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1 Peter 5 - Following The Chief Shepherd

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 Peter  5  –  Following  the  Chief  Shepherd  


Scripture  focus:    1  Peter  5  

Key  verse:    “Therefore  humble  yourselves  under  the  mighty  hand  of  God,  that  He  may  exalt  you  
in  due  time,  casting  all  your  care  upon  Him,  for  He  cares  for  you.”  (1  Peter  5:6,7)  


1. To  the  Elders  (1  Peter  5:1-­‐4)  

2. To  the  “younger  people”  (1  Peter  5:5a)  
3. On  Pride,  Humility  and  God’s  Care  (1  Peter  5:5b-­‐7)  
4. The  Devil  and  Suffering  (1  Peter  5:8-­‐9)  
5. Peter’s  Doxology  (1  Peter  5:10-­‐11)  
6. Farewell  and  Peace  (1  Peter  5:12-­‐14)  


1. To  the  Elders  (1  Peter  5:1-­‐4)  

a. Text:  “The  elders  who  are  among  you  I  exhort,  I  who  am  a  fellow  elder  and  a  
witness  of  the  sufferings  of  Christ,  and  also  a  partaker  of  the  glory  that  will  be  
revealed:  2  Shepherd  the  flock  of  God  which  is  among  you,  serving  as  overseers,  
not  by  compulsion  but  willingly,  not  for  dishonest  gain  but  eagerly;  3  nor  as  being  
lords  over  those  entrusted  to  you,  but  being  examples  to  the  flock;  4  and  when  
the  Chief  Shepherd  appears,  you  will  receive  the  crown  of  glory  that  does  not  
fade  away.”  
b. Comments:    
i. About  the  office  of  Pastor  –  Elder  –  Bishop  
ii. Note:    “the  elders  (πρεσβύτερος)  …  Shepherd  (ποιμαίνω)  …  overseers  
(ἐπισκοπέω  -­‐  participle”  
1. Elder  –  the  most  common  word  for  leadership  in  a  church  
2. Shepherd:  
a. Verb:  ἐπισκοπέω  -­‐  Aorist  Active  Imperative  
b. Versions:  
i. KJV:  “Feed  the  flock  of  God  which  is  among  you”  
ii. ESV,  NASB,  NIV:  “shepherd”  
c. From  (noun  form)  -­‐  ποιμήν:      
i. Ephesians  4:11,  “And  He  Himself  gave  some  to  be  
apostles,  some  prophets,  some  evangelists,  and  
some  pastors  and  teachers”  
ii. Hebrews  13:20,  “Now  may  the  God  of  peace  who  
brought  up  our  Lord  Jesus  from  the  dead,  that  

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1  Peter  5  –  Following  the  Chief  Shepherd  

great  Shepherd  of  the  sheep,  through  the  blood  of  

the  everlasting  covenant”  
iii. 1  Peter  2:25,  “For  you  were  like  sheep  going  astray,  
but  have  now  returned  to  the  Shepherd  and  
Overseer  of  your  souls”  
3. Oversight  -­‐  ἐπισκοπέω  
a. Only  here  and  Hebrews  12:15,  “looking  carefully  lest  
anyone  fall  short  of  the  grace  of  God;  lest  any  root  of  
bitterness  springing  up  cause  trouble,  and  by  this  many  
become  defiled”  
4. These  three  words  speak  volumes  about  what  a  Pastor  is  to  do!  
a. The  wisdom  of  seniority  and  experience  
b. The  role  of  feeding,  shepherding,  leading  
c. The  function  of  administration,  watchfulness!  
5. Anything  we  can  do  to  cooperate  with  the  office,  glorifies  Christ!  
iii. The  proper  motivation  –  “not  by  compulsion  but  willingly,  not  for  
dishonest  gain  but  eagerly;  3  nor  as  being  lords  over  those  entrusted  to  
you,  but  being  examples  to  the  flock;”  
1. Willingly  (ἑκουσίως)    -­‐  not  by  constraint  (ἀναγκαστῶς)  
2. Not  for  material  wealth,  (but  the  flock  has  a  responsibility  to  
provide  for  his  needs!)  
a. Dishonest  gain:  (αἰσχροκερδῶς),  cf  1  Tim  3:3,8  and  Titus  
i. There’s  honest  gain  -­‐  OK  
ii. Gain  motivated  by  greed  –  not  that  type  
iii. And  dishonest  gain!    
3. Not  to  “lord  over”  but  rather  be  an  example!  
a. The  Pastors  authority  is  limited  
b. And  his  rule  is  primarily  by  example  not  autocratic  
4. Note  –  “over  those  entrusted  to  you”  
iv. The  rewards  –  “you  will  receive  the  crown  of  glory  that  does  not  fade  
1. Something  special  about  the  office  
2. And  God  will  honor  and  reward  the  man  who  serves  faithfully!  


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v. “the  Chief  Shepherd”  (4)  

1. ἀρχιποίµην  –  compound  -­‐  ἀρχι-ποίµην  =  the  first  in  order  (the  
beginning)  or  the  first  in  priority  /  primacy!    
2. And  so  we  say  –  Christ  is  the  Head  of  His  church!  
3. He  will  appear  again  (come  again)    
4. Christ  the  Shepherd:  
a. Psalm  23  
b. John  10  (5  times);  vs  14,  “I  am  the  good  shepherd;  and  I  
know  My  sheep,  and  am  known  by  My  own.”;  vs  11,  “I  am  
the  good  shepherd.  The  good  shepherd  gives  His  life  for  
the  sheep.”  (substitutionary  atonement!)  
c. Hebrews  13:20,  “Now  may  the  God  of  peace  who  brought  
up  our  Lord  Jesus  from  the  dead,  that  great  Shepherd  of  
the  sheep,  through  the  blood  of  the  everlasting  covenant,”  
2. To  the  “younger  people”  (1  Peter  5:5a)  
a. Text:  “Likewise  you  younger  people,  submit  yourselves  (ὑποτάσσω  -­‐  Aorist  
Passive  Imperative)  to  your  elders.  Yes,  all  of  you  be  submissive  (same  verb  –  
participle)  to  one  another,  and  be  clothed  with  (ἐγκομβόομαι  -­‐  Aorist  Middle    
Imperative)  humility,  for”  
b. Comments:    
i. Enjoy  being  young!  It  doesn’t  last!    
ii. I  believe  that  the  submission  to  elders  is  not  a  general  submission  to  
older  people  but  rather  refers  back  to  the  previous  section  
iii. Two  Greek  imperatives:  
1. Underlined  above  
2. Submit  a  key  work  in  I  Peter  
a. 2:13,  “Therefore  submit  yourselves  to  every  ordinance  of  
man  for  the  Lord’s  sake,  whether  to  the  king  as  supreme,”  
b. 2:18,  “Servants,  be  submissive  to  your  masters  with  all  
fear,  not  only  to  the  good  and  gentle,  but  also  to  the  
c. 3:1,  “Wives,  likewise,  be  submissive  to  your  own  
husbands,  that  even  if  some  do  not  obey  the  word,  they,  
without  a  word,  may  be  won  by  the  conduct  of  their  
d. 3:5,  “For  in  this  manner,  in  former  times,  the  holy  women  
who  trusted  in  God  also  adorned  themselves,  being  
submissive  to  their  own  husbands”  

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e. 3:22,  “who  has  gone  into  heaven  and  is  at  the  right  hand  
of  God,  angels  and  authorities  and  powers  having  been  
made  subject  to  Him.”  
f. Twice  in  this  verse  
3. Discuss:  What  does  “clothed  with  humility”  look  like?  
a. Greek:  ταπεινοφροσύνη  with  NT  usage:  
b. Acts  20:19,  “serving  the  Lord  with  all  humility,  with  many  
tears  and  trials  which  happened  to  me  by  the  plotting  of  
the  Jews”  
c. Ephesians  4:2,  “with  all  lowliness  and  gentleness,  with  
longsuffering,  bearing  with  one  another  in  love,”  
d. Philippians  2:3,  “Let  nothing  be  done  through  selfish  
ambition  or  conceit,  but  in  lowliness  of  mind  let  each  
esteem  others  better  than  himself.”  
e. Also  in  Colossians  2:18;  2:23;  3:12  
4. Finally  note  yet  another  “one  another”!    
3. On  Pride,  Humility  and  God’s  Care  (1  Peter  5:5b-­‐7)  
a. Text:  “God  resists  the  proud,  But  gives  grace  to  the  humble”.  Therefore  humble  
yourselves  under  the  mighty  hand  of  God,  that  He  may  exalt  you  in  due  time,  7  
casting  all  your  care  upon  Him,  for  He  cares  for  you  
b. Comments:    
i. Principle  cited  from  Proverbs  3:34,  “Surely  He  scorns  the  scornful,    But  
gives  grace  to  the  humble”  
ii. Ταπεινόω  –  humble  yourselves  -­‐  Aorist  Passive  Imperative  
iii. Phraseology  like  James  4:10,  “Humble  yourselves  in  the  sight  of  the  Lord,  
and  He  will  lift  you  up.”  
iv. Following  the  pattern  of  our  Savior:  Philippians  2:8,  “And  being  found  in  
appearance  as  a  man,  He  humbled  Himself  and  became  obedient  to  the  
point  of  death,  even  the  death  of  the  cross.”  
c. “the  mighty  (κραταιός)  hand  of  God”  
i. Consider  phrase  “hand  of  God”  (6  times)  or  “hand  of  the  Lord”  (35  times)  
in  the  OT  
ii. Use  www.biblegateway.com  to  look  up  quickly  
iii. Example:  Joshua  4:24,  “that  all  the  peoples  of  the  earth  may  know  the  
hand  of  the  LORD,  that  it  is  mighty,  that  you  may  fear  the  LORD  your  God  
d. “exalt  you”  –  again  echoes  James  4:10  
e. What  a  promise:  “casting  all  your  care  upon  Him,  for  He  cares  for  you”  

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4. The  Devil  and  Suffering  (1  Peter  5:8-­‐9)  

a. Text:  “Be  sober  (νήφω),  be  vigilant  (γρηγορέω);  because  your  adversary  the  devil  
walks  about  like  a  roaring  lion,  seeking  whom  he  may  devour.  9  Resist  
(ἀνθίστημι,)  him,  steadfast  in  the  faith,  knowing  that  the  same  sufferings  are  
experienced  by  your  brotherhood  in  the  world.”  
b. Comments:    
i. Three  imperatives  including  a  double  imperative  commencing  the  
sentence  (underlined  above)  
1. Be  sober:  νήφω,  Aorist  Active  Imperative    
a. Also  1  Peter  1:13,  “Therefore  gird  up  the  loins  of  your  mind,  be  
sober,  and  rest  your  hope  fully  upon  the  grace  that  is  to  be  
brought  to  you  at  the  revelation  of  Jesus  Christ”  
b. 1  Peter  4:7,  “But  the  end  of  all  things  is  at  hand;  therefore  be  
serious  and  watchful  in  your  prayers”  
2. Be  vigilant:  γρηγορέω,  Aorist  Active  Imperative  
a. Echoes  Matthew  24:42,  “Watch  therefore,  for  you  do  not  know  
what  hour  your  Lord  is  coming”  
b. “give  strict  attention  to,  be  cautious,  active”  
3. Resist  him:  ἀνθίστημι,  Second  Aorist  Active  Imperative  
a. Same  construct  as  James  4:7,  “Therefore  submit  to  God.  
Resist  the  devil  and  he  will  flee  from  you.”  
ii. Something  theological  about  the  devil  and  evil:  
1. Devil  a  real  being  (fallen  archangel)    
2. To  the  Christian,  he  is  our  “adversary”  
3. His  present  activity:  “walks  about  (present  participle)  like  a  roaring  
4. Like  the  wild  beast  of  the  lion,  seeks  prey;  he  seeks  prey  
iii. The  Christian  response:  
1. Resist  
2. What  does  Resistance  look  like?  
a. Humility  
b. Faith  (and  the  outworking  of  faith  is  trust  and  obedience!)  
3. Our  example  …  Christ  on  the  mount  of  temptation  
a. Luke  4:1-­‐13  –  study  how  He  resisted  (Scriptural  responses!)  
b. Interesting  how  this  passage  ends:  “Now  when  the  devil  had  
ended  every  temptation,  he  departed  from  Him  until  an  
opportune  time”  (an  opportune  time  for  the  devil!)  


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5. Peter’s  Doxology  (1  Peter  5:10-­‐11)  

a. Text:  “But  may  the  God  of  all  grace,  who  called  us  to  His  eternal  glory  by  Christ  Jesus,  
after  you  have  suffered  a  while,  perfect,  establish,  strengthen,  and  settle  you.  11  To  Him  
be  the  glory  and  the  dominion  forever  and  ever.  Amen.”  
b. Comments:    
i. Extols  God  
1. Called  the  God  of  all  grace  
2. What  He  did?  “[He]  called  us”  
3. To  what?  “to  His  eternal  glory”  
4. Through  Whom?  “by  Christ  Jesus”  
ii. The  reality  of  suffering  not  denied  –  “after  you  have  suffered  a  while”  
iii. What  God’s  grace  accomplishes:  “perfect,  establish,  strengthen,  and  settle”  (4  
1. Perfect:    Related  2  Tim  3:16-­‐17,  “All  Scripture  is  given  by  inspiration  of  
God,  and  is  profitable  for  doctrine,  for  reproof,  for  correction,  for  
instruction  in  righteousness,  17  that  the  man  of  God  may  be  complete,  
thoroughly  equipped  for  every  good  work.”  
2. Establish:  Cf  1  Thess  3:2,  “and  sent  Timothy,  our  brother  and  minister  of  
God,  and  our  fellow  laborer  in  the  gospel  of  Christ,  to  establish  you  and  
encourage  you  concerning  your  faith,”  
3. Strengthen:    spiritual  vigor.  Related  vs  1  Peter  5:12,  “the  true  grace  of  
God  in  which  you  stand.”  
4. Settle:  Grounded  /  Stable  foundation.  Cf  Colossians  1:23,  “if  indeed  you  
continue  in  the  faith,  grounded  and  steadfast,  and  are  not  moved  away  
from  the  hope  of  the  gospel  which  you  heard”  
iv. Ultimate  exultation:  “To  Him  be  the  glory  and  the  dominion  forever  and  ever”  
1. An  eventual  truth!  Philippians  2:10,  “at  the  name  of  Jesus  every  knee  
should  bow,  of  those  in  heaven,  and  of  those  on  earth,  and  of  those  
under  the  earth,”  
2. And  the  aim  of  the  obedient  disciple  
3. Cf  the  Lord’s  prayer  –  Matthew  6:13,  “For  Yours  is  the  kingdom  and  the  
power  and  the  glory  forever.  Amen”  
6. Farewell  and  Peace  (1  Peter  5:12-­‐14)  
a. Text:  “By  Silvanus,  our  faithful  brother  as  I  consider  him,  I  have  written  to  you  briefly,  
exhorting  and  testifying  that  this  is  the  true  grace  of  God  in  which  you  stand.  13  She  who  
is  in  Babylon,  elect  together  with  you,  greets  you;  and  so  does  Mark  my  son.  14  Greet  
one  another  with  a  kiss  of  love.  Peace  to  you  all  who  are  in  Christ  Jesus.  Amen.”  

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