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Exploring 1

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r New Exploring Reading & Writing 1

O 2OOO e-future Co., Ltd

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electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise,
without prior permission in writing from the publisher.

Publisher : Patrick Hwang

Editor: Seyoung Yoon
Recording Manager: Seyoung Yoon, Hyeiung Choi
Reviewer : Natalee Moore
Designers : Jung-A Kim, Jihyun Kang
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o Unit 01 rle tU, qndt!e_Eg(! ?

s Unit 02 H_qppy velqnllnsls_Q_qv_ 13

o Unit Ei{ilg-p! arAirplele: -

- -ll

o Unit 04 H.qryyPotte1,__ __ _.25

o Unit 05

o Unit 06

o Unit 07 Let's Go! Pluto! /43

s Unit 08
o Unit 09 ![qFil:"relestreleq -- - ll
o Unit 10 Money Today, Money Tomorrow 61

o Unit 11 _!7
s Unit 12 rhg s-!q9_il_1h_e s,U i.l

o Unit 13 Computer Games _, z?

o Unit 14 Robin Hood b3

o Unit 15 The Genius of Mozart 91

s Unit 16 Visiting the Louvre '1 I

o Unit 17 1nl
tvtenh lUlheqKi19,.J1 IUJ

n Unit 18 fldian Movies


o Unit 19 Making Priorities II.J

o Unit 20 After Katrina tl44

Pre-reading questions encourage students to relate their knowledge of the
world to the reading passage in each unit. Competent readers effectively utilize
top-down and bottom-up processing while EFL readers tend to rely too much
on bottom-up processing. Pre-reading questions will give EFL readers practice
in utilizing top-down processing and help them become more efficient readers.

Learning the key vocabulary helps students to focus on'getting the meaning
from the text without being interrupted by new words. Too many unknown
words can slow down the smooth flow of reading and make readers lose
interest. By learning the meaning of new words first, students will face each
passage with a feeling of confidence. The teacher should guide students to try
and comprehend any other new words they may encounter from the context.

Asking different levels of questions while dealing with the reading passage
helps students to identify not only the literal meanings of the text but also its
underlying meaning. lt is essential to give students opportunities to take the
initiative in understanding the text and to respond to questions from the
The teacher should avoid a situation where the students are provided a
translation for each sentence in the reading passage. lnstead, the teacher needs
to utilize literal questions and inferential questions to encourage students to go
through different levels of mental processing to actively create the meaning of
the passage.

Understanding Pronouns
ldentifying pronouns helps students to see the relationship between relevant
Understanding the Main ldea
The questions in this part help students to practice identifying the main idea of
reading passages

Understanding Details
This paft helps students to focus on accurately identifying and retaining the
details in the reading passage they have read.

Vocabulary Practice
This part gives students practice in using the new words in appropriate

Key idioms are presented in context. Encountering the idioms previously
presented in the reading passage in different contexts enriches students'
understanding of the use of the idioms.

Making a Summary
This part h'elps students to make a summary using the context given to them.
Students prepare themselves to move towards more independent writing.

Listening Practice
This part gives students practice in comprehending spoken forms of the
expressions they have learned.

Homework-Writi ng Practice
This part gives students the opportunity to bring in all the language items in
the unit and use them flexibly to express their own ideas. Through this written
homework, students will have the opportunity to recall the language items in
the unit and use them spontaneously and creatively to express their ideas and
feelings. This will help students to retain the language items at a deep level and
to use them flexibly to express themselves.
The Sun and the Eafth

t Pre-Reading
What can you see from the picture?
Look at the picture and write the answers.
1. Do you know who this man is? a. yes b. no
2.The man is looking at the-. a. ground b. sky

New Words

tr natural not strange but understandable

tr Venus the second planet from the Sun
I conclude decide that something is true
D crazY not thinking straight
n liar a person who tells lies
tr truth something that is true and not made up

-7 -
Reading IEE

or hundreds of years, people thought

that the Sun moved around the Earth.
This was only natural because when we see

the Sun rise in the morning and set in the

evening, we can only think that the Sun is
o moving around or. '.)
'but one man did not agree with this idea. He
z if
the Sun is moving around the
said that
Earth, we cannot explain the movements of Venus. This man
finally concluded that the Sun does not move around the Earth,
but the Earth moves around the Sun. This man's name is

At first, people thought Copernicus was crazy. They said he
was a liar and that he must be killed. And so, Copernicus was
burned to death for saying that the Earth moved around the Sun. r5

Later,though, people learned,that Copernicus was in fact telling

Understanding Pronouns

l. Th" word "He" (line 7) refers to

2. The word "They" (line 13) refers to

d Understanding the Main ldea
Circle the best answer.

l, The main idea of this passage is that

a. people thought the Sun moved around the Earth

b. Copernicus said the Earth moves around the Sun
c. Copernicus was burned to death

2, The best title for this passage would be

a. Copernicus and Venus
b. Copernicus and Crazy People
c. Copernicus' New Idea

Understanding Details
Gircle the best answer.

f , For hundreds of years, people thought

a. the Sun moved around the Earth

b. the Earth moved around Venus
c. the Sun moved around Copernicus

2, fi the Sun moves around the Earth, we cannot explain the

movements of _.
a. Copernicus b. Venus c. the evening

3. Copernicus was later

a. given money b. telling many lies c. burned to death

Vocabulary Practice
Fill in each blank with one of the words in the list below.

/, John's mother yelled at him for not telling the

2, Mary people thought that Copernicus was

3, It was for them to think that the Sun moved around
the Earth.
4, Cop"rricus later that the Earth moves around
the Sun.
5. Aperson who tells lies all the time is called a

natural conctuded cfazy [iar truth

New Phrases

tr agree with : to think the same way

I don't think Phillip agrees with my ideas.
Carol told me that she doesn't agree with what the teacher
just said.
I did't agree with opinion of the movie.

D to death : to cause a person to die

The police shot the man to death.
The poor dog was almost beaten to death by its owner.
I am starving to death. Let's get something to eat.


Making a Summary
This is a summary of the passage.
Fill in the blanks with the right words.

peopte thought that his name was Sun moved around

tetLing the truth one man conctuded

Long ago, people thought that the the

But that the Earth moved around the Sun.


At first, Copernicus was crazy.

But later they learned that he was

- 11-

Listening Practice lEllg

Listen to each sentence and fill in the blanks.

f,For the Sun

moved around the Earth.

2. ButCopernicus thought that _moved

o People thought
uJ 4. Copernicus
z. a
4. Later,people that he

Homework - Writing Practice

Write a short paragraph about what you would have tui;;l
defend Copernicus.
Use the following questions as a guide.

Do you believe Copernicus is telling the truth?

How can you prove that he is not a liar?
Are there any other examples that people mistakenly believed
before? {.*c}** &* "t?z* **rt-?z i* €E*2"}
What do you think the people should do about Copernicus?

Ha:ppyUalentinds Day

t Pre-Reading
What can you see from the picture? I

Look at the picture and write the answers.

1. What day is Feb. 14d? a.Valentine's Day b. Thanksgiving
2. What do people usually eat on this day? a. chocolate b. turkey

New Words

tr romantic related to love

tr prepare to get ready for something
E treat something special that others can enjoy
! confess to tell another person how one feels
fl Gourage the strength to do something even when one feels
n express to show or say what one feels or thinks

Reading IEE

ebruary 14th is Valentine's Day.

Many people believe that this day is
the most romantic day of the year. On this
day, men and women, boys and girls of all
o ages prepare a special treat (usually flowers
'.C or chocolate) to give to the person they care
L! about the most. [,ots of people choose this day
= to confess their love to others. When they do,

they say things like "Happy Valentine's Day!" or "Be my Valentine."

It's always nice to have someone that cares about you deeply. If
you have someone that you really care about, but haven't yet
had the courage to tell that person that you like him or her, why
not use this Valentine's Day to express your true feelings?

? Understanding Pronouns

I , Th" words "this day" (line 2) refer to

2, The word "they" (line 8) refers to

d Understanding the Main ldea
Circle the best answer.

l, The main idea of this passage is that

a. Valentine's Day is the day we eat chocolate

b. people prepare special treats on Valentine's Day
c. Valentine's Day is the day when people confess their love to
other people

2, Thrc best title for this passage would be

a. The Most Romantic Day of the Year
b. Flowers and Chocolate
c. Someone to Care About

Understanding Details
Circle the best answer.

/, Some people think that Valentine's Day is

of the year.
a. the warmest day
b. the sweetest day
c. the most romantic day

2, On Valentine's Day, people

a. make chocolate cookies
b. confess their love to others
c. have lots of courage

3, When people express their love, they give

a. chocolate or flowers
b. lots of courage
c. ice cream

Vocabulary Practice
Fill in each blank with one of the words in the llrtiJ*f
t, Jason his love to Olivia on Valentine's Day.
2. He also lots of chocolate for her.
The candles and wine made the evening so


4. Words cannot my love for you.


romantic prepared courage express confessed

New Phrases

tr care about : to like very much

He is going to send her flowers on Valentine's Day because he
cares about her.
Mother doesn't want us to fight because she cares about us.
whenever she meets him, her face turns red because she cares
about him a lot.

tr true feelings : how a person truly feels inside

He tried not to cry because he didn't want to show his true feelings.
I expressed my true feelings by telling her that I love her.
I ban't hide my true feelings in front of my mom.

Making a Summary
This is a summary of the passage.
Fill in the blanks with the right words.

even confess speciaI treats true feelings

cares about Valentine's Day

February 14th is
People give to the person they care about
on this day.

Manv oeoole their love.

It is nice to have someone that vou.
If you like somebody, you can use Valentine's Day to express your

Listening Practice ItrEIg
Listen to each sentence and fill in the blanks.

l. on oeoole manv

to give to others.

2, So^e people and some

5. Some people even to their
4.ltis nice to have someone that
5. Yalentine's Dav is a

Homework - Writing Practice

Write a short paragraph about your experience on Valentine's
Day. Use the following questions as a guide.
Have you ever received flowers or chocolate on Valentine's Day?
ls there someone you would like to give treats to on Valentine's
Who is that person?
What do you like about that person?

(Yes,I have lNo,I have not)

There is someone that I
That person is -
I like him/her because

Ridingon an Airplane

t Pre-Reading
What can you see from the picture?
Look at the picture and write the answers.
1. The aimlane is a.landing b. taking off
Z.Have you ever been on an airplane before? a. yes b. no

New Words

n airline a com.pany that provides flight service

tr conveniently in a comfortable way
tr variety type; kind; sort
I primitive simple in style and very old-fashioned
D emergency a dangerous situation that happens suddenly and
requires quick action, especially an accident
tr mode method or way

Reading IEE

iding airplanes is always fun. Just

the thought of flying high in the sky
is exciting. The flight attendants are very
nice and they try to make your trip as
If you are on a long
comfortable as possible.
o distance flight, you even get to watch a
uJ movie. Some airlines even have a personal
screen for each seat so passengers can
conveniently watch a movie or TV program of their choice.
The food may not be that delicious, but most flights offer a IO

variety of menus to choose from.

Airplanes were not always as safe as they are today. In fact,
the earliest airplanes were quite primitive. They weren't even
that fast. Nowadays, however, airplanes have jet engines that
allow them to travel as fast as 900 km an hour. They also have
lots of life-saving equipment and are well prepared for
emergencies. Today, many people consider airplanes the safest
mode of travel. Although there were many scary news reports
of airplane crashes, fewer people were hurt because of airplane
accidents than because of car accidents.

Understanding Pronouns

l, Th" word "they" (line 4) refers to

2, The word "They" (line 15) refers to

a. many people get hurt in an airplane accident
b. traveling by airplane is fun and safe
c. airplanes are very fast

2, Tlrc best title for this passage would be

a. The Earliest Airplanes
b. Airplane Accidents
c. Traveling by Airplane

Understanding Details
Circle the best answer.

/, Which of the following is not true?

a. You can watch movies on long distance flights.
b. Flight attendants are very nice.
c. The food served on airplanes is always delicious.

2, Today, many people think that airplanes

a. are the safest way to travel
b. are more primitive than cars
c. cause emergencies

3. Airlines that have a personal screen for each seat provide


Vocabulary Practice
Fill in each blank with one of the words in the list below.

l. The flight was very because the flight attendants

were so nlce.

2. I saw a of a bie fire in the mountains.

2 We almost had an because we were driving too fast.
4. Thinking
- about our trip is so
4, The airline took care of my bags.

personat report convenient exciting accident

New Phrases

tr of one's choice : that one likes

Of all the clothes in the store, the blue dress was the one of my
If you don't like the book I gave you, you can exchange it for the
book of your choice.
This chocolate cake is the one of my choice, it is pretty good.

tr a variety of : many kinds of

There were a variety of drinks at the supermarket.
My sister has collected a variety of stamps.
If you go to suffrmer camp, you can enjoy a variety of activities.
Making a Summary
This is a summary of the passage.
Fill in the blanks with the right words.

considered to be a variety of not very safe

travel by airptane airptane accidents than

It is very fun and convenient to

The flight attendants are nice and the airlines serve

- years ago, airplanes were
Nowadays, however, they are one of the safest

ways to travel.

Fewer people were hurt because of car


Listening Practice IEEIrcI
Listen to each sentence and fill in the blanks.

t. Riding airplanes
2. attendants
Flisht travelins
2 Some airlines personal screen seat.
4. Th. airplanes and primitive.
r'. consider airplanes mode of

Homework - Writing Practice

Write a short paragraph describing where you would like to
go by plane.
Use the following questions as a guide.

Where would you like to go?

What is so special about that place?
How long would it take to get there?
What is the weather like there?

I would like to go to
It is
I would like to go for
The weather is

[.', Harry Potter
? Pre-Reading
What can you see from the picture?
Look at the picture and write the answers.
1. Who is the person in the picture?
2. What do you know about him?

New Words

tr orphan a child whose parents are dead

tr closet a small room for clothes or storage
I invitation a letter asking someone to come to an event
or place
I hatch to emerge from the eggs of birds, fish, or reptiles
tr destiny predicted future ; something which must happen
tr eventful with a lot of exciting or unusual things happening

- .)
Reading IEU

arry Potter is an orphan who lives

with his aunt and uncle. They don't
treat him very well. He has to sleep in a
small closet under the stairs. His life is quite

boring and uneventful. Then one day on
o Harry's birthday, a letter arrives for Harry,
uJ but his uncle destroys it. Yet the letters keep
Z coming. Finally, 100 letters arrive. They are
all invitations to study at Hogwart's Wizard School. Harry's
uncle just does not have enough energy to destroy them. So he IO

finally gives one to Harry.

Harry accepts the invitation. He leaves his aunt and uncle's
house. He comes to a wonderful place. At the school he learns
many things. He hatches a dragon, plays the aerial sport
Quidditch, and casts spells. He makes many friends. Finally, he r5

meets his destiny. His life is exciting and eventful. To find out
more, you'll have to read Harry Poffer and the Sorcerer's Stone
by J.K. Rowling.

Understanding Pronouns

I . Th" word "He" (line 3) refer to

2, The word "They"(line 8) refers to

3, Theword "you"(line 17) refers to

d Understanding the Main ldea
Circle the best answer.

l. The main idea of this passage is that

a. Harry Potter will save the world

b. Harry is a brilliantwizard who learns much
c. Harry experiences two different ways of living

2. The best title for this passage would be

a. The Two Lives of Harry Potter
b. Harry Potter, the Wizard King
c. The Coming of a New Day

Understanding Details
Circle the best answer.

l, Harry's aunt and uncle probably

a.love Harry as much as their own children
b. pretend he does not live with them
c. do not take good care of him

2. Ond day l-larry gets 100 letters. This seems to be because

a. it is his birthday
b. his parents died
c. his uncle would destroy the letter

3, Hogwart's Wizard School is

a. a place where students learn to be wizards
b. a place where students become geniuses
c. a place where students learn to cook

-27 -
Vocabulary Practice
Fill in each blank with one of the words in the Iist below.

I. Th"r. are thousands of war in this country.

2, lputa lot of things in the in my room.

3, Didyou get an to the party?

4. ltwas her to become famous.
5, Itwas a really movie.

ctoset orphans boring destiny invitation

New Phrases

tr find out : to learn information

To find out more, you'llhave to read Harry Potter and the
Sorcerer's Stone.
He hurried off to find out what the problem was.

tr cast a spell : to cause something to happen through magic

He hatches a dragon, plays the aerial sport Quidditch,
and casts spells.
She is a witch! She'll cast a spell on you if she sees you
in the woods!

Making a Summary
This is a summary of the passage.
Fill in the blanks with the right words.

a wonderfuL thing hatching a dragon his aunt's house

boring or unhappy Hogwart's Wizard School

Harry is lonely and mistreated in

One dav happens to Harry.

He is invited to

He has many exciting experiences at the school such as

and playing Quidditch. \\

Harry's life is no more

Listening Practice IEEIE
Listen to each sentence and fill in the blanks.

I . Halry Potter lives

2. Hehas to -who
'= 3. ore day
for Harry. -
z. 4. Harrv
4, His life

Homework - Writing Practice

Write a short paragraph about "Harry Potter".

Use the following questions as a guide.

Have you ever read the Harry Potter series or watched the films?
Which one do you like the most?
What do you think is the most interesting thing in the Harry Potter's

World Gup

t Pre-Reading
Look at the picture and write the answers.
l. The man is the ball. a. holding b. kicking
2.The men are playing a. soccer b. baseball

New Words

I perhaps maybe; probably

I worldwide around the world
tr soccer a ball game played by two teams with 11 players each

tr ceremony alarge and formal event

I schedule expected to happen
n predict to say something will happen before it happens
I champion a person or team that has won first place
Reading IIGO

he World Cup is now perhaps the

largest sports event in the world. It is
a worldwide soccer* event that is held every
4 years in different countries.

o It was first held in Uruguay in 1930, and

o now it has become a global ceremony. The
uJ 18th World Cup was held in Germany in
z 2006, and the next World Cup is scheduled to be held in South
Africa in 2010.
Every 4 years, millions of people from all over the world IO

come together to see which country has the best soccer team.
But it is diffrcult to predict which team will win the World Cup.
For instance, France, which was the champion of the 16th
World Cup, failed to score even one goal at the 17th World Cup.
Everyone thought France would do very well because they were t5

the champions of the last World Cup but they couldn't even win
one game. This is why the World Cup is so much fun to watch.
Something new happens every time.

* soccer: also called "football"

Understanding Pronouns

l. fne word "It" (line 5) refers to

2, The word "they" (line 15) refers to

( . r ne marn roea oT Tnrs Passa8e rs TnaT

a. France did not win one game

b. the World Cup is a big sports event
c. the World Cup was first held in Uruguay

2, The best title for this passage would be

a. World Cup 2010
b. France and the World Cup
c. Facts about the World Cup

nffi, Understanding Details

Circle the best answer.

/, The first World Cup was held in

a. South Africa
b. Uruguay
c. Germany

2, The World Cup is held every

a.20l0 years b. 16 years c.4 years

3. ln the lTth World Cup, France

a. failed to score even one goal
b. became the champion team
c. was the country with the best team

- .).) -
Vocabulary Practice
Fill in each blank with one of the words in the Iist below.

f. Bill is the smartest student in our school.

2. The weatherrnan that it will rain tomorrow.

2 The next World Cup is to be held 4 years later.

4. The Olympics is a event.
o A1l the players want to become

perhaps worldwide scheduled predicts champions

New Phrases

tr be held in : an event to be hosted in someplace

The meeting was held in the new building.
Sarah thinks the next Olympics willbe held in Africa.
The special event that should not be missed will be held in March.

tr for instance : to explain using an example; for example

Imagine that you are flying, for instance.
There are many big mountains, for instance, Mt. Everest, Mt.
McKinley, etc.
I want to travel to lots of famous cities, for instance, London,
Paris and Venice.

Making a Summary
This is a summary of the passage.
Fill in the blanks with the right words.

be hetd in in different countries difficutt to predict

something new happens [arge sports event

The World Cup has become a

It is held every 4 years

The next World Cup will _South Africa in 2010.
It is which team will win the World Cup.
The World Cup is so much fun to watch because

every time.

Listening Practice IEITU
Listen to each sentence and fill in the blanks.

f , Th" World Cup worldwide

2, - in Uruguay in 1930.
- 4 vears. millions
3, Everv watch to see which countrv

soccer team.
4. It is difficult to predict
4. That is whv the World Cuo

Homework - Writing Practice

Write a short paragraph about the World Gup.
Use the following questions as a guide.

When and where was the first World Cup held?

How often is it held?
Which country do you think will become the next champion?

The first World Cup was

The World Cup is held

I think
This is because

The lnternet and Us

t Pre-Reading
Look at the picture and write the answers.
1. The woman is using a . a. television b. computer
2.Do you have one of these at home? a. yes b. no

New Words

tr useful being helpful in some way

tr daily happening every day
tr Gommon found in large numbers or often found
tr information details about something
I library a place that keeps lots of books
n click to make a short, sharp sound
(to press a computer mouse)

Reading lfm

very one of us uses the Internet

almost every day. We all know that it
is a very useful tool. But most of us take the
Internet for granted and forget just how
o important it is to our daily lives. Have you
o ever thought about what life was like before
uJ we had the Internet?
z Years before the Internet became common to everyone, it
took about 1 week to send a letter from one country to another.
But now, it takes just a few seconds to send a message through IO

lnformation was also very difficult to find. People had to
spend a lot of time at libraries just to find the information they
were looking for. But thanks to the Internet, we can now find
the information we need on the Internet just by clicking a r5


* e-mail: electronic mail; mail sent through the Internet

? Understanding Pronouns

l, Th" word "it" (line 2) refers to

2, The word "they" (line 13) refers to

c. Understanding the Main Idea I
Circle the best answer.

l, The main idea of this passage is that

a. information was hard to find long ago

b. people can send messages very fast
c. the Internet has become very important to us

2. the best titte for this passage would be

a. The Internet: A Very Useful Tool
b. Information: \bry Important to Our Lives
c. E-mail: Sending Messages Very Fast

Understanding Details
Gircle the best answer.

f , The lnternet is very

a. useful b. slow c. unimportant

2, lf we use the tnternet, we can send messages in

a. a week b. a few seconds c. a few days

3, Before the lnternet, people had to to look

for information.
a. click a mouse b. write a letter c. go to the library

Vocabulary Practice
Fill in each blank with one of the words in the Iist below.

?. Withthe Internet, we can now get very fast.

2, Peop\e go to the to borrow books.

3, The Internet has become very important to our lives.

4, We can get lots of information using the Internet.
5. Ustngcomputers, people can send - a few seconds.
in just


usef u[ daity messages information tibrary

New Phrases
n take something for granted : to think that something is
true or real
We often take our mother's love for granted.
I took it for granted that you would come to the party.
Don't take it for granted that I will treat you to lunch.

tr thanks to : because of
We were able to get to the movie on time thanks to Bill's car.
Thanks to the weather, the party was a great success.
I got a free ticket for the amusement park thanks to my dad.

Making a Summary
This is a summary of the passage.
Fill in the blanks with the right words.

Internet for granted our daily [ives thanks to the

hard to find send a message

The Internet is very important to

But we often take the and forget how

important it is.

Before the Internet, it took a very long time to

Information was also verv

Internet, people can find information very easily.

Listening Practice fEEEA
Listen to each sentence and fill in the blanks.

l, _ 1S a Very in our
2. Haveyou of what life was like
3. Long ago, it - to another
to send a letter
o country.
4. It was verv hard
4. People had to to find the information
they were

Homework - Writing Practice

Write a short paragraph about the lnternet.
Use the following questions and model as a guide.

How often do you use the Internet?

What sites do you often visit?
Do you think the lnternet is useful?
Why do you think the Internet is important?

I I usually visit my school web page
use the Internet 3 times a week.
and check my e-mail. I think the Internet is very useful. This is
because we can send messages very quickly and we can get many
kinds of information through the Internet.

,:,, Let's Go! Pluto!

? Pre-Reading
Look at the picture below and answer the questions.
1. The rocket is beins a.launched b. cleaned
2.The weather is a. cloudy b. sunny

New Words

n launch to send something into the air or into space

tr spacecraft a rocket or machine that can travel through space
il planet alarge round object that moves around a star
n solar of the sun
tr analyze to study very closely
tr atmosphere the air or gases around a planet
tr otherwise if not

Reading IEtrg

n Janqry I9,200,6,NASA* launched

a new spacecraft called New Horizons
into outer space. New Horizons is expected
to travel about 3 billion miles for 10 years at
around 50,000 kilometers per hour and take
o pictures of Pluto (the last planet in the solar
uJ system*),its moons, and the Kuiper
z KY-pun) Belt. It will also analyze Pluto's
atmosphere and temperature.
Scientists say that now is our last chance to send a spacecraft IO

to Pluto. Otherwise Pluto will become too far from Earth and it
will be more difficult to get near the planet.
The New Horizons mission is important because no spacecraft
has ever been sent that far before. The information collected
during this mission will help to explain what the outer edges of r5

the solar system look like and how the solar system was formed
4.5 billion years ago.

* NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

* the Solar System: the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
IJranus, Neptune, Pluto

Understanding Pronouns

l, Th" word "its" (line 7) refers to

2, The word "It" (line 8) refers to

c. Understanding the Main ldea
Circle the best answer.

l, The main idea of this passage is that

a. the Kuiper Belt is near Pluto

b. New Horizons will visit and study Pluto
c. the solar system was formed 4.5 billion years ago

2, The best title for this passage would be

a. The Solar System and Pluto
b. Pluto and the Kuiper Belt
c. New Horizons goes to Pluto

(o Understanding Details
Circle the best answer. I

f , How far is Pluto from Earth?

a. 3 billion miles b. 50,000 kilometers c.4.5 billion years

2. Now is the best time to send a spacecraft to Pluto because

Pluto will _.
a. be near the Kuiper Belt
b. be analyzedby New Horizons
c. become too far from Earth

5. The New Horizons mission is important because

a. no spacecraft has ever been sent that far before

b. Pluto is the last planet in the solar system
c. New Horizons will travel a long way

Vocabulary Practice
Fill in each blank with one of the words in the list below.

l. Albert Einstein was the greatest of the 20th century.

2. Jupiter is the largest in the solar system.
Japan will a rocket into outer space.

4, Mars has a very thin
5. We will information that New Horizons sends back
to us.
ptanet anatyze launch scientist atmosphere

New Phrases

tr as well : in addition to
We ate sandwiches and cookies as well.
She owns a computer and an MP3 player as well.
My hobby is playing computer games and watching TV as well.

tr help to : be useful in doing something

The new roof will help to stop the rain from coming into the house.
Drinking milk will help you to become more strong.
Reading lots of books will help us to broaden our mind.

Making a Summary
This is a summary of the passage.
Fill in the blanks with the right words.

is important because a new spacecraft hetp to explain

study its moons atmosphere and temperature

NASA launched called New Horizons.

It will travel to Pluto to take pictures and analyze its

It will also and the Kuiper Belt.

New Horizons no spacecraft has ever

been sent that far before.

The mission will what the solar system looked

like 4.5 billion years ago.

Listening Practice fEEItrE
Listen to each sentence and fill in the blanks.

?. NASA New Horizons on

2. Pluto is the -,
2 If- - aspacecraft ,Pluto-become
Earth. -
4. No has to Pluto before.
u.l a
J. The solar system 4.5 billion vears

Homework - Writing Practice

Write a short paragraph about space.
Use the following questions as a guide.

What are the nine planets in the solar system?

Which is your favorite planet?
Why do you like that planet?

The nine planets of the solar system are

My favorite planet is
I like it because

Ice Grcam

t Pre-Reading
What can you see from the picture?
Look at the picture and write the answers.
1. What can you see in the picture? a. cakes b. ice cream
2.lt is a. hot b. cold

New Words

tr flavor the taste of a food or drink

n cricket a small bug that makes loud sounds at night
tr bug an insect such as ants or flies
tr raise to look after something until it grows up
I nutritious having lots of substances that help your body
be healthy
I protein a substance found in foods like meat, eggs, or milk

Reading IEtrtr

"f scream. You scream. Now we can all

Laa"u* at ice cream."
That is exactly what 15-year-old Sarah Thompson
did when she tried the newest flavor of ice
o cream: chocolate-covered cricket!
Believe it or not, those loud bugs that you
uJ hear on sufilmer nights are now turning up in
ice cream. The crickets are raised in cages
for about 6 weeks until they become ready to be cooked. They
are baked for about 5 minutes, and then they are covered in
chocolate before they are mixed with ice cream.
You may think that eating crickets might not be very good for
your health, but in actuality, they are quite nutritious and they
have lots of protein. As a matter of fact, some people say that
'eating crickets is better than eating too much chocolate.
So the next time you see ice cream with crickets in it, don't
scream and run away. Think of it as a nutritious snack and give
it a try!

Understanding Pronouns

l, The word "she" (line 4) refers to

2, The word "they" (line 9) refers to

d Understanding the Main ldea
Circle the best answer.

f , The main idea of this passage is that

a. ice cream is very delicious
b. Sarah Thompson ate a cricket
c. crickets are turning up in ice cream

2, The best title for this passage would be

a. Crickets and Chocolate
b. Crickets in Ice Cream
c. Crickets in Summer Nights

@ Understanding Details
Circle the best answer.

/, When Sarah first tried chocolate-covered crickett she

a. smiled
b. screamed
c. ate too much

2, After being raised, crickets are baked for about

a. 5 minutes b.6 weeks c. 15 years

3, crickets have lots of

a. chocolate b. snacks c. protein

Vocabulary Practice
Fill in each blank with one of the words in the list below.

I, lljrke little as ants and flies.

2. Eggs,bacon, bread, and milk would be a very mea1.

3. -such
Have you tried the new ice cream

4. Meat,milk, and even crickets have lots of

5, Sarah when she first tried cricket ice cream.
f [avor bugs nutritious screamed protein

New Phrases

I believe it or not : though it may be hard to believe

Believe it or not, some turtles live for over 100 years.
My bed is made of gold, believe it or not.
I'm the most beautiful girl in my class, believe it or not.

tr turn up : to be found
Cookies are also turning up in ice cream.
Don't worry about the newspaper.It will turn up soon.
That's too bad. Some cockroaches have turned up under my desk.

fl in actuality : in fact; as a matter of fact; really

I've heard of cricket flavor ice cream, but I've never seen it in actuality.
In actuality, the actor is much taller than you think.
In actuality, the price is much higher than I thought.

Making a Summary
This is a summary of the passage.
Fill in the blanks with the right words.

good for your lots of protein are raised in

turning up in think of them

Crickets are ice cream.

Thev cases. baked. and covered in chocolate.

Crickets are actually

- very health.

Thev have and are verv nutritious.

The next time you see crickets, as a snack and

give it atry.

Listening Practice IEIEE
Listen to each sentence and fill in the blanks.

l. Cnckets ice cream.

2. - for 6 weeks.
5. Then -first -cages
5 minutes and covered in chocolate.
4. Circkets are actually- health.

5. eating crickets eating
ul -
-too much chocolate.

Homework - Writing Practice

Write a short paragraph about the ice cream that you like.
Use the following questions as a guide.

What is your favorite ice cream?

What flavor is it? / What does it taste !ike?
How often do you eat this ice cream?
Why do you like it?

My favorite ice cream is

It tastes like
I eat it
I like it because

Mobile Telephones

t Pre-Reading
What can you see from the picture?
Look at the picture and write the answers.
1. The woman is using a a. coin b. mobile phone
2.The woman is _. a. talking b. sleeping


New Words

tr wireless not having any wires

A crazy foolish or strange
I mobile that can be moved easily from place to place
fl communication sending messages from one person to another
n online through the Internet
n convenient very easy to use
n device a machine that is made for a certain purpose

Reading IftrZ

T f someone had said 50 years ago that

I p.opt" would be walking around with
small wireless telephones in their hands, we
would have called him or her quf,y. But now,

almost everyone has at least one of them.
o People everywhere are walking around talking
uJ on their mobile phones*. The phones are even
z being used for more than just communication.
People use them to play games, watch television, listen to music,
pay money online, and find information. They have become a IO

very important part of our lives.

Mobile phones have not only made our lives more convenient,
but they have changed the way we live. Before we had mobile
phones, it was hard to reach a friend that was away from home.
But thanks to these small devices, people can now get in touch r5

with anyone, at any place, and at any time.

* mobile phone: also called "cell phone"

Understanding Pronouns

l, Th" words "him or her" (line 4) refer to

2, Theword "them" (line 5) refers to


Understanding the Main ldea

Gircle the best answer.
'f , The main idea of this passage is that

a. friends were hard to reach before we had mobile phones

b. mobile phones have become very important to our lives
c. we did not have mobile phones 50 years ago

2, The best title for this passage would be

a. The Importance of Mobile Phones
b. Playing Games on Mobile Phones
c. How to Make a Telephone Call

Understanding Details
Circle the best answer.

/, What can we not do with a mobile phone?

a. play games
b. listen to music
c. walk faster

2. 50 years ago,
a. people were crazy
b. we did not have mobile phones
c. people used mobile phones

3, Thanks to mobile phones,

a. it is harder to reach a friend
b. we cannot find information
c. our lives are more convenient

-57 -
Vocabulary Practice
Fill in each blank with one of the words in the list below.

/, People think Jack is he does very strange things.

2, Wetried for 2 hours to Smith on the telephone.

.3, -because
We can make telephone calls in the subway if we use a
4, Finding information is very using the Internet.
4. People use computers for faster

mobi[e convenient communication crazy reach

New Phrases

n at least : at the minimum

You must be at least 2l years old to drink.
Everyone in this classroom is at least 150cm tall.
I need at least 3 hours to finish my homework.

tr get in touch with : come in contact with; communicate with

Did you get in touch with your father?
I couldn't get in touch with Mr. Jones because he was very busy.
I want to get in touch with him by email during vacation.

Making a Summary
This is a summary of the passage.
Fill in the blanks with the right words.

made our lives many different things very important part

atmost everyone is using mobite phones

50 years ago, no one thought we would be _

Now, using a mobile phone.
The phones can be used to do

They have become a _ of our lives.

They have very convenient.


Listening Practice fEEItrg

Listen to each sentence and fill in the blanks.

l. has phone.

2. Peoole - -mobile
other oeoole.
2 be used to and

o 4. Mobile phones have
4, Now we can at at

Homework - Writing Practice

Write a short paragraph about mobile phones.
Use the following questions and mode! as a guide.

Do you often use a mobile phone?

What do you do with the phone?
What other things do you like to do with a mobile phone?

I use my mobile phone all the time. My mother bought it for me on
my birthday last year. I usually use the phone to call my friends.I like
to use my phone to take pictures, too. This is because I do not like to
carry a camera all the time.

t Pre-Reading
What can you see from the picture?
Look at the picture and write the answers.
1. This is a picture of . a. clothes b. money
2.Yoncan use ihir to . a. eat food b. buy things

New Words

tr uncle the brother of one's father or mother

! bill paper money (not coins)
tr curious wanting to find out more
I valuable worth a lot of money
tr reply to answer
n nod to move one's head up and down

Reading Ett;rzEr
ne day, Daniel and his uncle Bob
went to the store together. Uncle Bob
gave Daniel a one dollar bill and told him he
could buy whatever he wanted with that
o money. Daniel picked out two chocolate
candy bars which cost 50 cents each.
I.IJ As they were leaving, his uncle said that
z. when he was a child he was able to buy five
candy bars with ole dollar. This was because back then, they
only cost 20 cents each. Daniel became curious. IO

"You see, Daniel, the price of all things usually rises as time
goes by. That's why one dollar earned today is more valuable
than one dollar earned one year later. This is called the 'Time
Value of Money'. Do you understand?"
"Not really," replied Daniel. ry

"Look at the candy bars. When I was a kid,I could buy five of
them with one dollar. But now, I can only buy two because the
price has risen to 50 cents. In other words, the value of one
dollar has dropped over the years."
Daniel nodded his head. Now he was a little sure what his
uncle meant.

Understanding Pronouns

l, The word "him" (line 3) refers to

2, The word "they" (line 9) refers to

! Understanding the Main ldea
Gircle the best answer.

I , The main idea of this passage is that

a. chocolate candy bars cost a lot of money

b. it is better to have one dollar later
c. the value of money drops as time goes by

2, The best title for this passage would be

a. The Time Value of Money
b. Money and Chocolate Candy Bars
c. Daniel's Uncle

nffi, Understanding Details

Circle the best answer.

/, When Daniel's uncle was a child, chocolate candy bars cost

a.50 cents b.zo cents c. 1 dollar

2, One dollar earned today is more valuable than

a. chocolate candy bars
b. two dollars
c. one dollar earned later

.3, Daniel can't buy as many candy bars as his uncle when he
was a child because
a. chocolate candy bars don't taste good
' b. the price of candy bars has risen
c. he doesn't like candy bars very much

Vocabulary Practice
Fill in each blank with one of the words in the Iist below.

l. One dollar today is more than one dollar next year.

2, I have to buy a present for my aunt and my _.

I asked my sister what she wanted to eat but she wouldn't

4. Daniel didn't say anything. He just _ .
.;c a
4. George asks a lot of questions. He is a very _boy.


uncte cunous vatuabte repty nodded

New Phrases

n as time goes by : with the passage of time

As time goes by, you will come to like this music.
She will lose weight as time goes by.
As time goes by,I will miss my friend who studies abroad.

tr in other words : say something in a different way

In other words, you will get an F if you don't do your homework.
There are no shoes that fit her feet. In other words, her feet are
very large.
In other words,I'm complaining about your service now.


Making a Summary
This is a summary of the passage.
Fill in the blanks with the right words.

to the store time goes by they onty cost

prices were lower this is catled

Daniel and his uncle Bob went together.

Uncle Bob told Daniel that _ when he was a

Today, candy bars are 50 cents but _ 20 cents a
long time ago.

time value of money.

The value of one dollar drops as

Listening Practice I@EU
Listen to each sentence and fill in the blanks.

f ,lJncle Bob and Daniel together.

2, rJncleBob gave Daniel and

whatever he wanted.
5. Daniel
4. -chocolate
bars cents.

5, This -candv
- - -50

- is called the

Homework - Writing Practice

Write a short paragraph about what you would Iike to buy.
Use the following questions as a guide.

What would you really like to buy?

How much does it cost?
Why do you want to buy it?
Do you have enough money to buy it? lf you don't, how will you
earn the money?

I would really like to buy

It costs
I want it because

rlr' New Year's Resolution

What can you see from the picture?
Look at the picture and write the answers.
1. The people look very_. a. sad b. happy
2. It is a. Thanksgiving b. New Year's Day

New Words

I gather to come together

tr resolution the decision to try very hard to do something
tr quit to stop doing something
tr several not many, but more than two
I breath the air that comes out of your mouth when you
a lazy not wanting to work hard

-6/ -
Reading n?[ntil

oday is New Year's Day. Cindy's

family has gathered in the living
room to talk about each person's resolutions
for the New Year.

Cindy says her New Year's resolution is to
'.c learn how to play tennis. She wishes to firy out
for her school's tennis team.
Her younger brother, Timothy, says his
resolution is to get up at 6:00 a.m. every morning. To do so, he will
also have to sleep early at night. IO

Dad's resolution is to quit smoking this year. He has been

trying to quit for several months but he failed every time. He
knows that if he quits, not only will his breath smell a lot
will feel a lot healthier, too.
better, but he
Mom has decided that she will make a point of writing a book. r5

She had always wanted to become a writer ever since she was a
little girl but couldn't because she was busy with other work.
The family has agreed that the most important resolution is to
make sure that each person tries hard not to become lazy with
their resolutions.

Understanding Pronouns

I , The word " She" (line 6) refers to

2, Theword "He" (line 11) refers to



c. Understanding the Main ldea

Circle the best answer.

l, The main idea of this passage is that

a. Dad wants to quit smoking

b. the family should not becomelazy
c. Cindy's family has made New Year's resolutions

2, Tlrc best title for this passage would be

a. Cindy's Resolution
b. Cindy and Timothy
c. New Year's Resolutions

Understanding Details
Circle the best answer.

/. Timothy has decided he will

a.try out for the tennis team
b. get up at 6 a.m. every day
c. quit smoking

2, Mom wants to
a. become a teacher
b. get healthier
c. write a book

.3. The family has agreed that the most important thing is to

a. sleep early at night

b. be busy with work
c. try hard not to become lazy

Vocabulary Practice
Fill in each blank with one of the words in the list below.

l. Dadwants to smoking this year.

2, The whole family in the living room.

4, Hit smells bad because he smokes all the time.
5. I tried to call Jake times but he wouldn't answer the

gathered severaI quit [azy breath

New Phrases
n Iiving room : a large room where the whole family can sit
My room would be a lot bigger if our living room were a little
My brother likes to watch TV in the living room.
I'm going to buy a picture frame to decorate the living room.

tr try out for : to compete for a position

Julie will try out for the part of Juliet in the school play.
I tried out for the football team last year.
Athletes want to try out for the Olympics, so they practice hard.

n make a point of : to do something for sure

She always makes a point of cleaning her room.
I'11make a point of fixing this computer.
He made a point ofjoining an in-line skating club.

Making a Summary
This is a summary of the passage.
Fill in the blanks with the right words.

write a book get up earty try out for

made resolutions for to quit smoking

Cindy's family has _ the New Year.

Cindy will learn to play tennis and the school
tennis team.

Timothy will try to _ every day.

Dad willtry
Mom wants to

Listening Practice IEEEA
Listen to each sentence and fill in the blanks.

l. Cindy tennis.
2, , Timothy, try to every day.
5, Dad wants to
4, Mom-decided to
5. The is to try and not


Homework - Writing Practice

Write a short paragraph about your New Year's resolution.
Use the following questions as a guide.
What was your resolution for this year?
Why did you make this your resolution?
What did you do to keep your resolution?
Do you think you did a good job?

My resolution for this year was

I made this my resolution because
(Yes / No),

The $tars in the Sky

t Pre-Reading
What can you see from the picture?
Look at the picture and write the answers.
1. There are- stars in the sky. a. many b. few
2.The stars are verv a. bright b. dark

New Words

tr parent a mother or father

! interested think of something as important and want to learn more
I favorite the one that a person likes most
n surprised tobe amazed because something is unexpected
tr country a place that has farms and villages and is away from
the crty
tr promise a statement that someone will do something for sure

Reading fiElfllzEr

arah is a 12 year-old girl who lives in

the city with her parents. She is very
interested in the stars in the sky and likes to
find constellations* at night. She says her
favorite is the Great Bear because she thinks
o it is very cute.
uJ One night she was visiting her grandparents'
z house in the country. She looked up at the
sky but was surprised to see that there were so many stars. She
had never seen that many in the city before. Sarah asked her IO

father why there were so many stars in the country but so little
in the city. Her father said that the number of stars in the
country and in the city was the same. But it was hard to see
them in the city because the city has so many bright lights.
Sarah now knew why she couldn't find many of the r5

constellations she had seen in her book. She made a promise to

herself that she would visit her grandparents' house every
summer from now on.

x constellation: the figures of the stars in the sky (Orion, Cassiopeia,


Understanding Pronouns

I . Th" word " She" (line 2) refers to

2, Theword "them" (line 14) refers to


d Understanding the Main ldea

Circle the best answer.

l, The main idea of this passage is that

a. Sarah likes the country very much

b. the constellations in the sky are very beautiful
c. it is hard to see the stars in the city because of the bright lights

2, The best title for this passage would be

a. The Beautiful Country
b. Why Sarah Couldn't See So Many Stars
c. Sarah's Favorite Constellation: The Great Bear

Understanding Details
Circle the best answer.

l, Sarah's favorite constellation is the Great Bear because she

thinks it is _.
a. beautiful b. cute c. bright

2, Sarah couldn't see so many stars in the city because the city
has many
a. people b. constellations c. bright lights

a. winter b. night c. summer

-75 -
Vocabulary Practice
Fill in each blank with one of the words in the Iist below.l
l. My told me not to play with matches.
2. Karen is very in beautiful paintings.
2 My food is pizza.

4. I was very to see my friend on television.


4. Jeff made a that he would not steal money again.

favorite interested surprised promise parents

New Phrases

tr be interested in : to care about something or like something

Why are you so interested in what I did last summer?
Carl is very interested in birds.
I'm really interested in watching baseball games.

tr make a promise : to say that one will do something

I made a promise to my wife that I would buy her a diamond ring.
Nancy made a promise never to eat meat again.
He made a promise that he would make her happy forever.

- /tJ-
Making a Summary
This is a summary of the passage.
Fill in the blanks with the right words.

many bright tights made a promise to [ook at

hard to see surprised to see

Sarah likes _ _ the stars in the sky.

She was very that there were more stars in the


This was because the city has so

That is why it is the stars in the city.

Sarah that she would visit her grandparents'

house every summer.
Listening Practice IEEE
Listen to each sentence and fill in the blanks.

?. There _in the

2. Sarah constellations _
2 But it is of them
4. This is - the city has so many
- -many
Sarah will from now on.

z= -

Homework - Writing Practice

Write a short paragraph about your favorite .on;t"til;l
Use the following questions as a guide.
What is your favorite constellation?
What does it look Iike?
Why do you like it?
Can you find it in the sky?

My favorite constellation is
It looks like a

I like it because

(Yes / No),

Gomputer Games

t Pre-Reading
What can you see from the picture?
Look at the picture and write the answers.
1. The child is playing . a. a computer game b. soccer
2.Do you enjoy playing this? a. yes b. no

New Words

I addicted liking something so much and wanting to do it

as much as possible
tl exercise moving one's body to stay healthy
I eyesight ability to see

n fixed stuck to and not moving

I problem something that is not good and is dfficultto solve
fJ opportunity a chance to do something that one wants to do

-79 -
Reading n;trur

hildren love to play computer games.

Some people say that many of them
are addicted to games. If you become
addicted, all you can think about is computer
o games and you cannot spend a day without
o playing. Of course, playing games on the
LIJ computer is a great way to spend time and
= have fun. But there are also bad sides to it as
First of all, children do not get enough exercise because you
do not have to move your body much when playing games.
Second, your eyesight becomes bad because your eyes are fixed
on the computer screen for too long. This is why it is not hard to
find children wearing glasses around these days. Thfud, you do
not get to spend much time with your family because you are r5

spending all of your time in front of the computer.

Playing computer games is not such a bad thing. But too much
playing can cause problems. How many hours do you spend in
front of the computer? Why not take this opportunity to cut
down on computer games?

Understanding Pronouns

? , The word "them" (line 2) refers to

2, Theword "it" (line 8) refers to

,: I

c. Understanding the Main ldea

Circle the best answer.

l, The main idea of this passage is that

a. playing computer games is a great way to spend time and have fun
b. children do not get enough exercise
c. there are bad sides to playing computer games

2, The best title for this passage would be

a. Bad Eyesight
b. Children and Exercise
c. The Problems of Computer Games

(o Understanding Details
Circle the best answer.

l, lf you become addicted to computer games,

a. you become very good at them

b. you cannot spend a day without playing
c. you can spend a good time and have lots of fun

2. fi children play games too much, they get bad eyesight because

a. their eyes are fixed on the screen for too long

b. they do not get enough exercise
c. they wear glasses a1l the time

3, Children addicted to games do not spend much time with

their families because
a. they like to exercise
b. they have bad eyesight
c. they spend too much time in front of the computer

Vocabulary Practice
Fill in each blank with one of the words in the list below.

f, This chair is to the floor.

2. I had the to meet the President last week.

2 -
She wears glasses because she has bad

4. Smoking can cause many health
o 4. If you do not get enough , you will become fat.
uJ -
exercise eyesight f ixed probtems opportunity

New Phrases

n cannot spend a day without : must do something every day

I cannot spend a day without thinking about her.
Sarah is very healthy. She cannot spend a day without exercising.
The potted plant on my desk cannot spend a day without water.

tr these days : nowadays

There are many cars on the streets these days.
These days it is very hard to find a public telephone.
I'm so tired these days because of spring fever.

tr cut down on : to reduce or lower something

You should cut down on smoking if you want to stay healthy.
The doctor told me to cut down on chocolate.
Please cut down on going out for hamburgers, if you want to lose


Making a Summary
This is a summary of the passage.
Fill in the blanks with the right words.

get enough exercise spend much time are addicted to

many bad sides get bad eyesight

Many children these days computer games.

Playing computer games has

Children do not because they don't have

to move much.

They because their eyes are fixed on the screen.

They don't with their family.

Listening Practice IEEIEE
Listen to each sentence and fill in the blanks.

f, addicted to comPuter games

2. They don't get

- - and their


They don't with their family.

4. may not be such a
4. But playing can cause

Homework - Writing Practice

Write a short paragraph about computer games.
Use the following questions and model as a guide.

Do you like to play computer games?

How often do you play games?
Do you think you play too much?
What do you think you should do to cut down on games?

I like to play computer games very much. I play almost every day
after school for 3 hours. I don't think I play too much but my mother
always says that I do. I think I should play sports with my friends to
cut down on computer games.

Rohin Hood

t Pre-Reading
What can you see from the picture?
Look at the picture and write the answers.
1. The man is shootins a. a sun b. an arrow
2.The man is in a. the city b. the woods

New Words

tr reason afact that explains why something has happened

tr thief someone who steals from other people
tr famous known to many people
tr probably maybe
tr hero a brave and good man that is liked by many people
n legend a person that is admired and liked by many people

Reading l@A

e all learned in school that stealing

from others is a bad thing. But
what if someone steals for a good reason?
Should we still call that thief a bad person?

The most famous thief in history would
o probably be Robin Hood. Robin Hood is
uJ believed to have lived during the Middle
z Ages*. He stole money and food from the
rich to give to the poor. Back then, rich people did not care if
the poor were in need. Although he was a thief, the people ro

thought of Robin Hood as a hero because he stole in order to

help others. They came to love him and his name has now
become a legend.

* the Middle Ages: the years between 476 and 1500 in Europe

Understanding Pronouns

l, The word "He" (line 8) refers to

2, The word "They" (line 12) refers to


d Understanding the Main ldea

Circle the best answer.

I , The main idea of this passage is that

a. stealing is a bad thing

b. Robin Hood was a rich man
c. Robin Hood stole from the rich to give to the poor

2. The best title for this passage would be

a. Good and Bad
b. The Bad Robin Hood
c. Robin Hood: A Good Thief

(o Understanding Details
Circle the best answer.

/. Robin Hood
a. stole from the poor
b. stole from the rich
c. did not like to steal

2. The people thought of Robin Hood as a

a. rich man b. bad man c. hero

3, Rich people did not care if the poor

a.liked Robin Hood
b. were in need
c. stole money

-87 -
Vocabulary Practice
Fill in each blank with one of the words in the list below.

f. A person who steals is called a

2. Picasso was a very artist.

Robin Hood stole money and food for a good

4. King Arthur is a _in England.
o 4, It is very cloudy outside, and so it will rain later.


reason famous thief probabLy [egend

New Phrases

tr the rich / the poor : rich people / poor people

The rich have good houses and lots of food to eat.
Kenny always gives money to help the poor on Christmas.
There is a luxurious building where the rich live.

tr in order to : for the purpose of

I got another job in order to earn more money.
She went to Africa in order to study animals.
You'd better hott), up in order to get there on time.


Making a Summary
This is a summary of the passage.
Fill in the blanks with the right words.

stole from them become a legend as a hero

did not care from the rich

Robin Hood stole money and food _

He give to the poor.
Back then, the rich-to about poor people.

The-people loved him and thought of him

His name has now


Listening Practice IEIEE

Listen to each sentence and fill in the blanks.

t. Robin Hood Middle Ases.

2. He and food to give

Jo Rich oeoole Robin Hood.

4. But oeoole verv much.
L.IJ a
4, He

Homework - Writing Practice

Write a short paragraph about your favorite hero.
Use the following questions as a guide.

Who is your favorite hero?

What do you like about that hero?
What don't you like about that hero?

My favorite hero is
I like
However,I don't like

The Genius of Mozart

? Pre-Reading
What can you see from the picture?
Look at the picture and write the answers.
1. Do you know who this man is? a. yes b. no
2.Have you heard his music? a. yes b. no

New Words
tr musician a person whose job is playing music
tr genius a very smart person
tr memorize to remember something exactly
I royal of the king or queen
n influence having an effect on someone
! unfortunately sadly
tr compose to write new music

Reading IIE@

he year 2006 marks the 250th year after

ttrc birth of Mozart. Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart was born in Salzburg, Austria in 1756
and later became one of the greatest musicians

o not only in his time, but in history as well.

o People called him a genius because he
uJ could memorize an entire song just by hearing
it once. As a little boy, he could even play the
piano with his eyes covered.
Later, he wrote many songs for the royal family, the church, IO

operas, and so on. He even had great influence on musicians

like Beethoven or Rossini. Unfortunately, he did not live very
long and died at the age of 35.
Mozart went on to compose a total of 625 songs. Most of his
music is still played and loved today.

Understanding Pronouns
l, Theword "him" (line 6) refers to

2. The word "his" (line 14) refers to


c. Understanding the Main ldea

Circle the best answer.

f , The main idea of this passage is that

a. Mozart was a great musician

b. Mozart died at a very young age
c.Mozart's music is still played and loved today

2, The best title for this passage would be

a.250 Years of Music
b. A Genius Musician
c. Salzburg, Austria

Understanding Details
Circle the best answer.

/. When was Mozart born?


2. which musician did Mozart not influence?

a. Beethovens
b. Bach
c. Rossini

3, Mozart composed songs.

a. 35
b.250 -

Vocabulary Practice
Fill in each blank with one of the words in the Urt UJo*.]
l, AlbertEinstein was known to be a .

2. Mozartplayed music for the family.

3, Aperson whose job is to play music- is called a
4. llovedthe song so much that I decided to allthe
o words.

musician compose genius memorize royal

New Phrases
I and so on : and many other things, too
When I eat breakfast,I like to eat bread, milk, eggs, and so on.
I like artists like Van Gogh, Picasso, Monet, and so on.
People have lots of feelings like happiness, hunger, sadness, and so on.

tr have an influence on : to affect the way another person acts or

My father had a big influence on me.
Mr. Jones had a great influence on all of his students.
Computer games have too much influence on children.

Making a Summary
This is a summary of the passage.
Fill in the blanks with the right words.

him a genius was born in wrote many songs

ptayed and loved the greatest musicians

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart t756 in Austria.

He became one of in history.
He was so good that people called

Mozart and later influenced musicians like

Beethoven and Rossini.

His music is still today.


Listening Practice IEEU

Listen to each sentence and fill in the blanks.

l. Mozart history's greatest musicians.

2. He an entire song just by

Mozart could the piano with

4. He did not and at 35.

His music _ today.
uJ -

Homework - Writing Practice

Write a short paragraph about your favorit" ,rri.i*.
Use the following questions as a guide.
Who is your favorite musician?
What are some of that person's songs?
Which song do you like best?
Why do you like that song?

My favorite musician is i*.g. Th* **atles,

Erit:r*y Spears)
Some of (his/her/their) best songs are

Of these songs, my favorite is

I like this song because

t Pre-Reading
What can you see from the picture?
Look at the picture and write the answers.
l. This is a oicture of a a. museum b. school
2.Have you ever seen a museum? a. yes b. no

New Words

tr museum a building where valuable things are shown

to other people
tr attract to cause other people to come to
! sculpture a pieceof art made by carving wood, stone or clay
tr Greek of Greece; a person of Greece
tr exhibit something that is shown in a museum
! archaeology the study of past peoples and societies
I architecture the study of planning and making buildings

-97 -

Reading rEE[Err

he Louvre Museum is one of the

largest and most famous museums in
the world. Located in the middle of Paris,
France, the Louvre attracts millions of
o visitors each year. It has some of the most
';c famous paintings and sculptures on earth.
uJ Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa, and the
z. Greek sculpture "the Winged Victory of
Samothrace" (sculpture of Nike) can be found in the museum.
In addition to art, the Louvre has many other types of IO

exhibits, including archaeology, history, and architecture. The

museum is so large that it would take about 4 months to visit
each piece. Some people visit the museum several times
because they cannot see everything in one visit. They say that
even though they are visiting the same museum, every visit is a
new experience.

Understanding Pronouns

l, Theword "It" (line 5) refers to

2, The word "They" (line 14) refers to

! Understanding the Main ldea
Circle the best answer.

l, Themain idea of this passage is that

a. Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa is very beautiful

b. Paris has many visitors every year
c. the Louvre is a large museum with lots of exhibits

2, The best title for this passage would be

a. Louvre, the Museum
b. Visiting Paris, France
c. Greek Sculptures

Understanding Details
Gircle the best answer.

f . The Louvre is a _.
a. sculpture b. painting c. museum

2, The Louvre is located in

a. Greece b. Paris c.Italy

5, Some people visit the Louvre several times because

a. they cannot see everything in one visit

b. they like Paiis, France
c. Greek sculptures are in the museum


Vocabulary Practice
Fill in each blank with one of the words in the llst Uelow. I

t. We are going to Jane in the hospital.

2. The tower is in the middle of the city.

2 I tried to call her times.

4. I liked the in the museum.
4. My mother my shirt under my bed.

[ocated found exhibits severat visit

New Phrases
tr on earth : in the world (used for emphasis)
Mt. Everest is the highest mountain on earth.
Kelly thinks she is the prettiest girl on earth.
I think cockroaches are the most disgusting insect on earth.

tr even though : although

Even though there weren't many people, the show was very fun.
I talked with my sister all night even though I was tired.
I want to go on a picnic even though the weather is not good.


Making a Summary
This is a summary of the passage.
Fill in the blanks with the right words.

mi[[ions of visitors so [arge that famous and targest

paintings and sculptures museum severaI times

The Louvre is one of the most museums in

the world.

The museum attracts each year.

It has many famous

The Louvre is _ _ it takes about 4 months to see all the

Some people come to the


Listening Practice IEIEA

Listen to each sentence and fil! in the blanks.

l. The Louvre is Paris and sculptures

and paintings. - -
2. The museum - each year.

It other than art.

4. -
z a
4. visit the museum they cannot see

everything in one visit.

Homework - Writing Practice

Write a short paragraph about your visit to the museum.
Use the following questions as a guide.

Which museums did you visit?

Where is it located?
What did you like most?
What other museums would you Iike to visit?

I visited
It is located in
I liked
I would like to visit

- 1,02 -
Maftin luther lffng, lr.

t Pre-Reading
What can you see from the picture?
Look at the picture and write the answers.
1. Do you know who this man is? a. yes b. no
Z.The man in the picture is _. a.listening b. speaking

New Words

I racial things related to the color of a person's skin

I right the things that the law allows you to do
n vote to choose a leader at an election
D peaeeful not fighting
n demand to strongly ask for
n equal being the same as something else
tr effort hard work that is done to accomplish(do) something

Reading rt EnEEI

" f have a dream." These were the words

I Th"r. were the words of Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr. in his famous "I have a dream" speech.
Today, it is hard to find racial segregation*

in the US but no more than 40 years ago, this
o was not true. Black people were not allowed
tLl to sit in the front of public buses, and they
z couldn't send their children to the same school
as white kids. They didn't have the right to vote and they
couldn't get good jobs just because they were black.
The man who set out to change all this was Dr. King. He led
peaceful marches in many cities and demanded that black
people receive equal rights as white people. Dr. King later
received the Nobel Peace Pnze for his efforts in the civil rights
movement*. He continued to work for equal rights until he was r5

killed in 1968 in Memphis.

Although Dr. King is not with us today, his dream continues to
touch the lives of many all around the world.

* segregation: the act ofkeeping people apart from one another

* civil rights movement: the act of people getting together to ask for equal

Understanding Pronouns

l, Th" word "they" (line 7) refers to

2, The word "He" (line 11) refers to

- 1,04 -

d Understanding the Main ldea

Circle the best answer.

l. The main idea of this passage is that

a. Dr. King won the Nobel Peace Pize

b. Dr. King was killed in Memphis
c. Dr. King worked for equal rights for black people

2, The best title for this passage would be

a. Dr. King's Nobel Peace Pize
b. The Death of Martin Luther King, Jr.
c. The Dream of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Understanding Details
Gircle the best answer.

f , 40 years ago, black people could not

a. vote b. work c. go to school

2, Dr. King demanded that black people receive

a. the Nobel Peace Prize
b. equal rights
c. peaceful marches

3, Dr. King was killed

a. in Memphis
b. in 1986
c. today

Vocabulary Practice
Fill in each blank with one of the words in the list below

l. Dr. King led marches in Washington D.C.

2. People did not have _rights a long time ago.

The robbers money from us.

4. Did you for our president?
o We should thank Dr. King for his

efforts vote demanded equa[ peacefuI

New Phrases
tr set out : to begin to work for something
Linda set out to change her house.
The man who set out to change the law was Mr. Smith.
They set out to find the problem with the machine.

tr touch the lives of : to affect other peoples lives or thoughts

Mozart's music touched the lives of many people.
The new movie touched the lives of the sick people.
His speech touched the lives of the participants.

- 1,06 -
Making a Summary
This is a summary of the passage.
Fill in the blanks with the right words.

for his efforts the same rights set out to

led peacefuI marches continues to touch

Years aso. black oeoole did not have as white


The man who change all this was Dr. Martin Luther

King. Jr. -
He in many cities and demanded equal riehts.
He -
later won the Nobel Peace Prize

Dr. King was killed in Memphis, but his dream

the lives of many people.

Listening Practice IEEIEE
Listen to each sentence and fill in the blanks. l
f, equal rights long ago.

2. King
Dr. all this.
3. He peaceful marches and

4. the Nobel Peace Pize
4. Dr. King in 1968.
IU -Memphis

Homework - Writing Practice

Write a short paragraph about your favorite histori. fr".. I
Use the following questions as a guide.
Who is your favorite historic hero?
What did that person do?
Why do you Iike this person?
Do you want to become like this person when you grow up?

My favorite historic hero is

lndian Movies

t Pre-Reading
What can you see from the picture?
Look at the picture and write the answers.
1. Do you like to watch movies? a. yes b. no
2. Would you like to watch this movie? a. yes b. no

New Words

tr produce to make
I industry activities involved in making a certain product
fl estimate to approximately judge the size or value of
n average a number calculated by adding all the values and
dividing by the number of values
tr population the people living in a certain region
n demand the number of people that want something


Reading nEEnEtn

hich country do you think produces

the most movies in a year? If your
answer was the United States, you had better
think again. It is true that the US makes the
most money from the movie industry, but it
o does not make the largest number of movies.
u_l The answer to the question is India. Surprised?
z. It is estimated that around 700-900 films
are made in India each year. That means that an average of 2
movies are produced in one day. The industry is so large that IO

people now call it "Bollywood.*" Even the United States makes

just around 300 films ayear. So why are so many movies produced
in the subcontinent*?
The biggest reason is that India has a total population of about
1billion people and many of them enjoy watching movies.In other t5

words, there is a sfrong demand for them. Although Indian movies

are not as popular as American films, the Indian people take pride
in the fact that their country is the largest producer of films in
the world.

* Bollywood: a word made by combining Mumbai (an Indian city) and

* subcontinent: a large piece of land (usually used to refer to India)

Understanding Pronouns

f, The word "it" (line 5) refers to

2. The word "them" (line 16) refers to

. ]q4


c. Understanding the Main ldea

Circle the best answer.

f , The main idea of this passage is that

a. American movies are very fun to watch

b.India has a large population
c. India makes the most movies in the world

2. The best title for this passage would be

a.India: A Large Country
b. The Movie Industry of the United States
c. Bollywood: India's Movie Industry

Understanding Details
Circle the best answer.

l, The country that makes the most movies is

a. The United States b. Canada c.India

2, lndia's movie industry is so large that peopte now call it

a. Bollywood b. Hollywood c. Subcontinent

3, lndia makes many movies because

a. the people don't like American movies
b. its large population likes to watch movies
c. the United States makes the most money

Vocabulary Practice
Fill in each blank with one of the words in the Iist below.

/, Newspapers that there will be about 10,000 people

at the concert.

2. I got an score of 90 on my test.

2 People in India like to many movles.
o 4. China and India have a large
UJ The movie has become very large in India.

produce industry estimate average population

New Phrases

tr had better : should

Your room had better be cleaned by the time your mother gets
If you are going to watch a movie, you had better watch it with an
You had better bring your umbrella, because I think it's going to
rain tonight.

tr take pride in : be proud of

The Smiths take great pride in their eldest son.
The Chinese people take pride in the fact that they have the
largest population in the world.
We should take pride in our historic sites.

Making a Summary
This is a summary of the passage.
Fill in the blanks with the right words.

so large that a [arge population take pride in

the most money produces the most

The country that movies is India.

The United States makes but India makes the

largest number of films.

The reason is that India has and the people

like to watch movies.
The industry people now call it Bollywood.

Indian people _ the fact that they make the most


Listening Practice IEEEI
Listen to each sentence and fill in the blanks.

l. that the US makes

m a year.
2, Infact, however, producer of films.

3, The in India is people now

- -
call it Bollywood.
trl 4. rndiahas and the people
z. movies.

S,Indianpeople are proud of films.

Homework - Writing Practice

Write a short paragraph about a movie that you like.
Use the following questions as a guide.

Which movie did you like best?

What was the movie about?
Why did you like that movie?
What other movies would you like to see? Why?

My favorite movie rs

It was about
I liked it because
I would also like to see

- 1't4 -
Making Priorities

t Pre-Reading
What can you see from the picture?
Look at the picture and write the answers.
1. The girl is trying to
a. eat her food b. choose which one to buy
2.The one on the left is
a. a hamburger b. salad

New Words
I situation what is happening in a certain place
tr concert a music performance
I decision choosing what should be done
tr priority the most important thing one must do before
everything else
n attention interest or care
n satisfaction pleasure that one feels after doing something

Reading IfEz

ustin is thinking about how to spend

his money during winter vacation. He
has saved up about 300 dollars. He wants to
buy a computer with his money but he also
wants to go skiing with his friends. He
o knows he can't do both because he doesn't
x have enough money. What should Justin do?

We come across these kinds of situations
every now and then. You want to go see a concert on a weekend,
but it is also your father's birthday and you do not want to let IO

him down. In this case, you don't have enough time to go to

both places. This is where you must make a decision. This is
also where you must think of priority. You must ask yourself
these questions:
"Which is more important?"
"Which decision needs my attention more?"
"Which choice would give me more satisfaction?"
After you have answered these questions, it may be easier for
you to decide what to do. So the next time you must make a
decision, remember to prioritize.

Understanding Pronouns

l, Th. word "He" (line 2) refers to

2, The word "him" (line 11) refers to

- 11.5 -

! Understanding the Main ldea l

Circle the best answer.

l. The main idea of this passage is that

a. you should not miss your father's birthday party

b. Justin should buy a new computer
c. you must prioritize when making decisions

2, The best title for this passage would be

a. Going to a Concert
b. Making Priorities
c. Dad's Bithday

,ffi, Understanding Details

Circle the best answer.

/, Justin is thinking about

a.learning to ski
b. making new friends
c. how to spend his money

2, When you cannot decide what to do, you should think of

3, lf you prioritize, it witl be

a. fun at your father's birthday party
b. easier to make decisions
c. harder to answer questions

-^t^t1 -
Vocabulary Practice
Fill in the blank with one of the words in the list below

/. Sam doesn't know what to do, but he must make a- now.

2. It will be to eat your food if you use a fork.

2 I want to go see the rap on Saturday.

4. Robert cannot seem to get any from his new

o clothes.
5, You should focus your on the matter.

concert satisfaction decision attention easier

New Phrases

tr every now and then : sometimes

My uncle comes by our house every now and then to say hello.
Every now and then, you can see an airplane passing by.
Every now and then,I stay up late reading books.

fl let someone down : disappoint someone

I really want you to be at the party. Don't let me down.
I promise I will not let you down this time.
Don't let it get you down, you'll have lots of chances.

Making a Summary
This is a summary of the passage.
Fill in the blanks with the right words.

what to do we must ask now and then

cannot do everything we prioritize it

Every we have to make hard decisions.

We sometimes cannot decide

We at one time.

ourselves what is more important.

If , will be easier to make decisions.


Listening Practice IEEIEE
Listen to each sentence and fill in the blanks.

l. hard

2, -
choose going to do.

We want to
, but

4, This is why we

4. Then decisions.

Homework - Writing Practice

Write a short paragraph about the hardest decision you made.l
Use the following questions and model as a guide.

When did you have to make this decision?

What choices did you have?
Which did you choose?
How did you make this decision and why?

It was 3 years ago. I had a test at school the next day but I also
wanted to go to a concert. I chose to go to the concert. This was
because I thought I could do better on the test next time, but it was
the last chance for me to see the concert.


t Pre-Reading
What can you see from the picture?
Look at the picture and write the answers.
a. good b.bad
Z.Have you ever seen one of these before? a. yes b. no

New Words

n hurricane a very strong wind or storm

tr suffer to receive harm or be in danger
tr damage harm that is caused to something
tr destroy to break something
n flood to be covered by a large amount of water
tr ruin to harm, damage, or spoil something very much
tr rebuild to build again

Reading rzt:nrrl
ew Orleans is an old city in the
southern part of the US. It is famous
for its old-fashioned streets and buildings,
jazz mtsic, and Mardi Gras*. It used to
o attract millions of tourists every year. But all
o of this changed in August of 2005.
ut A nasty hurricane named Katrina hit the
= southem part of the US. New Orleans suffered
the most damage from the storm. New Orleans is a city built
below sea level, and so it has levees* to keep sea water from IO

coming in. However, Katrina destroyed these levees and the

city eventually became flooded by sea water.
More than 100 people were dead and the city was completely
destroyed. Houses were gone, buildings were ruined, and cars
were damaged. Experts say that it will cost more that26 billion r5

dollars to rebuild the city.

But hope is still left for the people of New Orleans. People in
the US and all over the world have sent money and supplies to
help them with the rebuilding. Will New Orleans be rebuilt as
the beautiful city it once was? We will just have to wait and see.

* Mardi Gras: the day before Lent, or the music, dancing, parties etc that
celebrate this day in some countries
* levee: a wall built to keep sea water from flowing into land

Understanding Pronouns

l, Th.word "It" (line 2) refers to

2, The word "them" (line 19) refers to

- 1,22 -

c. Understanding the Main ldea

Circle the best answer.

l, Themain idea of this passage is that

a. New Orleans is a very beautiful city

b. hurricanes are very scary and people should try to avoid them
c. a hurricane destroyed New Orleans and people are trying to
rebuild the city

2, The best title for this passage would be

a.Jazz Music and Mardi Gras in New Orleans
b. The Effects of Hurricanes
c. New Orleans After Katrina

Understanding Details
Circle the best answer.

/, Katrina is the name of a

a. woman
b. city
c. hurricane

2, New Orleans was built

a. under the sea
b. below sea level
c. on sea water

5, Because of Katrina, the city of New Orleans was

a. rebuilt
b. destroyed
c. restored

Vocabulary Practice
Fill in each blank with one of the words in the list below ]
t. The big fire completely our town.
2, There was a after the big rain.
The beautiful buildings in Europe many tourists each
4. The hurricane did much to our city.
4. The city very much after the big rain.

attract suffered destroyed ftood damage

New Phrases

f: used to : was a long time ago but not anymore

She used to be very fat but now she has lost a lot of weight.
I used to like baseball very much, but now I like basketball.
I used to have a bad headache, but now I'm really healthy.

tr be famous for : be known to many people because of

Paris is famous for ths Eiffel Tower.
Einstein is famous for his work in science
The restaurant iS famous for 16 own recipe for cakes.

- 1.24 -
Making a Summary
This is a summary of the passage.
Fill in the blanks with the right words.

changed atL that were a[[ destroyed stit[ hope for

rebuitd the city attracted many tourists

New Orleans used to be a city that

However, hurricane Katrina

Buildinss. cars and homes

People say it will cost a lot of money to

But there is people of New Orleans.


Listening Practice IEIIEU
Listen to each sentence and fill in the blanks.

t. New Orleans _ in the southern part

2. A nasty Katrina
Houses and buildings

4. Experts say to rebuild New
5, People and supplies the
z -
rebuilding. -

Homework - Writing Practice

Write a short paragraph on how you feel about what
happened to New Orleans.
Use the following questions as a guide.
How do you feel about New Orleans after Katrina?
What can you do to help the people who lost their homes?
What would you do if this happened in your city?

I feel that
To help the people of New Orleans,I can

If this happened in my city, I would

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lsBN 978-89-5635-1 1 3-'l

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