable nominal torque rating.
Possible Solutions:
0,-, '" Bridge Fuse
The current in the power transistor bridge has exceeded the drives peak current by twice its rated
value , When this occurs, the drive immediately switches off motor torque.
Possible Causes:
Possible Solutions:
IQL!J Earth Ground Connection
The sum of the phase currents is monitored. In normal operation, the sum total of the currents should
be ",,0. If the sum of the currents is greater than 0.25 x lnom, this fault is encountered.
Possible Causes:
Possible Solutions:
1. Check motor cable and motor for an earth ground short and replace if necessary.
Possible Causes:
1. The pulse width modulator of the drive is synchronized with the SERCOS Master
Synchronization Telegram via a phase control circuit. The exact synchronization is monitored and
if synchronization is lost, this error message is displayed .
Possible Solutions:
,- "
DCI Brake Fault
In an.MOD motor with a mechanical brake, the drive controls the activation of the brake. In addition
the brake current is monitored. If the brake current lies outside of the pennissible' range, this error
will occur.
Possible Causes:
1. The power supply voltage for the brake is not properly connected or is outside it tolerance values,
2. An open exists in the motor power cable or there is a bad connection, (leads reversed?) .
3. Brake is defective.
4. Drive is defective.
Possible Solutions:
,- n
CI=' ±15 Volt Error
The drive internally monitors the ±15 V supply voltage for any distortion.
Possible Causes:
Possible Solutions:
1. Check the control voltage ribbon cable and the Xl connector on the drive. Make sure there are
no broken pins in this connector. Replace the ribbon cable if necessary.
2. Check the power supply module. Replace if necessary .
The drive internally monitors the +24 V supply voltage for any distortion.
Possible Causes:
Possible Solutions:
1. Check the control voltage ribbon cable and the X l connector on the drive. Make sure there are
no broken pins in this connector. Replace the ribbon cable if necessary.
2. Check possible external loading of24V or possible shorting of wires.
3. Check the power supply module. Replace ifnecessary.
L...!L!J +10 Volt Error
Possible Causes:
1. Defective drive.
Possible Solutions:
1. Replace drive.
11- +8 Volt Error
Possible Causes:
Possible Solutions:
1'1-' 1
I -,
Driver Stage Power Supply Fault
Possible Causes:
1. Defective drive.
Possible Solutions:
I. Replace drive.
II-'- Absolute Encoder Error
The last absolute position before power down does not correspond to the current position.
Possible Causes:
I. The feedback position is stored when powering down a DDS with an MDD and multitum
encoder. When the system is again powered up, the absolute position given by the encoder is
compared with the value which is stored. This occurs during Communication Phase 4 Transition
Check. If the deviation between values is larger than the value in the Absolute Encoder
Morutoring Window, IDN P~O ~0097 , this error will occur. This error can be reset.
1 '1 Program RAM is Defective
The memory components in the drive are tested upon drive initialization. If the test fails due to a
faulty component, this error occurs.
Possible Causes:
Possible Solutions:
1. Replace drive.
CIC Data RAM is Defective
The memory components in the drive are tested upon drive initialization. li the test fails due to a
faulty component, this error occurs.
Possible Causes:
1. Defective drive.
Possible Solutions:
1. Replace drive.
CI ::'1 Error Reading Amplifier Data
During drive initialization, the operation data is pulled from an EEPROM and placed into the drives
working memory. ffthe access to this EEPROM fai ls. this error occurs.
Possible Causes:
Defective drive.
Possible Solutions:
Replace drive.
L. '-'I Invalid Amplifier Data
Possible Causes:
1. Defective drive.
Possible Solutions:
1. Replace drive.
CI::.t Error Writing Amplifier Data
An error occurred during the loading of data to the drives internal EEPROM.
Possible Causes:
1. Defective drive.
Possible Solutions:
1. Replace drive.
0 Cannot Write to Parameter Memory
Possible Causes:
Possible Solutions:
I " Save the drive parameters, exchange the program module and load the parameters into the new
0, Data of the Parameter Memory is Invalid
During initialization of the drive it was found that one or more parameters in the software module are
Possible Causes:
Possible Solutions:
1. SERCOS Interface:
Write valid data to invalid parameters .
2. Analog Interface:
Start the w~er interface, (via the RS232), and look at every sub-menu under "Parameters" Inva1id
parameters are indicated by a value = ***. Enter the valid data where this value exists.
3. Exchange software module if necessary.
" ,.,
DO Error Reading Motor Data
All motor data is stored in the feedback of the motor, An error occurred while reading this data.
Possible Causes:
Possible Solutions:
Possible Causes:
Possible Solutions:
1. Exchange motor.
- '-' Error Writing Motor Data
Possible Causes:
Possible Solutions:
Possible Causes:
Possible Solutions:
The reference position parameter and/or the count direction in the menu" Absolute Encoder
Parameters" of the RS232 interface in an analog DDS configuration cannot be read.
Possible Causes:
Possible Solutions:
The following diagnostics are for SERCOS specifically and have 3 digit error codes which are 200
and 300 level codes. Since these codes have 3 digits they cannot be displayed on the 2 digit 7-
segment display or the DDS 2.1, (HI display). When a 3 digit error occurs, a blinking 32 diagnostic
is seen on the HI display, which signifies that IDN 5-0-0095 must be read to see the actual
diagnostic. In most cases, this is already done automatically by the control unit which will display the
full diagnostic text on its screen or display.
A check sum exists for every parameter and is stored in the program module. During drive
initialization, as the parameters are read, the drive calculates and compares the checksums to
those stored in the program modules. If these calculated checksums do not correspond with the
stored values, this error condition occurs.
Possible Causes:
1. A hardware fault exists in the program module of the drive or in the drive itself
Possible Solutions:
1. Save the drive parameters, exchange the program module and load the parameters into the
new module.
The parameters stored in the program module are not all valid .
Possible Causes:
1. The inserted program module has not yet been completely programmed with parameter
2. The parameter sets have been entered completely, but there is still invalid data for one or more
parameters. IDN's S-0-0021 and 5-0-0022 contain a list ofID numbers of the operation data
which was considered invalid by the drive during communication phases 2 and 3 respectively.
Possible Solutions:
1. Check the ID number lists for invalid data and make corrections as necessary.
Possible Causes:
Possible Solutions:
The telegram type entered in IDN 5-0-0015 does not correspond with the SERCOS Interface
Possible Causes:
Possible Solutions:
The Master attempted to load a value for 5-0-0006, AT Transmission Starting Time, tl, w hich
was smaller than t lmin, IDN S-O-0003 .
Possible Solutions:
1. The Master control must load all timing parameters in accordance with the SERCOS Interface
specification. Check documentation for control unit or contact manufacturer.
The Master attempted to load a value for S-0-0089, MDT Transmit Starting Time, t2. which was
too large.
Possible Solutions:
1. The Master control must load all timing parameters in accordance with the SERCOS Interface
specification. Check documentation for control unit or contact manufacturer.
The Master attempted to load a value for 5-0-0010, Length of MDT, which was too large.
Possible Solutions:
1. The Master control must load all timing parameters in accordance with the SERCOS Interface _
specification. Check documentation for control unit or contact manufacturer.
The Master attempted to load a value for 8-0-0006, AT Transmission Starting Time, tt. which
was too large.
Possible Solutions:
1. The Master control must load all timing parameters in accordance with the SERCOS Interface
specification. Check documentation for control unit or contact manufacturer.
The Master attempted to load a value for S-0-0007, Feedback Acquisition Starting Time, t4,
which was too large.
Possible Solutions:
I. The Master control must load all timing parameters in accordance with the SERCOS Interface
specification. Check documentation for control unit or contact manufacturer.
The Master attempted to load a value for S-0-0008, Command Valid Time, t3 . which was too
Possible SoJutions:
I. The Master control must load alI timing parameters in accordance with the SERCOS Interface
specification. Check documentation for control unit or contact manufacturer.
The Master attempted to load a value for S-0·0009, Beginning Address in MDT, whieh was too
Possible Solutions:
I. The Master control must load certain initialization parameters in accordance with the
SERCOS Interface specification. Check documentation for control unit or contact
An invalid value exists for the SERCOS Cycle Time, (tS cye), IDN S-0·0002.
Possible Solutions:
1. The cycle times for the DDS 2.] are limited to integer multiples of Imsec. Enter an
acceptable value which is allowed by the control unit and which is in accordance with the
DDS 2.1 limitations.
The telegram type which was selected in IDN 5-0-0015 is not supported by the DDS 2.1 .
The data contained in the parameter "Length of the :MDT", ION S-0-0009, is invalid.
Possible Solutions:
The position of the motor encoder is calculated during the initialization process of the drive. If an
error occurs during this calculation, this error message is produced.
Possible Solutions:
1. Check the motor feedback cable and replace ifnecessary. If the motor feedback cable is OK.
check the motor feedback and replace if necessary.
When trying to execute the procedure command "Set Absolute Measuring", IDN P-O-OOI2, the
drive did not find an absolute encoder on the motor.
Possible Solutions:
1, Exchange the motor with one that has an absolute feedback mounted..
An error occurred during the execution of the procedure corrunand "Drive Into Positive Stop",
IDN 5-0-0149. This will cause the drive to shut itself down.
For a motor with an absolute feedback, the command "Drive Controlled Homing Procedure" is
not necessary. The drive may also not have its reference distance set.
Possible Solutions:
1. Manually jog the axis to a known reference position. Enter the desired position value in the
parameter IlPosition Feedback 1 - Reference Distance", ION 5-0-0052.
The axis has not been homed after powering up the system, or in the case of an absolute feedback,
the initial homing has not taken place yet, (on the first startup).
Possible Solutions:
1. Manually jog the axis to a known reference position. E nter the desired position value in the
parameter "Position Feedback 1 - R eference Distance", IDN S-O-OOS2.
303 Position Loop Regulation with Feedback 1 (Motor Encoder), without Lag
305 Position Loop Regulation with Feedback 2 (External Encoder), without Lag
323 Procedure Command "Drive into Positive Stop", IDN S-0-0149, is Active
6.3. Status Display during Drive Initialization with the SERCOS Interface
When the DDS 2.1 drive is first started up, it goes through an initialization process which sets
parameters and the memory for normal operation. The fo ll owing diagnostics describe the process
steps as they occur.
1- 121 Drive checks the DSM parameter memory and resets if necessary
(For new DSMModules, this status is displayed for about 15 sec)
L.Ql Load Program (EPROM to RAM)
L.Ql Hardware Initialization
L.l.!J Software Initialization (Oscilloscope Function, Feedback Code
The DSS 1.1 SERCOS Interface Module, which is plugged into the first card slot of the DDS 2. 1,
(slot VI), has a 1 digit 7-segment diagnostic display. This display gives additional information
regarding the SERCOS conununication status.
The drive is in Communication Phase 0, yet it has not received any MST's
Possible Solution:
Make sure the fiber optic ring is closed with all fiber optic connections.
~ Communication Phase 0
The switching from Corrununication Phase 0 to J has not yet been initiated by the master.
Possible Solution:
Communication Phase 1
The switching from Communication Phase 1 to 2 has not yet been initiated by the master.
Possible Solution:
IQ Communication Phase 2
Before the control unit switches to Communication Phase 3, it checks that all the timing
parameters are correct to insure that the system may operate correctly with the full timing
structure in place. This diagnostic informs the user that Phase 2 Parameterization is not yet
complete or correct
Possible Solution:
Check the List of Invalid ID Numbers for Communication Phase 2, IDN S-0-0021 , for all
invalid ID numbers.
Communication Phase 3
Before the control unit switches to Communication Phase 4, it checks that all ,t he application
parameters are correct to insure that the system may operate correctly in its normal operation
modes. This diagnostic informs the user that Phase 3 Parameterization is not yet complete or
Possible Solution:
Communication Phase 4
Hardware Error
Possible Solutions:
MST Failure
The Master Synchronization Telegram was missing in two consecutive SERCOS cycles. This
is monitored during Conununication Phases 3 and 4.
Possible Causes:
I . Optical losses in the cable are too high. (Cable possibly too long).
2. Fault occurred in the control unit.
3. Noise in the fiber optics.
4 .. Noise within the SERCOS Interface.
Possible Solutions:
MDT Failure
The Master Data Telegram was missing in two consecutive SERCOS cycles. This is
monitored during Communication Phases 3 and 4.
Possible Causes:
1. Optical losses in the cable are too higb . (Cable possibly too long) .
2. Fault occurred in the control unit.
3. Noise in the fiber optics.
4. Noise within the SERCOS Interface.
Possible Solutions:
[QJ or LJJ SERCOS Interface Module in Test Mode
Possible Solutions:
~ Invalid Communication Phase
Possible Causes:
Possible Solutions:
The prescribed sequence has not been followed in the advancing of the communication phases.
Possible Causes:
Possible Solutions:
The prescribed sequence has not been followed in the descent of the communication phases.
Possible Causes:
Possible Solutions:
6.5. RS232 User Interface Diagnostics ·for the DDS 2.1 with Analog Interface
This is a summary of the diagnostics which appear on the VT- IOO tenninal when communication to
an analog drive via the RS-232 interface.
Possible Solutions:
1. Try writing to the parameter again. [fthe error message appears again, replace the DSM Module.
Ll.!J Configuring RS232 User Interface - Language Selection
Position Initialization
- ......'"'"
1:1 ~
Operalion Ready
C""""""",llion Phase I rn
AbmIUle Encoder Boller)' U~ Vol~
SERCOS In'ti.liw;M
CommWliaolion PIl:uc 1 !ill
MOIO! Over TempenlUl'<: Wam,ng
Dlta RAAI Tal
CommWl;';"1on Pbax" Bridal: Fill.
m MSTF. ih.1JC \ill EMth Grolmd c_ion rn
Wailing (Of P1.L lock
3: ru
Invalid Comm<Ulic.ltiOlll'has~
Brake Foul!
SyndvvniUlion Flllli ttl
'....,d"'.." InitilliuC_
RQd Pawnc,..... frvm DSM Module
Z m
EITOf Advlnci"l CommWlicolion Phuu IW
:I H Vah E;nu
~Id Amplifier PM.uncl.,.,.
Eoror Des=.dinl Communication Phtsa:
Switched \0' Non·lniti.lized Op"."on "'lode +8 VoltE ......
m rn
Amplifier Ow.",e Shuldown
M()!or Enoode. E/\'Or
DvcrCWrenl WI
0.11 RAM is Oerecl i~
Conununicalion Phf,oc I
0"", Voltaj:c Invalid Amplifier 0.1..1
~ Communi ...tion I'IIase 1
~ Under Vol. ~ EITOf Wril,,,, Amplir,c. Chta I] Comrnun;"'tion Pilaf<: 3
l'lBI Exussivc o.vialion 100 Ponme\er Memory is not Writable
avcm.vd Limit liIt«cdcd. Shul<.!own m 0..\11 m lhe Ponmcle, McmurylJ InvaUd
Comm .... iC3lion I'hO!c 4
Hardware Enot
~. Command Execution F.rror 100 EnOl flcMl..,. Mol« o.u..
IDI MST Fail",.( Aft ... Pho$o.l)
[ll 1M
El<t<t"NI Puwtt SLlpply E...... Mot.... 0..1..1 hw"lid
IbI MDT Flil",e ( PhDc 1)
lnlem.l SoIlWllt Synclvooil.l.lion EIr.... W £"0' Wrilirc Motor Dill
!aloc ~ SHRCDS InlerflceModule in Tal Mode
GI5I Ii] [n
1 ~1
HOrTlc Switch Pll5ilion Enor Coni",guSIlion Error
::l IX! In,,"lid ComnllUliulion Ph""
Ex..,."...., Po!.,lion Commind V.I ... D'fT.~r>< ..
[l E...... Adv_i", Communitllion !'hun
Absolule En<ocIer R.r••cncc lost
8l.l SBRCOS Inlm\lpl 'estl
Absolule Enco<kr In!~ rfr.c:c Defccti".
rn R.c.eI daL.l RM!
CA UTI ON: Drawings in this Appendix are included jor illustraIive purposes only and are subject to change without
notice. Check with lndramai to be sure you are working with the latest drawings prior 10 installing. wiring and
powering equipment.
IAE 74795
Oc:!l@)rnl&t:8:l&i( DDS 2.1
Ipeak I A r-
ODS 2.1-W cooled with internal heatsink
100 \
~ \
\ ~
\ \
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Icont I A
Ipeak J A ,
DDS 2.1 ·KCooled with Forced Blown Air
100 \
1\ \
\ \
\ \
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 l t~ 120 Icont J A
Description Symbol Units DDS 2.1- DDS 2.1- DDS 2.1- DDS 2.1- DDS 2.1- DDS 2.J-
FOJS-D F02S-D F050-D nOO-D FI50-D F200-D
Ipeak / A
DDS 2. J.F Fluid Cooled Drive
Min. Max.
I Suppl ,U c _V_ _18 32
rnA 100
Tx I Max dBMI(jJW)
power at a high PSmW{ ·5 .5/ (280) -3 .5/ (450)
, of the
diode: Peak Wavelength - AP nm 640 - 675 nm (DOC - 55°C)
I <'0" -/;'- 530 ' ( ?<Or,
I Max R~~:~~~~~:
atalow PRo .....
-31.21 (0.75)
as per DIN
DlN~O 040 Class F
Genera! %
75% ,
+U , ......----1 " DC ~."'N"---"t
rEl ... A I
i :::
o, . '-----~--+-~"----~--,
I,---_. __ ._"-..,. ov M,
•.... '
, ....
ReceiVe, Circuit of Input Side
nL Rectangular Waveform
liS the motor turn. clockwb.
when viewing the motor from
the s heft side
2OKIO.1 ~
fRF• .IIH. ' .... '
""'" uv ,"""'
.u, LI_ _ _ __
",, = ",, =,
S. 2 W
"', ,
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OV ~-
___..,__. _.___
OV , - ~= ,
+ u, L _-.....___ ._____ ._. _ _ _ _ _ -£>1-_,
DEF 1.1 IncrementaJ Encoder Input Card for DDS 2.1 - Technical Specifications
Input Signals
General as
--~ _ +.
1 ' --,I
1- II
----::~:;tf, I ,
11 • r---~
Channel It
DEF 2.1 IncrementaJ Encoder Iuput Card for DDS 2.1 - TechnicaJ Specifications
- ---=:;;:::::;H,
n •
"' e-
I -
- - -
j j I
Channel K
DLF 1.1 L inear Encoder Input Card for DDS 2.1 - Technical Specifications
-~,3· ; ~v~P
__7 !
MaI'lOIIop P IS -----1.______~.~,j_------.Jr---
P....... IO;ruo
m·l ... ... .. ,
In a situation where the supply voltage goes under SV for over 100 usee, falsely encoded information can be
transmitted. The Power Failure Bit (PFB) identifies this error. In tbe case of a supply shutdowo, a comparator will
set tbe PFB bit in the serial information to a logic - ' ".
"'~'"' ~
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IAE 74795
DDS 2.1
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IAE 74795
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IAE 74795
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IN 108
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CDN T l~US CABLE BEND AlJ)lU$ ... 201 •• (7. 87 ' j
ONE TIME BEND RADIUS " l2e.... ( • • 72 ' 1
C'&'Sl( OUT[II DUI1ETER. 16•• II.U'X +/ · l.e.. J
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CABLE: 4 x2.50mml~2x(2xl.S0 mm l I
IIIRE fill 90111111 (3.5') II IR E GAN/YEL" 90 II .. (3.")
II IRE .2 " 120 111111 14.75') III RE S jjS,JJ6.tH.IIIB. "' lSe.1I tS")
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CABLE: 4x10mm2+ (2x2xl.50mm2 )
IIIRE ill 90/1111 [ 3 . :S") IIIRE GRN/YEL" 90 lam 13.5")
IIIRE * 2 .. 120 mm (4.75· I VIRES "' S . M5.~7 .• e. ~ 150 mm I S· I
IIIRE 11'3 .. .L50 mill {S" I SHIE LD" 1:10 m'" (S " I
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I/</sEAl PUoi J
2 3 4 1 1.
l • LENGTH AVAlU,9lE •
~DtlntlUDUS C./..SL£ IlEND RADIUS. 399.., ! 15.35· 1
ONE TIME BEND RADIUS" 220.. ~ (g. ~S ·1
CABLE OUTER DUf1ET£R" 2 _ 1 1 .92-)1 " '-1.911.]
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IIIRE 111 1 .. 9" mm (3.5")
.... IRE . 2 .. 12" mill (".7:5" I
IIIRE GRN/YEL .. 90 mm (3,S " )
WIRES NS.IHi.1f7.lIIe. = lSe ram (5 " )
I/lRE 113 .. 1:1"0 IIIII' (6" I SHIELD" 150 mm (6 " I
REVISED PER E.t . D. ... _ C.I1. 9lae12-'~ 2"-IlIl"S .... ~Bill-1l8l1~U
WOOD DALE. IL. 209 0 / ~6~A
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MUlL Of 'N '13" l~ PIN N.l!..E
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IIEPIIIMft PIIO NIIIJ [[) , Thll "",cu .. ,IIl to, cu ..o ...... un , 110' to '"' co"'G 0. _,N. R. ' . ..nn cop"'gM .......
Drive Type I
VenioD Number
Cooling Type
Warm Type = W
Forced Air Type = K
Fluid Cooled"" F
Rated Current
Configuration Type
DS = SERCOS wlDSF Feedback
DA= Analog wI nSF Feedback
RS:: SERCOS wlRe.solver Feedback
RA= Analog wI Resolvei'" Feedback
Card TYpes
DAA 1.1 • Analog Interface Card w/Absolute Encoder Emulator
DAE 1.1- Analog Interface Card w/lncremental EUl:oder Emulator
DSS 1.1 - SERCOS Interface Card
DEF 1.1- External Digital Encoderloput Card
DEF 2.1 - Second El:ternal Digital Encoder Input Card
DLF 1.1 - EJ:ternal Analog (Linear) Feedback IDput Card
DRA 4.1 - Digital [fa Card
DRA 5.1 - SecondDigital [10 Card
DEA 6.1- Third Digital 110 Card
Motor Type
Frame Size
Motor Length
Power Connector Size
Normal =N
Nominal Speed
10,000 rpm "" 100
Normal (Sta ndard)::: N
Reduced Vibration:: R
Motor Structure
Without Stuhsbaft (Standard) - 2
With Stubsbaft "" 5
Feedback Type
RC50lver Feedback (Standard) "" G
Resolver with Absolute Function Feedback = K
Pilot Diameter
032 mm =032
Shaft Configuration
Smooth Shaft '" G
Power Connector
Without Brake:: 0
Special Options
Motor Type
Frame Size
Motor Length
A. B,C
Power Connector Size
No rmal =N
Nominal Speed
10,000 rpm:: 100
No rm al (Stabdud) ·N
Red uced Vibration ·R
Motor Structure
Without Srubsbaft (Standard) = 2
Witb Stubs haft = 5
Feedback Type
Resolver Feedback (Standa r d) :: G
Resolyer with Absol ute FUDction Feedback= K
Pilot Diameter
040 mm= 040
Shaft Configuration
Smooth Shaft = G
Power Connector
A side:::: A
Left Side (Looking a t tbe motor sha ft) = L
Right Side (Looking at the mOlo r shaft) = R
W ithout Brake"" 0
Witb 1.0 NM Brake = 1
Special Options
Motor Type
Frame Size
Motor Length
A, B, C
Power Connector Size
Normal =N
Nominal Speed
10,000 rpm '" 100
Normal (Standard) =N
Reduced Vibration =R
Motor Structure
Without Stubs haft (Standard)::: 2
Witb Stubsbaft:: 5
F~b a ck T}'pC
Resolver Feedback (Standard) :: G
Resolver with Absal ute Function Feedback = K
Pilot Diameter
050 mm ::: 050
Sbaft Configuration
Smooth Shaft = G
Keyway." P
Power Connector
Left Side (Looking a t the motor shaft) = L
Right Side (Looking at the motor shaft) = R
Without Brnke = 0
With 1.0 NM Brake:: 1
Special Options
Motor Length
Power CODnector Size
Nominal Speed
4000 rpm "" 040
6000 rpm "" 060
Normal (Standard) -N
Reduced Vibration -R
Motor Structu re
Without Stubsbaft (Standard) '" 2
Witb Stubsbaft "" 5
Feedback Type
nSF (Standard) z: L
Multitum Absolute - M
Pilot Diameter
095 moo "" 095
Shaft Configuration
Smooth Sbaft '" G
Power Connector
A side:; A
B !ide;z B
Left Side (Looking at tbe motor shaft) = L
Right Side (Looking al the motor sbaft) = R
Witbout Brake::: 0
W ith 3.0 NM Brake =1
Special Options
Motor Type
Frame Size
Motor Length
A, B,C
Power Connector Size
Nonnal - N
Nominal Speed
3000 rpm " 030
4000 rpm - 040
6000 rpm '" 060
Nonna l (Standard) - N
Reduced Vibration- R
Motor Structure
Without Srubshaft (S talldard) '* :Z
With Stubshaft - 5
Feedback Type
osr (Standllrd) - L
Multiturn Absolute - M
Pilot Diameter
095 nun - 095
Shaft Configuration
Smooth Sha ft - G
Keyway .. P
Power Connector
Aside - A
Bside '-' B
Len Side (Looking II I the motor shaft) = L
Right Side (Looking a t the motor sbaft) = R
Witbout Brake => 0
With 3.0 NM Brake " 1
With 6.5 NM Brake " 2
Special Options
Motor Type
MDD090B - N - 020
- N2L - IlOGBO I 800
Frnme Size
Motor Length
A, B, C
Power Connector Sue
Normal =N
Nominal Speed
2000 rpm = 020
3000 rpm ". 030
4000 rpm - 040
Normal (Standard) eN
Reduced Vibration =R
Motor Structure
Without Stubsbaft (Standard) '" 2
With Stubsbaft = 5
Feedback Type
nSF (Standard) '" L
Multitum Absolute =M
Pilot Diameter
110 mm (Standard) = 110
130 mm ~ 130
Sbaft Configuration
Smooth Shaft "" G
Keyway = P
Power Connector
Left Side (Looking at the motor shaft) '" L
Rigbt Side (Looking at tbe motor sbaft) = R
Witbout Brake'" 0
With 6.S Nl'd Brake = 1
With 11.0 NM Brake'" 2
Spedal Options
Nominal Speed
2000 rpm::: 020
3000 rpm = 030
4000 rpm =- 040
6000 rpm = 060
Normal (Standard) e N
Reduced Vibration =R
Motor Structure
Without Stubshafl (Standard) = 2
With Stubshaft::: 5
Feedback Type
nSF (Standard);;; L
Multiturn Absolute =M
Pilot Diameter
110 mm (Standard) =110
130 mm = 130
Shaft Configuration
Smooth Shaft :IE G
Power Connector
A side= A
Left Side (Looking :II t tbe motor sbaft) = L
RighI Side (Looking at tbe motor sbafl) = R
Without Brak~ = 0
With 11.0 NM Brake"" I
With 22.0 NM Bnke = 2
Special Options
Motor Type
Frame Size
Motor Length
A.B. C
Power Connector Size
Nominal Speed
3000 rpm"" 030
4000 rpm '" 040
6000 rpm III 060
Nonnal (Standard) ~N
Reduced Vibration ~R
Motor Struct'ure
Without Stubshaft (Standard) = 2
With Stubsbaft "" 5
Feedback Type
DSF (Standard),. L
Multiturn Absolute -M
Pilot Diameter
110 mm (Standard) - lJO
130 mm "" 130
Shaft Configuration
Smooth Shaft '" G
Keyway'" P
Power Connector
Left Side (Looking ar tbe motor sbaft) '" L
Right Side (Looking a t the motor sbaft) = R
Wltbout Brake = 0
With 6.S NMBrake= J
With 11.0 NM Bnke "" 2
Special OptiODS
Motor Type
Frame Size
Motor Length
Power Connector Size
Norm al =N
Large:: L
Nominal Speed
1500 rpm = 015
2000 rpm = 020
3000 rpm::::: 030 -
4000 rpm:: 040
Normal (Stllndard) -N
Reduced Vibration -R
Motor Structu re
Wit hout Stubsbaft ( Stand ard) '" 2
With Stubsbaft = 5
Feedback Type
DSF (Standard) = L
Multitu rn Absolu te -M
Pilot Diameter
130 mm (Standar d) ::: 130
180 mm::: 180
Shaft Configuration
Smooth Shaft = G
Power Connector
Left Side (Looking at tbe motor sbaft) = L
Right Side (Looking at t be motor 5baft) = R
Without Brake E 0
Wit h 14 NM Brake:: 1
With 40 NM Bra ke:: 2
With 60 NM Brake::: 2
Special Options
Motor Length
Power Connector Size
Normal '" N
Nominal Speed
1500 rpm '" 015
2000 rpm = 020
3000 ."m = 030
Normal (Standard) :N
Reduced Vibration :R
Motor Structure
Without Stubsbaft (Standard) "" 2
With Stubshaft '" 5
Feedback Type
DSF (Standard) = L
Multiturn Absolute :M
P ilot Diameter
130 mm (Standard) = 130
180 mm= 180
Shaft COllflgUf'1ltion
Smooth Sbaft = G
Power Connector
Left Side (Looking at tbe motor shaft) = L
Right Side (Looking at the motor shafl) = R
Without Brake = 0
With 45.0 NM Brake"" 1
With 60.0 NM Brake = 2
Special Options
Motor Type
frame Size
Motor Le ngth
Power CODnector Size
Nomina l Speed
2000 rpm - 020
3000 rpm = 030
4000 rpm = 040
6000 rpm "" 060
Nonnal (Sta ndard) - N
Reduced Vibration - R
Motor Srructun
Without Stubsbaft (Sta ndard) - 2
With Stubsbaft *' 5
Feedb2ck Type
OSF (Standard) - L
Multiturn Absolute - M
Pilot Diameter
130 rom (Standard) '"' 130
180mm= 180
Shaft Configuration
Smooth Shaft - G
Power Connector
A side=A
B side = B
Left Side (Looldng a t tb e motor shaft) .. L
Rigbt Side (Looking at the molor sh aft) = R
Without Brake - 0
With 14.0 NM Brake = I
With 22.0 NM Bnllke '" 2
Special O ptions
$.0.0002 SERCOS Cycle Time. (tscycl
Minimum AT Transmit Starting Time, ('Imin)
S'()'{)OO4 Transmit to Receive Transition Time, (tATMTJ
5-0-0103 Modulo Value
S.()..()I04 Position Loop Gain, (KV F.1d.or)
S.()...()l06 Current Loop Proportion3! Gain I
5-0-0101 Fec:dr.W: Override
S'()-OOO5 Minimum Feedbaek Acquisition Time, ('5) 5-0-0109 Motor Peak Current
S~"'" AT Tf'1.nSmission Starting T~. (t1) 5-0·0110 Amplifier Peak Current
S'()-OOO7 Feedback Acquisition SlNting T ime, (I.v 5-0-011 1 ContinuOU$ Motor Current
S..o'()112 Ampli6!!f Cootinuous Cummt
5-0-0002 Comrnllld V""id Time, (~) 5..0·0113 Maximum Motor Velocity
5-0-0009 Beginning Ad~ in MDT 5-0-0113 Position Feedback Type Par.une£cr
S-O-OOIO Length of"thc MDT 5-0·0117 Resolution of Rotational Fudback 2. (External Feedbaok)
S-O"()OIl CI:w I Diagnostics 5·0-0118 Resolution ofUnear F«dbad.; 2. (E~1I:m ...1 Fledback)
S.o-ool2 Class 2 Diagnostics S·O.(l12l Input RlVOtutiOns of Load Gear
S.(I'{)013 Class J Diagnostics S'{)·OI22 Output Rlvolutions of Load Gear
S.().(}() 14 Intetfael SUtul S'{)'{) 12J Feed Constant
S,()'(}o15 Tellgra.rtl Type Parameter S-O-OI24 Zero Veloc:ity Window
s.<J.(J(J 16 Custom AT Configun.tiOll List S'()'()127 Communication Phase J Transition Ct-k.
S-O.(IOt7 [0 Number List o( All Operation Data 5.(1.{)I2H Communication Pluse 4 Tnmsition Check
S.(I.(}021 Lisl o(InVlllid ID Number$ (ot CommuniC3tioll Phase 2 S-O.(IJJO Probe I • Positive Edge PO$ition Value
s.<J.(J(J22 List of Invalid 10 Numbers (or Communil;3lion Phase J S'{)-OIJI Probe 1 • Negative Edge Position Valut
s.<J.(J(J24 Custom MDT Configuration S-O.(l132 Probe 2 - Positive Edge PO$itioo V;UUl
MST ErrOl" Counter
MDT Error Counter
ManufaClUnr Version
Prob£ 2· Nlg.:uive Edge Position VOlIue
MUteI'" Control Word
Drive SWU5 Word
S.().(}()J2 PriD'Iary O~on Mode: S..Q..()IJ8 Bipolar Aculention
S-O-OOJ3 Seconcbry Opention Mock· 1 S401" Drive Type
S.(I"()()34 SeeonIhry 0per.ui0ll Mode. 2 S-O.(I141 Motor Type
S.(I-0035 Se<:ondary OpcntiOll Mode • 3 S.(I-0142 Application Type
S..o..o036 Velocily Command Value S-O.(II4J SERCOS Inlnface VnsiOll
S.().()()40 Velocily Feedback. Value S-O-OI47 Homin& Panunetcr
S.(I-0041 Homina Veloc:ity S-O.(I]48 Drive ConIl"OUed Homing Prooedurc Command
S.(I·0042 Homing AcccJeratiOI'l S-O.()149 Drive into Positive Stop Pr(lOl!dure CollUlWld
S.().(I043 Vlloc:ily Polarily Panmeter 5.(1.(1150 Reference Offset J
S·0-0044 Velocity Data Scaling Method S.(I.(I151 Reference Offset 2
S-o·0045 Linellf VeJoc:ity Data Scaling FlICtor S.(I'{)JSS Friction Torque Compmsation
S-O·OO46 Linear Ve lodly Data SC:lling Exponent S.(J-OiS9 MonitOring Window
S..o.0047 Position Command Value S·0'() 160 Sealing Options for Accclerotion Data
S·0·0049 Positive Position Limit Value S-O-O l61 Sealin, Factor for Acceleration Data
S-O-0050 NegstivePOIition Limit Value S-O-O I62 Scaling Exponent for Ac.ce!erution fhta
S·0-0051 Position Feedback Val ue I, (Motor Encoder) S.()..()165 Oi$UOOe Coded Seale 1
S-O.ooSl PositiOll Feedback I • RefeTC'DCc Distance S-O.(I166 Distance Coded Se."Ile 2
S-O-OO5J Position Feedhlck V.tlue 2, (External FeedOOck) S.()'()169 Probe CooIl"OI PAI1lIlleter
S-O.oo54 Position F~ 2· Refer~ Oisunce s.o-Ol70 Probina Cycle Procedure Comrn:md
S.().()0'5 Posilion Pol;uity Panmetcr S'()-OI7J Mllfka- PO$ition A
S·0-0057 In Polilion Window S.()..()I77 AbIoIUll Dirnension Offset I
S'()'()()76 Scaling Options for Positioo S.(I.(I178 Abwlute Dimension Offset 2
S40077 Linear Position Dau. Scaling Factor S.Q.0181 ManufaClUreT 3 Diagnostics
S.Q-0078 LinI:;u Position OMa Scaling &ponent S-O-OJ85 Length of Conligurable Ow. Record of the AT
S4007, Rotation:al Position Resolution S.Q.O l 86 Length ofConfigurable Data RC<;OI"d oflhe MDT
S-O-OO80 Torque Command Value S.(l-0187 List of Configumle Oata of the AT
S-O·OO84 Torque FOIIdbad.: Val ue S-O-OI88 U$l ofConfigun.b1e Data o(the MDT
S-O'()()85 Torque Polarity Parameter S.(l.()189 Fotlowing Error
S-O-OO86 Scalin, Options for Torque. FQf'ce Data S..Q.(II91 Lid ofBadcup Operation Data
S·O-OO88 Receive to Receive Recovery Time, (t~rrs y) S..Q..()262 I.m.d nefault G.tin Parameters - Procedure Command
S-O-OO89 MDT Tran$lTlit St:utin8 Time, ('2) S-O.OJOI A1tOe."lt;on ofRea.l Tune Control Bit I
S-O.()30J Allocation ofRel.1Time Control Bit 2
S.(I'()()90 Conunand Value Transmit Tim=. (I
MTSG ) S-O-0305 AlIOC.:ltion ofRul Time SUttlS Bit I
S.Q.009 1 Bipolu Vdoo:ity Limit Value S'()'{)307 A1loc:ation of Real Time SUtus Bil 2
S-O-0092 Bipol;u Torque Limit Value S-O·0400 Home 5witcb
S·O-0093 Scaling Foldor ror Torque.Force Om S-O-0401 Probe 1
5-0-0094 5c;J.ting E",ponent ror Torqul:-Fo~e Inla S-O·0402 Probe 2
S-O·0403 Position Feedbnck Status
P..o.oo4S IDN List QfConlro! Dependent Applica.tlon Parameters 5-0-0078 Lineu Position Data 5caiingExponent
P-O-O046 fiN Lim ofMacltine D~ndent Application Parameters 5-0..(l079 Rotational Position Ruolution
P-o-OO41 IDN Li$l of Drive Parameters 5-0-0103 Modulo Value
P·(}"OO411 ION ofOain Adjustment PlI/'alIlCteB 5-0-0104 Positiou I,.Qop Gain, (K V Factor)
5..(l..OIIS Positioa Feedback Type P:l.(3llleter
5.(1-0117 Resolution ofRoLaIiooal Feedback 2. ~ Fee4I»d:)
Control Loop and Application Paramden 5-0-0118 Resolution of Line:u- Feedback 2. (Extem~ Fwiback)
5-0.(1165 Distance Coded 5cale I
5·0-0262 Lead Def:wlt Gain PllfaIJIetcrs· Procedure' Command 5.(l-OI66 Distance Coded Scale 2
SMI73 Marhr Position A
S.(l.(ll n Ab$olute Dimension Qf&.!t 1
Velocity Loop Parameters S.(l.O 1711 Ab$olu!e Dimension 0frseI: 2
S.(l-0403 Pusition Fet:dlw;k Status
5-0-0036 Velocity Command Value 5.(1-0159 Monitoring Window
S-O-O040 Velocity Feedback VaJ u~ 5.(1-0189 FoUowingEnur
SOO-0043 Velocity Polarity Pllramet:r P..(l..OOIO E.xcei:SiYe POSitiOll Command Value
S40044 Velocity Data Scaling Me\hod 1'.(1-0011 Ust Valid. Position COIl'IrIUIId Value
5-0-0045 Linear Velocity Data Scaling Faetor P..(l..OO 12 5d Absolwe Measuring Procedure Command
5-0-0046 Linear Velocity Data Scaling Exponmt P.{I..(I()14 Ddrnnine Marker Position· Procedure
S-0.0091 Bipol;u- Velocity Limit Value 1'.(1-0019 5U1ting Position Value
S.()-O I 00 Velocity Loop Proportional G:Lin P..(l..{)098 Maximum Model (kYiation
S-O'()[OI Velocity Loop Integral Re&ction Time P..(l..O(I95 Position Command In~lation at MDT Failure
5.0-0108 FeedraleOverride 1'.0.0097 Absolute Encoder Monitoring Window
S.(l.O 113 Maximum Motor Velocity P..(l..OO99 Positim CoIJUllilll/!l V3Iue Smoothing Filter Time C<mSUlIt
5.0.0124 Zero Veloeity Window
P-O.()(J(l4 Smoothing Time Consunt
Si ngle Axis Motion Parameters
S'()-Ol05 AlI0C31ion arReal Time SUM Bit 1 P·O-OOl' Trigger Status Word
S"(}'{))07 Allocation of Real Time Bit:2
S-O-040 1 Probe I
5-0-0402 Probe 2 DDS 2.1 Pro:r:unmable AnaJo: OUlpl.lLS
S-O-0405 Probe I EnOlble
S"()"0406 Probe 2 Enable P-O-OO38 Signal Selection orlbe Analog Monitor Output- Channell
S'{)"()409 Probe 1 Positi ve Edge La.tched P-O-OO39 Signal Selection for Analog Monitor Output .. Ch:anne12
S..()..(}4 ID
Probe I Neg.ativeEdgeLatched P-O-OCl4O Sc;Uiog of Velocity Dati on ~ AnilIog Monitor OUlptU ..
s-Q..04J I Probe 2 Positive Edge l..atched C""'- ,
S.(l-0411 Probe :2 Negative E4ge Latched P-().Q041 Scaling of Velocity Data on the Analog Monitor Output ..
P-O-0042 Scaling ofPositiol'l Oala on the Analog Monitor Output ..
Osdllo5cope Function Chm'
P..().Q043 Scaling of Position DalII on the Analog Monitor Output_
P·O.(lOli Oscilloscope Channel I· Acquired D:ab Samples Chan. 2
P-O-OO22 Oscilloscope Channell .. Acquired D:r.b Samples
P-O-OO:n Oscillos~ Signal Sel ettion . Ch:I.Mcl 1
P40024 Os<:illoso:ope SigDOli Sel«tion .. Cbannel2 ADs ElTOr Comp~nslldoh Fllhgiol!
P-O-OO2S TriggerSou==
P-O-OO16 Trigg~ Signa.! Selection P-O-OOSS Status of Feed EITOI"Compe:nsatiOll
P-O-OO17 Triggtr1llrcshold for Position D.w. P-O-OOS6 Compen$al.ion Points Distance
P-O-OO2& Trigger Threshold for Vdoeity Dau P-O-OOS 7 Starting Position
P-O-OO29 Trigger Threshold for Torque Dab P-O-OOSH Table ofCorrec1ing Values
P-O-OO30 Trigger Mode
P'()-O031 Signal Sample Time (rime Divisions)
P-O-O032 Oscilloscope Signal MetnOI'}' AlIoc.atiOlJ DDS 2.1 110 PllI'1lIYICleJ'S
P-O-O033 Number ofSamp!es After the Start of the Recording
P-O-O03S Trigger Offset P-O-O081 Parallel Output
P·O-O036 Trigger Control Word P· O·OOHl Par.illel Input
This list gives a swrunary of all cooent software available for the DDS 2.1 :
S01.09 6{30m
Drive Configurations to
ll'bicb software applies : 0501 , D503, 0504 (SERCOS as main interface)
Software Module
Identification DSM 2.1-$ 11-0 1.RS
ll{D~T 27C256
DSM 2. I·SOI.08
DOL 5D59
DSM 2.I-S01.08
DSM 2. 1-S01.08
OIL 3647
DSM 2. I·SOI.08
OIH 774C
3. Updated SERCOS functions in the DDS 2. 1 to V 01 .02. Therefore, the "SERCOS Interface Version", ION S-O-
0 143 has been changed to MV 01.02".
Note: When loading parameter fi les which were saved with the old software version, the "Monitoring Window"
parameter, IDN $-0-0 159 must be updated. The nwnber of decimal places has been changed in Version SO I.08.
5. Number of dedmal places for HLinear Encoder Resolution", IDN 5-0-0118, has been increased to 5.
Note: When loading parameter files which were saved with tlle old software version, the "Monitoring Window"
parameter, IDN 5-0·0118 must be updated. The number of decimal places has been changed in Version 50 1.08.
6. Expanded the "List of Configurable Data in the Ar, IDN 8-0-0187 to include:
7. Expanded the "List of Configurable Data in the MDT", ION S-O-Ol8810 include:
8. Smoothing of the Interpolation Position Command Value through a filter is now possible. This "is adjusted via the
parameter: "Position Command Smoothing Filler Time Constant", ION P-O-OO99.
9. Adjustment of the NC Cycle Time (= SERCOS Cycle Time) for values other than 2msec is now possible . The
following values may be entered : 0.5, I, 2. ... , 65 mset:.
10. The "Position Starting Value". IDN P~-O019. will force a new position feedback value in Communication Phase 4
when it is enabled in Communication Phase 2.
11 . The Modulo Rotational Axis function with load reference using a multirwn absolute encoder is now possible. With
this function, it is possible to keep absolute position orienlation of a rotational axis without re-homing after power
shutdown. Ally rational gear ratio is allowed. The a.xis may also tum continuously in one direction.
The software version 501,09 will be officially released on 6130/93 and after this date \wI be delivered as stalldard
software in all future DDS 2.1 configurations as listed below:
Drive Configurations to
which software applies :D501, D503, D504, RSO l , RS03 , RS04
(SERCOS as main interface)
Software Module
Identification DSM 2, 1-SIJ-OI .RS
DSM 2.1-S01.09
OOL 3461
DSM2.1 -S0 1.09
OOH F161
DSM 2.1 -$01.09
OIL 32C4
DSM 2.1 -$0 1.09
OIH 4858
I. Support of DDS configurations RSOI , RS03 and RS04. Motors with resolver feedbacks must have feedback
For a functional description of the Axes Error Compensation, see application notes.
3. Interpolation of a position command value when a Master Data Telegram is lost. This function is activated with
the new parameter [ON P-O-0095, "Position Command Interpolation at the Loss of an rvtDT". (I = active).
Implementing the interpolatiotl results in a delay of the position command value from the control unit CJ,cie..
When updating software, all axes which participate in the path interpoiJJiion must also be updated to this
software revision. When combining SOl. 09 software willi older software, this function must be switched offto
avoid path errors.
6. Evaluation of the drives two current values, (peak • Continuous Current). The actual peak and continuous curren(S
are determined based on the selected overload factor and the peak/continuous curren( characteristics or the
drive/motor combination.
7. Remove the monitoring for the compatibWty between the telegram rype and the operation mode. The enor
message "217, Telegram Type is Not Supported" should be ignored after switching the telegram type without
changing the operation mode.
8. The function which monitors the cyclic feedback signals (sin/cos of the high resolution spur encoder) for signal
amplitudes which are too large has been e"."panded.
DOS 2.1
9. Monitoring oftbe feedback signal amplitudes aCme non·h.igh resolution spur feedback has been added.
to. Single Axis Mode has been expanded. The modulo position scaling function is now complete.
12. The addition of the parameter IDN 5-O-OlO3, "Modu1o Value", allO\ys the modulo range to be adjusted.
Previously, a constant value of 360 0 was fixed in the drive.
13. Parameter IDN 5-0-0 189, Following Error Distance, has been added in order to display the actual lag error.
14. The behavior cfemr 30 , "Software Overtravel Limit Exceeded, Shutdown now corresponds to the selected Error
Reaction Mode. For error 44, ~Overtravel Limit Switch Activated", the drive still performs the best possible
deceleration. (switching the velocity command to zero).
15. Homing without an encoder marker pulse, (using a home switch only), is now possible. This is selected in bit 6 of
the Horrung Parameter, IDN S-O-0147.
16. The Units for IDN 5-0-0165 and IDN S-O-O166, "Distance Coded Scale I & 2", are changed. in the division periods.
The division periods now correspond to the grid constants. It is now possible to set parameters for a distance coded
rolational encoder.
17. The parameters IDN P-O-O002, "Velocity Loop Proportional - Derivative Gain" and IDN P-O-OO03, "Velocity Loop
Derivative -Integral Gain" have been removed
New Parameters:
Removed Parameters:
The software version EO l.05 is officially released and 'Will be delivered as standard software in all future DDS 2. 1
configurations as listed below:
Drive Configurations to
which software applies : DDS 2. 1- XlUX - D ..o\xx
DDS 2. 1- xx.xx - RAxx
Software Module
IdentificatioD DSM 2. l-Ell-Ol .RS
DSM 2. I·EO1.05
DSM 2.1-EOl.05
DSM 2.I·E01.05
DSM 2.I ·E01.05
General Cbanges:
I. Only resolver feedbacks with EEPROMs are allowed with DDS 2. 1-xxxx-RAxx configwations.
2. The commutation offset was displayed in degrees (dec.). Now the offset is displayed as a unit1ess number, as
it is stored in the feedback EEPROM.
[The following feedback devices are now supported on the DDS : Heidenhain DSF, Stegmann DSF, 4 pole
resolver (S::MDD 041) and 6 pole resolver. (f! tvroD 065). 1
5, The position output format can now be selected between absolute and modulo format. A requirement is to
have a configuration with an absolute encoder emulator (DDS 2.1-xxxx-DA02) and a multitum encoder. The
output fonnat option is assigned in the parameter "Position OuQlUl Format" in the Operation Modes J Scaling
menu. If modulo position output is selected, then the modulo parameter is displayed in the Incremental
Encoder Setup menu. T he values for Gear Input Revolutions and Gear Output Revolutions must be entered.
These two parameters define the gear ratio. In addition, the counter can be used as an input and for homing
if absolute format was selected, the correct menu for the absolute parameters is shown.
6. The position output format is capable of 212 Increments I Revolution in absolute format and 2 18 Increments J
Modulo Revolution in modulo format.
7. When switching between modulo and absolute formats. the drive must first re--establish its home position
before being ready to start.
8. Monitoring of the absolute position has been implemented. This is done by storing the feedback value of the
absolute encoder so that when the system is powered down then powered back uP. the acrual absolute position
can be compared with the value lhat was slOred before powering down. If the difference is greater than the
value in the Absol ute Encoder Monitoring Window, the drive gives an error "76" in the HI display. This error
remains until the S 1 reset switch is pressed. The new parameter" Absolute Encoder Monitoring Window" can
be found in the Operation Mode I Scaling menu, and tltis parameter is only displayed if the hardware setup
corresponds to the absolute mode, (I.e. multitum encoder and DAA card are connected). In order to set the
Absolute Encoder Monitoring Window, disable the drive with the motor stopped. Input a small value into the
monitoring window (e.g. 0.5 revolutions) and make changes correspondingly larger as needed.
9. In the "Parameter Load" menu. the execution of the loading must first be confirmed before proceeding. This
problem has been corrected with improved text (I.e. screen insuuctions).
10. In lhe "Drive Status" menu. the command value displayed is always the velocity command value. Since this
depends on the operation mode selected, it will now display the appropriate command values. (i.e. torque
command value fo r torque loop mode).
II . The error "91 ", Configuration Error, now includes the connection between the drive and the feedback. For
example, "91" would be displayed if a
DDS 2.1·xxxx-Dxxx were connected to a MDD motor with a resolver feedback.
12. In the future , the parameterization of the feedback , such as the inserting of the commutation offsets. will be
implemented by a primary load program. This lays the groWldwork for the communications.
13. The parameter "DRP Release Number" has cbanged. T he new name is "Hardware Identification" , and the
data for this must be taken from the table below:
New Parameters:
Before updating the software in an existing application, it is imponanl to first save lhe parameters. This is done by
going 10 the "Parameter Save" menu and following the instructions.
Remove the old software module and replace it with a new module with the updated software.
The parameters which were saved in step I above can now be reloaded in the new module by going to the
MParameter Load" menu and foUowing the instructions.
Parameters which are new for the current release must be loaded if r.bey apply to the current application. If a
parameter has not been loaded or is considered invalid, its value will be displayed by a sequence of asterisks.
If the origina.l DSM module is used and only the EPROM set is exchanged, then perform lhe fctlowing :
Save the parameter sets so that after the EPROM exchange. all parameters can be automatically reloaded.
Plug in new EPROMs in the locations specified by the labels. Make sure the orientation of the EPROMs is correct
Replace the cover of the DSM Module, Ie-label the module and plug into the drive.
Tum on the drives and upload the saved parameter sets to the drives.
Load the correct values for all new parameters which are to be used.
CA UTTON: Drawings in this AppendIx are included fo r illustrative p urposes only and a,.e subject to change without
notice. Check with Indramat to be sure you are working with the latest drawings prior to installing, wiring and
powering equipment.
IAE 74795
DDS 2.1
The Modulo Range is set through the gear ratio and the modulo value (IDN S-O-0103), The maximum
internal range which can be processed is 2048 revolutions of the motor shaft, (i.e., it must be calcuJa(ed by lhe
The travel range of a rotational axis is a maximum of 2048 motor revolutions in each direction (with the
middle point a t 0°), (i.e ., it must be calculated by the following).
3, Linear Axes
The travel range ofa linear axis is a maximum of 2048 motor revolutions in each direction (with the middle
point al 0°). (i.e., it must be calculated b the [allowin ).
4. Boming witb a Motor Encoder and Home Switch for Rotational Axes
The ratio of gear input revolutions to gear output revolutions must be a whole number.
The ratio of gear input revolutions to gear output revolutions multiplied by 220 must be a whole number.
6. Parameterization oftbe Bipolar Velocity Limit Values, (lDN 5-0-0091)
In position loop regulation mode, the received cyclic position command value is monitored. The difference
between two consecutive position command values produces a velocity command value. This command value
must be smaller than the bipolar velocity limit values. To prevent an internal overflow, the values which are
entered for bipolar velocity limit should conform to lhe following guidelines:
· Iar VeIDeity
B IpO . V aIue < 20000 RPM x Gear Output Revolutions
. L'lOut
Gear Input Revolutions
The following guidelines must be followed when entering values for Homing Acceleration (ION S· O-0042) and
Bipolar Acceleration Limit Value,
(lDN S-O-0138):
When position data is input, it must be within the travel limits of the drive. Only then will the position data be
processed correctly. The travel raoge of absolute e ncoders corresponds to points 2 and 3 above. For Modulo
Rotational mode, the valid range of values is set by the Modulo Value parameter, IDN S..Q..Q I03.
The fol lowing screens show the required setting s for communicating to the DDS 2 . 1
RS-232 part using Procomm Plus, Version 2.01
A- Terminal emulati on . . . . . . . . VT100
K- EGA/VGA true unde rl ine _ •• orr
c- Sott flow etrl (XON/XOET ) OFr M- ANSI "1 or 8 bit commands _ 8 SIT
0- Hard Clow ctd (RTS/CTS) .. 0"
,- Lim!' Wl:.!p . --- .. - ..... . . _ .. OfF
,- Screen scroll ....... . - .. -.
G- CR tr,anslation
H- 8S tunslat.1on DESTRUCTIVE
.- Pa use characte:
0- Clipboard sepacato:
Alt-Z: Help : Press the l~tter of the option to ch.nge: : Esc: EXit:
K- CR translation .. NONE
ldown l o~d)
A- Echo locally
G- St!lp 8th bi t .............. . NO
1- CR translation {uploadl
: Alt-Z: Help: Press space to toggle. 0
The following screens show the setup of this terminal program for use with the DDS 2.t RS 232 Interface:
Under the "Settings" menu in the terminal program, Terminal Emulation is shown :
- Terminal Emulation
o !.TY [Generic)
® ......
joft ___ vr:iolf-
........ _U
o DECVT'l!2
Under the "Settings" menu in the terminal program, Terminal Preferences are shown:
Terminal P,eferences
Terminal Modes CR .) CR/lF
o ~jJ;;e~\i,'fi~~) o lnbound
o Local f.cho o Outbound
181 Sound
o 10Mlo~SI
[8J Show Scroll Bars Buffer hines:
o U:re Function.Arrow.and Gtrl Keys for Windows
Under the "Settings" menu in the terntinaJ program, Commwtications are shown:
~ Communications
!taud Rate - - - -- - - - - - - ,
0110 0 300 0 SOO 01200
o 2400 0 4800 ® 9Soo 0 19200
o Mark
o Space 0 ParitY' Chec~ o Ca!lier Detect
compensation value, 2-78, 2-122 Error Capturing the Marker Pulse of the External
Configuration Sticker (on Plexiglas cover of DDS 2.1), 4-3 Encoder, 6·17
Connection of Fiber Optic Cables (illustration), 4-11 Error Descending Communication Phases, 6-6
Control Unit Cycle Time, 2· 10, 6- 1, 6-2 Error Reading Amplifier Data., 6-25
COfTC(;tion Behavior lllustration., 2-123 Error Reading Motor Data, 6·27
correction values, 2-1 18, 2-112. 2-125, 2-127 Error Writing Motor Data, 6--27
Current Reduction Inputs Oredl, Ired2), 3-2 Error Writing Amplifier Data, 6·25
Excessive Deviation, 6-11
Excessive Position Command Value Difference, 6-13
- D-
External Encoder Error : Maximwn Frequency Exceeded,
DAB l.l . 3-1 , 3-3, 3-12, 4-12. 4-16, A-8 6-16
DAB Ll - Analog Interface ModuJe, 3-1 External Encoder Error: Quadrant Error, 6-16
DAE L 1 Analog Interface Card with Incremental Encoder ElI.1ernai Encoder Error : Signal Amplitude too SmaU, 6-
Emulator, 4·12 15
DDS 2.1 Configucations. 4-2 External Power Supply Error, 6·12
DDS 2 . 1-W...- Technical Data Sheet, A-I Hardware Synchronization Fault, 6-20
DDS2 PC Terminal Emulation Software, 3-19. 3-20 Home Switch Position Error, 6-12
DEF 1.1 , 4-12, A-l3 Internal Software Synchronization Error, 6-1 2
Diagnostic Descriptions for the HI Display, 6-1 Invalid Amplifier Data, 6-25
Diagnostics, 2-8. 2-9, 2-15, 2-16, 2-17, 2-25, 2-26, 2-39, 2- Invalid Communication Phase, 6--6
40,2-54, 2-S7, 2-72. 2-78, 2-85, 2-130, 5-7, 6-29, &42. 6- Invalid Feedback Data - Communication Phase 2, 6- 15
1,6-2 l\.1DT Failure, 6-5
+10 Volt Error, 6-22 Motor Data Invalid, 6-27
Motor Encoder Error, 6-9
±15 Volt Error, 6-21 Motor Over Temperature Shutdown, 6-8
+24 Volt Error, 6-22 Motor Over Temperature Warning, &-18
MST Failure, 6-5
+8 Volt Error, 6-23 Operation Ready. 6-1
Absolute Encoder Battery Under voltage, 6-17 Over Current, 6--9
Absolute Encoder Error, 6·23 Over Travel Limit Switch Activated, 6-1 5
Absolute Encoder Interface Defective, 6·14 Over Voltage, &-10
Absolute Encoder not configured, 6--28 Procedure Command Execution Error, 6-12
Absolute Encoder Power Interrupted, 6--14 Program RAM is Defective, &-24
Absolute Encoder Reference Lost, 6·14 Safety Interlock, 6-1
Amplifier Over Temperature Shutdown, 6·8 Software Over Travel Limit£xceeded, Shutdown, &- 11
Amplifier Over Temperature Warning,. 6·18 Switched to a Non·Initialized Operation Mode, 6-7
Brake Fault, 6·21 Under voltage, 6·10
Bridge Fuse, 6·19 Watchdog, 6-2
Cannot Write to Parameter Memory, 6·26 Displacement of the Home Switch, 5-11
Communication Phase 0, 6·2 DLF 1.1,4-12, 4- 13, 6-16,6-17, A-IS
Communication Phase 1, 6-3 Drive Controlled Homing, 2-1 30, 5-10
Communication Phase 2, 6-3 Drive Enable Input (Rf), 3-t
Communication Phase 3, 6-4 Drive Halt (AH), 3-2
Communication Phase Switched without Ready Message, Drive Initialization Status (Analog), 6-43
6·7 Drive Initialization Stafus (SERCOS), 6-36
ConfigwationError, 6·28 Drive Status, 3-6
Control Voltage Error; 6-9 DSS 1.1, 2-1,2.10, 2-53, 2-57, 3-1, 4-7, 4-8, 4- to, 4·1 J, 4-
Data of the Panuneter Memory is Invalid, 6·26 12,5-5,6-12. 6-37, A-7, 7-1
Data RAM is Defective, 6·24 DSS 1.1 SERCQS Diagnostic Codes, 6-37
Drive Enabled, 6·) DSS 1.1 SERCOS Interface Card, 4-7
Drive Halt, 6-1 DZF l.l , 4-12
Drive Ready, 6·1
Driver Stage Power Supply Fault, 6·23
Earth Ground Connection, 6-20 - E-
Error Advancing Conununication Phases, 6--6 Effective Continuous Current, 3·17
Effective Peak Current, 3·17
P-O-O035 Trigger Offset, 2-[ 35 P"()-0048 IDN List of Gain Adjustment Parameters. 2-114
P-O-OO36 Trigger Control Word, 2-1'35 P-0-0049 Target Position, 2-115, 2-130
P-O-0037 Trigger Status Word, 2-135 P-O-O050 Proportional Gain Acceleration Feed Forward, 2-
Overload Factor, 3-8, 3-11 m
Overtrave[ Limit Switches - £1, E3 . 4-7 P-O-O051 Torque Constant, 2-116
P-O-O055 Axis Error Compensation - Status, 2-116, 2-126
P-O-OO56 Distance Between Axis Correction Pomts, 2-118,
- p- 2-127
P-O-0004 Smoothing Time Constant, 2-96 P-O-0057 Correction Table Start Position, 2- 118, 2-127
P-O-OOOS Language.Selection, 2-98 P-O-0058 Table of Correction Values, 2-118, 2- 127
P-O-OOO6 Overload Factor, 2-98 P-O-OO81 Parallel Output, 2-119
P-O-DOO7 Error Reaction, 2-99 P-O-OO82 Parallel Input, 2-119
P-O-OO 10Excessive Position Command Value, 2-100 P-O-0095 Position Command Interpolation at:MDT Failure,
P-O-OOl[ Last Valid Position Command Value, 2-100 2-119
P-O-OO12 Set Absolute Measuring Procedure Command, 2- P-O-OO97 Absolute Encoder Monitoring Window, 2-120
!OJ P-O-OO98 Maximum Model Deviation. 2-121
P-O-OO 14 Determine Marker Position - Procedw-e P-O-OO99 Position Command Value Smoothing Filter Time
Command,2-101 Constant,2-121
P-O-OOl9 Starting Position Value. 2-102 P-O-O 106 Jerk Limit Value - Bipolar, 2-1'22, 2-129
P-O-OO20 Displacement of the Home Switch, 2-103 , 5-11 P"()"()107 Slave Version, 2-122
P-O-O021 Oscilloscope Channel I .. Acquired Data Samples, Panel Layout, 4-1
2- 103 Parameters, 3-7
P-O-O022 Oscilloscope Channel 2 - AcquiIed Data Samples, Position Data Scaling, 3-11
2-104 Position Feedback 1 - Reference Distance, 5-10
P-O-O023 Oscilloscope Signal Selection - Channell, 2-104 Position Feedback 2 - Reference Distance, 5-10
P-O-O024 Oscilloscope Signal Selection - Channel 2, 2-104 Positioning of the Home Switch (Dlustration), 6-13
P-O-O025 Trigger Source, 2-105 Power Supply and 2 Amplifiers (lliustration), 4-2
P-O-OO26 Trigger Signal Selection, 2·105 Power Wiring, 4-8
P,,()-0027 Trigger Threshold for Position Data,. 2-106 Principles of Operation, I-J
P-O-OO28 Trigger Threshold for Velocity Data. 2-106 Probe 1 and 2 - E4. £5, 4-8
P-O"()029 Trigger Threshold for Torque Data, 2·106 Probing or Position Registration Function. 2-136
P-O-OO30 Trigger Mode, 2-107
P..()..()031 Signal Sample Time (Time DiVisions), 2-107
P..()-0032 Oscilloscope Signal Memory Allocation, 2- 107
- R-
P-O-OO33 Number of Samples After the Start o[the Real Time Bit 1,2-137
Recording. 2-108 Real Time Bit 2, 2-137
P-O-(1035 Trigger Offset, 2-108 Real Time Bits, 2-9, 2- 136
P"()-O036 Trigger Control Word, 2-109 reference offset, 2- 131
P-O-D037 Trigger Status Word, 2-110 Reference Offset 1, 5-10
P"()-OO38 Signal Selection oflhe Analog Monitor Output - Reference Offset 2, 5-10
Channell ,2-1II registration, 2-136
P-O"()039 Signal Selection for Analog Monitor Output- RS 2321 VI 100 User Interface Summary (Tree Strucrure),
Channel 2, 2-112 3-5
P-O-OO40 Scaling of Velocity Data on the Analog Monitor RS 232 C Interface Wiring Diagram, 3-4
Output - Chan. l~ 2-112 RS232 Diagnostics for the Analog Interface, 6-42
P..Q-0041 Scaling of Velocity Data on the Analog Monitor Cannot write to parameter with RF "ON". 642
Output - Chan. 2, 2-113 Commutation Adjustment not possible with RF "ON"', 6-
P..()..Q042 Scaling of Position Data on the Analog Monitor 42
Output-Chan. 1, 2-113 Commutation Adjustment not possible: Power is "OFF",
P..()-0043 Scaling of Position Data on the Analog Monitor 6-42
Output - Chan. 2, 2-1 13 Parameter is outside of the input limits, 6-42
P-0-0045 IDN List of Control Dependent Application Parameter memory not writable, 6-42
Parameters, 2- 114 RS232 Interface, 3-3
P-O-0046 IDN List of Machine Dependent Application RS232 User Interface, 3-4
Parameters, 2-114
P..Q-0047 IDN List of Drive Parameters, 2-114
5-0-0188 List ofConfigurableData of the MDT. 2-86 SERCOS DerIDed Telegram 3 - Velocity Control w/Posltion
S..{J-0189 Following Error, 2-87 Acquisition in Drive, 2-21
8-0-0192 List of Backup Operation Data, 2-87 SERCOS Defined Telegram 5 - Velocity and Position
S-0-0262 Load Default Gain Parameters· Procedure Control in Drive. 2-22
Command, 2-88 SERCOS Defined Telegram 6 - Velocity Control in Drive, 2·
8-0-0301 Allocation of Real Time Control Bit 1.2-89 22
S'()"()303 Allocation of Real Time COIItrolBit 2, 2-89 SERCOS nrrERFACE
8-0-0305 Allocation of Real Time Status Bit I , 2-89 Specification, 2-1
5-0-0307 Allocation of Real Time Status Bit 2, 2-89 SERCOS Interface FWlctions, 2-122
S"'()-0400 Home Switch, 2-90, 5-11 SERCOS Interface Specifications, 2-1
5-0-040 ) Probe 1, 2-90 SERCOS Specifications
S·0..Q402 Probe 2, 2-91 Data Blocks, 2-2
'S-0-0403 Position Feedback Starus, 2·91 Data Communications, 2-3
5-0-0405 Probe I Enable, 2-92 Diagnostics, 2-8
5-0-0406 Probe 2 Enable, 2-92 Initialization, 2-7
S-O..Q409 Probe 1 Positive Edge Latched, 2-93 Product Specific Parameters, 2· 96
5-0-0410 Probe I Negative Edge Latched, 2-94 Real Time Bits, 2-9
8404 11 Probe 2 Positive Edge Latched, 2-95 Scaling, 2-9
S..Q..0412 Probe 2 Negative Edge Latched. 2-96 SERCOS Specific Parameters, 2-10
Safety Interlock Contacts, 4-4 Setting the Address on the DDS 2.1 , 2- 10
Saving Parameten to Disk. 3-18 Telegram Type. 2-6
Scaling, 2-9, 2-10, 2-11 , l oU, 2-13, 2-32, 2-33. 2-34, 2-36, SERCOS Startup, 5-4
2-38,2-39, 2-40, 2-41, 2-42, 2-44, 2-45, 2-47, '2-49, 2-51. Applying Main Power, 5-7
2-53,2-54.2-55, 2-60,2..6 1, 2-62, 2-63,2-64,2-65,2-66, Homing, 5-7
2-69,2-70, 2-73,2-77,2-78,2-79.2-80,2-81.2-82.2-84, Power On Checks, 5·5
2-85,2-87,2-100, 2-102,2-103,2-106,2-112,2-113.2- Pro-Power Checks, 5-5
11 5.2-120,3-7,3-8,3-9,3-10,3-11.5-4 ,6- 1,6-2,6-3,6- SERCOS Status Messages, 6·35
4,6-5,6-7,6-8,6-9,7-8,7-11 300 Drive in Torque Loop Regulation, 6-35
SERCOS Communication Diagnostics, 6-29 301 Drive in Velocity Loop Regulation. 6-35
200 Parameter Loss, 6-29 302 Position Loop Regulation with Feedback 1 (Motor
201 Parameter Set Incomplete, 6-29 En"""'l.6·35
202 RAM Error, 6-30 303 Position Loop Regulation with Feedback I (Motor
208 Telegram Type Invalid. 6-30 Encoder), without Lag, 6-35
2091 1 too Small : tl <tlmi.n,6-30 304 Position Loop Regulation with Feedback 2 (External
210 t2 too Large: 12 + tMrSG > tseyc, 6-3 1 Encoder),6-35
305 Position Loop Regulation with Feedback 2 (External
21 1 Master Data Telegram too Long, 6-31 Encoder), without Lag, 6·35
212 tlloo Large: t l + tATMf + AT > t2' 6-3 1 320 Communication Phase 3 Transition Check, 6-35
213'4 too Large : 14 + 15 > tScyc' 6-3 1 321 Communication Phase 4 Transition Check, 6-35
21413 too Large: 13 > tScyc' 6-32 322 Procedme Command "Set Absolute Measuring, 6-35
330 Procedure Command ~Drive Controlled Homing, 6-35
215 Begi.nnjng Address in the MDT is too Large, 6-32
Signal Descriptions, 4-3
216 SERCOS Cycle Time Error, 6-32
AKI and AK2 Programmable Outputs. 4-3
217 Telegram Type is Not Supported, 6-32
AS+, AS-, ASQ Safety Interlock Contacts, 4-4
219 Beginning Address Fault in MDT, 6-33
Bb • Drive Ready Contacts, 4-4·
243 Error During Position Initialization, 6-33
Brake Control Output, 4-6
250 No Absol ute Encoder Present, 6-33
DSS 1.1 SERCOS Interface Card, 4-7
260 Drive Into Positive Stop Procedure Command Error,
External Supply Inputs, 4-8
Home Switch -EI, 4-7
270 Homing Error, 6-34
Overtravel Limit Switches· E2, E3, 4-7
271 Drive not Homed, 6-34
SERCQS Cycle, 2-4, 2-10, 6-32, 6-1, 6-2, 7-3 Probe I and 2· E4 , E5, 4-8
Motor Thermal Switch Inputs, 4-6
SERCQS Data Block Structure, 2-3
Signal Wiring, 4-1
SERCOS DOS2.1 Topology, 2-2
Single Axis Motion. 2-128
SERCeS Defined Telegram I - Torque Control, 2-20
SingJe Axis Motion FWlction (DluslI'ation), 2-128
SERces DerIDed Telegram 2 - Velocity Control in Drive, 2-
Telegram Type, Ui, 2-19, 2·23, 2-27, 2-86, 6-30, 6-32, 6-1 ,
6-2,6-4, 7-7
Iemperuture Warning Output CIVWl, 3·2
tightening torque. 4-9, 4-10
Torque (Current) Reduction ScreeD, 3-\4
Transmlt to Receive Transition Time, 2-11, 6-1 , 6-2
Velocity at Maximum Command Value, 3-1 1
Velocity CQmmandlnputs. 3-1
Velocity Data Scaling, 3-11
Velocity Loop Regulator Dlustration, 2-97
vr 100 emulator, 3-3
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