M.SC - Sports Physiology Syllabus
M.SC - Sports Physiology Syllabus
M.SC - Sports Physiology Syllabus
Anatomy and Physiology of: Blood, Cardiovascular System, Lymphatic System, Integumentary System and Respiratory System.
Anatomy and Physiology of: Nervous System, Special Senses, Endocrine System, Skeletal System, Joints and Muscular System.
Anatomy and Physiology of: Digestive System, Immune System, Urinary System, Fluid and Electrolyte Balance, Reproductive
System, Pregnancy and Human Development.
Recommended Books:
Human Anatomy and Physiology (10 edition) by Elaine N Marieb, Katja N Hoehn.
Introduction to Human Body- The Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology by Gerard J. Tortora.
Textbook of Anatomy with Coloured Atlas by Inderbir Singh.
Textbook of Medical Physiology by Arthur C. Guyton.
Principle of Human Anatomy (10 Edition) by Gerard J. Tortora.
Gray’s Anatomy: Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice by Standring, Susan. Borley, Neil R. Gray Henry.
Human Physiology by C.C. Chatterjee.
Chowdhary Medical Physiology by S K Chowdhary.
Netter’s Atlas of Human Anatomy by Frank H. Netter.
Foundation of Biochemistry, Properties of Water, Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins, Structure and Function of Proteins,
Enzymes, Sugars, Carbohydrates and Glycobiology, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids, Fatty Acids, Structure and Functions of
Principles of Bioenergetics, Major Metabolic Pathways in Human and its Relevance with Exercise, Glycolysis, Gluconeogenesis,
Pentose Phosphate Pathway, Citric Acid Cycle, Electron Transfer System in Mitochondria, Oxidative Phosphorylation.
Basic Concepts and Design of Metabolism, Metabolic Regulation of Glucose and Glycogen, Biosynthesis of Carbohydrates, Lipid
Biosynthesis, Fatty Acids Catabolism, Amino Acids- Biosynthesis, Oxidation and Production of Urea, Metabolism of Lactate,
Integration and Regulation of Metabolism.
Recommended Books:
Principles of Biochemistry- Lehninger Nilson and Cox W.H. Freeman.
Principles of Biochemistry- Donald Voet, CW Pratt, JG Voet (2012) Wiley, ISBN:1118092449.
Principles of Exercise Biochemistry Editor(s): Poortmans J.R. (Brussels) Karger Publishers.
Biochemistry JM Berg, TL Tymoczko L Stryer W. H. Freeman and Company.
West & Todd Text book of Biochemistry. Mac Millan Company London.
G.P. Talwar & ID Singh Textbook of Biochemistry & Human Biology - Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
Vasudevan Textbook of Biochemistry. Jaypee Brothers Medical publishers (P) Ltd.
Jain J.L., Jain Sanjay, Jain Nitin, S Fundamentals of Biochemistry –. Chand and Company Ltd, New Delhi.
A.C. Dev. Comprehensive Viva and practical Biochemistry. New Central Book Agency Pvt. Ltd.
Meaning of Kinesiology, Aims and Objectives of Kinesiology, Role of Kinesiology in Sports; Anatomical Position, Principles of
Plane and Axis, Various types of movements.
Bones: Meaning and composition of bone, Kinds of bones (flat, long, short, irregular and seesamoid), Function of bones, Bone
fracture and its types; General features of the following bones: Upper Extremities: Clavicle, Scapula, Radius and Ulna, Humorous;
Lower Extremities: Femur, Patella, Tibia, Fibula, Pelvic Bones; Joints: Meaning and types of joints, Joint flexibility, Technique to
increase the flexibilities, Structure, function, fundamental movements around the joints; General features, structure and
movements of the following joints: Shoulder Complex, Elbow Complex, Hip Complex, Knee joint, Spinal column and Pelvic
Introduction to Muscular System: Muscles and Tendons, Classification of muscles, Structure of Skelton muscle, classification of
muscles on basis of fibre arrangement, Physiology of muscle contraction, types of muscle contraction, Role of muscle in
movement, Methods of studying the action of muscle. Origin, Insertion and action of major muscle groups of the Body; Nervous
System: Overview of Nervous system, Neurons, Motor Unit and Receptors.
Recommended Books:
Clinical Mechanics and Kinesiology with web Resource, Human Kinetics, by Janice Loudon, Robert Manske, Michael
Biomechanics and Kinesiology of Exercise – 2013 by Michael Yessis.
Cynthia C. Norkin, Pamela K. Levangie : Joint structure & function- A comprehensive analysis 2nd edition.
Brunnstrom - Clinical Kinesiology, F.A. Davis.
Rasch and Burk: Kinesiology and Applied Anatomy, Lee and Fabiger.
Shaw, D,, Pedagogic Kinesiology, Khel Sahitya Kendra, 2007.
Thompson, C., Manual of Structural Kinesiology. (10th Ed.), St. Louis: Times Mirror/ Mosby College Publishing, 1995.
Shaw, Dhanonjoy, Kinsiology and Biomechanics of Human Motion, Khel Sahitya Kendra, 1998.
White and Punjabi - Biomechanics of Spine - Lippincott.
Kapandji: Physiology of Joints Vol. I, II & III, W.B. Saunders.
Luttgens K., Hamilton N.: Kinesiology – Scientific Basis of Human Motion 9th Edi.
Basic Biomechanics 4th edition, susan J. Hall, MCGraw Hill.
Sports Psychology and role of Psychology in Sports, Methods of Psychology employed in Sports, Motor leaning and
Performance, Importance of Sports Psychology for Athletes, Coaches and others related to sports settings.
Personality and its role in Sports, Attention and Perception in Sports; Motivation and Goal setting and its role in Sports, Emotions
in Sports, Stress and Anxiety in Sports, Biofeedback techniques in Sports.
Sociology of Sports, Social Factors and Socio-metric techniques in Sports, Group processes, Team cohesiveness and Leadership
in sports, Effect of crowd behaviour in Sports, Economics and Politics in Sports.
Recommended Books:
Weinberg & Gould, Foundations of Sports and Exercise Psychology. Human Kinetics 2016.
Motor Learning and Performance 5th Edition With Web Study Guide From Principles to Application, Human Kinetics by
Richard Schmidt, Tim Lee.
Morgan and King: Introduction to Psychology - Tata McGraw Hill.
M.L. Kamlesh Psychology in Physical Education and Sports by Mehopolitan book co. Pvt. Ltd., Netaji Subash Marg, New
Delhi 11002.
Sanjeev. P. Sahni Psychology and its application in sports by D.V.S. publications, 100, Giri Nagar Kalkaji, New Delhi-
Agyajit Singh Psychology of Coaching by Friends Publications, # 101 Ansari Road Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110002.
Jitendra Mohan Recent Advances in Sports psychology, By, Publisher, Friends Publications.
Fundamentals of Sociology of Sport and Physical Activity, Human Kinetics by Katherine M. Jamieson, Maureen M. Smith.
Doing Exercise Psychology, Human Kinetics by Mark Andersen, Stephanie Hanrahan.
Social Issues in Sport 3rd Edition, Human Kinetics by Ron Woods.
Role of Bio–Mechanics in the Field of Sports Science, Principles of Biomechanics; Biomechanical Concepts: Motion, Newton’s
law of Angular Motion and Linear Motion and its relationships, Force, Centripetal and Centrifugal forces, Equilibrium, Centre of
Gravity and Stability, Freely falling bodies and Projectile, Momentum, Impulse, Lever and its Classification, Work, Power,
Energy: Relationship of Work, Power and Energy, Friction, Spin, Impact, Elasticity, Rebound, Fluid Mechanics, Air Resistance
and Water Resistance.
Determine the simultaneous-sequential nature of a variety of movement skills, Classify motor skills using the classification system
presented, .Bio-Mechanical analysis of fundamental skills: Walking, Running, Jumping, Pulling, Pushing, Lifting, Lowering,
Introduction to Gait Analysis. Mechanical Analysis of Sports Skills: Athletics (Running, Jumping and Throwing), Swimming,
Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Cricket. Technological Use and Advances in Biomechanics: Techniques and Tools for
Measurement of Biomechanical Variables.
Recommended Books:
Biomechanical Analysis of Fundamental Human Movements by Arthur Chapman, 2008, Human Kinetics.
Biomechanics of Sport and Exercise 3rd Edition With Web Resource and MaxTRAQ 2D Educational Software Access-
Loose-Leaf Edition, Human Kinetics, By Peter McGinnis.
Biomechanics and Kinesiology of Exercise – 2013 by Michael Yessis.
Cynthia C. Norkin, Pamela K. Levangie : Joint structure & function- A comprehensive analysis 2nd edition, F.A. Davis
Company Philadelphia.
Brunnstrom - Clinical Kinesiology, F.A. Davis.
Rasch and Burk: Kinesiology and Applied Anatomy, Lee and Fabiger.
White and Punjabi - Biomechanics of Spine - Lippincott.
Kapandji: Physiology of Joints Vol. I, II & III, W.B. Saunders.
Luttgens K., Hamilton N.: Kinesiology – Scientific Basis of Human Motion 9th Edi.
Basic Biomechanics 4th edition, susan J. Hall, MCGraw Hill.
Joseph Hamill, Kathleen M. Knutzen. Biomechanical Basis of Human Movement.
Introduction to Sports First Aid, Athletic Health Care Team, Sport First Aid Game Plan, First Aid Equipment and Kit, Basic Life
Support System: Recovery Position, Head to toe- survey, Artificial Ventilation; Basic Sport First Aid Skills : Anatomy and Sport
Injury Terminology , Emergency Action Steps , Physical Assessment and First Aid Techniques , Moving Injured or Sick Athletes.
Sport First Aid for Specific Injuries: Unconsciousness: ABC, CPR, AED, Respiratory Emergencies and Illnesses, Shock, Wounds
and Bleeding, Head, Spine and Nerve Injuries, Internal Organ Injuries, Upper Body and Lower Body Musculoskeletal Injuries,
Facial and Scalp Injuries, Skin Problems.
Disaster Preparedness and Management: Weather-Related Problems, Environmental Emergencies: Animal Bites and Stings,
Allergies, First Aid Protocols, Practical Skills in using: Triangular Bandages, Broad fold, Thin fold, Slings, Collars, Cardiac
Recommended Books:
Sport First Aid-5th Edition by Melinda Flegel, Human Kinetics, 2014.
American Red Cross, First Aid/CPR/AED : PARTICIPANT’S MANUAL.
Practical First Aid: British Red Cross in Association with Donning Kinder Sley.
John Morris: First Aid Training Manual, Everyday learning Pvt. Ltd.
Authorized Manual of St. John Ambulance (India): First Aid.
Bradley R.A. Wilson. Timothy E. Glaros : Managing Health Promotion Programs Human Kinetics Publishers.
What are Play, Game and Sports? Types of sports and recreational activities, Importance of free play and organizational games,
Terminology of Sports Science and Physical Education, Health related and Motor performance related fitness, Health and
Wellness (Physical, Mental, Psychological, Social and Spiritual) and Athletics, Sports Carriers: Media, Management,
Performance, Coaching and other related areas.
Philosophy and its need in Sports and Physical Education, Idealism, Naturalism and Pragmatism in Physical Education, Physical
Education in Ancient Greek, Rome, India and Modern India. History of Olympic Games, Asian Games, SAARC Games and SAF
Games, National Sports Awards, trends and problems in Sports Sciences and Physical Education in 21 Century
Introduction to general Rules and Regulations of Selected Sports (Football, Field Hockey, Basketball, Volleyball, Cricket
Badminton and Tennis), Introduction to Playfields and Track Specifications, General organizational process of Sports
Recommended Books:
Bucher, C.A.: Foundation of Physical Education, St. Louis: The C.V. Mosby company, 1983.
History and Philosophy of Sport and Physical Activity, Human Kinetics by R. Scott Kretchmar, Mark Dyreson, Matthew
Liewellyn, John Gleaves, 2017.
Synder and Geoh: Professional preparation in Health Education, Physical Education and Recreation.
Barrow, H.M.: Man and Movement: Principles of Physical Education, Philadelphia Lea and Fabiger, 1977.
Joseph, P.M.: Organisation of Physical Education, Kandivila,: Old students Association, T.I.P.E.
Kamlesh, M.L. and Sangral, M.S. : History and Principles of Physical Education, Prakash Brothers, 1983.
Wuest and Bucher: Foundations of Physical Education and Sports, B.I. Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
William, H.F.: Physical Education and Sports in Changing Society, Surjeet Publication, Delhi.
Growth and Biological Maturation: Relevance to Athletic Performance; Muscle Development during Childhood and Adolescence,
Relevance to Understanding Effects of Growth on Performance.
Theory of Ageing, Age related changes in different body systems, Cardiovascular Concerns in the Young Athlete, Trainability
During Childhood, Ageing and muscular strength, ageing and joint flexibility
Exercise guidelines for geriatric populations. Introduction to Masters Sports, Ageing and performance, Role of continued
involvement, Psychosocial issues in Masters Sport, Model of lifespan physical activity, health and performance.
Recommended Books:
Helge Hebestreit and Oded Bar-Or (2008) The Young Athlete. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Joseph Baker, Sean Horton and Patricia Weir ( 2000 ) The Masters Athlete: Understanding the role of exercise in optimizing
aging. Routledge.
Fitness and Wellness: Warner W. K Hoeger and Sharvon A. Hoegor.
Fitness & Wellness Concepts: Charles B. Corbina & Ruth Lindsey.
Lifetime Fitness & Wellness- A personal choice, Melvin H. Williams.
Introduction to laboratory techniques- pipetting, calculations, introduction to equipments, sterile techniques and lab safety.
How to Use microscopes.
To study Counting Chambers.
To determine the total Red Blood Corpuscles count.
To determine the total Leucocyte Count in blood.
To measure the Haemoglobin concentration of blood.
To measure Blood Pressure of a subject in different positions.
Calculation of Energy expenditure
Measurement of blood glucose Cholesterol/HDL, Glycerol, Lactate, Triglycerides
Biochemical Assessment of Metabolites.
Biochemical Assessment of Enzymes.
Biochemical Assessment of Hormones.
Estimation of sugars, iron, phosphate, Vitamin C and organic acids.
Estimation of protein concentration.
Principles of Sports Training - Overload, Specificity, Progression and Reversibility; Meaning and concept of Training load;
Adaptation and Recovery, Super Compensation, Training Structure - Volume, Intensity, Frequency, Peaking, Errors in Training,
Adaptations to Resistance Training, Adaptations to Aerobic and Anaerobic Training.
Training plan; Need and importance in planning; Types of training plans - short term and long term plans; Training and
Competition Cycles (training conception, macro, micro, meso); Periodization – Need, Types; Aims of various phases of
Periodization (Preparatory, competition and transition); Competition -Types of Competition, Preparation for competition; the
number and frequency of competition. Training athletes with disability, Adapted games for Disabled; Special Olympics and
Recommended Books:
Physiology of Sport and Exercise 6th Edition with Web Study Guide-Loose-Leaf Edition by W. Larry Kenney, Jack
Wilmore, David Costill.
Periodization-6th Edition Theory and Methodology of Training by Tudor Bompa, Carlo Buzzichelli.
Physiological Aspects of Sport Training and Performance, 2nd Edition, Human Kinetics by Jay Hoffman.
Recovery for Performance in Sport by Institut National du Sport de l'Expertise et de la Performance INSEP, Human Kinetics,
Christophe Hausswirth, A. Mujika.
Essentials of Sports Training and Conditioning by JB Learning, NASM.
Singh, H: Science of Sports training, DVS Publication, New Delhi, 1991.
Matweyev, L.P.: Fundamentals of Sports training, publication Moscow, 1984.
Harre, D: Principles of sports training, Sportverlag, Berlin, 1988.
Singh, H: Science of Sports training: General theory and methods, NIS, Patiala, 1984.
Scholisch, M: Circuit training, Sportverlag, Berlin.
Willmore, J.H.: Athletic training and physical fitness, Antro and Becon Inc, Sydney.
Introduction to Test, Measurement, Evaluation and Research, Basic concepts in Tests: Evaluation, Validity, Reliability,
Objectivity and Norms, Test construction and its Organisation and Administration; Pre-test considerations: Risks associated and
Safety considerations, ACSM guidelines for when to stop a Test, Pre-exercise test evaluations: Calculation of HR MAX and 85%
HR max depending on protocol, Population considerations: Children, Elderly and Apparently healthy.
Test Order: Equations used to estimate aerobic power from TM protocols, Equations used to estimate aerobic power from Cycle
ergometer protocols (arm and leg), Calculations used to estimate aerobic power from other variables, Test protocols used for
measuring the health and skill-related components of fitness, CV endurance field tests, VO2max testing, Norm tables, Maximal
versus submaximal tests.
Modes of testing, Muscular strength, endurance and flexibility, Body composition and Anthropometry, Balance, Agility,
Coordination, Reaction time and Anaerobic power, Physical Fitness Batteries, Specific Sports Skill Tests (Soccer, Basketball,
Volleyball, Hockey, Badminton, Tennis and other sports)
Recommended Books:
Advanced Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription 8th Edition with Online Video, Human Kinetics by Ann Gibson,
Dale Wagner, Vivian Heyward, 2018.
Laboratory Manual for Exercise Physiology 2nd Edition. With Web Study Guide, Human Kinetics by G. Gregory Haff,
Charles Dumke, 2018.
Measurement and Evaluation in Human Performance 5th Edition, Human Kinetics by James Morrow Jr., Dale Mood, James
Disch, Minsoo Kang, 2016.
Physiological Tests for Elite Athletes 2nd Edition by Australian Institute of Sport Rebecca Tanner, Christopher Gore, 2012.
ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 10 Edition by American College of Sports Medicine. Wolters
Kluwer, 2017.
Text book of Applied Measurement Evaluation & Sports Selection second edition: Dewinder K Kansal Sports & Spiritual
Science Publications.
Heyward, Vivian. Advanced Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription, 5th ed., Human Kinetics, 2006.
ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 8th ed., Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2009.
ACSM’s Health-Related Physical Fitness Assessment Manual, 3rded, 2009.
Ed. Durstine and Moore. ACSM’s Exercise Management for Persons with Chronic Diseases and Disabilities, 2nd ed. Human
Kinetics, 2003.
Concept of Overloading, Overtraining, Fatigue and Staleness, Symptoms and Causes of Fatigue, Types of Fatigue, Theories
associated with Fatigue, Definition, Types, Symptoms, Findings, Underlying Mechanisms and Frequency of Overtraining and
Overtraining Syndrome, Oxygen Debt Theory, Recovery Oxygen Uptake or Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC),
Implications of EPOC for Exercise and Recovery, Optimal Recovery From Steady-Rate Exercise and Non–Steady-Rate Exercise,
Intermittent Exercise and Recovery
Sports Injury- Meaning, Classification, Causes, Types, General guidelines for their Prevention, Recovery Time, Introduction and
Management of common Sports Injuries (Fracture, Dislocation, Laceration, Abrasion, Sprain and Strain), How to avoid Sports
Injuries, Role of Warm-up and Cool Down
Rehabilitation: Meaning, Concepts, Objective and scope of Rehabilitation, Principal of care and Rehabilitation
Therapeutic Modalities: Electrotherapeutic modalities (Shortwave Diathermy, Ultra Sound, T.E.N.S), Heat and Cold, Soft tissue
Massage, Aquatic Rehabilitation Exercise, Therapeutic Exercise, Therapeutic Nutrition, Psychological Rehabilitation
Recommended Books:
Shaun Phillips (2015) Fatigue in Sport and Exercise. Routledge, NY
Therapeutic Modalities for Musculoskeletal Injuries 4th Edition, Human Kinetics by Craig Denegar, Ethan Saliba, Susan
Saliba, 2016
Essentials of Athletic injury management 10th edition by William E. Prentice, Human Kinetics.
Clinical Sports Medicine Fifth Edition by Peter Brukner, Karim Khan, McGraw-Hill Education Australia, 2016
Principles and Practice of Therapeutic Massage by Sinha, Jaypee Publishers
Textbook of Electrotherapy by Singh Jagmohan, Jaypee Publishers
Manfred Lehmann, Carl Foster, Uwe Gastmann, Hans Keizer and Jtirgen M. Steinacker(Eds) (1997) Overload, Performance
Incompetence and Regeneration In sport. Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers, N.
Nutrients: Functions and Recommended Intakes, Healthy Eating and Balanced Diet, Fuel Sources for Muscle and Exercise
Metabolism, Energy: Food Energy and Expenditure, Gastric Emptying, Digestion, and Absorption.
Nutritional Role and Recommendations for following: Carbohydrate, Fat, Protein and Amino Acids, Water Requirements and
Fluid Balance, Vitamins and Minerals, Nutrition Supplements.
Nutrition and Training Adaptations, Nutrition and Immune Function in Athletes, Body Composition and Weight Management,
Eating Disorders in Athletes, Personalized Nutrition, Menu Planning (Meal Timing and Spacing)
Recommended Books:
Sport Nutrition 3rd Edition by Asker Jeukendrup, Michael Gleeson, Human Kinetics, 2018.
Nutrition for Sport, Exercise, and Health by Marie Spano, Laura Kruskall, D. Travis Thomas, Human Kinetics.
Physiology of Sport and Exercise 6th Edition with Web Study Guide-Loose-Leaf Edition by W. Larry Kenney, Jack
Wilmore, David Costill.
Exercise Physiology: Nutrition, Energy and Human Performance 8th Edition by William D. McArdle, Frank I. Katch, Victor
L. Katch
Nancy Clark’s Sports Nutrition Guidebook by Nancy Clark, Human Kinetics
NSCA’s Guide to Sport and Exercise Nutrition by National Strength Conditioning Association, Human Kinetics
Fundamental of Foods, Nutrition & Diet Therapy 5 edition by S.R. Mudambi, M.V. Rajagopal, New Age International
Limited, New Delhi.
Applied Nutrition. By R. Rajlaxmi, IBH Publications, New Delhi.
Nutritional Supplements in Sports, Exercise and Health: An A to Z Guide by Linda M. Castell, Smantha J. Stear, Louise M.
Burke, Routledge.
Introduction to Biostatistics, Frequency Distribution, Variable and Attribute, Line-diagram, Bar-diagram, Pie chart, Histogram,
Mean, Median and Mode.
Variance, Standard deviation; Standard error of mean, Null hypothesis, Level of significance and Probability; Regression and
Student‘s t-test, Fisher's t-test, Chi-square test, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), ANCOVA.
Introduction and Application of Statistical Softwares
Recommended Books:
A Text book of Biostatistics, by A.K.Sharma, Discovery publishing house
Introduction to Biostatistics, By Dr. Pranab Kumar Banerjee, S. Chand Publishers
Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques Book by C. R. Kothari
Dutta N.K. Fundamentals of Bio-Statistics. 2002; Kanishka Publishers, New Delhi.
Gupta S.P. Statistical Methods. 2004; S. Chand & Sons, New Delhi
Ruud H. Koning and James H. Albert ( 2008) Statistical thinking in sports. Chapman & Hall/CRC
Kinanthropometry in Sports
Introduction, scope and general consideration, i.e. Application of anthropometric data in sports, Body proportions and indices,
Sports specific body proportions and indices, Body mass index and its importance in sports’
Anthropometric Measurements and Procedures, Equipment for anthropometric measurements, Gross Body Measurements and
procedures, Length of Body Parts, Measurements and procedures, Diameters of Body Parts, Measurements and procedures,
Circumferences of Body Parts, Measurements and procedures, Skinfold Thickness, Measurements and procedures.
Physiological Maturation: Decimal Age and concept of Physiological maturity in sports. Assessment of skeletal maturity of
athletes, Body Composition: Anthropometric determination, Importance in sports and various methods to estimate body
composition, Somatotyping: Introduction, Definition of Somatotyping and Classification
Recommended Books:
Sports Anthropemetry by H.S. Sodhi, ANOVA Publication.
Physique and Selection of Sportsmen by H.S. Sodhi and L.S. Sidhu.
Kinanthropometry by S.P. Singh and P. Malhotra, Luna Publication, Patiala.
Kinanthropometry by Roger Eston and Thomas Reilly, E & F.N. SPON, London.
Skeletal Maturity by S.P. Singh, L.S. Sidhu, and J. Singh, Human Biology Publication Society, Punjabi University, Patiala.
Genetic and Anthropological Studies of Olympic Athletes by De Garray, Louis Levine & Cater, Academic Press, London.
Introduction to Health: Concept of health, Lifestyle and Disease, Ageing
Physical Activities & Fitness: Concept to Fitness, Exercise and its Principles, Health Education Recreation & Dance
Healthy Life Style Approach: Concept of Wellness, Wellbeing, Stress Management
Recommended Books:
Fitness and Wellness: Warner W. K Hoeger and Sharvon A. Hoegor
Fitness & Wellness Concepts": Charles B. Corbina & Ruth Lindsey
Lifetime Fitness & Wellness - A personal choice": Melvin H. Williams
Oxford Textbook of Public Health, Helen Liepman.
Sunderlal, Aadarsh, Pankaj, 2007, Textbook of Community Medicine, CBS Publishers & Distributors.
Kirch, Wilhelm, 2008, Encyclopedia of Public Health, Volume 1 & 2, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Mary -Jane Schneider and Henrey Schneider, 2006 (2nd edition), Introduction to Public Health, Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
Cardiovascular Adaptations to Endurance and Strength Training, Hypertrophy and Cardiomyopathy in Young and Older Athletes,
Heart rate training zone, Effects Of High Altitude, Sudden Cardiac Death and Exercise in Healthy Adults
Respiratory System Adaptations to Endurance and Strength Training, Ventilatory response to exercise and its use in sports,
Ventilatory threshold, Effects Of Exercise, response to steady- state exercise, Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction, Control of
Breathing during exercise; The Respiratory System under Stress, respiratory systems adaptation to long-term exercise,
Adaptations to systematic Training, Effects Of High Altitude
Muscular Mechanisms in Aerobic Endurance Training; Neural Mechanisms in Aerobic Endurance Training, Muscle Molecular
Mechanisms in Strength Training, Muscle Property Changes in Strength Training, Neural Mechanisms in Strength Training.
Initial responses of the neuromuscular systems to exercise; Training Adaptation of the Neuromuscular System
Recommended Books:
Roy J. Shephard and Henry S. Miller, Jr. (1999) Exercise and the Heart in Health and Disease. Marcel Dekker
Shephard, R.J. and Astrand, P.-0. (1992) Endurance in sport. Blackwell Science Ltd, USA
McArdle, W.D., Katch, F.I., Katch, V.L. (2006) Essentials of Exercise Physiology. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, USA.
Victor F. Froelicher, Jonathan Myers (2006) Exercise and the heart. Elsevier Inc.
Christopher B. Cooper and Thomas W. Storer (2004) Exercise testing and interpretation- A practical approach. Cambridge
University Press.
K. Wasserman, J Hansen, D Sue, W Stringer, B Whipp, eds (2004) Principles of Exercise Testing and Interpretation, 4th edn..
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, USA.
Christopher Bell. Cardiovascular Physiology in Exercise and Sport . 1st Edition. 2008; Churchill Livingstone
Michael G. Levitzky. Pulmonary Physiology, 8e. 2013; Lange. The McGraw-Hill Companies.
Denise L. Smith and Bo Fernhall (2011) Advanced cardiovascular exercise physiology. Human Kinetics
Aerobic Power Field Assessments: Cooper 1.5-Mile Run/Walk Test and 12-Minute Run/Walk Test, Rockport Fitness
Walking Test
High-Intensity Fitness Testing: Léger 20 m Shuttle Run Test, Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test, 30-15 Intermittent Fitness
Test, Sprinting Performance, Jumping Performance, Power Endurance, Anaerobic Cycling Power, Margaria-Kalamen Stair-
Climb Test, BROCKPORT test system, AAHPER health related physical fitness test, Philips JCR test for General motor
ability testing
Tests for: Speed, Agility, Balance, Coordination, Reaction time, Flexibility
Sports Skill Tests for: Soccer, Basketball, Hockey, Tennis
MSSP 301 Physiology of Sports and Exercise Credit 3
Unit I
Introduction to Exercise and Sport Physiology, Structure and Function of Exercising Muscle, Fuel for Exercise: Bioenergetics and
Muscle Metabolism
Unit II
The Cardiovascular System and Its Control, Electrophysiology of Heart, Introduction and interpretation of EKG/ECG,
Pacemakers and its Rhythms
Unit III
The Respiratory System and Its Regulation, Cardiorespiratory Responses to Acute Exercise, Energy Expenditure and Fatigue
Recommended Books:
Physiology of Sport and Exercise 6th Edition with Web Study Guide-Loose-Leaf Edition by W. Larry Kenney, Jack
Wilmore, David Costill.
Physiological Aspects of Sport Training and Performance With Web Resource- 2nd Edition, Human Kinetics By Jay
Exercise Physiology: Theory and Application to Fitness and Performance 10th Edition By Scott Powers and Edward Howley
Exercise Physiology: Nutrition, Energy, and Human Performance 8th Edition by William D. McArdle, Frank I. Katch, Victor
L. Katch
Laboratory Manual for Exercise Physiology 2nd Edition. With Web Study Guide, Human Kinetics by G. Gregory Haff,
Charles Dumke, 2018.
A Textbook of Sports & Exercise Physiology by Dey Swapan Kumar, Jaypee Publishers
Practical ECG for Exercise Science and Sports Medicine by Greg Whyte, Sanjay Sharma, Human Kinetics, 2010
Physiological Tests for Elite Athletes 2nd Edition by Australian Institute of Sport Rebecca Tanner, Christopher Gore, 2012.
ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 10th Edition by American College of Sports Medicine. Wolters
Kluwer, 2017
Recovery for Performance in Sport by Institut National du Sport de l'Expertise et de la Performance INSEP, Human Kinetics,
Christophe Hausswirth, A. Mujika
A Textbook of Sports & Exercise Physiology by Swapan kumar Dey, Jaypee brother, 2012.
Introduction to Ergonomics; Ergonomical Risk Factors in Sports: Physical Properties of Human Structures, Health and Safety,
Environmental Stress, Circadian Rhythms and Sports training; Ergonomics Models and Training Modes in Sport and Leisure,
Competitive and Training Stress in Sport
Influence of Sports Equipment and Playing Surfaces, Ergonomics in Physical Activities, Clinical Aspects in Sports Ergonomics,
Holistic and Nutritional Ergonomics Perspective
Ergogenic Aids in Sport, Researching Ergogenic Aids, Nutritional Ergogenic Aids, Anti-Doping Codes and Drug Testing, WADA
and NADA, Prohibited Substances and Techniques
Recommended Books:
Handbook of Ergonomics in Sport and Exercise Edited by Youlian Hong, Routledge 2013
Ergonomics in Sport and Physical Activity Enhancing Performance and Improving Safety by Thomas Reilly, Human
Kinetics, 2010.
Physiology of Sport and Exercise 6th Edition with Web Study Guide-Loose-Leaf Edition by W. Larry Kenney, Jack
Wilmore, David Costill
A Textbook of Sports & Exercise Physiology by Dey Swapan Kumar, Jaypee Publishers
IOC Manual of Sports Injuries: An Illustrated Guide to the Management of Injuries in Physical Activity by Roald Bahr, John
Wiley & Sons, 2012
Principles of Manual Therapy (A Manual Therapy Approach to Musculoskeletal Dysfunction) by Sebastian Deepak, Jaypee
Physical Activity and Physiological Benefits, Health and Chronic Disease, Preliminary Health Screening and Risk Classification,
Health-Related Physical Fitness, Testing and Interpretation, Interpretation of Clinical Exercise Test Results
Principles of Assessment, Prescription, and Exercise Program Adherence, Designing Resistance Training Programs, Exercise
Prescription for Healthy Populations with Special Considerations and Environmental Considerations, Exercise Prescription for
Patients with Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease
Exercise Prescription for Pulmonary Diseases, Neuromuscular Diseases, Diabetic Patients and Cancer Patients. Exercise
Prescription for Pregnancy, Designing Weight Management and Body Composition Programs, Behavioral Theories and Strategies
for Promoting Exercise
Recommended Books:
ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, Edition 10 by American College of Sports Medicine
Advanced Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription 8th Edition by Ann Gibson, Dale Wagner, Vivian Heyward, Human
Kinetics, 2018
Principles of Exercise Prescription by V Bhutkar Milind, Jaypee Publishers
Physiology of Sport and Exercise 6th Edition with Web Study Guide-Loose-Leaf Edition by W. Larry Kenney, Jack
Wilmore, David Costill.
Principles of Manual Therapy (A Manual Therapy Approach to Musculoskeletal Dysfunction) by Sebastian Deepak, Jaypee
Physiological Tests for Elite Athletes 2nd Edition by Australian Institute of Sport Rebecca Tanner, Christopher Gore, 2012
Measurement and Evaluation in Human Performance 5th Edition, Human Kinetics by James Morrow Jr., Dale Mood, James
Disch, Minsoo Kang, 2016
Laboratory Manual for Exercise Physiology 2nd Edition. With Web Study Guide, Human Kinetics by G. Gregory Haff,
Charles Dumke, 2018.
Therapeutic Exercise- Foundations & Techniques by Carolyn Kisner & Lynn Allen Colby, Jay Pee Brothers, New Delhi.
Pollock’s Textbook of Cardiovascular Disease and Rehabilitation by JL Durstine, HK
Neural Control of Exercising Muscle, Hormonal Control during Exercise, Body Composition and Nutrition for Sport
Metabolic Effects of Exercise, Aging in Sport and Exercise, Sex Differences in Sport and Exercise
Obesity, Diabetes, and Physical Activity, Energy Balance and Weight Control, Exercise Training in the Normal Female: Effects
of Low Energy Availability on Reproductive Functions, Cardiovascular Disease and Physical Activity
Recommended Books:
Physiology of Sport and Exercise 6th Edition with Web Study Guide-Loose-Leaf Edition by W. Larry Kenney, Jack
Wilmore, David Costill.
Physiological Aspects of Sport Training and Performance With Web Resource- 2nd Edition, Human Kinetics By Jay
Exercise Physiology: Theory and Application to Fitness and Performance 10th Edition by Scott Powers and Edward Howley
Exercise Physiology: Nutrition, Energy, and Human Performance 8th Edition by William D. McArdle, Frank I. Katch, Victor
L. Katch
Laboratory Manual for Exercise Physiology 2nd Edition. With Web Study Guide, Human Kinetics by G. Gregory Haff,
Charles Dumke, 2018.
Measurement and Evaluation in Human Performance 5th Edition, Human Kinetics by James Morrow Jr., Dale Mood, James
Disch, Minsoo Kang, 2016.
Physiological Tests for Elite Athletes 2nd Edition by Australian Institute of Sport Rebecca Tanner, Christopher Gore, 2012.
ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 10th Edition by American College of Sports Medicine. Wolters
Kluwer, 2017
Endocrinology of Physical Activity and Sport, Second Edition Constantini, Naama, Hackney, Anthony C, 2013.
Advanced Exercise Endocrinology, Human Kinetics by Katarina Borer, 2013.
Handbook of Neuroscience and Psychophysiology by Roland Carlstedt.
Physiology of the Performance, Environmental Influences on Performance, Physical Activity for Health and Fitness, Prescription
of Exercise for Health and Fitness
Concept of Athlete Support, Athlete Development stages- Child, Pre-adolescent, Adolescent and Adult, Talent Identification,
Steps of Sports talent Selection and counselling, Factors affecting Physical Growth and Development, Talent Development and
Athlete Monitoring and Analysis, Time-motion analysis in Sport; Analysis of Athlete Tracking Systems; GPS and accelerometer
analysis of training and competition; monitoring and analysis of sport-specific physical and psychological variables; physiological
monitoring; external sources of data relating to sports performance; reliability of data and sources. The use of performance
indicators in performance analysis, Feedback based analysis of performance, Sport-specific notational systems; computerized
notational analysis; notation in individual sports; notation in team sports; augmented feedback through video-based technologies
Recommended Books:
Physiology of Sport and Exercise 6th Edition with Web Study Guide-Loose-Leaf Edition by W. Larry Kenney, Jack
Wilmore, David Costill.
Physiological Aspects of Sport Training and Performance With Web Resource- 2nd Edition, Human Kinetics By Jay
Exercise Physiology: Theory and Application to Fitness and Performance 10th Edition By Scott Powers and Edward Howley
Talent Identification and Development in Sport International Perspectives Edited by Joseph Baker, Steve Cobley, Jörg
Schorer © 2012 – Routledge
IOC Manual of Sports Injuries: An Illustrated Guide to the Management of Injuries in Physical Activity by Roald Bahr, John
Wiley & Sons, 2012
Peter O’Donoghue.( 2015 ) An introduction to performance analysis of sport.
Carol-Lynne and Moore, Kaoru Yamamoto (2012) Beyond words movement observation and analysis. Routledge, NY.
Routledge, NYMike Hughes and Ian M. Franks.( 2015 ) Essentials of performance analysis in sport. Routledge, NY
Unit I
The Evolution of Doping and Anti-doping in Sports, Prevalence of Doping in Sports, Doping Control in Sports, Inadvertent Use
of Prohibited Substances in Sports, Role of Athlete Support Personnel in Preventing Deliberate and Inadvertent Use of Prohibited
Substances, WADA Rules and Regulations Regarding Inadvertent Use of Prohibited Substances.
Unit II
Different Methods and Chemicals of Doping and Masking, Anabolic Androgenic Steroids, Stimulants, Glucocorticoids, Peptide-
Protein Hormone, Beta-2 Agonists, Hormone and Metabolic Modulators, Narcotics, Beta Blockers, Manipulation of Blood and
Blood Components, Chemical and Physical Manipulations, Gene Doping, Diuretics and Masking
Unit III
Substances and Methods Permitted in Sports, Sport Supplements and Herbal Preparations, Evolving Issues Concerning Drug Use
in Sports, Athletic Testing, Analytical Procedures and Adverse Analytical Findings, The Future of Performance Enhancing
Substances in Sports, Anti-doping Movement
Recommended Books:
Anthony C Hackey (2017) Doping, Performance-Enhancing Drugs, and Hormones in Sports ISBN:978-0-12-813442-9
David R. Mottram, Neil Chester (2018) Drugs in Sports, Routledge, ISBN:1351838989
Portefield, Jason (2008) Doping: athletes and drugs, Rosenn Publishing, New York, ISBN:1-4042-1917-5
Unit I
Basic Genetic Concepts, Mendelian inheritance, population genetics, Human chromosome Karyotype, Chromosome Disorders,
Genome Structure and Genetic Mapping, Mitochondrial Inheritance, The Genetic Code and Genetic Alterations, DNA Injuries
and Repair, Monogenic and Polygenetic Diseases, Molecular Diagnostics
Unit II
Ethics of Genetic Testing and Research in Sport, Current Challenges and Directions to the Future, Genetic Modifications in
Sports, Ethical Considerations of Genetic Manipulation in Sport, Gene Therapy and Gene Doping
Unit III
Connecting Sports and Genetics, The Genetics of Sports Injuries and Athletic Performance, Genetic Contributors To Hypertrophic
Cardiomyopathy, Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, Different Classes of Performance Enhancing Genetic Variants
Recommended Books:
Bruce R. Korf and Mira B Irons (2012) Human Genetics and Genomics, WILEY-BLACKWELL
Manu L Kothari, Lopa A Mehta, Sadhana S roychoudhury, (2009) Principles of Genetics, Universities Press
Ricki Lewis (2017) Human Genetics the basics, Routledge, ISBN 978-1-138-66801-0
Michael Posthum and Malcolm Collins (2016) Genetics and Sports, Karger Publisher
Elaine A. Ostrander, Heather J. Huson, and Gary K. OstranderGenetics of Athletic Performance (2009) Annu. Rev.
Genomics Hum. Genet. 2009.10:407–29
Lisa M. Guth and Stephen M. Roth (2013) Genetic influence on athletic performance, Curr Opin Pediatr. 2013
December; 25(6): 653–658.
Nicola Mafulli et al (2013) the genetics of sports injuries and athletic performance. Muscles, Ligaments and Tendons
Journal, 3 (3): 173-189
Exercise Immunology
Unit I
Immunological system and exercise: Exercise and innate and humoral immunity, Exercise induced change in Ig and
antibody, exercise and cytokines.
Unit II
Sex Differences in Immune Function after Aerobic Exercise, Sex differences in immune variables and respiratory infection, Killer
cell immunoglobulin-like receptors and exercise, Anti-inflammatory influence of exercise training- Physical activity, fitness, and
chronic inflammation, C-Reactive Protein (CRP)
Unit III
Cytokines, Free radicals, Antioxidants, Effect of exercise on immunity, Physical activity – A stimulator and an inhibitor to the
immune system, Exercise and upper respiratory tract infection, Infection and exercise performance, Exercise and HIV infection,
Exercise and Cancer, Exercise aging and immunity, Maintaining immune health, Importance of exercise immunology in health
Recommended Books:
Michael Gleeson, Nicolette Bishop, and Neil Walsh.(Eds) (2013) Exercise immunology. Routledge
Warren Levinson (2016) Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology. LANGE, Mc Graw Hill
Blood Pressure Measurements: Effects of Body Position, Dynamic Exercise and Isometric Contractions on BP
Resting Metabolic Rate Determinations: Predicting and Measuring RMR
Determination of VO2max by direct and indirect method.
Assessment of Peak lactate, lactate tolarence, lactate clearance.
Determination of anaerobic threshold.
Assessment of EMG and ECG.
Oxygen Deficit and EPOC Evaluations
Submaximal Exercise Testing: Submaximal Bench Step Test, Submaximal Treadmill Test, Submaximal Cycle Ergometer
Pulmonary Function Testing: Lung Volumes and Capacities, Pulmonary Function
Introduction to Research in Physical Activity, Developing the Problem and Using the Literature, Presenting the Problem,
Formulating the Method, Ethical Issues in Research and Scholarship
Types of Research: Socio Historical Process in Sport Studies, Philosophical Research in Physical Activity, Research Synthesis
(Meta-Analysis), Surveys, Other Descriptive Research Methods, Physical Activity Epidemiology Research, Experimental and
Quasi-Experimental Research, Qualitative Research, Mixed-Methods Research
Writing the Research Report: Completing the Research Process, Ways of Reporting Research
Introduction to review of literature, Evaluation of scientific literature; organizing literature – strategies, use of software; Meta-
analysis, Writing review – structuring the review, quoting/paraphrasing, the citation referencing system
Recommended Books: