MoU Sample
MoU Sample
MoU Sample
1.1 Definitions
The word and expressions beginning with capital letters and defined in this
Concession Agreement shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the meaning
ascribed thereto herein, and the word and expressions defined in the Schedules and used
therein shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in the Schedules. Any word and
expression with capital letters not specifically defined herein shall the meaning ascribed it
the RFP.
‘Academic Session’ shall mean the start of the academic activities of the Institute in
…….. (Month), and 2019 or described otherwise by DIT, WB and shall not exceed the
period as stipulated for an institute by the respective Statutory Authority;
‘Academic related Activities’ shall have the meaning ascribed in clause 9.3.5 to this
Concession Agreement;
‘Academic Fee shall mean training and examination fees as mentioned in clause 13.2
‘Affected Party’ shall have the meaning as described in clause 15.1 to this Concession
“Applicable Laws shall mean all laws, brought into force and effect by the Gol or GoWB
including rules, regulations, circulars, guidelines, policy initiatives and notifications made
there under and judgments, decrees; injunctions, writs and orders of any court, applicable
to this Project and the exercise, performance and discharge of the respective rights and
obligations of the respective parties hereunder as may been forced and are in effect during
the subsisting of this Project;
‘Change in Law’ shall mean occurrence of any of the following events after the
execution of this Concession Agreement:
b) the repeal in whole or in part (unless re-enactment with the same effect);
d) the commencement of any Indian Law or Applicable Law which was not into force;
h) a fresh imposition of a tax or duty that was not in existence on the Effective Date. It
is clarified that a change in the rate of tax or duty that was in existence on the
Effective Date shall not be considered a change in law for the purposes of this Clause;
‘Concession’ shall mean the exclusive right, authority and authorization to use the ITIs to
operate, manage and maintain the institutes during the Concession Period;
‘Concession Agreement’ shall mean this agreement between the DIT, WB, Concessionaire as
the confirming party, for implementation of the Project on the terms and conditions agreed
‘Concessionaire Breach of Contract’ shall have the meaning ascribed to it in clause 16.2 of
this concession agreement;
‘Compliance Period’ shall meaning ascribed to it in clause 4.1.5 (a) of this Concession
‘Compliance Period’ shall mean a period starting from the Effective date and valid up 25 or
more years thereafter, unless extended further as per the provisions of this Concession
Condition Precedent shall mean the conditions to be met and fulfilled by the Concessionaire
and/or DIT, WB, as the case may be and are more specifically described in clause 4.1 this
Concession Agreement;
‘Cure Period’ shall mean the period specified in this Concession Agreement for curing any
breach or default of any provision of this Concession Agreement by the Party responsible for
such breach or default and upon failing of which this Concession Agreement may be
terminated by the other Party;
‘DIT, WB Breach of Contract’ shall have the meaning specified in clause 16.1 to this
Concession Agreement:
‘Effective Date’ shall mean the date on which the conditions Precedent in the Concession
Agreement have been satisfied or waived according to the terms hereof and unless extended
further shall not be letter then 2 (Two) months from the Execution Date;
‘Execution Date’ shall mean the date on which the Concession Agreement in executed
between the DIT, WB and The Concessionaire;
‘Financing Agreement’ shall mean the agreements that shall be executed between Landers
and Concessionaire for financing the Project;
‘Financial Closure’ shall mean the date on which then Financial Agreement the Lenders and
Concessionaire have been duly executed
‘Force Majeure’ shall have the meaning as described in clause 15.1 to this Concession
‘Good Industry Practice’ shall mean the recognized best practice methods and standards, that
are followed in general in every industry and shall be followed by the Concessionaire on any
particular issue, requirements or in discharging their obligations here under;
‘Grant’ shall mean the amount quoted by the Concessionaire as a supports for the operation of
the Project and more specifically describe Clause - 7 to this Concession Agreement;
‘Handover Date’ shall mean the date on which DIT, WB would officially hand over the
permission for operationalization of ITIs.
‘Third Party Assessor’ shall mean an expert appointed in accordance with Clause 9 to this
Concession Agreement having the requisite expertise and experience to assess the training
impartation method of the Concessionaire
‘Indirect Political Event’ shall have the meaning ascribed to it in clause 15.3 to this
Concession Agreement
‘Insurance Policy (ies)’ shall mean the contracts and policies of insurance taken out and
maintained by the Concessionaire with respect to the ITIs and Assets.
‘ITI Group’ shall mean a total number of 4 ITI(s) that were offered to the Concessionaire to
operate, manage and transfer.
‘Lenders’ shall mean the financial institutions, banks from which the Concessionaire may
finance a debt as per the terms of the financing Agreement for financing the project;
‘Letters of Acceptance’ or ‘LoA’ shall mean a letter intimating the acceptance by the CTTC-
KOL to DIT, WB for implementing the Project in response to the Letter of intent;
‘Letters of Acceptance’ or ‘LoI’ shall mean the letter issued by the DIT, WB to the CTTC-
KOL intimating its intent to award the Project to the successful Bidder;
‘Material Adverse Effect’ means circumstances which may or does (a) render any right
vested in a Party by the terms of this Concession Agreement ineffective or (b) adversely
affects or restricts or frustrates (i) the ability of any Party to observe and perform in a timely
manner its obligations under this Concession Agreement or (ii) the legality, validity, binding
nature or enforceability of this Concession Agreement and in case of Concessionaire shall
mean a circumstance that leads to reduction in student intake to the extent of 1/3 rd of the
student intake for the preceding year;
‘Material Breach’ means a breach of the obligations or terms and conditions of this
Concession Agreement by a Party, which has a Material Adverse Effect;
Permanent Guarantee’ shall have the meaning as envisaged under the Easement Act 1882.*
‘Person’ shall mean any natural person, firm, company, and governmental authority, Statutory
Authority, society, trust or any legal entity;
‘Project’ shall mean the operation, management, maintenance and transfer of 4 ITIs.
‘Project Agreements’ shall mean (i) this Concession Agreement and (ii) any material
Contracts or agreements entered into by the Concessionaire for implementing the Project and
designated in writing as a project agreement after taking a prior written approval of DIT, WB;
‘Proprietary Material’ shall mean such the material that has been conceived, designed,
written, produced or developed by the Party himself or through an external agency for a
consideration and on which the Party enjoys and can establish proprietary rights under the
Applicable Laws and for this Concession Agreement;
‘Reasons for Refusal’ shall have the meaning ascribed in clause 6.1.3. (b) to this Concession
‘Society’ shall mean a society established and registered under the Societies Registration Act,
1860 / Indian Trust Act, 1882;
‘Staff and Faculty’ shall mean the teachers, professors, technical instructors, etc. and
technical, vocational and administrative staff that may be employed full time and /or part time
basis by the Concessionaire for the Institutes in accordance with the Applicable Laws and
norms of DIT, WB/Statutory Authority;
‘Transfer Date’ shall mean the date of expiry of the Concession Period of termination of this
Concession Agreement and handing, over / transfer the ITIs free of any Encumbrances and at
zero value;
‘WBSCVT’ shall mean West Bengal State Council for Vocational Training;
1.2 Interpretation
a) references to any legislation or any provision thereof shall include amendment or re-
enactment or consolidation of such legislation or any provision thereof so far as such
amendment or re-enactment or consolidation applies or is capable of applying to any
transaction entered into hereunder;
b) references to laws of State of West Bengal, laws of India or regulation having the
force of law shall include the laws, acts, ordinances, rules, regulations, bye laws or
notifications which have the force of law in the territory of India and as from time to
time may be amended, modified, supplemented, extended or re-enacted;
c) the table of contents, headings or sub-headings in this Concession Agreement are for
convenience of reference only and shall not be used in, and shall not affect, the
Construction or interpretation of this Concession Agreement;
d) the words "include" and “including” are to be construed without limitation and shall
be deemed to be followed by “without limitation” or “but not limited to" whether or
not they are followed by such phrases;
e) references to “Clause Article” and “Schedules” herein shall mean reference to the
Clause, Article and Schedules to this Concession Agreement;
f) this Concession Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties hereto
with respect to the matters dealt between the Parties in relation to the Project.
The Scope of the Project (the Concession Period: 'Scope of the Project”) shall
mean and include during the Concession period;
2.1.1. DIT, WB hereby would be providing infrastructure in trams of land & building
for the following ITIs;
Refer to Annexure 1.
Land Details
2.1.2. DIT, WB hereby agrees to sponsor 80% of the students which is referred to as the
DIT, WB quota in the ITIs as mentioned below.
2.1.4 DIT, WB would be appointing a TPA which would be responsible to assess the
functioning of the ITIs against the KPIs identified in clause 7.2 of this agreement.
All applicable charges related to the TPAs would be borne by the DIT, WB.
2.1.5 The DIT, WB also reserves the right to carry out further inspections to confirm
the recommendations of the TPA.
2.1.6 Disburse the agreed annual grant which is mentioned below to the
Concessionaire basis the report received from the TPA and his finding, if any, as
per the payment milestones depicted in clause 7.3.
ITI Name Total Agreed Annual Grant Total Agreed Annual Grant
(INR) (In words)
2.1.7 Provide necessary approvals for conducting MES/NSQF courses in the ITIs if
2.1.9 Facilitate application for necessary affiliations for all ITIs within the specified time as
per the NCVT guidelines.
2.2.1 To make the necessary investment in terms of procuring equipment as per the courses to
be conducted in the ITIs as mentioned in Annexure 2 and other furnishings that are
required to smoothly run an ITI.
2.2.2 To operate the ITIs and take the responsibility of the daily functioning of the institutions
by incurring the recurring costs in terms of consumables, raw materials, learning
resources, electricity bills water charges security cost etc.
2.2.3 To hire high quality trainers as per NCVT guideline to operate the mentioned courses in
the specified ITIs and ensure quality training being imparted. Refer to the following link
for a detailed qualification requirements of faculties http:/
2.2.4 To hire non-teaching staff members including Principal, vice principal, Head of
Instructors (Foreman) and other administrative & supporting staffs and as required for
smooth functioning of the ITIs. Refer to the following link for a detailed qualification
requirements of faculties http:/
2.2.5 To from an Institute Management Committee in trams of the guide lines issued by the
2.2.6 To adhere to the KPIs as per clause 7.2 of this document for the smooth functioning of
the ITIs.
2.2.7 To aspire for 4-5 star rating for all ITIs as per the star criteria guide lines as prescribed by
2.2.8 To obtain and to seek support of DIT, WB in acquiring all affiliations, approvals,
certification and licenses as required by providing all necessary paperwork to operate
ITIs in West Bengal. The Concessionaire would not be able to commence classes for
CTS courses in absence of all the required affiliations and incase found otherwise , it
would be considered to be a breach of Agreement as per clause 16 of this Concession
2.2.9 To operate the ITIs in Two shifts to ensure optimal usage resources. However in case the
Concessionaire wants to operate additional shifts outside the stipulated timings of the
two shifts, the DIT, WB would not be liable to disburse additional grant for those shifts.
Also, the Concessionaire would have to ensure that the operation of two shifts should
not be hampered due to the additional shifts.
2.2.10 To conduct other short terms Non CTS Courses like QP NOS and/or MES courses as
per NSDC/SDIS’s rules and regulations or any other short term vocational courses.
2.2.11 To ensure that the infrastructure provided by the DIT, WB is only used for conducting
vocational training courses. Any other activity should be strictly discourages and it may
lead to termination of the agreement as per clause 17 of this Concession Agreement.
2.2.12 The concessionaire would be responsible for maintenance of infrastructure of the ITIs
as requires for the proper functioning.
2.2.13 The concessionaire would be required to submit semester wise reports regarding the
operational facts to DIT, WB. An indicative format has been mentioned in Annexure 3
of this concession agreement.
2.2.14 the concessionaire would require building necessary temporary structure to make hostel
arrangements for the residential QP NOS / MES courses.
3.1.1 In accordance with the provisions of this concession agreement, the Applicable Laws
and the Applicable Approvals, the DIT, WB hereby grants to the concessionaire and
the concessionaire hereby accepts, the exclusive right, authority and authorization
during the Concession Period, including extension thereof, to use the ITIs to operate,
manage and maintain the Institute under the Project ( ‘The Concession’) for a period of
25 or more years and any extension thereof commencing from the Effective Date, and
the concessionaire hereby accepts the Concession and agrees to implement the Project
Subject to and in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein. For
avoidance of doubt, it is clarified that at all times the ITIs shall be the properly of the
DIT, WB and the Concessionaire shall maintain the ITIs in good condition till end of
the Concession Period.
3.1.2 Subject to and in accordance with the provisions of this Concession Agreement. The
Concession hereby granted shall oblige or entitle the concessionaire to;
a) enjoy complete and uninterrupted right of way, access, and full possession of the ITIs
for a period that shall be co-terminus with the Concession Agreement;
b) manage, operate, maintain, and transfer the institutes as per the terms of this
Concession Agreement;
d) Collect, transfer and appropriate Academic Fees for the institutions as specified in
clause 13.2 of this Concession Agreement;
e) bear and pay all recurring costs, expenses and charges in connection with or
incidental to the performance of the obligations of the Concessionaire under this
Concession Agreement;
3.2.1 The Concession Period shall commence from the effective Date and shall be valid for a
period of 25 or more years from the Effective Date or as extended in accordance with the
provisions of this Concession Agreement
3.3.1 It is agreed that the Concessionaire shall solely be responsible to arrange any finance if
needed for the Project in excess to the annual grant to be paid by DIT, WB for the
Project. The Concessionaire shall not in any manner enter into any arrangement with the
lenders shall materially and adversely affect the rights and interests of DIT, WB
hereunder or impose additional liabilities on the Project and any liability arising out of
the arrangement with the lenders shall be solely borne by the Concessionaire. For
avoidance of doubt it is clarified that the Concessionaire shall not assign and /or charge
and or mortgage and/or encumber in favor of lenders or any other party any right,
benefit and interest in the ITIs handed over to the Concessionaire as a concession;
3.3.2 The DIT, WB shall render such assistance as the Concessionaire may reasonably require,
from time to time for availing and obtaining all applicable approvals and for completion
of formalities relating to the Project provided the Concessionaire is in compliance with
the rules, regulations and guide lines prescribed by the Statutory Authorities;
3.3.3 The DIT shall facilitate and extend the GOI/GoWB grants for the present and future
schemes available for the Institutes, Where ever applicable.
3.3.4 The DIT, WB undertakes not to terminate or repudiate this Concession agreement Prior
to the expiry of the Concession period otherwise in The DIT, WB undertakes not to
terminate or repudiate this Concession Agreement prior to the expiry of the Concession
Period otherwise than in accordance with the provisions of this Concession agreement;
3.3.5 The DIT, WB shall provide all assistance and recommendations to the Statutory
Authority including GoI, in support of the Concessionaire for Applicable approvals that may
be needed from time to time for the implementation of the Project provided that the
Concessionaire has made the requisite applications and is in compliance with the necessary
norms and regulations of the Statutory Authority for the grant of such Applicable approvals.
4.1.1 Save and except as expressly provided herein, the respective rights and obligations of the
Parties under this Concession Agreement shall be Subject to the satisfaction in full of the
conditions precedent specified in this Clause 4.1 prior to the Effective Date.
4.1.3 Each Party shall make all reasonable end endeavors to satisfy the Conditions Precedent
within the time stipulated and shall provide the other Party with such reasonable
cooperation to assist that Party in satisfying the Conditions Precedent for which that
Party is responsible.
a) In the event that any of the Conditions Precedent relating to a Party have not been
fulfilled within the period from the Execution Date until the Effective Date
(“Compliance Period”) as prescribed in clause 4.1.2 and 4.1.3 herein above, either Party
may, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Concession Agreement, extend the
time period for satisfying the Conditions Precedent as specified herein below. Provided
any extension of a Condition Precedent shall not render this Concession Agreement
b) In the event that DIT, WB is unable to hand over peaceful possession of the ITIs to the
Concessionaire within 2 months from Execution Date, the Concessionaire agrees that
the period of 2 months shall automatically extend for a further period of 1 month
beyond the 2 months period, for handing over the ITIs.
However at the end of such extended 1 month, if DIT, WB is unable to handover the
ITIs to the Concessionaire this shall result in DIT, WB Event of Default and in such
event the concessionaire shall be entitled to terminate this Concession Agreement.
c) In the event that the Concessionaire is unable to put in place the required a equipment
and machinery, training personnel etc. within 60 (Sixty) Days from the Handover Date,
DIT, WB, in its sole discretion may further extend the period for achieving Financial
Closure by 30 (Thirty) days. However, non-achievement of Financial Closure during
such extended 90 (Ninety) days shall result in Concessionaire Event of Default and DIT.
WB shall in such event terminate this Concession Agreement,
d) In the event DIT, WB has terminated this Concession Agreement due to non fulfillment
of any Condition Precedent by the Concessionaire, DIT, WB shall not be liable in any
manner whatsoever to the Concessionaire or its Contractors, agent sand employees.
e) Upon termination of this Concession Agreement and in the event DIT, WB shall have
executed and handed over the Possession of the ITIs to the Concessionaire, the ITIs
shall immediately revert to DIT, WB free of encumbrances and without any liability
whatsoever from any Parties.
5.1.1. Renewal of the Agreement post the completion of the existing 25 or more year period
would be for a term 3 years from the date of completion of the agreement would only be
considered for renewal based on a favorable assessment report from the TPA or any
other agency appointed for this purpose. However, the right of first refusal would
remain with the concessionaire post the completion of the agreement.
5.1.2 The notification of the intent for renewal would be sent to the concessionaire by DIT,
WB 6 months prior to the completion of 25 or more year’s tenure to which the
concessionaire would be required to respond in 2 weeks timeline.
5.1.3. In case of non-renewal of the contract, the concessionaire would have to ensure a
Smooth transition to the newly appointed PTP so that the training process for the
existing batches continues uninterrupted and the affiliations and accreditations remain
undisturbed. The whole process will be monitored by TPA with the final decision
resting with DIT, WB.
5.3.1. A notice period of the 6 month or completion (including assessment and certification) of
existing batch/s whichever is later, by either of the parties to the other party, would be
required to process the termination of the agreement.
6.1.1 The DIT, WB will hand over the full and peaceful possession of the ITIs to the
Concessionaire. The physical possession of the ITIs shall be handed over to the
Concessionaire within 1 Months from the Execution Date unless the 1 month period is
further extended by 15 day’s period. Provided DIT, WB shall inform the
Concessionaire 15 days in advance, the date on which the physical possession of the
ITIs will be handed over to the Concessionaire and provided further that the
Concessionaire shall have furnished to the DIT, WB
6.1.2 Till the time of handing over the possession of the ITIs, DIT, WB would clear all the
pending dues regarding electricity, water, taxes etc,
b) The Concessionaire may within 7 (Seven) days of taking possession of such ITIs
express in writing to DIT, WB, its acceptance/refusal to take possession of the ITIs
awarded for operation. The concessionaire would have to specify the reasons for not
accepting the ITIs and upon proper validation of the reasons mentioned the sole
discretion of accepting the application would be with DIT, WB.
c) On receipt of communication, if any, from the Concessionaire with regard to ITIs, the
DIT, WB shall examine the ITIs and accept or reject refusal to accept the DIT, WB
shall such reasons for refusal of possession of ITIs.
d) In the event the DIT, WB accepts the reasons for refusal given by the Concessionaire,
the Concessionaire shall be entitled to terminate this Concession Agreement.
Following the handing over of the full and peaceful possession of the ITIs the
concessionaire shall, at all times and upon reasonable notice, afford to the Y,
representatives of DIT, WB/Statutory Authority duly authorized by DIT, WB to
access and inspect the ITIs.
7. Grant
7.1. Grant
7.1.1. The Concessionaire shall be entitled to grant from the DIT WB as per the grant quoted
by the Concessionaire in the Financial Bid submitted during the Bid process as
mentioned in 2.1.6 of this concession agreement.
7.2. KPIs
7.2.1 DIT WB would disburse the grant as a step-function of the achievement of the below
mentioned KPIs.
b) Concessionaire would need to ensure that at least 85% of the total trainees enrolled for the
courses appear for all the Semester exams.
c) Concessionaire would need to ensure that at least 80% of the total trainees appear for secure
pass marks.
d) Concessionaire would need to ensure that the dropout rate from every ITI in a group should
not exceed 5% of the actual number of DIT, WB quota students admitted
7.2.2 TPAs would be assessing the adherence of the Concessionaire to the KPIs mentioned
above and DIT, WB would be disbursing the grant according to the report submitted by
the TPA. However the decision of DIT, WB related to disbursement of grant would be
7.3.1. Payments to the Concessionaire would be based on the TPA performance report of an
ITI and mapped with the successful achievement of the KPls. However, the final
decision regarding disbursement of the grant will be with DIT, WB.
7.3.2. The annual grant will be disbursed as per the table mentioned below
a) 10% of total grant will be made on completion of 100% registration of the trainees.
b) Calculation of Total trainees will be based on the following formulae and would remain the
same for all semester: Total Trainees= (Actual DIT, WB Quota students registered)-(5%
permissible dropout from the DIT, WB quota) + (IMC quota students). For permissible
dropout refer to 7.3.2 of this concession agreement.
c) On ensuring 85% of the Total Trainees enrolled for the courses appear for the exams, 15%
of the total annual grant would be paid at the end of 1st semester and 30% at the end of 2nd
Semester. For the following year, 20% of the next year’s annual grant will be paid at the
end of 3rd Semester and 30% at the end of 4th Semester.
d) Concessionaire would need to ensure that the dropout rate from every ITI in a group should
not exceed 5% of the actual number of DIT, WB quota students admitted.
e) In case dropouts in an ITI exceeds the permissible dropout limit (5% of actual DIT Quota
Students given at the time of registration) then penalty will be incurred according to the
following formula: Annual Grant = (Grant/Student/Year) x [Total DIT Quota Students
— (Total Dropout Students from DIT quota —5% of actual DIT Quota Students
given at the time of registration)
f) For every student placed within 3 months from the date of completion of last semester (4th
Semester for 2 years courses and 2nd Semester for 1 year courses) and on the basis of a
favorable assessment from TPA upon examining the supporting documents which includes a
fixed wage/ remuneration or a contractual agreement of minimum year duration and six
months’ pay slips for each placed student, the DIT, WB will be granting an incentive to the
Concessionaire of INR 3000 per placed student within | year of completion of last semester
as stated above. Self employment would not be considered in this case.
g) The Concessionaire would be eligible for a one time Incentive of 10% of total annual grant
on achieving 3 stars rating or higher within 2 years of commencement of operations. In case
of failure to achieve the same, Concessionaire would be allowed an additional period of 1
year to achieve the rating and would not eligible for any incentive. From 4th year onwards,
Failure to achieve the specified star rating will attract 10% penalty in 4th year, 20% in 5th
thereafter shall qualify as breach of agreement.
8.1.1. A Third Party Assessor (TPA) of repute shall be appointed by DIT, WB to assess the
performance of all ITIs.
8.2.1 The TPA would submit a report mentioning the performance of the ITIs as per the
identified KPIs mentioned in clause 7.2 of this Concession Agreement.
8.2.2. The TPA would also assess the registration procedure of the ITI students as forwarded
by the DIT, WB and report in case of any deviation in the admission process.
8.2.3 TPA would assess the students who have dropped out of the courses and ascertain e
validity of me reasons for such drop outs. In case of any discrepancy as reported by the
Concessionaire, the grant for such students would be forfeited.
8.2.4. Disbursement of grant to the Concessionaire would be based on the TPA performance
report of the ITI. The final decision regarding disbursement of the grant will be with DIT,
8.2.5. Non achievement of KPIs as reported by the TPA will attract penalties as per clause 7.3
of this Concession Agreement.
8.3. Remuneration
8.3.1. The remuneration, cost and expenses of the TPA would be borne by the DIT, WB.
8.4.1. DIT, WB may terminate of the appointment of the TPA at any time, but only after
appointment of another TPA. DIT, WB would not be liable to provide the Concessionaire
with any reason for the termination of the TPA.
8.5.1. If either Party disputes any advice instruction, decision, direction or award of the TPA,
or, as the case may be, the assertion or failure to assert jurisdiction, the dispute shall be
resolved in accordance with the Dispute Resolution Procedure as provided in Article 22
to this Concession Agreement.
9.1.1 The DIT WB, in addition to and without prejudice to its rights specified in the other
provision of this Concession Agreement, shall, without qualification. During the
Concession period, observe and comply with the following obligations:
9.1.2 Upon request from the Concessionaire, the DIT, WB shall facilitate in procuring all
necessary affiliations for the ITIs within the specified time as per the NCVT guidelines
subject to the Concessionaire complying with the eligibility criteria or conditions, as
the case may be, for such Applicable Approvals.
9.1.3. Provide Annual Grant to the Concessionaire as mentioned in clause 7.2. The grant
would only be disbursed against the reports submitted by the assigned TPA and the
decision of the DIT, WB would be final.
9.1.4. In the event of a Change in Law, wherein such change has a Material Adverse Effect,
the Concessionaire may be notice in writing to the DIT, WB request the DIT, WB to
make such modification to the terms of this Concession Agreement as the
Concessionaire reasonably believes are necessary to place the Concessionaire in
substantially the same legal and economic position as it was prior to such Change in
Law and the DIT, WB may make best endeavors to put in effect such reasonable
request of the Concessionaire after proper validation of the request.
9.1.5 Issue government orders or gazette notifications if necessary, for implementing the
The Concessionaire, in addition and without prejudice to its rights specified in the other
provisions of this Agreement, shall, during the Concession period including extension
thereof, without qualification, observe and comply with the following obligations:
9.2.1 To obtain and to seek support of DIT, WB acquiring all affiliations certification and
licenses as required by providing all necessary paperwork operate to operate ITIs in
West Bengal. The Concessionaire would not be able to commence classes for CTC
course in absence of all the require affiliations and incase found otherwise, it would be
considered to be a breach of agreement.
9.2.2 Not assign, transfer or create any lien or Encumbrance on the ITIs or any part
thereof, not transfer, lease or part possession thereof, during the Concession Period;
9.2.3 Levy and charge the Academic Fees as determined by the DIT, WB and follow the
procedure specified in sub-clause 14.2 to this Concession Agreement;
9.2.4. Undertake and discharge successfully all the liabilities relating to salaries and
operational expenses of the Institutes;
9.2.6. The Concessionaire would need to ensure that the CTS courses are conducted
irrespective of the number of students admitted in a unit. In case there is a delay in the
commencement of classes from the date as specified by NCVT, it may be considered to
be a breach of agreement unless otherwise decided differently by DIT, WB.
9.2.7. Maintain the buildings and infrastructure of the Institutes in accordance with the norms
prescribed by the DIT, WB with the objective of providing adequate service standards
to the students; In case any repairing work would be necessary, the liability for
undertaking such repairing works would be lying with the Concessionaire unless
otherwise decided by DIT, WB.
9.2.8. Hand over to DIT, WB at the end of the Concession Period the ITIs at zero value in fair
condition, subject to normal wear and tear, and without any Encumbrance or liability of
any sort created on the same by the Concessionaire;
9.2.9. Allow free access to the DIT, WB or his authorized representatives to the Institutes for
inspection or other official works with or without prior notice to the Concessionaire as
per need of the situation
9.2.10. Subject to the provisions of Clause 15 i.e. Force Majeure, not abandon the Project;
9.2.11. Provide a security and watch and ward service at the Institutes to maintain the safety
and security of the life and property and make provision and arrangement for first aid
and prompt medical attention in cases of accidents and emergencies; Necessary
firefighting arrangements have to be ensured & maintained by the Concessionaire in
consultation with the Fire Service Department. In case of any incidence of fire, apart
from local fire management intimation has to be given a promptly to the local fire
station for safety and security of life and property.
9.2.12. Upon the termination of the Concession Period hand over the ITIs to DIT, WB at zero
9.2.13. Adhere to any changes in norms and standards as and when intimated by DIT, WB.
9.2.14. The Concessionaire would set up an anti ragging committee under the prevailing rules
of the country for educational institutions.
9.2.15. The concessionaire would have to set up a necessary infrastructure for providing
information to public under the RTI Act, 2005.
9.3.1. Comply with and perform its respective obligations under this Concession Agreement
and shall work and cooperate in good faith with the other Party with respect to all the
obligations other Party;
9.3.2. Agree that the title to and ownership of the ITIs during the Concession Period shall at all
times vest in DIT, WB and shall not under any circumstance whatsoever pass over or
be deemed to have passed over to the Concessionaire or Persons claiming by, under or
through the Concessionaire and shall be handed over at zero value to the DIT, WB
upon the expiry of the Concession Period or prior termination of the Concession
9.3.3. Agree that the name of the ITIs would not be changed under, a circumstances unless
directed otherwise by DIT, WB. However in the case CTTC – Kolkata can put up its
signage / logo along with the existing name of the ITIs.
9.3.5. Agree that the Concessionaire shall carry the Academic Related Activities as follows:
a) The Concessionaire may carry in the campus of the Institute, Academic Related Activities
including but not limited to industry-interaction cells, industry incubation center, training
related workshops, industry consultancy, book stores selling books relating to academic
curriculum, etc. which will generate revenue Ds for the Institute with prior permission from
DIT, WB. Such Academic Related Activities must be related to industrial training and
primarily shall be meant for welfare and skill enhancement of students enrolled with the
Institutes. However no ITI premise would be used for the purpose of Private Tuition;
b) The Concessionaire shall conduct courses for the industry sponsored students/employees,
in-service programs, industry interaction cells, training related workshops etc. With the
objective to optimize utilization of resources in a manner that the students enrolled in the
Institutes are not adversely affected. The Concessionaire may have the flexibility in
deciding the curriculum of the courses that will cater to the students enrolled and sponsored
by the industry provided a prior approval of the DIT, WB, if necessary, is sought by the
c) The Concessionaire shall by giving one month prior intimation to DIT, WB conduct any
Academic Related Activities in the campus premises of the Institutes provided that such
Academic Related Activities are legally permissible and comply with the Applicable Laws
and that the Concessionaire has obtained all the necessary permissions, approvals, and
licenses as may be required under the Academic Related Activities. However, the
Concessionaire shall in every such instance intimate DIT, WB of its intention to start such
Academic related Activity, one month prior to commencement of such activities and DIT,
WB shall not unreasonably decline or deny permission for running such Academic Related
d) If during the said one month period, DIT, WB. Objects with sufficient reason to such
Academic Related Activities, the Concessionaire shall carry discussions with the DIT, WB
and put forth its case and justify introduction of such Academic Related Activity in the
campus premises of Institutes. Such discussions may be carried for a period not more than 2
(Two) months and in the event DIT, WB does not grant permission to carry the concerned
Academic Related Activity within such 2 (Two) month period, the Concessionaire shall be
bound to carry out the modifications, alterations, changes if any, suggested by DIT, WB or
stop such Academic Related Activities, as per the instructions of DIT, WB;
e) The Concessionaire shall not allocate more than 20% of the seats /student intake for
IMC quota seats.
10.1.1 In respect to the Concessionaire only, it is duly organized, validly existing and in
good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction;
10.1.2 It has full power and authority to execute, deliver and perform its obligations under this
Concession Agreement and to carry out the transactions contemplated hereby;
10.1.3 It has taken all necessary action to authorize the execution, delivery and
performance of this Concession Agreement,
10.1.4 This Concession Agreement constitutes the legal, valid and binding he obligation
of it, enforceable against it in accordance it in accordance with the terms hereof; and
10.1.5 It is subject to civil and commercial law with respect to this concession
Agreement and it hereby expressly and irrevocably waives any immunity in any
10.2.1 The Concessionaire represents that it has sought and provided a legal opinion
from the legal counsel of the concessionaire with respect to the authority of the
concession to enter into this concession Agreement and the enforceability of the
provisions thereof ; and
10.3.1 The DIT, WB further represents and warrants to the Concessionaire that there is
no litigation, claim, demand or any proceeding pending before any authority in respect
of the DIT, WB’ s titles to the ITIs.
11.1. Requirements
11.1.1 The Concessionaire is required to prepare and submit various financial statements
as per statutory requirements prevailing and introduced in future.
11.1.2. The Concessionaire shall get its financial statements and accounts audited by a
practicing Chartered Accountant.
11.1.3. The DIT, WB reserves the right to get the accounts related to the Project audited as
and when it deems it appropriate. All expenditure towards such audit shall be borne by
the Concessionaire.
12.1.1 Each ITI would comprise of certain number of units as mentioned in Annexure 2 of this
Concession Agreement.
12.1.2. The time allotment for each CTS course is as per the below mentioned table.
SL Segment Hours/Week
A Practical Instruction 28
B Theoretical Instruction 10
I Trade Theory 4
II Workshop calculation & Science 2
III Engineering Drawing 2
IV Environmental Studies 2
C Extra-Curricular Activities including library studies and physical 4
Total Hours 42
12.1.3 In the first year of operation, an ITI would be at 50% of its capacity for the CTS
courses. In order to optimize the available infrastructure, a Concessionaire would need
to ensure that MES or other short term courses are conducted both in the first and
second shift along with the regular CTS courses from the first year of its operations. In
case the Concessionaire starts operation after the deadline of admission of students for
CTS courses for that particular year has passed, the Concessionaire would need to
conduct MES or other short term courses to optimize the usage of the infrastructure till
admission for CTS courses to be conducted in next year.
12.1.4 An ITI would need to operate parallel units and ensure that all available CTS
seats are fulfilled in the institution from the 2nd year onwards. The 80-20 ratio will be
maintained throughout the process where 80% of the total students will be admitted by
the DIT, WB admission norms and rest of 20% will be admitted through IMC quota.
12.1.5 An ITI would need to mandatorily run Two shifts. In the second shift a
Concessionaire would need to conduct short term courses like QP NoS and/or MES
courses or any other course notified by DIT, WB.
12.1.6. For ensuring two shifts to be conducted in an ITI, a Concessionaire may start
the first shift of CTS courses from 6.30 am onwards and the second shift of either MES
courses or other short term courses from 2 pm onwards. It needs to be ensured that
classes in an ITI are completed normally by 6 pm.
12.1.7. Concessionaire would be reimbursed on a per student basis as per the SDIS
norms for conducting MES courses. This may be considered as incremental revenue for
the Concessionaire. In case MES funding is unavailable, then the Concessionaire may
conduct any other skill development courses with prior approval from DIT, WB
12.1.8. Concessionaire can use the infrastructure as provided by the DIT, WB for only
conducting vocational training programs or other skill development courses. In case a
Concessionaire is found to be in violation of this rule, then the DIT, WB has the right
to terminate the agreement and the Concessionaire would be liable for paying penalties
as applicable to the DIT, WB for breach of agreement.
12.2.1. Concessionaire would need to ensure that the recruitment guidelines of the
NCVT shall be applicable for recruitment of faculty/staff. Refer to the following link for
a detailed qualification| requirements of faculties
13.1.2 All the existing government ITI admission rules and regulations would be
followed for the DIT, WB quota, i.e. 80%of the candidates. Admission procedure of the
candidates through the IMC quota will be outlined by the DIT, WB.
13.1.3 As per the present norms, Common Entrance Test would be conducted by the
DIT, WB and only qualified students would be enrolled towards the 80% of candidates.
All the prevailing terms and conditions would be applicable for the admission
procedure. Any changes in the DGT admission norms for admissions in ITIs would be
adhered to and put into immediate effect.
13.1.4 Quotas and reservation of seats for SC/ST, women and ex-servicemen will be
followed as per the existing ITI admission norms for the 80% of candidates. The
Government may modify reservation regulations for various priority categories of
individuals & the DIT, WB as the implementing agency shall take them into account
and notify the Concessionaire accordingly.
13.1.5 Admissions in all ITIs would be once a year for the semester commencing
usually in August. For the first year the new ITIs would be operating at 50% of the total
available seats.
13.1.6 Incase DIT, WB is unable to provide the 80% of DIT, WB quota students to
the Concessionaire in an ITI, then the Concessionaire cannot fill the gap by admitting
students through the IMC quota. The DIT, WB would pay grant for the entire 80% of
the students even in case it is unable to fill the quota.
13.1.7 The Concessionaire would need to ensure that the CTS courses are conducted
irrespective of the number of students admitted in a unit. In case there is a delay in the
commencement of classes from the date as specified by NCVT, it may be considered to
be a breach of agreement unless otherwise decided differently by DIT, WB.
13.1.8 The other admission criteria like minimum age, qualification etc. shall be as per
the norm sand guidelines of DIT, WB.
13.2.1. The training fees will be structured as per the intake 80-20 rule. For DIT, WB
quota (80% of the intake capacity) the DIT, WB proposes to keep the current rate of
tuition fees as per the existing fees in Government ITIs. This existing fee is capped at
INR 360 per student per year and may be modified by DIT, WB From time to time.
The Concessionaire would need to transfer the training fees to DIT, WB through
13.2.2 The training fee for the remaining 20% of the intake capacity (IMC QUATA) shall
be trade specific, and will be subject to ceiling as specified by DGT for CTS courses time to
time. As on date the ceiling is depicted in the table below.
13.2.3 Further premium of 20% (on the applicable fees as mentioned in clause 13.2.2)
or as stated by Government of India shall be admissible for the IMC quota students in
case of ITIs acquiring 4-5 star ratings as per clause 1.6.5 of the RFP as indicated by
Government of India guidelines on date. These ratings would be provided by central
government regulatory agency. Kindly refer to Annexure 6.2 of the RFP for criteria for
acquiring star ratings. Please note that this premium is only applicable on the IMC
quota students and not the DIT, WB quota students.
13.2.4. The fees as specified under clause 13.2.2 & 13.2.3 shall be subject to change as
allowed by appropriate authorities of Govt. of India and/or Govt. of West Bengal.
13.2.5. AITT exam fees shall be charged from all the students by the Concessionaire as
per the DIT, WB/ WBSCVT notifications. The Concessionaire would need to transfer
the exam fees to DIT, WB through GRIPS.
14.1.1 The Concessionaire shall at the end of the Concession Period hand over to
the DIT, WB the ITIs free and clear of any liability, charge and/or Encumbrances
created or suffered by the Concessionaire after the Effective Date and before the end
of Concession Period, all of the Concessionaire’s right, title and interest in and to the
ITIs. However the ownership of the Laboratory equipment, furniture and fixtures and
other infrastructure put up by the Concessionaire shall continue to remain with
14.1.2 All service contracts of the Concessionaire shall specify the Transfer Date &
its effect. Failure to specify the Transfer Date & its effect in the service contracts shall
not adversely affect DIT, WB and the Concessionaire shall be solely responsible for
handover of the ITIs on the Transfer Date-at its own risk & cost.
14.1.3 All the third party claims regarding running-maintenance (operation) of the
Institute related to the period the Concessionaire had run the institute even though
received after the date of transfer of the properties to the DIT, WB will have to be
borne by the Concessionaire. The amount in this regard would be adjusted from the
Bank Guarantee.
14.2.1 The DIT, WB shall on the Transfer Date have the right to choose and retain all
or any of the unexpired Insurance Policies, contractor warranties in relation to the
Institutes. The Concessionaire shall ensure that any rights which are to be so.
Assigned are capable of assignment and such assignment has been approved under the
terms of the relevant contract by the counterparty to the Concessionaire.
14.3.1 The Concessionaire shall at its own discretion would retain on the Transfer
Date all or any of the contracts, equipment contracts, supply contracts and all other
contracts and service contracts with the Staff and Faculty relating to the Institutes,
‘entered into by the Concessionaire and subsisting as on the Transfer Date;
14.4.1 On the Transfer Date the Institutes shall be in fair, usable/habitable and in a
state of good working conditions as per Good Industry Practices, subject to normal
wear and tear, having regard for the nature, construction and life span of the asset,
14.5.1 Until the Transfer Date, all risks shall lie with the Concessionaire for loss of or
damage to the whole or any part of the ITIs. On and from the Transfer Date all risks
except risks arising out of service contracts, if any, in relation to the transferred ITIs
shall be deemed to have been transferred to and lie with the DIT, WB.
14.6.1 The Concessionaire shall transfer the ITIs to the DIT, WB free of cost and
consideration & without any charge, Encumbrance, liability or obligation passing on
and as per trams of this Concession Agreement:
14.6.2 The Concessionaire shall be responsible for the costs and expenses, including
stamp duties, taxes, legal fee and expenses incurred in connection with the transfer of
the Institutes. The Concessionaire hereby undertakes to indemnify the DIT, WB against
any liability arising out of any non-payment of tax liability till the Transfer Date that
may be sought to be or is imposed on a later date on DIT, WB by the concerned tax
authorities of the Gol or Go WB, in relation to the Institutes and the assets there under.
a) For all JTIs, the ownership of immovable assets (land and building) shall
continue to be with DIT, WB
b) For ITIs, the ownership of Laboratory equipment, furniture and fixtures and
other infrastructure put up by the Concessionaire shall continue to remain with
14.7.2 Six months prior to the anticipated expiry of the Concession Period,
including any extension thereof, the DIT, WB and the Concessionaire shall meet and
agree by mutual consensus on detailed procedures for the handing over of the ITIs. In
the event that handing over of the Institutes the Parties shall meet to agree on such
procedures as soon as possible and in any event within 3 days of either Party giving
notice to the other Party requesting such meeting. At the time of such meeting, the
Concessionaire shall submit a detailed list of the names of its representatives in charge
of the transfer, and the DIT, WB shall inform the Concessionaire of the identity of its
representatives in charge of the handing over procedure;
14.7.3 During the six month period prior to the anticipated handing over of the
Institutes the Concessionaire shall provide such: training services to the
representatives and employees of the DIT, WB as maybe reason ably necessary for
them to operate and maintain the Institutes efficiently and safely following such
14.7.4. During the period commencing on the date of transfer of the Institutes
together with the ITIs provided by DIT, WB and date falling three’ months after such
Transfer Date, the Concessionaire shall be liable to the DIT, WB for all Costs,
expenses and damages suffered or incurred by the DIT, WB (but excluding indirect or
special losses and loss of profit) that are directly caused by a failure of the
Concessionaire to maintain the ITIs as provided for under this Concession Agreement,
Any claim for payment by the DIT, WB pursuant to this clause shall be submitted to
the Concessionaire no later than 30 days following expiry of such 6 (Six) months. The
Concessionaire shall make a payment of any such claim properly made within ten
days of receipt of such claim;
14.8.1 On the Transfer Date the Concessionaire shall hand over full and peaceful
possession, of the Institutes to the DIT, WB and the Concessionaire and employees
appointed by the Concessionaire shall vacate the ITIs.
14.8.2 From the Transfer Date, the obligations and the rights of the Concessionaire
under this Concession Agreement. Except in respect of those outlined in Clauses 15.7.4
and 15.7.5 herein above shall terminate vis-a-vis the DIT, WB and the DIT, WB
shall take over the Institutes and its operation and maintenance and any other rights or
obligations arising out of this Concession Agreement which either expressly or
implicitly survive termination of this Concession Agreement.
14.9.1 Not withstanding anything contained in this Concession Agreement, failure of the
Concessionaire to
b) Execute a relinquishment deed stating that the Concessionaire shall have no claim on the
Institutes and shall not adversely affect the transfer of the Institutes.
Shall result in the deemed reversion of the ITIs to DIT, WB on the expiry of the Concession
Period or on the date of termination of this Concession Agreement, as the case may be, and
from such date DIT, WB shall be deemed to have assumed full ownership/ charge over such
Institutes without any liability and/or Encumbrance, whatsoever.
For the purposes of this Agreement, “Force Majeure” means an event which is beyond
the reasonable control of a Party, and which makes a Party’s performance of its obligations
hereunder impossible or so impractical as reasonably to be considered impossible in the
circumstances, and includes, but is not limited to, war, riots, civil disorder, earthquake, fire,
explosion, storm, flood or other adverse weather conditions, strikes, lockouts or other
industrial action (except where such strikes, lockouts or other industrial action are within the
power of the Party invoking Force Majeure to prevent), confiscation or any other action by
government agencies.
Force Majeure shall not include (i) any event which is caused by the negligence or
intentional action of a Party or agents employees thereof, nor (ii) any event which a diligent
Party could reasonably have been expected to both (A) take into account at the time of the
conclusion of this Agreement and (B) avoid or overcome in the carrying out of its obligations
Force Majeure shall not include insufficiency of funds or failure to make any payment
required hereunder.
DIT, WB will decide the eventuality of Force Majeure which will be binding on both the
As used in this Agreement, the expression ‘Force Majeure’ or Force majeure Event
shall occurrence in India Of Any or all of Non Political Event Indirect Political Event and
political Event, as defined in clause 16.2, 16.3 and 16.4 respectively, if it affects the
performance by the party calming the benefit of Force majeure (the Affected party) of its
obligations under this Agreement and which act or event (i) is beyond the reasonable control of
the Affected Party , and (ii) the affected Party could not have prevented or overcome by
exercise of due diligence and following Good Industry Practice, and (iii) has Material Adverse
Effect in the Affected party.
A non –Political Event shall mean one or more of the following acts or events:
a) Act of God, epidemic, extremely adverse weather conditions, lighting ,earthquake landslide,
cyclone, flood , volcanic eruption , chemical or radioactive contamination or ionizing
radiation , fire or explosion (to the extent of contamination or radiation or fire or explosion
originating from a source external to the site of the Institute);
b) Strikes or boycotts (other than those involving the concessionaire, contractors or their
respective employees / representatives, or attributable to any act or omission of any of
them) interrupting supplies and services and /or the operation and maintenance of the
Institutes for a continuous period of 24 (twenty four hours) and an aggregate period,
exceeding 30 (thirty) day in a financial year, and not being an Indirect Political Event set
forth in clause 16.3;
An Indirect Political Event shall mean an act of war (whether declared or undeclared),
invasion, armed conflict or act of foreign enemy, blockade, embargo, riot, insurrection,
terrorist or military action, civil commotion or politically motivated sabotage which
prevents operation of the Institute by the Concessionaire for period exceeding a continuous
period of 30 (thirty) days in a financial year.
A Political Event shall mean one or more the following acts or events by Go WB or GoI:
15.5.1 Upon occurrence of a Force Majeure Event, the Affected Party shall by notice
report such occurrence to the other Party forthwith. Any notice pursuant hereto
shall include full particulars of:
a) the nature and extent of each Force Majeure Event with evidence in support thereof;
b) the estimated duration and the effect or probable effect which such Force Majeure event is
having or will have on the Affected Party’s performance of its obligations under
c) the measures which the Affected Party is taking or proposes to take for alleviating the
impact of such Force Majeure Event; and
15.5.2 The Affected Party shall not be entitled to any relief for or in respect of a Force
Majeure Event unless it shall have notified the other Party of the occurrence of the
Force Majeure Event as soon as reasonably practicable, and in any event not later than
14 (Fourteen) days after the Affected Party knew, or ought reasonably to have know,
of its occurrence, and shall have given particulars of the probable material effect that
the Force Majeure Event is likely to have on the performance of its obligation under
this agreement.
15.5.3 The Parties shall take all reasonable measures to minimize the consequences of
any event of force Majeure.
15.5.4 For so long as the Affected Party continues to claim to be materially affected
by such Force Majeure Event, it shall provide the other party with regular (and not less
than weekly) reports containing information as required by clause 15.5.1 and such
other information as the other Party may reasonably request the Affected Party to
15.6.1 The Concessionaire shall be eligible for extensions as provided hereunder only
on the occurrence of Force Majeure Event not resulting in Termination, with respect to
the Project.
a) at any after time the Execution Date, if any Force Majeure Event occurs:
(i) before Effective Date, the Concession Period and the Effective date shall be
extended by a period equal in length to the duration for which such Force Majeure Event
subsists: or
(ii) after Effective Date, whereupon the Concessionaire is unable to operate and maintain
the Institutes the Concession Period shall be extended by a period, equal in length to the
period during which the Concession was prevented from operate the ITIs.
15.6.2 Save and except as expressly provided in this Concession Agreement, neither
Party shall be liable in any manner whatsoever to the other Party in respect any loss,
damage, cost, expense, claims, demands and proceedings relating to or arising out of
occurrence or existence of any Force Majeure Event or exercise of any right pursuant
15.6.4 No Breach of Agreement: The failure of a Party to fulfill any of its obligations
hereunder shall not be considered to be a breach of, or default under, this Agreement in
so far as such inability arises from an event of Force Majeure, provided that the Party
affected by such an event has taken all reasonable precautions, due care and reasonable
alternative measures, all with the objective of carrying out the terms and conditions of
this Agreement.
15.6.5 Payments: No payment shall be made during the period of PTP s inability to
perform the Services as a result of an event of Force Majeure until and unless such
payment pertains to the period before the Force Majeure.
15.6.6 Consultation: Not later than thirty (30) days after the PTP has as the results of
an event of the Force Majeure, become unable to perform a material portion of the
Services, the Parties shall consult with each other with a view to agreeing on appropriate
measures to be taken in the circumstances:
Any Force Majeure Event subsisting for a period between 7 days and 30 days shall be
considered as mirror Force Majeure and on time extension shall be granted.
If a Force Majeure Event subsisting for a continuous period of 365 (three hundred and
sixty five)days, DIT, WB may in its discretion termination this Concession Agreement by
issuing a Termination Notice to the Concessionaire without being liable in any manner
whatsoever, save as provided in this Concession Agreement, and upon issue of such
Termination Notice, this Concession Agreement shall, notwithstanding anything to the
contrary contained herein, stand terminated forthwith, provided that before issuing such
Termination Notice, the DIT, WB shall inform the Concessionaire of such intention and grant
30(thirty) days’ time to make a representation, and may the expiry of such 15 (fifteen) days
period, whether or not it is receipt of such representation, in its sole discretion issue the
termination Notice.
16.1.1 Each of the following events or circumstances, to the extant not caused by a
breach of contract by the Concessionaire or Force Majeure, shall be considered for the
proposes of this concession Agreement as breach of contract by the DIT, WB (‘‘the
DIT, WB Breach of Contract’’) which, if not cured within the time period permitted. If
any, shall provide the Concessionaire with the right to terminate this Concession
a) Failure of DITS WB to hand over physical possession of the His beyond the extended 1
(One) month period;
b) a Material Breach by DIT, W B of its obligations under this Concession Agreement which
is not remedied within 90 days of receipt of written notice from the Concessionaire
specifying such breach and requiring the DIT, WB to remedy the same;
c) a Breach of any express representation or warranty by the DIT, WB which has a Material
Adverse Effect and such breach is not remedied within 30 (Thirty) days of receipt of
written notice from the Concessionaire specifying such breach and requiring the DIT, WB
to remedy the same;
16.2.1 Each of the following events or circumstances, to the extent not caused by a
breach of contract by the DIT, WB or Force Majeure, shall be considered for the
purposes of this Concession Agreement as Breach of Contract by the Concessionaire
(“Concessionaire Breach of Contract") which, if not cured within the time period
permitted, if any, shall provide the DIT, WB, with the right to terminate this Concession
a) a Material Breach of its obligations under the Concession Agreement which has a
Materially Adversely Effect on the DIT, WB or the Project and such breach is not
remedied within 30 (Thirty) days of receipt of written notice from DIT, WB specifying
such breach and requiring the Concessionaire to remedy the same;
b) such events as have been specified as Concessionaire Breach of contract under the
provisions of the Concession Agreement;
c) subject to the provisions of clause 6.1.2 to this Concession Agreement failure to take
possession of the ITIs within 60 days of intimation from the DIT, WB regarding handing
over the possession of the ITIs;
e) any actions or omissions attributable to Concessionaire, including delay on the part of the
Concessionaire to discharge any of its obligations, that has a Material Adverse Effect on
the implementation of the project.
f) dissolution of the Concessionaire pursuant to Applicable Law, except for the purpose
of a merger, consolidation or reorganization that does not affect the ability of the
resulting entity to perform all the obligations of the Concessionaire under this
Concession Agreement and provided further that such resulting entity expressly
assumes all such obligations;
j) the DIT, WB notifies the Concessionaire of a material failure by the Concessionaire or its
employees or agents or Contractor(s) to upgrade and manage the Project in accordance
with the terms and conditions of this Concession Agreement and further issues a
notification to the Concessionaire of the failure to remedy such non-compliance within
the time frame as may reasonably have been specified for rectifying the same; and
k) if there is a change in the rights of ownership of the Concessionaire or in the powers of any
trustee/ member of the governing body to direct the management or the policies of the
Concessionaire where such change would be reasonably likely to have a Material
Adverse Effect on the ability of the concessionaire to comply in all material respects
with its obligation under this Concession Agreement:
l) De-affiliation of a particular course by any Statuary Authority that will have adverse effect
on students/trainees, during the Concession Period, unless due to an event of Force
m) It is reported that the infrastructure provided is being used for activities which are not
related to vocational training or skill development courses.
n) TPA provides 3 consecutive annual non-compliance reports against the concessionaire for
not adhering to the KPls as identified by the DIT, WB for functioning of the ITIs.
o) concessionaire has been furnishing false claims or providing misleading information with
respect to enrolment of trainees, conduct of training or any other aspect related to
p) If the concessionaire, in the judgment of the DIT, WB, is found to be engaged in corrupt,
fraudulent, collusive, or coercive practices in competing for or in executing the
q) It the concessionaire is unable to commence classes for a particular semester within the date
as specified by NCVT.
r) If the concessionaire charges any other fee apart from the designated training fee and the
AITT examination fee from the students.
s) If the concessionaire commits breach of any condition of the Agreement as per clause 5.1
and 5.2 of the RFP.
16.2.2 During the Concessionaire Breach of Contract the DIT, WB’s obligations under this
Concession Agreement shall be suspended and the DIT, WB shall have liability
hereunder during any of the foregoing Cure Periods while the relevant event remains
16.2.3 DIT, WB would suspend all payments to the concessionaire hereunder if the
concessionaire shall be in a breach of agreement.
16.2.4 PTPs would be liable to pay damages DIT ,WB in case of a breach of agreement is
established by the DIT , WB. The damages would be calculated based on the number
of years left in the agreement from the time the breach of agreement was established.
The total interest amount accrued for the remaining of years on the total cost of land
and building Infrusture provided by DIT, WB, would be the damages payable to
DIT ,WB by the PTP. This would be arrived at by compounding annually using PLR
as the rate interest.
DIT, WB by a written notice of at least 30 days sent to the PTP, may terminate
the Agreement, in whole or in part, at any time for its convenience. The Notice of
termination shall specify that termination is for DIT, WB’s convenience the extent to
which performance of the selected PTP, under the Agreement is terminated, and the
date upon which such termination becomes effective. Depending on merits of the case
the selected applicant may be appropriately compensated on mutually agreed terms for
the loss incurred by the Agreement if any due to such termination.
17.2.1. In the event the Concessionaire Breach of Contract occurs and DIT, WB
terminates this Concession Agreement, the Concessionaire shall forthwith but not later
than 30 (Thirty) days from the termination notice transfer and hand over all the ITIs to
the DIT, WB;
17.4.2 Upon termination for any reason whatsoever the Concessionaire shall not claim
any right of Permanent Grantee in respect of ITIs.
17.5.1 In case DIT, WB Breach of Contract, the Concessionaire may terminate this
Concession Agreement, by giving a prior written notice of 60 (Sixty) days to the DIT,
WB expressing its intention to terminate this Concession Agreement.
17.5.2 In case of termination of the Concession Agreement as per clause 17.5.1 above,
the Concessionaire, shall forthwith transfer and hand over the peaceful possession of
the ITIs to the DIT, WB without any Encumbrances or lien at zero value.
18.1.1 A party shall promptly inform the other Party of any claims or proceedings or
anticipated claims or proceedings against the other Party and in respect of which the other
Party is entitled to be indemnified under this Clause 19 as soon as a Party becomes aware of
the some. Each Party shall give reasonable assistance to the other in defending such claims and
the Party giving such assistance shall be entitled to be indemnified to the extent of the costs
incurred by it in this regards.
18.1.2 None of the Parties: shall permit any claim or proceeding referred as in Clause
19.1.1 above to be settled without the prior written consent of the other Party.
18.1.3 The DIT, WB shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for the obligations and
liabilities incurred by the Concessionaire for the Institute during the Concession Period
and for the Concessionaire’s contacts with Third Parties.
18.2. Indemnification
The Concessionaire shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the DIT, WB during
and after the terms of this Concession Agreement from and against all liabilities, damages,
losses, expenses, deaths, demands, actions, proceedings, costs and claims of any nature
whatsoever, including without limitation legal fee and expenses, suffered by the DIT, WB or
any Third Party as a result of or arising out of or in any way connected with the acts,
omissions, negligence, nuisance, breach of this Concession Agreement and failure to perform
obligations hereunder of or by the Concessionaire and its employees, agents, representatives
and Contractors, including the use or violation of any copyright work or literary property or
patented invention, article or appliance, except to the extent that such injury, damage or loss is
attributable to a negligent or willful act or omission of the DIT, WB.
20.1.1 The Concessionaire and the DIT, WB hereby grant to each other an irrevocable,
royalty- free, non exclusive license to use Proprietary Material, which have been or are
hereafter written, originated, made or owned by any of them or any of their respective
employees, Contactors, consultants or agents in connection with this Concession
Agreement or the operation, maintenance, insurance and financing of the Project. All
Proprietary Material shall be clearly marked as such in capital letters and in bold face
20.1.2 Such license shall carry the right to use the Proprietary Material for all purposes
connected with the Project; however, it shall not be transferable to any Party under this
Concession Agreement.
20.1.2 Confidentiality
No Party shall, without the prior written consent of the other Party, at any time divulge
or disclose or suffer or permit its servants or agents to divulge or disclose to any Person or use
for any purpose unconnected with the Project any information which is, by its nature or is
marked “Proprietary Material,” concerning the other (including any information concerning
the contents of this Concession Agreement) except to their respective officers, directors,
employers, agents, representatives and professional advisers or as may be required by any law,
rule, regulation or any judicial process for period of five years after the Transfer Date;
provided, however, that a Party, with the written consent of the other Party, may issue press
releases containing non-sensitive information in relation to the progress of the Projects. This
clause shall not apply to information:
a) already in the public domain, otherwise than by breach of this Concession Agreement;
b) already in the possession of the receiving Party before it was received from the other Party
in connection with this Concession Agreement and which was not obtained under any
obligation of Confidentiality; and
c) obtained item a Third Party who is free to divulge the same and which was not Obtained
under any obligation of Confidentiality.
21.1.1 The parties shall use their best efforts to settle amicably all disputes arising out or
in connection with the Agreement or the interpretation thereof. In the event of a dispute,
differences or claim arises in connection with the interpretation or implementation of the
agreement, the aggrieved party shall issue a written notice.
a) In case the dispute is not resolve any party may issue a notice of reference, invoking
resolution of disputes through arbitration in accordance with the provisions of the
Arbitration conciliation Act, 1996. The arbitral proceedings shall be conducted by a sole
arbitrator that may be appointed with the consent of Parties to such dispute. If there is no
agreement among the parties to the identity or appointment of such sole arbitrator within 30
days of issue of notice of reference, then the arbitral proceedings will be conducted by a
panel of three arbitrators, one arbitrator to be appointed by Client and other appointed by
the Concessionaire and the third arbitrator to be mutually appointed by the other two
arbitrators in accordance with provisions of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996.
Arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in and the award shall be made in English
language. Arbitration proceedings shall be conducted at Kolkata and following are agreed.
b) The arbitration award shall be final and binding on the Parties, and the Parties agree to be
bound thereby and to act accordingly. The arbitrator may award to the Party that
substantially prevails on merit, its costs and reasonable expenses (including reasonable fees
for counsel). When any dispute is under arbitration, except for matters under dispute, the
Parties shall continue to exercise their remaining respective rights and fulfill their
remaining respective obligations under the Agreement.
Pending the submission of a dispute, controversy or claim to the consultation panel or to the
arbitral tribunal, and thereafter until the final decision of the consultation panel, or the arbitral
tribunal, as the case may be, the Parties shall continue to perform all of their obligations under
this Concession Agreement, without prejudice to a final adjustment in accordance with such
decision. Further, this Concession Agreement shall remain subsisting and operative during the
consultation or adjudication proceedings and no payment due and payable to either Party shall
be withheld except the payment in, dispute, if any.
22.1 Amendments
22.3. Language
22.4. Notices
Any notice to be given hereunder shall be in writing and shall either be delivered
personally or sent by registered post, telex, facsimile transmission, electronic mail or other
means of telecommunication in permanent written form. The addresses and numbers for
service of notice shall be given to the Parties at their respective addresses set forth below:
Concessionaire :
or such other address, telex number, or facsimile number as may be notified by that party to
any other Party from time to time, and shall be deemed to have been made or delivered
(i) in the case of any communication made by letter, when delivered by hand, recognized
international courier or by mail (registered, return receipt requested) at the address and (ii) in
the case of any communication made by telex or facsimile number. In case any Party changes
it address, communication numbers, or directed attention as set forth above, it shall notify the
other Parties in writing prior to the adoption thereof.
This Concession Agreement is made in two original copies, each having the same
contents and the Parties have read and thoroughly understood the contents hereof and have
hereby affixed their respective signature and seals before witnesses.
22.7. Relationship
22.8. Survival
Any action required or permitted to be taken and any document required or permitted to
be executed under this Concession Agreement may be taken or executed
Each Party hereto undertakes and agrees that in case of replacement of its authorized
Representative, it shall notify the other Party herein above of its name and title at least five
days prior to his taking office. In the event of default of this undertaking, all the notices,
Instructions, correspondences, received from or addressed to the last recorded authorized
representative shall be deemed valid for all purposes.
22.10. Waiver
The failure of any party to insist upon strict adherence to any team of the Agreement on
any occasion shall not be considered a waiver of any right hereunder or shall it derive such
Party of the right thereafter to insist upon strict adherence to that term or any other of the
22.11. Others
Prior to executing this Concession Agreement, the Concessionaire has conducted a due
diligence audit its satisfaction in respect of the DIT, WB contractual structure for
implementing the project, technical and financial feasibility of the Project, the Applicable
Laws and Applicable Approvals and all matters concerning or related to the Project.
Concessionaire is entering into this concession agreement on the basis of its own satisfaction
based on its due diligence.
IN WITNESS WHERE OF this Concession Agreement has been execute by the duly
authorized representatives of the Parties hereto on the day and year first above written.
NAME …………………………………………………………….
Designation …………………………………………………………….
NAME …………………………………………………………….
Designation …………………………………………………………….
Witness 1:
NAME ……………………………………………………………………
Date: ………………………………..
Name of Trades Category units total strength 80% of total 20% of total
ITI strength per super strength to strenght to
(New) unit numeracy admitted by admitted by
including including gov ptp
Invoice for:
*After Registration *End of 1st Semester *End of 2nd Semester *End of 3rd
* End of 4th Semester
At least 80%
of the total
appeared for
exams secure
pass marks
Total amount to be Paid for KPIs
Trams Description