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Harrison Bergerson-Nk

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Harrison Bergerson

Theme seed: The power of government

Theme : The government use laws, violence, and propaganda to control citizens self-
development in both physical and mental way

Thesis statement :
Vonnegut applies equality as a symbol of how the government use law and violence to take
control over people's minds and thought using television as the main communicator while also
mentions an opposite view of how will an inequality world functions.

1) Kurt Vonnegut use equality as a symbol of how governments use laws, violence, and
propaganda idea to take over people's mind and thought proven by the handicap, and birdshot
2) Harrison Bergerson provided the idea that people who attempt with their best abilities should
gain better chances, proven by the royal position mentions for those who take their
3) Television is an important tool used in the story. It spread out all the massages from the
government proven by

● the entire narrative takes place as George and Hazel sit in front of the TV.
● The government also uses television as a way of enforcing its laws.
● . Television further turns into a means of terrorizing the citizens
(from google)

Hook:Have you ever imagined what will society with a total equality be like? A world without
competition that everyone have the same abilities in every way.

Transition :
Quote :
● “It was tuned to a government transmitter. Every twenty seconds or so, the transmitter
would send out some sharp noise to keep people like George from talking unfair
advantage of their brains”
● “I am greater ruler than any man whoever lives! Now watch me become what I can
● “Let the first woman who dares rise to her feet claim her mate and her throne”
● “Play your best and I’ll make you barons and dukes and earls”

Requirement :
Introduction :

Body paragraph 1:
● Begin with topic sentence
● Full paragraph (mark with star)

Body paragraph 2:
● Topic sentence
○ Quote 1
○ Quote 2

Body paragraph 3:
● Topic sentence
○ Quote 1
○ Quote 2


English 1106
Harrison Bergeron
Have you ever wonder what will the world with total equality be like? Imagine a society
where every member has the same intelligence and strength. There wouldn’t be any competition
and there won’t be any sufferer who stressed out from trying the improve themself to reach
society's requirements. We can all agree that total equality would be a fantastic place to live.
However, what if the fairness was made by forcing the smarter to decrease their intelligence and
the stronger one has to lower their strength. Will equality still be the perfect world for all people?
Vonnegut applies equality as a symbol of how the government uses the law to take control over
people's minds and thought using television as the main communicator while also mentions an
opposite view of how will an inequality world functions.
★ Firstly, the government control citizen’s self-development in both physical and mental
way using law. There are many pieces of evidence proven in the story. The basics Item that was
used to represent law included mental handicap radio, the birdshot bag, and mask. At the
beginning of the story, Vonnegut explains that mental handicap radio was made for those who
contained an above-average intelligence like. There is also a description of how it works, “It was
tuned to a government transmitter. Every twenty seconds or so, the transmitter would send out
some sharp noise to keep people like George from taking unfair advantage of their brains”
(paragraph 3). The Birdshot bag and mask was first mentioned in the scene that the ballerinas
were performing their show on the television: “They were burdened with sashweights and bags
of birdshot, and their faces were masked, so that no one, seeing a free and graceful gesture or a
pretty face, would feel like something the cat drug in”(paragraph 11). The texts clearly showed
the intensity of the law which is to lower the abilities of the better to an average, or what they
called ‘Equality’. Moreover, the story also provides the perspective of the citizen using George
and Hazel as an example. During lines 70-90, Gorge mentioned how he afraid of the punishment
and how will the society turn back to ‘Dark age’ If people refusing to follow their law.
Television becomes the significant tools which the government use it to spread out their
propaganda idea and law.
-‘George and Hazel were watching television. There were tears on Hazel's cheeks, but she'd
forgotten for the moment what they were about.’(paragraph 4)
-‘The television program was suddenly interrupted for a news bulletin. It wasn't clear at first as
to what the bulletin was about, since the announcer, like all announcers, had a serious speech
impediment. For about half a minute, and in a state of high excitement, the announcer tried to
say, "Ladies and Gentlemen.’ (line 103)
The story provided the idea that inequality people who attempt with their best abilities
should gain better chances, which identity to the present government system.
-“Let the first woman who dares rises to her feet claim her mate and her throne,” said Harrison
Bergerson after entering the television station (line 185)
-“Play your best and I’ll make you barons and dukes and earls,” said Harrison Bergeron while
talking to the musician (line 195)
To be concluded, Harrison Bergerson exhibits the ower of the government that used to
control their citizens. Equality was used as a key reason to force people to follow their standards.
Moreover, each main character is representing the type of people who reat to situations such as
Harrison is a person who anti and fight for his right and end up punished by the government.

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