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NEET (Medical)
Bit Bank

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NEET 2020
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Seethammapeta Jn., Dwarakanagar Rd.,
7995470564, 9059110308 | VIZAG-16
Syllabus Sheet & Exam Pattern - Pg. No. 1 - 13

Biological Classification - Pg. No. 1 - 18

Animal Kingdom - Pg. No. 1 - 8

Current Electricity - Pg. No. 1 - 37

Chemical Bonding - Pg. No. 1 - 32

SAI RAM EMPOWER ACADEMY | NEET Syllabus, Weightage & Exam Pattern

Medical Council of India:

The Medical Council of India (MCI) recommends the following syllabus for National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test for admission to MBBS courses
across the country (NEET- UG) after review of various State syllabi as well as those prepared by CBSE, NCERT and COBSE. This is to establish a
uniformity across the country keeping in view the relevance of different areas in medical education.

Exam Pattern:
Number of 180 questions (MCQs)
Exam Mode Offline mode only (pen and paper based mode)
Type of questions Objective type questions with 4 options and 1 correct answer
Duration of Exam The exam duration is 180 minutes (3 hours)
Subjects Questions are asked from Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (Botany & Zoology)
Language The question paper is asked in 8 languages English, Hindi, Bengali, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Gujarati and
Marking Scheme 4 marks are awarded for each correct answer.
Negative Marking 1 mark is deducted for each wrong answer

 Botany 45 Questions of Marks 180

 Zoology 45 Questions of Marks 180
 Physics 45 Questions of Marks 180
 Chemistry 45 Questions of Marks 180

NEET or National Entrance cum Eligibility Test is an entrance exam for medical courses like MBBS, BDS, and PG in both private and government
medical colleges. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is responsible for conducting NEET UG Exam every year in various parts of
India. It is an offline objective question based (MCQ) entrance test with 11 lakhs candidates applying every year.
The Honourable Supreme Court on April 28th, 2016 approved NEET or National Eligibility cum Entrance Test as the single examination. The
development which happened three days before the AIPMT 2016 exam had created a lot of confusion amongst medical aspirants who were
studying for various medical entrance exams all across the country.


Physics Syllabus of Class 11th Physics Syllabus of Class 12th

Physical world and measurement Electrostatics
Kinematics Current Electricity
Laws of Motion Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism
Work, Energy and Power Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents
Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body Electromagnetic Waves
Gravitation Optics
Properties of Bulk Matter Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation
Thermodynamics Atoms and Nuclei
Behaviour of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory Electronic Devices
Oscillations and Waves


UNIT I: Physical World and Measurement Details:-

Scope and excitement; nature of physical laws; Physics, technology and society.
Need for measurement: Units of measurement; systems of units; SI units, fundamental and derived units. Length, mass and time
measurements; accuracy and precision of measuring instruments; errors in measurement; significant figures.
Dimensions of physical quantities, dimensional analysis and its applications.

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UNIT II: Kinematics Details:-

Frame of reference, Motion in a straight line; Position-time graph, speed and velocity. Uniform and non-uniform motion,
average speed and instantaneous velocity. Uniformly accelerated motion, velocity-time and position-time graphs, for uniformly
accelerated motion (graphical treatment).
Elementary concepts of differentiation and integration for describing motion. Scalar and vector quantities: Position and
displacement vectors, general vectors, general vectors and notation, equality of vectors, multiplication of vectors by a real
number; addition and subtraction of vectors. Relative velocity.
Unit vectors. Resolution of a vector in a plane-rectangular components.
Scalar and Vector products of Vectors. Motion in a plane. Cases of uniform velocity and uniform acceleration- projectile motion.
Uniform circularmotion.

UNIT III: Laws of Motion Details:-

Intuitive concept of force. Inertia, Newton’s first law of motion; momentum and Newton’s second law of motion; impulse;
Newton’s third law of motion. Law of conservation of linear momentum and its applications.
Equilibrium of concurrent forces. Static and Kinetic friction, laws of friction, rolling friction, lubrication.
Dynamics of uniform circular motion. Centripetal force, examples of circular motion (vehicle on level circular road, vehicle on
banked road).

UNIT IV: Work, Energy and Power Details:-

Work done by a constant force and variable force; kinetic energy, work-energy theorem, power.
Notion of potential energy, potential energy of a spring, conservative forces; conservation of mechanical energy (kinetic and
potential energies); non- conservative forces; motion in a vertical circle, elastic and inelastic collisions in one and two

UNIT V: Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body Details:-

Centre of mass of a two-particle system, momentum conservation and centreof mass motion. Centre of mass of a rigid body;
centre of mass of uniform rod.
Moment of a force,-torque, angular momentum, conservation of angular momentum with some examples.
Equilibrium of rigid bodies, rigid body rotation and equation of rotational motion, comparison of linear and rotational motions;
moment of inertia, radius of gyration. Values of M.I. for simple geometrical objects (no derivation). Statement of parallel and
perpendicular axes theorems and their applications.

UNIT VI: Gravitation Details:-

Kepler’s laws of planetary motion. The universal law of gravitation. Acceleration due to gravity and its variation
with altitude and depth.
Gravitational potential energy; gravitational potential. Escape velocity, orbital velocity of a satellite. Geostationary satellites.

UNIT VII: Properties of Bulk Matter Details:-

Elastic behavior, Stress-strain relationship. Hooke’s law, Young’s modulus, bulk modulus, shear, modulus of rigidity, poisson’s
ratio; elastic energy.
Viscosity, Stokes’ law, terminal velocity, Reynold’s number, streamline and turbulent flow. Critical velocity, Bernoulli’s
theorem and its applications.
Surface energy and surface tension, angle of contact, excess of pressure, application of surface tension ideas to drops,
bubbles and capillaryrise.
Heat, temperature, thermal expansion; thermal expansion of solids, liquids, and gases. Anomalous expansion. Specific heat
capacity: Cp, Cv- calorimetry; change of state – latent heat.
Heat transfer- conduction and thermal conductivity, convection and radiation. Qualitative ideas of Black BodyRadiation, Wein’s
displacement law, and Green House effect.
Newton’s law of cooling and Stefan’s law.

UNIT VIII: Thermodynamics Details:-

Thermal equilibrium and definition of temperature (zeroth law of Thermodynamics). Heat, work and internal
energy. First law of thermodynamics. Isothermal and adiabatic processes.
Second law of the thermodynamics: Reversible and irreversible processes. Heat engines and refrigerators.

UNIT IX: Behaviour of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory Details:-

Equation of state of a perfect gas, work done on compressing a gas.
Kinetic theory of gases: Assumptions, concept of pressure. Kinetic energy and temperature; degrees of freedom, law of
equipartition of energy (statement only) and application to specific heat capacities of gases; concept of mean free path.

UNIT X: Oscillations and Waves Details:-

Periodic motion-period, frequency, displacement as a function of time. Periodic functions. Simple harmonic motion(SHM) and its
equation; phase; oscillations of a spring-restoring force and force constant; energy in SHM –Kinetic and potential energies; simple
pendulum-derivation of expression for its time period; free, forced and damped oscillations (qualitative ideas only), resonance.
Wave motion. Longitudinal and transverse waves, speed of wave motion. Displacement relation for a progressive wave.
Principle of superposition of waves, reflection of waves, standing waves in strings and organ pipes, fundamental mode and
harmonics. Beats. Doppler effect.
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UNIT I: Electrostatics Details:-

Electric charges and their conservation. Coulomb’s law-force between two point charges, forces between multiple charges;
superposition principle andcontinuous charge distribution.
Electric field, electric field due to a point charge, electric field lines; electric dipole, electric field due to a dipole; torque on a dipole
in a uniform electricfield.
Electric flux, statement of Gauss’s theorem and its applications to find field due to infinitely long straight wire, uniformly charged
infinite plane sheet and uniformly charged thin spherical shell (field inside and outside)
Electric potential, potential difference, electric potential due to a point charge, a dipole and system of charges: equipotential
surfaces, electrical potential energy of a system of two point charges and of electric diploes in an electrostatic field.
Conductors and insulators, free charges and bound charges inside a conductor. Dielectrics and electric polarization, capacitors
and capacitance, combinationof capacitors in series and in parallel, capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor with and without
dielectric medium between the plates, energy stored in a capacitor, Van de Graaff generator.

UNIT II: Current Electricity Details:-

Electric current, flow of electric charges in a metallic conductor, drift velocity and mobility, and their relation with electric current;
Ohm’s law, electrical resistance, V-I characteristics (liner and non-linear), electrical energy and power, electrical resistivity and
Carbon resistors, colour code for carbon resistors; series and parallel combinations of resistors; temperature
dependence of resistance.
Internal resistance of a cell, potential difference and emf of a cell, combination of cells in series and in parallel.
Kirchhoff’s laws and simple applications. Wheatstone bridge, metre bridge.
Potentiometer-principle and applications to measure potential difference, and for comparing emf of two cells; measurement of
internal resistance of a cell.

UNIT III: Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism Details:-

Concept of magnetic field, Oersted’s experiment. Biot-Savart law and its application to current carrying circular loop.
Ampere’s law and its applications to infinitely long straight wire, straight and toroidal solenoids. Force on a moving charge in
uniform magnetic and electric fields. Cyclotron.
Force on a current-carrying conductor in a uniform magnetic field. Force between two parallel current-carrying conductors-
definition of ampere. Torque experienced by a current loop in a magnetic field; moving coil galvanometer-its current sensitivity
and conversion to ammeter and voltmeter.

Current loop as a magnetic dipole and its magnetic dipole moment. Magnetic dipole moment of a revolving electron. Magnetic
field intensity due to a magnetic dipole (bar magnet) along its axis and perpendicular to its axis. Torque on a magnetic dipole (bar
magnet) in a uniform magnetic field; bar magnet as an equivalent solenoid, magnetic field lines; Earth’s magnetic field and
magnetic elements.
Para-, dia-and ferro-magnetic substances, with examples.
Electromagnetic and factors affecting their strengths. Permanent magnets.

UNIT IV: Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents Details:-

Electromagnetic induction; Faraday’s law, induced emf and current; Lenz’s Law, Eddy currents. Self and mutual inductance.
Alternating currents, peak and rms value of alternating current/ voltage; reactance and impedance; LC oscillations (qualitative
treatment only), LCR series circuit, resonance; power in AC circuits, wattles current.
AC generator and transformer.

UNIT V: Electromagnetic Waves Details:-

Need for displacement current.
Electromagnetic waves and their characteristics (qualitative ideas only). Transverse nature of electromagnetic waves.
Electromagnetic spectrum (radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible,ultraviolet, x-rays, gamma rays) including elementary facts
about their uses.

UNIT VI: Optics Details:-

Reflection of light, spherical mirrors, mirror formula. Refraction of light, total internal reflection and its applications optical fibres,
refraction at spherical surfaces, lenses, thin lens formula, lens-maker’s formula. Magnification, power of a lens, combination of thin
lenses in contact combination of a lens and a mirror. Refraction and dispersion of light through a prism.
Scattering of light- blue colour of the sky and reddish appearance of the sun at sunrise and sunset.
Optical instruments: Human eye, image formation and accommodation, correction of eye defects (myopia and
hypermetropia) using lenses.
Microscopes and astronomical telescopes (reflecting and refracting) and their magnifying powers.
Wave optics: Wavefront and Huygens’ principle, reflection and refraction of plane wave at a plane surface using wavefronts.
Proof of laws of reflection and refraction using Huygens’ principle.
Interference, Young’s double hole experiment and expression for fringe width, coherent sources and sustained interference of

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Diffraction due to a single slit, width of central maximum.

Resolving power of microscopes and astronomical telescopes. Polarisation, plane polarized light; Brewster’s law, uses of plane
polarized light and Polaroids.

UNIT VII: Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation Details:-

Photoelectric effect, Hertz and Lenard’s observations; Einstein’sphotoelectric equation- particle nature of light.
Matter waves- wave nature of particles, de Broglie relation. Davisson-Germer experiment (experimental details should be
omitted; only conclusion should be explained).

UNIT VIII: Atoms and Nuclei Details:-

Alpha- particle scattering experiments; Rutherford’s model of atom; Bohr model, energy levels, hydrogen spectrum. Composition
and size of nucleus, atomic masses, isotopes, isobars; isotones.
Radioactivity- alpha, beta and gamma particles/ rays and their propertiesdecay law. Mass-energy relation, mass defect; binding
energy per nucleon and its variation with mass number, nuclear fission and fusion.

UNIT IX: Electronic Devices Details:-

Energy bands in solids (qualitative ideas only), conductors, insulators and semiconductors; semiconductor diode- I-V
characteristics in forward and reverse bias, diode as a rectifier; I-V characteristics of LED, photodiode, solar cell, and Zener
diode; Zener diode as a voltage regulator. Junction transistor, transistor action, characteristics of a transistor; transistor as an
amplifier (common emitter configuration) and oscillator. Logic gates (OR, AND, NOT, NAND and NOR). Transistor as a switch.

Physical World, Units and Measurements 2
Motion in a Straight Line 1.5
Motion in a Plane 1.5
Laws of Motion 3
Work, Energy and Power 4
Gravitation 2
System of Particles and Rotational Motion 5
Mechanical Properties of Solids 2
Mechanical Properties of Fluids 2
Thermal Properties of Matter 2
Thermodynamics 9
Kinetic Theory 3
Oscillations 1.5
Waves 1.5
Electric Charges and Fields 4.5
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance 4.5
Current Electricity 8
Moving Charges and Magnetism 2.5
Magnetism and Matter 2.5
Electromagnetic Induction 4
Alternating Current 4
Electromagnetic Waves 5
Ray Optics And Optical Instruments 5
Wave Optics 5
Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter 6
Atoms 1.5
Nuclei 1.5
Semiconductor Electronics: Materials, Devices and Simple Circuits 6

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Chemistry Syllabus of Class 11th Chemistry Syllabus of Class 12th

Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry Solid State
Structure of Atom Solutions
Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties Electrochemistry
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure Chemical Kinetics
States of Matter: Gases and Liquids Surface Chemistry
Thermodynamics General Principles and Processes of Isolation of
Equilibrium p- Block Elements
Redox Reactions d and f Block Elements
Hydrogen Coordination Compounds
s-Block Element (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals) Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
Some p-Block Elements Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
Organic Chemistry- Some Basic Principles and Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids
Hydrocarbons Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen
Environmental Chemistry Biomolecules
Chemistry in Everyday Life


UNIT I: Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry Details:-

General Introduction: Important and scope of chemistry.
Laws of chemical combination, Dalton’s atomic theory: concept ofelements, atoms and molecules.
Atomic and molecular masses. Mole concept and molar mass; percentage composition and empirical and molecular
formula; chemical reactions, stoichiometry and calculations based on stoichiometry.

UNIT II: Structure of Atom Details:-

Atomic number, isotopes and isobars. Concept of shells and subshells, dual nature of matter and light, de Broglie’s relationship,
Heisenberg uncertainty principle, concept of orbital, quantum numbers, shapes of s,p and d orbitals, rules for filling electrons in
orbitals- Aufbau principle, Pauli exclusion principles and Hund’s rule, electronic configuration of atoms, stability of half filled and
completely filled orbitals.

UNIT III: Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties Details:-

Modern periodic law and long form of periodic table, periodic trends inproperties of elements- atomic radii, ionic radii, ionization
enthalpy, electron gain enthalpy, electronegativity, valence.

UNIT IV: Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure Details:-

Valence electrons, ionic bond, covalent bond, bond parameters, Lewisstructure, polar character of covalent bond, valence bond
theory, resonance, geometry of molecules, VSEPR theory, concept of hybridization involving s, p and dorbitals and shapes of
some simple molecules, molecular orbital theory of homonuclear diatomic molecules (qualitative idea only). Hydrogen bond.

UNITV: States of Matter: Gases and Liquids Details:-

Three states of matter, intermolecular interactions, types of bonding, melting and boiling points, role of gas laws of elucidating the
concept of the molecule, Boyle’s law, Charle’s law, Gay Lussac’s law, Avogadro’s law, ideal behaviour of gases, empirical derivation
of gas equation. Avogadro number, ideal gas equation. Kinetic energy and molecular speeds (elementary idea), deviation from ideal
behaviour, liquefaction of gases, critical temperature.
Liquid State- Vapour pressure, viscosityand surface tension (qualitative idea only, no mathematical derivations).

UNITVI : Thermodynamics Details:-

First law of thermodynamics-internal energy and enthalpy, heat capacity and specific heat, measurement of U and H, Hess’s law
of constant heat summation, enthalpy of : bond dissociation, combustion, formation, atomization, sublimation, phase transition,
ionization, solution and dilution.
Introduction of entropy as state function, Second law of thermodynamics, Gibbs energy change for spontaneous and non-
spontaneous process, criteria for equilibrium and spontaneity. Third law of thermodynamics- Brief introduction.

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UNIT VII: Equilibrium Details:-

Equilibrium in physical and chemical processes, dynamic nature of equilibrium, law of chemical equilibrium, equilibrium constant,
factors affectingequilibrium- Le Chatelier’s principle; ionic equilibrium- ionization of acids and bases, strong and weak
electrolytes, degree of ionization, ionization of polybasic acids, acid strength, concept of pH., Hydrolysis of salts (elementary
idea)., buffer solutions, Henderson equation, solubility product, common ion effect (with illustrative examples).

UNIT VIII: Redox Reactions Details:-

Concept of oxidation and oxidation and reduction, redox reactions oxidation number, balancing redox reactions in terms of
loss and gain of electron and change in oxidation numbers.

UNIT IX: Hydrogen Details:-

Occurrence, isotopes, preparation, properties and uses of hydrogen; hydrides- ionic, covalent and interstitial; physical and
chemical properties of water,heavy water; hydrogen peroxide-preparation, reactions, uses and structure

UNIT X: s-Block Elements (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals) Details:-

Group I and group 2 elements:
General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence, anomalous properties of the first element of each group, diagonal
relationship, trends in the variation of properties (such as ionization enthalpy, atomic and ionic radii), trends in chemical reactivity
with oxygen, water, hydrogen and halogens; uses.
Preparation and Properties of Some important Compounds:
Sodium carbonate, sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide and sodium hydrogencarbonate, biological importance of
sodium andpotassium.
Industrial use of lime and limestone, biological importance of Mg and Ca.

UNIT XI: Some p-Block Elements Details:-

General Introduction to p-Block Elements.
Group 13 elements: General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence, variation of properties, oxidation states, trends in
chemical reactivity,anomalous properties of first element of the group; Boron, some important compounds: borax, boric acids,
boron hydrides. Aluminium: uses, reactions with acids and alkalies.
General 14 elements: General introduction, electronicconfiguration, occurrence, variation of properties, oxidation states, trends
in chemical reactivity,anomalous behaviour of first element. Carbon, allotropic forms, physical and chemical properties: uses of
some important compounds: oxides.
Important compounds of silicon and a few uses: silicon tetrachloride, silicones, silicates and zeolites, their uses.

UNIT XII: Organic Chemistry- Some Basic Principles and Techniques Details:-
General introduction, methods of purification qualitative and quantitative analysis, classification and IUPAC
nomenclature of organiccompounds.
Electronic displacements in a covalent bond: inductive effect, electromericeffect, resonance and hyper conjugation.
Homolytic and heterolytic fission of a covalent bond: free radials, carbocations, carbanions; electrophiles and nucleophiles, types
of organic reactions.

UNIT XIII: Hydrocarbons Details:-

Alkanes- Nomenclature, isomerism, conformations (ethane only), physical properties, chemical reactions includingfree radical
mechanism of halogenation, combustion and pyrolysis.
Alkanes-Nomenclature, structure of double bond (ethene), geometricalisomerism, physical properties, methods of preparation:
chemical reactions: addition of hydrogen, halogen, water, hydrogen halides (Markovnikov’s addition and peroxide effect),
ozonolysis, oxidation, mechanism of electrophilic addition.
Alkynes-Nomenclature, structure of triple bond (ethyne), physical properties, methods of preparation, chemical reactions: acidic
character of alkynes, addition reaction of- hydrogen, halogens, hydrogen halides and water.
Aromatic hydrocarbons- Introduction, IUPAC nomenclature; Benzene;resonance, aromaticity; chemical properties: mechanism of
electrophilic substitution- Nitration sulphonation, halogenation, Friedel Craft’s alkylation and acylation; directive influence of
functional group in mono-substituted benzene; carcinogenicity and toxicity.

UNIT XIV: Environmental Chemistry Details:-

Environmental pollution: Air, water and soil pollution, chemical reactions in atmosphere, smogs, major atmospheric pollutants;
acid rain ozone and its reactions, effects of depletion of ozone layer, greenhouse effect and global warming-pollution due to
industrial wastes; green chemistry as an alternative tool for reducing pollution, strategy for control of environmental pollution.

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UNIT I: Solid State Details:-

Classification of solids based on different binding forces; molecular, ionic covalent and metallic solids, amorphous and crystalline
solids (elementary idea), unit cell in two dimensional and three dimensional lattices, calculation of density of unit cell, packing in
solids, packingefficiency, voids, number of atoms per unit cell in a cubic unit cell, point defects, electrical and magnetic properties,
Band theory of metals, conductors, semiconductors and insulators.

UNIT II: Solutions Details:-

Types of solutions, expression of concentration of solutions of solids in liquids, solubility of gases in liquids, solid solutions,
colligative properties- relative lowering of vapour pressure, Raoult’s law, elevation of boiling point, depression of freezing point,
osmotic pressure, determination of molecular masses using colligative properties abnormal molecular mass. Van Hoff factor.

UNIT III: Electrochemistry Details:-

Redox reactions, conductance in electrolytic solutions, specific and molar conductivity variation of conductivity with
concentration, kohlrausch’s Law, electrolysis and Laws of electrolysis (elementary idea), dry cell- electrolytic cells and Galvanic
cells; lead accumulator, EMF of a cell, standard electrodepotential, Relation between Gibbs energy change and EMF of a cell, fuel

UNIT IV: Chemical Kinetics Details:-

Rate of a reaction (average and instantaneous), factors affecting rates of reaction; concentration, temperature, catalyst; order and
molecularity of a reaction; rate law and specific rate constant, integrated rate equations and half life (only for zero and first order
reactions); concept of collision theory ( elementary idea, no mathematical treatment). Activation energy, Arrhenious equation.

UNIT V: Surface Chemistry Details:-

Adsorption-physisorption and chemisorption; factors affecting adsorption ofgases on solids, catalysis homogeneous and
heterogeneous, activity and selectivity: enzyme catalysis; colloidal state: distinction between true solutions, colloids and
suspensions; lyophillic, lyophobic multimolecular and macromolecular colloids; properties of colloids; Tyndall effect, Brownian
movement, electrophoresis, coagulation; emulsions- types of emulsions.

UNIT VI: General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements Details:-

Principles and methods of extraction- concentration, oxidation, reduction electrolytic method and refining; occurrence
and principles ofextraction of aluminium, copper, zinc and iron.

UNIT VII: p- Block Elements Details:-

Group 15 elements: General introduction, electronic configuration,occurrence, oxidation states, trends in physical and chemical
properties; preparation and properties of ammonia and nitric acid, oxides of nitrogen (structure only); Phosphorous- allotropic
forms; compounds of phosphorous: preparation and properties of phosphine, halides (PCI3, PCI5) and oxoacids (elementary
idea only).
Group 16 elements: General introduction, electronic configuration, oxidation states, occurrence, trends in physical and chemical
properties; dioxygen: preparation, properties and uses; classification of oxides; ozone. Sulphur – allotropic forms; compounds of
sulphur: preparation, preparation, properties and uses of sulphur dioxide; sulphuric acid: industrial process of manufacture,
properties and uses, oxoacids of sulphur (structures only).
Group 17 elements: General introduction, electronic configuration, oxidation states, occurrence, trends in physical and
chemical properties; compounds of halogens: preparation, properties and uses of chlorine and hydrochloric acid,
interhalogen compounds oxoacids of halogens (structures only).
Group 18 elements: General introduction, electronic configuration,occurrence, trends in physical and chemical properties, uses.

UNIT VIII: d and f Block Elements Details:-

General introduction, electronic configuration, characteristics of transitionmetals, general trends in properties of the first row
transition metals- metallic character, ionization enthalpy, oxidation states, ionic radii, colour, catalytic property, magnetic
properties, interstitial compounds, alloy formation. Preparation and properties of K 2Cr2O7 and KMnO4.
Lanthanoids- electronic configuration, oxidation states, chemical reactivity,and lanthanoid contraction and its consequences.
Actinoids: Electronic configuration, oxidation states and comparison with lanthanoids.

UNIT IX: Coordination Compounds Details:-

Coordination compounds: Introduction, ligands, coordination number, colour, magnetic properties and shapes, IUPAC
nomenclature of mononuclear coordination compounds, isomerism (structural and stereo) bonding, Werner’s theory VBT,CFT;
importance of coordination compounds (in qualitative analysis, biological systems).

UNIT X: Haloalkanes and Haloarenes Details:-

Haloalkanes: Nomenclature, nature of C –X bond, physical andchemical properties, mechanism of substitution
reactions. Optical rotation.
Haloarenes: Nature of C-X bond, substitution reactions (directive influence of halogen for monosubstituted compounds only).
Uses and environment effects of – dichloromethane,trichloromethane, tetrachloromethane, iodoform, freons, DDT.

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UNIT XI: Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers Details:-

Alcohols: Nomenclature, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties (of primary alcohols only); identification of
primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols; mechanism of dehydration, uses with special reference to methanol and ethanol.
Phenols: Nomenclature, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties, acidic nature of phenol, electrophillic
substitution reactions, uses of phenols.
Ethers: Nomenclature, methods of preparation, physical and chemicalproperties uses.

UNIT XII: Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids Details:-

Aldehydes and Ketones: Nomenclature, nature of carbonyl group, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties;
and mechanism ofnucleophilic addition, reactivity of alpha hydrogen in aldehydes; uses.
Carboxylic Acids: Nomenclature, acidic nature, methods of preparation,physical and chemical properties; uses.

UNIT XIII: Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen Details:-

Amines: Nomenclature, classification, structure, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties, uses, identification of
primary secondary and tertiary amines.
Cyanides and Isocyanides- will be mentioned at relevant places.
Diazonium salts: Preparation, chemical reactions and importance in synthetic organic chemistry.

UNIT XIV: Biomolecules Details:-

Carbohydrates- Classification (aldoses and ketoses), monosaccharide (glucose and fructose), D.L. configuration,
oligosaccharides (sucrose, lactose, maltose), polysaccharides (starch, cellulose, glycogen): importance.
Proteins- Elementary idea of – amino acids, peptide bond, polypeptides, proteins, primary structure, secondary structure, tertiary
structure and quaternary structure (qualitative idea only), denaturation of proteins; enzymes.
Hormones- Elementary idea (excluding structure).
Vitamins- Classification and function.
Nucleic Acids: DNA and RNA

UNIT XV: Polymers Details:-

Classification- Natural and synthetic, methods of polymerization (addition and condensation), copolymerization. Some important
polymers: natural and synthetic like polyesters, bakelite; rubber, Biodegradable and non-biodegradable polymers.

UNIT XVI: Chemistry in Everyday Life Details:-

Chemicals in medicines- analgesics, tranquilizers, antiseptics,disinfectants, antimicrobials, antifertility drugs, antibiotics,
antacids, antihistamines.
Chemicals in food- preservatives, artificial sweeteningagents, elementary idea of antioxidants.
Cleansing agents- soaps and detergents, cleansing action.

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Chapter Weightage %
Structure of Atom 2
Periodic table 2
Chemical bonding 5
States of Matter 2
Thermodynamics 8
Equilibrium 6
Redox reactions 3
Hydrogen 3
s-block elements 2
Organic chemistry some basic principles and techniques - 1 2
Organic chemistry some basic principles and techniques - 2 2
Hydrocarbons 3
The Solid State 2
Solutions 5
Electrochemistry 2
Chemical Kinetics 3
Surface Chemistry 2
General Principles and process of Isolation elements 2
p-block elements(13 14) 3.5
p-block elements(15 16 17 18) 3.5
d-and f-block elements 4
Coordination Chemistry 9
Haloalkanes and Haloarenes; Amines 3
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers 4
Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids 4
N containing Organic Compounds 3
Environmental Chemistry 2
Polymers 3
Bio Molecules 3
Chemistry in everydaylife 2

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Biology Syllabus of Class 11th Biology Syllabus of Class 12th

Diversity in Living World Reproduction
Structural Organization in Animals and Plants Genetics and Evolution
Cell Structure and Function Biology and Human Welfare
Plant Physiology Biotechnology and Its Applications
Human physiology Ecology and environment


UNIT I: Diversity in Living World Details:

What is living? ; Biodiversity; Need for classification; Three domains of life; Taxonomy & Systematics; Concept of species and
taxonomical hierarchy; Binomial nomenclature; Tools for study of Taxonomy – Museums, Zoos, Herbaria, Botanical gardens.

Five kingdom classification; salient features and classification of Monera;Protista and Fungi into major groups; Lichens; Viruses and

Salient features and classification of plants into major groups-Algae, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms
(three to five salient and distinguishing features and at least two examples of each category); Angiosperms- classification up to class,
characteristic features and examples).

Salient features and classification of animals-nonchordate up to phyla leveland chordate up to classes level (three to five salient
features and at least two examples).

UNIT II: Structural Organisation in Animals and Plants Details:

Morphology and modifications; Tissues; Anatomy and functions of different parts of flowering plants: Root, stem, leaf,
inflorescence- cymose and recemose, flower, fruit and seed (To be dealt along with the relevant practical of the Practical Syllabus).

Animal tissues; Morphology, anatomy and functions of different systems (digestive, circulatory, respiratory, nervous and
reproductive) of an insect (cockroach). (Brief account only)

UNIT III: Cell Structure and Function Details:

Cell theory and cell as the basic unit of life; Structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell; Plant cell and animal cell; Cell envelope,
cell membrane, cell wall; Cell organelles-structure and function; Endomembranesystem-endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi bodies,
lysosomes, vacuoles; mitochondria, ribosomes, plastids, micro bodies; Cytoskeleton, cilia, flagella, centrioles (ultra structure and
function); Nucleus-nuclear membrane, chromatin, nucleolus.

Chemical constituents of living cells: Biomolecules-structure and function of proteins, carbodydrates, lipids, nucleic acids;
Enzymes-types, properties, enzyme action.
B Cell division: Cell cycle, mitosis, meiosis and their significance.

UNIT IV: Plant Physiology Details:-

Transport in plants: Movement of water, gases and nutrients; Cell to cell transport-Diffusion, facilitated diffusion, active
transport; Plant – waterrelations
Imbibition, water potential, osmosis, plasmolysis; Long distance transport of water – Absorption, apoplast, symplast, transpiration
pull, root pressure and guttation; Transpiration-Opening and closing of stomata; Uptake and translocation of mineral nutrients-
Transport of food, phloem transport, Mass flow hypothesis; Diffusion of gases (brief mention).

Mineral nutrition: Essential minerals, macro and micronutrients and their role; Deficiency symptoms; Mineral toxicity;
Elementary idea of Hydroponics as a method to study mineral nutrition; Nitrogen metabolism-Nitrogen cycle, biological
nitrogen fixation.

Photosynthesis: Photosynthesis as a means of Autotrophic nutrition; Site of photosynthesis take place; pigments involved in
Photosynthesis (Elementary idea); Photochemical and biosynthetic phases of photosynthesis; Cyclic and non cyclic and
photophosphorylation; Chemiosmotic hypothesis; PhotorespirationC3 and C4 pathways; Factors affecting photosynthesis.

Respiration: Exchange gases; Cellular respiration-glycolysis, fermentation (anaerobic), TCA cycle and electron transport system
(aerobic); Energy relations- Number of ATP molecules generated; Amphibolic pathways; Respiratory quotient.

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Plant growth and development: Seed germination; Phases of Plant growth and plant growth rate; Conditions of growth;
Differentiation, dedifferentiationand redifferentiation; Sequence of developmental process in a plant cell; Growth regulators-
auxin,gibberellin, cytokinin, ethylene, ABA; Seed dormancy; Vernalisation; Photoperiodism.

UNIT IV: Human Physiology Details:-

Digestion and absorption; Alimentary canal and digestive glands; Role of digestive enzymes and gastrointestinal hormones;
Peristalsis, digestion, absorption and assimilation of proteins, carbohydrates and fats; Caloric value of proteins, carbohydrates
and fats; Egestion; Nutritional and digestive disorders – PEM, indigestion, constipation, vomiting, jaundice, diarrhea.
Breathing and Respiration: Respiratory organs in animals (recall only); Respiratory system in humans; Mechanism of breathing
and its regulation in humans-Exchange of gases, transport of gases and regulation of respiration Respiratory volumes; Disorders
related to respiration-Asthma, Emphysema, Occupational respiratory disorders.
Body fluids and circulation: Composition of blood, blood groups, coagulation of blood; Composition of lymph and its function;
Human circulatory system-Structure of human heart and blood vessels; Cardiac cycle, cardiac output, ECG, Double circulation;
Regulation of cardiac activity; Disorders of circulatory system- Hypertension, Coronary artery disease, Angina pectoris, Heart
Excretory products and their elimination: Modes of excretion- Ammonotelism, ureotelism, uricotelism; Human excretory
system-structure and fuction; Urine formation, Osmoregulation; Regulation of kidneyfunction-Renin-angiotensin, Atrial
Natriuretic Factor, ADH and Diabetes insipidus; Role of other organs in excretion; Disorders; Uraemia, Renal failure, Renal
calculi, Nephritis; Dialysis and artificial kidney.

Locomotion and Movement: Types of movement- ciliary, fiagellar, muscular; Skeletal muscle- contractile proteins and muscle
contraction; Skeletal system andits functions (To be dealt with the relevant practical of Practical syllabus); Joints; Disorders of
muscular and skeletal system-Myasthenia gravis, Tetany, Muscular dystrophy, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Gout.
Neural control and coordination: Neuron and nerves; Nervous system in humans- central nervous system, peripheral nervous
system and visceral nervous system; Generation and conduction of nerve impulse; Reflex action; Sense organs; Elementary
structure and function of eye and ear.
Chemical coordination and regulation: Endocrine glands and hormones; Human endocrine system-Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Pineal,
Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal, Pancreas, Gonads; Mechanism of hormone action (Elementary Idea); Role of hormones as
messengers and regulators, Hypo-and hyperactivity and related disorders (Common disorders e.g. Dwarfism, Acromegaly,
Cretinism, goiter, exopthalmic goiter, diabetes, Addison’s disease).
(Imp: Diseases and disorders mentioned above to be dealt in brief.)


UNIT I: Reproduction Details:-

Reproduction in organisms: Reproduction, a characteristic feature of all organisms for continuation of species; Modes of
reproduction – Asexual and sexual; Asexual reproduction; Modes-Binary fission, sporulation, budding, gemmule,
fragmentation; vegetative propagation in plants.
Sexual reproduction in flowering plants: Flower structure; Development of male and female gametophytes; Pollination-types,
agencies and examples; Outbreeding devices; Pollen-Pistil interaction; Double fertilization; Post fertilization events- Development
of endosperm and embryo, Development of seed and formation of fruit; Special modes-apomixis, parthenocarpy, polyembryony;
Significance of seed and fruit formation.
Human Reproduction: Male and female reproductive systems; Microscopic anatomy of testis and ovary; Gametogenesis-
spermatogenesis & oogenesis; Menstrual cycle; Fertilisation, embryo development upto blastocyst formation, implantation;
Pregnancy and placenta formation (Elementary idea); Parturition (Elementary idea); Lactation (Elementary idea).
Reproductive health: Need for reproductive health and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (STD); Birth control-Need and
Methods, Contraception and Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP); Amniocentesis; Infertility and assisted reproductive
technologies – IVF, ZIFT, GIFT (Elementary idea for general awareness).

UNIT II: Genetics and Evolution Details:-

Heredity and variation: Mendelian Inheritance; Deviations from Mendelism- Incomplete dominance, Co-dominance, Multiple
alleles and Inheritance of blood groups, Pleiotropy; Elementary idea of polygenic inheritance; Chromosome theory of inheritance;
Chromosomes and genes; Sex determination-In humans, birds, honey bee; Linkage and crossing over; Sex linked inheritance-
Haemophilia, Colour blindness; Mendelian disorders in humans-Thalassemia; Chromosomal disorders in humans; Down’s
syndrome, Turner’s and Klinefelter’s syndromes.

Molecular basis of Inheritance: Search for genetic material and DNA as genetic material; Structure of DNA and RNA; DNA
packaging; DNA replication; Central dogma; Transcription, genetic code, translation; Gene expression and regulation- Lac Operon;
Genome and human genome project; DNA finger printing.

Evolution: Origin of life; Biological evolution and evidences for biological evolution from Paleontology, comparative anatomy,
embryology and molecular evidence); Darwin’s contribution, Modern Synthetic theory of Evolution; Mechanism of evolution-
Variation (Mutation and Recombination) and Natural Selection with examples, types of natural selection; Gene flow and genetic
drift; Hardy-Weinberg’s principle; Adaptive Radiation; Human evolution.

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UNIT III: Biology and Human Welfare Details:-

Health and Disease; Pathogens; parasites causing human diseases (Malaria, Filariasis, Ascariasis. Typhoid, Pneumonia,
common cold, amoebiasis,ring worm); Basic concepts of immunology-vaccines; Cancer, HIV and AIDS; Adolescence, drug
and alcohol abuse.

Improvement in food production; Plant breeding, tissue culture, singlecell protein, Biofortification; Apiculture and
Animal husbandry.

Microbes in human welfare: In household food processing, industrial production, sewage treatment, energygeneration and as
biocontrol agents and biofertilizers.

UNIT IV: Biotechnology and Its Applications Details:-

Principles and process of Biotechnology: Genetic engineering (Recombinant DNA technology).
Application of Biotechnology in health and agriculture: Human insulin and vaccine production, gene therapy; Genetically
modified organisms-Bt crops; Transgenic Animals; Biosafety issues-Biopiracy and patents.

UNIT V: Ecology and environment Details:-

Organisms and environment: Habitat and niche; Population and ecological adaptations; Population interactions-
mutualism, competition, predation, parasitism; Population attributes-growth, birth rate and death rate, age distribution.

Ecosystem: Patterns, components; productivity and decomposition; Energy flow; Pyramids of number, biomass, energy; Nutrient
cycling (carbon and phosphorous); Ecological succession; Ecological Services-Carbon fixation, pollination, oxygen release.

Biodiversity and its conservation: Concept of Biodiversity; Patterns of Biodiversity; Importance of Biodiversity; Loss of
Biodiversity; Biodiversity conservation; Hotspots, endangered organisms, extinction, Red Data Book, biosphere reserves,
National parks and sanctuaries.

Environmental issues: Air pollution and its control; Water pollution and its control; Agrochemicals and their effects; Solid
waste management; Radioactive waste management; Greenhouse effect and global warning; Ozone depletion;
Deforestation; Any three case studies as success stories addressing environmental issues.

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Chapter Weightage %
The Living World 2
Biological Classification 2
Cell: The Unit of Life, Biomolecules 2
Cell Cycle and Cell Division 2
Animal Kingdom 7
Plant Kingdom 4
Morphology of Flowering Plants 5
Anatomy of Flowering Plants 2
Structural Organisation in Animals 2
Transport in Plants 1
Mineral Nutrition 1
Photosynthesis in Higher Plants 2
Respiration in Plants 1
Plant Growth and Development 1
Biomolecules 4
Digestion and Absorption 3
Breathing and Exchange of Gases 2
Body Fluids and Circulation 1
Excretory Products and their Elimination 2
Neural Control and Coordination 2
Locomotion and Movement 2
Chemical Coordination and Integration 4
Reproduction in Organisms 1
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants 5
Human Reproduction 3
Reproductive Health 2
Principles and Inheritance and Variation 5
Molecular Basis of Inheritance 6
Evolution 2
Organisms and Populations 2
Human Health and Disease 3
Microbes in Human Welfare 2
Ecosystem 2
Biodiversity and Conservation 3
Environmental Issues 2
Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production 2
Biotechnology: Principles and Processes 3
Biotechnology and its Applications 3

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SAI RAM EMPOWER ACADEMY | NEET Botany (Biological Classification) BIT BANK

Biological Classification 11. Bacteria lack alternation of generation because

there is
1. Which is true about Trypanosoma? (a) neither syngamy nor reduction division
(a) Polymorphic (b) distinct chromosomes are absent
(b) Monogenetic (c) no conjugation
(c) Facultative Parasite (d) no exchange of genetic material
(d) Non-pathogenic 12. The part of life cycle of malarial parasite
2. Amoebiasis is prevented by Plasmodium vivax, that is passed in female
(a) eating balanced food Anopheles is [1992]
(b) eating plenty of fruits (a) sexual cycle
(c) drinking boiled water (b) pre-erythrocytic schizogony
(d) using mosquito nets (c) exoerythrocytic schizogony
3. Plasmodium, the malarial parasite, belongs to (d) post-erythrocytic schizogony
class 13. Organisms which are indicator of SO2 pollution of
(a) Sarcodina air
(b) Ciliata (a) Mosses
(c) Sporozoa (b) Lichens
(d) Dinophyceae (c) Mushrooms
4. A nonphotosynthetic aerobic nitrogen fixing soil (d) Puffballs
bacterium is 14. Escherichia coli is used extensively in biological
(a) Rhizobium research as it is
(b) Clostridium (a) easily cultured
(c) Azotobacter (b) easily available
(d) Klebsiella (c) easy to handle
5. Absorptive heterotrophic nutrition is exhibited by (d) easily multiplied in host
(a) Algae 15. Genophore/bacterial genome or nucleoid is
(b) Fungi made of
(c) Bryophytes (a) histones and nonhistones
(d) Pteridophytes (b) RNA and histones
6. Who discovered Plasmodium in R.B.C of human (c) a single double stranded DNA
beings? (d) a single stranded DNA
(a) Ronald Ross 16. If all ponds and puddles are destroyed, the
(b) Mendel organism likely to be destroyed is
(c) Laveran (a) Leishmania
(d) Stephens (b) Trypanosoma
7. Malignant tertian malarial parasite is (c) Ascaris
(a) Plasmodium falciparum (d) Plasmodium
(b) P. vivax 17. Schizogont stage of Plasmodium occurs in human
(c) P. ovale cells
(d) P. malariae (a) Erthrocytes
8. Name the organisms which do not derive energy (b) Liver cells
directly or indirectly from sun (c) Erythrocytes and liver cells
(a) Chemosynthetic bacteria (d) Erythrocytes, liver cells and spleen cells
(b) Pathogenic bacteria 18. Reverse transcriptase is
(c) Symbiotic bacteria (a) RNA dependent RNA polymerase
(d) Mould (b) DNA dependent RNA polymerase
9. African sleeping sickness is due to (c) DNA dependent DNA polymerase
(a) Plasmodium vivax transmitted by Tse tse fly (d) RNA dependent DNA polymerase
(b) Trypanosoma lewsii transmitted by Bed Bug 19. Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) genes are
(c) Trypanosoma gambiense transmitted by Glossina (a) double stranded RNA
palpalis (b) single stranded RNA
(d) mitochondria (c) polyribonucleotides
10. In Amoeba and Paramecium osmoregulation (d) proteinaceous
occurs through 20. Organelle/organoid involved in genetic
(a) pseudopodia (b) nucleus engineering is
(c) contractile vacuole (d) general surface (a) plasmid (b) mitochondrion
(c) golgi apparatus (d) lomasome

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21. The term antibiotic was first used by 31. Claviceps purpurea is causal organism of
(a) Flemming (a) Smut of Barley
(b) Pasteur (b) Rust of Wheat
(c) Waksman (c) Ergot of Rye
(d) Lister (d) Powdery Mildew of Pea.
22. Temperature tolerance of thermal 32. Decomposers are organisms that
blue-green algae is due to (a) illaborate chemical substances, causing death of
(a) cell wall structure tissues
(b) cell organisation (b) operate in living body and simplifying
(c) mitochondrial structure organic substances of cells step by step
(d) homopolar bonds in their proteins (c) attack and kill plants as well as animals
23. Nonsymbiotic nitrogen fixers are (d) operate in relay terms, simplifying step by step the
(a) Azotobacter organic constituents of dead body
(b) Pseudomonas 33. Mycorrhiza represents
(c) soil fungi (a) antagonism
(d) blue-green algae (b) endemism
24. Rickettsiae constitute a group under (c) symbiosis
(a) bacteria (d) parasitism
(b) viruses 34. The plasmid
(c) independent group between bacteria and viruses (a) helps in respiration
(d) fungi (b) genes found inside nucleus
25. Nitrogen fixer soil organisms belong (c) is a component of cell wall of bacteria
to (d) is the genetic part in addition to DNA in micro-
(a) mosses organisms
(b) bacteria 35. Which of the following organism possesses
(c) green Algae characteristics of both a plant
(d) soil Fungi and an animal?
26. Protistan genome has (a) Bacteria
(a) membrane bound nucleoproteins embedded in (b) Euglena
cytoplasm (c) Mycoplasma
(b) free nucleic acid aggregates (d) Paramecium
36. The function of contractile vacuole, in protozoa,
(c) gene containing nucleoproteins condensed is
together in loose mass (a) locomotion
(d) ucleoprotein in direct contact with cell substance (b) food digestion
27. Entamoeba coli causes (c) osmoregulation
(a) Pyrrhoea (d) reproduction
(b) Diarrhoea 37. Macro and micronucleus are the characteristic
(c) Dysentery feature of
(d) None (a) Paramecium and Vorticella
28. Protists obtain food as (b) Opelina and Nictothisus
(a) photosynthesisers, symbionts and holotrophs (c) Hydra and Ballantidium
(b) photosynthesisers (d) Vorticella and Nictothirus
(c) chemosynthesisers 38. Excretion in Amoeba occurs through
(d) holotrophs (a) lobopodia
29. Protista includes (b) uroid portion
(a) heterotrophs (c) plasma membrane
(b) chemoheterotrophs (d) contractile vacuole
(c) chemoautotrophs 39. The organism, used for alcoholic fermentation, is
(d) all the above (a) Pseudomonas (b) Penicillium
30. Ustilago caused plant diseases called smut (c) Aspergillus (d) Saccharomyces
because 40. Which of the following is not correctly matched?
(a) they parasitise cereals (a) root knot disease - Meloidogyne javanica
(b) mycelium is back (b) smut of bajra - Tolysporium penicillariae
(c) they develop sooty masses of spores (c) covered smut of barley - Ustilago nuda
(d) affected parts becomes completely black. (d) late blight of potato – Phytophthora infestans

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50. The hereditary material present in

41. The chemical compounds produced by the host the bacterium Escherichia coli is
plants to protect themselves against fungal infection (a) single stranded DNA
is [1995] (b) deoxyribose sugar
(a) phytotoxin (c) double stranded DNA
(b) pathogen (d) single stranded RNA
(c) phytoalexins 51. The plasmids pesent in the bacterial cells are
(d) hormone (a) circular double helical DNA molecules
42. White rust disease is caused by (b) circular double helical RNA molecules
(a) Claviceps (c) linear double helical DNA molecules
(b) Alternaria (d) linear double helical RNA molecules.
(c) Phytophthora 52. Which one of the following
(d) Albugo candida statements about viruses is correct?
43. Azotobacter and Bacillus polymyxa are the (a) Viruses possess their own metabolic system
examples of (b) Viruses contain either DNA or RNA
(a) symbiotic nitrogen-fixers (c) Viruses are facultative parasites
(b) non-symbiotic nitrogen-fixers (d) Viruses are readily killed by antibiotics
(c) ammonifying bacteria 53. Most of the Lichens consist of
(d) disease-causing bacteria (a) blue-green algae and basidomycetes
44. Sex factor in bacteria is (b) blue-green algae and ascomycetes
(a) Chromosomal replicon (c) red algae and ascomycetes
(b) F-replicon (d) brown algae and phycomycetes
(c) RNA 54. Two bacteria found to be very useful in genetic
(d) Sex-pilus engineering experiments are
45. Influenza virus has (a) Escherichia and Agrobacterium
(a) DNA (b) Nitrobacter and Azotobacter
(b) RNA (c) Rhizobium and Diplococcus
(c) both DNA and RNA (d) Nitrosomonas and Klebsiella
(d) only proteins and no nucleic acids. 55. The main role of bacteria in the carbon cycle
46. In bacterial chromosomes, the nucleic acid involves
polymers are (a) photosynthesis
(a) linear DNA molecule (b) chemosynthesis
(b) circular DNA molecule (c) digestion or breakdown of organic
(c) of two types-DNA and RNA compounds
(d) linear RNA molecule (d) assimilation of nitrogenous compounds
47. Interferons are 56. A few organisms are known to grow and multiply
(a) antiviral proteins at temperatures of 100–105ºC. They belong to
(b) antibacterial proteins (a) marine archaebacteria
(c) anticancer proteins (b) thermophilic sulphur bacteria
(d) complex proteins (c) hot-spring blue-green algae
48. Which one of the following is not true about (cyanobacteria)
lichens? (d) thermophilic, subaerial fungi
(a) Their body is composed of both algal and fungal 57. Transfer of genetic information from one
cells bacterium to another in the transduction process is
(b) Some form food for reindeers in arctic regions through [1998]
(c) Some species can be used as pollution indicators (a) Conjugation
(d) These grow very fast at the rate of about 2 cm per (b) Bacteriophages released from the donor bacterial
year strain
49. Mycorrhiza is (c) Another bacterium
(a) a symbiotic association of plant roots and certain (d) Physical contact between donor and recipient
fungi strain
(b) an association of algae with fungi 58. Puccinia forms
(c) a fungus parasitising root system of higher plants (a) uredia and aecia on wheat leaves
(d) an association of Rhizobium with the roots of (b) uredia and telia on wheat leaves
lenguminous plants (c) uredia and aecia on barberry leaves
(d) uredia and pycnia on barberry leaves

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59. Which one of the following microorganisms is 69. Industrial production of ethanol from starch is
used for production of brought about by
citric acid in industries? (a) Saccharomyces
(a) Penicillium citrinum (b) Lactobacillus
(b) Aspergillus niger (c) Azotobacter
(c) Rhizopus nigricans (d) Penicillium
(d) Lactobacillus bulgaris 70. Interferons are synthesized in response to
60. Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is used in the (a) Mycoplasma
industrial production of (b) Bacteria
(a) citric acid (c) Viruses
(b) tetracycline (d) Fungi
(c) ethanol 71. Extra-nuclear inheritance occurs in
(d) butanol (a) Killer strain in Paramecium
61. Due to which of the following organisms, yield of (b) Colour blindness
rice has been increased? (c) Phenylketonuria
(a) Anabaena (d) Tay sach disease
(b) Bacillus popilliae 72. What is true for cyanobacteria?
(c) Sesbania (a) Oxygenic with nitrogenase
(d) Bacillus polymexa (b) Oxygenic without nitrogenase
62. Photosynthetic bacteria have pigments in (c) Non-oxygenic with nitrogen
(a) leucoplasts (d) Non-oxygenic without nitrogenase
(b) chloroplasts 73. What is true for archaebacteria?
(c) chromoplasts (a) All halophiles
(d) chromatophores (b) All photosynthetic
63. In prokaryotes, the genetic material is (c) All fossils
(a) linear DNA with histones (d) Oldest living beings
(b) circular DNA with histones 74. Cauliflower mosaic virus contains
(c) linear DNA without histones (a) ss RNA (b) ds RNA
(d) circular DNA without histones (c) ds DNA (d) ss DNA
64. A good green manure in rice fields is 75. What is true for plasmid?
(a) Aspergillus (a) Plasmids are widely used in gene transfer
(b) Azolla (b) These are found in virus
(c) Salvinia (c) Plasmid contains gene for vital activities
(d) Mucor (d) These are main party of chromosome
65. Enzymes are absent in 76. Plant decomposers are
(a) Cyanobacteria (a) Monera and fungi
(b) Viruses (b) Fungi and plants
(c) Algae (c) Protista and animalia
(d) Fungi (d) Animalia and monera
66. A virus can be considered a living organism 77. Adhesive pad of fungi penetrates the host with
because it the help of
(a) responds to touch stimulus (a) mechanical pressure and enzymes
(b) respires (b) hooks and suckers
(c) reproduces (inside the host) (c) softening by enzymes
(d) can cause disease (d) only by mechanical pressure
67. In fungi stored food material is 78. Some bacteria are able to grow in Streptomycin
(a) glycogen containing medium due to
(b) starch (a) natural selection
(c) sucrose (b) Induced mutation
(d) glucose (c) reproductive isolation
68. Black rust of wheat is caused by (d) genetic drift
(a) Puccinia 79. Which bacteria is utilized in gober gas plant?
(b) Mucor (a) Methanogens
(c) Aspergillus (b) Nitrifying bacteria
(d) Rhizopus (c) Ammonifying bacteria
(d) Denitrifying bacteria

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80. In bacteria, plasmid is 88. Which one of the following statements about
(a) extra – chromosomal material viruses is correct?
(b) main DNA (a) Nucleic acid of viruses is known as capsid
(c) non-functional DNA (b) Viruses possess their own metabolic system
(d) repetitive gene (c) All viruses contain both RNA and DNA
81. Which statement is correct for bacterial (d) Viruses are obligate parasites
transduction? 89. Tobacco mosaic virus is a tubular filament of size
(a) Transfer of some genes from one bacteria to (a) 700 × 30 nm
another bacteria through virus (b) 300 × 10 nm
(b) Transfer of genes from one bacteria to another (c) 300 × 5 nm
bacteria by conjugation (d) 300 × 20 nm
(c) Bacteria obtained its DNA directly 90. Lichens are well known combination of an alga
(d) Bacteria obtained DNA from other external source and a fungus where fungus has
82. Which of the following secretes toxins during (a) a saprophytic relationship with the alga
storage conditions of crop (b) an epiphytic relationship with the alga
plants? (c) a parasitic relationship with the alga
(a) Aspergillus (d) a symbiotic relationship with the alga
(b) Penicillium 91. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly
(c) Fusarium matched?
(d) Colletotrichum (a) Streptomyces - Antibiotic
83. Which fungal disease spreads by seed and (b) Serratia - Drug addiction
flowers? (c) Spirulina - Single cell protein
(a) Loose smut of wheat (d) Rhizobium - Biofertilizer
(b) Corn stunt 92. Which of the following statements is not true for
(c) Covered smut of barley retroviruses?
(d) Soft rot of potato (a) DNA is not present at any stage in the life cycle of
84. During the formation of bread it becomes porous retroviruses
due to release of CO2 by the action of (b) Retroviruses carry gene for RNA dependent DNA
(a) Yeast polymerase
(b) Bacteria (c) The genetic material in mature retroviruses is RNA
(c) Virus (d) Retroviruses are causative agents for certain kinds
(d) Protozoans of cancer in man
85. The chief advantage of encystment to an Amoeba 93. The most thoroughly studied fact of the known
is bacteria-plant interactions is the
(a) the chance to get rid of accumulated waste (a) cyanobacterial symbiosis with some aquatic ferns
products (b) gall formation on certain angiosperms by
(b) the ability to survive during adverse physical Agrobacterium
conditions (c) nodulation of Sesbania stems by nitrogen fixing
(c) the ability to live for sometime without ingesting bacteria
food (d) plant growth stimulation by phosphatesolubilising
(d) protection from parasites and predators bacteria
86. Viruses are no more ―alive‖ than isolated 94. Viruses that infect bacteria, multiply and cause
chromosomes because their lysis, are called
(a) both require the environment of a cell to replicate (a) lysozymes
(b) they require both RNA and DNA (b) lipolytic
(c) they both need food molecules (c) lytic
(d) they both require oxygen for respiration (d) lysogenic
87. Chromosomes in a bacterial cell can be 1 – 3 in 95. Auxopores and hormocysts are formed,
number and [2003] respectively, by:
(a) can be circular as well as linear within the same (a) Some diatoms and several cyanobacteria
cell (b) Some cyanobacteria and diatoms
(b) are always circular (c) the ability to live for sometime without ingesting
(c) are always linear food
(d) can be either circular or linear, but never both with (d) protection from parasite and predators
in the same cell

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96. All of the following statements concerning the 104. Which one of the following statements about
Actinomycetes filamentous soil bacterium Frankia mycoplasma is wrong?
are correct except that Frankia: (a) They are pleomorphic
(a) Can induce root nodules on many plant species (b) They are sensitive to penicillin
(b) Cannot fix nitrogen in the free-living state. (c) They cause diseases in plants
(c) Forms specialized vesicles in which the nitrogenase (d) They are also called PPLO.
is protected from oxygen by a chemical barrier 105. Which pair of the following belongs to
involving triterpene hopanoids Basidiomycetes
(d) Like Rhizobium, it usually infects its host plant (a) puffballs and Claviceps
through root hair deformation and stimulates cell (b) peziza and stink borns
proliferation in the host‘s cortex (c) Morchella and mushrooms
97. For retting of jute the fermenting microbe used is (d) birds nest fungi and puffballs.
(a) Methophilic bacteria 106. Ergot of rye is caused by a species of
(b) Butyric acid bacteria (a) uncimula
(c) Helicobactor pylori (b) ustilago
(d) Streptococcus lactin (c) claviceps
98. There exists a close association between the alga (d) phytophthora.
and the fungus within a lichen. The fungus 107. Which one of the following is a slime mould?
(a) provides protection, anchorage and absorption for (a) Physarum (b) Thiobacillus
the alga (c) Anabaena (d) Rhizopus
(b) provides food for the alga 108. Which one of the following is linked to the
(c) fixes the atmospheric nitrogen for the alga discovery of Bordeaux mixture as a popular
(d) releases oxygen for the alga fungicide?
99. Which antibiotic inhibits interaction between (a) Bacterial leaf blight of rice
RNA and mRNA during bacterial protein synthesis? (b) Downy mildew of grapes
(a) Neomycin (c) Loose smut of wheat
(b) Streptomycin (d) Black rust of wheat
(c) Tetracycline 109. Bacterial leaf blight of rice is caused by a species
(d) Erythromycin of
100. Which of the following statements regarding (a) Xanthomonas (b) Pseudomonas
cilia is not correct? (c) Alternaria (d) Erwinia
(a) Cilia are hair-like cellular appendages 110. In the light of recent classification of living
(b) Microtubules of cilia are composed of tubulin organisms into three domains of life (bacteria,
(c) Cilia contain an outer ring of nine doublet archaea and eukarya), which one of the following
microtubules surrounding two single microtubules statements is true about archaea?
(d) The organized beating of cilia is controlled by (a) Archaea resemble eukarya in all respects
fluxes of Ca2+ across the membrane (b) Archaea have some novel features that are absent
101. The thalloid body of a slime mould in other prokaryotes and eukaryotes
(Myxomycetes) is known as (c) Archaea completely differ from both prokaryotes
(a) plasmodium and eukaryotes
(b) fruiting body (d) Archaea completely differ from prokaryotes
(c) mycelium
(d) protonema 111. Thermococcus, Methanococcus and
102. Which of the following environmental Methanobacterium exemplify:
conditions are essential for optimum growth of (a) Archaebacteria that contain protein homologous
Mucor on a piece of bread? A. Temperature of about to eukaryotic core histones
25°C B. Temperature of about 5° C C. Relative (b) Archaebacteria that lack any histones resembling
humidity of about 5% D. Relative humidity of about those found in eukaryotes but whose DNA is
95% E. A shady place F. A brightly illuminated place negatively supercoiled
Choose the answer from the following options: (c) Bacteria whose DNA is relaxed or positively
(a) A, D and E only (b) B, D and E only supercoiled but which have a cytoskeleton as well as
(c) B, C and F only (d) A, C and E only mitochondria
103. The causative agent of mad-cow disease is a
(d) Bacteria that contain a cytoskeleton and
(a) Prion (b) Worm
(c) Bacterium (d) Virus

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112. Which one is the wrong pairing for 122. Archegoniophore is present in:
the disease and its causal organism? (a) Marchantia
(a) Black rust of wheat - Puccinia graminis (b) Chara
(b) Loose smut of wheat - Ustilago nuda (c) Adiantum
(c) Root-knot of vegetables - Meloidogyne sp (d) Funaria
(d) Late blight of potato - Alternaria solani 123. In eubacteria, a cellular component that
113. Phylogenetic system of classification is based resembles eukaryotic cells is:
on: (a) plasma membrane
(a) morphological features (b) nucleus
(b) chemical constituents (c) ribosomes
(c) floral characters (d) cell wall
(d) evolutionary relationships 124. Compared with the gametophytes of the
114. Mannitol is the stored food in: bryophytes the gametophytes of vascular plant are
(a) Porphyra (a) smaller but have larger sex organs
(b) Fucus (b) larger but have smaller sex organs
(c) Gracillaria (c) larger and have larger sex organs
(d) Chara (d) smaller and have smaller sex organs
115. Single-celled eukaryotes are 125. The gametophyte is not an independent, free
included in: living generation in:
(a) Protista (a) Polytrichum
(b) Fungi (b) Adiantum
(c) Archaea (c) Marchantia
(d) Monera (d) Pinus
116. Ringworm in humans is caused by: 126. Organisms called methanogens are most
(a) Bacteria abundant in a:
(b) Fungi (a) sulphur rock (b) cattle yard
(c) Nematodes (c) polluted stream (d) hot spring
(d) Viruses 127. Which one of the following pairs is wrongly
117.Which one of the following is a slime mould? matched while the remaining three are correct?
(a) Physarum (a) Penicillium - Conidia
(b) Thiobacillus (b) Water hyacinth - Runner
(c) Anabaena (c) Bryophyllum - Leaf buds
(d) Rhizopus (d) Agave - Bulbils
118. Virus envelope is known as: [2010] 128. Consider the following four statements whether
(a) Capsid they are correct or wrong?
(b) Virion (A) The sporophyte in liverworts is more elaborate
(c) Nucleoprotein than that in mosses
(d) Core (B) Salvinia is heterosporous
119. Which one of the following is not a biofertilizer? (C) The life cycle in all seed-bearing plants is diplontic
(a) Agrobacterium (D) In Pinus male and female cones are borne on
(b) Rhizobium different trees
(c) Nostoc (a) Statements (A) and (C)
(d) Mycorrhiza (b) Statements (A) and (D)
120. Ethanol is commercially produced through a (c) Statements (B) and (C)
particular species of: (d) Statements (A) and (B)
(a) Saccharomyces 129. Selaginella and Salvinia are considered to
(b) Clostridium represent a significant step toward evolution of seed
(c) Trichoderma habit because:
(d) Aspergillus (a) female gametophyte is free and gets dispersed like
121. Which one of the following organisms is not an seeds
example of eukaryotic cells? (b) female gametophyte lacks archaegonia
(a) Paramecium caudatum (c) megaspores possess endosperm and embryo
(b) Escherichia coli surrounded by seed coat
(c) Euglena viridis (d) embryo develops in female gametophyte which is
(d) Amoeba proteus retained on parent sporophyte.

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130. Compared with the gametophytes of the 138. Which of the following are likely to be present
bryophytes the gametophytes of vascular plant are in deep sea water?
(a) smaller but have larger sex organs (a) Eubacteria
(b) larger but have smaller sex organs (b) Blue-green algae
(c) larger and have larger sex organs (c) Saprophytic fungi
(d) smaller and have smaller sex organs (d) Archaebacteria
131. The most abundant prokaryotes helpful to
139. Which one of the following is true for fungi?
humans in making curd from milk and in production
(a) They are phagotrophs
of antibiotics are the ones categorised as:
(a) Cyanobacteria (b) They lack a rigid cell wall
(b) Archaebacteria (c) They are heterotrophs
(c) Chemosynthetic autotrophs (d) They lack nuclear membrane
(d) Heterotrophic bacteria 140. Specialized cellsfor fixing atmospheric nitrogen
132. The cyanobacteria are also referred to as in Nostoc are
(a) protists (a) Akinetes
(b) golden algae (b) Heterocysts
(c) Slime moulds (c) Hormogonia
(d) blue green algae (d) Nodules
133. Which statement is wrong for viruses 141. Satellite RNAs are present in some
(a) All are parasites
(a) Plant viruses
(b) All of them have helical symmetry
(b) Viroids
(c) They have ability to synthesize nucleic acids and
(c) Prions
(d) Antibiotics have no effect on them (d) Bacteriophages
134. Which one single organism or the pair of 142. The causal organism for African sleeping
organisms is correctly assigned to its taxonomic sickness is
group (a) Trypanosoma cruzi
(a) Paramoecium and Plasmodium belong to the same (b) T. rhodesiense
kingdom as that of Penicillium (c) T. tangela
(b) Lichen is a composite organism formed from the (d) T. gambiense
symbiotic association of an algae and a protozoan 143. The vector for sleeping sickness is
(c) Yeast used in making bread and beer is a fungus (a) House fly
(d) Nostoc and Anabaena are examples of protista (b) Tse-Tse fly
135. How many organisms in the list given below are
(c) Sand fly
(d) Fruit fly
Lactobacillus, Nostoc, Chara,Nitrosomonas,
Nitrobacter, 144. Trypanosoma belongs to class
(a) Four (b) Five (a) Sarcodina (b) Zooflagellata
(c) Six (d) Three (c) Ciliata (d) Sporozoa
136. In the five-kingdom classification, 145. Malaria fever coincides with liberation of
Chlamydomonas and Chlorella have been included in (a) cryptomerozoites
(a) protista (b) metacryptomerozoites
(b) algae (c) merozoites
(c) plantae (d) trophozoites
(d) monera 146. A bite of Tse-Tse fly may pass to humans
137. Which one of the following sets of items in the (a) Leishmania donovani
options 1 - 4 are correctly categorized with one (b) Trypanosoma gambiense
exception in it? Items- Category- Exception
(c) Entamoeba histolytica
(a) UAA, UAG, UGA -Stop codons -UAG
(d) Plasmodium vivax
(b) Kangaroo, Koala, Wombat –Australian marsupials -
Wombat 147. The ineffective stage of malarial parasite
(c) Plasmodium, Cuscuta, Trypanosoma - Protozoan Plasmodium that enters humanbody is
parasites- Cuscuta (a) merozoite (b) sporozoite
(d) Typhoid, Pneumonia, Diphtheria –Bacterial
(c) trophozoite (d) minuta form
diseases -Diphtheria

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6. Solution: (c)
148. Lichens indicate SO2 pollution because they Laveran discovered Plasmodium in R.B.C
(a) show association between algae and fungi of human beings and concluded that
(b) grow faster than others malaria is caused by Plasmodium vivax. Sir
(c) are sensitive to SO2 Ronal Ross (1896) was the first to observe
(d) flourish in SO2 rich environment oocytes of Plamodium in female Anopheles.
149. Which one belongs to monera? 7. Solution: (a)
(a) Amoeba In human beings different types of malaria are caused
(b) Escherichia by 4 different species of Plasmodium.
(c) Gelidium They are:
(d) Spirogyra 1. Benign Tertian Malaria – Plasmodium vivax.
150. The main difference in Gram (+)ve and Gram 2. Malignant (Pernicious or cerebral) Tertian Malaria –
(-)ve bacteria resides in their Plasmodium falciparum.
(a) cell wall 3. Quartan Malaria – Plasmodium malariae.
(b) cell membrane 4. Mild Tertian Malaria – Plasmodium ovale.
(c) cytoplasm 8. Solution: (a)
(d) flagella Chemosynthetic bacteria does not require sunlight as
a source of energy directly or indirectly. The energy
Solutions: for the synthesis of food is obtained by the oxidation
1. Solution: (a) of certain inorganic substances present in the
Trypanosoma is polymorphic i.e. it exists medium. The chemical energy obtained from
in different forms in the successive stages oxidation reaction is trapped in ATP molecules. The
of its life cycle. These are Leishmania, ATP is used in CO2 assimilation.
Leptomonad, Crituidial and trypanosomal 9. Solution: (c)
stages. I. African sleeping sickness disease also Called as
2. Solution: (c) trypansomiasis common in western and central parts
Amoebiasis or amoebic dysentry is caused of African continent.
by a parasite Entamoeba histolytica II. The disease is caused by parasite Trypanosoma
present in the upper part of large intestine gambiense of class zooflagellata.
of human. It is caused due to ingesting III. The parasite is transmitted (vector) through bite of
contaminated food or water with cyst Tse-Tse fly (Glossina palpalis).
(trophozoite) of Entamoeba. It feeds on IV. The disease appears when the causal organism
R.B.C of intestinal blood capillaries and enters into cerebrospinal fluid of human. V.
damages intestinal mucosa secreting an Trypanosoma is an obligate parasite, Digenetic and
enzyme - histolysin. Polymorphic organism.
3. Solution: (c) 10. Solution: (c)
Plasmodium belongs to class Sporozoa of Contractile vacuole in Amoeba and
protozoan profists. It is an endoparasite Paramecium maintain the water balance of
lacking any locomotony structure and the cell. This is known as osmoregulation.
contractile vacules. It reproduces through 11. Solution: (a)
spore formation. In bacteria asexual reproduction through
4. Solution: (c) binary fission is the most common method
Azotobacter is free living soil bacteria that of multiplication. Sexual reproduction
are able to pick up dinitrogen from the soil which comprises of syngamy and meiosis is
and fixes it into organic nitrogenous entirely absent. Hence no gamete formation
material like aminoacid. Clostridium is takes place. In sexually reproducing
anaerobic free living soil N2 fixing bacteria. organism alternation of generation occurs.
Rhizobium is symbiotic N2 fixing bacteria. 12. Solution: (a)
5. Solution: (b) Plasmodium vivax completes Sexual cycle or
Fungi are nutritionally saprophytes, which Gamogony in female Anopheles mosquito. Asexual
grow on dead and decaying matter. They cycle is passed in man (Schizogony).
secrete enzyme to the external medium 13. Solution: (b)
where digestion takes place and digested Lichens are composite organisms representing a
food absorbed by the body surface. They symbiotic association between fungus and a algae. It
convert complex organic constituents of can be Crustose, Foliose and Fruticose types. They
dead body into simple soluble forms. That are the pioneer organisms in a new habitat.
is why Fungi are decomposers. Lichens used as indicator of air pollution. It

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does grow in the environment where 21. Solution: (c)

pollution level is high, SO2 is strong air The term antibiotics was coined by
pollutant and lichens are very sensitive to Waksman but the first known antibiotic,
SO2. penicillin was extracted from fungi
14. Solution: (a) Penicillium notatum by A Flemming 1944.
Escherichia coli, lives as a symbiont in Antibiotics are the chemicals that are
human intestine. produced from the living organisms, used
15. Solution: (c) to kill another living organisms. About
The bacterial genome/nucleoid is made of 2300 antibiotics discovered so far e.g.
single circular double stranded DNA Streptomycin, Tetracycline etc.
without histone protein as it is a 22. Solution: (d)
prokaryotic organisms. The genome Some of the blue green algae can tolerate
contains some 100 chemical sites or loci. extremes of temperature due to presence of
Each locus contains many genes. E coli gelatinous sheath, and compactness of
contains about 4000 genes. protein molecules in protoplasm.
16. Solution: (d) 23. Solution: (a)
Plasmodium transmitted through female Azotobacter is nonsymbiotic, free living nitrogen fixing
Anopheles mosquito to Human and the bacteria.
most favourite dwelling place for Anopheles 24. Solution: (c)
is water or moist places like ponds and Rickettsias are tiny obligate, intracellular parasites
puddles. found in blood sucking insects like lices, mites, ticks.
17. Solution: (c) They were first observed by Ricketts 1909 but it was
Schizogont or Asexual stage occurs in properly described by Rocha-lime 1916, who named
human erythrocytes and liver cells. them as Rickettsia. They have mucopeptide cell wall
18. Solution: (d) with DNA as genetic material and are independent
H. Temin and D. Baltimore (1970) entity produces diseases like Q-fever, typhus etc.
discovered that tumor viruses contain RNA 25. Solution: (b)
as genetic material and replicate by Only some bacteria and Blue green algae
synthesizing complementary DNA. This (cynobacteria) has capacity to fix atmospheric
process is called reverse transcription and nitrogen. • Bacteria: Azotobacter, Rhizobium, Frankia
it is carried by an RNA dependent DNA etc. • Bluegreenalge, Nostoc , Oscillatoria, Anabaena
polymerase called as reverse transcriptase. etc.
19. Solution: (b) 26. Solution: (a)
All viruses are nucleoprotein (Nucleic acid Protistans are eukaryotes and their genetic material is
+ Protein) in the structure. The nucleic acid organised in form of nucleus. DNA is associated with
(DNA and RNA) is genetic material. In a histone protein.
particular virus either DNA or RNA is 27. Solution: (d)
genetic material never both are present in a Pyrrhoea is caused by bacterial infections along with
virus. Hence viruses are: (i) Double other factor, Diarrhoea by caused by rotavirus along
stranded DNA or ds DNA - Hepatitis B (ii) with many other factor. Dysentery by Entamoeba
Single stranded DNA or ss DNA - coliphage histolytica.
(iii) Double stranded RNA or ds RNA - Reo 28. Solution: (a)
virus, wound Tumor virus (iv) Single Members of kingdom Protista have diverse
stranded RNA or ss RNA - Tobacco mosaic mode of nutrition. They are photosynthetic,
virus (TMV) saprophytic parasitic and ingestive. They
20. Solution: (a) are major heterotroph.
Besides Nuclear DNA, bacteria possesses 29. Solution: (d)
extranuclear DNA (outside the nucleoid Kingdom Protista includes flagellates
region) called as plasmid which can (euglenophyceae), diatoms, dinoflagellates,
replicate independently. Due to this slime moulds, sarcodines, ciliates,
property plasmid holds great importance in sporozoans. They are photosynthetic,
genetic engineering. Plasmid can be taken chemotrophic, heterotropic in mode of
out of bacteria and made to combine with nutrition.
desired DNA segment. A plasmid carrying 30. Solution: (d)
DNA of other organism now it is known as Smut disease caused by Ustilago species of
cosmid which can be introduced into any basidiomycetes fungi. It is characterised by
desired cells. This is the basis of genetic engineering. formation of black coloured chlamydospores or

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teleutospores called smut spore due to which the is mixotrophic.

affected part becomes black. 36. Solution: (c)
31. Solution: (c) In protozoa, the function of contractile
The fungus that causes the disease ‗Ergot vacuole is the removal of excretory
of Rye‘ is Claviceps purpurea. It contains substances, carbon dioxide etc. It is very
many poisonous alkaloids. The essential to regulate water content i.e.,
hallucinogenic drug LSD is extracted from osmoregulation.
this fungi. • Rust of wheat is used by 37. Solution: (a)
Puccinia graminis. • Powdery Mildew of Pea The macronucleus lacks nuclear
is caused by Erysiphae. membrane and is formed of
32. Solution: (d) trophochromatin. It regulates the metabolic
Decomposers act on dead bodies activities of the body and it is also known
converting complex organic constituents as trophonucleus. The micronucleus has a
into simple soluble form. They obtain their definite nuclear membrane and controls
energy from dead organisms. Decomposers the reproductive activities of Paramecium
themselves are organisms (often fungi, and Vorticella.
earthworms, or bacteria) that break down 38. Solution: (d)
organic materials to gain nutrients and The conractile vacuole is supposed to assist excertion
energy. Decomposers accelerate the natural in Amoeba, as its watery contents possess traces of
process of decomposition. They supply the carbon dioxide and urea. The CO2 diffuses directly
required nutrients for other trophic levels. through plasmalemma.
The fungi on the tree are decomposers. 39. Solution: (d)
When an organism dies, it leaves behind Fermentation refers to the breakdown of organic
nutrients that are locked tightly together. A substances, particularly carbohydrates, under
scavenger might eat the carcass, but its anaerobic conditions. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is
feces would still contain a considerable used for fermenting carbohydrate. The ethyl alcohol
amount of unused energy and nutrients. and carbon dioxide are formed at the end of
Decomposers will later induce further the process.
breakdown. This last step releases raw 40. Solution: (c)
nutrients (such as nitrogen, phosphorus Covered smut of barley is caused by
and magnesium) in a form usable to plants, Ustilago hordei, not by Ustilago nuda. This
which quickly incorporate the chemicals disease is purely externally seed borned.
into their own cells. This process greatly 41. Solution: (c)
increases the nutrientload of an ecosystem, Phytoalexis are non-specific antibiotic
in turn allowing for greater biodiversity. substances produced by plants in response
33. Solution: (c) to infection by a fungus.
Mycorrhiza is symbiotic association between fungi 42. Solution: (d)
and roots of higher plants. Mycorrhiza form wooly Albugo candida is an obligate parasite
covering of fungal hyphae on the surface and remain causing white rust on members of family
in upper layers. It is of two types Ecto and Cruciferae and other hosts.
Endomycorrhiza. In some endomycorrhiza, 43. Solution: (b)
the fungal hyphae develop some organs called Azotobacter and Bacillus polymyxa are the
vesicles within the root cortical cells, such examples of non-symbiotic nitrogenfixers.
mycorrhizae are called VAM (vesicular 44. Solution: (b)
arbuscular mycorrhizae). It is meant for Sex-factor or F-factor in bacteria results in
phosphate nutrition. high frequency conjugation. It allows
34. Solution: (d) bacteria to produce sex pilus necessary for
The term ‗plasmid‘ was introduced by conjugation.
Lederberg in 1952 for extragenomic DNA 45. Solution: (b)
segment. It is a small circular molecule of Influenza virus is a retrovirus wherein, the
DNA found in bacterial cell in addition to genetic material comprises of RNA. There
the larger circular bacterial DNA. are three genera of influenza virus,
35. Solution: (b) identified by antigenic differences in their
The Euglena is an organism, which nucleoprotein and matrix protein: •
possesses both the characteristics of plants Influenza virus A are the cause of all flu
and animals, as it can move with a flagella pandemics and are known to infect
and also contains chlorophyll. Its nutrition humans, other mammals and birds

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(see also avian influenza). • Influenza virus B Azotobacter is a free living nitrogen fixing
are known to infect humans and seals. • bacteria. Nitrosomonas converts ammonia
Influenza virus C are known to infect to nitrite. Rhizobium is a symbiotic
humans and pigs. nitrogen fixing bacteria living in the root
46. Solution: (b) nodules of leguminous plants Diplococcus
Bacterial chromosomes comprise of pneumoniae causes pneumonia.
circular DNA. 55. Solution: (c)
47. Solution: (a) Bacteria acts as decomposers in the
Interferons are virus induced proteins carbon cycle.
produced by cells infected with viruses. 56. Solution: (a)
They are antiviral in action. These are archaebacteria which can
48. Solution: (d) tolerate high temperature.
Lichens are composite dual organisms 57. Solution: (b)
formed by the association between a Transfer of genetic information from one
fungus and a photosynthetic symbiont. The bacterium to another by physical contact is
bulk of lichen body is formed of fungus. called conjugation while if it takes place by
49. Solution: (a) some other medium like virus than it is
Association of algae and fungi is referred to as lichen. called transduction.
Symbiotic association of Rhizobium with roots of 58. Solution: (b)
leguminous plants is referred to as symbiosis. Puccinia causes black rust of wheat. It
Mycorrhiza is symbiotic association between fungi completes its life cycle in two hostswheat
and roots of higher plants. The fungal partner of and barberry. Two types of spores are
mycorrhiza obtains food from roots of the higher produced on wheat - uredospores and
plant and in return supplies mineral elements to it. teleutospores.
50. Solution: (c) 59. Solution: (b)
In any kind of Bacteria (E.coli) double Aspergillus niger is known as guinea pig of
stranded DNA is present. kingdom fungi. The main source of
51. Solution: (a) commercial preparation of citric acid is the
Plasmids are the extrachromosomal DNA. fermentation of sugar with Aspergillus
52. Solution: (b) niger.
Viruses have either DNA or RNA as the 60. Solution: (c)
genetic material. Viruses having RNA as the Yeast performs alcoholic fermentation
genetic material are known as Retroviruses. because of enzyme ‗Zymase‘. It is used in
53. Solution: (b) the production of ethyl alcohol or ethanol.
The lichen fungus is typically a member of 61. Solution: (a)
the Ascomycota rarely a member of the Azolla is a freshwater fern harbouring a
Basidiomycota. The algal or cyanobacterial bluegreen alga - Anabaena in its leaf
cells are photosynthetic, and as in higher cavities. The alga fixes atmospheric
plants they reduce atmospheric carbon nitrogen and releases nitrogenous
dioxide into organic carbon sugars to feed compounds in leaf cavities. This symbiotic
both symbionts. Both partners gain water system is the main source of algal
and mineral nutrients mainly from the biofertilizer in rice fields. When rice paddies
atmosphere through rain and dust. The are flooded in the spring, they can be
fungal partner protects the alga by inoculated with Azolla, which then quickly
retaining water, serving as a larger capture multiplies to cover the water, suppressing
area for mineral nutrients and, in some weeds. As the plants die, they contribute
cases, provides minerals obtained from the nitrogen to the rice plants, and as the rice
substratum. If a cyanobacterium is paddy dries out, the Azolla all eventually
present, as a primary partner or another die, making an exceptional green manure.
symbiont in addition to green alga as in 62. Solution: (d)
certain tripartite lichens, they can fix Chloroplasts, chromoplasts and
atmospheric nitrogen, complementing the leucoplasts are the types of plastids found
activities of the green alga. in higher plants. Chloroplasts contain the
54. Solution: (a) green pigment chlorophyll. Chromoplasts
Escherichia and Agrobacterium are both contain coloured pigments. Leucoplasts are
used as vectors in genetic engineering. colourless and store starch granules.
Nitrobactor converts nitrites to nitrates.

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63. 73.
Solution: (d) Solution: (d)
In prokayotes nucleoid consist of double Archaebacteria are the most ancient and
stranded circular DNA without histone halogenous group of bacteria and are called
protein. living fossils.
64. 74.
Solution: (b) Solution: (c)
Aspergillus is a fungus, Mucor is also a Cauliflower mosaic virus contains double
fungus. Azolla harbours blue-green algae stranded DNA.
Anabaena which fixes N2, increasing 75.
fertility. Solution: (a)
65. Plasmids are small intranuclear circular
Solution: (b) DNAs which carry extra chromosomal
Enzymes are absent in viruses because genes in bacteria.
they are unable to transmit their nucleic 76.
acid from one host cell to another. Solution: (a)
66. Plant decomposers are Bacteria (Kingdom
Solution: (c) Monera) and Fungi.
Virus is an ultra microscopic 77.
nucleoprotein entity which becomes active Solution: (a)
only inside a living cell. It resembles living The fungal hyphae secrete enzymes which
beings due to presence of genetic material convert insoluble complex food material in
and reproduction. the substratum to the soluble ones. The
67. hyphae wall of intracellular hyphae come in
Solution: (a) contact with the host protoplasm and
Glycogen is a glucosanOhomopolysaccharide which is obtain food by direct diffusion.
the majorreserve food of animals, fungi and some 78.
bacteria is a also glucosanhomopolysaccharide and is Solution: (a)
a major reserve food of plants. Sucrose is formed Prevention of mating between two natural
ofone molecule of glucose and one molecule of populations of the same or different spaces
fructose due to presence of barriers to interbreeding
68. is called reproductive isolation. Genetic
Solution: (a) drift is the random change in the allele
Black rust of wheat is caused by Puccinia number and frequency in a gene pool.
graminis. The symptoms are seen in stem Natural selection is a type of force for
or leaf sheath as brownish spot. Yeast evolutionary processes. Here in this case it
helps in ethyl alcohol formation. allows the growth of only those bacteria
69. which have resistance towards
Solution: (a) streptomycin.
Lactobacillus is the milk bacteria while 79.
Azotobacter is the free living nitrogen fixing Solution: (a)
bacteria and Penicillium is the source of Methanobacillus (methanogen) occurs in marshes and
Penicillin. also in dung. It produces CH4 gas under anaerobic
70. condition and is utilized in gobar gas plant.
Solution: (c) 80.
Interferons are virus induced proteins Solution: (a)
produced by cells infected with virus. Plasmid is attached to mesosome in bacteria.
71. 81.
Solution: (a) Solution: (a)
Colour blindness follows sex-linked Transduction experiments were carried out
inheritance. Phenylketonuria is an in born by Hershey and Chase.
error of metabolism. 82. Solution: (a)
72. Solution: (a) Aspergillus flavus produces carcinogenic
Cyanobacteria are oxygenic fungus toxin (Aflatoxin) during storage
photoautotroph. Many members perform condition of crop plant.
nitrogen fixation.

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83. on RNA template. They have reverse

Solution: (a) transcriptase as the enzyme.
Ustilago causes loose smut of wheat, as a 93.
result the grain and flower get converted Solution: (b)
into powdered mass. This phenomenon has been successfully
84. used in genetic engineering to produce
Solution: (a) disease resistant varieties of plants.
Yeast carry out fermentation, releasing 94.
CO2 making bread soft and porous. Hence Solution: (c)
Saccharomyces is referred to as baker‘s Viruses that get integrated with the
yeast. bacterial host genome are called lysogenic.
85. Virus which transmit its DNA into bacterial
Solution: (b) cell and divide within bacterial cell causing
Encystment enables the zygote to survive breakdown of bacterial cell wall are called
under adverse or infavourable conditions lytic virus. Lysozymes are present in the
wherein it lies dormant. lipolytic enzymes catalyses breakdown of
86. fats (Lipids).
Solution: (a) 95.
Viruses can live only inside the host cell, Solution (d)
using their machinery for its own Binary fission in diatoms reduces the size
metabolism. Of most daughters which is corrected
87. hrough the development of auxospores.
Solution: (b) In some filamentous cyanobacterial forms unisexual
Prokaryotes (bacteria) have only circular reproduction occurs by hormogonia (hormocysts.
chromosomes. They are dentified by presence of biconcave (onedisk
88. or separation disc between twoadjacent cells e.g.
Solution: (d) Oscillatoria).
Virus is a nucleoprotein entity which 96.
becomes active only inside a living cells Solution: (b)
utilizing the latter machinery for Frankia, is a nitrogen fixing mycelial
multiplication. Capsid is the protein bacterium which is associated
covering around the genetic material. symbiotically (and not free living) with the
89. root nodules of several non legume plants.
Solution: (d) 97.
Tobacco mosaic virus is 300 nm long and Solution: (b)
20 nm in diameter. Butyric acid bacteria, Clostridium
90. butylicum causes the retting of fibres.
Solution: (d) Retting is a stage in the manufacturing of
Lichens are composite dual organisms vegetable fibers, especially the bast fibers.
formed by symbiotic association between a It is the process of submerging plant stems
fungus and alga. A saprophyte is an such as flax, jute, hemp or kenaf in water,
organism feeding on dead, decaying organic and soaking them for a period of time to
matter. Epiphyte is a plant growing over loosen the fibers from the other
another plant. Parasites live inside their components of the stem. Retting can also
host. be done by letting the cut crop stand in the
91. fields in the wet fall, called ―dew retting‖.
Solution: (b) Bacterial action attacks pectin and lignin,
Rhizobium is a symbotic nitrogen fixing freeing the cellulose fibres. The stems are
bacteria. Streptomyces is source for then removed and washed and subject to
streptomycin. Spirulina is a rich source of mechanical processing to remove the soft
vitamin B1 and proteins. tissue and then dried so that all that
92. remains are the fibres.The process is
Solution: (a) caused by Closteridium butylicum.
Retroviruses have RNA as the genetic 98.
material and hence they exhibit reverse Solution: (a)
transcription whereby DNA is synthesized Lichens (coined by Theophrastus) are
composite or dual organisms which are

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formed by a fungus partner or mycobiont 105.

(mostly ascomycetes) and an algal partner Solution: (d)
(mostly blue green algae). Fungus forms the The class Basidiomycetes includes those
body of lichen as well as its attaching and members that produce their basidia and
absorbing structures. Algae performs basidiospores on or in a basidiocarp.
photosynthesis and provides food to the 106.
fungus. Solution: (c)
99. Ergot of Rye is a plant disease that is
Solution: (a) caused by the fungus Claviceps purpurea.
Neomycin is the antibiotic which inhibit The so-called ergot that replaces the grain
the translation of bacterial cell so that it of the rye is a dark, purplish sclerotium,
can not affect the host cell. from which the sexual stage, of the life
100. cycle will form after over wintering.
Solution: (a) 107.
Eukaryotic cilia are made up of tubulin Solution: (a)
protein. Cilia have a core of 2 microtubules Physarum polycephalum belongs to
and around there are 9 doublet phylum Amoebozoa, infraphylum
microtubules. These are not at all hair like Mycetozoa, and class Myxogastrea. P.
structures. polycephalum, often referred to as the
101. ―many-headed slime,‖ is a slime mold that
Solution: (a) inhabits shady, cool, moist areas, such as
The thalloid body of slime moulds is made decaying leaves and logs.
up of multinucleated cell which lacks septa 108. Solution: (b)
in between and hence it is a multinucleated 109.
single celled mass called plasmodium. Solution: (a)
102. Bacterial leaf blight of rice is caused by a
Solution: (a) species of Xanthomonas. Mature rice plant
Mucor is a fungus and most of the fungi infected by these bacteria, lesion begins as
require the optimum temperature of about water soaked stripes on the leaf blades and
15-30ºC, good moisture content in eventually would increase in length and
atmosphere and not very dark and not very width becoming yellow to grayish-white
lightened place. So the Mucor requires a until the entire leaf dries up.
temperature of about 25ºC, humidity about 110.
95% and a shady place to grow fully. Solution : (b)
103. A domain of prokar organisms containing the
Solution: (a) archaebacteria including the
Mad cow disease is actually Bovine methanogens, which produce methane; the
Spongiform Encephalopathy or BSE. In this thermoacidophilic bacteria, which live in
disease cattles in Britain got their brain extremely hot and acidic environments, &
become spongy & ultimately gradual the halophilic bacteria, which can only
degradation of nervous system. It is caused function at high salt concentrations are
by some virus like but nucleic acid devoid abundant in the world‘s oceans.
proteinaceous particles called prions 111.
(proteinaceous infectious particle). Solution: (a)
104. Thermococcus, Methanococcus and
Solution: (b) Methano bacterium exemplify
While working at the Rockefeller Institute, Brown archaebacteria that contain protein
reported isolation of a PPLO from human arthritic homologous to eukaryotic core histones.
joint tissue in 1938. In 1949, Diennes reported to the 112.
7th International Rheumatology Congress the Solution: (d)
isolation of PPLO from the genitourinary Late blight is caused by the fungus Phytophthora
tracts of men afflicted with arthritis. In infestans. Late blight appears on potato or tomato
discussing the significance of this leaves as pale green, water-soaked spots, often
observation, Brown reported successful beginning at leaftips or edges. The circular or irregular
treatment of arthritic patients in 1949 with leaf lesions are often surrounded by a pale
a new antibiotic called aureomycin (Clark, 1997). yellowishgreen border that merges with
healthy tissue. Lesions enlarge rapidly and

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turn dark brown to purplish-black. During Solution: (a)

periods of high humidity and leaf wetness, Virus envelope is known as capsid. The
a cottony, white mold growth is usually capsid is composed of protein subunits
visible on lower leaf surfaces at the edges of called capsomere.
lesions. In dry weather, infected leaf tissues 119.
quickly dry up and the white mold growth Solution: (a)
disappears. Infected areas on stems appear Agrobacterium is a soil borne pathogen
brown to black and entire veins may be responsible for affecting many higher
killed in a short time when moist weather species of plant. But Rhizobium, Nostoc
persists. and Mycorrhiza are biofertilizers.
113. 120.
Solution: (d) Solution: (a)
Phylogenetic system of classification is Saccharomyces cerevisiae is commercially
based on evolutionary relationships. This used to produce ethanol. S. cerevisiae is a
phylogenetic classification system names yeast which helps in alcoholic fermentation
only clades-groups of organisms that are all in which sugars such as glucose, fructose
descended from a common ancestor. Under and sucrose are converted into cellular
a system of phylogenetic classification, we energy and produce ethanol.
could name any clade on this tree. For 121.
example, the Testudines, Squamata, Solution: (b) E. coli is a prokaryotic celled gram
Archosauria, and Crocodylomorpha all negative bacterium.
form clades. 122.
114. Solution: (a)
Solution: (b) Archegoniophore is the female sex organ of
Mannitol is a food stored in Fucus. Fucus bryophytes (Marchantia) and pteridophytes.
is a genus of brown alga in the class Its neck region is made up of 4-6 vertical
Phaeophyceae to be found in the intertidal rows of cells.
zones of rocky seashores almost everywhere 123.
in the world. Primary chemical constituents Solution: (a)
of this plant include mucilage, algin, Eubacteria are prokaryotic but eubacteria
mannitol, betacarotene, zeaxanthin, iodine, are enclosed by plasma membrane like
bromine, potassium, volatile oils, and many eukaryotic cells.
other minerals. 124.
115. Solution: (a)
Solution: (a) The gametophyte of bryophytes are smaller
Single celled eukaryotes are included in but have large sex organs.
protista. Protista includes all unicellular 125.
and colonial eukaryotes except green and Solution: (d)
red algae. It is also known as kingdom of Gametophyte is not an independent free
unicellular eukaryotes. living generation in Pinus.
116. 126.
Solution: (b) Solution: (b)
Ring worm is a fungal disease caused by Methanogens are archaebacteria abundant
the dermatophyte fungi species of in cattle yard and paddy fields.
microsporum, trichophyton and 127.
epidermophyton. Solution: (b)
117. Water hyacinth is a free floating perennial
Solution: (b) plant, can grow to a height of 3 feet.
Membrane bound organelles are absent
inStreptococcus.Streptococcus is a bacterium that is 128. Solution: (b)
included under kingdom (A) Sporophyte is more developed in
Monera. Monerans are prokaryotes which lack mosses rather than liverwort. (B) Pinus is
membrane bound E.R ,.organelle like mitochondria, monoecious in which male & female cones
Saccharomyces E. R Golgi etc. Saccharomyces, are borne on different branches.
Chlamydomonas and plasmodium are eukaryotes that 129. Solution: (d)
have membrane bound organelles. 130. Solution: (a)
118. The gametophyte of bryophytes are smaller

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but have large sex organs. also Australian marsupials. They are shortlegged,
131. Solution: (d) muscular quadrupeds,
The most abundant prokaryotes helpful to approximately 1 metre (40 in) in length
humans in making curd from milk and in with a short, stubby tail. Diphtheria is an
production of antibiotics are the acute infectious disease caused by the
heterotrophic bacteria. Lactobacillis bacteria Corynebacterium diphtheriae.
bacteria convert milk into curd. Cuscuta, or Dodder plant, is not a
132. Solution: (d) protozoan. It is a parasitic vine that wraps
Cyanobacteria are also referred as blue around other plants for nourishment.
green algae, they perform oxygenic 138. Solution: (d)
photosynthesis. They are most successful Archaebactera live in some of the most
autotrophic organisms on earth which one harsh habitats such as extreme salty areas
found in all types of environment - fresh (halophiles), hot springs
water, sea water, salt marshes, moist (thermoacidophiles) and marshy areas
rocks, tree trunks, moist soils, hot springs, (methanogens) and in deep sea water.
frozen waters. 139. Solution: (c)
133. Solution: (b) Fungi lack chlorophyll, hence, they do not
All the viruses are obligate parasite i.e. prepare their food by photosynthesis. They
they remain inert outside the host cell. can grow where organic material is
They have ability to syntheize nucleic acids available. So, they are heterotrophs that acquire their
and proteins by using host cellular nutrient by absorption and store in the form of
machinery (ribosomes, tRNAs, aminoacids, glycogen.
energy). Three shapes are found in viruses 140. Solution: (b)
helical (elongate body e.g. T.M.V) cuboidal Heterocysts are large sized, thick-walled
(short broad body with rhombic rounded, specialised cells which occur in terminal,
polyhedral shape e.g. Poliomyelitis virus) intercalary or lateral position in
and binal (with birth cuboidal and helical filamentous cyanobacteria, e.g., Nostoc.
parts e.g. many bacteriophages like T2). They have enzyme nitrogenase and
Antibiotics have no effect on them, antiviral specialised to perform biological nitrogen
drugs can only kill them. fixation.
134. Solution: (c) 141. Solution: (a)
Saccharomyces cervisiae is a yeast used in Plant viruses often contain parasites of
making bread (Baker‘s yeast) and their own, referred to as satellites. Satellite
commercial production of ethanol. RNAs are dependent on their associated
Paramoecium & Plasmodium are of animal (helper) virus for both replication and
kingdom while pencillium is a fungi. Lichen encapsidation. Example—Tobacco Necrosis
is composite organism formed from the Virus (TNV). Viroids are infectious agents
symbiotic association of an algae and a smaller than viruses. Bacteriophages are
fungus. Nostoc & Anabaena are examples viruses that infect the bacteria. A prion is
of kingdom monera. an infectious agent that is composed
135. Solution: (c) primarily of protein.
Autotrophs are those organisms that are 142. Solution: (d)
able to make energy-containing organic African sleeping sickness disease also
molecules from inorganic raw material by called trypanosomiasis common in Africa is
using basic sunlight. Nostoc, Chara, caused by parasite Trypanosoma
Porphyra and Wolffia are photoautotrophs gambiense. The parasite is transmitted by
while Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter are Tse-Tse fly (Glossina palpalis).
143. Solution: (b)
136. Solution: (b) Vector for sleeping sickness is TseTse fly
Chlamydomonas & Chlorella have been (Glossina palpalis). The parasite
included in algae. Algae are chlorophyllus, Trypanosoma is transmitted through the
thalloid avascular plants with no cellular bite of this fly. Tse-tse have been
differentiation. Algae belong to thallophyta extensively studied because they are
of plant kingdom. biological vectors of the African
137. Solution: (c) trypanosomiasis, deadly disease which
UAG is also a stop codon. Wombats are include sleeping sickness in people and

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nagana in cattle. Tse-tse have existed in subtilis and which loses blue colour is Gram –ve e.g. E.
the modern morphological form for at least coli. In Gram –ve stain is washed due to high lipid
34 million years since fossil tse-tse have content in the cell wall having thick wall, Gram +ve
been recovered from the Florissant Fossil has single layered cell wall.
Beds in Colorado.
144. Solution: (b)
Zooflagellata of Protozoan Protista. They have flagella
and heterotrophic (Parasitic) mode of nutrition.
145. Solution: (c)
Malarial parasite, (Plasmodium vivax),
Protist of class Sporozoa, digenetic parasite
causes malarial fever in human. The
malarial parasite was discovered by
Laveran (1880). Sir Ronald Ross (1898)
discovered that Malaria disease is spread
by mosquitoes. Its life cycle completes in
two organisms-Primary host, female
Anopheles mosquito and man (Intermediate
or Secondary host). It enters into human
blood-through sporozoites. Malarial fever
begins with the release of merozoites in the
liver cells, from RBC of human.
146. Solution: (b)
Tse-Tse fly is vector of sleeping sickness
disease and it transmits Trypanosoma
gambiense through its bite.
147. Solution: (b)
The infective stage of Plasmodium that
enters human blood is sporozoite.
148. Solution: (c)
Lichens typically grow in harsh
environments in nature, most lichens,
especially epiphytic fruticose species and
those containing cyanobacteria, are
sensitive to manufactured pollutants.
Hence, they have been widely used as
pollution indicator organisms. Lichens are
symbiotic associations of a fungus with a
photosynthetic partner (called a photobiontor
phycobiont) that can produce food for
the lichen from sunlight.
149. Solution: (b)
Whittaker (1969) divided organisms into
five kingdoms: Monera, Protista, Plantae,
Fungi and Animalia. Kingdom Monera
includes all prokaryotes – Mycoplasma,
bacteria, actinomycetes, blue-green algae,
archaebacteria, methanogens. Escherichia
is bacteria, Amoeba, Gelidium come under
Protista, Spirogyra is algae.
150. Solution: (a)
Gram +(ve) and Gram –(ve) bacteria separates on the
basis of their cell wall composition. Christian Gram on
the basis of staining behaviour of the cell wall with
Gram‘s stain, grouped bacteria into Gram +ve and
Gram –ve type. The bacteria which retain blue or
purple colour after staining are Gram +ve e.g. Bacillus

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1. The angle between the overlapping of one s orbital and one p-orbital is
(a) °180
(b) °120
(c) °109 , 28'
(d) °120, °60
2. Equilateral shape has
(a) sp hybridisation
(b) sp2 hybridisation
(c) sp3 hybridisaiton
(d) sp3 hybridisation
3. Which of the following molecule does not have a linear arrangement of atoms?
(a) H2 S
(b) C2H2
(c) BeH2
(d) CO2
4. Which of the following does not apply to metallic bond?
(a) Overlapping valence orbitals
(b) Mobile valency electrons
(c) Delocalized electrons
(d) Highly directed bonds.
5. In which one of the following molecules the central atom said to adopt sp2 hybridization?
(a) BeF2
(b) BF3
(c) C2H2
(d) NH3
6. H2O has a non zero dipole moment while BeF2 has zero dipole moment because
(a) H2O molecule is linear while BeF2 is bent
(b) BeF2 molecule is linear while H2O is bent
(c) Fluorine has more electronegativity than oxygen
(d) Beryllium has more electronegativity than oxygen.
7. Among LiCl, BeCl2 BCl3 and CCl4, the covalent bond character follows the order
(a) LiCl < BeCl2 > BCl3 > CCl4
(b) BeCl2 < BCl3 < CCl4 < LiCl
(c) LiCl < BeCl2 < BCl3 < CCl4
(d) LiCl > BeCl2 > BCl3 > CCl4
8. Which statement is NOT correct?
(a) A sigma bond is weaker than a S-bond.
(b) A sigma bond is stronger than a S-bond.
(c) A double bond is stronger than a single bond.
(d) A double bond is shorter than a single bond.
9. Which one shows maximum hydrogen bonding?
(a) H2O
(b) H2 Se
(c) H2 S
(d) HF.
10. Linear combination of two hybridized orbitals belonging to two atoms and each having one electron leads
to a
(a) Sigma bond
(b) Double bond
(c) Co-ordinate covalent bond
(d) Pi bond.

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11. Which one of the following formulae does not correctly represent the bonding capacities of the two atoms

(a) (b) (c) (d)

12. In compound X, all the bond angles are exactly 28°109; X is
(a) Chloromethane
(b) Carbon tetrachloride
(c) Iodoform
(d) Chloroform.
13. Which of the following bonds will be most polar?
(a) N– Cl
(b) O– F
(c) N– F
(d) N– N
14. Which one of the following has the shortest carbon bond length?
(a) Benzene
(b) Ethene
(c) Ethyne
(d) Ethane
15. Which structure is linear?
(a) SO2
(b) CO2
(c) CO3-2
(d) SO4-2
16. Strongest hydrogen bond is shown by
(a) Water
(b) Ammonia
(c) Hydrogen fluoride
(d) Hydrogen sulphide.
17. Which of the following statements is not correct?
(a) Double bond is shorter than a single bond
(b) Sigma bond is weaker than a S(pi) bond
(c) Double bond is stronger than a single bond
(d) Covalent bond is stronger than hydrogen bond.
18. Among the following which compound will show the highest lattice energy?
(a) KF
(b) NaF
(c) CsF
(d) RbF
19. Which one of the following is the correct order of interactions?
(a) Covalent < hydrogen bonding < vander Waals < dipole-dipole
(b) vander Waals < hydrogen bonding < dipole < covalent
(c) vander Waals < dipole-dipole < hydrogen bonding < covalent
(d) Dipole-dipole < vander Waals < hydrogen bonding < covalent.
20. Strongest bond is in between
(a) CsF (b) NaCl (c) Both (d) none of the above
21. Mark the incorrect statement in the following
(a) The bond order in the species O2, O2 + and O2 – decreases as O2+ > O2> O2-
(b) The bond energy in a diatomic molecule always increases when an electron is lost
(c) Electrons in antibonding M.O. contribute to repulsion between two atoms.
(d) With increase in bond order, bond length decreases and bond strength increases.

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22. The weakest among the following types of bonds is

(a) ionic
(b) covalent
(c) metallic
(d) H–bond.
23. Which of the following does not have a tetrahedral structure?
(a) BH– 4
(b) BH3
(c) BH+4
(d) H2O
24. Which of the following pairs will form the most stable ionic bond?
(a) Na and Cl
(b) Mg and F
(c) Li and F
(d) Na and F
25. Among the following orbital bonds, the angle is minimum between
(a) sp3 bonds
(b) px and py orbitals
(c) H– O– Hin water
(d) sp bonds.
26. Linus Pauling received the Nobel Prize for his work on
(a) atomic structure
(b) photosynthesis
(c) chemical bonds
(d) thermodynamics
27. The boiling point of p-nitrophenol is higher than that of o-nitrophenol because
(a) NO2 group at p-position behave in a different way from that at o-position.
(b) intramolecular hydrogen bonding exists in pnitrophenol
(c) there is intermolecular hydrogen bonding in p-nitrophenol
(d) p-nitrophenol has a higher molecular weight than o-nitrophenol.
28. The distance between the two adjacent carbon atoms is largest in
(a) benzene (b) ethane (c) butane (d) ethyne
29. Which of the following species is paramagnetic?
(a) O22- (b) NO (c) CO (d) CN–
30. The BCl3 is a planar molecule whereas NCl3 is pyramidal because
(a) B-Cl bond is more polar than N-Cl bond
(b) N-Cl bond is more covalent than B-Cl bond
(c) nitrogen atom is smaller than boron atom
(d) BCl3 has no lone pair but NCl3 has a lone pair of electrons
31. The correct order of the O–O bond length in O2, H2O2 and O3 is
(a) O2>O3>H2O2 (b) O3>H2O2>O2 (c) O2> H2O2> O3 (d) H2O2> O3> O2

(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) 3

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(a) (b)

(c) (d)
34. Which of the following compounds has a -3 centre bond?
(a) Diborane
(b) Carbon dioxide
(c) Boron trifluroide
(d) Ammonia
35. The low density of ice compared to water is due to
(a) hydrogen-bonding interactions
(b) dipole-dipole interactions
(c) dipole-induced dipole interactions
(d) induced dipole-induced dipole interactions
36. The cylindrical shape of an alkyne is due to the fact that it has
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
37. N2 and O2 are converted into monocations, N2 +and O2 +respectively. Which of the following statements is
(a) In N2, the N—Nbond weakens
(b) In O2, the O—Obond order increases
(c) In O2, paramagnetism decreases
(d) N2 +becomes diamagnetic
38. The AsF5 molecule is trigonal bipyramidal. The hybrid orbitals used by the As atom for bonding are

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
39. The number of anti-bonding electron pairs in O2-2 molecular ion on the basis of molecular orbital theory is,
(Atomic number of O is )8
(a) 5
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
40. Among the following which one is not paramagnetic? [Atomic numbers: Be = 4, Ne = 10, As = 33, Cl = ]17
(a) Cl-
(b) Be+
(c) Ne+2
(d) As+
41. In PO43– ion, the formal charge on each oxygen atom and P—O bond order respectively are
(a) –0.75, 0.6
(b) – 0.75, 1.0
(c) – 0.75, 1.25
(d) –3, 1.25
42. Which of the following molecules is planar?
(a) SF4
(b) XeF4
(c) NF3
(d) SiF4

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(a) bonding is %100 ionic in both the molecules

(b) AB has more ionic bond character than CD
(c) AB has lesser ionic bond character than CD
(d) bonding is nearly covalent in both the molecules
44. Which one of the following arrangements represents the increasing bond orders of the given species?
(a) NO+ < NO< NO– < O2 –
(b) O2 – < NO– < NO<NO+
(c) NO– < O2 – < NO< NO+
(d) NO< NO+ < O2 – < NO–
45. Which one of the following has the pyramidal shape?
(a) CO32 –
(b) SO3
(c) BF3
(d) PF3
46. Which one of the following molecules will form a linear polymeric structure due to hydrogen bonding?
(a) NH3
(b) H2O
(c) HCl
(d) HF
47. Among the following the electron deficient compound is:
(a) BCl3
(b) CCl4
(c) PCl5
(d) BeCl2
48. The relationship between the dissociation energy of N2 and N2 +is:
(a) Dissociation energy of N2 + > dissociation energy of N2
(b) Dissociation energy of N2 = dissociation energy of N2 +
(c) Dissociation energy of N2 > dissociation energy of N2 +
(d) Dissociation energy of N2 can either be lower or higher than the dissociation energy of N2+
49. Cation and anion combines in a crystal to form following type of compound.
(a) ionic
(b) metallic
(c) covalent
(d) dipole-dipole

(a) NO2-
(b) NO3-
(c) 3 PO43-
(d) 2 CO32-
51. In which of the following the bond angle is maximum?
(a) NH3 (b) SCl2 (c) NH4 + (d) PCl3
52. Which of the following two are isostructural?
(a) NH3, BF3 (b) PCl5, ICl5 (c) XeF2, IF2 – (d) CO3 –2, SO3 –2

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53. Main axis of a diatomic molecule is z, molecular orbital px and py overlap to form which of the following
(a) (b)
(c) (d) No bond will be formed.

(a) Electron density on X will increase and on H will decrease

(b) In both electron density will decrease
(c) In both electron density will increase
(d) Electron density will decrease on X and will increase on H

(a) NO3–
(b) SO32-
(c) BO33-
(d) CO32-
56. In NO3– ion number of bond pair and lone pair of electrons on nitrogen atom respectively are
(a) 2, 2
(b) 3, 1
(c) 1, 3
(d) 4, 0
57. Which of the following statements is not correct for sigma and pi-bonds formed between two carbon atoms?
(a) Sigma-bond determines the direction between carbon atoms but a pi-bond has no primary effect in this
(b) Sigma-bond is stronger than a pi-bond
(c) Bond energies of sigma- and pi-bonds are of the order of 264 kJ/mol and 347 kJ/mol, respectively
(d) Free rotation of atoms about a sigma-bond is allowed but not in case of a pi-bond
58. Among the following the pair in which the two species are not isostructural is

(a) (b) (c) (d)


(a) three (b) two (c) six (d) four

60. H2O is dipolar, where as BeF2 is not. It is because
(a) the electronegativity of F is greater than that of O
(b) H2O involves hydrogen bonding whereas BeF2 is a discrete molecule
(c) H2O is linear and BeF2 is angular
(d) H2O is angular and BeF2 is linear

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

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62. In BrF3 molecule, the lone pairs occupy equatorial positions to minimize
(a) lone pair - bond pair repulsion only
(b) bond pair - bond pair repulsion only
(c) lone pair - lone pair repulsion and lone pair - bond pair repulsion
(d) lone pair - lone pair repulsion only
63. Which of the following is the electron deficient molecule?
(a) C2H6
(b) B2H6
(c) SiH4
(d) PH3
64. The correct sequence of increasing covalent character is represented by
(a) LiCl < NaCl < BeCl2
(b) BeCl2 < LiCl < NaCl
(c) NaCl < LiCl < BeCl2
(d) BeCl2 < NaCl < LiCl
65. Which of the following molecules has trigonal planar geometry?
(a) BF3
(b) NH3
(c) PCl3
(d) IF3
66. Which of the following would have a permanent dipole moment?
(a) SiF4
(b) SF4
(c) XeF4
(d) BF3
67. Which of the following is not a correct statement?
(a) The canonical structures have no real existence
(b) Every AB5 molecule does in fact have square pyramidal structure
(c) Multiple bonds are always shorter than corresponding single bonds
(d) The electron-deficient molecules can act as Lewis acids
68. The number of unpaired electrons in a paramagnetic diatomic molecule of an element with atomic number
16 is
(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 1
(d) 2
69. In which of the following molecules all the bonds are not equal?
(a) BF3
(b) AlF3
(c) NF3
(d) ClF3
70. The electronegativity difference between N and F is greater than that between N and H yet the dipole
moment of NH3 1.5( D) is larger than that of NF30.2( D) . This is because
(a) in NH3 the atomic dipole and bond dipole are in the same direction whereas in NF3 these are in opposite
(b) in NH3 as well as NF3 the atomic dipole and bond dipole are in opposite directions
(c) in NH3 the atomic dipole and bond dipole are in the opposite directions whereas in NF3 these are in the same
(d) in NH3 as well as in NF3 the atomic dipole and bond dipole are in the same direction
71. Which of the following species has a linear shape?
(a) SO2 (b) NO2+ (c) O3 (d) NO2–
72. Which of the following is not isostructural with SiCl4?
(a) SO42- (b) PO42- (c) NH4 4 (d) SCl4
73. In which of the following pairs, the two species are iso-structure?
(a) SO32 – and NO3 – (b) BF3 an NF3 (c) BrO3 – and XeO3 (d) SF4 and XeF4

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74. The correct order of C–O bond length among CO, CO32- , CO2 is
(a) CO< CO32 – < CO2
(b) CO32 – < CO2 < CO
(c) CO< CO2 < CO32 –
(d) CO2 < CO32 – < CO
75. The angular shape of ozone molecule (O3) consists of:
(a) 1 sigma and 2 pi bonds
(b) 2 sigma and 2 pi bonds
(c) 1 sigma and 1 pi bonds
(d) 2 sigma and 1 pi bonds
76. The correct order of increasing bond angles in the following triatomic species is:

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
77. Four diatomic species are listed below in different sequences. Which of these presents the correct order of
their increasing bond order?

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
78. What is the dominant intermolecular force or bond that must be overcome in converting liquid CH3OH to a
(a) Dipole-dipole interaction
(b) Covalent bonds
(c) London dispersion force
(d) Hydrogen bonding

(a) NH2- and H2O

(b) NO2- and H2O
(c) BF3 and NO2-
(d) NO2- and NH2-
80. In which of the following pairs of molecules/ ions, the central atoms have sp 2 hybridization?
(a) NO2- and NH3
(b) BF3 and NO2-
(c) NH2- and HO2
(d) BF3 and NH2-
81. In which one of the following species the central atom has the type of hybridization which is not the same as
that present in the other three?
(a) SF4
(b) I3-
(c) SbCl52–
(d) PCl5
82. Some of the properties of the two species, NO3- and H3O+ are described below. Which one of them is correct?
(a) Similar in hybridization for the central atom with different structures.
(b) Dissimilar in hybridization for the central atom with different structures.
(c) isostructural with same hybridization for the central atom.
(d) Isostructural with different hybridization for the central atom.
83. In which of the following molecules the central atom does not have sp3 hybridization?
(a) NH4+ (b) CH4 (c) SF4 (d) BF4–

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84. Considering the state of hybridization of carbon atoms, find out the molecule among the following which is

(a) (b)
(c) (d)

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
86. Which one of the following pairs is isostructural (i.e., having the same shape and hybridization) ?

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
87. Bond order of 1.5 is shown by:
(a) O2+
(b) O2-
(c) O22-
(d) O2
88. Which of the following species contains three bond pairs and one lone pair around the central atom?
(a) H2O
(b) BF3
(c) NH2-
(d) PCI3
89. The pair of species with the same bond order is:
(a) O22-, B2
(b) O2+, NO+
(c) NO, CO
(d) N2, O2
90. During change of O2 to O2- ion, the electron adds on which one of the following orbitals?
(a) (b) (c) (d)
91. Four diatomic species are listed below. Identify the correct order in which the bond order is increasing in

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
92. Which of the following is electron - deficient?
(a) (SiH3) 2 (b) (BH3) 2 (c) PH3 (d) (CH3) 2

(a) H2O
(b) SO2
(c) NO2
(d) CO2

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94. Which of the following is paramagnetic?

(a) O2-
(b) CN–
(c) NO+
(d) CO
95. XeF2 is isostructural with:
(a) ICl2 – (b) SbCl3 (c) BaCl2 (d) TeF2
96. In which of the following pair both the species have sp3 hybridization?
(a) H2 S, BF3 (b) SiF4, BeH2 (c) NF3, H2O (d) NF3, BF3
97. The pair of species that has the same bond order in the following is:
(a) O2, B2 (b) CO, NO+ (c) NO–, CN– (d) O2, N2
98. In which of the following ionisation processes the bond energy increases and the magnetic behaviour
changes from paramagnetic to diamagnetic?

(a) (b) (c) (d)


(a) (b)
(c) (d)

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ANS: (A)

Ans: (b)

Ans: (a)

Ans: (d)

Ans: (b)

Ans: (b)

7. Ans: (c)

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Ans: (a)

Ans: (d)

Ans: (a)

11. Ans: (d)

Ans: (d)

Ans: (c)

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Ans: (c)

Ans: (b)

Ans: (c)

Ans: (b)

Ans: (b)

19. Ans: (b)

Ans: (a)

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Ans: (b)

Ans: (d)

Ans: (b)

Ans: (b)

Ans: (b)

Ans: (c)

Ans: (c)

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Ans: (c)

Ans: (b)

30. Ans: (d)

31. Ans: (d)

32. Ans: (d)

33. Ans: (c)

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Ans: (a)

Ans: (a)

Ans: (d)

37. Ans: (b)

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38. Ans: (c)

39. Ans: (d)

40. Ans: (a)

41. Ans: (c)

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42. Ans: (b)

43. Ans (C)

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44. Ans: (b)

45. Ans: (d)


Ans: (d)

Ans: (a)

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Ans: (c)

Ans: (a)

Ans: (c)

Ans: (c)

Ans: (c)

53. Ans: (a)

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Ans: (a)

Ans: (b)

Ans: (d)

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Ans: (c)

58. Ans: (a)

59.Ans: (a)

Ans: (d)

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Ans: (a)

Ans: (c)

Ans: (b)

Ans: (c)

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Ans: (a)

Ans: (b)


Ans: (b)

Ans: (d)

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Ans: (d)

Ans: (a)

Ans: (b)

Ans: (d)

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73. Ans: (c)

74.Ans: (c)

75. Ans: (d)

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Ans: (b)

Ans: (d)

Ans: (d)

Ans: (c)

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Ans: (b)

Ans: (c)

Ans: (b)

Ans: (b)


Ans: (b)

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Ans: (a)

Ans: (d)

Ans: (b)


Ans: (a)

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Ans: (a)

90. Ans: (a)

Ans: (d)

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Ans: (b)

Ans: (a)


Ans: (a)

Ans: (a)

Ans: (c)

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Ans: (b)

Ans: (d)

Ans: (d)

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Q1.The masses of the three wires of copper are in the ratio of 1: 3: 5 and their lengths are in the ratio of 5:3:The
ratio of their electrical resistance is
(a) 1: 3: 5 (b) 5: 3: 1 (c) 1: 25: 125 (d) 125: 25: 1

(a) 1/3 A and 3 V (b) 1/6 A and 4 V (c) 1/9 A and 9 V (d) 1/12 A and 12 V
Q3n equal resistors are first connected in series and then connected in parallel. What is the ratio of the
maximum to the minimum resistance?
(a) n (b) 1/n2 (c) n2 (d) 1/n
Q4. Forty electric bulbs are connected in series across a220 V supply. After one bulb is fused the remaining
39are connected again in series across the same supply.The illumination will be
(a) more with 40 bulbs than with 39 (b) more with 39 bulbs than with 40
(c) equal in both the cases (d) in the ratio 402: 392
Q5. A current of 2 A, passing through a conductor produces 80 J of heat in 10 seconds. The resistance of
theconductor in ohm is
(a) 0.5 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 20
Q6. Two identical batteries each of e.m.f 2V and internal resistance 1Ω are available to produce heat in
anexternal resistance by passing a current through it. Themaximum power that can be developed across R
usingthese batteries is
(a) 3.2 W (b) 2.0 W (c) 1.28 W (d) 8/9 W
Q7. You are given several identical resistances each ofvalue R= 10Ω and each capable of carrying a maximum
current of one ampere. It is required to make a suitablecombination of these resistances of 5Ω which can carry
acurrent of 4 ampere. The minimum number ofresistances of the type R that will be required for this job is
(a) 4 (b) 10 (c) 8 (d) 20

(a) 4/3 Ω
(b) 3/2 Ω
(c) 7Ω
(d) 8/7 Ω
Q9. Faraday’s laws are consequence of conservation of
(a) energy (b) energy and magnetic field (c) charge (d) magnetic field

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Q10. The velocity of charge carriers of current (about 1amp) in a metal under normal conditions is of the order
(a) a fraction of mm/sec (b) velocity of light
(c) several thousand metres/second (d) a few hundred metres per second
Q11. Direct current is passed through a copper sulphatesolution using platinum electrodes. The elements
liberated at the electrodes are
(a) copper at anode and sulphur at cathode
(b) sulphur at anode and copper at cathode
(c) oxygen at anode and copper at cathode
(d) copper at anode and oxygen at cathode
Q12. Three resistances each of 4: are connected to forma triangle. The resistance between any two terminals is
(a) 12Ω (b) 2Ω (c) 6Ω (d) 8/3Ω

(a) 9.6 V
(b) 2.6 V
(c) 4.8 V
(d) 1.2 V
Q14. A 4 μF capacitor is charged to 400 volts and thenits plates are joined through a resistance of 1k Ω. Theheat
produced in the resistance is
(a) 0.16 J
(b) 1.28 J
(c) 0.64 J
(d) 0.32 J

(a) 3.6 volt

(b) 6.3 volt
(c) 1.8 volt
(d) 2.4 volt
Q16. A heating coil is labelled 100 W, 220 V. The coil iscut in half and the two pieces are joined in parallel to
thesame source. The energy now liberated per second is
(a) 25 J
(b) 50 J
(c) 200 J
(d) 400 J
Q17. If a wire of resistance R is melted and re casted to half of its length, then the new resistance of the wire
(a) R/ 4 (b) R/ 2 (c) R (d) 2R

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Q18. Two wires of the same metal have same length, buttheir cross-sections are in the ratio 3 Ω They are joined
in series. The resistance of thicker wire is 10 Ω. The totalresistance of the combination will be
(a) 10 Ω (b) 20 Ω (c) 40 Ω (d) 100 Ω
Q19. If the resistance of a conductor is 5 Ω at 50°C and 7Ω at 100°C, then the mean temperature coefficient of
resistance is
(a) 0.001/°C
(b) 0.004/°C
(c) 0.006/°C
(d) 0.008/°C

(a) 10 Ω (b) 20 Ω (c) 30 Ω (d) 40 Ω

Q21. If a negligibly small current is passed through awire of length 15 m and of resistance 5 Ω having uniform
cross-section of 6 × 10-7m2, then coefficient ofresistivity of material, is
(a) 1 × 10-7 Ω-m
(b) 2 × 10-7 Ω -m
(c) 3 × 10-7 Ω -m
(d) 4 × 10-7 Ω -m
Q22. Kirchhoff’s first law, i.e. Σi =0 at a junction, deals with the conservation of
(a) charge (b) energy (c) momentum (d) angular momentum
Q23. A(100 W, 200 V) bulb is connected to a 160V power supply. The power consumption would be
(a) 125 W (b) 100 W (c) 80 W (d) 64 W

(a) It is the same in all three cases

(b) Wire of cross-sectional area 2A
(c) Wire of cross-sectional area A
(d) Wire of cross-sectional area 1/2 A

(a) 1A (b) 2/3 A (c) 2/9 A (d) 1/8 A

Q26. Three equal resistors connected across a source of e.m.f. together dissipate 10 watt of power. What will
bethe power dissipated in watts if the same resistors areconnected in parallel across the same source of e.m.f.?
(a) 10 (b) 10/3 (c) 30 (d) 90

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Q27. If nearly 105 coulombs liberate 1 gm-equivalent of aluminium, then the amount of aluminium (equivalent
weight ), deposited through electrolysis in 20 minutes by a current of 50 amp. will be
(a) 0.6 gm (b) 0.09 gm (c) 5.4 gm (d) 10.8 gm
Q28. A 5°C rise in temperature is observed in a conductor by passing a current. When the current is doubled the
rise in temperature will be approximately
(a) 10°C (b) 16°C (c) 20°C (d) 12°C
Q29. The resistance of a discharge tube is
(a) zero (b) ohmic (c) non-ohmic (d) infinity

(a) 1.6 A
(b) 2.0 A
(c) 0.32 A
(d) 3.2 A
Q31. In a metre-bridge, the balancing length from the left end when standard resistance of 1 Ω is in right gap is
found to be 20 cm. The value of unknown resistance is
(a) 0.25 Ω
(b) 0.4 Ω
(c) 0.5 Ω
(d) 4 Ω
Q32. Two electric bulbs, one of 200 V, 40Wand other of200 V, 100 W are connected in a domestic circuit. Then
(a) they have equal resistance
(b) the resistance of 40Wbulb is more than 100 W bulb
(c) the resistance of 100Wbulb is more than 40 W bulb
(d) they have equal current through them
Q33. In electrolysis, the amount of mass deposited or liberated at an electrode is directly proportional to
(a) square of electric charge (b) amount of charge
(c) square of current (d) concentration of electrolyte
Q34. Potentiometer measures potential more accurately because
(a) it measures potential in the open circuit
(b) it uses sensitive galvanometer for null deflection
(c) it uses high resistance potentiometer wire
(d) it measures potential in the closed circuit

(a) 14/3 Ω (b) 20/3 Ω (c) 14 Ω (d) 21 Ω

Q36. A car battery has e.m.f. 12 volt and internal resistance 5 × 10-2 ohm. If it draws 60 amp current, the
terminal voltage of the battery will be
(a) 15 volt (b) 3 volt (c) 5 volt (d) 9 volt

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Q37. Si and Cu are cooled to a temperature of 300 K, then resistivity?

(a) For Si increases and for Cu decreases
(b) For Cu increases and for Si decreases
(c) Decreases for both Si and Cu
(d) Increases for both Si and Cu
Q38. If 25W, 220 V and 100 W, 220 V bulbs are connected in series across a 440 V line, then
(a) only 25 W bulb will fuse
(b) only 100 W bulb will fuse
(c) both bulbs will fuse
(d) none of these
Q39. A battery of 10 V and internal resistance0.5 Ω is connected across a variable resistance R. The value of R
for which the power delivered is maximum is equal to
(a) 0.25 Ω
(b) 0.5 Ω
(c) 1.0 Ω
(d) 2.0 Ω
Q40. A wire has a resistance of 3.1 Ω at 30°C and a resistance4.5 Ω at 100°C. The temperature coefficient of
resistance of the wire
(a) 0.0064 °C–1
(b) 0.0034 °C–1
(c) 0.0025 °C–1
(d) 0.0012 °C–1
Q41. If specific resistance of a potentiometer wire is 10-7 Ω m, the current flow through it is 0.1 A and the cross
sectional area of wire is 10–6 m2 then potential gradient will be
(a) 10-2 volt/m
(b) 10-4 volt/m
(c) 10-6 volt/m
(d) 10-8 volt/m
Q42. The resistivity (specific resistance) of a copper wire
(a) increases with increase in its temperature
(b) decreases with increase in its cross-section
(c) increases with increase in its length
(d) increases with increase in its cross-section
Q43. The potential difference between the terminals of a cell in an open circuit is 2.2 V. When a resistor of 5 Ω is
connected across the terminals of the cell, the potentialdifference between the terminals of the cell is found to
be 1.8 V. The internal resistance of the cell is
(a) 7/12 Ω
(b) 10/9 Ω
(c) 9/10 Ω
(d) 12/7 Ω
Q44. An electric kettle has two heating coils. When one of the coils is connected to an a.c. source, the water in
the kettle boils in 10 minutes. When the other coil is used, the water boils in 40 minutes. If both the coils are
connected in parallel, the time taken by the same quantity of water to boil will be
(a) 15 min
(b) 8 min
(c) 4 min
(d) 25 min
Q45. Two 220 volt, 100 watt bulbs are connected first in series and then in parallel. Each time the combination
is connected to a 220 volt a.c. supply line. The power drawn by the combination in each case respectively will
(a) 50 watt, 200 watt (b) 50 watt, 100 watt
(c) 100 watt, 50 watt (d) 200 watt, 150 watt
Q46. Fuse wire is a wire of
(a) low resistance and high melting point
(b) high resistance and high melting point

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(c) high resistance and low melting point

(d) low resistance and low melting point
Q47. In a Wheatstone’s bridge all the four arms have equal resistance R. If the resistance of the galvanometer
arm is also R, the equivalent resistance of the combination as seen by the battery is
(a) 2R
(b) R/4
(c) R/2
(d) R
Q48. A battery is charged at a potential of 15V for 8 hours when the current flowing is 10A. The battery on
discharge supplies a current of 5A for 15 hours. The mean terminal voltage during discharge is 14V. The “watt-
hour” efficiency of the battery is
(a) 87.5%
(b) 82.5%
(c) 80%
(d) 90%
Q49. When three identical bulbs of 60 watt, 200 volt rating are connected in series to a 200 volt supply, the
power drawn by them will be
(a) 20 watt
(b) 60 watt
(c) 180 watt
(d) 10 watt
Q50. In India electricity is supplied for domestic use at 220 V. It is supplied at 110 Vin USA. If the resistance of
a60 W bulb for use in India is R, the resistance of a 60 W bulb for use in USA will be
(a) R/2
(b) R
(c) 2R
(d) R/4
Q51. The electric resistance of a certain wire of iron is R. If its length and radius are both doubled, then
(a) the resistance and the specific resistance, will both remain unchanged
(b) the resistance will be doubled and the specific resistance will be halved
(c) the resistance will be halved and the specific resistance will remain unchanged
(d) the resistance will be halved and the specific resistance will be doubled
Q52. Resistances n, each of r ohm, when connected in parallel give an equivalent resistance of Rohm. If these
resistances were connected in series, the combination would have a resistance in ohms, equal to
(a) nR (b) n2R (c) R/n2 (d) R/n

(a) 2V/R (b) 3V/R (c) V/R (d) V/2R

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Q54. A 6 volt battery is connected to the terminals of the three metre long wire of uniform thickness and
resistance of 100 ohm. The difference of potential between two points on the wire separated by a distance of 50
cm will be
(a) 1.5 volt
(b) 3 volt
(c) 3 volt
(d) 1 volt
Q55. A 5–ampere fuse wire can withstand a maximum power of 1 watt in the circuit. The resistance of the fuse
wire is
(a) 0.04 ohm
(b) 0.2 ohm
(c) 5 ohm
(d) 0.4 ohm
Q56. When a wire of uniform cross–section a, length l and resistance R is bent into a complete circle, resistance
between any two of diametrically opposite points will be
(a) R/4
(b) 4R
(c) R/8
(d) R/2

(a) 9V/35
(b) 18V/5
(c) 5V/9
(d) 5V/18

(a) 30 volt (b) 18 volt (c) 15 volt (d) 14 volt

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Q59. In producing chlorine through electrolysis, 100watt power at 125 Vis being consumed. How much
chlorine per minute is liberated? E.C.E. of chlorine is 0.367 × 10-6 kg/ coulomb.
(a) 21.3 mg
(b) 24.3 mg
(c) 13.6 mg
(d) 17.6 mg

(a) 1.0
(b) 0.5
(c) 3.0
(d) 2.0

(a) flow in the direction which will be decided by the value of V

(b) be zero
(c) flow from B to A
(d) flow from A to B
Q62. Kirchhoff’s first and second laws for electrical circuits are consequences of
(a) conservation of electric charge and energy respectively (b) conservation of electric charge
(c) conservation of energy and electric charge respectively (d) conservation of energy
Q63. Two cells, having the same e.m.f., are connected in series through an external resistance R. Cells have
internal resistances r1 and r2 (r1> r2 ) respectively. When the circuit is closed, the potential difference across
the first cell is zero. The value of R is

(a) (b) (c) (d)


(a) 40 (b) 54 (c) 4 (d) 16

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Q65. Three resistances P, Q, Reach of 2Ω and an unknown resistance S form the four arms of a Wheat stone
bridge circuit. When a resistance of 6Ω is connected in parallel to S the bridge gets balanced. What is the value
of S?
(a) 3 Ω (b) 6 Ω (c) 1 Ω (d) 2 Ω
Q66. The resistance of an ammeter is 13 Ω and its scale is graduated for a current upto 100 amps. After an
additional shunt has been connected to this ammeter it becomes possible to measure currents upto 750
amperes by this meter. The value of shunt-resistance is
(a) 2Ω (b) 0.2Ω (c) 2kΩ (d) 20Ω
Q67. A steady current of 1.5 amp flows through a copper volt a meter for 10 minutes. If the electrochemical
equivalent of copper is 30 × 10-5 g coulomb-1 , the mass of copper deposited on the electrode will be
(a) 0.50 g (b) 0.67 g (c) 0.27 g (d) 0.40 g.

(a) 4 watt (b) 2 watt (c) 1 watt (d) 5 watt

Q69. A wire of a certain material is stretched slowly by ten per cent. Its new resistance and specific resistance
become respectively :
(a) 1.2 times, 1.3 times (b) 1.21 times, same (c) both remain the same (d) 1.1 times, 1.1 times
Q70. A cell can be balanced against 110 cm and 100 cm of potentiometer wire, respectively with and without
being short circuited through a resistance of 10 Ω. Its internal resistance is
(a) 1.0 ohm (b) 0.5 ohm (c) 2.0 ohm (d) zero
Q71. A galvanometer of resistance 50 Ω is connected to battery of 3V along with a resistance of 2950 Ω in
series. A full scale deflection of 30 divisions is obtained in the galvanometer. In order to reduce this deflection
to 20 divisions, the resistance in series should be
(a) 5050 Ω (b) 5550 Ω (c) 6050 Ω (d) 4450 Ω

(a) ε2 – i2r2 – ε1 – i1 r2 =0 (b) – ε2 – (i1 + i2 ) R+ i2 r2 =0

(c) ε1 – (i1 + i2 ) R+ i1 r1 =0 (d) ε1 – (i1 + i2 ) R– i1 r1 =0

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(a) 3 Ω (b) 6π Ω (c) 6 Ω (d) 0.6π Ω

Q74. A student measures the terminal potential
difference (V) of a cell (of emf E and internal resistancer) as a function of the current (I) flowing through it.
Theslope and intercept, of the graph between V and I, then, respectively, equal :
(a) – r and E
(b) r and – E
(c) – E and r
(d) E and – r

(a) k (l2 – l1 ) and k l2 (b) k l1 and k (l2 – l1)

(c) k (l2 – l1) and k l1 (d) k l1 and k l2

Q76. In producing chlorine by electrolysis 100 kW power at 125 Vis being consumed. How much chlorine per
minute is liberated? (E.C.E. of chlorine is 0.367×10-6 kg/ C)
(a) 1.76 × 10-3 kg (b) 9.67 × 10-3 kg (c) 17.61 × 10-3 kg (d) 3.67 × 10-3 kg

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Q77. Consider the following two statements:

(a) Kirchhoff's junction law follows from the conservation of charge.
(b) Kirchhoff's loop law follows from the conservation of energy.
Which of the following is correct?
(a) Both and (b) are wrong
(b) (a) is correct and is wrong
(c) (a) is wrong and (b) is correct
(d) Both (a) and (b) are correct

(a) 30° C
(b) 450° C
(c) 400 ° C
(d) 225° C
Q79. A current of 2A flows through a 2 Ω resistor when connected across a battery. The same battery supplies a
current of 0.5 A when connected across a 9Ω resistor. The internal resistance of the battery is
(a) 0.5 Ω
(b) 1/3 Ω
(c) 1/4 Ω
(d) 1 Ω

(a) 4 volt
(b) 8 volt
(c) 10 volt
(d) 2 volt
Q81. The rate of increase of thermo–e.m.f. with temperature at the neutral temperature of a thermocouple
(a) is positive
(b) is zero
(c) depends upon the choice of the two materials of thethermocouple
(d) is negative
Q82. A thermocouple of negligible resistance produces an e.m.f. of 40 μV/°C in the linear range of temperature.
A galvanometer of resistance 10 ohm whose sensitivity is 1 μA/div, is employed with the thermocouple. The
smallest value of temperature difference that can be detected by the system will be
(a) 0.5°C (b) 1°C (c) 0.1°C (d) 0.25°C

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(a) –1V
(b) + 2V
(c) –2V
(d) + 1V
Q84. A milli voltmeter of 25 milli volt range is to be converted into an ammeter of 25 ampere range. The value
(in ohm) of necessary shunt will be :
(a) 0.001
(b) 0.01
(c) 1
(d) 0.05

(a) 4 V
(b) 2 V
(c) 12 V
(d) 6 V
Q86. If voltage across a bulb rated 220 Volt-100 Watt B drops by 2.5% of its rated value, the percentage of
therated value by which the power would decrease is :
(a) 20%
(b) 2.5%
(c) 5%
(d) 10%

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(a) 20 Ω (b) 15 Ω (c) 10 Ω (d) 30 Ω

Q89. Cell having an emf ε and internal resistance r isconnected across a variable external resistance R. As
theresistance R is increased, the plot of potential difference V across R is given by :

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Q90. A wire of resistance 4 Ω is stretched to twice itsoriginal length. The resistance of stretched wire wouldbe
(a) 4 Ω (b) 8 Ω (c) 16 Ω (d) 2 Ω
Q91. The internal resistance of a 2.1 V cell which gives acurrent of 0.2 A through a resistance of 10 Ω is
(a) 0.5 Ω (b) 0.8 Ω (c) 1.0 Ω (d) 0.2 Ω

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Q92. The resistance of the four arms P, Q, Rand Sin aWheatstone’s bridge are 10 ohm, 30 ohm, 30 ohm and90
ohm, respectively. The e.m.f. and internal resistanceof the cell are 7 volt and 5 ohm respectively. If
thegalvanometer resistance is 50 ohm, the current drawnfrom the cell will be
(a) 0.2 A (b) 0.1 A (c) 2.0 A (d) 1.0 A

(a) 3 : 4 : 5 (b) 9 : 16 : 25 (c) 27 : 32 : 35 (d) 21 : 24 : 25


(a) 0.117 V
(b) 0.00145 V
(c) 0.0145 V
(d) 1.7 × 10-6 V
Q95. Ten identical cells connected in series are neededto heat a wire of length one meter and radius ‘r’ by
10°Cin time ‘t’. How many cells will be required to heat thewire of length two meter of the same radius by the
sametemperature in time ‘t’?
(a) 10
(b) 20
(c) 30
(d) 40

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Faraday’s law are based on the conversion of electrical energy into mechanical energy; which is in accordance
with the law of
In the electrolysis of CuSO4 , oxygen is liberated at anode and copper is deposited at cathode.



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Power of heating coil = 100 W and voltage (V) = 220 volts. When the heating coil is cut into tow equal parts and
these parts are joined in parallel, then the resistance o the coil is reduced to one fourth of the previous value.
Therefore energy liberated per second becomes 4 times. i.e. 4 X 100 = 400 J


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We know from the Kirchhoff’s first law that the algebraic sum of the current meeting at any junction in the
circuit is zero. (i.e. ∑I =0) or the total charge remains constant. Therefore, Kirchhoff’s first law at a junction
deals with the conservation of charge.



Q26. (d)

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In discharge tube the current is due to flow of positive ions and electrons. Moreover , secondary emission of
electrons is also possible. So V- I curve is non – linear; hence resistance is non – ohmic.


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Potentiometer measures potential current more accurately because it measure potential in open circuit and
hence error in potential due to internal resistance is removed.


Conductivity of semiconductor increases with increase in temperature while conductivity of metal decreases
with increase in temperature.

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Fuse wire : It is used in a circuit to control the maximum current flowing in circuit. It is a thin wire having high
resistance and is made up of a material with low melting point.

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A balanced whetstone’s bridge exists between A & B.Req = R
Current through circuit = V/R
Current through AFCEB = V/2R





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Kirchhoff’s first law deals with conservation of electric charge & the second law deals with conservation of
electrical energy.



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Junction law follows from conservation of charge and loop law is the conservation of energy.

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Animal kingdom 12. Wish bone of birds is from

(a) pelvic girdle
1. Feet of king fisher are modified for (b) skull
(a) wading (c) hind limbs
(b) perching (d) pectoral girdle/clavicles
(c) running 13. Eutherians are characterised by
(d) catching (a) hairy skin
2. Bird vertebrae are (b) true placentation
(a) acoelous (c) ovoviviparity
(b) heterocoelous (d) glandular skin
(c) amphicoelous 14. Onchosphere occurs in
(d) procoelous (a) Ascaris
3. Hair occur in all mammals except those of (b) Fasciola
(a) Rodentia (c) Taenia
(b) Chiroptera (d) Planaria
(c) Primata 15. Taeniasaginata differs from Taenia
(d) Cetacea solium in
4. Lamina propria is connected with (a) absence of scolex hooks
(a) acini (b) absence of scolex hooks and uterine branching
(b) liver (c) absence of scolex hooks and presence of both male
(c) graafian follicle and female reproductive organs
(d) intestine (d) presence of scolex hooks
5. Fish which can be used in biological control of 16. Pheretimaposthuma is highly useful as
mosquitoes/Larvicidal fish is (a) their burrows make the soil loose
(a) Eel (b) they make the soil porous, leave their
(b) Carp castings and take organic debris in the soil
(c) Cat Fish (c) they are used as fish meal
(d) Gambusia (d) None of these
6. Jelly Fishes belongs to class 17. Blood of Pheretima is
(a) Hydrozoa (a) blue with haemocyanin in corpuscles
(b) Scyphozoa (b) blue with haemocyanin in plasma
(c) Anthozoa (c) red with haemoglobin in corpuscles
(d) None of these (d) red with haemoglobin in plasma
7. Transfer of Taenia to secondary host occurs as 18. In hot summer and cold winter, the
(a) onchosphere number of malaria cases as well as Anopheles
(b) cysticercus declines, Reappearance of malaria in humid warm
(c) morula conditions is due to
(d) egg. (a) surving malarial parasites in human carriers
8. Photoreceptors of earthworm occur on (b) surviving sporozoites in surviving mosquitoes
(a) clitellum (c) monkeys
(b) many eyes (d) mosquito larvae in permanent waters
(c) dorsal surface 19. Malpighian tubules are
(d) lateral sides (a) excretory organs of insects
9. Earthworms are (b) excretory organs of annelids
(a) useful (c) respiratory organs of insects
(b) harmful (d) respiratory organs of annelids
(c) more useful than harmful 20. Kala-azar and Oriental Sore are spread by
(d) more harmful (a) Housefly
20. A chordate character is (b) Bed Bug
(a) gills (c) Sand Fly
(b) spiracles (d) Fruit Fly
(c) postanal tail 21. Penguin occurs in
(d) chitinous exoskeleton (a) Australia
21. Flight muscles of birds are attached to (b) Antarctica
(a) clavicle (b) keel of sternum (c) Africa
(c) scapula (d) coracoid (d) America

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22. Ecdysis is shedding of 32. Which one occurs in Echinodermata

(a) stratum corneum (a) Bilateral symmetry
(b) epidermis (b) Radical symmetry
(c) dermis (c) Porous body
(d) stratum Malpighi (d) Soft skin
23. Skin is a respiratory organ in 33. Kidney of adult rabbit is
(a) lizards (a) pronephros
(b) birds (b) metanephros
(c) primitive mammals (c) mesonephros
(d) frog (d) opisthonephros
24. Earthworm possesses hearts 34. An egg laying mammal is
(a) 6 pairs (a) Kangaroo
(b) 4 pairs (b) Platypus
(c) 2 pairs (c) Koala
(d) 1 (d) Whale
25. Bladderworm/cysticercus is the 35. The simplest type of canal system in Porifera is
larval stage of (a) ascon type
(a) Tapeworm (b) leucon type
(b) Roundworm (c) sycon type
(c) Pinworm (d) radial type
(d) Liver Fluke 36. What is correct about Taenia?
26. The excretory structures of flatworms/Taenia are (a) Male organ occure in posterior proglottides
(a) flame cells (b) Male organ occure in anterior proglottides
(b) protonephridia (c) Female organ occure in anterior proglottides
(c) malpighian tubules (d) Mature proglottides contain both male
(d) green glands and female organs
27. Classification of Porifera is based on 37. Ascaris larva is called
(a) branching (a) cysticercus
(b) spicules (b) rhabditiform
(c) reproduction (c) hexacanth
(d) symmetry (d) onchosphere
28. Ascarislumbricoides infection 38. A. Periplanetaamericana is nocturnal,
occurs through omnivorous, household pest. R. It is because it acts
(a) sole of uncovered feet as scavenger
(b) contaminated cooked measly pork (a) A is true but R is false
(c) improperly cooked measly pork (b) A is false but R is true
(d) from air through inhalation (c) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation
29. Male and female cockroaches can be of A
distinguished externally through (d) Both A and R are true but R is not correct
(a) anal styles in male explanation of A
(b) anal cerci in female 39. Sound box of birds is called
(c) anal style and antennae in females (a) pygostyle
(d) both b and c (b) larynx
30. Metamorphosis of insects is regulated through (c) syrinx
hormone (d) synsacrum
(a) pheromone 40. Adult Culex and Anopheles can be
(b) thyroxine distinguished with the help of
(c) ecdysone (a) mouth parts/colour
(d) all the above (b) sitting posture
31. An insect regarded as greatest mechanical carrier (c) antennae/wings
of diseases is (d) feeding habits
(a) Pediculus 41. Eye of the molluscan group that
(b) Cimex resembles vertebrate eye is
(c) Musca (a) bivalvia
(d) Xenopsylla (b) gastropoda
(c) pelecypoda
(d) cephalopoda

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42. Star fish belongs to 52. Give the correct matching of

(a) Asteriodea causative agent/ germ and disease
(b) Ophiuroidea (a) Anopheles – malaria
(c) Holothuroidea (b) Leishmania – Sleeping sickness
(d) Crinoidea (c) Glossina – Kala-azar
43. Aristotle‘s lantern occurs in class (d) Wuchereria – Filariasis
(a) Echinoidea 53. Budding is a normal mode of asexual
(b) Asteroidea reproduction in
(c) Holothuroidea (a) starfish and Hydra
(d) Ophiuroidea (b) hydra and sponges
44. Bull Frog of India is (c) tapeworm and Hydra
(a) Rana tigrina (d) sponge and starfish
(b) R. sylvatica 54. Which one of the following animals
(c) R. ecutesbeiana possesses nerve cells but no nerves
(d) R. esculenta (a) Hydra
45. The cervical vertebrae in humans is (b) Tapeworm
(a) same as in whale (c) Earthworm
(b) more than that in rabbit (d) Frog‘s tadpole
(c) double than that of horse 55. What is true about Taeniasaginata?
(d) less than that in giraffe (a) Life history has pig as intermediate host
46. What is common in Whale, Bat and Rat? (b) There are two large suckers on scolex
(a) Absence of neck (c) Rostellar hooks are absent
(b) Muscular diaphragm between thorax (d) Rostellum has double circle of hooks
and abdomen 56. Which one assists in locomotion
(c) Extra-abdominal testes to avoid high (a) Trichocysts in Paramecium
temperature of body (b) Pedicellariae of Star Fish
(d) Presence of external ears (c) Clitellum in Pheretima
47. Gorilla, Chimpanzee, Monkeys and Humans (d) Posterior sucker in Hirudinaria
belongs to the same 57. What is common between Ostrich, Penguin and
(a) species Kiwi?
(b) genus (a) Running birds
(c) family (b) Migratory birds
(d) order (c) Flightless birds
48. All vertebrates possess (d) Four toed birds
(a) renal portal system 58. Radial symmetry is often exhibited
(b) dorsal hollow central nervous system by animals having
(c) four chambered ventral heart (a) one opening of alimentary canal
(d) pharyngeal gill slits (b) aquatic mode of living
49. Mucus helps frog in forming (c) benthos/sedentary living
(a) thick skin (d) ciliary mode of feeding
(b) dry skin 59. Coelom derived from blastocoel is
(c) smooth skin known as
(d) moist skin (a) enterocoelom
50. A larval stage occurs in the life history of all (b) schizocoel
members of the group (c) pseudocoelom
(a) frog, lizard and cockroach (d) haemocoelom
(b) ascaris, housefly and frog 60. Special character of Coelenterates is
(c) housefly, earthworm and mosquito (a) polymorphism
(d) butterfly, frog and mosquito (b) nematocysts
51. Tracheae of cockroach and mammal are similar in (c) flame cells
having (d) hermaphroditism
(a) paried nature 61. Point out the non-parasite
(b) noncollapsible walls (a) Tapeworm
(c) ciliated inner lining (b) Mosquito
(d) origin from head (c) Leech
(d) Sea anemone

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62. Which one belongs to Platyhelminthes? 72. True coelom is the space lying
(a) Schistosoma between the alimentary canal and body
(b) Trypanosoma wall enclosed by the layers of
(c) Plasmodium (a) ectoderm on both sides
(d) Wuchereria (b) endoderm on one side and ectoderm on
63. Closed circulatory system occurs in the other
(a) snail (c) mesoderm on one side and ectoderm on
(b) cockroach the other
(c) cuttle Fish (d) mesoderm on both sides
(d) all of these 73. What is true about all sponges
64. Tube feet occur in without exception
(a) Cockroach (a) They are all marine
(b) Star Fish (b) They have flagellated collar cells
(c) Cuttle Fish (c) They have a mixed skeleton consisting of
(d) Cat Fish spicules and spongin fibres
65. All chordates possess (d) They reproduce only asexually by
(a) exoskeleton budding
(b) limbs 74. Functionwise, just as there are
(c) skull nephridia in an earthworm, so are
(d) axial skeletal rod of notochord (a) parotid glands in toad
66. A common characteristic of all (b) statocysts in prawn
vertebrates is (c) flame cells in liver fluke
(a) presence of skull (d) myotomes in fish
(b) division of body into head, neck, trunk 75. The flightless bird Cassowary is
and tail found in
(c) presence of two pairs of functional (a) Mauritius
appendages (b) Australia
(d) body is covered with an exoskeleton (c) New Zealand
67. Golden era/age of reptiles is (d) Indonesia
(a) palaeozoic 76. Animals/organisms floating on the
(b) mesozoic surface of water are
(c) recent (a) plankton
(d) proterozoic (b) pelagic
68. The organisms attached to the (c) benthos
substratum, generally, possess (d) neritic
(a) radial symmetry 77. Organ Pipe Coral is
(b) one single opening of digestive canal (a) Tubipora
(c) asymmetrical body (b) Astraea
(d) cilia on surface to create water current (c) Helipora
69. Besides annelida and arthropoda, the (d) Fungia
metamerism is exhibited by 78. Silk thread is obtained from Silk Moth
(a) cestoda during
(b) chordata (a) pupal state
(c) mollusca (b) larval state
(d) acanthocephala (c) nymph state
70. Pneumatic bones are expected to be (d) adult state
found in 79. A wood boring mollusc/Shipworm is
(a) pigeon (a) Chiton
(b) house lizard (b) Teredo
(c) frog‘s tadpole (c) Limax
(d) flying fish (d) Patella
71. Radial symmetry is usually 80. Association between Sucker Fish
associated with (Remora) and Shark is
(a) aquatic mode of life (a) Commensalism
(b) lower grade of organisation (b) Symbiosis
(c) creeping mode of locomotion (c) Predation
(d) sedentary mode of life (d) Parasitism

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81. Which is not a true amphibian animal 7. Solution: (a)

(a) Salamander The eggs of Taenia passes out through
(b) Toad human faeces which is eaten by pigs, eggs
(c) Tortoise develops into onchosphere then to cyst
(d) Frog larva in the muscle of pig; The entry stage
82. Fire bellied toad is into secondary host (Pig) is onchosphere.
(a) Amphiuma 8.
(b) Discoglossus Solution: (c)
(c) Necturus Light receptors found in diffused condition
(d) Salamandra to differentiate between light and dark.
83. Necturus is These receptors are present on the dorsal
(a) Hell Bender surface.
(b) Congo Eel 9.
(c) Mud Puppy Solution: (a)
(d) Blind Worm Earthworms are very useful to human as
84. Typhlops is they make the soil porous and increase its
(a) Sea Snake fertility through worm casting. They are
(b) Glass Snake called as Nature‘s ‗plough man‘.
(c) Blind Snake 10. Solution: (c)
(d) Grass Snake Chordates are featured by the presence of
85. Both male and female pigeons the following characters. • Notochord
secrete milk through (cephalic or head region) • Pharyngeal gill
(a) Salivary glands silts • Postanal tail.
(b) Modified sweat glands 11. Solution: (b)
(c) Crop In birds flight muscles or breast muscles
(d) Gizzard are attached to the large sternum or breast
bone. The wings are powered by these flight
Solutions: 12. Solution: (d)
Two clavicles fused with inter clavicle to
1. Solution: (a) In birds hind limbs are variously form a fork shaped bone called wish bone
modified for various functions like perching, or furcula or bone of merry thoughts.
grasping etc. In the kingfisher they are 13.
modified for wading. Solution: (b)
2. 14.
Solution: (b) Solution: (c)
Bird vertebrae are heterocoelous. Acoelous Onchosphere is the larval stage in Taenia
vertebrae are found in mammals. solium.
3. Solution: (d) 15.
Members of the order Cetacea of class Solution: (b)
Mammalia are aquatic animals like whales, Taeniasaginata lacks rostellum and scolex
dolphins having smooth and hairless skin. hooks.
4. 16.
Solution: (d) Soution (b)
It is the middle layer of 3 layered Mucosa 17.
(outer muscularis mucosa, middle lamina Solution: (d)
propria& inner simple columnar In the blood of earthworm, haemoglobin is
epithelium) of intestine. It is made up of a highly dissolved in the plasma. RBCs are absent.
vascular connective tissue containing lymphatic 18.
nodules. Solution: (b)
5. 19. Solution: (a)
Solution: (d) Malpighian tubules are fine, unbranched,
Gambusia yellow tubules that lie more or less free in
6. the haemocoel. They open into alimentary
Solution: (b) canal. They absorb nitrogenous waste
Animals which are marine, solitary, bell or umbrella product, thus acts as excretory organs in
shaped belong to class Scyphozoa i.e., Jelly fish. insects.

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20. 30.
Solution: (c) Solution: (c)
Sand fly is the vector of Kala azar Metamorphosis of insects is regulated
(Leishmaniadonovani), causes severe liver through ecdysone hormone.
infection. 31.
21. Solution: (b) Solution: (c)
Penguin is a flightless bird found in colder Musca is the zoological name of house fly
region like Antarctica. which is regarded as mechanical carrier of
22. Solution: (a) many diseases. It is very active and keeps
Stratum corneum is the outermost, on visiting on dirty things and eatables as
partially cornified layer of scale like cells. well.
Small fragments of this layer are 32. Solution: (b)
periodically shed off from the body known Larval stage of Echinoderms have bilateral
as ecdysis. The new layer is regularly symmetry and the adults have radial
formed by underlaying stratum symmetry, pentamerous i.e., body parts
germinativum. arranged in five or multiples of five.
23. 33. Solution: (b)
Solution: (d) Metanephric kidney is found differentiated
Skin in fact is a secondary or accessory into cortex and medulla and duct of such
respiratory organ in frog when frog kidney is ureter.
undergoes the hybernation or aestivation 34.
i.e. winter sleep or summer sleep & when it Solution: (b)
goes into the water for a long. Prototherians are egg laying mammals,
24. Solution: (b) they share characters with reptiles. e.g., -
Earthworm has 4 pairs of heart i.e., 2 Duck bill Platypus The Platypus
pairs Lateral hearts and 2 pairs Lateral (Ornithorhynchusanatinus) is a semiaquatic mammal
oesophageal hearts present in 7th and 9th endemic to eastern
and 12th and 13th segments respectively. Australia and Tasmania. Together with the
25. four species of echidna, it is one of the five
Solution: (a) species of monotremes, the only mammals
Bladderworm or cysticerus larva forms in that lay eggs instead of giving birth to live
Tapeworm. young. It is the sole living representative of
26. its family (Ornithorhynchidae) and genus
Solution: (a) (Ornithorhynchus), though a number of
Excretory system of Taenia consists of a related species have been found in the
pair of peculiar flame cells, which absorb fossil record.
the waste material from the body and 35.
discharges it through excretory duct. Solution: (a)
27. Presence of canal system - a network of
Solution: (b) channels for water transport - is an
The terms porifera was given by Grant, the important feature in sponges. Ascon type of
phylum includes animals with pores in canal is simplest in Porifera which brings
their body. Its classification based on in food, oxygen and carries away CO2 and
skeleton or spicules. nitrogenous waste.
28. Ascarislumbricoides infection 36.
occurs through Solution: (d)
(a) sole of uncovered feet The body of Taenia is ribbon like and is
(b) contaminated cooked measly pork divided into segments called proglottids.
(c) improperly cooked measly pork Each proglottid has one or two sets of male
(d) from air through inhalation and female reproductive organs.
29. Solution: (a) 37. Solution: (b)
Sexual dimorphism is found in cockroach. Ascaris larva is also called rhabditiform.
A pair of anal style are present in male 38.
cockroach only. Female has broader Solution: (c)
abdomenal segments. Periplanetaamericana (cockroach) cannot
act as a scavanger, it does not feed upon
dead animals.

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39. Solution: (c) 54.

Sound box or syrinx is present below trachea which Solution: (a)
produces sound in birds. Nerve cells are present in the form of
40. Solution: (b) network of neurons in Hydra but the brain
The body of an adult lies more or less parallel to the and nerves are absent.
surface in Culex where as in Anopheles the body lies 55.
at an angle of 45° to the surface. Solution: (c)
41. Rostellum and hooks are absent in Taenia
Solution: (d) saginata.
42. Solution: (a) Star fish belongs to the class – 56.
Asteroidea. Solution: (d)
43. 57.
Solution: (a) Solution: (c)
Jaw apparatus is called Aristotle‘s Lantern Ostrich, Kiwi, Penguin are all flightless
which is present in the Class Echinoidae of birds.
the Phylum Echinodermata. 58. Solution: (c)
44. In radial symmetry – body is cut
Solution: (a) longitudinally through any radius into two
Rana tigrina – Bull frog; Order - Anura equal halves. Present in sessile animals i.e.
Amphibia. star fish that live in the sea bottom.
45. 59.
Solution: (a) Solution: (c)
The number of cervical vertebrae are same Coelom or body cavity, when derived from
in man & whale that is 7 in number. blastocoel is pseudocoelom as in
46. Solution: (b) nematodes, rotifers. In this type of cavity,
Diaphragm is present in mammals as a mesoderm is lined by only one side i.e.,
muscular seperator between thorax and towards the body wall. Schizocoel is true
abdominal region. coelom derived from mesodermal segments.
47. Solution: (d) 60.
Gorilla, Chimpanzee, Monkeys and Man Solution: (b)
belongs to same order- Primates of class Presence of nematocysts or stinging cells
mammalia. are the characteristic feature of the phylum
48. Coelenterata. It serves the function of
Solution: (b) offence and defence by producing toxin to
Dorsal hollow nervous system is one of the kill the prey & enemy.
important feature of vertebrates. 61. Solution: (d)
49. Solution: (d) Sea anemone (Adamsia) is marine animal
Mucus helps frog in forming moist skin as attached to the empty shell of gastropods
it is necessary for cutaneous respiration occupied by hermit crab. They live as
during hibernation of frog. symbionts, not as parasites.
50. Solution: (d) 62.
A larval stage occurs in the life history of Solution: (a)
butterfly, frog and mosquitoes. Schistosoma (Blood fluke) –
51. Platyhelminthes Trypanosoma –
Solution: (b) AschelminthesWuchereria – Aschelminthes
Tracheal tube of cockroach and human Plasmodium – Protozoa
have non-collapsable wall. Each tracheal 63. Solution: (c)
tube is lined with cuticle which prevents Cockroach & snail has open type of
collapsing. circulatory system. Closed type of blood
52. circulatory system occurs in cuttlefish.
Solution: (d) 64.
Wuchereria – Filariasis Solution: (b)
53. Tube feet is the locomotory organ that
Solution: (b) occur in star fishes.
Budding is an asexual mode of reproduction in Hydra
& sponges. Bud is formed as an outgrowth on the
body surface, then detached to form new animal.

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65. 75.
Solution: (d) Solution: (b)
All chordate possess: — Notochord at some Flightless birds are restricted to the
stage of life — Dorsal tubular nervous system — islands of Australia and New Guinea.
Pharyngeal gill slits at same stage of life cycle. 76.
66. Solution: (a)
Solution: (a) Organisms passively floating on the
Vertebrates are also known as Craniata surface of water are planktons. If floating
due to presence of skull in all its members. organisms are animals then it is
77. zooplankton and if plant – phytoplankton.
Solution: (b) 77.
Jurassic period of mesozoic era is known as the ‗Age Solution: (a)
of reptiles‘. Tubipora is organ pipe coral comes under
68. class Anthozia.
Solution: (a) 78. Solution: (a)
The organisms, which are attached to Caterpillar larva is a voracious eater, it
substratum, generally, possess radial gets matured and by secreting silk thread
symmetry in all vertical planes. changes into pupa & it encloses into silk
69. cocoon.
Solution: (b) 79. Solution: (b)
Metamerism is an important character of Teredo (shipworm) is the member of class –
annelida and arthropoda. The body is divided Bivalvia (double shell plates). Shipworms
externally into segments called metameres. are not in fact worms at all, but rather a
Metamerism is also exhibited by chordata due to group of marine mollusc
repetition of a succession of homologous structures (Eulamellibranchiata) in the family
alongthanterio-posterior axis. Teredinidae. They bore into submerged
70. Solution: (a) wood, and bacteria in a special organ called
Birds have pneumatic bones. the gland of Deshayes enable them to
71. digest cellulose. The shipworms belong to
Solution: (b) several genera of which Teredo is the most
refer answer commonly mentioned. The best known
72. species is Teredonavalis.
Solution: (d) 80.
Coelom is a fluid filled space between body Solution: (a)
wall and alimentary canal which is lined by Commensalism is an association between two
parietal peritoneum (mesoderm) on the organisms in which one is benefitted but the other is
outer side and visceral peritoneum not harmed.
(mesoderm) on the inner side. 81.
73. Solution: (c)
Solution: (b) Tortoise (Testudo) is a member of orderChelonia,
Sponges are marine with the exception of Class – Reptiles.
family spongilidae, the members of which 82. Solution: (b)
occur in fresh water e.g. Spongilla. Their Fire bellied toad (BombinaOrientalis) is a
endoskeleton is made of either spicules or member of family discoglossidae of order
spongin fibres or both. Sponges reproduce Anura of class Amphibia. Its belly is red or
asexually by fragmentation or by budding orange-red.
or through gemmules and reduction bodies. 83.
Sponges also exhibit sexual reproduction. Solution: (c)
74. Necturus (Mud puppy) order – Urodela class –
Solution: (c) Amphibia. It is a species of salamanders that is a part
Toads possess a pair of large parotid of the genus Necturus.
glands behind the tympana. They produce 84.
a milky poisonous fluid. Statocysts are the Solution: (c)
organs of equilibrium and sensory Typhols is a non poisonous blind snake.
perception located at the base of antennae. 85.
Flame cells in liver fluke are the excretory Solution: (c) Crop in birds stores & softens food and in
organs. pigeons secrete milk.

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