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Apetito24 API

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Getting started with PHP

First of all you should decide which kind of integration to use. You have two types of possible integrations:

Centralized server: The restaurants interacts with an application server

Point to point: The restaurants interacts directly with PedidosYa API

Note: When you are using point to point method then you need an extra pair of credentials. This extra pair
of credentials correspond to the restaurant itself.


For accessing the API you need to create a Credentials object.

Centralized credentials example

$credentials = new Credentials();

This kind of credentials will work for all the restaurants handled by the third party application.

Point to point credentials example

$credentials = new Credentials();

This credentials will only work for the specified restaurant.

This SDK supports multiple environments:
Development: Default environment, used for development only.
Staging: Pre-production environment, used before every release for final testings.
Production: Production environment, used for real life.

Note: Please be sure that you deploy the application with the right environment.

Basic usage

Whenever you want to use the SDK, you must include the .phar provided at the beginning and use the
classes that you need.

include './py­reception­sdk.phar';

use ReceptionSDK\Http\Credentials;

Once you have the Credentials object created you must create an ApiClient object using the previous
credential object.

$credentials = new Credentials();

try {
    $api = new ApiClient($credentials);
    $deliveryTimes = $api­>order()­>deliveryTime()­>getAll();
} catch (ApiException $e) {
    echo 'Uups an error has occurred!';

Important: You must instantiate the ApiClient at the very beginning of your application and save that
instance of ApiClient (for ex: in an static variable) and use that instance in the whole life cycle of your
application. Please do not instantiate the ApiClient inside a for loop for example.

Some operations needs a PaginationOptions parameter. This parameter is to handle pagination.
You have the possibility to use the default configuration for pagination invoking the method create:
$paginationOptions = PaginationOptions::create();

This method by default sets a limit of fifteen results and an offset equal to zero. If you want to specify the
pagination options you can use:

$paginationOptions = PaginationOptions::create()­>withOffset(10)­>withLimit

This configuration sets a limit of fifty results and a offset equal to ten.
You can use the method next to iterate over the pages:

$paginationOptions = PaginationOptions::create();
$restaurants = [];
$newRestaurants = $api­>restaurant()­>getAll($paginationOptions);
$restaurants = array_merge($restaurants, $newRestaurants);
while (count($newRestaurants) > 0) {
    $newRestaurants = $api­>restaurant()­>getAll($paginationOptions­>next()

    $restaurants = array_merge($restaurants, $newRestaurants);

Orders operations

First of all, you must import our delivery times and rejection messages, what is a delivery time? and a
rejection message?.

Delivery time: Promised interval in which the order should be delivered.

Reject message: If the restaurant can’t accept the order then it must be rejected with one of the
predefined reasons.

Important: DeliveryTimes and RejectMessages are dynamic, as well as their attributes, so do not harcode
A good practice is to import them every day or on application start up, and save them somewhere in your

You can get all the delivery times using this operation

$deliveryTimes = $api­>order()­>deliveryTime()­>getAll();
List of delivery times

Code Description ES Description PT

1 Entre 15’ y 30’ Entre 15’ e 30’

2 Entre 30’ y 45’ Entre 30’ e 45’

3 Entre 45’ y 60’ Entre 45’ e 60’

4 Entre 60’ y 90’ Entre 60’ e 90’

5 Entre 90’ y 120’ Entre 90’ e 120’

6 24 horas 24 horas

7 48 horas 48 horas

8 72 horas 72 horas

9 Entre 120’ y 150’ Entre 120’ e 150’

10 12 horas 12 horas

11 Entre 150’ y 180’ Entre 150’ e 180’

List of reject messages

$rejectMessages = $api­>order()­>rejectMessage()­>getAll();

There are two important attributes in RejectMessage that you have to consider: ForLogistics, ForPickup.
When rejecting an order that has the flag Logistics in true, you must not use/show reject messages that
have ForLogistics in false.
The same rule applies to orders with the flag PickUp in true.
The field to show in your system is DescriptionES.


$mySavedRejectMessages; // previously imported reject messages
$rejectMessagesForThisOrder = $mySavedRejectMessages;
foreach ($rejectMessagesForThisOrder as $i => $rejectMessage) {
    if ($order­>logistics) {
        if (!$rejectMessage­>forLogistics) {
    if ($order­>pickup) {
        if (!$rejectMessage­>forPickup) {

Getting new orders

You should add an entry in your server cron that ask for new orders every minute.

Get new orders to iterate over them:

$orders = $api­>order()­>getAll(OrderState::$PENDING, PaginationOptions::cr
foreach ($orders as $order) {

When getting pending orders, the second parameter (PaginationOptions) is ignored and all pending orders
are returned.
Pagination options is considered when requesting confirmed or rejected orders.

Or you can use anonymous functions to process each order:

    function ($order) use ($api) {
        if (everythingOk($order)) {
            $api­>order()­>confirm($order­>id, $deliveryTimeId);
    function (ApiException $e) {
        throw $e;

Note: Keep in mind that you will receive one order per callback so be aware that your import mechanism
shouldn’t take so long.
Regular orders

The client order for food when the restaurant is opened. These kind of orders are for immediately delivery
and they have the properties pickup, preOrder and logistics in false. The restaurant should delivery the
order approximately at the time specified in deliveryDate

Pickup orders

Some orders are not for delivery, instead the client will pick up the order in the restaurant. All the pick up
orders have the property pickup in true, address in null and the estimated pickup time in pickupDate.

Anticipated orders

The client can order for food before the restaurant it’s opened, if that’s the case then the preOrder property
has the value true. The restaurant should delivery the order at the time specified in deliveryDate.

Logistics orders

This only applies if the restaurant delivery it’s handled by PedidosYa’s fleet, otherwise you should ignore
All orders with logistics are identified by the property logistics in true. In this case you must pay attention
to the pickupDate property, this field contains the time that one rider will pick up the order to be delivered.

Orders with discounts

We handle two kinds of discounts as specified in the property type in the Discount Model:

PERCENTAGE: Discount specified by a percentage value

VALUE: Discount specified by an amount of money

The Order model contains a list of discounts, with the corresponding priority of each discount.

Online paid orders

If the order was paid with an online payment method then the property online in the payment property of the
order is in true.

Confirm an order

Once you processed the order and it’s ready to be cooked you must confirm it indicating the estimated
delivery time.

Note: An order must be confirmed before three minutes.

Note: For Regular orders and Pick up orders the method for confirmation it’s the same, it’s mandatory to
specify the delivery time when the order is going to be confirmed, otherwise you must confirm the order
without a delivery time, if you specify one, you are going to receive an error.
try {
    $deliveryTimeId = restaurantSelectedTime();
    $order = orderToConfirm();

    if ($order­>preOrder || $order­>logistics) {
        $result = $api­>order()­>confirm($orderId);
    } else {
        $result = $api­>order()­>confirm($orderId, $deliveryTimeId);

    if ($result) {
} catch (ApiException $ex) {
    if ($ex­>getErrorCode() == ErrorCode::$INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) {
        // Wait 5 seconds and retry again
        // Don't retry more than three times
    } else {
        throw $ex;

You can use order and delivery time ids directly, or an object with an id property.

Reject an order

If you can’t process the order or the order cannot be delivered for some reason you should reject it.

try {
    $rejectMessageId = restaurantRejectReason();
    $orderId = orderToReject();

    $result = $api­>order()­>reject($orderId, $rejectMessageId);
    if ($result) {
} catch (ApiException $ex) {
    if ($ex­>getErrorCode() == ErrorCode::$INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) {
        // Wait 5 seconds and retry again
        // Don't retry more than three times
    } else {
        throw $ex;

You can use order and reject message ids directly, or an object with an id property.

You can also reject an order with a text note.

try {
    $rejectMessageId = restaurantRejectReason();
    $orderId = orderToReject();
    $rejectNote = 'Rejection note';

    $result = $api­>order()­>reject($orderId, $rejectMessageId, $rejectNote

    if ($result) {
} catch (ApiException $ex) {
    if ($ex­>getErrorCode() == ErrorCode::$INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) {
        // Wait 5 seconds and retry again
        // Don't retry more than three times
    } else {
        throw $ex;

Note: An order must be rejected before three minutes

Dispatch an order
Once the order is cooked and it is ready to deliver, you must call this method to indicate the order is on the
way to the client address.

try {
    $orderId = orderToDispatch();

    $result = $api­>order()­>dispatch($orderId);
    if ($result) {
} catch (ApiException $ex) {
    if ($ex­>getErrorCode() == ErrorCode::$INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) {
        // Wait 5 seconds and retry again
        // Don't retry more than three times
    } else {
        throw $ex;

Retrieve orders of the day

It’s possible to retrieve the last confirmed or rejected orders of the day. For example, to retrieve the last
confirmed orders you should do it this way:

$orders = $api­>order()­>getAll(OrderState::$CONFIRMED, PaginationOptions::
if (count($orders) > 0) {

In case you want the rejected ones just change OrderState::$CONFIRMED with OrderState::$REJECTED

Note: This will not return all the orders, the response is limited to the last 15 orders as explained
in the pagination section.
A good practice it’s to save the order id in your system.

If you have the order id then you can ask for a particular order.

$orderId = orderId();
$order = $api­>order()­>get($orderId);
if ($order) {

Retrieve order tracking info for Logistics orders

It’s possible to retrieve the order tracking info for Logistics orders. This could be used to have a more
accurate date for which the driver retrieves the order from the store. This is useful for updating the order’s
pickupDate and deliveryDate fields. The available information is :

The driver’s coordinates and the driver’s name.

The pickup date: Date for when the driver picks up the order at the store. Updated until the state is
PREPARING (included). With this data it’s possible to update the order’s pickupDate.
The estimated delivery date: Estimated date for when the driver arrives at the user’s destination and
delivers the order. Updated until DELIVERED state. This field corresponds with the order’s
deliveryDate field and that’s the one that should be updated. The first time the tracking info is
retrieved, it’s probable that the order’s deliveryDate coincides with this field. With this data it’s
possible to update the order’s deliveryDate.
The state of the tracking: These are the possible states for the order tracking:
FAILURE: State of the tracking when it failed. The rest of the fields will be null.
REQUESTING_DRIVER: A driver is being requested to pickup and deliver the order. The
pickupDate and the estimatedDeliveryDate will be equal to the order’s pickupDate and
deliveryDate fields respectively.
TRANSMITTING: The order is being sent to your system. All the information is available.
TRANSMITTED: The order was finally sent to your system. All the information is available.
PREPARING: The order is being prepared. All the information is available.
DELIVERING: The order is being delivered by a driver. Pickup date is null.
DELIVERED: The order was finally delivered. All data is null.
CLOSED: The order is closed and no live tracking happens. All data is null.

The pickup date and the estimated delivery date are the necessary values to update in the order. The
driver’s name and coordinates are part of the aditional information attached to the order tracking info.

To do that, you should do it in this way:

$orderId = orderId();
$tracking = $api­>order()­>tracking($orderId);
if ($tracking) {
    $trackingState = $tracking­>state;
    // driver info
    $driver = $tracking­>driver;
    // location info, lat & lng attributes for the driver's coordinates
    $location = $driver­>location
    if ($trackingState == TrackingState::$PREPARING) {

Restaurants operations
There are some operations to get restaurants you could receive orders, and change the state of those
restaurants to ONLINE or OFFLINE.
You can close a restaurant with its id and a specific range of dates (in restaurant’s country time). You can
also open a restaurant previously closed (you can only open
restaurant’s closed by the operation close) from a certain date.

Get restaurants
With this operation, you can get all restaurants that receives orders through your system.

$restaurants = $api­>restaurant()­>getAll(PaginationOptions::create());

Whit this operation, you can figure out PedidosYa’s id, to invoke later open and close operations if
It is also possible to use a second parameter to get restaurants with a specific integration code.

Close a restaurant
For example, to close a restaurant for 2 hours from now, you can write:

$id = getRestaurantIdToClose(); // PedidosYa restaurant id
$now = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone('America/Montevideo'));
$from = $now­>format('Y­m­d H:i:s');
$to = $now­>add(new DateInterval('PT2H'))­>format('Y­m­d H:i:s');
$reason = 'Without deliveries';
$close = $api­>restaurant()­>close($id, $from, $to, $reason);

Remind that hours must be in the timezone of restaurant’s country.

Open a restaurant

$id = getRestaurantIdToClose(); // PedidosYa restaurant id
$now = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone('America/Montevideo'));
$from = $now­>format('Y­m­d H:i:s');
$open = $api­>restaurant()­>open($id, $from);

Remind that to open a restaurant, it have to be closed before by you, so this operation can be use to delete
future close operations created.
This will remove all close requests with from greater than the from specified in this operation.

Menus operations
If product mapping it’s supported, then you should be able to handle stock and price changes.
It’s possible to disable, enable and change the price of products and optionals.
The change will be immediately visible in our website and apps.
If you want to disable a product through the integrationCode field then you need to use the menu()-
>product() operations, otherwise if it’s an option also mapped through the IntegrationCode field then you
have to use the menu()->option() operations.
For example:

$order = someOrder();
$productCode = $order­>details[0]­>product­>integrationCode;
$optionCode = $order­>details[0]­>optionGroups[0]­>options[0]­>integrationC
// Important: restaurantId must be an integer
$restaurantId = intval($order­>restaurant­>id); 
$restaurantCode = $order­>restaurant­>integrationCode;

$api­>menu()­>product()­>disable($productCode, $restaurantId);
$api­>menu()­>product()­>disable($productCode, $restaurantCode);

$api­>menu()­>option()­>disable($optionCode, $restaurantId);
$api­>menu()­>option()­>disable($optionCode, $restaurantCode);

Note: If a product is also mapped as an option then you should call the operations separately.

Disable a product

With point to point credentials

$productCode = productCodeToDisable();

With centralized credentials and restaurant id

$productCode = productCodeToDisable();
$restaurantId = intval(restaurantId());
$api­>menu()­>product()­>disable($productCode, $restaurantId);

With centralized credentials and restaurant external code

$productCode = productCodeToDisable();
$restaurantCode = restaurantCode();
$api­>menu()­>product()­>disable($productCode, $restaurantCode);

Enable a product

With point to point credentials

$productCode = productCodeToEnable();

With centralized credentials and restaurant id

$productCode = productCodeToEnable();
$restaurantId = intval(restaurantId());
$api­>menu()­>product()­>enable($productCode, $restaurantId);

With centralized credentials and restaurant external code

$productCode = productCodeToEnable();
$restaurantCode = restaurantCode();
$api­>menu()­>product()­>enable($productCode, $restaurantCode);

Change product price

With point to point credentials

$productCode = productCodeToChangePrice();
$newPrice = doubleval(calculateNewPrice());
$api­>menu()­>product()­>price($productCode, $newPrice);

With centralized credentials and restaurant id

$productCode = productCodeToChangePrice();
$restaurantId = intval(restaurantId());
$newPrice = doubleval(calculateNewPrice());
$api­>menu()­>product()­>price($productCode, $newPrice, $restaurantId);

With centralized credentials and restaurant external code

$productCode = productCodeToChangePrice();
$restaurantCode = restaurantCode();
$newPrice = doubleval(calculateNewPrice());
$api­>menu()­>product()­>price($productCode, $newPrice, $restaurantCode);

Disable a product optional

With point to point credentials

$optionCode = optionCodeToDisable();

With centralized credentials and restaurant id

$optionCode = optionCodeToDisable();
$restaurantId = intval(restaurantId());
$api­>menu()­>option()­>disable($optionCode, $restaurantId);

With centralized credentials and restaurant external code

$optionCode = optionCodeToDisable();
$restaurantCode = restaurantCode();
$api­>menu()­>option()­>disable($optionCode, $restaurantCode);

Enable a product optional

With point to point credentials

$optionCode = optionCodeToEnable();

With centralized credentials and restaurant id

$optionCode = optionCodeToEnable();
$restaurantId = intval(restaurantId());
$api­>menu()­>option()­>enable($productCode, $restaurantId);

With centralized credentials and restaurant external code

$productCode = optionCodeToEnable();
$restaurantCode = restaurantCode();
$api­>menu()­>option()­>enable($productCode, $restaurantCode);

Change product optional price

With point to point credentials

$optionCode = optionCodeToChangePrice();
$newPrice = doubleval(calculateNewPrice());
$api­>menu()­>option()­>price($productCode, $newPrice);

With centralized credentials and restaurant id

$optionCode = optionCodeToChangePrice();
$restaurantId = intval(restaurantId());
$newPrice = doubleval(calculateNewPrice());
$api­>menu()­>option()­>price($productCode, $newPrice, $restaurantId);

With centralized credentials and restaurant external code

$optionCode = optionCodeToChangePrice();
$restaurantCode = restaurantCode();
$newPrice = doubleval(calculateNewPrice());
$api­>menu()­>option()­>price($productCode, $newPrice, $restaurantCode);

Events operations
Some of the events operations are mandatory operations that must be implemented. Ignoring this
operations will indeed cause the close of the restaurant or other kind of penalizations over PedidosYa

Initialization event (Mandatory)

This event must be sent at the startup of the reception system. Should include all the possible information
about the running device, for example: os version, application version, hardware id, etc.

With point to point credentials

$version = [];
$version['os'] = 'Ubuntu 16.04 x64';
$version['app'] = '1.3.5';

With centralized credentials and restaurant id

$version = [];
$version['os'] = 'Ubuntu 16.04 x64';
$version['app'] = '1.3.5';
$restaurantId = intval(restaurantId());
$api­>event()­>initialization($version, $restaurantId);

With centralized credentials and restaurant external code

$version = [];
$version['os'] = 'Ubuntu 16.04 x64';
$version['app'] = '1.3.5';
$restaurantCode = restaurantCode();
$api­>event()­>initialization($version, $restaurantCode);

Hearbeat event (Mandatory)

The heartbeat event must be sent every two minutes, this event proves that the reception system it’s
online. The best way is to put an entry in the crontab with a php script with the code:

With point to point credentials

try {
} catch (ApiException $ex) {
    // Something went wrong
} catch (Exception $ex) {
    // Something went wrong

With centralized credentials and restaurant id

try {
    $restaurantId = intval(restaurantId());
} catch (ApiException $ex) {
    // Something went wrong
} catch (Exception $ex) {
    // Something went wrong

With centralized credentials and restaurant external code

try {
    $restaurantCode = restaurantCode();
} catch (ApiException $ex) {
    // Something went wrong
} catch (Exception $ex) {
    // Something went wrong

Reception event (Mandatory)

This event must be called when an order arrives to the reception system.

With point to point credentials

$orderId = orderReceivedId();

With centralized credentials and restaurant id

$orderId = orderReceivedId();
$restaurantId = intval(restaurantId());
$api­>event()­>reception($orderId, $restaurantId);

With centralized credentials and restaurant external code

$orderId = orderReceivedId();
$restaurantCode = restaurantCode();
$api­>event()­>reception($orderId, $restaurantCode);

Acknowledgement event (Mandatory)

The acknowledgement event must be sent when the restaurant sees the order and not before.

With point to point credentials

$orderId = orderReceivedId();

With centralized credentials and restaurant id

$orderId = orderReceivedId();
$restaurantId = intval(restaurantId());
$api­>event()­>acknowledgement($orderId, $restaurantId);

With centralized credentials and restaurant external code

$orderId = orderReceivedId();
$restaurantCode = restaurantCode();
$api­>event()­>acknowledgement($orderId, $restaurantCode);

State change event

Every time that you want to change the state of an order you should register a event of this kind.

With point to point credentials

$orderId = orderReceivedId();
$api­>event()­>stateChange($orderId, OrderState::$CONFIRMED);

With centralized credentials and restaurant id

$orderId = orderReceivedId();
$restaurantId = intval(restaurantId());
$api­>event()­>stateChange($orderId, OrderState::$CONFIRMED, $restaurantId)

With centralized credentials and restaurant external code

$orderId = orderReceivedId();
$restaurantCode = restaurantCode();
$api­>event()­>stateChange($orderId, OrderState::$CONFIRMED, $restaurantCod

Warning event
This event represents that the reception system is in a warning state, for example: low battery, lack of
paper, etc.
You must provide the warning internal identification code and a description.

With point to point credentials

$warningCode = 'LOW_BAT';
$warningDescription = 'Low battery. Please plug in the device';
$api­>event()­>warning($warningCode, $warningDescription);

With centralized credentials and restaurant id

$warningCode = 'LOW_BAT';
$warningDescription = 'Low battery. Please plug in the device';
$restaurantId = intval(restaurantId());
$api­>event()­>warning($warningCode, $warningDescription, $restaurantId);

With centralized credentials and restaurant external code

$warningCode = 'LOW_BAT';
$warningDescription = 'Low battery. Please plug in the device';
$restaurantCode = restaurantCode();
$api­>event()­>warning($warningCode, $warningDescription, $restaurantCode);

Error event

This event represents a error, for example: missing product code, can’t confirm order, error processing
You must provide the error internal identification code and a description.

With point to point credentials

$errorCode = 'MISSING_CODE';
$errorDescription = 'Missing code for product with description \'Burger XL\
$api­>event()­>error($errorCode, $errorDescription);

With centralized credentials and restaurant id

$errorCode = 'MISSING_CODE';
$errorDescription = 'Missing code for product with description \'Burger XL\
$restaurantId = intval(restaurantId());
$api­>event()­>error($errorCode, $errorDescription, $restaurantId);

With centralized credentials and restaurant external code

$errorCode = 'MISSING_CODE';
$errorDescription = 'Missing code for product with description \'Burger XL\
$restaurantCode = restaurantCode();
$api­>event()­>error($errorCode, $errorDescription, $restaurantCode);


In this chapter is the description of the different models you will be seen in different operation responses.

All the needed information about the user address. The address is an attribute of the order.

complement (string): The user address complement. For example: Yellow house.
phone (string): The user address phone.
area (string): The user area, a.k.a: neighborhood.
corner (string): The user address street corner.
description (string): The address formatted: street, corner, number, etc. For example: ‘Plaza
Independencia 743 esquina Ciudadela’.
street (string): The user address street.
zipCode (string): Returns the user address zip code. This fields depends on the country, for example
in Uruguay doesn’t make much sense but in Brazil references to the user CEP.
notes (string): The address notes things such as ‘the blue house’, ‘the ring doesn’t work’, etc.
doorNumber (string): The user address door number.
coordinates (string): The user address coordinates.
city (string): The user city.

All the needed information about the possible delivery times for the orders.

id (int): The delivery time identification number.

name (string): The delivery time identification name, ex: Entre30Y45.
description (string): The delivery time description, ex: Entre 30’ y 45’.
All the needed information about the order details. It contains a list of the order products with their options
and extra info.

product (Product): The associated product.

optionGroups (array of OptionGroup): The product options. For example: ‘Ketchup’, ‘Bacon’.
quantity (int): The amount of products.
unitPrice (double): The product unit price.
subtotal (double): The product subtotal.
notes: The notes included for the product. For example: ‘The burger without tomato please.’.
discount (double): The discount amount of the product if apply.
total (double): The total amount of the product with discounts and price modifications.

All the information related to a discount.

amount (double): Net amount.

priority (int): Priority of the discount in relation with other discounts in the list.
value (double): Original value of the discount.
type (DiscountType): The discount type of the discount.
notes (string): Discount Notes.

Type of the payment discount in the payment attribute of the order.

PERCENTAGE (string): Type of discount when it’s specified by percentage value.

VALUE (string): Type of discount when it’s specified by an amount of money.

All the needed information about the product option.

id (int): The option identification number.

name (string): The option name.
index (int): The option index. For sorting purposes.
integrationCode (string): The external integration code.
integrationName (string): The external integration name.
quantity (int): The quantity of selected options.
amount (double): The amount of the option.
modifiesPrice (bool): true if the option modifies the price of the product.


All the product options.

name (string): The option group name.

index (int): The option group index. For sorting purposes.
integrationCode (string): The external integration code.
integrationName (string): The external integration name.
options (array of Option): The options associated to the group.


All the order data. The order details, client information, payment method, etc.

application (string): Return the application type that the order has been created. It’s one of the
payment (Payment): The payment method of the order.
pickup (bool): true if the order is for pickup, false if is for delivery.
responseDate (DateTime): The order response date.
dispatchDate (DateTime): The order dispatch date
portal (Portal): The portal of the order that belongs to.
registeredDate (DateTime): The order registration date.
state (OrderState): The order state.
code (string): The order identification code.
restaurant (Restaurant): The order restaurant.
express (bool): true if the order is an express order, false if is for delivery.
id (int): The order identification number
details (array of Detail): The order details data.
discounts (array of Discount): The list of discounts applied.
address (Address): The user address.
deliveryDate: Returns the delivery date of the order.
notes (string): The order notes.
whiteLabel (string): The white label of the order that belongs to.
user (User): The user who made the order.

PENDING (string): State of the order when is new and ready to be answered.
CONFIRMED (string): State of the order when is confirmed.
REJECTED (string): State of the order when is rejected.

All payment information of the order.

total (double): The total price of the order.

subtotal (double): The sum of details totals plus shipping.
tax (double): The total taxes amount of the order.
online (bool): true if it’s online payment.
shipping (double): The shipping cost of the order.
paymentAmount (double): The user payment amount.
amountNoDiscount (double): The amount of the order without discount.
currencySymbol (string): The currency symbol of the payment method .
shippingNoDiscount (double): The shipping cost of the order without discount.
method (string): The payment method description: ‘Cash’, ‘Credit card’, etc.
notes (string): The payment notes, for example: ‘$100 with credit card and $17 with cash’.


All the information about the order platform.

id (int): The portal identification number.

name (string): The portal name. For example: ‘Pedidos Ya’, ‘Pizza Pizza’

All the product data.

id (int): The product identification number.

name (string): The product name. For example: ‘Pizza’, ‘Burger’.
integrationCode (string): The external integration code.
integrationName (string): The external integration name.
section (Section): The product section.

All information about possible rejection messages.

id (int): The reject message identification number.

descriptionES (string): The reject message description in Spanish.
descriptionPT (string): The reject message description in Portuguese.
forLogistics (bool): Whether the reject message must be used for logistic orders or not.
forPickup (bool): Whether the reject message must be used for pickup orders or not.

All the restaurant information of an order.

id (int): The restaurant identification number.

name (string): The restaurant name.
integrationCode (string): The external integration code.
integrationName (string): The external integration name.

All the information about the section of a product.

index (int): The section index. For sorting purposes.

name (string): The section name. For example: ‘Pizzas’, ‘Beverages’.
integrationCode (string): The external integration code.
integrationName (string): The external integration name.

All the user data. The user email, full name, etc.

platform (string): The platform that the user belongs to.

lastName (string): The user last name.
email (string): The user email.
isNew (bool): true if the user is new.
name (string): The user name.
identityCard (string): The user identity card. For example, the Uruguayan CI number, the Brazilian
CNPF or CNPJ number, etc.
type (string): The user type.
orderCount (int): The amount of orders that the user has on the specified platform.
FAILURE (string): State of the tracking when it failed.
REQUESTING_DRIVER (string): State of the tracking when a driver is being requested.
TRANSMITTING (string): State of the tracking when the order is being transmitted.
TRANSMITTED (string): State of the tracking when the order is finally transmitted.
PREPARING (string): State of the tracking when the order is being prepared.
DELIVERING (string): State of the tracking when the order is being delivered.
DELIVERED (string): State of the tracking when the order is finally delivered.
CLOSED (string): State of the tracking when the order is closed and no live tracking happens.

name (string): The driver’s name.
location (Location): The driver’s location.

lat (double): The location’s latitude.
lng (double): The location’s longitude.

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