OP Tondon 2 Atomic Structure
OP Tondon 2 Atomic Structure
OP Tondon 2 Atomic Structure
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These particles carrying negative charge were called negatrQns -,J.6622x 10-19 coulomb. Since,
by Thomson. ch~}~~: known, it was, thus, de . rge.
Thename 'negatron' was changed to 'electron' by Stoney. ~Illl of the electron: Th be
(vi) Cathode rays produce X-rays. When these rays fallon a calculated from the value of eI m
material having high atomic mass, new type of penetrating rays
of very small wavelength are emitted which, are calle4 X-rays. e
m -
(vii) These rays affect the photographlc plate. ' elm
(viii) These rays can penetrate through thin foils of solid
= 9.1096 x 10-
28 gor9.1096x
materials and cause ionisation in gases through which they pass.
(ix) The nature of the cathode rays is independent of: This is termed as the rest mass of the electron, i. e. , mass of the
(a) the nature of the cathode and electron when moving with low speed. The mass of a moving
'.. 'c:''J£ (brtheg~s·lh th~Odlscharge tube. electron may be calculated by applying the following formula:,
In 1897, J. J. Thomson determined the elm value
. I' rest mass of electron
M f
(charge/mass) of the electron by studying the deflections of "". 0 movmg e eclron = - ~1- (~)'
cathode rays in electric and magnetic fields. The value of e / m has
been found to be -1.7588 x 108 coulomb/g.
[The path of an electron in an electric field is parabolic, given
as: where v is the velocity of the electron and c is the velocity of light.
eE 2 When v becomes equal to c, mass of the moving electron becomes
y=--x infinity and when the 'velocity of the electron becomes greater
2mv than c, mass of the electron becomes imaginary.
where, y = deflection in the path of electron in y-direction
Mass of the el~trgn relative to that of hydrogen atom~
e = charge on electron
E intensity of applied electric field Mass of hydrogen atom = 1.008 amu
m = mass of electron
v velocity of electron
=1.008 x 1.66 x 10-24 g (since 1 amu =1.66 x 10-24 g)
x =distance between two parallel electric plates = 1.673 X 10-24 g
within which electron is moving. 24
The path of an electron in a magnetic field is circular with Mass of hydrogen atom 1.673 x 10-
radius 'r given as: Mass of the electron 9.1 096 x 10-28
r= 1837
, 1
where, m= mass of electron Thus, Mass of an electron =-- x mass of hydrogen atom
v = velocity of electron 1837
e = charge on electron 1.008
B.= intensity qf applied magnetic field 1837
The radius of the path is prQPortional to momentum.] = 0.000549 amu
By performing a series of experiments, Thomson proved that An electron can, thus, be defined as a subatomic particle
whatever be the gas taken in the discharge tube and whatever which carries charge -1.60 x 10-19 coulomb, i.e., one unit
be the material of the electrodes, the value of e / m,ts always
negative charge and has mass 9.1 x 10-28 g, i. e. , _l_th mass of
the same. Electrons are thus common universal constituents of , 1837
all atoms. the hydrogen atom (0.000549 amu).
J.J. Thomson gave following relation to calculate [Millikan's oil drop method is used to determine the charge on
c~arge/mass ratio: an electron by measuring the' terminal velocity of a charged
e E spherical oil drop which is made stationary between two
m= rB2 electrodes on which a very high potential is applied.
where the terms have USual significance given before 61c 11r
. = 1.7588x lOll Ckg- 1
Charge on an electron' q' = E
(VI + v2 )
Electrons are also produced by the action of ultraviolet light or , where, 11 = cQefficient of viscosity of the gas medium
X-rays on a metal and i)'0111 heated filaments. J)-particles emitted 'VI' v 2 termlnal velocities
by radioactive materials are also electrons. E = field strength
The first precise measurement of the charge on an electron V
was made by Robert ,A. Millikan in 1909 by oil drop r =radius of the oil drop = 11 911 J
V2(/ cr)g
experiment. The charge on, the electron was found to be
(f density of oil; cr = density of gas; g gravitational force)]
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A roM1CSTRUC!LfFl~ 69
2~3 POSITIVE RAYS-DISCOVERY OF present on the electron. Hence, for a smaller value of e / m, it is
PROTON definite that positive particles possess high mass.
Ox) e / m value is dependent on the nature of the gas taken in
With the discovery of electrons, scientists started looking for
the discharge tube, i. e. ,positive particles are different in different
positively charged particles .which were naturally expected gases.
because matter is electrically neutral under ordinary conditions.
Accurate. measurements of the charge and the mass of the
The first experiment that led to the discovery of the positive
particles obtained in the discharge tube containing hydrogen, the
particle was conducted by Goldstein in 1886. He used a
lightest of all gases, were made by lJ. Thomson in 1906. These
perforated cathode in the modified cathode ray tube (Fig. 2.2). It 4
particles were found to have the e / m value as + 9.579 x 10
was observed that when a high potential difference was applied
between the t':lectrodes, not only cathode rays were produced but coulomb/g. This was the maximum value of elm observed for
also a new type of rays were produced simultaneously from any positive particle. It· was thus assumed that the positive
anode moving towards cathode and passed through the holes or particle given by hydrogen represents a fundamental particle of
canals of the cathode. These rays were termed canal rays since positive charge. This particle was named proton by Rutherford
these passed through the canals of the cathode.. These were also in 1911. Its charge was found to be equal in magnitude but
named anode rays as these originated from anode. When the opposite in sign to that of electron.
properties of these rays were studied by Thomson, he observed Thus, proton carries a charge + 1.602 x 10-19 coulomb,
that these rays consisted of positively charged particles and e.,
i. one unit positive charge.
named them as positive rays. The mass of the proton, thus, can be calculated.
e 1.602x 10-
Mass of the proton = =- ---- 4
elm 9.579x 10
rays = 1.672 X 10-24 g
or = 1.672 x 10-:27 kg
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~r~L~~~\ ';:~;~E:
(i) Since, most of the a:"particles went straight through the
metal foil undeflected, it means that there must be very large
empty space within the atom or the atom is extraordinarily
(ii) A few of the a-particles were deflected from their original
paths through moderate angles; it was concluded that whole of
'\ " the positive charge is concentrated and the space occupied by this
positive charge is very small in the atom. When a-particles come
closer to this point, they suffer a force of repulsion and deviate
Lead plate from their paths.
Deflected The positively charged heavy mass which occupies only a
a-particles small volume in an atom is called nucleus. It is supposed to be
Fig. 2.3 present at the centre of the atom.
(iii) A very few of the
Largely deflected Slightly deflected
a7particles a-particles a-particles suffered strong ~
deflections or even returned on ~ t
their path 'indicating that the 9- "0
nucleus is rigid an.d a-particles /') I!?
recoil due to direct collision with 'O:Ill
the heavy positivelycbarged mass. .z ~
The graph between angle of
scattering and the number of - Scattering angle
a-particles scattering in the
Fig. 2.4 (b)
corresponding direction is as
shown in Fig. 2.4 (b).
Information of Rutherford's scattering equation can be
memorised by the following relations:
Slightly deflected (a) Kinetic energy of a-particles:
a-particles N=KI/[(1I2)mv2]2
Fig. 2.4(8) (b) Scattering angle '8':
Consider an a-particle of mass' m' moving directly towards a N =K 2 /[sin 4 (8/2)]
nucleus with velocity 'v' at any given time. As this a-particle (c) Nuclear charge:
approaches the nucleus, its velocity and hence kinetic energy
N =K 3 (Ze)2
continues to decrease. At a certain distance ro from the nucleus,
the a-particle will stop and then start retracing its depicted path. Here, N = Number of a-particles striking the screen and
This distance is called the distance of closest approach. At this K 1 , K 2 and K 3 are the constants.
distance, the kinetic energy of the a-particle is transformed into
electrostatic potential energy. If Z be the .atomic number of the
· nucleus, then
1 2 1 x2e NUMBER
2 Roentgen, in 1895, discovered that when high energy electrons in
a discharge tube collide with the anode, penetrating radiations are
produced which he named X-rays (Fig. 2.5).
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Cathode rays van den Broek (1913) pointed outthat the atomic number of
an element is equal to the to~l positive charge contained in the
nucleus of its atom. Rutherford was also having the same opinion
that the atomic number of an element repli.esents the number of
+ protons in the nucleus of its atom. Thus, .
Cathode· Anode Atomic number of the element
= Serial number of the element in periodic table
X-rays ~,"--~"" = Charge on the nucleus of the atom of the element
, , '
= Number of protons present in the nucleus of the
'!I." ~\ ",
",,~\ / / L X-rays beam atom of the element
"" - = NU)11ber of extranuclear electrons present in tha
" ' atom of the element
Defracted unit
Fig. 2.5 The discovery of neutron was actually made about 20 years after
X-rays are electromagnetic radiations of very small the structure of atom was elucidated. by Rutherford. Atomic
wavelengths (0.1-20 A). X-rays are diffracted by diffraction masses of different atoms could not be explained if it was
gratings like ordinary light rays and X-ray spectra are, thus, accepted that atoms consisted only of protons and electrons .
. produced. Each such spectrum is a characteristic property of the Thus, Rutherford (1920) suggested that in an atom, there must be
element used as anode. present at least a third type of fundamental particles which should
Moseley (1912-1913), investigated the X-ray spectril of 38 be electrically neutral and possess mass nearly equal to that of
different elements, starting from aluminium and ending in proton. He proposed the name for such fundamental particle as
gold. He measured the frequency of principal lines of a particular neutron. In 1932, Cbadwlek bombarded beryllium with a
series (thea-lines in the Kseries) of the spe.ctra. It was observed stream Of a-particles. He observed that penetrating radiations
that the frequency of a particular spectral line gradually increased were produced which were not affected by electric and magnetic
with the increase of atomic mass of the element. But, it was soon fields. These radiations consisted of neutral particles, which were
realised that the frequency of the particular spectral line was called neutrons. The nuclear reaction can be shown as:
more precisely related with the serial number of the element in
the periodic table which he termed as atomic number (Z). He ~Be + iHe ~ I~C + ~n
presented the following relationship: B~ryllium a-particle .Carbon Neutron
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Thus, diameter (size) of an atom is 100,000 times the diameter (iii) In the solar syst~!!l, there is only one planet which
of the nucleus.* . revolves in any particular orbit, but in the nuclear atomic model
The radius of a nucleus is proportional to the cube root of the more than one electron may rotate in any particular orbit.
number of nucleons within it.
R RoAI13 em Drawbacks of Rutherford Model
(i) According to classical electromagnetic theory, when a
where, Ro = 1.33 X 10- cm; A = mass number; R ::::: Radius of
charged particle moves under the influence of attractive force, it
the nucleus. ' .
loses energy continuously in the form of electromagnetic
Rutherford and Marsden calculated the density of the
radiations. Thus, when the electron (a charged particle) moves in
hydrogen nucleus containing only one proton. an attractive field (created by protons present in the nucleus), it
d = Mass [A x 1.66 X 10-24 g] must emit radiations. As a result of this, the electron should lose
. VoJume energy at every tum and move closer and closer to the nucleus
.( following a spiral path (Fig. 2.7). The ultimate result will be that
it will fall into the nucleus, thereby making the atom unstable.
A x 1.66 X 10-24 Bohr made calculations and pointed out that an atom would
4 .' 8
collapse in 10- seconds. Since, the Nucleus
x 3.14 x (1.33 x 10- 13 )3 X A
3 . atom is quite stable, it means the
=1.685 X 1014 gf cm 3 electrons do not fall into the nucleus,
thereby this model does not explain
(iii) There is an empty space around the nucleus called
the stability ofthe atom.
extranuclear part. In this part, electrons are present. The number
(ii) If the electrons lose energy
of electrons in an atom is always equal to number of protons
continuously, the observed spectrum
present in the nucleus. As the nucleus part of the atom is
should be continuous but the actual
responsible for the mass of the atom, ~he extranuclear part is
observed spectrum consists of well
responsible for its volume. The volume of an atom is about 1015
defined lines of definite frequencies.
times the volume of the nucleus. Electron
8 24 Hence, the loss of energy by the
Volume of the atom = (10- )3 = 10- = 1015 electrons is not continuous in an atom. Fig. 2.7
Volume of the nucleus (l0-13)3 10-39
(iv) Electrons revolve round the nucleus in closed orbits with 2.8 ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATIONS
high speed. The centrifugal force acting on the revolving These are energy radiations which do not need any medium for
electrons is being counterbalanced by the force of attraction propagation, e.g., visible, ultraviolet, infrared, X-rays, y-rays,
between the electrons and the nucleus. etc. An electromagnetic radiation is generated by osci1lations of a
This model was similar to the solar system, the nucleus repre- charged body in a magnetic field or a magnet in an electrical
sentingthe sun and revolving electrons as planets. The electrons field. The frequency of a. wave is the frequency of oscillation of
are,.therefore, generally referred to as planetary electrons. the oscillating charged particle. These radiations or waves have
electrical and magnetic ·fields associated with them and travel at
Dissimilarities between Nuclear Atomic Model and
right angle to these fields. The following are thus the important
Solar System
characteristics of electromagnetic radiations:
(i) The sun and the planets are very big bodies and uncharged • All electromagnetic radiations travel with the velocity of
while the nucleus and electrons are very sinall objects and charged. light.
(ii) The revolution of the planets in the solar system is • These consist of electric and magnetic fields that oscillate
governed by gravitational forces, while the revolution of in directions perpendicular to each other and perpendicular
electrons around the nucleus is governed by electrostatic forces. to the direction in which the wave is trave1ling.
S.No. Name Wavelength (A) . Frequency (Hz) Source
14 1 5 9
l. Radio wave 3xlO -3x10 I x 10 .,.;Ix 10 Alternating current of high frequency
2. Micro wave ,3x101 -6xld' 1 x 109 - 5 X 1011 Klystron tube
3. Infrared (IR) 6x 10 6 -7600 5 x 10" - 3.95 X 1016 Incandescent objects
16 14
4. , Visible 7600-3800 3.95 x 10 -7.9 X 10 Electric bulbs, sun rays
5. I
Ultraviolet (UV) 3800-150 7.9 x 10 14
2 X 10 16
Sun rays, arc lamps with mercuryvapours
6. X-Rays 150-0.1 2x lOll> - 3 X 1019 Cathode rays striking metal plate
7. !y-RaYS O.H).OI 1
3 x 10 -3 X 10 20
Secondary effect of radioactive. decay
8. ~osmic rays· ! O.ot-Zero ~ ~ 102°-Infinity .-.
Outer space
"'The diameter of various atoms lies in the range of 0.74 to 4.70 A(1 A :; 10-8 cm),
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A wave is always characterized by the following six (vi) Time period: Time taken by the wave for one complete
characteristics: cycle or vibration is called time period. It is denoted by T.
(i) Wavelength: The distance between two nearest crests or I
nearest troughs is called the wavelength. It is denoted by A
Unit: Second per cycle.
(lambda) and is measured in terms of centimetre (em), angstrom
(A), micrometre ().un) or nanometre (nm).
Spectrum is the impression produced on a screen when radiations
of particular wavelengths are analysed through a prism or
• Energy
diffraction grating. It is broadly of two types:
(i) Emission spectra (ii) Absorption spectra.
Difference between Emission and Absorption Spectrum
lA =10-8 em =10-10 m Emission spectrum Absorption spectrum
1 f.,lm= 10-4 em = 1O-ti m 1. It gives bright lines (coloured) It gives dark lines on the brigllt
Inm 10-7 cm= 10-9 m on the dark background. background.
1 em 108 A ==10 4 f.,lm==107nm 2. Radiations from emitting It is observed when the white
light is passed through the
source are analysed by the
(ii) Frequency: It is defined as the number of waves which substance and the transmitted
pass through a point in one second. It is denoted by the symbol radiations are analysed by the
v (nu) and is measured in terms of cycles (or waves) per second spectroscope.
(cps) or hertz (Hz). 3. It may be continuous (if source These are always disconti-
AV distance travelled in one second emits white light) and may be nuous.
== velocity == c discontinuous (if the source
c emits coloured light).
or V==-
A Emission spectra: It is obtained from the substances which
(iii) Velocity: It is defined as the distance covered in one second emit light on excitation, i. e. ,either by heating the substances on a
by the wave. It is denoted by the letter 'c'. All electromagnetic flame or by passing electric discharge through gases at low
waves travel with the same velocity, i. e. , 3 x 10 10 cm/sec. pressure or by passing electric current discharge through a thin
filament of a high melting point metal. Emission spectra are of
AV== 3x 1010
two types:
Thus, a wave of higher frequency has a· shorter wavelength (a) Continuous spectra and (b) Discontinuous spectra.
while a wave of lower frequency has a longer wavelength. (a) Continuous spectra: When white light is allowed to pass
(iv) Wave number: This is the reciprocal of wavelength, through a prism, it gets resolved into several colours (Fig. 2.8).
i. e. ,the number of wavelengths per centimetre. It is denoted by The spectrum is a rainbow of colours, i. e., violet merges into blue,
the symbol v (nu bar). blue into green, and so on. This is a continuous spectrum.
_ 1
V==- Ultraviolet
l I . Violet 4000 A
It is expressed in cm- or m- .
(v) Amplitude: It is defined as the height of the crest or
tlepth of the trough of a wave. It is denoted by the letter 'a'. It
determines the intensity ofthe radiation. Green
The arrangement of various, types of electromagnetic radiations Yellow
~~~~~~~=======~" Orange
in the order of their increasing or decreasing wavelengths or
frequencies is known as electromagnetic spectrum. ' Red 6500 A
, Frequency
V 3x107 (cycle/sec) )3x10 21 Infrared
).. (cm) = 103 f-(_W_av_el_en_gt_h_ 10-11
"'~ '" !-<
Low energy
~5 ~ High energy Fig. 2.8 Continuous spectrum of white light
<,... 0 0
Low frequency i:\:", ~, ;;: High frequency (b) Discontinuous spectra: When gases or vapours of a
Long wavelength 9~
'">- '">-
~ ~ ~ :i
!!l Short wavelength chemical substance are heated in an electric arc or in a Bunsen
~~ Sl
~ ~ ;;:
'" ..l
:><: 'I- a
flame, light is emitted. If ray of this light is passed through a
prism, a line spectrum is produced. This spectrum Consists of a
limited number of lines, each of which corresponds to a different
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wavelength of Ffgbt. The line spectrum of each element is unique. Red Blue-Green Indigo Violet
Hydrogen spectrum is an example of line emission spectrum or
atomic emission spectrum.
When an electric discharge is passed through hydrogen gas at
low pressure, a bluish light is emitted. When a ray of this light is 6563 4861.4340 4102
passed through a prism, a discontinuous line spectrum of several
. isolated sharp lines is obtained. The wavelengths of various lines Fig. 2.9 (a) Balmer series In the hydrogen spectrum
show that these Jines lie in visible, ultraviolet and infrared
regions. All these lines observed in the hydrogen spectrum can be Lyman series: v 1 = RZ
- ..!..]
claSsified into six series.
Speetral series . Discovered by Appearing in n2 =2, 3,4,5, ...
Lyman series Lyman' Ultraviolet region Obtained in emission as well as in absorption spectrum ratio
Balmer series . Balmer Visible region ofm lh to nth wavelength of Lyman series.
~: =(:::)' ·{::::i:=:}
Paschen. series Paschen Infraled region
Brackett'series Brackett Infrared region
Pfund series Pfund Infrared region
=IlZ 2 [..!.. - ~l
Humphrey series Humphrey Far infrared region
Ritz presented a mathematical formula to find the Balmer ser.ies: v =!
A 22 ni.
wavelengths of various hydrogen lines.
=3,4,5,6, .. ;
A c nl n2'
. n2
Obtained only in emission spectrum.
Absorption Spectrum: Suppose the radiations from a conti- number of wavelengths in the emergent light than in incident
nuous source like a hot body (sun light) containing the quanta of light is called absorption spectrum.
all wavelengths passes through a sample of hydrogen gas, then Let the radiations of wavelengths AI' A2' A3, A4 ,AS are
the wavelengths missing in the emergent light give dark lines.on passed through the sample of hydrogen gas such that AI and A4
the bright background. This type of spectrum that contains lesser are absorbed then the absorption spectrum may be represented as:
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::: :::aW5oME SOLVED ExAMPLES\ a:::"::' " ExampleS. What is the ratio between the energies of two
radiations one with a wavelength of 6000 A and other with
" Example 1. How many protons, electrons and neutrons' 2000 A?
are present in 0.18 g ?~ P? ' ,
Solution: No. of protons in one atom ofP Solution: A) = 6000 A and A2 = 2000A
= No. of electrons in one atom ofP 15 c C
No. of neutrons in one atom of P= (A - Z)= (30-15)= 15 E1 h·-andEz =h·-
30 0.18 '
O.l8g ISP= ::: 0.006 mol E) h· c Az 2000 1
30 Ratio, -=-x-::::; =--=
E z Al h· C Al 6000 3
No. of atoms in 0.006 mol = 0.006 x 6.02 x IOz3
or E z = 3EI
No. of protons in 0:006 mol i~p = 15 x 0.006 x 6.02 x 1023
5.418>< 102z Example 6. Calculate the wavelength, wave number and
frequency of photon having an energy equal to three electron
So, No. of electrons = 5A18 xlOz2 volt. (h =6.62 x 10-27 erg- sec.)
and No. of neutrons 5.418 x lOz2
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On solving, we get, AgCI(s) ---7 Ag(s) + Cl
V (wave number) :::: ..!. 2.02 X 10- m- 3 I Escape ofchlorine atoms is prevented by the rigid structure of
A the glass and the reaction therefore, reverses as soon as the light
Example 14. Calculate the wavelength of the radiation is removed. If 310 kJ / mol of energy is required to make the
which would cause the photodissociatio11. of chlorine molecule if reaction proceed, what wavelength of light is necessary?
the Cl-Cl bond energy is 243 kJ mol -I. Solution: Energy per mole Energy of one Einstein
Solution: Energy required to break one CI-CI bond i. e. , energy of one mole quanta
Bond energy per mole
:::: A
Avogadro's number
6.023 X 10 23 X 6.626 X 10-34 X 3 X 108
243 kJ 243 x 10
J 310x 1000
23 23
6.023 X 10 6.023 X 10 . A 3.862 X 10-7 m =3862 X 10-
m 3862A
Let the wavelength of the photon to cause rupture of one
CI-Cl bond be A.
We know that, 1. The frequency of the radiation having wave number 10m-I is:
34 8 23
A:::: hc :::: 6.6 X 10- X 3 X 10 X 6.023 X 10 (a) tOs- 1 (b) 3 x 107 S-1
E 243 X ( c) 3 X loll S-I (d) 3 X 109
:::: 4.90 X 10- m:::: 490 nm [ADs. (d)]
Example 15. How many moles of photon would contain [Hint:
sufficient energy to raise the temperature of225 g of water 21°C A
to 96°C? Specific heat ofwater is4.18J g-I K -I andfrequency v cv =- e
= 3 x 108 X 10 =- 3 X 109 S-l]
of light radiation used is 2.45 X 109 S -I. 2. The energy of a photon of radiation having wavelength
Solution: Energy associated with one mole of photons 300nmis:
::::No xhxv (a) 6.63 x 10-29 J (b) 6.63 X 10- 19 J
:::: 6.02 X 10 23 X 6.626 X 10-34 X 2.45 X 109 (c) 6.63 X 10-28 J (d) 6.63 x 10- 17 J
2 1
:::: 97.727 X 10- J mol- [Ans. (b).]
Energy required to raise the temperature of 225 g of water by he 6.626 X lO-34 x 3 x 108
75°C =mxsxt [Hint: E A 6.63 X 10-19 J]
300 X 10-9
= 225 X 4.18 X 75 = 70537.5 J
3. The maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons is found
Hence, number of moles of photons required
to be 6.63 x 10- 19 J, when the metal is irradiated with a
:::: mst 70537.5:::: 7.22 X 104 mol
radiation of frequency 2 x 1015 Hz. The threshold frequency
Nohv 97.727 x 10-2
of the metal is about:
Example 16. During photosynthesis, chlorophyll-a (a) 1x Hy5 8- 1 (b)2xI015 8- 1
absorbs light ofwavelength 440 nm and emits light ofwavelength
670 nm. What is the energy available for photosynthesis from the (c) 3x 1015 S-I (d) 15 X Id 5 S-I
absorption-emission ofa mole ofphotons? [Ans. (a)]
[Hint: KE =h(v - vo)
Solution: M:::: [NhC] [Nhc] KE
vo = v - -
A absorbed A· evolved h
::::NhC[ 1
- .
J = 2X 101~
6.63 X 10- =1 X 1015 s-I]
6.63 x
:::: 6.023 X 10 X 6.626 X 10-34 X 4. The number of photons of light having wavelength 100 nm
which can provide 1 J energy is nearly:
3 X 108 [ 1 _ 1
440 X 10-9 670 X (a) 107 photons (b) 5 xJOIS photons
:::: 0.1197[2.272 x 106 -1.492x 106 ] (c) 5 x 1017 photons (d) 5 x 107 photons
:::: 0.0933 X 106 J I mol:::: 93.3 kJ I mol [Ans. (c)]
[Hint: E= nhe
Example 17. Photochromic sunglasses, which darken
when exposed to light, contain a small amount of colourless
AgCI (s) embedded in the glass. When irradiated with Ught, EA
metallic silver atoms are produced and the glass darkens. he
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5. The atomic transition gives rise to the radiation of frequency (vi) The emission or absorption of energy in the form of
(104 MHz). The change in energy per mole of atoms taking radiation can only occur when an electron jumps from one
place would be: . stationary orbit to another.
(a) 3.99 x 10-6 J (b) 3.99 J f),E:::: E bigh - E low :::: hv
24 30
(c) 6.62 X 10- J (d) 6.62 x 10- J Energy is absorbed when the electron jumps from inner to outer
[Ans. (b)] orbit and is eniitted when it rhoves 'from outer to an inner orbit.
[Hint: E =Nhv .
= 6.023 x loB x 6.626 X 10-34 x 104 X 1(f
= 3.99J]
.2l!~;l~ BOHR'S ATOMIC MODE;L Electrons excited
by absorbing
To overcome the objections of Rutherford's model and to explain
the hydrogen spectrum, Bohr proposed a quantum mechanical (Energy absorbed)
model of the atom. This model w~s based on the quantum theory
of radiation and the classical laws of physics. The important
postulates on which Bohr's model is based are. the following:
(i) The atom has a nucleus where all the protons and neutrons ::::::::;'::::::::::::::::l Energy radia1ed
are present. The size of the nucleus is very small. It is present at when electrons
the centre of the atom. fall back
(ii) Negatively charged electrons are revolving around the n=3 (Energy emitted)
(M) n=4
nucleus in the same way as the planets are revolving around the
(N) n=5
sun. The path of the electron is circular. The force of attraction (0) n=6
between the nucleus and the electron is equal to centrifugal force (P)
. of the moving electron.
Fig. 2.10
Force of attraction towards nudeus centl'ifugal force
(iii) Out of infinite number of possible circular orbits around When the electron moves from inner to outer orbit by
the nucleus, the electron can revolve only on those orbits whose absorbing defini~e amount of energy, the new state of the electron
is said to be excited state (Fig. 2.10).
angular momentur.n * is an integral multiple of !!...., i. e. ,
Using the above postulates, Bohr calculated the radii of.
various stationary orbits, the energy associated with each orbit
mvr:::: n!!.... where m:::: mass of the electron, v:::: velocity of and explained the spectrum of hydrogen atom.
2n .
electron, r = radius of the orbit and n =1; 2, 3, ... number of the Radii of various orbits: Consider an electron of mass' m'
orbit. The angular momentum can have values such as, and charge 't! revolving around the nucleus of charge Ze
(Z =atomic number). Let 'v' be the tangential velocity of the
h , 2h , 3h ; etc., but it cannot have a fractional value. Thus, the revolving electron and ' r' the radius of the orbit (Fig. 2.11). The
21t 2n 21t ,
electrostatic force of attraction between the nucleus and electron
angular momentum is quantized. The specified or circular orbits
(quantized) are called atationary orbits. kZex e kZe 2
(applying Coulomb's law)
(iv) By the time, the electron remains in anyone of the
stationary orbits, it does not lose energy. Such a state is called
grou.nd or normal state.
In the ground state, potential energy of electron will be Centrifugal
minimum, hence it will be the most stable state. force
(v) Each stationary orbit is associated with a definite amount
of energy. The greater is the distance of the orbit from the
nucleus, more shall be the energy associated with.it These orbits
are also called energy levels and are numb~red as 1, 2, 3,4, .... or
K, L, M, N, ... from nucleus outwards.
i.e., E, <.E2 < E3 < E4 ...
Fig. 2.11
(E2 - E, » (Ei - E 2 » (E4 - E3 ) ....
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For hydrogen atom, Z = I; so r = 2 2 ·' . energy m
Kmetlc . n th she11 = 13.6>< Z 2 ev
4Tt mke
Now putting the values of h, It, m, e and k,
"1 energy m
. n th sheII -27.2 2x Z
2 V
r= .•
n 2 X (6.625 X10-34 i Potentla
4 x (3.l4i x (9.1x 10-31 ) x (1.6x 10- 19 )2 x (9x 109 ) Substituting the values of n :::: 1, 2, 3,4, ... , etc., the energy of
electron in various energy shells in hydrogen atom can be
= 0.529x n 2 x 10-10 m:::: 0.S29 x n 2 A calculated.
8 2
= 0.529 X 10- X n cm Energy sbeII E (Joule per atom) E (eV per atom) E (kcal/moI) .
where h:::: 6.625 X 10-34 J-sec, Tt = 3.14 I' ,..21.79 X 10- 19 .!..13.6 - 313.6
m= 9.1x 10-31 kg, e= 1.6 x 10-19 coulomb 2 -5.44 x 10-19 -3.4 -78.4
3 -2.42 X 10-
19 -1.51 -34.84
k 9xl09 Nm2/C 2
4 -1.36 X lQ-19 0.85 -19.6
Thus, radius of 1st orbit
0.529x 10-8 x 12 = 0.529 x 10-8 cm= 0.529 x 1O-10 m
Radius of 2nd orbit
=0.529x 10-8 x 22= 2.11 X 10-8 cm= 2.l1x 10-10 m o o o
Radius of 3rd orbit (for hydrogen atom)
0.529x 10-8 x 32 4.76x 10-8 cm= 4.76x 10- 10 m
2 .
and so on. and E" =£1 X Z (for hydrogen like species)
r" :::: 11 x n 2 fo~ hydrogen atom
2 where, £1 :::: energy of hydrogen fIrst orbit.
and ... r" =0.529 x -n A (for hydrogen like species)
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Since, n can have only integral values, it follows that total Interpretation of hydrogen spectrum: The only electron
energy of the electron is quantised. The negative sign indicates in the hydrogen atom resides under ordinary conditions on the
that the electron is under attraction towards nucleus, i. e., it is first orbit. When energy is supplied, the electron moves to higher
bound to the nucleus. The electron has minimum energy in the energy shells depending on the amount of energy absorbed.
first orbit and its energy increases as n increases, i. e. , it becomes When this electron returns to any of the lower energy shells, it
less negative. The electron can have a maximum energy value of emits energy. Lyman series is formed when the electron returns to
zero when n = 00. The zero energy means that the electron is no the lowest energy state while Balmer series is formed when the
longer bound to the nucleus, i. e. , it is not under attraction towards electron returns to second energy shell. Similarly, Paschen,
nucleus. Brackett and Pfund series are formed when electron returns to the
For hydrogen h'ke species such as He . 2+ , etc."
+ ,L· third, fourth and fifth energy shells from higher energy shells
En =Z2 xEn for hydrogen atom. respectively (Fig. 2.l2).
Velocity of an electron: We know that,
Centrifugal force on electron
== force of attraction between nucleus and electron
mv Ze
2 2
(in CGS units) ... (i)
The angular momentum of an electron is given as:
mvr= 2n
nhf .. ·(i0
From eqs. (i) and (ii), we have Balmer 1.0--1---1 Brackett
v(;~)= Ze 2
series series
v= ~ [2n;2)
v = ~ x 2.l88 X 108 cmf sec ... (iii)
2.188 x 108 Lymanserles
v cm! sec (For hydrogen, Z = 1)
n Fig. 2.12
VI = 2.188x 108 cmlsec Maximum number of lines produced when an electron jumps
1 . .. n(n --, 1)
v2 = x 2.l88x 108 cm!sec from n th level to ground level IS equal t o ' . For example,
2 2
in the case of n = 4; number of lines -produced is 6. (4 -t 3,4 -t 2,
I x 2.188x 108 cm!sec 4 -t 1,3 -t 2, 3 -t 1,2 -t n When an electron returns from n2 .to
3 nl state, the number oflines in the spectrum will be equal to.
Here, VI ,V2 and V3 are the velocities of electron in first, (nz - nl )(nz nl + 1) ,
second and third Bohr orbits in hydrogen. . 2
From equation (iii), If the electron comes back from energy level having energy E 2
VI _ 2 V3 1 to energy level having energy E[, then the difference may be
and - == - and so on.
V2 1 . VI 3 expressed in terms of energy of photon as:
Orbital frequency: Number of revolutions 'pet"'second by E2 - E[ =!lE == hv
an electron in a shell is called orbital frequency; it may be or the frequency of the emitted radiation is given by
calculated as, !lE
v -
Number of revolutions per second by an electron in a shell h
Vel~city 2)V l( Since, !lE can have only definite values depending on the
Circur:.ference = = 2nr h 7 definite energies ofE2 and E 1 , v will have only fixed values in an
= Z2 x 6.66 x rol5 or v
c !lE
n3 A h
where, E. = Energy offrrst shell. he
Time period of revolution of electron in nth orbit (Tn) : or A
3 .
Since, hand e are constants, !lE corresponds to definite
~ x 1.5 x 1O-[? sec energy; thus, each transition from one energy level to another will
produce a light of definite wavelength. This is actually observed
as a line in the spectrum of hydrogen atom.
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I 2 R ;
Pasch"en, 1"Imll =? B raek ett '1Imlt
" = R
21t 2me 4
, 3- 42
where, R= Rydbergconstant= 109743 cm- I
ch 3
This value of R is in agreement' with ,experimentally
Pfund limit R,
H~mphrey limit = 6'~
determined value 109677,76 cm- 1 • Rydberg equation for (iii) Intensities of spectral 'lines: The intensities of spectral
hydrogen may be given as, lines in a particular series decrease with increase in the value of
, l
v 1 = R [ -\- -
A nl
n2' i. e., higher state.
, Lyman series (2 ---; 1) > (3 ---; 1) > (4 ---; 1) > (5 ---; 1)
("2 ~nl)
ModificatIon of Rydber,gEquation
Balmer series (3 4 2) > (4 ---; 2» (5 ~ 2) > (6---;2) .' .
According to the Rydberg ~quation:
v = 21t J.1Z 2e
1: 3
[_1 __1]
, Electronic charge
Cl nl n22 , , The energy required to remove an electron from the groul\d
. , state to form cation, i.~. , to take the electrop to infinity, is called
Reduced mass '11' can be calculated as, ionization energy.
1 1 1
-=-+- IE E"" - Eground
11 m M
where, mass of electron
m IE:::: 0- El (H)= 13.6eV atom-I
and mass of nucleus
M :::: 2.17 X 10- 18 Jatom- I
.. J.1 Z2
m+M IE=- x 13.6eV
(i) First line of a series: It is called 'line of longest , n2
wavelength' or 'line of shortest energy'. Z2
I1 _I_,X
For first line, •
n 12 Z2
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(IE)H X Z 2 radial velocity and the other perpendicular to the radius vector
(IEh = 2 called transverse or angular velocity. These two velocities give
.. n
rise to radial momentum and angular or azimuthal momentum.
If an electron is already present in the excited state, then the
Sommerfeld proposed that both the. momenta must be integral
energy required to remove that electron is called· separation
energy. multiples of!!...... [Fig. 2.13 (b)].
E separation E ~ - E excited
The following points support Bohr theory: Radial momentum n -
r 21t
(i) The frequencies of the spectral lines calculated from . h
Bohr equation are in close agreement with the Azimuthal momentum =n<l>-
frequencies' observed experimentally in hydrogen 21t
spectrum. nr and n<l> are related to the main orbit 'n' as:
(ii) The value of Rydberg constant for hydrogen calculated n nr + n<l>'
from Bohr equation tallies with that determined n nr + n<l> Length of major axis
experimentally. . n<l> n<l> Length of minor axis
(iii) The emission and absorption spectra of hydrogen like (i) 'n<l>'. cannot be zero becau~e un,der this condition, the
species such as He + , Li 2+ and Be 3 + can be explained ellipse shall take the shape of a straIght hne.
with the help of Bohr theory. (ii) 'n<l>' cannot be more than' n'because minor axis is always
Limitations of Bohr Theory smaller than major axis.
" • 't
(iii) 'n<l>' can be equa~ to ' n'.. Under this ~onq.ition, the major
(i) It does not explain the spectra ofmulti-electron atoms.
axis becomes equal to mmor aXIS and the elhpse 41kes the shape
(Ii) When a high resolving power spectroscope is used, it is of a circle. Thus, n<l> can have all integral values up to ' n' but not
observed that a spectral line in the hydrogen spectrum is zero. When the values are less than' n',orbits are elliptical and
not a simple line but a collection of several lines which when. it becomes equal to 'n', the orbit is circular in nature.
are very close to one another. This is known as fine
For n == I, n4J can have only one value, i. e., 1. Therefore, the
spectrum. Bohr theory does not explain the fine spectra
first orbit is circular in nature.
of even the -hydrogen atom.
(tii) It does not explain t~e splitting of spectral lines into a
For n =2, n. can have tWo values 1 and 2, i. e., ~e ~econd
orbit has tWo sub-orbits, one is elliptical and the other IS CIrcular
group of finer lines under the influence of magnetic field in nature.
(Zeeman effect) and electric field (Stark effect).
For n == 3, n4J can have three va~ue.s I, 2 and 3, i..e., t~ird or~it
(iv) Bohr theory is not in agreement with Heisenberg'S has three sub-orbits, two are elhphcal and one IS CIrcular m
uncertainty principle. ' nature.
For n = 4, n4J can have four values I, 2, 3 and 4, i. e., fou~h
III SOMMERFELD'S EXTENSION OF orbit has four sub-orbits, three are elliptical and fourth one IS
BOHR THEORY circular in nature (Fig. 2.14).
To accouht for the fine spectrum of hydrogen atom, Sommerfeld,
in 1915, proposed that the moving electron might descri~e
elliptical orbits in addition to circular orbits and the pucleus IS
situated at one of the foci. During motion on a circle, only the
angle of revolution changes while the distance from the nucleus
remains the same but in elliptical motion both the angles of
revolution and the distance of the electron from the nucleus
change. The distance from the nucleus is termed as~adius v,ector
and the angle of revol\ltion is known as :azimutluda~gle. The
tangential velocity of the electron at a particular instant can be
resolved into two components: one along the radius vector called
V Radial velocity Fig. 2.14
. V (Tangential velocity)
Sommerfeld thus introduced the concept of subenergy shells.
In a main energy shell, the energies of subshells differ slightly
from one another. Hence, the jumping of an electron from one
r-..1----I---..!---1 Major axis
energy shell to another energy shell will involve slightly different
amount of energy as it will depend on subshell also. This explains
to some extent the fine spectrum,Qf hydrogen atom. However,
Minor axis Sommerfeld extension fails to explain the spectra of
(a) (b)
multielectron atoms.
Fig. 2.13
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2i.7xlO- 12
: :: ::::_SOME SOLVED ExAMPLES\ =:::: : .
---'--.,,---'-'- erg = 5.425 x 10-12 erg,
~~ii"E~ample 18. Calculate the wavelength arid energy of
radiation emitted for the electronic transition from infinite to and. E"", = 0
stationary state of hydrogen atom, '(Given, R 1.09678 M == Change in energy E"",...., 5.425 X 10- 12 erg ,
xl0 7 m-l,h=6.6256xlO~34J-sandc 2.9979xl0 8 m:s.,-I) Thus, energy required to remove an electron from 2nd orbit
, = 5.425 X 10- 12 erg
Solution: l
nf ·~l
ni According to quantum equation,
r~nn~:2, 1
R or A ~
or A I 1 9.11x 10-8 m (h = 6.625 x 10-27 erg - sec; c 3 x 1010 cml sec)
R 1.09678 x 107
and M = 5.425 X 10- 12 erg
We know that,
A (6.625 X 10-27 ) X (3 X 1010 )
E := hv h. c == 6.6256 x 10-34 X 2.9979 x So,
A 9.11 X 10-8 5.425 X 10- 12
=3.7xl0-5 cm
2.17 X 10- 18 J
Thus, the longest wavelength of light that can cause this
Example 19. Calculate the velocity (cm /sec) of an transit40n is 3.7 x 10-5 cm. '
electron placed in the third orbit of the hydrogen atom. Also
calculate the number of revolutions per second that this electron Example 21. Calculate the shortest and longest
makes around the nucleus. wavelengths in hydrogen spectrum ofLyman series,
Solution: Radius of 3rd orbit Or
32 x 0.529 x 10-8 4.761x 10-8 cm Calculate the wavelengths of the first line and the series limit
We know that, for the Lyman series for hydrogen. (R H == 109678 cm- I )
nh nh Solution: For Lyman series, n l I
mvr or v = - -
2n 2nmr For shortest wavelength in Lyman series (i. e. ,series limit), the
3 x 6.624 x 10-27 energy difference in two states showing transition should be
2 x 3.14 x (9.108 x 10-28 )x (4.761 X 10-8 ) maximum, i. e. , n2 00.,
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f?L:~_,~~ample 23. Light of wavelength 128181 is emitted when Calculate the longest wavelength of light that will be needed
the electron ofa hydrogen atom drops from 5th to 3rd orbit. Find to remove an electron from the 3rd orbit of the He + ion.
the wavelength ofthe photon emitted when the electron falls from (liT 1990)
3rd to 2nd orbit. Solution: The electronic energy of He + ion in the nth Bohr
St)lution~ We know that, . orbit
== -122.4 eV
Ionisation energy of Li 2+ == -(-122.4) = 122.4 eV
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Example 28. The wavelength of a certain line in Balmer 3R
series'is observed to be 4341 A. To what value of 'n' does this 4
correspond? (R H =109678cm- l ) For hydrogen atom,
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;;)<:> Example 33. Calculate the wavelength of radiations [Hint: . 1iHe+ ) = Z 211 (H)
emitted, produced in a line in Lyman series, when an electron 22 x E = 4E]
falls from fourth stationary state in hydrogen atom. 8. The number of spectral lines that are possible when electrons
(R H L! X 107 1
111- ) (liT 1995) in 7th shell in different hydrogen atoms return to the 2nd
shell is:
Solution: 1 - R [-I __1_'j\
A- n; ni (a) 12
" [Ans. (b)]
(b) 15 (c) 14 (d) lQ
Llx 10 7 (~, _ _
11 (fl:! - nl )(llz n t + 1)
, '4 ) e 2 [Hint: Number of spectral lines
969;6 x IO-10metre (7 - 2)(7 2 + 1) = 15] <
A= 969.6A 2
Example 34. What is the degeneracy of the level of the 9. The ratio of radii of first orbits ofH, He + and Li 2 + is:
(a)I:2:3 (b)6:3:2 (c)I:4:9 (d)9:4:1
. hydrogen atom that has the energy (- RH
, . 9
J, ? [Ans. (b)]
Solution: E =_ RH =_ RH [Hint: r=~ x 0.529 A
n, 'n2 ,9 Z
n 3 rH : rHe + : rLi2+
8x (2;r '
x 22 x 9.1 X 10~28 x (4.Sx 10-10 )4
'r-'- - -
11. What is the energy in eV required to excite the electron from
n =' lto n = 2 state in hydrogen atom? (n = principal quantum
number) teET (J&K) 20061
(2)3 x (6.626x 10-27 )3 (a) 13.6 (b) 3.4 (c) 17 (d) 10.2 '
[Ans. (d)]
[Hint: b.E = E2 EI
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[Hint: PE = - 2KE value of mass (m) increases, i. e. • in the case of heavier particles,
the wavelength is too small to be measured. de Broglie equation .
:. PE will change from - 2x to _ 2x is applicable in the case of smaller particles like electron and has
no significance for larger particles.
Change in potential energy (- ~ ) - (-2x)
(A) de Broglie wavelength associated with charged
2 2 (i) For electron:
to a new theory known as wave mechanical theory of matter. (iii) For a-particles:
According to this theory, the electrons, protons and even atoms,' A=0.10I A
when in motion, possess wave properties.
de Broglie derived an expression for calculating the
wavelength ofthe wave associated with the electron. where, V =accelerating potential oftQe~~particles.
Accoram15to Planck's equation,
'-. '., · · · e (B) de Broglie wavelength associated with
E=hv h·,- ... (i) uncharged particles
The energy of a photon on the basis of Einstein's mass- energy (i) For neutrons:
relationship is h 6.62 X 10-34
A=-- =-======
E = me2 .,. (ii) .J2Em ~2 x 1.67x 10-27 x E
where, e is the velocity of the electron.
Equllting both the equations, we get . = 0.286 A
2' JE (eV) .
A ...
(ii) For gas molecules:
A =!!-. = h h
me p A=---
Momentum of the moving electron is inversely proportional to
its wavelength.
Let kinetic energy of the particle of mass 'm' is E. .J3mkT
I 2 where, k = Boltzmann constant
2 Bohr theory versus de Broglie equation: One· of the
2Em=m 2v
2 postulates of Bohr theory is that angular momentum of an electron
42Em = mv = p(momentum) is an integral multiple of~. This postulate can be derived with the
2n >
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So, 21tr= n/.. In the case of bigger particles (having considerable mass), the
/.. 21tr value of uncertainty product is negligible. If the position is
or ... (i)
n known quite accurately, i. e. , Ilx is very small, Av becomes large
from de Broglie equation, and vice-versa. Thus, uncertainty principle is important only' in '
/..= h, the case of smaller moving particles like electrons.
... (ii) • for other canonical conjugates of motion, tIie equation for
IT 21tr Heisenberg uncertainty principle may ~e given as:
Thus, -'=---=-- momentum = mass x velocity
mv n
. velocity .
h ==massx xbme
mvr = n . - (v =;: velocity of electron time
, 21t
and r=;: radii of the orbit) == force' x time
momentum x distance == force x distance x time
i. e., . '\.ngu1ar momentum = n . - h . .. ( III
... )
==energy J< time
Ap Ilx == AE At
This proves tlut the de Broglie and Bohr concepts are in .' ·h·
perfect agreement with each other.· ' . AE At Co - (for energy and time)
Similarly, A Ij) AS Co.!!:.... (for angular motion)
PRINCIPLE . On the basis of this principle, therefore, Bohr picture of an
electron in an atom, which gives a fixed position in a fixed orbit
Bohr theory considers an electron asa material particle. Its
and definite velocity to an electron, is no longer tenable. The best
position and momentum can be determined with accuracy. But,
we can think of in terms of probability of locating an electron
when an electron is considered in the form of wave as suggested
with a probable velocity in a given region of space at a given
by de Broglie. it is not possible to asc~rtain simultaneously the
time. The space or it. three dimensional region round the nucleus
exact position and velocity of the electron more precisely at a
where there is maximum probability of finding an electron of a
given instant since the wave is extending throughout a region of
specific energy is called an atolUic orbital.'
space. To locate the electren, radiation with extremely short
wavelength is required. Radiation that has short wavelength is
very energetic in nature. When it strikes the electron, the Impact
: : ::::a_SOME SOLVED EXAMPLES\a::::::
causes a change in the velocity of the electron. Thus, the attempt Example 36. Calculate the wavelength associated with an
to locate the electron' changes ultimately the momentum of the electron moving with a velocity of10 10 cm per sec.
, electron. Photons, with longer wavelengths are less energetic and 28
Solution,: Mass of the electron = 9.10 x 10- g
cause less effect on the momentum of the electron. Because of
Velocity of electron == 1010 cm per sec
larger wavelength, such photons are not able to locate the
position of an electron precisely. h == 6.62 X 10-27 erg- sec
In 1927, Werner Heisenberg presented a principle known as According to de Btoglie equation,
Heisenberg uncertainty principle which states: "It is ,. h 6.62 X 10-27
/ . . = - = - - 28
impossible to measure simultaneously the exact position and . mv 9.l0x 10- x 1010 .
exact momentum of a body as smaU as an electron."
== 7.72x 10- 10 cm
The uncertainty of measurement of position, Ax and the
uncertainty of momentum, IIp or llmv are related by Heisenberg's 0.0772 A
relationship as: Example 37. Calculate. the uncertainty in.the position ofa
1lx·1:!.p Co hi 41t partieie when the uncertainty in momentum is:
or Ilx . llmv Co h I 41t (a) Ix 10-:-3 gcmsec- 1 (b) zero.
where, IT is Planck's constant. Solution: (a) Given, ..
for an electron of mass m(9.l0x 10- g), the product of AP= lxlO-3 gcmsec- 1
uncertainty is quite large~ h 6.62 x 1.0-27 erg- sec
6.626 x 10-27 1t == 3.142
Ilx ·llv Co - - ' - - - - -
.41tm According to uncertainty principle,
. h
6.626x 1O-2~ A,;r: .I:!.p Co -
Co - - - - - - - - - 41t
4x 3.14x9JOx . '27
So, Ilx Co .!!:.... • _1_ Co 6.62 x 10- x _I_
'" 0.57 erg- sec per gram approximately
. 41t Ap ··4 x 3.142 10-3 .
Ilx' Av = uncertainty product
When Ilx = 0, Av 00 and vice-versa. ' == 0.527 x 10-24 em
(b) When the viuue of Ap 0, the value of Ilxwill be infinity.
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'>', J1x.a~ple 38. .Calculate the momentum ofa p(1rtide which, Example 43. The kinetic energy of an electron is
has a de Brogiie wavelength of2.5 x 10- 10 m. 4.55 x 10-25 J. Calculate the wavelength, (h = 6.6 x 10-34 J-sec,
(h = 6.6 x lQ~34 kgm 2 s -I ) mass of electron = 9.1 x 10-31 kg).
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When, the kinetic energy of electron becomes 4 times, the ~.~ WAVE MECHANICAL MODEL OF ATOM
de Broglie wavelength will become half]
The mass of photon having wavelength 1 nm is: The atomic model which is based on the particle and wave nature
of the electron is known as wave mechanical model of the
(a) 2.21 x 10-35 kg (b) 2.21 x 10-33 g
atom. This was developed by Erwin Schrodinger in 1926. This
(c) 2.21 X 10-33 kg (d) 2.21 x 10-26 kg model describes the electron as a three-dimensional wave in the
[ADS. (c)] electronic. field of positively charged nucleus. SchrOdinger
derived an equation which describes wave motion of an electron.
[Hint: A= h
me The differential equation is:
h 6.626 x 10-34 d2W d 2 W d 2W 8n 2m
m - = ---,:-----;:- +--+ +--(E V)W=O.
Ae 1 x 10-9 X 3 X 108 dy2 h2 ;
= 2.21 X 10-33 kg] where, x, y and z are cartesian coordinates of the electron;'
15. The de Broglie wavelength of 1 mg grain of sand blown by.a m = mass of the electron; E = total energy of the electron;
20 ms- I wind is: . V = potential energy of the electron; h = Planck's constant and
(a) 3.3 x 10-29 m (b) 3.3 x 10-21 m W(psi) = wave function of the. electron.
Significance of W: The wave function may be regarded as
(~) 3.3 x 10-49 m (d) 3.3 x 10--42 m
the amplitude function expressed in tenns of coordinates
[Ans. (a)]
x, yandz. The wave function may have positive or negative
[Hint: A =.!!..- = 6.626 x 10- = 3.313 x 10-29 m] values depending upon the values of coordinates.
mv 1 X 10-6 X 20 The main aim ofSchrOdinger equation is to give a solution for
16. In an atom, an electron is moving with a speed of 600 m sec-I the probability approach. When the equation is solved, it is
with an accuracy of 0.005%. Certainty with which the observed that for some regions of space the value of Wis positive
position of the electron can be located is: and for other regions the value of W is negative. But the
(h = 6. 6x 10-34 kgm2 s-I ,mas~ofelectron= 9.1 x 10-31 kg) probability must be always positive and cannot be negative. It is,
(AIEEE 2009) thUs, proper to use W2 in favour ofW.
(a) 1. 52x 10-4 m (b) 5.1x 10-3 m Significance of W1. : W2 is a probability factor. It describes
(c) 1.92x 10-3 m (d) 3.84 x 10-3 m the probability of finding an electron within a small space. The
[Ans. (c)] space in which' there is maximum probability of finding an
electron is termed as orbital.
[Hint: ACcuracy in velocity =0.005% .
The solution of the wave equation is beyond the scope of this
Av = 600 x 0.005= 0.03 book. The important point ofthe solution of this equation is that it
100 provides a set of numbers, called quantum numbers, which
According to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, describe energies ofthe electrons in atoms, information about the
h shapes and orientations of the most probable distribution of
AxmAv;::'- electrons around the nucleus. .
Wave function \If can be plotted against distance Or' from
6.6 X 10-34
Ax = -------:;::;--~- nucleus as,
4x3.14x9.1x x 0.03
1.92xI0-3 m] '"
17. Velocity of de Broglie wave is given by:
e2 h 2
(a) -
(b) ~
(c) me
(d) VA t
[Ans. (b)]
.h h Node
[Hint: A
mv p
p=- 'If
hv t
v hv ]
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(iv) For 2p-orbital, n 2, 1=1, it will have no radial node
but it has only one angular node.
(v ) For 3p-orbital, n 3, 1= l, it will have one radial and one
angular node.
For s-orbitals: ----+ r ----+
For p-orbitals:
(n - l) radial nodes + angular' node (n - 1) total nodes.
Number of radial nodes = (n -/- 1).
At node, the value of'R 'changes from positive to negative.
(n '2)radial nodes + I angular node = (n I) total nodes.
Plot of Radial Probability Density 'R 2,:
For d-orbitals:
(n - 3) radial nodes + 2 angular nodes (n - I) total nodes. 28 2p
d 2 like all d-orbitals has two angular nodes; The difference is
z .
t\ 1s . .,.
thanhe angular nodes are cones in a d 2 orbital, not planes.
z R2~
Operator form Schrodinger Wave Equation
H'P=E'P (Operatorfonn) r ----+ r ----+ r ----+
~ [ - -h- V ' 2 +v~]
The plots of probability, i.e., R2 or '1'2 are more meaningful
whereH= Hamiltonian operator
81.t m than the plots of functions themselves. It can be seen that for both
Is and2s orbitats, the probability has a maximum value at r= 0,
=1'+ V i.e., in the nucleus. In case of 2s orbital, one more maximum in
Here, t = Kinetic energy operator the probability plot is observed.
V Potential· energy operator
Plot of Radial Probability Function (41tr2R2):
Complete wave function can be given as
In order to visualize the electron cloud within a spherical shell
'I' (r,9,(j)= R(r) e(9)«I>«(j) is placed at radii 'r' and 'r + dY from the nucleus. Thus radial
'---v-' ~
Radial' part Angular part ,probability function describes the total probability qffinding the
Dependence of the wave function on quantum number can be electron in a spherical shell of thickness 'dr' located at the
given as, ' distance r from the nucleus.
'Pn1m (r, 9, (j) Rnl (r) elm (9)«1> m«(j) R.P.F.= (Volume of spherical shell) x Probability density
The function R depend only on 1'; therefore they describe the , . = (41tr 2 dr) x R2
distribution of the electron as a function of r from the nucleus.
These functions depend upon two quantum numbers, n and I. The 18 2s 2p
two functions e and <l> taken together . give the angular
distribution of the electron. N
The radial part ofthe wave function for some orbitals may be
given as, 1
312 In the plot of radial probability against 'r', number peaks, i.e.,
o 2 ~
( ) e-Zrlao
region of maximum probability n - I.
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x 2_ 8x + 12 = 0
(x 6)(x - 2) =0
when x-2=0
r--+ 2r = 2, i.~.,r =~ (Middle value)
X, Y and Z are respectively
(a)R,R 2 and4n?R2 (b) R2, Rand 41t?R2, when x-6=O
2 2 x ='6'
(c)4n?R ,R andR (d) R2, 4n?R2 and R
2r =6
[Ans. (b)]
[Hint: Y will be definitely 'R' because value of R ,cannot be
r = 31lo (Maximum)]
negative, thus X will be R2 and Z will be 41t?R. Z represents
radial probability function; its value will be zero at origin]
20. The wave function CI') of 2s is given by :
\f2s 2lrt(:J f
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n2 : s- subshell -t 2 electrons d-subsheH -t 10 electrons
Z . p-subshell-t 6 electrons f-subshell -t 14 electrons
(it) Higher is the value of 'n', greater is the magnitude of g-subshell -t 18 electrons
energy. .
Magnetic Quantum Number
El <E2 <E3 <E4 <E5 ...
Z2 This quantum number is designated by the symbol 'm'. To
E x.21.69x 10-19 JI atom explain splitting of a~gle spectral line into a number of closely
spaced lines in the presence of magnetic field (Zeeman effect),
Z2 Linde proposed that eleotron producing a single line has several
= - -2 X 313.3 kcal per mol
n possible space orientations for th~ same angular momentum
Energy separation between two shells decreases on moving . vector in a magnetic field, i. e. , under tbe influence of magnetic
away from nucleus. field each subshell,is further sub-divided into orbitals. Magnetic
(E2 -Ed>(E3 -£2»(E4 -E 3 »(E5 -E4) quantum number describes the orientation or distribution of
electron cloud. For each value of 'I', the magnetic quantum
(iii) Maximum number of electrons in a shell* = 2n 2 number 'm' may assume all integral values from -1 to + I
(iv) Angular momentum can also be calculated using including zero, i. e. , total (21 + 1) values.
principal quantum number
Thus, when I 0, m = (only one value)
when I = I, m = -1, 0, + I (three values)
2n i. e. , three orientations.
One orientation corresponds to one orbital. Three orientations
Azimuthal Quantum Number
(orbitals) are designated as Px' pyand pz.
It was given by Sommerfeld; It IS also called angular When I 2,m -.2,-1,0,+ 1,+2 (five values), i.e., five
quantum number, subsidbuy quantum number orseeondary orientations.
quantum number. It is denoted by' its value lies between 0, I, The five orbitals are designated as:
2. ' .. (n -I),
dxy' dyz , dzx, dx 2 - Y 2 and d z 2'
It describes the spatial distribution of electron cloud and
CL'1gular momentum. It gives the name of the subshell associated' When J= 3, m 3, +
1,0, I, + 2, + 3 (seven values),i.e. ,
with the main shell seven orientations.
I", 0 s-subshell; / I p-subshell; Different values of 'm ' for a given value of'/' provide the total
I ~ 2 d-subshell; l == 3 f-subshell; number of ways in which a given s, p, d and f subshells in
presence of magnetic field can be arranged in space along
I 4 g-subshell. ..
s',P.' d, f and g are spectral terms and signify sharp. principal.
x, yand z axes or total number of orbitals into which a given
diffused. fUndamental and generalised respectively. subshell can be divided.
The energies of the various subshells in the same shell are in When I :: 0, m = 0, i. e. , one value implies that's' subshell has
the order of s < P < d < f < g (increasing order), Subsh~lls only one space orientation and hencYl> it can be arranged in space
having equal I values but with different n values have similar only in one way along x, y or z axes. Thus, 's' orbital has a
shapes but their sizes increase as the value of 'n' increases. symmetrical spherical shap~,and is usually represented as in Fig.
2s-subshell is greater in size than Is-subshelL Similarly 2.16.
2p, 3p,4p-subshells have similar shapes but their sizes increase In case' of Is-orbital, the electron cloud is maximum at the
in the order 2p < 3p < 4p. . nucleus and decreases with the distance. The electron density at ~
Orbital angular momentum of an electron is calculated using particular distance is uniform in all directions. The region of
the expression maximum electron density is called antinode. In case of
'2s'-orbital, the electron density is again maximum at the nucleus
I-tl ~/(l+1)~=~/(/+1)1i and decreases with increase in distance. The '2s'-orbital differs in
detail from a Is-orbital. The electron in a '2s'-orbital is likely to be
here, 1'1 " ' - found in tWo regions, one near the nucleus and other in a
2n spherical shell about the nucleus. Electron density is zero in
The magnitude of magnetic moment I-tL may be given as: nodal region.
. I-tL ~/(l+ I) BM .
where, BM == Bohr Magneton
1 BM=~=9.2732x 10-14 J
Maximum electrons present in a subshell = 2(21 + I)
1s 2s-orbital
*No energy' shell in atoms of known elements possesses mor" than 32 electrons.
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z z
Fig. 2.16
When 1= 1, 'm' has three values -1,0, +1. It implies that 'p' dxy dyz d;x .dx2 d;
Orbital i
subshell of any energy shell has three space orientations, i. e. , m ±2 ±1 ±1 ±2 0
three orbitals. Each p-orbital has du-mb-bell shape. Each one is
disposed symmetrically along one of the three axes as shown in Nodal planes:
Fig. 2.16. p-orbitals have directional character. Orbital Nodal planes
Orbital P z Px Py d X)' xz,yz
Nodal plane xy
° ±l
When 1= 2,' m' has five values -2, ...:.1, 0, + 1, + 2. It implies d x2 :.. y2 x-y O,x+ y=O
that d-subshell of any energy shell has five orientations, i. e., five dz2 No nodal plane, it has
orbitals. All the five orbitals are not identical in shape. Four. of a ring around the lobe
the d-orbitals dX)'· ,dyz, d zx ,dx 2 - y 2 contain four lobes while
There are seven I-orbitals designated as I 2 2' I y(x 2 y2)'
fifth orbital d z2 consists of only two lobes. The lobes of d X)' • x(x - y)
orbital lie between x and y-axes. Similar is the case for I z(x 2 - y 2) ' Ixyz ,Iz 3, f yz 2 and 1._2'
x< Their shapes are complicated
d yz and d zx' Four lobes of d x2 _ 2 orbital are lying along x and y-
axes while the two lobes of d 2 ~rbital are lying along z-axis and ones.
contain a ring of negative charge surrouliQing the nucleus in Positive values of ml describes the orbital angular momentum
xy-plane (fig. 2.16). component in the direction of applied magnetic field while the
negative values of mlare for the components in opposite
direction to the applied magnetic field.
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Degenerate Orbitals
Orbitals which are located at the same energy level on the energy
level diagram are called degenerate orbitals. Thus, electrons have
equal probability to occupy any of the degenerate orbitals.
Px' Py and pz--,------t 3-fold degenerate
d-orbitals --,------t 5-fold degenerate
f-orbitals --,------t 7-fold degenerate
Degeneracy of p-orbitals remains unaffected in presence of
external uniform magnetic field but degeneracy of d and
-3 f-orbitals is affected by external magnetic field.
Fig. 21.6 (a) Space quantization in magnetic field Spin Quantum Number
It is denoted by's' and it was given by Goldschmidt.
Characteristics of Orbitals
Spin quantum number represents the direction of electron spin
(i) All orbitals of the same shell in the absence of magnetic around its own axis_
field possess same energy, i. e. , they are degenerate. (i) For clockwis~ spin,s = + Ji (i arrow representation).
(ii) All orbitals of the same subshell differ in the direction of (ii) For anticlockwise spin, s = - Ji (J- arrow representation).
their space orientation. Spin electron produces angular momentum equal to I-l s given by
, h
(iii) Total number of orbitals in amain energy shell is equal to I-l s = ~s( s + 1) - , where, s = + Ji
n 2 (but not more than 16 in any of the main shells of the known 2n
elements). Total spin of an atom = n x Ji. (n = number of unpaired
n = 1 No. oJ orbitals = (1)2 = 1(ls) electrons)
n = 2 No. of orbitals = (2)2 = 4 (2<>, 2px, 2py, 2pz ) Spin magnetic moment (!-.I. s ) is given by
n = 3 No. of orbitals = (3)2 == 9 (3s, 3Px' 3p y' 3p z , 3d XY' I-ls =~s(s+ 1)~
3d yz , 3d zx , 3dx2 _ y2 , 3d z2 )
Each orbital can accommodate two electrons with opposite
n=4 No. of orbitals = (4)2 =16 spin or spin paired; paired electrons cancel the magnetic moment
and develop mutual magnetic attraction as shown in the
The division of main shells into subshells and that of subshell
following Fig. 2.17.
into orbitals has been shown below:
Note: Magnetic quantwn nwnber also represents quantized value of
.. . . MagnetiC field .....,.. .
z-component of angular momeritwn of the electron in an orbital
through the expression
....,,~.- ....,
--, /
... ",--_ .....
.... "-- .... , .... ,,--~,
............... -- -- , \ /
Lz=mC:) /
. /":'
..... :\ I "'. . ','
I \
, ~ I .,.. " "
I \
I I \. I I I \ 1
If El is the angle between z-axis and angular momentum vector, 1 1 1 1+1/2 -1121 1 1 1
\ 1 I I \ 1 I [
Lz=L cos El I I
,~ // " II,
[ I I
" ...,"
m (~) = ~l(l + I) ~ ." .... _- / , --" jI ~ .... -- / , --" ,t
cos El ..... _-,,., '---~ ' ..... _-,,., '---;/
2n 21t
or m =~l(l + I) cos El
Main shell Subs hells Orbitals S N
1st·shell ___ _
(K-shell) 'n = 1
Fig. 2.17
15 (/= 0) 15(m=0)
2nd-shell -------< "",,- 25 (/ = 0) 25(m=0) Electrons having same spin are called spin parallel and those
(L-shell) n=2 ...............
-- ------
............ ,2py(m=±1)
having opposite spin are called spin paired.
Spin paired ~ II]]
2Px(m=± 1)
35(m= 0)
Spin parallel ~ [fJ]
3rd-shell Spin multipliCity: .
Spin multiplicity = [2:U + 1]
where; s = spin quantum number
e.g., carbon ls2 2<>2 2p2
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No. of No. of (iii) Number ofsubshells in a main energy shell is equal to the
Prindplll Aziinutfud Magn~1!' SpiD value ofn. .
eleetrons eleetrons
Q.No. Q. 1\19. Q. No. Q.No.
ona ODa . No. of subenergy
on'· .'1' 'mf '!I' Valueofn Desiguted as
.ubsbeR maiD .beR .beIII
O(s) 0 +Yz,-Yz 2 2 I I Is
2 2 2s,2p
2 O(s) 0 +Yz,-Yz 2 3 3 3s; 3p, 3d
1(P) -I 8· 4 4 4s, 4p, 4d, 4[
+)-;'-)1, \
0 +Yz,-Yz 6 (iv) Number of orbitals in a,main energy shell is equal to n 2 .
+1 +Yz,-Yz n No. of orbitalt
== I s
3 O(s) . 0 +Yz,-Yz 2
2 (2i =4 s, Px; Py' p=
+)1,,-)1, )
+~"-Yz ..
1(P) 0 6
(v) . One orbital cannot have more than two electrons. If two
+1 '+Yz,-Yz electrons are present, their spins should be in opposite
-2 +Yz,-Yz 18 directions. .
2(d) 0 .+ Yz, - Yz lO
23. The orbital angular momentum of an electron in a d-orbital is:
+1 +Yz,-Yz (DeE 2007)
+2 +Yz,-Yz (a).J6~ (b).fi h (c) h . (d) 2h
2n 2n 2n 2n
[Ans. (a)]
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Number of subshells in a .shell = n Is,2s,2p,3s,3p,48,3d, 4p,5s,4d, 5p,6s,4f,5d ,6p, 78, 5f,6d, 7p.
Number of orbitals in a subshell = (21 + 1) The sequence in which various subshells are filled up can also
n = 3, 1 = 2, m = orepresents 3d] be determined with the help of(n + I )value for a given subshell.
The subsheU with lowest (n + I ) value is filled up tirs~.WheD
26. Which of the following is not possible?
[BCECE (Medical) 2007) two or more subshells have same (n + I) value, the.subshell
(a) n = 2, I = I, m = 0 (b) n ::; 2, I::; 0, m::; -I with lowest value of 'n' is fdled up first.
(c) n = 3, I ::; 0, m = 0 (d) n 3, l:::i: I, m:::-I
[Aos. (b)] SubsheU If 1 (If + I)
[Hint: When I = 0, 'm' will also be equal to zero.] Is I 0 1
2s 2 0 2
27. What is the maximum number of electrons in an atom that can
have the quantum numbers n ::; 4, me + 1?
[PMT (Kerala) 2007)
} Lowest value of n
(a) 4
[ADs. (e)l
(b) 15 (c) 3 (d) 1 (e) 6 3p
," .
} Lowest value of n
[Hint: n = 4; I 0; me =0 3d 3 2 5
1= 1; me = 1,0, + 1 '"',
1=2; m" = - 2, -1, 0, + I, + 2
5 J Lowest value of n
./ 3; me ::; - 3, - 2, -1, 0, + I, + 2, + 3
There are three orbitals having me = + I, thus maximum numbe~
of electrons in them will be 6.]
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Subshell n· ::ud; p x , Py and p z • All the three have sarnt: energy. The electron can
be accomniodated on anyone of thP. 2p-orbitals.fu the case of
~a1u~"of n
4d 4 2
carbon, sixth electron is also accommodated on 2p subshell and
5p 5 : ) . Lowest
its electronic configuration is represented as 1s 2 2s 2 2p2 but three
6s 6 0 ·6
orbital diagrams can be expected ..
4f 4 3
, iJ,ii' .
7 1.' Lowest value of n . (I) [He] -
- - - ' Electrons are present on two
2s .L 2p .J different orbitals with parallel spins.
7s 7 0 7
, 5f 5 3 8 (ii) [He]i J, 1. -±-- Electrons are.present on two
2s .L 2p.J d'Ifferent
. orb'Ita. Is WI'th opposite
' spms.
6d. 6 2 8 ) Low", "lu, of n ,
7 8 (iii) [He] i t i J, _ _ Both the electrons are present on
. The energy of electron in a hydrogen atom and other single L2p.J . one orb'ItaI Wit. h' OPP9SI~
. spms.
. .
electron species like He + , Li 2+ and Be 3+ is determined solely by Experiments show that (i) orbital diagram is correct while (ii)'
the principal quantum number. The energy of orbitals in and (iii) are not correct. This has given birth to a new rule known
hydrogen and hydrogen like species increases as follows: as Hund's rule of maximum multiplicity. It states that electrons
1s< 2s= 2p < 3s= 3p = 3d < 4s= 4p= 4d = 4/ < ... are distributed among the orbitals of a subshell in such..a way·
The complete electronic' configuration of all the known as to give the maximum nuniber of unpaired electrons witll
elements have been given in the table on next page. It is observed parallel spins. Thus, the orbitals available in a subsheH are flrst
that few of the elements possess slightly different electronic filled singly before they begin to pair. This means that pairing of
configurations than expected on the basis of Autbau Prlnelple. electrons occurs with the introduction of .second electron in
These elements have been marked with asterisk (*) sign. s-orbitals, the fourth electron in p-orbitals, sixth electron in
:?2~1:.·; HUND'S RULE OF MAXIMUM d-orbitals and eighth electron in / -orbitals. The orbital diagrams of
nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine and neon are as given below:
. MULTIPLICITY (Orbital Diagrams)
Nitrogen (7) [He] 1t 1 i i
There is one more method of representing the electronic. config-
,. uration which is usually called as orbital diagra.~. In this method,
the' electron is shown by an arrow: upward direction i (clockwise . Oxygen (8) [He] i J, iti"i
spin) and downward direction t (anti-clockwise spin). ~L2p.J
To indicate the distribution of electrons among the orbitals of Fluorine (9) [He] itiJ,iJ,i
an atom, arrows are placed over bars that symbolise orbitals. 2s
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, Element At,·No. ls 2s 2p; .3s 3p ,3d ~: 4d ,
"'4p 4f ·S.s5pStlSJ. - - -
I I !
He 2 2 (Is completed)
I 1
2 I
1 . (2scompleted)
C 6 2 2 2
N 7 2 2 3 i
0 8 2 .2 4
F 9 2 2 5
i i
Ne 10 2 2 6 (2 p completed)
Na U 2 2 6 I
Mg i 12 2
2 .6 2
. (38 completed)
Al 13 2 2 6 2 1
Si 14 2
P 15 2
I ,-
i I I
S 16 2 2 6 2 4
CI 17 2 2 6 2 5
AT i i
18 l 2 6 2 6 (3 P completed)
K 19 2 2 6 2 6 1
Ca 20· 2 2 i 6 2 6 2 (48 completed)
Sc 21 2 2 6 2 6 1 2
Ti 22 2 2 6 2 6 2 2
V 23 2 2 6 2 6 3 2
*Cr 24 2 2 6 2 6 5 1
Mn 25 2 2 6 2 6 5 2
Fe 26 2 2 6 2 6 6 2
Co 27 2 2 6 2 6 7 2
Ni 28 2 2 6 2 6 8 2
*Cu 29 2 2 6 2 6 10 1
Zn £10 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 :(3d completed)
Ga 31 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 1
Ge 32 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 2
.As 33 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 3
Se 34 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 4
Br 35 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 5
Kr 36 I 2 2. 6 2 6 10, 2 6 ! (4p completed)
Rb 37
2 2 6 2 6 10 2 6 I t
Sr 38 2 2 6 2' 6 10 2 6 2 (5scompleted)
y 39 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 6 1 2
Zr 40 2 2 6 .2 .6 10 2 6 2 2
*Nb 41 2 2 .6 2 6 10 2 (; 4 I
·*Mo 42 2 '2 6 2 6 10 :2 6 5 ' 1
Tc 43 2 2 6 2 6 10 . 2 6 5 2
*Ru 44 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 6 7 1
*Rh 45 2 2 6 '2 6 10 2 6 8 1
i !
·Pd i 46 2 2 .6 2 6 10 2 6 10
*Ag 47 2 2 6 2 .6 10 2 6 10 1
Cd 48 2 i
i 2 6 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 (4d completed)
In 49 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 1
Sn 50 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 2
Sb 51 2 .2 6 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 3
Te 52 .2 2 6 2 6 10 2 6 I 10 2 4
I 53 2 :.t. 2 2
I 6 6 10 2 6 10 2 5
I ,
- ,I I I
Xe 2 Cf
54 I ""'""~~
2 6 2 6
www.puucho.com -10 I 2 6 10 2 6 (5p completed)
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m_.tl·~N~ I I K
L M 46 4.P- 4d ,,4/ 56 5p 5d Sf I 6.¥ 6p16d16f 16
Cs 8 18 2 6 6
Ba 8 18 2 6 6 2 (68 completed)
'"La 57 8 18 2 6 6 I 2
'"ee 58 2 8 18 2 6 6 I 2
Pr 59 2 8 18 2 6 10 3 2 6 2
Nd 60 2 8 18 2 6 10 4 2 6 2
'"Pm 61 2 8 18 2 6 10 5 2 6, ' 2
8m 62 2 8 18 2 6 10 6 2 6 2
Eu 63 2 8 18 2 6 10 7 2 6 2
'"Gd 64 2 ,8 18 2 6 10 7 2 6 I 2
Tb 65 2 8 18 2 6 10 9 2, 6 2
Dy 66 2 8 18 2 6 10 10 2 6 2
Ho ,67 2 11 18 2 6 , 10 '11 2 6 2
Er 68 2 8 18 2 6 10 12 2 6 2
Tm 69 2 8 18 2 6 10 ' 13 2 6 :2
Vb 70 2" 8 18 2 6, t6;' 14 2 6 2
Lu 71 2 8 18 2 ,.,6 10 14 2 6 I 2 (4/ completed)
Hf 72 2 8 18 32 6 2 . 2
Ta 73 2 8 18 32 6 3 2
W 74 2 8 /
'i8 32 6 4 2
Re 75 2 $ 18 32 2 6 5 2
Os 76 2 " 8 18 32 2 6 6 2
Ir 77 2 8 18 32 2 6 7 2
'"Pt 78 2.. 8 18 32 2 6 9 1
'"Au 79 2 8 18 32 2 6 , 10, J
Hg 80 2 8 18 32 2 6 10 2 (5d completed)
Tl 81 2 8 18 32 2 6 10 2 1"
Pb 82 2, 8 18 32 2 6 10 2 2
Bi 83 2 8 18 32 2 6 10 2 3
Po 84 2 8 18 32 2 6 10 2 4
At 85 2 8 18 32 2 6 10 2 5
Rn 86 2 8 18 32 2 6 10 2 6(6p completed)
2 (7scompleted)
'"U 92 2 ~ 18 32 2 6 10 3 2 6 I 2
·Np 93 2 8 18 32 2 6 10 4 2 6 1 2
Pu 94 2 8 18 32 2 6 10 6 2 6 2
Am 95 2 8 18 32 2 6 10 7 2 6 2
·Cm 96 2 8 18 32 2 6 10 7 2 6 I 2
*Bk 97 2 8 18 32 2 6 10 8 2 6 I 2
Cf 98 2 8 18 32 2 6 10 10 2 6 2
Es 99 2 8 18 32 2, 6 10 11' 2 '6 2
Fm 100 2 8 18 32 2 6 10 12 2 6 2
Md 101 2 8 18 32 2 6 10 B ,2 6 2
No 102 2 8 18 32 2 6 10 14 2 6 2
*Lr 103 2 8 18 32 2 6 10 14 2 6 I 2 (5/ completed)
KuorRf 104 2 8 18 32 2 6 10 14 2 6 2 2
HaorDb. 105' 2 8 18 32 2 6 10 14 2 6 3 2
Sg 106 2 8 18 32 2 6 10 14 2 6 4 2 I!!
Dh 107 2 ,8 18 i,~·g
32 2 6 10 14 2 6 5 2 ,ggi
Hs 108 2 8 18 32 2 6 10 14 2 6 6 2 !Jtj
Mt 109 2 8 18 32 2 6 10 14 2 6 7 2 "8
*UunorDs 110 2 8 18 32 2 6 10 14 2 6 9 I
*Uuuor Rg III 2 8 18 32 2 6 10 14 2 6 10 1
Uub 112 2 8 18 32 2 6 10 14 2 6 10 2 (6d completed)
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All those atoms which consist 'of at least one of the orbitals
singly occupied behave as paramagnetic materials because these
::[II- I]
.. A
are weakly attracted to a magnetic field, while aU those atoms in
which all the orbitals are .doubly occupied behave as . where, Vo and Ao are threshold frequency and threshold'
diamagnetic materials because they have no attraction for wavelength respectively.
magnetic field. However, these are slightly repelled by magnetic Stopping potential: The minimum potential at which the
field due to induction. plate photoelectric. current becomes zero is called stopping
Magnetic moment may be calculated as, potential.
IfVo is the stopping potential, then
11=~n(n+2)BM eVo = h(v- v o )
I BM (Bohr Magneton) -- Laws of Photoelectric Effect
.•. 4nmc·
where, n =no. of unpaired electron (i) Rate of emission of photoelectrons from a metal surface
is directly proportional to the intensity of incident light.
Exceptions to Aufbau Principle (ii) The maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons is
In some cases, it is seen that actual electronic arrangement is directly proportional to the frequency of incident
slightly different from arrangement given by aufbau principle. A radiation; moreover, it is independent of the intensity of
simple reason behind fhis is that half-filled and fuU:'filled light used.
subshells have got extra stability. (iii) There is no time lag between incidence of {ight and
Cr24 -----+ ls2,2!i2l,3i3l3d 4 ,4s2 (wrong) emission of photoelectrons.
2 2 s 1 (iv) For emission ofphotoeJectrons, the frequency ofincident
-----+. lsL,2s 2l,3s 3l3d ,4s (right)
light must be equal to or greater than the threshold
Cu 29 -----+ . ls2, 2s 22l, 3s 23l3d. 9,4s2 (wrong) frequency.
-----+ ls2, 2s22p6, 3s23l3dlO, 4S1 (right)
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} Powell (1947)
Isotopes are the atoms of the same element having differen l on atomic mass. Isotopes were first identified in radioactive
atomic masses (see determination of isotopic mass). The term elements by Soddy. In 1919, Thomson established the existence
'isotope' was introduced by Soddy. This is a Greek word of isotopes in a non-radioactive element, neon. Until now, more
meaning same position (lsos same, topes = position), since all than 1000 isotopes .have been identified (natural as well as
the isotopes of an e1ement occupy the same position in the artifichd). Out of these about 320 occur in nature, approximately
periodic table. Isotopes of an element possess identical chemical 280 of these are stable and the remaining 40 are radioactive.
properties but differ slightly in physical properties which depend
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Conclusions ',' same two particles (i. e., protons) are at least forty times greater
i . .. "
than the repulsive forces; Thus, two major forces exist in the
(i) Number of n~trons present in the nuclei of various
nucleus. These rrre electrostatic and nuclear. The nuclear forces
isotopes of an ~lement is alw~ys different. The number of '
are stronger and the range of these forces is extremely small. The
neutrons is detennined by applying the formula N =A - Z
forces which operate between nucleons are referred to as
where A is mas~ number and Z is atomic number.
exchange forces. In order to account for the stability of the
Hydrogen has tHree isotopes, ~ H, fH and H. i nucleus, a theory known as meson theory was put forward by
A (MIll ~umber) Z No. of neutrons Yukawa, in 1935. Yukawa pointed out that neutrons .and protons
o are held together by very rapid exchange of nuclear particles
called pi mesons. These mesons may be electrically neutral,
positive ornegative (designated as nO , n + and n - ) and possess a
'tH 3 2 mass 275 times the mass of an electron. Nuclear forces arise from
Oxygen has tliree isotopes, 16 0 , 170and 18 O. a constant exchange of mesons between nucleons with very high
velocity (practically the velocity of light).
A Z No. of neutrons Let a neutron be converted into a proton by the emission of a
1:0 16 8 8 negative meson. The emitted meson .is accepted by another
proton and converted into a neutron.
llo 17 8 9
"J8 . _'"_TT __ "
n A ~ p~ +n-
gO 18- 8 '10'
n- + p; ~nB
(ii) In a neutral atom, the number of protons and the number
Similarly, a proton after emitting a positive meson is
of electrons are aht'ays the same, i. e., the electronic converted into a neutron and vice-versa,
configuration of all the isotopes of an element is the
p~ ~nA +n+
same. Thus, all the isotopes of an element show the same
chemical properties. However, the rates of reactions may n+ +nB ~p;
be different for different isotopes of an element.
or simply
(iii) All the isotopes of an element occupy the same position
in the periodic table. n ~ n- + p
(iv) The isotopes of an element differ slightly in physical There may be two more types of exchange, i. e., between
properties. The compounds formed by these isotopes will neutron-neutron and proton-proton, involving neutral pi mesons.
also have different physical properties. p n. 11.0 nO
"'-no '\no orsimply p"--; p and n~n
Determination of Isotopic Mass p It" nit" .n nO
Chlorine has two isotopes 17 Cl 3S and 17 Cl ; these are found
in nature in 3 : 1 ratio or 75%: 25% respectively. Isotopic mass'
Mass Defect-Binding Energy
may be calculated as: ". . , . It is observed that the atomic mass of all nuclei (except
Isotopic mass of chlorine hydrogen) is different from the sum of the masses of protons and
neutrons. For example, the helium nucleus consists of2 protons
3s 7
- -- . 0 f Cl35 + %of ct3
Cl - x mass X mass 0 f Cl 37
and 2 neutrons. The combined mass of 2 protons and 2 neutrons
100 100 should be
75 25 = 2 x 1.00758 + 2 x 1.00893
=- x 35 + x 37 =35.5 4.03302 amu
100 100
OR The actual observed mass of helium nuclei is 4.0028 amu. A
Isotopic mass of chlorine . difference of 0.0302 amu is observed between these two values,
This difference is termed as mass defed.
Ratio of Cl 35 x mass of Cl 3s + Ratio of Cl 37 x mass of Cl 37
Mass defect = Total mass of nucleons Observed atomic mass
Sum of ratio
This decrease in mass (i. e., mass defect) is converted into
= 3 x 35 + 1 x 37 = 35.5
energy according to Einstein equation E mc 2 • The energy
released when a nucleus is formed from protons and neutrons. is
2.23 THEORIES OF NUCLEAR STABILITY called the binding energy. This is the forfe which holds all the',
Since, a nucleus contains positively charged protons, there must nucleons together in the nucleus. Binding eI1ergy can be d~fined in
exist a strong repulsive force between them. It has been other ways also, i. e. , the energy required tohreak the nucleus· into
calculated that there exists an electrostatic repulsion of constituent protons and neutrons. Binding energy is measured in
approximately six tons between two protons situated at a nuclear ' MeV (Million Electron-Volts), i. e. , 1 aml.l 931 MeV.
distance but at the same time the forces which bind the nucleus Binding energy =Mass defect x 931 MeV
are very high. It has been found that. nuclear forces attracting the
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Bjnding energy can also be calculated in erg. This is ':t«i THE WHOLE NUMBER RULE AND
Mass defect (amu) x J .66 X 10- 24 x (3 X 1010 )2 erg PACKING FRACTION
(l MeV = 1.60 x 10 erg) Aston believed that mass number values (sum of protons and,
The binding energy increases with the increase in atomic neutrons) of isotopes should be whole numbers on the scale of
number of the element. This indicates that heavier nuclei should oxygen ( 16 0 = 16) but actually it was observed that these were
, be' more stable than lighter nuclei. But, it is not so because not integers. The difference in the atomic mass of an isotope and
heavier nuclei above atomic number 82 are unstable. It is thus mass number was expressed by Aston (1927) as packing
clear that total binding energy of a nucleus does not explain the"" " fraction bythe following expression:
stability of the IUlcleus.
The total binding energy of a nucleus when divided -by the P k' fra' Isotopic atomic mass'- Mass number 104
, ac 109 ctlOn = " x
number of nucleons gives the average or mean binding energy Mass number
per nucleon. The binding energy per, nucleon is actually the
measure of the stability of the nucleus. The greater the binding ' the pack~109 fra'
energy per nucleon, more stable is_the nucleus. Thus, ctlOn 0 f IH = l.OO78~ I x 104 78 and
Binding energy per nucleon
Total binding energy
the pacmgk ~ fra'ctlon
. '0,f 3sCI
34.980 35.0 x 104 =-5.7. The
Total nwnber of nucleons 35.0
packing fraction of oxygen is zero.
When binding energy per nucleon of a number of nuclei is
It is clear that the value of packing fractlon varies from one---~~
plotted agairlst the corresponding 'maSs number, a graph is
atom to other. This is sometinie positive or zero but more often
, obtained (Fig. 2.19) whose characteristics are as follows:
Region of A negative packing fraction means that atomic mass is less
greatest stability than nearest whole number and this suggests that some mass has
':> 8
been converted into energy when the particular isotope has been
constituted. This energy is r~sponsible for nuclear stability. All
those having negative values of packing fraction are stable
Q) nuclei.
67 Apositive packing fraction generally indicates instability of
ju 6 1-1'---+- the nucleus. However, this statement is not correct for lighter
E5 In general, lower the value of packing fraction, the gr~ter is
~ 4H---+- the stability of the nucleus. The lowest values of packing
fractions are observed for transition elements or iron family
c:: indicating thereby maximum stability of their nuclei.
~ 21i---+-
It has been observed that atoms with an even number of nucleons
o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160180200220 240 in their nuclei are more plentiful than those with odd number.
, Mass number, A - This indicates that a nucleus made up of even number of nucleons
Fig. 2.19 is more stable than a nuclei which consists of odd number of
(i) Binding energy per nucleon increases from l.l to 8.0 nucleons. It has also been observed that a stable nuclei results
MeV from mass number 2to 20. when either the number of neutrons or that of protons is equal to
(ii) Binding energy per nucleon increases from 8 to 8.6 MeV one of the numbers 2, 8, 20, 50, 82, 126. These numbers are
from mass number 20 to 40. ' called magic numbers. It is thought that the magic numbers form
closed nuclear shells in the same way as the atomic numbers of
(iii) Binding energy per nucleon remains 8.6 -8.7 MeV from
mass number 40 to 90. Iron (56) has the maximum value inert gases form stable electronic configuration. In general,
of8.7 MeV per nucleon. elements that have nuclei with magic number of !:fotons as well
(iv) The value of binding energy per nucleon decreases from a.-, magic number of neutrons such as jHe, I~O, 20 Ca, 2~~Pbare
8.6 to 7.5 MeV from masS number 90 to 240. highly stable and found in abundance in nature.
(v) Points for helium, carbon; oxygen lie quite high in the A survey of stable nuclei found in nature shows the following
graph showing that these nuclei are highly stable. trend:
The binding energy per nucleon can be increased in two ways: Protons Even Even Odd Odd
(i) Either by breaking heavy nucleus to those of NeutronS Even Odd Even Odd
intermediate mass numbers (process of fission) or No. of stable nuclei 157 52 50 5
(ii) By fusing lighter nuclei to form heavier nuclei (process Only five stable odd-odd nuclides are known; these nuclides
of fusion). 2H' 6 · 10 14N' d 180 '
are I ',3 LI, sB, 7 an 73 Ta.
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: : :::n_SOME SOLVED EXAMPLES\ I:::: : : Example 50. Write down the values of quantum numbers
of all the electrons present in the outermost orbit of argon
Example 46. The minimum energy required to overcome (At. No. 18).
the attractive forces between an electron and the suifaceof Ag Solution: The electronic configuration of argon is
metal is 5.52 x 10- 19 J. What will be the maximum kinetic energy 1s 2 , 2s 22p 6 , 3s 2 3p2x 3p2y 3p2z
of electrons ejected out from Ag which is being exposed to UV Values of quantum numbers are:
light ofA = 360A'? n / m s
Solution: Energy ofthe'photon absorbed 3i 3 0 0 +~.-~
h . c 6.625 X 10-27 X 3 X 1010 3p; 3 ±l +~.-~
=- =--------:::---
A 360 x 10- 3p.~ 3 ±1 +~,-~
= 5.52 X IO- It erg 3p; 3 0 +~,-~
= 5.52 x 10- 18 J Example 51. (a) An electron is in 5f-orbital. What
E(photon) work function + KE possible values ofquantum numbers n, I, m and s can it have?
KE=5.52xlO- 18 -'7.52xIO- 19 , (b) What designation is given to an orbital having
(i) n = 2, I =I and (ii) n = 3, 1= O? .
=47.68 X 10- 19
Solution: (a) For an electron in 5f-orbital, quantum numbers
"''''E,lample 41~ Let a light ()f wavelength' Aand intensity ']' are: .----,-~--~-
when, A is halved, average energy will increase but it will not 3s-e1ectron has the highest energy. Its quantum numbers are:
become double. 1 1
n=3, 1=0, m=O" s=+ ' 2 or--2
(b) Rate of emission of electron per second 'x' will become
double when intensity ] is doubled. Average energy of ejected Example 53. An element has 8 electrons in 4d-subshell.
electron, i. e., 'y' will be unaffected by increase in the intensity of Show the distribution of 8 electrons in the d-orbitals of the
light. . ' element with~n small rectangles.
'" Example 48. How many orbits, orbitals and electrons are Solution: 4d-subshell has five d-orbitals. These are first
there in an atom having atomic mass 24 and atomic number 12? occupied singly and then pairing occurs. The distribution can be
Solution: shown in the following manner:
Atomic number = No. of protons = No. of electrons = 12 4d
Electronic configuration 2, 8, 2 [iJ,!iJ,!H! i ! i J
No. of orbits = (K. Land M ) Example 54. How many elements would be in the third
No. of orbitals on which electrons are present period ofthe periodic table if the spin quantum number ms could
=(one 1s + one 2s + three 2p + OI~e 3s) I
have the value - - ,0 and + - ?
Example 49. A' neutral atom has 2K electrons, 8L 2 2
electrons and 6 M electrons. Predict from this: Solution:
(a) its atomic number, (b) total number of s-electrons. (c) total n=3,/=O,m=0
number ofp:electrons, (d) total number ofd-electrons.
Solution: (a) Total number of electrons ' . ms = -1/ 0 +1/
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These examples will give the sharp edge to the aspirants for Solution:
lIT and various other entrance examinations. Coulombic force of attraction =Centrifugal force
Exa.mple 1. The SchrOdinger wave equation for hydrogen 1 Zexe mv 2
atom is
4nEo T=~
_ 1 (1 [2
'112s - - - - - -
)3/2 ro ] -rlao
-- e . where, v:= velocity of electron
4~n ao ao
ao = distance between electron and nucleus
where ao is Bohr radius. If the radial node in 2s be at· ro ' then
find r in terms ofao. (liT 2004) 1 Ze 2 _ 2
Solution: Given, 4nEo ao .
_ 1 (1 [2
'112s - - - - - -
)3/2 ro ] e -rlao
-- KE
1 2 1 Ze 2
-mv = - - - ; r -
2 . ' ~nEQ·.Lao
4~n ao ao
PE=-2xKE .
'II~s = Qat node 1 I, Ze 2
4ntb· 2ao
Example 3. Hydrogen atoms are excited from ground
state. Its spectrum contains wqvelength 486 nm. Find, what
ro = 2a o transition does the line corresponds to. Also find from this
information what other wavelengths will be present in the
Example 2. Consider the hydrogen atom to be a proton
embedded in a cavity of radius ao (1!ohr radiUS) whose charge is
neutralized by the addition ofan electron to the cavity in vacuum Solution: Wavelength 486 nm, i. e., 4860, A indicates that
infinitely slowly. Estimate the average total energy ofan electron the spectrum is in visible region, i. e. , Balmer series.
in its ground state in a hydrogen atom as the work done in the
above neutralization process. Also, if the magnitude of average 1. = Rz.2 [_1 ....:_11
KE is half the magnitude of average potential energy, find the A nr ni
average potential energy. (lIT 1996)
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. .~ = V~
Given, Ax ::::: [""h : : : 0.726 X 1O-I7 integers on rriultiplyingby 2.
:.Charge of the negatron will be
~:::::m~V 19
3.2 x 10- =.1.6 X 10- 19 C
. ~ 17 2
or AV= P ::::: 0.726 x 10- =7.98 x 1012 ms- I '. . .
m 9.1 x "Example 8. When a certain metal was irradiated .with
light offrequency 12x 1016 Hz, the photoelectrons emitted had
Example 5. How much· energy will be released when a
sodium ion and a chloride ion, originally at infinite distance are twice the kinetic energy as did photoelectrons emitted when the "
brought together to a distan.ce of2. 761 (the shortest distance of same metal was irradiated with light offrequency 2.0x 1016 Hz.
approach in a sodium chloride c rys tal)? Assume that ions act as Calculate v 0 for the metal.
point charges, .each with a magnitude of 1.6 x 10- 19 C. Solution: Applying photoelectric equation,
Permittivity constant of the medium is 9x 109 Nm 2C -2.
KE hv-hvo
Solution: Energy released
" KE
9 19 or (v-vo)==
== _ K = _ 9 X 10 x (16 X 10- )2 = -8.35 X 10- 19 J h
r . 2.76 x 10- 10 Given,
. Example 6. The angular momentum of an electron in a
... (i)
Bohr orbit ofH-atom is 4.2178 X 10-34 kg m 2/sec. Calculate the
spectral line emitted when an electron fails from this level to the
next lower level. and ... (ii)
. "h
Solution: We know, mvr= n Dividing equation (i) by equation (ii),
34 v 2 -vo == = 2KEI =2
4.2178x 10-34 = n x 6.626 x 10-
2x 114 VI - Vo KEI KEI
=8.0 X 1015 Hz
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[m=9.108x 10- g
. h 6.626 X 10-27 erg ~sec
1 Solution: Uncertainty in velocity
uv= 600 x 0.005 3
::::.x 10-2
. .
ms -I
100 .
~2mx KE leV= 1.602 x 10- 12 erg According to Heisenberg's
.. ---- •. - - -- uncertainty
--c- -- - .,---------
c- 7 -
6.626 x 10:"27 h
~2 x 9.108 x 10-28 x 2.5 x 1.602 x 10- 12
At ~ h
== 7.7 x 10-8 cm 4nmAv
c.· Example 10.· Consider the following two electronic
transition possibilities in a hydrogen atom as pictured below: 6.63 x 10- 34
. n=2 == 1.9 x to- 3 m
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1. Atom is the smallest indivisible particle of matter 8. Isotones: These are atoms of different elements having
(proposed by John Dalton in 1808). same number of neutrons in the nucleus, e.g.,
2. All atoms except hydrogen atom are composed of three
ItC: l~, 19O
fundamental particles, namely, electron, proton and neutron.
Hydrogen atom has one electron and one proton but n~ neutron.
9. Electromagnetic radiations are energy waves containing
(a) Electron: The nature and existence of electron was both electric and magnetic vector perpendicular to each other.
established by experiments on conduction of electricity through
(i) These are transverse waves.
gases, i.e., discovery of cathode rays. In 1897, J.J. Thomson
(ii) They do not need any medium for their propagation. They·
determined e/ m value (-1.7588 x 108 coulomb/g) and proved travel with the velocity of light. '
that whatever gas be taken in the discharge tube and whatever be
the material ofthe electrodes, the value of e/ mis always the same. (iii) v:::: C ,V =frequency, c =veiocity oflight,
A '
Electrons are, thus, common universal constituents of all atoms. A = wavelength
Electron is a' subatomic pru.:ticle which carries charge
V ='= .~1. T
I wave'Ilwiwer, .:.;,;I = tIme
. per1
' 'od.
-1.60 x 10-19 coulomb, i.e., one unit negative charge and has A," v
maSs 9.1xlO-28 g (or 9.1 x 10-31 kg), i.e., _l_th mass of (iv) According to Planck's quantum theory, the energy is
1837 emitted or absorbed in the fOlTIl of energy packets called quanta.
hydrogen atom (0.000549 amu). The name electron was given by Quantum of visible light is called photon.
Stoney. ' Energy of one quantum == hv
(b) Proton: The nature and existence of proton was
established by the discovery of positive rays (Goldstein 1886). ==h5..
Proton is a subatomic particle which carries +1.6x 10- 19
coulomb or one unit positive charge and has mass 1.672 x 10-24 g h = Planck's constant
(or 1.672 x 10- kg), i. e., 1.0072 amu. The el m was determined 6.626 x 10-34 J sec
by Thomson in 1906 and the value is +9.579 x 104 coulomb/g. It
"': 10. Hydrogen spectrum: Hydrogen spectrum is a line
was named as proton by Rutherford. spectrum. The lines lie in visible, ultraviolet and infrared regions~
(c) Neutron: It is a subatomic particle which carries no All the lines can be classified into five series. Ritz presented a
charge. Its mass is 1.675 x 10-24 g (1.675 X 10-27 kg) or 1.0086 mathematical formula to find the wavelengths of various lines,
amu. It is slightly heavier than proton. It was discovered by
Chadwick in 1932 by bombarding beryllium with a.-particles. -.!.=V=R[~-~l
A. n n l 2
Density of nucleUs = 108 tonnes/cc
Atomic number (Z) =Number of protons in the nucleus
Brackett series
Pfund series
} (IRregion) 4
5,6,7,8, ...
6,7,8,9, ...
S. Mass number (A) =Number of protons + Number of Balmer series consists offour prominent lines Ha., IIp, Ry and
neutrons H3 having wavelength 6563 A, 4861 A, 4340 A and 4102 A
6. Isotopes: These are atoms of same element having respectively. . .
same atomic number but different mass numbers, e. g., Balmer equation is,
<l H, ;H, fH): mCI, r;Cl) -.!.=R[~ __
l2 ]
A 22 n
7. Isobars: These are atoms of different elements having
same mass number but different atomic numbers, e.g., where, H == 3,4,5,6, ...
The Rydberg formula is used to calculate the wavelength of
:~Ar, teK, ~Ca any line of the spectrum
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Z2 2n 2 mK.2'e4
2 (xii) Ionization energy =E~ - En'
n h2
RE = - l3.6 eV (Rydbetg energy) I, and 12 are ionization energies of two elements 1 and 2.
(v) En :::;:E\ln 2 ;En =E1 X~forhydrOgen-likespecies.
n . (xiv) AE'{Energy of transition) := RE
. , . ..
[-i-.n, -~)n2
(vi) Velocity of electrons in a particular shell or orbit can be
calculated as: . . }{f::::-13.6 eV
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with velocity v is given by the relationship A = ...!!:.- ; where, h is 1= 0, 1,2,3, ... ,(n -1)
mv 1= 0 (s-subshell); 1= 1(p-subshell); I = 2 (d-subshell);
Planck's constant. 1=3 (f-subshell). .
The wave nature was cQnfl11lled by Davisson and Germer's Orbital angular momentum of electron
Davisson and Germer gave some modified equations for = ~/(l + l)..!!...- = ~/(l + 1)/i
calculation of de Broglie wavelength: 2n
A= h ; where, E = kinetic energy of the particle. when I = 0, electrons revolve in a circular orbit and when I 0, *
·hEm the electrons revolve round the nucleus in an elliptical path.
(iii) Magnetic quantum number: It is denoted by 'm'. It
A= h ; where, q = charge ofthe particle accelerated by describes the orientations of the subshells. It can have values
~2qVm from -I to +1 including zero, i. e., total (21 + 1) values. Each valQe
corresponds to an orbital. s-subshell has one orbital, p-subshell
the potential of V volt.
has three orbitals (p x , P y and p z), d-subshell has five orbitals
15. Heisenberg uncertainty principle: It is imp~ssible to
. (d xy " d}'2' d zx , d> _ y2 and d z2) and f-subshell has seven
measure simultaneously,both the position and moment"umof any
microscopic particle with accuracy. Mathematically, orbitals. One orbital can .accommodate either one or two
h electrons but not more than two. s-orbital is spherically
llx I:l.p::: 4n; where, llx = uncertainty 10 position and
symmetrical and non-directionaL p-orbitals have dumb-bell
I:l.p = uncertainty in momentum. It introduces the concept of shape and are directional in nature. Four d-orbitals have double
probability of locating the electron in space around the nucleus. dumb-bell shape but· d z2 has a baby soother shape. The total
16. de Broglie concept as well as uncertainty principle have numl?er of orbitals present in a main energy level is 'n 2 '.
no significance in everyday life because they are significant for (iv) Spin quantum number (s): It describes the spin orthe
only microscopic systems. electron. It has values + II2 and '-'1/2. (+) signifies clockwise
17. When radiations of a certain minimum frequency (vo ), spinning and (-) signifies anticlockwise spinning.
called threshold frequency, strike the surface of a metal, electrons
called photoelectrons are ejected from the surface. The ininimum
Spin angular.momentum = ~s(s +. l)..!!...-
energy required to eject the electrons from the metal surface is
called threshold energy or work function.
( where, s = ~J
Absorbed energy = Threshold energy + Kinetic energy of
photoelectrons Total spin of an atom or an ion = n x.!.; where, 'n' is the
E=Eo +KE 2
number of unpaired electrons.
1 2
hv=hvo +-mv Spin !Jlultiplicity of an atom = (2rs + 1)
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Singlet state (Nonnal) Singlet excited 22. Autbau principle: Aufbau is a Gennan word meaning
i.! ± building up. The electrons are filled in various orbitals in an order
of their increasing energies. An orbital of lowest energy is filled
Spin multiplicity 1 first. The sequence of orbitals in the order of their increasing
;: : n:s+ 1 Spin multiplicity 1 energy is:
]S, 2s, 2p,3s, 3p,4s, 3d, 4p,5s,4d, 5p,6Y, 4.f, 5d, 6p,7s, 5f,6d, ...
=2xO+l=1 The energy of the orbitals is governed by (n +/) rule.
Triplet excited state (i) Subshell with lower of (n + I) has lower energy, hence
1 filled fIrSt, e.g., .
i 3p(n + 1 = 4) will be filled before 3d(n + I 5).
Spin multiplicity (ii) When (n + I) values are same, then the subshell with
lower value of 'n' is filled fIrst, e. g. ,
2XG+~)+1=3 3p(n+I=4) will be filled before 4s(n+1 4.)
because 3p has lower value of n..
19. (i) Number of subshells in a shell =n 23. Hund's rule: No electron pairing takes place in the
orbitals in a subenergy shell until each orbital is occupied by one
(ii) Number of maximum orbitals in ashell =n 2
.. ~le.ctro.n~ ~it1!~p..!U:~!Ie.Lspi!1' Ex:a(;.t1YJ!1l1f:fill~ar~~~llYiJi.lle.~
(iii) Number ofmaxiInum orbitals in a subshell =21 + 1 orbitals make the atoms more stable, i. e., p ,p ,d , d ,.f
(iv) Maximum number of electrons in a shell ;:::: 2n 2
(v) MaximUm number of electrons in a subshell
and /4 configurations are most stable.
All those atoms which consist of at least one orbital singly
2(21+ 1)
occupied behave as paramagnetic while all those atoms in
(vi) Z-component of the angular momentum depends
which all the orbitals are doubly occupied are diamagnetic in
upon magnetic quantum number and is given as:
, h) . Magneticmoment;::::~n(n+2)BM .
Lz =ml21t n = number of unpaired electrons
(vii) Number ofradiaVspherical nodes in any orbital 24. Half-filled and fully-filled suhshells have extra stability
due to greater exchange' energy and spherical symmetry
around the nucleus.
]s orbital has no node; 2s orbital has one spherical
25. It is only dz2 orbitals which do not have four lobes like
node; 2porbitalhas no spherical node; 3porbital has
other d-orbitals.
one spherical node.
26. The d-orbital whose lobes lie along the axes is d 2 2 •
(viii) Schrodinger wave equation does not give spin x -)'
quantum number. . 27. Wave mechanical model of atom: It was
(ix) A plane passing through the nucleus at which the SchrOdinger who developed a new model known as wave
probability of finding the electron is zero, is called mechanical model of atom by incorporating the conclusions of de
nodal plane. Broglie and Heisenberg uncertainty principles. He derived an
The number of nodal plane in an orbital 1 = ... equation, known as Schrodinger equation.
.\'-Orbitals have no nodal plane; p-orbitals have one d 2", d 2", d 2", 8x2m
nodal pJane, d-orbitals have two nodal planes and so - -2+ - - + - - + (E-V)", 0
on. dx dy2 dz2 .
20. Pauli's exclusion principle: No two electrons in an The solution of the equation provides data which enables us to
atom can have the same set of all the four quantum numbers, i. e., calculate the probability of finding an electron of specific energy.
an orbital canuot have more than 2 electrons because three It is pOssible to determine the regions of space around the nucleus
quantum numbers (principal, azimuthal and magnetic) at the where there is maximum probability of locating an electron of
most may be same but the fourth must be different, i. e., spins specific energy. This region of space is tenned orbital.
must be in opposite directions. It is possible to calculate the
'" is the amplitude of the wave at a point with coordinates
maximum number of electrons which can be acconunodated on a
x, yand z. 'E' is total energy called eigen value and V denotes the
main energy sheD or slibenergy shell on the basis of this potential energy of the electron;
",2 gives the probability offmding the electron at (x, yand z).
21. Electronic configuration: The arrangement of
electrons in various shells, subshells and orbitals in an atgm is Operator form of the equation can be given as:
tenned electronic configuration. It is wrltten in tenns of nl x HW = E",
where n indicates the order of shell, 1indicates the subshell and x
the number of electrons present in the subshell.
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if ;: [- 4
8n m
A? :.- V called Hamiltonian operator·
30. Plot of radial probability density 'R 1 ,:
T= Kinetic energy operator t \. 1ISS. ." . . .
2s 2p
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~"~"."... --_._,.""'_......--------
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"r 115
[1] Match the dectronic transitions of List-I with spectral [M] Match the List-I with List-II:
properties o~ List-1I: ~:;:T)Hl?f' ~
, List-I List-ll
List-I List-ll
(a) Radius of nth orbital (P) Inversely pj-opOltional to Z
(a) n=6~n 3 (P) 10 lines in the spectrum
(b) Energy of nth shell (q) Integral mul!ip!e' of h/21t
(b) n=7~n=3 (q) Spectral lines in visible
(c) Angular momentum of (r) Proportional to n 2
(c) n= 5.~,n=2 (r) 6 lines in the spectrum
(d) Velo<.;ity of electron in nth (s) Inversely proportional to
(d) n=6~n 2 (s) Spectral lines in infrared orbit 'n'
[N] Match the entries in Column-! with the correctly related
[1] Match the List-1 with List-II: ~·quantumni.1mbet(s) inColulnn-II:
List:.t List·ll Column.l
(a) Radius of eleGtron orbit (P) Principal quantum (a) Orbital angular momentum (P) Principal quantum
number of the electron in a hydrogen- number
(b) Energy of electron (q)-Azimutbalquantum. like at.Qmi,G orl:>ita,l
number (b) A hydrogen-like one electron (q) Azimuthal quarttum
(c) Energy of subshell (r) Magnetic quantum wave function obeying Pauli number
number principle
(d) , Orientation of the atomic (s) Spin quantum number (c) Shape, size and ori,entation (r) Magnetic quantum
of hydrogen-like atomic , number
[K] M.atch the List-I with List-II: (d) Probability density of (s) Electron spin quantum
List-I List-ll electron at the nucleus in number
hydrogen-like atom
(a) ElectrolJ. cannot exist in (P) de Broglie wave
[0] Match the List-lWith List-II: . ,(lIT 2006)
the nucleus :~!:-.
(a) VnlKn ?' (p) 0 [P] Match the Column-! with Column-II:
(b) lfradius of nth orbit oc Enx; x = ? (q) Column-I Column-ll
(c) Angular momentum in lowest orbital (r) - 2 (a) Orbital angular (P) ~s (s + l)h/2n
momentum of an electron
(d) 1 ocZY ; y=? (s) 1
r" (b) Angular momentwn of (q) ~n (n + 2) BM
(c) Spin angular mQ,mentum (r) nh/2n
of electron
(d) Magnetic 'moment of atom (s) h/2n
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[Q] Match the Coh,unn-l with Column-II: [R] Match the Column-I with Column-II:
Column-l (;vlumD~lI .- Column-I Column-II
(a) Scintillation (P) , Wave nature (a) Radial function R (P) Principal quantum
(b) Photoelectric effect (q) P~\ltiCle nature' number 'n'
(c) Diffraction (r) Particle nature dominates (b) Angular function e (q) Azimuthal quantum
over wave nature number 'I'
(d) Prin~iple of electron " (s) Wave nature dominates (c) Angular function CP (r) Magnetic quanfum
microscope over particle nature number'm'
(d) Quantized angular (s) Spin quantum number's'
1. [A] (i-e); (ii-d); (iii-f); (iv-b); (v-a); (vi-'c) [I] (a-,r, s) (b-p, s) (c~, r) (d-p, q)
[B] (i-d); (ii-a); (iii-b); (iv-'---f); (v-c); (vi-e) [J] (a-p) (b-p) (c--p, r) (d-r)
[C] (i-f); (ii-d); (iii-:-:a); (iv-e); (v-,b);(vi-c) [Kl{a-rHb--p)(c~;s) (d-r)-
2. [A] (a-q, r, s) (I~r) (c-p) (d-dpes not match) [L] (a-r) (~)(c-p) (d-s)
[B] (a-q, s) (b-p, s) (c-r, s) (d-fP, s) [M] (a-r, p) (b-r) (c-q) (d-s)
[C] (a-r, s) (b-p) (c-q) (d-q)~ [N] (a-p) (b-s) (c-p, q, r) (d-p, q)
[D] (a~, r) (b-p, q) (c-s) (d-p, q) [0] (a-r, s) (b-p, q) (c-p) (d-q)
[E] (a-q, r) (~, r, s) (c~p) (d-p) [P] (a-s) (b-r) (c-p) (d-q)
[F] (a-p, r) (~, s) (c~, s) (d-p, r) [Q] (a-q) (b-r) (c-p) (d-p, s)
[G] (a~, r)~) (c-s) (d~, r)
[R] (a-p, q) (~, r) (c-r) (d~, s)
[H] (a-r, s) (~, s) (c~, p) (d-p, r)
1. An atom of an element contains 13 electrons. Its nucleus has 14 4. Calculate the number of neutrons in 18 mL of water. (Density
neutrons. Find out its atomic number and approximate atomic of water = 1)
mass. An isotope has atomic mass 2 units higher. What will be [Ans. 48.16 x 1023 ]
the number of protons, neutron~ and electrons in the isotope?
[Hint: One molecule of water contains = 8 neutrons J
[Ans. At. No. =13, atomic mass =27; the isotope will have
same number of protons and electrons 13 but neutrons will be 5. Find (i) the total number of neutrons and (ii) the total mass of
14 + 2 = 16] neutrons in 7 mg of 14C (assuming that mass of neutron
2. From the following find out groups of isotopes, isobars and mass of hydrogen atom). '
isotones: [Ans.(i) 24.08 x 1020 and (ii) 4 mg]
16 0 391(, 14C 239U 14N 40C 238U 77G'
8 '19 6 ' 92 , 7 , 20 a, 92 '-32 e, 6. Calculate the wavelength of a photon in Angstroms having an
17As 18 0 76G 78S energy of 1 electron volt.
33 ' 8 '32 e, 34 e
[Ans. Isotopes--same at. no. but different at. masses. [Hint: 1 eV = i.602 x 10- 19 joule;
16 0 18 0' 239 238 ' 77Ge 76 Ge h 6.62 x 10-34 J-s, c='3 X 108 ms- I
8 ' 8 '92 U ',92 U , 32 '32
h· c . 7 3
Isobars-same atomic masses but different at. numbers A= - :::: 12.42 x 10- m = 12.42 x 10 A]
14C 14N_ 77Ge 771>c
6 ',7 '32 '33'~ 7. ' A photon of light with wavelength 6000 A has an energy E.
Calculate the wavelength of photon of a light which
Isotones-same number of neutrons,
corresponds to an energy equal to 2E.
I~O, l~C; :gK, jgca;T:As, nSe] [Ans. 3000 A]
3. An element has atomic' number 30. Its cation has 2 units 8. Calculate the energy in kilocalorie per mol of the photons of
positive charge. How many protons and electrons are present an electromagnetic radiation of wavel~ngth 5700 A.
in the cation? [Ans. 56.3 kca1 per mol]
[Ans. Protons = 30, Electrons =28]
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28. The wavelength of the first member of the Balmer series of 33. The velocity of an electron in certain Bohr orbit of H-atom
hydrogen is 6563 x IO-IO m. Calculate the wavelength of its bears the ratio I : 275 to the velocity of light. (a) What is the'
second member. quantum number 'n' of the orbit? (b) Calculate the wave
number of the radiation when the electron jumps from (n + I)
[Hint: :1 [;2 -),
== RH and :2 RH [;2 12 J
4 state to ground state.
[Ans. v 9.75 x 104 em-I]
5 16 20
==-x v I 3 X 1010 8
1..1 36 3 27 [Hint: (a) - = orv == == 1.09 X 10 em
c 275 275
nh nh
1..2 == 20 x 6563 X 10- 10,:" 4861 X 10.- 10 m] . v == - - == ------_=_~
27 21tmr 21tm X 0.529 x I
29. According to Bohr theory, the electronic energy of hydrogen h
or 11= -------:~-
atom in the nth Bohr orbit is given by, 21tm X 0.529 x XV
2176 x 10- 19 6.625 X 10-27
Ell == J
2 X 3.14 x 9.1 x
Calculate theiongest wavelength of light that will be needed
to remove an electron from the 2nd orbit of Li 2 + ion. .
(b) Thus, II + 1 = 2 + 1 3. The electron jumps from 3rd orbit to
[Ans. 4.059 x 10-8 m] 1st orbit.]
30. Calculate the frequency, energy.. and .wavelengili<of the
radiation corresponding to spectral. line of lowest frequency in
34. Find out the wavelength of the next line in the series having
Lyman series in the spectra of hydrogen atom. Also c'alculate lines of spectrum of H-atom of wavelengths 6565 A, 4863 A,
4342 A and 4103 A.
. the energy of the corresponding line in the spectra of Li 2+.
(lIT 1991) [Ans. 3972 A]
[Ans. I.. == 121'; X 10- m;v = 2.47 x lOIS cycle , [Hint: All these lines are in visible region and thus, belong to
Balmer series, Next line is, therefore, from 7th orbit.]
E 16.36 X 10- 19 j, ELi 2+ ~ EH 9 x i6.36 X 10- 19 J
147.27 X 10-19 J]
35. Which jump is responsible for the wave number of emitted
radiations equal to Q.7490 x 106 m- I in Lyman series of
31. Calculate the ratio of the veIocity oflight and the velocity of
electron in the 2nd orbit. of a hydrogen atom. (Given hydrogen spectrum? (R 1.09678 x 107 m- 1 )
h = 6.624 X 10-27 erg-sec;m . 9.108 x 10- 28 g; [ADs. 3]
r 2.11 X 10-8 cm) 36. Calculate the ionisation energy of the hydrogen atom. How
[Ans. 273.2] . much energy will be required to ionise 1 mole of hydrogen
32. What hydrogen-like ion has the wavelength difference atoms? Given, that the Rydberg constant is 10974 X 107 m- I .
betWeen the first lines of Baf~er and Lyman series equal to [Ans. IE per hydrogen atom = 2.182 x 10-1.8 J
59.3 nm (RH = 109678 em-I)? IE per mole = 1314 kJ mol-I]
[Hint: Wavelength df 1st line in Balmer series, 37. Calculate the ionisation energy of (a) one Li 2 + ion and (b) one
r =Z 2RH
[l.. _l..J
22 32
2. R Z2
36 H
mqJe ofLi2+ ion. (Given, R == 10974 X 10-7 m- I )
[Ans. (a) 19.638 x 10- 18 J (b) 1.118 X 104 kJ mol-I]
t.. _ 36 38. A series of lines in the spectrum of atomic hydrogen lies at
B - 5R Z 656.46 nm, 4i6.27 nm, 439.17 nm and 410.29 nm. What is the
. H
wavelength of the next line in this series? What is the
Wavelength of 1st line in Lyman series is, ionisation energy of the atom when it is in the lower state of
I..L Z2R
B [~
12 l..l
[Ans. I..nexl 397.15 nm; IE = 3.40 e':l
4 39. A certain line of the Lyman series of hydrogen and a certain
or AL == ----;:-2
. 3xRH Z line of the Balmer series of He + ion have nearly the same
wavelength. To what transition do they belong? Small
Differencel..B - I..L = 59.3 X 10-7 == ~ - ~ differences between their Rydberg constant may be neglected.
[Ans. Hydrogen Helium
5" '3
4J 2~1
3 __ 1
4 __ 2
6 __ 2
88 4 __ 1 8 __ 2]
z 2 == 7 . 9.0
59.3 x 10- x 109678 x 15 40.. What element has a hydrogen-like spectrum whose lines have
.. , or Z='3 wavelengths four times shorter than those of atomic hydrogen?
[ADS. He+]
Hydrogenclike species is Li 2+.]
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41. What lines of atomic hydrogen absorption spectrum fall 53. CalCulate the momentum of the particle which has de Broglie
within the wavelength ranges from 945 to 130 nm? . wavelength I A (10- 10 m)and h = 6;6 x 10-34 J- se<;.
[Ans. 97.3; 102.6; 121.6 nm] [Ans. 6.6 x 10-24 kgm sec-I]
42. The binding energy of an electron in the ground state of an
54. The uncertainty of a particle in momentum is 3.3 x 10-2
atom is eq:ualto 24.6 eV Find the energy required to remove
both the electrons from the atom. . ,kg ms-I. Calculate the uncertainty in its positiQ'Q.
[Ans. 79 eV] (h = 6.6 x 10-34 J- sec)
43. What is the ratio of the speeds of an electron in the first and [Ans. 3.1 x 10- 14 m]
second orbits of a hydrogen atom?
55. Calculate the product of uncertainties of displacement and
[Ans. 2; 1] .
velocity ofa moving electron having a mass 9,1 x 10-28 g.
44. Find out the number of waves made by a Bohr electron in one
complete revolution in its third orbit. (lIT 1994) [Ans. 5.77 x 10-5 m2 S-I]
[Ans. 3] [Hint: ~ ·Ilv ~ ~]
45. The wave number of first line in Balmer series of hydrogen is 4~ .
15200 cm -I. What is the wave number of first line in Balmer 56. (a) A transition metal cation x 3 + has magnetic morrient .,[35
series ofBe 3+? BM. What is the atomic number of x 3+?
[Ans. 2.43 x 105 cm- I ] (b) Select the coloured ion and the ion having maximum
46. Calculate the speed of an electron in thegroJln(istate of
hydrogen atom. What ·fraction of the speed of light is this
1111 1111 11 1 D
value? How long does it take for the electron to complete one magnetic moment (i) Fe +, (ii) Cu +, (iU) Sc 3+ and
[Ans. 4.69 A]
[Hint: (a) 26, 26Fe~ 3d 6 4s 2
48. The radius of the fourth orbit of hydrogen is 0.85 nm. Fe3i; ~ 3d 5 4sO
Calculate the velocity of an electron in this orbit
(me 9.1 x 10-31 kg).
Il =In(n + 2) =..J5X7 = 55
Both these ions will be coloured and magnetic moment of Fe2 +
[Ans. 5.44 x 105 m sec-I]
will be greater.]
49. A beam of electrons accelerated with 4.64 V was passed 57. A photon of wavelength 4000 A strikes a metal surface, the
through a tube having mercury vapours. As a result of work function of the metal being 2.13 eV Calculate (i) energy
absorption, electronic changes occurred with mercury atoms 9f the photon in eV; (ii) kinetic energy of. the emitted
and light was emitted. If the full energy of single electron was photoelectron and (iii) velocity of the photoelectron.
converted into light, what was the wave number of emitted
[Ans.E = 3.10 eV; KE= 0.97 eV; Velocity = 5.85 x 105 Ins-I]
[Hint: I eV = 1602 X 10-19 J]
[Ans. : 3.75 x 104 em- I I
so. An electron jumps from an outer orbit to an inner orbit with
58. Calculate the ratio between the wavelengths of an electron and
the energy difference of 3.0 eV. What will be the wavelength a proton, if the proton is moving at half the velocity of the
of the line and in what region does the emission take. place? electron (mass of the proton = 167 x 10-27 kg; mass of the
[Ans. A 4140A; visible region] electron = 9.11 x 10-28 g).
[Hint: leV 1.6 X 10- 12 erg] [Ans. 9.2455 x 10-2 m]
51 •. The first ionisation energy of a certain atom took place with an [Hint: Applyde. Broglie equation, A
absorption of radiation of frequency 1.5 x 1018 cycle per
second. Calculate its ionisation energy in calorie per gram atom. Wavelength of electron
[Ans. 1.43 x 108 cal l
[Hint: 1 calorie 4.18 x 107 erg Wavelength of proton
Apply E = h x v x Avogadro's number]
52. Find the wavelength associated' with an electron which has 59. A moving electron has 2.8 x 10-25 J of kinetic energy.
mass 9.1 x 10-28 g and 'is moving with a velocity of lOS cm Calculate its wavelength.
sec-I. (Given h 6.625 x 10- 27
erg-sec) (Mass of electron = 9.1 x 10-3,1 kg)
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77. Find out the wavelength of a track star running a 100 metre I mv 2 :::K Zex e
dash in 10.1 sec, if its weight is 75 kg. 2 ro
[Ans. 8.92 x 10-37 m] For Rutherford experiment,
78. At what velocity ratio are the wavelengths of an electron and a
proton equal? . .! mv 2 5.5 MeV::: 5.5 x )(1' x 1.6 x 10-19 J::: 8.8 X 10-13 J
(me == 9.1 x 10-28 g and mp = 1.6725 X 10- g) 9
8.8 X 10- 13 = 9x10 x2x79x
[Ans. Ve = 1.8 X 103] 10
vp 15
10 == 4.136 X 10- m
79. Through what potential difference must an electron pass to
have a wavelength of500 A? 10 = 4.IHm]
[Ans. 6.03 x 10-:4 eV ] 84. Photoelectrons are liberated by ultraviolet light of wavelength
h 3000 A from a metallic surface for which the photoelectric
[Hint: Use A== ~] threshold is 4000 A. Calculate de Broglie wavelength of
,,2eV m
electrons emitted with maximum kinetic energy.
80. Calculate the velocity of an ~-particle which begins to reverse
[Ans. A == 12 X 10-9 m]
its direction at a distance on X 10- 14 m from a scattering gold
nucleus (Z == 79). [Hint:
[Ans. 2.346 x 107 m! sec] KE = Quantum energy - Threshold energy. ..
81. Two hydrog~n atoms collide head.on and end up with zero 6.626 X 10-34 X3 X 10& 6.626 X 10-34 x 3 X 108
kinetic energy. E~ch then emits a ph:oton with a wavelength 3000x 4000 x
121.6 nm. Which transition leads to this wavelength? How
fast were the hydrogei1 atoms travelling before the collision? == 6.626 X 10- 19 4.9695 X 10-19
(Given, RH == 1.097 X 107 m- I and"'H == 1.67 X 10-27 kg) == 16565 X 10-19 joule
IAns. nl I; 112 = 2; 4.43 X 10 4
m sec-I]
[Hint: Wavelength is in UV region; thus nl will be 1.
.! mv 2 1.6565 x 10- 19
-----;;,::: 1.097 X 10 x 12 X'(112
12L6 x
- :~)
m4v 2 = 2 x 16565 X 10-19 x 9.1 X 10-31
mv = 5.49 x 10-25
112 2 34
I 2 he A ::: ...!:. = 6.626 X 10- = 1.2 X 10-9 m]
.- mv :::- mv 5.49 x
2 A
34 8 8S. Show that de Broglie wavelength of electrons accelerated V
-I x.
167 X 10-27 XV
6.626 X 10- x 3 X 10
volt is very nearly given by:
2 1216 x
v 4.43 X 104 m sec-I] AOn A) Iv50)112
82. Show that the wavelength of electrons moving at a velocity
very small compared to that of light and with a kinetic energy
of V electron volt can be written as,
[Hint: A= b
12.268 10-8 cm 2 ]1/2
",A= _h_ x 1020 A
.JV [ 2eVm
Use the relation, A =
[Hint: h
.J2Em =[ (6.626 x 10- )2 x 10
Here, h = Planck's constant 2 x 16 X 10- 19 x V x 9.1 X 10-31 V
m ::: 9.1 X 10-28 g (mass of e- )
86. A 1 MeV proton is sent against a gold leaf (Z = 79). Calculate
E Kinetic energy of electron
== V 12
, eV== V x 1.6 X 10- erg]
the distance of closest approach for head-on collision.
[Ans. 1.137 x 10- 13 m]
83. What is the distance of closest approach to the nucleus of an
a-particie whiCh undergoes scattering by 1800 in z,} .
Geiger-Marsden experiment? [Hint: d == . 2 ' Do hke Q.No. 83]
. 41tco(M mv )
[Ans. 10 = 4.13 fm]
87. What is the energy, momentum and wavelength of the photon
[Hint: For closest approach, emitted by a hydrogen atom when an electron makes a
transition from n == 2 to n I? Given that ionization potential
is 13.6 eV.
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Set-1: Questions with single correct answer (a) electrons (b) protons (c) neutrons (d) nucleus
13. Rutherford's scattering experiment is related to the size ofthe:
1. The ratio of elm for a cathode ray: (a) nucleus (b) atom (c) electron (d) neutron
(a) varies with a gas in a discharge tube 14. When alpha particles are sent through a thin metal foil, most of
(b) is fixed them go straight through the foil because:
(c) varies with different electrodes (a) alpha particles are much heavier than electrons
(d) is maximum ifhydrogen is taken (b) alpha particles are positively charged
2. Which of the following statements is wrong about cathode . (c) most part of the atom is empty space
rays? (d) alpha particles move with very high velocity
(a) They trav~1 in straight lines towards cathode 15. The radius of an atomic nucleus is of th~ order of:
(b) They produce heating effect [PMT (MP) 1991]
(c) They carry negative charge (a) 10- 10 cm (b) 10- 13 cm
(d) They produce X-rays when strike with material having
(c) 10-15 em (d) 10-8 cm
high atomic masses
3. Cathode rays are: 16. Atomic size is of the order of:
(a) electromagnetic waves (b) stream of a-particles (a) 10-8 cm(b) lO-IO cm (c) 10- 13 cm(dj l(r'6 cm
(c) stream of electrons (d) radiations 17. Atoms may be regarded ·as comprising of protons, neutrons
4. Cathode rays have: and electrons. If the mass attributed by electrons was doubled
(a) mass only (b) charge only and that attributed by neutrons was halved, the atomic mass of
(c) no mass and no charge (d) mass and charge both 12C would be:
S. Which is the correct statement about.proton? (a) approximately the same (b) doubled
(a) It is a nucleus of deuterium (c) reduced approx. 25% (d) approx. halved
(b) It is an ionised hydrogen molecule is. Positive ions are fonned from neutral atoms by the loss of:
(c) It is an ionised hydrogen atom (a) neutrons (b) protons
(d) It is an a-particle (c) nuclear charge (d) electrons
6. Neutron was discovered by: 19. The nitrogen atom has 7 protons and 7 electrons. The nitride
(a) 1.1. Thomson (b) Chadwick ion will have:
(c) Rutherford (d) Priestley (a) 10 protons and 7 electrons
7. The discovery of neutron came very late because: (b) 7 protons and 10 electrons
(a) it is present in nucleus (c) 4 protons and 7 electrons
(b) it is a fundamental particle (d) 4 protons and 10. electrons
(c)· it does npt move 20. A light whose frequency is equal to 6 x 1014 Hz is incident on a
(d) it docs not carry any charge metal whose work function is 2eV (h = 6.63 x 10- 34 Js,
leV'" 1.6 x. 1O- 19 J). The maximum energy of electrons
S. The fundamental particles present in equal numbers in neutral
emitted will be: (VlTEEE 2008)
atoms (atomic number 71) are:
(a) 2.49 eV (b) 4.49 eV (c) 0.49 eV (d) 5.49 eV
(a) protons and electrons (b) neutrons and electrons
[Hint: Absorbed energy = Threshold energy
(c) protons and neutrons (d) protons and positrons
+ Kinetic energy of photoelectrons
9. The nucleus of the atom consists of:
Absorbed energy hv .
(a) protons and neutrons
(b) , protons and electrons
= 6.626 x·lO- 34 x 6 X 10 14
(c) neutrons and electrons = 3.9756 x 10- 19 J
(d) protons, neutrons and electrons 19
3.9756 X 10- =2.49 eV
10. The absolute value of charge on the electron was determined by: 1.6 x 10- 19
(a) l1. Thomson (b) RA. Millikan
2.49 2 eV + Kinetic energy of photoelectron
(c) Rutherford (d) Chadwick Kinetic energy of photoelectron = 0.49 eV]
11. Atomic number of an element represents: (CBSE 1990) • 21. The size ofthe nucleus is measured in:
(a) number of neutrons in the nucleus (a) amu (b) angstrom
(b) atomic mass of an element (c) em (d) fermi
(c) valency of an element
22. The highest value of el m of anode rays has been observed
. (d) number of protons in the nucleus when the discharge tube is filled with:
12. Rutherford's experiment on .scattering of a-particles showed (a) nitrogen (b) oxygen (c) hydrogen (d) helium
for the first time that the atom has: [CMC (Vell~re) 1991]
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23. The particle with 13 protons and 10 electrons is: . (c) Dempster's mass.spectrograph .
(a) Al atom (b) A1 3 + ion (d) all of the above
(c) nitrogen isotope (d) none ofthese 36. Mass spectrograph helps in the detection of isotopes because
24. Which of the following atoms contains the least number of they:
neutrons? (a) have different atomic masses
(a) 2~iu (b) Z:U (b) have same number of electrons
(c) have same atomic number
(c) 2~jNp
(d) have same atomic masses
25. The number of neutrons in dip~sitive zinc ion (Zn 2+ , with 37. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
mass number 70) is: (a) The charge on an electron and proton are equal and
(a) 34 (b) 36 . (c) 38 (d) 40 opposite
26. Which of the properties of the elements is a whole number? (b) Neutrons have no charge
(a) Atomic mass (b) Atomic number (c) Electrons and protons have the same mass
(c) Atomic radius (d) Atomic volume (d) The mass of a proton and a neutron are nearly the same
27. Increasing order (lowest first) for the values of e / m 38. The charge on positron is. equal to the charge on:
(charge/mass) for electron (e 1 proton (p), neutron (n) and (a) proton (b) electron
a-particle (a lis: (c) a-particle (d) neutron
(a) e, p, n,a (b) n, p, e,a 39. Discovery ofthe nucleus of an atom was due to the experiment
(c) n,p,a,e (d) n,u,p,e carried out by: .
28. The mass of neutron is ofthe order of: (a) Bohr (b) Rutherford
(a) 10-27 kg (b) 10-26 kg (c) Moseley (d) Thomson
(c) 10-25 kg (d) 10-24 kg 40. Isobars are the atoms of: (CBSE 1991)
29. The. atomS of various isotopes of a particular element differ (a) same elements having same atomic number
from each other in the number of: (b) same elements having same atomic mass
(a) electrons in the outer shell only (c) different elements having same atomic mass
.(b) protons in the nucleus (d) none ofthe above
(c) electrons in the inner shell only 41. Which of the following pairs represents isobars?
(d) neutrons in the nucleus (a) ~Reand iRe fi
(b) Mg and ~iMg
30. Isotopes of the same element have: (c) t~K and ~gCa (d) tgK and ?gK
(a) same number of neutrons 42. Na + ion is isoelectronic with: (CPMT 1990)
(b) same number of protons (a) U+ (b) Mg2+ (c) Ca 2+ (d) Ba 2+
(c) same atomic mass
43. The triad .of nuclei that is isotonic is:
(d) different chemical properties
31. Which of the following conditions is incorrect for a well (a) I:C, IjN, I~F (b) l~C, IjN, IgF
behaved wave function (\if)? [EAMCE;T (Engg.) 2010]
(a) \if must be finite (b) \if must be single valued
. (c) \if must be infinite (d) \if must be continuous 44. Sodium atoms and sodium ions:
32. Atomic mass of an element is not a whole number because: (a) are chemically similar
(a) it contains el~trons, protons and neutrons (b) both react vigorously with water
(b) . it contains isotopes (e) have same number of electrons
(c) it contains allotropes (d) have same number of protons .
(d) aU of the above fi g
45. In Cl and Cl, which of the following is false?
33. Nucleons are: (a) Both have 17 protons
(a) protons and neutrons (b) Both have 17 electrons
(b) neutrons and electrons (e) Both have 18 neutrons
(c) protons and electrons (d) Both show same chemical properties
(d) protons, neutrons and electrons 46. Which of the following is isoelectronie with neon?
34. Isotopes of an element have: . (a) 0 2 - (b) F + (c) Mg (d) Na
(a) different chemical and physical properties 47. Neutrino has:
(b) similar chemical and physical properties (a) charge + I, mass 1 (b) charge 0, mass 0
(c) similar chemical but different physical properties (c) charge - L mass 1 (d) charge 0, mass 1
(d) .similar physical and different chemical properties 48. Positronium is the name given to an atom-like combination
35. Isotopes are identified by: . formed between: (JIPMER 1991)
(a) a positron and a proton
(a) positive ray analysis
(b) a positron and a neutron
(b) Astons' mass spectrograph
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(c) a positron and an a-particle 61. A 600 W mercury lamp emits monochromatic radiation of
(d) a positron and an electron wavelength 331.3 nm. How many photons are emitted from
49. An isotone of ~~Ge is: the lamp per second? [PET (Kerala) 2010]
(a) ~iGe. (b) j~As (c) I!Se (d) j!Se (h == 6.626 x 10-34 Is, velocity oflight 3x 108 ms-I)
50. Which of the following does not characterise X-I1lYs? (a) Ix 1019 (b) Ix 102°
(lIT 1992) (c)lxl02 (d) Ix 1023
(a) The radiations can ionise gases 2
(e) Ix 102
(b) It causes ZnS to fluorescence
[Hint: Power Energy
(c) Deflected by electric and magnetic fields Time
(d) Have wavelengths shorter than ultraviolet rays
600= nhc
51. X-rays are produced when a stream of electrons in an X-ray Axlsec
tube: 34 8
600 == n X 6.626 10- x 3 X 10
(a) hits the glass wall ofthe tube
(b) strikes the metal target 21
n==lx10 ]
(c) passes through a strong magnetic field v
62. Out of X-rays, visible, ultraviolet, radiowaves, the largest
(d) none of the above
frequency is of:
52. Radius of a nucleus is proportional to:
(a) X-rays (b) visible
(a) A (b) A I/3 (c) A2 (d)A 2/3 (c) ultraviolet' (d) radiowaves
53. The nature of positive rays produced in a vacuum discharge 63. The wave nnmber 'which,corresponds to electromagnetic
tube depends upon: radiations of 600 nm is equal to:
(a) the nature of the gas filled (a) 1.6 x 104 cm- I (b) O.l6x 104 cm- 1
(b) nature ofthe material of cathode
(c) nature of the material of anode (c) 16 x 104 cm- I (d) 160 x 104 cm- i
(d) the potential applied across the electrodes 64. Line spectrum is characteristic of:
. 54. Electromagnetic radiation with maximum wavelength is: (a) molecules (b) atoms
(MLNR 1991) (c) radicals (d) none of these
(a) ultraviolet (b) radiowaves 65. Which one of the following is not the characteristic of
(c) X-rays (d) infrared Planck's quantum theory of radiation? (AIIMS 1991)
55. The ratio of energy of radiations of wavelengths 2000 A and (a) The energy is not absorbed or emitted in whole number
4000 A is: . (eDSE 1994) multiple of quantum' .
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 1/2 . (d) 1/ 4 (b) Radiation is associated with energy
56. The ratio of the diameter of the atom and the diameter of the (c) Radiation energy is not emitted or absorbed continuously
nucleus is: . but in the form of small packets called quanta
(a) 10 5
(b) ItY (cPO (d) 10- 1 (d) This magnitude of energy associated with a quantum is
proportional to the frequency
57. The ratio of the volume of the atom and the volume of the
nucleus is: 66. Which of the following among the visible colours has the
minimum wavelength? .
(a) 1010 (b) 1012 (c) 1015 (d) 102°
(a) Red (b) Blue
58. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
(a) The frequency of radiation is inversely proportional to its (c) Green (d) Violet
67. The spectrum of helium is expected to be similar to that of:
(b) Energy of radiation increases with increase in frequency (a) H (b) Na (c)He+ , (d) Li+
(c) Energy of radiation decreases with increase in wavelength 68. According to classical theory. if an electron' is moving in a:
(d) The frequency of radiation is directly proportional to its.• circular orbit around the nucleus:
wavelength . (a) it will continue to do so for sometime
59. Visible light consists of rays with wavelengths in the (b) its orbit will continuously shrink
approximate range of: (c) its orbit will continuously enlarge
(a) 4000A to 7500 A (d) it will continue to do so for all the time
(b) 4 x 10-3 cm to 7.5 x 10-4 cm 69. Bohr advanced tlJe idea of:
(a) stationary electrons (b) stationary nucleus
(c) 4000 nm to 7500 nm
(c) stationary orbits (d) elliptical orbits
(d) 4 x 10-5 m to 7.5 x 10-6 m
70. On Bohr stationary orbits:
60. Which of the following statements concerning light js false? (a) electrons do not move
(a) It is a part of the electromagnetic spectrum (b) electrons move emitting radiations
(b) It travels with same velocity, i.e., 3 x 1(Yo cm/ s (c) energy ofthe electron remains constant
(c) It cannot be deflected by a magnet
(d) angular momentum ofthe electron is..!!...
(d) It consi,ts A photons of same energy . 2n
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93. The ionisation energy of the electron in the ls-orbital of the (a) 15,200cm- I (b) 60,800cm- 1
hydrogen atom is 13.6 eY. The energy of the electron after
(c) 76,000 cm- 1 (d) 1,36,800cm-:- 1
promotion to 2s-orbital is: IISC (Bihar) 1993)
(a) -3.4eV (b) -13.6eV 103. "The position and the velocity of a small particle like electron
(c) -27.2eV (d) O.OeV cannot be simultaneously determined." This statement is:
94 .. Which electronic level would allow the hydrogen atom to (a) Heisenberg uncertainty principle
absorb a photon but not to emit it? (b) Pauli's exclusion principle
(a) Is (b) 2s (c) 3s (d) 4s (c) aufbau's principle
95. The spectral lines corresponding to the radiation emitted by an (d) de Broglie's wave nature ofthe electron
electron jumping from 6th, 5th' and 4th orbits to second orbit 104. de Broglie equation describes therelationship of wavelength
belong to: associated with the motion of an electron and its:
(a) Lyman series (b) Balmer series (a) mass (b) energy (c) momentum (d) charge
(c) Paschen series (d) Pfund series 105. If the magnetic quantum number of a given atom is
96. The spectral lines corresponding to the radiation emitted by an represented by then what will be its principal quantum
electron jumping from higher orbits to first-Orbit belong to: number? [BHU (Pre.) 2005)
(a) Paschen series (b) Balmerseries (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
(c) Lyman series (d) None of these J06. Which of the following relates to photons both as wave motion
and as a stream of particles? (IlT 1992)
97. In a hydrogen atom, the transition takes plac.efrOll1n 3 to
n = 2. If Rydberg constant is 1.097 x 107 m-I, the wavelength (a) Interference (b) Diffraction
of the emitted radiation is: (c) E == hv (d) E = me2
(a) 6564A (b) 6064 A 107. If uncertainty in the positiOil of an electron is zero, the
(c) 6664A (d) 5664 A uncertainty in its momentum would be:
[Hint: Apply.!. = R
x j} Ca) zero,
(c) > h/(4n)
(b) < hI(4'n)
(d) infinite
108. Which one of the following explains light both as a stream of
98. The speed ofthe electron in the 1st orbit of the hydrogen atom
particles and as wave motion?
in the ground state is (e is the velocity oflight):
(a) Diffraction (b) A = h/ p
e e e e
(a) 1.37 (b) l370 (c) 13.7 (d) 137 (c) Interference (d) Photoelectric effect
109. A body of mass x kg is moving with velocity oflOO msec- I . Its
[Hint: Velocity of electron in the 1st orbit, v = h/(2nmr)
de Broglie wavelength is 6. 62 X 10-35 m. Hence x is:
, = 2.189 X 108 em/sec., velocity of light, c = 3 X 10 10 ern/sec. (h == 6.62x 10-34 J sec) [CET (Karnataka) 2009)
Ratio c/v l37] (a) 0.25 kg (b) 0.15 kg
99. , Find the value of wave number v in terms of Rydberg's (c) 0.2 kg (d) 0.1 kg
constant, when transition of electron takes place between two 110. A 200 g cricket ball is thrown with a'speed of 3.0 x 103 cm
levels ofHe+ ion whose sum is 4 and difference is 2. sec-I. What will be its de Broglie's wavelength?
(a) 8R (b) 32R (II =6.6 X 10-27 g cm2 sec-I ) [CET (Gujftrat) 2008)
9 9 (a) 1.1 x 10-32 cm (b) 2.2 x 10- 32 cm
(c) 3R (d) None of these (c) 0.55 x 10-32 cm (d) Il.Ox 10-32 cm
Ill. The electronic configuration of a dipositive ion M 2+ is 2, 8, 14
[Hint: nl +~ 4; n2 -nj 2 and its atomic mass is 56. The number of neutrons in 'the
V RZ2[~_~J nucleus would be:
nl ni ( (a) 30 (b) 32 (c) 34 (d) 42
112. An element with atomic number 20 will be placed in which
=R X 22 [~- ~J
32R] period of the periodic table?
1 3 9
(a) 5th (b) 4th (c) 3rd (d) 2nd
100. With the increasing principal quantum number, the energy
113. The frequency of radiation emitted when the ekc~on falls
difference between adjacent energy levels in hydrogen atom:
from n 4 to n 1 in a hydrogen atom will be (Given
(a) increases (b) decreases
ionisation energy of H=2.18x 10- 18 Jatom- 1 and
(c) is the same (d) none of these h = 6.626 X 10-34 Js): [Manipa, (Me d.) 2007)
101. An electron in an atom: rCEET (Bihar) 1992] (a) 1.54 x 1015 S-I (b) 1.03 x 1015 8- 1
(a) moves randomly around the nucleus
(b) has fixed space around the nucleus
(c) 3.08 X 101 5 Cd) 2 x 1015 s-i
(c) is stationary in various energy levels 114. In a multi-electron atom, which of the following, orbitals
(d) moves around its nucleus in definite energy levels described by the three quantum numbers will have the same
102. The wave number of first line of Balmer series of hydrogen is energy in the absence of magnetic and electric fields?
15200 cm- I • The wave number ofthe first Balmer line ofLi 2+ (AIEEE2005)
ion is: [liT !}~f:r:'i'''~';,,~~ 1992] (i) 17 = I, I=: 0, m 0 (ii) n == 2, I 0, m = 0
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(iii) n =: 2, I I, m =: I (iv) n =: 3, I=: 2, m =: I 127. Any p-orbital can accommodate up to: (MLNR 1990)
(v) n =: 3, I ::= 2, m =: 0 (a) 4 electrons
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (ii) and (iii) (b) 2 electrons with parallel spins
(c) (iii) and (iv) (d) (iv) and (v) (c) 6 electrons
115. Which of the ions is not having the configuration ofNe? (d) 2 electrons with opposite spins
(a) Cl- (b) F - (c) Na + (d) Mg2+ 128. How'many electrons can fit into the orbitals that comprise the
116. Which ofthe following has the maximum number of unpaired 3rd quantum shell n =: 3?
d-electrons? (KeET 2008) (a) 2 (b) 8 . (c) 18 (d) 32
(a) Ni 3+ (b)Cu+ (c)Zn2+ (d) Fe2 + 129. The total number of orbitals in a principal shell is:
117." Which of the following expressions gives the de Broglie (a) n (b) n2 (c) 2n 2 (d) 3n 2
relationship? IJEE (WB) 2008) 130. Two electrons in K-shell will differ in:
h h (a) principal quantum number
(a) p =: - (b) A
mv mv (b) spin quantum number
(c) A =: h
h (c) azimuthal quantum number .
(d) Am=
mp p (d) magnetic quantum number .
118. The principal quantum number of an atom is related to the: 131. Which one of the following orbitals has the shape of a
(MLNR 1990) baby-boother ?
(a) size of the orbital (a) dxy (b) d x 2 - y 2 (c) d z 2 (d) Py
(b) orbitafangular momentum
132. Which one of the following represents an impossible
(c) spin angular momentum
arrangement? (AIEEE 2009)
(d) orien.tation ofthe orbital in space n I m s n I m s
119. The magnetic quantum is a number related to:
(a) 3 2 - 2 112 (b) 4 0 o 1/2
(a) size (b) shape
(c) 3 2 . -3 112 (d) 5 3 o 112
(c) orientation (d) spin
120. The principal quantuIn number represents: (CPMT 1991)
(a) shape of an orbital
(b) nU!l).ber of e~ectrons in an orbit
(c) distance of electron from nucleus
(d) numbei: of orbitals in an orbit
121. The quantum number not obtained from the Schrodinger's
wave equation is: (lIT 1990)
(a) n (b) 1 (c) m (d) s
122. In a given atom, no two electrons can have the same values for
all the four quantum nU!l).bers. This is called: (CPMT 1990)
(a) Hund's rule (b) Pauli's exclusion principle
(c) Uncertainty principle (d) aufbau principle
123. The atomic orbital is:
(a) the circular path of the electron
(b) elliptical shaped orbit .
(c) three-dimensional field around nucleus
(c) 21 + I (d) 41 + 2
. (d) the region in which there is maximum probability· of
finding an electron [Hint: Number of electrons with same spin
·124. If the ionization energy for hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV, then the 1 x Total no. of electrons
ionization energy for He+ ion should be: 2
1 .
I PMT (Haryana) 2004] =: - x 2 (21 + 1) =: (21 + 1)]
(a) 13.6 eV (b) 6.8 eV 2
(c) 54.4 eV (d) 72.2 eV 136.. Which of the following represents the correct set of four
125. Principal,. azimuthal and magnetic quantum numbers are quantum numbers of a 4d-e1ectron? (MLNR 1992)
respectively related to: (a) 4,3,2, + 112 (b) 4,2, 1,0
(a) si?e,shape and orientation (c) 4,3, - 2, + 112 (d) 4,2, i, 1/2
.(b) shape, size and orientation 137. Values of magnetic orbital quantum number for an electron of
(c) size, orientation and shape M-shell can be: (PET (Raj.) 2008]
(d) none of the above (a) 0, 1,2 (b)-2,-1,0,+1,+2
126. Energy of e1ectron·in the H-atom is determined by : (c) 0, 1,2,3 (d) 1,0,+1
(a) only n (b) bothn and I 138. Correct set of four quantum numbers for the outermost
(c) n, I and m (d) all the four quantum numbers . electron of rubidium (Z = 37) is:
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(a) 5,0,0,1/2 (b) 5, 1,0, 112 149• The energy ofaa~lectron of 2p y' orbital is:
.(c) 5,1, 1.112 (d) 6,0,0,112 (a) greater than 2px orbital
139. Which one of the following subshells is spherical in shape? (b) less than 2pz orbital
(a) 4s (b) 4p (c) 4d (d) 4f (c) equalto 2sorbitil
140. In hydrogen atom, the electron is at a distance of 4.768 A from (d) same as that of2px and 2pz orbitals
the nucleus. The angular momentum of the electron is : 150• The two electrons occupying the same orbital are
. [EAMCET (Med.) 2010] distinguished by: .
(a)· 3h . (b) ~ (a) principal quantum.number
211: 211: (b) azimuthal quantum number
h (d) 3h (c) magnetic quantum number
(c) -
11: 11: (d) spin quantum number
n2 151. The maximum number of electrons in a subshell is given by
[Hint: r = - x 0.529 A
z the expression: (AIEEE 2009)
n2 (a) 41 + 2 (b) 4/- 2
4.768 = x 0.529
1 (c) ()./ + I (d) 2n2
n=3 152. The electronic configuration of an atom/ion can be defined by
nh __ 3h] which of the following1
:. Angular m()mentum (mvr)
211: 211: (a) A1.dbau PriI1ciple
141. Total number of m values for n 4 is: (b) Pauli's exclusion principle
(a) 8 (b) 16 (c) 12 (d) 20 (c) Hund's rule of maximum mUltiplicity
142. What is the total number of orbitals in the shell to which the (d) All of the above
g-subshell first arise?
153. An electron has a spin quantum number + 112 and a magnetic
(a) 9 (b) 16 (c) 25 . (d)36 quantum number 1. It cannot be present in:
[Hint: For g-subshell, / = 4 (a) d-orbital (b).forbital (c) s-orbital (d) p-orbital
:. It will arise in 5th shell. 154. The value of azimuthal quantum number for electrons present
Total number of orbitals in 5th shell == n2 = 25] in 4 p-orbitals is:
143. In Bohr's model, if the atomic radius of the first orbit 1j, then (a) 1
radius offourth orbit will be : [BHU (Screening) 2010] (b) 2
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161. [Ar] 3dlO 4sl electronic configuration belongs to: . 169. The radial probability distribuuon curve obtained for an
[PET (MP) 20081 orbital wave function ('If) has 3 reaks and 2 radial nodes. The
(a) Ti (b) Tl (c) Cu (d) V valence electron of which one of the following metals does
162. How many unpaired electrons are ther~ in Ni2+ ? (Z 28) this wave function ('If ) correspond to ?
(a) Zero (b) 8 (c) 2 (d) 4 [EAMCET (Med.) 20101
163. The electronic configuration of chromium (Z 24) is: (a) Co (b) Li (c) K (d) Na
[PMT (MP) 1993; BHU (Pre.) 20051 [Hint: Na ll ls2, 2s22l, 3s 1
(a) [Ne] 3i3 p 6 3d 44i (b) [Ne] 3s2 3p 6 3d 54s1 Valence electron
Number of radial node =: n-l-I (n == 3)
(c) [Ne] 3i3p 6 3d l 4i (d) [Ne] 3i 3p64i4p4
3-0-1 = 2]
164. The number of d-electrons in Fe 2+ (At. No. 26) is not equal to 170. ~pton (At. No. 36) has the electronic configuration [A]
that of the: (MLNR 1993) 4s 3d 104 p 6. The 37th electron will go into which one of the
(a) p-electrons in Ne (At. No. 10) . following sub-levels?
(b) s-electrons in Mg (At. No. 12) (a) 4/ (b) 4d
(c) d-electrons in Fe atom (c) 3p (d) 5s
(d) p -electrons in Cl- ion (At. No. 17) 171. An ion which has 18 electrons in the outermost shell is:
165. If the electronic structure of oxygen atom is written as (CBSE 1990)
f--2p---+ (a) K + Q » Cu.+ (c) Cs+ (d) Th 4 +
172: Which ofthe following has non-spherical shell of electronJa
ls2, 2s2 !i.j, 1i.j, 1 . 1; it would violate: fISC (Bihar) 1993]
(lIT 1993)
(a) Hund's rule (a) He (b) B (c) Be (d) Li
173. Which one of the following sets of quantum numbers is not
(b) Pauli's exclusion principle
possible for an electron in the ground state of an atom with
(c) both Hund's and Pauli'sprincipJes
atomic number 19? [PET (Kerala) 2006;
(d) none of the above
CET (Karnataka) 2009]
166. The orbital diagram in which 'aufbau principle' is violated,is:
(a) n = 2, I 0, m == 0 (b) n = 2, I = 1, m 0
2s f - - 2 p---+
(c) n = 3, I =: I, m -1 (d) n 3,1=2,m=±2
(a) [ill I i.j,1 i I (e) n 4,1=0,m=0
174. Helium nucleus is composed of two protons and two neutrons.
(b) If the atomic mass is 4.00388, how much energy is released
when the nucleus is constituted?
(c) :1 i.j, i (Mass of proton == 1.00757, Mass of neutron == 1.00893)
(a) 283 MeV (b) 28.3 MeV
(d) :1 i.j, :1 (c) 2830 MeV (d) 2.83 MeV
175. Binding energy per nucleon of three nuclei A, B and Care
167. The manganese (Z = 25)has the outer configuration: 5.5, 8.5 and 7.5 respectively. Which one of the following
4s ( 3p ) nuclei is most stable?
(a) [illi i.j, II i il i l i II i !I (a) A (b) C
(c) B (d) Cannot be predicted
(b) [ill 176. The mass of jLi is 0.042 less than the mass of 3 protons and
4 neutrons. The binding energy per nucleon in j Li is:
(c) (ill :1 i .j, il j.j, :1 i .(BHU1992)
(a) 5:6 MeV (b) 56 MeV (c) 0.56 MeV (d) 560 MeV
(d) 0 II j.j, II i.j, II i i i 177. Meson was discovered by:
(a) Powell (b) Seaborg
168. Which of the following elements is represented by the (c) Anderson (d) Yukawa
electronic configuration? 178.. In most stable elements, the number of protons and neutrons
f--2p-c-? are:
(a) odd-odd (b) even-even
(c) odd-even (d) even-odd
179. Nuclear particles responsible for holding all nucleons together
(a) electrons (b) neutrons
(c) positrons (d) mesons
(a) Nitrogen (b) Fluorine 180~ The introduction of a neutron into the nuclear composition of
(c) Oxygen (d) Neon an atom would lead to a change in: (MLNR 1995)
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(c) Rutherford (d) Sommerfeld (d) helium nuclei, which impinged on a metal foil and got
210. The uncertainty in momentum of an electron is 1 x 10-5 kg scattered
ms -1. The uncertainty in its position will be: 219. How many moles of electrons weiflt one kilogram?
(h = 6.62 x 10-34 kg.m2 .s) (CBSE 1999; BHU 2010) (Mass of electron = 9.108 x 10- J kg, Avogadro's number
(a) 1.05 x 10-28 m (b) 1.05 x 10-26 m = 6.023 x 1023 ) (lIT 2002)
(c) 5.27x 10-30 m (d) 5.25 x 10-28 m (a) 6.023 x 1023 (b) _1_ X lerl
211. The Bohr orbit radius for the hydrogen atom (n = 1) is
approximately 0.530 A. The radius for the first excited state (c) 6.023 x 10S"4 (d) I x 108
9.108 9.108 x 6.023
(n = 2) orbits is: (CBSE 1998) 7
(a) 0.13 A (b) 1.06 A (c) 4.77 A (d) 2.12 A 220. If the electronic configuration of nitrogen had ls , it would
have energy lower than that of the normal ground state
212. The number of nodal planes in px.orbital is: (lIT 2000)
configuration ls22i2p 3 because the electrons would be
(a) one . (b) two (c) three (d) zero
closer to the nucleus. Yet ls7 is not observed because it
213. The angular momentum (L) of an electron in a Bohr orbit is violates: (liT 2002)
given as: (lIT 1997)
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I 133
(a) Heisenberg uncertainty principle 230. In ground state, the radius of hydrogen atom is 0.53 A. The
(b) Hund's rule radius ofLi 2 + ion (Z =3) in the same state is: .
(c) Pauli's exclusion principle (PET (Raj.) 2007]
(d) Bohr postulates of stationary orbits (a) 0.17 A (b) 1.06 A (c) 0.53 A (d) 0.265 A .
221. The orbital angular momentum of an electron in 2s-orbital is: 231. How many d-electrons in Cu + (At. No. = 29) can have the spin
(lIT 1996; AIEEE 2003; PMT (MP) 2004) quantum number (- ~ f! (SCRA 2007)
I h (a) 3 (b) 7 (c) 5 (d) 9
(a)+-- (b) zero 232. Which of the following electronic configurations, an atom has
the lowest ionisation enthalpy? [CBSE (Med.) 2007)
(c)- (d)Ji !!.... (a) li2s 2 2p 3 (b) li2s'22p6 3s1
2'1t 2'1t
(c) ti2s 2 2p 6 (d) li2s 2 2p s
222. Calculate the wavelength (in nanometre) associated with a
proton moving at I x I (fl m sec -I. 233. The measurement of the electron position is associated with an
uncertainty in momentum, which is equal to 1 x 10- 18 g cm s - I.
(mass of proton = 1. 67x 10-27 kg, h::::; 6.63 x 10-34 J sec)
The uncertainty in electron velocity is: (mass ofan electron is
(AIEEE 2009)
9 x 10- 28 g) ICBSE-PMT (Pre.) 2008]
(a) 0.032 nm (b) 0.40 nm
(a) Ix lOS ems- I (b) Ix lotI cms- I
(c) 2.5 nm (d) 14 nm
(c)lxI09 cms-' . (d)lxI0 6 cms- 1
-[1IiDt ~A=~,/~ 16~'~~~"~~:nj3~ 234. The ionization enthalpy of hydrogen atom is L312 x 1 0 ! J - - -
mol-I. The energy required to excite the electron in the atom
::::; 0.397x 10-9 m 0.4 nm] from n = 1 to n = 2 is : (AIEEE 2008)
223. The value of Planck's constant is 6.63 x 10-34 J-s. The (a) 9.84 x lOS J mol- I (b) 8.51 x lOS J mor l
velocity of light is 3 x I rf mI sec. Which value is closest to the (c) 6.56 x lOS J mol-I (d) 7.56 x lOS J mol- I
wavelength in nanometer of a quantum of light with frequency [Hint: El ::::; - I.312 X 106 J mol-'
of8x lotS sec-I? . (CBSE(PMT) 2003] 6
E _EI _ 1.312xlO J 1- 1 ...
18 2- 2 - - 4 mo
(a) 5 x 10- (b) 4 x 10' 2
(c) 3 X 107 (d) 2 x 10-25 t.E= (E2 - EI)::: 1.312 X 10 (l-~) 6
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(a) nl I, n2 = 2, 3, 4 .. .
3. Which is correct for any kind of species?
(b) n 1 == 2, n2 =3,4,5 .. . (a) (E2 - EI ) > (E3 - E 2 ) > (E4 - E 3 )
(b) (E2 -E,)«E3 E 2 )«E4 E 3 )
(c) nl == 3,n2 4, S, 6 .. .
(d) nl == 4, n2 5,6,7... (c) (E2 -E,)=(E3 E 2 )=(E4 E 3 )
138. Ionization energy of He+is 19.6 x 10- 18 J atom-I. The energy (d) (E2 - El ) = 1/4(E3 - E2 ) 1/9(E4 - )
oftne first stationary state (n == I) of-Li 2+ is: (AIEEE 2010) 4. No. of visible lines when an electron returns from 5th orbit to
:.../ (a) -22x 10-15 J atom- l (b) 8:82 x 10-17 J atom-I ground state in H spectrum is:
(a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 10
(c) 4.4lxlO-16 J at9m-' (d) -4.41 x 10- 17 J atom-'
S. Quantum numbers I 2 and m 0 represent which orbital?
[Hint: =-1 (a) dxy (b) dxz _ y2 (c) d z2 (d) d zx
lLi&!- zi 6. If n and I are principal and azimuthal quantum numbers
respectively, then the expression fo,{ calculating the total-
lLi&!- . numbers of electrons in allY energy level is:
I 11 I n-1
9 2(21 + I)
f ,&!-= - x19.6x 10- 18 (a) L 2(21 + 1) (b) L
LI 4 1 0 1= 1
I=n+' I=n-I
= 44.1 X 10- 18
(c) L 2(21 + 1) (d) L 2(2/ + 1)
=4.41 X 10-'7 J atom- 1
1=0 1=0
E ,&!- = -4.41 x 10- 17 J atom-I] 7. Order of no. ofrevolutionlsec YI' Y2, Y3 and Y4 forI, II, III and
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13. When a light of frequency vI is incident ona metal surface the 20. CQnsider the followip.g sets, of quantum numbers:
photoelectrons emitted have twice the kinetic energy as did the ',; "n ' '. ','/;T; :. '. , . • m s
photoelectron emitted when the same metal has irradiated with (A) 3 0 0 + Yz
light of frequency V2' What will be the value of threshold (B) 2 2 + Yz
(C) 4 3":'2 - Yz
(a) Vo = VI v2 (b) Vo VI 2V2
(d) Vo = VI + v 2
(D) I 0 -1 - Yz
(c) Vo = 2v, - v 2
14.. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle is not valid for:
(E) 3 2 3 +Yz
Which of the following sets of quantum numbers is not
(a) moving electrons (b) motor car possible? [eBSE (Med.) 2007]
(c) stationary particles (d) all of these (a) (A), (B), (C) and (D) (b)(B), (D) and (E)
15. Consider these electronic configurations for neutral atoms; (c) (A) and (C) (d) (B), (C) and (D)
(i) li2s2 2p 6 3s1 (1i) li2s2 2p 6 4sl 21. For three different metals A, B, C photo-emission is observed
Which of the following statements is/are false? one by one. The graph of maximum kinetic energy versus
(a) Energy is required to change (i) to (il) frequency of incident radiation are sketched as :
(b) (i) represents 'Na' atom (BHU (Screening) 2010)
~~ KL~-."-.
(c) (i) and (ii) represent different elements
(d) More energy is required to remove one electron from (i) than
16. For the energy levels in an atom which one of the following
statements is/are correct?
(a) There are seven principal electron energy levels v- v-
(b) The second principal energy level can have 4 subenergy (a) (b)
levels and contain a maximum of 8 electrons
(c) The M energy level can have a maximum of 32 electrons
(d) The 4s subenergy level is at a lower energy than the 3d
subenergy level
17. Which of the following statements are correct for an electron
that has n = 4 and m :::: -:- 2 ?
(a) The electron may be in ad-orbital v- v-
. (c) (d)
(b) The electron is in the fourth principal electronic shell
(c) The electron may be in a p-orbital 22. For which of the following species, the expression for the
(d) The electron must have the spin quantum number = + 1/2
18. The angular momentum of electron can have the value(s): energy of electron in the nth [En:::: 13.6 Z2 J
atom-I has
(a) h (b) h
the validity? [SHU (Mains) 2010)
2n n
(a) Tritium (b) Li 2 +
(c) 2h (d)~~
n 22n (c) Deuterium (d) He 2+
19. Which ofthe following statements is/are wrong?
(a) If the value of 1= 0, the electron disttibution is spherical
(b) The shape of the orbital is given by magnetic quantum no.
(c) Angular moment of Is, 2s, 3s electrons are equal
(d) In an atom, all electrons travel with the same velocity
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Set-1 S.t-2
The questions given below consist of an 'Assertioa' (A) and
the 'ReasGII' (R). Use the following keys for the appropriate The questions given below consist of two statements as 'Assertion'
answer: (A) and 'Reasoa" (R); while answering these choose anyone of
(a) If both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct reason for
(a) If (A) and (R) are both correct and (R) is the correct reason for
(b) If both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the correct
(b) If (A) and (R) are both correct but (R) is not the correct reason
explanation for (A).
for (A).
(c) If (A) is correct but (R) is incorrect.
(c) If (A) is true but (R) is false.
{d} If(A) is incorrect but (R) is correct.
(d) Ifboth (A) and (R) are false.
I. (A) F-atom has less electron affinity than cr atom. 11. (A) A special line will be seen for 2px - 2py transition.
(R) Additional electrons are repelled more effectively by 3 p (R) Energy is released in the form of wave of light when the
electrons in CI atom than by 2p electrons in F-atom. electron dropsfrom2px to -2py orbital. (AHMS 1996}--
2. (A) Nuclide rgAI is less stable than ~Ca. U. (A) Ionization potential of Be (At. No. = 4) is less than B (At.
No. =5).
(R) Nuclide having odd number of protons and neutrons are
generally unstable. . (lIT 1998) (R) The first electron released from Be is of p-orbital but that
from B is of s-orbital. (AIlMS 1997)
3. (A) The first IE of Be is greater than that of B.
13. (A) In Rutherford's gold foil experiment, very few a-particles
(R) 2p-Olbital is lower in energy than 2s.
are deflected back.
4. (A) The electronic configuration of nitrogen atom is
(R) Nucleus present inside the atom is heavy.
represented as:
If rt Iii
14. (A) Limiting line in the Balmer series has a wavelength of
and not as:'
[J[] 364.4mm.
(R) Limiting line is obtained for a jump of electron from
n = 00.
[U 15. (A) Each electron in an atom has two spin quantum numbers.
(R) Spin quantum numbers are obtained by solving
(R) The electronic configuration of the ground state of an Schrodinger wave equation.
atom is the one which has the greatest mUltiplicity. 16. (A) There are two spherical nodes in 3s-orbital.
5. (A) The atomic radii of the elements of oxygen family are (R) There is no planar node in 3s-orbital.
smaller than the atomic radii of corresponding elements of 17. (A) In an atom, the velocity of electron in the higher orbits
the nitrogen family. keeps on decreasing.
(R) The members of oxygen family are all more (It) Velocity of electrons is inversely proportional to radius of
electronegative and thus have lower value of nuclear the orbit.
charge than those of the nitrogen family. II. (A) If the potential difference applied to an electron is made 4
6. (A) For n = 3, I may be 0, I and 2 and may be 0, ±l and 0, ±l times, the de Broglie wavelength associated is halved.
and±2. (R) On. making potential difference 4 times, velocity is
(R) For each value of n, there are 0 to (n - 1) possible values doubled and hence d is halved.
of I; for each value of I, there are 0 to ±l values of m. 19. (A) Angular momentum of Is, 2s, 3s, etc., all have spherical
7. (A) An orbital cannot have more than two electrons. shape.
(R) The Iwo electrons in an orbital create opposite magnetic (R) Is, 2s, 3s,etc., all have spherical shape.
field. 10. (A) The radial probability of Is electron first increases, till it is
I. (A) The configuration ofB-atom cannot be 1s2 2s2 . maximum at 53 A and then decreases to zero.
(R) Hund's rule demands that the configuration should disph~! (R) Bohr radius for the first orbit is 53 A.
maximum multiplicity. 11. (A) On increasing the intensity of incident radiation, the
9. (A) The ionization energy ofN is more than that ofO. number of photoelectrons ejected and their KE increases.
(R) Electronic configuration of N is more stable due to half- (R) Greater the intensity means greater the energy which in
filled 2p-orbitals. tum means greater the frequency of the radiation.
18. (A) p-orbital is dumb-bell shaped. ll. (A) A spectral line will be seen for a 2px 2py transition.
(R) Electron present in p.:orbital can have anyone of the three (R) Energy is released in the form of wave of light when the
values of magnetic quantum number, i.e., 0, +1 or-I. electron drops from 2px to 2py orbital. (VMMC 2007)
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• Set-1
1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (c) 4. (d) 5. (c) 6. (b) 7. (d) 8. (a)
9. (a) 10. (b) 11. (d) 12. (d) 13. (a) 14. (c) 15. (b) 16. (a)
17. (c) 18. (d) 19. (b) 20. (c) 21. (d) 22. (c) 23. (b) 24. (a)
25. (d) 26. (b) 27. (d) 28. (a) 29. (d) 30. (b) 31. (c) 32. (b)
·33. (a) 34. (c) 35. (d) 36. (a) 37. (c) 38. (a) 39. (b) 40. (c)
41. (c) 42. (b) 43. (d) 44. (d) 45. (c) 46. (a) 47. (b) 48. (d)
49. (d) SO. (c) 51. (b)· 52. (b) 53. (a) 54. (b) 55. (a) 56. (a)
57. (c) 58. (d) 59. (a) 60. (d) 61. (c) 62. (a) 63. (a) 64. (b)
65. (a) 66. (d) 67. (d) 68. (b) 69. (c) 70. (c) 71. (a) 72. (d)
73. (d) 74. (b) 75. (c) 76. (d) 77. (b) . 78. (d) 79. (a) 80. (d)
81. (b) 82. (b) 83. (c) 84. (a) 85. (b) 86. (a) 87. (b) 88. (c)
89. (b) ...94)~J4!L. !1.. _(at .. !2.Jd), 93. (a) 94. (a) 95. (b) 96. (c)
97. (a) 98. (d) 99. (b) 100. (b) 101. (d) 102. (d) 103. (a) 104. (c)
105. (c) 106. (c) 107. (d) 108. (b) 109. (d) 110. (a) 111. (a) ~ 112. (b)
113. (c) 114. (d) 115. (a) 116. (d) 117. (b) 118. (a) 119. (c) 120. (c)
121. (d) 122. (b) 123. (d) 124. (c) 125. (a) 126. (a) 127. (e) 128. (e)
129. (b) 130. (b) 131. (c) 132. (c) 133. (c) 134. (b) 135. (c) 136. (d)
137. (b) 138. (a) 139. (a) 140. (a) 141. (b) 142. (c) 143. (c) 144. (a)
145. (b) 146. (c) 147. (d) 148. (c) 149. (d) 150. (d) 151. (a) 152. (d)
153. (c) 154. (a) 155. (c) 156. (a) 157. (a) 158. (c) 159. (c) 160. (d)
161. (c) 162. (c) 163. (b) 164. (b) 165. (a) 166. (b) 167. (b) 168. (b)
169. (d) 170. (d) 171. (b) 172. (b) 173. (d) 174. (b) 175. (c) 176. (a)
177. (d) 178. (b) 179. (d) 180. (a) 181. (d) 182. (a) 183. (a, b) 184. (c)
185. (a) 186. (a) 187. (b) 188. (b) 189. (b) 190. (b) 191. (a) 192. (c)
193. (c) 194. (b) 195. (a) 196. (a) 197. (d) 198. (a) 199. (c) 200. (a)
201. (a) 202. (c) 203. (c) 204. (a) 2OS. (a) 206. (b) 207. (c) 208. (c)
209. (d) 210. (c) 211. (d) 212. (a) 213. (a) 214. (e) 215. (a) . 216. (b)
217. (d) 218. (d) 219. (d) 220. (c) 221. (b) 222. (b) 223. (b) 224. (d)
225. (c) 226. (a) 227. (c) 228. (d) 229. (c) 230. (a) 231. (c) 232. (b)
233. (c) 234. (a) 235. (a) 236. (a) 237. (c) 238. (d) 239. (b) 240. (c)
• Set-2
1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (c) 5. (c) 6. (d) 7. (a) 8. (a)
9. (a) 10. (a) 11. (a) 12. (a) 13. (e) 14. (b, c) 15. (c, d) 16. (a, d)
17. (b, c) 18. (a, b, c) 19. (c) 20. (b) 21. (d) 22. (a, b, c)
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r"~~;~7"'.i;l:lmii~ __it·]O$'i~GJu;t·]:j·4$~ftI~~~~~
The following questions contain a single correct option:
4. Maximum value (n + I + m) for unpaired electrons in second
1. The configuration of Cr atom is 3d 54s1 hut not 3d 44s 2 due to excited state of chlorine l7Ci is:
reason RI and the configuration of Cu atom is 3d 10 4S1 hut not (a) 28 (b) 25
3d 94s 2 due to reason R 2 , RI and R2 are: (c) 20 (d) none of these
(a) R 1: The exchange energy of 3d 54s1 is greater than that of [Hint: Configuration in second excited state may be given as:
3d 44s 2 •
R 2 : The exchange energy of 3d 10 4s1 is greater than that
of3d 94s 2 •
(h) R1: 3d 54s1 and 3d 44s 2 have same exchange energy but
3d 54s1 is spherically symmetrical.
n 3 3 3 3
2 3]
2 . Total n + 1+ m = 25]
R 2 : 3d 104s1 is also spherically symmetricaL m -I o +1 +2 +1
( c) R 1 : 3d 5 4s 1 has greater exchange energy than 3d 4 4i.
5. Which of the following is correctly matched?
R 2: 3d 104s1 has spherical symmetry.
(a) Momentum ofH-atom when electrons
(d) R 1 : 3d 54s1 has greater energy than 3d 4 4i.
R 2: 3d 104s1 has greater energy than 3d 94i·. return from n := 2 to n I 3Rh
[Hint: 3d 54s I is correct because it has greater exchange (b) Momentum of photon Independent of wavelength
possibilities of unpaired electrons. of light
1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5
11 I 111 11 11 I :~~~~~lf~es:
(c) elm ratio of anode rays Independent of gas in the
discharge tube
2 3 4 5 (d) Radius of nucleus (Mass no.)1/2
[Hint: 1 = R [~ ~J := 3R
3d I04s 1 is correct because 3d to-orbitals are spherically A 12 22 4
symmetrical. ] h
2. Which of the following graphs is incorrect? p
p h = h x 3R 3Rh]
A 4 4
6. In hydrogen spectrum, the third line from the red end
corresponds to which one of the following inter-orbit jumps of
I the electrons from Bohr orbit of hydrogen?
(a) 4 ~ I (b) 2 ~ 5 (c) 3 ~ 2 (d) 5 ~ 2
7. In which of the following pairs is the probability of finding the
electron in xy-plane zero for both orbitals?
(a) (b)
(a) 3d yz , 4dx 2 - y 2 (b) 2Pz, d z 2
(c) 4dzx',3pz (d) None of these
tv tv 8. In which of the following orbital diagrams are both Pauli's
exclusion principle and Hund's rule violated?
I I (a)@] I I II J, I I (b)
@] I t It J, II
z ----+ n--+
(c) (d) (C)@] IH Itt I J, I (d) @] IHI II I
3. Which among the following is correct of 5B in normal state?
9. The distance between 3rd and 2nd Bohr orbits of hydrogen
2s 2p atom is:
(a) 0.529 x 10-8 cm (b) 2.645 x 10-8 cm
(a) [ill I I I Against Hund's rule
(c) 2.1l6xI0-8 cm (d) 1.058xlO-8 cm
[Hint: 1j r2 = (3 - 22) x 0.529 X 10-8 cm]
. (b)[i] L......!--'--'--'---' Against aufbau principle
as well as Hund's rule 10. Which diagram represents the best appearance of the line
(c) [ill '---'--'---'-----" Violation ofPau!i's exclusion spectrum of atomic hydrogen in the visible region?
principle and not Hund's rule (PET (Kerala) 2007)
(d) [ill I'----!...--"---,
Against aufbau principle
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Increasing wavelength 17. A photosensitive material would emit electrons if excited by
photons beyond a threshold. To overcome the threshold, one
(a) would increase: (VITEEE 2007)
(a) the voltage applied to the light source
(b) the intensity of light
(c) the wavelength of light
(d) the frequency oflight .
(c) 18. Which of the following electronic configurations have the
highest exchange energy?
3d 4s
1 I I (a) I iii i I IITJ
(b) ITJ
11111 II II III (c) i
11. The 'm' value for an electron in an atom is equal to the number
of m values for 1= I. The electron may be present in: (d) IT]
~a) 3dx2 _ y2 . (b) 5~(X2_y2) 19. Which of the following graphs correspond to one node?
(c) 4/3
x Iz
(d) noneofthese
[Hint: Total values of m (21 + I) = 3 for 1 = 1 t
m 3 is for f-subshellorbitals.]
12. If m = magnetic quantum number, I = azimuthal quantum
number, then:
(a) m=I+2 (b) m 2P + 1 -lao -lao
m-I (a) (b)
(c) 1= - (d) 1= 2m+ 1
[Hint: Magnetic quantum number 'm' lies between (-I, 0, + I);
thus total possible values of 'm' wiH be (21 + I). t t
m -I 'If 'If
m 21+1, i.e.,. 1= 2 ]
13. What are the values of the orbital angular momentum of an
electron in the orbitals Is, 38, 3d and 2p?
(0) (d)
(a) 0,0, .J61i, J2 Ii· (b) I, I, J4 Ii, J2 n
(c) 0, 1,.J6 Ii, J3 Ii (d) 0,0,50 1i,.J61i 20. Angular distribution functions of all orbitals have:
(a) I nodal surfaces (b) (l-l)nodal surfaces
[Hint: Orbital angular momentum = ~l(l + 1) h = ~1(1 + 1)il] (c) (n + I) nodal surfaces (d) (n 1- I)nodal surfaces
21. If uncertainty in position and momentum are equal then
14. After np-orbitals are filled, the next orbital filled will be:
uncertainty in velocity is: [CBSE.PMT (Pre.) 2008]
(a) (n + l)s (b) (n + 2)p (c) (n + l)d (d) (n + 2)s
IS. The ratio of (E2 - Ej ) to (E4 E3 ) for the hydrogen atom is (a) fI
(b) fh
(c) _1
approximately equal to:
(a) ·10 (b) 15 (c) 17 (d) 12 h
[Hint: tJ,x·Ap;;:-
[Hint: 41£
(-~)-(-n 1 1
"9 - 16 _ 7 4
7 1
Ap~ H.: when tJ,x = IIp
108 '" 15 ]
(-±) 3 144 3 mAv;;: rT
-(-I) 4 f41t
16. Which ofthe following electronic configurations hal1 zero spin Av;;:_I_
22. The number of waves made by a Bohr electron in an orbit of
(a) It Ii maximum magnetic quantum number 3 is:
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) 1
(c) I i I J, [Hint: m == 3, I = 3, n = 4
[Hint: Spin multiplicity =(2u + 1)] For, n = 4, number of waves will be 4.]
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E2(H) = - 13.6 eV (a) 1..= 1.23 (b) 1..= 1.23m (c) 1.23 nm
(d) 1..= 1.23
1 .r;;, Jh .JV V
E 3 (He+ ) -
- 13.6 x 4 eV 40. An excited electron ofH-atoms emits of photon of wavelength
-- -9-
A and returns in the ground state, the principal quantum
number of excited state is given by :
For negative value of E2 , E3 will also be negative.] (a) ~AR (AR - I) (b) ~ (A~~ I) .
35. What is the ratio of the Rydberg constant for helium to·
hydrogen atom? (c) I (d) ~(AR - I)
(a) 1/2 (b) lI4 (c) lI8 (d) 1/l6 ~AR (AR -I) AR
-2n 2mZ 2e4
R = --,,-----
ch 3 [Hint: ±=R[~~ - ~] =RU- ~J
RHe = 2 X 22 = 8
RH Ixe ~=~ A.RA.R-I ]
RH =.!.] 41. A dye a!>sorbs a photon of wavelength A and re-emits the same
RHe 8 energy into two photons of wavelength AI and 1..2 respectively.
36. If the kinetic energy ofa particle is doubled, de Broglie The wavelength A is related to AI and A2 as : _____ _
wavelength becomes: (a) 1..= 1..11..2 (b) 1..= AI + 1..2
(a) 2 times (b) 4 times (c) .J2 times (d) _1_ times (AI + A2 i 1..11..2
.J2 (c) 1..= 1..11..2 (d) A~ A~
[Hint: 1..= _h_ , where, E = Kinetic energy of the particle AI + A2 AI + 1..2
.J2Em 42. The radii of maximum probability for 3s, 3p and 3d-electrons
h h
AI = - - ; 1..2 = ---;::::==- are in the order :
.J2Em J2x2Em (a) (rmax) 3$ > (rmax) 3p > (rmax )3d
Al =..fi i.e. A =~] (b) (rmax) 3$ = (rmax) 3p =(rmax )3d
1..2 ' , 2 ..fi
(c) (rmax) 3d > (rmax) 3p > (rmax )3$
37. Imagine an atom made up of a proton and a hypothetical
particle of double the mass of the electron but having the same (d)(rmax) 3d> (rmax) 3$ > (rmax )3p
charge as the electron. Apply the Bohr:s atomic model and Following questions may have more than one correct options:
consider all possible transitions of this hypothetical particle to 1. Select the correct relations on the basis of Bohr theory:
the fIrst excited level. The largest wavelength photon that will
be emitted has wavelength A (given in terms of the Rydberg (a) velocity of electron oc.!. (b) frequency of revolution oc ~
n n
constant R for the hydrogen atom) equal to: 1
9 . 36 18 (c) radius of orbit oc n 2Z 4
(d) force on electron
(a) 5R (b) 5R (c) 5R (d) i n
[Hint: Energy is related to mass: 2. To which of the following species, the Bohr theory is not
En oem
The longest wavelength Amax photon will correspond to the (a) He (b) Li 2+ (c) He 2+ (d) H-atom
transition of particle from n = 3 to n = 2 3. The magnitude of spin angular momentum of an electron is
given by: .
A~x =2R(;2~ ;2) (a)S = ~s(s + 1) in (b) S =:s 2:
5R J3 h "1 h
(c) S =-x- (d) S =±-x-
38. What is ratio of time periods (11. I T2 ) in second orbit of 2 2n . 2 2n
hydrogen atom to third orbit ofHe+ ion? [Hint: Spin angular momentum == Js(s + I) ~
(a) -.! (b) 32 (c) 27 (d) 27 2n
27 32 8
S=~.!.22(.!. + I) ~
x~ ]
[Hint: T 00-
Z2 4. Select the correct confIgurations among the following:
T n
3 x Z2 23 X_
_2 = _ 22 =_]
32 (a) Cr (Z= 24):[Ar] 3d 5,4sl
T2 zf ni
x 12 X 33
27 (b) Cu (Z = 29): [Ar] 3d 10, 4s1
39. The de Broglie wavelength of an electron accelerated by an (c) Pd (Z= 46):[Kr] 4d 1O,5so
electric fIeld of V volt is given by :
(d) Pt (Z = 78): [Xe] 4d 10 4i
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5. Which among the following statements is/are correct? 11. The maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons is directly
(a) lJI2 represents the atomic orbitals proportional to ... of the incident radiation. The missing word
can be:
(b) The number of peaks in radial distribution is (n - I)
(a) intensity (b) wavelength
(c) Radial probability density Pnl (r) 41t? R;/(r}
(c) wave number (d) frequency
(d) A node is a point in space where the wave function (lJI ) has 12. Rutherford's experiment established that:
zero amplitude
(a) inside the atom there is a heavy positive centre
6. Select the correct statement(s} among the following: (b) nucleus contains protons and neutrons
(i) Total number of orbitals in a shell with principal quantum
(c) most of the space in an atom is empty
number 'n' is n 2
(d) size of nucleus is very small
(ii) Total number of subs hells in the n th energy level is n
13. Which of the following orbital(s) lie in the xy-plane?
(iii) The maximum number of electrons in a subshell is given
by the expression (41 + 2)
(a) d x2 _ y2 (b) dX), (c) dxz (d) Fa
(iv) m = 1+ 2, where 1 and m are azimuthal and magnetic 14. In which ofthe following sets of orbitals, electrons have equal
. quantum numbers .orbital angular momentum?
(a) (i), (iii) and (iv) are correct (a)13and2s (b) 2sand2p (c) 2p and 3p(d) 3pand3d
(b) (0, (ii) and (iii) are correct 15. Which ofthe following orbitals have no spherical nodes?
(c) (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct (a) 13 (b) 2s (c) 2p (d) 3p
(d) (i), (iiyand (iv) are correct Hi~ For a'snellofpriiiCipalquaniiirri Ilurnber'n~~4, tnere are:~
7. Which among the following are correct about angular (a) 16 orbitals (b) 4 subshells
momentum of electron? (c) 32 electrons (maximum) (d) 4 electrons with 1= 3
17. The isotopes contain the same number of:
(a) 2 n (b) 1.5!: (c) 2.5ft (d) 0.5!:
1t 1t (a) neutrons (b) protons
8. Which of the following is/are incorrect for Humphrey lines of (c) protons + neutrons (d) electrons
hydrogen spectrum? 18. Which of the following species has less number of protons
(a) n2 7 -7 n! = 2 (b) n 2 10 -7 n! = 6 than the number of neutrons?
(c) n2 5 -7 n! = 1 (d) n2 11-7 n! = 3 (a) !~C (b) 19F (c) nNa (d) fiMg
9. In the Bohr's model ofthe atom: 19. The angular part of the wave function depends on the quantum
(a) the radius of nth orbit is proportional to n 2 numbers are:
(b) the total energy ofthe electron in the n th orbit is inversely (a) n (b) I . (c) m (d) s #
proportional to 'n' 20. Which of the following species are expected to have spectrum
(c) the angular momentum of the electron is integral multiple ,similar" to hydrogen? '
of h/21t (a)He+ (b) He 2+ (c)'U 2 + (d)U+
(d) the magnitude of potential energy of an electron in an orbit 21. Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding a
is greater than kinetic energy hydrogen atom?
10. Which among the following series is obtained in both (a) Kinetic energy ofthe electron is maximum in the first orbit
absorption and emission spectrums?
(b) Potential energy of the electron is maximum in the first orbit
(a) Lyman series (b) Balmer series
(c) Radius of the second orbit is four times the radius of the
(c) Paschen series (d) Brackett series first orbit
(d) Various energy. levels are equally spaced
[;/I~ ..-:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
• Single ,correct option
1. (e) 2. (d) 3. (c) 4. (b) :5~ (a) 6. (d) 7. (d) 8. (d)
9. (b) 10. (c) 11. (b) 12. (e) 13. (a) 14. (a) 15. (b) 16. (c)
17. (d) 18. (b) 19. (b) 20. (a) 21. (c) 22. (b) 23. (a) 24. (b)
25. (a) 26. (b) 27.. (b) 28. (a) 29. (b) 30. (c) 31. (b) 32. (b)
33. (b) 34.. (e) 35. (e) 36. (d) 37. (e) 38. (b) 39. (e) 40. (b)
41. (e) 42. (a)
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[~. ~'
.... ~
1. (1) 2. (5) .3. (3) 4.. (4) 5. (1) 6. (3) 7. (6) 8. (5)
9~ (6) l(t (5)
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[Hint: _1-
=RHZ2 [J.. -J..J
22 3 2
1. Radius of first Bohr orbit of muonic hydrogen atom is:
(a) 0.259 A (b) 0.529 A
207 207
= 109678 x 4 [:6J (c) 0.529 x 207 A (d) 0.259 x 207 A
2. Energy of first Bohr orbit of muonic hydrogen atom is:
AHe+ =1641.1 A]
(a) - 13.6 eV (b) -13.6 x 207eV
2. How many lines in the spectrum will be observed when 207
electrons return from 7th shell to 2nd shell?
(c) + 13.6 eV (d) +13.6 x 207 eV
(a) 13 (b) 14 (c) 15 (d) 16 207
[Hint: Number of lines in the spectrum 3. Ionization energy of muonic hydrogen atom is:
= (1~ - nl )(~ - n) + I) (a) +13.6 eV (b) +13.6 x 207eV
2 207
_ (7-2)(7-2+ 1) IS
(c) - 13.6 ~V (d) -13.6 x 207eV
2 207
7- 4. Angular momentum of 'muon' in muonic hydrogen atom may
be given as:
S- 15 lines in the spectrum.] (a) h (b) ~
(c) h (d) h
'IE 2n 4'IE 61t
5. Distance between first and third Bohr orbits of muonic
3- hydrogen atom will be:
2- 2
(a) 0.529 x 2A (b) 0.529 x 7A
3. The wavelength of first line of Balmer spectrum of hydrogen 207 . 207
will be: (c) 0.529 x 8A (d) 0.529 A
(a) 4340 A (b) 4101 A (c) 6569 A (d) 4861 A 207 207
[Hint: .!.A = RH [J.. -~J
22 • Passage 3
for fIrst line n = 3,
I [ I I]
-=109678 - - -2
A. 22 3
Nuclei that have 2,8,20,28,50,82 and 126 neutrons or protons
are more abundant and more stable than other nuclei ofsimilar mass.
It is suggested that in the nuclear structure ofthe numbers 2, 8, 20,28,
A= 6569A] 50, 82 and 126, which have become known as magic, nu11ll}(!rs, the
4. In which region of electromagnetic spectrum does the Balmer nuclei possessing magic numbers are spherical and have zero
series lie? quadruple moment and hence they are highly stable. Nuclear shells
(a) UV (b) Visible are filled when there are 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82 and 126 neutrons or .
protons in a nucleus. In even-even nuclei all the neutrons and protons
(c) Infrared (d) Far infrared
are paired and cancel out spin and orbital angular momenta.
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Answer the followhig questions regarding the stability of The only way to explain the results, Rutherford found,. was to picture
nucleus: an atom as being composed of a tiny nucleus in which its positive
1. Which of the following element(s) is/are stable though having charge and nearly all its mass are concentrated. Scattering of
odd number of neutrons and protons? a-particles is proportional to target thickness and is inversely
(a) ~Li (b) I~B (c) iRe (d) IjN . proportional to the fourth power of sin %' where, (-) is :'cattering
2. Stable nuclei having number of neutrons less than number of
angle. Distance ofclosest approach may be calculated as:
protons are:
(a) iH (b) ~He Z;Z2e
1:. =-.--
mill 4nEoK
3. Doubly magic nucleus is ...
(a) 2~iPb (b) 2~Pb (c) 2~~Pb (d) 2~;Bi where, K kinetic energy ofa-particles.
Answer the follOwing questions:
4. Which among the following has unstable nucleus?
1. Rutherford's a'particle scattering experiment led to the
(a) IjN (b) l~N (c) I~N (d) 1~0 . con~lusion that: '
5. Which of the following has zero spin and angular momentum? (a) mass and energy are related
(a) ~~Ca (b) iH (c) I~C (d) {jCI (b) mass ,and positive charge of an atom are concentrated in
the nucleus .
(c) neutrons are present in the nucleus
• Passage4
(d) atoms are electrically rieutrill·
The substances which contain species wi{h unpaired electrons in 2. From the a-particle scattering experiment, Rutherford
their orbitals behave as paramagnetic substances. Such. substances concluded that:
are weakly attracted by the magnetic field. The paramagnetism is (a) a-particles can approach within a distance of the order of
expressed in terms of magnetic moment. The magnetic moment is 10'-14 m of the nucleus
related to the number of unpaired electrons according to the
(b) the radius of the nucleus is less than 10- 14 ~
following relation:
(c) scattering follows Coulomb's law
Magnetic moment,!l ~n(n + 2) EM (d) the positively charged parts of the atom move with
extremely high velocities
where, n number of unpaired electrons. 3. Rutherford's scattering formula fails for very small scattering
BM stands for Bohr magneton, a unit of magnetic moment. angles because:
(a) the gold foil is very thin
IBM = eh = 9.27 x 10-24 Am2 orJT- 1
4nmc (b) the kinetic energy of a-particles is very high
(c) the full nuclear charge of the target atom is partially
Answer the following questions: screened by its electron
1. Which of the. following ions has the highest magnetic (d) there is strong repulsive force between thea-particles and
moment? nucleus of the target
(a) Fe 2+ '(b) Mn 2+ (c) Cr 3+ (d) V 3+ 4. Alpha particles that come closer to the nuclei:
2. Which of the following ions has magnetic moment equal to (a) are deflected more (b) are deflected less
that ofTi 3+: . .
(c) make more collision (d) are 'slowed down more
(a) Cu 2+ (b) Ni2+ (c) C0 2+ Cd) Fe 2+ 5. Which of the following quantities will be zero for alpha
3. An ion of a d-block element has magnetic moment 5.92 BM particles at the point of closest approach to the gold atom, in
Select the ion among the following: Rutherford's scattering of alpha particles?
(a) Zn 2+ (b) Sc 3+ (c) Mn 2+ (d) Cr 3+ " (a) Acceleration (b) Kinetic energy
4. In which ofthese options do both constituents of the pair have (c) Potential energy (d) Electrical energy
the same magnetic moment?
(a) Zn 2+ and Cu + (b) C0 2+ and Ni 2+ • Passage 6.
(c) Mn4+ andCo + 1 (d) Mg2+ and Sc+
The splitting ofspectral lines by a magnetic field is called the
5. Which of the following ions are diamagnetic? Zeeman effect 'after the Dutch physicist Pieter Zeeman. The Zeeman
(a) H~2+ (b) Sc 3+ (c) Mg2+ . (d) 0 2- effect is a vivid confirmation of space quantization. Magnetic
quantum number 'm' was introduced during the study of Zeeman
• Passage5 effect. 'm' can have the (21 + 1) values (-1,0, + I). Magnetic
quantum number represents the orientation of atomic orbitals in
At the suggestion of Ernest Rutherford, Hans Geiger and Ernest three-dimensional space. The normal Zeeman effect consists of the
Marsden bombarded a thin gold foil by a-particles from a polonium splitting ofa spectra/line offrequency Vo into three components, i.e.,
source. It was expected that a-particles would go right through the
e . e
roil with hardly any deflection. Although, most of the alpha particles --B; v 2 Vo +--B
indeed were not deviated by much, a few were scattered through very 4nm 4nm
large angles, Some were even scattered in the backward direction. Here, B is magnetic field.
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Answer the following questions: .' 3. Which of the following quantum numbers is not derived from
1. Which of the following statements is incorrect with reference SchrOdinger wave equation?
to the Zeeman effect? ., (a) Principal. (b) Azimuthal
(a) In a magnetic field, the energy of a particular atomic state (c) Magnetic (d) Spin
. depends on the values of'm' and 'n' . 4. In any subshell, the maximum number of electrons having
. (b) Zeeman effect is us~d to calculate the elm ratio for an same value of spin quantum number is:
(c) Individual Spectral lines split into separate lines. The (a)~l(l+l) (b) 1+2 (c) 21 + I (d) 41 + 2
distance between them is independent ofthe magnitude of 5. The orbital angular momentum for a 2p-electron is:
.the magnetic field .
(d) Tile Zeeman effect involves splitting of a spectral line of
(a) J3 Ii (b) 16 Ii (c) zero (d) J2'!!'-'
frequency Vo into tbree components
2. A d-subshelt· in an atom in the presence and absence of • Passage 8
magnetic field is: .
Dual nature ofmatter was proposed by de Broglie in 1923, it was
lea) five~fold degenerate, non-degenerate
experimentally verified by Davisson and Germer by diffraction
(b) seven-fuld degenerate, non-degenerate
experiment. Wave character of matter has significance only for
(c) five-fold degenerate, five.:fold degenerate microscopic particles. de Broglie wavelength or wavelength of
·'(d) non-degenerate, five-fold degenerate matter wave can be calculated using the following relation:
3~ Which among the·. following. is/are . correct about the
orientation of atomic- orbitals in space? A= h
(a) s-orbitals has single orientation mv
(b) d-subs4ell orbitals have three orientations along
where, 'm' and v' are the mtl$S and velocity of the particle.
x, yand z directions .
de Broglie hypoth~sis suggested that electron. waves were being
(c) f-subshell have seven orientations in their orbitals
diffracted by the target, much as X-rays are. diffracted by planes of
(d) None of the above·
atoms in the crystals.
t Zeeman effect explains splitting of spectral'lines in: Answer the following questions:
(a) magnetic field .(b) electric field
1. Planck's constant has same dimension as that of:
(c) both (a)' and (b) (d) none of these
(a) vvork (b) energy
i. Inpresence of magnetic field, d-suborbit is:
(c) power (d) angular momentum
(a) five-fold degenerate {b) three-fold degenerate
2. Wave nature of electrons is shown by:
(c) seven-fold degenerate (d) non-degenerate
(a) photoelectric effect (b) Compton effect
(c) diffraction experiment Cd) Stark effect
Passage 7 3. de 'Broglie equation is obtained by combination of which of
Spin angular . momentum of an electron has no analogue in the following theories?
classical mechanics. However, it turns out that the treatment ofspin (a) Planck's quantum theory
angular momentum is closely analogous to the treatment of orbital (b) Einstein's theory of mass-energy equivalence
angular momentum. (c) Theory of interference
Spin angular momentum ~ s(s + 1) Ii (d) Theory of diffraction'
4. Which among the following is not used to calculate the de
Orbital anE,ular momentum = ~'l(l + I) It
Broglie wavelength?
Total spin of an atom or ion is a multiple ofl.. .Spin mUltiplicity is
. . . 2
(a) A';'~ (b) A h
"v mV
a factor to confirm the electronic configuration of an atom of' ion. h . h
(c) A"" r;:;::;- (d) A"" - _ .
. Spin multiplicity =(n:s + 1) v2Em ~2qVm
-. . . $
5. The wavelength .of matter waves associated with a body of
Answer the following qurstiolls: mass 1000g moving with a velocity of 100 mlsec is:'
1. Total spinofMn 2+ (Z 25)ion will be: . (a) 6.62 x 1O-39 .cm (b) 6.62 x 10-36 ern .
. (c) 6..626 X 10- 36 m (d) 3.31 x 10-32 m
(aY ~ (b) 1 (c) 5
2 ·2 2 6. An electron microscope is used to probe the atomic
2. which of the following electrq'~ic configurations have fo~r arrangements to a resolution of 5 A. What should be the electric
spin multiplicity? potential to which the electrons need to .be accelerated ?
(VITEEE 2008)
(a) 2.5 V (b) 6 V
(c) 2.5 kV (d) 5 kV
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• Passage 9 . . • Passage10
Orbital is the region in an atom where th~ probability ()Jfinding:
the electron is maximum. It represents three-dimensional motion oj The hydrogen-like species Li2+ is in a spherically symmetric state. .
an electron around the nucleus. Orbitals do ,not specify a definite S I with one radial node. Upon absorbing light the ion undergoes·
path according to the uncertainty principle. An orbital is described transition to a state S 2' The state S 2 has one radial node an? its
withthe,help o/waveJunction 'If. Whfmever an electron is described energy is equal to the ground state energy oj the hydrogen atom.
by a wave jUnction., we say that an electron occupies that erbital. (liT 2010)
Since, many wave Junctions are possible Jor an electron, there are Answer the following question;:
many atomic orbitals in an atom. Orbitals have different shapes; 1. The state S I is :
except s-orbitals. all other orbitals have directional character. OOb ~~ ~~ ~~.
Number oj spherical nodes in an orbital is equal to (n 1- 1). [Hint: 2.s: iss~etrical having one radial node.]
Orqital angular momentum oj an electro'n is ~ I (l + I) 'Ii. 2. Energy of the. state S I in uilits of the hydrogen atom ground
Answer the following questions: state energy is: . '
1. Which of the following orbitals is not cylindrically (a) 0.75 (b) 1.50 (c) 2.25 Cd) 4.50 .
. 9 ~
symmetrical about z-axis? E .2+(2s) --x 13.6
(apd z2 (b)4pz (c) 6s (d) 3dyz ~~~ u =2~]
EH -13.6 "
2. The nodes present in 5p-orbital are:
(8,) one planar, five spherical (b) one planar, four spherical 3. The orbital angular momentUm quantum mimber of the state
(c) one planar, three spherical(d) four spherical S2 is:
3. When an atom is pla~ed in a magnetic field, the possible (a) 0 (b) I (c) 2 (d),3
number of orientations for ~n· orbital .of azimuthal quantum [Hint: Orbital angular momentuniquantum number .of 3p
number 3 is: subsheU, i.e., I == 1
(a) three (b) one (c) five (d) seven
4. Orbital angular momentum of J-electrons is:
(a).fi'li' (b)/31i (c)JJi'li (d)21i
5. Which of the following orbitals haslhave two nodal planes?
(a)dxy (b)d yz (c)dx2 _ y2 (d)Allofthese
Passage 1. 1, (b) 2, (c) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (c)
Passage 2. 1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (c)
Passage 3. 1. (a, d) 2. (a, b) 3. (c) . 4. (c) 5. (a)
Passage 4. i. (b) .2. (a) "3. (c) 4. (a, c) S. (b, c, d)
Passage 5. 1. (b) 2. (a, b, c) 3: (c,.d) 4. (a) 5. (b)
Passage 6. 1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (a,c) 4. (a) S. (d)
Passage 7. 1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (d) 4. (c) 5. (d)
Passage 8. 1. (d) 2. (c) .3. (a, b)
• 4. (~) S. (c) 6. (b)
Passage 9. 1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (d) 4. (c) S. (d)
Passage 10. 1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (b)
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