Examining The Students' Satisfaction of The Computer Laboratory Quality in University of Medan Area, Indonesia
Examining The Students' Satisfaction of The Computer Laboratory Quality in University of Medan Area, Indonesia
Examining The Students' Satisfaction of The Computer Laboratory Quality in University of Medan Area, Indonesia
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- ICT and higher education are now complete students satisfactory in the utilization, so can be support its
each other. A higher education institution needs ICT to role and function runs optimally.
improve their quality, and ICT tools are needed to be
qualified to support the continuity of entire process in a In order to achieve the sustained and healthy
higher education institution. As the one of learning tool, development of colleges and universities, students
the computer laboratory of a university should be satisfactory towards the facilities and infrastructure is
qualified and provide aids for students. The paper aims crucial [5]. Moreover, researcher [6] stated that the quality
to discover the students’ satisfaction regarding devices of service facilities has an impact towards to the
condition, staff helpfulness, educators’ capability in satisfaction of the students. So, it can be concluded that
delivering the material, and learning material from the students are expected to have the qualified facilities and
computer laboratory. A total 168 questionnaires have infrastructure. Complementary to this, Researcher [7] has
been obtained from random students of University of been conducted a review study regarding the relationship
Medan Area, Indonesia. The study employed the between service quality and student satisfaction in higher
Sturges formula to classify the respondents based on education institutions. The study concluded that there is a
service quality from the computer laboratory. The significant impact of service quality on student satisfaction
result pointed out that students perceived a very good in higher education. Therefore, the paper is scrutinizing
quality of services including facilities, learning method, how is the students’ satisfaction level in using computer
and learning content. Students also claimed that staffs laboratory facilities in several aspects, namely devices
and educators should more improve for a better quality condition, staff helpfulness, educators’ capability in
of computer laboratory. delivering the material, and learning material.
The first aspect comprises of how is the condition of The instrument of the study is the questionnaire which
computer devices, including hardware and software related to devices condition, staff helpfulness, educators’
whether they run in normally or not. Then, staff helpfulness capability in delivering the material, and learning material.
is the second aspect that explains the role of the member in A total of 15 questions are selected to determine the
carrying out the administration tasks regarding laboratory computer laboratory quality. The reliability of the
activities. The third aspect illustrates how the educators instrument is determined by Cronbach’s alpha (α) and
mastery of the material, techniques in delivering material, resulting a good level of reliability as attached in Table 1.
and personal approach towards student. Lastly, the fourth
aspects explain the properness and correctitude of the Cronbach’s Mean Variance Std. N
learning materials that presented in the laboratory. alpha Deviation of items
0.865 49.1190 33.351 5.77503 15
III. METHODOLOGY Table 1:- Reliability Test
As a quantitative research, the study was conducted In this study, the instrument validity is tested by using
with survey method. Questionnaires were distributed to Pearson’s correlation to measure the relationship between
students of UMA who are still actively studying and who value of each items and mean value of total item. The
have used computer laboratory facilities from the 2018- correlation score are in range of 0.523 to 0.652 with the
2019 class. The research uses data which comes from significance at the 0.01 level (**).
Computer Laboratory Centre of UMA. Total students in
first semester are about 1,131 and for the second semester, IV. RESULTS AND FINDINGS
students who have used computer laboratory facilities as
much as 1,357. Hence, the total populations of study are The measurements were carried out by distributing 333
2,488 students. To determine the sample size, the study questionnaires. However, almost half of respondents are not
uses the Probability Sampling method. Members of the sent back the responds. Thus, there are only 168
population get the same opportunity to be selected as the questionnaires could be examined. Furthermore, the
research sample [14]. In addition, in determining the questionnaire was tabulated to determine whether computer
number of samples used, this study uses the Slovin formula, laboratory services were classified as very good, good, not
which is a calculation of the number of samples with a good enough, and worse. As the total of questionnaires are
large population [15]. Hence, the total samples of the study 168, thus the lowest score is 168, and the highest score is
are 333 students. 672 refer to Likert scale with 4 is the highest score option
with the K score is 4. The interval of the study is
The study follows the method to determine the quality determined by using equation (3.1) as follows.
of computer laboratory services from researcher [16].
Firstly, the intervals are determined by using Sturges
formula [17].
Based on the research results, Table 3 illustrates the measurement of se rv ic e quality f rom the c omputer laboratory
in UMA.
Table 3:- Result of Students' Satisfaction of the Computer Laboratory Quality in UMA
As expressed in Table 3, Question 6 has the highest Students assumed the learning material of Microsoft
score with the weight as much as 607.6, so it can be Office is very important and really helpful for them. They
concluded that learning material from Microsoft Office is also stated that Microsoft Excel is difficult to be learn, thus
very important among students. Word, Excel, and instructor need to be more concern for this issue and
PowerPoint are the Microsoft Office applications that arrange a deep teaching process. Furthermore, the services
students needed for their lecturing activities. Students stated from staff need to be improving as well as the instructor.
that Microsoft Word (weight = 557.3) is important to Students claimed that they perceived a good service, but a
include to increase the computer laboratory quality as well very good service that they intended
as Microsoft PowerPoint (weight = 596.5). Microsoft Excel
necessity is high, with the weight of 586.5 to gain the REFERENCES
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