Anorexia and Cachexia Grading Scale Tool
Anorexia and Cachexia Grading Scale Tool
Anorexia and Cachexia Grading Scale Tool
Anorexia: involuntary loss of appetite or desire to eat that results in reduced caloric intake and often weight loss.
Cachexia: a complex metabolic syndrome associated with underlying illness and characterized by loss of muscle with or
without loss of fat mass
Anorexia-Cachexia Syndrome: is a complex syndrome which is often defined in terms of its primary or secondary
causes. Primary causes are related to metabolic and neuroendocrine changes directly associated with underlying
disease and an ongoing inflammatory state. Secondary causes are aggravating factors (e.g. fatigue, pain, dyspnea,
infection, etc) that contribute to weight loss.
Vital Signs *Consider contributing factors
Frequency as clinically indicated
Orthostatic BP measurements Normal
How would you describe your appetite normally/before your diagnosis?
Height and Weight How would you describe your diet before your diagnosis?
Take current weight and compare to pre – Is there anything causing your lack of appetite? (eg. Recent surgery,
treatment or last recorded weight medication such as warfarin and antibiotics, inability to swallow)
Calculate Body Mass Index Onset
When did you notice a change in your appetite?
Observe General Appearance When did you notice a change in your body weight?
Note energy levels (ability to perform
ADLs), strength, mobility, and wasting of Provoking / Palliating
skeletal muscle, presence of peripheral What makes it better? Worse?
edema, ascites
Assess skin tone, colour, integrity, Quality (in last 24 hours)
hydration status Can you describe your symptoms? How much weight have you lost?
Assess urine output Are you still losing weight?
Assess daily intake and output How much are you eating and drinking compared to your usual intake?
Assess skin turgor, capillary refill, mucous
membranes Severity / Other Symptoms
How bothersome is this symptom to you? (0-10 scale, with 0 not at all –
Signs and Symptoms of Dehydration 10 being worst imaginable)
Increased thirst Have you been experiencing any other symptoms? (Note presence
Dry mouth and severity of any symptoms that may influence nutritional intake such
Decreased urine output as: diarrhea, constipation, dysphagia, depression, early satiety, fatigue,
Decreased skin turgor oral mucositis, nausea or vomiting, pain, taste changes, xerostomia)
Weakness, dizziness, confusion
Increased pulse, decreased blood Treatment
pressure, postural hypotension Using any medications to promote appetite? If so, what type? Effective?
Using any nutritional supports? If so, what type? Effective?
Other Any other medications or treatments? (e.g. analgesics, steroids,
Assess other systems or symptoms as antidiarrheal agents, antiemetics) Effective?
per patient complaints (e.g. oral
assessment if mucositis or xerostomia, Understanding / Impact on You
swallowing assessment, abdominal Is this affecting your ability to carry out your normal daily activities
assessment if diarrhea or constipation) (ADLs)?
Assess available lab results How else is this symptom affecting you or your family?
The information contained in these documents is a statement of consensus of BC Cancer professionals regarding their views of currently accepted approaches to treatment. Any
clinician seeking to apply or consult these documents is expected to use independent medical judgment in the context of individual clinical circumstances to determine any
patient's care or treatment. Use of these documents is at your own risk.
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NCI CTCAE (Version 4.03)
(Mild) (Moderate) (Severe) (Life threatening; disabling)
Loss of appetite Oral intake altered Associated with Life threatening consequences; Death
without alteration in without significant significant weight loss urgent intervention indicated
eating habits weight loss or or malnutrition (e.g.
malnutrition; oral inadequate oral caloric
nutritional and/or fluid intake);
supplements indicated tube feedings or TPN
At Risk Referrals
– New patients with a score of 3 or greater on the Nutrition Screening Tool (PRISM form)
- Patients with impaired intake or absorption due to one or more of the following:
Anorexia and weight loss
Difficulty chewing or swallowing
- Patients:
At risk for or have partial bowel obstruction
On tube feeding or TPN
With a colostomy or ileostomy
Prevention, Support, teaching & follow-up care as required
Patient Care and Identify factors contributing to loss of appetite or weight- when possible, minimize or
Assessment eliminate these factors
Lab tests that may be ordered:
- CBC, electrolytes, glucose, calcium, total protein, albumin and pre-albumin, LDH.
NOTE: Albumin and pre-albumin are often better interpreted in the context of a marker of
inflammation such as ESR, or ferritin
Assess social supports (e.g. caregiver availability, home environment, finances, accessibility
to food)
The information contained in these documents is a statement of consensus of BC Cancer professionals regarding their views of currently accepted approaches to treatment. Any
clinician seeking to apply or consult these documents is expected to use independent medical judgment in the context of individual clinical circumstances to determine any
patient's care or treatment. Use of these documents is at your own risk.
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Explore beliefs around food:
- Cultural issues (e.g. Chinese “hot” and “cold” foods)
- Family or care giver pressuring intake
- Clarify food misconceptions (i.e. foods that promote cancer)
- Consider pre-existing diets (i.e. Diabetes, HTN. Discuss liberalization of
recommendations to promote intake
Dietary Management Encourage or Promote adequate hydration and daily oral intake by:
- Increase fluid intake as tolerated (e.g. soup, shakes, smoothies)
(See BCCA Resource - Promote high calorie/protein fluids with medications and throughout the day (e.g. full-fat
Section for links to milk, homemade smoothies, nutritional supplements).
Patient Education) - Limit fluid intake to 30 minutes prior to meals to avoid feeling full and 2 hours before
normal bedtime so as not to interrupt sleep. Small, frequent meals (5-6) per day.
- High calorie, high protein foods (e.g. cheese/cottage cheese, eggs, Greek yogurt, nut
butters, protein bars, avocados)
- Eating largest meal when feeling most hungry regardless of time of day
- Sitting upright for 30 to 60 minutes after eating to facilitate digestion
- Avoid preparing foods with strong odours or ask caregivers to prepare such foods and
avoid being present during the preparation
- If fatigue or meal preparation are a problem, suggest the use of convenience foods (e.g.
frozen foods, canned soups), take-out foods, catering service, family or friends preparing
meals, or Meals on Wheels®
- Oral nutritional supplements as needed to augment diet; particularly if patient has
symptoms that interfere with nutritional intake or absorption (eg. Ensure, boost)
- Manage contributors to anorexia eg. Chronic nausea, constipation, taste alterations
- Avoid spicy foods and limit drinks with coffee and alcohol
- Make mealtimes as relaxing and enjoyable as possible. Ask for help when preparing
meals. Try keeping a daily log of nutritional intake
Pharmacological Medications for management of other symptoms (e.g. antiemetics for nausea or vomiting,
Management analgesics for pain)
Review medications that may be contributing to anorexia or symptoms that may affect
nutritional intake.
If patient is taking Warfarin, in collaboration with physician:
o Consider alternate anticoagulants such as dalteparin
o Consider increasing the frequency of INR monitoring
o Discuss with physician and/or pharmacist as appropriate
Medications to stimulate appetite should be administered with caution. Sensitivity to patient
and family circumstances should be considered.
Patient Education Discuss relationship of nutrition to disease process and treatment
and Discuss cancer diagnosis and treatment side effects that may alter nutritional intake
Follow-Up Reinforce that appetite may fluctuate depending on where the patient is in their treatment
Discuss recommendations (as above) to manage symptoms that affect nutritional intake
Advise patient/family to monitor food, fluid intake and weight carefully
Provide contact information and instruct patient/family to contact physician or nurse if
- Continued lack of appetite with little or no food or fluid intake
- Continued weight loss
- Signs and symptoms of dehydration
– Unable to perform ADLs See Generic Resource Section for ECOG Scale
Exercise strategies:
– Promote exercise as tolerated to maintain lean body mass, strength and physical functioning
– Regular exercise may help to regulate appetite. Recommend relaxation exercises 30-60
minutes before meals to decrease tension and promote appetite
– Resistance exercises decrease muscle wasting.
NOTE: Consider advance directives and stage of disease. May be necessary to counsel and
educate patient and loved ones around disease process to focus on patient comfort and relieve
caregiver anxiety as pressuring intake can worsen symptoms
The information contained in these documents is a statement of consensus of BC Cancer professionals regarding their views of currently accepted approaches to treatment. Any
clinician seeking to apply or consult these documents is expected to use independent medical judgment in the context of individual clinical circumstances to determine any
patient's care or treatment. Use of these documents is at your own risk.
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Moderate to severe decrease in functional or performance status
Presence of symptoms which can impact nutritional intake (e.g. diarrhea, constipation, dysphagia,
nausea or vomiting, oral mucositis, xerostomia)
Requires medical attention within 24 hours
Patient Care and Collaborate with physician:
Assessment - To rule out other causes or concomitant causes
- Need for further patient assessment at cancer centre or with GP
- Consider risk of refeeding syndrome and need for medical evaluation/monitoring of lab
work should patient be at risk
Refeeding syndrome can occur. See appendix B for assessment and monitoring
Lab tests that may be ordered:
- CBC & diff, electrolytes, glucose, calcium, total protein, albumin, pre-albumin, LDH,
creatinine, liver function tests
NOTE: Albumin and pre-albumin are often better interpreted in the context of a marker of
inflammation such as ESR, or ferritin
Dietary Management See Dietary Recommendations in Normal - Grade 1 section above
Referral to Oncology Nutrition (dietitian) for nutrition assessment
Consider need for hydration and/or enteral or parenteral nutritional support. See Appendix B
for further detail about enteral and parenteral nutrition
Consider multiple modalities to manage anorexia (e.g. using appetite stimulant with dietary
Pharmacological Medications that are most commonly prescribed:
Management – Corticosteroids recommended for short term use to stimulate appetite (e.g.
dexamethasone, methylprednisolone, prednisolone).
– Progestinal agents may also be considered to stimulate appetite (e.g. megestrol acetate,
medroxyprogesterone acetate).
– Metoclopramide does not stimulate appetite, but may be prescribed to decrease nausea
and early satiety.
Medications less commonly prescribed:
– NSAIDs may mediate the inflammatory response of cytokines
– Omega 3 fatty acids (e.g. eicosapentaenoic acid, EPA) may help to normalize
metabolism and stabilize weight
– Dronabinal may decrease nausea, stimulate mood and appetite, but does not prevent
weight loss
Treat depression if appropriate
– Mirtazapine 7.5-30 mg at hs
Patient Education Refer to non-urgent patient education and follow-up section
The information contained in these documents is a statement of consensus of BC Cancer professionals regarding their views of currently accepted approaches to treatment. Any
clinician seeking to apply or consult these documents is expected to use independent medical judgment in the context of individual clinical circumstances to determine any
patient's care or treatment. Use of these documents is at your own risk.
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GRADE 4 OR The presence of one of the following:
No oral intake for 24 hours
Signs of dehydration
Sudden, severe decrease in functional or performance status
Requires IMMEDIATE medical attention
Patient Assessment Admission to hospital may be necessary, notify physician of assessment, and facilitate
and Care arrangements as necessary.
If on active treatment, may require a chemotherapy treatment dosage reduction/delay or
discontinuation. For direction see Chemotherapy Protocols in Resource Section
Lab tests that may be ordered: CBC, electrolyte profile, glucose, calcium, total protein,
albumin, pre-albumin, LDH, creatinine, liver function tests. Assess and monitor.
NOTE: Albumin and pre-albumin are often better interpreted in the context of a marker of
inflammation such as ESR, or ferritin.
Consider multiple modalities to combat anorexia (e.g. using appetite stimulant with dietary
Consider risk of refeeding syndrome and need for medical evaluation /monitoring of lab work
should patient be at risk.
Refeeding syndrome can occur. See appendix B for assessment and monitoring.
Clinical Nursing Support:
– Vital signs as clinically indicated
– Accurate monitoring of daily intake and output, including daily weight
– Ongoing assessment of hydration status
– Pain and symptom management as appropriate
Dietary Management Urgent referral to Oncology Nutrition (dietitian) for nutrition assessment and management
Requires hydration and/or enteral or parenteral nutritional support if this matches patient’s
goals. See Appendix B for further detail about enteral and parenteral nutrition.
– Encourage increasing fluids as tolerated
– Provide mouth care
Pharmacological Medications that may be helpful:
Management – Corticosteroids recommended for short term use to stimulate appetite (e.g.
dexamethasone, methylprednisolone, prednisolone).
– Progestinal agents may also be considered to stimulate appetite (e.g. megestrol acetate,
medroxyprogesterone acetate).
– Metoclopramide does not stimulate appetite, but may be prescribed to decrease nausea
and early satiety.
Medications less likely to be helpful:
– NSAIDs may mediate the inflammatory response of cytokines.
– Dronabinal may decrease nausea, stimulate mood and appetite, but does not prevent
weight loss
– Cyproheptadine may result in mild appetite increase
Medications not likely to be effective:
– Cannabinoids,
– hydrazine sulfate
– melatonin
– Omega 3 fatty acids (e.g. eicosapentaenoic acid, EPA)
The information contained in these documents is a statement of consensus of BC Cancer professionals regarding their views of currently accepted approaches to treatment. Any
clinician seeking to apply or consult these documents is expected to use independent medical judgment in the context of individual clinical circumstances to determine any
patient's care or treatment. Use of these documents is at your own risk.
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Speech Language Pathologist
Occupational therapy
Patient and Family Counseling for stress management, relaxation, support groups
Home Health Nursing
Family GP
Patient Education Nutrition Handouts and Pamphlets:
Increasing Fluid Intake
Eating Challenges with Advanced Cancer:
Coping with Dry Mouth
Coping with Taste Changes
Food Ideas to Cope with Taste and Smell Changes
Food Ideas to Try With a Sore Mouth
Easy to Chew Recipes
Food Ideas to Help with Decreased Appetite
Food Choices to Help Control Nausea
Suggestions for Dealing with Constipation
Food Ideas to Help Manage Diarrhea
Healthy Eating Using High Protein High Energy Foods
High Energy, High Protein Menu and Recipes
High Calorie High protein Smoothie
Nutrition and Lung, Prostate or Breast cancer
Resources about managing anxiety, symptoms of grief, positive thinking, etc
BC Inter-professional
palliative symptom Practices-print-col-anorexia-2018.pdf
management guideline
Bibliography List
Contributing Factors
Cancer Related Tumors of the head and neck, gastrointestinal system, lung, liver or pancreas
Metastatic disease
Metabolic abnormalities (increased muscle catabolism, increased lypolisis)- caused by:
- Tumour products
- Endocrine alterations
- Host systemic inflammatory response
Cancer Treatment Cancer Treatment can directly or indirectly lead to the following symptoms that can contribute
Related to experiencing anorexia and cachexia NOTE: Severity of side effects depends on the area
irradiated and treatment schedule
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Early feeling of fullness
- Fatigue
- Oral mucositis
- Esophagitis
- Nausea or vomiting
- Taste/smell changes
- Dysphagia
- Strictures
- Pain
- Xerostomia
- Can cause mechanical or physiologic barriers to adequate nutrition (e.g. short gut)
- Imposes an immediate metabolic response that increases energy needs and changes
The information contained in these documents is a statement of consensus of BC Cancer professionals regarding their views of currently accepted approaches to treatment. Any
clinician seeking to apply or consult these documents is expected to use independent medical judgment in the context of individual clinical circumstances to determine any
patient's care or treatment. Use of these documents is at your own risk.
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nutrient requirements necessary for wound healing and recovery.
Other Alcohol/substance abuse
End-stage diseases (e.g. AIDS, renal or hepatic failure)
Medications (e.g. some opioids, antibiotics, antifungals, antidepressants)
Neurological diseases (e.g. delirium, dementia, Parkinson’s disease)
Underlying chronic conditions (e.g. COPD, ulcers, rheumatoid arthritis)
Conditions that may require use of warfarin (e.g. venous thrombosis, cardiac surgeries)
Psycosocial factors: depression, anxiety distress, delirium
Socioeconomic factors (e.g. lack of emotional, social, financial supports)
Belief(s) that eating certain foods will make cancer progress/worsen
Increased risk of cancer treatment dosage reductions, delays or discontinuation of treatment
Alteration in immune status
Weight loss, malnutrition and cachexia, dehydration, muscle mass changes
Quality of life – psychological distress, fatigue, nausea, compromised role function, decreased functional status, altered
body image
Decreased nutritional status may result in increased INR or increased risk of bleeding for patients on warfarin
Appendix A
Date of Print:
Revised: September, 2018
Created: January, 2010
Contributing Authors:
Revised by: Jeevan Dosanjh, RN BscN
Created by: Vanessa Buduhan, RN MN; Rosemary Cashman, RN MSc(A), MA (ACNP); Elizabeth Cooper, RN BScN, CON(c);
Karen Levy, RN MSN; Colleen Sherriff, RN; Ann Syme, RN PhD (C)
Current Reviewers:
Ryna Levy-Milne, RD, PhD; Ava Hatcher, RN, MN CON (c); Michelle LaFreniere, RN
The information contained in these documents is a statement of consensus of BC Cancer professionals regarding their views of currently accepted approaches to treatment. Any
clinician seeking to apply or consult these documents is expected to use independent medical judgment in the context of individual clinical circumstances to determine any
patient's care or treatment. Use of these documents is at your own risk.
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