Securing Connections To Web User Interface in ACE
Securing Connections To Web User Interface in ACE
Securing Connections To Web User Interface in ACE
This blog explains step by step process of creating username and password for ACE
web user interface. These steps will be slightly different from the earlier version of
ACE i.e. IIB because of the introduction of node level config files.
For this blog, I will be creating an Integration Node[earlier was known as Broker]
by name ACE_IN01 which has an Integration Server[earlier was known as
Execution Group] DEV_IS_01.
The below steps are executed in Windows environment so please make sure you
change the absolute/relative paths if you are working on Linux or any other
Also I have not tied MQ to Integration Node. The below steps are executed without
MQ linked to Integration Node.
The blog does not cover user and groups creations as well. It is assumed that the
required users/groups are already available
Optional Steps [Can be skipped if you already have Integration Node and
Integration Servers created]
mqsicreatebroker ACE_IN01
mqsistart ACE_IN01
Create Integration Server using mqsicreateexecutiongroup command
There are two ways to create user name and passwords for Web User Interface.
- via command line
- via node.conf.yaml config file.
Steps for creating username and passwords for Web User Interface using
command line
Step 1: First lets check for the properties of Rest Admin Listener using
mqsireportproperties command
Step 3:Provide the permissions based on the role selected. Here I am using
aceAdmin as the role for which full permissions are being granted.The second
commands provides access to navigate to Integration Server and perform
actions accordingly.
Step 4 :Check for the role and permissions that has been granted using the
below command
mqsireportfileauth ACE_IN01 -l
Step 7: You can verify the node.conf.yaml file to see if the changes that has
been done via command line is reflecting in the config file. To do so
navigate to C:\ProgramData\IBM\MQSI\components\<NodeName> in this
case it is C:\ProgramData\IBM\MQSI\components\ACE_IN01. You will
observer node.conf.yaml file. Since the commands have been executed
after creation of broker and override file for the same will be generated which
will have the values. To view the override file, go to overrides
folder present in the same
location C:\ProgramData\IBM\MQSI\components\ACE_IN01 and open
the node.conf.yaml file to view the properties. The values that you have set
using the above steps should be reflected in this file.
For Linux servers, look at
the path /var/mqsi/components/ACE_IN01.
Step 10:You should be able to view the server details and should not get
any authorization error.
Steps for creating username and passwords for Web User Interface using
node.conf.yaml file
Step 1: First lets check for the properties of Rest Admin Listener using by
navigating to "C:\ProgramData\IBM\MQSI\components\ACE_IN01". You can
see node.conf.yaml file. Alternatively you can also see overrides directory in
the same location which again contains the same node.conf.yaml. For this
part, we will be working on node.conf.yaml file under ACE_IN01 directory.
the node.conf.yaml under overrides directory will only contain values that
has been updated via command line.In the below image, look at the
highlighted fields which we will be changing in the below steps directly in
config file for logging into web user interface with user name and password
with necessary permissions.
For Linux servers, look at
the path /var/mqsi/components/ACE_IN01.
Step 2: Un-comment the basicAuth field at line number 57 to enable basic
Next un-comment the authorizationEnabled field at line number 62 and
change the value to true.
Lastly un-comment the authorizationMode at line number 63 and finally save
the node.config.yaml file.
Step 3:Now coming to providing permissions to the rule.
Step 7:Login with the username and password that was set using
mqsiwebuseradmin. In this case user name is aceUser and password is
Step 8:You should be able to view the server details and should not get any
authorization error.
Securing connections to web user interface in ACE
This blog explains step by step process of securing the web user interface in
ACE using command line and using config file node.conf.yaml file.
Initial Steps: If you already have a .p12 certificate available you can ignore
this initial steps otherwise, refer the below link for creating certificate using
For configuration purpose, I will be using the below names for node and
Step 1: Execute the below command to point to the p12 certificate absolute
path along with the certificate name using the below command
Step 3: Navigate to
[/var/mqsi/components/ACE_IN01/overrides directory in Linux] and verify
the node.conf.yaml file will reflect the above mentioned changes.
Step 4: Execute the mqsisetdbparms as below. The "password" for -p
parameter is the password that you have set for your p12 certificate.
mqsistop ACE_IN01
mqsistart ACE_IN01
Step 6: Enter the web user interface URL https://localhost:4418 [use the
host name and port number that you have assigned in your case] and verify
if the page loads correctly using https. [In case you get an option of go to
home page instead or continue to this webpage. Click on continue to the
webpage link and proceed for loading of webuser interface.
Note: I have configured user name and password for web user interface. For
how to generate user name and password, refer the blog