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Topics in Algebra Hernste

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Herstein: Topics in Algebra - Subgroups and A Counting

by Bret Sherfinski

June 1, 2015

25. Let G be an abelian group and suppose that G has elements of orders m and n,
respectively. Prove that G has an element whose order is the least common multiple
of m and n.

Proof: First we begin by proving a fact for all groups G in general:

FACT: If g ∈ G has order n, then g k has order for any k ∈ Z.
(n, k)
Proof to FACT: Let t be the order of g k ,so we want to show t = .
n k n k
Since (g k )t = g kt = e we have n | kt and therefore | t, but , =1
(n, k) (n, k) (n, k) (n, k)
so | t.
(n, k)
n k n n
Likewise, (g k ) (n,k) = (g n ) (n,k) = e so t | . Therefore, t = and this completes
(n, k) (n, k)
our proof of the FACT.

Returning to the original problem let x, y ∈ G where |x| = m and |y| = n. Since G is
abelian we also have xy = yx and in the proof to follow, we only need that x and y com-
mute as elements of G, so it is not necessary that the group G be an abelian group. We
only will need that x and y commute. First we prove the special case when m and n are
positive integers such that (m, n) = 1.

Proof of Special Case: The required element of G is xy and the least common mul-
tiple in this special case where (m, n) = 1 is mn. Let |xy| = c then we will show that
c = mn as required.

Since (xy)m = y m has order n according our FACT then using the FACT again we
have n | c. Likewise, applying the same argument, since (xy)n = xn has order m we have


m | c. Therefore, we have mn | c because (m, n) = 1. Furthermore, since (xy)mn = e

we have c | mn and hence equality c = mn, proving the special case where m and n are
relatively prime.

Now we are ready to prove the exercise for the general case. Let’s reiterate the condi-
tions and statement: Suppose x, y ∈ G, |x| = m,|y| = n and xy = yx then there exists an
element in G of order [m, n], the least common multiple of m and n. Let’s write out m and n:

m = pα1 1 pα2 2 · · · pαk k

n = pβ1 1 pβ2 2 · · · pβk k

max{α1 ,β1 } max{α2 ,β2 } max{αk ,βk }

so [m, n] = p1 p2 · · · pk . Clearly, max{αi , βi } = αi or βi .
αi m
If max{αi , βi } = αi then by our FACT we know the order of x pi is = pαi i . Like-
(m, pm
αi )
β n
wise, if max{αi , βi } = βi then by our FACT we know the order of y p i
i is n = pβi i .
β )
pi i
max{αi ,βi }
Therefore, for every 1 ≤ i ≤ k there exists element zi such that |zi | = pi where zi
is some power of x or y and since xy = yx we have zi zj = zj zi for all 1 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ k. Hence,
by the Special Case, since distinct zi have orders which are mutually relatively prime we
max{α1 ,β1 } max{α2 ,β2 } max{αk ,βk }
have |z1 z2 · · · zk | = p1 p2 · · · pk = [m, n] as desired.

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