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Lesson For 12 - 9 - Money-2

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The lesson plan template outlines a math lesson on coins for 2nd grade students.

The lesson teaches students the names and values of coins and how to determine the total monetary value of multiple coins.

The lesson includes reviewing coin names and values, an activity where students determine the value of coins in cups, and a coin matching game.

Springfield College

Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: Haley Cordery Date: 12/9/19

Subject: Math Grade Level: 2
Title of Lesson: Money Lesson Length: 30 Mins

Overview of Lesson Well-Structured Lessons​: ​develop well-structured lessons with challenging measurable objectives and
(Lesson Components) appropriate student engagement strategies, pacing, sequence, activities, materials, resources, technologies, and
grouping ​CAP I.A.4
Meeting Diverse Needs​ ​ Uses appropriate practices, including tiered instruction and scaffolds, to accommodate
differences in learning styles, needs, interests, and levels of readiness, including those Students with Disabilities
and English Language Learners ​CAP II.A.3
Lesson Summary:

In this lesson, students will review the monetary value of all the coins and determine the monetary value of
multiple coins through various activities .

Lesson Objectives:​ ​Students will be able to... Consider IEP objectives and Language Objectives

The students will be able to state the name and monetary value of all coins.

The students will be able to determine the monetary value of multiple coins.

The students will be able to solve a word problem involving pennies, nickels, and dimes using the correct
cent symbol.

Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks:

Solve word problems involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies, using $ and ¢ symbols
appropriately. Example: If you have 2 dimes and 3 pennies, how many cents do you have?

Materials/Equipment:​ ​What will you use to support your lesson? Assistive Technology, use of visuals, fidget tools, etc.

- Plastic coins ( enough for review and activity one)

- 7 plastic cups ( one for each student plus two extras)
- 5 dry erase boards
- 5 dry erase markers
- Money match cards
- Exit ticket worksheet ( 5 copies)
Springfield College
Lesson Plan Template

Enduring Understandings:​ ​Large Transferrable Insights… Consider: These may be related to IEP goals and/or
language acquisition

​Big Ideas: The students will understand that……..

The students will understand that learning about coins is important for everyday life.

The students will understand that learning how to count change is an important life skill.

​ hange, cents, money, value, coins

​Concepts:​ c

Essential Questions:​ ​How will you facilitate critical thinking skills? Consider: How to scaffold the essential questions

Why is it important to learn the value of the different coins?

Why is it important to be able to count change?

Content Curriculum and Planning: ​Knows the subject matter well, has a good grasp of child development and how
students learn, and designs effective rigorous standards-based units of instruction. ​CAP I.A.4

Factual Content​:​ ​What key knowledge will the students learn in this lesson?

The students will learn the monetary value and name of all the coins and be able to determine the total value
in cents of multiple coins.

Critical Thinking Skills​:​ ​What key skills will be taught and/or practiced in this lesson?

The students will review the name and monetary value of all U.S. coins.

The students will determine the total value of a group of coins.

The students will solve a coin word problems involving pennies, nickels, and dimes.

Vocabulary Meeting Diverse Needs & SEI​: ​Demonstrates knowledge of the difference between social and academic
language and the importance of this difference in planning, differentiating and delivering effective instruction for
English language learners at various levels of English language proficiency and literacy.​ ​Meeting Diverse Needs
II.A.3; SEI (c)
Tier 1 Vocabulary:​ ​Basic everyday words familiar to most students

coins, money, penny, nickel, dime, quarter, cents

Springfield College
Lesson Plan Template

Tier 2 Vocabulary:​ ​Frequently occurring academic words

Tier 3 Vocabulary: ​Domain specific words, low frequency

Assessments Adjustment To Practice & Meeting Diverse Needs ​Organizes and analyzes results from a variety of
Formative/Summative, assessments [e.g., performance tasks, formative/summative, informal/formal] to determine progress toward
Informal/Formal intended outcomes and uses these findings to adjust practice and identify and/or implement appropriate
differentiated interventions and enhancements for students ​CAP I.B.2 & II.A.3

Detail below all performance tasks/tests/quizzes; formative/summative/informal/formal assessments​ ​(Refer to

lesson plan guidelines for more details)

Performance tasks​: The students will complete the exit ticket which has the students solve a coin word
problem. The students will play a coin matching game where they have to match the total cents to a picture
of the correct amount of coins. The students will determine the total value of all the coins in their cup.

Formative assessment: ​At the beginning of the lesson the teacher will evaluate the students prior knowledge
of coins and their values by conducting a review of the concept.

Summative assessment: N/A

Informal assessment: ​The teacher will check-in with each student when they are determining the value of
the change in the cups to be sure the students understand how to find the total value in cents of multiple coins.

Formal assessment: ​ The students will be able to successfully complete the coin word problems.
Springfield College
Lesson Plan Template

Action and Instructional Safe Learning Environment​: ​Uses rituals, routines, and appropriate responses that create and maintain a
Procedures safe physical and intellectual environment where students take academic risks and most behaviors that
interfere with learning are prevented. ​CAP II.B.1
Anticipatory Set:​ ​What steps will you take to engage your students at the beginning of your lesson (the hook)?
Step 1:​Go over the behavior expectations for the lesson ​( 1 min)
● Tell the students that they should be sitting on their bottoms with their feet on the floor
● Explain that reading is like talking so we should not be yelling
● Explain that we can not be talking out and that if we have a question/comment we need to raise
our hands

Step 2:​ Explain why it is important to learn about coins and their values. Ask the students: Does anyone
know why it is important to learn about coins and their values? ( Response: because we use coins to buy
things at the store)​ ( 1 min)

Step 3:​ Ask the students: Has anyone ever gone to store and picked something out and paid for it themselves?
( Response: yes, so we are learning about coins so that we are able to go into a store and pick something out
and pay for it ourselves.) ​( 1 min)

Procedures/Transitions:​ ​State the teacher action, student action, and/or the assessment that will take place. Include the
amount of time it will take to complete each procedure. Consider: Instructional strategies, behavior management strategies,
informal assessment strategies and how you will provide accessibility for all learners.

-Review the coins and their values ( 6 mins )-

Step 1​: Hold up a plastic penny and ask the students what is the name of this coin is. Then ask the same
student what the value of that coin is as well as what you count by when trying to find the value of a penny.
(write all information on the board next to the picture of a penny)

Step 2​: Hold up a plastic nickel and ask a different student what the name of that coin is. Then ask the same
student what the value of that coin is as well as what you count by when trying to find the value of a nickel.
(write all information on the board next to the picture of a nickel)

Step 3​: Hold up a plastic dime and ask a different student what the name of that coin is. Then ask the same
student what the value of that coin is as well as what you count by when trying to find the value of a dime.
( write all information on the board next to the picture of a dime)

Step 4​: Hold up a plastic quarter and ask a different student what the name of that coin is. Then ask the same
student what the value of that coin is as well as what you count by when trying to find the value of a quarter.
(write all information on the board next to the picture of a quarter)

-Activity 1 ( 6 mins)-
Step 1: ​Explain the rules of the game. Explain to the students that you will give each of them a cup filled
with coins, a whiteboard, and a dry erase marker. Tell the students that if you see anyone drawing with their
markers then you will take it and they will have to use paper and a pencil. Explain to the students that their
job will be to find the value or the amount of cents they have in their cup. Once they have counted and found
Springfield College
Lesson Plan Template

the value of the coins in their cup the next step is to write the amount of cents they have on their whiteboard
and then raise their hand and I will check it.

Step 2​: Model the entire procedure after explaining it to the students so that there is no confusion.

Step 3: ​pass out materials

Step 4 :​ Have each student do 2-3 different cups of coins.

-Activity 2 ( 10 Mins) -
Step 1: ​Explain to the students that we are going to play a money matching game as a small group. Explain to
the students that you have to find the picture that matches the value. ( show the students a match so they

Step 2:​ Pick a student to go first have them pick two cards; ask the student if it matches, if it does have the
student keep the match if not put the cards back. Continue to guide the students through this game till all the
cards have been matched.

Closure:​ ​How will students demonstrate their learning and/or apply their learning?

-Closure (5 mins)-

Step 1​: Pass out the exit tickets to each student and instruct students to put their name on the top.

Step 2:​ Read the problem to the students and provide assistance when needed.

Homework/Extension Activities:​ ​What is the homework and what is your purpose for assigning it? Consider: Supports
that students might need in order to complete the homework (e.g., visuals, reference sheet, etc.)
References/Resources materials used Be sure to include all references. Cite your sources, what resources did you use
to plan this lesson?

Lesson Reflections Reflective Practice:​ Regularly reflects on the effectiveness of lessons, units and interactions with students, both
individually and with colleagues, and uses insights gained to improve practice and student learning. ​CAP IV.A.1
Reflect on the overall lesson, your teaching strategies and skills, and the students’ actions. Consider such things as:

The Lesson Plan:

● What went well?
One thing that went well was the students behavior and participation in the lesson. All the students participated and were
engaged during the lesson.
● What areas of weakness need addressing with regard to the overall lesson?
One area of weakness would be the money matching game I created for this lesson. If I were to do this lesson again I would
change slightly. I would make a group of cards that just have coins and a group of cards with values and have the students
pick one from each group. This would help move the game along and it would make it so the students would get more
matches quicker.
● What could have been done to improve this lesson?
Springfield College
Lesson Plan Template

One thing that could have been done to improve this lesson would be to change the money matching game. If I were to do
this lesson again I would have the students pick from a value pile and a coin pile.
● Which objectives were met? What is the evidence? Which students did not meet objectives? Why?
Yes the objectives were met, the students were able to successfully complete their exit ticket assignment.
Teaching Skills:
● What did you do well in this lesson?
One thing that I did well in this lesson was I allowed for wait time before providing assistance to the students.
● What areas of weakness need addressing with regards to your teaching?
In regards to my teaching I feel as though if I explained the directions of matching game better to the students then they
would not have struggled with that aspect of the lesson.
● What could be done to provide better instruction in the future?
In future I feel if I improved the matching game then the lesson would be more fun for the students.

The Students:
● Were you pleased with the performance of the students?
yes I was pleased with the performance of the students. All the students participated in the lesson and were engaged .
● What did the students do well? What did the students struggle with?
The students did very well with the exit ticket they were all able to get the correct answer.Some of the students struggled with
the matching game because they were not getting any matches.
● What can be done to help the students do better in the future?
I think improving the matching game would help the students do better in the future. I think if I was able to speed the game
up so that the students got more matches quicker then they would have enjoyed the game more.

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