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Fakayode and Abobi Journal of Analytical Science and Technology (2018) 9:20

Journal of Analytical Science
and Technology


Optimization of oil and pectin extraction

from orange (Citrus sinensis) peels: a
response surface approach
Olugbenga Abiola Fakayode* and Kingsley Emmanuel Abobi

The effects of processing parameters on essential oil and pectin extractions from orange peels were investigated using
response surface approach; 2 × 5 and 3 × 5 central composite rotatable designs were adopted for the essential oil and
pectin extractions, respectively. Extraction temperatures (80–100 °C) and extraction times (120–240 min) were chosen
for essential oil extraction, while extraction temperatures (80–100 min), extraction times (60–120 min), and extraction
pH (1.0–3.0) were chosen for pectin extraction. Essential oil yield ranged from 0.57–3.24%, while pectin yield ranged
from 12.93–29.05%. The predicted optimum value for essential oil yield was 3.38% at extraction temperature of 95.23 °C
and extraction time of 231.30 min, while the predicted optimum value for pectin yield was 30.00% at extraction
temperature of 93.07 oC, extraction time of 117.00 min, and extraction pH of 1.60. Deviations between experimental
and predicted values were low and statistically insignificant. All processing factors have significant effects on both
extractions. The physicochemical properties of the essential oil and pectin extracted at the optimum conditions fell
within tolerable and acceptable range.
Keywords: Essential oil (EO), Pectin, Extraction temperature, Extraction time, Extraction pH, Optimization, Response
surface methodology (RSM), Physicochemical properties

Introduction discard the peel as it does not taste as great as the pulp. In
Citrus represents one of the major fruits in the world. The lieu of this, since the yield of orange juice is half of the
fruits belong to six genera (Fortunella, Eremocitrus, fruit weight (Hashmi et al. 2012), a very large amount of
Clymendia, Poncirus, Microcitrus, and Citrus), but the orange by-product wastes are generated annually. Fernán-
major commercial fruits belong to genus Citrus which dez-Lopes et al. (2004) reported that the by-products from
consists of several important fruits, viz. oranges, lemons, orange juice processing pose a serious problem to the in-
limes, grapefruit, mandarins, and pomeloes (Chanthaphon dustry, given their limited applications and low added
et al. 2008). Orange, specifically, the sweet orange (Citrus value. However, Nogueira et al. (2000) observed that the
sinensis) is the most commonly grown tree fruit in the orange agro-industry is amongst the sectors producing
world (Pandharipande and Makode 2012). Orange trees large amounts of waste with possibilities for use. This re-
are cultivated extensively in tropical and subtropical cli- covery is absolutely connected to sustainable development
mates due to the sweet fruit obtained. The fruits are and the marketability of these by-products. As there is al-
peeled or cut (for bitter rind avoidance) and eaten ways an increased concern about bringing useful products
skinned; or processed to orange juice by extraction. from waste, orange fruit wastes are no exceptions.
Orange fruits are majorly utilized by juice processing in- Amongst the biologically active compounds (BAC) in
dustries, with the peels categorized as wastes. Even at these by-products are essential oils (EOs) and pectin.
homes, orange peels are discarded inside waste container Essential oils are mixtures of many compounds con-
because people love the orange pulp for its juicy pulp and sisting mainly of isoprenoids, monoterpenes, and sesqui-
terpenes (Marin et al. 2007). They are a group of volatile
* Correspondence: gbengafakayode@uniuyo.edu.ng aromatic compounds produced by several plant species.
Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering, University of Uyo, Uyo, These BAC are responsible for the scents of many
Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

© The Author(s). 2018 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.
Fakayode and Abobi Journal of Analytical Science and Technology (2018) 9:20 Page 2 of 16

aromatic plants (Rossi et al. 2011; Yu et al. 2011) and experiments. According to Rouse and Crandall (1976),
can be used for pharmaceuticals, food flavor additives, May (1990), and Khan et al. (2015), dried citrus peel
and natural antimicrobials amongst others (Bakkali et al. contains about 30% pectin (on dry basis). During pectin
2008). Essential oils are utilized in the manufacture of extraction from orange peels, several factors affect the
food and medicines as flavoring agents, cosmetics, and process which include the pH, temperature, solvent used
domestic household products (Braddock et al. 1986). for extraction, time of extraction, agitation rate, and li-
They also exhibit antibacterial, antifungal, and insecti- quid solid ratio (LSR) amongst others.
cidal properties (Burt 2004; Thormar 2011; and Zoubiri Several works have been done on essential oil and pec-
and Baaliouamer 2014). They are produced from orange tin extractions from orange peels, though the effects of
peel extraction using several extraction methods which processing factors on the extractions were not consid-
include steam or hydro-distillation, water, steam and or- ered in some. Ezejiofor et al. (2011) worked on essential
ganic solvent extraction, cold pressing, and supercritical oil extraction from orange peels. Also, Hashmi et al.
CO2 (Palazzolo et al. 2013). Essential oils from orange (2012) studied essential oil and pectin extraction from
peels are very complex matrices which consist of many sweet orange. Nonetheless, the reports did not study the
compounds of various chemical classes which are ma- influence of processing factors on the oil and pectin
jorly separated into two parts, viz. the volatile part which yields. The effects of one of the process parameters on
constitutes between 85 and 99% and the non-volatile pectin yield during extraction from orange peels have
part which constitutes between 1 and 15% (Palazzolo et been studied by several researchers. Pandharipande and
al. 2013). The oil content of citrus peels range between Makode (2012) worked on the separation of oil and pec-
0.5 and 5.0% (w/v) as reported by Palazzolo et al. (2013). tin from orange peel and studied the effect of pH on the
They are complex natural mixtures of lipophilic sub- pectin yield. Njoku and Evbuomwan (2014) considered
stances constituting about 20–60 components at different the effect of extraction time on oil extracted from or-
concentrations and consist of two or three major compo- ange, lemon, and lime peels. Yadav et al. (2017) also
nents, namely limonene, pcymene, and ocimene at fairly studied the effects of pH on pectin yield extraction from
high concentrations (20–70%) compared to other compo- sweet lime peels. In the above studies, other processing
nents which are present in trace amounts (Palazzolo et al. factors were not considered. According to Fan et al.
2013). Several factors affect the quality, quantity, and com- (2011), the traditional one-factor-at-a-time approach is
position of orange peel essential oil which include the na- time-consuming and is almost impossible to achieve the
ture of the fruit, provenance, genotype, soil type, climate, true optimal conditions; therefore, it seems unrealistic to
plant organ, age, vegetative cycle, and the extraction optimize the essential oil and pectin extraction processes
process (Dugo et al. 2000 and Palazzolo et al. 2013). using that approach. Some researchers studied the ef-
Pectin is produced commercially in the form of white fects of more processing factors on pectin yield during
to light brown powder mainly extracted from orange extraction from orange peels; howbeit, the processing
fruits. They can be produced from orange peels using parameters were not optimized. Dehankar et al. (2015)
several methods which include microwave, ultrasound, studied the removal of essential oil and extraction of
high pressure, subcritical water, enzyme utilization, elec- pectin. For the latter, the pH, process period, and solvent
tromagnetic induction heating, and combination of che- used were considered but not optimized. El-Nawawi and
lators like citric acid in the conventional process (Putnik Shehata (1987) and Rehmann et al. (2004) investigated
et al. 2017). Pectin is a complex mixture of polysaccha- the effects of temperature, pH, and duration on pectin ex-
rides which occurs in the primary cell walls of terrestrial traction from orange and mango peels, respectively. How-
plants. It is composed of a linear backbone of α ever, the process was not optimized. Nevertheless, there
(1-4)-D-galacturonic acid residues which is partially es- have been reports on the optimization of processing fac-
terified with methanol, with periodic interruptions to tors on pectin extraction from other fruit peels. Kliemann
L-rhamose residues that make the backbone irregular et al. (2009) optimized the effects of temperature, pH, and
and with some other neutral sugars present as side extraction time on pectin acid extraction from passion
chains (Garna et al. 2004). Pectin consists of all the es- fruit peel. Tang et al. (2011) optimized the effects of pH,
terified polyalacturonic acids at various levels of extraction time, and ethanol ratio on pectin acid extrac-
neutralization (Pandharipande and Makode 2012). Large tion from dragon fruit peel.
structural diversity is prevalent amongst pectin, chiefly The current annual world production of oranges has
because of the different plant origins and the extraction been estimated to be 49.3 million tons (USDA 2018).
process being utilized. At present, commercial pectins Nigeria is ranked ninth in the world amongst the leading
are almost exclusively gotten from citrus peel, a citrus producing countries and first in Africa, producing
by-product of juice manufacturing unit. The amount of 3.33 million tons of citrus fruits (The Daily Records
pectin contained in orange peels is estimated by 2018). Despite this high rank, the country’s local
Fakayode and Abobi Journal of Analytical Science and Technology (2018) 9:20 Page 3 of 16

production of essential oil and pectin is very low, as considered as the most important factors affecting oil and
nearly 100% of the essential oils and pectin utilized by pectin yield (Gama et al. 2015; Khan et al. 2015).
the various industries are imported. This is due to lack
of appropriate and adequate data. This study therefore Essential oil extraction
employs response surface methodology (RSM) to Essential oil extraction from orange peels was done
optimize the oil and pectin extraction process parame- using the Soxhlet method. The orange peels were pureed
ters. Development of mathematical models would be using a blender. A round bottom flask was washed, oven
useful in predicting the responses during the essential dried, and cooled in a desiccator. A dried mass of 5 g of
oil and pectin extraction processes at different process- the puree was weighed using a filter paper, and the
ing conditions, while the characterization of the essential weight recorded as Ws. The weighed sample was
oil and pectin at the optimum processing conditions will wrapped in the filter, tied using a thread, and dropped in
provide a true reflection of the quality, suitability, and the Soxhlet extractor. N-hexane was added until it si-
potential of the extracted essential oil and pectin. phoned once, and more hexane was added until the bar-
rel of the extractor was half full. The condenser was
checked making sure that its joints were tight, and the
cooling water was circulating (the water helps to cool
Sample preparation
the extractor which is necessary to prevent heat from
Fresh oranges were purchased from the market. They
heating up the Soxhlet extractor, thereby resulting in
were peeled, and the peels were removed, chopped into
equipment damage). The heating mantle was adjusted to
smaller pieces, and dried for 1–2 h. The dried peels were
five different temperatures (80, 85, 90, 95, and 100 oC)
ground to give consistent and fine particles (this was es-
and left to boil gently in the round bottom flask for dif-
sential to avoid clumping during solvent extraction) and
ferent durations (120, 150, 180, 210, and 240 min). After
stored at ambient temperature for further use.
this period, the n-hexane would have completely si-
phoned up to the Soxhlet extractor. The setup was dis-
Experimental design mantled, and the n-hexane recovered. A beaker was
The effects of extraction temperature and extraction time washed, oven dried, weighed, and the weight recorded as
on essential oil yield from orange peels were investigated, We. The miscella (oil + hexane) in the round bottom
while the effects of extraction temperature, extraction time, flask was transferred into the beaker and placed inside
and extraction pH on pectin yield from orange peels were the steam bath for 4 h to completely evaporate the
investigated. The experimental designs adopted were 2 × 5 n-hexane. After the n-hexane was completely evapo-
and 3 × 5 factorial central composite rotatable design rated, the beaker containing the sample was collected
(CCRD) of response surface methodology for essential oil and the weight recorded as Wf. The percentage essential
and pectin extractions, respectively. Central composite ro- oil yield was calculated using Eq. (1):
tatable design consists of three types of design points, viz. 
factorial points (nf ), axial points (na), and central points (nc). W f −W e
EOY ¼  100 ð1Þ
The total number of treatment combinations is n = 2k(nf ) + Ws
2k(na) + k(nc) where k is the number of independent vari-
ables and n is the number of repetition of experiments at EOY= essential oil yield (%), Ws= weight of sample (g),
the center point. The total number of design points is thus We= weight of empty flask (g), and Wf= weight of flask
N = 2k + 2k + no (Fakayode and Ajav 2016). For essential oil and extracted oil (g)
extraction, 13 experiments were generated consisting of 22
factorial CCD, with 4 axial points (α = 2) and 5 replications Pectin extraction
at the center points, while for pectin extraction, 20 experi- Pectin extraction from orange peels was done in two
ments were generated consisting of 23 factorial CCD, with 6 stages. Oil was first extracted from the orange peel sam-
axial points (α = 2) and 6 replications at the center points. ples after which pectin was isolated with acid hydrolysis
The various levels for each independent variable were se- technique as suggested by Pandharipande and Makode
lected based on preliminary experiments, observations, and (2012). The inner part of the peels (albedo) contains the
previous reports by other researchers. For oil extraction, ex- pectin, while the outer part (flavedo) contains
traction temperatures (80, 85, 90, 95, and 100 oC) and ex- d-limonene oil. Simple distillation was employed for es-
traction times (120, 150, 180, 210, and 240 min) were sential oil removal from the orange peels. Twenty-five
chosen, while for pectin extraction, extraction temperatures grams of dried orange peels was weighed into a steel
(80, 85, 90, 95, and 100 oC), extraction times (60, 75, 90, container and blended in 1000 ml distilled water. The
105, and 120 min) and pH (1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3) were se- homogenate was transferred to a 1500 ml beaker, and
lected. The dependent factors considered in this study were the pH of the mixture was adjusted by adding
Fakayode and Abobi Journal of Analytical Science and Technology (2018) 9:20 Page 4 of 16

hydrochloric acid drop wisely to get the desired pH potassium hydroxide using phenolphthalein indicator.
values (1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3). The mixture was heated at The neutralized ethanol was poured in the first flask con-
different temperatures (80, 85, 90, 95, and 100 oC) and taining the oil, and the content of the flask mixed. They
intermittently stirred. The pH was adjusted every 15 were boiled, and while still hot, titrated with 0.1 M potas-
min , and lost water replaced. Mixture was rapidly sium hydroxide, shaking vigorously during the titration.
cooled to 40 oC in an ice bath and filtered using The end point of the titration was reached when the
Whatman filter paper under vacuum. The filtrate was addition of a single drop of 0.1 M potassium hydroxide
transferred to another steel container and coagulated produced a slight, but definite color change persisting for
using equal amount of 95% ethanol and left for different at least 15 s. The FFA was then calculated using Eq. (4):
durations (60, 75, 90, 105, and 120 min) to allow the
pectin float on the surface. The gelatinous pectin floccu- 28:2  V  N
lants were cleared off using a spatula, and the weight FFA ¼ ð4Þ
was determined. The gelatinous pectin flocculants were
filtered through cheese cloth and washed with 95% etha- FFA= free fatty acid (mg KOH/g), V= volume of 0.1 M
nol to remove the remaining impurities; thereafter, it potassium hydroxide used (ml), N= normality of the
was washed with acetone drop wise and filtered again ethanolic potassium hydroxide (0.1 M), and Wo = weight
through cheese cloth. It was then dried at 60–70 oC of oil (g)
overnight in an air-forced oven. The percentage of dried
pectin yield was calculated using Eq. (2): Determination of acid value of orange peel essential oil
Wd This was determined using the procedure described by
DPY ¼  100 ð2Þ Njoku and Evbuomwan (2014). Twenty-five milliliters of
diethyl ether and 25 ml of ethanol were mixed in a
DPY= dried pectin yield (%), Wd= weight of dried pec- 250 ml beaker. The resulting mixture was added to 5 g
tin obtained (g), and Wp= initial weight of orange peel of the oil in a 250 ml conical flask. Few drops of phenol-
powder used for extraction (g). phthalein were added to the mixture, and the mixture
was titrated with 0.1 M potassium hydroxide and con-
Characterization of orange peel essential oil sistently shaken until a dark pink color was observed.
The essential oil extracted from orange peels at the The volume of the 0.1 M potassium hydroxide was
optimum processing conditions (the highest yield) was char- noted. The acid value was calculated using Eq. (5):
acterized by determining the physicochemical properties.
56:1  V  N
AV ¼ ð5Þ
Determination of specific gravity of orange peel essential oil Wo
All experiments were carried out in triplicates, and aver-
age values taken. This was determined using the proced- AV = acid value of orange peel essential oil (mg KOH/g)
ure described by Adepoju and Eyibio (2016). A specific
gravity bottle was washed, dried, and filled with water. It Determination of saponification value of orange peel
was weighed and recorded as Ww. The bottle was emp- essential oil
tied and properly dried after which it was filled with the This was determined as reported by Ezejiofor et al.
oil. It was also weighed and recorded as Wo. The specific (2011). Two grams of the oil was weighed into a 200 ml
gravity was calculated using Eq. (3): conical flask, and 50 ml of 0.5 M alcoholic potassium
hydroxide was added. This was refluxed for 1 h, followed
SG ¼  100 ð3Þ by the addition of two drops of phenolphthalene indica-
Wb tor and was titrated with 0.5 M hydrochloric acid until
SG = specific gravity of orange peel essential oil, Ww = the pink color disappears. A blank titration was equally
weight of specific gravity bottle filled with water (g), and performed. The saponification value was calculated
Wb = weight of specific gravity bottle filled with oil (g) using Eq. (6):

Determination of free fatty acid of orange peel essential oil 28:05  ðB−S Þ
SV ¼ ð6Þ
This was determined as reported by Fakayode et al. Wo
(2016). Ten grams of the oil sample was accurately
weighed into a 250-ml stopper flask. In a second flask, SV= saponification value of orange peel essential oil
50-ml of ethanol was heated to the boiling point, and (mg KOH/g), B = blank titration value (ml), and S = sam-
while still over 70 °C, it was neutralized with 0.1 M ple titration value (ml)
Fakayode and Abobi Journal of Analytical Science and Technology (2018) 9:20 Page 5 of 16

Determination of iodine value of orange peel essential oil Determination of ash content of orange peel dried pectin
This was determined as reported by Takeoka et al. This was determined as reported by Yadav et al. (2017).
(1997). Three hundred milliliters of the oil was weighed Five grams of the dried pectin sample was put into a
and dissolved in 15 ml of cyclohexane. Twenty-five milli- weighed empty crucible. The crucible was transferred to
liters of Wijs solution was added, and the reaction was a furnace set at 60 oC to burn off all the organic matter.
carried out in the dark for 1 h. The reaction was stopped The carbon charred and then burnt off as carbondioxide,
by adding sodium iodide solution. The remaining iodine leaving a dark ash. This process lasted for 24 h. The cru-
was titrated using 0.1 M sodium thiosulfate solution. cible was taken out of the furnace and placed in a desic-
The iodine value was calculated using Eq. (7): cator to cool. The crucible after cooling was reweighed
again. The ash content was calculated using Eq. (9):
ðB  S Þ  N  12:69
IV ¼ ð7Þ
Wo Wa
AC ¼  100 ð9Þ
IV= iodine value of orange peel essential oil (mg I2/
100 mg)
AC= ash content of orange peel dried pectin (%),
Wa = weight of ash (g), and Ws = weight of sample (g)
Determination of peroxide value of orange peel essential oil
This was determined using the procedure described by
Determination of degree of esterification of orange peel
Njoku and Evbuomwan (2014). Thirty milliliters of
dried pectin
acetic acid chloroform solution was measured into a
This was determined using the titrimetric method de-
flask containing 2 g of the oil sample. A 0.5 ml saturated
scribed by Silva et al. (2008). Twenty grams of dried pec-
solution of potassium iodide was then added, followed
tin was moistened with ethanol and dissolved in 20 ml
closely by the addition of 30 ml of distilled water. The
of deionized water at 40 oC. After complete dissolution
flask content was then titrated against 0.1 M sodium
of pectin, five drops of phenolphthalein were added to
thiosulfate until the yellow color almost disappeared;
the solution. The solution was thereafter titrated with
0.5 ml starch indicator was added and the titration con-
0.5 M sodium hydroxide, and the volume of the sodium
tinued until the end point (where the blue-black color
hydroxide solution used for color change was recorded
just disappeared). A blank titration was equally per-
as V1. Subsequently, 10 ml of 0.5 M sodium hydroxide
formed. The peroxide value was calculated using Eq. (8):
was added, and the solution was shaken strongly and
allowed to rest for 15 min. Also, 10 ml of 0.5 M hydro-
100  ðB−S Þ chloric acid was added and the solution was shaken until
PV ¼ ð8Þ
Wo the pink color disappeared. The solution was titrated
with 0.5 M sodium hydroxide for the last step, and the
PV= peroxide value of orange peel essential oil volume consumed was recorded as V2. The degree of es-
(mEq O2/kg) terification was calculated using Eq. (10):

Determination of refractive index of orange peel essential oil

This was determined as reported by Adepoju and Eyibio DE ¼  100 ð10Þ
V1 þ V2
(2016). A digital refractometer was used to determine
the refractive index of the essential oil. Water at room
temperature was circulated around the glass slide to DE= degree of esterification of orange peel dried
keep the temperature uniform and also to normalize the pectin (%),V1 = initial titer (ml), and V2 = final titer (ml)
refractometer. A syringe and needle were used to put
few drops of oil into the glass slide of the refractometer, Determination of equivalent weight of orange peel dried
and the reading was recorded. pectin
All experiments were carried out in triplicates, and This was determined as reported by Yadav et al. (2017);
average values taken. 0.5 g of dried pectin was put in a 250 ml conical flask,
and 5 ml ethanol was added. One gram of sodium chlor-
Characterization of orange peel dried pectin ide and 100 ml of distilled water were added. Finally, six
The dried pectin extracted from orange peels at the drops of phenol red was added and titrated against
optimum processing conditions (the highest yield) 0.1 M sodium hydroxide. Titration point was indicated
was characterized by determining the physicochemical by pink color. The equivalent weight was calculated
properties. using Eq. (11):
Fakayode and Abobi Journal of Analytical Science and Technology (2018) 9:20 Page 6 of 16

W s  1000 V a  N a  4:3
EW ¼ ð11Þ ACV ¼ ð14Þ
V a  Na Ws

ACV= acetyl value of orange peel dried pectin (%)

EW= equivalent weight of orange peel dried pectin
(%), Va = volume of alkali (ml), and Na = normality of
Response surface methodology (RSM)
A Design Expert (version 6.0.6) software package was
used for the experimental design, analyses, and model
Determination of methoxyl content of orange peel dried
equation generation for the extraction parameters.
Linear, two factorial interaction (2FI), quadratic, and
This was done using the Ranganna’s method as reported
cubic models were used in the analyses and were fitted
by Yadav et al. (2017). The neutral solution was collected
to the experimental data. The results obtained were
from determination of equivalent weight, and 25 ml of
compared with the predicted values. Analysis of variance
sodium hydroxide was added. The mixed solution was
(ANOVA) was performed, and the P value (probability
stirred thoroughly and kept at room temperature for
of error value) was utilized in checking the significance
30 min. After 30 min, 25 ml of 0.25 M hydrochloric acid
of each regression coefficient. The optimal parameters
was added and titrated against 0.1 M sodium hydroxide.
were validated by repeating the experiment at the opti-
The methoxyl content was calculated using Eq. (12):
mal conditions.
V a  N a  3:1
MTC ¼ ð12Þ Results and discussion
Ws Effects of processing factors on essential oil yield
The yield of essential oil ranged from 0.57–3.24%
MTC= methoxyl content of orange peel dried pectin (%) (Table 1). This compares favorably with the findings of
other researchers on essential oil yield from orange
Determination of total anhydrouronic acid content of peels. Blanco et al. (1995) obtained maximum essential
orange peel dried pectin oil yield of 0.79% for Colombia orange peels using gas
This was done using the method adopted by Yadav et al. chromatography method. Ezejiofor et al. (2011) reported
(2017). Total anhydrouronic acid content of dried pectin maximum essential oil yield of 0.6% using steam distilla-
was obtained using Eq. (13): tion method. Pultrini et al. (2006) achieved maximum
essential oil yield of 0.5% using cold pressed extraction
176  0:1y  100 176  0:1z  100 method. Sharma and Tripathi (2008) obtained maximum
AUA ¼ þ
W s  1000 W s  1000 essential oil yield of 1.8% from Indian sweet orange
ð13Þ Osbeck epicarp using hydro-distillation method. Hosni
et al. (2010) published maximum essential oil yield of
AUA= total anhydrouronic acid content of dried pec- 1.89% from Tunisian citrus peels. Bustamante et al.
tin (%), y = volume of NaOH from equivalent weight de-
termination (ml), and z = volume of NaOH from Table 1 Essential oil yield at various processing conditions
methoxyl content determination (ml)
Run Temperature (C) Time (min) EO yield(%)
1 85.00 150.00 1.83
Determination of acetyl value of orange peel dried pectin
This was done using the Ranganna’s method as reported 2 100.00 180.00 2.26
by Kliemann et al. (2009); 0.5 g of dried pectin sample 3 85.00 210.00 2.84
was dissolved in 0.1 M sodium hydroxide solution with 4 95.00 210.00 3.24
stirring and allowed to stand overnight. The contents 5 90.00 180.00 2.19
were diluted to 50 ml with distilled water and an aliquot 6 90.00 180.00 2.04
(20 ml) was placed into the distillation apparatus. Mag-
7 90.00 240.00 2.86
nesium sulfate-sulfuric acid solution (20 ml) was also
transferred to distillation apparatus and distilled, and 8 90.00 120.00 0.57
about 100 ml of distillate was collected. The distillate 9 90.00 180.00 2.17
was titrated with 0.5 M sodium hydroxide using phenol 10 90.00 180.00 2.08
red indicator. A blank distillation using 20 ml of the 11 90.00 180.00 2.13
magnesium sulfate-sulfuric acid solution was carried 12 80.00 180.00 0.62
out, and the distillate was titrated. The acetyl content
13 95.00 150.00 2.33
was calculated using Eq. (14):
Fakayode and Abobi Journal of Analytical Science and Technology (2018) 9:20 Page 7 of 16

(2016) obtained maximum essential oil yield of 2.3% for pectin yield between 21–30 and 13–23%, respectively,
Valencia late orange peels using microwave-assisted while Hashmi et al. (2012), Kanmani et al. (2014),
hydro-distillation method. Giwa et al. (2018) achieved Dehankar et al. (2015), and Khan et al. (2015) reported
maximum essential oil yields of 4.40, 3.47, and 2.54% maximum pectin yields of 20.12, 29.41, 20, and 21%, re-
using steam distillation, water distillation, and solvent spectively. These differences could have been due to the
extraction methods, respectively. Even though the results nature of the fruits and extraction process vis-à-vis the
all fall within the range of 0.5 and 5.0% (w/v) as reported processing conditions.
by Palazzolo et al. (2013), the differences could have It was observed that increase in extraction time with
been due to the nature of the fruits and extraction extraction temperature leads to increase in pectin yield,
process vis-à-vis the processing conditions. with the maximum obtained at 95 oC and 105 min, be-
In Fig. 1, increase in extraction temperature and time yond which pectin yield levels off (Fig. 2). This agrees
leads to a corresponding increase in essential oil yield. with the findings of Pagan et al. (2001), Mollea et al.
However, at higher extraction temperatures and times, (2008), and Gama et al. (2015) while working on pectin
beyond the optimum, essential oil yield decreases. This extraction from peach pomace, cocoa husks, and citric
agrees with the findings of Giwa et al. (2018) who also wastes, respectively. As temperature increases, the solu-
obtained an increasing trend while working on essential bility of the extracted pectin increases which leads to in-
oil extraction from orange peels using water distillation crease extraction rate. However, beyond the optimum
method. At low temperatures, steam travels through the temperature, pectin yield decreases because of degrada-
peels slowly and the pressure build up is not sufficient tive action which results in pectin of lower molecular
enough to extract the oil out of the peel matrix. How- size not precipitable with alcohol. Also, it was observed
ever, as the temperature increases for a longer period of that the longer the extraction duration, the higher the
time, the oil will eventually break out of the peel matrix pectin yield. However, at longer durations beyond the
and thus be extracted. Nevertheless, extending the ex- optimum, the yield decreases. As the duration increases,
traction duration at higher extraction temperatures the concentration of the pectin in the solution increases,
caused substantial moisture loss leading to hardening of leading to increase yield. However, beyond the optimum
peels which consequently leads to a decrease in essential time at higher temperatures, thermal degradation occurs
oil yield. This supports the findings of Kabuba (2009) which leads to decrease pectin yield. This supports the
while working on steam extraction of essential oils. findings of El-Nawawi and Shehata (1987), Kliemann et
al. (2009), Tang et al. (2011), and Gama et al. (2015)
Effects of processing factors on pectin yield while working on pectin extraction from orange, passion
The yield of pectin ranged from 12.93–29.05% (Table 2). fruit, dragon fruit, and citric waste peels, respectively.
This compares favorably with the findings of other re- Increase extraction temperature at low pH leads to cor-
searchers on pectin yield from orange peels. El-Nawawi responding increase in pectin yield (Fig. 3). Low pH sig-
and Shehata (1987) and Marin et al. (2007) obtained nifies increase acid concentration (acidity), and

Fig. 1 Response surface plot of the effect of extraction temperature and extraction time on essential oil yield
Fakayode and Abobi Journal of Analytical Science and Technology (2018) 9:20 Page 8 of 16

Table 2 Pectin yield at various processing conditions chains. Pagan and Ibarz (1999) and Pagan et al. (2001)
Run o
Temperature ( C) Time (min) pH Pectin yield (%) while working on pectin extraction from fresh and
1 90.00 90.00 2.00 19.12 stored peach pomace, respectively, observed that at con-
2 90.00 90.00 2.00 19.90
stant extraction time, increase temperature with de-
crease pH increases pectin yield. The lowest yields of
3 95.00 105.00 1.50 29.05
12.93 and 13.36 were obtained at relatively high pH and
4 90.00 90.00 1.00 27.77 low temperature levels, while the highest yields of 29.05
5 85.00 75.00 2.50 14.53 and 27.77 were obtained at relatively high temperature
6 80.00 90.00 2.00 13.36 and low pH levels. It was observed that increasing the
7 90.00 90.00 2.00 18.83 pH at relatively low temperature leads to drop in pectin
8 90.00 90.00 2.00 18.07
yield. This is because high pH level leads to less degrad-
ation of the neutral sugar side chains, and at relatively
9 90.00 90.00 2.00 18.69
low temperature, solubility of the extracted pectin de-
10 95.00 75.00 2.50 14.85 creases, hence decrease extraction rate with consequent
11 85.00 75.00 1.50 15.70 low pectin yield. Similarly in Fig. 4, increase extraction
12 90.00 90.00 2.00 19.64 time at low pH leads to corresponding increase in pectin
13 90.00 60.00 2.00 13.55 yield. As observed earlier, low pH signifies increase acid-
14 85.00 105.00 1.50 24.49
ity which increases extraction yields of various types of
pectins and protopectins (Putnik et al., 2017). As the ex-
15 90.00 90.00 3.00 12.93
traction proceeds, the pectin concentration in the solu-
16 95.00 105.00 2.50 23.56 tion increases. However, at higher durations, the
17 85.00 105.00 2.50 22.51 extraction rate gradually decreases because the concen-
18 95.00 75.00 1.50 16.05 tration gradient is reduced and the solution becomes
19 100.00 90.00 2.00 26.83 more viscous (Coulson and Richardson 1978). This sup-
20 90.00 120.00 2.00 25.55
ports the observation of Maxwell et al. (2012) that in-
creasing the acidity and extraction time increased pectin
yield. Also, high concentration of hydrogen ions in the
according to Putnik et al. (2017), high acidity level in- solvent activates the hydrolysis of protopectin at low pH,
creases extraction yields of various types of pectins and causing repress of the ionization of the hydrated carb-
protopectins. This is due to the fractionation of glyco- oxylate groups by converting them into hydrated carbox-
sidic bonds in the neutral sugars because they are more ylic acid groups (Sereewatthanawut et al. 2008 and
sensitive to pH than the link between two galacturonic Emaga et al. 2008). This loss of carboxylate groups de-
acids, leading to degradation of the neutral sugar side creases the repulsion of the polysaccharide molecules

Fig. 2 Response surface plot of the effect of extraction temperature and extraction time on dried pectin yield
Fakayode and Abobi Journal of Analytical Science and Technology (2018) 9:20 Page 9 of 16

Fig. 3 Response surface plot of the effect of extraction temperature and extraction pH on dried pectin yield

which stimulates the gelation properties of pectin, However, the cubic model is aliased, which implies that it
thereby producing more precipitated pectin at lower pH. cannot be selected. For the essential oil extraction, the lin-
As the duration extends, more pectin is produced up to ear model was suggested (Table 3). The final equation is
the optimum, after which pectin yield levels off. This given as Eq. (15):
trend was established by Maxwell et al. (2012) while
studying pectin as an emerging new bioactive food Essential oil yield % ¼ −7:43 þ 0:07ET þ 0:02Et
polysaccharide. v
Optimization of the oil and pectin extraction yields
When selecting the appropriate model, several consider-
ations were made which are selection of highest order ET = extraction temperature (oC) and Et = extraction
polynomial where the additional terms are significant and time (min)
there is no error in the model (model is not aliased), insig- There is a direct relationship between the processing
nificant lack-of-fit, and the maximization of the “adjusted factors and essential oil yield as signified by the positive
R2” and the “predicted R2” (Fakayode and Ajav 2018). terms in the equation. Both processing factors influence

Fig. 4 Response surface plot of the effect of extraction time and extraction pH on dried pectin yield
Fakayode and Abobi Journal of Analytical Science and Technology (2018) 9:20 Page 10 of 16

Table 3 Sequential model sum of squares and ANOVA for response surface linear model for essential oil extraction
Source Sum of squares Df Mean square F value Prob > F
Mean 56.74 1 56.74 – –
Linear 4.98 2 2.49 11.59 0.0025 Suggested
2FI 2.500E−003 1 2.500E−003 0.01 0.9207
Quadratic 0.62 2 0.31 1.43 0.3006
Cubic 0.11 2 0.06 0.20 0.8229 Aliased
Residual 1.41 5 0.28 – –
Total 63.87 13 4.91 – –
Model 4.98 2 2.49 11.59 0.0025
A 1.46 1 1.46 6.78 0.0263
B 3.52 1 3.52 16.40 0.0023
Residual 2.15 10 0.21 – –
Lack of fit 2.13 6 0.36 91.80 0.0003
Pure error 0.015 4 3.870E−003 – –
Correlation total 7.12 12 – – –
Values > 0.05 are not significant
A represents extraction temperature, B represents extraction time, df degree of freedom

essential oil yield (Table 4); however, it was observed “lack of fit F value” of 91.80 implies the lack of fit is sig-
that extraction temperature has higher influence on es- nificant. There is only a 0.03% chance that a “lack of fit
sential oil yield. This agrees with the observation of F value” this large could occur due to noise. The “Pred
Giwa et al. (2018) which reported that extraction R-Squared” of 0.29 is not as close to the “Adj
temperature was the most influential parameter affecting R-Squared” of 0.64 as might normally be expected. This
essential oil yield in their research work. The model F may indicate a large block effect. “Adeq Precision” mea-
value of 11.59 implies the model is significant. There is sures the signal-to-noise ratio and a ratio greater than 4
only a 0.25% chance that a “model F value” this large is desirable. “Adeq Precision” ratio of 9.73 indicates an
could occur due to noise. Values of “Prob > F” less than adequate signal. This model can be used to navigate the
0.0500 indicate model terms are significant. In this case, design space. The model was significant with a very low
A and B (which represent extraction temperature and probability value (< 0.0001) and a high coefficient of de-
extraction time, respectively) are significant model termination (R2 = 0.70). From Table 4, it was observed
terms. Values greater than 0.1000 indicate the model that the 2FI model has the same R2 value as the selected
terms are not significant. If there are many insignificant linear model, while the quadratic model (as the cubic
model terms (not counting those required to support model cannot be selected) has higher R2 value compared
hierarchy), model reduction will be required for model to the linear model. However, the linear model has lower
improvement. However, this was not the case in the standard deviation value compared to the other two.
chosen model as both model terms are significant. The Also, it was observed that for the three models, both

Table 4 Model selection for essential oil and pectin extraction

Essential oil Pectin
Model Linear 2FI Quadratic Cubic Linear 2FI Quadratic Cubic
Std. dev. 0.46 0.49 0.47 0.53 2.25 2.37 2.62 0.67
R2 0.70 0.70 0.79 0.80 0.84 0.85 0.86 0.99
Mean 2.09 2.09 2.09 2.09 19.75 19.75 19.75 19.75
Adjusted R 0.64 0.60 0.63 0.53 0.80 0.78 0.73 0.98
C.V. 22.18 23.36 22.31 25.39 11.39 12.01 13.26 3.40
Predicted R 2
0.29 0.01 − 0.50 − 21.70 0.70 0.38 − 0.13 0.79
PRESS 5.05 7.12 10.67 161.73 146.73 304.36 557.50 102.72
Adeq. Precision 9.73 8.00 6.84 5.50 16.80 12.81 9.80 28.08
Significant terms A, B A, B A, B – A, B, C A, B, C A, B, C B, C2, AB, BC, A3, B3, C3
Fakayode and Abobi Journal of Analytical Science and Technology (2018) 9:20 Page 11 of 16

model terms A and B are significant which shows abso- and pH, respectively) are significant model terms. Values
lute linearity (Table 4). The high coefficient of determin- greater than 0.1000 indicate the model terms are not sig-
ation (R2 = 0.70) showed excellent correlations between nificant. If there are many insignificant model terms (not
the independent variables. This value indicates that the counting those required to support hierarchy), model re-
response model can explain 70% of the total variability duction may improve the selected model. However, this
in the responses. was not the case in the chosen model as all the model
For the pectin extraction, the linear model was sug- terms are significant. The “lack of fit F value” of 16.17
gested (Table 5). The final equation is given as Eq. (14): implies the lack of fit is significant. There is only a 0.33%
chance that a “lack of fit F value” this large could occur
Pectin yield ðdry matter basisÞ due to noise. The “Pred R-Squared” of 0.70 is in reason-
¼ −31:17 þ 0:42ET þ 0:26Et−4:94pH ð16Þ able agreement with the “Adj R-Squared” of 0.80. “Adeq
Precision” ratio of 16.80 obtained indicates an adequate
signal. This implies that the model can be used to navi-
ET = extraction temperature (oC), Et = extraction time gate the design space. The model was significant with a
(min), and pH = extraction pH very low probability value (< 0.0001) and a high coeffi-
There is a direct relationship between extraction cient of determination (R2 = 0.84). From Table 4, it was
temperature as well as extraction time and pectin yield observed that both the 2FI and quadratic models (as the
as signified by the positive terms in the equation, while cubic model cannot be selected) have higher R2 values
there is an inverse relationship between extraction pH compared to the linear model, but the latter has lower
and pectin yield. All the processing factors influence standard deviation value compared to the other two.
pectin yield (Table 4); however, it was observed that ex- Also, it was observed that for the three models, only the
traction pH has the highest influence on pectin yield. model terms A, B, and C are significant, which also
This was in line with the findings of Pinheiro et al. shows absolute linearity (Table 5). The high coefficient
(2008), Kliemann et al. (2009), Kanmani et al. (2014), of determination (R2 = 0.84) showed excellent correla-
and Tiwari et al. (2017) which established that extraction tions between the independent variables. This value indi-
pH was the most significant parameter that influences cates that the response model can explain 84% of the
pectin yield in their research works. The model F value total variability in the responses.
of 27.05 implies the model is significant. There is only a
0.01% chance that a “model F value” this large could Validation of selected models for essential oil and pectin
occur due to noise. Values of “Prob > F” less than 0.0500 extractions
indicate model terms are significant. In this case, A, B, There was an excellent agreement between the observed
and C (which represent extraction temperature, time, and predicted values for the essential oil and pectin

Table 5 Sequential model sum of squares and ANOVA for response surface linear model for pectin extraction
Source Sum of squares Df Mean square F value Prob > F
Mean 7800.46 1 7800.46 – –
Linear 410.57 3 136.86 27.05 < 0.0001 Suggested
2FI 7.87 3 2.62 0.47 0.7107
Quadratic 4.50 3 1.50 0.22 0.8812
Cubic 65.90 4 16.47 36.63 0.0002 Aliased
Residual 2.70 6 0.45 – –
Total 8292.00 20 414.60 – –
Model 410.57 3 136.86 27.05 < 0.0001
A 68.97 1 68.97 13.65 0.0020
B 243.98 1 243.98 48.21 < 0.0001
C 97.61 1 97.61 19.29 0.0005
Residual 80.97 16 5.06 – –
Lack of fit 78.75 11 7.16 16.17 < 0.0033
Pure error 2.21 5 0.44 – –
Correlation total 491.54 19 – – –
Values > 0.05 are not significant
A represents extraction temperature, B represents extraction time, C represents extraction pH, df degree of freedom
Fakayode and Abobi Journal of Analytical Science and Technology (2018) 9:20 Page 12 of 16

extractions (Figs. 5 and 6). For the essential oil extrac- The free fatty acid of the essential oil was 1.86 mg KOH/
tion, in the range of 80–100 oC for extraction g. Rethinam (2003) reported that the maximum value for
temperature and 120–240 min for extraction time where non-rancid acid is 5.00 mg KOH/g; hence, the extracted
the goal for essential oil yield was maximum, the predicted essential oil falls within the range of non-rancid acids.
essential oil yield of 3.38% at extraction temperature of Fatty acid composition is a major determinant of oil qual-
95.23 oC and extraction time of 231.30 min was obtained ity. They are fatty acids which have broken away from oil
with a desirability of 1.00. Under these optimal conditions, molecules or triacylglycerols, and their presence indicates
the experimental value was 3.34%. For the pectin that degradation has occurred in the oil. Free fatty acids
extraction, in the range of 80–100 oC for extraction are less stable and are therefore very prone to oxidation,
temperature, 60–120 min for extraction time, and 1.0–3.0 thereby producing rancidity. It is a key feature linked with
for extraction pH where the goal for pectin yield was max- the quality and commercial value of oils. The low free fatty
imum, RSM predicted pectin yield of 30.00% at extraction acid obtained showed good oil quality.
temperature of 93.07 oC, extraction time of 117.00 min , The acid value of the essential oil was 3.71 mg KOH/g.
and extraction pH of 1.60 with a desirability of 1.00. This Essential oils are concentrated and contain several volatile
was experimentally validated as 29.02%. Deviations be- aroma compounds which are majorly free fatty acids. Free
tween experimental and predicted values were low and fatty acids are considered as degrading in oils because they
statistically insignificant for both extractions. This shows are responsible for oil rancidity. Oils with low acidity are
that the models chosen can adequately predict essential considered as neutralized and safe for making skin care
oil and pectin yields. products as high acidity of oils may be harmful for skin
(Kumar 2014). The low acid value of the extracted essen-
tial oil indicates that the oil has excellent storage life.
Physicochemical properties of essential oil The saponification value of the essential oil was
The physicochemical properties of essential oil are pre- 188 mg KOH/g. Saponification value is an indicator of
sented in Table 6. The specific gravity of the essential oil the average molecular weight and hence chain length. It
was 0.84. The specific gravity determines the weight of is inversely proportional to the molecular weight of the
the essential oil. It is also important in determining the oil (Onwuka 2005). High saponification values of oils are
quality and purity of essential oil. Most of the essential due to the predominantly high proportion of shorter car-
oils have specific gravity ranging from 0.696–1.88 bon chain lengths of fatty acids (Gohari et al. 2011). Low
(Pedranti 2011). Specific gravity values of oils are less molecular weight (short to medium chain) fatty acids
than 1 for most of the oils except few containing oxy- have more glyceride molecules per gram of fat than high
genated aromatic compounds (Osagie et al. 1986). The molecular weight acids. Each glyceride molecule requires
extracted essential oil has a specific density less than 1 three KOH molecules for saponification; hence, the
which implies that it is lighter than water and conse- more the glyceride molecules, the greater the saponifica-
quently will be insoluble in water. tion value (Kirk and Sawyer 1991). Nagre et al. (2011)

Fig. 5 Predicted and actual values for essential oil yield

Fakayode and Abobi Journal of Analytical Science and Technology (2018) 9:20 Page 13 of 16

Fig. 6 Predicted and actual values for dried pectin yield

established that saponification value in combination with The peroxide value of the essential oil was
the acid value gives information on the quantity, type of 16 mEq O2/kg. Peroxide value gives a measure of the
glycerides, and mean weights of the acids in a given extent to which the oil has undergone primary oxida-
sample. Saponification value is of interest if the oil is for tion. Detection of peroxide shows an initial evidence of
industrial purposes, as it has no nutritional significance rancidity in unsaturated fats and oils. The double bonds
(Dari 2009). The larger the saponification number, the found in essential oils play a role in autoxidation (a free
better the soap making ability of the oil (Asiedu 1989). radical reaction involving oxygen that leads to deterior-
The iodine value of the essential oil was 82 mg I2/ ation of oils which form off-flavors and off-odors.). Oils
100 mg. The iodine value measures the degree of unsat- with a high degree of unsaturation are most susceptible
uration in oil and could be used in quantifying the to autoxidation, and peroxides are intermediates in the
amount of double bonds present in the oil which reflects autoxidation reaction. Peroxide value is useful for asses-
the susceptibility of oil to oxidation. It is useful in pre- sing the extent to which spoilage has advanced. The low
dicting the drying property of oils, and the moderate peroxide value obtained from the extracted essential oil
value obtained places the oil between non-drying and means that the oil will be more stable, and if stored prop-
semi-drying oil; hence, the oil can be used in industries erly, the shelf life will be extended. The International Olive
as feedstocks. Low iodine number implies the presence Council (IOC) standard is < 20 mEq O2/kg oil (Mailer and
of few unsaturated bonds and hence low susceptibility to Beckingham 2006). In general, peroxide levels higher than
oxidative rancidity (Fox and Stachowiak 2007). There- 20 mEq O2/kg lead to less stable oil with a shorter shelf
fore, the lower the iodine value, the lower the degree of life (Mailer and Beckingham 2006). Therefore, the perox-
unsaturation and hence the lower the tendency of the oil ide value obtained from the extracted essential oil shows
to undergo oxidative rancidity. that the oil is stable.
The refractive index of the essential oil was 1.47. It
Table 6 Physicochemical properties of essential oil
measures the refraction of light rays as these pass
through the oil. The refractive index is a unique number
Parameters Values
that designates how the oil responds to and bends light.
Specific gravity (at 20 °C)) 0.84
Essentially, it tests how the speed of light is altered when
Free fatty acid 1.86 mg KOH/g passing through the oil. Kumar (2014) categorized a re-
Acid value 3.71 mg KOH/g fractive index of 1.47 as highly pure. Therefore, the re-
Saponification value 188 mg KOH/g fractive index obtained from the extracted essential oil
Iodine value 82 mg I2/100 mg shows that the oil is highly pure. One point worthy of
Peroxide value 16 mEq O2/kg
note however is that the refractive index is only a quali-
tative test of purity of essential oils and does not give
Refractive index (at 20 °C) 1.47
percentage purity.
Fakayode and Abobi Journal of Analytical Science and Technology (2018) 9:20 Page 14 of 16

Physicochemical properties of dried pectin the Food Chemical Codex (FCC), Food and Agriculture
The physicochemical properties of dried pectin are pre- Organization (FAO), and European Union (EU), pectin
sented in Table 6. must consist of at least 65% of galacturonic acid (Willats
The degree of esterification (DE) of the dried pectin was et al. 2006). Anhydrouronic acid content is important to
60.4%. The degree of esterification is an important mo- the gelling capabilities of a given pectin. The high value
lecular index for pectin classification that describes the ex- obtained means that the extracted pectin has a low
tent to which carboxyl groups in pectin molecules exist as amount of protein.
the methyl ester. The pectin obtained can be categorized The acetyl value of the dried pectin was 0.4%.
as high methoxyl pectin (HMP) because it has a high per- Ranganna (2002) reported that the gelling capacity of
centage of degree of esterification greater than 50%. A pectin decreased with increase in the degree of acetyl-
high degree of esterification allows pectin to form gel ation. If acetyl group is present in pectin, it inhibits gel
quickly at high temperatures, having a more effective ac- formation. The low value obtained makes the pectin to
tion on the lipid profile (Brouns et al. 2012; Dominiak et be a good gelling agent.
al. 2014). However, the degree of esterification represents
only the ratio between methanol-esterified carboxyl Conclusions
groups and free carboxyl groups, whereas the methoxyl The effects of processing parameters on essential oil and
rate refers to the amount of methoxyl groups in a sample pectin extractions from orange peels have been
(Gnanasambandam and Proctor 1999). Therefore, the de- established. Essential oil and pectin yields ranged from
gree of esterification should not be assessed separately, as 0.57–3.24% and 12.93–29.05%, respectively. The predicted
it does not represent the actual amount of methyl esterifi- optimum value for essential oil yield was 3.38% at extrac-
cations, especially when the galacturonic acid content is tion temperature of 95.23 oC and extraction time of
low. High methoxyl pectins (HMP) (with DE > 50%) re- 231.30 min, while the predicted optimum value for pectin
quire a relatively high concentration of soluble solids and yield was 30.00% at extraction temperature of 93.07 oC,
a low pH for gel formation, while low methoxyl pectins extraction time of 117.00 min, and extraction pH of 1.60.
(LMP) (with DE < 50%) form rigid gels by the action of Deviations between experimental and predicted values
calcium or multivalent cations, which cross-link the galac- were low and statistically insignificant. All processing fac-
turonic acid chains (Garna et al. 2004). tors have significant effects on both extractions. The
The equivalent weight was 599.74. Equivalent weight models adequately predicted the extraction processes. The
is a salient physical property of pectin. It is the most im- suitability of essential oil and pectin for different purposes
portant characteristic in determining the functional be- is determined by their physicochemical properties which
havior of pectin. Gelling abilities of individual pectin are is highly important. The physicochemical properties of the
tied very closely with equivalent weight. High equivalent essential oil and pectin extracted at the optimum condi-
weight has higher gel forming effect. Low equivalent tions fell within tolerable and acceptable range.
weight means higher partial degradation of the pectin
which is disadvantageous (Yandav et al. 2017). AC: Ash content of orange peel dried pectin (%); ACV: Acetyl value of orange
The methoxyl content of the dried pectin was 6.23%. peel dried pectin (%); AUA: Total anhydrouronic acid content of dried pectin
Kanmani et al. (2014) established that the methoxyl con- (%); AV: Acid value of orange peel essential oil (mg KOH/g); B: Blank titration
value (ml); DE: Degree of esterification of orange peel dried pectin (%);
tent of pectin usually varies from 0.2–12% depending on DPY: Dried pectin yield (%); EOY: Essential oil yield (%); ET: Extraction
the source and method of extraction. Since the value ob- temperature (°C); Et: Extraction time (min); EW: Equivalent weight of orange
tained was below 7%, the dried pectin is of low ester peel dried pectin (%); FFA: Free fatty acid of orange peel essential oil
(mg KOH/g); IV: Iodine value of orange peel essential oil (mg I2/100 mg);
characteristic, which implies that it is desirable in terms MTC: Methoxyl content of orange peel dried pectin (%); N: Normality of the
of quality. Pectins with low methoxyl content will form a ethanolic potassium hydroxide (0.1 M); pH: Extraction pH; PV: Peroxide value
thermo-irreversible gel, which means that it will stay of orange peel essential oil (mEq O2/kg); S: Sample titration value (ml);
SG: Specific gravity of orange peel essential oil; SV: Saponification value of
gelled even when heated to temperatures that would orange peel essential oil (mg KOH/g); V: Volume of 0.1 M potassium
normally melt it (Yapo and Koffi 2014). They are used in hydroxide used (ml); V1: Initial titer (ml); V2: Final titer (ml); Wa: Weight of ash
the food industry to make low-sugar jams because it (g); Wb: Weight of specific gravity bottle filled with oil (g); Wd: Weight of
dried pectin obtained (g); We: Weight of empty flask (g); Wf: Weight of flask
does not require high-sugar levels to gel and is being uti- and extracted oil (g); Wo: Weight of oil (g); Wp: Initial weight of orange peel
lized for pastries and molecular recipes designed not to powder used for ex traction (g); Ws: Weight of sample (g); Ww: Weight of
be very sweet. They are used as a gelling agent, thicken- specific gravity bottle filled with water (g); y: Volume of NaOH from
equivalent weight determination (ml); z: Volume of NaOH from methoxyl
ing agent, and stabilizer and can also be used as a fat content determination (ml)
substitute in baked goods and to stabilize acidic protein
drinks such as drinking yogurt (Tiwari et al. 2017). Acknowledgements
Authors would like to appreciate the Department of Agricultural and Food
The total anhydrouronic acid content of the dried pec- Engineering, University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria, for providing the
tin was 70.9% which indicates its purity. According to facilities to carry out the research work.
Fakayode and Abobi Journal of Analytical Science and Technology (2018) 9:20 Page 15 of 16

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