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Night Chart

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NIGHT RULES CHEAT SHEET (E1) 3. +1 Recovery drm.

Pre-Game 4. Straying: (NA if LOS to Known enemy unit or Beach/Ocean; if

Scenario Defender: on/ADJ road, gully, stream, path, river bank, cave or cave com-
1. May HIP 25% (FRU) squad equivalents (crews count only for plex, illuminated location) Stray on cdr = 6 for Lax units. If wdr
Japanese). Receives Dummy counters = squad equivalents. All also 3-6, Normal strays; if 5-6, Stealthy Strays. Straying DR; cdr
units may set up concealed. = hex grain of stray; move far as possible. Stop straying if enter
2. Place NO MOVE counters on Defenders. Location of Good Order friendly unit (can continue movement).
3. Remember Defenders can Bore Sight! (see also E1.71) 5. JITTER FIRE ON DOUBLES; SEE REVERSE, E1.55—must
4. PTO 1944-45: US Defender may set up trip flares (see roll for malf, sniper, ROF; marked with first/final counter.
Starshells/IR/Trip Flares) if in OB. 6. NVR = 0: Attacker moving into concealed defender location is
5. Fortifications HIP until 1) TEM is used; 2) non-Dummy unit not returned to original location (but is vulnerable to TPBF). If
enters; 3) extra MP used to enter/exit it within LOS. attacked, it cannot leave. No Double Time, Infantry Road Bonus,
Scenario Attacker Gallop or Vehicle MP expenditure.
1. Scenario Attacker gets one Cloaking counter for each squad 7. No Move Counters: Remove if unit has been attacked (exc OBA/
equivalent (inc. Jap. crews). Cloaked units can carry 5 PP w/o sniper) or has seen Known enemy unit.
penalty but must be dm if possible. PRC cannot be Cloaked. 8. Scenario Defender, after any attack, may make dr < ELR for his
SW PP>3 cannot fire the player turn they lose Cloaked status. best leader to gain Freedom of Movement (thereafter, any unit
2. Printed SAN actually TWO higher (mark on scenario card). beginning MPh with it can move).
Also: captured MG cause auto SAN. 9. No extra cost to enter/exit pillbox/entrenchment unless in LOS of
Good Order enemy unit.
Rally Phase 10. Cloaked Units: 6 MF; 5 PP (dm if possible); no night MF penalty.
1. Weather DR (not on first player turn): 6 on colored dr results in
1 hex change of NVR. If white dr ≤ 3, it lowers; dr = 4, no Defensive First Fire/Defensive Fire
change; dr ≥ 5, it goes up (max 6). Before first starshell/IR, dr 1. Defender can fire IR.
4 increases NVR. If Ground/Deep Snow, Max NVR is 9; 2. +1 LV Hindrance DRM (see Prep Fire).
Min NVR is 2. See E1.12 for scattered clouds, half/full moon. 3. Fire Lane can be beyond NVR. Can create Fire Lane to bore-
2. +1 all Recovery attempts. sighted location; see E1.71.
3. DM counter stays unless Original Rally DR ≤ morale. 4. ACQ NA unless target Illuminated.
5. Multi-Location FG NA.
Prep Fire Phase
1. Attacker can fire Starshells. Advancing Fire Phase
2. +1 LV Hindrance DRM, except against TEM due to HA or if 1. +1 LV Hindrance DRM (see Prep Fire).
target has any terrain whose topmost height is a full level higher 2. ACQ NA unless target Illuminated.
than firer, or in same hex. Does not nullify FFMO. Cumulative 3. Multi-Location FG NA.
with LV Hindrances and Smoke. Does not reduce Residual.
3. ACQ NA unless target Illuminated. Rout Phase (E1.54): Low Crawl only. Can move ADJACENT to, but
4. Multi-Location FG NA. not towards, Known enemy unit. No elimination for failure to rout.

Movement Phase (E1.5) Advance Phase: Don’t forget +1 MF/Concealment Terrain Location.
1. Defender can fire Starshells at beginning of phase.
2. Inf/Cav: +1 MF per Concealment Terrain Location. Vehicles: Close Combat Phase (E1.77): Attacker Ambush on dr 2 < than de-
+1 MP/MF per hexside. NA for entry of caves/cave complexes. fender, unless Illuminated. CC causes Gunflash.

Night Rules Cheat Sheet (Front)

Mark Pitcavage
Concealment/Cloaking (E1.3-1.43) Starshells/IR/Trip Flares (E1.92-1.93)
Concealment Gain: As normal, but automatic when dr needed during 1. Starshell Initial Use only (during PFPh, MPh, DFPh) if: A) LOS
day. to enemy unit; B) Moving enemy vehicle within 16 hexes if no
Concealment Loss: friendly vehicles on board; C) Friendly Gunflash; 4) Enemy FFE.
1. Non-Assault Movement: Only when entering Illuminated loca- 2. Subsequent Use only at beginning of PFPh (Att), MPh (Defender
tion or enemy unit’s location. Starshell), DFPh (Defender IR). Leaders can fire any time
2. Assault Movement: Only when entering unit’s Location. during phase.
3. Firing: Only when in Illuminated Location or Enemy NVR. 3. Usage dr: ≤ 4 for leader or mortar IR; ≤ 2 for MMC or CE AFV.
Cloaking Loss: 4. Do not lose concealment, but do lose HIP or Cloaking.
1. As if concealment. 5. Placement Methods: A) in hex (starshells only) w/1-hex drift;
2. For making an attack (EXC: Successful Ambush). B) along LOS to Known enemy unit or Gunflash (< 9 hexes for
3. Successfully placing Starshell Starshell) w/drift 1/2 dr (FRU); C) 3 hexes away (multiple of 6
4. Suffers Sniper attack. for IR) w/drift 1 dr.
6. IR: Uses ROF and causes Gunflash. No Usage dr for OBA.
Line of Sight (E1.1-1.15) OBA must have Radio Contact & Battery Access but chits used
1. LOS from non-illuminated to: 1) within NVR (1/2 NVR for BU for IR are reshuffled into pile once Fire Mission completed.
AFV); 2) Illuminated Location; 3) Moving vehicles(at 1.5 NVR, OBA fires IR as SR, not as FFE. Onboard MTR must make To
or 2 NVR if tracked); 4) Gunflashes (treat as concealed if beyond Hit DR (only for malf/Low Ammo/SAN); placement is Auto.
NVR). Target hex need not be in CA (which does not change). IR is
2. LOS from illuminated to: 1) Illuminated Locations; 2) Gun- like starshell but 6-hex range.
flashes (treat as concealed). 7. Trip Flares. 1944-45 PTO, US Defender. Record trip flares up
3. Blazes cause illuminated zone equal to twice # of Blazing levels to # in OB in any jungle/bamboo/wire/panji Locations. Record
in hex (Heavy & Very Heavy Dust: # of levels, Extremely Heavy hex and # of trip flares. Any non-Dummy (even friendly) unit
Dust only own location). Fires cannot be deliberately set. Kin- that spends MF/MP causes trip flare dr (rare exceptions see
dling causes loss of concealment and gunflash if within LOS E1.95) for each separate qualifying expenditure (not for each
Good Order enemy unit. Terrain obstacles of ≥ 1 level within MF/MP expended). Trip flare dr occurs before Defensive First
Illumination Zone of Blaze cause quasi-Blind hexes that block Fire.
Illumination. Flames illuminate their own location only. 8. If Final dr is ≤ # trip flares in Location, trip flare is set off.
4. Dense Jungle, Bamboo: No LOS at night between adjacent Drm –4 if unit entered using road or path (not created during
dense jungle hexes except due to play). Trip Flare illuminates accessible ground-level locations in
Jitter Fire Table Illumination/Gunflash. that hex. Flare counters placed during RtPh, APh, CCPh are
DR Result 5. Neither starshells nor IR Illu- removed at end of next Player Turn’s AFPh. Allows subsequent
minate non-Aerial portion of a jun- use of starshells/IR. Once one has been set off, # remaining is
2 Closest Def. JFs
gle hex (but Illuminate Bypass area reduced by one (or by two for vehicle with –4 drm).
4 Closest Def. JFs unless Stealthy of Light Jungle hexes).
9. NOBA ≥ 150mm with Radio Contact and Battery Access may
6 Closest Def. JFs if Lax 6. Cave Illuminated only if its fire an IR in PFPh/DFPh even during/at start of an HP/WP Fire
8 Moving unit JFs unless
hex AND its Entrance Hex are Illu- Mission. Place IR, then proceed with HE/WP in normal manner.
Cloaked, Stealthy, or Normal minated. No Cave Complex can 10. DUST: Light/Moderate Dust reduces starshell illumination by 1
ever be Illuminated. hex & IR by two; blaze unaffected. Heavy Dust: starshell 1 hex
10 Moving unit JFs unless Cloaked
or Stealthy 7. OBA: see C1.6., E1.87. SR range, IR two hex range. Very Heavy Dust: starshell no hexes &
always in LOS of Observer. IR its own hex. Extremely Heavy Dust: none for starshell/IR.
12 Moving unit JFs

Night Rules Cheat Sheet (Back)

Mark Pitcavage

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