Yolk Sac Shape Outcome
Yolk Sac Shape Outcome
Yolk Sac Shape Outcome
3Yolk Sac Size and Shape, Gestational Sac Diameter and Embryonic
Heart Rate as Prognostic Factors for First Trimesteric Outcome
Emad Maarof Abd Ellatif, Abdalla Khalil Ahmad, Mohamed Ali Ali Halawa
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Al Azhar University
*Corresponding author: Mohamed Ali Ali Halawa, Mobile: 002001008277407, E-Mail: dr_halawa_42 @yahoo.com
Background: it is estimated that approximately 30% to 40% of implanted pregnancies resulted in spontaneous
abortion during the first trimester, most of which occur in very early stage. Significant number of losses
predominantly occurs very early in gestation, but once the embryonic heart activity appears the rate of
spontaneous abortion gradually decreases to 2-5%. Aim of the work: this work aimed to evaluate the correlation
between the ultrasound parameters that were assessed in the first trimester (the gestational sac size, yolk sac size
and shape and embryonic heart rate) to early pregnancy loss and the correlation between different ultrasound
parameter to each other. Methodology: this study involved 100 pregnant women attending Al Hussein
University Hospital. They were examined by using 2D ultrasonography starting early in the first trimester with a
first scan between 6 and 8 weeks. A follow up scan was conducted at 9 and 12 weeks. During follow up, 7
women did not return for follow up and accordingly, the results (gestional sac diameter,embryonic heart rate and
yolk sac size and shape ) of the remaining 93 women were shown. All patients were evaluated by transvaginal
ultrasound using equipped with a real-time, 5-MHz sector electronic array endovaginal probe. The fetal heart rate
was measured by M-mode in all cases and the yolk sac diameter (YSD) was determined by placing the calipers
on the inner limits of the longer diameter. Results: in this study, there was a significant increase in age in fetal
loss group more than complete pregnancy group. Regarding the relation between gestational sac diameter at
different gestational age period and its relation to the outcome of pregnancy, the gestational sac diameter showed
a significant decreasing in the fetal loss group at 6, 9 and 12 weeks, so the GS diameter was a good predictor to
fetal loss (p < 0.05). Conclusion: first trimester ultrasound measurement of these parameters (FHR,YS diameter
and shape and GS diameter) proved to be an important, helpful and noninvasive tool in the investigation,
diagnosis as well as the follow up of pregnant females in their early pregnancy. Measurement of gestational sac
diameter, CRL and fetal heart rate in combination provided better prediction of the prognosis of the first
trimester than when either parameter used alone.
Keywords: yolk sac diameter, gestational sac diameter, embryonic heart rate
3Yolk Sac Size and Shape…
embryonic heart rate) to early pregnancy loss and appropriate. Qualitative data were expressed as
the correlation between different ultrasound frequency and percentage. For quantitative data,
parameter to each other. comparison between two groups was done using
Mann-Whitney test. Spearman-rho method was used
PATIENTS AND METHODS to test correlation between numerical variables.
This study was carried out on 100 pregnant
females during the first trimester attended Al- RESULTS
hussein University Hospital. All cases were This study was carried out on 100 pregnant
recruited after fulfilling criteria of inclusion into the women examined by using 2D ultrasonography
study. starting early in the first trimester with a first scan
Inclusion criteria: between 6 and 8 weeks. A follow up scan was
Patient is sure of her dates of last menstrual period conducted at 9 weeks and at 12 weeks. Outcome of
with regular cycles first trimester of the 93 pregnancies were recorded.
Singelton pregnancy. Table 1 showed demographic data of the studied
Gestional age from 6 to 8 weeks during the first patients. Females with age <20 was 14(14%), age
trimester from 20-35 was 76(76%) and age >35 was 10(10%)
Exclusion criteria: and females with BMI <20 was 6(6%), BMI from
Loss to follow-up. 20-26 was 41(41%), BMI from 26-29 was 45(45%)
Any uterine pathology as myomas or and BMI >29 was 8(8%).
Chronic diseases as (SLE, hypertension ,diabetes Table 1: demographic data of the studied
and cardiac diseases) patients
Recurrent fetal loss Number Percent
Methods: <20 14 14.0
After approval of local ethics committee, a 20-35 76 76.0
written informed consent was taken from each >35 10 10.0
patient and selected patients was subjected to: BMI
Detailed history taking : age, LMP, obstetric <20 6 6.0
history, medical and surgical history. 20-26 41 41.0
Clinical examination 26-29 45 45.0
All patients between 6 to 8 weeks of gestation were >29 8 8.0
be evaluated by using transvaginal ultrasound Table 2 showed maternal history of the
equipped with a real-time, 5-MHz sector electronic studied group. Females with gravidity ranged from
array endovaginal probe. 2-3 were higher 42(42%). Parity from 1-2 was
The uterus and adnexa were scanned. The higher 48(48%). Non-abortion cases were higher
intrauterine gestational sac and embryo were 84(84%). Regarding to type of pregnancy, normal
identified, the embryo crown rump length was cases was higher 97(69%).
measured to confirm the gestational age and asses
the cardiac activity.After embryo viability was Table 2: maternal history of the studied group
confirmed, the embryonic heart rate was measured Number Percent
by M-mode in all cases. The calculation of the heart Gravidity
rate was made by measuring the time interval for at 1 29 29.0
least three waves.The yolk sac diameter (YSD) and 2-3 42 42.0
geatational sac diameter were determined by placing 4-6 26 26.0
the callipers on the centre of the yolk sac wall and 6+ 3 3.0
the gestational sac wall and the measurement of Parity
YSD and GSD taken middle-to-middle. Follow up 0 32 32.0
of the selected patients at 9 and 12 weeks of 1-2 48 48.0
gestation to measure heart rate,yolk sac size,and 3+ 20 20.0
gestional sac diameter. Abortion
0 84 84.0
Statistical analysis 1-2 15 15.0
Data were analyzed by using IBM SPSS 3+ 1 1.0
advanced statistics version (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Type of pregnancy
IL). Numerical data were expressed as mean and Normal 97 97.0
standard deviation or median and range as Icsi 3 3.0
Emad Abd Ellatif el al.
Table 3: distribution of the studied patients Table 5: distribution of the studied patients
regarding gestational sac diameter at different regarding fetal crown–rump length (CRL) at
period of follow up different period of follow up
Gestational sac Number Percent Fetal crown–rump Number Percent
diameter length (CRL)
At 6 weeks (n=100) in (cm)
<2 21 21.0 At 6 weeks “n=100”
2.0-2.5 21 21.0 <0.5 13 13.0
2.5-3.0 28 28.0 0.5-1 35 35.0
3.0-3.5 14 14.0 1+ 52 52.0
3.5+ 16 16.0 At 9 weeks “n=98”
At 9 weeks (n=98) <1.5 27 27.6
<2.5 3 3.1 1.5-2.5 41 41.8
2.5-3.5 41 41.8 2.5-3.5 30 30.6
3.5-4.5 26 26.5 At 12 weeks “n=93”
4.5+ 28 28.6 <4 37 39.8
At 12 weeks (n=93) 4.0-5.00 23 24.7
<5 1 1.1 5.00+ 33 35.5
5.0-5.50 14 15.1
5.50-6.0 35 37.6 Table 6 showed the final outcome of
6.0+ 43 46.2 ultrasonographic findings in the studied group, of
Table 4 showed distribution of the studied the 8 fetal losses, 2 were missed abortions (fetal
patients regarding yolk sac diameter at different pole with no visible pulsations), 1 blighted ovum, 2
period of follow up. At 6 weeks, yolk sac diameter incomplete abortions and 3 complete abortions.
6.0+ was higher 40(40%). At 9 weeks, yolk sac
diameter 6.0+ was higher 56(57.1%) and at 12 Table 6: the final outcome of ultrasonographic
weeks yolk sac diameter <4 was higher 35(37.6%). findings in the studied group
Ultrasound finding Number of Percent
Table 4: distribution of the studied patients cases (%)
regarding yolk sac diameter at different period Normal pregnancy 85 91 %
of follow up Missed abortion (other 2 2.1 %
Yolk sac diameter in (mm) Number Percent than blighted ovum)
At 6 weeks “n=100’’ Blighted ovum 3 1%
<4 10 10.0 Incomplete abortion 2 2.1 %
4.0-5.0 19 19.0 Complete abortion 1 3.2 %
5.0-6.0 31 31.0 Total 93 100 %
6.0+ 40 40.0
At 9 weeks “n=98”
<5.0 11 11.2 Table 7 showed the relation between
5.0-6.0 31 31.6 gestational sac diameter at different gestational age
6.0+ 56 57.1 period and its relation to the outcome of pregnancy,
At 12 weeks “n=93” the gestational sac diameter show a significant
<4 35 37.6 decreasing in the fetal loss group at 6, 9 and 12
4.0-5.00 34 36.6 weeks, so the GS diameter was a good predictor to
5.00+ 24 25.8 fetal loss (p < 0.05).
3Yolk Sac Size and Shape…
Table 7: relation between gestational sac diameter at different gestational age period and its relation to the
outcome of pregnancy
Fetal loss
Gestational sac diameter pregnancy t-test P
(n= 8)
(n= 85)
At 6 weeks
Range 1.22 - 2.47 1.41 - 3.92
16.2 0.001*
Mean 1.81 2.74
SD. 0.43 0.70
At 9 weeks
Range 2.10 - 3.38 2.57 - 5.19
12.6 0.001*
Mean 2.63 3.89
SD. 0.45 0.79
At 12 weeks
Range 4.33 - 5.20 5.33 - 6.51
3.21 0.015*
Mean 4.85 5.95
SD. 0.46 0.36
Table 8 showed the cut off value of gestational sac diameter at 6 and 9 weeks, and the sensitivity,
specificity and accuracy to predict the outcome of pregnancy at this cut off value, the cut off value of gestational
sac diameter at 6 weeks was 1.92,below this value the loss of pregnancy was 85.0% the more than this value the
complete of pregnancy was 78.0%. At 9 weeks, the cut off value was 3.11, the sensitivity was 90.0%, specificity
was 93.0% and the accuracy was 91.0%.
Table 8: cut off value of gestational sac diameter at 6 and 9 weeks, and the sensitivity, specificity and
accuracy to predict the outcome of pregnancy at this cut off value
Test Result Area p Cut off Sensitivity Septicity Accuracy 95% Confidence
Variable(s) under value Interval
the Lower Upper
curve Bound Bound
Gestational sac
.888 .0001* <1.92 .799 .976
diameter 6 wks 85.0 78.0 82.0
Gestational sac
.917 .0001* <3.11 .835 .998
diameter 9 wks 90.0 93.0 91.0
Figure 1: ROC Curve of gestational sac diameter at 6 and 9 weeks, to predict the sensitivity, specificity
and accuracy of the outcome of pregnancy
Emad Abd Ellatif el al.
Table 9 showed the relation between yolk sac diameter at different gestational age period and its relation
to the outcome of pregnancy, it was found that there was a significant increase in yolk sac diameter in fetal loss
group more than ongoing pregnancy at 6 weeks only (P< 0.05), while at 9 and 12 week there was no significant
difference between the two groups (P> 0.05).
Table 9: relation between yolk sac diameter at different gestational age period and its relation to the
outcome of pregnancy
Ongoing pregnancy
Yolk sac diameter Fetal loss (n= 8) t-test P
(n= 85)
At 6 weeks
Range 4.95 - 9.20 3.51 - 6.98
14.25 0.001*
Mean 7.15 5.43
SD. 1.42 0.99
At 9 weeks “n=98”
Range 4.74 - 7.30 4.96 - 6.83
1.01 0.251
Mean 6.09 5.84
SD. 0.74 0.61
At 12 weeks “n=93”
Range 3.24 - 4.61 3.24 - 5.52
0.98 0.378
Mean 4.04 4.39
SD. 0.71 0.68
Table 10 showed cut off value of yolk sac diameter at 6 and 9 weeks, and the sensitivity, specificity and
accuracy to predict the outcome of pregnancy at this cut off value. The cut off value of yolk sac diameter at 6
weeks was more than 4.6, the sensitivity was 81.0%, specificity was 75% and accuracy was 77%. At 9 weeks,
the cut off value was more than 5.3, the sensitivity was 32%, specificity was 28% and the accuracy was 30%.
Table 10: cut off value of yolk sac diameter at 6 and 9 weeks, and the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy
to predict the outcome of pregnancy at this cut off value
Test Result Area p Cut off Sensitivity Specificity Accuracy 95% Confidence
Variable(s) under the value Interval
curve Lower Upper
Bound Bound
Yolk sac
diameter 6 .819 .003 >6.4 81.0 75.0 77.0 .644 .993
Yolk sac
diameter 9 .393 .318 >5.3 32.0 28.0 30.0 .229 .557
3Yolk Sac Size and Shape…
Figure 2: ROC curve of yolk sac diameter at 6 and 9 weeks, to predict the sensitivity, specificity and
accuracy of the outcome of pregnancy
Table 11 showed relation between fetal crown–rump length (CRL) at different gestational age period
and its relation to the outcome of pregnancy. It was found that there was a significant decrease in CRL in fetal
loss group less than ongoing pregnancy at 6 weeks only (P < 0.05), while at 9 and 12 week there was no
significant difference between the two groups (P > 0.05).
Table 11: relation between fetal crown–rump length (CRL) at different gestational age period and its
relation to the outcome of pregnancy
Fetal crown–rump Fetal loss
pregnancy t-test P
length (CRL). (n= 8)
(n= 85)
At 6 weeks
Range 0.28 - 1.52 0.28 - 1.85
5.91 0.001*
Mean 0.73 1.07
SD. 0.37 0.43
At 9 weeks “n=98”
Range 1.03 - 2.86 1.04 - 3.47
1.89 0.172
Mean 1.76 2.13
SD. 0.53 0.73
At 12 weeks “n=93”
Range 3.66 - 5.26 3.12 - 5.85
0.219 0.64
Mean 4.20 4.44
SD. 0.92 0.89
Table 12 showed cut off value of CRL at 6 and 9 weeks, and the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy to predict
the outcome of pregnancy at this cut off value. The cut off value of CRL at 6 weeks was less than 0.8, the
sensitivity was 70%, specificity was 65% and accuracy was 76%. At 9 weeks, the cut off value was less than 1.9,
the sensitivity was 48%, specificity was 50% and the accuracy was 49%.
Table 12: cut off value of CRL at 6 and 9 weeks, and the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy to predict the
outcome of pregnancy at this cut off value
Test Result Area P Cut off Sensitivity Specificity Accuracy 95% Confidence
Variable(s) under value Interval
the Lower Upper
curve Bound Bound
Fetal crown–
rump length .737 .027 <0.8 70.0 65.0 67.0 .555 .919
(CRL). 6 wks
Fetal crown–
rump length .632 .218 <1.9 48.0 50.0 49.0 .469 .795
(CRL). 9 wks
Emad Abd Ellatif el al.
Figure 3: ROC Curve of CRL at 6 and 9 weeks, to predict the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of the
outcome of pregnancy
Table 13 showed relation between Heart rate at different gestational age period and its relation to the outcome of
pregnancy. It was found that there was a significant increase in heart rate in fetal loss group more than ongoing
pregnancy at 6 weeks only (P < 0.05), while at 9 and 12 week there was no significant difference between the
two groups (P > 0.05).
Table 13: relation between Heart rate at different gestational age period and its relation to the outcome of
Fetal loss Ongoing pregnancy
Heart rate t-test P
(n= 8) (n= 85)
At 6 weeks
Range 98.0 - 180.0 95.0 - 181.0
2.32 0.028*
Mean 140.40 133.86
SD. 28.84 25.64
At 9 weeks “n=98”
Range 144.0 - 173.0 140.0 - 190.0
1.75 0.165
Mean 159.50 163.26
SD. 11.17 13.70
At 12 weeks “n=93”
Range 124.0 - 160.0 122.0 - 162.0
0.69 0.46
Mean 136.33 142.04
SD. 20.50 11.92
Table 14 showed cut off value of heart rate at 6 and 9 weeks, and the sensitivity, specificity and
accuracy to predict the outcome of pregnancy at this cut off value. The cut off value of heart rate at 6 weeks was
more than 135, the sensitivity was 55%, specificity was 60% and accuracy was 56.8%. At 9 weeks, the cut off
value was more than 157, the sensitivity was 32%, specificity was 25% and the accuracy was 28%.
Table 14: cut off value of heart rate at 6 and 9 weeks, and the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy to
predict the outcome of pregnancy at this cut off value
Test Result Area under p Cut off Sensitivity Septicity Accuracy 95% Confidence Interval
Variable(s) the curve value Lower Upper Bound
Heart rate 6
.606 .0424 >135 55.0 60.0 56.8 .392 .819
Heart rate 9
.428 .500 >157 32.0 25.0 28.0 .248 .607
3Yolk Sac Size and Shape…
Figure 4: ROC curve of heart rate at 6 and 9 weeks, to predict the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of
the outcome of pregnancy
Table 15 showed the distribution of cases according to yolk sac shape and pregnancy outcome, out of 85 cases
with round and regular yolk sac shape, 85 (91.3%) had normal outcome and 5 (6.3 %) had failed pregnancy. 3
cases had irregular shaped yolk sac and all 3 were diagnosed as missed abortion on follow up, it was found that
there was a significant relation between yolk sac shape and pregnancy outcome (p < 0.05).
Table 15: distribution of cases according to yolk sac shape and pregnancy outcome
Yolk sac shape Pregnancy outcome Total
Normal outcome Failed pregnancy
No. % No. %
Regular 85 93.7 5 5.3 90
Irregular 0 0.0 3 4.2 3
Total 85 8 93
X2 31.9
P 0.0001*
Table 16 showed the correlations between the different studied parameters, it was found that there was a
positive significant correlation between CRL at (6 and 9) weeks, and gestational sac at 6 and 9 weeks, also, there
was a positive significant correlation between CRL and yolk sac at 6 and 9 months.
Emad Abd Ellatif el al.
DISCUSSION growing gestational sac and is identified by
It is estimated that approximately 30-40 % transvaginal ultrasound between 4th and 5th week of
of human pregnancies result in spontaneous gestation prior to appearance of fetal pole and
abortion during the first trimester after implantation. embryonic heart (10, 12).
Significant number of losses predominantly occurs It is a circular structure and identified by its thin
very early in gestation, but once the embryonic heart echogenic rim and central hallow. The initial
activity appears the rate of spontaneous abortion diameter is around 3 - 4 mm and gradually it
gradually decreases to 2-5 % (2). increases at the rate of 0.1 mm per day and finally
However intrauterine gestational sac is the undergoes atresia by 10th to 11th week of
first one to appear sonographically, followed by the pregnancy. Once the placental circulation is
yolk sac and the foetal pole with cardiac activity (3). established, the blood supply to yolk sac gradually
Within the gestational sac, yolk sac is the first decreases and finally disappears. If a large yolk sac
evident embryonic structure. It is usually visible persists, it indicates aberrant embryonic
between the fifth and twelfth week of pregnancy as development and high chance of miscarriage (6).
a round anechoic area; after which it undergoes Other variations in appearance of yolk sac include
degeneration (4). calcification, very small yolk sac (<2mm) and
A study investigated the size, structure and irregular yolk sac.
function of the yolk sac in addition to embryonic The calcified yolk sac almost indicates
heart rate in evaluation and prognosis of first impending pregnancy loss and on the other hand
trimester pregnancy loss. By transvaginal sonogram, irregular rim of yolk sac can be still associated with
we can accurately demonstrate EHR (Embryonic successful pregnancy outcome (13).Figueras et al. (14)
Heart Rate) and assess the pregnancy outcome in conducted a study to find the relation between yolk
those with bradycardia (7). The embryonic heart beat sac volume and risk of spontaneous abortion. They
can usually be identified at prenatal ultrasonography found that yolk sac volume outside the 5th to 95th
by 6 weeks gestation in M-mode (8). A study showed percentile were associated with significant
that a slow embryonic heart rate at 6.0–7.0 weeks occurrence of retrochorial haematoma and
gestation was associated with a high rate of first subsequent pregnancy loss. In a prospective cohort
trimester fetal demise, and the demise often occurs study, abnormal yolk sac characteristics (yolk sac
soon after the slow heart beat was detected (9). diameter outside the range of 2-5 mm, irregular
This work aimed to evaluate the correlation shape, presence of degenerative changes, unequal
between each of the ultrasound parameters that were number with embryo and presence of calcifications)
assessed in the first trimester (the gestational sac were found in 22 first trimester ultrasound scans (15).
size, yolk sac size & shape and embryonic heart Abortion occurred in 14 (63.63 %) compared to
rate) to (early pregnancy loss) and the correlation 3.55 % (6/169) signifying the fact that normally
between different ultrasound parameter to each functioning yolk sac is vital for the survival of the
other.Our study was carried out on 100 pregnant embryo. Also, our study confirms the same findings.
women examined using 2D ultrasonography starting Another study from Turkey prospectively evaluated
early in the first trimester with a first scan between sonographic characteristics of yolk sac in 305 viable
6 and 8 weeks. A follow up scan was conducted singleton pregnancies with gestational age between
every 2 weeks and a final one at 12 weeks. Outcome 6 to 9 weeks and found abnormal yolk sacs in 66
of first trimester was recorded. In this study, there patients (14). An irregular yolk sac was observed in
was a significant increase in age in fetal loss group 78.8% (52/66), an enlarged yolk sac in 12.1% (8/66)
more than complete pregnancy group. Regarding the and echogenic yolk sac in 9.1% (6/66). It was found
relation between gestational sac diameter at that abortion occurred in 37.5% (3/8) of patients
different gestational age period and its relation to with enlarged yolk sacs and interestingly abortion
the outcome of pregnancy, the gestational sac rates were similar to normal population in patients
diameter show a significant decreasing in the fetal with irregular yolk sacs and echogenic yolk sacs
loss group at 6, 9 and 12 weeks, so the GS diameter (3.8% and 1.5% respectively).
was a good predictor to fetal loss (p < 0.05). The development in the obstetric ultrasound 50
Prashant et al.(10) demonstrated that before placenta years ago mainly focussed on documentation of
is fully formed, the developing embryo derives its embryonic heart rate in the first trimester scan to
nutrition from yolk sac. The yolk sac reaches its confirm viability (10).
highest level of functional activity between 4th and Subsequently it was realized that slow
7th week of gestation and meets metabolic, embryonic heart rate was associated with increased
endocrine, immunologic and haemopoietic needs of rate of spontaneous abortions (9, 10). Now it is
embryo in early stages of its development (11). The universally known that embryonic heart rate serves
appearance of yolk sac is a marker of successfully as one of the important predictors of imminent fetal
3Yolk Sac Size and Shape…
demis. Transvaginal ultrasonography has higher and their role as prognostic markers of first
resolution and hence it can be used for visualization trimester pregnancy outcome. Prospective cohort
the embryonic heart beat in M mode. study involved 219 women. They found that the
The embryonic heart rate can be visualized as EHR and YSD were significantly correlated to
early as 5 - 6 weeks of gestation and it is known that advancing gestational age in pregnancies continuing
the mean heart rate progressively increases from 6 beyond 12 weeks. Pregnancies that resulted in
weeks (120 to 140 bpm) to 9 weeks (145 to 170 spontaneous abortion exhibited a statistically
bpm) after which it slowly stabilizes to lesser heart significant lower EHR, smaller YSD or absent yolk
rate for rest of the pregnancy. It has been observed sac.
that embryonic heart rate less than 100 bpm (beats ROC curve analysis demonstrated the
per minute) is associated with higher risk of predictive value of the combination of GA with
miscarriage and the risk of embryonic demise EHR (area under the ROC curve: 0.971, p < 0.001)
almost touches 100 % when the rate is less than 80 and GA with YSD (area under the ROC curve:
bpm (10).The rate of chromosomal abnormalities and 0.858, p < 0.001) for first trimester pregnancy
structural abnormalities are significantly higher in outcome. EHR and YSD progressively increase in
surviving fetuses when they have slow heart beats healthy pregnancies during the first trimester.
. In one study, genetic amniocentesis was Embryonic bradycardia and absence of yolk sac or
performed in 6 women with slow embryonic heart even a smaller yolk sac diameter than expected for
rates [25]. After karyotype analysis it was found that any gestational age are predictors of poor pregnancy
2 fetuses had trisomy21, which represented outcome during the first 12 weeks.
significantly higher incidence (33%) of aneuploidy.
In our study too, we found higher rate of CONCLUSION
abortions with reduced heart rate, however we did First trimester ultrasound measurement of
not perform any karyotype analysis of the abortus or these parameters (FHR,YS diameter and shape and
genetic amniocentesis. The results of the present GS diameter) proved to be an important, helpful and
study indicates that first trimester fetuses with noninvasive tool in the investigation, diagnosis as
correctly sized and normally appearing yolk sacs well as the follow up of pregnant females in their
and embryonic heart rate above 100 bpm are early pregnancy.
associated with very good chance of ongoing Measurement of gestational sac diameter,
successful pregnancies. In this study, the cut off CRL and fetal heart rate in combination provides
value of gestational sac diameter at 6 and 9 weeks, better prediction of the prognosis of the first
and the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy to trimester than when either parameter used alone. It
predict the outcome of pregnancy at this cut off was found in this study that the important the
value, the cut off value of gestational sac diameter ultrasonographic finding of a small for date CRL,
at 6 weeks was less than 1.92, low this value the small gestational sac diameter and fetal bradycardia
loss of pregnancy was 85.0% the more than this suggest poor prognosis for the outcome of the first
value the complete of pregnancy was 78.0%. At 9 trimester. Irregular shaped yolk sac proved to be an
weeks, the cut off value was less than 3.11, the important prognostic factor in pregnancy outcome
sensitivity was 90.0%, specificity was 93.0% and in our study.In the pregnancies that resulted in
the accuracy was 91.0%. normal 1st trimester, there was a significant
Regarding the relation between yolk sac association between CRL and mean gestational sac
diameter at different gestational age period and its diameter (P < 0.001) and mean yolk sac diameter (P
relation to the outcome of pregnancy, it was found < 0.001).
that there was a significant increase in yolk sac
diameter in fetal loss group more than ongoing RECOMMENDATION
pregnancy at 6 weeks only, while at 9 and 12 week As shown in the present study, in cases with
there was no significant difference between the two poor ultrasonographic prognostic factors as small
groups. There was a significant relation between GS diameter, fetal bradycardia, invisible yolk sac
yolk sac shape and pregnancy out come. and irregular yolk sac we should take certain
The correlations between different studied precautions and managements to guard against fetal
parameters showed that there was a positive loss and to reassure the couples .If demise occurs, it
significant correlation between CRL at (6 and 9) is advantageous to make the diagnosis quickly to
weeks and gestational sac at 6 and 9 weeks, also, avoid occurrence of vaginal bleeding at an
there was a positive significant correlation between inconvenient time and place and to minimize the
CRL and yolk sac at 6 and 9 months. Varelas et period of concern and uncertainty for the parent.
al.(1) investigate embryonic heart rate (EHR) and Our study was restricted by the small number of
yolk sac diameter (YSD) during the first trimester patients with pregnancy loss. Further prospectively
Emad Abd Ellatif el al.
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