Fibre Cement Boards
Fibre Cement Boards
Fibre Cement Boards
Testing and
Application of Fibre
Cement Boards
The Fabrication,
Testing and
Application of Fibre
Cement Boards
Edited by
Zbigniew Ranachowski
and Krzysztof Schabowicz
The Fabrication, Testing and Application of Fibre Cement Boards
All rights for this book reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means,
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Introduction ................................................................................................ 1
By Dariusz Jarząbek
Application of advanced optical microscopy ....................................... 89
Examples of application of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) ...... 96
X-ray microtomography (micro-CT) application in visualization
of the fibre distribution and crack detection ................................... 98
Fig. 1. Corruugated roofing made of asbestos FCB, now expected to bee removed
due to health risks.
Fibre cem
ment was a major
m user of assbestos, and aas such new reeinforcing
fibres were bbeing sought asa alternativess to asbestos iin this class off building
material. Jammes Hardie and
a Coy Pty Ltd. L started m manufacturing g asbestos
cement prodducts in Austrralia in 1917. The company ny extended prroduction
to New Zeaaland, Indoneesia, Malaysia, and the U US. In the mid-1940s,
during the ppost-war years, when theree was a shortaage of asbesto os, James
Hardie comm menced a research on repllacing asbestoos with cellulo ose fibres
[6]. The fiibres studied included baagasse, grounndwood, wheat straw,
cement bagss, and brown paper.
p Howev ver, the work w was discontinu ued when
asbestos beccame more acccessible. Reg gardless, the iidea of using cellulose
fibres was sstill considereed by the commpany. Beginnning in the 1960s, the
company m manufactured a product called “Hardiflexx” containing 8% (wt.)
The F
Fabrication, Teesting and Application of Fibree Cement Board
ds 3
Multiple hydroxyl grroups in the glucose from m one chain form the
hydrogen bonds with oxxygen atoms in adjacent chains, thus forming
microfibrils with high tennsile strength. The microfibrrils have a diameter of
approx. 100 nm and, in turrn, form thickeer (30-40 µm) fibres. The microfibrils
can be positiioned at a diffeerent angle in relation
r to the longitudinal axis
a of the
fibre. At sm
mall angles, ann increase in fibre f stiffness compared to the fibres
made out off microfibrils positioned
p at laarger (40-50º) angles can be observed
[8]. The elassticity/stiffnesss of the fibress can thus be controlled by choosing
the source off cellulose or byb the mechan nical processinng of the kraftt pulp (the
most commoon industrial soource of cellulose fibres).
Coutts inn [9] has reporrted that theree is a cellulosee–cement com mpatibility
in the sense that the matrrix hardening is not affecteed by the pressence of a
certain amoount of celluloose. Optimal interfacial boond between the fibre
and the matrrix can be estaablished. Excessive bond sttrength would d result in
material emmbrittlement, while
w a weak bond would reduce the composite c
strength. Sinnce cement is an alkaline material
m it conttains metal (C
Ca, Si, Al,
Fe) hydroxxyl groups. Cellulose
C fibrres contain hydroxyl gro oups and
carboxylic groups. Theese groups form f covalennt bonds capable of
producing eefficient fibree–matrix bond ds. Thereforee, the cellulosse matrix
composite can show both high flexural strength and fracture tough hness that
should be baalanced by thee optimal amo ount of compoonents.
The meethods of innvestigation into i the meechanical (an nd other)
properties oof a variety of FCB products will be diiscussed in Chapter C 2.
Many manuufacturers alsso add 3-5% % synthetic ffibres, e.g., polyvinyl
alcohol (PVVA, PVOH) fibbres to FCB.
The techhnology is useed for severall reasons [10]]. The added fibres f are
non-toxic aand feature high h tensile strength andd flexibility. PVA is
hydrophilic and is capablle of forming strong bondss between the hydroxyl
group and tthe cement matrixm in the presence of w water. The material
m is
cheap and w widely availabble. It is used in FCB in thhe form of fibrres 30-50
µm in diameeter. Fig. 3 shoows the PVA polymer moleecule.
Introducing the two aforemention ned types off fibres allow ws better
control of thheir length disstribution with
hin the matrixx, while the mechanical
strength of tthe compositee is roughly proportional too the fibre asp pect ratio,
i.e., to the diameter/lenggth coefficien nt. It also eliiminates the common
problem of thin fibre “curling” togeth her when disppensed into thet slurry
[11], and at the same timee allows the fiibres to be envveloped by ceement and
filler particlles. Fig. 4 shhows two po olarized light micrographs of FCB
containing 66% (wt.) kraft cellulose fibrres and 2% (w wt.) PVA fibres.
Figures 4, 2-31, 2-32, 2-33, 2-34, 2-35, 2-36, 2-37, and 3-14 are
reproduced in the centrefo f improved readability.
fold in colour for
A modern process of FCB fabrication consists in laying thin paper-like
films on top of each other until a desired sheet thickness is obtained [13,
14]. The process distributes the reinforcing fibres in planar uniformity,
taking the best advantage of the reinforcing fibres to increase the in-plane
strength of the sheet. Thus, the strength of sheets made using this process
is approximately 50% greater than the sheets formed to full thickness in a
single action using a filter press or the extruding processes. In a process
detailed below, a thin film formed from a diluted fibre slurry is usually
0.25-0.4 mm thick and each FCB comprises a stack of these films. Thus,
the final sheet consists of approx. 20-30 or more thin films. A large
number of layers partially suppresses the imperfection of the considered
method: the films formed on a sieve are not uniform in composition but
due to sedimentation they have a fibre-rich side and a fibre-poor side.
Additionally, 2.5-3 mm long fibres bridge the sieve holes, slightly
blocking the feed of other particles and forming a fibre-rich layer. The
portions formed last can be relatively fibre-poor. On this account, an
advanced fibre orientation and distribution devices have been developed
and introduced into the actual chain of FCB fabrication.
Fig. 1-1 shows a flowchart of a sample fibre cement board production
process. The particular sub-processes named in the flowchart are detailed
8 Chapter One
Batching mix components
WATER AND WASTE RECOVERY SYSTEM Mixing until homogenous pulp is obtained
The boards placed on the pallets are left to mature and are cured in
steady thermal-moisture conditions, e.g., in special airtight tarpaulin tents
(zone 5) for about 14 days. After that time, the boards obtain the proper
bending strength, and some moisture is removed naturally. After the
maturation period, the boards are transferred to a final drying oven (zone
6) where they are subjected to three-stage drying at 180°C, 160°C, and
Fabrication of Fibre Cement Boards 11
Table 1-1. Typical primary raw materials used in fabrication of fibre cement
type of raw material approximate
Cement ~ 60%
Cellulose (dry) ~ 8%
PVA ~ 2%
Kaolin or lime ~ 30%
Total ~ 100%
Additives & admixtures
Hyperplasticizer ~ 0.1 l/t *)
Didecyldimethylammonium chloride ~ 0.1 l/t *)
(DDAC) or bromide (DDAB)
Perlite ~ 1 kg/t *)
Mica ~ 1 kg/t *)
Microsphere ~ 1 kg/t *)
Antifoaming agent ~ 0.26 l/t*)
*) l/t or kg/t = litres or kilograms per ton of finished product
▪ non-toxic,
▪ long-term presence on the market,
▪ established manufacturing process,
▪ high quality.
type of fibre
Kuralon PET Nylon PAN PP Aramid Carbon
11-14 6-8 5 2-4 6-8 22 13-23
Young’s 80- 30- 30- 400- 1190-
250-300 40-80
modulus 145 70 110 700 2370
alkali resistance w X X X w X w
adhesion to
w X X X X X
w w w X w w
w = good, = normal, X = bad
Figure 1-5 shows the relationship between fibree tenacity and d bending
strength of ffibre cement boards
b reinforcced with diffeerent fibres [40
Fig. 1-5. Relaationship betweeen fibre tenacitty and bending strength of fibrre cement
boards [40].
Raw materiaal preparattion and miixing zone
The preparaation zone of a fibre cementt boards fabriccation usually
y includes
the followinng:
60 m3,
▪ a mixxer (for mixinng all the compponents) with a capacity off 5-7 m3,
▪ an inntermediate filller tank (a bu
uffer tank for the mixed liq
quid pulp)
with a capacity of 10-15 m3,
▪ a dennsity calibratinng tank with a capacity of 22-4 m3,
▪ chemmical agents taank (a flocculaant batching ddevice).
The prodduction of booards starts ata the two siloos located ou utside the
production building (Fiig. 1-6), from which thhe raw mateerials are
transported bby a belt convveyor (situated under the siilo (Fig. 1-7)) and then
by a pneumaatic conveyinng system to th he daily stockk silo in the prroduction
building (Figg. 1-8).
pacity of 15 m3 each.
Fig 1-8. Sampple daily stock silos, with a cap
The celluulose content in the pulp iss 4% (wt.). A biocide is battched into
the pulper tto protect thee cellulose fiibres against biodegradatio on. Also,
depending oon the type of fabricated boards, a hydropphobizing ageent can be
added at thee same time.
Fabrrication of Fibree Cement Boardds 19
The refinned pulp is conveyed to one of the twoo storage tank ks, with a
capacity of, e.g., 50 m3 eaach. Dependin ng on the proccess requiremeents, pulp
with fibress reclaimed from waste paper, iimpregnated with a
hydrophobizzing agent, caan be stored in one tank, while pulp with w non-
impregnatedd cellulose fibbres can be stored
s in the other tank. Fig.
F 1-14
shows sampple pulp storagge tanks.
The pulpp is transferrred from the storage tankks to a mixeer with a
capacity of 44.6 m3, wheree it is mixed with
w other raw materials, i.e.., cement,
additives (e.g., limestonee powder), an nd chemical aagents, thus giving
g the
liquid celluulose-cement mix the required rheoological (con nsistency)
properties. AAll of the com mponents (exccept for the ppulp) are batched from
the daily stoock silo and auuxiliary plantss.
The liquuid mix is trannsferred to ann 11 m3 bufferr tank (Fig. 1-16). The
liquid mix is transferred from
f the tank via a system of pipes to th
he second
zone, wheree the boards area formed in the Hatschek machine, as described
22 Chapterr One
pacity of 11 m3 .
Fig. 1-16. Liqquid mix bufferr tank with a cap
Detailed op
peration off Hatschek machine
d fibre film
m formation
Fig. 1-17 shhows a diagrram of a Hattschek machiine. The main n section
includes onee (or more) vat(s)
v with a cylindrical
c sieeve rotating in contact
with a diluteed water-baseed fibre slurry
y capable of fo
forming a filteering film
and mineral materials, inccluding Portlaand cement. T The sieve is drriven by a
continuous ffelt wrapped around the to op of a rotatinng cylinder byy a couch
roller. The filtering film moves on th he felt to a foorming roller. The felt
continuouslyy travels betw
ween a drive rooller and a taill roller.
24 Chapterr One
The sheeets are formedd in the Hatsch hek machine in accordancee with the
following prrocedure [13]. When the cllean sieve is ppulled under the t slurry
in the vat, wwater from thhe slurry runs through the sieve to depo osit a soft
porous film of fibres andd cement on the surface oof the sieve. The T sieve
moves the ffilm onto the felt.
f The exceess water is reemoved when the sieve
is pressed too the felt. Thhe felt transferrs the film onnto the formin ng roller.
When the reequired numbber of films is wrapped aroound the forming roller
to form a shheet of a requiired thickness, the stack of films is remo oved from
the roller annd laid out fllat to form a board. The ddraining of su uccessive
films in conntact with eacch other undeer pressure is sufficient to bind the
films togethher and form a continuous so olid material.
Typical sieve mesh siizes are approx. 0.4 mm, w whereas the no on-fibrous
particles aree significantlyy smaller (approx. 50 µm inn diameter). Therefore,
these particlles can freelyy pass through h the sieve ouut of the formmed layer,
whereas the fibres are rettained on the sieve. Thus, eentrapment off the non-
fibrous mateerials within thhe film on thee surface of thhe sieve depen nds on the
structure of the fibre layerrs formed.
The effiiciency with which the filter f layer reetains the no on-fibrous
material deppends on thee fineness off the cellulosse kraft pulp. This is
achieved byy a special proccessing, i.e., byb crushing thhe fibres to red
duce their
diameter witthout affectinng their length h. High qualityy kraft pulp caan form a
network of fine fibres caapable of trap pping at least the larger no on-fibrous
particles. Thhis forms an initial
i filter laayer on the suurface of the sieve
s and