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Paleo Diet

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| J AH WoHoor &_sovoraydpenm SuievlGulme wee Blue Claeveniedt Ce LLC nO eC econ nn meme ECS et me eee ee eC CCP eC ron nn Gnomes eM mney Peer es ee eee OD gi raBunoren cone Dist yssab wyagh 2.0 gawd GMSg apy Lemiioa GSUOsg Borde repsducegypss. UBLiuinergh grb 4M Pus~td Bibs a4Gornrerenaenar n(eiB!e! Pyemiach acip Prade Qobs aypiiecBadenar. x Ord YUpAawigGs TPs Qis pred spac yoA@pss srsipngub uBLU nen Hie prouTA ful orbs 2 5aTosTKGIOT 2OGGUT apwas sUIIIS Qoow. Qiao ypsas Nd Oendeiui a gage aPupenpacnan Terug) sxpeuned aBagib Qypiiyad, Wer eerajach Gundnperas Bpryunatarr wepypawraGarr oULLmd BB provi Rui pri uBLixrmoncgtb srjpnorenaagyd Qt ngyt 1a Dist 3s08Gd QU sous Hesed arpPuponacs, Blorenanadd saegdgt Gung ipnegnd Qdadan Gib. 21 y Bons Ruseng Gwidudsp srs Orucoerd Ordiaypin Dossrand 55s SiyoomPeis apa” Qsena wm_oytb. DISCLAIMER This book is presented solely for educational purpose. The au- thor and publisher are not offering it as a professional advice. While best efforts have been used in preparing this book, the author and publisher make no representations or warranties of any kind, nor shall be held liable or responsible to any per- son or entity with respect to any loss or incidental or conse- quential damages caused, or alleged to have been caused, di- rectly or indirectly, by the information contained herein. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should seek the services of a competent professional before beginning any improvement program. 2 nL. 12, 13. 4. 15, 16, 12. 18. 19. real §1909 renpounach Brahe wedsosneir Tun assi! Qa Garmardas genypiigs aSeboveint ausoonp) 2 omniignth inet v1 B Augtd GoSusronnaytis Ganaveivy.aned staph jestuicit! prcsun ergoyib orensit DL BUH orcingynd qprpib Rabe marry 2 7F4i60! aamay 27 Awernd pda Ie Lingua 2.amayaci: Cacisres, Gli siengh sano? songs walidsoomb? app psp SunPsanen Bioy sibaonT BuBag oo Bias! wikecos Gene Ap Basti uBnyt! esas Gus Gur Fuga Boyt Awigb Tspsupibt nriiant any oath wot Bub! Cupane) ensay a. omraleir oyptb sn aurgiisepid Suan peivesupth u 19 8 a 6 61 69 7 of 101 109 8 17 134 ue 8 137 167 Boag OWsSue seen dao aloTiaéaCaradiBib! WIAs, Haion, DAK ay Muowspag ws Pwd 2. cb poreir GRE QDoonuphHer semper smigur Tarrprisened ACITERuLoTer DIB uPuonppdseptd peor Gripyeseosst ives DG WGAGIAIIIES stoMcng WH psMGu. GS sound, areirer semen GIe WpUpss ap omoiks 216 foot aoiren_danGun@ Gaiiég Qarguh HAP Re Sus amc LAGS Remissahed uboGpmd) sremmins GuTEgib: ston, Glow, suit 5) FMF Led ori ov ape paseo afumgid: HBAS gp sToTENON, QId6 Hows -aAicivigs Gaenauilvanao, Wis gyno fF YdGd sys was@s QsDur ssinG MGITACL 41; WG UNEHOIAHD Aoisr%s Ganonrmps wunnnsd shOsvigs ancrar uss; apace Gundrm Gumad MIT SGI comdG apsMedramned 2. vos Qarein Gener AGEIMepa. QapPd wusH 21.6 pasoss Oaosas Darein Gan® pussrer Powosgs sero. Uaens psi Sprig urd soiig (GRAD sir. Qoenw Gua Issn gong sOUyH Gum mnosd Opsngeu BorddG UAOSHGS aAO woydsronneroredes gob WUpEprEOT Upds (RUM). Pras swoTEGas UPL SwrB, URGED S516 DaApgiDanoiran opioid Hapursissdr 2 aed QgIGDewon. wHsgiand Pérwrh Bor peingy sede. Spr A@Mswa 21S Doig wshyvy srésevonoy juMuGor scroorey KeTutd Bune 9pBaiusr seps.s.senere IpHEBe Qeaig senoragid. spordgneir wgsgiuwerend Geir pswracssys wGsgiawerersg Govalis Greir neu suytd jo Digg aicrarnd Qussp yma Nom id Runs) Cush OS Darnoiny 5sHBp sr. PAU acigyon_u gBo aera. swIQumgGsr are DHsB aussighd 9PAUDd a0A uTissFpGx igor piouss Bcr@wou 29H DsiAEper. UpGn amp wpporiseeags Dundes Qed A8psr. GuagesmaGor, aunpeiicr soronss misisclgn Qs aewGursperus sen ily tig) ang Bund arcinigy soi pisos. Big eos gid Bun prisons soronytd ICG ssasogsy sridOaGu Gr anf, paler pPouicd soxGoun e songupld UGspndi pai GLb Byoencmayed Md GISGU UEOLciyseror arabug PT. bs suitersTed, Pursin i Oasrareics ‘CusBun ur’ GPs wy aag pasono. Asmicnienu Gsptiig!, Qaes_nd aims Fay Grow (Type 2 DM) a @HUBASIAT, 2.0.0 stood FONPOUS aRusiderp Gag stoligrsd Doviapsg Parror ui afarnpsener ParmasdApg Qioti ysGHth. 1onsoub, eFanb srenps 2 svasir Gpiicy egies Qgsanguib » mmepiea Bergen ust oot Qysses LssABleu sino Oanain® files Gia Gsuig) Qansrenamb. eam; amanaher crongQudanb assBorainGub, creo Quawnd Dad Crise OancronBorsinGub sisnsengcs upbH AHTeHaS HOM Qurgasnen sFIgnund Poigid. Osraptiy pdagda, QopsA qPaib oC Qarcronémeng1, Apisirefuds senor 9 Psi Brigg dOansrarGucinGib, @AusnpD croixGleerGur Apssas, Anse sre Appoiry. a HL L0g Rpg ocorey sees 2.omay srdiLigs Dpne_wR vevre8lp.orTer SO AgiE 9 KiREDAG Dodsdsn Geb Bonds, cren_eous Diss yds Qarsosded Sissi wd opp) 2° GanoinGareyib 1 sma ass gysReUds+ OsrRoss. Brvescir S551 ot QHSA MASS US 2 emMasenNd SITTOMOTE sHSsd Oancrend Danco Rpgs. rssh srcinny Gb syst Qeirenpas 2 swisy SOITTIEAY DGS flaw AHMSB, udiomInh monGescit GaiGorréR Quast Aero aM velsysG moDH OsruGOOscip Hoeg/Aps:. OTEK, Qsniians, Des Samapriy, eran. orciLinay s1oon pS, GTi yMucwjpi ot we Old SUBBUUCL oa! Hoda; 2 Kas ASTTAOUGGHIO ONES 1101 Serqwnag Ap iAGs@pgy. eporpurren a omray arpaxporgd omurtstrnad erst genparB5nG) 2. porgpytb Gtorbu Deb ero, Purroin i Order Qige yapmd -cmiggnd NB. Pune t bABsGU HUGH u Ysoapons Devo IGi> Apis UPLuimAg Ow ord asnpsgrasir. 1 nds gyn. wun Boon gjei BL 145 Ges osiasromre’, M.B,BS, MCh., (paren, CeBiGs an ppd pmidGud -sigiena: Bsns Byer 10 gonavil 2016 Qacirenest int Thenypanreéd 20121) 401 Fira wagid Qameog sarin Dprgs. . A SrTé Rus 2 omeyacir sroxé mpd DyysnePurixonran sib, IK PUTG UpOtd MAGI DA yARADUE FnB La Ose i191 iigay Rem dgid sign pid Fdenauie Lo qth RpsreMusth weHso Loi mGAprissh. g,orrgur Qora Dunpules ZAs-O35 sos GapsMepaBar gu DurTPsoid Qass TOs” Reni_Lupisrane. Dis QBOH pmb Pgrahgsy Pa aPoywsisenor Guriw Gaapus. 138 ups, wa oy, YsgrGpr Gundip aicvoordu prais wailseoSG wi. OBiv oigib ShurrPaci. pais Lofgcr sroné moiemaided parnib, Romord ersbovnayppampayth Garis &s mpIDGp iid. wei aisr UL cio Qép aunBaoie Dasa APUG QHsGid 2-uFMensixcn oranar srowts midges ao igpaiivsanen Diss, 1468), weno Buimoipona. AGTH, aie ob AES UPHGy wise uTHIged Qs TusnBasch Qodons. Bras walsisonier pain upp Nano jp wes ieersos Dias Gonbaci quGRernen. in gah auirapt Upsrgly wosaenen prub snc GuBausiey air senate srsfsoppaisd sroap sqgO8pmb. yore arias a Leipoenen guns Peyesnalsh, aysuiaahd umorgus yb! pind, 2 Led UGLost, sibmanT, 13 AUphBLb, apeirsy07, enseneH, GsndurHev...Cuincip Spreiscr Rentungs. Gonos srovavmd sreiterOausiGp OaPuingy stemd Daca pibeme urge ORpniacr Din upsign wolaiseh Heiss Brn wolgisonIes wrepto, ib we@psgrouinents wypxGarsing us oapurisaci stcion® 1841 Qhoin@® Gusdgy Sayre ods siBoflina’ Boyes BUASGU AKHIS UL. Fed Hs qereGuna Heqaeio Cundgy) Soysundlescnerss esnovsrsomid. 1201 Wu Neorbs GH GLodgr, Yama sre Bos Basar 9 siranes. Si ndgya 1,400 Gut aFsMprissi. ysmpanaied 600 uit NAGA iast. usdaomAmd apsiaOsonre rasta: weiss wou lsinh Qudodasir oimphe cussriacr. ise UGM pupae inared Onde Boys. Aousnubd Qsww aia Qedesv. wena Dasiromaw tooiiasir 1 BGw wpsrarare Won SoyaurPacr oeridGt UsinT toppub BampPlenuuyih, Ror VOMd Gb ApaGrmarytd we. GB pid MRGpsniasr. Dard Hci aemaurss Gries 1 GOGw Dan @sacis 1 gy. Qigtb sign ep. Gaxamapd, uairgT QapsRujih Rov Dypies em td Wo OGw a.cin@ aubsmiash, 2 ooGiei Bs Gumi on94@1b Lan sis - Roonayaigs Loi, Grirsindy Sig Boy Lan aL 4 Dercbarniacr. Ganglaaar aang snaytb yes (peor sear Qorissr IGE0 aprpidGies saver K » sin Babenan. nsctder gr50% ab Bortsmaré sonOIg sss. Gn poe Gumi) QwwiGu Bain or Ggidad GS, xagsurest Buinciy NP GLor geinaomld, Ousinmamd Bstisemac asinsi. oyasinFeir Nop, QeistonenuPerr anavesftouronengy. <1iBuingiti 2yeueement_ws HiagtbesAlas 2 spray <2)Beth wonpeflsdenee. 0 pybproiny or WED savtsonor gponinis ass pneaisci, Qisoron o onpOarepiiny 2 onGid yavisch wnGsGwb shdsens, oer chy roped srobrorGarsruGs DgMusaRedrene” siete Nis) Auciieor saniadr. Qos ‘yc unaradsiv' (Boy postin) stom Heo pssriaci. (QsGuTEd a.epGaraptieous fsb roiGub watch) Gps Qeawbd WOveys (ro nach, QisanoSusir uina1_ndsiv, ins Lime srcarnih » sin.) ascnIa 1655 Boy, Dyonss gaAcr ast apegid AopeurPacr Biv ‘Qrkmi' Qansin® atic atin 9, Dang, gerald sips was, Bas, Reva. scdoumb rigginGonnisch. apse Be adgyoinAacr wp Peed 0.1 sb ugpinsir AASASHOCL g1. DurPaenh yPaiason. Qs ocr wr po9 sig wIGsgGb Opfuchldonn. wsdupsons s1i/B% in@Agionoemen 51° Gib Gyan dues. QucrFer 1966-6 yu gum FULL gTd props wag Miusbasr ogo GLad galas aTaAcdere. 6% wagsiect art YUpss CarpanpuIeD KajarrAasi ssa UIMbLAus 2 corey sae DGiGorri«cr. DuciA Gd NsA PO 56 snevsi Ped Boy Lndaxoficir 2 copaveir fis Gioibin «ge Boiler incpagreuiensr UB) Oa Apriacr. gscnGer yu Adingud BanGrb atnsobscr Boys auppon; ein@id SunPasir @ipiison. QsBA ww Guogench erry wir? why uyprigiaseihetr Henao sreiror9 gages Oasixcr tense 1950R0R ws Pur newrnoAei olin 18 Lyiovbgigaonene upp Apscin_ongy segs @prt. 1k womoraraRes, pnsir 2 ‘Baisc POsqU_sg5e Cunats Arww. wenwaafe Avrongens Podssod (pawrg. ermasenid Serung. ened eons) ALB spi, GG Use asin iu Or Qesingy geuissr QL seng gon HConb, Doviserigid somgus HWESES PG GUUS LanH. sigerUy UGH GEYOD Dauisenae soy mL OS Agrosow somyu sir% apadagdng. coma, ae, Gunes cer snefle, waligafler Qungdracr siuiaense anpruaciu@dlonpon. yond, Uns) wie Gas Dis wag MOS Agnonsenus os wp Sg Lniech. KSCUR 198 Aon @irisogs ouneadlés DaréSlpniacr. go Q@r Passed profs walls Lammas eaingpld Limi eRscOmUYd, SoS YDssomig, Bb Lng DUR eemena) aciriaiamenyd ohDie paises Ygslud QANKG Sippnein eri oriGungus stonussed Das ass udieepd wonotiugidenn. speoo LiGscenjd amide (Raddmn. x0 Gaited aoiromsogu g@Gr come, Deis Cormun@id Blgswacignen. 5B eos Situs Sersenendsont esisrxar (pigaxsledenen. QLU@H|WOS sogedr qonond. anigsener Beuivecin Caer ungs Gysdpniecr. eemefled emis Heron Lee eneLible A Geng vse gud Gomis CUpsafied giunmd oHuUOSd) UGid. qpenned eooroiled SuEgIEGer Hei Dood Qaursende, oor sivesie unghiry Qedened cron Cundlgss, craic cig Dewserd oreo Senssdl AACS QOHSS Apuilo ‘a5 Sun§! Deus unwsenougy eubgsyoinn?” sionds Gor Lei. lai digo op) Cundligs ‘ows shisende cong, 1 asenmwMises6 wL_Ob aGd curs. Osg amfle IG 56H AasimmwuiseTd6 HSS Conds srddujsrensogses Linigsgyei@onebr sretrn. AGED SG Lismmd 290 CpAuwer@aim? air 2 gauefleveneo?" AUIEGSG tHoOMd AsAuyid cor HononsApriesh, HEHE QerHGo AsMungsmd. srisctr GraMewiro Sr Odlraimgscnd. Dis Henovide gress anOsew LoGeng suis ouigé sncnI@asmiesr?” Speier sraiAéonen weEsess on_Gagras Gonsrenni. lige Cecnp pluie song sinden 2 oonay Gums rrivemg, DOSE. ‘G1 Gesromonuerfier waflensss sor. D160 sitiesir SgiaiGE Seowngi sexs Cans6 @G wrancn CaLoune 9655 BASS soy S5:s Assinpri. rere AL chide BinGe (pup QanepLited ayce Be bg) CurEnD sang, PEatronscr PEKSOr. “s9H Cai 1OSsge Morons Acirongs goin Bescrnéd 2 sine civeie® eurngy’ steep Lda Dens hued man’s Wer Depciurgs Ging we@sgo1 2 wath MEPS Hopwtd. yoord Oarup—H oyBurnp xyes MYPhGH SH, 985 Qomp oud Oarsir® ovsihsgG 0565 hain Diiy DOHMH. s1scnIer 2iGm Boobs 87 GuiMer 2,464 Lipsener nGsgiart Herren BangonomA ot. 9M Garpith singh eyaofed wnt” Own Gaahr' iy Doves. saoIRs aries gi 0.16% Be mmaietr Bip Hews paoner unin’ F&M Bangsonon AewsGurg 25.5% Uss@agi ud Corims Qoses Ap huapss. gxicnipsngs Baise uniain’ 445 dss crbanr AuTAmepid GoPoicrS Dorssor. Gi) uM@rged yF FSH BOI Yo Deojsss. gerd Dis Tun Dose Lyd Gy ouaon ‘ s pion gy wsscfesr a cmans Qepsss, Qevenpw woepsgioui Midst Qandil uAigors gi Qanaptiy PmbdGu Qorpsh i @Bw0. Qorenpus aGrrd hus a coroysanrs KHSLGL Samay 5p Bus ind, PCED, Fusd, Apsrouid, masgeseo AB, Ligeti, Lsird eronpupt qoutes 2 cbromraiciane:. i234 Bis Qo rsuemsad wl Gude. ees wapis actor Lpmiguschs aomaid, Qugd unsremouror sGoaiesr LOPDATUPUISGEEES VGROs. uypwGU eemrajy srdtsy QuOduGR Oarapiiy PrdGu QopsP, Re smbspasir, Gano sermgPd Dor sgb Aug aiisron Aw uypsasr sraisnBas. Qi Lures Barre pater ug Pusckrspib, W@ssrarise uspaincn. yon Qs wl or 20 aunup wéssr Ices Dunas Deir upap 2 svpossitoir AGIVERUWLTE VGIROTIsH. Ged HarrTEHse wemmsisentb, nGdgrarinapt, La yAusciest GoarariouBedone. PHSTHDH yGrTsMuwTE covayscr crore sOUGd Grid TGordad, Cd, AHTUpAUGHS ued, ape’ ont esr Darstnsrd5G YRuUoa was qasrar 2smGar so. aydanpei Ustad QonpsP5S aionidsiuGud WGsdisenens Oanupda madaGor Aovemiscr uusiuGsgRorisc. Dude Lotar UsTMsTE CS GF Orso gC 2 cror oranisoe ot GUMYsiBarsir. DosFaq aorisscuGd waGseoreitb, Banos anepas mass esrndasr Gipsy 2b Raonand enauiray nisi. UsiGsenr eds Aanaptiry 15 Su Liners Qsa@Wesmiacir 1990-1 Hairy dh QOS 03 wpa Tarrrurs wsvgin, erciaoior ate Asngion feiss, Sanat 9565u uted Aan@sst uisgins QeWAngi. avai Rss Osreguy Qosard 9g pd URysorimars 5 OLUGSH NGud. synod Danugiy Qedong unre OanHssrcrs50eh eiyaersgu wh mPatagud. Wobsad@ananb wn GR stent ows at” Gh neath sxss941b Badensv. sun 3.5 GaN wwsnnsBaron 9 oirLnad LicnBeies 1 Gov stant aIpith. wkansBanarpAes Devavuytd Gsn)0—. stent snesujth —i oto spond. Qs wiendGanond srsiniigy Bory sigsajinsrov, amido Tanda erciip Guwied _tiirefe sone dais’ By FWSGS KTEDO ooma1Ts wBITSRU ews) stoi Duwi AaB 2 omGor. uisiglzenar on’ Gud epsir gappwae Qtonavrrair (se5Lb14 g7O3i), snéGor (andAOL. atdQuaN syle) sisdsvmbd Popa Dan@tiuniacr. Dor cuGiw apsiry, abe proc we Bid sramanonen Qaahi'n jasc QanGi&arnsGud. Qsonns riciighaaiia e7aSir Laat sto) M1000 4% HDsworAng1. Cogn Qahinjsenons Dawes Mids Us RERe Ee UM IGS Gonersosyid a Poors Hui @ e160 cow Qeitennb st” gAOrsirapeb. LIDPus, Heiser DauIGe WL mod GBI Or AHA a0s51 cHniM, @L6b Ronit Qsrovmocd sromcenus axigrasmiasir. HO DE A FC OGUIG ramrow HPHAGW. go WolisonsGed 9Br mabsneGuie Davies uno quoibPea sour mois Qari BapBps. Mir AB BEGLand. hniyy 2. 6b orem rDONgd QBs » amaysenen 9 irises @- Asnagss odsHUGh uorBPmapagGtd, WD KEGEGI crore 9 owra] arpRiaGRDGwr, 18% 2 cmraysBar ni Mecae Meignth a4 BaiSlus 2 omray stgpHd Dususies anprvrns Doss? oes sui stone. soph? tn paler Cut (perpaemir, pater a BrId Rar 9 c10/%—5tb, hi OID Bad Dus © omaprepronsd Gaspar, aasie,icd ofA Sisnsiip etonon/ Bin rida yA GonkuionT Bqsx coansPedanav. dui Basir Qe arrapih gr ress isc, wypsiesey toda Ben. LkniGa waren gavias Qauiujd 9. gyompiny wi GBw srosésop ‘ny wig. Lnicnpaaohd, Aomocypisahe gsr pape mzoveny Cliptiuaisensnud, odBarame Barigs angie srenyp, sous isosytim grate walsafsr DunDaonien sidacns, aie siphetb, aevgiom, ensens, 15 3Ca00%, wnmarinaia BaD Vinnsiparan sri Meipen. Uh DiSAuPach radon goamiuGis epyungs DunDsConr 1dag GUISE PHuUT0d wHspre wi GGw #1 Pager GPPOGAR EAU AuDxonr ydo. ug ‘pnpuMss nising one erbooIGs Gu ah GI, “yoLUIEs GpHOpEGh nL ot 2 LULA Qos@pgs croxd Gord soso soLeuniadr gored oii 2 wUBsr ap DOigid mowed phos ction SAGAS rod) unison 15) yo ug cue QGIGH. YC QLuTaA oriror QGIMsy stom ivi g,56 Dad ridmeoryt, AAD, Csngrnouyid, Banwnfer gydignd, Dewp ensuites snout Adrmepid QGegI. wriniined wo GCrw WdGib Dormers emg oii 2 Lwuny sd avons. a5 HAA, Conse, Qe, mdy, xpos Guincip 2 omraysoiics cision OSG? 2.siareH? Qaydsop oobi nad pode Ie LULL SH YSe QaranIp Aunhascr agAoipo? Qorany 2 sive BMS’ USSG wdsenon 165 QoioIunPash sainaebenor? BOBidpL ais0Te BALPpIEG 2owayaionsss Lioweyib ooiTaNorH sibsend 7851 Oarobranay wiTesGar @ conor. ‘ub seneo 2. ssusuiTon QESeOw Hs gHaDandrGamd. G5 Qe Fed seonh 19 Domb sidscor 2 siargs. 931 9@ Go amnIGaugs, soni preity waidisoir Darsiienend sides FIFRA sid. srevaded, sudrsBs1B Grigas obs) Qe ancnFe Lab 20 singer aidaoos s1eTa15s 75 Rami Fidson7 a ciaK Gis stems Guiness. QLAM s1tIGagid sidnor sniuiGasgi geip1? Qo AGITERUs 2 oo3y oinigns sreien! wHpsH eo HAprissin. ss eemayscir, Qiks Inudisensns Gomtiu@Agiargitd Qadenrc. LiuTPache DOR PUTTS Quins Kopp ofl, 4 Hiwedhgses 9 sit 9. emrayssanan 9 sis 1G3. QepsMeow 9 cin nad Oanavsiy snd 9 DaAdanga9 Onnaptionn oPauons 2 cinch woven chy auras WPwals xomarid siésenryib, x62 raps_uplb, apsivgionaytb, ores, OsriunBov~b, arcdugugyib, Lonencdsess MinBup Qeremiy HunPaepd gemnogo? Qaydyriaren Aor senor Gos 18 Duss Ped waist. tart 2 Gar Camende Hargis eilevoran ais QersDer arronp, ufone sq teed 26 oot ANDKGEG psy Osm sig@pgs. weavlgsh ousnunh Oauires BrbIigs AA, ug, Fro, Cangonweus FnciFe nb TB.551 10,000 sin Deere upsionGy. DS FHSS) wrTyh UPemmoAUd Aes e5ralasr mpeg - wahgafet 99.90% sfoirscir pmb Dass Ooteusog woowBu AGMA or 118s. Rovsnund Ippon ss vss. yd BeOxraie pub gernafe Dagyib 0.01% waismGwo Aspsgscrongy. Doro gd a singed um 1, gIGasi, aniisivdFGondiv, Garrd, Dunie8, Gean, wish stern rstarDasiGp pid Foiaenigs Optuings. mb shor aenages rypsau7®, uiRirounon@uysren earsysssit QopsPups amish iupissey io. UMeorin IDR arp paen AeiGarrbHs Buursangynd, Dempgiehon Bisons gL udiaepntd weigaher Wpssismw 2 omy GlonpsAGu sr6rp! DGAEAGDEN. 32 OL sth YsOREHES apsiry Domsx B68 steph YonoEIQLugGeror srgLbLYkI 1G 61 BH BH Derr sa Degstisher agubdysosr gonibahed syoybonp spioGutr, sassy me gerGl shone HH O35 Qorpshenw 2 singin KouGasit 2 crore. pibDth Men_sgcron Himes ayy oasir 26 WL ath aysir® uypemourmerenas. Gung Bonen si=pb axa 1281 Woals QerGw ave Gpreipaildoa. GpprBior GPiousso55 vig gartacigner CenaGionGrGursirei rior pnb. puss Waters CanrGwr sGréLsv. Qissoraw sig pasts was Oynsironcesten CawrGton G@tdu aso was Gomd Bysrsiin/ ase 35 BowPAQANIDncd osers walls» Goud (su Auisi {glonb) Gonos 2 sin, ou Lariat pus Dene gagysivensar. wiaiuher aomaurs femmosResd aesepralach mgt osm, Stan sexsi, Wh Gprenryi, Dati 1gd og oofyt oie; Lypsracin, WiNash wppnd RoigatinenonGu. ppc snare” weallgssr oiGuingy toner, enenen Burney Quidus yssisicsenen Gar” sows ANdGasAederw. yard I995G UpsBi Qenosh sarc » ouaed Qa sDG4R nay. gro. walls Bonsslar 248) Aasndnepcnm 4 Yn eam gorPsose uPewmodDwas ovis Wnt aL f51 BUpy soe. gcs Qari g~H oDapesrd, syorencar 2p WMpmiactes Doig URomTioARarTs AZAUTIWIGEP, wesfsonss » aiRair pamovarcir 2p FRusgy. 218) etcrow w0njdgp1b9 seminjss wont omanay sass 9 sion Gsm wus! 1 mays FDR Aaiasib, yo Cusncin Aepsixanons sorainay pmb = seoiwhe wma 2 omana1 ssvows Qsn GPs srr uewmosSacd gsanavisch ld umids00 aperBanps sagem: 1291 Gora gMpriachs. udems Qos Frome Aombdu Gpod IGIG’. gourd aL wisi saAhDe Srmmonargs or, Pw oraha WnBrpeos 2 ciromayts Wpig.uyis. Qsenre pid apenonsig Deron HAs sBovrimepid, Be erehed appt east’ 1A, Bend yppoaen sent saps) rept Deor spor. Qarg gonad UAewrrcauaronissr wos ypanonieir ips psi Meiet AugwaAd ADaNioo1% mpMpmissir gpansrlei aioe MDa, HDsAias APH Gid Rost ssoriipys 20H wpp «1p Deoatiaononyts — Foy ewan #Bued weal soir Ysa Laci. 45, F515 wn a ssisves a siusspihpois walsyd wdp Noakes Guncip Qiong Aey% Bw; Fonds wile 2oaGer prow wp DEssiaoi th Qebs GaMUGSP wahzorrs wap Huss. 2850 987 9G asmear WOW 2.sivG warijgeraed 0 icmp YuUENd srafed 2181, wombs 2omey wt GGw. Kod. HAH, UGLY, Gangieot0, Garis), aTeMpLL[plh SION 2 Ror HS FAGIEG HH Domomaript sPigreQanciramsiast. eng 11 OB Ho nes seoras DarGss1 oinGwacr. ognoemo1% Rovapth Gena wo GGin amin oomb araipra Aad worpmisaRed san agie Genpuia® ars walscr QragH@onar. ocrascroy 16? wahsaae ewes UAésunTes HF 9 ome}, miNiLiTad. yours, HoTigs nalsDaGs Dany prime wr Bw 2emairad OarGass orpsngyth iargth De» waged oan d585) — Gapumsnad An sgiAGamms. gone, Perup Dara uysorenas wi G0 gw WAS HFGIGS Or DS—1 upped arsir pkg wo ena. wipe sais 2.1.6 A BInsDanveor utd; a1 spo0% Garronnyssir Pagid. myth, pristisTOAed m0 Bodoorg oon’ sapgrbsir Arb Sus ema, Yoon ecmiBar. oo walsan/aGs Gaemarusen sencnsg) aims mat Merman, Derrdbsonerytc, yoprimerory tb, Danepiiysmraryts 8p ypoossig soared Qanoin gr 2 corey 2B BS, GIGIEAS Qossoenon woigonnsM pub efsirneoor ang aun 95) APHIS YOIGH y.s1er.coras Giorehsg wails Qersongss SC Lenwgp acme) - Qenpsuysaray. 055 Qa Gsaomengy sod snp o1 GH Kun (ponpasth eriinsey 4 aRusrongns Qremsapig.ujtb? sronGar, GuseAGuir Lun” ering oar Ooonpw wt’ Sueur, AG GAMUT FHOIGSS UU esmayupenp gobo. widen 1301 Wallnné®, weAls sypprusmss siiouss Bare Hop upenp. paler @ oAer Qsneironourron wi’ GgiGer. sunniic, pnb pater 2.oBer apse Curs8Gun _unLangd 36 Baw ninangRed oF 1862-1 aonDFGO vwonéssom. siiSiingy Karp, eBid, CO Bad Gunsinp or pind er Qovsoo. hod anova Hed Qe NvrpHei AedeSuuh ‘using (William Banting) s1gyts smoupannit poart uhss) niinni got Aoypdsepagd, woronisens gid senocssess. Horinongs Lomancy 2 oir, 2.0599 Dougie Gairnenni. si 30 nied Galigy oO Boones mt oie epyunp Plone arbasytb Dong Buds wOsgarOLtd zBoonsenon Basi. wesc 01 SiN DA Daur’ eroiyy aupsasonen pp Bornsenencoais Qags—ii. ON O45 21988 DGRGU ered ug oss Gud 2. HrmdHhM Hy Osrare nt Urey, Dory QosnGweshGp od vw_g . apeNTe aud UM IPH. -yemgsciGunss Groguib widvione aon. 2.1. Bogut @oin_mepud. Slonnihgs Gries Unoiny SL tb “Genpainen sBornRaarond 4TH" sion mByOT DOLL B. HO HL SRS Omipud aniaplosnar Wo ed AICO opsni unos. wb 2 GUURHAysd, somaisdon Peau sero wuss Perws ed geirafen. Whiganenanie Baida iat. go OAD Orig yah Wi iS, ALBUM Oauigs, S4re, ovUT, GPaos aHpi con lw onde (pupAsab true Dougiid § RBovn we.GGw Ni Rug! Qsahenr Gu uisyKgGsgs srgiGa gs Posyid sgiDsneivGL apse. Dink poe unsingm 1862-6, Aedound amma stad WSO HAS 611. GuTg SeHGETED ai srOY HID! NH! SHOIQINUCH ag s1dr sor sPslUysed Husmnd sre oo Sukh ocr oupass. sworiaAuyed vintage oo Teo aBaNiny wig #73 Basnsg Buns Nivinorsendes anon sidsonGu" sieipri. agsinIeir anal, His RGA Ot eteus apBornsenen Dances. Ninos 451 1B ass? 9B, UGLY, Bangi, Wl Wp, ubpaiast, otra, Lined sonord Doub QGSR MBI. 24% lors evs Fre Bea mg. Vir stant cnt Goresn@id9” tart ‘@opsH, wpe. wpond Gar Gundip sideman af, pu070 somaursd 3mn9G! Diag 9G yBarsmorcw wpsdrupeopurnas Bax Ri asin wy QPS erisy cH Qowgid? wr ercouups, Qorpsarwepd Poiypaed sr9 @au') ‘gma Q ugh unigsgiom_n? Gena adomi QarpsMenw wi OBw EMUIGAS por. Goi 1s DeLuna adaomnb pups wpupha eoray int Gb a.cinsayib wrenest, seine mB, fi ip epasiaGan’ erciypTt arias. pdsnGen Ordiujib9 (sncvarpis Dupo Gasirad Gig AkissonsCun, ySouGur, gpnrwenuGun AO AObAU uasryd, anvil Qencresi4 oamajwpapow YSHand wxpPieani. Penh apsra) Cosmor Qauyud wmAlsd, 1, 9G woyp_sir, ure, @afiny, Yar Muara we Gus o.civa5. wrens Dango up sniPGeuni. Oon-n, A GmarbR ping mmoposuid seHigsri. aBoiaeray skp BE DUUIIG Qodonov. Qo A HFG sinICr mi. 2 argye vos SPewsees Qawad cpg, Banca Oipka esepanouren 21d ySard@unb Quppré. angsafen Bau" Gib Aygo 9 DaAisy Bre wpaphas sMurrRHe 4) ASS Unaimgs wp 210178) BIE QBs aod 2 pateonewni cinoiug sh, goironewes GLitar -sKemoweeGtd Daw romayurmpunad uuororuGassinGed rcp war Lon” ADIOS 185I- -.sinH HO GIST TAOBesTh. aA BurraoTes Larauponpaci, YRu FGsRTHE RD sverige 916 Ged wach Woused sen -sas. QUG Lng), 2 omays 1¢ OHNE twig: sro Oarrodouigs Grab bos SrwADSd ‘oroing.s ory: Qanovarcise gi. IBiuTg a2) pists wie 1g G54 @8peir* orow urropsb aejpiom Lite. ‘pneir 1165319 8iRSd GGG” crow se prarniincs aicopl whardGareni, gob, Lins, apt so sro Bayisor. WBordsiv sraswinsGrb \ysassis Cadvunins 1. Gana oF Lob orem semypeaLIGd sidaons/Deuypona nan. asic Baris. yt sid, OamegUOUGyEs ine, ypu eorex Qorsianandigs tor" G10 2 orig! CuTéD alpaKdiasi

saronpe oD Réatseptb, eoGancnIurts ent Wngé Hoot OaiwaRcdrerar. 2sanpus HAone 9.sx1a} stag! ye mea, Udi? Denys RujGun. sara, Rae giro) ars onipgutb ides Upton enuuyt, Lito Gans Menuscyth aaa" @ oft” G) Panga, tonpBlewrnias psndr Ho Apmpacr Paippsor. xmicr CnnepOu@se mgr 3 LAGariiaw-tb, 3y0dDus semraymornm maiuPed onbumh Asiwiucrer wor, Qaps® Aigid RyUsrswUToIRGss sybdwoiPR Aomduod Oaviws Apsara Bum’ quied esses Cunenaiacir, DsopMd Aarepiy pass, Qariegn cron Oulu sides Meso_rohsohonr Cu Asn wi Mug. 1970-cahe Qanas Piss MOA HAH QO HAY, Dent gnigg Oodaricr Beraenieihs sorivsaiuses gy. Dudsaricr, wisndBenomd Panne Denorayth Povrres woupiorpengs Grigpori. Ci Dei un srontiiGuh GemoGanapriy, ora Lut ort Benn Suori. 11GsgG 2 ome, GaSucd GBs Iba DpoMad Dom _wumg. Qo sony Des eprooisa aps SOS CH Lt. ce 561 Dep gab G5 pSorrcous HPL TAIZ ET. yD ‘QonpsA, ype, Oaapery BHucva 21 MdGs DaDpod. Qanuptiy Gerpasron omBor DL gykg pdms)’ srw ulipayensiai. sidasnasrd. goeGu ¥Awiis s7% ¥Banngianoen MHimsurs TH yIOsnsin gs. yOwvNss ammic. yBrrAGwaper, ADWAGS LuTGs yBanACuapsr upparren sponte wiagtu sBannygionrs Cuian sips. Qos wowinjsnsG Fuss, glibd, Towser, GEM, wos nities sivustéiat ues Qeusiren tose undies. Qi yur Lema) Popau PsOUsg WGSHA HOHE, WGSgOd Fd QII UM ABEL a weD, La Uponpsenl 2 Gaurd! ADEA sTAgE, QBraTAgNd sigs mTeTu Boon synch AaMer aPPud. Qwiss wiasr sidorwe #114080) Dems Geo GPSs0 sore GunMdsnwsd —poupih GPECuNd gen! ADAG was aniTGMpniasi srepd 939 angemppnd grBon wraps TC rrenayts, UiaKen zed © oem BribTiBemni? sorisman uTigg yoo Tydod shy SOsnenGr mb. Ipg, Lungs we. Gi yBu une eRovr LuAIGumb? Oude uC Au ga@aafes Lucasey waG@iCureng. (pt eoruyts, Bens hy ib 2 sovay Sumpscid Dogar gPsaiucra. saupSer Qrsons MAGonsow-ub, DareplOudse ungua Hy sg14ansinsot 3 age Seniiéey umd 1913-0, qasuric. avenaut’ a4 (Albert Schweitzer) srggyid Rpeirgyar om ArII8t BiTAaaray gs ocinni. weys—gisraen geri nis sbgrorgrofupb, Crusid gout. Gropig ycn8idanaeir ViMurob gaPed wEsgIAWME gHeIEOps BLQeTI. HO NGL BAD Qrsin mGod Gust AusaPaerers —oomond Renn’. I qscinDxenr Ge Ing, GLovarred Trésnsaaprsir gy ayers HYG asin, svenout’ Pt ARImIdG cupsni. Qonge uso repgtbdGuings, ‘Qie Al agsinGaohed yoy Bpnui o siren 1) BOAR smeryts pret Pia Asorer" sistgy Putin . arre’ jour Biogyd L180 gysinGarcir op SiG Wp iGieub UTi6 9B La Yp9) Sprunehssmend 95 Bsgciranri niGtivisd Darsroouiseneni Bure sank gnbddegy Sarohcies Gg, oi’ Cartes’ ercigy Bey Qa P pai sivenanrai. WDB Liatbmoytd. 41 goinGaonrs weysspasd vi ih SreOmLdBe YboGpmdi, vtbwors Gomis, GL Vndonen, 135 supape Gursity aRunPasoencs Oasneiu. suis ent Risa Qdma renrc eras orev gral weslgsNei err Pacr evens) 2m Bun Dogs craves? Glart OL Owde, UpsHysensr gyamiss Uo syutarrenissir (PioGpnd oem prefs weiisesir alusnS* erciBy a. g1Gp vist. lari BUI WPF soir niy.s0 o1onT, IL sau Wpssd Ose ar@aitd ascor Gpsiainds, swt, poinGach, ws Lett, DiBsiaovr’ Guns Qupoa a.amapsonard ancuTe G angio s1bs0s wiuge wos qpia YborBoma eine) Bone win. BN HG UGBAH aPA Gb s1aieDBi017 wasn apytuy 1905-t GLA Gs Qscapri, Aadmaypt OL wokass (Vilhjalmur Stefansson) sigpyth gyttasroni. .918iGo gos aUcGttb gi) a usonan orm QyOui erenautLsit - AldoggnEpit siv@_cinesin Diss sna se gGrnidur saOashe ydoBpni user AMdTEDG WHS. 1898-1) Aoi1G Gossard vneirDae (Lancet) sign gid ‘wera yhOSond Us sIyBogs. 50 AHIDKHED (pony, OHABd uUBBerup GUGBSGU tydayGper Dessay Davey a 98d 68 Gps yds Gp 9 sirens 659 saan GarafanBusirarg. aro DBrondinsh anregtd UGB, 4b. Usin@ Ht aflenonunng yUBurTestb. Lich, B apie aApgacr QeiyV, rio around isons QeopFAeous a cngpitd Pawig srovDGwrkscr sdroniuGairissr. saviwaher pomay stdriigy £16 gs (seal), au bua (walrus), BrBiiiasorb, Lebiarg pore Qsmupiy PobGu AGaxwiaer. srsinprargs iyianoas Deo upsrar apt_eoadr Rant agib. Ganon or OG Wgd Arurona 4s, onD gAAIAGrd. bt swus Hed sation Heo KurEcir Doors Gib. sd somené ant seviacir ADGAwS OsaapuId SH aGsgisprov a cierimissch. m3, GLADE UI wmpid asromy Qoviasr acing Eds, wupas Osnapiny MyibiFus Gsyo4A 2 saroys Ben. 1381 huiimBoow 2 sinemmod Qaviscrnas ony, a Bicinp (py ps it (D5 Aes epnahmopag sry) YRuns yRors Depoas. overs Lin Det Up S Aeeprahasir DPB Gdaoiicdana. gpenncd finn gh soe uushigis wngiissr oo apsipionpts Luvinginorer ecemaierenas crocicd civaial crept Gpnuinad [ciated gortmd qyruGee) unPéatis Garang of eoe5 res ash i Deobaninch. song rguisenssanp Gomis Grgiersns eb i ReGbamtser. gponncd, cseGrth (pupca nis lasvar 2 oiueeITys vACUTRERaG Gd HHI aGUPdew seus Ihepiohaepages Hains Pare Qos NdnACwrdweme ce pias a1cor sd prirRus oivGrcsciiscr, .sourkssir ut aossomar Gus 2 ira. 210178) 2 oT] UpoHM: roller Tysaiuc Boer snes sn fi OSes Gasccin@arcpauch GE Quien. Boer ueefuder a snmms) esos Cuno As GUIs DOG. 1g PnGbueoy ansHiooo GCosinGid. oN weai@armesle og) GJendude serous Osi... (ys Soin poner Dei g HBSS}, 21508 Ucronsraensanes pallu enepgAGeriac aevdSCordscr. Posugseodus ‘nésnen © soneDEu give Méroosaendes Bsr @Luniesr. Bafler © piiysaliGeru len goneognein Blak exsenon Claes. aisles omnonpiupseng 2 AiLiugy Guneo Bonen 2 Acuna. 2 AissiSIDg; Bailes UBSesc gers Haob UK GS CarOsasuG. Liésnguns Bonen simeneuG etiI@Goumd. sxpemSer Bes Wigs OedrpAGCons. wSlu comojians A _OoGs Hod Gand. Lops, Gorpsy HIrdSw Guflu Cer gery, eMail @ Bein eerrans piscuGid. spenieer onanondhed 66 OdGs Dw idM QesGAO angles eases Boose esinGumid, soma smiled, wenson cen ngiaila Bosengs, Bigs Demupio epstiy) Gausar uses Bonomyd, Gauss enous Booerujd enc Ge onnI@ oende Copy ores 2.cnroy.d Gigdsriod Gumi gy. QaugBAd Ganges neusaiii Beer sonanustes QevaBmngs. Bolen 2 gySiyésafle) gonsogsnen saneuuines ig). HH Piblisdlerss Qesngylioncs seg amcnSh1_ned, ena0.96 ajeSla seinGlemeow amp] »-cinugy Guns semaine DEES. rings aaronemujeoh srupgiDpoai sivG_cisiracir 1391 BOMTEd e1coMGion 2 emeHeh sO usiireV I Qe tnankgonpasi cwraiicd oti Qisvono’ srow srapaiSont. ‘Cone ac’ wip AsLALbut wngmseie MRsF5UOd Corscoens Goflorer Geususdle ungiene WRurgsre syenar AenyeHied Gar_GeAl@A leap Gs OLCiner enseer scivACordscr He 2witeien guise BSB UoMYpUL NEEM Hey Cuner Honenss) 2,60uj.cin Randlpaioc. prc Usnpw Uneven sei. 5e—ris LAorag QideonsHo ewiewengnss soeslUGd ABGLnED Hoes wren Go QuGuner Borssmer Rain GLsin. - crow orupsy Mini «iv G_csobrats BFE UG AKAM 8s wey Breit, pruiaroinguAcd (Sled) mig axis QaQorng DausroncrwA ts AagsAiBae@ Oangsatd © creou ami Aydranr®. yong Bale Gum Gs sniu9e 1 ovOruciac, BEMGS aGonu HDSSCorrs vomited GaisxaPcrera LUDO AU Ibs acme BIDE Deus) wns THAD TI. Dire wigs ug mshi, saci erry 21 sdpovpid, aGrrdRurupis scr yuyahe Com sri34 wre. aPant Rem aRedenar srsrpiib aut syBoirk. 2H NGLwIs |Gy 2awenar ecirus) GuaTG daa Qsdsra, Bonen tot PEto 2.68 gondgtb, srovAC.ond mem dtd sivstad engGau Dadroow rsp wisi 1G upth Bas Davy Beir wdgyth fens AC BeTaiTS ounpsanaayth grader siapBuycron’ sv oirsss. Bit, gas, sioner - arsvélGion LiprixgiqWlani 140 | nuivhCondeaflesr a1 cosavencnts Udi crupgieosudd... 2b UGLSAO BAvdoordenen siovdGondsononé iS SG ger. qeuisafle GHUGrGE cat Yop Camis Dedeoen. nvivdIGion Queimecr engryermones Ip Os wypisengesoent) Quip Osudomnisd. S6drdSCondmend es Pléos qoflis W@Agiolower gery DOIG. cp Qusinamdsnagy Sine: 105 ahi 21Ger weEsgAHses saeusd OpAAdaiu@d. QuGbur014 soured wessisui AL OSG aGusHOs HIGUEraMeG PuhorsunsCar Gear BAAOd. Mroawd unide AL Ode css w@agiauens, Aer HDL amenrke (ein epsensemuls WUD GueinConr aqpdgiasg) euefliunt. Aefwcr, Soin Coy gees exe, Sees sourd wend crea sige evierendes CpiaSdreo. Usg1c Vereomacnen Quppnd erivdl Bion Gueirad Be yGrndAwionsqys, egegitiunee BoOddApriac.’ - sreinyy DurhApni svOrusivas in owas pind gd sorgurns wo Pesda, 1m sonra Omnis aR Upson 2 ways QuTGsrsenan (QansH, Oui, yor, Gsdiens Bundipae) wahgssr — 2 civisned po taDedwa, wipas pero BITS RuLd Ouy@o, waiiuinen Gang Deb Dg WM, Cangimin, Upsissi, Qohtiyasr, sidsos Guasiip ays OnnIQtiy Aedensn. pened sidaonad sdsraci 2 craven. Garin nui qdrAurraRederad: umn goin _1HEp m0. Lo) 16 RyRy stcinsans Beah apni ound. 81 ob UGS Upstonarig! WEASIO 2 eat “SGouMAS sirens" shor Ga Un mL 2 @amsRug. Best sng L691 cnimiGarahed, pmb 2 strap cued Qgsgu earn, rr nwa; Oxia sCarrfenw A 1 s01 Depp Goin 1B visi Bonnb, Aaarey rciuytd sGarnfanu ai gSarpascar aBarnienus oF Dancin pm geboSuaBounb: hie sBannd sess G4 Bose wT 1g ob 2 chow Ganpssir Wav: 1) nub srsgeneu aBavaTenws sRARAG Harr sIgeytd seme, arnepsepid MWS. 248, s185ee9 «Garaw oAADBn’ eres bat stud, Diss soud8Q sydumc add wwenipsrs tong Ray. 2) gh ers sonor sGovrfonu 2 sURGnub cei Meyd wa Rdasdacir, Gpliuriissir a crore. aBorAsaies sore Hus wb 2 sivaspILb omrenas WadahuTs Hops. ston GUILD, SGvmAS sods Gum Gaoii@ib. sthigd Unidgs wIGGLo emnTGarsy Rarew73y. 5, 2ciBor rise Sam! Gung, 21a exspaner aan aH KHUGA sy esis) OpAumosd Oi Lusi GIGS DEneiNGaKGorSI? i$ sunsinnsn aoe stig.) I GesoN pIRuww1s, © oma Oumssirsenen #GovaMerws onohsh WAGIGABID, GO Ot orronus PL go ada. wGonpauiTen sGarniGu 2 cirogi, 25% UptenLonu af. a7kDart cor. 2 siaL18y soborgs ston UDGID Renard ynbsppnicsir. Qing’ war Lut Yonssie cera repig Union’ wpm oprimiiGRpss: 1563119. aU, paivdihh srsvaomb TL GL comb. peste ona Tas srtnR Garsin Bib orsnusmisst. Qa rod Donpuron K95FO AGtb- 4, aBanié ssi fanaa pub eninigd goinr_AMBpnb? HiKonT ABKUpsiron 2 omaynensn 2 srepHdBriTg! Bi 168 HS sikacondisr Hara ABADI). 9.1 ony wine sidaorrourd BC DAG Ds1ei9@ors fib senssusth (pancreas). GsirwaVleir apt ADTIGIONMONs FTAA DB. Dorner arpggih 16H 9 sor aihacns Graham B pth MIQES HaKIUKUGRpg). wc igs wibsonrcoUd DemTUgt nN WIA th Gysmionsig sep de Gaia Rngs. 2%. Bnd Gain 15 drsaMgptd, sido Dapsion > omrayne5Gtn sro BoArayth T6HbDH ocron widwes sarnas BirwaAetr GmPAKAARDS! ordniempujth sainBLmd. Qaarred pinky vA AHR S. 21-4 pidsow Crogyid » sire wi 1 and GO@psy WMIGLIG FInd croton OrGAE nbd? usa), Gurobre 1, wore Lan Bih aidan r 9 cror 2 omayrenontus 2. oirDApnid. sounds oinGu Qairaoerr ogg WeinGud 91 Ne Oanaginy Gains. Bair Qougs Onn tpg yowPanovsRed sidser7 sonopssir 21 Ad OD Qe, Penypt QsixIer uvypsop Opa itésy SI GMa Hosgnd gow. Pe wenomup Per 8.0 Dadacr UEpSOL KAD. mi Gor Qerslaher jus Duyid 1421 nsnpgiBGud. QacnBeir pid 2.1 0b riéseor sonayssir BIA igs Linings sidnonr PunPaph opgioNORnss. huupiiey Dao 2 cron QenpsAeous pub oér_nsd pib 9355500 ovina Fidsonaiier yoray aPahangs. anger, Qenns Pic vidseng gud Qeiero. Qpsnac web 2c Sted Gir aDentb wuisnge. sideeng DunG) 2crorarkssr ovr 2emenar wi DC wioriss 21.0le sidnens yorayrcir 9 oAia7S) 21 gy goin mang. QaireDeysgGb arc UgWeydgu Ban Gu 2dr apmar oahu 2a wi DGSIgHE, AhrsBgnd Dpengumns hs wisius gar Lu Gash UmsniTspriuGaDsdrens Wiscrats Qeiaer arsiprd oGgn sidseng Pun) aibsariKendg wnsGIGw Gaorarunen apart cteinn -soroBicrgsesr raicgub QeracSievean pips mass AemsH0 visi Qarmallenet 21s amg GG WTUs DAG Ass pldoriwd anda. WMS IPOH HPs Gd sidmeny yeroyaohe Qos! hidcnind 51bs. aenomrUpDed Qoirmoer rsp gicd Hy) 2--oer DusbseRd Ge Ueveiigionen su smarsonan pLudsDogs. «Lore TUpLoL sha gid uoMTAGss IGA, Cexnaprionus Land gid Uemhég Qerxoden sroinPApgi. anpemd, pib aoe WAaAds sidsens generar Genpas ers Osmaptivins wapD Jorsrg wigs ouDutd yorovasr? Qaenred, 21 er Qrdmeayid Asnaptian aiuens HysD Daruptienrs Garis wid wcwhuhed H@urGReiypow. fund Gooypfigs wBovirl yjorBas 2 cowoney a aime gnib, pn sion red amasitb - Goins oSn wasn. tiny, medo%, Qevaer a1 eb a charurgons > Ld UGisr CUTE LW AUMwenag suTefurrRnsi. 15807 105 Ad vernTo Unidsosinyg wDedenso. Beirne npssAdmrOuericd pmb somone pgs AGBornd. 2.oei Hidaong sonajarend 5 GAGS oncvds Greirwoen sasRurth qornsd, 995 sonaiovien QeiinDenerd avdcenmud gid wena with sidwenndagay odio 2omevay 268s oc sbupiognsgtb oflunBaamagib snes. Qian GG modsis Lue wpwpast Ganda ooo Aciiper. arenavued gb Qo IMUIDAURHSw HAHHSO 143 | UPI Hay Up sor 2 aiUB gid Qua Ms Runawiasr » craven. Snenwiie B65) Qe Sus anuT Ooi @, 2 omayd SLOUVUM Yd Qetuprses svi Panswi Rp misc. Br’ onus WAITED 2 array orcingy srass—spI Dien. pss QW" MkGs sinione aN Dausiranors Fidconreourd amtT_4 Oaneinewned vyspyornb MVAI Qi Komen sikxoorcours ence asd 9.1 sips srsirow AGU srt) Sau Gumd. gente, Gaushanond sidnonnig, Paona HAM Gi TSKABH stdmens syonoyroor (Paihia Gar DaiGos. Dis Manes, sidamreges swr0sen spans Bows Perarssegi ahIonu aGorsMu 2 oma srcinps Donwptd rncnIGawgs aun 2G Qo 2 oin_mob orcives oy o5tb oro gys QIGenay Ajo gy Qamraunrr TEARS sidaorT Horsch gPSs sro arpib. a Langue ib MoU DoraSenend HIG. Qsrwslesr 2.1 aa Oxmagtiorus Gosihiigtd railed OUGIB, 1638 9 cton siréxengeous tayaiu@) SCY pl FIGIEG Dany. mI sek sidmcoTHU LengAehse7G stab Qanaptiins: wap pio Oamrniuder GaBiinj4g taoyCn td. fob Byseriiancs avant. MSL ct MINA a1sypid Qamw. Qerasenrs spas Reb FidKoT Hora GOOApss s1oHk cums. Osan poses Pid SonT oTOYES Gompyth. 21 emg Ws Bib aponor LIA s1gsyt> Pionorm aeons. sikmen gona GmpAgl wuss s1énLIeDBe UMpOarcnERAscr EIIABaC KIeeed 1G woHPag FAR GAG sgrarwvsi Gasp pmb, vsgimem@ans Ded igor Gasinganay an” pring) Ovsin® averuypb, oc wud Der" sisinpy Bau! Eom’. DGs srw a omarrs QU AGL Usd rg ypuenr. -qtbOae PULA Lad sreirorarngsié9 YEE g100) sik aon7 Root wing. s1ssured (plot ib sidisony iste ADsHng. QI opps © sireswrens servis neir arene Levene: acvAEp id. 8, 200 sadGs Booasuiaer siRsé Aone som w Boots pid OsmioniaRed cron Qanaptrenes 104g 1h Own _aigub. Qaowra> pid Qpniienrs wenreytd. pub 2.6, Danapeiany Ri gud roma Gopi sg1cd ape" anraAed 2 siren Osraptiph (dietary fat) Bais Adwiu@ib. say laa v1 dOamepiiuns (body fat) wal pib aoe Criss snot ags. hima 2 cman pra Qi age UB pirgy up orc aminD’ nad oiMDIGE UW WeaACpnh UPA. Andes GaRgtd won siinags 266 Oanugtny Mbwc@id. QeraOewrs ouGrr o siunranths wrote, ase Guinsiiy oases aur Pesci au epi onnditny Qusguosrafed gemypuyt. 4 STADSAMYS SoSuneorreyd! Bib ae. MPAUTUBRE seivGL md. -gerIed, 5 Bidiptovsi0.Ts orem onus Gopss (Wuad UMGb QarxoHler sie suridersenus APPDGIES5 wm cis. AiG GS QonedarciisGaGsod wm “aL HUGSR Asipne GQoendsomd, gGwpaunas amin aed Glonardsscomi® erein 1g1 Cuitsiyy KGavi sinsirein” Gok Bam Lia sir 919 CH1s01 Wd ontop, opBaysn9%Bor. S191 ADs QeixoHGor sass sro 165 Qoordsgpor ec puwsHpn Oa rig, Qty usess GPJossgGb ApMuph mPoynsun® Ig. Panne sLpsorscignd, ysardscigns pone inuapA Cup Oancr Garnier ssiromios prephg pron 1PahsR pg. naeMaiad AMaAVHIHdGst Orduariaeps QoI®pri asi ypphood wi BM A5H5G5 OG 2 HUH omwa saci 2 sores. 4. D918, WGLoponR zdHoiie, Curse Gundy 21 pret AaaAied waar Biased KOUORDUiss. yadaomdsnar epLTiweraTe Dam 2 GUGPAS FGA aTGATias. Oss. dboomeinid Garg eBUME Yep ovenfscom RED gs DAsdamb ongriseo1 wed owner Qaue, Qasewrncd erciahiscs Muigond Ren anngs Taso Lov G, wowe/acryy a1 pr Rd 1461 1 OnGGaunt mPGgnd aGid HPIEH gor ainiacir. Qotravena wun Pach 2. Q1%g yurppronenay sreinpithert sooo: Wiwaigcr adie et pudsMacmer GwpOanoinnery WON Bede si Gspowns wenhinomsRed poms gy siier? Osdcioned si pacnmisd pom upp gli i iiinn a ed ao0pg)Qanain_sneni1? 300 BBoor sront_enes gorbussy aperyn IM, UeRgIEGLd LUIDAserar GupOaroin nowy arb Hailed oy 10) AGavnBe Leos soir apapsad adpewnenir? Quine. Qanay sramsupih spares QarirasoAaranav. Garin uy onc nach apSluyid. Garsinns gig arts 21 oa mruntb oypuGub wninnd 9 Pad. Brognd, nevis Corson gr denig us aicigeh wiser. gicira @Btd wast, Epusd Cuindip Agadsaaan saree WIIYIDGA® PywNy. somors gAgib Awad, yoo wNuapSer Carmigie oimind AO Qan@igr pra esssaytb Wiqunigs. eusmaiersig safe wager as Gronginmen gut dssnétr jim Semoun pB~od srsin gy gid Qarsdry dey upaswwrengy Drosha Dui 2. gisudpbM - onwuied sob, eg cour oxbDwLIG insaied, ydOaaaNd wemlssomaRo Qarvorws Cy 85. YAU Ousiradr af GGornw, fi AusnGaGu Cama, wor, Upsimcr, sniiapisenars Lass Gunciparpmps Gawsmiadr. Qeronuph Pan Oneinact oucrzomiDer phe Decry gb AOsIGS GUST Anta Gagaasi UAsACDMd. 9%, yPwohgar a1 erat hope market, 5p onrror a1 pI Raenort tis dona: nn PSsonore gyuParenra. sos Deis a PuTSA sons al G Cornooihc #Grisigs, AeronuirGargs Bureypsnar wi-GGwo. CUTE BB a floiurse, 2. uu Renu ph orsiren ingsDp35? 1 BB. SII Be ynr1ss OG Gann nyonay sicbougs @eiqnenT aneniptiLippsgbSs soLoi8M 5Bovne -spoTay. none UG £LGHUGHA Dadra aps, HO ouronypLruyptb qiagy Tovar sar AGHDACG ar puudprresd Med @pniscr. 2. GUTS eg psIGr UR oREASsr Powis MiAGDpriash. 6, 2. pupAuTd criips sBovniesenar sgned gnb sony 150 ¥Barrissner RDB nd. roo LINK. 8b © stan BBovUT EH seoc0 TH Sap et pues Dunsd /awwmon aBarasirseir o/Batb. tart 6 MAB. BL paid 300 savnfacir aAAskpen. gowns, Bessy 300 SBornizoner a1Aiugned gid stom Ouds1ad GompsareH_ng). AL GUIDA Dadiori, Ordiungari Mu Owais) 21 anh 9a ors HBooaAwenonGu erAdiessd. Ponupib a sic 2.16) 2,000 sBarrizener oAAngy orotpre Priscir a1 Hus Oaursnayid AGB 2,000 5 Barna Can srfdaciusGud. AL pup Muns com Gmpw GarsinGid sisxpac Derapth 90 PRL Ot a1 GUMAsenon fries Cus Osnsiron Gorssy Gud. Banned, Derapts 90 PB ec pindsA Oavigy cusped 01 ob Fai yii, ape Guo ara Gyro. afemonusn”G) avis URBibd 109 Neunrehsch por sia oss Gurcmargicsr Foor Gar Seoun gd sOuGNpnisd. my da. MNIGBIG 2.1 sipovdir sAAcarnosd Bumouenguth s165x AB, Gesu, 21 5UGHD Carpiumaigisahd 21 a5 Kerem wurshinap Daii®ns1. 30 MBL. Ores son pir Qawssisesto, 188 OL ABAGId Map poromouPige. sponte ar jusuTiA SUL mth Gariunrinn Govsingus peirpy. -gomre, stom dgornCi45y OS WHA GH Revoriiuigy edrIpuysO. AL GUGPAuN 01 Qeordaryy sicpacd aero pudyA Lames aicduprisiuGDna? Quran Den - o7Fus. Geran Canon, Qiviad Ru Qe Parvercisess Qenswipsy ‘gaftiuter smiounh (Beverage Institute)' stoi spenuocionus BorAecirsnen. Creve prOaohsd 9Dakisy 15 a1 upurgydgs FngemDIs Qe Novarniaher gahivneriach Bg ysis RDU BI Oise DG Ppavewiinerd Qoamis Qe muusorrd OsnciBenr Qacir aun ‘oe pus Oodianss Qorardscnd’ sip seHdsndab aigrarns upsialysatiuGRngy Pov cup miae ds Upsiny soGoniusinaed BarBaa Garoor Mparan’ ‘papanadsc (chairs)’ o1ohGin oo aemdunsens galiinnIusy. QA Garona Dovwnnd HBS Gomi 91° snip Dep uspsncdsnc wodscir 2b UUs ore Briss orem Ded sopra." 19 oH udsofics 9.1.6 UGUIsEs STTOMID - oBaionT o1cKIDerwrTOLs, mpains 21 HUIDA GupAsnstorsagndsIe: w~oLN9, siéaeo7 PinbiGes aewaysenon 2 sinLssTed sobo0 orcID) Oise Doyoremsswepd ip aera waved SaarMd Oauigr uGAerpaw. Brie sg) Yaphs Qe sah sworn As Aogisd YsDasAcipen. i431 wlbisd achoM Roowa’ Oi GCurysmer Ois Wurovemsise sivusroiet Daisy ‘2.1 puUaDE Osuiujeisor* stead Siow uss uncyReipen. Qs Dam Aggy! vaSuyor ps1 Hyiapied, WsKeHd ‘A PUTIDA Ostigred pmbd Aedes garay yutiutond Gydsonbd’ sop ‘eo _dugwgise4 sagemb uber CaroorBart, QutiadGurt, DiiGown ssvous ae «Goon woot 2 ois" oroinpied miiey®oniatr. own na1g7 eotouith Dav psinDaens— psinr “pt #Bovniraliss 10% goray shdaoo ried Qos argamib* stants wAjsyens Qorvus WN DUDES Ing 10 xp95D.a5ong 5-45 womipayth ypig QauBbrg Qos oosansronny aconay anBacit 2 Gow ons Ae GBIGeN. ova) Py aiouacr Magi Cpiged PPoru Pw xarahed Cin 9DwoAés saunas, aSoAie Grosse, Bip sens Oo miBorissh Aunt awiss IDUGESW, oH KEnBAT moubg agi a4 gb sripBonriasr. Qa Gusreiyy tsa ncn jororned, 8 wom sngTT soroUh sALnaMizgienronus Blavohude aNedso ov. WuAsginy Dari cue y oped pmb saivgmyh sic VUIGoneis, GORA TeM sir GrinepayDe avarfah iAP se1p ANwigt. Qanisop 0.1° Qatcroen sd Gonpig’ Oansingtisci egy Wppgiouriac Camu T GEG DODD Qetiuniacr. Obs cilnonaysenens 5OeCar, Usitosin’ @ 9 away Pprorewrivaaiies an3, 9s FIIGTT OOUUSBT UARGIEODIENENS HOE NOIDA Lg. 11d UGMMAGS srt9Mb FidseOT IMD Gars%Rund WIKIES OSM Ld, HHacRer Is SaId ehsgaTO ID oigTed, DE DUG WBIASS sa 0. pup Suciroi04j1h, WA sovnisenron 2 cisLigia/Gto' stor Dis Porasusiesci Fann Ginigy ou pRedipow. Soon suosinsn? Gib Gass iged a. sirar Benypaci stcien? Ay) Wega Pesaro 21 Sued aPuepspsu go soniled MstUTE OIG JIRA uTisMpgy o1ovuGs. sBer0Hs Hoctuine G4 GanCual gory sonorpg) «Booriseptr gern. Savi Ri swncesne” Gd Gam cong on.119, 2,000 Bera Bugnh auGbGungs, GoGw ADS JAS s1cdyard Uys. Qiuys srw oppuGseye, 1305 BuGar Oasrevaivn aed yatniDaugnd Om ify pon Qupyargns, PD LAD 166 GUL poor_uO tonooLthy any®gs. BH, aorpTUserrr Osrovsrys7d, QwGs supra yAisr DansroriiDRpg. 13% proriinsiide osrsnwt> pur mod Qossrd adyad Ganwsvyrrard rdioigs OaGpgrb SBUL Ng. 2 sdreniviFed, Qionsp Ganaveiny ara8leir ans 300, 100, 5.47 Qiohoravd ops yisgnr Ror ungie mh 2 TGS Buss TPUGAGS 2 sranupgeradpreh, Danasiry.snoonad sav. atoll waadapgs ama sonar (wniGiiTorae Ga) 2 oinugnd a crequnh 2c mgt. apne1g) Gassironor 2148, riba—nI, onuosT Bunsipenas. [581 Wigs some utd Oameptiy (Trans fat) roriuGi Orupenaé Cunuptnssonor a daLigigyib © craxnunh 2 oir gid. semourgya gs inci HUUGSSD BMUsnPD sioivGemanu 1 Hsgrb Onncidaumb, Or8Hd 24g IGSH GusenbH eres owsnus wets WHiGQGSS (py UTg!. HTT HS) ADF BH Ges. HHS sioivGesronw maria cient Catia qowsypaes, stain Geman uid Amis assoc ag sips) yonsiosir osong FOL wis td Finke BAG’. Qapsrs @iwsngD, aBerrov1, s2GuTem, porQeveinQennis, ni cn etev@emnis Guia — eroinGlendiarcir, §— Bonide Loot 198auhpib s1si1@p GauPIeonenig aC UGssUGAepsw. air Qantas gy mane see emt DouiborauaD o sion Hens pniact. Opened pp sroirGsmrisnaier Daaapcnjasr DASH gordo Gu steph sues Darupiivms WIRAORS. s1ssinIer Qs srevGemisasr gd sor GO NiiGAeypow. aon. yd stow FoOLOUIIdS HpHTDASA ps. Qucnter Qint Ooupenad Oanagcn ssi arcrow gp Asiypen? 21601 nih mbdrgnigs OraMerper. pib i gids Qudead Oanapiicy nist pong upastds QgGurw a gGanssiuGi Osujpmad Dainuptny aiensaenen stairex Gauiorgy steps ogtes Oe fusnsy sonnet yondreiv Buu! ened a chrsmunh PRs Ro5s- Monte YEG wi Hoe, Ua a1 DePaend eed a sirwruGo nage. 2 snsruns Qsws soviwcicd we Gud ousngy ssdavsue? Lad epiiyjdscr yororsParr ouGw. God savitaaiicd oo Gib ocramupgnd Bing auhppior aybur aurdicinjoG YHOagnddd sui scrammpgass Fos seal abs sipimay DAans apart PHSsasiny ot Per yovgsoner mp! Dono a gonna. BpADi. .s1sicir apt'egcd ancpt 9 sresmusiysrod wr sganp Goins piboois gaara Orb. a dG osUlG PunPeow Cog s@andrugs srevug, Qaiprer Qersncounry Capncs Asallayh Apatifsmnes soingguymayio Aa Q@rbeous sept. Dibsk qperdg crore wi5.g1b9 1591 Divorce FGraU Basis QstLarcnen siryarsin Bors Bsins058 HOH. Dig 485 sempanGen, psrowvararnan Gaansvsing nena Oat". aver creo; poured, Oss + Goins Qansin. rau atoéGleowis somone, GU Dersironar sAReruupt peoiongy stom ib. Gonzi BunBernd. Bong gieinsds9% yay LIERGsmn. DoAGworraysy yPisgr4AOaasinBarmd. 160 | 6 Sre@fwid ered one! Hrohund cro QBs @HUuIGarss AR, angyonto, 10H, sibt4, Ynranb Guncypaydonp Gus. 6 BLings Aero Quinoa), gui, Limo) Ynicyp Crmepn Os sroiu amanepir In soi0IS uGReiipaw. Guouigie Goarnisahed Osu Bargiun® Qo. srovGar. Qa praluriiseronyps sod ue que Baigg&Garcirar Goring 05 nisluseos cmos orork GAUAGaSTaA Ge PIM qoruans. aorahe Or, Epnms, vedunmd Bureiyp vomajach mb aishipm. ampaenauie umsiGy—stin Gries Menage G UGSg oma, Bpmerrohs erage sitona vemos Ogrpscmar upsigarrias. yBxGuTa —gib UMiginvararsaied Gpmunahsens qd snenad 2 oman Gi aSienur vind Qanddouriast, ridsong ouppne Cangremo annie Garoin@tb orig av Fibs609 SwumeAsenred mpOuGd aBayeos. Qabgs sroenby wAyps vomayact, Qugibumayi o1APRomw 9g tise e7E%s OsinebrL_cnay. Qacr my toed, HAAEGL UBL Borgierwones sncnT_S Ouucranrned, wiec Gonpasnass sacuTQauniacir eros srairanl 2155 aSoyena anpiistnsGRp3 lei! QED srsiyp red ibs, sere noduG Qe oSa.onsn aAupringsLsourinsh at. PHuTgD, Dam. arckipred Gopasrad amuI@areo,sd sinew pry ud. sOpEI gd Doug royprd anpaigd error waged OsMyrone Gangimrinerw s9tEMwI9s Danan ame, Fissos CpruTeAhshe td Ganges ge UBad 9 sncnR MPaYVIsIUGb! ABH sraeonbsrox. AD sarineniesc Dig dingy erorusgre Geonarné scnT@ourriasi CprmrhnemiGG UMpsgerrbmUGid, 5 BrréRMar 2 enroy sro Lua gtb pity Bia, aims Pune 21 dparendg sibs pebrenwoupd SHUGAPSHe. gored, QapPorrd gpuGis Zowasir VMMAHPHA. WAS HIG Gio udGags AunPxeye Gonsu irrom 0nd <39010 Aer p eH. BE GU Dasciron 989 bpd nog1 Bursiynsra: OaGsed stings BOP ETE gad 9 cron UrGagid UTaIaTIKs QsARp Papuric. syed LOG QrsG wrpprs AysnAurrsmsretd, BLU upg prahurisonoyr GryIOrADprinch. us 2 sxerHKia0Red Pysrahu aomoynch AAmIUGRSpe. Apisrafu aAypréesir peo QupMeypen. GATT 0A, oriwspe AAP, Caypasrg AOL, Hd14 YEO, Coron@gneos Buunsip Byrn waster a eovayssst paicnpomscilgnd Rue rGAeipon. Gries eucyarsgiroe Day, AsndMOa1HAGpor. HHGI BD AM, wtdYy, oH, Garon, Gangrenw BCunéipra: Biyu Garsirsnan iH, mUnpraigGs sw0T a1 gFGs BaD aenonaHtirsenasGes. Brose iescoon pwn 2 cise yb fay 10,000. sinGaxBan oy einen. tals QonsHetr augsorgy 1.6 Sang. apsinHasir iyponwarsens. Qyix 16Gang ysn@saied soo_M upgpmdin yosuGaraies wr” GBw pmb 219, Cangimw, Barons GCunsmparporp 2 siremd, Apm_iRujsrBornd. 246 worl sarfcir 99.99% woguismpéasir - grees rromed, Sarrnnd Arius Dn cg wwsiry Doss S1WSLL GDH apraigi Qorpsh, aadiagGasir 2. sir. wos Dod 2. @armoronay. WEeIId arsron? UsomInd gpenGasr Guungnsn, pid wsugps FHF Gb prohuggie oo UAdouns our stow fsiaein a aovid. Barred, 9G sI1F wallgeds ermupib sors L ggor LUI L ned Udpmnd gpoin@ach oreinigs BeiDesAus sao sano Ganchigytb. Bore, wgugpyasenenci Oungrsgoveow upp vrb psinGacie st61L1g), ssnemheows glo DunepgaGs sewnesenas. Qc let Ninniod Aon saws 5Be pb ore pisehe Dug Gooie wunaftoonen Lom siaGor Paypiigtsrenen. spy Ryu 9 agosnd. sini M2 we ab xinOweGwag epanyorsos job hig sited Mopenhs cinch. sip), pb UporGeuniacir waniaaReo nity srdsononi LUciGsH Henondgs Denar gros Aunciry Geanisd. Be, sor ow stTEWsered wooed Misinohed orig Seed QowH gaa andiIisner. geome ntsings sob pe pwarcir, Qainshatb Samesarors Gare ancracies i incyed, BaUGa Gd Qh snedaonord msscnrayed Wea D aos Amie siRonrair, acrdeir, upipss Qarvin® ane Grvoshuas sah gir conBaB- asi. Lond jonhaenae UpsiGus, bub Qosin® mas Foresiuras WA Lagnd pb WILE Yds Deronup aps wmipssage Lypnotebancs. Dens oy iupdGusnsy 2 simepas Ruscicsrs QrmeO ps1 Quimaurm opuroots, wals QarsAdsror Goran song Arpgei HopiGth Popwions ass. weyAgior o1eHacie Grobe. 5 snapPergner Faso wossutissr Hopbsisrarar. paiDucdarmn Iarasens wp Tenyprry stop avionics. Gripen (oresTisseG Gib, TEE) Hass epbgib sree srs? hud Qaon@ sncdsohed pr sad Oo iugied aoe eybue nadpmsonte oetner Sonatas sion AerepreNsc UBwals Qpatscr. (aygamb - http: /Ingm.nationalgeographic.com/print/2006/ U7/bipedal-body/ackerman-text) Guaisefer QOLY srgrdde HULL wnipsgned Gore soOUsHe Gypbors Gorohu our Bs Insapth, araytd, Ano KEG TUGAKDeH. QE Mdusr—8, ous 2 Lact, Oanidon GuTdin Ap GriMecaeaes Obs Auwsisdt Geren. agatomois NibdiuskreBuey Gore Aw PiAr_cisaiied epgpgaOud. sips aeajr Gein, Nev Pe ciahs Diss GL, BUTE KHLOUBGA GAH OevallBu oypgroRGrd. pds 21 Gor a5 HSL UIQ LS Os ngs. sn Ruori, wedges or uTgeu ashy Rdusaliicr Trusses Soman m5 vorGar, 42 ata BeOS Won THULL gH wndpi, Qaronapih pir wae seated eunac UBowramosd wn Benyeoer » aire még Meiipen. steed 10,000 yorHaende (pointy ou nrafu eomanas aeivemisc arent Lomay wimybpis pid 163! WIUEHIS HIG pH Qeigytd 1p ove spss Gacr AGI0A? GuTAsgned sonev adoRogi Qorsrawn? gral 2 sway, ASG lb WILEIRGHIG Qeronyptd iypsnys asa). woseissyd SOHEGU LpHAG aomrmas soiruigned powgei wa ofwnfaein, paionrenoast IUD: srofurtisaier upssd Baro, 9Aed 9 ston 9D wire wnayssisy Ba). waaydaaered 1555H0 widens oonayact MDSHA, Dernier sigs, 2.0, Osneplinus Graidas Opn sigh siaiL16Hs aphongus asBusnussioed siG_mb. QysDus 11% AIS RA, srroAuTs, Ho QaGest arwje1d Yuphs 166 BHT Srahugons 2.1 src Tpai. snag Perapib 100 Drm gorayss HAG, Gorgon. Grins gneuirasir pd Hd GaIAerner. QR 20s age sarah 170 Pon. PDatacher salu smiay 2vHer sor99 orn ot Gur QGIGNg). Quidw oS Mustard Qsiense. (aniGunengne® IGS owrd QGrTIUT, Dodds Cuincip prOxerent Crips, wast sanaPUTH OGL A91%G 120 MB srohwerscron Gus LLOsTadRyniach. porixeher 9 eae Qannas Qh UREADS. sah PArnnIui IG AHey GI! Dorn Da pi9 wppnb iieren vc OansiRpr. gpoured QRBuiase, 96 UGLAGAG Daipuh aup Dar Qempsn wignd Brow 2 AanciMpniash. oan gered Ne, Dad gomps ered Qapsh o cap 510 - Osun. QsPuiasr, 1995345 UGE prAGU QesMpmiacr. Qrig, srahune a1 + bg HABOr GEL oGarsIe oe oironiniGRps. oonnTu pageafied sara olivate ueptiy miaiay - gpsin ig 2 ABavr we GC. 1 Dy5cem QiBuiac, sCariaoier Ssemasrus DGworay srePussiasin qparwnaBar som Apminsi. sorriunns erupts 400 Dancb i Bangi Gurropoas Quod, ung A Bunciny 2 sarayssi anyPurns Bb 2Lenw som Asrpos. propro Hand MMM 112 Pomd wonajbregy 2 chongy. Denuyptd U2 Pari Qousirenons wiicbaromr a aHig ereGonsiron Da Gsadsch even Bio1 yOscdrorni Bids BrgTD Pind 927A rian apuGDeipen. wimg DDT 2dier waaysesg deyarevis wnp pid sd5d ASG, Qousirener sidronviAed ocr soyGarov~Hgub h5oS ABunsyphe Don wigs. Dad, sidasguyd ov grdeoh acrpiier, QasiuGid gGy Honated m1b 1454Ne 2 chon shdaoor Ded wovgados ert jnnas 9 Pshend Cow Psspen. Qorxceir anno Qrcinh aged on iP Rusmongrs Daaeeb- Wl, grofanisehe wrajsesg QotwugisnGen Iréoner rors Jar 0b, 91g WL Gib Qsvener o1eng gnonenonsd Dercdorapry.yti- puolurirsoficd mic Gonggeirscr (Goitrogens) rom yonypSastis Bub mpnni® anteugs sOSGb aperiQuawsrasr 2 drenon 101s 10, Bonen, ang, anento Gureyp Ayyssneshurseseoer crnyig Oncor’, Duprofurieahes actor yspiisenen Sronhis pi ovo Wad Arucini@ud. GlasppHled a.crer amin: Gonggeirssi, onganiG) waLudMesr (Thyroid Gland) QsucdBpmens GenpagiolGub. Qiao aenorasrcsts Hagdge mapiGurergsni® un® (Hypothyroidism) poi mgt. Ose ard Crniawruyi, 20 uGirer HW Auhagid, Gens sim WpquUns, ers +5 Gonpaseot_yth. uv sound Qaonred aupsGo uw sig scr 2 Ganga eopniGunengirngene> UT sn, Brmodishe Umgagih sw sPe ‘yas (Goiter) Quduengs sony. G55 Upyutb. Hartscr arc Bungioren Gerngsir afagy (Iodine) Gsanggneb, mgamii® spines ofS AumsgGOw. ang, srw —Gunskparp hed — 9.dror nui’ Gonggenasir, pid 2.86 oGumgch fg) Grinnss 5053 OAD srenged sySwGovirgur aoe. Dem saidypsiache ung avy, e100 Guacipadep Anode 2vinBsdrenar. yorrgyd eaprnG aonIwAd oucged 165! DeirGoung 09s TurBucen man UGuergimd@ sBunB, pavicieyo waligisahib Qasini a sroomb sree? OEE ainin’ Gynggerscin, Doi pnafusiscicd 10 Gibe Boer one top pytb Cangyaruo ytd asic. Aer VAST RGA epsny wings Gin Garsrahsy 91g Povisrsoa OorainQemdcr (Peanut butter) usu Bera SSL PeTAd IATA aGBpgs. Gausi air guaiicy gDarAcia, MGSASS MaDIBUTEsTndG PurDuien uaDecouwr Gah MAsonEd soar ape 4p, Fidsons Gpaunciscier aeons sqaiu@arg suns @. BafunisohGarCu Aes OsOgerer greflund - Bangsooo. Gangiemoeu oft opih Has OxGsorrer 2 ama) 20Me asec Pain ss FEOEREGID maa sioypId Umiggd Dsnsinepissh. woes grou Baxngrenio (Whole grain wheat), siésang, 1A, soingH Cuncipencs srcbarmd Br yenaIBaGu mi 13,5890 ashen sidse09 gore apyiBerper. Dersirnsid 415.5009 BGITEBunw eH wea), chesens Opaunaliscr a oranda us Rama) TOM so Dewrrad 1g sig poELNY de Russi Bs GioT wISIBLinee gre Bangyenin, siden Bpiuneimeyse 15,0 © cara) sisi. Cans muniBledr acren wrasaong% snoing,, ani’ Gaaggcirmsn ans BIS ADD 2.chron Bor AenorPi gts ysEId - dee sir (Gluten). Gangierodd 2 star KepLoit crenses YIssDeH Berwwsicit Lyi Slus elopasir gaDeunsipnd ¥FsQp" OAepen. Gangiemo ga vivir Sundin srofudislgnd SH anomiuGRoss. ds. or Loaders uPIuo wap 210 2 pity Gas QGADDam sreiL3) 55 8p%C.. apenor, Qaend, Aa, poids, Spi oi Diriy 238)... aisiovena) ae Bib maaned Sd, waKIEC Ups) UpLy ssonT simp denon unBiuerasgan grid Dxcir Opens Reirp x. ITO LeOL auTMEMpss KITEKIDTE Bowness acrsrasGus ros USGL UTisGpmd, 216 2 pHitpsafed 9 cramut o-crorovisohe, 80% Gui depot YTBAGIe UNPAw Ocirorpns ayiroyacr Sg RSDen. Scape ontcd 2 cing tb 9 cirxv4nd ped Bsus pcbrycr Yad pL Gash, agubysct, pridvjsxsir, DUGG od yu us UGPsARd Yousnor asin ndGeRoy. Osonnd gHuGw Dssdacr- wry, WLAGAIBL, DUGbGLcd sevoyssctr BPaer, Sromi GempunGasi, s1o0 Qussony anbgyas0d, Oni 1661 HWijig BUI. Kom HI 2 ron Aasmonnct Opn ions nine gysbard 2 ound. ssimonpgnd agi PunPasr arsirompperar. syeensioit (Aldwimer's disease) oromiuiGub @pieis wp® Pus R, unis Merrcir (Mukinson’s disease) sraniu@tb putbyywosin a fun) 2, Puansu Hvis 50d a GoIDdrper. gH, acrsrubens 2 coursed dour oir yoaapned pode oumbaipes DusrRaohcir oroinoml sons Avnig, MPSS ergioyeh Ranr_urrs. Qi poe ph 1 RBA shdsonr syonoyancr Dom ing Bswors Qnisned gman OugGie UnPiys6 2 LMGId. FhdseoT sjanayncnrsd gpananAed axbLiGih UIDUGL xedsoaot Puri Kunon — sIotgy Ah epra ac youd MeRer —onyflurmas OmdMpriasr Denupr yporp) Garner wonadapas Aoibihws pists acing) epenorier gyonintieniGu Aeng5), apmomdesr syoronsuupi, QausDmenesnysd genpsgsa9 Gud. Lignind geOwense epsry grahu amma wes » cinemas Bung AOLES sIgybysm% Gamers proud ociverws Onn Mu snore srgybyim maps SiR. Gung) Qscped Wii Puma Opens’. g1 grefasnimenen a.civeons Opn xRusF 0g v0irh woes -umb 090 19 Sernpgs Cusrongy. epenoreir spanayed Loppagsnags. ups sGanoutss FiGaLor. girofurcisear 2 sos ARwalgsr UdumsF Daron ub grovdsaMerono, niSLTgy LIV TeBiEDAsd Ror dept UpUENrE—LD, wera aA GUD Hig natn crmerup ein Qarsoe. (sd warpgiouiisemd Nor AIMEE.) Bord Usdme sovdanE A Hioalsales iybsaiicd Oatg, GLa sir Gureipera Gougs, Dargs QendiswT%Ber Qoiser yond pub 2 omafed prasfursiascn Gans Cysm nS Rng, udsaficd Dib Gaanatisent, Qaniopaepld, usd HunPsetd apc ynndggar. srofurimciids 2 cirar waaysaiengs ib uspsonnad yd GiGiings Upbsci upipss wrod iTa/Rpg. wrasse + sion siésenr, upsoflet srormnena (ud9Er Bind Domo Dossier Pp UBD ) sen7sgtd sorenw Daren g1. Usvaicrs WinME GL sidwons HHL 2 omray stoi iss sea1 pub ino Gy GupMenpew. vindie Purr waBinsas Qangongsc eps, snc SunPacr Guneiyenas 2 sér_nReinpew. Lert Qever srcboonaydenpeib oH Stentor Guineinp sesh ya ionted Gpndi Biddy 8B enigs SurPscr (Autoimmune diseases) AGanRcirpen. GPuins Derg uerqagld Danfiurr@ai (psoriasis) se1Bp BsrdauiDac uGRcper. Aerfurwev apse GsnGonigid Qsrqw Yoiscr Grndrmid. 21 origi Rays DE GSHeH UTA. Bs Qrvisenor Osnhu, Gansu are) Ciogub ABaNagt. GanunAed Gunsrp GandbSunPsensee srremnb gnesfusia Gen. srafuaisches actor YIsbes pb wrEDIsa6ir OLBsdene. seg 9657 Gane opUGSE UNdieAwT gedargs oarTeD stom Penonsg) Bib Gpnds oBitny +48 21 Gor Qswale @pwi 2Oiyss6t CuUGGu SIs GSH HL sROS. GLa arages, DGsGt srawnohGu oh G45 DGLo HonpsaarE Plereasas SILOS Gsr FeIUTEMUITS FHAIEGG QLUTETE Qs. Qascured DL Denigib YsnE EL, 2 crsmUUpld JUL anfunMed cred BprdotUnD aaMps. Qos GomriuGss wpigumocd was an OsnOSH Ue WESSISEET aT 2 oinGprissi. safitd.ysoer auMiGG YsGpriac. sre sen0Rp8s gyfu Spit Gamo Ti Gerans. OsrhunBev Guncip GerdroiunBach Gemunnia (pi, usancs rem LaGk BeYRpriss. Qs upss sapres apyay. srafunb SadidGt GUSGuT we Lm Ganfunted Burst sunBacnar HFrwb Geomonds cpgyd. pio way sipsonas, xesasd srigsma, uvams Gpmiseséanor Rial ctor Lenomssy 2LOsrsnepd srofusisGer QgiGuncip Gud alenanajzcrer 21.098 THUDSA Uw TuTPDsGAgGud srremin1 WIG Meinp cor. aisirouens sitowurtiassnsr eripsirst6x sfemyplinigy Quuresdsings Bem? 7 SimuahA cdrend eprpddéans 1970-80-s0fe, 21 pud5A Ooduassacgrer oonns QOsRGpnd ed WEpbises wiser Bass Bes HorsiAug). Comapi@sahsd yOr Leb, stetenas Her Cuncyp cL pUpAs srgcniscr, whacfo Cu Oss 4Ozeiverr HMicIDH Asie Ler. 21s QonensAGpsir sro yspreixD nowtd augsis THEE UeOGLd adit upped Gavensv, 2. Hus pA Penavustixaticd Qaciips 2 picient 015. \yipnsinG sous Padsrer UGE pth yGrrdGetd, a1 sipovsr Lp Be seers Upsgid. yssren@ susiona, sreo1& Gero cic ot Augers GupOsrcraniacr. Qensti uwstuGsB, CwermprGaahed ue a pudsA mwowriscr yssneis@ send Hoopoys sr Lemgons sérenuy Oadigh, rgrnaacr aBaisgnd 2 mnSeariesoor ribet. QinjssrenG sugiscr erdomd Gipeah wage oupibGungs néaenaG upssGUMEGAGd. griuar 2porasAe, Denapth Lie enwvdiacir pL glib, Yt AL HLUIAA AauigiaiO, sapenTer naare HSM, a108 OAS! GOUS step Iw sgNtiLIeL 8, gscicr 2 fuipAaw PHSHAG, ucorys Hs H®, Uerppuriig senrones qiS@sncrauriscir. 16 wésAon Gu Uguaiac UIAIGAGD 2HUI® ERB 1. BL GUAM Ordunsgnsincir sinc AGpmbd. -o\sonred 21 GUGHH Oairsned stom Qysi NaH. 2. gDuralssir, ami qed uw muosdssir gy-urny, Gas anunmqus pasbsires Gard Dusi01e Qewjssneh. 3 lb WPstGonniscr srodomi QdrSuTs QepapiG4 soso, ovis ane Gunsnosd, ge pgNh onakDahed Burrongy Se. Qaerar sdovmb 2 cixenioui1? QeraBas @oronav. Qe pubs Fron FoANcir ein jarenesrajtb, Qsois sy Hause ABarnes wars acorenay bd arin Gumi. Saunton siiviene - 1 DL dUUIA Qaiunsprodgsren Geim_nélGnnid. iSenred BL PUA Glauiysned com. _Dovivdlel Gre. WBatoren 2.1 pUIPM wT CooL SHAE, Brapons sOI EL, Hav Hens Gacisismsrin sO, ypgieariny HoAigtd orn Med Aba aPBexuph Qadone. yore, srmoud Gonpin 15 Duingiaursts uevssybp aRopuris. Agnes, 9G Caer GandH v siren sBoundacnon orbs 3 DAL pedo BarsinGui. 5 eeyonons@ypirg Ariens sides 12 PBL tn oa Baver svn Fos Davis Bovsingub. TL andoo1" Ute ori 52 SAL ti gL. Gavsin@ud. Bs, Boar semsAGUG UTISENE, Prisco. GUA Daiiaengci, Pend aciugpid Gir: 2 omraiisir (Junk Food) Horned Geom signed Gungith. Pons OveinG iin1g.sb Carns qb) 9G vo Bond siduesaA, Demuph Card Gydst0d QoisnGw Cungud, 2 pup pouanhcrsos. a8, ‘pst Quciveruih OsiRGpoH. Band wSuypciengsuytd PasHAGS. a pudpAah GswWMner. Qosivenrupd Qauigncd a Geb sebromoursroasr?* sising) Ga save. 1701 WiDispe aust, wos 21.4 QidworPd soos, anh xahisiriy. (uisigaBererw. 2 puIAM Qader vogid or puiIpA uviepbapsl gem uronypliuipl, 2 BUBEA Doig pgaeutdr wn tse oS Hp. scr fasroid, or punig® Gsdueyiscor wienousss iwi Graco PnbSu uesriasi (Gatrorade, Powerade} NisiuGRenpar. FOGar Oaninia sPshsagne suai 15H Quip, ey Pei rom UBgargh 9.6iNG. .s1cbsug1 oIbaLi LineMUptD, Nogisingaph sso a1 Pu pP Gavin sonincist, pened 1D PaMinge oupésiors 2. oinionsoMd a Gave 2 siasrisct uct NeMUAIsRed Oansdapsansd, pdr an” Gssonoasy Pew epir DpH Dome Li gy aL puueTsM Oeriis wnacir 2. oinG). 20 DAB. emapld BPS HU Kepid 2 oH. Liu wy sone sper, mist (papas Semone ps) Ganunaice UOssuG Hod lig SOarcinO prs QGsBGSAGDsr. ayn, aL puw_sRMerrcd stom Qpsgth sro Plenenciigy hs Mars vam. Qos OG apt_pidIios crcipioni._Ozrsbrovermd. Qsi wasit sigh mips we Gib aca; aPaerch Dandi sm PpId ByGtb. DAL. oy sptoued gs) odBLIVit sd QtogaBeNcd (British Journal of Sports Medicine) Qs G05a) Geuelusnen giiays 1 Gons gee, HAC yo Qauotus Bryson godt wrGanndar, 2 puwsoad KounenT song SHOUTS FTRADOU. Bip 2 ciron Hider bod ni @angonw Priasir 19 Ags Lines. www.theguardian.com/society/2015/apr/22/obesity-owes-more-to- bac-diet-than-lack-of-exercise-say-doctors Sand, Quced ppd Bp urs Hiro, OsmysGs Baflxenor Mp Gb SOUS, Mb, Ap gemioi ys Bibs, Sn PUNTA Oscuigsrcdsroiy Burascr eoiv_res QeosRpBinsi ores Ledger pibuEraUsgiaNe tor. StH 30 asinDaaied, Dwvhcaisces 2 pUUPR sorascir APIRSBH oupgisironss- Legh pulp Gai Apriss: SORDrIsH; 2 PUB mpumsaicr GxgRpnissr gomns Qssrevsrarnb Goin QusGb wish sgAD5id adrnGorr Geopagras Osu AAadens. wdseRer sien 1PailssseOanoinGr snc OadRnsi. Iai Hgwier 2. jUASA Osupomsgs poss. soured, govrns DOIG UGE s[soI1e gaOBUTE gysLOMELHiTsH. mG Db SHeowuTe sonoie a1 pupMsoos Doi Casin@id. Misra SHOOUTE UTPAsDeY Oauisne, api Gausd, aFupgiscr Cure Us suimudiect BpepLb. ASIEMNS, GUST STIEREAS shors updgirmod, 51 vuPed La yu KAstmade gAmaTd wager iy oBulG ogemve jpn. OLesBdsi sOud ps GaSuned yaBin1-@ Abani. UN BROS alriwe5 ib, Aenorum’@ afoiwentd sma SHEE APB WGEBIOIS ARIE IG Sg4OwnaM—Ib, as08 Barnsenl woragiac sensu gpyidgner Henaruny a15Apniact. 45, Dgwren a1 fintsRund sor Oowangy. Bs os UBPAuTdpreh so QpigGiwe. 7Bsrowrd, 985 o.-GuI5sH Ung) 21 G55 Bussrongy orcrigned songs Oodagy Maid PAN’, Bs 9B gored gsin_ra Qeovisavisch, amisnenasiscit sot URGih LBP OavadGung, Derongrsd snc apaongnd. Bp Aupés wsiOagniry epPig wremd ascor Ascignd pane ». Garmgtd. Bowne, Qiong ercboomboA apd Muronss ‘etd Genonéagepy isa UNDE OO, Pie 9G" criigy Qencr0S, Goin_ns Qeptiusid FHEGH UME saypron aPlajoor mi, osha BomdGupassit aren empupstonss Asncoamodd QoneiMprisr. 255 2. pu PR Dsiiumoss 21-6 Qeneréx apyungs sro wongong gor7e80", Hariacr Cwanb Bwgns Aicd, Conn crm Gus) Cuogyi Goin 1Mpmiasir. BF AL SUIDA PiBund aciru Pd cigs +6Bpmupld Qsroner. Bane, songs Osdagrd 21.6 Qomerigid sretug soup ret aupiar Osengtb. 2d steoenw Qpds, Lune AL Ais auf) Bagy sigiaps Qodons. Saupe puiuléens - 2 qSloehigen, sm“ig6d U6 smwsdacr giguing CouLor_umqusndgren aCrdBuions Beosnen BDLoaigcs, Denupib an yeh gypwimg 2 cduWsph Qaizpnciroroncs LOGI HenersHpmisch. og) pop). Foucher, aaGaaed gr waUNE. Bret sHpIenopbaTELs Ue Bs AU yrandaoes 2 cra lm LiDaGagGe OacrgcrBorsr mapper wows is Du0s Ginigi. seamied Lash, spar Vase. agrsHer uw hoipaincr qoupBed veh UL ipg QESGW. ay, OFGOLY IL sD datas anws 1 JB, Pod Gass Das yus—siror sHopand. Bngyd, aParoshe sry ons, 5nd upHssred quirjoocires, Ladi orem s1g}ojGuo Bont wigs. muy od 9pt13.us hseortoanw Casing wes. tun gBioaiizcr guy.w aww sreinigs Mivstb, 1468 wn AA Bassiiacir wiigndGuragner. sag opraig Garr WerGuIss 9G uit gygGewond. gpenrTad, wafissir guys Ly. eLd evensusrroH Wigssiedr cron Tepes ams Boron. wis, ue, aur OL gent, wnanesr, GHanc stost yevayti wwerhgenswah..Bausw0Tns 9! imywsenas. warhises S17 Qoxbsi Gash syipgnd. -ondL OL Gud, WADar guts, sobrenf arsgiGi Ban’ ontwmgorrGer oyu, nj wing, BastantusmoFebenad. 1 Pwooiigc WL Oerp, xaGaxeied ainapio was, 108 s1g10/G.0 yuiGhis Cuinangs. wast Cuogiains, pasir pages BL pL. Ysera Suu, dog UDSPGSGL. Yo, Aish sterornGio oun gener, soos Cass GOs, Gonreous BO 96 a PBibgner. yo, Garon AerGungs Wx Basiors 9Oib. qared, spond 90 Dpmy wo GGw Os iggy gewpg ytd. 90 wy 55S GO YO t Aéwmoed GL upig sed, Brrr 2 Air nF epig.ytd. 101, 4D, toner, apurad, GTHIG, G Bens «15/9410 iD Cumis friacr unig DGSs wywngl o1GzewnUtb, ene! UumuTaies UBSg yup Umisangs 6%, BBwoiigd arpuGp Oaedwoph Qdow; GembGuyt usacAerena. sari amps apsop Gaup). 4 Binels geinacir sioitor Qadigsriacir Gar ooLumgesrniacr. pci upupas scoupencn HW yeow APU, AugaTs ondsemsNed Genseous Boy ni pgOsciprissr g1kAe Cursdedoe, sm" Opsewo1e pi dabene. Pidsohe grppasonssren Dons saver HE OG! Juuneingy seuiscr OsiiwaSlcdencs. syauitacr auisg) Oungrcues, Vigtorer Gascoa@u gypus, Bub 21 piuish ssb0r. Pains Qusirsenen Gigs Osncin nc, esis asmpsensuyh hd QsBus Domoriype Queirsch aunpsarsuyib gexGp. ka nav1d seb Derpeusoy wapagss, BOSE soiroali QancinGargid Jama Queimaepeorrugi toHUGS. GoOFGH GOOU Haro im Corps. qerras ytiAAssnaMed, ened some seinenfl OLEH Gr HL AGL Ouisixasend seiaBpmh, pat Ayr wuss QossGurg, Gprbs gssivatQacdaom Dem_urg) Hlbwo srcironar orpsyAOnrsi1G, senovde QOWID 9G Orgs, gy OwWd gIPAd 26 Game p15 @F Orciny) udLBse gad ssinonhi 945.5) arcparni, wIssnIeir gsinenlid Gp anppg). aomrs>, Spd ssirenf usa enmuntnidedgnch sup 5 GossinGud. .gensejch -gebuosginen Oereigs BIggih Mangyrte 314B.uci. semowsd, eranronsenondt sored acre Dum gGaugs, sono Gratiigs o1en, msvorrb upg Dssneo1b asso, Quroinasin roniihed Quine wiipri Qedeneo. 49, Aegiaston Gasp Ped noes QuegibUEBerw Bouenw Ose SPlssniac UpsiGy scr, Qs 21 Huu5H co; Barner. 9 toon? Gomi COs Medes GSsorere 94 2Lwal Loire RIASICITD, 3551 ToUtieerond 514 FBIOALH 4.OH ep Piha pris wolipatesr 2 HuaAGH upon, Biosys 21 usw wonse Asan eprowners q gone, pb wats nibs Buchs 2 Fpdanespsub cvensad seni0w Baysin Gud ~ eH pony orcir 1. ALG Goseney Devise, umd And sapaysed, soninuicd artigo, GpsmsseHr er DeosruTAsd. af Or mgt GuGiese BorgGudond ysuxemid Qsurusat). 2. Cuogiainen, igtonen Cars Be Qansnsoggatd wrspsd. 3. wren Gprshe, Gypporssexr cir nds, UA aenerunDssd. BProeipicc, wen aie? aL tw BLemb op Darcns Reon soiled UNIDAD. spoT, Gib siren OHEpmb? wend GpapAled, yo ups a ibys AGAGpnb. 4, aneOunsd, Ororaficr, Gander, Gurien or, MAAS LnPA, uNpiosOUW HOUMA) wR pIFusms ye 1g 01 Menorusne Gast A165) 2 HUUBIDA epeny Deeraugsiong) slen.odingy ~ Bsn Goren opanh aA G Garmasenart OswiGarcir. » gre WIE, sIcit aemranas HIGer Bomb renin sgibGlarsiBorssr. Ip ait" @ Gummscignh UIOsOUGUE. Gan. ~Pe Yo an OBarcir. UahisnesHd, Igo Rary vel uw. s1% 950 1741 Lorain Deb. 1g/Bar euro epsings, Bug Leah Bp Gasanoourrnassytd HiwahGubd. Caron uied, Gippeosnamsir nmenavuRed pena} ag by ig GsdGarcr. gion Bosse. Re swwid, Gpwosou insaicd Gum O&Oarein@ prciGuss. Garena gn" safle Qe! Huot ungl, A pUUBPN mougAed ag Ienr1% YEAOepsir. wind g@pmin 98% Orcig sone, UD wapA ac sont oun) UUcLiGsDS Gadnpd Garner indi Axorond OwiGarsir Gonppe c1onraonorp gragGaseir. erin ng upth, IIb HO heal GprsgegG God 2c pucipA Pound Qadaifaona. Qorienp gotiagy Gougy orbs 21 pudpAee OaiserDseno0, tus pach Oodupd eupAesir orcdorGie QuPu senailevter bi HuuipRasir sede. angrve BG Carmovacirgnar. sonal aGinisant, soir ogc Oreiujts Goroncvenwad. Paros pest Ania Bdseno. CombGupurrs yo ypc huinomdie soiis Gpabangd wyAciugid Berane AGgewut, supa priléens - 3 pid (perComniacr acdeonb, GorsSuns DesssHex sensed, “sieved anficd Cunsmosd BL BgID, nacdched GunangiGw. uh adn undgd snag Pd smi, comer Qarenw storia poner nGu. gored, garisdr ares Ded wiienrs 9 covey tb Quow; vwsnd, Oahu) scdomb Gursah, Gruman nous Padgren ancnIeaiacr Qerenns Gib, 2. aonypriried LPULG GLG Garrwacnand Osiigagin QerarorMeci HaGgagh evod ugund ADaMsBGUUEZs xasin®Epmi noriwargy — aenyplity, aL dugunal mies widsaPebans. 4%, Qaraid gaxnten pib.2ens Cur siarincnon Guigians, Qeironpw veniswouueter Aerarun’ Gast, wesc + Lebpavgens (piiRagytd RengtuscnaiwirsGas a caren. Geirenpur Pra @ aAotacr, aradposr cron be ups Dujgiard Aan Gbsmosd, Gump erainp ABed gules Goveitn Gud stein 153% WpaRupgiand QorGsMpreash. Qssonred, Penupio weniidanomrdRed Lous UADAasaied ROUOMp rise. sin sear weypsissir, ods icyisisdr, UCI per op Burdinoudenp GER nis. anus GUL Ld, aie Paursenfisenen' Guin. GsOansi¥® OR isch. hoo atrisenagta peared, wpgigaved a craft rsa aroSacir » sioner. Qapbaxras ygimers RDFane OreigiGs ncn iast. 751 AS, QOsciamd Ques, 21 dpweyeg asissr erdipre Daoow. wpstQucdand sig on comgiiian, G\ctowiomb acd awe IPA Goins QeessnGa AAAS. pt opyyre sreinp Peneo Dosss. Deroy, KAAS Reorsrurm gsneungars Qsca GarsinGis. upens undibgy Ig. Govein@d ersinigy Guan 0.1 FER = ADEpssr ausgieor. @zerrd, uw Aeon HaAend actoraviscr, sPewoures vepgregib UPA FOUO, HHVGLUG eMIUGId 1 Gans overida hia OsgissRprisc gusts Aeafwred gyda BAIMBILNG AUTEN 2 Leo Dup aiand DagysD, ump Gedig ah Hopes HHUGRorIssin, My Reig sh sonayLeir DUET, 181 OO Boda Kener. soured, woos 21.0 ersisoueray LigSena! BIKIGLd TEUBSD GO aeDTIperp A cirorg!. ib api Desir, (pgiGagyiby4%6r 200 Horn crocus BMG HMA vom ssi eas cdo. Qevoveray Px HoUDACOIEH sI6OL_cOU SIEGE, Aerensras sayy Gwikergrb, ASATD OPUGU Menorajaci Rs Auisions Gms gud. Le enamine” Oasiignd, vem sdunBrougg.a1e 60 sibCuescir, Gongs U9) (protein powder), &9Gur” cae (creatinine) Suncip WEpgse6T A/Ro ria. Dasa, Douypr Ds Ds HG yop acinesr UTgDer isc NgdyBpmiadr. abQualach, Yos Yoyo s1bBorr acd sorpigy yGom igor Unk (protein bar) erezp Quute APMpriscr. ys voyiaesid, DsRéscdadr, SaNiyjadr, sidaegacr, Oeupene MAL erm eKL cit 2 chor 9 Aparwyigs BiG Denon td demiGar G10. BS, LL GUTSMS genp Doin) wewPaswein7, 2. crpreysgid Asse steyir aad AscipOsnanGcrong. Qoow Qupesuncr wap dd, Bgswnen se10) stor uso Qavigaed adeno Qcvene. AL GUTH sree DuwAdd, Uctewne.G wdOveAssir siseonsy Gungsiaensr Aig scan a Duepsyid, GLI 2 emayxcoa18 FBOBUUGSD wasenor Gon nsAALG, 21. GudpA DstweAedema cou wis CwBwGu uy) Cun@avengyjth pred YAbgOancirars) sa uid. 1761 8 Lanta, Siucd! Laiigurer Isnpfors Danie wesgiags sienp Oop uciennG Ayueniisohes wsiget ose ngs. muper s4Pxcir o1BaRuscos agg Wéser BU GKUEL sg UGREUDS. HoaemwisseA cr Dawe sr Ae ernehincr zrmdIA Osdiougned Qo Pwed 15) i Saiussd, a1) 7P usd ercitngy OpAusmocd Gundia® GBs. 2 omrsy nIPurss Qi pai% Dom ceRos nd WESHeurismer we. Gid GopHp yung. IOwAés Baw syomaciy (American Heart Association) Genpiie Oaraptity eemenait Uj OTEADS. 9G UPOrs o-wiGanaptry acme! He incppgieut uAipgreorapred arches qld? BOSH Auphsned aupse Gun@b weucunsrenwyston Mohts was, prenon GaiSpng, Angempanc wiyercy apprgrb, wasgiat Cod apse Gun@eaumiasin, Qedsrsvar? spleHussd Reinjorst Dederrs BBuBscir, iiiacr oot Diohds Qou seowiny uMpgieosss Luo Asasandedene>* srond BG Gang daomdsires Lnov% Bape +O AsnGaas GoncdoS BiciuMcusmiasir. Lidia Ppueriisepld suiaher wmie woesgiets ener BM GUOFA QaBuncyp yPscoF sisoncn sexy AerrGoo Gurgnd sicti9s ToD rowipgioiior Qabes Aw 2 eigemieanon sroinGum. im DAés Aer YsOAMuTSAsnsy, 60% svirainc Des OL Yt ot QGsRp rise. 5% Ou Miwiach ood givens (Obesity) acronmiaci. srenGar, Qurcdrsnen ston_yrcr QGagud MAES Wisse +50 sib Darn 18% wot GGea! Waapsron 85% Gugth sroror Qawasiasi? oreo. onuid Gonna PL BLUADA Pmaudsched Gorariacr, woHg!, wd Reno%er— SORHAancrouTiac, TH eows Gpsgd 2.anvajnoren (Pesan, Gan weir riniasir) GaGasviacn. poor 2 cPensvaes QoIgGi umampi mHsod arr, 2.1 ob Lighuossrsto01 Oanaaurp ned HUA aBonanay ay. Qsc ay ursh eroyud Gronoworongs. BwGx WLS Boag yoiniey Cannas sreod UL GUGUM sy ofr G.enb.gy. 25.2. Iorb.go tL oremewiiuy, Qari aDs aro. Darsin_art. Qiu sPe QasGed sud. wntded orgs Gusironficr —F.erib.gp 30.2. D.srtb.gp. ICL armen. Gaus aL ugiosir Pena a savas. 2d UGS o1DH cro cIarangd KomsA Gr’ 9.crb.g9. (Body Mass Index, BMI) stapjti (pony 1830-1 aysinG) 9 qpasraatii Lai. Qscriy D.cnb.g. 5-5 G1 APso7a Qossrd gaart Dx so, 30 orctpTd 1c Gia orig) Sprit Lg). some Foonb.go. oma sg Liuen Dd 9PFued ayant 5p). Dis Yow C_rPusans sy tum urnd Oana g). spb, Boning2. KodiBUD (penperw a pass Rus BL neds Kae” ave- (Adolphe Quetelet) sreiaxi 9g CayDui. Daasinonen eraviias was stomcoud noah upiqayion erctip) ilar Buenb.2o. sonra Soot a Garé Morr. | 781 UML 2yaranes sins ds sox 13s? uonibnge. = 246d erent. / 9-wintis (06.) Sunch stot 72 ABav4. 9-wssth 1.7218. (172 Oa.08) srovfed, suscir G.snb.go. = 24 Hi ond.g, sqoranted sroiaiis, wepagioABusmon svgpit Benrwsray. Hsiao. OaTadRpinyg eRurney croc upto 2 stort DH Woonh.go. achorasans Diop Bangs auioumpavmt erainpy 1b yi BPud gpbad mpodsdonc. sRaBuc mgia1sy srcirar Juiszprd, Ms gdDurs Qovuatserb, Hx Soinns Quiumisep 9s sod wrorworSpnisse odie. Qyrsiusey Rond.gy. 35 rir ajarenay aA a/Blatone » srarasit Sor W1% jonas inremh jen Qpniac. Qovisaier craivenficcos vhinait QypremaiuRed 10% tne GBwo qledud Qing Dns Qngy. pond weyssiors uihjassenas Gorn Savi eon 2 song. orb gp. 25-go sores ona gy 3.5), 30 oreiypinoe hnjneahgy ste aaron, 7% soo Kept tad seman 3140 nncton enaubDeiiper. apetronteh Qos Dust gon 4S, hon. Gasnesue owe sraingy gun woe (ouguyton? guoncd 1B. orb. 22. ural @saReirng. 20st 3B stort. amuses Vionh.g9.-&igjtb wasmpgiagtb 2 cron Qsn_oo.s yoni -apdioy scr, asia Opaiiaron upysnauestd ofbAevore. 2001-c0 ggnt0T UAMA) sige in@dgiar gaat eye Oorafurcen gpiray, 2 Huptoeaitd, 21 punilpRuslerantouth api GSS 4 stb wyesweseorer uUGSGOISTE ap) erciamIytr IDIIAKG gonndAarg1- gonna 3168 agdiay pgayzener QaohyjvSed Randegib ysoih Hasriisage or grind’ Giingy Pleravenun Aenwsyprs Deopssb » panesmnts gciGaungy gpsinGub moni 20 oot" atb Quoi wébasr hnysonwane Amid (2010- 2011 axgeti ysitaiearotb). Ye 73% Sin 65 ormgris Cingbiseariash. Qybss 79% Guia ae ster ijigud ao uGusr (B.snd.g9. 25-4 Gined) stcing mptin® Hanisch Quidbeurron sro. ereinpy Gncbavdsaig us 19.si.g7- Oro} 54Gb Bp Qaduaianan B. she win out Busines. ounces sPsgae Our uaigprd suomi 6 arsth eogorwisssit WOGorgd AOKI AapMeiper. Bis 6 ood 791 Woemisched HPs sonAorer wreriTGES U0SHw see Fons QoGeiusenar - Duss! wand yswrGpr). epsinpnd, prrersi Qiwsehisrer warm oy, sino Bpmi Gundrpen UGRIDOT. 245, Dis 6 wath wrommiaeiled 4 aor" s1b wea OGHS SITCOM 9.1 od UGLOGH rod Mm pIOIG) GTLILNG st6H BouTiOs, Aesepewach Bacrescnor eruptnGewngytb asristiiscir sausien SoUOOSTcoTA de®. 2. uGWEAs a. GUUGEDerT BeinGagG 4 wai wgemisonors BOssomnb cron Goem Oru). Qscnter pi fosip1 snOing. Ops QoWB Meir uguigtny sradson LR OG Ae asin Gas afi anovsra.ons ‘dvoid stein; Bap). 2H swIs Dgssomnd. yonpyrdmrs Goroauwras gue Dancdo (py yi’ o16 9G BUESSSES Bib cimassons Bad, wri seIEMIG ASHULTG OH UGH uBNFS HIG Qaw eetionar Oeigs 8.13.8) (center for disease control) stgpytb -s)amuoLi4y Bor QuTpIATIS GHB BapaAsOarosrs. QS! HoarbgiigGid Rand soogsenBGrine 1990-seAlcd gH sidLIaNd Pappas: 1985-c) yDoiissé sangng enoutd, 9.enb.go. oporay 27.8 QGS51d Goat HAH croOr Ganev avi 1015 %—q sor" sro Powis. Oecriy obs sup kigGard (168 7.18.) 2.wb actor gat 77 Roe orem _QossTS Hort Qucdirtes sro. arcignb ensenus Bririsainraé se5BUIUGasai. spanned 1990-xaRed PeDren QGe> wnprb SsneinGarniu gh. B.orb.—9. 25-45 Bp Dopardsrcir Qucd.unss sro. srengy PAs gy. Qaonned 900 praics sont 3.7 Cong aOukewiadr 9B creo. Darvin cviasi goumiaci. asnags, Qoeied 77 RBar sroreayesir, G.onb.2 a osentiug Queduier sooyrer oped Ascipai, AGSspncr sremaGe G5 77 Dorr sromruie Bond. a1 armomtiug ADH stent. Dsiroincvoss wont (Uonypar B.crtb.g9. apenptiisg 168 Oe.18. own © star @coeutt 77 Boor eng cron. Doss ors Taéenenayid Gladrened. gyowred UBU (PeOpLLG. 210118) 169 9 AGarrayagsr QGssBarsinGrd.) Qsonres » sin car Henorayscn? Gend.g. aL orcnsaniniy. 91D soo. asp) YWSPers GssNUCLaisoor wGsgartasr oj UDA Ordway, Lomas 5 OLUT BS QGssond uAsgsera Asiismiact. Cprunchig Oarvsirgare Qeosgne, Ossi ond 1801 Hp ppien Soe ngs UAZgenr&sIL Lg. Qysowred oD0iRani aller Qires retro a1 omrivnsir 2 wsiéosom. nore Qiks Bond.2. yee Gonsstineg19 Osun 11% Parise, woFws WMG. Qavissr ymorarGib see wi BH SAK 1 yiat Aposwsissnaruyls Ip oom) PpresewissenaresBio Weaapb Mi RAGsRpriaer. Gogyb Genego. uP pgienmsancné Csiiaid Mo pAgIOr seoi0tijasir Laon obs provers th poirCesnen Dupuis. Dasa voy Gaps Aehepraiscr vag mks Op meniachir ts DD Qupboy gonih Qadiani. oa Ausod cniPach “aAiggepreiaBor Ganaad. QaiBuncip apyajxeroné o1-w1dD Aas. Qs) wpa) Hn tiyspamiehgnd QrsOugnd. wesgak segue NRond.g. 5-gG By QeGperegrcs Qasdumer cron’ src Hp Lin Gin abonyd BILUID id. Qioror Op cwcra1g mapdig ops Budd 91 fhes Lone orcirys (psPoru GApcw sori sist Qadiesni? ops Winaysener st@Uuouissis Jail Laitasir’ eros Ganado) p Qaytd, Qasravndai Augyes, wn BoGud ornd gaunt (wme_Ga. Gatorade) stsUg) piu, gLLGupsund, gndBe Sup Dancte5dBUNg UGG urea. QsPurgnid preven s o sig). AOwAAe Oot Qoonwsd unepib gush Sacer Hon aitas. hitpu/wwwgatorade.co.in)). 39@, Dane. orn siaiv (weight watchers) Py MORE som sGaoIyp BL SPaxbd ison a Gouri. WPaGwr, GerpGosn, sods Gopi pdwggnGor? agers 1837 Hay apessinancn BensiiiiGSRS Oercronnedsres ereromrasch orcingy Gat” asovm. 21d UGUOE wIeMsHSG4 suToMoTS amy Bers L@AgiargIed Dds ©. dpwmar aA GoM G Gani oun sis Sunde Mpruersisof od Lewd 5. 2 Lone Glenancss snaucs AQnadsORprisc. QsPurhend OgGurdiy 2 ov Qoois onde signe Gui uemsnsyh Crrdmsuytd Ooh sg15GF Osov9) Qa Rnaiasie oo GuTSures uses SouDUsitenl o1hans orangenasgs fib Lempensuytb Gpudengeiub 1ipiéaGorsinotd? Qsenned Gus, gL shed wor PRurron 2 omoyscir 21 Beth oybuson Wieden. pp Tunas Qsvoomosd, -esned 21 ob uepingyie_oit lent QOsGd Aart wgsgamomerigé Qesiigy ard uGwenend Gmpie gguncs AAFersujs Osis Onc Rp riscr. Qeirevereis Py aomiac 20. UMDEIs Qgsuaraoh sHsd spon Asremacous aos Roipomr. Dodi nerede sid, GanGan Barave Guns Po WAKFeH Qosi wwsuPsB ‘wre.qonnsh Liisagl UBsd Aiasir wiaenss srnI@siast, auypsouo ton Gand Garsinnis, sant Qodoap Gardonad Gywiissci steirg) ondusd Oats, gGradHu 2 sey o1oRp Quiles Gere Aemeysaner aPASiper. vt sd stm suk Gonps gi woypsiash Ladwminb Garg Coovisonert shonguled me ORenpor. ADunNéiwnaiied Da Qussnsd QsGuncsed woryp svete state songuis 286% pag Oise msgdsdr onenpgid QsFurchlgyd praGorpon, owAassigir Qos 2b gush cuss sensu ORD 96 Usst 206 UGUME aGamdgsid GOL 2eva)sen60 Ls G Py muoidiscr midma AA. Borne aadauMgni osior wesc gered Warbufe 2enayxenet AL HAMLD ust. G eomrmsepss wmode. wgy dod Qhs comaysonned oHUGd 20 UGUHMAd Gapss WG Lidirown G Ppsevcsriiasr wn". Bava (Diet Coke), 61Geu snes oR (Subway Sandwich)’ Lpinyorimenarnis Apri Ori Derper py Byars Aer aomajnsnard DaGysed ocinyy alBp waa, GeGumosy GLrencs aeasonar Agi DevGonney Ayrsvewnseng wibd.9 Brg Due SIF p QuUAd vomseng Gon Dai Doriacr. Qeugs Gres aos TunPsc apsior sappops gmduass tcp ba}H0N9n BADR. Burst 98a Grin 2 swajsofeir Dia oppor, aprons TunPseron 4B 2 qaursA asvoorr BUD aipengarus orcrenarsiry) DonbgiOsncirargi? Qiisys spurns oivGiiny dori 1 TunBaoier peirp) ‘ew Danavaivig rad’ sreirig. Qareveivig stad syorsy 200-g grretry cnt BUSS! WITH Ly AG crocs Tye cu Gagired rseoemb sia wwon1_ jg) Oasnavsivyy 17 wu" GLUusmG woepgyeansn (sivrm46i) srHRg4AsmCIRpat act. SVL AY. SIE, LO WERE NoMa His AGL sb. Berar Asnavcixyancd sonmad GoPsGSw Yas wremsengs HAs. Cogn Garber Reiraonorajsch aanend. QEPu genzOprenseed | et nuad 8% Gui cv_mpcrscner 2 QanainGar gargs a,cisy 55 ApiRcipor. Qe GBs Bapbscur... yciay goo ‘8% QiMutacr wLOGw semper 2c OansMpmiac. Bis teinatiens APalss a176 paigndens OSs GasuQib’ ern ops — (Qerewciy:chttp://www.nebi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/ 14493771) quaraet Open Journal of Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases srg WHaAud yuaAppPe ai Gens reper wasgior GuonoReui achgneir npn omibsr’ 4GBunt sive mgcirsnond G55) iipiacin_esnps stapgiBpo wise: sive ng.sir aDypesanen aieosrt 200 Baung L navi (muon 12,000 Bang. rmeinit). weyagien ouscoag Se BoxtIQurfus son, Onnydsoméanen craivenlseosuled 2 cron yGonsRMusoiresr wor nonatr GprurraMacoras®, ear dapgic up, np oth SuGsBPusy ucronn@ wn bgs Mavouesrirs Gon. civ my dra Bon, nigenpeou song find (w@sgicrtasn) wags Dpresntisoficr QuriaaAed wuss ® vinagsirssiie Rerearajsoners ses gorumocd otG) oe Oe_meb. wimp sirscnned poicousorwevitas wii oritpre, op GsenGor TOLOYy UES DOIGT wuss ysrssirgred. ony umapagee cibLngouted porenin Dom_wingy. erred, LonToociy ous BORG LMU agsiaxenAgdaa civ mgst sof gid poirenw rcnigs Posnb wai Des ancnTGarcogs oF Gonpasrest soa) sereou0g5 Tet! oink mg.oi 2.12 Qasnsinsauiaaied 10,000 Bure. © 307 Bu@se —seiviyorp (cataract) augid. oidvL_ay.sin Lusii@sgoriaenag sobnLyorp ox—HLd ounairey 50% o/c. #25 Gums PoVfomd Uupponuib. 8 0 GuGdy Es ANAswBor apiguing soTTy mI UUpHErL ub. © QusT MG HDS sonaic sidsonT DUD our sngemv0%, sivt_g st antouytb © auger Quainscr oii ngs 2 Danek aed sidseng ou UGMUs Hse FIP Awd Io) 9% DHA. © UniDeresr Qu aged umiitiytd svrmgoned 2 oi. 193) © QsusBe asirer savisaied ssivommary (calcium) uw SL MporKc snFEMOTS acvoro. Qs wre chy areyd amino PsAsAng. Dis Dmcrapsonrd ovi_ny stadt Qarwvevyrtenwd Genyb wtb 6683 57, Qu Hom sinug sOciHed yore woRaytb Liursmbpenes sic Anas Qi wis). woe Ppruendissir a Gganshu mGdsd abuser oSusn® - wew Appi. -oDd wo HUpsHth omoagwsgid vgousisirO. Harnad, QosGu ow arsmisw1sH Gay sod sds sypew Pononiraci. wor mupsssonss Hoopsgt was Penssaier Ap UHM, 205 WHS AiumsMTd woe uss Qe waar asiong). 185 sis Quins Ganasengl Gunde Obs weihsiser UPsgeTdaUGRerpe step) we Gt srsivorrGayossmtb. Ganssg4G WL Guooia, unpahordg sowsimafled 2 oir ngtb cid, Pounasdgi, UssNdasn outed 2 cin td we 2H py6ld Gundipa pda Dip wopssci URbgin7 QriwciuGAerpow. GonaBio1, 1999 ups Bw spe" apein woiwcsiesit, GGub«sb, Purest, Gani sion) Loose sonsd ahQsducupyg yb. Bord, Deg sodamuppsg wosGs Siors onde AsndosuGRowy. Qsds someon eiraMenonayseir 2 ou. Ao UGLIEST, War Hupsstd GuTdipapapAucdwmnd 51495 IMAG QaGouny Faso, uu snipe Arsene. asin s1apsAaAeirentn (erectile dysfunction) RamBuyh wo bs AoiovondisaAeir sus RG sb. asusITORST Sersonusuytd o1356% Apu GMs pri sPBound. Qs BunBurrassy 40, 50 WNUDS YorsosG aTdQu go Tider. aera Lome oI wIG Hd Qedongs ysiemowss, Guisiv uneHuscd 2y/hotéoiranco (female sexual dysfunction) sient ounBonard soirGuiey sasoirarew wos Ay arensi Ts. Dusirmeps Gls Ourrgvouns wiciunb, asi! UpBigsad, wow supssstb, Lewésenw, enniGwnes superar garni Gums annsorsiarsna UMIU FHUTA Qdbvmod Guts ominijeo. Qorse HUHUGEA shorgihsd QHiGb widDengssr oupgsaG ow. PPS VO Ouse QatuiGurd uPsaciuGagrs woes Poimverisgcrrd BASIC aguioyaoh sw AesMer. sea nnsaiTe wagered 6OI7 Np 2 uP Mesias opoiu wpapse 2 ey Guusrarmod Aa wngdiaGen 2 pale FOUGI. waisewred aci1B) Hupasis LpaDardor (yutd sictprgd Qupbensuasd nianrinaith syasengy UrraSuscd © owiayssch gn6in_Liun” Bb, Mov siowtd yop soomuGer. 1 cwgds Bog spoivaoticn Gr sikOLeiv1” Games (testosterone) amriGuoneir astiLy Genpargsned wang a1upsAuidrann, Uneus HUI Gorose Gurnoiyoeres SUiIGOus! apse. gponred orb wUDerb, oF rows Renb ul ginnd oom TGbGuTg 2payOerirar pig ura Lo 3151 Aivuth RunPenr stair soivGowrn’ Lt Ody Sprsuesisssowrs HUE GOAL 8. wads emt 1755s wipers sunisD PV Dancin Osa WMA atasir. HApom gor UBBiders noisosrnsir Q5/Gam_fvins xbsones Fomine! » oma}, DEAS, BCITERULD, 2 LURPAM stor genowdsi Geo Pouorischer a Ovum Gs upg e IOS Lt Qs. stong pibLyosss, Ter iby OLB! stow dsc %OUb pli Ped 2 sirenpradsncs wTumenaaahe ARSON 1160 Wiad Gunisnsr QypsMpaiacr. GroOGwa cue onr ysahp paid mrndHund - peaumpays GapaAe Basuitov sinconud Gonpse ustrarT’ G Aprons Pech gob soins ey. 3 Wa sy SDT Fons AsMuorssy soverouchid DISH OL pBInd. ING Does, stoma 2 ones Hi YGITE tes Hopson an Asisiorss. sare GA senTdsId Gid5 Cousin Gib. NGritecs awa) o1G6g1SOKn6n1 Guns) ro 10 HGern QosRugs. gored sms Ao SHerd ond too oPuss. AYES 166 UGrawer uoymiCu sPsS0s060 viigmen web Orv AeHag steity GunAés DOGS ofeoRlenrt Raimut. Ing Gua8Gw WL oc Den H QvGuag pode eLedpeggicr ecromt. s1giGunsrp Parcveninscien acy ses AADAGSISIIG som Uarisenan enous such Uassytb ones pu0 Ts 2. cians. 1851 9 Lena, Sijweoteds Sigléaiuce umpduflu @enraxsch: Caen, owl CSaard Qsugwmsgs DaGsarngr? Qiws Gara are Barn apt # sions Gagan dash piime5anLus sradarr alone 2 omajxaAgyti Bpsvamis aaOomomuppns LudiGIgeAp vias. Qew Gps agcorgas DGisIe, 2 VABHGU YAS Sm iawBAGsoTo UP DGSH Garsin@1, — Qedawunr — gonad, Qs Bprunad LMPianiGQuovissr pp wipleosengol, Barons Ped Dro. Qodenar srairps1Bewr a diaynsir ans) Beipar? Spins srovOsmronur Brinsioy QsuissAG pars soi Grd sroiuQomrds Bary srgiayth Bobenay srcinusBps 2 franco! PyPearjai, Gradgy Bossi (Tokelau Islands) wg ucnyaur Pyaar Zojsiis (Papua New Guinea) astupi> wésensr odie CriIgs arias generar Byssierenarujtc, Gp.iianus craineorcounyid Bes sone 01° Oarsiogs sein Sutin gy. genre Houiwded ving gonGragriaonrrs Qiesxahcrsoo. Bpmimmis wppnd sent Cawnapcny (Trans fat) srgptb asens Oamapcuins womb GAORpniacir. GQasonresseir 181 ilurnnp@ oreieOaewir, at onav 1siveant Buinsbinanar ronirw/osr Jy awiOaiugoss suigir gore Qansinonsiuns Ww Aedypar gerd Qs yard &Gin_ Qeupwvepr iy Baye Meinsongy, worrene tienes sxrovenyptiiigi. Guinn, mane seGaniprd Detimgorned Byrnes crodrQeodd Hongipsd syom_ayid Oarapeny (Trans fat) starciu@ie Orupanads Annipcipsci Gri Rerpar. Qasr 2 HsGs Dosen iuHpsied. Qirmar naisar 58m ypulayaonrddssnes Gpsrisnds sreivGesuiesr Grunt Os GaGumirsiee gi. sah pebow Bpsiavnds sroinGwrt «151? Lonbudewacr (ponpdd OR mey Qudmsunss Wo d@Ob Gohan soinOowdisnir aL drpwasg 25b55- niger, opm o—gGeniotd Gauiuniun= Bpseiand ereinSleonl.ssens Wii 2 Leipovenends DaGSg1sOancron Baveioemb. Upianids 1G5361% where adrepE Ob Beirne » wmayeiQumessir - Oya. sOudand souusd erivOomuTs OpdGu wwsiUds 5 FL gh “Up Bangs apr. Apu Quuiss apypwions axPlauny sro Rrgs Nuisid. agraigy LiasbGsaBp A~sMwngsiig, Bpuienus CuoGav aan, 5) 1nd LorOHISD 155 Opudunanss apspssens oveny auyfapeorn. Gui, Opduyrd, Ungrw1s 2.61G a5 wosoirt Qpdustd, GorsinDowrujts Gora, Dd Danovsivyane QeysRog sreirps nlorned GprusiignGan aanraurisch? Qari TBuwesned Opus, GoiaiReais Ge UPI ‘Borner, wPusapG srsivowri, Potro sonGomd Gursipaydenn wasc uuciupsad Gyn ROL artes. Opes oBirron cron G Mprovcniisefier QHw usa ori Bringy nn GiDugs? AOwoAswrai, Sande ons wi OGw cuss GH i535 UGSR Deng sroivGawrui (Cottonseed oil), pg Weirsa wilarigasir usc OS aupsned o.uGumsucdarnnsd Gurrongs. Nipapsiten srsin@omronus aresrox Qaraugy creme x usmincd sprovensir st Aosipen. 164 pd Dard 4 sein” smbieir (Procter and Gamble) PNUADd 9G Aer Hrah GSH cong oreixOomreud INDUS UWAUBSSOMD stig YBU gGonsencverws Darctean’. gard 2 wiGatugngs srg 3D uep3B ofan 1991 senor g Qoderov. arrewePAed erinGowris 2er76 3 LUWIDAiUGDd DanPis murgirGunay 9 Mss) Yor Lerogese umidus. gennd, Gangs for dpm wapligGardpr si Rp aPypop Qi5sMpBs! usd a sisiQenrd CaGahenendg a uGssiunLg). sroivDeol DanQide oo mane se41 sem ena15 Deujsersums 2.6 Merpsaniacir Qsseonred ob sro soniisofair Qaenupeijasir HA guasiaid SGU srgpiub cures Darupiiusns tonpSan. esuReir Bp sodOowd) srrIHTO TE GBH Sr Rug. ssrwugagstd ops eeapfargy. DocinGes AuMdwrale ungb.iuy senrowsd sro Gow wra LUO orbs UsiGADsEpCY, wi GsOwnapLY, DarsinGorw, Opis UBM UGA Tons rsvGomd aponsciui GAs. gh Apwenu ar Pera Wek Goats Qossoraytb, souisAaow7 Monbusmisch OrWucie gigyb uss ons Bx gare aUrti5s Asm HHermiscr. DsoIer sours, ghusnpp a1oinomd Gunsinsnarupi QB5GuIe spsrscsGs—eie” ox. Died Ged 1960-Halsd Qanevsiry. snc ID sraphagib OysaiuMer AApereH Upipsad FAgas. LIST G Aojoremraachr Dude UB arte Lrdtn, aersvuG, umonis Gunekp oraivOsmiisenar AP UpHGS Bo. BRU widest origi wGarPw imo nA sPupsomensi. Limon ALapMHsS FodvgH steiprayth gonsyth ave oeGorpptb Asis Mins agib 2. dsrHIGE OaGsoronsrs tomBuigs. Four, sqrivineit Guinsitp wnGaaAed Aenonhy Ganusm fered HaBld QaksH Ac wiPseGAS Hors 2 arts NanBdsarmb s1o1Bo sroine De yuoihdaroRgyeh Ganeimioncn Fe 2enoHicd Lug Dsn_uPornissh Grruniahe Qoss mss. Crrwn araiQenrujid shengule AS AIdg a1 531 QiBunoer 70, Sosa Grrumisrov Arva1wrergs. Garumsah Soba) toinClomeousc APs) srs STE UTsLd BaedeFw teinGlosmis UstroNTdS Reo dG. OA yosb arvono17 Qepsared WIDSBIS Lowa1Ts Deng Ms uGsPerriasir. iss w pad Qos wahsiawnag ora orca? sro Cunhias UdBwosai staph Ouwiticd Ganurr sheng UBS. -1soin For Gamuin Lib (Soy milk), GLae’1y (Tofu), Otsu (Tempeh), Bonu viasé Granetym use Conair sqrt avren Guingstasr spon sciUG spc 1901 Hupix POSE Boro were, wiGsens es eemerrat IMs Bid snaramachic Voss IGSsIUGtd croix Qewre se, lpoineort Gd GITSDUY aomray stor wWdHaAcr Zoneuhed a tLe. Qe Henonauns, UTmbuRus srsixBemndasir, Opt, OunsivCom GurTé praise: Apusre Sonpsg. 2 civenwoided Opi, OnsOomidg AGAY mL Qeiry pnb sonwwgys Go lwiiiDagub sreieOomrerasch argapyusnay evens Gy 2 siento. nuar sian PAG Pani _agu Dpuidg Garren 95 somarcous Lonpr 16% FoovUd sreivGomeRonTaxh 36M ape upioir? <1 JuiMailnanyic, apne re Gaxior Guncipsncsets ero GorBus Opi UMass sTeGb c6By Osnodrg. Qouy ins Dud, Kanes rou ors THSIASICUL ng Opi Gus pitaiooa whsGtd. GuoGur Luc ors einsgnh uri donuicd crainGomuns Opiienuts UMDSD 1585 wpupessverar weosaiegs oR nici. 100 Damir Opuintisd (.scdar3) OaroinGosiuFod) 2.siron argu sit: 50% cron Liber @, 11% ean Laneir ig, 12% ones. m, 9% coon Lifes Bangin RBgssnoy GLNB -smublovs, neue’ L912 hiasiqpenas 2.irenem. DarsinOemuied 9.drar mais or why 2Laned srahBed aluowirns@rd Ging corned cronies ovens enout"t Beit 6 ayotb. Wied 9 cron Gx2 ergpith coat. sein Luba, crgwtbty marsasg ong ston Re SeHTEESH Kain Mpgistantisen. Ba? on Mey, Angarme agoilgrsien onan ibier Fay nsarinera ges Mortis) Bix wyonb (sensor 2a 50ied 15) acirong)). steed GlausivGewis rene 8rd Runones 2 essay! we Ow Qs a sar vrarsrenen GaN. 21d, Osnasiy simak Qanciv® GupGasndrenb vowed es (avriGioadiacnens swings, 2.1 696 rcissanom’ Lingairiigs) nauron DADA sath qpooriGinesci QausinGemuda a ch gy. AarcnGemic o.cren gary ysALsinGacir wmTeo_VOUs ADiGt 46D Oxnain ona. QB a ciror » onpSsnapciurensi dp Bpnisg aBoame GumdGs geironw Ganon si. pore QavainGemuid a sirar oBamrok -itAavrh (Linoleic acid) tb Gu Pity eBoow agNiuGsgui abs Caras. lout joe DL ayth Gaz, onavie blair 1g, ides ustd orgy OU pisRseHd upasch whond rand yxoficsr rads Wpsut sroireig) FHBLing Kain Hu Herons! Ep sGarrgid Grsreiy Bsrdissr vad OSHOd GH 2, wdaNMund, ear’ 1 er BRU 2 KOUlb. 345, Ddwear wpsDusio rer G2 eno ww eavinans Den 4 Utgyib, OareivDewu/ Gio 2.0) Reixnss Hort Anse 1 dgmeaiags waar creo Aesesreshs asst ony Dpirtasiry Qarsin Qasr 2 sinusa.ned 2. aS 9 sirar erabigsrad (LDL) orepytd Qa Aarovsig niles Heras APSR Gid. Qos Gesnavciviy ane (otal Cholesterol) waraytd AMR GLd. srovGas DarsinDeari, Osi BNUHO 2. GIEG yusshanongy srow Aesepvewhacir es Powis. arr DoveirOonri, s16b19 s16) Qamreveivg araScir -s.arenan (LDL: Particle size) i RasMeiuignedsiair stab ore 1 BavorRynasy tcrsemp MG GIA KHGLNg waiT RG KH sronniacir. sicr1y 616d- aed Qeosse9s 2 sia - Small particle LDL wngigyid Large particle LDL. QBs AGwovens srovig sob (Small particle LDL) geir ayusorongs. ABST Hl Qouprormsic gy sQanc@ waren cious aumenpagib soiree Daroin g). QuiOusvens sraiy stad (Large particle LDL) gb Qswproraisciad oc OaPedraw. Qaorned adyTd Jonas IDEAARTAND PSG DaOse srgs94b Horung. OarsivGews, Opi Cunsipeas pir ApSwarena cry crow Guhuaons siorgacdore wmbp Rng. Gascwred THINS ARAM STOND HET pIDwGLI Rrdonewasr shybLIL_ Mg. iGporound DassinGeam, Oui BLitsinnsnay ppsio0 Glsravaivig oms0reM sr4up stab Ut GaidGH aIMaNARg!. Ig srsirow? UTEP Qanaptiy PridIu Qerenng 2 sa. QorssxainG HOGI LUBaMps area. Denupid sxup Lng w0-GGw ance GouainGuh srainp) Qencrisariisesth 2 in@. genta 2 sirenin orciresr? Lingm 21 dpe Ae 9.5% asa 2 nro. angas GuoAGunafed Derypts 100 Lung midssir 9 sinew LA gsonos.scs LOR ngs. umgmBes a cor soi Aer m OG apsiog 8A Loin _and AsuduGib gotten Oasnsin gi. somer0uHi 2 iaengs BD%GId 1921 ponoups Oaneirg. ungmAe somenonen wie unk Som iDRpgs. Qa fb uybscir, agubyaohe preys amb s5s- Lynn U8 a PBuc ayiraynch stoi spy Dein or? LC Ray ggtoweh ayobe Buje Mapeated weysgrarii Baciod ponwamnued wes qyuroy poingy 20061 051 GouoRh cue gH wie, cums prsigepanp uagme, amnebpe. Gureiip Qmcosoner b incrutsep SG LITEM Cy aud suTEsh 37% Gorparsns Hs Fog. (Genser: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed! tsioy Oam 17125535) WABur Ca creirg acdpwgsg 2oh% Bprirsndr, QoivinGonts, Opel, ungmi, uaki Guns 8005 Rui0Ter v omapsofiss guy Cem ied yoouoiegi. srovGar o1siels asa upth, juvisiapes Qi Bure Gusr Lust” ares Bein yhgpavmb. 193 | 10 aeaxgg sitiGeonb? Oa Hebiioomb? GuSBur Lun? Dem irjm_u agevimy wind 50 9QHUEL Masser Qsarong wvisBomd. QriGung GurOGen 2 orray Papas GensipGarsinyw BPupepasnan unis syoN_oonb. GuSCur Luc yd sore: BuehGu, rar BueiBus stem Qos aoivG. mse GusGur wpop, gyfer 2 ror ‘pond Bund - povaumpay’ sigpii GuciGun Lan’ e&Gucdys Gywsgrd IHEPCuswns » Gombe 1g afl, synaeu GuiSGuin us 196d sreinGlensinen smnSi_eomb? ironed a.erma4: 100 Uingmth Qa” onemeir. UT TEL ayrens aud aunsgs rcdargy fied 12 wer pnb eapa"G Bangycir a cigs Aphogi. ungmd aon Path cross sepgsiositosc sronsv © coms BOWEBU UCLA 10! aL Dansirnoomd. (1808 Oseiapanp Serdad By QanQaeacren” Qsirorgi.) Pu eemay: f Wp eracr. (ple ow wesecr xgojcr actronGarsin@ib. gyinGor, gysreumfed orem L119 Garsr@urangyih s9.0$3) 2 ciremevid. “pL coruytcir 2ciy, Darisnund, sb57a9 Cunciparbos Bridaoonb. lout honsnod Ageing: 1 Camians ined 05 GaroiGub. 2.6 nab Wan goraieorer BuGGur andi Saanond Garis Bassin G tb Aniiaflncnar sro. gaoltb, osname Opes oFG ash siiligni 2 séremeomb. Qs rama: Devs 1Digie Gansronamnd. Qenps Had J isG, wa Oaag, idx QonnsM, Weir, oagyoit 2 cron Jan, ain Guunsii QenpsAacnent) UG aL sGibarony ood linisivaintnsd a. obremroontb. juiltdsGoucimgu Bloons asonessir: Onnupey ssppiiuce Gaps sumssdr gaiirsaciur orig uma. (221 Gand sapptie Banfi, wpond Gane aniprni.. Bot). 31g 2 cowcsssinatied Reo Ketb sreisOonreiiee QuiyRiaCUCL, JnMeMmisd Bridacu Qlenpsh 2 emalxonors paix Govotr@us. Apain® (Digionen snasahsh 2 oirenremb, Perupt Garsin_mb). yn order — Darsironsnds §—wqpenas we Gt ott poids GassinGud. indssh acpoyioit Goris upag qptonr_Gur » siromBarcinG tb. snoinGomies QuURIs LIAL QenpsAoous peiliéenBarsinGud. eoweuterersdsenen GiseNGusn Lust: huronae - wus a omrsyseptd, toronevs Abgisinny- eid senaay tun 1pad QudugGure unpmd, wlor GCurdpasmp OPgrb wip Ag SOanrsronarms. Gray 2 omar Glenys Aint) uBoor uehit efucr, uali yéan, uati UL wane Cunsyparionps 144) Asndroncond. ongupid yoray wags UA ot-siGlo 1a » sioromrss tb. CueSCuneed geSlidsaCousimgwiones: a ganondDypang, Voici (pomonigi vanssemth), seins, Litensch Lic Larasf - ugtnjarcnassi syoneosgiib. Liipsorenassit sencnigitb- Possene, Carwin, Ciasy (Banu unde Doss sures U@b uTdsy), BdCwaet, sorongssmi, gosh, aidso07 avsira®, Lei Dyping, woorsamis, aurenypanul, cypsiact sranonsgitb (oyousnGLo sromini@td QacinGesiiupes soiiag). 195) atdr05, DO psrarmb Ronypid shor! ey dou 2 siugopyih » sways Qors igs woRiviciurgs srsiro) GuTAEAPiiwon 2.1 ob pov ISL Bir AGiwus Qosyd suas ywsOund on py DaiGhg15Daciren Aisi CucSGumafled 2 cisrevrds saig.wisnen: sIeI% Honor, HoT (Broccoli), uptet Bansiv, uneyi-ndy ST, SEG, gaa00N, Downes, Darien dani, ag Diana, ourenpps5s518), Seo sin, Hotes, aoouiTtscd (Asparagus, IDAdninemag Derayi Ags sais aves. GFA Gundy; Qoyiegtd.), Gumi (Rhubarby QanGard Goh), yc, Qraid (QeusGens), DarcironA, Gor Pons iden, Aascey Porch, iysor, srorncin, pir, agNbsas, BoD, Qe, Aarhsusd9, weed Aypsugy sierar Bin (Avocado), yrsvsiards. Qiip Luea.od A, iii, Ganginw, Apsrahund Burd ysramsgib woPidacur GorsinOtd. CudsPaaied, 2 amarnsiaaied ApaiiGub 2 smaysir, W0IdG, Gor Gusndyy uovenaissi, Decry wenassin oponbd Daw Glo semeyscr stor Gens xoeusensuid 4pBar BAérGousGUd. apsiror Garmoretd of-4 0 seh 2 se16ray aint pavid, asian. cise, Borsmpgisenad sowud oinGonurs Opi, QeursivDemi, Qader 91° yw Basiands oxen aAuayienpe uUsUGs send. sev D5s oe gyiied ussiusGssamb. Qasr F914 GoHIY, 2 wi 16% Hupss1b, siémonT uD ADuanos GowIuPsgud Oungiasren GuelBun un’. wseisct, sosriacr cm Doug Fenysownd. a9) adrnmissr UIsmd Caisson, wpmunporins UCLA Ie 2 Qancrarsomd. Wp or set Bairang erravinenth prom deh UPS Guu sirdiSsen0 9 six Lune jigs o1—H@pmiasir 4A, ULL em Baiiapenpanus Qui Biingy ssniigsa8comb. ULLitte Msiigpsop: POU. wmevasir Pods UBP. iia wk creminsGrd snipe ARS stoivowidonaic 2 crorgs. ard APIHUUD QorsinDemane maysas POu~jsPurtasin wc aw argon Lunaed 1961 muniuimiach. Qonw wrens semaine 5 BBarre grows Voll BIA SAGO UA oObarg1. wrk cr5entedes wb ere Granary vot AensbaGorsin nb. wMt Orin QasinGennuIGaGu Oana ds pouvickasoomd, Gysoneuuaroor Gunessnesi: ned: 125 Wa Bis 1251808 Boreinemits 30 Dams wikasns: 1/2 Opixreiuy, syorcy 1a Buch: 1.5 Cdaneiny mi wivw.nebi.nlm.ni Journal of American College Nutrition srgth np @p1G weoigiar mpiorabled git apron Qos cine 1 aie oreo actor Monti 2 wiénong Gprurnchinesag Busou Lue ened opuGu Aenanayscr GMs! oi eptey pL ALI LBL jostle 21 Set Qeradenard onaainestd Bnei, Ren 55 “sjarenaud enssusteagth Gps iojbgitb worsa_cny sTUt/@.sw aver Sundirpanas yiiapag IGAgraDansronsur con. woyAsyer gyrase’ DOW (Krebs) sonwvenioused 2013-tb 21H Dis apy Aopepoucig. Mace 2 sikseos Gpaunahsepis yp 11H snon psig GiseGGuin tw! ot ts Berea lewmiscr Yad goarrgigt sorehuns uss DBan rem QosAGe sass. 21 oer Gon sat garcnaid msumenth Dost (HBAIC) sunafunrs L1 stash Gop Resor. ouTebey i ach sjonayacir onfiaioiss Geni TORN Lo. es SHUpspLb UBB Ldrafincir arcnr SpsDG SSS. modo Dayrevsiv«y. acrsorresr oréey-srod Gararsing racer gorapscir 10 Lycirailascir cuss RHA Gwe Quads Oarwsivy aad qoropth, orcbigersd Qsnavaivg pred -parayth DahsPossngnd, 441d Qanovsiy prsd/ 4.eopRellzenn cio AG yp sowo.oiad Gono js) -ovisalicr Qauipaves Guniduw ces Lime AaaiuGs Aug. (Qesucuy: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.cov/ pubmed/24015695) 11071 CueIGur Lunia sidsen7 SpmunahaoRer stéacos sanoyacir At GAGs argoersutd, Deuparst Gwidu Gansu, 2 adparr anit Dor onoyasr sCorhpid sneisisytd gusolxaRer Py Yyser DuMIuPsgAciper, wGK sso aqiordsced BiisGur Luc yst ussirasir G55) Om ifs) TapSLLI Gud, RounBéach ULGb uepPenper. wEigUgsIOD Fi 5HS.IG sofed Boros AoanPsmuGAcipen owed GusSGu wi. Ogmirtyerrus Buiaasi wosgos sedgnM grcisaAayid, ims BLL dafignd QUA aps srosmogb HHUGRDS!. Qapanen snsosounns pus eepgitienas - BusoGusr Lune gincin aid Lan’ orem Bitworomd 48 Lin gidsohe Qe bdOupoof 16, Qismen psi Ond<9 abs ‘@mpas Danupcn) Lun Gr Apap THK Baymosepse cDIveIsis yMAGd. Lr usp oid AGHACuoysr weir By nhs scr Dero combd. goats Goris Oanegiy 2emsy wi ora sy CLI winds Dsasin® L199 2omay Ppiaemiiasir Fuse, or viv Gursinp snenad o smraysonsrU/1b, saohe aytuer Aero WpIMsSs ohscoonysd sumhiss, AAdLenen Digs ar GMeiynsy. GusIGarr Lun obs.” Wain AG HEIRS G DHOUAU sus Doser. s1serres yes AOwhés 905 wpb AOw Is gIFusda17Bsr apsororsoye Be Pounded ueMundoub wessiaviacir wpond se pr AD Gb sAPBud ginsopamac aperwasayd GucdGwn LU GIG oPITEH sOcuierssusnerd B-Ig.usiaTeN. Descanso wesgion srebsahed GudGun Lux. Gia stead Bw DupABsdros; er siisahgnd sis wsvesnen 5° Pensa crap 5G auBavones. Qisoramer srobonb sing GuSAun Quis, GjpseBar pIOseNed grobasir wdond saps ssardponivaci aporrons Aiie5t LIppwEDer 2c URS. QHCUICM HO wnpptb QiPurciignd son Baci@id. GuohGur _unort1 Fonyiond PUDANGUGH HUIUGIGME usiKAcion ois Gouin (2gngemons, Rusivys, Co anus GusGun un Gis paassrsanen sacivsgs.) OLE 2 sidac00 Bont GomIU GSS apy wTss) s15Hp oer AOL satin GUND. gonssomaRe sidan aware BASIa wiser, 55S AsTHmoiGTH Gps AGG GI trou Bath Osm_ikgy MOuIL_Govstar ud. 1 108 | 13 siéaay CHmyd Ambpel unsliyb: Fikes ordi (o112), GomiusGspdmiqes PurBGu, Guse§Cusr Lu. poh QgesPu wig snd spe IS PUTUSDS LUNgGamd sdoeur? agerne, ow 2 sidsers Bpruncd WURHUGH UH Bary QsPuiaede Gulu 1c Hp oo airigng QotiuGs Oeluag. ot 2 sidse7 Gpredeub, BG UdpginIdaluGi grads gue eres aera Qpenpag lb asiron Ognikeronwnsrw saviscr Qa a1609 ASID@daAedore. orci 2 vidssong Opes autd sngomni ‘Lo Li H Oscurngsy, aPawonad onnIGargs, usibu60s Fun ores yuisenaed Seyprer Uns sp TsoOUGApgs. art 2 videos Ion GOMIUO SS WUE HID), Hon WHIT we OGw NOIGH mds way sor — Gpawaalact MdumassIUGSRpuiash. Qasr GexBon Qencivsy rs wayne yGoiugnd, 9 Augnd, usieure@ asain Aosavesrivsdr wpb Lichigs atoieRsafei BusrenaySwo Ot 2 sidaes Bpnidanon mausPuwrs oc puasPytb, Laas stud Bayt uiipgensdscr UBAeiper, wiser Asi Disonshe por cuuihpA Gadi @puissi. Own igss HiME 4ni8® Rvs. oxsgboor HOR, sidcy, sn Gusneinw Dy sieMusisoaruyjd somes Briggs Oars Dprincr. nom Died sup Pasnsoonepid Rane danosd ‘Quy curdusens as, 1109 1 9d prsiny aTdd orodanDagtb aidnena yoni axeptb* eras) Guneky swagmossixoners Oansbe yaused soo. Bis. OL 2 siden Bont OG UMbdusT SunG rss 166 agirraptb Deor_w7gi. a esroyts Lypsistd seit IaFsnenGur Hsu, Ub WSIBonr wit ster! SLL 2 FiasonT GpmidsoM sro o1cb00. Bib WACN Tt Oe, Gonane, stung M srcuGe" owas pwruped IOs IUUIGRB9d. uUBovas Tsn, vids sn T A GsH1D WENGBus HIGEH IIH HAAGIGUMD! ood 1aiimamIE avcGed sidsoon Gpmil, 15a 1aphgld Gumcgmenay gis Gib UGBAditpen. FORUPED FeHoupspuTTs OFM cld PGT a corayi Upsssmed FissOT Gomi 9 UTbduerT sun ston ssouprad FM BIDROSI. umbrseon Gur oroxRyy sirshan ys aay ud Somatiniipsend groit 2 mies sikmans Bprous RioTasRnsy. Bib 2.1 0d podougi, Dat gi ota marks a1an% LomLIgRDLAREHLD Acirorar. fled 2 ctor Bing Aomarala gi wiriespisaoi goyyo.Te A aTDITANh Feta enstORGlb orgs aMestost » sword SI_KUGDA DOT. 32, woUEDAsCir God Port seosgiarens AHL pb Oprcdwomysnig a omaysenor 9.1 Oarain® BurRaaia QOsS! pido AGMA GAA) Gs Fpori sons OL 2 athnens Gpnuiag we Grosda, ers 2 shdwane Bund PUG UdBargy arensurmon ot TET Tu RmoAgtb Sto GurT Lue Rartssmi so Rpgi. 2 snes sort 2 aridesanr Gini, PO Ht PM ApsBambonse aParcousnat) uMBsGd. 1750-05 Ayifrs FurnPeru ang & OpsciGrT1G (Diabetic nephropathy) stor sienyptivimiassir. ‘Diabetes Affects the Kidney Ino 1 hitamg Cpnanhacr 96 98h stdsong saris wt OdS dr Saaedanad sicipred 215) goudipiosin_ovtd, om Bip, iyibreb, Gourd cron ore aciror govGaung a.sitienusyb DEG. FAB shdsm7 Horo I PFW1s QOGSsTD, HS nighiadrg0 UBS 9G HUI sreogwdGU pw Asbo Drudypiiy aur apPlarGagid. asses saray pw Aired Nysomb uBsstuGersiens unied OpIGrauB. (gubuy hoot ob Unie MI GiGLINg ays Ours, Larmned Fiay@rsBs hein UPA UGGungl - Lumuted Cu GarnsB) ingagians Cust iut Bgriasr OQpobscr (Jorgen Nielsen) romanoiic Papas eG wodsior irate GrseGurr WL OSS, WQS OPUGITUBSGI Qon Cw v.drer apo) quiring. Back yvonne Pye Maysore uorcuadiore (Nutritional metabolism) ergo1ub eng Agisu gpirewelled 2008-tb api Oaslurangs. Qui ayiaRair apigaed psb-scir gy sugars DansGenl (HAL) sonasepdgtb Opti GrruPsgid ou ora Opn iyscr yRatucd Muna Pepsin G aGPeuper. qonned, Si Risipt omnes sidsnone Spndr apiSu Aprunshaea igs ot nnayda és 2 chon 2 omraysGor sm tikgy uAbgseoréstBiougsmed joviesen aa Deane onqmusiMensn®Bun (Hyperglycemia, ram Hd hidnong sarayasr gDaihsed) uc G fp saree Geir aSir IRS) Ao UGUd HPalsMeipon. Quy Paha gib 2 ob hypnosis RoipaHs Her QrudAper OxDADS- 5 malo gyanarc5Ltens oot 2 aiden pruned Mp ostb IPSs 4 GSS FGUGsIG Guan Lani pawns ApIGITUG MuGerus GeucuGsPGornd. js Smear o11g) 60, 1989-0 gewG wold wd 2 shes Gprund Lina Lad. 21aIcHeO1ws GOL 2 pseenrased avepib 9.1-cb Ligwerngys, sid5009 Bprungnd ums owenissh. o0-aiisir WSHuPed out PyyBsH unBurron Opi Bor.sB asad LOPSSUCL Mk. semeadss mans Halon WHAM AUGEES Aandyigs, Govsi ARicos spoilage ApyBIa aBeiey oAustaraedonss. Dise anos AP OpmunsMeier stom. 8 apged 8 MEaon oneny Dosss. 20GB enpSawre waaysapgisior grew 2.owBor HsaIWFELGGDO URZgoTdHGUD mag Govss sGanisoard Qarsin comaa IPsgaOQnncrepbdGuTss tami HUGOw stan Pow Gre, seine wgwnpend sand. Qrnsy FHL THIGH. Dowigagsrors essai. HIGUIE ITE) ABM edu Het stesytd IHD sarays MPahéson. Os Apps Vas Opn hgusdaren 996, stein spss WG ssIaiEcr eRe ageuniach, moIGse Qe wepms a5) apard Aagysss OgmxiMennirasic. Qreireaicr ae Asay858 Osm ei Mugid QansDerA sponaysxcir p50 Savors. Gopspon. yond, 21 ob reo /Paihies.s Gomi Durgy. 90 Ger SEDI SoMeDas 61 .UIBs. 123/90 stein oI Deri 155 segs 115/90 sre APSR BS. 1G rgb Hered Boris seb1 Beir yrs see 2000 stgpILd gonanay sro (Guscdumon aserey 55). Dasintet 135 s1aghBtb 160/90 gy » wires, DssinIe 2004-1 yoiny od gauss aomaie Qos ways Ree orsyscir, Denupth 0 Mand stk Gempssiiuc eat. yuGKegs sndis Are, Yosepb Dsrupcaph PodGu a ewopseptd UpHHOUC Lor, auTss 2 oso 20% wnoysrig, 50% Osaupiny, 30% LyasKh Denson. MSGI INDIR G5% wap since Naypé sen. Gey asain AUGIG OA qpord eran Orgyisaigs Derg. BuclBun ssnrouned 19 RGox s1601_ Genppjigt QawsHerlM sonaysscir 8.5 srgpyib Vs Doss 6.5 seb MysS QpriBusy. Gissr IcvenGy Ig ApsrasDeH CsudRoc (Pailssg. Gyrein_cog BHOas oPsy Hors Apso uaPtiy DoDugy. sast QiSugy perv Mevwwier Q5dGori. vrerGar Gue0Guir Lun’ - LwURs OsUBITUB, 1555 sid senrk FEQUUID, 2000 198 GOPUY BUIdpaLbH4G DpcuTEH Biron qoni0yjtb...” sictAoait Cegnincs Qpebdssir. (Qarssrciy: aurh Ri Bramx Gos pug array 19 9G Por BCL d siageng 14.2 PB oisabed ssp ViGungy 9.5 PAL ciao oe Porn WEL cord ordmepy ap. HAUT Lund ampdors Gornoorwrs 2 sirens. auton noGaeoy oh apEoiuTEeh ocho. 36378 O8% \pdgenu GudiGur gerade avms Gap germs © saaucbsensnts ition’ Gans Emmi. rei Lu crs Garda - OL Sepsqarreml vupssmrent ord. Oendsenbd moa GuoGwr Lucent Hote pb piso. spt gay Beh Gig: haat CuoSIGum Lun Oa ony usSiesc? Dareivusn siipDargBoor Carydanss asda, Keponassne. dit emu) UTM G Be HH DoBBIL Ups, Hens! Gs Bein BGAN sIsrnes 9. coRUSRD dsonpysioroucir svcingy ‘ones GusdGur GupwnswdG orpsgiaussni. Qsncyeb o6Broesi 2 siBar wenpphay 8G Kron aurssaanar ays Gsm paGancprs dpusiy uTisg sromdgcr Ty dsarben| Qudimaysenpes Sarszios OanssAGencs. Guo AGus Lun 19.60 sresreor encnTL weiter? BushGu QugbuTgHd Wmie wi tnaGor g@ucie ey BrAVh, ape anc, womBstb smuT gs wrsyeb -asonen eToWey Loin UUGTUDSHSO Arco Qursiing1. yo sss oyDuss ot_wwe- Gb Aaiws Qusessrense stam agenda cir Qasr frbg SUF. one tysbour Legs sncL2, oases LUNG, Suse at” B/ Qumfuscd/ Keo, U1 , PhBD, BIH, OBE, Qarnutrurmsass, BIS, ids HriIEG GO, Godrsmds aBaupdror up) aniGuingsougs dior Bev, aun BusAGurnaed oro. agenpriry GpasH o1epiUa MANN” Giron G Lypionen 3oGKLs s101FG ASsoaTAsTA Rpdsaiedarc. Gavi BL ma GuACuAAd Qed croyprand aAGib9 oss Fain Bor c1901_& GoHLICOLIs sreiang Goupy Heinoowessir qsTEUgs? VsRuwrasd semonciy Qdomod srorupepssd aorapress rs Lemluinin Busts, AGS. QOcusta), sre Geiss Bours Danio Gopuasdrene, pat 2. HuuTpA-saosn scin1_gei Bari Gui. aHptusucmd AeimdCurgw xpeAeni AQserags QasdgndGungid aPUBib Flnwisesonen rliigé sonatlasAlyiessr? ani apordGung UpsBR goog UTGTD aIpdsI oIOK— QasipiaADBarch, 211 yrs QGksH QeoARSH Dan ui UTED» sikeong Gumng an, Qongi Gunsipsnar. 2 paleriseleapt DosGu OsrdSHAAHGpar, “Oamesath Quis, sae hit wisi area Ren@rnis.’ sig) EpsiroinGoGu QanebeaiNe tad WAypF Aun Caw) Rosier onges GuueSGuin Lust 1q60 stedten omciS\_eomb? nirened aemray? 100 Uren’ UGK (umLHB Medevs ed 12 nani pgtb oanp ena). Ligh oflena> tb ston acxgiLioninct HC Lie 2 Qasasionaomb, Gu remap GuSGun aniapached opnougs pep, 1/2 Rad. psiipas Opal OCG aipdaormd. Brians Bairfgi5@sncirensvmi. Quay: vot wesw, Losi ups. cngay Guu LU Lnad paboo Qsnereirg ped eroncis@ub erduy src aDahegub, 2d orm. Gerpuyl, 145 upsar Gargib, sidseng oie a. Beiessr oxcwLd. onges GusIGusm Lwit_iqcot eeurevecit inogsaricn 4 GardRutd, yore wr GGw Ken sigid Aoverena coast tildéracir, Denrdscner pibiFujstangy. sear eae Wperp sonont einippIuarineGag s1oneastnanse aunts Rar Discs open aumin'njsiv@. o1aydsyp swing & suomi C39 Limidaoo nb. ung esotaiar ppd sane yrpinster. Q5Gw 19% oseth Lar Rausiing 30% Qs Rarixcir yoga Genpune ead wr Pbs LL Deronniach. 9168 Yriigs TARSADL 16% Bui usirahs Opingsacr. Qariasr sdarGGin ssartacr rod Ondo pawns. QePurcies, ssrassrgrGio yar, QenpsR Guasixp Ist HGS aewajsonar orpTtb a civer apyarngs. sven Boy Yass Gompun® Qewun wpapaenputs UTP gtd aepustd sreirse9s twang Gcd Dasnciron Gores Gud. opp wae BersmarBiine yossorp awn Be5@ nosis yn.ungs. sspn_6 Bamarsensaron Yradong ssrpm_ 2.smaer osu so ua. Fan GEST Ow wees Yop s1@igraOSncroysrod onbssci Ligoieb Bedenon 1123 1 DIGu 0M Ap MeppacHieiisy. s9a98 o'r 60 Romd yogi IHAsCasinGtd. Qusngndg 55 Domb yogi Cuore. % Gd AL puAA, wHiGug, uTgU Ose Bundipardprd yap Bgansvash Dorereprd GamoninGuo. @Magnd smasre ype Papenwasns Bib 21 Bed Gariougs Deor_usngy. lesa) yp s5aGor pb ALA WipmnDUTsé GriRerpor. 2 snsesno1s apr cored Dore Yost 100% .sonahed pd 9.1 grb Go OacdB ngs. gourd, Ganges) 9.crar Ya sBeb 30% syorBau pi 9 oSied Gari Rngy. Usisiv, UGby Gundy enc a erapssiics Yat’ 2/at0%s% 2 cirarem. orn, youpy siren UHBorr a Blorsiasir apuperwurms Qrrong prc unBS Gt Gowen eras Lyapmssch pid a1 aed Gagmes sPons Ay srsso7 OershiGuspcuGRsyyew. (2nABorr guileosissi 2.1 Sei Bas WpsBenotse aan 2 Aariiacin, HISh AMET + LeMLEGID pore Qaneis nas. Cuong 20 HABoaT sy Beorissir 2 crore. aeuned Qarigied Far arma MAGonT sBevrissir wi Ow Leroi, UepenFed 2 ciromam.) emsauitscir Bused Gun 2 souaileh Besupld 100 Namb -saraysiees cungsmis ADGone 23 Domi yagud Reord ib. 500 Drm treed 20 rnb Hyaptb 2 sings. Dis Qusinen api amnFcnsb Quoniguh 43 Daub ear yop a_enevd Grou. Gamiane, sneisfaaiad 0 star Ysios GrgwPiuis 9H GCG Bomb ers asgé Osinain_agnd mae BisGerraned Ouo1stb 50 - 59 Barn .sonGas Ipt> Reo IMpg. Qa 17% VPsgonIh Std sporenas o9L_ayth opr). sree 21 doen unPigib gona} ysoooumene0 saGusrenng). GuaiGur sboris ose owed UDG Glens A genie ere ysaimsGu so Apis. seu nid gibBungy ser Gure8Gur a smajupern Biosnersy. sailor 6 BnaNT aera) Banh nani Aer 7 Ner_ungy. Qs us Gb seb MBIA UE Dopdaconbd. mare Beir of ornenors Hopi ugTaci umrgib poutuOd Gare, Rens Bunchporp Ged sof sar maui ifeir or Reoruingy orsinsGy 2 séueoi0. mai Ler g-oeb Bgavens voix G. Asqewned (Retinol) wpipytd Gen sang cr (Beta carotene). Qrsingsd DgarrGa 01 ood Grupd BStow Dancin more Beir. QgiGou ssirymterard gid, Cpu Pity Pigs Uesir mod Gin seiroow Asnein coast” Lue BG. haat WD Id, Bebr gone, WPL oer weyssr 505 4 Duasioop © shugpnbGungs Bed 9 over Ging so1teh sro Bsb pb 2.1 eb Garishas DADS. UBa0I Gam, Rengomud smF” 1 aod sod 2 cian vitor mnigerer Angered 4% wiIpSuIpBs gid waar 450% voit LtBle -OHIE LIWHLIDSB ©. gre pobronrow os peg. ay aired gIPispeorzions sidney FustH 2 crannies, Opeonxasr, augreraniash mgsndG wane Foden crariacr GuTdiGn1G4g GLa sumgenow Gy ownoones WipQ Pe Aésdrasr sPUGREpa. s1parred syastssir Door som Med Bam ord aA Laaytd soviixonsy wIsAed 955 Qngouned 248 wad apgwings. Qssrrd wronvdssir FunB, soruTime GopuIGsdr Curdynmar opuGud aumbcipacr Psion Benner. Ong omred 2 cron 2 amayssorten Opti, Lined, Bai, Lath Gunster IUTTGGAS 2 paytb. gone Td a cro Qamaptnted we GG. Omg 1Td HEADS! sists Penerohe QsirdronarsiHid. gonad pub wast Asnaptiny Qaboos wut ours ga Gari giand QaaissiBnrviach. Lined shar Qasragiienus gabResred Do 2 d1o1 Dra sHimaUyth pmb GISBS 5 DADAGp mb. 19pg und chron 851 Qeaseqie? Opd, OarcivGonnd Gunsip GucSGur aewasonor Pad ctreyagrd sIDe ocron Onqerraier Uurmax ensasiacir Ho Apwrissr. Kaisa nase oF onap st DHA Boiypor. oronGoar near GuaAGurronan sirup orobigeprcsostixsir Donup yang OCF utd gdag) vain gasnmosd O5Hd Aansnoargn ot Penapid IPs arson Gypu, GarsivGlowdis Sundinaybenpyth aeniowseed Luis Bsa Garoin Gb. 9112 enon Lifter M12 arg YSDuwTE F macs MersAia gerprgir. B12 Oa Ber Gopum rad pwsG worse ciy, ysivgio ow Gsacrow, wer supasib Gumerm uvacrs aunBasir aUBHeiyp x. SIRide ors G2 man Ber ori pros 2euaigyd Govenay. 912 - Lyoorss, ier, Uptane., LITe Buuaitp WMuparkiaae BG hg Don sgh 2 cwayrohaGu srewisDBypgs. onxouiiasir Lund, uatt Cundipapmp acnuiger apa G2 go Bu 11251 SpUL mod apg sOancrorapy yt. AB FU 9G BT EG Gymasuter G2-g so1wGaainGid sein Benupth pabrGn aed ALL UIE AGISCOSVOLE. Qs) Gibr0Hsd apigwagy sfcdovsua! Qssnug, urd wl OG 2 vires mrorisenag 2 GLUT acim ngih aunincny Hs 9st. YLor IMIIGwd wserisenned Boss srcbs Qugud. savisaher 795 Booman Upton a ciripTe yisP 2s0Lwtb. gars Qugidiinarten maniac Uptootenu oom Baiggre OancraPrenrar. sauizcr 912 gmopcHo0 1WGAsI95 UMGITENEN wor sMigOancren CorsinGrd. 212 xorareit 21 aed ennai Dosard gang wagaph G12 af Cum @sQancrer Bavein@ud. LPeona 912 sonoma a Pais 9 sndiionsev 01s PerrxeorGur, ean’ ei wag Renae erarGuin 2 obra orp) iovgpitb Biavenes. aDarahss wig Peoxaied a dror ona e Heraxdr Orupersums ApmPienmasohe surangueros. upt-eor, und 2 sirangiBumTeo powrnaub, hed afooohisiiiGid sant Beiraonnsaytb 2eno1 QoUuPedane. 20H ang aed I12 oP igus OQsnaine od grove, sds mai er ore Cogid aniniy 2srengy. 2g) Gpogums GEDA movdigid crebnsg10. 1126 | 15 SSW Ces! Wats 2191565 Esmauror pai@ungdr, want ir 9. rant Be G WO 9G WORSE DesQaiand ops s5ix@ N1gs51GsG Bprud UMs Der sDGIGU sro aleyepneshcr nappangisirG. gourd sBuungy mower g ordnLian gs van t_tBeit sisi Pncveruuph sein, 955 2 apramsge QoiSusmoens oo anmiGtonci ston aeseprahact ay) Riss. o1bmonsu van” blest (her PpiGucrrzencr Ose aS BunassAHed csniviGumb. anes 4. sro Quagiarraé Qordaviucngnb sBd Qo unas 26N@. gory promtischcs Doss Mer aGih oan Lifer 42. QerDonndryy Ruck gpa gwvég Neo sgid oaleber q3. anor: Gumcip Re armas Day safer un® hig ougaed 42 nas. 8er 2.0 Rpg). 42 wast eae pind gs Dufigracr oer Aemung. gern 93 rds pinks ie psRuuorenr PHLDLNGeIgLs. (Ora Gore QelGinc ona LaBlei ra Ox GAD Qi siosoNed, .9151 sna” Air 4 3-sow Bus gis Gwb-) visas Dur, mae y Gopuncrned agers) sor QuGungy soi Ppgisrerniacr monary pid Le Fiésonsous 6 OUUGHIGS shu visnpyioug AHS! Auniigs Aesesnehiacr ‘visser waP srerigs sane hagzt GmPUIGL arcing Dendy gonayiy ridaeny Croanaineno dy (Glucose regulation. sgn) 068495 sidxeng sonayacit Cmpumogyh, aPaheaxnognd 987 gone Qoigiuy 1358 aiidaon9 stoyaomoN LigmeALiLsg)) eran iy pak Dusrorrongy" sro R pnts. THAAD o cirsn rida 2ansna) Ginsvroinenrn Cada Qarader yaRund. 95s QoraOcr pi snows Ped 2 jus BH AH ng. smewuisAed a sion Vin GasiaBen QieixSonce 2 5.56) Dai Mcipar genie 66 TLL Ordena Qusgb 3G) oman Ber youd a cirongs. non Aeir y ge GLLIID a uGua Gung mous Ad Qerwer gonars x74Apg). Qyseornss wiémony Su) a15@pai. ML L sidsen7 PunB oer aga, IHG aGRpgs rea YRamnd Aeherehacr Dense @oniacr yours gipheng. App 5oy dr 3129p UButb Ooudoed wroimIsaned rgipbonsig, OL Lahdseny AunD angus eundicnyasir Oicpissnay @ongpargies eapiiayacir mpiPerpew. Gx Guuns Ieitonarweir ginny oot. aBedr 4 Upprdgep Dogond Insgb Opsosig ov) | sidseg AaH obUGH sundcnjepd Veh srciy GradrauiGRpss. Qa oPiss rTcromBHed gy gptio) pr ABIL gs. SuFciroonbg Kaos Gohaner 51D. Awa up so1y aC yHUTId Kg Board. piBagrctr 2 RBAGU HP oyoraAaorcs ont 1 widKong Tun Bgnunalisch 2 chonnisd. 1960-4 duIconie Cpsmsacssee Ranh 2000 woh’ gor0 man Ler g GanGsar UMigieOT Fadi egy. 30 GL csc HG Os wos-yuia Qaururi VEL SL, LU L shdeonr UTP ahs Gypwopsaoier srinonisst LD AIRE UMBsEOTLNG gh GY berwmapAg ean” rie 4. DsIOSDGAsAdow ores; NsAuoijpass. mares er y. GanGssinn 1 Gerson Gur a1 1 sidwco aun Baie ARE sd GnnainaGar Dessnas. syewred QIGiray aiiweng MUITD, e smo ag Mun sc 56 sociny one sreg GOpum Lie aGih Mun skp Spade sy draysch BL ASUUDREAPe. wb daa sd mare y -yonayac Cuingnores sonay QED GEBTH sidwenr DuD Vis sponayiecr LigsiasT® inkwenons IMB SB Ha. FR, mon Lib y-oou ering AG sgis@anciargs? gsi Oodius Bacinmd. on DaohGu ugg Gu Qaaisob uGiuy. Bena Burngndt 1128 | ib Gpned gia paflrucd Qanain@ 143 ant Banong suinis@pss. gore WGRG UNgPenTHe Rome segtd enou Beir Iced w1b Lob 2 GUEH Onduph 43-4 Boor Gu Gargiun@ 2-cirany). 43 cing Oamaptida sensu mar iBer m5 43 wag Bens i@SaTd sot Depordp Danupinpb Baigg aDspresne 11g) Sed BaGib. gourd Gu gahuind Der sgt 43-%y, Diss Piad sidanh Ddmwv. aro Borguas yong pnmiGronernsGor sumhaR pgs. o1seITd wi GKABIOHiact ‘wes gol ann poniGinndr, GeovGe ove Gonar anniGwnsy Bure 43 pomiGinngth 21 Ser gsiQong Qadgrigid Px aTuomen oar nth. Gu pafuinad Rent *gGii 193 pth 2. Sed Bas Herpayip Asmapeny orbanb saDunhsranso. (Guoneir (Sunlight harmone)’ srav somypsApaiash. ngsndiD Qos wan Werasr aorad acvG. gcirgy Sid sonra oon Bsrsdr, — QerGennsing) — Oanupiids — sensu man LBéisct, Fane Mediasr Usa $s sensu stein spied yenas sony Li Bonid Ay/Biis QasaAhBus auggsoIGd. spanish AamegcnFed seoaupih coon. Leireonren sant Weir <7, mariider 4 GuTsppansy ere) LiBlarnd sausop Bova Guponbd 739 21.914G Qeorme. aso yma Apsis AaiaiCuprss. Siw Pawns Rane aged 3-wed Oar) Bnrenca egy Qedrow. fb acgragei Gumgiore yeray 93 Dont AGO oi 2 Lod grants 43 2.HUGH Asics PovsPoNGrd.. an LiAdr 93, asénosnbLyFa%35 (calcium) Gioaaeiranie tsi) 135 siéseor Cwansvowisds Qugbusig wREBoas acini ysasS1 DGKSTD argred1ysir arg IGQupId sto psn mibiennisch, gqonTd 43 GmDUTG QosHId ogc first ALL ALLIS Ud GUsSTOND SENATE Vs Rone danas. LineBab 2 chon aoinesambysad5I WpUps sIgyib1yssi, Lypxaiied Oacing) Sssnwdd Dee, Osun som uapyoQousne stgniyacir HeBypsss signb.y yer (Osteoporosis), Dal spiacr Gunes Daaobacr orp usGud. POUGIG ware weGtb HuTUtd aGSpge orsas swing 1Gio151? Keinesamiby seis) siGaor (Calcium scan) s1@,ipned Jung. Qsupniy souvisohe soivownby upsPoppue nner SUD aMicyssir Ded. Byer ergyts) 14900 syomavins (Osteoporosis society), ‘stgwtbty Lyon ausimnsd orien Ls Su yas oroing Qing aveSujpusssrasBedane. oron" visi 11291 G-Oer HaFusasGu cuoyosD onGMng!. sron Ber y Dossre Goppe gonay srdaPand aHSenaytb web s1giibesassr Lait Qeosged ovary aAoyoss1 P35. BBwaiigsr UTenw Gas5GS Ronn. seorsiont_w sianiyysdr HUY AODUIE Doss? pods sor Qodonav7 1 Qi5ss pmb ToruppBassingur anfupanpacir: GrpssH 16 wom! Gprwrag Daryph 2 sired sis Qepss Boren Oud. Gres 16 wow Goa upth gonad wally Borg) erpi uivem, aomonauyts IO SgaOanceTd Lng. Ups we.Gid smiI@ Dog Qetiug!, Cont GyLwg Cunciparipas uoalicrenas. 16 apes 20, 23 woossh Cont orang 2 civesuneAypid Qupseavmd. 23 .osal Baz gtd Qetwoviscr Qaay a amenars woHidnd mrnsy. Goad 11401 Hi qe air 2 parad Oacbood mu ng. ontmd 2, 3 psiesoReomnorgs Some QersCarsinDid. 2 oiremrafingi «pug Fairy » cingph SBoumAseher soray 1600 serpy sionyager Doss Saves ub. > ciromrToATGI QGkGI puorwohed 0 cingsptd 9 ewarresgs wan Laflsinasin, Bornobssh, yogi. Qaimapiiy BoiFu apr a, QapaA, und, voli, ardepach, Rod Guneip Gucur 2 omroysronrs Bipri1g) 21o1P us. si@ aL edPooiie QeriuariaGen 2 cvewnaiiys Qeex Sorain@ib. Giodidrd wpanpanus soRibgio’ G, Hey kgs - ainsi SI Dp 2 smaupapeg wrpsaiger apart Apc Lussirmanar sysot_uraomt tia 17 eumfuit Lue! Bis Aiporos prac oomay avis pibAdensscir ged WS SAL td HIOMIIG Rip eM. © Srenw 2.ammarg garnet Gar meas. © Banupth aps) Garenan 2 siromrmins Desbsred yoborst suites Gprdgi4 Gs aminTofledenad oreinmned ut austh gover ou¢Gtb. 8 areata srsenart Bune 1 Psioirsa/tb woGuntb Glarararonenth Gute Ugur woAgrd Qreie Témaanrmen0 Cure Gomponrsoytd 2 sinaxBarsinGidt (Qiks ‘-aGarrsanen" Qarempagib dGusiysRed cvorrb anos Ganong 4B ng!) Qari parprar piPiomaacr. Bong) vib apg1 louse ene) s.corays.cir api Ru 9.sssay (Breakfast is the most important meal) 1p a Gamporus Deri FAN. Gp 2 ora Qumgar Porsienisac sncr. I MoGks idacr srene 2. erase FA asso (cereal) wLOBu 2sivGarpaans Qans maipgs sera Fre ULL g). STEM aoa WEG papa mBiasir oroinDs 5 HES Gpngnar qiiajacoon Dass GD, ang a0 acisohiguid Qarsfiaire Osis) wader pibriearspmiaci. 1142 , Aanaptd apsinpy Garson» ais 1g) steirig) 2 ooh Bnei Bde apc Qaipy aisns (ghana wosisonaarh woHr) Cony srs 2-uMemgi gis 5td DLLIB HH UNEBUd. 2 ORE Ua pIDsaHes wiiscr 2 omraieng, Lega MGB riser. 20-c gr spreing.sr uA evens Math, Lishaupte Ganms doordesiren toskaenand Osnesypow, 19-tb sagho eiag ot QyGUe Gasronon sig srahiies amigas ust sue ea siBe oo Unig wars wy ssmiacr. 1915-c ordixnons Ad Sprig Cangu udhxsPo uwGany wascr a AMpigsiriasi. 1900-sefled AOL Uprdgepurrd srompu agi0TIT Qarbe corsiussni snc PR, wiser Pivasr Comp 2 civownaiagis QoisBusinGrd stor sl gitenshg aonrormt. 1970-aoRos ton 4 Gragion aoinGy SHUI g). Goo TebronFy uxen.0e LILA, ovary A orbamd Papbs QePur a oma sciaflonp oy Qanrsir. pen waySurgy. 1970-3G0 Upg Apis soxupmppr ughrb, UM stein yiuis sows. Ped 1990-490 Ing Apisastac MUSOLaearIbe oi, Ba.s1%1.F-suts unig! sierepib sereoypen. aisenres, seme 2 saraygasi DejriuAGaGus ys Rusi0 row 2 ero ciety Qernpu smoupenp piiyaGe Hurricane. gerrs ASIN th sinus snore 2 sora), Porupth aengi Garsnor id@ss Guasiip anpiers (pop sredsunb wb gassm, UM HIMAH Neroigibmrc uTids Quon ae tdumd. wid pILyd WE Guosder, arson Ad arouse -pgnrais ets Qastu Ae Is Aciper. Q6ux anpis sta 4B Qoss Sirone0 0 cuiailes: Quwsi Gu r1scfwt.’ (Pat scharial). pneu Ap AuMy. stows gy Astron oni 4s seven wei GGw annT@arniaci. ssinFer wrenavuied Russ wonpuph (psry AD DwwdF HG IMUILGALG Oust wep psoyr sr oww/R Aeneas. Asis Qedorg snows sob Gale org Bpaed aang APSAGIGID aps Nevins. uo pr@soVed woreso Gihust Wanpssat oh WATCH 2 PGRAGaissr. 9 Asrensvds SMucr 2 HFGdCUIg Ppl ssGanoirasviash. wiser sr SHIM Guard a9 Herds omnes! pss Zoey ama] sIcig GACUIDUGUTS! wren 4 sobogs J wvsnhursnadied nines stones yb Qasncron Gauss. QGue s1w5l1 sGdS WoL GrnorehuLt GugIHsd Ponape apap) Gacnerup 2 sive anpsatd Qiavonov. 5 Gerwesren 2.1cb 1143 | Pepe KOUBSKIUCL sg ernsenigib, Devine sigih oe. OSw apeiypl Garenar a. oma) yoRéiiLI 34. oDgueh 914 00100) Gund atoisonren Ronny Gu Oss 2.10 poyors Oxrupda. CarstiGid sreruigisd apenyy Garmorytd »Dgyb ores 2 soap Mpris UCL gy. Wnsironi, om ofisit, Quingnndasn GuiaciGpmh Srenavuded Hpi Gm 1p nus 2 oininiansir. us Goenaued .suos Laiirisscn. Hons, 10g) Brincspency 65 acsweFar BG tb. HEI woTenevite FAA 2 pwMAGarmiacr. Oascirng. umiganss, usin6s1_as Bonin rafurts BunsAd gc5Gaucnon a oxrooay Ww OGw 2 cinGarigmiasr sro gySurisGDog Qsbonavusat Mtb grppreing. sd oBoriiuneaysron 2 cron of@soiicd Lc GanPlacnon voritiuimiasr. Gace Never wy5d. Gi nrecrg ne, Qo9) ous nd AO Gdrgc GarpPscr, orgasr, welpissi cron s1aiBongts gitiaCarsinGid. bans Aer @sixG, saps Gans —ADaBor Qewsgid. Gollisnavd Opm Ki Duy cr yh Derréangy rcrugac oinBact AssdaxwiGid. 21TH up Gps isigy Ggancouiaaher ae Lmoniuy Pivasir, 1p0ir, Qausireh Gunsinp Demise Qonp5H 9 civeswirxarnyy. wor Garcia puorreste aeivewand. gGrmiunaded sree 2 ooo) stsitigs Ouieyse Bos eds VenunenoTss SHRUCLS. Gpiosacr, wpRuaiacir, Gprunchasi Biincirpavise5hg wt GB area 2onray sup iat) LLL g. weremisd OBGSgromaa) Uwemid OrdgudGumgy te GGBwo sane a omanar 2 sinner. wisest, CxosnavasiisaRed UBuni Bonig seen BL Agony 2 sivesionLmiasir. Assam pact ICorasuUTEE. (n otrommGprcrenn pHa) sigytb uuGy 2. Gasnengy. penned Being) IBrdeocsow stein gy wirensv 2 consneus MAGI sini gengurrs wMaHee gy. sry) WSdr wu Barcmaric 2 sinesmnGyrerancs upiilssiiiescin. UBus a.cmray wiynb Qrroj 2.cssey 129 Bley Gousnen 2 covey sions Asionpu apisib. wrorwiie unienu Bis ACG OsnBas AMPouniad. sper or wmBord, wera) ysdorgy ied ston org) Reo 4PpBan 151 GakimiuGub. Oper Ousui um Brg (pottage) stetUGid 4650. Caren ded Da uypsiasir, Qane-cosenar aahuiniach. a3, UsiiE Lu arasPed oy Garmar serv Dey Gamer acugpnd onpiaBw Qaparsrongys. apergy Garenonysd smiIQaugs atsiOpdomd evninBiuiedso a! Viaa | Aorphh srpahd sniGGRGpnd. 5 vcore wIasr pens orbs Wpigha 9. aVbG 2401 psd oi) went (gd GI. -scnFor Gb stongsupth 2 aromaHedanav sraixpTad ©.1_aVd Hidaang (AapBIrc) sony 1Dahssns1. Qaerte 01 Sed Deitscoir ardGu souTueptd ours. Qaim macy Pesos air a1 ob, Qanaprians eiigtd Mensvigé Dachau. Qaios snresb? 21.6 Quis sGarrhasr Gaonas. 9163 sCouniiasch a swaier eparih Renda QGaGivCungi 0.1 TAD sera: Gai$s1 narrgiciren (oy Ta15) GntienLuisd 2 siron) Osnegtions orig Sonora oH wir pgind. (Qyesined Dario swore Bessie GouRysiror owenenésens GOMANG.) Deng dexGanGew1G\geuAiaiv (Gluconeogenesis) srs eoppouinissi, 26m) Qodorat” nav 1 g1iG Bxearuirer ips Quy 918 Rem_+Rpss. Ws ABDI Bebo oH Bins! Gpasrig Buona Priscir 9 sieo00 Aig HoIGio gsiGora MuBapua 9..- 2 sirewpiib 2 swale 2 dror aut 455g15Gor Qo web 21 95GH GungioTer anniGwrsiana 2 pUs9 Brisas apayRdipar. UG Qaioed er sFG Oorwsessah aairLiengh sromupiguytd. snows NiGsg wok ey HILT. Boy Semated Gurgionen oon! sapasbact Goda sreiions OnmDdGd Boflow wend GsOwb. 1G% wre Garrorided 2 cinasrrodb Cuneund QraAe uh Gepuytb. sre Osnencrit quae Sopdet o1TIgy srg AiGEyuct mgaamb Qaraiengib Rone Oe GLUDSHA Bud. ceumflusis Lust, Qa Gara AG 2 cinoma QoAGU aoonpGu aunust ut. (Intermittent fasting) samiUGRpgs. Qos oncinyss Tensgosousy? © Beh paps 9 civemrmnsd Georg 9 avons. 24 wwowf Gppmodbav, 36 won Bond UL Gol QesaCasnHd. - smemisr%is, Dero Qa, oD womig sAORBisstr. prover s1g}oyib FMT S LMS). IENOT Lop SIEUAed ort” G wowing sro wesw Gb caver BarsinGi. Qs Masai) Arowreng. ares, Bray aemanaih poigssd otoig! UioormotBuacd siunasrscbe. © 9G HaaMed 20 esi Bpaid acinesraI sd QipkaGorcinGrd. srsiron gs, 20 tool Gp 2. ivensnoSiy-6t01 sroingy Li Ht Bousianub, Qos Farporags saps sofgsronss. Dasro B04 19; 1146 | aniut Aes. Qasuy IPS prey wenGrrsAe Qo Garenar 2 sma 2 cnomGarsinGib. a gnresrems Gero tomene yo) wong Qooy oawo; x oinRSiadr stor mousse Is. s1B6inFes perooan Dur 2 wenhassor 2 sire Arg QossBassGd. Tos. QroiG woahss apsoied INUIL DoAl@, s1psinFei wna» -ypiesmhagsir Gear Garman a.amenas 1G igs OarsronGarsirBib. IOe oir ub 20 inoa Opa 2 sioarraiuspangg Qa siaBarsin@tb. (ssi Grtb, vruroonb Guu np aomidNed Qasnsinh (QB Aov wnnyivivasir Qatig @ancironasntb.) 109 © aigyoiaia Osduoriacir 16 wos) Bgr aumfurt Lan’ ent tt sruppamd. snare go oiPonted Red Ut Li w odors! anou mPsgsAaIcwGD garam Oxsroraytd. sis nen 10 wenfursnaisd UC Lit a /am9 HRA. WWI oreo LPerup sri Qaror Guingiorongs. Gust 1 wewhigs SMT OA ansronapd. FPG Ory 9 worse IO DeioFucyrch BoiaGur amin od. Qarsei Feu yhsowrted 55 Bre 16 non? Bporh 9 cromnohnsi Deossusyul. Go Gasenon 12 /amF, 2 Garsnan 9 sxmap, 16 tom Gon 2 oisresrrantb archi yes Lan oot Dn yi HC Leaps. aurfiui Lu Guneip airs upepash pid apmanaud apm Lndigsid. apenamBed 14Qu Oasdsonan a. Gaundgtb. 1A) er Dbsroystr MI Dunswre sremswaags Vrirg Savas aroniviGumbd. a Garo ure eepiGund. uP gad UmeT wis Honrags Oanein@ Ascigychongs. Dis pois uysdeos pair Garonor 2 swraincd atom 350 GL mb. sige unfart —Lun —apannd IBC OL_GeiGumb, Yan Garments Wasser 1OsgsOsrceH Gprurahasir, FISD, ISS MUpSS 2 cronoriasr, wii Somlxcir, cmgye Grd puinoniacr, sugronauiasct, scsi Bpnuahact, wphongsci stot Qarisoers sohiggs gow a dPmauid acroriac Qos aunt Lan eniti Seirsppaomi 1447 1 18 weet web! Qoiusess) Gmpune Lad awd DuTPsaier ps Dannnenss, 03% Gonens (salut). pidIpen_u Radmenng, Gurguoren weno} Bisigqorars QansinOAssia Upgunsig, pli 18580 Nowy HM sxcicr sealing SroOsDgiumsu ro Caos as AGpmi. 1756 H0 9 shor gis BondBormReds Gemparercd syous Grd Bani Qs. pmb anPig garOgercr pid order yomardgy UEPIGI Ow OnrainG Oasvraugs, ab GiorsGornFer. pi Pariy apInepa ger ocion pfBurdGonrIer, Qed wpa yous saad gong. rorGor ph 21 oe Qopidrys 13.8) Briagy view 49194 Deron Qusspre, iiGrondGarnFahesr yonaysh Genpujtb. Qserrd 936 Germs eouereu. (Curgwre gaSeer Dorsanod Guragac pub Menges sononciver say Urata DAGRGamd.) VUGdUTEID, Ques Gw 555 Ganon 1B% ona snout GHps Bh 20d ESMAsuTE 18% Ordraene 9 SUR Cours. Qasronor 18% ema, § Hariny 988 —yemdacir, caw” O-vaxprcinsir (Platelets). sg Darcdasch ercarnGro pid 9.1 Beir signtbtyaofich 2 sion argytbiy wnghanendad 2. puph) aAeipew. 114s | Redbiodcel Whiteocdcell Redbiood cel iit Hoodcall Darcrarar 16 JaDsacr: Qos GwriGaniop iPisGwb sobre evmeint_oo ay, Rony 16% saodacr: QaypGed giGwrsBonnIr oraniGrd Doiyssime arroocd AanoixOsror goons yrsid HICMLGR gy. aUBiondGormAcirsnot Aas Ths Dscberen iis pub HermUIIAA GAs 2.1 er Ip UGFDBIG epdaOeroner QssroivG Asda opaFps). AGS Cure Hoth separ slaw ainuyjenavujib (STiLIS aL yhooar) 21 oe Hp UBHsRAG AS waning gs Dara1G Ordoapih asGiond Bonne 2.95040. WASSSC GIswydacr: y4g1b 2 opumosd Hadad. ad GundGorndemonytb, Pasty agdsenonupd 2 Susp Soir 51 Lge suoMDTE s>Bumis seid (6 9 oorec Beir), QDordysahg) word M2 4Bw ono Hleirascir youH usd. 1% Garrone 2 obras 1190 snyemniacr 2 sin). D@wYs95g1 GeDUNG (ron deficiency Anemia). WIZensgs swUAPd AuGiesre 2 HrIGUAIG, mde, YbpBpri, Aevascos woppginsron 21° Oancrargs Cin snsosres nore Qeiovens ng Barrens obut_omb. neu Lifes @enpun® (Vitamin Deficiency Anemia) mailer GopuT Lid opUBh 196 Barons, OsiehRursio yo Bun (Pernicious Anemia) ordrgib serpaacisGud. 9 12, AGUAS qblooib Guinsiyp eon” .455g) GenpuM’ Lad guGwd. 1149 Shunleennsd © stoned 93565 Ganene (Anemia of Chronic Diseases) YoDIGpm, Up kGesngtb Buns ov Duras Aowiry weap dcr 2 Gamnasengs sOLUBIed 936 Gamers oyu som. QS B97 UTIgHs GrOUIG. GL dy Upsa6r gporid agtb 9p Canes sot Qs DurG obra Mapu sromisacir Qsaorand QuOtbuTwTED DuETHEHAG QowvUYysssegie Gomer. agi, man Lifisir GonpumLngyGw 18% Bsnene IBUavwTa -gpiroysct wp Deiypsu. dbp Conann, 2 vOnKigld Qsirscon gsr ppd oucpis sss sary) mPornd BensGu sero. 2. oGerigid 2 sirsr QuisireaRed Sumi 56% Quesusch Qie AunBurrd uaPseaciun’ Gsronniessh APgid GAHUIH AppxoTunaAe, QaPurnaiHied Qasr wnereid Dsnyih Psd. QaPu 9H gira) poiros, eps oo us QsBuN Quciaciicir oro, Quisdy sore o_oyib qjenp aime Qotvanss mp Rpg. Gmpjg sto, ssn. d953) Gompume.aor 94 ae. QsBUL Quewsahed efunB Gut (52%) 086 Conmauad ODOR wiessr. Qayb-nnew srsomrvesi: Y) Qadysrig aPawre asiror QonpsO, usr Buncnp Sera/noner 2 crowd sigs Lp gompsvies © sing). Bib pacged, of ged xshor rbGomeid omen Lg Brim Leb oagGtd eommeBu Quaasi 2.oiRomiesi. Qsownsd ovineagi Cungiuctor om eérig acre somaya Roots Devens». 2) epuitigé mBovid Phytic acid) 2dr 2 smroysenor 265). OBI aawaigysien Qepibydahons 2. oe Carmo sHraN@R0si. MUL YS Hod ors Durga Derpaaied susmlGt QOH Noi Hid. IA, Gangyerw, uosiiyssir, err, Baran, Posse ono, ung Grirciparpad Qsy © sirens. LIssaS6d Qovysos8 Qoksrand aBed uc gs yBovap Qocusncd Heiranow 2. stig dB. Dod 2 ston ont upd yAarib essere L.din Qoibyjsedong wb 21 er Garah_mod aH HIG Rpg. Dowy soiy snbopur, wiet Auth Cuasiip s8grbacronytd 21 ash Gara nod DU AS 9rd 5B.451 90 RDB). | 1501 Lup), soe GuTdiip 2 omeysenen ypononstg, Garsonariuigcr qparuptb, filed 10-12 woniGpath ampenar niger epovupth, ung, Passo Gundipadenn aigiduips cpoyd mucys LM PwsRST Jorajsora0d Genphs upyupid. yore, —pABarb “asioupygungs. sioGar, UGLY, disiv yRurciph~fed 2cron Dowyssss pe 10a abzencn sgeiRgib Bagid orem 2 mDurisd ansboo apywngs. patrons QepibduysasBer Gey crnaaci a cid. e8Gen Qeptbry (Heme Iron), woo arsboors Gre5tb4y (non-heme iron). QP paGin ovenss Dowy ver, Aésdr, yor Guacpapfe wl OGw Dene ding. aLorne De aAiDe DiMEaii @ AG. (gH soma afronth gorge aPguerar ahgsdaanor 2b RISB! Qvaw. ogavemnons Bons sro Bed girosriosrowneytb Badan Doudysahgy 2c cored RMsacniGasPedensv.) gai 2 ssvaysoRed pBCw aadaong ens Qeptb1y wma AIGio 2 crorgi. Ogi a1 ovrcd TAD AMisuiGaPdoa. sper msvisegesge Bunguonen Qesibpraia) Dem OUMEd Nias oHUGRDS- QsGuns 5G a1 supM Oawarissr 14444 1sapnenb Aaiiarinc MBUTGIS 08% Ganon ospid arnininy 2.0. Qaoured aia prod grGaroin mb ersngy QuaHsin Qevensv. penned day DanAciuoriacr Qabysoy 2siar 2 oroysoon S19 14 Dosnsiron Gon oir Be. agsivact asap rtd aohgyyib 2 smrayaahd 8 B.R. Qeibysosss QGssosinGud srcinpy UPAgionadacins” Georgy. 10 - 60 arwssysiior Such aensgs QI Dow sg GsmaciuGMpss. (Gay svwgses Gusiraanigs asa UMparonrdariuiDud Depinrjiap Bed soroyscir Was aPab, 50 aiuigis Bios Ose sen) Gpps! ORO.) stag sn 16 - 18 DD. Qawysasg. Oo Quisbos Gusiusensg Oauigision grondszenen srcipyst. aparmib, Gries cosas aosaps upsash actor Queivemns Qa mere onion dg 15 Cones Hoag avrin'ny o1Par Apisain Peg Sach Qasr 156 Gorens Qepix oundicn join. ° nd5y ain onigssd, amoriy Gudse. Doduyssss 18 5Re 2 cron Neutny sespicdsener 2 HSH Oaisus uscinsG\e Haniy Heapisast 21 Oanige gsAegeron s1Gigi4 Oacbgui Duoibiys9541 geonpun end apihegsr uso1cd Gopiigs memeTY SHU GAG. Ganipgs 21 snisgaIGGasnb. List! © smmsasipe, wmaaied. © dhaniies, Wig CuTéipma Gina Qsiamosd walona Basse. © Daud uu. sto 9 5,500, # ravariansayenp a.cinoms Gonepyssi! (2.n: Oaxiach Qump, tase Cursipamenp wiciemseniy 2civems Sanciznc. Kasson - Qeptby3a5g1 Gop.) rgor a. oo1946) Lipset 2 siton Qussinasir, Sioa a cra oi Msihssir sisi Oso ne wedges UABSTEOMEN Asis Oopibys 381 1901 AB igiDanirsr BarsiOrd. 74% Gere Qeptings Dshdgrd wessiot gowns Gaiysséa) w1gPes2eer IHIHEM cir! port. avoriscr semen you Qoyiusos seorw upwerargy sys, snI6b, anaes 2 oorsy-0i one15Daytb gre Gia Gin (Non heme) ams Qeoiysesgisrer ocrorys. Qaysenn 01 sae Da Peurg) Dd auycoud. 2 s1sennb Gennes Qeptd.yshay oad eeponrsd Boned 2 siror ybaGar" Gass (Oxalates) Qauiyssseos 2 Lob RIDINGS HEGOIDID. RenaWAe o. stom Qrowibrysrgsy 2% HoveHovmTausy 2. Sab Baripancd (A oust aeviPom’ ons, Butions, Cangeow Curipugwdgid QOS pawsrdr. CutLoried Qgbuyusssg Bed sion DE. $60. VOsAGsw poy Moris. yond osiuonw siotn7 Ho Cuoirepiiges Buingeonen so00) Qepiysh31 Dens, -yort gap) Gut oraenen 2 sronBarcinGib. Qs a6 Rasw7? Bayi’ grb 21d MIRA G Guba 909RBtd Gorn say IMMIMNITHHGE Deo AG Nopu uocrssied Ogab geigy. BED FI, EO S51, Adar, wpe Guroiparse Cunguoren sera) opiby dass) Deo igud. agagauti 4 ups’ an FTA Lae Ded 24 Dumb sonsysg si Per DyMarns Gib Dorbysas5) Derr 4G1b. gry) Dynd ay" G gyenavé smiuTGiiaein POSIHMSGS Bemasuine QoHbysspeny oe oytd (130%) ADDUIGE Aes gGtd. yerF0s 2carajZoRed pil Grors Bonn Deir Adronpned 2 ed 315) orale DyDigsOscirepir. 1 is2t De@wyss5gi o-crer anges o-omayssr AD sadrovn Rem urngi. pres eowranhpsnes. Upto auch enaund St. 9m wont Gist sic Mp msariacr Vorougib anPlupsnp coord Senn, UpsBM, UNEmb, SForrdsvB ayes (apaRaieng, Flaxseed Powder), QsnkGan voy é Cuncip Qeibrjsasay 2 siron Br1aGerr a seraysensnd FMNIDMEH. HFS 2 wel pnb apsr/Iekr Gai, pt ai, (pap srafunt Buncrparpanps wotiagial Grins. Gabi, tod, srohusGied aco oucys miarb Bpirrydoagr DIDeo1sd Gop sgi09@b. Donepib 2 svyst bGorréavGH voy t amuDLLmed 1.2 HA. Qowbysssg1 Noor segue. Parypts 9 Gas s1uF_ GaravGub. QBed wot 10 16.5. Dobysss5 Gor agwb. Gowrie 2 cron Qqwyssg Ps sionesd ©. 08> Gri Rn Dis saiuGd Quims anid Qwbysesg 2910. Duane ocmoy spiisng salad Qs Der dgid. ap ac4yROtr UPernst uwsiug send. aired, UGUYss, Apes, Oamiuninpib, stanhsens, Lysonhalen sued Qropidi4s aay 2.56. iba Gi, Qusprsuren sever fii Dusow,p—Aed wwssvonheir pstemosnun Nuns Qeoibr sais Ror Grd. Deiytad.s sno o omrayssanan 2 oivpsmiti Geng nt Gos ainebaPusth oP 2.sten 2. samaysenan 9.x 1656 goes Bavein Gud. 2g LIne, HDi. srdvaPund QepiiuReh xysrenors GanpssioVGud. Qos gues sorn.ane Qeoriysaigs Px sonaed 2.1 od Cros. GPT QDHwYsHeID Heireop IHS SC-nci eras org poipisd sepa smbuTi, a9 rons qubBumgys sc Gor Qodydgcivenr gr 2 ctor Gum OhGsisor. Qo Qowyr ig 2d Criams HAaRagb gi 249. oun”pmb. inguin Guns Re» pr@sahisd Qangs DauigumigsQurgy, 13,5 Senenauler ADS season Hod Geoppass Os Auosg 535. (sme ityerrar Qerowtiy: http:/jwww.bbe.com/news/health- 12749629) 1153 | 1D onan" Beir GompLNDd 16% Garrone ou UpsMus sirens stop) unig Ggmb. 19 12 ana Weir - 40), hei, Basnf), prem. Gurncinp sins aesrajsahgyid, UnAguib asrargi. gponr>, orbs Garny Bross acre gné 9 12 Renasnsy. sinsauiach Benypid 4 pliant, Ber, Jena cron a civexpouset eporb Bungromes 19 12 nase enon spont_us Upigujtb. Ouypevinb. Qorgb oro1 Auioinacr G05 5UL ab aplan aOSisO srs — porws. gOerahed, — apwiBunmeiractr vimorbensu a pug@ Arius Beororunsw apevrriQurssr, Leo Bes ocron Darwsivgonsd sri apr en 2 oir) Ponpus ssirsenen aR rgb. QsHo0 UilsgemrssUUPH (CpLerujLen gaigus) see GueGun Lun: Besuptd 100 Hand ungmb. Bong, ast osu Gupubey. anaSs.Rerasit a Nayecr Beiv 00 Rand oisborsy 2 Baniso.s apaps@amapeiy © ster ume SF HAOS A qpiares/pm DAGAMP apr oo. Luaogyach dcosurs Denapt 1500 sigs inppnd udonses LpsinG. vrai gchar, mth 1A, Bangin, srahurd Cuncrpapen sypGar polis GorsinGib. swniGwoncisonond PigGgoau sarseid Bonwit aC L muni gaRibaciun Borsir@ud. Pu GarnonAed, Gong Dania Gano u@rdarsinennd 15 - 20 DAL Dane Piugi perp). wBuni 1 won? psd I wen! aseor asta Dane Oris -abag. smvrig Dowie sadmmoe Qoris Demind syemhwaps. Oona Gs soroiies pid 21 aed UL Garin Gib sreiigTed sp 8mip oo sonhuayib. Brafus acme, wonaysrsgi 2 sror aomayaenen’ saggy G.sourt Luar Beuppese gw of6 Brtms, B.9.9.<160 Cuncipap PGi! Barnremb Qypoond. 1156 1 19 Cumerend! Cup rsn0s sows Pe Guu Lun! orcs Denyiosvirw7 6161p! LOGsGid Gpliusiacr ood 1G. CupasrwsHo GroGurn Latent Rerupparsas spuGw peronwssir uphh decd Léminae supsond. py prans OF 9G ss Puss Md simergensujih Aor GAs. Gupysney CueSiGusn 2 ovareysscit siren onto? 100 Lagi ycborgy A pont, Pampas wndisBescin, 1 Gamiieous paps Qanupeiny Lmed. creinengy snore BarBu upt sora arciigy essa Boveine nib. Qi anon Loma posg Menpw yspupth, enaict wler gayi Den aMepas. CupsnesAe ag 1p8rrmsmUs AMids 2 saptd Qobys rigid, 012 neice Bend yptent Io 2crorgi. QR 2.cror gS5pIM TrrIsPerGuIg Spins Gop stonyecr priningujtd, GopinisasDe Tptiuepytd SHG aioe Ossroin_ gs. Cingytb, (pian ue a citar ena ist 61 Gippensag asoirumiena Bop syonious 2 gay RB rane cemours Wpiph Oamaptiy Und a@riugned sd 2 stor snc Runh Parofies argu, upach aroris Rigs 0.9/F.03!- 14571 wBu aomay: snd Hair, Rerasonor grorsno 1s Baise Byroy, Guniugn or ABxaray 3191. Qungsarns GuaSGumeer AH Qadara sisipngni Bug snars Hed stor1 sow 9DaRigth Gpri Red IDDUs BHI DD soy Qaroa. Gms Mypiig, sting avsrohss psig Guneinayheypyjti » eae Barri sans) sare aston Dut nRund 33g) Cugisn© 56% aps powe wU_BL U@sE 2 waNt. torene: 1 Gaia Lite GERAD, ADH prac oH baie Aanrsborevm. .s1cbs0g1 100 mpm. cumpmAed 2 sitar anon’ «Res Gwpibens er 2.1 ob Oacbasir auon7 a pigiensorurrs Qos Dray aces: AH gor] wes, Airwer sycdor5y wer QaupHd oars Harp). QaypPa oorowo0eH Qepio.ysasastb, YIG YI Qotugrd Qena Gugare 13% ups DunBerus SU GUIDES geben.” a.coL_wevas. GBT Bale a dren g Cro FguRaih, Macias aponon DarkaaNes asovis Digs ex ops Dasvorros oir nest Cupans He Ap Rhus gir, gress, Oasneiusn, si-yrorh Gurcip Uppsimener 21 Oanrcironand. Qayiled » cron prises Cups Ged ag poolunBenus Boag pero. Qavroin gy Damian, qynesac yp sree a cron man Beir G Awaer 5nd, aignbyacr, Udsmer apugA Qauiyd velig suns BgorariiGrd aporiGuaganngt ersoriscir CupnnapAe Wptanr oGkah uAssemoéarn Apa. Qray samains QonpsRsGir UPd agar Apary, voit, sidmooraseAs Rpwig, Gps Guncrardanp 2 cream. GuSCuT Luniyd goRisaGoraingw 2oma/rcir sreixOpmgy ULgud «Bung QgrGw. Qereroic0e Buoun Lu oi GonppasBe ofeorr DG. Cupenmg gle sellisaGorsiong.u © emayscr wnasreg) achor Bangin, ugg, dre Bunsinparimps SeANsaCorcinGid. Qenay asryysOgrcromarcous acim gid. ston. ABs OTH dH oreypId HARonas wi Grd BungiwTe sare AO SgIS Dancronavnbd. gooivshid, Gamun, giAy ecmajscin, wr, 1, wguTenb, Qaltuysd, and Gundrparpop par poco GarsinDid. sitiGonfacr VaGkGid CunmarsHa Deinjsorand 1158 | rie ager Barsigud. Gung: Oafujs senoryjsirar Lupsixonend rmuGoyb. Cupsregong 3 9apnennars IAcumisch. Gosoomb upibiongi (FIRST TRIMESTER) orsirn.gs ypgssb 12 aurgniassis. Qyoio_m aptbunsygsh 12 epgsb 28 suai uns. gpsiypmb apibwrpth - 28eugs aur Wee Sphere Ips gibarvs. CugaTosPe agi QuGiUT@TE Riadso5sG sirTEmD a Lalled Pmugid poniGionsh wnipaineptb aan sréas GDN soRGwv. GuyarosPed Quairmerag apUOb Avascrs Nix saved snoirGusmb,. Gupyaneo 93595 Bonens (Gestational Anemia) Gugyanars Ded Quisinsaiies 2.1 Sed Geb 1s5 Re sera, 10% ase ADMREGId. QHdgs sno gavin 55H Qorgh Gonnsvior Oxdaaiier sraivenions PaiuGs. 21 oer acre ginseng ooromnonen 169 or Lt GupsTas Ad Brenan uGaugsad Garnsivio Orernaler ercironiicenss Bais o3s. peste Dad 2 cron sHGwonsGonmIer ysss Oem croinenlboos Garrsivuo7 Asebacr WPahagh ACs AAZSDS aDaAiiug Dorrwings. Qzssanes GugisrsBed Quasvmenag vn Geno a cinemas. Qa Qu@pdungns Qroin_md wpiboapsBed a cin ngpid. Gene SCL BBA 1h Crnanse HuinD 2 drongsbsron aySegpSasir anyday serovar god, Qsuibd ur, ui Auer yds, Gsncr Bob Ovexissd, 2omadonsayep 2 sirens Conepisedt (2g Astiac Qung, wan CuTdipapenp sii Danhaerag 2 omens Gancigitd. sasomnd - Qorbdysaig Gop.) QFe soahisGacmyu WSU Pepund, smidG obuGw Dodds GoourG Axmad unPduGedone. 219, Gpsong55s Csnasuioy Qed ydaporg wpsoed sepia Gud. 188 Bonenssurned pmeisig wr GGw umBeny ase _mgtb. Bicyssci: 912 mani iflesr Pyrbius ype’ oor. GuTeyp 2cmayssenon AL OsrdrenarsiGid. Penupie Gonhss) pmax (pe-ent. 2.sinsr Gasir@ib. (40 s1gNb Brommupren jarred, CupsrasDo ah SgSOsncrapts erated wngBlensesaied flesyous anost”eeBlst 11591 I QED. O85 UO we Qader evan Wer or-ayb Garisarc gartGraai BAAGid. c1o1Bor Vara sows Do woe Gundip man iid o BoudiDus 2 sorayssnseng 5H icra.) escrisaher Pere Bayi Anotipnei. aeusiied inch sods ansas somasate 912 Qeiona orgs sevGLmd. crorGar W@AgUAth G5CO oA aporbd 12 eon Beer soAgd Dasasiven sas. Guna qiblooid Pari Tus Bom, ImeaM, ape” oot, wepasi upaond pth Buacipaydenn Perpu o sinemGarsinGud. Deowirjsh5) Anda QeysA, iiss Cuunsyparsony os ponoied AHSHIO SNCS PSHUd. up mauincrags Qobyssssy Lig Aerssenen wEHRssIMiasi UAigianIunisst. Gupyasteo siéseny Grpmis (Gestational Diabetes) Sumas he us Gusussen UPsgGi BuiP, Guuyrsna Fidons Contr AG. Gupsnapfed Quoinsciicr 21 aed apniGtondir wnpbpsiscr aii Bogaed, saris 9.1 ocd Gatien siag Deus Qucomoc GuiMpa. Qgourss Bumsnvrs Hod ouiash 1695 De sidsenT ysnapKsit DN zids6n9 Sw BUGADS!. Qi Gphonsuisr shiners sores Prayid Seong AG. Revsownd Ogee Gypkorsnaheir sro Rahs) Aros FWUSMe Risdar opuGUgb 2a¥H. Qaard s55oi3.6 20-015) UT REd sider Horano1 LI®Ganscoes OauiwsGaroin Geb. Appi sPised, grab G48, smorcivienr god Gutoipear Fidscos Bouter og Geroun gb. ust, Banger Cundipapmp aGtivuensé sodidsoyib. Qos, Yor, anise yPawrmayid 99D, upsvsc, Diprigach Guncpaydonné r5y) Sopsand 2 cévewmoy. SupanesDe Quainssieir sBarrl Brsnaracir Baron Bed gub APR G serio Qewsh, upton. apstd wi P3u Dunes 16 PUBderod. srremd pir Qycinaci iw(5td 9D enacts BenosA acivenoniaiacr. sscuns «Govt Coemarsenig Qos, plo, andres, ungmd smnhe gs Buns, UP aOAgGd CorEB Uyptiaci, Dipsngacir, ABasoray ofA BAuagenn «@PsgdOarsrorems. onsmitacr soups | 1601 maciber, Qoryssss wisDessmar wessiaricr AGarsmouter Guiles o1G.ag1% Oaxavirarayth Gupsne> enasined aiid (Edema) Bupanag Bed anions wnppaimenra a. aed ereive Gongger gooysst IDAAGLd. Qari ona, ane, iaprisoied PF Caw a1 aGasmmd. Qo apamoror gern ordrugned wesc Ggmantdarar, gone Har swunh Qs Guosre 16% usm afusnBlAgtb (Preeclampsia) snsemuoT@AGwd sreirusted Goons Gs Sorsna gi cit Seite a1TBaIsIGid. 15 B1LpH soTay-5eD01 Asn isa ssivsneniss!, sme aPahagidGurgy 2 descr Lowpsgioreny 2. cmigurms Gsm iny Gansiroroytt. SHULD c168 BRipa[Lcr ow - ane aston CoA, Dior Bundipargands spi HA ab. Qarena@uciipc ens, sed adscbaailad aft 2 otr_n ounsicnyoin@. Qipp oli As a0 a Qosane weysgiorcovs Opn iy Oancnonapd. 2131 Bugera I MUpssA Per ADePurasoyh Qesswmb. Dexep APs grb pLdaoyid. Qa 159 CL dams aPuAsg) oe, HI Ad npgir Gt aspen it Yagi aBaupsiton wins, waiti, apie, wmnBlatd Bursqparbenp ied 2 siresrBorsisDid. wonajsaagisren Gangiento, Beohcryash, Lasariiasr Cuindrpaipenps Gop sg18Oauciron on oid. Cupane esmuygs Ogsnevanoo (Gos) GupanapAed 10 Cusivapag onus Osnevarcuiti 2 oie mgtb GuaiGen 2 amasrer Gonns A. aoc oor Gurdinaupanp o@eiugTed AMO srcronoviter AAs De5ks1 Ouepwvaray aHUL apy wth. WwIajd48B 9.siro1 2 soraysensn EDA ssaIET KOMiLiLIgIE odors GSB HGUL a.geyb. anisiamer sPxGonbd GoseMmos asromoiie sss Letremreib. Raruph ahs ereHed Kir uepxGarsinGtb. Bowupth ponent A Cup AsnsionBarsisGid. amu sOsnensvts s1Tom0 eH Voie, Parsee, igGtny GuTdmparderns said 510Loyth, Cupsrer aper@mmis (Hemorrhoids) patmnis walss4s we.OBw a1cpib Gomumgsub. Bargy orion VOssgSGb HeotuiG® Qerugsnss OsMucierenre. | 161 | 2 auGaprgnb, Raise 2d stom IPHAES BQUOUBS Hpss HDsMusrend Gups1A Pe prosnod 987 Qi sPe UGSDOLUS HdeB wOHBAGIUg, i ADs uGKawd Qgciug, Bp 2% srr Laist QGtiug, prideigi 2 dro 2 emayxener IGdamiod Qotiug Guns sxswisarigyh epoBpmds apcvmb, Guyanms Ber Qusinrensg ww Qenas aGss aaremons sna Gasser 2 swroier Coisg4Osncinon Basin Gi. Qaered word HPs qvungy Prwsasir bung Aste Lit xoppsand. Nenupts 1- 2 PB. gamb pr pgs Brows Bansnagy seNidacUIGtb. poGpmissren cemaacr: Liss, Ung, ogy Bdens g~Ooi0, ApdDsanes. padyegd asian x1bvAuupib, was¥FMuruped Ysa Merged on 2 s04tb. ALD Qound GarsinGid srs) sawed Bar G arnsieyivsch. QBsb 2 cyan Gai stctranate Ruy 10 Qacb-saHicd yh Ren anhnbonss Dabs Leinacr Gomwns 2,g0ytb. orrartscir Gandsah, Bonn, sn6Ss.RooNT Guncipaanp 2 sisomGarsinGid. udswar Ysn, Qujdsoseror AsiTQUTYs WEKTE. Qyoyb ysirsenor Geororés 2.54. GUL MAUs GRUB wmIPssows GanporoHieeb. AGmmEApHS, Thaorordhs Dips. aurenyptivipto, Kero Guincinparp Se Bum’. vRuni sirens. man Lifer y 21 ed andRuth Gov ».goyib. tysinscir ayoayih aPagigir. wHu BosmanAed, Bory Gosia Gpneie LGubar siren 15 - 20GB 1d Danae Pydrsgy poingy. Bunt 11 wos (Be Lineal soos 2.cirar Aaa aps a absg1. wong Deded Briand Qois OpatnF senuoyid, Daria Ps sonaHed ib Sold UL GarsivGid eraenpujii seers Ber Qanirenoyib. GCupysney gapid\yssir (Stretch marks) SHAM TEGS SAI HUTS OH Aopurd, andion' UGA acim 1Ap supidyRe5 CxaPmepr. ivi snv3 Ded cigs Oa1@SGp pensusneagy, LeinGib uenype lenars es Boibrye Gung), BanGadr 2 oir_ngtb. sompenpGu Supiby scr atch @Bp rnb. Cup aes Ad so. IDs AeroIe sPahiugrd uw GaGa audigy, Oran, Ierypte Guns UBBaahe suplbryack Gpnepb | 162 | PGYmp Gans Lad NissIUTH gueAgd Qorerd Baird pron ois Qact s1orapxcir Gompss HOSLLA RAD appniuinisgnc wi OBwe Ophuytd a1cyp Ponwses Qrdip/oHO1b. ised QyaAig) aDaw0rT a1H HHS Bxoroucrenso senses QandGan U1 (Cocoa butter) Ren agid. sah papinyscier Bic greene gore Umer Ben dgir. Bupanms He apr, Oprom Bure UBGAseiic Bprend sroinQeordi, unginid srainGomii Gunsip gdebsanard Oansir@ wound Gags surcomb. HarwegGe Cupane apsaone ge wjppnb epsBed ndgud ong 50d Curd Rasdmepth oUGh. BugsTHsRd oh ormavion ena asin a DaAig ia. orneivinn gi1 sens aps Aed a siron Nay répFGpounsd prods pqumps Amwded gorse Ooo Open epaad said ongupd. Gungyomen ena eon Lifer B aciror GavGuoor gov, Oparaesnir, Aoriun, FoabsaA, sro Fenavi, Keser Gunes aipanp 9 ciruiser apa Gonads soicdscpig ey. een éesgy ecomayesct HicBowhs Qusiisendy 2159 40 asny waovupt sarissir 21 aed LdBaup) Absa syUGID. s1BeITa Guioisnard Ped ame dhs MEAs 2 omaysenoH IDS HISOschoIg HH sHoFund. Lpisgs sypsrumiaMed Cupena sa sage DESK arggyileorw DanGtnsniscr. gnIRé toms ors Aed Destnoow’ Daim AgGidyt aeix/Ousirmar ypxsr Axe Oayflousms aMIBR GIG sro. 4, oTemorar Tore Gys%d Ooraad SLL momiGarviasr ypact udmrurad Days unig Aepmgtb STK LSPS Mert kGid uTones) gynonwKer ean Ld sAgissnend Ds gGrg. Cogyd wanssir ovaririetd wi@asiics unerevaytd, pid goes Unenaraptd geF Bou apy wings. oaniiisoAer wn GSK UTA SHIUDE Usizenoo win BL trae oop Wpidiot 8G ABH OaTUpLyd, Vows Bs Aanwsivig sgn, sneha Asin wIBssoMeir wired Gadsvnes 6»Guoar Fuld QGEStd. Grogu GsroVer (Choline), nau. weir Ga 2, man’ Lier & Cunsipamanpts QoagGt. 1 163 | wiciTemmemag nor’ wisi LAs sosFunonengy. maser Gmpasrs 2 ston o.cwanas 9 sinew Quosrmaiiesr mop aensaHed sonvpgOAGih ormisny 2 sirong). MonscinnaFe Oops og sama BUuTgGt UTenperus ag csemoruGs smarter © gnc. Ling, tom’ GuiuTe, ans Guineirparied nour”. Her we Paps 2. crores A Cavin 155 APG Wark wicieniineiee Weir 4pt”coaenar ores a sremaOan@epniacin. Lor epee wIe esnenoreH Ganaveing 06h, Barro, 1iGuiy sr (Biotin), Bina 3, wncdFunb, WnialDutd Guncip aswsrigidach a crores. wrahsr esos IB, AOE, BOD, YAUEAUYL KI OMMZEHES 2 smroIn8s DarGaariie com yinIAaas upiGy soir oy UGA, OGumg cr GopuT sic Gunde Dew xenon rigs srosppRedr InbLM® KIM TGaEE DaIDAG aypaapongs Danaing 5s priasi Maier y-yih He Eps Muso res Bugis epoiOunger. Dwi Gpsorsacr go sande (American Pediatric Academy) giiaupiena poiled, 36% Gippengacir mas’. Heer y Gmpumn Over Uptugras GGUT cu Poros. Bwyd bs Man Ber y apaiprasys (pbwUmss A> Bs syosPutd sronguid 1501013 By S105) 10,000 Gpsegsamer oaisg VeronsPd piss gde; gor, oman Liber 4 2000 wos 2 siror 1 auigidgt Gopasron GUp ong FRAG LL 1 vidsong Opi 30 auisy a1o9 axgaiDden sreingy wm DRDS maid Baie Qo ams 20nd. srashsohid Doss Ror sGb waiver Cs, snza aamyscied Voss Ron sgt Ga 2. WAC OLuNd, (plo, wibeb, aRueipBe Ba 2 v.sirengs. mraimende, Ys Group om OiuiTeed Geass we GGw Gx 2 Ron sgGw. Din Qo Ba mou. Weirwapid gnu 2 oingsytd 2 emafes QGsGb s1dAusosuyid, YTssosyth Axe prbdIgud, aignbdgub Gansin® Gumiié GaidRexper. won Gourd, sb Bs, wnbeh gPuasid we GGw aremiu@ts DHA seth @Giar s1Bovib, FasBeir gponarenus aeTiinGed YsDur usapo Rng. gerbHs Gpanssasren | 164 | DHA-onar aft Lif 101g 21D DHA-cnay Par, guteir 2 sored Dos Wyday pair epsnondicd GrHSSip3y. arose BxenasliniGib GIT .feos Geir (Folic acid) YIDuggorbos Dery) woth mSaguciarniacr. ons wove LGUs gBdosos monier wiser epwwasGas oor Bpriacir yore, mas Weir wrpHensssiics Derrs eid AGUIS sed IDorasin_nenaig groixGarGp Renr_wingi. 94t-B) 1d, Bony GuinshipayiAed Dont sigtb sGTaAs .1Bevrb orethsirs (Iarrsinnenays Hrcin4s Aacirns seHsnav or Bg!. Gesu Po Vpcny GmpuTGsmond Gruypers GuTaHs word (mort ills worsen) BOAMNZI. Qos a owrahed “Gums len ra56n60 pBoir Der aaviDiyprys gruromiasir snow” fer wir s13)8.514O.sncren som. Comsgprsaofiir unPrnGonrdipre qononsds Gpborases aban Gps eysGMR0gy stom orange AC Ud. .gyewrncd 4g) 2 sirenn sda anon Gipinseeasren arrest. YELLIN 9 sion aisaenIBuly 5 Kriiinene siciuaray GysoIgyd Deronondged ridsoor piri aunt. Gpios IpssGe ung A Don eG dGungy Ousinsaies sCorl Baoamepii, oon sa6gi Gronasep sAsRbGwd. Dianova 1 5H Qussenaga Gorpies! 2500 savrfsonrars Cgonay oro UAH HUDApg!. 18 swab Ouisinssin, wicnuons Qoss sroslsDa ap Gus sroicow Qis4 sousP dryer Gernsa apusdaniasr. curren apgaysncsr. gpornc gs wg bP FABerr, 10 DBern stom Gonpucme ag. aura eras Moor a1 Morahed orem onus Genpsened Grsngr. Lingnt Gib sn GAs aBanfisenen’ uypV sovensvcsesmios aniip) Piri 2 oiremBarsin@id. Usirs, Dvdaree, angio Cuncipaydenp Qaaraae s Ped 2 singsndGunss Sysesiord anois Dadtonew auravm. etexGar ayaypenns saitiéasomb. sibReehadr IdruppGarsiny as Lun ot en) umigBpmb. QiCung Gpsogs Ippaips «sivewGascing uigy srcsron s1cirp) 1165 1 red a.6may: 4 pl anL, La) Lane Bus aeonay: 1/4 s1sbargy 1/2 ABov1 mires, Ganesarh a animist, Qaumesatr angst, Bypaigsasin, 1 ses guilt ie wre BpIGHd: Lpsimonar o ciroma i 4 ‘ 2 ciromarnh. Sie orem, Danis Guncip mani es ® Pyides uypsrasr siyeat, Yombuph Buncip — fixday Po Gu — rypsirxcnaryyth 2 Dancionapth. i ns YIMADaNA WG Sgad mss Updismars gollidsayd. Bisel upsiamsnBu Bpicy Oziiaoyib, gisnah uypsiact Ber asidrmaOuahed sign sinScr, Doncor, wmbsspib Gunrskp WIAA and og pass oy86 Luptisenens FAidsoytb. AsieIIR, pomiduypid Guncpap Se YIP wemisi 919561 Omid Mad GompBor. gone gyisnaiés prise Deodang Posie Qaydennrs uweiiGagsoonb. Qray eemours : wii Ls, Ass, Wor Days Ned asrausy oeiay. PaPurenes yHoBiny gergr Gupanap Bed geiBeuneyaryemws ALepowyid, woPmvai Hisu CarpuGi. Gasne ALL ADH AnGAG Nevaronss omreysenend aniu9 Gay Ty dsgs. FuinB 1 nds aRenerayssir buoy aundicyain@. exgsenned 2 diss wEsgeicr garment Qs Darra Geren Guprsna 2 emayypenpsust Isinopeaytr. 1166 | esa Lander Sind anit angmieend sSsaraebudpd Qiix Qo a5 GunUADe uC ued pact DSS Farnsvsenaryjib, waniiGungn oi snout aunasisep ott UMiggDansiron A GidyAC Det. 40 ayy weg woes emai Upaxpongd soni nis Gper. Lisineraited, engau aamay 2.1 g1bg woronnusafiligs 216va) 16st! GpiuapsGungy 1b esvonivenu efrowlea no}td wy ono Ts Dobos. Qamnciay AsOse stomd s—GHPu Gasin@ewt, QepsA Cuncip aomaysorar BsrsRus somos story) SHwsOarcragir Arcwis Oosss. Qs worssoroud SLUiUgip1e QipiuPGwBu waoid sonore eapwsid. Gens wah Bed a_Cussisegl QoaRpniash. morred srondg 216) aayeb ayenorongns BQiosiss)- cvsiresari, ausiranami, smorepien Gumeiyo Le Grass UQdsaucr, Ups Dewogibiidens 2 srovoucir cry wpapiiign GuiaiGurr Lut gsr oyciient. subsmisenor apodAariag roms ge Guu seuTors QoS Qary esisersOacamd sensor 2 cma) Lyf steravevoy wt TOEAGSi! gponrcd gpmdrpBHld enaas GuosGurr, pla wr Gud aGs gb CudGur carps s1cG GA Coney GH Bsch qorngid ugsge) Gags, Gaus Bains Q54H0Bs ovsngs wend lsoraomig wig. stair 2 ow inspect shui stobesams 245 sporflencu QuéasBoricr gupinahed Gaiias soriasigs UBaysovonyib, pol anzauth Dgm iret us prodaonoruytb Lig 55 apIdIEAKS. | 167 | (saci sictpy sempsstuiGir poll meaurgBer (agp evand) Semajupenpiied Lins Qungcracmran yp Bar gaia Bars Gr- AvsNaisehe Doss upruGi, gui, Cwwi, par, DarsinGsmdi, unsneni_4 a1 upbonb Byes crow sys assay ytd DDH Qi eienw. sniapisch, uypiusci, Rogar, app grefursisctr Gunsitpaydonp 2 sinew GBarsin ub.) Behe seve UIE ami Gye wpiigld KBtb onrariach. QsDunrcilen nga 2 oma pony CiomargaGaahar sya kDaenctront UBABdena. Gs uId, Goer, Opned, UG ror esivadr Vat aGb amass 2 omojanany wy/dgib gol mae YapGu apse a dior. GumapnGaaher gairg! indscr FoR mgarons He ciumiscit. ycarg1 1G), sein ups aso au Rew soompi DeepsHs5’ Dantas. QacwAeGid sOGa a cron enaanh srgpytb ined, Gxsir, 1°. G, Bansd Oinapsrssonard Caireibd DaPu esas 2 sma) epson iBs Ben.yiprnsGaBersra pal nea Quisss Bont und Qungsrach 2 sinensis «@onoursd seivg 3Gpmiact. Unga wiBescr Qswsdanaurrs Aanomagi’ 1c HEB, asi acm KGL 6h FpsaTe genau Danson G, Ovsede Seiigissir WGC suorisscsGasngs #160 OA paiacr. oy, uid Guts FIDSGE Gules Qeopsioou a siisid 961m ATH1Ig1 HoViseng anngib. LTS WEG FYAGLE s9301 9 ssa Yopuns eDidOsTone Paypmosd QatiuRedrona ersiroh 1arisch amp) Rp nian 9G ULE Yoroaicnus pumas gIrdscoudsne0 UL Gi BIRsmard CanPiGb BM GuT.G, Gandy uv Agra ADAM aissir, a Tid Osnone Qarvwwn Grow sicily ansasiacir HOE Yrs UD Gory senlus susigarRedena. Canam gor Oagtysoaryph gowns. Gaoiiacr SPUULG hoinGdsowdMed Baise Gooner Oping ed 105.51 AMOAMoriweh. ‘ungnd OpsiGpeyid ungd ugly’ sepa BL 9/5 48% Us 463pmb. A MIDanme Fanon Soucy s1ysarw0s sro Roswom pronsinpimi i GBoury qewluaieden. gantsd Gysoir, Gisned BHuaihonp wns seiisag Reruns. 9860 Gedesrash wyipb punting Gigs cronies, ai Guungy Op fusrgy. Mae) a oma THLE) SIS RN 9 Wid Aaronvenug woViCILs Povarw sicining Wpsoed and QsnadrCrcir. 5/1 cir oA, | 168 | Garginw guaran Aeneas Porb 2 piuDApg. wrDsc npsmisGAsipon. Pargong 2.apersiier weiussicd » cron ereSxsi, (pusdasin Und ssi yRurcra APSnisOReynst. Hoses 2ugss WI Apand auidasied 2 ctor wsincyap (peo srImamorTer \ysHasir Lpmasonid acieminGDarper. sDiinomori Oamg5 orctb Lpmassr QariaiiGRerper. grafusisewen 2 crema Cangdsowiaven src Aopd nmsdariur Gud, roAeiOusms Yop OandaiuGRenper. Qa arorapg sgt prot Gpogs saremodov" stor oaariadr mapa. errs oaa1 aomay wenpiicr ralerarBas Bgl ass uns Wyywr? Oigict sores CuohGum Sma YOPOU GUILLTD 9G That PSD GG THEW” dog UsiGeou oinigg, 10% we Bid amiuICrwned gi ait DQywsgid. qyonrsd siw1i 100 - 150 Gave wonBlorb Mom_sgib. Blamrapth iors DBavr QompsH) srovs soo Ge) Gum. 1Bor vse womprtiarcr ass GqUGH uw AUS Hoods og) Gurgionangl. o1g'GITH His PUES Rovsrunh go upd Garg sir, Dany sor, wItiacr oriagnsd yarsBarTe 6109, gpud, Yap. YsR Guroity aynemoner Reysrissh 9.uii amnpaph ay Ron agih. an. 1OwAsanahe Qanoibusd ararbsiees upstr Bang. daomsiTos srimiaics wypach Oryxigr svorippor. oitiybsenor guid errnanonsy wonsixamts, an.iast apt Hn Gk Gamo QowROT. avian’ Or Geninsenor Bau aor uiny Gio Ramet Uppsigea went anpia aganiasr an OQ_gonoiies snout, Apisi, QObS Gmc pon4 4 Rusa wsremrg onc ypscr Piss aiorigpor. 24% Yoda gi erGErIDUd, orqemLosEI IDI aise, aPay, sr@idty aDucnibep wdF ysdoyd cov oi PpHNEH 2. KID}F THA MOPARS. GES 2 ooways aH DoMuscd wnaiipsonib 95 216i. waren 905 2-uDestbs1Gen! LpigGy woikaiacr sim Qupersiicr 9G ugRunsds sg Parrincr. sores OQpggne sovisansnis yorsdamod FLMPOS KYGIBAG oomordgorriscr. qGovehed gid auc Daren 2 HAG 2 emrasrasSs Quiponsuiic BusP cron -aauitcir pibkemnissr. ayeIIe eso) 2 soreyuponpuicd “mafic ip aatiisanaral Cargiut.oriscr. Riiaid,199 2 cixespisig1 Guin DapsGeow srypih oan od apprigid winsGid sreiren AEAwnsh? sig inne ABs wsaiucdonus wmsGtb Qupmaig epromran soirooin sass LORS. 1169 | Lewin a5 rere welisch 9 BgaGis. wnpp DeosiiasPL tb Doss pnd abe AasBgrd wnpuceariacr sodrori, pmd QsiqyoHe Bp aGiswpusr ampCar Apgsorisd. Tp eGiseon ofioytb press Gictbu arch srond aepgioug) tb upent_us onrait) Burden Bu DasohiGsgiRpgy. ‘1 oysir reironen 260.501 worst Yeo s5ngubd AgnPedgi ub, evenunb, onavie Bee LondBens epaviors aor Qube enrosons wid QecirBorsir* crsingy api onsoviissi song prbav Gpnseb Qarvairovngynd 2youriensir Quporsgd geiarcsr ver cydgi — wpseorrsBar pe SGp ries Boir_orch pibanin wuss, 1G GuTsip Qmaujomaras 2 sin UT pth snEUC Aeohuinats Uso d5oRcdensd. IGHT HG HITE ST padi, 5A, karen Cuncray Ip 2Wisoors Qaneirgy 2.sirespitd arnsenor Garexhuims pidsnio aL oysir UeDL spre. aL aaRr LOLLY SUE DGS, Hoos GastaAGa Gir, ses Ts WMdgGh amasE pmb oor DscdaGaowGrd? wails s~sancr aPiggnh CumPavmr. qyorne Quyperscrur si Pipgti Gun Lad, AsTPAgu usp1d Quporsenu QardGarssr ror gibi Ror o1g4 oWiGiricun’ 1 GuAL eon Darainarggs Garidetd aIsI155G HUGH Gaciroes som inenypBu gi 2 savant’. fiflermaansr aPagid, efisonon yPegsb ag Bound. anes robot woupiren Bu uBltcbash oreirseHs Gaciromen Gascon 61GsgsdKn” 19 015) Bore Gxenoné ararBas, maar aomrapipenp sIsir11g) QupponshGtb, Ht ajemhgtd aPors wahger OprOsgGud sarad. yiargyxaher 2 cnrayipenpGw Loiizales Qudiyign, Qudosdgtd odp ama orcrieng per aomigser. GulGur grand DupSpsw. sgsirIe syerr0s GucSGunapig wom oro gG sri purdeuptd oPLLeSloronav. arcir 10mg) Appgpreha upsedupsorrs gp Ween 2 sir ssoir apovtd yen9as 2 sara Uipiengs Om Dons, i Bisagy Iss ston 90 Fer. HiGuIgs Dom aspire sidsong BunGyso, Com se Pow 195 Ass Up, yinGisemsAsd OsrmvciiGsO ons monn Qopssr. GuoGBun Kut’ oe) ToiiryiRussiepooioKs aig) KAGE WIgKaERed sick s1s91. 78 ABoree su Gus. SSIS sensi IDLY gasipg!. ISH Upset Bynonsy. Fidsang Au 215ci3). epsiGp LongsiscRed ore 2. U) 2 comiisBzcir. Ovid MgsmisoReir DonpsAed Ren 4G id sonavés wpeiny Camp Sir Gurdipenas BxBor Upig wings. 4B gTaTay UDEIMAsien0. Un OisA, udhraous poAigg Cag) QapsAxcren Mohssiscr got De tdGuts unituPedens? waved stafenw wireMg). 2191p Alar woes Bag) Hgarisahcr Qanps Aig’ (woes 2EUL) Reowng. gy Bivaiger ero RGus egsissenar BG MG 5m OL Gann, ustarer Guineiny Oaraperysirar, Basi Qufius 14721 gators Bg spy Bar” snturmzowrar sreitprred evar reir Yapartomd. QopsHie tpsorayjsgG IH saoiIRos Aer Oarapiiy a cronBen, sksorapig Gonpsh iad aenonuiaayih 555 DGIissIsO1b QG&Gd. QopsRular poos ori. YSPonGe 1 LUBLIGI soda DLLiM’ G apenpasir sevonssiCio Osmypider sgonenay narsGs vast sodomy UuPLnIGMespew. LsitoLu QpPunahed aor usbscror ocuombme ag ctor SOsaniad ahprd 9g wr Gks ier soe 5GBCu Lon Qiao Wess wonavernongy siripie args a. sion oe ioB Bred wa@aci Qonsagsensupth pd wndacir a oD pug kgiah Qovriaci ap ssrporGaBu wm Oba go Sadun eg. Derenpigid sidyahe pr_ner NywiIHd Q8p anaeorsproosnck Wn Ds GH4Gs por acrag. iG, GuGsgisonn PpdH wissiler yust Lnéenev srardginp BanpncndGus. 1H wi GseD Ossucind YESS sop. BQUELAGSE 2561809 Aenps ssir_oncs! wyapHu wnGsenoné Dancer evIUHAared wyspGu wrG srexé anes wooo waco uti DancigIQeunissir sroinigTd waspSas wrod Danedavayib Dyed goo oan. aypowre Dyes Maus scir wig oupSus WILOL s1Oode Ppsmousss Udi ssborg) ovr argidGumsy scrupsr scAILG AusPed Oosss stony Gacd ucpioeir Gunciip Uw Gpmiiact indgb acd orips Kosmas GoTo LW mpmEHid Bio xensd QI Gupare Pa Psa G agGsMepes. QA wbGung mont 35, 000 AMGemiasr DoesIMpaissr ug Gur8Gwe Wwe » cova) opurd goro Uercnd ssin@sironriach. srimepanrus GugaTed wGsBuic—pid agent Qes@priacr. BueSGun — a GOSS! seiasir prusraAiwahe api uiPiigieos Crain nies GuSCun Luo sé sAw~psg oMurstiu@sgid vestenw UL OGw sriissr Gap DsUiga1G@ps). Qenawus Pe wi PGw Asad G UG Qss4 Gupmas, whasr Qusswns cons, LER Ups AansinG Gaik gid Quapiing piblyp ners 555 qb taal BBs WGESHMIs@RIGD 2.91. Ggiarers Bouvier mals ‘gsroiionnch ner Bucur Lue. Qenowurpgs asoAuseyed Uraiystorgy. Qieo use Giogyd Oem sGorenGub. GursHGur Luc gi3s DPijsmioy amo ah usar, crcdoons BIID HEB Sssemyplny BrraniiGBps. 20% ones a1cGtd Parent Qavichiacr o1ciDp piitone srovks QGSRDS!. pong. 1475 1

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