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A Thesis
Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for
The Degree of Strata One





Nurul Laili Mariani Fardjrin, An Analysis of Grammatical and Lexical

Cohesion of Journalistic Text in Online Media VoAnews.com. Thesis. Jakarta:
English Letters Departement, Adab anf Humanities Faculty, State Islamic
University Syarif Hidayatullah, 2011).

The thesis examines grammatical and lexical cohesion in journalistic text. The
main object of the research is to know kind of the cohesion devices (grammatical
and lexical cohesion) utilize in journalistic text, to know the dominant cohesion
devices which are used and to know the cohesiveness degree of cohesion markers.
The objective of this research is to identify the uses cohesion in journalistic text of
online media VoAnews.com

As the result of the research, based on Halliday and Hasan theory about cohesion,
the writer concludes that all kind of grammatical and lexical cohesion devices
utilize in the journalistic texts which the writer analyze. They are reference,
substitution, ellipsis, and conjunction as grammatical cohesion device, while
repetition, synonym, near-synonym, superordinate, general word, and collocation
as lexical cohesion device. But generally lexical cohesion devices are very rarely
utilized in the text, except repetition.

The dominant device of grammatical cohesion is reference, its percentage reaches

56.64 %. Meanwhile the dominant device of lexical cohesion is repetition, its
percentage attains 15.39%.

The cohesiveness degree each markers are different, grammatical cohesion

devices reach very high level of cohesiveness degree, the percentage average of
cohesiveness degree attains 85.77 %. Contrast to grammatical cohesion, lexical
cohesion devices is very low. Its percentage average only reaches 50.01 %.




A Thesis

Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of Strata One (S1)

Nurul Laili Mariani Fadjrin


Approved by

Drs. Asep Saefuddin, M.Pd








Name : Nurul Laili Mariani Fadjrin

Nim : 107026001224
Title : An Analysis of Grammatical and Lexical Cohesion on the Journalistic
Text of VoAnews.com

The thesis has been defended before the Letters and Humanities Faculty’
Examination Committee on July 04, 2011. It has been accepted as a partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of strata one.

Jakarta, July 04, 2011

The Examination Committee

Signature Date

1. Drs. Asep Saefuddin, M. Pd (Chair Person)

19640710 199303 1 006

2. Elve Oktafiyani, M. Hum (Secretary)

19781003 200112 2 002

3. Drs. Asep Saefuddin, M. Pd (Advisor)

19640710 199303 1 006

4. Dr. H. M. Farkhan, M.Pd (Examiner I)

19650919 20003 1 002

5. Inayatul Chusna, M.Hum (Examiner II)

19780126 200312 2 002


I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my

knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by

another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the

award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher

learning, except where due acknowledgment has been made in the text.

Jakarta, May 18, 2011

Nurul Laili Mariani Fadjrin


First and foremost, praise belongs to Allah SWT, the Most Merciful of the

world. Thank for all of grace to the writer, for the chance to take a breath in every

second, for give her a wonderful life, for guide her to finishing this thesis. May

peace and blessing of Allah be upon the messenger of Allah, Muhammad SAW,

his family and his companions.

In this occasion, the writer would be saying thanks to her beloved parents

Mohammad Dawam and Siti Suyanti , the great parents she had, who have given

their support and full-financial during her study, for giving their everlasting loves,

cares, and supports. Thank for their love, care, and huge in every my step her life.

Thanks for all the meaningful persons that help the writer do this research.

It would not finish without their aids and supports. They are as follow:

1. Dr. Abd. Wahid Hasyim, M.Ag as a Dean of Adab and Humanities


2. Drs. Asep Saefuddin,M.Pd, as the head of English Letters Departement.

And also as a advisor of the writer for guiding, suggesting, giving her

helpful correction and encouragement from the beginning until the thesis

was completed. Mrs. Elve Oktafiany, M.Hum the Secretary of English


3. All of the lecturers in English Letters Departement for teaching her many

things during her study. Especially, Mr. Zahril Anasy S.Pd for giving his

advice and suggestion.

4. Her beloved brother Angga Rizal Nurhudha S.Sos.I, and her beloved little

sister Bunga Ayu Lestari for giving their supports.

5. Her Beloved cousins, Mba Iyas, dek Hanny, dek Itah, dek Nurul, dek

Anna, dek Dewi, mas Ilham, dek Iwan, mas Afgan, mas Irfan, for always

motivating the writer to finish this thesis.

6. Her bestfriends, “PUZLE” Putri Martanti, Ines Fitriani, Nur Azni Wardani

and “Geng Semangka” Dewi Permata, Nur Izma , Esa Yolanda, thanks for

the gorgeous friendship.

7. English Letters Fellows, especially linguistic class; Yasir, Hendry, Daddy,

Anwar, Ilham, Sangka, Toriq, Sohib, Lia, Nca, Hapzah, Anna, etc, and

KKN 2 Syahida for laugh, jokes, happiness, and a lot of beautiful


8. Choir Community “PSM UIN Jakarta” for the beautiful serenade, great

musical note, and fabulous experiences.

9. Her close companions, Prisqila Dewi, Weni D. Jayanti, M. Oktaviano

Benardhy, Nurlianingsih, and Abdul Gofur, for their motivation strength,

supports, cares, and long friendship. You are my good listeners for my

grievances. Astriadi Setrawandana, you are a friend, teacher, motivator,

thanks for entertaining, motivating, helping, and teaching the writer in

many things.

10. All Librarian of Library of State Islamic University, Library of Unika

Atmajaya, Library of Adab and Humanities Faculty, for serving and

helping the writer to get references to finish this thesis.

11. IKRAM members (Nduls, Beben, Dabo, Vita ,Ayu, Nita, Mas iyo, Mas

Medhy) and all persons who encourage her to finish this thesis that cannot

mention one by one, thanks for your kindness

Jakarta, July, 2011

The Writer


ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................... i

APPROVEMENT…………………………………………………………….. ii


DECLARATION ............................................................................................... iv


TABLE OF CONTENT………………………………………………………viii

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION..................................................................... 1

A. Background of the Research .............................................................. 1

B. Focus of the Research ......................................................................... 5

C. Research Questions ............................................................................ 6

D. Significance of the Research .............................................................. 6

E. Research Methodology ....................................................................... 6

1. Objective of the Research ....................................................... 6

2. Method of the Research .......................................................... 7

3. Technique of Data Analysis .................................................... 7

4. Instrument of the Research...................................................... 7

5. Unit of Analysis ...................................................................... 8

F. Time and Place of the Research ........................................................ 8

CHAPTER II. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ........................................ 9

A. The Definition of Discourse .............................................................. 9

B. The Definition of Text Unity ............................................................ 10

C. The Concept of Cohesion ................................................................. 11

1. The Cohesion Devices........................................................... 12

a. Grammatical Cohesion .................................................... 13

1). Reference ................................................................. 13

2). Substitution .............................................................. 19

3). Ellipsis ..................................................................... 21

4). Conjunction.............................................................. 22

b. Lexical Cohesion ............................................................ 24

1). Reiteration ................................................................ 25

a). Repetition .......................................................... 25

b). Synonym ........................................................... 26

c) Near-Synonym. ................................................. 26

d). Superordinate ................................................... 26

e). General Word ..................................................... 27

2). Collocation .............................................................. 27

D. The Degree of Cohesiveness ........................................................ 28


A. Data Description................................................................................ 30

B. Data Analysis .................................................................................... 34

CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................. 60

A. Conclusion ........................................................................................ 69

B. Suggestion ......................................................................................... 70

BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................. 72

APPENDICES ................................................................................................... 75



A. Background of the Research

The general function of language is as a social communication device.

Every human being in their life cannot be separated from communication events.

Through a communication they can express their idea, concept, purpose, opinion,

thought, etc. The main tool to solve it is language. When people talk an idea, the

main point that should has attention not only language but also comprehension

substance. Through a comprehension, the purpose and aim are conveyed clearly.

The comprehension will appear by itself if an idea is delivered in a cohesive.

Cohesiveness in a text or discourse is the most crucial thing. The harmony

and the links between one sentence and another sentence are the main key of

determining legibility factor. A state element that refers to each other and has

semantically relation, it is called cohesion. With cohesion, a discourse to be

coherent: each part forming discourse.1

Writing is discourse. Discourse is a unit of the largest or highest language

above the sentence or clause with the high coherence and cohesion that have
sustained in the beginning and ending that delivered orally or in writing. The

discourse often encounters in human life, whether written or oral. Written

Kushartanti dkk, Pesona Bahasa ( Jakarta : PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2005 ), p. 96
H.G. Tarigan. Pengajaran Wacana. ( Bandung : Angkasa, 1987 ), p. 27


discourse should be interconnected between one and another series to find an idea

or concepts presented in the discourse.

A good discourse is inseparable from the cohesion and coherence

elements. Cohesion has a connection between sentences in a discourse, include

grammatical and lexical stratum in particular. Coherence has a connection of

cohesion meaning between parts of discourse. 4 Cohesion discern the relationship

or bond discourse, while the coherence discern a whole of the meaning that

conveyed by a discourse. If a discourse is cohesive, it will be created coherency.

Its means the content of discourse is correct. Without cohesion, it will not be

created coherency, for instance, attention this following sentences:

“John and William go to library, he wants to borrow some books.”

The sentence above is not cohesive; because the pronoun is he (male) does

not clearly to lead anyone. Does lead to John, William, or lead to both. If it lead to

both, pronoun (he) should be replaced with (They). The sentence is not cohesive,

it cannot be understood by the readers and can make ambiguity meaning. Without

cohesion markers, a discourse has some difficulty to understand.

In this research, the writer will only examine cohesion markers. Coherence

will not be analyzed, according to semantic explanation; it only can be analyzed

based on cohesion aspects. In other words, cohesion learns to identify the meaning

that described in a text, through the elements which refers to each other and have

Ibid,,. p. 96
M.A.K. Halliday and Ruqaiya Hasan, Cohesion in English. ( London and New York : Longman,
1976 ), p. 148
Abdul Chaer. Linguistik Umum, ( Jakarta : Rineka Cipta, 2007 , p. 267

semantically related. Therefore, the writer chooses cohesion device as object

analysis because it’s a base component to establish the text harmoniously.

Cohesion is the most important thing needed in the cohesiveness of a text

or discourse, including in the journalistic text. For the example, people can

encounter it in print media such as newspapers, magazines, bulletins, even

nowadays and a long with development period and technology all of media

producer have online media business. Not only print media producer but also

electronic media producer also reach the online media business. Online media is

an internet website that contains the actual information like print media.6 No

doubt the online media nowadays has become favourite media for people, because

it presents update news, fast, and also for people who have high mobility, online

media can help them to obtaining news or information.

Like the written language, online media that contain the texts about actual

news should be written in cohesion to be understood by readers. Because its

function as a mediation between society and the world. 7 In order the message or

content of news is delivered to the reader clearly, it must be poured into a

cohesion sentences by using cohesion markers. It means a text should not be

separated from cohesion that divided into two main parts: grammatical cohesion

and lexical cohesion. Grammatical cohesion is the way that grammatical features

are attached together across sentences boundaries. It consists of reference,

Samrinkhan, Pengertian jurnalistik..accessed on November 9th 2010. http://samrinkhan.wo
Suhaimi and Rully Nasrullah, Bahasa Jurnalistik ( Jakarta : UIN Jakarta, 2009 ), p.3

substitution, ellipsis, and conjunction. Lexical cohesion is the way aspect of

vocabulary link parts of text together. It contains reiteration and collocation.8

Through this research, the writer analyses how cohesion markers used in

journalistic text and the cohesiveness degree of it. Cohesion markers consist of

grammatical and lexical cohesion markers. In this research, the writer has taken

the journalistic text from one of the most famous media in the world,

voanews.com. Especially journalistic text of sport news, because sport news is

close to the society and contain light news always accessed by many people,

especially the young people. VoA or Voice of America is a part of American

government agencies that carry out foreign broadcasts that was established on

February 24th 1942. The office centre of VoA in Washington DC, the

representative offices and VoA correspondent spread over the world. VoA

broadcasts news in English and 53 other languages through radio, television, and

internet. 9 As the famous media in the world, VoA through the online media also

success become a favorite media for online news devotee. Therefore, the writer is

interested to analysis how the concept of cohesion has applied in journalistic text

of VoAnews.com.

The concept of cohesion according Halliday and Hasan through their

book, Cohesion in English states that “The concept of cohesion is a semantic

one;it refers to relations of meaning that exist within the text, and that define it as

a text”.10 The concept of cohesion is a semantic connection, which refers to the

M.A.K. Halliday and Ruqaiya Hasan (1976) , op.cit. 148
http://www.voanews.com/indonesian/news/a-32-a-2002-06-03-12-1-85177122.html, accessed on
November 10th 2010
M.A.K. Halliday and Ruqaiya Hasan (1976), op.cit. , p.4

connection of meaning in the text and defines it as text. Therefore, cohesion and

text could not be separated in order to establish a cohesive discourse and to

understand the readers. For the example of cohesive sentence, check this

following excerpt sentence from journalistic text published by VoAnews.com, on

December 1st 2010:

“Minutes before the midnight, Wednesday deadline. Electoral Commision chief

Youssouf Bakoyoko appeared on state-run television to explain the delay.

Bakoyoko asked for patience, saying the Electoral Commision is continuing is to

work but is not yet ready to announce result from Sunday’s vote”.

In the example above, the words which bold and underlined are the

elements of lexical cohesion marker of reiteration. Reiteration is marker of lexical

cohesion which the item refers back to another, to which it is related by having a

common referent.11 The example above contains one type of reiteration called by

repetition. Repetition of the same word and performed to mark the important

words and emphasize something is definition of repetition.

The temporary hypothesis, cohesion is applied in journalistic text of

voanews.com by its own editor, but how the form of cohesion markers has used

and how far the degree of cohesiveness, will be answered through this research.

VoAnews.com which is one of the leading online media sites and has many readers

should have coherent sentences and contains the elements of cohesion in it.

B. Focus of the Research

This research is limited by focusing on the grammatical and lexical cohesion

Ibid,. p. 29

and its markers, of the journalistic text of the journalistic text at VoAnews.com as

research object. (Edition of December 27th 2010 – December 30th 2010).

C. Research Question

Based on the explanation above, it is necessary to have the answer of these

following questions:

1. What kinds of the grammatical and lexical devices utilized in journalistic text of

sport news of VoAnews.com?

2. What is the dominant cohesion devices utilized in journalistic text of sport news

of VoAnews.com?

3. How far the degree of cohesiveness of lexical and grammatical cohesion devices

utilized in journalistic text of sport news of VoAnews.com?

D. Significances of the Research

The significance of the study is to give a new contribution in linguistic

study especially about cohesion devices. The writer hopes that this research can

give the advantages for the readers and the writer herself, for the VoAnews.com’ s

journalists, this research can give the information about the degree of

cohesiveness on their journalistic texts, and give inspiration to other students who

want to develop the similar study in the future.

E. Research Methodology

1. Objective of the Research

Relating to the research questions above, the objectives of study are:

a) To identify how the grammatical and lexical cohesion devices

utilized in journalistic text of VoAnews.com.


b) To know the dominant cohesion device utilized in journalistic text

of VoAnews.com.

c) To know the cohesiveness degree of VoAnews.com journalistic


2. Method of the Research

In this research, the writer uses descriptive qualitative method of discourse

analysis in which the writer describes grammatical and lexical cohesion markers

contained in this research object. Through this method, the writer tries to analyze

and classify whether it is included the grammatical or lexical cohesion. In

addition, the writer also uses Scinto formula to determine the degree of


3. Data Analysis

In this research, the writer uses descriptive qualitative method. First the

writer collects the whole books that are relevant to cohesion in journalistic text.

Then, the writer reads some theories of cohesion. Afterwards, the writer chooses

some journalistic text especially sport news published in VoAnews.com. Last, the

writer analyzes the classified data using cohesion theory and determines the

degree of cohesiveness of journalistic text.

4. Instrument of the Research

The main instrument of this study is the writer herself; she gets all

information by reading some books and other references. Then, she will analyze

the selected data, like reading, identifying, and grouping the text and making is

as data to analysis by using theory of Halliday and Hasan through their book

(Cohesion in English). And to determine the degree of cohesiveness of the text

the writer uses Scinto formula that printed through Carrolyn Hartnett book (Static

and Dynamic Cohesion).

5. Unit of Analysis

The analysis unit in this research is the journalistic text of Voanews.com,

which are chosen of December 2010.

Text 1 ( UEFA President Platini Ensured of Second Term in 2011 ) 12/23/10

Text 2 (AFC Chief Backs Moving 2022 World Cup to Winter ) 12/28/10

Text 3 (A Number of Firsts Highlighted 2010 Year in Sports ) 12/28/10

Text 4 (FIFA Head Issues Year-End Message ) 12/29/10

Text 5 (Malaysia Celebrates Controversial ASEAN Football Championship)


F. Place and Time of the Research

This research is accomplished by at the end of semester 7, 2010/2011 in

English Letter Department, Adab and Humaniora Faculty, State Islamic

University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. All the materials are taken from the

library, such as Library of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Library of

Adab and Humaniora Faculty, Library of UNIKA Atmajaya, Library of

University of Indonesia, and other library that can be references of this study.


A. The Definition of Discourse

The study of discourse, or discourse analysis, is concerned with how

speakers combine sentences into boarder speech units.

Discourse is the way of combining and integrating language, actions,

interactions, and ways of thinking, believing, valuing, and using various symbols,

tools, and objects to enact a particular sort of socially recognizable identity.13

Unlike the sentence whose boundaries appear intuitively clear, the discourse unit
is not as clearly definable. In other word, discourse has unlimited boundaries

that cover a lot of domain, especially social domain. It is like a statement that

reveals by Teun A Van Djik, discourse is a category that belongs to and derives

from the social domain.15

Generally, discourse refers to a text unity whether it is spoken language or

written language, it does not need to refer the rational and logic contains. Such as,

poem, conversation, tragedy, etc. A unity of discourse structure closer to lexical

unity than syntaxes unity. A sentence series is called discourse if it has emotional

Victoria Prompkin, et al., An Introduction to Language, seventh edition .( Boston : Heinle,
Thomson Corp,2003), p. 209
James Paul Gee, An Introduction to Discourse Analysis: theory and method. ( New York and
London :Routledge , 2005 ), p. 21
Roy O. Freedle, Discourse Production and Comprehension. ( Norwood : Ablex Publishing
Corporation , 1982), p. 94
Teun A.Van Dijk, Handbook of Discourse Analysis Vol.4 ( London : Academic Press Inc , 1985
), p. 27


connection from a part to another part, In other words, its topic sentences should

be supported by the other sentences.

B. The Definition of Text Unity

A text is a unit of language in use. It is not a grammatical unit, like a

clause or a sentence; and it is not defined by its size. A text is not something that

is like a sentence, only bigger; it is something that differs from a sentence in kind.

A text is best regarded as a semantic unit: a unit not of form but by meaning. 16 It

is a glance about text definition according Halliday and Hasan. From their

explanation above, text cannot be supposed by grammatical aspect but it is the

semantic one. Text is a combination of the sentences that connect each other and

make a unity.

Halliday and Hasan through their book Cohesion in English states “the

word text is used in linguistics to refers any passage, spoken, or written, or

whatever length, that does form a unified whole.”17 It is equal from Crystal

assertion that text is a piece of naturally occurring spoken, written, or signed

discourse identified for purposes of analysis.18

From the official statements above, we know that text can be spoken or

written form. Spoken or oral form can be seen in a speech, conversation,

M.A.K. Halliday and Ruqaiya Hasan (1976), op.cit., pp. 1-2
David Nunan. Introducing Discourse Analysis. (London: Penguin Group, 1993), p. 6

presentation, etc. Whereas written text can be seen in newspapers, articles, stories,

etc, are considered as to be the part of written language.

Texts also have texture because they contain numerous linguistic markers

establishing what Halliday and Hasan refer to as a „tie‟. Some of linguistic marker

that links two part of a text together.19 The concept of texture is entirely

appropriate to express the property of „being a text‟. And then, tie is a term for

one occurrence of a pair of cohesively relation items.20

C. The Concept of Cohesion

The term of cohesion is familiar in the study of language. Cohesion is part

of the system of language. It is introduced by Halliday and Hasan in 1976,

through their book Cohesion in English. The simplest definition proposed by

Halliday and Hasan is that “it refers to relation of meaning that exist within the

text, and that define it as a text”.

Cohesion occurs where the interpretation of some element in the discourse

is dependent on that of another. The one presupposes the other, in the sense that it

cannot be effectively decoded except by recourse to it. When this happens, a

relation of cohesion is set up, and the two elements, the presupposing and the

presupposed, are thereby at least potentially integrated into a text.

According the simple example that proposed Halliday and Hasan; “Wash

and core six cooking apples. Put them into a fireproof dish”. It is clear that the

word them in the second sentence refers back to the six cooking apples in the first

Ronald Wardhaugh, Introduction to Linguistics, ( New York : University of Michigan, 1972),
p. 81
M.A.K. Halliday and Ruqaiya Hasan (1976), op.cit., pp. 2-3

sentence. The word them gives cohesion to the sentences, so that is interpreted as

a whole. Halliday and Hasan give details of the example that the word them

presupposes for its interpretation something other than itself. This requirement is

met by the six cooking apples in the preceding sentence. The presupposition and

the fact that is resolved, provide cohesion between the two sentences, and in doing

create text.21

Halliday and Hasan, moreover, put forward that the function of cohesion is

to relate one part of a text to another part of the same text. In other words

cohesion functions as a tie to link one sentence to another. The actualization of

cohesion in any given instance, Halliday and Hasan examine, does not depend

merely on the selection of some option from within those resources, but also on

the selection of some other element which resolves the presupposition that this

sets up. For example in the selection of the word apples we cannot see that it has

cohesive power by itself, a cohesive relation is set up only if the same word or a

word related to it such as fruit has arise previously. Halliday and Hasan point out

that the cohesion lies in the relation that is set up between the sentences.

1. The Cohesion Devices

However, cohesion refers to the grammatical and lexical elements on the

surface of text which can form connections between parts of the text.

Furthermore Halliday and Hasan classify cohesion into two category, grammatical

Ibid. pp. 2- 5
Sanna-Kaisa Tanskanen. Collaborating towards Coherence : Lexical Cohesion in English
Discourse. (Amsterdam : John Benjamins Publishing, 2006), p. 13

cohesion and lexical cohesion. Grammatical cohesion markers consist of

reference, substitution, ellipsis, and conjunction. Whereas, the markers of lexical

cohesion consist of reiteration and collocation. All of cohesion devices, being on

the surface on the text, can be observed, counted, and analyzed, and are therefore

more objective.

a. Grammatical Cohesion Devices

Grammatical cohesion is a semantic element connection that marked by

grammatical tools. Grammatical cohesion devices are reference, substitution,

ellipsis, and conjunction.

1) Reference

The term reference is traditionally used in semantics for the relationship,

which holds between a word and what it points to in the real world. Reference is

the relation between an element of the text and something else by reference to

which it is interpreted in the given instance. Reference is a potentially cohesive

relation because the thing that serves as the source of the interpretation may itself
be an element of text. From the point of discourse analysis, reference has an

object that refers a word in the outside of language and in the inside of language.

In addition, Halliday and Hasan classify reference into exophoric and

endophoric. Exophoric is a reference that has antecedent in the outside of

language (extra textual), whereas endophoric is reference that its antecedent in the

inside of text (intra textual). Based on the antecedent location or the direction of

M.A.K. Halliday and Ruqaiya Hasan (1976), op.cit., pp. 308-309

its reference, reference divided into two part; anaphoric and cataphoric.24 For

more details, in can be seen in this following figure;


Exophora Endophora

( to preceding text ) ( to following text )

Anaphora Cataphora

Figure 1 : Reference

From the figure above, as a general rule, reference items may be exophoric

or endophoric; and if it endophoric, it may be anaphoric or cathaporic. Exophoric,

according to them is one, which does not name anything; it signals that reference

must be made to the context of situation. Endophoric is textual reference, that is,

referring to anything as identified in the surrounding text: Endhoporic reference is

further classified into anaphoric and cataphoric. Anaphoric is a relationship

whereby the meaning of expressions is recovered from previous mention, whereas

Yusrita Yanti. “ Kohesi Grammatikal dalam Wacana English Short Stories”, Konferensi
Linguistik Tahunan Atmajaya Tingkat Nasional. (2005), Feb 16th – 17th 2005, p. 173

cataphoric is a relationship whereby the meaning of expressions is recovered from

subsequent mention.25

For instance, attention these following sentences:

“They were walking along the street, the old-man and his seven-year old

grandson. It was just dust time for them to go home.”

According the example above, a word “they” refers to the old-man and

his seven-year old grandson in cataphoric scale. Whereas, a word “them” refers

to the old-man and his seven-year old grandson in anaphoric scale.

a). Personal reference

Personal reference is a reference by means of function in the speech

situation, trough the category of person. There is no general name for this

category in traditional grammar, because the members of it belong to different

classes with diverse structural roles; but in fact they represent a single system.26

The category of personals includes the three classes of personal pronouns,

possessive determiners (usually called “possessive adjectives‟), and possessive

pronouns. They serve to identify individuals and objects that are named at some

other point in the text.27

TABEL 1: Personal Pronoun

subjective objective determinative
case case function independent function

Guy cook (1989),op.cit., p. 156
M.A.K. Halliday and Ruqaiya Hasan (1976), op.cit., p. 43
David nunan ( 1993), op.cit., p. 23

Singular I Me My Mine
Plural We Us Our Ours
Singular You You Your Yours
Plural You You Your Yours
Masculine He Him His His
Feminine She Her Her Hers
Singular non-
Plural They Them Their Theirs
Singular non -
human it It Its it
Person One One One's

This sentence below is one of example of personal pronoun“Ferry and

John got gold medal on the badminton tournament yesterday; they are the best

delegation from our university”. Pronoun “they” refers to Ferry and John, it‟s

belong to personal pronoun.

b). Demonstrative Reference

Demonstrative reference is expressed through determiners and adverb.

These items can represent a single word or phrase, or much longer chunks of text

– ranging across several paragraphs or even several pages.28 Demonstrative

reference is essentially a form of verbal pointing. The speaker identities the

referent by locating it on a scale of proximity. Further explanation, see the

following table:


Tabel 2 : Demonstrative Reference

Semantic Category Selective non-Selective

Grammatical function Modifier/head Adjunct Modifier

Class determiner determiner
Singular Plural
( Proximity ) Time Place

Near this these [ now] here

Far that those Then there

Neutral the

The circumstantial (adverbial) demonstratives here, there, now, and then

refers to the location of process in space or time, and they normally do so directly,

not via the location of some person or object that is participating in the process;

hence they typically function as Adjuncts in the clause, not as elements within the

nominal group. They have a secondary function as qualifier, as in that man there.

The remaining (nominal) demonstratives this, these, that, those, and the refer to

the location of something, typically some entity-person or object- that is

participating in the process; they therefore occur as elements within the nominal

group. For instance, see these sentences below:

“There’s a new mall in the Gandaria called Gandaria City. Maybe we’ll

go there tomorrow and have a look.”


c). Comparative Reference

Comparative reference is cohesion in the form of reference that shows

comparison between one thing and another. Comparative reference is expressed

adjectives and adverbs and serves to compare items within a text in terms of

identity or similarity.29 Comparative reference divided into two: „general

comparison‟ and „particular comparison‟. General comparison expresses likeness

between things. The likeness may take the form of identity, where „two things‟ are

like each other.30 While, particular comparison expresses comparability between

things in respect of a particular property. Particular comparison must be a standard

of reference by which one thing is said to be superior equal, or inferior in quality

or quantity. This table below is about comparative reference:

Tabel 3 : Comparative Reference

general (deictic) particular (non-deictic)

Identity similarity difference Numerative epithet

other comparative
some equal such different more,-fewer,- adjectives and
identical similar else less- adverbs
so similarly different additional; so- eg: better; so- as-
identically likewise else as-equally- more- less- equally-
adjectives and
differently quantifier, eg: adjectives
otherwise so, many eg: equally good

Ibid. p. 24
M.A.K. Halliday and Ruqaiya Hasan (1976), op.cit., p. 76

2). Substitution

Substitution is a relation between linguistic items, such as words or

phrases; whereas reference is a relation between meanings. In terms of the

linguistic system, reference is a relation on the semantic level, whereas

substitution is a relation on the lexicogrammatical level, the level of grammar and

vocabulary. In addition, substitution involves a wider range of constructions: not

just nouns and pronoun but verbs and adverbs as well.31

Since substitution is grammatical relation, a relation in the wording rather

in the meaning, the different types of substitution are defined grammatically rather

than semantically. The criterion in grammatical function substitutes previous item.

In English, the substitute may function as a noun, as a verb, or as a clause. To

these correspond the three types of substitution; nominal, verbal, and clausal.32

a). Nominal Substitution

Nominal substitution is concerning substitute to nominal group. The

pronoun one (or its plural form ones) and same very commonly substitutes for a

previously mentioned noun.33

E.g.: There are top ten smart kids in the stages; these ones have got

medals from this competition

b). Verbal substitution

Verbal substitution is concerning substitute to verbal group. The verbal

Charles F. Meyer. Introducing English linguistic. ( Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,
2009), p. 104
MAK Halliday and Ruqaiya Hasan (1976), op.cit. p. 90
Charles F.Meyer (2009), loc.cit.

substitute in English is do. A word like do/does for refers to a word or groups of

words which have appeared in earlier sentence, for example:

E.g.: (1) : You think Peter want to married? I think everybody does.

(2) : Okay, let‟s continue this assignment. Why don‟t we

do it tomorrow?

First in (1) does substitutes for want, and in (2) do substitutes for continue.

c). Clausal Substitution

Clausal substitution is one further type of substitution in which what is

presupposed is not an element within the clause but in an entire clause the words

used as substitutes are so and not. There are three environments in which clausal

substitution take place; report, condition and modality. In each of these

environments it may take either of two form, positive and negative; the positive is

expressed by so, the negative by not. 34

(1). Marry design her room by replaced its wallpaper, bed, and moving

almost all items in there. I do so by myself.

(2). Has everyone come late ? I hope not.

Here, so in (1) presuppose the whole of clause design her room by replaced

its wallpaper, bed, and moving almost all items in there, and not in (2)

presupposes everyone come late.

MAK Halliday and Ruqaiya Hasan (1976), op.cit., pp. 130-131

3) Ellipsis

Ellipsis occurs when some essential structural element is omitted form a

sentence or clause and can only be recovered by referring to an element in the

preceding text.35 Ellipsis is like Substitution except that it involves deleting

information recoverable from some prior context rather that replacing the

information with a word like do or so.36 Ellipsis does not include every

instance in which the hearer or reader has to supply missing information, but those

where the grammatical structure itself points to an item or items that can fill the

slot in question. In the other hand ellipsis is simply “substitution by zero”. As with

substitution, there are three types of ellipsis – nominal, verbal, and clausal.

Examples of each type follow. (The point at which material has been omitted from

the second sentence of each text is marked by (0).).37

a) Nominal Ellipsis

By nominal ellipsis we mean ellipsis within the nominal group. An

elliptical nominal group clearly requires that there should be available from some

source or the other information necessary for feeling it out. Normally, the source

of information is a preceding nominal group.38 For example:

E.g.: My kids play an awful lot of sport. Both (0) are incredibly energetic.

b) Verbal Ellipsis

By verbal ellipsis we mean ellipsis within the verbal group. An elliptical

Davi Nunan (1993),op.cit, p. 25
Charles F. Meyer (2009) op.cit., p. 105
Davi Nunan (1993), loc.cit.
MAK.Halliday and Ruqaiya Hasan (1976), op.cit., pp. 147-148

verbal group presupposes one or more words from a previous verbal group.

Technically, it is defined as a verbal group whose structure does not fully express

its systemic features-all the choices that are being made within the verbal group

system. For example:

E.g.: A: Have you been working?

B: Yes, I have (0)

c) Clausal Ellipsis

Clausal ellipsis means ellipsis within the clause. For example:

A: Why‟d you only set three places? Paul‟s staying for dinner, isn‟t he?

B: Is he? He didn‟t tell me (0).

4) Conjunction

Conjunction is another type of formal relation between sentences and

perhaps the most apparent is provided by those words and phrases which

explicitly draw attention to the type of relationship which exists between one

sentence or clause and another. Conjunction involves the use of formal markers to

relate sentences, clauses, and paragraphs to each other. It uses to add more

information to what has already been said (and, furthermore, add to that) or

elaborate or exemplify it (for instance, thus, in other words).39

However, it is a cohesive device because it signals relationships that can

only be fully understood through reference to other parts of the text. 40. Unlike

Guy Cook (1989).op.cit., p. 21
Davi Nunan (1993), op.cit., p. 26

reference, substitution, and ellipsis, the use of conjunction does not instruct the

reader to supply missing information either by looking for it elsewhere in the text

of by filling structural slots. Halliday and Hasan propose four different types of

conjunction. They are additive, adversative, causal, and temporal conjunction.

a) Additive Conjunction

Additive conjunction is a type of conjunction which functions to give

additional information to sentence related, where the whole sentence are

considered as one complex sentences. Examples of this category are and, (and)

also, and…too, or, besides, nor, by the way, that is etc. For example:

E.g.: The citizen refuse the parliament’s plans to build a new parliament

building that spend a lot of estimates, and they also ask to the

parliament to consider their trip to many countries by the name

“study banding”.

(Here And signals the presentation of additional information).

b.) Adversative Conjunction

The next type is adversative conjunction. It includes those conjunctions,

which signal that the information following conjunction is contrary expectation.

This category consists of but, yet, though, however, nevertheless, despite this, etc.

For example:

E.g.: Last year John lived in California, but this year he lives in Hawai

(The relationship signaled by but is adversative because the information in the

second sentence of each text moderates or qualifies the information in the first).

c) Causal Conjunction

The third is causal conjunction. This type of conjunction signals that the

information in the preceding clause refers to the cause of the content of the clause

that follows the conjunction. The form of causal relation is expressed by so, thus,

hence, therefore, consequently, accordingly, and a number of expression like as a

result (of that), in consequence (of that), and because of that. thus, hence,

therefore, as a result, because of that, because, etc. For example:

E.g.: I am busy in my office, so I ask my driver to pick you up.

(In this type of conjunction, the relationship is one of clause and consequence).

d) Temporal Conjunction

The last type is temporal conjunction. This type is related to sequence in

time, where the one is subsequent to the other. In other words, this kind of

conjunction establishes a temporal relationship between units in discourse. The

simplest form of this type is expressed by then, next, after that, finally, at last,

first, etc. For example:

E.g.: My little sister went to Bandung yesterday and she visited the

famous place in there. First, she visited Tangkuban Perahu. Then,

she played in Kawah Putih

(Temporal relationships exist when the events in a text are related in terms of the

timing of their occurrence).

b. Lexical Cohesion Devices

David Nunan through his book “Introducing Discourse Analysis” states

that lexical cohesion occurs when two words in a text are semantically related in

some way- in other words; they are related in terms of their meaning. 41 Lexical

cohesion is the cohesive effect achieved by the selection vocabulary.42 Lexical

cohesion refers to the rule played by the selective of vocabulary in organizing

relations within a text. Halliday and Hasan add that lexical cohesion is “phoric”

cohesion that is established through the structure of the lexis or vocabulary and

hence as well as substitution at lexico-grammatical level. They divide lexical

cohesion into two main categories; reiteration and collocation.43

1) Reiteration

Reiteration is the repetition of lexical item, or the occurrence of a synonym

of some kind in the context of reference; that is, where the two occurrences have

the same referent.44 Reiteration includes repetition, synonym or near synonym,

superordinat, and general word. Reiteration thus fulfils a similar semantic function

to cohesive reference.45 Typically, therefore, a reiterated lexical item is

accompanied by a reference item, usually the or a demonstrative.

a) Repetition

Repetition is repeating the same words. Repetition occurs when a word

form is repeated again in a later section of the text. The following example is

adapted from Halliday and Hasan;

E.g.: There is a large tower building near my school, almost all my friends like

to visit the tower because we can see many things from the top.

Davi Nunan (1993), op.cit., p. 28
MAK Halliday and Ruqaiya Hasan (1976), op.cit., p. 274
MAK Halliday and Ruqaiya Hasan (1976), op.cit,. p. 318
Davi Nunan (1993), op.cit., p. 29

In the example above, a word tower refers back to tower.

b) Synonym.

Synonym is the word that sound different but have the same or nearly the

same meaning.46 To make it clear, see this following example:

E.g.: Accordingly…I took leave, and turned to the ascent of the peak. The

climb is perfectly easy….

In the sentences above, the word climb refers back to ascent.

c) Near synonym.

Near synonym is the connection between the words that doesn‟t have

exactly same meaning, but close or similar. The following example is adapted

from Halliday and Hasan:

E.g.: Then quickly rose Sir Bedivere, and ran, and leaping down the

ridges lightly, plung’d among the bulrush beds, and clutch’d the

sword and lightly wheel’d and threw it. The great brand made

lightning in the splendor of the moon…

In the sentences above, the word brand refers back to sword.

d) Superordinate

Superordinate or Hyponymy is the relation of the meaning between the

more general term and the more specific term.47 For example apple is a

superordinat of fruit, red for color,etc. Look the example below:

Victoria Prompkin, et al. (2003),op.cit., p. 181
Ibid. p.184

E.g.: My mother makes a delicious blackforest for me. It’s my first cake

from my mom.

In the sentences above, the word cake is refers back to blackforest. That is,

a name for general class.

e) General word

The general words, which correspond to major class of lexical items, are

very commonly used with cohesive force. It is such as thing, person, make, do,

and so on; these, although limited in number, are not clearly bounded and it is

hardly possible to compile a definitive list of them,48 For example:

E.g.: There’s a new ipad in my desk. That is a sophisticated thing

happening today.

That is to say, there may be various degrees of generality intermediate

between the presupposed items itself, in the example above, thing is general word

of ipad.

2). Collocation

The next type of lexical cohesion is collocation. Collocation is connection

between words that have close lexical meaning. Collocation has no limit scope

during those items have semantically related. According Halliday and Hasan,

collocation is lexical cohesion that achieved through the association of lexical

items that regularly co-occur. It is not only represented by synonym or

superordinate but also by pairs of opposites of various kinds. For examples,

complementaries such as boy…girl.., stand up…sit down, antonyms such as

Ibid. p.280

like…hate, converses such as order…obey, and pairs of the same ordered series. If

Tuesday, occurs in one sentence and Thursday in another, the effect will be

cohesive; similarly dollar…cent, north…south, likewise with any pairs drawn

from unordered lexical sets, like basement…roof, road…rail.

The member of such sets often stand in some recognizable semantic

relation to one another; they may be related as part to whole, like car…brake,

box…lid, or as part to part, like mouth…chin, verse…chorus; they may be co-

hyponyms of the same superordinate term, ie both members of the same more

general class, such as chair…table (both hyponyms of furniture).49

D. The Degree of cohesiveness

To determine the degree of journalistic texts cohesiveness, the writer uses

Scinto formula that recognized by Hartnett‟s book “Static and Dynamic

Cohesion”. According to the frequency of cohesion device using on the text,

Scinto develops a formula that establish the degree of cohesiveness. This formula

observes the text cohesiveness according the cohesion devices using and compare

them by the total of topic units in the text.

Topic unit defined as a set of continuous utterances appearing to related to

the same topic without being separated by introduction or renewal of topic or of a

shift in turn. Topic units were first categorized globally as either topic

maintenance a topic shift category.50

Ibid. pp. 284-285
Ronald L.Bloom. Discourse analysis and application, ( New Jersey: Erlboum Associated,inc
publisher, 1994), p.178

We can measure the degree of cohesiveness by compare the number of

cohesion that applied on the text with the topic units and multiplied by 100 %.51

The number of cohesion devices

�𝑥 100 %
The number of topic units

The guidelines to determining the degree of cohesiveness as follows:

Table 4: Degree of cohesiveness categories

Categories Percentage
Very high > 85 %
High 70 – 85 %
Medium 55 – 69 %
Low 35 – 54 %
Very low < 35 %

I Wayan Wendra, “Tingkat Kekohesifan Abstrak dalam Artikel Aneka Widya”. Jurnal
Pendidikan dan Pengajaran IKIP Negeri Singaraja, Volume XXXVI, No. 1 (Januari, 2003).


A. Data Description

In this chapter, the writer would be analysis five text of the journalistic

text in online media, VoAnews.com. The analysis will apply cohesion concept by

Halliday and Hasan. According to them cohesion is divided by two types, it is

grammatical and lexical cohesion. Both of them are the main factors of

determining text. A whole text can be seen from the connection among the

sentences. It is expressed through grammatical and lexical cohesion markers.

Text 1
Grammatical Cohesion

1. Reference

a.) Personal reference = 7 items

b.) Demonstrative reference = 1 item
c.) Comparative reference = 3 items

2. Conjunction

a.) Additive Conjunction = 1 item

Lexical Cohesion

1. Reiteration

a.) Repetition = 7 words repeated

b.) Near Synonym = 1 items


c.) Superordinate = 1 item

d) General Word = 1 item

2. Collocation = 1 item

Text 2

Grammatical Cohesion

1. Reference

a.) Personal reference = 15 items

b.) Demonstrative reference = 3 items
c.) Comparative reference = 3 items

2. Conjunction

a.) Additive Conjunction = 1 item

b.) Adversative Conjunction = 2 items

c.) Causal Conjunction = 1 item

Lexical Cohesion

1. Reiteration

a.) Repetition = 1 word repeated

c.) Superordinate = 3 items

d.) General Word = 1 item

2. Collocation = 1 item

Text 3

Grammatical Cohesion


a.) Personal Reference = 29 items


b.) Demonstrative Reference = 2 items

c.) Comparative Reference = 2 items

2. Subtitution

a.) Nominal Subtitution = 2 items

3. Elipsis

a.) Nominal Elipsis = 2 items

4. Conjunction

a.) Additive Conjunction = 5 items

b.) Adversative Conjunction = 2 items

c.) Causal Conjunction = 1 item

Lexical Cohesion

1. Reiteration

a.) Repetition = 5 words repeated

b.) Synonym = 3 items

d.) Superordinate = 2 items

e.) General Word = 1 item

2. Collocation = 1 item

Text 4

Grammatical Cohesion

1. Reference

a.) Personal reference = 7 items

b.) Demonstrative reference = 2 items
c.) Comparative reference = 1 item

2. Conjunction

a.) Additive Conjunction = 1 item

b.) Causal Conjunction = 1 item

Lexical Cohesion

1. Reiteration

a.) Repetition =4 words repeated

b.) General Word = 1 item

2. Collocation = 1 item


Grammatical Cohesion

1. Reference

a.) Personal Reference = 5 items

b.) Demonstrative Reference = 2 items
c.) Comparative Reference = 2 items

2. Ellipsis

a.) Nominal Ellipsis = 1 item

3. Conjunction

a.) Additive Conjunction = 1 item

b.) Adversative Conjunction = 1 item

Lexical Cohesion

1. Reiteration

a.) Repetition = 8 words repeated

b.) Synonym = 1 item


c.) Near Synonym = 1 item

d.) Superordinate = 2 items

e.) General Word = 1 item

2. Collocation = 1 item

Table 5: Statistical Table

No. Cohesion Text 1 Text 2 Text 3 Text 4 Text 5 Total

11 21 33 10 81
1 Reference items items items items 6 items items
2 Substitution 2 items 2 items
3 Ellipsis 2 items 1 item 3 items
4 Conjunction 1 item 4 items 5 items 2 item 2 items items
7 3 4 7 22
5 Repetition words 1 word words words words items
6 Synonym 3 items 1 item 4 items
7 Near-Synonym 1 item 1 items
8 Superordinat 1 item 3 items 2 items 1 item 7 items
9 General Word 1 item 1 item 1 item 1 item 4 item
10 Collocation 1 item 1 item 1 items 1 item 1 item 5 item
Total items

B. Data Analysis
1. Grammatical and Lexical Cohesion
a. Text 1 (UEFA President Platini Ensured of Second Term in 2011)
1) Grammatical Cohesion
a). Reference
(1). Personal reference
There are some personal references items that occur in the text 1, they are

personal pronoun as a subject he, and possessive determiner his and their.

(a) L.3 and 4: … Platini will be formally re-elected on March 22

at the UEFA Congress in Paris. His second term as UEFA
president will run from 2011 until 2015. (his refers to Platini
in the preceding text).
(b) L.5: … The hallmarks of Platini‟s first are his fervent effort to
introduce financial fair play rules…. (his refers to Platini in
the preceding text).
(c) L.7: … He also overhauled the former UEFA Cup into the
Europa League to rejuvenate the secondtier competition. (he
refers to Platini).
(d) L.9 and 10: … Thanks to Platini, new regulations in 2012 will
help prevent clubs from spending wildly beyond their means
on player salaries and other expenses to gain an advantage
over their rivals. ( their refers to the clubs).
(e) L. 11: The UEFA chief has said he considers such a practice
as a kind of cheating. ( he refers to the UEFA chief).
(f) L.12: The former France captain helped his country win the
1984 European Championship. In (his refers to The former
France in the preceding text).

He (L.7, 11) is personal pronoun as a subject, exactly it is singular

masculine pronoun in third person. He (L.7) refers to Platini, but he (L.11) refers

to the UEFA chief.

His (L.3, 5, 12) and Their (L.9, 10 ) are possessive determiner. His (L.3, 5,

12) refers to Platini in the preceding text as UEFA president and their (l.9, 10)

refers to the preceding text, the clubs. The author uses personal pronouns to avoid

repeating the subject mentioned previously but it has to utilize an exactly personal

pronoun in order there is no ambiguity meaning.

(2) Demonstrative reference

The demonstrative reference item which visible in the text 1 is just neutral

demonstrative represented by definite article the.

(a) Platini was one of football‟s greatest players. The former

France captain helped his country win the 1984 European

The in (1) is signal of identity that shows to identify former France captain

who was one of the football‟s greatest players in France and led his country as a

winner in 1984 European Championship. The here is anaphoric, it means the

always refers to the preceding text. The is neutral demonstrative pronoun.

(3) Comparative reference

The comparative references items in text 1 are expressed only by particular

comparison through only numerative as, more and epithet (….-er).

(a) L.6: ….and to make the top-tier Champions League more

accessible for clubs from smaller European countries in the
group stage.
(b) L.10: …. The UEFA chief has said he considers such a practice
as a kind of cheating.
Smaller, as, and more are comparative adjective and more is

compounded. In this part, comparative reference is used to ease the author to

comparing something.

b). Conjunction
(1). Additive conjunction

The conjunction item that occurs in the text 1 is just additive conjunction.

The other items like adversative, causal, and temporal conjunction do not appear

in this journalistic text.

(a) The hallmarks of Platini‟s first term are his fervent effort to
introduce financial fair play rules, and to make the top-tier
Champions League more accessible for clubs from smaller
European countries in the group stage.
And is expressed additive conjunction, its function is adding information and

as connection between sentences. Besides adding information, another function is


used to tie up the idea within sentences.

2.) Lexical Cohesion

a.) Reiteration

The next marker of cohesion is lexical cohesion, and repetition is one of its

devices that often appear in the text.

(a) UEFA president Michel Platini is ensured of serving a second

four-year term at the helm of European football‟s governing
body after no other candidates entered the race by the
December 22 deadline.
(b) Platini will be formally re-elected on March 22 at the UEFA
Congress in Paris.
(c) His second term as UEFA president will run from 2011 until
(d) The hallmarks of Platini‟s first term are his fervent effort to
introduce financial fair play rules, and to make the top-tier
Champions League more accessible for clubs from smaller
European countries in the group stage.
(e) He also overhauled the former UEFA Cup into the Europa
League to rejuvenate the second tier competition.
(f) Thanks to Platini, new regulations in 2012 will help prevent
clubs from spending wildly beyond their means on player
salaries and other expenses to gain an advantage over their
(g) The UEFA chief has said he considers such a practice as a kind
of cheating.
(h) Platini was one of football‟s greatest players.
(i) The former France captain helped his country win the 1984
European Championship. He went on to coach the French
national team from 1988 to 1992.
The sentences above indicate that there are some repetitions in text 1,

they are Platini ( in sentences 1, 2, 4, 6, and 8), UEFA ( in sentences 1, 2, 3, 5,

and 7), President ( in sentences 1 and 2 ), League ( in sentences 4 and 5),

European ( in sentences 1, 4, and 9), term ( in sentences 1, 3, and 4), football ( in

sentences 1 and 8), the writer chooses nouns to analyze in this section. Most of

them are related to the topics of the text. The authors utilize repetition within their

text to repeat the important word that related to the text topic.

Sometimes, too many repetitions of words make the readers tedious, to

avoid that the writer can choose an alternative way by using synonyms or near

synonyms which is another word that still has same or near same meaning. In the

text 1,there are no synonym, but there is one near synonym. The near synonym

between nouns chief and captain (in sentences 7 and 9). The words chief and

captain almost have the same meaning, generally each other have definition as a


There is one superordinate “country " and “French” ( in sentence 9),

French is specific significance from country. superordinate is used by the author

to reveal a specific word (hyponym) by its general reference (hypernym). And the

last form of reiteration that delivered in the text 1 is general word. General word

is used by the author as a general term that can cover almost everything. It occurs

between “UEFA Cup” and “competition” (in sentences 5), as a general noun

“competition” used to refers back “UEFA Cup”.

b.) Collocation

The second device of lexical cohesion is collocation. Collocation occurs

in the text 1 are showed by “national team” “captain” “coach” ( in sentences 9)

and “players” (in sentence 8). It is part to whole, because players, captain, and

coach are part of national team. The words, players, captain, and coach used the

domain of sports fields that have collocation tie with national team.

a. Text 2 (AFC Chief Backs Moving 2022 World Cup to Winter)

1) Grammatical cohesion
a) Reference
(1). Personal reference

The personal reference items that occur in the text 2 are personal pronoun

as a subject I, you, they, we, it, and possessive determiner (possessive adjectives)

his, our, its, their.

(a) L.5: … Bin Hammam said Tuesday his country is capable of

organizing the 2022 tournament in June and July.(his refers to
Bin Hammam in the preceding text).
(b) L.6: They have actually presented the solution for heat
challenges… (they refers to Qatar‟s government).
(c) L.6 : …So our country actually [is] ready and willing to host a
very comfortable World Cup in the summer season. (Our
refers to Qatar‟s government in the preceding text).
(d) L.7 : … he said through an interpreter. (He refers to
Mohammed bin Hammam).
(e) L.9: … says it would be better to play when the weather is
cooler… (it refers to 2022 World Cup).
(f) L.10: … he added that it is premature to suggest co-hosting
the tournament with other countries in the region. (he refers to
Bin Hammam and it refers to non person as a situation).
(g) L.12: European teams appear to be split on whether it is a
good idea to shift the tournament to a cooler time of the year.
(it refers to moving 2022 world cup to the winter months).
(h) L.13 and 14: England national team coach Fabio Capello says
the heat would force his team to spend most of its time in the
hotel. (His refers to Fabio Capello in the preceding text, and its
refers to England national team in the preceding text ).
(i) L.15: it is a big problem because when you stay together for a
long time you need to relax, to do something different… ( it
refers to moving world cup to the winter months, and you
refers to the reporter).
(j) L.19: But Sandro Rosell, president of Spanish football
powerhouse FC Barcelona. Says the move would be disruptive
and force some of Europe‟s top leagues to change their
schedules. (Their refers to FC Barcelona in the preceding text).
(k) L.20 and L.21 : I have to defend to play in June and July
because I don‟t like to break the Spanish league because it is
one of the leagues in Europe that has continuity during

January,” said Rosell . ( I refers to Sandro Rosell, and it

refers to the Spanish league).

There are personal pronouns as a subject delivered in the text, but there are

no personal pronouns as an object. That personal pronoun are it (L.9), (10), (12),

and (15) refer to moving the 2022 World Cup, but it in the line 20 (L.20) refers to

the Spanish league. He (L.7) and (L.10) refers to Mohamed bin Hammam. I

(L.20) refers to Sandro Rosell, and you (L.15) refers to the reporter of

VoAnews.com agency.

Personal reference as a possessive determiner that occurs on the text 3

contains of his (L.5) refers to Muhamed bin Hammam, whereas his (L.13) refers

to Fabio Capello. Our (L.6) refers to the Qatar‟s government and their (L.19)

refers to FC Barcelona.

From the personal references above, every pronoun replaces each subject

suitable by its own equivalence. Personal pronouns are very helpful in order to

avoid repetition.

(2) Demonstrative reference

There are three demonstrative references items which visible in the text 2,

the, that, and this. Neutral demonstrative represented by definite article the, and

the selective participant demonstrative represented by this and that.

(1) (L.1): Muhamed bin Hammam of Qatar, the head of the

Asian Football Confederation (AFC)….
The is signal of identity, shows to identify the leader or chief of Asian

Football Confederation (AFC).


(2) L.16:.… For that reason I think the good idea will be to play
in January or February..
(3) L.22: FIFA awarded the 2022 World Cup to Qatar earlier this
month, beating out the United States, Australia, Japan, and
South Korea.
That and this refer something that has been mention before; the differences

are that for far proximity and this for near proximity. That in the text as

representative of the big problem which has been explained before, whereas this

as representative of a month where FIFA will be held the 2022 World Cup

competition. The author uses demonstrative pronoun, to point out something

according its own proximity.

(3) Comparative reference.

The comparative reference in the text 2 is expressed only by particular

comparison through epithet ( -er). They are better, cooler, and earlier

(1) L.8&9 : Bin Hammam, who is also a member of the football

world governing body‟s (FIFA) executive committee, says it
would be better to play when the weather is cooler….
(2) L. 22: FIFA awarded the 2022 World Cup to Qatar earlier
this month, beating out the United States, Australia, Japan,
and South Korea.
Better, cooler, and earlier are comparative adjective. The author of the

text uses comparative reference to show compared item within a text in terms of

identity or similarity.

a.) Conjunction

(1) Additive conjunction

Additive conjunction item in the text 2 is showed by and.

(a)L.6: They have actually presented the solution for heat

challenges, so our country actually [is] ready and willing to
host a very comfortable World Cup in the summer season.

(b) L.10: …. Because the players would be in better shape and

not exhausted from a long season.
And is expressed as additive conjunction, its function is adding information

and as connection between sentences. The author uses additive conjunction to

keep the idea within the sentence in order to deliver as a unity.

(2) Adversative conjunction

Adversative conjunction items that appears in the text 2 are however and


(a)L.8: However , Bin Hammam, who is also a member of the

football world governing body‟s (FIFA) executive
committee, says it would be better to play when the weather
is cooler,….
(b) L.23: … But the decision prompted protests from numerous
football organizations…
Here however and but have sense as “against”. The author uses adversative

conjunction to show the existence of contradictions when says two things in some

ways opposite to each other.

(3) Causal conjunction

Causal conjunction item that occurs in the text 2 is because.

(a) L 9: … it would be better to play when the weather is

cooler, because the players would be in better shape and
not exhausted from a long season.
Here, because gives signals that information in the preceding clause of the

content of the clause that follows the conjunction, the author uses causal

conjunction to indicates a thought process in making decisions.


1) Lexical cohesion

a) Reiteration

The next marker of cohesion is lexical cohesion, and in this text there is

just one repetition, tournament.

(1) (L.11 and 12): He added that it is premature to suggest co-

hosting the tournament with other countries in the region.
European teams appear to be split on whether it is a good
idea to shift the tournament to a cooler time of the year.
The repetition word is tournament; it has connection from the topic of the

text. Usually, the authors utilize repetition within their text to repeat the important

word that related to the text topic.

There are no synonym and near-synonym in the text 2, but there are

some superordinates delivered in the text, superordinate is used by the author to

reveal a specific word (hyponym) by its general reference (hypernym). For more

details attention these sentences below:

(1) “ I have to defend to play in June and July because I don‟t to

break the Spanish league because it is one of the leagues in
Europe that has continuity during January.” Said Rosell.
FIFA awarded the 2022 World Cup to Qatar erlier this
month…(L.20,21, and 23).
January, June, and July are specific significances from month.

(2) They have actually presented the solution for heat challenges,
so our country actually [is] ready and willing to host a very
comfortable World Cup in the summer season...(L.6 and
7)…. FIFA awarded the 2022 World Cup to Qatar earlier this
month, beating out the United States, Australia, Japan, and
South Korea. (L. 22)
United States, Australia, Japan, and South Korea are specific significances

from country.

(3) “They have actually presented the solution for heat

challenges, so our country actually [is] ready and willing to
host a very comfortable World Cup in the summer season”
he said through an interpreter. However, Bin Hammam, who
is also a member of the football world governing body‟s
(FIFA) executive committee, says it would be better to play
when the weather is cooler,… (L.6 - 9)

Summer is specific significance from weather.

The last form of reiteration that appears in the text 2 is general word.

General word is used by the author as a general term that can cover almost

everything. It occurs in League and FC Barcelona, for more details check this

following sentence:

(4) But Sandro Rosell, president of Spanish football powerhouse

FC Barcelona, says the move would be disruptive and force
some Europe‟s top leagues change their schedules. ( L.18 and

League is general noun that refers to FC Barcelona, its meaning is team.

As people know, FC Barcelona is the one of big football team from Spain.

b) Collocation

The second device of lexical cohesion is collocation, and it occurs in the

line 13 of the text. For the complete sentences, check this following sentence:

(1) England national team coach Fabio Capello says the heat
would force his team to spend most of its time it hotel. (L.13
and 14)

It is part to whole, because coach is part of team. The word coach in this

context football team has collocation link with team. On the context of this

sentence, the words coach used in the domain of network of sport fields that have

collocation tie with team and create cohesive discourse.


a. Text 3 ( A Number of First Highlighted 2010 Year in Sport)

1) Grammatical cohesion
a) Reference
(1). Personal reference

The personal reference items utilize in the text 3 are personal pronoun as a

subject he, she, they, as an object them and possessive determiner his, its, their.

(a)(L.1 and 2)The 2010 year in sports was an exciting one

marked by a number of first. Among them, Spain won its
first World Cup football championship. Serbia won its first
Davis Cup title.(them refers to sports, and its refers to an
exciting sport).
(b) (L.4 and 5) American golf star Tiger Woods failed to win a
tournament for the first time in his professional career –
during a turbulent year in which he admitted the rumors of
his infidelities were true…. (his refers to Tiger Woods as
possessive determiner, and he refers to Tiger Woods as
personal pronoun).
(c)(L.9) The final was played at the huge Soccer City stadium in
Johannesburg, where Spain captured its first World Cup…
(its refers to an exciting sport).
(d) (L.14 – L.18) American golfer Tiger Woods dominated
headlines in 2010 but mostly not for his game. Rumors
became reality when he admitted to a string of extra-marital.
His reputation ruined, he lost millions of dollars in
endorsements and was divorced by his Swedish wife Elin.
For the first time in his pro career, he did not win a
tournament, and he fell from the number-one world ranking.
.( his refers to American golfer Tiger Woods as possessive
determiner, and he refers to American golfer Tiger Woods as
personal pronoun).
(e)(L.20) In tennis, Caroline Wozniacki did not win any of the
major tournaments, but she won enough to become the first
player from Denmark.( she refers to Caroline Wozniacki).
(f) (L.26 and 27) The 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics might be
remembered more for their tragic starts rather than their
athletic feats.(their refers to The 2010 Vancouver Winter
(g) (L.28) In a training run the day of Opening Ceremonies
Nodar Kumaritashlivili of Georgia was killed when his luge
sled flew off the track into a support pole.(his refers to Nodar

(h) (L.34)That‟s where alpine skier Lindsey Vonn became the

first American woman to win the Olympic downhill gold
medal. Later in the season she was the first American and
only second woman ever to win the overall World Cup title
three straight seasons.(she refers to Lindsey Vonn).
(i) (L.40) The Chicago Blackhawks won their first Stanley Cup
since 1961, beating the Philadelphia Flyers in six games.
(their refers to the Chicago Blackhawks).
(j) (L. 41) The Los Angeles Lakers won their second straight
National Basketball Association title. (their refers to The Los
Angeles Lakers).
(k) (L.44) Quarterback Drew Brees guided the New Orleans
saints to their first ever National Football League Super
Bowl title. (their refers to New Orleans).
(l) (L.47) Baseball‟s San Francisco Giants won their first World
Series since moving to California from New York back in
1958. (their refers to Baseball‟s San Francisco Giants).
(m) (L.48) They were victorious in five games over the Texas
Rangers….(They refers to Baseball‟s San Francisco Giants).
(n) (L.50) New York Yankees slugger Alex Rodriguez admitted
he took performance- enhancing drugs….(he refers to Alex
(o) (L.52 and 53) On other hand, retired star pitcher Roger
Clemens was indicted on charges of lying to Congress two
years ago, when he claimed he had never used performance-
enchancing drugs. His trial will be in 2011. (he refers to
Roger Clemens as personal pronoun and his refers to Roger
Clemens as possessive determiner)
(p) (L.55 and 56) And Sri Lankan bowler Muttiah Murallitharan
retired with a world record 800 wickets, achieving the feat
from his final ball in his final test match in July against India.
(his refers to Muttiah Murallitharan).

There are some personal pronouns as subjects or as an object. Personal

pronouns as subjects are he, she, they, and as an object is them. He in sentences

number (b) and (c) refers to Tiger Woods, he in sentence number (n) refers to

Alex Rodriguez, the last is he in sentence number (o) refers to Roger Clemens.

Then, she in sentence number (e) refers to Caroline Wozniacki, but she in the

sentence number (h) refers to Lindsey Vonn. Their in sentence number (f) refers

to Vancouver Winter Olympics, their in sentence number (i) refers to The


Chicago Blackhawk, their in sentence number (j) refers to The Los Angeles

Lakers, their in the sentence number (k) refers to New Orleans. The last is

personal pronoun as an object, them in sentence number (a) refers to sports.

These are personal pronoun as a possessive determiner, his in sentence

number (b) and (d) refers to American golfer Tiger Woods, his in sentence

number (g) refers to Nodar Kumaritaslivili, and his in sentence number (o) refers

to Roger Clemens. Their in sentence number (f) refers to The 2010 Vancouver

Winter Olympics, their in sentence number (i) refers to the Chicago Blackhawks,

their in sentence number (j) refers to The Los Angeles Lakers, their in sentence

number (k) refers to New Orleans, their in sentence number (l) refers to

Baseball‟s San Francisco Giants.

Personal reference is used by the author to be emphasized to avoid a

repetition of the subject which is a waste of words. It clearly refers to previously

mentioned subject, but it has to put the exactly personal pronoun in order not to

create an ambiguous sentence.

(2) Demonstrative reference

There are three the demonstrative reference items which visible in the text

3, the and that. Neutral demonstrative represented by definite article the, and the

selective participant demonstrative represented by that. For more details, these are

the following sentences.

(a) L.36: But despite tragedy and weather issues, the host
Canadians rejoiced on the final day when their beloved men‟s
ice hockey team capture the gold medal….
The is signal of identity, it is used to shows to identify a place that holds

the competition, its place is Canada.


(b) Whistler Mountain events were not affected. That‟s where

alpine skier Lindsey Vonn became the first American woman
to win the Olympic downhill gold medal.

That in the text 3 as representative of the Whistler Mountain events which

has been mentioned before. The author uses demonstrative reference, to point out

something according its own proximity. In sentence (b), reference that identifies

far proximity.

(3) Comparative reference

The comparative reference items in text 3 are expressed only by particular

comparison through only numerative as, and more. It describes through these

sentences below:

(a)(L.26 and 27) The 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics might be

remembered more for their tragic starts rather than their
athletic feats
(b) (L.26 and 27) The 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics might
be remembered more for their tragic starts rather than their
athletic feats
(c) (L.49) But sadly, the steroids issue made headlines in
baseball as well.

In the sentences (a),(b),(c) ,the comparative references that are used and –

as. More is particular numerative comparative and as is additional in particular

numerative comparative. The author uses comparative reference devices to ease

comparing something.

b.) Substitution

(1) Nominal Substitution

There is only one substitution item that appears in the text 3, it is nominal

substitution. For more details, these are the following sentences:


(a)L.1: The 2010 year in sports was an exciting one marked by a

number of firsts.
(b) L.6: For the first time ever, football‟s premier event, the
World Cup, was held in Africa. No one, either in the
stadiums or watching on television….

In this context one is a form of nominal substitute, it is used to substitute a

nominal item, in this case, one in sentence number (1) substitute sports and one in

sentence number (2) refers to people. The author of the text uses nominal

substitution to replace the same previous word in order to have no extravagant


c.) Ellipsis

(1) Nominal ellipsis

In text 3 there is just one item of ellipsis, it is nominal ellipsis. There are

two nominal ellipsis appear in this text. The sentences below describe the nominal

ellipsis utilizes in the texts.

(a)L.40): The Chicago Blackhawks won their first Stanley Cup in

1961, beating the Philadelphia Flyers in six games.
If the sentence is completed by an elliptical nominal group, the sentence

above will be “The Chicago Blackhawks won their first Stanley Cup in 1961, The

Chicago Blackhawks beating the Philadelphia Flyers in six games”.

(b) (L.41): The Los Angeles Lakers won their second straight
National Basketball Association title, beating the Boston
Celtics, four games to three, and Kobe Bryant was once again
named Most Valuable Player.

In the sentences (b), here the author uses the nominal ellipsis, ellipsis is a

fusion of a word in a sentence that has been deemed unnecessary like nominal

such as The Los Angeles Lakers, and the authors eliminate it because the next

sentence is still in the same subject, so it does not make such a long sentence. If

the sentence is completed by an elliptical nominal group, the sentence above will

be “The Los Angeles Lakers won their second straight National Basketball

Association title, The Los Angeles Lakers beating the Boston Celtics, four games

to three, and Kobe Bryant was once again named Most Valuable Player”.

d.) Conjunction

(1) Additive conjunction

There are two items of additive conjunction that found by the writer, they

are or and and.

(a)(L.4 and 5): Caroline Wozniacki became the first Danish

tennis player to be ranked number one in the world. And
American golf star Tiger Woods failed to win a tournament
for the first time in his professional career…..
(b) (L.12 and 13): In early December FIFA voted surprisingly for
Russia to host the 2018 World Cup and for Qatar to become
the smallest and first Middle East nation to host the
tournament in 2022.
(c)(L.24): Rafael Nadal of Spain won the French Open,
Wimbledon and the U.S. Open, to regain the top ranking
from Switzerland‟s Roger Federer.
(d) She won enough to become the first player from Denmark,
male or female, to ascend to number one in the world.
And and or are expressed additive conjunction, their function are adding

information and as connection between sentences. Additive conjunction is used to

help the author to pour the addition of ideas within an existing idea.

(2) Adversative conjunction

Adversative conjunction items that appears in the text 3 are but and despite.

(a)(L.20) In tennis, Caroline Wozniacki did not win any of the

major tournaments, but she won enough to become the first
player from Denmark…..

(b) (L.36) But despite tragedy and weather issues, the host
Canadians rejoiced on the final day their beloved men‟s…..
Here but and despite have sense as “against”. The author uses

adversative conjunction to demonstrate the existence of contradictions when the

author wants to show two things in some ways opposite to each other, the

differences when comparing two things.

(3) Causal Conjunction

Causal conjunction item that occurs in the text 3 is because.

(a)(L.31)….. thousands of spectator tickets had to be canceled

because the footing on top of the hay bales underneath was
Here, because gives signals that information in the preceding clause of

the content of the clause that follows the conjunction.

2) Lexical cohesion

a) Reiteration

The next marker of cohesion is lexical cohesion, and these are some

repetitions appear in the text 3.

(a) (L.2): Among them, Spain won its first World Cup football
(b) (L.4): American golf star Tiger Woods failed to win a
tournament for the first time in his professional career
(c) (L.6): For the first time ever, football‟s premier event, The
World Cup, was held in Africa.
(d) (L.13): …. for Qatar to become the smallest and first Middle
East nation to host the tournament in 2022.
(e) (L.17): For the first time in his pro career, he did not win a
tournament, and he feel from the number-one world ranking.
(f) (L.20): In tennis, Cariline Wozniacki did not win any major
tournaments, but she won enough to become the first player
from Denmark.

The sentences above indicate that there are some repetitions in text 3, they

are „World Cup‟ ( in line 2 and 6), „ football‟ ( in line 2 and 6), „tournament‟ ( in

line 4, 13, and 17 ), the writer chooses nouns to analyze in this section. Most of

them are related to the topics of the text. Repetition is the repeating of words that

are considered important part within the sentences. Usually, the author uses it to

repeat the content word within the text.

There are three synonyms appear in the text, the synonyms between match

and tournament, regain and recaptured, and also the synonyms between victory

and win. They are showed by these sentences below:

(g) (L.55 and 56) And Sri Lankan bowler Muttiah Murallitharan
retired with a world record 800 wickets, achieving the feat
from his final ball in his final test match in July against
(h) (L.17): For the first time in his pro career, he did not win a
tournament, and he feel from the number-one world ranking.
(i) (L.18): In team golf, Europe recaptured the prestigious
Ryder Cup from the United States.
(j) (L.24):…. Rafael Nadal of Spain won the French Open,
Wimbledon and the U.S Open, to regain the top ranking
from Switzerland‟s Roger Federer.
(k) (L.45): Their 31-17 victory over the Indianapolis Colts
provided a big morale boost to the city five years after the
ravages of Hurricane Katrina.
(l) (L.20): In tennis, Caroline Wozniacki did not win any major

The author utilizes synonyms to avoid too much repetition of the text. So

the author chooses an alternative way by using synonyms which is another word

that still in same meaning. The words match - tournament, recaptured – regain,

victory - win, called by synonym because they have the same meaning.

Next, there is superordinate as one of reiteration device. But there is no

general word in text 3.


(m) (L.12 and 13) In early December FIFA voted surprisingly for
Russia to host the 2018 World Cup and for Qatar to become
the smallest and first Middle East nation to host the
tournament in 2022.
(n) (L.1 - 5) The 2010 year in sports was an exciting one marked
by a number of firsts. Among them, Spain won its first World
Cup football championship. Serbia won its first Davis Cup
title. Caroline Wozniacki became the first Danish tennis
player to be ranked number one in the world. And American
golf star Tiger Woods failed to win a tournament for the first
time in his professional career – during a turbulent year in
which he admitted the rumors of his infidelities were true.
Superordinate is used by the author to reveal a specific word (hyponym)

by its general reference (hypernym).The word nation (in L.12 and 13) is needed

here so that its identity can be left open; it could be Russia and Qatar. And then,

the words football tennis, golf (in L.1 – 5) have superordinate link with the word


b) Collocation

The second device of lexical cohesion is collocation, and it occurs in the

line 4 and 5 of the text. For the complete sentences, check this following sentence:

(a) American golf star Tiger Woods failed to win a tournament

for the first time in his professional career – during a
turbulent year in which he admitted the rumors of his
infidelities were true.
It is part to part, because win is part of tournament. In every tournament, we

certainly find win as the result. On the context of this sentence, the words win

used in the domain of network of sport fields that have collocation tie with

tournament and create cohesive discourse.

a. Text 4 (FIFA Head Issues Year-End Message)

1) Grammatical cohesion
a) Reference

(1). Personal reference

The personal reference items that occur in the text 4 are personal pronoun

as a subject he, as an object him, and possessive determiner (possessive

adjectives) his.

(a) (L.1 and 2): The president of football‟s world governing body
has outlined plans for a worldwide tour that will see him
attend the congresses of all six confederations as he seeks re-
election in 2011. (him refers to The president of football as
object, and he refers to The president of football subject).
(b) (L.3 and 4): In his-end-of-the-year message Wednesday,
FIFA president Sepp Blatter said that football leadership will
be one of his key focuses in 2011.(his refers to FIFA
president Seep Blatter)
(c) (L.5): He is standing for a fourth four-year term of office on
June 1 at FIFA‟s congress in Zurich. (his refers to FIFA
president Seep Blatter)
(d) (L.6): Blatter says he believes meeting FIFA‟s national
members in person will help set “a strategic course for the
future”. (he refers to Blatter)
(e) (L.10): In his message, Blatter again defended the selection
of Russia and Qatar as World Cup hosts in 2018 and 2022.
(he refers to Blatter)
(f) (L.11): He said he welcomes spreading the tournament to
new geographical regions. (he refers to Blatter),

There are personal pronouns as a subject and personal pronouns as an

object delivered in the the text 4. The personal pronoun as subject is he (L.2, 6,

and 11) refers to FIFA president Seep Blatter, and the personal pronoun as object

is him (L.2) also refers to FIFA president Seep Blatter.

Personal reference as a possessive determiner his (L.3, 4, and 6) also refers

to FIFA president Seep Blatter.

From the personal pronouns above, every pronoun replaces each subject

suitable by its own equivalence. Personal pronouns are very helpful in order to

avoid repetition.

(2). Demonstrative reference

The demonstrative reference items which visible in the text 4 are the as

neutral demonstratives and that as selective participant demonstrative. Check

these sentences below:

(a)(L.1): The president of football‟s world governing body has

outlined plans for a worldwide tour…

The is signal of identity, shows to identify a leader or chief of

football‟sworld. It has cathaporic scale that means the meaning is always appear

in the following text. . The is neutral demonstrative pronoun.

(b) (L.9): That is followed by the Oceania congress January 15

in Pago-Pago, American Samoa.

That in the text 4 is a representative of the first scheduled congress that has

been mentioned before in the preceding text, so it is anaphoric. The author uses

demonstrative pronoun, to point out something according its own proximity. The

word that indicates far proximity.

There is no comparative reference in this section.

b) Conjunction
(1). Additive Conjunction

There is one additive conjunction item that appear in the text 4 that

showed by and.

(a)He said he welcomes spreading the tournament to new

geographical regions and cultures…

And is expressed additive conjunction, its function is adding information and

as connection between sentences. Additive conjunction is used to help the author


to pour the addition of ideas within an existing idea.

(2) Causal conjunction

Causal conjunction item that occurs in the text 4 is thus.

(a)(L.12): … thus furthering football‟s development all over the


Here, thus gives signals that information in the preceding clause of the

content of the clause that follows the conjunction. The author uses causal

conjunction to indicates a thought process in making decisions

There are no adversative and temporal conjunctions.

2) Lexical cohesion

a) Reiteration
Lexical cohesion is the second device of cohesion that will be analysis.

There are some repetitions such as these following texts:

a. (L.1): The president of football‟s world governing body has

outlined plans for a worldwide tour….
b. (L.3): In his-end-of-the-year message Wednesday, FIFA
president Sepp Blatter said that football leadership…
c. (L.6): Blatter says he believes meeting FIFA‟s national
members in person will help set “a strategic course for the
d. (L.8): The first scheduled congress is January 6 in Doha,
Qatar when the Asian Football Confederation meets.
e. (L.10): In his message, Blatter again defended the selection
of Russia and Qatar as World Cup hosts in 2018 and 2022.

The sentences above which written above point out that there are some

repetitions in text 4, they are „President‟ (in line 1 and 3), „football‟ (in line 1 and

8), „message‟ ( in line 2 and 10 ), „Blatter (in line 3, 6, and 10), the writer chooses

nouns to analyze in this section.


Most of them are related to the topics of the text, because the authors

utilize repetition within their text indeed just repeat the important word that

related to the text topic

There are no synonym, near-synonym, and superordinate but there is

one general word. And here is the general noun that used is tournament which

refers to world cup. For details, look at this following sentence:

(f) (L.10): In his message, Blatter again defended the selection

of Russia and Qatar as World Cup hosts in 2018 and 2022.
(g) (L.11): He said he welcomes spreading the tournament to
anew geographical regions.

Tournament is general noun that refers to World cup, its meaning is like

competition football in world level. General word is used by the author as a

general term that can cover almost everything. As people know World cup is a

prestigious football tournament.

b) Collocation

The second device of lexical cohesion is collocation, and it appears in the

line 3 and 4 of the text. For the complete sentences, check this following sentence:

(a)(L.3 and 4): In his-end-of-the-year message Wednesday, FIFA

president Sepp Blatter said that football leadership will be
one of his key focuses in 2011.

It is part to part, President as a person that lead a country definite has

leadership side. On the context of this sentence, the words president used in the

domain of network of government fields that have collocation tie with leadership

and it create cohesive discourse.


e. Text 5 (Malaysia Celebrates Controversial ASEAN Football

1) Grammatical cohesion
a) Reference
(1). Personal reference

The personal reference items that occur in the text 5 is just personal

pronoun as a subject he, they and as an object them.

(a) (L.5 and 6): …. The earlier game a top global issue on the
Twitter social networking site after Indonesia complained
that Malaysian fans were distracting them the with hand-held
laser pens. (them refers to Indonesian‟s player).
(b) (L.8): Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Rajak turned to
Twitter himself to congratulate the national team on winning
the 14-year-old ASEAN tournament for the first time. He
told the national news agency, Bernama, that Wednesday was
“the greatest night in Malaysian football”(he refers to
Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Rajak)
(c) (L.11 and 12): Armored personel carriers were stationed
outside the stadium and Malaysian officials were booed when
they came out to inspect the field. (they refers to Malaysian
(d) (L.13): After Sunday‟s match, Malaysia‟s sports minister said
he was embarrassed by what had happened….(he refers to
Malaysia‟s sport minister).

These are personal pronouns as a subject and personal pronouns as an

object delivered in the text 5. The personal pronoun as subject is he (L.8) refers to

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Rajak, he (L.13) refers to Malaysia‟s sports

minister, they (L.11 and 12) refers to Malaysian officials. and the personal

pronoun as object is them (L.5 and 6) refers to Indonesia‟s players.

Personal reference is used by the author to be emphasized to avoid a

repetition of the subject which is a waste of words. It clearly refers to previously


mentioned subject, but it has to put the exactly personal pronoun in order not to

create an ambiguous meaning.

(2) Demonstrative Pronoun

The demonstrative reference items which visible in the text 5 is just neutral

demonstrative represented by definite article the.

(a) (L.7 and 8): Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak turned to
Twitter himself to congratulate the national team on winning
the 14-year-old ASEAN tournament for the first time.

The in (1) is signal of identity that shows to identify Malaysia national team

who is as a winner of ASEAN Football Cup contest. The here is anaphoric, it

means the always refers to the preceding text. The is neutral demonstrative


(2) Comparative reference.

The comparative reference in the text 5 is expressed only by particular

comparison through epithet ( -er), earlier.

(a) (L.10): Wednesday‟s match in, Jakarta was played without

incident despite high security after anger sparked by the
earlier contest.

earlier is comparative adjective by particular comparison through epihet (-er). The

author of the text uses comparative reference to show compare item within a text

in terms of identity or similarity.

b) Ellipsis
(1). Nominal ellipsis

In text 5 there is just one item of ellipsis, it is nominal ellipsis.

(a)(L.16 - 17) Indonesia‟s players walked off the field for several
minutes during the game, saying Malaysian fans were

directing laser pens into the faces of players, including the

goalkeeper, at key moments.

In the sentences (A), here the author use the nominal ellipsis, ellipsis is a

fusion of a word in a sentence that has been deemed unnecessary word. If the

sentence is completed by an elliptical nominal group, the sentence above will be

“Indonesia’s players walked off the field for several minutes during the game,

Indonesia’s players saying Malaysian fans were directing laser pens into the

faces of players, including the goalkeeper, at key moments”. The authors

eliminate Indonesia’s players because the next sentence is still in the same

subject, so it does not make such a long sentence

c) Conjunction

(1). Additive conjunction

There is one additive conjunction item that appear in the text 5 that
showed by and.
(a) L.(13): After Sunday‟s match, Malaysia‟s sports minister said
he was embarrassed by what had happened, and Indonesia‟s
Antara news service said that President Susilo Bambang
Yudhoyono had asked officials to lodge a formal protest.

And is expressed additive conjunction, its function is adding information and

as connection between sentences.

(2). Adversative conjunction

Adversative conjunction items that appears in the text 5 is but.

(a)(L.3 and 4): Malaysia lost to Indonesia 2-1 in Wednesday final

match of the ASEAN Suzuki Cup contest, but remained the
4-2 winner overall after a controversial 3-0 victory in Kuala
Lumpur on Sunday.

Here but has sense as “against”. The author uses adversative conjunction to

show the existence of contradictions when said two things in some ways opposite

to each other.

2) Lexical cohesion

a) Reiteration

The next marker of cohesion is lexical cohesion, and repetition is one of its

devices that often appear in the text.

(b) (L.1 and 2): Malaysia‟s prime has declared a national holiday
in honor of the country‟s victory in a regional football
tournament marred by complaints of cheating.
(c) (L.3): Malaysia lost to Indonesia 2-1 in Wednesday‟s final
match of the ASEAN Suzuki Cup contest.
(d) (L.4): …but remained the 4-2 winner overall after a
controversial 3-0 victory in Kuala Lumpur on Sunday.
(e) (L.5): Bickering over the earlier game became a top global
issue on the Twitter social networking site….
(f) (L.7 and 8): Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak turned to
Twitter himself to congratulate the national team on winning
the 14-year-old ASEAN tournament for the first time.
(g) (L.10): Wednesday‟s match in, Malaysia‟s sports minister
said he was embarrassed by what had happened….
(h) (L.16 and 17): Indonesia‟s players walked off the field for
several minutes during the game, saying Malaysian fans were
directing laser pens into the faces of players, including the
goalkeeper, at key moments.

The sentences above indicate that there are some repetitions in text

5, they are „victory‟ ( in line 1 and 4), „ tournament‟ ( in line 2 and 8),

„Wednesday‟ ( in line 3 and 10 ), „match‟ (in the line 3 and 10), „game‟ (in line 5

and 16), „Malaysia‟ (in line 3 and10), „players‟ ( in line 16 and 17), the writer

chooses nouns to analyze in this section. Most of them are related to the topics of

the text. The authors utilize repetition within their text just repeat the important

word that related to the text topic

There is one synonym appear in the text, the synonym between tournament

(in line 2 and 8) and match (in the line 3 and 10). The words match and

tournament, called by synonym because they have the same meaning.

Moving to next device, there is superordinate appear in this text, it is

superordinate‟s connection between Indonesia and Malaysia (in line 2) toward

country (in line 1). Superordinate is used by the author to reveal a specific word

(hiponim) by its general reference (hypernym). Indonesia and Malaysia are

specific significances from country.

The last device of reiteration is general word. There is one general word.

General word is used by the author as a general term that can cover almost

everything. Here is the general noun that used is tournament (in line 1) that

refers to ASEAN Suzuki Cup (in line 3). Tournament is general noun that refers to

ASEAN Suzuki Cup; its meaning is like competition football in ASEAN level.

ASEAN Suzuki Cup was a happening event that held in December 2010, it

delivered Indonesian football players become runner up after Malaysia beat them

with a controversial victory.

b) Collocation
The second device of lexical cohesion that delivered in text 5 is

collocation, For example:

(a) (L.1 and 2): Malaysia‟s prime has declared a national

holiday in honor of the country‟s victory in a regional
football tournament marred by complaints of cheating.

(b) (L.3): Malaysia lost to Indonesia 2-1 in Wednesday‟s final

match of the ASEAN Suzuki Cup contest.
(c) (L.4): …but remained the 4-2 winner overall after a
controversial 3-0 victory in Kuala Lumpur on Sunday.

It is part to whole; they have connection among tournament, final match,

and winner as collocation. On the context of this sentence, the words used in the

domain of network of sport fields.

2. The Dominant Devices of Cohesion

Percentage of every Cohesion:

1) 81 x 100% = 56,64 % ( Reference)


2) 2_ x 100% = 1,40 % ( Substitution)


3) 3 x 100% = 2,10 % ( Ellipsis)


4) 14 x 100% = 9,80 % (Conjunction)


5) 22 x 100% = 15,39 % (Repetition)


6) 4 x 100% = 2,80 % (Synonym)


7) 1 x 100% = 0, 70% (Near-Synonym)


8) 7 x 100% = 4,89 % (Superordinate)


9) 4 x 100% = 2,80 % (General word)


10) 5 x 100% = 3,50 % (Collocation)


Cohesion Chart
(in %)

60 56.64




10 9.8
1.4 2.1
0 2.8 4.89
0.7 2.8 3.5

From the histogram above, the writer counted that the dominant device of

grammatical cohesion utilize in the text is reference, especially personal reference.

Reference always appears in each text, consists of personal pronoun,

demonstrative reference, and comparative reference. It‟s described on the

histogram clearly; the percentage of reference exceeds almost 60 percent. Then,

the dominant device of lexical cohesion utilize in the text is repetition. Repetition

is part of reiteration device. The percentage of repetition based on the histogram,

exceeds more than 15 percent.


3. The Degree of Cohesiveness.

The writer determines the degree of cohesiveness in the journalistic text of

VoAnews.com through Scinto formula by this following concept:

The number of cohesion devices

�𝑥 100 %
The number of topic units

According the Scinto formula‟s concept above the writer establishes the

degree of cohesiveness of each text whether their categories are very high, high,

medium, or low. The writer counts the degree of cohesiveness by the grammatical

and lexical sight, because the cohesiveness degrees of them are different each

other. The result of the cohesiveness degree of those five VoAnews.com

journalistic texts describe by the tables as follow:

Table 6: Degree of Grammatical Cohesion Devices

Number of Grammatical Number of Topic

Text Cohesion Devices Units Percentage Categories
1 12 Devices 13 Units 92.3% Very high
2 25 Devices 27 Units 92.60 % Very high
3 42 Devices 62 Units 67.74 % medium
4 12 Devices 10 Units 120 % Very high
5 9 Devices 16 Unit 56.25% Medium
Average 85.77 % Very high

From the table above, we can see the degrees of grammatical cohesion

devices in each text are dissimilar. Each text has its own categories depend on the

number of grammatical cohesion devices and its number of topic units. From the

five texts that has analyzed, three texts have very high categories of cohesiveness

degree and two other have medium categories.

Grammatically, the editor of journalistic text has completed the

requirement of good determining text, it is supported by the average of

grammatical cohesion degree that attain 85.77%. Beside grammatical aspect,

there is lexical aspect that occurs within the text. The percentages of lexical

cohesion degree can be seen through this table below:

Table 7: Degree of lexical cohesion devices

Number of Lexical Number of Topic

Text Cohesion Devices Units Percentage Categories
1 11 Devices 13 Units 84.61 % Very high
2 6 Devices 27 Units 22.22 % Very low
3 9 Devices 62 Units 14.5 % Very low
4 6 Devices 10 Units 60 % Medium
5 11 Devices 16 Units 68.75% Medium
Average 50.01 % Low

According the table above, we see that the degree of cohesion lexical

devices smaller than grammatical cohesion devices. The editor does not utilize

enough lexical cohesion devices. For example on the text 2 and 3, their lexical

devices are not balance with their own topic units. They have many topic units

without supported by good lexical cohesion devices. So, the degrees of

cohesiveness are low. The other texts have medium degrees of cohesiveness, it is

better than two texts before. The average of the lexical cohesion degree is 50.01 %

(low). In these cases, the editor wants to convey a lot of information to readers but

does not attention of the lexical aspects.

In reality, degree of grammatical and lexical cohesion devices is not always

similar. Sometimes, a text that has good grammatical aspect does not always have

good lexical aspect too. But, a good text or discourse should have both of them


4. The Impact of the Degree of Grammatical and Lexical Devices

From the five texts of sport news that have been analyzed by the writer,

there are the differences of cohesiveness degree of grammatical and lexical

cohesion. Grammatical cohesion has high level of cohesiveness degree while

lexical cohesion has low level. Grammatical cohesion through its own tools gives

contribution to connect one sentence to the other sentences. The impacts of

grammatical cohesion that have high level of cohesiveness degree are to ease the

reader to understand the content of the text, and the sentences are arranged well.

But there are two texts that have medium degree, they are text 3 and text 5. But it

does not have big effect within the text.

Other data findings contain lexical cohesion, but it still in low grade of

cohesiveness degree. It is because the author does not use words in sentences

using lexical cohesion devices such as synonyms, near synonyms, superordinate,

general word, and collocation. It builds the text become monotonous, especially in

the text 1, text 2, and text 3 that have very low degree of cohesiveness. Without

development of words by some variation words, can make the readers unexciting

and feel bored.



A. Conclusions

Considering the result of the study in chapter III, the writer concludes that

all of the grammatical and lexical cohesion devices utilized in the five journalistic

texts analyzed in the preceding chapter. Cohesiveness sentence utilized in the

texts, in this case journalistic texts, has connection to the other sentences. Through

the grammatical and lexical cohesion, the journalists could to produce the

journalistic text that has the power of emoticon and certainly convey the news

clearly. Both of cohesion utilized according its necessary that have the aim to built

cohesiveness of the text.

The dominant device of grammatical cohesion appears in reference,

especially personal reference. It can be seen by considering the percentage

calculation. Its percentage exceeds more fifty percents compared to the other

devices. The other types of grammatical cohesion found in the journalistic texts of

VoAnews.com are substitution, ellipsis, and conjunction. Then, the dominant

device of lexical cohesion occurs in the text is repetition. It has percentage almost

sixteen percents according the percentage calculation. The other types of lexical

cohesion that appeared in the text are, synonym, near-synonym, superordinate,

general word, and collocation. All of them are appropriately applied in the texts

therefore cohesiveness of the texts is established. The grammatical cohesion built


the cohesiveness grammatically, while the lexical cohesion built the cohesiveness


Last but not least, through this research the writer concludes that most of

the journalistic text of VoAnews.com that has analyzed by the writer, has high

categories of cohesiveness degree grammatically. But, lexically the degree of

cohesiveness is low. Grammatically, three texts (text 1,2, and 4) have very high

categories, and two texts other (text 3 and 5) have medium categories. From the

five sample of VoAnew.com journalistic text that has analyzed, grammatically, the

editor of VoAnews.com has accomplished the requirement of good sentences or

texts. But lexically, the author does not explore the lexical cohesion device well.

From the five sample texts, only one text (text 1) that has very high

categories, two texts (text 4 and 5) have medium categories, and the worst is two

text other (text 2 and 3) have very low categories of lexical cohesion degree. It

caused by the author who appears too many information within a text but does not

often utilizes lexical cohesion devices explore the text meaning. VoAnews.com as

an online media that come from superior country, United States, has utilized

grammatical cohesion device well within the text and attain high level of

cohesiveness degree, but the lexical cohesion devices does not. Level of lexical

cohesion degree still gets low level of cohesiveness degree.

B. Suggestions

The basic function of journalistic text is to deliver the information using

simple, clear, and interesting words. The composing words of the journalistic text

have to become the main attention of the journalist because when people want to


get information by journalistic text like newspaper, online media, or magazine,

they will choose the media that has good and clear words arrangement and

interesting contains. For those reasons, the authors of the online media have to

enclose cohesion either grammatical or lexical cohesion within their journalistic

texts because cohesion is the main factor of determining text. VoAnews.com

online media has accomplished grammatical cohesion device very well, but

lexically it still needs to improve the number of lexical cohesion device in its own

journalistic text.

In this research, the writer only analyzes five texts and chooses the

journalistic texts on online media as unit analysis. For further analysis, people can

use the other kinds of texts. There are still many types of texts for object of

research. If this research covers cohesion generally, for further analysis, people

can cover more specific device of cohesion as an object analysis. Last but not

least, the writer hopes this research can describe people how the cohesion applied

in the journalistic text.


 Books
A.Van Djik, Teun. Handbook of Discourse Analysis Vol.4. London : Academic
Press Inc , 1985

Alwi , Hasan Dkk. Tata Bahasa Baku Bahasa Indonesia.Jakarta : Balai Pustaka,

Bloom, L. Ronald. Discourse Analysis and Application, New Jersey: Erlboum

Associated,inc Publisher, 1994.

Brown, Gillian and Yule, George. Discourse Analysis .Melbourne : Cambridge

University Press, 1983.

Chaer, Abdul. Linguistik Umum, Jakarta : Rineka Cipta, 2007.

Farkhan, Muhammad. Proposal penelitian Bahasa dan Sastra. Jakarta : Cella,


Freedle, O.Roy. Discourse Production and Comprehension .Norwood : Ablex

Publishing Corporation, 1982.

Gee Paul James.An Introduction to Discourse Analysis: theory and method. New
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Halliday, M.A.K and Hasan, Ruqaiya. Cohesion in English. London and New
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Kushartanti , Pesona Bahasa Jakarta : PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2005.

Meyer, F. Charles. Introducing English linguistic. Cambridge : Cambridge

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Mulyana M.Hum, KAJIAN WACANA Teori, Metode, dan Aplikasi Prinsip-prinsip

Analsis Wacana Yogyakarta : Tiara Wacana, 2005

Nunan, Davi. Introduction Discourse Analysis. London: Penguin Group, 1993.

Parera, JD. Teori Semantik. Jakarta : Erlangga, 2004.

Promkin, Victoria Dkk. An Introduction to Language, seventh edition. Boston :

Heinle, Thomson Corp,2003.

Suhaimi, and Nasrullah, Rully. Bahasa Jurnalistik. Jakarta : UIN Jakarta, 2009.


Tanskanen, Sanna-Kaisa. Collaborating towards Coherence : Lexical Cohesion in

English Discourse. Amsterdam : John Benjamins Publishing, 2006.

Tarigan,H.G. Pengajaran Wacana. Bandung : Angkasa, 1987.

Wardhaugh, Ronald. Introduction to Linguistics. New York: University of

Michigan, 1972.

Wendra, I Wayan “Tingkat Kekohesifan Abstrak dalam Artikel Aneka Widya”.

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 Website.

Anonym. A Number of Firsts Highlighted 2010 Year in Sports, accessed on

November 12th 2010. http://www.voanews.com/english/news/sports/A-

Anonym. AFC Chief Backs Moving 2022 World Cup to Winter, accessed on
November 12th 2010. http://www.voanews.com/english/news/sports/AFC-

Anonym. FIFA Head Issues Year-End Message. , accessed on November 12th

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Anonym. Malaysia Celebrates Controversial ASEAN Football Championship,

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Anonym.Sejarah Berdirinya Voice of America (VOA). accessed on November

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Anonym. UEFA President Platini Ensured of Second Term in 2011, accessed on

November 12th2010.

Samrinkhan, Pengertian jurnalistik.. Accessed on November 9th 2010.


Text 1 : UEFA President Platini Ensured of Second Term in 2011

UEFA president Michel Platini is ensured of serving a second four-year term at

the helm of European football's governing body l1 after no other candidates
entered the race by the December 22 deadline.l2

Platini will be formally re-elected on March 22 at the UEFA Congress in Paris.l3

His second term as UEFA president will run from 2011 until 2015.l4

The hallmarks of Platini's first term are his fervent effort to introduce financial
fair play rules, l5 and to make the top-tier Champions League more accessible for
clubs from smaller European countries in the group stage.l6 He also overhauled
the former UEFA Cup into the Europa League to rejuvenate the second-tier

Thanks to Platini, new regulations in 2012 will help prevent clubs from spending
wildly beyond their means on player salaries l8 and other expenses to gain an
advantage over their rivals. l9 The UEFA chief has said he considers such a
practice as a kind of cheating.l10

Platini was one of football's greatest players.l11 The former France captain helped
his country win the 1984 European Championship.l12 He went on to coach the
French national team from 1988 to 1992.l13

Text 2: AFC Chief Backs Moving 2022 World Cup to Winter

Mohamed bin Hammam of Qatar, the head of the Asian Football Confederation
(AFC), is supporting the idea of moving the 2022 World Cup in Qatar to the
winter months to avoid the desert's summer heat.l1 But the issue is far from
being settled.l2

Through an interpreter at the Dubai International Sports Conference in the United

Arab Emirates,l3 Bin Hammam said Tuesday his country is capable of organizing
the 2022 tournament in June and July. l4

"They have actually presented the solution for heat challenges, l5 so our country
actually [is] ready l6 and willing to host a very comfortable World Cup in the
summer season,"l7 he said through an interpreter.

However, Bin Hammam, who is also a member of the football world governing
body's (FIFA) executive committee, l8 says it would be better to play when the
weather is cooler, l9 because the players would be in better shape l10 and not
exhausted from a long season. l11 He added that it is premature to suggest co-
hosting the tournament with other countries in the region.l12

European teams appear to be split on whether it is a good idea to shift the

tournament to a cooler time of the year. l13 England national team coach Fabio
Capello says the heat would force his team to spend most of its time in the

"It is a big problem because when you stay together for a long time you need to
relax,l15 to do something different, l16 not only [go] to training or to play. l17For
that reason I think the good idea will be to play in January or February," l18 said

But Sandro Rosell, president of Spanish football powerhouse FC Barcelona, says

the move would be disruptive l19 and force some of Europe's top leagues to
change their schedules.l20

"I have to defend to play in June and July l21 because I don't like to break the
Spanish league l22 because it is one of the leagues in Europe that has continuity
during January,"l23 said Rosell.

FIFA awarded the 2022 World Cup to Qatar earlier this month,l24 beating out the
United States, Australia, Japan and South Korea. l25 But the decision prompted
protests from numerous football organizations l26concerned about playing in
temperatures that routinely exceed 40 degrees Celsius.l27

Text 3: A Number of Firsts Highlighted 2010 Year in Sports

The 2010 year in sports was an exciting one marked by a number of firsts. l1
Among them, Spain won its first World Cup football championship. l2 Serbia won
its first Davis Cup title.l3 Caroline Wozniacki became the first Danish tennis
player to be ranked number one in the world. l4 And American golf star Tiger
Woods failed to win a tournament for the first time in his professional career -
during a turbulent year l5 in which he admitted the rumors of his infidelities were
true. l6

For the first time ever, football's premier event, the World Cup, was held in
Africa.l7 No one, either in the stadiums or watching on television, will forget the
blaring vuvuzelas throughout the nine host cities.l8
The final was played at the huge Soccer City stadium in Johannesburg,l9 where
Spain captured its first World Cup with a 1-0 victory over the Netherlands in extra
time, l10 on a goal by Andres Iniesta.l11

In early December FIFA voted surprisingly for Russia to host the 2018 World
Cup l12 and for Qatar to become the smallest and first Middle East nation to host
the tournament in 2022.l13

American golfer Tiger Woods dominated headlines in 2010 but mostly not for his
game. l14 Rumors became reality when he admitted to a string of extra-marital
affairs. l15 His reputation ruined,l16 he lost millions of dollars in endorsements l17
and was divorced by his Swedish wife Elin.l18 For the first time in his pro career,
he did not win a tournament, l19 and he fell from the number-one world
ranking.l20 In team golf, Europe recaptured the prestigious Ryder Cup from the
United States.l21

In tennis, Caroline Wozniacki did not win any of the major tournaments, l22 but
she won enough to become the first player from Denmark,l23 male or female, to
ascend to number one in the world. l24 American Serena Williams, injured for
much of the year,l25 captured two of the four majors, the Australian Open and
Wimbledon. l26 On the men's side, Rafael Nadal of Spain won the French Open,
Wimbledon and the U.S. Open, l27 to regain the top ranking from Switzerland's
Roger Federer. l28

The 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics might be remembered more for their tragic
start rather than their athletic feats.l29

In a training run the day of the Opening Ceremonies Nodar Kumaritashvili of

Georgia was killed l30 when his luge sled flew off the track into a support pole. l31
Warmer than normal weather resulted in snow being trucked in to Cypress
Mountain l32 and thousands of spectator tickets had to be canceled l33 because the
footing on top of the hay bales underneath was unsafe.l34 Still, competition went
on. l35 Whistler Mountain events were not affected. l36 That's where alpine skier
Lindsey Vonn became the first American woman to win the Olympic downhill
gold medal. l37 Later in the season she was the first America - and only second
woman ever – to win the overall World Cup title three straight seasons.l38

But despite tragedy and weather issues,l39 the host Canadians rejoiced on the final
day l40 when their beloved men's ice hockey team captured the gold medal l41 with
a thrilling 3-2 overtime win over the United States.l42
In the professional hockey ranks, from which the Olympic teams were drawn,l43
the Chicago Blackhawks won their first Stanley Cup since 1961,l44 beating the
Philadelphia Flyers in six games. l45

The Los Angeles Lakers won their second straight National Basketball
Association title,l46 beating the Boston Celtics, four games to three, l47 and Kobe
Bryant was once again named Most Valuable Player.l48

Quarterback Drew Brees guided the New Orleans Saints to their first ever
National Football League Super Bowl title. l49 Their 31-17 victory over the
Indianapolis Colts provided a big morale boost to the city five years after the
ravages of Hurricane Katrina.l50

Baseball's San Francisco Giants won their first World Series since moving to
California from New York back in 1958. l51 They were victorious in five games
over the Texas Rangers, who appeared in their first World Series. l52 But sadly,
the steroids issue made headlines in baseball as well. l53 New York Yankees
slugger Alex Rodriguez admitted he took performance-enhancing drugs while
playing for the Texas Rangers six years ago. l54 On the other hand, retired star
pitcher Roger Clemens was indicted on charges of lying to Congress two years
ago,l55 when he claimed he had never used performance-enhancing drugs. l56 His
trial will be in 2011.l57

In the other bat and ball sport, Sachin Tendulkar of India became the first batsman
to surpass 14,000 runs in test cricket.l58 And Sri Lankan bowler Muttiah
Muralitharan retired with a world record 800 wickets, l59 achieving the feat from
his final ball in his final test match in July against India.l60

And in a thrilling Formula One season that came down to the final race, l61
German driver Sebastian Vettel won his and the Red Bull team's first ever

Text 4: FIFA Head Issues Year-End Message

The president of football's world governing body has outlined plans for a
worldwide tour l1 that will see him attend the congresses of all six confederations
as he seeks re-election in 2011.l2

In his end-of-the-year message Wednesday, FIFA president Sepp Blatter said that
football leadership will be one of his key focuses in 2011.l3
He is standing for a fourth four-year term of office on June 1 at FIFA's congress in
Zurich. l4 Blatter says he believes meeting FIFA's national members in person
will help set "a strategic course for the future.''l5

The first scheduled congress is January 6 in Doha, Qatar when the Asian Football
Confederation meets. l6 That is followed by the Oceania congress January 15 in
Pago Pago, American Samoa.l7

In his message, Blatter again defended the selection of Russia and Qatar as World
Cup hosts in 2018 and 2022.l8 He said he welcomes spreading the tournament to
new geographical regions and cultures, l9 thus furthering football's development
all over the world.l10

Text: 5 Malaysia Celebrates Controversial ASEAN Football Championship

Malaysia's prime minister has declared a national holiday l1 in honor of the

country's victory in a regional football tournament marred by complaints of

Malaysia lost to Indonesia 2-1 in Wednesday's final match of the ASEAN Suzuki
Cup contest, l3 but remained the 4-2 winner overall after a controversial 3-0
victory in Kuala Lumpur on Sunday.l4 Bickering over the earlier game became a
top global issue on the Twitter social networking site l5 after Indonesia
complained that Malaysian fans were distracting them with hand-held laser pens.l6

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak turned to Twitter himself to congratulate

the national team on winning the 14-year-old ASEAN tournament for the first
time. l7 He told the national news agency, Bernama, that Wednesday was "the
greatest night in Malaysian football."l8

Wednesday's match in Jakarta was played without incident despite high security
after anger sparked by the earlier contest.l9 Armored personnel carriers were
stationed outside the stadium l10 and Malaysian officials were booed when they
came out to inspect the field.l11

After Sunday's match, Malaysia's sports minister said he was embarrassed by

what had happened,l12 and Indonesia's Antara news service said President Susilo
Bambang Yudhoyono had asked officials to lodge a formal protest.l13

Indonesia's players walked off the field for several minutes during the game, l14
saying Malaysian fans were directing laser pens into the faces of players, l15
including the goalkeeper, at key moments.l16
December 23, 2010

UEFA President Platini Ensured of Second Term

in 2011
VOA News

Photo: AP

UEFA president Michel Platini is ensured of serving a second four-year term at the helm of
UEFA President Michel Platini arrives for press conference after the executive committee meeting in Prague, central Czech
Republic, Dec 10, 2010 (File Photo)

European football's governing body after no other candidates entered the race by the December
22 deadline.

Platini will be formally re-elected on March 22 at the UEFA Congress in Paris. His second term as
UEFA president will run from 2011 until 2015.

The hallmarks of Platini's first term are his fervent effort to introduce financial fair play rules, and to
make the top-tier Champions League more accessible for clubs from smaller European countries in
the group stage. He also overhauled the former UEFA Cup into the Europa League to rejuvenate
the second-tier competition.

Thanks to Platini, new regulations in 2012 will help prevent clubs from spending wildly beyond
their means on player salaries and other expenses to gain an advantage over their rivals. The
UEFA chief has said he considers such a practice as a kind of cheating.

Platini was one of football's greatest players. The former France captain helped his country win the
1984 European Championship. He went on to coach the French national team from 1988 to 1992.

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December 28, 2010

AFC Chief Backs Moving 2022 World Cup to

Steve Schy | Washington, D.C.

Photo: AP

Mohamed bin Hammam of Qatar, the head of the Asian Football Confederation (AFC), is
FIFA president Sepp Blatter (R) is greeted by AFC president Mohammed bin Hammam upon his arrival at the airport in Doha
for an official visit to Qatar, 16 Dec 2010

supporting the idea of moving the 2022 World Cup in Qatar to the winter months to avoid the
desert's summer heat. But the issue is far from being settled.

Through an interpreter at the Dubai International Sports Conference in the United Arab Emirates,
Bin Hammam said Tuesday his country is capable of organizing the 2022 tournament in June and

"They have actually presented the solution for heat challenges, so our country actually [is] ready
and willing to host a very comfortable World Cup in the summer season," he said through an
However, Bin Hammam, who is also a member of the football world governing body's (FIFA)
executive committee, says it would be better to play when the weather is cooler, because the
players would be in better shape and not exhausted from a long season. He added that it is
premature to suggest co-hosting the tournament with other countries in the region.

European teams appear to be split on whether it is a good idea to shift the tournament to a cooler
time of the year. England national team coach Fabio Capello says the heat would force his team to
spend most of its time in the hotel.

"It is a big problem because when you stay together for a long time you need to relax, to do
something different, not only [go] to training or to play. For that reason I think the good idea will
be to play in January or February," said Capello.

But Sandro Rosell, president of Spanish football powerhouse FC Barcelona, says the move would
be disruptive and force some of Europe's top leagues to change their schedules.

"I have to defend to play in June and July because I don't like to break the Spanish league because
it is one of the leagues in Europe that has continuity during January," said Rosell.

FIFA awarded the 2022 World Cup to Qatar earlier this month, beating out the United States,
Australia, Japan and South Korea. But the decision prompted protests from numerous football
organizations concerned about playing in temperatures that routinely exceed 40 degrees Celsius.

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December 28, 2010

A Number of Firsts Highlighted 2010 Year in

Parke Brewer

Photo: AP

The 2010 year in sports was an exciting one marked by a number of firsts. Among them,
Spain's David Villa, right, takes a penalty kick during the World Cup group H soccer match between Spain and Honduras at
Ellis Park Stadium in Johannesburg, South Africa, Monday, June 21, 2010.

Spain won its first World Cup football championship. Serbia won its first Davis Cup title.
Caroline Wozniacki became the first Danish tennis player to be ranked number one in the world.
And American golf star Tiger Woods failed to win a tournament for the first time in his professional
career - during a turbulent year in which he admitted the rumors of his infidelities were true.

For the first time ever, football's premier event, the World Cup, was held in Africa. No one, either
in the stadiums or watching on television, will forget the blaring vuvuzelas throughout the nine host

The final was played at the huge Soccer City stadium in Johannesburg, where Spain captured its
first World Cup with a 1-0 victory over the Netherlands in extra time, on a goal by Andres Iniesta.

In early December FIFA voted surprisingly for Russia to host the 2018 World Cup and for Qatar
to become the smallest and first Middle East nation to host the tournament in 2022.

American golfer Tiger Woods dominated headlines in 2010 but mostly not for his game. Rumors
became reality when he admitted to a string of extra-marital affairs. His reputation ruined, he lost
millions of dollars in endorsements and was divorced by his Swedish wife Elin. For the first time in
his pro career, he did not win a tournament, and he fell from the number-one world ranking. In
team golf, Europe recaptured the prestigious Ryder Cup from the United States.

In tennis, Caroline Wozniacki did not win any of the major tournaments, but she won enough to
become the first player from Denmark, male or female, to ascend to number one in the world.
American Serena Williams, injured for much of the year, captured two of the four majors, the
Australian Open and Wimbledon. On the men's side, Rafael Nadal of Spain won the French
Open, Wimbledon and the U.S. Open, to regain the top ranking from Switzerland's Roger

The 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics might be remembered more for their tragic start rather than
their athletic feats.

In a training run the day of the Opening Ceremonies Nodar Kumaritashvili of Georgia was killed
when his luge sled flew off the track into a support pole. Warmer than normal weather resulted in
snow being trucked in to Cypress Mountain and thousands of spectator tickets had to be canceled
because the footing on top of the hay bales underneath was unsafe. Still, competition went on.
Whistler Mountain events were not affected. That's where alpine skier Lindsey Vonn became the
first American woman to win the Olympic downhill gold medal. Later in the season she was the
first American -- and only second woman ever -- to win the overall World Cup title three straight

But despite tragedy and weather issues, the host Canadians rejoiced on the final day when their
beloved men's ice hockey team captured the gold medal with a thrilling 3-2 overtime win over the
United States.

In the professional hockey ranks, from which the Olympic teams were drawn, the Chicago
Blackhawks won their first Stanley Cup since 1961, beating the Philadelphia Flyers in six games.

The Los Angeles Lakers won their second straight National Basketball Association title, beating
the Boston Celtics, four games to three, and Kobe Bryant was once again named Most Valuable

Quarterback Drew Brees guided the New Orleans Saints to their first ever National Football
League Super Bowl title. Their 31-17 victory over the Indianapolis Colts provided a big morale
boost to the city five years after the ravages of Hurricane Katrina.
Baseball's San Francisco Giants won their first World Series since moving to California from New
York back in 1958. They were victorious in five games over the Texas Rangers, who appeared in
their first World Series. But sadly, the steroids issue made headlines in baseball as well. New
York Yankees slugger Alex Rodriguez admitted he took performance-enhancing drugs while
playing for the Texas Rangers six years ago. On the other hand, retired star pitcher Roger
Clemens was indicted on charges of lying to Congress two years ago, when he claimed he had
never used performance-enhancing drugs. His trial will be in 2011.

In the other bat and ball sport, Sachin Tendulkar of India became the first batsman to surpass
14,000 runs in test cricket. And Sri Lankan bowler Muttiah Muralitharan retired with a world
record 800 wickets, achieving the feat from his final ball in his final test match in July against India.

And in a thrilling Formula One season that came down to the final race, German driver Sebastian
Vettel won his and the Red Bull team's first ever championship.

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December 29, 2010

FIFA Head Issues Year-End Message

VOA News

The president of football's world governing body has outlined plans for a worldwide tour that will
see him attend the congresses of all six confederations as he seeks re-election in 2011.

In his end-of-the-year message Wednesday, FIFA president Sepp Blatter said that football
leadership will be one of his key focuses in 2011.

He is standing for a fourth four-year term of office on June 1 at FIFA's congress in Zurich. Blatter
says he believes meeting FIFA's national members in person will help set "a strategic course for the

The first scheduled congress is January 6 in Doha, Qatar when the Asian Football Confederation
meets. That is followed by the Oceania congress January 15 in Pago Pago, American Samoa.

In his message, Blatter again defended the selection of Russia and Qatar as World Cup hosts in
2018 and 2022. He said he welcomes spreading the tournament to new geographical regions and
cultures, thus furthering football's development all over the world.

Some information for this report was provided by AP.

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http://www.v oanews.com/english/news/sports/FIFA-Head-Issues-Y ear-End-Message-112626499.html

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December 30, 2010

Malaysia Celebrates Controversial ASEAN

Football Championship
VOA News

Malaysia's prime minister has declared a national holiday in honor of the country's victory in a
regional football tournament marred by complaints of cheating.

Malaysia lost to Indonesia 2-1 in Wednesday's final match of the ASEAN Suzuki Cup contest, but
remained the 4-2 winner overall after a controversial 3-0 victory in Kuala Lumpur on Sunday.
Bickering over the earlier game became a top global issue on the Twitter social networking site
after Indonesia complained that Malaysian fans were distracting them with hand-held laser pens.

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak turned to Twitter himself to congratulate the national team
on winning the 14-year-old ASEAN tournament for the first time. He told the national news
agency, Bernama, that Wednesday was "the greatest night in Malaysian football."

Wednesday's match in Jakarta was played without incident despite high security after anger
sparked by the earlier contest. Armored personnel carriers were stationed outside the stadium and
Malaysian officials were booed when they came out to inspect the field.

After Sunday's match, Malaysia's sports minister said he was embarrassed by what had happened,
and Indonesia's Antara news service said President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono had asked
officials to lodge a formal protest.

Indonesia's players walked off the field for several minutes during the game, saying Malaysian fans
were directing laser pens into the faces of players, including the goalkeeper, at key moments.

Some information for this report was provided by AP and AFP.

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